Dos, Don’ts,N ews & Views E T EN IS R D PT A

2010 Trend Recap! B AN EAN

Celebs, reality stars, real people— ! E LACROIX J T IS for better or worse, we saw these RONNIE PT A Meet the Stylist three looks just about everywhere. B HERS: T EAN J ION. O LINES, RED DRESS: LINES, ION. T T for M HE

Yes, someone actually dresses them P COLLEC

that way! Jeni Elizabeth, 31, COLLEC TT chats with Glamour about spray tans TT G. HIKED " U G. and starting new trends. M ! EVERE OA ARRA ! EVERE T M A ES A

What kind of work do you T AGES FOR I AGES M M A

do with the cast? J : Y I T

JENI ELIZABETH: I pull clothes for them TT LEF AGES. RAY RAY AGES. M

for special events. But when they’re filming in the M house, everything they’re wearing is their own. Y I TT S, FRO S, Parachute Pants T ! GE P AN

How would you characterize Paired with a sleek top and heels, P ! GE HEN LOVEKIN E P T

the girls’ styles? these pants are a Do. E T AF ! NOV The . S JE is crazy-funky. JWoww is B

: M Situation’s ARACHU

sexy-seductive. Sammi is more conservative P

situation—all . M

and wears only black—we’re covered up! AGE.CO M always trying to get her to wear color! . YURI KADO M IREI W AGIC.CO Z ! T

What are the essentials MM


for a night out? IM

class it up like Z ! FIL JWoww did JE: Big earrings. The longest eyelashes T ! WIRE EVE GRANI T with a bold possible. Bangle bracelets and huge rings. T metallic bag. EFF KRAVI

Spray tans! And, of course, a can of hairspray. J : AGES. S AGES. D M Y I They do seem confident. How can MARQUARD T AULY AULY TT P . the rest of us tap into that? ER B M O

JE It’s about being comfortable with yourself. R : Hot Pink in the Evening . M

Pauly’s new thing is wearing a watch on both Although it takes a bold girl to go so ! GE ACON M wrists. At first I was like, “Huh?” But he’s trying it bright, bubblegum chic is a Do. AGIC.CO MM AGE.CO

and loving it, so that’s what matters. —K.M. M : VALERIE : VALERIE IREI T W ! FIL ALOFF LEF P M ! INDALE T ON KO J AR INK, FRO M P


let your inner Y I OUF, FRO OUF, P TT

freak out. . M Hiked-Up Hemlines ORA ! EVERE ARRA ! GE M AGE.CO .

Skirts shrunk and all but disappeared. M M A M

Crotch shots are forever a Don’t. T IREI W : RAY : RAY AGE.CO M WW O IREI W ! LACROIX JW

YOU VOTED The Pouf Is it a cute volume booster or a head-eating monstrosity?

65%SAY IT’S A 35%SAY IT’S A DO. DON’T. Sarah Jessica Mischa Barton Hillary Clinton Parker A Do, only because she The political Do a flower clip. was on the runway. pouf is a Do. A giant pink one? A definite 20 GLAMOUR.COM JANUARY !"## Don’t.