Publication No. 15
.,i, . €{ A3,N,L'Mathai' Professor' u. :.,i;'.@ All rights reserved I:,.. ::.i:: .,_ , it,.r. i t i:j .1 r, ,:.,,.i:i i ::j1.. -: 'a .' '': :"::'.;' * 'lj r;jl4 ::\ ... - : . '-.:il-.1 Piiureition No.15 Centre for Mathematieal,:Sciences Vazhuthacad, Trivandrum 695014 I(erala State, India ' Phone: 65291 1989 STRUCTURE'Or REGULAR SEMIGROUPS' rr ' CROSS_CONNECTIONS by K.r.:S-;:s NAM B OORIPAD real', Canada Centre for-:\I at hematical Siiefi.c"s. Trivandrum. India Publication \o.15 Ceutre for }lathematical Sciences \;azli utlta.c,ad. Trivan drum 6950 14 Kerala State, India Pltorte:65291 . 1989 I PREFACE This book is intended as a sequel to the author's memoir published by the American Mathematical Soeiety in 1979. The author presented part of this mate- a talk in the confetence on 'Theory of Regular Semigroups and Applications' conducted in the Department as well as in the talk given at the semigroup theory _peuegu1g1 conducted along with ihe American ll'Iathematical Society Conference in i; the faifiof 1987 in Lincoln. Also a series of seminars were conducted in the Depart- ment of:.tittqgg.ratics, University of Kerala on this material. The author wishes to thank Mr. C. S. Ling of McGill University, Canada, a student of Professor A. M. Mathai for the painful task of computer-setting the manuscript, Mr. K. Gopinatha Panickcr and lr{iss K. T. Martiakutty of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences for looking after the printing and the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Trivandrum- 14, Kerala State, India and its Director for bringing out this monograph in their publication series.
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