'Braybrooke; the school will hold 100 children; average National (mixed). Southlake Street, for 140 childreu. "attendance, 75; Nathan Procter Newbould, master; Mrs. average attendar.ce, 110; Benjamin Angwin, master CARRIER TO READING. - Robert Nullis, via Twyford, sat. Catherine Lowman, mistress returning same day Waltham St. Lawrence. Palmer Elmund, grocer Pagdon Frederick, The Honeys Perry Hichard, parish clerk Pipon Captain Thomas, Southlake hcmge J.P. Beale William Lansdowne :Manor ho cotta~e Dean Miss, Paradise POP3 Charles, maltster Sharp Frederick Wm. Cedar Franklyn Holland, The Grange Sharp Henry, farmer, Blaze's farm Tucker Hon. Mrs. Frances, Southlake cot NevilleRev.GreyM.A.[vicarl,Bruncketts Silvester William, The Bell P.lI COMMERCIAL. Russell Thomas, park Smith Charles, 'fhe Star P.ll Allright James, Fox & Hounds P.ll Wodehouse :Mrs. Waltham Dene Smith Edwin, farmer Bailey Frederick, builder Tombs Joseph Henry, blacksmith Beard William, shoe maker COMMERCIAL. Tombs William, blacksmith Darvell George, steward to :.\1rs. Tucker Bowyer Henry, farmer, Park farm \Varner Thnmas, bricklayer Edwards Harry, blacksmith Bye John Nelson, shopkeeper Watkins Waiter, market gardener Hallworth John, baker FranklinThomas,farmer,Downshire frm \Vhitfield George, farm steward to W. Hewett Henry & Co. brewer~ Horwood Alfred, farmer, Beenham L. Beale esq. Bear farm Mortimer William B. grocer Horwood Richard. farmer, Halls farm Nullis Hobert, White Hart P.H Horwood Richard, seed agent Southlake Street. Oxlade Richard, Royal Oak P.lI Lidsey John, Plough P.H Dung...te Charles Frederick Shefford Thomas, dairyman Mortimer Edward, wheelwright Hewett Henry I Smith William, boot & shoe maker WH[TE WALTHA.1VI (form3rly Bury Town) Dunn esq. and Lieut.-Gen. Charles Sawyer. The soil is ,-ery with Waltham Abbotts (or ABBAS) form a parish various; subsoil, chalk, gravel and clay in snme parts. The and irregular village 10 miles east from Reading, 9 south- chief crops are wheat, barley, oats &c. The area is 2,643 east from Henley, 7 west from Windsor and 3 south-west acres; rateable value, £9,339; the population in 1881 was from the station at , in the Eastern division of 821. the county, Beynhurst hundred, Maidenhead petty ses- WALL LETTER Box cleared at 2.20 & 5.40 p.m. ; sundays, slonal division, union. county court distl'ict of 10 a.m. Letters arrive from Maidenhead, which is the Windsor, rural deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of nearest money order & telegraph office, at 8.30 a.m. & Berks and diocese of ; part of the village extends 1.30 p.m into the parish of . The church of St. Mary WOOLLEY GREEN is a small hamlet on the border of the the Virgin, a building of flint with stone dressings, was re- grea,t Bath road. in the parish of , and 3 miles built, with the exception of the chancel and mortuary chapel, west from Maidenhead station on the G.W.R. in 1868, and is in the ~ormanand Early English styles, con- PALEY STREE'r is a small hamlet, one mile south-east of ~isting of chancel, nave, aisles, mortuary chapel, south porch Waltham church, in the parish of White Waltham. Here and a western tower containing 6 bells: the north aisle and is a Congregational chapel called" Fifield Mission," built in tower were added, principally at the expense of the late 1837, and seatingabout 50; services are held on Sundays at Chal'les Sawyer esq. of Heywood, the late Charles Ellis esq. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; tuesday, 7 p.m.; sunday school, 2.3:" p.m. of White Waltham Place, restoring the mortuary chapel Letters arrive from Maidenhead at 7.30 a.m. & 1.30 p.m. Ibelonging to the estate: in taking down the walls of the old is the nearest money order & telegraph office. church a group of alabaster figures was found, supposed to WALL LETTER Box cleared at 12.50 & 6.10 p.m. ; SUll- have formed part of the reredos; the chancel walls appear days, at 10.30 a.m to have been covered with mural paintings; on the south INSURANCE AGENT.-Liverpool & & Globe, H. G. side is a stained window: there are 300 sittings, principally Stafford free. The register dates from the year 1563, and contains ~atiollal School (mixed), built in 1875. for 160 children; a list of the vicars of this parish from 1309 Simon of Ghent; average attendance, 110; George Bell, master; Miss being then Bishop of Sahsbury, of whlch diocese Berkshire Bertha Octavia Allen, assistant mistress eontinued to form a part until October 5th, 1836. The , the chief portion of which is in Hving is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £271, net the parish of White Waltham and the rest in in yearly value £356, with glebe and residence, in the gift of the parish of Hurley, is situated in a highly cultivated and Ml's. Oswald Smith, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Hard- picturesque country on the border of the great Bath road. wicke Mills Dyer M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. The old Church of school (mixed), built in 1875, for 90 parish stocks and whipping post are still to be seen here. children; average attendance, 56. The building is licensed There are snms amounting to £30 yearly for apprenticing, by the bishop as a place of worship, and services are con­ also £38 yearly for distribution. White Waltham Place, the ducted at 6.30 p.m. every Sunday by the clergy ofthe parish; seat of Mrs. Ellis, is a fine building in a well-wooded park, Mrs. Mary Gloyne is mistress. There is also a Congre­ pleasantly situated on the brow of a hill, overlooking White gational chapel, with sittings for 120 persons; services IX Waltham and commanding a fine view of the surrounding a.m. & 6 p.m. on Sundays, conducted by students of country. Heywood Lodge, the property of Lieut.-General New College, London. Charles Sawyer, and now occnpied by Robert Ashton esq. POST OFFICE.-Albert Robbins, receiver. Letters through is a handsome mansion, sitnated in a fine park. Mrs. Oswald Maidenhead, arrive at 7.30 a.m. & at 12.15 noon; dis- Augustus Smith. of Shottesbrooke, is lady of the manor of patched at :1:2.20 noon & 6.45 p.m. ; sundays at Il a.m. Berry; George Dunn esq. is lord of the manor of Feenes. The nearest money order office is at Knowl Hill & telegraph Tbe principallandowners are Mrs. Oswald A. Smith, George office at Maidenhead White Waltham. Headington Fk. farmer, PaleyStreet frm Webster Richard, Heathside Ashton Robert, Heywood lodge HorwoodAlfred, farmer,BerryCourt frm Gardener .Joseph, farmer, Lane farm Auldjo Captain, Waltham grove Hughes James, carpenter Mason Charles, Coach & Horses P.R Brownrigg Sir Henry Moore bart Humfrey Edward, farmer, Heywood frm de Moleyns Rev. Alured M.A. [curate], Lee :Ylary (Mrs.), beer retailer Littlewick Green. Nethercliffe cottage Mortimore Arthur )Iedloe, grocer Arrowsmith Henry, Littlewick lodge Dyer Rev. Hardwicke Mills M.A.Vicarage Russ Henry, beer retailer, Bigg-Wither Rev. Harries Jervoise M •.&. Ellis Mrs. White Waltham place Scull Colston, Horse & Groom P.R Newton John, Littlewick house Franklin Miss Stafford Henry George, shopkeeper Beesley Henry, fruiterer' Watkins William Hy. Xethercliffe cot Tomlinson John, farmer, Paley street Bulford Benjamin, baker COMMERCIAL. Windsor Henry, bailiff to C. Ellis esq. Deacon James, beer retailer Alder Thomas, baker &c. Paley street Wakes farm Gilding Edward, blacksmith Blay Thomas, builder King Thomas, farmer, Feenes farm Brown WilIiam, beer retailer. Paley st Woolley Green. Langley Thomas, Wheatsheaf P.ll Collins .John, farmer, White House farm Dickens Ernest, 'Wooley Firs Lowe WiIliam, cowkeeper Collins Mrs. farmer, Buck farm Gurney .Jsph. :.\'Iorton, Woolley Hall frm Netherclift J ames, bricklayer Crockford Fk. farmer, Westley Mill frm Harrison Miss, Linethwaite Robbins Albert, grocer, & post office Harman Henry, fruit dealer, Paley st Moore Mrs. Bath cottage Watkins William James, baker

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