Learning & Learner Support

South College Moving away from the box -Thinking outside the curriculum

South Leicester College

South College (SLC) is a general college of further , situated on the southern outskirts of Leicester. We attract learners from the local Oadby and Wigston area and from across Leicestershire and the . We offer a curriculum that meets the needs of both employers and local communities. In 2011/12 SLC supported over 8,000 learners to achieve qualifications via a diverse curriculum. We pride ourselves on our friendly approach and individual attention to our students

Why are you here?

At SLC we are passionate about reaching the unreachable and teaching the (allegedly) un- teachable and this is reflected in the levels of support that we provide, as a college to both existing and prospective students. As such, you will find here three elements of the college that we are particularly proud of. These epitomize our aim to offer those not engaged in FE a helping hand during those first steps of the Learner Journey. Please view our two short films and the documents that are linked. It’s worth it-honestly.

Inclusion to excellence

Inclusion to Excellence is a project that is delivered at the college, but funded by LEA. It is a tailor made course aimed at young people who have been excluded, or are at risk from being excluded from mainstream education.

The course combines small group teaching, tasters within other areas of the college and also the opportunities to undertake formal qualifications and also progress to other areas of the college

For many it is the last chance saloon.

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The Rationale-why did we do it?

Looking specifically at the Leicester area, a group of staff members, whose backgrounds lay very much in the NEET/ Youth-Work environments, identified the need for an offer of qualifications/ development for those excluded from mainstream education. What was needed was a course that provided a sound foundation and an option for the planning of next steps. Simply to offer a course that would be a holding tank would not suffice.

There needed to be an offer for those for whom there was nothing else, a course that promised life skills, curriculum tasters, and the chance to move on to mainstream education-either at SLC or elsewhere. Careers/ next step progression must be impartial, and have the learner’s best interests at heart.

Finding itself to be a programme that very much (through its very nature), developed as it went along; an innovative full time programme was created to meet the needs of year 10 and 11 pupils, with special educational needs, which were not currently in the compulsory education system. The demand was clearly identified, and initial feedback from LEA supported the need for such a programme. The challenge was to engage learners in a way that was radically different to school, and yet distilled much of the skills and development planning.

For many students this is their last chance as previous placements had broken down, leaving them with no alternative but to progress on to the NEET path.

Inclusion to Excellence was established in 2005 and in the first year recruited 5 students. This in itself was seen as a success. The aims were never to get high numbers, but this proved that the demand was out there.

The course 11/12 currently has 12 students and there are plans to double this provision for 2012/13-although crucial to this is the recruitment of staff who are able to deal effectively and motivate this cohort of learners.

The target is to make sure that expansion does not destroy the true nature of the course. By its very nature, the course must not be allowed to become a victim of its own success. The temptation financially is to expand for the sake of it, but we feel that this would be a disaster.

Currently, the dedicated full time Inclusion lecturer uses a combination of his Youth Work and teaching skills in order to connect with the students and allow them to reach their true potential. It is very often a difficult journey for both the lecturer and the learners-and as such, this is definitely not a ‘one size fits all’ course.

All learners are given an ILP, albeit a unique one, and it is this that their soft skills and targets are mapped against this. Confidential course profiles and statements are also kept, and these are regularly reviewed with SEN workers and Connexions/ carers and parents.

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The modules within the programme have been designed to:

• Promote inclusion at all levels

• Develop socialisation-through integration of the larger student body

• Raise self-esteem

• Develop independence skills

• Improve Literacy, IT and Numeracy levels.

• Preparation for Further Education

Where do we want to be?

To continue to develop good relationships with LEA and also additional organizations, including schools and colleges in order to maximize the offer, and level of support that can be given to young people either currently excluded-or at the risk of exclusion.

To build on good practice and develop an even broader range of curriculum offer, in particular, working more effectively with other areas of the curriculum within the college to allow more students to progress within the college, thus ensuring that they still receive the support, if needed, of the group and staff.

We want to expand This will not be easy, but we are currently planning to run two groups next year, with a fully integrated timetable that allows for even more flexibility within the course. More staff will be needed with the anticipated increase of intake.

Progression Again the course needs to be given a higher profile in order that a greater number of curriculum tasters can be offered, and this in turn will foster progression.

Footnote: This is a course that all concerned regard with pride, and it is for this reason that we have decided to share it here. Yes, there are behaviour issues, yes we all lose sleep over the issues that are raised, but it is all worth it, for the learners and for us.

Watch the films and you decide! Progression to FE (P2FE) Inclusion at South Leicestershire College

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