BKS Iyengar Association of Australia Assessment Committee ABN 35 622 364 044


Re: Introductory Assessment

We are delighted to receive your enquiry about assessment and are pleased to enclose the following documents:

1. Application for Assessment — Introductory Level 2. Guidelines for Introductory Assessment 3. List of for assessment of personal practice 4. Questions for written assignment 5. Procedure & Practice for Candidates who are Menstruating 6. Referral form — to be completed by your teacher(s) Referral can be found on the website.

Before you apply, please read the Requirements section in the Guidelines for Introductory Assessment carefully to verify that you meet all of the requirements.

The Guidelines for Introductory Assessment give a list of items required to lodge with your application. Please check this list and make sure you enclose all items with your application before forwarding it to the assessment coordinator,

Jeanette Rukavina PO Box 1280 Email: [email protected] Neutral Bay NSW 2089

Refer to the website, www.iyengaryoga.asn.au - Assessment, for the assessment schedule and closing dates for applications.

The Referral form must be completed by your teacher for your application to proceed. Please confirm with your teacher that the Referral form (either 6 copies by post or an electronic copy) has been forwarded to the Assessment Coordinator before the closing date for applications.

There are a limited number of places for each assessment. If you cannot be allocated a place in the assessment for which you have applied, or if the assessment is cancelled due to insufficient applicants, you will be notified and you will be guaranteed a place at the next assessment.

Within ten days after the closing date, you will be advised whether your application has been accepted. At that time you will receive final details of the assessment program and venue.

We wish you all the best as you prepare for your assessment and are available to answer any questions you may have.


Jeanette Rukavina Assessment Coordinator

BKS Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015

Guidelines for Introductory Assessment

These guidelines have been established under the guidance of Yogacharya BKS Iyengar and in accordance with those of other Iyengar Yoga Associations worldwide. Teacher certification in Australia is necessary to maintain and promote the quality of instruction as taught at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India.

All certificates are issued by the BKS Iyengar Yoga Association in accordance with the guidelines as set down by BKS Iyengar and carry the seal of the Institute in Pune. The certification process has been developed to foster the qualities that make for a responsible and professional teacher. A certified teacher must maintain a regular practice and must teach in the method set forth by BKS Iyengar without mixing in ther styles. Through the certification process there is recognition of the importance of ongoing study and training at the Institute in India and with certified Iyengar teachers in Australia.

Presently there are five levels of certification. At this stage the Association issues the certificates for Introductory Level and Junior Intermediate level 1, 2 and 3.

The Introductory Assessment is divided into three sections:

 A written assignment (question and answer paper)  A 2hr.15min personal practice session (designated sequence)  A 30 minute teaching session

The following are examples of criteria used by members of the Assessment panel for evaluation:

 Understanding of the postures • Maturity and stability of practice  Knowledge of the asanas • Control of the class  Sharpness in observation & correction • Clarity of instruction  Performance in demonstrating • Potential as a teacher  Demonstrate competence to teach an class from the Introductory Syllabus.


The applicant for Introductory Level Certification must have successfully completed their training hours. 1. Have been a current member of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia for the past two years. 2. Have attended 300 hours of classes recognised as a part of a teacher-training programme from a teacher qualified to train and have done at least 100 hours of assisting and adjusting with their teacher trainer in supervised class work. The 300 hours can either be a course format or a comparable programme which is set up on an individual basis between teacher and student. 3. Have completed 36 hours of anatomy and physiology. Course must be approved by your teacher trainer. 4. Have a Referral submitted by their teacher (the teacher may send this electronically). 5. Have professional liability insurance – this MUST be current at the time of the assessment. 6. Have a current CPR certificate – this certificate MUST be current at the time of the assessment. 7. Complete the application form. 8. Supply all supplementary information requested (see listing below). 9. Pay $250.00 application fee (non-refundable, includes GST). Cheques and money orders are to be made payable to BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia. 10. Submit the assignment based on the questions listed on the following page. 11. Attend the assessment session where the Assessment panel observes your practice and teaching.

Note: Women who are pregnant may not participate in any assessment.

BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015

Costs for Certification

Certificate: $100 -Teacher must request a certificate by first paying the invoice (this will be sent to you)

Annual Fees: Association Membership $153.00 for Certified teachers $90.00 for Teachers in training Certification Mark $77.00 for Certified teachers only

Assignment Questions – Introductory Assessment

Please make your assignment no more than 1,000 words in total. Re-state each question before giving your answer:

1. Describe sequence for the first meeting of a beginner’s class. The length of the class is one-and-a- half-hours and is comprised of average students with no major physical problems.

2. Give a sequence for a woman with a normal menstruation in a general class.

3. What type of poses should not be taught to a pregnant woman?

4. How would you prepare a student for Sirsasana? How long after starting yoga? What would indicate to you his/her readiness, etc?

5. How do the and influence your practice and teaching?

Note: Your assignment will be marked and included in your overall assessment score.

To Apply for Assessment

Please mail your completed application, including al items listed below, to the assessment coordinator,

Jeanette Rukavina at PO Box 1280, Neutral Bay NSW 2089

a) 6 copies of completed Application form with photos attached (please use glue not staples) b) 6 copies of the description of your practice (refer to application form) c) 6 copies of your written assignment d) 1 copy only of Certificate of Currency for your insurance (you must request this from your insurer, copy invoices are NOT acceptable) e) 1 copy only of your current CPR certificate. (do not send original-it will not be returned) f) $250 – Cheque made payable to BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia

REFERRAL: It is the responsibility of the applicant and their teacher trainer to ensure that the referral form (either 6 hard copies or an electronic form) is received no later than the closing date. If your teacher fails to send your referral by the closing date, your application will be incomplete and cannot be accepted.

To assist the coordinator, please do NOT use any staples and do NOT use a delivery method requiring a signature, e.g. Registered mail or Platinum satchels.

BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015

BKSIYAA Introductory Practice Sequence

Poses listed as Moderator’s Choice, will be chosen on the day of Assessment

No. Asana Description Timing Menstruation Variations 1. 45secs 2. arms -•‐ 30secs each side Tadasana 3. Vrksasana -•‐ Moderator’s Choice 30secs each side Vrksasana Garudasana – back to wall sacrum resting to wall 4. Utthita Hasta To support 45secs each side Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Padangusthasana I 2 5. Utthita 30secs each side Support as needed 6. 45secs each side Support as needed 7. I 45secs each side Support as needed 8. -•‐ resting 30secs Support as needed 9. Virabhadrasana II 45secs each side Support as needed 10. 45secs each side Support as needed 11. Virabhadrasana III 45secs each side Support as needed 12. Uttanasana - resting 30 secs 13. Parivrtta Trikonasana 45secs each side Utthita Trikonasana 14. Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana See Art of Yoga pl.13 45secs each side Ardha Chandrasana

15. Pa riv rtta Parsvakonasana Final 45secs each side Utthita Parsvakonasana

16. Parsvottanasana 45secs each side Concave back 17. 60secs Concave back 18. Padangusthasana or Moderator’s Choice 30secs Concave back Padahastasana

19. Uttanasana Full extension 30secs Concave back -•‐ blocks as req. 20. 30secs Back to wall 21. 30secs each side

22. Parvatasana in Virsasana 15secs each side With support 23. Supta With or without support 3-•‐5 minutes 24. Adho Mukha Virasana Transition only 10-•‐15secs

25. Salamba Sirsasana Support as required 5 minutes Viparita : 5mins Bench or X-•‐ bolsters -‐‐ crown of head down 26. Adho Mukha Virasana Transition only 10-•‐15secs 27. Adho Mukha Svanasana 30secs Support as needed 28. 15secs Salamba Purvottanasana 29. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 30secs 3-•‐5mins 30. 1 30secs 31. or Moderator’s Choice 15secs

32 . 20secs 33. 30secs 34. Urdhva Dhanurasana From chair & Floor X 2 times each 35. Dwi Pada On Chair-•‐ Legs parallel to 2-•‐3mins floor -•‐ Gem pl-•‐149 36. Adho Mukha Svanasana Transition 15secs 37. I Final 30secs each side 38. Bharadvajasana II 30secs each side 39. III Elbow bent -•‐LOY pl.301 30secs each side Marichyasana 1 – Twist only 40. Ardha I Preparatory learning to 30secs each side Parvatasana in Swastikasana or sit on foot, wall/foot (ie opposite to support –LOY 307-308 Moderator’s choice in no. 41)

BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015

BKSIYAA Introductory Practice Sequence

No. Asana Description Timing Menstruation Variations 41. Parvatasana in Swastikasana Moderator’s Choice 30secs each side or Siddhasana 42. Dandasana 30secs 43. Janu Sirsasana 30secs each side Head support 44. Triangamukhaikapada 30secs each side Head support 45. Marichyasana I Bend forward with hands 30sec each side Head support – hands holding entwined foot – not entwined 46. Paschimottanasana 1minute Head support 47. Upavistha Konasana Upright-‐‐ hands by hips 1minute 48. Upright-‐‐ hands by hips 1minute 49 Supta Baddha Konasana Gem for Women Pl.38 3 minutes Supta Baddha Konasana with 50. Dandasana – transition Support: 3-•‐5mins 51. I Heels down. Support as 45secs needed -‐‐ LOY pl.317

52. Paripurna / Ardha Moderator’s Choice 20secs 53. Urdhva Prasarita Padasana 90° 60 secs 54. 1 & 2 30secs each side Supta Padangusthasana 2 ONLY -‐‐ with support 1min each side

55. Chatushpadasana 45secs 56. Salamba I 5 minutes Supported Supta Swastikasana 4mins 57. 2 minutes Supported Setu 58. Karnapidasana 30secs Sarvangasana 59. Eka Pada Sarvangasana 30secs each side 4mins 60. Parsvaikapada Sarvangasana 30secs each side 61. Parsva Halasana 30secs each side 62. Supta Konasana 30secs 63. Feet to support of wall or 1minute Adho Mukha Swastikasana bench, hands on back Head supported 64. Adho Mukha Swastikasana 65. Savasana Setup for 7minutes

Pranayama Time change will be called 66. Bhramari 1A & 1B, 2A & 2B Light on Pranayama 2-•‐3 cycles each Ch21 Table 67. 1-‐‐ 4 8mins 68. Viloma 1-•‐3 6mins 69. Savasana 5mins

TEACHING SEGMENT — 5 Poses within 30 Minutes The candidate will teach 3 poses to the class – Candidates will receive their poses 30 minutes prior to teaching. 2 poses will be chosen by the assessment panel and 1 pose of your own choice. One of the poses will need to be a standing pose, to be chosen by the candidate, if panel has not given one

In addition to the three poses taught, the candidate will be required to teach inversions: Salamba Sirsasana will be taught to ONE student, and Salamba Sarvangasana and Halasana to the WHOLE class as a group.

Candidates will keep their own time. With the exception of the inversions the times given are meant to serve as a general guide for the overall timing.

BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015

Introductory Level I Syllabus As given by Guruji, Yogacharya BKS Iyengar

Plate # Asana 1 Tadasana 2 Vrksasana 4,5 Utthita Trikonasana 15 Virabhadrasana II 8.9 Utthita Parsvakonasana 14 Virabhadrasana l 19 Ardha Chandrasana 26 Parsvottanasana - (arms down) 31 Prasarita Padottanasana - (concave back) 38,39 Parighasana 43,44 Padangusthasana 45,46 Padahastasana GFW 21A Uttanasana - (concave back) 75, 76 Adho Mukha Svanasana - (with support) 42 Utkatasana 77 Dandasana 80,81 Gomukhasana - (arms only) 84 Siddhasana 88,89 Virasana LOP Pl. 5 Parvatasana in 139 Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana 143 Marichyasana I - (twist only) 317 Malasana (a) Just squatting, with or without wall support for back and (b) with heels on a rolled blanket. 234 Salamba Sarvangasana I GFW 90 Halasana - (legs on stool) 245 Karnapidasana 247,248 Supta Konasana GFW 102 Chatushpadasana - This asana is similar in form to Setubandha Sarvangasana with the hands holding the ankles. 99 Setubandha Sarvangasana - (on a brick) 279 Urdhva Prasarita Padasana - (90°) 297 Bharadvajasana I - (turning, without holding the upper arm)

LOY Old Edit. 287,298 Edit after 2001 GFW 200 Savasana - (on bolster with eye band observing the normal in breath and out breath) Pranayama : 1. Ujjayi (stage I & II) 2. Viloma (stage I & II

GFW-Gem for women, LOP-Light on Pranyama,

BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015

Introductory level 2 Syllabus As given by Guruji, Yogacharya BKS Iyengar

Plate # Asana 56 Garudasana 6,7 Parivrtta Trikonasana 10,11 Parivrtta Parsvakonasana AOY Pl.13 Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana 17 Virabhadrasana III GFW 120 Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I - (front leg) 75,76 Adho Mukha Svanasana - (support) 26 Parsvottanasana I (final) 34 Prasarita Padottanasana I - (final) 48 Uttanasana - (final) 74 Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 66 Chaturanga Dandasana 73 Bhujangasana I 63 Dhanurasana 60,62 Salabhasana & Makarasana 41 Ustrasana 78 Paripµrna Navasana 79 Ardha Navasana 93,96 Supta Virasana - (with and without support) 101 Baddha Konasana - (give margin if difficult) GFW 38 Supta Baddha Konasana 148 Upavistha Konasana - (sitting straight) 127 Janu Sirsasana 144 Marichyasana I - (Bend forward with hands entwined) 160 Paschimottanasana - (Ugrasana/Brahmacharyasana) 184,185,190 Salamba Sirsasana - (against a wall and rope) 234 Salamba Sarvangasana I 240 Halasana - (toes on floor) 250 Eka Pada Sarvangasana 251 Parsvaika Pada Sarvangasana - (as far as possible) 249 Parsva Halasana GFW 98 Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - (Uttana Mayµrasana with support i.e., feet on wall, brick or stool) 285 & 287 Supta Padangusthasana I & II 297 & 300 Bharadvajasana I - (final) 298 & 299 Bharadvajasana II 317 Malasana - (heels down, facing the wall/column to hold) 301 Marichyasana III - (twist - opposite bent-elbow over the bent knee) 307-308 Ardha Matsyendrasana I - (preparatory learning to sit on the foot, wall/foot support Urdhva Dhanurasana I - (from chair or stool) GFW 149 Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana - (on a chair – legs parallel to the floor) 592 Savasana - (eye band; normal in breath and deep out breath) Pranayama : Brahmari Ujjayi - (stages III to IV) Viloma - (stage III

BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015 Attach photo Application for Assessment – Introductory Assessment here

Use Glue not staples

Date of Assessment:______City:______

Date of Birth: Name:


City/Town: Postcode:




Previous assessments – when/where:

Association Membership Number: Member since:

When did you commence Iyengar Yoga Classes:

Who has been your main teacher(s):

With whom have you done your teacher training:

Over what dates:

Have you attended conventions with a member of the Iyengar family? Have you studied at the Institute in Pune? Who/When: When:

Are you currently teaching? Where: How many classes/week:

Professional liability insurance policy number: Date of CPR qualification: Certificate of Currency must be enclosed Copy of current certificate must be enclosed

Other relevant qualifications: On a separate sheet, describe your practice – how often, how long, which asanas, which pranayama. Also describe briefly how you work with your injuries, if any.

I declare that the above information is correct and that I have read and understood the Guidelines for Introductory Level 2 Assessment and have completed all requirements as outlined therein.

______Signature Date

Please mail 6 copies with all supporting documents (refer to Guidelines) to the Assessment Coordinator

BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015 INTRODUCTORY ASSESSMENT

Please check that your application ticks all the boxes

Compliance Checklist

I have been a financial member of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia , for the past

two years prior to sitting assessment; membership number must be quoted on the ☐ 1 application form

I have practised yoga in the Iyengar method for a minimum of three years or have attended 300 2 hours of classes prior to any teacher training

3 I have a referral submitted by my teacher; sent electronically ☐

I have professional liability insurance – this MUST be current at the time of the assessment ☐

OR 4

My professional liability insurance expires before the date of assessment and I will bring the ☐ updated policy to the assessment to show the moderator

I have a CPR certificate that is current at the time of the assessment ☐

OR 5

I will be renewing my CPR certificate and I will bring the updated certificate to the ☐ assessment to show the moderator

6 I have completed the application form and pasted my photograph in the top right hand corner ☐

I have paid $250.00 application fee by one of the following methods below:

To B-Pay contact [email protected] ☐ 7 Cheque (made payable to BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia) – with your name ☐ written clearly on the back of the cheque ☐ Australian Money Order (made payable to BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia)

I have enclosed 6 copies of the completed application form, 6 copies of my written assignment,

and 6 copies of a description of my practice, collated into 6 complete sets 8 ☐ IMPORANT: Please do not staple sections together and do not use plastic sleeves to collate

BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia Introductory Assessment – Information Pack Updated February 6th 2015