BROWN HILLS ISSUE N0.67 DISTRIBUTED TO OVER APRIL 1995 7,500 HOUSEHOLDS AND 25p WHEN SOLD BUSINESSES MONTHLY SCHOOLS ATHLETIC PROWESS In March seventeen local schools took part in the Junior Schools Cross County Association Championship. Up to 100 runners boys and girls aged 7 to 11 years took part. The event was held on Coinmon and the Award Ceremon~· was held at Brownhills Community School. Mr. Winter, Head Teacher of Watling Street Junio: and Infant School was pleased and proud ol his schools achle..-emen~ ilS the boys won both he Autumn Spring competition and the girls came second in both. Mr. Gr-aham E,·ans {P .E. Teacher) informed me also that Amy Roff (11 yrs) won the Individual Girls Trophy for the Spring Term. These results are first class and we offer our con· gratulations to the pupils on their splendid athletic prowess in these events. The teams were as follows:­ Boys - Michael Eardley, Simon Greenfield, Nicholas Wilkins, Scott Latham, Danny Bytheway, ond to in both YOUR FUTURE ARE YOU INTERESTED Daniel Chattwood. the boys and girls races. Nicholas Wilkins also repre­ Mr. Winter also informed me A call as gone out for Traders of Brownhills to get together and sented Walsall in a race a t recently that the pupils

Residential Care Home for Elderly Persons * Managed by Qualified Nurses * Medical Service by "Home Doctor" * * JaruZZJ"'s on each floor * Assisted baths * *All food "Home Cooked" * *Special diets catered for * Long & Short stay Should you require further information, or wish to visit, please telephone Anand or Julie on 01922 693399 VIEWING STRONGLY Propnetors: Mr Anand Bhaugeeru//y, BSc, MRPhannS, RMN. Mrs Santi Bhaugeeru/ty, RGN, RMN. RECOMMENDED BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, APRIL 1995 3 GAZETTE POSTBAG SUPPORTING HEALTH AND FITNESS IN THE NINETIES! FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Coppice, we have a pressing problem quarter of a century ago, the Common lo solve and the system is such that it NOW FULLY HEATED was not al all beautiful, but I is our underlying duty to put tire case acknowledge that nature has done a for our company, its employees and wonderful job since then. We would its customers. make every endeavour to avoid work­ ing there if alternatives could be made J. W. W. Noake available. However, these clays exist pp The Potters Clay and Coal only to the North and West of The Company Ltd A tribute to a gentleman May I pay a tribute to tire late Mr. Howard Taylor of Brown/rills West for his •• work with the chapel. Whal a fine example he was with our children who attended his Sunday School and all the work the family put in for the atmiver­ saries year after year. Pity there isn't more people like him today. God bless you Mr. Taylor for the wonderful memory you left behind I'm sure the children of days gone-by will remember you, like we do. Mr & Mrs Roy Heath Watling Street • • LUVANE FliNE ART GALLERY AND FRAMING WORKSHOP Has now moved from Goodall St. Walsall Within 24hr Quality Framing Service •Original Oil Paintings •Water Colours • Limited Edition Prints • Fine Art Cards 23 High Street, Brownhills Tel: 01543 453675

lllustra:ion of typical Cambrian home -elevations may vary PERFECT FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS - FRO~t £43,950 've chosen a prime location close to the centre of M" }} • Q d Wprettv Pelsall vi llage to build just 28 new one and 1 elllllllffi af efiS · two bedroom homes. Already attracting S kh D p 1 11 ----::-~lt a great deal of interest, this ideally tac ouse rive, e sa -~. y~O~,.,.., located development is particularly Tel: 01922 693253 Y'I '-" ~ popular with first time buyers. ~-----,-,------~ "3· ~olt So if you're looking for your first Q en homes .~ ._ ~o\\.'f Cf\O~ new home- come and talk it over . y\\-0~ Sales Centre Now Open 10.30am Q 1 3 8 4 4 Q 1 Q7 Q 1 - 5.30pm (Thursday to Monday) ~------~ 4 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995 Personal Announcements DEATHS BOND • MADELINE DORREEN • A Golden Wedding Anniverary Passed away on March 15th 1995. Sweet is the memory. Precious your was celebrated Ken and Enid name close to our hearts you will Woodfield of Middleton Road, always remain, God bless. Husband, Brownhill.s on March 31st, Friday, Peter, Tina, Mark, Andrew, Karen, Ken and Enid had a lovely family grandchildren Paul, Luke, Nathan, and friends get together at home. Emma and Laura. Special thanks to ~fany church acquaintances family, friends, Manor Hospital and were present. Enid who has n ot Maple Ward especially. CLIFF W.F.J. (UBill") • formerly of been too active for a while attends Brownhills and Pelsall, passed away St James Parish Church. 14th March in the Gables Hospital, Ken throughout his life has Spilsby. Cremated at Boston. Dear been a keen sportsman, cricket for brother of Violet, Muriel and Ray and Brownhills, football for Newtown uncle of Felicity, Joanne and Families. a very keen golfer at Whittington, WHITELEY • HARRIET · Passed played a fair game of snooker also. away 15th March. Ours is just a sim­ ple prayer, may God bless you and He is a model train maker and keep you in his care. Sadly missed, a very able gardener. With Enid's from Beryl, Ron, Hilda, Sam, Paul and health improving and Ken still Helen. pretty fit and active. May they WHITELEY · HARRIET · Ours is just have many more years of happi- a simple prayer. God bless and keep ness. you in his care from friends and Glyn Holloway neighbours of Hussey Road and Wallace Road. IN MEMORY Two Clayhanger lads success­ HANDFORD ·TIM · In loving mem­ fully completed the " ory of my dear husband and father Tim died April 15th 1991, age T. Marathon", they were S. Mason, Wishing you were here, sadly misse:I, of Bridge Street, who ran for dia­ from wife Gladys, son Barry, betics in 4 hrs 18 mins, and A. Rosemary and family. Jukes, of Rose Drive ran in 2hrs. 55 mins. Well done!

SOLID DOORS 7 PIECE KITCHEN COMPRISES:- 2 x lOOOmm Base Units 1 x 1 lOOmm Corner Base Unit Specialize in: Tandoori, Curry & Balti dishes 1 x 600mm Under oven housing We cater for every occasion 2 x lOOOmm Wall Units 37 IDGH STREET, BROWNHILLS, WALSALL WS8 6ED 1 x 600mm Bridging Cupboard All for just £587.00 inc VAT 'save £104' Dial A Bal-ti Now also in Melamine for only £340.00 'save £62' 01543-454 326 or 01543-454 327 OPENING HOURS: Sun to Thurs - 5.00pm till 12.30am Fri to Sat 5 .00pm till 1.00am FREE HOME DELIVERY SERVICE Minimum Order iS.00 &. Within 3 Mile Radius 10% DISCOUNT ON ORDERS OVER £30.00 Cheq~ acrcpced with valid bankers card Management reserve the right to refuse service ~ ~ FREE BOTILE OF WINE APPLIANCE PACKS With Every Order of £ 15.00 or More Oven, Hob & Extractor (fan only) ...... £320.00 TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER NOW - MAJOR CARDS ACCEPTED Inset Stainless Steel Sink & Tap ...... £79.00 IXJ~m~~• IJ 3m Worktops Choice of colour from ...... £27.50 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995 5

BROWNHILLS & WALSALL THE ROTARY CLUB OF BROWNIDLLS Presents WOOD HISTORICAL SOCIETY For Your Entertainment At Annual General Meeting on Tuesday April 25th 1995, at Millfield BrownhiUs School & Community Centre. Deaken Avenue. School, 7.30 p.m. The meeting will be followed by a talk on Walsall Market by a lady from Walsall History Centre. Last month David Vodden gave a talk to a full house on cJean L::Af?artpn Cathedral. David who lectures for English Heritage and is a professional photog­ INTERNATIONAL CONCERT ORGANIST rapher was brilliant. His exposition was top class and he kept the audi­ ence enthralled all evening. Thursday 25th May 1995 al 7.30 p.m. Many thanks David. Proceeds for Rotary Charities & for the benefits of Oakwood Special School & St. Bemadettes R. C. School. We as a Society are pleased with the success of Bill Mayo, Geoff Tickets...... - . .-. .-. .-£4.00 Each Harrington and Brian Rollins. Their slide shows are now encompassing a wide areas and expanding all the time. The rate they are progressing they will soon be doing the Cresta run. Keep up the g~ work lads. Glyn Holloway Re Air Marshall Johnny Johnson and Labbie Lucas now confirmed at Shire Oak Conununity Lounge on May 3rd at 7.30 p .m. (G.D.M.) MONUMENTAL MASONS Brownhills Central Small family business Dedicated To Providing A Personal Service • Finest Quality Memorials Townswomens Guild • Modem & Traditional • Competitive Prices During March Guild Members gested healthy eating menus. • Home Visits On Request met for the AGM when several It was stressed that the facilities • Memorials On Display In Our Showroom new officers were appointed. Julia available are not simply aimed at - Open 7 Days A Week Willet took over as Chairman from younger people but are there to be • 60 Letters Included In Price retiring Chairman Iris Poxon. enjoyed by all age groups. e:::::=-- - • Renovations & Further Inscriptions Undertaken Barbara Plumb was pleased to take The next Guild Meeting will be over the Office of President and held on Monday 15th May at The Laura Walton as Vice-President, Lichfield Suite, Memorial Hall, Units 1 & 2 Brickyard Road, Aldridge. Diane Palmer took on the Office of Brovmhills, at 7.30 p.m. when there Secretary and Rhyllys Cooper will be a Beauty Demonstration. Tel: 01922 59850 or 53495 agreed to serve a further term as However, the meeting will be Treasurer. tinged with a hint of nostalgia and Following the business of the those of us old enough to remem­ meeting and the appointment of ber will be swopping memories of Officers, Members were pleased to VE Day fifty years ago. welcome Sheila Birch and her Marketing Team from Oak Park Leisure Centre. Sh eila and her Stella Hodgkins "'3Q~, Z>~ Press Officer Team are aiming to raise awareness among all age groups of the facili­ &e~ ties and range of activities on offer METHODIST CHURCH We beleive the tnost secure at Oak Park. She and her staff window on the tnarket today would very much like to get more SILVER STREET BROWNHILLS people into the Centre a nd are interested in what members of the OPTION 1 OPTION 2 public would like to see on offer. Sunday School Anniversary Members were invited to an 6 Flat White uPVC 6 Flat White uPVC Open Day at Oak Park and several Windows with one Windows with one of our ladies took advantage of the invitation. They really enjoyed opener in each opener in each their visit and some even signed up Sundays : April 30th. and Moy 7th. at *Internally Glazed* there and then for a fitness assess­ 10.45 o.m. - 2.45 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. Mechanically Jointed ment which involves tests of flexi­ *Fully Welded Joints* bility, lung capacity, grip strength, Come and hear the children sing Externally Glazed and blood pressure. The fee of £5 Plus o wonderful message * Shoot Bolt's* includes a print-out of each indi­ Fitted for only viduals rating, complete with sug- *Fitted for only* £1,125 £1,349 - Barons laxts ~~I ad-2~a~ 10~ CALL IN OR PHONE US J\J_J OVV FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE (No Salesman)


We had an immediate response to last month's photograph from Mr. W. Dunn of Clayhanger who thinks that we were a year out with the date. We gave it as 1932/33 but he thinks that it is the year after, because in 32/33 he was a member of that team who won the Walsall Amateur Cup 2-1 at the Hussey Arms ground. The following season Mr.Lees bought in a lot of new play­ ers from surrounding areas includ­ ing and in our photo only 3 local lads (the Newmans and Joe Richards) were left in the team. Thanks for putting us right Bill and now onto the month's entry from Mr. F. Hall of Chester Road, Shire Oak. it is another soccer team, this time of Shire Oak Villa and was taken just after winning a Cup Final at Castle Bromwich around 1929 /30. The team played in the Sutton & District League from the late 20's till the late 30's . Ball, Frank Hall of Chester Road, at Castle Bromwxn around 1929/30. side ring in on 372491. The players he has named are Shire Oak. It is another soccer team The team played in the Sutton & Finally we said last month, that Jack Lakin, Jack Wood, George this time of Shire Oak Villa and was District League from the late 20's till Doug Birch had identified the mis&­ Gregory, Frank Seedhouse, Harold taken just after winning a Cup Final the late 30's. ing scout in February's edition as Bill The players he has named are Bird. Jack Lakin, Jack Wood, George Bill who now lives in Lichfield Gregory, Frank Seedhouse, Harold has s ince rang me when he was Who's would Ball, Frank Hall, Harold Harrington, handed a copy of the Gazette by ? Alf Arrowsmith, Abe Thorpe, Tom someone via Beaudesert Camp. you serve. Chadd, Frank Arrowsmith. He was pleased to see his photo Standing behind the team are Bill and would dearly love to hear from Oiadd, Jim Nichols with reserves any of the lads some of who be has PRE1\1IUM Mr. Cooper and Mr. Stokes with Ref lost contact with over the years. SAUSAGES A.."'\"l) HOME COOKED MEATS ~ir. Heath. He gave his phone number as - MADE BY RAY "'WILLIAMS OF COURSE! U you have any memories of that ~d253727. Brian You can't beat the taste of traditional sausages. Ours are made on the premises using only the finest ingrecfients. FROZEN FOODS ( PERSONAL TOUCH ) 20 Fish Fingers 70p, Artie Rolls 39p, 4 BeefBurgers Large 99p, Whole Barbecue Chickens cooked on the premises Toiletries FOR PRIME t.1EAT AND FRIENDLY SERVICE CO E AND SEE Perfumes and Household Products. '? ;,~ 1irJ~-::.·'.::\~··,~:-:;.~;. ~ - "<&"Y.§"~~-~(t~* Brolf:r ~;.~l* ,~ Ray Williams ~* '4/ .::S:~.. ~~. W~:; ,'.;..~1 ~~~\.,~~I. i~ . TY 0. 1.. 1 ~.. ~ ~- >-~ YOUR FAMILY BlJ"TCHER Come along and see our low prices and great selection. 28 SILVER COURT, BROWNHILLS. TEL: BROWNHILLS 360910 We promise you won't be disappointed. YOU'LL .FIND OUR PRICES LOOKING FOR TYRES? HARD TO BEAT! Pro~Fit Tyres & Exhausts Ltd. Unit 9, Coppice Side Industrial Estates, Brownhills WS8 7EY. BROWNHILLS 360216 . BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995 7 Calling all ARE YOU ~b., ex Clayhanger Colts GOING ~w~ It has been 20 years since John The opportunity will arise on Sadler and Brian Stringer decided to June lOth Saturday at 8 p.m., when set up an U12's soccer team in Walsall Wood F.C. clubhouse will ON Clayhanger and little did they be the venue for a reunion. realise how quickly the club, as a So if any of you ex-Colts or par­ HOLIDAY whole would grow. The following ents, wives and girlfriend (and kids) season saw the pair running 3 sides would like to turn up on the night, and all teams played in the Walsall please give John or Brian a ring so SOON? Jw\ior Leagues at various age levels. they'll know how many sandwiches Over the years John and Brian to cut (your appetites are well If you are are, would saw the lads grow into teenagers as remembered). they took in the Walsall Minor Spread the word lads John is on you feel better with a League, but after 7 seasons the pair Brownhjlls 361538 and Brian is on great tan on the first decided to call it a day instead of Brownhills 372491. stepping down to the younger age ------day of the holiday groups. An Evening instead of waiting until Since then some of the players it was almost over. have kept in touch and are involved of Nostalgia regularly playing in non-league soc­ cer, with the most successful of the You are invited to a presenta­ lot being Phil Gee who played for tion of wedding dresses, a fashion GETTING ATAN IS EASY AT THE SUNTAN SHOP Derby County and is cw:rently in show of original wedding dresses the Premiership \\ith Leicester Gty. from Victorian times to present­ * Latest Hi-Tech Fast Tan Beds with Body Cooling Fans * day. Also a display of wedding * 3 Facial Tanners * Re Union cakes provided by the Sugar Craft * Air Conditioned private cubicles * Guild. * Free use of shower * Brian and John would lo\·e to Brides Past and Present at St Powder room meet up with all the lads again. and Ja.mes Omrch Hall, Vicarage Road, * * indeed the parents who ga\•e a Brownh.i.lls on Wednesday 7th June * £4.00 per session / £30 for 10 * tremendous help at the time as did 1995, at 730 p.m. Tickets £2.00 (inc others who took over managing, refreshments). Tickets available at OPENING TIMES MON:- coaching and training as well as door (limited seating available) or FRI 10.30am · 9pm SAT 10.00am - SUN 10.30am - 4pm fund raising. phone 015-3 360')91. 39 High Street, Pelsall 01922 693900 ~indy. f!JJettea Bridal Wear & Accessories

STOCKISTS OF: Alfred Angelo Brides International, Cupid &many more Ravenscourt Shopping Centre Brownhills, WS8 6EJ

I vrsA ,. - Tel: 01543 453440 1 ~ INTEREST FREE CREDTf Uell Carpets FOR THE COMPLETE SELECTION IN CARPETS TO FIND OUT DETAILS OF OUR FREE UNDERLAY OFFER, GIVE US A BELL ON 01543 371375 MOBILE 0860 118035 18 Silver Court, High Street, Brownhills WS8 6HA 8 BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, APRIL 1995 Local Karate Club Success Pictured are members of , Brownhills and Lichfield Karate Club, who com­ peted at the 1995 Wado-Ryu Open Championships, held at Stockland Green Leisure Centre on 25th February. This is an annual event attracting competi­ tors from all over the U.K. This years team was very successful gaining 24 trophies from 49 sections. Trophies were won in every aspect of the competition, Individual Kata (Forms ), Team Kata, and Fighting. In the cham­ pionship individuals who did credit to themselves were Adrian Bladon (22 years} who won first place in the mens heavyweight section and Andy Johnson (28 years), w h o won first place in the lightweight sec­ tion. Some of the TrophJ' 1' with instructors. Because of the organisation Back row: far right Neil Poynm;. Dan, Robert Hughes 3rd Dan. of the club it is possible for stu­ instructors, senior instruction Dan), Suza:-.=e Poyn t on (3rd please telephone Neil on 01543 dents to train 7 days every week Neil Poynton, Alison Hughes Dan) and~ !.i.a Payne (3rd Dan). 671373 or Alison on 01543 under the guidance of the club (3rd Dan), Rob Hughes (3rd For f-~th er information 675872.

I Trophy winners. Team Kata, Jre ~ -:Lft to right Trophy winners. Left, Adrian Bia don Mens Heavyweight. Adam Shakespeare, Harriet Jilling,5 .a= ~w:hew Hyndman. Right, Andy Johnson.

~rPt;©Lt£I1 r;~IDJ1P V.E. Day Monday 8th May (All Day) * Bouncy Castle * D .LE DA.K * Children's Party (Afternoon) * S!:x !JaDc. pulled Traditional Ales Starts 11 'o' clock onwards LUNCHIDIBS 12.00-2.00 Choose.fn::r< L.:;inchttme or Evening M e nu All children welcome Traditiona: 3-Course Sunday Roast EVENING 12 00-2.00 - £4.95 3 -Course :=: erung Meals for under £6.00 1945's Sing-a-long - 1945 dress a must


~ t I Don't worry. ER2658B El • 1660mm (h) x 550mm (w) ~ ec rO UX It's Electrolux x 600mm (d) • Integrated door handles •Temperature indicator lights • Fridge 5.6 cu ft capacity LOW FROST CHEST FREEZERS •Frost Free fridge EC5106N • Shelf with gate opening •Meat tray • B55mm (h) x 1600mm (w) • Bottle gripper e665mm (cl) • Butter dish • Low Frost System • 2 Egg trays • 18.1 cu.ft capacity • Roof mounted lighting • Counter balanced lid •Freezer 3.7 cu ft capacity • Interior light •Ice tray • Food storage guide • Food storage guide • Fast freeze switch and light • Reversible doors •Temperature indicator light • Frost Free freezer • Mains-on indicator light •4 Baskets Frost Free • Ice scraper • Lockable lid Cash Price £519.99, Deposit £69.99, Balance £450.00 • Defrost drainage outlet 10 Monthly Instalments of £45, APR 0%

Model EC 2204N (Width 31 .2" Capacity 7.8 cu ft) Cash Price £299.99 Deposit £59.99 Bal. £240.00; 6 months @ £40 Model EC 3206N (Width 41.3" Capacity 11.0 cu ft) Cash Price £339.99 Deposit £69.99 Bal. £270.00; 6 months @ £45 Model EC 4106N (Width 52.1" Capacity 14.6 cu ft) Cash Price £379.99 Deposit £79.99 Bal. £300.00; 6 months @ £50 Model EC 5106N (Width 65.3" Capacity 18.1 cu ft) Cash Price £449.99 Deposit £89.99 Bal. £360.00; 6 Months@ £60 ER2944B EU1321T • 1688 (h) x 550 (w) x 600 (d) I 850mm (h) x 545mm (w) • Available in Almond x600mm(d) • Integrated door handes I 4.3 CU ft capacity •Reversible doors • Temperature indicator lights I Adjustable lhemlostat • Fridge 4.7 cu ft capacity I Fast freeze switch and light • Auto defrost I Food storage Qlile EU0562C • Roof mounted lighting I Easy defrost spru I 525mm (h) x 525mm (w) Salad crispers • 2 I Ice scraper x585mm (cl) •Meat tray I 4 Freezer compartmenls t Sits conveniently on table top • Bottle gripper • Adjustable thermostat I Clear plaslic fronls t 1.8 cu ft capacity • Freezer 5.5 cu ft capacity I Reversible door t Reversible door • Fast freeze I Temperalure warning light t Ice tray • 4 Freezer compartments I"'--...._._.___...... _...... ,._~ I Mains on light t Ice scraper lcetray e I Ice tray I Manual defrost Normally £439.99 Sale Price £399.99 Deposit £69.93 6 Months@ £55.00 ···· ·FREE LOC

Phone Now! 01543 373168 125-129 High Street, Brownhills - Free Customer Parking at Rear Licensed Credit Broker - \Vriuen On Request - Subject to Statu.s 10 BROWN HILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995

Mr. John Jeffcott (82 y ears) semi-professional and the plea­ He remembers with pride was born and bred and married sure it has given to him over the as Walsall WOOC:: :-...:ns, who ini­ Walsall Wood's most successful in Walsall Wood and has Jived in years, both as a player and spec­ tially used a. - adjacent to season in 1952, the team photo­ the area all his life. tator finalising in being a com­ Walsall W~ tahodist Chapel graph will no doubt bring back He recently related to me his mittee member of Walsall Wood as a ~zi;;:; :-cam. He remem­ many memories to local readers interest and life long love of soc­ Football Club. He has acquired a bers ~ L';e !ocaJ team used to and supporters, when the team cer, both locally, amateur and knowledge of the game and is pla, oo \'ia!sa!l Wood common. won the Worcestershire M.- jeffi:ol:t recalled his broth­ Combination League, and of er r:lz_ -='5 for Walsall Wood many fine players in the Post Ui ~ XI in 1926, and in 1934 War period such as Billy SIL VER COORT OPTICIANS !: Pe.Ue the owner of the local Brockhouse, who went on to play For quality frames at low prices c ery officially opening the for West Bromwich Albion, and f-esent pitch and ground. He Joe Robinson an inside right, who Forget special offers - ~ recalled the new stand being scored an incredible 57 goals in our prices are permanantly lo" - erected in the 1930's. the season, this nearly equalling M.r. Jeffcott also remembered the great 'Dixie' Deans record of So don't shop around - Come to Silver Coun one dark winters night when a 60 goals in one season for Opticians for the the best deal in town. gale force wind blew off part of Everton in the 1930's. He also the club roof off, and the mem­ had trials with West Bromwich Ask about our free frames bers had to be marshalled to Albion. PROFESSIONAL EYECARE WITH THE PERSO. -!L 10 CH retrieve it and put it back into Mr. Jeffcott still enjoys watch­ place. He further related that ing football on television, but he Call in or telephone for details: after the cessation of hos tilities remembers the good old days, after the Second World War, when the national past time was BRYAN W. SEAMA~ u.o.o.i when the brick air raid shelters a man' s game, played with a 17 SILVER COURT, HIGH STREET, BRO'W'NHILLS .. were demolished and were leather ball and was thoroughly TEL. 01543 371504 utilised for terracing on the entertaining and sporting on the ground. field of play. llURDAT 111GBT OUT THE 'l'ROOPER RESTAURANT SPRING TIME SPECIALS! (SUNDAY - FRIDAY) UNBEATABLE QUALITY AND VALUE - 2 x 8oz Pepper Steaks in a delicous sauce. £8_ 00 FOR 2 includes chips and p eas FUNCTION ROOM AVAILABLE FOR YOUR ENGAGEMENT, WEDDING, BIRTHDAYS, CHRISTENING, ANNIVERSARIES. FULL A-LA-CARTE NIENU - SILVER SERVICE SUlVL>A.Y lVIGEIT SPECIALS 2 x 8oz Rump Steaks Topped with Cheddar Cheese Includin Chips & Peas 2 for £8. 00 L isted in CAMRA Good B eer Guide PLEASE BOOK TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT Watling Street, AS, Wall, Nr. Lichfield. Tel: 01543 480413 BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, APRIL 1995 11 CRIME REPORT MICHELLE JAYNE BROWNHILLS FOR MARCH Childrens Fashion Summer Sale Last month's edition did not Church Ro ad, Peake Road, T/shirts from 99p each. include the crime due to an Patterson Place the 'Rising Sun' Shorts from 99p each admin error, sorry. and the 'Shire Oak' car parks TN Tots T/Shirts £1.99 This month let's start with and from 's car park. resses - 2yrs to 8 yrs summer D £5 some good news, you will see the The following vehicles were £2.99 each or 2 for- burglaries at houses have stolen from the following loca­ increased in the last 2 months in tions:- from Bradford Road - a All Scboolwear a! very Brownhills, but already quite a Sierra E609 KBF, from Cherwell competitive prices few local burglars have been Drive an Orion - F596 YFR and caught and charged with some of from the 'Wheel Inn' a Cavalier these offences. C68 AUK. There has been a burglary at a There was an assault on th e Martin Egan New range of f:ab . house on Chester Road near to High Street at around 11..55 p.m. . ncnow the "Hussey pub" and another on 17 March. The offenders are Discounts avadab1e including: attempt on a nearby home there. described as follows:- 2 white ~VE Cotton Print.s Pl . There has been a burglary at a lads 20-25 years old. One 5•9• GREENGROCERY • C ~ , azns house on Watling Street, short dark brown hair wearing a AND GROCERY STALLS Nu~sery Prints, Satin~ Brownhills (not Newtown) and light green striped shirt and blue Lming (Curtain and' an attempt near to this ho use jeans and the second 5'10", blan­ Large range of Spring Plants Dress), waddings, fur, also, the attempt being to kiclc. in dish short hair, wearing a baggy the rear d oor a t 12 midday on style arran jumper. All at discount prices felts, x -stitch, wedding Wednesday 22nd March 1995 - It occurred outside the Come and see how much dress fabric and much did you see or hear anything - let 'Cancer' shop did you witness us know. Th ere was a lso an this unprovoked attack on the you can s_a_ve____ much more. attempt to break into a house in victims or do you know the L--~~ and take Castle Street late one nighL So offenders - p lease let us know if these people are -out and about• you can help. a look around. daytime a nd e\•ening. There Quite often people ring us to SCOOP 'N' SAVE have been bur glar ies at giYe us information on criminals dwellings at Lichfield Road, and their activities and often fail Spring Special Brownhills near to Co-op cor­ tO lea,.·e that information when lO % OFF ALL 'SCOOP' ner), Pelsall Road, Vicarage t...'"iey are asked for their name and Road, Paul's Coppice Great address. Please leave the infor­ pURCBASf..S OVER £10.00 Ve-Jay Crafts Charles Street, Bric kiln Str eet mation ~·ou can leave it anony­ and Friezland Lan e. mously. U you don't act prompt­ Now in stock: For all your Sewing needs Two s hops h ave also b een ly then p r operty lik e stolen Cottons Zips D ' burgled on the High Str eet, and goods can be removed from its Cake Boards, Decorations _ ' ' yes etc. another three had d amage location by the thief and then it and Wedding Cake may be too late for us to act - New bigger staU - caused to them. Accessories A pedal cycle was stolen from remember you may eYen get a ~ome and look around. Brow nhills Road, it was a gent's reward. racing cycle (Raleigh). Alterations and R . - Thefts from cars occurred at WPC Anne D ickinson DEV'S n1sco~-r epairs all Ch apel Avenue, High Street, · Offers Ladies Fashion - Opening at reasonable prices . . • 3 T/Shirts for £5.00 YOU WILL FIND US ~bt ~orntr Jogging Bottoms £2.99 J!}ou5't ski Pants £2.99 AT THE FRONT STALL ~ta N ighties - 2 for £5.00 l1\oom5' M e n s Shirts £3.99 2 ~burtb lltoab, li)dsall M ens Socks - 2 prs. 99p Childrens Birthday Parties M e n s Polo £3.99 Cakes made to order ~·selection of Blouses 10 ~o 26 ABRAXAS Co~e and compare our prices Birthday/Anniversary/Wedding JEWELLERY ~andSilver sand Chains ISelection of Cake Tins for hire! Silver t>;.,~ p Sue's Cards ·~ endants, Earrings BIGGEST 58.£.CfION OF ~arr Accessories ~S FOR ALL OCCASIONS - full range ~ l8th. 2lst and Cosmetics - • _, • l'r1>Dl £1,35 Best prices on C Wedding ~o..,""tieS - C onstance arrollllavai Products ilatio11S P

on all items brought into DOMESTIC the shop APPLIANCES All leading makes J.V.C., Panasonic, Repaired and Serviced: Samsung - Servicing Autowashers, Tumble Estimates from Dryers, Washer Dryers, T.V. Aerials, Satellite Spin Dryers, Twin Tubs, £20+VAT Installations - the Complete Dishwashers, Fridges, Service from Dish to Freezers, Fridge-freezers Receiver - all meter tested •Fully Insured Fitters •All Work Guaranteed

AUTHORISED 8 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995 13 Brownhills Horticultural Society At its March meeting Mr. One hundred and thirty plus Tuesday, May 2nd, when Pat knots when flowering finishes, Arthur Wright speaking on exhibits in all the colours of the Rogers will be speaking on but preserve foliage for 6 weeks "Chrysanthemums for the rainbow out-shone the brilliant "Bonsai and unusual shaped to feed next years flowers. Garden" stated that it was now sun outside and really set the Fuschias". Continue to feed Spring bulbs possible to have Chrysanth flow­ hall ablaze. Garden Jobs for to prepare them for next year. ering in the open garden for 5 Despite blooms and daffodils Do not tie the foliage in knots. months of the year, and with from bulbs costing many pounds April and May Seeds can continue to be sown in careful choice of varieties they each the "Best Bloom in Show" Continue sowing, potting, and veg garden and hardy annuals would fit in well with a mixed came from "Bra voure" a bulb pruning. Sow vegetable seeds insitu to give display later in flower bed. that can be bought at any garden where ground conditions permit. year. Pay attention to watering After describing soil prepara­ centre at a cost of less than 20p. Sow seed or lay turf on prepared of pot plants and beware of tion, feeding, and prevention of Only disappointing note to the ground for new lawns. Feed house plants in south windows, pets and diseases, he went on to show was the lack of in terest established lawns and deal with May sun can be strong at times. discuss the various groups of shown by the general p ublic. moss. plants. April 4th was the Society Dead head spring flowering Further information 01543 His remarks that "with the meeting at the Middleton House plants and give a feed of fish 373980.. modern varieties of weatherproof Club, when Mr. Trevor Mills pro­ blood and bone general fertilizer. Len Stoke plants capable of giving cut flow­ jected slides of English Tulip s. Do not tie daffodil leaves in ers comparable to those obtained These Tulips date back 400 yrs from florists" prompted the and although not available com­ members to order 100 p lants, for mercially they are grown and May delivery, from a specialist kept in existence by the nursery. Wakefield Tulip Society. Trevor TheONEforYOU! SUPERB The gardening year got under will be displaying his collection "VERTICALS Conservatory way for the society w h en on at Fosters Nurseries, Shenstone, Blinds Sunday April 2nd they held their on May 15th and 22nd. Plus Rollers Spring Show at the uMemo". Societies next meeting on &Venetians METHODIST CHURCH, Silver Street, Brownhills FREE Sunday School Armiversary Festival of Praise Sunday April 30th and May 7th 10.4.5 a.:m., 2-45 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. Come and hear the children sing! \!Cbe 3aising ~un 1$otel Telephone: (01543) 375687 CHESTER ROAD NORTH, BROWNHILLS IIOTEL 9 Letting Bedrooms all en-suite, Telephone, Television, Tea & Coffee making facilities All including full English breakfast. Weddings & Private Functions catered for. RESTAURANT I Full A la-carte menu served Tues - Sat 7 .OOpm - 9 .30pm 3 Course Roast Meal served Tues - Fri 7.00pm - 9.30pm Sunday Lunch - sittings 12.30pm - 2.15pm

Open to non-residents, Bar Meals available Mon - Fri 12 noon - 2.30pm 6.30pm - 9.00pm Sat 12 noon - 2.30pm 14 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995 WHEN YOU HAVE TO BE 'Comic Relief Entertainment' The local 'In Shops' store in Brownhills recently organised an interest­ ing Saturday in aid of Comic Relief. The entertainment which the captive ON TIME - WE ARE! audience thoroughly enjoyed was provided by Mr ''Topper" a balloon modeller, whose bright and colourful tartan outfit certainly caught the eye, and so did his versatile act, the other entertainer was provided by 24 HOUR - 7 DAY SERVICE Mr. Adrian Wigley, who displayed his versatility and musical ability on the keyboard. Unfortunately, this was marred upon his return home to find that his home had been burgled while he was trying to raise money for charity. A grand total of £56 was raised for 'Comk Relief' by the store from BEE the contributions made by the Satuniay slioppers. "SKITTLED OVER" Brownhills Clinic Nursing Staff and their partners recently spent an enjoyable skittle event at the '\Valsall Arms', Bank Street, Walsall. FOR PEOPLE & PARCELS GOING PLACESI JA y Their opponents were a team from Parcel Force at and a keenly fought contest ensued, the latter just beating the Brownhill's AIRPORT TRANSFERS MINI BUS Nurses by a very narrow margin. FOR ALL The evening entertainment culminated with a first class chicken & PICKUPS and chip supper. OUR SPECIALITY! OCCASIONS We look forward to th.e return match.

I HOSPITAL VISITS 111WEDDINGS111 NIGHTS OUT II 'Wakey, Wakey' I CONTRACT WORK II I EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE II Calling all local dubs, groups, societies, associations etc. Send I ALL DRIVERS LICENSED BY WALSALL BOROUGH COUNCIL II in your stories and club reports for local people to read in your RELIABLE &EFACIEITT SERVICE GURANTEED ANYWHERE I ANYTIME t ANYPLACE Brownhills Gazette and see your club grow as more people will want to join you and enjoy the same hobbies or activities as you, just as has been experienced by the Brownhills and District Horticultural Society. Write to: Club News, Brownhills Gazette, P.O. Box 1, 183 High Street, Brownhills, Walsall WS8 6HW. !Rgifswood 9{µrseries RAILSWOOD DRIVE, PELSALL VISIT OUR YOUNG PLANT CENTRE 1,000's of plugs and rooted cuttings available.

\_ .- PLUGS INCLUDE: Busy Lizzie, Begorua, Petunia, Salvia, THE MIDLANDS Antirrhinums, African Marigolds, Nicotiana, Lobelia etc. LEADING ·-:.- , ROOTED CUmNGS INCLUDE.: A good range of basket ~--"'!· ONE-STOP plants, fuchsias, geraniums (bush and trailing). MOTOR SPAR,_E, Also the fantastic Petunia Surfmia ACCESSORY in a range of varieties. AND BODY PANEL Shrubs, Conifers, Composts etc. SAVE TIME ALWAYS AVAllABLE. AND MONEY STOCKISTS TRY US FIRST

BECAUSE YOU'LL MOST PROBABLY FINISH UP WITH US LAST {! THAT'S IF YOU'RE GOING TO SHOP 1'J '3 ::l"' w AROUND r - AMPLE CAR PARKING AT ALL BRANCHES tiOnfON ltOAO TO WALSALL IT WILLENHALL BROWNHILLS l 0902-607876 0543-373177 0922-412103 602640 452375 416610 OPENSEVENDAYSA WEEK trPELSALL(01922)682276 BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, APRIL 1995 15 SCHOOL NEWS .... SCHOOL ~~e I>et S~e»~ 53 Norton Road, Pelsall. Tel: 0922 685871 OGLEY HAY JUNIOR SCHOOL REGISTERED OFFICES OF PETPLAN CLAP YOUR 'HANS' Ugly Duckling would scare every­ Fish fo<>d prices r12dc.cced by Nicholas Brunskill body. Everybody loved the cos­ see lns~ore f<>r de~<:arlls a rad off.era tumes. They fitted in beautifully. Meornix rneat (dry cat food) 70p On Tuesday 28th March, a play 'The Nightingale' had a great plot Ornega cat (dry cat food) SOp lb was rehearsed to public eyes for the says public. 'The Emperor's New Kitbits rnoist (cheese & rneat) 60p pkt very first time. "The works of Hans Clothes' was so funny it would Whiskas Crunch 60p Tub Christian Anderson' was acted out make Uncle Scrooge smile. The by years 3 and 4 of Ogley Hay WE NOW STOCK SHERLEYS TOP FORM CAT TREATS songs were fabulous - one for every Junior School. it was a good play play. The children - wonderful AND ARTHURS KITTEN FOOD considering it was the first dress ALL OFFERS SUBJECT TO AVAllABIU'IY singing. rehearsal. The costumes were good. The Ugly Duckling - great, we asked a The play acted out the stories. real duckling what he thought. 'Quack, 'The Ugly Duckling,' 'The quack' he said: Emperor's New Clothes' and 'The 11ze Emperor's New Clothes - it's great. Nightingale' Person-in-charge says The Nightingale was good, why didn't ... we can't let it go world - wide the they talk Chinese? QUIZ NIGHT ~·"it~, .• The Black Cock Inn Wednesday Green Lane, Walsall Wood, Walsall WS9 9BE Telephone: 01543 373579 19th April ~ i~~'llllm PUB GRUB AVA/lAIU - TIJ EAT IN IJR TAKE AWAY ,, including Balti Meals Children Welcome /'t t-.1..l " 4 i ~ ...... # Jodie Barker and Christopher Smith 'The Nightingale' 6 r,.~ nds Jtcademy A_ 0 al\! a OF THEATRE DANCE ~ Artistic Directors: Mrs. Ann Burford, Miss Donna Wilcox Tel: 01543 684446/01374 460876 Studios at Pelsall, Shelfield, Brownhills, Lichfield Incorporating the Ann Wilcox Theatre Dance School and The Brownhills School Of Dance. Classes held in:- Ballet, Disco, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Contemporary, Modern, National, Gymnastics, Pas de deux

Courses for children from 2'/i to adults Teacher Training Courses available * Production Coaching * Examinations in R.A.D. * LDT.A. * I.S.T.D. * Festival Work * Stage School Auditions * Shows* Displays* * S pecial arrangements for college students * All major syllabus work covered NEW CLASSES STARTING AFTER EASTER Acorn class Pre-school children from 2'h years on Thursday afternoon Adult Tap classes ,.. You Could Hire 0 Beginner, and Advanced. If you would like to take your Medals in Tap or Jazz then Wheelchairs, Electric Scooters, Electric Beds come along to o ne of our classes day or evening WE CARE FOR YOU, 5 Ravenscourt ENROLMENT EVENING AT: 29 High Street, Pelsall on Shopping Precinct, Brownhills Monday 24th April 6.00pm till 8.30pm Tel I Fax:- 01543 453808 Registered l.D.T.A., R.A.D., l.S.T.D. 16 BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, APRIL 1995 SCHOOL NEWS .... SCHOOL NEWS .... SCHOOL NEWS .... SHIRE OAK GRANT MAINTAINED SCHOOL MUSIC FESTIVAL Youth Brass Band of Great Britain. and is currently principal Maintained Community School. BROACHES NEW In 1990 he competed in the BBC Euphonium player with the Saturday morning saw 3 Ye< Young Musician of the Year, win­ Desford Band and the London 10 pupils - Jayne Keeling, Kath GROUND ning the Walter Todds Bursary Wind Orchestra. He teaches at Grainger and Joanne Sweet at th On Thursday 6 April 1995, the Award. Since then he has toured schools throughout the Midlands auditions, at Aldridge School, fc Shire Oak Grant Maintained around Europe as a soloist and as well as the Besson Euphonium the Walsall Young Musician c Community School will once has played with some of the coun­ School in Holland. the Year competition organised b again be holding its Annual Music tries top Brass Bands. He is a With all of his experience, we the 'r 'alsall Rotary Club. Festival. This year the finals will founder member of the British are looking forward to the com­ Sahu"day evening saw the be held at 7.30pm. in the school Tuba Quartet and has toured ments he will make ab<>ut our ba.,.-ids at Shire Oak - Brass Ablaz• hall with the adjudicator on this Europe, Japan and America with own performers, both soloists and the Concert Band and the Shir occasion being Michael Howard. them. ensemble players at the festival Oak Brass Band at the school for Michael is a Euphonium play­ In 1993 he was invited by the Anyone is welcome to attend concert with the combined force er. He began his playing career at composer Stockhausen to visit this event. Admission is free. It of the Walsall Harmonic and the i the age of 10 with the Hathersage Germany and play in two perfor­ starts at 7.30pm. A competition of and J Male Voice Choirs. Brass Band and Rhodian Brass. He mances of his new opera. the highest standard is expected A full hall was treated to such soon became principal Michael has recently graduated and we look forward lo seeing as variety of music performed to a Euphonium player in the National from Birmingham Conservatoire many there as possible.. exceptionally high standard. Th •All pupils in the school are evening was enjoyed by all - pe1 ,:,:::::::··· ItDOLLIES SALON:::::? .. invited to take part and heats are formers and audience alike. "i: being held on Mflnday 3 April 8.30am. Sunday morning an Special rate for Senior Citizens ::;.. between 9.30am and 3.30pm. in the 3 bands boarded the coach t preparation for the finals on the 6 take them to King Edwards VIt CLOSED MONDAYS ff April. Form College, for th ::::::~: auditions for the National Festiv< hris and Julie will be pleased ;;:,:. for Youth. All competed excer BUSY WEEKEND tionally well. They achieve to make an appointment for :;; FOR SCHOOL'S exceptionally high standards i you on:- Pelsall 683351 MUSICIANS their performances and must n01 wait until April to find out if the or call in: ;T Last weekend saw one of the were successful in their bid t 1 busiest schedules ever for musi­ .,., .-~-~ - .'!L~!~;. ~..~.~~ .~~~.. ~ . ..B?~ .~.::. ..E .~I:~t :.:::t:•:·:·::_::~ cians at Shire Oak Grant CONTINUED OPPOSITE

Vertical Tanning Unit Sunbeds and Toning Tables An efficient and personal service for all types of Telephone: 01543 453768 clothing, curtains, covers etc. WHY NOT VISIT THE MOST LUXURIOUS COMPLEX IN YOUR AREA. All pressed to a high standard. WE OFFER THE VERY LATEST EQUIPMENT We also hygenically wash all sizes of duvets, blan­ Completely curved fast tanning sunbeds with facial units and body kets, sleeping bags, sports strips, chinese rugs etc. coolers The very latest vertical solarium - 6 min equivalent to 30 min on horizontal bed. Expert Service on Repairs & Alterations. KEEP m-CLASSES Made to Measure Blinds Vertical, Roller and Venetian Tums and Bums, Low impact Aerobics and Toning Tables Slimming classes coming soon BEAUTY SALON

Offering you a full range of beauty treatments We specialise in the very latest nail extensions from the U.S.A. * No damage to your own nails * * Look and feel just like natural nails * ~N~ systems can repair, replace, extend or strengthen a;;'• - your own nails.


Pelsall Drycleaners OPENING TIMES 53 High St., Pelsall Tel: Pelsall 692701 : Monday to Sunday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. including Bank Holidays Members of the Guild of Cleaners & launderers Ample car parking right outside the door SCHOOL NEWS .... SCHOOL

FROM PREVIOUS PAGE SCHOOL HOLDS reach the Royal Festival Hall in NETBALL July. TOURNAMENT MUSICAL SUCCESS ONCE AGAIN FOR SCHOOL THIS YEAR STUDENTS A Netball tournament was held THEN Two pupils from Shire Oak at the Shire Oak GM Community Grant Maintained Community School on Saturday, llth March. School have qualified for the 1995 All secondary schools in Walsall final of the Young Musician of the were invited and eleven schools CONTACT Year organised by the Rotary actually took part. There w ere Club. matches for 5 age groups, Years 7, \ Joanne Sweet (15) and Kathy 8, 9, 10 and 11. Altogether 30 teams took part and there were Grainger (15) en tered the audi­ us tions, held on 11.March.1995 at some fiercely contested matches. Soon after the start, the ra in Aldridge School for the first time this year, and were both success­ arrived but this did not dampen the spirit of the players who NOW ful. Joanne, who performed on the EEb tuba, and Kathy who plays showed great sporting tempera­ ment throughout the morning. Eb tenor horn, are both Year 10 pupils at Shire Oak and are cur­ The school kitchen provided hot We Recondition and Repair food during the tournamen t rently studying for GCSE's. which was greatly appreciated by Both want to go on to study A all makes - Come to the the players. At the end of all the levels and then, hopefully, music competitions, the winners were as college. specialists for a quick follows: Mrs Christine Smith, the school's Director of Music, said Year 7 - Queen Mary's & efficient service "We are all very proud of the girls and will be there to support them Year 8 - Queen Mary's in the final on Friday 19 May in Year 9 - Aldridge the Central Hall, Walsall. They Year 10 - Aldridge work incredibly hard and deserve this success". Year 11 - Queen Mary's

SUMMER IS HERE I THROW AWAY THOSE PAINTBRUSHES NO Stripping, Priming, Undercoat or Gloss once our PVC Fascias have been fitted, which means an end to all these problems, and a bright and attractive dwelling for years to come. ACT lVOl/V AJVIJ RIJVCT Pet:e on (01922) 683814 F

SCHOOL NEWS ..... SCHOOL 'H' 'H' FROM PREVIOUS PAGE cars (Mr Jarrett even paid to have Pelsall Pelsall and generous sponsorship - his car washed!) and many many 684822 684822 Edmound Howdle, The Health more events organised. All pupils Shop, EE Jones, RS Downes & Son, enjoyed a "Mufti Day" non-uniform W Marshall & Son, P AG Foods, day, where they pay NOT to wear ~illage ~akerp Tom McDonald, Edward Rose uniform. Social Club and Railswood All monies raised from the day High class bakers and confectioners Nurseries. amounted to over £600. Please look out for announce­ Well done Brownhills pupils!! 55 High Street, Pelsall ments about other events run by the For all your Fresh Cru sty Bread & Confectionery, Home and School Association, you PANCAKE RACE all freshly baked Daily, Plus Fresh Hot Cross Buns will be made most welcome. The staff challenged the Sixth Form to a pancake race in aid of COMIC RELIEF Comic Relief. Miss Hutchings aided Comic Relief day dawned and by Year 8 pupils cooked batches of pancakes which came to grief on Brownhills Schools' pupils entered Opening Hours 9 .00arn - 4.30prn into the spirit of things in a big the Sports hall floor. Mr Jarrett way. As well as trying to keep up showed tremendous pace whilst with usual lessons, pupils were tak­ Mrs Wilson's total disregard of the ing parts in numerous sponsored rules ensured that the staff were tri­ events to raise money for Comic umphant. A total of £20 was raised. OSTEOPATH Relief and people less fortunate than JOHN WESTON D.O. (Hons.) M.B.E.O.A. CLAYHANGER themselves. One young lady was at 1 Old Town Lane sponsored to put a ferret up her COMMUNITY jumper (with her parents permis­ ASSOCIATION: Pelsall sion!), two boys in Year 8 were tied On 8th May at 2.00 pm a VE day Tel: PELSALL 685278 together for the day, together with street party will take place in sponsored silences, washing oi staff Church Street. We have received police permission to have the street dosed until 4.30 pm. Sports events for the children, games and prizes ¥.ill help the day along. Music and darring will also be part of the day. ~ Osteopathy can help:- Raffle ticlcets are being sold to enable the Community Association Back pain, lumbago, sciatica, trapped nerves, neck pain, to OOld this e'\-ent. .SO'Yo of the pro­ ceeds are going to St Dunstaris frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, arm pain, knee problems, (Care of the War Babies). We felt arthritis and most musculo - skeletal problems. this to be an appropriate cause. The draw will take place at 4.00 pm at Clinic hours:- 10.00 a.m. until 8.00 p.m. and Saturday mornin~. the party. For the adults, on Sunday, 7th Registered wirh 1he British and European Osteopathic May in the Commllllity Centre will Associarion and the Guild ofOste opaths. be a sing-a-long night ~ith the songs from those war years and oth- A FAMILY RUN PRACTICE SINCE 1980 CONTINUED ON PAGE2D CHIROPODY by ALAN SMITH. F.S.S.Ch., M.B .Ch.A. Spring is in the air. A new look for Summer. REFLEXOLOGY Brownhills Activity Centre by SHEILA SMITH. M.B.R.A. Wednesday 7. l 5pm Ring Val 01543 453384 After 6pm at or Carol 01543 379022 Before 4pm 146 WOLVERHAMPTON ROAD, PELSALL. St John's Church Annexe Walsall Wood, Monday 7.30pm Also available: Ring Kath 01543 277259 610-M ECHANICAL ASSESSMENT/GAIT ANALYSIS and CUSTO M MADE SHOES FOR PROBLEM FEET

Tel: PELSALL 683348 pounds I ·:····:=·: :······:. 20 BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, APRIL 1995 SCHOOL NEWS ..... SCHOOL NEWS ..... SCHOOL NEWS .....

FROMPAGE19 tary helpers at their children's play­ dents who are the best at convincing with over 20 matches between them ers. Bar and refreshments will be group nursery or school. They have them that they can do it; successful­ this term. Members of the Year 8 available. Tickets for both events can been encouraged to build on this ly and enjoyably!' team have a:intinued to show that be obtained by ringing (01543) experience by gaining a recognised Students on the Nursery Nursing they are not an easy side to beat, 374642. We would be pleased to qualification for working in this programme at Brownhills study a having drav.n against Barr Beacon hear from anyone who can offer us field. wide range of topics from in a tough mafrh earlier in the term. help for either event, by helping The BTEC Nursery Nursing pro­ Psychology to Leaming Activities Year 9 and 10 players were entered with the party or doing a song or gramme, now in its fourth year, has and Play, from Legal Aspects of into the ne~·,,Jy formulated Walsall dance at either function. a good record of students progress­ Nursery Nursing to Fllst Aid. \.'.'ock Sciloo!.s Netball League. With We have been running our 300 ing into jobs or higher education. All experience at local schools. nm:series ~ ;rreventing some players Gub for four weeks now. There are those who completed the course in and other child care 01ga;1"91io11s :S - ,participating, new members numbers left so if anyone is interest­ 1994' are now working in child care. also a vital ingredient ol :?le CDll:Se.. .._ ::e:ruited. Uprooted from the ed contact the centre. It is drawn A further three, including two \ea.: ~ team was Sarah Godbold every Wednesday night. The cost is adults, are now in their first year o£a SPORTS fl.."B\"S • ur 9 pupil Emma Fletcher sop for a number. All sales are to university degree as a result of their p:::E ::ie U14. team. Despite having people either living or working in new qualification. Kath Harding, the NetbaDNetn ~ i::nembers at such short notice, Clayhanger. Course Tutor encourages adults to The last te.rm has seeB • !:he Ul4 team has gained magnifi­ apply for this and the other Post 16 season for the B~ Scee: cent wicmcies against the majority of WOMEN ON COURSE vocational courses available at netball teams. Mali:bes .._ ~ the teams in the game league - FOR QUALIFICATIONS Brownhills 'They are some of our by all year groc;s a:xi a-e::. ~ lea; Willenhall. Shire Oak, St Thomas most outstanding students'. 11 team made •special~ More to name a few. The U16 team IN CHILD CARE on 2 oc • asio •is Di!:: l:m: I il!ll:::c. .,.,-as players have continued to show She is keen to hear from anyone Thirteen women from across the made from eager er-: J sas::• parti<:­ their talents also gaining victories who may be interested "Some Chase and Walsall areas are cur­ ipants. ~ i:ID riccries have against all team so far, except women, particularly those who've rently studying alongside sixth-form been obtaineC be ll!5c:. bas contin­ Queen Marys. been out of education or training for pupils to gain advanced qualifica­ ued to show its kl,.-a!ty and are A great effort by all and I hope some time, may be interested, but tions in· child care at a local detem:ri:I:e:! - pe::se< ere in their that these players continue to perse­ feel a little nervous about starting Community School. ma!dies :;ll!!C 5EitiCl:l.. 'The older team vere with their team playing next study again, especially alongside Many of the woman, aged 21 to players ::.a"l'e z!so been kept busy year. 45, have gained experience of work­ younger students in a secondary ing with children from their own school." She says 'Our answer is to families or from working as volun- sit them down with our present stu- MILLFIELD SCHOOL '"R.e.itd • Mark and Friday with a fancy dress competi­ Inwardly Digest" tion, the highlights of this being a • Bispham, Head Teacher visit to the school from 'Postman Pat'. It was felt by spending the SHOP AT ' fill.field J&I School, Brownhills, week in this way the children would :ecently held an interesting book gain a love of books and a desire to HOME SERVICE "leek at the school. It commenced read. AVAILABLE IF \•.;th a special book assembly enti­ Other highlights at Millfield tled 'Lose Yourself In A Book'. School were fundraising on behalf REQUIRED Poetry day was held on the Tuesday of Comic Relief, which raised £136, when pupils were encouraged to and a further £236 was collected on learn poetry by heart and recite it to behalf of Dr Barnardos Childrens their friends. On Wednesday the Society. Well done parents and childrens author, David Calcutt vis­ school for this excellent perfor­ ited the school. An interesting expe­ mance. rience for the children. The friends of Millfield School On the Thursday, the whole purchased a 1V/ Video Trolley for school visited the Alexandra the school. Mr. Bispham again reit­ Theatre, Birmingham to see 'Book of erated how much their effort on Dreams'. The week culminated on behalf of the school are appreciated.

One of An.sells top quality pub/restaurants. \"Vine and dine in warm, friendly surroundings.

Royal Oak Pub and Restaurant YORK BRIDGE, PELSALL. TEL: 01922 691811 Brownhills Town F. C. Brownhills Town, sponsored by game, both matches 2.45pm kick-off. D.G. Read and Jonvid Fencing A week later, Town finish the season (Brownhills), stayed in contention with a trip to mid-table Mitchells & for a hat-trick of trophies after three Butlers, before returning to club HQ. excellent wins from four tough away The Chase Inn for the end of season games in March. celebrations, featuring the legendary Formerly of RushaU April's opening fixture saw Town Micky Davis. All supporters wel­ make a welcome return to Jubilee come. 38A Woodlands Crescent, Park, and the team responded with Brownhills will be playing all of Pelsall, Walsall WS3 SDP an emphatic 5-1 victory over this month's important games with­ How about a piece of glass sculpture perfected to your own Individual Birchfield Sports, their biggest win out 19-goal striker Kenny Anderson, requirements p roduced by the local and well known master craftsman since the end of November. who is serving a five-week ban after Robert Elson. Whose skills and expertise are unparalleled. Brownhills' fourth successive league being sent off for his Sunday morn­ win took them back to the top of the ing team. Karl Griffiths and Sid Wall Robert previously located at Rushall Is well known throughout the table, with two are also facing suspensions either Midlands for his distinctive beautiful pieces of art, at realistic prices to points behind but with two games in later this season or at the start of suit everyone's pocket. - hand. next season, once again following The glassware when purchased will be gift Town had started the previous dismissals while playing on Sunday wrapped in a beautifully attractive month with a superb 1-0 away win mornings. presentation box, a gift your loved one against the Police, and became the Defender Adam Powell, who was will treasure for a long time, be It for a only side to complete a league dou­ sent off against Cheslyn Hay last Christening. Wedding, Anniversary or any ble over the pre-season favourites. A month, is appealing against his ban Special Occasion. week later Brownhills were beaten which was due to start later this by the same scoreline at Wolves month. Powell was standing behind They would also make a wonderful Casuals in the quarter finals of the keeper Gary Vardy when he went sporting presentation trophy, be It golf, Challenge Urn. up to catch an dipping inswinging cricket, football or whatever the occasion Town bounced back on the fol­ comer that flew straight through his would be enhanced with a craftsman lowing Wednesday with an heroic hands, giving Powell no chance to made Individual Glass Sculpture. ten-man display to beat Cheslyn react before the ball struck his own • On dJsplay at the friendly Hotel, off Hay 2-1 in the semi-finals of the hand. )unction 10, Walsall Walsall Challenge Cup. The final Wrth Kenny Anderson out for the game of the month was a league fix­ whole of this month, captain Brian • We h.tve Storks with a.hies at the Maternity Unit Shop, ture at Birchfield Sports. Brownhills Hendron was moved forward to Actual size approx 15crns won a poor contest 2--0. partner top scorer Ian Fenn against Manor Hospltal, Walsall other sizes anddesigns available Brownhills face a hectic eight­ Birchfield. The pair netted four goals CALL US NOW game programme in April, which between them with Hendron scor­ and see what we have to offer without any obligation whatsoever. includes two cup final appearances ing a hat-trick.. Fenn and Hendron at Blakenall F.C. in Somerfield Road. are the last two recognised striker in TEL: 01922 693139 or 01922 694723 The first is on Easter Tuesday,18th the squad, and much will depend on April when Town bid to retain the their performances during this vital Bloxwich Charity Cup against last month. year's beaten finalists The Sikh Fenn and Hendron are on per­ Hunters, kick-off llam. sonal bests of 23 and 14 goals respec­ On Tuesday 25th April, tively for the season, and only Brownhills return to Somerfield record scorer Mark Goosill has net­ Road as underdogs against reigning ted more career goals than either of .liiiil cup holders Rushall Olympic in the them. f-enn needs four more to beat General & Commercial Printers Walsall Challenge Cup final, kick-off Gnosill's record for goals in a season, 7.00pm. Town have two vital home while Hendron needs another nine league games later that week, start­ to overtake Gnosill's 49-goal career ing with the visit of Park Rangers on record. for Brownhills Town. Thursday 27th April, kick-off Finally, congratulations to new ..Suppliers of: Letterheads, 6.30pm. centre half Carl Radjanovic, who was On the following Saturday, 4th­ a clear winner of the Player Of The ....,.,I Invoices, Business Cards, placed Cadbury Athletic visit Jubilee Month Award for March, (sponsored NCR Sets, Leaflets, Labels, Park, and on Saturday 6th May, by Nash Asyoudo). Carl has been Brownhills entertain 3rd-placed highly impressive since joining the .. Menus, Tickets, Invitations, Wellesbourne in their final home club at the end of February. j Wedding Stationery LLOYDS FOOTWEAR & All Office Stationery. - A Family Business - 29 NORTON ROAD - PELSALL - TE L: 682291 Melrose Place, 43 & 44, Stockists of: LOTUS - ELMDA LE Norton Road, Pelsall, Walsall, BREVITT - JEN - LOAKE West Midlands. WS3 4AX. Always a good selection of quality shoes, boots, school Tel: 01922 - 684863 & 682233 shoes, plimsolls, trainers, Fax: 01922 - 684863 · slippers and sandles.

HELPFUL & FRIENDLY SERVICE J; A Family Run Business Plenty of wide fittings a~ailable since 1983 22 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995 COME AND VISIT Out of the Wood The·Freezer Shop ~ For all your j Bd Frozen Foods . • Confectionary • Cake

Mark Jones sc:me ~fr= a comer in an earlier encounter with GLYN Stomport Swifts. After a disas::ocs -- oi results ble with a 3-2 victory with goals MAINWARING in February which sa •the team from Oews (2) and Mallaband. slide to a mid table pc&::JJG. a return D.POD.M,M.CH.S., Tuesday the 21st March saw the to their scb. ,,. best in March, Wood anxious to avenge their 3-1 S.RCH which aincide:i'Wt the ·wet pitches defeat in February at the hands of drying oa:: ~ .:San Wood zoom Bloxwich Strollers and Steve Oewes up lo a hea::':. l::ioa:ig 4th place. seemed in more of a hurry than most State Registered Chiropodist Al C:S ~al the season it is too when he scored the first of his two late fa:-~ lO be made up on the goals after 20 sees in a 3-1 away win. leades:s,. b:: the Wood still have a big The following Saturday Wood say i& r...o the eventual champions travelled to Manders and with Phil * Total family footcare "'la be. 8lakenhal.I have to visit Oak Haywoods nonnal striking partner * Sports Injury Pd a::.d. Pelsall have to play Wood Glen Freeman still being unavailable, nrice i:1. the remaining fixtures, and Oewes, normally a midfielder, was * Childrens foot problems o~ current form their is little to asked to play up front again. This choose between the sides and local time he was in an even bigger hurry * Orthotics Nail Surgery enthusiasts could be in for treat as as he put his side in front after only * Surgery & Home Visits the local derbies promise some inter­ 15 sees, and still not content, went on esting and hard fought games. to score all the goals in a 4-0 victory. The following Tuesday saw the Quick fire Oewes only point dropped in March when 134 Lichfield Road, Brownhills March started with Gornal an away game at Wednesfield ended Tel: 01543 379114 Athletic visiting Oak Park and a 2-1 in a 1-1 draw. And yes it was that win for the home side put them back man Oewes who got the all impor­ on the winning trail, a trend which tant equaliser. continued against the next visitors April started off like March with as Wood completed a dou- another home victory, and this time Ettingshall were the victims in a 4-2 win with goals coming from Haywood (2), Comish and Oewes. GET ONE OF This goal took Oewes tally to 22 for the season and 10 in the last 5 games. His two quick fine goals in two THESE MEN successive games is surely some sort of a record (20 and 15 sees respec­ tively) and is made all the more remarkable by the fact that on both lNTO YOUR LIFE occasions the opponents kicked off. • Henry • Charles • Edward or George

* Full one hour The Best SUCKERS in town lesson one to one Contact Claridges for details Ken Benton Tel: 01543 373207 or 01543 373023 SCHOOL OF MOTORING Pelsall 691693 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995 23 FOR SALE ROOMS FOR HIRE Problems in your Garden? - Contact SINCLAIR ZZX Spectrum + 3 Light­ BROWNHILLS ACTIVITY CENTRE, gun, 2 joysticks, power pack, all leads, Chester Road North, Brownhills. We floppy disks and absolutely loads of have rooms for hire for all your require­ 9. Lo.dee/a~ Specialist in games, £45 ono. Tel: 01543 374326. ments. Also office areas to rent on a Tree Felling, Lopping, and Landscaping UPRIGHT DEEP FREEZE 8 cubic ft, permanent basis. Tel: 01543 452329 , working, £30. Tel: 01217454410. 1.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Gardens Cleared & Rotavated Hedges and Lawns Cut: All Types of Fences Erected DRAWINGS Tarmac, Slabs, Concrete, Paths and Drives Layed PREPARED Fire Logs Supplied FOR HOUSE EXTENSIONS, FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND PROMPT SERVICE RENOVATIONS, NEW HOUSES etc. Telephone: Pelsall 691563 MOBILE HAIRDRESSER Local Authority Approvals Obtained. For appointments Also: Building Quotations if Required. Phone: Pelsall 682397 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES or BROWNHILLS MOWERS Mobile: 0378 060524 01543 491205 • All garden machinery • Hire • Sales SPECIAL DAY Accounts Services • Spares • Repairs SERVICES C.J.PETTY •Chainsaws Daimler Limousines & Chartered Accountant • Brushcutters 175 HIGH STREET, BROWNHILLS. •Uniform Chauffeurs TEL: (01543) 377719 • Family run business I Tel: Brownhills 377686 e Viewing welcomed Auditing, Accountancy, prepara­ 181 HIGH STREET, BROWNHILLS • Ribbons & Flowers to tion of accounts, book-keeping, complement your Weddin.g Colours personal and corporate taxation, management consultancy, general Call for more details financial advice. The fee basis will STATION TRAVEL be discussed before an assignment 12 and 16 Seater Mini Buses 0922 31060· is ac.:epted. AIRPORTS • BLACKPOOL LIGHTS DAY OUT • NIGHT CLUBS Residential and SHORT AND LONG DISTANCES non-residential A T AFFORDABLE PRICES 2, 5, 7 and 10 Day WHY DELAY PHONE TODAY Intensive, SCHOOL OF MOTORING semi intensive ON 01 543 372191 and refresher courses 34 Camden Street MOBILE 0831 535775 Walsall Woo d Competitive Rates OR CALL AT: 209 WATLING STREET, BROWNHILLS, WALSALL. Dual Controls Members of DTp.-A.D.I. M.S.A. D.IA M.IAM. WEST MIDLANDS WS8 7 JU :::>oor-to-Door Phone: Brownhills 376301 PERSONAL SERVICE GUARANTEED

QUALITY ITEMS BOUGHT & SOLD at THE TRADING PLACE 26 - 27 SI LVER COURT, BROWNHILLS TEL: {01543) 453008 -M~~t-~r~g·_3g_3 g. 3 o

SPORTS GEAR AMPS FRIDGES MOTORCYCLE GEAR WASHERS BRIC·A·BRAC 1\JMBLE DRYERS GUITARS If you are thinking of a VIDEO TAPES new patio this year don't 18" X 18" Natural Rivern COMPLETE HOUSE G..EARMNCES ALMOST ANY QUALITY ITEM waste time shopping + VAT BOUGHT FOR CASH! around, we've already .£1_00 done it for you. We can •Full Price List available prove we are the •Full Delivery Service 01543 cheapest suppliers of • Competitive Laying Service C. K. Electronics 376689 high quality products. • Best Showroom in the area 22 -24 High Street, Brownh1 Is. rn;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;i Save £££ 's when you COLOUR TV'$ buy direct from the • Over 20 different types LOWEST PRICES FOR TV's from £35400 manufacturers. • Stockists of Wrought Iron AND VIDEOS VIDEOS } Gates from £33.99 I VJSA I YOU WILL FIND US WITHIN KEN HODGES from£59~po -C.O.D. BUILDING SUPPLIES, COPPICE ROAD, WALSALL WOOD, WALSALL VIDEO HIRE ~ 3 tape; £2 - 2 nights or call IOP FILMS AVAILABLE CHEQUE 01543 375333 24 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, APRIL 1995

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