M i f ,


Registered at the O P.O• No. 3,222. Teleph o n e: 350 E astbourne. as a Newspaper4 , SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1917. E s t a b l i s h e d 1856. PRICE THREE HALFPENCE.

ASTBOUBNS COLLEGE h e LiA DIES’ COLLEGE, MARY H. COOPER, Court Dressmaker. f e T GRASSINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE*. President i Bell Your Old Gold. BRUFORD & SON, THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Smart COAT DBESSES, SUITS .y join Advanced Olaspeain Fnglish Literature Bod Civil Services, Frofesittouii and Commercial Life. and History, French, Italian, Latin, Mathematics, &c. Repairs by Expert Men. W. Bruford & Son, AND GROCERS, There are special Abut and Navi Classes. Hockey and Tennis Clnbs. HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS IOO,Tertninns-rd„ Ristbonrne 100, Terminus-rd., Eastl ourrie For Prospectus and Information as to recent Successes, A FEW BOARDERS ARE RECEIVED. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, EASTBOURNE. application should be made to the TTwad Master. Tho Principal will be at home to see Parent* on ? , , and 241, High-street, Exeter. Ar.d a t E X E T E R . business every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30 p m. and at Telephone 452. F htsigai Dbill Is eoUpnlBorr for the whole School other times by appointment. WINES, SPIRITS a n d MINERAL WATERS, /"1LOVELLY-KEPPLE STONE \ r i S S BALLS, L.L.A., EASTBOURNE Old Glenlivet Whiskey, 6/- Sc 6/6 per bottle. Pine Old Tawney Port, 36/- A 42/- per dozen. 8TAVILBY. ROAD, MEADS, EASTBOURNE, “ A 1. SPENCER ROAD. R-.'K 8 N O R O F T - B L L 8 8 M K R i», Telephone No. 68. NEW JAMS, BOTTLED FRUltS,, Ac. G■X 1, SPKKOKK HOAD SCHOOL OF COMMEBCE, i ! Telephone No. 118. Successful in Examination Work. \ tl^ui of 52, The A venae^ a m %L- 11, Pevensey-road. 1 s a u to i fo r COACHES IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS OR TAKES Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING BEGINNERS AND BACKWARD PUPILS. IliFS Lloyds wishes to announce that she has arranged Mr*. F. H. Browne and Xiaa Tait-Reid, B.A to receive Into partnership the ensuing torrn Miss (_. A, in 16 LESSONS. BAKER & SONS’ ArolDted by a large Resident Staff of Trained H ighest Refer en c es, Davies, B.A. (Hons.), (Camb. Toachers' Diploma). w. H. ROBERTS, D ipl o m a t e d T e a c h er Certificated English and Foreign Teach ere. (Awarded Gold and Silver Medals). Btlerecoc* kw kindly Permitted, amoaifst many other*. to tfct JLKNGARRY, 3, GRANGE ROAD. — SCHOOL OF DRAMATIC ART, I ►Cowing Eastbourne residents; The Lord and Lbdr WiUingAon G MACHINE MADE BREAD. Shr lintoay IJndoay-Hogir, Bart., and I*dy Licdsaf-HOt*, tbe Be*. A SM VLL CLASS Is held at. the above address THE LODGE, BLACK WATER P.O .) D ILL SIDS, ST. ANNE’S ROAD, Charles Orowden, D.D. (bate Head Master of Eastbourne College for the CHILDREN OF GENTLEPEOPLE only. (Opposite Devonshire Park Theatre). a EASTBOURNE. tod Mrs. Orowdon, Henry Colgate, Esq., BID., F.R.C.8., 0. H Pupils prepared for the Preliminary Cambridge Local Oameron^Esq.. F.R.O.P.. M.B.O.8., D.Ph. Gann, and Mr*. Cameron, Examination. I S S ELEANOR RATCLIFFE, Preparatory School for Boys. DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. E. Frost, Esq., M.D., Astley Roberts, Esq., L B.G P.,and Mrs Astiey MR. W. H. JONES. M.A., F.R.G.8., Clifton College and Roberts, O. O W m Harding. Esq., J.P.. M.B.O.P., L.R.O.P., Beginners received. M 10 years Assistant to Mrs.'WORDSWORTH, Emmanuel College. Cambridge. HECK.IVES BOYS F. Hollins, Esq., and Sdn. HoUins, the Her. 0. and Mrs. Horsbnxrh Apply by letter to MISS E. CLEATHER. H0LD3 CLASSES at the above address tor DEPORT­ SPfiPS. **® prepared for the Publlo Bohoola and ROAD and 175, SEASIDE. Ihe Key. H. and Bin. Jameson, W. J. a Murry, Eeq., M.D., B.N.C., Osborne. 19 & 21, CHURCH STREET; 15, PEVENSEY tod lb s, Merry, Gathorne Orr. Esq., and Bin. Onr. the Boy. Uilinj MENT, GRECIAN, OPERATIC. CHARACTER tod Mrs. Whelpton, the Rot. F. 8. William*, WLA. (Head Master and b a l l -room d a n c in g . Special arrangements for Day FupUa. and the SenB of T el. 169. of Eastbourne College). j^RAWING AND PAINTING CLASSES. Vinton. SA acres of Playing Field 11n Qlldredge Park.- ELOCUTION. MI88 MARGARET BENECKG (a pupil L f Mist Voice Production, Deep Breathing, Gesture, &cJ SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, R o b o r o u o h s c h o o l , Beatrice Maloolm and Mr. W. Rothenateim', IHOLDS F kncinc AND SlXGIN’II. UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. • BOUTH STREET. LIFE GLASSES at THE STUDIO, BATH ROAD TBLUPHONE 623. FREDK. S. SHELLEY, l S (next to 48, GROVE ROAD). The usual Classes at the Grand Hotel. Saffrons Rooiiis. I P. G. GILBERT, B.A. (land.). BOYS ABB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. Principals I D. G. GILBERT, (Loud. Unlv.). Hours dally 10—i and on Tuesday a and Thursdays 7.41 and Devonshire Paik will be resumed in the Autumn. Fees £8 per Annum. -9.46 p.m. Private School for Boys. Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, Hot Water and Electrical Engineer. For particulars, address, Many Choral Scholarships, some of which cover glares fox ohlldreno Special arrangements made wttl ALLANDALE, COOMBE ROAD, CROYDON. Luge Premises with 8 acres of ground. Chemical and Contractor for General House Repairs. tihe whole amount of the Fees. schools. Full particulars on application. Pbvsioal Laboratories. Gymnasium and Playing Fields Preparation for London Matrloulatlon and Oxford ' Office and Showrooms - - - 8,' TERMINUS PLACE. Training for Business Life. DANCING AND ELOCUTION. and Cambridge Looals, For Prospectus and other Information apply rklRECTION LABELS of all kinds mannfae Fees Moderate and Inclusive. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL OJtVEliS. o - P tured at London Prioes at Farncombe 80 Co.'» a d a m e v a n d y c k ’s c l a s s e s THE WARDEN. (Limited) Printing Works. South-street. Raid,bourn.. M are now resumed g T . GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPKRTON), PlatmtU Washed is Rain Water, for the storage of uhieh large underground Concrete Tanks Kaos been constructed. At 'DEVONSHIRE PARK. Special Classes for Operatlo Dancing (Russian Method). FOR BOYS INTENDED FOR BUSINESS LIFE. EASTBOURNE For particulars apply The Subjects of Instruction Include those taught at 2, HABEWOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE. W, a. Public Beoondary Schools and. In addition, spedal SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., L imited, attention is paid to Commercial Subjeots and Modem ]V f IBS MINA HUDSON, Cert. Voo. T .O .I- Languages. LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. AfJL Mem. LS.M., _ For Prospectus apply H ead Mabtxb. crC RECEIVES PUPIL8 for SINGING. VOICE CULTURE Every convenience ia provided tor ensuring the Highest Class ot Work (or Families, Lodging and PIAJNOFORTE PLAYING In London and Ea^tj- Houses, or Hotels, t bonrne. u n ic ip a l school of art TOWN HALL, Eastbourne, Ladies* Choir. Choir Training, given by arrangement. (Technical I nstitute, Grove-road). SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. Preparation for Musical Examinations. Many successes M and honours. Special arrangements for Visitore!| DAY and EVENING GLASSES are held In all Letters should be addressed “ Mrai Hill, Sanitary S t e a m Laundry, Latimer-road, Eastbourne Brsuehce of Art, Including Glasses In Metal Work, Monday, June 18th, at 8 o’clock. Communications should be addressed to Miss Hudson, Willoughby House, Station-parade; or Messrs. Clift. Wood Carving and Leather Work. GUdredge-road; or The Library. Dalton-terracMejida- - Vleltore can join for short periods. MONEY. Kszabubhxd 1879. WARDROBES. streot. MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL MONEY. W. T. LAMB & SON, WARDROBES. FOR GIRLS GIPSY SMITH. ISS M . GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, (Uppebton-hoad). M DipI6ai$e, Paris Pawnbrokers, Jewellers and General Salesmen, {lei CJlftss Gerltfieale), MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL 104, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE, ‘‘Just Behind the Firing Line in France Gives LESSONS in PRiOTIC'.L DRWV)CUTTi\3 FOR BOYS and MAKING, FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING (Technical I nstitute, G rovk-boad). Always ON SALE a Large Assortment of NEW and 8ECUND-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, The Story of Y.M.C A. War Service.” and MILLINERY. Jewellery, Silver Plate, Kleotro-plated Goods, Cutlery, Telescopes, Marine. Field and Opera Glasses, Miss Schofield has bad 15 years' experience with private Prospectus and full particulars uf these Schools can Spectacles, all kinds ot Musical Instruments, Books, &c„ &o. he obtained from THE SECRETARY, Education Com­ poplin and in class tsaohing In schools. mittee. Town Hall. Eastbourne. Cash Advances M every description of Property. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Wardrobes Purchased for Prompt Cash. Chairman! HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR. , [ Blouse Patterns a Speciality. PARTIES WAITED ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. Solos by Mrs. JOHN WATT. 2, CORNFIELD TERRACE K. STYLKR, (TELEPHONE 106). ELSIE S. M. REED, Certificated L SILVERDALE ROAD. EASTBOURNE, ADMISSION FREE COLLECTION FOR Advanced Grade Aeroclated Board R.A.M. and RC.M. Piano a d Organ (Honours), Organist of the (Children not admitted). Y.M.C.A. WAR WORK. Lasibourne College, Assistant Organist at St. Saviour's ij LANGUAGES. MARK MARTIN k SONS Church, Eas bourne. Accompanist to the Eastbourne FOR ' Amateur ,Operatic Society. Open for Engagement a8 Young Pupils prepared, by the best and soundest Accompanist. GIVES LESIONS in PI ANOEURTE and methods, for the Public Schools Entrance Examination. BEALL* HIGH-CLASS WOBK ORGAN PLAYING and in HARMONY and THEORY. Special attention given to LANGUAGES. IN Students prepared for the various Musical Examinations. 4 Kilbcrv Terrace (3 minutes from Station), Eastbourne. Cricket and Tennis* Racquets Restrung. - Building, Decorating, Electric Lighting, Hot Water R . N . COLLIN 8’ SPORTS SHOP, and Sanitary Work. ]yjI3S GLADYS HARRIS, l .r .a.m., a.r .c.m., L SOUTH STREET (Near Town Hall), TEACHER OF EASTBOUBr-;n b . PIANOFORTE, SINGING, CLASS SINGING and VintiMlriMl OMntar Euttsxuxu O.O., 1801-M. THEORY OF MUSIC. Cricket Coach Eastbourne College, 1893-4-5-6 Pupils Prepared for all the Examinations of tho Billiard T ablbs Rh -Covbred and R efaired. FOR THE SPRING & SUMMER. Associated Board, OETZMANN Terms on application to BARCLAYS BANK HOUSE, Terminus- roao. ---- & CO., L t d . , ------\ C H E A L S ’ VVISS B. NOAEES, Certificated In Harmony Geysers, wJL and Counterpoint (Senior Local, Associated Board FOB FIRST-CLASS N r. TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, W. 5l she R A.M. and'R.O.M.. I.);• GSYES LESSONS on the Telephonei MUSEUM "ONE." PIANOFORTEANOFOP.TB andapd_Amorloan Amor__ Organ, and In Harmory OBNAMENTAL T rees Telegrams > “ OETZMANN LONDON.” Hot Water Circulators, md Counterpoint.—For Terms app!pply §, Oalverley-road. Patronised by Royalty. ROSES, (( Cookers, EfMlS THE GYMNASIA F ru it Trees and Hardy Flowers.

C O M P L E T E HOUSE F U S S 1 S 51E It 8, Telephone No. 335. BLACKSMITHS AND_HOILER MAKERS, CHARLES BREACH, And Repairers of all kinds of Maohlnary such as {team, Qas & Water Engines, Hydraulic Lifts, Ac, 6 to 10 and 24 to 27, Kensington Gardens, Brighton. Builder, Contractor and Sanitary Plumber. ASHFORD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Engineering Works at Rear. Vive minutes’ walk from Central Station. Trams stop at Cornell WeBt End Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, Meade ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR GENERAL SOUSE REPAIRS. PIANOFORTES, AMERICAN ORGAN3, ■*- HARMONIUMS and HARPS. Tfl.: P.O., 818. National, 830x. WE GLOBE at ONE o'eloeh on SATURDAY. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. By the Best Makers, on the Lowest Terms, for F.'.le, Hire and on the Three Years’System. Phone 9x. MILLER & SELMES, Estimates Free. LYON & HALL, Warwick Mansion., 5, KING'S ROAI), BRIGHTON. Builders. Dec< rators. Plumbers. Experienced Tuners sent to all parts of the Country. Every Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges, Illustrated Catalogu-.s Free by Po-t. Special attention to D •ainage and Sanitary Worle. 3 d . IRECTION LABELS of all kinds manu­ factured at London Price.- at Farncombe and ( 0.s SMALLER SIZE. Office and Works: TIDE8WELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. D Limited) Printing VVorks, South-street, Eastbourne. ■ T m , w**r - r r - I • > •*. ■ 1 TT *


W. BRTTJOED & SON. ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. “ ALICE SIT-BY-THE-FIRE:” rm i i m iml The admirable performances of the orchestra have This truly original and wholly charming play, which been appreciated by good audiences during the week. reveals. i . in----- whimsical way the altered attitude [ of On Sunday evening there was a particularly satisfactory children------toparents after several years’»’ separation, iej to assembly rn the Winter Garden, and the profframme abe seen under the™ most ‘•favourabl ’VFM.aule conditions at the SOT IT) SILVER WRIST WATCHES presented under Mr. Norfolk Mepone’s able direction Park Theatre. The piece could not well be more effec­ was heartily enjoyed. Specially liked orchestral num­ tively staged, and certainly the outstandinfir roles [of for Service use, luminous dials, jewelled lever bers were the overture to Wagner's “ Rienzi,” Luigini’s Colonel and Mrs. Grey, who return from India to find “ Lfeyptian Ballet” suite, Svendsen’s concert piece, two previously natural and lovable children converted “ Carnaval i\ Paris,” and the fantasia on Sullivan’s into - inveterate prigs, and consumed with artificial movements ... • • • • • • •-/-• • • • • • • 2 1 / - each. “ Patience.” All of these were played in the best style conceits, have perfect exponents in Mr. Randle Ayrton of the instrumental body. Mention must also be made and Miss Irene Rooke. Both are particularly accqm* ofxl_ the' • romanoe, 1 _•_ . “ Hymne______A Sainte _____ OeeHeJ _• J ”- (Gounod), * ■ plished and convincing artists, and their delineations of the violin obligato to which waa played with his usual parts demanding the highest skill and judgment are Ditto, with non-magnetic movement, for use 'in neatness and tasteiste by Mr. lieorgeGeorge OiCathie. Mr. J. T. triumphs of the histrionic art. Mr. Ayrton has found Chipchase_ was warmly encored for his finely rendered evidently a congenial character in the easy-going husband electric work ...... 2 5 / ■ ea°k- cornet solo, “ Let me dream again” (Sullivan). and confiding father, who sees only the bright side | of Miss Kathleen Starling (soprano) was the vocalist, her things, until circumstances seem to show that his confi­ songs being deservedly encored. dence has been misplaced. Miss Irene Rooke proves Owing to the warm, summerlike weather it has been herself a most sympathetic and unaffected actress, and found possible to give some of the afternoon concerts m Mrs. Grey’s treatment of her strangely altered son in the Music Garden, which has enabled promenaders and daughter, she adapts herself wonderfully to the Y ou can4 play t h e W. BRUFOKD & S O N ^ ^ in^ road, and those engaged in lawn tennis and other games to varying moods of the character. In some of the scenes hear the performances, which have afforded much on? , jW® remarkable power of pathetio expressidn. pleasure. On Tuesday afternoon noteworthy items of a The lady wears some handsome gowns, in wnich she select programme were Liszt’s Seoond Rhapsody and an looks extremely well. ‘P ianola9 Piano excerpt from Massenet’s romanoe “ Soenes Alsaciennes,” Chief of the supporting parts is that of the petulant DIXBTS, the choice falling on “ The Lovers’ Tryst,” in which and suspicious “ Amy Grey,” in which Miss Hilda Miss Phyllis Kianer (’cello) and Mr. Henry Oney Bruce Potter is seen to great advantage. As Amy’s ' • O.-u'-U 20, 21, KISS’S ROAD, BRIGHTOH. Branch A Workshops t 96, Western Road, Hovei (clarinet) were the soloists. On Wednesday afternoon voung brother “ Cosmo,” a lad with high notions, There is no longer any need for you to envy those friends the orchestra gave a delightful exposition of Luigini’s Master Eric Burchell is capital; and Mr. Wentwoifth MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS “ Ballet Russe ” suite. The chief pieoee in Thursday’s supplies an excellent portrait of the bachelor friend lof of yours who are expert pianists.; You can get just as fine To the Bu m s * re and County H ospitals, HorgtosJ Aid Soolotiy, fco.. fco, programmes were the suite de ballet “ Les Deux the family, “ Stephen Rollo.” musical results in playing-the ‘Pianola'Pianoas ahighly- JPigeon9 ” (Massager), the fantasia on “ Luoia di Lam- The play has been much enjoyed during the week t>y RIMLESS SPEOTACLES and EYEGLASSES a Speolallte. Spkotacj^bs and Eyeglasses from 2/6. good audiences. | talented pianist can secure in playing by hand upon the .r.. m____ .__ Pm rn «nH Duvu k Or.lRHRS RAROMRTRRfl. THERMOMETERS, TELESCOPES, mermoor” (Donizetti), the Meditation from “ Thais” keyboard. Tovk : Hours, (Massenet),—violin solo by Mr. Oathiejj Brahms’ “ Two The concluding performances take place to-day at Hungarian Dances,” and the fantasia on Gounod’s “ La 2.30 and 8 p.m. Reine de Saba,” to which the orchestra did full justice. (f i , “THE HEADMASTER.” Very simple yet thoroughly effective expression devices The ensuing week-end concerts will be as usual. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next weelk, Private Harry Carson, Canadian Military Hospital- with a matinee on the last>-named day, that clever and make possible this wonderful duplication of all hand- AMATEUR DRAMATICS. (baritone), has been engaged as the vocalist for both : amusing comedy, The Headmaster', will make a welcome played effects. The Metrostyle—the simplest and easiest evening performances. re-appearance. It will be presented by a thoroughly This evening’s popular programme will include the experienced comparfj-. tempo control, a certain and authoritative guide to ‘LADY HUNT WORTH’S EXPERIMENT.” following pieces :— | interpretation. The Themojist—a. device which enables French Presidential March, “ March Lorraine”... A NEW FARCICAL COMEDY. you to play in different degrees of tone, notes which are Bread Order, 1917. Lady Huntivorth’s Experiment—the play which is Overture, “ The Merry Wives of Windsor” ...... At this theatre on Monday, June 18th, for the first being presented by the Eastbourne Amateur Dramatic Fantasia, “ Faust” !...... J...... time on any stage, will be presented Jerome K. struck simultaneously, making melody or theme to s:ng Society at Devonshire Park Theatre to benefit the funds i ‘oncert piece, “ Valse Caprice ” ...... Rubinstein J erome s latest production, callea Cook. ** of looal War Hospitals on Thursday, Friday and Satur­ Descriptive pieces— clearly. These fundamental devices and the many other a. “In a Qiock 8tore” ...... Special announcements will appear next week. mlliililiiilil! day next at 8 o’clock, with a matinee on the Saturday at b. “ Parade of the Little Tin Soldiers ” developments and refinements in ‘ Pianola ’ construction 2.30—is a most entertaining and charming English Patriotic fantasia, “ Our Empire ” ...... ;.... are not duplicated in kind or effect inanyother instrument comedy from the facile pen of that clever playwright, Valse, “ The Grenadiers” ...... J.i...... of the player type. [• J. HAMMICK Ltd., Mr. R. C. Carbon. Finale, “ The Washington Post”....i...... THE PIER. I t was enthusiastically received at its original pro­ To-morrow night the orchestra will perform the duction at the Criterion Theatre, London, some few following programme VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT. years ago, when the author’s wife, Miss Compton, “ March of the Boyards” ...... Halvorscn INVITATION Invite attention to their new [Bread, achieved a signal success in the part of “ Lady Hunt- Overture, Tannhausor” ...... J...... Wagner This week’s entertainment in the Pier Theatre is in the manufacture of which is inclu­ worth,-’ the central figure of the play, who from force of Suite, “ Les Deux PigeonB” ...... Messager composed of a programme of a miscellaneous character We invite you to come1 tc our shcwrrrms ar-d try the ‘Pianola’ Piano. circumstances is compelled to enter the Vicar's house­ Violoncello solo, “ Slavonic Fantasia” .....Popper the various items submitted being by high-class artists, Its wonderful musical capacity—rs technical perfection will surprise ded a large proportion of Oatmeal— hold as cook under an assumed name. Mr. Arthur Miss Phyllis Enid Kidrter. whose efforts give infinite pleasure to the audience. The and delight you. Any model is purchasable from- us upon EASY Bourcbier, Mr. Eric Lewis, Mr. Dion Boucicault and Second Rhapsody ..L..*.....,...... •*,,...... Liszt popular ;prima donna, Miss Constance Drever, occupies th u s materially reducing the weight Excerpts from “ Isa Reine de Saba” ...... Gounod MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Mihs Pollie Emery,, among others, contributed to the Idyll, The Awakening of Spring”...... Sinding a prominent position throughout the entertainment, chargeable to the voluntary ration.— play’s conspicuous success, which was repeated on its “ War March of the Priests ”...... Mendelssohn first appearing in Sanderson’s inspiriting song “ Spring’s revival at the Havmarket soimelittole time later, when— Awakening,” which she renders with such rare charm Sole Local Agents: of beautiful flavour, very satisfying notably—Mr. Cnarles Hawtrey and Mr. Weedon MR. CHARLES HAWTREY AND COMPANY. that the assembly invariably insists on an encore. On Grossmith assumed two of the most important roles, the night of our visit, Miss DreVer sang three songs fpecial Accl and sustaining. Entire success attended the special visit on. Saturday Miss Compton resuming her original portrayal of which met with warm approval, b t | “ Lady Huntworth.” of Mr. Charles Hawtrey, the gifted and popular actor. i A contingent of the Russian Ballet also provides The performance by such well-known local artists as With the other talented members of his London much pleasure by the classical dances, which are company, Mr. Hawtrey appeared before two large CLIFTS, MODEL S o l d in 1-lb. 2-lbs. 4-lbs. each at Miss Elsie Davidson, Mr. R.T. Thornton, Miss Winifred executed with characteristic grace by Mdlles. Aline Farnell, Mr.j J. P. McDonald, Mrs. Cross, Mr. E. audiences, who thoroughly enjoyed the performances, - Aliska and Noveroff. Both before and after the Horace Green, Mrs. McFadden, Lieut. H. C. Glayzer which were extremely olever and entertaining. Mr. interval these talented artists are seen in a series of PIANOFORTE MERCHANTS, 4d. 8d. 1/4 and Mr. H. W. Roll, will no doubt arouse considerable Hawtrey and that charming youhg actress, Mies ciever movements, interpreted with all the skill for interest, and will, we trust be the means of filling the Gladys Maude, were first seeu in the amusing which these exponents of the arb are noted. Theatre at each performance, to the ultimate benefit comedietta, The Complcat Angler, the humour of which Arthur Besoni presents a remarkably interesting of the deserving object for which the performances are was most effectively brought out. Subsequently the conjuring act, in which he_ completely mystifies the .' EASTBOURNE. full company presented the one-aob oomeay, Elegant audience by his wondeiful tricks. He is also an exceed­ It w|ll be known as given. Edward, which also afforded genuine pleasure. Selec­ -Ajyl ; I The production being placed in the experienced hands ingly genial artist, keeping up a flow of bright conver- of Mr. T. Ireby Cape, who has been responsible for tions were given by the Devonshire Park orchestra. satipnai-patter, which is both amusing and smart. His t i 77 many performances of a similar nature in London, and THE “ CAVALRY CRIPPLES.” tnck with a watch will puzzle anyone to find out V I V A T notably for the highly successful production of The “ how it’s done.” Magistrate in Eastbourne some few months agoi The military concert by the “ Cavalry Cripples ” Harry Norton, described as the “ wizard of the con­ attracted a large audience on Wednesday evening, the of the car. It jump9 the track ad it crosses a bridge and (protection of which name has already intending patrons may be sure that no effort will pe certina,” proves himself capable of extracting all kinds PICTURE HALLS. crashes below, a twisted, splintered wreck. ,The spared to present the play in a manner befitting its Winter Garden being completely filled by an assembly of music from his instrument. His classical excerpts detectives following the Mask run up, but no trace of been applied for). reputation. \ which greatly enjoyed the many interesting items are effectively played, whilst his imitations of various his body is found. An episode full of thrills. included in the programme. The company fully main­main- “ noises” are remarkably realistic. Miss Lottie CENTRAL CINEMA. tained their reputation_>utation for putting on a bright and enter- ; Hilliard is also very successful in song and story. “THE KIS3” AND “LITTLE MISS taining “ show,” and, assisted by the excellent band of A couple of short plays fiud an acceptable place iin the 13th Hussars, they succeeded in giving a wholly HAPPINESS.” GIPSY SMITH AND THE Y.M.C.A. the programme, the first being a farcical comedy entitled The special features of the capital programme, now pleasing concert. After the spirited .initial number, j “ Saved by little Albert,” a laughable episode of a young ROYAL HIPPODROME. “ We’ll sing an opening ohorus,” Lo,-Corpl. C. K. F. engaging the attention of patrons are a drama, “ The PHOT< CARLISLE ROAD, tele 323 It is twelve years or more since the well-known man about town, who runs amok and incurs his ripn Alibi,” featuring Mr. James Morrison, and a comedy, h ) Wright, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., contributed a pianoforte uncle’s wrath, and is only saved by the ingenuity of his speaker, Gipsy Smith, visited Eastbourne, and all who solo, Liszt’s “ Rhapsodie Hongroise”! (No 12), which “ The Vagabond,” in which the redoubtable Charlie “ THE BLACK SHEEP OF THE FAMILY.” will (and will come early enough to get in) have tlieoppor- young valet. The characters are ably sustained by Mr. Chaplin cuta-a most amusing figure. Thdmew and up-to-date drama by Gladys Hastings ho interpreted with fine executive skill, giving as an Stephen Bond (“ Bobbie Trent”), Mr. Jaok Rooko CAMERAS. 316 tuuity of hearing him again on Monday, the 18th insb. encore a bright and pretty morccau. Tpr. H. F. Williams “ The Kissj” which i9 bookea for the opening half of Walton, entitled The Black Sheep of the Family, MEADS | - - „ (•‘Uhubbs”), Mr. Andrew Storm (“ Sir Stuart Great- next week, is a* Famous Players’ comedy, in which has been very cordially received by Hippodijome Gipsy Smith has been for some time making himself and Pfce. L. M. Wood appeared in a pleasing duet, “ The heart”), and Miss Annie Mansfield ( “ Mollie ”). FILMS. personally acquainted with the religious and social two beggars,” an item in which the tenor and baritone Owen Moofre, Marguerite Courtot and sundry others audiences during the week. The piece is one which EASTBOURNE. The second piece is a new production, “ The Play- become a confused mixture of complications and kisses. contains many incidents of a strikingly dramatic service going on behind the Firing Line in France, and blended very effectively. Sergt. J. D. Davies greatly stress,” a quaker story, in which Miss Constance PLATES. it is this thrilling story that he is coming to tell. Few amused the audience by his humorous song “ It’s going The story relates to doings at a fashionable masked character, the plot being skilfully constructed, and men are better able to depict to others the great scenes Drever gives a fascinating impersonation of “ Mistress ball to which Luise, a pretty Frenoh private secretary, without introducing any undue or far-fetched sensa­ to be a night that night),” whilst Trumpet-Mai. Twist Ann Waldegrave,” an actress who was formerly turned PAPERS. of which he himself has been eye-witness than this was heard to advantage in Paolo Tosti’s song “ Parted.”r manages to gain admission. The young lion of the tionalism. The Hon. Ralph Sylvester is the “ black .from her home by the Puritanic Abraham Richardson, company, Jean van Vechten, having “been kissed by a sheep ” only in the opinion of his immediate relatives ; famous evangelist, and all who are interested in the A quartette “ Gratitude” (Cyril Staoev), by Sergts/ owing to her propensity for "play acting.” The other PHOTOGRAPH IQ doings of brave men, and in the work of a great organi­ Coker, Dempsey, Boftrdman and Cpl. Swain was fair unknown, goes through the extraordinary process he is the victim, in fact, of an old man’s narrow-minded zation will be repaid by attending the public meeting, parts are sustained by Mr. Stephen Bond as “Abraham of kissing all the ladies present in order to ascertain views and his younger brother’s jealous ambitions. He ROLL OF HONOUR. enthusiastically received, and another popular item was Richardson,” Mr. Andrew Storm as “ John Fothergill” KEOL'ISITES. over which the Mayor has consented to preside. thb “ Concerto” (No. 9) (Beriot), for violin and piano, the identity of his particular admirer, who, of course, will not allow a servant, whom Lionel has grievously and Miss Lottie Hilliard as “ Deborah.” turns out to be the charming Luise. Meanwhile there wrongied, to go into the world penniless and without a which; was skillfully rendered by Tpr. H. Summerlad There will be two performances to-day, at 2.30 and! 8. PRIVATE C. T. CORNFORD. arid Lc.-Corpl. WrightL The character sketches from is the mysterious theft of a valuable necklace, uf which friend, so he gives her the £50 cheque his father has Private Charles Thomas CJomford, West Yorks Regi­ “ Charles Dickens,” by Pte. E. J. Wilton Douiigherty, Luise is wrongly accused. Jean, who has fallen deeply just presented to him. Unfortunately for him Lionel EASTBOURNE NATIONAL SERVICE , l CAPTAIN BESLEY’S EXPEDITION. | in love with the girl, comes to her rescue, and by means obtains possession of the cheque, alters the amount to CUT ment, who was killed iu action in Franoe on May 10th, by thiss ‘WONDERFUL CINEMATOGRAPH PICTURE was the third son of Mr. H.jDomford, late of Ghapel- SEA FISHING SOCIETY. talented elocutionist, whilst the concerted items “ Lazy of a hydroplane boars her to safety and their wished for £500, and then accuses Ralph of forgery, with the result road, Herstmonoeux. Ilis widow and five ohildren old Moon ” and “ Hello! Hawaii, how are you ?” com­ : Captain Besley’s thrilling cinematograph lectur- happiness. that the latter is turned from his home and disowned. reside in Dennisroad. The deceased’s section officer pleted the first part of the programme. .whion is the Pier Theatre attraction,for next week, wi On Thursday and following days the William Fox We subsequently find him in one of the worst quarters writes: “ He is greatly missed by all who knew him The completion of Jhe organisation for sea fishing by After the interval the band of the 13th Hussars, -yen some time ago at Buckingham Palace before I Pireduction, ...... “ Little Miss Happiness,” featuring Miss of Ndw York, where he has unwittingly beoome a party and will be diffioult to replace.” the above society has been temporarily held up penaing under the direction of Bandmaster A. E. Hopkins, and Queen, also at the Royal ~ June Caprice, is likely , to prove very popular. The to the kidnapping of an American heiress, Loyale Dare, the issue of the new regulations by the Admiralty. contributed a number of high-class selections, such Society. Captain Besley (at the request of the Presidi heart appeal in this photo-drama has caused it to be but when he finds Lionel’s name mixed up in the affair PRIVATE F. W. BROWN. These have now been received and duly considered at a favourite items as the selection from “ Cavalleria Ruati- of Peru and Secretary Bryan, U.S.A.), organised referred to ^s “ the sweetest story ever told.” Sadie his suspicions are aroused, and he assists the gjrl to Information has been reoeived by Mr. Brown, of 40, prolonged committee meeting held on Tuesday, and (Rachmin- expedition with the object of discovering the true spur Allen, praotipally driven from home by the cruelty of escape. His brother’s malicious influence, however, Cambridge-road, of the death in action of his son, active steps are being taken to geb‘ready to commence ‘Finlandia” of the Amazon River and reporting on the topograph her father, falls in with Max Barker, a dissolute college still pursues him, and fighting for his country to which Private F. W. Brown, Sherwood Foresters. He was operations. Boats will be purchased or hired, and . „ and the :geology, fauna and flora of certain unexplored region boy, who marries her, and afterwards treats her very he renders distinguished service, we find hrm again ab killed on May 11th by a shell which hurst close to him, Regimental March “ 13th Hussars,” proving a source of* also to ascertain the fate of throe American expeditioi badly. When told that a child may be expected, he Arlingham Hall, where the girl he has befriended causing instant death. much pleasure to the audience. These selections were of which nothing had been heard. The mission wai. heartlessly leaves her, but Sadie finds a friend in a again appears on the scene, and announces her intention interspersed with songs which were rendered by the particularly dangerous one, as only a short time befo country girl named Lucy, who in pity (although her act of telling the truth about Lionel. The latter kills the TELEGRAPHIST A. H. STRONG. opened with an attendant permanently in charge; who following: Col.-Sergb. E. Williams “ On with the a punitive force of 135 Peruvian soldiers had be< becomed the subject of village scandal), takes the child girl ana succeeds in getting Ralph accused of the An Admiralty telegram states that the death has will m \e all information. Due notice will be given in Motley/’ Sergt. F. Boardman “ I did not know,” and ^completely wiped out by the hostile Indians until the mother should regain her health and be able to murder,*but the “ Black Sheep” is acquitted. Lionel ocourred through an e-plosion of Naval Telegraphist the Press as soon as arrangements are completed, when inhabit the . primeval forests of these parts. face her father with the facts. Conscience stricken, crime, and Ralph becomes Albert Henry Strong, whose parents reside at 10, an appeal will be made to willing 'helpers' to come x, Pte. \ The motion pictures, which illustrate Capt. Besley’s Max Barker returns to the village and meets Sadie, to X-TI Furness-road. The deceased, who was only 17 years of forward and assure the success of the scheme. Corpl. lecture, are among the most interesting and instructive whom he confesses the wrong he has done her*. A company are responsible for a 1 ) 0 1 V age, was an old boy of St. Philip’s Sohool and was a C. K. F. Wright as accompanist. ever seen. They show the primeval forests fh all their reconciliation follows; Sadie reclaims her child ; Lucy’s very effective presentation of the play, each member member of St. Philip’s Ohorch Choir. He was formerly grandeur—wild animals, dangerous reptiles and deadly name is cleared, and all is forgiven. working with a conscientipus energy that fully deserves the success the drama achieves. None is more popular until you are re employed by Messrs. Caffyns, during which time he “THE MOUNTEBANKS.’ insects in their native haunts; Indians, their oustoms EASTERN CINEMA. treatment. I mi belonged to the Navel Cadets. He joined the Royal The popular “ Mountebanks” bring a very successful and mode of living; pre-Inca civilisation and many with the audience than Mr. Harry T. Wood, who gives “ THE UNWELCOME MOTHER.’’- “A ROYAL a highly creditable study of the manly and good-natured always be given Navy in 1915. week^ engagement to a oloae to-day. They have thrilling soenes. Probably the most surprising picture lead tcmore auric presented a series of varied and interesting programmes ;bf all, and one which should be an object lesson to all ACROBAT.” “ Ralph.” He acts the part with considerable judg­ The following names have appeared in the ourrent For all Facial Treatm ents ment, and he applies to tne more dramatic passages a ache—a tendIcnevl which have given muoli pleasure to large audiences. thinking people, was taken at La Paz, the capital r* “ The Purple Domino^ is developing most promising­ discomfort week’s official lists of casualties so beneficial to the complexion, in promoting Mr. Leonard Henry, the musioal direotor of the com­ Bolivia. It shows regiments of Indian cavalry, infant] ly, and the episodes^preenea up to the present have vigour and forcefulness that add appreciably to the merit of his performance. Mr. J. Wilton Richards drowsiness


gjniniTHHnitiiiiiiininimiimii8iiminnniHniimniiimmimsmnimninimmmnHjimii;EmmnisinnuniMnmiiir muinHinnmiiiimijiimnsigiiin iUiSIUEinill!lISSES!H!!!ESEmimim!Si!Sllli^!!lllll!Snmimmil!nSSSm!gillllIli=l Eastbourne’s New House Eastbourne residents will be delighted to know that the in beautiful JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, WATCHES, CUTLERY, Etc., at prices that make every purchase a sound celebrated firm of Saqui & Lawrence has opened a branch 5-STONE DIA­ MASSIVE SIGNET Investment. Our unique position as “ London’s Largest MOND RING. 5 RING at 110, Terminus Road—opposite the Station—where the beautiful Dia­ jBeautifully fin­ jew ellers" enables us to command the Jmarket and therefore monds in'1 ished in hall­ extraordinary bargains can be obtained that have made this give exceptional advantages in price impossible to small organ­ i8ct Gold135/- marked 1 C/ get.Gold *«*/" firm famous. The windows and spacious showrooms are isations. The few examples here shown are typical of the DIAMOND AND RUDY RING. 18 ct. DIAMOND CLUS­ crowded with brilliant examples of the world’s best craftsmanship wonderful value in S&qui & Lawrence’s famous offers. Gold, 4 Di a- . TER RING. With monds and 9 Brilliants of fine GOLD CA^EO B?.C Rubies 47/6 E S S £ 10 o Latest fashionable 1 - . w m > LADIES’ WRIST WATCHES beautifully caivc-1. ‘ CARVF.D HALF FINE 3 CLUSTER Fine keyless movement, S i HOOP RING. 5 / RING. Rubies and perfect timekeepers, splen- WEDDING RINGS. Diamonds surrounded by dicL^election of latest designs Latent fashionable Court richly carved 18 Diamonds, in 18 in Gold and Shapes,‘in 22-ct. Solid Gold LUMINOUS 0. Gold. 5 0 /_ Qt. Gold t i n Silver from GOLD LATTICE WRI-T WATCH. mount. • d' iU L t d . at lowest standard \ rices. BROOCH. With every Ring a Special H igh grade jewelled move­ DIAMOND GP SY I 5-STONE DIA­ Elegant design, WEDDING PRESENT ment, perfect timekeeper, KING. x8ct. Gold, \ MOND RING. i8 FULL MONTH’S mounted with Londons Largest Jewellers, shows time instantly by set with 3 tine .Pearls and fins FREE. night or day,.Nic- 1 /£* D i a - CO 1 ct. Gold, set with kel Silver case, *■ I ; \J 5 in a e n i fi cent TRIAL ALLOWED Ajmethyst 1 C / monds. " Brilliants. centre. (Sterling Silver} 27/3, ANY ARTICLE. 1 1 0 , Term inus R oad, GOLD CHAIN Gold, 7 0/-) FINE CLAW-SET ll\ £ 1 2 10s BRACELET. RING 2 Dia­ Hall-i W monds & 3 Sap­ MASSIVE CLAW (Opposite the Station), EASTBOURNE. comp fr phires in ntI /£ RING, Exquisite lock a 1 Set. Gold 1 3/0 Diamond i rir chain. handsome 18 ct GOLD ART FtKF. C Ft 0 SS-I And at 75, N O RTH STREET (Next to s op,o ;. BRIGHTON. 4 2 OVER P.IN< 1. iHct. Gold £8 8s PENDANT. SILVER Gold set with 3 E xquisite new LONDON BRANCHES : PROVINCIAL BRANCHES: : fine Dia->s _ " _ SILyER BACKED BRUSH design in gold, set TRINKET FOX. monds. Beautifully chased in various with Pearls and fine Piccadilly Circus. 54, Strand, W.C. BOURNEMOUTH: 104. Old Christchurch Rd. Chaste design, designs. Enormous rr /Q Garnet centre o o /{* 28-30 Liverpool St.j 3, King St., Hammersmith. MANCHESTER: 17, Piccadilly. inSterling Silver variety from and drop O CHELTENHAM: , High Street with silk //? 276-7, Pcntonvil’.e Road, etc., etc. 121 lining.


PL i ELECTRICITY WORKS STAFF; TWELVE STEEL. B IC Y C LE.i whose special features, with Dunlop tyres and Sturmcy-Archer “ REVIEW” CASES. three-speed gear, make it so much better than other bicycles. The Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear fitted to Raleighs "makes cycling easy." By a touch of the little lever on the handlebar a CONDITIONAL separate gear is provided for hill-climbing, riding on the level, or EXEMPTION FOR DENTAL • speed, as may be required. It adds but ljlbs. to the weight'. MECHANICS. GUARANTEED FOR EVER. r pecial Accommodation for Prices £7 10s. to £14 14s. Bend a postcard for "Tho Book of the Raleigh." Storing Private Effects. EASTBOURNE... BEENEY & C©., Junction Road DEPUTY BOROUGH SURVEYOR ALFRISTON ... A. C. BROUGHTON. North Street. MODERATE CHARGES. A great change is taking place in the selection of RA1L6HAM ... A. S. SMITH, 8, High Sireetl footwear for the holidays. Instead of buying JOINING UP. 1 'Cycling for Health,** by 8!r Frank Bowden. Bart. F.R.G.8.. &c. 100 pp. Is. the ordinary rubber-soled shoes, which often crack In or wear thjn in a few weeks, seaside visitors are A sitting of tho Local Tribunal took place on Wed­ now buying Dickbalata Sand Shoes. nesday at the Town Hall, when there were present Major H. P. Molineux, J.P. (chairman), the Mayor I i| The reason is that Dickbalata Sand Shoes are made of a (Alderman 0. O’Brien Harding, J.P.), the Deputy had very strenuous and trying work, which had to be castle to Eastbourne, being under the impression he was material which cannot crack, is absolutely impervious to damp, Mayor (Councillor C. W. Bolton, J.P.), Mrs. Camp­ taken in eight hour shifts. He did nob see how any one overage. bell, Mr. Claude Bishop, J.P., Alderman E; Duke, of them could be spared. The staff before the war Mr. JBeattie admitted that when the Military Service extremely durable and resists sea-water. J.P., Mr. C. Peerless Dennis, Mr. T. B. Hasdell and numbered 42; 14 had joined the Colours; aud the Act was passed men of 41 were not called up, but they Mr. R. J. Mines, with Mr. H. W. Fovargue (clerk). present total was 36. were liable, and the applicant had had the benefit of The Military Representatives in attendance were Mr. The Chairman : In your opinion is the present number the considerable intervening time. M. H. Beattie and Mr. W. W. Hugill. the least you can; do with ? The applicant was told he would have to join up, but MR. THACKERAY’S CERTIFICATE Mr. Brydges: It is, without risk of interference with he would be given until the end of July. t d the efficient carrying on of the undertaking. Every ] REVIEWED. man is fully employed. BUILDER’S APPLICATION. for review of the exemption Councillor Bolton: Is it possible .to get efficient sub­ Mr. C. W. Cole, builder (represented by Mr. Hill­ R. Thackeray, deputy borough stitutes of non-military age for any4of tnese men? man*) requested further time. He is 38 years of age, is F a m o u s 9 voars of age and is passed " A ” Mr. Brydges replied that he didfuot think it was. He married aud has three children, and is classed Cl. . service). Mr. Beattie said they understood had been, authoritatively assured that it was very It was stated the business was carried on for the PHOTOGRAPHY there was another man in the department (Mr. E. N. doubtful whether any suitable men could be had. widowed piother, who is in. her 73rd year. If the Keay) who could do Mr. Thackeray’s work ; but the Mr. Hasdell said he could not understand why electric applicant ^’us called up tho business must collapse. BOOTS & SHOES. Tribunal! were tho best judges of that. light hands could be taken and not the gas stokers. Applicant gave particulars of tho kind of woik ho CAMERAS. PRINTING. Ladies and gentlemen taking a hard-earned | Replying to the Chairman, Mr. Thackeray said three Mr. Brydges: That is a mystery. Gas undertakings.' was doing,\ adding that he was busy although people men nad been called up from bis department. Ho had are protected from one end to tho other. were only orderiug absolutely necessary work. DEVELOPING. holiday at the seaside, and perhaps indulging Twelve weeks. FILMS. in a little golf, will find DICK’S Box Calf sc)le charge, Mr. Keay being his chief assistant. The Chairman Wo shall adjourn all these cases until ' Alderman Sharp, deputy chair hi an of the Highways jan answer has been received from the Ministry of ENGAGED ON CONTRACT WORK. PLATES. ENLARGING. Brogue Shoes the acme of comfort. Whilst and Drainage Commute, said Mr. Thackeray was Munitions to the application to certify the works. IIow being very flexible they are at the same time filling a jrory important and responsible po9t, being in long that will be we can’t, say, but I don’t anticipate it Mr. Brading, ironmonger, &e., claimed an electrician ! PAPERS. SKILLED WORKMEN. exceptionally strong and durable, and charge of tho sanitary work of the borough,—the will be very long. and fitter, :L. B. Borkett (32), C2, married, who, he keep their good shapo Und appearance 1 1 drainage and roads. In fact the office was a " big said, was engaged on contract work of some importance, j PHOTOGRAPHIC QUICK AND always. They are ideal for the sea front thing,” ind required a man of knowledge and experi­ EX-ASSISTANT ART MASTER. Tho contracts would take at lta.sk two months to [ ence and one who could be relied upon. Mr. Thackeray complete. ^ or promenade. Aeroplane Draughtsman. Mr. Hugill urged that Borketb ought to be replaced REQUISITES. RELIABLE. had been quite willing to join up if he could be dispensed Mr. W. H. Millington, formerly assistant master at with, but hitherto the committee had not felt that he by a substitute. Ho would be useful for wiring on board DICKBALATA SAND SHOES the Municipal Art School, attended on the military ship. Originally he was 03 and was now 02. could be spared. Mr. Koay had been with them many [application for a review of his conditional certificate. are infinitely superior to rubber-soled shoes, both years, and they were able to place reliance on his Alderman Duke : Gone up a stage. for adults and children. They will stund much |The case had been adjourned to. enablo him to obtain Application refused, but not t6 be called up for eight CUT PRICES. character and ability, so that if it was thought Mr. I munition work. Mr. Millington said he had obtained rough wear, and, owing to their durability, they Thackeray ought to go they did not wish to stand in his weeks. No further application to bo made without 1 are lasting and economical. After using them [an appointment as a draughtsman in connection with leave. 1 - . \ for tins year’s holidays they can be put by in Way, bat would carry on as best they could. At the [aeroplane work with the firm of Caffyn, Ltd. He good condition for next year. same time he was bound to saying that Mr. Thackeray’s produced a letter from the company confirming this GARAGE PROPRIETOR GIVEN CONDITIONAL departure would be a loss to the town. ''■ill and see our Stock and obtain free descriptive jstatement. EXEMPTION. booklet at our EASTBOURNE BRANCH:— ! The Town Clerk: Mr. Keay is, I believe, medically ; Mr. Beattie: We. still think lie ought to be in the rejected? jarmy. The point is, he is a conscientious objector. Is Mr. B. F. Bovill(34), B2, jsinglo, proprietor of Bovili’s 53.Terminus Road, 39, Grove Road, I Alderman Sharp: Yes. [that not so, Mr. Millington? Garages, applied for a renewal of- his exemption. Mr.' Thackeray said another member of the staff had [ Mr.-Millington:: I made a statlemenb to that effect. Rejected in December, 1915, he was re-examined on tho b?en passed C3. Mr. Hasdell: Yes, but he did’not obtain his exemp­ 15th May last and passed B*2. EASTBOURNE. [Mr. Beattie: Which means that under the circum­ tion on that ground. Medical certificates were put in, and Mr. Glenistier ; EASTBOURNE (Only address in Eastbourne.) stances he would not be disturbed. | Mr. Beattie : I know j but tjhere is a certain incon­ also called special attention to Mr. Bovill’s Red Cross • • tf.1. ( 'The Chairman: Has Mr. Keay been re-examined sistency in a man claiming to be a conscientious services, in connection with which a certificate .was uhder the new order? [objector undertaking munition work. presented.; ir. Thackeray : Yes, he has been rejected a second Mr. Millington proceeded to read a statement des­ Having fjully considered tho application, especially in e. relation to; Mr. Boyill’s health, the Tribunal grunted S cribing the steps he bad taken to give effect to the conditional exemption, applicant to continue his Red Mr. Beattie : That is final for at least six months. wish of the Tribunal, and added that he felt he was Cross work. iCoun^illor Bolton (to Alderman Sharp): If Mr. rendering useful uational service. D O N O T WAIT Tpacketay went might it be possible to get somebody The Cnairman : That letter bears out what you say. MILK ROUNDSMAN’S EIGHT CHILDREN. over the military age to give a considerable amount of We shall confirm the conditional certificate. It will A milk roundsman named A. It. Kqnward (40), LI, / V i assistant ? continue all the while you are doing work of national married, eight children, applied for a renewal of his until you are really ill before resorting to !Alderman Sharp: Wo don't anticipate having to do importance. certificate'. treatment. Immediate attention ehould that. We should rely oil Mr. Keay. DENTAL MECHANICS INDISPENSABLE. Mr. Kugill dissented. always be given to minor ailments lest they I Mr. Thackeray said that six months ago he volunteered Mr. Glenister, who appeared for the applicant, said lead to more serious trouble. A bilious head­ for the Road Construction Corps, He did not follow it Review was asked of the conditional certificates the latter had one son in tho army and another would ache—a tendency to constipation—a feeling of up, and he found since then the corps was closed, If it granted to the following dental mechanics :— shortly be eligible. The other six children were all discomfort after eating—a sensation of was likely to open again and he could undertake work E. T. Adams (32), C3... Employed by Mr. Myers. under 15 years of age. drowsiness l during working hours—impaired in that department he should be grateful. R. H. Bowklcy:* * B1 Mr. De Mierre. Applicant testified, to the ill-health ut tho sun came out for Sold only In Tins, 3d., 0d , & Is. each. members of Approved Societies are administered as they were employed for generating electricity for public Mr. TBeattie : We say neither part of his business is the ceremdny. An old proverb svid something to the previously by the Societies, The flowers they laugh in their lowly beds purposes and for camps and hospitals. Application had essential, and despite his low weight he would be a effect that!'" happy is tho bride tho sun shines on.” It i___ A _____ disena'laTged soldier who is not a member of an As they open their eyes in wonder, been made to the Ministry of Munitions to formally useful driver of a mechanical transport. Open-air life was not for him to say much or. rhut point, but he would Approved Society should send in to the Insurance Oom- They sing, they pray with adoring heads, certify the works, which would relieve the employes of might put him all right. . !I say thoy had" both been very happy at St. Saviour’s, Unssioners, Maida-hill, London, W.9, his Army Form For a glory of green and of silver threads any liability to undertake military service; but no Twelve weeks’ further exemption was granted. j They had been there 22 years, .so that it was, as Mr. 0 . 1845, when completed and signed by him, and com­ Now tne earth is all riven asunder. definite reply had been received. A”form sent down by Hurt had reminded them, that most of their married life municate with the Insurance Committee at its offices, 5, O the bonds they wear are of jewels blest, the Board had been filled up with details of the number ANOTHER DEVONSHIRE TARK MUSICIAN had been passed there (applan ••). The Food Beverage Pevensey-road, Eastbourne, as to any matter upon And they lisp like babes on their mother's breast. of munition works supplied with power, and other par- TO GO. for all W ar W orkers. which he requires information. Medical and Sanatorium F. W. Orde W ard. ticulari and it was returned a week ago. Exemption was asked for Mr. T. L. Hinkinson (41), Benefits are administered by the Insurance Committee. Mr. QBrydges, electrical engineer, in reply to the A, married three children, bombardon player in the "Calling-up’’ papers li.-v:ng been served on Any discharged sailor or soldier needing advice as to Mayor, said the stokers were not stokers in tne ordinary Devonshire Park orchestra. a fivo months old boy at Hull, -v mother on Monday his position in relation to National Health Insurance Alabaster is so called from “ Alabastion,” in sense, as they had machines to adjust and look after. Mr. Glenister, on behalf of the applicant, said Mr. took the child to the recruiting office and satisfied the 1 may put himself into communication with the Clerk to Upper Egypt, where it abounds. They had also steam pumps to attend to. The stokers Hinkinson had removed with his family from New- military authorities that an error had been made. EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, f917.

ESTABLISHED 1832. 1878, J. O. TOWNEE * BBO: ARDEN St C O ., SONS, o AUCTIONEERS, AUCTTIONEER3, EASTBOURNE. DEVONSHIRE PARK o u s e a n d e s t a t e HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. LADIES’ TAILORS, SURVEYORS AND VAL SURVEYORS. VALUERS X K D X J i r . THEH AUCTION MART. BT. 84, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. EASTBOURNE. Offioes .... 10, CORNFIELD ROAD. Manager and Secretary E dgab Allan Bbown. For Particulars Of Properties To Let and for Sale Telephone Eastbourne 1234. Telephone: NINE. Telegrams: ‘CONCERT8.” SPECIALITY. by Private Treaty see page 8. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. Ail Garments Made on the Premises by First-class Workmen in good Sanitary Workshops. THE AUCTION MART, TUESDAY NEXT. 57. TERMINUS ROAD. E4*TBOOURNE. EASTBOURNE. Devonshire Park Orchestra. Iff THE . VAUDEVILLE PAVILION. J. 0. TOWN KB * BBO)K Z iS T Situate near the Sea Front, 8hopa and Railway Station Musical Dibkotor : Are Instructed to Sell by Public Auction, at The and adjoining Devonshire Park and Theatre. THIS DAY (SATURDAY), at 3 and 8, Telephone No. 441. JOHN Auction Mart, on THURSDAY. 14th J unk, 1917. OAKDEN * 00. MB- NORFOLK KROONS. o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e & e f f e c t s , Have received instructions to offer for Sale by P ublic | Last Two Performances of G oldsm ith including brass. Iron and oak French bedsteads Auction, at the Town Hall, Eastbourne, on andH bedding, bedchamber furniture In mahogany and TUESDAY NEXT, the 12rH J une, 1917, at Throe Silversmith other woods, dining room and drawing room suites, O dock in the Afternoon precisely, all that CONCERTS. “ THE MOUNTEBANKS.” couches, easy and occasional oholre, box ottoman oonoh, Terminus Road weU-made mahogany pedestal sideboards, extending- e t a c h e d b u i l d i n g , TO-DAY (SATURDAY) at 3.30 and 8.15. frame dining table, card and occasional tables In various D HAVING W atch m aker woods, oak bureau bookcase, three small bureaux, open * j FOUR SELF-CONTAINED FLATS TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) at 8.15. One W eek, commencing MONDAY, J une 11th, and enclosed bookcases, walnut chiffonier, ebonlsed (To be completed), known as Every Evening at 8. a, Jew eller. china cabinet, small billiard table, hall furniture, carpets, L CHISWICK PLACE. _ Vocalist at both Concerts: coal vases. "Fitsroy” barometer, Chubb's fireproof safe, Each Flat contains entrance hall, four bedrooms, draw­ Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 3. gramophone and records, docks, pictures, ornamental ing room, dining room, kitchen, larder, scullery, two PR IVATE HARRY CARSON, items, ohina and glass, books, two luncheon baskets, Baritone, WELCOME RETURN‘.ETURh VISIT JOHN two wringing and mangling machines, knife machine, water closets, bath room. OF • V two bicycles, garden tent, garden chairs, laiawn mower, There are superior fittings in the way of stoves, carved Canadian Military Hospital kitchen utensils and effects. wood mantels and marble hearths and sides. The (By kind permissiod of Colonel Seaborn). THE NEW VAUDEV,ri h ^ k PRODUCTION, E stablished 1880. Sale to oommence at TWO o'clock. ground floor flat is fitted with electric power for heating. 6 i On View the Day previous. Electric light and eleotrio bells throughout. NEXT WEEK. VOGUE,’ R . FRANCIS a n d SONS, L t d ., Catalogues of the Auctioneers. Constant hot water supply. Central heating. EVERY AFTERNOON (except Sundays) at 3.30. The Greatest Entertainment since The By Order of the Trustee of G. H. Vine, deceased. Estimated to produce EVERY EVENING at 8.15. THE EASTBOURNE CEMETERY MASONS P e r 45700 ANNUM. Follies.” Monumental Sculptors and Engravers. EASTBOURNE. ( Large Garden. OPEN DAILY. N EW INJ illiam the undersigned, as Solicitors for the said W Have boen favoured with iuBlructions to Sell by Estimated Rental Value, The Children’s Corner Delano, on or before the 30th day of J une, 1917, after . P er £100 Annum. Mixed Bathing takes place on Mondays, which date the said W illiam Delano will proceed to P ublic Auction, on the Premises, on TUESDAY, In charge of MISS K. H. JENKINSON. D0ULL, distribute the Assets of both of the said Deceased J une 19th, 1917, at Twelve o’clock precisely, tho The Property is held tinder lease from the Gilbert Estate Wednesdays & Saturdays, S to 6.SO p.m . P honJ firths, ifturtiages and geaths. amongst the Persons entitled thereto, harlDg regard ALU ABLE CONTENTS o f t h e ABOVE for a term of ninety-nine year# from 25th December. D a il y ...... 11 to 1, and 3 to 5.30. only to the Debts, Claims and Demands of which he shall 1888—thus having over seventy years unexpired—subject ALSO PRIVATE- HOT SEA AND FRESH to an annual ground rent of £10.15s. Od. BIRTH then have had notice, and he will not be liable for the Healthy Open-Air Amusement amid beautiful WATER BATHS. Assets or any part thereof so distributed to any Person W ith Possession. . surroundings, with absolute safety for KIDDLES.—June 6th. at 19,Terminus-road,Eastbourne, or Persons of whose Debt, Claim or Demand he shall not walnut drawing room suite, elegant walnut and ormolu Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained Full Particulars on application (Telephone or Personal) the wife of R. H. Riddles, of a daughter. Both doing then have had notice. mounted cabinet, powerful telescope, microscopes, from Leslie O. Wintle, Esq., Solicitor, Eastbourne: and the Young People. at the Baths Office. well. Dated this 31st day of May, 1917. upright iron-frame grand pianoforte by Oetzmann, from the Auctioneers' Offices, 10, Cornfield-road, East- Brussels and pile carpets, books, plated goods, linen, bourn e. POOLE & ROBINSON, marblo clocks, ornamental items, kitchen utonsils and Telephone Eastbourne 1234. Seats may be Booked for any of the above Concerts, Entertainments, &c., at the Box Office, MARRIAGES. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. COX—LOMAS-SMITH.—On Saturday. June 2nd, at the 15, Union court, Old Broad-street, E.C., other effects. j j . ' l l 1 Devonshire Park, at any time, or at Clifts' Pianoforte Saloons, 4, Gildredge Road, Central Wesleyan Church. Eastbourne, by special Solicitors for the said W illiam Delano. On View the Day Previous. opposite the RaAhcay S ta tio n . E3J license, by the Rev. K. C. Lansdown, Assistant Pay­ Catalogues of the Auctioneers, 110. Terminns-road, TUESDAY NEXT. master Arthur Cox. R.N.R.. only son of the late Mr. E HELEN BELL CHURCHILL HAMILTON Eastbourne. EASTBOURNE. A. H. Cox and Mrs. Cox, of Calverley road, to Winifred THE HOUSE TO BE LET UNFURNISHED. In the Centre of the Borough, close to the Railway Mabel, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lomas- R D eceased. Station, Shops, Sea Front and Devonshire Park. 1, WILMINGTON GARDENS. . Smith, Briar Mount, Ashburnham - gardens, East­ bourne. NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN that all Creditors and O A K D EN & CO. OAKDEN & CO.- e m o v a l s MARTIN—GEERING.—On June 2nd, at Denton Pariah other Persons having any CLAIMS or DEMANDS under Have received instructions to submit for Sale bv Have received instructions to Sell b f P ctblio Auction, PIER THEATRE, Church, by the Rev. W. ICimpston, 2nd-Corporal against the ESTATE of HELEN BELL CHURCHILL R personal supervision. P ublic Auction, at the Town Hall, Eastbourne, upon the Premises, as above,' on WEDNESDAY- EA.STBOURNE, .Frederick George Martin, R.E., to Mary Eliza (May), HAMILTON, late of Number 29, East Dean-road. East­ AREHOUSING in on TUESDAY NEXT. 12th J une, 1917, at Three J une 20th, 1917, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Geering, of bourne, in the County of Sussex, Widow, deoeased, who New Centra Lock-up Stores. o’clock in the Afternoon precisely, all that Manager G. Hayes. Denton. died on the 27th day of February, 1917, ahd Letters of W TTOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Administration of whose Estate were granted by the For Lowest Quotations apply e a s e h o l d p r o p e r t y , JLJL including the contents of thirteen ODELL—JONE8.—May 31. at St. Matthew’s Church, KNOWN AS .. __-___ i of thirteen bedrooms, TO-DAY (SATURDAY), at 2.30 and 8. Brighton, by the Rev. R. W. Odell, M.A. (vicar), father Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His l f r e d w r ig h t , ,, L somprising bedsteads, bedding, carpets, wardrobes, of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. G. G. C. Storrs, Majesty's Hign Court of Justice on the 31st day of May, 85, 87, 101, 103 and 108, SOUTH STREET,; “ THE LODGE” STABLING AND “ THE LODG vashstands* dressing tables, pedestal cupboards, toilet THE FAMOUS PRIM A DONNA, s u s s 1917, to Gilbert Scott, tho Administrator of the Estate A and Wish Road. g a r d e n ; b l a c k w a t e r ro a d . ware, toilettnirrors and chimney glasses: mahogany and M.A. (curate), Lieut. Noel Ewart Odell, R.E.. to of the said Deceased, are hereby required to send the oak sideboards, extending dining tables, suite of six Gwladys Mona, youngest daughter of the Rev. Robert Particulars in writing of their Claims or Demands to Frontage to Blackwater-road, 65 feet more or li oak-framed dining chairs, couches, easy chairs, Chester­ MISS CONSTANCE DREVER, Jones, M.A,, rector of Gyffin, Carnarvonshire. thb undersigned Solicitor for the said Administrator on return frontage to Wish-road, IDO feet more or li field settee, three drawing room suites, ebonised display or before the 12th day of J uly, 1917, after which date the rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the " The Lodge " Stabling was let on a three years’ tenancy, cabinet, ornaments, pictures, cottage pianoforte, tele­ GOLDEN WEDDING. said Administrator will proceed to distribute the Assets expiring 25th May, 1917. at £80 per annum, including scope and stand bv Clarkson, curtains, linen, china, of! the said Deceased amongst the Persons entitled PARTHETHE RS HIP hieretofore subsisting between rates and taxes, and the tenant is continuing as a weekly glass, spring roller blinds, curtain poles, electric light “THE PLAY-ACTRESS,” JOHNSON—BEAN. — At Holy Trinity Church, East­ ns the undersitundersigned__ THCOMAS COX and GEORGE tenant. “ The Lodge ” garden is in hand. bourne, Alfred Johnson to Emma Bean, J une 9th, 1867. thereto, having regard only to the Debts, Claims and WILLIAM- HARRIS, carrying c a l______on Business______as Newe­ and gas fittings, culinary utensils and miscellaneous AND OTHER’ ATTRACTIONS. —17, Gorringe-road, Eastbourne. 1 Demands of which he shall then have had notice; and he agents and EtationeraStationers st at No. 7, Junction-road. ' ' "No. 3.' Held for a term of nioety-nine years from 21th effects. will not be liable for the Assets of the said Deceased, or Crown-street, and 1a, Church-street, all in Eastbourne. 18S6—having, therefore, sixty-eight years nnexpi Items on View Tuesday, 19th June, from Ten till Seats (including Tax): 3 3, *2 2, 1 8, 1 2. 7d. and 5d. DEATHS. any part thereof, so distributed, to any Person or Persons in the Countyof Sussex, under thi or firm of an annual ground rent of £25. Four o’clock. Seats at S'S, 2 2 and 18 may be reserved in advance at of whose Claims or Demands he shall not then have had ‘COX and HARRIS," has b e e n _ LVED BY W ith P ossession. Sale to Commence at TWO o’clock precisely. the Pier Gates (TeL 574). GAIN.—On______31st May, lay, at EEastbourne, astt______Matilda Purdie, notice. DiaSoi MUTUAL CONSENT as and from thethe E Kioiighthighth day of Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained Catalogues will be obtainable at the Auctioneers’ widow of the late Herbert Horatio Gain, R.N. Funeral Dated this 6th day of Juno, 1917. Hay, 1917. AU debts due to and owing by the said late from Messrs. Hammond & Richards. Solicitors, 26, Offices, 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. WE at Extra-Mural Cemetery, Brighton, on 5th inst. Firm- will be received and paid by the said Thomas Cox, Lincoln’s Inn-fields, London, W.C.: and from the Auc­ MONDAY, J une 11th, and during the Week. EARL.—Amy Liddy, the loved twin daughter of Mr. ARTHUR WM. ARNOLD, who wiU continue to carry on the Business under his Telephone Eastbourne 1234. WE I Terminus-buildings, Eastbourne, tioneers’ Offices, 10, Corn field-road, Eastbourne. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. •' Every Afternoon at 2.3b and Every Evening at & Charles Earl and the late Mrs. Earl, of 2,Leslie-street, own name. Telephone Eastbourne 1231, ' Eastbourne, was called suddenly home on June 7tli, - Solicitor for the said Administrator. Dated the Eighth day of June, 1917. . -ul HT I: aged 24 years. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. Capt Besley’s Thrilling Motion Pictures NORMAN.—On the 5th Jane, at 13, Lushlngton-road, THOMAS COX. Eastbourne, William Henry Norman, sgea 76. No REDERIC EDWARD WEBB, OEO. W. HARRIS. TUESDAY NEXT. “PROM PACIFIC flowers by request. F Deceased. Witness to the Signature of the said Thomas Cox and J ohn Boyles, Deceased. DEVONSHIRE PARK ORCHARD.—June 5th, at Victoria Hospital, Lewes, George William Harris :— BLACKNESS, HANKHAM, WE8THAM, SUSSEX. after serious operation, Frank Clewes Orchard, of Pursuant to the Statute 22ud and 23rd Victoria, chapter WALTER HY. BURT, TO ATLANTIC.” Westholme, The Wallands, Lewes. 35, intituled “An Act to Further Amend the Law of SoUoitor, Eastbourne. O A K D X N At O O . THEATRE. ACROSS UNEXPLORED SOUTH AMERICA. SHEARS.—Jane 2, at Bexhill, Beatrioe Jane Margaret, Property and to Relieve Trustees.” Have received instructions to submit for Sale b' P ublic Auction, at the Tows H all, Kastboubne, Sole Lessees and Managers—Murray King & Clark From the Philharmonic Hall, London. wife of James C. Shears, of 8. Uxbridge-road, Kingston- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all CREDITORS (Murray King Boulger Webb & Charles Clark). on-Thames, aged 58. . ------and other PERSONS having any DEBTS, CLAIMS, or o y a l a c a d e m y OF M U S I C ; on TUESDAY NEXT, the 12th J unk, 1917, at Three P ersonally E xplained by CAPTAIN BESLEY. .EAR] DEMANDS against the ESTATE of FREDERIC York Gate, Marylebone-road, Londi N.W. o’clock in the Afternoon precisely, all that Telephone 121. KILLED IN ACTION. RInstituted 1SSS. Incorporated by Royal Charter 18S0i Seats (including Tax)...... 2/2 to 5d. FOR MULLENS.—May 20, Arthur George, tho youngest and EDWARD WEBB formerly of Ethelreda House. Exning, REEHOLD PROPERTY, dearly-loved son of Louisa and the lateOeorgeMullens, in the County of Suffolk, butlate of “ Cowdray,” Charles­ THE METROPOLITAN EXAMINATION ■ F Consisting of a of 9, Salehurst-road. Eastbourne, aged 21 years. ton-road, Eastbourne, in the County of Sussex, Retired or DETACHED RESIDENCE THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING at 8. MONDAY, J une 18th. Every Evening ab 8. DOTJLL, Trainer of Racehorses (who died on the 27th day of Musical Composees, P ebfohmkbs and Teachers, r March 1917 and whose will was proved in the District Divided into two, ono of which is known as - -jMct^incc To-Day (Saturday) at 2.30. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30. P a r c e l! Telephone 125x. Registry at Lewes of the Probate Division of His Successful Candidates are created LICENTIATES of SPRINGFIELD COTTAGE. Majesty'sUaiAutn'o Hint.High GrttipfCourt rxAof Justice Tneilna Anon thathe IQfH19th day qofJ JJptrMay the ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, and have the sole Mr. ROBERT BRASHER presents Mr. H. B. Irving’s right of appending the letters L.R.A.M. to their names. Each dwelling containing parlonr, kitchen, scullery, two IMPORTANT ENGAGEMENT OF Great Success, AMES ANDREWS, Mason and Bculptob, by Geobgb W illiam W ebb and Qeorok J kffkbwefferson bedrooms. Works : Baker’s-road (near St. Mary’s Church). the Executors therein named) are hereby required to Tne Examinations are held during the Summer and J send particulars, in writing,w i"' of their —Debts, Claims, Christmas Vacations. Last day for entry for the Gas. Well water. IRENE BOOKE “ SE A R C H L IG H T S,” Residence, Office and Show.room: C u i m Villa, Gobs Demands to us thoin opder-signedupb______as Solicitors ______to the said September Examination, 30th J une, 1917. Entries can be Eastbourne Company's water main in the road, i AND P ark (adjoining the Cemetery), ~ received until July 31st on payment of a late fee of 5s. By Horace Axnkslev Vachell Executors on or before the 7TH day of J uly, 1917. after Springfield Cottage hasa kitchen garden attached which Direct frbrn the Savoy Theatre, London. Designs and Estimates Furnished. which date the said Executors wiU proceed to distribute Syllabuses, Entry Form and aU further information is in a fine state of cultivation. Vinery. RANDLE ARYTON ■^yOMENS f the Assets of the said Deceased amongst the Persons may be obtained on application to Hon. Local Repre­ The Property has an area of about entitled thereto, having regard only to the Debts, Claims, sentative, or to J. A. Creighton, Secretary to the RAM . i * * IN bUbhAbel 78 Mm. Telephone Ilea 801 and 808. and Demands of which they shaU then have had notico, H alf-an- Acre. THURSDAY, J unk 28th. and that they wiU not be liable for the Assets, or any W ith P ossession, FLYING MATINEE, at 2 p.m. A Gs AI NS A SON, part thereof, so distributed to any Person or Persons of Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained ‘ALICE SIT BY THE FIRE/ Wi whose Debt. Claim, or Demand they shaU not then have ERRYS AUCTION ROOMS From the Kingsway Theatre, London. a TODBBTAKHBS. AND SALE YARD from Messrs. Coles, Sons & Tilburn, Solicitors, Claremont y had notioe. T B SIR J , M. BARRIE, GROUNDS OF Funeral Carriage and (adjoining the Estate Offloee), Chambers, Eastbourne; and from the Auctioneers’ Dated this 7th day of Jane, 1917. i Offices, 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. Author of “ Little Minister,” “ Kiss for Cinderella,” “ GHOSTS,” l|y kind permit Kotor Heane Proprietor*. 19. CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Telephone Eastbourne 1231. Ac. A. H. and A- RUSTON, Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. By Henrik Ibsen. Translated by W illiam Archer, Iv A n l *3, CAVENDISH PLAGE & 19, SOUTH STREET ■ Newmarket, Telephone 844. i ■ THE ACTUAL LONDON COMPANY. Oh TUESDAY,} Solicitors for the said Executors. BI-WEEKLY SALES. TUESDAY NEXT. JU N E U th, 12th and 13th, Monday, T uesday and Goods can always be Included. W ednesday, at 8, and One Matinee, W ednesday, Seats ... 7 6 to I -. Reservable from 2/- upwards. I1 Tel. 788. 1. B. A. HAY LAND, Tel. 788. EASTBOURNE. Special Dates bt Arrangement. at 2.30. L A D | OAKDEN & OO. fTNDERTAKKR A FUNERAL CARRIAGE /CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. These 8ale Rooms are noted for the advantageous CYRIL MAUDE’S Great Success, TWICE DAILY, at 3 and 7.45. (Commandant,I U PROPRIETOR. I. ^ PRIZE DISTRIBUTION Disposal of Furniture, Antiques, Works of Art, Old Have received instructions to submit for Sale by P ublic Auction, at the Town Hall, Eastbourne, U In the Bandstand. HEARSES. China, Pictures, Plate, Jewels. Curios, Wines, Sculpture, THE HEADMASTER.” OPEN OARS, GLASS OS CLOSED By the Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF LEWES, Coins, JeweUery, Animals. Birds: Stock-In-Trade, Car­ on TUESDAY’ NEXT, J uneunk 12th,. 1917, at Three SpeAker riages and Horses, Motor Oars, Bieyoles, Boats, fto. o'clock in tho Afternoon precisely, all that A Delightful English Comedy, to Years' London Experience. TOWN B ALL, Eastbourne, on MONDAY, ALFRESCO PIERROT CONCERTS '‘Personal Fxperiend June Uth, at S o’clock. Best value is always obtained at these Auction Rooms, E ASEHOLD PROPER TY, Including JAMES HARCOURT. in War Zone, and a<| ARTIFICIAL WREATHS IN GREAT VARIETY. being largely attended by local and country buyers, also KNOWN AS His W orship the Mayor will Preside. buyers from London, Brighton, Lewes, Hastings, tea. » SUNDAY NEXT, J une 10th, at 3. with tpioFrench Arn 18, PBVENSUY ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Admission Free. GOODS PURCHASED FOB CASH when Desired. No. 14. ELMS AVENUE. JU N E 14th, I5th and 16th, for Three Nights at 8, ______S______Hon. Secs.: Miss Gregg (Girls), Rev. W. F. Abton (Boys). NO EXPENSES. The accommodation comp- ises six bedrooms, bath m, The Blue Boy Band. A /Cl Established 1374. two reception rooms and domestic offices upon me and One Matinee, Saturday at 2.30. Furniture Sales at Private Houses. level as^the reception rooms. Bandmaste^ ...... W. J. McConnel. ^ ROBERT 8 H A R T , SHARE SALES AND PROPERTY SALES. ^ Estimated rental value Eastbourne Amateur Dramatic Society (By kind permission of Col. J. S. Bostock, r.a.m.c.). 0RDER OF THE 8TAR IN THE EAST. VALUATIONS. TCRTAKKR A COMPLETE FUNERAL Pkr £70 Annum. | IN M HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY—Exolnalve Lists The Property is held under lease for a term of ninety- u ™ FURNISHER, PUBLIC LECTURES of Houses for Sale and to Let. nine years from March 25, 1901—thus having about “LADY HUNT WORTH’S SUNDAY EVENING at 8. INSURANCES of every description effected. 14, H igh-street, Old E astbourne. At the GALLERY KINEMA, 63o, Terminus-road. eighty-two years unoxpired—subject to an annual ground Rents CoLLEOTKDand Property efficiently managed. rent of £15. 5s. EXPERIMENT.’ SPECIAL CONCERT by t h e Funerals Conducted to AU Parts. SATURDAY, J une 9th.—5 p.m., “ The Need for a TER R Y S (F.A.I.) W ith P ossession. New Social Gospel,” by Rev. Scott Nonoriep. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained Knuts Kamp Koncert Kompany, 8.15 p.m. — Conference on “ Educational and tts Years’ Local Experienceh from Leslie C. Wintle. Esa., Solicitor? Eastbourne ; a 1 MONDAY, J une I8th, for Six Nights at 8. ■ Irom the Summerdoirn Convalescent Hospital. ENTRAL WESLEYAN CHURCH, Ohildren’s Problems ” from the Auctioneers’ Olilces, 10, Cornfield-road, East- Two Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday, at 2.30. By kind permission of Col. J. S. Bostock, r.a.m.g. C PEVENSEY ROAD. \ MESSRS. LLOYDS bourne. SUNDAY, J une 10th.-t3.30 p.m., ‘The War and Telephone Eastbonrpe 1231. REV. MARK GUY PHAR8B A fter,” by Lady E mily Lutyens. u c t i o NEERS.’; , VALUERS a n d ESTATE Teiograms Oakdens, Eastbourne. A NEW FARCICAL COMEDY, AGENTS,A( SUNDAY, June 10th, 11 a.m. and 6.SO p.m. Admission Free to A ll.' Collections for Expenses. PRIOR TO ITS LONDON PRODUCTION. M onday Afternoon, J une 11th, art 3.30, Mr . PEARSE 6, GILDREDGE3REDGE ROAD.: EASTBOURNE TUESDAY NEXT. CABLE (Road Facing the Railway Station). wUl give a Bible Reading, and Monday E vening, J. H. Campion Coles, deceased. m ;• 8 p.m., Lecture, subject, " What's the matter with Estates Managed and Rents Collected Weekly and “ COOK.” HIPPODROME, iTHl'i L(j EASTBOURNE PIER COMPANY. , EASTBOURNE. most of us.” Chairman: His Worship the Mayor. Quarterly. Prompt Settlements. First Time on any Stage. \ u m -a Collections in did of Church Funds. OAKDEN & CO. Managing Director ... Mr. Sidney W. Winter. harlie ooley ■ . 1 HUDSONS t TD. Established 1880. Have received instructions to Submit for Sali By JEROME K. JEROME (“ Third Floor Back,” Ac.) Manager ... C C . I TP PERT O N CONGREGATIONAL CHARLES X. HORNS, F.A.I., P ru n e Auction, at the Town H all Eastbourne, Including on TUESDAY NEXT, the 12th J une, 1917, at Three MONDAY. J une 11th, and daring the Week. Cilmibini's slut! IP CHURCH, UPPERTON ROAD. u c t i o n e e r , v a l u e r , h o u s e a g e n t o’clock in the Afto-noon precisely, SUNDAY NEXT, JUNE 10th, HOUSEHOLD REMOVALS AND GAUGER, IRENE ROOKE Twice Nightly at 7 and 9. its wearing qJ At 11 a-m. and 6.30 p.m. A FULLY-PAID £10 SHARES. AND First appearance in Eastbourne of the Famous FIVE L TIDES WELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. 1 WARTONS, the World’s Greatest Spring-Board Flyers, Preacher ...... REV. WALTER FRIEND,, A! SECOND MORTGAGE DEBENTURE OF £50, a n d STORAGE. CERTIFICATED BAILIFF. RANDLE AYRTON achieving the seemingly impossible. New College, London- Appointed by His Honour Judge Maitlneau to Levy at Six per cent, per annum. T he Hippodrome Bioscope. Intercessory Service tor the War on Thursday, Distraints under the Amendment Act, 1888. A SECOND MORTGAGE DEBENTURE OF i Novel and Refined. 2 WANDAS, Pedestal Equilibristic It will wit lid at 7.30 (i.m. at Six per cent, per annum. Novelty. Businesses o r Every Description for Disposal QLD TOWN CINEMA. P hone p n ssnre I EXPERT PACKERS. Auctioneers’ Offices, 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourn 1296. MISS LOUISE ELAINE, Chorus Comedienne. EVENSEY ROAD CONGREGATIONAL KELLIOK * Dj .VIES, Telephone Eastbourne 1231. London’s Famous Artist, TOM- K. HOOD, the Quaint I P CHURCH. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourno. TODAY (SATURDAY). Character Comedian. u c t i o n e e r s , e s t a t e —AGENTS, PARKY KNIGHT, tho Comedian who made the Dumb SUNDAY NEXT, JUNE 10th, A SURVEYORS AND VALUERS, EASTBOURNE. Charlie Chaplin In£ ^ rt Soldier Talk. at 11 a-m. and 6.30 p.m. FUENITURE DEPOSITORIES: Furniture Salts Conducted, Sales of Property and HA8SAN, Comedy Magical Act. v. s. sur O A K D E N At OO. Shares a t j , Return of Eastbourne’s Favourite, LILLIE LANGTRY, Preacher ...... REV. H. M. DAUNCJEY, THE PROPERTY AUCTION MART, Have received instructions to submit for Sale by “ Outwitted,” the Versatile Comedienne. V ictoria Station ...... LONDON, S. W. P ublic A uction, at an Early Date, oil that detached 2 2 , T E 1 The Qreat Papuan Missionary. TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Note the Prices: Reserved Boxes, 12s. 6d. and 10b. $d. Term inus Gates ...... BRIGHTON. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 11, It and IS Valuations for Probate and other Purposes. e a s e h o l d p r o p e r t y , (may be booked); Fauteuils. Is. 6d. (reserved. 2s.) ; Pit 1te| ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN 65, Grove Ro a d ...... EASTBOURNE. L known as Stalls, Grand Circle and Promenade, Is. (early doors. “ ST. GEORGE’S,” No. 37, LEWES ROAD. “The Laughing Mask.” Is. 3d , reserved, ls.6d.); Pit, fid. (early doors, 9d.); Upper S’ CHURCH, Blaokwateb-road. B. W. H. HAMBLYN Circle, 3d. (early doors, 4d.). Telephone No. 33d. SUNDAY NEXT, JUNE 10th. •VEYOR, The accommodation comprises five bedrooms, dressing Episode 12, YOUR BT o u s e a g e n t , b u i l d i n g s u i room, bath room, hall, three reception rooms and Services: 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. AP PLY FOB FREE ESTIMATES. a u c t io n e e r AND v a l u e r “The Death Leap.” T is often* him H domestic offices. FA R N O O U B B & 00., LimiWd, Preacher - - REV. JAMES REID, M.A. ELMS BUILDINGS, 51, SEASIDE ROAD, Large Garden. I in com;ooiion THURSDAY, at 8 p.m. W eek-night Servloe. Tele. 481 Eastbourne. EASTBOURNE. Telephone 89 Solicitors: Messrs. Blount, Lynch ft Petre, 48, Albe- Charlie Chaplin laclZ^T ETTERPRESS a n d lithographic required quickly, ani ail vacant Seats are Free five minutes before the Mr. H., having had over 38r 38 years' years' local local experience marle-street, London, W. DAILY .. .. 3 to .6 and 6 to 10. J PRINTERS. F arncomrk & C a l time of Servioe. (during the first & of which he was oooupled in practical Further Particulars of the Auctioneers, at their 411 kinds of ArtUtlo and Genera) Printing expeditiously tSoulh-street, are fu| woritTn the Building Trade).e). Is specially _ _ qualified for Offices, 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. and oarefully• executed at Moderate Cha> ges. wonts, having their •A/TEMORIAL CARD8, a variety of patterns. 74XOTE PAPER,______Yirittag______Cards,____ &o, In most Valuing and Managing House Property; or t .per vising Telephone Eastbourne 1234. OTK PA PER , V isiting Cards, &c., in most .if expeditiously tu rl 1YI Farncombe and Co-, Ltd., Lewes,Eastbourne, etc. 1 1 fashionable styles at Farnoombe ft Co,'s, Ltd. _ Properties during ereotlon. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. fashionable styles, at Farncombe and C a’s, Ltd. The “ Chronicle ” Works, Soalh-strsat, Esatbouros, of r

; 5 Trade H ark) V IS T O . Registered. LOCAL NEWS. N e w suffobtixs e l a s t i c s t o c k in g s tram 8a. Ad. mob. ?------TRUSSES, BANDAGES & SURGICAL BELTS, R o y a l So c ie t y f o b P w m o tn o H o f Cr u e l t y -? * » , of every descripUom. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, CRUTCHES, tea., i H iSI AND UNPAIRED, Tre^rx^T-H^v^ris;:: atiiSs {.lets Free.- Bank, Ltd. All complaints should be addressed to Inspector Harwood, at the Office, lATCompton- Novelties in .i i s tree t, Eastbourne; or 5, St. J ames’s-torraco, Polegat e FARMER'S H ig h -cla ss F o o tw ea r. N o better value. i New season's goods.—J. J. Saunders, 106. South- SURGICAL SUPPORTS DEPOT, street (between St. Saviour's Church and Devon - 30, QUEEN’S ROAD, BRIGHTON.! .hire-place). Hot Weather Attire. G old, Sil v e r , J e w e l l e r y , A n t iq u e S il v e r , ' Sea., Purchased for Cash or Exchange. Speci&lite: Remounting and Remodelling Jewellery, brins ‘ old Jewellery up-to-date at reasonable.coni. Desigi . ■. , ■ and estimates free.—F. G. Clemenck, Goldsmith, C EN TRA L PaoN*im Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. We have received this week from our Paris Agent a collection of SEASIDE ROAD. N o t ic e .—AH those who wish to Warehouse CINEMA. their Furniture should not do so until they have Inspected Messrs. G. E. Maynard's, Limited, Ware­ houses, which are the finest In Eastbourne. Estimates D A IL Y -8 46 and 6 till 10 free.—Note the address, G. K. Maynard, Limited, Householders are particularly Removal and Storage Contractors, Grevstone i FRENCH HAND-MADE & HAND-EMBR(fl')DERED TO-DAY (SATURDAY), June 9th buildings. South-street. Eastbourne. Do it N o w !—Clear out your old Letters, Invoices, Books, Ledgers, Account Books, and all requested to economize in “THE ALIBI.” kinds of Waste Paper. It Is badly needed just now DRESSES AND BLOUSES, for paper making. The Waste Paper F e a tu r in g JAMES MORRISON. Company, 67a, Tides well-road, Eastbourne, will send IN WHITE AND COLOURS, COAL as well as BREAD. sacks, collect promptly, and give best market prices. “ THE VAGABOND.” T a il o r in g for Ladies and Gentlemen at H a r t and Son’s, 24, Terminus-road, also at 184 and 186, LINGERIE & UNDERWEAR, CHAELIE CHAPLIN. Regentrstreet,-London. W. Service Outfits and Breeches, Coats and Skirts, Riding Habits. Astride ALSO Coats, etc. (West End Cutter and Fitter). M O N D AY, June 11th, an d Two Following Days. A N e w P r o v e r b .—“ >y is the cook who has a modern gas-cooker.” he Gas Company SILK AFTERNOON GOWNS “THE KISS.” supply them. AND T h e S e r v ic e s o f M r . H . T. T h o r p e are F e a t u r in g MARGARET COURTOF. placed at the disposal of all those requiring expert MILLINERY, advice or assistance in regard to insurance matters of any description. Address, Lloyds Bank Chambers, THE LATTER COMPRISING NEW SMART SHAPES FOR TR UBSDA Y, June Hth, and Two Following Days Terminus-road, Eastbourne. Telephone 27. MORNING WEAR, FEATURING THE NEW HIGH CROWN. B r a v e r y a t a F ir e .—A silver medal has “LITTLE MISS been awarded to Mr. Harry Diplock, instructor at the )> Devonshire Baths, bv the Society for the Protection of HAPPINESS. Life from Fire for his gallant action in going to the A Visit of Inspection (without obligation) will be esteemed. rescue of an aged lady in a burning room in Lascelles- F e a t u r in g JUNE CAPRICE. terrace, on March 18th, last. Th’e medal will be pre­ sented publicly by the Mayor during the concert at Seats, Id., 7d. and Is. including Tax. Devonshire Park, on Wednesday evening next. W om en’s E m erg en c y Ca n teen s fo r OBBY & CO. Ltd. Soldiers.—Lady Wilson will preside at a garden meet­ ing in support of the above worthy object, which is to EVERYTHING for CYCLES and MOTOR CYCLES. E A ST E R N Telephone 706. be held (by permission of the Rev. H. u. Whelpton) in the grounds of St. Saviour’s Vicarage on Tuesday after­ Prompt Cycle and Motor Cycle Repairs. noon next, at 3 o’olock. The special speaker will be ACCESSORIES, HIRING, PETROL, OIL, TYRES SEASIDE. CINEMA. Mrs. Pertwee, who will relate her personal experiences j T h e Arcade and • NEW INNER TUBES, 2/6 to 5/-. COVERS, 6/- to XI/-. SPECIAL LINES. in French hospitals and describe in detail the working of canteens in the war zone. Admission to the meeting DOTJLL, the Cycle and Motorman, 48, GROVE ROAD. TO D A Y (SATU RDAY), June 9th is free. i Terminus Road, EASTBOURNE j ’Phono 60S. Garage and Workshop: 1, WEST STREET. “ A Rope of Pearls,” S om m erdow n Ca m p v . D.C.L.I.—In this cricket match at the Saffrons yesterday the Camp E p iso d e N o. 2 o f t h e defeated the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry (Isle of GREAT NEW SERIAL, Wight) by five wickets and 123 runs. The D.C.L.I. went in first and were disposed of for 118, Mr. Buffer ‘ The PURPLE DOMINO.’ carrying out his bat for 59. Private Hawkesworth cap- I V is it o f R e v . M a r k Gu y P e a r s e .—This tured four wickets for 13 and Private Skilton took three 'well-known preacher, writer and lecturer, is visiting for a like number of runs. Summerdown compiled 241 FATAL ACCIDENT. M ON DA F, June 11th, and Two Following Days, Eastbourne this week-end. He will be the preacher on for five wickets, the principals scores being Capt. Sunday, both morning and evening, p.t the services EMPTY YOUR CUPBOARDS Humphreys G7, Oapt. Tudor 62, Capt. V. T. Hill 33 |of the Central Wesleyan Church. On Monday after­ The Coroner (Mr. G. Vere Benson) conducted an “ The Unwelcome Mother.” and Col. Bostock 35. noon he is to give a Bible Reading, and in the evening inquiry at the Princess Alice Hospital yesterday after­ Fox Drama in 5 Parts. he is to give a popular lecture on 14 What’s the matter noon into the circumstances attending the death of Mr. “ T h e Ca l l to Ch r is t ia n U n it y . William Arthur Fuller, aged 45 years, who died in the E pisode No. 1 of the G reat W onder S erial, !with most of us ? ” The Mayor will preside on the last- Under* the auspices of the World’s Evangelical named occasion. institution on Wednesday after an accident which of the Old Books, Old Ledgers, Old Affiance, a publio united meeting in furtherence of the occurred at Pole, “The Shielding Shadow.” call to ohnstian unity, is to bo field on Wednesda-inesday I I ncome T a x R e b a t e s . — The Revenue The deceased, wL Invoices and Letters, Old Magazines afternoon next, commencing at 3 o’clock, in St. Andrew.'ndrew.a Returns for the financial year ended on the 31st March College for army ^ . ... r ______o ______THURSDA Y, June 14th, and Two Following Days Hall, Blackwater-road. The Rev. G. P. Bassett Kerry past show that over £205,000,000 was received in the bourne on a motor cycle, and at*the cross roads a Naval and Newspapers, and send them to the will preside, and amongst others expected to take part ■form of Income Tax. Unfortunately this would include Air Service car-turned out of Wannock-road and in the proceedings are the Rev. R. C. Gillie (one of the a very considerable amount of over-paid tax, claims for collided with Mr. Fuller’s machine. “A Royal Acrobat,” (repayment of which can now be made. A not unreason­ Drama in 5 Parts. Hon. Secretaries, British Oi .. Rev. J. Sulwey, Charles John Herbert Stepney, a pupil at Storrington, Rev. Jas. Reid and Mr. Martyn Goooh (General able estimates of such amounts would probably be 5 % of said he was with the deceased at the time of the acci­ SUSSEX WASTE PAPER COMPANY; “ Plot and Counter-Plot,” Secretary, British Organisation). The meetingu _____is beingo Ithe total surp. The intricacies of the various measures dent. Th$y started from StOrrington about 2 p.m., and anticipated with considerable interest, and it is fully jdealing with War Finance have made it impossible for left Eastbdurne at 7.45. When the accident occurred E p is o d e N o. 3 o f t h e ; j hoped there will be a large and representative atten­ |a very large proportion of tax payers to conduct their witness had passed tjie cross-roads by about 50 yards, dance. town claims. Under these circumstances application . 67a, Tideswell-road, Eastbourne, ‘The PURPLE DOMINO.’ if or free advice should be made to The Eastbourne and and he theln looked round and saw the motor car come Or d e r of t h e “ S t a r in t h e E a st.”— District Income Tax Reclamation Society, of 7, Bolton- out of Wannock-road, hiding his view of the cycle, and PATHE GAZETTE and other Interesting Films. Owing to the illness of Mr. George Lansbury it has been road, Eastbourne, whose only charges are an inclusive then he heard a crash. He went back to the spot, and necessary slightly to alter tho programme of the con­ found that the deceased had been put on the side of the who purchase every description of DAILY AT 3, 7 and 9. Doors opon at 2.30, 6.30 & 8.15. (scale fee based on benefits obtained where .they are road, whilst the cycle was lying behind the car. Prices : Is., 7d., 5d. and 4d. (including Tax). ference at the Gallery Kinema,Kinemi 53o, Terminus-road. instrumental in securing repayment or saving of tax^ Waste Paper for the Paper Mills The Rev. Soott_Moncrief, a well-known clergyman of Witness spoke to Flight-Lieut. Sherwood, the driver of the] Church of England,_ . will speak . to-day . at p.m. on the car, and asked him why he took the corner so fast, and The Need-- . for. a New Sooial Gospel.”~ the reply was that his right knee being weak, he could Lutyens will give her leoture on Personal ant fecial. not use the brakes well. When witness went past the OF POSTCARD. CHRIST CHURCH BAZAAR cross-roads he was going at a speed of about 10 miles an WE COLLECT PROMPLY ON RECEIPT to-morrow (Sunday) at 3.30. The conference on “ Ohild hour. The speed of the car was about 12 to 15 miles TO BE HELD IN Welfare Problems” will be held as advertised at 8.15 on WE PRO VIDV ID E SACKS IF NEEDED. The marriage of Miss Marjorie Walker to Lieutenant an hour. Saturday. Admission is free and all are welcome. Ernest Waghorn, cycle agent, and Elizabeth Deacon, iOD P R IC E S . T h e TOWN HALL, E a stb o u r n e, iW. F. Newson is fixed for Tuesday, June 12th, at 2.15, WE PAY PA Y GOC A n n u a l S .P.G . S a l e o f W o r k .—A s w as at 9 t Anne’s Church, Eastbourne. of Polegate, having given evidence, Dr. A. E. Rook announced in our oolumna a few weeks ago, the oom- testified to the deceased’s severe internal injuries. On WEDNESDAY, JUNE ISth, j 1917, The Rev. J. E. Thomas (Christ Church) is noting as Lieut. Arthur Williams Sarsons, R.N.V.R., said he mittee decided to abandon the usual sale of work, owing Hon. Secretary for the Leaf Homoeopathic Hospital in to be opened by • to the exceptional circumstances arising from the war, was in the car at the time of the collision. As they and if possible to raise in some other way the sum the plaoe of the Secretary (Mr. E. Barrett), who has approached the cross roads the speed was lowered and THE MAYOR OF EASTBOURNE, obtained last year. We are glad to say, owing to the joined the army. the horn sounded* The car turned the corner at an AT 11;30 A.M. generosity of the stall-holders and friends, £134. Is. Id. To-morrow, at Christ Church, the sermons both estimated speed of eight miles an hour. Immediately has been given for the S.P.G. (£4 of this specially for morning and ovening will he preached by Canon the the car got on the main road the cycle collided with it Prices of Admission : medical missions). This amount was presented in Hon. and Rev. Edward Lyttelton, lately the Head before Lieut. Sherwood could pull up. The front wheel LEARN TO SMOKE. Smoking is a Fine Tonic. 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Is. 1 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., Gd. the form of aoheque on Tuesday last, at St. Anne’s Master of Eton. This is in pursuance of a long-standing of the cycle struck the offside front mudguard of tho Church, when an intercession service was held, with an promise to the Vicar. It is expected that large congre­ car, and the collision, he thought, caused the deceased FOR ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS and CIGARETTES TRY 5.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., 3d. address by the Rev. H. von E. Scott (vicar of Christ gations will avail themselves otof tnethe op]opportunity of to be thrown over the cycle, and he (witness) believed hearing so distinguished a preacher as Dr. Lyttelton. PLEASE COME TO THE OPENING. Church. Last year the sale of work only cleared Mr. Fuller’s head broke the wind screen. D O U T I i , The Tobacconist, 56b, GROVE ROAD. ____’Phone 608 £122. Lieut. J. M. Oakey, R.E., young son of the late Petty Officer F. D. Ward, R.N. AS. ; P.'S. Lawrence P rin c ess A l ic e Me m o r ia l H o spit a l , Herbert Oakey, of A vooa, Old Wisl Road, has been (who gave a number of measurements), and Dr. L. Parcels sent to our Troops in any part of the World ,______ilitarv Cross, and mentioned in Hanson also gave evidence. CARRIAGE PAH) AND POST FREE. supported by voluntary contributions.—The following is the weekly return of patients for week ended dispatches. Lieut. Oakey has been at the Front since The jury returned a verdict of “ Accidental Death,” KEEPL THE T R E N C H PIPES BURNING. June 6th : dumber of patients May 30tb, 41. December, 1914. with no blame being-attached to anyone. They expressed ALEXANDRA D A t admitted daring the week, 17; discharged daring the jjThe Rev. Canon W. I. Carr Smith, Vicar of the opinion that the corner was a very dangerous one week, 13; died, 1; remaining in hospital at date, 45. Grantham and Hon. Canon of Lincoln, has accepted andtnat the proper authorities should take action to SATURDAY NEXT, This hospital is open to the inspection of visitors on the offer of the Rev. H. U. Whelpton (patron of the lessen the danger. -y ^ O M E N ’S EMERGENCY CANTEENS FOR SOLRIERS. T H E CALL TO CHRISTIAN UNITY. J u n e 10t h . Sundays, Wednesdays and Bank Holiday from 2 to living), of the vioariate of St. Peter’s, in succession to 4 p.m. Additional annual subscribers are urgently the Rev. H. G. Jameson, who has resigned. Canon needed. Contributions will he thankfully received by Carr Smith conducted the National Mission at St. No man is poor wbo does not think himself Garden Meeting Buy a Rose on Saturday Need and e Hon. Treasurer, Mr. O. O’Brien Harding, J.P., Saviour’s last autumn. He also preached there at the so; but if in a full fortune he with impatience desires Jubilee Services in January last. more he proclaims his wants and his beggarly conditions. I Will be held in the A Public United Meeting help the L ocal Hospitals and other s South Cliff. House visitor: Mr. A. Godwin. GROUNDS OF ST. SAVIOUR’S VICARAGE. L ocal kindred Institutions. By kind permission of Rev. H. U. Whelptori, (Under the auspices of the World’s Evangelical I n rAid op above Society, Alliance), will be held in The previous Amounts contributed by-the On TUESDAY, JU NE lith, at Three p.m. “ Alexandra Day Fund” to Eastbourne Charities ST. ANDREW’S HALL, BLACKWATER ROAD, are as follows:— ! LADY WILSON £ s, d. at CHRIMES’, EASTBOURNE (kindly lent for the occasion), Princess Alioe Hospital,...... 880 O O (Commandant, De Walden Court Hospital) Leaf Homoeopathic Hospital...... 135 O 0 WILL PRESIDE. Alexandra Homes ...... 1...... 180 O O On Wednesday, June 13 th, at 3 pm. Eye Infirmary...... 1...... 67 10 O Speaker ...... MRS. PERTWKE. Tuberculosis Care Committee...... 45 0 O THE COSTUMIER AND FURRIER. “Personal Experiences in French Hospitals, Canteens In War Zone, and an Account of our present Advance Chairman : Rev. G. P. BASSETT KERRY, M.A. Surgical Aid Society ...1...... 48 10 O with the French Army and Work amongst the Refugees, (Vicar of Holy Trinity Church). Sundry Local Charities...... 26 0 0 &c." To ta l...... £ 7 2 5 0 0 8 Real White Arctic Fox Tango Capes. Prices from £ 7 : 7 : 0 ; ADMISSION FREE. The following are expected to take part : worth 11 guineas. R ev. R. C. ILLIE, M.A. (One of the Hon. Secretaries, British — nlzation). Rev. JOHN SALWEY, M.A. (Vicar of St. John’s, Meads). 5 Seal Coney Coats, very wide, latest shapes, with Peal Fur deep collars, Rev. JAMES REID. M.A. (St. Andrew’s Presbyterian £ 1 6 : ' 1 6 : 0 ; worth 23 guineas. p u r s e r s ’ it :—r : ;- , Church). (CABLE:'' •!> ... ■ ',| HENRY MARTYN GOOCH. Esq. (General Secretary, Real Musquash Coat, worth 26 guineas, for £19 :19 : 0 BRAND ' British Organization). SATURDAY. JUNE 9, 1917. Supported by other local Clergymen, Ministers and very wide and large deep collar. Laymen. v THE FORTHCOMING RED CROSS FETE. NO TICKETS REQUIRED. I1 '!— Smart White Foxeline Muff and Deep Collarette, etc., to match, - To th e E ditor. £ 3 : 1 1 : 0 the gel CABLE BRAND HOSE Sir.—In connection with i the Red Cross Fete to be (THE LONG LENGTH H08E held, by permission of the Duke of Devonshire, at FQR THE Compton Place, on July 7th, an appeal is made for Over 80 very smart newly-made Costumes, best cloths only, all colors WITH THE LONGEST LIFE). donations to cover the expenses which will neoessarily he incurred. _ II I. £ 2 :19 : 6 to 5 guineas ; worth 84/- to £7 :17 : 6 RED CROSS The main reason for raising this fund at onee is that the Fete may be freed from the necessity of paying the Combines strength with pliability,; and Entertainments Tax, for whioh it would othewise be 60 Newly-made Ladies' Trench Coats of newest Gab Twills, several its wearing qualities are greater than ADD OTHER WAR HOSPITALS liable. The Hospital and the Hospital Supply Depot shades will be sold for £ 1 : 1 9 : 6 , £ 2 : 5 : 0 a^80 2 9 /6 would then receive the benefit of the whole of the ______I____Z__ :______I______ordinary 4 ply. THE prooeeds of the Fete without any deduction. ASTBOURNE. AMATEUR OPERATIC Subscribers will, therefore, be conferring a double 60 Newly-made Jersey Coats for Ladies, best goods, all colors and black, benefit on the Red Cross by thus providing the expenses E and DRAMATIC SOCIETY and saving the payment of the Entertainment Tax. (London made) 25/6 to 39/6 (wide shapes) It will withstand 50 per cent, more Subscriptions should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, pressure than old style hose. Will give FOUR PERFORMANCES of L. D. P. Swift, Esq., “ Beechwood,” Eastbourne, by whom they will be acknowledged. 6 0 Odd sbkirts. Navy, black, greys, etc., some in Sicillienne Alpaca, from 19/9 “ LADY HUHTWOBTH’S All subscribers names will be published in due course. I remain, your obedient servant, md Shantung Color Washing Costnme Skirts for 10/6, W. 8. SQUIRE & 00., BSSSSSL, EXPERIMENT” U. ROLAND BURKE. 5 0 White (R. 0. Carton) at the (On behalf of the Organising Committee). 12/9 and 14/9. A11 new shapes. Compton Lodge, Eastbourne. NEW TRENCH COAT, 2 2 , TERMINUS ROAD. DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE, 8th June, 1917. j r J on Coat Fr ocks. Several best Tailor-mades for 63/- aQd 73/6• Colors and black. T e l e p h o n e 1157. j £ 1 : 1 5 : 6 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Ca m b r id g e L ocal E xaminations. — T he J u n e 14t h , 15t h and 16t h , a t 8 p .m. distribution of prizes and Certificates in connection with 70 New Real Ostrich Necklets, all colors, from 15/6 and YOUR BUSINESS PRINTING. the above examinations will take place on Monday i Special Matinee, S a t u r d a y , J u n e 10, a t 2,30. • j Black Marabout Collar, 10/6 I T is often necessary that General Printing afternoon next, at the Town HalL The Bishop of in connection with businesses of every kind Is The Cast will inolude Lewes has kindly consented to distribute the awards. Inspection Invited, required quickly, and, at the same time, well done. Miss Elsie Davidson, Miss Winifred Farnell, Mrs. These Goods were produced specially and are unobtainable elsewhere. F arnoomb* & Go., Ltd, “ Chronicle ” Printing Works, Cross, Mrs. McFadden, Mr. R. T. Thornton, Mr. J. P. South-street, are fully prepared to meet those require McDonald, Mr. H. W. Roll, Mr. E. Horace Green, A r t is t ic W r e a t h s , Crosses, H earts, Hiarps. ments, having their works fitted with machinery capable and Lieut. H. 0. Glayzer. Chaplets,!Sprays. Wedding Bouquets, Ac., 6s., 7a 6d£ of expeditiously turning out high-class work. 10s. ’6d., 15s. Extra:tra large sizes, 21s._to21s. to 63s.—J, O. PLEASE BOOK SEATS EARLY. Letterpress and Lithographic Printing H abtinqs, 10, Fevensey-road, IB, Comp ton-street, 2 , S u s s e x G a r d e n s , T e r m i n u s R o a d . ■Of all descriptions. TELEPHONE 12L Tele. 580, 70S. C H R I M E S ,

- ■£?


T h e Corporation W orkmen. The Cavalry Command Depot played Eastbourne at cricket on Wednesday and won the match by nine runs. MISS ELSIE DAVIDSON’S STKAY NOTES. S in c e the brief summary of their applica­ Eastbourne won the toss and went in first and succeeded BOROUGH POLICE CODRT. ALLEGED UNSOUND FISH. TOWN tion was circulated, the Workers’ Union have in making 124, Capt. Tudor’s score being 79 not out. RECITAL. W ar A llotments. - given some evidence of their numerical The Cavalry Camp then went in and scored 133 all out, YESTERDAY’S CASES. NORWEGIAN SALTED HERRINGS. }'■ I strength. In particular it transpires that Pte. Muuree making 39 and Lance-Corpl. Flint 28. I n the opinion of men competent t* jwdge, among the local members are a considerable Pte. Muuroe also made tw j brilliant catches in the The dramatic recital at the Saffrons Rooms on Tuck- BOROUGH MAGIS'fl the allotments generully are looking well, and slips. majority of tbe Corporation workmen, who day evening by Miss Elsie Davidson, L.R.A.M., wL Before the Mayor (Alderman,O’Brien Haiding) in the 'illy Borough Magistrates were occupied for two > promise, given a continuance of favourable chair, Sir Steyning Edgerley, Major Molineux, conditions, results fully coi jpeusatoiy for the expressly authorised the Union to send in the great success, alike artistically and in the support hours yesterday morning in hearing a ease against application for an increase of wages. Under wh;c.i the fixture commanded. The jUtendanie Alderman Kea}', Councillor Duke, Councillor Bolton, Christopher Wrn. Jordan, a lisn“merchant, of Hull, GIRLS' SKCOXj labour and money expended upon them. It crowded the building, which was especially satisfac­ C.fc.1., Mr. O. A. Leatham, Mr. Claude Bishop and who was summoned for sailing unsound fish, on the Si these circumstances the Town Council must EAST SUSSEX APPEAL Mr. Sydney Hudson. is now largely a matter of keeping the ground be admitted to have acted reasonably in tory from the point of view of the - object of tile 7th ult. ENLAIiGEMEl clean—in other words, freeing the crops from recital, the proceeds of which are to go to the Loicl Ihe Town Clerk (Mr. II. W. Fovargm) prosecuted, resolving—as we un derstand i bey did on Mon­ TRIBUNAL. Roberts Memorial Workshops for Disabled Soldiers ALLEGED ILLEGAL tJSE OF THE RED and Mr, A. J. Hart represented the defendant, win- wireworin and weeds. Protection is, of course, day—that the Union’s m gauis-r, as well as essential from the mischief of human intruders, and Sailors. CROSS. denied the offence. representatives of the nu n, sli.-nl.l be invited In a programme of marked literary excellence and Robert Nelson Stevens, 'of London, was summoned Dr. H. D Farnell, whose evidence was taken first GILD R K Dl some few of whom have had so little regard to interview the committee. W hat was done LOCAL CASES. for tho alleged illegal use of the Red Gross on a motor in order that he might leave the Court, was ask« d by for the sacred ness of private property that, Aril pie variety, Mis-s Davidson found f-u!l scope for UK IVATI-: UNCLOS) iu this instance was, after all, but following her exceptional elocutionary powers, and her splendid car, on the 7th ult. the Town Clerk if Mr. Ollett brought some fish’ to finding their way barred by artificial barriers, tbe precedent established when the Education delivery of the many well-chosen pieces afforded tile This case had been adjourned from a previous Court lain? , they have not scrupled to break down these Committee permitted a representative of the A sitting of the Central District Committee of the utmost pleasure to the large assembly. Three recita- on tho application of the defendant. Wilmfse* No, lie brought me to the fish liaughu r). hindrances to their progress and to cause East Sussex Appeal Tribunal was held at the County lioinjjiad the additional attraction of musical settings, P.c. Simmons stated that he saw defendant driving Continuing, Dr. FarnelUsaid lie saw the fish m qu«-s- The monthly miTtinif < E National Union of Teachers to appear before a motor car, on the front of which there were three tion just outside the backdoor of the Crinst-on K< d material damage to tool-houses, cucumber them to urge the claims of the local elementary Hall, I/ewes, on Thursday. Major R. L. THORNTON which were interpreted on the pianoforte with Town 1 bill • ui M<.nday, \ beds and other prized features of the garden. singular taste and precision by Mr. Claud Pollard, Red Crosses. Crq.-s Hospital. school teachers to a war bonus. W hat success presided, and there were also present Lieutenant- A letter was read from the Commandant of the The.Ti*-\vn Clerk: Did you examine them? L'hc Mayor .ALL m m . < , It is only fair to add that, since the recent Colonel G. W. Owen, Alderman T. B. Rowe, A.R.A.M. Tho whole of the selections were so awaits the intervention of the Workers’ Union effectively presented that it is difficult to indicate Middlesex V.A.D. Detachment, in which it was stated Witness: i did, by nose and eye (laughter!. The I g• 11>;; v M lV.,f ( official intervention, allotments in the vicinity Councillor F. J. Huggett and Mr. T. Pargjeter, with that the defendant’s motor car was in continual use for The Town Clerk: What opinion did you form '.t of the camps have fared much better, acts must be left to the future to decide, but the hi what numbers the recitalist was most successful; Aldcrni r . demand for an all-round “ rise ” of 10s. a week, the Clerk (Mr. G. Montagu Harris), thej Military but special mention may, perhaps, be made of her convoy and transport purposes and the writer made a them? 1 tiim of trespass and damage being now very infre­ Witness: They were very decomposed. AM'- ■ plus the war bonus already granted, is Representative (Major j W. W. Grantham) and the Superb presentation of the stirring fifteenth centuijy request to tliei Chief Constable to withdraw the sum­ Alrierrna.i i.v quent and void of serious harm. mons. The Town Clerk : Were'they fit for f....I? Alderman • I ! in manifestly absurd. Representative of the Board of Agriculture (Mr. A. poem,^ “ The High Tide on the Coast of Lincoln­ 11 shire ’* (Joan Inglelow), Conan Doyle’s ‘‘The Blind When the offence was alleged to have been committed Witmiss: Cuiainly not. .The stench was o\.i Councillor I A !• < Wadman). the defendant,! it was said, had brought his motor to powering. I smelt them in the road before 1 cot- t<> Councillor A, Avard S pr a y in g o f P otato P a t c h e s. Archer, * Alfred Noyes’ “ A Song of England *’ and ’Bus Scrimmages. A RE-EXAMJNATION. Robert Service’s “ The Call of tho Wild.*' At the Eastbourne to visit his brother, who had been wounded. L’rmstcri. Councillor T. H«m 1 T hk best expert opinion is strongly in Albert Barnett (39), !motor lorry driver, appealed uveyor ..Mr. in Eastbourne for dealing in this way with bourne, and the Chairman said if the man Was passed by the author, Cupt. Cecil F. Armstrong (who course. On such occasions persons disinclined for general service, oij garrison duty abroad or at The gentleman told witness he had come fron^ Jarvis herring^ and signed the book for them. !i?ho did not Surveyor '.Mr. \S\ « . Kiel- the extensive allotments under cultivation. to share in the scrimmage, although having impersonated a German Governor) and Miss Davidson Brook and was going on to Cooden to transact some open them as she was just going oil' duty, J . K. Bryd;;. -t. the n ...f < The cost of the machines prevents their homo ho would" have to join the Colours; if not he (who figured a9 on English governess). Tne the Motor Hu- .Manager > waited longer possibly than the others, simply could come before the jTribunal again.. i business. George Burley, parcels clerk at Eastbourne Rail­ Borough Accountant (Mr acquisition by individual gardeners ; and it is ;jet “ left,’’and are fortunate, perhaps, to avoid I* incident ” of which the play treats occurred at the Mr. Roll said his client had'hevfer been convicted and way Station, produced the way bill in respect of the suggested that either the Corporation or the neing knocked off their feet. The veteran WHEELWRIGHT’S APPLICATION. residence of the Governor on tho day that England had a prejudice against being- convicted. He bad a two Lottes of fish He said the boxes were put out­ SYMPATHY Wll Allotments Society should purchase a number entered the war. The. governess is preparing tjo clean bill. This was one of these mushroom offences of side tht| office as they were not very nice. . inspector employed to “ regulate” the filling Mark William Baulcombe (21), wheelwright,! of Ieavo in order to return home, when a telephone Alderm an S immons o b i| of these appliances and let them out or, better Eastbourne, applied j for renewal of exemption recent times. What was laudable and legitimate on Mr. Hart: I believe all fish smells & bit? although no formal i.oti< of the cars—like the amateur accompanist at message notifies that England has decided to join the 11th May became on the 12th May an offence. In Witness: Yes, but some worse than others. still, themselves undertake the spraying of smoking concert—does his best; but he is through his father, whp employed him. France and Russia, after which the Governor assumes 44That thi> ('oiincil n<>\v| Mr. Baulcombe, sert., said two of his sons had the course of some further remarks Mr. Roll contended Mr. J. H. Ollett, sanitary inspector, saiil he noticed Mayor and Corporation, j gardens by an operator, a small charge being hopelessly handicapped. His duty apparently a very truculent bearing and a lively altercation that there was no proof defendant used motor spirit a most, unpleasant smell when he arrived at Cnn.-ton. made the allotment holders for the service joined the Army and jhad been wounded, but had ends in a tragedy. The play is mainly a trial of wits of the inhabitants, of is restricted to seeing persons enter the ’bus gone on active service i again. This had caused him and no proof that he did not come within the exceptions He was taken into the area, where he was shown sympathy in the great < rendered. We would recommend the sugges­ singly and to preventing overcrowding. W hat, between the Governor ana the governess, each qf mentioned. two .boxes of fish. That was on the 9th May. The to close one of his businesses. This son was passed whom vigorously enlarges upon the characteristics them ; further, they sug^ tion particularly to the Allotments Sub-Com­ however, is primarily required is the institu­ for sedentary duty abiioad and since he put in this The casd was dismissed. fish were slimy and smelt very bad indeed. The Eastbourne I..- asked to mittee of the Town Council, who have done and pretensions of the rival nations. The argumenta­ belly wjas rotten, and the flesh was discoloured and tion of some means of ensuring priority of claim he had heard that his oldest son had been tive duel was udmirubly maintained by Capt. Arm Before Alderman Keay (in the chair), Sir Stevning sympathy by subscribing ' so much to foster the “ war allotments ” killed. Edgerley,Edgerk~ ”Mr. G. A. 4 TLeatham ’ and...... Mr. Claude decomposed. It varied in colour from a leaden erev by the M ayor of Polkcstk alluded to would not consider i t ; necessary that the substitute bourne decide what is to bo done, as they in the past Defendant admitted the offence. shortly, and although tne committee expect should be able to carty three cwts. People must have assisted in the upkeep and have also given their The Mayor: It is not on a point of law. W illoughby, Medical Offit to get some return for the outlay, the charge SUMMERDOWN CAMP flOTES. realise that there waB not the same strength as P« G. Frost stated the facts, and Chief-Inspector on short leave from his time freely to support us. Taylor said there were eight previous convictions. East. They were nil, he will be made as small as possible. formerly and packages must be smaller to.enable Yours sincerely, Fined 5s. them to be handled. SUSSEX VOLUNTEER REGIMENT. there again (applause). Ifl There seems to be no end to the inventive powers June 8th. DISAPPOINTED. BOY AND MOTOR CYCLE. important character of M | S ir E. M a r sh a l l H a l l, K.O. of those responsible for the Snmmerdown Camp EASTBOURNE PRINTERS’ CASES. 5th BATTALION. • said all the while the. Reginald Towner, a boy of Leslie-street, was sum Henry Drewett (41), printer’s machine minder, “ A ” Company—Eastbourne Detachment. services so highly the C- rl T h e newly-honoured K.C. has seldom, we gymkhanas. I t is no easy matter to produoe new raoes moned for riding a motor cycle in which there was an detaining him. They eonj believe, appeared professionally in Eastbourne, appealed personally and by his employer, Mr. H. J. THE RED CROSS. Battalion Headquarters: 81, South-street. HI each Wednesday for the public. Yet this is just what Capon, against the refusal by Eastbourne' Tribunal inefficient silencer. (applause). but during bis first experience as a Member of the powera-that-be at the Camp achieve. Last Wednes­ of an application for conditional exemption, the case P.G. Dean stated the facts and the Bench dismissed Company Headquarters: The Drill Hall, Junotion-road. M ajor .1 >r. Win.<>i ..iiby | Parliament he was a popular speaker at local day the events included a tandem race, one competitor having been adjourned with a view to cooperation the case. Orders for week ending June 16th, 1917, Council’s warm greeting,, being the driver and the other, who was blindfolded, RESPONSE TO APPEAL FOR WORKERS. CHILDREN’S COURT. his gratitude at being giv| political dinners and meetings. Between 30 between the printers of the town being arranged. Company Orders. and 40 years ago, then a comparatively young the driven. This event was won by Ptes. Beardsley Mr. A. C. Hillman appeared for appellants. THEFT OF A BICYCLE. the work in wlii. h In* had ll H and Ridden, Ptes. Lewis and Dubery (2nd) and Ptes. Ail members must attend the Sunday drills. Every man, he shared with Sir C. F. Gill the cream The Clerk read a letter from the Local Tribunal A fairly satisfactory response has been made to the William Mason, aged 10 years, of Brightland-road, Volunteer about to join the Army must givo notice THE LATE Lid Terry and Dunkorly (3rd). The boat race was won by stating that there had been a meeting between in good time through his Platoon Sergeant, and return of all the practice going at the Sussex Assizes a team consisting of Ptes. Hamilton, Terry, Gardner, appeal issued by Mr. M. H. Beattie, the local Military was summoned for stealing a bicycle in Orchard-road The T own C lerk and Quarter Sessions, the two eminent counsel 6ub-committee and the printers of Eastbourne, and Representative, in last week’s Chronicle, for volunteers on the 11th ult., the property of Harold Sherrin. his brassard and equipment. Hicks, Holmes and E ast; the second team being Ptes. they suggested that tho case should be remitted to Sunday, June 10th.—Parade Drill Hall 11 a.m.; equip­ C ome iiler .'Toddy : - being almost invariably ranged on opposite Oran, Russel. Greenhough, Oapell, Goodchild aud to take up Red Cross work. Offers of assistance havje The bicycle was stolen by Mason from outside a house the Local Tribunal, as they were prepared to grant been forthcoming from several prominent resident?, in Orchard-road and was sold by another boy for 3s. ment ; rations to be carried; Pevensey ; return by 5 p.m. sides. There was little to choose between Sargeant. Both these teams were well above the further exemption as a result of the conference. Detachment Orders. average and kept their heads (and their feet) remark­ including the Rev. Preb. W. C. Streatfeild (vicar 6f The latter admitted to the Court that he spent 2d. on Dear Sir,—I shall not b | them for sheer cleverness and resource, and The Tribunal remitted the case to the Local Eastbourne), the Rev. C. E. Pratt, the Rev. H. S. bus fares and 2s. lOd. on cak s and that he gave none of Sunday, June 17th.—Parade 3 p.m.; drill order. Council meeting next .Moii the forensic battles between the two sturdy ably well. The high jump was very interesting to Tribunal. Blythe Critchley and Col. Whistler. The Rev. G. P. "the money to Mason. Wednesdays, 6.15 p.m., platoon drill, under Orderly engagement in London, jl combatants were always a real treat to watch. watch and was won Dy Pte. Sedge (clown), Pte. Courts Bassett Kerry (vicar of Holy Trinity) has submitted Chief Inspector Taylor said Mason’s father had been Officer. have asked for an opportul and Sergt. Rock being 2nd and 3rd ; and a wonderful AN OPTICIAN’S APPLICATION. Platoon drills: No. 1, Tuesday 7 45 p.m.; Nos. 2 and 3, and my fellow members of if Mr. Marshall Hall was thought to have advan­ the names of six gentlemen willing to serve, and he bound over for his son’s good behaviour. The l>oy Thursday 8.15 p.m.; range finding, &e., outdoor drill. acrobatic exhibition was given by one of the clowns. Ernest Wiliam Rendall (31), optician, applied for himself offers his services if really needed. We can previously stole a bicycle lamp. with my relatives and tage in oratorical power, being an exceedingly The human wheelbarrow was a unique event, par­ renewal of the exemption previously allowed him. Miniature range and musketry : Monday, 7 to 10 p.m., sustained by tin death of ready, fluent and incisive speaker. Mr. Gil ticularly when, as in some cases, the wheelbarrow assure the rev. gentleman that bis services and the help The boy was ordered to receive four strokes with the arid othfer evenings after drill. Class firing, miniature remember gratefully the k l Applicant said he w|as passed for sedentary work of many others are really needed, in order that the birch and his father was called upon to pay 10s. range, mu6t be completed by 16th June. only at the Council mr-etinl had a more laboured style, though he excelled insisted on getting up in the middle of the race and abroad and on the j last occasion his jcaso w as convoys arriving in the town and the hospital work inajy Bombing Class (N.C.O.’s): Wednesday and, Friday, expressions of sympathy,[ in argument and analytical skill, and when changing places with the one who wheeled ! The adjourned for him to obtain wqrk of|; national MONDA;Y.—Before the Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien 8 to 9 p.m., Drill HalL sincerely. Will you kindla Jdg expeditiously and efficiently dealt with. Mentio[n Harding), in tho chair, Major H. P. Molineux, fully roused he could make things uncomfort­ winners of this race were Ptea Bells and Ellis, Ptes. importance. He reported that he had been engaged was made in Mr. Beattie’s letter of women, and Mr. Orderlies (for wesk commencing Juno 10th). heartfelt thanks. YoJf ably warm for the other side. Since the days Hamilton and Gardner and Driver Hall and Pte. by a London firm of prismatic field glass rjiakers for H. R. J. Copleston, the hon. secretary, states that on Mr. C. A. Leatham, Mr. R. H. Ellis, Alderman Officer, Lieutenant S. N. Vigors; Sergeant, Corporal referred to both of these legal luminaries have Fletcher. Quite a novelty was the football race, the the Army and Navy. | lady from the Grand Hotel offered her services as E. Duke, Col. A. B. Mein, Mr. Claude Bishop, and sixMnen from No. 9 Section. idea being to kiok the football down tbe course and The case was adjourned until the j next sitting for Mr. Roland Burke and Mr. Sydney Hudson. ILLNESS OK COll risen high in the scale of professional distinc­ through the goal posts as quickly as possible. Inciden­ Stretcher bearer. Mr. Copleston points out thAt (For week commencing June 17th). the production of evidence a 9 to his ivork. although offers of help are still coming in, men ai® Tho following comnnmiql tion, and their names are rarely seen but in tally, whoever stood at the goal post to see fair play THE ALLEGED L E fl'E R THEFTS. Officer, 2nd-Lieutenant T. B. Miller; Sergeant, Corporal Clllor Wood : - association with causes celibre. A MEDICAL REVISION. urgently needed. Ladies who are desirous of working and six men from No. 2 Section. was pretty sure to be kicked also ! This enviable the hospitals should apply to Mrs. Swift, the P ostw om an Co m m itted for T r ia l . Recruits can be taken at the Company Headquarters, position was occupied by Capt. Foley ! The winners John Blackman (&), motor mechanic,' appealed ivisional secretary, Beeehwooa, Compton Place-road the Drill Hall. Junction-road, every week day, except of this race were Pte. Courts and Pte. Stewart (2nd). personally and by his1 employers against tfrp refusal & Ena Huggett, of Northiam-road, was charged, on Dear Air. Fovargue,— u n ic ipa l eco n d a r y chool reffiand, with stealing, on several dates between Saturday, 8 to 8.30 p.m. M S S . The Blue Boy Band played splendidly throughout the of the Eastbourne Tribunal to grant conditional A. Ji Hart, Captain. room and shall be glad ill E x p e r ie n c e teaches; and having been afternoon. exemption. The man had been before the Special April and May, 118 letters in the course of trans­ apologies for non-attendaii * * * mission, and six postal orders and two cheques, to-morrow. I regret to say| advised by those specially competent to form Medical Board and his category had beeh reduced together valued at £8. 8s. Id., the property of the to find anyone to undertalf an opinion that any extension of the Girls’ On Tuesday “ A ” Division gave 1 another good from garrison duty abroad to sedentary| work at fcion at the Special School.| home. MflOONTOSHS Postmaster-General. BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY. Secondary School would be unwise at the concert, and on Friday “ D ” Division again oocupied The case had beeh adjourned from the previous able to see you again, I i the field. The Knuts gave their usual concert on Mr. A. C. Hillman,[ who appeared for appellants, There’s a Military Hospital (Sussex/ 15 Y.A.D.). present time, the Town Council have judici­ said the man 1 was engaged chiefly on work for Friday in order that the defendant might be legally ously declined to even initiate any enlarge­ Thursday and on Friday gave a special concert at the represented. Commandant: Ashley G. Cluffe, Esq., M.D. Canadian Hospital, which was much appreciated by doctors’ cars and was the only man his firm now had near yon. Take some in. ment scheme before it is made evident that for this work. Mr. H. H. Coles appeared to prosecute on behalf Medical Officer: Dr. J. N. Donnellan. THE LATE All the patients. Medical Officer (attached): Lieut.-Col. Owen, substantially increased accommodation will be * * * The Tribunal granted six weeks’ exemption and of the Postmaster-General, and Mr. F. Lawson Lewis C.M.G., C.I.E., I.M.S., J.P. Mrs. Fox, widow of th | permanently required. The cost of building The Knuts’ Sunday evening concert was remarkable, ordered that at tho end of that period the ntan should now appeared for the defence. wrote as follows :— be available as a substitute. Men over military age are urgently needed for Out­ would run into four figures at lleast; and the amongst other things, for the excellent rendering of Harry Thomas Tickrier, assistant superintendent at work of National importance. Forms of application InglcJ expense would not stop there, (is an increased the* Temptation scene from O t h e l l o by Sergt. Crombie. WORK OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. tho G.P.O., Eastbourne, said the.. defendant was may be obtained of either of the officers. ’ib gave a splendid impersonation of the Moor, ant engaged through the Labour Exchange a9 a post­ Dear Mr. Fovarguo,—Pi staff would at once become necessary. Coun­ W. F. Cook (39), tool setter, formerly engaged at woman on November 16th, 1915. Her wages were Orders for J une, 1917. Aldermen and Councillors! ;-CorpL Carpenter, who supported him very ably as KHAKI WEDDING AT RIPE. their most kind letter of eof cillor Russell, whose amendment, though Jago. Pte. Harrison played Moskowsky’s ‘‘Scherzo iastboumei applied for further exemption, and on 25s. a week, including a war bonus. Ho produced a On Tuesdays the" Quartermaster directs Ambulance . defeated, met with strong support, pleaded bowing that ne was engaged on work oif national bundle of 100 letters, and a second packet of 18 letters and Stretcher Drill (assisted by Sections “ A" and “ B’:' husband. Mr. Alderman Valse ” with his usual taste and beauty of touch, and importance ho was granted'further exemption for six orderly officers), at the Drill Hall, at 8.15. various Committed - of the that the formulation of a scheme was all that CorpL Thomas was first rate in “ How’s every little j Anlntereating “ War ” wedding took place on Satui and a 2s. postal order, and stated that on May 26th On Fridays a Practice Class (First Aid and Hospital \va,s a member. I feel it rl was proposed at the present time, and that thing in Dixie ? ” and other songs. Gnr. Learoyd sang months. day at Ripe, the contracting' parties being Compan he made a search on the Downs near the l)own6 Work) is conducted by tho D.Q.M. (assisted by Sections Mfonld have written mo sua the advantage of taking preliminary measures one or two songs with a beautiful rich tone and Bombr. THE FINAL CLAUSE. Sergeant-Major S. Dear, of the 4th South African Golf Club House, where ho found the 18 letters in “ C ’’and “ D” orderly officers), at Avenue House, a t8.15. Relieve mj now was that the Council would be ready to Daley gave a telling little poem, “ The scrapper and The Military appealed against the granting by East­ Infantry, ana Miss G. Deacon, of Ripe. Corporal W. the gorse. An attempt had been made to burn thern. Notes. build so soon as tbe war is over. The obvious the nut.” bourne Local Tribunal to Clement Waldorf (40), fruit White, of the 1st Dragoon Guards, acted as best mao, The envelopes were addressed to various parts of the Nursing Certificates.—Certificates awarded for the FOOD ORDE| • * < * salesman, at Eastbourne, for a Worthing [company, the bride, who lookea charming, being supported by town, whilst the stamps had been cancelled, showing Nursing Examination are now ready and may be reply to this was the one returned by Coun­ On Wednesday some of the Summerdown Camp of exemption till August 15th. Miss M. Burgess as bridesmaid. that the letters were in epurse of transmission by obtained at the office any day after 5 p.m. On the motion of Counl cillor Hollins that there is no certainty any cricket eleven played with Eastbourne against the The firm stated that several hundreds if tons of | The bridegroom, who is an old and respected member post. One of the envelopes was addressed to the Couiity Membership Badges.—Those who have passed Alderman Rowe, the Coum} structural addition will be required, at any Cavalry Command Depot. Eastbourne’s score was 124, vegetables were sent fr^m Worthing to 1 astbourne iof the Durban (Natal) Police Force, was one of the first defendant. The defendant could have had access to in First Aid or Nursing, who desire a County Badge, directing, certain officials rate, for some years to come.; Why, therefore, whilst that of the Cavalry Camp was 133. Oapt Tudor everv year, including bver 100 tons of po itoes, and to volunteer in the Empire’s cause when the Souffi the whole of Ithe letters at jthe sorting office.. should send in a claim on a postcard as early as possible. against the Orders of tliJ 'all these were handled by this man, who as passed Arthur Holmes (13), of 21, Salehurst-road, stated Pprobationers must attend at least thrte times in two Local Government Board! occupy precious time in preparing a scheme made 79 (not out) for Eastbourne. He was dropped African Infantry Brigade was mobilised, and he h weeks. Realm Regulations., whicn circumstances may in the end render when he had scored 17, but after that gave his opponents for garrison duty abroad. The firm acj d for 50 ;seen considerable service in Egypt and France. “ Sam that on May; 25th he was on the Downs with two Mepibersmust inform their callers and the Hon. Secre growers and they had put every availabl| piece of useless ? Any satisfactory extension scheme no more ch&noes. Q.M.S. Salisbury played well behind :as he is known to his many friends, is one of the mest other boys when they found five postal orders and tary when they are away from home, even if only for a HEALTH INSURE must needs demand very close and exhaustive the wioket, and Pte. Munroe bowled and batted well land under cultivation, but thc-distributi 1 of the ;popular warrant officers in the Brigade and carries wi two cheques, Which totalled £7. 16s. '3d. Ho first took few hours ; or make arrangements to be called in for the Cavalry Camp. produce was of almost equal importance t| tho pro- ;nim, jin his further duty to the fetate, a host of got some of tho (etters, postal orders and cheques home emergency. It transpired from ajettj consideration. Indeed, -if Councillor Russell’s duction. to his father,[ and subsequently they were taken to Callers are requested to report (within twenty-four clerk to the above Gopnnl wishes. hours) the result of their call each time. view is correct, that the number of pupils The period of exemption was reduced AllRUSt Tbe happy pair left the same afternoon for Bourn Summerdown Camp, as some of the letters were Conditionally Exempted Men are reminded that the necessary t<» re-appoint thef ought to be double what it is, no mere enlarge­ 1st and made final. mouth, wnere the brief honeymoon is being spent, the addressed there. Tribunal Advisory Committee, expect absentees to ho chosen by the Couric.il, fcarrJ ment of the existing premises would suffice. CAVALRY CAMP NOTES. bridegroom being on embarkation leave prior to return­ William Eqward Stratford, a clerk in the Secre­ reported. for their continuance in of™ A ONE-MAN BUSINESS. tary’s Office, 'G.P.O., London, stated that in conse­ Offers for duty at the hospitals should bo made on n The borough would require a brand new George Walter Carr (32), general draper and hosier, ing to Flanders. IDIOT Cl school of very commodious dimensions. Whilst at the Cavalry Command Depot C.SJ.M. Dear quence of instructions received' lie came to East­ postcard, stating the days and hours available. The Cavalry Cripples gave another couoerb on Wed­ appealed against the granting of exemption by East­ acted as a gymnastic instructor and his colleagues showed bourne on May 30th. Ho interviewed the defendant (By order of the Commandant). Mr. Reginald Blakey, ell nesday ab Devonshire Park, when they also had the bourne Tribunal to July 4th (final). at the Eastbourne Post Office. He showed Huggett East Sussex County Astylul assistance of the band of the 13th Hussars, under the their appreciation of him by a wedding present of a H;. R. J. Copleston, Hon. Sec. R a id Sy r e n s . Mr. A. C. Hillman appeared for appellant, who handsome case of cutlery. tho letters, cheques and postal orders, and 6aid, and Deputy Quartermaster. ing effect: “ Your letter <1 direction of Bandmaster A. E. Hopkins. The concert stated that on the advice of the Medical Board he, “ These letters, envelopes, cheques and postal orders the Visiting Committee wl I n the Watch Committee's last report was a very good one, but perhaps a trifle too much on had all his teeth extracted and it would not be Tel. Eastbourne 1,218. contract for the rcceptiol appeared the somewhat cryptic intimation were found on the Downs a short distance from your Quartermaster R. H. Woodland, tbo serious side. The band played various well-known possible for new teeth to be provided j for three home last week. You should have dealt with the 10, Uppar-avenue. expires on the 17th Septeif that a letter had been received urging the use works, includingaselection from’ CavaUeria, Rusticana months/ EASTBOURNE RIFLE CLUB. letters; what have ydu to say? ” Defendant said, “ I the Committee at their nte of a warning signal and that “ the authorities and the famous Rachmaninoff Prelude in C minor. 1 Tho Tribunal decided that appcllint shohld not he I was instructed to write (Affiliated to the N.R.A.) took the letters home at different times and opened b e s t f o b a l l . are being communicated with on tbe subject.” our opinion, however, the best number on their pr called upon to report before September 1st. I them. A good many had notes and postal orders Eastbourne a new eon trim Tbe nature and purpose of the committee’i grammo was Sibelius’ “ Valse Triste,” whioh tnt_ Application by Mr. Hiliman for leave to go to the inside, but [I can’t, say how much there was For Children Teething. year from’ 17th Septem _ communication are not disclosed; but the played extremely well. The band’s concert was also Central Appeal Tribunal on the one-mah business GILDREDGE PARK altogether. I used to change thej^postal orders and MRS: If your baby Is restless and months’not fee on cither sit] interspersed with vocal numbers. Coir.-Sergt. Edward ground was refused. notes at shops. I kept the letters in my box at pannob sleep, give this old- each patient, plus the ma| intention, we learn, is to put the responsibility Williams, who won the Eistedfodd Gold Medal (South An impromptu match took place on the! Municipal : home, but I was afraid my father would find them, W i n s l o w s fashioned remedy a trial, as being. Tho Visiting Conf upon the “ authorities,” whoever they may be. Africa) four years in succession, sang “ Oh, with the APPEAL DISMISSED. Miniature Rifle Bange last Wednesday afternoon, It cures Wind & Teething excessi v e i >r^ss u i t ’TTh t h e ; duriug the halt in Gildredge Park of the khaki con­ I so I took thjein on the Downs and tried to burn Diarrhcea. You will all Nothing we have read or heard disturbs our motley,” from Pagliaci, and proved himself as fine an Charles Frederick Nash (41), fruiterer appealed : them.” Later in the day witness gave the defon- SOOTHING have a good night and baby they are unable to cntertl conviction that no necessity, whatever exists actor as he is a Binger, which is very fine indeed. He i against tho withdrawal of his certificate of condi- valescents from the Cavalry Camp. Several of the i dant into custody on a charge of larceny. will wake np bright and • period than} one year. >Kf for any noisy night signal. At a time when ave a magnificent and intensely dramatic rendering. tional exemption by Eastbourne Tribunal. men appeared to bo good marksmen. This range lately 1 Defendant, j who reserved her defence, was com­ S tR U P . happy. Corporation ami let me be everybody is Within doors of what possible fle also sang “ Onaway, awake” beautifully. Sergt. The Local Tribunal stated that the man had a has been more patronised by the wounded Tommies mitted for trial at the next Assizes, bail being allowed Alderman, R"\\i;, inm<>v Dempsey, who has a very pretty voice, sang “ Melisande brother in tho same kind of business in; the same than the ordinary public., in Councillor Huggett’s (tho father’s) surety of £100, •said there was ii" altcrria servioe could a public warning, alarming or in the wood ” charmingly. . , street. I . | Th e P a u per and h is R ations.—A pauper,. obtainable. otherwise, prove ? W ith respect to daylight F ree to the P ublic. charged at Westminster Police Court on Friday with . * * * Mr. A. C. Hillpian appeared for appellant, who Every Wednesday, commencing at2.30p.m., shooting T uesday.—Before Aldermaq H. W. Keay. Alderman! Lb ki: m*. - unit raids, although “ sound” warning might be With regard to the half of the programme given by said tho brother had a business of his own and was refusing to do light work at the City of Westminster takes place on this range, through the medium of the UNDER TWO NAMES. Workhouse, Fulham-road, pleaded that he was generally less objectionable on such occasions, it is by the Cripplers pure and simple, one of the best numbers unable to take charge of his business in addition, Club. Rifles and targets are provided; charge for G oRShl no means certain they would have the desired was deoidedly “ Lazy Old Moon.” The solo part was although ho helped him all ho could. A woman, aged 33, who was charged under the run down and getting thin through lack of sufficient The folk-wing communic! ammunition is five shots a penny. good nourishing food. The Labour Master mentioned effect. Apart from the gregarious nature of very well sung, and the moon itself caused great joy to The appeal was dismissed. j name of Hazell James with obtaining by means of a Cpmptoii I-Matol the audienoe, especially in its reluctanoe to leave I nducement to Lads. i worthless cheque a sum of £1 from William Ashdown, that the defendant, who was only 64 years of age, 4 humankind, and the instinctive curiosity that A MILLER’S EXEMPTION. Every youth between 14 and 18 years of age making refused to take a broom to sweep a corridor. Tne the festive scene ! Pte. Dougherty again gave some with intent to cheat and defraud, said her real name Dear iSir,—jl am much 0 I1 impels people to assemble in the streets to Frank Attreo (30), miller, employed by Mr. Stapley, his first inch group any where on the target will receive medical officer certified him quite fit for any light work. “ see what is going on,” there is little doubt Dickens’ sketches and proved himself an artist in was Maud Hazel Miller. She told the Magistrate the 1st in.si.iand am glad pathos, his pathetic sketches being distinotly the best. of St. John’s Mill, Eastbourne, attended on an appeal 2s. Gd. from the Club. , that she had [gone under the .name of Hazell James Since the war some of the elderly men had been witlec arc tkkiug t hi- 1 that warnings of possible but unrealised raids Lance-CorpL Wright and Tpr. Somerlad 'contributed by the Military against the case being adjourned for ■ Range officer for Wednesday, Mr. J. Browning. for ono or two nights^ required to do a bit of sweeping, but there was fires have, no doubt, burn would soon cease to be treated seriously. In a violin and piano concerto with all their former success, substitution and considered that tho man, who was WJ W. DENHAM, Hon. Sec.! | Deteptive-Inspector Wells stated that about 4.20 evidently an organisation among them to do nothing at and I sent a letter to the L referring last week to Mr. Page’s dictatorial tbe latter also playing the violin obligato to Toeti’i passed for general service, should he available for the 1 p.m. on the previous day ho saw the prisoner detained all. TJie defendant remarked that they did not get concerned**n the lllh May, Army | their proper weight of food. Mr. Francis : A sort of discontinues;..this, except epistle, we erroneously quoted him as using “ Parted,” sung by Tpr.-Major Twist. Another good | - ' - “ at Brighton Police Station. When charged with this pointing-out that I wishc number was a song about a tank, in whioh all the per­ The 'Tribunal decided to adjourn the case for a Control of Oa^jal B arges. — Barges on offence she said,! “ Drink is the cause of it.” protest’case ? You will be striking for comfortable arm­ tne expression “ sheer ignorance,” whereas the month, the employer to apply to the Director of chairs next. I will give you a month in prison, and put a stop Uo the iirc’s; actual words employed were “ sheer negli­ formers joined together and gave a most spirited canals are the latest things to be controlled. Under tqe Prisoner, who asked permission to send for i alight to the gorse and ii imitation of a Tank’s ambling gait, at least as imagined National Service fqr a substitute within a week. [Defence of the Realm Regulations the Board of Trac^e friend, was remanded in custody until next Monday. there they may find you some suitable, congenial to deal with the matter if| gence.” Credit was given the writer of the has made an order that no person, not being an owner of j occupation. aysteniatically Inh\ming. letter for a milder term than he had seen fit by the mere oiviliatl! Lance-Corpl. Wright accom­ My estate ranger has ord panied throughout the concert and also played Liszt’s a canal of which the Board of Trade have taken posses- ! People are beginning to cteride economy hints, report to me immediately! to use. Ignorance is not incompatible with “ Rhapeodie Hongloise” (No. 12) splendidly. An “ Father, what is an empty title ? ” “ Well, ;sion, eh^ll dispose of barges used on the canal, or of an|y ' Angelina : “ I want a husband who is easily but some of them are quite effective. Cooked rhubarb finds setting light to Ihel innocence, but “ negligence,” according to the interesting feature of the concert was tbe playing by an empty title is yourjmother’s way of calling mo the machinery or planto used for then1, without the consent pleased.” Lucy : “ Don’t wony—that’s exactly what It aves, for example, will cure tbe eating habit altogether. realise, a very large area f immortal Bard, “is a crime.” the 13th Hussars Band of their Regimental March. head c f the house 1 ” of the Canal Control Committee. you will g et! ” —- — London 0-pin ion. Watch Committee can .an 1 ,


EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 9- 1917. apprehending the pewonS who are chiefly responsible for any vacancies to those who applied first They had no unanimously that tho thanks of tho Eastbourne SELECTION c o m m it t e e . TOWN COUNCIL. these fires I should bo glad. reason to suppose that the increase that had taken place Schoolmasters’ Association bo tendered to the East- During the recent hard winter most of the gorse on Councillor B olton proposed, and- Aldermaf? SPORT—AND OTHER the Downs was killed, making it, at the present time, was permanent, and it would probably be rushing the bourne Sanitary Committee for their vigilance in B t ft MONS seconded, [the adoption of this committee’s I extremely inflammable land and in many places it would be t°'?n “p e s s a r y expense if they seriously thought initiating prosecutions under the Adulteration of recommendations. These included tho appointment •liAnATTATT u i morpn n DTTTnTOT7TA I vory much better burnt! off, but this should bo systemsystema- of building at the present time. The Education Com- Foods Act. While bearing striking testimony to the THINGS. bO K O l ( t11 .M A vtI u 1 K A lL u C u l l lC lo iiU . | tically done, and only, of course, during the day time. mittee realised it might be necessary in the near future a ertness of tho officials, tho increasing number of of Alderman Easter as a member of the Watch Com­ to inarease the accommodation,!nation.! andnnri theytihftv wereworn nronarodprepared • fhnan nwKon„ __:__ _j i- , . , - mittee, tho Alderman retiring from the Buildings B y | Yours faithfully, these indicates a serious and disastrous state of Ccjmmittee; and A e : appointment of Councillor Cave SPECTATOR. to make that, increase when [they found they qould affairs.__ ^ Tho Eastbourne Schoolmasters* Association Roland Burke. reasonably recommend the Council to grant them the j looks with’c o n fid e n c T t^ as j a member of the Buildings, Education, and CURLS’ SECONDARY SCHOOL: Councillor P earson [asked whether this question necessary financial support In reply to Councillor to relax their vigilance in any way/ notwithstanding Sanitary Committees. would come before the T&ural Council ? Pearson, he might exp] Councillor PEARSON repeated his protest against Quite a large number of spectators patronised th® •lain theiy they were under a certain the tho infliction of fines, which are apparently quh be|ng left off the Watch Committee, to which, he Saffrons on Saturday to watch the match between ENLARGEMENT DISCUSSED. The M ayor said the Town Council were concerned obligation to the rural districi in return for money inadequate and certainly aro not proving a deterren I in regard to thab portion of the downs within the contributed—£2,090, he believed—to the building ojf the saild, he had tried to get admission for seven or eight Eastbourne al*l Summerdown Camp, and as tho borough. Technical Institute. He would go into the question of ;i-r “ Yours faithfully, ye|ir9. weather waa ideal and the cricket*good, a most enjoy­ how many outside pupils there were, and the com­ “ E. L. Brow ne, Alderman Duke said Alderman Easter, having able afternoon waa spent. To add to the enjoyment GILDREDGE PARK: THE MAYOR AND MR. P. .HURST. mittee might be relied upon to give a preference to “ Hon. Sec. E.S.A.” beCn a member of the Council for 25 years, clearly too, of all present the Convalescents’ band was also The Mayor : I have received a letter from Mr. Percy Councillor H ollins moved, and Alderman Martin had a prior claim to Councillor Pearson, who had present to enliven tho proceedings with their music Eastbourne pupils. on|y been connected with the Council for six years. PRIVATE ENCLOSURES OBJECTED TO. i Hurst making suggestions that are absolutely impractic- Councillor Avard said as tnere were several large seconded, the adoption of tho committee’s teport. 1 And, mmd you, the Camp Band is well worth lieten- I able. I do not intend to bring the letter before the Councillor Avard adverted to a recent prosecution The motion was carried. mg to. buildings vacant could not one be utilised pro tern. ? Councillor PEARSON: Ah, well! (laughter). * * * Council because I am certain they would endorse mv Councillor H ollins said the suggestion was impractic­ in which a butcher was fined £5 for having sold folr 1 views with regard to it. I t is written in Mr. Hurstia able. No pupil had been refused admission. human consumption a cow that was seriously I- WAR PENSIONS COMMITTEE. Both sides were well represented, and the inclusion The monthly meeting of the Council was held at the usual ironical style, and I decline to allow him to use in the Eastbourne eleven of M. Tate, the Sussex On a division-14 voted for the amendment and 15 diseased. Ho maintained that such a fine was wholly The following paragraph appeared in the report:— Town llall on Monday, when there were present:— me as a medium for the advertisement he desires (hear, against. It was therefore declared lost. inadequate to an offence of such gravity, as an animajl County cricketer, lent additional interest to tho game. | hear). ; i Inspection of Books and Accounts.—It was i'hc Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien Harding) in the chair. Councillor Beal spoke in fjavour of pupils at the sold in ;t-ho condition this one was might have caused And it was well that Eastbourne had Tate’s assist­ Councillor P earson : I endorse that opinion. I have Secondary Schools being given facilities for attending widespread illness. The Council were justified in ■reported that the War Pensions Inspector and ance, for without it they \yould have cut a very sorry The Deputy Mayor (Councillor C. W. Bolton). I been put in the same position by the same gentleman. tho technical classes during the winter months. asking ;fhe Justices to back up the sanitary officials [Auditor visited Eastbourne on the 8th instant and figure indeed. Even as it waa they were badly Aldermafn K. Duke Alderman T. B. Rowe Replying to Councillor H uguett, Councillor H ollins m«re strongly by inflicting heavier fines. He begged [inspected tho various books and accounts of the beaten, theugh it must in fairness be stated that they Alderman J. Easter Alderman \V. ShaTp BOROUGH FIRE BRIGADE. said before declining the application for increased wages to mov| a resolution to that effect. [Local Committee, and also thoroughly tested a were not favoured with the best, of luck. Alderman H. W. Keay Alderman C. F. Simmons Councillor Breach asked the Chairman of the Watch (number of cases in which supplementary allow- * * * Alderman M. M artin Alderman J. C. Wright from the caretaker of St. Saviour’s Schools the Corn­ Councillor B olton : I was not adjudicating in thip jances had been granted, when he expressed his Committee whether his attention had been called to the in'ttee went carefully into the matter. The man in c'aso when it was before tho Bench, but I would like Still, the Camp were the better all round side, and Councillor R. Alee Councillor F. Hollins remarks of Mr. Hounsom, captain of the Fire Brigade, question ivas being paid at a (higher rate than other to say I to Councillor Avard that that is a very (approval of the manner in which the work of tho Councillor A. Avard Councillor F. J. Huggett before the Local Tribuaal ; whether it was a fact, as jWar Pensions Committee was being carried out. therefore fully deserved to win. They have some Councillor T. Beal Councillor 1). Knight caretaker^. He was only a part-time employe. improper resolution to bring before the Council—to Resolved: That the best thanks of this sub-com­ v®ry £ri°d bo^vling at their disposal this year, and Councillor B. Bradford Councillor H. Morgan stated by Mr. Hounsom, thab the brigade consisted of interfere with the decision of the Magistrates and tp this, coupled to their well-known batting sttetagth, Councillor C. Bleach . n«* ^ oml? ^ mcn * whether the Watch Committee would ELECTRICITY AND STREET LIGHTING instruct! them what to do. It is not a thing which mittee bo tendered to the Town Clerk for the Councillor Nicdermayer valuable services which ho had rendered to them, will make them formidable opponents to almost ayiy Councillor F. A. Carter Councillor j/w ^Pearson I seriously consider the question of re-organising the COMMITTEE. . taught tjo bo brought before the Council. I wish h3 team-they are likely to meet. Hawksworth, with a Councillor C. H. Cave Councillor J. Prior I brigade under a paid chief, or by the formation of a would jthink what such a resolution means and and that ho bo congratulated on trie excellent Councillor A. A.Chapman Alderman Simmons moved the adoption of this com­ report of tho Inspector. high delivery and medium pace, and Skilton, a rather • Councillor J. Pulsford | police fire brigade ? mittee’s report. would [withdraw it. Such a proceeding is quits fast bowler with a swerve, were the two men who Councillor J. Duke Councillor J. Rawles Councillor Bolton, in reply, said Mr. Hounsom had The Mayor, in moving the adoption of the report, Councillor J. Eden Councillor S. Russell This was seconded by Councillor B eal, and i was unheard of. principally brought about Eastbourne’s downfall on Councillor J. Hoadley Councillor R. T. Thornton told him he did not say the brigade was now reduced to carried without discussion. Councillor Avard : It is important, sir. said in an interview with tho Inspector he pointed Saturday. 34 members instead of 45. What he said was that since Councillor Bolton : It is not a thing to be brought out [the special difficulties arising from tho transition * * * The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue), the Medical the outbreak of the war 34 had either enlisted or had HIGHWAYS AND DRAINAGE COMMITTEE. beforo the Council. of jthe Soldiers and Sailors Families’ work to tho Officer of Health (Major Dr. W. G. WilloughrrTlloughby),uiougljby), the joined the Forces, the consequence being he had had to The homesters took first, knock and had lost a Borough Surveyor (Mr. A. K. Prescott),, thehe l Bi " Corporation W orkmen and T h e ir W agbs. The M ayor said any resolution should bo n1! Committee, and the Inspector expressed himself as wicket beforo a run was scored. Two men were out ------Surveyor- (Mr. . W. C. Field), ------the E lectricall En.Engineerngine (Mr. I °btam 34 fresh men, and there were only 11 men of the writing: exceedingly pleased with the way the committee were /for 3, and three, wickets were down for 4. Tate was ?Tealeh I brigade remaining. The strength of the brigade A special sub-committee lmd had two meetings, carrying out their duties. J.► K. Brydgcs), the Chief Constable/if., n u (Major n i _ E.- J. J. Councillor Avard said if there was an understand­ Am but could find no one to 6ta.y with him until the Motor^Bus Manager (Mr. P. Ellison), and the Acting | was still 45, as at the outbreak of the war. Under these their proceedings being repbrted in supplemental ing thajt this important matter would be considered dderman D uke seconded tho motion, which was nVagener, as seventh man, went to the wickets, and Borough Accountant (Mr. H. Burrell). I circumstances perhaps Councillor Breach would , nob minutes as follows:— serious!?, ho did not wish to persevere with thk carried. the .only real stand of the innings was made. Tho SYMPATHY WITH FOLKESTONE. insist on replies to the other parts of his question. *r (First Meeting): The subcommittee considered resolution. His object was to ensure offences of the TJiis concluded the public business of the Council. bowling was far too good for any liberties to bo Councilor Breach said tno figures be had quoted the .etter from tho Workers’ Union applying for character complained of being more severely taken with it and • both batsmen had to exercise Alderman Simmons obtained permission to propose, appeared in both the Eastbourne Chronicle and the an immediate increase in the wages of the although no formal, notice of motion had been given, punished. caution. Argus. Corporation workmen [of 10s. per week. Councillor J. D uke suggested that the amendment * * * “ That this Council now assembled do'tender to the Councillor Bolton : But you don’t wish to deal with Resolved: That the men be informed that hear­ CUNARD LINE. Mayor and Corporation, and through them the whole was ou4i of order. Wage»er especially was very careful, and Tate, the question of re-construction ? ing there is an application by them for an increase Alderman Martin said those concerned would no REGULAR PAS3ENGER and FREIGHT SERVICES though well set, found it no easy matter- to get the of the inhabitants, of Folkestone their heartfelt Councillor Breach : No ; I will leave that to the in wages tho sub-committee will be pleased to doubt see that the Council had taken notice of itl, LONDON—NEW YORK. ball away. The Sussex pro., however, played beauti­ sympathy in the great calamity that lias overtaken Watch Committee. interview a member of each class of wefrkmen which would bo sufficient. At the same time, it waa ful cricket in that pretty style of bis with which wo them ; further, they suggest that the inhabitants of Councillor Bolton : We will remember what ycu upon the matter. LONDON—CANADA-NEW YORK. Eastbourne be asked to show in a practical way their an abominable ease that came before the Bench—on ? are all so familiar, and so long as fie and Wagener have mentioned. (Second Meeting): Although the Corporation in which they would have been justified in inflicting - BRISTOL-OANADA-NEW YORK. wero together Eastbourne’^ prospects continued to sympathy by subscribing to the fund now being raised workmen had been asked jto send representatives a fine of £100. ______by the Mayor of Folkestone to assist those who have OCKLYNGE CEMETERY. LIVERPOOL-NEW YORK. improve. Then m attempting^ (for him) a rather to meet the sub-comrnittee, the only men repre­ Alderman R owe thought there could be no doubt sharp run at his partner’s ©all, Wagener was unfortu­ been so cruelly deprived of their breadwinners and Councillor Avard risked the Chairman of the Sanitary sented were the painters!, wheelwrights, black­ about the inadequacy of the penalty. The case was a For Rates of Pi :e. Freight, Dates of Sailing, and nately run out/the wicket being cleverly thrown down others who have suffered by this disaster.” He felt Committee whether, now that Summer Time was in smiths, carpenters and yard workmen. A letter very serious one, considering the possible extent of Particulars as to I ing Berths, from square leg, and Eastbourne’s venturo camo that they in Eastbourne who had hitherto been immune force, they would direct that the Cemetery should was read from the Secretary of the Worlie the mischief, and Inspector Ollett’s action in the A^iply. Cunard Line, Liverpool; I.oadon, 51, Bishops- quickly to an end. Wagener had made .only seven from such disasters ought to express their sympathy in remain open to the public until 9 p.m.? Union expressing the opinion that the men should matter could not be too warmly praised. Here was a gato, E.C.; 2SK)1, Cookspur-streot, S.W.; 65, Baldwin runs, but his stay at the wickets was invaluable to [ such a case as this. None knew who might be the next I Councillor HoLLlNjs: I will bring the matter before be , accompanied by their Union organiser land case ini which, for a whole beast, the fine was onl^ street, Bristol; 18a, High-street, Cardiff; 117, New-6treet, his side’s prospect©. Tate was responsible for 28, tho to sustain a similar terrible experience. So far as the I the next meeting of the committee. requesting that that be done. A letter was jajso £5, whereas iri the case of a prosecution for a small Birmingham; or to Local Agents. next best scorer being Mr. Extras with 22, no ori& r r i t r & i waa ooncerned' ifc waa NO. q u e s t io n o f compensation . read from tho Branch Secretary of the Union piece ojf unsound pork the penalty was £15. Thk else getting into double figures. Eastbourne’s full enclosing a resolution passed at a meeting) of the question had, however, been publicly discussed, -and score was only, 81—a very poor total for such a good Councillor Avard seconded the proposition, which I Councillor H uqgett enquired of the Chairman of the employes of the Corporation leaving the negotia­ it did riot, perhaps, come within the province of th^ batting side. . was supported by Councillor Bradford, and was carried I Watch Committee whether it was a fact that the pro- HAILSHAM TRIBUNAL. * * * unanimously. I vision of the new police uniforms had been suspended, tions. in tho hands of ] the Union organiser. Council! to dictate to rile Bench. Under these circum[ Resolved: (a) That the men now represented be stances! ho would advise Councillor Avard to witlif- Hawksworth took three Eastbourne wickets for 12 THF LATE MR WARMAN I anc*- ^ 80 w^et^er compensation would be paia to the * ^ ' I police ? granted an increased war bonus from 4s. to 6e.i 6d. draw the amendment. YESTERDAY’S OASES. runs, seven out of the eleven overs he sent down The M ayor made a sympathetic allusion to the death I Councillor Bolton replied that it had been suspended, per week: (b) that tho foreman of the lighting Councillor P rior said the committee felt strongly being maidens: Skilton captured four wickets for 23 of Mr. Warman, the representative of our mid-week I This was done on the ground of economy and because department bo granted a! war bonus of i 6s. | 6d. that ihq fine imposed was inadequate. runs and Austin claimed twb for 14. per week; (c) with regard .to tho men not pow Councillor T hornton said possibly tho letter from contemporary, remarking that he had regularly attended- there was sufficient stock in hand in case any uniforms AN EXAMINATION PROBLEM. * ■ ,* * ! their meetings for mauy years pa9b. Although “ a I required replacing. There was no question of compen- represented tho sub-committee regret that they tho Schoolmasters’ Association might weigh with the Some good cricket was seen when the Camp went silent man,” he was a great thinker, and had taken a | sation arisingarising in the matter, have not accepted the committee’s invitation; Bench as to future proceedings. He was certain in to bat, and this, too, in spite of the good bowling when they do so tho committee will be prepared letter like that and the remarks made there that considerable interest in what had gone on in the town, A (sitting of the Hailshamj Local Tribunal took place the homesters had at their disposal. Austin mado and done whatever ho could to Support any matters that ANOTHER STANDPIPE. to consider their request. afternoon would hearten tho sanitary officials, who 48, Col. Bostock 33, Capt. Tudor 33, Hawksworth 19, felt that in difficult and important' work they werk at the Court House yesterday. Mr. A. Lemmon | might be for the good and welfare of the town. They Councillor Carter asked the Chairman of the Alderm an K eay proposed, and Alderman SHA.RP presided, and other members present were Mrs. and the total eventually reached 184. Tate was in aa would all miss him on those occasions. Pleasure Grounds Committee whether, in view of the seconded, that the above reports be considered! as not backed up so much as they might be. good form with the ball as with, the bat—indeed, it ia Councillor Breach did not think they would gei William Strickland, Mr. J. J. White, Mr. M. R. long distance some of the allotment holders in the private and confidential business at the end of tin Holman, Mr.. W; H. Pitcher, Mr. R. Hobden and difficult to imagine what East-bourne would have dono THE NEW COUNCILLOR. Prideaux-road district had to go for water, he would public sitting. on biuch by dictating to the Bench. They could no without him—and captured six of tho Summerdown forget, however, they had had letters from the Local Mr.| H. T. Hastings, witjh the Clerk (Mr. E. Catt) The Mayor extended a welcome to the newly- I communicate with the Water \\ orks Company and Councillor H uggett objected, but the proposition and the Military Representative (Mr. A. IC. Burten- wickets for 53 runs. ^E. W. Smith; got a couple, but co-opted member, Councillor C. H. Cave, whom he I arrange to have another 6trindpipe erected? was carried. Government Board 6aying they did not get enough was more expensive. prosecutions. They had recommended proceeding^ ehaw). congratulated on his appointment. I Councillor P rior said he would bring the matter Alderman K eay moved the adoption of |the IN DOUBT. * * * Councillor Cave, in response, thanked the Council I before the committee, He could not, however, hold remainder of tho committee’s; proceedings. in many cases, but the Bench had not backed them Ah employer representing a cowman, * whose ease On Wednesday Eastbourne pjaybd the Cavalry lor having elected’ him, and assured them he would do I out much hopes of the request beiug complied with, as Alderman Sharp seconded. | as they! ought to do. It was useless the Sanitary Command Depot and were again defeated, though on his ljest to efficiently carry out the duties. J the cost was rather prohibitive. Replying to Councillor Bolton, Alderman K ^ay Committeo taking proceedings .if no adequate came up for review, ©aid he had 40 acres of hay and penalties were inflicted. 15 Acres of arable. this occasion1 by , the narrow margin of nine runs only, explained a paragraph with respect to “ de-tinning,” the scores being: ~ Eastbourne, • —124; C.C.------Depot,---- -13*1. J . MA.fOR DR. WILLOUGHBY. 0. ; ASYLUMS VISITING COMMITTEE. which WQ6, he said, the extracting of tin and Councillor Carter said the Magistrates did not The Chairman: Are you going to plough up more lanq? . . The outstanding feature of Eastbourne’s venture was a The Mayor fclluded to the presence of Major Dr. I On the proposition ot Alderman Simmons, seconded galvanism from old kettles, pirns, buckets and every appear [to realise what harmful effects might hav^ splendid batting display by Capt. R. C. Tudor. Going Willoughby, Medical Officer of Health, who is home I by Alderman Rowk, the report of the above committee thing of that description. (Hitherto tins was ai ensued if the' cow in question had been sold. The Employer: I don’t know whether the landlord Alderman R o w e *. It was sold. will j let me or not. They won’t let you do as you in first, he carried nis bat right, through the innings on short leave from his medico-military duties in the I was approved and adopted. industry confined to the Germans, but a ceriair and waa undefeated at the close with 70 .to his credit. East. They were all, he said, pleased to welcome him I 111111 TiTNPg l'd\T\TT’r'l'V Welsh inventor claimed to have ascertained the Councillor HOLLINS said he was glad the Council like] you know. Conditional exemption was confirmed. G. W. E. Whitehead knocked^.up 19, but no one else there again (applause). His WorshipJxiuched upon the I . BUILDINGS COMMITTEE, process, and there seemed no reason why a trade in recognised tho good work done by the Sanitary did much. Mjunro was the most successful of the important character of Major Willoughby’s work, and Alleged U nauthorised E rection op Sheds. which Germany had had a monopoly should not be Inspectors. The committee felt there was a very A DEFERRED EXAMINATION. visitors’ bowlers, capturing five wickets for 27 runs. said all the while the Government appreciated his Councillor Chapman, in submitting the minutes of encouraged in this country. Tho Eastbourne Serious [risk of damage to the health of the town if * services so highly the Corporation would not think of the a*Jove committee, referred to a letter received from Corporation were concerned to the extent of gettjing Oases like tho one mentioned were allowed to happen In the case of Ernest Brand (39), of Hooe, which detaining him. They congratulated him on his success Mr. Charles H. Taylor, 21), Royal-parade, requesting the highest possible price for tins which they colledted again, lit wa9 not for them to dictate to the' Justices hadl been before the, Tribunal on several occasions, Munro also ! did well with the bat and' was top (applause). that the remains of a shed erected in the yard of the applicant had been ordered to be medically examined. scorer for his: side with a; well-played 39, whilst through tho dust-collectors, apd of which they had of the Peace, but he felt sure the Magistrates would He ^tateJ that he h^d been to Eastbourne, but the AI aja r I)r. W illoughby returned his thanks for the | premises might be allowed to remain. He asked that from time to time a large pile at "flip destruitor understand the importance of stopping an ev.il tha Corporal Flint’s 28 included 6ne very fine hit for six Council’s warm greeting, and added an expression of the paragraph calling upon Mr. Taylor to completely bad been increasing from spreading any further. Board refused to examine him until he had a proper off Whitehead’s bowling. Capt. Hill, with his slows, works. pap^r from the Mi-litary Representative. He went to his gratitude at being given an opportunity of doing remove the building, together with the letter, be The motion was carried. After!further discussion Councillor Avard withdrew did most execution for Eastbourne, but was rather the work in which he nad been engaged. referred to the committee. his amendment. The report was then adopted. Hastings, but when he got there he found there was expensive, his i five. wicket|4mkting 60 runs. J. B. Councillor Breach,1 in seconding, said he had visited MOTOR OMNIBUS COMMITTEE. no Medical Bonrek He was referred to Eastbourne Challen, going on late bagged a brace of THE LATE LIEUT. JAS. SODDY; the locus in quo and found that there remained not Confirmation of this committee’s proceedings was WATCH COMMITTEE. andl he went thcro on Thursday, but the doctors had wickets for one rfin. ‘TS-V.'. -. The Town Clerk read the following letter from merely the supporting posts, but the framework moved by Councillor PULSFORD, seconded by Co Councillor B olton moved: “ That application bj gonle. Councillor Soddy:— ^ generally. Moreover, he found there existed sheds in cillor N iederm ayer. >•' made to the Local Government Board for an iOrdel Tjhe Chairman: It is a very funny thing this case The match at the • Saffrons to-day 'is against 131, Seaside-road, : the yards of neighbouring houses, for the erection of Councillor Breach, referring to the refusal of the declaring Section 92 of the Public Health] Act* keeps running on like this. Summordown Camp June 2nd, 1917. which no authority, to the best of his belief, had been committee to run a. late ’bus to Meads, and to the Amendment Act, 1907, to be in force in the district oj Applicant: I have done all in my power. Dear Sir,—I shall not be able to be present at the given. Apart from the question of whether these eon reason given, viz., the shortness of petrol, pointed this Urban Sanitary Authority.” He explained thal Tne Chairman • I don’t agree with that. Council meeting next Monday owing to an important i the by-laws, they had not been sanctioned by Applicant: They told me I must go to Hastings The Rev. G. P. Bassett Kerry (Vicar of Holy out that there was a loss of, 100 per qent. on th~ the Order would put the Town Council in a position Trinity), in speaking of those people who still refuse engagement in London. Had I been present 1 should the Corporation as ground landlords of the Royal- running of tho ’bus to Carew-ijoad. It cost 6s. to ru to purchase the bathing machines on the sea! from because my medical history sheet was there. It was have- asked for an opportunity of thanking the Mayor not [there. even to try to; keep within the fo°^ rations specified and my fellow members of the Council for their sympathy parade. He urged that the whole matter of these sheds this latter ’bus, yet the average takingk were ojnly should they wish to do so on some future occasion! by Lord Devoriport, says that “ if opr patriotism cost with njy relatives and myself in the loss we have ought to be gone into by the committee. 3s. Evidently the residents of Carew-road did not They had no intention to acquire them at the presen The Military Representative: I gave you authority hatm an to be examined a moiith ago. us nothing in the way of Self-denial, it is too cheap sustained by the death of my brother. I shall always Councillor C : Councillor Breach is quite appreciate the ’bus, which might very well,] there­ time, bht they thought they ought to put theirtsfelvd a tiling to be worth having/’ These are wise words, remember gratefully the kindness shown by them not right. We had no idoa these other sheds were there. fore, be taken off. He did not suggest the ’bus jvas in a position to purchase, if they desired td do so. Applicant: Yes, I took that. only at the Connell meetings, but by many individual The paragraph and letter were referred to the com The Military Representative: I did not expect you and true as they are wise. Just as there are plenty expressions of sympathy, which I have appreciated kept up because the Chairman of the| Committee Alderman Simmons seconded the motion. of people whose idea of charity consists ip giving ittee, and the remainder of the committee’s report happened to reside in the neiglibourhoo< Councillor Breach failed to see the object o would put it off until the day ^before the Tribunal. sincerely. Will you kindly convey to the Connell my as adopted. It is seven weeks ago to-day since ^you were here. I away what they don’t want, so there are plenty heartfelt thanks. Yours faithfully.^- Councillor PULSFORD (the chairman) said personally applying at the present time. j whoso patriotism (?) is satisfied by nobly giving up he had never used «the ’bus. It was, however, pun Councillor B olton said the formalities might taki stated that tho Board was at Eastbourne and Gilbert B. EDUCATION COMMITTEE. expjected you to go there. I was informed that no sugar (because they don’t like it) or by going with­ Municipal Girls’ Secondary School. for tho convenience of the public in the Upper|ton some time. The step now being taken committee out potatoes (because they can’t get any), ILLNESS OF COUNCILLOR WOOt irea, not for the sake of profitj They would consider the Council to nothing. j! ofcstecle would be placed in the; way of your examina- # * * Tho following communication was read from Coun­ Amendment Directing P reparation op E nlargement tho further running of the ’bus at their next meeting. Alderman Martin : Is this an Order to stamp ouf. tion. Rlan Lost by One Vote. Councillor P earson: As ai member of the com­ private jbathing machines? The Chairman-: Mr. Burtenshaw ‘assured this I was. sitting next to a blue-coated, sunburnt con­ cillor Wood :— valescent Tommy on the Parade'the other evening, 10, Myrtle-road, Councillor H o llins moved and Councillor H oadley mittee I beg to say we are running it for the public Councillor BOLTON: It is to obtain power. Tribunal that you would have authority at once to June 3rd, 1917. seconded the adoptiou of so much of the above Com­ benefit. Never mind about thie loss (laughter). Alderman M artin said ho should object to thin be Examined. Now it appears you have let a month and, entering into conversation, I asked him his Dear Mr. Fovargue,—I am still too ill to leave my mittee’s report as required the confirmation of the The, report was adopted. form ofi municipal trading. go by and do not go unt\l the day before the Tribunal opinion of Eastbourne. The reply—using his exadH room and shall be glad If you will kindly make my Council. The motion was carried. meets. Why didn’t you go as soon as you had the words—was: ‘[Well, Eastbourne is a blinking nice apologies for non-attendance at the Council meeting PLEASURE GROUNDS COMMITTEE. authority? place, but there ain’t half enbugh girls to go round! ” Councillor Russell called attention to the alleged * * * b®en.a^ e 1 insufficient accommodation of the Girls’ Secondary \ Gildredge P ark. P olice W ar Bonus. Ajppliqant: We have been very short-handed. I Tho following appeared in tho report:— sawj the orderlies and it was arranged that I should Unconscious humour from a recognised wit is not Don at the Special School. Hopingthat° Ym fy soonbo and,e,xpre88.e,} 30th June, or until July 31st on payment of a late fee put a stop to the Irresponsible people wilfully setting I temporary or otherwise. Those experienced in SANITARY COMMITTEE. of 5s] Syllabus] entry form ana further information In presenting Nottingham with a large alight to the goreo and it was extremely difficult for me the management of schools knew how unwise it was to The report of this committee mentioned that the re Councillor Morgan, the report of the Finance Com to deal with the nmttor if the tenant farmers are also I act hurriedly in a matter of increasing accommodation, mittee Was approved and adopted. may ‘ fc b obtained from the Secretary, Royal Academy of family mansion to be adopted as a home for paralysed systematicadly burning. r , I He (Councillor Hollins) had known many instances of a had been ten surrenders of unsound food. Music , Marylebone rofed, London. soldiers belonging to Nottinghamshire, the Duke and My estate ranger has orders to keep a strict watch and I rjse jn numbers occurring in two or three consecutive Tho following letter was redd:— Establishments c o m m it t e e . Duchess of Portland have intimated their wish that, report to me immediately the names of any persons he torrnq hnilHmcr on t.h« Rtrenath of such a “ St. Andrew’s School, May 28th, 1917 Councillor ,Bolton moved that the report of thie when no longer needed for soldiers, it may l>e con­ finds setting light to the gorse, but it is. as you will b?rm?; ,a >?, f “ i „ committee bo approved. Whatever goed is said of us, tve learn noth­ tinued for some other purpose beneficial to the city and realise, a very large area for him to cover, and if the | that the ebb came. What the °Doar Sir,—At a meeting of the Eastbourne Head the county. Watch Committee ean arrange for any co-operation in I Chairman of the sub-committee proposed waa to give | Masters’ Aeeociation held on 25th inst it was resolved Alderman Rowe seconded.—Carried. ing new.

. I4r '4


T E U R ^ s ( p .i.i.) , KUXICK & DAVIES, Auctioneers, ^°.aso Agents and. Valuers. AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE AGENTS, VALUERS. Offi'.es and Auction Room: ALL AVAILABLE IIOU8ES.—Illustrated Register and \% COtt^VlKjLU KO \b , KAhTBODRNB. Guido.—Selected lists on receipt of requirements. MAPLE & CO. ’P hone 811. ! K ICTORIA D1UVK.—One of those compact op LONDON '"¥>U;t&4lSHED, for Summer. Detailed House on twd Houses for Halo, with vacant possession ; 3 PLUMMER RODDIS Ltd., 1; floors in charming position; large garden and Vbed, bath and 2 sitting rooms; price £150; ground mortals lawn; electric light and telephone^ 2 reception rent £3.15s, Have All H ouses -and lounge ball. 6 bed and dies ing rooms,2 bath rooms; 1 * Agents, Messrs. Killick & Davies. G eneral and H igh-C lass D rapers, Costum iers, M illiners, 1 / onoo as temporary HOUSEMAID ; sleep out if bedrooms, bath room and offices; no basement: rent SHORTHAND! grrbanfs & A ssistan ts SM aniiii. Cpreferred.—Apply, Edinburgh House, Blackwater-road, £110 ; or For Sale. V. 17a 1 J Eastbourne. ______IN ANTED, GARDEN-ASSISTANT, chiefly for Out­ OOK, good-plain, REQUIRED; small family; no 5 / 1 1 p a i r . 5 / 1 1 p a i r . W. H TiOHR’i W side work; flower and,kitchen garden, and to be G basement.—Mrs, a , a Granvllle road, Eastbourne. generally useful. — Apply, G. Stroud, 20, High-atijeet/■ 'lOO OOK-GENERAL ; sleep in or o u t; good wages ; w ater; rent £75; small premium. P. ME | Southover, Lewes. comfortable home. — Apply, Manageress, New M A P L E & CO. 116, Terminus Road Istbourae. ANTED. TWO tor THREE MEN as extra Carmen Hotel,' Eastl E ii .i. ■ 1 D If w and Wharf Men.—Apply, Hall Sc Co.. Croydon, GENERAL and HOUSEPARLOURMAID Ltd., East1 Grinstead./ O WANTED for Nurses’ Home ; wages £20.—Apply, EXPERT FITTERS EXPERT FITTERS Prepare | ANTED, permanently, or for summer month withth irences, Matron, Military Hospital, Surrey | Jot gait or to $et. tfR. W. H. .<■ ■ COOK-GENERAL and HOU3KPARLOURM2 Home, 8< .ford. IN CONSTANT - IN CONSTANT Smmanue! i *>; i. for quiet country situation at Burwash Common.— AILY HOUSEMAID WANTED ; good references A DVDVERTISEMENT ERTISi 8 most be replied to in tor ditto ATTENDANCE. ATTENDANCE. ander 18 lo be i- rli Apply by letter to Miss'Wlllan, Knockbolt, West Ofiffe essential; needlewoman. — Apply, before 11 or A. directed" ' " tot the addressee given. Personal applloa R-N.C-, Os home Gardens, Bournemouth. ______L _ Dafter 7 o’clock, to Mrs. T. B. Miller, Petersgrange,dona at our Pubhlishlng Offices, for particulars, are useless Bpeoial arrai.gujj ANTED, CARMEN and LOADERS, over Parley-road, Meads, Eastbourne.______« I T AY WARDS HEATH AND DISTIDISTRICT. - For , Fiaitors. i-i acres of I W age: good wages ; constant work; references J^ORMITORY MAID for Master’s House . J C i Particulars of HOUSES TO BE------LETr OR SOLD in required.—Stevenson Sc Sons, Corn and Coal Merchants, __ j unior of four; wages £14 i islni c; 5s. weekly extra this charming and healthy locality, with exe: cellent rail- 0 B O R o | 85, Seaside, Eastbourne.______dntln_during holidays. — Apply, Matron, Aidlngly w ay service to London, Brighton and ” •bourne, ' appl T . Bannister Sc Co., House and Eetat mts, Markel PRICES FROM PRICES FROM R UPPER A o u n g h o l i d a y g o v e r n e s s w a n t ? College. Sussex. plaoe, Haywards Heath. summer holidays; French preferred ; not lea RAP. Y.—JUNIOR ASSISTANTS REQUIRED ; 5 Principals ] i anY pair: Ku6tington, Sussex.—Callender, 52, Or live’ ont.—Dover Williams, 87, Terminus road. A8TBO URN 1 . — 8unny APARTMKNT8 with parade, Eastbourne. __ balcony_____ overlo____ oking Pier ; electric light, piano; 4 / 1 1 \ t o 6 3 / - 4/1U to 63/- Prize EastlP’bourne. I goodE cooking, attendance: recommended. — Clarence- | a RES3MAKING.—BODICE HANDS REQUIRED at vllle, 9, Elms-avenue, Grand-parade, Eastbourne. Larg« Premises wiliJ once (or Alteration Work Room.—Apply, Plummer SPECIAL VALUE AT s p e c i a l Va l u e a t ?brslca! Labcratericl 9 TjlASTBOUliNE.—SITTING ROOM and BEDROOM , Preparation for l J NAVAL WEDDING. ddls, L tp - Eastbourne. E i comfortably furnished; south aspect; clean, quiet at. ri I RESSMAKING.—BODICE and SLEEVE HANDS house; no children or boarders ; good cooking; per- 1 0 / 6 a n d 2 1 /- 1 0 /6 a n d 2 1 /- Fvc* MJ W A N TED also Assistants. — "M. ... Phillips,...... 44, manency.—T. C - “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. ■ • [ On Saturday afternoon Mise Winifred Isabel nrne. ) T j1A8TBOI\ A 8TBOU RN E.— W ell Furnished SU ITE OF ROOMS I T. GKORGE* Lomas-Smith (youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. __gCED NURSE WANTED, June20th; two JCi In one dew, Pelham-road, Beaford. nicely fitted 6mall LO CK -UP SHOP adjoining; suitable UNICIPA] a crowd assembled at the approaches to the church. tobacco, confectiOL' " r and stationery: large Ooach- M (Technical ] | The bride, who was given away by her father, wore IRLS.—TW O W A NNTED TE D for Hall and Pantry W ork: i house also oonldooul be Apply, Sayers, Poet Office. sisters or blends DAY and KVKti a dress of white Georgette, | trimmed with silver weekly,G during School'houS^Ap^iSteS&o^______l?OK______SEMI D R -F U R N IS H E D ROOMS or I Braiichc-s of Ai t, 1 braid, finished at the waist With a plaited girdle of keeper. Aidingly Oollege, Sussex. ^ JF BEBEDSITD-SITTING ROOMS, with cooking and attend- the same. She wore a hat to match and carried a ; fully trained nurse in residence.—Apply’, with Wood Carvl eheaf of madonna lilies, her only ornament being a OBBING COMPOSITOR (HA) WANTED.— address, Valetndo, " Chronicle ” Office, Eastbonrne. PLUMMER RODDIS Ltd., VlrParo ear icombe Co., Ltd., Lewes.______platinum and diamond pendant, the gift of the pride- Sc OUSE TO LE T f Furnished); very sunny bedrooms; , groom. The bride’s present to the bridegroom was a IRY. PROVI3ION8, * 0.— W A N TED , an aU- newly decorated; every convenience; bath room SaUNiCIPAL 31-1 ~ MAN (ineligible) or L A D Y A SSIST A N T ; r gas stove, good piano, BmaU library. — U, CORSET SPECIALISTS, gold wristlet watch. experiem — Apply, X Bassett, 56, Seaside, East- nor-road.‘ —1 t Grinstead. (u l Mr. G. C. H. Noakes, 3rd officer R.M.S. bourne. ARGE Furnished front BED-SITTING ROOM TO “ Amazon ” (late R.N.R.), acted as beet man. M A ID W A N TED at once ; good wages and L E T ; permanently.—68. Beach-road, Eastbourne, KUNICiPAL Si ; three maldB kept.— Apply, Mona Honse, During the service the hymns “ The voice that L ICE CO U N TR’ 7 4 - 8 2 , T E R M IN U S ROAD, EASTBOURNE. b S' breathed o’er Eden ” and “ O Father, all creating it, Eastbourne.______r RESIDENCE TO LET, Furnished; three n l, eight bedrooms; good gaflden, (Technical were sung, and Miss Eva Brown, who was at the EN H ELP W AN TED at once (daily or other- and s.—Field, Nightingale-place, ] ’ole- ’Phone 1000 (On- Thousand). Resident Managing Director ; E. C. STRANGE. organ, played Mendelssohn’s “ Wedding March.” t) in small high-class boarding-house.—Apply, Proapoctus and.fal ~ Carllsle-road, Eastbourne.______he obtained from T Before obtaining his commission in the R;N.R. the snitabh for miSbee, Town Hali; i bridegroom was well known to many of the towns­ __ (h a | WANTED, must be need to good I ”. 8. Br turn. people, being on - tile staff of the London City and Farnoombe Sc Co.. Ltd., Lewes,____ Midland Think Ho also holds tho position of Secre­ REQUIRED, to assist generally in Home I HOUSE T O | R. A. E. SI tary of the Central Wesleyan Sunday School and near London; fond of young children.- . .option l M Medalist of L_ both he and the bride are members of the c lurch Ashford, Middlesex:______.1 j j electric m u , , > as County Modern til choir. KRY.—JU N IO R H AND REQ UIRED, praoU- ijgs. — Apply, Cadogan House, TOWNER & BROMLEY, ifiisceUaneotts. SPANISH, F il The bride’s going-away costume was Baxe bin;, her M . live out.—Dover Williams, 87, Terminus- | Tnnbrtdge WeUs. English, LaT hat being of putty-coloured straw. road. tbonrne. LET. House and Estate Agents, ^.aught I reoepUt- T)IA N OS WANTED; good cash prices given.—Horace Private Lessons or sq ILLIN ERY.-IMPROVER 8 and APPRENTICES >; very oen JL Jaiackson & Sons (from Collard’s), 162, Higli-street, WANTED for high - class trade; thoroughly MAYNAE 57, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Lewes. On donno dos Iq Office, South-8treet. taMught paid■' from* commencement.—M.------*■ Phillips, U, bourne. There is nov RED CROSS' WORKERS. Grove-i ’ Eastbourne. [EMORIAL CARDS.—Artistic Folded Cards: ] m O LET, 8EV1 W A N TED , daily; strong: excellent obar- I ROOMED HOUSE ; a wi ek.— LIMITE1 Messrs. Towner & Bromley are Agents for all Available X /Apply, —- 103. — < aeens-road, Bast Gri FOB Houses in Eastbourne and Neighbourhood, and a Care­ oigeu ruiuea vi.ru-.: oo.; ao, as.: ou, os. oa.; iw, N necessary.—28, Devonshire-plaoe. Eastbonrne. Us.Is. 6d.6d. Cash with order. These prices Include Envelopes, Cricket and Tn\ MRS. DAVIES-GILBERT’S APPEAL. fully Selected List will be sent, post free, on application. Piostage extra: 12,3d.; 25.4dj 50,5d.; 100,6n-street, St. Pancras, London, T71ASTBOURNE.—Meads; Unfurnished; 3 reception, and Eastbourne. N.W . (three mlnnti i King’s shortage of men in our men’s detaohment, rendering DNQ BOY or GIRL to Drive Auto Car and JCj 9 bed, billiard room, tennis lawn; rent £250. — ICK PIGS CURED FREE.—First Twelve Pig-keepers the transport of wounded on arrival at the station a very 9.—Cave, Austin Sc Go., Ltd., South-street, selection FO R S A L E or 1 LIRE, Towner Sc Bromley. who apply can have one Karswood Pig Powder difficult matter.- I have every oonfidenoe that the men ______□Ter, Swifts, Sunbeams, Trii xnpbs Goods Warehoused in Separate ASTBOURNE.—Meads ; Unfurnished ; 2 reception, Swith booklet about pigs free of charge. Certain remedy of Eastbourne of all classes will not hesitate to come rTiEMPORARY ( and BlnflaMa A Perambnlators and Mallear s. A | E 7 bed, garden; rent £80.—Townor Sc Bromley. for colds, wheezing, fevers, costiveness, itching, bad legs. forward and present themselves for training for this _L eight md-Hand Furniture for Sale.- -J TjIASTBOURNE.—Meads; Furnished; 2 reception, 6 —Holmden & Sons, London-road, East Grinstead. important work. Owing to pressure of work Dr. Olnffe situation.- ‘ lulldlnga (near Trinity Church!, < Look-up Compartments, j te. 8u bed : rent until March, 2 guineas a week.—Towner >OULTRY KEEPERS should write to Joseph qbname has reque ted Ool. Owen to nil his post as Commandant bourne. and Bromley. Thorley, Ltd., King’s Cross, London, who are tne /C A B B A G E , Cauliflower, Sprout, lie, Toiaatoe, J of v n .i .. Sussex/16, Men’s Detaohment, whioh CoL ASTBOURNE.—Furnished F lat; 2 reception, 5 bed; anufacturers of Ovum, Tboirley’s Poultry Spice, for i kindly accepted. \y Cucumber. Celery, Marrow PI hts. Geraniums, XhorlBy Poultry Keepers’ Account Book, also Book Owen 1 Marguerite, lobelia. Stc., Scc. — J. J.H___ asUrni i| s, Finest Fireproof Warehouse! i rent 4 guineas a week.—Towner Sc Bromley. I sh< much obliged if those willing to join I E giving useful hints to Poultry Keepers—Both sent free. Lewes and Peveusey-road. *" "Co mpton-street, ’ Eastbour: ie. T56ASTBOURNE.—Furnished Flat; 2 reception, 3 bed, V.A.D.______t/15 will send in their names __ in Eastbourne. r i bath; rent 3 guinoas.—Towner Sc Bromley. ClICK PIGS CURED FREE.—First Twelve Pig-keepeis surrounding country, districts; good N es. £30-34 1ABBAGE PLA N TS. Cauliflower, Lettuoe who apply can have one Karswood Pig Powder Fruit Trees aj Owen, Commandant Sussex /15, The Horns, Hankham, Generals, Kitchen and Uetweenmalds soon as poeslt grown), Bonner Beans; Marrow, Sweet __ ASTBOURNE. — Furnished ; 4 reception, 8 bed, with booklet about pigs free of charge. Certain remedy Pevensey. Cook-Generals and Honseparlonrmalds, good wages. ddlngPlantiPlants. Reliable men sent ont for all | arden bifllaid table; rent 8 guineas.—Towner & Bromley. for colds, wheezing, fevers, costiveness, itching, bad legs. I work.—Eastbournj Plant Nurseries, Top of Llsmo re and Smart and Up-to-date Vans. E —R. Stevenson, Ltd., 4, North-street, Lewes. mW O HOUSEMAID 8 and BETWEENMAID Bolton-roads, Eastbourne. X R EQ U IR ED for. unuivoLadies’ ouuuviSchool: * lightiitfuu w i ork; com- WO BEDROOMS and ONE SITTING ROOM foi N U B 8E H 1 ALEXANDRA ROSE1 DAY. : fortable home; good. outings and holidays; ___ quantity of old Tasty OB lady and gentleman. Meads-street, near ’bus termi­ £22 —Cameron, Dowiiwn School, Seaford. LD______at the low____ price of lOJd. pei Experienced and Carefujl Men ^iscdlaiuotifl. nus,T WANTED from 2nd till 28th August.—Write, Mr. OAT2 AITRESSES REQUIRED.—Apply, Manageress, Ambridge’a Stores, East Grinstead, and nohes. Mason, 78, Farm-lane, London, S.W. 6.______To the EnrroH. White Corner Restaurant, Terminus-road, East- y c l e s , m o t o r c y c l e s and o i only Employed. DVERTISEMENTS are inserted under either of \ro\j SSHOULD KNOW THAT OVUM, Thorley’s WI bourne.______We have the Piok of the Market. T A these headings at the following charges, if cash is X PouPoultry Spice, .is different to any other Poultry J . C H E A Sir: M ay I be allowed to remind the inhabitants and Csparkbrook and Raleigh. BARGAINS sent with the order : One insertion, not exceeding 20Spice^ and contains all that is necessary for keeping visitors that the Alexandra Rose Day will be held on h a n d I rMOTOR------I L—Rngg, ‘Lev ESTIMATES FilEE. words. One Shilling; 3 times for 2s. 6d.; six times for poultry healthy and producing abundance of Eggs. Sold tlatnrday, 16th June, for the purpose of collecting funds | I BIGGER DEMAND THAN EVER FOR Is. 6d. Longer advertisements at proportionate rates. | ¥7iLAN N EL TROU SERS for Boys or [Men; evi in Cases containing 72 packets Six Shillings. Cartons THE -NUI for the various Hospitals in the Town. These collec­ A MOTOR DRIVERS.—LEARN MOTORING Jr waist1st and leglril in. in stock inIn a~a variety vr~’ _____ of siJogs* CCOUCHEMENT. —Private House and Grounds; (two eizes) Is. Id, and Sixpence each, by Agents in all tions iu the past have been most successful. In 1914, AT ONOE.—Good pay, exoeUent prospects. TH E Hope SC C o , Grove-road and Seaside-! East bo irne. APPLY confidential; medical references : temi6 according parts. £222. 10s. was raised ; in 1915, £270; and in 1916 LARGEST INSTRUCTION WORKS IN THE toA requirements.—Nurse George, 10, Croft-road, WORLD. Tuition on heavy Motor Lorries or any DR SALE, P U LL ETS (now laying) L«gl Eastbourne. • ANTED, at Eastbourne, for six or seven weeks, £232. 10s. The whole of these amounts were divide type of Touring Car asdesired. LO W EST CH ARGES Orpington______and Sussex.—Apply, Cherry■ I la from about 24th July, small, comfortable FUR­ C A S H A D V l amoDg the various Hospitals, Homes and other charit- I IN LONDON. TRAINING UNLIMITED WITHOUT ottage. East Dean-road, Eastbonrne. tt A T STUD.—The celebrated Pedigree SHETLAND WBISHED HOUSE in central position; six or seven bed able institutions in the Town. | G. E. MAYNARD, L .. APPLY to t | EXTRA CHARGE UNTIL PROFICIENT AND CTOR LADIES' CYCLES : H A. STALLION, HELMET OF EAULSHALL (408), rooms, two sitting rooms, bath (h. andc.); small garden ; A s Treasurer of the Princess Alice Hospital I can say SATISFIED. Secure the B.B.M. OFFICIAL . r £ . Whitworth. £2. IDs.; good black, big winner and siring exceptional Stock; also rent 5 to 6gs. per week. — Particulars to Mrs. G., CERTIFICATE and Free Benefits of the Licensed 2 KYM OF KNOCKHOLT '(712), black; moderate fees.— Draycott-place, London, S.W. 3. that the Managing Body very much appreciates the I running l _ Norris, 71A, London-road l y f 1 8 8 A- Motor Employment Agency. SPECIAL LADIES’ Complete House Furnishers, Pedigrees and all particulars, Wileman, Spring Place, amount allocated to that Hospital, and as Mayor I-1 Grinstead. Ifleld Wood, Crawley. ANTED, soon or before close of summer, small 1, W ILM It commend the efforts of the Committee most warmly to | OOUR8E. Individual Tuition. Special Guaranteed UNFURNISHED HOUSE for respectable work­ Course until Royal Automobile Club Certificate TTiOR SALE, FIVEE ACRES MOV ING GRAjSS, OOOTS WANTED.—Good price paid for discarded Wing people; about 10s. 6d. per week; not less than three ■ASY REP A YM FT all, and trust that this will be a record year. Obtained. Sp e c ia l APPRENTICESHIP COURSE. i? good condition.—.Apply, Tnrner, ] evODHhiro JL> Btots and Shoes, also Cast-off Clothes. Underlinen, bedrooms ; well recommended.—6, St. Anne's-road, East­ ACTUAL LEM Yours faithfully, Call or write for full particulars. Greystone Buildings, Household Linep, Curtains &c.; bankers reference.— bourne. Companies. THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF MOTORING LTD., ■ TOR SiSALE, BROWN MARE. 15.1, A ; quiet an l i Send post-card, Mrs. E. Morgan, 6a, Ocklynge - road, C. O’BRIEN HARDING, l W heelW ANTED, FOSTER MOTHER for Baby Boy, K 5, Oo v e n th y St r e e t , P l t CnrotjB, worker. — O. Dean, Smith am Eastbourne. months, clothes found.—Mrs. Southan, 97, Hui^t- Mayor. London ■T Eastbourne AST-OFF CLOTHING.—Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Wroad, Eastbourne. PROMPT The Town Hall, Eastbourne, IJIOUR HEAL! LOTS of BEES FOR 8AI, ! Children's Boots, Household Linen, &c.. Bought for 7th June, 1917. C ANTED, four or five UNFURNISHED ROOMS — t 1 *frames or -Teague, Stahden, Easi Cash,—Mrs. Hart, 5, Station-street, Lewes. ANTED. YOUNG GIRL to assist in Housework; W for one lady; with or without attendance : oi one taking first situation would suit; country URE ONE PIG FREE.—Karswood Pig Powders are Small-Flat; Upperton or Old Town district.—Write, e n t s b i c y < ILE FOR S A L E ; 30a., in good conldition* I certain remedy for colds, wheezing, f6vers, costive- A. Aj, ** Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. London k Provii | girlW preferred.—19, Lushlngton-road, Eastbourne. —Apply, L f It. Mary'a-torrace, 8t. Anne's, L( was. rticlrs Jfor §ule. Cness, itching, worms, bad legs, loss of appetite, or habit ANTED, FOX TERRIER and other small Puppies, 19, Lan AN TED, a good GENERALURAL or DOMESTICDOMESTICATED GOVERNESS CAR FOR SALE, to fit 12-hanc pony; of eating earth. Penny each. Twelve Is., post Is. 3d. LOO H ELP, to sleep In ; small...... boarding-house _ "30, Sample Powder free with book about pigs to first twelve Canaries* Parrots, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Mice rubber tyros; all In good order.—Ruffle, S^ OSTBR8 e a s t b b i n b i i a ITED W Piomptitrude, PrivaiJ Marine-parade,W Eastbourne. applicants.—Stevenson & Sons, 35, Seaside, Eastbourne. and otherier live _ stock.—Edmonds,_ Naturalist, Seaside- Sei Movows, Eastbo OANTBLUPE GARAGE. T el.: road Eastbourne. Y ^T A N TKI >,_ Cook • U e I]« r Generals, Honseparlonr- "EILAT (Unfurnished), self-contained, WANTED in N an ACTION reoently heard at the COUNTY E A BOUGI I and PO U LTR Y FOG FPETROL. TYRES. REPAIRS. C. STORED, ANTED, in East Grinstead, near the Portland- COURT it was stated that the PLAIN TIFF did ^ , ______BetweenmaidsandOblldren's L -M .R u , 245, Seaside, Eastb ne. Te . 418. JT Eastbourne; would buy furniture if suitable.— Maids ; Housemaid and Pantry Maid for Schools ; AGENTS. HIKE O.IAB0. Write, Box 33, Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne. W road,______a Small UNFURNISHED HOUSE or MON Inot look before he crossed the road. P COTTAGE for a lady; might take one furnished for i\ _ __ , Cook-General for Mayfield; Housemaid for College at R A M FOR ; “ Mar met h I ... T*R HE WAS KNOCKED DOWN and SERIOJ U S L Y | Seafleld P ark; Temporary Cook-General for Bnrwasb. good oondit ion: very reasonable; seen an] Machine Dkfak tm x n t, ENCH LADY, very £ood in imparting her own' tirnel—Apply, A. Devitt, Esq., Herontye, East Grinstead. Apply, “ AtT Cantelupe-road, East Grins! _r language, WOULD GIVE LESSONS, afternoons INJURED BY A MOTOR. No booking fee. 'Phone 846. — Myrtleholme Employ­ P 2 6-ton Trucks. and evenings; excellent references. — Apply, B., 7, IV1TANTED, in or near the town. FEW ACRES Advai ces made I ment Agency, 32, QUdredge-road, Eastbourne. f it ABLE CICT1 Lady offers Three beantif tl i real 1 12-in. Hack Saw Maohlne (nearly ns' Beachy Head-road, Meads. Eastbourne. ▼ ▼ ACCOMMODATION GRASS LAND—Colbourne. A SK TABLECLOTH S, near y two 1 Powerful Steam Winch. Butcher, East Grin stead. < THEXii-" U.VV1VU1.1ACCIDENT i POLICI ES 1 WJEXT-A iH N lK TED U , BUUDHiHOUSE BUIBO Y IOrfor boots,DO< knives, coals, 1 IRISH D / TjIRENCH PROFESSOR Gives PRIVATE LESSON8 Simple Promiss| issued BY TY VJ &c.; age about 14:14: live in or onout:lUt wages rvugua OVAARU-acoord- yards square also Six handsome 8ERVII;TTES. I Complete SeFExhaust Heater Colli (suit Laundry), _|j anywhere, distanoe no object; teaches also Fjench V1TANTED, to Purchase, a really good MUSICAL Croft, SL John’s- unsolled and condition. Aoqdpt 21s. f ir lo t; . Drilling Maohi le with swing by Correspondence; undertakes to translate, write or* ▼ Vj BOX. Operatic‘and modern airs. Must be in The Seottish Insurance Corporation Mul ln8’ ^ venB worth double iproval willingly.—V fte, W.. —Sold. perfect working order.—State price, list of tunes, and and Surrey er ” Office, Lewes. Speed Drilling Machine (newL- correct French Correspondence, also Technical and STRICTEST « r ANTED, GIRL as APPRENTICNTIOE, Baker's shop; 1 Overlandand Two-Seater Motor OarCT (l! II Literary Works ; teaches Decimal and Metric Systems. where it can be heard for approval, to “ Musbox, COVER YOU WHETHER YOU y y must be wllling_and obliging.—._ ng.—Apply, the Scotch IRE NETTING.—About 1,200 Y A R D S of X 4-ft. 6-in. Threshing Machine, ring i and Will visit Schools as French Master. Offers his services VEast Sussex News,” Lewes. ______No Fees C/i| LOOK OR NOT. Bakery, Seaside-road, East!bourne. N ETTIN G , three feet wide, various mesh double bbat (iron wheels). as Reader to Publishers, Editors and Printers for both X\ T ANTED, TO HIRE, CRICKET NET, for Summer Apply, iu strict < ___ condition, and to be SOLD at half priot. . 1 4-ftT "6-Ln. ” Thrashing Machine, ring oil bearings, English and French.—Write or apply to “ Professor,” 26^ ’ANTED,...... useful daily LADY COMPANION, at KAR80N IN C U B A T O R ; size 250. - Mr. Crocker, Lansdorwn-place, Lewes. ▼ ▼ season, or would BUY Second-hand.—Wri’e. W;. . once, in Eastbourne; must be good accompanist, iron drum (iron wboels). ft.C. jlmperial A.8.C., North Camp, Seaford. ______LOW RATES. PROMPT SETTLEMENT. Keeper's_ ieper’8 'Col.'Cottage, Copthorne Common, net 1 Engineer's Emery Wheel Machine. bright; age not over 80: salary 15s. a week; good Bridges, Sussex. URNISHED HOUSE in East Grinstead Required ANTED, by about end July, SMALL UNFUR­ Co n tr actin g De p a r t m e n t , for two or three months; four or more bedrooms, MESSRS. S p e c ia l T eems fob A b s t a in e r s . references.—L. 0., “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. F NISHED HOUSE, I2s. 6d. to 15s. per week. STEAM ROLLERS FOR HIRE I . and110 ID 7Tons. bath room, &c.—Particulars to Mrs. Castle, 27, High-W angn YET ANTED, immediately, MEN as Attendants, 8 8 street, East Grinstead. including rates; would tako it for two or threeiree year- 44, L J V y Cleaners and Bill Posters; mast be either over certain : please give full particu' . L. \V. S.. Manager attends p<| Full Prospectus from or under military age or discharged soldiers: permanent gitastim us SBanteiL OK S A L E . EN DOW ER,” 8ILVERDALE ROAD. EAST­ ’’ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. ALFRED E. KETT, work t o r1 ______reliable men.—Apply,-__ Manager, Hippodrome, F 12 New Albion and other make Mowers. P BOURNE.—SCHOOL (Boarding and Day) for \\T ANTED, to Purchase for Cash, OLD OIL PAINT Seaside-road, Eastbourne. e g u l a r d a i l y w o r k r e q u i r e d , by 9 Bamford's Gap Frame Side Rakes. Children of Gentlepeople ; inclusive fees ; visitors!T T INGS, Coloured Prints, Water-Colour Drawings, D istbiot M anager, Socthebn C ounties, — Bentley, 20, New-road, Eastbourne. 6 Swath Turners and Rakes. children received. Scrap Books and Old Needlework Pictures, and Old a good HOUSEPARLOURMAID ; two 3 Cottis's Hay Sweeps. ^KTISTIC • r 37, UPPERTON GARDENS, W C T____ y ?j good, wages.— Write, G. L, “ Chronicle” RITUATION WANTED,Sole charge of Flat, er as ADY WISHES to know of FAMILY with whom she China Figures, &c.—Address, W. F. Witt, 72, Ship-street. Office,, EastbourneEastbourne. 1 Deerlng Hay Loader. could RESIDE; terms £75 per annum : terms paid Brighton. ______’Phone 859. EASTBOUR] .NE. Workini loneekecper ; no help ; young, r iliable; 1 Barford A Perkin’s Hay Press. Lweekly.—Write, E. T., ’•Chronicle " Office, Eastbourne. A N TED , a competent YO U N G L A D Y to Attend | permanent-S “ Chronicle’’ Offloe, Eastboiluxie. 3 Cultivators. A number of tH w Room and Callers, and do general office CUSTER'S HOLIDAY POST WANTED in Eas ,1 Secondhand. IGHT WORK DONE with Horse and Van.—Apply, ’ A P ro du ction of t h e St il l .—The deaf amt FOLDED MEMO! 'ages offered.—Apply, In writing, to Mr. E. I O in Small Convalescent Home for Officers; tenji 1 Secondhand Monarch 9-row Corh Drill No. 1, Frith Park, East Grinstead. dumb alphabet. in our Pattern Boil A n A c t o r ’s G a l l a n t r y R e w a r d e d .—A t i ai. ^ „ „ Secretary, Gas and Water Company, East . 1 12-ft. Elder’s Broadcast Corn Sower L the Borough Police Court yesterday morning the Mayor Grinstead. duty only; free in or about 14th July; sailing for India | F OST.—£1 REWARD.—HOMING PIGE0N8; blue FARNC )Mf probably Se| nber ; state salary. — Write, 2 Taunton Haymakers. J A pied hen with white flights, ring 706,14; blue hen, Owing to the scarcity of leather in Germany {Alderman O’Brien Harding) presented the Royal I WT T AN T '-~— TED , good GENERAL SERVANT, near WlUlngs, 33,1 ghtsbridge, 8.W , L 1 Jarmain Swath Turner. white flights, ring H.P. 16, M.O. 1,322.—Apply, T. R. an ordinance has been issued requisitioning the skill­ “ Chronicle” W l Humane Society’s certificate to Mr. Jack Watt for y y ‘ 2 Corn Grinders. London; good home.—Apply, A . M., 17, London- AFTTED^SITUATION^byN by iyoung ______Married ___ , Lowes, Dormans Park, East Grinstead. ed all tame and wild rabbits, hares and domestic cat--. saving the life of % Canadian soldier^from drowning in ] road. East1 Grinstead. .______,______8 Chaff Cutters. Assistant Waitress or Attends it; any 3 Oil Cake Breakers, See. I OST, on Sunday, in Lingfleld or London-roads, East i r e c t i o n ] A t the time that be performed hi business; sober,V and early riser; disengaged.— 4rs. B., facturcd at 1 act Mr. \\r A N TED , strong L A D as C A R T ER , for light horse Apply, Messrs. RICE BROTHER8, Ltd., Grinstead, a PAIR OF SPECTACLES.—Finder wfil | Printed by the Proprietors, Farnoombe Sc Co., Limited . Watt was appearing at Devonshire Park TV and van.—Apply, Rd. Stevenson, lAa., Corn [ 51, Rope-walk, New-road, Chatham, K e n t Busband be P.ewarded on returning them>m tof/i Mrs.Mrfl Maconachie,Hf a non n oh i o I and eml PublishedPnhlluho^ bynn fl.Amthem every Saturday at their I'bHriOilh’ DLiimlted) Printing | in Theodore and Co. Merchants and Millers, Lewes. serving. 27-9, London-boad. East Grinstead. Ivan hoe, Portiand-road, East Grinstcad. South-street, Eastbourne,


f i