March 28, 2017 N


Introductions Study Background Alternatives Studied Recommended Alternative Discussion STUDY BACKGROUND

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, based on safety concerns, may in the future remove the Pilgrim traffic signals at Watertown Plank and restrict traffic movements to northbound and westbound right turns. Ayres Associates Traffic Observations: 1. Eastbound Bluemound left turn to Pilgrim Parkway regularly backs into Bluemound from Watertown Plank Road signals (up to 4 cars) 2. Southbound Pilgrim Parkway traffic sometimes backs into Watertown Plank Road intersection from Bluemound Road 3. Other Traffic Concerns 1. Traffic diversion on Terrace Drive 2. Terrace Drive right turn conflicts with eastbound Bluemound Road U-turns 3. Minor cut-through traffic observed in Bakers Square and Mobil parking lots RELATED TRAFFIC DATA

Selected Peak Hour Traffic Volumes:

• Watertown Plank Road westbound left turn = 350 vph • North Shore Bank eastbound right turn = 100 vph • Ace Hardware (2-way volume) = 110 vph

• Pilgrim Parkway southbound left turn at Watertown Plank Road = 65 vph • Pilgrim Parkway northbound right turn at Watertown Plank Road = 380 vph

• Bluemound Road eastbound left turn at Pilgrim Parkway = 645 vph • Pilgrim Parkway = 2,410 vph • Bluemound Road = 4,640 vph RELATED TRAFFIC DATA Intersection Spacing: • Bluemound to Watertown Plank Road = 325 feet • Watertown Plank Road to Wisconsin Ave = 535 feet WISCONSIN AVENUE ALTERNATIVES

Scenario Description 1 Existing Condition (DO NOTHING) 2 Extension with 2-way stop signs 3 Extension with traffic signals 4 Extension with removal of Watertown signals but allow right turns and northbound left A – with signals at Wisconsin Avenue B – with at Wisconsin Avenue 5 Extension with realigned Watertown Plank Road and Watertown cul-de-sac A – with signals at Wisconsin Avenue

B – with roundabout at Wisconsin Avenue, (removed from consideration based on comments from last open house) Alternative 1 (Do Nothing)

Not Acceptable due to safety and congestion Alternative 2 (Wisconsin Ave Extension with Stop Sign Control)

Not Acceptable due to safety and congestion Alternative 2 Intersection Improvements Alternative 3 (Wisconsin Ave Extension with Signals)

Not Acceptable due to safety and congestion Alternatives 4A & 4B (Wisconsin Ave Extension with No Westbound Left Turn and Stop Signs)

Functionally Acceptable Alternative 4A Signalized Intersection Design Concept

North Watertown Plank Road Shore Bank

Walgreen’s Alternative 4B Roundabout Design Concept (Removed from Consideration)

Ace Hardware Alternatives 5A & 5B – (Wisconsin Ave Extension with Relocated Watertown Plank Road)

Functionally Acceptable Updated Alternative 5B Functionally /Acceptable WISCONSIN AVENUE ALTERNATIVES 1-3 PROS/CONS Alternative Description 1 a. Bluemound queues extend into Watertown Plank Road intersection b. Cannot fit required turn lengths between intersections Not Acceptable due to safety and congestion

2 a. LOS ‘F’ operation and delays exceeding 3-minutes Not Acceptable due to safety and congestion

3 a. Bluemound queues extend into Watertown Plank Road intersection b. Cannot fit required turn lane lengths between intersections Not Acceptable due to safety and congestion WISCONSIN AVENUE ALTERNATIVE 4 PROS/CONS Option Description Signals a. Eliminates Watertown Plank Road left turn movement b. Creates northbound U-turn at Wisconsin Avenue extension c. Encourages traffic diversion to neighborhood d. Requires cut-through traffic mitigation on Terrace Drive e. Creates traffic gaps for Development north of Ace Hardware Functionally Acceptable

Roundabout a. Larger environmental impacts than Signal option b. Does not provide traffic gaps for Development north of Ace Hardware c. Similar impacts to Signal option

Functionally Acceptable (removed from consideration) WISCONSIN AVENUE ALTERNATIVE 5 PROS/CONS Option Description Signals a. Maintains full Watertown Plank Road access to Pilgrim Parkway b. Creates traffic gaps for Development north of Ace Hardware c. Eliminates existing Watertown Plank Road left turn movements d. Eliminates direct access to Ace Hardware driveway e. Reduces North Shore access to right in/right out f. Requires right-of-way for realigned Watertown Plank Road Functionally Acceptable

Roundabout a. Larger environmental impacts than Signal option b. Does not provide traffic gaps for Development north of Ace Hardware c. Similar impacts to Signal option

Functionally Acceptable (Removed from consideration) Terrace Drive Southbound Right Turn Traffic Diversion Impact

Existing Peak Hour Volumes

* Morning Peak = 70 vph * Evening Peak = 60 vph

With Diversion Peak Hour Volumes

* Morning Peak = 145 vph * Evening Peak = 140 vph CUT-THROUGH TRAFFIC MITIGATION OPTIONS

1. Prohibit southbound right turns at Bluemound Road

2. Prohibit northbound left turns from Watertown Plank Road

3. Cul-de-sac Terrace Drive at Bluemound Road

4. Convert Terrace Drive to collector and purchase adjacent properties

5. Construct Alternative 5 with a relocated Watertown Plank Road DISCUSSION ALTERNATIVE OPERATING STATISTICS Alternative 1 Intersection Improvements Alternative 2 Intersection Improvements Alternative 3 Intersection Improvements Alternative 4A & 4B Intersection Improvements Alternative 5A & 5B Intersection Improvements TRAFFIC SIGNALS VS ROUNDABOUT PROS/CONS

Traffic Signals

• Creates traffic gaps for cars exiting driveways north of Wisconsin Avenue

• Potentially less environmental impacts

• Easier to use for sight-impaired pedestrians

• Serves as a southbound traffic metering tool to Bluemound Road intersection

• Requires eastbound Wisconsin Avenue ‘No Turn on Red’ restriction to accommodate northbound U-turns

• Safer than traffic signals with less severe crashes

• Operates at a higher Level of Service with reduced queuing

• Does not provide metered traffic breaks