Averaga Da^y^realattoB « giealteal to savaral at of Manb, ISU lb s Waathsr ChsBmis Oouc^'*^ by Mrs. Oarl Furay and her com­ praaMtSou to .• ^ mittee. z' Oenerooi applauss was gives tte V |f' ■ ------Bhaltoy, I H i^ School Students*. two featured singcre, flret to Frank W . BailMiF Manehattar^A CUy of VUiaga C h a rm BUttra, AppUcations forepart* There will be a meeting of all Harry Straw who aahg two , im- To Show Rraaarkabl ______Kokodt Squit- newly Bectecl. and appoinUve offl- menta Can ^ Filed at Efforts Applmtded hy preamv0 haae aoloe, "Uncle Ned,” VOL. LXL, N a 175 7X ra s e Id) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAT, APRIL 34,1941 >> .. • • -'''(j (SIXTEEN PAGE8X PRICE THREE titto, an o< Mancliaator. cen of Anderson Shea Auxiliary, Copafdty A udieni^/ and "Tte Big Baaa Viol’' S e r ie s o f P h o t o s . ^ z 3046 at the V. F. W. Home tonig^ W addeUy^ice. Hien to Juno MUd- noup ot U* y®J®* at^7:00 p. m. ^ ' ner, who vrith her sweet soprano V* Jaiin’a chuwli on AppUcaUdna tot apartments In An appiaclatlvs, capacity votes d riig h t^ y sang Tnto the Frank Wsoteo Baiter, gStU lS^taJa^ tha ManCheater Defense Housing audience gave its undivided atten­ Night” by BoWarda, and "Tten wan-known SpringSoM adueator| Armed to Teeth D ulled to Ned£ ^^Abad brusk and grfiea flra on tion to the Eighth Annual Spring ^ ^ r a 1*~ aarvka at the at. developtaenta ars now being made Toull Ramember Me,” by Balfe. ttavrior and .writer, win oobm New Testtbioi^ is Alto^ street at 6H6 last night la the Town Treasurer'a office In Concert of the combined' musical Both aingeth were accompanied on called out the flra department organlaationa of Manchester High Msncbcater for the aeoote Japinese Get Clbser 5 5 2 * ^ a t i w o'clock. The the Municipal Building in prepara­ the piano by. Director Pearaon. when the te n m threatened a row achool last Avanlng in the High this aeason. Tueaday svenMt S m 4aA gUlM wfll M*?*" ^ of new komM^-r!mntly flniehed. tion for filing and listing for re­ tte 'm o a t appteciated offerings 33, at 9 o’clock, he wUl S n PoUrii costume. view by a special committee of the School Asdembly Hall, under the of the concert were given by the Inaplratienal t**^*“*. O tef Roy GrlswMd and his men Defense Housing authority which I diractlta of G. Albert Pearson, su- A CapeUa Choir No. 1 Constating Hunting” in the auditorium of Giyeii/dn Sfm igth " Mclmrd & Smith ei hut oft the path o f\th a is expected to be set up hers dur­ pffrvliMnr of music. of botn boys and girls as they sang Center Congregational c b w ^ within a ehort tlma ing the week of May 7, following s Tte intereating and Varied pro­ Roll On, Chariot.” by Cain, the drifting rapidly towarda^tte gram opened with ’The Star corn## hwf6 InwItfftloB of Of' ■To " ' ■' gar??ss!:*!rsK ». ganersi conferenCa on housing in vocal aoto ably sung by Antarico B of Center chunfli women, dwaUlnga. It took nearly fW^ty Washington. Bpangled Banner.' the choirs, the Oentilcore, aanilng tramendous jr, gattwraS for the p ^ minutes before the lira, band and the audience partlcipat- which Mrs. Ray W a jrw ^ la Of Thames Bridsei emwratlQS tn# lOOth birth* Trsssuf sr*s Ofliee applauae and T h e Lord’s Prayer” er, Mra. J. Seymour Brown X* brought under control, Ths office of Town Treasurer h>g* The flrst selection of the eVe- by Malotte, which w u u inspira­ \ S T t f Tibbetta. gnmt nteg. "Onward, Ye Peoples,” by Mrs. Fred ThraU co-leadero. e»e*W of Mrs. Smith. The George H. Waddell will act as a Edward J. tion to all. 3|r, Barber lectured before in the homestead where receiving agency for thee* appli­ SlbeUtta was weU done by the Two ' More Witn< chorus uiader the earnest and Saxopkete Qteatet Mothar’B club on “Nature’s •“ ^S'MntSBirlhB Utos with her son Is Elected cations which will be received, Edward J. Zamaltis, 33, of Man­ A saxophone quintet was wall tries, "Uiustratlng it with China Puts &ead f V ' ^ numbered in order of Isauance and youthful direction of pupU con­ Assert Span WHt Be S n «Mifhtar. chester, has aasWsred.his country’s ductor Carolyn Miller. The Girt'a received aa they gave two hote- 160 natural colored p — ---- ■ -.1 Miss Ali<* |i. Free ton receipt iknd will later be turned caU to colors" by voiuhteerlng in perfect. numbers, accompanied by pononaUy. photograp)^ *^„ ’*** and StnietnraUy O f V et Unit over to the established agency of choir alao {deased the audience Ban on Use Invaders Within lOO Action Appears to 1^ n s amuat meettnc of the H ^ * ths Marine Corpe vrith "Paming By." written by the baas' drum and Director Pear- during mole than M.OOO miles Bast assoctatioa of churches Mr. and Mrs. H aro ld ^ Preston the government for a decision. Ap- and now ia-tra|nlng at the Leath­ eon at the piano in "Tea For Two” travel, moatbr in the United St ' S b^d lEv^pr Thbngh Miles of Important Planes Can of ax Ulley street, announce the pUcation hlanka can he called for Purcell, under the accompUahed Already Gom plem MD ha hdd lit the new chureh to erneck’s famous recruit depot at pupil direction of Ruth Turidng- by Toumans, and TiThen Day la Members of Gteup B who sttei [Mce Manning of M ^t* engagement of their dnbflhter, at the Town Treasurer's office. Dtao” by Kotechar. this Isctura shd saw the hasnt Coffei’daim Are Not Of Ga^Urie Burma Qtjr;, New At­ ' Bncktnilham, Sunday, May S, af- Mias Alice Staton Preston,\to Other Pisjeet Parria laland, S. C. ton. Knock Japs Trat of Year-Old Nsa ^tafaooB aad avaniac. elected president of the Tbs new DevU Dog, son of Mr. OU Favaette Sang T te excellent piano accompani- tetures, contseted Mr. te Built tar Rig^t Size. Weems Bdward Kstelle, son k Ihe authorised Federal housing menta during the evening ot Mary ome time ago to . pnstat tacks Developing in trality Pact, But ipartment Presidents' aseo- Mr. and Mre. Sidney E. Estelle of developmaht, now under construe- and Mrs. John Zamaltte of 21 "The Lost Chord" by SulUvan TiiiiW A. Becggrea of W of the Daughters of ynion Kerry street attended Manchester for the comUned choirs, directed Jane Anderson, Betty Jane Whit- lecture on "Beauty' Huattasg* t Hat Su0ieient to- Meet Taunggyi Area; Deep­ . W alter strast, son of Alaxander 65 Westminster Road. tioii'un tha former Jefferson farm ham and.Joan Todd added to the Ulustrattoos from hW coUectloo B andtla! Out of Air ican Embassy __,„ is of the av ll War at a Both are graduates from Man­ on. W ^ Center street, vrlll pro­ High School and the Manchester by Mr. Pearson was beautifully nrsEfSh, who onliatad in tha U. chester High school in the clsiss of State Trade School He was a sung vrith the male voices supply­ Bucceaa of the concert which was more than 1000 acenes Cf b Hytfom , April 24.— Military Needt est Penetration pf cials Say Env( £ | w w f « guard service leeting held last night m WUU vide 135 units or 200 apartments brought to a satisfying close hy and charm, phoiograpbad by 1K 6B. Mias Preston studied for and it has beta indicated that Fed­ member of the Tiger’s C^uh and ing body to the old favorite. Direc­ 'resident ei^iia^ on the Provided There It No Any of Three Major Is lasvtam the Srst of May, mantle. the American Legion Drum and tor Pearson has accomplished re­ the band vrith their playing of who from early h^rhood d ^ If Allies Can Get On^ Asked ‘Wa8h|H|p(ton • gqsst at a dinner at Mrs. Manning, who is the arife of two years at the University of eral housing autterltlea are kxA- Over there” (WorI4 War 1 Melo- been a great lover of tha out Loadon-Groton Attorney F r ^ Manning this 'Connecticut, and Mr. Estelle at­ ing for ad^tional'space to yrect Bugle Cbrpa, Poat No. 139 of Hart­ markable reaulte with both the Wattage of Liquid Fuel N o r t h w a r d T h r u s t s . ■ night “ tended Northeastern Univeraity In ford. Prior to his enUatment in the girta’ and the boys’ choirs as shown dlea) arranged by Lake. SGroup B workers are hoping ^eati^riag in the State Third as' Many at Nip­ InstructiopS^ in at the town, Is a past president of Mary about 150 addittonal demountable Marine Corps, Zamaltis was a nw- Manchester may well be proud a targe attendance of th ->*«■ I - C. Keeney Tent of this town, as Boatoo, Maas. At present they are housing units in this same area. whm the girls gave a ideaalng way CoBHBiasiaBer W F ponese in Vital Thea­ y -- - tM Standard Pfopdler both employed by the Pratt A chinlst at the Hamilton Standard rendition of “Art Thou Troubled" of the musical talenta ot its rising and townspeople ax the Chungking, April 34— —While Kuibyshev, April 2 4 ,— 4 /P i New Delhi, India, April attandsdhadj weU as a past Whitney Dlviaimt of the United Propeller Company in East Hart­ by Handel, and tha amusing, "O generation. lecture. Cox eoster heaAib. today authoritita emphaalaed that Cbtna —>Ruuin announced todsy ters, Victory Is Se^n. .wateh. Mr. active in dent for Connecticut DUVCW. She r ford. charged that one m his sabor- —(^PW-The Japaneu the church is also a past noMe grand of Sun­ Al^ran corporation at East Hart- O riv e rs ’ L icen S eS Dear, What Can Ths Matter Be?'’ has sufficient gaeoUne and oil to that a United States bomber tte lather: by togllah. With the boys in their din ates vA i k has critidaed witjm 100 miles of the choirs at lothsran set Rebmah lodge and an active meet her urgent mlUtery neede which raided Japan last Sat­ Cairo, Bgypt, AT>ril 34— worker in that organisation. ■ r interpretation of 'a rousing song of spnie of ^ woA on the sob- pravidS there is no wastage, fw* pol^ant Burma city of uhurdL fellowship, and'Ths Winter Bong” tber restrictkme vrere announced urday and then lost its why the Allies can get one-third aa dalay, it was disclosed Are Issued Here n^th ,Sholom by Bullard and the well-known atirnctiprir was ’Hrying to has been interned with its Workmen Save Old Homestetid In, al the tronble he today on the uae ot liquid fMI, ttiany planee as the Japanese into by a British communii "Shortnln*^ Bread" arranged by since sutiipUea are threattaed aeri- crew in the Russian Maritime action ta vital 'heaters of tte^Pa- Gibb. S o ta n s, Cobb. TMophoM Tit 3986 W. G. BrennAe, the Australian troops toughen up for Jap-stapping hy stripping to the waist, end fording a deep stream which said hew attacks Sand Machine] Ths h ra n ^ offleo at tte Motor oualy by tha Japaneaa iflvarioa of vrith flghting toqle in their mouths. (Passed by cenaor.l provincs on the Sea of Japan. cific, they “can knock, tteib right developing in. the Taui Vehicla Dspartment opened this ' cngiBeer^ said he BMant Sam- Burma. (Alt of the air and haqtter if not WilUam Vadervthe high achotfl Only cara whoa# operatloii la ap- It appeared to be an already area. This point. 80 B I N G O -- morning a t ths American Legion hand director tarte last Statemher L obster CobUbc late Full Ss s m b , T U c A dvsBtbse of I t! .ael C. LeiHa,' Highway De- complstsd tost of tbs year-old stop altogether th^UK land ad­ Prompt action on the part of Home on Leraard street at 8:30 provS by the government win be vances,” Willtam d T Pawley, co­ north of fallen Lolkaw, ta TONIGHT 8 #CL0CK X. and a m echanic dravring teacher We Servo Strietbr MslBe pmrtnient obgineerlng inspec­ gaaoUne tations. In C^ungtdng, Jspansse-Russlsn neutraUty pact deepest penetration ta any of woylonen at the Alexander Jarvis o'ttoek and at two o'clock this af­ at the Higlr achool, ahowad bin tor OB the job. but United States embassy offl- founder of the American Volun­ plant yaatarday afternoon prevent­ ternoon had laauad apmoximately where more than 1,000 gaaoUno- teer group noWfightlng Burma, three major northward thrusts ODD FEl^W S HALL ability mb tte p i^la as - they FRIDAT, APRIL 14: drivta vehlclea wtra ” operated British Bombers Raid Rostock; clsls hsra. said Amhaamdor Admi­ ta the Japanese. It was not ed a sarioua loss by fire when a 450 driver's Ucenaea, <^ef Oerk declared todSy. played "The Marinac' formerly, only 300 now are run- ral WUUalte^R. Standlsy had asked whether the advance waa «poOTOBKP»rKp^pAvn)im)OK,iaaF. motor, operating the washing Gerald lodwlth la In change at the ananged by Chtaette and Hartford, April 24.^—(ff)—- Waabtagton^or iastnictiona. The(|nat4 of the A. V. O.’s "Fly- machinery atop the huge gravel offloe which will be open daily News The defense offered testifflony poikaw, wtoch fell Tueaday, plant backfired and , broke into itain Laurti" by Allen, latw^ _ (Oenttaoed On Pnga TWelva) Vive Mm Oarrtsd . «te>ttamd Oa Vage Twelve) from the ThAUand border in ssshnsssssn■ ^ sssssessassssssa g i i s Pitas r« r~ from 8:30 until flva o'clock through Ifl the evening in their playing Full course Lobster cQDceniing the Hructaral Russians Take Nazi Stronghold I OMMB asedseasssseasseasss flAMPHmJtei hunep. A gasoline filter bowl to niursday evening April 30 a t 5 Friday, April 24tb: Evening i The plane wsS said to have ^ * westward flanking action. broke Under the intense heat and of " A n |^ of Mercy”, by Beriln strength of the New Landon- y dOBSss Hekttng Seetar . j I OMHB sssseerfssnssssss » a a • • « o'clock. All automobile drivers vice at S p. m. ' , / and "El Oaliltan” by Sousa. Fran­ rielSth oa the territory of the munique said no new damage dam axactly aa (Mripied. J in Ctegreas today with s tr a ^ Germans lost 900 Uusd, ssvormi Maritliteprovtace there landed ah snd hinted that another program bshslf of 'the. gatliering, sM in a H lU IA AND ALFON8E JOERG, Props. "It’s not* cabinet Woik.” he a*> whast in this country soon Will try rlfportsd. niight be piled on top ot the Jm casualties Arers reported. - ...... itod to Mr. likelihood they .voMd be press teg guns. 50 maefatas-guns and lead Saaytaiy of Agriculture Site sf mtakai Faeiary American Warplane. As stated by There was no report on actiea lick a complate sat | aertad. doasita of trench mortare, said Red the plane erter the latter partici­ which was called fantastic Issl Taatifying . that there waa — regardless of how PreaidMt Wickard|,Jo advise American farm- Marienshe, near Rostock, ta ths January. the central sector of the frouL fliaplaca in their a G.XWims&SonJnc. Roosev .It deals vrith the subject Star, the Russian Army newspa­ pated'on the saqic day in -a raid hnina nacaaatty at having a eolTscdam per. an t ^ they must rsducs produo- site of the head office Sad a menu-' by ths Amsricah Aif Force on the In his annual message to Cbn- . T te gueste tarought vrith them | exactly to atee, Breiinaka aatd "it in his message next week. , tlsn^^/further or ba coatsnt with tacturing unit of the Hetakel air­ grsm oa Jsn. S. ths presMent set l ^ r prices. Japanese talanda Aah. losing Chinese WUhdrtnvtd a Buroy of aandwlcbta ■*' dosan’t mean aajrthlna becauae tte With vridsly-vdrisd * proposals The Germans were aaid to have craft worka Kmst Hetakol FlUg- orientation, committed xa forced forth a schedule caUtag for a pro­ and other good thlnga to eat and | load of the pier corned on the for tabor legtatatlon pea«nng on a ''Ths forthcoming brsad-gridn aeiigwerke. Another Hetakel fac­ duction in 1943 and 1943 of 185,0(N> Forces Retirement pOea." routed the Ruseiaaa once froi landing on Soviet te rr ito ^ eoffsa'waa also sarvad. half-doaen dufhrent fronts, belief freshly captured poaitions crop and the eanyovsr froth prs- tory ta at Waroemuende, Just "Acoordtag to common interna­ planes 130,000 tanka, 55,000 aati- London, April Tte new bouae which was hqilt Coal, Lumber, Sdward. J. <3ray of Norwich, strengthened on Capitol HUl that viouo years srs .stqwctod to pro- norto of RostoeX tional rcigulationa Soviet author- dreraft guns and 18,000,000 tom withdravrid from Pyinmana. r Anally capitulating. - z rids a supply greater than this by Contractor Alexander Jatvia,! Junior enginaar on the project, tha chief executive, in his drive to With the main aectore pt the Canadian' airmen who flew aome Ithta interned the American of commercid shipping- than 150 miles south of Mshdal is on tte West aide of Noipth d m toottllod the huUdeta had to ha al Stem the mounting coot of living, country's tranqwctotkm And stor­ of. the RA.F. bombers said Ros­ ^ The intimation that thess trs- under heavy pressure from Jsj would: Germaa-Ruaalan front eUlI aluahy, age facilities can handle. Officials atrast on a part of the^Bowoia | X- Mason’s Supplies, lovirad aome leeway.’ ta coostruet- flghtlqg flared epa^nyaUcany in tock waa “really blasted.” Tte dateline of the dispatch In­ ms|idous goals might bs explainsd nese land and air attacka, forceSM astete. ' / 2 Ing cofferdams and aaid, Uks his 1. Lay down a general war tabor predict that ths supply will bs siif- assure a United NatlABS Paint and Fuel Oil . ( O l piles. the argument tost tadustrinl har­ Shsrt Oa Biaai Batteaa about 1,000 milea northwest of thought stee) ptaats now being sraup mony and mnximimi produettoa miles southwest of Rostock, but built or expand^ would raise cap- Saya Bridge Sals. On the other hand, virtually the on the haala of prellmlnsry reports Tokyo and 400 mUsa due north of A s r Rd d Asked by Joseph F. Berry, Oox’s could ha achloVod baat through ths main port —Oev- further rise ta *' lif ed through Kutbps nonhaby depends upon ible for SO miles.” The chief executive expressed s ilgalwt ovsimas souress for much of its fered a deilcate problem for the artmmd n t c n tadlMtsd fsSar; REPAIRS Karelia tmq wheat. Atteek ”GMte SnecoMtar*/ personal view, that there still was thalNgasoHsie eonsumptton X Stead firmly m Pnganothing Panr) here too great civiUan use of steel, but TVS EFFECTIVE At Tlwao H b tradamoifc apeita on 9aswua Heodbig AidliracSe-^ sita of tha 40-hour Bscauss storage faoiutim are 'The attack was "Z^vy ' and (Cmttamd m Page Six) ' ms* and proiiably tte PaeUta teintag It ta toot now Ataca ta indicate a lessening of the quite successful,’’ authoritisa asM- that War I'ToducUon. Board offi­ mrthweot vrauM bo cot te 54 par GRIU ABEL’S Nte lew nth kqrd ceol^liavo o fooi swofilno for brnwiag cool 'Soviet drives. •Irsadjr crowded ' vrith surplus cials had taken a cootraiy pod- WELDON'S OWN houm ta war tatariblea and that wheat, com and other grains from British observers were quick to eeat sf nonqal Blay 1 by Uaeit- - 9S Oaapar a On the southwest front Red ttok He said that this.is being tag anppltos to fUltag stattene. IM e ; NEW f o r m u l a ERE GOOD FELLORTS GET TQGETHl S^fe*i.TliSyaisyeuf pyoiBnteeofJoiigihsniiim»wow dtakwiss Dealer Loans altaitaatioa af time and onadialf previous crops, the dsparttnsnt ex­ link the thrust vrith the ---y as­ checked oa now. . after 40 hdmW ould nicsaai- ArmyCan men Criticizefound ten big guns ^and pects sa acute teobtem to develop sault March 38 on Luebeck Which. eomparea virtth 'tte prssant 01 TOOTH PASTE paifenseiico thof nddt to yeuf coatfoit «md SUtTRACTS from l^ es Hitting TO sa inquiry as to whether taBmeat of onn-thlrd. Sadi aa ki-_.- DINE AND DANCE te wtdcsnwS upward adjust­ whm the new wheat crop 'atarte Uks Rostock, ta a vital baaa ta anything was being dom to “re- Uttla Btt baaa Farttea - yOer fiMl’bis. Otva vf a col k f / b trial eidsr of Ariarics’s ment of regular wages. moving to harvast '.in the adhth- Oarmany’s war — transporUtion ereaaed reduettbn, which affgh* Tte pmmdriit'e.advtaora vraie D ecr^ U se vitalise shipbuilding," Mr.’ Roosa- mess ee per eeat Ibm gaaaBm foe Gal A N te Taday To tjb^Liltinf Tones of foifaal islisp kord eooL vrast in Juns. Batlmatea bavabaaa loutsa. . • vjapan Harder velt said that everybody’Araf work­ PANSY AND ta dtaagreement on the ®*^*.tbat upwards of 7X000.000 aan eseeatlal vekldaa, waoM ha af- At 0 « tternmeyl atehiHwtion program, Rostock Uea bciwssn Luebeck ing on that at the . present time. fective for twa'waeks'' DONzMa C AND iPERraiMIALPIJbNTS House Banking Com m it huaheta may have to bs piled ta and Stettin, another major Baltic Referring the diffleuKy of ob- faction, headed' by Price O iiporations Use Argu- fields or placed .in improvised bins suptey port whitdi baa bwn a tai^ Chinese Official Sera .to IX when the rigM TO ivrlUiavary tee Favors RFC Administrator Leon Henderadh, on farms. tstaing enough steel, he added that program becomes -ef gat of. the R. A.' F. offensiva MAiS^ ate, was aaid to hava'urged him ta m «it of Interference Nippon Easily litJEcd you can’t ’ make' bread without amt b j r a ^ r of Price , ALICB OOrBAM On Rationed taka advantage of a formula laid Tte Agricuiturs Dspartcaant mt aimed at doing aU poaaible to aid flour. tor Leoa'Titederaaa. (Known Aa Steecn Abee) LICIOUS FOODS ^ MODEST PRICES! down ta tha ^ c a coutrM' MU an^ To Gel Delay Jn Cases. t ^ year’s wheat produotloa goal Sorist Russia. . ^ By Effective Blow. Ship Only Sertom Lag • • * s r c c u ^ t ' at the lowsft point pomittad hh- He was informed that the ship SraUTVAL IdBtHUM Baaat Itekay F«ed S to re Washington. April 34.-7(iiv-Tte A shipbuilding anil seaplane fac­ Y - - 'Pried to Ram Sab Savwth Daaigkter of a Seveath San Steaks Veal Cnfleta SWEET WnilABl (Oeattanad an Mgs' Six) Waabtngton, April 34—(P)—^As­ der tha crop control act. This lew- tory center as weU as a supply Norfolk. Va.. AprU 34—(Fh—IhS. BB^^^ J . —a g House Bnnkiag C pm m l^ approv­ talation apiNdflm that tte national Chungking, April 34—(F)—The (Coatfamd oa Page'Six) Born With n VeB. 3 F O R 2 5 e 10 APBL PLACE, ed Isgiristtoii totaryto autborias sistant Attoney Osneral Thur; bhw, It ta situated on the estuary crew ef a mediam-staed AmarlMHi BeaSInga PaHy. lactadlag Sunday, man tsatlflad today tnat aoms planting allotnwnt for whmt mar at tha Wanow rtvqr eight miles Chinese Foreign Office spokeemsn merckaat ehlp- tried 9 A. M. to o r . M. Or By Appelat- Fiae Wines — Liquors and Beer Baceaatructloo' Flnaaca Obr- not bs ism than M,000,000 aeroa urged totey tatenstflcstlon of at- MANCHESTER poratton te Bsato'loana to daalora larga corporations had used an ^ m Wainsmumds, 4 seapI^jM to ram aa enemy amnS. la tte Servtoa at Uw Pea-, 30 Oak Street - TeL 3894 argument of taterfereace vrith the fensive s^OB sgatast Japan "who shelled her to the bottans off thc-7 pla far 99 Yeura. in prodwproducts aOsMsd by ration Denver Saved war qffort ta order to obtata de- ( I m vim iER T d ^ o n o 7711 ordara aad^to purebasa any un­ (Omi m rags Fenr) can eadly bs lickad by a timdy Plane Tangle^ Atlaatle eoaat the alght ef AptS 109 Ctefch BtiaaC Bnrtfaid, CaUn. layB' or favorable coBsent decrees l a The Navy annomoad tha stair' We Cater To Bsaqaets 35 Ns. Schsbl Street sold pcoiRtate after ISlnontha. Ffom Flood ta antirtriiet-eaaee. and effactivs ^ow.” • ; tag today. Gapt Ssiwad L. Oahfe tatendid hrinarily for tte rsUaf The' dlractor of goventmeat anti­ “Wfhlls it ta “Only natural” that Is Elimiiiated ot Staten Island, N. Y,, and Otdte . of . MtoiSOUla daalars, tte MU trust prosaeutton frankly oonced- Britain and Russia should placs Ary Heamas Victor Patiala, IX M wqifM ba appBcabte.alao to daalara ad ta tteCanato Fatanta commit- Electrical Treatment Aids tbs defeat of Germany above d i WakeScM, Maas., wars msrtaBy la aiqr prodnoto tte nfla of vririeh Settres of Families Flee toa that aoma of the raoant consent else, he sAiX "it ta equally natural wounded bjr sbeOfiN nnd watt' Auto GmtnibrSlirlsf tea haw raatrieted rattoniag. One Result Achieved by Homes; Police Alert decraaa amUng antt-tnist catos that China, 'the United Statee and boiled at sen. Five other eiawNM It i» rinrilar to a MU approvad wars Bubjaet to criticism. People'Turning to Stone other Pacific nations regard the Hopkins oh His Re­ were mUalng nnd 37 anivlven and If riition S orvic^ Second Chur^ of Christ, Scientist aarlite this vrsek by a Sanato eoai- W arns 15,000 Citiaens Ssnator La FoUatts (F ^-W ta), defeat of Japan aa their meet im­ WON landed at NorfoUt by a NaSN SEVENTtENTH ANNIVERSARY mlttas, and provldia that ttere rsfaritag to AmoM'a pravioua too- portant role and the logical re-, cent Visit to London. ■hip Which picked thete aa ftem Hartfardi, Connacticat may ba ao daSclmcjBcy Judgments Stw saved Denver ahim--light nMtal vital to tha war tmettag of the small blood London. April 34.—(F)—Om re­ Ife mUee toward the eoaat dariag sffort—ted bam rsstrictad in this finding reUsf and soiWstlnMia cars Ctomss IMaMm sf Vm Flghttag A|lmae* Akim sult achieved by Harry L, Hopkins the three diqra and alghta ttes from to deatnictivs South . P ta^ ta S B electrical tn a ta m t called B4fota approving tha tagimtlcn river SoM today after aooraa of country undar a monopoly haasd T te elsctrioaUy driven temthstlc In Europe, te said, the Brittah- on bis recent visit to London .was after almost a wtek of tearlnfs. on a Mtant pool agrmnim t ba­ lontopboreata. drug camis dilation In these vos- Ruaaian combtaaUon has “succeed­ alimtaation of the tangle over Free Lectutebn Christian Science tha commutes heard aa simlana- famllMo SM t h ^ homsa ‘Sad a rn Tte Aluminum OtBsphay of The method was dsscrtbsd “to pMioe alert wamsd 1X000 rsri- asto ta ths region of the skin. Mors ed ta wresting ths taltlative from warplane modifleationa wMch at Retired Officer Sal ride tloa of tte.autoBMbUa rattoniag Amtirim and Gsraiaa taterasta, ths American Ofllage of Fhysl- blooidMooa flowsnows thereUMTS andano the reeult- ths enemy, whereas on ths Adatle one time, nearly caused United 'Weedbary. April daata to bs ready to avacuaU. aaid "this ta tte worst csss of its eishs by Dr. Irvtag S. Wright. ' ; ■ ' ^ . .By ■ ' ■ ■ ..... p .ogiaa tnm Sanaa L. Potter, a Whan a'stafldy raiafall, wldeh tag aaftsnlag of ths ' tone ta st- mslnlaqd China has bssn flghting States manufacturers to referes lieot. OeL Stewart a Eltlag. IS BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB aMwhsr at ttw OFA Industry rvs svsr ssm.” Naw Yoric c|ty. It is dm to cal- tnbutod to absorptionUon of the eai- almost stagtehAndedty." British ordsra, Tte Daily hfail said U. a Am y rottroX vraa fonq4 amt tte South Platts out oP Its Na* As Oaad Daerm aclerodsrma. It ta duo to sal- MISS VIOLCT KER SEYMER, C S. B. FRED B.,W BRN^ DIRECiee Potter, also aaM that OPA gso- haakA Ghaagad to andar. lunoff dum hy ths inetsmsd flow. TTm , a sscond front now txlsts today. dead la tte aaaoad Saar (hm of Ms / eraUy vraa "vaiy daSaltely for .Amold' aaM te dM not ragaid dum which turns the akin to a Not all eases rsqxmd but Dr. ta Burma hut ths burdm of the Becaute' of ths MtUement, de- NOrtb Waedbory h from tte river's triw taiy moun­ tha conamt degrm endtag tha smooth hard Ivory colorsd armor. BRING *TROUBLE** HERE! of Bostaa, MaassABsette tMsldad of a hUI tain oradn Mowed ddwn. the Wright toM of- a Woman whose Chinese forces hss not bssn any' UveriM cf planM to Britain wiU UoM. WUUam B. Ba anggaatad that It might he magnaatam aaU-tnmt chargsa Affected areas becosss aa rlgM.m hands had tqnsd into almost rlg- vriss lessensd by it. Oootnwiss, te speeded u|^ consideraMy, The tka Batteay stnta lUte-aam to totog yaw Aa HIGH SCHOOL HALL Whathsr Buraflu rspovtad. sgabist Alem and Dow (toamical ■tatuos. taaaklaa-to aa. .I t e t Mamber t i tka Board of Lectarapklp of U to MoClMr asritod to apply only Iq T te level of tha South Platte, M state daws until sho waa help- our burdsn has corrsspondingiy in Mail’s air eorfaspondant wrots. m M that la Mb a jjg 9titwabilsa and Ctenpamr and aiRltatoa, an good a toss. Ste tSBOvsisd so conmleteiy Hopldna; kaas-ltnd supsrvtaor EltiBg had klUM H Oi^ntoM Ckareh ideh rasa ahant four fast la two m nrom tte pOhUe viaOpolBt Imtopheresla oainhttMd toa! II briaga an MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 17TH' AT • OTJLOC* , egnea ttep hgd boaojnoat striwia- -junr ratehad a peak after attd- that d)s n s o i ^ heuseiroi* in- He aaM that J e a n ’s lsngt)isning and immbsr at the War Produc- oM .tSeahbtt I n affoeted by roUanfaqr. iiilteWs ■a oMataad againat ptoMard daetrieal and it ta ciWItag waddag and ironing. of dsfsnas and cenununlea tten Board, now to back ta ths Bight aad.tlMn h M steady far Oil Onaspany of Naw-Jonmy and which the doetridty M vm tte UUBBT ABYISn krtonStatento airsato have hew tkraa hours. Na material riaa vna ' Bsftosm f,sng Stanitog meecs: dlspsrdm >qf .te r farom, Unitod Staton , ’ilaitojw^dMAJte tira aSlIiatea daaling vrith qtathatic msdietaes ta tte fo m tof tons sr shortage of transport and otter Origlmtoi Barily hi War FRED HUFSMTTH, Tuaor ■qwetad while anew and cold oan- fuMwr totedt sIcoImiL Inalophoredi ‘also has reUeved . AAasonic Temple MURIEL WILSON, ttoueX-_*__ . atoms Into the skia. svm after It or eursd long*staBdlBg ulcers due dlfflculttos “an go to provs that Ths tangle over plam modiflea­ (, ■ ratter told ths Tte aatt-truat eUeftata thm aaM has bscome stony-hard. T te to varicose vstaa sad those due to Japan Is mors stupM and brittle tiona origtaatod oarly ta tte war. EsM Center Strast, Mis Aeitar, CenasciBct bs had bam unwUUag to aoespt stony arm is eovsrsd vrith ashen- About N lUaUMaa wsra driven thromtephleMtta a dtaeaae which than Germany." Tte typos first dsitvsrod were offan at Gsnaral Btoctrlc OarngMay ton pspar soaked in mocholyl, • rodqoeii dreulatloa of ths legs more or was sxpertimiitsl and tte SUNDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL M, 1943 Ste|^ H dnli Taxi 41.00 from thair hdama lb Uttlaton and for aettlomsnt at an atott-tarum ac­ ayntbetic drflg. Whm tha eur- Brtttsk dacMod thsymadsdeartan- NORTON south of Oeavar, tion ItettlBf patehte that gave *T}. Rayimud’a dtossas, another fhllurs ’ iHX'i “ :to tay’tta rmt Is tuned sa tte slostrte at rjrnitoflisi ta tte sxtisBMttos, chaagw for asttvs ELECnUCAL A tT lm a .T h B. > doarttent mmopoly n r te a - fsnt to felt as n m adhttoMl ga -Tte Rood thrset to tten og tha war.” g d stodtor teeuhtoe dw te m e ef -INSimUIIENt €X>. Tan Aad Yair Frlanda Axe I ♦tewM teiftflsd that O. B. and Hllliai«et>‘' PhsMift .to aoi^kwx etoar, laiga y ooepon^ V* MANCHESTER EVENWrG HER|AL1), MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAT, APRIL *4 ,194t MANCRB8TBR EVENINO HERALD, MAKCREBTER. CONN. FRIDAY, AFRH^ 24,1942 PAGE Uict Coal mines were forced to 5 auapend operations temporarily, SNesw Curias' Italian A^ent emphsslBed jtoday, tost Forest ftariaa ItlUMat Power ‘Labor Piracy’ M ajor ^ Commercial Sugar Gas Retailers **The Fleet’s fai” Bound tor State only th o| e bundled ' donsUons Ukawise the town of Harlan, Papei* Pi^-U p whlrii are Oat . on tha streets by Ky„ was without power for 10 Hit Civilians Under Ai^st 8 a. m. wUl be ‘ •es Spread minutes late yesterday and a coal - H a ve: mine was ahut down because of \ Registration Concern of McNutt Are Cbnliised On ToniKwfrow - - • ___ WUHsm Burgess, truck- super­ fire damage to its power inlet. Trucking^ Phone*, Elas­ DeCicco, Vice Concul at visor, stated tost oompUanOk to o f. Blaxefl in State Forester Kenneth Q. Me* / ' X .' - ' •“ machine operations into Connell said 48 distinct fires were - fteglstiatiM -for sugar rationing tor retailers, wholeaalera New Ha^n, Seiaed by Skilled Workjers Shoit- Daily Qumge in lUtion* ruling is s strict neoeasity-^ aOTTINCLU tic, Fishing Tackle, of single operations Junior Quunber to Have sine# trucks are to be dlspstraed Attributed reported in Kentucky with some 5.- and Industrial users including food service establishments will tfasK^Led Indus* man can master. In X Much of PopnlBtioii of 000 acres being burned over, in­ Cotton, China Hit. be held i g ^ e » « » » " building of the Manchester High school Federal Agents. can ua# his few sktUed ing Reports Prevents Another o f Its Salvage ffom ^t^ Harrison Btreet garxgs Endjburi9m.w to preaetfrmlned biltlsl pick-up cluding a number in the Kenten* Tuesday, April 30, 1*42. trialists intiK Dos*Eat* pervlaora. / BabBiuBs . Has Lost •banning Action. nia forest of Harlan county. . . ’ ■ ---- ■ New Haven,* April 24—(F)—Pas- (3) Plan tnanppwer naada Collections. points prohspUy at 8 o'clock. Washington. April 24—(P)-—Five Wednesday, April 29. 1942. . ' Presklent Etfo’tol O’Brien of _ _ N k C.. April 3 4 .-(»V - Ten fires, most of which were quala DeClcco, Italian vice-coosui D o g B attle ahaad. Man can trained for Noraud Means o f Live* coming under control last night, new restrictions on civillaq life I / Two Seaslo^ each day. handling new machines during tha New London, A pril 34.—(F>— The fifth coBvaae in toe eu)mBt toe Junior ChsmW, stated this ‘ l o ^ a m that Btubborn- here for 30 years until a preaiden* morning tost s to(M 58,000 cut into 500 to 1,000 acres of tlm- have been ordered by the govern­ / 4 p. m ,-^ p. m^ By James Blartow and time the mac^es are being in­ lihood Due to War. .ineetleut gaarilae retsUere arc srte* of bt-weekly waste paper at I |li6 unltad afforta et air berland in the Chattahoochee Na* tlal ordar cloacd hla office last so confused by the dshjr change in pounds of waste p i^ er scrap has ment in the gradual move toward ‘ 7 p. m.—9 j>. m. X WUUam Flakertou stalled—during toe building or oolIectlonB w ill bo made tomorrow Prices On /, ^wluntccr are flfbters tional forest of north Georgia. A t JiiAs, ia in tho,^eustody of Immigra- ednveriinr o f a plant fo r IInstaa: By F n fi U reports on the sxtont to which bean collected to date upd it is least four o f the fires were at* war footing for the whole na­ Necessary ^orma available at superintsndant's'ollics, main Washington, April 37 — (Wide moniing in tbs area south of expected tost good publlh^vCoop* ^i|p««ad"'*odsir ovtr 32.000 tl(w idnciala at Hartford, held for (8 ) Set-up Ih-trainlng and up-'' Nassau, Bahamee. A p ril. ratioafaig w ill ho Imposed, says one tributed by Forest Supervisor tion. Hoof, High school building, imtU 5 p. m. week-days, and unUl World)—“Labor piracy” is a maj­ grading/iq I his plantniant to trainti less o their spokesmen, that It to im- Center and Bast Center atreots, erstlon will swell toe totsl/ton- ™ rich _ _ Hugh Redding to be UaOeabla to noon Saturday. a iiearing beforbefore tbe Allen Enemy (Wide Worid)—The Duke et nege to the 08,000-mark Iqr n o ^ MONUMENTS atatea. X The latest orders curtail local Control Bonn! or concern of Paul V. McNutt, oricera to fill Jobs higher posaihle fo r them to plan fo r a beglniiing promptly at 8 o’clock. Incendiariea and long distance truck deliveries, scale. Windsor soon may vtott WSshlng- iiiM Saturday. ! et tha b t> w Full Information on Page 18, Thursday, April 23 issue of Federal Bureau ot Investigation who must mobilize America’s lim­ ton to seek UnlM Stotas’ eld In coutm o f aetldn to bo takon la TIm Paper Salvage Campaign W ill Increase May 1 \ to taModlarWh and in restrict the installation of new officials went to DeCtcco’s home . _) Take a reaUatle, hard-head- regard to': tho altuattoo. - slated for tomorrow robrnlng, wUl John M. Derby, scoutmaster of telephones, reduce the amount of the Manchester Evening Herald. ited supplies of manpower for attitude toward ^ draft Fall- saving tola pretty West Indian Troop 93, win be in direct super­ rOaroUna Oov. J. ICNBrough- yastsrday aftamoqn while be waa maximum uae in the war e ffo rt colony from economic ruin. “ They could have our etationa again be sponsored by Joint Jun­ Duo To Higher WsgoB. d State BureauXf In- elastic used in corsets and girdles, re of employers to appMl the they, oould have anything that’s ior Chamber o f Commerce , aad vision of sU participating scout abaent and took: away * quantity The shortage of ekilled workt The tourist busIneaB on which troops again. I afanta into the 50 Rerfstrars forbid the manufacture of fishing of material, including filing cabi- ere, already pinching some drafting of akilled workeha. may needed to whs the War If t ^ Manchester Boy Scout Salvage Buy noV find m vo tackle knd fix prices on china, pot­ reault in valuable, irreplaceable Naaeau depended has collapsed, _ _ fareat, where 14 nsta and a radio, in a moving van. induatriet, has led industrli and much o f toe population hM would only ten ue the truth,’* said committees. some moiifiy and got lEJuiva' been laid waate since tery and many cotton products Later last night tha agents, who Into a chaotic dog-sat-dog industrial akills being siphoned in­ ,J. J. O’Cbnnor laat night when Seen Needed such as sheets, blankets, diapers, to the Army. lost Its normal means o f Itvdl- ay. Manchetier in a asrioa of raids, Visited 11 for toe men who leave l i X sriied fo r bouunent on the probable Ifi defining toe extent of toe Society’s Founder lot ready for id«|KMial Doy^ towels and ginghams. Urges Relief homes occupied by sliahO hers, skills for factory work. Matbinista Squesao Hosae-Tewn M uket hood. effect of' rfBeiilag. aoutoern district, which win be ^ lU a rariaos Bteae ^ A summary: (5) Squeese toa home-town As a result, tha Duke and hto We Fnraish a awhile, a new aiege of Urea Daie^ Book, seised DeClcco himself and. after of qil klhdr lead toe liat/yt needed economic advtoora are hard at 0*ODnnor to chairman of toe covered by tour regular town Already Sworn in No Special'DelU-erieo men^ of course. lebor market for unemployed skllle garbage trucks tomorrow, paper Dies in Boston w t la aoothwaat Virginia Thirty For Printers questioning, he was sent to Hart­ among older workere, women, Ne^ work reviving the agricultural executive board of the Connoctieut With "Every M( Trucks—Effective May 15 local ford early today. Another Italian Talking of aettingydp a aystem Gasoline Retailers Aas ielatlon and salvage afflcisls stated tost toe ^ (Oraat rangers and CCC For ^tol^ive Service carriers, including stores. an Tonlgfct groee and other groups eometlmea and Induatiw business on which t ttm n battled a furious blare Bridge and fashion ahow, C. cltlaen, hlB name not discloasd, o f "labor prloritiesi^’ with the seer efi ary-treaaurer of toe Eastern canvsss-sres w ill be bounded on Office Open Snndays. make no special (one-call-to-a- neglected or diecrimineted unlnst the colony thrived before Nassau toe east by Bolton and on the I eoasumad a^ least 13,000 of C., at the " Y ’’ at 8. was turned over to immigration in hiring. "v wax dlKovered by rich American Seaboard GaebUno Conference, Boston, A p ril' 24.—(/Pi—Mrs. W ork He^e, trlpl deliveries except to hospitals Farming Out Govern­ authoritisa also. west by toe East Hartford town Ellssbeto Howe Child, 68, Of New­ and the armed services and can T mbofvow McNutt’s office, o f course, and Canadian toiirtota. la rg e r Stqblni Ou Hand DeCleee Not aUasa Duke of Wladoer He sold Clohiieoticut wholesalers Ime. To be even more precise, ton, founder and first president of ,^ J )*s worst timber oonfla- Thlrjiy voluntary t^^trara who make no“ caU-backs" or, repeated ment Bu»ine«* to PH- Tall Oedara Ceremonial, Masonic would like to se« employers and ReallMlcally. the Duke has told BOTTINELU ^ im years ^raad during the The fact that DeClcco’s case was workers alike make full use of toe and dtotribuhm'IU^rlargsr stocks toe territory wUi include toe Man­ the Daughters of Connecticut and have Offered to assist in VW Fourth attempts to deliver goods to the Temple. handled in this manner, rather hto cafainOt that what the cpiony chester Green section, south o f p ^ regent of toe Minute 3(sn MONUMENT COMPANY w to-BMtb Oaorgia and south* Registration under Selecttye Ser* same person on the same day. in vale Plants Urged. Waate Paper Collection Day, U. 8. Employment Service, which produces cian he inarketad only of gaariine on bsm at prsesnt than through a hearing before a appUoe chain store metooda to the Church^Socieit^ than St sny’tlmo in reosnt Weriu East Center street; toe IMst and Chapter, D. A- B- died last night OF MANCHBSTBR LUatucky. and U. S. Regional , vice next Monday at the Legion addition, local carriers must reduce Area South o f Center, and Blast United States oommisslonsr, re­ with toe help o f toe United Btotee, tr Jbaaph C. Klrcher imme- Washington, April 24. — (F) -r: hiring of all kinds of labor,. and exprea*ed sp oplnlpn tost West Side sections, exclusive of In s Boston hospital after a long Opposite-East OsoMtaiy Home gathered at the home their other mileage 25 per cent Center strseta, be|lnning at 8 vealed that he waa not a cltlasn wrhose estobitohed companies bays Contact—That . on-the-veige-ktaa between DorOthy Lamour and Main street proper, south e f Cen­ illness. ' saatrictad public use ot night to be sworn in for duty a: as compared with corresponding Farming out much of the govern­ m. Jointly sponsored by Junior In addition to offering a clear- facUlUea fo r selling and dtotribut- ^ Plans a Supper rationing on a basis of five gallons William Hqlden to consummated Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at Conwr Harrisoa safi Pearl Sta. foreaU in North Carolina, and this came as a aurprise since ing-bouse for local labor, the em­ s week was “ wholly unealled for.** ter Cfid East Center, and toe Blue- Mfs. Child was born at Tbomp- PHONES 8107 Om 77f3 to receive instructiona. Chief Reg* '-monthi>nths last year. In the inter-«ity ment’s printing business to small Chamber of Commerce and Man­ It.w aa generally understood that ing which toe Bahamas cannot toe State (beater. Tbat’a the Ume and toe place “The Fleet’* in." field and Pine Acre tracts which sonville, 0>nn. Funeral services 1 and Oaorgia. » mking industry, all trucks i ^ t chester Boy r.cbuts. ployment service clears its de- hope to duplicate. Rationing to that aevore an ex­ istrar EOmer A. Weden, after tak* t ^ k i i private planU and the placing of be had been naturaliaed 38 yaars mend-and-eu)mly orders on a re­ Farambunt cossedly ^musical arrives, co-starring Eddie Bracken. are south o f Center street. will be held tomorrow afternoon of ClvU A ir Patrol ing the oath, gave it to the volun* beb e loaded ^ i to capacity on outgoing 8aa4sy, April 38 ago, about fiva years after ho came \W a i BieekaM OM B ^ Women ot the mtoeionary so­ tent, said O’Chpnor, undoubtedly flaw tow over the hills of d to“ at least 75-per cent j government advertising in news- gional haaia, onoglng together toe would have a eerioua effect on re­ Householders are urged to place St toe home she occupied with her tary registrars. Members of the tripe and to Flag dedication and reception to the I United States. roanpower-cripplM -plant In oha W ith hie piana ataaooK ready, ciety of the TalcottviBe Congre- gram, 8 p. m„ e. w. t , s* part of bundled contributlona in full view husband. I North Carolina and north* Selective Beryloe beard and office capacit;: i t y ^ return I tripa with ar- papers were advocated by Senator at St. Mary’s church. tailers, and he aald tt appeared agla to direct the gritund Rclidble sources reported tbK town and the unemployed work­ he and hto counaellon have about gatjonal Churdi wUl serve a chick­ Society Arranges tbe society’s annual convention. on front pidewslki—so as not to staff were present to assist Mr. riera p o o ll^ Uielr faciUtiea where- WilMs (R.. Ind.) last night. Monday, April 37 DsCicoo himself believed thatyhe completed deteila of a proponed U-at raUonlag authorities niul not . and to spot new firaa that A former editor himself, Wiilla ers in another town of the same en pie supper,'in the aeiembly <811 brosdesata w ill be over short­ be overlboked by truck drivers Chelcedony roses belong to toe Weden. ever'er necessary. ^ Rcglatratlon of all men 46 to 85 was a citiaen. / vlrit to the United State*—petv given "due coneideratlon’’ to tbe wave atstlim WRUL. up ff^od ically in isolated TelephSnes-X(ereafter new tele- told an informal round-table of state a nearby stale. roome o f the church, on Wedhee- inveetmant o f tbe Individual sta­ Short-Wave Series and their crews of Boy Scouts. It mineral kingdom. Need Mere VeInnIeers at Legion Home, Leonard street He had been engaged in toe in­ Bihployment people say concea* hepa in May—during wbiMi the It is hoped that many more will phonealones mayrimy nnotX?« o t '^ inatalledlns( ex­ Senators.'^, Representatives and d i^ A pril 39 at 6:30 o'CloCk. tion owner or to the investment i>D ellaH s Vviaaace** A- m. to 9 p. m. surance buslhees since th^ conau- tfation o f war industries in a few Dtme would teinune the hours. gories include armed servioes. gov­ , aMlng he believed that 75 Silhouette Girls’ F ife and Drum other local men as “psllbesrera” Pederson said the Baaa- Corps dance, Keeney street dance Such cdotraband material as minder in toe financial drain o f over s festive board. Owisequently, Dr. Edwin Q. Gonkiin, Prince­ SanM aa Uwt H um ernment agencies, medical and per cent, of them could be taken guns, cameras, ammunition, binoc­ The- six left today for induction ton university hlploriat, was se­ bxll. government doling skilled meh to In Tidierculosis aUing Britain. The colonial gov­ this supper to being held to help __ •"W- '.'.. ♦ AU who have previously served denUl service, newspapers, press care of ebewhere or not filled at ulars add radios was seized a t the vital Industries aa it now doles supply tost lack. It to open to all into the Army. lected to speak on toe tnitisl pro- as registrars are asked to report associations, common carriers and all. ’The government should -use Special Town Meeting, High ernment loaned the British gov- SchMl hall to adopt blackout reg­ Alieiy^mea visited here yester­ steel rubber, machine tM is and e'uroent about 01,(XiO,OOO and members of the parish an ^th eir again on Monday for duty. The pipelines. existing priva^ printing plants in­ day/ other materlials, ia one /proposed friends and it is hoped toed ■ F o r M e n - P A N S Y A N D work is practicMIy Identical to Ollings on Pottery stead of expandbig its own. It ulations Hartford,d ’ April 24-^JV-Tbere > nfmde a present o f about $88,000 to The control hoard which hears answer to-toe problem/ toe war effort. Local eubecrlptions csp u lty seating may be servi that of previous registraUon days fhtces—Ceilings were placed on could tend some printing out.” Thwaday, April 30 the cases of aliens brought before McNutL toe allver-Jiatred Indl- la danger o f eh''Incrsaae .ia tuhaiv .PLANTS Meeting of Zoning Board, Muni­ to war benefits have exceeded TIcketa. may be had frpm<>tfs, with the exception of the ages of the manufacturera’ prices o f hun­ Senator M aloheyX(D. Oonn.l i t has toe power to interh tor the Legionnaire w|n> baa added culosis cnees In this eouatiy be­ James McNally, Mrs. Mary Weltoe ■ang IhsteMUaM with aveiy those registering. Those who were dreds of china and pottery Items said it waa all very to Ulk cipal BuUdbig, at 8. duration the war, release an in­ toe manpower Job to his duties aa cause of conditions inddast to aU- 3400,000. ot Sooteh Prleee Btoe or any member of their commit­ BASr WEEK a< Ph i^ rlwt*- not present last night and are and on moat cotton products now about economy in govemtaicnt, but Friday, Bbyl dividual or parole him In the cus­ Federal security/...... adminlstrator |. out war production, according to^ tee. planning to report for work Mon­ outside price control. The china in war-time government had^to be Elntertainmeht and daiue, tody of Federal officials^ and aa chief Mifenae i health and | tha City Health DeportmsnL Shop supplies from ' England Following toe supper there will; APRIL 2«—MAY 2ND Men^s and Young ■PBCIALI ' American Legion Band, L »io n ’ have been harder to get because day should contact Mr. Weden be­ price ceiling Is based oh- the leval "expensive and extravagant welfare scrvlc^ gives tola pic­ The department’a atontlily. bulled be s 'white ele|fixsnt’’ sale. Articlea ------T IM E T O ^SWEET WILLIAM fore (hat time to be sworn in. of Oct. 1-15, 1941; the cotton ceil­ Both he and Senator Hughes Home. / X ' / ture of todaj^ labor market: tin statM tost “ inadaquate diato of BuhmariM risks. Scotch prices for such s sale are solicited and The hours o f registration Mon­ ing bases prices on those of July (D., D e l) declared poliUcs werf^,i Meeting of Board of Control of O peninmgs Eaticie Skilled Workere long workiifg hours, the rising hiAve rtoen from $7Ji0 a gallon may be left with any member of S F O R 2 5 c day are from 7 a. m. until 9 p. m. 31 to Aug. 15, 1941 asdis expect­ out where aid for small busineas C ot C., 6:30. p. m. at "Y/ T raining cost o t food and dotolng, over­ minimum to about 111 mlalmum. the missionary society; or. they was concerned and that party la- .Ifethodlst . *Xabor acouts ere traveling 'ManufaotureO articles, like wool­ SHOP Eastern War Time. ed Jo bring about considerably low­ May tea at South W n n iA n about thd country enticing skilled crowded Uviag conditlaBa. phyMeal will he called for, if necessary. It is estimated that over 3500 er prices than those now prevail­ beta were disappearing on most churrii, 3:30 to 4. F o r M e i W77 o u i i u c i a to jo i» for mental and emotional stoala hove ens, -Bee steM prodnete and china, will register here Monday so that ing. other questions. ' ^Sumlay. 8 ' I high/' wages without regard for all played a part la buildlag aa were abut off entirely for toe [. VnTNER the need of registrars is much Elastic—Tha amount of elapUc Banquet, Gulaepp^ Garibaldi 8o^ atfldeat ’aaaamhly Uaa* far the duration. MARLOW’S I Sofia Is Shoit U Ns. School Street g ^ t e r than it was last February fabric which may be used in each ciaty. Raid’s. AudltmUm. Bolton. deadly work of tuberCulosli.’' Tha tt marks toe end of an era that 18th. coraat, girdle, eomblnaUon or Decoration Balntsd importance pf better plaaalag started when thirsty Americans Ma^,4/0, «. 7 TT ^^rM iffvm M t'^rvict ** testier ot tacL'oM alr- et Men *8 add Young brassiere was ordered reduced by Registration fo^u gar Cards at ^.,?*** term producer hea hlrrd away a meailB is etreased. uLscovered Nassau durlag toe On Staple Foods about 60 per cent. Total output of Jlbcelslor Springs, Mo. (F)— ft haa been even worae than Barber Benjamin Uitger baa been your nearest aMOOl. witUaccyt Ml ayiUonal mortlng again. He aaiy* he* About 48 attended toe banquet last A fter oavend montha expects to see the aaemplognDent Wholeuk and RetaiL ^ night ’ to'frsBM some sort of a by-i»w pROVFN riCTURf proUom Uekod la a year. d that would give the power to hring about arreotn and provide for a tas ter cqavletioa of F R E D E . G R A B l I f i American Soldier BANTLT OIL COMPAMT riototiooa of aay ruto govoia^ blackouts such a raaobttton has WERNER What Fru'rii-eti'W'-’' ■' ,(EXCEPf STETSONS)' C E N T E R S T R E E T P H O N E S29S I $ uaIS m been drawn. To make It attoetlve GaUed Healthiest Scrvhiff the Public for 2.^ Years. "" it to Bseoaiary that the town poae INSTRUCTOR OF upon toe quastton. For this pur- Tlitoa. O U a , A pril »I-4 F > — pose the ariecMi enI kave caUed a Piano and Organ The United States to aandtag the ifashion Show apodal town neeetog to be held In worid’s haolthloM aad moot n « - ^ynW G^ySSb^ or gM in hew? Ibran i l i i j i fiebod HaU next Wedneodry evening. That wlU be the only nMt- Toaebiag A t S to d ie . ' ged soMler into the war. Dr: Mor- $ Ycfi, BURTON'S is ria.Flahboin, editor of the Journal •apart X-Ray Stting thotoUmlnafa Reg. f 5 Value 0,95 ter to bo token up at the by STETSON hfivinff t h 0 1 r Arst StBdiot 15Z Wofit Coirtor S t. I of the Amoflean Medina! Aoeoela- the gnoeaomrk o s ^ hoar the shoo Its.' lag. ! ttan. a o iift ii Met jfto b t Spring 'Showing Tor IPolophoM 8AS8 **I am not divulglag lay xtfB- ^ Yalta your ehalee from a wide eolloetiaei .» Special r ) PICTURES night at 8 6’eiod il tary ^ascreta,** ha t ^ tha OfeM- ”hfonsart yonng ehoee and put yuemehlld Planning Dance hoBW' State Modtoel AadeOlattOB. •P L A Y B O Y . Spoofiorod by **wben t tell you that our aOk a otop ahood in comfort and health.' diera are la tha heat phyateal oon- A New Shipment ■1 CatboUe Ijidici At Soldiers Home dltkm the aatfoa ha* k aa w a .". During the y«e]i •€ April 29 to the Stth. Cohnnbtwl •SPORT LIFE 1 Efitertuntiiait .D r. Ftahbaia earner dseiared tbe a podlatifat win be hoio in our atore to Footwear For The Entire -Family Jakt in Time for Onr Anniveraary Sale! ?Tickato for the dance to be sAJaerleaB people were la. ..better » a BHdgfi and Gsaica! eponserod by tbe You ngltnM bli- -phyrieal aad awatal eoodltian 'to aid you in idmoeiag the proper shoe far BEAUTIFUL REPRODUCTIONS DONE IN OIL, 1.98 ean dub May i at the VFW Bono. and. Dance ataad up uadar a proloeiBed war child. No extra ehatBO far Us •STRATOLINER • AtthfiY.M .C.A.! Manchester Orsao, ter tha ntom* thaa the peoplee ef au^af the o f the army command A x lr aatioBs. ■ , . tLAREB TARIBTY OP SUBJECTS. FROM |7;»5 UP. k t l e g i o n H O M E . • Rcfrcfihntonts! may be obtoiaot. from any mem* BURTONH adornbk bow-pockefc4 Junior of too commltteo by calling ■nttcred with your fnverito Jamlw poUui 3440 er 4010. A GiTta by Logton B b^ D . F n a r r a A i w U a n e n a An for 50 Ecntfi! to aaaured as 00 yonng dots. . .ItV n Janior datemo audfi of Am n o for tbs dMMO ara Friday EvcBing. N i^ ti AM crkfiB Cottoal SUpftr Bhw or Rod. Door PFiset tB|^ tha rtfuiiiiilttx Bi ’jpmiltiiM Contra S ix c a t-1 7 . I te a laig* COMB EARLY! Tkia wul he ,7 5 M MAlTOHESirai BVEWUre HEiLILD. MANCHESTT5R, CONN. FKIDAT, AFKIL 24, ^941

boaatty sad triaa to naaaga n g fa t Alvord Bam in Bolton far tba war tqr tba forea w bto j Engaged to W ed Capto Staub More Houses dogpack at aploH’i eomaaaatad tha Second ^o n t Urged noanqmpar. h Dditroyed . by Fla. Planned Here Guest Speaker I Belton iV o g ig Claim Gtdtu ~ ~ rd Beaverbrook Bolton, from Ranks neat. Pater Genov eel, Frank J4a- Hebron acbool houaex May ^T. tbtod and ftMrf& In DoneU Batin Three Flagg to Be dedi­ ton and Cbartoo Robert Volunteer woticeri are n e ^ to Fire destrojred the barn o f Samual tktoary. Forest fire nighty in die Bnckland . R o c k v i U e H e b r o n claaa at candldataa. •Alyord at Bolton CeaiSkf yesterday Berlin (rrom Oarman Broad* ain. And I must teU you that when \ BBan Ihjnnd.. help yrith these typUentionx meat Vlped fa tV fight to cated Sunday at St. | Believe Bnagia May Set- Porter Blton,.nuprtotor of the msattog tbto afternoox The lire was discovered Section If the Govern* ■easts), A m O 34—(r>*-Nast trom that struggle began ws bad to re- Lmeto U. • ' anyone willtog ,to brip tor a few t v grans flies started tbit’ L. BuOardl Cde- b ia t mada a aupibar of auecasand RockvllW\Bouaa Baibar shop waa A serious aceideat oeeunod nt hours on the dataa gtVen win plaaaa & Barr t v Oommualty HnU. about 3:45 p. m. and the barn was penied imriaus at Umax R Mary’i d ia r^ U ^ W b p i n 1 9 4 2 amva only five nghter aircraft la completely demolished within >i»tf ing Board Agrees. adfaneoa in the Donets basin, on the storage units." tajund Tmnadty wbito erosriag Hebron Ceatar Wadnaaday about can Mrx Jesria Adams of OOMd Trt. dflfl-g, RaekvOto •upper wUl V served t v 'Ocatar .school and t V Sftrd Birdiday Marimt aM etid Bart Mato. Ha merttog. r a hour. .. tbe aoutbem half of tba Ruaatan Attadg Is Made in Beaverbrook apparently left 4 p. m., when n Mlddletowa Prosa as pomibli eVstar Higb adiool wrakafl' tf- ... < , front, tbo Gtormna high command Captain LeaUe Staub of the] waa taken to tha RockviUe City A pst Wrd dog known as Trtxto,' WeS Child Earlier, to tbe afternoon n grass canyix-7 water. T o d a y ; U proper connacUona can ba nothing out la portraying tbe truck driven by Bebastton Gres- Mr. and Mrx Frank J. TutUa of lira in tbe neighborhood of t V reported today. 78th C. A , C. WUl ba the guesti Western Enrope. gloomy pIcUire of England and Its hospital wboM bo waa tnatod for owned by Cdboon Portar, eras kfasd TValve chUdrra attended _ The foe burned with sudM. merte jocnl^ tba Karl r . Jnckaon Ifighest Htoor bruises. According to tba police be aimanno. S3, o f 43 Saybrook Road^ bto Btraat have raoeived word wn> thought to have been o f R e c o n l . In a nortbem sector the Oer- speaker at Uto dedication eker* chances at several periods of tbe on tba road near tba Porter placa from tbelr son Edward that be baa WeU Child CbnferaV* held Thurp- d ty t V t nt timra apnrks ]' CUnqinny of 314 High atraot. Boa* mana aaid tbay wipad out a So* war, for bo conttoUM: waa struck by an auto owned by Middletown, collided with a einen 'Wadnaaday. T V dog waa pot dls- day to t V Community HnU. Those brought under control and those far south nq John Masney'x ctoea Sunday fffternoon M St.| New Tork, April 34.—OR— bpy on a btoyda wbo dasbed out arrived at Loveland Flying Field who asalsted in extinguishing t V too, Maas., plans to aract 80 bomas viat unit which batOod fOr aaaar* "W e were dafSatad In Greece. the SUverbsni ^ratattwi. oosarad until tbe next at DaUax Tuna. w V asetotod witb t V clerical worii T V State Forest FlghtUv .vAMalMUD linoobi Bui* Mary's Bpisaqiial Churtk, nurch creation by Great ftrltato \\_al a AtHighSchckil at a driveway at tbe H. C. Porter of t v cUnie tocladad M ix H a rb ^ grass -fire had returned to tbelr 'i in MancbcaUr. Rap^taUam «4 W« P«rt- l^tiS^to BtUl bolds tbe Nasto to tba foUownd awittly, and befora tha ctoax aa tha aeddrat was not re­ tv uxrtment of Mrs. Max V vitt T V nanouacemeat mads proper^ located on North Main /lafSet Henry Leaa Aohnaon. A oolor guard year wai out tba Brlttob JUriay eat A. fagito praaldliig. Thara tea tkm o f the Hebron-GUead road; ported. on M ^to street .M eattag. rtructura about 31 yeara old aad Ume ago t V t it would V no iM d way. Aa4 le local army command wUl east r. There were no animals in the ^ aaltotad t»»" lof endurance," be raid, tbe ualkm bonors for 1043 waa aeade. Stafford SfatogB tyLxa poUc* w a n summoned home there, according to report. Ttons proqiise* an to V TV Bolton Girl gcouta vUl went to Bolton. The npparatos aectlon to In tbe' Rural Zone and to have been damaged. Veterans, Disabled American Vet­ building. not return until 5:30. tha way and there Mr. and Mrs. John H . McCarthy I reemd ct tba Brlttob Army in two t H Valadtotorian will ba Caro^ SM took charge at oacx beaded Tbo flro department sraa caUad tatasd by bravasaers aai meet Saturday x t 7 p.nx at the must be changed to B or A aone.- erans of the World T w , Spanish 4eha a No MaXeVater Asatoto 'that a rwB aa aapartonaa^ ■ of 50 Granite street. Westerly, R. W a r Veterans, Tsnke^^ IMvlalda |yenn of battle. . ton Bliss, wboee average mark for Jty iieut. Roy PetttoglU of the out Thursday torenoon to mice eats pledges era toXbe made volubtari- fame Of Mtoa Charlotte Mack of The fact tVtBdton has Another important matter that Oontowt ly by towns people who wiU The South Manchester Fire De­ atera to add a fire pump aad ■■M irhat. to do awaiytblng Lond^ April 34—on—A Stock* i., formerly of Msacbester, an* Veterans, Army mnd Navy Club, Cnoght Dnawaiea by gaps faur yeus bas been 98.55. Mtoa o n . C icbester barracks. The injured o f a truck ffom tba WeUaSsray tv Bolton crater. Lender Lydia ■IrT to make tbiaga Juat must be c le a r^ up is the question tidM upon tVm falvea t V respon- partment responded to the call and a fin department wi A.I*Blri)ard holm dto^teta to Reuters today Bounce tbe engageBLebt. o f their Company O, State Guaiw and "Then oama tba Java. Tbay /BItoa to tbe daughter of W . OMton boy was taken to the Windham place, GUead, which was endanger*, Young wUl V present worked dUlgently to 'rave tbe Wt toe tba aaan us* of aewago on Tolland Turnpike. I caught Ua unawarea to Malaya and, Community Memorial boapttal ed. Beyond some burned-wiring aibUlty of thn amount of bonds prompted yesterday’s acUoa. Electricity and other public utUI-__ quoted a Berlin spokesman ns third daughter. Miss Bette Mcr Compaiy H. State Guard. / Bites o f Somers, and to a .member One of Stafford oidsi^ Brteto house and surrounding buildlngx AuxUlariea o f aU the ex-K-aetklce Singapore. Wo bava Uttto to aay ' ot^Vta. College Pr^m ratory course. Orben be to being iesred for. At there was no losx t V y V v e pnimiasd. T V NaUonal ^m p baa been, ordered by Be S^T J^sL^v in use.*'ThrWn “tote of tbs l«th Oeiman I earthy, to Johi;i WlUiamson, son I hnvtog campaign Ig based on fklth tn I raceivtog bfaor- Many of the Bolton Volunteer flre- but bna not arrived aad to '(£Sr»^taply that Wtoad ^ to R«s*lof Mm Ellsnbeth WUUan^n of organixstiona vdll also attendtend ^ I in defenao of our e r r e f a . ^ ean- /Tha Salutatoriaa wtll be (tyntoia last report hto oondltton was very Mr. and M ix Danirt'G. Horton V recrat poster mefi: were also present to asetot. ta las. It Bwasa that ba dedication. I not expUir our fidbires. We can yTetoar cf Vdmon, wbdac average been to for rigbty-flve grave. !' faith tvt\ every clU- meanUma ths South Mancl MnparaUvely new^~.Mtl tended the mains to this section. [•a area had pierced Soviet lines | 37 Franklin street. Westerly, and have rsturnad to their summer ' for n chuice to help by t v Man- Tbora who were on tV aceae lint department will continue to to m s tha. unit witb a and re*eatablished contact with lenly resolve to profit t9 our pun- merit Tor four yeara was.8106. She yean will toto He was halping but a friend who home here. They spent the srtoter Aircraft Artillery. However, botb^ The Zoning Board will hold a Uw late Oeprge Wimarnson. coming Wbiton grocery froedom, faith t V t of COmmarca Including R Kneatond Jonex srai- sudi help aa la poastble until yat flm band. TWa t o ^ the main German forcee. w *^ McCarthy was well known Itohment end surive. after blgber ' 1^ to a o o n ^ Preparatory pu- bad mumpx to tbe delivery of to WUltogton. da' Flora of Bol- uel Alvord and other nelghbon who ( y tbs eisnosT In wbktb ibt are under tbe Coast AitUlery tlic hearing on Thursday. April efficiency and greater resouroa to store whirii was started oan South 'hot shlik. \ new pump arrivea. kt which tbe application will loCaSy as an antertntoer and to* .1^ and to toe daughter at Rock­ papora tor tbe Middletown Press, Red Cross workers met Monday Agnes Kuiya of umdar him baaa oanductad Oorps* tbe days to come." ville’s postmaster, Saul Pelsar and sCrsrt' now known as WUltogton local campaign to inXcVrge In August, 1838, be waa sent to be'heard nqd S dectoloa made.- If I atructor to dance arts. She attend­ 200 S i^ e d Up but had not begun driivery at tbe aftornoon at 8t Peter’s Rectory, R'Foster Hyde. T V araa French Road.\Vtb Mnacheater while on active duty Beaverbrook was squally ont- bbs. Pttotr, avCnus by Lott O’Halloraa to 1857 time at the accident. rad Wednesday aveatog nt tba High acbool pupilx ru rt Worden, Washington, and it, the plans di .the company go British Bom bers ed Manchester public schools and spoken to a stout defanaa of Cdm- ViU tanmnata Its to n Ufa srbra it wbo Vve charge m re* M ed by the rationing board tn Dis­ ber of years, wlU V tfa was here, that another rank was through It will ke . the third big the McKeown Secretarial aclyKd The names of toa other high Michnri baa for some time been Jawiah flyaagognx rad Women’a nrtilttag and supplying tbs fan- Mtoa June Mlbhier ot Bolton trict No. 13 to WiUimantlc. t m baa abowad bow much muntom under Stalin and hto -puplto will be announewl on will cease burinesa Thursday. Bldrta wera worked on. Mntortol speaker. TV American Fr hurdle^ when be was appointed to bouatog development A t ..the north I In Hartford. ForNewQassI

era, iranaporta and photographic nlealty obliged to keep hands off MANCmBSTER JEVENIKO nSRALb. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. APRIL 24,194S end observation planes, provlaing the German-Rueeian atruggle. Neu* About Town M o d e i^ G i ^ 4he r.ucleus of a well-balanced Fears Period tral nations ara rafuiradM Intais Local Victory Obituary strikiag force. arar partlaa whidi atray into fhalr The ground crew situation was After the W ar territory. To do otherwlee would Parade Listed H o p es to Find Mlaa Violet Ker Seymer, C.SJI. F cm* M ark et described aa aatiafactory and it offend the opposing force#. Such ____ > o f Bootoa. Maae., member o f the \ ______'■ > was said that great atridea had IntemeeB are unlveraally treated Starts Tom orrow - -. FU K T -B R U C E ’S 51st J k iit h r Heard of Lectureahip of the Moth­ been made In airdrome construe- Body ot Son er du deh. P iie t Church o f Christ Fine 'New‘Units for Dii- Uon and equipment S p e a k s . 1 have Lining Up Bands and Setooflst. in Boston. wiU ^Oliver Morale is high, and the men ate never oonninned official Japanese Mother of Jui a free lecture on Christian science I play of Meats Installed well' trained and “raady to go." P arl^ Says More Dan­ declantlona that UkitodI Stkittes Units for Demonstra­ at the MaaCale Temple on Eaat the a ii^ ^ t y said. I Manes took part to the raid# on Father to SeA.Fate ol By Ai Podrovo. gerous Than ^ar. tion on May 15. X W. J; Shea Is D< Center atreet, Sunday afternoon, Tbkyd, YokMama, Nagoya and Army Plane Cradiiilg A p ^ 86th at ScSO^loek. All per- Kobe Saturday. SUanea waa main­ aro cordially tnVited to at- Four new units of display eases Hartford, April 24. — (F) — A tained klao upon the Teas an­ |MariMUty o f bringing tha Coast ^In December. • I M " WflUa M t today d. ■ ■ ' have been installed in the meat de­ War Output wariiing was laaiied hen today nouncement. Guard Academy band hare fo r iMtal feaM” to aaomna Mra. Mary J. 8he^ W, «ed at that the .American way o f life w ill (State Bitoartment offlelatoaaM Mancheator*a Viotoiy parade ta the her home, t& Strant-atreat, Ute Midntonomoh Tribe No. 58, bn- partment e f the Manchester Pub- not be preaerved Intact and that Spokans, Wash., April M ir— t* tko they wen withholding comment evening of May 16 waa #aan today icetcrrtaT afternoon' following a proved^Cwder o f Red Men, w ill Uq Market and were filled and complacency w ill become a major pendtog moelpt of a report from Somewboxo to the taagiad ridges Ibo laeal aw abort iUnaaa. She waa the mother Program Is as tooal chainnan. Jack ganann. a ragalr gaiy a ■ bold ita regular meeting In TInher ready, for the trade today. The threat not during but after the the U.. B. emb In ».) of tho Sterra Nevada mouatatas of of Superior Court Judge*Elect hall Mond^ evening at 8 o’clock. war. recaiVad aaauraaeeo that it nothing an Tft«" atreat at tba william J. Shea. Widow of Patrick new diitolpy cases are the most Middle OBUfoniia, G. B. Bunw ax- 1, had been fiyln* fo r Nearer Goal Mlaa Beatrice Jones, tin t wom­ el#e toterferad tha New London T. Shea, ahe waa bom la Ireland Daughters olt Uberty No. 136, modem mahufaetured by the fa- an president of New York City Jtoosffvdc W\ unit would parade. peets to rofteh the «id of a tragic t ala yoara. owtaa hla own and a roaident of thia town for moua Hill showcase firm and are trail. SjjSTom kaaad at Hartfor^ Lk O. U I., haa reived a epedal Life Underwriten Aasoclation and . I t la also poarihle that tha band 25 yeara. Coming here from Ver­ IhviUUon to attm the aerylce constructed on th4 principle of no (Ocattnnad from Page One) agent of Equitable Life of. New Raid Confirmaiidi conaoetod with tha antlfalreraft Somswltoto to that aky-ftcrapiat ir too# «jFta» lwwt.,tp non w here^^ Uved for many obstnictiona between the varioue HO. te«athar_u!% Sunday evening at^'^bt o’clock YorH, gave this admonition at the Waahtogton Utpril units locatsd here will be In town range, hto son, Lieut Homer C. in Christ church c a t ^ r a l. The units. construction program was regard­ fifth annual aalM congrns o f tbe te rtiv with tbe prsaa over . . for the parade. Thara will ba plenty Burns, dtoampaatbd with MaJ. Gan. k . PtoBon o f Broad ^ 8be alao leaves ^WO other aons, The new cases extend 43 feet ed generally as the only Mrtlon of anese reports of an Amarioan w • Herbert A Oarguo and ate other Rodiyflla and Michael guest epeaker wlU be Rov. John fiiannectieut Association of Life o f music for the parads. John P. Shea and Walter^T. Shea; and from one end to the other hla January production plan which Underwriten. raid on key Japanese dries Ian. The TaloottvUla Sllhouettea, 'the A m y ofnoera and men in anr Army V s M o r d Sprbiga loft two daughtera. Nlaa » ^ ^ e C. Sutherland Bunnell, D.D.\pastor present aa unobstructed view of M o rs -lo r-Y 6 vr-l of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian was lagging seriously behind. .Approximately 1,000 toaurance Saturday and word from Moscow ------iticn that ha# #uoe##d^ transport Mft»* >ft*l OtOr 12. in Th is' Ti* i9 liD i^d l Value Event! te Plfoon’o four «**" and Mlaa Mary Z. Shea, «1 M e the meals cut and ready for sale. that one o f the parridpating planes ' ' Tbs Mg ak^ waa beard droning aa ankaoam deatination. church. New York City. A feai And he waa reminded that Rear nprasentatives from all parts of Talcofttrills oona, #ad is ' town and a brother, Joto k o m A t one end la a flah unit complete­ Admiral Emory S. Land, defense the state attended the all-day cen- > totarnad to Ruaala. Pres- the diraeflob of Robart Von over tba vieialty of Big Pina aad jm h IbI Ttalaiac the service will he the man .. of tieland and flva grandchlldreih ly set o ff from the meats.. ahippliig administrator, had testi­ grees; hrid to the Aetna Ltfe audl- ident Roosevelt continued todiw to Deck, has volunteered to take Btokop. Raridwto Hsbop later Sbmmmm iiona ,lMBt tvo nontha theae ■Ihatoneral viU ho held. Mon­ b f. the flags. In observance of S t . The new cases are equipped with withhold any confirmarion from part Tha American Lagtoa band saw a great m tho orastem Mtfatoya bean atte n d day morning at 8:80 at the home Georgy Day. April 38. St Cebrge fied on Capitol HIU that there was torium, aikl haard Mias Jones open QIC latest type Of autonmtlc re- “ too damned much loafing" In tha prognm by apaakiim on the this government / under Ralph Von Deck, wlU also mountatoft ton did not oonaoct it ‘ ^^^aehool In Hartford and at S t Jamea’a church at 8 waa tUa.^tron saint of England, ^V^U on, electrically operated But he did say ba had r e iv e d ir t M r . r with t ^ pbuM. B ed M v a n i > Into condition fo r thU dock where a hclemn high mam atopyards on the part of both la­ meeting's theme, “ U fa inaurance takapftrt 1 in- and^'Controlled. They are : lap bor and management. —A First Line of Defense.’ an official communication from tormad 1 ^ yaatorday It wfta an- On Meager Claos I thiaa left tnunadlately of requiem w ill ,h e celebrated. Trinity Pgat Noble Grande wlU equlp^id With fluorescent lighting Moscow regarding tha toternmeat B a tM will he in St Brldget’a meet with Mi«flower Reb^hh 'The President commented tiiat ‘T do not subscribe tooths belief noimoad that tha Salvatlivatlon Army UI. Doagor diieft Buna \ ------m and atatcd ao that ^ all times meats ara dis­ waa a good burr under the tail o f that tha people of America an o f a plane. band would taka p a rt _vhto kopfM. Soma time ^laft “ WeTl atay aa kmr aa cemetery. L ^ e In Rockville;'-!|^ie8day after­ played in a light ” aa clear as all “ The Russian anhoanesment ______n»ay can at the* home, noon, April 38, at tu e ^ o’plhck. both management aad labor. But, complacent about this war," she 'Usxt plan# to raeume a 'IMad tta.*' Prienda outdoors." , dc^kred. Thkt Freedom which ou.r tahds to confirm Um Tokyo re­ i, thraa arc aapart c trilln 28 Strant atreat from tto responding to further questioning, trek that ' and until I have The new umta provlda space for be advanced the view that prob­ anceSton paid ko- great a price "to ports,’’ ft rfporter remarked. found my andVadIo oparaton, accord- .-inf until the time of the funeral. Organist Warren l^TOod o f the 72 enamelwara -platters of rut .N ot In F eiia et Qnastten New Testimony Is cHiOokhart. atata OOnter C ongregatloi^ chUfOh. ably a shortage of steel platea was gain Is'prq^oua to all Ammcana. After.'tba meats. The p la t t ^ are kept well more responsible than alow downs We treasure It and we w ill figh t SmUtogly, Mr. Rooeevelt retort­ want to the coBiitiiaalooer a M MMMftel BCm s Rueaell Wilson, viirfintst, and Can stocked at ail tlfner-aaeuriag the ed that that did hot raqulra any _ of the Oonaoetleat A maaa wUl be celebrated In Schuatcr at the piano, w ill provide for the lag in the ahlpbuilding to pn#crve it. X do not fear our Given on l^trengtb Itotil deep ■ I K g aenvaniant eompart- S t Jamee’B church . tomorrow Puhlic Market patronla^ a full phase o f the war effo rt eomptticcney while w# a n at ifar. answer becaaae It was not put In ((■f.Now he beUevM tha : ^ o f tba ChrU Ahr BMro|rt*bo Instrumental rnliaic preceding the supjfMy of meats. Another tha form o f a quesrion. mant hi bow for itering moTniny at 7:80 for the late Do- Doohto Mndi Dna to Lsaftog Danger After the War melted sufficlenUy to' a a d w a handful o f apacta^ lecture Tumday evening in the platterk holds the market’s fish , '” When the war to over," she as­ To a quasUan whether the plane Of Thames bedding during daytiitio. MOiUy civilian alman, who menico Mlnlcncd. church aumtorium by. Frank Wes­ He said he doubted that on the return to a quest oia t 1 * ’7 , supply. serted, “that la when the danger that landeiXw Siberia would be- and no time lim it x Lifling Mot loetien (mo : tha take off. ton Bmher at Sprln^eld. Under whole a great percentage of the X The Manchester Public Market of complacen'ey wlU be our major ooma a >kdid-leaaa c ra ft tba Prea- (OoattoMd trm» ,H gS ^ T '\ '- The Uttlft expedition will be a dbevo) unlocb back and the UM “Beauty Hunting" Mr. ie owned by A bm h ra Podrove find Blowdown waa due to loafing, al­ Mont (iipllad only that ha had read thnat We an not k warlike peo­ family affair—except tor an la- forme an hmsnpring bod iM M a tt aald that the Showdown Yet Bayher s'!!! describe countleaa out­ U located at 805 Main ■treet, Ju though tbe percentage might be ple and when the battlea a n fin­ '* t it would ba offtetolly totamod. dtoa gutdft Mrs. Homer Burna end. •Mooonthic the Hartford door aceaeo, photographa of which, high to aa individual yard. But g uaral last eraalt thftt tha -bridga’#/> eouth of Birch street. ished we invariably atop fighting. la toid b# assumed when ft ship Pier 25 waa uMtarttoed, off-oanUir tba i & t ’a atoter. Mrs. Albert Ber­ for two (mo M ew ). Hero’# tba O N f pfoeo of fcrntturo tbot doo# tfis Mra BOtlflM iBunodlately to Vmra caught by hla tomera la hia th#re l i a shortage o f #Mel platea Wo quit the fight at the very ttM was toterned It was Immohiltoed travels throughout tha country all tha country,^ Jle aaeerted. and oontalfia^ l.jnpB o f fronan ptk- gen. aad tha latter’s huabaad will work of TW O and dooo It bosutifuly , daythno fc r duto after ha racalvad On Labor AcU we need to fight hardest to^re- and ha merely laughed when ask­ accompany tba older Burns, who . . , to a m three men to the and preserved In natural color Mr. ftooaevelt remarked that it isrla) te.tts concrata mix. Japanese Closer serve the freedotn whl^erta, sale# otmgreaa until It did ha waa/not to a poai- Drftssftr, Mhrsr, Chsft. M efal war labor poUcy basad large­ Lalleyi’ Tba high scores for the he said, viauallsed the January trivial matter" was the way one Plano o f tho Towaosnd plan wore X to year. ly on such voluntary ropparatioB. Siamese border westward to the co-chairnton. presided at tha aft- Uon to diariua the totarnational wiUuaa yesterday deaertbad the axplalnad at length by Mr. Elliot .. date. Potter aald. aoine 41,- evening were made by Mrs. Walter production program. -ctnooneeaidon, at which the Expreealng hope t ^ t this policy Lailey fo r the women and Malcolm Yenangyuang sector on the irr#- legal aapacts. contraveray over tha bridge pleta. and at tha and o f the talk a ool- \ .4 « I cam have hoen »»• *1110 president under question- speakers were Willard L. Moto#^ The newt froto Ruaato todlcataft r.-vrtth appcoalmatetaly 8W,- would, deal with tha 40-hoiv weak Deacon for the men. waddy to bold the Japanese at­ Tha wUnsss was Oarance B. leetton waa taken. Tbto waft Unma- 8ei)ator tacks. tog. said he had not had any re- ■oent, Northwestern Mutual; LH* HuU aald, thftt the tofttter to be- Sharp; appearing yaatotday to de­ dlately fonea|dad to Dr. Townsend Ed on 'Wnd, quastlon la, soma way. • \ Cvstovi Tailored O ri^rlea Pepper (D.. Fla.) said: Normally there are about seven I MTta that because of bottlenecks Wbricfc, agent. New York ^ e ; i|a|- geslt with aocoedtog/to totsir- fense of Ook who la dtoputtag by sir malL laPM__ ta^M______; tdla dlscloaa tha Thomas J, Hvdim an. of 374 some aviation plants had had to- and Edgar Kobak, vice preridei^ Iharional law and prooedriit. He BfahogHny I of misM istkmlng ^ "Tha praeldent has hla own way iBroad street, Newport; R. I., an inches o f rain to May. In moat at Lsst svenliutb SMstlnn Regularly $5.7$ a pair. Teilordd of hemoapun# la Burma but from June to Septem­ toy off man. , BLU network National Broadcast- Hussia wM Japan hare r ^ ^ c t of duty, or Incompetonce of tbs laew hto wlOto . popular doftoratpr eeler#. FuR width, ful 2cr ] No CoHimunicatiofig by the A . X Savin Ooaatnicrion would imtoe Ga.), chairman of the Hmiso Navm | a class o f candldatea this evening area from June to September. U you ride along a railway you law. ’ Cu#h{en dot marquitatto. FuB 42 incho# wide- and ' SO - HE nn ncUce 4mpty car atotoga. The old ^ Anotbar'al Potter_____ aald tha oarHsr automo- Oommittse, declared that “we’U following the regular meeting of SeenSm o ReoHmI for _ ^ ______Ifa ftftfe" 2>^ yard# long. Ooaignod wHh fu l ruffle# and ^ F wait and aea what’s la tba mes­ rails for tboaa aldtogs a rt not (Oenttoned froto Page One) *» (From Japanesa Broad- Iwhen quaatianed about tito hrifSa. held thto avanteg at /pitT ItaUan l^Oa ratkmlng pro^am had “ fall- the lodge at Odd Fellows* temple, Japanete Repulsed needed now, he said, becausa than M te m top#, ruffled tio-lMck#. ValiM#l meWom £ WT* htim w thara wars Too few” sage. If everything that is in my Main and East Center etreets. _ AprilApril* 24—481 —Tomoksao —Tomokaau I also that the tact Ametican hall in /B aitfocd on ■ for purtoaooa. bUl isn’t covered, then we’ll go With Heavy Losses an nq^ rapty freight can to put Ruahtona—how to treat a aoldierInori, Japaneaeapancae bfarmbfarmation ation Bur-1 Bu^Bur^Ua.*__ m m of the hridee plen wa# Psarl atroat. Mftny local patoona ^odtorday the commltteo wa ahead and see what We can do.’’ u i ^ m . H# aald he had a u g g ^ with______whdm______you are alUed ot «n#^u___ .r-ikekman, spobSmim. said aald todaytoday to■“ a * “ ' raderrised “ waa we “ aonufte triirtol ftontiftr." sto planning to Regularly $212 . . . you ’The (David McCann Chapter, San Frandsco, April 24-HF)— e|wi .beenuaetrwomvmm “It •» ^ i ,---- ■— oh tho aafSty ing. Clioica of e o l ^ Other* at '$8.9S. ct a for the coming year will be at hla honia at Hyde Park, N . T. no way o f eommunlcattog with the this t|u«Hty! Chftit# aru In ooaee cases, raid Charles W freeae the statue quo of unions, nc-mlnated. the Kwaatung fron t pesiOsT JMhhop, couBMl for the NaUonal and limit profits on war oontracta “ Indicative o f tha fe r o c ^ at tha be amplified, he found an old dump :ihara hava been naany ^ o w Sharp Cut seRd mahogany, have AntomobUe Dealers Aaaoclatlon In. exceaa of 1100,000 to |0,000 plus fl^ t^ ." Chungking #aui, “car­ to his own woods. Then which British and Gorman fltor# tacked Japan.” z-oentar. Gdddard M . iM oi . Joaeph Chicoine, well luiown lo­ catoo down to neutral Eire. Tha Denial drotored t l ^ that It would Jacal rattoBtog boards \ eight per cent cal meat cutter, will enter the em­ lo a d of Japaneae dem and wound- eight or ten farm machines and ooffWr poffi^ povomQ Even more definite was Rep. an old.truck which had bean put d m held that their poeltton Sraa swertog a queaUon by a neutral t o a fi^ w X oouftoMdhy tfis rogulatloas that ploy of the Hamilton Standard were observed niovtog. toward SnrlyM ctatol hy totornatlonal eonospondent with reqieet to t h t o ^ ^ t « » ; g j » “ 8toJ«tog«^ ApiU 24-^Now, fJalmo odg# draarani r i ^ nttw r than tahe a chanca on vio- Howard Smith (D .;^S.), author Tropeller division In East Hart­ Ml Monday nlgh^ then to help flB' up a swamp, aad unomploymont compenaatloo a House'approved^MU to prevent now thesa. an being hauled out baT-Lwtttos^wM totarnad for conmient. jmpBad tjtat nena o f ^ 2S* J?to’ ttwbhto- sharp dnv to March, for Cbipftondsla bra#Mt. . . ItaW iM SufS MMEg thorn they often turned ford next week. He is working thi^ The b road c^, heard by CBS, tao dmtloh. Tbs todtoatlon# ml raiders had rotumed to thetoUka apot eallad for to n o muo- Hawn vroithy appUcationa for new atrikes m dafenaf Indnstxy, who week-end at the meat counter of aald a J k p a n ^ detachment driv­ for senp. ’There Is lot o f such {print. the . aeoond oonaeeutlTo nuintb. #1 faithful period do- oar nurChaaea. ^ . maintained flatly that tba 40-aour sera]! all over tba country, he tho present tocldant wore that shewtog ft dooUne at 3L9 par eSnt, t«ih. Notice, ebo, the the Manchester PubUc market ing from Snenkang to tba> direc­ Roaria Ukowtoa waff following in- No tye##n I H49J0 ||g bftd no week should be suapended. by le*r- tion of .Tkunghua alao hail been aald. baaTM A . X Stata Labor Oomattoaioaer Oarnor podimont . top ndrrer, Cfcssuul Rfiftk fb u lr iatotlon. ternattonal law to the totter. I NntM 'Ttoto J. t>aaahar announced today, o t a ^ tha teagth of time that Miss Mildred -‘ kiorrlson of 24 defeated by tha Chinese; that Tbe chief. aKSCutive aald ha haf taottfytog befcro hto tho ta l b#d iiM r# d fay iwdcIM b# vo^ptlrid to dlspoaa of naver haard of a proposal that (On April 18. only five days ha-{ IlO fp iia i IvOftCH a# to hi# ooeasd day on tho /arttlwith the decrease common to ev­ Clinton, street- who underwent a while to retreat tbe Japs fired yil- foro tbe raid on Japan, the Srift] * . •ntiqu# fn Old QhsrI##- *S .^ •aw chn nsdar pcaaent oedara, hut major operation several weeks sgo ^ e a they peeeed through. WPA labonn take up. old etraat Iftand. deriafod tkrt no frooen f ery town to the State excepting 9 aattomtaa o f asvacal 1am maau- Shop to Reopen . I at the New England BapUst bospi- car rails now buried under aa- anntveraary of tho Rnalas-Jtop^] ____ rtmiUwii* «»-«■ tartol bad found Ito way «■' Danbriry, Meriden and Mlddlotown ton.. dBCtatara'Wara that from two to tal o f Boston, is reported to phalt when can hava been re­ leonaoto poorod Into ua ra weal laynOa ibsultad to a •three yoara would ho required, Planes, Continue placed by buses. But he said that lera during tbe wtetar. it tooreaSa, X. whilo dealers’ eARBatea were For Tenth Season SteadUy improving. One day early ocordtog to Janaas J. thrftbitoB. U't week she was out on the sun was a goad Idea and he would paaa M Nd dtaUar taatlmony.^ •“5S much bli^Mr. Attacks on Rabaut. ^ It along. .A PanottUM d tataoduead Acting Executlva Dkbetor o f the porch o f the hospitaL Allied Headquarters, Australia, Ha avpialnad that appraxlmata- simple Simon’s Saxtdwlch Shop Ml—^ ' V “ ^ that the Jape- the injury as tba rsault of ft MB wbo%aM 'froaen 1 BmplojmMnt Soeisl^ Dlvlrion. in­ Soift P illow Seats, ill ly 800/100 new cara were In atock, on Demlng atreet, Oakland, will April 24.—ki:>E U v s S u « d #oat platform#. - C evftM in promium grade forward to another euccentful cum­ Mrs. Paul Carter ^ ..40 Pariier raid on Port Morasby about 10 a. resldento In District 8 with about nokMOlUiie ■* Ae idOSOySByp viow i raw vyn ^^io ISH v in tlS w * “hSL-on.ipsa*«w w * oonetoto work, ba beUevod ftatori- made witbout undue dtolocatloo." many colo^ Uader thia program. Joneo Jo>d mer. They have a large clientele, street, who was one of tb » 18 m., the communique aald. ‘The sec-]soo repreaentotlvea. of homes rommtoMr at tpretga affairs, wasjthe ebaek by ft dog aamal day Iftf cihiM* ^ ■pMlfteatton Mr. Orsham rovealed tba fact apodal bouda moiwirs— guaranteed moth- adttoo, doalora would be many regular commercial travel­ graduates in the first nurses’ aides and attack, aa hour and one-half ] that area attending. Raymond •sited orhat tha Ruaaian po#ltlanlaio and the woundkacfttoa t o f ^ urouM that tho State UaonployaMnt pipof fpr S year#.* Built to laetl- dispoee of their otocka ers and othera, aa well aa tfia cbke at the local hospital, is the iLter, was carried out by three coopor, asaistant chief warden would be if such a landliig, as to{sd. She wOl ba t^ ta d aur^c^^ fund reariiad its Wgbeot 'peak, to a loaa, aad later eould ro- townspeople.^. fir,, t'o f tha group to complete her fighters and tha third, to mid.# conducted that and other house- n ^ c o n flrrmed, a c d Twere w w ^n ' ~Bus- j ^ ‘ tba around, ' *■but ■* to in no aerlou# ttota M t o t ^ Fehcuary at whidi Ana dS ariUoa I tha products from the RFC quota of work for tha year, tbe afternoon, by taro fighters. ' ,lh oIdsr training elaaaes likely to Losovalro repUad:re joondlttan. for'tha work . ores .too . abort to per-1 _ doOara w on cradltod ta WariUng-; M ( to tha RFC. plua.four Topr Japanaas xero tigh ten at- foUow to tha next few weeka. *<000 can Imagine donens c f mit adhering to the Original apo-j tan f#r>un by tha atata for un- stipulated 160 hours of voluntary isn im a g ^ .unbU{ Cenaiu at tha h o s p l^ today^ 94SaM **Stowoiwaw^ C H m u tm OtMcr PieecK fai S a le f^ a p taterost work for the boapital, which the tempted to Intercept the _AUied | The subje^ to be covered will xuppositioiu. Lit'# wait untU ■topIcyaMnt banefita. ,v- Manchester raid^ which attacked Bibaul. ba air raid squipinsnt, gases, and 100. ______n s " for the reUef of aides pledge to g(va each year for something happens.” A ganuino iiromatie rod uftiiai' From aamo maker (not pictured), your- prodooors, but faitod to divert them from the aU typaa o f bomba and bow to Asked what would happen to tatroduead as aa axhiUt ft Mtowl I" three yeara, and the 80 hours of tolget, tha boUetto added. — JPatrtak cheieo of S period aefn# If B , rogiftarfy worked out In The War study uader Mrs. Spencer. Mra. combat them. event of a forced landing to the Adarittod yeato^ . — J P r t^ | to the Wow LondoihGiwty Briffg^I -1--- i-~. ohM fitted, with throe drawers. ■et Mptar to dealota bo- Jape Bffaet N*w I aadlage ataoeofr region, the Htotoi man ro- iMOMaauft 4M Mato gtfoftt; Joann loanuntorion fron its finn of oon*l Negro Skyer Is O09T OafPpiy TVnOQ OaOto Eaiior to got at thing#, held# $129. Cheieo of 5 cempnnion ^ h « Carter has averaged anywhere Reporting on the aituaUm to tMoricoiii. 104 Hqny t sad^ l#ultl)iff anglnaars, MvfT pmww.^PtolSft^^M^^M • • a thalr atom hay* aot haaa Beglatratlen ef Wenwa from rime to seven hours a day pUSd with another queatton: -- : ------^ ____■ UMieh mere thaa. u#ual cedar $49.71, rogulariy $45. Covorod in l-to ratkmlv. the PhlliPPlaeft headqnartera an­ InfantNot Hurt wo I Hewnrd Grant iOO iBrinkerhoof A Doogto* of N«k| MU^BuVRi^V Vs I^VK . Tha registration of all women in five days a week, since Ofye began nounced that Japaneae tofentry, •> , . ■ - Giyen life Term -* Mrs. Ann Spencer; graduate Cm.egtdor fortress was rsport- Mrs. iw ph Judge Bdwta d Mdienaen to ft out there or takin homo to hel nurse waa tha toatnictor to .tha ad under totem ittent fire from last night according to n report ' cbftifo o f ftaeond dagrao amritor ta sued out and matlac. todividually 80-tiour nurOea’ aides course. The Japanese batter'-w, to which It made by HoUeeman Arthur F. NunOltola I Ibo total ritooltog o f Otaioaeo built UP to to tba U. 8. Bmptoymant Bureau rsplytog with ita Wg guna.] b e y a ^ . .Oorit to p rpotoing houao bon laat ithmad to to Hartford. Defense work aiid; class graduated April 18 at tbe A ltboi^ tbe year and-ona half by Stata H awtey,'30 Oohun _ . Y . M. C. A . They were citoPod by S •ossdie nanot action to oontinu- gtaaitord. AptU 34- Dae. B. ' ^ ^ which farm work mwIs beingaseissi^ urged upon u^Msaa esaall ■j m . rid acn o f Mrs. Luc«.btlBqMd hto PtoUoft heed of the Ing la Mlfidanaft headqnartera A fte r to# w te m jtoyricaUy abto t o lr llJ head hard enough agatoat tba Swl to S#IC do tUo yatiiottc d i^ . local Woman’s CtriUan Di wiadEitoM of tba car to crack tba eetvad by Joaarii Stalin, in rtbe {jptoMll.toraat aeririries. Tha uniforms were Mrs. (Seam Cheney la to charge A high Unttad S t S T a lr au- gtoto, ba aocaped witbout injury. of-tbe legis&rariaB and to aaasmb- hy the Rad Criwa vatunt«ar sawing groupa. thori^, maftawhOft dtoeloaed that Tba toMi. tragsipt-by. ^^nSbatav 1 Unff a large tontodttee o f wonMB nany types of American aircraft of 18 Utriibeld atraftt tsuiM to to aW bar. She wfll hold n meat now are M ag employed ta At at the ^^WOdneodaJr evatoug, AvrU SS tog toblB tba aocto^ eoaSreA O M W tbft^l s t o l totonde both The .L p o 8 MAHCHE TBB EVjam iO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, APRIL 24,1941 MANGHB8TER EVENING HBRALDi MASCHESTBt. CXNfN. FRIDAT. APRIL 24,1941 FACS '' ■■ i f ■ueflMifully r*> tarpraUtlea of thOM Nm I bm tm « ✓ a t th* with ■■■■rtliwu that tha AHIm a n SERIAL STORY Average Given A t H a rtfo rd Blood Donors 5 S Local Man ^Gift for Ja^ dliparl^ bo> galBlac eeauwad of tta ahr late Man About Mibmattan K- Shoiiage of from i m a 8b 4 ntall prleo» tho Curopoaa coattnoat, aai with R to than haa craatad hardaUp, .th* Oanm* bold pronounoemente th at any By Gaarga Taekav "f r a n t i c w e e k e n d On Schooling Keep Coming tows, put tato air- aad flacad tato Is Ttvo V. So A eria l B om CO, maa ayatam haa piFridad for ra- idea of a Nasi landing 1a Britain BY EDMUND FANCOTT INS. 1S4A WiU Hit Other Phases atfMt has been abandoned. W * are told, NewTork—H( Alger wouldAearto worm who had a; vien. iwe. ♦ In tola way th* vlaw aad adjuatraaat, ao that no just thrust its head Into the Couns Report RevenIs Sixty’One Pints Colleet- be kept for aa Indaflntt* S p ita g e e ld ,,l^ w , ww|fsaaApril «BA94. ■ Th* atatyi Jnat aflar tha weah- Populohs East 9^ghu ' 1)—Louis Batko of 81 Hor- ^ WMtnay Dtviaioa ' th* qratatn. ' stopped ringing "W* Bail Agalnat Mika U a hack fuV’ h* cried to to * newcomer. F ly laughed. “1 haven't exact­ real songs. . Then' one Dalawara 83,933,000: Paaaqrivaata 5tnte Record Above Here Already But GMBaa Bkaatgaaay Manchaater, Cbnn., to­ United Aircraft OoiponUaa i * o . 5 K T i » i Mta a t Fstdy LaHaa*s Oa- 983,487,000; Maryland |11A48,000; Aa fo r oragaa, thay hara boon Bngland. Tork... .Raoaatly h* . . . , “The warm sunlight and tod ly gtm It up. I just ran away." moriitag to* sun through To Wonder Hour It Nntioiial Figures. .More Still Needed. Tka oaly time .wMch thla blood tted to to* Army a “par- Bast Hartford. ad a custosMr f4B 0, roaea and tha daadaliona.; . ' "Ran away?" safdTftgel. your wtodow and it ta for Virgtala 919,404,000: Waat Vir­ wMch to * rittaans donate, la used, aonal glftX for toa ^apff’ in toe tlad dlractly to th* Coirt of living . This kind of set-up has proved WUIUye With litde ginia |10Aa0.000u,North CkroUaa IM ___ . - Intentionally. Tha man “Taa,” agreed to* qtoer little “Yaa. Baldy la rig h t ‘ I had avaryon* except yon, yon la 1a the event af a eivUlaa emaig- form of. two aerial bombs. Mr. la many branehoa of amployaiant, UMsistibl* to Hitler In to* past, avarythtag a girl could want m374,000; South droUna flAr Waahtagton, April 34.—0F-rTba Mancheeter public splritod/citi- ency. Should the Unm aver com* Batko a foliar' aoldisr ta to* OtoM atoO lU ttat. him a ffi iMte Instead of a $1. earth worm. rsaltae that jrou are ju st M otor F u eL Bureau W th* Ctaaus repmtod to­ tha laral ttt whldi wagaa war* andsU ha had th* power, thara la S./ Mika want to to* police ’"Spring Is driag sometUag to Evarytolng a million girls would orouB t o ta a vast w*l .833,000; Oaorgia 893JO9,O0r; aena hava already doaata^aoma when a catastnqtae, such M O Army Air Oteps rsealvad toa two Leaves Record gtv* thatr aye teeth to get-^-and I Oahtail^ |8A3S,000; Oragon 811,- day that tha avsraga Oonnecticut fil pints of blood to the h w Rad bombing, should occur, to * Meed empty bombs DMl h ia provad adcquat* ^aad little quaatlon what klnd'qf spring turned tha money In ....“It ain’t' ’ went 00 the first w o^ .... hundroda of spldars after raaident 35 yaars old dr dder had Oram Bank. This was lbs to a g ift in 1983 a»d mine,*’ Mika said. ‘Tt ain’t min*.’’ feel romantic.... Let’s get ran away." Ferdy laughed again. '" 80, Washington, April 34—v n —^Th* SnlOOO; aad Waahtagton 117,173,- would b* takaa from Its-coatainen has kept toem no* aa aouvenin fair under th* oontrollad coat of action ha would now o ra^ . It i^ o u ’n gotaf back?’’ asked populous east coast, facing a ae- COO.- pomplatad tigh t and 0v*^teatha today at ths Manriiwtor Mamor- aad admtalsterfid to tha wousKlad Of R ^ rt Real Th* papers carried mention of In. Ha tarns M t to b* you hayp'any aenae you get up,' yaan of school. Th* national av­ ial hotaital. Thara Jtava baaa 33t uf his Army Tmup Mriag. In laatancaa whar* wagaa would baNnvarion of Brit|d^^ at this manifestation of honesty on teieupon th* other worm illchael and there #aa a touch slip out, .'and taka th* puma ven card rationing of motor fuel, A govm»m*ai> siwkaaiBiB aaid who aaa dad it. X As a patriotic f^ u r* Mr. Bat­ Fay's manager, wb* ha erage waa ai|ht aad four-taatha ptata ta all donatadto toe vartaus Am tar aa toa actiwl doodtlng of „ ____ g » war* briilnd tb* coat of living, aa widely s c a t t e r points, toe part of our cabblea On* news­ cried.\|Yau dope! I'm the rest of take her back. . Vetdy, of wlatfutaem ta his voice. Montreal:’ begafi to wonder today how it howavar^ th * gaa tax rsvanuaa yaara Hartford County hoopitala/ which ko recently aent n letter to to* Jefferson Cl^, Me., AprH . aiBOcaanD wnaa thay ara In nuuiy amall non*de> potion of Irel paper even edltorlallxad to* inci­ you! *T dqa’t know.” .F ay ’s vole* “That’s juat what I did, and Fm usually qren uaad fo r highway Mood la contanad, toar* is not one War D*parim*nt « Washington' ■weiaM rnM to aaoluNo* and^Peggy'a sMar alstot Myra 1 Uowly, and ta toa pause would be to Uve In a "gasoUn* oonstraett^ and aiieh oenatrue- Tha 1940- oensus abowad thtaa moans toat Mandhtatat has itey- wh> tha avarag* parson baliad-crooutag N •a to tM OM or m o i * ^ fOnaa amplpyinenta In thia coun* If you want to'g^ really serious d e n t..;. This dm* bow M ajor oaooaeefaaA Bat MIehaei aad stin aU mudtUad up." age" wiUi. predoua little gaaolta*. ware 1.08L498 paraens 35 aad ovar about A o^tU U f}blo ta the offering to* bombs to b* rffillsd all aawa aicMtahM araajtn Buwes became aWhea of Mike 1 have h r i^ many people ring tllowad the eyes of a ll tore* tion, except ilriiere aacaarary to tha eonstruetion > f tha budt as it oouM not donate on* pint There and used if poaslMa. Tha latter waa murdarar aaacutad ta amployara ganarally and vol­ about It, yoi^ ihighi refiact that Nigel are bath ta leva with Fay. on her. \ Not alone 'will th* owner* of 10,- ta Oonnactleut, 49,181 of whom dra sa v fi^ poopla who have given r aat atharwiM ar«4lt«a la Calatecae and hia averikm to coin Blues In toe f^ h t..-. .BOt not toe And Peggy taw plaaa af bar awa. The next mhrntag proalaad a ^000,000 autonm^es fsal tte Im- war affoiL aow. la prohiMtad. bad aftoar aavar attandad aahool atands to(' forwarded to toa baadmartsrs of latoal gaa chambar today l i f t ta^] aaO ala* th* laaal aawa untarily graatad Incraaaaa bafor* General t^'Rundsto^ls an offen- AU torro were thinking toe hot day. A blue haa* waa hov­ even nioM than tola over a period haraia. not lagltlinatoly earned..... Way carol Brace sings ft.... • • • ct but, govartimeht offldala or tailed to ftaiah th* first jraar. ^ Of the 181 plats which Ware al­ of Um*. Tte extration itealf ia to* Hartford Ontanne* District at acianc* a film record of to* ta at raaaMiaatiaa at th* eatUnga went Into affact. riv* genius, responribla^r crucial So. t ^ major penned a little Johnny M ercer,\ who wrote it, *T Ja a t B aa Away* earn* toinAvrUiat here in to* ering over to * woods below toe a condition approaching a Of -the total population 38 aiw ready datatad, 38 ware frchi men, Springfield and today tt. G. K. spasmodic feats of Ma heart houae and toe dlstaaca waa lost ta Bless aim to *r* ia aaldom any laaatcli** haraia ara ala* Thanka to that, no Incraaaa Ui blows In toe Polish c^pedgn, and not* to 'dilke, inviting him to ought to buy her \^bdk.of candy. Chaptaf DC moonlight they wouldn’t have of’ gaaolta* would Im- over, 97478 ooaiplatad ona to tour, and toa raraatalng 38 war* from Moriarty of toat station mwa to Tha 88-y*ar-old Negro, B minded ataying ailently for hours, m ist ■Mn. In othar kospitaJa, ' th* seridua after^agnete. There u ao M anc^ter'to accept to* bomb*, wage* baa had to be ordered. .. the conqueror of to* intnln*. come as aX n eat, and bring his .. .When Carol getothrough with . on many phaaea of Ilfs for Cau'Get Alo^ yaara of grammar school; 87,371 Chang* from tl^ocdlnary diet ak a Tyler, hummed quiat ■natfhaa at; aaralaa allaat at K. U. A. family, to seo^toe Bowaa’ show ... It, 'Frankie A Jotot^, Valiant “You must ba vary elaver,” said just looking It herfqro aa it waa Peggy leapt out of bed de- other millions of pamla. ftalahad five 0r six years of gram­ waakar sax aaam to ba ta th* la i^ for to* Array, , ^ “Prankl* and Johnnl*’’ whila In maWng th* Canadian plan a Bicycles would b* the only k l^ of Peggy admiringly, ignoriitg My­ tetmtaed no| to mlaa a ring!* In­ n il* aad wMI* to * person .might la*. And In the letter he enclosed $80. la the Word for Carrl^ar* pal* at that moment It wdr* toe love­ M a af Sarians Caaoem mar achool, and 409,799 got ao, m ajority of toa Woman whh f**l ju st a little N^eak, a good In tonnking Mr. Batko onxb*:- ton from Washington Ui auccaaa, th* oooparatlon of bud- mass transportation Invadi Note: It isn’t^hk^ that fSO caiboa oOpHs.. . .1 saw hW at th* ra’s questioning aye.. ly sadnsaa of one wbo 'h u elen stant of the wssk-ehd. Raaetltaia to the announcement On Gas Supply through to* savanto or eighth h av e. donated, wars woaaaa who half of colonel W. 8. Broberg, St Louis, sirappad ml a aata ^ UHaaa Tb* Baldy Brian almoat purirad and al*«p will a^n nmady .____ »w* aaaalal Afaaay— naaa aad th* public, both aware of troops could afford to carry with bills will reward riffiilar incidents Jopacabaaa.'lmnipg into every dream come true with a “Whero'ara you^goiag?" aald a of rationlnKta toe 17 Atlantic aea- grades.. , ' ^ '^ara enjoyed ta buataaaa, with Deputy CMef of to* HartfbM to hta chest ao they ^^9 trk. Chlaaa*. DatMt aa* if the town breaks out in a sudden ad spotlight, gardi waa juirt about to expand again sucoeasion of miracles aiid then sleepy voice from t||* other bed. board atatea^and the Diatrtat of Na Bapart an 14,198 houaawtvea next, and auraes third. \ Ordnance Diatrict,. L t MoriartV him dl*. tha aupram* aao^ ty of keeping them by cither boat or plane. but Peggy got in firat watched toem aU turn to duet and “To swim before breakfost" Laaal Paaattag Onmpa M*m Blood Neefifid rash of turned In ‘1oat“ pursea her hair, slngiiig •••• Columbia earnqd a ton# of aeri- Local ' Dealers Say "'So ta tha high schools, 141,980 odj^ W s la r: at.tod that Um Army appraciated Th* gaa was released Inflatloa froai^g^lng a throttle- Most concluriv* of all, toe his­ “Would you ba my nmnager?" tinsel. said Peggy- wniHng ianooaatly. ous concern o v ^ economic, aodal plated one to thraa yaan, while Thara have bean many various ■ry*n* would cooperate ta fully not only th* ^ft itself- but »rr simaAii or ..Mika got there firat....From Natchaa to Mo-blle groups who have donated thalr f * for blood to * tocM Mood \*. aa. Tyler wa hold on Canhiaian Uvingi haa, play­ toric moment to expect an inva­ now on, virtue, aa somebody has Memphis to SL.v..Joc...»“ Ever Baldy abued at bar. “Llatan. Then ah* shook her head qnd “WeU, b ^ v * yoursett," iM r- ' and even govenmmt operating For They Can Keep 158,783 eomplatod tour years. In to* patrioUc nMtlvea which ta- k mtaut*. In tor** ■ Pm ta th * riMW buataaaa, mured Myra, abutting her ayas “Tha Water FoUies of blood fill at ona time. Thaaa have bank of Maacheater would b r *v*n ■araM rtlatlaa Oaaiaan. ed a jg tm it part. sion of Britain haa always been said, will have to ba Its om re­ since then the song haa Hhtmtad laughed lightly, throwing her reparcuaaions. \ ooUagw 48,988 ftalahad caa to apired it Ha aalurad tha donor Uf* ap*d through ilim a gtris* achori. Run thoughts away from her. again. “And tt I find you llieae were eomesome o^ r toa davelop- W ithin the Quota., thraa yaara, while 49,744 eompla- iwnaational M usical' tacludad, members of to* Knlgbts Mggar and. It would taaure that asaaMB a* liaaaaial faaaaain. boalnaaa and tha publle In toe moment when the Nasi sol­ ward. toe. Water, praaaatod ta of Cohnnbus. to * State Chmrd, th e n would b* plenty of to* vtad that to* bomb* would b* put to change* a nofmal ) tar typaarayhiaal *rrm aa* Broadway apringsong: It Wga George Roaa. World-TsUy Whan you gat your name *T^ teU you. When I first b^raa ing ayas at that agent again I’ll menta: tad four yaara Ths adueattaa rec­ to* beat poxdbl* ua*. encea ta hi* I*at /35 y*M»» a«a*rm*aMata la th*^ AaMrica, w* ara aura, are equal­ diers suddenly stopped singing same ptac* n i ooma and to b* aoUead It waa wonderful. In­ push him Into tb* lake." 1. An official quarter obaerved Pendiag offietal aottticatioa of. ords of 34,198 persens wtn aot eat f taaa pool, is f ' mala and famsla taachasa, tha Masaaa on band In to* event tl^ Mraalaa MaralC one of the first warm days o f Broadway obaaiver, comes up High achool focdhall team and to* it- la needed. For all to * peraon Mr. Batko, who- la nMrri*d and Tylar wa* dead. / ly awar* of the grant and Unmadi- "W* Sail Against England.’* That but Pm ta it to r toxicating. T^ n was toe ap- (Ta Be Oakttanad) th at a Barious ravanue proUam gaaolta* rationtag, looal fiealata raportod. \ of toe State spring and a little aarto worin Adth a tag-line to Bqn Hecht’s ra- t o r Id a , and dough might be craatad for to* Federal today, Saturday qiki Sunday dtay Popular market rsesnt was know*, toat aata* Mood might b* J ---- Friday, Afcd at* danger hare. Certainly the' song was a great bluff while Hit­ shoved an oak leaf out of the way tont broadside at tha drama eriU plauae, to* praise—and mon^ ara gsttlag along with the quotA The figures ahowafi that 11J for them 'ri at can mahe it I came eaaUy. Then my agent told govanunant and soma of tha 17 cent of tb * Cdnasetlcut popuUUon Stontag ta tola glganUe wai npresented by a group of *m- tb* asvtag of hik, or her Ufa at houaawifa la. In fact, wa think ler's real intentiona ware else­ an thrust Its head into toe warm ios^ .who panned his show. Th* funiiahed them thia moath, which mravagaasa ara, Buster Crabba, plpyssa. F irst msmbar of to* ■om* future date. \ April sunlight....He blinked a ain’t a tabto orgaataathm.** me the time had come to have a •ta^ ^ stotas being ta cotaplatod less than fivs yaan of or ThajOHf Galf Lota Amarlca waa ready for th* Baruch where; Hitler generally works hia Hobo News, 11 aaams, wrote Hacht Peggy kM isd at him srito ta- disger of losing half or even mor* has now baaa cut 38 per cant from schooling. in ^ ra o n , atri* of ■Wbrid'v * Fair eleray to donate hia blood waa No-typing of to* ntaod ta nacas- little, aad looked around.... raquaatlng an lntorvl*w..."Wh*n m aaig ir to buUd me up and he Fathar Francis Brsen of S t Brid­ aaiy ta toja new matoOd, requir- ■yatain, which la the Canadian bluffa both ways. The fact that finite acorn. aha aald. Introduced BM to Baldy Brian. R * ' c f ^ 38S8,000,0(» net they col­ their avarag* auiqtly ta th*. last Maaaarhiiistti, arlto aa average Aquariula:/ toe Hopkins Blatsra, |n la^^"^^ T or Bala” aifa on '*Flowers/’ he said, “and all th* : m la Nsw York,” wrote Hacht, “A a d i r llna. Why, lect Muiually from gaaolta* taxes. Stan of ths Frisco Aquaeada, aad get’s church. Bwnte batag only that toe blood VIRGINIA ayatann, a long tint* before the tola song la ao longer heard la, trees have new graah tw igl.... “IV b* glad to do so ....I am all t«n«e too much but he really la aa three months of 194L Starttag of ,9 4 school yaan eomplatod, bad Stace .toa last large group do­ d a t e atraat al arhlch abould you couldn’t it if It waa straight as they come, according 3. A atom as be­ lota-la highly attraettv* ly as ha can hla propaganda. Even Addreas eemmonleellene to Th* and th* one that^aarna It —W ar “Pro|iOTaB - ■ after both m ce Administrator a t 1:00 a. m. with wMeh to extract Mood, and cy landing on tha Siberian main­ Missouri, I aaa before m* aavaral thara ware no hotala vritola many haa pay. wdra agata not’flad that bacauaa JobsHearing It Is aaM-that this new aquipmmt ing due to radiaitoa. aad to* loss Within a atona'a throw U to* propaganda set-up 1s perfect Herald. AttanMan MoQsy copies of to* worthy Maacbaatar M. NMaao. Lson H^deraon and Petroleum Co- of the uortags of gasolUa coming land la th* firat non-Tokyo con­ Ufa rich on flfi ^ onjtaator lekes aald there waa no will make It much aaatar for toe la aaid to go into to* making of i^awtar of KaachaaUr. for aaiUng against En^and, thara Health Sarvlea Evening Herald. Tha pagpa of a 'Tltaaks vary much," said into to* Baatam Stataa thm had tlM mysteriou* coaiMc ray. firmation of th* fact that the weak aild It Is all your own ex­ I have Jiad a little taxable mak­ tauds tar a report toat the ration- to b* agata cut, this Urn*n* IS par hospital staff to bandla a larger saama souiid m ilitary reason why black print taing to my ihtnd a Bialdy. “Tbat’i.’a kindid of you. late, tag program, affpoliva May 18, group. Tha a a t'ls compoaad of toa (Mhachaatar la faadUar with ralda war* actually held. vivid picture of a town swoUen to cept tha Igent's cut. Then you ing end* meet. em t Thia roaaat that tbw * ware Dismifified Brothers Ap­ he can’t attempt it Overoeoil.ng I wu fotag to taka myy forty fa go up to aayenty-flve and a hun­ probably would Utait aach auto- Reci^O tion tataat type of aquipmant * AUCB OOfVAN la faaatlcB It cootalaa Bairand that f a ^ which waa al­ overflowing with aa ever growing toe back of to* ear, tait tf you mobila to aa Uttl* aa 2 1-2 to 6 gal- to get that much gasoltae for ply for Rdnstatement; Althouab soma 80 pint* have al­ Just th* same, Wa shall keep A round-shouldered person is populace. Uvtag only for today and dred. By tfad time you find you nmyer * f tha month of April, (Known As Qaata AUea) ^iiattirat aiiplittbaatr* ao Idaal ready aatabUabed to tho satiafac- Ilk* on* In heavy chains, which inalst, I gladly accept your Invi­ bav* about fom left for yourself, at ealary *f | 1 a year. lona a weak. Tha report origlnat- ready been taken into the Mood SraUTUAL MBINVM dlaplaya aad othar our fingers eroaaad on to* mili­ not for tomorrow, a town suddenly tation." ad ta Henderson’s organtaation. AUa to Oat AMng Dray Charges. Center Items bank, the actual amount of plas­ tlott of everybody, there la little tary axparte until tb* Nasi spring bind to* body ta a bentover shape. awakened from Its sleepy New Then it goes up to a hundred and In most cases th* dealws have ma, wMch la axtmetad from tha Savaath Daagirtar af a Bavaath Saa puhUo fnaetloaa. “I ’m sura my niaphaw vrill en­ fifty. By this you bav* The economic waste ta automo­ An Ickaa aide said a "more ■an With mVaU. new Information dlad oaad. It driva does davalop. However taatead of th* drains be­ Englaad exlatoae* by th* «fr*ad ^ likely’’ allowaaea would b* 38 gal- been able to get along on this Hartford, April M—OF—Hasty Today: , ...... - • • • ■ -.v original Mood, amounts to anly ing of iron they ara of muscle, actuality of war. But there also joy you," aald Feidy’s aunt, after thlrty-flv* tor. yousaalf. By - to* biles carrying only one paisoa Ja amount In a taw eases the supply Mdtaga ItaSy, tartadtag Saada I ordlaary oograa of avanta, would appear that the plan* In her first aurpria* at hla salf-tavl- "^kma par automohUs a month. C. aad Winiam Csntan, brqjtoenr fl-fi^unior btm’ gam* room half af that But aeiM af tha valua 9 A .BLtofiF.8L' Or By Appata srhlch hold toe shoulderfi in toe arlaea to my mind’s eye a vision time it. gets wvtwo hundred you terrific. I t wul baooma stogfsrtag la running lew and with no ta- raceatly iHsmlsaid from raaponal- open E . 6 . and W. B. la lost hers, as It la the white plas­ or latar, aad tha caatinuad quaatlon waa cglpplCd In tha opar- srrong position. of this same town a few yeara tatlon. "He haa such strange have twanty-flva left aqd a horda whan It oomaa time to store ea|S Hmtaanon .qipoarad late yaa- formatlon aa to what win b* ra­ WL Is th* Stavis* af ths ra Ideas anyway, It will larva him tard ^ ^ at aa axacutiva aaaalon of hla Jobs ta toa state BIghwa'y Da- 6-7—Small gym open tar hand. ma toat la to* importaat alamsnt a tar 19 Yaara. fOr Aaw dafaai* bouatag la Atlona ovW-Japan, and according­ The taiportant thing to keep ta hence when by toe grace of Chxl of people with their hands held bacauaa of no tires. tioned to toem ta May, the dealer* parintent, hava appitaa fo r lahH I’dail'H. S. Tha Mood Is tekaa from tha t lacraaaaa tha poaaihllt- mind la to use the exercises which this terrible conflict will be term­ rig h t" ou t” She sighMl anokad quickly at bar but aUtto* atudytag gasoline and rab- statament, danytaff'chatan fUad 7-4—SinaU gym open for boxtag It laay h* ***000*0,** thla davalop greater strength ta th* inated by a victory for America for breath. t- expert. meet the demands. Soma ara asU- agalaat them, aad will b* accorded B.B. “neutraT tarritory. for a landing. W ashington muscles which pull tb* shoulders and for democratic lovtag peoples aba was knitting pladdly. "But that isn’t all.” Fay \con- bek^ problenm and Senators later tag only to regular eustoman and h* turaad lata aom* quoted him as aa^lm that no euch a hearing at the aaxt maattag of 7-8—Womaa’a plunge parted E. 8. Whether, in doing ao, it gave up back. Take enough axarciaes of throughout this world. I dread to Out in tha moonlight, Incom­ tinuad. 'TTour agen t your I t won’t be long now before ip aoma eaaas it wlU b* nseieeary to* State Feraoaaal Commlnee, 7-10—Bowling allayfi open B. u. a Bight back to American aircraft the right kind for a long enough think what will happen to a tdvrn parably peaceful ta contrast with ager, your praafl agen t your American bombs tail on Tokyo, low figure as 2 1-3 gallon* was to cut down the amount to be sold probabta Monday. propoaal haa bean aiade. at carrlara, or aom* advanced Ameri­ in War Time time and the ahopiders will begin and to ita people grown accustom­ tha recant mlnuten tadoora. ths all want to earn their money A, M ay.^ taw : contomptated. at any ona time to regular oua- Th* Caratana Uv* ta Branford. tore* men and Fay wars sitting they all find things for you to do. Bavaaasa Betag Wtatakbi. tomam ta order to keep witota ToaBorrow:.. . X Iona Umaa, that town ac- can baae, or a filght on Into China, to improve. ' ed to large aalariss and large Ranry Caiatan aupervlaor of 7-8—^Men’a plunge period B .'S. A bedspread e f exqidstte chenille epriweldery, By Jack Sttaaett TltaM sdio are round-shouldered spendings, to steady Jobs and a on the wharf. On* by oaa they Thay andorsa thia or that product M li^^Attain Evan under to* praaent on4-. toe quota. But untU farther ta- surfao* maintenance in tha ds- 7-10—B o w l^ allopa open B . 8. tttl* to n aaction of-thla la not revaalad, and th* curloalty W ash ln ^ n — Back around have front muscles across to* proaparoiu future. bad slipped out while Baldy was for you and you hava to get up third curtollmant of gasoUfia ooa- atrndlonB ara raeelvad the daalarp paitmaat’s Bureau of Roadoide hand-clipped sad IndlvidasIlF nude. ✓ For for park and recraatlon- of th* Japaneae la atlU unaatla- ISOO, with much creaking and upper Chaat which ara stronger Many a worker wlU be awaken­ holding the floor and had sran- early after woridng aB night to sumption, ta toa east aad Oragon feal'llut thay can gat atong on Matatenanea, at a aalaty cf about ■elf.. .or for iHfte thoro Is nothingAncr. darad down to to * quay. aad Waahtagton through Umita- what haa batn gtvafi toam. fiad. groaning, abmatotag got under than the muocl*> across the back ed rudely from hla gUttartag green pose tor pbotogra^ tor adver­ I f la aahotagtag 94400 aamnUy, aad William Oar- Doe to higher eosts ^ e Lady Christinn Psdsprsnds 14.98 to tUM peat, aoBM fUM Aotta of and tha reault Is that to* stronger dreams by a Uttl* attp ta hia last Tha three men were smoktag.. tisements. The tolephona begins war , w* want th* gto- tic \ of anpplUaa to flUtag atitlons, sten was matatenanea Mparvisor Suspended Term Th* fact that Soviet Ruaala. our way that aociologlA caU th* in­ front muadea pull the shoulders pay anvalop* praiaiiig him for his "Now I know," eaid Ferdy aud- to ring all day. "raia and that arnment point out the oaa*. Fadaral and atato revanuas are for th* Fourth District, raceivtag haa pravantod. ally la tb* virar agalnat Hitler, but dustrial revolution. Some scholars forward. Before you can expect to sandcaa but advlhing him that an denty. “Why jrou le ft New paper want pbotographa, stmts Ukswla* want our govam- being whacked. - . Record Claimed - about 88,000 a year. Given for Slaying 6nd it netessary to m actlaa on thla propoaal. not in th* war agalnat Hlrohlto, view It as a mixed blessing. Their hold to * Bhoulders back ta an amsigancy no leiiger axiste, and York." anwtaur has an idla for a lerlea, inent to tba finger of ro- The Federal government collects Suapsa iifi by Oax at change* ha ManrhaO" theory la that thara are too nsany eracC attrsctiy* position, you must that to* plant was undergoing * T wonder,” aald Fay. Th* ■omebody knows top nicest man aponatbiUty ' thoai «*apon- annually a ^ t 1300,000,000. from Last Dec. L H inw ay OommlA haa mad* internment Ita welcome maximum pro­ On Libert^hip atonar TFUtam J . Cox, now trader vise onr prices. OUR TEXTILE hfa, however, advlae'^ a re* machines, that thla makes unem­ tacreaa* toe strength of th* upper return to normalcy. moonlight cast soft shadows ta who wants to mast you. Then Hbte for pn tha gaa tax, a large part of it com. Bridgeport April 34.—(iiV - Mb* to this American plane and crew ployment and mlseiy. back muscles to such a degrae that Aa tha editor of Manchestar’s then are rtiiaannla for naw ^um- duetion 's lan ka tag from to * s a lt, T b *. TVaaaury ■napenalon htaueU; auapended th* A. L. Slecoml of th* prcjact lhaa* the night Th* air was. warn. tolas O’Donnell. 17, of Brookfield, la on* of to* many curioua aad an­ Mayb* so, but— they balance the pull of ^ front newspaper, ybu a n supposed to “Somstlmaa you do somsthtag bers and aU to* tlma ^ an Dspartmant recently proposed toat brathan pending aa tavaatlgatloa who abot and killed hia frlsnd, QUALITY wUl con­ 913 MAIN STREET •T^'T H E BA N K iachida th* r^pid davelop- noying reaults of Boviat RuaaU’a Don’t go talking to Washington muscles. have your fingero on toe pulses of suddenly and you don’t c a n earning laoie and more,lnd'moro c S ta n tha Federal tax ba rlisad from lA Richmond, ca lif., April 34.—(F) of chaigM that Highway Dapart- Midmal Ttato, 18, wMls they war* of rarideiitial buUdiBg which stenographers about too many In devrioptag a splendid pair of your raadan. I t aaama t o m * ,* people aro taking bigger and Wg- to 3 canto Bdifia’states —^Workers at Tha RiduBond Shlp- mant parsonnal aad materials had ptaytag *terar”’ on •the •grounds, o t' F ar KasUm diplomacy. - To moat whether It is itetat or prnng: You baaa usMjmpropariy. / tinue to be the best in ualaaa the town goto Qiara machines! shoulders you will need no expan- student ta journallam at tola uni- only know 'th a r you must do I t " ger cuU." /trs- Wa afa futUa sad dkpaad on tha gas tax t o r around' buUdtag OorporaUon yard No. 3 ths Brookfield Golf club laat N Americana I f would aeem logical Thar* la on* machine 'of which alv* equipment. You will be abto to vanity, that your paper la In an A chndd* case# from Ferdy. tha Sanat* baonnss t 80 par oaai of-their total ravmuea. dal mad at national record today After thbtavntlgatlan, Cox ra- Christmas, was gtvan a suspandad raadi Into thla vary ^priqp- “But I don’t undeiatand It aU,” tasteted thstaW it on Fah. SO De­ town. Drive in—we*d for Sibaria to b* a friendly baae there are far, far tod few. It is do It with slmpl* exefrisea taken enviable position ta that It can said NIgal aknriy. Fay looked at him and felt that which. ^ tha laws of Eaeatata la 1949 , ta- coumlasiontag liberty-type one-year JaU tanq ytstorday by Thla realdrntlal buUdtng la In the privacy of your own home, nerve aa tha madluM for raimiwg and tha Psrataas, never fraightsr "Anthony Wayne" for puty Ocmmiaalaner ; '.Frank Up- for Ammlcaa bomber*. While Rua- toe common typewriter. Fay langhad. n tow soft tough. he understood. Bhs went wn. en­ . Th* Fadarif Roads Bureau said man. Jr., aettag as domnriirionar, Superior Court ^Judg* Edwin C. •aw realdanta to Man- ria pleads for a “second front*' • e e ■ using tooae muscles which call for Ite teeming readera. lt can aerv* A f lu aidaidied somawhera out on couraged to the darkness and toe —Sea. B. n. Schwarts, Wy the aastara aad Padfle north­ active service 88 daya after ita Dickenson. like to serve yon. an upward and backward aweep of as an educational factor ta advis­ western atates r^>6itod aat re­ launching. notUlad them t&at tosy" . vrith aa taavitabl* In­ against Hitler, th* argunoents are The government has hired near­ laJia. allaacs of m men. pandsd OTknmell plaadad guilty to a to* arms are especially good. ing ita roadars how to tavaat toair: "Neitbar do L It aoatas so qutot "You want to stag nal songs ceipts from tota tax in 1940 as fd- It hrok* by aix days the former raanalaughtcr chfirga. Staita’a At­ in th* atraln on tli* laada- ly 40,000 stenographers and typ- An excellent axarria* is to 11* ba dial Just as cogent for a second front Jata since Bear! Harbor. Al­ ■ earnlngn ta ordeir to tasura a quick aad pancafill htir*.. . .after livtag sad all the tlam you an plugging Never mind about who goV mark of 44 days, also aat by Rich­ tlma, they filed sattefaetory an- torney Lorta W. Willla aald O’Don- recreatlcoal facilitlaa we agsilnst Japan. face downward on to * fioor and victora and n qmck facovary from numbers that sottad like every Ueked. I t will not atwaya b* m - Matas, |8,94(f,000: New Hamp- mond workers. . hea'a act was technically a crime though that’s not a net tacreaaa, raise toe head jmd Shoulders, lift­ th* sffscu of a ravagtag war. This ao t o ^ ta Naw York." swan to th* charges. . Dry Claoning have. But hiat aa to* United State*- rinca soma of toem war* replace­ Ml^aal taterruptod. "But Ns# other number, all tar half a dosan Sama ones who get Ueked. ahlro 8SA18,0(>O; Vermont 83,781,- Tb* l6,0(>0-tan "Anthony Th* brothen matatstaad thalr of nian|Aaughter, but recommend­ ing toe bead as faf\back aa pos­ ta not a ptea tar to* purebasa of ig with n hand Hke people who are tatarastod ta mak- —Edanari Oatadter, tanaar OM; M aatach d ^ ta' ITl.Ml.OOO; Wayne" wad to* lUth ship of to* ed the suspended ten ten c# be- Tb* poadbilitle* of th* tract In and Britain refer to military reai- ments, there are enough new girls sible. Take this axerriae only a War Bonds ,but a plea to all con- York—alngttg tanocanea, but filed no foreuU ai| - Men’s plain Salts or Over- m i M A i td put quite a drain pn toe typa- Johnny Wmlita’s —you haven’t B ^ moaey out of them. Ai>d an Fraack prandar, at Ms "war Rhode U aad $8,941,000: OonnecU- Ubarty type buUt at tha No. 3 sw en and war* dropped from the cfiuae. he eind,' toe’ jrCuto 'Hfid not ate hMuiylud attractive, Ittes when they Indicate th* Im­ faw ttaMS at first until th* muscles fnsetad with tha Hacfild to use aU tb* you tael you want to stag g a O rtria L /eut 811.083,000;^ Naw York |78,- pktat ■ ^ • ’ Intended to hitm Ms oompanioa. coata—Ladies’ plain Dreas- writer supply. tacreaas ta strength. maaaa avallabla to qpnad toe glvaa'it up?" dspartmant rolls. la room for tiM davelopinent possibility of any Imniedlat* large Especially is this tru* since toe ' ______q - ______SforC oatadl Valoe) athletle flalda and tennla eourta You will find It a good plan to ronpel of common aenae, that baa scale invasion of toe Buropcan War Production Board ordered to take'deep breathtag axercisea lean buriad tar underground by wbatavwr. pac* tha town^fOala mainland, ao Soviet Russia baa typewriter production riaahed. which bring top chest well to to* to* anrthquaka cf war. to iflqrd. *Ih*te la a good, bard military logic on to* aide of Laat year about 730,000 standard front. When you watch yourself la Your paper can taka th* lead ta c ach and 830,000 portable machined 75 8 it lv ^ daan brorii. Which can' her dacMon to continue- diplomat­ the mirror as you taka a deep prepwlng Maachastai'a dtlaens were built The government pur­ breath you will aae that It expands for th* adjostmant to th* wcrld 'Platirium Beige^'.,.. Ne^^est in gywalbty be praaervad for tha even- ic pteaaantriea with .^kpan, even chased 320,000 of toem. The WTO tha chest, pushing it up aad that ta to toUow. I t wlU taka lavta DRIVES 2 f o r $ 1.39 creation of A awlmmlng pool, while Japan rea<^^ into, to*-In- order permits 338,000 standards automatically throwing toe shoul­ haa«ta aad strong hsatto to repair ... -7. ' th* location of ■ th* tract dto Ocean with tha aim of cut­ and 78,000 portables tola year, ders b a ^ tha datatgaa wrought ta tha pbyd- K s if in taUn| Aa Mm* Tha Army aad Navy are to get aa it Ideal for the Inatallatlon ting off to* auppiy route ssaantlal You are going to find there Is a cal. material and aptritual vanltb Ameriesnfi sro the befit 88 per cent of toe standards and close connection between good of the naivarsa. No workaria lob la a m driven in the wo^d sim-. i* $H f is Wrv sad chaefc ao ymtt fo rt AasM. Onr of anch faciUtjaa^fer th* benefit of to Ruaaia’a codtinuanje* la this 88 per cent of th* portaUea, but strong shoulders and a good chaat, copmleto uatU every family la this FREE K O D A K « l MancheaUr tealdania. war. This intammant of to* both have Indicated that" isn’t development. In fact, they are rtvflisad world can look out uptm a ply beauise they’re used' ksnit s m t aho# Oyim fmr man err jo t ymtr .lObvloua- aa the need for aueh American, plan* and crew la an­ enough and that they may appeal really two aidea of toe aasM qua*- paaeaful horiaon and as* modern to driving, better . csra. to WPB for inoce. CHECK-UP imtmdfpoit»AsM yd racM tlonal facllltiea migr bo i»w , other Item In Soriet Itoaala's ap- tion. Moat of the movements nkiU and mshpowar eonveited to See to it that America Jumbo BundU To meet the riiortegst WPB'hps which Improve tha’shouldars lika- ccnatructlng a vrortd of to * future, continues to drive better It will be many .tlmaa Increaaed .pease|nant of Japan. authorised the Traasury'a Pro­ wla* help the riiast Women who a world ta whldi thara wlu b* ao A New Color care by keeping your aad tetenalfiad la th* year* *p» Whether this appeasement will curement .Dlrisioo to ntioB type-, atrrightan th* ahoiilder* win find 2«>nt gnoaratlima,” but only ‘Tfaw 25% o n ON REPAIRS writers to all agendas. In addi­ prwMni dur in the best, 32 Pioces $ 1.87 'Ooma. (hiiy thaft. If Ifanchaatar wc^ for Soviet Russia, aa It baa this Tmprovaa the carriage of tha Qaaaratioas." UNTIL MAY 1 tion .to the War and Nqyy De­ body and anablaainablaa toamthem to Thanklttg you tor your paUance, condition peesible. Additional Pieces 4, l-2c Ea. ^.wralta W then, It win be impoaai- -hot worked fo r any otoer nation, partments, toe' Maritime Oommta- clotlias to bSttar btttar advaa!ndvaataga. Maa You Can Use 'V' ..hi* to dnpUcat* eitber the locatU^i' or jsarely operate *to'"‘let Japan rion, and Lend-Leaav Admtalstiik- who us* such axarciaes wijn gradn- *' \ A l f ^ Paul Wethner. I aad let os ehack k ever, dafia taa laas. or tha prle*. ' / chOM*“Tl* own moat favorable tion are exempt a ^ davalpp that deep, wide, fril- • M ag. la roar 1 America blfers thff, — vs an d moment for action agalnat Siberia Ing chaat which baapaaka strength Atavaligaia B a r Ante itmiats liaa of charga.' If tapalra ere Procuremwit haa abolUhed and endurance. ' beet in mechanical time and hlatoiy alone Will tell. TV> the Editor: r so pat k ta firac-cUM wocktag arfisr, waH.gtafilr gita CfiM jlan Control a S n t t t m (ta rule that government typa- « A faster ahouldar detolopment “London (A-P.) Britiah aatrol- rooaafsdmsistaafivsaca. AU warkwiU bpdaa*brrapsRs Taka afivsa Batfam controlled. But, while it is When The Experts Agree Mgas of the future are agread tags of tUs aaasMsl oppoftaakr aaw* Betag ta roar jptasta wfigp repair shop. Meanwhile, Procure^. llag. that t^a moon, Jupiter, Vemu, S e rv ic e ! 16 Pieces 99c fOBderoualy eatouriastlc about The military experis have been ment Budget Bureau and WPB Before .undertaking n regimen Neptune, Mars, ate., ara going to ftoaring wagM, it has been cast- so consistently -wrong in this war are.^teking a census Of the ma- designed to build a good-Iooktag put hex on HlUer, Hiifihlto A chtata and coiiridertag hpw to get pair of ahouldan It la a good plan Tike advantage ef A m t t ie V a gen^ tog editorial doubt on to* success that it would be ungracious indeed Company ta 1*43.“ , AddiUonal Pleew 5 l-2c Ea. mhe taken Naptuas traaalt near about tola a querable .feeling of imearineas point la May, 1943. Furtharmora and d ^ rve the .same attention as amount of money ta the aver- whenever we find them all agree­ away from aacretariea who us« For Color Prints' * SSBT, Let*s toem .only aa hour «r so a day. tha Mxt oonjunctum of Saturn 4 your own. Don’t drive a car that Everything Washed [Amaricaa pay aavelopa than it ing on some apparently logical d Mara in February. 1943, falls Soma of tbea* machlnaa would ba dare flat. As you do your sxercisss. Woven tar long luid wsita. M flnnly twiMifltoug^ i Wfi Hsre It Is AD Silts. "■quints” or is ’’nearsighted.” It’d putting any aku al coatrol on conclusion. placed ta a room wham several think of tha attractiv* ttiouldets out on toe ascendant on tha foun­ Mflynrna. A amsit taxtuipd am f^ ^ f io « t tis-:' KEEP IT Up to which will b* youia, Evan as you dation map of the Third Reich. far too dangerous*uid too simple to and iro n ed (Cost o f Itvtag. Their conclusion a t'to e moment oiM or two-hour secretaries could raadita show foota to* earUsst aad latest of sy. Baity Amarieaa mnpla, or amart modem checked in oiur completelyn p fetely equipfied yesterday reported jh * over- ekarcistag, and thinking all during P von Rundstedt to Franca and though faw will admit to not hav­ toaaa dates first Hitler sad than ntqnia with say color.. .baauttfully sad oor- STANDARD! shop. iJUI our id guarantCMl stem of pclw celllnga, oper- ing a part- ta to* vnr) and aa-' tha day, of a good pair of atrong Naalam, wiU en sh .” placed him ta command of to * en- ahouldan and you will h* aurpris- Iroctly., MOVIES CAMERAS tagathar with a atabilixation signed to vrar ageiariea. aurpris .Tha “cnlndnattag of Jupiter in tir* Gernum^held Bhiropean ahoiro- Procurement and WPB’s Divl ad how you will begin to gat toam Japan" during Fafaruary win give . Avnltahtotatwowidtos,sojroo«»nssltsooBo^ Box Gnmems Bachelor Service ISA as a aucesas ta Canada within th* next faw waaks. 0 « t a W* itawa a Biaiplata Itavla Pa- '^ v '- ’An Shoes Fitti^ By (hir X-Ray MRchine Insart,' Une, inciiiidlng Norway, for. pur­ rioo of Civilian Supply, which Pramlar TOjo’a boya tnubla, aad leally for stair or hall carpeting, for room da* or Biitteries lor AU M d^-4»f’ Cars It has now bean ta affact for poses purely datenalv* ta charac­ good mental pictura, than do paaca wiU oonu early la tha rim - •eatUr itM ru n rteh wmH4o*wan earpetnya Ben * HetseS . UbL .$ l .S 9 U p drafted the typewriter cut order, evaiytoiag poaalhle to a u k * that # Fo0t Comifort nnd Correct Fit. ter. Inicy pladpdha sama inter­ are pettliig a good example. Pro- mar, the almanac addC Coaditioas Jbd^ aa they aia,.wa to saa hafi Fralsetova. Shirts 3 for 37c crurement has put machine opera­ picture come true, and you will re- ripping you can find paaca J n and oonaidar this value ta earpattag 800N I oeaA spneara, Bte. JIFFY •29 survey of th* altua- pretation on tha reported mova- cetva your reward. (F o U ln r ) Complete Line of Motor Parts tion on a two-ahift basis, and our town paper to print anme; It’ Additional SHdrta 12e Ea. ftatad thaA whai OMnts of more Nasi troops Into dvilian supply kaepa a rooord of In the meantlm*, aend for Dr. ta encouragtag; truattag It provaa BUDGET TERBIB AVAILABLE RENTAROLLOF eoats Imd taeraaosd U Frank McOoy*a artlda called Over true; > / — • r- 1 8 . 2 5 for AB duTsler Cars Norway, os th* raportod clearing machliM’a workiag tlina. CASTLE n U f Colluv, Undar^irfa Be Eeu v"4E-i-{ I i r i ’ii w -i'i:h d i J >to last Navamber, they Those that are Idla several hours coming Bound- Shmadara which Toura truly, iM y oth er Stai of cartata areas a l^ t^ French oUtllnaa aoau good axardaqa tor Wfi Hs t s T Iw ir AH! - Sox, Shorts le Ea; a day'ara swltebad. * L t Sidney Alkaa . A FEATURE VALUE! ooaat faring Britain, and on toe you to follow. You wUl raealva the Leaden, Ontario, Canada.’ osgantaatka of ‘’biQrcle’’ units ta artlda by writing to to* MeOoy -• ■ - i F lfS t V. B. Hanlto Sarvlea ta care of . tWs F iaae *. aawapapar, anclnalng I large, adf• Mafia AMMaka 27-tadi wMtk , • • • • • . s b A o lOf tha ri to* past,.the ax- ‘ anvdopa aad aix ceata la tha OWtad Fnadaca IfitiofiiwaS tha potato 9-foot wiiUt *.(..9631 sf. ^ • R aO T H S « S N C INC* tm ao ueanlmouaiy ~pnta and was throuta taut tail lU flR EOT. Prap. iUN ailAlN fniBlT T E L .S 1 U rnAxfcamnm Evm nm ma« che8tb», oomr. fridat. afril u , i 94S i- B W lsPut Japs Bombed Newsboys and BootbUtc^ O n A m 9.Fifm Hot Com Breads AT POPULAR tteal American Favoritee W ith Aut6s Are Good Soldier MedeA ‘X J^sed to Getr Sweets Exainlnsp RecomDieiids Steel Uuit -Might Have Boston April 84.— ‘TExtryl n w dean aaM that e( A ll Radio 3ktnt4facturers WIndiester Heinsigite E atry! Reid aU about iti Mean-* ^fbundatten Been 1943 Models Is boys make swell soldierat "Extiy.' riMe war sm^Sto, only a fiSfER are difllcult to Three Employes. V Used in Raids. Evldeaoa that many BMdern fow ware njsetod for danEfiT of little Ingienuity i Soon to Be on War Work Ned the faewsboy and Tom the faeta, oompand with th If you want aomethJnf atcken* bootblack, enjojdng health facul­ neord “la which, to n ^ - Mosd^ Win Tar^ inrly « aweet boUed*down mulberry iiU. Washington. April 34—(d v ^ S Wsahingtoii, April 34— (P) — ties daaiad' the storied heroes ot National Labor RelaUons Board least, tsath daftots ooasUtutil Sweetening for Juice win do. Meet berriea are poof New Torfe, April 24.—(Worlds listcalag toaight: Unitad Btates forcas "are “hsm- Horatio Alger, a n potentially gopd laigeat single causa tor roJesM l ' sourcea of aweetenlnir. Wkki)—As spMdUy as pcaettckblc. N B C -s ~ r L u ^ le MAanem had -bafore It today the recom­ oiSring tto Japa with autos,' Prioa phyalcal Umber for war aervle*, Other touadatiOR efUeW A^y the imdlo amaufeeturiag-.Ihduatiy oert; 8:30, lafonaatlon PlaaM; 9. waa offerod today by officials of » ld n g U s e * > AU the fruit ayrupa can be uaed XI mendation of a trial axamlner Adnu:4atrotor Laon Hendaracn tto orgaalaation'B health, lilt_ cooking, says------Dr.-- Cruets, but do la dlnciliig Itself to a hundred per WalU Time: 9:30, PlaaUtioa Par­ that The Wincheeter Repeatlhg th* Burrougha Newsboys Founds.' also included dletafy ^ not ty; 10, People Are Funny, quls. daelared In a ra^o address laat Uou, oa* of th* oldeet organlza- serve very well as a toWe cent war effMt. Availably repmrto Arms Company of New Haven, night aa wcU as various MiMk •y BMatC TWl®' ehow that“ ------ZH of,the 65 companlM CB8—t:S0 (Weat 10:W) Bob Uona oC its kind In th* country. to achieve prop^ muaeutor ^(le M l L K f S D Conn., be ordered to cease dia- pVandaco, AprU 24—<' *^ \ aake a sugarleaa candy bar making dVidfU recelvars already Hawk qulx; 8, Kate gmlUi, **rhe Bataan with ahropnel scraps aome 99A Par oaat fit anc*. with a minimum of effo rt grind up have Bwitched 'over, a number of Mooa la Down;” 9. Malvya Doug- oouregtog union menflaerahip Dean Leroy M. S. Miner of the -If th h t" half-pouiM* among lu employes and to rein­ of which wars marked with the araek wont aatlafy your Ml raw dried fruits and nut ★ B ig^turday Sale^ . them beattog the April 33 deadline laa tii "SuUlvan'e Travela;” 9:80, name of ah automobile manufac­ Harvard Dental School, advlaory and stick them together by dajre,^ and one by at leaet two Flrat Nlghteir,'"Marry a MlUthm;” state three employes aUagadly board chalrnmn of the Founda­ __'^ v in g s . you *** E X t t L A dlacbargad for union aeUviUee. turer,” ha said. Parachute NurEea' a IltUe honey. RalsinB, Shop wiik 08 and sec how much'yon can save! We have nothing to offer as an induce­ weeka. 10:18, Senator Popper on ”Pateata 'Tokyo was bombed a .few days tion's ainloal Health Bervlo*, de­ - '^ additional aweeU from prupto and flgS make a palatable TM remaining 38 oompanlea and Economic Warfare.” H m raoommeodatlon. toed yea- ago with steel that might hava clared M S pec cent Of the founda- by uaing a little mlxtiuVDr. Cruess reports ment for your patronage exrapt high quality foods at extreamly low prices. We use havv been granted additional time, BLU—T, Col. atbopnegle; 8, terday, advlaed specifically that Uon'a “graduates” examined for the Winchester firm, a divlaion b ^ used to make 1943 automo­ On Russian Frollt had^muMie. To sw«ten certain things with­ ringing from one tb eix weeka, by Bert Wheeler: 8:80, Meet Tour biles. We a n toammerlAg the Jap s possible eervice with the afmsd out sugar:\ no misleading merchandising sehcm^^we offer no premiums, no coupons, no '"the War Production Board, to get Navy: 9, March of Time, “Joa of The Western Cartridge Com- with our sutomobUas-rnot ths forces were found to be physleaUy aome dried fruit, a refri- Saturday pany, oease discouraging em- Coffee—And honey, maple ayrup, ready to go all-out on war ordert. American—Soldier;” 9:30, Celeb­ scrap from old Jallopies, but ths m , as eomparod with “a naUonal Behi, Swltserland, April 34. _ and a ahaium, pan and corn ayrup or , sorghum 83rrup. grouped item special, etc. that are coetHcr^ |o your podfqtbook! Our appetizing dis­ Proriskm hae been inade to that rity theater, John Vanderoook In plojm from Joining the United average of approalnmteiy 60 per clMtaeclotb add "you new stoel that might have been Don’t use fruit a:tops, particularly plays will please your eye—our prices wiD ^dease your pares! available replaceinqnl parte and “Moat Dangeroua Oame;” 10, Elea Eleotrlcal, Radio and Machine 1943 mofola.” oenL", —Ths istsst devsloptnsnt on all the fruit ayrup you want prune and raisin, Which will curdle Workers Union (CIO),, or any Russisn war front Is a m o p can be uaed In place of tubea to*maintala recelvere al­ MaxwolL Ths price administrator spoke Dean Miner aMd In aa interview the cream. ^ . Capons, milk fed, STo 7 Iba. We invite yon to come In and in^tofl /< ready In tqieraUCei can be eup* M B»-9:1B, What Prioe Vletory, other labor organlsatlonii. on tha K raft Music HsU program.. that th* hardinsss of outdoor work trained parachute corps of r to cooking many . Dry cereals and oat Make ■aartaga MaM Laat Meath life might be a factor la physteal- Ui 8. Oepartroent of Agn- new aad larger meat display in the la ^ t pUed. / Byron Price gueat; 9:40, Ansae It was the flrat statement by a Rad Cross nurses. It-90 per cent ccreal-and 10 per OVEN ROAST FORES SPRING BONELESS By the end "of June It la expect-spec' Day program, Lieut. Gen. Arnold The N tJlB held bearlnga In government official that Ameri­ ly 'touiriienlng up" tbe bojid, but I and the varloua atate nu- pent raw raisins. Muscast ire best type of onr new refrigerated cases wluiBh New Haven last month for two Everybody lovoa light, tenfier he attributed (he record largely to Th* Bern nevrspaper ,Dsr eommltteea ui^er- N atl<^ Chickens for Roasting, 5 to ed that the" Induatry will nave and othere; 10:30, Billy Keaton can bombs had fallen on Tokyo, printed a, photograph today { Rice and rice pudding—Chopped hnvt Jnst beta InstaDed. N completed" all arrangement! ■o variety. weeks oa UBRM charges against hot breads made with corn meal! Thus far the War and . Navy ojoee' medical and dental supervls- - Council apohaorahlp wUl 5h pounds each, lb ...... e O W G nine members of the dorps, *q or whole raisins of figs. ( > 1 that tte""entire output wUl be Winehsster's at which xudon wit- Com etlelqi — muffins — JOhnny A Thought Departments have not confirmed Bn tha fOundaUOn givto the boys Cooked cereal* — V r lt i ,, naasas tesUfiad msmhfini had been during their straet-eomer vending ped with parachutes and first before you fly at any or gooda. W hat to cxpact Saturday: Japanese reports of the bombing cooked with them wUl furnish the Native Chickens for Frying or Roitoting, \ F O R A MianwhUa, the New Tork re- Penn relaye—MBS 10:90 a. s l , dlaerlmlaataid agalnat and three cakor-all can be deliciously made of Japanese cities last Saturday. years. before going on. to aome with this oh* recipe. Ever alaoe the Their function, a caption »—note what the\iiu- sweetening. . . medium size— TASTY MEAT LOAF OR MEAT BALLS tali amrfcet iaama fairly well eup- ani 3:90 p. m., NBC 8:18 aad 4:10, uttwirrantedly diseharged. Tha JuMl shall live by faith.— "It took warUhia axsmlnaUons,” CMes—Pntse, fig and raiain pies Wlnohaater witnesses denied early setUera dlaeovared It, this he'said, " t o show dramatieSUy la to bring aid to wounfiad ' aay about your s^eet niied with reeelvets aad aapecte to CBS 4:38, BLU 3:80, 4:18, 4:48 1:17. Spttagfiald Bsplased need little or no sugar. \ , $1.29 each VeaL Beef and Pork Gronad,' O O #* remain ao for aome time, depend­ aad 6:30. Drake relays-M B B ,.9, the discrimination charges, aad all-American grain haa added Its something that should be obvious; flcult terrain wherr normal madttfl Use Hoaiy for Oskce ing upon the alM of reaerve atockc a and 4:49. \ \ ooateadsd tbera wera good and rich, BUtUke flavor to our favorite namely, that an Intettigeat health of communlcaUon might pr«va Thaa Kealiy Needed Cakes, cookies, custarda. froat- lb* e e • a e e • eee • e # # • • a e • e e eW 9 • Labor to keep alive in your The old single action Springfield slow. Ffesh Cut Up Fowl for a nice chicken eoup, 1b. which have bean built up. Some NBC—13:30, Dka Chaaa lunch­ suttteient reasons for diemissing dishea. For a arholekome, nutritious breast that little spark of celeatUl program aueh aa la carried on by' ’ a pound of augar a week -Use honey in abcmt the same eon, Mra. Bob HMq; 1:30, St. tha three employes. meal,'serve these hot breada with rifle is being roplaeed In the Marina thla uld other, boys’ oriaiilSsUona It said .a eonaldsrabts numba* < Lower Round Groundp ^ atOTM, which have aoid era delietous deaaert, aarva them arlth Qarand rifle. splendid results.” work. •ugahdoea not Reduce the liquid- BEST BUY IN TOWN Chuck Beef Ground^ O For Instance, one haa Just put la a *Tflghtlagale and the Ro n ;” 4, honey, moleeeee, or maple sirup. , arhen Uncle Sam waa tngred^ts of the recipes accord­ WHITE MILK FED VEAL Bidattaa of tqye, mada principally Down Mexloo Way. Here's aa easy, sure way to get Ihe eeaeoaeeeaooaawaeaeaeoeaeea Ow Sugar a aalwnrt In the famUy ingly* ” 9**^ averages about one- C ured of wood. CBS—9:30 a. m..darden Oate; Menus tight, tender, wonderfully delleioua and hU vtrUe aona were sUth m^uro. . _ Boneless Rolled Veal to Roaiit, ^ ||* 3 p. St., Country Journal; 0, Buda- com bread. Make It the Spry way. Four ouncei\of prunes contain Sm oked A Week’s Sapply to tame the great weat. cut to any size you wish, lb. .... < 0 J C DELICIOUS COBIBINATION... Bohm of the aetwoik commenta­ p«S atrtng quartet This creamy all-vegetable shorten­ i^ e ^ ca p ita consumption of as much su m a^ a 2-Mnince handy Lean tors have been aeelng what they BLU—11:30 a. m.. Utile BLU For Gofkl Health ing cuts into the dry Ingredients i a l m leaa th M ounces bar, saya the\riilt expert V « d S h a n k , ^ LIVER AND BACON could do la reapoadlng to the Prea- playhouae, "Boy Scout on Burma qtockly-^-eaves the flavor, too— ouno0 of r®4siiw\prNJix ouncos of lb. Ideate recent requeatrequoi for a fc)U;* 18:30 p. m, Farmer’e lota the nutty rich goodnaas of the , Bddmoa never taated sweets sweet ddef or one Vqw a ^ le U Tender Calves’l.iver. Western, H for the war. Oebnol Heatter offara Union; 3. Canadian Air Fores By MeOey m alth com meal come through. Clip the a t Breast of Veal for Stuffing, 9 jSff* the white man came along, about as sugary as w sbf^t drink. redpo aad find out for yourself. lb* .*-**..*....*..*.*•**«.• .. • • w* "Fraedom'a War,” aad Fultoa band; 9:48, A. A. Berio, Jr., oh r were stout fellowa,__and pried fruits yield a\makjmum of Lewie, Jr., cooBaa up with ‘Tbe "Inter-Amerleen Trade DiMeul. Serve one of these tempting gold­ then never had much den* sweetness when cooked Io m and Shoulder Veal to Roast, Native Pigs’ Liver, C STANDING RIB HEAVY STEER World Invaalon.” DaUy hisana en com . breads today and near slotriy. Pnnw simniered\ for \ Bvea the radio oolumnlata have MBS—4:18, Memorial etakaa at guggested menue for the week your family cheer. . ayatem Just doesnt hours and then kept . cdounenctng Sunday, April 39, NeA of Ve*l to r Pot Pie, C — .totood la. Suchli aa ”W' ir of All Na* Jam aica track; 8, Glenn MUlar Con* -Cklefcs ■weeta, the dietldana say. b^ rimmering temperature forXa 1 Genuine Fresh Calves’ Liver, ^ 1943. ' 1 eup sifted flour « HALE'S Self Serve aerenade. lb* **.**.***..'.*.*.***...*•••• eSww* t l ^ ’ or ”AU-Nati-Nattoea War.” It makes its own sugar. K time are reaUy sweet. lb . ^ BEEF CHI( OiudfRoastl IH cups bom meal liModtgknlB user, of the p«ftlcu- The itarch in one Mg potafi Breakfast—Franch omelet; Mel­ 3 teaspoons baking powdsr a godd-ahMd slice of bread or . ba toast; dlah of berries (canned >f&iid of BOgv H in^es, but It \ PRIME BEEF Fi^h Pigs’Hocks, 2 5 c c c a tsasixHma salt ji, produce it from the starches yards of spaghetti When diges— \ .' ■ Ihe aa«eeaea**eeeeaeeeen#aeeepa 1080 13M' without, sugar). cup Spry la the diet. It even repro* win supiity the. body with as much KllocyeisB VDRC Kiloejrdea LBaeb—Vegetable soup made of 2 eggs, beaten ' t the sugar taken la the form sugar as a «Ush of Ice cream. lUbsRoast Beefp Prime Ribsp ^ fS c tomato, spinach, eelary end pars^ 1\ cups milk and Health Market Fresh Spare Ribs, ^ 2 d c Nlbe • e^ e a,a • 9 f era a •eeaea-eeeaaeae* 0 ^ ,0^ ley, adding desired amount qf hot jd y . soft driaka and dessert Ih* eeaa**e*a ••• aaaaa*#ea**eeen WB” 81ft flour with com meal, bak­ whether you eat sweets ar B^ewM lulled Oven Roant Beef, lb. lb. Friday, April 34 cream Just before serving; crack- ing powder, and s a lt Cut la Spry HalarsQaaSty P.M. P J f . r foods, your digestive ma- Guest of Honor llte • e e’ e • «oe>«reeee*eeeaa aeeae* 4^9 ^9 Sugar Cifred Bacon, machine until finely mixed. Combine egg* - if normal will continue to 3:00—Agalnat the Stokm. 3:00—Darid Harum Dianer—Roast veal; pumpkin; and milk and stir Into com meal HEALTH MARKET tta own brand of sugar aa Bm ekes prom C^t for a nice idiCed, Ih* • e * a e e e e • w * • e a • a a e a'e Wg WB ^ 8:18—Ifa Porktna. 3 :1 0 —Mark Hawley—News oyater plant; oclery and ripe mixture. , BREAD Loaf 6c At Lin^n Shower Pot RQ^S^ Rh^e eee'e ••••••••• ao 4^r Tw SUGAR CURED LEA^ ' 3:30—Popper Toung'a Fi 8:80—Memory Lena oUvea; gelatin. Heat com stick pans In oven. Hate’s Larga . I MBka 8 y n *s UnaUy T R Y O U R 3:48—The lUght to Hupini 8:38—British ABMrican Faetlvel Brush with Spry. Fill hot pana ' a can make ay. 4 KM—Backstage W lfa 4:00—Men Behtod the Mike Breakfast—Coddled eggs; toast­ with batter. Bake lussrery hot oven Yonr Farorite Dinner Miss Mary who la to he . GENUINE ^I^^G 1912 LAMB " SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF 4:18—Stella Dallas. * 4:10-rAd Uaer raaaOy, out of dried fndt or to.. J. Edward Me- ed whble.wheat bisctilt; stewed (450 degrees Fahrennsit) 18 to 30 B frewi Ifndt Juides by either married May 4:80—Lorenao Jones. ^4:S0W u!t Muato pnfnes. minutes ,or until bsbwa. Makes IH Coffee Cokes or Meat items are offered at gpedai gaviiift la; Keever was ' . guest of honor at LegsofLu^ 5^ pounds, O Cto Rib or Navel Cuts, I5 c 4:48—TOung Wldder Brown. :48—News froednf or boUlng or given by Mrs. Mar- Lunch—Squash; ~^foach; raw doaen. on of thcM methods, a town lb* ,**.** L * V*.... *. y .,. . *..■*** o ff ew_%e Ih* *«**e*4feaee#**aeaa**aeeee*e U OW WB 8;00—^When A Girl Marries. 4:88—War Commentary celery; glaae'of milk. Com Muffins. Bake In Spryooat- He«ith Maiket. Buy War Savings Stemiismtlt. nets Dr. Fir.vy. Cruess, head of garst __ La___ M _ and Mrs. WUllam 8:18—PortU Faoee Life. 0:0O^Add Une—Musical Oooper- Dinner—Veal loaf; buttered ed muffin pans In hot oven (435 Crumb Cokes Each 17e M. McSweenily at - Mrs. MeSwee- Lamb Fores, Boqed and KpUed If you wish. 0:80—Studio Program.’ your extra change. ttohreralty W Oallfoniia Fruit Bonekm Chuck Pieces, aD lean, aUX vegetables (carrots, beets and tur­ degrees Fahrenheit) 36 to 80 min­ HalWa Qaallty Sagar Oarafi iFrodocta tiaboratory and member n ^ s home jlast Monday night. 5 to 6 pounds, \ 0 1 lb* * , • i * • • • • ene , • e • a • • • * • ne a a • 4lW ^ %B 0:48-«tricay Sport* 0:48—Sekttergood Bainee n ip ); aalad of ehpcd Cabbage utes. Makes IH doaen muffins. [of the State Nutrition Committee, Over thirty jmeste were present 1h* *.*.*'•***...'. *-V ■...... */'* - * a w* 8:88—Stand By, America. 9:00—N( anq parsley; applesauce. Johnny Cake. Bake In Spry- Havorfal Bte/ Fccah Plate Beef ..... '1 5 c lb. 9:48 Lowell Thomas. 9:30—Kdwla CL fast; arell browned watoe;* crisp i- tolsd dates snd figs given » kitchen shower at the 7:00—Fred Waring. 9;30—Frank Pariu bacon. MMus tqfglnla, Pika in SouprShankfi ...... 15c lb. 7:18—News of the WOrtd. 9:48—The World ' Popalar, Leaa bs riuA. Dried pears, sp- boms of FRUII^^N D^RKH VEGETABLES " link Pork Sausage . . .2 9 c lb. Lunch—Potato aoup; cooked Boby Food Jars 22c 1 and ijtricpts cootato | WstharadehL 7:30—Onuid Omtral Station. 7:00—^Amoo 'n' Andy carrots; lettuce salad. s3:00—Cltlea Servlee Concert 7:18—Laany Ross Overnight News Shoulder Lamb Chops . 25c lb. Fresh Pigs' Feet ...... 9 c lb. Dlnner^^-Celery soup; asparagus Large Oaa VEAL FOR A S T • -Information Please. 7:30—How.Am 1 DotogT , roast pork; buttered beets; Florida Juice Oranges' ‘ ^Fancy Artichokes, 2 5 c 9:0O—W altz Time. 1:00—Kate Smith Hour ' *balMd apple a la mode. Of Conneeiicut S^^Or »* *ae4*ee*«e#ee*eeoeeee ^B Poik Liver .. ., . . . . 2(k lb. Poik Kidneys ...... 12c lb. 9:30-;>^lantatlon rariy. S:8B-^Bbner Davto—News c- c- ^doz. 10.*00—Capt nagg /had Sergt By Associated Frees Beech-Nut $oup 2 25c RUMP AST 29c Lb. 29 35 39 1 l*rga BtmIi 9:00—Great Momenta From Great )Sat — Cottage cheese; Fancy CsUfornia Carrots,' ^ FrroA r*** — Green Beans — Hard, Ripe Flays •U' l^c^>p)e. 20:30t-N 1^I April 17th. 3:30—fir s t Nlghtsr New Haven - - Tale’s she senior Faney 2 bonebps for ...... 1 w C Tom atoes—■ Etc. U K M -^ew a. Lunk^—Cooked carrots and LEO A S T 31c Lb. 9:B8^-Giany Simms peas; s t ed celery; glass of milk. socletica, Skull and Bones, Scroll tlieSL.V-thcSOII BUTTER >^S,>P 91:18—String Us. 10:00>^—Olann MlUsr’s Qrebaatm and Key, Wolf’s Head, BerxeUua, EGGS 5 Y* 11:30—UhUmlted Hi ^&t>U*d mutton chops; Mttine Clams Cm 1 9 c 10:18-Jerry Wayne—Songs baked paradM; lettuce;' carrot Book and Snak* and Elihu, each 13:00—News. 10:S0-^olga Ooehio and Burl Ives picked 16 junior irMmbera yeoter. AT OUR BAKERY DE p A i ^ T M E N T 13:08—Southara lUvers. aad asparagua^^Iad;: baked pears. day at the aimual tap day. Seven- and SCIliiYXi: Slioed/Soiled Ham .... 51o lb. Polish Rings ...... 19c lb. 13:30—Dam F ttta a y . Thaiadayt te*B of th* students ware from 29c Lb. 10:48—Treasury gtar Farads Breakfast—; sgg oa '\l3:88-4...... I . .eaell •##*•***•**#• WX* a*eaa**e*.*_* ® WB A. M. 11:10—Musical Interlude state dairy and food commissioner, 9:(M—Reveille, Agricultural Nesrs or 13 dates.. said last night that no shortage of Fai^ Danish Pastry^\ , 3 5 ^ r^ p ered Ham Loaf . . . 37c Db^ 3lice^ Qnb Cheese . .2 9 e ^ 11:18—News Analyaia Dinner—VegriAhle aoup')> Salis­ B o sto n . B row n B r e a d ,' l O g * 9:35—News. 11:30—Sammy Kaye's Orchestm gtosa was threatened. He said he BROILERS, Special 88t|d. 9:30—Revallla. bury steak; stttog beans: salad of made the comment In response to Walnut Moots Kj-Lb. Pkc, 33c / Frankfnrto ...... 19c lb. Din Pickles ______•si fw ib c / 13:08-N ew a raw carrots; applesauea. Fancy Layer Cakes, a choice of O Strawb^^ Shortddce Bisra|^ jS#* w,,. ' . / • 9:88—Nawa. Tamamwa Fragkas. many queries Tram dealeri In mOk Mennster Chei^ ...... 29c B>. 7:00—Moralag Watch. and other liquid products Urho had icings, each ...... 4 # 9 v 'd u ien * eV* a • a ♦ • eee • a.n., • • • • o^a • Veal Loaf .....^ ^ ..... \ 19c lb. . 8KW—Ifevm. X 7:00—News ' Breakfast—Baked eggs; MSIha expressed anxiety over widely ctr- 1 ...... jirn..a.... 8 :18—World Nesra Roundup. toast; dish of iam>berrias (canned cuiated nports that the SupNy of m s . 23c FOW L C U T UP 7:10—Shoppers Special — Music. without sugar). 3:30—Women’a Radio Basaar. bottles was becoming abort Omadmiq^totto FRE^ BAKERY SfEOAtS ' 9:88—Progvam Panda. T:88r-lfewa Lnaeli—FtaMiPMla imd cottage Hartford—The S ta ts Highway 1 GROCERY DEPARTMENT'S W EEk^D SPECIAI^ 9:00—Womea'e Radio 8:00—News cf .ths World cheese salad; Departnaent reoaivsd only on* hid Lorge RoiMfort and Largt ' \ . I OilWjiali large Oai 9:18-FOodN^ 8:18-^-nuppera Spsrial Dtnwar m kad halibut: jbakad yesterday on its request for about Mdrmoldde Lb. Jar 9:10—mmk Lawson aad H i! S !80—News ground heats: aivaragua; salad of 43,«»ce Ohe B«H Ohwy Cora, Royal Scarlet, cream 5-poaadbae...... P J f . ^ today the expenditure of ad(' Shrimp, fancy, cleaned.— a ty ^ Golden, m Believe Tanker 13 :3 0 -^ ta ra Over Hollywood low^with a small amount of ice Uonal 31,500,(M0 for air raid pre- l;00-^Newa cream. cautioas work and the six state Tomato Can rca^ to serve, 38c ^rk"2 caa ,a a c a n s ^a DC 2 ' ■ ^ S e 21c can JeUcs, Royal Scarlet, CralH 2 2 5 c Slink Axiff Sub 1:08—Strictly Swing govarntoenta set asid* an equal FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Liam Bmuis, Royal Scar­ aw k, QuiBee, Strawberry* 1:30—Ad Liner sum, brlnitoig th * total now avail Kh* i c m B « rt Otmgf let, Green and White, TABLB-TIMB SLICED JIM DANDY (BstrsPalay) able to 33,0(M,0(M. ' • Jatey Fterito No. 2 caa, ^ ^ W Raspberry, and Grape.' 1 DrotoedfirrOraage* Thmpioo, Manleo, April 34.—(P) Quaatlon i RooaUa B . asks: *Why Th* commonwealth government i-oance ''—The crew of the goveramant oil Drivers of B u s € » is it that tba pattent with BeU'a previously had appropriated 34,<. Beets Can 11c Tomato Juice, Royai Scar* 2 for PEACHES Fruit Cocktoli j tanker Faja da Oro have toad Palay is given the.faradic and gal' 600,000 and tha state govennnants Oranges 2 fer ...... w. 1 and Grapefndt Seetfena sworn statentoat saying they I vanic cusront taatsT” . 91,500,000. let, fanejr, 11c Ueusd their vesasl had run down Remain Un Strike Larga 49 Oaaec Oaa Del Meate tail 24-08. c a n ..... Answer: The faradle and gal' /- HONOR BRAND 9 « ; TALL* sunk aa Axis aubmartna, local vanic currents are used aa teats In FR0 8 TBOF0 0 D Grapefralt Jaiee, Florida . 2 “ ( S S s 2 5 e 2 2 9 e portt authortUas dlsclossd today. L a i f a 1 X CANS x n c ICuskagoa, Mich., April 34—, 25c msmbara of thawsaassL the teinamt production. taka. For sxampla, ft thara is a ra- padmfo ...... C«lery Heorts 10c Bunch Italian tanker Genoano, which was Chungking. April 34—(PV—Chtok orange juice mean* it’s richer, iarkr ,2 ca sh Striae Beans, 1 0 #s GfAPEFRUlT 5 for 25c OoncUlatora fUled to obtain aa aettod af both muaclao and nerve and Britain have reached aa un­ • Mewamtog Bawl FB K E l • ■ ■ ■ Nallve ' 'enprqprlated by Mexico laat year, agreement last night to and adriv- on the involved aide of tha fatadic Ufebuoy Soap, . PSffcBK # o'as'aeeaa* I J r C Red Pitted Chcrrica la repoitad eraahlag into , some anb*. derstanding for closer mllltaiy eol- more delidou*! It has mote.vitamini C sod A, and calcium. Water, for Pies, arm’ atrlka la Tha Paopla'a Traaa- aad galvaale currants, it is likely laboimtloo and there- now la no .FTroa Baked Fresh Radishes S caksa Oundcltcnt 3 Lbf.25c iimergad object, tnoiigb tbay coukt port -Cbrporatlqn, only ^ pubUo that the panlyala wUl dlaappaar limit to th* number of Chinee* Foe California ottoges rinen in aUrycat •unahins. T b ^ Ne. 2 can ...... 3 rANGE5 21c'box. ji.aot definitely M an^ It From by the and of a aronth and a half. *«w on fcrtils »oiU scientihesUy fed and watered. ^ • • • ••• • • • 25c aiwHaifow ■ ■ • ■ " traasporUUan ayatam bara, but troops arhich may to sent Into Fairy Soap, reports, from other -yasQsls, bow- fttrthar ccofarancea wars sehsdulad Sometimes tha muscles and Burma, Chinese sources said to- F i g B a r s L b . 2 1 c CoFac, Royal Scarlet, ji-aver. tbay kn«w aa Axia ' day. Tbs atrtka began yaatarday ntuae to naet to tba faradle but day. - T i ■■ Fregh Spinach •nic*e utMtss Navel* ate easy to ped, ilice snd tection. 4 ehkci ««aaaa«« JOHNSONS. WAX groand as dcsbod, APPLE5 3 U w .35c POTATOES 4 Lbs. 25c '‘"rina was in the area. mornlBg. a t the —w«* time Ideal foe tedpe*. lunch bbxe* and ^dihour eating. Thom > The tanker was ahakan from The extent of (Tilnero aid* theaa SPECIAL 1-poaad bag a OC SdTOola. atoraa aad other astab- atowty or abruptly to the gatvaalc qmuters declarad. depands entlra- Freeh trsd?tn*rlce*l,“Sunkist” *re the finest from 14,000 epopemt- BaBt A^prieota, •t*|B to atam by tba impact tbay Ushmaats contlauad oparottoan current. Thla is a hopeful rign, to- ty upon tha axigaactea pt tto sltn- Gla-Coat. X O a * aai—For tho fourth supplying thair'dwB troopa figU- Qaaker n ffed V . M — XokoMO^ Xnd. — m —Jaffarn Sodas, CooBtry Club, idx as- Lieaid Wax, \m t ^ Lao Brait want to the riraus la Burma, tto aawapispar n C reaniery B u tlar L k . 4 0 c Wheat, pkg...... 7 C ' iriiool la r wltk tba story at tba Chicago stadium, bought a. Quastloa; Ardaa V. asks: “Whan Kuag Pao declared. a Asparagus 2H -l’k.Ech. sortad Savors, la 25 c e i can ...... i|3f tha b » wt to Jia ip to 25*«aBt whim atnakad it bifSra a cart^ esataata . Eeqwaay Graham Oadi- t a natlant haa swoBaa anklas, la it rta Wax, era, 1-poaad * I’Om war. War Uoa aagu and ahootad ”8 tt hatyM to tooap witk tk s feet ala- ShaaMd er Vaa Cto*,'! 1-poaad caa tba money ■It

. h-: Ctaaa of l»lt bat Mft a yaar bi>- with tha a 'aay Urns MPmsn to tkoae turaed out bp M tain and MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FR ID ^ HL 2 4 ,194S PA cns May 18 and Julyily L Taro-oar own? tha United SUtss. ^ „ Co-Eds in Oklahoma Pluck / fora aebaddlad cr64uatlcn bo at- Many members of the A. V, G. Hour’s Battle lion Paradise tand tbo flrat officara' training Gas Situation era would bo rtlowsd taro cards. Supplemantal cards for addltlatial never had flown a fighter plane camp at PUttaburf. N. T. before-they went to Burma, al­ Meal Out of Skies, Weed. Patch H a ana oonunlaaiooed a aacoad suppliss would ba Issued certain led by Death G^ttii^ l!forse persona whoss work rs q u ire s though they were' familiar with In Brush Fire of Infantry and aoryad grsatar . mlteaga. Tbeas . persons other typea^ Pawley said. The — ' II < 0. x»55measiirtth a machine gua com- would Inehids doctors, war work- feats they have accomplished qrlth Norman, Okie., April S4—(SV—A. PevlM agga fUiis t MndiM, 4B, aaioeUtad Head of State . Defeiis^ era and others. Appeals could' be only s few months training there­ Manchester Department 4s long as the crow Ales and tha hansF, but ths girts added them r gaaimaerlptii' ftt tb« Ta)t ***A?ter the war, he taufbt ®af- tliken to local rationing boards. fore are all the more remarkable. cat-tails wave there need be np Just for tba no' Hah at the Groton achool and en­ Council Tells of the Sees Strong Bealstaore In'Hard Fight on Hil­ KaAr com aniffins, peanut pit "T* Ity M brnra^ * tered tiW Tale" Graduate School r « t Ttf* OdU«»«^ ««•<> Turning to the situation in In­ liard Street Last Night. land. j iWl, recelvtnf bla Pb.u. In 1625 Results of Survey. dia, Pawley said: * If goiirraets wlU plesM lortc the i Whits tender stomachs t r i ^ Oose Scores Dogging WIs Footsteps* - aMentlT* f•ttow o t whan he became a member of the ChiuH I^t8 “It is inconcaivaMa to me that other way. three University t t Ok- bl#4 the girts tuabad la aad coq- the Japanese will make the mis­ I * t tttff Unlver. famity. - HartfonL ~Aprtl *4—(ff)—Con­ The Manchester- Plra depart­ lahom. co-eds wm tahUU how they'“ cost * ^but a few ’*'*’**• cant— works—whlrti to uphold Cubs Watch Cuban Luckless Pitcher’s ick ______I tib a i^ 0* tli« U- take of trying to invade India. If ment worked (for over an hour last plucked a tas^ meal out Aciaea With Maiakan necticut’s gaaoltne situation Is bad Ban dn JJse they do I am convinced the Indian ' their argument that edibles hirk Indicated by r* iMinitrTft^r f t t d IMS and fSttlng worst each day, Seth night to oubdue a bad grass and skies and a weed rpatch. { riiititiB-r-’- focfbuiUHiir up ■ people will put up much greater Tha cost of living being what It In any back yard, far from tho — iaf oflfb^-'M nlly docu- London. A ^ l U —m —Prime W. Darley, chairman. Petroleum Of Ga^lipe resistance than is believed pos­ imderbrush Are on Hilliard and in and with food rationing per­ vlctoyy gardens. Mtat* rMorda mad account Miniater ChurchUl haa received a subcommittee of the State Defense sible almoet anywhere. I think the Wo^and streets. A still alarm haps Just over the hbrixon, Mar­ Catcher Closely Totals Below L W Spoil I oC particular Intareat to meaaaae firom Prealdent Rooaevelt Council, said today, announclnx Indian contribution to the war ef­ Was sent In by residents In that garet Sanden, Floy Ja'clw^ and that he l«i«od with all ^ con- that a survey to determine eXact (OsattMMS Pago Oas) fort from both a military and pro­ Two Barber Chairs -V a » afinirinr aourea mate* section when a grass fire got-out Dorothy Liockett—hom e. . econo- _I varloua parioda of Ameil- cluaiona. reached by U. 8. Chief of supplies on hand Is being under­ ductive atandpoint ia muqh great­ mica students all—embartiedxqn a Youngster Fills Shoes Wednesday N i^t Loop taken by the group. nlng.'Bvan smbaaaisa ars curtail­ er than gm rrtly realized. . of ebntrot after two youngsters Wright to Fight Injury HurtsX^eiuitor’B • > Mstdty# Stair Gan. Georfa C* Ifarahall af­ ing'tbs use of cars, since gasoline expertmant. V , Loaned to Solders ter hU vlait to BriUdn, an inform­ He estimated,, however, that Pawley said bidla would not be had started a ..small Are. The Mean Cooked and Served ' Of Regulars Who -Are Unbeaten Feather Averages Released To­ Major League Standings lam Nov. 16,16W. Paradlac at- there is still gas available to sup­ costs then* $4 per American gal­ without outside help. ■ Chancffs This U Tala aa a member of the ed source said today. ' lon. flames meed acroae from Wood- With Helen ^ HamiU, assistant day; Teams Evenly ply dealers of the 'state their Ta liak a Mora AhMhol . "I have reason to believe,” he professor of home economics, su­ The request made by the soldiers Out with Injuries; Lou Novikoff Si quotas under the darter rationing added, “that American and Brit­ iMd strert and Jumped HlUiard pervising, they cooked and served: stationed at the armory here for New Tork, April 34.—lOial- M atted This Season. As amargency meaauraa tha gov­ ish auUioritles are sending in sup- the loan of a barber chair has been Wilson on Spot. ky Wright, wurid ^^laathar- Homer for Cubs plan now In e ffa c t' ernment la expected to step up street and then swept along at a Steamed crow (common com Individual motorists, however, plies in substantial quantities.” rapid rate. Aeld variety) with creamed cat­ answdtad, not with one chair but walght champion, tignod to Taalariayh Basaila GO TO PINEHURST he said, should be able to ret gas­ production of high-grade alcohol, ------by two.' qealng the request In Tba Figures prsparsd and rclaaaad Down Cards; Dc of which. Ssechwan province rtonc . It was necedeary for the depart­ tail (not attlmrt, but vegetable, a . By. Dava HoB . box Lulu Ooatantlno at - 8L by Harold Burr and Stawart Kan- Naffaiml Amertcaa .FOR oline though dealers who exhaust ment to refill Its booater tanks common cme that sprouts in Hsrald R w ert Qenovesi of the Chicago, April 34—(F)—Tha kid Nicholas Palace hare. May 7. BreoWJra 9. Boston 5. Washington 10, Boston 5, their quotas before the end of already produces 600,000,000 gsU nedy of t)M Wednasday Night ‘ T > Still Lead League. Bolton to Hold three ttmea from nearby hydrants swampy land.) State Barber. Shop started tu call with tba Carmen Miranda accent Constantino ia being forced laai^rs printad balow ladlcatq N sv7 York 6, Philadelphia 3. New Tork 6. Philadeiphia 4; VITAMIN FRESH VEGETABLES {ho moktf, will not be able to 1^ . f®^ssUn ^ before' tbe blase Was brought un­ Dandelion salad, garnished with on tbs other harban In town for to coma in baavieg than 136 CSttoago 3, St. Louis ). C3eveland 9, S t Louis 2. more unless, having proved sbs^ of der control Due to the long dry abeiAerd'a purse and curty dock asslatance. He jVqs able to sacufa Jo trying to make a succaas of tha pounds, so Wright’s title wlU that all m tha tsama wars avaniy OMdmmU 5, Pittsburgh S. Detroit 6, Chlcego 0. By JodaoB Bailay luU1.*,. hecessity, th*vthey ' hormw borrow., -'on’ on Seekingseeking s new method of cracking Chicago Cuba’ lint maal dip into matchad. Tha laagua crtab|nitad/lta AP Sports Writer oil from wood oil. Bond Campaign spell Chief Roy Griswold today (all three of which you have pro­ tba loan of two rtiaira for' such not be at stake against tba fifth BirUiday Wadnaaday night at Staadtega 'their allotments for Msy^, ' urged residents in tbt Eighth Dis­ bably routed from your lawn soma time as the men WUJ be at Jia tha Latin-Araarlcan bSMbaU pool. unbeaten east slda youngster. N. ■ ' e Tbe tint serious casualty at th# beep W m freali aatU they aiV deUvered He said the Defensp Council'a In sections of China where gaso­ Salvador-Harnandaa, known aa Oaano’S whan tha prises wara >raioM i American major league baaeoaU eeaeon is trict to ba careful witb'qrass Area. Ama or otl.er.) . armory. Qonatantlno’a r>oat recant w . L. Pet. . W. u P et line Is even harder to get. than in awardad. Individual avaragaa fol­ Emil (Dutch) Leonard of the subcommittee will attempt to de­ Chico and nominally tha No. S man victory waa a close dectaton Brooklyn . 2 " evw d^ It will pay you to come termine the state’s supply through Chungking, buses and other vehi- Lewis D. Eaton has been named among Cub catchara, haa become low: • a e• e e eS JOO Naw York ...... 7 3 .778 Waohington Senators, whoos luek a questionnaire xfor dealers and clea have been converted into char­ by Town Clerk David Toomey of over Harry Jaffra, fonnar PltUbui^h ...... 6» 4 .000 Boston ...... 6 3 .667 seems to be going from bad to ta nachurat. a regular through mlohaps Involv­ bantam boos. New York . aeaaaasft 4 . hOO Cleveland distributor^ being prepared In coal burners. The NsUonsl Mili­ Bolton to take charge pf the house ing u a other two—circumstances Gamae Faff Ave...... 5 3 .625 worse. Umuaally fancy quality AspqracM tary Council is- Installing charcoal- T he New Tork Cbmmlasion PoUnak( . ___ 43 4663 U7A8 St. Louie .. •aaeaaeS 4 .000 Detroit ...... 6 5 .545 The round-faced, righthaadef consultattbn with the New Xhtg- to house canvass to be made In Ymch nave Manager Jimmy Wil- CMeago .444 .-..beat frade...direct from Cali­ land, Gouncil. Ilesulta may he burning engines In S.OOO trucks: aen, qidta a maan backatopper in inststa that Wright sign to Curtla ...... U 8667 lllA a a a e e e tk S t Louie ...... 5 6 .455 stumbled while crossing flrat baiMr. tabulated In about three weeks, many buses In Ssechwan are being Bolton on the arte of United defend hie crown against Sal Kalsh ...... 43 4867 lOSJK Boaton . . . e e a a a a ek. 6 .400 WasMitgton .... .4 6 .400 after running out a grounder ia fornia to Hartford in an express States war stamps and bonds. Ms d ^ , wondaiing If ^a might dnclnnatl « e a • «'s «8 0 j r o Chicago .. he said. In the' meantime, no one remodeled along the aame lines, have to rstuih to active duty. Bartola before facing Cba- (Smmberi . ... r.65 5686 KNAl ...... 3 6 .338 tha second inning ot yesterday^a lead car. can tell with any exactness how while almost all vehicles in Hupeh The town 'which now baa a popu­ tantlno. Tankowski ...^ 66 7016 106JO Philadelphia 7 .333 Philadalphta ...... 2 7 .222 tuoale with the Boeton Rm triSf' lation of over 700 represented hy Hernandes got Ms cbanca whan Large (2 Pounds) much gasoline is in Connecticut, province are fuelled in this man­ Clyde McCullough banged up his LaForge *...... 88 4007 109.17 Today's Games and after he bad been carried oft he said. ner. over 380 families. Is given no thumb reaching for a foul up at HcGonigal . . . . 86 4111 100.16 Notloaal \ Amerleaa the field hla injury was found to ba Past DecUnlag quota. - ■ PUtsburgb Wednesday and was Boetdn atNew Tork. New York at Boston. a brofcel ankle. A SPA R A tH lS He declared that su p p lies ^ Mr. Eaton In accepting tha po­ takan out for 10 days. iCeCuUough's Bradley G>lt Molar kolas BrooMyn at Phlladdphla. PMladdpMa at Waohington. TMs means the ); fellow wha throughout the .district are fast sition declared ba is anxious to get undarstudy. Bob Schefftng. alraady OaoMt Fan Ava.^ S t Louis qt CSileaM. Catlcsgo at Detroit v baffled the American leagua Yritk - declining and must be built up Planes Can ^ volunteers to assist him. Hs aati- was inactive because of a sock on Twaralto a • a a a e 61 7061 115.4$ Cincinnati at PittSburgli. (Jeveland at St Lot^ hla knuckle ball for tba last coup)# 45c bunch in order to permit stocking up on mates that about 16 will ba need­ tho elbow received from Wally Bless Me Out Watckoiatckowskl 60 6663 111J8 of years, winning 18 gamoa la fuel oil to avoid “a terrible crisis” Knock Japs ed and all who are interested in Moaear baMurtng tba spring aariaa ‘rimnar > a a a a a a a 40 4680 109JO 1941, will ba out of action indeflL Pooild Bmtcll a • • Va soodeaae# o25C next winter. the project are asked to contact SAVIII6 REOPES with the Whlta Sox. McCUtry 01 0033 108.14 nitely and Waahing66b'a hope# of A survey is now being conduct­ him. That put Hanuudaa to work— /O f the Deipby Hair .. . 06 6888 108.1 League Leaders | struggling toward the top of ths ed, he said, to determine how Out of Air Tho plan la to have some parson raUaving McCuUougb Wednesday Bohadlk 48 0034 104 J3 second divioion received a setback. much gaaolina* can be brought in call at the different homes and and coupon worth lO^.send todoyl aad his first major league MaxaMl . 13 1878 114.10 By tka Aaaodatod Tha Sanatora won yostarday, Pinehiirsf Salaid Vegetables by tank car and handled in rail­ (OoatiaiMd rrwB Page Oaa) make known the plan to arrange start yeeterdMr. Nattooal Laagas Gomez 10-5, but the gams itaeU was not road terminals here. a tedpa booklet "hot off ths griddk”— Finishes Bad Second" at Moriarty Bros. Watercress, EsiHUrole, Grdbn Peppers, Presh^Radldl^ for Bome saving each week so that moM thaa thirty luscious desserts, many uang Chico Is a Cubaii. ona of three Batting—Slaughter, S t Loula, a pleasing apectaol^—there wars ie bnnch; Rqireripes, 2 bunches 15c; Cucumbers, New The tank car flow is now steady, ing Tigers" havs demonstrated, those in the smaller Incomes may SEC { A WECK$ Uitln-Aniericaiia with tb. Cuba— Keeneland Yesterday; Games Fall Ave, .400; Fernandes, Boaton and San­ 36 Mts evenly divided and B osM he said, and the railroad is "doing be able to purchase bonds If not mo tutor of ott, ths o ^ r s very Bttlel AimI thst’s not Frasier ...... 47 0088 108.12 mida six errors to Waehlngtoinv Green pd^ige and ^uHilower. V Pawley asserted, that numerical 17 slL m th tksra yea get a caapsa gaad fbr 164 an the others being pitchers Jass ders, 8 t Louis, .864. Florida HeaYyweight Is a sp^ndid Job” with little Inter­ superiority or even equality era ones a week, at least ones la two R)R4 ^C(«raiieK Flores, a Mexican, and Hi Bithorn, Devil Diver Did Not K roU ...... 04 6787 107.9 Runs—O tt New Yorii, *U; Ca- two--ranJ the net result waa noth­ ICEBERG LETTUCE----- 12V'|C ruption. If there was no need for not nsesaaary to ground the Jap­ or tbrss months ■ the parckaas aff a caa aC Sfty. a Puerto Rlcaii. Start at All, ^ R. La(7hapcUe 34 8631 106.2t milll Brooklyn, 9. Regarded by ing slkirt of tragic for tho Natioa* RED-RIPE TOMATOES fuel oil, he suggested, plenty of anese air force. d ic u p fs o m d IINP MO MON6V—dmply mail the qise from the Hernandes didn’t do badly In Newcomb .... 86 4156 106 J6 Runs batted In—Brown, St als. gas could be supplied the state’s Baplaoemeata, Parts Needed top of a ^iry eaa to Aunt Jenny. But do tl lodoy.' VI hla debut as a starter. H. LaCSiapeUe 6C 6843 105.17 Louis, 13; Marshall, Naw York, Fight Promoten. Tbe day provad more cheery for - fdaha Bakera. Ponntf box 2.5c motorists. SAYS Au n t JfiN N y Lexington, Ky., April M.—AY—RaiM fi Daaohaota ond by tbrae and a half Icngtba to Goodrich ...... 60 6854 114.14 fice desk -only twice a week. Is Campbell, Washington, 17. beating the aamie men In return puohod sown ntaa ocreo# hi tk a ^PEARS to affeOt by the government. 2 5 c N O N t Mra. Pmyno Whitney's Shut OuL It Crown; Mr. Johnston xboutRs last two frames. PINK GRAPEFRUIT, S for 29c and ons-half years of practics in U^tHmaJeatberdoughnuUsweataaed H. B arto n ...... 46 7406 112.14 short and fat. , Doubles— EStaleUa, Washing­ AYOCADOS J. J< O’Connor, chairman of the China—^were excellent. . with eom siiup iasuod ef sugar. was apparent be had dropped out Hillneld ...... 96 6529 110J9 Is Unhappy Gent. He gets an incorrect, mental ton, 8; Higgina, D etroit Kreevlch, Q’Qatty, an Irieh-Itallan battler Tonka Get F n h M '^STRAWBERRIES SEEDLESS executive board of the Connecti­ Chinese fliers, when sufficient­ Pillsbory or Gold Medal- Yale Minus of the Derby field. Madden .... ___43N 4854 103.28 picture of the right sWing for hie Philadelphia, and Kolloway, Chi­ who la 34 years old, fought aoma Th# Naw York Tankas# vtoaq FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT cut OaeoUne Retailers Association ly trained, are more than a'match $UNOAY-Skwwb#rry$liarteakee Smith explained that although N. B a rto n ___..67 6534.102. build. He may be tied up In the cago, 5. 28 bouts last year. Which Is quite donated at 6-4 dedakai kjr tka’ and secretary-treasurer of the N O N t . By Harry Orayaon -LIMES 2 for 25c and 4 for 29e for the Japanese, Pawtey aaserted. A gorgeous Sunday dsssirt, easy, takss Bless Me "didn’t run h' bad^ race. Blanchfield ...'. 44 4365 99.9 back. Because of his stomach ex­ .Triples—J. D1 Magglo, New a number fbr a heavyweight. But PMIadelphla Athlstlc% wfto'nnthlt Ksstern seaboard gasoline confer­ $1.21 no Sugar. ’TVy it with other fnntn too. * vH oop Coach It wasn’t an j^preoslve raea,' eith­ SChniinp ...... 6 946\105.1 New York, April 34.—James Joy panse, he baa to reach for the ball. they aay he would fight every th# world champlona S tn S hn| RHUBARB Nevins’ Indian River Oranges He said he had not as yet seen * GO York, Pesky, Boston, Spence, ence, it was reported declared of any Japanese planes comparable er, and not what we had hoped Johnston, the articulate Boy Ban­ Washington, Suder, PMladelphia, night If the law allowed, i^ d tt he mad# six #iTbn. Tba A’a aHub a l r e d g r p e s S3c and 49e doxen. tbs effects of government gaso- for.” weren't busily engaged os an iroh- A Special 10% Cash Dis- CUK Big 6 Averages dit of Boxing, has loot Ample Abe sod Gutteridge, S t Louis, 3. their runs with a flfth-famhiff hare lins rationing, "they could have m td iA fe f ^Ken Loefler Accepts a Shut Out earned a ''i^ of $10, Gamea Fall Ave. Home rune —Keltner, Cleve- worker by day. rage that ohelled Roolda “iBMk our stations, ttasy could have any­ rotm t Ob A l l Goods H i Simon, hie gargantuan punching' STOUT t Far Salada we will feature Large California Oranges at Bought in Vt Dozen Lot. ALL THESE DESSERTS 043 when he grtloped icroee the Abraitia ...... 69 8029 116.25 OOLFIRSHpULD ■ iand. 8: J. D1 Magglo, New Tork, A cblUing right hand la tha Borowy off the mound. B ut they 45c n doxen. More of those great large Florida Juice thing that’s needed to win tbe war Giptaln’s CommiMion finish line ahead of BIcaa Me and Twarnlte ...... 6l 7061 115.46 bag, because of a chronic back ail­ *'"T HIS FOOM ' Laaba and Stephens, St. Ixwla weapon Gomes use# in disposing had gone down irnrelsaa ta th# ■Oranges at 39c doxen. Onr Winesap Apples and D*Anjou If they would only tell us the a s e i ^ s 79iSNfdiB.sum tiR In A ray Air Corps. a full aeven lengths In front of Hal Goodrich ...... 60 6854 114.14 ment. That la a good move for Si­ .w HIS BUILD, i Heath. Cleveland. York and Har­ of Ms victims. His knockout pK- second after loading tha baae# anS truth." He said dealers were so Price Headley's Equinox, only oth­ Careo .. i.>. 72 8120 113.56 mon as well as boxing. NOT TSV TO ' ord baa attracted oortbern atten­ la the ninth Norman (Hed) Pears met especially fine quality for this time of the confused by varied reports jem the Olery Hearts, Amiable Able was an ingenuous COOV THt ? ris. D etroit and wmiama, Bos­ large bunch ... New Haven, April 34—(F)—Ken­ er horee In the race. H. Barton ...... 66 T406 113.14 STYU OF A f ton, 3. tion and It la said that a party of fanned pinehhltter lOke 1 y*«- ' ■ \ . 4 ■ /' proposed rationing that it is 'vir­ Mn. Whitney's Greentree eta- Wrtekowski .... 60 6603 111J3 fellow In serious danger of getting New York boxing experta are with-tbe baaea agate kwdaff aaS tually Impoafible for them to make neth Loeffler, Tale baoketboU hla brains scramMed.. Hla freakish eoartk M leaving New Haven im- ble*B Derby atoek went aoaring planning to attend the fight to two out. On tba other hand J«a any plans to meet the situation. again with this vlctray^ Devil Riv­ Tsana Avaragaa build and gnarled pan proclaimed look Gomes over. Gordon came through with a otaA . O’Coaaor’B Statement Large, Juicy Siedlataly to accept a captain’s aa iron man, and It took sueh art- Otonmieeiar in the Army Air Corps, er, Ite other leading dertiy candi­ Gamas Fall A^ e. Sports Roundup Both boy# have baen busy in tha glj whan tba Tanka had tb# b##as Mr. O’Connor was quoted as' Oranges, doz. 2 9 t date whose prevknia performances Manchester lats am Joseph Loilis Barrow and loaded In the elahth and knocked saying wholesalers and distribu­ Important News! Read Carefully! an d his departure pr eeenta Tale others to explode the myth. fight gaoaa the paat few months. ^6Nth the protdem of obtaining have bran more outstanding'’ than Motorq ...., 336 36986 110. By Hugh FODartoa, Jr. Gomes knocked out Big Jim Rob­ In two rims for Um margin a t vlre tors of the state bgd greater A sparagus, Shut Out'a was unable to start Bryont'A NaturaUy, Square. Giiy Johnston tory, foOm aartataly apptaclata tha qMitty i atocka on hand at present than at MacHee for three major sports. is’ unhappy about tha whole thing, Wjrte World Sports Oohimals* inson of PhisMelphia in four i2Vi-Ib. b u n ch .. No.aooeeaaor has yet been nam- becauaa of a minor cut on a leg. Chapman 354 38669 109J rounds in February. Ha also got Similariy the Brooklya DodgarS nrMh raonry. EadI weak wa laemaaa aw afder an any time during recent weeks. He 35 c NO SUGAR TO BE SOLD FROM APR. 27 to MAY 8 The sharp tmea In these p e ^ Cham bars especial^ since Sinum bad -some ware help^ to a 9-0 Wumph a t. expressed doubt that rationing to Dr. Bmeraon W. "S^ke” $50,000 M future MlUnga on the Naw York. Appd 34—One noult a 10-round decision «over Buddy We Mc very fkd (and r m fortenate) to be able to advlee oar trade, that we llelaqp. fooCbaU coach who realgar figure that with both Greentree Movors . 314 34136 108.7 Scott, tba only man to knock him Boaton by thraa arrotu and a loi “NATIVE FOWL... FRYERS... officials had given ‘‘due consider- ” ?iaa.6 bar. Get Yonr Supply of Sngnr Yrm have cnoa^eogar to i^vc them THIS WEEK-END, so tiist they need not fo ooita almoet sure starters'ln the Don WUils hooka'whan ha decided to hang up of tbs gas sbortags, according-to of lax iriay\that didn’t ahow up ta I ation” to ^ e investment of Indl- ixed «ii January 1, and "Smoky^oe Mg event May 2, tha atabla rtiou|d hla wig aad greaaf palnL folks whoxtiin sporting camps UK out, OB Mar. A And kayoed BUly Before Mon^y. Night Wood, baaehan coach, haa been Oarage ...... 358 38878 106.6 Hood a t Orlando, Fla., on U b . U . the box score. Bach toam mad# IS. vidual station owners or "to the ^ort over the coodne two treek-period wbon jie sofar is to bo sold. Fiffure o«t provlda planty ef oompatltkm .for Chognot'a Blit K taken morh^Qian a retire­ north, wUl be increaaad popularity MU and aavSn pitchers Saw sare BROILERS AND ROASTERS investment of the individual mo­ o f N ex t W eek! W e Have Mtlflad that hla contract will not of canoe camping trips . . . Aqd O’Gatty has met Lem Franklin, MW much yoo will need (don’t overload!) Make op the rest of year older and either jHMTSMWod after tha currant ssa- an comers. ■■ FIrechtefs .. 347 37386 IOTA ment to.put the quietus on the Boy vloa tn the melee, whlcb BrooUya The Roasters wiU weigh np to 4 Vi pounds, nresh L. L ' torist in his car.” . It for Yon! Bandit. With SImem goue, the we’ll guarantM that if you padiUa HoBliy Allen and the unbeaten nailed down with a ftva-nin flurry can it ia or conw down to Moriarty Bros. 337 35007 100.4 across a couple of portagea and Jimmy DaChard during the past Dncklings, 5 to 6 pounds. Loaflflar rsvaaled last night that Prefer WooS^Bhotto. WfauMta members of the press, trainers, In the fifth, punctuated by P«t# promoters, as well as the dilet­ sleep on the groundja few Bights, four mouth#. He dropp^ an eight- Reteer’s two-r\m homer. In 4-ponnd Roasting Chickens we offer special Premium Bleaching He MN obtalnad tha comiMastoa, Nfew Toik.—Oane*8araxen eaya *Abraitla--Hlgh Avaraga...ll6J6 you won’t need any obotacla round dedalon to I>eCherd last most top-ranking goU profiealon- PoUnau—High 3 Stringifi—409. tantes of Jacobs Beach are In for The Cincinnati Reds sUgodthoIr' Brand. A limited number of Turkeys. Water, 2 gals. F O R F I N E and aaid ha had been ordarad to aome-unhappy days courses to toughen you up . . . One Tuesday at Washington. eos St «wsfy 3 5 c report for duty in California next als use wood-ahafted puttera be­ Wahdiowakl—High Slngls.100. Mggast rally a t tha yaor to aeec# cause they bova more fael tlma . *0. Abraltla bad high alngla of Tba Uttla man In the plug hat ouggeatloD for conserving golf rive runs In tha sevefith inning aaS Rump Roasts. RIB ROAST PORK ...... lb . 3Sc FOODS H% soould usa a threerquarten balls Is for tbe U.8.0-A. to elimi­ Under proposals announced In Cloudy Ammonia, '^^^haakeAaU rheator, who the steal-iriiafted. n o , hut In accordance with'Leagua eaa now concantfate. hla fire on hla beat tha PltUbuigh Plrato#, 84.’ Veal Roasts. Fancy, Fresh, Genuine - FOSTER'S other, protege, Robert Pastor, and swing. nate Rule 34, wMeb fOrMde switch­ John Vender Meer pltched-flva-fctt Washington, . automoblla owners jquart bottle, 84 OAKLAND ST. v" ’ FREE DELIVERY DIAL 738« to Tale from Geneva Ool- nilaa la entltlad to : seven and had been angagad for next Ittaburgh Negro, offers Ray .(8u- Pastor, on hla record, must ba man kaapa Ms awtag ia dose to One hit In six Innings Ire John Loa­ STAMPS. Please nmkc yoor week-end order at least $2.00. . racognlaad as tha ^number ona his body to prevent It'from ool- one for puttjng . . . Now will all Meet at Pena ning. V This week-end we will feature all but the first three riba squares entitling holders to an season but Ms agieamant' with ^ ) Robtaaon $10,000 to box Mm you guys wMvevar beard a t Rule I as yet undetermined unit of gaso­ TaJo contalnad a clausa lelaaslaff r the right to ehaUenga Freddie Bid Farewells haavywelghh challtagar of tha day. l^wlag. Hla build gives Urn ths Lou Novikoff, thw Mg buit ef of PRIME ROAST BEEF at 37c to 39c Ib. Most of our ftbn for mUltary aarvioe. Louis Mnuwtf admits It The for­ leverage hs aeada. M ralM your h a^T .. . For the the Chicago Cum last year, line. Service station attendants Ooebrane, weiterwetfht champion. first Ume In y ran . the apeelal Lamb will be genuine Spring,, . (some from Glaston­ would tear off, mark or punch a - Here Are Bifys/' mer New Tork University football ’The short stout felloWa "oor- Top Flight Athlries "busted” a auth-hmlng home run - bury) ... and you may have very small and medium stxe aquara for each unit delivered. To BychoUld star has m ent 31 rounds Inoide the poratlon” means loot Isvaraga. train from New Yorii to the Ken* to decide a'pitchm g duel n. ropes with the Bomber, which la Ha must roach, tor the ball to tuCky Derby woo’t a^ run thla - Vie for , Honors at Bill Lee ahd Max Lanlader ta fSvo#, L e ^ Holders wouldV SUOARLESSbe'^rmitted to buy WEEK STARTS MONDAY! spring. Ne Wt JEXAS ONIONS 2 U».19c something' to Intrigue a -member compenoata for this. I t the taU a 3-1, he St. Louis Try a Shoulder of this Genuine Spring iLamb.. .boned COMBINATION NO. 1 ... A ritNTf or room ur rsoMri^ Polish Americiiuis Dine of tha Gestapo. man reaches too much, with hla Penn Relays Today. cardinals. Eqai taam mads sevon and rolled or with chops cut' off.. .serve with Bqkcd Foncy/ Rips STRAWBERRIES Z baskets 29c Mora thaa that, ha .la gunning Idag arms plus 43 inches of TedOy'e Ooest Star' hlU. Ust. N l^t.fft Villa for aaotbar 6hot at the champion wooden dub, he’s got too miieh to . Bob Stedler, Buffalo Bveolng Philadelphia, April 34.—(F>— 'The New York GtSnU contlaueA Brown Potatoes.. .Mint Sauce!. .Brown Gravy. Shoul- 5 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR - all ^ News: "Max SchoBellng is to re­ dera should average around 11.29 each. Fancy Grsen ASPARAGUS 2 Lbs. 29c and may -get i t C3eveland thinks ooatroL Moet. of the natlon’e top-flight their timely hitting to down th#' Louisa; Meet Tonif^t. It can seD 100,000 tickets to a r That’s why you can’t recom- turn to tba ring. Ona way to satUa track and field athletes took over Phils, 5-2. They made nine MtA 2 LBS. BROWN SUGAR tor this w ar would be to put Mm In >reahly Chopped ASSORTED t Dozen 39 c Faator-Loais go In tb# huge Muni­ msnd a set form for all golfers. FranUln Field today In the 48th two less than the Uilendera JUMBO JUICE ORANGES Tho mombars of tha jPoliab- cipal Stadtnm thla oummar, pro- It is obvious that tbe matter a t the ring with Joe Loula. But that unveiling of the Penn Relaye—the PINEHURST (X)LDCUTS...... lb. 49c 2 LBS.4XSUGAR ' ' American club met at tha VUla eaada to ths MacArthur iBoniber stature, build and physical chafac- would ba akin to murder, and after first major' metry-go-rouna of the GROUND BEEF » GROTE’S FRANKFURTS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c Louisa laM Mght Sad paM a Sm Fund. • ' Urlstlcti'-i'dataRatne a plaj;ar'a all this country la still humans and mitdOOP RMEOIL 33c Ib. 2 lbs. 65c SAUSAGE BACON 3 CANS TENDER SWEET PEAS . tribute to Johnny BydiMaM triM Pastor aaada hla debut as. an fCim. ' honorable.” "Ifeariy 8,(X)0 college o^d high While They Lastl 2 Bunches 15c laavaa for earvlea with Uncle amateur In the Mg rtty. turned ■ehool athletto are entered in tbe Fancy CARROT^ Barn's DavU D o n ‘the United prnfeeelnnal but not uatn this year It may ba Just tha InSuanea o< French Fried Popcorn . rlOc COHBINATIONNO.> ALL « Next: Staaca.'' twoslay, 74-event program which Fancy SPINACH or DANDELIONS 3 Lbs. 25c Stataa Marihaa No other club la iMui h e cut any lot In OdthanL In all that publidty'the scribes gave faaturee, like test year, the great Potato Chips v; .10c and 29e this aictioo haa loot oo asany alar 18S$r he beat the then-touted Boh New Haqipehlre's Boo Moroom laet stretch duele between |.rooffi oa tha eotaida, o f tha foot, aad an of tha mambars are nigsd m a t California, and Uautanant Glenn KEDS ^ D elivery o n orders (minimorn Saturdays $2.00) and 4 Cons Cream Style Corh attend. 'Hm offlrtala of tha baokot- Negroes So did w m ard, Dempsey. tbe Twl league which opens on May fund wMch was ralaed tqr taking Funk ofHhe Marine Oorjw, former jtabbre aaia shoes wan*l h# l^ t r of clerks to help serve you here in the store. WHOLE APIHGOTS , COFFEE, Lb. ______3 0 e tte f fot it—ia Borahalitta with nartwadfab baU taam whto to dose out the Turaiey aad earners" 18. Tha practice tonight la called m a ooUactlon at. Bowling Oreeq, Nebraska-distance, star. hooka for tha past ssaaoo. On Sun­ Paoror's feverish ring acttvlty tor S ddock ahaip. In ., whan they ehowed the moviee In addltloB. an servica man In avaOsaie aaaeh loaaar. Bqr MM iPhone hy feOO Tor morning delivery. ...by 2:00 SUCED PEACHES K ||e M kI m i 4 Cant ureen As^rogus Cuts day aftanoon. at Pulaakl hall on boootad Mac- to the rung bdow. kOf Western Kentucky*# gamoa In uniform will ba admitted free. r afloraoon delivery. Come in and look Around.... BARTLETT PEARS F lo rd b d h n S mmm ...... $ 1 0 .5 0 North straat tba ctoh win raoatva t/Mda In the fight ladder. WhQe Off la a Raak the Madtonn Square Garden bas­ North Texas State's teachers ^fMuAon tho Turnpike side if the front la crowded. SCOT TISSUE, 12 Rolls . .$1.00 4 Cons Fine Lima Beons tba |tafa laagua trophy whan.R BUly Oonn fU m d and waltad for ketball toarnament . . . Oaoega ware Mg favorites la tbe balf-mUe BostoRiffR S i i ^ ...... 8 .9 5 boUsSta annual baaquaC. aaotbar Louis shot (wMeh ha win * 'Phlladdphia.—George Hrtn,'cap- Maj% who .put over tho X u rrtay wMdi they wob lost year, al­ OSANO’S SPAGHETTI- SAUCE WITH OUR COLD CUTS WILL SOLVE TOUR 4 Bottles Moraschina Cherries uadm^tadly get) Pastor, kept ea tala a t the Peaasyhrania baseball O' Siantar opaa golt touro^ la a though .the Ttxaas faced aoch MUSHROOMS ...... Jsr 25f LUNCHPROBLEM! HwjrCsaHBsBsffl! FlffnfiH ^ SbfffM ...... 6.5 Q up Tliham aaid oulr.to oaousHr oC bua awtaglng aad wtaning. Ra la pop- team aad Baatora IntercoUegtata Mg way at CMcago last-aaramar. crack teams aa Fordham. Setou alar—at hosaa aad abroad bow— batting -chamMoa last season, repmta th at more than lijMM Ban. Doka, Pjtt, Oonan, sad 3 Cons PgocliM or Pears i’^pwBilipassi^ capahls clever aad wOhaig. staotM thla year with Mae hits in tickets alfsady hava been aold ta r tanova. Daks waa after aoiothar JhaMF-Joy Jnhaetoa koa aoata- bla first IT trips this year's evont . . . Whan and if dwaapioaahqD M the 440 relay. KLEIN 'S FOOD STORE 3 Cons Ptuif Cocktail JuM M unn thiag to crow about this Uaos the Poughkaapaie Regatta la held Al WnalB, Oeorgatowa’s great w E i a i " ' FWa'di T m R q rtrt (latest r e ^ la th at It wUl ba shotputtar w to hoMi tka caamvajra 161 CENTER 8T. " Onen SiwdM Morninnst D IA L 3256 G L E m S Y ’S I «|M6 AM. Juna S at flyneoat), the erewa record at 85 fbat •% taakaa, akff '-m ’ Froodi Ooffgw arm hava oo^ two. .ar.thna days Baroey Kiirrtl P m Stated >vA r, J s 'in kMOBN U x ox- ef training at tha scans inatoad at jrtar. ovonhadDoad tha - m ------\ . *tkaf------—“ T'- ■ X ■ ^ nA^cnc8'l'SR EvenJNO fH;RALiO, bhanchestEK, co n n . ntroAT, AFRlt 24, IMt •MAHCHB8TBR BVBNWO HERALD. MANqiBSTER, C6 NH. nUDAY, APRIL 24,1942 I T I ^ PAGSriFTI^I

SBO RYDER GnrcfakRcd hypredbarmae ^ .W. Sense and Nonsense Ao d e o r B e n e fit E.QUAL AnOUNTf b u y Yes, Btasar.^thers are two sides \%M ■F >«8|W ■ He—Why shtmld a man trbubled IT/ Yeaydago, whan I flrst^ca^M to to every quertion. There are also with gout maka Us wUL NaFr^ork. Mark Twain i»va a two sid^ to a sheet of flypaper, She . Bscauss he will then have s : " 7 and it mdkas a great deal of dif­ Us Isgstsss. er ta my hoaork Tbor«N(rere X -. ■ X AittoRiobH es for Suit Help Waated^Feiaalt 86 HonselioM Goods 81 72 *1Ualoyal acts and eonthwMKi op - ome 30 distinguished guestapf^ ference to tha fly which side he ta ItMrt aai Fond Lost mod Found poaltlan to the policies ot tho Umt- «»• . ______, Window trlm- A Tough Break For Hamilton Lewis Would at, and aa tha dtaner progrem a. This is BO Urns far eaiamlty- ______iY ArrBHNOON, LOST—PASS BOOK NO. S8481— KUR SA L£—1988 P O W buainM GIRLS INVESTMENT PROPERTY on ad Mine worinra." Ho did not ap­ I becamo panicky. \ h o w le r s .- r~.— Notice la liareby (iven that- Pmaa coupe, (ood Urea, excellent coiw mer, sail ■tock room work. -V Good Break For Y ou.... , ' Strloklnad atrsot Four family, 33 pear for trial and waa expallod for. you Teel w d l T" adked Mr. '^ Teacher—Johimy. where are ele- rAiiRloacd told chain and Apply Grant Oo., 816 Main Forced to rellnqulah our S. lmms Tragedian—I think it within my ICatai atraet Reward. Call Book No. 33481 iaaued by The dlUon throughout. Pbo|M 4414. rooms, good repair. First class ^aiding and abetting aa Clemeru.. - .pnanta usually found? right'to ask for. real wtos ta the street of New Furniture, makihg our reSMeatial ssctlon, o m mtants to Ousi Murray 8 . Hianna, SS19. Savlnsa Bank o^ IfanCheater haa . ------N tlon dupl ta purpuae aad < "Tm scared to death." I said. 'T Jbl^y—Taacher, they aren’t banqusttag scans. home ,jritb mother, diaya. Mr. bus Uno, aoUtag to cloat aa as- to tba UnltM/Mtaa Wo know that I shall ba called upon ------been loat or deetroyed, and writ­ , FlorteU—Narseiics 16 -A FEW MORE good \ . Managsr—Right, old man. AiU ten applICAtioii haa been nutde to Hamiltvn’s letter. Th^’a why you tate.. Can show by appointment. America." Green ta speak and Tm sure I shan’t be -perhapa you’d Uka real poison ta I for wrapping email plants, can buy this Ltvtnp Room. Bed­ Chaa. J. Strickland, 'Trustee, 168 From Miners came h member of the^ , Manchester . aaM bank by tha Peraon in whoae BEIST TOIE TO TRANSPLANT warm work room. Burr able ta rise from my chair. When The outcome of tha struggle Is the death scene. *. room and Kitchen complete with Main. Phone 7S7A Union. 1 stand up, mYtttad alts down!” sharply put to us; To vanquish or, name aueh book waa tm ed , .for treea, blue--apruce, and all otbe^ Slureerlea auceasoriea for ’ WonM Mean Op^mle SnOt Take a walk—don't liatan to tha Herald payment of the amount Of depoelt evergreena and ahad* treaai Rich Labor Sourceg Concede “ Eddle,'^ said mg host, “ it may to die. ' ^ ■ \ news broadcasts aS the fiaM. —♦167.75— FOR SALE—8 ROOM single Expulsion of Murray, authorita­ help If you keep one thing in mind .. . ■ ' ’’v ;■ repreaented by aaid book, or for loam. AU at low price. Alwa^ salesladies w a n t e d — F u U dweUtag, oil bumer« Sreplace, tive aouroes agroe, would moan aa AdvcrtlMacata Unm. work. Apply McLeUan’s Only $18.77 Delivers It Ineritabilitj of ’n Show* —Just remember they don't expect Profeaaor.i(sp8ektag on phone) the laeuaace of. a duplicate book open. Phone 8-3091, 879 Bumalde Read HM ilton’a latter and sec this tile bath and a t.vo ear garage. organic atalt'^iween tha Uhited —You any that TOy Smith has a \ It la only ^ people with puMi ■at aUi aVeras* werda te a liet. therefor. Ate., Kaat Hartford. store. V m uch!" • ■ M b m aad aMrevtaUeni grand home of furniture at AL­ Apply Edward J. HolL Manebes- down; Expected to Muia Wqckm aad tha CXO, and I have never since been self-con- bad cold and will not ba able to who h av^ pull. ■at aa a Wetd aad eeaveaad GIRLS O A WOMEN V.anted. No BERT'S. 768 So. Main St., Water- tar. TaL 6417 or 5U A banco a^thlrd labor movement. Tha attend school to. Don’t let -Very truly yours Washington, April 34. — UP) — D igest WITH MAJOR HOOPLB ianttei aafoa ir, latw WANTED—WOMAN FOR gen- ALBERTS bf.tha, fday adyartlalaa alvaa npoa raauaat. call 7313. Reward. Oo., Elm street ’ • ^ quality furniture. Your credit la Phtita Murray, culmtaatlni^ not GTAM OTOBC P0« A SCULPTOR, Ada aidarad bafera tha third or good. Benaon'a Fum., 713 Main. bouae on Osntar street. WUUam would not discuac It. They tease and torment us and o u T o w r r — SPIES.'— AND MX REWARD IS A <"iAeaa Moeing—Trackinf— b o o k k e e p e r W a n t e d , eteadr KanehL Teleplume 7778. oidy ta Murraye probable displace­ Blay SpotHght Streagth drive us to ala— MB’* BEEM SOT HERE. VOO iati'h day will aa ehaivad only tor ment as vlee president of the Uni­ MEDAL TNKT . tea aqtaal aaaabar at tlaaa tha ad Annoancemonts Storugu 20 employment '"Good salary, age POR SALE—BREAKFAST Nook The first constitutional conven­ Say—Look a t the blonde that Just PlCtOKj CAISIE.S a r e UlDlNG IM ; aepearad. akarslhs at tha lata aam* Im m aterial./Apply, at once 1007 FOR SALE—« ROOM ^HOUSE. ted Mine Workers but ta an at­ tion of the Steel Workers Organ­ came in. ala. h i s U F B A CAMPAIGN Sp e e c w S r n W :a# hat no aljowaaea ar rataada aaa ari,^ tool ch est hossk chairs, North end of town. Inquire 20 tempt to expel him from member­ TUB BASEMENT the awda oa aim tlma ady ate»aad STORAGE Main atre^t, Holland Clean era bureau, assorted household fur- ising Committee, opeiUng In Cleve- WHILE SOM E- Moring and Packing. The Auatin Marble street or telephone 8517. ship as wsU. Imid on May 19,' ts expeated to Form good habits—they are as VjmA TUE TIN ^aifar tha fltth day. WANTED CHILDREN to care for i.iehiOgf, tuxedo suits. Td. 8190. Aoaoog significant recent deveU taOCNEtneHELO TWEX PORC3ET WE MEROSS / ' Ma m il farhld^; diaolay llaaa aOt In my home. Phone 3-0388. A. Cbambera Oo. Telephone 626C 17 Oeratrd street spotlight Murray's strength ta the hard to break sa bad onss. ■m’ BuuJ CANS,' p.haid, JIclp Wsntcd—Male 8« opments were these: labor movement. He la chairman MUST EAT ? ' The Baiald will not ha raaponalbla Lots for Solo 78 1. Three top officials of the Unl- . aiora than oaa Incorraot inaar- TOR SALE—10 PIECE walnut of the 8WOC, which probably lyill Isaitaiyman^TnnnHI^^oSr fthm at any adrartiaamant arMrad Aotonobiles for Sale R iepairing 26 yfXNTED—TWO m e n at once, become the United Stm I Workers ' or landscaping. Full day or ninlng room sat; Kelvlnstor re­ FOR SALE—BUILDING lots, on ble, lady? 3 let aMta than aaa tima. frigerator; Florence two burner Broad atrest, *dth 830 ft. front­ of Amert^, Informed parsons Mrs Newdrivsr—Thay say that k te a laadvaruat oralaaloo at in- FOR SALE—1941 OLDSMOBILE WANTED TO TUNE repair ai^ part day. Apply 8:00 p. m., J. S. say he Will become Its president. _ _ pabileatlon ot adaarUaias deluxe aedan, with all *'^traa. r^^guIaU your piano or playCr oU. heater; living room aet; oil age, conter Strickland. Price rea­ I have a short circuit Ou you '.wiii ha raauilad only by eana_^Boallatlon W olcott 117 Hollister, street hot water heater. Call week days sonable. can Center Tailor. Tsle- Before LeWls stepped do«m as lengthen it while I wait, please? VWLR • a * 'A taA Good Urea, .exce’lent conation. TeL Maneheater 5053y vdd tha oharet mada tor/tba aarylea after alx, Saturday afternoon or phone 7543. resident of CIO to be eucceaded Inquire 180' Tolliuid Turnpike. y Murray,' he often called Mur­ Bo n d s All adrariMmanta.. inuat eoatena LAWN MOWERS SHARrtCNED WANTED—FIRST CLASS paint­ Sunday. 14 Newr an street Unless a man haa scored at leaat atyla. aap^Mid Urpodraphy with Tel. 8379, N ers Call aftM 8 o'clock 8746. ray "my strong right arm." At(cr one failure ha ta uimblc ta appre­ and recondiUoneJ . |l.,3ft. Snow the puling of the ways Lawts ex- s t a m p s • adAOlatlena aatoroaa by tha pabilah- Bros., 386 Summit. Telephone POR A l e —ONE LARGE dou- Rofori Property for Sale 74 ciate euccesa. ■ — Md thay r ^ n a tha rleht ta. 1940 RONTIAC Deluxe aedan A-1 ROUTE m a n w a n t e d . Good erteed his influence tnflu on organised t mdtUon. Reaaonable. Finance 4581 or 4506. ble mahogany bed, with box raalaa or taiact any copy eon- pay. Apply New System Laun­ spriiws and mattrehs, two single B j LTON LAKE FRONT*,... Kta labor through his presidency of ohJaetipnabiA terma adranged. Phone 3809. with water and electricity avall- the Unitec Mine Workers, which Gladya—Wby did you break off __ DURS—Claaainad aaa >L^O TUNINQ^' and repairing, dry, Harrison street beds with box epcing and mat- your engagem ^ with that good' ha pabUahad aawa day maat ha ^ ^ r plan^^ specialty. John treaaea Tel. 3388. tble. Good roads iuid lota of he holds undudienged. looking young doctor? Ivad by It o'clock noon 8at*r> 1938 PLYMOUTH aedan. good shade. Also several good lake- loa#. condiUon, radio, heater, 3835. 18 Oobkerbam, 28 Bigelow street. Sally—Oh, It was his awful w rit­ - Live Stock—Vehicics 42 front cottages for aale. Edward ing. Every time I bad a letter from Auburn Road. Teiephone 4085. Tel. 4319. J. HoU, Manchester. Tel. 5118 or aWtphoRd Your Want Mm rOR SALE—ONE JERSEY cow, Machinery and Tooia; 52 him I had to take it ta a dniggtst . A4b era aceabtad/ o'aar the tala* WANT A USED CAR Bargaint LAWN R o w e r s sharpened, oil­ 6873. Advice on Buying .. to find out what was ia It at tha CHARaB Ra t s alvan i m PadMTd acoan 375, 1936 ed, adjuAted, picked up and de­ milking 13 quarts. Mhxwril USED CLETRAC "SO” excellent Given Houaevdve* .aa a aonvanatnea to.advar* Dwaota sedan, $198, 1937 Ford l i v e r $1-35. Here $1.00. Repair Hutchinson. Andover. Tel. Willi- condition. Oliver bog barrows, bat tha CASH RATBS will ba manUc 157-Wl. By The Associated Preee Save er Slav* _ ptad aa rU U . PATMBNT It coach, 3175, 1938 Chevrolet coupe Power mowers sharpened spreaders, large selection of good repalreo.\We sharpen hedge used tractors. Dublin 'Tractor it Friend—How old would you say ^.oatd at tha bualnaBa offica on or ba- $125, 1M7 Chrysler aedan $195, Should Not T she Is? .X vlhoa tha aavaath day tellowtaa tha 19$7 r iy mouth ccnipe $315, 1938^ and graaa ahears. sclanora, knivea, Company, Prp-/(d(hce Road, Wll- The cost of living need not .'1m e:dUat .taaartion ot aaob ad othacwiaa Poaltry and SoppHcs 43 Itniantlo. if you buy wisely. Doctor—Oh. sontaWhers In the t t i o CHAROB RATS wlU ha aallaat- Naah aedan $385. All aales Hn^h etc. Saws sat and A M . p u r 18th To Reform World middle fUrties. V«R Ro raapenalblllty tar arrora la year. Capitol Orindlng Oo., 681 The State Deparlmeat of Agri­ y.Pwn.uaM 5 Aa tyadea Must have 60 p er^ t T~~" ' ^bBaOboaad ada will ha a aaawad and cash. Balance can iw flnaticed. Lydall. TeL 7958. FOR SALE—TURKEY eggs. Tel. culture and the State Defense *Vor your Anal dispalch rider's lest, follow that rabbit's. THE WkOPlER •V-JV MONOR. . lhair aeearaey eannot ba enaraa- Wanted—To Bay 58 Council provide'the following ta- Bad habits art wendsrfuliy MO PROFIT IS Bmnner'a 80 Oakland .Street. 2-0316. Boston, A p ril' 24.—(8^—Myron faithful friends. trail!** UtK TeL 6191. / MOWERS SHARPENED, repair-^ fonnatlco to Connecticut oonsum- ad, shear grinding, key StUng. WANTED TO BUY two single C Taylor, who was President era on thb thrifty buys ta local WE BUT USED c a ^ c S s h . 1940 d'jpUcaUng, vacumii cleaners etc. ArtklcB.for Sale 46 b.-ds, springs and mattresses, 2 Roosevelt'S pereonsl represents- PhUp M « m y a ton s: Patient—Will you pleaM explain BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES A Conffested Aren BY EDGAR MARTIN ' Ptymouth special duuxe sedah, overhauled. Bralthwalte, 53 Pearl buresua, with mirrors, and scat­ live at the Vatican, said last night Meats: VeaLlarab, beag (raoder- the difference between nervCua- SIPE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH ter rugs. Call 3408. that Americans should avoid try- ted Mint Workers (CIOl told Mur­ neae and shyness. 1940 Plymeuth A dooR 1989 atraet. -r'' ate^^ NSS'.TWE V»OLi*0 N A FDR SALE—BIRD HOySES 50c lr.g "to reform the world and bend ray In a letter the union probably Poultry: Bralllng and roasting Doctor—J*retty women make me vS TWVS CSievrolet deloxa^town sedan. 1937 WANTED TO BUY biby's play shy. Their husbands mske me ncr- 9 A « U VS UV4.E MK"? Gpevrolat deluxe sedan. Cole Up. 218 Weet Center street. it to our way of thinking, Would do some "housecleanlng" at chickens. PrlTst* Instrnetioiis 28 pen. Can 7080 between 7 and 8 its October convention. Fish: Buck shad, cod, Iwddoek. -Toue. AVO'^OL.'lN U E L O N S Motor*—411 t- ■ .. ■ p- m. wUy. *To do that is to do only what 3k The miners continued to with* floundera. LAST lOieUT S O C T A p i a n o TEACHER — CSrieton FOR SALE—COW manure. 11 our enenUes are trying to do," he The told the annual Massachuaetts bold pw capita tax payments to Vagetablea: First native aspars- 'he sympathetic clergyman la VlOMESVCU, Schuster, 85 West Oanter street, Lewis street / ' the CIO. which Murray heads, gas, rhubarb; best buys, daadeHou an English viUsgc called on an VOAftlO’T - Maneheater, Telephone 3-0368. Rdonw Without Board 69 Conference of Christians and while asking repaymsnt of about aldarly pariah lady to Inquire If she BOLTON LAKE JewA grtans, spUadi. eahhdge. carrota, UEY PLEASANT ROOM suitable for $1,8801,000 advanced to the CIO ta beetn celery. wers ‘unnefved by Nasi bombars Fuel and Feed 49-A "Ws can no more Impose a pat­ its fisdgllita days wh«B Lewis was roaring overhead. "No, Indeed, FOR SALE Bnsinesa Opportwiitita 82 two gen.lemen. Call at*180 Oak tern of thought on the world than Fruits: Valencia ocangaa, grape- SUMMER CAMP FOR SALE—ABOUT 20 tons of Its chief, 'nie overdue per capita fruit. Baldwin and' wtaeMC MMp applet. your reverence," she replied. "1 ' s tr w t Upstairs or telephone 7060. our enemlea can impose a pattern tax now totals about $80,000. get all the ahelter I need oy read 4 knnseyaad S other ImUdliigs F*OR aaiJi — RESTAURANT. hay, located at Bolton, 820 a ton. of thought upon ua" Eggs: Undisived and reUsoo- caa be arnMged far year reanA Price reasonable. Inquire 9t Oen- ROOMS FOR RENT. GenUemen 8. CaO officers rtplled with a ably priced. tag the Bible. Then I have a glass Apply Eldward J. H olt Phone dun for the per capita payments of whiskey and go off ta bad aad dwABhaip a t a tar street 5117 or 5118. prtferrad. 80 Weet Center street. Telephone 7094. Slip and Panties and declared that while ‘‘all work­ ■ ------^ ^ . tay. "To hell with 'em!" WIb Mi aad Saaaaaer.eaerte. ers throughout the nation owe a Driving Lice^^ roE A L FOR A BOYS* OR HouaefcoM Goods 61 deep debt to the ynttwl Mine Boarders Wanted 59-A Workers Of America, this debt HOLD EVERYTHING GIRLS’ CAMP. RUMMER ONE WEEK RUO SPECIAL! All cannot be measured in dollars." Branch Is Busy HOBIE OR A COMMUN. 9x13,ioor planned $49.50 ruga ROOM AND BOARD. Young wo­ They expreseed the opinloa the n r SETTLEMENT. FOR SALE reduced to $44.50. Rugs are get­ men. reosonahle. Clean com fort­ Mine Workers "did hot and do not able atmosphere. Convenient to eonstdsr" the money advanced for — 7^ Elevatlaa abciat S09 /feel. ting ecarce. Get your- now! Your Exa^y 788 renewals wore Issuw^ O t e hmd avalM M ia tibe R ea son d ile credit la good at Benson’s Fum. Cheneys, shopping and bua line. oFganlsatioo purposes sa a debt to 7)8 Main. can be rgpald ta doUa.* aad cents. at the branch ,(^ice of the Motor BfgeaB eo See* Threat 9 o*?E SACRIFK^D AT VAiicle Depfftment here ytat^r; Package Store ' POR SALE—TWO BLACK Glen- The 'iHWHMicleanlng'* sugaMtKm day. Thia double tho amount A FRACTION OP ITS wood ranges with SUen Glow Oil Sabarlkui for Rent - .66 wa« taterpreted wldriy as a ureat WASH TUBBS ./ of 1841 few the llrat two days the The' Old Story • COST. With Good Income huriieri. 138 School atreet or Tel, sURNismoj ooTrAcns Srt-« o f aaptdaioD from memberahip, In- Apply 7770. roomA Electric kltchena. Imme­ asmuhb as the miiiera, do not. ofnea wha opened. Chief CJark ehQOM their officers at conven- IN T H I EDWARD J. BOLL Good Lojcation FOR SALE—EIGHT PIECE din­ diate poeeeanloii. Apply ‘Toeaer's" Go’ shl Lodwltb stated this morn­ NAIdEOP South street. South .Oo veutry. S tloiim. That U done by referenda, ing that the, branch oteea would MANCHESTEB ning room set 4 piece bedroom tha M3ri of which will be held ta be op8n an dSy Saturday from 3:80 MY PlOPLf, Telephaae 8117 #r 8SI8 ~ W rite B ox L* H erald set at 318 Spruce etreet Tele- miles from MaachesUr. December. Moreover. Lewis has (Or year ewa Breker) Ln tha ouimitig untU five In the 1 , TtTO phooe 8074. tha constitutional powsr to remove aft^wxm. BOLtUAR. .Wanted to Rant •8 Murray from his $18,000 a year Job as vloa president "for taauboedtaa- The branch office ta loeatad on BID MOU TWO RBFINBD QUIET adidtg. Uon or Just sad sufficient cause." Leimard etreet / In the Amulcan WEU»ME Neweetaera Ts no' children, denln to rent house TTnlM Mine .Workers’ soureew Le^co Home. Renewals must ,be U It b laaaraara Pa* Waat! or npartment m Manehanter or already were speaking of John ocmpletsd htta on or baton llva GET IT NOW I Sea vldnlty. V tm aam X . Writs Boa P, OTsnty of Pittsburgh as the next o'clock n a t Thursday evsntag | MeKINNBT’BBOmatS Harald. , TifSE mnEtiVint when tha branch will cloae and re­ AO FeeaaaCi A fta r tb e AFL-CIO apUt four turn to beddquarters in Hartford. years ago AF1> President William Leonard atreet is directly^aeroas € 8 fi-om the State Armory on Main„ 8 9 B M a b 8 t„l r, Ooaa. Waatnd to Rimi Green wna cited by the Miners* |ta.i»weviaA«wwiti.*e.T ■ w a a e w Iktsmaucnal Executive Board for stmt. t^ G R VALLEY COAL ffi CLEAN, HARD, AND RBSPECTABLB COUPLE, «n- FREE OP CLINKEB8! oaDsnt rffanness dsaU* 8 or 8 I ’That Kuy ninkea me ner- H ere, yoang m an, stand up and let m e m easure this room fumlshsd or uafumtahod r V0U8—fie nlwnye fine to across j’our tnouM era,— you're juat about m y grandson’i apartmaat, rant no bbjset: Qnltt i t i g QuiU keepbueyr nrighbothood prefsrrsd. Writs i i i e . " ' Mancheder Lumber & Fuel Co. B o x K .H e m d . / PHONES: 8148. Xvealaga 7781 er 8388 7833. ITOONERVILLE POLKS 288 Ceater Street FOR SALE BY FONTAINE POX 3-ACRE PLACE with «- room hovaa, 2-car gsrate. S in c e G r a n p a S i m s Ib e « a n t o k e e p h i s Ea r *m uM P E T in p l a c e .. A L t ^ O O l * Ready To Travel Afl BHidenu On tho out- aUrta of town. Priced for PUBUC LEAVE tTHIS A WETjLOUtyBE’ ZNKTE TO OO ' HOT STUFF! TODAY’S WINNING qoldi aaki B ydfoeae, ▼ fu just i 'Th»Sk.:BUT / 7 l S 7 H B O N L V i/ m / T 'C A N B e IN GLASTONBURY ~ 7- NOTICE 7*MCX>?MV < /»2 T IH C A rE S ^ ^ ( THIS^SCND THCfA eeeero oevore Adv*’ Room Boost. Stcaai hast H m Town o f MnnchSntsr wIB MUCH-AJeeOBD SCiBNCBl DAILYDOUBLE! >MVCT13 THE \ VKJB-,DOCWaJ_ f JSUkTC 1 ^ / f^OO M D and 2Vi acres of hud. Higli aeoopt Wds nt tho ofllco of its MVOOUNimN lU elevatioa., Handp to Air­ -- \ MArmtt,>Nrm/Bfe0LADTOPLJrA..^^^®^®^* X LEAVE 'EfA Water Department until h YOU? ■ I/. - THERE FOR THfS eM ef^se^^cv’d 1987 craft. o'doek P. M. Friday, May 1st. FO RD COACH 1943 for tho * eoostnietlon of mmwr .j : :oHBTi$«-7nbs3Vi I. durationf 6-ROOM HOUSE oo West anattsry ssworo oq McKso |78 Down -> Balance Oaa Be enter atraet. A naaged. Stmot, Oom M SMwot a a i MU- die TunvOm Bast. > m ' A n eee places are readp for oceivoiiej May L - 1935 F nitbor taifOnnatloti coocs^ CONSTANTLY IN ORDER NOT TO HISS THE^IR'RAIO S iRBN , ITIS ... tag tha above may be had at tha ' I’b d f t i FORD PICK-UP offlee o f tba Watar DepartaMnC, nips to bo Stuart J. Wasley F.‘ H. PABBBB. «nA. summsr wardiobslgynasis ssek DO YOUR PART tag A pattam whkh will give you WORK. FKM4T AND E U V a property cu t MIp gnd eondeetable DCrCNSK BONDS pantiss — t a models which are BRUNNER’S not ttldiy to sew — hsrefs tha 1 ’HM Read Herald Adm. anssrar! Our ahp reqnirah only a law darts thmm^ qs^esn^ to FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Hatchlnf A Scheme s S e h w ffl TE smniilhly andsryoar C\ H aidL M kI BY JOHN C. TERRY, Ughtast *a sr fkoekA Flntah plata X G U E 9 6 or with aasrow taea allglig. VOLfD U K E ME TO TAKE ^IMI nCLOOHNT VOU 6C«aiiAwy/7M*7)461M9-. tavsiy irta TO MUJ tortm tate aa Ik n p k m a .... QUITE' PtFPICULT TO HOLD CONVmSATION WITH HIM! qoU t pisA lavano sn ana gn aa she - haadaom sta on a pom w hita 1 fevsBlng HaraM, Tbdaj^ Phtten Yon win aaM TS l-Sdaeh b flarvloa XOi.Tth A vw aA M aw T ork. M aka It an a f kta M ocha «r i aata aa Irta M od i w t^ a plabi < Q u » tha plala M pek w ltb-tao : Th obtain pA tam tor tha QM R (Pittam No. 81^) um4 Sp* I . V \ .188 7 * ■:< - .

• »• dUDAT. A m t U, i M t teidtominiii Amr^Btnr £tinibt]| ISmi^ A m n f Dally Qm ilation iak .iffiiiTrf llm t e Msatt sf Manh, UU The Weather meat of tbs art of liate Chtea Ha ite r a a d haoM yeatarday dua Wmiam H. Ompman. who eordto ehureh. t a f V, R Wsalhai the past two ■inging." to tha daath of hla father. \ pacts shortly to be Inducted to the Indudad to .ths groups ,of sttoc- WWW mtTown aarrtoa, was given a. farewrtl par­ Ticket Sales choral dtreetton under •MkMiPBpUeWe V 7 ,2 1 1 Wiinamaoo and also i study' tiona by the club will bs' fOBi tecs hla eallatment In H a^ ty tost nlckt at tka koma of Mr. aohga by Ztemia as writ as a I * and MrSk Paul Parciak of 7S {forth voice as taught by Hi ford on Nov. 14, 1987, Wiggto has Dorau coeMtar apMta t» For Concert peth, at ths summer o lively Ruaiiaa Splk tune, t i n s o o fs had two yoara of fonrign atrvioa: stroat Friaads who war* praaant Of the sea a* ihM aa aaerad, pa­ " to «te o t SOO ftt It* mtpper Weetmto^Sr Choir SUtool In Hawaii ta d Alaaka. A t tha pres­ M d n e h 0ai&r>^'ji O iy, o f : VfUagn CHarm toom Barttord, RockviU* and tkta ' to Wen “ triotic aad opantto aatoctloas and ent time hO to) aarvtog aa aa ' to- 15 ,rw m iricht at Bmaawl Uitk* UPER-BIN tpwn prasantM him with a purse Beethovens Re|M>rt a This season tb< light variety numbers. ktraetor In aerial machtoe gun- dtanA firoai Iva to Mvaa of monay. Rafrashmanta wera WhUa tba advanca sals at Uck- V O L.lJn., NO. 17$ SB Paga li) Doreaa atatotwra a n n - aervad, the decoratlona of th* buf­ worked hard to nwry at tha school a t M oors Field. 420a m PRIZES rCBBdTBR, C oi^SA TU R D A T. APRIL 25, 1$42 (FOURTEEN PAGES) to m MM tor thalr UdtaU Goodly Number Dis- ata indicates a near cdpoclty at­ Private Wiggto is marrtad and PRICE THREE (X I — •Toatoc wlthoot tolL fet table and the living rooms be­ p o i^ o f Tims Far. tendance, a limited numb^ of ato- Uvea a t Donna, Toxoa, a faw aoilea ing in rad, white aau.blu*. The gte tickats may stlU ba. ri>tainad from tha boss Arid. ■uiw.em f oSito who km aaeand tlcketi koatcases ware Mra Joseph Lovett, " a a » alao par tor then at tk* door. hers, smployed in from members of tba Berihoven ARMY & P V Y CLUB. tne. I iSStttol/aiotlclrato wlU be aold Mrs. Kenneth Perratt and Mtoa With an assoetot* m em bf^p tries, arsrs caned on to .Gia* club. *\ ■■ Driver Resened fro ^ C a b ' IBiiiiiinr onntnr. rcMrvaUooa Jannia Parciak. WUliam Chapman list of 800 and a Urge number of nights, as w ell^ ( ____ is the son of Mr. and Mra. Howard atogle tickets also having been 1a the afmed fonto rr s EFFECTIVE ipMdlaatBt^ D. Chapman of 168 Summit street. Saiutday, April 25 ^ sold, the Beethoven Olee club Is L d^ l Boy Located WELDONS OWN assured of a Urge attendance of necessary ' ph^ needed for ATSiUP.M. UGAHBBI Ihe South Methodist church Sen­ wortharUU gleb clUb, and thus w Rov. 0r. Bart H. Futfatoo airt music lovers whsn the local male B F O R M U L A (20) 9S.00 GABIES! (S) $10.00 GABIES! Turmon kava nainad tbetr ior Bpa-orth League win have .chorus vriU present its seventeenth be abU to this concert to tuill B ase in Teiuis In Second AttaUk Mlm Margarite Barry as its guest W\ TOOTH>ASTB \ (1) 120.00 GABIEI (1) fSO.00 GABIE! - - ^ IS Watoaaday at tke anniversary ooacart on kfonday tlM purpoee o f the Beetbov Kattorlal hoapltal. speaker. Mlm Muriel MeConkey evening, April 37 at the High Glee club: "To build up an total ■ j g u ttto Bn Oiaas Farthair \ ALL EQR $1.00! ' , has charge of the devotions. gent and. accurate conception Private Jatoea E. Wiggto, of '■W Moore Field, Miaribe, Tqxaa, a Aaiplt ParklBg Li,Scar of Chib. the Saest works for male vole s i Ahternwniltel The Bpworth League of the through investment of time ai Manchaater boy, la'speadtag-a faw lla ja r M. 3. Cortla of tk* Salva- South Methodist church wiU hold a scavenger hunt Saturday eve­ ttaa Am r and a group pi the Mo k Thim 400 Tons of jm iito m oM Win laava aarty to- ning at 7:30. AU members an n - —— mornne toi* Danbury, to quested to meet promptly at the W ou ld H id e church.. s Explosives Dropped in ^attaad a ToOtk Oonfartneo Satur- \ t e r and Sonday o f rapraaantaUva* Two Attacks Which Mrs. James Armstrong, o f 480 O il W ells toeederpa thrbugbout Southern Main street, was pleasantly sur­ Japanese, Almost Speni^ I Rtor JBaclaad. Surpass Anything prised ymterday afternoon arhen V Past ForgiilSL /u s t B e g in relatives and friends caUed to help DesJt Out to Britain by F rom F o e s tbrift in U$—Clem­ day as the Ja^itese, TONIGHT Discounting reports that the msri- SiUfFCIaak as 88.061.88. Ha was engaged to tock w m said to have surpassed sUtutiag low, concrete derricks for ent R. Attlee, secretary of state almost spendthrift uso tka bulkUng trade. school hall. The guest srtisU win f anything the German >lr Force those now to use. time construction program waa for dominions, declared today the Listed as his largest creditor* bs Muriel Wilson, srano and had dealt out to Britain. "There la no reason why ws Isg^ g seriously, Senator BsUey manpower, pushed awi Onmge Hall are: Town of Manchester, taxes, Frod Hutomith, tsnor of Now cannot hide every valuable oU well United Nations sre Just beginning forward to within 100 Torii. Thsss two stogen have had Blaat Atoesatt Weika (D., N. C.) declared today that the to gather th* power which wlU MBsB.68aMS At |74, which is. secured, aU other BII« m * S i n s The Air lOtAitry said the Brit­ on the California coast from .-ny of Mandalay in furious etyViwa being listed as unaeciaud, a wida expsrionce to many of tbs air raidjm " said Geork* L. Cisav- Unitedx Nations were fast forging prove that Japanese losses to date iSaGaatofte-SSe NBC oirtatandkig radio programa ish aiers, striking, to clear weath­ confused fighting. A'Chi wUrti include Andrew Ansaldi, And Half Siscs. er with a good vi4^ of their tar­ er of Inglewood. "And heavy steel , To avoid hitUnir automoWlo Willla Auatin, lima, O., tranaport truck driver, crashed Into a tree. the weapons which would smash Have been only a taste of whst is 83.000: Dnbto A Co.. 8800; FUnt a* well aa ooncart ^pearanc derricks ah* becomtog.obsolete, not king communique Indicated .2 h M Go m b I gets, blasted the Helnkcl Aircraft It took an hour and a half for rescuera'^to extricate him, suffering from a shattered leg and shock. the Axis by outbuUding Germany to come. Chinese-held left flank either Bruce Oa, 8811; Johnson Paint and their part oo the local pro­ nity Pit To A ‘T* only because of th* steel shortage, and Japan in ships and planes. 7 Spsdsli! nonpaiiy, 881; Manchester Plumb­ gram iril^ be a feature of the eve- Works with heavy bombs and left In an Anzac Day broadcast to been rolled back, or was in immi' huge Urea daring from Rostock’s but because ihany of the complet­ Bailey, who is chairman of the ing and S i^ly Cbmpany, 8117; 12 to 20 and ed wells sra hOw handled with Australia, Attlee pledged that nent danger of being turned by Sweepslakel Nsptune shipyard*. Senate Commerce Committee Britain and the U nit^ States were the fast-striking Japanese.. Manchester Linnber and Fuel Oom- Otto club win he loaaU service dehicks or portable which handies merchant marina flDsorPriss! pany> 84,te: Alexander Jarvis directed by Fred B- Werner, who 14 to 24Kt ThisI waswi one of a aerlee of n i^ t equipment" rw»o*e Auto Workers standing solidly with the island do­ Few details amplified the operatloha which coot a total of Russians Cross* River msttera, said his Investigation had minions of Australia and New Company, 8100; Earle Rohan, for the p ^ three Be Placed Britain alao was making tremen­ fended tide., 'H IS S " . X pdtrol off ths NorwegUh coast was Diflcufis ^ s e with tack During Night. dous production strides. "Recent reports ar* confused said to havs bombed aa enemy "W* are going to best the Axis garding the Japanese progrte IvehfDiBy J A C O f O l'* supply ship end aet It sdrp. S^)^«tary P e r k i n s . tha northward drive through 30-50 Gations Kuibyshev, Russia, April f producing enough Ships snd Heavy Evpioeleae Beard In New Class ones to smother Germany'snd Air Transport Shan states,’’ It said. "It is fairtyf> British planes crossed snd rs- Detroit, April 38—Of)—A dispute Light Red Army Japan," BaUey told reporters. clear that the drive has croooed Dover sUalt in a hage to­ Montiily May over i^pewsl of a bargalntog con­ forc^ hfive driven across a Those with Dep^dents "We’re going to have the ships to progress.’’ t s a l ' : - ; day and heavy expldaswa and gua- tract botwaen General Motorii.Oor- river on Die central front, carry the war equipment and tha Service Aiding Iha communique reitera' men, and we ar* going to have the dre sounded from France—at poratioa and the United Autooio- plunged) through barbed wire To Resisted in 3-B; however, that the situation'’ to times apparuntly from the areas Be Gas Lunit bile WOckers (CIO), Invotyhig plane* to protect those ships and Kenangyaung aector on tha west of CalaiA Botflogae and Inland. As 180,000 workers in S3 plants, aad captured a NfisLopeupied 3-A G r^p May Hkve to blast th* ehemy off the sesa." Chinese Army flank waa unchanged. In th* cen^ The new attack upon Rostock— was to be placed today before the village^ hurling the Genwuis To Be *Called to Duty^ N*4 Tat Seriens Throat tral aector continued fighting waK. a marshaling point for Naxi war Report in Congressionnl War Labor,-Board for final deci- into a forest, ^ viet dispatch­ Asserting that the convoy s)ra- reported around Tatkon, 30 mitoa t,: C aupphes—drew fkom the London eloo. • \ tsm of transporting materials to Supplying Stock of Es­ north of Pytomana, which tha Chi-'' Star tba comment: es said today. The Germatifi Ghteago, April 38— v Crlm e^ , officers while continuing thpir XOnly'-the highest priority ma­ mUmbUsg a peayor with eaeh blow round or V necklines. Also Sharkskin Didc« Seen Solution »»• ImmJ been Four Arrested The weather was beUeved to be academic work. teriel now ia being flown in, bu" it of the hamaier. The eeannis, fist­ 'iNIU-JAaCITllit" iM in white or colors. ! aung and Virginia. Four persona — tempt to outflank the Nasi de- Navy filer la loath to accept it. ney goaeraL snM that bpeanes e f ^ l prohlaro with no aaswer except the in war nroducUon work oe a sup­ the patent, "at on* plant 80 air-^| muetarlng of takicabs and privato Flood Threat three in Norih OaroUna and one in fensea of Kursk, s rsU center 280 porting activity, such ss .farming, W hy? ^ Kentucky—were arreeted by F.Bi. jnUes eouth of Moecow, Istan­ WeU, says Mrs. Seims O’Hare, Bread Ration phi nee were delayed to their., p r*-- automobiles. transportation or food ..Inspection, ____ 0 doetton; et apothro ninat the roasajl "Tim fhet the Army also haa ed- and state officials on suspicion of bul account was broadcast by the will 'be placed in 3-B. If, however,' mother o f the hi j fellow who tocendiaripiu- Vichy radio and recorded to Loh- downed five Japanese bombers and thing happened to 20 lying fnrt-| STRAW HATS pw eid totereat t* the plan la cited South Platte and Aric* a man with such' dependents to'en' roeero. and at etill another p tet j ay OCD oBlriala as evidence the T o mobiUas manpower for fire doh-by Reuters.) daipaged a sixth in a battle over French Cabinet Is Given fighting Gnvernors Eugene Tal- gaged in a' non-essential activity, the entire ewerobly line was pcopi* in the middleweet are .not ansas. Menace East­ "Twenty-fivp German pishes be will be put in S-A. the Pacific, .he's scared stiff. Report on Shorties asleep or as comptoceat rsgardtog madge of Georgia and Keen John­ were destroyed on ApxU 33,^ the Teribntod by Ckowds down for lack of the alagl* to ern Colorado Section. son of Kentucky have proclaimed n r*t to 38-44 Group ' Arnold toM the Senate Pni FELT HATS the danger of inland attacks- aa Information Bureau ^hL “Our Tlie first'men to be classed in . "Eddie appreciates—but doesn’t And Possible Solutions has been riiaiged. status of emsrgsncy. . losses were 11 planes." ittoe th at the patent Denver. A pril 28.—< ff)_B a*,i Oanriag Unfiar Oantrei 3-B WiU be men between the'jsges understand—why he should'get all by WlUlam Dsns, head *C IhaJ Air BaM Sheltars War Lass Ovevasbaeribed of 38 and 44 years, inclusive, who this acclaim,” . Mrs. O’HSre 'ex­ Vichy, April ,25.—(* )—Pierre Gordon AU Silk lo 6 k at th* record of this key rite. Meet and snow. Fires whirii have destroyed 12,- Dsus Feateaer Oempnay, add that j 00000 aerpaaerps to south'weatsouthwest VirginiaVlrginis Tsss quoted a Peoples’ Finance plained. "And he's terrified ^ Laval’s new French cabinet, meet­ FLOWER BATS Induxtrlei city with its scosm o f D en ^ and eastein Colorado cati- tOentlaite *n Page Ten) crowda He’a really shy and quiet. i war pianta, for example. Already Uooaly watched today tfatMteatnc ware coming under control, c:oa- Commissariat announcement that • - - — -|---- r ing for' the second time since its who was iaerMy trying t* exerriaa « oervstioq Commlaelon Chairman KKOOO.OOO.OOO-ruMe ' stale w ar "Beeides he says other fighters what he rogarte as his togitinnita | 480 air raid eheltcrs are marked So^ streams to th* South FUtte deserve Just as mudi credit as he formation, announced today that and ready for use and snote than •ad Aricaaaa* rivers and their N. Oarmiofl-^iiiith reported. loan floated April 14 had been over- Treasury Balance ^ patent rigbta CHIFFON Taro l a i ^ fires stUl burning subacribed by 3,860,331.000 ruMeS doea An ar* fighting for ourEoun- the bread ration would not have FABRIC HATS 330,000 etvfllaa votantaars are to raahtag mountain tributaries. to 10 days. try." tratotag ta r emergenqr sirvloe. n e A rkai^ reemied slowly srer* expected to he brought un­ Washington, AprU 38—UPf-Tha to be reduced further in May, aa Bevenls Nasi Fuel Chche der control today. Smith predicted, (The ruble once equalled 10 positioa of the '^ssury April 33: O’Hare, who grew up ia St tu.d been feared. Mexice Ctty, ApiU 28-^-