114Th BWCU Cricket Club Annual Report (2018/2019 Season)

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114Th BWCU Cricket Club Annual Report (2018/2019 Season) 114TH ANNUAL REPORT 2019 NOTICE OF THE 114TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF BURNSIDE WEST CHRISTCHURCH UNIVERSITY CRICKET CLUB INCORPORATED Notice is hereby given that the 114th Annual General Meeting of the Burnside West Christchurch University Cricket Club will be held at the Burnside Cricket Pavilion, Burnside Oval, 336 Avonhead Road on Tuesday 24th September 2019 at 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. MINUTES OF 113TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (2018) 3. MATTERS ARISING 4. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 5. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND TREASURER’S REPORT 6. ADOPTION OF ANNUAL REPORT AND ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (2019) 7. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 8. SUBSCRIPTION FEES FOR 2019/20 SEASON (REFER TO NOTICE OF MOTION) 9. GENERAL BUSINESS 2 Notice of motion: That the club levy the following levels of subscription for the 2019/20 season. The Early payment rate (where applicable), shall be available to Members up until the 30th of November 2019. U21 Members are those Senior members under 21 years of age on the 1st October 2019. Junior (Sibling) Membership rate is available for those with two or more junior members from the same household to encourage family membership. The first child is charged the junior rate, additional children in the same household qualify for the Sibling rate. Early-bird rate Standard rate Senior Membership $295 $370 Student/U21 Membership $200 $250 Senior Membership (half - $180 season) Student/U21 Member (half - $120 season) Senior Team $2,800 $3,400 Senior T20 Team $1,400 $1,600 Junior/Youth Single Member - $100 Junior/Youth Additional - $80 per additional member Members Junior/Youth Member (half - $50 season) Honorary/Social Member - $30 Jack Kerr Pride Member - $100 per year Nominations Nominations for Officers should be submitted to the Burnside West Christchurch University Cricket Club via email no later than 4:00 pm on Tuesday 17th September. Who may vote Life, Honorary, and Senior Members of the club are entitled to one vote per person. Officers of the club Patron, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Auditor, and Honorary Solicitor, and the Executive Committee. 3 Please note When arriving, all members should sign the attendance sheet. The Annual Report will be added to this notice when it is available, and this and the minutes of last year’s AGM may be collected at the Pavilion on the night of the AGM. For your convenience the Pavilion will be open half an hour before the meeting commences. All Members, Life Members, Honorary Members, Sponsors and new members are encouraged to attend. Send apologies to: [email protected]. We thank you for your support and hope to see you all there on the night. Gareth Gibson BWCUCC Secretary 4 CONTENTS CORPORATE SPONSORS 6 THE ESTATE OF GEORGE JAMES HOWDEN 7 RECORD OF MINUTES OF THE 113TH AGM (2018) 8 BWCUCC SGM (SEPT. 2018) MINUTES 11 EXECUTIVE REPORTS FINANCIAL REPORTS 16 AUDITOR’S REPORT 33 Office Holders 2018/2019 35 Chairman’s Report 36 Treasurer’s Report 38 Grants and Funding Report 39 CRICKET REPORTS Senior Cricket Report 40 Men’s Team Summaries 44 Scott B Inglis 49 BWCUCC Senior Awards Winners 2018/19 51 TEAM REPORTS Final Men’s Competition Points 55 Premiership Men 60 Championship Men 62 Division One Men 63 Whangaparoa Cannons Pony Club (Division 3) 64 Boomers (Division 4) 64 Burnside Strikers (Division 5) 64 The Foxes (Presidents Grade) 65 Dubai Diamond Traders (Cavaliers Twenty20 grade, Section 1) 67 Ghetto Hustlers (Cavaliers Twenty20 grade, Section 2, Pool 1) 69 The Believers (Cavaliers Twenty20 grade, Section 2, Pool 2) 69 Senior Cricket Averages 70 JUNIOR CRICKET 85 NORTH WEST WOMEN’S CRICKET REPORT 88 YOUTH CRICKET REPORT 91 5 CORPORATE SPONSORS The following organisations are our main corporate sponsors. We recognise their financial support and thank them for their ongoing contributions to the club. Services: planning surveying engineering urban design land development UAV aerial surveying THE BWCUCC “500 CLUB” A new initiative at the club this year is the BWCUCC 500 Club. 500 Club members are all past and current playing members who made a commitment to make a modest financial contribution in the form of a $500 annual donation either as individual contributors or as small business donors. All money received from 500 Club donors goes towards general club operations and projects. If you feel you have the capacity and the desire to come on board as a 500 Club member, we welcome your support. Approach a committee member, or contact the club at [email protected] to learn more. 6 THE ESTATE OF GEORGE JAMES HOWDEN George Howden, a Life Member and long-time supporter, died in 2007 and in his Will he left the Club a generous bequest of $20,000. He also instructed Trustees Executors Ltd to set up a Deed of Arrangement to utilise the “residual” funds from his Estate, and invest them to provide a long-term income stream for our Club. The Estate was registered as a charitable entity by the Charities Commission on 30 June 2008. The Club at all times needs to be aware that the initial bequest and all subsequent income generated under the Deed may only be utilised by the Club for the following purposes: (a) The provision of coaching services at all grades; (b) the maintenance, upkeep and improvement of the grounds upon which the Club’s activities are centred or take place; (c) the provision of or improvement to the facilities and amenities of the Club, and (d) the general betterment of the Club as a whole, and the promotion of its interests. To ensure the income is so paid or applied in accordance with the terms of the Trust, it is a requirement that at all times there is an Advisory Committee of three persons who must give prior approval. Upon the death, retirement, resignation, or removal from the office of any Advisory Committee member the remaining two members will appoint another suitable person to fill the vacancy. The Advisory Committee shall make such rules and regulations to govern its functioning as it may determine and any such rules or regulations may from time to time be revoked, amended, replaced or modified with the unanimous approval of all Advisory Committee members. The current Advisory Committee office holders are Grant Dickson, Paul O’Flaherty, and Christopher Kennedy. In conjunction with the Trustees Executors, they have continued the “conservative growth portfolio” strategy established by the original Advisory Committee and Trustee Executors. At each balance date, annual accounts are prepared by the Trustees Executors, and once approved by the Advisory Committee the net income shall be paid to the Club by Trustees Executors Ltd after setting aside an agreed percentage to add to the Trust Capital. 7 RECORD OF MINUTES OF THE 113TH AGM (2018) BURNSIDE WEST CHRISTCHURCH UNIVERSITY CRICKET CLUB Inc. HELD AT 7:00PM ON TUESDAY 3RD OCTOBER 2017 AT THE BWCUCC CLUBROOMS Chaired by David Robertson Minutes recorded by Gareth Gibson PRESENT Gareth Gibson, David Robertson, Joel Lieschke, Angus Harman, Jordan Buchanan, Dan Vedder, Mike Dunlop, Shane Young, Allan Alty, Matt Hay, Jerard Cross, Mark Shackleton, Grant Dickson, Joel Williams, Euan McRobbie, Will Kennedy, Liam Winn, Alex McDuff, David Fox, Mike Hastings, Paul O’Grady, John Thompson, Derek Cockburn. Luke Moore, Arun Kumar, Mike Hastings, Jason McKenzie, Paul O’Brien. APOLOGIES Brian Adams, Graham Dowling, Robert Allen, Margaret Allen, Chris Peters, Peter Burke, Brett Thomson, Craig Kerr, Brad Reid, Paul Shackleton, Reid McNaughton, Brian Hastings, Matt Jannett, Doug Allcock CALL TO ORDER & OPENING REMARKS: Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm by David Robertson Thanks to all members, and sponsors for attending. David outlined the importance of the meeting and the agenda was outlined. A quorum (minimum 20 members) is achieved. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Motion: To approve the minutes of 3rd October 2017 as circulated. Motion By: Shane Young Seconded By: Grant Dickson Carried without any amendments. MATTERS ARISING Outstanding items from the previous meeting that need to be updated or discussed. Jerry noted that he had his knee done. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Documented in the 113th Annual Report. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND TREASURER’S REPORT Documented in the 113th Annual Report. John Thompson noted his concern on our dependence on charitable funding, and 8 requested that the EC remain aware of this and be mindful of this dependence. The EC acknowledged this, and noted expansion of revenue streams to other areas including seeking key sponsors, external ground bookings. David Fox pointed out that a key role is for the club to provide a community facility. John Thompson expressed disappointment that the Jack Kerr pride membership has not continued to be developed. EC responded that this will be an initiative that we progress this summer. Other fundraising plans for the year include a club raffle across all grades. Shane Young noted EC expresses gratitude to Nexia for their assistance in management of the club financials. ADOPTION OF ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Motion: To approve the annual accounts of for the year ended 30 April 2018 as circulated in the 113th Annual Report. Motion By: Jerry Seconded By: John Thompson Motion Carried without amendments. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscription rates were last changed in 2017/2018. STANDARD RATE EARLY BIRD RATE* Senior Students $250 $200 Senior Men $370 $295 Senior Team $3,400 $2,800 Senior T20 Team $1,600 $1,400 One Junior* $100 Two or more Juniors* $90 per child Honorary $30 or $100 *Early bird rate applies until the first Friday of December (7th December 2018). Junior Year 8 members who finish playing for the club in December are eligible for a 50% discount on their membership subscription. Motion: To approve the subscription levels as circulated in the 113th Annual Report and documented herein.
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