17 July 2003

A report by the Human Rights NGO Forum Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 OVERVIEW

Since the Human Rights Forum began documenting and publishing politically related human rights violations in 2000, there has been a sustained level of organised violence and torture, peaking at periods surrounding elections, public marches and demonstrations. In particular, marches and demonstrations have been followed by state-sponsored retribution upon citizens. The latter is of concern to the Human Rights Forum as it appears to be an attempt by the state to subvert any public attempts at exercising rights to freedom of expression. This particularly characterises the bulk of the violations recorded in the month of June.

Much controversy surrounded the mass action called for by the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) from 2 to 6 June 2003. The MDC claimed that the mass action, dubbed the ‘final push’, was an effort by the opposition party to coerce the government to agree to inter-party talks. While attempts were made to demonstrate peacefully, allegations of violence perpetrated by both the MDC and ZANU PF surfaced. Peaceful demonstrations were disrupted and participants arrested on the basis that the demonstrations had been declared illegal by the High Court.

While the Human Rights Forum unreservedly condemns the use of violent means in the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and movement by an individual or political party, (particularly the two dominant parties in Zimbabwe, ZANU PF and MDC) it equally condemns regular use of organised violence and torture as a means to curtail this right or to enforce law and order.

Particularly disturbing are allegations that high-level Government officials were actively involved in organised violence and torture. More than 5 victims made allegations that the Minister of Youth Development, Gender and Employment Creation, Elliot Manyika, was actively involved in the torture of residents in high density suburbs in Harare, specifically Glen View as well as in Marondera. In Glen View, DZ, DN, VT, GM, FG, and TS were sleeping at the home of Weddy Dewah, MDC Councillor for Ward 31, when CID officers, armed and uniformed policemen and soldiers, under the leadership of Elliot Manyika, allegedly forced entry and assaulted everyone with baton sticks, accusing them of planning the MDC mass action protest march.

State agents were reported as having been involved in torture in the high density suburbs of Harare, forcibly invading home of persons who had in fact organised or taken part in any form of protest during the week of the ‘final push’ or who were merely suspected of having done so. Some victims assert that they are apolitical and had in no way participated in any demonstration prior to their torture. In Highfield, EJ was reportedly intercepted and assaulted by the police and army personnel with booted feet and baton sticks while on his way to join the mass demonstration for the final push. He was detained at Machipisa Police Station and later released without any charges being preferred against him. In Zvimba South Constituency (of Mashonaland West), parents with children at Lilford Primary School claim that they were forced to withdraw their children from school by settlers who had camped there, alleging that the school authorities were engaging in party politics as the school was closed during the mass action. Authorities claim that the children were away on an exeat weekend. Thus the same ‘justice’ was indiscriminately meted out on those with some real involvement in

2 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

organisation of the ‘final push’ and those who were merely perceived as having been involved yet in fact were not involved in any measure.

In continued contravention of Section 21 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe citizens are being routinely targeted on the basis of genuine or perceived political affiliation. MK of Highfield asserts that soldiers assaulted him on accusations of supporting the opposition MDC, “a party that they do not support”. The victim purports that the assailants stated that no MDC supporters should have a place to stay in this country. The victim, who rented lodgings in the area, claims that he no longer has a home as his landlord was warned against giving opposition supporters accommodation.

State agents have reportedly been witnessed engaged in organised violence and torture and intimidatory activities at institutions of higher learning and medical facilities. Students from the University of Zimbabwe were reportedly among those victimised by state agents, on suspicion that they were convening meetings in support of the ‘final push’. However the majority of students were tortured in the halls of residence and others while waiting for transport at the commuter omnibus rank to leave the University. HTT, student from the University of Zimbabwe, was reportedly severely assaulted by ZANU PF supporters and the police after they abducted him and took him to the ZANU PF headquarters. He claims that the assailants would stop at intervals and demand the names of all students who supported the MDC. NM, another University of Zimbabwe student alleges that the riot police and soldiers ordered him to climb some steps and drop himself to the ground, sing revolutionary songs, snore for about 2 minutes, and roll on the tar. Previously victims tortured by ZNA and ZRP officers have been hesitant to make reports at police stations, to the very same authorities that are responsible for their trauma.

The Human Rights Forum is deeply disturbed regarding the effect that the reported raid on a medical facility, the Avenues Clinic Harare, on Wednesday 4 June 2003 may have had. Initially there was an “intimidating presence of armed soldiers and police (uninvited by the hospital authorities) in and around the Avenues Clinic.”1 They are said to have subsequently “stormed this clinic and created a panic, threatening outpatients, those awaiting treatment and even Hospital staff. Victims of violence were easily identified by their bandages, and these people in particular were targeted by the police. Vehicles with ZRP and ZNA number plates were observed outside the Clinic at this time, and at least two people were witnessed being accompanied by riot details to these vehicles.”2 Victims of human rights abuses who sought medical treatment on 4 June 2003, will inherently be deterred from seeking such assistance in the future, as will potential victims who come to know of this occurrence. The level of security with which victims will seek medical attention has thus been drastically reduced. Inability to access medical attention has a profound effect on the quality of lives of victims who have sustained injuries as a result of organised violence and torture. Untreated injuries may result in permanent disability and in more serious cases even death.

There has been no change for the better from May 2003, of utilization of repressive legislation to hinder freedom of expression, assembly and association. These are basic rights to which Zimbabweans are entitled and are guaranteed in the Declaration of Rights and additionally by

1 For more see ZADHR: Report: Victims of Organised Violence and Torture 2nd to 9th June 2003 (Period of National Mass Action) 2 see Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition: Defiance vs Repression Critical Reflections on “the final push” June 2-6 2003 3 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

International Treaties to which Zimbabwe is a party. The use of legislation such as POSA and AIPPA in this regard has led to a number of arbitrary arrests and detentions. In Bindura SM; TM; M; LN; BM; PM; and other employees of ZIMCET (an NGO engaged in peace-building activities) claim that they were arrested and detained by police and ZANU PF youths while holding a workshop in the area. They were interrogated on the purpose of the organisation and the meeting, and then charged with contravening Section 11.17 of POSA3. The workshop was being held to discuss issues to do with HIV and AIDS, gender, as well as the organisation’s position with regard to peace building.

Vendors and readers of the independent press have had their right to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and information severely curtailed in the past month. A specific target has been the Daily News newspaper. In Glen Norah, LS was in a queue to buy a copy of the Daily News at the shops when soldiers arrived in a truck and allegedly beat him as well as other victims who were queuing up for the paper. In Harare Central, ZANU PF youths reportedly tore up copies of the Daily News and robbed pedestrians of cell phones and cash. In Kwekwe, Daily News vendors were reportedly assaulted by ZANU PF youths because they were selling the paper. 195 of the copies were seized and burnt. The vendors were taken to the ZANU PF offices where they claim they were detained.

Three politically motivated murders were recorded in June 2003. One was reportedly committed by MDC supporters and two as a result of torture by state agents, specifically ZNA and ZRP personnel. In Highfield, about 20 MDC youths are said to have attacked, stoned and murdered Amon Nyadongo, a ZANU PF member, while he was walking along Pazarangu Street in Mbare with his nephew. Nyadongo was reportedly stabbed in the head and chest and he later died on admission at hospital. Tichaona Kaguru, an MDC supporter, reportedly died following his abduction from Mbare by ZNA personnel. He was tortured and later dumped along the road leading to Chikurubi Maximum Prison. Plaxedes Alfonso of Dzivaresekwa (Harare District) was reportedly murdered by ZANU PF youths with baton sticks, iron bars, stones and planks. The Human Rights Forum deplores the employment of gratuitously organised violence and torture leading to loss of life.

Alarmed by the indication made by victims that are contained in this report, the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum echoes the recommendations made to the Minister of Home Affairs, , by coalition member Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) in an open letter dated 26 June 2003.4 Recommendations made by ZLHR include the following:

1 The Government of Zimbabwe immediately takes steps to sign and ratify the Convention Against Torture, Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and the Protocol for the Establishment of the African Court of Justice.

2 The Government of Zimbabwe take immediate steps and measures to adopt into domestic law the Robben Island Guidelines and Measures for the Prohibition and Prevention of Torture, Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Africa.

3 Please See, Public Order and Security Act, Section 11.17 4 26 June is the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 4 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

3 Torture should be designated and defined as a specific crime of utmost gravity in our local legislation and meanwhile urgent steps should be taken to allow all state agents involved to be personally identified and dealt with.

4 The highest authorities in Zimbabwe publicly condemn torture in all its forms and in particular should publicise the fact that those in command of arresting officers or in charge of places of detention at the time torture is committed will be held personally responsible for the abuses.

5 The Government abolish and criminalise any actions by unidentifiable policemen and use of secret places of detention or interrogation, as well as in communicado detention.

6 The Government promptly, efficiently, impartially and thoroughly investigate all reported cases of torture with a view to bringing the perpetrators to justice, adequately compensating the victims and further making any findings on torture public.5

5 The letter was copied to the Minister of State Security, Commissioner of Police, Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, The Speaker of Parliament, Law Society of Zimbabwe and The Attorney General. For a copy of the letter and recommendations in full email [email protected]

5 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

Totals: 1 June 2003 – 30 June 2003

abduction/ kidnapping 9 assault 38 attempted murder 1 death threats 5 disappearance 0 displacement 5 freedom of expression/ association/ mvt 61 murder 3 political discrim./intim./vict. 69 property related 34 rape 1 school closure 1 torture 113 unlawful arrest 28 unlawful detention 6

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Cumulative Totals 1 January 2003 To 30 June 2003

6 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

Sources: The information contained in this report is derived from statements made to the Public Interest Unit of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum, statements taken by the member organisations of the Human Rights Forum. (See last page for list of member organisations), newspaper reports, Justice for Agriculture (JAG), Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA), Zimbabwe Community Development Trust (ZCDT).

Notes to the tables: Torture: All cases of torture fall under the definition of torture according to the general definition given in the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment.

The four elements of torture are:

1 Severe pain and suffering, whether physical or mental 2 Intentionally inflicted 3 With a purpose 4 By a state official or another individual acting with the acquiescence of the State.

Those individuals referred to in point # 4 include the ZRP, ZNA, ZPS and the ZNLWVA (as a reserve force of the ZNA) and by any other grouping when directly sanctioned by the state.

Unlawful arrest and detention: Arrest by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) with no reasonable suspicion that an offence has been committed. Detention thereafter for a period exceeding 48 hours without access to redress through the courts or subsequent release without charge.

Abduction/kidnapping: A kidnapping by a member(s) of an organised group that is not the ZRP organisation. political party, ZNLWVA, ZNA, MDC, Zanu PF etc

Disappearance: Kidnapped persons whose whereabouts remained unknown at the time of reporting. Their whereabouts have still to be ascertained through follow up reports or further investigation.

Property related These are incidents in which property rights have been violated. This includes arson, property damage and destruction and theft.

Key Abbreviations

AIPPA – Access to Information and Privacy Act UMP – Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe CIO – Central Intelligence Organisation Zanu PF – Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic MDC – Movement for Democratic Change Front MP – Member of Parliament ZNA – Zimbabwe National Army NAGG - National Alliance for Good Governance ZNLWVA – Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association NCA – National Constitutional Assembly ZRP – Zimbabwe Republic Police OVT – Organised Violence and Torture ZIMTA – Zimbabwe Teachers Association POSA – Public Order and Security Act ZUPCO – Zimbabwe United Passenger Company PTUZ – Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe

7 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 Cases of Political Violence

Note: The identities of victims whose names have not been published in the press and are not public officials are protected by the use of initials.

BULAWAYO Bulawayo North-East 1 June 2003; 3 June 2003

• About 20 riot policemen allegedly descended upon 747 Supermarket wielding baton sticks and randomly beat up children and adults. 10 people were reportedly seriously injured and have not reported the incident to the police for fear of further victimisation.

2 June 2003

• Some residents of Bulawayo allege that the police in Sauerstown arrested them when they had gathered to prepare for a march to the State House. They allege that even before they had begun the march, some of the persons who had gathered for the march removed their top T-shirts to reveal T-shirts inscribed "no to mass action”, which they were wearing underneath. ZRP and ZNA officers are then said to have arrived and joined these persons in beating up the MDC supporters who had gathered for the march with whips, knobkerries, gun butts and baton sticks. 15 MDC supporters were reportedly arrested and 40 injured.

3 June 2003

• The police and army officers reportedly assaulted people at Nketa Business Centre who were going about their personal business. No reason was given for the assault.

8 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

Bulawayo North East/ South

6 June 2003

• Catholic Archbishop Pius Ncube was reportedly detained for about 45 minutes before the start of a service of interdenominational prayers for justice and peace. Ncube is said to have been warned to desist from discussing political issues during the church service and that no inflammatory statements should be uttered. While conducting a service of interdenominational prayers for justice and peace at Saint Mary’s Cathedral, thirty passers-by were also reportedly arrested. Dozens of armed police are said to have cordoned off the church while a helicopter hovered above throughout the service. It is unclear why the passers-by were arrested or what they were charged with.

20 June 2003

• Heavily armed police officers are alleged to have forcibly broken up a public speaking contest involving students from twenty-nine schools around Matabeleland region. The police claim that they suspected the organisers of the contest of holding a political gathering without notifying them. Contest organisers Qhubani Moyo, two adjudicators, a cameraman and two people operating the public address system were arrested. It was unclear at the time of report whether the group was charged under POSA or not. However as a meeting of a professional organisation, the public speaking contest would not require notification to the police under POSA. The public speaking contest was organised by a non-governmental organisation named Bulawayo Dialogue.

9 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 Makokoba

4 June 2003

• FM, GM, AS, JG, SM, HN, JS, AM, MS and 14 others claim that they were arrested and detained by ZRP, ZNA and CIO agents in Thorngrove because they support the opposition. They were having a gathering at a fellow MDC member’s house when the soldiers arrived in army tankers, with 22 other victims whom they had been reportedly picked up from the streets and from their homes, on accusations of breaching Section 19(1)(a) of POSA6. The section provides for any person who, acting with one or more people in any place, forcibly disturbs the peace, security and order of the public, invades another’s rights, or intends to cause such disturbance or invasion or realising that there is a risk or possibility that such disturbance or invasion may occur. The victims were allegedly detained at various Police Stations. GM claims that he was interrogated about MDC activities, assaulted with a hanger, and then granted $10 000 bail after spending three days in detention. Pumula-Luveve

21 June 2003

• SG, JN, NM and NN were attending to personal business at Maplanka Shopping Centre in Gwabalanda when war veterans and the police allegedly assaulted them on accusations of supporting the opposition MDC. Some of them were queuing for mealie meal when they were indiscriminately assaulted with sticks and fists on accusations of having a gathering in order to march to the State House. They allege that the assailants threatened them with further assault if they reported the incident to the police. On the same day at 747 Supermarket in Kingsdale, police in riot gear assaulted residents.

6 Please See the POSA Chapter 19 (1)(a)

10 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 HARARE Chitungwiza 2 June 2003

• The victim purports that the police tortured him for about 6 hours on allegations of wanting to march to the state house during the mass action, and of wanting to oust the President.

• AA alleges that the police arrested him on allegations of being an MDC supporter. The victim, an old man and a stone carver, claims that he is not involved in party politics, was picked up by the police and then put in cells at Chitungwiza Police Station. He was released after 4 days without any charges being preferred against him.

• At about 11am, ZANU PF youths assaulted SF at his home, took him to the police station, and beat him with clenched fists, open palms, and planks. He asserts that he was arrested and detained for two days at Chitungwiza Police Station.

• LR claims that he was punched in the ribs and on the head, and was slapped on the cheeks by the police as they reportedly indiscriminately attacked civilians. LR alleges that he was then arrested and detained for three days, and was later charged with contravening a section of POSA. He alleges that he did no wrong.

4 June 2003

• OM is one of the organisers of the 2-6 June 2003 mass action march in the area. He reported that the police and soldiers invaded his home early in the morning. The rest of the family was not at home, having acted on a tip off from his friends that state agents were carrying out raids. However, those present claim that they were severely assaulted, and the doors and property in OM’s house was destroyed. The victim alleges that he has received notes summoning him to Chitungwiza Police Station but is reluctant to report to the police because the police themselves are involved in the torture.

• Members of the ZNA reportedly arrived at the AC’s home around 2:30 am and asked for the money, which they claimed AC was keeping for MDC activities. She managed to flee and the soldiers are said to have remained behind, beating up the victim’s brother. She is now homeless.

6 June 2003

• MM reports that soldiers tried to force entry into the house, demanding to see her, and she tried to escape in vain. The assailants reportedly gained entry, slapped her on the face, and ordered her not to attend any MDC gatherings. They allegedly threatened to come back the following day and ordered her not to report to any one. She claims that her ears have been painful since the attack.

9 June 2003 • MAM participated in the MDC mass action march held in June 2003. ZNA forces and ZANU PF youths reportedly went round the neighbour-hood picking up those who had participated in the march. They are said to have raided his house and assaulted his family. The victim left his family behind and fled to Rugare, where he is now living with a friend.

Dzivaresekwa June 2003

11 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• Soldiers reportedly beat G during an attack in which they allegedly indiscriminately harassed and assaulted civilians. The victim suspects that the attack was linked to the MDC mass action as no other reason was given for the assault.

• FM claims that ZANU PF youths raided his home while he was away. When he went to assess the damage, one of the youths allegedly pushed him from behind and he fell over. He was then beaten with a wooden log and left lying on the ground.

• At around 10:00hrs, ZANU PF youths are said to have attacked IK at home while he was sitting with his mother. He allegedly fought back, but was hit on the left eye with a stone. He claims that his eye is now itchy and does not know why he was attacked.

• TM alleges that ZANU PF youths ordered his landlord to evict him because he is an MDC supporter. He is the MDC District Organising Secretary in the area, and he alleges that soldiers were after him too.

• JS purports that soldiers arrived at his home around 11:00pm, broke down the kitchen door, and severely assaulted him because he supports the opposition MDC. They are said to have destroyed property in his kitchen, searched his house, and stole $28 000 cash and some pieces of clothing. He was reportedly ferried to Nyabira Police Station together with Councillor Karimakwenda and 6 other MDC supporters, and then dumped there. Karimakwenda was hospitalised as a result of the assault.

• ZANU PF supporters, led by a war veteran known as Pazvakarambwa purportedly barred workers from Atlanta Bricks from their work premises, accusing workers and management of supporting the MDC mass action. The youths are said to have occupied the premises and threatened to take over the company

12 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

3 June 2003

• Garikai alias Dread, Malvern alias Shortie (of ZANU PF), soldiers and Constable Adam allegedly assaulted and abducted IG on allegations of mobilising masses for the mass action held from 2-6 June 2003. She was reportedly later dumped at the Snake Park along the Bulawayo road. She fears returning home as the assailants allegedly threatened to kill her.

• RM was reportedly assaulted by soldiers on suspicion that she supported the MDC mass action.

6 June 2003

• ZNA and ZRP members claim to have assaulted AK and his wife with baton sticks and booted feet for allegedly organising the mass action held in June 2003. The assailants are also said to have burnt his car.

• QC, a member of the MDC, was allegedly beaten by ZANU PF youths during the mass action held from 2-6 June 2003. He claims that he lost all property, had his home destroyed, his clothes and blankets stolen, and that he was told not to reside the area because supports the MDC.

• OR was reportedly assaulted by soldiers because he was planning to join the other demonstrators in a march to the State House. This was during the MDC mass action held from 2-6 June 2003.

7 June 2003

• WA alleges that 30 ZANU PF youths arrived at his home at 12:00mid-night, stoned his house, beat him with baton sticks, iron bars, planks, and looted all movable property. They are also said to have broken the windows, doors, and roof of his house, forcing him to vacate his home. His sister Plaxedes Alfonso was also assaulted with baton sticks, iron bars, planks and stones. She later died on 10 June 2003. WA sustained chest pains and was later rushed to Parirenyatwa Hospital. The victim alleges that the attack might be connected to the mass action as people in the area were being attacked indiscriminately during the period.

• JM claims that the police and soldiers arrived and beat up everyone including children, destroyed all windows, doors, property, and went off with their clothes. They are said to have threatened to come back and assault them again, so JM fled. He claims that he has no fixed abode and that he has no food.

• At about 9:00pm, a group of more than forty people, heavily armed with sticks and iron bars arrived at SC’s house, beat him, destroyed windows, doors, and property in his house. They are also said to have stolen clothes and shoes, and to have chased him from his home.

• More than 40 ZANU PF youths, soldiers, and police details reportedly descended on MM and WC’s home carrying heavy sticks and iron bars, stole food, smashed the windows and destroyed property on allegations that they support the opposition. WC no longer stays at home because the assailants allegedly threatened him with further assault and murder should he continue residing in the area. Following the assault, MM was admitted into hospital and released after a week.

8 June 2003

• Felix January, Tichaona, and other unnamed perpetrators arrived at a house, assaulted people with baton sticks, stoned them, and ordered GV to lie on the ground. He claims that they jumped on his chest, turned him upside down, whipped his buttocks with rubber whips, and looted property, clothes and cash from the house. They are said to have destroyed the home and as the owners no longer have a place to stay.

13 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• ZANU PF youths armed with various weapons and wearing T-shirts emblazoned with the ruling party’s name and the words “no to mass action”, reportedly destroyed several houses, injured more than twenty people, looted property and assaulted suspected MDC. They allegedly surrounded Violet Tazvivinga’s home, stoned it, axed the door, stormed in, and accused her of supporting the opposition MDC. She claims that they assaulted her, her baby and her mother with baton sticks and chains, demanding that she produce opposition regalia. She alleges that they failed to escape as they had been taking care of the sick baby. The assailants reportedly stole $12 000 in cash and part of her property. Alfonso Wonder purports that he sustained head injuries after he was stoned by the youths. He was also threatened with death. Garikai Vhinyu alleges that he lost cash and property to the youths, and that one policeman said that they were under instruction not to arrest the youths.

18 June 2003

• RM claims that Brian, Garikayi, Felix, Malvern, Rungano and 25 other ZANU PF youths assaulted her and confiscated her belongings from home for allegedly supporting the MDC. They purportedly confiscated her blankets and the chickens which she sells at her house. She claims that they threatened her with death.

4 June 2003

• NK alleges that she was assaulted by soldiers and ZANU PF youths, among them Elliot Manyika, the Minister of Youth Development Gender and Employment Creation, as well as one Tawanda, a graduate of the National Youth Training Service Centre. She claims that they beat her because they could not find her husband.

• About 15 soldiers reportedly broke into RG’s home and assaulted her, looted property and food from the house, accusing her of supporting the mass action held in June 2003.

Glen Norah 4 June 2003

• LS was in a queue to buy the Daily News newspaper at the shops when soldiers arrived in a truck and allegedly beat him as well as other victims who were queuing up for the paper. He claims that they slapped him on left cheek, on the ear, and that when he fell to the ground, they kicked him in the chest with booted feet. He lost consciousness and the assailants purportedly left him sprawled on the ground.

5 June 2003

• ZANU PF youths reportedly approached Chizanaga, the Head of Glen Norah 2 Primary School and demanded to know why pupils were playing outside. He claims that the youths severely assaulted him and two teachers with batons for not conducting lessons during the mass action. The head purports that the assailants, who are former students at the school, threatened to camp at the school, to ensure that lessons continued. One teacher was severely wounded on the head, the other on the leg. The assailants are said to have visited the neighbouring school, Kudakwashe Primary, and assaulted the head with fists on allegations of supporting the mass action. He claims that some pupils were playing in the field but lessons were being conducted as usual since all members of staff had reported for work.

Glen View

2 June 2003

14 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• Jabu Khumalo claims that a group of 30 soldiers and police officers, in the company of Elliot Manyika, Minister of Youth Development, Gender and Employment Creation, arrived at Weddy Dewah’s (Harare City Councillor) house at 2:00am and severely beat him and others. Manyika reportedly called for an end to the beatings when they noticed that the victims were seriously injured. Khumalo claims that two of the assailants are well known graduates of the Border Gezi National Youth Service Training Centre. He sustained a broken arm and a swollen body. It was reported that the Minister could not be reached for comment.

• Lafingo Madyira was guarding a car park when he was reportedly attacked by group of persons wearing ZNA uniforms and in the company of Minister Elliot Manyika. They allegedly demanded to know the whereabouts of one Teddy Gumbeze, an MDC activist, and on denying any knowledge of his whereabouts, Madyira was accused of having been involved in street marches. He purports that the assailants beat him with baton sticks, planks and booted feet.

3 June 2003

• The victim claims that soldiers in uniform arrived at his home, forced the door open, and shouted, “you are MDC supporters going to march to the state House, your final push!” He alleges that he was made to lie on his stomach and was beaten with baton sticks, and that they stole part of his property, mobile phone, and $5 000 in cash. He sustained injuries to the hands, back and left eye.

4 June 2003

• PG was asleep at home when soldiers arrived at her home, knocked on the door, broke it down and assaulted everyone therein. The victims were accused of wanting to march in protest against the government, in support of the mass action called for by the MDC in June 2003. She claims that she was beaten with a truncheon on the soles of the feet and on the right arm. The assailants are said to have stolen food, money, and other movable property from the house.

• Douglas Zihara, Daniel Ngoya, VT, GM, FG and TS claim that around 02:00hrs when they were sleeping at home of Weddy Dewah, MDC Councillor for Ward 31, officers from the CID, armed and uniformed policemen as well as soldiers, under the leadership of Minister Elliot Manyika, suddenly knocked on the door and broke it down. They allegedly forced entry, assaulted everyone with baton sticks, called them MDC supporters, and accused them of planning the MDC mass action protest march to the State House. They assailants reportedly looted food, money, property, and then ordered the victims to vacate the Councillor’s home and go to their homes.

• RM claims that police officers, CID officers and soldiers broke into her home looking for her husband, Weddy Dewah, the Councillor for ward 31. They allegedly beat her up with truncheons and stole $86 000 from the house. The Councillor was not at home during the time of the raid.

• NC and ET alleged that police officers assaulted them with truncheons, booted feet, and rifle butts on accusations of being traitors by virtue of their support for the opposition MDC. The assailants are said to have arrived at their homes, knocked on the windows and doors, forced entry, and demanded to know the whereabouts of Paul Madzore, MDC MP for Glen View. They both denied any knowledge of his whereabouts. They allegedly pulled down a picture of MDC President Morgan Tsvangirai from the wall, slapped her on the right cheek, assaulted her friend, and then pulled her outside. She claims that they ordered her to remove her pants, and when she refused, they bundled her into the back of a truck and took her to another MDC member’s house where they allegedly assaulted her while the colleague watched. She was released and ordered to run back to her home.

3 June 2003

15 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• GB was sleeping at night when suddenly Minister Elliot Manyika, ZANU PF youths and CIO agents arrived and allegedly kicked the doors, and started shouting abusive language from outside. The assailants allegedly burnt his kitchen, gained entry to his bedroom, and beat him with baton and wooden sticks for almost an hour after which Minister Elliot Manyika told them to stop. He was then reportedly ferried to Harare in Manyika’s car, and forced to confess what he and the other MDC supporters thought they would achieve with the final push. They allegedly threatened him with death before dumping him at Mbare Musika Bus Terminus.

Harare Central

June 2003

• Shorai Katiwa and Martin Chimenya, journalists, had gone to UZ to record students’ demonstrations during the MDC mass action. They approached a group of CIO agents and ZANU PF youths at Avondale Shopping Centre, thinking that they were students, and then asked them about the mass action. They were reportedly arrested, detained at the ZANU PF headquarters, and taken to Harare Central Police Station where they were interrogated on their activities. They allege that they were assaulted and had their mobile phones, Voice Of the People administration files, equipment, and recorders confiscated. They were later released without any charges being preferred against them.

2 June 2003

• ZANU PF youths reportedly terrorised people at random. Civilians allege that they tore up copies of the independent press such as the Daily News, and robbed pedestrians of cell phones and cash. The police reportedly gave the youths mere lectures and let them go.

• GM and ES claim that they were sleeping in their rooms at the University of Zimbabwe when they heard cries outside. They peeped through their windows and saw riot officers, 2 of whom later climbed up to the students’ rooms and broke down doors with gun butts. GM 's door was forced open and the perpetrators allegedly ordered him to crawl to the ground floor and to walk through tear-gassed corridors. He claims that he was made to turn round many times even though he alerted them that he was asthmatic. He was forced to lie down and was beaten on the calves with baton sticks. He was treated at Parirenyatwa Hospital and alleges that he did not report the incident to the police as the police had assaulted him. ES complains of a persistent headache.

• NM, a student from the University of Zimbabwe, alleges that riot police and soldiers who were walking around campus, knocked on his door, kicked it open with gun butts, and 2 officers armed with AK47 rifles with a blade in front entered and beat him. He alleges that he was forced to crawl on the tear-gassed floor, kicked with booted feet, and beaten with gun butts while lying flat on the ground. He claims that he was ordered to climb some steps and drop himself to the ground, sing revolutionary songs, snore for about 2 minutes, and to roll on the tar. The victim purports that the assailants were declaring that they were on a mission to teach students the other side of grade seven. He claims that he was forced to emulate sexual intercourse with the ground and that he felt he was about to suffocate after breathing tear gas.

• TN and TM, students from the University of Zimbabwe, were at the campus waiting for transport to go home when ZRP, ZANU PF, and ZNA officers reportedly arrived and assaulted students. The soldiers and ZANU PF youths are said to have ordered everyone to disembark and lie on the tar, sing revolutionary songs and then assaulted the victims with baton sticks, booted feet, and sjamboks, accusing them of coming to organise the mass action march.

• NZV, a student from the University of Zimbabwe, claims that the riot police and soldiers broke into her neighbour’s room and jumped over into hers while she was sleeping and assaulted her,

16 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 demanding that she escorts them to the boys’ hostel. When she took them there, they purportedly broke down the boys’ doors and assaulted them with baton sticks, open hands, booted feet, and knobkerries, all over their bodies for about 30 minutes. The victim and others were ferried to Parirenyatwa Hospital having escaped. NZV sustained a swollen neck and feels dizzy. She did not report to the police because they had assaulted her.

• Pearson Mangofa, Highfield MP, alleged that five party supporters from his constituency were admitted to hospital, and that three of them were in critical condition after an attack by ZANU PF youths. He claims that he has information showing that ZANU PF youths have been supplied with army and police uniforms and are responsible for tracking down and assaulting MDC party supporters.

• BM and IC allege that they were arrested and assaulted by the police for supporting the MDC mass action. They were then released from police custody without being charged. He claims that they both need medical attention.

• ZANU PF youths reportedly assaulted the victim because she did not report for work during the five-day mass action. She claims that she was badly beaten by the group, which comprised about 20 youths. She sustained a broken a jaw and her hearing capacity has decreased.

• DN was reportedly assaulted together with MDC MPs for Harare East () and Mbare West (Dunmore Makuwaza). He claims that they were forced to lie on the ground, crawl to the other side of the road, and then beaten on the buttocks with baton sticks. The assailants are said to have trampled on his back, punched him in the stomach, on the back and on ribs, before detaining him at Harare Central Police Station. They were released after three days. DN claims that while in detention, they were not given food and they were denied the right to receive medication for their wounds.

• Tendai Biti (MDC MP – Mbare West) and Tichaona Munyanyi (MDC MP, Mbare East) claim that they were arrested and put in police custody during the mass action. No specific charges had been pressed by the time of the report.

• ZANU PF supporters purportedly thronged and sealed the Africa Unity Square in the city centre where the demonstrators were supposed to meet for the march to the State House in an effort to thwart the procession. About 200 youths were reportedly deployed into the city to assist the police in quelling the opposition's mass protest, which was declared illegal by the High Court. They allegedly patrolled the streets in the CBD as well as the high-density suburbs intimidating most residents, ordering them to stay in doors, and singing songs of praise for the ruling party. Civilians allege that a full back-up of heavily armed policemen and soldiers descended on them, tear gassed them, tore up copies of the Daily News, and accused the paper of supporting the mass action and the opposition MDC. The protests called for by the MDC were to press the President to agree to talks to end the country's political stalemate and to resolve the economic crisis.

3 June 2003

• Staff and patrons at a Portuguese restaurant along Samora Machel Avenue claim that they were severely beaten by soldiers during the mass action called by the MDC. They allege that the security forces used teargas, baton sticks, and bullets to crackdown on opposition demonstrators.

4 June 2003

• When AM and his colleagues were at the Avondale shops discussing the closure of one of the shops at the complex during the mass action, plain clothes policemen and the riot squad reportedly emerged, assaulted them, and handcuffed them. His friends managed to escape, and as the state 17 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 agents went after them, AA also managed to make his escape. He is reportedly coughing blood since the day of the assault.

• Soldiers reportedly tried to prevent injured victims at the Avenues clinic from receiving treatment. They are said to have stormed the clinic where many victims had been admitted, abducted one person, and terrorised patients awaiting treatment. Most of the patients were reportedly victimised during the MDC mass held in the month of June.

5 June 2003 • HTT, a student from the University of Zimbabwe, was reportedly severely assaulted by ZANU PF supporters and the police. He claims that he was standing in the corridor by the students’ residence when two men in civilian clothing accosted him, held his hands and belt and forced him to open the door to his room so they could do a search. When they did not find anything incriminating, they are said to have demanded to see his student’s Identification Card, ordered him to accompany them outside, and then pushed into a Police Defender Vehicle with other students. He purports that they took him to the ZANU PF Head Quarters where he saw many ZANU PF youths in the yard. The police reportedly shouted to the ZANU PF youths that they had brought them "meat”. HTT purports that the victims were kicked as they descended from the vehicle, punched with fists and open hands, were pushed into a dimly lit office, and then made to sit on the floor. He claims that 10 men in civilian clothing, who demanded to know the names of all students who are active in politics, surrounded them. He denied knowing any and was forced to lie on the floor while one of them held his head and assaulted him with baton sticks all over the body. He claims that the assailants would stop at intervals and ask if he was now prepared to tell the names of students who supported MDC. His T-shirt, which he claims was bloody at that point, was removed and he was suspended on the ceiling by his feet. He alleged that he was assaulted all over the body until he had difficulty breathing. When they released the rope, he fell to the ground and they ordered him to spread his hands on the floor so they could jump all over them with their heavy boots. He claims that he heard cries and a girl who had been through the same torture as his was pushed into the same room by six men. One of the assailants is said to have to have forced HTT 's head down to the feet, such that he cried out in pain. He fell unconscious and was later rescued by one of the assailants whom he claims gave him back his belongings when the rest were absent. He claims that his watch and $12 000 in cash were stolen. He was forced to walk as if he had not been assaulted and not to report the incident to the police. He is suffering persistent headaches. 6 June 2003

• CK was with the Action Leader for Highfield Constituency in Harare’s 1st Street partaking in the “final push”, the MDC mass action march, when he and others were caught by the police and accused of burning a ZUPCO bus in the last MDC mass action in March, and also of organising the present mass action. CK claims that the assailants beat them with whips, drove them to Mount Darwin, and dumped them in the bush.

• MK and AT had joined in the march to the state house during the mass action when the police reportedly assaulted them with sticks and knobkerries. AT claims that he was dumped in Karoi and he had a hard time getting home as the assailants had confiscated all his money.

8 June 2003

• LK alleges that he was walking towards the Five Avenue shops with a friend when policemen in a land rover stopped them and ordered them to produce their Identification Documents. LK’s friend, who had left his at home, was reportedly slapped on the face and asked why he did not have them. LK claims that they were both beaten with truncheons on the soles of the feet, knee joints, and his

18 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 friend received a blow to the head. He was then taken to Harare Central Police Station where he was detained in cells for the weekend. LK alleges that he was so severely assaulted that he could not stand alone, and that the police officers denied them the right to seek medication while in custody. The officers allegedly arrested them on allegations of verbally assaulting one of them. The victims deny the charge.

Harare North 2 June 2003

• Energy Gumbiro, Nhamo Gauti, and other MDC youths are said to have ordered the Headmaster of Hatcliffe Primary to close the school, dismiss pupils, and take part in the mass action. They allegedly threatened the Head with unspecified action if he failed to comply. He purports that he complied, released the pupils and staff, and then reported the incident to the police when the perpetrators left. A follow up was made and the perpetrators were arrested. They were found with red whistles and banners with the President face written ‘Zwakwana’ literally meaning ‘Enough’.

5 June 2003

• Edwina Spicer, a journalist, claims that soldiers raided her home with no search warrant, harassed her gardener and housemaid, confiscated video cameras, cassettes, food, and claimed that they were looking for subversive material. She fears failure of recovering the goods, as the assailants left no receipt specifying what they took. She is the third journalist to be victimised following Shorai Katiwa and Martin Chimenya who were assaulted, arrested and detained by ZANU PF supporters and the police while covering the mass action at the University of Zimbabwe.

Harare South

2 June 2003

• Members of staff from a shop at Sunningdale Shopping Centre claim that they were harassed by ZANU PF youths for allegedly supporting the opposition MDC as their shop was closed in the morning on the first day of the MDC mass action.


2 June 2003

• CN, a traditional healer, purported that two people arrived at her home around 11:00pm seeking treatment, but she would not open her door as she does not attend to patients at night. On peeping through window, she alleges that she saw people scattered all over the yard. They broke down the door, raped her, took her to a ZANU PF base in the area, assaulted her, and accused her of being an MDC supporter. The assailants are said to have forced her to tell on her MDC colleagues, and when she denied knowing any, they are said to have assaulted her till morning and then released her. She alleges that they came to her home after a week and on not finding her, they assaulted her children. She asserts that she is apolitical.

• LM was at home when four men arrived, forced entry, took him to their base and assaulted him on accusations of once being an MDC polling agent.

11 June 2003

• PP was allegedly approached by about 200 war veterans and ZANU PF youths, clad in Border Gezi National Youth Service Training Centre uniforms, and assaulted on accusations of being an MDC supporter and of masterminding the MDC mass action held from 2 - 6 June 2003. Some of

19 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 the assailants were reportedly in white T-shirts with the inscription ‘no to mass action’. He claims that they forced him to go to the police station with them and when he refused, one of them produced a Border Gezi National Youth Service Training Centre Identification Card, and then assaulted the victim all over the body with chains, knobkerries, baton sticks and sjamboks on the genitals, head, joints, knees, hands and back. He was later taken to Dombo, a well-known war veterans’ base, where he was reportedly further assaulted. Officer Nzenza and one Eddie from the police were among the assailants. His house was also searched and the assailants are said to have retrieved MDC party cards, stolen his bed, radio, wardrobe, and R630 cash. He claims that he was dipped in sewage, that he passed out, and later received treatment at Dombo clinic.

20 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003


2 June 2003

• EJ alleges that he was intercepted and assaulted by the police and army personnel while on his way to join the mass demonstration for the final push. He was reportedly beaten with booted feet and baton sticks, and was taken to Machipisa Police Station where he was further beaten and thrown into police cells. He claims that he was asked to pay a police officer $2500 as an admission of guilt fine. The officer took the money, released the victim, but did not press any charges against him.

• About 100 civilians were reportedly arrested at Machipisa Shopping Centre for allegedly supporting the mass action as they were seen roaming about in the area. They were detained at Machipisa Police Station for a day.

• Leonard Dzigagwi alleges that as he attempted to march into town with an estimated 20 000 other persons, soldiers in army trucks barricaded the way, randomly fired shots at the crowd, and shot him in the left leg.

• As the people were starting the march for the mass action held from 2-6 June 2003, members of the Chipangano group (a ZANU PF militant group) and soldiers allegedly arrived and shot into the crowd, shooting SS twice. He sustained a deep cut on the cheek, as well as a deep cut on the head after he was cut with a knife. He also had his leg cut with wires, was severely beaten, and he collapsed to the ground. Assuming that he was dead, the assailants are said to have dumped him in an underground bridge, and all he could hear were gunshots and screams as more people were assaulted and injured in the ensuing melee.

• Prince, a ZANU PF youth, and soldiers in army regalia reportedly forced their way into the victim’s home and beat up everyone with baton sticks, alleging that the victims were MDC supporters and that the soldiers were providing them with an “irony” of their own “final push”. The victim claims that they stole his cash, three cell phones, and threatened him with death if he did not vacate the premises.

• The victim was on his way to fetch a sick friend from hospital when 5 ZANU PF youths in riot gear and carrying baton sticks, apprehended him. He claims that they accused him of marching to the state house in support of the MDC mass action, and they demanded to know if he truly believed that they would succeed in the march. He purports that he was handcuffed, assaulted on the back, on the legs, soles of the feet, on the head and on the ear on the way to Machipisa Police Station. He now has a hearing defect. He alleges that assailants were shouting, “…do you think you can take over the government, you have no police force, we will beat you until this comes right…” He claims that he was detained in overcrowded cells and was released after having paid $3 000 for breaching the peace.

• ZRP officers and soldiers are said to have displaced JM from home on accusations of supporting the opposition MDC and of wooing people into supporting the opposition. He claims that they assaulted him, demanded money from him, accused him of receiving it from Tsvangirai, and forced him to leave his home. He purports that he has been receiving constant threats from the assailants and he was ordered to leave his home.

• War veterans, soldiers and ZANU PF youths in the company of Joseph Chinotimba, a war veteran, reportedly went to SM’s home, destroyed property and beat him at gunpoint on suspicion that he supported the MDC mass action from 2-6 June 2003. She claims that she was forced to leave her home for fear of victimisation.

21 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• JM was sleeping at home at around 11.30pm when war veterans arrived, broke down the neighbour’s door and assaulted her for allegedly supporting the mass action. They are said to have come to JM’s door, forced it open, and then assaulted him and his wife. He claims that they stole some money from his house before they left.

• ES of Western Triangle claims that ZRP and ZNA officers came into the street and beat up people indiscriminately. They went to ES’s home, burst in and slapped him twice on the right side of the face. They are said to have ordered him to run. He sprained an ankle while fleeing from the assailants.

• BM was marching to the State House during the “final push” with a group of protesters, when soldiers, war veterans, and plainclothes policemen arrived in a convoy of six trucks and opened fire into the air in an effort to disperse them. When they did not disperse, the assailants reportedly fired into the crowd, shooting two people. The soldiers purportedly surrounded BM and kicked him all over the body with booted feet and hit him in the chest with a rifle butt. He sustained an injured right knee.

• On the first day of the mass action, the victim and others were at a bus stop waiting for transport when a green Army Defender Vehicle stopped by and uniformed soldiers jumped out. The victim claims that the soldiers indiscriminately beat them with baton sticks, forcing them to go back home and demanding to know where they intended to go. The victims fled in all directions. The following evening, four soldiers reportedly followed the victim to his house and assaulted him. He purports that one of them put a boot on his neck pinning him to the ground, and then assaulted him with baton sticks. His two brothers and the housemaid who were sleeping in adjoining rooms were also allegedly assaulted. They demanded “MDC monies” and to know the whereabouts of one Zhuwake, an MDC supporter. The victim claims that he does not know him. They all fled the area and have not gone back since.

3 June 2003

• ZT purports that police officers approached him, demanded that he hand over the money, which they claimed he got from MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai, and beat him with sticks. As there were too many of the officers, he failed to escape. He claims that they forced his landlord to evict him. He sustained injuries all over his body.

• At about 10:00pm, soldiers arrived at MK’s home and assaulted him on accusations of supporting the opposition MDC, “a party that they do not support”. The victim purports that the assailants said that all MDC supporters should not have a place to stay in this country. The victim, who rented lodgings in the area, claims that he no longer has a home as his landlord was warned against giving opposition supporters accommodation.

• The victim, a campaigner for the MDC Councillor, was asleep at home when soldiers arrived and broke the doors and windows to her house, gained entry, and demanded to know where Last and Mamwoyo (MDC supporters) were, as well as what she did when she went to the MDC offices. She was reportedly assaulted with baton sticks, rubber whips, and gun butts on the legs, back, buttocks, and chest. They allegedly demanded to know where she got her money from before they released her.

• 10 ZNA and ZRP officers reportedly beat up JC because she is an MDC member. She claims that they forced her outside the house and took her money, calling it MDC money. They promised to further victimise her if she remained at the house. She no longer has a home.

22 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• War veterans arrived at SP’s home in the evening and assaulted her, demanding that she hand over the money they claimed she had received from the MDC to oust the President. When she denied having any money, they purportedly continued to assault her until the following morning. She was taken to hospital following day.

• Joseph Mutsotso and other civilians were allegedly assaulted by police and army officers in a scuffle which unfolded between civilians and state agents during the mass action.

• 10 soldiers dressed in camouflage uniform and carrying AK rifles and batons arrived at the victim’s house, knocked once, forced the door open and demanded to know the where-abouts of a certain lady, a member of the opposition, shouting, “ you are members of the MDC and we are going to teach you a lesson”. She claims that she was beaten on the left knee with a rifle butt, fell to the ground and was slapped on the face. Her husband and everybody in the house were also assaulted with baton sticks. She claims that they confiscated some cash from her, calling it MDC money. She sustained a swollen right arm and deep welts on the buttocks and thighs.

4 June 2003

• About 20 soldiers in army regalia and armed with AK47 rifles, and ZRP officers carrying baton sticks, reportedly went to the victim’s home, demanded to see him, and then assaulted him. Two of his neighbours allege that they were ordered to lie on their stomachs and were beaten with baton sticks on allegations of convening an MDC meeting at the house. They claim that they were assaulted with baton sticks and gun butts and had part of their property stolen.

• MD reported that she was walking towards Chinyaradzo Children’s Home when soldiers in several Army Tanker trucks approached and opened fire on them. She alleges that she fell to the ground and when she saw one of the soldiers disembarking and approaching her, she remained still. She claims that she heard him “quizzing” himself whether or not she was dead, then he kicked her, beat her, and threw her into the back of one of the trucks. The assailants allegedly assaulted her all the way to Mbare Police Station and then pushed her off the truck

• GM was asleep when a group of army personnel arrived at his home, broke down the door, and assaulted him all over the body with gun butts and baton sticks. He claims that he was later pushed into the back of an army truck, further assaulted, and then taken to Machipisa Police Station where he was made to pay $3 000 admission of guilt fine. He was not told what he was being charged with. He sustained a broken right hand, a cut above the right eye and fractures on the ribs.

• IM and others were getting ready to participate in the MDC mass action of 2-6 June 2003 when ZANU PF youths approached them and beat them with rubber sticks. JM claims that he was asked if he was Jason Musvosva’s young brother, had $4 000 confiscated from him, and was accused of getting it from Morgan Tsvangirai. They were allegedly dragged to a local bottle store where they and other revellers were further assaulted.

• MD claims that she was severely assaulted by soldiers whilst participating in the MDC mass action held from 2-6 June 2003. He sustained two broken left fingers and can no longer fend for himself.


June 2003

• Mafunga was reportedly assaulted by ZANU PF youths in the follow-up to the mass action. He sustained a swollen face and severe facial injuries.

23 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 2 June 2003

• RK was coming from church when he was reportedly apprehended and assaulted by Tendai, Mrs Dzika and other ZANU PF youths for being an MDC supporter. They fled soon after the attack.

• RM was on his way to the shops when a group of ZANU PF youths stopped him and accused him of distributing MDC fliers. He claims that he was slapped in the face, fell to the ground, and fainted. He purports that when he came round after about three hours, he had stomach pains and his left knee was bruised.

• Patrons at a beer-hall in Kambuzuma were reportedly assaulted by soldiers while at work. This follows reports that soldiers were indiscriminately beating up civilians at beer-halls over the weekend of the MDC mass action.

4 June 2003

• CM purports that the police picked him up from home and assaulted him with baton sticks and booted feet on accusations of being an MDC supporter. They reportedly slapped him on the face and then released him after 90 minutes.

• FC claims that he was coming from the shops when the police picked him up and slapped him on the face with open palms, and then took him to Harare Central Police Station, on accusations of organising the mass action in the area.

5 June 2003

• HC claims that as he was coming from home around 3:00pm, ZANU PF youths called him and asked him where he was coming from. He purports that they asked him to chant the slogan, and when he asked them which one, they assaulted him, confiscated $10 000 from his bag, searched his pockets, and handcuffed him when they discovered that he had a student journalist identification card. He alleges that they then accused him of being an MDC supporter, of getting the money from Tsvangirai, and of tarnishing the government’s image by writing letters to the British and American governments. He was then forcibly taken to one war veteran’s house where he was reportedly beaten under the feet with iron rods and had water poured all over him. He was purportedly bundled into a Police Defender Vehicle and detained for 6 days at Kambuzuma Police Station. He was denied food for three days.

• At midnight, 6 armed soldiers and policemen arrived at SM’s home, assaulted him in front of his wife and children, and took him to a base where he claims that he was further assaulted. He purports that at the base, he recognised a few other MDC members who had also been picked up for interrogation, and they were all assaulted with electric cables, sjamboks and baton sticks. They were reportedly dumped at the Warren Park cemetery. SM could not walk and his fellow members who were not seriously injured helped him to walk back home. He no longer resides at home as he claims that the police are still after him.

• Unknown assailants are said to have assaulted JJC while he was at home. They allegedly stole his mobile phone, $80 000 cash and some of his clothing.

6 June 2003

• 30 war veterans and CIO agents went into Warren Park and allegedly attacked MDC supporters at night. 6 of the victims were severely injured and were then taken to hospital by ambulance.

24 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• GM and JJC were awakened from sleep by many cars stopping by their homes and dropping a number of armed people. One lady in civilian clothing and 8 men, one of whom wore an MDC T- shirt, reportedly forced entry into the house, broke into every room, and assaulted everyone there, demanding to know where one Murindagomo was. On professing ignorance, the victim and others in the house were blindfolded with MDC T-shirts and were driven around the area, picking up other MDC supporters. GM and JJC purported that they were ordered to open the zippers of their trousers and have sex with the ground, had logs of wood piled on top of them, and were interrogated with regard to how they would conduct the mass action. GM sustained a swollen hand and a sore eardrum.

• TN alleges that about 12-15 youths arrived at his home in the evening, took him to their base, threatened him with death, and demanded to know the MDC plans for the mass action held from 2- 6 June 2003. He was reportedly assaulted with baton sticks and rubber whips, was taken to the sewage water, dipped in it, arrested and was taken to Kuwadzana Police Station. He was later released on $3 000 bail.

7 June 2003

• RS claims that ZANU PF youths and war veterans abducted him and tortured him at their offices. He was reportedly released after they noticed that he had sustained a broken arm. He does not know why he was assaulted.

• PS was reportedly kidnapped and tortured by ZANU PF youths and war veterans at their base, and later ferried to Marimba Police Station where he was charged under POSA on allegations of arson. He was then ferried to Harare Central Police Station, had his finger prints and photos taken, and was told to report to the war veterans’ base once a week, and at Marimba Police Station once every Friday for two months. He was reportedly fined $3 000 for breaching the peace and was evicted from home.

26 June 2003

• ET reported that she was coming from Madzimure’s place, an MDC supporter, when she was assaulted by about seven ZANU PF youths. She claims that she was slapped on the face and forcibly taken to their base, but she managed to escape. She claims that she was stoned during the escape and was hit on the right side of the neck and chest. George Lochinvar and Simon Mabvenyika were implicated in the assault.


2 June 2003

• Members of the ZNA allegedly assaulted JN at her home and threatened to return and further assault her if she continued staying at her house. The victim has fled her home.

• CM took part in the mass action march organised by the MDC in June. He claims that ZANU PF youths and soldiers came to his home and assaulted him because they believe that he is still involved with the MDC. Among other ZANU PF supporters and CIO agents, Brighton Tembedza and Charles Murambiwa always harass him when the MDC organises any function.

• E and M claim that the police arrested them around 2:00pm while they were going about their own business. They allege that they were then taken to Borrowdale Police Station where they were detained until 4 July 2003.

25 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• Three men allege that soldiers approached them at a bus stop in Tafara and interrogated them over why they were reading the Daily News. They were reportedly taken to Mabvuku Police Station, forced to chew the newspapers they were selling and then released having been.

3 June 2003

• ZANU PF supporters and soldiers allegedly approached DM at his home and assaulted him on allegations of keeping guns, dangerous weapons and petrol. The perpetrators released him the following morning but he claims that the youths returned that evening, threatened him with death, forced him to leave, and threatened his neighbours with unspecified action, alleging that they should report to them if the victim continued staying at the house.

• DM claims that 15 ZANU PF youths and 3 soldiers, heavily armed with sticks and iron bars, arrived at her home during the night and severely beat him, destroying windows, doors, and property in his house. He alleges that they took his clothes, threw the rest of his property outside, and alleged that they were looking for a gun in the house. He was dumped far from home and his neighbours allege that the assailants threatened them with unspecified action in case they were contemplating keeping DM in hiding at their house.

• Residents alleged that soldiers threatened people in the area with assault, beat them up, and ordered shops and beer-halls in the area to close early. They reportedly ordered people to stay in doors and not roam around.

4 June 2003

• The police reportedly assaulted CK during the MDC mass action, because he keeps MDC banners and regalia in his house.

5 June 2003

• A victim from Tafara was reportedly attacked by soldiers whilst standing by the gate of his house. He sustained multiple injuries and when he went for treatment at a local clinic, the nurses allegedly initially refused to treat him because he had not brought in a Police Report.

• Soldiers reportedly beat civilians at Makwarara Shopping Centre as the mass-action progressed. The informant claims that he saw people running in all directions and heard cries as the soldiers brutally attacked them. The situation in the area was reportedly very tense, and shops remained closed the rest of the week, as people feared being assaulted.

• CM claims that CID and CIO agents armed with A.K 47 rifles came to MDC supporters’ homes at night, fired at the people, beat them up and ordered them to leave their homes because they support the opposition MDC. He claims that houses of all real and perceived MDC supporters in the area are currently being monitored by the youth militias, who have reportedly been given the directive to take the victims to the police should they go back home.

6 June 2003

• Soldiers arrived at JN’s house around 11:00pm and reportedly beat her on accusations of being one of the leaders of the opposition MDC in the area. She claims that she was forced to surrender MDC party cards, and when she denied having any, was further assaulted. Her son who was in the house ran off, and they beat her under the feet to coerce her into confessing where he had run to. She was mandated to search for and locate her son pending their return. She claims that she was forced to leave home because of fear of victimisation.

26 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• EK was reportedly accused of keeping 68 petrol bombs in her house. A Police Constable from Mabvuku Police Station purportedly arrested and detained her for 3 days and then released her without any charges being preferred against her.

• DT reported that soldiers came to her home and assaulted her because they could not find her husband. They are said to have forced the door open, asked for her husband, and when she told them that she did not know where he was, they beat her all over the body and slapped her on the face, all the while interrogating her. She claims that they threw her into the back of a truck, threatened to detain her, and took her with them, leaving her baby unattended. She was then dropped about 3-4 kilometers away from home and told to walk back.

10 June 2003

• EL alleges that ZANU PF supporters and CID officers forcibly took him to Mabvuku Police Station, beat him on the back, buttocks, and under the feet with old tyres, baton sticks and hose pipes, on accusations of making petrol bombs. He was detained for 3 days and later released. He claims that while in detention, he was made to sit in cold water, had his hands tied at the back and that he was forced to lie on the floor without clothes, in cold weather. No charges were preferred against him.

23 June 2003

• A group of 40-50 ZNA personnel and ZANU PF youths allegedly assaulted PM on suspicion that she supports the opposition MDC. Her arm was deeply cut and she received treatment at the Avenues Clinic. She claims that the assailants returned and further assaulted her because she had not defected from the opposition MDC.

24 June 2003

• 2 policemen and some ZANU PF youths allegedly arrived at AR’S home and beat him in front of his family. Those who were present later rescued him. No reason was given for the beating.

25 June 2003

• MG, an MDC member, was involved in the March and June mass action organised by the MDC. He claims that the police, CIO agents, ZANU PF youths and soldiers came to his home, forced entry, and assaulted him. Nduna (ZRP), Brighton Tembedza (ZANU PF), Ncube (CIO Mabvuku), Sibanda (ZNA) and Wright Banda (ZANU PF) have been implicated in the attack.

Mabvuku; Harare Central

2 June 2003

• BG, Mrs. G, Mr. J, IT, LK, WM, CB, S, GB, RM, DB, MG and BM were conducting personal business when they were reportedly assaulted and arrested by the police. IT and BM were reportedly the worst affected and are in need of medication. LK; CB; S; and MG were near the Africa Unity Square when they were arrested. They claim that they were not involved in the march for the “final push”.

Mbare East/ West

June 2003

• Members of a youth militia group named Chipangano allegedly terrorised residents from the Harare high-density suburb, demanding $20 from each household to feed ZANU PF youths sheltered at Matapi Flats. Residents claim that they cannot report because the police treat the

27 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 group as demi-gods. Three residents who refused to pay were assaulted. The group is also alleged to be taking wares from vendors at the market if vendors are unable to produce a party membership card.

2 June 2003

• Soldiers and members of the ZRP allegedly went to IG’s house and demanded to know the whereabouts of Mr Gumbezi, the MDC Chairman for Ward 31. He denied any knowledge of his whereabouts. He claims that the state agents then assaulted him because he supports the opposition MDC and because he could not disclose the information that they sought.

3 June 2003

• Tichaona Kaguru was reportedly abducted from Mbare together with Harare City Councillor Sydney Mazaranhanga, by about 40 armed soldiers and members of the police on suspicion that they were holding a meeting to discuss the mass action. Mazaranhanga denies that there had been a meeting at his house, but that, as the Councillor, he occasionally entertained people at his home. Kaguru, who had earlier jumped over the wall to seek refuge at a neighbour’s house, reappeared with two soldiers holding him. Mazaranhanga purported that they were ordered to lie on the tar, assaulted on their backs with sjamboks and baton sticks, forced into one of trucks, and further assaulted. SM claims that he fainted thrice, and that the victims were later dumped along the road leading to Chikurubi Maximum Prison. Kaguru was reportedly left lying helpless and could not get up. Mazaranhanga claims that they were denied medical attention by staff at Chikurubi Police Camp hospital on the basis that the hospital was not intended for civilians. Kaguru died while awaiting an ambulance to ferry him to hospital. Weddy Dewah, (Councillor for Ward 31 – Glen View) and his 18 yr old daughter were at the house and they were also reportedly assaulted and arrested by the ZNA and ZRP officers. Mazaranhanga later regained consciousness, hid Kaguru’s helpless body in the tall grass nearby, went to Portland Cement, and secured help. He was ferried to Parirenyatwa Hospital, and the police later arrived with Kaguru’s body,

• ZANU PF youths reportedly arrived at the funeral of Tichaona Kaguru, stoned mourners, and assaulted them with booted feet. EM alleges that he was slapped on the face, but he managed to escape through the window. EJ claims that a bench fell over her back while she was trying to run away from the assailants.

5 June 2003

• 50 members of a ZANU PF militia youth group named Chipangano are reported to have attacked mourners gathered at the funeral of Tichaona Kaguru. The group are said to have stormed the Kaguru home and randomly attacked mourners consoling the family. They ordered everyone to lie down and allegedly began stoning them before moving into house where they assaulted everyone with bricks, stones and sticks. Kunaka Kaguru, brother to Tichaona, sustained head injuries and was treated at a local hospital. Kaguru's mother in law, Winnet, also sustained injuries.

Mbare West

2 June 2003

• About 20 MDC youths are said to have attacked and stoned Amon Nyadongo, a ZANU PF activist, while he was walking with his nephew Jairosi Madzima along Pazarangu Street. Nyadongo was reportedly stabbed with knives on the head and chest before he was stoned by more than 50 MDC members. He was reportedly severely injured and was vomiting blood and bleeding profusely after the attack. The gang reportedly fled having left him for dead. The nephew alleges that he

28 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 could not help his uncle as the youths assaulted him. Nyadongo later died on admission at Harare Central hospital.

3 June 2003

• SP claims that nine soldiers descended upon her and her husband while they were sleeping and assaulted them on suspicion that her husband was distributing some MDC material. When they arrived, they are said to have knocked heavily on the door to her house, shouted out her husband’s name and demanded of him to open the door. The husband reportedly hid in another room while the assailants made an attempt to break in. They allegedly forced entry, beat SP, and demanded to know where her husband was. She claims that they forced her to lie on the ground, and then beat her with truncheons, booted feet and rifle butts. They allegedly stole $3 000 cash from her, searched the house, and then beat up the husband when they found him hiding in one of the rooms.

• Around 10.30 pm, BZ, an MDC supporter, was reportedly assaulted by members of the War Veterans Association for being an MDC supporter. The assailants allegedly smashed the windowpanes of his house, his door, and then forced entry.

• M was purportedly assaulted by ZANU PF youths on suspicion that he supports the opposition MDC.

• WM alleges that he was approached and attacked by ZANU PF youths because he was wearing an MDC t-shirt. He claims that the assailants cut his face with a bottle before they ran away.

• JM alleges that one ZANU PF youth approached him and asked to read his copy of the Daily News newspaper. When he refused, he claims that he was pushed, lost his grip on the paper, and fled when he saw the assailants in pursuit. He purports that he went to some homestead and asked to hide, but the youths arrived, forced entry, pulled him out, punched him with fists, stoned him and kicked him all over his body with booted feet. The occupants of the house then poured water on the assailants upon which they fled.

4 June 2003

• CS claims that ZNA forces arrived at her home, broke down the door and interrogated her, demanding to know where the MDC was getting its funding from. She denied any knowledge of it. She purported that she was then assaulted with truncheons and the back of a gun. They assaulted everyone in the house.

8 June 2003

• AT was arrested at Machipisa Shopping Centre, assaulted and then dumped in a bush by the police, on suspicion that he is an MDC supporter. As he had no cash on him, he claims that he had to struggle to get back to Harare.

Mufakose 3 June 2003

• At 9:00am, EJ was allegedly picked up by the police and ZANU PF youths and taken to Marimba Police Station, where he was beaten with baton sticks, kicked with booted feet all over the body and under the feet. He was arrested and forced to sleep on wet blankets, which one of the officers had reportedly urinated on. He alleges that he was detained for two days at the station and that on the third day, was released following payment of an admission of guilt fine.

29 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• SN and her children were purportedly beaten, harassed, and had their clothes urinated on by the police. They were reportedly arrested on allegations of violating a section of the POSA. When their lawyer came to the station, the police allegedly claimed that the victim was not in custody and then released her after three days, having paid $4 000 fine. She claims that she did not violate any law and that the police are still intimidating her.

5 June 2003

• GG was on her way from the millers with a group of other women, when she met a group comprising war veterans, soldiers and the police. On seeing them, the rest of the women fled because groups are generally regarded with suspicion by the police in the area. However, the assailants caught up with GG, beat her on the back, and she fell in a trench hurting her leg. She claims that she spends her days in the field hiding from the assailants, as she fears for her life.

6 June 2003

• KG claims that when he was leaving home, he was stopped by about 20 ZANU PF youths who subsequently harassed him because he was holding a copy of the Daily News newspaper. He alleges that he fought with them, was hit with an iron bar on the right leg, and then he collapsed onto the ground. His neighbours rescued him and the youths ran away.

30 June 2003

• JL claims that the police went to his residence and conducted an illegal search supposedly for an alleged unlicensed firearm, accusing him of having fired two shots in the air without reason. No charges were pressed.

St. Marys’

June 2003 • MN; ZT; DT; M and others claim that soldiers and the police were confiscating property and money from residents. It is reported that MDC party officials lost property during the raids by state agents. They are said to have descended on MN’s home and accused him of organising the mass action. He alleges that they stole $140 000 cash from his house, his identity card; property as well as an MDC receipt book and burial society register. He was arrested with the other MDC supporters and charged with violating the Miscellaneous Offences Act. 26 June 2003

• At 1:00am, ZANU PF youths reportedly banged on the victim’s door, broke it down, assaulted him and searched the house for MDC material. They are said to have confiscated MDC party cards, t- shirts and some money. He claims that they had him arrested and the police released him upon paymeny of a fine of $3 000.


Buhera North 4 June 2003

• ZRP officers reportedly raided MM’s house and confiscated his MDC party cards, passport and books at gun-point before they bundled him into a Police Defender Vehicle. He claims that he was detained at Murambinda Police Station and later taken to a torture camp where the police allegedly took turns to assault him.

30 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 Makoni East/ West

3 June 2003

• ZANU PF youths, soldiers and war veterans arrived at the FG’s home where he was staying with his grandmother and accused him of distributing MDC material for the mass action. On denying the allegation, the assailants allegedly burnt the grass-thatched roof of their home, beat the victim heavily, took him outside to their waiting truck and drove to Harare. The assailants demanded that the victim reveal the names of all MDC activists in Harare, and when he denied knowing any, he claims that he was dumped in Glen view 1 and is staying at the Councillor’s home.

31 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

Mutare Central

5 June 2003

• White company owners claim that ZANU PF youths forced them to go to the ZANU PF headquarters, for undisclosed reasons. In the same area, the Manager of the Meikles Group of Companies was reportedly arrested on 4 June 2003 as the shop was closed during the mass action. • TM (MDC chairman - Manicaland); CC (his driver) and 20 unnamed MDC supporters claim that the police arrested them on allegations of taking part in the mass protest from 2-6 June 2003. They were remanded out of custody on a bail of $10 000 each.


Marondera East/ West

6 June 2003

• FJZ was reportedly assaulted by ZANU PF youths and abducted from home early in the morning by CIO agents on allegations of wanting to overthrow the government through the mass action. He claims that he was detained for 4 days and then released on paying $50 000 bail. He alleges that he was told to report at Marondera Police Station twice a week and is due to appear in court on 28 July 2003. Gore, Tseriwa, and Mike were implicated in the assault.

Marondera East 5 June 2003

• SJ and his accomplices claim that as they passed through the ZANU PF offices, they were called upon by a certain man who demanded to know why they were looking at the offices. They were taken into the offices, whereupon they saw six men (who had already been beaten) being ordered out. SJ and his accomplices were reportedly forced to remove their shoes, shirts and trousers, were blindfolded, made to lie on their stomachs and beaten on their backs and buttocks with baton sticks and bicycle chains for about three hours. Some of the victims were reportedly forced to stand on their arms so they could not shield themselves. The assailants allegedly shouted “…you are MDC supporters, you are being given money by Mr. Kay, you are holding MDC meetings in Marondera, you are plotting to kill the President!”. One of the assailants was reportedly in police uniform and holding an AK rifle. The other assailant, one Ganda, a soldier in civilian clothing, is said to have threatened them saying “you are betraying the government and at the next elections l would like to torture you!”. The victims made a report at Marondera Police Station when they were released but the police would not cooperate with them.

Marondera East/ West 2 June 2003

• TM, an MDC supporter, claims that he was putting up MDC stickers and fliers when ZANU PF youths and riot police apprehended him and assaulted him. As he was running away, he fell down and broke his leg.

• CID and CIO agents allegedly arrived at BT’s house and forced him to accompany them to Dombotombo Police Station in the area. When he asked them why they needed his company, they

32 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 are said to have assaulted him with fists and the butt of a gun. They forcibly took him to the Police Station and purportedly put him in police custody. He was later released without charge.

33 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

4 June 2003

• DM alleged that the police came to his home and accused him of having fired a gun. He denied the charge and explained that it was actually the ZANU PF youths who had broken 18 windows at his house. He claims that the officers ordered him to lie down, assaulted him on the buttocks and kicked him in the face. He sustained a red eye and a sore back.

5 June 2003

• 12 ZANU PF youths allegedly attacked TC from behind, attempted to strangle him and assaulted him. They reportedly left him in a bush, went to his house and demanded all his clothes from his wife. The victim claims that he made a police report, had a docket opened for him and that when he made a follow up, the docket was missing. He purports that the assailants threatened him with death in the event that he goes back to the police.

6 June 2003

• JC, an MDC supporter, claims that soldiers, CIO agents and ZANU PF youths arrived at his home, beat him and his family with baton sticks, whips, and clenched fists, and then destroyed his home. He alleges that they ordered him to vacate his home and the assailants are now reportedly using it as a base.

• ZANU PF youths reportedly raided SC’s home, broke all the windows, and hurled abusive words at him. He alleges that they came back after an hour pretending to be sympathetic policemen and soldiers who had come to offer assistance. When they ordered that he open the door, he did as they had demanded, and they beat him with booted feet. His sisters had escaped into the field so they survived the attack.

• JM participated in a peaceful demonstration during the mass action held from 2-6 June 2003. He alleges that ZANU PF youths came to his home at the end of the day, beating drums and chanting ZANU PF slogans. They reportedly pretended to be CIO agents and they forced everyone to vacate the house. They are said to have threatened to kill whoever remained behind, and as such the victims had to leave behind their belongings. He escaped to Harare with his family.

• Trymore Munjonjo, Maisiri, Wiseman, Lawrence Katsiru, Bakasa, and Nomore Mudoni of ZANU PF allegedly assaulted the victim. Police at Marondera Police Station reportedly denied offering him any form of assistance, alleging that he was a sell out and that he deserved it. They are also said to have looted all the property in his house and threatened him with death.

13 June 2003

• JJ, an MDC member, purported that he had his house burnt down by ZANU PF supporters on suspicion that he supported the mass action. All property was destroyed in the fire. Members of the family were also assaulted with logs and fists. They are said to have forced him to leave Marondera and to come back after the Council elections were over.

• GM claims that he was assaulted by a group of soldiers while he was coming from the shops, on accusations of supporting the mass action as he was not at work. He alleges that he told them that he was not employed, but he was beaten with fists, booted feet, and was slapped on the cheeks and chest. They left him when he fell to the ground.

34 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003


2 June 2003

• TG alleges that soldiers went to the District Chairman’s house and forcibly obtained names of MDC supporters in the area. They then visited their homes and assaulted them with baton sticks and looted some of their property. TG alleges that he lost some building material and was evicted from home. This was after the assailants came to his home looking for his son, an active member of the opposition.

3 June 2003

• ZANU PF youths, purportedly in the company of Elliot Manyika, the Minister of Youth Development, Gender and Employment Creation, reportedly assaulted ET, for allegedly being involved in the MDC mass action held in June. She alleges that she was ferried to Glen View Police Station in Harare, where she was detained while her home burnt was down. She purports that during the period, she was attending to family business and that she was not involved in the mass action.


2 June 2003

• AM was with the group of marchers during the MDC mass action when she was reportedly caught by the police and soldiers, and forcibly taken to the Ruwa Police Station together with 49 other victims. He claims that they were told to lie down on their stomachs and were beaten on the buttocks with baton sticks, wood and rubber. He sustained a fractured left hand. They were later taken to Marondera Police Station where they were detained for a week. They were later taken to court on charges of breaking a High Court Order, which had declared the mass action illegal.

16 June 2003

• MM, an MDC member, was reportedly assaulted by soldiers and ZANU PF supporters because he distributed MDC party cards and t-shirts. He alleges that as he neared home, soldiers approached him, asked him where he was coming from, searched him and retrieved a whistle and MDC party cards from his pocket. They demanded to know why he had the material on him, punched him in the stomach and head using clenched fists. He was later released and he fled.



5 June 2003

• M (MDC Mashonaland Central Provincial Chairman) asserts that 10 ZANU PF youths arrived at his home, broke down the door to his home, abducted him and took him to a base where he was beaten with iron rods and booted feet, struck on the head with axe, had his food and property stolen, and then forced to drink a certain liquid that he could not identify. He claims that since then, he has had a dry throat and he sweats a lot. He was reportedly hospitalised in the male ward in Bindura General Hospital.

6 June 2003

35 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• An MDC supporter claims that he was ordered to eat his own stool by the police.

36 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 13 June 2003

• SM, TM, M, LN, BM, PM, and other employees of ZIMCET (an NGO that deals with violence monitoring) claim that they were arrested and detained by police and ZANU PF youths while holding a workshop in the area. They allege that two men who identified themselves as the District Administrator for Mashonaland Central and District Coordinating Committee Chairman of ZANU PF entered a lounge where they were sitting and demanded to know the purpose of the workshop as well as the organisation’s activities. TM claims that the two men alleged that as ZANU PF was scheduled to hold a meeting (for the Mashonaland Central Executive Committee and ZANU PF MPs) at the same venue the following day, they had to vacate the premises. The ZIMCET employees assert that they agreed to leave and that before they could vacate, the ZANU PF members gave them permission to continue using the venue as they had decided to make plans for an alternative venue. PM was reportedly abducted by some of the youths after obtaining keys to all the rooms at the Coach House Inn from management and searching all rooms for him. He claims that they took him to Dotito, where he observed the youths getting money from the ZANU PF MP for Mount. Darwin South, Mr. . The following day, 8 ZANU PF youths reportedly entered their Conference room, positioned themselves at different corners of the room, and asked SM to come out. He claims that they interrogated him on the purpose of the organisation and the workshop and would not allow him to get material to conduct the workshop from his car. The youths are said to have confiscated his car keys and SM then notified the police, whom he claims were not willing to help. He alleges that when he went to his hotel room later on, 4 CID officers were waiting by his door and they demanded notes of the workshop. He claims that he and the other employees were taken to Bindura Police Station, brought to the Charge Office, ordered to take off their shoes, and to declare everything they had. They were charged with contravening Section 11.17 of POSA. The victims allege that they were detained in crowded cells with a dirty toilet and little ventilation. The victims also claim that they heard the policemen declare that they could not find an appropriate offence with which to charge them. They allege that the ordeal came to an end when their lawyers and Director demanded that the victims be brought to court for a hearing, and the participants were subsequently freed after spending 2 nights in custody. 24 June 2003

• NM had accompanied his uncle to get financial help for medicine for epilepsy from the MDC offices in the area when on the way out, two people who assaulted them on accusations of supporting the opposition intercepted them. He claims that they were both forced into a waiting vehicle with two men and were taken to Harare Central Police Station where they were interrogated on MDC activities. He alleges he was beaten under the feet and forced him to pay $30 000 for his release.


Zvimba North 4 June 2003

• DC of Banket claims that he was picked up at his home by CID officers, kept overnight at their office and not in cells, and interrogated over why his business was closed during the MDC mass action from 2 – 6 June 2003. The assailants allegedly charged him with contempt of court apparently as the High Court Order made the stay-away illegal. He however claims that his business was not closed and the charge was thrown out of the Magistrates’ Court the following day. He claims that ZANU PF youths are still milling around his business premises, stopping people from conducting business with him. DC made another report to the police and Officer In Charge Inspector Makiwa is handling the case.

37 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

Zvimba South

June 2003

• Parents with children at Lilford Primary School allege that they were forced to withdraw their children from school by settlers who had camped there. The settlers got farming land in the area. They are said to have threatened to take over the school, on allegations that the school authorities were engaging in party politics as the school was closed during the mass action. The school authorities claim that the school was never closed for the mass action, but that as the exeat weekend had coincided with the mass action, the children had been sent home and asked to return on 3 June 2003. However, on their return, they found the school occupied. The group reportedly left after police intervened.


Masvingo Rural/ Urban

June 2003

• Sonykis Chimbuya, former Zimbabwe Council of Churches Human Rights Regional Chairperson claims that he was ordered not to say prayers that are political and anti-government during his sermons. He alleges that he was told to bring in prayers for scrutiny by the police before saying them out. His Curriculum Vitae was purportedly confiscated. He alleges that the police apparently viewed him as an MDC supporter because he was invited to pray before a rally that was addressed by Morgan Tsvangirai. He however claims that he is just a believer in prayer, peace and is apolitical.

5 June 2003

• Shop owners claim that soldiers and members of the police forced companies to open when they closed during the mass action. Among them are Tsungai Supermarket and other Asian owned businesses in the area. The government reportedly threatened those businesses, which remained closed during the period with loss of operating licences.

20 June 2003

• Rosemary Mujatiwa and Simbarashe Mapfumo were at Mucheke bus terminus when they were allegedly arrested by the police for taking part in a march together with five other MDC supporters. This was a protest march against the remand in custody of the party's leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who was arrested on allegations of calling for his party to march to the state house and to oust the government. The incident follows the call by the MDC National Youth Chairman and MP for Kuwadzana , for all MDC youths to stage protests until their leader was released from custody.


Nkayi 20 June 2003 • Residents allege that ZRP vehicles ferried ZANU PF youths to the villagers’ homes and severely assaulted them. N, one of the victims, is said to have escaped to Bulawayo on a tip off from the

38 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003 public, that the youths were after him. His wife was reportedly kidnapped in his absence. M, another targeted victim, allegedly fled at midnight on being tipped off that the youths were also after her. The assailants reportedly took people to Ngwalande base and tortured them. Most of the victims allege that they now stay in the bushes for fear of victimisation.



4 June 2003

• DD was reportedly assaulted by about 30 youths from the Border Gezi National Service Training Centre on allegations of being an MDC supporter.


Gweru Urban

2 June 2003

• Reginald Chidawanyika, Dumisani Kufaruwenga (legal practitioners) allege that they were man- handled, grabbed and pulled out of the charge office at Gweru Central Police Station by the police when they had gone to there represent 11 of their clients who had been detained over the mass action. Kufaruwenga claims that they pushed him against the wall in front of clients and relatives, and when they raised a complaint with a female officer, she reportedly told them they got what they deserved because they were not human beings.


2 – 6 June 2003

• Daily News vendors were reportedly assaulted by ZANU PF youths because they were selling the paper. 195 of the copies were seized and burnt. The vendors were taken to the ZANU PF offices where they were allegedly detained.

39 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

• Full alphabetical list of reported deaths related to political violence 1 January to 30 June 2003 recorded indicating political affiliation, date of death, province and constituency. TOTAL - 5 : MDC - 4; ZANU PF - 1


2 KAGURU Tichaona MDC 2/ 6/ 2003 Mbare East/ West Harare

3 KOMBO Samson, MDC 20/ 1/ 2003 Makoni East Manicaland Shawano 4 MACHIRIDZA Richard, Tonderai MDC 1/ 5/ 2003 Kuwadzana Harare

5 MANGWIRO Tonderai ZANU PF 20/ 1/ 2003 Kuwadzana Harare 6 MATINYARARE David MDC 1/ 5/ 2003 Mufakose Harare 7 NYADONGO Amon ZANU PF 2/ 6/ 2003 Mbare West Harare 8 TONERA Stephen MDC 20/ 3/ 2003 Seke Mashonaland East

40 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003





South Africa

41 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Political Violence Report: June 2003

The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum (also known as the “Human Rights Forum”) is a coalition comprising 16 member organisations. It has been in existence since January 1998 when non-governmental organisations working in the field of human rights joined together to provide legal and psychosocial assistance to the victims of the Food Riots of January 1998.

The Human Rights Forum has now expanded its objectives to assist victims of organised violence, using the following definition: “Organised violence” means the inter-human infliction of significant avoidable pain and suffering by an organised group according to a declared or implied strategy and/or system of ideas and attitudes. It comprises any violent action, which is unacceptable by general human standards, and relates to the victims’ mental and physical well-being.”

The Human Rights Forum operates a Research and Documentation Unit and offers legal services through the Public Interest Unit of the Legal Resources Foundation (formerly the Legal Unit of the ZHRF.) Core member organisations of the Human Rights Forum are: • Amani Trust • Amnesty International (Zimbabwe) (AI (Z)) • Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) • Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ) • Southern Africa Human Rights Trust (SAHRIT) • Legal Resources Foundation (LRF) • Transparency International (Zimbabwe) (TI (Z)) • University of Zimbabwe Legal Aid and Advice Scheme (UZ (LAAS)) • Zimbabwe Association for Crime Prevention and the Rehabilitation of the Offender (ZACRO) • Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights (ZADHR) • Zimbabwe Civic Education Trust (ZIMCET) • Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) • Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) • Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) • Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association (ZWLA)

Associate Member:

• Nonviolent Action and Strategies for Social Change (NOVASC)

The Human Rights Forum can be contacted through any member organisation or through: The Administrator, P O Box 9077, Harare – email: [email protected] The Public Interest Unit, P O Box 9077, Harare – email: [email protected] The Research Unit, P O Box 9077, Harare – email: [email protected]

Address: 8th Floor Bluebridge North, Eastgate, Harare; Telephone: 250511 - Fax: 250494 The International Liaison Office, 33 Islington High Street, London N1 9LH – email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)20-7713.1123 Website: www.hrforumzim.com Previous reports of the Human Rights Forum can be found on our website.