Secretion of Embryonic Envelopes and Embryonic Molting Cycles in Hemioniscus balani Buchholz, Epicaridea

MARIE GOUDEAU Laboratoire de Zoologie, Universite PMC, Paris 75005, France and Laboratoire de Microscopie electronique appliquee a la biologie, CNRS, Paris 75006, France

ABSTRACT The fertilized egg of Hemioniscus balani, a viviparous isopod, is encased in two envelopes, I and II, the structure of which is described. In the course of its development, the embryo secretes five successive sacs called embryonic envelopes. Both their structure and the means of secretion by the em­ bryo are analyzed through thin sections. The presence of these successive secre­ tion cycles together with exuviations involving these embryonic envelopes lead us to believe that during embryonic development in Hemioniscus balani, embry­ onic molting cycles exist. The appearance and shedding of the envelopes of the fertilized egg and embryo allow determination of ten embryonic stages which are briefly described.

During its development, the HeTnionis- '70), in Copepoda (Davis, '59), in some cus balani embryo undergoes considerable Mysidacea (Davis, '66) and in Decapoda growth. It is around 380 /i by 180 ju, at (Davis, '64, '65). hatching. This size represents 100-150 Sometimes only one envelope surrounds times the volume of the egg whose diam­ the fertilized egg of Isopoda (Van Beneden, eter is merely 50 /j. (Teissier, '29). 1869; Forsman, '44; Kjennerud, '50; Jen­ This relatively large increase requires sen, '55; Naylor, '55; Davis, '64). Finally, special adaptation of the protective en­ in some Decapoda, Cheung ('66) noted velopes to allow them to increase their size two envelopes which were separated by a to encompass the embryo during embryo- thick, dense layer. genesis. The enlargement might be ex­ Considering the Epicaridea, one of which plained in several hypothetical ways. The is the subject of the present study, only envelopes may be permanent and stretch- observations on Bopyro'ides hippolytes, able or they may be transitory so that the Hemiarthrus abdominalis and Pseudione increasing volume would inevitably lead crenulata (Stromberg, '71) have yielded to their shedding in the course of growth. precise information on the number of egg They may even demonstrate several of envelopes in the . In these spe­ these traits. cies, a protective chorion is present when Some of these envelopes are observed at the egg is deposited in the marsupium. A an early stage around the fertilized eggs, vitelline membrane appears next to the while others appear during much later surface of the egg right after fertilization. stages of embryonic development. These Former studies have shown 1, 2 and are called the embryonic envelopes. even 3 egg envelopes in various Epicaridea In Crustacea, the fertilized egg usually (Rathke, 1837; Hesse, 1861; CornaUa and is supposed to have two envelopes. They Panceri, 1861; Fraisse, 1877-78; Hiraiwa, have been called the "chorion" and "vitel­ '36). This lack of agreement in both the line membrane," in Isopoda (McMurrich, naming and numbering of the fertilized 1895; Nair, '56; Stromberg, '65, '67, '72), egg envelopes in Crustacea is probably due or the external and internal membrane in to the fact that neither their ultrastructure some other Isopoda (Ellis, '61; Holdich, (aside from both the study on the egg en­ '68; Davis, '68), in Ostracoda (Tetart, velopes of Ostracoda and the particular

J. MoKPH., 148: 427^52. 427 428 MARIE GOUDEAU case of Anostraca) nor the origin of their ples of embryonic molting which, though secretion has been precisely defined. httle analyzed, are already known in some Embryonic envelopes have also been Crustacea. seen in some Crustacea like Leptostraca (Manton, '34), Mysidacea (Manton, '28), MATERIAL AND METHODS Ostracoda (Tetart, '70), Amphipoda (Le- Samples of gravid female Hemioniscus Roux, '33; Ginet, '60; Turquin, '67; Graf, balani in stages F 4 and F 5 of the female '72) and Isopoda (Forsman, '44; Naylor, state, having undergone four or five exu­ '55; Jensen, '55; Ellis, '61; Holdich, '68; viations of their posterior region (Goudeau, Stromberg, '67, '71, '72). '72a,b), were collected for this study from Terms designating these envelopes, as the Green Island Channel near Roscoff, well as their quantity, vary according to where they feed on the , Elminius the example studied. Furthermore, certain modestus. authors having observed shedding of the embryonic envelopes during growth con­ (1) Preparation of specimens for clude that embryonic molts exist in those electron microscope observation particular Crustacea. The osmotic pressure of the liquid sur­ In the specific case of Heviioniscus rounding the embryo within the female's balani, Caullery and Mesnil ('01) pointed internal incubating pocket was measured out the presence of a glassy transparent with a Ramsay micro-osmometer ('55). shell around the embryo from the earliest Embryos at different stages were fixed stages. Without really examining this hy­ with 1.4% glutaraldehyde in 0.4 M sodium pothesis, they suggested that this shell cacodylate buffer at ph 7.3 with 1 "/oo cal­ could be replaced several times, thus pro­ cium chloride added. The osmotic pressure ducing a series of embryonic molts. of the liquid fixation was adjusted by add­ These studies furnish no evidence what­ ing sucrose in order to obtain in each case soever concerning how the embryonic en­ light hypertonicity compared to the liquid velopes are formed, nor of their origin. of the incubating pocket. At laboratory Only an ultrastructural approach could re­ temperature, fixation lasted 20-30 min­ solve this question and, indeed, clearly utes, for the early embryonic stages and establish the moment during embryonic 45—60 minutes for later stages. development when these envelopes appear. Specimens then were postfixed in 1% In the present research on Hemioniscus osmium tetroxide with the same buffer for balani, the embryonic stages are consid­ 45 minutes. After extremely gradual dehy­ ered first. Stage delimitation corresponds dration, some embryos were embedded in to the appearance and shedding of protec­ ERL 4206 whose low viscosity seems to tive envelopes seen during embryonic increase tissue penetration (Spurr, '69), growth. Thus, the criteria for determining and others in Epon 812 in order to be able stages are adapted to this particular in­ to apply the enzymatic digestion technique vestigation, and do not present complete with pronase (Monneron and Bernhard, embryological study. '66). Sagittal and parasagittal sections Next, the structure of the fertilized egg made by the Reichert microtome were envelopes is described through observation stained with uranyl acetate in alcohol solu­ of thin sections. Finally, the structure and tion and counterstained with lead citrate secretion of the embryonic envelopes ap­ (Reynolds, '63). In addition, sections rela­ pearing during growth are analyzed. tive to some embryonic stages were col­ The evidence given for successive cycles lected on gold grids for detecting polysac­ of embryonic envelope secretion by the em­ charides by the Thiery method ('67). After bryo itself, together with evidence of veri­ 30 minutes of 1% periodic acid oxidation, table ecdysis affecting one or two of these the sections were treated with 0.2% thio- envelopes simultaneously, prove for the carbohydrazide (TCH) in 20% acetic acid first time in Crustacea that embryonic solution for 90 minutes or 24 hours, then molting cycles are present. placed in a solution of 1% silver protein- The example of Hemioniscus balani is ate for 30 minutes without light. Other preparations similarly collected on gold then placed in the context of other exam­ EMBRYONIC MOLTING CYCLES IN HEMIONISCUS BALANI 429 grids were tested with pronase (Monneron lery and Mesnil, '01). The early cleavages and Bernhard, '66). Following oxidation form a pear-shaped morula described by with 10% periodic acid solution for 30 Buchholz (1866) and Caullery and Mesnil minutes, the sections were treated with ('01). 0.1% pronase solution in 0.01 M Tris The dimensions of the morula are ap­ -HCL (Tris = Tris (hydroxymethyl) ami- proximately 75 IX hy 55 fx and differ little nomethane) buffer at ph 7.4, during 1 or from those of the fertilized egg, suggesting 24 hours at 40 °C. The sections were finally that growth has not yet begun. The morula, stained with uranyl acetate and lead ci­ corresponding to stage A in this study's trate. nomenclature, is always encased in en­ The various series of sections were ex­ velopes I and II of the fertilized egg. amined on a Hitachi (types HU llA and HU IIB) and on a Philips EM 300. (2) Definition of stage B (fig. 1) While segmentation continues, the size (2) Measurement of embryonic of the blastomeres slightly diminishes. In stage dimensions the period where about 20 blastomeres are The different embryonic stages were formed, the beginning of a segmentation drawn with camera lucida. Outlines thus cavity appears. This stage corresponds to obtained allowed estimation of each stage's the "preblastula" defined in Chrysaora dimensions, which showed in later stages hysocella, a viviparous hydrozoan (Teis­ especially a certain variability. sier, '29). In Chrysaora as in Hemioniscus balani, the decrease in size of the blasto­ RESULTS meres during the next few cleavages indi­ cates that segmentation is not complete A. Definition of embryonic stages and and thus indicates an intermediate stage. determination of egg envelopes and This preblastula, or stage B, has a rounded embryonic envelopes (figs. 1, 2) shape, whereas the blastomeres which bear The fertilized egg, slightly oblong in no marked difference are radially oriented. shape, measures about 65 ^ by 50 ^. It is Stage B, which is 85 ^ by 65 /x, does not not entirely without yolk and shows on undergo appreciable growth. It always re­ thin sections small yolk globules each en­ mains enclosed by envelopes I and II of veloped in a membrane, sparsely distrib­ the fertilized egg. uted throughout the cytoplasm. The small size and number, and the cytoplasmic dis­ (3) Definition of stage C (fig. 1) persion, of yolk globules exclude the pos­ On completion of segmentation, a blas- sibility of a distinct layer of clear peri­ tula is formed by a regular layer of blas­ plasm without yolk as described in the eggs tomeres which have lost completely their of certain Bopyridae (Stromberg, '71). yolk and which encircle a spacious blasto- When observed with the electron micro­ coel. This coeloblastula is approximately scope, the egg in its first cleavage appears 120 ^ by 110 ^, thus showing considerable surrounded by two envelopes, the inner size increase JFrom stage B. and outer, called egg envelopes I and II re­ One of the poles of the coeloblastula spectively. Even though these envelopes of soon develops a group of tall, narrow blas­ the dividing egg seemingly correspond to tomeres which represent a zone of intense the chorion and vitelline membrane de­ cell proliferation signifying the formation scribed in some Bopyridae (Stromberg, of a blastodisc. Its elaboration, described *71), a priori employment of these terms by Caullery and Mesnil, seems almost iden­ seems arbitrary. Only further study of the tical in Hemioniscus balani and in Bopyri­ origin of the envelopes and the way they dae (Stromberg, '71). are formed will permit their accurate This stage, called C, possesses a well identification. specified blastodisc outlining the embryo's future ventral side. Examination of thin (1) Definition of stage A (fig. 1) sections shows that stage C has three dif­ The segmentation of the egg is holo- ferent envelopes, one inside another. The blastic and equal (Buchholz, 1866; Caul­ outermost of these, egg envelope II, is in- 430 MARIE GOUDEAU ternally lined by egg envelope I and then microvf by another protective lining called em­ bryonic envelope®, since it is secreted by the blastomeres themselves. The secretion of®, which starts at the end of stage B, is entirely finished with stage C. (4) Definition of stage D (fig.l) Hemioniscus balani like some Bopyridae (Stromberg, '71) seems to undergo gastru- lation through polar proliferation. This phenomenon indicates both an active m.i- gration of the blastodisc blastomeres into the blastocoel, and the epibolic repulsion of these blastomeres by those near to the blastodisc. The direct result of this type of gastrulation is the absence of the blasto- poric cavity in Hemioniscus balani found by Caullery and Mesnil ('01), and Strom­ berg ('71) in other Epicaridea. The first cells migrating in the blasto­ coel at the beginning of gastrulation in Hemioniscus balani have a very specific structure. In thin sections, almost all of the cell volume is taken up by an immense vacuole of low electron opacity. Around the central vacuole there is only a thin layer of cytoplasm which contains the nu­ cleus, some lipid droplets and a large amount of glycogen. Even though these cells are evident at a relatively young stage, they appear to correspond to the vacuolate cells pointed out by Caullery and Mesnil in older embryos of Hemioniscus balani. Even without considering the ultrastruc- ture and exact origin of these cells, they can be considered as analogous to the vitellophags which penetrate to the yolk center at gastrulation in certain Bopyridae (Stromberg, '71). One is also led to com­ pare these peculiar cells with the huge vacuolate cells appearing at the concave surface of the blastodisc during the forma-

Fig. 1 Synoptic table of embryonic stages in Hemioniscus balani. Envelopes of fertilized egg and embryonic envelopes are outlined and num­ bered. I, first envelope of fertilized egg; II, second envelope of fertilized egg; ®, @, ®, @, em­ bryonic envelopes; @, fifth external coating secreted by surface embryonic cells; A-J, em­ bryonic stages; ex. em, epithelial layer forming the extraembryonic area; microvilli, various ap­ pearances of apical plasma membrane of the ex­ traembryonic cells (first stages) and ectodermal cells (older embryos) during embryonic envelope freeing of Epicaridium larva secretions; germ, germ-band. Figure 1 EMBRYONIC MOLTING CYCLES IN HEMIONISCUS BALANI 431 tion of the blastoderm of Peripatopsis bal- from stage E, it possesses a much better fouri, a viviparus onychophoran, in which developed germ band. Apart from the germ the egg is deprived of its yolk in the course band, the remaining superficial blasto- of evolution (Manton, '49; Anderson, '66, meres that are arranged in a single cell '73). The same cells found as well in still epithelial layer forming the "extraembry­ another onychophoran, Peripatopsis capen- onic area" apparently similar to that seen sis, make up the final endoderm in this in Bopyridae (Stromberg, '71) as well as species whereas they are merely transitory other isopods (Stromberg, '65, '67). in Peripatopsis balfouri (Manton, '49). Invagination in the dorsal zone of the Cells of the same type have been observed extraembryonic area seen in the preceding in the blastocoel during gastrulation in stage, is at this time much more noticeable Chrysacra hysocella (Teissier, '29). and corresponds to the beginning of dorsal To conclude, stage D of Hemioniscus furrow formation, a characteristic struc­ balani embryology is a young gastrula ture of certain stages of embryonic devel­ measuring about 110 ^ by 120 fi which opment in Isopoda. At this point, a num­ has not noticeably grown since stage C and ber of vacuolate cells concentrate at the which shows cellular migration starting base of the extraembryonic blastomeres at on the inside of the blastocoel. During the forming dorsal furrow. stage D, at the pole opposite the blasto- Ultrastructural examination of the api­ poral area, that is, at the level of the future cal zone of the extraembryonic cells and dorsal side of the embryo, a zone of in­ of the superficial germ band cells, shows tense cellular proliferation appears. Fi­ embryonic envelopes® and® on stage F nally, stage D is only covered by one em­ as well as initiation of secretion of the bryonic envelope®, since lysis (fig. 7) of third coating. The new embryonic envel­ extrinsic envelopes I and II seen in thin ope® is directly attached to the embryo, sections brings about their disappearance. following the dorsal furrow invagination. This loss of egg envelopes I and II allows precise definition of stages C and D. (7) Definition of stage G (fig. 1) Stage G has increased slightly in size (5) Definition of stage E (fig. 1) compared to the former stage and shows The continuation of gastrulation is the beginning elongation corresponding to marked by intense cell proliferation and the future antero-posterior axis of the em­ migration under the superficial layer of bryo. In addition, there is more clearly the blastoporal area. This phenomenon accentuated dorsal furrow in the extra­ winds up in the formation of the classic embryonic area than in the preceding "mesendodermal cell plug" described for all stage. The thin sections show both that isopods and especially in certain Bopyridae embryonic envelope® still exists in stage (Stromberg, '71), and containing the meso­ G and also the almost complete disappear­ dermal and endodermal cell material of ance of embryonic envelope®. Also at this the future larva. Stage E is also charac­ stage, embryonic envelope® seems en­ terized by the large vacuolate cells extend­ tirely secreted and appears slightly unstuck ing inside te blastocoel, and by a very from the embryo surface. slight invagination of dorsal cleaving blas- (8) Definition of stage H tomeres. During morphogenesis, stage E undergoes enormous size increase, to 200 Having undergone considerable growth /x by 190 fx. There is also a new relatively of the germ band, the embryo at stage H thick protective lining located between the has quite an elongated form. The very embryonic envelope® and the gastrula irregularly formed and remarkably big itself. In order to simpHfy the data from vacuolate cells occupy practically all of the here on, the term embryonic envelope® embryonic cavity, forming a weakly-bonded has been given to this new thick layer. network. The roughly outlined pair of liver lobes (6) Definition of stage F (fig.l) of the mid-intestine often seen in Hemio­ Even though embryonic stage F, still niscus balani (Caullery and Mesnil, '01) globular, has not increased in size greatly as well as in some Bopyridae (Stromberg, 432 MARIE GOUDEAU 71) is at this stage clearly differentiated. At stage C envelope I is superimposed With this stage of growth, embryonic en­ on embryonic envelope® and has a smooth velope® is lost. The shedding of enve­ appearance. Although difficult to estimate lope® is the first ecdysis that the embryo because of its thinness, the envelope must has undergone and delimits stages G and measure about 50-100 A thick. Some sec­ H in an obvious manner. From thin sec­ tions were treated according to Thiery's tions, stage H thus appears to be protected method ('67). Envelope I does not increase only by embryonic envelope®. The dorsal its contrast through interaction with silver furrow now further widened takes the proteinate (fig. 5). On the same sections, characteristic form of a saddle. This final in contrast, the test is in fact positive for phase of dorsal furrow evolution has been the glycogen particles, compared to control observed by Caullery and Mesnil ('01) in sections not having undergone previous Hemioniscus balani. oxydation by periodic acid. (9) Definition of stage I (fig. 1) (2) Structure of envelope II Even though stage I resembles stage H Envelope II encloses envelope I and sur­ both in size and general form, it is dis­ rounds the egg from the beginning to seg­ tinctive due to a gradual development of mentation as well as during embryonic de­ the germ band and to the presence of two velopment stages A, B, C (figs. 1, 4, 5, 6). envelopes around the embryo. Embryonic It has low electron opacity (fig, 6) and envelope® becomes lined internally by a has a thickness of about 500 A. Like en­ new protective layer called embryonic en­ velope I, envelope II is somewhat wrinkled velope®, secreted by the apical zone of the while enclosing A and B, but smoother superficial embryonic cells. when around C. The external surface still (10) Definition of stage ] (fig. 1) seems granular (figs. 4, 6). Envelope II does not react to Thiery's test ('67) (fig. Stage J includes the later embryonic 5). What is more, it seems affected by stages, and ends with the formation of pronase for the 24 hour duration of the Epicaridium larva. The constantly chang­ experiment. These last results were com­ ing embryo grows slightly; the dorsal fur­ pared to control sections having remained row seems less pronounced and tends to on 0.1 M Tris buffer. It is also attacked by disappear steadily. Thin sections expose 10% KOH solution at 70°C. two embryonic envelopes® and ® during stage J, with fifth lining starting to be se­ C. Investigation of the embryonic creted by the superficial embryonic cells. envelopes This fifth layer very likely corresponds to the cuticle of the future Epicaridium larva. (1) Embryonic envelope® At hatching, the simultaneous shedding of embryonic envelopes® and ® permit­ a. Formation. Near the end of stage B, ting the Epicaridium larva to go free, rep­ very short microvilli appear fairly regularly resents a second ecdysis which clearly spread out over the surface of the blas- separates embryonic development from tomeres. In places the microvilli are forthcoming larval life. slightly larger and grouped together (fig. 6). Next, a small-grained dense material B. Envelope structure of the manifests itself both in the apical cyto­ fertilized egg plasm of the microviUi and on the outside of the plasma membrane, always accumu­ (1) Structure of envelope I lating at the tips of microvilli (fig. 6). Envelope I is of relatively low electron Attached by the apex of the microvilli, en­ opacity and directly enrobes the egg during velope® is definitely made through the the first segmentation and stages A and B granular material densifying. of embryonic development (figs. 1, 4, 5). In stage C, the microvilli elongate in Exceedingly wrinkled, it is generally sepa­ small groups while envelope®, attached rated from the apical surface of the blas- to their tips, gradually detaches from the tomeres (fig. 4). actual apical surface of the blastomeres. EMBRYONIC MOLTING CYCLES IN HEMIONISCUS BALANI 433 b. Structure. Envelope® has a granu­ 8, 9). Now they conceal very slender lar structure and low electron opacity. It and longitudinal filaments, observed from is about 100 A thick at its formation, but transversal sections (fig. 10). when fully formed at stage C it is about The apical cytoplasm of microvilli is 300 A thick. It is surrounded by egg en­ composed of dense and granular material velopes I and II and folds somewhat (figs. which can also be seen on the outside of 1, 7). After lysis envelopes I and II, at the cell, located at the apex of each micro­ stage D, envelope® remains relatively villi. The formation of embryonic enve­ wrinkled. Only at the time of enormous em­ lope® starts in the form of tiny convex bryonic growth witnessed between stages D patches of matter with dense opacity found and E does envelope® unwrinkle. In stage above the microvilli (figs. 8-10). These F it forms a perfectly smooth enclosure, patches are most likely made through gran­ stretched about the underlying envelopes ular material (considered as the forerun­ and embryo (figs. 1, 8). It is resistant to ner of envelope®) densifying. The micro­ 25% KOH solution at 70°C. villi lengthen while envelope® thickens. c. Cytology of the apical region of stage Both give the impression of slender stems, D blastomeres. At the end of stage C, apical measuring 0.7-1 fi long, at the conclusion Golgi complexes are made up of isolated of the envelope® secretion cycle (fig. 15). dictyosomes consisting of some densely- b. Structure. Envelope® when entirely filled, fiat saccules. Small coated vesicles constructed is 0.4-0.5 jx thick. Its make-up are budded off the latter. In this apical is relatively complex compared to the em­ area are multivesicular bodies with a loose bryonic envelopes already described. In matrix. Some sections show the fusion fact, this envelope appeared very folded in between the Golgi-type small coated vesi­ the figures obtained. It does not react posi­ cles and the multivesicular bodies (fig. 7). tively to Thiery's test (fig. 21). Pronase The apical area is also rich in large coated partially attacks envelope®, of which only vesicles seen near the plasma membrane, a quite indistinct web remains after en­ and in large semi-transparent vesicles situ­ zymatic digestion (Monneron and Bern- ated close to the multivesicular bodies hard, '66) (fig. 22). The control sections (fig. 7). were treated with 0.01 M Tris buffer. En­ velope® is resistant to 25% KOH solu­ (2) Embryonic envelope® (the thick tion at 70°C, and like envelope® may be enveloping layer) considered as an embryonic cuticle. From the end of stage D and during all c. Envelope form. Envelope® has pro­ of stage E, all of the space between en­ tuberances already observed by Caullery velope® and the surface of the blasto­ and Mesnil ('01). These measure about meres of the young gastrula is filled with 10 ju, wide and are mainly located around granular material (figs. 1,8). This matrix, the dorsal furrow (figs. 2, 3, 8). When the called embryonic envelope®, might be envelope is first being formed, each pro­ compared to the albumin capsule which tuberance covers an extraembryonic cell encircles the embryo of Niphargus as (fig. 8). It seems plausible that the initial soon as the pleon is formed (Ginet, '60). form of the cell surface determines the During stage E, this envelope thickens and form of envelope®, as found for secretion pushes embryonic envelope® slightly away of the epicuticle of the adult Tenebrio from the gastrula surface. molitor (Delachambre, '70). The folds per­ sist in stages H and I and then their form (3) Embryonic envelope® like that of the dorsal furrow begins to a. Formation. When stage F com­ fade as stage J proceeds. In fact, enve­ mences, both the apex of the germ band's lope® unfolds to its maximum by the end superficial blastomeres and that of the ex­ of embryonic development to adapt to the traembryonic blastomeres manifest fairly extension of the embryo. short and regularly distributed microvilli d. Cytology of the epithelial layer of the on the cell surface. The microvilli then extraembryonic area during envelope se­ increase in their dimension, becoming cretion. Even though all stage F super­ 0.3-0.4 ij. long and 0.09-0.1 ^ wide (figs. ficial blastomeres participate in the enve- 434 MARIE GOUDEAU lope's elaboration, the figures illustrating filled with large coated vesicles and dense this study were selected from the most con­ vesicles with smooth membrane. A few venient extraembryonic area. In the cell figures show these two types of vesicle of the extraembryonic layer, the median attached directly underneath the plasma position of the nucleus distinguishes the membrane (fig. 16). infranuclear area from the apical supra­ Multivesicular bodies. These are few nuclear area. and not typical, and seem to remain in the Golgi apparatus. From the start of en­ area at the upper side of the nucleus velope® formation, this is composed of (fig. 17). apical Golgi complexes and basal Golgi Plasma membrane. As soon as enve­ complexes. On the sections, each complex lope® starts to form, the plasma mem­ contains one or two dictyosomes made up brane produces invaginations at the cell of a few flat and fenestrated saccules (figs. apex (figs. 8, 15) between the microvilli, 12-14), which in turn bud off both small comparable, for example, to those designed coated vesicles and a few large vesicles by the oocyte oolemma of Xenopus laevis with smooth membrane and dense con­ (Dumont, '72) and of both Hyla cinerea tents (figs. 13, 14). By the end of enve­ and Hyla arenicolor (Massover, '73). lope® secretion, large vesicles alone are On the apical side, the cells are unified budded off in a great number with smooth by a zonula adherens type of junction membrane and dense contents from the (Farquhar and Palade, '63) which in this flat saccules of dictyosomes (fig. 18). case is split into two parts (fig. 23): the Rough endoplasmic reticulum. This is most apical part is quite reduced but is as­ formed of long fiat saccules frequently sociated with another much more devel­ juxtaposed, which take up the infranuclear oped part. The zonula adherens exhibits in area of the cell from when envelope secre­ its principal part an accumulation of dense tion begins. Their content is cloudy and matter which traces a broken outline dif­ seems closely related to the basal Golgi fering from the faint median line generally complexes (fig. 14). Near termination of described (Farquhar and Palade, '63). Fur­ the envelope, the rough endoplasmic retic­ thermore, the zonula adherens is always ulum enters the apical zone and then preceded by a profound invagination zone seems to be related to apical Golgi com­ formed by the apical plasma membranes plex dictyosomes (fig. 18). of adjoining cells. Mitochondria. These occupy the apical supranuclear area, especially close to the (4) Embryonic envelope® end of envelope secretion (fig. 15). In stage H, the apical plasma membrane Microtubules. Spread throughout the microvilli are still elongated and are ap­ volume of the cell, these remain parallel proximately 3 /x in length (fig. 18). Their to the cell median, except in the apical apex is filled with dense matter, and on zone where their arrangement is less the outside of the cell forms envelope®, orderly (fig. 13). In this last zone some attached to the tips of the microvilli. En­ figures show clearly that the microtubules velope® is made of a somewhat irregular are attached to the apical plasma mem­ layer of particularly dense matter adhering brane (fig. 32). This cytoskeleton first acts to the inner side of the envelope® (figs. as a framework providing mechanical sta­ 19, 20). On thin sections, envelope® re­ bility to the cell (Dustin, '72) and secondly, sponds negatively to Thiery's test ('67) traces specific pathways, similar to those (fig. 21) and is not attacked by pronase described for the epidermal cells in insects (Monneron and Bernhard, '66) (fig. 22). (Locke, '66, '69; Zacharuk, '72), necessary for discharging the small coated vesicles (5) Fifth external coating secreted by secreted by the Golgi complex (fig. 11). surface embryonic cells Apical vesicles. At the beginning of en­ a. Formation and structure. At stage velope® formation, the apical region is J, the apical surface of ectodermal cells occupied by large coated vesicles with in developing Epicaridium larva is char­ dense content. Afterwards, when the en­ acterized by very small microvilli, spread velope is all formed, the apical zone is out regularly and at their apex filled with EMBRYONIC MOLTING CYCLES IN HEMIONISCUS BALANI 435 dense granular matter (figs. 24, 25, 28). regularly under the apical surface of the The dense matter is also noticed outside ectodermal cells (figs. 26, 31). the cell, on top of each microvilli (figs. Apical cell junctions. The epidermal 25, 28). The first layer of coating® is cells of future Epicaridium larva are secreted uniformly above the microvilh united at their apical pole (figs. 25, 26, (figs. 24, 25, 28). Closely attached to the 27) by a zonula adherens-type junction ex­ microvilli tip, it has a rough structure and actly identical to that uniting secretive seems dense. It is apparently produced by cells of the preceding embryonic enve­ a densifying of the diffused matter just lope®. Following the Zonula adherens, over the tip of the microvilli. Coating® septate and gap junctions unite the epi­ adopts the shape of the underlying cell dermal cells of the young larva. The coex­ surface, and notably in the dorsal region istence of these two junction varieties has of the future larva where the lobes de­ once before been observed in an epithelium signed by already distinct somites are of Crustacea (Hudspeth and Revel, '71). traced (fig. 31). In fact, the coating® has Apical vesicles. Apical cytoplasm of httle crests (figs. 25, 31) which during its cells encloses two distinct types of vesicles. secretion correspond to the large micro­ First, those with a smooth membrane and villi zones of the apical plasma membrane. dense contents, and second, those with These large microvilli are generally located a coated surface membrane containing near to apical cell junctions (figs. 25, 31). cloudv matter, called large coated vesicles At this same level, the early coating® se­ (figs.'26, 27, 30). cretion has gaps (fig. 25), sometimes near­ Cytolysomes. At times cytolysomes can by the apical cell junctions which are hke be seen which contain fragments of still growing points of the envelope similar to recognizable cytoplasmic organelles. those noted at the formation of "cuticulin" Multivesicular bodies. Only multivesic­ in Calpodes ethlius (Locke, '66). ular bodies are observed in the apical cyto­ b. Cytology of the ectodermal cell of plasm, which are composed of an exceed­ stage J dorsal zone. The cell is filled by ingly dense, granular matrix and which one or several lipid matrix droplets of great are thought to be dense multivesicular size that are not outlined by a real mem­ bodies (figs. 25, 30). brane (figs. 24, 31). The nucleus is often Microtubules. Scattered throughout the deformed by the lipid droplets in the midst cell, these are most often situated parallel of the cytoplasm and is frequently pushed or slightly obliquely to the major cell axis to the cell periphery (fig. 31). (fig. 25). The microtubules often seem Golgi apparatus. This is made of iso­ attached to the principal part of the zonula lated dictyosomes located either at the adherens (fig. 25); yet, in agreement with apex or in the basal region of the cell, yet Ashhurst's theory ('70), they would not apparently always in close relationship to be attached to the zonula adherens, but the hpid droplets (figs. 24, 29). Each dic- would lie parallel to it in the adjoining tyosome is made of flat saccules containing cytoplasm. dense matter which bud off small coated vesicles at the same time as large smooth- DISCUSSION membraned vesicles densely filled (figs. A. Envelopes of the fertilized egg 24, 29). Envelope I may correspond to the pri­ Rough endoplasmic reticulum. Although mary egg membrane (membrane of fer­ undeveloped at this stage, it includes a few tilization) and thus is analogous to the flat saccules encircling lipid droplets, (fig. "vitelline membrane" observed about the 24). fertilized egg in Bopyridae (Stromberg, Smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Also '71), other isopods (Van Beneden, 1869; poorly developed, it is distinguished only McMurrich, 1895; Nair, '56; Stromberg, by small clusters of smooth-membraned '65, '67, '72) and decapods (Cheung, '66). vesicles containing matter of low electron However, for all of these as well as for the opacity (fig. 25). egg of Hemioniscus balani, it is not easy to Mitochondria. These are situated very identify this envelope as primary mem- 436 MARIE GOUDEAU brane without precise proof regarding the Exuviations experienced by Hemioniscus manner in which it is formed. balani embryo do indeed seem different Similarly, even though there is a tend­ from those seen in the embryos first, of ency to consider envelope II as a second­ Leptostraca, Mysidacea, Isopoda, in each ary membrane of the egg (or chorion), of which exuviations are regularly spaced like that cited in some Bopyridae (Strom- during the course of embryogenesis and berg, '71), this is actually only a presump­ end at the conclusion of each molting tion requiring study on the secretion of cycle; and secondly, different from those this envelope. in the Ostracoda embryo (Tetart, '70) where protective envelopes are shed almost B. Embryonic envelopes: the simultaneously with hatching. In fact, the concept of an embryonic peculiar rhythm of exuviations noted dur­ molting cycle ing Hemioniscus balani embryonic devel­ These envelopes most likely serve a pro­ opment can be compared to that running tective role and should theoretically suc­ through Orchestia cavimana development ceed one another around the embryo in (Graf, '72). In this Amphipoda, the loss of order to be able to handle the embryo's the naupliar cuticle seems retarded and increases in volume. At least four exuvia­ happens at the same time as shedding of tions should therefore be seen during de­ the next envelope or intermediate cuticle. velopment, parallel to succeeding cycles of embryonic envelope secretion. C. Embryonic envelope secretion In reality, only two successive exuvia­ (1) Relationship between coated vesicles tions were observed. These allow the em­ and multivesicular bodies during bryo to shed embryonic envelope® initially secretion of embryonic and at the end of embryonic development, envelopes®, ® envelopes® + ® simultaneously. In rela­ tion to this phenomenon, some sections The cells responsible for secretion of en­ with at times three superimposed enve­ velopes®, ® have little Golgi-associated lopes enclosing the embryo, confirm the coated vesicles in their cytoplasm migrat­ existence of successive embryonic moltii ^ ing toward the apical area of the cell, cycles in Hemioniscus balani, certain of large coated vesicles often attached to which manifest ecdysis at the end of the the plasma membrane, and multivesicular following molting cycle. The capacity for bodies with varying traits. These last some­ fertilized egg envelopes I and II and em­ times fuse with small coated vesicles. bryonic envelopes® and® to unfold per­ There is at present no experimental proof mits them to accommodate these changes confirming the roles of the various ves­ and the large size increase of the embryo. icles and multivesicular bodies. However, In Crustacea, the phenomenon of em­ the figures here suggest that there may be bryonic molting is already known, namely invaginations of the absorptive plasma in Leptostraca (Manton, '34), in Mysi- membrane (fig. 27), uptake of exogenous dacea (Manton, '28; Davis, '66), in Am- material, and formation of large coated phipoda (Le Roux, '33; Ginet, '60; Turquin, vesicles (Roth and Porter, '64; Anderson, '67; Graf, '72), and in Isopoda (Van '69) which detach themselves from the Beneden, 1869; Forsman, '44; Kjennerud, plasma membrane (fig. 27). In addition, '50; Naylor, '55; Jensen, '55; Ellis, '61; either type of coated vesicle as well as the Holdich, '68). In these studies, the ultra- multivesicular bodies can participate in the structure and means of elaboration of the type of lytic cycle described on one hand envelopes which intervene during embry­ for rat vas deferens cells (Friend and onic molting were not examined, rendering Farquhar, *67), and on the other, for epi­ it impossible to draw comparisons between dermal cells secreting the protein epi- the various cases. An attempt to relate the cuticle in Calpodes ethlius and the cuticle fact that the Hemioniscus halani embryo in Tenebrio molitor (Locke, '69; Dela- undergoes exuviations to other Crustacea chambre, '71). The precise origin of up­ can nevertheless be made. take in the apical plasma membrane has EMBRYONIC MOLTING CYCLES IN HEMIONISCUS BALANI 437 not been determined. It is probable, how­ apical plasma membrane becomes smooth. ever, that the cells involved in embryonic Last, when embryogenesis is nearly termi­ envelope formation could reabsorb part of nated, the apical plasma membrane of the matter they had just secreted. There­ ectodermal cells becomes microvillate once fore, these cells regulate their own secre­ again with the fifth external coating secre­ tion and act like epidermal cells in insects, tion. where they reabsorb a part of the epicuticle (4) Role of apical plasma mem­ precursor (Locke, '69; Delachambre, '71). brane microvilli in the (2) Role of the Golgi apparatus in secretion of embryonic the secretion of embryonic envelopes®, ®, ®, ® envelopes® and ® Microvilli are described as being found Dense, smooth-membraned vesicles come at the apex of the cells responsible for from Golgi saccules and can be seen in secreting envelopes. It is without any the apical cytoplasm at the base of the mi­ doubt the dense and granular substance crovilli, often touching plasma membrane. always noticed at the tips of these micro­ They contain the same matter that appar­ villi in the cytoplasm as well as outside ently acts in forming embryonic enve­ the cell which is precursor of the envelopes. lopes® and ®. The first elements of the embryonic en­ The Golgi secretion is much more abun­ velope are created from the densification dant when envelope® is constructed. of the granular material, recalling the Rather than a basic constituent, it might elaboration of the epicuticle in Calpodes represent a substance which permits the ethlius (Locke, '66, '69) and in Tenebrio envelope to adopt its final structure. A molitor (Delachambre, '70, '71), of the similar hypothesis was considered for the proctodeal epi- and endocuticle in Kalo- same type of vesicles at the time of inter­ termes flavicollis (Noirot and Noirot- nal epicuticle formation in Tenebrio moli- Thimothee, '71), of the first larval cuticle tor (Delachambre, '71). in Drosophila melanogaster (Hilman and Lesnik, '70) and of the secretion of the (3) Changes in plasma membrane larval cutile in some Elateridae (Coleop- during embryonic envelope tera) (Zacharuk, '72). formation These first elements elaborated at the One of the most interesting changes ob­ extremity of the microvilli may go on to served in the superficial embryonic cells molecular rearrangement and thereby in­ and extraembryonic cells during envelope fluence the embryonic envelope in attain­ secretion involves the apical plasma mem­ ing its final structure. brane (fig. 1). Very short microvilli ap­ To date, only the present study, done pear at the cell surface during envelope® with the electron microscope, shows the secretion, and then seem bigger and construction of protective envelopes by the irregularly arranged during stage C and embryo of Hemioniscus balani, and proves envelope® formation. Next, they probably the existence of several successive embry­ disappear. The apical plasma membrane onic molting cycles in this Epicaridea. become microvillate once again when the first patches of secretion® appear at the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS beginning of stage F. Later on, during The author is indebted to Dr. J. Bocquet- stage G, they become longer and reach Vedrine and to Professor C. Noirot for their their maximum size as envelope® starts helpful comments and discussions, and to to be secreted. Although these large micro- Mrs. Daniele Touret for her competent vilh may be related to envelope® elabora­ technical assistance. tion, they probably participate in another phenomenon in nutritive substance absorp­ LITERATURE CITED tion (inducing a great increase of apical Ashhurst, D. E. 1970 The use of a tilting stage cell surface retained during the next stage to examine insect desmosomes. Septieme I). Only at the end of this later stage, the congres international de Microscopie electroni- que, Grenoble. 438 MARIE GOUDEAU

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2 External side view of stage C, beginning of stage E, stage F and stage H of embryonic development in Hemioniscus balani with iden­ tical magnification; shape of the fertilized egg indicated by dotted line; df, dorsal furrow, x 250. 3 External side view of stage H dorsal furrow. See details of protuber­ ances outlined by embryonic envelope®, df, dorsal furrow; verr, pro­ tuberance. X 735. 4 Apical region of a coeloblastula = Stage B of Hemioniscus balani embryonic development. I, first envelope of fertilized egg; II, second envelope of fertilized egg. x 14,600.


441 PLATE 2


Stage A embryo. Apical region of blastomere. I, first envelope of fertilized egg; II, second envelope of fertilized egg; gy, glycogen; ML, matrix lipid droplet. X 50,200. End of stage B embryo. Apex of blastomere during embryonic enve­ lope© secretion. I, first envelope of fertilized egg; 11, second envelope of fertilized egg. X 32,000. Stage D embryo. Apical region of an epithelial cell of the extraem­ bryonic area during second embryonic envelope formation. I, first en­ velope partly lysed of fertilized egg; II, second envelope partly lysed of fertilized egg; ®, embryonic envelope®; Gcv, large coated vesicle; Gv, large semi-transparent vesicle with smooth membrane; mv, irregularly arranged microvilli; Mvb, multivesicular body; scv, small coated vesicle, x 25,000. Stage F embryo. Epithelial layer of extraembryonic area near dorsal furrow, during embryonic envelope® secretion. (T), embryonic enve­ lope®; @, embryonic envelope®; @, embryonic envelope®; verr, protuberance outlined by envelope®; inv, invaginations produced by apical plasma membrane. X 9,200.


443 PLATE 3


Cells of the epithelial layer forming the extraembryonic area. 9 Stage F embryo. Apical region of a cell; parasagittal-section of micro­ villi during secretion of embryonic envelope®, x 41,000. 10 Stage F embryo. Apical region of a cell; cross-section of microvilli during secretion of embryonic envelope®. X 41,000. 11 Stage F embryo. Part of apical cytoplasm, mt, microtubules; scv, small coated vesicles. X 30,000. 12 Stage F embryo. Apical Golgi complexe of a cell; thin section, tangential to fenestrated saccule, x 32,000. 13 Stage F embryo. Apex of a cell.@, embryonic envelope®; Gap, apical Golgi complex; mt, microtubule; scv, small coated vesicle forming. X 32,000. 14 Stage F embryo. Basal Golgi complex of a cell, dv, dense vesicle with smooth membrane; ER, saccules of rough endoplasmic reticu­ lum; Gb, basal Golgi complex, x 32,000. 15 Stage G embryo. Apex of a cell.®, embryonic envelope®; ER, sac­ cules of rough endoplasmic reticulum; inv, invaginations produced by apical plasma membrane; M, mitochondria; mv, microvilli of apical plasma membrane (more elongated than those observed in stage F. X 20,600.


445 PLATE 4


Details of the extraembryonic area. 16 Stage G embryo. Apex of a cell, dv, dense vesicle with smooth mem­ brane; Gcv, large coated vesicle; mv, microvilli of apical plasma mem­ brane. X 40,600. 17 Stage G embryo. Apex of a cell. Part of cytoplasm showing multi- vesicular-body. X 25,000. 18 Stage G embryo. Apical Golgi complex of a cell, dv, dense vesicle with smooth membrane, x 32,000. 19 Stage I embryo. General view of epithelial layer of the extraembryonic area. @, embryonic envelope®; @, embryonic envelope®; gy, gly­ cogen; inv, invaginations produced by apical plasma membrane be­ tween clustered microvilli; ML, lipid droplet; mv, microvilli of apical plasma membrane, x 9,200. 20 Stage I embryo. Apex of a cell.®, embryonic envelope®; ®, embry­ onic envelope®, x 20,000. 21 Stage I embryo. Detail of embryonic envelopes® and ®, tested by Thiery's method, x 50,200. 22 Stage I embryo. Detail of embryonic envelopes® and @, treated with pronase. X 16,200. 23 Stage I embryo. Apical region of a cell. Detail of zonula adherens split into two parts. Arrows, apical part of zonula adherens, x 75,000.


^^^^v^mi^- IML 19

447 PLATE 5


Stage J embryo. Apical region of a dorsal epidermal cell. 24 View of three superimposed coatings secreted by embryonic cells. @, embryonic envelope®; @, embryonic envelope®; @, fifth external coating secreted by surface embryonic cells; dv, dense vesicle with smooth membrane; ER, saccules of rough endoplasmic reticulum; G ap, apical Golgi complex; ML, lipid droplet; mv, microvilli. X 25,000. 25 See the growing points (arrows) of®, cr, little crests outlined by®; db, dense residual body; mt, microtubule; SER, smooth endo­ plasmic reticulum, x 25,000. 26 Detail of apical region, dv, dense vesicle with smooth membrane; Gcv, large coated vesicle; M, mitochondria; za, principal part of zonula adherens; arrows, apical part quite reduced of zonula adherens. X 37,500. 27 Detail of®. Gcv, large coated vesicle; za, principal part of zonula adherens; arrows, large coated vesicle forming, x 50,000. 28 Detail of® secreted by surface embryonic cells, dm, dense material at tips of microvilli, x 50,000. 29 See Golgi complex next to lipid droplet, dv, dense vesicle with smooth membrane; scv, small coated vesicle, x 25,000. 30 Sample of apical cytoplasm, db, dense residual body; G ap, apical Golgi complex; Gcv, large coated vesicle, x 25,000.



449 PLATE 6


31 Parasagittal-section of Stage J. Epidermal cells of dorsal zone. @, embryonic envelope®; @, embryonic envelope®; @, fifth external coating; cr, crest outlined by® ; M, mitochondria; ML, lipid droplet; som, somite, x 6,200. 32 Stage F embryo. Apex of a cell in epithelial layer of extraembryonic area.® embryonic envelope® forming; mp, apical plasma mem­ brane; mt, microtubule, x 41,000.

