ere is the Patience of the Saints : Here are they'that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 :12.


iells was pleased with his visit, and encouraged apostle says, " Examine yourselves, whether ye vvi d *cult by his conversation with these inquirers after be in the faith ; prove your ownselves. Know ISSUED WEEKLY EY TILE truth. ye not your ownselves, how that Jesus Christ is 443r Adventist Publishing Association, These men had studied the truth from the in you, except ye be reprobates?" Let not those Battle Creek, IVIlehigan. printed page and the Bible, and had accepted who are ignorant remain in ignorance. They all points of doctrine as far as they could under- cannot remain in ignorance, and meet the mind L.) DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. stand.them without the aid of the living preacher. of God. They are to look to the cross of pHaian mss Ili cuutas Op 100 on wails. A great work is going silently on through the Calvary, and estimate the soul by the value of ac all communications, and make all Drafts and Money- distribution of our publications ; but what a great the offering there made. Jesus says to all be- ' to— IEW & Battle Creek, IVIiel-1. amount of good might be done if some of our lievers, " Ye are my witnesses." " Ye are labor- brethren and sisters from America would come to ers together with God." This being true, how RIGHTEOUSNESS. these colonies, as fruit-growers, farmers, or mer- earnestly should each one strive to make use of chants, and in the fear and love of God, would every power to improve every opportunity for be- BY N. W. VINCENT. seek to win souls to the truth. If such families coming efficient that he may be " not slothful ( Valeda, Kans.) were consecrated to God, he would use them as his in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord."

Tkr,ESSBD Christ who died for me, agents. Ministers have their place and their Every talent that has been given to men is to be , I abhor wh tt murdered thee; work, but there are scores that the minister can- exercised that it may increase in value, and all the 411 my sin with shame I own, not reach, who might be reached by families who improvement must be rendered back to God. If Let thy blood for me atone. could visit with the people and impress upon you are defective in manner, in voice, in educa- Grant me pity, Lord, forgive, Let this ransomed sinner live; them the truth for these last days. In their do- tion, you need not always remain in this condi- fished in Jesus' precious blood, mestic or business relations they could come in tion. You must continually strive that you may Make me holy, holy God! contact with a class who are inaccessible to the reach a higher standard both in education and in minister, and they could open to them the treas- religious experience, that you may become teach- *aught of merit, Lord, I plead, Mercy, purity, I need; ures of the truth, and impart to them a knowledge ers of good things. As servants of the great I. ,ng I've grieved thee, pitying God, of salvation. There is altogether too little done King, you should individually realize that you tong thy wooing love withstood; in this line of missionary work ; for the field is are under obligation to improve yourselves by ob- >;,.w thy Spirit helps me grieve, large, and many workers could labor with success servation, study, and by communion with God. lielps me to repent, believe; The word of God is able to make you wise, to christ henceforth my all shall be, in this line of effort. If those who have received Praise him to eternity. a knowledge of the truth had realized bhe neces- guide and make you perfect in ,Christ., The sity of studying the Scriptures for themselves, if blessed Saviour was a faultless pattern for all his Victory in Christ is sure, they had felt the weight of responsibility that followers to imitate. It is the privilege of the God the trusting heart makes pure; rests upon them, as faithful stewards of the grace child of God to understand spiritual things, to bd forgives for Jesus' sake, Of his fullness we partake; of God, they would have brought light to many be able wisely to manage that which may be in- N, w are we the sons of God, who sit in darkness, and what a harvest of souls trusted to his charge. God does not provide a iletight and washed with Jesus' blood; would have been gathered for the Master. If way whereby any one may have an excuse for do- 0 we long to meet our King; each one realized his accountability to God for his ing slipshod work ; and yet a great deal of this Then, as now, his praise we'll sing, personal influence, he would in no case be an kind of work has been offered to him by those idler, but would cultivate his ability, and train who work in his cause, but it is not acceptable )11 foniribuierse every power that he might serve him who has unto him. purchased him with his own blood. Young men and women, have you, as indi- ti at feared the Lord spake often one to another: The youth especially should feel, that they viduals, purchased at infinite cost, sought to Lard hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remetn- ,vks written before him for them that feared the Lord, must train their minds, and take every oppor- study to show yourselves approved unto God, t thought upqn his name."—Mal. 3:16. tunity to become intelligent, that they may ren- workmen which need not be ashamed ? Have der acceptable service to Him who has given his you brought to God the precious talent of your NEED OF TRAINED WORKERS. precious life for them. And let no one make the voice, and put forth painstaking effort to speak BY Mils. B. G. WHITE. mistake of regarding himself as so well educated clearly, distinctly., and readily ? However im- as to have no more need of studying books or perfect may be your manner of utterance, you LI been deeply interested in the relation nature. Let every one improve every oppor- may correct your faults, and refuse to allow your- cent experience of Elder Daniells, who, on tunity with which in the providence of God he self to have a nasal tone, or to speak in a thick, Orem Melbourne to Adelaide, stopped at is favored, to acquire all that is possible in reve- indistinct way. If your articulation is distinct Called Nhill, to visit some young men lation or science. We should learn to place the and intelligible, your usefulness will be greatly Ave been sending in orders to the Echo proper estimate on the powers that God has increased. Then do not leave one defective Ior our papers and books. He found here given us. If a youth has to begin at the lowest habit of speech uncorrected. Pray. about the $g Blau by the name of Hansen, a Dane, round of the ladder, he should not be discour- matter, and co-operate with the Holy,Spirit that .,tiaced upon the Echo at a public library, aged, but be determined to climb round after is working for your perfection. The Lord, who t oiAte an interested reader of the paper. round, until he shall hear the voice of Christ made man perfect in the beginning, will help you Ujsets of truth presented in its columns saying, "Child, come up higher. Well done, to cultivate your physical and mental powers, ' Glace in his heart, and he began to talk thou good and faithful servant : thou hast been and fit you to bear burdens and responsibilities heir to a friend at the hotel where he was faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler in the cause of God. icie. This man, Mr. Williams, also be- over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy There are thousands to-day who are unqualified terested, and they sent in orders for other Lord." for the work of the ministry, who cannot take a tions, becoming regular subscribers to the We are to compare our characters with the in- position of sacred trust, and are lost to the cause, :-. Elder Daniells found them eager for a fallible standard of God's law. In order to do because they have failed to value the talents knowledge of the truth. Upon the table this, we must search the Scriptures, measuring our given them of God, and have not cultivated their Williams was found "Thoughts on Dan- attainments by the word of God. Through the powers of mind and body. so that they may fill the Revelation," and several other books grace of Christ, the highest attainments in char- positions of trust in the Master's work. Indi- led by, our people. They had seen but acter are possible ; for every soul who comes vidually we are here as probationers, and the ill who was of our faith. They bought under the molding influence of the Spirit of God, Lord is testing and proving our fidelity to him. Per Daniells three copies of "Steps to may be transformed in mind and heart. In order He would employ us 'as agents to communicate 1" so,,that they might have one apiece, to understand your condition, it is necessary to the light of his word to the world. H we im- r tct give to a minister. Elder Dan- study the Bible, and to watch unto prayer. The prove the light given us of God by diffusing 98 ADVEN7 REVIEW AHD SABBATH HERALD.

it to others, we shall have increased light ; for worketh in us, both to will and to do of his good THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE OF REST, to him that hath "shall be given, and he shall pleasure. In the work of salvation there is a co- have abundance: but from him that bath not operation of human and divine agencies. There BY MRS. E. M. PEEBLES. (Battle Creek, Mich.) shall be taken away even that which he !lath." is much said concerning the inefficiency of human It is at our own option as to what we shall do effort, and yet the Lord does nothing for the sal- IN returning and rest shall ye be saw with the light God has given. We may walk in vation of the soul without the co-operation of man. quietness and confidence shall be your stre it, or refuse to follow in the steps of Christ, and The word of God is clear and distinct on this point, lsa. 30 : 15. This precious text is full of thus extinguish our light. and yet when so much depends upon our co-opera- ing, and contains the principles of a p Considering the light that God has given, it is tion with the heavenly agencies, men conduct Christian life. As seen in the parable of th marvelous that there are not scores of young men themselves as though they could afford to set aside prodigal, the work begins in returning, and and women inquiring, " Lord, what wilt thou the claims of God, and let the things of eternal quietly and confidently resting upon the have me to do ? " It is a perilous mistake to importance wait their convenience. They act as ices ; believing -" that all things work to imagine that unless a young man has decided to though they could manage spiritual things to for good to them that love God," we may e give himself to the ministry, no special effort suit themselves, and they place eternal interests and receive a large and deep experience. is required to fit him for the work of God. in subordination to earthly and temporal matters. soul thus calmly waiting upon God, there Whatever may be your calling, it is essential But how presumptuous is this to deal thus with such thing as unrest and disquiet. Whate that you improve your abilities by diligent study. that which is most essential, and most easily God's will is his will, consequently there Young men and women should be urged to appre- lost. crosses, and in this lies the whole secret of ciate the heaven-sent blessings of opportunities Where are those who would be wise laborers rest—to know no will but God's. to become well disciplined and intelligent. together with God? The apostle says, "Ye are If in the very beginning•of his Christian They should take advantage of the schools that God's husbandry, ye are God's building." But one could thoroughly understand the dep have been established for the purpose of impart- will men trust that they may be able under pres- of the poor deceitful heart, and could se ing the best of knowledge. It • is sinful to be sure of circumstances to step into some impor- necessary it is that the Lord should eb indolent and negligent in regard to obtaining an tant position, when they have neglected to train those whom he loves, and scourge every education. Time is short, and therefore because and discipline themselves for the work ? will they whom he receives, and then would lay dovsi the Lord is soon to come to close the scenes of imagine that they may be polished instruments own will, and in sincerity ask his heavenl earth's history, there is all the greater necessity in the hands of God for the salvation of souls ther never to remove a trial or sorrow un of improving present opportunities and privi- for whom Christ died, when they have neglected had accomplished its object, he would leges. to use the opportunities placed at their command learn to be thankful for the parental love Young men and young women should place for obtaining a fitness for the work'? " We does correct. He would soon learn to b themselves in our schools, in the channel where wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against sweet submission and kiss this rod, and he knowledge and discipline may be obtained. principalities, against powers, against the rulers find that he was coining out of every trial o They should consecrate their ability to God, be- of the darkness of this world, against spiritual side nearest heaven, and every sorrow won come diligent Bible students, that they may be wickedness in high places. Wherefore take but a stepping stone thither, and in memory fortified against erroneous doctrine, and not be unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may would be surrounded by a halo of brigh led away by the error of the wicked ; for it is by be able to withstand in the evil day, and having and beauty, because sanctified by the pre diligent searching of the Bible that we obtain a done all, to stand." Every one needs to improve of Jesus. His Christian character would knowledge of what is truth. By the practice of his God-given faculties and opportunities, that symmetrical and strong, like the sturdy oak the truth we already know, increased light will individually we may be laborers together with has withstood the blasts of succeeding wi shine upon us from the holy Scriptures. As we God. until it scarcely bends before the gale. surrender our will to the will of God, as we God is continually working for us that we may 0 how precious is this rest! Would humble our hearts before him, we shall earnestly come behind in no gift. He has given us our had words to express the comfort and joy desire to become co-laborers with him, going physical, mental, and moral powers, and if we soul thus trusting, waiting upon God. forth to save those who perish. Those who are improve as we should, we shall be able to meet may often be worn and weary with the ba truly consecrated to God will not enter the work the supernatural powers of darkness and conquer life, and like Paul be 4 'in heaviness through prompted by the same motive which leads men them. Jesus has pointed out the way of life, fold temptations," but Christ is a refuge fr to engage in worldly business, merely for the he has made manifest the light of truth, he has "windy storm and tempest," "the shado sake of a livelihood, but they will enter the given the Holy Spirit, and endowed us richly great rock in a weary land ;" and safely work allowing no worldly consideration to control with everything essential to our perfection. away in this shadow, with the "eternal 0 them, realizing that the cause of God is sacred. But these advantages are not acknowledged, and our refuge," "underneath the everlasting The world is to be warned, and no soul should we overlook our privileges and opportunities, we can watch the unfolding of events, kn rest satisfied with a superficial knowledge of truth. and fail to co-operate with the heavenly intelli- that no one is able to pluck us out of our F You know not to what responsibility you may gences, and thus fail to become noble, intelli- hand. All worry and anxiety are gone be called. You know not where you may be gent workers for God. Those to whom their know that he who is more willing to giv called upon to give your witness of truth. own way looks more attractive than does the way things to them that ask him than earthly par Many will have to stand in the legislative courts ; of the Lord, cannot be used in his service, for to give good gifts to their children, will wi some will have to stand before kings and before they would misrepresent the character of Christ, no good thing from those who walk upri the learned of the earth, to answer for their and lead souls away from acceptable service to If we fail to obtain things that seem to us faith. Those who have only a superficial under- God. good, we may know that he will give us standing of truth will not be able clearly to ex- Those who work for the Master must be well- thing better, even though it be but a pound the Scriptures, and give definite reasons disciplined, that they may stand as faithful sen- Christian experience gained by the exert for their faith. They will become confused, and tinels. They must be men and women who will patience in waiting; for he who sits " as a will not be workmen that need not to be ashamed. carry out the plans of God for the wise improve- and purifier of silver," knows just how to Let no one imagine that he has no need to study, ment of the minds of those who come under their the sons of Levi, "as gold and silver, tha because he is not to preach in the sacred desk. influence. They must unite with all the agencies may offer unto the Lord an offering in righ You know not what God may require of you. who are seeking to fulfill the will of God in sav- ness," and this offering is our ownselves. It is a lamentable fact that the advancement of ing a lost world. Christ has given himself, the we may be thankful if each succeeding t the cause is hindered by the dearth of educated just for the unjust, he has died on Calvary's severer than the one before it; for we may laborers who have fitted themselves for positions cross, and he has intrusted to human agencies that we are enduring the test, and tha of trust. The Lord would accept of thousands the work of completing the great measure of re- the blessed Refiner will behold his own to labor in his great harvest-field, but many have deeming love ; for man co-operates with God in and the desire of our soul is accomplished. failed to fit themselves for the work. But every his effort to save the perishing. In the neg- O if we could only learn to keep our one who has espoused the cause of Christ, who lected duties of the church we read the retard- bungling fingers off the work, and let the. has offered himself as a soldier in the Lord's ing of the fulfillment of the purpose of God ; Master-hand work out his own beautiful d army, should place himself where he may have but if men fail to accomplish their work, it the picture would not be so often mars faithful drill. Religion has meant altogether would be better had they never been born. spoiled ; but when we do make a mistake, too little to the professed followers of Christ ; Great evil will follow the neglect of co-operat- motive was right, it is comforting to know t for it is not the will of God that any one should ing with God; for eternal life will be lost. Our is wise enough to turn it to account, and t remain ignorant when wisdom and knowledge have success as candidates for heaven will depend on work will still go on. been placed within reach. our earnestness in fulfilling the conditions upon "Thou refuge of my soul, How few have qualified themselves in the which eternal life is granted. We must receive On thee when sorrows rise, science of saving souls ! How few understand and obey the word of God, we cannot be idlers, On thee, when waves of trouble the work that should be done in building up the and float with the current. We must be dili- My fainting hope relies. church, in communicating light to those who sit gent students of the word of God. We must ''To thee I tell my grief, in darkness! Yet God has given to every man train and educate ourselves as good soldiers of For thou alone canst heal; his work. We are to work out our own salvation Christ. We must advance the work, becoming Thy words can bring a sweet rel with fear and trembling; for it is God that laborers together with. God. For every pain I feel." FIB. 14, 18937 ADITEN7 REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD. 99

GOD'S WISDOM AND POWER. which he became impressed with a conviction amiable in his temperament; but when he thought that the fifth monarchy predicted by Daniel to he was unjustly represented, he often indulged BY WM. BRICKEY. be given to the people of the saints of the Most in biting sarcasm on his revilers. His mental (Kingston, Minn.) High, under the whole heaven, for an everlast- faculties were clear to the last, and he fell asleep Wisnom and power beyond compare ing possession (see Daniel 7), was about to be joyful in the hope of a speedy resurrection." Are shown by God's command, consummated. It becoming known that he en- To clothe the fields with verdure rare, tertained these views, he was importuned by WHO SAYS, "HERE AM I; SEND ME"? And feed the fowls that throng the air; many to write out his opinions, and afterward The robe that decks the lily fair Is woven by his hand. to defend them in public. After refusing so to BY ELDER C. L. BOYD. do for many years, he at length complied, and (Nashville, Tenn.) His power is seen in earthquake shock, has been principally known to the public as a When heaving mountains rise, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gos- And yawning chasms their floods unlock, lecturer on prophecy. He thus describes his re- And hills upshoot, and granite rock luctance to appear in public, and the occasion of pel," is the divine commission ; and the promise, Is shivered by the fearful shock his first attempt :— " Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end That rends the earth and skies. " One Saturday, after breakfast, in the sum- of the world," is all the guarantee that the And when the old earth rocks and reels, mer of 1833, I sat down at my desk to examine church needs or can ask. And tempests sweep the main, some point, and as I arose to go out to work, it Eighteen centuries passed before the different And when God's awful thunder peals, came home to me with more force than ever, portions of the world had been discovered by And cyclones roll his chariot wheels, "Go and tell it to the world." The impression those who possessed even some measure of the His fiery judgment then reveals gospel. And half of the nineteenth century was The power that holds the rein. was so sudden, and came with such force, that I settled down into my chair, saying, " I can't past before the closing part of the gospel—the The wheeling, blazing, circling sun go, Lord." "Why not?" seemed to be the re- third angel's message—was in any measure un- He drives, like fiery steed; derstood by anybody. This message embraces Ten thousand million miles are run, sponse; and then all my excuses came up, my And still his race is just begun; want of ability, etc.; but my distress became so the gospel in its fullness, and is to be proclaimed He wings his flight right on and on, great, I entered into a solemn covenant with to "every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and With tireless lightning speed. God, that if he would open the way, I would go people," and then, "He that shall 'come, will Those brilliant orbs that stud the sky and perform my duty to the world. "What do come, and will not tarry." Wheel grandly into line, you mean by opening the way?" seemed to come Great light has shone upon the pathway of And roll and blaze and whirl and fly to me. Why, said I, if I should have an invi- those upon whom the beams of this message have Beyond the reach of mortal eye; tation to speak publicly in any place, I will go fallen. Their commission is plain, and the And men know neither how nor why They follow his design. and tell them what I find in the Bible about the promise of support from the Master is sure. Lord's coming. Instantly all my burden was He commands, " Freely ye have received, freely Who else could grasp the Pleiades gone, and I rejoiced that I should not probably give." And hold them in his hand, And tread the Milky Way at ease, be thus called upon ; for I had never had such How freely is this ?—As freely as ye have And equipoise the earth and seas, an invitation. My trials were not known, and I received." And weigh the spheres by wise decrees, had but little expectation of being invited to any Those to whom we are sent are not to be re- And mete them with a span? field of labor. garded as objects of charity, and we—the church " 'In about half an hour from this time, be- —as their benefactors ; no, but we are debtors WILLIAM MILLER. fore I had left the room, a son of Mr. Guilford to them. of Dresden, about sixteen miles from my resi- Are we doing all that the Lord would have us [THE following sketch of Wm. Miller, which dence, came in and said that his father had sent do ? Are we willing instruments in his hand, appeared years ago in the Advent Christian for me, and wished me to go home with him. letting him use us as he will? Have we been Quarterly, was given also at the time in the RE- Supposing that he wished to see me on some willing that he should use us personally in send- viEw. But as many who have more recently business, I asked him what he wanted? He re- ing us as light-bearers to those sitting in dark- come to the faith, wish to preserve it, by request plied, that there was to be no preaching in their ness ? In response to his opening providence, we give it again, for that purpose. It is, inter_ church the next day, and his father wished to have we answered, " Here am I ; send me"? have me come and talk to the people on the sub- If we have not been so situated that the Mas- esting and valuable as the candid tribute of a ject of the Lord's coming. I was immediately ter wished to send us personally, have our means disinterested observer to a remarkable man :—] angry with myself for having made the covenant been so consecrated to him that he can use it as "Father Miller," as Adventists call him) I had; I rebelled at once against the Lord, and he will in sending others, or in the education of was, no ordinary man. But as the genera- determined not to go. I left the boy without those who might thus be fitted to go? We cer- tion who knew him personally are fast passing giving him any answer, and retired in great dis- tainly are not waiting for something to do. But away, we desire to put on record a brief sketch tress to a grove near by. There I struggled with candidly, my brother, have you done all that he of his life and character from a source which the Lord for about an hour, endeavoring to re- would have you do ? cannot, to say the least, be accused of a preju- lease myself from the covenant I had made with When the repeated call for a living minister dice in his favor. We copy from Littell's Liv- him, but I could get no relief. It was impressed came from South Africa, who responded ? Echo ing Age an obituary notice, originally published upon my conscience, "Will you make a covenant answers, Who? "And why did not the Gen- in the Boston Atlas, in December, 1849, on the with God, and break it so soon?" and the exceed- eral Conference send them a missionary ? " The occasion of the old man's decease. It is an ing sinfulness of thus doing overwhelmed me. I answer is simple. They had not the money opponent's tribute of respect to a man greatly finally submitted, and promised the Lord that with which to meet their expenses, to say noth- abused and maligned :— if he would sustain me, I would go, trusting in ing of tha scarcity of, men to send. Brethren, "Mr. Miller, of Low Hampton, N. Y., some- him to give me grace and ability to perform all had you any money, or property which you could what celebrated for his views respecting the he should require of me. I returned to the have turned into money, that the Master would nearness of the advent, died at his residence on house, and found the boy still waiting; he re- have used in responding to those calls ? If not, Thursday, the 20th inst., in his sixty-eighth mained till after dinner, and I returned with him it is well. We know, however, that he never year. to Dresden.' makes unreasonable or unjust demands. At "He was born at Pittsfield, in this State, "From this time and onward he was pressed length their calls were backed up with gold to [Mass.] Feb. 15, 1782. When he was four with invitations to present his views in many pay the traveling expenses of a minister there, years of age, his father removed to Low Hamp- places, and traveled extensively throughout the and the Sabbath-schools of America, to their ton, Wash. Co., N. Y. At the age of twenty- northern, eastern, and middle States, and everlasting honor, became responsible for other two, he settled in Poultney, Vt., and was a Canada, and labored almost constantly for the expenses, and missionaries were sent; and bounti- deputy sheriff for that county. On the com- succeeding twelve years; but visited no place ful indeed has been the harvest thus far reaped. mencement of the late war with Great Britain, without first receiving an urgent invitation. For the past three years the Macedonian cry he received a captain's commission in the United "He was disappointed in the fulfillment of his has been coming and echoing from mountain to States army, where he remained till the peace. expectations in 1843, and came out the next plain, from central Africa. Are there not men Be took part in the action at Plattsburg, yearwith an "Apology and Defense," acknowledg- with God's money in their possession, which he where 1,500 regulars and about 4,000 volun- ing the want of accuracy in his chronological would have them use in sending men in response teers defeated the British, who were 15,000 calculations, but claiming that the nature and to these earnest calls? Are there not men who strong. After the close of the war, he removed nearness of the event was still sustained by are ready to respond, "Here am I; send me"? to the place of his late residence, where for sev- Scriptural evidence. In that belief he has since For what are you waiting, my brother? Is it to eral years he held the office of a justice of the lived and died—worn out with the infirmities of "buy more land, to make more money," so that peace. age. you can have more money to give at some future ";Mr. Miller was regarded with much affec- "He was a man strictly temperate in all his time? God has sent us solemn warnings as to tion by his neighbors, who esteemed him as a habits, devoted in his family and social attach- the danger of such a course. benevolent, intelligent man, and a kind neighbor. ments, and proverbial for his integrity. His Somebody's money is to be tarnished with For many years he was a most assiduous student brain was of large volume, and he was capable of worldly "canker," which will eat their flesh as of history and the' Scriptures, in the study of great mental efforts. He was naturally very it were fire. Will it be yours., my brother? or 100 ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD. I-Yu. 70, No. 7. will you put it where it may bring forth usury same source? How many can say from their thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom to the Lord in the salvation of souls ? hearts that faith is a ruling virtue in their lives? thou hast sent." John 17: 3. Can it then be Somebody converted this year may become a It would be hard to define the ideas which that the true Christian life is hour by hour de- missionary in turn to labor for his own kindred many Christians form of faith. Some uncon- pendent on our knowledge of its great Author and people, until the Lord comes. Among cernedly stand it away both from the Bible and We think it is. " Without faith it is impossi- those converted through his labors may be men from their own lives, and look at faith as some ble to please him," and the sentence follows of means who will supply the demands of the cross-country pathway to the perfected Christian which defines this faith to be the working knowl- cause, and thus a hundredfold more increase be life, something which we attain only with the edge of his existence and of. his power to save. realized than you would realize if you keep your pleasure and from the hand of God. Hence we We must acquaint ourselves with God, if we money a year longer. pray earnestly for faith, and wonder that it is would be at peace with him. Job 22: 21. And Cannot something be done for central Africa not more constantly present in our lives, little with such an acquaintance as this, what might this year? Have they not called in vain long conscious that we may be neglecting the one not our Christian lives become! Our service enough? Are there not men at their homes who thing from which it springs—the study of God's would no longer be a half-hearted one; for we will send in pledges of a thousand dollars or less, word. would know the strength of Christ, and know it to send missionaries to central Africa? Are Now faith is absolute knowledge which we to be ours. Then again, the future would be as there not those who feel a burden for South may derive from trustworthy evidence. There is clear as our knowledge of to-day, resting on the America, where next to nothing has been done no hypothetical element in faith. And while infallible promises of God. What a transforma- by us, or for China, or for Japan, who will send between belief, as we use the term, and all abso- tion would be wrought out in our lives, had we a in such pledges as above mentiemed,—a thou- lute knowledge of a fact there seems to be but a perfect knowledge of Christ, the embodiment of sand dollars or less? short step, it is a step which man is often unable all that is pure, merciful, and just. We have You can make the pledge conditional that a to take. The world of research is crowded with but to look into our own lives and see how some missionary be sent to the field of your choice, if theories which only lack the last step in their sin from which we strive in vain to free our- the Lord so directs you. My brethren, be en- demonstration. Science grows humble as she selves, marks its supremacy over our weak natures treated not to hold your means for a time that is obtains some insight into the laws which run from the very day we first knew the evil, to be never coming, and then have it to cast to the with intricate and unerring regularity throughout impressed that knowledge; either of the good or moles and to the bats, while souls have cried in nature's organisms, and confesses that the point bad, is no unimportant acquisition. What im- vain for the light your means might have sent at which she can lay down her work with the con- portance does this give to the character of that to them. How much did you give the Lord sciousness that she has solved the great riddle of which we voluntarily give a place in our hearts. for the truth which to you is so precious? Did life, is hopelessly receding. Even philosophy, and especially when we think that Christ bar he give it freely? Remember he commands, notwithstanding its boast that it deals only with made it possible by the perfect life which h, " Freely give," as ye have freely received. facts, is incessantly fluctuating about certain as- came to live, that we might take into our heart. Two years ago at the General Conference, a sumptions which it calls axioms, but which it is the perfect knowledge of his sanctified life! noble man and his faithful wife stood ready to honest enough to confess it cannot prove. Thus For Jesus said, "For their sakes I sanctif be sent to "dark Africa," but there was not it is no trivial thing when we can say that we myself, that they also might be sanctifies' means at command to send them. How many know God, neither is it any wonder that inspira- through the truth." John 17:19. Is it the, such devoted souls will there be at the next tion adds, "Whom to know is life eternal." a wonder that this faith works by love? Fe; General Conference ready to be sent in response Let us see how this knowing faith finds its ap- who can conceive of anything more imposs. to these earnest appeals? We do not know; but plication in the Bible. We will take the 11th ble than that a perfect knowledge of Jesus Chris_ we do know that if God furnishes somebody to chapter of Hebrews. "Faith," says the apos- would not forever establish love as the foundts go, he has put the money into somebody's hands tle, "is the substance of things hoped for, the tion principle of the life? to meet their expenses; for he who makes the evidence of things not seen." , The word trans- But how can we obtain such a knowledge of mouth, makes also hands to feed it. If this lated ‘‘substance" is the strongest possible term, Jesus Christ ? it may be asked. Surely by no is in your possession, do not hide the Lord's money being a compound of two words meaning to other means than by the study of God's word in the world, lest his curse rest upon you. "stand under," "to be the foundation of," that " Search the Scriptures ; for in them ye thin Are there not men who will send in pledges which forms the basis of our expectations. Evi- ye have eternal life : and they are they whie which shall swell up to $100,000 ? You can dence is no less significant. It is derived from testVy of me." John 5 : 39. But we may also, make your pledge subject to the condition that a a verb meaning first, to examine, then to prove 'expect the aid of God's Spirit in attaining thit., missionary be sent to the field of your choice, or or attest. There is no mistaking the import. faith ; for this is his work. Says Christ, "Bill make your donation unconditional, to be used at Faith is a positive knowledge of the basis of oui when the Comforter is come, whom I will see the discretion of the faithful men whom God has hopes. It is the unmistakable proof of that unto you from the Father, even the Spirit o placed to manage the affairs of the General Con- which lies outside the pale of our natural vis- truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he Ad' ference. The time of trouble may be heavily ion.It is knowledge based on evidence that is testify of me." The disciples of Christ grew upon us before the time of another General Con- unimpeachable. Go through the entire list of be like him through their three years of consta ference. worthies mentioned in this chapter, and we shall study of their Master, and that, too„ while the God has sent us this testimony : "All heaven see that knowledge is the principle involved. fully understood but half his divine missio is represented to me as watching the unfolding Evidence had reaced the point where it became How much more blessed is our position ! Fro of events. . . . Something great and decisive is absolute knowledge with Noah, else he would his word we may know him as a Father, Saviou to take place, and that right early. If any de- not have spent such enormous energy in preparing and a Friend in every need. We may know him lay, the character of God and his throne will be the ark for the saving of his house. Abraham's the beautiful connection which lie sustains I compromised. The armory of heaven is open ; entire life of rich experience had given him previous and subsequent sacred history, as we all the universe of God and its equipments are the certain conviction that God's word was true, as through the characters of thousands who has ready." hence he knew there was a city for the righteous. since witnessed to the sanctifying influence Are you ready? "That thou doest, do Sampson, from frequent experience, knew his his life. quickly." And send in your pledges at once, strength, and Rahab, although herself a sinner, Nee; this faith cannot come but through tI. that the General Conference Committees may be knew from the testimony of her guests that the word of God. It is its only revelator.. I able to send forth laborers to "preach the gospel armies of Israel would surely be victorious. chart and compass give the mariner absolute da to every creature." Remember the promise, Now our lives are living commentaries on the by which he may direct his ship. Without the when "this gospel of the kingdom shall be 11th chapter of Hebrews. Whatever we accom- he may, for a time, perhaps, find a crooked pa preached in all the world, then shall the end plish in this world, we accomplish because we by relying on the stars ; but he knows not ho come.), know our resources. Let a man guilty of treason soon the clouds may cover all, and he be lo be confined in prison, and no unnecessary lore- And yet he is not so hopeless as are we, wh THE FAITH THAT KNOWS. cautions against his escape can possibly be made. we quietly lay aside the word of God, to guided on life's voyage to a perfected charac BY W. E. SANDERSON. Why ?—Because he both knows his power, and (Amherst College, Mass.) is conscious of what he has at stake. And after by the aid of conscience. For that soon beco all, the trouble with many of us is not that we warped and untrustworthy in catering to our o IN these days, when the thinking power of the do not act up to what we know, but that we do desires, and we find ourselves hopelessly at se religious world seems centered in one effort to not really know the path which Christ has laid Does it not then matter how much we study o eliminate the spiritual element from the universe, out for us to follow ; for knowledge always goes Bibles ? That is the only door to the only hi and when a certain class of men are seeking to deeper than mere observation. which can save us. At best, we know in pa do away with the necessity for a God by depre- True Christians, we -are told, must live by seeing Christ darkly through our sin-cloud ciating his greatest works, we hear much of the faith. Says Paul, "The life which I now live eyes and the medium of his word. But we life of faith which will keep our hearts from in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of told that when we shall at. last stand before t error. It seems, when we hear it mentioned, God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." perfect One, our knowledge will comprehend hi that it can do all for man that he may wish, that Gal. 2 : 20. "And this is the victory which over- as he is. "It doth not yet appear what we sh the possession of it is the earnest for every bless- cometh the world, even our faith." John 5 : 4. be : but we know that, when he shall appear, ing. It is one of the greatest of Christian graces, Contrast with these our Saviour's own words, shall be like him ; for we shall see him as and yet how many seek its attainment from the " And this is life eternal, that they might know is." 1 John 3 : 2. PEB. 14, 1893] .ADVEHT .REVIEW AZD SABBATH HE1TALD. 101

flee ; but the vast majority of those who over- membrance of me." Its call is to the highest Ehl °Me,. work are not martyrs, they are deliberate and and noblest part of man, persistent violators of their own natures. In Such following of Jesus Christ gives constant "That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth ; that our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the most cases, it is no exaggeration to say that nerv- joy and satisfaction. Life has a noble and suf- I similitude of a palace."—Ps. 144:1`2. ous prostration is the physical penalty of a moral ficient aim. The uncertainties and hard ques- ONE AT A TIME. offense. The man who drives recklessly over tions of life do not perplex, and the afflictions of the precipice opening in his path, is not more life are not bitter, because the Christian is borne ONE step at a time, and that well-placed, foolish or more criminal than the man who keeps up and carried forward by this divine inspiration We reach the grandest bight; on the road of overwork after the danger signals of Christ's unfailing presence. One stroke at a time, earth's hidden stores Will slowly come to light. have begun to multiply. The waste of spiritual We are delivered also from the fear of death, One seed at a time, and the forest grows; and moral force through overwork is incalcu- a needless bondage. There was no such fear One drop at a time, and the river flows lable ; for the mind and the spirit are the real with David, nor with Stephen, nor with Paul. Into the boundless-sea. sufferers when the body ceases to keep them in Blessed confidence A never-failing guide One word at a time, and the greatest book harmonious relation with the world, and to fur- through' life, inspiring to noble deeds, explain- Is written and is read; nish them with a superb instrument for work and ing the dark things of life, taking away all fear One stone at a time, a palace rears growth. There could be no greater act of van- of death, and lighting up the path to glory. Aloft its stately head. dalism than breaking the pipes of a noble organ Lord Jesus, thOu bast led the world's thousands, One blow at a time, and the tree's cleft through, And a city will stand where the forest grew and wrecking its keyboard ; but the man who entranced by thy matchless purity and power, A few short years before. destroys the sanity and harmony of his body, through all the vicissitudes of this life's journey adds sacrilege to vandalism ; he lays his hand to the satisfaction of the journey's end Thou One foe at a time, and he subdued, on the only real temple of God in the world. — bast more than redeemed all thy promises of And the conflict will be won; Christian Union. blessing, " I will follow thee whithersoever thou One grain at a time, and the sands of life Will slowly all be run. goest."—Bev. Joel S. Ives. One minute, another, the hours fly; STEPS TO RUIN. One day at a time, and our lives speed by Into eternity. A CONDUCTOR on a railway train was overheard AN INDIAN LAD'S WORK FOR CHRIST. a few days ago counseling a casual acquaintance, One grain of knowledge, and that well stored, A MISSIONARY tells the following anecdote a young girl, in a fatherly way, as follows : Another, and more on them; A little boy who lived in one of those great for- " Never go to a dance, there is always harm in And as time rolls on, your mind will shine ests in India went to live at the home of a med- With many a garnered gem it. It has proved many a' time the first step ical missionary. After he had been there about Of thought and wisdom. And time will tell, toward ruin for both men and women. Not two years, he became a Christian. The boy came " One thing at a time, and that done well," while I live would I allow a daughter of mine to Is wisdom's proven rule. go. I know too much about the harm that there to the doctor one morning; and asked permission --Golden Days, to return home. The doctor told him he might is in it to allow a daughter of mine to dance." return at the close of his school year. When the A COMMON SIN. Not long ago a man who for years has been a consistent Christian, but who had been before patients had been attended to, the doctor saw the boy still waiting, and said : " I told you to re- It is one of the most disastrous effects of the conversion very dissipated, said in prayer-meet- turn to school. Why did you not do it ? " And Medieval misconception and degradation of the ing, " I wish I could make others see as plainly the boy answered : " 0, sir, I have a father and bledy, that men and women abuse and misuse their as I do the evil of card playing. I have tested mother, two brothers and three sisters who never h6dies without any sense of criminality. There it ; it led me down almost to hell. It brought heard of Christ. Can I not go and tell them of never was a worse heresy than the shame put me into bad company, it started me to gambling, the Saviour ? " The doctor could not say " no " upon God's glorious handiwork by a shallow and it threw a strange fascination over vice, it almost then, and the boy went. In about three weeks he inadequate conception of the nature and uniyer- ruined my life forever. I hate cards now, and I returned. The doctor said : " Did you see your. Sality of the divine ; it has led to all kinds of wish I could make others hate them ! " These parents? " He answered, "Yes, and they are Mischievous errors, and to all manner of violent two vices, dancing and cards, have proved steps both Christians ; " and, standing very straight, tSactions. Not until men comprehend that the to ruin for thousands, and warnings that come he said : " I taught my mother how to pray." lcledy is a divine creation, can they rightly value from personal experience should not pass un- That boy is now an earnest worker for Christ, the spirit. The body shares the sanctity of heeded.—Selected. and the entire family are Christians. —Christian tlie spirit. . . . There are many who would _Herald. lse a right arm sooner than violate a law of the THE INSPIRATION OF CHRIST'S LIFE. irit, who constantly violate the laws of the RELIGION AND BUSINESS. Indy. Ignorance of the laws of physical life THREE hundred and thirty-one years ago Hugh has not long since so universal and so dense that Latimer, one of the most distinguished of the HAPPY is the man of business,, who in this age here was, if not an excuse, an explanation of English reformers, was condemned to be burned of speculative and lawless greed, so regulates his his anomaly of conscientious obedience to one because of his devotion to what he believed was financial pursuits by the golden rule, as to feel :140t of divine laws and flagrant violation of the will of God. With him in his ignominious justified in committing them to the care of God, lhother set. In these days, however, no intelli- trial was Nicholas Ridley, who under the reign fully persuaded that his providence will guide gent person can plead ignorance as a justifica- of Edward VI., was bishop of London, and had him to as much prosperity as shall best promote tion of disobedience. Knowledge of the con- distinguished himself for his " moderation, his his spiritual and eternal well-being. Such a ditions of bodily well-being is 'accessible to learning, and his munificence." On Oct. 16, man, instead of torturing himself with foolish gevery one. 11555, these two noble men were led to the front forebodings, will strive to obey the precept, "In What is now needed is the education of the of Bello] College, and burned at the stake. nothing be anxious," believing that God will nscience to the point of realizing that a sin They were cheerful and steadfast to the end. "guide his heart and his thoughts." Should Fagainst the body is a sin against the soul, and Latimer exclaimed to his companion, " Be of that providence deem financial reverses profitable - at to misuse or abuse the body is to commit a good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man ; to his higher life, he will gracefully and cheer- n as heinous as theft or falsehood. The man we shall this day light such a candle, by God's fully accept them. He will not, as John New- r woman who goes on working to the point of grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put ton suggests, like one going to take possession 'reeking down, in face of knowledge and experi- out." of a large estate to which he is heir, take to pee, is guilty of a grave sin against the Maker They were a prophet's words, inspired by the blubbering because his carriage has broken down, f• the body. It is not a matter of personal same power that had led these men through all when he is within a short distance of his prop- only,.a piece of individual folly to be paid the fidelity of their lives. There was nothing of erty,.and makes it necessary for him to finish l~or by well-deserved individual suffering ; it is personal ambition to gain by this devotion to his journey on foot. But looking with steadfast an act of gross impiety, which betrays mental Jesus Christ. There was everything of earthly faith on his heavenly inheritance, he will culti- fullness and moral obtuseness. It is high time honors to lose. But this strange magnetic vate contentment with his changed earthly condi- hat these crimes against the body, so prevalent power of Christ's life so held them, and multi- tion, saying with John Fletcher, "I want our times, should be called by their right tudes with them in that sixteenth-century strug- nothing but more grace."-- Christian Advocate. names. They are sins as distinctly as the grosser gle, that toil and suffering and ignominy and Offenses against good morals. The man or death had no fear. They were soul-slaves of OUR WORKS. Woman, who, in face of those notifications which Jesus Christ. the abused body always gives, persists in driving And this soul-stirring power is,not one whit GOOD works may be our Jacob's staff to walk he physical forces to the breaking point, is a less to-day than when Christ walked the shores with on earth, but they cannot be our Jacob's flaw breaker in the sight of God, and the terrible of Galilee, or when he went with the martyrs to ladder to climb to heaven with. To lay the salve •physical penalties which follow attest the divine the stake, as he went into the fiery furnace with of our services upon the wound of our sins, is as *fah against the moral anarchist. It is some- the Hebrew children. . . . Whatever can be if a man who is stung by a wasp should wipe his times necessary to sacrifice the body by the slow done for Christ's sake, the true disciple is ready face with a nettle ; or as if a person should busy- Martyrdom of overwork, as it is sometimes neces- to do. Nor is there any appeal to benevolence, himself in supporting a tot tering fabric with a ty to give one's life in a swift and noble sacri- or service so efficient as this : "This do in re- burning firebrand.—Archbishop Seeker. 102 ADVENT REVIEW AHD SABBATH HERALD. 6[VoL. 70, No. 7.

remarks, one of the priests stepped onto a bench, in ield. and began denouncing the men with the carriage, with the greatest lies he could find words to ex- " Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters."—Isa. 32 press. As it was seen that the people were THEY ADMIT IT. carried away with the priest, Mr. E. began to GOSPEL WORK INI ARGENTINA. fear for his life, and was on the point of sending SOME of the zealous ecclesiastics by whose efforts Congress was made to take the action which it did to the commissario for protection, when the priest last August respecting the World's Fair, are hate IN order that the readers of the REVIEW may hesitated in his denunciations, whereupon the est enough to admit that the action was unconsti. get some idea of what others have endured and people yelled out, Answer him ! Answer him ! tutional, both on account of its touching sacrificed in getting the light of the gospel be- This, of course, gave Mr. E. an opportunity to religious question, and as an interference with tl fore the benighted people of Argentina, I take reply, with the result that at the close, he had legal authority of the State of Illinois. Such w this opportunity to relate the experiences of Rev. the editors of the Political Dissenter (National R the sympathy of the people. In this town their form organ), published in Pittsburgh, Pa. J. H. L. Ewen and his co-laborers, who drove meetings continued every evening for about a The Dissenter fears that "the Illinois legislatur 500 miles last summer, through the country in a week, during which time they made a canvass will put itself in direct opposition to Congress b Bible carriage. for Bibles, selling to the majority of the people. enacting a bill authorizing the keeping of the Fah But before proceeding further, a description open on the Sabbath," in which case "the director From this place they took their course to of the Fair will not be slow to avail themselves o of this carriage may be of interest. At first Junin, and thence to Virute cinco de Mayo. such State authority, in the face of any nations sight it strikes the beholder as nothing more ex- At the latter place, the people gave them a very opposition." "For our own part," says the Di traordinary than any covered van, with the ex- favorable reception, abundantly supplying all senter, "we believe that the commonwealth o ception of the texts of Scripture with which it is their temporal needs, while Bibles were sold to Illinois would be able to make out a strong case ornamented, samples of which are the following : its interpretation of the national Constitution, an nearly every family in the town. In fact, Mr. of the powers of Congress under it. Congression "The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth E. had never met with such an interest any- legislation on behalf of the Christian Sabbath, o from all sin." " God so loved the world that where, as was manifested by the people of this any other Christian institution in the life of ou he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever town, nearly the whole population turning out nation, has no adequate legal basis in our writ e believeth in him should not perish, but have Constitution. to hear the word preached. At present, the The Dissenter hopes that "if Illinois raises thi everlasting life." James 3 :10. Bible carriage is at Tandil, 250 miles south of issue, the Supreme Court of the nation may decid The carriage has entrances both in front and Buenos Ayres, and if his health will permit, Mr. that this is a Christian nation, with an unwritte in the rear, and is fitted up with two beds in the E. intends traveling with it again this summer. vital, historical, and providential constitutio back part, while the front part is a depository From the above, as well as the experience of that is distinctively and undeniably Christian, a for Bibles, etc. The driver's box, outside, for- though much in our national life is out of harmon other evangelical workers, we cannot doubt but with it." ward, is arranged so it can be used for a speake'r's that this country is ripe for the third angel's That indeed would satisfy the most ardent Ion stand, and four horses are required for its con- message. And what more encouraging omen can ings of a National Reform heart. veyance. any missionary desire than is presented in this But as a matter of fact, we have no unwritte The object of this enterprise, as stated by part of our national Constitution. It is wholly e field, where the people are waiting for the truth? pressed. And the powers not expressly granted b Mr. Ewen, the owner of the carriage, was to travel Practically speaking, the American Methodist it to the United States, or prohibited to the States from town to town, holding open-air meetings, Episcopal mission has only made a beginning in are reserved to the States respectively or to th calculated to arouse an interest in the Bible, after its evangelical work among the natives, only hav- people. which a house-to-house canvass would be made. ing established its work in three or four places Nor does the Supreme Court need to render an It is evident that the results of his work are snob decision; for a power (the church power outside of Buenos Ayres, leaving the towns of which has already forced Congress to violate tli none the less interesting to us, since they have the interior without having any work done for Constitution as it stands, can doubtless do 's more or less bearing on our prospects of success them. Many of these unoccupied fields would again; and the Dissenter and all others allied wi in canvassing the natives, and judging from their prove open doors, where our people could estab- it in its desires and aims may as well see now thi readiness to purchase the Scriptures they pre- a violated Constitution is as good for their pin lish the truth with no opposition outside of the poses as an amended one, and go to work accord, sented, we have reason to believe that our Span- priests. ingly. L. A. S. ish books, when placed before them, will be ap- In closing, I would say that it is with bright preciated, and find a ready sale. anticipations that-we look forward to the opening A WRONG IMPRESSION. The first step necessary in beginning a series of our book work among the natives, and the [ONE of our city papers having published tha of meetings in a place was to secure permission experience of others in the sale of literature of the intendente of the Pueblo, after which they Seventh-day Adventists were much excited ove gives us every reason to hope for good results in the hearing before the Congressional Committee o would drive the carriage into the plaza, or public this direction. E. W. SNYDER. the Sunday-closing, brother M. E. Kellogg wrot square, with which every town is provided, pub- Buenos Ayres. the following reply, which we are permitted to us licly announce their meetings, and begin at once. as it contains statements of principles, which du As might be expected, from the start they met THE SOUDAN. own people will be pleased to read.—En.] with opposition from the priests, who did every- I notice in your paper of Jan. 16 a note to th thing in their power to incense the people against THE region of the Soudan is one which occu- effect that the Seventh-day Adventists were " mue the carriage. pies a large place in the hearts of many Chris- excited" over the hearing before the Congression In San Nicolas, a town 150 miles northwest tians who are seeking to evangelize Africa. Committee in regard to the Sunday-opening of t World's Fair. This remark and those following I of Buenos Ayres, toward Rosario, where they be- Why should we not be thinking about it and praying about it, knowing as we do that the although no doubt made with the best of into gan their work, the second night they were stoned, tions, are slightly inaccurate, and I therefore be and had to seek the protection of the Comm issa- third angel's message—the everlasting gospel— leave to state the position of the Seventh-day A Ho. After continuing there about a week, they must be proclaimed throughout even that dark- ventists upon the above question. went to Ramollo, and soon after to Rojas. Here ened field. Where is the Soudan ? —It is a First, let me say, that we are not at all excite over the matter. We are, however, deeply into an experience happened worthy of notice. country stretching from Senegambia on the west, 4,500 miles across Africa to Abyssinia. Its ested in it, since it ha s a bearing upon the subject Before entering the town with the carriage, religious liberty, which we believe to be endanger one of them went ahead as usual, to secure the population is 90,000,000, and there are said to in this country. if the question of the opening permission of the intendente to enter the plaza. be 100 languages into which the Scriptures have the Fair had been left to the commissioners, as should have been done, and they had decided It was with great reluctance, and only on condi- never been translated. It is evident that in its progress the truth must be passed from tongue close it on Sunday, Seventh-day Adventists won tion that they would not oppose the priests, as have uttered no protest. As everyman has anat they had in other towns, that he granted the per- to tongue in many of these far away parts of the ral right to work on any day he may choose, au mission. Soon after entering the plaza, who world. The people are there, and we know that since honest labor on any day cannot be proved should come out to inspect their carriage but the the Lord has some way of warning them, and be a crime, so any corporation has an undoub that, too, before very long. Regions Beyond right to carry on its business upon whatever day two priests of the town, one an elderly man, the pleases, such work of course not to be done ill other young, and of the greater influence. In says :— way to disturb a religious meeting; but congres answer to their inquiries as to what it all meant, "The Koran is carried thither by the Arab. The gospel by men, egge(ra-t3rIFFeTeWiiiiit the so-called eel Christians ?—No. Traders have reached the heart of this ious press of the country, and threatened with sue Mr. E. handed the old man a Bible, stating that country. Gin and gunpowder are finding their way in thither. their object was to sell this book among the peo- But messengers of Jesus ? The water of life ?—Not yet. One a loss of votes that they could not return again feeble light flickers at the junction of the Niger and Binue— Washington if they did not in some way comp ple. At first the old man seemed friendly ; but the C. M. S. center, left now without any white missionary. the Fair to be closed on Sunday, virtually close the younger priest, after examining the book, But beyond Lokoja, Islam stretches unbroken sway." the World's Fair Sunday by the Sunday-closin said in a rage, "This is the book we have con- provision in the World's Fair appropriation b demned, and we forbid the sale of it," at the —The pope's private fortune makes him the In other words, they offered the commissioner richest man in Europe, notwithstanding his bribe of two and one-half million souvenir ha same time throwing down the Bible. dollars, worth $5,000,000, to be good, accordin That evening their meetings opened, and think- wealth has shrunk greatly from the vast sum to their ideas of goodness. ing to intimidate the people, the two priests left by Pius IX. Much of the shrinkage has To this shameless proceeding Seventh-day A came out early and used their influence to keep been due to unfortunate investments in building, ventists, and thousands of other men, who in int bonds, and incorporation stocks—investments ligence 'and patriotism are equal to any in t them away. However, their efforts were futile, nation, objected. as the people crowded around the carriage and made for the purpose of receiving a higher rate If the government may directly or indirectly d filled the plaza. T ward the close of Mr. E. 's of interest than that paid by the Rothschilds. ignate what day is the Sabbath, what shall hin


'414 t tempting to define baptism, or undertak- Cotton Mather, and is addressed) to "Ye aged lent eruption in 1820, and did not cease for nearly J§ott,le any theological question at the insti- and beloved Mr. John Higginson." It bears date,. a year afterward. It has lain dormant until the vu these same divines (`?) and the church or- "September ye 15th, 1682," and reads thus, the present time. t4raagh which they speak'? We believe that in odd spelling of the original being followed to the The rumbling noise and lurid light can be plainly 4)1,14y-closing pro vision Congress has already letter:— heard and seen at Sierra Amarilla, seventy miles ) h e letter and spirit of the Constitution, "There bee now at sea a shippe (for our friend Mr. Esaias distant, and an army of people from there are now I,6;‘islating upon a question pertaining en- Holcroft of London did advise me by the last packet that it at Ariquin to witness the impressive sight. iP Ole domain of religion, and, secondly, by wolde sail some time in August) called ye Welcome,' R. An earthquake shock felt at Orizaba, Mexico, re- inyarranted interference with the affairs of a Greenaway, master, which has aboard an hundred or more of ye cently, greatly frightened the people living in the bio: State. By this action Congress showed heretics and malignants called Quakers, with W. Penne who is vicinity of the Orizaba volcano. tt').i-tof Illinois law, which makes it a direct in- ye Chief Scampe at ye hedde of them. Ye General Court has, accordinggely given secret orders to Master Malachi Huxett of The town of Orizaba lies about seventy miles by ' fk.):1 to the State. To say, as some do, that ye brig Proposse to waylaye ye said Welcome' slylie, as near rail southwest of Vera Cruz, and about twenty-five nd:iy-closing law is not a religious law, is en= ye coast of Codde as may be, and make captive ye said Penne miles south of Mount Orizaba, the snow-clad peak , (:)rOrary to reason. It is so considered in and his ungodlie crewe so that ye Lord may be glorified and of which is said by some to be 17,380 feet above k81,0tie, and every law for Sunday observance not mocked on ye soil of this new countrie with ye heathen sea-level, and by others to be the highest peak in .• (-)ir existed sprung from a religious impulse. worshinpe of these people. Much spoyle can be made by selling North America. Mile Fair should be opened on Sunday, Sunday- ye whole lotte to Barbadoes, where slaves fetch goode prices in The residents of Colima, the capital of the Mexi- ‘,11.1 not be compelled to visit it upon ruanne and sugar, and shall not only do ye Lord great service can State of that name on the Pacific Coast, also ay, any more than Seventh-day Adventists, by punishing 3e wicked, but we shall make great gayne for his ministers and people. Master Huxett feels hopeful, and I will feel a nervous apprehension regarding the volcano',. ill-day Baptists, and Hebrews, will be coun- set down the uewes he brings when his shippe comes back. of Colima, which, reaching a bight of about twelve t() visit it upon Saturday. The idle, sulking Yours in ye bowells of Christ, thousand feet, looms skyward about thirty mileS of many ministers and church people that COTTON MASHER." northeast of the capital. livery night a lurid light Val . is opened on Sunday, they mill not go Master Huxett missed his reckoning, and Penn illuminates the sky above the mountain, and it is ,y,i$an exhibition of such petty jealousy and sailed secure within the capes of the Delaware. But feared that this portends a serious eruption.— liti))4,9 that it is enough to make one blush it is curious to reflect on the narrow chance by Scientific American. ang his head to think himself a man. We which the founder of this commonwealth escaped 'hat if their profession upon this point should TOOLS OF THE PYRAMID BUILDERS. Ought to a test, the number staying away the fate of many of his religious brethren who were its Fair would be so few that the difference cast ashore on the relentless coast of Massa- A Two years' study at Gheezeh has convinced imperceptible, both upon the grounds chusetts. It is strange to fancy the wise lawgiver, Mr. Flinders Petrie that the Egyptian stone- 11•,•leipts in the cash-boxes at the Fair ticket endeared to the hearts of a great people and a workers of 4,000 years ago had a surprising ac- posterity by his wisdom, sagacity, and benevolence, quaintance with what have been considered modern hoeing sugar in Barbadoes under the lash of a tools. Among the many tools used by the pyra- lbh fusion, let me say that the legislation upon Yankee overseer, or crushing cane into rum to 6ubjects is a very dangerous precedent to mid-builders were both solid and tubular drills ro. Tall oaks from little acorns grow," comfort the callous hearts of Mather and his and straight and circular saws. The drills, like 0,1t, tiajuit and cruel enactments have often theological brethren. Ah ! how the ancient Cotton those of to-day, were, says an exchange, set with acted from seeds of bigotry so small that must have mourned for the marketable Quakers jewels (probably corundum, as the diamond was )resaw and pointed out the lurking dan- and the refreshing " minim" which came not. It very scarce), and even lathe-tools had such cutting 'Ale act of Congress may undo the benefi- is delightful to think how he never got a bit of the edges. So remarkable was the quality of the tubu- a free government as conceived by the "spoyle" which his old soul held in delicious antici- lar drills and the skill of the workmen, that the pation; how brother Higginson watched fondly for cutting marks in hard granite give no indication 1.s:() the American Republic, and established his COnstitution, and leave us floundering hogshead, and dreamed of swallowing his half of wear of the tool, while a cut of a tenth of an score of heretics in pious punches. They would inch was made in the hardest rock at each revolu- 14g) i he_quagmires of a Church-and-State sys- have made a "rum cretur" of the great founder, in tilor.)• lisgraceful to us than to, any other na- a literal sense, if they had got him, but thanks to tion, and a hole through both the hardest and ,I),,,, softest material was bored perfectly smooth and ,)11qe of the freedom we have enjoyed and the good steering of "II. Greenaway, master," )10•,\•!, )Ige of the religious slavery of the past, uniform throughout. Of the material and method k5e•r11 the founders of this nation sought they didn't' get him.—Easton (Pa.) Argus. of making the tools, nothing is known.— Mechan- d, both for themselves and their posterity. ical News. 'out excitement, but with deep interest, be- SUSTAINING THE BLUE LAWS. V.)/ 1.-1•••lit principles are involved, we wait to see WORKING DAYS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES. .(• religious freedom or intolerant bigotry is THE supreme court of Pennsylvania has rendered viit'otthe land consecrated to liberty by the a decision confirming the legality of the old blue THE following figures, compiled by a Polish stat- E Of sO -many heroes. law of 1794, in relation to the publication of Sun- istician, show the standard number of working day newspapers. The publisher of a small paper, days per annum in various countries. The inhabit-' the Sunday Leader, had been convicted in 1891 ants of central' Russia, as might be expected, labor ILLINOIS SEES IT. under the statute which prohibits the following of fewest days in the year; namely, 267. Then comes worldly pursuits on the Sabbath save those that are Canada, with 270, followed by Scotland with 275; r.,1llinois legislature has laid before Congress absolutely necessary for the wants of the commu- England, 275; Portugal, 283; Russian Poland, ()Irewing resolution for Sunday-opening of the nity. In its opinion, the supreme court goes some- 288; Spain, 290; Austria and the Russian Baltic ' It adds the testimony of that State what out of its way to explain that the statute is provinces, 295; Italy, 298; Bavaria, I3elgium, Bra- it has been said by Seventh-day Adventists explicit, and that no other interpretation was pos- zil and Luxemburg, 300 ; Saxony, France, Finland, ot,1! ra as to the unconstitutionality of the sible than that which led to conviction. The Wttrtemburg, Switzerland, Denmark, and Norway, \t I ich Congress interfered in the matter last framers of the act, says the court, could not forsee 302; Sweden, 304; Prussia and Ireland, 305; the growth of newspapers, or they would possibly United States, 306; Holland, 308; and Hungary, o, There is now enjoyed by the people of the State have exempted them from the operations of the 312. It will be observed from this that while the 8 the reasonable liberty of devoting the first day of the act. This may be true, but the point is irrelevant Canadian working-man has only to toil statutably- u:amoldy called Sunday, either to religion exclusively, and utterly immaterial. The question which is of 270 days out of 365, he frequently crosses the And rest, or to religion, rest, and recreation, with- interest relates to the applicability of the bluelaws boundary line into the United States, where he is Mstraint, and any attempt by the. ongress of the to modern conditions. The courts must content expected to labor for 306 days. • The Irishman and tates, by compulsory legislation or otherwise, to deter- themselves with carrying out the intent of the law the Prussian are in the same category with 305 33•ii these modes of Sunday observance shall prevail the limits of this State, is deemed by our makers, and leave it to the people and their repre- days, or thirty days more than the Englishman ii t n.v beyond the jurisdiction of Congress, an en- sentatives in the legislature to take the proper and the Scotchman.—Engineering London. upon their liberty and direct and dangerous posi- measures to bring the laws into harmony with t,ltL• zenius of American institutions; and,— reason and justice. The Pennsylvania supreme —Wherever any religion is a government religion The vast majority of the wage-workers of this court, however, seems to take a different view of upheld by law, it is part of a system of oppres- itc Thing States insist that unless the gates of the coin- the matter. It arrogates to itself the privilege of sion that is wholly foreign to the spirit of Chris- Golumblan Exposition at, Chicago be opened on commending the ancient statute, and to suggest tianity, which is never so much antagonized as by hey will be barred the proper and reasonable enjoy- that an attempt, on the part of its ardent sup- tlevating influences of the World's Fair accorded to attempts to compel conversion through law. So slug the means and facilities of such enjoyment on porters, to a too strict and literal enforcement of we repeat that, though the improvement would be 's of the week; now, therefore, be it— it, may prove suicidal, and lead to its total repeal. unimaginably great were we to become a Christian ked, By the House of Representatives, the Senate con- Some people, we feel sure, will say in their hearts people, we could have no greater misfortune than "t.! 4n, that the Congress of the United States is hereby that the total repeal of the law is not altogether to become a "Christian nation," through the es- 3 i 1p this behalf to rescind its action concerning the an unmixed evil; but even those who dissent from tablishment of Christianity as the national religion of the World's Columbian Exposition, leaving this opinion will question the propriety of the and the denial of that freedom of conscience which the Exposition discretion in stopping machinery court's excursions into provinces over which it has now enables us all, Christian or Hebrew, Protest- I .3' Otherwise by proper means to indicate that the no authority.—The Weekly Review. leap • believe in rational observance of Sunday." ant or Catholic, believer and unbeliever, to live to- T.A.S. gether as Americans aid fellow-citizens, without ACTIVITY OF THREE NORTH AMERICAN burning each other at the stake in the hope of thus VOLCANOES, establishing correct views in matters of theology. PENN'S ESCAPE. —St. Louis Republic. aer :"em Cotton Mather ; Puritan Plot to Capt— PADERNAL PEAK, situated in the wilds of Rio to Penn, and Sell Him in Barbadoes Arriba County, New Mexico, is reported as now in —it may be doubted if Satan himself could de- itunme and Sugar." a violent state of eruption, and is belching forth vise a surer and more effective means of demoraliz- sulphurous fumes and lava at intervals of about ing men than at one and the same time to forbid ,IrmiNs, the librarian of the Massachusetts three hours, each lasting about thirty minutes. them to work and forbid them to play. This 6ociety, in overhauling a chest of old This has been going on since the last week in double requirement puts the average man to a test t8.-(14)usited in the archives of that body by December. The entire top of the mountain, which of self-control, and to a draft on his internal re- qto Robert Greenleaf of Malden, has recently was almost square and about a mile in extent, is sources to which the nature of an angel could alone al;,•iiitious discovery which has especial inter- stated to be blown off, and the lava pouring down respond. That it should result in illicit actions of tlle,)people of Pennsylvania. Among these the sides has already filled up the valley for about every conceivable sort, is an inevitable as sunrise. one of ancient date, which bore this half a mile on each side. No one who knows human nature, and how almost 4.ontefit: "Ye scheme to bagge Penne." This A considerable portion of a ruined city of the an- impossible it is even for the most highly cultured IN title attracted the attention of Mr. cient cliff dwellers will be covered with the slag, to employ leisure to advantage, under even the u;., :Ind he examined the contents of the should the eruptions continue. Padernal Peak is most favorable conditions, can doubt the disaster- •11). iyith more than common interest. It is one of the most prominent landmarks of the terri- ons effect of Sunday loafing by law established.— tiliaiy and quaint handwriting of the Rev. tory. The Mexicans say that it burst forth in vio- Ringgold. 104 ADYITT REVIEW AHD SABBATH HERALD. 8[VoL. 70, N

-Of gilded but noisome sepulcher of all honesty, truth, the hardships attending a winter flight, or -710t 37 he evim and vial& and purity, instead of going into it. The more safely run away from the Jewish stoning,' such boasts that church utters in connection with reader will think that we have italicized "Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth." such facts, the more she proclaims her own charac- words to hold up to merited ridicule such BATTLE CREEK, MICH., FEB. 14, 1893. ter. ing, but this is not the ease; for we give the just as we find them. We leave the writer URIAH SMITH, - - - EDITOR. PLAIN WORDS. to emphasize his own nonsense. He would L. A. SMITH, - - ASSISTANT EDITOR. understand that when Christ said, " Prayy WE wonder how much more plainly Roman EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS: your flight be not in the winter, neither GEO. I. BUTLER, S. N. HASKELL, G. C. TENNEY, Catholics will have to speak than they are now Sabbath day," he did riot refer to those wh L. R. CONRADI, M. E. KELLOGG. speaking in reference to their purposes, claims, and run (!) and who could endure hardship; tha intentions in this country, before Protestants will TITHE VS. DEBT. who would be able to flee, such as strong open their eyes to the dangers that arethreatening and all men, would be all right, they co them from that tyrannical power, which arrogates IN Matt. 5:23, 24, we read : " Therefore if thou away, and needed no directions; but he to itself supreme domination in both individual bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest only to those who could not flee! But we and State matters, in both the civil and religious that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave suppose that such would find it difficult to affairs of men. Professing great friendship and ad- there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; any other day as well as the Sabbath, so miration for our institutions, as being, for the first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come not do to leave it there, and he therefore time, the best policy, this apostate church, which and offer thy gift." "Flee from the stoning of the Jews;" just has grown gray in intrigue and deceit, is plotting The query is raised by some whether this has Jews of Palestine, if they should see any one with malignant cunning for the entire overthrow not some bearing on the matter of paying tithes, for his life on the Sabbath day would imm and subversion of our most cherished institutions. and, putting it in the form of a question, they ask, take after him with clubs and stones,•and The New York Observer. of Jan. 26, says:— "Will the tithe be acceptable to God till we have on the spot! Could anything be more sup "Free speech, when it involves question of papal interfer- paid all our debts? We do not think the passage ence in the affairs of the American Catholic Church, is not to puerile, or betray more utter thoughtle has reference to matters of a financial nature be tolerated. As Mgr. Satolli has said: 'That any one should That was not the course the Jews pursue merely, but if it does, there are other points to be have dared to speak of the pope's authority over the church in case of those they stoned; they either had t taken into consideration. The duty of paying our America as foreign, is a sentiment and utterance enormously blance of a trial, as in the case of Stephen erroneous and scandalous. The action of the church and of debts to our fellow-men is a very important one, the Holy See in the things that belong to it, is superior to 9-14; 7:51-60) or were set upon by the but there is a debt lying back of that which is every man-made boundary.'" had become enraged by their teachings, as more important still, and that is the debt we owe No "man-made" boundaries, then, can shut out case of Paul. Acts 14:19; Lev. 24:14; to God. The tithe is such an obligation, which the pope's meddlesome interference. He claims 13:9, etc. There is no hint of any one ev we are under to God. While ourselves and all domination over all nations. How much is meant ing been stoned for passing through the e that we have, are, in a general sense, his, the tithe by "the things that belong to it," is well defined on the Sabbath day. Indeed, the fine-spu is his in a special sense, and no• other claim can by another remark of the Observer, as follows: The Lions of the Jewish doctors allowed a ce t take precedence of that. We have no right to definition which Rome, herself, puts upon spiritual Lance to be traveled on the Sabbath, whi take the Lord's money to pay our worldly debts. supremacy, necessitates her dominance in civil and called a "Sabbath day's journey." But If we were holding means in trust even for our spiritual affairs." astutely informed that if a inan was nimble fellow-men, and it was due, and we should take Freedom of speech, and of the press, Americans to dodge the stones which were thrown a it to pay our own debts with it, how would such consider one of their cardinal rights and privileges; on the Sabbath, he might flee on that day! a course be looked upon from the standpoint of but how long would they have it, if Rome had her Not content with this prodigious attemp hilman judgment? How then must it be regarded way? For instance, Mr. Satolli says: "It is for- gument, the writer tries another tack, if we take the Lord's money to pay our own debts? bidden to treat ecclesiastical matters and questions words: "Those women [all women, you s In this we say nothing against the duty of pay- through the medium of journalism." 0 yes! gag not told that it would be wicked to flee in ing all honest debts to our fellow-men. This is a the presfi and suppress free speech. This is why the ter, or on the Sabbath day : If it would II duty of first importance. He who does not use all Catholic press has been mute as an oyster on the wicked to flee on the Sabbath, Jesus woul due promptness, and make reasonable effort to recent disturbances in the Catholic Church in this expressly forbidden flight on that day. pay his debts, fully and on time, cannot be a country. Wherever Rome holds control, no such did not do that." Here again we give the Christian, but he should not rob God, in withhold- freedom can be allowed. When Rome thus plainly as we find them. Of course, fleeing on the ing his tithe, for this purpose, under the plea of shows her hand, and makes clear what she would under those circumstances, was not forbid duty to his earthly creditors. do through all the country if she had the power, cause it would have been a matter of n If then the text does not have reference to the why are Protestants so indifferent to the threat- and no work of mercy or necessity was e paying of tithes, what is its meaning ?—It evidently en-6X sutrerAintrat th'eff-ZealesTrights ? bidden on the Sabbath. But it would has refers to any wrong which we have done to our fered with the proper use of the Sabbat brother. If, in coming to God, we become con- A STONE FOR BREAD. day of worship and devotion, and this is victed that our brother has just grounds of com- reason they were to pray that it might no plaint against us, for some wrong committed on AN inquirer writes to Our Hope (a no-Sabbath- essary for them to flee on that day. To our part, our first duty is to take that out of his Adventist paper), asking why the disciples were di- flee in the winter would be against thei way, and. make all suitable efforts for reconcilia- rected by Christ to pray that their flight be not on well-being, and to be obliged to flee on tion. Until we do this, all other service offered to the Sabbath day, at the time Jerusalem was to be bath would be to their spiritual detriment. God will be lame and unacceptable. destroyed, if it was not then binding upon Chris- fore, they were to pray that it might no tians. To this the corresponding editor (whose such a season, or on such a day. INADVERTENT ADMISSIONS. ) 6 name, so far as the no-Sabbath doctrine is con- No cause can be assigned, which has I cerned, has become a synonym for everything that semblance of reason, why they were no THE Catholic Mirror (Feb. 4) exults greatly in is careless and illogical) replies, that that instruc- Iva]. the Sabbath day, except its influe what it claims to be a fact, that there is in the tion referred to women who had young children, or their own spiritual good; for if, as the op ranks of the nobility of England a strong leaning were about to become mothers, and if they were the Sabbath affirms, the gates of Jerusale toward the Church of Rome; and then, apparently found fleeing on the Sabbath day, they would be be shut on that day, then they could not failing to realise the bearing of its words, goes on stoned to death by the Jews. ever much they might desire to do so. to describe the terrible moral decadence that is Such a shift, to get around the Sabbath, is either again, they would have been immediate] taking place among the aristocratic classes in the last refuge of despair, or a pitiful revelation of and stoned to death, then, again, they e that country. "Sensuality," it says, "corruption, ignorance. It strikes us that it is giving a stone to have fled; and then we should have Chris loathsome evils of every kind, have eaten their one who asks for bread. Verse 3 says that the ing them to pray that their flight be no way through the body of fashionable society, and "disciples" came to him to ask him about the Sabbath day because then they could beneath its fair outward aspect there are odious things of which he had told them. It was therefore That is, they were to pray that somethin and unspeakable things." And that is just the the twelve disciples to whom he was talking; and not be, which could not be. Such arg trouble; that is the reason they are turning to we never knew before that these were " only folly. Rome; first down into apostasy and corruption, women." Moreover, when he comes to speak about We have said that these words were s and then to Rome! The Mirror tries to dodge the their flight from Jerusalem (verse 19), he does the twelve apostles. They, of course, stoo conclusion by adding, " We may conceive that not say, " Woe unto you who are with child, and resentatives of all those for whose benefit general as this putrefaction is, there must be some to you who give suck in those days," but, " Woe were uttered, that is, the church of that spirits incorrupt, and who long to escape to purer unto them," etc. Then, turning to his disciples, he subsequent times; and among them woul and unpolluted atmosphere elsewhere." But this says, ".But pray ye that your flight be not in the in the condition referred to, but as does not help the matter; for on its own show- winter, neither on the Sabbath day." He does not with the whole body, such would be ing the whole tendency is downward toward im- say, "Let them [referring to those of whom he had sew. The far greater part would be iii morality and putrefaction ; and in this state of spoken in verse 19] pray that their flight be not tion and condition altogether different; e things, there is a turning to Rome. But if the tend- in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day," but, to try to confine the words of Christ e. ency was in the other direction, if men were mov- " Pray ye." to women, and to such only as were in ing from thelmpulse of increasing light, and higher But that all this must refer only to some women, dition referred to, would seem to be th aspirations for holiness and truth, would there in a particular condition, this Goliath of no Sab- sort of desperation, and of all Antino then be a turning to Rome ?—Ah no! nothing of bathism proceeds to argue that it must refer to named arguments, the weakest of the we the kind. There would be a coming out from that such only, because " others might better endure To be obliged to flee in the winter won FEB 14, 1893r ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD. 106

hem to much physical suffering; and the Saviour 293.—THE WARES OF SIN. ROM. 6 : 23. have not been placed in a narrow part of the bowed his care for his people by a solicitude that The following questions were .sent me by a correspondent in Lord's vineyard, where we can work in only one or hey might not be obliged to flee at such a time. St. Lucia, West Indies, to which he would like an answer: two directions. We are not shut up to only one " (1.) How would you harmonize these texts, The wages of 3ut to flee on the Sabbath would involve no phys- sin is death' (Horn. 6: 23), and 'There is a sin not unto death.' or two ways of engaging in the work of benefiting cal inconvenience, and they would be subjected to 1 John 5:17? (2.) In 1 Pet. 3:19 we learn that Christ went and saving souls, such as sending out missionary to obstructions; for the Jews had so little regard to preach to the spirits in prison.' Does this afford ground for papers or becoming colporters or going to some 'or the Sabbath themselves that at the very time belief in salvation after death? If it does not, please throw some light on the passage. (3.) Some Protestants, in effect, foreign field. The real missionary will have no diffi- when the sign was given (verse 15), they rushed out teach, though perhaps unintentionally, that immediately after culty in finding plenty of work wherever he is. )f the city on the Sabbath day to pursue the army death we are rewarded for the deeds done in the flesh. Does The foreign field is not in need of those who can DI Cestius Gallus, leaving the gates of the city open the parable of the rich man and Lazarus teach that, or recog- nition after death? " find nothing to do at home. (see Josephus); and none would molest them going If you will kindly answer these questions through the paper, The word of God tells us, "Look not every man through the country. The only reason, therefore, you will oblige one who has recently begun to keep all the upon his own things, but every man also upon the for that prayer, which would keep them in mind commandments, and doubtless others with him. things of others;" to "rejoice with them that do ! MRS. L. S. S. continually of the Sabbath, was that they might rejoice, and weep with them that weep." We are, have the spiritual benefits of that institution, Ans.—(1l.) 1 John 5:16 probably refers to a in other words, to take a deep interest in all that which was not to pass away, but which would be to special sin, called the unpardonable sin, or sin concerns the welfare of others around us. If we them a special help and blessing in their time of "against the Holy Ghost," as in Matt. 12:32. see any that need help, we are to make an effort to tribulation. What a solace it would be to them to There are some sins which are not necessarily and help them; if any danger threatens, we are to seek have the privilege to spend the hours of the Sab- irrecoverably unto death, because they may be to avert it, not trusting to God to work a miracle bath, though trouble reigned around, in quiet re- pardoned; but all sins, if not pardoned, will in the while we look idly on. We are even to search out, ligious devotion and communion with their Maker. end receive the wages of sin, which is death. So as Job did, the hidden things that may need our' So will it be with the remnant in the closing the apostle does not teach that there is any sin, attention. The following from a Testimony given! scenes of their earthly pilgrimage. Rev. 7:3; 14: which will not, if unforgiven, result in the second in 1890 speaks directly upon this point:— 12. And so have we reason now to pray that no death; but there are some sins which are not "unto " Now is the time for God's people to take up the duties that vicissitudes may arise which will make it necessary death," or unpardonable, in this life. lie next them. Be faithful in little things• for on the right' (2.) The spirits in prison, of which Peter speaks performance of these hang great results. 'Do not leave thel ever to use the hours of the Sabbath other than as work which needs to be done, because it appears to your judg-; becometh the Sabbath of the Lord, "the Lord's (1 Pet. 3:19), are not dead persons. The expres- ment to be small and inconsiderable. Make up every wastei day," the holy of the Lord, and honorable, the day sion refers to the antediluvians, to whom Christ place, repair the breaches as fast as they occur. Let no differ-t which is a refreshing oasis in our pilgrimage here, preached, by his Spirit, through Noah, while the ences or dissensions exist in the church. Let all go to work top help some one who needs help," :and which will be a day of worship and access to ark was preparing. Verse 20. They are spoken Is there not some " waste place," some breach in the tree of life in the kingdom of God forever and of as being "in prison" (that is, then in prison), the walls of Zion, that you can find near you to ever. Isa. 66:22, 23; Rev. 22:2. because they were shut up under condemnation and threatened punishment. Gen. 6 : 3-7; Isa. build up Is there not some one who needs help, —some one who would be benefited and built up FOR WHAT IT IS WORTH. 61:1. (See Dr. Clarke on this passage.) This subject is also fully explained in the book "Here the faith by the efforts you might put forth to tha THE St. Louis Republic of Jan. 29, 1893 pub- and Hereafter, or Man's Nature and Destiny," for end? Surely, there are many such opportunitie lishes a chapter of "Prophecies for 1893" from sale at this Office. all around us; the truth is that we are, many of us "J. S. Willetts," the so-called "famous crank and (3.) The parable of the rich man and Lazarus is too much wrapped up in ourselves to see them false prophet." We present a few of his "fore- well called by your correspondent, "a parable," We do not interest ourselves enough in the welfar casts," which claim to be indirectly deduced from and being a parable it is something which teaches of the church to know where the waste places are statements found in the Scriptures a truth by the sentiments expressed through it, that need to be repaired. We have so far forgotte rover Cleveland will constantly hobnob with Cardinal not by the scenery, so to speak, by which it is that we are our brother's keeper as to know nothi Gibbons, and there will be a papal nuncio at Washington the represented. The parties, the places, and the cir- ing about his true spiritual condition. We ail firstyear of his administration. cumstances, are simply the setting in which the in- content to judge from what we can see of his daily;; "By 1897 Cardinal Gibbons will be the pope of the western life and outward profession, when perhaps—as in?. continent and Cardinal Lucien Bonaparte pope of the eastern struction appears; and these are not to be taken world, Protestantism and the Roman Catholic hierarchy having literally. The lesson taught, is a rebuke of the deed it has often been found—he is stumbling along united into one universal Catholic Church by that time. Pharisees for their • covetousness, and to correct in the by-paths, and almost ready to perish. "The Congress of all churches this summer at Chicago. will The people of God need to get spiritually a most likely fix a plan for the Universal Church Confederacy.' their notion that the possession of property and "The World's Fair, from a a civil, political, and diplomatic riches in this life weise a passport to felicity in the quainted. They need to know how it fares wit point of view, will be a total failure, but will be of tremendous world to come. (See tract on this subject, pub- one another in the contest which each is wagin religious import.", lished at this Office.) The Scriptures, in plain, with "the world, the flesh, and the Devil." The literal, teaching, elsewhere very clearly show that they will be able to know how to help those tha IN THE QUESTION CHAIR men are not rewarded immediately at death for the need help, and how to repair the waste places that [DESIGNED for the consideration of such questioi,s as will be of deeds done in the body, but only after the resur- had existed, perhaps unseen, in their midst. Her interest and profit to the general reader. All correspondents should is work for all, and it is the work that needs to bi glye their names and correct post-office address, that queries not re- rection. : plied to here, may be answered by mail.] done now. And it is for us to move out in tilt work, and not wait for some compelling powei 294.--BEGINNING OF THE RAY. 292.—CON FORMING TO THE TIMES. Rom. 12: 11: to move us. With eyes to see and ears to heal The Bible clearly teaches that the day ends at sunset, and Through the Question Chair, or otherwise, I would like a with hearts to feel and minds to think, we hav little light on Rom. 12:11. The English Version reads, "Serv- the next day then begins. Will you kindly tell us when, why, ing the Lord." The German reads, "Conforming to the and by whom the change was made, beginning the day at a dif- enough to stir us to action. If we wait for soma tithes." Many Germans use this text to base Sunday observ- ferent point? J. P. T. thing more, we shall wait in vain. L. A. S. ance upon. How does their translation agree with the origi- Ans.—The Bible method, as you have said, is to nal? J. K. begin the day "at even," or the setting of the sun. Answer.—On this verse there seems to be a little The spirit of apostasy that worked in the world ROMISH SECRETS. variation in the Greek text. Griesbach uses the from the fall of man, sought to draw man away Tun following from a late copy of the Cathoh word /caw (kairo), " time, or season," while Lach- from every arrangement and ordinance of God, in Mirror shows the sensitiveness of that church wh mann, Tischen Tregelles, Alford, Wordsworth, introducing idols in place of the true God, the day any one suggests an examination of what is do and the Elzevir edition, use the word icrgiw (kurio), of the sun in place of the Sabbath of the Lord, and in the inner chambers of their convents. "Lord." It will be seen at once that the transla- different points for the beginning of the day from It will be seen that they actually boast that t tion depends upon which of these words is the that which God had ordained. Different nations genuine one. The weight of authority, as named State legislatures cannot examine into their affair begin their day at different times. The Babyloni- or know anything what is going on within the! above, is in favor of kurio, Lord, and Meyer, the ans began their day in the morning, while the massive walls:— great German commentator, argues strongly in Romans began theirs at midnight. History does favor of that reading. From this, it would seem to "A proscriptive female organization out in Chicago is furlo not go back to the time when these methods were because the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in that city very pro be correct to read it kurio, Lord, and so to con- introduced. erly declined to allow a committee of its appointment to 'inv sider the English translation, " Serving the Lord," tigate' an institution of which they have charge. The fenuc,, to be the correct reading. bigots now threaten to invoke State aid to get inside the col: WORK FOR ALL. vent, but the days when State legislatures empowered But even if we allow that the other word, kairo, committees' have gone by, and they are not likely to retuf "time, or season," is the one to be used, no argu- IN theory, every believer in present truth will ad, either." ment could be drawn from it in favor of Sunday- mit that there is a great work to be done in the How strikingly we are reminded by the aboljj keeping; for the reading would not properly be, cause of God at the present time, and that it de- boast, of the following, from Vol. IV of " Spirit "conforming to the times," but "serving accord- volves upon those that know the truth to perform Prophecy," p. 397 :— ing to," or " appropriately to " the time. The this work; but in practice, there are comparatively " Throughout the land she [Rome] is piling up her loftyrd same as Paul says, " Be instant in season" (2 Tim. few who testify to the sincerity of their faith by cor- massive structures, in the secret recesses of which her fo 4:2), where the same word, in composition, is responding zeal. He whose zeal is in proportion to persecutions will be repeated." used. If we make it read, "Conforming to the the needs of the cause,—not to those which he may In the light of present indications, who can El times," it proves too much; for it would prove be able to see, but to those which actually exist that these words will not be fulfilled to the lette1 that a Man should be a MormOn, Mohammedan, around him,—will certainly be giving much time to No "smelling committees" can get inside the me-' Hindu, or Heathen, if he happened to be where any the work, and finding many ways in which to en- sive walls of the convents. Even State legislatuih Of these was the prevailing religion, so that he gage in it. are powerless there. Protestants know all thq must practice it to "conform to the times." The Many, no doubt, have altogether too narrow a have known it for years, and still more than e apostle never gave any such instruction. conception of the work that needs to be done. We they court the favor of Rome, and adopt her me 103 ADVENT REVIEW AHD SABBATH HERALD. "[VoL. 70, No. 7. ods, and call her Christian, while the Bible calls her festation; " the churches will be in a "state of cor- arched over, invariably filthy, in many cases ex- "Mystery; Babylon the Great, the Mother of har- ruption;" a "great tribulation" will "befall be- ceedingly so. They are not wide enough to be lots and abomination of the earth." lievers;" beast worship will be established, and passable for carriages, though they are thronged; And in doing this, and especially as they have the image of the beast will also be worshiped. A by donkeys and camels. The shops are dark little: done it in their influencing the State to legislate for strong delusion will be manifested, "into which the stalls, in the midst of which the keeper stands in a them, and for the papacy in the matter of Sunday Lord will suffer all to fall who have not received the hole deep enough to bring his wares into convenient exaltation, what better are they than the papacy? love of the truth." reach. Many of the old houses, especially in the Is it not now time to say, "Come out of her, my Seventh day Adventists have been predicting Tyropean valley, are twenty or thirty feet below people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and these very things for forty years, and by a clearer the present level of the streets. Outside the walls that ye receive not of her plagues " ? M. E. K. light they have been enabled to see that these the different communities of churches and refugees stirring scenes are very near; th_e_Lare able_ to tell have erected a better class of buildings, on pleas- what the beast is, what_the image, is,,what consti- anter streets. The Greek and Latin churches, LOOKING FOR THE IMAGE. tutes the mark; and above everything else, they particularly the former, are becoming very strong ha-V.6 been enabled to proclaim the "everlasting in and about Jerusalem. Their churches, monas- IT is often urged against Seventh-day Adventists that they are not hopeful enough; that they take gospel," which is the only remedy for sin, to point teries, nunneries, schools, etc., have involved the too pessimistic views of the future; that the world out the danger of remaining in Babylon, and have outlay of great sums of money. It is not difficult is much better than they are willing to concede, presented as the great truth upon which the rem- to associate the great outlay and strong appear- and that it is constantly growing better. We will nant church will stand secure in the day of trial be- ance of the Greek Church with the ambition of Rus- not at this time attempt to show that we are right fore us, "the commandments of God and the faith sia. They have virtual possession of nearly all the in our views, and that they are wrong; but we of Jesus." Let us be thankful that some are study- supposed sacred spots, although the churches of will only call attention to the fact that others out- ing the word of God, and are gathering some light; the Nativity and the Holy Sepulcher are owned side of Seventh-day Adventists, and outside of any and let us be doubly thankful for the clear rays of jointly by several sects. Yet even in these build- Adventists, for that matter, are looking into the light that have been shining upon our pathway all ings the ascendency of that church is to be clearly condition of the world, and examining the prophe- these years since the message started, and which seen. cies of the word of God, and are foretelling events are growing brighter and clearer as we near the It may be doubted if there is a place upon earth as dire as anything declared by those who believe end. M. E. K. where the Christian religion is so burlesqued and that the message of Rev. 14:9-12 is now being misrepresented as here in Jerusalem. Here may be fulfilled. SKETCHES OF TRAVEL. found the most baseless and foolish superstitions, In the Episcopal Recorder of Dec. 29, there is an and the rankest idolatry. Relics and localities are worshiped with ardent devotion by a multitude of article by Rev. Nathaniel West, D.D., in regard to PALESTINE. the coming of the Lord, in which he takes ground deluded pilgrims; and priests fatten on the offer- against those who believe the Lord may come at ings and gifts of these souls who imagine that they any moment, and declares that many things must IT is a pleasure to every Christian to contem- are thus purchasing the gift of God. The cele- yet be fulfilled before Christ will come. In support plate the fact that our Saviour was really here brated church of the Holy Sepulcher, located near of his position, in addition to Bible testimony, lie upon earth; and the heart naturally turns with the center of the city, contains a very large num- quotes quite largely from Bishop Martensen, one interest to those scenes with which his earthly expe- ber of these venerated objects. Besides the marble of the greatest scholars of Europe. Some of the rience is associated. The history of God's work and box called the Sepulcher, there is the spot where statements of the bishop are so striking that we of his people is laid in a land known to us all, and Martha met the Saviour, the tomb of Melchisedec, feel justified in quoting them for the benefit of the visited by many; and the geography of the Bible the skull of Adam, the exact places where the readers of the REVIEW. Take, for example, the fol- is one of the most convincing of the material crosses stood, the place where Jesus was scourged, lowing proofs of its authenticity. and so on, to a great number, every one of them Lebanon and Hermon stand as hoary monu- vested with sacred importance, and worshiped by "For though it is not for us to determine the day or the hour, yet we must know that in the proportion as the opposition be- ments at the head of a grave 150 miles in length, thousands of deluded souls, who still seek for the tween the church and the world resembles what it was in the where lie buried the beauty and glory of one of the living among the dead. ;apostolic age, in the same proportion we have the right to say, fairest parts of earth. The epitaph they bear is The Via Dolorosa, or the way our Saviour passed ' The Lord comes quickly!' for the apotolic age is an abiding pattern and type for us, not only in relation to what is evil, but "Ichabod." Not only has the glory departed, but over from trial to crucifixion, is still pointed out, also in relation to what is good." (Dogmatics, pp. 466-8.) the beauty too is gone, unless there be beauty in and the places where he fell beneath the cross are With the above position, Seventh-day Advent- barren hills and desolate plains. indicated. Once when he leaned his arm against a ists are in substantial agreement. There is prob- To enter the land at the usual port, Jaffa, is an un- stone pillar, the forearm was deeply impressed on ably only this difference, that we believe that the certain and often a perilous undertaking. There is the stone, and the dent still remains. struggle between the world and the popular no harbor, and the open roadstead is rendered more We soon had enough of such folly and mockery. churches combined, with the true church, " which hazardous by a reef of rocks lying near the shore. But there are places that will ever be dear to the keep the commandments of God, and the faith of It is quite a usual thing for a boat to be unable to Christian heart, though the apostate churches and Jesus" (Rev. 14:12), is much nearer than the get beyond the rocks, or for passengers to get Mohammedanism have done much to disfigure and bishop thinks it is. And if the spirit of persecu- ashore. It was my fortune to be unable to get transform them. The real Calvary is undoubtedly tion is let loose upon us, then according to the bish- ashore, so we turned toward Haifa, at Mt. Carmel ; outside of the city walls, near the Damascus gate. op's own position, " we have the right to say, `The but after beating against the storm all day, we No building encumbers the spot, though old tombs Lord comes quickly!' for the apostolic age is an found this port also inaccessible. Another rough are very numerous. The Kidron valley, Geth- Abiding pattern and type for us." night brought us to Beyroot, near the foot of semane, the Mount of Olives, and Bethany, still re- We give one more quotation from Bishop Mar- Lebanon, the principal port of Syria. During main. Gethsemane is surrounded by a stone wall, tensen, containing many flashes of light which the these rough nights, the experience of Jonah and of and four or five very ancient olive trees are inclosed majority of the men in his position do not see. Paul in the same waters, came forcibly to mind. by an iron fence. The Mount of Olives still over- The second attempt was successful, and we found "It is decidedly and plainly foretold in the Scriptures, that looks Jerusalem, and the view is doubtless in many wil must attain to its supreme manifestation on earth, before the Jaffa to be not a very flattering example of what respects the same as when it stirred the Saviour's Lord comes. In the last times a great and widespread apostasy the country was to be. The streets are mostly heart, as he wept over the beloved city, sitting with !corn Christianity will take place, and Christendom become a tortuous, dirty lanes. In the borders of the town, complete Babylon. The churches will be in a state of corrup- blinded eyes. A tew relics of ancient Jerusalem re- don, because false doctrines and un-Christian government will however, there are some of the most beautiful and main. The southeast corner of the temple wall is lave got the upper hand. Worldly luxury, combined with prolific orange groves to be found anywhere. The supposed to be of the original building. Within this vealth, trade, and extensive commerce, will exercise a wide- house of Simon the tanner, and that of Ta,bitha, wall are the arches which supported a large por- pread dominion, and ungodliness and debauchery accompany t. But in one hour,' i. e. , suddenly, Babylon (the corrupt, are pointed out, and furnish some interest to those tion of the temple area and formed the stables and organized hierarchy) will fall, a sudden catastrophe will ensue, who are credulous enough to believe that houses store-rooms of Solomon. Here was the horsegate. at overthrow of the social condition of the whole world, cult- will stand for nineteen hundred years. Another portion of the old wall on the north side ire, and civilization, with its sham Christianity. Then will the ,nti-Christ and the anti-Christian kingdom come, even the cli- The railway to Jerusalem is now completed, or of the temple area remains, and forms the famous nax of the apostasy, the- consummation of evil on the earth. at least open for traffic, and affords a more modern wailing place of the Jews. Twice I visited this in- .'hen will the great tribulation befall believers. Anti-christ means of travel than that by which Peter passed teresting spot, approaching each time through rill form a new religion- by strOng, delusion, into which the over that ground. I cannot say that it is much .ord will suffer all to fall who have not received the love of filthy lanes. The sight is quite impressive. The he truth, a Cresaropapy of the worst kind, a world-religion more comfortable in the present condition of the wall is evidently very ancient, and bears indenta- rhich ends in the worship of the image of the beast, a beast track; certainly it is not so safe as riding a donkey tions said to have been made by the battering ,hose etilture and civilization are ever more and more tending or going afoot. o bestiality, to rude force, and carnal lust." rams of Titus. Friday is the most popular day for The plain of Sharon, which we cross, is quite well this demonstration of sorrow. A long'Xow of men It is evident from the above extract that the cultivated by German colonists and by Arabs; but and women affectionately caress the cold stones. iishop has been studying the book of Revelation, when the hills are reached, there is nothing but The men repeat portions of Solomon's prayer, ,nd that he sees some things there predicted which barrenness and desolation. The little railway as- and read the 74th Psalm. Some of them indulge- Le believes have not yet been fulfilled. It is not cends a steep gradient, as it winds along up a deep in tears and lamentations, while the women often trange that in some things he sees the truth but valley. The distance by rail is fifty-one miles. As wail and weep hysterically, as if their hearts were imly. The wonder is that from his high church for distances in general, it is difficult to ascertain broken. They bring hither their private griefs as tandpoint, unilluminated by the light of the pros- them; for inquiries are always answered by the well as their national calamities. Could' the vail nt truth, he sees as much as he does. Let us notice hours it generally takes to cover the distance. be taken from their hearts, and they lament their 'hat he does see, either clearly or partially. He Jerusalem is still a walled city, and has seven sins instead of their calamities, and behold the ees that in the last days there will be widespread gates, but the best part of the city is built outside Lamb of God, what joy and peace would replace postasy, and evil will come to a "supreme mani- the walls. Within, the streets are mere alleys, often their despair. G. C. T. En. 14, 1893]11 ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD. 107

MASSACHUSETTS. A hall was secured, all furnished, in the heart of rearqs's of life fanst. the city, for only two dollars a night. We have JAN. 19-23 I had the pleasure of visiting the done all we thoughtwe could do by way of advertis- 11,,edotuhgetetohmfeoratghaiannwd itvIviere4eotilleinbge,trIniziggreicilosus;iesaevedes' church at New Bedford. Here I met with Elder ing. Six meetings in all have been held. The at- s c lthhn."—Ps. 126:6. D. A. Robinson, who was on his way from London tendance from the city has been small, so that this to attend the General Conference. There has been has not seemed to pay. Our brethren from Min- a growth of grace in this church since I last met neapolis have remembered us, so that part of the WANTED.—A CAREER. with them. The meetings were well attended, and time there were one hundred and fifty or more the word spoken well received. The social meeting present. The city papers have been quite liberal. :`0, TO do something," my heart kept repeating, was a very precious season. I have in my scrap book newspaper clippings from "Something so beautiful, noble, or fine, Those who have recently come into the faith here editorials and reports of our meetings, enough to That bright it should bloom like a flower in the are helping to bring the truth before others, who, make a column nearly twenty-five feet long, giving desert, we trust, in due time will be able to carry it into these principles to the many thousands of readers. That clear like a star in the night it should the regions beyond. At our last meeting about The" clippings from the editorials are quite decided, shine!" fifty dollars were donated to Elder Robinson, to and virtually indorse our positions, marking quite help build a church for the London Mission. a contrast with some positions taken by them ' Then I looked in the sky; 't was a-quiver already, C. L. KELLOGG. during the summer. At the last meeting an editor With star upon star, through the glittering night; of a paper representing all the labor organizations I looked o'er the land; 't was a-flutter with flowers; MICHIGAN, of the city, came to me, saying that he had- at- What need of my wee one to make it more bright.? tended the mass-meeting in favor of Sunday-elps- No. 3.—As my work among the churches ing, and had their arguments; and as he believed Then I looked in my heart, and saw mid its motives this winter has been different from any line of work in free discussion, he wanted me to write up the What from my own vision I gladly would hide, taken up before, I thought it might be of interest arguments I had presented in regard to the Sun- Oommingled with longings for art and for beauty, to the readers of the REVIEW to learn what has day-closing act, that he might give them to his .h, much of ambition, of envy, of pride! been the success of the work of the missionary in- readers. We feel sure that the Lord's blessing has stitute in this district. I have held eight institutes been with us, and we now -await further develop- Then I looked where no star-beam e'er comes pene- in the interest of the Sentinel canvassing and re- ments. A bill has been introduced in our legisla- trating, ligious liberty work, and with very few exceptions ture to repeal three sections of our Sunday laws. Where the flowers are crushed out in the un- they have been a success. The way our brethren Pray for the work here. H. F. PHELPS. ceasing strife, and sisters respond to the call when the subject is The pitiful struggle for merest existence placed before them, gives me courage in the work, CONNECTICUT. That mockery makes of the thing we call life! and is an assurance that the Spirit of God is work- ing as never before, and that our people are willing AMONG THE CHUROHES.—The work in Hartford is Afid. I gave to a child that was wailing with hunger, to work when they know what to do, and how to still moving forward. Sonic new believers are ',The comfort, the beauty, of every-day bread; do it. In some of our meetings we have seen the keeping the Sabbath, and rejoicing in the light that a soul that was starving for sympathy's music power of God manifested as never before. To his has dawned upon them, while others are standing A commonplace word of encouragement said. name be all the praise for what has been accom- where the two ways meet, and are about to decide plished. W. IL MATTHEWS. the destiny of their souls for eternal life or death. i-rich this new field for my thought and my labor, Dent. 30:15-20. Brother Clark and family, of And soothed was my longing for beauty and art; Springfield, Mass., has lately moved to Hartford r a flower sweetly bloomed on my own barren CALIFORNIA. to engage in the Bible work in that city. pathway, I was with the church at Berlin the last days of A star softly rose in my own shadowed heart? SANTA BARBARA.—My labor here has been blessed December. Some of the members of this church of God, and a few souls have been added to the were among the first to accept the truth in New —Marguerite O. Moore, in N P. Observer. church. Others are interested, and we hope to see England, and although they are bowed with some from among them "willing and obedient." many years, still they were standing upright in Brother F. M. Burg, who has been assisting in the the precious truth, and their words were words of work here, is holding a meeting at Montalvo, Ven- cheer to all. Others have been much discouraged in PITCAIRN ISLAND. tura Co., and reports a good interest. Our Bible the past, caused by their neglect to follow the worker, sister M. Griffis, has gone to the Rural Lord in all things, as his word directs; while some utes of Missionary Meeting held Nov. 2, 1892. Health Retreat on account of her health. We were rejoicing in Christ, the power of God and the hope to have another Bible worker soon. Wisdom of d. Much freedom was given in pre- Ili this meeting the subject taken up was " For- The village of Saticoy is about four miles from senting the words of life to this people, and the Holy grillisSions," Russia being the country under dis- Montalvo, and eight miles from Ventura City. I Spirit was present to impress it upon hearts; As Salon. As an aid to a better understanding of began meetings Jan. 17. At first there was much these dear souls were made to see that God is a God he "Subject, and of the vast extent of country that prejudice and but little interest; but the Lord of love, and Jesus was their strength, and had all in occupies, a map was used, showing Russia blessed the sowing of the seed, until there is a good power, being able to save to the uttermost, joy urope. attendance, and many are interested. The solemn filled every heart; confessions were made, the dis- ry interesting statistics were given by the con- messages are listened to attentively. By being a couraged made a new start to follow the Lord or of the meeting, sister Ida Gates, in regard humble embassador of the Lord Jesus, and letting in his strength, and the children expressed a desire o :Russia, a country which, properly developed, the Lord work, I hope to be able to report good to give their hearts to Jesus. olild become very wealthy, but which is making results in the future. J. G. SMITH. On first day the church officers were elected, and oh slow advancement in comparison with other Jan. 29. the importance of the tract and missionary work, afions, on account of its standing socially, polit- which had nearly died out, was set before them. eally, and religiously. COLORADO. Testimonies from sister White were read, showing Yet, notwithstanding the seemingly insurmount- the importance of this branch of the work. God's ble harriers that would hinder the progress of the BOHLDER.—Two weeks ago sister V. Olsen at- Spirit came in, and all expressed a desire to take wOrk in Russia, a good solid foundation has al- tended our Sabbath-school and meeting. She told up the work again. A club of the Signs and Senti- re4,dy been laid, and the Lord is helping by his of the solemn meeting our brethren in Oakland had nel was taken; the supply of tracts was renewed, lieivants, to forward his cause, in spite of the many before our good ship "Pitcairn" left for its long so this little church starts out with the new year oppositions they have to encounter. missionary journey. It was very encouraging to quite well equipped for the missionary work. I The leader of the meeting was assisted by Elder learn how God is blessing his cause and people. trust these dear brethren and sisters will take to -tikes, and they both, as well as the members pres- Elder Fulton has been with us a short time. He themselves the whole armor of God, that they may esit, regretted that time did not allow of entering has already improved much in health, for which we be able to d o valiant work for the Master. The last into the subject more fully. feel thankful to God. evening I was with them, several of their neighbors f)wing to the librarian's failure to report, brother Sister Waldemar, a Swedish sister, is doing Bible came into our meeting, and if one can judge from A red Young, by request, delivered a verbal report work here among the Americans and Scandina- the way they expressed themselves, they were much if work that had been done on two British ships vians. The Lord is blessing her efforts. Yesterday interested. May the members of this church take le foregoing week. It showed very encouraging our meeting-house was nearly filled with interested hold of the work right at their doors, and labor as *tilts. worshipers. Three new Sabbath-keepers (Swedes) good stewards of Jesus Christ. 'iiice then more has been attempted, and it is came to the meeting, and brought six children to Jan. 3-6 I spent with the church at Norfolk. The With warm thankfulness to God for his blessing the Sabbath-school. We praise God for the power weather was very cold, and some fears were enter- ton the efforts made, that the present report is of his truth and the presence of his Spirit. tained that the brethren and sisters, who are much Yen. On the British bark " Edinburghshire," To-morrow I start to attend the General Con- scattered, could not attend the meetings; hut we are given away five books, 1,872 pages, six pam- ference. J. G. MATTESON. were much rejoiced to see that neither cold nor Ohlets of 660 pages, one tract of 64 pages, and ten Feb. 5. storm hindered them from assembling themselves eriodicals. The captain's wife, second mate, and s A together. At our first gathering, the Spirit of the art of the crew of the American ship "R. D. Rice," MINNESOTA, Lord came into our midst, and remained during ceived four books, several pamphlets and period- the entire meeting. The spirit of confession was ale, promising to circulate them among others, ST. PAUL.—As I mentioned the religious liberty present. Some had not paid their tithes, and oth- nd later, on the same day, the officers and crew of work here in this city in my last report, it may be ers had neglected duties; but as they saw Jesus a he American ship "Vigilant," from Japan, gladly of interest to the readers of the REVIEW, if a few sin-pardoning Redeemer, light and power came ;ecepted the package of books and papers sent off more particulars were given. into the meeting, God's name was glorified, and o them, besides the remainder of the other pack- From the time of coming to the city, and before, all were greatly encouraged. ge that the first ship did not take. I felt the importance of getting these principles This church had not celebrated the ordinances 1-1 The total number of books was fourteen, 5,283 into the city papers, but found this very difficult for years; but after our Sabbath meeting, it was ages, twenty-five pamphlets, 2,228 pages, six to do by way of articles. But as some of the thought best to have such a service, and on first racts, 208 pages. Total summary of pages, 7,719. papers gave reports of Sunday sermons, I thought day all enjoyed a precious season together, cele- ixty periodicals were disposed of. if I could hold a few Sunday evening services, I brating the ordinances of the Lord's house, and ' Two men on the last mentioned ship, when they might come in for a share of this space. As the the blessing of the Lord wa-s manifested to all. Pearned that reading-matter was to be obtained, time drew near for our State legislature to con- The remainder of the day was devoted to the tract Tame eagerly forward to see if they could have vene, I felt more and more anxious, that if possible, and missionary work; and as we talked of these some, and all that was left of the other packages I might do something to gain a foothold, and things, and saw the openings everywhere for work, were handed to them, being gratefully accepted. create a sentiment in favor of the rights of the as they are set forth in the Testimonies, all with May God bless them in receiving, and us in giving. people, before the legislature should meet. I can one voice said they would do what they could to R. A. YOUNG, Librarian. say truly, I believe the Lord opened the way. scatter the precious seeds of truth. 108 ADVENT .REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD. II-VoL. 70, Nc

Their clubs of papers were renewed; the Good Martin, Tenn., to take the train to Chicago, to be spend ail the God-given talents we possess! Health, American Sentinel, and Youth's Instructor in attendance at the meeting of the American Sab- God's dear 'people remember this field an were ordered to be sent to their town library; and bath Union; but failing to get a train at Martin workers in their prayers.. , H. W. RE thus the truth will be brought before another class that evening, they came on to Gardner, and spent of readers in this town. Sunday evening I spoke, a portion of the night there. Brother Boyd im- by request, in a school-house near the home of proved part of the time of the meeting in talking. TO THE CHURCH AT BOULDER, one of our brethren, where a meeting is held each After this I held a few public meetings, which were week by the Christian Endeavor Society. I never well attended. Some had faith to grasp the right- [THE following letter from Elder E. W. Whit saw better attention paid by any people, and I eousness of Christ and the keeping power of God. to the church at Boulder, Colo., contains so nisi feel sure if the right kind of work could be done at I gave a few talks upon health and temperance, items that will be of interest to the church at la this place, some souls could be gathered for the which were well received. that we give it a place in our columns.—En.] garner of the Lord. May the blessing of the Lord My wife joined me at Gardner, and we went to rest upon this people. Lane. On the train there was a prominent citizen DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS : It is with int Feb. 9-14 I was with the church at Norwich of Fulton, Ky., who, when he knew that I was that I write you of my visit to Union College, Town. The members of this church know what it a temperance lecturer, insisted on my giving a of the meetings here [Battle Creek] thus far. Si is to pass through severe trials; but the Lord has lecture to the passengers on the train. A place of you of course have the Bulletin (1 wish all been with them according to his promise, and has was given me near the middle of the coach, and it), but I wish to convey some idea of the spirit turned all their trials into glorious victories. I exhibited my health and temperance charts, the meetings, which the Bulletin may not. Their membership has increased all the time, and and spoke with freedom for about two hours and a 1 am impressed with the evidences I witness one more was added to their number while I was half. The passengers said they were very Grateful the fulfillment of the statement of the pro there. This church has outgrown its present place for the interesting remarks. The gentleman from Malachi, that the "hearts of the fathers" sha of meeting, and a new and better place of worship Fulton came and shook my hand heartily, and turned "to the children," and the "hearts of;' is absolutely necessary. Their little hall was so kindly invited me to come to Fulton, offering to children to their fathers," just before the comin full on the Sabbath that all could not get seats, care for me, get me a place in which to speak, etc. the "great and dreadful day of the Lord." In and there was hardly standing room. The Sab- Dec. 16 we rode from Obion to Lane, a distance mony with this, my thoughts are largely upon bath-school could scarcely be conducted at all. of ten miles, through the rain and mud. The young people and children there in Boulder; a The brethren and sisters feel that the time has roads, I think, were as bad as any I ever saw. At know that as parents, we all feel an interest come when an effort should be made to erect a this place we spent the week of prayer. We held our children shall, with us, be prepared for house of worship, so they may have a place where thirty-three meetings in nine days. I spoke several day. How important it is, then, that our ownl they can invite their friends to come and enjoy times upon the all-absorbing theme, "Christ, the and influence be such as shall lead the young the same blessings which they themselves prize so sin-pardoning Redeemer." Before the meetings ways of "righteousness and true holiness," or highly. I enjoyed a very precious season with this closed some accepted him as such, claiming his the margin reads, "holiness of truth." Wha church; the ordinances were celebrated, and all righteousness. One brother, that he might claim must have on every point is the truth. Thai felt they had been greatly blessed by the good Christ's righteousness by faith, was induced to give what sanctifies. We read, "Sanctify them thro meetings they had enjoyed together. I am of a note of twenty-five dollars for back tithes to the thy truth." good courage in the Lord. C. L. KELLOGG. Conference treasurer. He and some others stood According to the Testimony of the Spirit of Gig free in the liberty which Christ alone can give. I and as is evident from the circumstances, spoke a number of times upon health and temper- young now, and those just come to a knowledge, TENNESSEE RIVER CONFERENCE. ance, my wife giving daily instruction in hygi- the truth, will have to learn in a "few montt. enic cookery, which was greatly appreciated. The what it has required many of us "years" to le. AMONG THE CHURCHES.—It has been several Christmas offering from this small church was nine- We all learn more quickly by example than by months since I have reported through the columns teen dollars and seventy-five cents. We left them cept. Again I say, how important it is, then, t of the REVIEW AND HERALD. It is possible that rejoicing. our example and influence be what they ought-t others may be benefited by a report from this field, We made short stops at Gardner and Mc Kenzie, fore our children. The principles we wish to. as I have been by reports from other fields. Tenn., reaching Trezevant, Dec. 28. We spent manifested in their lives and characters must- I have been a constant reader of this weekly min- twelve days with this church, and had twenty- first manifested in our own, if we shall be the! ister for many years, and it seems to me that it eight meetings in the meantime. Some who had struments under:Christ of their salvation. grows better from year to year, and I would say given up the faith were reclaimed, and one was Then on the other hand, what privileges the truth, if I should say it grows better from week converted during our stay. The health and tem- young now enjoy, and what a responsibility re to week. The various reports from the laborers perance work received much attention. Instruc- upon them in view of these privileges! The L assist much in this continuous growth. tions in scientific cookery were given daily by Mrs. has given them minds which are quick to und For the edification of those who are interested in Reed. Hearty confessions were made at this meet- stand and learn. Earthly, knowledge and won] the success of the third angel's message in the ing. One brother gave his note of ten dollars for wisdom they can and do acquire readily enou Tennessee River Conference, I will write a report of back tithes. Some found Christ to be their sin- 0, why are not these God-given talents put to my labor for the past two months. pardoning Redeemer. We parted from this church in the most earnest manner to acquire the kno To begin with, I will mention the good institute with the knowledge that we had felt some of the edge of heavenly things—the wisdom which coui held at Springville, Tenn., Dec. 1-11. The morn- latter rain while here. We also celebrated the or- from above! We must not be deceived by the iif ing of Dec. 1, in company with Elder C. L. Boyd, I dinances of the Lord's house at this time. that a genuine Christian experience is obtain left Nashville, Tenn., for Springville, via Mc Kenzie. I spent a few days with the Leach church. Many without earnest, persevering effort in puttingt . At Mc Kenzie we were joined by Elder A. F. Ballen- members of this church have moved away. We use the faculties which God has so graciously gi ger, who was to be the principal instructor at the had quarterly meeting with them, which was us; for the apostle says, "Be not deceived [th institute. We reached Springville in timefor meet- characterized by the Spirit of the Lord. We had is danger upon this very point], God is ing that night, when Elder Boyd preached a stir- seven good meetings with this people. Confessions mocked; for whatsoever a man so weth, that sh ring sermon upon the third angel's message. were made of unfaithfulness, such as not having he also reap [corruption for sowing to the fly The next day (Friday) brother Ballenger began paid the Lord's tithes, etc. I sincerely hope they and eternal life for sowing to the spirit].. . A his course of instruction upon religious liberty, will get Christ in their hearts, the hope of glory, let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due seas which from first to last was meat in due season. then they can pay tithes, and live as Christ lived. we shall reap, if we faint not." Gal. 6 :7, 9. That night I began a series of nightly sermons On the whole, this church was encouraged by our I fear—I know—that some of our young peo upon "The Righteousness of Christ Imputed to visit. are neglecting the work of fitting themselves in Ii, every Repentant Sinner." These continued four Jan. 12 we went to Hazel, Ky., where I had meet- way of receiving help. Some who are convinced nights, and were productive of much good. ings last winter. We found Dr. Mason and family, the truth and its importance, may be waiting We had four sessions daily, nearly all through' who accepted the truth one year ago. They are some irresistible power to come upon them the institute. Other brethren who spoke at this still rejoicing in present truth. We did not have move them to action and devotion. This meeting were Elder Garrett, of Kentucky, and the privilege of seeing their two sons, as they are never come. The Lord brings his truth to o brethren Curtis, Harrison, and Wolf. It was one spending their second term at Lincoln College. minds through his word, accompanied byhis Spi of the most powerful meetings I ever attended. At The elder of these boys was converted before going He has given us intelligence to appreciate its reef times the Spirit of God was felt in a marked man- to Lincoln, but we could rejoice with these loving ()liableness, and he leaves it with us to rho ner. The last meeting, during the first part of it, parents in the recent conversion of the younger whether we will obey it or not. He will not fo was the darkest I ever saw. Brother Ballenger son. At this meeting Dr. Mason's son-in-law took our obedience; he entreats, he pleads, he sends spoke first, but failed ; he was followed by brother his stand for the truth. He closed up his drug- spirit to aid us, but we must put our wills in Boyd, who could not redeem the field. I followed store and grocery upon the Sabbath, and resumed operation with his will, or lie can do -nothing brother Boyd, with the same result—failure. The his trade at its close. This is exciting some com- us. Upon this point I wish to quote a few worat field was apparently lost, and had our institute ment. addressed to a young man with whom I was fife closed then, it would have destroyed nearly all the On the 19th of January we went to Springville. mately acquainted, who had strong will pow good thus far received. Brother Ballenger arose, I spoke there twenty-three times, during our eleven but who did not choose to use it in the right dir and as he looked into the sleepy eyes of the dear days' stay. The attendance was good most of the Lion. This testimony helped him, however, al brethren and sisters, be asked: "Do you feel the time. It was lessened some on account of the sick- now he is a devoted worker in the cause of God.. power of darkness?" The answer came up from ness and death of brother J. H. Dortch's youngest "Pure religion has to do with the will. The will is the go all over the house : " We never felt greater dark- child. While here, I was invited to give daily in- erning power in the nature of man, bringing all the other Pat ness." Then we all began to pray earnestly for struction in anatomy and physiology in the public ulties under its sway. The will is not the taste or inclinatio the power of God, and it was then felt to an ap- school, which I gladly did. One inveterate tobacco but it is the deciding power, which works in the children of mg_ preciable degree. Two or three testimonies were user was led to give up its use at these meetings. unto obedience to God, or unto disobedience. . . . You wild feelingly given. Presently one brother arose, and This brings me down to Jan. 30, the day set for in constant peril until you understand the true force of the by faith claimed the righteousness of Jesus Christ. trial of our brethren at Paris, a distance of twelve You may believe and promise all timings, but your promises or y This sent a rift in the dark sky, and the power and miles from here. I expect to attend the trial. faith are of no value until you put your will on the side off glory of God was greater than I had ever realized' In conclusion, I can say I have enjoyed much of and action." (Italics mine.) before. The last part of the meeting was most God's power in presenting the truth for this time. The study and practice of this principle will hel glorious, and continued far into the night. We And as I have received new light and life and power every one who desires to possess a perfect Christi certainly had some of the latter rain at this good from above, how my own heart has longed that character. institute. others should feel this heavenly power. If no other My visit to Union College was full -of intere Dec. 12 I went to Gardner, Tenn. On account of work was assigned me, I should like to travel from To see the extensive facilities which have, in the inclemency of the weather, we had no public meet- church to church, following much the same course short a time, been put in operation there by "it ing, but several persons not of our faith met with us as is seen by this report. How much more earnest fathers" for "the children," is indeed an evident in a private house. Among these was a physician we would all be if we realized that the loud cry has and a powerful one, of the fulfillment of the stag of the town, who is a reader of the American Senti- begun, the sifting time has come, the latter PH 41 is ment referred to above, on the part of the lathe nel. Elder Boyd and brother Ballenger left me at falling! How we should spring into activity, and at least. Then to see more than five hundre ILr4, 1893]" ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH _WV

ng- people gathered M such an institution, perience of those who are to give the closing mes- ing this, we will free our souls and have a better It all of whom are devoting themselves to a sage with a loud cry. influence with preachers and people. aration for some part in the work to prepare Last night the subject of the outpouring of the I am more than ever impressed with the impor- ,ogle for the day of the Lord, is surely an evi- Spirit of God was especially referred to, and the tance of visiting every family who will receive us, Ce!Upon the other side, that the work of "the thought advanced that when that occurs, while it as we go into a place. In this respect we should era" is appreciated by "the children." Cir- will take place when the people of God are assem- act like a faithful shepherd who does not neglect stances which occurred while I was there, illus- bled in a general gathering, as upon the day of one of the sheep placed under his care, and save tethis point :— pentecost, every one who is earnestly praying for it, much time. Now, if ever, thoroughness should;day as a gentleman was standing in one of no matter what part of the earth he may be in, characterize our efforts. We do not do the people corridors of the College, a student about thirty will at that very time receive it. This was shown justice if we are not thorough in the work of visit- Ars'of age, I judge, stepped up to him and in- by extracts from recent testimonies. ing. Many would not come to hear us preach if we .40 his name. Upon receiving his answer, the Dear brethren and sisters, may the special bless- did not call on them; and how do we know but &Mt asked if he remembered, or had heard of, ing of the Lord be with you in your meetings, and that among these very ones are precious souls who Ithey by the name of —, who, about twenty- may we individually seek the Lord earnestly, that may, if we bring them the message, shine as jewels ,e4),:years before, had lived in his father's family. we may share his constant blessing, and ever be in the kingdom of God? e gentleman replied in the negative at first, but prepared for the abundant out-pouring of his "The heart is deceitful above all things, and "ott further thought, said he did remember the Spirit in the latter rain when it comes. desperately wicked" ( J er. 17 : 9 ) ; and may there einnstance; but as it was about the time lie left Sincerely your brother, not be, in some instances, danger of giving way Iiii, he did not remember the boy particularly. E. W. WHITNEY. to unsanctifted motives in slightly passing over Yell," said the student, "I was that boy, I lived Battle Creek, Feb. 6. difficult fields through an aching desire to acquire a reputation by going where large numbers will be •tit:your mother one year, and though I have P. S.—Since writing the above, I notice the arti- wild and reckless since, her counsel and in- cle of brother Larson's in the REVIEW of Feb. 7, persuaded to receive the truth? Must not people rultion have never been forgotten altogether, upon "Living Faith," expressing more fully the in difficult fields be warned as well as others? Let clilie influence of it is what has brought me to importance of a faith which works. I trust all will us not leave such fields simply because a few turn out to hear; but let us at least visit the people at iFOiehool." As he spoke, he could not restrain read it carefully. E. W. W. e tears of gratitude. The son also of that faith- their homes; and if they will not be persuaded to il could not but join his tears with those purchase our large works, let us, by all means, leave 'tile grateful student. IMPORTANCE OF CIRCULATING AMONG some small tracts or pamphlets with them, that 'Olio other young man came to my room, desir- these may work like leaven, remove prejerdice, and THE PEOPLES AND BEING SOCIAL. 4. :to converse with me, though I had not been create a desire to hear the living preacher. This --- 4mally acquainted with him. We spent an " Yu are my witnesses, saith the Lord." Isa. 43:10. we used to do in the early history of this cause, 01 together pleasantly and profitably, talking when we had but few, if any, large works to offer to vsthis plans and prospects, which wholly related The duty of a witness is to testify before others. the people, and the Lord blessed our efforts. Peo- his preparation for the work. We closed the This is the duty of every one who professes present ple would stop to read small works, when t hey would vArview with prayer, in which he prayed earnestly truth; but how can we fulfill this duty without not look at large books, which are good in their pi his family at home, especially for his father, mingling with our fellow-beings, and being social place, but the light infantry can do a work that - 14 opposes the truth bitterly. with them? To help others and free our own souls the heavy artillery cannot do. Let us bring our , Inight relate other interesting circumstances, in discharging a sacred obligation that God has smaller works to the front more, as we used to do tit'will not this time; but it is evident that the laid upon us, should be our object as witnesses of in the early days of this cause. od is preparing both the young and the old for the Lord; but how can we help others, unless we And in this important work, in visiting the peo- fork such as has never been seen in this world. get an insight into their spiritual wants? And how ple and circulating our small works and period- .Here, the evidences of this are none the less can we as successfully gain this object as in con- icals, much is expected from the rank and file of 'fted. The Lord is at work mightily in the pre- versing with them in private social intercourse? our people. If ministers had to do all this work, it talon of truth for the present time. While the I firmly believe that many who laborin word and would take a thousand years to warn the world. ;trine of "the righteousness of Christ," being the doctrine do not accomplish one fourth as much as It was not simply to ministers that the Saviour righteousness which we must possess through they would if they attended to this important said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Alt, is presented in the power and demonstration duty; if they visited more in families, not simply gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15. He pro- the Spirit, the important features of repentance to have an easy time and pleasant interviews, but nounced these words at his ascension, and ad- good works are not neglected. Last Sabbath after the old-fashioned gospel plan,—to relieve bur- dressed them to more lay members than apostles. moon, following the reading of the day before, dened, sin-sick souls, by wisely, affectionately, and So of the words he addresses to us in the angel most solemn testimony to the ministers, a earnestly preaching to them "repentance toward messages of Revelation 14. The angels bearing eting of the ministers lasted from half past God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." those messages represent the rank and file of the p until sundown, almost wholly filled with Acts 20:21. This the great apostle to the heathen last church, as well as the clergy of that favored timonies of confession and humility, yet char- world did, "from house to house" as well as "pub- people. Then let the people as well as the minis- -torized by much faith, hope, and love. It does licly." And in doing thus he was by no means an ters look after and circulate among those around nii much good to see these features in the meeting. exception to the true gospel workers in his day. them, bearing to them the burning truths for these e sentiment expressed in a recent article from Peter's first effort among the Gentiles was in the times by word of mouth and by means of our pre- ter White in the REVIEW of Jan. 24, seems to be private house in the home of Cornelius. Acts 10. cious literature. God would not have us lead a ppreciated here, and the caution there given is be- What rich fruit, Christ's private interview with Nic- hermit life, but would have us mingle with the peo- heeded. I quote a few words :— odemus bore! John 3. There the Saviour did for ple, search out the honest and be social, both for this noble man what he could not have done in the l'Some will not make a right use of the doctrine of justifica- our benefit and for the benefit of others. In doing by faith. They will present it in a one sided manner, presence of the Jewish Sanhedrim, of which Nicode- this we shall be watered ourselves, while watering Icing everything of faith, and belittling works. Others will mus was a member. And Paul seemed to discern others, and shall be better prepared to sympathize e the pointsthat have aleaning toward error, and will ignore and apply this principle of true wisdom, when, with and understandingly pray for those who are ca altogether. Now genuine faith always works by love ; speaking of one of his efforts with prominent men constantly at the front, meeting the rebuffs, icy ipplies the motive power. Faith is not au opiate, but a in Jerusalem, he said : "And I went up by revela- coldness, and prejudice of those who are governed tudant. Looking to Calvary will not quiet your soul Mt° tion and communicated unto them the gospel which by worldly principles, and are perishing without merformance of duty, but will create faith that will work, I preach among the Gentiles, but privatelyto them the light of the last gospel warning. !dying the soul from all selfishness. In laying hold of which were of reputation, lest by any means I From the very nature of our organizations and ist by faith, we but just begin, our work. [Mark that expres- s .] Every man has corrupt and sinful habits, that must be should run, or had run, in vain." Gal. 2:2. the laws governing them, it is not good that we ereome through vigorous warfare. Every soul must fight the Paul fully took in, from his own experience, should be shut up to ourselves and live by our- of faith. He who is a follower of Christ cannot deal de- this important principle of prudence. He well selves, occupying ourselves with those things that tfully ; he cannot be hard-hearted and devoid of sympathy. knew that it was more difficult for men filling high especially relate to us. Such a course would cannot be coarse in speech. Be cannot be a sunniser of stations in the religious world to take hold of strengthen selfishness and every evil trait growing il, an accuser of the brethren. He cannot be overbearing, unpopular truth, than it was for those under ordi- out of it, and would not be promotive of mental, ,M ,:g harsh words, and censuring and condemning those around nary circumstances; that there were stronger influ- moral, and physical health; but it would rather Lin ." 1:Z ences holding them in error than in common cases, have the opposite effect, and would retard spiritual Brother Porter's theme, "The Mind of Christ," and that it was unwise to arouse their combative- growth.' 1.a•esents in a very strong light God as a God of ness before others,lestthat through pride of heart, Not a hermit or solitary being is found in hea- r,and love as the great, the greater, the great- which is so common even among the masses of re- ven. All the inhabitants of heaven are social o t, and the all-important principle in all our work. ligionists, they should decide roughly against the beings, giving as well as receiving, each one con- grother Jones presents in a convincing manner the truth, and should not then have grace enough to tributing to the happiness of others. In this par- 0. let, that, as this nation has by its recent legisla- retract. ticular there is perfect reciprocity with all the on thrown off all allegiance to the law of God, Notwithstanding the delicacy and difficulties of dwellers of the celestial abodes. There every act , ud thus arrayed itself on the side of the papacy, this branch of the work, the early apostles did not is prompted by pure, unselfish, dignified love, which is satisfied only with the presence of the ob- 'r, -gaiust the authority of God, we have absolutely neglect it. As the result of their looking after it in owhere to look for favor or help except to God connection with their other work, "a great com- jects upon which it is bestowed. And all those of lone, that therefore it is now time for the spe- pany of the priests were obedient to the faith." earth who will finally be found among that social, 'tifi.c work, and that evidently there is no time for May we not expect that similar efforts put forth in happy company, will have been social and happy anything but the specific work of giving the third our times under the sanction and power of the here; and that not simply with those who loved f Gofo(tihaeremielsrseaznateitdsealfs. Holy Spirit, will produce similar results? Are all them, but with those who hated them, even with tires agwonderful e u thepgrnyti steesrnOs. ministers of our day a set of hypocrites? We poor sinners, toward whom their souls will be tiUfficient encouragement to trust in him for the know they are not, and would do them great in- drawn out with those inexpressible longings and wisdom and strength necessary to the accomplish- justice, and give them occasion to think that we that undying love with which the large heart of ' rent of this work. But complete consecration of were wolves among their sheep, and not true shep- Jesus was filled when he left his glorious home ' Ourselves and the sacrifice of every earthly consid- herds, if we passed them by. Let us call on them, above to undertake the redemption of a world ru- 1 6ration, of good name, of property, of life itself pray with them, and treat them as brethren, and ined by sin. L oven, are the conditions, and the only conditions,: give them to understand that it is because we be- Brethren and sisters, letus circulate more among Upon which the wisdom, the power, and the life of lieve as they do on repentance,faith, sanctification, the people, and be more social after a godly man- (1hrist will come to us in the place of what we sac- and the great principles of prophecy, that we bear ner, helping on as many as possible in the way of , tifice. the message that we do, which is world-wide in its salvation. D. T. BOURDEAU. Brother Haskell presents the importance of the application, and is as greatly needed to prepare a ' study of the word of God as a preparation for the people for the close of human probation and the —It is enough for the Sunday observer to tell him experiences before us. Others present important second coming of Christ, as was that of Noah to that be lies, and knows perfectly that he lies, when Subjects, and altogether, the meeting seems to be prepare a people for the flood, and that of John the he claims to favor Sunday laws as holiday legisla- of a character to mark a crisis in the work and ex- Baptist to prepare one for the first advent. In do- tion.—Ringgold, 110 ADITEHr REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD. "[VoL. 70, No

GOOD WORDS FROMi:ELDER INGS. -!,/e 5. Through what agency are we enabled to keep. Wires. commandments? [ELDER WM. INcIs, in sending money for a five III. Questions on 1 Cor. 3 : 16. years' subscription to the REvIEw AND HERALD, CANVASSERS' INSTITUTE FOR KANSAS. I. Whose temple are we? accompanies it with some reminiscences of the 2. Who dwells in us? past, from which we take the liberty to extract the IT has been decided to hold this institute at IV. Questions on 1 Cur. 6 ::19. following.—En.] Beloit, Mitchell Co., as that portion of the State is 1. What is the body? When working in the Office, I took to the train a the best territory we now have, and the canvassers 2. From whom does the BolySpirit come? large paper mail; and those whose work it was to are recommended to work that field after the 3. Do we belong to self? distribute it between Battle Creek and Chicago, close of the school. asked me how long this would continue. I told The Conference will pay all railroad fare in excess them that I could not say to what extent it would of three dollars, to all those coming to receive NOTE. grow, when the work got fairly started. I judged the benefits of the institute, who will agree to work • by the looks of their sad countenances, and the six months in the canvassing field. We will also It is worse than useless to speculate on the pro- language used, that they did not appreciate the pay all rents and fuel, and provide a suitable the new birth. It is. our privilege, however, to work as those in the faith. person to superintend the dining-room. The stu- the fact. "Like the wind, which is invisible, yo dents will be required to do the house work, fur- On one occasion, I measured the mail sent from effects of which are plainly seen and felt, is the the Office for one week, and the amount was 161 nish their bedding, and pay cost of provisions used of God in its work upon the human heart. by them. bushels. All thought this amount of mail going generating power which no human eye can see, The design of this institute is to benefit the can- out in that length of time was a sure omen that a new life in the soul ; it creates a new being i vassers now in the field, as well as to prepare new the message was well on its way, but time has image of God." To know God (John 17 :3), or workers for this branch of the Lord's work, there- taught us better. known of him (Gal. 4 :9), involves that idea of fore we are anxious to secure as large an attend- generative power of the Holy Spirit which crew. When I read the item in the REVIEW, a short time ance as possible of these classes. Let all come ago, that $59,000 worth of publications had been new heart. Ps. 51 : 10. The birth of Christ, in prepared to go from the institute direct to their God was manifested (2 Cor. 5 : 19), and who is' shipped from the Office in one month, I could field of labor. readily see that the 161 bushels were only a trifle. with us (Matt. 1:25), was due to the Holy Spirit ( We wish to correspond with all who desire to at- 1 :35); so we are begotten of God through his compared with the work accomplished at the pres- tend, so as to know how many to provide for. ent time. (James 1 :18), are born of his Spirit (John 3 : 3, 5) Battle Creek, Mich. C. A. HALL. sons now (1 John 3 : 1, 2), receive power by the And I expect before my present subscription ex- Spirit. Acts 1 : 8. Religion is not a mere sent' pires, to see the work so increase, that what is done NEBRASKA, NOTICE! but a life ; and the mystery of godliness (or the' now will appear small in comparison with what it cret of piety ") is that as God dwelt and work will be. The work of the third angel's message is Christ (John 14 :10), and in him condemned sin it a great work; and for one, I have had a very lim- A silo RP time ago I spent some time in the State flesh (Rona. 8 : 3), so Christ shall dwell in us ited knowledge of its magnitude. office, looking over the pledge books, in which are recorded all the pledges made by our people in 3 : 17), and live in us (Gal. 2 : 20), being with- - ' May the Lord speed on the message to its com- Nebraska to the different branches of the cause. ways (Matt. 28 :20), enabling us to do all things. pletion, and may the REVIEW continue to carry the Thousands of dollars of such pledges are on the 4 : 13. All this new life and power come throug rays of light to the homes of its friends, and to books. Some are small, some are large, some for Holy Spirit (Eph. 3 :16), which is to dwell in us. feed them with the rich and unadulterated food this enterprise, some for that, some made by breth- 14 :17. Thus it was that after Christ left his disci that it has always administered to the hungry ren and sisters now living in the Conference, and "their union with him was closer than when he Souls; and when its mission ends, may the editors, some made by those who have removed to other personally with them." Thus we become a habit- contributors, and readers all receive the invitation, States, or gone back to the world, and lost their of God (Eph. 2 : 22), a spiritual house (1 Pet. "Enter into the joy of thy Lord." hold upon God and his truth. Some of these Bob. 3 :6), a temple of God in which he dwell: pledges are quite recent, others were made years Cor. 6 :16. 7 ago. AN INTERESTING LETTER. I mentioned these matters at one of our general meetings, and have been requested by our brethren ens v eeh DEAR READERS OF THE REVIEW : It is a pleasure to send all those who have made pledges a state- to me to have the privilege of giving testimony to ment of the pledges against them, and ask if they God's goodness, In one of his providential ways, will settle them as soon as possible? Some have FOR WEEK ENDING FEB. 11. I was enabled to receive the third angel's message. said that it might be possible they had made pledges which they had entirely forgotten, and if I heard "Tabernacle Lectures," and by these lect- DOMESTIC. ures I was convinced that I was transgressing one so, they could know how the matter stood, and of God's commandments in doing my own pleasure would be glad to pay them. No doubt this is true in some cases, but in others perhaps there is negli- --The World's Fair commissioners have decide on his holy Sabbath. I immediately laid hold on open the Fair without prayer. his holy Sabbath from polluting it, and now, glory gence on the part of the one who has made the to his holy name,I esteem it a pleasure, as it brings promise, while with others perhaps it has not been —The Populists have elected another senator. me nearer to my Father's perfect will, and I feel possible to pay. Be this as it • may, each one is Judge W. V. Allen of Nebraska. that in Christ I can go forth and fight the battle of should know just how he stands at the State office --The Alabama legislature has passed a bill proviq the Lord valiantly. The fourth commandment is on the matter of pledges, so we have decided to an annuity of $500 for Mrs. Jefferson Davis. send to each one a statement of his pledges, stat- a perfect reminder to the other nine; for we know --Mr. Blaine left a .will, bestowing all his prop by God's word that if we break the least of them, ing the time when they were made, and to what enterprise. Perhaps there may be some mistake valued at $800,000, on Mrs, Blaine, making her either in word or thought, we are guilty of them executrix. all. at the State office, so look over the statement that is sent you carefully, and if there is any mis- —The legislature of Michigan, Feb. 3, passed 0 what seasons.of joy and peace I have, now that olution favoring the annexation of the Hawaiian Is I am willing to do my Father's will. And I am not take, write to the secretary, and the matter will be to the United States. alone now, but I am given two more to travel with adjusted. me. My brother and wife are now keeping the Sab- We have no disposition to crowd this matter, --It is now estimated that the deep-water canal bath. Last Sabbath we went seven miles to meet but, brethren, pledges are solemn things, and the posed to run from Lake Superior to the Erie would tq with some dear sisters who have been keeping the Lord desires that we should do all we can to meet at least $500, 000, 000. our obligations to him. We are afraid some of Sabbath for several years. We did not meet as —The Pennsylvania Sabbath (Sunday) Convee strangers; the golden.cord of love that draws the these vows may prove a stumbling-block to our brethren unless all is done that can be to adjust will be held in the House of Representatives at Hat children of God together, was truly manifested, and burgh, Pa., Feb. 14. we had a few moments of exchanging our thoughts, them. Brethren, let us look at this matter care- fully, and in the fear of God; and if it is in our —Ferdinand Ward, General Grant's former park and were greatly cheered by the encouraging has formed a business connection with a firm of prime words. These sisters have a family Sabbath- heart to meet these pledges, God will help us to do it. and s4ationers in New York. school, and now the way is opened so that we can The secretary will soon send out these state- have them with us in our efforts of the same kind. ments from the State office. W. B. WHITE. —The President has appointed Judge Howell Edint We can meet together, and where two or three meet Jackson of Tennessee, to be associate justice of the in the name of our dear Saviour, he will be there to preme Court, in place of L. Q. C. Lamar deceased. bless. How precious such promises are. And now —Many Republicans are indignant because Presid as we see the day drawing near when Christ will he mbbniii- thooL Harrison appointed, what they term a " State rig come and claim his own, let us not be like the fool- Democrat," to be a justice of the Supreme Court. ish virgins with no oil in our lamps; but may we " The entrance of thy words giveth light."—Ps. 119:130. —At a recent reception given to Mgr. Satolli do now what the Lord requires of us, give of what Washington, D. C., the American and papal flags w God has prospered us in acquiring, to his cause; for LESSONS ON THE WORD AND SPIRIT. twined together around -the throne upon which we see the night will soon come when no man can foreign prelate sat. work. LESSON IX.—THE NEW BIRTH 'AND THE I feel that the Lord has a work for me in this INDWELLING SPIRIT. —The sentiment in favor of the Hawaiian Isla neighborhood. I have secured tracts and pam- appears to be growing in this country, and it is probe phlets, which I have distributed, and there seems (Sabbath, Feb. 25.) that the United States government will take decided to be an anxiety with some to know the perfect will Mon within a short time. of our Father. May the brethren whom the Lord I. Questions on•John 3 : 3-8. —An unnatural darkness prevailed in Alton, II has blessed with means arise now, and let the love 1. What is necessary in order to see the kingdom of God? Feb. 6. Previous to that time the skies were comp of Jesus constrain them to give of their money to 2. With what birth only was Nicodemus acquainted? atively bright, but at the time mentioned an impel the work as it now demands, not neglecting the 3. To what birth did Jesus refer? trable gloom seemed to pervade the city, and nig first commandment by holding their earthly riches 4. What is the difference between the two? reigned in place of day. Lamps were lighted, and above God. May we all be impressed, even though 5. With what is the work of the Spirit compared? the superstitious the darkness brought omens of an i we have but the widow's mite, to give freely, as we pending doom. The phenomenon lasted but a f see the day approaching. May we all be willing to II. Questions on Ezek. 36 : 25-27. minutes, when the heavens lighted up again to the mu be led bythe Spirit of God, and we can march forth 1. How are we to be cleansed? degree. Never has such darkness in daytime been se and cormaier; ivowing we have a good Captain, 2. From what are we to be-cleansed? here' except during an eclipse. After the darkno who overeameihe world, and we through him may 3. What is done with the stony heart? passed, the mercury dropped from 46° to 10° below ze do likewise. MRS. THOS. F. KEENER, 4. What takes its place? and a blizzard set in. Pis. 14; T93'115 ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD. 111

-Feb. 2 Mr. Cummings of New York, introduced a RELIGIOUS. ADDRESS NOTICE. bill into the House of Representatives, at Washington, to provide for, and facilitate, a commercial and political -There are now ninety-two Christian churches in ELDER G. C. TENNEY may be addressed for three months union between the United States and Canada. the city of Tokio. from this date, at Battle Creek, Mich. Care of REVIEW AND HERALD. -Three white men were killed and seven mortally - The Catholic _Mirror reioiCes over the thought that wounded at Humphrey's ranch, So. Dak., by Indians of England will soon return to her former allegiance to the Two Sticks band. Mounted police in arresting the mur- papacy. derers killed five Indians. Some fears of an Indian up- - The Unitarian Year Book for 1893 reports 450 Oldinarp oticel;. rising are entertained. churches, with 348 settled ministers. One hundred -After much controversy, it has at last been defi- churches are unsupplied, and there are 514 ministers in Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth,"- nitely decided that the old Liberty bell from Philadelphia all. Rev. 19 : 13. shall be brought to Chicago and hung in the Pennsyl- -The managers of the Catholic Chautauqua of the vania building in the same space reserved for it to the United States have selected a site near Plattsburgh, WALTERS. -At Brookston, Ind., Jan. 12, 1893, Levi Waiters, right of the main entrance. N. Y., for the erection of buildings for the annual aged thirty-four years the day of his death. Funeral attended -A number of prominent Methodist laymen of Chi- meetings. by the writer. F. D. STARR. cago were recently interviewed by an Inter Ocean cor- -Bishop Keane of the Catholic University, has ac- Wisrm.-At Salem Center,• Ind., Feb. 1, 1893, sister Jerusha respondent, on the question of Sunday-closing of the cepted an invitation to deliver an address, on Feb. 8, Wisel, aged 82 years, 2 months, and 14 days. Sermon by the D. STARR. World's Fair, with the result that a majority of them before the Unitarian Club of Boston, Mass. During writer, from Rev. 14:13. F. declared in favor of an open Sunday. his stay in Boston, he will be the guest of Archbishop GILES. -At Sorrento, Fla., Jan. 25, 1893, of bronchial con- Williams. sumption, sister Lysle Reynolds Giles, aged thirty-two years. -Senator Proctor has introduced a bill to establish a Funeral discourse by the writer. L. H. CRISLER. National University in the District of Columbia, to be -A special train will run from the Pacific Coast to non-sectarian and non-partisan, and for its maintenance the Montreal Christian Endeavor Convention next July. S'TARBUCK. -At Portland, Oregon, Jan. 8, 1893, of typhoid one half the net proceeds of the sales of the public lands, fever, Elmer E Starbuck, son of Elder T. H. Starbuck, aged 19 It is thought that the International Convention may be years, 3 months, and 2 days. Funeral discourse by the writer, as they accrue from year to year, is set aside. held on the western coast in 1895; Cleveland has se- from Col. 1: 3, 4. W. W. SHARP. -Prof. C. L. Webster of Iowa, has lately found many cured the one for next year. PARTRIDGE,-At St. Helena, Cal., Jan. 13, 1893, of en- interesting relics of the cliff dwellers in southwestern - So impressed is Mr. Moody with the need of trained largement of the heart, Willis Homer, son of P. M. and It. New Mexico. Many articles of clothing, basketwork, Christian workers, that he proposes to enlarge his Ladies' Partridge, aged 7 years and 11 days. Funeral services con- painted and ornamented pottery, stone mills, utensils, Training School at Northfield, Mass., when he will admit ducted by the writer. J. A. BURDEN. and weapons were found. The most important thing twenty-five students at great reduction, who have been found was a perfectly preserved mummy of a child, chosen by the Christian Endeavor Societies. Ten free apparently of about seven years. The body was care- scholarships have also been presented fully wrapped in cloth. This collection will be on nutatkr,' exhibition at the World's Fair. -The Rt. Rev. John J. Keane, rector of the Catholic University of America at Washington, has been ap- -The President has received a copy of resolutions pointed to arrange with the general committee in charge adopted by the Baptist Conference of Missouri, protest- of the Parliament of Religions to be held in Chicago, ing against the action of the Treasury department in ex- for the proper and adequate presentation of the Catholic MICHIGAN' GENTR\AL tending courtesies to Mgr. Satolli and O'Connell and doctrine on the questions coming before that Parliament. "The Niagara Falls Route." Dr. Pace, when they arrived in New York from Europe. The c mrtesies consisted in expediting the examination -Mgr. Satolli has received the papal document estab- Corrected Nov. 20, 1892. of their b4ggage by customs officials. This action is lishing the permanent apostolic delegation in the United }Day •N. Shore 1"17. Y. &*N. Falls, t Ni,. ht }Detroit •AtEntle denounced in the resolutions in the name of 180, 000 States. It is announced that as soon as the spring opens, EAST. Express. Limited Express. speow. Express. AceonEn Express Baptists of Missouri as "inimical to the civil and relig- the papal delegate will start on an extended tour through STATIONS. the United States. He will visit the bishops and their Chicago am 9.00 pm 12.20 pm 3,10 pm 4.55 pm 9.80 pm 11.45 ious institutions of our people." Michigan City 10 58 2.05 4.66 6.39 11.25 am 1..12 dioceses, in order that he may become more familiar Niles pm 12.40 2.57 5.48 1.31 am 12.30 2.61 with the church in this country. Kalamazoo 2.05 4.00 7.04 8.57 1.57 am 7.10 4.28 Battle Creek 2.46 4.90 7.37 9.28 2.35 7.62 5.20 FOREIGN. --The Catholics of Louisiana will celebrate in a few Jackson 4.30 6.98 8.52 10.42 4.05 9.40 6.45 Ann Arbor 6.30 6.27 9,46 11.27 6.38 10,40 8.05 months the centennial of the establishment of the See Detroit 6.45 7.25 10.45 am 12.30 7.10 11.52 9.35 Buffalo am 3.00 am 6.26 7.36 pm '1.40 pm 5.00 -Mr. Sartoris, the husband of Nellie Grant, died at of New Orleans. The Crescent City thus has the dis- Rochester 6.60 9.55 11.20 8.20 Capri, Italy, Feb. 6. Syracuse 7.50 pm12 .16 pm 2.10 10.20 tinction of being the second eldest episcopate in the New York pm 3.95 8.50 am 8.45 am 7.00 -The State legislature at Puebla, Mexico, has United States, and in its original area a vast tract of Boston 6.00 11.05 am 6.15 10.50 W.Es,r. }Day "N.Shore 'Chicago tKal. *Ruffle * Chic. enacted a law abolishing bull-fighting. territory was included. Its first prelate was of Spanish }Mail. Express. Limited. Express. Aceonen Express. Special. descent; many of his successors were of French extrac- STATIONS. .--*-- -The pope is much pleased with what is said in the am 8.30 pm 2 00 om 3.00 pm 6.45 tion, and its present ordinary is a Hollander. New York 10.80 4.30 6.00 pm 8.00 9.15 am 8.80 queen's speech about home rule for Ireland. Syracuse pm 7.30 11.85 am 2.10 am 8.50 am 7.20 pm 2.20 - The Rochester 9.85 am 1.25 4.20 6.55 9.65 , 5.10 conference with regard to the union of Con- Buffalo ...... 11.00 2.20 5.30 9.0) maa 7.4.5 -The Rothchilds and Baron Hirsch are reported to gregationalists and Presbyterians in Canada does not Detroit .... am 8,20 am 7 80 9,05 pm 1.20 pm 4.40 pm 9.00 am 2,16 be at the head of a new Panama canal scheme. seem to have had any marked results. The gathering Ann Arbor 9.37 8 27 9.59 2.19 6.48 10.27 3.08 Jackson__ _ 11.85 9.03 10.58 3,17 7.12 am 12.01 4.10 -There are twenty Jewish Deputies in the Chamber for the discussion gave occasion for emphasizing on Battle Creek Pm 1.15 10 43 pm 12.02 4.83 8.47 1.20 5.20 of'Deputies at Rome. That is one for every 1,000 Jews either side the peCuliar advantages of each, with the ef- Kalamazoo 2.05 1180 12.39 5.05 9.45 2 18 5.69 fect of strengthening each in its own views. Still it is Niles 4.00 pm 12.40 1.48 6.17 4.15 7.16 in Italy. Michigan City 6.20 2.00 2 45 7.20 5.85 8.28 probable that advantage will come from the conference Chicago _ 7.85 3.55 4.30 9 00 7.65 30.15 -Terrific gales have swept over the west coast of in the line of-co-operation rather than of union. 'Daily. }Daily exceut Sunday. t Except Saturday. Norway. It is reported that fifty fishermen have been Aco ,mmodation Ma'l train goes East at 1.18 p. m. daily except Sunday. i drowned. Night Express goes West at 12.05 a. in. daily except Monday. Trains on Battle Creek Division depart at 8.03 is. m. and 4.35 p. m.. and. -The king and queen of Greece have visited the island BUSINESS NOTICES. arrive at 11.40 a. m. and 6.45 p. m. daily except Sunday. of Zante, the scene of the recent earthquake. Thousands [Under this head, short business notices will be inserted at one dol 0. W. RUGGLES, GEO. J. SADLER, " of the inhabitants followed the royal carriage in silence. lar for each notice of four lines or less. Over four lines, twenty-five General Pass. & Ticket Agent, Chicago. Ticket Agent, Battle Creek. cents a line. Persons unknown to the managers of the REVIEW inns) give good references as to their standing and responsibility. Tel. -The Provisional government established at the Ha- words constitute a line.] waiian Islands has been recognized by the British minis- ter residing in Honolulu, pending the receipt of his in- SISTER MINNIE BRISTER has splendid location far Columbian Chicago & Grand Trunk structions from his government. Exposition, three blocks from main entrance. New house with new furniture. All conveniences. Will correspond with R. R. -The American minister to the Hawaiian Islands has those thinking of attending, as rooms are being engaged ahead. run up the United States flag over the public buildings Time Table, in Effect June 26, 1892. Address Mrs. Minnie Brister, 5,617 Madison Ave., Hyde Park, a at Honolulu, and has declared the islands to be under Chicago, Ill. the protection of the United States government. GEING WEST. STATIONS. GOING EAST. '1.15 IT° IT i.To ...... Boston...... 1.16 ghl 9.26 -The Canada Revue continues its assaults upon the PAPERS WANTED. am pm pm pm p M a M 11, M 9.45 5.00 6.90 8.00 ...... New York...... 9.65 Catholic Church. It charges the church with selling am am am pm am pm am hundreds of thousands of catechisms per year fur ten I WOULD like papers and tracts sent to me post-paid for mis- 12.10am am6.20 6.25 1.11 cents apiece, which only cost one fourth of a cent apiece. sionary work. L. M. Witter, Roscommon, Mich. . 11.To Ult Niagara Falls l'ilol V it 4.1%. a m pin noon a m p ra 8.80 ..... 9.0012.00 ...... Boston ...... 8 .05 9,60 -Stromboli, the northeasternmost of the Lipari isl- MRS. J. P. KNOWLTON, of Cottage Grove, San Jose, Cal., a m m p m a ands in the Mediterranean, off the north coast of Sicily, would like Signs and Sentinels for missionary work. . 0 840 .... .Montreal...... 8. .0 11.90 ...... ITO ..,..... Toronto ...... 8.35 RNA ...... was visited by a severe earthquake last week. The vol- JOHN VUILLECMIER would gladly receive Seventh-day Ad- p m cano at the west extremity of the island, which is in al- ventist literature, if sent post-paid to 69 Piedmont St., ...... g.1.Detroit.... 9.25 7.45 9.25 ..... Day B. O. Dud Peek KAU Laid Allte Day Tait most constant eruption, had an eruption of unusual Worchester, Mass. Exp. P.O. Exp Exp. Exp. Mall. Ezp. Esp. Ezp. Paw. A violence immediately after the earth quake shock. Much A aS LOTTIE MULLIN, of Cottage Grove, San Jose, Cal., expresses am pm pm um Dep. Arr. Pm am am. am ... 3.44 6.19 ,Port Huron 10.01 . . . :C 12,10 alarm prevails among the inhabitants. 0C— thanks for papers already received, and would be glad to re- 6.60 3.99 8.40 6.25 Pt linen Tn'l 9.66iiM 7.50 A 1215

ceive late copies of the Signs and the Sentinel. 8.05 6.10 10.07 7.99 ....Lapeer- 8 16 11.20 6.15 e—C 2 10.43 .

----There was a serious riot in Bogata, United States 8.35 5.47 10.47 8,86 Flint 7.3010.47 5,40 8 10.05 OO 4.05 8.00 6.60 ....Detroit....9.25 7.45 .r 11.60 DCOW. , . of Colombia, in February. It was caused by a teacher CLEAN copies of the REVIEW, Signs, &Mind, and Instructor 7.15 4.40 8.25 'I .16 ...Bay City.- 8.37 7.15 8 11.30 in the Jesuit College there, writing an article for a will be used in the missionary work, if sent post-paid to 7.50 6.17 :e4 9.00 7.60 ...Saginaw... 8.00 , 6.40 .Qg 10.43 cnca4 9.05 6.50 11.20 9.85 ... Durand.... 6 5010.20 5.03 A.. 9.30 .'" newspaper, in which he declared that the laboring J. L. Wilson, 23 Pandora St., Victoria, B. C. 10.02 7.55 12.2010.40 ...Lansing ... 5.10 9.90 4.00 -1 8.20 .S

10.29 830 12.52 11.15. Charlotte...4.84 9.01 8.25 . 7.47 : i

11.15 9.25 1.5012.25 11,11119 00 8 40 8.20 2.40 7.00 classes were ignorant. A mob soon gathered around his JOSEPH CLARKE, Lowry City, St. Clair Co., Mo., can use 11.53 pm 2.95 1.08 . Vicksburg .. 2.38 7.40 1.48 am house. The police attempted to disperse them,. and in clean copies of the American Sentinel, or religious liberty tracts, 1.19 .Solmolcraft 2.21 :os :

12.40 3.10 2.06 .0assopolis. 1.29 6.5812.46 c 8 , u— the fight that ensued 100 were killed and 500 wounded. to good advantage in his neighborhood. Send late and clean 1.20 4.10 2.50. South Bend..12.45 6.2012.00 .F 4= t 2.45 6.45 4.80 z ,.... copies, post-paid. .Valparaiso.. 11.11 5.0010.30 9 .

4.60 8.00 7.00 -Ohmage._ 8.40 3.00 8.15 a -Count Ferdinand De Lesseps, and his son, Charles p m am pm Arr. Dep. am pm um of De Lesseps, have both been found guilty of the charge DISCONTINUE PAPERS. Where no t'me is given train does not stop. of embezzlement and swindling in connection with the Trains run by Central Standard Time. Panama canal affair. They were fined 3,000 francs ALL Valparaiso Accommodation, Battle Creek Passenger, Port apiece and sentenced to five years in prison. M. Eiffel, the papers have now been received at Oklahoma City Huron Passenger, and mail trains, daily except Sunday. that we need for present work. Those having more to send Pacific, Limited, Day, and Atlantic Expresses, daily. who built the famous tower that bears his name, was will favor us by sending them to M. B. Clinger, Stabile, 0. T., Meals served in 0. & G. T. Dining Cars on all through, fined 20,000 francs and sentenced to imprisonment for or Mrs. Inez Stoops, Norman, 0. T., by whom they will be trains. W. E. DAVIS. A. S. PARKER, two years. gratefully received. W. M. CROTHERS. Gen. Pane. and Ticket Age., OMasgo. Bast Age., Battle Griele. 112 ADVENT' REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD. "[VoL. 70, No. 7.

has not a shadow of foundation in the word of promptly,. Remember, those who send in their or-. eview and viald. God, is the sign of an opposing power, even the ders first, will receive all the numbers from the be. Pi! ginning. anti-Christ. And nearly all Christendom is being The price of the Bulletin is 50 cents for the term, duped into the idea that they are honoring and ex- BATTLE CREEK, MICR., FEB. 14, 1893. and all orders should be sent to the undersigned at alting Christ by an institution which is only a sign Battle Creek, Mich. of, and honor to, his arch-enemy ; even as they will Some have asked whether or no we would reduce, CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. at last be deceived into accepting the person of Sa- the price for those who do not, send their order un-- [All articlesi, except in the departments of Choice Selections and TM til the General Conference begins. To all such we Home, which _Contain no signature or other credit, will be understood tan as a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. (See as coming front the Editor. All signatures to articles writ len for the closing chapters of " Great Controversy.") The ser- will reply that the invariable price will be 50 cents, REVIEW will he printed in SMALL CAPITALS: to SeICTIIODS. in italics I no matter when we receive the orders. The testi- Poetry.—Righteousness, N. W. VINCENT—God's Wisdom mon was reported, and we are glad that many who mony of all so far is, that this General Conference andPower, WK. BRICKEY— One at a Time, Golden Days -Wanted.-A Career, Marguerite C. Moore, on N. Y. did not hear it will have the privilege of reading it Bulletin is the most important one ever issued.., Observer • 97, 99, 101, 107 for themselves. We trust that none of our friends in the field will Our Contributors.—Tile Need of Trained Workers, lOns. fail to avail themselves of its benefits. E. G. Wallin-The Christian's Lite of Rest. Mns. E. Al. PEEBLES—William ho Says, " Hire Mn I; A PLEA FOR LIBERTY. 11{) A. 0. TAIT. Send Me"? ELDER C. L. BOYD—The Faith that Knows, W. E SANDE itsoN 97-100 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST EDUCATIONAL The, Home.—A Common Sin, Christian Union—Steps to THE St. Louis Republic has this to say about the Ruin. Selected—The Inspiration of Christ's Life, Rea. indictment and arrest of our Tennessee brethren SOCIETY. Joel S. Ives—An Indian Lad's Work for Christ, Carts- elan herald —Religion and Business, Christian- Advocate for Sunday labor, and the friendly attitude as- Eighteenth Annual Session. —Our Works, Archbishop Seder 101 sumed toward them by ex-Governor Porter. It no The Mission Field.—Gospel Work in Argentina, E. W SEA-DEA-The Soudan 102 doubt voices the general opinion of the secular THE eighteenth annual session of the Seventh- Special Mention.—They Admit It, L. A. s.-A Wrong'Im- press of our country :— day Adventist Educational Society will be held in pression, DI E. E.-Illinois Sees It, L. A s.-Penn's Es- Battle Creek, Mich., Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1893, at 3 cape, Easton (Pa.) Argus—Sustaining the Blue Laws, "As a considerable number of Seventh-day Adventists have The Week/u Review—Activity of Three North American been arrested by Sabbatarian bigots in Tennessee, ex-Governor o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing a Board Volcanoes, Scientific American—Tools of the Pyramid of Trustees for the ensuing year, and transacting Builders, Mechanical News—Working Days in Various Porter has volunteered to defend the right of Americans to do Countries, Engineering London 102, 103 as they please oil Sunday and every day of the week, so long such other business, pertaining to the interests of Editorial.--Tithe vs. Debt-Inadvertent Admissions-Plain as by doing it, they inflict no wrong on their neighbors. the society, as may come before the meeting. Word—A Stone for Bread-Nor What It Is Worth-In "'My consent to take part in defending these cases,' says U. SMITH, the question Chair-Work for All, L. A. s.—Romish Governor Porter, is not based upon any sympathy with the Secrets, M. E. H.—Looking for the Image, E. K.— peculiar tenets of the religious denomination to which the de- W. W. PRESCOTT, Sketches of Travel, 0. c. m 104-106 0. A. OLSEN, Progress. -Reports from Pitcairn Island-Massachusetts fendants belong, but is simply due to my desire to vindicate -Michigan- California.- Colorado- Mime sota - Con- the rights and liberties of all citizens in our State. 1 believe J. H. KELLOGG, Trustees. necticut-Tennessee River conference— To the t hutch at that the actions of our courts in relation to this question of A. R. HENRY, Boulder-Importance of Circulating Among the People and Being Social-Good Words from Elder Ings-An compulsory Sunday idleness are in contravention of the princi- C. ELDRIDGE, Interesting Letter 107-110 ples of American 'liberty.' H. LINDSAY. Special Notimes.—Canvassers' Institute for Kansas—Ne- "This is well said. Governor Porter is doing his State good braska, Notice! 110 service in defending its liberties as against these Sabbatarians Sabbath-school. 110 who are so intolerant and 'tyrannical that they wish to im- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST PUBLISHING News. ...... 110, 111 prison their fellow-citizens and fellow Christians who have ASSOCIATION. Obituartes.-Walters-Wisel-Giles-Starbuck-Partridge, ill done no injury to them or to any one else. Editorial Notes. 112 " No government has the right to compel its citizens to ob- Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Stockholders. serve any holy day. It is not the province of the State to set compulsory feasts and fasts. Such matters belong either to re- l The Cape Times (Cape Town, South Africa), THE Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Asso- ligion or the free and uncoereed customs of the people. ciation - will hold its thirty-third annual session of Jan 4, 1893, contains a large displayed adver- "Refraining from work on a given day is part of the relig- (second annual session under the new charter) in tisement of "Claremont Union College," the open- ions observance of a feast day, and in a free government the State has no more right to compel its citizens to feast on Sun- . Battle Creek, Mich., on Thursday, Feb. 23, 1893, ing of which was set for Feb. 1, 1893, E. B. Miller, day than to fast on Friday. If one is right, the other is also; at the Tabernacle, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the A. M., of Battle Creek College, principal, with a and if the Sabbatarians can use law to enforce compulsory idle- election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing competent corps of assistants. ness on Sunday, it will be equally as fair to use law to prevent year, and the transaction of any other business them front eating as much as they like on Friday." that may come before the meeting. Any share- OW-During the progress of the social meeting in Ex-Governor Porter can see well enough that holder who cannot be present, has the privilege of efforts against such laws'as are being enforced in selecting and empowering some one, if he has not the Tabernacle, Sabbath afternoon, three earnest already done so, to represent him or her by proxy. believers testified that that was the first Sabbath Tennessee are not, as the "Rev." Mr. Crafts as- Blank forms for proxy will be sent to any who they had kept, and expressed their joy, not only for serts, something merely in the interests of a few may request them. the new-found truth, but for their assurance of the " Saturdarians," or in the interests of any one sect CLEMENT ELDRIDGE, Saviour's pardoning love. or class, but in the interests of "the rights and URIAH SMITH, liberties of all citizens in our State." He can see W. H. EDWARDS, plainly enough that a Sunday law is binding upon A. R. HENRY, Directors. fle- The Cape Argus (Cape Town, South Africa), HARMON LINDSAY, of Dec. 5, and Dec.29, 1892, publishes two sermons all men alike, and that all who obey it are brought in bondage by it, whether they keep one day or 0. A. OLSEN, from Elder A. T. Robinson, the first on " Some of F. E. BELDEN. ' the Reasons for Our Existence as a Denomina- another, and whether they are aware of their bondage or not,—as any Sunday observer in Ten- tion," and the, second on " Sabbath Reform." WRITERS, ATTENTION! These two of course involve many of the funda- nessee will suddenly find out when he comes to ex- mental reasons of our faith, and thus the people ercise his natural right of changing his belief. BROTHER F. E. BELDEN has nearly completed the wherever that paper circulates, are brought face to Doubtless there are many other influential men of collection and writing of matter for the new Sab- face with the truth. like opinion, and as the truth is brought before bath-school song book, calls for which have been them, we may hope that there are some who will received during the past year from many individu- see in the third angel's message the only means of als and schools—not because "Joyful Greeting" OW- Those who are familiar with the "Early escape from the evil that has come, and will take was not an excellent book, but for the reason that Writings" of sister White, have noticed how fre- their stand upon it. it has been in use six years. quently, when describing the very closing scenes of L. A. S. Brother Belden extends an earnest invitation to time, as the Lord is about to be revealed from his fellow-writers and others, to send him immedi- THE "BULLETIN" AGAIN.—LAST CALL. ately for musical setting, original or selected heaven, she repeats the admonition, "Get ready! hymns of merit, in harmony with our present get ready !" As we witness the spirit and earnest- By the time this notice reaches the readers of the work—especially on the subjects of the Second Ad- ness of thOse now gathered here for the Conference, REVIEW, the institute preceding the General Confer- vent, Consecration, and Home and Foreign Mis- we can but be reminded of these words. It seems ence will be near its close. And notwithstanding sions. Spiritual, heart poetry is the only kind to us that the impression that must be conveyed wanted, as the book is designed to be a blessing, the fact that we have advertised the matter exten- to any mind is, that here are a people who are not merely a pleasing collection of rhymes on va- sively for more than the past two months, we find rious subjects. looking for the coming of the Lord, and are seek- that a great many have deferred sending us their A copy of either " Bible Object Lessons and Songs ing to "get ready" for that event. Subscription to the General Conference Bulletin un- for Little Ones," " Songs of Preedom," or the forth- til this late date. We at first thought we had ad- coming Sabbath-school, book (whichever is pre- ge-Elder W. W. Prescott spoke in the Tabernacle vertised the matter so thoroughly that we would ferred) will be mailed free to each person sending Sabbath forenoon, the 11th,, on the subject of the not print any extra copies, aside from our list at one or more selected hymns (not heretofore set to the time the institute began. But the orders were music), if the same appear in the book. Those Sabbath. His remarks brought out the fact that still coming in so rapidly when the institute began, sending one or more original hymns which are ac- ' the Sabbath commandment, like all divine revela- that we printed nearly two thousand copies extra cepted, will receive all three of the publications tion, is an inexhaustible mine of truth. The nature of each issue. The orders have continued to come above named. of the institution, its significance as a sign of crea- in, with the request that we send all the back num- Although brother Belden's work on the "Hymn tive and sanctifying power, an institution hallowed bers, until this extra supply is nearly exhausted. and Tune Book" and his writings elsewhere are by the presence of Christ, and which can be accepta- However, for orders that are received at once, we sufficient guarantee for the excellence of the forth- can still furnish the back numbers of the Bulletin coming "GOSPEL SONG SHEAF for Sabbath-school bly kept only by those who have the presence of from the beginning of the institute. and Praise Service," he informs us that the collec- Christ in their own hearts, were set forth in a new The General Conference being now about ready tion is to be approved by a committee consisting and powerful light. But especially the Sabbath as to begin, our friends throughout the field will of Professor Barnes, J. E. White, and F. S. Russell, the crucial point over which the great contest be- certainly not want to miss any number of the Bul- thereby doubly insuring its superiority. • ' tween Christ and Satan has been, and still is, waged, letin that will contain the proceedings of this im- As it will be issued the coming spring, all contri- , and how the Sabbath therefore becomes the testfor portant meeting; hence, if there are others who butions should he forwarded at once, marked may still desire to subscribe, we trust that they " Original " or "Selected," as the ca se m a y be, with the peopleln the close of the contest, was made very will send in their orders immediately, so that we names of both author and sender written plainly. clear. As -the true Sabbath is a sign of Christ, so can have the list made up in time for them to get Address F. E. Belden, 5,007 Calumet Ave., Chicago, `the rival Sabbath, the first day of the week, which' all the numbers, containing the Conference reports