
U.S.Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey


Compiled by Christopher J. Schenk, Roland J. Viger, and Christopher P. Anderson


This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature. Any use of trade names is for descriptive puposes only, and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. government.

Portions of this database covering the coastline and country boundaries contain intellectual property of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), and are used herein with permission. End users are permitted to use these data for their own internal use, including any derivative work, but are prohibited from using and distributing these data individually or in a derivative work to third parties. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-470D


Table of Contents



Primary References

Geologic Provinces of South America Region



This is one of a series of products resulting from the World Energy Project of the U.S. Geological Survey. Inquiries about this CD-ROM or the Project's effort in the South America Region should be addressed to:

Christopher J. Schenk (Coordinator, South America region) U.S. Geological Survey MS 939 Box 25046 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225

Tel: 303-236-5796 Email: [email protected]

Inquiries about the U.S. Geological Survey's World Energy Project should be addressed to:

Thomas S. Ahlbrandt (Coordinator, World Energy Project) U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225

Tel: 303-236-5776 Email: [email protected] INTRODUCTION

This digitally compiled map includes geology, geologic provinces, and oil and gas fields of South America. The map is part of a worldwide series on CD-ROM by World Energy Project released of the U.S. Geological Survey . The goal of the project is to assess the undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and gas resources of the world and report these results by the year 2000. For data management purposes the world is divided into eight energy regions corresponding approximately to the economic regions of the world as defined by the U.S. Department of State. South America (Region 6) includes , , , Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, , French Guiana, Guyuna, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, , , Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Each region is then further divided into geologic provinces on the basis of natural geologic entities and may include a dominant structural element or a number of contiguous elements. Some provinces contain multiple genetically related basins.

Geologic province boundaries for the South America are delineated using data from a number of geologic maps, and other tectonic and geographic data (see References). Offshore province boundaries are defined by the 4000 meter bathymetric contour. Each province is assigned a unique number; the first digit is the region number. It is attempted to number the provinces in geographical groups; onshore, offshore, and combined on and offshore. The list of the provinces sorted by Code is shown in Adobe Acrobat samgeo.pdf file (see section V below).

Oil and gas field data from Petroconsultants International Data Corporation worldwide oil and gas field database are allocated to these provinces. The geologic provinces are being further subdivided into systems and assessment units in order to appraise the undiscovered petroleum potential of selected provinces of the world. Specific details of the data sources and map compilation are given in the metadata file on this CD-ROM. Smaller stratigraphic subdivisions of Phanerozoic rock are combined to simplify the map and to maintain consistency with other maps of the series. rocks are undivided. Oil and gas field markers represent field centerpoints published with permission from Petroconsultants International Data Corp.,1996 database.

This map is compiled using Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) ARC/INFO software. Political boundaries and cartographic representations on this map were taken, with permission, from ESRI's ArcWorld 1:3M digital coverages, have no political significance, and are displayed as general reference only.

Portions of this database covering the coastline and country boundaries contain intellectual property of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), and are used herein with permission. Copyright 1992 and 1996, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. REFERENCES

Audemard, F., and Lugo, J., 1997, of Venezuela: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Short Course Notes, Dallas, Texas, April 5-6, 1997, chapter paginated.

Bigarella, J.J., 1973, Geology of the Amazonas and Parnaiba Basin, in Nairn, A.E.M., and Stehli, F.G., eds., The ocean basins and margins; the south Atlantic: Plenum Press, New York, v. 1, p. 25-86.

Cainelli, C., and Mohriak, W.U., 1998, Geology of Atlantic eastern Brazilian basins ; Brazilian Geology, Part 2: 1998 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition Short Course, November 12-13, 1998, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, unpaginated.

Committee on the World Geologic Map, 1964, Geologic map of South America: Rio de Janiero, Brazil, 2 sheets, 1:5000000 scale.

Jordan, T.E., and Allmendinger, R.W., 1986, The Sierras Pampaneas of Argentina: a modern analogue of Rocky Mountain foreland deformation: American Journal of Science, v. 286, p. 737-764.

Kingston, J., 1994, Undiscovered petroleum resources of South America: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-559, 443 p.

McGettigan, C.K., and Hunt, D.G., 1996, Columbia continues to yield major oil, gas discoveries: Oil and Gas Journal, July 15, 1996, p. 40-45.

Mordojovich, C., 1981, Sedimentary basins of the Chilean Pacific offshore, in Energy Resources of the Pacific Region: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Studies in Geology, v. 12, p. 732-749.

Ojeda, H.A.O., 1982, Structural framework, , and evolution of Brazilian marginal basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 66, no. 6, p. 732-749.

Tankard, A.J., R. Suarez, S., and Welsink, H.J., eds., Petroleum basins of South America: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 62, p. 63-77.

Travis, R.B., Gonzales, G., and Pardo, A., 1975, Hydrocarbon potential of coastal basins of Peru: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 25, p. 331-338.

Urien, C.M., and Zambrano, J.J., 1973, The geology of the basins of the Argentine continental margin and Malvinas Plateau, in Nairn, A.E.M., and Stehli, F.G., eds., The ocean basins and margins; the south Atlantic: Plenum Press, New York, v. 1, p. 135-169.

1 Urien, C.M., Zambrano, J.J., and Yrigoyen, M.R., 1995, Petroleum basins of southern South America: a review, in Tankard, A.J., R. Suarez, S., and Welsink, H.J., eds., Petroleum basins of South America: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 62, p. 63-77.

Yrigoyen, M.R., 1991, Energy resources map of the Circum-Pacific region ; southeast quadrant: U.S. Geological Survey Circum-Pacific Map Series, Map CP-39, 2 sheets, 1:10000000 scale.

2 6001 oceanic basins around South America 6002 Guyana 6003 Brazilian Shield 6004 Brazilian Shield 6005 Brazilian Shield 6006 Andean Province 6007 Familina Province 6008 Canadon Asfalto Province 6009 Deseado-Falklands Province 6010 Tacutu Basin 6011 Solimoes Basin 6012 Amazonas Basin 6013 Sucunduri Province 6014 Parecis Province 6015 Xingu Province 6016 Parnaiba Basin 6017 Sao Francisco Basin 6018 Diamantina Province 6019 Araripe Province 6020 Parana Basin 6021 Guyana-Suriname Basin 6022 Foz de Amazonas Basin 6023 Santana Platform 6024 San Luis Basin 6025 Barreieinas Basin 6026 Caera Basin 6027 Potigar Basin 6028 Pernambuco Basin 6029 Sergipe-Alagoas Basin 6030 Jatoba Basin 6031 Tucano Basin 6032 Reconcavo Basin 6033 Bahia Sul Basin 6034 Espirito Santo Basin 6035 6036 Santos Basin 6037 Pelotas Basin 6038 Santiago Basin 6039 Huallaga Basin 6040 Ucayali Basin 6041 Putamayo-Orient-Maranon Basin 6042 Acre Basin 6043 Madre dos Dios Basin 6044 Beni Basin 6045 Santa Cruz-Tarija Basin 6046 Oran-Olmedo Basin 6047 6048 Bolsones Basin 6049 Bermejo Basin 6050 Mascasin Basin 6051 6052 Mercedes Basin 6053 Laboulaye-Macachin Basin 6054 Salado Basin 6055 Neuquen Basin 6056 Nirihuau Basin 6057 Colorado Basin 6058 San Jorge Basin 6059 Magellanes Basin 6060 North 6061 East Basin 6062 Malvinas Plateau 6063 Malvinas Basin 6064 Burdwood Bank- North Scotia Ridge 6065 Basin 6066 Moquegua-Tamaruga Basin 6067 Salar de Atacama Basin 6068 Curico Basin 6069 Temuco Basin 6070 Osorno-Llanquihue Basin 6071 Diego Ramirez Basin 6072 Madre de Dios Basin 6073 Penas Basin 6074 Central Chile Forearc Basin 6075 Mollendo-Tarapaca Basin 6076 6077 Lima Basin 6078 Salaverry Basin 6079 Trujillo Basin 6080 Sachura Basin 6081 Talara Basin 6082 Lancones Basin 6083 Progreso Basin 6084 Manabi Basin 6085 Borbon Basin 6086 Cuaca Basin 6087 Choco-Pacific Basin 6088 Pacific Offshore Basin 6089 Upper Magdelena Basin 6090 Middle Magdelena Basin 6091 Lower Magdelena Basin 6092 Eastern Cordillera Basin 6093 Perija-Venezuelan Coastal Ranges 6094 Cesar Basin 6095 Guajira Basin 6096 6097 Barinas-Apure Basin 6098 East Venezuela Basin 6099 Maracaibo Basin 6100 Falcon Basin 6101 Bonaire Basin 6102 Cariaco Basin 6103 Tobago Trough 6104 South Caribbean Deformed Belt 6105 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 6106 West-Central Cordillera 6107 Lesser Antilles Deformed Belt U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OPEN−FILE REPORT U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 97−470D





MCi CmO T T Q Q APZ MCi Mm T Q Mm MCi APZ pC TrJ Q T Q pC T CmO Q T Mm T T T MCi APZ TrJ T K Q APZ Mm T Mm Mm T T MCi Mm K T MCi MCi Q Q PMi MCi K T Q T PZMZ Q Q pC MCi TrJ T MCi Mm Mm Q MCi MCi Q T TrJ MCi T Q T K K Q Mm K MCi Mm T Q T Mm T K MCi T Q H2O MCi Q KT Mm T MCi MCi Q Mm Mv Q T Q MCi Mm Mm MCi K K Q Q MCi T T MCi MCi TrJ T MCi Q K PZm K PMi MCi TrJ PMi K K TrJ T K CmO MCi T T T pC


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Cv pC pC pC Q K K pC pC K Q K PMi pC pC Q




Mv Cv T Q T K T K MCi K K K K pC

Cv T T T T T MCi S D T Q Q pC T J T C Q pC pC Q T MCi K D Mv KMv Q MCi Cv pC T Q Q Mv T T Q Q Q CmO D Mv K K Q Q T T T K T MCi Q K MCi MCi D Q Mv T MCi T MCi MCi T T Mv Cv Mv PZ Q Mv MCi T K Q K T Q PZ Q T T J K pC K J U J pC T T K Mv PZ U Q PZ Mv T Q K pC Cv C CmO pC pC T J J CmO CmO T MCi T PMi Cv Tr Mv K J T Q MCi C S T Mv C PMi J PMi K K Q CmO MCi Tr PMi Q pC K Cv T K MCi T C T C PMi MCi MCi MCi pC C T D Mv pC MCi MCi Mv Mv pC AD S C MCi Q T T K T C PMi PZ K T Mv TrJ CmO Q T Q AD K D pC MCi Q MCi C PMi PMi pC Mv PMi MCi Q K K T J Q T K Mv Q Q Cv MCi K Q T Mv PMi K AD AD MCi C PMi CmO MCi K Q T T Q MCi K U Q CmO K K CmO K Q T MCi J CmO C PMi MCi MCi Q Q T K PMi Q T Q T K Q C PMi T PMi PMi MCi T C K Tr AD pC PMi K T PMi PMi PMi MCi CmO P PMi PMi T pC PMi MCi T C T PMi AD CmO K pC Q C Mv Q PMi K PMi PMi pC T K Mv pC K PMi J pC CmO PMi K pC TrJ TrJ J J J T pC PMi T Q T Mv T J T K MCi K CmO PMi MCi TrJ K Q T J Mv PMi pC PMi AD J T C C K PMi J MCi Q C K K PMi T Q Q PMi T T pC AD C K K PMi T T Q Q K K PMi Mv K pC PMi K PMi T Q MCi CP J CmO pC pC PMi CP T TrJ pC PMi pC TrJ TrJ PMi J T C J pC P PMi Q J K pC J Q C Tr MCi pC pC K PMi PMi K Q pCpC T C C PMi J TrJ pC K K Cv K MCi CP C C T PMi Q J T pC K pC Tr D MCi AD CmO T Tr PMi Q MCi CmO PMi T K PMi CP Tr C PMi MCi MCi PMi pC J J PMi PMi PMi T D K PMi K PMi Q pC PMi CmO Tr pC T C pC PMi MCi CmO CmO PMi J PMi PMi K T Tr PMi CmO K MCi K CmO D Q K PMi Cv K PMi PMi K C C pC pC MCi TrJ PMi T pC T PMi K K J AD K T pC PMi CmO pC PMi J K C T C C C K pC C PMi pC T CmO D PMi PMi J pC PMi J T D pC PMi J pC S C C C PMi C C C C T Q K D D J J pC TrJ pC PMi pC T T PMi K pC C T CmO D D pC CP K pC T S CP C pC K Q PMi AD K C PMi pC PMi J pC K MCi pC pC T Cv K pC Q Q PMi MCi MCi J Q K CmO D Q PMi K S K AD T D pC D Q TrJ K pC Q pC CP PMi CmO D T T S K AD K K CmO K TrJ MCi PMi S D K D Q K CmO pC pC D pC K Q J CP J T pC K T CmO TrJ TrJ CP CmO pC T C T D S K CmO C T T D pC T Q CmO pC pC MCi AD T pC pC J CmO Q pC S MCi TrJ T pC K Q TrJ CP pC pC pC K J CP JK AD J K P AD pC Q P Cv CP T S TrJ C T T AD pC pC Q P Q CP pC pC Cv TrJ K pC TrJ T pC S JK Cv TrJ pC T T K D K H2O pC Cv CmO T Cv T AD T Q T T T T AD K pC T JK Cv MCi pC Q pC Cv AD CP T pC K K K MCi MCi CmO T T CP T Cv J QAD Cv K CP K K pC T Q T Q TrJ J K C MCi T MCi K JK T pC T pC Q Q T T KMCi pC T MCi CP Q pC Q MCi K T J pC Q Q T Q AD CP Q T J K S Q J Q PMi K T T pC K MCi T PMi pC pC Q J T PMi K pC AD PMi J MCi MCi Q JK J CP MCi pC pC MCi T K PMi MCi MCi C T pC pC JK MCi pC MCi pC T CP PMi K PMi PMi MCi T T PMi J PMi PMi MCi CP Cv S T J K PMi K J PMi MCi CmO PMi PMi Mv PMi PMi K MCi K K MCi D PMi T K C T pC MCi pC PMi JK pC PMi MCi K T MCi J K DC PMi Q K K T T T T K K J AD K Cv T PMi J CP CmO K T Cv MCi T JK MCi Cv K K pC K K T MCi J C K MCi MCi Cv K MCi pC Q S K T K MCi MCi T Q C T pC D pC K Q C S pC K Q pC D pC T T K T pC pC Q PMi J Q T S MCi D JK K JK K T D pC AD T pC Q C PMi T D D MCi T S T J Q Q Q MCi pC C T CmO PMi pC J pC K PMi JK K MCi J J Q CP J MCi K T pC S MCi Q J MCi K pC T D J T C Q AD J C T MCi K K pC C pC S K Q K T PMi J H2O C C K MCi K PMi Q Q J Cv pC PMi S Q D MCi pC T pC K JK Q K C K CP T MCi K Q K AD T K T K Q Q K K K CmO pC Q Cv Q pC K J Cv K T T C T MCi J D AD AD D pC MCi T MCi Q K MCi T Cv K MCi T T T pC D K Mv Q K AD Q MCi AD Q T MCi AD AD Q T Q Q pC P S pC MCi MCi Q Tr K J Q D S T T T S MCi D CP Q AD Cv Cv Q D K Q Q Q T Q Cv Q Q Q Q Q MCi J Q Q K MCi Q Cm J J T pC D OS pC MCi J Cv K T MCi T pC pC K Q D OS K Cv MCi T K C OS MCi D T T MCi K Q D K OS T Cv K J J T S OS OS MCi D pC Q Q Cv MCi Cv K K Q MCi Cv S K Q J Mv K Cv K MCi Mv pC J MCi MCi MCi MCi Cv D D Cv C PMi Q Cv pC K J Q S OS K J K pC MCi Q D K K Cv Cv S K pC K D CmO K D K pC PMi PMi Cv K pC K Cv T S pC K K pC J K K D Mv K K S D TCP K Q Q Cv T K S CP CmO Q OS CP Cv T Cv pC K D D K pC Mv K pC K K K Q pC S S CmO pC K K CP CP D Mv Q Q K CmO pC K CmO pC pC pC OS pC T K pC Cv CP C CmO pC pC Mv K Q Cv pC D K Q Cv Q K Mv The digital geologic map and geologic province map of the continent of South America J Cv Q CP Mv Tr pC T pC Q Cv C K K Tr pC Q D Cv T T K S K K pC were produced for the World Energy Project of the U.S. Geological Survey. The purpose MCi K S Mv T S K D Mv K pC Cv CP pC K Mv Cv K pC Cv K Mv K K of this project is to provide a quantitative assessment of undiscovered recoverable Q Cv Mv K K J PMi C MCi Cv PMi pC PMi K PMi Mv K J Mv K pC Q resources of oil and gas in priority geologic provinces throughout the world. For Q C Q PMi Q Q OS pC Qv Mv Tr MCi T this project the world was subdivided into eight regions that generally correspond to Q PMi Mv pC Q Qv CmO K T K MCi K pC Mv pC T Q pC PMi KCv the U.S. Department of State economic regions, and the international market regions Qv pC Cv Q Q PMi MCi Q pC pC Qv T T C K Mv Mv MCi K C PMi PMi PMi defined by the U.S. Department of Energy. South America and Central America are D PMi Mv Q PMi Mv C Mv MCi Q JK Mv Q Q T Mv P included in Region 6 of the World Energy Project (Klett and others, 1997). J Q T K MCi T T K Cv Q PMi T pC MCi MCi Q T K Mv MCi Q Qv Mv J C pC Q CP Cv Cm pC Mv T PMi PMi Q Cv T pC C K Mv MCi Cv J Qv pC K K H2O Qv K Cv K pC The purpose of this geologic map was to provide a simple base map upon which we defined Mv MCi MCi MCi J T K PZ MCi PZ C MCi PMi K JK Cv Q MCi PZ pC T PZ JK Tr the boundaries of geologic provinces of South America rather than to provide a detailed CP MCi JK MCi J PZ pC MCi Qv K Q J MCi Q J T K JK MCi PMi Q pC Mv MCi K pC Q Cv K K PZ PMi T JK MCi T Q geologic map of the continent. The geology shown on this map is significantly generalized PMi T T MCi PZ Tr K T K J Qv K Q Tr T PMi Q MCi J PZ JK PMi MCi pC P P K pC pC MCi PMi J PMi PMi Mv PMi PMi from the source map at the scale of 1:5,000,000 (Committee on the World Geologic Map, MCi J Mv PMi PMi pC T PMi Q pC Mv Q Q J Tr PMi pC Q pC PMi Q MCi MCi PMi Q J J J Q Q Q Tr Tr Tr 1964), although all the original geologic boundaries from the source map are included here. PMi PZ Mv PMi QMCi PZ PMi Q J MCi Mv K Mv T J PMiJ Q PZ Q PZ K Cv PMi MCi T pC PMi Using the geologic units and many other sources of data, the entire continent was T Tr MCi pC MCi Q Cv PMi T Q K pC Mv T K Q MCi Mv K PMi T PMi PMi Mv PMi Q Q pC JK PMi pC MCi PZ Cv JK pC pC Q APZ MCi PZ PZ K subdivided into geologic provinces (Bigarella, 1973; Urien and Zambrano,1973; Travis J J pC T K K JK J Q Cv MCi MCi Q Mv Mv J pC pC MAP UNITS PMi D PMi Cv JK and others, 1975; Mordojovich, 1981; Ojeda, 1982; Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986; Yrigoven, Mv T PMi K T J Q MCi MCi PMi Tr Q J J Q pC pC pC pC MCi PZ S pC J MCi Q K PMi pC pC J K Tr PMi 1991; Kingston, 1994; McGettigan and Hunt,1996; Audemard and Lugo, 1997). The offshore Cv PMi PMi Q Q T PMi Mv PMi PMi MCi K PZ Q pC Q APZ Cv PZ Cv MCi Q pC K J J MCi QPMi PMi Cv PZ PMi boundary of the provinces differs depending upon the location. The offshore boundary PMi Q K PMi MCi Cv MCi Q PMi J Cv PMi MCi pC PMi K T P pC pC pC pC Sedimentary Rocks of provinces along the northern and western, tectonically active margins was placed at T PMi Mv pC pC Q Q K K PMi PMi Cv PZ Mv MCi J MCi Q PMi pC Q Mv pC pC an isobath of 2000m, whereas the offshore boundary of provinces along the eastern, passive J Q PMi Tr PMi MCi MCi Q T K K K S Cv pC K MCi Q Cv K MCi pC PMi MCi Cv Cv pC Cv Q K margin was placed at approximately the 3800m isobath. A total of 106 geologic provinces Q PMi Q Mv Cv PMi MCi pC Cv Q P J T K K Q Cv Q pC C PMi J Cv pC Q T pC were defined in South America. Names most of the provinces reflect common usage in the pC Q J K J pC K K PMi K T Cv pC K pC pC Q K pC pC literature. The provinces are being further subdivided into petroleum systems and MCi Q pC pC Cv Q Tr pC Tr Mv Cv Cv pC Q PMi Q pC pC Q Cv T Q T JK K K K assessment units that form the basis for the resource assessment. PMi Q pC pC Q Q K Tr T PMi Tr Tr J T Tertiary J pC Q PZ Q T Mv MCi PMi Tr pC PMi Q T K K K JK T T pC CmO T Oil and gas data were digitally allocated to the geologic provinces, and these provinces Q T K JK pC MCi J T T JK PMi Q Tr Mv JK PMi MCi PMi PMi K were then ranked according to known oil and gas resources to provide a prioritization for PZ PMi T pC Q PMi Cv Tr Q PMi Cv U Q MCi Mv Q PMi JK PMi T PMi pC PZ PMi T Q PMi JK Cv C the resource assessment. The oil and gas data were obtained from Petroconsultants (1996), Mv KT Cretaceous−Tertiary Q PZ J PMi Mv PMi pC pC Cv Q PMi PZ and the oil and gas field centerpoints are used on this map with permission of PMi PMi PMi PZPZ PMi PMi PMi pC K PMi J PMi T Cv PMi MCi MCi PMi Petroconsultants International Data Corporation. K pC PMi T PZ Q PZ PZ T pC MCi PMi Cv pC PMi T PMi T PMi Cv PMi Tr H2O PZ pC Tr K Cretaceous PZ PMi T MCi PMi K Q MCi Mv Political boundaries shown on this map were taken, with permission, from the ESRI ArcWorld PZ Q T PMi T MCi Tr PMi Q PZ Tr PMi D 1:3 million scale digital world coverage and are displayed for general reference only. PZ U pC T MCi MCi pC Tr Tr PZ PMi Tr T pC T MCi U T PZ Cv PMi PZ Tr MCi MCi MCi PZ Tr PZ T PZ PMi T T JK −Cretaceous This map is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Q Cv pC APZ PZ Tr Cv APZ PMi Q MCi APZ J pC Survey editorial standards or with the International Stratigraphic Code. APZ J Q pC Tr Mv K Cv Tr J PMi pC T Tr PMi K T PMi Cv PZv pC Tr PZv PMi Q Q Q J Mv pC pC Tr PZ PZ Tr APZ PZ Tr C K PMi J Jurassic Q Pv PZ PZ T PMi Q T J Q PZ Mv PZ T PZ PMi CmO PZ Mv K PMi T PMi Mv J Tr MCi PZ T Cv PMi PMi K T CmO Q Pv PZ pC Mv Tr T CmO pC Q PMi PMi T Q T PMi Cv PZ Tr T T MCi D T pC PZ PZ MCi Tr J T TrJ −Jurassic pC PMi MCi pC K MCi Q PMi T T PZ PZ CmO MCi PMi T P K K pC T Asmus, H.E., and Ponte, C.F., 1973, The Brazilian marginal basins, in Nairn, A.E.M., MCi MCi MCi MCi T MCi K pC K T PMi T pC MCi PZ Tr and Stehli, F.G., eds., The Ocean Basins and Margins, v. 1, The South Atlantic: T T D MCi T J Tr Q Tr P P APZ D Q Plenum Press, New York, p. 87−133. PZ Tr T Tr Triassic J pC T P T T Tr PMi T pC pC CP MCi T APZ MCi T pC MCi PZ Audemard, F., and Lugo, J., 1997, Petroleum geology of Venezuela: American Association K K D MCi T D pC APZ PZ T H2O PZ D MCi J Tr of Petroleum Geologists Short Course Notes, Dallas, Texas, unpaginated. PZ T Tr Tr PMi K K D MZ Tr PMi PMi pC D PMi pC T K pC pC K D H2O K K PZ pC pC T pC Tr MCi K D Tr Q pC Bigarella, J.J., 1973, Geology of the Amazonas and Parnaiba basins, in Nairn, A.E.M., MCi MCi Tr CP J D pC Q D MCi J MCi Tr K Q Tr K Q pC PMi Mv pC pC and Stehli, F.G., eds., The Ocean Basins and Margins, v. 1, The South Atlantic: PMi Tr pC MCi PZ Tr PMi T pC K Mv MCi PZ pC K Mv T J PZMZ −Mesozoic Plenum Press, New York, p. 25−86. K pC T PMi K PMiPZ T PMi J MCi pC Mv pC T pC Q APZ MCi pC Cv pC APZ K pC Q pC Cv K T PMi K PMi T pC Q Q MCi K pC Committee on the World Geologic Map, 1964, Geologic Map of South America: Rio de Q MCi PZ Q Q K Q J Mv T T K Tr PZ T MCi T Q Tr T Janeiro, Brazil, 2 sheets, 1:5,000,000 scale. APZ Cv pC Qv T P Permian Pv Q pC pC pC PZ Q K Q T CvMCi Cv pC

MCi Cv T Pv Q PMi Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 1992, ArcWorld 1:3 million digital PMi K T MCi PZ PZ pC PMi PMi Cv MCi PZ T database, ESRI, Redlands, California. PMi Cv APZ Qv K MCi MCi Tr CP −Permian PMi Cv J T Qv PMi Cv Qv Cv Qv J J Qv PMi K PZ Qv Q Qv Qv PMi MCi K CP K Jordan, T.E., and Allmendinger, R.W., 1986, The Sierras Pampaneas of Argentina; a PMiMCi J Q PMi Cv Q TPMiQ Q APZ Cv Q MCi Qv K Q Qv Cv J modern analoque of Rocky Mountain foreland deformation: American Journal of Science, PMi MCi Qv Qv Qv J J Cv Cv MCi Q T Tr Cv J T APZ K Qv T C Carboniferous v. 286, p. 737−764. pC K T T MCi PZv T Qv Qv PZv T Q T PMi MCi T T PZv PZv T Qv Qv pC APZ J PZv T T MCi MCi T J K PZv T Q Q T T T MCi T T T T pC Kingston, J., 1994, Undiscovered petroleum of southern South America: U.S. Geological T Qv T T MCi Cv Q Qv T T T T MCi T pC pC pC J Qv APZ Cv Tr PMi Cv pC T T D Survey Open−File Report 94−559, 443 p. PMi pC J Mv pC K PZ pC Cv PMi Qv Cv T PMi Q T T Tr K Qv T Q T T Qv K T Qv T PZ pC pC PMi T T T T T Cv T pC PMi T pC PMi PMi T PZ pC Cv Qv Cv T pC T J T PMi Qv pC PZ Klett, T.R., Ahlbrandt, T.S. Schmoker, J.W., and Dolton, G.L., 1997, Ranking of the world’s PMi pC PZ PZ PZ T pC T PMi PZ PZ PZ T Qv T pC MCi Qv T PZ PZ PZ PZ Qv PMi PMi APZ Q MCi J PZ oil and gas provinces by known petroleum volumes: U.S. Geological Survey Open−File PMi T PMi PMi Qv J PMi Cv T Q T PZ S Silurian Cv Qv T PZ Q Q T Report 97−463, one CD−ROM. T Tr T Qv T Qv T T T Cv K T T PMi T APZ Qv K T Cv Qv PMi Qv MCi T Q T Q Qv K T MCi MCi T T J K T PMi McGettigan, C.K., and Hunt, D.G., 1996, Columbia continues to yield major oil, gas T T Qv Q T K Qv Q Q OS Ordovician−Silurian PMi PMi discoveries: Oil and Gas Journal, July 15, 1996, p. 40−45. K K PMi MCi Cv K Q T Q Q Q T J T MCi Q T pC K APZ Qv T T PMi J Mordojovich, C., 1981, Sedimentary basins of the Chilean Pacific offshore, in Energy Qv T MCi Mv J Q APZ Q T T Qv T MCi pC CmO −Ordovician Resources of the Pacific Region: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Studies Qv T Q Qv MCi Qv Mv J APZ T in Geology, v. 12, p. 63−68. Q MCi Cv PMi K Q MCi PMi T Qv Q K Q Qv Cv Q T Q Q Cv APZ T Ojeda, H.A.O., 1982, Structural framework, stratigraphy, and evolution of Brazilian marginal Mv Q Cm Cambrian T Qv J APZ H2O MCi U T basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 66, no. 6, p. 732−749. PMi PZ T Q pC pC APZ pC PZ Qv Cv PMi K Mv pC pC PZ Cv PMi K K Mv T Qv PMi pC K Q K pC Cv Q H2O Q T K Q Q pC K APZ Mv pC Petroconsultants, 1996, Petroconsultants Worldwide Oil and Gas Field Database 1996: MCi Q PMi T T PMi pC T pC T AD Precambrian−Devonian Cv T Petroconsultants International Data Corporation, Geneva, Switzerland. pC Cv K H2O Qv T T

H2O PMi Cv PMi K Qv Q Qv Cv PMi T K Mv PMi Travis, R.B., Gonzales, G., and Pardo, A., 1975, Hydrocarbon potential of coastal basins of T PMi Mv PMi U PMi H2O PMi Cv K T Q Q PZ Paleozoic T Peru: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir No. 25, p. 331−338. T Cv PMi PMi T Q Cv PMi Cv Cv T MCi Q T

T Q T Qv T K T PMi Mv Urien, C.M., and Zambrano, J.J., 1973, The geology of the basins of the Argentine continental Q PMi J Q PMi Qv PZ U pC Mv margin and Malvinas Plateau, in Nairn, A.E.M., and Stehli, F.G., eds., The Ocean Basins K T APZ Precambrian−Paleozoic K APZ PZ Cv Cv Q Cv Q T pC T and Margins, v. 1, The South Atlantic: Plenum Press, New York, p. 135−169. Q Cv Mv

Mv Q Q pC APZ Q MCi Q Cv K Mv CP Q Qv K PMi Mv T Q J K Mv Yrigoven, M.R., 1991, Energy resources map of the Circum−Pacific region; southeast quadrant: Cv Cv J Mv Q Cv Cv T QMCi Q U J U.S. Geological Survey Circum−Pacific Map Series, Map CP−39, 2 sheets, 1:10,000,000 Mv Mv Mv K Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks Q J J Q Cv K K Q Q K T APZ Qv Cv J Mv scale. PZ Q Q Cv Mv H2O K PMi Mv U K T U APZ Q K U K MCi Cv Q Qv Quaternary volcanics T APZ K Mv Qv Qv Q T Q APZ U APZ APZ Mv K Cv MCi APZ T Qv U Qv K APZ K APZAPZ APZ K APZ APZ K H2O APZ APZ MCi H2O APZ MCi Cv Cretaceous−Tertiary volcanics APZ APZ APZ Mv APZ MCi Cv APZ Qv APZ K K U APZ APZ K APZ Qv T T K Q APZ APZ MCi MCi K T Q MCi APZ Q Mv Cv MCi K MCi MCi APZ MCi MCi MCi Mv Mesozoic volcanics EXPLANATION APZ MCi APZ U MCi MCi MCi PMi APZ MCi Qv APZ APZ MCi Mv K T K APZ H2O APZ K MCi MCi APZ Mv Qv MCi T T APZ MCi K MCi MCi MCi Q T APZ Q Cv T APZ MCi T Oil and gas fields MCi MCi H2O K Pv Permian volcanics Q Mv Cv H2O T Q MCi MCiMCi Qv K MCi Q Mv K MCi MCi Q K Mv U MCi MCi MCi H2O MCi ICE K MCi T K K MCi ICE Mv Q Cv T MCi J Q K K Province boundaries Cv K Mv T K PMi Cv PZv Paleozoic volcanics Qv Q Mv APZ Q T Qv T Mv Mv T APZ K Qv Mv K MCi MCi T MCi T Cv T T MCi MCi Country boundaries Q T T T Q T MCi K T MCi Mesozoic−Cenozoic intrusives MCi T MCi MCi T APZ Mv MCiT Tr T Mv T T APZ Mv T MCi T MCi Mv T CP Mv Mv K MCi Cv ICE Cv T K Cv Geologic contacts APZ K MCi Q PMi Paleozoic−Mesozoic intrusives MCi MCi H2O Q Cv T MCi CP APZ K APZ K K T T T CP MCi K MCi PZ T 6000 Province number CP APZ H20 H2O PZ MCi T T T PZ PZi Paleozoic intrusives K PZ CP Cv T T Cv Q PZ Qv MCi PZ PZ PZ CP MCi T T MCi MCi PZ T PZPZ K T pC APZ MCi K T CP CP MCi ICE APZ Km Cretaceous−Mesozoic metamorphics MCi APZ MCi K T T MCi MCiAPZ MCi MCi MCi APZ APZ Qv Mv K MCi CP MCi K MCi K APZ K MCi Bipolar Oblique Projection MCi K T MCi K Q T APZ K U Mm Mesozoic metamorphics CP MCi MCi T MCi Mv Units: Meters K Cv MCi MCi K MCi MCi Q MCi MCi Mv T False Easting: 0, False Northing: 0 K MCi Mv K Q APZ MCi K K MCi T T MCi APZ Mv T T K K T PZm Paleozoic metamorphics MCi K K T K T CP Q T MCi MCi T APZ Mv K Q K T T T CP MCi MCi K K U ICE K MCi APZ K Mv APZ K K K J APZ Mv K MCi K K H2O pC Precambrian undifferentiated J Mv Mv MCi APZ MCi ICE MCi PZ APZ MCi MCi K MCi ICEICE ICE K K MCi MCi MCi JK K K Q K K MCi MCi APZ K MCi APZ APZ MCi MCi MCi MCi JK MCi K Other Units K K MCi

MCi MCi MCi MCi H2O Water

ICE Glacial Ice


This digital geologic province map of the continent of South America was produced for the World Energy Project of the U.S. Geological Survey. The purpose of this project is to provide a quantitative assessement of the undiscovered recoverable oil and gas resources in priority provinces of the world. For this project the world was subdivided into eight regions that generally correspond to the economic regions defined by the U.S. Department of State and to the international market regions recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy. South and Central America are included in Region 6 for the World Energy Project (Klett and others, 1997). The purpose of this map is to illustrate the geologic provinces of South America and the distribution of oil and gas fields. Using the geologic units and many other sources of data, the entire continent was subdivided into geologic provinces (Committee on the World Geologic Map, 1964; Bigarella, 1973; Urien and Zambrano,1973; Travis and others, 1975; Mordojovich, 1981; Ojeda, 1982; Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986; Yrigoven, 1991; Kingston, 1994; McGettigan and Hunt, 1996; Audemard and Lugo, 1997). The offshore boundary of the provinces differs depending upon the location. The offshore boundary of provinces along the northern and western tectonically active margins was placed at an isobath of 2000 m, whereas the offshore boundary of provinces along the eastern was placed at approximately the 3800 m isobath. A total of 106 geologic provinces were defined in South America. Names for most of the provinces reflect common usage in the literature. The provinces are being further subdivided into petroleum systems and assessment units that form the basis for the resource assessment. Oil and gas data were digitally allocated to the geologic provinces, and these provinces were then ranked according to known oil and gas resources to provide a prioritization for the resource assessment (Klett and others, 1997). For this assessment the priority provinces in South America are Campos Basin, Neuquen Basin, San Jorge Basin, Magellenes Basin, Santa Cruz−Tarija, Putamayo−Orient−Maranon, Llanos Basin, Magdelena Basins, Maracaibo Basin, East Venezeula Basin, and the Tobago Trough. The oil and gas data were obtained from Petroconsultants (1996), and the oil and gas field centerpoints are used on this map with permission of Petroconsultants International Data Corporation. Political boundaries shown on this map were taken, with permission, from the ESRI ArcWorld 1:3 million scale digital world coverage and are displayed for general reference only. This map is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the International Stratigraphic Code.

Asmus, H.E., and Ponte, C.F., 1973, The Brazilian marginal basins, in Nairn, A.E.M., and Stehli, F.G., eds., The Ocean Basins and Margins, v. 1, The South Atlantic: Plenum Press, New York, p. 87−133. Audemard, F., and Lugo, J., 1997, Petroleum geology of Venezuela: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Short Course Notes, Dallas, Texas, unpaginated. Bigarella, J.J., 1973, Geology of the Amazonas and Parnaiba basins, in Nairn, A.E.M., and Stehli, F.G., eds., The Ocean Basins and Margins, v. 1, The South Atlantic: Plenum Press, New York, p. 25−86.

Committee on the World Geologic Map, 1964, Geologic Map of South America: , Brazil, 2 sheets, 1:5,000,000 scale. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 1992, ArcWorld 1:3 million digital database, ESRI, Redlands, California. Jordan, T.E., and Allmendinger, R.W., 1986, The Sierras Pampaneas of Argentina; a modern analoque of Rocky Mountain foreland deformation: American Journal of Science, v. 286, p. 737−764. Kingston, J., 1994, Undiscovered petroleum of southern South America: U.S. Geological Survey Open−File Report 94−559, 443 p. Klett, T.R., Ahlbrandt, T.S. Schmoker, J.W., and Dolton, G.L., 1997, Ranking of the world’s oil and gas provinces by known petroleum volumes: U.S. Geological Survey Open−File Report 97−463, one CD−ROM. McGettigan, C.K., and Hunt, D.G., 1996, Columbia continues to yield major oil, gas discoveries: Oil and Gas Journal, July 15, 1996, p. 40−45. Mordojovich, C., 1981, Sedimentary basins of the Chilean Pacific offshore, in Energy Resources of the Pacific Region: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geology, v. 12, p. 63−68. Ojeda, H.A.O., 1982, Structural framework, stratigraphy, and evolution of Brazilian marginal basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 66, no. 6, p. 732−749. Petroconsultants, 1996, Petroconsultants Worldwide Oil and Gas Field Database 1996: Petroconsultants International Data Corporation, Geneva, Switzerland.

Travis, R.B., Gonzales, G., and Pardo, A., 1975, Hydrocarbon potential of coastal basins of Peru: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir No. 25, p. 331−338.

Urien, C.M., and Zambrano, J.J., 1973, The geology of the basins of the Argentine continental margin and Malvinas Plateau, in Nairn, A.E.M., and Stehli, F.G., eds., The Ocean Basins and Margins, v. 1, The South Atlantic: Plenum Press, New York, p. 135−169. Yrigoven, M.R., 1991, Energy resources map of the Circum−Pacific region; southeast quadrant: U.S. Geological Survey Circum−Pacific Map Series, Map CP−39, 2 sheets, 1:10,000,000 scale.


Oil and gas fields

Province boundaries

Country boundaries

6000 Province number

Bipolar Oblique Projection Units: Meters False Easting: 0, False Northing: 0