Southern Agricultural Research Institute Agricultural Growth Program II Crop Research Progress Report (Feb
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* A AGRICULTURAL G GROWTH P PROGRAM — Southern Agricultural Research Institute Agricultural Growth Program II Crop Research Progress Report (Feb. 2016 - Mid 2018) Hawassa August 2018 Southern Agricultural Research Institute Agricultural Growth Program II Crop Research Progress Report (Feb. 2016 - Mid 2018) Hawassa August 2018 The report is technically compiled and edited at regional level by: Waga Mazengia Otoro Olkie Yeyes Rezene Shitaye Chebula Agdew Bekele AGP-II Focal Persons who compiled at center level: Tesfaye Tadese Derebe Gemiyo Mekete Girma Kebede Gizachew Walellign Wotro Temesgen Laligo Donors and oartners Acknowledgements The progress report of crop research activilies included in this document was conducted in 35 AGP II woredas from 2016 to 2018 funded by the World Bank and other partner donors supporting Agricultural Growth Program II (AGP-II) through Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resource of Ethiopia. The contributions of SARI Research Center Directors, Work Process Coordinators and Researchers were very important to implement the research activities. AGP II woredas and zonal departments of Agriculture and Natural resource supported the implementation of the research at kcbclc level. Moreover, South Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), Bureau of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) regularly reviewed and monitored the planning and the overall implementations of activities. Moreover, the publication of this document was supported by the World Bank and other partner donors. Table of Contents Contents Page Acknowledgements....................................................................................................iii Table of Contents................................................. .......... ......................................... iv List of tables.................................................................................................................ix Tables Page........................... .................. ................................................................................ix List of figures......................................................... .....................................................xii INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1 I. PROGRESSES OF CROP RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN 2016/17............................ 3 1. Effect o f maize common bean intercropping on land use efficiency and yield of component crops under conventional and conservation tillage practices........................................................................................3 2. Participatory evaluation o f improved high land and mid land maize varieties.......................................... 4 3. Adaptation o f unproved lowland maize vaneties in different locations of SNNPR................................. 6 4. Adaptation o f improved midland maize varieties in Basketo special and Melokoza woredas............... 9 5. Adaptation and demonstration o f improved highland maize varieties in south western parts of SNNPR...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 6. Evaluation and demonstration o f integrated weed management methods for the control of weeds in maize..........................................................................................................................................................................12 7. Determination of irrigation interval for maize under small scale irrigation.............................................13 8. Demonstration of push-pull technology for control o f maize and sorghum stalk borer in South Omo Zone (maize in Dcbub Ari and sorghum in Bennatsemay woreda)................................................................13 9. Effect of legume double cropping and N-fcrtilizeT application on yield and yield components of maize......................................................................................................................................................................... 14 10. Adaptation of improved lowland/mid land sorghum vaneties in south western parts of SNNPR.... 15 11. Evaluation of different weed management practices for controlling Acanthospemm hispidium on sorghum yield and yield components...................................................................................................................16 12. Adaptation of improved sorghum vaneties for lowland areas o f Basketo special and Melokoza woredas.....................................................................................................................................................................17 13. Storage pest management options for sorghum and maize in South Omo Z one................................ 19 14. Adaptation trial o f lowland rice...................................................................................................................20 15. Promotion o f finger millet variety in moisture stress areas o f Benatsemay woreda...........................21 16. Effect o f barley-wheat-faba bean- field pea rotation on performance of wheat in South Omo zone 22 17. Adaptation and demonstration of improved bread wheat varieties......................................................... 22 18. Evaluation and demonstration of integrated weed management methods for the control of weeds in wheat.........................................................................................................................................................................26 19. Adaptation of improved food barley variety in South Omo zone........................................................... 27 20. Determination of appropriate nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rate under different seed rate for food barley...............................................................................................................................................................28 21. Adaptation and demonstration of improved malt barley varieties in high land area of Kala Zone ..31 22. Adaptation and demonstration of improved tef varieties in Bench Maji Zone..................................... 31 23. Participatory variety selection of recent tef varieties.................................................................................31 24. Adaptability test of recent laba-bean varieties............................................................................................32 25. Participatory evaluation of improved faba-bean varieties.......................................................................33 26. Participatory variety selection and adaptation trial of faba-bcan.............................................................36 27. Participatory evaluation of faba-bean for adaptation and grain yield.....................................................39 28. Evaluation on faba-bean variety against chocolate spot and rust...........................................................39 29. Adaptation and demonstration o f improved faba bean varieties in South Omo zone.......................... 40 30. Participatory evaluation/selection of recently released chickpea varieties and adaptation trial......... 41 31. Adaptation trial of released chickpea varieties for yield and disease and insect resistant.................. 45 32. Evaluation of field pea varieties for grain yield and adaptation............................................................ 46 33. Screening of chemicals against sesame seed bug on sesame in South Omo zone............................... 47 34 Participatory varietal selection of improved sesame varieties................................................................48 35. Sesame variety adaptation and demonstration............................................................................................50 36. Effect o f seed rate on yield and yield components of sesame.................................................................. 51 37. Effect o f inter and intra- row spacing on yield and yield attribution of sesame (Sesamum indicium L.) in Benna Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia.............................................................................................52 38. Evaluation of improved tomato varieties under irrigated agriculture in South Omo Zone. Benatsemay Woreda..............................................................................................................................................54 39. Evaluation of improved onion varieties for bulb production under irrigation...................................... 54 40. Effect of organic fertilizer application and spacing between plants on growthand yield of banana in Melokoza woreda, Southern Ethiopia.................................................................................................................55 41. Adaptation o f improved banana varieties................................................................................................... 55 42. Evaluation of improved potato varieties and fungicides application for the management o f late blight potato fPhytophthora infestans, (Mont) de Bary] in Southern Ethiopia............................................56 43. Participatory variety sclcction of potato varieties.......................................................................................59 44. Study o f the adaptability o f hybrid and open pollinated