¥or Conflreii lly 11I/irjre tnd KntlmHaitlc Tlis tif Frrrliuld^ri' ConilulKee W ill I h o r t F s ^ a p h a of th* Wharcabools of Vl*lt South Ainhoy on Labor Day und Carry Tha l-'reclioliler* to MieadamlM .. ; , CunvoitMo'i VMtsrday* »a h e Hucti ■ KeL'ummelldftUon, aoiua orourFauvl^VUlioii in Towd. . o ff tlie ) l o a u r i. , Mttlu ItrMt-DlllsPald, ( Tlie re-iioniiiiatiou or Hon. Iteitjamlti Al • rrcent ueetiig ol Ibe Uoaril nl P. A. Sobeuck of Brooklyu waa in South Amboy was in holiday attire A special meetlug of the Borough : V, Howell for Congress by tlie Republi­ FreelioMeri it vts votrd tbat tbeoona- towu Batuidaj. oo Monday, Visiting flremea with Council wa.. beid Tueaday evruiug Ih cans of the Third Uctrict was marie yes­ t j »onlil cnt liprrnftrr bnild un j worn Miss Mabel Stillwell fa spcodiog a their Rppsratua from neighboring tbe Town Hall. Tbia ana became tb* terday at New Jlruuswick by acclamation. alone road., bnt tliat lunojoipaHtiea nr week at Metueben. towns drew a large crowd of people look of n (inuinm inat Friday night,r , Former Assemblyman K. \V. Ulcka of towD.bipa WBDtiug itoue ruadi abould tbero. so J tbe red and tylua shirts snd Mi*a Anna Fiulay of Kew York it a uliin the Mayor aud twu Cuuuoilinea Middlesex made tlie nominatiii^ speech build Item n niW a lav paated la.t brass bands amused the people after and AKsetnblyiuan A. II, Lyon of the same gaeet of Miss Wackey. were preteut. At tbe mrctlDg Tu(.dar;i, wiuter, sbioh pnls tbo lmrd«n ol tbe they got tbere, Destdos tbe local do* uigbt Mayor Vau Wiokie eoj Council- county also made a speech in seconding Bliss Vsnnny of Prinoetoa is visiting it. Monmouth, through Hon. Ii. 8. coat of tbe road U|ion Ibe mimleipalitr partmeiit oompauirs from Perth Am* meu CI010, Keuuody anil Shepbeiit ‘ White of Red .HnnU, and Somerset, hy or lovoabfp bnildintf aurb rnad. ber sister, Mrs. Giwsrd Farry, hoy, Now Bntuswiok, Freehold, Key* uuewereil tbo roll call, - . 1 . Hon, Charles Place, also seconded the Vrtnr to ibe ailn(>Mou ol tbia r.aotu* Mrs. H. II. Longetreet returned port and MatavkU took part in tbe Tbe folluwiog billa wero paaaed; nomination, Mr, Howell wns brought tlnu Fref bolder Oloie of tbia town.bi|i Mouday from herEntojiean trip. parade. Thero were Are bauds there, C. R. <> t . j i' i before tlie convention amid tumultous np* ^oi a motion carried b j tbe Board tbat 49 Hod. FI. S. Little___ ...... left Tuesday .for s also, nod a btiglo aud drum corps, , \\\ A. Close;.'------3 — dauseend he accepted the honor con* Hiiab |itrt ol tbu conutj road wbich ea- irted at 11 u^luuk aud' hi. a , i_o ft r a il wpow Mitt In tv tciwntnute address,) 4 tu0 liniki)iiinko Miolr’’aiioiVliiiprfveiiient,'lielnit..... *...... iiliout....* Prior to the convention hour tlu> Mon* of„Het ia(b piopufljr owner bald, , ’JW Je.ao H, Miokliia apeut part (if laat rsngMiieiit of Ihe im‘trvA* snob Ihsl one mul uiie.lB.imlf...... tuliet. lfi'Wii)o»4/w»a a lilll* otar 8,» wrek with lila daughter, Mra. W. H, nvery slturiisto shirt was a rod and cniml-.lciiillnu of aiicli liilprovctiieunwe named,tba representatives for the wiveral 001) loot Mid It w4 uroraHif .Id h*f« Hlljkor, at Marlboro, tdm> oue, uo matter which way onu agree tu nppi'iipriata!tlivrefiii' imd pay b» committees, The eimcus orpniied Iiy tlm Hie euuaeiila nl tUual (<*1 Mi- looked, ; lliu Cuiinty Colloctoi; iiiaiu tile cuili|ile. selection of Ilfiity S.AVHilcofRrd liimk Mr. aud Mra, it, \V, Liijitou of I’.rtli (mo Ilm application wvillil be lu |>rppt'r Amlioy wore gueata nf Mr, M il Sira, Tho trnok wm dsviild of nny orua* Iloll of lilt wild liupHHTini'111 Ibe mull of na chairman nml Hen}. If, H, Jtrowu nf mvntstioii, idbor than F. 0 . Itodlo .uu oiie-trmli of tlie nupcu^e Imjiiiitd III iiwk-. MttUiwatt ct«* MCtulwy, Tha fulluuhig Iuuii, , Fred Liipton un Hnmlay, ; Frifliulilur p liiw ^ad ljMU iiuajr for ouu end and W« K. Airowsruilh ou the Inn tlie mtiie. was agreed upon without contest: lt.r, riawreiuun Ooirellof'l'itiiavlllu l'lio roauliitinu wa* aucundod Iiy Mr. Vlce.WtR!t!t‘iU~Hon, S, W, Klikbrlde, lo r t m lU^a atouiliiK, itm tiiitiaturv. lor ami Miaa Lottie 1'owuall aro viaitlng «l other. Ths former hold Ilm rihlmtis llio lead aud twb«D tlm ooiuuiHt.a mot atW hi'd to Arrowsmltb llrothurs lour Olnao aud enrtluil, Ulork Uodgcm *a* Aalmry yark.a • ... . > * tlio Metlindiat I’arioiiagn, Honorary Bocrclury—R. W, Herbert, io Iwil tba nainu. uf owui'ra reiireaellt- LnitidHomu horses, whllo Mr. Airnw- Inairuotud tn aeml a (ierllded eupy to Wickntunk,1 < !ng in it I I , 000 lent. Tlila petition Miaa Vlrgluia Monlell ami Alberta smith guided tho trnok wllh the wheel tho Hoard nl Friiiiliblilirt prrvloui tn Hesolutlons-J. T. Rosellt I'mdml*!. wiih Ilm uue Fittoluildcr Fairy bail oil- Nurdi'll nf I'oitii lllon are vialting Toil tiehiud. Thn horses were *h» Ihiost lu tlu'lr iii'nt inriitlng. ' ' ‘ I'ennnttenl Ortfntdintlim^d, S, l,Tu n Is/ r tho paradv tho visiting uom* right ami propor, Iteu.ntly Im took was nmmiwd tlml if I would serve 1 former (Jli'iiwuoil aliuloula wurn in 'Ibu drool la Iblrty-two leet wide III psiilus woro takon nsrn of, Hmnn wore donation lo tutu twu kllla paaaml Iiy woulil not hnve tn make n spreeli. Tills tuwu over Huuday, Whllo horo they (lie liil.luoaa |wil ul town alul a lllllu given a hot dlniiAr, whilu olliora had the Cloillifll anil al Ibo luocllng uf tbe is to l>e a bmdnewidlkft convention, mid It wore gni'alaattbuTualltille. it not necessary fur nn1 to miy.much, t narruwur al oilier |iiilnt«, W llli a siindwtuhva atid l>t*er. (t foil tu thn Ooiinnll laal wm k Ilm lillla acio pnawil wimt to tell yon, though, (hat wr have niaoailain mad nf finirleoii lonl anil fill- Mra. A. II, Ifoutlurtuii uf Hronklyii lot of onr deiisrtniMit to take ssnd* oter Ihn vein, ovury member voting some uldo spflftkers here who will mhtveiw ||»* uf nifihl fret tliiiro will lu> left lull la rL llliin imr ainrnntH, Air, aud Mra. wlohes and wlillo the varlotv wm not fur Ilium. you Inter. We have mel heir to naunt Inn ft'Ot— live feul on eaeli alilu uf llio 0 , A, Oiirau. Mr, lleiidciauu apeut largo tho qum llty wss suflloiunt to up* Thn Mayor wna tlau uf tlm upltiluu the candidates of lliu people of this i IIn* ruail— wliieli lha |irn|mrty'OWiiora ur Hiiuilny and Labor Day liure, peasn Ihelr np|i(itlt«is. . llit i Ibn .treet aprlnkllng wta mil be­ trict for Congress, ami we will proceed to Iiui'uiikIi wilt nn dmilil batu iiiillt at tlra, U', H, Llak and Mlaa Oeoolla Tlm apparatuses were hauled over business nt once," ing ilium amiordiiig to uoiilimit, Ile lliu lime lliu oouuly bullila lla pari uf llailny are Mupplug It Oucall (Irnve. hy four horstMoaeh. Thntlremon nn> iiniiaoil t nut Km tu iieaiirnul upon tlie The orgunlwllon of the convention win llio road. dvr Chief Hnutt took Iho train duo here completed hy thu comities uiutilng ilieir Mr. Llak nupeola lu Juln hia wlio Him* W'ntnr Ouiuinlttee to atnp til work In repreNcnhitlves on the several committees, Tin' oonatrnoliun uf llila road ou tbo on Halurdny anil rolliru uu Miillilay. st 10:10 nud relumed al A grent Ihat illiiiolloii. 'i lm W iler CiiliilillttiM ornwd of ptntplo wont by tho train aud afler which a fnotloti prevailed londlotmi plan outlined will ( liu Matawan «noi> Mra, sliilm Lynn aud family ol Now Ignored tlm nullin', uliuienjiuu tlio Handing room wss almost a premium until i MO Iti order that Die committee* oi'lli'iil tliurnilRlifari', II will lie* uai- Vork Mill'd ou Mouday from l']nru|ii', ni Maynratnpiuiil the engluu tm l luuk.il lur ul eiioliijiny lu tlio ouuiily lu build either In or mitaldu the oars jtut hefori' might gwl their reiwhi ready, wliero lliry liarn been apoudlug tliree up Ilm w tltr pltul. The atopp.go wta li, aa Ilm maliileuauou uf lliu ruad lu lit thn traiu loft tho station. upon reassembling the reporls were inuntlia. Mra. Lyuii la Ilm alater uf fur * aburt lime only, t. tb* look wm adopted its presented. Senator C. A, Heed prcaout aliapn ouala Ibo ouiinly pretty The unglne oorupsny wss In ohsrge of Somerset was ntiule |Mirmaneut ctuUv* W. II, Wymlia nf ttiia plaoo, bruken auil tb* ounlraotur direeteil lo oluae In 8 1,mil) a year ami urim Ibeu it nf Assistant Foroniun Walter (^inokuti* ouiillnili) lila work, A l the aamu tlmu mnn nnd he made nn address Adi of fiictu la hardly paaaatilo at oerlalu tlmo< ill Mlaa Olivo Uroon auil Arlbtir W. btisli and David Huydam. Thu book upou Aeccptiug the ifcwllion, n(\er which llio Mayor waa uullllmt Ihal tbo ouo- Ilm year, When Ibe Bounty road I. Hnydor uf Mlauna, Conn., auil Mlaa aud Isddorvorttpauy had Aotlug Fore­ tlie coniillcB were ciilled for iionilnatlons, Oarllor anil 0 . 'l’houiaa F, X, Oraliam traot waa between the Gunnell auil Ibo reiuUlitK lu Mr. Howell's uuuiluuliou Iiy rery guud iu Marlburo luwuabln fu III* man «?amsi Crioe In oommaud and his eoutraotur atul that ho thuuUl uiiko early a p tlu i uu« oau piiali a llat-bot- ul Now York liavo boou apeuillug a tow asslstsut 11. Lewis Prcsloib Olto 7M w ncchuiintiou. ilaya with Mlaa Hnydor al I'fomail, cuin|ilalut liefor* Ih* Ooltnoll auil not loinud bual lu Ib* b u iin m iiinlian al- mvrmaii was the foreman of Washing* to aaaiitno all ilm reapuuallility, I>tl M d llrnko \h v Arm* rnual a half milu III Ibo middle of Ibo William VanlVIt uf New York, who Ion tingino Oo. No, 2. —— - —— ta relitoil tu tho Vanl’olt fntnilloa hero* ■ ■ ■ ...... a Hr, K«lo Btsutou of SoheueoUdjr, alt*«l, atiil Ihi* cuDillliun of tffaln la Obituary Notea, N, Y ., ii ou » visit to roUllvvs hi tills unlietalile tery many tlme* iu III* atioiitr, wia liure ou Tiioadayaud vialt- Zm i if Ohraalo DlarrhMi AfUr Thirty Klmcr H,, Iho ulnc-woiiki old aou of oonntv. At preteht alio la with Mr, ouun* uf Ibe year. ed ilaeuti U. Tire. Tlila wta Mr. Vtu Y«ara af 8affiH«a. Elmer U, aud Nuut Applegato illcJ 'kad Mra. J. 0 . Ootmvor of thia place, A* almutt etert uu* knowa that eter I’elt’a Ilrat tlalt hero in or*r teU yeara. " I lulTered fur thirty yoirs wltli Monday morning after au iliui'tt lu t ­ Mrs. Hlnntou is blind but nisnaies to ipoit mucli tlnio lo Malawau, tbere ii Mr. aud Mr.. William Frank auil diarrhoea aud thought I wai psst beiug ing Ibreo week., The btliy wa* tb* get arouud somo without rwalitatos. bill one (treat Ihal gnea fruiu uuo oud daughter Teaalo of N'ew Yurk, Mr. anil aired," aaya Jobu tt. lialloway, of only ohllil ol Mr. nud Mr.! Appleg.t*, L u t Friday aho'ftttomptod lo go tn tbe of llw town lu tlio other, and tbal la Mia. Dtala and (laughter of Uelfuril, Freuoh Oaiop, Mlaa, " I had speut so Tho funeral alia hold Weiln . aud Diarthoea llemedy, and altar tsk* Tlm luoal paper la aiippnaod to jirint togfitbor very quickly. Tlio road la uieil alouat aa nmob by ing Woduesday of last week by Mr. ing several bottles f am onllroly nurod *11 Ihu none, Imt If tbo piilillaliiir rc.lduoli of Marlboro tnd Holniitel and Mrs. Chfirlna Qimektmhush near of that troable, T am so pleased with printed all Ilm ilrnuke, tor*p«, family - tdlU r'i'Xw fir Pllflhl. luwnalilpa aa by Matawau puuple, nuil Wiekstuuk. Mr. VanKIrk had always Ihu result thst I »m auxioue that It ho rnukola, otu., what a liowl Ihero would F. M. UlgKins» Editor Scncca (til.,) wlilld Ihu ttuDo road will iirlmarlly lio mado his homo with Mr. (^iisekmibiish in* reach of all who suffer as I have*" ho, You never know the telnu uf, u Nows, wss aflllctcd for years wllh |>llos of bouefll lo tlio people here, it will aud wss regarded as ouo of tlielr owu. For aalo by A. Iloll. liniiio paper until yon want aiimetlilng tbat no doolor or romodf helped until piotu of greater buuellt In lliuaij wlio Thorn wero shout sixty guests nroscnt kopl uul of ita uolimillti then tliu uilll- he trted Uttokleu'a Arnica Halve, the lito off llio ruad bul wbo aru obliged lu aud they had a vory agruualdu time. A R«o«lv«4 ur it tho boat follow In towu, boat in tbo world. He writes, two uau II, anil we aru uol aurpitaed Ihal sumptuous dinner wss spread, to whloti lu ll boxes wholly otirod him. TufalHhlo tliu Froubuldera uf Marlliuru, lluiiuilol simple Justice wss done. Iwn oarloads of yoarllug and twieym- for nlltiR.' Cure gnaTsntoed, Only 2C>o, aud llaritan tuivualilpi aru aa heartily Among those present wero Mr, nnd old mixed esltlo from HI. Lawronee A Powder Mill Enplgillft , Hold ty Frank 11, Hlntnr, driiHRlst, for Ilm road aa ia Froohuldiir Uloae uf Mrs. 0, A. derail and Mr* aud Mrs. Oottniy» N. Y. Htate. For salo or ex* removiia urorytliiug lu tighli an ilo tlila tuwnablp, W* L. VanHrnut of this plaoo, olisugu at my plaee, Jiiiwer Main HI, ilraatlu mlii«rtl ),il)I*. bul bntli tro i ' ' '■ ■ i ■ . . , fVbruitry l!dt IHOtl. At thia point II mlglil be null lu liltn- m * Gllfl, TitNKMAttllt,' J h , mighty iltiiguriilia, n o bmiil tu ilvun- Ai.va’r Hraxiuan Npkuino On,— tluii tbal llio lltiruiiglt Ooimnit puaaml Tha Bpanlih Vloa-Ooniul 8|Maki. 111II11 ynnr timly whoii'DrV R ing'. Naw Houn and store far Hint. For sovt'rnl ynarn I snlTorod a reioliition Tneailoy night aaklug tlio O lim i, (Molior I, IflHO lilfu I’llla (In tlm work ao enaily t n d 1 froiu IndlRralloii mid il)>ttcj»8ln. I w a s Tho Lambert nropurly on Mslu Hoard nl Frootiuldera t« build Ihe roail 1 enrtlfy, with nil foriiiiillU, Ilml from tiiirfoollr. Ouri'a lii'«diiolif,'(iiiiiNll|)n- undur canstunt tmntmunt. from diiTnr* titruel far tout. Ilouao has H rooms, and agreeing tu *ppr(i|iriatu leu per niiraonnl Hiiiitvleilun Ibo inni!Uilimiiiaih' llilll, Only Ull aoll!* at Frank II, mil nhyslnlnus, tuiiUludliiK i\o roliof I by Dun Hn ii ion AI vu, mill kimwn na fiargu store, Hum nml frnlt. Inimedt* aunt of Ita o a t and pay oror lo llio Hlater'a drug atom. 1 1 ' wont to Kiiropt’, nnd hi I'nris was tronl* " 1'lui tlnotiia lllonil Ouro," purllle* Ihu atu |/ossesslou. Call st JoiihNAO olDee. Hi by n ajunrffttlst. in Mumnch diseasM, oo lint/. U’li I a rtlluvutf tlio proporty- lllonil, mill Ilii-rnfoni uurea rmlliwlly lliu who also fnlli’d tn imilu* n «urn. Twtt owiiuia along tlio lino nf thu ruad finin liillrmltloa whlnli nrlau frum liiipiim Softool Ohlldnn montlis tho I hom'd of (he (hintus Dloml lining amL'Kiml aooorillug to Ilieir front- lllonil. KUHMIIItiO {l(IN/,AM'!H. A Parish P rln l'i Cerllflcsii- Oertlflfld lo llilll get tliolr «ii|i|illi‘a at tlm alitlluuory Ouro MtU doU’rmlnod to try It* After agd Ion |iur n u t uf lla onat, an required ' Vliiii.Oiuiaiil of H|iitin hy Iho Arohhlihepof Mm IoHi niiuiilor at ilm |ioali>nioo, Tablota frum tukiiiK hoUli'H i wns uuriul. J mu Hold by A, Iloll,(IruKgltt, I nimt up; rulori l oi utttpi pmmllal by tlm Inw under wliloli iliin mad it (o 1,, ..lirmillllllpitrnulihil Jlllinipriest andllilll |MMHUHIIIKV||>IMeuideslasfleiil ohiy too Rind tnrminmwmlflnvnUinldo uout up, cuiiy iiiiok., otriuliioi greon u medittlim to tlmeo udlhUed with tho bnlll, Jutl,|ui of OidayiitOi'lnyu, HiiituHtnto illof tluiinitluillo;MuatmluiUc lMkiif'. Unmly Mnntlnr (ur |munl\innl liiwtiyiv I'crlHy('frl)ry tlml.tlml' I kuiiiCauvernlkiiiuvnnvefni peii.pei ur blank Ink, puna, otf, . ' snmu dlmosi*.—I'. KIT^HIALMONH, 101 Tliu oniuiutltuo will repnrt lu tliu bleyclo Urim nt A. Jloll'a, iy«at:JWth8twPt» Hoard of Ficuhuldeia non I Wuilucailay pin who Imvu linen oiimil Iiy lliu Dnoliia llliiiiil Uiirn. 11. rnilliinlly mul eiri'iiliinl.' Houn ror Itont ■ ' flnhl ln Matnwmi Iiy A. Iloll. m il if tliu rupnit la limirnbly rooolvuil Kidney I’lllm, u Mifu, Miro ntul apuliily ly illaiinlaiill Inipiirlllna nl tlm lllonil. 1(1 rooma, gdoil euiullilnil, imainaaluii aii oiiftlnoer will bo iimiolutod, wbuau aurn,nb A; llull’i. ' , m N (JO Ml UONtWUA, ...... I’liruitlilnl .Oolunihln HoaIIiiu I’owiler fnr old duty It will bo tu gel tno tpooinoatluiit gltnn In Nuvotubor, Udivtril Ttylur, soros, aaddlu nnd ooHnr Hull ntA. Ihdl's J’rlosL nud Knolealnallelil illlllgO Ilf tuaily fur tlio roail luiildera io but upou, Hlimrl.'a niid otliiir ilyaiioiiaiu tnlilut* Oelnyii h ntA, Hull'll, , ' 11'' '''( , Uufd n( A, ilull'a Drug Htiirn II,nni) Jh iih h t Dun Dnvlt Applo nuil Kn'iioli'n llotunli) Hunt Mdpr Kxtrnot Kolitor, Poor, Troo«,«iJ,. Wiiitmiiiii, nl A. ^ > KSff, Btnro and Nnt Con), 81.(15 por Holla, 'Sllirtoi'Aiit'i 'riusiiollooJauiiiMlwitli lu Mutdwou, Ni J, l ioU) Foil, £ 1.4(1 por taut ' i\ ilull'a. ! > by.(A* iieii* i/. 1 , i( j. \&o h « Largo Crops. j U ?rk HoaeeKlptato*. Tbo I'aaiHly Tax Kate. l « J ...... « l...... T b ii H ere »re eome ronmrkoblo] Tlie impression tfoutrally ^retailed The County lloard of Aaaesaon met nt !& Dfw rlfl|»v.>INw iiiil uHfrba.f N m3 jifthU of fruit in d regetobleo tUU yeor tbal ton Fraoboldere toted trceijtly to Prcrhold uu Tucaduy and fi*ed the tux , rat* for the cuudttg year. The comity tax ■ - aiit^H lsiaatia I. ; . ■. M evident from tbe nowepoper iietun *recl * 900,000 bridgo i t Heabrigbt r4l*n t*rfc'n - . L A W OFFUCB OM 3 ntc tbia yrar ia ln.03 oil lust yv«| T .« Oim IIM ...... trots varfooooeotione of tbo county. Iu order tbat tbe public uiiftbt kmr**l...... ATTOItNEV AT LAW, 8QIJCITOR AND I)kar Sih Tbe article ii| your laat ia^ [fl'ityeur. Many of tbe inland towns show in jii* i c h ...... Talley. L u t Tburad»y be brungbt & a decrease in valualiou. Those abowiiiK ■ Ia U r .n l...... MAHTKU IN cnANOEIlY, ■ ' yirco of a branch tbat wu only sii sue lipmlcd “ Dintirre and Couuiy UriuM a l ii lu l ou MorriitQWU anrtes loog aud wbicb contained U*n* is crrtninly mialeadin^. - No reaoUtiou waa o Ite red or adopted to Atlantic, #S,ooo; Katontown, #40,000; r«»d. adjoluloj 4. U. Mred. , NOTAIIT PUBLIC, ...... t 7 *DBe apples. He olio brongbt two rebuild the Seahriylit bridge, n o r was Ilolmdei, #9,000; Manalnpan, ^14,000; CtiirNH. Jllirto- • • >i t .? , T a i ilua W i ...... Matawan -».» • New Jeraoy larger apple*—each measuring ivelve tliereany suyxestiou made tu raUs on Matawan, ftiLooo; Marlboro, 167,000; iuebe* aronod tbem aud weighing a enier^eiiry ftmd o rf60,000, tior any other Millstone, 117,000; Upper I'reelfflfd, #25,­ T a i (tn* 10*9...... HENR v T. TERMUNE, , , aoQil. They were of tbe Coutilrjr Amount for that purnoie, a t ‘the meeting 000, The boroughs aud towns allpaTrig a decreased value ure; Asbury Park, | i 4.* U w li ...... ATTOltNEY AND CO0N8ELLOB AT LAW, SJog variety. of the noard rtfemnl to, as thenaiuutes of Dfwerli'tkon.—tx>t nn C arturt 01., adjvlii|u| 000; Atlantic Highlands, $43.°°°; Bradley llllllard Low, . W illiam Wlutertoo baa to eieeptioo- that meeting will show. . . Bench, 147,000; Hnglisbtown, |a,ouo; Solicitor and Master in Chanoerr, <■ 1 •all/ Urge yield watermelono. Tbe Tlie following is au abstract, to w tl; William kMI»r— ' "M r. Snrder offtre a»U folly 3,000 melons from it. Ho b u That tlie Seabrlgbt bridge £30,000; Howell, fi,ooo; Neptune, fSj,- Desmtptlnn.—Lol ou uifutou OL, tdjtilarBS “ Rcsjlvni) 1355 tray, Long itatuob. . already aent a carload of about 700 is in Ruclt a coiHlition or dilapidation and 000; Ocean, ,000; Raritan, |a5,oook Hltlury Ackar, ‘ ; - melons aud bai another cariimd picked decflv that a new bridge is a public ueces* Shrewsbury, #55,000; Wall, fj.ooo; Mid­ Umrirlli livirniv- ; . E, W. ARROWSMITH, t, dletown (including the borough of High* l a i dim 1808 ______ready for tbe market. Hia Ural &bip* sity,1’ land) ^30,000. The borouglis showing an meut brought bim SIS per 100. Un motion the resolution was adopted. Tai dH «T w ZV .""^.r.Z™ ^r. Mr. Hardy moved “ thntftcomuiiUee be increnoe are: Allentown, $30,000; Allen* tuu 1TTOUNET AT LAW,^ Sir, Wiutextou uut ouly bM a Urge hurst, £90,000; nelniar, |62,ooo; Mana o«aia ...... a Ul •crop of watormeloQR but bit peacb appointed by the Uin-ctor to get au esti’ Duct 1(1 ion,-Hon* aud Imw* laud atlauiia , • mate of the cost to repair tbe Seabright squau, fj.ooo; Mntawan, jSi.oorj (an ill* Ave., adjoining Ww. Llllle But, ' orchard exoels any we bare seen. He crease of over ia percent]; Seabright, EllttPflrior— : ; : i .: ' ... . •• ;. Bolloltor and Muster In ChoowV^'iH^ bridge aud the coat of a new bridge;” Tai «lu« 18» ______1 flO 4 i» about 400 trees oud expects to mar seconded by Mr. Buck and agreed to #59,000; Spring Lake $12,000. The Borough of Deal hud its assessment Iutrrcat...... ___...... -• S3 •bot ' 3,001) bMikeU. Ou Muoduy be unanimously by tbe Roard. ’ C<»»U T—_____TT.i,4„ f.„ U ...... r;i i (0 ♦ * . * Freehotd. * ••hipped 400, Tuesday uearly tbe eatne, In pursuance of llie motiou the Director nearly doubled by the County Board. Deaei ii>tloii.--Lof oa treat aids of Attaatio .. > Last year it was fe66,ioo and this year it Aztiiue.______;---:__ ^ P . P, VAN P E VENTEP.^ JP wbile TFHtardrtff bw aunt norsy flflfl hfl«lt .appointed the-stnndf---- fld rs H a m r Wal»ara— f • bridge to act in the mntter. Ul be #1,200,000. •eta. Hia peaeliea are of tbe Btump, T a i dllf 1HW ATTOBNCY AND COUNSELLOIl AT LAW." On m otion the committee was empow­ The Matawan Increase iu largely due to Albeit* aud Chair's Choice varieties, the assessment ofthe bank surplus at its Inlnrcat....—______Tb«* is & ered to employ an engineer, i fiollcltor and Vaster in Cboqceryh:' ■ latter M e peaob, Iiulliediately proceeding the afternoon full value aud to the building and loan Deicrlption — Uo u m id i! i^atTioluliTg^lira* From outj>qnarter of ao acre of #0Mi Jemey CHr. N. J . - . Boonoi potutot'i. declaring That it ia the aeuae of the UEIUVP’S HALE.—Uy virtue of 11 writ ot 11. QENJAMIN B. (HJDEN, Mr. Tunis Deofseis digging potatoes people assembled that a new bridge • is fu.io* * inodirvi'tct!,...... tmtuuiioutiiud' nrthw Court Wltuea* iu.T I aod tbla 16th day of July, IW), w ’ of Chanwry of tlio Htntu of Now J/*rwy, -of tbe Peerlena variety tbut are jieldiog needed at Seabri^Ut; that tlie present 1 WILLUM A. VOUMTAIM. Collector, uilt)»fl(>X|xwrH to Mtl« nt |>ul>lli* vciuliK', on Matavau. h. J, COUNSELLOR AT LAW,; ' '.. 181) barrels to the aore, Tbia ia bard bridge ia dnnnroua oud totally inndequnte WEDMSMVAV.11 bV.IU ’ U n i) thet <«> TESTlfday4 M 1 H !!(<)' urof (K(HTFOlfKlL lll/llb lh xnuo, tiotwopn tli» tiourx <*f Iwimvc o'cUt-k nnd io believe but it fo tbetrutb.—/Vee/joM to accommodate the trafTic over it." ■ Master lu ObAnQery, Notary Publio,', Aato tlie “bridge dinner,” I see no llvooVlot'k (ntthrwi uVlin-kK lu ttw u fto m o o ti JiH p ilre r, «»f Mild d.iy. nt tho Mijlnwnii IIoum* nt Matawan BEA80IT OT lOOO. snecinl ni^niflcance In tliat, aa It hns been In tin* tinviiHlilp cf Matuwnn, luunty «if lli»n< Uomuiisalooor of Deeds, N, Y., ” W e would bo pleased to bear from tlie custom for Mr. Kemp, from “ lim r nmutli. Nuw Jnn»«>'. ■ay farmer wbo bas beeo more euooooa linm cinorial," almost, to give nn aumtal ytr*t T ni"t.“ l!o(iiL' In tin* tr»wn«bln ot Mutn. - ■ ■■‘'■>, K o y w r t , ;M ^ fu! wltb liropa tbau Jobu Jobuaou of w un,liilliiiiHinntyof Monnioiith nml Htnto of dinner to tiie county ofncials und the ><mi 1 Iio W fnto rly M ilo n l (lit* ilu to * PATRICK J. DOLAN. , f ih,it.-I 'V u n iiitk r. n t a J. 1). H onch, [Ntjht In tin* n ilild liH if llio U utn w iin n n d I I j I iii* . v i r >• * 1 foliooiug from 120 aorea: OftGbuebel* ilol Tiiriiiiikc, It tx'lntr tlm nnrthi'iiHt is»riu*r nf, ■ol wheal, 1,083 bnabel* of ryr, 770 Clerk of tbe Hourd. tho hu wnlt'li wiih foriiti-rly ntvui'd tiy Jattdi 11, ATTOllNKlf.AT.UW AND BOLIOITOR - lusbola of otto, 50 loot of ry« atraw, tttN>lli>y n n d n o w l>r tliu w ild L n 'ln lu K. Ithg. ilUtiuu two tim in g Hixty*f«iUt uud ono< IN C11AN0KUY, ’ IS tom of o il alraw, aud 30 ton* of New Velrran Aaavcluliou, hull llnkM mi u iNiurMtMM thn mvilk* imw iminta Hoitih tlnrtf'fik itotfin'H Iwonl)’ ndnutoH vnut Oflloei su Uwyor's Uulldlng^v 'j'- > wbrat Frtthoftl Tranwrlpt* Ou Wadncaday ovoniug of laat weuk fn>in tin' iu>rtlii'u»l i*onu*rof llie m«w ilw*lltuir John Lawrence, ao early truck farm tbe Oeoeral William O. Oata Camp, hi'UHtiliUi'ly i»h*i*ttu| by llio tmld t'otiklliitf jhi "" ' ■ ••• Nnwm r N , 1^ . • I sear Baodoabofo, baa all bis oropa Spauiab American War Vttvrau'o Ao* itii'Milil Wnollcy lot, nnd niiinlnu tlu'ii^'iiB liy it utirwy m i i I iiiHi>|iirtdi) hy Alfivd Witllliitf tor '4 a r reeled aud baa added 11,000 to bis ooeiation waaorgauiaedat Kei|»orl witb P. LCiHl<, the inlu'm' ut said tnmtnko ua tbn DAOONIB, 2:19%, ImqI tm*dl«...... ilu'ii |H>intlmhii Hkty-fou W IU , STAND KOft YIIK SKASON AT DENTAL 8UIEOEON, , ...... - unnbtir, Tbo otllovra eloptcd uro ai nko to u I'orinr iHthi'jmrf ofthe lol No. I am WRINWOOD FARM, nuw oivneil by Erin A. fiumi: thmu'ti lv) Mouth OrntMi , 1 lk« l>tly Jurors, follow*: -■xty^Udi'ifiviiN thirty nduutoH wont miiu cIiuim (formerly Cnrnion I'arm), near xty^ibn llnkM to nitothur ooninr ul Imi wtltl N . J . Oor. lirood and Church Bis.,' ? : 1 'TU&PoUy Juvoyi for tbe October Cnp\ntn~-H. O. Itwer. IMuilai>>tt‘ ‘ ‘ t tlicno«lsl|*mlloltlioni'«(3l|mmUoi wllli muiI...... i WICKATUNK, Kirnt l,ientrtirtiit-K. H, While, lilki'aimthlwitiity'twiMii'uri^iblilyiwitiity'twoiii'un^'M InlH v mlnuuvt Dacuida is a handsome U y , sUiitda 13.3 tonn oi court wore riiawu at Freehold ' ...... ______Uulawau. N, J , Sccuud l.lrutfimm—H. 11. Kirk. oiihI om' I'hidiiiidji h|Ix lli|k»tllnkftt lT»i'iiw*uiwnnhHl«ty»iTn'iiwUlfm Intnda and weigha 1050 |touiida, lie U ' Tuaoday. Ju d in Iloialey ta awav ot dotfrt^M. jr»H* I nlil y hdmil'ii wont t^M'o idiiijiin Atljiitiiut—Clmrlca lv Wnllfiitf. Htimdnrd bred and regiateml No. illDx, A , J* JACK3 0 N, M. D .t * hla oaoatiou aud Judge Hlroug of Nid< »i*vi'iity*fl...... i.ikW -iii i ,, , ial an’iilii imridii' TT SrrKcimt orOunril—Octi. W. W alliii^ wltliHnld luni|iliini|itkt<...... lum h n v n ilyy*iwi»...... di’ijj... O tRV IO B FE&, 980. mUtvt dltwei Oouuty prcaldi'd tu displace, {Juiutrrmnrter—Adutn Urtwluaky, thirty iidnnhMt wwrt Ihmu'UhlnwwNViMny tlnki W. O. SAIklY, Main Btroet, Matawan lo .....tlin mx«||,iy ..’i>o||«*yJ |<»t|«,t rtMiif(ih>«ild;tlii'iiti'in)uloi»tfHNiifniYNddjllirn*...... il ‘ Tbe Juror* aud tbe towuabipa tin’/ aru — « 1 1 1 1. M. Wtrbatuuk, H, I* thoRauiouoitliKlxtV'Hlx...... ilcaivj’" ...... thirty .. inlii'in tu* Oflloo at Ms reaideiioe. ooruer Mtio aD V rom are aa follows. h ih | llvo vli!%ltm fo riy .n in ' IhikH to llio Ih*- Niigara fflllt tucinloai, CliuroiiatroelSt 4 1 XthmitaTuwinhip-O'Alrfck McCue,Jr„ Hoplvmbor 20, (M ohot 4 m d 18 ird It'lnfl n |vnt of t<>t No. Kmii'oii hiiM iii(i|i,fkti1 M iiu ill'* atimo i*rt'inln>* *i>uvoyi>il 10 Ijtvtidiv M , b iSuikiliiii l«>-...... , (>yifi‘i'dd»ti‘il ...... ami 1 to 0 |i. bt. ,, , lUtoittuwii Towniblp—HtiftisT. Ca»lcrt vanin H a llrtid Oonihatiy'aponnlar Ivu H(uiL>r|v >l Un* ilolnidclamlII Mid ntVHlUIAN AND dUltQKON, ton. Hpvoial train w'lll Ivan* W*»b dlototvu tsdni 'iSirnt'Uo. M im uim ilohlo; lut w iio i.■ •*!.• a m i U T A H , i h a i . m u u 11am M, Lewht, JnutraJ, lliukiiluw, Hugh wr lm*'t tbut wiw whvovpd to itnvni’»rm nd«i Oftb^llomni ituotosa.ui., iiM ton^m ' 3ttcl«oivaii, HiiMm r, W'iolU v, llcnrv Inutnu 8:00 a, ui., Hidtlmoru 0;03 a.m . l ' Kxcuraiou of Hoptumbor U0 from Iti'uhiiiiot! ut 11 jHilut in tli«i nilildlo <>li'oi'u«'i' of u two LUMBER, UIE, LATH, NAILS, Ortlao at roHldonun, two doora below tho tlowvll Towttthlp-Ja iiki I1, Allnlr, IMdladulpbia will tun flu Mauvtuka nm ' t*>( miiIiI nnd I'oiivovoil to 0110 .liu'uli ll, GHENT AND IUILD1NB MATERIAL. rrosbvterlauCllmroli. - . • ‘ lobti Clcve»^er, j^liu T, llevrr, John M. Ohuok aml Dolawnro Vallt'j; npvclal Woi.ti.M-t,y H«|<1 Huy.luiii noil minting ilti'iov Tuitta, ^ IUIIIIUll)vv IIiiVh, iu o iv o r |%A A I tho Kftiat «RA»» «|. ■ Jloliudft IW m liip —Jletnv t>, ltlv. U v A L «sri«alisa4, a. iu.} ou olbvrdutva sproiil traiui lo««, 1 o ll n o 1*11 v tlioui o »t' ">dd liitml MUKllcluvn 0mw« lliitcoi'hor nf b 1111 [ )« • STKAUOHN. ; ' font, Judioit limy, Wllllntu WlUoii, Jolm will hfhYU I'biladolpbia at H:10 a. ui. Nidiolok ihi'utvuloiiu ilu'lv ID"' umth f*IMv* FLOUIt, FEED AND GRAIN . ■ . ■ .• • -■ . • .. .tw ■ ■ llouud'trlp tiokiia will bo aold nt ■uivi'K nml Uditv mtiiuii’H cnm olo\ou N* Jimtwmi, Jr., 0. Allmrt Mount, ller* “L : h ...... ,nl tdMv-f ...... iui' tihkn...... lo Hi-- inM.lli- ..f of ull klitda. Our fvod Is maimfaoturod llOUOiOl'ATIIIST, , Iwti McClet'i, . 110.00 from L’blladtilphiot IhdMmorts lbotvfo»V*»ttl\t tUHMtik^a tlwMiV*!' HoitU tWl'lUV* on tlm promisee and w« gnoran- \Vaaliliiutoii auil all points ou tbo Dtda iwdvowivi'attdrly‘ * “ ilrl y I'dndimlon in ...... wrnt oluhty«ihivn • 1 * Muili Btrott, .i. M nU«o,N,J i, Mnrltiom Towiiiililp-*INiniiau C. Hlrjk* fi'o tlo u r tin'll'tll‘NIn •tillin' “•••' |l|||l*l* I'f IlHllllll lltf. |V ;i too If, tu bo llrnt-ulaee. xt, Wither Mrltlvidite, Jninm 11, Ki)i^. waro UUlehm; and at propurtivtiato tiitnlnuoiiiii'nonoli'...... ;*mt f»ittV'tlih'rt liuiidivdtliHM ■ I i) MlliMotie To^n»lil|i-Clinrlr» llurner, rHtiB from all otlior polutr, iucludlug (in nviiv IMnulln* Rfimo |in'tu|Hi'i omiv Offloo Hours i Vnl 11 B.na n.in. Kroni 1 to B p .' AVitliHln Mwtl CliMiilrtMH, ■ ;o Hltit liitvlnllt IV LV'likllmx liy tln n l uf .IiicmIi For Wedding Clfta Troutmj, M i' ilully, IV liujrn, Now It \VitolVy, diitm t Ju ly ilt h , twvi. tu. From I tli ii |>. iti. i • • ‘ , Mntdwatl TovviuUi|»*~JuU» \V, MattK*. TliiidTnii'l.-H i'lnn nl) Unit t'orlulii lot nf or )«ur u»u nm lla kaat hiiir la llnuiMw)ck aud prluoipal iutvruivdialo NATHAN URVINTo K aiitttrr IWiiliMium Tia\ ■ liiniU ltuntiiin tlio l'i»ii«hi|'. vomit j .oul Mtnlo The "M iller." ' Mamuu|muToM'hM|ii)i-~Pinnk IV llUiit, Italion^ lltOll'HUld...... illlll* m i i m ' j o i I liy Kiild ilot'il luul m vn For dwnrlplivo pumpblvt, tituo of IImih'iI.• ll'llltf j>ml >if h't N-i. a iih hid HaautllMl, ISilact l.t|hl, l'ltYBlOIAM AND HUUCIEON, 1 ' W llUtU li, llortjnr* David I., AM n m Ip. ui>oiiii iuuinmilr«iirvk*yiumlonirvi'yiiunlo tiv AlfiviAlfivd wy liHraktr, BIm^Ui omiiicotiug trnlua, atop-oti'r priviU^oa limr, Jr.Wi'iitomnoi' I. tnw.nml whli’li mliId lot Xc-pliute T6\viih1 itji• -Ucvnvo 0. rrld* N«K*tU(it*ats'*, tp.t*«t)at«. M«ln Btroot, Mdtnwilu. N. J ,‘ b'attu Hiwmwl Oliver, Mftwl I.. CUvb»^ tvvid (utthvr iutormiitiou app\j to U| . oat ticket agoot ur mldrcea Uoo, W. ltiHtiiiii»ti*ttt«tiliVI"inM', A. IV, t^n». Ot«*r a lliDiiaitul il|la>, Heir. Dmi: Htulu ' _ Oecait Tinvrtnhip—Jmltw v\ Kd|^, Jolm Hojrdi jiAaslaiaut (loimriit PuNapuior )k’«lm ilnnul 11 l*"lm, lu U1'* lul'UUi' o f tlio tiilii|i|kt'Illl|i|tit* fIVI1Ifivm lltduiiti'lIb d llliti'l In I Mlttiili'MlMl iV.lllt tf Pi«lrr* will nat auiutly Ollluo llount 1130lo Ik . iir.il t ( i '•'■■■ CarroUjljcorKtflbSlwuiuJwH'iiUTriieji, Ag"ut, llroad titrovt Btatioii, I’blla* Mtllfr...... K«ai|«wewll will. Tliimiiu S. liulil, . . : ilouoolinlu mid tvwiitv-^x llnkn r 1 to »|i, in. ' • ' llolphh^V 5 *rtlu*nil 1'iirmM‘ot aaid lot No.«und 1 RatiUu 'IWnJmnin nccker, lltt'ui’i.'iiV'nu llio nitddli' id wild tiim EDWARD MIL1IR & GO. { K m ?,?: D «. WILLIAM UALL, - (.krnijit M, TiUon, . . wiviti'riy Ivvtt'hidnn; thwiooiMiMtli *1.. . K ili»tfri‘o» thtity inluulos 'vo^i nliio vIiiiIiih TS k UO \f> Il>ay, bal. l ark ri. AJlUnilir HI., M, T, ibi^wslnirv,,' ‘ iwanii Towimiitji — Jiltvwid , h. . HfMOCiMtlu 8Ut» t'onvoulimi. mididxly tliikato llmvi'lly Itroolc: ihi'iiiH' 111 O f Millar Otl IM Im cannel cmoko. hara au VKTKIilNAHY BU1IOKON AND DHNT18»,'! Ivlu^, William VcHuhoi'ts Aiidicw It. Tlio Pomoanitio Stale Uoureutiou illilt...... tt|1*idi It.-* l*<'\*'rill oouv > till“ ‘ II Ittll ‘ intiih...... i*i>tv-Kl\ ...... tloimio*...... nml tlilct.. mlunti'M t illa f Mlalur. am aa4a ami Ma«MaUal. Cidrutiu, ArdilbMd Hnvilitltil, AViUlnm will behold KtT»ylur> Opera llouio. ■ ■■A w'.U «UtkA> tvo t^^Uuvlv.'Z. dUlunt U*w Kwltlw^I.CaAr.JIklnfilNM...... " J. llwVmwn; A^lcto'’’TAtVtV, Treutou, uoxt Wudtivaday. Moumoutb i'Iuuih mot ihtrtv-cklit llnkH. i\'iitiilnlinx twi fU’IVK, Joarpli lluribwtN, I r . M ' Uoimty ta cutitlud to (llty*sovou deli* N O T IC E T O omaontll.Otnvlonriilliiriioa.RIiop. V Up|*er Prwhobi IVj^nMiip—Hlmtr 1V»|- Srln'd iih tlm pri'pi'i tv of I'.llKiilw'ili ('. (\>nk gatcn. Tlio primaries will bo bold liiitf.i't nls. tnkvii tn oxiM‘iiili'11 ni thi' Hiih ol fcionhonb Cull, ia, itMatnij. N. J. Ittfiitu*. Olintlp* ' •• * Joint H. Ai*i*l»’UUto. Adm'rof Mm li' 1."Ul»o ryo, \V*a11 To\\n*lilp-~l«nnik Ncuti?, Jftjuea tliruugbonl tho uouuly ou Walnrduy it ili’oM, nltd to Uiaolil I" TRESPASSERS! t o'olook. For Matawhn tbo Aberdeen O, V» 1WV1H. WiorllT. IV ItiwmV CNVoV Comity Wyiiunt V. Piitivi i, ti>w. ilVarw, Ji»rp!» Ltullow. , , too Is tho polliug plaoo aud two dolo* ArrMW.vraA lloi'K, Hol'r. . (MM«)| A ll (icisoiis nre positively forbid Kttstitess Botioca.1 'i ‘ Tbi' trUl'af WUU»m Uulloek for kit- gates will bo elocted. Marlboro ie fn* trcspnssinj; on the groumln of the titled to two aud ltnritAU to tbreo dolo* ‘Iftg Jiiiuca WaUli wlll'conuV up nt tbe subscriber, either with or without ' • e u h ’rm of cointaud tlio Jut? x^lUliO gatea. Tbo ternary iu Ntdirlburo will BENJ. P. S. BROWN, , ’ PUBLIC SALE tlog or gun, under nny pretense -••K’ctiHl from th>* meu drawu Tycsdaj. bo at tho Marlboro llolol aud iu - • '" — I ’ i ' 1 ’ Itnritnu ut Keoiigb's Hall, Ko^port. — o r — ' whatever, uuder strict penalty of Mittawau. Now Jersey., the law. . Buooeasor to A. M. Ijnmbort^on, gon, aKt> in ■ ' , TI>.o I**'*,, \ Hitritrd Ih A IVcitllar tfay. BEAL ESTATE No Traps or Swires ollowed. — riltB INHUItANCK , Tbo Uw oour«ruiug dogs U ib e e u Jnm M tind Hstlicr lU n ey, tbe little son — r o R — "A word to tiie wise is sufficient." AND »KAL ESTATE,— 'iite rp iv lu d aa followat Auy one line Ami ditugliter o f Kol*crt llarvev, West W. H. HANKINSON. Houaoa nnd Lots for hunt and Halo, tbe light to kill a d ig caught oUTtbe Urove, Wi-re nerlounlv burned Moudnv UNPAID TAXES I Bales of iirororty on commission sbllollod.' premlaoi of tbo ow trr, nu!i»a aueb Afternoon iu a ]H*c»)iar inrntuer. ‘ TONI Ol SANTO, t* nf lo Ititkr lti»' tiui'tlil LOWER MAIN ST., MATAWAN, N, j. c, R * H. c. SPROUL, r , iwcu^a H«lUf Am>clatiini ut Atlmitic Cits* their knee* In sonic MnouUlcHug tirnsU. I,im ivron t <*n l»u>l*. InifnifBl* and twrtralia on September ia and ij, the |*eimsyi« nifiitaanJ rralmtit* tu lha *«l«t. ibo Miytir suit Their legs wvre Im n u d In *«th n liorHble Ik'liu ollpf Ih * llon'tniti o f Maifcwall In th* m i * , bduvbyinq and ENaiNKEniNQ, vanU Kniltwul will sell exctmtiott tioketa manner Abut It wns itnpoMihie fur them to |n« and law. th* kuUcnhvr, (Wtrcior of t * i m tlootfl nud Shoes of nil lcitlds Mnde to at late of ftiiigle f«w (Kmi poiiiti hi New wnlk nml neighbor* \vlio hemd their U t lb» ia tt Ibi* flavor «ti4 Ouiiuolt ol tint UotuujI) Onler nt I.owent Prices und only the beat . . front Btroet. adjoining Bank, •, ■. ; of XltU w ao, Hilt, on Jetary.to Atlantic City. .Ticktts to be sold acrcnniN went to tlicir umId' aiicc nnd car- ofleatbor used, ' . Keyport, New Jorsoy.' 1 ‘ ■od Rood going September 11 and ta, and riv«l them bome, . WEQMCSOfcY, THE NtHETtENTH DAY . xttuniliigSeplcuiber 14 inclusive, 1 hnve a new Sewing Machine which Trompt atteution-Batlsfaotory work-Mod* OF SEPTEMBER NEXT, 1900, stitcliM leather oa nently na It can be done eratoohnrgea, , . Cotlertd Death's A|eelsi. at ihe hi'tir n f v o V W k p. ni., al tbr TOWN IIA t.U anywhere. . Wi|Mi For 8ile> . Only a roaring fire cuablod J. M. la M ill hon>ii|il>, n it the U m lt, Irnfiuriita m il tual w lKtnlirrviiuitor ilMcrilnHt, al imbtli* «mhIui> for I Iif A twoaou, tliat It soomoil ho cudnrod the sgonies ol death} bnt Dr. King's Mew DU* Aldttfj Kf'tff— I ' l l itu* twin...... ffl (M onvtry fnr oousnmptiou wholly oured tlilrrT 'l...... i IM PATENTS MAttlttKII, T»nlili‘ l»W ...... fl I) him, Tbia marrelmta uiodioiuo ia Ibo liitpmt...... n »rMyUyerMtraa.eaiom, Sail■»)«),ik,Ith,) tJNti»an—ZiuwaUMAsx.-On Buudny, ouly kmvwtt o n u for Asthma u well aa t\«#u...... a w DrfrMvlhrrtvtnMirtaHMltiitoUlIu1, H»k “UawU tW«*ilpl|i*n,—IIp i i i i atiit lol Mt Clinton Ht, UmtAtiil’.S.iiiilrtinliKlNiteRliaalTndl'Mirlii," J. O. CONOVER, tWpUmUjf DouUb DlllonK daugbtor ooiiflumptioti! oongbi atnl colds, aud t*t*. Vnir*»k t»rm» m r ufftrM to Intttihm.i all tlrfoat, ohcet aud itiug troubles. (1n>rf* l\ H1ayli««. r m n f kAWYfcis or v s a ii' raAotioa.( of Mr. and Nra. Ward Ik Hurdnr of T a itb ip t a w ...... u oi Furnishing Undertaker Frouoau, N. J., to Mr. A um l /immor- 1'rloo OOo aud $1,00, Ounmutocd. huarral...... | vi ...... a »u »mW M*J«r«U «hirM«. rt —AKD— ■ Trial bnttU'o froo at F, II, ttlalet's n a c u of Matawan, DiHM'rll'tlflit.-^lliHiaa ahil lol ou aoulli alitn a . s n o w at drug otore. Util* Bttwt. * r c . c o .i PROFESSIONAL EMBAIMER Tbv law \ndde botb maVer aud olr* A.M.UtuMl»oa<- rarifir tawvcM. Tn du* Iff*...... T B lm ll'i Blook, Mttnwiin, N. I, •Mlator o( a conotorfcit vqunlly guilty. t l Iim Imwu ilomonilrnlml by lu im il...... t M KOo^.U.S.ratentOfOc*. WASHIItQTON, D. &^ The dculri who orlla you a dai^vroua Man U »l (Hitinmiiillon cun lie |iinroul‘ IW U ...... 4...... I w W lilto Ilcurso furnialioit (or Ohllilron. Um'Hptit'ii,-t«w !oi*i hmif* and lot luoan ^Hiottfrfeil of DpWltre Witoli (laid ml lijr llio r.rly nan ut Ouo Mltinlo a* UltlKMit tlouan, N HULK TO tt All OHKIMTOHN. QohiiU Onto. 1'lits ta tlia Uvatlta O AvtiitM axicvtan.il awtw*. PEPOTy c q r o h er T ~ ftabe rtA* yonr HU to » latnov M maa HrvH— AKrra K. tl, Tliii«u,ai'HtiR aipcultli nf t*pttr II, remmly (ur eotiRlii, oohlr, rriui |'t T n iliti* \H»...... M Al 0 pruflt. Yon can not trust him, I V 1ul«rM i...%...... t sa Ttarati, iIp»ii«I, liy t'Mapnf lhaHiiTn*e*i«t nt ttm Toj. . CONOVKU l ■illimi.; grliipu mitl *li lhru.1 ttiil lung Oouuty of Mumiioutti, Knabr HltM uohoa to tho W itl a la tbo only wu«lt»« aud orlgl- t w u « ...... a so rmttlora of lha *al«l «1fc*am1 to IiHiir In tlioir I ilo hereby n|i|inliit yon tliln a6tll ta, drniauiUa««lrlalui»aj»liiit lliffilitf nf a»|it orllccmilier, A, 1), iHyg, IVputy Coroller eal Witch llaicl Halrc.a woll known siljofnlnaHtitiiay W iltlnn Alumna aiut t(Ha«ft inc**»t HKmU i)ff«tai«'tl, niiitir oath or afnrtnallnn, wlllitu nlm to nr-t n« Coroner In my ntiKitce at Mot.- m i * for I'iloa and Ml eklu dlicaw i tUmm'IwW Ammimln nl A. IM IV hivtilUa trtun Iba ibtht day nf Atiauil, 1PU1, wnu nml vicinity, He* tbal yottr di'abr filrc* yoo Do* twtk tjm>itnQ. orlhay wilt l» lorftfT l»arw1 or any aotlou there* Tuitua tm ...... tea for aaalitat tbi laid aell no. *HM*utrU, UDOAU I, VAN UURVBDR, V ltt'a Haln*. A, Hell. I'lmiiuiiil tiul ullirr ilyci nl A. Bvlf*. lutarrft..„M,...... l (T | AUNBD kMl.TlNUON.M ' Coroner. I S A UULU DKXUCKAT HKKM IT. Mr. Ilrjau'a Erailoa, KI4bl|>^ Her CbiWrrn, At Ihe Kew Votk T k ta lm . I £ | M T B A L A. K . OF ____t...... _t ^ E V J E K S IT . Npw V«ffc T rU m w t . The_ regular wsioo al the .Herald FJ»d« ftV jlM iuu'ly lUlii’V* tliai Hryan A -y«U)ald plan by Mra. .Tlioma* H. jAultirlnlt coalflard exdgtirel/, laauriuf elruiU* • Mr. liryau decline! to aay wLottor Wal-du of New Vork, put iu exeeutlou Hijuaru Tbwutre will opcii on Mouday, i r-- it >-> t o**• *a«ife<«iart4 f ? or uol, if l ’reaideul, be wuulil tiae tbu at lligblaud lh*aub, oaa of Ibe uorth tiejdembvr 10, with tbe Initial New > tiM K > T A l> L r, IM t l F L O t ]'iD1 KOOM, I p h f Ulll 1**1 (fluid Own.): , ' ’ JUNE oo. itwy, *ilver iu tbo Treasury to liqnidalo Jeraey rtaerta, luat Thursday to kid* York prodnrtion of AugustoaTbomsa’a jf TU#f« •p p iir* Id our D*»a eobimoa Tralsa Leave Na' Auytbiug Ibat cornea creditor. T U Now York Jkrttlrt baa eidltlpg oUafle of uuurly four loijt-s frum the | en of (bu gifted author of Niw Vork only*, T « , HO). Jj aa a. III. 1 ttiule to loontu iu ‘ |bti;pri>sHUt unmeet ana,7W.S0J|t. tu. fiouda;*, h ii i , tu, triod to obttiiu light from bim on along ibe enant, .tlabsms," W n Mizzoiireb" aud ‘'O li­ t um, e u, s id y, w, Ibe hitudrod thousand or mu f^ow Jer* tbia Jro|mrUut tjnealiou autl failuil. Mis. Wataou tloii uot live witb ber ver GobUmilh” merit a aud leeurtaiulo for Fjiffcoirfjil I t t , a ou. 141,11 it a. §ey D«iuupr«ta wLo iliit not vote for 6^),fl JSp.Oj, Tbo great prupb«t of free tlWur evl- husband. They auparated iu New oommsnd Ibt* ietereated atteutiou of Nr. Bryau in 1KUD. The writer quotes denlljr has uo longer tbn cuiiruKo of I,la For Report and Alliollu HiffLlanda, t( C15, 7 M ,. _-tbfl DomooralloJeadiiraai oluiQiug tliat Vork a abort lime ago, and Mr. WaUoti tbuhigbckt cIshhoh of tbeutro pairooa. if <1,11 <7 a. in.. !i i l , 6 #0, 7 83 u, u . euudava. couvlotious. Four yvara ago iu bia »4Mjt lo lhgblaud llonrh witb hi«4lttlo In "Arizona,*’ TboiUHS baa illnctraleil l l m., )2 oo m., I l:i p. m. . Dioety*iive per ouut uf them will return letter of aeoepUuou Mr. Uryau de* duughter aud sou, the former V years a uuw seotiou of uur Natloual' dotniiin Fot Farinlojidiils, Likewno*), ko ,IMC,' 9 SO a, at, to tbe fold tbis year, while tie Heptib- olereil: "U util tbis ni»ueyque«liou ia 3 i0 , 5 3 « p , ni, ilD adiya, le i u a, ra. - JicftD gncMors aoeta to eoucede tlml of site aod the UM»*r 12, in tbo aaroe deft, oolurfnl, moBterfnl ter Tvuir K lv e rau J U aiD a^it a t 0(4), i^.vj a , uj^ fully and dually settled tba people will Up to Wuilu«*H(lay of last week Mr. m u ( f. a«p. w. auud«j», iv nia, m. about ouelbird of them will voto fur t-tvle iti which bu relleotcd in a.sketch, uot oouseut tu tbu oousidetatiou of auy Walaou- did uot huow where bis wife hII tha rval obaiaoWiiktiea of people, J, if. ULUAL’HtK, II, V, lU l.D W tK , Mr. Bryau iu November, Ueu’l ssu|>t, Oeti’i 1'au. Iff. other imjiDrtant question,” Now be is ^qcoiiipiiuiud by two detcotivea u BEA H O H B A IL B O A U . paramotiul, but iaeveutrylugtodivert She was tbere with a mau registered ita (be principal ligures are virile, AVest- Jersey elections biuuo 1806 to cueour* tbeir atteutiou from tbis alt»iuporl&Qt M. W, SValtcra. Mr. Wataou had tru meu aud woiueu aud ibu gav ofllo* TIMSTABLE, a^etbeIdea tliat tbu Statu had uure* aubjeot uf money. Nor is be satiated Walters arrested, but bo waa dis­ ers of Uucle Haui’a cavalry reglmeuta. im tK ^ iu r ju n k autij, mo. 1 eervedly gono back to tbe Democratic witb keepiug ailvor in bie background, charged, tietkiug revouge, Mra. Wat- kleBBrs. Klrkel^Bhi'lloaud Fred |l«to- Tbat tbere Imi been progress in ■TATIOM8IN NSW YOtK, < but ia eudeiivoriug to tbrow a cloud of •on came to Uigblaud Beuob the uest liu nunotiuce tbe /ollowing exccllunt tliat direction Is unquestionable, but it o^utni u. it, ur n, i., root LUmmjt »uu uooertaioty over his lluaooial polioy, moruiog, aod, aa ber tw« ohildreu eompany for tbe produotion) Tbeu* bktlHi>, / v, •.;> r-. m int beremembered tbat auch progress I'funa, Jl. R., Toot Cortlafldt, Dcabroaml sc«t« allowiug the ailfor men to thiuk that wert) rotnniug from their morniog dore lioberte, .Vinocut Berrauo, Wulttr baa beep ahowu waioiy at timea wbou \Ve«t vUtl u tm itf, i ■ < •. bo would be aa radical hr be promiaed Imtb in tbe ocean ebe grabbed them Hale) Edwiu Holt, Thomaa Olierlf>, the Cbioago platform wan eicludod to bo four years ago, aud ak tbe sane from tbe maid, and placing them iu Edgur&olffjD, Sloplieu Freucb, Bidtiuy LEAVE MATAW ANl * " v from ioilneuoiug tlie campaign, and at time leltiug tbe gold tneu bope tbat be ber carriage, drove olT nt a rapid paue. Aiuawortb, Oeorge O’Dounell, E. B. For Ellattielli, Nfw irk and Mi>w Vnrb, d IS, (tffiT * -' time* wbon Democratlo speaker# gave wuuld uot tbe ExeotUive power MrmtUi* only), 1 ub, (1 IJ Mt-w Yo k oulrlt 7 U , \w The maid, torriflfd witb fright, alarmed Citrr, MtiJcu/m €l(forr,'C(eNnor itObsou, htas tu n , t , w „ u u t u , nu.-. giiv, VMSuraooee, tbat, at least au tu aornu of agftrvaaivt-ly to further bia |>riuuiplea, tbe cottage colour aud ert*ry peruou Jaue Keuuark, M«ttie E«rle, ^dotu . < sa, pee. 7flJ, s u i p ui. Hu.'itiii*, s vt.ieve* ita features, it was dead beyoud re* Tbia trlmmiug ia partionl&rly uoticu* ». iu.. 6 iw ( a ia ,ti w , i u , m o 4 i> .u i,, acquainted with thu ocrurrauoo gavo Aotlreaa and Louiae Oloaaer. - ForKedUauk, Lui>g /Ji«ncU, /trkittj l*»rlt,Oc«*. awakening. Tbia year the votera aro ablu Ip a mau who baB bitberto made obane alter tbe kldunppcri. Klutv & Erlaoger's uow prodit?l|oUi Ori.vaaijtl Pi. l ‘|i>«Miit, AlO, ll oo, sue, m id , obob again faco to /ace witb ita dooiar* auob a virtue of straightforwardness iu II U s .m ,, 1 83, ('J4U Hue Hank only), 0 13,8 as,. Wnnl T?as teut in all directions. A. Tbo UngerB Urolbera iu Ceutral 4 811, 6 *11 (AtlHUfil llinV on|y),as7. 7 i«, « I| ,. atioQe, aod, wblle moro Demoorate tbao tvlliug w bit bo would or wonld uot do. (!) US fiiinruajra uu|>) p ni,. buutlava. U tJfl, 10 If*, R ltiley of Long Brauob, a telepboue P ttrk," 'Till bo otio of tbe grealeet auo* pl«l way abut their oyea to tbu uieau* l l USa. ui,, 340, B I M *1 p .tu . The queaiiou wbiob bo is asked to llueu<«ti»^whQawaH at work at Nprtuan* «e»ao» of tbe aea^u,< It ; begnu lie s w K th# ohjeotioiiablii' i>l»uka, it in rWHiiDil»y train* tin not ■lap i t Ailiurr J’irk or auawer Ih h perfectly proper ouo, about dit*i rau dowo the Hdoapperaon hla oarojr nt Atlautio City, Aug. 80tli,,aud ,• - Uii.auOrova. •. j. , 'uot.to ljo bollovml tliat tka liinnglitful wbiob thu American paonle bave a hioyole,,aud held them at bax^uiptil uu whs hit from thuiiBiugo(tb«Q^\aio, t^sv« HnwYotk for MiUwim ' ' tic (I oohaer?ativ« oluuieut will ilo eo. n rigbt to iplortnatiou. lie eauuot olllour arrived. Last Mouday It ppi*md a t>ru wt>ekH Futil ribnrij Htmt. 4 no, ft tut u;ia, i11 tbo calanlatifliiH that wu iluvd ' 1 il'J 2 1 1, ,1 iii, 4 UU A UH C-D, HCUp.iu. Huu- reaaouabjy uuk tlio tiilvt'r or gold iu o u Mra. Watsou was dulaiued at tliu ruu at ihe Cl.ecrturn with veap^ot to Troaaury payinuuls )', ill, HinuJiJf, 7 M, U ilo A . III.. 4 Aft )>. III. from arroat by Juitiou Mason of High* Viotoriu TUerttro in'Now Vork... • tyellu tW OiiMIIM tlHU' U«U, UKJ'a III., i m 31.Vr4 20 . ire ujvliiK over lu Ur. • Dry nn. Omi thau to know tbat be ia thuorutiually Uud. Tbo hiisbaud and wlfo cniuu to Fox aharts thu liunori with tlie Dog^ra 1 1 (Ht v i t ., H IA , V 4& k , in , 6 l(i i-. u . it bu iluulutl tlmt otlnir (IioiihmihIm Art! iu iavor of olieap iiiout>y aud would ...... - ...... j ' \ m 4» h i i . amioable- agreumeuti the.ehildruii lirolhors. Thfa lHllo ^iiiiiiallY'Jilio I# sM. Hi>o- niuga nuil daliecs will) all lit»rohJftiUio M m r 1 ii: W " ’. -'X ’rfflsx?,:' military lt beauty atnl on tbo ^«ge is drcum uf ooloiiial (iiillcy imvo tlielr I'iruula on UKAKC YliVtH IA KA1LHUAU, 11 ry oottld do loubatigoour moiti'y atau* Kdiior Frank M. Taylor Of Long spirited Iovt‘lluv»s. Tlie aconQryt OOS* tunny, auil ovon ttimi|,li tlm nnnilwr lio dard from gold to alitwr without any branch waa iu towu Mouday with hia mmoH a ud elTeHa I h ^ I ’Iio HcRors •‘■'•W Ar'iiliJiiN#'1:*, i#j,! . aiualie,, tho votn^H moving IuwbiiI Mo* notion by Ooiigri'aa. Tli'vy ooiiltl tint' Tr«lli»l('»i6 MaUwiUSSfelliiwSi iiuddlu and put llie machine llimngii llriilhi'ts In OiMitml’Piirk1’ oioel nuy* Kililey will proto an ini|><>rtaiit iitfttut to rttrlrfinii UcMkvti. kt\wtj park, t'nim I’UtMtiV tho frio ailver iu tbo tteamry t en In u pnidiicllim of this ; IhoM whoniobuHutlliiK him. Tiiattliu ami liUnruiKiUaia iUtluns,< I Ofl; 10 III s. u i . , ) 3J, coin obllgatiinia aa fur aa it would go, of hia friends. Hpeaklug of tbu elfdol dbaraotrr, Ju llie purli soeiio; Iiaud> f^oatur |irp*|>(iilly,of liiu bimliiuini ainl n fft a*ut an It yrowa noaror Anility, m i l a, Da tl«‘ lb ’ aIV , A(iiitiMiaiiilt,lilliit#l|i|iiaria,lUti*ar> |u H moan l|uallo|«| (wlil^, luijl(\»lr)«l oui- bia Iren** bn rnus »way and auiaahva a.in ,, 'A 1». aiw, litortv.iu, ssnu«1tt)i<, li)U i)k,m „ ouly harm would bo nu iinsuttliug of llrnllit'r* hi llila skll, wbieh, "williou! a ar, hi nil |i, in, l»|nuaml liiialuoaanaliiinlty. W ill thoy, coullduiioi) liiid fear uf uiuru raiiioal tbiuga. iilualrating hia theory, when> viNggoratbiii, onn lie oalk-d a grout Trslita Ifiava N«ff Yort (W i'itJId HI.,HI»tliMi| for tbuli, vutu iluiilicratiily tu oIimiiko annli k m thiuga to c d iu o , aud that an«U fuHta ever he approaehed a team Mfi Taylor show, ’ J U» I t a a, U M , 4 iU,SA> I IH. aim* purl I into (fiilliy t ( l'urhapa an, lu t wc would lie vnguudvred by the okuitltin itn)«j7A\ S'jn Sk. .In In,, ,, 4 4AA p.II, Ill,III, rm iit |)ti«iirua«4itn)«,7A\ lltiaiiruaio* alowrd dowu (hu iiinchlmi aud apnki* Jlrm llur" M'opniioil at llid'1}rund> Mini tkriU ii4 l Hla,11 III). V (SIS. III., l V J i i , m ’< » . m int bo parilnnml lor iliinotlun il, 1 mi p. at, Mwmtaja, a ie, 0 4a a,»>., m. of Mr. Dryau itself and would hardly kludly In the hnrsea when they showed wayTbuatn1, New YnrU, last Muudny \\ Klually, wo aro ot opinion llial many be inortaaoil by tliu use of anob powora ayiU|itonia uf fright, aud wilhout ei* , ll, KitivaiMoa, ' J, II, Wonn, evtttiing, It reputed tha grout lilt It Ouiivtil M anaunr. (Inii.I'anRriiattr Aat. wbo aro nuw talking lot Nrymi liavo nu aa he would piiiacss. Tliat speculation ( iiptlnu they became quiet al one* and *miri‘d in*l jewr. The auditorium wan intontloii lit I1M» abunt «tauilliin m il Imm tlio |i»ity auya ho would uaa the Vauoiitlve |Hiw* horava, Ibiui Fiirnum, llio n«w 4lll«ti-llurM who • itconil tlino lu iilhnra iwnao many ON ANI» AKTKH ura to abollab tho gold aiaudard, It snored ii marked poramial hit, Mr. roll'll lo itiaaimuiato, Thoy aro kuop> To Itevtve Trotting lutrrrata, will bo time to luruuaa! poanlblu rv Ion ium ia a roung milor btii *2(1 yeara MONDAY, MAY 14, 1900, 1 l(ig lu tlino pnw wllli tliolr lip>, but 111IU; or if lio says he will not try to An ruuuiut creditor*, Ivtoat In lhn vioinitv of lied llank, J aumu peraonalilv. lie timdu an ideal The Steamer “ Magenta" i|iaillt tlit man auil thu platform tint the (pieatlou 0*11 la* put ftahlo aa of no W. Klinti, thn well known trainer end " lii'iflln r ." Ills reading of Ibe |mtl w lllln y iM Jl'l,rl'1sllr)Niiii(1eyi«i«fjMHtl at 7i • rtpibionla anarchy >1111 rupinllallon. practical imporlanne. Wliilu liu iliroiida the owner of tbo guideleaa trotlori waa lapi'ebdly nommondalile. In tbe » ilwo>tmnnl«itt'tr.i it, N. tl. fm Iuiloml, wc liavo mir ilouhta aa In tlio |im* Nt*w V»rl hla intontbiiia In myatvry it is only poa Albatron, baa moved to )tnd llank ami natholhofl''i>o he diaplayed deep feel t.mn ilia now pit r.fout nf liliHMiinaht H|,,lliiilk of iluooilty of any uf llm vruat Domooratlo aiblu lo fear tbat he would lake Iho Is olio of (he prinripil promoters In lug. In tlm a1ioug»r aitnathm* be Ur«( Wt«tilii|(|nit ilaflirt. aiitt tlir<>ii lit tbn new aelinme. It la proposed to gsVu vvldeuve of drumatlepower ulilob •int (mill llm niif«rtini of Mm it, N II,, ror |>a». Wo IwlKvo that limy all oi|ioot ami ile- aiblu dangers frotu that courac. form a new elnb out of llie present auriiriaed evuti hla iuo«t ardent friends >t>|i|irtan|i|)i, allHI ||, tit, tlio Mr. l i m n 1* ilvfcal, »llhoii||li thoy HaliirilRtH from liliiuiiini'hl H l,,a i tfi40 p, ii*., atul* Mr. llryan probably thlnka "ilunoo drivingrliib, leaau (ho traekon Hhrews and admlnne, Thu greal fiaiure of l'i*r A, N. ll., *t H im |t. in, . nro iIoIuk all thn ahiiiititig nim'ainlii«ii, •how tlwTr "rogulailt;," Fot tlita (o m md waul lo toll bi* mIWw friomla ill aud hold big muctlngs ihore every wllli applause aud olieera. Kveiy de* |’ wllU*l» int I ii 'ImIi) tUihciiit of rvrnK'it al of bypoorlny we havo nn aymiiattiy; wa that hu would not make a fight oil Ibu year. The first meet will probably be tail worked parfeelly and uew iHtnds i'll l Hi TtO Kll UA’I'RMl memlf noto Ita inlatouim aa a Icmling gold atatidard, aud tbat ttivy luuat bold this fall and guotl alteri pnraaa added to tbu realism uf tbla luoldnnt. Hlliglit Tr(|» ...... 40 , li...... KA,nrr will l«* rai|lilin( lu Imlil slid >li4W Inal week. For a long fierlod Ibe lowu eelle," tila in lirt nan tlt'Srt tm itmaml ur ]urt st TiUrf s, m., but it la not good morala, It la a mat* Klually the Towu Oommleelonera in< on tbo road tbla season managed by Ilititi a, m., anti 4ifM> p, «i< w lnuluf wo ilo not uui1oretau.it. tur of Malory hnw Andrew Jaokaon atroeM thoir oouuiel, Edmuud W ilanit, lUd Bank m m i. i,rainItain Nr*nr« Yurk.iur«, iruiuftmn Ui*mcuiinifriii outar n il dl I W ll M. pn'olpitnlod pnuioand misery by rad­ It Jiuitwlnw...... liioierNirict, ...... at H.W.. a m „ p, to bring auil, at wbiob an agreement Charles K. Champlalu'a eompaby, iii , aUiiAtllti, IB. Iicemllary at Eatonlowii, ical om-, lu (lufUrioo of Goiigruaa, of waa reaehed by whloh Iba ooiupauy wblob opouad al Ibu Third Avauuu I'lur A, V, il,, llta only IttitUttM Itt tg(W York o s Kxeoutive puwer ovor batik dopoaila. Tboatro, New York, last week, ia play- amiitar, , About ala wceki ago tic bouet o o o ii- agreed l«i Uy (be oriHNing If given titi* Hu frulflil rarrlrct oa Huadara. Will U i. Ilrrau follow tbat eininplg iug at Key pert all Ibis week. pltd by Oharlei CaTliaa at Ealostown tfiBepbI September 1 to do It* Tbe ault waa KEYfOR! STIAMBOAT CO , nuit P«y out ailver? Tbo Acnorloao Tbo Wood Dramatlo Compauy, of waa it t ou llro auil waa btirutil to tbo tbeu diaoouliuned, IV 0. COIINKIJ-, Pres. [round Thnrailaj night the home he people are eiititlod lo a frauk •nw or, whloh Frauk O, Mlorok ia ihu nwuer J1 now; occupying waa louuil to ba ou rvgardleaa of Iho politloal echoiuea llul Dank’* Tai Rat#, aod naaager, opansd at Loug Brauob flrr, but t h f lilaio waa oxtliigniahcil whloh Mr. Dryan thiuka would bu pro* The Board of Coramlsalonere of Had last Friday night. NEW BOAT twforo much damage Imcl baud ilont, moled by eiaatou* Dank hai filed the lowu tai rata al |4 "Tbe Beal Widow Drowu” Oompauy, — t o --- Oallela ie oraploycil at Iiakewooi<, ou 11,000. Tba aipenaea ol Ibe towu whloh la tinder Ibo management of When tho lliat die ooonrieil he waa Colonel UrfHti tu Hpoak Ih Jm e y , of litd Bank for the coming year ara W illiam Cliftou aud M. V. Hbermau, Wallabout Market! away liom homo and hia two aiiteri There la llttlo doubt that Colonel eetimalcd al 910,924! wbiob ia a llltle will atari ou ibe roail ou tbe IHlb of wero the ouly iumatee iu tho houee. Dryan will devote the laat ais week* ol leu thau laal voaT'a oipens^, Itt Ibia thia mouth, They will opuu at huug UN AND AITHtt Dranob aud will play thorn two nights, The lauo itato of affaire eiiatiil Tliura* the oampai|Q lo almost oontiuaona anm is iuoludud tbo towu'a abare cf MONDAY, JULY 9th, 1900, day night. Wolk ou tbo slump. A portinu of Oo bnildiug the stone road ou Broad KearHey’a Brigade lleuiilou, Tha flrat flro wae elarlcil liy latural- tobe| will be spoilt lu tbo Baal. Ilo Htreet, amoiiutlug lo about 1)1,0(10, THE PROPELLER “EAGLE” ing tha rear or the houto witb keioicco will probably deliver apeeobos In New Tbe license moneys will amount to Tbo olneleeutb anuual runuiou of ■lli n m illri nt tq WalUliuflt Marl tt, 1/ffntlnK H ryiw rlat T o'lileob 0. oi., ol[ Tlis lumatea wore uuuoueoloue Euglaudt New V'urk, New Jeraey m d about |H,(l()0, aud the towu will reoolve Kearuey'a Flral New Jeraey Brigade Booiely will be hold iu Iba beaob audi­ tlally, a iM iil Halil ot It Jf» ami Nnmlara, Hnnitaya a l of the. lire anil It hail mailo inch pro- Maryland. ' _ $U,400 from the towushlp. a (I'ultHit ti. in . . . torium, Aabury l*aik, ou Friday, Hep- ■ m i betora 1 It wai illaouvercd that — i— ^ ^ .I i ...... l,Mvn tVallntMMil M nrhrt nt KiMI n, in., FhII Prlof F irT h T lp fly Bsttif, Ill'll Ucran Htopa a Hanaway, ten ber 14, All thu ooinradoa of the thiy iluwl lo be, takoa out of a w c o b i I- ,7 1U1I7, aiw|it H iin iliH . RrM totl VVt'rilU Fiiat, tieuoml, Third, Fourth, Toutb, atory window, a . I I ClDveland’a JjQug Hsalor UoMu't Till* IiorI will tm ruu fnr litit ItaiiflU (if ririm ra In the reoont lllciupt the iucouillary oure your dough, roltiru tbu empty Oarrett Mageo left hla loam lu front Fllleouthi Twentv'tbird andForllelb, nlilpittna In W*|l«lnii|t M irkol, ’I'linitailiao will Ui aim liberally enturalnl tlio rear ol ,th« bottle aud gvt all your money Imok, of J . l ’< Carhurt'a storu ou Broad regiuiouta and lU ibtim ur'e Mattery, On* impmiii t'tiarw fr»*«i Nrw YnrW. 'Iihm »j New Jersey Voluuieeis, hare buuu iu* »»vliw llia/iriiittrfriiiii!l'iU » lll(n |i«r tianlaiiii (nr borne with koroioiid. Whitilolil Dang­ But it will ouro you. It uovor falls, Btreol, on Monday uioiuiug, while hu rnrl»K«, I'lTKn (I, ij i i : ■ . ~ • ~ ' Twe Hraecnlic «8lrii,w la U r M ...... II poeilion of llis Jotnuub b u not Oort*..,...... 4 80 oliftogfd one whit lfotn that taken Iwo Mr da of a feather flock ’ together. Mr. paaorljdton H )aa u n ad)omtn| VUDaui pntatoan lonrual. Willie Gourley, who never made a ajieedi Bobarla, ' / vcrka ago and aUnda by wbatilaaid itiM, i. M. l4uil»rtK>n~ ? .. fur Uryau in and whme enemies ul* I.i dua )M * ...... f Ik then, lej*e tliat lie dUIni even vote for him, lua ...... •; PUBUflBIDBTBttY Ifthe prrteut lirlilj-e iatiiiMfr for travel oa a aide partner at tlm Democratic Btflte T a t d n a j M ...... < ? if« TBDMDiT AfTEUNOOS *T tlie Freeholders would Ik iuitified in liearitpiatler* itnothrr Willie naiued Dev- ereanx, whn, when not eiiKaK^i■; ‘ . ir liai bridge Uut awn only ahinild be ex­ Republicun/flwrrttf/published at Anbury Tai dva la w ...... 8 Tl Vurk. The two W'iUiesurt bird*.— I Stiff- Iul<-rtat...... >1 pended by tlie county. If tlie aiimiurr Or«U ...... 4 Lot of Women’s BEN JAM IN F. S. BROWN rwideiits want aouielhiiig more orn»« sen fiitning News. Uraurl|>lloa.>- rwo aod oua>bal/ a^rta a l tWB- _ mental they iliauld contribute tlie Tbe mould indicate tbat tbe »oud. ,' . _ ' ' lbttve HtJMB ' difference between tlie cost ofn aub>t»n* Jjiqllli'r— llepnbljceui have two good frienda aod T a id u a J x M ...... V ™ Misses’ and ; OTB80M*T10H§ fAS40LK J K AD7AX0B. tia) and on ornamental structure, perbepi uior**, oti Ibe Detnoorallo Slate luiara«t...... w Uc*rt<...... '...i.,. I W 7 /Ooecopy,lj*ir,..,,...... Oommitle^ oue Ibe chairman and an< Dt»on('ti<">.-~fvrU->i]ir«aarra< by Old auboU 2£BMSJOQ«coi>y,daioatba<...... M Uonai*. .. , Children’s ...... M Tltc re-uoaiinatioo by aoolamatioo otber Ibo irrretary. Bepnblican ea< , t pretnacy in Ibe Btato ia easily aooount William O. Laoitortaoo Eal.— ' . . . ' glB|!teopl«a,lea&l». jealrrday ,f»f Uou, Ueuj. F. Howell of Tax du* IB M ...... w f j «td fer witb ft wo auch wottbiei in tbe lo t a r n t ...... * # 4 wU«lfl«r»le»opon application. Kew Brunawtok for Cougreaa by tbe Demnoratio oarnp.— Pir.choUl Trail' T a t dua 1BW...... t l l l llla a iM ...... I 31 BiadloiaotloM I e*cl* a lio* AritInatrtloiiaad Bepnblioana of Ibia diatriot limply » lit* ibareafier. acrlpt, ...... 4 nt tm » Qe4«rlptlua.—fo rty aarea a; Oltffwood. , . . Baaolotlnoa o f condoUm-*. card* o f than k* aod ourlod oat the wiabee ol tbe Totera, » i ■ 11. B©Ueaao/cb«iKibfDuruU>iuautBflei*i»l#aliiia. W illiam M, ttn rd . J f ,— ' ‘ Belladonna, Cnpaicum and other Por­ Tai due la w ...... i f l « . . .fbelinjatowlilchaanbarrlWlea la plid ipjwan Fur n o o tlii It bat been conceded tbat JnlC tf*!.,.,...,,,..,,,, .J.MtMM.MMI ,- *i *■ U t paparcr wrarptf to roatt »nl«eTlb*r*, fltil*- ous Plafltara at A. Bell’s. Air. Uowell’a paat aerficea ko Ibe die* a » u ...... 4 M •friltloai •*• payable id tdriDta, sod II cot m DeacrlntlaD.— Houao aud Jot a l P n iit iii; • - - priaUd prompt ptymfBl ibonld b* mad* and r*» trlefc were worthy of further reoog* •klftlof aim* w llU pw tiou Ibe ptfM tiiiard »(t*r Powder and liquid Creoleuni for dla« Jama*r^aiia— . •; : nitloo aod b ii re*uomjualfoo waa a infecting at A. Bell'a. . Taa dua IBM ...... , Broken Sizes. amaeaiptortbuaoMy. Islarm t.'...... foregone aooolualou. Tbe dialriet baa : ;.Ta« du* isww Bxpennm>, almlQla'N lnr*. pt*.. h i* a th* r'ffhl In ICoyal Gluem endi nnytliing aoild aa . lu ifre ri, ...... i f . . , beeu well represented jq tbe paat by " ua *H bftD )*«apa p*H » wbicb "ball appear I'Ollrwt rock, tio lda tA .U ell’i. ' am) pibllciilon* •>( all kind* »• ar* required nod^r Daacrlptloii.— arrr adjoining iu.\ A BARGAIN otber OoDgreeameo, bnt do one haa l u l l * in tM>publUbrd. ami wa oarrva'lf *bd r*. , . , ■ .( riicrlock atid ViauQ factory . , ■ iMidittf »«kmir(rl«uJf torfmemUr ua In nat» haa giroo the dotiea of tbe ofOoe great* Loring’i Tasteless Chili Cure *t A, william v .i Iv a o ftb ia kind. : T a i dua l‘M...... 1 t 01 er aUeotloo nor aeourcd ao ui\)eb for Bell'a. . . ' . ‘ 'A . . . InlaiMl...... W ---- TB* doe lW T r M ... V .7 7 .7 ...... JI 8(1 ...... NOTICE TO BOBSOBlfifBfl, tbelr district aa Mr. Howell. Aa the Ooata,...... 4 b>> IfaW oanirk ia driwu through thli not lea It eaovaM proceedi Mr. Howell will be Daaeri|)tluo.~out*«iflmli aora ad jo lu lb i Wil- .. •aaaa Ihal 7 oaranbKrI|ilion lit* eip>r*d aod tbat eome better known aud bla popnlarit/ • • ‘ ■ Ham Hupojo. • ■■ *’ ■ •- • ■ • " [ rm i n wapactf utly rKiUMUd ta r«uev at onoe, Edward Hirtcaliy— • ...... • I BEDLE & SON. will bu greater ou eleolioo day that >Tat due » W , ...... 19 la tc tM t...... 14 Jfc* Jotam i. (aon alia at 3. T, OIovm' }>>*• qow, if tbat ie poteible.. Uie ie*elec — OK- ...... , . '4 W Drterl)i(ioa,—iJUMbanaoi) |ot, ...... - - *ta«Ml, ta d tba Uploo Hawa Staori at Station, Mala- tion ii eoooeded on all aidea. Jobu O'Uarlu Bat,— , . v aa . and at B. B. OHm *«, R e p o r t T a a d n a lt W ...... i ...... I l l u a weekly paper lu iara al...... Ml .. .The .Vcateiiycr REAL ESTATE ...... 4 M a l tba Matawan poatoflc* aa —coed daaa publUbed lu Red Bauk ia tbe iutereale DMertptlfliu-TwuaureaatOitffvtMfd. . - mlltnattar. ' — roR— ' JajueaO ’N ail— • ' of th.e colored raee by • colored uao. Taa dua |»0 ...... I I 48 Iftli'tnt,,,...... i. Tbe editor ii an obemiug mao aud THURSDAY, SEl'TEMRER 0, 1900. Ooata...... ib o TAXES! DaacrlyUoii,—l * i i of TI>oui|«ua ra iair( ibr*« from week io week offore aome good . . , awl oua-baif anna, - ,, . advice lo bia raoe. In tbe laat iaenfi Oaorya l>rwt— ■ , For Pim Mi>i><, y rile » te th e » Ib a l ty vlfiw** of a vorm a t Ta« da« Iff* ...... I>ai Everything tinder tbe beading “ Wonld Commit laitlftt bf * i* u U. railuii, Jt ]H| It. Ktibaa, ir,, and la u ia a i, ...... aT ION. WILLIAM M'KINLRY, Tail B>oaOooaTfr, Iba Vn*a»blpOi«iiDnira nf ia« Oo»ta...... I M Suicide,” v a i Ibe following: tevaablp nf Matawan, lu lb«> aoautr af MeaawaiK Daaeritdlrai— lw» aitdour.ballairaaadjula* 1 , O f Ohio. to bm I* iba tini'aM la ia a aaaiaaad oa Utida, ih io . . l a i diMi HiaoWa. Pia ataa . Colored people have u hard (line in Mvula. b*n«4Uai»»n>» an d p*»> t*tola (n »al>1 lcb and a o'uWli (al 1 made au example of wlul tlie negro inny m JubaBvaii— ' ’ u'uloob V. m. ) at ib. HOTIL OV J IHN H. V \.. Taa dun law ...... t U al UIIKwihhI, fa (h# *atd (oww«titr* ■#!! Ihn WEARING . K o k c t io k , rx|*ci from a Democratic Mduiliiiairation, laUrwai,..,...... Id laoda, I r a a u t b x m m a i a a a i a an d raal adaia at the reccnt race tiola Mhich occurred in ...... IM . I'KMPimrrr, Ui«r»iilid< r drM tll»d at |hU>U« vviidtw, forlbi> abvrl. P*tTip4teu.~4Ju*4ial( oeraatUltBwoM. - ' tboae cUicii o il la ra m u i fanM iU ai ih iriy yrar< la r w bb4 aaiv J r ' ' ...... ■ P a t h i o t i i m , Scuntur Tilhiniiiof South Curollun, aaya |Mraoanrr*r««Niwma«raatu tala tna nuia and iaiHMWIlat— : . : . , itav antdi t*»aa, a lib laurvM thrraon at iba »ali> or Tai dna IMM ...... I M APPAREL ...... , PuMMtM. thnt Utc Dcinocmlic p«ily doesn’t ue^l M r v«atHw, ta * lw*bUvtl> u i K w w M , tttlvm t...... 41 the Ncuro'a vole; tlmt lliey need the A. l i , o a t ilMii«aaUi t^», aii't O nala,...... ' ■ f li« «utkln|iuiu « * nuAntianil lu Covu ntid ttt^Urr them in for tue white t. UON IKlMUVKH, lMIUta.-Uii* iiaU wort oa n * d la u a M . ,• for ’ man, Ami wc don't n m l Hemitor Till* a W <1111 Mlllag for illuuor |»llt, Mo tiu'a Mill, , , •'...? !•. < : ■ ■ ■ ■ .•,.!< • j'- man or tbe Dettiocr.-uic iwri> either: the CbirlaaBrtok- ' ; ‘X llil.J lllDt Marvarvl Taa dua IBM . , .'I 3« ouly tiling we wonld be likely to need thr ... 91 Heimtor. rot would Im to unc the ihot mi'i> Tin ilit* H la ta iv a l,...... Hi -Children : falah-al...... « Tai dua 1# J ...... 1 19 If, u IU Domi)or»ti >ftltui| Ilm m \\\ws Jbv wme nny he wKociUed Ua um Tai dua )*»... ..>• a U luim ai,,,,,, ...... < I t 0^la, „ , n l ...... V I [V on thr ncgroci in North and Month Curo (\»t*...... 4J i'J H D ludlpj lilll l> Ilm mollior nl Iriulu, It Him* in iHuS, Ha*erl|it.mi,~l)Ma.|iali at'h* uu Obilwli Ht. . . —ll\mw and W nituwiia I'aUtih BIjA m IB,W rrla^- ‘ V/’"' ! ' Wbaku. Oak abatiaa. ' ■Bit lio *11111111(11 lli.l - IU(rreal.u..,V,^M iiM M .,M .>iiii.i.i * W IM illla ...... a ia I . *,yif....i, ...... S. . „ .,..;4 8U it Turn fexv dolltun, odrluk of rum, n ke^, tllW f^U,M<, t t OaawtM«»H,~t'w« lti4» a .JuUdtm O wbbw r, ■ l\»l« ...ii.ili..n..W ii ...... t w ■ OakHlililia. ,• - , • R .F. SGHOCK’S. Tlm llRUtiia aim* Ib tllU u ImiuvK ut of hcer or n hox ofciK>ii«i aiinply am b r K r lf tiu n -<'»nwi • ativii i jirM|4ri>, ii»m « WihtttavilarM. • •• - t:=,t ■ * •olely iicc«u*o Ihuy nrc ignorant, nnUirnl ' au dl< 4 ad)o ln h> | irtv|«ilr«f 4aa. ^ Hii touuliT tKilJ.OUl^UUO tor U.io ,, , k •I'ai.dw IW ...... IH horn fool*. )ll*oh, OaV ’ ♦ k lm *-»eif,;...... 'lit fnU of dK'oIIuK n Duinuornllo I’rcnliVnl A* nuitiy Idiu^k tneu tm wuut to ttiay lUlaaboth lljw lia— > ... , ...... ?> E ii O i* ia ,'..,l .k ..,ii .. ., 4 < i, .i.>.« ,.iM « ;,',iV ’..|.8U WATCHES, CLOCKS, . vole the Democratic ticket; hut wc would Tai ilMr ltWd...... H H : Ib .tSVti, U U iluHlitful If ill«; * ill tlo llHaMal,1.,...... mi..» / . .5..UV * M road lu Ptfatiuhb '* ' '' i? Jewelry, Mimicnl Doxcstiid commit aoicide before vvi* would du any Taa dim 1W # M »o, ■ galii ObarlNBakaifl- • "■?, • ■ ' Optical GooiIh. ' ; thiu^ nf the aoit. ' lalaraat...... ' . VI . Taa dm tm W innate 4 * 1 . ».V: * W DmTli>UttU,-Hln*t»fBaiiiwh aOJumiimUlaj*, iut*‘i«t,,..,,l, i t f t Repalrlns; : * ' *'\Vlml f ili'mimicc," nilil Wllllmn ' ’ T a i ilua lHWt, , , , ii,v,... m )U.t.vriylai||, :r- priltotlri! Im 111; II I* (alao eoutiouiT Taa dvwi t a w ...... 9 11 oiT Ibu political tualboiuNtiulnua nro Inlttn<*l...... ; II (IW|* W, Vill lilt-*, ■ v ... Eye OIomca '. ' . itJ"1 J »ud tbo kuomI vloiuimj'ulltlo»l|)rlui't|*lo ...... I ID , Taa dua 3HW ,»,,,...... ' 8 IlKuritig uul wbo will lake tho ininilna- Intaraatti..ViIw Vii, Ui > • ’ and H|MJctadca filled for nil kiuda bai orcr ruracil tlila rotiulry," l^wiuulou-L h io u hw\,itviu Matawiu to - : tlittt OiMMa,,>i.,i...ti.ik,.,i i. t , , , , , , .« I tU . of Defective SiHltt nt JVIcxlercite tion tor Oonpruaa on (be l>omoeratio itactaiiV Milt, • ; . ,. . l)N«rt^iliui,-OiiMpiariir kurv uu M il iu , , 1 ’rlcc#, DoclorV 1'rcecrljitioni iii'kil aftMiijal Ooii|ircaainaii Howell, KdwaM t. tliMKU- : ' Holtadfl. < ''1 tVii dua l*W : ^ttuulcup. t, « Tbei« It ono } QmWnUuiU U is tlio ftnormmin and win In piiut AmUiy.' - " • i ni'ta that nhotfw runa a^aiuKt him D»im*i I|«Iou .-“ t^mraad a ball nocva Iiy Jacob ' ' i ill exchntiKe Or liouyht for cnab, JvhitOaitiaJ- .. ■ • -m-■■■ ■ Van VxW'K ■ ' *U|‘roocd«utcd luoh'aao of our export will have n mighty bard taak hcfoie T ai dtla l » * ...... I t l 'JiKrtVI,'*niHia~ ■ • i,|i ! • i: > ' l i'­ All wutch rcpnlra Oiuunntecd for pne ./bariueiii. All oi.iliuni aaid Ibal kirn) ...... ‘ I’J biiu. Lota uf Dcuourata of iny ao* Own...... I w , Tux dua ltani<,M«.M.i\ i..,..'i.M ..,,'. J« (in Yenr Ami in no cnac ia u second chnr^e ■ 1‘Hliin g wm (tuiioiMldc tttJifcr n pro* -\V’a U ....i..,..u ;...... uVi.4...,,..' i W made tmidv of tlml time, ' ‘ who tbu Democratic nominee will be. tryX...... l>«*rrl^»ti»n,-4hif4i»lf aeie al Ptra*aU| fi^ r r ■; y •«0l!vp Urtff.' 1 Kllaalwili 0. Oi»mVIIii— '' 1 1 i ■ • > • . , bouaa en Mill fuadrliuuM auil lol Tbo noiaible eaudidah'e realiie tbla 'u i dun iitw ,i...... li m J. M. MANNINO, • ■ ■'•at rw »i«*u, ’ } '■ '■ •> : '• Vrncticm ^Vntcliuinker aiu) pyticinti, aud .Uirio acema to bo none wbo la ...... W JobaB. WwHtyi- • Mi. i.. . ' > ! r ' Jeliu I1. Ai'plpgalc of Uoil lUuk bin _ _ _ " Commcrclnl lllock, *MATA\VAN. auiiotta to put up a flgbt agaluat bint J> t*ctipilu ti.~ »u*ai!m i»B Uv,,,u V „i»M ...... 4lt wtUteu a c*u\\mlgu doc^moul on "Mc* Mn,li«nj*mtn0«»'v«rK»t,—, , • ‘ 4 nu T i l tlilH lfck.40 83 * X liU y ' J uV ilto laanca of “ Adi.” a i UvltAllwia. D»»crliH|oii.-.Kountida lia ll aorva at .|‘r*> Itilr tttl...... OH uaan (in F rtth tu d road. " \ ' BryauSitni" Uo trcata bln tcjdoi tu a . W h«n w u a o ktepa a alote, a abop I ...... I...... t tU, CHARLES J. MATZ, or an oflloo tbora ia prHumptive eri* IW«ill>lU'b.-Our-'liUH*r ac*rai>L' |ln)Wiilu«u : a&n»tcffi)t0roat)QVf i»>i,Vjweck wu n w l. ^ ; • doneo tbat be vauta ouatoui; tmt wbeu, 1‘ay m H ittn w t tia aiada t m t m ttw bbneWMoa nf f ),■ l ■*.. •;« ‘ t aatf. utbarwlaa Iba p ro w r lr will ba liuuirOlolaly Custom Tailor, » il) begin tbeir imblloaHou, prluttu^ T at d u a .lo r a ...... t l n iu addition! he advertiaoa in tbe publio mold, ’ '1 v* •’ ■ ■ • \VltitP>inirtiiad ttiialwanty.ftKbttidi« nf July, aewajtapera Ibal he ie ready to do buai 1'ai d iia IBN ...... MATAWAN, NEW JE R 8 E Y . ’ > o e "* * n \ j t A. 1).. 1MJC, , . J . DON UONOVKtl, Here lu* iiiuee a direct aud partlonlar lutwrvM...... , «t Ural*..... i..... i.\l.. .',‘AV. ,iKI I,r . . <»f; ^OolMfitfirflf 1\aiM. iuvitatiou lu the people to coiue lo biiu . . , M atiwau, M, 4, Clot lies nmde to order lu 'first Kcrer beforo In tho htitory ot Tccit* tH^'Hollon.—iiii*'liiir atw al Ctlffawtv .iv, i'- ' [ nud trade* Everybody baa bad ex M iuul*Dobaon— ctnmivle. ' flD tlal campalgtn bauv the atipporlon periouoe witb uarohaula »tud profea«< T a i dn» )tP9 ...... 1104 Cleaning, Repairing nH tlp'^liig ■ lulaw *t..,...... Vv...,u;,.,>iuvi.ca(^iiUeu.-Uy«4»U aua a l UUiIwsd... ceived. l.nrijo iminlier-to ; select I#*<#1 ruvre* frna to go to th« »lurv« and ttauD raw - * 'M- i . ,, . . tbai Brran will uot tb onythluK io mV from. ' . : .,i(> ii,. oflleea ol Iboao wbo iufite ua, day aflur Tat'dna W 4 . . . . . 'I t i IntiTi**!..,.. . I I A T G R E A TLY 'TtBrt Ibo canio of e tlm , ai bo liaa ila.r, through tbe ucwa|»aper, Adver- T a i Oil* ItH) ...... I M 'j»romiV\l to do. Tboy arc nleu being- tiaeuvuta are aeatuaucoa of weloomo lnlrr^al...... »•«>.*.«.. v •onfiow d Ibat bo wouUI not rvttro Ibo aud atloutlou. Ufaatljrtlini.—1Two toUeu UaukBtrwl, . , - i i i ^ a » KdvirdFani** ; 1 ' - ■■■,..« ' artBj from tlio PbUli*i>tnea ai be haa Tai daa )«« ...... ,9 1 * REDUCED PRICES 8KXTON OF ’ Who llie IhiMrllMl Nriro I), ' preBiieih Stioh an auumaloua cou* mak Um«Dfvn . T a i dua ...... , , . , 1 1 IB ROSE - HILL - CEMETERY 4ilion ihouM uol Wfjtt coufldi'ucv, Tbe Deuocratlo patty bai alwaye ... M o « * i» ...... 4 au boou iu tbe gutter; wu diippoao ita nauo iVaerlHh'n.'—UHki^m tan'a houaa and B(* ; Grfivoi loddod, lota eubaoilod and fer- ia m int laea arrtw ailjolutttg club iro\iadat I hnve just bought a large tlllzoil.graai iced auwn, wnlkiflravolwd •^'l.TtO.^OniSAL )| uot Cpp04C»l u> Itfuttah Frvwl- 1 We bavo eeeu homely uegrore; aome Tai dua IIM ...... e as and all work appertaining to oetnetory YtMNlttl pnblio iDiprofeoieula, wbethtir supply of Toilet Soap which ith red eye* aud white teeth, ooal In l'N a l.. it tutu promptly attended to. ' ^ h e j tre lu tbo form of iron Hridge* hlaok akin and Hat noaei. thick Upa aud Ooal*...... I u will be sold nt H A LF T H E Will take (mtiro charge of lota for |1 IVacrlPlli'n.-Ou^.btll a«ra cu road to Uar« a year. tie wealthy auumer ntedocH of big eare^bui the bouiollcat oue of all ii lan'a UilL tbu big bead blaok Deuiooralio negro. Jo b B H l'M — . . IM PO RTER’S FKICES. Ordori loft at my rosldnnoe near the fiLo ooQnly or fot alouc roaili Iot «)t* » . . . i i - . . . » Tai dua.ttM ...... io n oomolory or at tho realdenoe nf-Jacob rc«id«uU. U oi it doca In tfrta t...... 1 It The soap has' been retailed Meimer, nearly oppnalte tho oemetery, Aflor waoy lulricato exporimocli, Tai dim la w ...... e a t will rucoivo prompt alt on tion. tppoM Ibe ootiilruollou of a $UOtOOi> Inttraal...... 8T at 35 ccnts n enke, I will sell i •cieutiata bave dleoovcrcd uiolliodi for Coala...... 4 80 ‘ brld|« at nhcn In opl«* obtaining all tbo uatural digoalaula, l)i^rlpUaaet\{^lwa.<~Oat-b«tt a m ou Tbe pttaoul oondllioti of tho luldgo |>ouud called Kodol Dyapepaia Onn\ tVtar(t.UradNaenBit,«* SOAP at Reduced,Prices, _ | f 0 H --- It dlgeaU wbat you oat and allow* all Taa dua IM «...... uay be anoli m to roi\nlre n uew I n t m a t . ■ w ■ S K P 0?S]M BB1E . tue boforo Ihi) wiutor la over, llut dyapeptlci to c*| plenty of uouriablug lh»|a,,,..,,...... I m t>a*frl|'tlan.—Twat*aaoiaa woodland a l Cliff* . Lh v i i M ataw an . Laavti Naw Vork, food viblle ibo alouiaob trouble* are wee»\ti . . Uoie i« a Ugal way loaaocrUlutUcou' i . t‘. M. .. ., A*M* bclug radioally cured by ibo medical (IfO'daJohttwa'llHn* .< . / ^ V.' LlGHTNINCJaiiii'MASON Irlilpy...... T, T I'l'hliiy...... 7, I illttou and It appoara from tlio iniunli'a ageute It couialoi> It i i pleaaaut lo Tai dua tm ...... ) M Hiitunliiy .... a, i ■ • ta Monday...... v\ i Mniirtny...... m, fi •f tie nifeti»n ol the KrrehohWra Ibal take aud will gWot|idok relief, A, Boll* ttota....,w ...... 4 W Tiiiwi«y...,.li. 7 i'Ui'w!uy.....il, rt Bupb a eourae ia belUR puraiiod, Uaaoflt>lton.«’O ii»*l|htk a m titar n i b u ., 3Vodilifdny..l iclUhttlnitT'aUm, ^ : lo net iu the enpneity or Deputy Corotter VaDdfitdtlliainWrtaon^ . ■ 1 . < ' W tutgU ^ H ify lluJlt luiit atul bit T a i Ana 1«aa ...... U I I fur MalnwAutwviiahtpnmlvlctimy, OfAco l.eimml Oerry A C-n'a (>npntud« WnU )ntfr«wl...... K,..,. m al Arrowaiuith Uro*/ Untcrtnklhg Wore* fttivuda nli>n« llio lliim*oo lloitd. The uivnt rold by A. Ihdl. I'll da* ...... 8 9 M. fl. WHITE. room*. JOHN T, TlU 'U iV , Coroner, I HAVK TAKEN Tjj* ;i Mlae Norma Sbarp of Tronton baa AGBNCV FOR ^ DJalalunn Jm nal. , Jl’ivnU'r* nm hivttMl t«> in'nrt ur, nnl l»t«r thnn been eogajed to ttwob our aobool Ibe U,,f oiMtlt Hi>(>k,/fir puMli'ijllofi MU- coming term. «|i*r IIiIh ln*ufllii« nttf ii'itlf-i'rtiHTluhiinu (<-. THE FIDELITr & CASU4LTFC0. lliflntiM wrvlcoM aud tlu<^ will ii«< {xmlihti^! or NEW YORK. WlOloiit rllttrtii'.j Matawan M all Blreotory, Mra. Joliu 0 , Doida, wbo baa bfleo Asatla...... f3»50o,ooo vlaitlog r«la|lv«ja at Ordtou and Atbeus I,oue* Paid, over______10,000,000 MAIM CLOSH. on tbe HmUoij, baa r-«»uro«d borne. M. K. tlmn-u. For New Vork, Newark, Anri aII points Bov, Mr, Correll will apeak at tbe Mr*. Brabam aod faw ilj of East Their new Health and'Accident con­ North and West, pliJh nud the Metbodiit prayor tueetlug Ibis Tbura* tract gives more protection for less money New York are apeudlng a few weeks South and Atlantic Ilighiauda: 7.70,11.20 day eveuiog, lie will be remembered thfiu any other accident insurance policy «, m .,4 .30, 7.30 p. in. with ber slater, Mre, Je r rj Farriugtoo. aa tho iniuUter wbo filled tbe pulpit in the world. Tor Hailet, HolmdcV Colts Neck, Red Miee BelleOanBiffbari for ber gueata laat spring wbeo ihe preaent paatoi was ACCIDENT CONTRACT. Bank, Long lirauch, Aabnry Park and all over Labor Day Waiter Oarvlu, Miaa uot able to be uu baud, points on lue N. Y. & L. Jl. im l New Jen AGAINST ORDINARY ACCIDENTS. Gertrude Bouevs, Miaa Bella K idd aud Bov, J. F. lleilenmaD, tbo pastor, «ey Southern Railroads; 9.10a. ui., 2.13, Miaa Jeooie Chrysler, af) of Brooklyn. Ill cate o f Death___...... ,:.;.,^,|5,ooo 4*3°. 7*30 p. u , will preach morning aud eveuiug al LoasofBotli H auda....;- 5,ooo : For Keyport and Freehold; 9.10,11.30 tbe Mr>E, Chnrob, Suudoy. Morning Loaaoi lioth K tcl...... 5,000 priHie-Arfdress~8nd ad­ excellent “ Pure Food" prepar­ — Matawan and Vicinity. was gouo, Nothing bad beeu aaid about LossofOne Eye ...... 1,700 minister the bueiaiuent of baptism to all ations such as arc on sale at Weekly Indemnity ______...... ; 50 children whose parents mav prcscut them. tbe poeketbook to tbe people la the . ... Tbe graded school opeoe 00 LIMIT OP INDEMNITY, I00WHEK9. In the evening the Smid*Ay>achool will bauk,—JfcU flank Hcyhlcr, I. W.: Smith's will grow up Holiday. render a program bearing upon the Rihle. Mr. Walliug'a friends at Keyporl aro well, strong and good hum* HEAIyTiTcONTRACT. ' Tbe Baptist Sunday-school bad There will lie special music, nml Ilible wouderiug why he abould go out of $2,500 VOk ' drills by the children and n nhort address ored. 1 f you are wise you will 'lie auuual pioulo to Money Island jet* towu to deposit bis iDrplua moutv, Total lUindttesfl or Complete Taralysii of 011 Hible Study by the (mKtor. The of* lerday, wbeu tbere are Iwo substantial banks increase your grocery bills and the llody, or Both Ilniuls, Doth Keet, or forings during tlie day will lie divided One Hand and One Foot, Also . , . .Lettoy Cook took a tailing party nuiotig Tliu Ainuricnn’lllble SocletyT The at home. Bono people go ao far as to reduce your doctors' and drug­ of ulne .voting people uni yesterday ou SuiKlny School Union and Tlie Tract So* aay Ihey bave uo aympatby for him iu gists' bills. , ' $35 PUR WKHK FOR DISAUIMTV •liii ysobt Wauda. ciety.' These are very worthy objects bia loaa aud ihiuk it abould prove a CAUHKI) HV ’ nnd afford an excellent op|>orlumty for leeeou for bim. Others, however, are Trpkm, Mmli-a, Oolltla, ....J o b u Brewer wou a $35 (old Tyitfilil, A«(» InCIiolura, H«f>aul(s Rtlilt od UUoi Day at Had Bauk in all lo do good with their money, not ao uuoharitable aod a ^o lo g iu for Fresh Shaved Dried Beef Hr>rl«l. Kf|«lo«la», Oaalro.RBlarllla, him on tbe etrangtb of bia teaoblug at ‘l>l>bot*l)AirUl«, t'ai iff, Mra. Caroline Cooper nnd son of Newark of tboae al Keyporl, amall liu, , Tyiiblltia, Tunior, T lifj.lioiilJ Iw nliirucd about 111. Vatiolniil, / Uailrllla, lMrfa< vt lb* UircnaHut. ’ralurna for Iba wouud y»ar to Ibu . Aar Tiibwiitlar Dlatsea, ■ Miia Ida Kngter hat jnat relurnetl from Dowling, of Butler, Vn,t iu threw yeara1 '0tal» Nonaal fkliool .1 Tr.uloD. Miaa Newark, where she haa been ajundliig a r,IMIT INDKMNlYY, »6 WggKM, straggle wilb a mallguaut tloiuacb •O n o . CaruaB anil M lu Mam) Aunook few day* with friends. trouble ,Ibat oauaed dialreeajug uttaeke I. W. SMITH, Agt. There are aevcral olaaaee of Hake, and ■alao laa,* wu llial day fur luilruoliog Jacob N. Morgan of Hrooklya was the of uaneea aud iuiBgvttiou, A ll reme­ the rule atul awiouut of iiiattnnt'e dej»endt iii iliaaaat IbiIIIuIIiiu. gural of hia uncle, Jamea II, llyeraof altogether U)ton the occupation of tlia ai>« dies failed to reliovo ber u a lil the .... William II. Tothlll ia conHt.,1 MorgaiH’ille slid Mrs, Iknjaiu Vim l>orii plicaul, The majority or rltka are of Ihe tried Elrolrio Bitten, After taking It to l l . riKint wilb iL euualluu. Mr. of Mntawau, from Saturday to Moinluy, " A" H|*t:lal Clast and a policy of thla two molitbe, aba wrote 1 “ I am uow Tutfalll h u to m aaiUllii« in lha Fir.* The congregailon uf the Morgan* KKtli M Ctrnr Win. nalurv for |io,oim costa only #50 per year. wholly oured auil oau oal auylhlug, It Katloml Uauk ai Aabnry l’ark Ibi. viile church was highly favored £ uii* A policy for |5,ow» coals oDly'faj.oo ii truly a grand tunlo fur tba wbote Tb.OlMOMli rr.lliaai, aad per year. 'lum n.r, bnt vaa obligati lo lallmiaUli day evening with tlu» premuce of Mr. Mnrgnii, who ia now iloiug niiwloimry tyitem aud I gained Ip weight m d feel Moat D iribl, War* Bid*, While you are sick you receive |>5 per kla d u ll,a auil i.lu iu m l honia laat W.il- work In Ihe vityofllttNiklyiii hut in his ■uob itroogor tluoo using ik " It aide week. awdaj nlglil. vounger daya was a renldcuU»f thin plttcc. Migeellon, ourea dyip*Ml»* lupmvee Tea Kettles, Tea and Coffee I f Isld up hy accident you receive f jo ,,,.Tbe baml eoa»rt Iul Friday lie look chargo uf the aong aervk'e, which anpetlle, gives new Ufa, Ouly OOu. perw etk, UsUhI fifteen mlmitea, af\cr whudt he Hefoieliisuringapply for full particulars. t nlglilwaa mot. largoly itt.iid.dMMn Oiiarauloeii, at Frank 11, Blaler’a drug preached a very earliest ami elevnliug Pots, Wash Batina, Dip* toy k.r.Mi.ro *l*.u. Tba m Ih IIo ui store, . I also stu the iwai agent for Ihe llb »r«llr applaud.,! aud lha baud NfrtiMHi from the HDrds fouud in Murk ih: ij, ’ —~ ---- . ' pen, Ohafiag Diahea rtip v id .il wilb |ilM,a uul un iba pro­ Tiniali laiuriate. and nany ctta.r NATIONAL SUltKTY CO. gram, To m orio* ulghi ib . I u l oon- Ol' NKW VOUK, Ho much ihitungo luia been dntie rcreiit* c r i *111 Im glraii. Wiriaia«k Wm*, «>iil will Ihi.hI oillceri ol .m 'l.llp. or or* Kiolmnl W. Herbert Attended (he Coil' ly by tornmlos iu thin county thut aome HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES iraiiltHlliiiii, Ailiiilnlhliiikiri, Itirciilnm, .... Abuul d.jllgbt Ibia nioiulug Ibo Krenidnunl Couvettlion at New UrunswiL'k people think tlmt pmh ctlnu by luaurutice ninrrilina. lUuk Uterk* mikI OI1toor«. Con- 'ijnglne ui a Iralghi Iruiu ran lulu Ibo yiHtculu)1. It vory dcalruhle, al |iflo«i n.irly low ■■ aomuon ImHuii, l!ni|'l(ijc«, anil III fuel l*»ilo m y I nm pri'piirnl tu Ihmiic* polli’lcn ngnltiM r » if «wl o f au I'Uiiiljr |>»ucug«r Iralu Mr, nnd Mra. K. Vnullruid wetereoeut tin . For alia audontililbltlon ai I1I111I ut« iKiutl where uiurriy lira|\ilni(. at Ib i iiiu«tlou wliilu on Ita way lo Al- lown nr ilnmiiHM to bulblhigi« by wind Itnlm l.nw, ami ||lvcn iijkiii u|>|>!Il'ii- uueatnof IK 11, lUipklitN and family td Ntoriiia nl n low rnte—nUiut iiin^tlilid tlio laiiila lllglil.uili, Tliu latlor train bad IIiiii, liy 1 llorueintowu. fire liiMuriiucu 111(0. Wt'Uv or cult oit lUuJ, T. S. K. BROWN ESTATE, IiItNJ. 1'. 9, 1IR0WN, 'SOI je t (n il; ctait.il tbu malu track I’ercy A, Clark ofltutheiftml, N. J.. rc 1^, H. Ilriikvu, iuauniiice ngeut, Miittiwnu, flor. Atlautlo *11,1 F ln l HI.,, ltrnl Kmiite nml Imnmnco Akoiii f Iim Ilia oolllaliMi ba|i|ieuml, Nol turned lo hia luiuio after spending liU N .J. ______■ ' , muob nr(‘uU, Mr, nnd Mra, It, Vim liniut, .uf lllll nlmok lo »ln|i |>it Instil nil II .m l (Iclcr;f Hiiraiipurilln for tlio ntirvng, blond utid slnnimih, UAi) n l A. Jloli’11, . nilio uollllv ilM r. W arilrll al llm liauk. John w. Ilorlvit, Jr., who him boon in Cnnmln for auvtrnl wrrku, wjin in New 'II. lliluha II a a . loat lntwiMiii Kuj(iorl Vork on tnmlni'M hint wci'k nml nlsn Tiiotlinohn Wnt mid Mmoiiou nt A. mud 'Hr|lllru lludle'N oiirwir. HjHiiit one dnj* with hlfltuoitu>r here. .... ■ ~----■-----. Iloll'e, Ckili Iia4 * Harrow K«c«h*. HbjImi Una Flxlurca, l>r, Hlmop'd Ib'Morntlvfi nt A, DnU'i. (Succkhboh t o A . M. I.AMIIltRl'SON) ...... ' Harmatii ibo t*o.j«ar-nlil aim of Tbo Hlandaril (Ins Company of Mnla a'li.tauiew yitB •Wllll.m itulian.glr, wa« dlmnncrrd lu wan bought al puhlio salv at Houtb AM. AiiTIHI, . W .W .W iKKii. 'tb , bauk J .r d of In. htbrr'a rwldnuoo Amboy 011 Wednesday of Isat wink a il(l,.('MitiKnn,.... IVhioT|iiU, Hllnrilay moruiug atilfurlni gr,al lot of gat latun globoi ami lliturva and The Newark Business College, Real Esteite and -»gODj. 'Ibu oblld *<• a tto n M I i, two gas idpe, Tbis properly huloiigoi) lo 70S Br«U St., Niwark, N. J. pbyalolau), who ilnicil tbai lia bail 8*1 tba Hotitb Amboy (Ua Company and IHm taiit.tari nit i h i i , ’ - il.n l I j notion bold ot t bottle uf mtdl was sold to satisfy a judgmoiit for Tlinliviilim r Hi'iiunl uf rd, Tbe elaveulb auntial vouulon uf tbe • L»«l jt a r about tbli tlmo Mr. Hole. tlifItHhlnuf *»h »U(t *>atflinlQl*. > Tw«!ily*uiulh Ni*w Jeraey Volunteers lU iiklna Uih Iih'm oiiiiitiu’iiil lliriiUKlionl Hie oootan DtNlHfillinta. ' ' Baglo'i nliltil Imjr got hold ol a liolllo will bo bald In tbu Armory, Keyport, INSURANCE WRITTEN IN FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES ol iiiiHlio|uv wlilob aoli'd lu abuul Ibo tttiiirUiaiHt Uouiiif ol Hii M fiul'ii, with uMar«iilt#(1 utixl Wodnesdav, Tho opening suasion urU lu e m iih fiiitliiil HiDPil In ttatr m ailer uf miP Iminlroil wciil< |»t iifltmif*. ' ‘ I mdo way aa tbia ouo. will be at 10:111) o'olook a. m, aud 'mm.-. — . ' . . , tVr(*nl«Uwtt'U<>»sti^f*inUU«nir^, A hu«| aunthor auaaiou at !i o'olook.p. m. anil Him ftwl. AND POLICIES DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 2lmmfrniiii—Hnjdrr, ...... ^ ■ ■ - ■ Hniiit fur na(Blut(iif. ur lif|tar, call. , L a ii B nudaj evening Miaa Denlib Chimkeriala'i Cse|h Rm idy « Brail D . diagblor of \Vard B, Buyder of -« faverlle. Yunker’s Branch Bakery, Persons hnvm? farms or town property tffauQaiu Kimmettnan Tbe aootblug aud liealtag pvoportlea ndjolnilig l ’rwlofllcc. MAtawaii. tbla plaoo were married at Old Bridge of tbis reuedyi Ila pleasant taste aud liyRev, M, Bird, pastor of tbe Baptist prompt and pbvmanunt oitrce have BREAD, CAKE. PIES, ETC., for sale or rout, are solicited to place thorn Oburob at tbat plaoe. Mr. ZUnmennan luado it a groat farorito wilh people freah every inorulng. Everything new and liis brido rttlurueri lo Vruuean everywhere, It ia eapeolally pitted by and titi-UMlnte» in my charge. Proportice advertised freo after, tbo ooremouv aud aru alopplDg mothers of amall children for onlds, II, I*. DlHbrow’fivSoih Water ou Ice; nil IlnvorH, , ...... w)lb;Kjm*r fl, AllMCRMei ornur and whooplDg catigb, ua It alwajo affords qulok relief, aud aa it ooutalua Also ngeut for Keyporl Ifniul Laundry. to Owners. Blanks for description of prop­ All work gunrrtulecif,. flrAWorOmo,UiTvnvToLBi>o,i uo ooitiut or other harmful drug, it . . , Luuxa County. f ^ may be gireu aa oonAdootly to a hahy ICE CREAM PARLOR. erties will be forwarded on application. Frank J , Chtmey nmkue oath Hint ha le as to au ndnlU For aalo by A. Bell lU'id’n Ice Crcmu—none bettor, few nx tho senior partner of tho flrrn of K. J gowi—wboloaiile mul ,reln,U>- Sjiechd Cbenoyft Co , doing business In tlio oil) Whs Wants i.Q o a i Fam tr ? prices to Churchui, Fnlrn, Weddljiga, l rea- of Toledo, (>0111117 and Btato aforoaald. tivule,ete, ' A Hisl'olaas all-Tonnd farmer would ’ and that aatd flimwllt pay one bundled Mkh. W, II. DIOGIN, dollara for eaoh and uvorv paao of oatairh aeeept an ongagetoenk. Is capablo of that oonnot bo ourod hv tho uso cf lU ll’a mauaglug a trnok farm. Beat of rufor Calurrbouro. VHAltK J. (IIIKNKY. eaooa givou and fair wngos oapeotud. Central Railroad of New Jersey "Sworn to bororo m. anil fliib.orllHKl In THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE Address I). B,, care of tlio J oiihnaii, iny momhoo, this Ulll day of Dotmubor BRAND AUTUMN EXCURSION A, V., 1800. fla, Atlaiillti Hlst>laa4r, on Ida Otwa and BmIIb fir Salt. The MCADINO NATIONAL lUtl'tlllUCAN NlUVMl'Al'lilt, iliorottgllly up lo j'T J r T l » . W. OUSAHON. Fresh oows with oalvcs for Mle or 8 T .J O H N 8 . dnto nml nlwnyn 11 stanch mlvocntu nml «npport<’r nf HrptibHonn prlhclidcn, will A w - V ir M o tv y l’ublij, ol Ilia Hind* ihxih PenU, exehange, Can ho 10011 on farm. Alao 111* TMK IMIMAKriU Ill/IINON, contalu the most rcllnhla twws of > * . . • IlaivaOataTrhCurelH taken inlnnially yearling bulla for aalo. Apply loOeo, •topvlna at anti aolo dintotly on Ihu blood and iniinoun Lliiauisycr, Jr, . nurfnoos of tho ayatoni. Bund for toall* WEST POINT And NEWBURGH, ——.....— « nn THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN, luoolals, fren. A gonlloman ruooutly cured of dya* KltANK J. CIIKNKY * Cf)., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, (BOO. Toludo, Ohio. popala gavo tke followlug appropriate! H it'll! nriiiNli'iHliAete I row Malawi^ Mill ha Including illiiamiihins, rorrrapundcnco nnd npL'ochra of the nhloal polltlcil Icudcin, reuderlog of Bnriia1 famous blotting: Kthfiroixt‘iltfO' “ In nn fiiilr ‘ ‘Ni train...... Im v Ii i i M aU w in al lirlllinnt editorials, report* from all acclloiiH of thu land nhotvliig progreii oMIid wotk, W Sold by (tnigffists, prloo 70o, m i i «, in.,ii., HnuleiulWn«pioiul*i«r in. lintttru w ilrtMl. . insfio «| Hall's Family IMIlo are tlio beet, “ Bnmc have moat aud oautiot oat, aud aotantiabla...... Unur, U ftrpilitn rtiu at... I'm him iubr ole, 1 cte,, nml will I'omnimd lltnir to tho cmcHil jicniwil or every IhoiighlfiiL lnlulll* Part ft*r tlm UouimI 'I’rJp, A d iilla Olill< some hnvo nono Ihat want It; but wo p n l volcr who 1ms tho Iruu Inttnojds of bln country ut licurt, 1 . Hwieheld Furalturs Fir 8ale lisvo moat auvi>ry part nf lli" A position as housdkeuiior lu n ru- Y o r k (liiii'Mlar...... 'Pally,...... Wins' tfia‘fla York Ifnllwl Hlalra ai a Hnllolial ward Taylor, (Hires ludlgoRlioii uuil nil nlomnoh die* Ts*i.W «*i{ Urn imlors. A, Belt. y f C^k ly M mi ti|MiT(ir'lwiiiVr.«ii'i T s * ih iia iM ** imiilalna T H h lllf ll vlilaanra, 11 ntiniaiiia ail tl»r* or mothurly utirslng. lUiforonouM, r i l / l i r i o in initiiiriHiii rcirniwn war F N Fresh Jeraey Cow 1 niiinrhm^rlaniiiaiiaialrn'tfa Oun Mluute Oongh Ouro la tbo only MBH, ,1, JM N N1.N08 , ami fiHinr oaliM tmwi vliloli at>pi‘flr«iii TIIM of IK K tlAtliV ItHUUNM ujitr; Uwrot H^lnu I ' for salo by A. W . Tylor .ou tbo P. MatawfU, N, «T, tllllHlNII (»/ Mtim itat'i, mIki Uuiiinilli) atnl Knrrlyn lin'HN, liax miMalnliitr rnmihifi \»t hvi ry iii^iiilinr «»r linrmlosN remedy Hint )iroduoos lm* (liirrraiionilaiin'j Hlmrt Htiirlna, HJiwiiit IlilMona ili» fmtilly, util ami iilaikat lifimrla atilili V, Boyor farm, modialu roaults. Try it, Ai Boll, llluatfiHi'iiN. Ifiiuinrtitia llfin*. lm iiKirlal liir<»r« aiBMiie»lar autiii>ii|iiliitt |rt |f lr ; 1 ar, nt A, lioll’a, ! nnd let my oows out iuto tlio pnblio 1,Dl|l|‘ __ rood ou tho uigbt of August UN, Send all orders to THE JOURNAL, Matawan, N, J. Moxollne Melal i ’ollili nt A« Hell's, . Whito JCiiAincl at A. Boll's. . W, II, UANltlNBON, during the fBtlrv period frotu tho dot* LOUD CALL FOR ORYANr M jpjia^issuEs. of thv «luctioU| Nov. V, 100U, uutil th* • ■ Vv — ....., S t 'J > ritU <»f Ills tw w , M arch 4, 1003,. A Pa»nlls4 «>p«au ,1k lf|i Own Asks t«||» TiillA^t AuillluM ii H6PUBUOAN TEXTBOOK SOUN08 THE admit |w«i|itt aru ri)tablft aolf ’ Tho truvt qui'Sliou ii in.iikly nnd Oni'f tlml aunt* ut KEYNOTE* Bt'MnniHiU u u l iliut iillipra irv out and tliat lli« vigorously eon>ddoroij. ORlclnl rocords <*|i»Lltf iKmjik lin n 1 I lm H Jlil lu au iu utiiJ of logldiilion mJiow tliat tho llepublle* HmiMi ilm .mil ymi invkd lortv— bftita CMTlMtaf Arrar of Fmetm, K I* a iM nu pnrty is the only one whtrh hus Futit’—lliv « iil/ IhiiimImIImi cl g u tu iin ifiil atnl in* aa< ArsaM esli-Nli Vmr U i« h - t lir tliv rrltfii I>( a ilt»|H.|.—H *U ail Frum W . J, courageously umlortukoa tlm task of Unexampled and Increasing Prosperity rnta (• Crs«k. Ur)au'a Kuilflialluu S|wuiii, - * controlling trusts hy national leglsla* Thu above ia Just exactly tho doc*, The Ilcpublieau cainpalffo testlniok lion. Tho ltepubllcan purty pluced ttiuu thut tho Ihmrbon Democracy of Under McKinley. : L a i Just Iteeu Jssued ami w ill s u o j i he upou the statuto books the ouly ef- avallahle for tfcurrul perusnl. After fectivo piece of Icgmlatioii ever irvatcd tliu south la'lloves in und puts Iuto cuumpnifiwtr the irtlaciyol cJulw* ot tvr this purpow^-tiie WiiL-ruHiii un(J- practice. lly “bruto fuj'co" Jt liiis dis^ tho pnrty for popular »up|wrt — the trust luw —but Its efTorts to so urneud frauchisod ucnrly ouo half of tho vot­ promptuefiB with which it has fulfilled tho couotltutjon ns to cuuhJo tho en*' ers of some of tho southern states,' WHY SHOULD |WE CHANGE? IU pledges of IMINi, the general proa- uctment of udllltlunnl legislation, while thus vKtalillshiug lu thoso states/‘gdv- _ ferity since th a t Uato am i the obvloui supported by all Uepublicans, wns do< orument without tho cotuent of tho ftiilacloa of tUo opposition—the hook feated by Dem ocratic votes iu the Flf- goYl•rued,, aud "taxatlou without rep* - - tlieii presents u gmtul array ot sta- ty-tlstb cougrcss, oud thiiB the ouly reaoutatlon.,l V v . f . ’ - 'Buslness^oCAlU Kinds Jtas Boomed,; Sine tUtfoil evidence in i»roof of tlio soumh available method of assuring national uess of theee clulius. A m ong tliu fucttf control of this subject wns rejected by lt Is plowing strango that Mr, Brynu; ; I*A Bryan’s'Defeat in 1895|yWa4es HIJh'er « cited lu ovldcuee of ImtliifHn Improve- the Democratic party. Tho fullucy of la compelled to go to tho^Phllippluo ini’Ut under the M eKluley uduilntstm* tbo frequently repented Assertion that Islnuda to fiud wrongs to bo denounced /^t&^S'^and/'Savings'Larger.' "i: Uou ’nre: «The reduction in fallurca “trusts aro the product of protection" nud people to be syjupnthlzod with. : ;J r » - / * 'ft* / r ‘ > „ ^ f.nHhsi '■ from 9.140,000,000 In 1S93 and $220,­ is proved by -a series of sinteiueuts Isu't the blnck mnu of our southern 000,000 in 1800’ to >00,000,000 In 1800; which show tho eslBtenco for many' states, robbed of his politlcnl rights by the iuerensd o f clenHuff Iiouho returnH years of trusts la England and other tho Democracy, ns much entitled to THE'WORKINGMAN’S CRY. end* not one ft decrcnec. .Tlio vnluo of from |32,000,000,0ll0 lu IfJOO to ?80,- low tariff couutrles. ' . , 000,000,000 in 1800; an incrense of 230,­ sympathy ns tho byown uinu of tbo tlie jirlnolpitl props Ims. been1 nincli The lending events of tho three years Phtlippines? ' ' grenler under -McKinley tlinn i under 000,000 toUR of freight carried by tbo of President McKinley's adalulstrn- railways lu 1B08 os coiniwrrtl with Why'does uot Mr; Bryan also protest tliu preceding Democratic Ion;, tariff tlon are reviewed—tho cojictuicut of agalust the Injustleo of allowing'a lulinlulitintlon. Kor cxamplb, the ISM,' nml an lnctcuso of more than the protective tariff, which , wos ac­ soutlioru statu which casts ouly 109,000 vnlnc of tlie wliont crop wii«, liT round $2,000,000,000 o f blink depoBlts in 180;) complished. moro quickly thau auy nmnlmrn. UTOi.fOO.OOO III 18IM nnd KHI2. nB comnnred w ith 1804. This great votes to Imvo ns large ti representation tariff legislation since Washington's lu tlm fk*inml iMillegu and lu tho con 000,000 In 1S08. The ligtires for eoru, businOBS activity, coupled w ith heavy first term; tho enactment of tho gold gress of the United States as a north* cotton nnd other huportnnt crops aro exports ,auU light import?, which arc stnndnrd law, the Pncldc railroad set* Btmllur to thosc>for wheat. shown to have ahvnys nccoiupualcil crn statu which polls 200,000 votes? . < tlemcuts, tho annexation of Ilnwuil The Truo Populist would like to hnvo , Significant Variations in Inrlnvi. tlio protective syatcmr has resulted lu uud tho war with Spaiu auil Um re* an enormous Increase of tho money In Mr. Itrynn nnswor thcso, qucstlop^ ; A goqd lQjox of a lintlon’B prosperity^ suits which followed. Conditions lu d rculntlon deeplto the KSBcrtlonH. eon* himself. Wo would U* only too*glad jo Is found in tho rcconls of the suvlugs Culm nt‘o dlscussetl and tho propnra- publish his repllc8,—Oumhu.Truo Pop* ha;iks. llio fuliowing flgtuea uro iu* atnutly made Iui' 1800 th a t thero could tlouH for giving tlio I’slnml cmnploto uiist., ' • ’ • „ ;.. Btrnclivc ami coiiviticlug; . bo no m aterial IiicreiiRM In thu circiilat* ludcpendeneo, outlined. Tho Porto ing medium without Inllutlou' hy liKTcnie tl aarjnsi lankt iV|ioill« itur* Rlcnn legislation Is revlew’cd, with the t Tlir Nnfion's Peril,' 1 ''A';. iitff i'levelnod'i flrat nlmllti*trntlon., $.VI,ftT0,0l4 means of-frro coinnge of .silver. Not* atBcrtlou thnt tba euactment of tho In hlu nccnptuuco spciicli nt Itidlahf. Haitiwit'i idtnlnUlritlor ■ lMA,i¥)0,7&a w’lthxtRiidlug ;the reJiKjtlon ; of tbnt tniiff lnwf was'for tho best Interests, npolls Bryan said that If elected ;ho Clfvolomra iccond MlnilnUtration...... T7,8|B,G15 pi’oiKiflilou tho:money lu clrculntluu ■Ylircv J'ton ot ...... „ n i ICC,308,7® not nlouo for'tho citizens ofPorto would, enll cuugivss together, liumil'i OFTHE in iho; United Ftutes' lpcreasoil froiu Klco, wbo nroUho: dltoet lil'neflcliirles dlately, In, extra session, t,TlmVjB pee*,V Ruiitlitri l'roa|>erltr*' - fl.rOO.-ilU.tHW nt the -dato of M r. No Boctlon of tho cmmtry tian Imd a from tho money> so collected, but ns* clsely. w hat Tho PrcijB poln^i’iV p n t;tiu • Uryiiu's |8IMJ; oauiluntlou ; to ^ < 002,- j u i ’Kcr »lmro of the kmioidI lu'onperlty pcdnlly of labor In tho United Htntes, thv., fiiuuu ninrnliitf ;wo'iilili ,pt,glm’biy. 42.7,400 ut the thile o( hl» nomlnnllon wlileit.ln thus mwuwri tlmt thn Jtepub* lie, Uie co«rwt» Bryufi w oujii, (a k y / ' \y\> ilm'iiitf McKlulcy’b lulmtulHtrntUm than lu 11*00,. whllo the gold and golil curt It)- the Honlli, nnd It lH pftsnhitf Hivdimo llcnu party will lonlat upon Its right g n v e 'th o reiiBons ihun why Ilryiiu*^ cat os in cirmihttlout,which v In July, to legislate with- reference to tlm re­ oU’^tlou would menu a DcmocniOc thut tho itoutlietn Hrymiltofi uliould ba 180fl/wi|trhnt fltl7,'000,000/ wero tu l>n’imi1nff to’Mlo^HwlrnttnoBt'to C T i^e fo vd in tfto r.21.10 nt thn dhto of the Chleltuo i'on- uintoty orM W tuAltifl*Hthtt*H,,imii tlio Tho so called Msno of MlmperinllHmu party wun detuoiiHitriitcd n t tlio fchhsfl.V ventlon n riW H l to f2lir>0 n f the ditto w ttli Ncrlo* output of southern Iron mo mul pij: Is aimwercd n or historical City convontloii. In tlio oxecullvo chnir, PAIL of tlie Kiinslis Clty'roiivcntlon of 1000. stntoments whh'h slmw tlmt tlm courso w ith the federal patrotlugo fit lilN'dlN* liditi UuiiIkm'i euul tuiil eoko hceu h o Mortufttettireii onil Anrlfttttnrr,' . larjjQWUfit hai* lljw n lii>t|»u pflnt t'vo which tbe United’ fttutea U ftHlowlug posal nnd n cublnet tiuulo tip of Alt* I khiU hIw w i gelilH, • HuImci'h aiul* P o t t l« i w s ,' hri' iw jit Ilf oj^Jbhyo Of tlio,ummifu(turer»i the III the I'hlllppliies anil lVirlo Ulcn is tho p'rlevi lifrcn'mi liljili. Ki>ver lioforo their jjrr' ruw mulerlnln tu people under Mlmllnr eiindltlntH by Jlryan tells the country lh a t‘bo Agnliiit llll llio run! mid filntliill of pvuductH whljiiKKl from lolilhorii portM. tvhltfli they, ivttulie (or u«o In imtmi- tho IVmomttlo party In the numerous would u t onco aciittlo out nf the Philip*- tlio ItryimUcd I »omiii'ni(',v nlm ul li'upc Never ItofoVo ha« monoy louinnl thoro (nelurfnit ilhd tho e- pnutuetH. Tho tmportnttoiiH of raw urn* cxlMIng conditions In tlm I'hlllpplnim which ono should rule, ihuuitli he could terliilH for iimo in iiimiufni txtvliiK, wliloli will bo chnnjied when tho liniurrivtlou not evade tlio responsibility of (ho, fit voli'i1 u f Kri'od," i'll’., Ilm llniiibllc- lootlvo I»I'iff.’ A few ytiim ih o , tlm! 1 iiiih Imvo iiiiii 1'liiKliiy lv|ily uhviij* (outh did prnrlhntliy un tnnmifuctur* In Ibe iXMnocrntlfr yenr W-I nmoimtoil iihnll bo fully suppresHod uud cougtvss United Blutos to other imtloiiH for tuo to only 9l'tH,02U,7:in ami funm'd only '.M shull iletermliH'. safety of thelc.citlKvns rcHldontJn the li'inly tn h m l limit- tlie 'hluillu Vol'll tiitf. I t now ht)H over In* viNiod in ruciotU’H, puyliiu ovor per cent ofthe total ImptH'tullon*, wore Philippines uud the property they own l'liONl'BlllTY, 1 In the year 11)00 fnuL'.’ja*.t(wi nm) there. The Untied States would Imvo JKW.tKK) In wiiKi’K aud pi'oiluclug lo* APPEALING AOAINST APATHY. Imnrlnlily iinwiiorlly lm, tii'wimim. per m ul f 3,tkv,o^),ti[)b formed HR eelit of the total liupor* to make ropnrutloii for nil dummies .of, nlwl lttimlillran iiilniliilntiiitliiiiK, mul l i i u n s s s f f a t ill lit* U m H M t Oh- that kind to foreluuets In tlm Philip* ’^ o iilt of product* yt'iU'ly. Mont of tatiouK, whllo tho exportatlonx of 0u< IiiihIiicm iIoihvkhIhii nml IiiiiyI tluii'H •m «lr l« ItciMitillriiii Hai'MM, thin litm'flto I)mn Ik't'M nviim l umlor IsIinI miinufnelmvK, whhh lu I HIM pine Islands, thoiiitli exorcising no con*, lmvo iH'itiiuimlili'il 1 iciuncint 1c nilm lii. Now York Is still full of buslueHs men trol there, or else the Kuropcun jmwors tin* w r n u t m lmhilHtiutloii mid In ill* niuountiHl to but flHll.T^H.KIis uml form* from nil |mrt* u f the country nml they would take pdkhchkIoii of the Islandi. Intrnllnim. This fuel inintUiHra nil uu- iv H ly duo to tho opcrttlloii of tho Ito* ed 111 |tor eeut of the lolol export, 411 184 nro all hopeful or im nctlvo IhihIuohs Hut Mr, Hryan says that he would not uniiwuriit.lo inutiiiioiil fur thv lloimli. puhlieau iMdldu*. wi'rt' In ItKH) $ ^, * ,SbMl nml formed Ul ih t eeut of tho total exporta. neasoii this fatl and emphntle lu thclr penult them tn do so. Tlmn ho would lli'illi ctuim', uml II Is 1111II11 c u m u li In Intrvaif In Hhh Ii Cliro*> deKitv for the mmooss o f tho Itepub- have to Unlit tbe ICuhipeau powers or llsolf fur nny I'liiulld uml riithiiiiil iiiuii, liuiili I'lom liiKX. im KliinvliiH I lie vol­ perlty timler iii'oteetlou nm l muiml mini- llcnu uutlotml ticket. It Is still ovt*' keep on drawing millions from tlm Tiro lli'iuililli'iin "imi'iiiiiiiiiiit turnin'' um e u f titmlnciM iliuio III lliu itiiiiili'jr. ey iu* t'otntMiivil with (*iimtltlonn under dont, however, tlmt a dangerous feel­ treasury to pny for Injuries to forolgii* In tliln cnmimlitii Ik lhi> |iros|ierlly uf im 'noiit iiiiii nf Iho kI ihiivohi uvhloiui'ii low tnrlff nml currem\v a^ltuttoii Irt ing of nvorcontUlcnco o x NIh tn mnny crs and their property by the Niiyngo llio Miunlrj' nml tlio ili'slmlilllty uf wm- Ilf lllOKMIOI'lll |ll'IW|ll'l'lt,V of llio |IOII|lil>, even num* plroniily mnvkod. Tho txjtV of the bunluertM m en of tho went uud plucs. Auy miiiio m an can see the to tliln iirtMIt ovoinliutlmvlnii foot uC nn- n f tlui,cloiii'lngK In ii ntrunx iil'Kiiiiiont tloudl •|n\i»|ierlly tlie IHMUiiciiils mill \\i'U mmmjj our own pooplo tinder Iiu south now visiting tho metropidls. frig htful conscipU'iiccs o f Bryan's pol* In ii iiolionil iIImciihhIoii o( tlio OOllll- ereiiNed eiinilutiN In lilalnly shown In .1 uut liccnnso ui the ptvvulllug npatliy ley. I'l'l'U lU ll htivt' uollilug tu nlTi'i1 oxeo|it ti.v'H comlltioii tmlii)'. lu im u tlio tutnl the hltfher mi'Uh'h ohtnltUHl by rurmom niiioiig tho hiiHlhomt clnsses, und tlm In tho meantime Urynu tiolde out Ihu n ln tru d llicoll''i, Bnch ttiei.rleii Imvo iif tliii‘ liiiitli I'loiirtuiiN or tlie country mul lit tho ronmrkuhlo ItuivnMo lu tho llepuhllcnim generally, tlm Democrats greatest Inducements passible to tlm 1 Itt 10 oltrvt 1111 Iho irimi w llli 11 (nil 1II11- for llio (tlui *lx iiioiiIIis wnu f!£l,0Wli' value of their oropH uml fnrm uiiIuuiIn. nro uow tukiug courage for tlm (Irst Tagnls, who might hope to rulo the nor (mil ur tlm im'ivliiiiil with iiui^' or- UTI.IlNl. r o r tho llm t «U nioiitli* of Tin* i'oiiHtiuiptlmi of whotit In tho Unit* other tribes In Luton, lo keep up tlicir tloni tlm n lio (‘im Unit llllle In llll. IIhiii the lolnl wim fIJ.tOT.'Jitl.Jtltl tim e since thu cuui|Hiltin oiHiied. It Is oil Hinton, w hioh had ranged lu the vl* tholr only hope, They nro looking guerrilla warfare on om1 snldleis und . « • ( m l . s l i o r m iiiI W i m * * . kIiuwIiik iiii liiuruHMi o f ILHi.TTil.lttO.liM. elnlty of nix bunhelH per eitpltn under I t U en*)' tu UHNiM'l that prosperity Im nuxlourdy to Vernmnt uud Maine uud kill every ouo poiodhlc, llry iu r prom* InvltlMlal VfitlMimri the ucllvltlOH o f tbe pvoteetlvo tiulfT ureal nnd Inercmdug, lull tlio lutes! of* nro hoping tlmt through upulhy tho Iscs to reward them for that bloody lte|>orlluK. ou tho protuvnn of ttm yearn, fell iim low an three nnd utio-luilf llchll tlKutvii, botli stnte mul imtlmml, Hcpubllcnu ninjorltli'H lu these Htntcs work by giving thom ludcpcmlonco. Is emuimliiu tu Wont virjtlnln, ,lohu 1C. bushilH per capita under the low tariff prtivo llu* iwacrtlon, Tnlm, llrat, tin? tuny tio mnterlully reduced; If so, they It any wonder tlmt tho Mniilhl I'l'tc* Thoui|imm, United 8lnte« initrtdial aud nml the businesH nml matuifneturlmt cine of lnhi>r mul wngvs. Tlio ructs, will Joyfully nnuouucc It us n proof dom has already printed n report thu t. uu old Coufodomto ooldlor, writing to deprenMlon whteh am un p an le d It, tmt iu furnished by tliu labor orgimkn* that tho strength of the llcpulillcoun tho Filipino Junta nt lloitgltoug him Kountor Keutt, Knyn tlm t thoy hnvo a tlOlIK tllClUSClVOH, rillow tlmt W11JJVH returuotl n«nlu to prnctlenlly «Ik brnOi. Is fulling nujl thnt the ttdo Ims turned voted to send fiV,000,000 to tho Doiuo* . lun>l ftulit on their lintula. hut tha t con« els K r eiipltn In 1800. have steadily tiitvntKTtl itndiM* thv pres* In favor of the Democrat*. era tic imtlomtl cominlttee to help elcut dltloiiK mom to fnvot' tho Koimblloun*. cut ndiuliil*trotlon. Here dii' 11 row I'r«s»»rltr •( l.ahur. Unless the UopulUlcmi voters of Uioso Itvyimy If tbe Jioitn cun raise tho Tlu> Konthuoiu lu tho Htato Ih very dlf- typlad luttunccti of increase dining The prosperity of tho htUtrltiK meu Is states, nm l the business men every* money from the rich speculutot'a who fovout fi-oni the foelltiK thnt prevailed the yvnr 1800; eijually clear nml Htrlklug. Tho re* where, shall nwnko to a renllxntlon nf Imve furnished fitnds io Agulimldo, Its ■ /.V.- . - • ' ' i ' - W**r tm-l***. lu IWU, whou Romo Heptibllcautt ne* pnrtH of the n u te labor Imrenus hi tho the situation ns It nctunlly stands, tho uno In behalf of Bryan would bo tho i flflrVUjTit anti ilowmiivtii ...... so |*r itiu tjitlonewl lu tlm U euiocm ilc ttemntul for great mnmifncturluK nml lndustrlnl result which Is so Mrongly nnd univers­ nuturnl nnd most cfTcctlve w ay to help tk>1l«r ftithvr* 1 ■><<•!.>«.in 1 . M |wr « n i » elutURv*, No ouo lu tho imrty spctun wnters show marked lm|ihivement ally denlml hy them may full of nttnlu* the Agulualdlftts. Itut tho Juutn proba­ U t ^ i t t m I ...... 1ft |>«r rvitl to itoiuiuul a ehatiKV nt this time, llry* K M tinl WviWn ...... ,8ft imt ivitl lioth In the number of employee*, ment nfter nil. I t wns n sim ilar over* bly docs not know nbout what happen­ MidilitUli ..... i . |tfr i-tttl iui'h predictions Imve Iw u i - dtsproveil houm of employment nud wap*s paid. contldence which lost the buttle for the ed to Vnltnudlghnni nud the Copper* . t*rtnlm ...... 1. M j>rr ttitl J by the iwncml prosivorlty, hml the poo- This Is CHpeelntly mnrked in the tnnnu* lU'publlciuis in 1884 nnd 1802, and heads In our civil war. Uallro«i| Kl )»r r ur^utiziitloiw of rallnny employees, of m m employed ness meu should sec that It Is necessary has snhl nmuy times that thoro "can vtewwl WHM'Utty 14 mild they would novur bo truo und lusting prosperity In IbvUMulvck. , lu tho eoul and Iron mines auil those to awake nud hciriii nt once to take an vote for MeKluley. A ll klmln or banl- eniwffed in all lines of manufacturing netlro pnrt In the contest for tlio re­ this nation until thoro Is frco and un­ r, ; L«»k al thr Kipott IMNorii. uomh meu were veprci<)ute<1 In tlio In*, being shown. Ono Interesting fact election of President McKinley. Wllh* limited colunge of silver nt tho rntlo of T lio itory of our I's p in t tnulc o f tato torvlews. All luit two of tho Itt Mntod which In shown Is that the purchasing ou t thin nctlvc co*o|tcrnt1on on their 10 to 3.” The snmc cxtrn session thnt ..yean hffonh nuotlior tlUmtmtlou of thnt lu tholr opinion not moro thnu iwwer of wagvfl has ratmed higher ilur* would support him In scuttling out of iho com im rntlrv I'tfoct \x\m\ tiunlm'nA purt the battle mny Iw lost. one In ten of tho commerchtl traveler* tho Philippines woulil pass a freo coin* auil Ifilwr uf tin1 jioUi'U'w o f ttu> \wi> ing Vreshleut M cKIiiIot’b lulmliiUtra* would vote for Urynu. Mnny mIU ngo of silver bill nnd caitso ton tlnioa 1 iMirlicn. nt thin ttil>lo o f Ihu vnluo tlon than At n n y other tim o In tho his* A islsit Blur asil (Irar Rvsaloss. tlu\v did not know *'a alnuio Itrynn tory o f tho country. Tlio Confedernte Association of tho greater loss to tho United Slntcs than o f our export)*: tmvolhiR mau.M . . • * « (if V fr* Army of Tennessee, which Includes a did the civil war. Thcro would bo it wo(Itmtwn) ...... lion. W. J. Parkinson of Mndisoo On tho currency qttestlon the book large m ajority o f the Confederate vet* panic unprecedented lu tho world's his* 19B3 (lUlflnt) ...... l,lM.\T.U,on wmuty, MIbh,, nays thnt uo lU pnhllcnn iJW (Ctr\«Un>h ...... Mti.Mi.mi opens wltn tlm assertion tlmt “how­ erans In Now Orleans, protested last tory. IM (CWvcU.M) ...... pivshient Imu over tuado such nu lm- ever much Iho skeleton of free ailver Wednesday ngntust Commnmlcr J. H. And whnt alwut tho tariff? Mr. Bry* n.)lV7.(UcKinl«;)...... l.iiriCDT.ini PK'mmId)) on the iK'ojde of (lio ftotith an tuny try to eonccal Itself behind the flowlon attending tho <1. A. it. encamp­ nu says that it Is "imcouHtitutfonnl" \MH (WrKlnlfj) ...... UHWl.ma i’lvshlenl Mclvluloy, Tho awretary of 18W(McMn1r>) ...... WX3,vs\,m timftk of hupvrlttllsm no thoUKhtfnl ment nt Chlcugo. fleucrnl Chiilaron, nud “Iniquitous.” The repeal of tlio ‘ the MeKluley nml llooaoveU elub of ninu can doubt U|Km ii motuent'a reflec­ president of the ussoehttlon, coutoudeii tariff Inws mul the mlnpttuu of thn Now ilrln im i «nld to Mr. l>n?kUi*Qn: ■ for July ju n i nito\v tion tlmt.nil of tho dangers o(,ISM tlm t (General Uonloti should bo ccnsur* freo trndo policy must coiuo nt tho *!W« havo more than ^KKi^ueiulHiri>, ,thnV thft lnck'a^ U « t l l l ptluir o u , the npnln thti*nt6n our financial synhmi lti od fur taking part lu such meetings sumo cxtrn session If Brynn Is honpBt, nml we shall soon hhve MubloMhat I'xport# In tlmt month Imvlnir the.eftuipnltfn of iooo." Attention Is nud for having accepted nn Invitation nnd th n t Ib gcucrnlly coticcdcd. uumlK'r. Wn Imvo old Democrat*, luen _ to $100,CKVAHK\ o r $tl,mxH) moiv thnti eulled to tho, fact tlm t tho Democratic tn attend n nim llnr meeting soon to W h at n prospect to bold out to n nn* who never voted unythluir oIm tliAn ! , til July , lf e m . Thv inuount of I'xtuivtti convention, at tho,/llclatlyn or Mr. tnkc place. Many speakers were heard lion enjoying greater prosperity tlmn the Democratic tleket* expti'MliiK to us for t h o yivvr. o m H n jr Jm io i\<\ \\\y\ n* Itrynn, imt only reasserteiVln genernl pro and con, nml llnnlly (Icuernl Chain* nny other nutlou on enrth nud prosper­ dully u desire to Iw enrolled tu our nbovQ vliown. vim h.v rnr tin* liti'Koai lerms nil of the principles of tho plat­ tvn offered tho following resolution, ity uuprocedcutcd In Its own history! nuiktt.” l a our hlHlory. Tin* vnH t uml Ntviitly form of isOtt, but emplmslRcri adher* which wns uimuliuoiuily adopted; Tho danger is too grent for nny pntrl* ■ ' t n c r « f uln w t h o .wm'h"uii* h i* t Hvmlnlirrntt sa 4' W a rn in g . em*o to tho freo coinage heresy by spui *'ln view of tho recent ooeurreneos nt otic mnn to rem ain t]ulct, lQvory onu Dtfiuoimllis mliiiltilAiriiihm niunot i»it I'hmllj, let the iiefiplo liciil tho lm- ellleally reiterating th(» silver ihvlarn* Atlanta nud the utternnceH thcro of the should do what ho cau to remove Iho, romiH'l nttoultoo. tu ttlmt itio ili^p in I>i-< of tlie Orntul Army of tho Hcpvihllc lu thu American people for thotnsolvos ii iiirlly. Mills nml flic- ' Ihft irtMUifitctun’rt, nicMinut* nml nr- ship nml stnto Ivglslatunrs us to giro pented assaults, tho pillars of tbo tur, au Amorlcuu magnetic compass, lories nro runiilmt on full lime, mnlV)' MmuHi 'Ih o tutnl vtthio of hi\mi>ii, perhaps during his Hint two yours sui'h government nro rocking nmltl\i!yhm In flvory In Jnm m rjr, IftMV \vn« $l,Mt,!UHUl'lu; In Ulathm roulil hnd would lie oimcled next and Inaugurate Its president, wo noxes? What ho wants tho American l>nn of llio emmtry, iMiiiiluyment l i nl Jithtirtry. rJ.042,HiO.Sl^ mi In- nml thnt this fnct would from the'nm* will meet nn a subjected nud conquered government to do would bo precisely Imnil for everybody wlio w mita to NYAM umlPtMi'Klnloy of $(VU^i|.4T4, inent of his election uunettlo nit flnnn* people, nmld tho ntlus of liberty nnd ns nlwtird ns Carlyle said IL w ould bu work, mid wnises hnve lieon mlvnncwl , or nearly M l^ r w u t. K vrty H itm hi clal nnd buslneM dim llttons In tha tlm scntlcrcil frn giuo itts.of tho con* tn nsk tho lCttgllsli pnrlinm cnt to onnct In iilimwt every lino of iiioohnulral «o. United Htatei and continue this din* itn lo nm l territory Hiow* nn Ittpn'nuo sltutloHi-Domocrattc Nnllonnl riut< thnt sulphuric nctA shnll be iiveet milk ilvliy ." turtmni'o anti busluess uncjitnlnty form o f 18ikS, nnd tho tout tl green checse, ***»,. 4I>. ■ H ^ ..*• ••... - T|IE KING’I GARDEN. II* lntfrr*r the noiical ruak, Jn th* girden; bUl If th#y *>• not npd, till over Ihe bltfh, broad stulra GARDEN i ' T:7 ' ’ ' ■ ttrrv then' ihpme pn the ohuiah. H, tuiiKi, foam ing, flashliyf, roaring Dr| Tslmigt Discount! oa Christ Ittllgion if hot * mere 'flowering ntn* down until siinllght nnd wave la tlmenUllty, It i» • pnwtlual, Hfe gleesumo wn**tlo tumbled at my fret, HOSE, t -and tbi Church. giving, healthful fruit, sol puklta, fcvl Ho it Is w ith the uhurch of Hod, tpples. Everything colors /rom above— par* "Oh,” soya somebody, **l don't a r c d on from above, Joy from uWiv«, n4op« will call if you are in need of any special line of l i t M nl RM Ntllil Klawrra aad (lif whnt your garden of the church ban tlon frotu ubows Miiiutliluatiou froia Factory, Plumbing,1 Steam and Hardware Supplies ilik l of frail —1Wky tfcs'Bav* yielded!” Where did your asylums above. i ; IttHr Vleki Iks Cbulnn come from? And your hoipU«U7 Would that now (iod‘ would turn Vint. ' ; ; and want to give special instructions regarding the L*! fSl And your Institutions of mercy? on the water* of salvation thot they Christ plnnted’ every one of them; m ig h t tlo w down through His her* , kind suited to your particular case. There is no • I iCopyrlsht, 13M, by I.ouli ftlopieh.) He planted them In JHi garden, When itago und- thut this dny we might I j Waihinglcn/Bept. t Christ gave sight to IJartlmens, Hn s a u h Hnd our p l a t * * to* b6 "KU m »M. house in the country carrying a more extensive- This, sermon Dr.- Taliuaga sends laid the- cornerstone of every blind W i t h 12 wells of w alor aud thrceitcoi** from u bulling place in Jitw journey nayhtm that has ever been built. and tea pslm treew, . ,:■! I-s. line of these goods, They are all of the' highest through 'the vnlleys of fiwlUurlund, When Christ soothed the (tcmonlaO ^lUrkl 1 hear the latch of the gnr* standard. 11 , ItjwmiB to huvrbceh.prepured amid of Oulilee, He laid the coruerstonu of den gnlo, nnd 1 look to eee‘ whri U thi bloom nnd uromii of a . gurdvn every lunatic asylum thnt liaa ever wining, I hear , tho voice of ChrUt. midsummer, The text Is Song' ‘of been evtabllatied. . When Christ said " I a m ’ com fe lnto'M y‘gurden.M;-IT»*yi Solom on' 5d t ■- “ r o m i;omu :in to ' m y to tho rick mnn: *4Tnko lip thy bed "Come in, O Jesua! We hare been ffordflh" : and w alk” He laid the cornerstone vyajthig for Thee. Wtilk all through 2 0 0 5 2 0 2 2 1 5 2 3 The lilb le Is a great poem,. . We hAve of every hospital the world hna ever tbo paths. Look at the flowers: look in'jjt faultless rhythm uml bold Iroag* wen."When Christ unidt “I wm In ut the fnilt; pliiok'that whichiThou MONET IHQIIIIIC9 «ry nnd startlingtuvtlthecin and rap* prison nnd ye visited me,” Jfe Inld thi* w i l t for Thyayl/.", Jesus comes into turoua.lyric und.awcct pastoral end cornerstone ‘of.every prison, reform tbe garden und up to thnt old mun NEMMKNi N E M M 1 instructive tiurrotivc nnd devotional Association that hut ever been, or* tipd toiiti)tt>s him and.says:, ^vimnst peilm; thoughtn expressed Jn style ganized, The church of Christ Is n home, fathers not'riinhy moro aohes more solemn than that of Montgom* glorious gnrtlen, and it ii full' of fruit, for thee/ I will never leave thee. ery. more bold thun that of MUton, I know there is uo me poor fruit 'jn it, Take cournge a little longer, and I morev tlprrlble thajTthnt of 'Hante, I know-there ore some weeds thot Will 8teudy thy tottering steps, und more natural thnn thnt of \YorUs- ought to be thrown over tfiu fence. I will soothe thy troubles and give worth.’more Imnnpalonod titan thot of I know there are unnm er«t> npple 4heo rest. Ccurago, old m ini11 Thru THE ABERDFFIV INN l’ollok, more tender, than that 6 t trees tlmt ought to be cut down. J Christ goes up another gnrdcu path, Oppoiit* th* Otpot, Cowper, more woird thnn . that of know there are some wild grapes that and Ho oomoa to a soul In trouble 6penKer. This great poem brings oil ought to be uprooted, but nro you and anyai “ Fence 1 All is well. I Matawan (Station), New Jersey. the geniRof the earth Into its coronet, going to destroy the whole'garden have seen thy teuri. I hare heard M. A. COLEMAN, Proprlttor. a n d It weave® the flames of ju d g m e n t because of a little gnarled fruit? thy prayer,. The sun shnll not amlts Into ita garland* nnd pours eternal You will find worm eaten leaves In thee by day nor the moon by night. Under new management, tliorouglily rcnovnted, service first- harmonies In ita rhythm* Kvfryihing Fontnlneblenu nnd Insecta thnt sling Th*. Lord ahall preserve thee from clnss iu every respect. First-clnss Uvery nttftclied, tills jlook touches It nniKrs beiiittlful, In tho fnlry groves of the Champs all evil,, He will preserve thy soul. from the plnln stones of the summer Klyiines. You do not tenr down anil M««l« at all Hour*. Quick Lunch. Table d'hote Dlnn*r. Courage, O troubled,spirit !M Transient and periiianent ^utati, . th|rniihing floor to tbo dnughtrj^ of destroy tha whole gnrden beuimae i^Thnn I in Jesus going up another ! The cultf is supplied with choice Wines and l.iq u o r n , Ralior liiliag tlm troughs'! for1 the there ore a low. specimens of gnarled gfirdeu»pnth, nml 1 ae^grent. excite* cim ifU , from Iho fish pools ftf Hcshbon fruit, 1 \'i ment innoiig the leuves, nnd I Imslon ■J»pf ti» tho Psnlmiat pi’ulsiiig (lud w ith I whhlt theiti sre men n^d women up to thnt gnnlen pnth to see what diapason of storm nnd whirlwind nnd In the ohuroh who ought not to lie JesiU is doing there, ami, lot He ll Job’s imagery of Orion, AruturiiH and them, Imt let ns be juat ns frnnk And brenklng off flowora sharp anil clean, the Plflndfs, mtmlt (hu fact thni there nre imii* from the stem, nnd I u better air they ahall put forth bright* Xoiitpelllci' rfttnbllsncd gnnU'tis nf he* ler of psalm pinging and ehundi go* cr lenvea and sweeter redolence, and witching beauty nnd .uxurlanee, gath­ ing, To'iiiorrow morning thnt reli­ io frost shall toueh tbrm foi«ver.M Barred Plymouth Rooks, ering Into them Alpine, Pyrnnean and gion will keep them Just sa inmslst* And I k>oked up Into Ills faea and Fwiii’h plnnls. One nf the sweetest flit And oniiM'orated In their worldly inldt “Well, It la Thy ganlan,: $nd 'which they will sell at spots nn earth wns tbe garden of Whits Wysndottsa, ocoupntl'Hi na It rver kept thrni ut Vhou liaat a right to do whnl Thou Rhfustouc, the poet. Ills writings the communion, Islde. There nre prices is have nmdv but little lni|^esslon on wilt with It. Thy will bo donul"— S. C. Whlta snd Brown women with ua' loday of n higher (lie htmlvsL prayer a man over nuide, thf world, but hlagsnlm, the type of ehsrneltr thnii Mnr.v of JIHh* Leghorns, 4*l mlautes, Hers hns been n Ui)*yi'iir*' for sole, ’ that nf HhcnHtoni’, nnd nil tlmt ill 11* eome, und when, through Ihe Huh martyrdom. Yonder Is a imm wbo griino of the Lord .Irnus Christ, ynu nnd giMihm he brought to tbn bun Ihivii IH yenrs on his boek, tumble Eggs, $2.00 per stilting, Adornment of Ihiit onn tmiHiiiv«iW tn iih garden 'of tlie olnrroh, which belongs n pnmold^lst's (Mitnlngun nf the fmHh I iiotieo that the lino gnnleiiN huiuo* BOTTOM PlilCKS E, R GREGOR, to Christ, for in.v text says eo, tin gi'nwitig in this giciit gnnlcMt of tliuen lmve high femes around tlmm, iHiiight It, Me plitntod it, Hi* ownn It, nml I uniiliot g«t:ln, It la mo wllli n Proprlctoi, Chi'lsl~-hivo, joy, pmiee, pntltneii, Wa carry a Inrgo slock of mu] lin filmll biive ll. W »ltor Hvoll, ehnrKeti’i', brotherly kindness, gentlit* KIiih'h giu'iivh, Tha only gllmpsn you 1n IiIm ontlny nt-’Ahbdtefonl, rulni'd liU n^itN, tneru.vi glorioun fruit, enough te ever giit, (if ktiuh A gnrdotif lit wmm fni-tniH', m ul now. In tbe nrimatm llow* fill all tlio bushels of *arih hucl the king rliloM out in bin splendid imiW rr» of I hone'gardens, you (inunlmost Henven, . ’ • ^ _« ;tl ; I'lrige. It In uol Mi with tlila garden, Lumber, Lath, Lime, thl|i)< nr imnglho thnt you scceotlllonorii w\io lifted Him when wo i^nil hla portnrt. lint be OARTAN A DEVLIN. nm l let H im doWiil- T ^li mn, thou stiji only Hits ehibs thnt struck down thn) cotildi nol moke" Ills ewo hrurt laugh, th n t dWnt l\Ut«» ye rocks t h « l ft1 111 fruit, nnd ll fell into tho Inp of tlif WhUn lo Ilo' n>ldst. i>f Ids fe*tMth's “ Clirlsl loved Itbo 'tih1iirah’5':ah d J ‘ jlfavo, nations,>nud inoii.,b(!gan t o o lk it up hn eoufroiited n looking g)iin»i- nnd lllm r e lf for lt.!\ lf,th e g n n lrn ,o f tbi}, cnt fouitii;lA>H no lm saw hlnmi'lf nnd sitldi "Thrr*, elu(ivh belongij (ol ChnHl,'oi!rtalti1y He intjd'otn^to\ nll/'ttiirit, tofnu!j>jlnoti, tlmt. In true, f look JiimL iin 1 titn— •ti*all Rl.n,*tor,nir.ileniiii!h'tf^mllleal WASHINGTON has n rig h t to waile In ll, Come, then. tb/on ii]) In body, mind nnd purse.” 0 biased Jciiun, to^lny*-^nlk.ifpiiittil eluster hirger. than..the' fan|oui( on? So'ltowHiUif WienMonKiiit wIidHO, ifnrj iloifn Ihcso nlsle4"n^Hl plArr long wlihoitt. plnfv* ; TONGUES, POULTRY AND GAME. most beautiful ilower^ln nil thin gnr* ' o ’ yo weiiey koiils*';ootiii[ in lo C hrlst'i rirflQllltttjr Mesti snM si lesil 9(1 p«r noul lusar det npBkei^^of itt^tho’U x t. I f you son ly '(if wnler. 1 have seen/i; grtrdrji In-the miilHt of n desert*;lytt bloom; giirdt»n to-ilny n m i plti^k n little , - ilisn ty m j elber dfslvr In town, Rotary Notion and n tunhiey plnwt; your enjotlona nrn. heitrtsiuiHo, Cl'irlit' tN th^ only rest , . lu eonflflotlflli s lin v s i full line o f »ta*led. Y ou snyt “\Vhy, tills flowor, Ing; liml Itixutrlnnt. All around witji with the denfth nml d>nxrennrM,J hut. J there fttul tlm only pardon for a perturbed Ball Bearings. hns liten ^^Inniilretl^'i'iirfl gntheriug wera pipes, niiuedileta, r4*nehhig^frot(i Nplrlt, Uo you not .think your nlium'f Groceries, Canned Goods,'Flour, v p jfo r I* Iiiih nlmosV* cothe?1 iiL Yon ihen Umd hundren yctira.nioiro. .Wfore other this gnrden tip to ’the /inpuntMlnl, «iid tlirotigh fhi'Kii rtfpiednc^a-lbt, wn- women who huva been walling .Venr Bitter, C o i n , Tin m d Port Spleen petnllf w ill ^oiuo butr'* U ut I havn to after year fnr some good oppnrtunity ri her auni Io««r lhau tell you of a plunt that vvjis gutber* ter.oAtne.litrenmlng down intid ios^ my tiiMutiPtUori, Ing up Into bi'iiut If ul fountaiim until in whleb ;io ^ooept Christ, bul bate Ing up "ftom ull 'eternity nnd tlmt postjWmVd ‘I t 8, 10* in, Oo years, do l,flOO(yeuW' pgci: p u t ’forth l u ' blooin every root nud leaf nnd Ilo wer w a h t ilia hanilln rilKHK AH!) HA1.T Flfin snd yuu not feel im If now your hour of riUIITM ANII VKOKTfcJIMCa In s«sn vsriilf. never to w ither. I t Is thn pnMsioti nntunttftd, Thnt la llko .tbis ohtireli, Tbo churoh Is n gnnlen In the nildnt dollvcrmioo nnd pisrikm nnd salvation waiiiiiiR run itslly to ivrvn titmtuiiior*, Yuur plant of tbo oross, ]*rophots fore­ hnd eomn? O man, whnt grudge nrrtdri nollollnit, told Iti Uulblcliem shepherds looked of n great dew»rt of sin muf suffering, hut It Ih well Irrigated, for "nur ly/'f hntd thou ngidnNt thy poor aoul Ibnl GOODS DELIVERED FREE. upon'it In tbo bud, tho rock* tdiuok ihou wilt not lol it bo MivedV rt-lts buratlng mul tho dead got tip iih! unto the hills from whcnco nnn^ Romn yeitra ago n vessel struok on CEO. LINZMAYER, Jr. lu thulr w in d in g ahentH to sen Its full ot]i our help.1' From tho mmnitiilns of (loirs slrenglH thuro flow dowji fho rocks, Thoy bad only oue lifo< RHS, J, W, VAN HH 4HNI.K, hldom ." I t U in’orliuw u flower— blooil rlvorn nf gludness. "There la a river hont. In thut llfebuiit tlm passongerp . As*al for Hi Isnsii iurt vlniatly, at (tlio roots, fblood oti thn brnnuhes, tho atreiun whereof shnll’innke glnd mul ovuw wore gutting ashnm Thu bhiml on tho luaves, Ita perfum e U llm olty of onr nod,” Preiiohlog Hit1 vessel lijid foundered uud was sinking GARDEN SEEDS .to.1 till all th i nations. Jts brnnth is VCaKTABLC 4 FLOWCR KOTIcil TO ...... (ionjiel is uno of the mpieiliiots, Thi1 (b'epoe tiiul (b'oper, nrtf! tlm t oue hunt llnavom . Come, oh, winds from thn y in lllf ilia h«Rt, For )iiil!ciil«ri m« uur lllblo Is nnnther. Ilnptism nnd tlir eoiild not tukn Iho pnHsengers vory inuiiraleirciisl»fiie(ii/ i>»b« 0 free, TOMATO GROWERS! north; nnd wiuds from tho aoutb ft nil Lord's Bupper nre iiipieduetn, Wri|tor Nwlftly, A little girl stood on llm wliiils from thn east nnd wlmla frmn W IIB IR & DON, Du iml furKut tlmt MAItlNM dlMN'O to stnhe the thlrsl. wnler to.wnali Ibi1 ileoli ^fidtlnjr fo r her tu rn to not Inlo 114 Chsmbars H tm l, N*w Voik City. tlio w«Rt, »m) beur to nil thn onHh umitenn, wator tosseiV high tip In the tlto .bout.’ f'bn Lotii rhinti ni«l wont, I. liv.t uml quIoU'Al fur tiuly 'I'oiimliiim 1ho uni'ct ^niL'IIIng suvor of Christ, light of iho Him uf IliglitenuNiiCNii, iiiuiui dud Wont, but her turn did not iiiiiI nil curly trmik, Ynu vhii kuI it, my Lordl f . , Hhowltig us the rntuhow tipound the m oor to oomo.1 A fte r aw hile alie oould nlMitdruiiiiifJ'IhIi uml i'ulntd Fiirlllltur, Nltmtii ul Hiiiln, I'nlunli, iiln,, lit l l l i worth If nil tlio nations know, llirone. Oil, wun Ihei'o ever a gardeji >vnlb,nn longer, ittid ahu lenpiul on Ibu S T EEL PENS Sure thn whulo snrtb would lovo Him too. so thnroughly Irrigated? You kiaif' tnffrnll uml then epruiig M o tho son, I (Uiitpln for trlid, II illftemit immhm I' f sll •W .X ). 33A.XX.IU Y, Agnln, tho olinroh mny bo nppro* llmt, Ihe Uiuuity of Ynrsiilllm null iirylifg to the bonlm unt “ Hnvo ma I ilylito nf mlllnji, lot lulling Uut Vl.ltTICAb Duulnr In Kurtn Timln, 1'itllit, Oil, I HVrtTKM|»ftiu |if«|»«tilini rnrt|ii n( ID i pula. prlntoly I’untpurcd lo Ibo gardun, Imi* UhiiUwoi'tli depends very, nineh upon iio’jj t l , ; ‘8hVo uio inwt l" Ob, bow Vnrnlnli, lliu.. enjise, It 'U a i>1abo o f frultn, T lm t tho grcnt. Htipply ofwutiM-. 1 entuu nuiny liiivo goiie ashoro Into (lod'a T m n r E w i w r Main Htriifl, . Mnliiwiin, N, ,1. W(juhl bo n strango gnrdcti whloh Imd to tho Inller pbtiui, ('hnlswottli, one Mieioy, nml yel you nrn nllnglng to In lit no berrlos, no pluins or pL'iwht's il.ty when xlfiingei'H nee nol. to bo ml* thn !\vr‘ffuk: o f hilt IT Mihera Imvn nu* (lull nml liM,rii'riTi'i) Kl'lVHTONI'l WIQr,III'',II, tlm lim it Ijiilmr Huvor, or aprleojs, Thn eriumei1 fruits nro inltted, but by nn Jiiditeemeut wlilojt tiepted llie pnidon of ('hilNl, but jUti pUmtqd ln thb orbbnrd or thoy aro sot nlwnyf| vinHiiid, n* potent “H »N In' porll, 'Why not tbls ruoim'ut N o w V r » r lf >niiir-«i.iti ».»; onu. l i C W I D r K ) iirl 1.11..1, l,»> ( l» m . out on tho sunny liillildo, Uut tbo I'lnifllMitmm iih fin A m erlunii' t uot junhe a rtiMi fur yout1 lintnoilal TYPEWRITERS. & W leseuu, oi'vliig'uutll dpsns Nbnli hear 9 . J! T . Ipntou, Hioith cdibloent f r tilti aro ke pt lu tha gnr< In, nud ilnm thu, gnnlonoi1; went fur Vroinlor. Ciduuiatih and aiid ether inukijN. nl. i j nivursity rwrfrfiirafifU! deh, $ So in tlio w orld oiitHltlo tbo up itbovo llm ntulrs of stonn unit you uml llcitvcn mid enrlb ring with lirlovsruiiuhiM rroiu in In J« per oimthnlmv L a w h c h o o l tbu uryi "Buvo mo uuxtl Hurn nm ini»liiiiafliiirnis’iiminifiKiliirmV tirlues,tnlutfs. WeWe, nlsotilsu leimleimlr nar omirolt Christ has plnnlud a crcnt turned tin llie wnler, I anw it gluiiti)* H|i\kit of tyinpvrllof, |fr(i|milty«hjl at n (I.l„.ll fcnUMlir«-.Ki'.r..) (Irsdiisle Ulssias U*tl ’ many’ '‘liemitlfitl ' thiiigi-lmtloiict'j lu g nri tlio d ry jmveinent, W mttiK nexll" ^nw ii the tloj.of inlviitlonl to l,U U. tiilllnn, IIH Vur rlMiitus iddiail i duwu from atup to ilcp uutW ib'uuuiu clinrlty, generosity, Integrity. Uub y w h r ‘ .... ■/ 'llnwifwny, N. T„ ' L J , l KIMN,ll«i|lilr*fi< ' __ . . or W, A, Vm iiiIh I ii, Miiluwitti. tl. J. Wsiiiltiutuu Stinsrs, Mi Y« till/* KOHMOlini COUNTY HISTORICAL ASSK.

i l l OVER THE COraff. w u free from all llena except taiea John MoQulre of A a ^ ry Park .waa ar* A. J . CARTAN’S O RK im W m vi TA.ua n o i reated npou oomplalol of Mra. J . B. o n u o i u o m Uruca of Jaraey City, to wbou be raid a pieoe cf prftperty. It devaloped alcta DEPARTMERT STORE. i i K i m Ii llippnlii ll» the aala liu l th aw ’ aro aevcral liena ■Im n ' v * IU>n4iM4 1 m « la a Omn agaiuit it, I u m 4 r « m . Tbe oredilora of Lonia Driega, tbe Alt tbe eldor milli nf the omntjr have 1'ertb Amboy tailor wbo made on aa* Always something ^oing at OPEN SATURDAY EVENING, CLOSED FRIDAY AT 6 P, liegnu dUtlUiug, h« their cider tauka aigament aeverel month* ayo, bave a ridiculous low figure nt this aro all fu)). agreed to accept fifty per u*ut of tbeir Red Bank'a aueaaed valuation i « t V aoooanta, Tbere ia anffloleut on band store. W e cannot begin to' 71B,120 tbia jear, about $50,000 noro to pay them aud Mr. llrlega will aoon describe here the great value The Fall Campaign Ilian l u t j e ar. be cooduotlug tbe baaltieaa agftlo Id hia Tbe home of Jobn H. Qapeniaii at own uaue. you get for the money invest­ Begins This Week! Aabury Park waa entered iastThuruday Ao automobile war being repaired at ed in the goods quoted below. •a d $65 atoUo. flpriog Lake tbe otber day by ita awn* Showing I.odics’ Jnctets, Ladies’ Tnilor Gowns, Ladles’ Silk Come in, look over our stock Editor Hart of the AtUntfo High­ er, H. B, Turner of St. Louia. In aomo Petticoats, Girls' Reefers and Jackets, Stamped Linens nnd Art lands Juurm U fa uu a vucatiou, part of wny tbe gaaoleue beoame ignited aud and see for yourself. Goods, Stationery nnd Society Corresponding Needs, Handsome wbloh waa ipeut iu Michigan. before it waa put ont tbe boraeleaa oar* riagewaaahonteonanmed and rendered Ribbon^ fashion’s latest fancies in Veilings, novelties iu Chate­ George Poole, wbo lives near Kej* CHILDREN'S DRESS PLAIDS port, fonoil one of bis eowe dead iu tbe nacleea. Tbo macbioo waa aeut away laine Bags, Bells, Purses and Pocketbooks, novelties in Jewelry For school wear, a nice lot, good goods, barn/ard one tsorniog recently. to be rebuilt. • ‘ * . for u and 13 cciite. and Dress Ornamentation Accessories, eie^nnt designs iu Hand­ Por gQDalo^ oa Snudav near Sjhea-' Tbe ateam pump at tbe Freehold Water worka broko down on Monday kerchiefs, handsome lines of Dress Goods and Silks, exclusive ville, Id OeetD Countj, Ear) B irdw aa FURNITURE COVERINGS. arreBted aad fined 320 and ooata. . of l u t week and eirenlari were famed novelties iu Waists, Boys’ nnd Youths’ Clothing, Gentlemen’3 prohibiting tbo nae of boae for aprifik1 Fancy Denims, a few piece#, at it )4 Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, etc,, etc. For those wlio wish to be Tbe aunnaj regatta of tbo working ling etreeta or lawns nntii the repaira cents. , . •loop* of Kejrport aud vieinitjrwiU take are completed. The old turbine wheel first iu selecting exclusive novelties for the incoming season tbls plfcoe oa Satatdaj, September 15. BED TICKING was called upon to inpply water petid For straw, very fair cjuality, at 6 cents. early presentation should prove an object of timely interest. 0 , A. MoCalllon of New York bad iug tbe repaira. hi* ahonlder dii located by a lorge wave Rev. Howard T. Wfddemer la editing while bathing ut Asbury P jrk oo Son* i C O R S E T S . a new megatine io Newark. I t la A few paire, broken sites, "Kabo," j *j - *,■ ■■ called “ The Evening Hour- and ia de* "Bull's” and M\Varlier’n,,? regular $: lo Agents. 7 0 7 |Q 7 2 | Broad SJ Free Delimits, Tbe Central R lilroa I Company bas voted to literature. It will he remcm* goods, closing out the lot at 79 ceuts. stopped fnruisbit'g ioe io the fctatloni bered tb it Mr., Widdemer wai formerly It Brucb Stores. NEWARK, N. J . Mill Orders. along ita Hue iu order to ont dowu its pastor of tbs Firat Gongregational - ENAMELWARE. expenses. Churob at Aabury Park, aud resigned ’TVTTTTTTTTl Just (lie time for these great bar­ Abram Ilitjlar bas been nppointod au when tbero wae a eplit in biacongrega* gains; never before such goods of­ Militant'marabal at Keyport lo fill tbe tion. fered rlgbt in canning season, vaotinoy caused by the death of James A chickec hawk, meaanrlog three A joli iu n Berlin Saucepan, 4-quart, at 0 , Van Pelt, fe^t from tip to tip of ita winga, waa 11 cents. Mr. and Mra. William Biddle of killed by M n. Daniel Martin uear At* ‘j6-quort Preserve Kettle, 37 ceuta, •- Ferinlugdale oalehrntftd the aiity*aev lutitio Higblauda laat week, Mra.. Mar* j8-f)imrt Preserve Kettle, 40 cents.- . . entli’/anulveraary of thoir-weddiug on tlu waa paaaiug a ueighbor'a chicken ao-quurt Preserve Kettle, $0 cents, Wodnoaday uf UBt wenk. 1 ' - yard when abe law tbu bnwk nbout to Aa Mra, Chnrlea Burlln of Long attaok a chicken, Piokiug up a olub FURNITURE. Brnuoh waa uulooking her door liiat ahe went for Iba hawk aud after .a aie* A nice White Rnnmeled, brnns trimmed Thuraday nlgbt a'dog1 apraiig at ber vero eoeonuter k&ooked him on!.' \ . liedstead, 110 bleniishea, i-ft. fi aiul 4-t\., P and badly lacerated her hand. * ThotnuBlover of Ifaabd waa arreat* at *3.60. • .. A few job Wood Rocjcera. ,#1.09, f t .17 Matthowa Ilrothera of Red Bnnk aro ed for Asaault, ou complaint of Mra. nnd , Ceilio Oottrell. Tlio latter purilated liuttiHgrflovu,* ,|x luoli well at Obap«| The celebrated .H\Ve»Verti, Star" Wnsli* Hill, withfanimrauteo tbutit wil) sup. in helping hunolf to Mr. Blover’a frnlt iug Machine, nt fj.jo, ‘ ; ' ' '' ply«ta|Ulu quantity of. wato* forflf* Wild after warning her auveial tlmea ho Use ii Gas Stove ye«r«. unmiroinouioualy ejeotod her. Juilioo 1 Warner d ia lle d of Iho oaoo by dia* ••'VW,- Herbert LjPeaio of Mlildlolnwu ox* A. J. OARTAH, * pcflU to havuYharrel aud liaakct fac­ .uiaalng tbo otmplajnt, aayiugttlat Mr. , and keep; cool. * Hlovor bad ajjiorfutft rightjlo eje«t her Western Union Te1«grapli.0 (ftcc. v**1 j ; l:J‘ tory la operation l»y Jaunary 1 and to In auy iuaini* wl^atcvor. \ ' " s-ii fi omploy* lb|(ty*Dvu bamU llio year {- rouiidii',^a 1 8peolal Marahal Haley of lied UauV N O TICE TO Aotlupiiiidur 'jnitructlona from.Uio waa relieved of bla badge by tho T o*u poatal anihuritloiat Waahltiglou, 1W * Comiulaaionori of that plane laat wook DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS upon tbu ret | >; tlielr luilubtoiln.H walor wm emptied into a loiter box, Tr«ls tyrwknl at llraMrh|Mitl, uu or ti.furv Hu| lunlw t ID or Umj wilt making vnluahlo mall matter, Tho ilc.lt witli lu m'l'oriNiiun with tlio SlIBM BB FOR & ABfEBTISB IH TBB "JOURHAL." oulpnt, if tliteoM , will avrvo a year A tear iud eolllaiofi oQourred at llranob|K)rt itptlnu at U:II0 a, ai. Tnaa- Im , t it,: ArrMtml nud luchvil up iu in jirliou, < Hi. Ooliuly J.ll .t Fri'tlmlil until tba day inurnliigt rvaulling tn Ihu partial The atono road botffoon Old Urldge U n ., lulurv.1. >uil cunt, are |i«lil, "A wreok of both tiaiua. Oue paaaeuger aud Now llrunafftok Ii about ooinjituk* traiu waa attudlug at Iho atatlon it ia woril lo lliu win! I. .11111010111." oil. It ii powlhln uow In ride (rout ti. 0. MACKKY, Mid without n light on thu rear plal* AUUwau lu Nuw Yotk o u t a ouutlim* T » Collcoliir nutl M .i.lm l, form. Auotber paaaeugor train oaiue oui ktouo ruad. along and rau lulo the'othor, teleaoop* Dated Aug. Ul, UHU), William-lCildjr, the llayannu kilo lug aoveraloari aod wrecking tho aii* •jioolallit, haa boun experimenting at giue. Doth tralua belonged tn Ihu Aahnrjr l ‘ark with klton uf all ai*oa. Central llpllrnad and wero running Nui* fit*! „flm« “amoh" nn.1 Nn, "Ta** iicr.ir, ciucrlou .lorti Ost effcarat riau. tt, llo hopes Homo day to itmd n kito light from Jo»e«iy Olty to Point L'leaa* aoroaa tbu oqqnii. hiiI, Thti engiueor and tlroinau wore A auoklug clans for glrla will ba an not aorloualy hurt. imiuvatlou at Iho Aalmry I’ark High Holmql .tbla year. A well ‘ equipped Nlatli Niw lir n y Viliatiiri. kU cl.iniiM buan arranged In the 1» m > WHt EXftfflBNTiS'.':' For tbo reunion ot tho Ninth New luout fur tlm olaw, too ilerioy Voluuleera, tn lio held at Keaton Life in short. Go to nn old-established house—sitclt A number of miwtucr reildout* of Hoplomber III, tliu I'unnaylvanla Hail* us ours—of 40 years’ standing, that’s sure to give Long Orauoh prnpnitu lo liavu n driving road Outnnauy will aell uionvalon tick- you better value dollar for dollar tlmu any other awoclallou uvxtycar ami tn Imld matt* ela lo LNiilllpaburg (Kaalon) frum all uco Irotllug raaca erery KAturday dur* Matlooa ou Ita Hue iu the Stato of Mow could begin to. At this important Summer Sale, I uk and Anguat. Jeraev at the rato of ouo faro for Ibe prices as always, arc below any “ cash store,” yet On Tncstlut tho pooplo of Uud lUuk round trip (minimum rate UB oonie), terms arc credit or cash—deliveries free. voti'd to bond Ibo lo*u for HO.OiHi fur Tick oti tu be aold and good going Hep* Iho oilvuilou of tho watar tnalua. tomher IU, and to rotnru until Bepteui* B W NOW-ev»a Ltjuu’wuol tutile rfaUjr to rrrrlvr Ilm jpw4». W«'U h I itanMAtatkt Thorc wore 1U0 voI m tor and aix W r 'iO, luoluaive. . (rta dvllvrrlfi Ittrr, ■ againat Iho propoalllun. , ♦ ♦ ♦ I—! ~ — Over Rolls ol Cl*rr Kiicnnr«f« {ItiHl Kua4s n lin n uli Hrtiml: Sold by A. BELL, D ru((i(t. of Uradley l^aoh lo a oral) rMlug ooi»« An enlernrlii' abould bu euoouraged ' u m i N e w F a l l teat. The alakoa will bo 9100 aud thu Iliat tlrawi buaiueaa lo a towu; Ihat In* inalob will oonio olT aoon. ritei Invealon and that luortaaca the value of properly At the uttie tin e C a r p e ts Tbe oyatcr acaaou him opened briak* INSURANCE I‘iillast1limr*m»Tkafeie R'ldlng to the luwu^a lak revenue. ly at Kejrpurt and workmen art roak* tfduoOon ralaa,' i i What tloea tbla moiv than good roada, lu nil its brnnclicH, viz.: l if t , F in , S 1 6 .9 8 fc*r.ja Oh»rrr IVtmet-rim Ttrlnr log overtime. Two men inadu rtf twu # i w * t o Hiu^oaittaa eomtac-pinvluuslr dayi each laal week and olhoi* uvarly Toniicf*, > cc i4**t, H ttllh , H u h t i n t w* 200 Rolla Ingrains a t ‘ • • mauy, Wagea aro ID a day. Year N a n « Will Rill Via *nt tu r fin ', placctl lu reliable com* 29c., 35c. yd. up i f you uegleot them, Tho moment Mra. Catharine I I , wlduw of William juoX piuies nt the lowest rates consistent luTTDnaayalombeooraea impaired, your 11. Htoklti, formerly of Wickatunk, with safety. My motto, "Iletter to 200 Ralls Drussela a t vital organa fail lo perform their tlieil ou Angnat U5 at IWd Unuk. Sho have it and ttot want it thnn to 39c., 55c. yd. up fuuolloui yroperly, and daugerona wai Ht yeara old aud |i>aT«'n ono aou, wnnt it and not bave it.” Call on dinuattfl follaw, Clevcland'a Golery 100 Rolls Velvet Henry 1). Bloklcs of New York. or address Oomponnd Tua li an Immediate and 69c.', 77c. yd. up Mr. aud Mra. Whilllold llrorea of peruauoht onre fur norvoua ptoa* W«al I**rk w»*n« l««t week W. A. FOUNTAIN, Kg'., tratiou, uervoua vAbauation, oouatipa* 100 Rolls Moquette nt from driuking hiUlorniilk aud would tiou, iudigeillont headtcho, aud aII Mntavvnu, N. J, baru dlwl bul for Ihu opportune arrival diaeaioa of tho blood, atomaoh, liver 87c., 97c. yd. up of a neighbor who bnrrk'd Inr a doolur. nnd kiducj*. M’o will glvo vou a trial OMIli* OnnifMlfl Fnr. 500 Rolls M attings a t Two aaore b o ji It'll Freehold laat paokage tree. Large paokagov, UT> HORTON S ICE CREAM I Ia« Maahla* (n-m- T bunday tuoruiug lo euliM lu thu oeuli. For aale by A. llell. f rrapia N»r- Hit* wnrlil'a U ll ttiiU 9c.,l2t;.,l5c.,l9c.yd.up Ha t'hitr-Mir r«l -ftir N i h nr orr«Ul, navy# ;,Tbi»? woro William II, Hrowu l « . ir «H«eOau» iu ui< llitf*. AH HqnarrB, V k li. m irln ttll, I will carry a full assortment nf |iU|ii lltluga. l.luuUtiiu*, lu imn«UM Tstiuiy.' aud /aaaaa Trotter, Tbia uiakea ulght Bead Failure. Horton’s Ice Cream, both loose and Frvehold b o ji lu leave town to joiu I oau accommodate a number of tbo navy. lmraea on flrat elaaa paaturu on Ibe In fancy bricks, in addition lo the In laying tlu> Irollcy traeki at Sunlh Ohyrlea U. Scbauok Farm. Term* French Icc Cream of my own man­ AiulKiT ibo oontrai'lor dlaregirdCHl tbe rtaaonablo* W ill alao tAko oowa at 50 ufacture. direolloua of tho Sttoot I’oiumittoiv ocutift week.—G kow ii LiMaMAvan, Ju, Fairs nud festivals supplied at Aflur they wor»* Utd ihotsiutriiolorwas wholesale prices ou short notice. obliged lo taku thorn np aud relay thorn Oave you a aeuae of fullucaa iu the to unit Iho grade, rrlgou of your elomaoh after eating? MRS. B. TICE, If io yon will bo benefited by uaiug William Conover, agrd 27 m r a , of Commercial lllock. Utiamlmtlatiri Blomaelt and Liver NtfW ICgy|d, aon ol Uim el \\\ Cuuovt*r, look au overdoao of huidaimm aud dlod Tahlvta. They alao ouro bolohlug aud autir atomaoh. They regelate Ihe Anguat 91. tl*' hxd lukou thn drug bhwela loo. Ptieo 'Jft eoula. Hold by COOK BOOK FREE to relUre puln, having juat undergone A, Hell. OlkUlltil IU N |«i, O ttrM M lN lr**, $5.90 h perioua llluvaa. ■ •••au cinii, 22.09 lOiMjtimoiUMita. Aa«nii mtw aa p » A tiill mil ll» .l Itv'i nnva thUltMvnjp ftirTmtOoliVn T^irlhUnmh<*B»nrtrfcni* A mul* belonging lo WillUm York 0**1. C cam lM ta* i»Uln« nni loodi. vi. Urge Mini r fltu M i li«}n*«rnHnii. H « ii* v r l« 1 » f Kniiitjii I'tirnrrKV 'in ri n rni, ful, IliiiHHih u IiI IIMOK,u a V, Culiourn nnd nlhor Hklti ami Toilet t\\t IIHlllIlk m tttllK nf Atlautiu llighlanda tiled rooenlly Soupa nt A. llell'a. RKMD Vt)R NKW TKHMfl. I . L , *Ur, Wuithfi, from blood puiaonliig. Mr. York haa Ttt!l OBUAT AMOttCAN TOA CA, NVrlrr|^ ‘,*W mi ml Valentine hU lcr for damagr#, T wth Waih, IStwdor ntul llrunhi'a nt 0, Baa, M », et.M \— g B i . R . T . ••Th* ParlUatl ta U ai ol all raa|«i»hai *v»ry l«t* inproviaitnt, h In lti«iiaan«la •< hointc. C «ll- I«h ll avir. oialmlng bia horan i*tth«r kleked or A. lU'll'a. "Cnrfntv pnHI Cimtninrra*' ' Uiiavpd the mulo'n leg, Tha Heoteh IMaiua Uapllkt Ohuroh NOTICE I waa IW1 yrata old on Auguat 517* Tlu> FOR FIFTY YEARS Until furtW r unlit'. I will lio in Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. ohuroh wai organlaed by a few of the MS.^WINSLOW'S 8Q0THINS Matawan on W n ln w lay nttornuuu ol 17 Market St., eutly Beilina In Hooloh IMfllttp, and hna oaoli weok, t o w I'HICIW—1IABV TliltMS. | f j H«.r l ’luiw St., , | alaray* pn'pppr«»l. To-day It ta oue of KUWAMD I. nutnvN, Note flrat name "Amoa." Mewhtrk, N.J, thv moat proaperoua rortetba of Uitt Juuo 7, imm, Uaptlet demiminatinn In Now Jeney. 'Ttlcphone 58U. Oootla delivered P r w to a n y pa rt of S t a t i. ’ . Twr^Tv.rivK ntNTa t r d t t i k . (TANV WITH ( lA i. .... Kor reprpieullup that bla proprtty N AT THII •rflOt