Neville Southall,James Corbett | 330 pages | 13 Aug 2012 | deCoubertin Books | 9780956431387 | English | London, United Kingdom Neville Southall : The Binman Chronicles by Neville Southall

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Neville Southall by Neville Southall. Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles. Get A Copy. Paperback1 page. More Details Friend Reviews. To Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Neville Southallplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Apr 21, George Coombs rated it liked it. A decent enough read for the most part, particularly enjoyed in the early chapters on Southall's years growing up and starting his career in North Wales and my interest kind of tailed off for a bit when I reached the meat of the book about his playing career with Everton. Your mileage may vary though and anyone who's a big Everton fan or who was actually about to remember English football during the s might get quite a bit more out of Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles. It was also fun to learn a bit more about the sma A decent enough read for the most part, I particularly enjoyed in the early chapters on Southall's years growing up and starting his career in North Wales and my interest kind of tailed off for a bit when I reached the meat of the book about his playing career with Everton. It was also fun to learn a bit more about the small-time nature of the FAW and other details of his time playing international football. I got a bit more into it with the closing chapters of the book on his career after football although the final few paragraphs vaunting the merits of Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles Burnham as a potential prime minister felt like the product of a very specific, and fleeting, moment in time. Aug 16, David rated it it was amazing. I found this book thoroughly enjoyable although if you are easily offended by bad language this book is not for you! I found this book was written straight to the point with very little waffle. May 03, Jonny Brick rated it really liked it. Ordinary Welsh bloke becomes extraordinary goalkeeper. Find out how he did it. Jul 08, Ven Benables added it. Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles writing comes alive when Southall discusses his recent career working with people who have fallen out of education. John Church rated it really liked it May 14, Andrew Crooks rated it it was amazing Apr 18, Steve Wood rated it liked it Aug 29, Nicorjinders rated it it was ok Sep 13, Steve Clough rated it liked it Jul 05, Jonathan Hill rated it really liked it Sep 09, Smartyworld rated it it was ok Sep 01, Bob Bacon added it Nov 05, Jon Bounds marked it as to-read Jan 22, Gareth Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles marked it as to-read Jan 28, Russ marked it as to-read Jul 10, Andy Parrish marked it as to-read Mar 21, Stephen Allen is currently reading it Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles 14, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Neville Southall. Neville Southall. Books by Neville Southall. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more Trivia About Neville Southall No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The Binman Chronicles. Neville Southall by Neville Southall

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles. Open Preview See a Problem? Neville Southall by Neville Southall. Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — The Binman Chronicles. The Binman Chronicles. Considered among the greatest goalkeepers of all time and one of English football's defining figures over a career that spanned more than two decades, Neville Southall tells his life story. Uncompromising, unorthodox and often unkempt, Southall's career followed an incredible trajectory: from football-mad binman to the greatest goalkeeper in the world. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published August Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles by Decoubertin first published January 1st Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles More Details Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Binman Chronicles. Neville Southallplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Binman Chronicles. Neville Southall. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Binman Chronicles. Jan 07, Kay Smillie rated it really liked it. As interesting as I expected. Granted in many ways it is your standard ex-pro autobiography but Neville Southall was far from your standard ex- pro. He only ever wanted to play football but never ever expected to reach the heights he did, especially with Everton and Wales. A very single minded player who never socialised with his teammates, being a teetotaler, he was never part of the drink culture, to the continual bemusement of . Interesting person indeed. Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles a final note, he stat As interesting as I expected. On a final note, he states that joined Everton from Dunfermline. It was actually Dumbarton and I was glad to see the back of him as he liked scoring against the Pars. If only Everton had signed his less talented brother, Rikki, from Dunfermline. The money would have come in handy. Ray Smillie Nov 07, Brendan Crowley rated it liked it Shelves: sport. Southall appeared to be a throwback to an earlier era as football became increasingly commercially driven. The Binman Chronicles is a fairly standard ex-footballers autobiography. It follows an old-school format of focusing heavily on his playing career and, after covering his early years and how he got into professional football, chronologically detailing season-by-season. While the book can at times be a bit bland, Southall himself is an interesting character — as anyone who follows him on will know. A tee-totaller but a piss-taker, he seems to have somehow been both a loner and a senior figure in the Everton dressing room. There is a limited amount of detail on his own personal life — apart from his love of Wales and his daughter — but he is ultimately open about his failings and his affairs during his first Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles. From a footballing perspective, any Everton or Wales fan will be fascinated by the insights into those teams at the times Southall played. I would have enjoyed more about his present work which involves teaching troubled young people. His own early struggles in education seem to help him build relationships with those who are struggling to find a place in society. Mar 11, Gav Johnson rated it it was amazing. He was My footballing hero. Jul 27, Ron rated it it was ok. I'm sad to give this just two stars. Nev was one of my heroes and I still think he was possibly the best ever British goalkeeper. Of course, many sports stars employ professional ghost writers to write their "autobiographies" but this clearly was not the case with Nev. I'm convinced every word was his own He Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles little attention in school, he tells us, and was often sent out of class to play footba I'm sad to give this just two stars. He paid little attention in school, he tells us, and was often sent out of class to play football as he was interested in nothing else. His lack of education is evident in a Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles writing style, one that seems to believe if you swear in your normal speech you should replicate this in your writing Then there's the repetition: how many times does he have to tell us, as he relives every season he played, that he hated holidays and just wanted to train, or that he never thought of his future as "he just wanted to play"? Nev says at one point that a chief reason for writing the book was to let people know his side of the stories he was involved in and that he is not just the grumpy, awkward character some made him out to be. Sadly, I finished the book feeling he was grumpy [his final chapter about football today is nearly all moaning] and he admits being argumentative and uncooperative with several managers. However, I did enjoy reliving with him the seasons I remember and appreciating his comments on colleagues, opponents and managers. Even my wife liked hearing that preferred lazing in a bath to training! Finally, I would have loved much more about his present Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles. He gives us a glimpse into it and how he uses football as a way into helping disillusioned lads who have few prospects or interests, but it's just a mention. I wish there was more for this would have told us so much more about the man than all the many, many match reports earlier in Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles book. Sorry, Neville. You have my respect and admiration for your Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles and teaching View 2 comments. Sep 09, James Hartley rated it really liked it. He is who he is. The only thing he ever wanted to do was play football, and so he did. He played a couple of matches a day at the weekends and once had to have his toes cut apart because his skin had sealed up thanks to wearing his boots and socks too much. Hates losing. Calls it as Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles sees it. Never looked back and kept getting better. Piss taker. Good man. My favourite vision of him from the book was when his dad forgot to pick him up after a local game in Wales and he spent the night sleeping in the dugout, the pissing rain clattering on the metal roof. May 20, Josh C. Interesting, especially for the typical American latecomer to Everton support that I am, and probably better than the average 'footballer book'. That said, the writing standard of North American athlete books is so much higher than that of their British counterparts i. Footballer books also often come across as uninquisitive monologues vs. Southall fights that impulse Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles more than most, to his credit, but it seems hard to completely shake the apparent cultural norm that writing a book is how you settle your scores. Great goalkeeper Great keeper. Very blunt,honest,forthright and opinionated. There is only one southall. A breed apart not your ordinary footballer but definitely misunderstood. Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles 28, Blair Johnson rated it it was amazing. Honest, compelling, genuinely interesting Neville Southall – The Binman Chronicles review – Entertainment Focus

He has been described Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles one of the best Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles of his generation and won the FWA Footballer of the Year award in During his teenage years he worked as a binman, waiter and hod carrier. He went Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles to make a club record appearances in the and in all competitions ; his honours with the club consist Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles a European Cup Winners' Cup medal ina First Division championship medal in —85 and —87an FA Cup winners medal in andand an FA Charity Shield winners medal in, and He also played in the and FA Cup finals, the League Cup final inand helped Everton to a second place in the league in — After Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles Everton inhe became Torquay United 's regular goalkeeper for two years. He also made a handful of appearances for numerous other clubs. He played internationally for Waleswinning 92 caps between andthough he did not feature in any major international competitions. He is a member of the Gwladys Street's Hall of Fame. Since his retirement as a player, Southall has briefly managed Dover AthleticHastings United and Margateand has coached at numerous clubs as well as the Welsh national youth teams. He has also worked extensively with disadvantaged children, and set up his own educational consultancy. Born and raised in Llandudno to Fred and Rose Southall, he was the middle child of three boys. Southall's performances attracted the attention of Bury and Wigan Athleticand he was convinced to sign with Bury after he was personally approached by manager Dave Connor. Arnold was Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles preferred choice in goal at the start of the —84 season, before Southall was recalled on 1 October against Notts County. Southall's first appearance at Wembley was in the League Cup final against , and he kept a clean sheet in a goalless draw. Southall kept a clean sheet at Wembley in the FA Charity Shieldas Everton beat Liverpool 1—0 to take home the first silverware of the —85 season. Over the course of the season they beat Liverpool both at and at Goodison, and recorded a 5—0 win over Manchester United. Though Everton had won a place in the European CupEnglish clubs were banned from European competitions following the . Southall remained bitter over this, blaming UEFA for the tragedy and stating that the ban was a convenient way to break up English dominance of European competitions. Sidelined through injury at the start of the —87 season, he returned to the first team against Watford in October. After Kendall left to coach Athletic Bilbaohis assistant took charge at Goodison; Southall responded well to the change, as he believed Harvey "understood my obsessive and relentless desire to be the best". Harvey had failed to adequately replace some of Everton's departing star players, and Southall noted how "the mediocrity became habitual" as the club coasted to an eighth-place finish in the —89 season. Everton were leading the division at the start of the —90 season, but their title challenge fell away after a televised 6—2 defeat to Aston Villa. Southall requested a transfer before the start of the —91 season. Everton were a declining force, and finished 12th in the league in —92 whilst exiting both the FA Cup and League Cup at the Fourth Round. Everton picked up four points from their opening 12 league games of the —95 season, and Southall received death threats after being confronted by an Everton fan during a match at . In the summer of Southall was given a testimonial match against Celtic as well as an MBE — during the ceremony the Queen asked Southall "what will you do now that you're retired? After a promising start to the —97Everton were beaten six times in a row after Christmas and Southall resorted to ringing up a phone-in radio show to defend manager from unhappy supporters. Howard Kendall returned again to manage Everton for the —98 season, and played Southall in the Everton goal for the final time on 29 November, in a 2—0 defeat at home to Tottenham Hotspur. He left the Britannia Stadium in the summer, and later said "one of the worst episodes of my life had drawn to a close". Former teammate invited him to join Conference side Doncaster Rovers on a short-term deal at the start of the —98 season. Wales manager preferred Dai Davies in goal as Southall began to play first team football at Evertonand Southall only got a run of games once Davies retired. Going into the final two games of qualifying, Wales led their group. In qualifying for UEFA EuroWales were placed in the same group as World Champions Germany, and finished just one points behind the Germans after conceding just six goals in their six games. Wales beat Germany 1—0 at the Arms Park on 5 Juneand three months later beat Brazil in a friendly by the same scoreline. Wales were seen to have their best chance in reaching a major tournament after their group was selected for qualification for the FIFA World Cup. Manager was replaced by John Toshackwho stuck with Southall but resigned after just 48 days after falling out with the Football Association of Wales. Southall applied for the vacant position, Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles was chosen instead, who in turn named Southall and Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles his assistants. Southall conceded goals, an average of 1. Southall was renowned for his shot-stopping ability, particularly in dealing with one-on-one situations, quickly coming off his line to intimidate the onrushing forward and relying on his instinctive reactions to save the ball. Southall was appointed of Walesalongside , following the resignation of Bobby Gould after a 4—0 defeat against Italy on 5 June He had a spell as Wales under coach, but quit his post in Novemberclaiming he was treated with "a total lack of respect" and that the coaching was compromised because " It is sad when people make comments without any knowledge of the finances of the FAW. A month after resigning from the national scene, Southall returned to management with Hastings United. Southall married Eryl Williams in June Southall is a teetotaller ; this fact, coupled with his shy personality and dedication to football gave him a reputation as something of a loner. It was the sixth best selling football book of In Southall started working as a teaching assistant at Canolfan Yr Afon, the Pupil Referral Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles for Blaenau Gwentbased in Ebbw Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicleshelping pupils with their job seeking and soft skills, and liaising with local businesses to arrange work placements. He had previously worked in a similar role in London. Whether you like him or hate him, he sticks to what he says. When he got made leader, people took the piss because he didn't wear a suit. Well, he's not Clark Kent. I thought: 'If he don't look like a politician, great. I don't want a politician'". He is active on social media as a supporter of various charitable causes and LGBT rights, [] [] and has handed over his Twitter account to people from marginalised groups and organisations that work to support them, in order to give them a platform to answer questions from the public, including members of the LGBT community, a drugs helpline, a suicide bereavement charity, and a sex workers' collective. In December he was voted as Everton's all-time cult hero. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Neville Southall Southall pictured in July Barry Hugman's Footballers. Retrieved 9 March Rothmans Football Yearbook — London: Queen Anne Press. Soccer Statistics Foundation. Retrieved 10 March BBC Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles. Archived from the original on 13 November Retrieved 12 March The London Gazette Supplement. Sports Journalists' Association. Retrieved 18 June Port Vale Personalities. Witan Books. Retrieved 31 Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles Retrieved 28 June Archived from the original on 8 July Retrieved 3 July BBC Sport. Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles 11 October Liverpool Echo. Retrieved 4 March Retrieved 4 June Sports Book Shelf. Retrieved 17 February South Wales Argus. The Guardian. Retrieved 22 November Retrieved 21 January Pink News. Archived from the original on 9 September Archived from the Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles on 7 November National Football Teams. Benjamin Neville Southall: The Binman Chronicles. Retrieved 10 July Everton Results. Steve Johnson. England Football Online. Retrieved 11 January FWA Footballer of the Year. Charlton J. Bury F.