2 Day's Block, Guelph
GUELPH· ADVERTISEMENTS. OORJY-r:A..OK: Tailor and Clothier, keeps on hand a large and well assorted stock of Ca- nadian Tweeds,English, French and Scotch WOOLLENS, imported direct, which he will make to order in the best and latest styles. Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods in every variety, at JAS. CORMACK'S, No. I Wyndham St. Guelph,Ont. 2 Day's Block, Guelph. THE LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST GOODS, AND LOWEST PRICES ""III IIlwa.l'H h(" fOIl .. d n' :\0. '!. J_ E_ :::JY-[cELDERRY H.h now 011 hand lhe best assorted and Cheapest Stock of GeneW'm,l {}:'rO'~~~i93~ ~~1i~Or~" CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS\VARE TO BE FOUND IX TOWX. :;if" Goods delivered promptly in any part o(the town upon receipt of order. No trnuhle to s.how good ... or quote price~ whether you buy or not. Note the add res... J. E. McELDERRV, '! I)... " .... l:Jodt:, ,Sh" :\"alt'd 1't"l' ~rore-. 2 (:UF.LPH AIJV£RTISEM£NTS. TRUNK& HARNESS DEPOT:J WYNDHAM STREET, GUELPH. ,IA~{lFACTFRF,R AND DEALER IN \/.'.L\\":) 0:-': .RAND--- A coon SCPPl.\' OF Ca!"l'iage and Team Harness, Saddles, Tl'unks, Collar's,Halt~rs, Rock~ell. Bits and Bpidles va,b~s, Satchels, . Whips, Brushes, Rubber Covers and Aprons, .-\ nd everything generally kept in a first-class estahlishment. (;oods made of,the best stock and hy the best workmen. (Irders promptly filled. Customers from a distance can order by mail and have goods expressed to any part of the Dominion. Travellers will find a complete assortme:H of all the best Trun/t.s, Valises and Bags (If latest styles, at "cry low pnces.
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