s· s $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ : bollar·.~Days !=riday and Satur_day THE INGHAM coDNTYI·:NEWs Baclwd by the Chamber of Comme1·ce, Mason stores have Ninety-Third Year No, 1A; Mason, Michigan, March 27, 1952 28 Pages joined In ~ponsorlng a double Dollnt• Days Friday and Satur­ day. News llldex Ingham 4-H Girls Model Their Own Fashions : · · In special advmtising which went into the maill; Tuesdny Eight Men Vie Wnnl ads, Pages G, 7 u'n(l 8, 3 Exchanges and in this issue of the Ingham County News nrc St;Ol'CS of I'arl I. · ' · ba1•gain offerings. • ~;ol'la\ news, Page 1,: Part 1; For Four Posts PngP ''· Part· 3. ; · Although there arc special bargains galore, r·egular store Cht1rc\1 news, Page 5, Part Reaching Out

Schedules are being observed. The Dollar Days prices become 2, ;' ' I ' ~ffcctlve Friday morning. Lr!f!lll nollces, Pn~c 8, Part As Counciln1en I; Pagos .4 and 6, , Part 2; In Phone Deal JJ:Jf!P H, PHrl 4, . . , · Ma.~on Will l'id{ Fom· $$$$$$$$$$$ J~clllorialH, Par;e 2, Purt .4, Stocldll'hlge and L1•slic ! I ' At First City J~lnctirm F"nrm news, Pagcs.4 and 5, Get Rig Sham in 811it Under the NHw Cluu-t1•I' l'arl ''· . . , Of nunlwa· llill ArmL [ 1 • , WITNESS TOO SIOJ( TO TES'flr<'Y Mason has eight canrliclales Bunker Hill residents can seeking four council pm:ls at. State Is Blocked now have ext.cnded telephone the April 7 election. II. is tlw service through Sl ockbriclge, ·Court Sits in Man's House first election undet· Mason's Leslie and .Jackson. new charter adoptccl last On land:· Pu\rchase When Fred L. Kircher of Lun- law linn of Gregg, Thompson, Orders from the public set·v­ June. sing waH too s!clt 'J'ue~c\ay tn Glassen & Parr arc rlcmnndlng ice commission went out. Tues­ testify at Mason the court moved that the $39,000 be surrendered to Under the chatter it is mntl· for Mason ~ypass to Kircher's home to talte hls be promted among all creditors day to the Rural Telephone datory that the1·e be two can- lti~:JJt·of-way buyers ·have been Co. at Stockbridge and Mieh­ testimony. of State Motors, Inc. 'George J. dictates for evet•y offiee. Foul' un:dJ!c lo scr·ut·e by purchase all 1\lrchcr was one of the wit· Hutter Is Wrcher's attorney, 1:1r• l:!nd needed for the hypa~s igun Bell Telephone to pro­ nesscs callerl to testify In the Harland N.. Jarvis and Ben.la· council vacancies arc coming rrotll, ttittun & ltkl~•!i~~ ers. be increased as follows: 1-party ber. ' morning, . . l.ullol'""· • The city ordinance also pro· business, $3.715 instead of $3.00; As VIctor I

nnrl tc!nehel'H pnrtldpallng, It. !11 lHd!ONimVF! UU\' ITOJ\m '.' .., ' B·.. 'k' . ·. e···: ~· ·. ' Jly In Hell Onlc, .'T'he occitsiOJ] wns I I e ve·n l'iill nnmtai birthday t•elehmtlon 'l .! mn Fleming. 'I'he members·" riP.· spoke and showed colored pic· ly dnsecl 'l'hursdnys. r'nundl HonllhL I ::w I For Holy Week t urcs of the WMk of the· Good· , , , , : nl of her frlcmrls. Those nltemhng loss woHlrl J;~ve resulled.r··. eided 011 fl "Traveling Daslmt" ns , Womu~ s' club mc.mh1.rs ~~~~ were Patty Wiehtoskl, ,Judy Ar· neeelpts amounted· to · ~~6.!10, a way of earning money to help Union scrvlct!s will he held by will IndLtstt'les at the closing fam· I'ueHt~ny ,\ftcrno.on ~~-lite llbt.u~ 1mour, Carol and Marla, J.mT, .Jcnn ngninst expe,nses o.f,$354,31:!; pay ror an Jnvnllrls lift for the tho· .Leslie· churches rlurln~ Holy ily night for the season at the Ingham County News : March 27, 1952 Page 2 with 3.(~ m~mh~lll l.~c~~ntt ~n~~·~:, jHIHlson, .Tcnn ,J~ycc, l'iuzam~c. Ml· TllC brr.alJ" 00 $30 00• regiortal proceeds tl · "1 · The service will he nt the Hap· luclt supper.· Cmmnunlty sing in~ meeting lnclwlcd n report o! the ·• .>. •• • • ' ' Fla., for two or nee wee {S, tlst: church cm Sunday, April G, nt completed the evenln~. nomlnnllng r~rnnrnil.tl'<', Nnnposcd ·Exlenslon Gro'up Mcefs ~?·0° ~~~;- mi$l~~t~ :v~['lt(~~o~~;~~i Mr. and ¥rs. Fred Hoisington of Mrs, Weslr!y Thomas, Mr~. · , . . Jrcc 1 _ps, ' "'·.0 ' " ' nrc moving this wcclt into lhc 7:30 ·fl. m.. with Rev. S. n. Wen· li( .1 llr xll'r anrl Mrs. JcnrnH· Holt. extension ~roup met Wil.h proecerls, $.77,.JO, rlon~,tUons. by J es . apartment nt. !JG:3 Elm ger of the Congregational church • 1 11 1 H ld f Auto - Fircl - Cn.'lualty ~~~H1 ' · Mrs, Helen Sprnlter for a ·!esson students, transportation, ~;z b~ses, .~ t SlJealdng. Monday night nt the . Rites e . or wo~ ' , . on lamp shades. Mrs. rwelyn $89.00; donallqns :.by :. merchants s ree · Free Methodist church with Rev. 1 lw. follo~ing ofl ~:ers \~c:e .Tessop was co-hostess. Mr•s, Hazel rtnd supporters, $23.00; Wardrobe Dr, Cecil ~angham ~nd f~mil~ E. E. Carpenter of tlte Methodist D 'ld- M L Flll'lnc:r" llunlt llnlhllng elected: Pmsulenl, Mrs. Cllttmcl Wnlclofsky will have lhe Api'il Clcmners, $fl,Of).. . , of Colur(lhus_. Ohio, m? vl:~llln~ churcl1 spealdng. Tucsduy nlghl ona ac ean I JOY 0. DAVIS I•'lnndN!!i vlr:e·lll'Csidcnt:, Mrs. :meeting-, Tuesday, a sewln~ clinic Disbursements ·were: Bus tu this week w1th his pa1ents, M1. at the Congre~atlonal church with Gower Chapman; reconilng seen~· ,was held at the town ilnll. Snt.l!l'· district tourney;·$12 :oO:Y~f·•Grey- ancl Mrs. r~rncst. Langham. Rev.' s .. C. Hendley of the Free Donald 'I',,·· Mt~cl,cnn,. '74, of (ar,Y. Mrs. ]crank Lnnrlers; CCJ!'L'!'· dny is achievement clay at Mnson: hound hus trips lo rc~lonnls, Methodist church speaking, nnd Wood road, Lesllc township, rliecl stmndlng scerelary, Mrs. Howard .This is to he the 25th anniversary $20G.fl0; meals . ut ·. reglonnls, Wednesday night at the Methodist nt Foote ~hospital In Jnclo ;ou roeaU 7 Don't Fuss ... pearls ami a.· waist-length .'veil. o'clock with burin! in the Mnple Pixley hardware store. Mrs. Fred Mr. Launslein,· ' · 't. -Hii~ pi~ro. I She carried a white Bible topped Grove cemetery.. Heuer reported on the P. '1'. A. Friday night is youth night Of coYru you do. Itnppcnrcd rccendy with a white orchid bouquet. proposed recreation project and with a picture nnd sermon on the ia the LENNOX full-pnge nd ia the ,Miss Dixie A,nn . Emcde' was Martha Ruthruff ' after some discussion it was de· rcssurrection. Saturday night the Saturday Evening Post. ' maid of honor and flower. girls cJded to help when plans were Call Us . . • sermon and picture will be on the su,h porfoct comfort and relalinlion were Deborah ·Ann Farson and more definite. ascension, and Sunday night the can only be enjoyed when your lwme Karen Lynn Fari:jon,, .cousins. of o·.es on Thursday ' Mrs. Mary Agnew was the lend· theme is the second coming. Mr. is perfectly heated, and we would Avoid sJiringtim·e trouble with a new roof by us the bridegroom. Best man was er for the prog~am and intro· Launstein will speak Sunday nt welcome the opportunity to show you Roger Odcn of Lawton, Okla., duced Mrs. zorn Buckingham who how you can hnve that perfect com• II f brl'degroom· They Mrs. Martha Ru\hruff, died J 1 n. m. also. 1 tl e 5:3, fort with LENNOX-at much less Jro · 1er o 1. · was music chairman for the eve· Family night will be observed arc sons of. ·Mrs.. I-Ierbel.'t;·;·Mea- Thursday morning. at ·the Mason ning.. She pres.·ented .Tohn Kraft cost than you mig~t think. 1 "m a· f SnJmn" ·calif · · · Gen·eral hospital follci\ving a long at the Baptist. church with an np· c ln • ~ ' • · • who played a piano solo. Mrs. Tl 1C Couple Wl'll ltvc 1'n West slclmess, She bad been. li.ving at pre cia lion • su.pper· to which all L " Angnlcs' af.te"r''' t'hefr• · 'honey· the "Iolloway· Nursing hom. e. Her Agnew presented Don Foust,R who helped on the building and o~ ~ · ' . · · " · . . publisher of the Leslie Local C· moon up the coast of .California.. hom_e, however,·· was m · Eaton publican. Mr. Foust gav~ a llri~f other activities of the last year LET US HELP-Whctheritisfo~anew ·. are invited. There will be a pot· or remodeled home or a replncemcnt,, . • ~apJds. : ... ·· _' history of papers published m lLick supper and program. Jet us help you select the size:llfld ' dk T l.k. She was born January 2;:>, 1899,.. Leslie beginning with The Fogg t~pc .• . 'j ~ M T .--, of henting plant .thnt will g1ve you, I - rs. le e '· a s : ". t?~ da_ught~r of.Samuel and Hat- Horn which was printecL before Bnnd' Blll11JIIef;':l.?I.JUII\I!d ··:·; ·:. rcsults~·Our .·. ,,'.:.. the most snrisfnctory con, ~~::r.'~··_:.· , ··.,.)•' .~·~·.. ,~~·~~~1.~·~·:~.':-', :'·.·~<·:I ·l.··t.·S·t·.u·dy· :(lu··b:·Me-~~t: tle~etser,I!J~at:on(!ol!':JtY.,.\Vhe~:eiLeslie was organized ns a village. 'PI . f .. :·: t!'"'.·b· .. ·1 'b· ...... t. suitation service is free, but it Ctln·.be l R ·slfe attended sc.hool On.M.arch .1, There \vere two other papers · nns or 1e am nnque M R tl were the main business at the of great value to you in reducing cost Members of Holt Child' Study 19!1° :she mamed' anne~ . u 1. printed at that time, the Leslie meeting of the Band Mothers' of installntion and providing comfort ·Harr:y· '.:S.·~rg~ss Comp·~nY club· heard Mrs; Kpn~!;ll:h.Siecllte rl)f~·;,S~c, was a member. of the Local and the Leslie Republican, club on Monday evening at the throughout the years to come, · \VIio~~:}l~l~~s arc boht'~-alot raised ·: ··· ·•• of Masqn spenl~ on Fn~la]1 :chi!· Sprmgport Methodist .church. which later were combined into high school. Mrs .. Malcolm Stu- F. An' derson·: & s·ons ' . . . .r' .:· . c... rlren .. ·Wednesday. Sne ·described :· Survlving·:besides the husband the present paper. art, president, :presided at 'the Phone 5781 Leslie life on a Sioux Indian reservation is a brother, Oris Helser of Lan· Mrs. 0. J. Edwards introduced meeting with Mrs. Eben Cady re· II h 2363 in tlic:i West where she· imd her sing, and a. half-sister, Pearl wn.l Mr. Lindemer who told of recent corcling the minutes. A turl

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Includes e Glare Guard • Tone Control e Area Selector Corner of Cedar ' '._. e 'Built-in· Booster ·,: Plus ~ntenna, etc:. · .: 1.·s·Wo .Dow;n .. Mason··· . ' /:! ., II M4=1rriage Announced INrriATION rs HELD Mt•, and Mrs, C. r~. ,Jacobs and Auxiliary Holds nalnbow Girls of the MIIHOII !nmlly H(lcnt Suncbty with Mr. uml Ml'R, William Pcelt and !amlly ut Assembly No. 38 held lnltlatlon Lnlce Odessa, 1 ,, Regular Meeting Monday night. Eleanor Brown Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gmvcs of , Social bvenls anJ ·rJ>ersonab .... was Installed as worthy ndvtsot•, Lansing spent Sunday evening ,"PI *. * • .~ ... Tuesdayj Night nnd Velma Kerr gave her vows with Mr. and Mrs. Wright. / tts u new candidate for the orgnn· Mr. and Mrs. David BmJJJett KIP ROBSON HO~ORED . With Mrs, .Dm·ln Blferl In lzatlon. After the meeting Ice spent the wcelc end with 1\11', and :;i;Gaddy-Ridley Vows Solemnized Kip Robson celcbt•alcd his sec. Shower Honors charge of · the pror:rnm, com· cream, calce and ten were served. Mrs. Charles Rich and family. ond birthday· nnnlvct·snt;Y Sattu·· rnunlty uervlce wa~l cllscljsscd at .,11 . Mls:; Jcannclle M. Ridley and day nt a pnrty gjven by his moth· the meeting Qf Browne-Cavcncler .... Cpl. Harlan L. Gaddy exchanged cr, Mrs. nol)crt R.ob~on.· ThoHc Mrs .. Jefferies Amcrlcatl Legion A.uxlllnry No, wedding vow11 Sunday afternoon, present were h!s. grandmother, 74B of Mnaon Tue~day evcnil1g, Murc!J !l, In the Rives Baptist Mrs, Mnudc Taylor of -Columbits, Mrs ..Jay H. Snyder, Sr., and Mrs. Eifert' reported· that local Mrs. William Porter entertained '·--church'1'11 ·tt'. :!•30,, • Ohio; his brother, .aradpnnd Mrs. Auxiliary 'members have devoted qt a storlt shower nt the Snyder "'· Rev, Dallas Berry performed LN;I!c Palmer, Sheryl and . Re· 144 hour~ of scrvlcQ to the blood Super-Duper Savings the clouhlr'-l'lng rites before an bceca, and Claude Foster, He re· home Thursday evening honoring hanl1, civil defense activities and . , u!Lm· hanlwrl with hu;;!tctu of ccivecl many nice gifts n.ft'cr !)'Irs. Normnn Jcfl'erlcs. lo studying first aid and home · · white snapdragons, gladioli and which Mrs. Robson served caltc Mrs. Jefferies Is visiting her nut·slng, since the unlt'ti fiscal For Dollar Daf ····rel·ns. Scvcnly·liV!~ guests were and Ice cream. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbllrt year began October 1.. Vnlulng ~'"present for tlw ceremony. ' Jll Ill * Colby.· ' this service al 75c · pi!I' holll', as Joyce Hcccler played Lmdltionul Spring flowers and forsythia Instructed by the national organ!· . were used in decorating the re­ wtion, the MaHon Unit Is to be 1 wedding musle for !he nupllals. MI1S. CLAHK '·BENJAMIN ~... The bride, given In marriag-e by Haring~Knisely freshment tuble. credited with $333.00 in the past Men's Suits .,, her fatlwt·, chose a g-own of white Guests were Mrs. Norman six months; Mr. ami Mrs:· Merlrlllh Palter­ laec and twl. The dress was fash­ Vows Repeated Jefferies, Mrs. IIarolrl Jefferies, MrH. Gladys BUI'I'OUghs, SCCl'C· son· of Bunltcr Hill announce the Ioned with a lace Jackel and sltlrt Mrs. Robert !{night, Mi:s. Floyd .tary of the Ma~on clvll defcusc mal'l'iage of the! I' daughlcr, Kath· made of rows of !nee and net. Hct· Wesleyan Mclhorllst: church In Taylor, Mrs. Zola Bash!ord Dart, qonrd,, reported. th11t 15 Auxlllary Jeen B., to Clark M. Benjamin, Women's Suits

fingertip veil of Illusion was held __, :.• Lansing was the ~cene. Salurcllly Mrs. Robert Fox, Miss Lila Fern f11Cmbct·s arc engaged in defense non of Mr. and MrH. Rex Ben· rln: pj;u~c by a lar~e cap and she ~.. >: ' evening of the marriage of ~l~s Colby, Mrs. Cordle Bashfot·d, worl1, -some in various c!Qrlcnl .Jamin of Pe1·ry. 'fhe ceremony •c. :Mrs. Jack O'Bcrry enteriained Women collld render to chlldreh ~ Frlday evening in honor o! her ;tt the. ~oUtlty SIUl(to!'lum, to pco· * 1/1 * Ingham County News ·March ·27; 1952 Page 4 Mrs. Harold Bender will enter- sonl Chu-ckle, who celebrated his pie receiving old age assistance P,aristyle Shoppe lain members of the Mason Sen· first birthday anniversary. Guests ~nd to nursing homes. The .feasl· Included Mrs. James O'Berry and ior Child Study club at the. an· Sharon, Mrs. Lurcn Bartlett and hlllty of an .outdoor swimming Herman Sullens nual meeting on W!i!~lncsd!jy, Llndn, Mrs. Richard Fell and ~ool for use during the summer for April 2. There will be a bohemian months was also discussed. The dinner at 6:JO. St~vlc, .. Mrs. J. B.: Evans, Gary, ;.mit ordered 2,500 veteran·madc Wed SO Years Worlt!ng wllh Mrs.. Bender as L?rry and Handy, ~t's. James }apples foi• its annual campaign Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bullen of co·hostesscs will be Mrs. Rohert 0 ;Berry, Jr., and Ron me and Mrs. tn May. Sulphur Springs, Florida, will Leonard, Mrs. Donald Scofield, Ly)_e Mlller and Rosel?'n and Eddy Dollar Day Bargains * * .. celebrate their go\dcn wedding an· Mrs. Robert · Bullen arid Mr5.· of Lan~lng. ~hucltte . received niversary Wednesday, Apr!) 2. vance Kennedy. · many mce g1Hs. The hostess Their address Is Box !l251, Tampa During· the evening_'. members served refreshments· of calte, ice Party. Honors 4. . ' .. will work on program favors for cream and c~;fe~. * . Jessie Haynes and Herman Bul· Any59c Article· 2·for $1 the coming ~.lu~nl~g· convention. PARTY HEL~ S.t\.TUR[!AY len were married April 2, l!l02. Dolores Reeser They have three sons, Jim of An· White, Navy, Red, Green or Mrs. Olive Brown· atiended the Leonard Nelson .was guest of Gloves $1 Mrs. William Reeser enter· choragc, Alaska, Clarl' of Port­ 10th anniversary of Blue Star hollDr Saturday evening when a land and Dt·. Robert Bullen of Tan Mothers meeting ut Flhit grot.lp of · fi'lends and relatives ;alned seven chlldren Saturday in honor of the fifth birthday an· Mason: Wednesday. . called at his home. in honor of his Mr~ Bullen was a farmer before Mrs. Agnes Corner·· of· Gage· birthday anniversary. Progressive nivcrsary of her daughtct·, Do· NYLON HOSE ores._ ~ .. his retirement. The Bullens spend town visited her parents, M·r. and pedro was the. diversion of the ·· Those present were Susan every winter in Florida. Mrs. Elmer. Bravcridet·, Friday in cv(1J;llng with honors going to All first quality prketl •·egulnrly from .::!alrns, Dawn . Densmore, Sally * .'' * Ill' $1.35 to $1.75 · honor of the couple's 5ist' wed· M~. ·Margaret Sanborn, Mrs. Ida BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD ding anniversary.. Mr. arid Mrs. Kempf, Ralph. Furtney and Arden .Holliday, VIckie Borejka, Bt·ad A surprise birthday party was fOtl Forrest Hill and family and Mrs: Isb.el.. Refreshments of sand· Robson and Sherry and Stanley itolmes. held Saturday evening honoring Martha Wnuvle. also· ·visited the wiches, cake and .Jcllo were 79c Each • 2 pair $1.50 Braveriders In llonor . of the OC· served. The honored guest rc· Dolores received man'y nice Clayton John.son on his 39th \0· ~ifts. Guests played games after birthday anniversary. Euchre liUB~ casiim. · · : ~;~- ceived many nice gifts. which the hostess served Ice was the' diversion of the eve­ Mrs. Franlt Rathburn has been * * • One lot A,'D m• C cu1•s, Reg·, $1.71i 2 for $1 ~ream and birthdaY. cake us rc· ning. 'l'hirty.five guests attended. BRAS One lot of Nylons, Res·. $2.50 ...... ei\Cit'$1 ~~lS sick at her home. She wiil not he Mr.· und Mrs. Stuart Flanders lreshments. · · able to return to .he.r work .at spe'nt Sunday in Battle Creek Mr. Johnson received many nice * fie * . gifts. $118 oNll Rathburn's Hardware until some· with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Webster time next week. . and sons. . 'a.o'l'o·.wa· !V_. 1\Te•·•~ Mrs. Rcva Croni(rlghl/(oi:. Perry Mrs. William Herrick Is 'at u~ II .., .t '~ ICIU Mr. and Mrs .. Harold Bender Garter Belts 19c $1 ReCJ. $\43 spent the weelt end with M1·. ;ind home caring for her daug-hter, Mrs. Allee .. Hanson returned and famlly visited Mt·. •ou."t . ... -·- ·-- . Along w,ltlt your. new Easter Texas:· · · . Rev. D. R. ·Silvernail : Orina ~~d · La~ra Tomt•klns finery sport a new hairdo, . Mr. ilnd Mrs. (,;:layton Hulett 1 Evangelist . · Slilgea· and Musician '$1· Off Slip~ $~.9~, ~P .· _,. ., . . .MASON '. For appolntmcn~ call. r~:to~~~~~~r~a~~~· 4~~~:~~s ~~~~ i ' . :con. TO SUND~Y SCHOoL 89 ;,~· .. ,~.O,M.E:~~PP~IA~CE-...... ·-~~"S.I!~i~ i~- ~!~d c::~~~~e ~~~e ~~eMl~~a ::s~ I: . . . • .:MASON·-~-:~··; .. ;; _· .. ·'·· · · . ·vur $ Day·Offer Not Good ! · Wytlie attended a i :: · On This Combination · i .... '· '~::>ORIS'S H~~~~:'Frnnk Church_ of_ t_h_' e'.. Nazarene.~·. Paristyle She».ppe stork·,shower for her niece, Mrs. . Pltone 25~11 · B.eauty' s.hop \. '. Donald Hotchkin, at the home of 2$1'1 w. Elm.St~et· ..... · •· REV;·II11GII,PlrrNAM, l'astor. For Inexpensive Smartness ·· · · ·s; 'Cedar'::_·: Mrs. George Champagne In Lan· 1.. ·" . · · ' .· •. . . ·. 1. · • .· ··. ·· 108 E. Aslt ~lton(} ~-21 !,.....,;,. ___,.._.....-...,;;-..---....__, sing. . --· · · ... · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----•...• ...•.• .• • .. •llil ~-·-·._ .. _._.... _ ....._ .... _ .._ .. _... _... _ _..·..;.-·_·---·--·.._-·_·· ·--·-·· ___...._.-_ ...... _ ... :_.::.;;.. .. ;;..'· _, •

'I pifJP·l'il!lllii'I'H, 11111! IIJI(ll'opl'ialr!ly .n,·,,·t'lS JlfiBH /llld Wllll 0JII'd ~(1,0{), Study Clubs to Use r!rP~HPri will fPailli'P till' main Ia· /1 011 ::lnlurdny Lylu JolmHon ol !lie r•pntm·p!Pr'l'li at lim evenhli.( H~lt Board of Education Adopts Lesfie Farmer Muson plendcd guilty to diBllll'b· Mrs. Harker Spring Decorations dlnlll'J' lll'ld In till' Lr!l-(lon l\1e- A roan, 111lchnel Clnrcnl'e, wns hnl'll to Mr. 1,1nci MrH, Clarmwc lng lim pcar•1: l•'riday ulgllt, He For Planning Mee·t llJorlnl iluilrlln~-:. Btn•gesH Saturday' ut the Span·ow New Pay Schedule for Teachers Die$. in H4>spital pnld $H.70 rmd wns pln~od on pro· To Be Speaker f-1mull llnwr•r pots and lifll'inlt· hns[J!tn,l In' J,.n' ~tn· .... , , ·.: 1 hat Inn for lhrer: months, "April Showers" nnd "May 1 11 ·• ,., 'The IIoil hoard of edut•ntlon in Y£Htr, In the new sclwdule tlw sex Donnlcl 'r. MneLcun, 7·1, riled in llnr: c•an;; wl.ll form t•xtm Jet'lll'il·l Mr. ruJrl MrH .. nobcrt.E. Wore lloy Di<•ldn.~on of M11son wns Mr~. ,John Stanley Hartter, wlfo Day" will set ·the theme for tlw lions and Will :tl:w lw lalw·llonw nt'r!' tl1e parents of n aon, Dnnlel 11 H[Jeclnl tnc£:tlng J'a:;;t Thursday rliff<•mntlal, which )lnd been $200 Foote hOS(Jltal, ,Jackson, Monday finer! $2S.OO und tmlnrcd to p::y nf the prosidcnt. of Alma college, I evening, adnpled 11 1ww IPiiPitr!r:r tlw lln;t yent• nnd $300 thct·eafl· clccoratlng comniltt1•e'H effoJ'ts nl fHV•JI'H l11r tlrP llloiiH·rs f11r thell' J•:rlwln,· hom nt 'Ute Mn~on Gcn· morning, Ilc had umhwgone a I'Ost;; of $10.:10 on n reddess driv­ will ndrh·css members of the the Mlehlgnn Cllilrl Sturly llHsoC'in· r·Jrllrh·<'n. r•rrr'l hospital Sntt~rday, Mrs. Ware Hillary schedule fot• tlw l!l:i~·G:! l!l', was dutn,~cd to $200 the first stomach operation (here Mlll'l'h Ing cllargr. to which ho pleaded Women's Rodely of the Presby· tlon spring plunnlng r·onvf'ntlon · ·· " Is the former h·ma'Roose. sdwol year. Undt•t• the new st~lcd· year and $250 !hercnfter, 13 anrl then anot.hm• eml~t·gcJwy l(ttllly Wednesday before ,Justice terlnn f'hurch Thursday nlr:ht, ule women with 1111 All d\•grPe ol' , fit addition to adopting uie new operation •Willi performed Sulut·· here Apl'il 17• twcot•tlln~-: to ''"· S·\ltNIA wr I~IAN I>Jio::·: Mr. nnrl ivli'o. Tom Grnham of ,John Grur~el of Leslie, The judge 'rlw meeting ls scheclulcd to cquivalont tralnlll!~ will K11ll't 111 st•lwdulc Ill(! lmanlauthorized the day, chairmen of that committee, Mrs. a!Ho put Dlcl\in~on on proha!lon slllt't at 7:30, Mrs. ,James II. Vnn· Glen Dunn, .Jr., and Mr:r. Glenll Mr. :rntl Mn .. "''ih ,,.,,rrthY ar· William~ton hqve a son, Lau· $3,000 instend oi $2,700 nnrl I'IJII· ltl!'lng of two extra elementary Mr. MacLean was 11om nt Lof'h· for a year. der Vcn announced. She is pro· I rlwd at Lil.r•l.tllli. Jo'lo: 1d:r ·i·llf'S·Il'ilnco llnnison,' hm~n Marcil 1<1, tlnue with $100-a·,YPIIr llll'l'C· l<•nchrm; to help tnl