S a i ï M ' M Q SlflT-G -C 0LL6 G€ Xmas Formal Banquet at Tomorrow El Paseo Nite Monday

Voi. XVI SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1936 No. 24 Forty-Five She Invites, He Accepts Annual Football Dinner m M g p p f f f f i Trek South Honors State Gridmen C. S. Davy, J. E. Myers, President Clarence to Library L. Phelps and Coaches Speak; Prexy Printers Schedule Study of Hoyt Acts As Toastmaster ‘Fine Books’ in Hunting- With negotiations under way for securing one of the ton Collections members of the coaching staff of the University of California TRAVEL IN BUS, CARS at Los Angeles as main speaker of the evening, the' associ­ ated students of Santa Barbara State will sponsor the annual English Majors See ‘Learning football banquet, Monday, December 14, aided by the Women’s for Ladies,’ London and Athletic association. Tyndale Works The event will take place at 7:00 in El Paseo, with mem- ^bers of the 1936 grid squad as With 45 students, teachers, and Enrollment Status guests of honor. townspeople packed in bus and Speeches will be given by Charles- private cars the annual pilgrimage Shows Noted Rise Gordon Davy, president o f th e of the English department left the Chamber of Commerce; Joe E. State college campus at nine o’clock Be’ieve it or not, the growth Myers, president of the Junior this morning with a 'destination of of the college is practically Clarence L. Phelps; Coach “Spud” the Huntington Library and Art remarkable. Year before last. Chamber of Commerce; President Gallery. Included in the group are State recorded a 16 percent in­ Harder; and Coach Wilton Wilton. delegations of printing and Eng-, crease in population. Last year, Hoyt Is Toastmaster lish students. Ann Seymour, president of the Associated Women stu­ showed a five percent lift; an Bill Hoyt, president of the senior Printing students will cover a dents who will be hostess to Dave Pollock, head of the Men’s this year, 16.6 percent class, will act as toastmaster for study of “Fine Books” and Fine club, at the joint meeting of the groups next Tuesday morn­ “We anticipate that this the evening. Nancye Clapp, W.A.A. Bindings” placed on special ex­ ing, second hour, in a Christmas program given by the Glee growth will continue next year. head, is In charge of arrangements hibit at this time. The books con­ There is nothing phenomenal for the dinner. clubs, orchestra and the Masquers club. about this, but it is a favorable tain examples of parchments, the A telegram was received yester­ Gutenberg Bible and modern work steady increase,” commented Clarence L. Phelps. day from Charles W. Paddock, by John Henry Nash of San Fran­ *Christmas Ghime’ Planned by former sprinter and at present, a cisco. The book bindings illus­ Long Beach sports writer, who trate the supplementary exhibits w a s invited to speak, stating. on the steps in manufacture. Players Club For Student Body Students Don “Sorry indeed that a previous en­ E n g lis h students plan to study gagement prevents me from being an exhibition “Learning for La­ A. W. S., Men’s Club Hold Gay Togs for present at your annual football dies,” a display of manuscripts of J o banquet December 14. May I ex­ Jack London, and the commemora­ Council Grants Joint Meeting; Glee Clubs Sing tend my congratulations to the tion of the death of William Tyn­ Xmas Formal football team on its splendid sea­ dale. The first exhibit is a group Grid Numerals son. Many thnks for the invitation.” of first editons illustrating ideas “A Christmas Chime,” by an un­ Ticket Deadline 4 P. M. of women’s education from 1508- known author will be presented Rockwood Scene of State Ball; Tickets must be obtained by 1895. by the Players dub next Tuesday ‘Grand March’ Will Open Forty - Seven Football Men 4:00 this afternoon. Tickets for off- Leaving Santa Barbara at nine Are Awarded with in a joint meeting of. the A.W.S. Evening’s Program and Men’s club second hour, as a campus guests may be obtained the travelers will arrive in Pasa­ Sweaters from Dean Lois Bennink-s. office. . dena f for lunch and at 1:30 they eontribwHoir to ••the'Christmaa -sea­ Student» Of State will don their son. Music by the orchestra and “Sunday best” tomorrow night at Following the dinner, guests will will go to the library and art gal- Twenty-two varsity football men dance until 11:00 in the main room (Continued on Page 2, Column 31 men’s and women’s- glee clubs will Rockwood for the annual Christ­ and 25 freshmen making their of El Paseo. A program of all­ numerals were awared lightweight precede and follow the play. mas formal, one of the main events of the college social calendar, school talent, including the voice sweaters at the regular meeting The play is a modern' one. It of Louis Trigueiro, will be given H.E. Dept. Begins of the student council last night concerns two lovers, who have which will last from 9:30 until 12:30. during the dinner. A -floor .show Annual Christmas in Pine Hall. broken their engagement because of Guests will dance to the colleg­ will also be presented during the Varsity gridsters who will re­ a trifle. They are invited to the evening. Candy Sale Soon ceive either a blanket or a sweat­ home of friends to spend the iate music of Fred Lambourne and er are Donald Haft, Frank Hayman, Christmas season, and as- a result his orchestra. The evening will be­ The yearly Christmas candy sale Sid Gardner. Douglas Oldershaw, no little- embarrassment and un­ gin with a “Grand March.” Faculty Invited Graduating Class sponsored by members of the home Keaster Hale, Earl Fredburg, John­ happiness is caused. economics department will begin ny Twaddell, Clair Busby, Gene Students taking part in the play President and Mrs. Clarence L. Elects Harrington next Tuesday morning, December Gilkerson, A1 Young, Dan Mulock, are Gladys Terrill, Carol Warren, Phelps, Dean and Mrs. William 15, and continue till Thursday, De­ Wells *37 Sponsor Louis Trigueiro, Oliver Seeley Dolly Wakeley, Alice Freeman, Ashworth, Dr. and Mrs. Charles cember 17, in front of the Co-op in Dave Pollock, Barney Swanson, Bob Joseph Terrill, Harry Netherly, Ted Jacobs and Dean Lois Bennink the quad. have been invited as patrons and At the recent election of the Morelli, Howard Yeager. Jack Owen and Terry Hill. Senior class, Harrington “Pop” Candy, cakes, cookies, aprons, Smith, Nathan Johnson, Forrest patronesses for the affair. Honor The assembly will open with the guests of the associated students Wells, popular science professor, pot-holders, towels, dolls and stuff­ Gardenhire and Freddie Monson. orchestra, under the direction of was selected to act in the honor­ ed animals will be included among Frosh football artists who will will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stan- Mr. John W. McAllister, playing wood, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Ryon ary capacity of the senior class the articles to be sold. Jean Hen­ receive their sweaters are Robert “Adeste Sideles,” followed by the sponsor for the coming year. derson, president of the home eco­ Coffey, Larry Main, Warren Far­ and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Warren. men’s chorus and the orchestra in The dance is officially a “date” The statement was announced nomics department will be general rar, Wilson Pollard, Fred Valen­ “Oontique de Noel,” by Aldan. chairman of the event, and mem­ (Continued on Page 2, Column 4) last evening by Bill Hoyt, the senior zuela, Clifford Romer, George After the presentation of the play bers of the department will be in class president, after the election dray, George Valos, John Echeni- the women’s chorus will sing two results had been kept a secret for charge of the booth, which will (Continued on Page 2. Column 5) Christmas carols, “Silent Night.” be open all day during the sale. Alphigam Discusses two days. The election was held in and “Lo How a Rose E’er Bloom­ the main office on Monday and Proceeds will be divided be­ Allred Urges Early ing” by Praetorius. Joint Press Confab Tuesday of this week, and was tween the home economics depart­ under the supervision o f Mamie ment and Kappa Omicron Phi, hon­ Purchase of Ducats Plans to hold the annual journa­ Miller. orary home economics fraternity. Hanson Resignation lism day for high school students There are only 400 tickets to Comes As Surprise and the next meeting of the south­ Wells was selected by the class the Gaucho - New Mexico Aggies ern California Collegiate Press from a list of five faculty mem­ Christmas football game available convention in a joint meeting were bers, who had been nominated by at student prices, according to Fred Coming as a complete surprise the seniors at their breakfast meet­ ©ver tbe to the residents of Santa Barbara, discussed last Tuesday evening at Allred, student comptroller. the bi-monthly meeting of Alpha ing in Ebbets hall a week ago. Sales have been rapid to date Mayor E. O. Hanson, yesterday at The next breakfast will be dur­ 2:20 p.m. presented his resigna­ Phi Gamma, honorary journalistic jfence so all students "who are planning fraternity, at the home of Leona ing the week of Jaunary 11 to 15, By JACK SALYER to attend the Christmas grid battle tion to the city council, which according to Olive De Moite, break­ was accepted. Rasmussen, 221 Encinal avenue. should buy their tickets prior to Pledge papers were read and the fast committee chairman, and ABDICATION Christmas vacation. After that time W. S. Crawford, a member of the initiation party to be given by the should be kept open on the senior’s council, was appointed acting mayor King Edward VIII gave his an­ everyone will be charged a regu­ pledges for the active members calendar. until the appointment of a new swer to Baldwin by signing his lar admission price. Cost to students was announced. President Bill Hoyt mayor to complete Hanson’s un­ abdication papers, forever renounc­ at present is 40 cents; to the gen­ was in charge of the the meeting. finished term. ing his right to the throne of Eng­ eral public, 85 cents; and $1.10 for Other active members present €>ur Collegiate land. This places the prestige of reserved seats. Mr. Hanson was mayor for 18 were Dorothy Horner, Lawrence the empire in the most precarious Regular admissions are on sale as months. He gave as the reason for Leslie and Irene Minikin. Pledges Colleagues usual at the Ashley-Westlund his resignation, the health and position since the world war. Op­ who attended the meeting were TEAM GOES TO HAWAII inion is sharply divided as to what Sporting Goods store, and at Ott’s. well-being of his family. Caroline Hoefer and the hostess. may develop. Ireland, one of the Well, the San Jose football team six dominions who must ratify the has finally gotten off for Hawaii King’s successor, has flatly declar­ despite the strike situation. From Campus Picnic Site Needs Trailers, Tents San Jose they went to Seattle, ed it will never do so. This would sailed to British Columbia and prevent the Duke of York from boarded the “Niagra” of the Cana- ascending the throne. College Will Provide Stamping Ground fo r Idle Transient dian-Australian Line. They will As long as Edward lives, the Contrary to popular belief and would become a common way-side your powers of observation are have a few days free in which to Duke of York won’t be considered opinion the campus of Santa Bar­ scene—the great American stamp­ sadly in need of renovating. get rid of their sea-legs before the real thing, and Baldwin may bara State college is not a picnic ing ground of the transient camper. meeting the University of Hawaii Of course, it is entirely up to yet regret his forcing the most ground even though visitors to Take a look around you. Note team on December 12. popular man in England into- re­ our hilltop site might gain that im­ the cigarette stubs, candy papers, the student body as a whole, if STRIKE FOR HIGHER PAY tirement. It is reported that Ed­ pression at first glance. But all we gum wrappers, notebook paper, they prefer to study and think in The Susquehanna university foot­ ward and Mrs. Simpson will live need now are a couple of stream­ paper sacks, and other miscellan­ such an atmosphere nothing more ball team went oh strike because in South America where he is ex­ line trailers and a row of tents eous types of cluttering “junk” need be said. But it behooves the their employers had cut their tremely popular. The estimated set up in front ,of the gym and all which lines our driveways, is under students to live up to the prece­ wages. Time taken for practice cost to merchants and manufactur­ doubt and mist elief could be set the trees and bushes and in the dent set for them by the good cut in upon, their working hours. ing firms who prepared for his cor­ aside. Overnight our illustrious quad. If the Gaucho campus does­ clean playing of the football squad Nothing has been done because onation has been placed at 250 setting of higher knowledge for n’t resemble most picnic and camp­ and keep the Gaucho campus in conference ruling prohibits the pay­ million dollars. the pursuance > -f the finer arts ing grounds you have visited then the safe condition. ing of athletes. Page Two E L GAUCHO Friday, December 11, 1936 Booft Chatter Radio Ranglings By Arthur H. Batchelder By LONGIE One of the amusing slips that When you were small do • you quite frequently take place on remember how your grandmother Scoop.. The engagement of Pat radio happened the other day on chastized you if an object were Ireland to Vincent Banks was an­ the Jimmy Fidler program. He placed upon the family Bible? Re­ works for a cough drop manu­ member the awe which enveloped nounced last night at a party given “PETIE" McKINNEY, Editor-in-Chief at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck facturer and in the middle of his you as you approached it? Leister (Mis. Leister is the former announcement the announcer GRANZO MEISENBACH, Business Manager I have much the same sensation Jeanette Banks) . . . they seem to coughed. My, what that manufact­ Jack Porter Margaret Bennett as I consider reviewing “The War urer must have felt like saying. ------Goes On.” be keeping it right in the family Printing Journalism Gertrude Niessen has one for the (NewspaperI ) Member) Still, the Bible is printed by the . . . the couple will be married in Instructor Instructor August. books. She was tired of the smoke million copies yearly. In reality it and stuffiness of night clubs, so she is just printed paper bound to­ No doubt ’tis again time to do BILL HOYT, Student Advisor a trifle more predicting. came to Hollywood to get away gether with glue and cord, be­ from it all. Practically as soon as EDITORIAL STAFF tween a cardboard or leather For the football banquet: Fred- TUESDAY FRIDAY she arrived she was cast in a night binding. And so is Sholem Asch’s burg will be seen , with Marion club picture. Now, she is planning Norman Phillips Managing Editor Irene Minikin Shammo . . . Wannie Wood will new novel in the same catagory to go to Honolulu to get away from Ted Joham Sports Editor Jack Kitchen with the Bible—just a mass of fish- escort either Pat Collinge or Leon- Sports Assistants—Stanley Rossi, Terry Hill it all again. Women’s Sports—Betty Clark glue, string, ink and paper when in tine Phelan, both are off-campus ♦ tji # . . . A1 Young will invite Velma Society Editors—Helen Longawa, Dorothy Darrow the publishing house. . Personally, we like the shorter Advertising Manager—Tom Lindquist If a book consists pf material Wood from Ventura so that she Circulation Manager—A1 Bine Hit Parade programs. In case you things only, then what constitutes a may be honored with him, . . . didn’t know it, they are now only REPORTERS book? Can it be the author, philo­ Louise Riche, off campus, will be Johnny Bassett, Arthur H. Batchelder, Peggy Benham, Mary Bolton, a half-hour long and have only Betty Clark, Elaine Clendenny Arthur Colton, Dorothy Daniel. Dorothy sophy, love, or history. Put all to­ seen in the company of Bill Jes­ seven hits. They also seem to be sup . . . Due to the fact that Heten Darrow, Margaret Eastwood, Bob Furnas Doris Holden, Helen Longawa, gether a book is life seen through giving the orchestras a little more Donald MacKinnon, Howard McQuigg, Betty Nordyke, Barbara Sharp, another’s eyes. Life. \ e s , truly this Holt will be in town Harry Sloan Barry Simmons, Stella Mae Smith Estelle Stray Verna Wilber, Robert leeway in their arrangements. is what formulates “The War Goes will ask her . . . Ross, (Every * * - * Ulrich, Audrey Fletcher. Night a Different Girl) Lamoreaux On.” Fear not, public-satiated-with- The second of the Stokowski W36 Member I W R£PHl'SENTEP FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY the-usual-“war-books,” for this will take his choice. National Advertising Service, Inc. programs will be heard from the Associated Collegiate Press novel is not concerned with the This might be old but it’s still Curtis Institute of Music in Phil- College Publishers Representative usual war trash. It is more, it is Distributors of 42.0 M a d is o n A ve. m e ^ 'Y c-r k . N .Y . good—hear that Larry Main and edelphia. The broadcast will open C h ic a g o - B o s t o n - San F r a n c i s c o LIFE. Life in the raw of post-war Dede Biller were merely Sitting Los A n g e l e s - P o r t l a n d • S e a t t l e with “Danse Macabre,” by Saint- Colleßiafe Dieted Germany. A rawness bound to­ on the davenport at Dede’s when Seans. It will be followed by the gether by liquid English. it crashed . Why was it that vivacious March and Trepak from It treats of post-war Germany, Willie Blume had to make apolo­ the “Nutcracker Suite,” and the The Fraternal Fourth the Jews, the inflated Mark, the gies for Fredburg and Busby at program will close with the Second people, and the raw sex-freedom the. Elk’s . dinner Tuesday Bite? Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt. That august body, the Inter-fraternity Council, at a re­ arrising among a people weary of Jack Joseph seems to be having ------• ----!------synthetic food and bloodshed. a lot of fun making Mary Doll cent meeting decisively ■ approved and welcomed the sugges­ Ah, but who am I to try to re­ scream—maybe there’s something McArthur Appoints tion that a fourth fraternity be organized on the college cam­ view the masterpiece of our lit­ there . . . Millicent Lincoln can’t erary age? With a terrible crash Amendment Group pus. quite make up her mind between the realization overcomes me .that Ted Rohlfsen, who had a car but (Continued from Page One) With the sanction of this body, which represents the experience is not mine—that I am doesn’t play football, John Echeni- que, Clarence Lair, Norman Davis, three existing Greek letter societies, the organization of unworthy, so much as to even try que, who has a car and plays foot­ to give an account of my emotions Peirino Merlo, Jack McArthur, the fourth group rests upon the initiative and enthusiasm of ball, but is merely a freshman, Bill MacArthur, Stanley Wilson, when confronted by this work of John Twaddell, who has no car, true art. Lloyd Rossi, Louie Strong, Charles one student, or a group of students on the campus, but plays varsity football, and Time is nothing for the world Bailey, Bill Jessup, Warren Wood, The procedure to be followed in organizing such a Willie Wilton, who has a car but Norvin Ewing, Ralph Spawn, Blan­ stands still while “The War Goes is only a coach. group, in brief, would constitute drawing members from On” is in your hand. ton Clark, Lester Unterseher and State’s “unorganized” to form sufficient membership, electing ------• ------1 :----- —■• —------— Gordon Davis. A special constitutional amend­ a leader or speaker, and presenting a charter to the Inter- English Majors Take Students Hold Xmas ment committee was appointed by fraternity council and the office of the Dean of Men for ap­ Annual Library Trip Formal at Rockwood Student Body President Denny Mc­ proval. Arthur to revise section six under (Continued from Page One) article eight of the constitution A majority of students will look to the Anacapa club, (Continued from Page One) which concerns the granting of whose membership numbers over 40, for a possible move of lery. At 4:30 the bus will legve for affair, and the stag line will be awards to athletes. This committee this sort. Already powerful and influential, the club perhaps Santa Barbara in order to get definitely out-of-order, according includes Johnny Twaddell, repre­ home by eight. would not wish to become a fraternity, or organize such a to Dot Riche, chairman of the so­ senting the Block “S”, Fred Lam- Those making the trip are Leila group for_ its members, but a possibility exists, and will be cial committee. Dark suits or tux­ bourne, Don Follett, Ann Sey­ Allison, Irene Baptiste, Norma edo is the correct dress for cam­ mour, and Miss Hazel Severy. contemplated by many, that the Anacapa House might well Bassi, Arthur Batchelder, Armae submit its charter for official recognition as a group definitely pus males. Two hundred dollars was ap­ Brewster, Clara Gill, Amo Chauvel, propriated by the group for incorporated with the social order of the college. Alfredo Chavez, Sally Chavez, Get Guest Cards Students inviting off - campus La Cumbre, and five dollars is to The field has been opened for the inauguration of a Betty Clark, Helen Fisher. Arthur be given to the City Park Commis­ Glover, Dorothy Hornor, Paul Jor­ guests must sign in Dean Lois Ben- Fourth in the fraternity “hand of bridge,” and with the invi­ nink’s office before three o’clock sion to help in the building of the genson, Verne Jones, Richard Kint- annual Pasadena float. tation and favorable comment of the Council, the opportunity zel, Jane Leslie. this afternoon. A charge of one has come. All thought of restriction has been laid aside and Also, Robert Leslie, Charles Leis­ dollar will be made for outsiders ALISTAIR ANDERSON the way paved for an entierly new group to make its way ter, Robert Love, Carlos Lozano, attending the dance! Staters are into the inner circle of fraternal politics, problems and. par­ Christine McDonald, Robert Marson, reminded to bring their student ticipations. Shirley Moore, Harry Nethery, Ter­ body books. ------;..0 ------esa Ortega, Clarisse Pahl, Norman Arrangements for the formal are Phillips, Kay Schmitter, Margaret under the supervision of the college Shanahan, James Stanley, Carl social committee, composed of These Men We Honor Sundquist, Mary Thompson, Mar­ Bill McKenzie, Josephine Denman, jorie Ward, Betty Westcott, Mrs. Harry Sloan and Margaret East- With but one football game remaining before the Big Julia Wilson, Grace Young, Vernon wood. Green of 1936 becomes a memory of the past the students of Finwall, Edward Born, Mrs. Verd- Santa Barbara State will have a final opportunity to honor astelle Docka, Dr. Walter Peirce, BETTY LOU THOMAS the grid stars at the annual football banquet Monday night and Jack Porter. Dr. William Max­ at El Paseo. well went to Pasadena last night This year the affair will be entirely sponsored by the to contact the officials. Mr. Porter DANCE will be in charge on the bus Associated Student Body with the active aid of" the Women’s FRED LAMBOURNE’S Athletic Association instead of being arranged by a down­ COLLEGIANS town organization. This will afford every Stater the oppor­ K. P. HALL—TONIGHT tunity of doing his share to show the varsity and Coach “Spud” 25 Cents Harder his appreciation for the efforts they have made in the past football season. Local service clubs and other organizations as well as individual townsmen have more than done their part in feting and shewing the Gauchos they deserve the signal honors be­ KERRY’S stowed upon them, and now-it is our turn. This year has seen ;HENRY BRABO VARSITY FOOD f Santa Barbara State reach new heights, both in conference ! Cleaner and Dyer standings and in the opinion of the nation in general. This un­ 1122 STATE ST, precede ’ted success on the gridiron is of inestimable publicity 17 E. Anapamu St. Telephone 21596 value to the school and its reverberations will be felt in mount­ FRI. to MON.—DEC. 11 - 14 ing registration next year. I We Give “S.&H.” Green Stamps To prove our loyalty to the college by honoring the 1936 Joel Barbara Gauchos and the men who made their success possible, JhaJWnfch ifTi inV-i McCREA STANWYCK in Coaches “Spud” Harder and Wilton Wilton, it has practically Be Perspicacious . . . BANK NITE—SAT., DEC. 12 become an obligation for every student to attend the annual ‘Banjo on My Knee* football banquet next Monday.—I.M. Use MISSION ICE Also PAUL KELLY in and 1775 CAMPUS CALENDAR ARTESIA WATER “Accusing Finger” Friday, Dec. 11—English and printing departments excur­ CASH FREE! EVERY SATURDAY sion to Huntington Library; Special Pay Assembly, Plus Current Laff-Hit 4th hour, Jaqueline Duke, violinist; Sigma Alpha PLAY TEN-WIN Kappa Formal. BRAND JOE E. 10 Cash Winners-Positive Saturday, Dec. 12—Christmas Formal, Rockwood. i ! NEW BROWN Sunday, Dec. 13—Tau Gamma Sigma, Musicale, 8:00 p.m. TUES.-WED.-THURS., Dec. 15-17 ;; In His Greatest Comedy Monday, Dec. 14—Sororities; Fraternities; Football Banquet James Zasu ! i and Dance. “POLO GLEASON PITTS;: Tuesday, Dec. 15—A.W.S. Christmas Assembly, 2nd hour; in |; PORTABLES JOE” Debate, 8th hour; Art department; Delta Phi Up- And Amazing Patrick Henry ‘The Plot Thickens’ silon; Alpha Phi Gamma; Orchesis. CORONA — UNDERWOOD Technicolor Featurette Wednesday, Dec. 16—College “Y”, 7 a.m.; A.W.S. Tea; Span­ ROYAL - REMINGTON “GIVE ME LIBERTY” Also Let Us Help You in Your Selec­ ish Club; Band; Riding Class. tion From Our Complete Stock. Shakespeares Immortal EXTRA! TONIGHT! “AS YOU LIKE IT” Thursday, Dec. 17—W.A.A. meeting; Students Council meet­ BANKS’ TYPEWRITER MAJOR STUDIO ing. EXCHANGE P R E N IE W I Tues. ‘BANK NITE’ $4051! i Friday, Dec. 18—No more classes ’til January 4th! 914 State TeL 4177

# Friday, December 11, 1936 GÀÜCHÔ Page Three Get Your v\ n H Get Your Christmas Game \\ Christmas Game Tickets Now A 3 Lj Ü A-> Tickets Now Colliers L ists fUjj State’s Two Stars and All-American Collyer Names Yeager Among Oldershaw As All-Americans All-Star Guard

National Weekly Puts Gaucho | Gaucho Captain Rated Finest Pride on Honorable All-Time Player of Mention List S. C. Conference GAINS SECOND CREDIT YEAGER GAINS MENTION Magazine Names One Team ' Dahlitz Receives Honor As and Awards Others Only Whittier, State show with Recording in California Howard Yeager, the swivel-hipp­ First string on the little college ed halfback of the Gauchos and All-American! For the first time considered one of the greatest run­ in Santa Barbara State college's ning backs in the nation, was given j history a member of the Gaucho justification of his numerous “first- football squad has received the handle" names describing his ab­ signal honor of placing on Coli- ilities as a football player by be­ yer’s Little All-American, as Cap­ ing given honorable mention on ] tain Doug Oldershaw, rated the the Collier’s All-American team | finest linesman ever to perform on . for the second consecutive year I a Southern California Conference and being the only player of a team, made the Collyer first team -minor college eleven in the Far at guard. Second to the distinct West to be honored. ! Board Prominent accomplishment of Oldershaw’s come the achievement of Howard The Collier’s .board of selectors MBI Yeager, sensational right halfback, is considered to be the foremost who was placed on the honorable authority in the nation on the m m list. picking of the honored team due to DAN MULOCK HOWARD YEAGER DOUG OLDERSHAW California Representative the fact that it was founded by Oldershaw was the only Califor­ Walter Camp, the originator of the nian to make the first string, and All-American squad. They select Collier’s All-American Team HOOP PROSPECTS along with Karamatic of Gonzaga only one team, the other players were the only two Pacific coast named received honorable men­ (Originated by Walter Camp). HAVE TALL TEAM players on the first team Walter tion for their outstanding work. Dahlitz of Whittier was honored Yeager’s Record Best Ends LAWRENCE KELLEY Louisiana State Yale University Although few lettermen are re­ by being placed on the honorable Yeager’s record to date is one ED. WIDSETH Tackles AVERILL DANIEL turning this year from Iasi year’s mention roster. of the best in the country. He has University of Pittsburgh basketball team, the prospects for The release of the small college played in nine games, carried the Guards STEVE REID the varsity squad looks better than All-American team was made by University of Washington ball 92 times, gained 987 yards, Northwestern University that of 1935-36. the Collyer’s Eye and Baseball lost 21 yards, has an average of ALEXANDER WOVCIECHOWICZ Fordam University The lettermen returning are World sports mid-weekly publi­ 10.7 and has scored 78 points. If he headed by Bob Johnston. Tommy Center cation, with the following story: makes enough yardage in the New Lindquist, and Dave Rumbaugh. CLINTON FRANK Halfback RAYMOND BUIVID “As the open season is upon us, Mexico game to go over the 1,000 Coach Jones boasts of six men the million and one self appointed mark he will have attained a total Yale University Marquette University all of which are over six feet, and SAM BAUGH SAM FRANCIS ‘Walter Camps’ have completed re­ which few backfield men have with transfers and the material up search work and are burning the reached. Texas Christain University Nebraska from last year’s frosh things look Quarterback Fullback midnight oil in an endeavor to All in all, “Howie” certainly de­ bright for the underclads. segregate the $175 backfield stars serves his recognition. The above team is selected by the Collier's national weekly “This year we will schedule no from the $110 per month linemen magazine, considered the foremost authority in All-American games with “on the road” teams, for the mythical 1936 All-Ameri- AGGIE LINEMEN selections; the lower one is picked by the Collyer’s Eye and Base­ such as the House of David and cah. ball mid weekly sport magazine, the Colored Ghosts,”, stated Cap­ “The age old custom of using DWARFS BESIDE tain Jones. the newspapers as a yardstick still GAUCHO GIANTS The first cut will be held some­ prevails among the selectors and COLLYER’S LITTLE ALL-AMERICAN TEAM time next week. A squad of 30 men only the boys who cut into the With the toughest game of the headlines and perfomed on win­ Leo Deutsch—St, Benedicts ...... Left End are reporting every night. Jones year coming up in the form of a ning elevens come in for any con­ Poe Hunter—Davidson ...... ,...... Left Tackle intends to cut this group to about post season combat with the New 15 or 16 men. sideration whatsoever. Alex Drobnitch—-Denver U...... •...... Left Guard Mexico Aggies, the Gauchos again ‘This honor team is composed Harold Lewis—ICiemson ...... Center present a weight average that PATRONIZE EL GAUCHO of the eleven best college players DOUG OLDERSHAW—SANTA BARBARA ...... Right Guard in the United States—apd is re­ dwarfs the opposing line and makes ADVERTISERS the enemy backs look like giants. Hal Carlson—De Paul ...... Right Tackle stricted to only small schools.” The local line will start at- 205 in Frank Kelker—Western Reserve ...... Right End comparison with the New Mexi­ Kenneth Chittum—Illinois Wesleyan ...... Quarterback cans’ 184 average. In the back- Fritz Pollard Jr,—North Dakota ...... Halfback field the Staters’ average of 174 Mickey Kobrosky—Trinity ...... Halfback will contrast with the 178 of the George Karamatic—Gonzaga ...... Fullback -GIFTS-- visitors. HONORABLE MENTION A Complete Line of With this 21 pound advantage the ENDS—Hammond (Southwestern); Klein (Chattanooga U); Gauchos, although one of the Giraitis (Millikan); Buchanan (St. M. Tex,); Schrocder (Ohio Wes­ CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE heaviest combinations on the West leyan). NOW ON DISPLAY coast, will still have to be the TACKLES—Illowit (C.C.N.Y.);Black (Clemson); Dahlitz first line to crush the New Mexico (Whittier). men before they can gain any­ GUARDS—Raffin (De Paul); Trott (Butler). ASHLEY Sporting Goods WESTLUND thing from figures. On the other CENTERS—John (Omaha U); Marteil (Chattanooga U); 1121 State Street hand the efficiency of a State line Merchant (Loyola). has proved that nobody could reach BACKFIELD—Lafferty (Davidson); Weisgerber (Willamettei; A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Purchase ’till Xmas paydirt by a ground route. Buck (Carroll); Schoen (Baldwin Wallace); King (Hobart); Szur Student tickets will cost 40 cents (Canisius); YEAGER (SANTA BARBARA'); Butclika. (St. An­ for this game as it is a charity af­ selm); Zeh (Wes. Reserve); Loeke (St M, Tex.); Folger (Clemson); fair. Because of the increasing de­ Peterson (West Va., Wesleyan). mand by townspeople for tickets EL GAUCHO only 400 have been held for stu­ dent demand. CHRISTMAS TREES - % y ; 50 Years of Leadership \ Æ à AND SUPPLIES McCAFFERY Bros. SI NCI IWV6Í F C / 737 State St., Central Building SPORTING GOODS Quality Like Character Endures Sold By Phone 5656 634 State St. You don’t have to guess about STATE COLLEGE STUDENTS style or quality . . . when this Label is on a garment. I Comparison Determines Value KERRY’S MAKE OTT’S VARSITY FOOD YOUR 1122 STATE ST. FOR CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS STORE GIVE Tuxedos SPORTING GOODS GIFTS and GAMES FINE CHINA and FOR THE FORMAL You can select a pleasing gift from GLASSWARE SPECIAL PRICES our stock of guns, fishing tackle ELECTRICAL GOODS TO and sporting goods. GAUCHOS BUELL BROS. Inc. Ott Hardware Co VALET SERVICE 705 State St. Phone 4387 18 W. Figueroa 1 727 State St. Diál 3121 Friday, December 11, 1936 Page Four E L GAUCHO

HELEN LONGAWA DOROTHX DARROW SOCIETY NEWS Associated Women Give Annual The Vice-Prexy Tau Gam Members Present Xmas Informal Tea Before Vacation Musicale at Mar Monte Hotel Choral Numbers and Piano ‘Pat’ Ireland Is in Charge; Honorary Fraternity Sigma Alpha Kappa Selections Feature Nine Hostesses Named Yearly Affair for Xmas Event Holds Business Meet Stages Xmas Formal Kappa Omicron Phi, home eco­ Sigma Alpha Kappa, social fra­ Tau Gamma Sigma sorority will The Associated Women students ternity of State, will hold its an­ present its annual Christmas musi­ will hold a Christmas tea in the nomics honorary fraternity, held a short business meeting in the nual Christmas formal tonight at cale Sunday evening at 8:15 in the Women’s clubroom next Wednes­ La Hacienda on East Carrillo lounge of the Vista Mar Monte day, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. as their Colonial room of Ebbets’ hall Mon­ day evening, December 7. At the street. hotel. Invitations have been issued final social event of the season, The feature of the evening will to 250 guests for the event, which according to Ellen Ireland, first conclusion of the meeting, Miss Winifred Frye related many inter­ be the presentation of small favors is presented by the actives in con­ vice-president and social chairman esting experiences of her trip to by Santa Claus to those attending. junction with the alumnae of the of the group. All students' and the Hawaiian Islands which she The event will start at 9:00 o’clock sorority. faculty are invited to attend the took last summer.' and end at 12:30. Fred Lambourne’s A varied program includes event. choral numbers directed by Mrs. According to Miss Frye there are Collegians will furnish the music Committees for the tea include for dancing. Helen M. Barnett; several two- food, Blanche Hillman, chairman, several girls from the home eco­ nomics department of - this insti­ The patrons and patronesses will piano groups directed by Mrs. Anita Jeannette Leister, Betty Townsend, Cochran Priest, and played by the tution who are teaching on the Is­ be Willie Wilton, fraternity spon­ decoration, Cecile Dillehunt, chair­ Misses Margaret Eaton, Thelma lands or are in charge of other “Pat Ireland, social chairman sor, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and man, Patricia Forsythe, Ellen Sey­ Mr, and Mrs. John Porter. Fent, Jane Goslin, Blanche Hill­ mour, Elinor Benham; serving, educational work there. Refresh­ and vice-president of the Asso­ ments were served carrying out ciated Women students, who is Plans for the dance are in man, Louise Jackson, Charlotte Kathryn Bowers, chairman. Mabel Naess and Betty Townsend; and the Hawaiian motive. in charge of arrangements for charge of Harris Brakesman, so­ Forsythe, Barbara xBennett, Leona cial chairman, A1 Lathim and Bill an interpretive solo dance by Aud­ Grow; hostesses, Frances Hoelscher, Members present were Miss Char­ the annual Christmas tea to be given by that organization. Poole, fraternity president rey Moore. Guest soloist for the Gretalie Fitzgerald, Louise Jack- lotte Ebbets, honorary member, At the social fraternity meeting evening’s program is to be Cath­ son, Charlotte Naess, Wilma Kies- Evelyn Braman, president, Cath­ held Wednesday night, $even erine Phelps, young Santa Barbara ner, Dorothy Riche, Nancye Clapp, erine Caldwell, Jean Goss, Doro­ Lettermen’s Society pledges were formally initiated into violinist, playing a selected group Miriam Turton and Petie McKin­ thy Allen, Cecelia Negus, Sumiye the fraternity. T h e seven new of numbers. ney. Ota, Jean Henderson, Vevalyn /Ry­ Plans for Initiation members of the fraternity are Cor­ der, Mildred Cummings and ley Clark, Jack McAkthur, Ronnie pledged Lola Taylor and Barbara With 20 men present at the Block Crary, John Rygh, Tom Smith, Phi Delta Pi Pledges •Bennett. “S” meeting, held Wednesday Norman Phillips and Fred Lam- Howard Yeager has forfeit­ Entertain Members night at the Anacapa-House, - it was bourne. ed his Corsage so this week decided that Bob Dunham would Delta Sigma Epsilon be in charge of the initiation we will have two names Pledges of Phi Delta Pi, national PATRONIZE EL GAUCHO Dunham stated that a week, sim- professional physical education fra­ Entertains with Tea ADVERTISERS called . . . iliar to Hell-Week, will be set ternity for women, entertained the aside, in which the new Block actives with a skit, “Dangerous Delta Sigma Epsilon, national Dan,” after the regular' meeting social sorority, held an after “S” winners will have to take orders and ‘what-nots’ from the Monday night. after school tea for the members FOR THAT GOOD FOOD: of the other six sororities on the charter members. This will be held The group, meeting at the horiie sometime after Christmas, starting of Dorothy Taylor, discussed the campu's, Tuesday afternoon, De­ cember 8, from 3:30 to 5:00 o’clock, on a Monday and ending the fol­ sending of Christmas gifts to the lowing Sunday at a “bean feed” in (College ZTatoern f ynicr OF 4 THOUSAND OAR»?*“ Phi Delta Pi camp for underprivi­ at the sorority house, 1725 Grand 912 State Phone 22424 avenue.- Tucker’s Grove. leged children. Evelyn Maitland “Block ‘S’ pins have been sel­ Where The Gauchos Gather Betty Westcott, social chairman, The Winners this Week . . and Ida Pagliotti, State graduates ected and will be here in the near was in charge of the affair Others JIM BAKER and were invited to become alumnae future,” stated President John sponsors of the chapter. assisting her were Helen Buckman. NEXT TO THE JIM McSKIMMING the Irene .Baptiste, Helen Patterson, Twaddell. The pins will have Those present included pledges green enamel with a gold back­ GRANADA THEATRE Virginia Rogers, Helen Williams, Jim’s Have It Olive De Motte, Kaye Grow, Eliza­ ground, and the year of gradua­ Norma Bassi, Catherine Caldwell, beth Ramsay, Clara Ross and Rena tion will constitute the guard. Sacconaghi; actives, D o t Taylor, La Rue Steelsmith, Evelyn Braman, Harriet Cooper and La Rue Steel- Doris Delker and Alice Goff. T.O.’s HOLD PICNIC smith; and sponsors, Miss Gladys Those attending were Mrs. Hal- Tau Omegans, actives and al­ CHIC BEGINS WITH FITTE» STOCKINGS Van Fossen and Mrs. Winifred Davis, sorority patroness; Dean umni and guests, will turn out Hodgins. Lois Bennink, Pan-Hellenic adviA this Sunday for a piciic at Para­ or; Miss Florence Clark, sorority dise camp. Those planning to at­ - M iawyer; and members of the other tend will meet at the T.O. house 1 sororities. KERRY’S at 1814 Olive street. Gracie Allen and George Burns VARSITY FOOD are going to have the first per­ manent home since the marriage. 1122 STATE ST. It is Georgie’s present to Gracie COEDS! for Christmas.

| The Sanitary Home Bakery LA ARCADA I Makers of that well baked CAFE ! HARVEST CREAM La Arcada Building LOAF ; 1114 State St. Tele. 28707 Caterers, Banquets ’ Furnish the bakery products Bridge Parties, Weddings ! for the College Cafeteria. ¡The Sanitary Home Bakery Breakfast 25c 907 Bath Phone 23700 !; I Luncheon 30c Dinner 50c -Artera ft

CORSAGES PROPORTIONED STOCKINGS If you think his manly neck Special Prices to College Students is worth being embraced by something soft and beauti­ ROSES GARDENIAS ENGLISH HOLLY ful . . . LUXURIOUS AND LONG WEA ORCHIDS BOCARI VIOLETS Then Man About Town suggests a colorful scarf from FLORALART SHOPPE EISENBERG’S. FINESSE! WHIMSY! ROMANCE!— The smart new shades in hosiery—Of course she will be delighted 1203 Anacapa . Phone 28534 with a gift of these fine Artcraft stockings HICKOK BELTS FEATHER CHIFFON—A 2-thread all-silK extra sheer 3 Initial Set hose. Per pair...... $1.00 $1 to $3 3 Pairs for $2.85 BUDGET CHIFFON—4-thread pure silk chiffon. A lovely sheer hose. Per pair...... $1.00 CALIFORNIA CLEANERS 3 Pairs for $2.85 ARROW SHIRTS No. 77—Woven from 7-thread all-silk. A service weight and DYERS “His Favorite” hose that will give plenty of wear. Per pair...... $1.00 3 Pairs for $2.85 • $2 up ___ TRAVEL WEAR—A 5-thread service hose; 12 out­ standing features mark this stocking as unusual. Picot fkcre is a. difference in Ocanituj edge, magic top, garter block, triple lace hemlock, v. J f magic twist thread, French seams, double French PIPES by heel, magic stretch heel,,magic stretch toe, heal seal, KAYWOODEE toe seal, tip toe, and toe block. Per pair...... $1,35 $1 to $5 3 Pairs for $3.85 TOWN CHIFFON—A 3-thread beautiful sheer hose. Per pair ...... $1,35 I and more . . . 3 Pairs for $3.85 at HIS store THE 'HUGHES’ REPUTATION We Specialize in Fancy Garments LENDS ENCHANTMENT TO GIFTS and Knit Blocking

1336 State Phone 6446 INC; All Garments Insured 717 - 719 STATE