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10-6-1922 Carlsbad Current, 10-06-1922 Carlsbad Printing Co.

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THIRTIETH TEAK iKTdllKII fl. 1MB. HtllY. m Mill: It M IK Mil. NOTES London County Council's WOMA.VH CLUB HANQIET NED SHATTUCK Monday morning the Palatial Headquarters assmbly (Coiiim ) (really enjoyed an address by Dr. unlcated. David Spence The twenty-fift- h anniversary of Hill. president of Slat tbe organization University. Albuquerque, New Mex- I of tbe CarUbad NOMINATED BY A . Woman's Club was ico, on "The Improvement-- , of the 1 1 relebrated by State liilverslty and the Advantage navio; a banquet Tuesday evening Obtained by Goltm To It." at the Crawford Hotel. Elghty-e- i Club members gathered Tuesday morning non-le- y about tbe Pfolessor tables, which INDEPENDENTS ipoke to the Senior clan Were .beautiful In their appointment. A the "Annual " tIih class delicious three of "23 plans to not only to get tourso dinner was served by a bevy out - , - of the best In l, , sflk . IBHgttflhtfvW 'av 1 ft our cburnilitK girls. The color annual the history of 7so a FOR SHERIFF s9HLb ' o' till Wiintuik'u Cliil. The Echo," but to leave behind Vi..ii White was carried In something of Important and valu-t- o out the tabla the school. Class I aecoratlon as well as the place cards rings ha o and pi'ogi been selected and will soon be or- I As announced In advertisements dered. "sr l"i " '" " "" 'ai'1 was the written by the Independent Voten At the annual staff honor. Kuest. Miss Pratt, who waa meting one of those who helped Committee of Eddy county, the con- Thursday, many thing of Impor- organlxe the "lub twent II w. years ago. vention called for Monday of this tance were discussed and At w. plans the close or the second week was held as scheduled and was re when by the de- course, tbo Mil different lights were Inw ,i attended by a very large crowd, In partments can start then work turned ar.. whitu cuke lighted with twenty-Dv- o fact, many could not readily see At the meeting Turaday after- where they would get a seat In the noon of the Sophomore i aandles was ptaeasj Mfora Miss Pratt class, Paul who made a court room and went away or hung Wersell was elected their wish for the prosperity i me i mío, around on the outside. Class colors chosen are purple ami i'i cut the cake. Tin- Mrs. Hemen-wu- y, Tbe most Important thing done uiu ana meir class motto Is t'lastmlstress, "Sem- This hulling the new headquarters of the London county council, was dedicated tbe oilier dny by King George was at her best, alwuys by the convention was the nomina- per Fidelia", the violet being the able to tion or Ned Shattuck of Artesla for flower selected. It la mure tluhi.rntcly fu misted than tbe houses of urllament. rise to any occasion. She present- ed Miss mu and John Bolton of Carlsbad, A hay ride will be a pleasant Johustou, who played two dis- beautiful PUMO solus. Then tor county commissioner from feature to all the members of the Mrs i i Stone, our trict No. 1. and Dean Smith, who class to "Hardy BAM I BsUMI ni- -i n COUBT OONVWVM MARRIKD president, gave a toast as can- Croft" to tin charter membera Mis now lives on Black Itlver, a Friday afternoon. From time to time we bave been Dlsirict Court convened Monday At th( home of Mr and Mrs. J. county morning Pratt lii her BWaaJ anajffeetod way, didate for commissioner from ine ciass picnic of the eighth hearing of the presence of bears In and all members oi K. McC.ill, soutli of towu, at o' ,. O Tl 11 ...... I MM oi the iM'ganiwiti of nv. o. i - i west of town, and It Judge's official family were present, the Club wn enjoyed by all the mountains nock Saturday ( ptambi 80t oo dldates'mil were the only ones put on' exceDt two more T,ie grand Jury was called went whi.ii was ho Interaetfnj to ail. of the class. seems as though they are and curtrd the marriage of linvj Mr- - Mrs. Alwnter, Independent and no one nev. IMP session at once, C, Montgoui-thu- n who ban ulwayM sen the ticket Lowry has been ar.ked to numerous at tills season of the year F. and .Miss l.oa Roger.-- , of Ha v mi years, ery appointed nil th" amualng side, told or the many ise is iu cuiue uui mui auuress tne student bodv han been the case for If Mini foreman of Hint. .iiKanaas. itev. a. U. Iimiglus firifuany county. office. that body and I. F. aflaln tbey had In the early ticket for other morning. ever. Many have been seen on the Keller clerk. oí the lo.'al Methodist church ilays. Judge Ilrlce kindly consented to Mr. re- - O. E Meiionaglll Lee Then Mrs. MoKIm d.dlgbt-e- d nolton o,i of the Junio: Paul Ares ranch and one was and Mlddleton the ceremony in tlie every ball-bea- midit one with her Af- let tbe convention have the court high Instructors, has promised cently roped by Calvin Aies. The appointed as grand Jury of aonf, a relative and friends ter which Mis. Tracy : room, so he held court In his cham- was In Turkey Canyon, "is. A number of civil cusen WON Mid how reward of 1.00 to b student who about The old saving, "The cour." of me ry was bers that afternoon. ten mil s from the Heard an disposed of iiora rirt itartad, i.nd writes the most Interesting them, trti" nev. t did run smooth." Mrs. Hob Dow called the convention Il. aü re- - The grand Jury brought In loe las ChrNtlan' told Iha werk of on "Fire Prevention." Th-r- e Is al-- , ranch Melvin arup their u I . , . ,"! to by stating he had been Tuesday tl hoK P W 1"W,M re- - order that a spelling cently killed a small bear about hall "Port .venlng, and after . voS. I , l .. , . contest being conduced ' The ' requested by the Independent Vot- In these grades. grov .... and was exhibiting the hide, h.arlng the same and dlC.r,ln . '"' M '"ullt. T t ' Bd v,-ar I ers of Eddy county to Monday 'he Jury. Judge Brtoa udjourn-- 1 f fSJfJS ijG PJ.U,,H '"' tn" w"r" by commute" The faculty enjoyed a t in tow There have hen '"'l verv Í , '-- 'V Ar net as temporary chairman and v . some the" court until Monday, th. Mb ,,. .Wtl "'' '!' p" " lililí: with mountains .outh of t T.?7 ".,!" the iHdles'of the yVfl'l'.r. ie.pi.i. K' inn rt i if lead Hi" reasons for the meeting IlnntNf . 41 , Queen bears probablv t'tanl, and returned to Itoswell. rliitrl, and the ha' b.-.- ' u' bride.! oo;, i arUiuu Mi JobaaMn pistui km contained In paid advertisement Z , """ been driven for Isol of some- - whore Important business p.ctie rtn' Mnale .,.,, out awaited for the of his bride, At the ejoaa published in ilm Current and Arte., tiling to eat. The theory has also him. armal and not "Auld Lang Syne" knowing what had become of waH .sun; and evor paper two weeks ago. Then lie tt.rnoon ftSffB been advanced that th" anímala arc The grand Jury report Is as hei. mi" who mbr rmail the reply lo ds a puh--j continuad on his way to bat bona at preaenl will have pleasant mem- those coming In from old Mexico, as they follows: Havana, llshed lust week made by 3. D. " RKItHtT OF Arkansas. ories ot tins ery bapp) occaaloa. do not look or act like the nail.. tilt WI JVRY The young lady, . of Kddy on hat arrival stennlH, Jr chairman the THE COTTON bears. Fred Ares was chased by To the Honorable Charles K. Brice, 1 at appointed place. Hiiding 1 1 county Democratic central commit-- market. one of the animals a day or so ago, Judge of the Fifth Judicial Dls the no BOY ATTAtTKJH) Y A hTKKIL weetheart on hand, on tee. Mr. Dow stated that the cen When he was on loot, and ha su .. trlct Court of the Stale ot N w continued DaTld, the ten year old The foUowUi la the report of the her way to Pecos, and son of ital committee had broken Its print he made pretty time trying ta Mexico, sitting within arriving Mrs. G. p. Whlltlngton, re- "' " b fair and lur there wired an who ed pledge to the people In denying1;:" u".,,hi get away, flnally turning In his the County of F.ddy: Inquiry as to hi sides on the W. H. Merchant place, of vote, as requested .r.,,UO,n bu'" whereabout to hla father. J. K. M a recount the lI tracks Wbn Brulu was only about We, thi Urand Jury within anil southwest or town, wus by QwO. far- dl ot Call, attached by W. m who promptly took one of his and demanded the late ten feet away from him and giving for said County of Eddy, at the re-hl- a attar lust Tuesday unit but the .".aday. Oct. 5: daughters In his car and went 10 lor Batton and said all admit that the the contents of the lart load in guiar October. 1!';2, term thereof, timely arrival ol a cowboy, would in county central commu- heg meet her, and brought her to the democratic New York j his gun, full In the face. At first leave to submit the following ail probability huve lost IiIh life. - Jan hospitable Sutur-dav- . te, was selected by a few who vot- futnr. in Itrad thought he had killed aui- - report: McCall home, on The little follow w Orleans Dec. $20. 7. the was taking a rldo on slips of paper futures - viola-ward- September 2:!rd. ed names written mal, as ho turned over, but after- - We have Inquired Into- all s on his Shetland pony, on tin by New Orleans Jan. futurea $20.75. In the and handed a chosen few the New got to his feet and lumbered 'Ions of law that were brought to the meantime, Pewev had west ni the canal bridge, nol his Orleans spots $20.50. far toisea, and concluded remarks New York away. Partial In the mountains our attention, or which came within uw ei nía Dnue s par- (mm hi lioine, when he rode up to spot $21. 2o. ' aml th":i bagan by reminding the audience that the Galveston ara trailing the animal, with what our knowledge, and return hire-- thi!u to "pick stilt r that wax lylnf in the Hhado ' public sel- spots $20.80. " Blul ouly notice given the to suscess we have not learned. Bears with 8 True Bills and 8 No Bills.! up' lh" w"r" k' '"isy of a Jataqulta, The annual, sur- ect delegates to the county conven have come down to the settlement In the course of our Investigations fh, result that th" voting peo-a- t prised, Jumped to Us fool and took tion which in turn selects delegates El Paso Gap quit finquently of wo have examined 28 witnesses. P''' '"ated each other ami Dewey arter the pony, goring It In a frig- In Mr. Syferd. to the state convention, was put Calvin Dunn, C. C. Floea, late, and one in particular hung Acting through our committee, returned on the afternoon train, htful manner. Tba lad turnad bia pap-r- s conven- - Frank tbe Friday and the James, Charley McCree, Sam around in thai section for several have examined the various coun- - Saturda. and they were united in pony around but was pursued by name White, L tioa was called that evening to P. Evani. Ed Bowman, days. ty offices, the court house building marriage at six o'clock as stated tho steer. A cowboy near at hand delegates to county convention the Roy Bowman. Otli Precinct: J Wigdnn and the jail, and nnd the ooe. to - Mr. and Mrs. Charles left that jail hastened the child's assistance, day Saturday. dele- S. Reno I. B. Walter-gate- s g young next These Cocke, J. W. a visit In go-lu- ll kept In a sanitary condition. The bride is assured or a and detracted helped after week's Carlsbad, the steers attention, went to Santa Fe and scheld. Malaga: Mist W. S. to Los Angeles, where Mr. W:g- - We find all of the various county hearty welcome by her kluspeople telling David to leave his pony now runn- - Klrkpatrlck, nominate the candidates L. N. Hoag. permanent doii Is atalioued at this time. Mrs. offices In good condition and being and friend., all the folk from bar and hide in the bush, which he did. lug on the state ticket. 'committeeman A. Bowera. Lower Wlgdou will b" Mttar remembered handled efflclentl. we would es- - home speaking in blowing terms ot The cowboy then decoyed the animal Mr. Bowers moved Mr. quail-Mrs- . then that Cottonwood: C. J. Buck. El as M1ss Valley HU-gin- daughter of POOlalljJ refer to the County Health her charm of ntannet and many away. It dtvalopa the Dow be made permanent Gap: that steer chairman Paso Dolph Shattuck. Queen: Hlggius of this place. Department and coinm-n- d th- - work ties that go to make up the siicchss- - Is one of the large ones that ire be- of the convention, aeconded by Bob Dave McCotlaum. willed they are carrying on. We ful wife and homeiuaker, and thi ing held here awaiting the arrival McCulley by standing I -- and carried a The county convention was th u el that this department is doing nianv friends of the bridegroom may of cars to ship then, and wus Ick. Gragg nom-- : MOW im H)H vote. Homer was then called to order and It was moved by rills inm niucli good towards conserving thi" congratulate him on Ills choleo. si that It could not keep up with by o- luated J. t'. Falke aa lecretary 8cott Etter that all candidate. h Nerve is not lacking In some p-- health of the people In the county Dewey m the son of J K. McCall the herd and had to be lett biirid. unanimously elected. Scott , - and Etter nominated by a majority of all the' pie as witness the following: He- in keeping down the spread of dls- - one of the prosperous farmers of the The arlrval of Hie BOWDO)', vshusx state, i men mat me purpose ot me votes cast, which carried. Then cently a covered wagon of campers, can Otis dlsrrict. and is a far- name we kid- - - the himself have been an to convention was to nominate candi- ballot waa taken on the candidate without leave, turned several horses We wish to thank th- - court, mer, and we are glad to anuouuee learn, and pro- - the his prompt action, datea to run on a county lndepeu- for sheriff which resulted tn the loose aud camped behind a kuoll in District Attorney and his assistant, that the happy couple will take up bably saved tho boy from being In opinion fol-ao- n - dent ticket; that hla nomination of Ned 8hattuck as the Barber-Pe- horse pastute. 3tat- the Sheriff and his assistant, and their home among us. living near gored to death. As It Is, the pony candidates for county office lows: For Shattuck, Artesla 6 Ing that they were nearly out the (irand Jury stenographer, for many of the Arkansas people who stands a very poor show ot living, bad no opposition In primary Ar-an- the CarUbad 16. For 8am Batton d "chuck" but would reach town next their kind and courteous treatment, have come to thevalley In tbe last and the little boy Is inconsolable. ahould not be disturbed while! teala 6, Malaga 2. Lower Cotton-ther- e day, tbey were given potatoes aud Having completed our duties, we few years and are among our b"Ht were others who had partid-- 1 1, Daytoa - wood 1, total 10. For meat sufficient for supper and break- respectfully ask to be discharged, citlxena. May their lives b full HABON At H1KMMA IN CITY. pated Id some Irregular work. He i. dls- - or THE J. ft. Boyd, OtU Moved and fast, but a half sack of cake Dated this 3rd day ot October, happiness aud prospenty la the "Happy Jim" (Baron James further said he presumed all present aeconded that the nomination of appeared without the owners' 1922. wish ot their many friends, the convention conducted in Aurlemuiai Is again In the city, wanted tbe Ned Shattuck for herltt be made un-- a knowledge. C. F. MONTGOMERY. Current Joining coming Wi'dnemlay fair way to all parts of the conn- - lo raise funds anlmou which carried, After dark they surreptitiously Foreman, Young folk of the neighborhood for Army Is ar- ty and as there waa more than two! w. or the Salvation and P. Mudett nominated John turned In on a patch Johnson I. C KELLER. Clerk, desiring to welcome them Iu true ranging a concert tor next Wednes- to one representation from Carlsbad T. Bolton aa a grass l gave candidate for county aud one of a pair of v Iu the case or the boys who were western style, them an old day night at the CraWfOOd theatre. precinct than any other precinct In 1 commissioner from nrelnet Vo pound mares collced, presumably as concerned In the recent thefts of time charivari Saturday uight, iu Our people will well remember how tbe coanty It nilht be charged that and be was unanimously elected by a result and died by the water canal Jewelry, etc., the Court seuteiic d which tin pans, whistles aud all got Baron Auriemmu sang his way Into Carlabad more than her share of the convention. J. U. Falke then (rough. Her carcass was left for Oié: th-- to not less than four years in sorts of musical (?) Inatrumonti the candidates nominated so aug-- ( their hearts whou he was Mil M nominated Dean Smith a candidate ranch hands to drag away. the Iteform school at Springer, and united In a noisy welcome to the fore. He will be assisted by local I gested that each precinct be given for county Mr. not more five Newly-We- commlasloner from Laverty tells us that the than yar. One of talent which will make It more in- baaed on the number trlct No. 3, and he waa also unanU registration lists are now open for the youngsters ran away and has nol votes cast a teresting. The baron works for of at the last election mously elected registration and all persons wishing yet been apprehended. Two other jt i, generally expenses followa: CarUbad precinct. county1 aot understood hla ouly, turning all he Ui Moved by Etter that the to vote at the fall election should DPyl have been placed under the that mney raised In the drive lor makes above that the vote; Loving, 8; Malaga. 2; El Paao or standing of into lalvatloa committees have power aee whether their names are on the ruslody the Juvenile court, with, (he Salvation Army can be used bu- Army fund. No admission will bo Gap, 1; Arteala, 12; Otis. 4; Hope, to select to a', other candidate for coun-8- ; llet or not. The books are at the order report certain Intervals ay lt u thought by many, that charged, to the concert bul a OOllec Upper Cottonwod, 2; Lower Cot-'t- v th- tw offices to he nut on - nvu. Mr. l" "'" Jld88. .be money raised la used by or A , tonwood, 1; making a total of 51 Thorne Furniture Store where the tlon will be received. committee fore Anal certification. Carried Laverty makes bis headquarters. ganlxallon for work in rescue humes will be appointed to votea In all. Thla plan waa adopt-- j solicit tbe i, was moved that a tate com- This suare'a being tno The Clry Council held a meeting and to maintain Salvation Annv townspeople for fund wor- ed and the convention ajdourned to be by collar for this mittee selected the chairman large Mi" Utat Monday at four o'clock at which Corp In a few of the towns of the thy organization. He will ulso eioci aeu-sui- m for her smaller substitute. irom ainerem who named the following: Carlsbad campers uiu.ii business was transact-- 1 state This Is not tbe case. ttp- - slug High precinct to cast the vote In the borrowed a leafTur collar nutlne at the School some day Scott Etter and Robt. C. Dow; and belonglng to a ed. A committee of ladies from on application by the local County during the oonnty convention. Mr. Dow (J4"orge aet of harness, week and al the Pres Mrs. Batton; Artesla, E. B. - Woman 'g Llub, civic depart- - Advisory Board, to com- - the to com- promising to leave It at the resl- 'he the slate idien. u. church Sunday inorulug. convention that Bullock; Malaga, L. N. Hoag. 1 get dence Iu towu. This they failed nieiit. met with the couucil and to-- mander of the Salvation Army funds ply with the law and candidates The chairman, Mr. Dow stated may names on the ticket the precinct to do. When Mr. Leslie, of fin; (ether they dlacussed various plans be obtained for local relief some COTTON. HUT before the convention, adjourned e - perma- wa(on yard, suggested that the the civic Improvement of tho work. Last year seventy-fiv- dol- Mr and Mis. T. O. Wvman of ahould be made that personally he had hi party af- 'r pledged nent, wblch wa dead mare's collar was too larg" for and their support to lara was used for this work lo Carta-- Loving, brought up from there a don. filiations and i hat voting the county anything that would be bad by Before adjournment It wa mov- the small horse, the reply was made undertaken the local board. The ra stalk of cotton, which is so much Independent ticket will have no ef- looking t ed by Scott Etter that the name that they "had a collar". Tbe ''v council toward that, tualntng amount of that colle, In out of the ordinary that It requires fect on the way he votea the state iTi end The Independent Ticket, be adopt- stolen collar is probably still on Carlsbad was used to take care a special mention. The stalk Is six democratic ticket and he explained on way cases coming from state, many reel high and nine feet across But ed, which carried ,and a motion that way vote, smaller neck, the to El this the to warning the audi- Phant Butte. All ranch neople Mrs. F. H. Cook, wife of Tne ot which came from our eommuni'l bihi ol all it contains 2IÍ2 maturo at tbe time each precinct aelecta ence that It tbey placed a cross tn aiv delegate to the county convention generous, the proprietor of the Bar- - engineer of the lower plant of the The Salvation army does not ad bolls, iM'sldes squalen and blooms, the circle at the head of any ticket ber-Pe- n Public Co., sutler-- n they select their committeemen also ranch particularly so hul I'tilltles has been i vertlse the fact that they have ink. which gives ll a front rank lu the they would be voting that ticket tbey suffer many Impositions. Ing foj- two months from a fall she up a case from our town, but takes cotton of the state. It Is long carried. straight through down to the lowest On motion the chairman aelected leeen.-- wun.u pial en oer orí mo case into one or Their noun i staple. Duraugo variety, and was office. He said before a mixed crutches and has prevented from quietly. ar. on the or W Yar-br- the committee on as fol-- DL'CK her and takes care of It We raised farm Joe resolution i ticket would be counted a croaa mu.t HBAHON OPKNKI) walking since sus- - any nws: n. uauanerty or uaytou, alone then. She not Informed of who they arc near Loving If oue can i. hn nir",t th r ON SUNDAY MORNING a llga- - Scott of Carlabad Mr. ...k taiued fall which tore the when tbey are taken up, and In beat this, let us know. Etter and Bat candidate lt I desired to vote for, of ton of Artesla. meuts her ankle loose aud has many instances. o powerful Is their and closed by laying he believed tbe Duck season opened in New Meg- - caused her suffering. S of The delegates aeleeted each reat Her reconstructive character wo'k, that Dr David Hill, president the from Independent party county ticket at ico on 1, Is l precinct were a follow: Carlsbad October which fifteen friends here sympathize wTth her many of these people come back in Slate ulverslty. at Albuquerque, tbla time was one of the greatest aays earlier than usual, according which seems about all thev can do. to community, and are arrived m Carlsbad last Sunday, Joe H. Baker, W. P. Mudgett. J. moves the ever set on foot In Eddy to tbe new ruling of de- - , Un- night C. Newman, J. U. Falke, Scott i f the federal llshed. making as good cltliens am and sanie uddressed a county and that he was well satisfied parttnent of agriculture. T!i" sen Mm Allen ii Me ter. E. W Arledge, R. E. Stewart of tills eric, ran he found larg" nloii congregation at Uio Mr. Piatt, with the Interest shown and believed on will c.loe January 16. and Mrs. L. O. Ttoswell,! Ed. Marlon, Mrs. Nellie White, W. Fullen. of You who have thought that our thodist church, taking for his sub- a sheriff and two county commis- Shooting In many sections of th- a delightful "Teaching na " Hays, Mr. Walter 0'Cheky. E. returned from trip to money was being spent iaOWhar ject. a Profeaalon sioners were already as good as tate I expected to be poor during In Kansas, gel- - Carls-th- e Hi wus enjoyed L. Tlnnln, A. S. McCord, M. N. Cun- points Oklahoma and entirely may rest assured that lecture much and elected to those office, besides he early season at least, local ting lu Wednesday. may any necMssnry appreciated by audience, most ningham, Ed. Herring, Mr. Sam Interest in bad have amount the believed that Hlnkle wa going to' sportsmen billeve, due to the scar- - th trip centered mainly lu a local relief, for It bus r h ed of our teacher m the public schools Davl, and the chairman of the per- be visit for elected governor of New Mexico city of water In tberlvers and lakes, to Unir Alma Mater at WIchMa,' the amount asked for In the past, being present. Carlsbad people manent committeemen from Carli-bn- d. and Judge Bratton lent to the Su- and the swamp lands. Many Mrs. Scott Etter. of the WHOM Stewart and Mrs. Full, n and has the promise of hhoiild nnd doubtless do feel honor- preme Court. The convention ad- swamp sections, wblcn are both gruduated. 'that ed by a visit from such a Dayton Daugh-erty- , usualh asked tor lu the future for tbla pioiiiiuent ' Precinct W. F. journed late In the afternoon with favorite gathering spots ducks, man High Wm. Kissinger, and W. for work. Monday morning tho J. Instructions for tbe resolutions com- are dry. It is expected J. F. Joyce apent a school students listened a Bowman. Artesla Precinct: E. that the part of the to lecture mittee to submit their report later ducks will make few stops lu aom week In tin- A always, moan from Dr. Hill which was very B. Bullock, E. Page, M. Stevenson, northern part of the; eaekla does not and have It published. sections of New Mexico. valley on business. an egg. It often produces scandal. THE Q4MJBAD n illlKXT, FRIDAY, OTTOBEIl 6, tim.

IlKfORT i UsTHRICAN UtATlO M HK I OI! lili IMMHH-LiiniU- t I.V I HIl.lXin.N SundaySchool PROM K.lriT t, 1U2I, TO l .l M Protect Your $ $ $ $ T 1 1. ÍUT. Lesson Klndeigaiten classes, two. Hoys (By REV. P U KITítWATKM. D. D, class, eight member; girls' class, SOME OTHER FELLOW WANTS THEM Tetcner of Engiisi him- - in ths Moodr seven members Classes do tue U. S. Meat Market BiM instituí "i chleapObl paper folding, cutting and pasting Onpyrtfht. I r s'.wirip'i nnlee, iv.trr work, also number work and short Ussun in Lngllsb. LESSON FOR OCTOBER 8 -- wing classes, lour. Ueglnners SOME person is alway s ready to relieve 117 claas number five inembeis, inak-lo- g you of your savings Phone THE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF uon quiu auu outlining deilgu for a consideration JESUS on muslin block. First class of Junior girls, nine of course. The "consideration" is generally of blocke, I.EMK iN TEXT Luke 1:1-1- members, outlining musnn clot'ns, greatest value to the one who seeks to "put U'HJ'LN TU.T-A- n.l Jikui Increases umet. tin edge on wash For the best of fresh and canned la wisdom and eulure. and in (avor wim and outlining design uu njuanu it over." Oct and man L'Jks 2:S2. i up towels. meats; also nice fat chickens HUI KRJtNi t MA 1 i.ltlAlMstl 1:11; decond claa of Junior girl, leu laxe mOPJI hora, making muaun skirts witu If deposited in a savings account your PHIMAHT TOPIO-T- he Boy Jesus. scallops, worked In white, crochet- JL'Moll TUPU.' The UuvIichvI of Jssus. ing edge on towel, einbruidcriug money will be increasing instead of dimin- INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC rag rugs. -- Jeiu. at Hums sad at Scuool. carfs and crocheting ishing. in this bank. Spring chicken dressed, per pound TOVNQ PEoJ'LE AM ADULT TOPIC Older girl claa. eleven mem- It earns interest Thr Religious Training of Che Young. bers. Making aprons, centerpieces, 35 cents embroidering scarts, sola pniow ... Glad to have you open an account when- I. Th Birth of Jssus (rr. 17). and cutting and making over dies- I. Time of (vv. 14). It was at a eis. ever you are ready to save. , time when the Jews were coming un- Junior boy claas, eleven meni-bets- Hens dressed, per pound 25 cents der the itoiiiHu power, it we a mott stuuy the history and geogra- propitious time fur the Introduction of phy ot the i ailed amies avravuy Ol world siuuy. the gnsiel. The Wbubj Wlifhl MfU Un- the and nuturv has ten Dklnutei of VOUR CHICKEN EARLY der míe rule, making It pn.slhlc for bach class ORDER l'hysical culture, drill attOI stuuy ministers to go from place to pluce penco. All classes meet logOther easily ami without molestation. to. tue opening exerviaet 1!. ng Place of (vv, 10). Ilcthleliem, the curaial of singing NaWonal airs, prophet had foretold "'"i years before piayer by one oi tue lone aera, lui- - (Micnh .":.!. Ood moved the emperor IWWOeJ by tue Lord's gWeVOf b tue - to onforoa tin- decree of taxation in , Mi- - school. Ten minutes ol uiemory Wiley C'liiiiiililln anil llttli r time to cause Mary to be ut llethleliem. wotk, aftx-- study hour, a shoi i LOCAL NEWS. dnugbt r. IllMbetb, left web 8. Olrcenetance or (v. 7). His sur- - closing ekerclce Is lollowed by ine for tlui bOfM o( her 01 mother. roumlliiga were of the most humble Ml apa n by entire Dr. 0. U Hill unil Othl m will Monroe, Louisiana. She experts in benediction the conde-acende- d - sort. Almighty school speuk Republican in- K in In- ii t Ii The t'reulor iii absent in oi from Carlsbad Sewing bav completed it Ik ur October ordered, to take upon hlrooarf human- clasie Carlabad the lit llth. ami has the Current tliut lleejluuers class, Boa (he may posted on ity to be born In a manger, liecomlng the iiii. keep Carlsbad two is gone. tin' pooreel 0( the poor that none might lour dull quilt, wash cloths, bafpenlnfi the Iris, 11 mihh Mellvala left Wed-i- i' be hindered from coming to Him. Hist class Junior outlined Halm quill' cup towels, miuy f ti, Ht foi Albuquerque II. of blocks, two five ireek Henri Tipton Is installing a gas-- i The Birth Jssus Announced where ibe will a fortnight with (vv. 140). wash cloths. iiu ii entine this wi k at his Kin In Second cía Junior girls, four llnivcrsltv friends - 1. (vv. 8, fi). shep tin- (Mix section, and will alter thl To Whom The muslin skirts, one crocheted rag rug run day and night, WOrfclBI 1 herds Who "ere Mulching oer their three ombroldered scarfs, six towels. night n nig Republican meeting of blftl during the rush cotton flocks by night. The glorious gop.. pil- Baking Older girls claas, four sola About Oetober ll, lili, Dr. C I Hill, He Is unable to gel elcctlio- - BseeeOJJC wu tlrst given to luborlug lows, two uprons, three embroidered gnvmnr Papl, Mul-leT- i candidate for ity after night to ran the gin. men. scuiis, two centerpieces, three duut Home baking is good, but it is oaodldati ror land connlaaloM g, By Whom (v. !i). The llrst gospel cups, one muí dress remodeled. r. others will addreaa rou on Mr. F. E. Little left this Wet k Ben in 'ii was pleaded by the nngel of Kindergarten, boys, com- hard work, hot work, disagreeable Ibe polliirul Issues of day. the for lo i old home in Jurkhoro, 'I the Lord. Thi' angelí have part In pleted one book ol cut work. Ulrln, no1 date; see band mils aa, boplm that aha may have relief making known the gospel to loot men. completed une book of cut wotk. ork. from nor ii'ihiua. which has heen These glorious) beings DO dOUbl deeply MUS. AULA W. PR1CKBTT, Our Baking is just as good, and Tom Ora) cat n from Ills ranch very troublesome this season. Mr. sympathize with fallen. sin cursed men. , Superintendent. aoutbweal ol (own Monda) and trnn-wa- i Little accompanied his wife, she be- 8. The Nature of the Message (vv. no work for you. i" ii i" I bualm mu' returning to ing physically unable to make the It was good tidings of great Tllu Kiltie ll rill ".ill' ii in home. Our baking costs no more than your dip alone. Joy. It was good tidings because the JTOn street Is in the bunds Ol th way of salMiMon was BOOM to be Carpan tori this week, und is being baking. B" opined for nil Jew and entile. 80 put In good ahupe lor the, winter. A I vei-- , you? glorious wus this news a multi- new root and Hour on Hie runt Which appeals to that are nutlceable Improvement, ABSTRACTS tude of the heavenly host accompanied nnda INSURANCE it o song of pralao. is through with i. If the weather man will obliging, JegUl Chrtel that Qod'l kindness mid TITLES CONVEYANCES l.v predict u winter It will help QUALITY BAKERY good will are mnde known to mun. tume, with no coal la llht Wc We the with- 4. The Shepherds Witnessing (vv. know how to tuke nil prediction, are originators of Abstracts UV20). They mada protnpl Investiga- out padding and lower cost. tion of the angel's message. III. The Child Jesus Growing (vv. 048). Jesus Christ was divino, but Ills SECURITY ABSTRACT CO. deity did not Interfere with Ills devel- LIGHT-S1- X opment ns n human being. The proc- PEDAN B' "llHimilll MMIIIIIIItlllMIMII'l,MMIIIIMIttMtllMtMtll)MM tllMllfj esses of his physical, mental and spl-Itu- growth were the sume- - as those of any normal human being. 1. Jesus Tarrying llehlnd at Jerusal- 1550 em (vv. 4M8). At the age of twelve years a Jewish child took bis plm e as a worshiper In the temple, for he was considered a "child of the law." Helng conscious of His mission when Ills mother and Joseph were returning from attendance at the I'assnver. Jesus lurried behind to eutet the temple mid Inquire Into the meaning of the ordi- nances of God's bouee. 2. Jesus Found in the Temple (vv. ). When Htg mother and Joseph had gone some distance on their jour- ney they perceived that Jesus was missing and aonght for Him among their kinsfolk and scqualntsnce. Not finding Hun ti-a- the; returned to Jerusalem, where they found Him In the temple. (U He waa "gtttlng" (v. want 08), stowing that Be waa no paaatng Tteltor or sightseer. He waa perfectly DRUGS at home in Hla rather bouae. (2) He wag "bearing" (v. 08). He we and DRUGSTORE hearing the teacher of Ood" Word. This shows that Be waa eager u lea.rn Let Us Show You the Difference! THINGS Ood' will. (8) He ached question (v. 4A). HI growing mind wa Inqutal-tlve- . Vibration is destructive. It shortens astic over the way it throttle down to a It more than reoetrad what wa the life of a car. It taken the pleasure walking gait in high gear and the quick I (4) Callón taught It Inquired after. He an riding cause response follow (v. 47). enewar out of because it rattles, that the touch of the ewered question Bl squeaks and other irritating noiaea. accelerator, US showed great wtadom, aocb a Co those who beard Hlra. Tet we Vibration is particrularly annoying in Aside from ita mechanical excellence, ahould not surmise that Ee wag coo dosed cara. the Liht-Si- x Sedan it notable tor ita We ectoaaly displaying Hla wlsoom. It There ia no perceptible period of vibra- sterling coach work. The substantial are SAFE druggists. wa not an exhlMÜoo at Bl divine in Studebeiker Light --Six any body, like the chassis, ia built complete wisdom, but the cyprsoatoo of the tion the at apeed. Thia ia due in part to Studebaker'a in Studebaker planta. Material and You can you workings of a perfect human utlud workmanship are of highest grade. order from us what need on suffused by the Holy Spirit. method of machining the crankshaft and 8 Bary'a Ooaaplalnt (Of, connecting rods on all surface. No other Long, aemi-ellipti- c apringa and deep, the phone and KNOW that we will give it just Rb remonstrated with Him for ID car, at anywhere near the price, follow restful, nine-inc- h cushion afford genuine be he v lor. To thia Be replied to a thia practice. comfort. Uphold cry ia of a rich , mohair the same careful attention as if you ordered dignified, yet tender manner. Be msde Lack of vibration and the quiet, velvet pluah good-lookin- g and durable. no apology, showing that 11 wa more smooth running motor find quick ap- Today'a price ia the lowest at which than the son mt Mary it in person. proval from everyone who ride in the the Light-Si- x Sedan baa ever aold. 4 Jesns' Obedience (v. 61). Though been Light-Si- x Sedan. He waa fully conactoua of Bl divine The name Studebaker on your car ia Send or phone us a list of the things you being and mlaslen. Ho lived a Hie of And every driver ia similarly enthusi the beat protection you can have I Hal obedience. Bskaast keacsr Bisht-Sa- r dr-- k TteW-prac- ueaassasea Me aseas lum. stah. need. B. Jeeue' Development (v. 03). (1) SM wul.liick sieaoat, UMlde lock, on three doon lock a r.ght head frost Soar Mental. He "lncrsased In wisdom." ssr lulkivuileiu light (2) Physical. He "increased In stat- How about your first aid remedies? 6Look ure " (8) Sptriraal. Be "Increased MODELS AND PRICES, o. o. aoforioo In favor with Ood and atan." I LIGHT SIX IPICIAL 8IX I BIO-SI- through your chest you p ' r and see if are well Wledoes te Be Deelred. i fm.,iir ,oh tiCMuMULIiiJSJUt Mt Wi Wisdom Is bettor then ruble: aad Touring.. $ 975 Touring J127S Ttotsrlng... $I6S0 supplied in case of emergency. all th things may be desired are Roadster (J Pass.) 975 Roadster ) 1250 Speedster 17S that Coupe (4 not to be compared to It. Proverb Roadster Roadster Pase.) 1275 Coup 2275 llU. (J Pes. ) IMS Coup 1I7S 8sdsn 1475 We use no substitutes. Sedan 1550 Sedan. 2050 Sedan (Special) 2850 The Truly Valiant. Cord Tiros Standard Bqulpmant COME TO US FOR IT. The truly valiant dare everything eieept doing any other body an In- jury sir l. Sidney. RE NICK & GRUBAUGH Happiness. Action may not alway bring hap-ptnea- but there hi ae happiness THIS STUDEBAKER YEAR Corner Drug .- is Store ell. action- DUra TIIK QAgUgAg FRJDAT, OTTOnRB , 11 Independent Ticket OF EDDY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO

Nominated by the people of Eddy County in convention assembled on Monday, October 2, 1922 SHERIFF Ned Shattuck

FOR COMMISSIONER, District No. 1 JOHN T. BOLTON FOR COMMISSIONER, District No. 3 DEAN SMITH Let's turn out a few of the professional office seekers and put some men in office whose only motive will be to actually represent all the people and to conserve your tax money and make a public dol- lar worth just as much as a private dollar. VOTE AND WORK FOR SHATTUCK FOR SHERIFF. Lets not compel Districts one and three to accept men as county commissioners who have already been rejected by the people of those districts. VOTE AND WORK FOR BOLTON AND DEAN SMITH




NEXT WEEK IS "BABY WEEK" AT MY STUDIO A Beautiful Enlargement with every dozen Photographs ONLY ONE WEEK

Ray V. Davis Phone 343 Photographer

NOTICE OK HAIjK INDKH I CVTION. IN THK DISTRICT COURT, EDDY WANT ADS COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. No. 36S7. I wnt 10 buy your rhl-ko- And Tbe Cltlten National Bank or will pay fifteen cents per pound. Hoswell, N. M., A Corpora- E. L. TINNIN. tion, plalntlir, against Jim Etcbeverry. Defendant FOR PALE TWo good bornea a Notice la hereby giren that the Carlabad tccod bargains, reaaou-p'alutl- ff In tbe above entitled cause, able terms. 207 arrea Eaat Tega on Augurt 21, 1922, obtained the j land for aale or trade for Caihtbad rendition of a Judgment against the property. I'hone 126 J. above named defendant, said Judg-- I fOcttf c tnent having been rendered upon a protnlsory note made, executed and Who wants a bargain In a honre J I J delivered by defendant to plaintiff; close In. Modern. Will trade my - - . That said Judgment to date hereoi, equity forward car and aotue J Inclosing princlpu , interest, At- money; rest Ilk" rent. Inquire j torney's fee, and com or suit, and this office. tf2!)fcept interest to date or aale and costs jl ot sale amounts to $1100.58: Notice PER CENT MONEY m i nd. r Is given 1 have levied, further that Hank', rs Reserve System, 6 per cent an execution upon one Ford auto.n loans may be secured on city or farm bile and urn- - Sludebaker autonio'.ille, Property, 10 buy. build. Improve, or being d- - same the pioperty of the pay Indebtedness, i1 r ha Wndnnt hen in nnd to satisry Mild I'n.. iím Bísetelo Iim,- , - rw. - Juilgmeiit. 1 will offer said property ver, Colo. JOnj'tNov . m i 1 1 lor sale to the highest bidder at tbe-- . ot so ith trout door the '.ouit bout F01 that diilnty Anlsli 10 your Bt 'atiabad Eddy l'ouuly, New hn e mam Mexico. lor cash, at 10:00 o'clock pC0ted. Annie V. or Morrison A. M, on In ith du ova:aDar, Phone o in 1!22. and will aDnlv tha oroceeda ot , said sale on said Judgment. WANT TO RENT Two or three I have In witness hereof bar light housekeeping rooms Ufe-tint- a day furn set my hnud. this tbe ed. Famllv of thru Must be of October. 1922. well located nnd lu good cowman-SA- I1ATTON. Ity. ve nanr . wiur and address Sheriff, Eddy County, New Mexl-o- at Current office If you have suitable . room a. t; per cent LOANS may be seitir-- J TRIO. ed lor any purpose on farm lands FOR RENT Twa rooms Irriga!) d lands, to buy or build (.1 with board. Talsnhoaa ka e homes, city or farm, under out first In.juire t:,is offloe. rc tiiort;ui:e ceriincaiea. nauaers tie- - serve Deposit Company, (as ft Elec- NOTKK. 9-- z (O 4 ' zJt f Jtz tric n!dg., Denver, Colo. Notice Is hereby given tha: Fair 25At:elONov. and Hall, of Fair & Hall Oarage, Mz. have agreed to dissolve partnership Of course, If we ran t get lid of and from date of this notice neither i r-- 0 the cold In any other way this win- one will be rmponslble for any debts ter we can put it In cold storage. contracted by the other party. ; Signed: p. r. FAIR. 1 rag Vr7-Z-z-2E;rtíEE-r-4:,--,-- r ,,D H. J. HALL. l---m- , FOR RENT Two furnlhd rent, má U pobllahed h, r,u..t. rooms, to men, with or UttaM .nd Wr-l.- w. will be printed In threr lstIIment. of the Car without - piece If . board. Telephone 122 K bile tJie nunilHT murb for It aiMhOWhjp for tilt- of the lts "Well! f ltc MRS. V. S. NELSON. TEH HAITIMT ( Hl'KCH. RICH CABITO AN rYlllOttgbbjr lUglef came In HONNKIl AND WOT RAMO Lo-lu- g Connecting rooms for light houae-keepln- g. Mrs Ira Harrison. Pastor Rich Carter came up from the runeli at FrlJole, Tex Suu-da- i;.NTKItTAINEJlM , Monday nlgbt and made a short Strong!" Aleo Ingle ronnia, by from baa out in day. week or nlKht and nluruul 10 her A "revival" broken business vialt here, returning home month. Mrs. Maeel'e - Two young MTV Ansa Clover, ol R. P. D. Reed, home Motiilny i'he was acioni Many 01 out readers will re- the Baptist church. Tueaxlav. While looking over Ha METROPOLITAN HOTEL. Ktb-lly- 5, Kant., "1 hy Misa n C. C Ilouuer, who was at married women were savea ana Wlnheid, taya: tr Tel. I.., on.. 2KB panled on the return member mttn cotton flela ,Uch captured bagan some month Heg-le- r . in Sunday to sutler Mr...... a of Carlaoad church last looi-iegge- anarp-oitie- a Ellsworth, of Otis resident Jolnd tbt a insert ago wrih womanly trouble, and went one of evening's service. pray that F. M. MeLanghlln' Hand-Mad- e la still lu Arliona, where be and who aJterward married' lfs wblcb he pronounced a boll weevil. I waa afraid I was going to get Mar-- i may be saved Sunday, Cowboy Boota, attend a meeting of the mohair our high achool teachers, Miss others on snowing to aome of the in I Buttered San Saba, Texaa. to aervlcea at but it bed. Each nvolh Made to your of the southwest. garet Dee. He left tbe city durm The regular preaching bugologlata of tbe community It with my head, back and tide --a Individual (rowers M SO P. 11. Evening They Ibe, war and both be and bla wire 11 A. and 7: proved to be only a moequlto. Rich weak, aching, nervou usg. look wall and wear well. - May Know 1 11 WHte engaged in warwork aj enter- theme: "How Others bad forgotten that everything, even I began to try medicino as I J. L. BROOM, Agent, Morning aub-Int- er 2!Sept It you are getting a loan from tamers, Srat at Man Antonio and Am A Christian?" mosquitos, grow to mammoth aise knew I ws getting w oraa. 1 20Oct p Carlabad, N. M. arll-IJec- Teat, the Federal Land Hank, the Guar- abroad. Tbe following "The tha Tak, the m the Hagennan country. Hager-ma- n did not teem to Had the right anty Abstract and Title Co. know cle la from a recent laaue of tbe San Call." Don't Tall to be preaent. Meeeenger. remedy until aormtooe told me of HAVE YOUR CALVUH their requirements and ran save you Autonlo Evening News, and waB. Y. P. U. at 6: SO. Solid Blackleg Vaeclne. Insures looking a time and money on your abstract sent to the Current by Mra. Bert! If you are for cordial Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith made unltorm doaage aa wall aa Immunity good an Ufe Uunetf Rawlins, who bad the privilege of welcome, a handshake, hour on of tbelr vary Infrequent visits for against blackleg. bearing the Radio enlertalnmeut of t Ikiwahip and feut to your soul, to city Wednesday ot this W. H. MERCHANT, tha U referred to: ootne to tbe Baptist church week from tbelr home on Black Riv- CARDUI Agent for Eddy County. Mrs. C. C. Bonner, wife of "8hor-- 1 -- er. They toll of a floe school la ty," mi mm sed rafflo rana by adding a. C. Heard and wife came in their diet! in. altbo they will have WANTED Second hand furni- her pleasant voice to that of her Wedunaday from tbelr home at Loy- - to secure another teacher as the ture, eaddlee, harness and all kinda husbaud during the hour ol music iDgtou and reatalbed until this teacher who baa taught tbe achool Woman's Took of eaeond hand goods from the Evening New purpoae aa SAM and fun morning, coming for tbe for two years paat baa resigned to I used two botttca before I could MOSKIN Broadcasting Station last night "Daddy" Hoard says, to sea their enter tbe higher and more solemn see any great change, but after tf Phone It. It waa one ol tboae super-enth- grandson, young Judge Wilson position of wife and pomemaker. thai it waa remarkable how overjoy- - alastlc audience wblcb waa Well, tbe boy Is worth a trip from However, everything la getting 00 much better I got. I am now FOR SALE One Fuller-Johnso- n I ed during the entire performance, Lovlngton any time. Mr. Heard well In their community, in aplte of well gad strong. on rcccm-met- id engine in A- -l condition, with pump-Jac- k - while the famous monologlst car- tl Is ua that aehoola are running ibe drouth and other drawback. Cardui. tor it cartaigty attached. Price, 150 00 See rled on a riot of Joy. Tbe oxooe nicely although with less than the benefited ma." SAM MOSKIN. rudlaDd mirth Each minute side uuu number enrolled, because of Jesse Wheeler and family are M you have beau earner iment Or Fhone 6i. splitting oscillations flitting thru the fact that many tamílica have anticipating the return of tbelr eon. log on yotsTsetf with jetad ot waves. dfffertnt remedias), batter get the air ou luvisinie gone to Texaa to work In the cotton William, who baa been connected 1 CANDIDATE FOB HHKIUFF Or course, with no audience In back to good, oM, ralUbk fields. However, tbe enrollment with tbe United States Air Service Cardul, tot madldnt tor OF EDDY COUNTY. sight "Shorty" talked Just as he lB eipPcted to Increase tbe and term of after for three year, whose women, about which you have I hereby mv nam used to do during the war wben h I authorlxe to holldava. enlistment about to expire. always heard, which helped I entertained tentfulls or bright eyed baa be placed before the voters of Eddy Wheeler ha been tranaferred from many thousand ol other, gad .county. New Mexico, doughboys who crowded about to rjr. jr. y. Iioepp and Tom Run one to another, and now la at tbe general ffl Cu station which should help you, too. election aa a candidate for jfflce tAruwering Letters listen Tbe radio tun maaing was ytI1 returned from a ten daya trip, in New York Many friends here Ask your neighbor about , she the s of sheriff on the Independent ticket. L becomes a congenial matter when Nn the second of Mr Bonner einer trip to tbe doctor's ranch, getting have watched bla career Ith 11. t. ha probably uaad it. first, two weegs ago. Your vote and aupport will be hlgh-- I Da you uta the right kind of M recitals. His n Tuesdav night. Thev rejjort the e.l and will be glad to welcome him ror sale every where. ly note brought acores ot call ror a return part! appreciated. condition existing In that to his home. IN E. 8. (NED) engagement. Qr the country a here, a severe SHATTtlCK. Mr. Ilonoer I one 01 me Army 1 drouth having hit that ectlon alio. Charles Lasslter and family left Arteala, N. M. of .nUitalners He has a variety Affairs on the doctor s ranch, how--' the latter nart of the week for El stunts" which alway win favor. ever. are in good shape and cattla Pao. Texa. where they will make I - The a.lio exhibition no excep- do(ng wel, tu,r (utlir, noine Tney naTe t1T. FALL lion All over Sou(hwet Texa radio OI Eddy county CLOTHING ed ln vlrl0Ui prt, All Wool guar Social Stationery fans wire tuned lu to bear and all Tbe wire of William Hertog. tne aeveral yeara and have Fabrica, antedi not to fade or shrink. Cinaranteeu for made to give lasting (satisfaction and Kervice. 1 Mad in eight fashionable enrcl- - beard. falthrul Janitor at the court houae, many friend among our people, who Tailored to tH yoot own They ont-we- ar two Ou Mr Bonner' program were j, gradually recovering from a aerl- - join In wishing them success individual desires. or three cheaply put togeth- siies, with sheet to tit, in and not In price In lite Coanvnta on "Life." unrtatiou o. a 0us Illness from which she in new home. er suits; lowed beginning, but ttiey are IowohI threw finishes linen, bond, har ben happiness their priced in (be end. Priced any harp, orchestra, phonogiaph. drum aufferlng tor ovar two hav-- 1 loner than other Ojtallty line. sod ripple. Also supplied In month, con aud other Instruments, Irish Joke. lng D,d , ,t:0ke of paralyil at Mra Qeorge O'Connor returned Let u take yonr measure for a Ane Hnlt or Overcoat. We nlao tablets In , army by venient writing tha Hebrew Joke-- Jokea. longs that time. With (he coming of from El Pao Saturday wh re ahe had make Man Tailored (oat for Women, of aame materials and de- ptipulsr btiea, with attractive request. "Dreaming Alone lu th aooiof weather her Improvement Is spent the week, accompanying Mra. sign as men's ouaia. cover. Twilight," and "Tbe Boob' Wedd- - very apparent and hopes are enter- - Sadie Love, and waiting to aee her Clothes Renovated it Ixiwrst Prices for Uood Work 'UK tallied that sne settled In Homan'a Sanitarium for Altering, Repairing:, Cleaning: JfWl yen mf a W IH r the wlnteir. It la boned that Mrs. and Pressing: iferiitfi if iku ftpultr hut Dr. Camp, of I'ecoa, an eminent Love may Improve greatly In health at Reasonable Charges. pb):rtan in Texa. wa called In BORN To Mr. and Mra. J. 8. by the chame. HOLD HY consultation with local nhvulolatia Tlrab u lsriniw nn 1taasa4. at tit r r rt ' on tbe rase of Mra. Morrlion, he Ing. Tbe baby weighed ten and Mr. F. H. Ryan i ln the city OWEN McADOO I living been the family physician one-ha- lf pounds, and Is the fourth from El I'aso. where they are now Jacob J. for year previous to her coming to child to bless tbe home. Hay all lining and will be In Carlabad for a Smith TMM TAILOR DRUG CO. tins part of tbt country. good attend blm and bis parent. couple 01 weeks. I THE CARLSBAD OTOREMT. FIUIJAT. OCTOBER . 1MB.

ANNUAL, i mm i tn m i Attractions at AT I'EAXMi, TEXAN Hi v A. C. Douglas, wlf and Crawford baby daughter, Wednesday of left tbla week for the annual conlerence if at Peco which ii now In session, Theatre and will centlnue over Sunday. Tbla will be the thirty-thir- d annual nee-- ' .1. ion of the conference whose terri- NEXT WEEK tory Includei all the itate of New DANOEHOl'M LIEH wltTi Mexico, and much of Weal Texan. DAVH) POWBM Tbe lait aeaalcn'a minutes show four forty-fou- BED CLOTHING A I'unumiont ITeture presiding elder districts, r MON- .- appolntmeota; over twelve thouaand CONSTANCE TALMATJGE membert and property worth nearly; eighty thouaand dollara. Laat year there ware over tbree tbouaand TUES.-W-ED. "A PERFECT WOMAN" member added to tbe churcb. Pro-- ' A 3 bant of Humor mlnent members wbo will be In at--. tendance at tbe sessions of tbe con- AND BLANKETS Baron Auriemma and hit eelect ference, are Dr. Selecman of Dallaa, DON'T DELAY GETTING YOUR QUILTS company of eingere and playera Dr. Cbappel, of Naabvllle, Tennes- see, Blabop This i a Halvntlon Army MM and Jame. E. Dickey, of UNTIL "ACK FROST" BITES YOU AND A SPELL OF AOMiHHlON FREE Waco, Texaa, wbo will prealde over the conference. Blibop Dickey la IIKTTY (XiMlttON IN one of tbe recently elected bishops SICKNESS IS THE RESULT. WE QUOTE YOU: .- and will be accompanied by hla wife. THUR- ALWAYH THE WOMAN a Tbe opening service occurred Tuea day evening and most of the minis A WOMAN'S VENOBANi'K Ura and delegates were present at BLANKETS $6.50 to $15.00 "fri-.- TARIN' CHANCM and MlracJ tbat time. A number from Carlsbad ALL WOOL from of the Jungle. EpiMd 9. are planning to go down tomorrow morning and remain until tbe cloae MIXED COTTON and WOOL BLANKETS $4.50 to $6.50 of tbe Conference. JarJi Holl anil Hylvln llrrwnwr SAT-.- FULL SIZE COTTON BLANKETS $1.75 to $3.00 THE MAN I M iiNyi l ItUll.l MNsOtiCTtONI nv THE METHODIST CHURCH GOOD QUALITY QUILTS from $2.25 to -- 12.50 WHEHEAS, Tbe Rev. A. C. William M. Morrill and MIm LOCAL NEWS. Douglas. present pastor of the Hair I Coulter were married Mon- Flrat Methodist Church ol the City day in the house, Judge court Frank Iakcwood, oi carlabad, has during the past H. Richard performing the cere- Dr B. L McAleer. of year, WE ONLY THE BEST AND STAND BEHIND a buslnes visitor to Carlsbad served this particular charge HANDLE mony. Iloth paitle arc froin ii with stt iking devotion and fidelity. Roswell. the firm of the weik. iitifií, uie Atinuat THE GOODS WE SELL. Miu McKneeley alter spending bow about to convtne at pe-co- s, City, Texas, Is to make assignment a wiek in the Pan returned for tbe next home In Carlsbad Sut.irdsy. ensuing year; Now, to l"i Therefore be It Resolved. Joyce-Pru- lt That this Church, STITCH IN TIME" you know the ret. Everybody Lee It Hanson, of tha through "A Company, spent a part of tbe its board of stewards, send grte'.lngs to week In Koswell. on a buslneri visit the Conlerence, and cheenuily Doug- lor biu Arm. commend Broiher las as being most worthy of tbo Wants More best assignment It may have it k Rev .1 I Terr of Davton. and at dlrposal; but, at present, Revrmd Davis, oi Artesla, made should an overland trip to Pecos, leavlng nothing better rom his way. that Tvaatfay morning. we most sincerely request hi re- lieu turn to the Chiinii at Carlsbad; for Less and, r.ov i'i.x :or Midland, Texas, further, be It Frlduy on a visit to hU grandmoth- Resolved. That tins '.'huvh hereby to er wno !' 'liles mar that place and extendi Brother Dou'.laj Something: for Noth- u vote oi thank for h'.s untl Mercantile Co. rojaorted Peoples is a bttai Qtttti in. ing is not to be found km00 1 ue, and grattfullv Henry Anielt recently bought the iMtiUI debt ;l .ittt-itui- . in the mercantile line, cottage and hy it owes him. the erict"d own'd And, W C. O. Merrlfleld In the northern part hereaa, the Charca aai here things are new MORE FOR found lii It v. pre. but Of Cousid made, the J r. j twn. ration "t siding Eld r, a LESS is. always pos- public. I de oled aid ebtl leader and a man undoubtedly int In the promotion of ',. t sible. Get it at our Mrv W C. Matis l 111 at her the 11 hon.i' below lown. suffering from interests of the Church at Cm Khan Meat now, then-tore- , Market and neuritis in ihe left ami and shoul- be It -r Resolved, That we hereby Grocery. der. H- friends, who are legion, oflu nrovery. Brother Jonea our heart-fel- t thank DEATH OK A MOTHER !i:mi:i:s MEXICO are anxious for her paper cull- - PIUMM AH.MM for his services here end further '.- -' -' mom uus this been lATlON MM We give you FULL Mr. nml Mr Ralph Thayer and fer him our best wishes anil coop- ed upon to chronicle a ladder deatb IT'S TOASTED t MofilaonJ Following la program eration lor his continued lUtoeaj la Hum nut oi Mrs. surun I ' the of tlio were down In VALUE your soi.s from their home I I for the woik of the Church here Of wife oi H. P, MorriaoBi ol La one extrr process Baatem New Mexico Press Aswjcla- -t the mountains the first of the week I r wu eounty ion ut Portales, N M . Saturday, money, and QUAL- Ralph was dOin Jury duty, ami Mrs. elsewhere Sin iiiiiimi.t to K!d Wj a And, Whereas, The boipltal durlt.g the night of Tues- which jives Oetobt r 7, I'JZZ : Thayer and chldlren visited rela- Individual f- - abOttt lOi DO A. M - Organization uuuV ITY is included. tives while In town. members of the Churc.i. In thali day having been us well delicious flavor loyalty, haie. durln- - ihe past yei Iiaual dur.t r U day. Her conin- - election ol officers. "Early Naare wiped I flrat ano I pap-- K in Near We can afford to Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Card, parents on: every ladabtadpun of tlon wae alannlni iroin the rlenoe Baatem Church, family physician .ip fr in 'Mexico," A ill Kiibiusoii ol Kiw-we-ll of the late R. 1'. Morrison, of the paid the I'astor in full, bei rune lúe Mr. paid hold a OODettHatlOD William T. Reed ol lUu make close prices on Loving, wi re in town at the bedside the Presiding Elder In full ajld l'eco to wit:ij New; paid th-.- suhs-ripti- u id i Argus of their daughter at Eddy county in full ' to the Carlabad phjrtlelani, Cailshnd Meats and Groceries City Board of Charities, be It WBI done to relieve bar, b it It Noon -- Luncheon. hospital, cming from their home ati - Von j I p. m- because we handle Odessa. Texas, and remaining until' Resolved. That the floaul oi avail, ai.d deuth ensued eatl 1:80 "Parefsn Advartto she passed away. Stewards hereby extend tbe IndlVt-jda- y uiornlng. I'eritonltl la given JUS." B B. Hull, Clmls News, J. V, many lines and have dual members of the Chur h its' us the cause of death, Htearne, Port Bumaai Leader i it. v. heaity congratulatloiii and com- - MM leaves to mourn her dipai- - Boyle, Stale Liue Tllluiie. Me- - J H. Lorkhart wa called I a large volume of to I bUlband Mnall cbanlcal Make i p oi Uii Watkiy Elida Sunday night to lake place mends them for their seal Invatt lure hei and Ible. the I CbtldBwn und-- r hix am ol Newapaper," j. m Tie gales in each. That of Mr. Hteig, who wa a delegate to and common honesty toward the all ug. Urukifo i. CUmCal I J. K. Il.uu, tl.e meeting of Oddfellow at Clay- cauae to Sun. run, who sid- - ut Odessa I'ortalee Valley "PeUak, I cuts down the runn- ton. New Mexico He expect to re- ila." itlier iilutlMH f Ni'h. open by body was shipped How It Should turn the first of next week. Dated: In meeting Ti xus. the Advertialni and i' ing expenses of the order of tbe board ol Mewa.ds, ;t for Interment WediM iday morniiie Handled." J. It. Hull, Clovls Jour- Curlsbud. New Mexu."), was Iweiry-ti- nal. H- 0, Nodrls, Port Re store and enables us Rev. and Mr. Lewi Mean w ere this UCtObtr Mrs. Morrison Sunnier 2, j view; I, L. Perry, Carlabad Sunday visitors In Carlsbad. 1022. year, nine month and twenty days Current. I t noixio ' " News," W H Mel-lo- se MP van jiiivvo aonnrl. guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. of age. Shi Wai Ibl yOUngeet dau Farm tliaham. Loula ripkin. old SM:retary ghter of Mr. and Mrs. V. L Card, Mesenger; H. C. MiCowdeu, ingly. friend of tbe R W McColInn returned S. Means family. Mr. and Mrs. Mean 'of Odefaa, her parent being present Klulu Knterprise; J. Peiry, Hea P. M October 4. passed away. Kansas City lust Pridui alter Tiflt ter In,., i "Hfiw lit iLndt were on their way to conference at Clovl. S:tO when she In U. A Ing a few days Witt bomefolki Hu,d ,hl. B. L. Manoi When YOU want Pecos. I. PATTON, woman devoted to bet faoiily on circulallon.". CarUbad. and and ber borne, be will Carlsbad lily the is getting Covlll Nrw8; w Turner. Lovlnv friend work as advance mar. what EVERYBODY connection wnn reel ni pi' is ne greauy me mue village fine with his ,on L,.aj,.r "Society and School Rev. J A PhllllB. BrM1tur dit. misseu. dputh-Ho- Hallway or Loving, of for tbe Itl l Iier people s;ewi, Mrtl (', rare T. Hear soaietv Spanlih-- 1 reDorU ,!lv'n Fe where much her WANTS, just try this er of tbe work among tbe suU more tnan piensen in ,r ,, di- Company' poIUon in shop ried life was Bpent. being in mourn-attendlni- an all uiai ilnw..ii i, - people In thi dlttrict 1 tbe so niuking ' 1 likes his work well and is ,or iX. Market You won't the conference in1 en Strike am quoting blow L. Ing boca use of her departure, and a Tucumcrl American; Mrs. J. no. a urcesR of it. Ui eaves. Valley Newa. in going down from letter Just received by feeling of sympathy for tnose neieit Portase to try again, elon Peco, P. M. ir- have but bi home at Roiwall, yesterday Well, from A. P. Morrla, algning prevailing wherever he wa known, 330 Drive eM the . S. E. AIIIon, of Roswell, morning. paa-- himself r.haJrniii Executive Ira beurlng tbe preclou Rev. rigated farm. will be a permanent Reverend Mewborn. u v. S 6 M. , , , body paaaed Loving on R J Rice of Hagerman. Rev P. and octal . nvi a. Ik ...... f. Committee: through the Luncheon ui mr i.'i,-- i ui a iuuiui i,ii it way of Faust, of Clovls, were over-exlatln- customer. CO Tuesday "In order to bring to an end tbe to Oda, all tba ture tbe Fred entertainment. strike of emniovees on Uil home town were closed and the en- - night visitor in Carlsbad Monday population of village night, en route to annual coulel- - inri i of the clti hnvr or- GET HERE Sophia Santa Fe aud release tbe bippe:s tire the little IT Mr. Blocker expect to public were lined up at tbe station, a euce at Pecos, for which place they ganised a new brídete rluh tu h leave Sunday for Chicago, and geneial from tbe adverae mark where she nf reaped and affection which great- - left Tuesday morning. the "Tuesday Aiternooaf will be met by ber daugbter and effect thereof, Mr. Peraounett and the writer are in Chicago authorli- - d ly touched the son owing relative, club, and held their first meeting; rcr-ln-la- Barney Rice and wife, to a between CARD OK THANKS Lindsay Hobhs and family re ai un noun ui niis bviüOri ..-so- aud will take the rest of the Jour- aiiange conierenoe Banta Fe Executive We wish in this public manner we k I nun a visit to re- Tuesday of lust wnk. This ney to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In the and tbe turned last of employ- to extend our thanks to all our in old hum lolli witii. members and substitutes Model car. Blocker will have Committee tbe striking latives und friends the Market their Mr. ee purpose of effecting a In. nds wbo ministered to us o lov- Miague, Oklahoma, I'ny win ptesent: Mesduuus L. O. an opportunity of aeeing many beau- for tbe at white settlement of tbe matter In ingly and kindly during tbe brief made a short visit and had a good McAdou. Aud and Sam I. ink. Bujac, tiful suburban homes in that tee-tlo-n Awaiting an early r- lllues aud at tbe paaslng away of notwithstanding. Joe and .Uuivln Livingston, tiraut HOBBS BROS, Props. of country lnter-eitln-g time the and other I our dear wife and daughter and Mnnn. F Wilson. Hunly. A. 7.. !ghta abe can only see eal, am." I that To which Mr. Well replied: sister Especial thanks are due for Smith. Stutxiiian nml Audi i sou. Phone No. 345 Dy nun: OTenmuu. nr ...... , .h,. lnvi!v flnral offe-rlni- wMM, Í'-T- our sad for Claude Nelson Is making ÍÜÍÍLí.. of Oclober beg to that comforted, heart.; tbe rather gone .econd. adv..e . . m be iffiJlS: l" let-- amone ana care ... - strenuous to get his buaiueaa the subject referred to in your tender manifesl- SEE DISPLAY tfforts ths ter wa dikcuased by me in my office ed by pbytlciau and uuraea. and Clooed up so that he run leave lor Saturday murniug, September lu, for every word of sympathy expre- - California where Mr. Ntlson ha U i e- - ed by our good whom we been for some lime with i people. 1922, with Mr. Jewell at this friend, of Photograph of Babies ' quest am, definitely disposed of. Tbe will always bold in loving remem- Mr. Nelson has lived in Cailsbud for strike has long been settled in so brance. the past twelve yeais and boat a far a this company I concerned, ROBERT MORRISON. in Peoples' window, host of friends, business and :clai. therefore nothing could be gained MR. AND MRS. W. L. CARD AND wbi regret his decision ol leavlnx by a conference with you and Mr FAMILY. but are wishing him well wherever :K JUST RECEIVED Personnel! for the purpose you sug-- MR. AND MRS. J. L. MORRISON by be goes. Tbey will take up tbetr Suggest you give press ro-i- - AN1 FAMILY. bome IU "in en. CAJ.IKORMA felt. FROM tent of Morris letter October 2nd, LARUE AKHORTMENT OF aud Mr. Wells reply Orto., IN E. S. Sprung Oil week old tin The Muryiu Livingston family C. E. SMYKI; lot he owued on Main street which V. and Ihe lien Roten family t la was occupied roi in. i ly by a suiul. Ray Davis their Car Mpnday for Kl Push. Af- -l HAND DIPPED Mr. Hollev Benson was hostess dwelling house which burned about i a hurt stay there, Mr. I.lvi to the Bridge Club last Friday af- a veal ugo, to Joidun Leslie, who slon and Ka:hrMi will go on t ternoon at ber borne on N'unb Cau-- I lew OWIIS eight lots IU U IOW Wilt. Olobe, lor a ii it yon street. his wagon yard Is situated. Rev. J. N. S. Webb, ol llouz, New Mrs W. Q, Donley an I baby, i Chocolates J. 1.. Iliuom . hoemaker,l Mixiro, was an ovi r Sunday .t.t Virginia, returued Iroin their visit Rev. F. A. Thorold Eller was a the Lawn-nce- , on his way to the Con of Virginia WITH DMVfVAt CENTERS week end visitor to Kl Paso. Dur- and Cleve the painter to Carlsbad, to varlOUl parts and ing hi absence. F. G: Tracy offici- . nd paper-hunge- have moved into fereure of Methodist ministers at West Vitgluiu. where th) huil ;n ,il ated as lay reader at Qraae Huís the building Jul wet of the R Pecos Reverend Webb formerly the summer, getting In Sunday pal cburcb. Hardware store, tbe sided in this city and for a tint building having been tltte l up. u, w taught school at Rorky Arroya dur The Sweet. Shop Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craft spent front lights put in, aid other Ira- - Ing the linn- - he wus pursuing tiif' Messrs Hall anil Culpepper rc a day In Peco laat wca-- Thursday provementh mude. i ktttdlae, and found many old frleodl turned fiom tbe mouth's stay at and alio visited other section of here who wire glud to ai Mm and Camp Perry. Ohio, where they went that part of the country, Gruudfnlls Not all men tquander their bard learu of his sucres In bl i hosco to engage In the National rllla Barstow among carutd tno.iey. iney iluu I ea.u it Held of labor, the ministry match. and other. I - -- : ' ' - , aJaC, 7 " I i


STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank Repair Service Carlsbad, New Mexico That Must Satisfy At the Close of Business September 15, 1922 or Your Money Back. T RESOURCES LIABILITIES Capital Loans and Discounts $1,024,135.17 $100,000.00 Surplus (earned) 100.000.00 U. S. Bonds 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 23,212.51 Banking House 8,595.70 Circulation 25,000.00 Phone 9. Stock in Federal Reserve Reserved for Taxes 2,235.43 Bank 6,000.00 Rediscounts with Federal Cash and Sight Exchange 131,258.25 Reserve Bank 404,880.61 aawaawaawawaawaoaa awavaaaaaa ...... ,.... n DEPOSITS 539,660.57 $1,194,989.12 $1,194,989.12 PRICES REDUCED ON FORD sized Firestone Tires THE ABOVE STATEMENT IS CORRECT. CLARENCE BELL, Cashier. STOCKWELL AUTO SERVICE STATION "Service That Pleases" mci - treatment shoved on them by steam MivrncK OAMMDAAi MM ai tin- Imli'p"iiilnt' candidate . roller by self-style- d HHKIlll I ON IMIKI'K.MIKNT In becoming o candidate for tactics tbe tí '" uMNwmiiitiiiiHm " me sheriff at tills time Mr. bosses of Eddy county. Tl( KKT Shatturk Mr. only yielded to an Inslstt'iit and per- ábattuck is well known throughout the county as an honest, HAV TRADE OONDITIONN OK knottier Mluan of thin sistant demand from voters In all weok'i parts county upright mau who takes seriously THE WEEK ISSUI of the Current will lie found of the who stand for Recelots In 'PETE'S TRANSFER" .1 his responsibility of being a good reneral are Intl i r K IQUOre and fair deal In políticas tbe announcement S. iNi'dl citizen and is always ready to do heavier In most markets this week, Bhattuch for r well us elsewhere and he reluctant- the office iboriff on his bit making but consist of the poorer (trades to HA UMNO OP Ml. KIN'DM tht- - Independen) ly consented to BOki the race only toward those with ticket to bo volad whom he In dully a great extent. This has tended to after carefully weighing sucrl-flcp- s tomes coutui V. V. on ui tiir general the stretm-rlienlti- HOOVEIl. 1'rop. election to be happier and better tor having asso- a of the better sorts' Bald November Tth, Mr. Bhatttuck It will entail hy taking much and a steady feeling ciated with Mm, The outdoor lit-- he to lirni exists lU'.l.lenre Phone iiiiii is it b or time from his personal business, but J. candidate virtue bovina has led 0:1 range foruiini, on these grades. Kastem markets Offli e I'lione 82 , boon nomlnoted by he feels that some one la duty the pei tbe Independent He work oi a BOWman make him have received more hy this week oooventlon which met ami selected bound to right the wrongs parpe and as l peculiarly titled to hold trade rather ijulet. not iiiin lool Mondoj ) tiut'-i- the citizens of Kddy county theoiTlceoi lb ran house iherlfl and conduct In much Improvement can be noted. In NOTO V in Corlobod at at the last Democratic primary anil it such u which nearly every Olti-xe- the west, not as much hsv mov The shows n wllllngnesH luauner as will make ull good u has Carlsbad Chamber oi Com- port ur th county won rol I repre- to do his share. ed this week, mon,, Mr pruud that they elected such and some old accumu- will Kite $50.00 reward for sented. Ho received twenty-tw- o Shatturk has resided In Wo lations of poor bay Rddy county a man ai their iherlfl. Ned says who ove have moved off the arrest and conviction of any per- of Ihirly-vlKh- continuously for "lit it iikkhIIiI.. t vote he will with a couseg,ueut steadier feellngl son killing quail before years, leading a, assume the otllce, If elected, th season ant the flrMt ballot ami wan by re- the life of Hay Trade Journal. opens, November rMchmon In Queen without being under obligations to 1st. solution thou unonlaoMly elect i the country tf practleajljr all years any man or set of nun. mid without CHAMUEIt OF COMMERCE. those until four any pledge anyone Cleanliness The world owes a man only that years bk when he moved to Artesia to except his : Pledge to all tlie people that the which he Is able to collect. that he mUjht have the advantage welcome the opportunity Sooner or of bOlUI law will be enforced Impartíalo later we will have to close to school for his of ending -, put a : sweeping slav- check on without fear or lavor w ha t soe , Immigration, or the ohlldren fot thirty-seve- n long advancing years and having always been a man of wry and tiresome broom horde will be pushlug us R. M. THORNE he has oted the Democratic Into the Pacific. Hck.'t straight and maintains that hit word tbe voters of the county pushing, offered by the he Is still a red hot Democrat have no reason to douot that tta and laws will uot be WE ARE will continue a Democrat in the rlgldh enforced If Hamilton Beach 8T. EDWARD8 CHURCH UNDERTAKER he becomes sn-rli- years to come as long as that party their Vacuum (CATHOLIC) i Sweeper treads the straight and narrow Al to the pledge thos-- took wiio voted In the Democratic Sunday Servloea. LICENSED path. He says putting out an In- prluiaiy, a rl all Early 7 KMBALMEB Mr. rfhattuck suya he no It ii ruso and carpera, masa. A. M. dependent ticket at thla tltue was billete 0 loMusea forgotten AT Lata mass and English only way honest voter will consider himself colortafi. sermon. Telephoe 70 the tbe voters of tbte amd aWahsaw uatatfdadaw in tha 10:00 A. M. county could clean up bouud by that pled when the the party County hocM. And etmpial Why. tfa Weak Day Services. and get redress from the unfair democratic central commit- no Cn tee which conducted the primary work at all. Our now par-- all school das. mass at plan Is A. M . Saturdays at :00 A. broke Its printed pledge to the nvsol ptlsiaaJy ascy. If. Vt pay only a few cents a day. Knights of Columbus iu. eti igs people, and he don't see bow the a on call. voter Is bound a Shat yon wfli nevar soannd tha YOUR and the organization oWaeper TOMORROW uot also bound to keep their pro- Is yours to snjoy and as yon plaoss. fWtl - . . mise. Continuing, Mr. Shattuck asm ainrh SZZSLTZS T.. ".. '"""J corafrtof tbe said: "This li on age of 0 Make Sure you Safe - are r : - y auai raunan timy. dent thinking by the rank and nie ot voters and people no longer are bound by party ties when they are SERVICE BY PLACING TOCn mistreated I believe this is the THE PUBLIC TODAY greatest movement for good ever FIRE AND AUTO start d in this county which has aW wys l een so overwhelmingly dSIDO-- ",y ""'"y-- "" BOMMM only the slight INSURANCE "S cratlc the leaders have become care-- i UTILITIES CO SlI,,K less and corrupt. After the demo-- 1 WITH lihT. ,'. W,l,e the property burns It crip-pi- es or J!2 out completely. 'cratlc party Is cleansed, all wilt drop back In HUH line and vota'trl and aitomoihi.e insi iuxck surety llOXDS straight as formerly. This election we are strong for all nominees on ' A birthday supper and surprise eddy county Swigart & Let us quote you low prices on a policy the state democratic ticket and be- - party was planned for N. T. Daugh-erty- , the Prater llete no votes will be lost to them! last Friday night, but the sur- by reason of our Independent coun- prise failed to materialize owlug to ty movement. If I pro- the efficiency of a little granddaugh- electid. ABSTRACT CO. WHO MAKE A SPECIALTY mise to enforce all the law.t and :iot ter. However, the supper was all W. F. MtILVAIN cater to any set of law violators ai that could be desired. The guests, has been the case q yeari pant." about seventy-liv- e In number, were I'aid advertisement members of the same Sunday school Mr. class, as Daugherly and the re- Wide-awak- e FIRE INSURANCE Rav, H. H. Buruett and I). E. mainder of the crowd were neigh- 'The Browaiia wen. iu town TntafJaT bors and close friends. A long -- AND Both gentlemen made appreciated table was spread In the front yard, Abstracters" calls at this office. They tall us which was lighted by a powerful SURETY BONDS that while their little town Is at electric light, and with the lUjht present suffering from a financial from the moon, the place was made depressions owing to bank troubles, as light as day. Everything sea- Carlsbad Light & Power that this depression Is only tempor- sonable was on the tables, the guesti ary, and that the bunk will soon re- Helping themselves to the fried open. chicken, meat loaves, plcklos, In the meantime, tbey are sand- MACHINE WORK boih optimistic ami both boosters, wiches, pie tind cake, and enjoying BATTERY REPAIRS ami fully satisfied that a bigger and the delicious coffee, which proved Company better Hope will coma to puss after such sn appreciated finish to the this season of gloom. whole affair. Mr Dauuhertv huí lived many years among us, and The presence of E. U. Slsk. of milliners his friends by all who Albuquerque, the New York Life know him and Is a good neighbor, Insurance man, was the and all were delighted to honor ntm SPECIAL LIGHT Inspiration -I- CE -C- OLO STORAGE for a "Stag" part) at the home of aud themselves at bis birthday C. C. Slkei in north Carlsbad last Friday night. The gentlemen pre- SHORT TIME ONLY sent were all friends of Mr. Sisk and passed the evening Helen Wells party Saturday af- Everything Electrical pleasantly ternoon honoring at cards Light refreshments add- ber fourth birth- ed to the enjoyment day anniversary, was a great suooess. of the follow- About fifty ing who were guests: E. D. children of near bar own 31x4 Red Top Tire . sink, age, both boys girls, $18.00 H. F. Christian, W. F. Mcllvaln. C. and gathered 1). borne Klckman. Aud and dam Lusk. at tha ot ber grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Penny, on Ala- 31x4 Cord . . . . $21.00 meda street, de- A pleasant event of the week end and had a most was the picnic given by lightful time. They played games 1- -2 the Metho- opened Cord . . dist folk In honor of and the presents and keep- 30x3 $13.00 the Carlsbad sakes given Helen In memory school teachers. The crowd went of the Carlsbad Steam Laundry out to day, and passed the hours In a the Hume and spread their happy FltANKLIN CAR SEP.VICK supper and had a delightful manner until time lor the social refreshments of cookies Ice time, emmim homo by the light of and the moon. A cream, which had been provided for fine picnic supper, their Service of Sanitation and Sterilization one Item of which wai welnlei, refreshment. which they roasted on sticks over Weaver's Garage an open Are, and which added mat- Paris hat sprung another attrac- tion for erially to the Informality of the oc- rich Atnerltani. Plvorco WELDING PIPE THREADING casion. About one hundred and ! easy nd ai'I out publicity as to twenty five were present. details.

e THK ( Altl.HlUlt crilHKVT. I'tllDAY. OtTOHKIl O, Í022.

in that capacity. In course of her duties she hat acquired pro bably a more intimate know ledge of the capacities for public service of tha men and women The Republican Legislature in 1917 appropriated $4000.00 to build a who have been active in public life than it possessed by any bath house at Hot Springs. other citiien. On July 11, Mitt OUen, then being mentioned as a possible New Mexico had in sight, actually or theoretically $4000.00 which nominee for governor, gave the following statement to the news- political followers could not bear to see unspent. So favorites of the papers: leaders came in from Sierra county and had a bath house built there. "Mrs. Warren Is well known throughout the stale; she liss h Id positions of public trust, Ap- Economy never can be put into New Mexico's administration a s long pointive nnd elective. Is row i superintendent of Santa mat- Fe county and member of the as the leaders of the Republican party continue in power and no state child welfare hoard. In all of these positions she has ter who is elected on the Republican ticket the same dictators control met with conspicuous success. She wai" a tireless worker for the them. Consequently, the type of administration is the same. enfranchisement of women IS this slate, and her efforts In se- - curl li the passage of education- Democratic candidates, wanting to improve conditions in the state, al, child welfare and other bene-nci- legislation have been sue-- , cessfui and effective. stand for economy and efficiency in government. "Now that women have the privilege of the ballot and' MRS. ADELINA cheerfully take their part of the OTERO-WARRE- burile n of n political rainpaliin.; I reallv think it no inure than! Republican Candidate for Just that they should have a fair Representative in Congress reare tentative on the state tick-- Mrs. Warren has not announced her candidacy, and I am making! this statement wholly unknown AN EXPERIENCED to her." Jones Morrow Hinkle Miss Eckles it was this sime knowledge OBSERVER'S ESTI- of her useful public tervice and conviction of her ability to ably for Senator for Congress for Governor for School Supt. terve in a wider held that led MATE OF MRS. hundreds of Mrs. Otero-War-ren- 't

I Mr tnect-- friends to urpe her to be- - NOTICE WOMAN'S I li CEUCBRATEH duty in earn.,' for our children and Don't miss UepuhPran i V I In raising i:n to be men ln Thursday night, October come n candidate for congress, The Carlsbad fíame Association I H KM II TM INNIVKRHARY them useful 12th. OTERO-WARRE- women when they on when C L Hill. r publican can- - N while this same understanding of offers a reward of $50 00 for ap- land "baik Ir. the of Life, we uh mor. eVUII dldata for lOVarBOTi and party In- - prehension and conviction of any One oí the most eiithusiastlr the Sea lirr rapacity for useful service in rout or in ourselves to the incomparsv ciuútai Capt Muiier, oandldasa person violating any law relative It) women's meetings ever held here for Washington brought her a nomi- banqUat Wednesday ntghi ble loss. laud eotnhii toBsr. will spaab th killing sea-so- u wt the at of quail, before the A . hilly. Mis Clara H. Olsen has been nation by her party convention opens. ut the Crawford Hotel, which as!a MOTHER Carlsbad. Watch arated the iw niv-ii.i- nBBteersBxy j secretary to eleven governors of that was practically unanimous CARLSBAD OAafl PROTBOT1VI New Mexico and it now serving ( Advertisement. ) ASSOCIATION. of the Cailslutd Woman's Club and narked Um beginning oi tbe ciub year. Kighty-rou- r women were eeated together in the Crawford dining loom, trbieb was alaborately ttaeor - Smith r u Pratt at at. wiin dahlias and other fall t ttowera. Pour i these praeent wart 01 tiie ortgioal 16 obarter Baubars ol the tltlb, and one m tins DUtnbai Hardware Co. Miss Pratt, very chunnliigly told oi the Aii.1 ni 'gaOlSStlOO during tat plonst i oaj - ol srlabsd. - a., w j ' . , w i ri XW- V aaTl TWOafcW (' ne menu, which cc'iiHlstcd ni iiv tbtee oourses, was sttra lively Mrv GENERAL HARDWARE X in and delicious. A teaturi o. the! j averting wai lbs larga b)rtbds) oaka, a woik art b) Mrs. K. R. Langa, wltb itx i w ntyttvs esndlea and de- corated with violet, tba clut) Sowar. M.nb 1' III eilt tin Hint piece uf tb cake, making a wisn tor tba uturs mild o: the club. Mr. Stun g.r ,i loiist to the (lull rOUl ItS obarttr nam bars. The oominlttet in cbarga ol tin- Banquet was undoi tii" espsbls laadarsblp or Mre. j k Joyos. The program ooastadlBg ths even. iBg WSI lollows: Mis. H.m.-n- THE UNIVERSAL CAR Miss t tS3& Pratt Social Affaire. Mrs. Johnston; Tbs Cbartei Hamoera. Mrs.; The Organization, h Mi- - Pratt Social Aqalra, by Mrs Atwater; The fioneeis, by Mr. Ha-me- n way BtuelSi by Mrs. McKltn; Tb Library, by Mrs Tracy; TlM llu-pn- by Mrs. Christian. TgtS I Club House, by Mrs. J. W Lewis; Ait l ian lor the Year, hy Mis. Tracy; civics, by Mrs. Bradsn; j Plans for Music, by Miss Juhnsiou. "Attld Lang Syne,'' suug by the Club The Woman's Club, starting so auspiciously, expects to coutiuue, October 17th, with very programs to Art, Civics, and Music, lncludlnx a series of de- Watch Your Savings Grow bates on civic and timely topics. A special study class ou Musical Ap- preciation Is arranged for to meet when you install a separately under tbe direction of Miss Mary Johnston, the first tueel-ii- . of which will be Friday M at M ' n thirty, at the Club rooms. A separute an study class will be con-due- l- il under tbe leadership of the pOLFC art cc mmittee, wltb Mrs F 0, Tracy as chairman. Tbe club officers for ORIGINAL the year Include Mrs. Flora Stoue, president; Mrs. L. 0. Kyan, first Met president; Mrs. Joe Wertheint, Economical Haulage second Mrs. Ueorite HOT BLAST HEATER O'Conner, recording secretary; Miss Jennie Linn, corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Frank Kindle, treasurer. !MMbbiB'' ftiw.i.ii. rr svsassf a as ri r.Sat CKHE famous Hot Blast Draft in this 23C1' t its f M remarkable stove burns all the com- APPRKCIATIOM OK i iiii.iiilia bustible gases from the fuel under-dra- ft The following coinmuulcatlon Do you realize -- from a mother comes to our desk, that the jjJje stoves waste this valuable portion of the fuel snd as the article contains so many -- good suggestions, the Current gives Ford One Ton Truck ÍíVi It a place Id Its columns: That iswhy Cole's Original Hot Blast Heaters "Most parents hardly know bow at $430 is not only the most are guaranteed to consume one-thir- d less fuel to appreciate tnelr children while they are young and growing up Into wonderful truck ever than any under-dra- ft stove of the same size. manhood and womanhood. If they value could only feel and know tbe aching offered but the most economical Stop and think what this saving will mean void that will be In their hearts when the day comes when tbey will means of solving your haulage to you with coal at its present price. leave tbe parental roof for tbe different walks of life, they would give more lime aud study to their and delivery problems, whether wishes and welfare while at home. REMEMBER: Parents loo often get provokrd and you are a farmer, merchant or Hot Blast will-S- ave chide them for their childish pranks m Cole's Original and then In later years, when It Is manufacturer? one-thir-d your fuel-B- urn ton lute, tbey look back and see any fuel their mistakes by uot beln- - more In sympathy Let us give you all facts, thirty-si- x 1 and companionship wltb the Hold fire hours t'helr little ones. Of tbe parents, tba mother feels tbe load of tbe cbil-dreii- s' l Step in today and let us show you this great fuel saer. presence the most keenly. It H Is she who has cared for them in sickness and In health, througn s i Carlsbad Auto Co. stages of childhood and Infancy on. It is a woman's nature to feel more deeply tbe loss of the children when they are gone. This comes to all homes, sooner or later. Hut If we R. M. Thorne can only Hel that we have don our A D THK CARLSBAD CtTUlKNT, FRIDAY, OCTORKR 6, IMS. MOM OONOMUtlMCI ALFALFA NEWS. . LOCAL MILL Milt i i .u i Plattsmnuth, Nebraska. assisting September X, 1022. Lem Watson has been Editor of the Carlsbad Current. In concrete work at the Joe Lu'A Carlsbad. New Mexico. ranch where they are building ner Icar Sir: concrete tanks. We acknowledge receipt of Alex Morrow, of Artrsla, but more Is copy of nt of recently of I'valde, Texas. the Curr under dt" Joining ptember In which we not his brother, John, ou the t 1st. the Harher-Pe- publication of one of our communi- ranch. forget chicken pie din- cations relative to our coming Don't the down and er.'Cting one ot our ner tor 60 cents at the Armory next TRSOl MMK BCO US fAT OTT there Thursday. patent forave mills. Ityan We thank you very mucu for the Messrs and Hosson made a business visit to tt.. Darber-I'e- n cr.urtesy and space ulveu us at:. I a sere ou your ronfldtt..'' ranch this week. that .i.n Mrs Jim Hums and dauahter. not en mlsplac.l and that we have Miss Olive, are spending week of In reality a message and propor- the The price Shoes of prime Importance 11k In El Paso. tion for Mr Mrs. Hnlley KSHflrTflJ' "ID BOTTOM TANK ggggCES-- communitv of your dis- and Hen.on jJH This relates to the ameer have rented their residence ami are trict. preparing to more h vatlnn of same Into anluial leeu to the lan products. some twelve miles out. CAN be too low The county met should he It commissioners It that li Just Monday In their regular monthly Fresh Water us Mggegtrj to null food foi am-- 1 meeting that being the first of Oc- Healthy mals as for humans. Staggerlug tober. Slock wasMs are orcuring everywhere due boga and beeves, vigorous horses, cowa Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Williams of to waxtaaje of food products FAT give flow al- Don't buy shoes through a pane and Malaga, were In town a steady, heavy of milk are none in feeds. the first of BON than animal the week from ways to be found on the farm where there la an The milling of roughage such their home. of glass. Too many people ajj Mr. and Mrs. L N. Hoag were abundance of pure, fresh water. alfalfa, ruin stalks, cat. knit cot-to-u No stockman can ever afford to do without equip- , up from their home near Malaga the judge shoes by outside se.-.l- suutlowers, beet tpps. cac- ment that will kwp on srapl mpplr of w.wr the look. first of eonttantlr tus, vines of all kinds, not Oelyl the week. bfoni his stock. Especially en h III afford It with Um Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Uvsl of prto. pnvtiiln. on The Nsw Columbian It is better to know the make doublet their feed values but ud-- ; Hamilton or and Thomas Pickens, all of Last in it s proper roi.imcrclaliilng In Chance, and to know the store that tellt belanoed and perfect torm, also, were In town Saturday on but business. Iloth gentlemen Red Bottom dia-tan- have Tank faellttgted shipment long c for b"en to them. g s. as tor ItMUlttOO, three cats subscribers the Current for hay occupy many years. oi baled when milled ' John It. Man. of Hope, was one 5-Y- ear Lots and lots of people have only one car. This should, among With a Warranty does, effect tile freight rate, as well ninny down from theie the first of the week. It Is made of the best grade galvanized ateel a. saving a ear haul.iv and ti ack-ag- e found that out. It's better to MUM Willie Lovett. stenographer throughout. Top rim reinforced by clinched-o- n ai terminals. Patent tube top. Shell reinforced by two triple We know oí no greater benefit for the First National bank, return- pay a dollar or two more and ed Monday from a three week's stay wedges or corrugations. Shell and bottom united that enn lie conferred ou our lai by original double lock at El Puso at home sis- Columbian seam which get real shoes of real western people than the conserva the of her forms a ateel made ter, who reside. In that city anfllTal reinforcement around bottom lion ot agriculture and the con. Id- - la. All M.n.1 ol lrrwt br hrdroawi matlng-i-n torch been 111, by leather than to "save" a dollar eratlou ot all practical means o: quite but I. Improving at dcirniid Cnlumbi.n ntr.near. tmltrt fcrim muJUtrrr tét this time. Miss Lovett Is again on tktil MtvefjU atefs! . r .. $fcilmh Shortening the means and expens. run: tot. 4 Umt. duty at the bank. Ml K'.tto'iv. Html!tivtt' or two and get imitation Shoes burdani of .hlpplitg their ptouuci.. MA.MVF ACTUOSO BY luto n wider raidus. R. H. Hynuni recently traded hit Texas farm tor an apple in of cheap construction. The alfalfa movement Is one of orchard Ti í the Hope country aud We.-- far terieasMsd the greatest events of ceiitui) this brut 09 t. tr't mamr It , .MiOW.i lit down Iron there a truck full oí tWHI 7 4 t Mttm f$r .Vsn TUm CmMwry Urn-I-t svn CtlmmUmn f It is tlie empire builder, the morí-- QrUr 7 - Walk - Over stands '.n a apples, for which he found a Btlltm ami It It m,l frnm- gave litter and one of the most pro OLD I BOM STOCK BV tmt umitii . atsBTaea ready sale. H- - expects to ha-.- 48-ye- lituble crops can be record. The trade that raised, but couple of car loads lis k rent. Is of fine fruit to 'st efficletirv reached dlapoet or. When reduced to a real Later, he and his MORRISON & PARDUE mark means something espec- commeicla. family will move pur- product and Is mil;-- , to their new tout when It Is chase. ially in times like these. I t e.i. thus all rutting, ufe reduced 10 I.OVINC. NEW MEXICO practically the .ame grade John Lusk has Just completed a and Ike well near the Jonn Euken product cau be eti.-- j rancu means 100 cents in vour Shoe fed with double house. The Well and no waste. Is 100 feet deep NEW MEXICO NATIONAL ai'ARD Mr. and Mrs. F L. Perry return- and BoWl eighteen gallons per min- dollar. Also when lu such confll-- Tlioor CAVALRY ed oin their honeymoon trip Fri- mobile ' ute. A 400 gallon test drawing "ir lltTH Hon It can be balaiK-- J day. While on they automatically was made recently. their trip. with other constituents, Carlsbad, New Mexico. visited Oklahoma City, Dallas, and thus' More than half of the cat'le from ..inking a ln-- 1 October 1. 1922. other points. The Tribune as well aa it perfect food. For Texas and New Mexico placed alance, your alfulta balanced with; 00 Troop Older No. 18: many friends ot Mr. and Mrs. i'erry mass in wKianoma nave De. n inai-kete- oí carbo-bydiat- e 1. All members of Troop were glad see back. the tat. cotton seed and a "U" to them Utile earlier Minn usual but v com-- 111th Cavalry, are hereby The Tribune esp.-clall- . was not rglttt, would at oui?e ! made Imperative by ordered blue the or the diouth to repoit at the Armory for Drill prepared to be without the services immediate resources a tank-flllHi- your t'nle.s ftiuine, on the tollowlng dates: of Mr. Perry tor so Ion, u time, and disc let ou feeds, and vould real soaking rain rails soon tdd large figures to your th Wednesday, October 4th: Wed- well, the Tribune has been lute and product, country goes Into the winter In bad now lar-'e- nesday, October 11th; Wednesday, otherwise demoralized a. a result. are h wasted. shape. So fur the nights are mild- T. G. HORNE It - not also generally October ISth; Wednesday, October strawti (Texas Tribune. er than usual this lat. There was 25th. Assembly :uu M Wed- arid districts when placed nn a light rrost on r. (I the night of October nesday. C. It. r " at r ontrol make u pot.T.-Ua- ll Judge Brice, and court 1st. 1917. and a killing frost with Sunday, pertect condition for cou'.roll-In- g October 8th; Innday, stenographer Henry Fuckelt, Prose- ice on the night of October 18th October Sunday, cuting Attorney the growth of hay an 1 curing year. lath; October 2ath Dlilard Wyatt. and JL that On the night of Novem- Assembly M. Sunday. his stenographer, Mrs. Marie 9 same, which cannot be obtained In ber 24th. 2:30 I. Ik dry 191, the thermometer Uniform: Service hat and cord aud the Court Interpreter Calderón, laud districts or rain bells lay-o- Bi1 registered sero and a cold snow with chin strap, O. I). flannel, came TSADI MARK C US.P4T.0fr as hay Is very susceptible to atmos-pherl- e Shirt. down from Hoswell Sunday in the giound the last week of No- breeches woolen, Mtd. legglus, ser- preparation opening conditions which affect mill- vember. 1918. for the of the j vice shoes, waist belt, spurs. October term oí District Court, ing, Remember the date of the chicken Nor do we use anv of old style 2. offtrers which convened Monday morning. the plo dinner to be given bv the Hap-tl- .t beginn- "THE PLACE TO BUY SHOES" methods of pulverizing hay, which school each Monday night, ladles i Thursday, October 12. ing M. Mrs. T. C. operation not only mulls at They at 7:45 P. and lasting for Mlddleton left Friday out will have everything that goes one Invit- for large amount of food values but' hour. All members are Carlsbad to meet her mother, wttn a dinner or that kind and only ad to Mrs. Cochran, D reatOI atteud. who has been making dust. Our machine met- ebarge 60 cents. Give them a lib- an ate under a partial vacuum ryjtem eral patronage. HUGH J. HALL. extended visit to her daughtei mid by new process 1st Lt. 11 1th Cav. Mrs. Sherman, who reside, in Rhode of screening Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth James Crudg. Island, and prevenid dust and saves all spent the who will visit with Mrs. the week end In the city trotu Mlddleton a few days resum- values of the plant. They also their home Cap before at Hock, coining It will be remembered that Just ing her Journey to her home lu Los glv a fine, even texture, greatly more especially for a little visit with Mm. Hooley Coehrao who form- by four years ago this week the flu wus Angeles. Peñasco Valley Press. sought purchaser, or milled al- "Buster" who Is attending school i erly lived in I raging; the schools were LOCAL NEWS. this county, and well falfa, etc. In Carlsbad. dismissed FMMMbdied by many old resi- and public gatherings were die-- 1 Herman Nlcho.son has bought time Our mill, are of great local val- The carload of casing dents, was In town a few days this ordered couraged aud many people remained the cleaning establishment ot W. B. Cblckcn pie ilini' for ri0 ri'nts, ue as they torm a u.erul hay mar for the nine Hint No. 1 below town -- week, leaving Wednesday away from town. The epidemic In Allen, the change taking place Mon- Thursday, October 12th. Cau ou for the ket, encourage belonging to mountains Queen farmers aud udd the New Mexico Petro- some families was a veritable day mornlug. Mr. Allen pur- beat It? at and will vlsli values which do not stay leum and Refining Company. has In that vicinity. Mix ordinarily Is now scourge, especially among the Mexl-- . chased the cold Cochran's at home and are a on the way, and barring drink, stand south liaron Aurleiiiiua will sing at the uom,, b.. p.i,frllln .,., grsjat bncu to delays will cau families. With all our finan-- 1 of the V. I, Market on Canyon Deal Sunday ,,,,,,', feeders by saving time, rioney, ro.uu be here in ten days, and work on Presbyterian church at lh(, ,,PBlh Ml.r hlll),4ndi ,; leav. clal difficulties let us be thankful street, and will put In a hot coffee the 11 o clock services. , aud facilitate handllnt of material. the well will be resumed at that time we care, tht.r, for thp t moiUtlii casing that are not In the physical, suf- and sandwich as soon as he Mr. T H Craig of Hoswell I,1,,,. , Products from our mllU can! The comes from Pittsburg, cau Sne , r(,latK(, or Pennsylvania. fering and the heart break ottbls make the necessary vIsltliiK friends In Carlsbad. coining Jorin Harvey. and was on way reach a large shipping radius even time four years ago. down .Sunday her as tar as the Atlantic sea Herbert J. Hagerman, of afternoon. east at the time he died, ac-- , board and whirl, South Springs, N. M., HIchard Merchant Is In UiIh we. count. for tt,.. r.ct n, southern mixing plants, and as a and his There will be morning worship Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, par- ran. ih. food brother, Percy, of Colorado Sprlnga. from the San Simon h. loading, ri.acB,nK her ()n h , proposition are staple as wheat at the Presbyterian church Sunday, ents or 8am Montgomery, arrived in out with supplies , and will long Colorado, were in the city Monday, ranch fom t endure as as civiliza- and the subject of the sermon will the city from Lubbock, Texas. Wed-ne.d- Owing to continued tion lasts. visitors at the home of Mr. the fair Texas, where the family of Pliny and be "A Matter of Peeling". Church nlahf and exoect to make concert, b- Mrs. I. S. Osborn, he being an weather, the band will - Cochran short-gtv- ., The milling ot animal foodstuff, uncle school o'clock, their home among us. live, but he had died ot the Hagerman will be held at ten They have ou Friday evenings ai 7: 46 , ly ,,. her , , is In its Infancy and eventually will brothers. and young people's meeting at six visited their son's family previous notice he usual gruw to large Pred Ares was in from the forty-fiv- e. until further welcomed by many old friend of proportions aud Is on- With prayer meeting to this and have made the acquain- be ly by mountains this week and spent a few y Program wtll giran tonight at the h,.r.ef and her deceased limited production. Measures Wednesday evening at aeren-thlrt- tance of many ot our people, who House square. husband iu now on days at the home ot Mrs. Ares' Court tlfl, locality, which waa th.Mr are root to organize the in- there will be devotional study of the will give them a cordial welcome - home parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tinnally. Mia. Louise Moore was penl- fof Iuftu yer . dustry and when so organized Kreat- - on Gospel according to John. Baron ly surprised b) member, er benefits Greene Heights. Chicken pie dinner at the Arm- the of ht',,aai h found t . will be conferred on all! James Aurlemma will favor us with ory tfunday school class and teach-- , concerned. Robert Leek and his sister, Mrs. Thursday, October 12th. Price their h(. ..clt fl a solo at the morning aervlce. .. Fred Nyrueyer, came 50 centa I er. Mr.. Hay U.v who met at her! Mnl.v E MuallH , We know of nothing that would in trom their ' ÉIMM ..r . respective ranchea Eunice, home lael night In honor her frnm ,nool n)l w confer a greater economic benefit on near Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker were re-- your getting In Monday night. Mr. Leek Itrteenth birthday. Delightful f, ,. last Friday community than the effect of blessed yesterday noon by the birth ..talne,t after one of and his wile lelt on the return fra.hiuents BroWBM a happy event, moon, while rldlug bicycle our conservation mills, and trip of a baby daughter, who tipped the - her on we way. Wednesday, Mrs. Nymeyer remain- "Grandma" HIM. elithty nine the paved Some years ago trust and means will be beam at six and one-ha-lf pounds. u provided for us to ing in to look after her children and years of age, was on the, she hurt her leM ankle an.! It erect such n mill She has received the name of Leona, has in your Mrs. Leek's, they attending school Dermanent yeat. rday In her Wheel rhatr, j nlway. been a district. and black black eyed airéela little weak since and sisters-in-la- is haired and With this end In view, here. The take mon- tenderly cared for by her devoted falling on that member caused a our Mt. and has been moat heartily welcom- Mrs. J. T. T U. Peterson. M. E., Is now leav- th about staying in town. ed by parents, I daughter. Bolton. This fracture. She has been confined to Uaptlst children and friends rogressive Iki ing fo, Oklahoma and will he Patronize the ladies at the at time .he has been able her bed since, swell-t- o In and the Current Joins the number. I. waltlnK for the their chicken pie dinner next leave the house for over a yearling to be reduced so Carlsbad shortly to discuss the mat- the fracture ter with your Thursday, get a good meal yourself and the occasion will I.e. memorable can be set. This Is quite a progretalre citizens. There Is a great scarcity of ears trial Mr Is and help a worthy cause along. for her In many ways. n the active little girl, lu Peterson not an orator but for cattle mortng to market. Some addition a young man - Miss Jessye Heard, a graduate of a " pain she - of practical Informa- commission houses are advising HUTCHISON llettle Little had delightful "e must necessarily suf- a the Pecos high school of the class ct " nil tlon, graduate engineer of our, their ahlppert to ship, not when the party yesterday afternoon at the W who know her realise 1922, will leave today for Prljole. - how bard II Lincoln, Nebraska. Unlversltv and ai runs may be smaller, or market home or her parents, lu the Morrl- li for her to be quiet, Where she has accepted a position the - member of the American Asocla-- i Improves, when can get Hie INSURANCE AGENCY son Plat on Canal Street The lit- I'svli has a special window aa governess ou the J. but they tlon of Engineers, who Is rery con-- 1 J. Smith cars, tla girl had reached the age or five Mercantil; Dry Goods .tore, Pecos Gusher. ful1 of babies young servatlve and you can rely on any ranch. on that day and the party followed and chlldr'i Mrs. L. G. McAdoo moth- pre-- which are statement that be makes. He has and her August and September had too naturally. Nine children were P'rtre. attracting the made a er, Mrs. Hunter, will entertalu took Hetty present, attention of ererybody who study of agricultural engi- the little wind to keep the mill tans Insurance of all kinds aent aud and lores neering and food first of a series of friends at their given and had love- -. niuiren. When one aee some animal Industry, running and many ranchmen report were .ouvenlrs, t1 Is home tomo row afternoon. The Barely Bond. ly refreshments, which mean so ty or inore youngsters In and the dealgner ot our mills and that they atood Idle much of the different machinery. We are of opinion amusement of the afternoou will be much to children. Hetty has not poses; one realises that the love of the time. Many cowmen run engines, that he more Informa-tlo- n bridge, and the ladles plan to hare Boone a Js Bldg. In Carlsbad very long al- a child Is the "one touch of has practical Joe Lusk stating that he kept four llred but nature on the subject any one three tables at each of their parties, la that makes us all ex- than pretty busy. ready a favorite with her little aklu." The else In which will be giren weekly. many and hibit Is beautiful, the United States. He will friends and sincera are the artist's title make a surrey of your reeourcea Miss McPadden. a sister of Mr. "many re- of Master Photographer, Justly earn- on the wishes for pleaaaut all Paul Mahan, Is visiting In Carlsbad of day." ed, and the window going variable roughage production i turns the worth available In the district and no! from her home at Roswell this week meeting Car-ba- d miles to see. The regalar of the doubt will be coming down 8unday afternoon. W. C. T. 0, will ha held at tM Mr George Eckert. of Cuero, able to reveal values not heretofore yon I Robert McCall is erecting a new league room next Wednes- Texas, I. a visitor in the home of considered lu Methodist section. Any courtesy you- - dwelling house on hia farm below A full at- Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cook, six mihM can day afternoon at 3:15 extend him will be appreciated by town which Is nearlng completion, tendance Is requested and urge. below town The lady Is a sister of Mr. Cook Is both us and himself. He will uare and which will be occupied by the Iter. C. ft, Messer of Clayton, and a health seeker, family nd wo are pleased to full samples to show the character little before cold weather was among other ministers who know that ot our products. comes. The house Is commodious, she is mtv much inim ..v. ,1 h, ,,., passed through the city the first of We are also much obligad and will be finished In good style, week, going to to month's stay In the home for' the Pecot attend of her the courtesy you have already both Mr. MeCall and his father be- Heverend brother and will make a much long- - the Annual Conference. shown us and trust the will ing calpeulers and doing their own M.-.e- r ' T n situation Is presiding elder of the ,""t should the linprov einent derelop In a profitable - manner to work. district, New Mexico con- " all concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dlokaon, Ot In ,,ul Ares and sons. ference. and Is well known this Pred and via-ilin- g Calvin, were down Yours very truly, Loving, were tn town yesterday City nnd county. from their ranch L. C. HITLT VP TO A STANDARD, NOT the first of the week. Sharp Mfg. Co. aud .hopping. DOWN TO A PltlCR