which the Capitol's picture closes ui King Arthur • Court IP *$ • X 3. 3 13 : 23 and 9 40 on Big Jack s death. Where and When ns. 12 * * • » pas Current Theater Attraction* PU> beaw — “'Quartet % 5P “Big Jack gets under way on its 11 55 *». 2. 4:63. 4 IS S 2© and Last Picture Blends comic, rather than its serious note, and Time ©f Shewing Beery's IP 23 when the doctor is rescued from pas ■ Amhaseador—‘ PUm:r40 Read — the noose to dredge a slug out of * Pi* *The Body Snatcl.e! PARADISE- 1.25 3 30. 5 SO. 30 and J 35 pm and Medical 2 10. 4 5© 1 30 and 10 15 p m Bandit the bandit leader s and nurse leg — History Capital Bi* Jack 1105 a m him back to health. The nature Tran»-Lai—"Portrait of Jen- CKECOffY PECK Sy Horry MocArthur 1:45 4 30. 7 10 and 9 55 pm of Big Jack s work being such that isw 10 13 a .ns 12. 1 45. 3 SO al Mm It Two Ideas seem to have collided in the making of “Big Jack.” Stare shows: 1:05. 3 45, 6 30 and he has need of a personal physi- 5:15. 03. 8 5#, 10:30 ns and the late 's last film, which arrived yesterday at the 9 10 pm p cian. the bulk of the from 05 a HI plot — 12 m ’IN CUI .i S .tftf'M turn:um Capitol. One was the notion that Mr. Beery and Columbia Little Women there on concerns his to efforts — ■t km I would be a fine comic pair as the heads of a ruffian bandit gang 11 40 am, 2 10, 4 40 7 05 and W arner Flamingo FU»ad m* m' mm* h%«m wm the zealous surgeon to the operating in Maryland and Virginia in 1802. The other was the 9:35 p m II 15 am 1 20. 3 25. 5 30. 1 it pleasures of armed robbery. thought that a dramatic film might be made of the bouts between Hippodrome— Heart of P»:a and 9 *5 p m Then, as a sort of dramatic prejudice and a doctor iorcea to 2:05, 5:15 and S 20 pm "BIO JACK." * M*tro-Go;dvyn-M»y*r fugue, the scriptwriters wind «»• lows jown rob graves for subjects for his re- picture produced by Gottlrled Reinhardt Keith's—"Pride at the Yankees School Choir of Service run Thorpe, screenplay by things up on the serious note. The directed by Richard 11 35 am.. 2 05. 4 39, 7 10 and search to the reprehensible field Gene Fovier Marvin Borovaity and O&ao doctor is saved from hanging this YMNUUUV* Van Eyas. At the Capitol. 9:40 m. The choir of Episcopal High p ■ !*.*» w*»t' of THE CAST time by completing his first suc- a at 0» tilt* surgery. Little — Vmceni School. Alexandria, ill w« Mt. He» Jack Horner Wallace Beery •'Monsieur ttCW ; Bis cessful operation just as the '»• Neither of these is a bad idea, Dr. Alexander Meade 11 am 1:05, 3-10. 5 20, 7 30 and the 11 am service Sandsv at Flapjack Kate _ Marlorie Mam townspeople are about to as ideas in Hollywood. To- lynch Grace and Holy Trinity Church. go Mayor Mahoney _ Edvard Arnold 9:45 pm. him for a _ Vaneaaa Brovn digging up number of gether to one film, however, they Patricia Mahoney Metropolitan—"Song of India' Richmond C. Patroniui 8mlth_CUnton Sundberi th«r late friends and relatives for create something of a clash of ! Mathias Taylor _ Charles Dint.e 11:25 am.. 1:25. 3 30, 5 30. 7 35 _ Clem Bevans anatomical There is some dramatic Saltlick Joe study. AXV&EMEXTS. moods. Bud Valentin* -Jack-Lambert and 9 40 pm WrMht Incidentally, if you haven't been Huliiulra l)K>« *>siM Prmau effect, of course, to the contrast Will Farnavorth W; National— Impact : 11:15 am. Teddy ...William •‘Bill" Phillips reading up on of MM|. CAMilLt the bandits’ of Syd S*ylor your history YANKEE’S FRIEND—Rhonda between robbing Pokey __ 1:15, 3:10, 510, 7:10 and » 10 pm medicine lately, these mob attacks the living for personal gain and Fleming plays the leading Palace—“A Connecticut Yankee is minute it is invisible. on students of were an the doctor's robbing of the dead fession so anatomy feminine role, opposite Bing Chautemps ACADEMY AWARD WINNER actual practice of the day. AMI SKMKNTS. K*m( for humanity’s gain, with the He loves his work. Crosby in “A Connecticut •i fV# Sk*r*k*m Hotel as far meaner * * * * Yankee at Arthurs latter regarded the He is no Robin Hood robbing King "YEAR'S REST FOREIGN FILM" crime. Gene Fowler, Marvin which continues for a WED,. MAY P.M. ! the rich to give to the poor. Borovsky Court,” 11. 8:30 and Osso Van T r*f'» I' I-' * li Tm* There also is an uncomfortable Eyss. who wrote second week at the Palace. $! IN A• VITION TO 1 either, unless he and his band are the £uto)*f • Ti.-ir U*m RE :wM7 &<»** effect, though, when the rollicking screenplay, provided Director f His idea of a high old Richard INTERNATIONAL AWARDS mood of Mr. Beery’s rough ban- the poor. Troupe with several fanci- MILLAND and OSTRICH com- ful comic to of India’ Hits ditry is abruptly shoved aside for time is a raid on a village, sequences brighten ’Son*; his story of an outlaw's contribu- the serious tone of the doctor's plete with loot, shooting, cutting. tion to medical science. One of A crusading. It isn’t uncomfortable and Discordant Note gooeabuks : feasting, singing eye-gouging, these has Mr. Beery and Miss ■ a Columbia MmsimrW SONG OF INDIA pic- NCENT to Jack” from enough keep “Big Albert S Rcseil. di- ; dancing. Main decide that their unwilling ture produced by ■ Pttfttt Hit MAT being entertaining, but it does rected by Albert 8 Roaell. acreenplay doctor is Kenneth Perkin* taken The role, of course, is the sort unhappy because it's by Art Arthur and make you feel as if you had Irnm a *tory by Jerome Odium. At the spring and a man needs a mate. to one swallow that was always right Metropolitan. the sugar coating of thing THE CAST: not the Their direct solution is a raid and the bitter pill to the next. down Beery’s alley. It is Ramdar 8*bu STMTS »:3»-tmiH» »»' \ LITTLE on a Russell man nearby Maryland village, Princes* Tara Gail * * * * epic characterization a might Maharajah of Hakar Turhan Be> where they one for him. Gopa! chosen for a swan song if kidnap Maior Dora) Anthony Caruso The Beery role in “Big Jack” have Aunt Sharia Amsnta Dyno was Another concerns the village a shade more comic in- he had known that’s what it Nanaram Frit* Leiber represents drunk, who himself Trevor at least was digs up after Rea a Bardette than some of those re- going to be. but he of Ranlat Robert H Barret spiration being buried for dead while stlffer Mahkralah TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES it. in the face of ,in character and being amusing. Ranjlt Singh David Bond cently preceding than usual and Kumarl _ Rodric Reclaim “41 : that who later is dis- which the actor’s large following Even a man who has carped Numtal Ted Hecht CM0L»1 covered in the doctors back room, VT«~ WARNER BROS THEATERS some of Mr. Beery’s mannerisms PANS Y Y.AY I >B A IN'N.I !* * >1' remained faithful. Big Jack really * dead, buried and disinterred for »*KkrsoN THY Hl'Mtl f >.'* 444 n t A* a little sad at of a were overdone feels "Songs of India.” as interpreted i> **vi k' f.. 4# 4**# is a funny figure desperado. the second time. Seems kinda fa A**K w **e ** sense of about his pro- the ironic touch of the fates by by Hollywood on the Metropolitan cncLc:,0} tbMi«r* H»< >*« Ml*«<**•» His guilt good to see him again, says one screen, becomes pret.v much of a Law I >a * HOMYtOMBY I'Un of the discoverers. Sure a hard YU* *Y ar< Y. qe»i. :■• s»o r tf r»» AMBASSADOR whole concerns S*£*S",J' gurgle. The thing • » »* J--* i* man to keep under ground, says J***. V «?'4 2 » #«p» Sabu. who talks with animals; ** *» m* ».*« ft. A '•• A .V. another. Judgement Day will be FAIRFAX THEATER Turhan who doesn't, and *tS^m no novelty to him. Bey. •»urtM or rr uhu* jow. m < ku Oail who looks around ZACHARY s. on Of*RrvrsLY ? C*Ala I In addition to Mr. Russell, u ***> |M*. Beery and OaaaaRa*'. •**» O* MW every so often with a “what am Mr* it* ala I OftV- Miss ■■' .'**•' :Vi WEEK-END SPECIAL Main, who is her usual comic CREEKBELT A' «. i .* % I here?” O' iUV« j self, the cast of Jack” in- doing expression. PAN PA1LZY NANCY UP “Big RROApVI AY < Ik» MY RKOARpe TO nu * 4 a.* nw who wastes no time in « FRIDAY AND SATURDAY cludes , who is his Mr. Bey, ft-Jft. ***** r:to:ps a. C1LVCIT•* • t CmL Mata, i I sM 1a ft. I*a. _T W'O fl4l * P *4 M< A.a Aw* that he is a 1403 Vr»i. •• usual robust self; Richard Conte, making it clear man 0Bf At-* P"* *Ui A ■*■■■* •••.!»# la, OV TV* Mt it** W* 1 as his own takes Dal Wiib»w-» 1i*<► O* «*» who is effective the doctor, and who knows mind, * Oisr KEU Y la THY rtRAY P GNkflW# H W AM'f | Vanessa Brown, who is not very Miss Russell and a large, unhappy Tath*,c<>ipr a *h JPPY PARI aoA 4J* ♦* “ *** an AS. S a Caas CENTRALVMliniUf CHAUVENET as the doctor's mate. crew of Hollywood extras into a M| y*4? Ow to 41 4 m of India to r» : h < ,» ,t U. Tt t* Ik *' • * » * * deep province trap SIDNEY LOST THEATEHS * lirt MrK wild animals. The r ft Alia ■ h>uat*»r. *« j t» '< IP The headliner of the Capitol’s purpose—like narvr m o« »•!«« pa. j mm One of the Finest UUTL'Ut stage show is Frank Marlowe, who so many other things—is never U .» Md tO SMO not long ago proved himself funny explained. Open * PM T<-<1ar Tomocoa KENNEDY Sr2."JV*: UNKNOWN 'inland * A «* tv t* IM*»v l>» =*r*i: ftk I** w* M* to London Pal- The natives of the area believe A >» CLAUDETTE COLBER! HENRY I FRENCH | enough share.the N««H ftl «*A I* 4 4 * | FONDA !!! DRUMS AU Mi THE MO- i ladian stage with Jack Benny. in live and let live, especially HAWK »t MihA ; .‘V^r **-.... ft*. Avft •• ?*4 ii I He’s funny at the Capitol, too. when it comes to animals, with rW,nprt(H M KQ6 1PM I Florence and Frederick add a whom they are great friends. En- hippodbomem(n ^,/oU: tH*4! linC'rr* ft-»» » flksf vp t fft note of ballroom ter the who JEAN O * PIN in Julian t> »• » WA Hi » I graceful dancing, Sabu, "jungle prince.” Hi * t» CAPE PROM YESTERDAY P.r WINES Ann Russell contributes a neat set immediately sets out to chase the PARIS RAIMI- m "MART or °* Ar# 4 ^ ■*- HUMitvnn of songs, and a invaders from the where SHERIDAN 14 2400 M«« I PM impressions angl jungle, ■ rn-ll Wi. A»• A I W Hwy J**iift* On.-. t*u.cu ••*•-*- A*%t named Trixie that have been the ani- •■>*1-'* WI IUIHU tw Medoc (Red) girl proves girls they making •4tv.brin in A 1# *t ijft Tb»rr V ,«♦* can juggle deftly, too. mals pretty mad about the whole Frrr Parkma T®a»* Q< ALL At 1 I A 3 J5 ^ » V« (Red) * Beoujolais PAMII Y SHOW THE ENCH ANTED ^ **• a c*w* ft* pm* thing. So mad, in fact, that Sa- VALLEY «l .1 IS A 1 1*1 IO P! • SD4,Mi WBf •*** IH I Pm cartoon She* a ith D»na;4 Dut. SHOO m*i Sauterne bu’s pet tiger runs away from «! Pluto, Toro ana Jam Ku Alan 14<1rt *.« tuw'iij AmUfr |' J V** t\ ft V !>, f #1. Haut Sauterne him and Is promptly trapped. TONIGHT _ MIDNIGHT,SHOW Eackrltla, Md Rw*. l*t 2414 p4k% h nw « • Hit H TIVOLIb v VI«I Sabu’s methods of setting Pr#t r»rki»« CO »H0C am** i P m ARRANGE NOW things right are somewhat sus- lot Day. LORET! A YOU NO VAN •H** Met r#* A it * * Rik^h in *»- 11 Alcohol 12% f SPECIAL SHOW A >RE»M- fM 1 * t-'* •! lift ; 4 ft 4 s-t» »"■ since he lets the ani- JOHNSON In MOTHER IS £? Cose FOR YOUR pect, caged m Technicolor, »i ? »> » .» by Volume 5'1-85 MAN mals loose, gets captured him- TOMORROW ^**M Atrft «»t»4 Ntwftti • of 12 Bottles \ / la.Wee An Sat » t, orIfPTfiWM B Vffli W. VftlPWftAll wo M{se M#* ip** self, promises to be good and SOMERSET MAUGHAM Uiwm AM WA l»H SmicN Rnbrrt A> • i***4*itf In 1 ft* per tonally MORNING A*4» Spring promptly kidnaps Miss Russell. \ / free f.iHe.- **.n»l B*ibr at f It' lit ft •• (t vt» SI brings hi* gre*tne*s AT 9 00 A. M. i- u«l Utr ROBERT RYAN At'DRET ^.'J Then and *! |hr«|#r* P#t f •’ From Franco BANQUETS, PARTIES, things get good mixed to the screen! TROTTER In THE SET Up .1 IS. s PAM Imported what with Miss Russell a *i fumcrto* Or*!’ AIT, OYSTER ROASTS, up, pris- 1000 JOE DIMAGGIO ILV SHOW! BELLE STARK » APOLLO oner on of an incredible DAUGHTER PSu# OrtwiB Rh. » *1(1 top !»«*>* • f>r‘»ca‘,l tn * tw»i <• v*. PICNICS, ETC. FREE 'Ie: rrtoon Woody Woodpecker. loro s BASEBALL BOOKS ii* * nit » * ... mountain and Sabu villagers » 4 J»»>y- Ei< *»’* !•*» *<• mw hostage by Mr. Bey's Jeep- TO 1ST 1000 PATRONS fJ** AVALOR [held PlMras* fa.me* M4 WA WO M« 0 IrAflfaV Hits Tiding gun bearers. TWO PrfMtnn tn*» J the scene and pushes Mr. Bey M»n« * ujmaa sn tm«« W*> <*«#**r», »» i O'Donnell's Sea Grill / ft P r*t over * qua. !A Hi* Uffi la in HYATTS VILLE HyatttrSla. Md We I V RE. 2102 kept looking for the “Con- Door* Open 9:30 A.M. lit alt. SAW—Ire* Parkin* / BOW 0*M 1141 caolt tinued Next Week” trailer at the l»r Show, 9:45 A.Mi U*t Day OBotHIE MONTtXmWRY "^f5ir STARRS tf'"» end of each reel.— W. E. ROD CAMERON in HELL* *n;. !..**» (at C. DAUGHTER l» (* » »f* BH»k4!» * 1 • **»-•1 »t f« » )riBrt ?* SJSi 9 46 ft** Mi'itwft in Vn No One Knows Iroat Day. OIXNN FORD TERRY I* 'i>'tfil» Vntiif f » Why MARJORIE MAIN MOORE.n "RETURN OR OCTOBER By th» Associated Press in u I II. », Tachnloclor. W_ _ MacARTIUl HOLLYWOOD. ~ Qfp* K*il» ri»B* Bmnt.r* Ifttntt Witiinw* in DAY Francis Lederer says he has ifAiune u~.r*£; T»k» M> Oul mi if* fcf, MOTHER’S f it.m* [N TIME FOR »i ft *.n » 4* la.t Dar CORNEI WILDE PATRICIA a completed version of “Hamlet” KNIGHT in SHOCKPROor at 1 If. mm ih j. nw u :t ; tAvnr which confines all the action of BRIAN ELLA BKJjack CO ffM the to one set. He doesn't f»r.n» Binjlnot. iBkt >1 play I ~1 BMMtfllt Ml* !>••( f» ■'<* t .1* n ■- say what he’s going to do with it. FRANK MARLOWE FairUwa Am at*. Co. Thtotcri JPTfl M*4 * *• *•'*« if.- ** ■At In event* the RAINES VH 33*0 any accomplish- OONLEVY laffmt Ciulm tflftf I**. *»» •• Offtf Tl*r if.r» tiniM »'*,.»«. ; t,, ment is the result of 10 years’ HELEN \A**r t* — CHARLES a (treat uehlavd i-rrfui O’** *' f t*i n 4k <>* *** work—the kind of intellectual :r-3,r* Bftr.l ili ‘Til* Bi. f* 0*.**i. * ft CRT RYAN in THE *n UR" al BOO #t* * RUGA BUNNY m»»«i k‘* hobby for which Lederer is well A 4n ill in Riu» TAROMAinnvrui Castelberg's ^wsatiohM^ COBURN c| 4,, Mh< ^ known. His “Hamlet" cen- W^tKBR rare * n plan *l ’1*1* ATLANTIC 4MX>it 4 » il* iM*** 11 ters all the scenes 4 Mao» IBik* i>i 3B**t tuiM *i f tn mits he has edited Shakespeare's V Ottotl____ ‘A C**rrt »• ft l|M play somewhat, but no more than PAMIfrSjrvtt;M STATE is often done in conventional Douos# R**iur» Wallace beery la ALIA* A OENTLEMAN B presentations. The idea, he said, A Mi in MERTON RHONDA FLEMING RED REALTOR * Md cmmk. «• OR Tit* MOVIE* *t T «, 10 | nr came to him while he was appear- GREAT FUN ALWAYS * !»•*< •*> *<• f**H« “ * ing on the European stage years : *Mcntr mocwtai* FROM MORE THAN SO WILLIAM BENDIX CONGRESS N;rir»" ! TakTaw* *CW TO** *?n **. ago. TV** FINE ATTRACTIONS OLENN RORD TERRY MOURE la 'THE RETURN OR OCTOBER. »«. 111 HCW « o. t l m T-rhnUoior. »t 0 • <‘E «* 4A MLMtlVR 1 F.M. TO MIDNIGHT SIR CEDRIC HAROWICKE mmn I, 01 nm Gift Horse Betrays -r»** mi opt to ni *au. AIACMTU OAWC" OCJ>( K«4 : T (Mi *»* EYANB IB WltAjAM* Wins Race ROY ROOKRB DAIE __ Type, Big BUBANNA RASE in Colot .1 I ML IW Wit*. »f*4 ly th. AiMKiatad Pr.it .1 Mi » Ml Rlu* Car too* WTItOM™ n Ml Ml. lAfV* OI Iff* At • *ho* and Laura! and Harer 3 Atytu HOLLYWOOD. ",BL •< lioa \ BettV Grable really picked a aaaai Matthau CiEa 0n"*< VWIklUa winner this time. hi *1*1 Moo Rartno# IfVTflK !'•* Mm* **-« ROT ROOEKJ DAL* EVAN* U» fk*». 0«<*>4 It** am jUaa • fixictf She and Trumpeter Harry James BOBANNA RABB In C*>« ai SO. ** AmAjiHfUf Rivt* BUOB BUNNY spent a week watching the ponies aid III *TF4MTTT* •Wmlr"* *. at Golden Gate Park in San Fran- LAD1EL BUCXltrCIAM ~r*rjr* cisco just before husband Harry ROBERT RYAN la ’THE BET UR’ started a two-month tour with his oVmV a*r&i? GENE WILLIAMS WAT* A band. TIE muse ORCH. Etr gi rtf »i» **• **• ** Harry’s birthday came along AND HIS GREAT n»H mi *wi XUtie Women* •fcMb ^ Oi*»« <1*4 during the week and Betty bought THAT EVERYONE LIKES *•«><•( 4 A* 7 >AVQ«ITI him a horse named Penaljo as a mg» “CA4AOIA4 ISCOT' *4*1.4* AH *COTT FAK* ft«fr ., present. Harry rushed down and RWTH "*,* hT~ ■m ‘04 » Wmtm * the horse and the next TAKE ME OCT TO TME EAU registered iOUnr** ** O* *TM day entered him at Golden Gate. Penaljo came in first. To a ‘nTOMt^^w, horsey family like the Jameses JESSE TIEATEI *•*‘•E* JElTOSi* Mil there’s no greater thrill. 0f V# A# Denial# fteautr# CUT T*tl * Of *P OCA* TO MT f»*4T *0**T tmaecut wrvt** *wut LAST 12 DAYS tiff «)>*>■ a.. m • ETCHING PAWNS wO **9t r-s* *#»**!** ftAf *• mm Mm).' f* Tit** ***»"! » 40* *:»” OMWOf* A! i *». A *& * 4 r*»t»r* "WAKE Of TKf 3mjT fcT LAURENCE red witch job* way** oar. CAPITAL GAIAGE Mart* TaMMtraa M?T«M 1320 Y. Am. N.W. in fejoEo^rav«!-A^fMARTI* » « ruatuiAA N. OLIVIER _ *1 Mwwi ».< uu M I ... .*.— ..*.... Solid silver coses, chased m tm m v«m» daintily A.i. AtTHUt IANK INTIINlit rm mm t»l * ► *•» A* IW nr* »**"*■ l« AX. V« |f| ■« AIUU tan -,m I « ll li with WLLLO rwOMrrLT Gw«W ... or lavishly adorned goy AMUSEMENTS. MAIL ontu 1 DkI rna WiiMwtm tmCOMMl InwIMOi* pastel flowers! A gift that says slSfe EM L; £?•?&£& saw; E U to the feminine heart MIA "It's Spring!" lIHrWEEK III WAIHiMTOm It »**l# "here’s value!" ... that says MKacy*^ ■ b ^ssSEiife I to the thrifty shopper! Hurry! -a Eftrym to*** talwf | 111 C «•'. MJ. •ggw* M the mst tom L nM $®ct “ItiM fmt" |;V LIONEL jjj >«db r-j im *«# •«. **•« **•» OAti m »n*S*£.“tTI.“.2 HAMPTON joah CRAWFORDl ^^rm. *•«« »■** »»*»*» y**^ »»• AND Ml* USD BATI RDAT. MAT ?. • T M. IN WARNER IROS. DRAMATIC HIT ^ sazo z'&srucX0"' " itmcn *i» c-~* »< ov > FLAMINGO j » rr»n »* «*•> Hgm E IHBj _____ mwtffi SCOTT itmct&EENSTREET_j*»«BR1A^ ■i. rmmrto* rorrv* m***** SONGOFMMA 5jr^fc™wfm» •I SHOT JESSE JAMES SM«ii5mww*T |ggBjZG£ES9BIHHKSi!2*2MrP iSwaBiawwi3, MKMfitt**1