A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015-2019

Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 GENCIES A S MENT T AR DEP POLICIES ODUCTIONS INTR GE VERA O TH C



COVERAGE S T OGRES A Documentation of Salient Achievements of : PR The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector

2015-2019 NIGERIA

MUHAMMADU BUHARI, GCFR President Federal Republic of Nigeria

I | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 GENCIES A S MENT T AR DEP POLICIES ODUCTIONS INTR GE VERA O TH C



COVERAGE S T OGRES A Documentation of Salient Achievements of : PR The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector

2015-2019 NIGERIA

MUHAMMADU BUHARI, GCFR President Federal Republic of Nigeria

I | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019 GENCIES GENCIES A A S S MENT MENT T T AR AR DEP DEP POLICIES POLICIES ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS INTR INTR GE GE VERA VERA O O TH C TH C AL HEAL AL HEAL ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W O O S T S T OGRES OGRES : PR : PR NIGERIA NIGERIA

PROF. YEMI OSINBAJO PROF. ISAAC F. ADEWOLE Vice President Honorable Minister of Health Federal Republic of Nigeria

Federal Ministry of Health | II III | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019 GENCIES GENCIES A A S S MENT MENT T T AR AR DEP DEP POLICIES POLICIES ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS INTR INTR GE GE VERA VERA O O TH C TH C AL HEAL AL HEAL ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W O O S T S T OGRES OGRES : PR : PR NIGERIA NIGERIA

PROF. YEMI OSINBAJO PROF. ISAAC F. ADEWOLE Vice President Honorable Minister of Health Federal Republic of Nigeria

Federal Ministry of Health | II III | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019 GENCIES GENCIES A A S S MENT MENT T T AR AR DEP DEP POLICIES POLICIES ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS INTR INTR GE GE VERA VERA O O TH C TH C AL HEAL AL HEAL ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W O O S T S T OGRES OGRES : PR : PR NIGERIA NIGERIA

DR. OSAGIE EHANIRE ALH. A. M. ABDULLAHI Honorable Minister of State for Health Permanent Secretary Federal Ministry of Health

Federal Ministry of Health | IV V | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019 GENCIES GENCIES A A S S MENT MENT T T AR AR DEP DEP POLICIES POLICIES ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS INTR INTR GE GE VERA VERA O O TH C TH C AL HEAL AL HEAL ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W O O S T S T OGRES OGRES : PR : PR NIGERIA NIGERIA

DR. OSAGIE EHANIRE ALH. A. M. ABDULLAHI Honorable Minister of State for Health Permanent Secretary Federal Ministry of Health

Federal Ministry of Health | IV V | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019


As our tenure draws to a close, I look back with a sense of pride 1.4% in 2019. The prevalence of malaria has that we completed the center at the Coverage. Accountability processes must continually be knowing that the legislative frameworks, policies and strategic reduced to 27% in 2018 from 42% in 2016 National Hospital. The LUTH-NSIA ultra improved upon to ensure elimination of wastages and increased GENCIES GENCIES A A documents and implementation of programs we have put in and number of children receiving modern cancer center was commissioned in allocative efficiency. S place will set the nation on the right path towards achieving immunization has increased to 57% in 2018 February 2019 in Lagos and now ready to S MENT MENT T Universal Health Coverage. We prioritized our programmes as from 48% in 2015. offer services. 5 additional centres are We will continue to work with the Ministry of Budget and T AR AR

DEP depicted below. currently being upgraded to enable us meet National Planning on approaches to harness the power of the DEP We have also mobilized a significant the demand of treating the deadly disease young and strong population bulge, achieve demographic

POLICIES In the last three years, we got legislative backing for the amount of resources. GAVI, in recognition of in country. dividend, while paying attention to our population growth. POLICIES Nigerian Center for Disease Control (NCDC) and the National our work has committed to supporting our Tobacco Act, both of which contribute to improving public health vaccine financing initiative to the tune of I now envision a Nigeria with much better In addition, continuous engagement with States is important to

ODUCTIONS goods. $1.03bn. Under the leadership of President health outcomes and a healthier population ensure ownership, increased performance management of ODUCTIONS INTR The National Health Policy, and the second National Strategic Muhammadu buhari, we have received an able to contribute productively to the programs and expansion of Human resource for health. Increase INTR

GE Health Development Plan (NSHDP II) provided us the additional N55.1bn to fund an explicit but economy. in the number of public private partnerships to complement GE

VERA opportunity to really shape the thinking for the health sector. guaranteed package of services through the government's investments in health care is important. VERA O O

TH C Both documents provide the underpinnings for Nigeria to Basic Health Care Provision Fund. This As we look forward to the next 4 years, TH C achieve Universal Health Coverage. initiative has received tremendous support increased financing, continuity of high Finally, I would like to thank the Honourable Minister of State AL HEAL AL HEAL from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as impact programs and accountability must for Health, the Permanent Secretary, all Directors, heads of We have recorded some successes in the program areas. Efforts well as the Global Financing Facility of the guide our approach. Public financing for agencies, and the editorial team (Dr Oyebanji Filani, Dr

ARDS UNIVERS aimed at improving health outcomes are yielding fruit. The World Bank, the USAID & DFID. health must continue to increase to enable Morhason Bello, Mr Tim Obot, Miss Eniola Soremekun, Mrs ARDS UNIVERS W W O O

S T current prevalence of HIV/AIDS has dropped from 3% in 2015 to us sustain the successes achieved so far Boade Akionla, Mr Segilola Araoye, Dr Kamil Shoretire, Mr S T Our commitment to reducing capital flight and reduce out of pocket expenditure. Kazeem Akintunde and Mr Jide Oshundun). OGRES OGRES

: PR associated with medical tourism ensured Programs such as the BHCPF must be : PR implemented in accordance with the I'm also grateful to all our partners who have been supportive NIGERIA We focused attention on MNCH, EMTCT, NCDs and NIGERIA implementation manual as it provides a and worked tirelessly with us. Public Health Emergencies pathway to achieving Universal Health Maternal and Neonatal Mortality Reduction Prof. Isaac F. Adewole

Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Honorable Minister of Health

Cancer Prevention, Treatment and Care Reversal of roles of the healthcare institutions Emergencies

Policy Research and Policy Research and Policy Policy and guidelines Primary Health Care Integrated Integrated Programmatic Tertiary programmac Programmes Integration Advocacy Coordination of actors Appapprroachoach Care

TION Secondary Care Adopt and scale -up Adopt and scale-up low Scalee-up-up pprroovenven Develop National lcowost, c host,igh himpighact imp act Create awareness approaches Framework Secondary Care intinterervvenentionstions

UTILIZA Tertiary Adoption of Care Demand creation Demand creation international Resource Mobilization best practices Primary Health Care Private sector Resource mobilization engagement

Federal Ministry of Health | VI VII | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019


As our tenure draws to a close, I look back with a sense of pride 1.4% in 2019. The prevalence of malaria has that we completed the cancer center at the Coverage. Accountability processes must continually be knowing that the legislative frameworks, policies and strategic reduced to 27% in 2018 from 42% in 2016 National Hospital. The LUTH-NSIA ultra improved upon to ensure elimination of wastages and increased GENCIES GENCIES A A documents and implementation of programs we have put in and number of children receiving modern cancer center was commissioned in allocative efficiency. S place will set the nation on the right path towards achieving immunization has increased to 57% in 2018 February 2019 in Lagos and now ready to S MENT MENT T Universal Health Coverage. We prioritized our programmes as from 48% in 2015. offer services. 5 additional centres are We will continue to work with the Ministry of Budget and T AR AR

DEP depicted below. currently being upgraded to enable us meet National Planning on approaches to harness the power of the DEP We have also mobilized a significant the demand of treating the deadly disease young and strong population bulge, achieve demographic

POLICIES In the last three years, we got legislative backing for the amount of resources. GAVI, in recognition of in country. dividend, while paying attention to our population growth. POLICIES Nigerian Center for Disease Control (NCDC) and the National our work has committed to supporting our Tobacco Act, both of which contribute to improving public health vaccine financing initiative to the tune of I now envision a Nigeria with much better In addition, continuous engagement with States is important to

ODUCTIONS goods. $1.03bn. Under the leadership of President health outcomes and a healthier population ensure ownership, increased performance management of ODUCTIONS INTR The National Health Policy, and the second National Strategic Muhammadu buhari, we have received an able to contribute productively to the programs and expansion of Human resource for health. Increase INTR

GE Health Development Plan (NSHDP II) provided us the additional N55.1bn to fund an explicit but economy. in the number of public private partnerships to complement GE

VERA opportunity to really shape the thinking for the health sector. guaranteed package of services through the government's investments in health care is important. VERA O O

TH C Both documents provide the underpinnings for Nigeria to Basic Health Care Provision Fund. This As we look forward to the next 4 years, TH C achieve Universal Health Coverage. initiative has received tremendous support increased financing, continuity of high Finally, I would like to thank the Honourable Minister of State AL HEAL AL HEAL from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as impact programs and accountability must for Health, the Permanent Secretary, all Directors, heads of We have recorded some successes in the program areas. Efforts well as the Global Financing Facility of the guide our approach. Public financing for agencies, and the editorial team (Dr Oyebanji Filani, Dr

ARDS UNIVERS aimed at improving health outcomes are yielding fruit. The World Bank, the USAID & DFID. health must continue to increase to enable Morhason Bello, Mr Tim Obot, Miss Eniola Soremekun, Mrs ARDS UNIVERS W W O O

S T current prevalence of HIV/AIDS has dropped from 3% in 2015 to us sustain the successes achieved so far Boade Akionla, Mr Segilola Araoye, Dr Kamil Shoretire, Mr S T Our commitment to reducing capital flight and reduce out of pocket expenditure. Kazeem Akintunde and Mr Jide Oshundun). OGRES OGRES

: PR associated with medical tourism ensured Programs such as the BHCPF must be : PR implemented in accordance with the I'm also grateful to all our partners who have been supportive NIGERIA We focused attention on MNCH, EMTCT, NCDs and NIGERIA implementation manual as it provides a and worked tirelessly with us. Public Health Emergencies pathway to achieving Universal Health Maternal and Neonatal Mortality Reduction Prof. Isaac F. Adewole

Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Honorable Minister of Health

Cancer Prevention, Treatment and Care Reversal of roles of the healthcare institutions Emergencies

Policy Research and Policy Research and Policy Policy and guidelines Primary Health Care Integrated Integrated Programmatic Tertiary programmac Programmes Integration Advocacy Coordination of actors Appapprroachoach Care

TION Secondary Care Adopt and scale -up Adopt and scale-up low Scalee-up-up pprroovenven Develop National lcowost, c host,igh himpighact imp act Create awareness approaches Framework Secondary Care intinterervvenentionstions

UTILIZA Tertiary Adoption of Care Demand creation Demand creation international Resource Mobilization best practices Primary Health Care Private sector Resource mobilization engagement

Federal Ministry of Health | VI VII | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

BACKGROUND The Federal Ministry of Health

The Federal Ministry of Health is responsible for the the burden of diseases such as HIV/Aids, TB six (6) are Professional departments. The departments formulation and implementation of policies that lend and malaria to mention but a few. The total categorized under service provision include Health

GENCIES Mission: GENCIES A A themselves towards improved health outcomes for all percentage of healthcare to national Planning, Research & Statistics, Public Health, Hospital “To develop and implement policies and S S Nigerians. The vision of the ministry is to become 'a world class budget was just slightly above 4%. The Services, Family Health, Food and Drugs Services and programmes that will strengthen the MENT MENT T government institution that ensures a healthy Nigeria'. Its number of Nigerians covered by the the department of Traditional, Complementary and T AR national health system for effective, AR

DEP mission is “to develop and implement policies and programmes National Health Insurance Scheme still Alternative Medicine. The professional departments efficient, accessible and affordable delivery DEP that will strengthen the national health system for effective, significantly low. include; Human Resources, Finance and Accounts, of health services in partnership with other

POLICIES efficient, accessible and affordable delivery of health services Procurement, General Services, Reform Coordination stakeholders for the pursuit of accelerated POLICIES economic growth and sustained in partnership with other stakeholders for the pursuit of This brought to the fore the need to and Service Improvement and ICT. development.” accelerated economic growth and sustained development” develop policies, set regulatory standards ODUCTIONS and mobilize resources for their In addition, the FMOH has various Units, Programmes ODUCTIONS INTR INTR As at 2015, service delivery was at its lowest ebb with limited implementation and enforcement. It also and Projects that deal with specific health

GE access to healthcare services by Nigerians particularly those in became important to enhance sector interventions. These include Public Private GE VERA VERA O the lower socioeconomic group. This situation was further stewardship through institutional Partnership/ Diaspora Unit, Special Project Unit, O TH C worsened by the loss of skilled manpower through brain drain. strengthening in addition to strengthening National Malaria Elimination Programme, National 22 TH C Teaching Feder20al Medical

AL HEAL Most tertiary hospitals lacked basic equipment to work and the partnerships and cooperation. The Ministry HIV/AIDs Control Programme, National TB and Leprosy Hospitals Centres AL HEAL diagnosis and treatment of Non Communicable Diseases was of Health in the face of limited resources Control Programme, National Blood Transfusion difficult to carry out in the country. As a result, Medical ensured a more rigorous prioritization of Service and projects such as Saving One Million Lives ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W

O professionals practicing outside of the country were reluctant high impact health interventions. Programme for Results and Nigeria State Health O S T to return home. There were challenges in the storage of health The Federal Ministry of Health Investment Project. S T

OGRES 14 OGRES commodities due to inadequate storage facilities across the The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) has Professional : PR Regulatory Bodies Specialty17 Hospitals : PR country. There was the recurrence of the wild poliovirus and twelve (12) departments, six (6) of which The Ministry has under its supervision 22 Federal

NIGERIA malnutrition amongst children U5 was high. Added to this was focus on Service provision while the other Teaching Hospitals, 20 Federal Medical Centres, 17 NIGERIA Specialty Hospitals, 14 Professional Regulatory Bodies and 19 Training Institutions spread across the Country. The Ministry currently has seven Parastatals/Agencies 19 under its purview. These seven are: Training Institutions Parastatals7 1. National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) 2. National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) 3. National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) 4. National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) Kuchingoro Primary 5. Nigeria Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Health Centre after 6. Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) renovation. 7. National Arbovirus Research Institute (NARI)

Federal Ministry of Health | 1 2 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

BACKGROUND The Federal Ministry of Health

The Federal Ministry of Health is responsible for the the burden of diseases such as HIV/Aids, TB six (6) are Professional departments. The departments formulation and implementation of policies that lend and malaria to mention but a few. The total categorized under service provision include Health

GENCIES Mission: GENCIES A A themselves towards improved health outcomes for all percentage of healthcare to national Planning, Research & Statistics, Public Health, Hospital “To develop and implement policies and S S Nigerians. The vision of the ministry is to become 'a world class budget was just slightly above 4%. The Services, Family Health, Food and Drugs Services and programmes that will strengthen the MENT MENT T government institution that ensures a healthy Nigeria'. Its number of Nigerians covered by the the department of Traditional, Complementary and T AR national health system for effective, AR

DEP mission is “to develop and implement policies and programmes National Health Insurance Scheme still Alternative Medicine. The professional departments efficient, accessible and affordable delivery DEP that will strengthen the national health system for effective, significantly low. include; Human Resources, Finance and Accounts, of health services in partnership with other

POLICIES efficient, accessible and affordable delivery of health services Procurement, General Services, Reform Coordination stakeholders for the pursuit of accelerated POLICIES economic growth and sustained in partnership with other stakeholders for the pursuit of This brought to the fore the need to and Service Improvement and ICT. development.” accelerated economic growth and sustained development” develop policies, set regulatory standards ODUCTIONS and mobilize resources for their In addition, the FMOH has various Units, Programmes ODUCTIONS INTR INTR As at 2015, service delivery was at its lowest ebb with limited implementation and enforcement. It also and Projects that deal with specific health

GE access to healthcare services by Nigerians particularly those in became important to enhance sector interventions. These include Public Private GE VERA VERA O the lower socioeconomic group. This situation was further stewardship through institutional Partnership/ Diaspora Unit, Special Project Unit, O TH C worsened by the loss of skilled manpower through brain drain. strengthening in addition to strengthening National Malaria Elimination Programme, National 22 TH C Teaching Feder20al Medical

AL HEAL Most tertiary hospitals lacked basic equipment to work and the partnerships and cooperation. The Ministry HIV/AIDs Control Programme, National TB and Leprosy Hospitals Centres AL HEAL diagnosis and treatment of Non Communicable Diseases was of Health in the face of limited resources Control Programme, National Blood Transfusion difficult to carry out in the country. As a result, Medical ensured a more rigorous prioritization of Service and projects such as Saving One Million Lives ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W

O professionals practicing outside of the country were reluctant high impact health interventions. Programme for Results and Nigeria State Health O S T to return home. There were challenges in the storage of health The Federal Ministry of Health Investment Project. S T

OGRES 14 OGRES commodities due to inadequate storage facilities across the The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) has Professional : PR Regulatory Bodies Specialty17 Hospitals : PR country. There was the recurrence of the wild poliovirus and twelve (12) departments, six (6) of which The Ministry has under its supervision 22 Federal

NIGERIA malnutrition amongst children U5 was high. Added to this was focus on Service provision while the other Teaching Hospitals, 20 Federal Medical Centres, 17 NIGERIA Specialty Hospitals, 14 Professional Regulatory Bodies and 19 Training Institutions spread across the Country. The Ministry currently has seven Parastatals/Agencies 19 under its purview. These seven are: Training Institutions Parastatals7 1. National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) 2. National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) 3. National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) 4. National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) Kuchingoro Primary 5. Nigeria Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Health Centre after 6. Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) renovation. 7. National Arbovirus Research Institute (NARI)

Federal Ministry of Health | 1 2 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Policies on Improving 10. Developed the National Quality Assurance Policy for Medicine Quality and Medicines and Other Health Products – 2015; Access in Nigeria. 1. Development of Policies 11. Developed the Nigeria Supply Chain Policy for

GENCIES Pharmaceuticals and other Healthcare Products – 2016; GENCIES A A

S In order to provide direction, aid efficient decision making in programme 12. Reviewed, printed and disseminated the 6th edition of S

MENT implementation, the Ministry reviewed or developed a number of policies. Some of National Essential Medicines List (NEML) and 2nd MENT T T AR them include; edition of National Standard Treatment Guidelines. AR DEP DEP 13. Developed and printed Guidelines for the Management Policies on The Presidential launch of the Second National Health 1. The new National Health Policy (2016); National Health

POLICIES Development Plan 2018 – 2022: The Hon. Minister of of Pain in Nigeria. The guideline was approved at the POLICIES Development 2. Developed the second National Strategic Health Development Plan (2018-2022) Health, Prof. I. F. Adewole flanked by the Hon. Minister 61st National Council on Health meeting; of National Planning and Budget, Mr. Udo Udoma, His to operationalize the National Health Policy; Excellency John Olukayode (Ekiti State), His Excellency 14. Launched Four (4) policy documents namely:- ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS 3. Developed the Annual Operations Planning Guidelines an commenced the Umar Ganduje (Kano State), Senator Dr. Olanrewaju a. National Policy on Controlled Medicines and its INTR INTR training of States on application of Annual Operational Plan (AOP) tool for the Tejuosho on the far right with other dignitaries. implementation strategies; GE GE implementation of the NSHDP II; b. National Guidelines for Quantification of Narcotic VERA VERA O Medicines; O

TH C Policies on Human TH C 4. Revised the National Human Resources for Health Policy (2015 – 2020); Resources for Health c. National Guidelines for Estimation of Psychotropic AL HEAL AL HEAL 5. Revised the National Human Resources of Health Strategic Plan (2016 – 2020); Substances and Precursors; and 6. Developed and disseminated the Guideline for d. Guidelines for Pain Management in Nigeria

ARDS UNIVERS Implementation of National Health Workforce Registry; ARDS UNIVERS

W 15. Developed and launched the National Action Plan on W O O

S T 7. Revised the National Policy on Task Shifting/Sharing Policy Health Security by the NCDC and other relevant S T The National Council on Health is Nigeria’s highest OGRES and the Standard Operational Procedures; body for health policies. The 60th edition held in agencies. OGRES : PR : PR Abeokuta Ogun State, in 2017. Policies on HIV/AIDS and NIGERIA 8. Development of guidelines, training manuals and SOPs for the other Sexually NIGERIA delivery of comprehensive HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, Transmitted Infections, and Health Security Care and Support services; 9. Reviewed and disseminated National Guidelines on: a. Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and other Reproductive Tract Infections (2016); b. Integrated HIV Prevention and Treatment (2016); c. Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis B & C (2016); d. HIV Testing Services (2017); and e. Operational Guidelines for HIV Self-Testing (2018). f. Reviewed NationalTraining Manuals and SOPs: g. PMTCT/EID (2016); h. Integrated Prevention & Treatment manuals (2016); i. HIV Testing Services (2017); and Hepatitis.

Federal Ministry of Health | 3 4 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Policies on Improving 10. Developed the National Quality Assurance Policy for Medicine Quality and Medicines and Other Health Products – 2015; Access in Nigeria. 1. Development of Policies 11. Developed the Nigeria Supply Chain Policy for

GENCIES Pharmaceuticals and other Healthcare Products – 2016; GENCIES A A

S In order to provide direction, aid efficient decision making in programme 12. Reviewed, printed and disseminated the 6th edition of S

MENT implementation, the Ministry reviewed or developed a number of policies. Some of National Essential Medicines List (NEML) and 2nd MENT T T AR them include; edition of National Standard Treatment Guidelines. AR DEP DEP 13. Developed and printed Guidelines for the Management Policies on The Presidential launch of the Second National Health 1. The new National Health Policy (2016); National Health

POLICIES Development Plan 2018 – 2022: The Hon. Minister of of Pain in Nigeria. The guideline was approved at the POLICIES Development 2. Developed the second National Strategic Health Development Plan (2018-2022) Health, Prof. I. F. Adewole flanked by the Hon. Minister 61st National Council on Health meeting; of National Planning and Budget, Mr. Udo Udoma, His to operationalize the National Health Policy; Excellency John Olukayode (Ekiti State), His Excellency 14. Launched Four (4) policy documents namely:- ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS 3. Developed the Annual Operations Planning Guidelines an commenced the Umar Ganduje (Kano State), Senator Dr. Olanrewaju a. National Policy on Controlled Medicines and its INTR INTR training of States on application of Annual Operational Plan (AOP) tool for the Tejuosho on the far right with other dignitaries. implementation strategies; GE GE implementation of the NSHDP II; b. National Guidelines for Quantification of Narcotic VERA VERA O Medicines; O

TH C Policies on Human TH C 4. Revised the National Human Resources for Health Policy (2015 – 2020); Resources for Health c. National Guidelines for Estimation of Psychotropic AL HEAL AL HEAL 5. Revised the National Human Resources of Health Strategic Plan (2016 – 2020); Substances and Precursors; and 6. Developed and disseminated the Guideline for d. Guidelines for Pain Management in Nigeria

ARDS UNIVERS Implementation of National Health Workforce Registry; ARDS UNIVERS

W 15. Developed and launched the National Action Plan on W O O

S T 7. Revised the National Policy on Task Shifting/Sharing Policy Health Security by the NCDC and other relevant S T The National Council on Health is Nigeria’s highest OGRES and the Standard Operational Procedures; body for health policies. The 60th edition held in agencies. OGRES : PR : PR Abeokuta Ogun State, in 2017. Policies on HIV/AIDS and NIGERIA 8. Development of guidelines, training manuals and SOPs for the other Sexually NIGERIA delivery of comprehensive HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, Transmitted Infections, and Health Security Care and Support services; 9. Reviewed and disseminated National Guidelines on: a. Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and other Reproductive Tract Infections (2016); b. Integrated HIV Prevention and Treatment (2016); c. Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis B & C (2016); d. HIV Testing Services (2017); and e. Operational Guidelines for HIV Self-Testing (2018). f. Reviewed NationalTraining Manuals and SOPs: g. PMTCT/EID (2016); h. Integrated Prevention & Treatment manuals (2016); i. HIV Testing Services (2017); and Hepatitis.

Federal Ministry of Health | 3 4 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Tract Initiative (2017) and re-establishment A mother redeeming her nets during the LLINS mass of the National Treatment and PMTCT distribution in Sango PHC, Ogun State Programme (NTPP) (2018) for achievement 2. Achievements by Departments and Programmes of 90-90-90 targets. GENCIES GENCIES A A

S DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH S Sequel to the reduction in malaria MENT MENT T prevalence from 42% in 2010 to 27% in 2015, T AR AR

DEP the Federal Ministry of Health and partners DEP through the National Malaria Elimination

POLICIES Programme has continued to support LLINs POLICIES replacement campaigns. In 2018, Between 2015 and 2019, government with support from our the Federal Ministry of Health and partners have distributed ODUCTIONS partners carried out LLINs replacement ODUCTIONS INTR campaigns in eight States (Ogun, Jigawa, INTR GE Katsina, Gombe, Nasarawa, Kebbi, Akwa- 37,133,883 GE VERA Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) VERA O Ibom, Bauchi). In four of the Global Fund O

TH C supported states, Information, TH C 2015 2019 Communication, Technology for AL HEAL AL HEAL Development (ICT4D) was deployed for the The Federal Ministry of Health carried out advocacies to 15 LLINs replacement campaign

ARDS UNIVERS states (Jigawa, Katsina, Kwara, Osun, Yobe, Kaduna, Gombe, ARDS UNIVERS

W implementation. In all, a total of Twenty- W O Kwara, Delta, Kano, Taraba, Adamawa, Ogun, Akwa Ibom, Kebbi O S T four Million Seven Hundred and Thirty S T and Nassarawa) to enhance political will and mobilize OGRES Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-six OGRES

: PR resources for malaria control. Last year, Government and : PR (24,730,896) LLINs were distributed across The Federal Ministry of Health, through the department of partners (Global Fund, PMI/USAID, Catholic Relief Service and

NIGERIA Decline in National HIV Prevalence the eight states. Between 2015 and 2019, NIGERIA Public Health has constituted and inaugurated the National Society for Family Health) conducted advocacy visit to 15 the Federal Ministry of Health and partners Tobacco Control Committee (NATOCC) following the signing into States. The ministry has also developed a standard operating have distributed 37,133,883 LLINs. law of the National Tobacco Control Act. It has also forwarded procedure (SOP) for forecasting and quantification of malaria 3.0% 1.4% Replacement campaigns are being planned the draft Tobacco Control Regulation to the National Assembly. commodities with support from partners. The ministry is also 2014 2018 for Delta, Taraba, Niger, Kaduna, Kano and The Ministry was also able to secure grant from World Diabetes (ANC Sentinel survey) (NAIIS) strengthening routine data generation, collection, collation Yobe in 2019 and a total of 25,768,709 LLINs Foundation (WDF), for Diabetes awareness and Care (DAC) and harmonization at State, LGA and community levels (NHMIS would be distributed. project in FCT and Imo State. Hon. Minister of Health, Prof. I. F Adewole delivering & DHIS), to this end DHIS Data Analysis/Malaria bulletin has an address during the World no Tobacco Day. been developed and would provide regular information on The number of vector sentinel sites has The National AIDS/STI Control Programme (NASCP) of the malaria programme implementation. been increased to fourteen (14) following Federal Ministry of Health, the States programmes and the establishment of (3) new sentinel sites partners recorded a decline in the National HIV prevalence The ministry through the Department of Public Health has for vector surveillance in Osun, Niger and from 3.0% in 2014 (ANC Sentinel survey) to 1.4% in 2018 (NAIIS). been conducting an assessment of re-contamination in Niger Kano States. The ministry is also It also conducted a 4-Year project on the Elimination of and Zamfara states under National Lead Poisoning Elimination, conducting a drug efficacy therapeutic test congenital Syphilis (2015-2018) and Dissemination of study Prevention and Treatment Strategic Intervention Scheme. The to enable it assess the efficacy of findings on use of HIV/Syphilis dual test kits Development of 2nd international conference on lead poisoning associated recommended antimalarial drugs (ACTs, AA, the following Policy documents - National Strategic plan for with artisanal gold mining with special focus on prevention DHP and Pyramax) in additional four sites. Viral Hepatitis Control (2016-2020). It also launched the Fast

Federal Ministry of Health | 5 6 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Tract Initiative (2017) and re-establishment A mother redeeming her nets during the LLINS mass of the National Treatment and PMTCT distribution in Sango PHC, Ogun State Programme (NTPP) (2018) for achievement 2. Achievements by Departments and Programmes of 90-90-90 targets. GENCIES GENCIES A A

S DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH S Sequel to the reduction in malaria MENT MENT T prevalence from 42% in 2010 to 27% in 2015, T AR AR

DEP the Federal Ministry of Health and partners DEP through the National Malaria Elimination

POLICIES Programme has continued to support LLINs POLICIES replacement campaigns. In 2018, Between 2015 and 2019, government with support from our the Federal Ministry of Health and partners have distributed ODUCTIONS partners carried out LLINs replacement ODUCTIONS INTR campaigns in eight States (Ogun, Jigawa, INTR GE Katsina, Gombe, Nasarawa, Kebbi, Akwa- 37,133,883 GE VERA Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) VERA O Ibom, Bauchi). In four of the Global Fund O

TH C supported states, Information, TH C 2015 2019 Communication, Technology for AL HEAL AL HEAL Development (ICT4D) was deployed for the The Federal Ministry of Health carried out advocacies to 15 LLINs replacement campaign

ARDS UNIVERS states (Jigawa, Katsina, Kwara, Osun, Yobe, Kaduna, Gombe, ARDS UNIVERS

W implementation. In all, a total of Twenty- W O Kwara, Delta, Kano, Taraba, Adamawa, Ogun, Akwa Ibom, Kebbi O S T four Million Seven Hundred and Thirty S T and Nassarawa) to enhance political will and mobilize OGRES Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-six OGRES

: PR resources for malaria control. Last year, Government and : PR (24,730,896) LLINs were distributed across The Federal Ministry of Health, through the department of partners (Global Fund, PMI/USAID, Catholic Relief Service and

NIGERIA Decline in National HIV Prevalence the eight states. Between 2015 and 2019, NIGERIA Public Health has constituted and inaugurated the National Society for Family Health) conducted advocacy visit to 15 the Federal Ministry of Health and partners Tobacco Control Committee (NATOCC) following the signing into States. The ministry has also developed a standard operating have distributed 37,133,883 LLINs. law of the National Tobacco Control Act. It has also forwarded procedure (SOP) for forecasting and quantification of malaria 3.0% 1.4% Replacement campaigns are being planned the draft Tobacco Control Regulation to the National Assembly. commodities with support from partners. The ministry is also 2014 2018 for Delta, Taraba, Niger, Kaduna, Kano and The Ministry was also able to secure grant from World Diabetes (ANC Sentinel survey) (NAIIS) strengthening routine data generation, collection, collation Yobe in 2019 and a total of 25,768,709 LLINs Foundation (WDF), for Diabetes awareness and Care (DAC) and harmonization at State, LGA and community levels (NHMIS would be distributed. project in FCT and Imo State. Hon. Minister of Health, Prof. I. F Adewole delivering & DHIS), to this end DHIS Data Analysis/Malaria bulletin has an address during the World no Tobacco Day. been developed and would provide regular information on The number of vector sentinel sites has The National AIDS/STI Control Programme (NASCP) of the malaria programme implementation. been increased to fourteen (14) following Federal Ministry of Health, the States programmes and the establishment of (3) new sentinel sites partners recorded a decline in the National HIV prevalence The ministry through the Department of Public Health has for vector surveillance in Osun, Niger and from 3.0% in 2014 (ANC Sentinel survey) to 1.4% in 2018 (NAIIS). been conducting an assessment of re-contamination in Niger Kano States. The ministry is also It also conducted a 4-Year project on the Elimination of and Zamfara states under National Lead Poisoning Elimination, conducting a drug efficacy therapeutic test congenital Syphilis (2015-2018) and Dissemination of study Prevention and Treatment Strategic Intervention Scheme. The to enable it assess the efficacy of findings on use of HIV/Syphilis dual test kits Development of 2nd international conference on lead poisoning associated recommended antimalarial drugs (ACTs, AA, the following Policy documents - National Strategic plan for with artisanal gold mining with special focus on prevention DHP and Pyramax) in additional four sites. Viral Hepatitis Control (2016-2020). It also launched the Fast

Federal Ministry of Health | 5 6 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

and website and with the approval of The Honourable Minister of Health, Pro. I.F. Adewole The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND DRUG SERVICES during the Eye Regional Kick-off meeting meant to National Council on Health (NCH) on an inspection tour of the Federal Medical The department formulates national policies and develops scale up efforts to eliminate yellow fever epidemics. Warehouse, Oshodi, Lagos after the commissioning of mainstreamed climate change issues into guidelines and strategies for the safety of food, drugs, Beside him is the Honourable Minister of State for the warehouse. all health and medical training curriculum. cosmetics, medical devices and packaged water available in

GENCIES Health, Dr. Osagie Ehinare (left) GENCIES A A The Lagos Federal Medical Warehouse and Abuja Nigeria are safe and efficacious and by ensuring provision of S S The Occupation Health Division deals with Medical Stores received major upgrades during this ethical pharmaceutical services in the public and private MENT MENT T all aspects of health and safety in the administration. T

AR sectors of our health care delivery system nationwide. AR

DEP workplace and has a strong focus on DEP

primary prevention of hazards. Within the The National Products Supply Chain Management Program has

POLICIES period of report, the division developed in the last four years developed a number of policies - the POLICIES the National Strategic Framework on National Quality Assurance Policy for Medicines and Other Implementation of Occupational Health Health Products – 2015 and the Nigeria Supply Chain Policy for ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS and Safety Services in Nigeria. It carried Pharmaceuticals and other Healthcare Products – 2016. The INTR INTR out advocacy visits on Occupational Health programme has also rolled out the implementation of the GE and Safety to Honourable Minister of LMCU model across the 36 states and Abuja FCT leading to GE VERA VERA O Labour and Employment Dr. Chris Ngige massive reductions in wastage rate and efficiency in the O TH C and DG, Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund TH C was held on the 26th to 27th June 2018. The Epidemiology system. The programme also developed the National Inventory (NSITF). The division carried out Risk AL HEAL division of the Department in collaboration with National Control Tower (NPSCMP November 2017) (a mechanism to AL HEAL Assessment visits to Federal Ministry of Center for Disease Control and National Primary Health Care ensure that national inventory levels are maintained within Health Headquarters and Manufacturing Development Agency are investigating and successfully their min and max levels). It also developed the Integrated ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W Companies and factories in Federal Capital W O controlling Lassa fever, Yellow fever, Cerebrospinal Meningitis National Stock Status Report (Nasarawa state Jan 2017) which O S T Territory (FCT) and carried out S T (CSM), measles and cholera epidemics. This activity is on-going. has been used to identify and resolve risks, provide platform OGRES occupational Health and safety Risk for consistent and accurate monitoring of stock situation. OGRES : PR Assessment visits to workplaces at the : PR In view of the importance of community involvement in health NIGERIA zonal Occupational Health centers in the MDS Logisitics appointed as managers of FG NIGERIA programmes, the Community Development Division has been Six (06) Geo-political zones. It also carried warehouses conducting capacity building programmes targeting Community out routine Risk Assessment visits to Development Directors and officers from the States. Already companies and Factories in Lagos and the North Central, South East and South West zones have Ogun States; and participated in the benefited from the training. International Labour Organization (ILO) supported meetings to develop and Climate change remains a global challenge. It is disrupting compile Country profile of Occupational national economies and affecting lives, birthing new disease Health and Safety Services conditions, costing people, communities and countries heavy unquantifiable losses. To this end the climate change division The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole has established Climate Change Desk Offices in the 36 State on an inspection tour of the upgraded facilities in Ministries of Health plus FCT after approval by NCH. It Federal Medical Center, Ebute Metta, Lagos. developed and printed IEC materials on climate change and air pollution; participated in the public hearing bill on establishment of Climate Change Agency by NASS; developed and published a heat wave advisory on FMOH notice boards

Federal Ministry of Health | 7 8 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

and website and with the approval of The Honourable Minister of Health, Pro. I.F. Adewole The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND DRUG SERVICES during the Eye Regional Kick-off meeting meant to National Council on Health (NCH) on an inspection tour of the Federal Medical The department formulates national policies and develops scale up efforts to eliminate yellow fever epidemics. Warehouse, Oshodi, Lagos after the commissioning of mainstreamed climate change issues into guidelines and strategies for the safety of food, drugs, Beside him is the Honourable Minister of State for the warehouse. all health and medical training curriculum. cosmetics, medical devices and packaged water available in

GENCIES Health, Dr. Osagie Ehinare (left) GENCIES A A The Lagos Federal Medical Warehouse and Abuja Nigeria are safe and efficacious and by ensuring provision of S S The Occupation Health Division deals with Medical Stores received major upgrades during this ethical pharmaceutical services in the public and private MENT MENT T all aspects of health and safety in the administration. T

AR sectors of our health care delivery system nationwide. AR

DEP workplace and has a strong focus on DEP primary prevention of hazards. Within the The National Products Supply Chain Management Program has

POLICIES period of report, the division developed in the last four years developed a number of policies - the POLICIES the National Strategic Framework on National Quality Assurance Policy for Medicines and Other Implementation of Occupational Health Health Products – 2015 and the Nigeria Supply Chain Policy for ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS and Safety Services in Nigeria. It carried Pharmaceuticals and other Healthcare Products – 2016. The INTR INTR out advocacy visits on Occupational Health programme has also rolled out the implementation of the GE and Safety to Honourable Minister of LMCU model across the 36 states and Abuja FCT leading to GE VERA VERA O Labour and Employment Dr. Chris Ngige massive reductions in wastage rate and efficiency in the O TH C and DG, Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund TH C was held on the 26th to 27th June 2018. The Epidemiology system. The programme also developed the National Inventory (NSITF). The division carried out Risk AL HEAL division of the Department in collaboration with National Control Tower (NPSCMP November 2017) (a mechanism to AL HEAL Assessment visits to Federal Ministry of Center for Disease Control and National Primary Health Care ensure that national inventory levels are maintained within Health Headquarters and Manufacturing Development Agency are investigating and successfully their min and max levels). It also developed the Integrated ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W Companies and factories in Federal Capital W O controlling Lassa fever, Yellow fever, Cerebrospinal Meningitis National Stock Status Report (Nasarawa state Jan 2017) which O S T Territory (FCT) and carried out S T (CSM), measles and cholera epidemics. This activity is on-going. has been used to identify and resolve risks, provide platform OGRES occupational Health and safety Risk for consistent and accurate monitoring of stock situation. OGRES : PR Assessment visits to workplaces at the : PR In view of the importance of community involvement in health NIGERIA zonal Occupational Health centers in the MDS Logisitics appointed as managers of FG NIGERIA programmes, the Community Development Division has been Six (06) Geo-political zones. It also carried warehouses conducting capacity building programmes targeting Community out routine Risk Assessment visits to Development Directors and officers from the States. Already companies and Factories in Lagos and the North Central, South East and South West zones have Ogun States; and participated in the benefited from the training. International Labour Organization (ILO) supported meetings to develop and Climate change remains a global challenge. It is disrupting compile Country profile of Occupational national economies and affecting lives, birthing new disease Health and Safety Services conditions, costing people, communities and countries heavy unquantifiable losses. To this end the climate change division The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole has established Climate Change Desk Offices in the 36 State on an inspection tour of the upgraded facilities in Ministries of Health plus FCT after approval by NCH. It Federal Medical Center, Ebute Metta, Lagos. developed and printed IEC materials on climate change and air pollution; participated in the public hearing bill on establishment of Climate Change Agency by NASS; developed and published a heat wave advisory on FMOH notice boards

Federal Ministry of Health | 7 8 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

The Drug and Vaccine Development Division of the department discontinuation of production by January The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole successfully completed and commissioned the Premier Medical 31st, 2024. visits the conjoined twins that were successfully displaying the Family Planning Logo “the Green Logo” Warehouse in Abuja and Central Medical Warehouse Lagos. The separated in Gwagwalada Hospital during the 5th Annual Family Planning Consultative Stakeholders' Forum division also piloted the production of oral morphine solution Food Quality Safety Programme facilitated GENCIES GENCIES A at Federal Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Laboratory, FEPMAL the first Nigerian Food Safety and A S Yaba, Lagos. The product is currently undergoing the process of Investment Forum and Hosted the first S MENT MENT T registration with NAFDAC. The division also secured the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Food Safety T AR AR

DEP approval of the Federal Executive Council on the Joint Venture (IMCFS) under the chairmanship of the DEP Agreement for Nigeria and May & Baker to start production of Honourable Minister of State for Health in vaccines by Bio-vaccines Ltd. POLICIES 2017. Similarly, it carried out the awareness POLICIES creation on National Policy on Food Safety and Its Implementation Strategy (NPFSIS)

ODUCTIONS The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole ODUCTIONS in two geo-political zones (South-South & the family using the life-course approach on an inspection tour of the Premier Medical INTR through efficient integrated health services INTR Warehouse in Abuja. It is the largest medical South West) between 24th April and 10th

GE warehouse in Abuja May, 2017; in Nigeria. The department works through GE

VERA the Reproductive Health division, Gender, VERA O O

TH C Adolescent, and Sexual Health Division Fund (UNFPA) Supplies Programme Survey. TH C DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL, (GASH), Nutrition division and Child Health AL HEAL AL HEAL COMPLEMENTARY & ALTERNATIVE Division. MEDICINES The Vesico-Vaginal Fistula branch coordinated the repairs of ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W was set up by the Honourable Minister of The Family Planning branch in the W

O Obstetric Fistula across the country, trained Media Executives O S T Health to accelerate the integration of Reproductive Health Division worked hard on how to report Fistula issues and doctors and nurses on the S T

OGRES Traditional Medicine into the conventional to ensure the Federal Executive Council's repair of Fistula. It has set up an Inter-Ministerial OGRES : PR : PR healthcare system as well as promote approval for the renewal of Memorandum Committee (IMC) for the establishment of one (1) Regional

NIGERIA herbal medicine product research, of Understanding with UNFPA on the Centre and additional four (4) National Obstetric Fistula NIGERIA development and commercialization. Since management of Basket Fund for the Centers. the creation of this department, it has Procurement of Family Planning conducted training programmes on Commodities. It also facilitated the release The safe motherhood branch reviewed the MPDSR Guidelines Pharmaceutical Services Division of the department within the Traditional Medicine for African Countries of Government Counterpart funds for the and Tools, developed and launched the National Guideline on report, reviewed printed and disseminated the 6th edition of under India-Africa Summit, held in New procurement of FP Commodities and Safe Termination of Pregnancy for Legal Indications in 2018. It National Essential Medicines List (NEML) and 2nd edition of Delhi, India in 2018. It also participated in a carried out the distributed Contraceptive also reviewed the 2014 National Task Shifting/Task Sharing National Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG). It successfully training on Chinese Traditional Medicine Commodities from the Central Policy and Standard Operating Procedures. It also built the inaugurated the Pain-Free Hospital Initiative (PFHI) and 16 Practice held in China, March, May and July Contraceptive Warehouse, Oshodi, Lagos to capacity of Doctors, Nurse/Midwives and Community Health Tertiary Hospitals are actively implementing the PFHI. Fifteen 2018; and Provided free TCAM Health the 36 States and Federal Capital Territory. Extension Workers built on Expanded Life Saving Skills (ELSS), thousand one hundred (15,100) health workers comprising services from 30th to 31st August, 2018. It also reviewed the Task Shifting/ Task Life Saving Skills and Modified Life Saving Skills (MLSS). Doctors, Nurses, and Pharmacists have received training in Sharing Policy built the capacity of CHEWs effective pain management; on the provision of the Long Acting DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY HEALTH Reversible Contraceptive Methods and The Department Family Health has the The Gender, Adolescent School Health and Elderly Care The department also facilitated a downward review in the supported States on the development of objective to develop and coordinate the (GASHE) Division within the period reviewed and adapted the production of small volume spirit drinks in sachets and PET Costed Implementation Plan (CIPs); and implementation of policies and gender mainstreaming training manual in collaboration with bottles from 85% to 50% by January 31st 2020, and a total conducted the United Nations Population programmes that promote the health of

Federal Ministry of Health | 9 10 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

The Drug and Vaccine Development Division of the department discontinuation of production by January The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole successfully completed and commissioned the Premier Medical 31st, 2024. visits the conjoined twins that were successfully displaying the Family Planning Logo “the Green Logo” Warehouse in Abuja and Central Medical Warehouse Lagos. The separated in Gwagwalada Hospital during the 5th Annual Family Planning Consultative Stakeholders' Forum division also piloted the production of oral morphine solution Food Quality Safety Programme facilitated GENCIES GENCIES A at Federal Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Laboratory, FEPMAL the first Nigerian Food Safety and A S Yaba, Lagos. The product is currently undergoing the process of Investment Forum and Hosted the first S MENT MENT T registration with NAFDAC. The division also secured the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Food Safety T AR AR

DEP approval of the Federal Executive Council on the Joint Venture (IMCFS) under the chairmanship of the DEP Agreement for Nigeria and May & Baker to start production of Honourable Minister of State for Health in vaccines by Bio-vaccines Ltd. POLICIES 2017. Similarly, it carried out the awareness POLICIES creation on National Policy on Food Safety and Its Implementation Strategy (NPFSIS)

ODUCTIONS The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole ODUCTIONS in two geo-political zones (South-South & the family using the life-course approach on an inspection tour of the Premier Medical INTR through efficient integrated health services INTR Warehouse in Abuja. It is the largest medical South West) between 24th April and 10th

GE warehouse in Abuja May, 2017; in Nigeria. The department works through GE

VERA the Reproductive Health division, Gender, VERA O O

TH C Adolescent, and Sexual Health Division Fund (UNFPA) Supplies Programme Survey. TH C DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL, (GASH), Nutrition division and Child Health AL HEAL AL HEAL COMPLEMENTARY & ALTERNATIVE Division. MEDICINES The Vesico-Vaginal Fistula branch coordinated the repairs of ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W was set up by the Honourable Minister of The Family Planning branch in the W

O Obstetric Fistula across the country, trained Media Executives O S T Health to accelerate the integration of Reproductive Health Division worked hard on how to report Fistula issues and doctors and nurses on the S T

OGRES Traditional Medicine into the conventional to ensure the Federal Executive Council's repair of Obstetrics Fistula. It has set up an Inter-Ministerial OGRES : PR : PR healthcare system as well as promote approval for the renewal of Memorandum Committee (IMC) for the establishment of one (1) Regional

NIGERIA herbal medicine product research, of Understanding with UNFPA on the Centre and additional four (4) National Obstetric Fistula NIGERIA development and commercialization. Since management of Basket Fund for the Centers. the creation of this department, it has Procurement of Family Planning conducted training programmes on Commodities. It also facilitated the release The safe motherhood branch reviewed the MPDSR Guidelines Pharmaceutical Services Division of the department within the Traditional Medicine for African Countries of Government Counterpart funds for the and Tools, developed and launched the National Guideline on report, reviewed printed and disseminated the 6th edition of under India-Africa Summit, held in New procurement of FP Commodities and Safe Termination of Pregnancy for Legal Indications in 2018. It National Essential Medicines List (NEML) and 2nd edition of Delhi, India in 2018. It also participated in a carried out the distributed Contraceptive also reviewed the 2014 National Task Shifting/Task Sharing National Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG). It successfully training on Chinese Traditional Medicine Commodities from the Central Policy and Standard Operating Procedures. It also built the inaugurated the Pain-Free Hospital Initiative (PFHI) and 16 Practice held in China, March, May and July Contraceptive Warehouse, Oshodi, Lagos to capacity of Doctors, Nurse/Midwives and Community Health Tertiary Hospitals are actively implementing the PFHI. Fifteen 2018; and Provided free TCAM Health the 36 States and Federal Capital Territory. Extension Workers built on Expanded Life Saving Skills (ELSS), thousand one hundred (15,100) health workers comprising services from 30th to 31st August, 2018. It also reviewed the Task Shifting/ Task Life Saving Skills and Modified Life Saving Skills (MLSS). Doctors, Nurses, and Pharmacists have received training in Sharing Policy built the capacity of CHEWs effective pain management; on the provision of the Long Acting DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY HEALTH Reversible Contraceptive Methods and The Department Family Health has the The Gender, Adolescent School Health and Elderly Care The department also facilitated a downward review in the supported States on the development of objective to develop and coordinate the (GASHE) Division within the period reviewed and adapted the production of small volume spirit drinks in sachets and PET Costed Implementation Plan (CIPs); and implementation of policies and gender mainstreaming training manual in collaboration with bottles from 85% to 50% by January 31st 2020, and a total conducted the United Nations Population programmes that promote the health of

Federal Ministry of Health | 9 10 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

WHO; developed the Standards and Guidelines for the Medical released for 2018. The division facilitated Increased appropriation for treatment Girl children are key in Nigeria’s nutrition programme. Management of Victims of Violence in Nigeria and developed the treatment of over one million children of malnourished children (ANRIN) project is meant to increase utilization of the National Policy on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and with severe acute malnutrition in Nigeria quality, cost-effective nutrition services for pregnant Rights of Persons with Disabilities with emphasis on Women with more than 75% cured performance and lactating women, adolescent girls and children

GENCIES under five years. GENCIES A and Girls in June 2018. It also reviewed the National Policy on N0.6Bn N1.2Bn rate in 2,161 CMAM sites including 642 A

S Health and Development of Adolescent and Young People in 2017 2018 Mobile/outreach located in the internally S MENT MENT

T Nigeria in 2018. The division also reviewed the National Displaced Persons (IDP) 'camp and host T AR AR

DEP Protocol for the Clinical Management of Female Genital communities. The first 6 beneficiary States DEP Mutilation Cases, the National Policy and Plan of Action for the Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition of Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Edo, FCT and Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation in Nigeria in 2018 and Osun have each established 3 model CMAM POLICIES POLICIES developed the Gender Policy for the Health Sector in 2018 and sites for the treatment of SAM cases. It adapted gender mainstreaming manual 2019. facilitated the release of N1.2billion

ODUCTIONS counterpart funding for the procurement of ODUCTIONS INTR The Health Promotion Division has the responsibility to raise 176 cartons of RUTF in 2018 which will be INTR

GE awareness about the population's health gradient and utilized in 12 States for the establishment GE

VERA of more CMAM sites to treat malnourished VERA O potential actions to be taken thereby promoting positive O

TH C children. TH C reinforcement of individual, social and community control, and >1,000,000 Children Treated participation in the adoption and sustenance of healthy The nutrition division trained a pool of 22 AL HEAL approach” comprising rapid results at large scale to provide AL HEAL 75% Children Cured behaviours and lifestyles. It has developed the National Federal Nutrition Programme Officers on benefits to Nigerians at risk of malnutrition and systems CMAM Sites Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn and Child and 2,161 CMAM to support States' implementation of strengthening at all levels to ensure sustainability. ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W Adolescent Health plus Nutrition (NIRMNCAH+N) Social and Mobile/Outreach quality CMAM service delivery across the W O 642 O S T Federation and about 80 Paediatricians, S T Behaviour Change Strategy, launched the National Family The Child Health Division coordinated the development of the

OGRES Paediatric Nurses/ Dietitians from the 40 OGRES Planning Communication Plan and the new National Family Child Health Policy; Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, : PR Federal Tertiary Health Institutions (FTHIs) : PR Planning Logo, 'Green Dot' and the Brand Guideline. The Adolescent Health + Nutrition Strategy; Quality of Care

NIGERIA Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria across the Federation on Inpatient NIGERIA division carried out advocacy with MNCH Stakeholders on Strategy; National Strategy for Scale–up of Chlorhexidine in (ANRiN) management of acute malnutrition to United Nations Commission on Life Saving Commodities using Nigeria Every Newborn Action Plans; Revised Essential New ensure that the 10% medically complicated both print and radio jingles SBCC materials in five languages Born Care Course (ENCC) Training Manuals; Kangaroo Mother cases of SAM can be stabilized in the (English, Pidgin, Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo) in 36 States and FCT - US$232 million Care (KMC) Operational Guidelines; the division is reviewing Referral Health facilities for onward 19 Northern States and FCT, Abuja (December, 2015), and 17 the IMCI Pre-Service Handbook/training manual/Checklist 2018 2023 rehabilitation in the Outpatient Southern States (2016). The division also carried out (on-going); and the ICCM Guideline (on-going). Government Therapeutic Programme (OTP) sites in nationwide awareness campaign on preventive measures and “Two-speed approach” comprising and development partners supported the Local Production of Primary health facilities. standard precautionary measures against VHFs focusing on rapid results at large scale to provide Child Health Commodities in line with UN Life Savings Lassa Fever and Ebola Virus Disease through sixty seconds benefits to Nigerians at risk of Commodities. Radio jingle (13 slots on FRCN and 26 slots/state radio malnutrition and systems The Accelerating Nutrition Results in stations), poster in 5 languages (English, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo strengthening at all levels to ensure Nigeria (ANRIN) project is meant to sustainability. DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITAL SERVICES and Pidgin) and leaflet in English language (April - July, 2016); increase utilization of quality, cost- The department has the responsibility of supervising 56 effective nutrition services for pregnant Federal Tertiary Health Institutions, 14 Health Regulatory The Nutrition Division's facilitation of an annual appropriation and lactating women, adolescent girls and Bodies/Councils, five (5) Health Professional Schools, Five (5) of 1.2 Billion Naira for the procurement of RUTF to treat children under five years. The US$232 Schools of Biomedical Engineering Technology as well as all malnourished children is a boost to Nutrition services. About million project will be implemented Registered Health Professional Associations in the Country. 600,000,000 Naira was released for 2017 and 1.2 Billion between 2019 and 2023. It has a “two-speed

Federal Ministry of Health | 11 12 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

WHO; developed the Standards and Guidelines for the Medical released for 2018. The division facilitated Increased appropriation for treatment Girl children are key in Nigeria’s nutrition programme. Management of Victims of Violence in Nigeria and developed the treatment of over one million children of malnourished children (ANRIN) project is meant to increase utilization of the National Policy on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and with severe acute malnutrition in Nigeria quality, cost-effective nutrition services for pregnant Rights of Persons with Disabilities with emphasis on Women with more than 75% cured performance and lactating women, adolescent girls and children

GENCIES under five years. GENCIES A and Girls in June 2018. It also reviewed the National Policy on N0.6Bn N1.2Bn rate in 2,161 CMAM sites including 642 A

S Health and Development of Adolescent and Young People in 2017 2018 Mobile/outreach located in the internally S MENT MENT

T Nigeria in 2018. The division also reviewed the National Displaced Persons (IDP) 'camp and host T AR AR

DEP Protocol for the Clinical Management of Female Genital communities. The first 6 beneficiary States DEP Mutilation Cases, the National Policy and Plan of Action for the Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition of Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Edo, FCT and Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation in Nigeria in 2018 and Osun have each established 3 model CMAM POLICIES POLICIES developed the Gender Policy for the Health Sector in 2018 and sites for the treatment of SAM cases. It adapted gender mainstreaming manual 2019. facilitated the release of N1.2billion

ODUCTIONS counterpart funding for the procurement of ODUCTIONS INTR The Health Promotion Division has the responsibility to raise 176 cartons of RUTF in 2018 which will be INTR

GE awareness about the population's health gradient and utilized in 12 States for the establishment GE

VERA of more CMAM sites to treat malnourished VERA O potential actions to be taken thereby promoting positive O

TH C children. TH C reinforcement of individual, social and community control, and >1,000,000 Children Treated participation in the adoption and sustenance of healthy The nutrition division trained a pool of 22 AL HEAL approach” comprising rapid results at large scale to provide AL HEAL 75% Children Cured behaviours and lifestyles. It has developed the National Federal Nutrition Programme Officers on benefits to Nigerians at risk of malnutrition and systems CMAM Sites Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn and Child and 2,161 CMAM to support States' implementation of strengthening at all levels to ensure sustainability. ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W Adolescent Health plus Nutrition (NIRMNCAH+N) Social and Mobile/Outreach quality CMAM service delivery across the W O 642 O S T Federation and about 80 Paediatricians, S T Behaviour Change Strategy, launched the National Family The Child Health Division coordinated the development of the

OGRES Paediatric Nurses/ Dietitians from the 40 OGRES Planning Communication Plan and the new National Family Child Health Policy; Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, : PR Federal Tertiary Health Institutions (FTHIs) : PR Planning Logo, 'Green Dot' and the Brand Guideline. The Adolescent Health + Nutrition Strategy; Quality of Care

NIGERIA Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria across the Federation on Inpatient NIGERIA division carried out advocacy with MNCH Stakeholders on Strategy; National Strategy for Scale–up of Chlorhexidine in (ANRiN) management of acute malnutrition to United Nations Commission on Life Saving Commodities using Nigeria Every Newborn Action Plans; Revised Essential New ensure that the 10% medically complicated both print and radio jingles SBCC materials in five languages Born Care Course (ENCC) Training Manuals; Kangaroo Mother cases of SAM can be stabilized in the (English, Pidgin, Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo) in 36 States and FCT - US$232 million Care (KMC) Operational Guidelines; the division is reviewing Referral Health facilities for onward 19 Northern States and FCT, Abuja (December, 2015), and 17 the IMCI Pre-Service Handbook/training manual/Checklist 2018 2023 rehabilitation in the Outpatient Southern States (2016). The division also carried out (on-going); and the ICCM Guideline (on-going). Government Therapeutic Programme (OTP) sites in nationwide awareness campaign on preventive measures and “Two-speed approach” comprising and development partners supported the Local Production of Primary health facilities. standard precautionary measures against VHFs focusing on rapid results at large scale to provide Child Health Commodities in line with UN Life Savings Lassa Fever and Ebola Virus Disease through sixty seconds benefits to Nigerians at risk of Commodities. Radio jingle (13 slots on FRCN and 26 slots/state radio malnutrition and systems The Accelerating Nutrition Results in stations), poster in 5 languages (English, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo strengthening at all levels to ensure Nigeria (ANRIN) project is meant to sustainability. DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITAL SERVICES and Pidgin) and leaflet in English language (April - July, 2016); increase utilization of quality, cost- The department has the responsibility of supervising 56 effective nutrition services for pregnant Federal Tertiary Health Institutions, 14 Health Regulatory The Nutrition Division's facilitation of an annual appropriation and lactating women, adolescent girls and Bodies/Councils, five (5) Health Professional Schools, Five (5) of 1.2 Billion Naira for the procurement of RUTF to treat children under five years. The US$232 Schools of Biomedical Engineering Technology as well as all malnourished children is a boost to Nutrition services. About million project will be implemented Registered Health Professional Associations in the Country. 600,000,000 Naira was released for 2017 and 1.2 Billion between 2019 and 2023. It has a “two-speed

Federal Ministry of Health | 11 12 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

The objectives of the department include; Management. The appointment of Medical The division developed Policy Documents The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole I. To ensure the standard of health care services at Directors for FMC Azare, Yenagoa and Nguru on Drug Addiction in collaboration with meeting with Heads of Tertiary Hospitals to prepare Federal Tertiary Health Institutions meet global best were renewed. It a.lso established the Drug UNDOC. Some of which included the against epidemic outbreaks practices and Demand Reduction Centers in FMCs. National Minimum Standards for Drug GENCIES GENCIES A Dependence Treatment in Nigeria; the A II. Ensure that Regulatory Bodies enforce/maintain S National Referral Network Protocol Form S standard of practice and of health professionals The specialty Hospital Division within the MENT MENT T period under consideration trained 1500 for Drug Addiction; Guidelines on T AR practicing in the country. AR

DEP Health workers on Treatment of Drug Treatment of Drug Addiction and Policy on DEP Addiction in collaboration with UNODC. It Continuum of care. It also established Drug The Teaching Hospitals division successfully completed the Treatment/Rehabilitation Centers in all POLICIES also trained Master Trainers /Trainers on POLICIES process of appointing substantive Chief Medical Directors for Treatment of Drug Addiction (TreatnetVolA- Federal Tertiary Hospitals except UATH, Gwagwalada, UPTH, Port-Harcourt, UITH, Ilorin, UDUTH, D) in collaboration with UNODC 2017 Orthopaedics Hospitals, National Eye

ODUCTIONS Sokoto, UUTH, Uyo, UMTH, Maidugiri, UBTH, Benin, FTH, Ido- ODUCTIONS (Completed); trained 29 Master Trainers on Centre and National Ear Care Centre in 2018

INTR Ekiti, FTH, Gombe and the and Renewal of tenure for CMDs in INTR Universal Treatment Curriculum for and developed a National Policy and 5-year AKTH, Kano, NAUTH, Nnewi, LUTH, Lagos, OAUTH, Ile-Ife and Tertiary Hospital upgrade GE Addiction Professionals by Colombo Plan Strategic Plan (2019-2023) for Ear and GE Radiotherapy, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital

VERA ISTH, Irrua. Hearing Care (EHC) in Nigeria, in VERA O co-sponsored by the United State of O

TH C America and UNODC in collaboration with collaboration with Starkey Hearing TH C Similarly, The Federal Medical Centers Division successfully FMOH 2017 -2019 and established 11 Model Foundation. The development of this AL HEAL AL HEAL conducted the appointment of Medical Directors for Federal Drug Treatment Centers across the six document was borne out of the need to Medical Centers in Katsina, Owerri, Owo, Birnin Kebbi, Yola and geopolitical Zones of the country with the improve EHC services across the country

ARDS UNIVERS Keffi in collaboration with the Department of Human Resources which would be beneficial to Persons living ARDS UNIVERS W support of UNODC. W O O

S T with Disabilities (PWDs). The division S T A&E Lab and Blood Bank, Lagos University Teaching Hospital

OGRES trained over 1,000 Health Workers OGRES

: PR The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole Nationwide on the Ponsetti mode of : PR on a visit to the National Hospital to inspect the managing Club Foot in collaboration with NIGERIA Cancer Treatment Machine. NIGERIA Ponsetti Foundation from 2017 to date and developed Clinical Guidelines for Club Foot Treatment (1st of its kind globally) in collaboration with Ponsetti Foundation Private Wing and Radiotherapy, National Hospital, Abuja 2017. . The Trauma, Emergency Response and Disaster Management Division strengthened some Primary Response Centers and Ambulance points during the temporary closure of the Nnamdi Azikwe Dialysis and ICU, Federal Medical Centre Ebute Metta, Lagos International Airport to Kaduna International Airport. The Primary Centers include General Hospital Doka, Kaduna, Foltz Anglican Hospital Katari, Kaduna, National Eye Hospital, Rigasa and General

Federal Ministry of Health | 13 14 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

The objectives of the department include; Management. The appointment of Medical The division developed Policy Documents The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole I. To ensure the standard of health care services at Directors for FMC Azare, Yenagoa and Nguru on Drug Addiction in collaboration with meeting with Heads of Tertiary Hospitals to prepare Federal Tertiary Health Institutions meet global best were renewed. It a.lso established the Drug UNDOC. Some of which included the against epidemic outbreaks practices and Demand Reduction Centers in FMCs. National Minimum Standards for Drug GENCIES GENCIES A Dependence Treatment in Nigeria; the A II. Ensure that Regulatory Bodies enforce/maintain S National Referral Network Protocol Form S standard of practice and of health professionals The specialty Hospital Division within the MENT MENT T period under consideration trained 1500 for Drug Addiction; Guidelines on T AR practicing in the country. AR

DEP Health workers on Treatment of Drug Treatment of Drug Addiction and Policy on DEP Addiction in collaboration with UNODC. It Continuum of care. It also established Drug The Teaching Hospitals division successfully completed the Treatment/Rehabilitation Centers in all POLICIES also trained Master Trainers /Trainers on POLICIES process of appointing substantive Chief Medical Directors for Treatment of Drug Addiction (TreatnetVolA- Federal Tertiary Hospitals except UATH, Gwagwalada, UPTH, Port-Harcourt, UITH, Ilorin, UDUTH, D) in collaboration with UNODC 2017 Orthopaedics Hospitals, National Eye

ODUCTIONS Sokoto, UUTH, Uyo, UMTH, Maidugiri, UBTH, Benin, FTH, Ido- ODUCTIONS (Completed); trained 29 Master Trainers on Centre and National Ear Care Centre in 2018

INTR Ekiti, FTH, Gombe and the and Renewal of tenure for CMDs in INTR Universal Treatment Curriculum for and developed a National Policy and 5-year AKTH, Kano, NAUTH, Nnewi, LUTH, Lagos, OAUTH, Ile-Ife and Tertiary Hospital upgrade GE Addiction Professionals by Colombo Plan Strategic Plan (2019-2023) for Ear and GE Radiotherapy, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital

VERA ISTH, Irrua. Hearing Care (EHC) in Nigeria, in VERA O co-sponsored by the United State of O

TH C America and UNODC in collaboration with collaboration with Starkey Hearing TH C Similarly, The Federal Medical Centers Division successfully FMOH 2017 -2019 and established 11 Model Foundation. The development of this AL HEAL AL HEAL conducted the appointment of Medical Directors for Federal Drug Treatment Centers across the six document was borne out of the need to Medical Centers in Katsina, Owerri, Owo, Birnin Kebbi, Yola and geopolitical Zones of the country with the improve EHC services across the country

ARDS UNIVERS Keffi in collaboration with the Department of Human Resources which would be beneficial to Persons living ARDS UNIVERS W support of UNODC. W O O

S T with Disabilities (PWDs). The division S T A&E Lab and Blood Bank, Lagos University Teaching Hospital

OGRES trained over 1,000 Health Workers OGRES

: PR The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole Nationwide on the Ponsetti mode of : PR on a visit to the National Hospital to inspect the managing Club Foot in collaboration with NIGERIA Cancer Treatment Machine. NIGERIA Ponsetti Foundation from 2017 to date and developed Clinical Guidelines for Club Foot Treatment (1st of its kind globally) in collaboration with Ponsetti Foundation Private Wing and Radiotherapy, National Hospital, Abuja 2017. . The Trauma, Emergency Response and Disaster Management Division strengthened some Primary Response Centers and Ambulance points during the temporary closure of the Nnamdi Azikwe Dialysis and ICU, Federal Medical Centre Ebute Metta, Lagos International Airport to Kaduna International Airport. The Primary Centers include General Hospital Doka, Kaduna, Foltz Anglican Hospital Katari, Kaduna, National Eye Hospital, Rigasa and General

Federal Ministry of Health | 13 14 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

Hospital Bwari, Abuja,etc. It launched the National Policy implementation plan for the Nigeria The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole One of the upgraded wards at the Federal Medical Document on Operational Guidelines for National Ambulance commissioning 12 ambulances donated to the Federal National Screening Scale Centre Ebute Metta in Lagos, Nigeria. Services and National Policy on Emergency Medical Services; Ministry of Health by the Government of Japan. Beside up Project Strategic Plan. mapped & Audited Health Facilities along Abuja-Lokoja, him is Mr. Abdulaziz Mashi Abdullahi, the Permanent

GENCIES Secretary. The Director of Health Planning & Research, GENCIES A Lokoja-Okene and Okene-Benin Highway Corridors, for the A Dr. Meribole, Director of Hospital Services, Dr. Ahmedu Regulatory and Professional Schools S purpose of up-scaling Health Facilities for efficient and prompt and Dr. Mrs. Onwudiwe, Director in the Department of Division successfully inaugurated the S MENT MENT T response to Emergency Medical Services in the country and Hospital Services look on. Governing Boards of eight (8) Regulatory T AR AR

DEP developed the National Risk Register with other Stakeholders Bodies/Councils including the Governing DEP in the Country organized by the Office of the National Security Boards of All Teaching Hospitals; Federal Adviser in collaboration with the UK Government (British High POLICIES Medical Centers and other Agencies like POLICIES Commission). NAFDAC and NHIS to mention a few.

ODUCTIONS The Nursing Division facilitated the approval of Internship Medical Laboratory Division in the period ODUCTIONS INTR INTR programme for graduate nurses in 2016 and participated in the under review carried out supportive

GE periodic accreditation visits to Schools of Nursing and supervisory visits to laboratories in tertiary GE VERA VERA O Midwifery in Nigeria. It also initiated induction courses for health institutions this in turn has O

TH C foreign trained Nurse and facilitated the appointment of a TH C programme developed a National Cervical promoted quality services provision. It also substantive Registrar/Secretary General for The Nursing and AL HEAL Cancer Control Policy; Cancer awareness carried out training on implementing AL HEAL Midwifery Council of Nigeria. jingles in five languages; commenced Laboratory Quality Management System for Medical Physicists residency programme, Heads of Laboratories of 25 tertiary health ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W O The Cancer Control & Nuclear Medicine Programme in the licensing and registration of clinical institutions and is in the process of O S T S T period under consideration, created awareness on cancer and medical physicists for the first time in developing a database of Laboratories in OGRES related issues and commenced the Implementation of the key Africa by Nigeria. It developed the Breast the country. OGRES : PR : PR objectives of the Nigeria Cancer Plan 2008 – 2013. It also Cancer Treatment Guideline in- NIGERIA facilitated the training of oncologists, nuclear medicine collaboration with other Non- The Dentistry Division under oral health NIGERIA physicians, nurses and radiographers. The Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the promotion carried out nationwide Schools' The E-Health Division collaborated with the National Cervical Cancer Screening Scale Oral Health Campaigns and has reached Society for Telemedicine and e-Health in Commissioning of the Radiotherapy Centre by the Wife up Project Strategic Plan, the National about 5 million children across five Nigeria in the organization of the workshop of the Vice President flanked by the Honorable Cervical Cancer Control Policy and geopolitical zones in Nigeria. On Oral on 'Building e-Health Workforce Capacity to Minister of health and CMD National Hospital Abuja. Developed costing and annual Health Service Delivery, Levels of Care and Build Capacity for E–Health in Nigeria''. It Standards, the Ministry supplied Dental also carried out an on the spot assessment of the development of Data sharing, e- Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole (far Chairs to Federal Medical Centers and right) during the launch of the Nigerian National Federal Teaching Hospitals nationwide. It Health platform and IT infrastructure Cancer Control Plan (2018-2022) also developed the draft Triennial Action deployed to University Teaching Plan on Noma Control in Nigeria (2019- Hospital, Obafemi Awolowo University 2021). The division trained Master Trainers Teaching Hospital Complex, Ile-Ife, on Noma Awareness Campaigns as well as University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Master Trainers on Prompt Diagnosis of Enugu and Ahmadu Bello University Oral diseases in Jigawa and Akwa Ibom Teaching Hospital, Zaria by Nigeria States in 2017 and 2018. Communications Commission and Zinox.

Federal Ministry of Health | 15 16 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

Hospital Bwari, Abuja,etc. It launched the National Policy implementation plan for the Nigeria The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole One of the upgraded wards at the Federal Medical Document on Operational Guidelines for National Ambulance commissioning 12 ambulances donated to the Federal National Cervical Cancer Screening Scale Centre Ebute Metta in Lagos, Nigeria. Services and National Policy on Emergency Medical Services; Ministry of Health by the Government of Japan. Beside up Project Strategic Plan. mapped & Audited Health Facilities along Abuja-Lokoja, him is Mr. Abdulaziz Mashi Abdullahi, the Permanent

GENCIES Secretary. The Director of Health Planning & Research, GENCIES A Lokoja-Okene and Okene-Benin Highway Corridors, for the A Dr. Meribole, Director of Hospital Services, Dr. Ahmedu Regulatory and Professional Schools S purpose of up-scaling Health Facilities for efficient and prompt and Dr. Mrs. Onwudiwe, Director in the Department of Division successfully inaugurated the S MENT MENT T response to Emergency Medical Services in the country and Hospital Services look on. Governing Boards of eight (8) Regulatory T AR AR

DEP developed the National Risk Register with other Stakeholders Bodies/Councils including the Governing DEP in the Country organized by the Office of the National Security Boards of All Teaching Hospitals; Federal Adviser in collaboration with the UK Government (British High POLICIES Medical Centers and other Agencies like POLICIES Commission). NAFDAC and NHIS to mention a few.

ODUCTIONS The Nursing Division facilitated the approval of Internship Medical Laboratory Division in the period ODUCTIONS INTR INTR programme for graduate nurses in 2016 and participated in the under review carried out supportive

GE periodic accreditation visits to Schools of Nursing and supervisory visits to laboratories in tertiary GE VERA VERA O Midwifery in Nigeria. It also initiated induction courses for health institutions this in turn has O

TH C foreign trained Nurse and facilitated the appointment of a TH C programme developed a National Cervical promoted quality services provision. It also substantive Registrar/Secretary General for The Nursing and AL HEAL Cancer Control Policy; Cancer awareness carried out training on implementing AL HEAL Midwifery Council of Nigeria. jingles in five languages; commenced Laboratory Quality Management System for Medical Physicists residency programme, Heads of Laboratories of 25 tertiary health ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W O The Cancer Control & Nuclear Medicine Programme in the licensing and registration of clinical institutions and is in the process of O S T S T period under consideration, created awareness on cancer and medical physicists for the first time in developing a database of Laboratories in OGRES related issues and commenced the Implementation of the key Africa by Nigeria. It developed the Breast the country. OGRES : PR : PR objectives of the Nigeria Cancer Plan 2008 – 2013. It also Cancer Treatment Guideline in- NIGERIA facilitated the training of oncologists, nuclear medicine collaboration with other Non- The Dentistry Division under oral health NIGERIA physicians, oncology nurses and radiographers. The Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the promotion carried out nationwide Schools' The E-Health Division collaborated with the National Cervical Cancer Screening Scale Oral Health Campaigns and has reached Society for Telemedicine and e-Health in Commissioning of the Radiotherapy Centre by the Wife up Project Strategic Plan, the National about 5 million children across five Nigeria in the organization of the workshop of the Vice President flanked by the Honorable Cervical Cancer Control Policy and geopolitical zones in Nigeria. On Oral on 'Building e-Health Workforce Capacity to Minister of health and CMD National Hospital Abuja. Developed costing and annual Health Service Delivery, Levels of Care and Build Capacity for E–Health in Nigeria''. It Standards, the Ministry supplied Dental also carried out an on the spot assessment of the development of Data sharing, e- Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewole (far Chairs to Federal Medical Centers and right) during the launch of the Nigerian National Federal Teaching Hospitals nationwide. It Health platform and IT infrastructure Cancer Control Plan (2018-2022) also developed the draft Triennial Action deployed to Ibadan University Teaching Plan on Noma Control in Nigeria (2019- Hospital, Obafemi Awolowo University 2021). The division trained Master Trainers Teaching Hospital Complex, Ile-Ife, on Noma Awareness Campaigns as well as University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Master Trainers on Prompt Diagnosis of Enugu and Ahmadu Bello University Oral diseases in Jigawa and Akwa Ibom Teaching Hospital, Zaria by Nigeria States in 2017 and 2018. Communications Commission and Zinox.

Federal Ministry of Health | 15 16 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

manual for use by all stakeholders for the DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING The NSIA-LUTH Cancer Treamtment Centre at the The honourable minister inspecting one of the data RESEARCH AND STATISTICS implementation of the Fund. Lagos University Teaching Hospital was launched by infrastructure set ip for Project Echo for HIV data President Muhammadu Buhari. In attendance were management. With effective coordination from this the Honorable Minister of Health, H.E. Governor DHPRS coordinated the revision of the

GENCIES department, the Ministry has developed Akinwunmi Ambode, the Senate Committee Chairman GENCIES A A the new National Health Policy (2016) National Human Resources for Health on Health, Prince Lanre Tejuosho among others. S S which was an improvement on the 2004 Policy (2015 – 2020); the National Human MENT MENT T Resources of Health Strategic Plan (2016 – T AR National Health Policy. The Ministry also AR DEP developed and/or launched the second 2020); Developed and disseminated the DEP National Strategic Health Development Guideline for Implementation of National

POLICIES Plan (NSHDP II) as a successor to the first Health Workforce Registry and Built the POLICIES National Health Plan, the National Health capacity of 50 FMOH Staff on Workload Financing policy and Strategy and carried Indicator of Staffing Needs in January 2016. ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS out trainings for States, Developed an The Ministry through the department INTR INTR Investment Case for the RMNCAH+ N for the reviewed and pilot tested NHMIS tools, GE purpose of accessing a $20m grant from instructional manual and training guide. It GE VERA VERA

O Disease Control (NCDC) to strengthen detection of and O Global Financing Facility (GFF) for the successfully facilitated the accreditation of

TH C response to public health threats in Nigeria. It also facilitated TH C implementation of Basic Health care School of Nursing, and Health Technology of Bauchi, Cross River, Ogun, Imo, Sokoto, the payment of Nigeria's outstanding World Health AL HEAL Provision Fund. The department also AL HEAL Organization Assessed contributions up to 2015 to the tune of coordinated the setting up of the Basic Plateau, Akwa-Ibom, and based on GAC and $1,525,897.30 and for 2016 & 2017 to the tune of Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF) TCC Project collaborations. ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W US$1,388,860.00. W O structures and developed the BHCPF O S T S T

OGRES SPECIAL PROGRAMMES/UNITS OGRES : PR Presidential Launch of the Second National Strategic : PR Health Development Plan held on 8th January, 2019 at NATIONAL BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE (NBTS) NIGERIA NIGERIA the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa The mandate of NBTS is to ensure the availability of safe and adequate blood and blood products to all who may need it in Nigeria. The NBTS today has 17 operational centers including 6 Zonal Centers spread across the geo-political zones of the Federation (Kaduna - North-West, Owerri - South-East, Ibadan - South-West, Jos - North-Central, Maiduguri - North-East and Benin South-South) and an operational center in Abuja. This It coordinated the bilateral agreement has contributed to the reduction of the high mortality indices between Nigeria and the Japanese arising from severe acute blood loss following obstetric Governments which led to the donation of emergencies, road traffic accidents (RTA), national disasters/ 43 Ambulances for distribution to all emergencies including bomb blasts, anaemia in children, Tertiary Hospitals in Nigeria, the printing of jaundice etc. 3,500 copies of the National Health Act, vaccination in hard to reach areas of Lagos Some of the salient achievements recorded in the period States and effort to construct a 3D under review include increased voluntary blood collection and laboratory for the Nigeria Centre for retention of regular voluntary donors. The total blood units

Federal Ministry of Health | 17 18 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

manual for use by all stakeholders for the DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING The NSIA-LUTH Cancer Treamtment Centre at the The honourable minister inspecting one of the data RESEARCH AND STATISTICS implementation of the Fund. Lagos University Teaching Hospital was launched by infrastructure set ip for Project Echo for HIV data President Muhammadu Buhari. In attendance were management. With effective coordination from this the Honorable Minister of Health, H.E. Governor DHPRS coordinated the revision of the

GENCIES department, the Ministry has developed Akinwunmi Ambode, the Senate Committee Chairman GENCIES A A the new National Health Policy (2016) National Human Resources for Health on Health, Prince Lanre Tejuosho among others. S S which was an improvement on the 2004 Policy (2015 – 2020); the National Human MENT MENT T Resources of Health Strategic Plan (2016 – T AR National Health Policy. The Ministry also AR DEP developed and/or launched the second 2020); Developed and disseminated the DEP National Strategic Health Development Guideline for Implementation of National

POLICIES Plan (NSHDP II) as a successor to the first Health Workforce Registry and Built the POLICIES National Health Plan, the National Health capacity of 50 FMOH Staff on Workload Financing policy and Strategy and carried Indicator of Staffing Needs in January 2016. ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS out trainings for States, Developed an The Ministry through the department INTR INTR Investment Case for the RMNCAH+ N for the reviewed and pilot tested NHMIS tools, GE purpose of accessing a $20m grant from instructional manual and training guide. It GE VERA VERA

O Disease Control (NCDC) to strengthen detection of and O Global Financing Facility (GFF) for the successfully facilitated the accreditation of

TH C response to public health threats in Nigeria. It also facilitated TH C implementation of Basic Health care School of Nursing, and Health Technology of Bauchi, Cross River, Ogun, Imo, Sokoto, the payment of Nigeria's outstanding World Health AL HEAL Provision Fund. The department also AL HEAL Organization Assessed contributions up to 2015 to the tune of coordinated the setting up of the Basic Plateau, Akwa-Ibom, and based on GAC and $1,525,897.30 and for 2016 & 2017 to the tune of Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF) TCC Project collaborations. ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W US$1,388,860.00. W O structures and developed the BHCPF O S T S T

OGRES SPECIAL PROGRAMMES/UNITS OGRES : PR Presidential Launch of the Second National Strategic : PR Health Development Plan held on 8th January, 2019 at NATIONAL BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE (NBTS) NIGERIA NIGERIA the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa The mandate of NBTS is to ensure the availability of safe and adequate blood and blood products to all who may need it in Nigeria. The NBTS today has 17 operational centers including 6 Zonal Centers spread across the geo-political zones of the Federation (Kaduna - North-West, Owerri - South-East, Ibadan - South-West, Jos - North-Central, Maiduguri - North-East and Benin South-South) and an operational center in Abuja. This It coordinated the bilateral agreement has contributed to the reduction of the high mortality indices between Nigeria and the Japanese arising from severe acute blood loss following obstetric Governments which led to the donation of emergencies, road traffic accidents (RTA), national disasters/ 43 Ambulances for distribution to all emergencies including bomb blasts, anaemia in children, Tertiary Hospitals in Nigeria, the printing of jaundice etc. 3,500 copies of the National Health Act, vaccination in hard to reach areas of Lagos Some of the salient achievements recorded in the period States and effort to construct a 3D under review include increased voluntary blood collection and laboratory for the Nigeria Centre for retention of regular voluntary donors. The total blood units

Federal Ministry of Health | 17 18 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

collected and screened by NBTS between PP/DIASPORA UNIT Huwe will be delivered in 20 States + FCT in the first instance. January 2015 to December, 2018 stood at The unit was established to handle all THE BASIC HEALTH These States include: Abia, Niger, Osun, Lagos, Delta, Anambra, about 170,103 and 100% blood collection matters concerning health professionals in Imo, Ebonyi, Bayelsa, Edo, Ekiti, Kwara, Oyo, FCT, Plateau, from voluntary non-remunerated donors. It Diaspora. The unit has secured the CARE PROVISION Bauchi, Adamawa, Kano, Katsina, Yobe and Kaduna. These GENCIES GENCIES A has conducted training for its staff on all approval of the Federal Executive Council States have been chosen based on their demonstration of A

S the relevant fields of blood donor (FEC) for the Full Business Case for the FUND (BHCPF) interests by the State Governors. S MENT MENT

T recruitment & management, laboratory operations and maintenance of the T AR AR

DEP techniques, quality management, supply Premier Medical Warehouse, Abuja and the now known as The program design for Huwe has been internationally DEP and cold chain management, monitoring Federal Central Medical Warehouse Lagos acclaimed. Development partners have also demonstrated and evaluation and has conducted Data ('Ware House in a Box') Project. It POLICIES Huwe POLICIES Quality & Quality Compliance Assessment conceptualized the Diaspora Professionals Background Roll out of Basic Health Care Provision Fund Visits to NBTS centers to assess each Healthcare Initiative (formerly known as implementation in Oshogbo. Osun State Huwe is a health care reform that seeks to

ODUCTIONS center's operational procedures and the 11/1 Ratio/ PRIME Programme) and ODUCTIONS re-define how primary health care is INTR compliance to quality standards. NBTS has facilitated the PPP process for the 3rd INTR financed and delivered in Nigeria. It will

GE institutionalized community Blood Phase of the FGN/GEHC/CPL (formerly GE address the drivers of underperformance

VERA Mobilisation programme and a Secondary FGN/VAMED/CPL) Teaching Hospitals VERA O at the primary care level by removing the O

TH C School Blood Safety Campaign programme. Rehabilitation Project. PPP/Diaspora unit TH C barriers to care. Specifically, Huwe will facilitated the construction of a new 500

AL HEAL provide facilities with operational budgets AL HEAL bed state-of-the-art Federal Centre of It facilitated the absorption NBTS project to enable them improve quality of care Medical world class Quaternary Hospital in staff into the Federal Civil Service in 2018 delivered and reimburse facilities for

ARDS UNIVERS Abuja and rehabilitation of the 8 Teaching Commitments to the BHCPF ARDS UNIVERS W following the receipt of a waiver from the W

O delivering an explicit set of services. O

S T Office of the Head of the Civil Service and Hospitals (UATH, UUTH, ISTH, FETHA, S T Global Financing Facility

OGRES secured the approval of the Federal ATBUTH, NH, FTHG, ESUTH) earmarked for $20mn OGRES : PR Executive Council for the National Blood the third phase. The Hospitals are to be Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole inspecting $75mn BMGF : PR modernized, upgraded and equipped as Ebola screening machine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe NIGERIA Service Commission (NBSC) bill. NIGERIA International Airport Abuja £60mn DFID well as the refurbishment and re-equipping of 14 Teaching hospitals already rehabilitated and upgraded under the first Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole inspecting and second phase of the project. Ebola screening machine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja

Federal Ministry of Health | 19 20 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

collected and screened by NBTS between PP/DIASPORA UNIT Huwe will be delivered in 20 States + FCT in the first instance. January 2015 to December, 2018 stood at The unit was established to handle all THE BASIC HEALTH These States include: Abia, Niger, Osun, Lagos, Delta, Anambra, about 170,103 and 100% blood collection matters concerning health professionals in Imo, Ebonyi, Bayelsa, Edo, Ekiti, Kwara, Oyo, FCT, Plateau, from voluntary non-remunerated donors. It Diaspora. The unit has secured the CARE PROVISION Bauchi, Adamawa, Kano, Katsina, Yobe and Kaduna. These GENCIES GENCIES A has conducted training for its staff on all approval of the Federal Executive Council States have been chosen based on their demonstration of A

S the relevant fields of blood donor (FEC) for the Full Business Case for the FUND (BHCPF) interests by the State Governors. S MENT MENT

T recruitment & management, laboratory operations and maintenance of the T AR AR

DEP techniques, quality management, supply Premier Medical Warehouse, Abuja and the now known as The program design for Huwe has been internationally DEP and cold chain management, monitoring Federal Central Medical Warehouse Lagos acclaimed. Development partners have also demonstrated and evaluation and has conducted Data ('Ware House in a Box') Project. It POLICIES Huwe POLICIES Quality & Quality Compliance Assessment conceptualized the Diaspora Professionals Background Roll out of Basic Health Care Provision Fund Visits to NBTS centers to assess each Healthcare Initiative (formerly known as implementation in Oshogbo. Osun State Huwe is a health care reform that seeks to

ODUCTIONS center's operational procedures and the 11/1 Ratio/ PRIME Programme) and ODUCTIONS re-define how primary health care is INTR compliance to quality standards. NBTS has facilitated the PPP process for the 3rd INTR financed and delivered in Nigeria. It will

GE institutionalized community Blood Phase of the FGN/GEHC/CPL (formerly GE address the drivers of underperformance

VERA Mobilisation programme and a Secondary FGN/VAMED/CPL) Teaching Hospitals VERA O at the primary care level by removing the O

TH C School Blood Safety Campaign programme. Rehabilitation Project. PPP/Diaspora unit TH C barriers to care. Specifically, Huwe will facilitated the construction of a new 500

AL HEAL provide facilities with operational budgets AL HEAL bed state-of-the-art Federal Centre of It facilitated the absorption NBTS project to enable them improve quality of care Medical world class Quaternary Hospital in staff into the Federal Civil Service in 2018 delivered and reimburse facilities for

ARDS UNIVERS Abuja and rehabilitation of the 8 Teaching Commitments to the BHCPF ARDS UNIVERS W following the receipt of a waiver from the W

O delivering an explicit set of services. O

S T Office of the Head of the Civil Service and Hospitals (UATH, UUTH, ISTH, FETHA, S T Global Financing Facility

OGRES secured the approval of the Federal ATBUTH, NH, FTHG, ESUTH) earmarked for $20mn OGRES : PR Executive Council for the National Blood the third phase. The Hospitals are to be Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole inspecting $75mn BMGF : PR modernized, upgraded and equipped as Ebola screening machine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe NIGERIA Service Commission (NBSC) bill. NIGERIA International Airport Abuja £60mn DFID well as the refurbishment and re-equipping of 14 Teaching hospitals already rehabilitated and upgraded under the first Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole inspecting and second phase of the project. Ebola screening machine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja

Federal Ministry of Health | 19 20 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

ensure proper supervision of the states PHCs will develp quality improvement monitoring framework that mitigates

primary healthcare development agencies plans and commit to continuous leakages and wastages has been 1 and states social health insurance agencies improvement. Facility performances will be developed, with an independent respectively. measured using scorecards. verification agency established to asse GENCIES GENCIES A performance A

S What is the role of NHIS in the BHCPF How Is the fund being managed? S 2 MENT MENT

T Program? TSA accounts have been set up at the CBN .How do we ensure funds transparency & T AR AR

DEP NHIS shall be responsible for the provision by national and states levels with financial accountability? DEP of the Basic Minimum Package of Health management teams from the Office of the Federal and State level accounts have been Services (BMPHS) to all Nigerians /eligible Accountant General of the Federation, and opened at the Central Bank of Nigeria, with POLICIES POLICIES target groups of Nigerians, through their equivalence at the states levels to mandate given to the CBN to only disburse 3 accredited public and private primary and oversee the day to day financial funds to accounts recognized by the

ODUCTIONS secondary health care facilities. management of the programme. All National Steering Committee. ODUCTIONS

INTR participating health facilities have also INTR

GE What is the role of NPHCDA on the BHCPF gone ahead to open commercial bank Amounts given to each State and facility 4 GE

VERA Program? accounts. A key performance indicator for will also be made publicly available on VERA O O

TH C NPHCDA will support States in improving the program is the timeliness of flow of multi platforms to ensure citizens can TH C the quality of care delivered in PHCs by funds to the health facilities. follow the flow of funds and hold AL HEAL AL HEAL interest by committing resources to the program. The Global providing operational budgets and stakeholders accountable. 5 Facility Financing (GFF) has committed $20m, BMGF committing supportive supervision to these facilities. How do we ensure the funds get to the

ARDS UNIVERS up to $75m over the next 5 years and DFID committing £60m to points of care for Nigerians? What are the kind of healthcare services ARDS UNIVERS W W O O

S T support the program as well. S T H.E. Governor Gbenga Oyetola of Osun State and the As earlier mentioned, Huwe will track the covered under the BHCPF Program?

OGRES Deputy Governor Niger State, Ahmed Muhammed timeliness of fund disbursment. A Beneficiaries will have access to an explicit OGRES

: PR What Is the Governance Structure Of the fund? Ketso at the roll out of Huwe in Osun and Niger States set of services defined as the Basic : PR respectively. Minimum Package of Health Services NIGERIA A National Steering Committee, chaired by the Honourable Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole inspecting NIGERIA Minister of Health will be responsible for oversight and Ebola screening machine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe (BMPHS) at no cost at the point of use. coordination of the entire fund. International Airport Abuja

The committee membership comprises of the Permanent Secretary of FMOH, Executive Director of the NPHCDA, the Executive Secretary of the NHIS and other members drawn from the Federal Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Budget and National Planning, Civil Society organisations, Representative of the State Commissioners of Health, Dangote Foundation donor partners and an independent member.

The National Steering Committee has a Secretariat where day to day activities are carried out to support the National Steering Committee. The Federal Ministry of Health, National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHCDA) and the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) all work together to

Federal Ministry of Health | 21 22 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

ensure proper supervision of the states PHCs will develp quality improvement monitoring framework that mitigates primary healthcare development agencies plans and commit to continuous leakages and wastages has been 1 and states social health insurance agencies improvement. Facility performances will be developed, with an independent respectively. measured using scorecards. verification agency established to asse GENCIES GENCIES A performance A

S What is the role of NHIS in the BHCPF How Is the fund being managed? S 2 MENT MENT

T Program? TSA accounts have been set up at the CBN .How do we ensure funds transparency & T AR AR

DEP NHIS shall be responsible for the provision by national and states levels with financial accountability? DEP of the Basic Minimum Package of Health management teams from the Office of the Federal and State level accounts have been Services (BMPHS) to all Nigerians /eligible Accountant General of the Federation, and opened at the Central Bank of Nigeria, with POLICIES POLICIES target groups of Nigerians, through their equivalence at the states levels to mandate given to the CBN to only disburse 3 accredited public and private primary and oversee the day to day financial funds to accounts recognized by the

ODUCTIONS secondary health care facilities. management of the programme. All National Steering Committee. ODUCTIONS

INTR participating health facilities have also INTR

GE What is the role of NPHCDA on the BHCPF gone ahead to open commercial bank Amounts given to each State and facility 4 GE

VERA Program? accounts. A key performance indicator for will also be made publicly available on VERA O O

TH C NPHCDA will support States in improving the program is the timeliness of flow of multi platforms to ensure citizens can TH C the quality of care delivered in PHCs by funds to the health facilities. follow the flow of funds and hold AL HEAL AL HEAL interest by committing resources to the program. The Global providing operational budgets and stakeholders accountable. 5 Facility Financing (GFF) has committed $20m, BMGF committing supportive supervision to these facilities. How do we ensure the funds get to the

ARDS UNIVERS up to $75m over the next 5 years and DFID committing £60m to points of care for Nigerians? What are the kind of healthcare services ARDS UNIVERS W W O O

S T support the program as well. S T H.E. Governor Gbenga Oyetola of Osun State and the As earlier mentioned, Huwe will track the covered under the BHCPF Program?

OGRES Deputy Governor Niger State, Ahmed Muhammed timeliness of fund disbursment. A Beneficiaries will have access to an explicit OGRES

: PR What Is the Governance Structure Of the fund? Ketso at the roll out of Huwe in Osun and Niger States set of services defined as the Basic : PR respectively. Minimum Package of Health Services NIGERIA A National Steering Committee, chaired by the Honourable Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole inspecting NIGERIA Minister of Health will be responsible for oversight and Ebola screening machine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe (BMPHS) at no cost at the point of use. coordination of the entire fund. International Airport Abuja

The committee membership comprises of the Permanent Secretary of FMOH, Executive Director of the NPHCDA, the Executive Secretary of the NHIS and other members drawn from the Federal Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Budget and National Planning, Civil Society organisations, Representative of the State Commissioners of Health, Dangote Foundation donor partners and an independent member.

The National Steering Committee has a Secretariat where day to day activities are carried out to support the National Steering Committee. The Federal Ministry of Health, National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHCDA) and the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) all work together to

Federal Ministry of Health | 21 22 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

These consists of the following interventions: conducted Programme Mid-Term Review in FMOH interventions. It is meant to serve as the focal point for Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole during the 1. Maternal Health interventions for pregnant women dissemination of the National Health Survey which November, 2018 and achieved general the implementation of special interventions/campaigns that (ANC, Labour and was supported by Save One Million Lives improvements in Pentavalent 3 and PMTCT. are critical towards sustainably strengthening the leadership Delivery, Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care and So far, $259m has been disbursed to States. role of the FMOH, improving health outcomes/health equity GENCIES GENCIES A caesarean section), and achieving the goals and objectives of the current A S S 2. Family Planning, SPECIAL PROJECT Administration. MENT MENT T Some of the successes recorded in the period under review T

AR 3. Two (2) children focused interventions for under-5s The Special Projects unit was created to AR

DEP (curative care and immunization), strengthen and ensure the prompt include the continual support to crisis affected states with DEP medicines and health related supplies as well as other 4. Urinalysis screening test and a Cardiovascular Disease actualization of critical and extraordinary

POLICIES necessary health related support to prevent the high cases of POLICIES screening check (blood pressure check), mortalities, for instance it provided logistics support 5. Treatment of malaria for all Nigerians. Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole addressing the Press during an inspection of the Health Facilities (Medicines and Health related supplies) to Benue state during

ODUCTIONS in the IDP Camps in Borno the flooding disaster of 2017, and also delivered logistics ODUCTIONS INTR Saving One Million Lives Programme for Results (SOML-PforR) support (Medicines and Health related supplies) to the 12 INTR The SOML PforR was designed as a 4-year (April 2015 – GE supplementation among children 6 months Flood affected states during the National Disaster on Flood in GE

VERA December 2019) program of the Federal Government of Nigeria to 5 years of age; d. Skilled birth VERA

O 2018. O (FGON) supported by an IDA credit of US$500 million. The TH C attendance; e. HIV counselling and testing TH C overarching objective is to increase the utilization of high among women attending antenatal care;

AL HEAL It facilitated increased access to quality health care for AL HEAL impact, cost effective, evidence based Maternal, Child and and f. Use of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) inhabitants of the 25 accessible Local Government Areas of Nutrition Interventions in Nigeria. The specific objectives are by children under five. Borno state, with a record of over 1,000,000 (one million)

ARDS UNIVERS to increase the utilization of the following: a. Vaccination ARDS UNIVERS W W

O persons, most especially women and children, reached with O

S T coverage among young children (Pentavalent3); b. S T Some of the salient achievements of the emergency medical, nutritional and psychosocial care in Borno Contraceptive prevalence rate (modern methods); c. Vitamin A OGRES programme include the Launch and Massive Health Response to the North East: Hon. State. It also provided a roadmap for the rehabilitation of the OGRES

: PR Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole assessing the : PR disbursement of $55.5m to the 36 States Health systems in each of the six (6) North East states and has The Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, presenting health commodity store NIGERIA and FCT, on 14th July, 2016 and the developed and validated State Specific Operational Plans. In NIGERIA Certificate of Excellence to Adamawa State Governor . Disbursement of 1st performance-based Adamawa state emerged Most Improved in key MNCH addition the unit facilitated the engagement of 325 ad-hoc indicators in 2016/2017 earnings to beneficiary States and FCT. human resource for Health staff comprising of Doctors, Nurses, Others include the engagement of Pharmacists, Midwives, Laboratory Scientist, Health Records Independent Verification Agents (IVAs) to Officers, Community Health Extension Workers and Mental provide credible and coherent analysis of Health and Psychosocial CHEWs; the unit coordinated the performance and earnings. It supported largest Government funded Health Sector Humanitarian the conduct of 2016 National Health Response by a lower middle income country and the Facility Survey, 2016 Multiple Indicator Development and implementation of a Health Sector Cluster Survey (MICS5) and 2018 SMART Humanitarian Response to Humanitarian crisis. Massive Health Response to the North East: Vehicles, Survey as well as the conduct of drugs & other materials donated Performance Management Assessments to OTHER DEPARTMENTS States. These comprise the Human Resources, Finance and Accounts, Procurement, General Services, Reform Coordination and SOML also launched and disbursed the 2nd Service Improvement and ICT departments who have all performance-based disbursement to the worked hard to support the attainment of the goals of the tune of $122,348,000, it successfully Federal Ministry of Health.

Federal Ministry of Health | 23 24 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

These consists of the following interventions: conducted Programme Mid-Term Review in FMOH interventions. It is meant to serve as the focal point for Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole during the 1. Maternal Health interventions for pregnant women dissemination of the National Health Survey which November, 2018 and achieved general the implementation of special interventions/campaigns that (ANC, Labour and was supported by Save One Million Lives improvements in Pentavalent 3 and PMTCT. are critical towards sustainably strengthening the leadership Delivery, Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care and So far, $259m has been disbursed to States. role of the FMOH, improving health outcomes/health equity GENCIES GENCIES A caesarean section), and achieving the goals and objectives of the current A S S 2. Family Planning, SPECIAL PROJECT Administration. MENT MENT T Some of the successes recorded in the period under review T

AR 3. Two (2) children focused interventions for under-5s The Special Projects unit was created to AR

DEP (curative care and immunization), strengthen and ensure the prompt include the continual support to crisis affected states with DEP medicines and health related supplies as well as other 4. Urinalysis screening test and a Cardiovascular Disease actualization of critical and extraordinary

POLICIES necessary health related support to prevent the high cases of POLICIES screening check (blood pressure check), mortalities, for instance it provided logistics support 5. Treatment of malaria for all Nigerians. Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole addressing the Press during an inspection of the Health Facilities (Medicines and Health related supplies) to Benue state during

ODUCTIONS in the IDP Camps in Borno the flooding disaster of 2017, and also delivered logistics ODUCTIONS INTR Saving One Million Lives Programme for Results (SOML-PforR) support (Medicines and Health related supplies) to the 12 INTR The SOML PforR was designed as a 4-year (April 2015 – GE supplementation among children 6 months Flood affected states during the National Disaster on Flood in GE

VERA December 2019) program of the Federal Government of Nigeria to 5 years of age; d. Skilled birth VERA

O 2018. O (FGON) supported by an IDA credit of US$500 million. The TH C attendance; e. HIV counselling and testing TH C overarching objective is to increase the utilization of high among women attending antenatal care;

AL HEAL It facilitated increased access to quality health care for AL HEAL impact, cost effective, evidence based Maternal, Child and and f. Use of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) inhabitants of the 25 accessible Local Government Areas of Nutrition Interventions in Nigeria. The specific objectives are by children under five. Borno state, with a record of over 1,000,000 (one million)

ARDS UNIVERS to increase the utilization of the following: a. Vaccination ARDS UNIVERS W W

O persons, most especially women and children, reached with O

S T coverage among young children (Pentavalent3); b. S T Some of the salient achievements of the emergency medical, nutritional and psychosocial care in Borno Contraceptive prevalence rate (modern methods); c. Vitamin A OGRES programme include the Launch and Massive Health Response to the North East: Hon. State. It also provided a roadmap for the rehabilitation of the OGRES

: PR Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole assessing the : PR disbursement of $55.5m to the 36 States Health systems in each of the six (6) North East states and has The Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, presenting health commodity store NIGERIA and FCT, on 14th July, 2016 and the developed and validated State Specific Operational Plans. In NIGERIA Certificate of Excellence to Adamawa State Governor . Disbursement of 1st performance-based Adamawa state emerged Most Improved in key MNCH addition the unit facilitated the engagement of 325 ad-hoc indicators in 2016/2017 earnings to beneficiary States and FCT. human resource for Health staff comprising of Doctors, Nurses, Others include the engagement of Pharmacists, Midwives, Laboratory Scientist, Health Records Independent Verification Agents (IVAs) to Officers, Community Health Extension Workers and Mental provide credible and coherent analysis of Health and Psychosocial CHEWs; the unit coordinated the performance and earnings. It supported largest Government funded Health Sector Humanitarian the conduct of 2016 National Health Response by a lower middle income country and the Facility Survey, 2016 Multiple Indicator Development and implementation of a Health Sector Cluster Survey (MICS5) and 2018 SMART Humanitarian Response to Humanitarian crisis. Massive Health Response to the North East: Vehicles, Survey as well as the conduct of drugs & other materials donated Performance Management Assessments to OTHER DEPARTMENTS States. These comprise the Human Resources, Finance and Accounts, Procurement, General Services, Reform Coordination and SOML also launched and disbursed the 2nd Service Improvement and ICT departments who have all performance-based disbursement to the worked hard to support the attainment of the goals of the tune of $122,348,000, it successfully Federal Ministry of Health.

Federal Ministry of Health | 23 24 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Regional Total Diet Study (RTDS) Survey: Guidelines 2016. Electronic copies of the guidelines were also NAFDAC coordinated and participated in hosted on the NAFDAC website the Regional Total Diet Study (RTDS) Survey 3. Achievements by Health Parastatals Samples Analysed by NAFDAC in 2017. The RTDS is a regional Programme On registration: The Agency succeeded in clearing of 6000 GENCIES GENCIES A sponsored by World Trade Organization- backlog of applications by April 09, 2018 and updating the A NATIONAL AGENCY FOR FOOD AND DRUGS ADMINISTRATION S Standard Trade Development Facility (WTO- Regulations and Guidelines that have not been revised for S

MENT AND CONTROL (NAFDAC) MENT T STDF) to assist four countries namely: thirteen years by June 2018. On Nationwide GMP Inspection of T AR The The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and AR DEP Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali and Benin Pharmaceutical Sites, a nationwide inspection for Good DEP Control (NAFDAC) was established by Decree No. 15 of 1993 as Republic to assess the level of exposure to Manufacturing Practice (GMP) of 170 local Pharmaceutical amended and now the National Agency for Food and Drug contaminant in diet of the region. The total POLICIES manufacturing sites was conducted. The outcome will enable POLICIES Administration and Control Act Cap N1 Laws of the Federation diet study is a key source of data for NAFDAC to advise companies on the path of GMP certification. of Nigeria (LFN) 2004 as a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of 132,328 National Food Risk Analysis Centre. The On improved Inspection Activities, in 2015 – 2018, a total of Samples Analysed

ODUCTIONS Health. The act mandates the Agency to regulate and control ODUCTIONS result has since been disseminated. It Sixty-Three Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twenty-One (63,921)

INTR the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, INTR successfully launched a number of inspections were conducted on regulated Food manufacturing advertisement, sale and use of Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics, GE documents including - NAFDAC Good facilities. Similarly, Sixteen Thousand, and Forty-Eight (16,048) GE

VERA Medical Devices, Bottled water, Chemicals and Detergents Manufacturing Practice (GMP); Guidelines VERA O GMP inspections were carried out on drug manufacturing O (known as regulated products). TH C for Pharmaceutical Products 2016 and facilities. Similarly, on the TH C NAFDAC Good Clinical Practice (GCP) AL HEAL AL HEAL Within the period under review, The Central Drug Laboratory, Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole during the Registration of Regulated Products: Provision of good quality, Yaba attained ISO 17025 Laboratory Accreditation by ANSI-ASQ 121,018 Satisfactory ECOWAS Commission meeting on Tobacco held in Abuja. safe and efficacious drugs and wholesome food in the country ARDS UNIVERS National Accreditation Board on January, 28 2015. The NAFDAC ARDS UNIVERS W W

O through registration of regulated products. New drugs O

S T Zonal Laboratory, Agulu, after audit assessment from ACLASS S T molecules screened are through clinical trials to ensure they

OGRES ANSIASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) on 19th - 23rd OGRES are safe and efficacious. In this regard, Forty Thousand, Three : PR September successfully attained ISO 17025 Laboratory 11, 310 : PR Unsatisfactory Hundred and Sixteen (40,316) regulated products of which food

NIGERIA Accreditation for seven (7) test scopes on the 13th of December, NIGERIA - (food + water); Twenty Two Thousand, Nine Hundred and 2016. In the same vein, the NAFDAC Area Laboratory, Kaduna Eighty-One (22,981) and drugs and others; Seventeen successfully achieved ISO 17025 laboratory Accreditation in Some fake drugs and foods marked for destruction by Thousand, Three Hundred and Thirty-Five (17,335) were March, 2017. NAFDAC. registered from 2015 - 2018.

On laboratory Analysis, a total of One Hundred and Thirty-Two The Agency has updated the Regulations and Guidelines that Thousand, Three Hundred and Twenty-Eight (132,328) samples have not been revised for thirteen years in June 2018; enforcing were analysed. A total of One Hundred and Twenty-One submission of applications for drug product approval using Thousand and Eighteen (121,018) samples were found to be Common Technical Document (CTD); reducing registration for satisfactory while Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Ten product approval or compliance directive to 90 days for food, Thousand (11, 310) were unsatisfactory. On M&E Framework for simple cosmetics and water and 120 days for drugs and some Food Fortification: NAFDAC and Partners including National NAFDAC destroyed counterfeited, cosmetics; while online registration for drug or food approvals Fortification Alliance (NFA) and relevant MDAs developed a substandard, spurious and was launched on December 15, 2018. In terms of investigation National Monitoring and Evaluation framework for food unwholesome regulated products and enforcement, the Agency intercepted and destroyed fortification activities which was disseminated at meeting of worth twenty-five (25) containers of Tramadol worth One Billion, Government officials, Industry and other partners, held on the N10,300,200,000 Seven Hundred and Eight Million, Seven Hundred and Fifty 28th September, 2016 at Dover Hotel, Adeniyi Jones, lkeja lagos. 2015 - 2018 Thousand Naira (N1, 708,750,000). Plans are underway to

Federal Ministry of Health | 25 26 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Regional Total Diet Study (RTDS) Survey: Guidelines 2016. Electronic copies of the guidelines were also NAFDAC coordinated and participated in hosted on the NAFDAC website the Regional Total Diet Study (RTDS) Survey 3. Achievements by Health Parastatals Samples Analysed by NAFDAC in 2017. The RTDS is a regional Programme On registration: The Agency succeeded in clearing of 6000 GENCIES GENCIES A sponsored by World Trade Organization- backlog of applications by April 09, 2018 and updating the A NATIONAL AGENCY FOR FOOD AND DRUGS ADMINISTRATION S Standard Trade Development Facility (WTO- Regulations and Guidelines that have not been revised for S

MENT AND CONTROL (NAFDAC) MENT T STDF) to assist four countries namely: thirteen years by June 2018. On Nationwide GMP Inspection of T AR The The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and AR DEP Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali and Benin Pharmaceutical Sites, a nationwide inspection for Good DEP Control (NAFDAC) was established by Decree No. 15 of 1993 as Republic to assess the level of exposure to Manufacturing Practice (GMP) of 170 local Pharmaceutical amended and now the National Agency for Food and Drug contaminant in diet of the region. The total POLICIES manufacturing sites was conducted. The outcome will enable POLICIES Administration and Control Act Cap N1 Laws of the Federation diet study is a key source of data for NAFDAC to advise companies on the path of GMP certification. of Nigeria (LFN) 2004 as a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of 132,328 National Food Risk Analysis Centre. The On improved Inspection Activities, in 2015 – 2018, a total of Samples Analysed

ODUCTIONS Health. The act mandates the Agency to regulate and control ODUCTIONS result has since been disseminated. It Sixty-Three Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twenty-One (63,921)

INTR the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, INTR successfully launched a number of inspections were conducted on regulated Food manufacturing advertisement, sale and use of Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics, GE documents including - NAFDAC Good facilities. Similarly, Sixteen Thousand, and Forty-Eight (16,048) GE

VERA Medical Devices, Bottled water, Chemicals and Detergents Manufacturing Practice (GMP); Guidelines VERA O GMP inspections were carried out on drug manufacturing O (known as regulated products). TH C for Pharmaceutical Products 2016 and facilities. Similarly, on the TH C NAFDAC Good Clinical Practice (GCP) AL HEAL AL HEAL Within the period under review, The Central Drug Laboratory, Hon. Minister of Health Prof. I.F. Adewole during the Registration of Regulated Products: Provision of good quality, Yaba attained ISO 17025 Laboratory Accreditation by ANSI-ASQ 121,018 Satisfactory ECOWAS Commission meeting on Tobacco held in Abuja. safe and efficacious drugs and wholesome food in the country ARDS UNIVERS National Accreditation Board on January, 28 2015. The NAFDAC ARDS UNIVERS W W

O through registration of regulated products. New drugs O

S T Zonal Laboratory, Agulu, after audit assessment from ACLASS S T molecules screened are through clinical trials to ensure they

OGRES ANSIASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) on 19th - 23rd OGRES are safe and efficacious. In this regard, Forty Thousand, Three : PR September successfully attained ISO 17025 Laboratory 11, 310 : PR Unsatisfactory Hundred and Sixteen (40,316) regulated products of which food

NIGERIA Accreditation for seven (7) test scopes on the 13th of December, NIGERIA - (food + water); Twenty Two Thousand, Nine Hundred and 2016. In the same vein, the NAFDAC Area Laboratory, Kaduna Eighty-One (22,981) and drugs and others; Seventeen successfully achieved ISO 17025 laboratory Accreditation in Some fake drugs and foods marked for destruction by Thousand, Three Hundred and Thirty-Five (17,335) were March, 2017. NAFDAC. registered from 2015 - 2018.

On laboratory Analysis, a total of One Hundred and Thirty-Two The Agency has updated the Regulations and Guidelines that Thousand, Three Hundred and Twenty-Eight (132,328) samples have not been revised for thirteen years in June 2018; enforcing were analysed. A total of One Hundred and Twenty-One submission of applications for drug product approval using Thousand and Eighteen (121,018) samples were found to be Common Technical Document (CTD); reducing registration for satisfactory while Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Ten product approval or compliance directive to 90 days for food, Thousand (11, 310) were unsatisfactory. On M&E Framework for simple cosmetics and water and 120 days for drugs and some Food Fortification: NAFDAC and Partners including National NAFDAC destroyed counterfeited, cosmetics; while online registration for drug or food approvals Fortification Alliance (NFA) and relevant MDAs developed a substandard, spurious and was launched on December 15, 2018. In terms of investigation National Monitoring and Evaluation framework for food unwholesome regulated products and enforcement, the Agency intercepted and destroyed fortification activities which was disseminated at meeting of worth twenty-five (25) containers of Tramadol worth One Billion, Government officials, Industry and other partners, held on the N10,300,200,000 Seven Hundred and Eight Million, Seven Hundred and Fifty 28th September, 2016 at Dover Hotel, Adeniyi Jones, lkeja lagos. 2015 - 2018 Thousand Naira (N1, 708,750,000). Plans are underway to

Federal Ministry of Health | 25 26 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

destroy more than 30 containers of NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME The Flag-off of PMB PHC Revitalization Agenda at tramadol and other unregistered products (NHIS) Kuchigoro by President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR. Hon. Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewale is third from the worth more than 198 billion naira on the The mission of the National Health left. Beside him is the Hon Minister of State for Health. street. Insurance Scheme is to facilitate fair- GENCIES GENCIES A financing of healthcare costs through A

S In the bid to reduce the level of fake drugs pooling and judicious utilization of S MENT MENT T in circulation, the Agency through its financial resources to provide financial risk T AR AR

DEP Investigation and Enforcement Directorate protections and cost-burden sharing for DEP destroyed counterfeited, substandard and people, against high cost of care, through

POLICIES unwholesome regulated products worth various pre-payment POLICIES about Ten Billion, Three Hundred Million programmes/products prior to their falling and Two Hundred Thousand Naira only ill. This is in addition to providing

ODUCTIONS (N10,300,200,000) between 2015 - 2018. On regulatory oversight to Health Maintenance ODUCTIONS INTR Pharmacovigilance, the Agency has organizations (HMOs) and participating INTR

GE established a Pharmacovigilance Centre to Healthcare Providers (HCPs). GE VERA VERA

O monitor Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) O

TH C and safety of medicines. In 2015 - 2018, In the period under review, some modest TH C 5475 ADRs were reported and analysed. AL HEAL achievements of the Scheme include; AL HEAL 1.· The roll out of State Social Health Vitamin A Fortification of Food: Currently, Insurance Programme SSHIP in several ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W

O the efforts of the Agency have yielded over States (19 States). O S T S T 70% industry compliance with mandatory 2.· Providing relief for out-of-pocket NATIONAL PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Folorunso Adewole on OGRES vitamin A fortification of flour (wheat and payment to its beneficiaries at the point DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NPHCDA) March 9th, 2017; OGRES : PR : PR maize), sugar, and vegetable of access to care The NPHCDA, a parastatal under the 2.· Public presentation and circulation of the 2016/2017 NIGERIA oil/margarine/ butter. This has drastically 3.· Registration and coverage of Federal Federal Ministry of Health was established NICS/MICS survey, which for the first time acknowledged NIGERIA reduced vitamin A deficiency related Government's employees and families ( by decree 29 of 1992 to provide technical the dismal level of 33% National Immunization Coverage for diseases. Principal Count – 1,148,346; Dependant directions for the development and Penta3 with over 700,000 Nigerians (under-five children) A baby being weighed a child care facility in northern Count – 2,167,143) effective delivery of Primary Health Care in un-immunized; Nigeria. 4.· Implementation of Vital Contributors Nigeria. Its vision is to make PHC Services 3.· The establishment of the National Emergency Routine Social Health Insurance Programme available to all in Nigeria while its mandate Immunization Coordination Centre (NERICC) as a rapid (VCSHIP), Community Based Social is to provide technical and programmatic response strategy to stimulate nationwide demand for Health Insurance Programme (CBSHIP), support to States, LGAs and other immunization services. NERICC has also supported the Tertiary Institutions Social Health stakeholders in the functioning, planning, establishment of State Emergency Routine Immunization Insurance Programme (TISHIP) etc. implementation, supervision and Coordinating Centre (SERICC) in 11 States, which had low monitoring of PHC services in Nigeria. 5.· Strengthening the Referral System in immunization coverage level; Healthcare Delivery 4.· The establishment of the Presidential Initiative on Primary 6.· Initiation of programmes to removal of The agency has recorded significant Health Care which is meant to revitalize 10,000 PHC centers Social and Economic barriers in achievements in the period under review across the Nation (one per ward). 80 out of 110 model PHC accessing healthcare including; centers under the first phase have been completed, with more than 4,800 facilities revitalized across the country 7. Development of Operational Manual for 1.· The inauguration of the supply chain with support from our partners; the Basic Healthcare Provision Fund revitalization committee by the Hon.

Federal Ministry of Health | 27 28 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

destroy more than 30 containers of NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME The Flag-off of PMB PHC Revitalization Agenda at tramadol and other unregistered products (NHIS) Kuchigoro by President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR. Hon. Minister of Health, Prof. I.F. Adewale is third from the worth more than 198 billion naira on the The mission of the National Health left. Beside him is the Hon Minister of State for Health. street. Insurance Scheme is to facilitate fair- GENCIES GENCIES A financing of healthcare costs through A

S In the bid to reduce the level of fake drugs pooling and judicious utilization of S MENT MENT T in circulation, the Agency through its financial resources to provide financial risk T AR AR

DEP Investigation and Enforcement Directorate protections and cost-burden sharing for DEP destroyed counterfeited, substandard and people, against high cost of care, through

POLICIES unwholesome regulated products worth various pre-payment POLICIES about Ten Billion, Three Hundred Million programmes/products prior to their falling and Two Hundred Thousand Naira only ill. This is in addition to providing

ODUCTIONS (N10,300,200,000) between 2015 - 2018. On regulatory oversight to Health Maintenance ODUCTIONS INTR Pharmacovigilance, the Agency has organizations (HMOs) and participating INTR

GE established a Pharmacovigilance Centre to Healthcare Providers (HCPs). GE VERA VERA

O monitor Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) O

TH C and safety of medicines. In 2015 - 2018, In the period under review, some modest TH C 5475 ADRs were reported and analysed. AL HEAL achievements of the Scheme include; AL HEAL 1.· The roll out of State Social Health Vitamin A Fortification of Food: Currently, Insurance Programme SSHIP in several ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS W W

O the efforts of the Agency have yielded over States (19 States). O S T S T 70% industry compliance with mandatory 2.· Providing relief for out-of-pocket NATIONAL PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Folorunso Adewole on OGRES vitamin A fortification of flour (wheat and payment to its beneficiaries at the point DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NPHCDA) March 9th, 2017; OGRES : PR : PR maize), sugar, and vegetable of access to care The NPHCDA, a parastatal under the 2.· Public presentation and circulation of the 2016/2017 NIGERIA oil/margarine/ butter. This has drastically 3.· Registration and coverage of Federal Federal Ministry of Health was established NICS/MICS survey, which for the first time acknowledged NIGERIA reduced vitamin A deficiency related Government's employees and families ( by decree 29 of 1992 to provide technical the dismal level of 33% National Immunization Coverage for diseases. Principal Count – 1,148,346; Dependant directions for the development and Penta3 with over 700,000 Nigerians (under-five children) A baby being weighed a child care facility in northern Count – 2,167,143) effective delivery of Primary Health Care in un-immunized; Nigeria. 4.· Implementation of Vital Contributors Nigeria. Its vision is to make PHC Services 3.· The establishment of the National Emergency Routine Social Health Insurance Programme available to all in Nigeria while its mandate Immunization Coordination Centre (NERICC) as a rapid (VCSHIP), Community Based Social is to provide technical and programmatic response strategy to stimulate nationwide demand for Health Insurance Programme (CBSHIP), support to States, LGAs and other immunization services. NERICC has also supported the Tertiary Institutions Social Health stakeholders in the functioning, planning, establishment of State Emergency Routine Immunization Insurance Programme (TISHIP) etc. implementation, supervision and Coordinating Centre (SERICC) in 11 States, which had low monitoring of PHC services in Nigeria. 5.· Strengthening the Referral System in immunization coverage level; Healthcare Delivery 4.· The establishment of the Presidential Initiative on Primary 6.· Initiation of programmes to removal of The agency has recorded significant Health Care which is meant to revitalize 10,000 PHC centers Social and Economic barriers in achievements in the period under review across the Nation (one per ward). 80 out of 110 model PHC accessing healthcare including; centers under the first phase have been completed, with more than 4,800 facilities revitalized across the country 7. Development of Operational Manual for 1.· The inauguration of the supply chain with support from our partners; the Basic Healthcare Provision Fund revitalization committee by the Hon.

Federal Ministry of Health | 27 28 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

5.· Introduction of Community Health Influencers and NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PHARMACEUTICAL Some scientists at work (courtesy NIPRD website) production of bottled water within Abuja Promoters services (CHIPS) – comprising selected RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (NIPRD) municipal area council of Federal capital community-based women mobilizers (10 per ward), charged The National Institute for Pharmaceutical Territory and Environs; facilitated the with the responsibility of mobilizing women and the Research and Development (NIPRD), was determination of the level of essential and GENCIES GENCIES A community in general to demand for PHC services; established by Government order No. 33 heavy metals in Local and Foreign Herbals A

S 6.· Implementation of reforms and reorientation of Staff at the Vol. 74 of 11th June 1987 part B but it Sold in Markets in North-Western States of S MENT MENT T Agency at the National, Zonal and State levels for effective became functional in 1989. Some of its Nigeria; carried out studies on the content T AR AR

DEP and result oriented PHC service delivery; functions include, the conduct of research and extent of abuse of codeine containing DEP 7.· Harmonization of programmes and activities of the Agency into and development of both old and new cough preparations (CCCP) in the Federal Capital Territory and Environ. POLICIES with major Development Partners such as WHO, UNICEF, drug substances and pharmaceutical POLICIES BMGF, e.t.c; agents, particularly for tropical diseases, b. Designed and prepared 8.· Re-organization of the Experts Review Committee (ERC) on from local materials and synthesis; carry questionnaires and study tools, carried out ODUCTIONS immunization with appointment of 4 new public health out research and development into the studies on the Formulation of oral solids, ODUCTIONS INTR INTR experts into the committee; pharmaceutical production of local raw capsules, tablets, and controlled release

GE 9.· Establishment of the Reaching Inaccessible Children (RIC) materials; evaluate, preserve, purify and dosage forms, stability of solids, liquids GE VERA VERA O strategy to immunize children in security compromised standardize useful medicinal plant and semi-solids of various products. It also O TH C areas; preparations into suitable and generally completed the Morphine project involving TH C acceptable dosage form; conduct bio- and the report submitted to NASCP/FMOH. the assessment of the stability of oral AL HEAL 10.· Improvement of Financial Management processes, risks AL HEAL pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic It facilitated the research and development morphine sulphate solution in the and controls and studies on both imported and locally studies including trade marking of presence of select preservatives 11.· Introduction of the task-shifting policy. This is a concept of ARDS UNIVERS developed phytomedicines for the ARDS UNIVERS W manufactured drugs, and provide Transdermal drug delivery systems, W O building capability of identified staff to address technical O S T specifications for the production and use in treatment of Malaria (NIPRIMAL), Immune ointments, creams, lotions, and other S T personnel gaps in the agency, using a standardized and

OGRES the manufacture of pharmaceutical Booster (NIPRIMUNE), (Antidiabetic) preparations. The report has been OGRES systematic approach : PR products; develop new or improved quality NIPRIDAB; NIPRIBOL (for management of submitted to Federal Ministry of Health. : PR Ebola) and antifungal. All waiting for up - NIGERIA control methods, quality standards and The organization also received the ANDI NIGERIA The Hon. Minister of Health, Prof I.F. Adewole at the commissioning of the PHC in Fuka, Niger State by the specifications for the production and use in scaling and commercialization. It carried award for Innovative Technology for Africa Etsu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar the manufacture of pharmaceutical out the preparation of fixed dose on the development of pharmaceutical products and carry out research on drug combination (NIPRIBOL) for the treatment grade starch and starch derivatives from distribution, storage, stability and shelf- of Ebola Virus Disease. First phase of the underutilized sources in Nigeria. Some of life. study completed, awaiting further funding the other researches carried out include, for the other phases; carried out quality a. Determination of Parameters for evaluation of dispenser bottles used in the In the period under review, the agency NIPRIMAL: A Mono herbal recorded the following achievements; Formulation for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria”.

a. Under Research and Development b. Physicochemical properties of teas of Drugs Phytomedicines and and herbal teas obtained from Pharmaceutical Raw Material, it carried out Abuja market. quality testing of samples of 2014 National c. Extraction and physicochemical HIV Sero prevalence sentinel survey among characterization of a new women accessing ANC-PMTC services in polysaccharide obtained from the Nigeria: The project has been completed fresh stem of Musa balbisiana.

Federal Ministry of Health | 29 30 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

5.· Introduction of Community Health Influencers and NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PHARMACEUTICAL Some scientists at work (courtesy NIPRD website) production of bottled water within Abuja Promoters services (CHIPS) – comprising selected RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (NIPRD) municipal area council of Federal capital community-based women mobilizers (10 per ward), charged The National Institute for Pharmaceutical Territory and Environs; facilitated the with the responsibility of mobilizing women and the Research and Development (NIPRD), was determination of the level of essential and GENCIES GENCIES A community in general to demand for PHC services; established by Government order No. 33 heavy metals in Local and Foreign Herbals A

S 6.· Implementation of reforms and reorientation of Staff at the Vol. 74 of 11th June 1987 part B but it Sold in Markets in North-Western States of S MENT MENT T Agency at the National, Zonal and State levels for effective became functional in 1989. Some of its Nigeria; carried out studies on the content T AR AR

DEP and result oriented PHC service delivery; functions include, the conduct of research and extent of abuse of codeine containing DEP 7.· Harmonization of programmes and activities of the Agency into and development of both old and new cough preparations (CCCP) in the Federal Capital Territory and Environ. POLICIES with major Development Partners such as WHO, UNICEF, drug substances and pharmaceutical POLICIES BMGF, e.t.c; agents, particularly for tropical diseases, b. Designed and prepared 8.· Re-organization of the Experts Review Committee (ERC) on from local materials and synthesis; carry questionnaires and study tools, carried out ODUCTIONS immunization with appointment of 4 new public health out research and development into the studies on the Formulation of oral solids, ODUCTIONS INTR INTR experts into the committee; pharmaceutical production of local raw capsules, tablets, and controlled release

GE 9.· Establishment of the Reaching Inaccessible Children (RIC) materials; evaluate, preserve, purify and dosage forms, stability of solids, liquids GE VERA VERA O strategy to immunize children in security compromised standardize useful medicinal plant and semi-solids of various products. It also O TH C areas; preparations into suitable and generally completed the Morphine project involving TH C acceptable dosage form; conduct bio- and the report submitted to NASCP/FMOH. the assessment of the stability of oral AL HEAL 10.· Improvement of Financial Management processes, risks AL HEAL pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic It facilitated the research and development morphine sulphate solution in the and controls and studies on both imported and locally studies including trade marking of presence of select preservatives 11.· Introduction of the task-shifting policy. This is a concept of ARDS UNIVERS developed phytomedicines for the ARDS UNIVERS W manufactured drugs, and provide Transdermal drug delivery systems, W O building capability of identified staff to address technical O S T specifications for the production and use in treatment of Malaria (NIPRIMAL), Immune ointments, creams, lotions, and other S T personnel gaps in the agency, using a standardized and

OGRES the manufacture of pharmaceutical Booster (NIPRIMUNE), (Antidiabetic) preparations. The report has been OGRES systematic approach : PR products; develop new or improved quality NIPRIDAB; NIPRIBOL (for management of submitted to Federal Ministry of Health. : PR Ebola) and antifungal. All waiting for up - NIGERIA control methods, quality standards and The organization also received the ANDI NIGERIA The Hon. Minister of Health, Prof I.F. Adewole at the commissioning of the PHC in Fuka, Niger State by the specifications for the production and use in scaling and commercialization. It carried award for Innovative Technology for Africa Etsu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar the manufacture of pharmaceutical out the preparation of fixed dose on the development of pharmaceutical products and carry out research on drug combination (NIPRIBOL) for the treatment grade starch and starch derivatives from distribution, storage, stability and shelf- of Ebola Virus Disease. First phase of the underutilized sources in Nigeria. Some of life. study completed, awaiting further funding the other researches carried out include, for the other phases; carried out quality a. Determination of Parameters for evaluation of dispenser bottles used in the In the period under review, the agency NIPRIMAL: A Mono herbal recorded the following achievements; Formulation for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria”. a. Under Research and Development b. Physicochemical properties of teas of Drugs Phytomedicines and and herbal teas obtained from Pharmaceutical Raw Material, it carried out Abuja market. quality testing of samples of 2014 National c. Extraction and physicochemical HIV Sero prevalence sentinel survey among characterization of a new women accessing ANC-PMTC services in polysaccharide obtained from the Nigeria: The project has been completed fresh stem of Musa balbisiana.

Federal Ministry of Health | 29 30 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

d. Compaction characteristics of the mixed stem bark NIGERIA INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH making it the first public laboratory to Centre for human virology and genomics before extract of Anogessus leiocarpus and prosopis Africana (NIMR) attain this standard in the country and also upgrade and renovation tablet formulations in the presence of channelling Nigerian Institute of Medical Research the laboratory was listed on the WHO list of agents etc. Yaba, Lagos, is the apex medical research prequalification for kit testing making GENCIES GENCIES A organisation in the country, charged with Nigeria one of the 8 countries in the world A

S c. Commercialization of Research Results – NIPRID signed the responsibility to conduct research into so recognized. The establishment of the S MENT MENT T licensing Agreement after Federal Executive Council Approval diseases and conditions of public health Centre for Research in Traditional, T AR AR

DEP for commercial production and marketing of NIPRISAN (an importance. It is the oldest research Complementary and Alternative Medicine DEP anti-sickling phyto drug for management of sickle cell) to May institute in Nigeria, dating back to the (CRTCAM) in the Institute in 2017 provided a platform for collaboration between the POLICIES and Baker Nigeria PLC a wholly Nigeria Pharmaceutical arrival at Yaba of the British Yellow Fever POLICIES Company, which is the first for the country. Commission in the 1920. It started as an Institute researchers and the Council of affiliate of the MRC UK and Physicians of Natural Medicine and other

ODUCTIONS Alternative Medicine Practitioners in the ODUCTIONS d. Health Service Delivery - NIPRD through its Research metamorphosed from the West African INTR country. The Centre since inception has INTR clinic and partnering with IHVN serves the inhabitants and Council of Medical Research to Medical

GE evaluated a number of herbal GE indigenes of Idu Karmo, Gwagwa up to Deidei axis. Some of the Research Council of Nigeria in 1960,

VERA preparations. VERA O activities carried out include, advocacy and confirming the National Institute of Medical Research in O TH C availability of professional personnel and best practice, in 1977 to Nigerian Institute of Medical TH C Research in 1993. Its vision is to be an 2. Developments of Human Resources for AL HEAL terms of care to our client. A total of 1,038,400 patients AL HEAL registered under OPD, 75,000 registered for GYNAE, 17 institution of excellence in basic, applied Health Research - Deliberate actions were registered for NHIS, 2155 HIV client registered on treatment and operational research for the put in place to ensure the development of ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W promotion of national health and the capacity of research staff through W O and cared, 150 patients placed under DOT (Direct observation O S T therapy) treatment, 178 staff, 5,548 on OPD, 10,992 on ARV and development in Nigeria and to conduct institutional sponsorship of staff for PhDs, S T

OGRES 11163 on retroviral drugs. research into diseases of public health Medical fellowships and post-doctoral OGRES : PR importance in Nigeria and develop positions. A total of 25 staff were : PR

NIGERIA structures for the dissemination of undergoing postgraduate training during NIGERIA e. Strengthening institutional Support, Partnership and research findings while providing the the reporting period (PhD: 15; MSc/MPH: 8) Collaboration - NIPRD on 18th May 2016 received the Standard enabling environment and facilities for Organisation of Nigeria's certification (ISO 9000:2008) for health research and training in cooperation Quality Management System which is the first in the FMOH It 3. Infrastructural development to support with the federal and state ministries of also received the ISO 17025 Laboratory certification from ANAB Health Research - Several structures were health and in collaboration with in May 2018, making NIPRD the only government research renovated, built or acquired to support universities, allied institutions and Institution in Africa to have the ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 research 4. Health system strengthening efforts - In organized private sector nationally and Certificates. It also developed and signed MOUs with University the last 3 years the Institute has continued internationally. of Abuja towards joint research projects, collaboration and Centre For Human Virology And Genomics to support the national health system NIMR's achievements in the period under establishment of a Pharmacy school towards improved The national reference centre for HIV was through the following; review can be categorized as follows; manpower development of Nigerian students. renovated and upgraded to reposition it to i. Establishment of laboratory provide research backup for the national capacity for faster and efficient 1. Leadership and Governance - In the last f. NIPRD also recorded great strides in human capital HIV programme as well as conduct other diagnosis of diseases of public two years, the Institute's laboratory at our development and in the upgrade of her building, equipment cut edge research that inform policy. health importance such as typhoid, Center for Human Virology and Genomics and infrastructure facility for research and development. salmonella species, helicobacter obtained the international standard pylori, Tuberculosis, hepatitis B organization accreditation ISO 15189:2021 and C, HIV/AIDS, etc.,

Federal Ministry of Health | 31 32 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

d. Compaction characteristics of the mixed stem bark NIGERIA INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH making it the first public laboratory to Centre for human virology and genomics before extract of Anogessus leiocarpus and prosopis Africana (NIMR) attain this standard in the country and also upgrade and renovation tablet formulations in the presence of channelling Nigerian Institute of Medical Research the laboratory was listed on the WHO list of agents etc. Yaba, Lagos, is the apex medical research prequalification for kit testing making GENCIES GENCIES A organisation in the country, charged with Nigeria one of the 8 countries in the world A

S c. Commercialization of Research Results – NIPRID signed the responsibility to conduct research into so recognized. The establishment of the S MENT MENT T licensing Agreement after Federal Executive Council Approval diseases and conditions of public health Centre for Research in Traditional, T AR AR

DEP for commercial production and marketing of NIPRISAN (an importance. It is the oldest research Complementary and Alternative Medicine DEP anti-sickling phyto drug for management of sickle cell) to May institute in Nigeria, dating back to the (CRTCAM) in the Institute in 2017 provided a platform for collaboration between the POLICIES and Baker Nigeria PLC a wholly Nigeria Pharmaceutical arrival at Yaba of the British Yellow Fever POLICIES Company, which is the first for the country. Commission in the 1920. It started as an Institute researchers and the Council of affiliate of the MRC UK and Physicians of Natural Medicine and other

ODUCTIONS Alternative Medicine Practitioners in the ODUCTIONS d. Health Service Delivery - NIPRD through its Research metamorphosed from the West African INTR country. The Centre since inception has INTR clinic and partnering with IHVN serves the inhabitants and Council of Medical Research to Medical

GE evaluated a number of herbal GE indigenes of Idu Karmo, Gwagwa up to Deidei axis. Some of the Research Council of Nigeria in 1960,

VERA preparations. VERA O activities carried out include, advocacy and confirming the National Institute of Medical Research in O TH C availability of professional personnel and best practice, in 1977 to Nigerian Institute of Medical TH C Research in 1993. Its vision is to be an 2. Developments of Human Resources for AL HEAL terms of care to our client. A total of 1,038,400 patients AL HEAL registered under OPD, 75,000 registered for GYNAE, 17 institution of excellence in basic, applied Health Research - Deliberate actions were registered for NHIS, 2155 HIV client registered on treatment and operational research for the put in place to ensure the development of ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W promotion of national health and the capacity of research staff through W O and cared, 150 patients placed under DOT (Direct observation O S T therapy) treatment, 178 staff, 5,548 on OPD, 10,992 on ARV and development in Nigeria and to conduct institutional sponsorship of staff for PhDs, S T

OGRES 11163 on retroviral drugs. research into diseases of public health Medical fellowships and post-doctoral OGRES : PR importance in Nigeria and develop positions. A total of 25 staff were : PR

NIGERIA structures for the dissemination of undergoing postgraduate training during NIGERIA e. Strengthening institutional Support, Partnership and research findings while providing the the reporting period (PhD: 15; MSc/MPH: 8) Collaboration - NIPRD on 18th May 2016 received the Standard enabling environment and facilities for Organisation of Nigeria's certification (ISO 9000:2008) for health research and training in cooperation Quality Management System which is the first in the FMOH It 3. Infrastructural development to support with the federal and state ministries of also received the ISO 17025 Laboratory certification from ANAB Health Research - Several structures were health and in collaboration with in May 2018, making NIPRD the only government research renovated, built or acquired to support universities, allied institutions and Institution in Africa to have the ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 research 4. Health system strengthening efforts - In organized private sector nationally and Certificates. It also developed and signed MOUs with University the last 3 years the Institute has continued internationally. of Abuja towards joint research projects, collaboration and Centre For Human Virology And Genomics to support the national health system NIMR's achievements in the period under establishment of a Pharmacy school towards improved The national reference centre for HIV was through the following; review can be categorized as follows; manpower development of Nigerian students. renovated and upgraded to reposition it to i. Establishment of laboratory provide research backup for the national capacity for faster and efficient 1. Leadership and Governance - In the last f. NIPRD also recorded great strides in human capital HIV programme as well as conduct other diagnosis of diseases of public two years, the Institute's laboratory at our development and in the upgrade of her building, equipment cut edge research that inform policy. health importance such as typhoid, Center for Human Virology and Genomics and infrastructure facility for research and development. salmonella species, helicobacter obtained the international standard pylori, Tuberculosis, hepatitis B organization accreditation ISO 15189:2021 and C, HIV/AIDS, etc.,

Federal Ministry of Health | 31 32 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

ii. The Centre for Human Virology and Genomics' has NIGERIA CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL The achievements of NCDC in the period Emergency operations and response - In been listed as WHO prequalified evaluating laboratory, (NCDC) under review cut across the following the last four years, NCDC has continued to making Nigeria one of the eight countries in the world The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control areas- Surveillance improvement - a new provide states with supplies for outbreak to be so listed. The Centre is also a nationally (NCDC) is an agency established by an Act digital surveillance tool- Surveillance and response such as personal protective GENCIES GENCIES A designated Mega PCR laboratory to support the of Parliament to lead the response to the Outbreak Review Management System equipment, medication etc. In 2018 alone, A

S national HIV programme challenges of public health emergencies (SORMAS), was developed and introduced nearly 60 Rapid Response Teams were S MENT MENT T iii. Establishment of a Buruli Ulcer Unit to support the and to enhance Nigeria's preparedness and for ease of reporting. This has been fully deployed from the national level to states T AR AR

DEP FMOH in the prevention and control of the diseases. response to epidemics through prevention, deployed in 211 Local Government Areas in Nigeria. DEP The Unit is now designated as National Reference detection and control of communicable (LGAs) in 16 States in Nigeria. This enables digital reporting of surveillance data, POLICIES Laboratory for Buruli Ulcer. diseases. The Honorable Minister of Health Research and institutional development - POLICIES (HMH), Professor Isaac Adewole led the improved response time and better data Nigeria is at the forefront in the global Some scientists at work process and supported the leadership of management. Lassa fever research. There is a national (courtesy NIMR website) ODUCTIONS NCDC to realize the passage of NCDC Bill by Lassa fever research plan, working with ODUCTIONS INTR the National Assembly and subsequent Laboratory strengthening - In 2017, the partners to understand and push for the INTR

GE assent by the President of the Federal National Reference Laboratory was production of new measures such as Lassa GE VERA VERA

O Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu operationalized in Abuja, and now leads fever vaccines, strategic partnerships as O

TH C Buhari in November 2018. public health laboratory diagnosis in the well as human resource. Following TH C country. The laboratory together with its directives from the Honourable Minister, AL HEAL AL HEAL network of laboratories has the capacity to NCDC began the coordination of 5. Contributions towards improving health policies and The Lassa Fever International Conference held in test for the six epidemic prone diseases in Antimicrobial Resistance surveillance for

ARDS UNIVERS interventions - Abuja in January 2019 to mark 50 years since the Lassa ARDS UNIVERS W Nigeria- Lassa fever, measles, cholera, the country. In addition, Nigeria now W O Fever virus was isolated in Nigeria. Honorable Minister O S T I. The Institute's HIV/AIDS programme continues to be S T of State for Health, Dr. Ehanire, Executive Governor of yellow fever, cerebrospinal meningitis and

OGRES among the largest and the best in the country with Nasarawa State H.E. Gov Umar Tanko Almakura, The monkey pox. NCDC at work: Providing effective and efficient OGRES : PR cumulative enrolment above 25000 patients including D.G. of NCDC Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu at the conference. emergency response : PR

NIGERIA adults, pregnant women and children with an MTCT NIGERIA rate of less than 1%, loss to follow of 20%, mortality rate of about 3.3% and viral suppression rate of 93- 95%. II. The Tuberculosis programme has managed cumulatively more than 7,000 patients with TB since the commencement of the DOTS services with a treatment /cure rate above 90%. In the last 3 years 650 patients were managed for TB with TB/HIV coinfection rate of 30-33%. III. The Institute's emergency preparedness and response team continue to support the FMOH during diseases outbreak and other national emergencies. At end of these outbreak and emergencies the institute prepares a detailed report which is made available to the ministries with lessons learnt and recommendations to help prevent future outbreaks

Federal Ministry of Health | 33 34 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

ii. The Centre for Human Virology and Genomics' has NIGERIA CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL The achievements of NCDC in the period Emergency operations and response - In been listed as WHO prequalified evaluating laboratory, (NCDC) under review cut across the following the last four years, NCDC has continued to making Nigeria one of the eight countries in the world The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control areas- Surveillance improvement - a new provide states with supplies for outbreak to be so listed. The Centre is also a nationally (NCDC) is an agency established by an Act digital surveillance tool- Surveillance and response such as personal protective GENCIES GENCIES A designated Mega PCR laboratory to support the of Parliament to lead the response to the Outbreak Review Management System equipment, medication etc. In 2018 alone, A

S national HIV programme challenges of public health emergencies (SORMAS), was developed and introduced nearly 60 Rapid Response Teams were S MENT MENT T iii. Establishment of a Buruli Ulcer Unit to support the and to enhance Nigeria's preparedness and for ease of reporting. This has been fully deployed from the national level to states T AR AR

DEP FMOH in the prevention and control of the diseases. response to epidemics through prevention, deployed in 211 Local Government Areas in Nigeria. DEP The Unit is now designated as National Reference detection and control of communicable (LGAs) in 16 States in Nigeria. This enables digital reporting of surveillance data, POLICIES Laboratory for Buruli Ulcer. diseases. The Honorable Minister of Health Research and institutional development - POLICIES (HMH), Professor Isaac Adewole led the improved response time and better data Nigeria is at the forefront in the global Some scientists at work process and supported the leadership of management. Lassa fever research. There is a national (courtesy NIMR website) ODUCTIONS NCDC to realize the passage of NCDC Bill by Lassa fever research plan, working with ODUCTIONS INTR the National Assembly and subsequent Laboratory strengthening - In 2017, the partners to understand and push for the INTR

GE assent by the President of the Federal National Reference Laboratory was production of new measures such as Lassa GE VERA VERA

O Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu operationalized in Abuja, and now leads fever vaccines, strategic partnerships as O

TH C Buhari in November 2018. public health laboratory diagnosis in the well as human resource. Following TH C country. The laboratory together with its directives from the Honourable Minister, AL HEAL AL HEAL network of laboratories has the capacity to NCDC began the coordination of 5. Contributions towards improving health policies and The Lassa Fever International Conference held in test for the six epidemic prone diseases in Antimicrobial Resistance surveillance for

ARDS UNIVERS interventions - Abuja in January 2019 to mark 50 years since the Lassa ARDS UNIVERS W Nigeria- Lassa fever, measles, cholera, the country. In addition, Nigeria now W O Fever virus was isolated in Nigeria. Honorable Minister O S T I. The Institute's HIV/AIDS programme continues to be S T of State for Health, Dr. Ehanire, Executive Governor of yellow fever, cerebrospinal meningitis and

OGRES among the largest and the best in the country with Nasarawa State H.E. Gov Umar Tanko Almakura, The monkey pox. NCDC at work: Providing effective and efficient OGRES : PR cumulative enrolment above 25000 patients including D.G. of NCDC Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu at the conference. emergency response : PR

NIGERIA adults, pregnant women and children with an MTCT NIGERIA rate of less than 1%, loss to follow of 20%, mortality rate of about 3.3% and viral suppression rate of 93- 95%. II. The Tuberculosis programme has managed cumulatively more than 7,000 patients with TB since the commencement of the DOTS services with a treatment /cure rate above 90%. In the last 3 years 650 patients were managed for TB with TB/HIV coinfection rate of 30-33%. III. The Institute's emergency preparedness and response team continue to support the FMOH during diseases outbreak and other national emergencies. At end of these outbreak and emergencies the institute prepares a detailed report which is made available to the ministries with lessons learnt and recommendations to help prevent future outbreaks

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contributes to the Global Antimicrobial NURSING AND MIDWIFERY COUNCIL OF PHARMACIST COUNCIL OF NIGERIA considers desirable for the practice of the Resistance Surveillance System. NIGERIA The Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) is pharmacy profession; regulating and The council has the mission to promote a Parastatal under the Federal Ministry of controlling the practice of the profession in Strategic Partnerships - NCDC has built and maintain excellence in Nursing and Health established by Cap P17, LFN, 2004 all aspects and ramifications; and GENCIES GENCIES A partnerships with other national public Midwifery education and practice in line and charged with the responsibility of performing such other functions as may be A S health institutes in United Kingdom, with global best practices. The Nursing regulation and control of pharmacy required of Council under this Act. S MENT MENT T Germany, United States of America and Council of Nigeria was established by the education, training and practice in all T AR AR

DEP other countries. In addition, NCDC receives registration of Nurses ordinance of August, aspects and ramifications. Some of the Some of the achievements recorded DEP support from the World Health 1947 and the Midwives board by Midwives functions of the council include, include;

POLICIES Organization, Africa CDC, West African Ordinances of 1930. The two bodies were determining the standards of knowledge I. Transformation in ICT for PCN POLICIES Health Organization, UNICEF, Gates merged into Nursing and Midwives Council and skill to be attained by persons seeking Regulatory Activities - This involved Foundation, a credit facility from the World of Nigeria by the decree No. 89 of 1979 now to become registered members of the the introduction of online registration ODUCTIONS Bank and other international agencies. known as nursing and midwifery pharmacy profession and reviewing these to improve the efficiency of ODUCTIONS INTR INTR (registration) Act. Cap. N143, Laws of the standards from time to time as registration and licensure of

GE Human Resources - With leadership from Federation of Nigeria, 2004. circumstances may require; securing the pharmacists, pharmaceutical premises GE VERA VERA O the Honourable Minister and approval establishment and maintenance of and patent and proprietary medicines O TH C from the Office of the Head of Service, the Some of the achievements recorded by the registers of persons entitled to practice as vendors. Also, the website for the TH C members of the profession and the AL HEAL NCDC human resource capacity has council include, agency has been redesigned, AL HEAL increased from less than 100 in 2015, to I. Standard and accreditation – the publication from time to time, of lists of restructured to make it more efficient over 200 in 2019. This includes individuals council regulates and controls nursing those persons; reviewing and preparing and effective, improved functionality, ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W from time to time a statement as to the W

O with specialized skills across the functions and midwifery training institutions in usability and easy interaction between O S T of the Agency. Nigeria statement of conduct which the Council the stakeholders and the Council. S T

OGRES II. Computerization of council's activities. II. The Reform of the PCN Act - The OGRES : PR : PR The NCDC Incident Coordination Centre where all III. Indexing of students of all approved A pharmacist at work (courtesy Pharmacist Council of current PCN Act which has become

NIGERIA agencies and partners meet for outbreak response. NIGERIA Nursing and Midwifery institutions Nigeria website) ineffective has undergone IV. Conduct of professional examinations comprehensive review and for all cadre of student nurses and transformed to the new PCN Bill 2017 midwives which has been passed by both Chambers of the National Assembly V. Registration of all qualifies nurses and and currently awaiting Presidential midwives Assent. VI. Updating, licensure and verification of III. Creation of Enforcement Department - documents for nurses and midwives The Office of the Head of Civil Service VII. Support of nurses and midwives of the Federation (OHCSF) approved continued education and capacity the creation of a separate Enforcement update. Department from the Inspection and Monitoring Department of PCN vide letter reference number OE&MS/MSO/58/VOL.I dated October 11, 2017 which has greatly contributed to sanitizing the practice environment

Federal Ministry of Health | 35 36 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

contributes to the Global Antimicrobial NURSING AND MIDWIFERY COUNCIL OF PHARMACIST COUNCIL OF NIGERIA considers desirable for the practice of the Resistance Surveillance System. NIGERIA The Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) is pharmacy profession; regulating and The council has the mission to promote a Parastatal under the Federal Ministry of controlling the practice of the profession in Strategic Partnerships - NCDC has built and maintain excellence in Nursing and Health established by Cap P17, LFN, 2004 all aspects and ramifications; and GENCIES GENCIES A partnerships with other national public Midwifery education and practice in line and charged with the responsibility of performing such other functions as may be A S health institutes in United Kingdom, with global best practices. The Nursing regulation and control of pharmacy required of Council under this Act. S MENT MENT T Germany, United States of America and Council of Nigeria was established by the education, training and practice in all T AR AR

DEP other countries. In addition, NCDC receives registration of Nurses ordinance of August, aspects and ramifications. Some of the Some of the achievements recorded DEP support from the World Health 1947 and the Midwives board by Midwives functions of the council include, include;

POLICIES Organization, Africa CDC, West African Ordinances of 1930. The two bodies were determining the standards of knowledge I. Transformation in ICT for PCN POLICIES Health Organization, UNICEF, Gates merged into Nursing and Midwives Council and skill to be attained by persons seeking Regulatory Activities - This involved Foundation, a credit facility from the World of Nigeria by the decree No. 89 of 1979 now to become registered members of the the introduction of online registration ODUCTIONS Bank and other international agencies. known as nursing and midwifery pharmacy profession and reviewing these to improve the efficiency of ODUCTIONS INTR INTR (registration) Act. Cap. N143, Laws of the standards from time to time as registration and licensure of

GE Human Resources - With leadership from Federation of Nigeria, 2004. circumstances may require; securing the pharmacists, pharmaceutical premises GE VERA VERA O the Honourable Minister and approval establishment and maintenance of and patent and proprietary medicines O TH C from the Office of the Head of Service, the Some of the achievements recorded by the registers of persons entitled to practice as vendors. Also, the website for the TH C members of the profession and the AL HEAL NCDC human resource capacity has council include, agency has been redesigned, AL HEAL increased from less than 100 in 2015, to I. Standard and accreditation – the publication from time to time, of lists of restructured to make it more efficient over 200 in 2019. This includes individuals council regulates and controls nursing those persons; reviewing and preparing and effective, improved functionality, ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W from time to time a statement as to the W

O with specialized skills across the functions and midwifery training institutions in usability and easy interaction between O S T of the Agency. Nigeria statement of conduct which the Council the stakeholders and the Council. S T

OGRES II. Computerization of council's activities. II. The Reform of the PCN Act - The OGRES : PR : PR The NCDC Incident Coordination Centre where all III. Indexing of students of all approved A pharmacist at work (courtesy Pharmacist Council of current PCN Act which has become

NIGERIA agencies and partners meet for outbreak response. NIGERIA Nursing and Midwifery institutions Nigeria website) ineffective has undergone IV. Conduct of professional examinations comprehensive review and for all cadre of student nurses and transformed to the new PCN Bill 2017 midwives which has been passed by both Chambers of the National Assembly V. Registration of all qualifies nurses and and currently awaiting Presidential midwives Assent. VI. Updating, licensure and verification of III. Creation of Enforcement Department - documents for nurses and midwives The Office of the Head of Civil Service VII. Support of nurses and midwives of the Federation (OHCSF) approved continued education and capacity the creation of a separate Enforcement update. Department from the Inspection and Monitoring Department of PCN vide letter reference number OE&MS/MSO/58/VOL.I dated October 11, 2017 which has greatly contributed to sanitizing the practice environment

Federal Ministry of Health | 35 36 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

v. Orthotics and Prosthetics; and GLOBAL COLLABORATIONS The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac F. Adewole during the launch of the Pharmaceutical vii. Osteopaths and Chiropractic medicine Society of Nigeria Foundation in Abuja in health sector in Nigeria The achievements of the board in the GENCIES GENCIES A period under review include; A S I. Reduction in the proliferation of fake S MENT MENT T T

AR licenses AR

DEP II. Accreditation - Within the period 2015 DEP and 2018, a total number of 55

POLICIES institutions were accredited including POLICIES both the academic and clinical institutions ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS III. Surveillance and War against Quackery INTR INTR - Over, 20 (twenty) facilities, who were

GE within the pharmaceutical landscape through the closure GE either not accredited to practice, or

VERA of illegal and unregistered pharmaceutical premises VERA O promoting quackery, or practicing O

TH C including the patent and proprietary medicines vendors. TH C below the established and expected IV. Implementation of the National Drug Distribution AL HEAL regulatory practice have been closed AL HEAL Guidelines (NDDG) down, sanctioned while some have V. Establishment of an Institutionalized and Centralized been advised accordingly. The Board ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W Internship Placement Programme of Pharmacy Graduates W O had since 2015 taken up legal cases O S T by Federal Government of Nigeria S T against a few illegal practitioners in OGRES VI. Introduction of National Pre-Registration Examination for the profession. OGRES : PR Pharmacists : PR

NIGERIA VII. Repositioning of Pharmacy Technician Training and NIGERIA Others recorded achievements are in the Practice in Nigeria and areas of Examination, Induction, Indexing, VIII. Constitution of Codeine Control and Other Related Matters Creation of New Units, Continuous Working Group (CCRWG) Professional Development, Staff, Structure and Welfare, Internally Generated Revenue, MEDICAL REHABILITATION THERAPISTS REGISTRATION BOARD OF policy development, Interagency NIGERIA collaboration, celebration of international The Medical Rehabilitation Therapists (Registration) Board of day for persons with disabilities, upward Nigeria is a Board established by decree 38 of 1988 to regulate review of the curriculum of training – and control the training and practice of seven Professions that physiotheraphists. are responsible for the rehabilitation of patients with disabling conditions and established disabilities. These are I. Physiotherapy; II. Occupational Therapy; III. Speech Therapy; iv. Audiology;

Federal Ministry of Health | 37 38 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019

v. Orthotics and Prosthetics; and GLOBAL COLLABORATIONS The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac F. Adewole during the launch of the Pharmaceutical vii. Osteopaths and Chiropractic medicine Society of Nigeria Foundation in Abuja in health sector in Nigeria The achievements of the board in the GENCIES GENCIES A period under review include; A S I. Reduction in the proliferation of fake S MENT MENT T T

AR licenses AR

DEP II. Accreditation - Within the period 2015 DEP and 2018, a total number of 55

POLICIES institutions were accredited including POLICIES both the academic and clinical institutions ODUCTIONS ODUCTIONS III. Surveillance and War against Quackery INTR INTR - Over, 20 (twenty) facilities, who were

GE within the pharmaceutical landscape through the closure GE either not accredited to practice, or

VERA of illegal and unregistered pharmaceutical premises VERA O promoting quackery, or practicing O

TH C including the patent and proprietary medicines vendors. TH C below the established and expected IV. Implementation of the National Drug Distribution AL HEAL regulatory practice have been closed AL HEAL Guidelines (NDDG) down, sanctioned while some have V. Establishment of an Institutionalized and Centralized been advised accordingly. The Board ARDS UNIVERS ARDS UNIVERS

W Internship Placement Programme of Pharmacy Graduates W O had since 2015 taken up legal cases O S T by Federal Government of Nigeria S T against a few illegal practitioners in OGRES VI. Introduction of National Pre-Registration Examination for the profession. OGRES : PR Pharmacists : PR

NIGERIA VII. Repositioning of Pharmacy Technician Training and NIGERIA Others recorded achievements are in the Practice in Nigeria and areas of Examination, Induction, Indexing, VIII. Constitution of Codeine Control and Other Related Matters Creation of New Units, Continuous Working Group (CCRWG) Professional Development, Staff, Structure and Welfare, Internally Generated Revenue, MEDICAL REHABILITATION THERAPISTS REGISTRATION BOARD OF policy development, Interagency NIGERIA collaboration, celebration of international The Medical Rehabilitation Therapists (Registration) Board of day for persons with disabilities, upward Nigeria is a Board established by decree 38 of 1988 to regulate review of the curriculum of training – and control the training and practice of seven Professions that physiotheraphists. are responsible for the rehabilitation of patients with disabling conditions and established disabilities. These are I. Physiotherapy; II. Occupational Therapy; III. Speech Therapy; iv. Audiology;

Federal Ministry of Health | 37 38 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019


As we look forward to the next 5 years, AFREXIM to set up a multi specialty centre increased financing, continuity of high focusing on managing complex NCDs. GENCIES GENCIES A impact programs and accountability must A

S guide our approach. Public financing for We will continue to work with the Ministry of S

MENT health must continue to increase to enable MENT T Budget and National Planning on approaches to T AR AR us sustain the successes achieved so far and harness the power of the young and strong DEP DEP reduce out of pocket expenditure. Programs population bulge, achieve demographic dividend, such as the BHCPF must be implemented in while paying attention to our population growth. POLICIES accordance with the implementation manual POLICIES as it provides a pathway to achieving There is need to continue to strengthen public Universal Health Coverage. Accountability health preparedness through increased vigilance ODUCTIONS processes must continually be improved ODUCTIONS at our entry ports and digitization of yellow cards. INTR upon to ensure elimination of wastages and INTR increased allocative efficiency. GE In sum, the legislative frameworks, policies and GE VERA VERA O program being implemented serve as a O

TH C In addition, continuous engagement with TH C foundation for continuous improvement of the States is important to ensure ownership and health sector with the resultant increase in health AL HEAL increased performance management of AL HEAL outcomes. This certainly would facilitate the programs. Increase in the number of public attainment of Universal Health Coverage and private partnerships to complement

ARDS UNIVERS have a knock on effect on increased productivity ARDS UNIVERS W W

O government's investments in health care is O and economic growth. S T important. So far we have midwifed the LUTH S T

OGRES NSIA cancer centre and are working with OGRES : PR : PR NIGERIA NIGERIA

Programmatic successes have been recorded over the last 4 years

InTotaltegr granta frtomed GA VI Current RI coverage Current HIV prevalence to Nigeria’ over the from 48% in 2016 down from 3% in 2014 pnerxtogr decadeammac Programmes Integration approach $1.03bn 57% 1.4% Current Modern CPRscal up freom- up Policy initiative put in Total number of Teaching 10% in 2013. Also committed place to enablup ep medicalroven Hospitals currently being $12mn Tcotalost, amount high to imp familyact practitioners give back upgraded to provide planning commodities over to the Nigerian society high end oncology care the last three years 18% 11:1 7

Current malaria prevalence Total amount disbursed National humanitarian down from 42% in 2013. to States under SOML health and nutrition Demand creation in the last 3 years response in the 27% based on performance. $256mn North East N4.3bn

Disbursed to combat Operationalized the NCDC Addressing malnutrition Polio in the last to strengthen public health in the country. R3 yesourears ce mobilization emergency response ~N15bn and preparedness NCDC N1.6bn / $232mn

Federal Ministry of Health | 39 40 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019 2015 -2019


As we look forward to the next 5 years, AFREXIM to set up a multi specialty centre increased financing, continuity of high focusing on managing complex NCDs. GENCIES GENCIES A impact programs and accountability must A

S guide our approach. Public financing for We will continue to work with the Ministry of S

MENT health must continue to increase to enable MENT T Budget and National Planning on approaches to T AR AR us sustain the successes achieved so far and harness the power of the young and strong DEP DEP reduce out of pocket expenditure. Programs population bulge, achieve demographic dividend, such as the BHCPF must be implemented in while paying attention to our population growth. POLICIES accordance with the implementation manual POLICIES as it provides a pathway to achieving There is need to continue to strengthen public Universal Health Coverage. Accountability health preparedness through increased vigilance ODUCTIONS processes must continually be improved ODUCTIONS at our entry ports and digitization of yellow cards. INTR upon to ensure elimination of wastages and INTR increased allocative efficiency. GE In sum, the legislative frameworks, policies and GE VERA VERA O program being implemented serve as a O

TH C In addition, continuous engagement with TH C foundation for continuous improvement of the States is important to ensure ownership and health sector with the resultant increase in health AL HEAL increased performance management of AL HEAL outcomes. This certainly would facilitate the programs. Increase in the number of public attainment of Universal Health Coverage and private partnerships to complement

ARDS UNIVERS have a knock on effect on increased productivity ARDS UNIVERS W W

O government's investments in health care is O and economic growth. S T important. So far we have midwifed the LUTH S T

OGRES NSIA cancer centre and are working with OGRES : PR : PR NIGERIA NIGERIA

Programmatic successes have been recorded over the last 4 years

InTotaltegr granta frtomed GA VI Current RI coverage Current HIV prevalence to Nigeria’ over the from 48% in 2016 down from 3% in 2014 pnerxtogr decadeammac Programmes Integration approach $1.03bn 57% 1.4% Current Modern CPRscal up freom- up Policy initiative put in Total number of Teaching 10% in 2013. Also committed place to enablup ep medicalroven Hospitals currently being $12mn Tcotalost, amount high to imp familyact practitioners give back upgraded to provide planning commodities over to the Nigerian society high end oncology care the last three years 18% 11:1 7

Current malaria prevalence Total amount disbursed National humanitarian down from 42% in 2013. to States under SOML health and nutrition Demand creation in the last 3 years response in the 27% based on performance. $256mn North East N4.3bn

Disbursed to combat Operationalized the NCDC Addressing malnutrition Polio in the last to strengthen public health in the country. R3 yesourears ce mobilization emergency response ~N15bn and preparedness NCDC N1.6bn / $232mn

Federal Ministry of Health | 39 40 | Federal Ministry of Health A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019


AR "Finally we thank President DEP Muhammadu Buhari GCFR for POLICIES providing us the opportunity to make

ODUCTIONS our humble contribution to national INTR development. The experience was GE VERA O worthwhile. we thank all Nigerians TH C


PROF. ISAAC F. ADEWOLE DR. OSAGIE EHANIRE Honorable Minister of Health Honorable Minister of State for Health

Federal Ministry of Health | 41 A Documentation of Salient Achievements of The Buhari Administration in the Health Sector 2015 -2019


AR "Finally we thank President DEP Muhammadu Buhari GCFR for POLICIES providing us the opportunity to make

ODUCTIONS our humble contribution to national INTR development. The experience was GE VERA O worthwhile. we thank all Nigerians TH C


PROF. ISAAC F. ADEWOLE DR. OSAGIE EHANIRE Honorable Minister of Health Honorable Minister of State for Health

Federal Ministry of Health | 41 NIGERIA PROGRESS TOWARDS UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE o c heit. om | c

A Documentation of Salient Achievements online. of The Buhari Administration

in the Health Sector y@heit er 2015 -2019 | deliv Publication of the Federal Ministry of Health Abuja, Nigeria HEIT Solutions