ESTABLISHED IN 1863. l 'VOL. XXXllI. NO. 11. r MARCH 13,: 1895. TOPEKA, ,KANSAS,, WEDNESDAY,- -.

TABLE. OF CONTENTS. SWINE. SWINE. ClATTLE. CHINAB. - DIetrIch & Gentry. RIch­ POLAND-mond. Ku., have a line lot ot tall boars and SELECT HERD OF BERKSHIR'ES 'slJNN'Y SLOPE PAGE 162-THB STOOK INTEREST.-An­ FAR., sow. and two verr line young sows bred that they Have tor sale pIgs trom Btete talr wInners. Can C. S. Kal. swers to Sheep Inquiries. Feed and w11lsell cheap. BreedIng choIce. Quallty guaran­ fill olasses tor Bhow. Boars for tall earvloe. A tell' CROSS, Proprielor, Emporia, Breeder at HEREFORD Care of the Herd. Government teed. Write or come and see us. choIce lOWS bred. Addre88 PURE-QRED R�la­ '"' CATTLEI Herd headed by Wild Tom 6161rl, a tions of Interest to of Stock. G. W. BERRY, Berryton, Shawnfle Clo., Rae. Shippers HERD OF BERKBHIREB. � 8trong­ son' ,ot ,Bean Real I1U66 and nBslsted by. son. of Duroc-Jersey Record. ' TOPEKAtramed, meJlow and prollllc. Btete talr prIze­ Cherry'Boy ArchIbald 1st 89268 and Waehlng­ PAGE 163-AGRIOULTUBAL MATTBR8.-T,he wInners and their produce ror-eale. Also, PekIn T.A.HUBBA.RD ton 22616. 20026176b.ead, all agn. In herd. Btronll ' the blood Lord Wilton, AnxIety and Horace. inA Location of a Silo. The Discrowned ducks ot enormous al.e. H. B. COWLIIlB, Topek&, Bome, KaDllall, 0' oholoil Ibt _ot young helfero, fit for any companT. Ku. 'Breeder, of King. Hot Winds-What Shall We Bulls all sold. Correspondence SOlicIted, or, better and Grow? Subsoiling for W,heat. TROTT, Abllene, KjUI.-PedlJrreed Pol"nd-ChI- POLAND-ClHlNAS stm, a peroonailnspec�lon InvIted. LARGE ENGLISH PAGE 164-IRRIGATION.-Kansas D• nu and Duroc-Jerseys. ArlO M. B. Turkey., Irriga,- All tion Law. Potato Culture. Light Brahma, Plymouth Rooll:, B. Wyandotte ohlok­ IIP,I. ens and R. Pekin duoks. Egg". the Wilt. Cheap. :::!:-':!���B�w���;���e:u�:::" PAGE 165-IRRIGATION (continued).�Good 'Of Crop Prospects-Will Try Irrigation ..•. lnquiries Answered-Gophers in Alfalfa -Other Matters. Notes From the Col­ lege Farm. Publishers' Paragraphs. PAGE 166-THE HOMIII CIBOLE.-Sohool­ Boy'sRefiection(poem). Manhcod(poem). Modem Chafing Dish. Dainty Almo,nd Macaroons. Camphor Cures the Grip. A Delicious Table Sauce: To Make Black Coffee. Just Before the Reception. BAGE 167-THIII YOUNG FOLK8.-The Man CATTLE AND SWINE. to Know (poem). The Arab's Horse. I Trap "for Rabbits. Mementoes From Mount Vernon. Monday as a "-"'atal" Poland-Chlnu Pe'"d, . , REED J••H T�YLOB, I Day. Didn't'Llke to Be Called Nam�s. PEDiG' Bhort-horns. KM. .:. -, I;' Jolmnv Made a Good Guess. The Dog BTOCK 'FARM BJIIRD ,OF THOR-

Had " a'Good Memory. oughbred Poland-ChIna hogs; 8hort-horn cattle PAGE 168-EDITORIAL.-A LegtsJative 'IABHL�Dand Plymouth Rook chIckens. Boars In servIce, Mob. Power Required for Given Pump. Admiral ChIp No, 191D and Abhottatord No. ;18361, 'I'he Board, Are Bettel"'I-imes tuU'brother to IMlcond-prlle yearling at Worlds Fair. SWINE.: Irrigation IndIvIdual merit and Near? gllt-edged padlgree my motto, lupactlon ot herd and correspondence solicited. breeder of Poland· China ' Hogs, ' PAGE 169-EDITORIAL.-The StandariJ 'M. C. Muscoteh. Atehl80U po.. Ku. ,BERi.wis�. Van'!811. Holstein Cattle and Harred I'lywoutli Dictionary. Supplies of Wheat. Oak Roell Ch,cke1ls of choice.t .tralnR. Institute. No. 6846 and Grange Farmers' , POULTRY. Butler's Darkness S Ideal U. 8, l)Iemo PAGE 170-RoRTIOULTURE. -Garden Veg­ at-head ot swIne herd, Only choIce stock shIpped' etables. Publications of the United on order. Bows bred and a few extra good yunng, FOR HATCHING.-Whlte Holland turkey, J. W. BIA XAS. boars for sale. 'Three are out of my OrIent sows. States of for Wlltt. GuInea and BABBITT, WATHA, Department Agriculture EGGS$1.25 per 13; Plymouth Rock, BRIIlEDIIlR 011' WrIte your wants. SatisfacLlon guarunteed, . 60c. per la. Mark B. Ballsbury, Independence, Mo. '. BERT lSrown KaB. February. Berkshire SWine WlljE, Reserve, Co., /. .. Regisl'd PAGE 17l-IN THE DUR'!:. a . -Setting High - . 45 In WHI1'E LEGHORNS. Have won , herd. headed by Lord CLOVER LAWN HERD on The Standard. Grain Feed Pasture. first at oil faIrs where oho'wn: Mojestlcil4i08. a son of Imp. ROSE-COMBpremIum Ellga "11 POLAND-U'QINA8. Value of Cream ,16 for II. Bome stock for sate Belle 1,11)1 .: Lord WIndsor aO�61: dam cheap. DIlle, .. Knowledge. Separators. 'rir ./',"- I' ,', ;- Young 80"'. and boars and Edgerton, Kas, , Imp. lIlnje.tlc 811460. 6 Dairy Notes. spring pigs for ante, PrIce. boars, 1� gIlts, by Model Duke and 9 fall PAGE About 11.22467, Stock trrat-elasa, li'2-Gosslp Stock. - reasonable. TAYLOR. MAIIION. KAS. For Sule: of 18U! farrows, both sexes, for sale. Write or come. ' W,N.D.BIHD,Emporla,Ku. PAGE 173-THE VETERINARIAN .... Market ZACHAHYComblnntlon beRt.tralns Bnrrod P. Rocks. B,'Vy­ andottes, Bulf and Brown Lagborns, Black Lang­ Reports. JOHN A. DOWELL'S HERD PAGE 174-THIII POULTRY shans .. Cockerels, liO cents to $1; hens and pullets, 6U MAINS' HERD OF POLAND-CHINAS. YARD.,-Poultry cents each. Eggs, 76 cents for tlfteen. ' House Heater. The Fowls at the Barn. JAS. MAINS, Oskall)osa, KiloS. REGISTERED POLAND-CHINA SWINE. Charcoal to Fowls. B. DILLE & (Jefferson Count1l.) Feeding Restoring BONB, 'EDGIIlRTON. KAB., breeders !tohinsoll, Br"wn Co•• Kas. A grand lot of sows bred to Monroe's Model, Apparently Dead Chicks. A Excel, 130 head nil nges hended Onward EOS! B. McWllkeo .Ir. aDd Storm Cloud 2d. 'AI80' all otber by Br:h':J':o.:�� ::.ljj. ��C::YS�· Ich�k:�d�;�S,lt��� sIred Wilkes. He 101l0.I'ted classes ond of stock for sale. I safe by,�e';rge byT,ecum� per 16; turkey eggs � per 11. 8atlol'actlon guaranteed. ages guarantee seh lVlIkes;slred by Genpral Wilkes 2Url7. 'rhe arrIval nnd stock as represented or money refunded. females belong to the best strulns. Come or wrIte. Bre stock recorded In OhIo 1'. C. R. • POUl,TRY YARDB.-L.E. PlxleY,Em­ edlng BREEDERS' DIRECTORY. EUREKAporIa, Kas., breeder of Plymouth Rocks, 8. Wy­ , North . Bulr B. and WhIte B. KEMP, To· P. A. PEARSON andottee, Ceehlns, Leghorns, ',I" JOHNpeka, ,Kas., breeder of , • Oaraa oJ Jour lintS or 10.. w(!l be mserUd en tile Lanllshan., M. B. and PekIn ducks. ChIcks ,.< Kinsley, Kallsas. Tur�eys • ) Improved Uhe8ter White I Br.eder,' 1XrectCYl"1l Jor '16 p.r Ilear or $/i.OO Jor riII bonrs Ht for servIce for sale. oJ the pap.,- w(ll bo ,.nt to the ...werUaer cWring t,lIe �--;;., ...- <';I' Poland-China Swine oj tile card. E. E. Correspondence InvIted. AXLINE, All age. f"r sale: Herel headed by Dandy Jim Jr. OAK GROVE. MISSOUJU, and Royalty MedIum, a son of �'ree Trade. STANDARD POLAND - CHINA HERD. HORSES. (.Jllck8on Co.) * CRAS. A. CANNON, Proprietor, D. V'V. EVANS' HER.D h HARRISUNVILLB, CASS VUUNl'Y, MISSUURI. sCBarred Rocks. - FUHRMAN, NORTH WIOHITA, KA8.­ Plymouth Breeder and shipper of regIstered Poland-ChIna REGISTERED POLAND CHINAS. ,JOSEPH Brect from Ihe best stralDS and lireeder of �'rench Coach and Percheron horees. judicIous mat.ln"s, swine of tb" best strlLlns. Herd headed by Uhow FAIRVIElV, UROWN CO., ItAS. Pure-bred stock, of both for aBle; Eggs $1 per or tllt.en. �"tlsfactlon guarant'd. young sexes, alao, s,!tt1pg Chow \100:1 S" a'olsted by n Hlack U. S. son uf Imi­ 250 head headed Swl '!'ecum,eh lllrlO B" grade anImals. PrIces as low as same of 'Ily by quality 0.. also a son of tation 27185 ','ecuw8eh Jr. 10207 Vs 1'ecumseh IHJ:I 'B., nnd BI'ly Wilkes ua US., "lOck CUll be had elsewhere. 1'Ime gIven It desired. 220 bend In O. herd. Young boars and gilt. yet by George Wilke. 5!lao:s. A publIc c:e,,'aDce sale Illspectlon InvIted. Letters promptly anowered, Years Breeders of B. P. Rocks on farm. or come and visIt me. WrIte on Thursday, �'cbrllary 14. I[U5, of 75 ,sows bred to Mention tltls paper. BIrd. raIsed on four exclu8ively. other noted bOlli'S. Inspection InvIted. farms. We .hlpped U,501J I" 1893-1).1 Into these'an� ]j'ARM-CLYDESDALE BTALLIONS, elllhteen Stutes and Cannda. Egg" $1 PUOSPECTSHOHT-HOHN CA'l'TLE, for lij; $2 (or ao; $6 for lUO. EIlgs pllcked PULAND·CHINA HOGB. ."fe to sblp aDY dl.tance. Good hatch WrIte for prIces of finest anImal. In Kansas. H. _17guaranteed. Send for circular. W, McAfee, Topeka, Kas. Joe Cunningham & Co., Loree, Miami Co., Ind. 'LARGE .SALES

CATTLE. PLEASANT VIEW STOCK FARM. old ,1613 O. I. C. HOGS' SWINE. , J. A. WORLEl", Sabetha, Kansu•.• , IN 7894. THIS GROVE RERD OF BHORT-HORNB.­ Poland· China Short-horn Send for a de"cription of VALLEY�'or sale, choIce young bulls and heIfers at rea­ Swine, Cattle, FAI'IOUS BREED,two ofwhl<:11 Brllhmas and G. L. Ronnble prIces. Can on or address Thos. P. Babat, Thoroughbred Duroc-JerseyHogs Light 'Vyandott�8. welgbed 2800 Ibs. First appU­ stock. !!!end for l)over, Kas. Registered U-page catelogue,prices Herd bend",1 by Anxiety 20251 A" a!slsted by Com­ ::":::','cant from each locality can liave and history, contelnlng much other usefuIIOlorm,,­ bInation U,S, 134l'8 nnd AmerlCl"s liIqun112279. Have V thin to breedere. Will be sent on of ALLEY HERD OF 8HORT-HORNB.­ young receIpt .ome chulce fILII pigs., both sexes, I'or oale, snd a NEOSHOlmported Buccaneer at head. stemp and nddress. J. M. STONEBRAKIIlR, Panola, Ill. I RegIstered bulls, few LIght llrallma cockerels. Eggs $1 and $1,60 per L� �i:1SI��ERCO�� and cows at bed-rock D. P. I'i-�a�r� prIce.. Norton, settIng. Write. [MenLlon KANSAS FAIIMERJ. CLEVELAND.O. (�OlfersJouncll Grove, Ko.8. • � I ' : � :' S. McCULLOUGH, , RED POLLED CATTLE AND COTS­ Ottawa, Kansa8. S. ATTEBURY, ENGJ,IBHWold stock Sheep.-Young for sale, pure-bloods Breeder of Pure-bred Uos8ville, Kansas. grades. , Your orders solicIted. Addre•• L. K. ,_ .--� ... BRIIIEDIIlROI' � :­ BERKSHIRE I!IWINE. 'u'nd , aseltine, Green Mo. , Dorchester, Co., Btock for sale at all tImes Chester Whites Batlsfactlon guaranteed. WrIte for what you want. Exclusively. FARMERS! SWINE. Q'W�Young stock at all times. SatIsfactIon guaranteed. BERKSHIRES.- Prevent Your Hogs From Rooting' SALE-Duroc·Jersey pIgs; also POlond-Chlna. TOV'VER. HILL HER.D By Using the Genuine FOR We offer choIce selections from onr grand Bronze turkeys, Toulouse geese, PekIn duck8, herd, headed by a great Imported boar. New Hatred Plymouth Hock and Brown Leghorn chICk­ en., blood for Kansas breeders. PEDIGREED POLAND-CHINAS. Heady to .hlp out. J. M. Young, Llberty"Kaa. B. U. ADAl\ISON, Prop., Ft. Scott, Ka�. o HOS) WM: B. SUnON '& Kansas. 25 brood sows uf best IMPUOVED CHESTER SWINE-Pure·bred SON, Russell, hIghly-bred straln!'J.headed (YIIO"nd registered. by Black ,Oaildy 8809 Soo Ulack Btop 101>00 S. and � '!·wenty·flve sows, mostly aged, Joker WIlke8 12082 B. About 100 selected Indl· l'e1 for "pring fnrrow. Ordero solicIted. GEORGE o ;" TOPPING, vlduals sold this season. 25 youngsters comIng on H. S. DAY, DwIght, MorrIs Co., Kos. , rIo.) Cedal' Point, Kas. now for choIce. WrIte or come and vIsIt my herd. B. (OHABE co.) HOWEY, Box lOS, Top,eka, K.... breeder and, "'I •• breeder and V of Importer, shIp. Poland-ChIna and En­ , I J. R. KILLOUGH & II· thoroughbred �;f'Y'''f�:-'' � perot SONS, WOLVERINE hohlPper and Sliver-Laced Wyandotte ,�J • �;�., ':;'''' Richmond, Kansas. �h�k:ne:,kshlre-swlne . . HOG RtNGER and RINGS. .' Breedel"1l ot LARGE ENGLISH BERKSHIRE SWINE Best and In the market. FOTOale GROVE HERD OF BRED ot beat tam l11ea and ChoIce for .ale Cheapest FANCY PO- breedlnll. pl"s ,....-..,.,... MAPLE _- "'"f SWINE at Hardware and ueneral tltores. Man't'd by land-ChIna 8wlne. Also LIght Brahma towls. at low prIces. AI80 Bingle-combed Brown Leghorns Ji: POLAND-GHIN! 0... Heellen Bros. & Co., Tecumseh, Mloh. Plummer & Co., Oaage CIty, KBlI. and Mammoth Bronze turkeys. Egge In season. The very be.t strain•• Nothing but 1I.rslrelus 8tock 8tonckedo a fbYllwm.lIlIea for Bale at reasonable rates. Farm 8 mllea lonth of cedar Point. MentIon K. F. "m be IIhlpped W aQy. Come aIll! ""8 U8 or write. 162 [2] :KANSAS

how of our farmers Six cows and be horses. go with the to eat. Yet, many acres breed and feed on this line. Thus la , sheep and they have about sb:ty useless and their feed i.. A.Sufferer Cured of .pasture. I feed the sheep and oows th'eir iabor and thus of the swine .• from the time I on maDiDioth clover in winter, and wasted� most, Ev�ry season, ABSWERB TO SHEEP INQUIlUES, they only eat heads and leaves and diseas'es are germinated. was'two years old, I suffered .dread, - to feed is EDITOR KANSAS FARMER: Your knook off the dust. The rest,.1s raked The proper time to beglll fully froOm erysipelas, which kepi sows. wishes to stir a dis­ cow Dian­ while the are following the oorrespondent up up from the sheep rack and pigs gro�iilg worse until my' hands were and asks a series of The sows should be in 'good flesh at ousslon on sheep, gel' and is fed to the horses, whioh almost useless. The bones softened for us to an­ it never time and kept that way. very pertinent questions will leave corn to eat it, and farrowing so that they would bend; and several and I wlll how much Commenoe feeding the pigs at four swer, give my replies. harms them, no matter they of are now from wheat my fingers crooked ewes and weeks a little soaked corn, I have sixty-eight breeding eat. old, cause. On from this my two and several muttons that will not me to sell Bny and oats, gradually inoreasing bucks, Money tempt hand I carry large themselves. I started with I have the exact time to time. But be very careful are by of my ewes, as just for .. but never to overfeed so as to scour the scars, which, about liwenty erose-bred Ootswolda and number for my trade, pasture and the sows and Merinos. I have butchered all- the in­ sheds. Kansas ought to be the banner pigs. Never pen pigs up, but them the run of a pasture lot. AVER'S crease and old ewes that were not sheep State. I have two Bhropabtre give Feed them three'times a all they wanted for breeders. I do not know rams; one is a last year lamb and day would or Sarsaparilla, the value of all but 180 the other is a two­ will eat. Never confine your pigs killed, they brought weighs pounds, be sores, provided I to a corn diet. At all me aPout the same as 4 cents per pound and weighs about 300 pounds. hogs exolufively year-old . was alive and able times feed or on foot. Have had the flock about No demand here for sheep, All are oats, wheat, rye barley, : to carry anything. two and oil'meal-in short, eight years, and never lost but crazy to raise corn and never put any­ bran, middlings relish'. A will Eight bottles of lambs that ate too muoh green rye and thing back onto the land. My profits anything they Variety and more uniform cured me, so as a as more pork Ayer's Sarsaparilla died from gorging. on sheep are not good criterion, produce ' will that I have had no return of the I got 19 oents per pound for wool in r have such' a good market, yet growth. some of the for more than, me a nice stake. I will now before you disease twenty years. 1891, 22 cents in 1892, 22 cents in 1893 say my fiock is making lay most reliable facts in oonneotion with The first bottle seemed to reach the , and 9 oents in 189-1, all through the Stookmen, as a class, are the founda­ the care of and feeding hogs, and a use of it has same firm and from sheep that were tion of a oommunity, and, as a rule, breeding spot persistent the fgeder of a man and this will apply as well'to the cure."-O. C. better every year and that had been are prosperous. Never heard perfected DAVIS, for as to the breeder for profit. kept dipped in Cooper's sheep dip and who is worthy the name of a shepherd profit Wautoma, Wis. Provide exoellent water­ that had wool that would class in any that needed help. No, I do not object (1) sleeping, and Provide market as "medium delaine fine comb- to name and address; On the con­ ing feeding places. (2) my individuals to tell in the best male and female ing." , trary, I am willing minutely can of the breed most de­ I do not know the cost of keeping the detail all the ins and outs in my busl- you get you sire to handle. (3) Provide for them sheep, as I never figured on it, but ness. best means and care-clean and have always thought that no matter Prairie hay and millet have been no the wholesome food, eleaa water, rioh what the cost the good done by them good for me. Giant olover is the only good and of it at all times, to be Sarsa lIa the destruotion of weeds and I use for sheep and we cut in slop plenty 'IYf;B�3pari through hay Give oorn, wheat, their valuable manure would morning, rake after noon, and mow at given regularly. AYER'S PILLS Good through or �romote comes bran, middlings Dige8t�01lo balance any cost. In fact, I look upon onoe. It 'heats, awfully hot, but oats, rye, barley, oil to produoe bone, it as the farmer who does not out all right. A Planet Jr. drill and shorts, meal, though ohareoal or muscle and fat;' salt, ashes, keep a few is not up with the demand oultIvator with an eight ten-year­ young, or are suffering from any dis­ aoid as of in one acre will and carbolic preventives of the, times, and is sadly laoking old boy and produce 1,000 ease or injury oausing elevation of the of disease. These, with the sanitary .di­ this intensive and progressive age. bushels turnips or beets at a.'cost temperature or affeoting ,the system 01 time of reotions given, and rememberIng that Our pasture used to be full of weeds but the use of ground, seed and theanlmal to a degree whioh would of is worth a car­ is absolutely free from them now, and harvesting. an ounoe preventIve make the flesh unfit for human food, is most em­ CLARENCE J. NORTON. load of oure, and that this is we keep our lawn oleanly trimmed by any organ or part of a carcass whioh Kas. tr.ue in the care of swine. allowing the sheep to run in the yard a Morantown, phatically bruised or alTeoted by tubercu­ brothers: badly few minutes eaoh day. They keep all Now, to my thoroughbred losis, actlnomycoels, abscess, suppurat­ low Feed Oars of the Herd. If want breeders, good feed­ tree sprouts down, trim up all an� you good ing sore or tape worm cysts must be and read before assiinilators limbs and make an orchard look 50 per Br w. B. McCor. of Valle), Falla., ers, good digesters, good condemned. the !EM meetln& of the Kanaaa Swine Breeden' constitutions and Our of profit­ can be removed cent. better. nelghbora' pastures AuoclaLlon. food, good All pregnant animals must breed Crom line­ are a solid mass of able hogs, you for stookers on goldenrod. I am often reminded of Mark Twain, to the country permit animals that are known to possess three lambs to bred of or can be destroyed at Our sheep average by men who come to my place to buy inspeotor, these If you want nioe, will be two ewes. Our advioe to beginners is stock. When I give qualifioatIonll. abattoir; otherwise they ,.beld thoroughbred' flne eoata of haIr must as I detest and smooth, you in and too prejudIced, loathe, them my prices, they will at once say: speclal pens during gestation breed from animals that possess these abhor the MerIno, but dearly love the I want a for stock pur­ ten days thereafter. "Oh, only pig If want neat heads Cots and When I know." qualities. you nioe, Dr. ohief meat in Kan­ wolds Shropshires. posee, A hog is only a hog, you Silo, inspector and ears, short noses and to have of the new saw two pens of sheep at the fair, one You remember Mark Twain said: sas City, Kas., is in charge short Rtrong, filnty bone, legs, good rules now in foroe in of Cotswolds and one of Shropshires, "Some people treat a baby as if it did system. The feet, broad, level baok, deep sides, of wlll be that had been out all night in a severe not amount to muoh, still they make reference to dockage hogs Cotswold good loin, heavy hams -and shoulders, rain storm, my love for the the men and women that possess the continued. and well-developed bodies and a gen­ deoreased very much, while the close­ brains that move this world." So with eral to the scale of points wooled "Shrops" greatly pleased me. the He oontributes or furnlehes adaptation Daroo-Jersey Reoord. hog. a model drowned and the that go to make up hog, you One looked like a rat more feed for this world than any The National Duree-Jersey Reoord breed from sires and dams that f Let ev­ must other like a well-oiled duck, other known animal. Assooiation, now in its fourth year of these qualities, always keeping one breed the ones he naturally The first and most possess has achieved what few other ery requisite thing eternal existence, value of in your mInd that vigilance likes best. The market my for feeding. and oaring for swine is a assooiations have ever done In so short [ and a striot adherenoe to the points fiook is, about 4 oents per pound or for the It has a present general liking adaptation is the a period of time. membership of nine lald down, or something better, f and they will ollp an average business. We have two classes of men of one hundred of the best class to succesa in swine nearly on only road breeding. pounds and will weigh an average who breed. feed and care for swine. of Duree-Jersey breeders throughout Let me impress upon your mind that 125 pounds each or perhaps more (shall The first 1: have desoribed. The second the different States who are willing to line-b)'ed animals can be depended them when I shear, April 1). man of rustle and determi­ only "live and let llve" and who do not weigh is tbe push, breeder l upon for profit, either to the One buck weighs 300 pounds and two nation, he who "strikes while the iron strive to upbuild themselves by pulling or feeder. Also that their ancestors, � ewes 200 each. men-if Is hot." Hogs . are like they others down. The National Duroe-Jer­ away back, must be noted for their I do not deal hi "futures," neIther do are "no good" they never amount to Asseclatlon does not require 01' prolifio breeding and their good assim­ sey I care about the future. I kill one or anything. Thus much depends on the resort to such means to keep al1oat. ilating qualities. Experienoe is tlie two every Friday night and peddle the seleotion of breedlng stook. You must Whenever a President of any swine best teacher, yet s�udy well what oth­ fresh mutton in our little· town, supply­ have hogs that are good eaters and association 01' organization uses his ers have learned and try to improve ing a select line of customers. Sell all good feeders. They must be able to high office to insinuate d upon it. hind 8 assimilate a cent. .... in roasts,!) oents for Quarter, digest and large per ------.------against his brothel' breeder" of oents for fore 'l cents for ribs, of all the elements contained in the he deserves the quarter, Gov�rnment Regulations of Interest to associations, disap- 10 cents for heart, liver, tongue and food eat and convert it into bone, and disapprobation of all swine they of Stock. proval soup bones; average five pounds tallow muscle and fat. Only animals that Shippers breeders, and methinks I heal' the rules to eaoh, which does not exceed the de­ have been bred in line and fed upon The new government inspection voice of the one hundred who patron­ March 7. Under mand at 10 cents per pound; pelts bring this prinoiple can be depended on. went into effect on Ize the 'National Duroo-Jersey Bee­ the of Morton 35 to 50 cents each; offal is worth The mongrel hog whioh has been half the late ruling Secretary ord rise as a man and echo these senti­ animals offered for sale on the work, to feed to hogs. bred and half fed does not possess all yards ments, I am 'pleased to note the fact Heretofore I have the only flook in the township, these qualities' of digestion and ele­ must be inspected. only that the National is recording many un­ animals have and no more are fed here. I do not ments of growth, However, don't those bought by packers fine animals of good, honest, reputable The Intro- want to buy or sell. I have the best derstand me to Bay that all depends on had to stand inspection. Duree-Jersey breeders, and to old of the wholesale thing on earth and intend to keep it. blood. For if you calculate to negleot duction inspection breeders as well as beginners, we ex­ interfered somewhat with trade. This Eaoh week a lamb will dress out forty and half starve your hogs, I advise you tend a cordial welcome to come and case with both to fifty pounds and bring about $!.50 to to stick to the "elm-peeler," for he is was especially the cows, join the �ational, and thus help on the as number of them $5, delivered, and as I take along flour used to it and will do the best for you beef and milch, a work of the upbullding of this now pop­ were found with calf. should and 'fl3ed, on whioh I make from 10 � under this treatment. Shippers ular swine. The National Duroe-Jer­ back all doubtful animals and 40 cents per hundred, my profits are After you have the right kind, you keep sey Record records your animals at 50 well­ save loss. good, and besides J have a demand for must provide good, comfortable, thus cents per head and grants equal rights diseases found all market vegetables I can raise, also ventilated quarters, olean floors and Any 01 the following to all and special f!!ovors to none. It drink in an animal an- all beef and pork. I pay a regular ll­ troughs for them to eat off of and existing by inspector has not declared a dividend nor does it condem- handle smoked also. out of. The man that allows his to wlll be sufficient cause fOr its a or but it saves oense.. and meats, hogs hope to 'for year so, mud and to the tank: Our lane from the pasture comes to eat on the ground, often in the nation you 50 per cent. on recording fees all and and often swine charbon the corral and we simply turn the filth to their .knees eyes, Hog cholera, plague, 'the year round. ca- in same for months and 01' epizootio, J. M. STONEBRAKER. sheep into the oow yard and allow the spot years, anthrax, malignant into their stomaohs this mud and and aeptlceemta, mange them to go with the oows. At noon taking tarrh, PSlllmia which out their digestive or scab in advanoed stages, advanced commercial school of tbe they oome up and get in the shade. I filth, grinds The leading them and fills them of or lumpy-jaw, Wichita Commercial had only to add two wires to my three­ organs, conattpates stages aotinomyoosis great Southwest. or of the in­ wire fenoe to keep the sheep in. Cost full of the germs of disease, and waters infiammation of the lungs college, Y. M. C. A. building. and 'fexas extensive or about $35. I can afford to pay 25 per them with filthy water filthy slop testines, fever, in and will never tuberculosls, Animals in oirculars sent to farmers. cent. on money to pay for Shropshire dIrty filthy troughs, generalized Interesting Pork in an advanoed state of pregnanoy or Send name to Bureau of Immiiratlon, sheep, with my own market, and then raise good hogs. produced Spo­ not fit for human whioh have birth to kane, Wash. make Iota of money. this way is any beln, reoently eiven jf) • corner, and the stud held'to the s111 by tion of orops suited to these conditioDs Cl1l0rteu�Pi---of aJIli.matt'etI.' strips tacked (nalls n.ot driven home) to would and, when the time comes, wlll the 01 the sUI or the side of the do more thia sectlon than even A BREIT MEDICINE. �""""'''''''''''''''''''...... ''''''''''''''''''..,.,...... __...... _ top fpr irri- . stull. are set one man we believe. An 1'1 After they up; gation, firmly 'Inst&nce - THE LOoATION uF A SILO. C.()d l'lVer 0'i1 is useful on the sm ltith a plumb-line and an- of this is seen in alfalfa, which, in tbe EDn'oR KANSAS �AR:MEi:t : T-When other in the pit wU,h a heavy hammer. face of ignorance, and'even prejudice beyond; any praise it has the ailo should be-located can soon the stUds to a is its as the possible, ip bring perpen- making way comiug grUs: ' ever won, few are' the. feeding barn, since it not onlY-l diotilar. An iron piti driven in the or,,,tleast one of the coming,grasses. andyet the cost within hoids the bottom from Fllteen of ob- ,of the . and or brings building olay slippin, years experience willing can take it in , reach of servation corn has i everyone who is in inw,ards. ,. upon really exceedingly Its natural state. Scott's need of a silo, but greatly facmta�s Use green lumber (SUrfaced) for the weakened our loyalty to "King Corn." the handling of the ensilage when boards behind the studs, ten inch�s or 'We have seen him s'ome�imes leading Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil feeding it out. Depth in a silo ia twelve inches wide. The ends'should on to victory, but oftener meeting with . ' IS it is al­ always preferable to breadth, so that' not quite meet where. they lap behind partial and not unfrequently almost or nat offensive; in case of or the of the so can basement bank barns, it is edges studs, they be quite total deleat. His behavior be- most palata a abIe. advisl!oble �.let the sllo reach from the raised as the concrete and stone are fore the enemy last �ason, the enemy to�.of bar� posts. tQ the ground fioor filled in. behind. When the wall is of drough't and hot' winds, and his ut- Children like it. It is of basement. A door or built to the rest the ter rout opening cal! up sill, sUI, level, by them, ought forever to Cod-liver Oil made more be from the .silo into th� on six or inch of undo his in the lana of the niade directly eight square strips supremacy: effectual, and combined. basement where the ensilage is to be wood laid acl'!)ss. To build the, �irts, sunll.ower. Henceforth the progreB8ive fed. The next best the farmer will at owe a with the location 1s adjoin- lay corresponding pieces exactly least di,vided alle-' Hypophosphites 1ng the feeding stable. In most dairy above those of the sUI and nail them glance. its strengthe ning and, stables the oows are stationed in two Saw of old There' is another star above together. props (pieces - rising <, fiesh f are /,;" long rows fl!'6ing each other, and when- ralls will do) to spaoe the girts; the the horizon. It is the star:of "King orming powers ever it is possible, it should be 0.1'- lower ones eighteen, the next above Durra." We Know his brothers largely increased. so that the s110 can and so on t:.. ranged be entered twenty inohes, to three feet Broomcorn and Sorghum well. Tti� Don't 1J611�"uadtUl to acctpt Cl4ul'J8tttute / from the end of the a of t.he top. For set fenoe: former has lived a and useful life feeding alley; stay-lath, up long Scott" Bowno, N. Y; All Druggists. 50c. and ". wooden track can be laid along tHe boards sixteen leet long and secut'ely and has borne the burden and hot center of the feed-way and into the s.ay-na11 the girt on both sides. The winds of the day. The latter; despised I had three rows listed in at the tim� sllo, upon which a low-wheeled car can faces and corners plumb above those of and rejected of men frequently ia ever of as a and culti­ be-operated to distribute the feed: if sill. The second girt nan together ready for service and has neve; proved planting corn, trial, vated in. the same The hot winds the sUo building is located entirely upon the other, raised upon next set of untrue. When the Wes�n farmer way. destroye.d the corn but the durra still separate, it should be planned to load props, to t.he stay-Iat� as before, loses his crops for two or three years nall�d remained and untouched and the ensilage into a cart which can be and so on to the top. Space girts so as and becomes sufficiently humbled, he green' ripened out in due time without more driven in�o the feeding barn, tpus de- to bring the center of lllwer pieces of starts up the sorghum mill onoe more rain in the middle of In livering the ensilage, with little labor, one just sixteen feet above bottom of and his trust is not betrayed. August, my it is the corn that will directly to the cattle. The idea of ceiling. The spaces in this lap girt King Durra comes in several guises opinion only wIthstand the extra summers we convenience should not be lost sight of, should be filled by triangular pieces and with great variety of purpose. He dry sometimes have and hot winds. by exeroising a little thought and sawed in so as to join the may call himself M.illo Maize (a false !or Dl,, If we are to be successful "out West" Judgment the labor of waiting on the two courses of ceiling sixteen feet and name), or he may bow his weighty we must look for to stock through the long feeding season six, in one' straight line around. Set head and he knowJl as Egyptian Rioe somethlng rely uPO,J;l in case our fail. can be greatly reduced. the staying poles up in pairs again!!t Corn. He may stand erect in the sue- regular crops I have been successful in In a square silo less lumber 1s re- each comer, but stay-lath together and culent foliage and rIch seed of Kaffir usually' raising German Amber sorghum for quirefl and less ensilage is exposed to to the barn so as to stand independent corn or he may dwarf himself and make seed and feed and had some sown near the walls in proportion to the capacity and put platforms the height of the greatest possible resistance to by and uader precisely the same condi­ than in a long, narrow building. It is work requires. The pine ceiling, thor- drought and hot winds in the Jerusa- tions as the durra corn (only a little .. the part of economy to retain as nearly oughly seasoned, sbouldbe all cut by lem corn. In sOID.e of his 'forms he later), but it failed to make seed suffi­ the form of a cube as the location and. measure ,to two lengths, sixteen and makes the most provender, in some cient to to harvest. other circumstances will permit. The- six feet, for the two courses together the most feed for the beasts, in some pay Hough, Ifas. H. E. ROWE. oretloally, a circular silo comes the twenty-two feet high-no piecing. the best- human food. Happy is the nearest to lor this form re- Draw parallel across all the man who has large ricks of Kaffir corn perfection, plumb-line for to the this for Subsoiling Whea.t. quires the minimum amount of J,Da- girts top; forms the jamb his stock this wInter; more will to the EDITOR KANSAS FARMER:-There is terlal and does away with the corners, casing doors, and when the op- have them next winter. one is a deal of interest in this of in which there Ii always more or less posite fitted to its line, all the ,Let us welcome the new dynasty. good part the State on the of decayed ensilage. Tile form, however, �oor� should be marked, beveled alld "The king is dead, long live the king I" subject subsoillng, to' the same and I believe it will solve the lies 'wholly with the builder's idea and [olnted width; 'The T.. C. MOFFATT. irrlga- tion for the of means. grooved edge of the ceilIng faces jo Palisade, Neb. question greater part the. Two men on Kansas at a small fraction of the ex- To build a cheap and desirable sllo: right. being the and of the time pense of putting in irrij!'ation The one here described is ten and one- staging outside, part Hot WindB--Wba.t Shall We Grow? a� plant. one can with a half feet in diameter astride the girts, drive the tongue of .' 'Besides, "lrrigate" inside and twenty- EDITOR KANSAS the next FARMER:-For sev- "subsoil where it would be Im- seven and one-half feet five and piece home with a jointed plow" deep; eral I have seen the of hard-wood a years neoessity to do so with water in one-half feet of stone and cement in the block foot long and a practicable producing something that will produce if could the and for the other heavy hammer, keeping the top end to ditches, .even they get ground twenty-two in of our' the line before fast. If grain spite usually dry sum- water. I have read considerable feet a pair of perpendicular board walls naillng it will lately mers and hot winds. I believe I have as to the effect of subsollinz on differ­ with attached to not go it is foroed from the inside. girts same. There tried about all the so-called drought- ent but have �een no re­ are no the The block is nailed to the girt with spring crops, studding; girts (and sill) and la3t wire the year reduced my ports as to tile results in regard to are wooden hoops, made by cutting 2x6 short, heavy, nails, alternate r�sisters, list to four kinds, vi:.:, red and white wheat on subsoiled land. Will or to the and blows on key and the (other) block you, [olste length angles required ��e Kaffir and brown makes a corn, sorghum durra the readers of the KANSAS FARMER and spiking them together in two layers. [omt, The block iil knocked .the nails driven corn. , who have had on this The lower make the sllo an off, oaok and it is experience line, pieces White Kaffir corn was sown on for next time. The corner sod, make it known through the columns of octagon outside, while the inner edges ready plowed early. It with the first this for it will interest a of both the and lower should be turned .on two joints; if the st�rted papel,;? large upper pieces and made slow turn is all rain, progress, showing number of in southern make it a inside. Cut made on one, in the corner, wheat-growers sixteen-square few seed heads on 15th the not the of Septem- Kansas. C. M. C. ANDRUS. the for the lower course of such tongue does enter the groove pieces not sufficient to If the ber; 2'ather. A por- Wichita Kas length that a fourteen-foot makes enough. ceiling is made of dlf- joist tion died almost to the ground after '��.��=�� three without waste four feet ferent widths, three, four and five pieces, the hot winds. Cut the bInder It is not to be wondered at t.hat Aver's nine inches (nearly); the 'sa'lle joist inches, you can select in advance such wi�h as to .the middle of the cuts four top pieces, every fourth piece i��I�:;:�; ' c����P��I�:�r��t\o�::e����� cewi��hslng over e them ��:� l::e�f �C��b!�s ���ynO;O��od:�� �:; shorter at one end for the door- ttr1ngcorner, support other a these being br I h t. complaint needing laxative, t.oward the bottom with g way. F<>r a larger allo, t�elve or four- wedges. rived- pills are unsurpassed. Tbey are sugar- from ' Red Kaffir corn, sown also on sad, teen feet be cut to make two-Inch lengths of ceiling. coated, easy to take, and every dose is joists may under the same conditions. It came . t'wo instead of To make an where the effective. lengths three; thus, six- alr-tight joint ------up and slowly, but foot bottom pieces make a fifteen-foot ceiling meets the concrete, it will not thint �tar�dect v:rh hot IIAmong the Ozarks," silo, and so on, Norway pine takes do to bed the sill in mortar when it is �a:u :?d1 m�cno seead unetil IYate, mawkindslng the Land of Big Red Apples, is an attract­ nalls better than hard wood. Two first laid, as the after hammering some very fine heads, the earlier por- ive and Interesting book, handsomely lius­ men with a saw in order can saw breaks it up. The sill rests on the good tion but trated with views of south Missouri ripening having scenery '" the stuff for a silo inch and to till the early girt in half a square strips, space �.?ll, the " day. frosts it per of the seed bicludlng famous Olden fruit farm 01 of the bottom should pUilh the concrete in from the outside acres In Howell The. angles pieces I a e see 8,000 county. It pertains crop chut dOfft2h') , cdent.gatheJ.:ed bY be but the for with the end of a short board anrl flush' to In that fruit belt o[ exactly right, pattern to off fruit-raising great it the the piece::! may be a little short, as against ceiling, tamping it solid America, the southern slope of the Ozarks t�p �:nd,e st��a s.allOte:n�het�attle�y er the the imide is faced. to tile outside. pre:eed and will prove of great value, not only to edge The sill stalks of the red a fruit-growers, but to farmer and should be made true to ' With silo as here described and variety.. every circle before I advise all ,would to grow a lew home-seeker looking for a farm and a home the top pieces are spiked too. solid. A corn fodder prepared as heretorore the Mailed free, Address, strip of lumber as long as the diameter, given, you are ready to feed your stock acrdessee °df retd Kt8hffir tcolrkn,s 19atherOBe to the J. E. LoCKWOOD. Kansas City, Mo. reaching from face to face will in a profitable and economical manner. � _c inside, grounadn,anCUd ufPeed et0 8ht e cows in the sbow wereh to strike with the .TEROME. sledge fa.11 S ome 0 f the stalks were four to .true up. inches in West and ,. . circumrerence. I was in Virginia, Virginia Maryland the about The Discrowned Dlg Plt three lDches larger King. doubt if they could eat them, but the o:l(er superior Inducements to persons seek­ than sill all EDITOR Ing pleasant and profitable homes, Low­ the, around, gradually KANSAS FARMER:-The in- did greedily and would even leav� priced farming and grazinJr lands, timber changing at the bottom. A habi tants -of the have oorn fodder for them. �o .0. circ�e Mlssi:;sippi valley and mineral lands, sites of lald across the and manufacturing ' couple JOlsts pit long acknowledged the supremacy of Had we had the usual September business locations; etc. up to proper level corn as His has un- Farms convenient to Eastern marketsara th.e support king. 'sway been rains there would have been a fair crop theblocke,d which lS then offered at prices wblch can't be stay-lathed to disputed in tbat Bection. But we of of red Kaffir corn raised duplicated si!l, hereabouts. elsewhere. A list the barn and a specla# of Shenandoah couple of stakes. For Kansas and Nebraska live in the ex- Brown durra corn was sown on sod v.llley. Maryland and West Virginia prop­ wall studs are ,the Great guide, used, girt American desert. It h not a precisely the same as the Kaffir corn' erties Is now ready for free distribution. not Western can take yet, one for each in- desert, but I have sometimes felt that It came and people half-rate excur- s�uff. up quickly grew fairly to the Shenandoah slde hall and when a 1I10ns valley over the way broad red line ought to' be drawn well for the and was corn:er rou�d; season, heading Baltimore & Ohio railroad from Chicago, the wall lS done on that move all around it to slde, mark it off from the rest out when the hot winds struck it, but St, Louis, Cincinnati and all B. & O. pOints but the end ones to t.he other side; set of the country, so different is it in soil, did not wilt, neither did the leaves in Obio, ,indiana and Illinois. studs on For fu1l information. free or up, end, against one and climate, atmosphere and the general burn, The heads filled 'out well ar..d given oharge, write to S. P. Land and �hesene-fourth inch tacked to each .Kretzer, Immigra­ blocks, conditions of growth. That the made a of fiIlB seed. B. & adop- paying orop very tion Alent, O. R. R., Philadelphia •

• ,--' - . '. t41

'" :;�;��.�.:!�!�£!�;: P ES�...... SUP LI as it deem necessary GATUJN soil lRR may I percolation all the � tor a more complete knowledge of Kansas Irri Law. ganon conditions pertaining to water supply for and AN AOT, Rela,ting tQ irrigation pro- irrigation within said drainage basin west Steam the creation df a Board of Irri- Pumps, viding fur of the mertdtan ; Provided, that no 'WindmiU,s, manner of 9.8th and the appolntment, l0.ted gation part of the money hereby appropr FAI:10ANKB- ' defining the duties thereof, directing GASOLINE lind be shall be used tor these purposes to the that certain experiments in irrigation slieet water and an appropriation there- prejudice of the underflow, ENGINES,. made and making ETC. tor, and for these purposes withdrawing artesian work. ETC., and bertain, schpol lands from sale, pro- SBO. 8. Said lIoard may cause to be made to take and hold cer- viding for the State or for artesian water and ' borings drillings the of this act, tain lands for purposes locate storage basins in connection with State Be (t enacted by the Leofataturc o�lIe said wells at such points as said board lJIay 0/ Kansas: deem most practicable. A complete record to be known as WE WILL S)!:OTION 1. That a board of such borings and drillings shali be pre­ and ERECT PLANTS a Board of Irrigation Survey Experi- served in the same manner and with the and said board shall COMPLETE, ment is hereby created same details as in the case of the underflow two of whom GUARAN'tEEING be composed of five members, and sheet water borings hereinafter men- State Univer- RESULTS. Shall be the of the ' GeolOgist tioned. GET OUR President of the said sity at Lawrence, and. the SEo.,9. It shall be the duty of board, CATALOGUES. Agricultural college at Manhattan, 'who 'in the Construction of said wells, to keep shall be advisory members of ,said board, accurate data of each stratum·' and sub- the MOR,SE '& and three 'members to be appointed by 'stratum'and the depth or thickness of each FAIRBANKS, CQ., _ Governor, by and with the adv�ce aI!d con- passed' through in such construction and of in one KANSAS MO. Bent of the Senate Kansas; wh�:,shall preserve a sample of each duplicate, UNION .AVE., CITY, hold their office for the period of two years, to be retained by the Irrigation Board and 1310. not more than two of whom shall belong to the other to be used by the State in deter-' �!:===��======p======�===��=�= be re- to the the same politicai party and may mining ,the geological formation of the ter- embodied In this report, in addition mentioned 'three stations other ,matter" , moved for cause; said last rltory wherein such, welis and may foregoing requirements, such DRA I N TILE � the to act as said -e-e- members to be appointed during present be tocated. And there shall be made relative to the subject of this said board to a report and none session of the Legislature an� said Board of Irrigation monthly board shall unanimously order, . S. DICKEY CLAY MFG. CO., W. ' within ten of the and State ' meet organize days af�er by the Agricultural college other 'Main SU., Kansas City, no. and said 20th and the cOnfirmation of'-said third, fourth worle being done' at the expertmental irri- SE�. 15. Each active member of mentioned the sum Afth members; the said last gation stations under its charge and con- board shall receive for his services versed 1D shall members shall be persona practi- trol. of ten hundred dollars per year,which members be with the cal irrigation, and to be the active SEO. 10. 1:here shall deposited be paid in quarterly 'Installments by IRRICATION. the State State thereof. The said board shall have charge the State u�iveJ;'sJ�y, Agricultural State Treasurer on the warrant of the this act. of a true to-actual­ of the work contemplated by college and the 'Board Irrigation Auditor, and eachsball be entitled FOR SALE I for the sake of lr. and of each and every survey in the Said board, brevity, here-. correct copy expenses for transportation perform­ Board of or mafter referred to as the Jrrlga- and proflle, field notes, plat, map maps ance of his duties. as soon after the originals are all under tion. , The of mOl,leys DOWN. ' thereof, SHOo 16. payment FARMS WAY board be SEO. 2. The active members of said made as possible; the originals the of this act not hereinbefore s�all provisions tarin. In Rookl county, KanllBl, an official oath of the State wher- vouchers I have excellent 8hall take and subscribe to kept as public property for shall be upon duly v&lue. Will aell on provided tor 1"le. w"y down below their th duties e oard 0f Irri tion direc.t board and down and one-tenth yearly, failhfu11y t0 per'form ie imposed by ever th B go. may sworn to and approved by the contract tor one-tenth one-fourth or more II paid shall It shall be the of the board the or will give deed Ir this act. When said board organize SIIiQ..ll. duty the State Treasurer upon much payable by down. Write tor particulars and state ho.. in the sum sites and locations for said sta- want the balanoe ot and shall give bond of.'I5,Ooo in selecting warra'nt of the State Auditor. you oau lI"Y do..n "nd how you Soore- same the 1 allo have leveral unlmpMve.1 tluma subject to the approval of the tions and wells, to locate the upon SEo.17. It shall be the duty of lIaid board, lI"ymentll. each, 'In central Nebrnaka and one large body or over 1,000 ta1'V of the members thereof from school Jands of the State where of auch stations and ranoh ot 1,"0 acrea -J State, � upied upon completion aorel. 1 bave a finely Improl'ed Presiuent and unocc, be such in the lCu, Any or all of above will be their number shall select the practicable, if there county to lease or sub-Iet,thesame to respon- In Rook. eonntr, wells, or exchaQge part or all ot tt President stations shall be located. In Bold very low, mlllht a of said board. The wherein such sible upon such conditions and, In Chloago or vlclnUy.' ' Secretary parties tor "cod Improved property known as' teah St te Engineer 0f the event that no unoccupied soh0011ands rules and regulations Addreal shall be ' under such terms and ' 8vailBbie to locate such wells Irrigation. shall be any as the board may prescrib�. B. J. KENDALL, hold meet- wherein· such sta- of ILL. SEO. 8. Said board shall its or stations in any county SEO. 18. To carry out tlie provisions 610 lIi(aaonio Temple, CHICAGO. located as at the of and its tion well shall hereafter be sum thousand dollars ings city Topeklloquarterly, o,r this act the cif thirty HAVE YOU BEARD-- rooms then said board be nee- ShBll be held at the pro- hereinbefore provided, or as much thereof as may con Ihe meetings (eon�,000) How cheap you buy e Board 0f cuIt receIve d tions from municI I out of the CURRIE GALVANIZJjlD STl!lltL vIded for the Stat Agrl ure, shalI, onar any �a essary, is hereby appropriated WINDMILl,? If not. write for it shall also hold meetings in the terri. corporation, corporation, company, aSSOCla- State not otherwise and funds in e Treasury 'price. It will astonish you. a suffi- torv wherein the work of the board is be- tlon, individual or individuals of tho CUBRIE WINDMILL co., -J " appropriated. board less than con- Mllnilattall. Kallsas. ibg performed at such places as the cient quantity of land not forty SBC. 19. All acts or parts of acts in station or are .. Ijlay designate, due notice of tlmeand place acres upon which to locate such fllct wIth the provisions of this act station or well shall of meeting being given in some newspaper well, and before such hereby repealed. Steel Wind. in th� wherein such meet- be located thereon a good and sufficient act shall take effeot and be ,The Kirkwood EnIDnH published county SEO. 20. This haa been In use since 1882. It II aotive made to the State in ing is to be held, a majority of warranty deed shall be in force from and after its publication the pioneer Ileel mlll. n haa and it shall be the . beauty. Itrengtb. members to constitute a quorum. of Kansas for said lands, the Topeka Dally Capita" o'!.��bl::tri and records thereof of said board to investiga.te the title March 1895. , 4. All 4, �HIII SEO. surveys duty Approved '. BEST; this act shall be under the of said land and ascertain that the same is Published March 5, 1895. 'hence the required by KIR�",oo mill for YOU said board. And said board call to their Illll MILL , charge and direction of perfect. may �rr-�"",.;;;,"""ac order that there be made asststence any County Attorney in the Potato Oulture. to':t:lulana. SEO. Ii. In may '_''''''00Y1 have them I to assist in the title to of tbe water on the State perfecting any - a practical test supply EDITOR KANSAS FARMER: In the Our Steel for such and it is hereby made the duty Tuwerahave uplands of western Kansas irrigation land, small irri­ to such of 1891 I erected a tour angle' steel corner, con- perform .. spring said board shall cause to be of such County Attorney bracu purposes, of an substantlRlsteel glrtaand and no appropriated consisting eight­ are structed twenty irrigallon wells and pump- aervtces, money hereby gating plant, -Lot fence 'litre. They of land under attached to two strong, Simple In convtruQo more if under this shall be paid for the purchase foot Aermoter wheel lIgbt. ,lng stations or posaible much than wood that the State is With this I tton, obeaper appropriation, not more than one of which any event; Provided, four-inch pumps. plant and Will lut a lifetime. Our to take and to hold summer h94. and towera are ALL STJIl.l!lL and tuUy gU&r-' shall be located in the same county, which hereby empowered any irrigated, during the of mllll herein indicated. and under the such land tor the,purposes were and Addre•• mentloD .shall be constructed operated seven acres of crops which an::,c:e for prlcel and clronlarl. , of act all board in such manner that SEC. 12. For the purposes this thl. paper. direction of said as follows:. Sweet potatoes, Inll school lands of the State produced ltIBEWOOD WIND ENGINE ,correct data of the of wells, quantity the unoccupied CO., depth bushels acre; Irish potatoes, Ka8. the 98th meridian are with­ 400 per Arkansas,Clty. 'of water kinds of pumps and power west of hereby supply, 350 bushels acre. the of each of said drawn from sale for the period of two per employed, and capacity mode of and shall be on sale again I now proceed to give my wells, and said board are hereby empow- years, only placed METAL order of the State Superintendent of culture in south west Kansa.s. ,erfd to make a practical fest of the so- by the potato the at which land as ,called underfiow water for the purpose of Public Instruction, prjce sai,d First, I select a piece of nearly WHEEL shall be offered for sale to be fixed bave ,utilizing said underflow water for irrigation lands by level as possible, so that I may � for your ex- the State Superintendent of Public Instruc­ irri­ purposes, to make a full and complete control of water wbile Board of complete underflow water as the Secretary of thB State amlnation of said they tion, I now and prepare tbe WAGONS. of with gating. plow be enabled' to do with the means Agriculture and Secretary State, msy ground, plowing eight or ten incbes AOJ size you want. 00 command to demonstrate special reference to the improvements to66in, high. Tires 1 placed at their barrow and pulverize then to be sold on bids thoroughly to 8 10,wide-hubs to the best method of raising water to the thereon, competitive deep, now to lit any axle. ,l'Javes it for at not less than the value flxed in accord­ the ground. Being ready plant, surface, and storing irrigation pur- C08t man,y time. lu­ sale of I ance with the law governing the with a fourteen-incb stirring plow, seuon to have set poses, making as full a'!ld complete reports I three fect of low wheel. to lit of their investigations in, detail, method school lands. run my furrows about apart Jour wagon for haullog extent of flow of SEO. 18. It shall be the duty of said b,ard will run. I and systems employed, and as deep as the pl()w R'rain, fodder, manure, in the work of constructing As No ret!8ttloll of water supply thus secured, the avaiiabUlty prosecuting now fill, the furrows with water. bOlla. &0. said stations and wells, to adverthe for lires. Catl'g free. Addre.. of such water supply 'to be utilized, also to water sinks I in soon as the away put MFG. measurements and ex- sealed proposals for thirty days In the offi­ EMPIRE CO., make observations, has been previously '" where said station or well my seed (which Q.u1nClY, Ill. periments to determine the quantity of cial county paper one or two to the piece), drop­ in the west is to be located and to let the same to the cut, eyes water flowing annually twelve the one in a place, ten or of the 98th meridian, and the amount of lowe�t responsible bidder, reserving ping piece to and all the con­ in the covering same run-off or surface water and the practica- right reject any bids, inches apart row, to furnish a and sufficient As soon as billty of storing the same for irrigation tractor good by leveling the ground. a areas and, the bond. to the State of Kansas. in the purposes in Irrigating large payable the plants are through ground smount of the con­ acre for such water sum equa.l to double the I probable cost per sup- enough so that I can follow the rows, which it be utH- tract price for constructing noy such well or ply and the extent to may cultivate with a five-tooth cultivator, shall be retained 20 that no shall be station, and there per ized; Provided, money as to bow until not being particular many for the of erection cent. of the contract price thirty days expended purchase land, tbe cover­ the of said well and shall I cover up, as I think of permanent buildings or experimental after completion plants until such contractor shall fur- does no harm at this stage and farming. not be paid ing board authentic tor all from the SEC. 6. There shall be prellared a full Bnd nish to said receipts protects the plants bugs, and, work or labor performed and for material all weed complete drainage map or maps with pro- at the same time, destroys in the construction of such files of the drainage basins and such other furnished any seeds starting. I now, with a large station or that in each and portions of said surveys necessary to carry well; Provided, run a furrow be­ Irri­ single-sbovel plow, of this act. The said every contract made by said Board of out the intention tween each two rows. In these furrows all it shall let or shall represent the topogra- gation, things being equal, map maps I turn the water, being very careful fiood structure, the contract to the person or persous living phy, areas, geographical over the location of the work to be done. not to let tbe water run tops a'nd all other details essential to as com- nearest the SEO. 14. The Bop,rd of Irrigation shall plete a knowledge as possible of the prac- full of their to, tical condition of irrigation In Kansas west make a, report proceedings at its next which of the 98th meridian. Said map or maps the Legislature session, include an account of all funds shall be executed on a scale of two miles to report shall disbursed them, 'LB!��� received and showing ����e�I��d and be on the section line by P?��!al�:!:e, Into your pocket. one inch, base!} OLINE ENGINES require no Engineer. ,His salary goes of all whom and and township outlines of the official land the detaiis expendltures,to Co. Kansas Mo. , for what paid. There shall be ��!��ciWeber Gas & GasolIne Ewe ,459 Solithwestponlevard, City, survey. llurposes ----.� _._ lao;kso!Ls��� run until it Botes l'roIii ,..: fo��4FY,,:!lO�.:IU�!,�e�n9-;ant\ of the r' .the ,00ll�Q Farm.. rows, leaving wat.�r � I of i TQpeli:a. '.Thls,6fltab11ilh� ttlie of � has BC)"a;k� to the:roots the,}fotatoea: MPo G:'n�'B'ri,J�, 01 !F�dotiia;: adds best ill the .West. u-A_Urw rw is'.-11'' ·�w" .,,,.. .�!t the � As SDDn after eaoh ,fo..ur ewes and one ram to his flook t)lis autt "a'sonabIe. -�':' JT: "�<�J .irrigatio�.�as 'priCes' .. l'l �Q usc I.d:. (,h�.· tt +->: '":'.1·lJ�, ... ��.:)!l'-:):J"i- will I eek the ground oulti�ate,�'�fore, .• from. cOllege ShrD�ilfre�", "SOL� .HIs .:,S,BBD.' '''�D 'j§PT !aIM.J�!,!T9 with a .flve�erinitt.oQ�h pigs !Are ou!t�va�r'o.kel!'ping ., ,Feedi�. 'txpeiime9¥1 ,!V�t\l �OUBLI9.::-��bll,shers. KA�SAB F.A}:lM�"';t:'; 'to, its the ground wellstlrr.ed prevent among�thein:tEI�tlngth:iDgsat.the'barn Plee,ae stpp J;Dy, ad�ertisement. t ha,:v� spIll to the or ·was baklnl{•. As amDnut,of.'���r now. ''Ph:e10t,of four that: �8�r..�ed ml.OIp!� Bee!!: �a�v�,g�t. sCQrel!, 'Qf 1e�tJ3� the nU!!1ber of times to irrigaw.1Io orop, In the ration Df. ®tto�seed :meal �nd an� it 1s'a,gl):if� 'd�l__O! t��ble·.Y"\)�8t�� Df them� we must be governed by oDndit,i�n ciorn� meal :have ':'a11 suCcumbed' to .�he ,'�i!b: _I h�d mor�'IB� t9.' s�1,!::,Ii��e a'wide c.lrouIa1ilon�·wbio}l soil and,amDunt rainfall. �It is ,very enects of the 'cottQn8eed �e8.1. your paper·lias - D� deadly its', -merits· -'deserve. R. "S:' Cornish'{'Os. and in fact the we might . '" Ses'd=":C:orri t eBsential, orDp,. One,p.lg survived ''''only twenty-three c'."' .�. �'.: ;',"l wego,'Kas. 80 upon the from of the eXPeri­ !Jew,NEBRASKA:-:-IBON-CLAD..,.made say, "S9lely .d�pends having: the�beginning _ without days '?jd\i�� bualiell'pjIr &01'1 In Nebl'1lua In 181M, I!T,I.' hDt winds are Tn 'T:TNTB�im!'IEk�T�e: XopeIta' ·",ell·llnown GoldeII' ground wet while the ment; two., thirty-seven days; and the hUon;.s:A; '6rdU. between the . cause"of 10 cate'stlllchamplons:the ihe�11!(000 Beauty and Barb' Vellow Dent. Sample .... As ,to the- kind, s!)il� The average and of blowing. Df-., ��d:! fourth, -tlfty-siX days. unterrified POp'uliste of Kansas:'and' tbiifr O4IJI,tJoi"POmlald. ,Earl_' Thompson KIng '80 Iilishel. per -aCl're, wltliout.lrrlgatloil SUbSDil, I have!' variety �n my .�a�:.:n, weilCht oUbe·.pigs 'was somethlng' Iess :Other' 'it EiD'lt�8; brothers:�n St8�s, yet �lkil�l1�ps In N.b,l'&IkL Bend tor our new catalogae. . to '-. from a sandy that; -it 1'1' varyi?g light .l?am a_ �an. fift;! RO,!nd..s.. ��!!- ,pig 'Y!'8.,re­ In such an unprejudiced way la;�d Dr I .have. cotton­ and Pl'O" -:DEtA'NO�SEED Park, Neb. stifl.:,pint clay hard-panr ceiving about eight ounces'Df by. many Repu1)Uoansj Demoorats' CO��'le8 on a tried th.ese,varlouB mixed wlth •. You can iUor 11', ,year, growlng potatoea Beed meal :a" day, thrl'le bib�tlonists ,�et " DIG ONaIi months. lFhe· Advocate soils �nd find the sandy sotla with o.pen, thnes this auiount "of corn meal, No 25 Qents ·for, �hree '61>t..f'1 vOES And loti 01 th.", . to �:Jr�MB. a y� for,.t.50J,j_ ) .::�,� porous subsoil the -best adapted su_(l'- signB of siokness 'could be seen up to an� ,lU.NSAS P'.... '''By 'plantfng':l1ir 'Famous NORTHBRN GROWN SEED. Earliest in the world. cessful -: or'twD Df the'death Df the CURRIB WINDMILL Co . ...."ls a Kansas insti­ poteto-growlng. withbi a'day 'to old out steel wind­ You can·t atforil plant played JOSEP-B HUFFMAN•. : ,of the tution that makes gatyan\ze!l_ Local - pig, tiut examJn�liDn' eorpae sortli .thls, eeason, Catalogue free. mills and towers adapted to the wanted. Garden City, Kas. wDuld'shDW a severe case of inflamma- espeoially agent West, the merits of which, during the past 11' &: CO�, 8eed8�eu, bowels. " ,. :r.� �.,.KA tiDn'Df the lurigs atid AlthDugh . seven years, has g�ined ,for the company POTATO 'DEPT; St. Paul, Klnu. Good Pr08peots�-Wi1l Try Irii�tion. did nDt the feed, they made Orop they r�liBh an enviable reputation.', O.ur rea.del's are KANSAS FARMER:-A. twice Df IDts fed Dn EDITOR great abDut the gains requested to wt100 .the;Ciir,rie Windmlll 00., are can" many of Dur farmers ]lere corn meal, CDrn D;leal and wheat, o� of Manhattan, .for a descrintiva.. circular, viiiced that we must irrigate, and raise wheat. The expet'!meIit will be' con­ which fully sets fqrth the iipeoial,;�eatures S,EED,�_·PDI.ATOE,S] ·whiob garden stUff at least, and in Dur'neigh­ t�nued with qtature hDgs to see if the whioh they !:Ilaim for theJr mills, Oats and Crass. , on Oorn,. sell at reasonable Il warranty Oane," ,priceS. .. -there are is suitable for they " borhDOd seve�al p.onds buUt, cotton s�ed meal feeding .,,': EEDS.· .' of their olalms. � from or three weeks of the ',�.; stDre two. . to'1?e. used _to water. �he the .last' . U:Send fDr,�e"c!'lJltive list snd urlce�. underfiDw. 'On February 25 we had period. fattenillg Ask your neigbbor to Sd�l!ibe:"'for the '�l- ,':.�,;' '.":J':.' B., �� ¥QORU¥., � - hDUrS I . KANSAS. nea�ti twenty-fDU.r rain, and' The extie�hnent cqmpal'ing corn, KANSAS FARMS•. 11lt Soill'Qurth St. ATCHISON, ," ' ..... f_" , b�lii:!ve �he fall wheat is in v.ery g.ood Kamr CDrn and" wheat will. be olDsed .'�' " _ ...... c.Dnd'ftion generally. I know every­ the middle Df ,the mDnth. The corn­ Six ThouSand'¥U� ·�f 'w��� . and we wheat-fed IDt are bQ!}Y i� tn petter spirits since, fed IDt and running The vast fertlle'valleyso! tne two:Indi8il make a effDrt so. but the Kamr corn feel encouraged to big a very close race, resorv,ations �n northea.Btei"rl\.T:Ttab,; :Iioo_u to G,B,Ast-I'S KING Sheridan will CDme to the IDt has made 19 cent. less than to comprise'abolit W.·aN that cDunty per gain be open sl!ftlers 8;Il00,000 r weeks the and 'armoeeda.�lndrleoember20,,189t. onll ba,:,mare, them out. If there tp . fields-drown . valaed mDre: to be rl"lit hind toot white; It'116. build a a thilig there is foot irrigating, ditch avaUable,. general HORSE-By.lame, one blaoll hone, lett hind than'IDst this. To. the ltar la valued aU16. . ..;. reservoir in highest part of. field 'and gained by ques­ white, EVERORE'EIIS "How's wheat?" t.hat has Harper county-Wm. Du1fy, olerk. . in a modern irrigation plant. A tion, your pil·t HDRSE-Ta1ren un T. H. Battol1r, In ·Buner 'lfant.· I sell them. been so tiines th'3 past by thatllve·ilnd'"r.;;Is 'lfhaU'!'!1 twelve-foot steel mill and many oue hone; 8 transplanted baok-geared tp., January 28. 1896, bay' ':real'lold. Nurse" grown treeo,.265.8 varletletl, have "All on left lett hind foot wblte, shod on BDd on ('an for will furnish water week, �e replied, �tlad:" spavined leg, everliCl"8ens one foot and up,packer] eight-inoh cylinder Smaller Iota with tront teet;. valued at 186. 110.00. Greate.t bar"aln a",r olremd. lift to. flood All the experiments were seel\ed Dlaatrated enDugh at twenty-foot Labette county-J. F. clerk. �heap... Windbreak trees a specialty. this shows Thompson, Local Agent...anted. Mention acres. It 'will take several Currell, and variety very oatalogue tree, twenty HDRSE-Taken up bJ Allen MoNeal. In Hack· DIIII4ee, m. In the p�per. D. BILL, 'Zmgreea Bpeclaun, to catch them all, as the little sig,ns Df life at present. ber.ry tp., January 3. 1891i, one baJ horle. 13 yea'rB floodings medium size, both hind teet white; valued at 120. in all list of in the variet.y test several old, ground is generally tunne�led' fifty 'HDRSE-By same, OU& bay hor.e, 10 je'ara old, but the medium slle. both "Ind teet white and white In some to considerable seem to be.l)ut little. injured, directiDns, gDing torehead; valued aU20. EVERGREENS. number are dead. The Michael In Hackberry Dut perseverance and plenty Df greater Turkey COW-Taken up by Putz, Lal'll'estltockInAmel" depth, 1895. one red oow, 8 ,earl ,old, makes a remarkably fine showing, and tp.,· February 6. Ica,lncludlD8 • will win the valued at 112. , water day. branded H on hlp; ,Colorado Blue Spruoe Six the Zimmerman is but little damaged. In regard to. Barteldes' Early and Dougl.. Spruce done the FOR WEEK ENDING MAROH.6, 1896, Weeks potatDes, eight Dr ten weeks MDSt of the injury was by dry 0' Colorado. weather and freezes in the fall. Phillips county-I. D. Thornton, olerk. .Allo OmClmentClI. will come nearer the time YDU will get early andFornt Treu. D. In Beaver Bluuie thinks Df PONY-Taken UD by G. Veldman, Ete. the earliest To anyone t'llat planting valued 7'ru Bulb, It one whILe pony mare; . is, however, .. February 9, 1895. ' potatoes. tp ,lIo DOVGLA8UONI, of the new fodder at "'.50. I ever and it is extensively pla!}t Wa.. potato planted . prD- k_JU. I A. Beukelman, clerk. ductive. saca.line (PolygO'num sachalinense), Cheyenne county-G. Last summer's MULE-Taken up by I. O. Rice. In 'Oherry Creell , would slow. Have tried the Leaming corn say, go. 'oile gray mare Early tp .. P. O. Gurney. February 9. 1891i, EVERGREENS CDn­ FO���� :::EI indioate that it lacks mule. n yean old, fifteen and a half bauds high. no on bushels experiments Gral!!> Vin.... IImali ]!·ruit.. 8hru.. sDd; averaged fDrty p�r brands. In left hlp; valued et to., _ siderable Df· what is claimed for it. and Rose.. Sampll Order.too 1 .. 2JO acre. orl�pled .vargreen•. BeVBn variattee.lnolndlDlr

was fDr the .. t�i��' Hlue repald, tor 121 Crescent is prDductive, Cherokee M. . large· county.,....P. Humphrey., on&hBIt of abo.. 11 l1li pap whol.. SlDW and the slightest frost .... will not bear shipping any distance. grDwth, HORSlll-Tall!ln up by Barilley Bond, In Spring 800 pounda, blaze IIIIlecBtal�eand·�o"to!rowe Chas., and wDuld nip them to the grDund, and Valley tp., one sorrel horae. weight [:ee\vorrd��:ir. Ca.ptain Jack, Downing flaa maue aud·tall. hind legs white,' spob' 'on ::a�'t�t hlc..e;: survived the faoe, dl'ICounte for BArb orden. Add..... varieties and about half the plants all round; valued aU26. ; 111 �_1I1IISEIIIIlI are all 01 bacll, . Sb.arpless gDDd ehlld ,'''''lI:I:I0'' Bicker NatlOllll Harm,. Ce., EtsIIl, m. summer and made a growth Df a will do well in any part of Kansas wIth dry FOR WEEK ENDING MAROH 1'895. same time 13, conditiDns for etc. foot and a half. At the proper grDwth; F. , Labetoo county-J. Thompson;'cierk, . in the same field seeded in ' on cake is not good for 'very -YDung sDrghum ,In HaclI.· MARE-Tallen up by Geo. Shumaller, • wheat stubble' m'ade a large orDp of one 'darll mare, flf· are . February t. 1896; lia,.. .' Dats and berry . N GrDund tp COR calves. barley '1', O' 0' '0 AY teen and Qne·half haudJ high, no maro or brands The summer the saca­ Does not so much to .talll, sboots better The milk frDm a cow fDrage. coming valued at 16. I{I'OW preferable. vlalble; ear before hot winds or early . aud maturellta line wlll be further test. COLT-By .ame, one light bay gelding, 3 ',...1'11 six months DId is all given . kill It. White Pearl, whDse' calf is right no marlls or brandJ "'II. drought Champion uuder ordinary size, ... season's with old, Champion Yellow Dent. Improved Leam· Another . that is fDur DId that has experiments valuel! eU12. .' Corn fDr a calf days ble; Ing. Rfley'8 FaVOrite end ElLl'ly Batler makes COLT-By same, one light bay gelding, 2 yelLl'll milk. I have a the flat pea (Lathyr:lI.s silvesh'is) .does thlslldmlrably. Prloed belo". had the mother's first uuder or,dlnary size, lett bind toot white; yal.: old. I Butler. us able to with more confidence at 17.' W. Early cow is nDW her fDurth say ued Ch'amplon ProlUlo. t]:lat suckling ,Champion Yel: Dent Blount's that the farDier is fooling awl,Ly his Sumner county-'-Chas. Sadler, clerk. calf since last September: Her first I Greene 1!1�!��':-Jr::.s�·m:·t�. weeks old for time in trying to raise this plant.-F. HORSllI-Tallen up by E. A. Brocll,-In tp:, calf was sDld at· eight· .. t':l'J::'i1e��:rt�lng.Riley's Favo teo Hickory King. Industrialist. pearl./ $6.70. A three-days-Dld. calf was a. Burtis, in �or�e, �I���:nd�e:���!� �';n��lg��'1,I!�'f,�tt:::' both hind legs whILe to hooks; valued at 110. bie���:���itI;'.!ig�:,n�e�:·,f1�·; �����; in town fDr which the cow peck65c.; bu.ll.55; bought $1, Rooks olerk. bu. 15. C. W. Pearl. tb.80c.; oounty-Cha!. Vanderlip, Otber 3Oc.1 was sold fDr $5 in Jan­ Publishers' 6 bu. 17; 10 ba.113,50. eight Pa.ra.graphs. M.. In Belmont quickly owned; MARE-Tallen up by W. Lewln, peoll 600.; .bu. 11.60; 6 bu. 16.80; 10 bu. 113.25. corn will do well one bay mare., abo,at tlllrteen to butcher. Another bought Farmers desiring seed tp., January 9,180::;, and traced to hurry uary c;alf about'700 appeara to be 'ShiPped qulcilly urgently hand a hlgb. weight pound•. 8eed 10 ellt.... oow with­ to notioe advertisement on 9th page, of R. In through: no"; frelght'ratee. My for $1.50, whioh the adDpted 3 yeara old the oomlng sprlng,lmall white ·'.pot and tbree . and grows well. My oatalogue Iowa. valued at 110.· . good out sold March 1st for $4.70.· N. Thomas, Bingham, torahead; aent tree. I refer to editor of tbla trouble, MARE-By same, one blacll maTe. about thlrteeu 8amplea "Farm Records" about 700 appears'to ,be cow has another calf FARM RBOORD.-Our hauds high. weight pound., • The running by N bmeOpnaelYd too_eFrll'1ltot, 8 old tbe oamlng spring, .mall white spot In paaPtelorn'aOlrBlafnIlY,OBUePml'lenfet,r'II18.e.ntod been such a splendid seller because of yeara me It IIno" me to be reliable. her side which she will raise, making have some valued at ihey ",hl� c_n,both h,\n4_ �I' C. their pract[oal-value that our supply is now Addl'l18Qulcllly. J. SUFFERN, the four calves. Have fed no grain, ItolOr.ebead, Seed Grower, Voorhies, Ill. limited. We have a number of the only plenty Df alfalfa. I have fre­ quite best only, which the KANSAS calves Dnto CDWS bindin,g HENRY W. ROeY,·'M. quently p_-gt spring FARMBR will deliver to any address for only D�, calves lind weaned that have had early dollar. one . a.ures I them in t1!e fall, b)1t' it' can Dniy be :: Epilepsy The R.dnSas Weekly Oapital publishes SURGEON.. BverY penon In tbe United States .ulrerlng done with gentle, dDm'estic cows. The lIIplleply, for Flts)'can h.....e one ot my large more KansaS news than other ,weekly "'I�h any sf.e bottl08 of EPIT,EPSY CURE-FREIG. I!lilk is all sent on KAS. right. paper. A free sample'copy will·be Office 118 S.htth Ave. West, TO.P.EKA, 'I CAN CURE YOU. JOHN H. CHURCIDLL. treatment I. endoroed by the hlghe.t med. .... ' . to THB TOPBKA CAPITAL Co., My application' Al!dres! Kas. authority. Dodge City, Topeka. Kat. Or send 11.50 to this office ,10101 DR. FRED E. GRANT.

and also , . '. , for KANsAs FARMBRone year Cap- Horse'0. wners The New Cer..tury pens. manufaotured by 'tat twice a week. �r�.:: D�.�B�0�X�.3�44�.�����K�a�n�Ra�s�C�lt�y�'�M�O�'� are best all-around 'COMo' W. L. Mason & Co.• the Don'tf,,11 tousetbe MAGIC.. FJSTutA OUNDRY.- 0f our readers, f,,118 to leaves no moar office use that we have TOPBKA F', Any POUND, wblch never oura, pens fQr general nae' the' anlmel. in either ele· and doe a not Interfere with tbe ot. ever we recom­ anything cast-iron, tried and unhesitatingly desiring All ord.....nt by eapre.l, prepalo,.on recelpt.ot or modele and mend them to our readers ..ild $0 bUlin'" pbante egge patterns . work, ,bOllld write. the me� .enera}J:1. ,maO��1II7 T�p,ek•. !�I;:.·t�j��igl��r,.�tl,w'i�*���.it.'.,�, 166 [61 MARCH 13,

spoonful � d:iY m�, a pinch of or all U. S. Gov't salt, a sp'�n,kling of cayenne, two eggs ... Highest �,Leav�Dlng Pa,rer.-Lateat R.epent. beaten well, and half' 0. pint of clear ale, with To Correlpondentl. t.ogether about. eight slices of dry The mattar for the HOlK. OIBOL. II Mleoted toast. �t the butter Into the chafing WednellCla:r of the week before the paper 18 prlntacl. dish; when melted add the ManulOrtpt received attar that almOlt Invarlabl:r Dearly' �. over to the next week, unlelllit II ver:r Iho,* cheese cut tIDe, the , salt and and ver:r good. Correlpondent. will ,0Tem them· and add the Mlvel accordlngl:r. cayenne;'_stir constantly, eggs when the cheese is nearly melted, &king and the to WrItten for KANSAS FARMER. ,Ie slowly, prevent burning. Serve hq�, on the toas..t. SQ,llle people SCHOOL·BOY'S REFLECTION. prefer c�m in place of the ale, and the be How little we think, as we part of an evening. eggs' may omitted, although the Powder That here on thli earth we may ne'er meet rarebit is said to be less indigestible again. with thelh. We know not how soon ma:r the hand of onr Beefsteak a 1110 mode: Take a Maker pound of cut an Lead us to the home [tbet's prepared over beefsteak, about inch thick, there. two tablespoonfuls of butter, three A DelleloUl Table Sauce. Jut; Betore the Reception. slices of 'Je.mon, a gill of stock or a On the days that are do fOU ever look bank· gill past Here is a nice store sauce' to have in Here is the course of used ward of port wine. Put the butter in the preparation the with a before her And think of the school-matea that met bare chafing dish with two slices of Iemon; house, good steaks, chops, by prudent beauty baring before? • etc., and to fiavor gravy: Take 110 pint. neck and arms in evening' dress: To be­ Some now in the earth are quietIJ reaUnlr, of walnut (what is left at the gin with she takes a cold plunge all And others are roaming o'er the tace,ot the bottom of boil it with it is a , pickle), four over; and thElD world. merely plunge, cut in slices, a little more she rubs herself vigorously with rough So beware ot harsh words and beware of harsh spice, such as peppercorns, allspice, towels; then the Deck, arms and breast aetions. mace and , a teaspoonful of salt are bathed in alcohol which is allowed They mOJ cause a wound that may ne'er heal and ODe-half to next comes the cocoa. o'er, teaspoonful seed; dry UPOD them; hour is oil that now And,it ere to-morrow the call should be sounded, one-quarter 10Dg enough for plays such a part in fash­ You could ne'er IUk the pardon ot those you the boiling. When cold it is strained ionable dressing - rooms; the neck, have wronged. and bottled for use. The juice of green breast RDd arms are bathed in it, rub­ walnuts be used In So, while we are here by the will of the Creator, may instead of walnut bing it thoroughly. WheD the flesh Obaerve, first of all. the great "Golden Rule." vinegar, or even the shells, when is afterwards with a soft greeD ' wiped cloth" Make it tbe 'twill to heaven':" Ioad-star; guide JOU THE the fruit is can be boiled and the DO of is visible OD the MODERN OHAFING DISH. ripe,- sign grease sldn, Do :1'0 nato others 88 Je would they should do liquor taken] must then be but an amount does re­ to yon. O. L. M. viDegar imperceptible when melted, add the steak and cook added In about half quantitIes. main, and makes a perfect eondltlcn MANHOOD. slowly eIght or ten minutes; then pour for the application of powder; the pow­ over it stock or as To Mako Black Coffee. der is of the scheme of Not tilllife's hl'at hllo8 cooled, the port preferred. part protection, An to make The headlong rush elowed to a quiet paoe. Chicken : Take four cups approved way black cof­ as well as a beautifyiDg measure. After And that bad ruled eVf�ry purblind paselou of minced chicken, one cup of bread fee is to put four tablespoonfuls of pure this is the Our noisier Jear. at last programme completed lady three and a Mocha coffee In n �pura ns in vain, and; weary of the race, crumbs, eggs, little drawn palverized warm, declares she is safe agaiDst any exposure We one no wore who 10888 or who wins­ or .melted butter. Roll the chicken, dry coffee pot, and pour over it gradu­ encountered in pursuit 9f social AliI not till all the beat of life sllem. past, duty. bread a of water. Stand the The beit ot lite begins. crumbs, egg seasoning, and ally piDt bolling 'drawn butter to moisten the pot In a bain Marie, or in a of enough saucepan Home-Seekers' Exoursion. To toll for only tame, mixture Into balls. boiling water, so that, though the cof­ Hand cJappinl!s and the fickle gusts of praIse. pear-shaped Dip fee it still does April 2 the Missouri, Kansas & TexBi Ifor place or power or Ilold to gild a name these Into beaten eggs and bread gets thoroughly hot, " railway will sell tickets to all points In Above the grave whereto crumbs; put Into the chafing dish and not boil. When this coffee has been All paths will bring us, were to lose our Texas at reduced rates. For fur­ da;rs, 0. it is greatly 0[1 whose ears fry brown. poured through stralner, ready We, youth's passing bell has ther IJiformation apply to your local ticket tolled, Sweetbreads: Take several sweet­ for use. or address G. A. P. In blowing bubbles, even 88 children do, agent, McNutt;n. A., a of we old. breads, tablespoonful butter, and Kansas 1044 UnIon sta­ J<'orgetting grow Deafness Oannot be Oured City, Mo., avenue, some strips of salt pork. The sweet­ tion "A." "But'the world wldem when breads should be well washed and by local applications, 88 theJ cannot reach the Such hope of trivlalgaio I hat ruled us lies dried. diseased portion of the ear. There is only one Broken amoog oor cbildhood's toys, for then RUD the pork into them with a When the way to cure deafness, aod tbat is by eonstdtu­ We win to self·controll needle. Put -tbe butter into the ehaf­ And mail ourselves In manhood, and 'there rlee tional remedies. Deatne88 is caused bJ an in­ and when Kicks Come In Upon ns from the vast and 'windl�ss height Ing dish, hot lay In the flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Is the a new Tho_;e clearer thoughts that are unto the soul sweetbread and cook until brown and eustachiau tube. When this tube gets inflamed not title of song, nor What stars are to the night. the porkiwisp. :rou have a rnmbllng sonnd or imperfect hear­ does it refer to tbe backward action -Tile Spectator. , ing, and when it is enti relJ closed deafness is of that much-maligned the Take a. of animal, ======Escalloped oysters: pint tho result, and nnless the inflammation can be mule. MODERN' two of taken out aud thl8 tube restored to its normal CHAFING DISH. large oysters, tablespoonfuls It Is a phrase used by the inhabi­ a will be butter, gill of cream, two condition. hearing destroyed forever; tants of to ... for tablespoon­ Oklahoma designate the Beclp Savory l)lshes. Easlly Made by nine oases out of ten are canaed by catarrh, fuls of cracker dust and some pepper of the fruitful a Mere NOVice. which is nothing but an inflamed condition of approaohing opening and salt. Put the cream and butter acres of the Indian reser­ The chafing dish is the fashion of the the mucous surfaces. Klckspoo into the chafing- dish. DraiD the We will give One Hundred Dollars fo� vatIon. the hour, extending to all classes of oy­ any sters and lay "in layers sprinkled well ease ot deafneBs (eansed bJ catarrh) that can­ If you wish t:> find out all about the society, and a fad whlch will grow into with cracker then aDother not be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 13end for Klckapoo lands, as well as those be­ 0. institution of the dust, layer pmctical cuisiDe, in circularB, tree. to the Wichita and Comauche of oysters with added and a longIng even the humblest cracker, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. household. • tribes-where cotton, wheat and little butter, salt aDd pepper. Cook teD �Sold by 750. l"\v:e years ago the average iDdividuo.l droggi,�ts, fruits wlll' miDutes CQvered. pay haudsomely-ask G. hardly lmew what a chafing dish was, T. Nicholson, G. P. A., Santa Fe Spanish cream pUddiDg: Take ODe­ Valuable Books but. now in many a small Oheap. for a apartmeDt Route, Topeka, KiloS., - thi.rd of a box of gelati De, ODe quart of are known full well t.he joys of sayozy By a special arraDgement with the free milk, four eggs, ODe aDd a half of suppers served iDformally and gayly cups publishers, we are able to offer to sub­ copy sugar, a teaspooDful of vanilla, aDd a of from the bright and cheerful Dickel scribers any of the following named piDch of salt. Soak the f?elatiDe ODe Oklahoma chafer that may be bought anywhere books at 10 per cent. less than the list hour in milk. Beat the of the folder. for $2 or $3, and which has !:lecome iD yolks price. These are new, fresh books, eggs and the sugar together, add tothe more ways than, one 0. precious booD to right up to the time, as is' sufficiently milk abd into the dish. the light a�d eCQnomical housekeeper. ';pour chafiDg guaranteed when it is known that they Cook twenty minutes, talce off and add are out W. Atlee & Lilce all new things this popular uteD­ put by Burpee Co., the whites of the eggs which have been the famous seedsmen. Ingonec811t In advonco. We poy f'rt"ight. DUI!Nr::a sil is old-very old, in fact-for it is Philadelphia factory. Save CarriDge tor P.'i. beaten to a stiff froth; after it has Here is the list: era' llrofits. LArgeU· "2.00 ," "'6.95. said that in the GreciaD the u U early days Prtce, postpaid. lUfltrntcd catnlojruo 1&.00 ,S.86. coolea a little add the vaDilla and f\'coAddre•• CAS BUYERS' women cooked in n sort of 110 be­ salt, denl�eI8'50 UNION, paD, "The Beautiful Flower Garden." A delight- 1M Weat Van Harea btreet, B csa, t;h1eqo, ilL aDd beat five minutes. Pour into a Death which burned n of oil, aDd ful book by an artist 50 pot .. i�,Iy'.9!fta!A�1!:?t�f� mold and set OD the In.eats," A valuable book..... the children of Israel made toothsome ice.-Chicago Injoriou8 .50 Tribune. "Bell'ctlon in Seed Growlng."...... 10 the locusts of the desert in 110 similar "Onion8 for Prolit." A h!U1l1-book based on modern methode .50 manner. .. . Dainty Aimoi,d i\iacRroon•• Manore8: How to Make and How to Use It was a common ut.eDsil with tho 'rhem 50 Pound four OUDces of blanched and the "Celery for Profit," An expose of modern Assyrians Phrenicians, accord­ fine in a almoDds with one ...... mortar, methods in Celery. ,. ... .30 to and from the excavation growin" ing history, tablespooDfulof rose water. Beat the "AU About Sweet PBBB.' Revi�ed Rud en­ of Pompeii we learn t.hat the larged edition, .. '...... 20 early Ro­ whites to 110 of four eggs stiff froth and "Rowand Wt:at to Grow in 0 Kitchen Qar- mans used It the dishes extensively, then gently stir into them half a pound den of One Acre."...... 50 and lamps made of bronze, with "The Poultrv Yard: How to Fnrnish and CENTROPOLIS HOTEL. being of powdered sugar aDd the pounded much enrichment., nfter the fashion of .. Fifth and Grand Ave., Kansas Mo. almoDds. Drop them by the teaspooD­ Ho�8t'�;!·��bb8��� �nd'Cariiiflowe�8:'; :il8 City, the age, The were filled "Root Crups for Stock J

• what he should do. It was plain that: JOJuab,...... Oood Ou.... . that his master �d not get on his back, The NeW. Orleans Picayune says tlfte lofh. to luung and equally ..,laIn that he could ,not a teacher.:� explaining ·�eJ," pnpUa In o.nd un­ lea'9'e him. n� must contrive some way. tho dlftereuce. between civillz� Money THE MAN TO KNOW.' to get him h9me. Co he just picked civlUzed �ce&, insisted upon three Vacuum Leather Oil for tour harness for him up taking his elothes between things as r�uisite civilizatlon:--food, and shoes. Get a can at a harness- or man. the hooks 11'111 bId Jon read by YOllDg shelter. The next she a to a Beere from Kant to Plato. his teeth and off at full gallop. o.nd day shoe-store, 25C half-pint $1. 25 The '. clothing �d .. Bat .nth Jonrae1f, book How to Take Care of I16t'Boqaainted . What a load.' that was! A heavy man brought t4�' subject up again, by way gallon i You are no .mall potato. swob both to a novel And the of review;' Leather," and free: use And though ,"on swing a blaoksmith·s sledge carry In, s,:,ch way. :, to find you don't like it, Or dig within the trenohea, �d was and the good horse's "What m" the three things.neceuary enough out; if with those that Bit IQ�gl the whole Hold up Jour head man?" she asked: take the can back and get heart failed' but to a civilizea . the higheet benches, sometimts him, he: Upon remembered of your money. Oh, read the S8geR of the world kept on, and �mehow he got there. He Several ot·. the children let their wisdom win fon; SoJd in cans, to make sure orrair dealing And laid his down at. his wife's feet, food and clothing, but the third req­ only But get.aoqnainted wIth youraelf mastet. caus.: Best oil for farm ma­ their rec­ everywhere-handy And find what got in JOU. then he dead with uisite to have escaped Jou'n I:\nd �pped fatigue. seemed chinery also. If yon can't find it, wrile to mourned and after the The whole m,;ibe for him, ollection �ritirely. Finally. VACUUM.OIL N. Y. In modeet arrogance of soul Rochester, Arab his Y. had been repeated two or COMPA�Y, Make your own vRlaation: poets sti,ll sing praise.-N. question Then slowly make the sluggard world World. three times, one little fellow lifted hla and Rental Accept yonr estimAtion.• B. BHn.Y,INGLAw. Beallllitate . hand, and's&1d: get acqnainted with Jonraelf TKoS.Anncy.1l1 Bu' 81xth 8'-, Topeka, Xu. 1II1tab­ In...lted. GOilerora yonr leaf is yellow: TRAP FOR ltABBITS. CIA wife.". !1shMln l884. Calli and oorreepondenoe You'll find the man beneath yonr hat Whether the teacher Bent him to the fellow; Is of a Eull,. .Had••nd, AdJuated b,. AD;r BrItr'b' informed. out and him up head of the class, we are not Then Btir him prod Farmer lin,.. Before hie for,ce has fainted: sketch shows a G2I get acquainted with yourself. The accompanying The Do,," Had. Good Memor,.. ·.Lhen make the world acquainted. miuk or other small trap for rabbits, The owner of an Irish water spaniel animals. It is tlie most humane trap I with when he Then trust the man beneath Jour hat, was out walking him, oome know can be made and' And when you to him, saw, and easily crossed a' frozen mill dam, and acci­ You'll find a fellow fit to grace by any of our farmer bOYL his box A novel or a poem. adjusted dentally dropped snuff. througb boards are and was Go. get 80'loainteLi with yourself: Sb:-inch required a small crevice in the ice.' The dog that few You'll find very are, shculd be four feet long. A Is the dlstressed at not able For ta.ks for which you were dllstgned, 'dreadfully being which is held two A better man than you Rrp. trap door, up by to gct the box, but was obliged to go man. the books wlll bid yon read which Young cords attached to the lever, home with its owner, who thought no 'I he .eers from l{ont. to Plato; rests ou the fulcrum C. E is the trig­ Two months aft­ Bnt get acquainted with yoursell, more of the matter. -Selected. as You are no small potato. ger. which is a shari; stick made when the frost had gone, he ' erward, and fs at­ seen In the illustration, the the same The and dog paased place. Actual Bualnell Praotlee with Rutem Collepl THE ARAB"S HORSE. tached to the end of lever. by a short the where the S. Mall the crowning featore. dog paused.. opposite spot throl1llh U. __ The Commercial leeds, other. 'ollow. cord. had seemed to think box disappeared, - An Eqalne Friend Whoae Prateea ;AftI The through a small then lUlU Sunl:' b;V Eastern Poet... �lI'er -passes intently for a minute, plunged in, 15 In hole iIi of the and bank with the snuf! n!Vut!�'t'4fr�n �':J:'h��� make friends �he top trap catches. and returned to the for It is a horse's nature to )1ldd"�':n���: A befor�h�'C:':;:! his and like the box in his mouth. :�Ota.1 I I' among kind, not, dog, I to attach himself to persons. There are WhUe no physician or pbarmaclat can this where exceptions to rule, however, conscientiously warrant a cure, the J: C. PIANO horses have shown devotion to their Ayer Co. guarantee the purity, strength You tllkc no rl.k. We will spn,l our beautiful eata. A,hlrp•• UI wltll )'OIU" masters quite us great as that of any dog. and medicinal virtues of Ayer's Sarsapa­ log!1t',lI'lvlnll'fulllle· Among others is this one, which is rllla. It was' the oo1y blood purifier ad­ ��\.'i��ogr :;rdp:��� FREE ���TioViNt 1'.• O. co. N.". often told in the tents in the desert, for mltted'!Jot the great World's Fair in P. O. Do" No.. 680 WIlBlllnllton. the Arabs tell their stories and so hani( Chicago; 1811B. Publicafion Notice. them down to their children, instead of No. reading them out of books and newspa­ f [Cue 11031.] Clara G. Whitney. defeudant: You Ire hereby pers...... POSITIONS GUARANTEED TonoUBed that you have been ,ued by tbe ..,Ialn· There was war between two tribes, W1111am W. WhItney, ..h') huilled his petltlo.n Under rBuo"able o,ndltlons. Do no' eay It cannot tllr, .galnlt yon In the Dlurlct Courtof 8hawnee �oun\y, .., nfter a the chief of and, bloody battle, ... 'aid on t'R�U'3B���r:If�� ,ff1..I..\I.O: :��I�a�a:'�� Kane.... an� th"t you mue'- an er petltl'ln of them was taken His men or before the 10tb day of April, l8D., ouald petitIon one captive. LEGIII. Nuhvllle, Tenn. Thl, collele II strongly will be taken Sl trne and Jud,ment will ... rendered had been killed. His horse, the end·,r.ed by bonkers and merchanta all over tbe thing The sketch shows IlrBnUnllBald plalntUr an ablolute divorce from the on the front edge. Unltfd SLatea. as welt u forellO c�un\rlel. J!'UUB he valued above else in the bonda of mavlmony from Bald defend"nt. everything for weeki Draullhon's math"" of' teftchlng book· the trap set. Grai,.n is uaed bait, b, WILLIAM w. WHITNEY, PlalnUff. had been taken from keeping Ie &qual to TWELVE weeki by the old world, away him, are much Atte.t: R. M. COCKHELr.. Clerk. but carrots, cabbage, etc., ptan. Special edvantalre. In Shorthand. Penman· and he bound hand and foot on the to both By F. R. WAT.lB8. Deputy. lay liked ahlp and TelelU"aphy. Cbeap Ioaard. Open by bunny. Statel and Territories no.. rep· . bare He suffered ee"el. ThlrtY'II" ground. dreadfully Place the bait at the fo.dher end·of (Flnt publlahed Febru&rY2'1, 189j.) from thirst and loss of blood, and the :':I���;alr.rl�:��:1.T. 'ba::!�g�', P':!��d:��� the so that it cannot 'be gotten N.D.-TbI8 trap, Nuh...llIe. Tenn. (MentIon thll from his wounds was very great; pain out without touching the trigger, cDllelle hal bookl for Home 8tudy," PROPOSALS. but what hurt him more than oll was penmanlhlp and Ihorlhend. which fiies up, and down drops the book.IU!!!plng, the thought of his dear horse. Contractors. door and poor bunny is a prisoner Notice to he heard a familiar neigh. Suddenly and not 0. hair Injured. with POSITION. his hend, great difficulty, SECURE A wl'l 'be reoelO'ed at the. Turning This way of catching rabbits Is not PRO'POSALS saw horse of the Board 0 r Public Wo'lu of the 8tate he looked around and his" on mOlt every SEAL1I1Domca so cruel as tbat of steel traps, 'uy Wanted, for omce work, Balary.ln l[anBu. until 2 o'clocll. p. m., K"UI... , at Topeka. £lOllth and Weet. a younlliedy or gen· of tethered near. How glnd he was oollnty In the March 18. 189o, and oppned Immec!!' quite if not taken out soon after from the countr, allo accepted. on Mondoy. which, tleman. Tho88 foroll lobor a'd material required to see him! And he said: "Poor In fact. b.g1lmers ately thereafter, friend, will twist around E"perlenoe not neceel..ry; prefer deta··hod for the State beinl!' caught, they to 1110 to oomplete the oottage at a at flr.t. sa, to begin, from I�U what will do among the Turks? emaUaalllry Indu.trlal !'chool f·'r Glrle at Beloit, Kao.u, under you until tbe foot comes which is Chanoe. for promollon .-ood. off, a month. rapid of Senate D1I1 No 115. ,,?proved Feb­ will be IShut within four bank about 1100. No loan the provilloni You up walis, rabbit is Must depo'it In cash, In accoOrdance ..lth the plane an.d dreadful, and. besides, your I'. Is a Balarled and ruary 21. 1896. been used uked: no In...e.tment reqUired. D"...I., 8tote under Il roof-you who have omce worll.) The IpeclBcatlonB prep",...d by Seymour which is a disappointment. Try permanent pOlltlon. (Strlotl'l' whlcb be _n at the omoe gone, Addreal Archlte�t, oople8 of may to the free air of the desert. No child 10 sironllly endor,ed by bankers. March and see if do not like it, enterprlee of the Board, 8tate capitol groundl, after this trap you Dox lITuhvllle. Tenn. (Mention thle paper. . hand more. P.O. 4Sa, will feed you from its any C. In Ohio 4,189:;." boys.-Mrs. A. McPherson, ,1IIach bid mUlt be accompanied by" c.rtlfled check will not care for you or under­ S cent. of the amount of They Farmer. son was for a .um not lesslha" per .My ajJlicted '.0 8. M. 8eott, I'Nlldent. stand I am afraid will even the propolal. mtlde pa'Abie you. they of Work•. Blote of Kans.... aud Vernon. with cata1'rh. I induced of tbe Board p,ubllc Ilm be a 1.iementoes fr..m IIlonnt Kan·a. aa beat you sometimes. If I to to be fortelled to the State of IIquld"ted thc euccellful bldd�rs slave at least be free. Go it is to satisfy him to try 'Ely's Oream lind UIoe88ed damRjfel by. you may Occasionally pOBSible enter Into contract on" give the and the If they fnll to back to our tent and tell my wife that. the souvenir-seeker without doing any Balm disagree­ req,.lred bond on or bPf·ore MArch 25. 180:;. Boord to "ny or case smell all 'l'he right II te.erved by the reject master will die. Put head in This is the able catarrhal In your your damage particular. all bid., Rnd to waive nny ddect. or Infurmailly in He InterPIL of the St:.te.o to do. under the folds of our tent and at the tomb of George Washington, left him. appea1's any bid It It he In .he again ..111 be received after tbe time above dear children." Vernon. A had as well as any O'YIe . .,-J. No propolllli lick the hands of my Mount lady just picked dnlirnafed. himself with from the walk in front of O. Olmstead, Arcola,lll. Jhc'1 pro",,·al will be enrl'led In a BlIaled en­ The chief dragged pain up a pebble malerlal velope. m,uk�d" Propo..11 for work an" horse was venerated to home with of .. detvhed c tUlle and difficulty to where his the spot carry requll"l'd 1'1 ,hq comp'eUnn InduBt,lal Schonl for GII·II. Beloit, tied. He could wriggle himseU when a worlcman came up with a for 'be .>tRte only her, CATARRH Kansu,', nod .d�r-••ed to Wm. W,lIes. Seoretary which· he KftnBBB. over the liko a worm, and he wheelbarrow full of gravel, of tbe n"...d of Pnbllo WorlrB, Topeka. ground�a thell! Indl· fixed BLY'BOBBAlIIBALlIIop8na and CompllnleB or fino. blddlnfl will glO'e on the spot. "Have-you Inflamma­ firm ntme ..Ith their dumped tha Naslll l'aseagee, Alla�s Paln and vidual name. as well B8 the the the that way recently?" tion. Jipala the Scree. Protects the M.embrane adclrel888. up place o"lIed to Hestores tha Senses of Taote IIDd Tbe "tteotlon of 1111 bl�den I. chspter in a from 0010'18. are ex­ lady asked, slightly apprehensive absorbed and g1vee 11401 tile Be.llon lawl nf 1891, which Ihey Smell. The Balm h quiokl7 . was the re­ to c'lmply with In AI' "tAte contracto. tone. "Bless you, miss!" relief at oncs. pected bl�de", a'e In91ted to be pre.ent at the open· All . "we have to do this about evcry In r r b. attorney. ply, eacb n?,trll and Is qree­ Ing of bldl. either penon A partlole II applied Into H. lIl. SCOTT President. two so as the tourists can have lit Drulllll.ts or by mall. weeks, able. PrIce 60 ce.t. Secretary. Street, Ne.. York. 'YM. WYKES. to for momen­ lilLY BRO rIIIIIRS, 66 Warren I, something carry away f' tUIns."

Monda,. ... "Fatal" Da,.. A statistician In the employ of the German governmcnt has come to the rescue of those who do not share in the RHEUMATISM widespread suPerstition that Fri­ Liver? Is often caused a bad Liver. How is your day Is the most "unlucky" day by the weele. Three ago Does rest of years Are your Kidneys all right? your sleep man of and this particular figures, and accurate de­ back ache? Are you weak of great resources for you? Does your ductions, determined to make a scien- Marvelous success AN AnADUN DOBSE. thin? Are dull and bilious? tific investigation of the Friday supe� you stition. As 0. result of his exhaustive the use of was so weale that'it took him a long has attended labors be has the world a book time to go a little way, hut he man­ given tables and which aged it .finally, and whl!n he reached of queer figures, that it Is not McLean's the place he contrived to untie the proves Monday,'and Friday, Dr. J. H. that is the most fatal or unfortunate rope with his teeth, for his hllnds were of the wcek.. bound so tight that he could not use day Balm.

. them at all. Liver'�. Kidney DIdn't LI�e to Be CaUed' N.m.... The, rope dropped to the ground and REMEDY" for "now do like that little F/ench use it it is' the "PEERLESS curing the horse was free, but he did not you All who say next think so. He never of girl door, Polly?" and Female troubles, Rheumatism thought leaving ailments of the Liver, Kidneys Bladder, his master and going off by himself.· "Don't like her at at all," said POlly. "She calls me 111L1Ilea. Sbe called lOe • at 'I.CO per b�ttle. tIo stooil. perfectly still for a littJe and Brlaht'. Ollea.,. for aa1e everywhere bant oyer tho ma'a_eUe ,eikrc1a7, ud 1 ."',,_ while, 1118 head ",oundod, MIDIOINI 00" aT. &'OUII, MO. DR • .I. H. MO&'IAN DuIr. .. ,.HI �w IiIM$. Wor.�J. �JlIH lIarptr'l_ .... _., . .--_._.. - .. - l88 [�]

POWER REQUIlUlD.. rOB GIV:EN and�a[·hB.lf "timeS. the_,work".toJ,be:,de· ARB BJ:!TTER TnrES'NEAR?��

,', r ," in this case.·calls:for •• --;'PUMP..',.,· ,.,. �i:v.ered;::which" . �� . -; _', .' � '," ac•• and 'oDe-harf ,,- _ htirslt·powel", " ...... twenty hi KANSAS· -FAR M ER. '-EDITOR: IU.NUS' F'..I:'8141I:B:-I 'have'aske"d JUSItta-�ia:th&tt��;darke8thoti�comest before y. ,s"may. -" Sinc'e:dt, -is niver, ,:to ESTAB1:.ISHED IN 1863. tliree firms to name capaolty- of an (engine engine. 'b�t in other worlds �he ,ph):sical. The run a No and undertaktJ;to do work"with -an ,-- necessary'to 4oentr.lfugal pump lSilgilie financial' world'is now will- - [ust 'very ' , thelr.. ansWers are 8S follows': ,Flrl!lt· al,l.. even-llabIEI· t�,be � , . 0,verw. • i to e-II' that a 'i's da.wn"i" 'IV,blch1s, ,orlted; -b eVe ' Published every by tlie seven ng ay ng= , sw:er, hors&-power; answer, Wedn�sday ,. - s.econd if were the wl'-iter, -he 'siHlinll:'tbls·' �Qr- e er es ne i'ntenonati II' tw.elve horse·p�wjl\'..i third, answer,-'tWenty- Wh tb d ig 'dly·orun y;;. KANSAS FARMER CO'MPANY. two horselpower:" ·l.·he lltHs twenty·seven respC;ludeilt a .pl!lnt aria:£eeing those, ,who bave sJiaped the: fin�ncil!rl feet vertically. Now,1 would ask you 'if tbe delivery of 1,20,O'gallons per minute course of the nations of the civilized at--a tqtal-llft of; fwenty·seven feet; world bave not No., 1,16 ,!eat Sixth Avenue. r�:e��;J:l:�i:�;!\s ti� !� l�l�b�ftl�! only brought adversity oond�tlon"";no."1[no\:vledge of tlie matt.!3r, iii w.o,:uld'rec,o}Ilmeil(�. �h,at t�e-w�r� t!>-b� to tbeir victims but have in very many: question. 'With reputed' authorities" 89 delivered' cases included in, the - , 'wel� �t·the at��ba!�l3'-b� . �ulti� tnemilelves SUBSCRIPII!IllNI U PRICE'" ONE' DOLLARAVIIADU,4n. I take the re- Diuoh at variance. cannot p11ed by tliree tto d ter D,1 ine-th'e power, universal :Wbe,ther to'decide. If the ftrs,t answer � nigb 'cata�tropbe., __An, extra copy free Ofty·two WeeD for a club sponsiblllty most'8uited' -for" , of " tpe engine .Ms puf- tbe will now be able ot slx, at 81.00 eaeb, I,s �gqt" �y ten-borse engJn� is a-.;nJlle ;)f manipulators to, 'and a Addreu, KANSAS'FARMER CO., not, I must get a smaller pump. One firm pose, -�ould, specify', -t,wenty:�five reverse the t'endellcy,: or' • do�nward - Kanaas. Informsmelcan-useawoodenboxforadis· 'engine.' It should. be h' hav· Top,eka, h6rse-power . of t e bottom be from whetber,, 'Oy'virtue charge pl..le'.'II 'My'-suc,tion pipe will in this conneetlon.that, tbe een- stated i' been reaohed turn for tbe b' twelve to fifteen feet long. Have you any ng ,a ,etta!) ADVIljRTISING RA'fES. is ,worked knowledge on that point 1, trlfugai1>.uQ!p �ot-neces�rib will take plaqe, naturally, certain it is 16 oenta per line, _te, (tonr' DlaplaY'advertl.lng, Your editorial on the water to its full it is not teen,lInea to the Inch), .privIlege capaoity.---Indeed, that there 1s now manifest a gen'eraf

line. , was Speolal reading notices, 25 centa per questroQ answered very satisfactorily, an eeonomleal use of power":to :forCl� better times are to be" expectancy'th�t , Bualneu card. 'or mlacellaneoila advertlllD8Dta for which '(on my own account) 1 "extend . tbe to its limit; It is will be received from reliable adYertlaers at'tblirate A. H. Cox. pump ,experiencedprobably in the near ,', ' thanks. futur�.' ot line roe-one 16.00 per rear. Kas. 'more economical to work.a No; 4 cen- Annual oard. In tbe Breeder.' Directory, eon­ Quincy, : The slight but decided up-turn in tbe or for 115,00 at slating ot tour IIneB leBs, per rear, Ip. of tbe to trif\lgal .pump �OO' �hati at, 1;200 of to im­ KANSAS FARMER tree. The question power required prices wheat, the tendency oludlogaoopyof �, minute. Some manufactur- Eleotro8,muat have metal baBe. '. lift a given amount of water a given gallons 'per provement in the live stook markets, ObJeotlonable advertlsementB or or'ders trom un· as tbe a one to answer ers rj:lcommend' MOilom'cal ,use stocks of rellablo advertl8er., when Buob 18 known to be ,tbe hei�bt, i� very 'simple tbe realization that manufao­ not be at oBhese at less tban one::rourth ca8el will accepted any price, theoretic'ally. Pra.�tically, a nUD,lber ptlmp3 tured goods are low, are cited as'indi­ aUowabces must be made. of their,rated capaoity. If, therefore, cations of m�i��:�� c:.."gm:.�j,p�'::lg;J��� ��w:�er,;;�:1l:T; of Experi- returning industrialactivlty,' or ®arterly pa:vment8 may be arranged by parties our 200 to ence about what additional correspondent requires only wbo,are well known to the publlsbers, or ,wben a.o. bas, shown based on dema.nd for produots. or 500 of water oept-ble referenoes are given. , shQuld be on apcount 400, possibly gallons Western farm 'the power . As to provided. products, All tor thll ourrent week " __ advertlalnllintended 0 has o. m,inute, 'and a" ten-ho, ahould reach tbls olftoe not later than Monday. of fricon,ti 1osses, et' per, rse-powe.r, statistics, show conclusively tbat re- Everr advertiser will receive a copy ot tbe paper e�gtne,_ he can use this engine with tree the ot tlie advertlilement. • We shall oonsider tbe case of our serves are g;lu9l!.Jo}Vel' thll..� they have during 'publloatlon ' .. aU orders- g,Qpd -adv�ntage' ,on a"N9. � Qen,�rif,ugal AMre corl;'espQJlde,ni;!' �he Qentrifugal PUlllP been for. several -years. Not unlikely

, _, FARMER Kaa. .. - " �;.-, 'j �; '. 'v :6.ANSA8 CO., Topeka, manufacturers rate the No.4 pump at p1,!.�p. , the up-turn wbich WiU result from this As a basis for approximate caloulll- 1,200 to' 1,250 gallons capacity per cause wiU be given a degree of perma­ trons, of power. requireci -for., raising Qne ,d'ollar and sixty-five cents wi�l minute." In practice they will usuall� nency by tbe fact, wbich has been wa.ter,,:the fo!lowing wjl�0be'found COD, " for tbe KANSAS F,ARMER and tbe bandle somewbat less ttan the rated ointed out'by" C. Wood Davis, pay venlent: ciearly p- 'tw'l.!le-a-week New York World. Every,- capacity. At ordinary temperatures tbatpopulation is'incrE.1asing mucb more ONE GALLONS PER MINUTE. should read. , about one- THOUSA�D body .: water w�Jgbs jus� eigh� alld rapidly- than' cul�ivated areas-tbat , ::_. HOT8e-pou:er. third 'gallon, so that 1,20(,) .... this i'ncrease far exceeds the normal pounds ,pE.1r .. , .... , ,� .211 Lifted lfoot TIieoretiou.lIy IS'is stated by Wall street autbority &,allons ,�ill ,weigb 1,200 X 8t "":"'10,000 requires, Practically,...... 75 inorease of' food and fabric products ten increase of Theoret'colly 2 � tbat within years the The meohanical "horse- LUted 10 feet tbe combined causes of increased pollllds. requires.,Practlcally, 7.5 from i1id'ebtednes8 of nations 'bas " ! European power ,used ,n1 engiiiDeer ng' est mates Theoretjcally 1!.7� improved' cii.ltivation. It Lifted 15 feet 102. I\ore'�ge arf'l $5,600,000,000. one Pmoti�RlIy .. agg,regated is 33,000 pounds lifted foot higb in 1i.00 is,' therefore, not, unlikely so.on to be 20 ThE!_,?re�li'ally ','" Lifted feet .. -' one minu. Tb to lift 1 200 IIons ', requi�es. 15 on te en, , goa PraotlcAlly hripresselJ upon thinking people tbat We want' our readers to secure for ;6:25 or 10,OOO'pounds of water per minute Lifted 2lifeetrequires, Theoretici"'"y.: ,18,75 the world must, ere long, either eat us thousands of new BubscriOera for tbe Practlonll)' w or 1!1i 00 ca , requires,! ill hilleoret f each for it. .requ,'i're, t y" 100 feet 'SI'�eoret,ioally iess or pay the farmer more KANSAS FARMER and-we will paY,well Lifted requires ,,75 W foot of lift, 10;000+33,000==.303 borse- ,( �m!'tio!llly Whether tbe present and immediately work. If will a lor suoh you get up theoretical power, for our correspondent's The exact required prospective up-turn in prices is to be liSt, write this office for liberal terms., ,and twenty'-seven7foot lift will require to urt 1,000 gallons pel'-minut'e, at 60C tbe beghining of tbe permanentcbange .303x27,.:8,2 borse-p,ower. This is tbe Fahrenheit to a height of one foot is is -matter, of speculation with many. Every farmer in Kansas, and e�pe­ work to be, delivered at the dis- .252'l5+,borse-power"but the'. decimal ',fhose wbo b�ve most carefully investi� the breeders and stock-raisers, aotua,l ciaUy of .25 or·the fraction i is so. nearly cor. ",ill be if the live stock oharge .tbe pllmp. gated tlu� subject, surprised, shOUld have greatest used, ,iii While tbe centrifugal pump has very reot, that it may safely' be the average prices of farm products journal in the world, the )jreeder's Ga­ little friction of tbe ,parts of tbe ma- approximate caloulations," especially ever again touob,tbe low mark of tbe of Chicago, prioe $2 a year. We ' zette, element of :friction of the wben the liberal allowance of 3 to 1 is last offer of it and'the KAN­ obine, the year. make a special for work. It is '8rcon� watel," against'the pump is,co��iderable made practical ; True, there are pessimists who ex- . SAS FARMER, both papers one year, for on account of the rapid motion neces- veniant figure and easily rem�mbered. peot that- tbe power which bas pr� $2. Subscribe now through tbis only -to tbe for In ,tbe For larger or 'smaller quantities' of duced the, of office. sarny imparted water, great depression many water is centrifugal pump it is the momentum it: scarcely necessary'to:,say months, will find yet other means of the r.esults obtained for Many of our subscribers desire a given to the wa�er ill,tbe sc_roll �hich \hat 1,000 gal- lowering prices, even if it be at The lift Ions will have to be of· the lives of those who daily newspaper. In renewi�g your causes it to rise. greatel," �he simply multiplied the expense subscription it is well to note the fact tbe more rapid must be the motion of (_)r divided by tbe appropriate,nuD:lber. should find work and tbereby earn a. this ao- Thus 100 minute lUted difficult to that we can Iurnish you a year's sub­ the water in the pump. On gallons per living. But it is conjecture count are not rec- feet, will require 'one-tenth as l:ft>w financial or executive scription to KANSAS FARMER and daily ce�trifugal pumps twenty . 'legislation lifted'tbe �ansas City Sta1' for $4. Or, KANSAS ommenQ,ed for very high lifts. They much power as 1,000 gallons action can force greater depression tban in the F'ARMER and daily Leavenworth Times are, bowever, considered good for such same beight sain� time,or'one- hasalreadybeenreacbed. When United balf and one for $3. The amount for botb papers to work as our correspondent mentions, horse·power theoretically States p.aper currency had be,come one-balf be sent to this office. i. e., a twenty-seven-foot lift. The 0.1- and borse-powe� practica1i'y. the money of account, the standard of lowance for tbis friction will be con- defert'ed payments in this country, and The KANSAS FARMER has in stock sidered in connection with other losses. T� IRRIGATION BOARD. prices had been adjusted to this basis, abl!lut 2,000 Spray Calendars, giving are rated at their the doctors of finance insisted tbat Engil;1es usually The new law, providing fo.r tbe, in- conoise directions as to time and manner "indicated" horse·power. The indi- tbis money, notwithstanding tbe gen- vestigation of the irrigation resources ofspraying every kind of fruit. They cator � a device for measuring tbe eral prosperity which had attended its of western Kansas, createll a board of are very neat and are suitablt! to bang a.mount of work done by the steam in use, was not good enough; tbat it three wbo are up for convenient reference. Anyone the engine cyU)lder and takes no ac- Commissioners, charged shOUld be destroyed; that the country sending a two·cent stamp to pay for oount of the friction Of ,the machine with th,e duty of carrying on the inves- sbould come to a specie basis. And to and will receive a alid 108ses In the case of tigations: The Governor has peen a ,basis we de­ mailing postage ' generally, speoie came-through Spray Calendar Iree.' the indicator shows fortUIiate in his selection of the Com- pre!lsions and panics. The coin 1;Iasis , gasoline ,engines\ �'----�----- the work done by the explosion of the miE!sioners. Judge D. M. Fro!!t, Of was not, bowever, adjusted to suit tbe A LEGISLATIVE MOB. mixture of air and gasoline, and, as'in <,}arden',City, President of Kansas Irri- docto.!s of !inanc�, �pd, at th4;!ir 'Qeheat, and' a we taken their A most riot occurred in the caSe of tbe steam engine, takes no gation Association, practical bave again medicine, disgraceful B, These are ex- irrigator; Judge W. Sutton, of Rus- financial such as tbe Indiana Legislature On Monday account of losses. losses apd througb spasms are in member of the Legislature from were never before we are night, just at tbe close of the session. ceedingly variable, as tbose sell, experienced, Russell and an worker now on a basis. This has resulted A measure to a Dem- pumps and other machines. Even' in c,ounty ,untiring gold pa.rtis�!l supplant and Hon. M. the case of machines of tbe same make in the oause of irrigation, io the transferrence of much of tbe ocratio,official by a Republican:had been and tbere are wide differences B. Tomblin, of Goodland, an irrigator of tbis and otber passed and was in the bands of the Dem- pattern property wealth, and banker, may well be expected to from tbe of tbe cratic Governor,wbo delayed until a few in the losses. countries, ownersbip find out and the of minutes before final adjournment, and In tbe tests of efficiency of pumping place'b,efore pepple many to the few. Kansas such information as will be, of then Bent in his veto too late to admit macbinery, the entire plant, i. e., t,he There are tbose of the former agents inestimable value in promoting a BUC- which effected these of passing the bill over his veto. The engine and pump and all connecting or the' power cessful of the irriga.tion Republicans ,determined that the machinery, are 'usually considered to- developm�nt transfers, wbo, witb their viotims, are �esources of the plains. more are in private secretary, bearing the veto gether, and tlie proved effic�ency is stranded, many danger of , The board has at its disposal an ap- now message, should not reacb the Speak- stated in per cents of the indicated stranding. The ory goes up, from of $30,000. The salaries er's desk until after the bour of ad- horse-power of tbe engine. In compe- propriation Wall street, for another international are made for eacb journment, and tbey, prooeeded to titive tests of this kind the' efficiency 10w-$1,000 pel' year monetary conference, and the demand of the Commissioners-and their ex- forcibly detain him. The Democratic has ranged frol,ll 25 per cent. to 68 per for the free coinage of silver is now penses are so thllot mOat of the which heretofore members were equally determined to cent., and as high as 70 per cent. has limited,' heard in quarters will be ill use- get the Becre'tat-y, with the veto mes- been claimed. He is a rash contractor appropriation expended have 'bad notbing but derision for tbe ful experimental work, in ,developing "silver mania." Whether there is be­ sage, to tbe Speaker's desk, and they who, if financially responsible, will information lor which there has been hind this an honest to rein­ foroed open the doors and violently guarantee an efficiency of over 50 per purpose an increasing demand 'for the 'last two use of silver on the old overcame all opposition. Revolvers cent. ,That Is to say, in tbe case of our Stllte the ratio, or three years. The bulletins of the a world-wide reBtora­ were flourished, men were ,knocked correspondent's work, wbich theoretic- thereby oausing Board ,will be, anxiously and to down, some were severely hurt, and the ally requires 8.2 horse-power, if his Irrigation tion of prices enabling people looked for and will be of immense value at advanced the Governor's secretary, alm,ost stripped of pump be wor\ted to full capacity, any buy ,back, prices, prop- to the of the entire State. clothing"was pusbed agaisnt the SpeiLk- reasonably ,cautious contractor will Use people erties they have lost during the de- or whetber it is the to er's desk. The Speaker paid nC? atten- an engine capable of affording 16.4 in- cline, purpose tion to him, 'but declared the House dicated borse-power. A conservative ,The KANSAS ,FARMER has inquiry "put a dollar's worth of silver into the is not disclosed of ,. adjourned, while the veto message was mec,hl!o,nical engineer, will probably for a good country newspaper for lease sHver dollar," in,any snatched froIq, the private secretary's estimate an efficienoy of not to exceed a�d sale. Any' of our exchanges tbe utterances of tbose who are now most lor silver. hand by a Republican, who ran out ,of 40 per cent., 'or ",111 recommend an knowir;t&, of .,8}ioh ,pl�ai;Q notify. thli dOiIlg the tiLlkin,g ._ tbe ball � to two om.ce, '.1'" _.';rQ,·�pijt.a dO.llar' of 8ilver,1�� Ti'1tp;,�" ",,", 1- eq,�al >,,�,.;- :'!' J. ,I .' po,!,e� .' ;.Dil�.':I\lHn�lc��d : ,,' medium late ,. .. ', it.!' .. It, early, IQld .var16�ies. Tl),is the 's_i.lver .dollar, as, that "phraae -if ;"'F; O�:� :r.�ere', Institutei] ��in ,mUdlyi.ulJ�8fed"tha�· was esp,eQiiilli: iii��ting, :as .' .:EfMumR':.....:..�'itll'li �'1!�. �lgh� ..,�!e a·n�R�,l5rf·.faotP:�J�: t¥anY \fould,.be � praciti��,:,liy d�'fJer o� "Gi'vo· t.he "ertitandtn�'l ''.'!e The no use Otherwise ,thelle to see th-ia in print ere iong. '. ',world to-d�y�.l:1as for� th� spoliations �f th$l, people. their edifi��ion were, ProlDptly h'ope virtue ·in there no to the Q�lief to'ra" a ,Jolin �f yo�e.·,' �o' po�­ way at'the appointed'hour, prepar.ed" :;'WithO)'lt' paper�ft:oin' 'M�t l,lon.��itler. more ,s�ems avoi� -lOBe of for the farmer there is,dawning ,a ceive and ,digest, according. to their Donald the;institut&wou�d 9De er,ty,.,.,,�s� poye�ty �nd, ,!�a!tlli th�� on· the-farm. Useless to sar fa�Plers . Tb,at prosperity. could not' .h�ve itiiJ.ldm08t·· attrailtlve ,�eatureB.· this perms;nent .... speoi�l.nee4�. ��OkB are losing. disproved by· meted weather' auspioious. With 1te�tlem8i1, 'belnlt �introduced, s.,okefii.t That}s mo�e' gather).ng. .fail\\re, STANDARD DIOTIONny.' mOOn at holding 'the appreelatlv-e Far�lng ia, ,a ., THE' ·skies,. the i� �.me'len,t�, make n�t clou�le;ss a�� attention of the' as it.: B,elievl3.d i,n of & were speoially" br11- al1dienoe 'f!;"om first'� man.], �r� ,to The completion Fupk Wagna}ls' full, t,he. . I The' MacDonald speoialtle",.· specialist has. \V��t . l'ast. Mr.· tQuohe'd Standard' has been liant. � . briefty "New .DIctionary'.' . the farmer what in liis lacks-entl}us�as.!D' ever Tlie first session was'held upon i�pressed'hiin in08� gene�1:'1 awaited with growing impatience Wednesday Thiilklng �nd figuring a first Mr. John B. Sims read a fine late journey to Sootl_and...:..the journey d�ly,����� sinoe the publication of .the pros- evening. to ,.Prof. "Fa.rmers' ·Mutual Fire the railway f�llure. .:was \ with 'a few pages: The paper on the �ean;th�ir i�-cO�- ,!,alters'to and p�pe� of pectus sample �r08i1 oli- a.v;ote several Inauranoe review venienoes, ·the people, farming,' ea�,nestly lls,�ne_d. appearance of the first Company," 'givi�g � was 'extended volume, and the all thankS to, him" a�d . "Iso have seen of con� mate, suftrage temperance: months ago, assured aU �o i� rules, regulations, methods; to Sears, whioh was 'amended' by tQis with witty: "n- ¥-.I:': it that the of t�e prospeotus dition, .etc., !iond proving }>y ,actl(al being interspers,ed promises rioh extendiQg,t'b�.kj3 ·tp .all:w:ho h�,,;a:s� more than .. The to the farmer 'ttiven J�' be flilfiUed • by S�tc!l would' ligures th� 8avi�g. il!-� �cdotes ,brogue, a which must to be i�stitute su�ess, r " be'h�ard fully sia�:t,() :��k� ,th� of the work "has enabled suring in it. 'T app��- . 1n completion ' CO.mmittoo havbig.. the matte.r· was eiated. Mr. MacDonald 'spoke pf hands of Farm tije .. the. publishers to place IllJ the .."I;:low �o M�1i� �he Pay". following he felt in being,on.q'8 911:&rge reported:the ,omoe� users a work of .!Iurpt'ising the subjeot of an excellent paper· by �lncere pleasure diotionary a for .. th�. e.llfluing yeQ,r: or. a, Sim!!, were more Oli American soll, and paid' fullneSB of detail and accu- Ailidersoli.. Two things . compass, George j, Pr�ident;· ·George Anderson, Vioe to stars and stripes. .' I It is to think stronglY'emphasized-keep within your t,..ibute the. ., racy. n�xt·to !b:�poBsibl,e '. Presi.dent; E.. B;iggins, Tr.easurerj, and Dever debt unless' for 'TI;IURSDAY AFTERNOON.. Ki� of a word which oannot be found in this m�"ns!' gQ in. tie J. McCraokenj·Seoretary'. no word is too had been a Bradford Miller opened theatternOon diotionary. Apparently �e�l �state. D,ebt 'bi�ter NOTES. . to the the session .on "The Farmer, , none is too fs,rmer wJth a,paper I modern, oertainly teohnical, ep.emy �nd ored�t 'Additional e'][� . a Future." Mr. Miller .. pleasure' was)ent t�e none none too oonfined curse.. Thought poultry, Past and too 'provinoial, system a. the session, if one markets to of all its ercises, during. �f_t�t:�oon in,its use to a trade or a profeSsion,. to factor, 9n ,the f.arm with the system renting' in' a song Charles, of �opeka, in this It in conilumers. Also market gardening crops, abandoii� by, J�y �r!l' be". found dictionary. .i� phases, hIred; help, - , 11010 Jolln " S.m�. sense an to date" and horticulture. Favored diversified farms olthe East, etc. a�sQ ap al!i> py M�s. every "up dict.ionary, . in Instrumental music at evening ses­ complete. It crops. Saw no reason why farmers In discussion, A. E. Jones said, scholarly, practical, sion Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spl,'eng sucoessful. Maine the fever' broke by . should be' in every school-room and should not be Industry, 1854 in Wester,ll and Emery Brobst. . should it. keeping out of debt will out-an epidemic. Town where he no private library spare econ0n,ty, The President and Seoretary spared suooess. in The Funk & Wagnalls, bring _ lived nearly depopulated year's publishers, nothing that would contribute to the "'New are of Kansas" Prof. Walters, of the Agricultural time. Westgo�theyoungmen,wbich York, "formerly of this and have that in the for abandoned· farms there� 'suocess institute,. men who have somehow managed to college, said, in discussion, accounted reasOn to feel at the result. men came from seemed to be settled that gratified put nearly a million dollars into the early days of Kansas The opinion to KITTlE J. MCCRAO�. preparation of this work, They have all parts to secJlre land w!thout deslr- if a renter was �mbitious enough th� most ·eminent men in ing homes. Worthless oneB had been make money for himself, could make �mp'loyed Prices. _ Bard ev:eey department of kno.wledge a�redit' weeded out and the 'present tiller of money for owner. �ea was survival of the"fittest. Watters to see lands in I have the big­ ors of their dictionary .arid theY have the soil a Prot: hoped Fa.rmers, largest-gralnc, Some one : heaviest-weighing, coni in succeeded in making a pre-eminently The 'present oondltion of the farmer the hands of actual farmer: gest yielding, deterior- existence. Paokage of this monitroua valuable book for universal us�. was a certain proof that farming does suggested, that !lented farms three melon seed, four kinds After all tribulations farm life ated. :Miller'suggested leasing, as they OOl'Jl, packets pay.. ' largest, best pumpkins, pamphlet giving is much than other do in Sootland: . SUPPLIES OF WHEAT. happier any �ife.·. desurlptlons of profitable larm seeds. all the -·farmer You ciaim that the efteot have' taken Bradford Miller thought Question:, for 10 cents in stamps. ,R. N. . The statistical writers his by educa- of clover on soil is meohanioal. Now, considerable pains to ascertain the po- shoulq. magnify calling Tho�,s, !!.I:ng���,_����.:. tion. _A!lvocated_.literature ·in c ·the, ·does�,it"not··have a chemical efteot? sition of wheat as it existed on Maroh home. now so Mr. Miller answered that it opens soil, ,BAKHB"vILLB,.N.,C., January 22,1895. 1. As to this 'Bradst,'eet's say:s: Newspapers, cheap, . home. as a subsoiler. Thomas Buck- TM Dr. J. H. MeMan. Med, 00., st. Lou... Mo,: . ,hould be iu every acting "It would appear there were at least that man it best .feed"for stqck in GENTLBIIIEN :-Nlay: God bless you and in 'the Maj. Sims Raid, furthermore, it thought 204,000,000 bushels of wheat is bea.rtfelt .wish. homes than addition to Disoussion help you to prosper, my both March had fur�ished, more happy subsoUing. United States, coasts, 1, I was. a victIm. of an agRT&vated kidney found in other Then why closed for want of time. , visible and invisible, contrasted any calling. disease from which I had lost hope of cure. 1895, Prof. �ilton entertained the people with about 246,000,000 bushels one year discourage agriculture? Someone recommended Dr. J. H. MoLean's more with a most in­ Mr'. P. J. a paper, for an hour or tried It with the and that of these totals probably Spreng 'presented LIver and'.KIdney Balm; I ago, on "Water in the on of Feeding Farm. Stock." structiv.e leoture ,Soil best and am to it cured more than 100,000,000 bushels, I'n rou�d "Economy results, ha.ppy say other things, Mr. Spreng -How Wasted, How Saved," illustJ;'at­ me'entlrely. I recoJr.mend it to everybody numbers, are available for immediate Among favored as a desir- charts the t:ainfall of this State who ha.s any a:!faction of the liver, for contrasted with s'trong-ly sorghum ing�by shipment, probably for dis­ able feed. Aimed to have it and its eftect on difterent soils. Also whioh It Is very good, and kidney one fairly 138,000,000 bushels year ago." oure of which it stands ;with­ the 1st of October; illustrated with soil from farms in this eases, for the Cincinnati Price in re- well matured. by The Gum'ent, out .. peer. YOU1-'8 truly, J. H. GOUGH. , Did not pasture, but hauled to feed lot. locality:. C�imate, ,said Mr. Hil.�n, is plying to a Chica�o writer" remarks: satisfaction and feft no the factor in Maxi­ shown the Gave better greB!test farming. "Whatever may be by . refuse. mum July teumerature most com,mon The Great German Ooft'ee Berry. government returns or any other state- Mr. Anderson related his experience: to corn. Fr9m 1874 to 1892, the tem­ Co:!fee at 1 cent a'pound, that is what It ments purporting to show thl;l quantity Had turned in cattle to on sec- perature 9oo maximum, corn costs to grow It, good co:!fee, too. Some say of in the United States on March pasture aver�ed wheat This we seven died. bushels to acre. Last ten t.hat It Is better tha.n Rio. know, will oontinue to ond-growth �nd thirty-seven 1, the Price Ourrent sorghum, whUe in summer in searoh. of Others turned on first four of years, very low temperature, corn av­ Europe that the is crop. dra.nkthlsIn hotels believe quantity largely seed novelUes, we often . whioh died. eragt"d twenty-two bushels to acre. deficient in comparison with corre- in FranCe, Holla.nd and Germany. if land was Much can be done to guard - Prof. Walters asked against sponding time last year and this Thirty-five packages earliest vegetable manured. The veteri- rainfall and temperature. Ideal soil is based on heavily oollege seeds, ,1, not 8 cents per packafe. belief not· altogether' pro- 25 narian had found that cattle died when will have 50 per cent. good soil, per of farm as duction and distribution but on a Largest'growers seeds, oats, data, 25 cent. water. turned on corn stalks. Analyzed and cent. air and pel', clover, corn and potatoes, etc., in the large amount of information from in- found Coarse soil will rob fine. Mr. Hilton world. Early heavy yielding vegetables telligent correspondents, and by the potassium (?), Prof. Sears there must have liere illustrated the pulling power of !lUI' specla.lty. sense in a thought application' of common gen- If You WUI Cut Thil Out and Send It existed certain conditions. Second f!.ne soil and the non-pumng power of eral view of suoh matters, unbiased by with 15 cents postage, to the John A. Sa.lzer did not always kill. coars.e soil. Illustrated corn roots- market interest." growth Seed Co., L1Io Crosse, Wis., you wll\ get free John White had pastured' calves on the depth to whioh they will go if .not The Price Our1'ent. concludes that a package of their Germa.n Co:!fee Berry Had done well. molested. Roots go as far as all'. Evap­ 140,000,000 bushels is about the correct sorghum. seed and their catalogue. Bradford Miller had ex- orationgt:eatest enemy. Plowing im­ figure at which to place the amourit in eight years and had' no trouble. Dld ript mediately after wheat-outting _paves farmers' hands, and concludes its perience A Sure Thing. Considered it best of moisture for future crop. It is impos- , thQugh. artiole a� follows: pasture Seed Chtcago and New.¥:ork: to but a bdef oUhis Vaughan'8 Store, to all feed. sible give synopsis "Suppose this [140,000,000 bushels] GBNTIoBMEN :-If'the Wea.ther Bureau is "What the' Grange Seeks to do, for valuable lecture. It ought to be re­ be taken as a basis for calculations, going to establish regular three-year the was in its best p,elLted, in order .that the important with a 'total Farmer," presented droughts, sucn as we have passed througll, 79,000,000 visible, making it be form Wallace. This knowledge conveyed mia-ht prop- ever in of 219,000,000 bushels; allow for food, by HtlDry paper . I am more tha.n confirmed my1i1ien­ was commended Sims and erlyassimilated. use seeds In the feeding and spring seeding, for the re- by Maj. oth-. tion to your exclusively. farmer who looks well to "Subsoiling," by Scott Kelsey, was a seasons of with four months to July 1, sayers. Every planting 18112·93-94, me; they maining whioh will soon so and his own i( will find it pl:'ofitable very instructive paper, have germinated freely po.'Jsessed 135,000,000, and for export say 45,-, . Patron of in It waa followed a such vitality a.s to establish crops that the the distribution would reac'h to become a the.Grange. appear print. by 000,000, Mr. of dry months .of summer have Mr. Peter Heil read a paper which paper on strawberries, by Sears, succeeding. 180,000,000, leaving 39,000,000 for re- failed to seriously injure, and I re­ brought out considerable discusBion. Manhattan. Prefer setting in fall. maining reserves, visible and invisible; alized that crops well begun were more "How to Make in the Sandy loam; manure, :but ,with oare; or practically the exhaustion of mar- Money D8tiry than half done, I sh"ll continue using your was the work down 'with harrow. Mr. Sears ketable supplies." Business" subject presented by superior seed. Mr. Hell. The discussions were mainly illustrated by charts his method of B. R, ' (Signed) Bons, . a . "The FARIIIER Beems to reach so· staminate , .pretty d the use 0f the tor. ill'as ·a "!lnd Will.. n to . i reg,ar separa set� ng p ants, .. :M:a;��et Gardener, Ra.clne, good class of people-the ones I hke to deal. Ed. Buckman, deolared that the varieties: Best winter pro­ advertisement th�· i'el1abi!t,'� [See of. .. pi8�illate . With," writes James ,Bunon, in renewini; � .' au who had no wall not 'glean straw.' Named Delt. In thia paper.'"-ED;] �rder.. .'. farmer separator te"tlon� 170 [10] ICANSAS. FARMER�

tnlte4 to ..nd tor Jmpl:Oveil LolllrGreen...... •....•.•••. ":. 181 was in several other lists and m,.latelt p'l'l08l1no· planted '. Ima'lfmltll. Half million ...•...•••..•.. ..•.... Itrawbel'l'J' pllUlw. . " t ,8 . Japanese Ollmbinlf , _ ,:.� : ranked o'rst in all. As grown here it is 800.000 Prorre". Kan•• 1 and Queen ot W_ Ellir1:v . cilodieufture. .LiUlar�tb'I!I,Fil'8t ...,7 D R raapbel'l'J' "Iantll. B. 11'. Smith, BOll 0, Law­ LI:vln@l�on s Evergreen 1111 a fine appearing yellow , nearly "n08. Xu. Mention thll papln'. '(lng_White Snake. :. ,18 .. and about two inches in di­ New Everbelll ng lftO globular Kan G'ARDElf VEGETABLES.. A. H. GRIERA. Prop·" ..., Home Nur­ iNew Blberisn : ; 81 • ameter. "lIrlll�. J",wl'('lnoe. K88., groWl! trees for commercial Niohol's Medillm Green ftO .. Bulletin No. 15 of the Oklahoma Ex­ OR VEGETABLE OYSTER. and famll,. orchards-the Ka,uoa RIUIIIHII'I'II, BIIUlIt­ Parisian Prolifio· .. ., .. ., 89 SALSIFY, berries, standard and new Strawberries-also .had. Station has so valuable 9 periment many Peerless White Spine ; ;.. Though -no, speclal experiment was and evergreen trees lIdapted to the West.: .. or 114.7 and that we are at a Serpent Snake. important pages Bmiill West Inilia Gherkin Failnr.. made with tbis vegetable, it was grown. what to select for 4.8 New In loss to know presen­ TaUb,'s H}'brid on the ground again this year 'With the Something Musk-melons' Thortier's CommerciaL... ,2 'Tbe Whlte Perfllan. tbe lanest and lMIst fI... We have, however, attempted success. This is one of ta�ion. WesterfiAld flhioago Plokle 188 usual good the ",ored on earth. Notblng better to h" de.' red. to select those paris which could be White Wonder U7 finest is ex­ Writ<> t"r prloe. Ilnd "artl""lare "" I.arkln Com­ garden vegetables grown, m18alon Kas. Mention FABlnB. and have omitted . Co.;Wlohlta, best presented here, LETTUOE.. ceedingly easy' to prepare and no detailed descriptions. of lettuoe in open harder to than J'lI.J'Ite .took ot comm'!rclal Early plantings. grow potatoes. APPLE wltb grape vln". and a JeneraSON! the For the most part experiments ground have always done well at the nl1r'en' .""0". ,PrIOll not tree. KELSEY NITRSI!:RY CO.. are tests of varieties of gar· Oklahoma Station. For reported Experiment Publications of United States TREES • St. Joseph, Mo. As the results Depa.rtment den vegetables. proper oonvenienoe lettuce is planted in rows, of Agrioulture for February. of such experiments there are added between which the five·tooth cultiva­ STRAW the Annual of ��s!':.r:lrYk��:-�r::::'i Report of Tbird Meeting frnlt at under the several heads reoommenda­ tor is run as in other and 1,000.000 plaot. plants garden crops, the American Association of State Weather for .n.ln_ trade BERRY 10weAt prloeB. to the selection of varieties · tions .as this method, though not economioal of Services with the Weather ot 1800. 100 varletle•. r,a.gest Co·operating We.t. n"t. f..... PLANTS• and notes of varietal char­ of ,"",were lu Ib" prominent space, produced fine large heads Bureau, United States Department of Agri­ Addres8 F. W. DIXON, Netawaka, Kansas. acteristics of practioal or teohnical superior quality. After two year's culture. importance. trial here we feel satisfied in reoom­ R!linfall and Snow of the United States, PEAS. mending the following varieties of let­ Compiled to the end. of 1891, with Annual, Greenville and Gardner of were and Other Charts.-The STRA.WBERRY PLANTS. Fifteen varieties peas planted, tuce : ,Denver Market, Hanson and Seasonal, Monthly and each row charts mentioned are 19x24 inches in stse, in rows".A:pril9 10, being Henderson's New York. Others are EI Dorado Blackberry. �����:ned� feet. These bound separately and desIgnated as Bulletin given ninety running peas good, but these are most satisfactory. ard ",arletiA' of Fruits. A generniline of Nureel'J C-Atlas. stock. AololreM were picked as fast as they came of The following varieties proved The Feeding of Farm Animals.-This size used on the table. The F, North Kas. commonly unsatisfactory: Salamander, Chartier bulletin has boon confined to a statement of J. CECIL, Nurseryman, Topeka, the varieties list shows - following grown Pink, Buttercup, Brown Dutch, Oak­ the general principles of feeding with the I.O� Apple Trees. .3.150 in of All tbe leading sorts. and the total yield pounds pods leaved. expectat.ion that hereafter it may be poset­ Box Elderl '00 oholoe Conoord Vln.... to each row: the these . and peas OKRA, OR GUMBO. ble to dtscu�s application of. .9.00 Pounds. The following list shows the varie­ principles to different kinds of farm ani­ Asb and L,OOO Russian .. ...• •. ...• .. 6 311 Eztra Earl, Premium Gem..... mals in other farmers' bulletins. MUlberr.i.l15 Philadelphia Extra Earl)' .. :...... H.08 ties of okra planted and the number of Shade t...e. hlliow flnot. Com· 7.2l : Culture and Uses. Black Locust American Wonder, edible cut from feet of row plete pr'oe H.t free. Aol�re•• , pods thirty Blue Peter 7.(5 Synopsis of RePort of Statistlcian-Janu· Little Gem 10.156 of each: $1.25 JANSEN NURSERY, ary·February, 1895. First and Best 7 16 Dwarf 868 I' Jetre1'8on Co. Jansen. Neb. of the per 1,000 MandB � 882 TaU , 719 Report Stattstlclan-January·Feb· Shopahlre Hero 19 51 White Velvet 797 ruary, 1895. Contents: (1) Report on farm 1t.18 Irish Marrow/at Dwarf Green, seed from GermBDJ no Tbe cotton Live BONNER SPRINGS NURSERIES 15.98 animals; (2) crop; (8) Tom Thumb AllplA to_s. 2 al1d a v,\a,.. olll.•t..rooor. 'B po. 100: 6.83 the Dwarf is the most stock in Great Britain and The MoLean's Little Gem Though prolific, Ireland; (4) II� ner 1,000. Conoord I1rnpe. 11.?0 ner Ion: "0 per Kent 10 32 Early , the White Velvet is much superior for cotton crop of India for 1894; (5, A French 1.000. A.Da....."•. 2 yeor. st'"oor. 13 M'l,OOO. IIt",w· E'utenla ]!I.56 n'atlts. 50,. ner 100: f3 per 1.000. f1he.·y ,,,,d on the wheat berry 19.011 and would be in all congress popular credit; (6) PAllr. 20n. eaoh: Plum. llie ; BDr'oot. 15c : POlYlh.l00. Melting Sngar oooking, preferred . of Victoria. notes on ..rrle•. "e. HArd" 'R"ybrlol Pe'I>Atll,,1 I:!terling 16.98 oases for this country. crop (Australia); (7) Rlftc1"III" treM fnr n"mmercl..1 or· oh"r"s. Also sha�A trAes. Pll\nt while YOl1 Mn Jet the belt trAeR at the lOWARt prloe" !I�nd for oata­ lORUA. AfI","o,,, (m"'nt,tllnlnll t.hl .. DftOBr) 1\[. BUTTERFIELD, -'s Summit. )\[0

Mount 0 Hope 0 Nurseries. 27th Have for .al.. a c"mDlet." a.·"rt· CUOUMBER-BURPEE'S WHITE WONDER. MUSKMEI.ON-CASSABA. yeill'. ment nt frn.t Ir"es. ".neol ..llv nf tbe leadlnll' commerolal MrtS. AI.o rnA"'n" " ot feet apart, each variety having 270 It makes a fine addition to the bill of History, Protection and Cul�ivation. ""'t.... hard1l pflUhu. CroBby. Rokara. etc .. 28 dell. ""ow UrI) an� n For olroular. and ad. In of the Good Roads ornp. prices feet of row. general, the varieties fare and the fact that it' seems to be Proceedings Virginil\ dres8 the proprletol'l'. Convention held in October bearing small 'melons were more pro­ quite undisturbed by the dryest Richmond, Va., A. C. GREISA &: BRO. 18,1894. Lawrence, Kas. lific as regards numbers than thelarge­ weather is 110 small recommendation. Experiment Station· Reclrd.-Contents: frnited varieties. It is also to be re­ TOMATOES. EST"lBLTRlIF.O TN un". Editorial notes; Eighth annual c()nvention as a matter of Fourteen varieties of tomatoes as marked, importance, of the Association of American Agricul­ that with very few exceptions, the listed in' the table below were planted tural College and Experiment Stations; WILLIS NURSERIES. small·fruited melons .are much the best in rows six feet with four Recent work in notes. Contain a Ileneral a8aortmel1t of oholce fruit trees apart, plants agricultural science; and other nUl'I'ery .tock. wbl.h we olrer for ."Ie In in quality and are further desira}?le for feet apart in the rows, ten plants of Library Bulletin No.5. Accessions to the lots to .ult. Our llrlceR are low-.tock and llMklnlf Wr.t<> tor free l111d their Extra each used. In the fol· Library November.December. 1894. the vpry best. cataloR'lIe olways early ripening. Early variety being' mention name of tbls p"ller. A. .peclRllot nf cholcs , Jenny Lind and Banquet have lowing ta.ble is shown th� numbel' of Charts of the Weather Bureau. (Size well-Ilrown two-year-old IIllPle trees for ."Ie. 19x24, inches.)-Weather-Crop Bulletin AddreM A. WILLIS. Ottawa. KanAaB. shown marked superiority in these fruits picked and tl;le average weight (series of 1895), reporting temperature and Extra of individual tomatoes in ounces: qualities. Early Hackensack, rainfall with special reference to their ef· Perfec­ NllmlJer Chicago Market, Irondequoit, . Average . fect on No.1. for the month frUits. 1Cefght. crops. ( Montreal Market and - tion, Superior, Atlantic Prize...... 103 1.8 ending Janua.ry 81. 1895.) Semi dally Princess are of larger size, and have Livinll:ston's Favorite...... 6l 1.6 Weather Map, showIng weather conditions Dwarf Uhamplon ...... 76 10 I:hown some desirable characters, but throughout the United States and giving Long Keeper...... 86 l.7 forecasts of Snow as a class, do not yield heavily. The Dwurf Aristocrat ; .•.. 79 1.8 probable changes. Golden .Trop�y...... 12�· 1.2 of snow on Cassaba variety is shown in the ac­ charts, showing depth ground Pear-shaped YHJlOW .. at 8 p. m. on Monday, FebrUary 4. 11, 18 companying illustration made from a Pt'rfrotion : 111 1.3 TenL\vin�ston's'Ion 'l'omato...... lB.') 1.5 and 25. Storm BulletIn No. 1 of 1895. of a grown in the specimen .... photograph Aome ...... 119 1.3 Storm and Cold of l!"ebruary 5 to 8. M"tchless...... 8� 1.6 experiments. Wreck and Chart of the Qreat Optimus...... ]2; 1.2 Casualty CUCUMBERS. Ignoturil...... 87 1.7 Lakes, 189

...... Prize\aker...... 8.87 Chicago Giant...... 1 liS THe Broke the Record Cool and Crisp...... 5 Yellow GlobA.Danvers S.14 22 Early Clust�r 10 Mammoth t:!llver King...... 115 Ii No Cultiva.tor ever had ·euch a. remark­ Early Netted Rnssian 123 Herm udB Island Red...... 00 1(0 able run the 1I.rst season. Sales nearly E�rly Green Clustpr 10i Giant Della Roro�.. .. 1.43 61 C Evrr�reen White Spine 2'�� Bermo!la Island White 1.04 11 20,000 in 1894 Extra j,ong White t:!_pine...... 2 Bermuda lied '6.17 27 Extra (:ireen Yrollflo... 3� Prizetaker•. n. 8 1)pp. Ag. " ·4.74 40 a.nd this year will be Rarly H grea.til" increased•. Early Frame 48 Bloomsdale Ellt. Early PAarl .551 100 Tha O. B. D. II Ilmpl, tha basi Walking Cultivator G. Hiq,nt l·era ,. 9j Bloomsdale Es Earl, (:iold· Ivlt mad. and a. rei Ii.. no Imltatotl. II Ieiii at en !:leal. . •• • ...... 100 Giant White...... 1 ,Iallt. FOP .... on. d••,., In • lown, ,•• II III' Green }'rolifl� 101 o ,.,. WI It ,It lor h will be seen that Prizfl�..ker JXlakes ,au lall,. "f Illu,,,.tl' QlrClII.,. HUl's ForctnR .....•..• , J9

"., "" , tbe bUIj� .a�. ImprgVetl Wbite Spillt ,,' 111 r800rQ, The v"l' Deere " co.Mra!t�1I 1895.

.. . ( . . � ..tP.. � • used in every country in which dairy- It is said tbat there din me . ing is-practiced. alatty. . are now' of the . aOiqe' '60,000 De Laval • If 80 a "Baby" Cream Separiltior wfll eam Ita 0081. tor .A. lII. ot Oakllllld Dati7; machines in use•. OoDdll0ta4 b, JOI08. )'Ou every year••WAY oontlnue all Interior 8�m Ku. Farm. AdClNolI aU OC!IDD!UDloatloDi Topeka, While' at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,· re- another year at lO1P'4lit • 10lIl t Da� Ie now the o only pro1ltable tea� of'Agrioulture. properly 0011- one of our correspondents vls­ . You ' cently, duoted It alwa:va � well. and must pay you. a High Standard. ited the American works cif the De need a 8epa.ratori and ;you need the BB8T,-the Setting .� All and 175. stYlee oapaolttea. . Laval which are located at that Baby." Prloe8, The managers of the .Verqiont Ex­ Co., upwai'd. Send for new 1895 catalOgue. These are considered periment Station put the stand­ place. shops by h,ave tue finest In' the ard of butter productIon of the station engineers among THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., and the mechanical' Branch Ollcea: alneral OfIIcBI: farm herd of cows at 400 pounds per cow country, arrave­ ment, the adaptation and utilization of ELOIN,ILL 74'CORTLANDT ST., YORK. per year. Befor.e the herd was destroyed N,EW. and the for tuberculosis there were several that special 'machinery, general Ia most reaohed or exceeded that amount. The fystem certainly interellting, even to a. Some idea of the OR POWER new herd is expected to do as well. layman. DAVIS 'HAID can magnitude the industry has assumed With fi'fty cows, which the farm CREAl hi this country may be had from the SEPARATOR be made to support, the total make ODe-thln! more butter ....d of hlghep fact that the investment in this one tban by other !mown .y.tem•• would be 20,000 pounds of butter annu­ quality plant is said to exceed '225,000. 8AVE8 MONEY AND LAlia,1t ally. Sis.. trom I to 1.000 00..... Pamphle1 The cream separator is of especial Mailed Free. AKenta Wanted . DAVIS .It RANKIN BLDG. AND JUl'G. WELL�MAGHINERY Feed on Pasture. interest to farmers and dairymen this Grain CO•• Sole'Mauufaclurel'll. Chlcairo.lIl. . WELL year. The past year has shown dairy­ ; DIUBtratecl catalcmue IhowlJQr Mr. Goodrich, the well-known Wis- AUG� BOOK DRILi.8l�YDBAULIO _' to have been the' moat etc. the fact of his ing profitable AND .IJIiTTING MAOm1'lERY. conaln dairyman, notes PAYS FOR ITSELF��:':�e�":ml�t BIDI'l' J'JuaI. Have'beeD teRed aDd The butter and ' branch of general agriculture. produced .u _ft'Gt&faI.. ,� in the face of the it ... Ill bring-the having undertaken, the'prlce , farmel' has made from ilRON WORKS, ridicule of his the dairy money SIOUX CITY ENalNE neighbors, feeding (S_nto Pech Mf•• 00.1 this part of his business at least. And • . of meal to cows while on good' pas- .IOUX CITY. IOWA. moreover, the returns from the dairy CRYSTAL CREAMERY. 1211 UDlcnl A..... K...... Oltt.l!do. tures. The results were surprising, are cash, which has been U's OODStrocted OD a new prlDclple-ls aometblq both to himself and everybody else. nearly always ean'r afton! to be wltbout. Our bOOklet. "&ood no small consideration of itself in the �u How &0 Make .I.... tree. .&pate He found at the close of the year that w:�t:d."". close money season we have just expe­ Concord Mlcl!. his butter yield had increased fifty Crj_tal Creamery C!).. 29 SL. Lanalnll. rienced. Thousands no doubt are giv­ pounds per cow, though there had been' ing greater, att!'ll;1tion to dairying now .NCUBATORSIBROODERS. no perceptible increase in the flow or than in recent and there seems milk. The meal years, Broodel'8onlylll. Best&Oheaplist the richness of the tor raising chicks. 40 1st Premlu mil' no good reason why anyone having use had simply served the purpose of giv- 4OOOTestlmoDlals, Send torCat'l'g for a separator should longer do with­ G.a.SINGER.Bola Cardlnat"" " NO :EGGS aDd I. the cows better staying qualities ing seem m LAYSDot for ule. bu' our out it.' All the users satisfied, np to the last of the season. He figured eDtlre IIDe of ImplemeDt. and many go so far as to say they aTe a' wllolual. prieto d(­ that he $2 for every dollar he paid reet to tbe 'COIImmer. W. got would discontinue if had out for meal thus fed. dairying they want a II"e tarmer qeD' to go back: to their old . system. Nearly ID e"elT toW'Dlhlp. No all that their from the S4. S "D.. '::'4 The Value of agree savings PI w�·:of�r:'':!�i= Knowledge. putlo1l1anto HAPGOOD PLOW CO•• are s'o great as to earn the , separator ALTON. ILL. In an 'address before the Mahie cost of the machine eV,ery year, !Ioncl dairjmen's convention. recently, Mr. that it is the best investment they Joel Richardson, a member of the State could make in connection with thelr' Board of the case in Agriculture, put dairy. Some say,· for example, that when he said: ,'0. nutshell with ten to fifteen cows the separator has been Corn has been "Gotton king. makes as much di:llerence as would ·the But the with a king. to-day, cow, pro­ add,ition of two or three cows, while'it duction of food in many forms, of the costs much less to keep. in our own value annually, country, The "criticism is made by some that· more than is of $600,000,000, queen the prices of separators are too high. all. These facts over give tangible This is no doubt true, and we suppose to importance dairy meetings. They they will come down in the future. all who the impress upon grasp length Many think they ought to wait on this, breadth of this and great industry but the separator people say that even value of even small im­ the great though prices may come down in time, in methods of provements produc­ those who put in machines now win ing and handling milk. We are have saved their cost several times here to learn from our lecturers to·day over meanwhile, and if users are really from each meth­ and other, improved saving what they say they are. and the and in ods appliances dairy practioe. machines are ':accomplishing what our us not that of Let forget knowledge authori,ties all agree upon, this seems SHOEMAKER'S POULTRY BOOKft�1 on earth, printed In eotore, Photo Enrr:raYinga Thompson's as well as all is 8l1l"ges this tho Xnrthwfl.t. • indust,ry, others, to be so. ofthl) IRrJrelit Poultry Farm In DelCrlp­ sows CLOYER" of slow and is mil-de of little tlnn nnd l.rlC't!lo("U vnrletfl.!II, nyrr1" flnPllltentf'aylnp growth up WLmI.OIl6; only lk. c. C. SIIOK•.lKt:B,t'nepur&,W TIMOTHY, ALFALFA. you RED TOP. FLAX, items added together from many Notea. Dairy and all kinds of .ot �·romlhefln';.ttowJ81D sources and the practice many a cow wlll a third ORA8S 8EEDS, It is said give ���y�':,·.!;�tftl"!';,�·J,n:: years." more milk if while you sing gently . rletle8••corlnggoto�U. do not rail to our If indulged in by some the Bero..., buylnQ-. get �aDl Separators. milking. r.!'���gu':d!� death of the cow would surely follow. ���:il�!u:!:-:��e!? r:"e in the at­ JnCormatfon yon �hOUlrba\"e, prices, We take pleasure calling fi f"Dnts. , etc. Postpaid only down in a of our readers One cow settles foot Dakot&. In. tention of such of a,s may Bowe... "" U...... Bo, 88 clean straw, and hears but does have any interest in that connection to dry .Eoas not feel the wind around the the new 1895 adv.ertlsement of the De howling other shivers on the Laval Cream Separators, which 'ap­ barn; while the THE�L�BUG,GY'BEST and cart. Ramus. Pheton, SprlDg Wagon, lee side of the straw rick, discon­ or atlown' pears in another column. Surr:e1' Saddle Intho world with' wllole.ale prien. Shipped anywheicto were to fills her the straw If any dairy authority asked solately paunch 8D70na ",Ub nrlnlogecoesamlnewhho that the other uses for a bed. What ou\ aaklngono ecn\. In rdT.nee. AU name the one thing which has COntrib­ • KOOdI runT guarilntocd. Send torlaf'K'O between the con­ A...... 10.. fUu.trated and tIlAlmonl.l. most to the and im­ makes the difference eat.lo�o uted development Fno. Wr!��",•• (lnf\dl) CASH BUYERS' UNION. dition of the two cows? One is owned provement of our dairying interests in 158 West Van Buren Street. B 64, Chlcaso. Ill.. a man who takes a little the last few years, the answer would un­ by trouble, and the other a man who does not. questionably be-tbe cream separator. by Kansas cream Tannery. And when one speaks of the A SUFFERERS FROM SORE ESTABLISHED IN 1889. ]lake. a clean sweep of Two AC!ftA.t •• COUGHS, THROAT. can It. NoIUlDf.'J eavy separator the name De Laval seems al­ man. a boy and a horse operate Does a tllllDlDIl bD.ID.... IDOIDdl1llf on ... few acre. the etc., should be constantly supplied with lIeDeral robell. Cllo.lllo or rods to handle. The crop most therewith, rUIO. etc. Tannlnll Galloway bIde. tor robe. a fortbe Mnchlne. Send po.tal card for synonymous "Brown's Broncllia! Troches" fI,..t yeanvlll pay .peclaltT. Flr·t-olau work. reuoDable prloe.. All lIIU8trated CataJolrlle. lrivlng price. term.., te.tlmon· come and but the De our Glent Separators go, kinds of leatber ID .took-beet quallt,. Ha..e you lal....I.o full Infonnatlon concerning Iron "0..... J ....d Laval to maintain an eyen any oak bark? Good price. pald tor It. WrIte me. Grab and Stump MachIne, Two ..wkeye appears Agents wanted for Gearhart's Family other appliances for clearing timber land. Address 1120 81h 1II••••• DI. at all times. It was For address J. M. C. Xu. .n.NE "ANVFACTt:RI�G to.. 81., lh. prestige practically Knitter. particulars E. BYRD, Lawrence, . ad� the first to make itself known in Clearfield. Pa. 8un!l1ldde Shetland Pony Farm. }'or catnlogue dairy­ Gearhart, dre�s Millie Orot&. at above office o.nd number. Breed,. iDg, and much of our progress in this c... or Pure Shcllnud Ponl_ great interest is doubtless due to it. Homes for the Homeless. For several years when dairy separat· The opening of two Indian reservations ors were first introduced, they were in northeastern Ut.ah to settlers opens up solely of De Laval make. These were over three and one·half million acres of fiDe and iand for home­ DOt altogether practical tor general agrtoultural 8tock·raising seekers. purposes, and were followed by the The Uintah and Uncompahgre reserva­ present st.yles of De Laval hand ma­ tions are reached by the only direct route, chiDes termed the The suo­ "Baby." the Union Paolfio system, via Eoho and cess has been such as to of these latter Park City. E. L.' LoMAX. G. P. & T. A., naturally briDg about attempted com­ U. P. system. Omaha. Neb. petition from other concerns, but the field is so large a one and so constantly' Florida, Oheap. there is room developiDg, that ample Special one·way excursions via the Mem­ for all. phle Route (Kansas City, Fort Scott & The De Laval machines have been Memphis railroad), on Tuesday. Maroh O. 1n use and ,subjected to tests contin­ and April 2; to all .points in Florida, at redUced cents mlle. ually at nearly all of our State ex­ gr,eatly rates, 1.xJ' per is the oar periment stations and agricultural The "Memphis" dally through Une from the West to Florida-and the only colleges now for a couple of years, and all these authorities Beem to in join on;�r maps and full particulars, ask a of them-both' hearty endorsement Memphis Route agent, or Eclentlfically and meohanically. It 111 iI. E. LoOKWOOD, G. P. A., Qf Bwedl.h qrl,in, aDd 1. made all.4 Kauu City, Mo. I

FARMER.', [12] .,...... B:A�SAS ., 72' ......

AboufBt.ook, CIty that a load'of the Rame oattle, fully as . • Gossip ••.. goad in quality; averagIng 1,490 pounds, & swine breeders of . DI�trioh Gentry, Bold'there for 15.25. Mr. G. said tile 'Kan­ make some ohanges in Rlohmond, Kas., Bas CIty people had been bragglpg so loud this with ·their advertisement issue, special -about what they coutd do he conol�ded to to the trade. reference spring make a praotical test, and 'so arranged to bove B. R. Adamson, of Fort Soott,· reports: have'tiart of the same bunoh-of cattle on "Herd dolng well, young pigs ooming now, the two markets on the same day. The oft­ in and are good ones, from. Black' 'Dandy, repeated ohestnut about shrinkage long Black Stop, Joker Wilkes and Free Trade. shipments was also refuted, as.the Chicago to Spme choice fall pigs ready to ship. cattle only sorank forty pounds trom the All home weight, 1,505 pounds, wllUe the Kan­ If our readers who are inte�ested in flne sas City lot shrank, forty-two pounds from poultry wilfwrite a postal oard to Joe Oun- home weight, 1,532 pounds. The rate from ningham & Co., Ind., they will send Loree, Higginsville to Kansos City is 7� cents, free a fine circular giving full descrtptlon and' to Chicago 22X'· cents. Mr., Gladdlsh

y' " ket in the following: "James E. Gladdlsh, PILES FISTULA who lives at Hlgglnsvllle, Mo., within fifty­ 30 inii1utes���\i�el , Make &; Kansas Mo. of Kansas was here others. Just the thioll for h...-d times. the carpets. I And all Discases of the Rectum cured by Drs. THORNTON MINOR, City. four miles to-day ' City, • d...... aapM and olothl"g 811 brll(bt I\Dd ,attrac.ti'... e8. without or caustics-no tee 'It1ll Is cured. Other Spec aItI with head of cattle, new. oan do IJ, Fon lIa.e knife. ligature accC!lpted patient twenty-six 1,465-pound Anyonll Tonk·e.1 contain trom leading Tr, 880d400, or 8p ortne, fOlooe. an, Dlsenses ot the :-:;I;ln and Women. Ask for our circulars. They testimony which sold at �.60. Just after the sale waR who ask tor teel. 'olor. B!I.pN'

. . a)'i!araro, . tc;;day"tD.a!_lors; REPORTS. �Ptl��", • MARKEt' ._ r • 'J 74 care. The demand for wheat la entlrely l09al now• . ·Stook. '. Kan"l (lIt,. Live , ·1Jderinarion. alid quotatlons'olf the b.asla of the MlsiJlsslppi �Le 11 • ...(lattle-Recelpts. KAllaAIl errr. March . river aannot be elven satlafaotorlly. � 203: ahlpped Saturday. 8;1'111 ,cat­ to eollftl, 10 a 8.8£4: calves. of car lots on track. Kansas InTlt.e 01U' readeill Sa)es by sample We oordlallJ' It's market·, was aDd 108 oalves. The Btronlr de.lre 1Df0l'llUltlon In rellU'd to tte, II hard 8 carl '52�OL No, a "beneTer \heJ' anJ' natlve cattle all Glty: No. wheat, and \hUI ...llt UI In maldnJt from 10 to 150 higher on good ils or lame antmal•• nomlnally, 61�0; No. 4 harll. nom­ of the Int.ere.t1q feat"ure. oj lIales; hard, 'hla iJepartment one around. The tollowlngare reptesent�tlve 480; II red. FABMIi.. Gh'e oolor and 18X of srIDEn lnu.11y.600: reJeoted. noml!lally. J.i{o. \he KANSAS BIle! SHIPPING AND DKJIISSIDD BlilDl' 4 aoourawlJ'. of bo" long 2 oars No. 8 red. nominally. M�'ci' No. inIm&l. .tattnc· 'JJDPtom. 13 1.85313.10 5II�0; If been re­ 15 ,1.62413.83 ' standlng.,and "lUIt treatment, anJ'.II" f.90 nomlnally. 600; reJeoted. nomlnallt� tic.. are free. Prize 4.90 8S 1.217 red. \hI. oolumn 4 ;.1.070 lOrt.ed to. All replle. throqb com were than for, some a 4.40 22 1.0;0 4.40 .: Recellits of larpr Iomettmes partie. "rtte 10 reque.tIng repl7 bJ' 1 1.110 · 4.2> was an actlve demand and benellt. Buob .. 4.2-; 19 tlme but there mall. and then It 08.... to be a publlo 2 1.030 t.0.l psst. a .fee of ODe dol­ 4.15 65 : 1;075 4.0) malntalned. Whits corn was . aooompanied bJ' 20 1;137 were fully requliltll prices . lett.en 8.65 ' reoeln a replJ'. all 1 .. In orderto prompt 11...... fl91 8.7� .880, • lar. aboUt �o higher. j mould be addreaaed directto our fOT \hta department TEXAS AND INDIAN STIDERS. of·oorn &O-day.15O cars: a year iiiro, DB. S. C. XanhilttaD, Ku. Winner Receipts Editor. ORB, a Vet.erIDarJ 0. In. f... l.272 ..,.70 42 c, m. f I�28' $4.70 143 cars. . _ f 8.70 26 o, m. too. 880 3.00 2��. m. l.1I18 -Sales by S8!Jlple on track. Kansas Olty; No. ... '171 8.60 Read 'what the World's 120.m.f.:.I.034 8.50 26c.m.t S have a 9 years 142 !l mixed com. 24 oars 40�0. Scars 40)(0: No. SWEENY.-I horse, TEXAS AND INDIAN cows. I said mlxed. nominally. 89�0: No.4 mixed. nqml­ sweenied last QU� Fair when 2 c, m. f ... 85712.50 that_got fall, grant­ 2;; c. m. t... 900 ,3.00 old, Judges li.a11y;890: No. II whlte. 11 cars 41�0. 80ars'41c: cannot recollect that he ever was lame. 18 o. m. t... 461 2.4,; I the Award to No. 8 whlto. nomlnally. �O�c. hollow in the shoulder remains ing Highest oows AND HEIlI'BBS. The Oats were In fl\lr d�nd. Samples Wllre C. W. D. 1. 1.080 $4.2� 8 980'18.70 , about the same as at first. 9.43 held a little above prlces. 4 89U 8.60 24 8Z6 gene�llY Saturday's 7i14 8.40 for choloe Kas. 1 1.030 3.45 9 It was dlllloult to get much premium Salina, . 3.83 and 6 992 S.35 18 : 1.011 Beed oata. A'I1sweT.- It is often difficult, 9.80 1 1.140 8.30 2 1.810 of oats 10 'oars: a year 'ago, the shoul­ 3.20 Recelpts to-day. sometimes impossible, to get 1. 1.10) 8.25 1 t.-l20 3.00 21 oars. but 'if 5 1.0�O 8.10 1.: 1,160 der to fill out in .an old horse, 90 sample on track. Kansas Olty: No. 1 1.j)40 2.90 8 I.tOO 2. Sales by not inter­ 677 2.85 I oar 4 cars 29c. 4 oars there is no lameness it will 5; S16 2.115 30 ;, mixed oats. red. 29�0. 2.73 1 1.100 '2.75 2 cars 280: No.8 oats. nominally. 27\ic: fere·with his work. A liuiment made 5 936 2I�0. AND l!'EEDIIIBS. No.2 white oats. nomt­ STOOKERS . No. nomlnally. 270; . 4. of olive turpentine of eqliarpar� oil, 6 94814.2i :OOOI4.00 nally.810: No. 8'wlilte ·oats. nomlnally. 800,

. 785 8.20 and rubbed In 46 Col...... 978 8.80 31 Mlnn... Hay:....Re1lelpts. 97 cars. The very Jarge re­ a�d ammoni., mlxed 8.S3 2 7110 8.50 �o 613 not break the' market. the skin is is one ,.... celpts this mornlng d�d twice a day WI SOre, 20 8aS 8.33 2 880· 8.83 16.lCOl but theli' made It more dlllloult to' get full this of the remedies. Repeat :aogs-Reoelpts. 8.180; ,.shlpped Su.turday. best prlces. Tlmothy. fanoy. 89.00: oaolce, IBtpo� 725. 'l'he market opened stroog to .100 higher two'.weeks. ..' 8.50: No.1. r7.00@'1.50; No. 2.13.00�.50:\ o�over. e��ry all around.' The are representatlve tollowlne . ' fancy. pralrie. How TO USE OIL CAKE.-I have a mixed, '6.�:Qj7.ll0; 'l8,oq�50: sales: No.1. ao.OO:Qj6.!iO: ,,"50 [email protected]; No.2. . llitle for 257 choice. horse that h�s 1100 very grain 71 278 $4.80 84; .. 240 $4.25 114 ".2:; thin. 76 252 4.22� @5.50; P8oklnehay. ts.50�50. the last ·tivo, years and he is very 62 212 4.2.; 83 2�9 4.2'l� 80 218 4.20 72 222 4.20 89 247 4.20 I want to him in good fix at as little U Kan... City Produce. g�t sweet 4\ 246 ,UO 115•..-1241 U7� A bright, navy 'March 11.-Ens...J.l'he reoelpts much oil cake _.. 250"'5 K:"58ASerrr. cost'as possible. HoW' 87 2'20 4.15 T56!_ �11·82 t.20ID-, 68 con­ 4.15 200 4.16 were Strlotly fresh are quoted a'-lIlio should J fe.ed him to be safe? plu.g chewlng tobacco, 76 243 4.16 66 231 83 heavy. O. B. L. 80 210 4.15), 7� 203 4.l2� 6,3 ;.2!I 4.12� per doZ.. 'I Woodw!lord, O. T. of Bur­ 7'; 182' 4.10 finest quality 90 197 ('12� 61 213 4.12� Pol1)�ry-The recelpts are Ught and supply amount of. 011 taining 86 191 UO 88 192 4.10 Art8wer.;--The proper 92 201 UO or,ly fair. Very little was recelved thla Leaf. Has a rich 23 190 4.10 82 221 UO 61 218 4.10 certain horse can be fine, The market la Ilrm. Hens. 80; cake for any only ley n2 17d 4.05 2 25:\ 4.05 9 175 4.00 momlne. 80: amall.' So; roosters. 12�@ trial. with half and 37 143 �.03 89 184 4.00 111; .. 140·.['00 mixed springs. determined by Begin flavor excellent chewing 014 11 ... 118 8.S, .Turkeys. -In­ 114.,.126 3.90 15 142 2,93 IOc: dreuecl ohlckens. 6.@7o. a twIce day ani in a few days all 8�@70: pint qualities,combining points Sheep-The market was aotlve and. steady. gobblers. '�o: young. Ii�o; hens. to a and so on, and if it sales:· 8�@So: dry pioked hena. crease pint, rate this The following are representattve dressed turkeys. decrease to product 50 97'$4.25 demand prefer dry ploked and bowels too much necessary 15� .-•. 98,'.2; I good (shippers relaxes the . 81 4 40 168 Col.. .. S7. ':25 than on scalded stdck), a order of 100 Col. I wlll pay better prlces n. little. About a at a feed is of the quart highest Horses-The market was qUiet. Auction 8�0; JOUDII' gobblers. 7�c. Duoks. scarce. horse should be good ration, but the excell�nce in its c1£ss." sales to-uiQrrow. firm.7@So. Geese.ln faCr demand;\io: and 0@7o:.1arge. 12 illS fed up to it. Live Stock. dress\ld. small n:1edlum. gradually Chicago doz. who tries CLI­ and over. 7@Sc. Pigeons. dull. 750 PIlr DYING. - I have lost eight Everybody CHIOAGO. Maroh l1:-Hogs-Recelllts. 88.000; HOGS Butter-Market oontlnues well suppl!edand 22.909; shipments. 8.000: left one brood sow and nine shoats it's the best. olllclal Saturdu.y. pigs, MAX PLUG says weak. There is no local demand for anythl0ll' understand. over. 8.500: market active and 100 ,higher; lleht. with some disease I do not but first-class table butter; poor roll can onl,. M.03�4.a.,; mlxed, Il.05:Qj4.4>; heavy. rough. IUO lie in their nests with their For sale everywher:e. be sold to packers; extra fancy separator. 180: They @4.20. , : no to 180:' fllir. IOc; dairy. fancy 14c: fair. 10@ head's covered; have appetite 11.000; olllolal S�tUrday. fancy. Cattle-Reoelpts. fair, roll. 12@14o: roll. 7�c: . or drink and their hind legs get _ market llrm: 6@10o higher. lIc; fancy . shlpments.723; ,!\I,at . 621: weak. 6�00: old. �. , can walk. Some Sheep-Receipts. 12.000; olllclal Saturday; so weak they hardly good: the mark!>.t Is IT' market firm: 5@100 Frult-Apples. supply in a few and some linger ·for IHoree:0wner.,. ry 101: shlpments.157; hlgher die days, firm on all good brands: standard P�'ked W. F. Ii a month. GOMBAUI:.T'S ranged from es.50:Qjf.OO per bbl.: others. ailO16 Topeka, Kas. ,. ' (lhlcaeo Grain and· Prov1110J1l!o .. 3.00; best fanoy stand. [email protected]; Jennet�ltg8. is that your [email protected]; winesaps. es.50�s.;0: Ben D'''fs. A'I1swer..-Tpe probabtllty < 2' j 11. common varletles. 12.25. recom- stIC March .j�OO�.OO: the cure CauI' haye cholera. Try market la firm a' hogs , lopenedIHlgh'stl.�:��:.dCl08�ng .Vegetables-Potatoes. the Animal In- -March.. 52" 52" mended the Bureau of Wh',t 62% 62%' quoted; ordinary kinds. common. 40@ by I 54\i" 114" prlces May.... M� 56� soarce, as follows: Wood charcoal, 500 per bu.: sweet potatoes, red. '25� dus�ry, July .... '6.'>� . 56\( 55� !i.;14 B'-'aI'sam 25:lt3Oc: Utah and Colorado. inttrke' of soda and Corn -March.. 449' f4" 44,,· 44" 300; yellow. sulphate sulphid9 '1afI1peear uU"lu"can mammoth sulphu:, May.... 4:1;)i 4U" 4'1;)i 40� stllrer: cholce. pearl. whlte. best, of of each one pound; chlo- 'Bed eTorued. Tne. 46 451. 4;;� an�lmony, TIle .af'e:tr "L�8TM .July.... 4;" 63@670: No. 2. 117@(lOc. ride of soda, bicarbonate of soda and B�:=lIhe�r,=�-:::� Oats -March.. 28� '28� 2B\i 28� May.... 29� 29% 29\( 29" two ".ttle. •.. P••••D•• ALL DAUT.RY of soda, of each lod or�leiiHi1i. 28 27� 11'7� hyposulphite il:l=:L���t:::rDII 'IIIING.. mJlOlft/lll eo JII'Oducuccw July.... 27:11 DAVENPORT AUTOMATIC • 11 ther ..tWaotIon Pork -March.. 11 27\i 11 27� 11 27� 2714 THE ds, IverI ze and mix toge I poun pu 11 11 50 11 10 11 4n� for each 200 �bottleI0141.warrIIl\t\rt,ve May.... 12� and one tablespoonful July.... 11 52!oi 11 62� 11 4:> 11 62� give ' Pii'ID\\,"'�.9...:":t-��P�."I�;gwcffr'::tog:1i��4�rGeacrtptlY8 drcularl.. 65 6 65 6 8; 6 6; of hogs to be treated, or Ita Lard -Mllroh.. 6 pounds weight CO.. CleTeland 0. 80 6 65 6 LA�OBoWIIJiLU'8 .... 6 6 '17� POTATO feed. IHB May 67� once a in thick .swill or soft 6 6 92� 6 8.; 6 \lO PLUTER day July.... 87\i 65 5 It marks, turro".. cut•• once a Kansu Farmer "ben "rltlng UI. Rlbs -March.. 6 65 6 6 tl; 1)5 Do not feed corn rr.ore than day. Mention drops and covers all In 000 .... 56; 1180 560 577� Mlly °lleratloo. well in a 5 8) 5 5 8) 5 90 Put the hogs clean, d.ry yard July.... 92� It cuts tbe potato tbe and bumlog 1 than the old one and Tbe cruel kulfe. on higher ground plaster must go. O�rd b�y& . 8ILlr'�esa��� �g:e Kanlas City Grain. where no hogs have been. Burn the Its work done complete. March 11.-There were a tew potato clean the CANCER· KANSAS CITY. carcasses of all dead hogs, 'up wheat olrered on the "Balm:F Col­ samples of veryc.holce 'chapge pI��re���fe�rf�ot and scatter Cured wltb Sond tor catalOAQe free. old yard, burn the rubbish umbian 011.... Thousands and they sold about �c aboye Saturday's prices. from DAVENPORT. p'RlICE. of testimonials people Sales of red wheat out. of store. amountlng to lime over the yal·d. cured. Address· were 'l'he'lo­ DOWNER'SGROVE, ����� 20,000 busbels. at 53��c. reported. IL� cal stocks tlown to 741.236 bushels now, nnd If of our readers are wanting arti­ �Dr. Castle & Co., p���a. any more than half of what remains ln store has Cor. 8t,h & Wyandotte Stll.. chokes, notice advertisement of Frank S. E. KAlIlSA.S CITY, MO. been soll1 for fOJ'ward delivery. Curyea & Co. HORSE AND MULE 'DEPARTMENT STOCK YARDS.--- KANSAS CITY , i·

Handled During Institution This 1894'

IS THE Largesh Finest 44,872 HEAD OF


.:.,:. ,. i .;. , BIRD'S-EYi: VIEW OF HORSE AND MULE BARNS. of Each Week. and Thursday • AUCTIONS: VVednesdayI • Tuesday, • of horses and mules find ready : �RIVATE SALES EVERY DAY. All classes Bale., full market value. to market in cars with your cattle and hogs and get Farmers, Ship Horses I market sent t.Q Orny addx:e!ll5. direct from all of the world. Write for reports, free. Farmers here meet parteJ , I buyers ...... ; _Ali Stock Must be as Repre- ansas 1 J.U.O.· SON.... ,'�'-'K C·ty, • • & , .ented or No Sale. W S' T·OUGH �u.grs. ,,' :MARdH 13,

APIIDORO. lIoKSLV1' Pllllbuqrh .��y:��!:t!��� AKOIOa'ClnclllnaIL YIeld auo bu. per A'fLAJI1'IO, .a�re. Essay ali Ar, New York. old ARTI�B�EB�· tichokes free. Seed POULTRY HOUSE HEATER. BI'lIIEB·BAUIIAlf , jiiiililiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii bu. CO. Iii. Plttsburl:h.. Tbe saying '1 per J. P.Vi88ering, lIIlelttlle.l'IIadlaoD On, That Carrie. Oft tbe Foul Air ThrouCh BRADLEY, New York. . • Smoke Pipe. IBOOnYK, that well are half sold" is New York. "goods bought . A which the foul cheap heater. by OOLLIIB, . air is carried 0.t1' through a smoke-pipe, St.Louis. true of Pure White Lead. Dealers cannot and the air warmed around the heater, OOUZLLllulralo. ��DS' Plant TeBted Flowerand Farm Seede thus the odor from DAVII·OJIAIIBBBI, afford to or to Carden, avoiding burning sell. painters use, unknown and be sure of a good crop. OUr stock Is complete and Plttsburllh. Is forour Free Rlustrated is sent us Mr. J. L. Weber. of tbeQuallty unsorpasse

AT LOW PRICES On board cars at Des Moines. Bugs free. II· Iustraten circular free SEED CORN',. '. IOWA GOLD JIIINE per bu. 11.711 10 bu. 1111.00 LEGAL TENDER 1.711 .. U.OO STAR LEAIIING 1.110 co 14.00 .. CHAMPION WHITE PEARL -. , 1.110 14.00 LONOnLLOW DRIfT II 14.00 " II PRIDE OF THE ..OBTH••••. •• 1.60 14.00 " I' IOWA YELLOW DENT •. 1.10 10.00 IOWA SEED CO., Des Moines, Iowa.

- ._ ... Our farmn friends. you know you greatly lessen your risks wben you buy Seed directly from the .rower.We ralseSeedsnf tbe earliest Sweet Corn. tbe earliest and best Pole and Bush Beans. Home tbe best earliest Rnd best late market Beets. the best Cucumbers. tbe best of tbe earliest and latest Drumbead Cabbage. tbe earliest of all tbe Wrinkled Peas. tbe belU Dwarf and decidedly the best of tbe Marrowfats. the beRt early lind late Squasbes. tbe best mar­ Fertile Grown ket Carrot. tbe earliest Red and the very best of all tbe Yellow ·1 I Unions. We offer tbese and numerous other varieties. Including several valueble new Vegetables. In our Veoetable ana Flower : sua catalogue for 1890. Sent free. Seed. J. J. H. GREGORY & SON, Marblehead, MIlIIII. Seeds -as well as fertile ground


ts a lamp tank, for oil, with three books soldered to catch into the slots at FF. so as to readily attach D to n. The pipe H is to permit the smoke of the lamp to escape, and it may be ex­ tended to the outside of the house.­ Farm and Fireside.

Tllo Fo,vls at tho narn. We can learn 0. lesson by observing the fowls in the barn and stable. Why . do they love the barn? First. a. barn A is usually warm and comfortable, and $300 FOR SUITABLE-NAME. we to for a for oar Ont an OBt th.t next the hens find of TbA'" wb.' l'

then throw without in to ::�GARDEN. it. . shelling. . the fowls and· watch how they will ::r,;; tbey .<�. fOR pick at it. Another way is the come _..- • r.-:- ,,:,'-(� DI1'IIES.) 20 C corn and put it in ·the oven of the up SO �DsY.':M,:;;:-ien.14 Packets postpaid. kitchen stove in a baking pan. StIr it Cheaper tllan eafl'lIg hacon all Slimmer II and it in thor· occasionally leave until HERE Is the list: I pkt. R....I.h••• 6 ItlDd.. mlxedl charred, and if tbe weather is I pkt.. Lettuce. ·Big Boston: I J!kt. Be.t. Vaughan'. oti'gliljr Enrliest Egyptiari; 1 pkt. Oabbage, 8l1voy, B\\'eetest, cold feed it as warm as you can bear 1 pkt. Squa.b. Dc1icntn; 11lkt. Onlon, Vaughan's Early hand in it. The fowls like it Pickling; 'I pkt. Mult MeloD, Delmonico: 1 pkt. Cucum­ your ber, JnpnncHc ClhnLing: 1 pkt. ParlleYi 1 flkt. Paranlp, wonderfully well. ·Sugar: "I pkt. l'IIl:apkln. Pie: 1 pkt. Re.1 nnd Yellow. mixed; I I'kt. O..rrot. llnlf Long: I pitt. Oyoter Plant, Mammoth. Total 14; nlso FREE, If YOll mention Dead Re.torlna' Apparently Chlckll, this flnper, on6 mixed pkt. of OUf Worlet's Filir Sweet Pe... nnd Panll... The .. of our ••cd. nnd the Should a chick be so chilled as to'be qu llty qu..ntlty In the. pnckoge! will �e held to our regulnr apparently lifeless or dead. there is s.tnndn.rd us be:forc. NOC:1Sh prlzeaor 1ottery. We give ren1 money value, cash dowD in this 'luu-u times' cullection. of resuscitation as as there hope long 1¥iY" OUR '" is life. Take the chick into a warm SP:SC;CA� BARGAINS for 25 cis. room and immerse it but the (all head) No.1.· G Good Ros•• In color.. lIGe. for two or three minutes in water at a. No.2.· 4 New Prize Chrysanthemum•• IIGa. of 105 'l'hen No. S.·U Pktl. Plow.r Seeds ...a.orted. 2Gc. temperature degrees. wi'pe (Dest collection in Americn.) it dI:Y. wrap in a fiaullcl and place it in No. 4.·10 Spring Bulb.. all durerent. lUc. a little basket. so as to suspend it over with Tubero••s and .GI....lolu.. Order by nnmber. Qur wOllliel:/111 Goose Flower Plaut Soc. a stove until thoroughly dry. It will Our Big BARGAIH OATALOGUE Is .just a lIttlo bit be· su.rprising how lull of life the chick better thnn .ome others. WB SELL MOST KINDS or will be, and how strong and active it SEEDS AT 8 CENTS PEB PACKET. hnlfprlce ofothers. Our Catalogue I. expensive. but wo mall It Ire. wltb will seem. Warmth is the life of young every order. Write, ea.t or welt, prompt service ohicm· from tho two great centers. Wo surely-slivo you money_ VAUGHAN�S SEED STORE, Ask· your nelgbbor to 8I1bocribe tor the lIJIW YOU. 28 Barclay St. 88 StAte St.. CHICAGO. �S.u��1'IIBB. '[1&J •

WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT California Is told in a beautifully Ulustrated book entitled" To California and Back." Ask G. T. Nicholson, G. P. A., Santa Fe Route, Topeka, Kas., for a copy. It Is free. Personally· conducted weekly parties and leave Chicago every Saturday evening, for Pa­ CARRIAGES,- BUGGIES, Kansas City every Sundal noon, to 40 and Blqele.; at IFaC!tol7 PrI_ Work guaranteed and 20 per Fe Route. Special LARGEST LINE at the World's clJlc Coast, via Santa cent saved. Our goods received the highest awardl 8hoWB and In attendance. Pull­ World Fair. Our 1895 Mammoth IlIu8trated Catalogue 18 tree to aU. It agents porters Made in the and reduced It haa 200 furnished all the latest st les and Improvementl! prlcel. .. man tourist sleepers are used, ALL STEEL on WOOD STEEL HARNESS�ever IS8ued...... ,.... pagel and Is trie largelt and mOlt complete catalogue conveniences for comfortable LINED. ()Iae.....U,ObJo. with all Wrl...... dar. lor It. It·'lree. "'UJa._�(lo., Wrl"�. honored. Perpetual & Large Bille, �nd travellng. Second-class tickets Steam, Borse & Band You have been planning that osu­ Power. Guaranteed fornia trip for several years. Why the BeBt. Write for RE..AOI. of lJlNlifif{ IS NOW not go now, and tako advantage Clltlllogue. ? l!'e Route Is • ratest Santa p0s­ F",.or8 .FO. CO ftI DL cheap ...... itively the only line with Pullman tourist and palace sleepera, Chicago .and Kansall City to San Francisco. and Loa \ ngel.ea, da�lll wCthout coonge.

Made, FLORIDA. and farm­ Grtnders, ,MachInery. Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Fencing ers' supplies of every description write us. Through' Sleeping' Cars, we Deed Dot trade. If we 'Can't save you money Kansas City to VVINEGAR �ACLE.A.N& Jacksonville. Corner Eleventh and Santa Fe Sts., Kansas "City, Mo. November 1& Commencing Sunday, • 1894, the MEMPHIS ROUTE. KaMas City, Fort Scott & -Metnphfs Rallroad, CHEAP IRRIGATED LAND wlllinaugurate a through sleeping car Kansas to Jacksonvllle, via CABLED FIELD AND HOQ FENCE' --INTB'R-- line, City e.nd Steel Web Picket Lawn Fence' Steel Gate•• Ste.1 BirmIngham, Atlanta' TomAto Memphis, Po.t. and Steel RRnl; Tree. Flower I\IUI at Jacksonvllle at 9:45 Wire Fence Board. etc. Cataloglle free. Macon, arriving Guardl.,j St�el SAN LUIS VALLEY, there 23 a. close connections DeXA...B FEBCE CO., HighSt.,DeX&lb,DL -ON- m., making ' for all points in South FlorIda. The wlll be first.­ 0 Terms� cars in this line strictly ' Easv class in all their appolntmenta and will run' every day inc·the week, leavlng Kansas City at 10:30 a. m. CERTAINTY OF CROPS. For rates and full informatlonl ad· P. dress J. E. LOCltWOOD, G. A., , ... X8.Dll1U! Oity, ]1[0. "PLAYING POSSUM." Large Yields of Wbeat, Oats, Barley, Potatoe., Alfalfa, Peas, Etc. .' As the warm sun softens the snowbank. the wire It -setttes away and the top of above the surface. This Is 'THE,GREAT fence appears I . Jack Frost·s opportunity and be hardly walts ENORMOUS YIELDS· OF VEGETABtES ! the sun's setting before the snow Is frozen fast to the wire. Then he rejoices to see THE I others have PAGE go down as the gone Good Home Markets. Owing to the Near­ ISLAND RY. sun ROCK hefore. 'Bub behold. when the morning Des. the ••. loosens his grip. up come the Coned Springs 'I to Mining Camp Is as perfect as ever. and poor Jack again TBlII FAVOBITlII BO'DTlll TO TBlII forced to bow down and surrender to ela.­ tlelty. PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., Adrian, Mich. ���: 8����:0���=: East,West, North,South. d:�: ICas. SIMON JOHN RICHEY. McPherson Em­ Kas•• or·!!. M. �IOTZ, Hays City, SCOTT; ThroUllh can to ChIOllgo. 8t. Lon18. Colorado. ColoradO Land and Emlllr&­ poria, Kas., Agentl! for Telt.. and California. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING tlon Company. Theae lando are located on the D. & B. G. rallrQad. Half Rates to Texas Points I IN THE LINE OF' FUEL! LOW RATES TO ALL POINTS • ARTESIAN WELL AT ALAMOSA. CHEAP: LUMBER: AND: lIIlp80lally California, Teltalland S01ltbeallt�. Mldwl1lter ern Polntll. you sre going to the ' PRINTING. tt Fair at San Franelsco. It :rou are lolng to Teltllol. If :rOU are going lIIut on bUllnel1 or pleunre-In . to BINDING. fact, If you Intend to do any traveling, be lure oJnlult on,e of the agents of the . . STATIONERY. BLANKS, Great Rock Island System . JOHN SEBASTIAN, TOIDShlp, Scbool District or City Supplies, THE General Tloket and Puaenger .Agent, CmCAGO. !I!I. T. J. ANDERSON, KANSAS LAW SOOKS. ETC•• .....latantGen·1 Tloketand PUB • .Agent, TOPBKA.. WHI"!'E TO PEOPLE'S H. O. GARVEY, ·Oity Ticket and P':••enlrer Alr8nt, Containing in four parts clear and concise de­ 601 X;ansas �ve., TOPEXA. XAB. & CO. of the diseases of respective ani. CRANE scriptions the for each. Kas. mals, with the exact doses of medicine 812 Kansas AlB., Topeka, A book on disease. of donaeBHo a,.-I­ of . Bend tor CatalOlrll8 It Interested. ttlal., which should present a description medicines each disease and name. the proper for treatment in such condensed form as to be toUlt'n the mean. of-everzjbodv, has long THE been recognized as a desideratum. This work covers the ground completely. The hook em­ NEW HUBER beBt of the ablest Vet­ SOLID THROtJ'GH TB.AIHS bodies the practlce erinarians in this country and Europe, and the FROM information is arranged so as to be eadlv ac­ ce88ible-an important consideration. Bac'" KANSAS CITYi ST. JOSEPB SHEEP diBcaBe is first descnbed, then follows the - --TO-- Bvmptoms by which It may be recognized. and Iastly is given the pro1",r 'l'eme,lles. The different medicines employea in all dis­ ST. are LOmS, CmCAGO, eases are described and the doses required and The book is copiously illustrate,!, - Iliven. PEORIA. showing the shapes of OMAHA, including' engravings I horses' teeth at different ages. An elaborate PATIL AND MINNEAPOLIS index is a valuable feature. ST. WITH SWINE It is printed in clear. good type on fine paper, ink side Can - and is handsomely bound in cloth. with Dlnlng which stamp and gold back. and is a book Vestibuled Drawing Room SleeplnJr car who has every person ought to possess. any. ReclILIng Cbalr Cars (Seats Free). thing to do with the care 01 animals. It wiII be sent to any address-postpaid-pn CHANGE OF O.6.ll.S receipt oC the price. Oue Dollar, or on the ONL'J' ONE of Ihe con- WINNER In each four, Engine remarkably liberal terms stated above. TO test at the World's Fair: FIRST TEST-Economy (If fuel. THE ATLANTIC COASl SECOND TEST-�peed with IIgbt load. THIRD TEST-Speed with heavy 10n,l. FOURTH TEST-Trial rnn through deep sa.nd. DOCTOR. THE BEST LINE FOB NEWHUBERSEPARATOR NEW. YORK, BOSTON, II tho Simplest and belt cleaner for all kinds of Baltimore, Washington, fatlstBction. IIrain and alwa18 glvel Cincinnati, Best Outfit on Earth I Philadelphia, For prices Bnd catalogue. write ,Niagara Falls, Pittsburgh, C. J. FERCUSON, AND EASTERN POIHTS. addrel. ]1[0. I'or tullln!ormatlon, 1211-1'9 Union Ave" KANSU CITY, orden to Addrel!l. all B. O. ORB. ���:a:a.�"m�J:n.�·" KANSAS FARMER:CO., Topeka. ]peclal: Send $1. 50 tor above Book and WSAS FAmRlYear. .u.', GeD'Il'uMDpr .&.a'Ilt, Kauu CltylBo 176, [16] MARCHIla, 1898. "

. ' Cane IJ£ On- . .ULL SEED"'CO... . ' ,,_ '. othy, millet, . '. ". :J'.."1A.- P.- . .' • ppard., '. Ion seta. Bale iue at. Loar. A.Te., 'M'.rlwLA�LTEED :. . . ' of . '14OD.�.VtJloIJ Anli".. . TI8a,lan- . .iB...... ·iE'IE-�D'S' ( liNSIS MISSOURII .� KANSAS CIOV�!:!.BIUeQraaa'Tlm-s·e�8��' �t��:�!' Frc:,c::�' 'E'E' oSTRUI,' CITY, CANE .... , CI"(�.·'MQ.

PLYMOUTH ROCKS EXCLUSIVE�V.riTOPEKA SEED· HOUSE. ::;:�i�!{��= All hlgb·scorlng bird.. Have bred Plrmcuth Rocka tor thirteen 1'_ears. Yard headed by All kindo ot Garden, Field and Flower Beedl, Flo,.-erlng Bulbs, Plants, Fruit Trees and Grape Vines. cockerels scoring from 1l2� to 0' polnts,IACl.ludlng a cock lired by the World'. Fair wlbner, Also supply GARDEN TOOLS, Address Icorlng 0& points by Pierce, and a 93� poliltoook from L K. Felch'. yardl. Have shipped egg_ Bend for Catalogne. S..".B DOWNS Topeka Kansas to all at the United Btates. IIIggl.1 per thirteen or f2 for thirty. I lIuarautee .atlltao;- parts. tlon. n. B. CHERRY, KnoxvUle, Iowa. eBAR�ED ALFALFA SEED A SPECIALTY, (lane and :lIIll1et Beeds, Kamr Corn and Jerusalem Corn. Beed Wheat aUd'Qats. All oropl,of 180&. Writetor"How BREEDERS' l'WO-CENT ' D'IRECTORY, BE'EDS. . .COLUMN. to Bow Allalta,n and prlcel on leedl. McBETH &: KINNISON, ; : : : Ga'rden City, K!i:nsa., J, I. REYNOLDS, President. C. A, YOUNG, Bec'y and Treas

MARTIN MEISENHEIMER, KANSAs CITY GRAIN AND SEED CO. Registered Poland-China Swine. OIrer larlle .tockl at Bonrhum Seed, KaMr Com,lIIlilet, Alfalfa, Bprlng B.,.. , Hiawatha, Brown Co" Ka•• ley Oat. Wbeat, SE ED CORN , Flu: Hed. order our Ninety-Day, Leamlng, Golden Charlel and Cb. Wblte Pearl f, e. b. oar. Kansal ....fa aaok 20 brood sow., headed by Tecumseh Free Trade eneliletio tarmer to develop Beauty Iowa White lIIureka, Bt. Cor!'" Clty per ALL KINDS O�' Gt'iJ'" 10788 B., aaalated by a Ion of Benton's Last 8817 B. WANTIIID-HOnelt,rich delta tarm In northern MIIsl.slppl: partly tipped, '12.26 nntlpped-Ip. thre�bn,8hel .acks. GRA�...... -OnIV ccmbt� car lot orders aollolted. " ana Seed Howe in Kania,' and mixed . Bome of beot females bred to Butler's Darmell, oleared; comtortable bulldlillJl. No crop failure•. OIt,I. Btralllht Black U. B. Nemo (Vol. 9) and Victor 111. Jr. (Vol.. D)· For partloulars addre.. C. P. Day, 268 Broadway, WAREHOtJ'BE. 1161 WyomiDg St, 'OFFICE, 408 Board of Trade, KANSAB CITY, MO and Correlpondenoe Inspeotlon lJ:jvlted. , New York.

AND LANGBILUiI-Fowll and 811111. Evergreen Herd Poland·Chinas. LIIIG'HORNYOBKBHIRIII Iwlne. Prlae .took with IIIlt-edae J, F. &: P. .o. Wlntersoheldt, blOOd.. Jamel Burton, lb... Horton, ltrown Co., Ka•• KANSAs 'SEED H_OU.�E. 150 In herd. Boar. In .ervlce: BALE-Red Kamr curn '88d. Pure, dlreot EVER.�'rH:INQ :IN 'rH:P] SEED L:INE.' _ Admlra! Chip 7919 B., George Wlikel FORfrom 1Il0wer. RoblD8On /I; lIIundorlr, Ha,elton, Jr; lISUS S., Corbett 11859 �. and Wlnteracheldt's vie­ Kal. Our Bpeclaltle.: Beed Com, Tree Beeds, Onion �eedl and Betl, Alfalfa, Baoalllle. Lathym. Blive.. tor (Vol. 9). 45 'owa bred tor oOmlnll pili orop. 10 trle, Bandvetcbee, @purry, Kaillr and Jem.alem COrDl.and other new·fonge plants tor·dry and arid eoun­ younll "oars und 40 lilts ready to go. Write or oome. POLAND·OHINA HOGS FOR trle.. NEW CATALOGUE'MAILED FREE uN APPLICATION. THOROUGHBRlIIDaale. Darkne.. and.Wilke. ItraiUl. BOWl bred . to 'Idell he Black U. B. BROWN OOUNTY HERD, U.B., by Ideal Wm.lllallulre, 'BARTELDES &. Lawrence, ... .. �. CO., K�s PEDIQREED P01AND-CHtNAS. .HaTen,.Ka ELI ZI1IIl\IERl\IAN, Hiawatha, Kas, 'HOJiLAND-ll the best turkey:' 'Tom. '_ WHITBfor lale atfll.50 eaoh A. ·P. Lin. TWO-CENT COLUMN--CONTINUED, TWO-CENT 46 brood sowo In herd, beaded by Black U. B. Nemo by Alhbrook, COLUMN-CONTINUl!!.D. K..... wOOd, . (Vol. 9,. Model Wilkes (Vol. 9), Bunaet Cblp (Vol. 9) , and Billy Bundy (Vol. 9). Femnle line.: All white mlllo maize aeed Rlgbt, Red Klmr corn leed and BIIIED-Forialeby W.A,John8On, Bm-Clean, pure F. Ku. Klnll I.X.L.,Wllkes, Free 'Trade,Wana­ RED'CLOVlIlRBhawnee Co.. Ku. , WANTIIID-Yellow.andby Bartlldel /I; Co., Lawrence, "Bbort.B,top, FOR80lllhum seed, lICked and dellyered promptly Pauline, maker. Aged so..... bred IIl1ts and fall pillS for sale. on bo.rd,cars. W. 111. HutohlDiQn, Ka•• HutehIDjO�,. POTATOIIIB-Bent out to be aprouted on ALFALFA' BEED, DIRIIICT FROIII THB aharea. No DlreotloDl for FORIrower, addrelllll. G. Byraoa.e, Kal. " . FOR BALlII.-Four oholce blaok proot SWIIIIIIT experience required. Jane., , tree. T. J. Kas. JACKBjaon fur lale. Price. reuonable. Thea. Weloh· Iproutlnll Bklnner, Columbus, U S AND .•ANGUB BULLS-Blred by tbe ts50 WILKES' OR BALE-Hereiord buill lired by a Ion of IIIr. ABERDJIIJIINErica Boy'and out of Imported COWl, Two and a . head, elglble. In B�CKreglst!red o� �oar. .ervlc!:· Funkhoueer'. oelebrated' Hellod. to choloe. ·Wm. B. F' Apply three·year-oldl. �i1dlvlduallyvery Modt!st,l)uke 12663 S., Wilkes 117w -R-' .. . u_m_N_,O_C_"JdT-e-yn_'PQ_Ka_ul_'LT-' Y-Y-A-'b-D-B-.--G-.�W'�.'·B-al-·Ie-y" Peter Blm, Wakarula, Kaa. �atton /I; Bon, Russell, Kas. A. White Face 12081 O. and 08good Dandy _XH_I_LTQb_a,Alton, Kal., breeder at IIDe White Plymouth WUkeill2709 B. 80 80 Rookl. young boan; lilts. . illig. f2 per aettlnll. J. R. VAMI'UELL &: POLAND-CHINA, FALL OF 1811t' PIGB-Both ALFALFA SIIIED.-CorreIJl(lnden�e 80110- SONt._ 40 sellel, for lale, lired by RUey lIIedlum 12806 PURElted. Prloe f3.60 per busner. L. P. Worden, Byr­ AvUlR, Jallper Co" .MO, FOR 80uthealtern FADB BALlII-ln and Teoumseh J. Corwin 10744. Cannot weD ule the aoale, Kas. En_. No fallute for CHOICiD orop 'wenly.llve yem. latter boar lonller, heiloewllliell him. 111. T. Warner, Underlaid bY aDd lead and R. S. COOK natllra! gU all, zlno, Princeton, Franklin �., Ku. '. BALE-Seven head of extra good Poland· ooal Rich, Inlted to great oropi ut FORChina boaT8 ready for servlco. Addresl H. W, Kae" IIro.lD, grallel, frultl .and' vell8tablel. Btockman'l WichIta, - Kaa. HOL'3Tl11IN BULLB A t1fo-year-I'ld, a IIIcAfee, Topeka, PlriuUle. Cheap. BeDd tor printed. ltate}llent., . Breeder of THRlIIE'yearllnll and one 6 monthl old. Reilitered and Thol. D. Hubliard, Kimball, KII. from Blaok han belonll to the KorndJlI:e tamlly. For further par- lettlnll, Langs prize·, - - thirteen. T. V. , �', KII. EGGB-Forwlnnen, 11.60 per Codlngton, '.' Poland Chinas. hona aild t10ulara write H. L. Llebfrled, lGmporla, �'I blu.. billa, catalolluel 1701 Hnntoon Bt" Topeka, Kas . .. WANTllln-Sale. other printlq. Ai. apeolalty at the M!l. Red Weth· Cherokee, Crawford Co., K... Mention FARMJlR, Afrloa.n tamarlll, trumpet vines, wllterlas, ro.e., erelleld onion leed, $1 per pound. All seeds dellv· POTATOEB-Bent out to be on .A:ND POLAND-O:EUNAS, Irl., honeJluo.klea and Bavon juniper.. I alia haye sprouted ered In .1I00d order. t. o. b.. depot here. Ihares. No Dlreotlonl for Topek,a a lIenerai 110Ck ol fruit trees, Imall fruits, eto. SWIIIIIIT experlenoe required. Produce Co.; No. 80' Kanlal 4,ve., Topeka; I{a•. B. ... tree. T. J. Kalt. P. H"nan, Arlington, Reno Co , K Iproutlnll Bklnner, COlumbul, �:M B�OH.ST.OCK FARM W. P. !) BUBHBlLS BEED BWIIIIIIT POTATOJIIB I � iliAD A GOOD FARMER'S BPRING WAG- ALFALFA SEED, ..... & ' FrL!�hlns,tKoaCkl.· Hayw,ood, .... DUNC�N, for lale. Ten " and tor " I,RWIN 0,O·00. belt kinda. AI.o In on, two luy bacn let-down end'lIate, "' ! plantl Wichita, - Kansas; their leuon, at bed·rocl!. price.. Inquire of N. 1I. '00. Warranted. KInley" Lannan, 42i-426 Jaenon Bedgwlck Co. Pixley, Wa'!lello, Kaa. Itreet, Topeka. VETERINARY SURGEON. Breed and have for W. H. �"""'I'.... BOWS-Safe 10 to WILLIAMB, 'TORONTO, KAB., , ,I" pig Imported ... �� sale Bates and Batea­ )��--"� . � I U. B. Grad· . IIICCURDY, Veterlnnry Surgeon. \ Lord the WlilTEfor Comet BpraJer, a triple air-chamber force ");'ro.: ,t If ,e. '�f(rr. Short·horns BIIIRKBHIRE·Comely. IndlvlduaIltY'an'd' breedlnll ! (/1 topped Tbrows wanted. DR.uate Ontario Veterinary collelle, Toronto, Can· Klrklev­ belt. Wm. B. Button & Bon, HUB.ell, Kas. pump. oontinuoul Itream. AgentB -Waterloo, ada. Can be cODsulted on all diseases of domestlo and other fashionable families. Also breed Inston animals at omoe or by mall. Olllce: 11& West �'lftb and have for .ale LOT OF RED KAFFIB CORN BEED-The PURE GARDEN AND FIlIILD BIIIIIIDB-Go the be.t tboroughbred Poland­ Btreet, Topeka, Ku. Chinas that can be obtained.Write or come and lee. AFINJII dry year crop tbat IIrowl. One dollar FORto Edlon /I; Beok, 212 East Blxth Ave., Topeka, per beltblureltbu. el, lICk IDoluded. N. P. Wiley, Pretty Kas. lIIentlon the KANSAS FA,BlIlER. Prairie, Reno Co., Kal. SUNNY SLOPE HUNDRIIID AND FIFTY BUBHELS RED COMBINATION SALE. FARM, Emporia, Kas. SALJII-One hundred bUlhel. Llnooln .eed ONE lale. Addrell Frank Bternbelll, 200 head of Poland·Cblnns hended by LONGJ'JIIL­ FOBoats. Produced thlrty·lIve bushell to oile bu.hel 1II11����Jf:..�or LOW 29985 0., wbo has the best Columblun rf1Cord of Hed with but one. Ihower last year. Price Ii per any bonr west of the IIIlsslsslppl. 50 head of PO· ten bUlhela f. o. b. JENNETS bo.hel; f8.SO, (sacnlnoluded), PRCOF OF THJII PUDDING IB IN THE , laud·Chlna gilts sired by Longfellow, bred to the J. J. Ka.. JACKS_AN_D Aohenbaob, Wa8hlnKton, .. "THEeating." The proof of 1I00d poultry I. tbe tollowlnl( noted bonrs: J. H. Sanders, by J. H. LIBERTY, (JLAY CO., MO., Jr., 8how·room. At the Btate . .how, January IH4, 180S, March 20. Banders 27219 0., dam Graceful }o', tm"J8 0.; Hadley, SALE-The tried aud IIrand breeding boar, \Vednc8dllY, Jr.• sired by Hadley 27S05 0., dam Bambollne 8tb Kln1l8911 B., Ilred by Dandy Jim 6442 B. �.rdbo�1;'���I�':;� !�r�a8'h�:�e ��i�n70lr:���'f'os.; Write for Cntnlogue. 69953 0.; Blr Cbnrles Corwin, by Latest �'ashl(jn 2'7396 and out of Broad�ack 700 (11913). Weighs poundl. from a. well·bred Barred Plymuuth Rocks and 8e ... ln8 & Davls.Llberty,Mo. 0., dnm Josle Wilkes 1st G01!l8 0. Combining the He I. a deslrably·bred estra In conforma­ hog, load Llllbt Brahmas a. are In tbe West, tor only" per Col. S.A. Sawyer, Auctioneer. blood of Black U. S., Wilkes nnd Teoumseb, com· tion, havlog broad back and extra ham. good Bnnny tblrteen. Btock for . E. -, aale. Marlon, the and Henry Peero, blnlnll leading show comblnnt.!on and fasb· Blope Farm, Emporia, Kaa. Kanus. �50 lonable blood now sought for by breeders. , 100 bende,! the well·known Berkshlres, by boar, BENECA NURBIIIRY-Hal a larger ltock of POTATOES FOR SEED-All va· AUSTRALIAN KREASOLE illAJOR leading Sheep. Dip LEI! 31189. We have twenty·llve BUts, bred and THE1vell-gro1Vn better fruit trees, etc... than ever SWEETrletles. Plants In tbelr leason. L"west prices. The pure.t Rod In extstence. One from blm, to General Lee, ot and strongest g.l· Gentry breeding, before. Northea.tern Kansas bad a fair crop sea· Correspondence lollolted. B. If, Jllcobs, P.O. Box Ion mixed with 100 of water umces for 100 nlso to Royal Peerless tho Grent. galloos .• son the past year, ind we are willing to atvtUe with 122, Kas, to 120 sbeep. AlIln"ects are tile health 200 head at fashionably, bred Herefords. Wame!lo, de.troyed; those.more unfortunate In·.tbll and adjoining Iltates. of tbe animal beneOted; tbe qUlLntltyand quality Wby not come to the fountaln·head for a brood �'heretore we mark dlnvn el:erytblnilin the nurlery FARIII AND GARDIIIN of tbe wobl Improved. on dlsea8es at 8ow? Call on or address , Pamphlet at j uat one-hall of our regulnr prlcel. Drop a card FARMERBWHOWANTleeds solted to loutbern Kaolas should write to Ibeep and .ample Ol free to who will H L. LEIBFRIED, Dip anyone Manager. for prices a. reduced. B. J. Baldwin, Beneca, Ku. ROil Bros., Wichita, Kas., for oatalrllue. Tbelr write F. 111. Ironmonller, Importer, 43-45 College' •eedlilrow. Plaoe, New York, N. Y • DOGS, WHITE PIIIARL SillED CORN-Nev· CHAMPIONer fall8 to glv. Batllfactlon. Btands tlrought carload. of blgh'lIlade Hereford yields 100 buahel. maturel no well, per acre, buill. A. B. Kal. . qulok, WANT-Two. Hullt, Topeka, KENNELS, TOPEKA, KAs.-Great chance for the worm to get In. Price" per boohel, Danes and l�ox Terriers. .acked. A. HIGHLAND The IIrst prize and O.tertag /I; Bro., Tevis, Shawnee CO.,Kas. BALE-Cash or tIme, at prices that will pay Great Dnne sweepstakeo .wlnner, King William, lu FORyou to own tbem even now.. lIve·year,old, lound Itud. Dogs boarded and treated for all diseases; iou want a famous Duroc-Jersey Blaudard Italllon No. 17S30, by Mambrlno Boy No. also, remedies by mall. Correspondence SOlicited. FARMIIIRB-Ifor Poland·Chlna at farmen' prlcel, write D. 8&!; IIrst dam by Alexander No. 491,.leeond dam 1)y Trott, Abllene, Kas. Thorndale Nc,. 306, tblrd dnm by Ashland No. 47, Or Anything In Ca.t-Iron, fourth dam by Youug Patriot. AlIa eight .tandard Modcl8, Patterns and Fine Machine Work. PLYMOUTH ROCKB.-IIIl1gs for hatch· mares by luoh .Irel as Allerton, Alesander, Ball· WHITEInll, from aelected bird., $1 per tblrteen; four road, Onmore, Pioneer, as well as twenty two, tbree TOPEKA ,FOUNDRY. 53. order omoe Wetmore. L. and lillie. .tandard Your Sows .ettlng., 1II0ney C. ·four·year-old by lire.. Green Cor. Second and J 8treets, KAS, Farmers, Nemaha Kas. Coal 632 Kanlas Jras. TOPEKA, Spay Granada, Co., Co., Ave., Topeka, For fall fattening. Also your Nannies, Ewes and Clar!" Glp DOllS, with Howsley'8 Bpaylng Mixture, "ears" and namel of 1,000 Kan· cuh orexohaDge, farmo, ranohes. lIIaslly used, qUick, absolutely certain and ollfe. .. WANTED-TheInl well·makers. Do you waDt a Kanlas WANTIIID-FOrreal estate or mercbandl.e of all kindI. We Farm for Sale---160 Acres I Price, '3 per bottle; fl halt bottle. One bottle h well-makera' conventIon" this ,ear? Card" me. control Isrlle amount of valuable for sale IPaYs one hundred head. Write for te.Umonlalo properties FIRST-CLASS AT A H. C. Kaa. or at 1895 BARGAIN. and Welty, Topeka, eschaDge prlcel, for property In Mllsourl, F�R� Kanlal, Tellu and other Btatel. Bend full pFi!�r�OWBLEY SPAYING CO., de8crlp· All load bulldlnlls. House with 81x rooms, wllh BALE OR TRADE- BTANDARD BTAL­ tlon of what you have and what you want, but do oellar. one Kanllas City, 1\10" or New Orlean8, La. larlle Two barnl, of them eotlrely Dew FORHons.-WIll sell or trade two .tandard trotting Dot Inllate values and thereby prevent sale or es· and COlt '1,200. Good bearlnll orcbard at ISO apple .talllons, Hoke 22966 and Lennox 7256. Addrels cbange. Jno. M. Philips /I; Co., 8110-331 New York treea and other fruit. Our· . bulldlng8 0.11 In IIr.t-clasa B. 111. Wheat, Leavenworth, Lite Building, Kan.a8 City, Mo. ��s� K!'8' oondltlon. Two good, ne ver·taliing wei... One new Kansas Redeemed! �:s,���o:;::� windmill. Good fences of hedge, .tone and wtre on up" wonderfully FINIIIBT HONlllY-Is gathered from alfalfa FOR BALE.-B. P. Rocn, B. Lang.hans all aides of tbe farm, and also orosI fencea. Good and are better In all prices looking lines. In Farm THEand cleome blossoms. You oan buy It of tbe EGGSand B. L.Wyandottel. G. W. Johnston, lIIarlon, 8helter for .tock on creek bottom. tbere will be no and Property excepLion. Prices tbat bee·keeper, cheap In any quantity, by freight, Kaa. I wllIlell tbls fnrm at lesR tban cost. Write me now are are bound to It rnnge exceeding low-they and know lallenulne, Addre.. Oliver Falter, La. for further particulars, or, better stili, come and aee and Is he who· 0. farm In this advance, lucky gets Animas, Colo. BLACKBERBY the farm, which Is near Carbondale and w!thln a section of Kansas between tbls aDd spring. I hnve STRAWBERRY,RABPBERRY.and rhubarb plants tor sale.' J. C. Banta, Law· halt mile of school hOUBe. hundreds "f way down bargnlns, )!'lrBt come, IIrst FOR HATCHING. - Llgh� Bull' renee, Kal. Brahma, . .erved. You cnn better yourself now and have EGGBCochln. Barred P. Rock., $1 for IIfteen. Buft LEONARD HEISEL, money lett for other use. Write me now or come Leghorn, $1.60 for IIlteen. Toulouae 1I008e eiIlO, 10 SALlII-BEJIID CORN-Royal Dent, large yel. Box II, Oarbondale, ][a8. and oee. Car fare refunded to all purchlll!ers. Ad­ centl each. IIIrs. 111. E. Be,nard, Dunlap, Morrll FOBlow, extra line, ver, early. Never fal18 to pro· dress WALTER LATJ.MI!:R, Garnett,Kanaas. Co., K88. duce a full crop of large, .ound, heavy ears, even 10 tbe drye8t sea80no. 1II0st prolltable variety for JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES FOR BALJIl-A line heifer and dry climate.. To be sure of a good yearling crop plant only $1 per busbel.-­ JIIIUBEYB'a bull calf, "rather and lister, botll .olld fawn. thl. variety. Only 0. limited 8npply tor .ale. Order --For;lale. of excellent breedlnll, tbe heller bred to Torqull 2d early. Bay wbether to ship by trelght or upre.. , FRANK CURYEA &: CO., City, Mo, The Farmer's Reference 24308, are for sale. Address Prof. Georgeson, Man. Price, 'I per bU8hel; ten bushell tor '9. AddreBl Ready hattan, Kal. P. H. Lock Box Kal. .. . Thoma!; {65, Wichita, Or Dand_Book of DI.ea8e. of . and FALLB Cattle. POULTRY YARD-LIght Brab· have telled many varieties Bulf By B. C. ORR, V. B., I. 0. book that should be In the VALLEYma., Cochlns, Partridge Cocbln., Blaok STRAWBERRIKB.-IIn my eight ,ear. esperlence, but for earllne.s hands of every stock owner. It I. plain, practical Langlhan., White and Barred Plymouth Rock., B. lateness and produotlvene81 have had noneto equal ALFALFA and R. 'SEEDI and reliable. Prloe, by mall, .1,60, O. Brown Legbornl. White and Black MI. Barton'. JIIoHp.e, Prince.. aDd Parker Earle. T"elve narc.. lI'or new crop' ALFALFA seed, write , Bliver-spangled Ham burp. Choice blrd8, planta of eltber, by mnll, 25 ceot.; 100, '1. Byex. Addre•• S, C. ORR, V. S,' Manhattan, Kall, LAWRENC.E & '1 eaoh. 111111., 'I per IIfteen. W. B. 1II0Coy, Valley press,I,DOO '6, not prepaid. Have Tlmbrell, Robin. REED, Garden . City,KII., FallI, Kas. IOn and others.. Wm. Brown, Lawrence, Ku.