Present Councillor S Lane (Chair) Councillor N Hills Councillor P Janning Councillor L Kilbey

One member of the public.

1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Thompson who was ill, Councillor Blackwell who was working and Councillor Colman who was away and these were all accepted. Apologies for absence had also been received from County Councillor M Kiddle Morris and District Councillor T Carter.

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest. There were no DPIs.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Councillor Janning proposed and Councillor Lane seconded the resolution that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2017 having been circulated be approved. All were in favour and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

4. Public participation. 4.1 County and District Councillor Reports. There were no reports given. 4.2 Public Participation. There was nothing raised by the public.

5. Matters to report. 5.1 Website. The Clerk reported that the administrator is aiming to attend the Annual Parish Meeting. It is proposed by the Administrator that the front page be changed to accommodate the latest news and this was agreed. There would then be a general description about the village. 5.2 Emergency Plan. Councillor Kilbey had nothing to report apart from the fact that it had not been needed this winter. 5.3 Matters to report not covered by the agenda. There were no matters reported. 5.4 Millennium Green. 5.4.1 Report from the Sub-Committee. No report was given. 5.4.2 Cutting of the Millennium Green. The Clerk had met the contractor on site and it had been agreed on the areas to be cut. The contractor will be spraying around the posts of the play equipment to prevent any damage with a strimmer. The path around the orchard has several damaged logs and it is possible that these will be damaged when the cutting takes place. 5.4.3 Working Party. This will be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting. 5.5 Map of the Village. The Clerk had received a price from a parishioner but his price was more than that from Ivan Webster. The Clerk had therefore requested that Ivan Webster proceed with the new notice

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board. The Clerk will write to the parishioner thanking him for his quote and explaining why it had not been accepted. 5.6 Training for Councillors. Councillors Blackwell, Janning and Kilbey had been booked on the course at for 8 and 15 March. 5.7 Bin at the War Memorial. The Chairman thanked Councillors Blackwell and Thompson for moving the bin. 5.8 World War 1 Beacon. Councillor Janning had spoken to John Garner and there is no problem in siting the beacon on Farm. The Clerk will confirm that the Parish Council wishes to proceed. Councillor Janning will speak to James Garner. 5.9 Annual Parish Meeting. The format will be the same as last year. The proposed working party, funded by the Parish Council, will be raised at the meeting and that funds from the Parish Council be used for the maintenance. The Chairman will obtain some wine for after the meeting. 5.10 Allotments. Paul Hands reported as follows:- It is very pleasing to report that all the occupied allotments are neat and tidy with spring cultivation already underway in most of them. The conifer hedge which runs along the Northern boundary between the allotments and Holly Tree House is in the process of being reduced in height by between two and three metres which looks more tidy. Andy and Kay who own the property are paying for this as the hedge is on their land. 'Storm Doris' did some damage to fruit cages and redistributed various items from one plot to another, but did nothing irreparable. Plot 3B is currently vacant and its availability is advertised on all the notice boards in the village with a deadline of 14th March. Jay and Audrey Gregson, who hold the adjacent plot, would be happy to take it on, and to thus hold a double-plot, if nobody comes forward. Finally, I will be collecting rents shortly for the 2017/18 season. 5.11 U-Blog Times. The Chairman read out a letter from Wendy Seale stating that she will no longer be able to produce the blog due to rising costs and time. Thanks will be passed onto her at the Annual Parish meeting but the Parish Council will also write to thank her. It was agreed to investigate whether more can be placed on the website. 5.12 Plunkett Foundation Call to Action. This had been circulated to all Councillors and it was agreed not to become members at this time. The Clerk explained the assistance that it would give if there is a need to purchase a Community Asset. 5.13 Tree Charter. The Chairman had completed this which had finished at the end of February. 5.14 Keep Britain Tidy. Councillor Janning felt that all residents should be encouraged to clear up outside their properties. There are still a lot of leaves on footways and it was thought that a morning clear up with a function in the Village Hall in the evening may encourage parishioners to participate. This will be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting. 5.15 Schedule of Grass Cutting at the Churchyard. The contractor had forwarded a schedule of cutting. This will commence on 3 rd April and be undertaken fortnightly finishing at the end of October.

6. Highways. 6.1 Report on Matters raised at the last meeting. The Chairman reported that a meeting had been held with the County Councillor and Highways Engineer to discuss the flooding at the junction of and Road. The landowner had stopped at the time of the meeting and he had agreed to clear around the culvert so that both culverts can be jetted. The Chairman did not think that this had been cleared but she will check. A parishioner stated that there had been a definite improvement Page 2 of 5 03/17

with regard to the flooding recently. The Clerk had reported the flooding again and it was noticed on the visit that the ditch along Road had been cleared. The trod on Fakenham Road had also been walked and the missing part is to be replaced but the hedge needs to be cut back. The Chairman will look to see what needs to be done. The Clerk had previously reported the potholes on Clay Hill and County Council had confirmed that it had identified action to be taken. The flooding on Blenheim Crescent had not been resolved and the Chairman will forward to the Clerk photographs of the flooding. The Clerk had written to the owners of 13 High Street regarding the hedge and this had now been cleared. 6.2 Matters raised since the last meeting. There were no matters raised. 6.3 New Problems. Heath Road and Cherry Lane is covered in mud and no signs had been put out and the potholes that had been repaired are now opening up again. The edge of the carriageway outside the Rectory needs repairing. All these matters will be reported. An issue of speeding was raised on Heath Road but as this is a road where the national speed limit applies there is little that can be done. It is hoped that drivers are sensible when driving along this country lane. 6.4 Footpaths. Councillor Janning had circulated the following report :-. During January and February 2017 there were a number of difficulties concerning accessibility of footpaths in the parish. Footpath 2 – a cross field path from Church Lane to the moat and connecting to FP1 continues to be inaccessible. The way has not been marked and the field is ploughed up. Action needed : the farm manager must be contacted and a request made to reinstate the Footpath. Footpath 1 : just after the farm buildings belonging to Godwick Farm the path crosses a ditch. The bridge has collapsed and not been replaced. The group walking this route on 25 th February (7 persons) had considerable difficulties negotiating the crossing. The footpath continues via a cross field path which has not been marked and the field has been sown but no path cleared. Action needed: the farm manager must be contacted and requested to reinstate path and bridge. Footpath 3 : The cross field path between the road (Wicken Farm) and Fox Covert is unmarked and the field has been sown but no path cleared. Footpath 6 : On 21 January members of the council met Mr Osborne at the end of FP6 to discuss accessibility. Assurances were given that provision for the footpath would be made by cutting the hedge and flattening the field at the side. This has since been walked and it was noted that the hedge was cut and the field had been ploughed leaving space for the footpath although the ground is still uneven. The footpath needs walking to create a visible path. In spring the growth of vegetation will need to be monitored to see how much it hinders accessibility. It was appreciated that the farm manager showed willingness to cooperate on this. The Clerk had contacted the landowner regarding FP2 and 4 following the last meeting and he will contact the owners of the land identified again.

7. Planning. 7.1 Applications. 7.1.1 3PL/2017/0266/VAR-Wicken Farm Stanfield Road-removal of condition 12 on 3PL/2012/0179/F. This refers to a condition for a bat survey on the property and this has now been completed. It was agreed that no comment would be forwarded to Breckland Council. 7.2 Decisions. The following decision was noted.

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7.2.1 3PL/2016/1452/F-Kilsaren Fakenham Road-variation of condition 7 on 3PL/2012/1263/F Permission. 7.3 Enforcement. 7.3.1 Container at 1 Renowood Close. The Clerk reported an Enforcement Notice had been served on 7 February and the container had been removed within 24 hours. There is still a problem with rats on Peakhall Road and this should be referred to Environmental Health.

8. Finance. 8.1 Budgets. The budget sheets and financial information had been circulated and Councillor Kilbey proposed and Councillor Janning seconded the resolution that these be approved. All were in favour. 8.2 Balances and Cheques for authorisation. Councillor Janning proposed and Councillor Hills seconded the resolution that the balances and cheques for authorisation be approved. All were in favour. Balances :- Community Account Balance at 30 11 16 2274.72 Less cheques authorised 09 01 17 734.91 1539.81 Plus Grant from transparency Fund 406.87 Balance at 30 01 17 1946.68 Plus Profit from Sunflower Saturday- 170.57 Balance at 30 01 17 2117.25

Business Saver Account Balance at 30 09 16 4003.27 Plus interest 0.50 Balance at 30 12 16 4003.77

Amount available for Section 137 : 334x£7.42 =£ 2478.28 Spend to Date : £0.00 Cheques for authorisation: 909 B J Leigh Contract Feb and Mar. - 470.10 587.70 Less PAYE- 117.60 910 HMRC PAYE 117.60 911 Tittleshall Village hall Hall hire 20.00 912 Parish Council Stationery-1.66 5.11 Photocopying-3.45 913 B J Leigh Mileage June 2016- January 139.80 2017 20 miles @.045 per mile-9.00 Use of home as Office June 2016- March 2017-84.00 Telephone June 2016- March 2017-40.00 Postage June 2016- January 2017-6.80 914 Norfolk Parish Training and Councillor Training 135.00 Support 915 Information Commissioner Data Protection 35.00

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8.3 Replacement Dog Fouling Sign. This had now reappeared but it was agreed that abetter sign is needed. The Chairman will look into suppliers. It was thought that there should be four which can all be moved round. 8.4 Enhancement of the Millennium Green. Councillor Blackwell had produced some thoughts and this will be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting. 8.5 Replacement Defibrillator Signs. The Clerk had obtained a quotation for replacement signs at a cost of £18.61 plus fitting at £35.00 per hour. Councillor Janning proposed and Councillor Kilbey seconded the resolution that these be purchased from Stewards safety Signs and fitted by them. All were in favour. 8.6 Clerk’s Salary April 2017-March 2018. It was confirmed that this would rise to £11.415 in line with the National Agreement. Mileage would be paid at 45 pence per mile, use of home as office at £100 per annum and telephone at £55 per annum.

9. Correspondence. The following correspondence will be circulated. 9.1 Clerks and Councils Direct March 2017.

10. Matters for next meeting. There were no matters raised for the next meeting.

11. Date of Next meeting. This was confirmed as Monday 2 May 2017 at 7.30 p.m. at Tittleshall Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 2124

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