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The BG News January 28, 2000

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 28, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6595.

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Student hysteria breaks out as MTV Real BETH SHOEMAKER STAFF WRITF.R

World cast visits; signed shirt bought for $400 How accurate is Fact Line? In a series of seven questions STEFANIE SIZEMORE lot of new people and just hung out," my bursar, but I love the Real World asked by The BG News, Fact Line's STAFF WRITV.R she said. " Sitting in the front row, and I will figure out a way to pay for operators were able to give informa- meeting the cast and getting auto- it," she said. "Meeting the cast was tion on all of them. Four questions graphs is worth any amount of time wonderful. The whole nighl has resulted in direct answers; three Last nighl at Kobacker Hall four questions led to phone numbers to members from previous seasons of in line." been so great." Brathwaite also was part of one A shirt was not the only thing call for further information. MTVs the Real World took Bowl- "We don't have answers to every- ing Green by storm. of the highlights of the evening. auctioned off. A brownie bitten by After asking Colin Mortenson. from Puck went for $20 to Mandy Grif- thing, but it's not for lack of trying." At 5:00 p.m. students began lin- Gardner McLean, director of Fact ing up and by 6:30 p.m. 2S0 students the Hawaii cast, a question she fey, freshman, prc-law. The BG News/ MELISSA TAYLOR received a back rub from him on "I would have paid more for it." Line, said. "But, if an operator can't were waiting in line — a line that Puck gives a peace sign to his fellow friends before the show at the answer your question, they are twisted and turned throughout the stage and got to hang out with the she said. " I love the show and I am dessert reception. real worlders during the question so happy that UAO brought the Real trained to take your name and phone entire building. number, research the subject and Stefanie Brathwaite. junior, part of the evening. World to Bowling Green." event. Both Rachel and Puck were Another interesting portion of the The night started off with a pri- then call you back." applied health science major was the "Having dinner with two mem- excited about being in BG. McLean said they get their first student in line. evening came when a Dance vate dinner with Puck and Rachel bers from the Real World was a "I really enjoy doing these tours Marathon shirt signed by all four and the two winners of a raffle held answ-ers from a variety of sources, "I am so excited about this whole great experience." she said. " Puck because we get a chance to meet a including some that students can event. I love the Real World and I cast members was auctioned off. Wednesday nighl at the women's made it an evening 1 will never for- lot of cool people and go to a lot of Culia Blunt, senior, elementary basketball game. access themselves. had to get good seats," she said. get." neat schools." Rachel said. " Bowl- "We aren't hiding in a corner of Brathwaite sat in line for almost education, was lucky winner of the Amber Bay and Molli Simcox Following the dinner was a ing Green has been nothing, but kind signed shirt. She bid an unbelievable were the raftle winners and Simcox. the library with a stack of secret four hours but said it was definitely reception where media and UAO to us." books." he said "We get a lot of our worth the wait. $400. freshman education major, was officials were able to sit down and After the reception the actual "I can't believe I just put $400 on thrilled to be a part of the entire information from everyday "Being in line was fun. We met a talk with cast members. show was supposed to start at 7:30 sources." p.m.. but because of flight problems The University's Fact Line it did not get started until around answers 600 to 800 questions a day. 8:30 p.m. According to McLean. Fact Line The event started off w ith mem- has approximately 100 to 150 bers informally talking about them- resource books that they use. They selves and their current situations. are on the mailing list of virtually They all spoke about the Real World every office on campus, and sub- experience and how it has affected scribe to the Toledo Blade in addi- them. tion to the campus newspaper. 'The Real World was a great One of the things not necessarily experience, but emotionally it takes available to students is a database its toll," Janet said. " It was really program that. McLean said, contains hard coming off the show and trying 100 percent of businesses that stu- to get back into normal life." dents are interested in and 90 per- Half way through the evening the cent of all businesses in Bowling cast took open question from stu- Green. dents. "Students shouldn't be calling The questions ranged from: "Did and receiving '1 don't know' as an you steal anything from the house?" answer." he said. "If they are, they to "Puck will you give us a snot should call and tell me." rocket?" "I use Fact Line all the time." The night ended with a press con- said Kellie Kalus. sophomore IPC ference where the east had only pos- major. "No matter how stupid my itive comments aboul the BG crowd. question is. they always know the "Tonight was great." Puck said " answer." I have had so much fun during my Fact Line's popularity doesn'i two days here and everyone has decrease after students leave the The BG News/SARA GRIGBSY/ been so nice." University. Colin said he was thrilled about A brave soul from audience steals Puck's seat — nothing uncommon as Puck and the rest of the cast made it a priority to interact with audience "We have alumni that still call," throughout the show last night. McLean said. "They tell us that they i See REAL, page 5. don't recall their dorm room number or their roommate's name, but they remember the phone number for Fact Line." This year 170,000 people will call Fact Line. It is the responsibili- Proposed levy will improve parks, recreation ty of 13 undergraduate operators to handle all of these calls. Partly due to the large volume of calls they KIMBERLY DUPPS repairs, renovations and additional changes as a part of the capital receive, McLean said thai Fact Line STAFF WRITKR equipment to the City Park Aquatics improvements. will begin hiring new workers in the Complex. In addition to renovating facili- next few weeks. March 7. Wood County voters "The pool is 30 years old and is ties, the Bowling Green Parks and "We normally only hire freshmen will be deciding whether the current in definite need of repair," Callecod Recreation department also hopes to or sophomores," he said. "We want parks and recreation levy of $1.07 said. expand programming, according to people who are going to be on cam- million will be increased to $1.4 The main pool will be repaired Rob Spence. chairman of the Parks pus for at least two more years million. and renovated, as well as the bath- and Recreation board. because it takes a while to leam The levy will increase the proper- house and concession area. The one There will be new athletic everything that goes into working meter diving board will be taken out leagues, including adult and pre- here. Generally, when you go to ty taxes on homes. For example, an and replaced with a drop slide and work here, you work until you grad- owner of a $50,000 home will pay school soccer, adult roller hockey, the filtration system will also be youth flag football and senior sports. uate." an extra 51 cents per month. replaced Lighting will also be Ads will be run in The BG News It was the decision of Bowling The department is,also hoping to installed in the wading pool and create a teen activities group and and applications will be available at Green City Council to put the levy sand volleyball area. the beginning of February. on the ballot for the March election. nature programs for seniors. The city park will also be reno- Senior citizens of Bowling Green "If there arc students out there The Parks and Recreation Board met vated. Prospective changes to the who feel they can do a better job with the city council parks and and many other youth programs are than the operators we currently city park would be to replace the also directly funded by, or aided by. recreation committee to discuss lighting on the Softball field, install have, here's their chance." McLean changes and why it was necessary to new water fountains, renovate the the Parks and Recreation depart- said. put the levy on the ballot. Veteran's building and replace the ment Throughout its 29 year history "The tax levy is necessary in east side reslroom with a winterized The passing of the levy would Fact Line has prided themselves on order to continue serving Bowling restroom facility. enable the department to continue being able to answer any question Green in the way they have been St. John's Nature Preserve will the service to the Bowling Green — no matter how strange it mighi used to." said Dr. Bob Callecod, also receive a new restroom facility community. be. director of the Bowling Green Parks as a part of the dollars generated by According to Callecod, 80 per- "We're here for emergencies and and Recreation department. the new levy, if passed. The Bowling cent of the Bowling Green commu- any other questions students might Half of the levy dollars, which is Green Parks and Recreation depart- nity makes use of park facilities, have." McLean said. "When you expected to be $524,875 a year, will ment also hopes to create a new attends programs sponsored by the department or visits the parks. be put toward capital improvements, nature arboretum, along with park- • See FACT, page 5. according to Callecod. ing lots, and to continue the prairie The last levy for the Bowling Capital improvements will be restoration project Green Parks and Recreation depart- made to six of the parks and recre- Carter Park. North Wintergardcn ment was passed five years ago and ations facilities. Included in the cap- Arboretum and the Dunbridge Road will expire, according to Spence. ital improvement plan will be soccer fields will also undergo The election will be held March 7.

Do you consider the MTV{ Construction begins in spring for Heritage 2000 project Real World members rea entertainment? ANNE MOSS trical wires underground and the plans and was named contracting based on frontal footage of their but some businesses and property STAFF Worreii improving the back lots of buildings. supervisor. This particular firm has property. Each property tax is differ- owners are taking this opportunity o Yes The motive of the project is to been responsible for working on ent because of varying property for change because it will be good After six years of planning the draw more attention to the down- other large-scale projects throughout lines. for their business. O No Heritage 2000 project will finally town business district. Municipal Ohio. This has caused mixed feelings There have been a few inquiries break ground this spring. Administrator John Fawcctt thinks The new look for downtown was among properly owners interested in starting new businesses Submit Vote Heritage 2000 is a revitalization that by creating a more appealing estimated by E.G.&G. at $6.3 mil- "A majority of the businesses are in the downtown district after con- look to the downtown area, more lion. This money is being financed excted aboul investing in the pro- struction is completed, which is project for the downtown district of Vote at our sile, and give u > Bowling Green. Plans include the people will be drawn to shop at the mostly from state and federal tax ject because ihey are aware thai this something else the city was hoping addition of new trees, street lamps downtown stores, thus increasing dollars, grants, loans and money will be good for downtown," Kil- to accomplish. your comments. Look for pas I and the replacement of existing the productivity of the city. from the city budget Much of the patrick said. As of right now. the city is not poll results soon. pavement in the streets and side- "The vitality of the community money is also being financed from Certain business owners are not sure where they are going to start walks. Additionally, crosswalks at stems from the vitality of down- local businesses that are located in in favor of the project; however, construction in the spring. They first the intersection of Wooster and town," Fawcett said. the affected downtown area. they do not wish to comment have to get feedback from all depart- Main will be paved with red brick, Mayor John Quinn thought that Because there was not a total because they feel enough has been ments, such as fire and police, to ■ Get real with Alison creating a colorful square. by using a "back to the old days" commitment to funding from all said about the issue. approve safety issues for construc- Vogel, UAO president, Earlene Kilpatrick. director of the theme, the project would create a who were involved, the project "Heritage 2000 will happen tion sites. The city will begin to take Downtown Business Association, real lurn-of-lhe-century motif. could not begin last fall. Now. with regardless of the mixed feelings of bids from contractors to determine as she answers "20 stresses that a majority of the project The design idea was originated complete funding, the project will be businesses." Mayor Quinn said who will actually carry out construc- questions" in an online will focus on improving the infra- by the landscaping-consulting firm ready to begin. There is no enforcement to tion. Construction should be com- interview. structure for stores, like hiding elec- E.G.&G. The company drafted all of Property owners are being taxed improve storefronts for the project. pleted by July of 2001. page 2 The BG News Friday, January 28, 2000 WORLD u>ww.b\;n('ws.coin/ap Nun says Elian Gonzalez should stay in U.S. he World ASSOCIATED PRESS This is just not true." ping. She told the NBC "Today" In Washington. Attorney MIAMI BEACH. Fla. — show thai "I believe that there General Janet Reno said loday n Brief The nun who was host of the are people with political agen- thai "it sounded like il went as reunion between Elian Gonza- das that lake the child as a anticipated and gave the Russian president plans to lez and his grandmothers said pawn, and perhaps the grand- grandmothers time with improve military today she now favors letting mothers also." Elian." MOSCOW (AP) — In one of his him stay in the United Stales "I think I am a wiser The child's Miami relatives first major policy decisions, acting because of the way Cuba has woman today, and I under- want him lo stay here and ' President Vladimir Putin approved tried to manipulate the situa- stand how blessed we are to grow up in the United Slates plans Thursday to modernize the tion. understand whal il is to be free rather than in Fidel Castro- Russian military by sharply increas- Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin .end not full of fear." she said. controlled Cuba. But his father ing the purchase of new weapons told The Associated Press that Sister O'Laughlin had said and grandmothers hope ,to and equipment. before the meeting, her opin- that both sides were so mis- have him returned to Cuba Putin, who wants to restore Rus- ion was. "I would go with Ihe trustful lhat she had to show The Immigration and Natu- sia as a global power, also said the law lhat the child should be them there was no chance ralization Service is pressing defense budget would be reallocated with the father, but what I saw Elian could be snatched away. to have him relumed to Cuba, so more money goes to develop and felt really frightened me She said today that "whal I citing Ihe father's right to cus- high-tech conventional weapons. for the child." experienced yesterday about tody. The Cuban-American The Russian military is in sham- She blamed both sides but tangible fear gives me real relatives are fighting in federal bles after being starved of funds for also specifically cited the concern about Ihe future of the court and are backing efforts in years and some military leaders Cuban communist govern- child ... and when I look at the Congress to make Ihe boy a admit privately that it could not fight ment. real fear I say he would grow U.S. citizen. a major conventional war With a backdrop of 200 to greater freedom of manhood "Tomorrow they're going chanting, flag-waving demon- here." to make me an American citi- Internet helps promote neo- strators nearby, the trembling She said she would tell offi- zen," Elian said in an inter- Nazi activism grandmothers. Mariela Quin- cials in Washington "Ihe truth view broadcast over the Span- STOCKHOLM. Sweden (AP) — tana and Raquel Rodriguez, as I experienced it. I don't rep- ish-language Radio Mambi The Internet has given neo-Nazis a met with the boy Wednesday. resent pro-Castro, anti-Castro after the reunion. dangerous tool to spread racist pro- They brought the 6-year- or INS. I only have the sense In a document filed today paganda around the world, a lop old shipwreck survivor, the lhat I fell when I blessed (hat as part of the court case, the Swiss official told a Holocaust con- center of an international lug boy when he was leaving Justice Department argued the ference Thursday. of war. a photo filled here." judge should dismiss the rela- Switzerland"s home affairs minis- with pictures of his family and Al one point during Ihe tives' case cither on grounds ter. Ruth Dreifuss, urged interna- friends back in Cuba, and the meeting, one of the grand- the court lacks jurisdiction to tional cooperation to prevent the three played with an Etch A mothers' cellular phone went review the immigration deci- transmission of racist theories, Sketch and stuffed animals. off and was confiscated. It was sion or that his great-uncle. haired and discrimination across The grandmothers did not unclear who was trying to call, I azimi (Ion/ale/, lacks stand- national borders. comment as they left the meet- but a letter issued Wednesday ing. Today. Cuba's communist by the Cuban Communist ing under federal law to speak government complained that Party from the boy's father and for Elian. the "the loving and heroic grandfather in Cuba said they Il said a victory for (he The Nation grandmothers" were treated would call during ihe meeting. Miami relatives would "ignore shabbily, saying lhat the Today's editorial in the accepted international practice reunion was repeatedly inter- Communist Party daily Gran- in cases involving a sole sur- In Brief rupted and cut short abruptly. ma lhat criticized the meeting viving parent located in the Associated Press Photo | In response. Sister complained about the confis- United States, where we would CUBAN BOY — Elian Gonzalez gives a high-five after he returned to his great-: Coke eliminates 6,000 jobs O'Laughlin said: "The Cuban cation of Ihe phone and said a expect the foreign country to uncle's home in the Little Havana section of Miami following a meeting with his j ATLANTA (AP) — Coca-Cola government ... has said we "counterrevolutionary mafia" immediately return the child to grandmothers Wednesday. plans to eliminate 6.000 jobs, its were not nice to ihe grand- i- responsible for "the mon- the surviving American par- biggest employment culback ever, mothers, that we had spies. strous and traitorous kidnap- ent." as part of a major restructuring at the world's largest soft drink maker. The cuts announced yesterday will affect 2.500 positions at the company's Atlanta headquarters. Algerian suspected of terror links was under investigation in Canada 2,700 overseas, and 800 jobs around the United Slates. Coke estimated ASSOCIATED PRESS Bin Laden is believed to be in nents across the border into Wash- Little was revealed about Slahi. a large thai the cuts will save $300 million. Afghanistan. ington state. citizen of Mauritania, but investiga- After leaving Canada last year Analysts had expected Coke to MONTREAL — A man reported- Slahi has not been charged, but Slahi later left Canada "due. in tors told Ihe Times he was in con- and moving to Ireland. Aich became trim 2.000 positions ly detained in Senegal on suspicion the United States requested his pan. lo the investigation thai was stant contact wilh a construction associated with Mercy International of planning a bomb attack was under arrest and federal prosecutors in ongoing." Lambert said. He refused company in Sudan thai was owned Relief Agency, an Islamic charity. Bad hair makes for bad investigation in Canada before he New York are preparing formal to provide any details of ihe case. by bin Laden and was a from for bin The charity's director received calls attitude fled the country, an intelligence charges lhat can be used lo seek his No specific evidence has been Laden's international organization, from bin Laden's satellite phone. Hie NEW HAVEN. Conn. (AP) — spokesman said yesterday. extradition, according to the Times. released that shows that bin Laden a I Qaeda. Times said. People's self-esteem goes awry Dan Lambert of the Canadian In Washington, a law enforce- was behind the alleged Algerian plot Last fall. Slahi traveled to Mon- A search of the charity's files when Iheir hair is out of place, Security Intelligence Service con- ment official who requested and authorities have not suggested treal, where he worked closely with after the embassy bombings unco\ according to a Yale University firmed that Mohambedou Ould anonymity said invcsligalors were possible U.S. targets. Mokhtar Haouri. one of the Algeri- ered a document lhat referred ti researcher's study of the psychology Slahi was a subject of an investiga- not sure whether the man in Senegal A senior government official in ans charged wilh helping Ressam. plans to obtain weapons from Soma- behind bad hair days. tion by Canadian authorities in was in control of the operation or Senegal and an officer at the central Following Ressam's arrest, Slahi lia, the newspaper said. They feel less smart, less capable, cooperation with the FBI. merely a messenger, and. if he was police station in Dakar told The lied to a Montreal mosque and then Irish police said they arrested more embarrassed and less sociable, The New York Times reported just a messenger, they do not know Associated Press today they knew left the country, the Times reported. Aich on Dec. 21 and seized personal researchers said in the report today thai Slahi is the brother-in-law for whom. nothing of Slahi's deicntion. American officials said (here are papers and computer records. I lu\ released today. of one of Osama bin Laden's top U.S. officials also do not know A U.S. official in Senegal other emerging links between the released him the following day. and And contrary to popular belief, lieutenants. Bin Laden, a millionaire whether the man's brother-in-law is declined lo comment. Another U.S. bomb plot and bin Laden. One gave ihe seized material to the FBI men's self-esteem may take a Saudi exile, is one of 18 people a key Bin Laden aide or not. the official, speaking on condition of involves Hamid Aich. an Algerian for analysis. Superintendent John greater licking than women's when indicted in the United States on official added. anonymity, said the situation was who lived for three years in a Van- Farrclly said. iheir hair just won't behave. Men charges of conspiracy to attack Canadian authorities started their sensitive. couver suburb where he shared an In France today, judicial sources were more likely to feel less smart Americans in the 1998 bombings of investigation after the Dec. 14 arrest At least four Algerian nationals apartment wilh Abdclmajid said that in the wake of the Rcssan. and less capable when their hair U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanza- of Ahmed Ressam. an Algerian liv- and one woman married to an Alger- Dahoumane. the Times said. arrest a Paris court had opened an stuck out. was badly cut or other- nia thai killed 224 people, including ing in Montreal, who allegedly tried ian face charges in connection with Dahoumane. accused of being inquiry last week. wise mussed. 12 Americans. to smuggle bomb-making compo- ihe alleged plot. Ressam's accomplice, remains at ELIGIBLE IIP TO $ 23,00000 BGSU vs. AKRON One of the Greatest MAC Games of the Season! For Your College Career Anderson Arena Saturday, January 29, at 1 p.m.

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ACROSS : 1 ' ' ' ■ ■ - 1 " " 1 TreelluK) ! « Soon Case H H 3 Tight spot 11 1'B n 14 In favor ol

15 Hawkeyes H 16 Tenth of one-ten >f W w ^t^ I / Certified » }* ■ ■ Echo 19 Singer Lyle I " 20 Peek >' , 1 Editor's Note: "Echo" is a piece of short fiction created specifically for printing in a weekly serial form. 21 Lessening ol nostjiities * '■ a Stenographers >4 » Dream cannot equal happiness. these are where things can really 27 One with regrets • June Cleaver was secretly plot- get ugly. 28 Denuo flick." -1 *■ "Twelve hours can seem like a the Dog" m I •' ting to strangle the Beav. t Just makes ya wanna take a hit iV Mine cars — '-. n Well. doesn't it? long time when you're 30 Nourishes - « ^m ■< ■-J Maybe not that far, but I In my case, not likely. My first convinced... 31 Top shot 1 32 Opera piece would've been. acid trip had been as a sophomore ' u PISSING IN So what does it all add up to? in high school during Spanish chss ...that the stars on 33 Escape vehicle ' 34 Affirmative - •-' se As children of the 80s our mate- Si Senora! Not necessarily a grand your bedroom cufivneiit : THE WIND rial bounty led to a degeneration of plan in the scheme of things. It did- 3b Add support •0 ., . our metaphysical worth. We still n't get much better and twelve 37 Pers pension ..> Drugs have this euphoric ten- ceiling are really the 40 Building wing M 1 dency lo make one reflect. hadn't grown up and out of the acid hours can seem like a long time 41 Miami team j?000 TrftuneMMttScfviccft 1 1C 1 generation. We had anything and when you're convinced that the scene of the Death 42 Sign at All ..grus rncvca 1 1/2MX) Eh... allow me to rephrase that, acid makes your head spin— sub- everything but there was still stars on your bedroom ceiling are Star battle/ sleepiness sequently spewing out random something missing. Something we really the scene of the Death Star 43 Dishonor searched for in a vain attempt to battle, (hint hint: drugs are bad lor 46 Inclined to weep 6 She sheep data— that makes the victim won- 47 Possessed broaden our horizons. you kiddies!) Emma growled as I entered the 7 Pop CROSS, der, "Now what the hell?!" 48 Headland Then again my mind is warped The mascara wand hit my eye 8 Monica of the Taking this into consideration. living room, an ode to my leopard 49 Granges courts word New Years Eve 1998 wasn't a sim- and you just never know what's and I blinked quickly. velvet pants. "You ready mashugi- 51 Partial 9 Solid blood ply yes or no incideni. It served as gonna come outta my mouth. "Promise??" Emma asked na?" I asked. She signaled to the cuncurrvfice 10 Held m high LOOKING FOR All sorts of random things pop plaintively as I attempted to hide door and we were on our way. 53 Kubricks regard a second chance to claim my life computer 11 Line of inquiry ANSWERS IN ALL from a downward spiral of self into your head when you're trip- my disgust. "Yeh... I Promise" I Zak lived on the other side of 54 Astronomical 12 Stroked lightly loalhing. ping. Like that guy you hooked up grunted and returned to my make- Coventry in the nice area of Cleve- length 13 Arrives on stage THE WRONG "WHAT!??! You aren't happy?" with that one time that you'd like up. She grasped my hand and land Heights. His opulent settings 55 First courses 18 Uncountable PLACES? to live down but your friends won't smiled as she left the room. The were due to the fact that his parents 60 Create a years the audience might ask. "YOU cryptogram have daddy's money, YOU have let you. Stuff like that always paper slid easily into my pocket were galavanting about some 21 Some on the GET SOME HELP resurfaces, and then you remember and I just shook my head in disbe- European country. Thought this 61 First-class Somme fine clothes. YOU have a secure 62 Carnival city, 22 Not in FROM THE lifestyle!" i.e. I'm white and upper how drunk you were, and get all lief. "What the hell is wrong with only happened in cheesy eighties casualty 23 Medieval middle class. THEY insert Cau- embarassed again, lets just say me?" I whispered aloud. movies? Hey. in Clio's world, any- 63 Finnish baths weapon ANSWER KEY - things could get messy. "You better be ready in ten min- thing can happen. I told ya. nothing 64 Over with 24 Ffynn ol lilms casian into Webster's alongside 65 007. eg www.t accepted. THEY assume wealth Luckily. I've never been that utes! We gotta get to Zak's earlier is ever boring here. 25 girl. Y'know the one. the girl cry- After a three or so block walk, 26 Kurvenzer equals happiness, et cetera, blah since you're the DJ!" she bellowed DOWN 30 XLIII 40 Haipn wauo or 50 Uevoui blah blah ing on the porch or in the corner from the living room before turn- we tramped inside where Zak and i Healing waters 33 Bosc and Anjou Roy 52 Queen of Sparta Twisted isn't it? The American looking like an idiot. I have had my ing on G. Love's "Cold Beverage" Dan were setting up the turntables, 2 Fleming or 36 Unified group 43 Ranges 55 Blue share of puking traumas but we can on the stereo. By this point I "wassup my Ladie Clio! You ready Gartunkei 37 Nasal 44 Cuba's capital 56 In addition expect that from everybo- ■•, Even- looked like Barbarella on crack. to - i f@«$ed up tonight?" 3 Thick soups applicators 45 Quick impression 57 Dancer MtlHr 4 Open lo queslio 38 Street 46 Type ol dance 58 Tea. 'June Cleaver was tually you'll live that down, but, My hair had been pulled up into a 5 Decay 39 States 'urther 49 Confronts 59 Chinese sauce everyone remembers the crying ragged array of curls and ribbons secretly plotting to girl. and my face was painted with col- Kristalyn likes to look at the Memories that you forgot find a ors of all natures in an attempt to twisted side of our happy meal strangle the Beav.' way to bitch slap you in the face create an image of what I'm not lives. If you hate Ahercrontbie and when you're too messed up. The sure. It was not the kinda girl you Bitch too. e-mail her at Ohio weather [email protected] most torturous childhood sagas and take home lo mommic dearest. Friday, Jan. 28 AccuWeathet* forecast tor daytime conditions, high/low temperatures

Toledo |28712°

Youngttown 131714° Mansfield 27715° .

■v: 0

• Columbus 26/6 Dayton 2676°

I Clnclnnatl|28710° O T V.. KY Porttmoum j34"/ir | /*\ © 2000 AccuWeather, Inc. O ^ .» » ^ ^ <«£ ^ « Sunny Pi Cloudy Cloudy Showers T-worms Rain Flurries Snow Ice PAGE 3® CONTEST via Associated Press

The contest has finished and the entries have been read. Editors from Page 3® and Opinion have reviewed them all, and we now present you with our winner:

IAIN ELLIS Sunny £- Snow "So, you think being a P.O.W. in 'Nam was bad? Ellis remark -d that, "As the OOP 'I'm Well, you should see the conditions in my Texas prisons..." more conservative than thou' debate High: 30° * High: 33* heats up, perhaps this is what George W. Low: 16° Low: 23' Bush (the shrub) said." TV GUIDE SECTION FRIDAY JANUARY 28,2000 1 6:66 I 6:30 1 7:00 1 7:30 1 8:00 1 8:30 1 9:00 9:30 1 10:00 1 10:30 1 11:00 1 11:30 Want to do something memorable BROADCAST STATIONS Now and Again 1 Am the Nash Bridges "Liar's Poker" (In NewsX Lets Show (R; for your Vafen tine? Nnil CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardyl 1 Classic Fabulous CD NewsX Fortunes: Country Fillies Greatest" (In Slereo) X Stereo) X (In Stereo) X Nml ABC World Entertainment Hollywood Boy Meets Saorlna. ihe Sebrina, the IHughloysiln 20/20 X NewsX Nighlline .it © News Tonight TonlghtE Squares X World it Teenage Witch Teenage Witch Slereo) X The BG News has the solution! NmJE NBC Nlghlly DrneCajn | Fr.isier Provldence "You Cant Hurry Figure Skating World Pio Ctiarrp.onsri0 Techn«cal Program. NewsX Tonight Show © Stereo) X Stereo) X Love" (R) (in Stereo) X FromWashnglon. DC (tn Slereo) X (in Ste'eo) ff Show your sweetheart how much you care with a GEO "Wring Business Rpt News*!our With Jim Lehrer I Washington Wall Sheet Digital Divide: Technology and Digital Divide Technology and Movie: ••• "A errer iV'tnour © IV" (R) rtoek Week Our Future: 'Computer Classes" Our Future "Virtual Diversify" I rVords"(1S98.D . .I'IIT.'.'.IV It, Valentine's Day Personal in the BG News Newshour With Jim Lthrtr X Editor* McLaughlin Washington Wall Street Digital Divide- Technology and Digital Divide: Technology and A* Tim* Goes Charlie ROM © Group Week Week Our Future Computer Classes' Our Future "Virtual Diversity" X By Horn* Mad About Seinfeld The Friends, i Worlds Wildes Police Video* Greed: The Series (In Stereo) X New* I Newsradio Star Trsk: Deep Space Nine These special Valentine's © Improvement You (In Stereo) Old Man" I Stereo) X (In Slereo) (PA) E "Rose Bowl' X -Children ol Troe" (in stereo) X Simpsons i Simpsons (In Friends (In Frlendelln . Oare You'The Ultimate Shasta Bo IDilbert'The New* Sports DcTro.t Frulerlln IFrMkrrX Day ads will be published © Steieo) X Slereo) X Stereo) X Steieo) X Challenge (R) (In Slereo) I Brother (R) I |Morgor" (R) X Monday, February 14. CABLE STATIONS 15 05) Monte [Movie: •• "Greenwich W»ge"(1944, Musical) Movie: ••• "A New Lear (1971. Comedy) Walter Mallhau. Elaine Cinema Movie: M "IJGhos's"(1960) An American Deadline is Thursday, AMC Konga"(196ll (Carmen Miranda. Don AmtoTie. WaTiam Bendut May A poor playboy plans lo marry and murder a wealthy woman. Secrels la"-iiy exo'Ctses rjriosts Irom its new home Saturday Night Live Geena Dally Show Win Ben Movie: »•* "GhosrOusle's "(1984, Comedy) Bill Murray, Den Aykroyd, Harold Beat ol Saturday Night Live Sle e Martin, Mamn February 10 at 4 p.m. COM ,D.. s If Slein's Monsy Ram.s Ghost fighters battle ghouls in a Manhattan high-rise. Short, Chevy Chase, B" Murray Your New House R; Wild Discovery Kangaroos - On Ihe Inside "Aicatraz" (R) Discovery Discover Storm Warning! Spring- (H) On ihe inside ' lacaUM" (R) DISC Faces in the Mob" (R) New* Magarine Come to 204 West Hall to Sportecenter: Super Bowl NFL s Greatest Game INFL Dream Season Match Up Tends Austrian Open •• Women's FnsL Metoume. Auslrska Sportscenlet To my dearest ESPN Spectral Editor n ol the Millennium. (R) (Live) Super Bowl place your ad, or call 372- Real Sporli (R) Inside Ihe NFL (R) tin Stereo) X Movie: **** "Saving Pnvtfe Ryan'(1998. Drama) Tom Hanks. Edward Bums U S Iroops look lor a Comedy Hall- Dennis Miller mValentine Georgia. HBO missing comrade during World War II (In Stereo) R [Adult language, graphc violence) I Hour (In Slereo) X 6977 for more information. Eye on Hltlory: D-Dly |R| 20th Century (R) Great American History OuU Movie: •••• "8or»i» andCVo»-(t%7. Drama) Warren Bealty. Faye Dunaway, Crimes A HIST Gene Hackman A lad-based account of the brutal 1930s bank robber* Trials I'm missing c§£) IT'S BURSARABLE! football News Last Word Coach Ron* IHL Hockey Manitoba Moose at Cleveland Lumberjacks. (Live) FOX Sports News Last Word |R; FS0 Maasimir.j SHoVa "Slide Lete an Egyptian Brimstone "Poem" [In Stereo) Farscsps' Family Ties" (Season Sliders Eye ol the Storm" (R) LeiiTheSerlosLyekka IFarscape Fa" y Ties' (fi) (In ^ you like SCIFI ;R) (In Stereo] I Fra. !- Stereo' X ;ln S:e-ec .5 munches on visrtng astronauts |Stereo) X Home Again Home Again Mega Tech Below New York" Spying Game: Tools ol the Spying Game: Cloak i Dsgger Spying Game: To Catch a Spy ispyinguame: looieoltne TLC candy! (R) |R) (Rf Trade II | Ol rr CfOdON Satellite, airpune spying tactics- |Tnjo* The uses ol microdots (R( In Ihe Heal ol the Night ER ' Friendly Fire" (In Stereo) I NBA Basketball New York Kntks at Atlanta Hawks. Phrkps Arena n Slereo Lrve) Friday Night at Hit Super lowl Super Bowl Love. TNT Judgment Day" (in stereo) X XXXIV preview. (Live) X Baywalch Coionado del Sour JAG Re-dervous" (In Stereo) Walker, Tola* Ranger Movie •• 'Road House [1989. Drsmai Patrick Swayre Kelly Lynch. Sam tllutt A • • 4.-("r.-af Bobby USA BG (In Stereo) (Part 2 0(2} I X "Rainbow's End" (In Ste'eo) X legendary bouncer agrees lo lame a notonous gn mill (in stereo) X JV.n«"(l985)I Hard Roc* Live Performances List 'Best Alt- Before They Ed Sullivan's Ed Sullivan* brand the Music "Russell Mfore They 1 Record .1st Best Behind Ihe VH1 1*3 • $15.00 NEWS from Bush and BucKcheny (R) Time Video" (R) Were Rock Rock n' Roll Rock 'n' Roll Simmons" (R) (In Slereo) Were Stars | Breakers Femae Sn (je* Music •!■ page 4 The BG News Friday, January 28, 2000 OPINION U'ww.bytwws.cotti/ophtion Scared to catch something PEOPLE •"As I go to my floor bathroom in we mention the name of God? If that When I sing praises to God, it n\y;Sunday's best with my skirt and is true, then I think our society is in gives me an opportunity to thank a lot of trouble. Him for all that He has done for me. on the streetstre hrtls. make-up and hair freshly dcSle, some of my floor members We can enjoy Jerry Springer. Being religious and loving God doesn't take anything away from me wonder where I am going. When Ellen or music and movies that talk Question: Do you consider the MTV Real World cast to be they ask, I reply by saying I have a about violence and premarital sex. as a person. It doesn't make my life Gospel Choir concert. And their but we can't mention God. For boring. an "real" entertainment event for the University? remark and facial expression is as if some reason that is worse than In fact, it does the opposite. It is the> are saying condescendingly. shows about women leaving their fun. I have friends in the Gospel "\yell that's nice the religious people husbands for other women. Not only Choir that love God just as much as have something to do on Sunday television, but also in reality it I do. I don't have to smoke or drink mornings." But little do they know seems like the "in" thing to experi- alcohol to fit in with my peers. or understand that it is an organiza- ment with is sexuality. tion not a club. God fulfills me. I don't need to What's up with that? As if there is engage in premarital sex, hate or Though the choir gets a lot of nothing better to do. For instance, compliments and support, there are were fighting for their right to vote violence. God gives me hope, sup- or to have civil rights. you know you find men attractive, always some that have remarks that but just wanna make sure you don't port, love and fulfillment. He sus- are not needed. For instance, when But in reality it was just the go both ways too. But hey this isn't tains me when I am homesick, when Gospel Choir, your Gospel Choir I am hurt and He wipes the tears Elizabeth Martin Rob Hoy the Gospel Choir sang with the band as bad as having the Gospel Choir Freshman during half-time of the football singing with the school band. It was- sing with the school band! Now of from my eyes. I have faith in Him Freshman ; game last semester, some people got n't a declaration of war. or announc- course 1 am making fun of the situa- that He has all of the answers that Secondary Finance quite upset about it. Though I don't ing that the United States is no tion and really blowing it out of pro- He will make everything all right. Education "Yeah, because I understand why they would longer a democracy. It was only 70 portion, just like those that got so He is my best friend; He never gets "Yeah, because it is want Rachel." Eric Emery 1 And as I thought about it. I real- Bowling Green students showing upset over the Gospel choir sing tired of me or gets an attitude He is a spin-off of real ized that they were only afraid of that they love God and that they with the band, and blew that out of simply always there for me and for life." Freshman catching something. They were show it everywhere. proportion. you. Secondary afraid they would lose control. They I often wonder would they have Also I want to clarify before I go If I am beginning to sound like I Education were afraid that they would feel reacted the same way if the Latino on that I do not hate homosexuals or am preaching, well I am sorry "I've never seen something. Or maybe that they Student Union did their feisty salsa bisexuals. I just simply don't agree because I am. I love God so much l the show so I would like and enjoy it? dance to their up beat cumbia with their lifestyle. Which is okay, that I have to share. And if you are have no opinion. What else could it have been? rhythms with the school band? How because you might not agree with lucky enough you just might catch People wouldn't have been that about if the Native American stu- this column, which is okay. too. And something. applaud and upset saying that it vio- dents do a ceremonial rain dance? at the risk of sounding like a racist lated their first amendment, if they Or maybe those with a Scottish who tries to deny it by saying they Weren't afraid of catching some- background play their bagpipes have back friends. I too have homo- Erin Bailey is a BG News colum- thing. How funny, people where so along with the school band. Is it only sexual friends. In fact, I was raised nist. E-mail her al Josh Ballmer crinlyn@bgnel. bgsu. edit. Andrews very upset and they acted like they a terrible and horrible 'hing when with some. Junior Freshman Admit it. You want to respond. Andl Theatre/Film Sports Exf»il»iwBNr +3. Cou want the whole darn world to hear "No. It's a waste ' Management you. W-ell, don't hold yourself back! of time and money. OE Iiui//\5rniu DP RQLOUX "•> fcM«rf paiVrawi ) E-mail your opinions to "Yeah, because I fa* f.-»«j z y They should get a want to be a bike [email protected]. Then rush out- band." iide in your underwear and scream delivery boy like your opinions so everyone can hear Puck." . hem. You'll feel better. 1 promise. Courtesy is important

I have a philosophy about pedes- idiot, appalled al how she rolled her trians. eyes and breathed out hard, as if I had If you arc driving a car. you are offended her. Well, excuse me for not usually cozy with your heater blast- knowing the proper terminology for ing. Not to mention you are safely their latest exhibit. I redeemed myself tucked away from the biting wind. with a more specific question, but The pedestrian is cold, fearing the that didn't stop her from shoving the wrath of below freezing gusts. Look- ing out in desperation from only a tickets in my face and giving me a small hole in clothing bundles, he or hard time. she wishes to cross as quickly as pos- sible. I urge you. don't be the driver I know that 1 am right when I say that nearly runs people over or covers that woman was hired to serve h«r people in a shower of dirty slush. customers. She did a poor job of sneeze. And this doesn't mean that I making me feel welcome. In cuj- And if you're the pedestrian, per- know everyone who works there. haps wave so the car knows you're Numerous people with semi-familiar lomer service positions, it's necessary Just Say NO to Alan Keyes going by and you appreciate the dri- faces arc nice. to deal with people who have ques- ver stopping for you. This counts for tions. A job done right (usually) bike riders too (try the upward head- I may never say it again, but some- and Gary Bauer! nod instead of the wave); they're just times I feel soiry for men. In no vain equals a happy customer. It's top as frostbitten as the walkers. attempt whatsoever they might hold a easy to become bitter when ju$t door for a woman and suddenly hear. expecting a paycheck. How many by. Andrew Panagi Almost every day I need to walk "I think I can handle it myself." to class crossing a major road. I have times a week do you interact with [email protected] not been so pleased with the display. For those of you who get insulted someone who deserves his or her I've almost been hit a few times and I by a little chivalry. I beg you not to paycheck? How many times do you have friends who have been hit. No take it so personally. Welcome the communicate with someone who POLITICS one is in that much of a hurry that gesture with a smile. I am impressed deserves much more than they are they need to endanger people by blaz- lately if a guy grabs the door for a ing through a walkway. It's only girl. I even yell at my little brother if getting? MUST NOT BE practical that walkers and riders go he fails to do it for me. It's also great first. if you're on your way into say. Hanna Think about it sometime, and Hall, and the person in front of you remember which person you enjoyed BASED ON As a driver. I have also dealt with politely holds the door instead of more. I am also glad when people in pedestrians who suddenly forget how slamming it in your face. But class say "please" and "thank you" to walk when you get to their path. remember-a "thank you" is the best RELIGIOUS Those people take their time and way to react to this deed. because those words are so rarely nearly keep you for an hour while heard. I forget sometimes how they shuffle through the walkway. Don't be sucked into the general important it is. but I try to keep in KEYES BELIEFS Shufflers love to make us wait and attitude of the inconsiderate popula- BAUER take advantage of us. After your gas tion; what you put in is often equiva- mind what it could do for someone runs as thin as your patience, you lent to what you get out of this world. else. These traits could possibly wonder why you are so aggravated. Each kind action will reciprocate, but make or break you in the real world. WE MUST KEEP CHURCH AND STATE Why are these things frustrating? don't be discouraged if you don't Stay courteous and it will come back notice favorable outcomes immedi- Ah ha, common courtesy. Every- ately. to you. maybe not at the zoo or when SEPARATE. RELIGION WELL NOT one seems to be having a problem crossing the road, but someday. with this lately, and the aforemen- I was at the zoo this past weekend BRING THIS COUNTRY CLOSER tioned situation is just an example. trying to get a ticket, and I asked the ticket lady (considerately) "Is the TOGETHER, IT WILL PULL IT I am glad I work in an environ- whole zoo open, or just the polar bear Jaclyn Bree Swatl is a columnist ment that exhibits common courtesy thing?" Jot The BG News. Express your grat- and polite mannerisms. Every time I FARTHER APART. walk into Facilities Services someone 'The polar bear thing?!" I was itude for this column by writing her at holds a door for me or blesses me if I stunned at how she treated me like an [email protected].

Letters to the Editor Policy 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Do you agree with all of this? We doubt it. Write Copyright © 2000, The BG News, Bowling Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 us and let us know where you stand. Green, Ohio. Reprinting of any material from ■ Letters to the Editor. Letters are to be less than this publication without prior permission of Phone: (419) 372-6966 500 words (less than two typed, double-spaced The BG News is prohibited. Email: [email protected] pages). These are usually in response to a current issue on the BGSU campus or Bowling Green area. The BG News is an independent publication Website: ■ Guest Columns. Longer pieces (between 600-800 founded in 1920 and is published daily during the academic year and weekly during the sum- words) can be submitted as Guest Columns. Guest Brandi Barhite Ieff Hindenach Amyjo L. Brown columns will be subject to space limitations and mer semester. lanaging Editor considered based on topic relevance and quality. Editor-in-Chief Assistant Managing Editor Opinions expressed in columns and letters to To submit a Guest Column or Letter, bring a copy the editor are not necessarily those of the stu on a labeled disk (Microsoft Word, Mac compati- Kevin Vorhees Tony Recznik Mary Beth Wilfong dent body, faculty, University administration ble) to 210 West Hall and leave it in the Opinion Layout Editor Entertainment Editor Copy Chief or The BG News. Unsigned editorials are the Editor's mailbox. Or, send it on e-mail to opinion of the Spring 2000 BG News staff. Dan Nied J. Michael Bestul Ben French tran and give it the subject, "Let- Sports Editor Page 3 Editor Photo Editor ter to the Editor". The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors in stories or photo- David Tran Robert Recker Jim Baer Also, you can check out back issues of the Opinion graph descriptions. Opinion Editor City Editor Graphics Editor page on the web at Decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board are final. Friday, January 28. 2000 lie B(J News page 5

Flashing READ AND WIN' READ AND WIN Ohio Klan leader moves to Jasper READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! • Our Briefs ASSOCIATED PRESS But Jasper County Sheriff Billy of protecting the KKK Their mem- READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! ' BG News Briefs Rowles said Roesch is irrelevant. bers often arc arrested, but Bellow BEAUMONT. Texas — The "People here aren't going to sup- says it's worth it. Philharmonia honors Ml k leader of a Ku Klux Klan group in port this." he said. "The Klan has "My advice is to be really direct, ! The University Philharmo- Ohio has drawn attention by moving tried to get attention before and confront them, talk to neighbors, riia will present a free concert to Jasper, where a black man was failed, and I don't expect this time to don't hide in your church and pray." Friday, Feb. 4, at 8:00 p.m. in dragged to death in 1998. be any different." Bellow told the Enterprise. "Go NEWS Kobacker hall. The concert fea- James Roesch. 19, calls himself Groups who monitor white down to the rallies and pray there. supremacy organizations agree that Get in their faces." tures two competition winners Imperial Wizard of Ohio's Knights communities should band together as well as a tribute to Martin of the White Kamellia, which is one Ted Almay. superintendent of the 13 to gird against Ku Klux Klan activi- of the largest Klan groups in the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identifica- Luther King, Jr. ty. Exactly how to accomplish that tion and Investigation division of the country. goal is where they differ. attorney general's office, favors less Guitarist plays Wednesday With three men convicted of cap- The Anti-Racist Action Network, confrontational protests. The University's Faculty ital murder in the man's death and largely composed of young people, On June 7. 1998. James Byrd Jr. Artist Series continues Feb. 2 the community's ordeal at end, lakes the in-your-face approach. was chained to the bumper of a pick- with a free recital by guitarist many feel Roesch is about to stir Jerry Bellow. 27, and cohorts in the up driven by three white men — two PIZZA! Daniel Lippel at 8 p.m. in things up. according to a report by Columbus. Ohio-based chapter of whom belonged to a white Bryan Recital Hall, of the The Beaumont Enterprise. Roesch protest every Klan rally and march supremacist — and was dragged Moore Musical Aru Center. believes southeast Texas is fertile at ones they can attend. three miles down a rural road. His recruiting ground, and he has made The chapter, one of 140 nation- dismembered body was found later Jasper the new base for his Klan wide, shouts insults at Klan mem- that day near a historic black ceme- "Death" comes to life group. bers and police, whom they accuse tery. The University brings the comedy "Accidental Death of an Anarchist" to the Joe E. Brown Theatre Feb. 9-12 at 8 p.m. and Scientists report initial results Feb. 13 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $4 and can be reserved after Feb. 7. of Glenn's shuttle mission ASSOCIATED PRESS tumor the crew with the stated purpose of Faculty's art displayed "We're actually on the right exploring the similarities between LA The University Faculty/Staff WASHINGTON — Scientists track." he said, explaining that such what happens to humans in the zero- i Exhibition runs from Feb. 2-7, enthusiastically described findings a system could enable future cancer gravity environment of space and 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the Dorothy Thursday from experiments on patients to avoid the side effects of what happens naturally on Earth to Uber Bryan Gallery at the Fine plants, proteins and tumor cells dur- chemotherapy by receiving drugs people as they age. only where the tumor cells have He was 77 when he became the 23 lucktj i ing John Glenn's historic return to Arts Center. The exhibition is grown and not through their entire world's oldest astronaut. free. . space. The findings of Mission STS-95 bodies. He said he has been briefed about were being presented over two days, John Cassanto of Exton. Pa., what happened to his bones and beginning with those operated by whose company. Instrument Tech- muscles during the voyage aboard readers the Ohioan and his six crewmales. nology Associates, sent .-.ome bio- Discovery but wanted to let scien- Results were due Friday from the medical experiments aboard the tists release details. REAI^ tests of bone, muscle and sleep pat- flight, said the results for his team "I fared very well, but that's as terns for which Glenn was a geri- were mixed. far as I can go with it right now." he will win a large atric test subject. He said the company's micro- said. gravity laboratory succeeded in Glenn participated in 10 experi- Continued from pagel. The 1998 flight of space shuttle Discovery contained more scientific growing a protein crystal that is ments studying space- and age-relat- experiments — 88 — than any pre- almost impossible to grow on Earth, ed problems. He spent four nights in Pisanellds pizza! the evening, especially because half vious shuttle mission, said NASA but not with the quality needed to a wired-up sleep suit, provided 17 the money made was going to dance Associate Administrator Dr. provide the information scientists blood samples and wore a mini data marathon which represents such a Arnauld Nicogossian. had hoped for as part of a quest to recorder for 24 hours to monitor his *a M0 value "The mission was packed, really relieve the pain of bone cancer. heart rate. He also swallowed a cap- great cause. packed." he said as he opened the Glenn. 78. did not attend Thurs- sule holding a tiny radio transmitter "I really enjoy doing these lours scientific gathering. "By one of day's presentations. However, he and temperature sensor. said in a telephone interview that Glenn, one of the original especially when it goes to a good those good fortunes we had. all of the experiments worked except Morrison's experiment on microcn- seven Mercury astronauts, was charity," he said. one." capsulation was one of the tests that [he first American to orbit the Alison Vogel. UAO contempo- NASA scientist Dennis Morrison he found most fascinating during Earth, accomplishing the feat in ' pH»MoV that nine-day mission in October rary issues director, was ecstatic at described one successful experiment 1962. He represented Ohio in the into compressing a tumor-fighting and November 1998. the end of the night. drug into a special miniature balloon NASA expanded its experiment U.S Senate for 24 years, retiring " I am so happy that we finely and directing the drug into the itinerary after Glenn was added to at the end of 1998 , found something that the students reacted so positively to." she said. " FACT The crowd was great and made the Continued from page one. protests on campus. "It was designed to be available entire night an evening anyone who There was a justified panic on only until the protests ended." attended will never forget. need an answer, we want you to call campuses all across the country. McLean said. "When the Universi- us. We like to think of ourselves as BGSU officials organized an army ty realized it wasn't costing any- a piece of every student's survival of educators to lead discussions kit." thing to run it. they decided to keep Are you an about violent protests and the anti- it." Fact Line wasn't born as a result war movement. The following fall, With the protests and scare of inquisitive minds. faculty at the University realized organ & tissue "Our biggest goal is to stop that even a small rumor had the long ever. Fact Line's daily task rumors." McLean said. potential to undo the advances they now is to answer the slew of calls donor? In the spring of 1970. at the had made concerning violence and that pour in every day. They deal height of the ami-Vietnam move- demonstrations. Something had to with everything from parking ques- For a free brochure call ment, four students at Kent State be done to calm the campus, and tions to phone numbers of local 1-800-355-SHARE University were killed during Fact Line was the answer. pizza places. Free pizza vouchers will JOIN be randomly inserted Fin uFa Icon sports ^scores every day in THE into select editions of FIRM. EXERCISE the BG News.

NOW OPEN! Pick up your copy of the Towers West Restaurant entrance located on west side of BG News on campus 104 S. Main 353-0988 McDonald Dining Center Check us out at: MONDAY - FRIDAY Wednesday to see if Lunch lL30aum. - L30pjn. Blues Recording Artist Dinner 5K)Opjn. - 7:00p.m. you are a winner! Featuring Daily Special. Table aide Service Blind Bobby Smith Salad Bar Selected menu items with Lori Swyers and from Pheaaant Room for Lunch Reservations call 572-8075 The Red Fox Blues Band Cask. D«blt Dining Select, BIG CHARGE. Department Charge*, Vlaa. Mastercard, and Golden Buckeye discount Accepted Blind Bobby Smith's newest recordings " Man" and "Mr. Charlla" 3 c Happy Hour 4-7pm • 4-9pm Drink Specials mim A CUP OF COFFEE? $2 All-l'-Can-Eat Munchie Buffet (21 and over) ee epers C°ff S^°P A sensational and loud pop rock bond!

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Monday - Thursday Penning "Groundi for Thought" Coffee - Midnight The Eiprcato Fridgr Cippuano 7.00a.m. - 3:00p.m. Lattt Saturday V*rirtr of Baked Goodi including cloacd Home mult! CofTeecikr Piss Artists Grab ■' Go wrapped Saadwidm & Sakda Sunday (.nll to-OrdeT and much more! 7:00p.m. - Midnight CD Release Party: "Demolicious' READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! 19 and over READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN READ AND WIN! page 6 The BG News Friday, January 28, 20(X SPORTS Men's Basketball Akron invades BG PETE STELLA 'The good thing about this set-u| ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR (Kent and Akron in the same week is that it keeps our kids focusci After (he lough loss to Kent game to game," BG coach Da Wednesday night, the BG men's Dakich said. basketball team shifts their focus lo After the Zips, the Brown ani| Akron. The Zips invade Anderson Orange head to Muncic, Indiana t Arena Saturday for a crucial 1 p.m. battle it out with MAC West foe Bal Mid-American Conference match- State Wednesday, Feb. 2 for a 7 p rr up. game. The tandem of Kent forwards MAC Notes John Whorton and Kyrem Massy Wednesday night saw some bi were too much for the Falcons to games and even bigger upsets in th handle. The two hit for 14 and IS conference. Ohio beat Ball Slate 64 points in Kent's 84-62 win at the 53 and the tough Miami RedHawk MAC Center in Kent. Falcon for- defeated Marshall 63-58. Toledi ward Anthony Stacey connected for took one from Northern Illinois 63 23 points and nine rebounds and 61 and Buffalo won again, this tim< guard Brandon Pardon added 13. over Western Michigan 63-60. Can Forward Len Matela chipped in with tral Michigan also was victorioui 14 points and 11 rebounds and the defeating Eastern Michigan 68 3 loss ended BG's three-game win- Akron has retaken the top spot i' ning streak. Kent extended their the East with BG's loss, with a 14 home winning streak to 13 games. Akron brings in another danger- overall and an 8-2 conference ous offense, complements of the Kent follows the Zips at 15-3. 7 MAC East division. Senior guards and the Falcons are third wilh a I Jimall Ball and preseason all-con- ference pick Jami Bosley have 4. 6-2 standing. Miami moves up helped the Zips compile the best record in the conference, 14-5 over- i See BASKETBALL, se B. all and 8-2 in the MAC are two of the three of the members of the team that average double fig- ures in scoring. Bosley leads the team with a 17.5 points per game average, which is eighth best in the MAC. He also cap- tains his team with 32 BEN FRENCH/ The BG three pointers, 40 per- Newi cent from beyond the arc. He averages 3.9 Delco assists per game, ninth 8>more MCLEOD — Bowl- best in the conference.! ing Green guard t Journalism His 83.9 percentage Sport:Men's | Keith Mcleod drives from the charity stripe bach: Keep doing 1 for a lay-up against gives him hold of fourth as coach Dakich.i| Toledo. Tomorrow, place in the conference. rs a new "Da ' . Mcleod and the Fal- Ball has netted 13.3 to games: As I cons will host Kent ppg. leads the MAC in of about I 5 BO I steals with a 2.8 average {^sideline squad" in the biggest game and forward Ryan on their schedule to Andrick averages I4.5| date. will ppg. Andrick also leads . Fan of the Week start at 1 p.m. at the team in rebounding, Receives BGSU T-ihlm frcea: I Anderson Arena, with a 6.1 rebounds per game average, and is, sixth in the MAC with a IX 49.1 shooting percent- Hfectlon of BGSU 9 age from the floor. iy ■! all home bail

Super Bowl XXXIV Super Bowl QB's exceed expectations ASSOCIATED PRESS in college. Kurt Warner is. do whatever it lakes to win." "On opening day. Coach Fish- NFL quarterbacks with 40 or opportunities if they are gifto He's not an Arena Football McNair said. "Regardless of er said that we needed 35 points more touchdown passes in a enough to do it." ATLANTA — Super Bowls and NFL Europe refugee. Warn- how I have to do it, I'll run. and we're going to throw the year. Warner is. And the Rams. whs] often are defined by their quar- er is. throw, improvise. football and we expect to get Warner was elevated to starter also have a solid defense to p.« terback matchups. Montana vs. He wasn't an untested backup "My instincts are a great part over 300 yards passing." Steckel only because Trent Green, a $16 with all that offensive talent! Esiason. Elway vs. Fa.vre. Aik- who cracked the lineup only of my talent. 1 do a lot of impro- said. "That was one game when million free agent acquisition, have had a magical season. man vs. Kelly. after the starter was injured. vising once things break down we asked him to do it and we wrecked his knee in the presea- "I thought a long time ago w| But McNair vs. Warner? Warner is. in the pocket. I'll get outside scored 36 and he threw for over son. had the people here to get to thi While both are about to finish Still, the road hasn't been and make a second chance. I 300 yards." Then he began wrecking point, but a lot of things had t dream seasons for the Tennessee smooth fur McNair. who enters think it's a great added dimen- Those are routine numbers for defenses. happen throughout the season. Titans and St. Louis Rams, nei- the big game with a severe toe sion to our game." the Rams and Warner. Before "I've never been around a Warner said. "Obviously, at th ther can be lumped with the Hall injury that limits his practice The Titans aren't considered this season, however. St. Louis player that has matured as time it wasn't very realistic I of Fame arms of Namaih. Starr time. Just the second starting multidimensional. They like to was a pro football wasteland and quickly." coach Dick Vermeil think that I'd be the starter i and Bradshaw. black quarterback for a Super pound the ball with Eddie Warner was almost totally said. "I don't think it has ever the Super Bowl. Going in an Regardless, they will be cen- Bowl team — Doug Williams George, who rushed for 1.304 unknown. been done as quickly as Kurt them questioning whether I wa| terpieces of Sunday's game. led the Redskins to victory in yards and nine touchdowns dur- After this season, the Rams Warner has done it. He's no capable of being the backup an Steve McNair at least had (he the 1988 game — he still isn't ing the season and has 354 yards were 13-3. NFC West champi- fluke. if I had the experience to be th credentials to take the Titans anything close to a classic pro in the playoffs. They rarely ons, and had the third-highest "I think players like Kurt backup ... I didn't think about this far. quarterback. He's often more throw deep, partly because they scoring offense in league histo- Warner better appreciate their much at the time." He's not an undrafted free dangerous as a runner. have so-so receivers, partly ry. Warner joined the elite com- opportunities and are more like- And now. Well. McNair agent who started only one year "Basically, I'm a guy who'll because coordinator Les Steckel pany of Dan Marino as the only ly to take advantage of those Warner doesn't sound so odd designs a more conservative offense. After taking McNair with the third overall pick of the 1995 draft, coach Jeff Fisher sat him for two years behind Chris Chandler. McNair learned, but he wasn't enamored of the con- cept of dinks and dunks, a style generally still in use. "It was very frustrating at first." McNair said, "but Coach Fisher set me down and filled me in what his style of play is. It was a tremendous change from throwing 4.000 yards a year in college (at Alcorn State) and throwing at least 40 to 50 times a game. "But now it's like playing in a more controlled offense and that's something that I had to get used to and get my mind focused on. ..." Injuries also hampered McNair in 1999 After throwing for a career-high 341 yards in the opener vs. Cincinnati, he needed back surgery and missed five games. But he came back to beat the Rams 24-21 and threw Associated Preu Photo Associated Press Photo for five touchdowns in a late- season victory over Jack- SUPER SUNDAY — Grounds keepers at the Georgia Dome prepare the field for Super Bowl XXXIV SUPER COACH — Dick Vermeil will lead the Rams in the Super sonville. by painting the Tennessee Titans logo on the turf. The Titans will be making their first ever appear- Bowl this year. His quarterback Kurt Warner, this year's most Those sound like Super Bowl- ance in the Super bowl Sunday when they take on the St. Louis Rams in a battle of the underdogs worthy statistics. And if he out- valuable player, was an arena league castoff who struck it big plays NFL MVP Warner on Sun- this season with St. Louis. day, the doubters should disap- pear. Print Lost Friday January 28, 2000 I he B(; News Pafee 7 SPORTS Hockey Time to put up or shut up DAN NIED Ragusetl leads the team with a lost one guy (leading scorer-Dan SPORTS I-.IMTOK l.'^l goals against average in the Price) So the learns should match cciiA and a 2 (Ki OAA overall up about the same." The time lo talk has passed. Ragusett. who has a 925 save per- lien with looming series against It's lime lo cither shine, or watch centage has seen most ol the tska Omaha. Noire Dame and as other teams in the conference bai this season, in the net loi !'> . ohm State, the Falcons are careful tie it out for a more prestigious play- to Hoey's nine. not to look past this weekend. off position. However. Iloev has a GA "We're all Incused on Friday For as much as the Falcon hock- 2.21 overall and 2 71 in the CCHA, night." Freshman forward Ryan ey team says it's time lo step up in better than BG goalie Tylet Masters' FultZ said I hat's all we're thinking Iheir Central Collegiate Hockey 2.93 GAA in the CCHA about, nothing else Association season, then two game Tbi- things working in Faceofl is slated lor 7:35 both home series with Northern Michigan Hi i fa> it First, the Falcons play nights this weekend will prove if they can well at home, getting six of their back up their words or not. nine wins al the BGSU Ice I Notebook Tonight begins a 12 game stretch including iheir last three home lomghi will mark the 44th meet- againsi CCHA opponents that will games and lour out of their last five, ing between Bowling Green and end their season and determine then Northern Michigan has managed Northern Michigan The Falcons playoff future only a 6 I 2-1 record at the Ice Arena lead the all time scries 24-10-3. "These are our playoffs/' B( i in their history. Second. H(i took However, the Wild ats are 4-2-0 goalie Tyler Masters said. "We have two out ol three games from the since rejoining the CCHA two ■ to get most of the points in these Wildcats last season ami the teams games." have not changed much bert's 15 CCHA points ties Of course, if you're starting a run "They basically ha\c the same him for the lead league among fresh- that will define your season, North- team as last year," said BG coach men with Michigan's Andy Hilbert. ern Michigan may not be the best Buddy Powers "And we have only team to draw. NMU is ranked eighth in the country in the latest US College Hockey Online poll. The Wildcats are perched alongside Michigan State, tied tor second in the CCHA I hc> feature a powerful group of snipers that have lead the team 10 an Bowling GreenO-13-0) vs.Northern Michigan(ll-3-2) impressive 83 goals this season Roger Trudeau leads the team 7:35 Friday and Saturdav with 26 points. Forwards Bryan BGSll Ice Arena Phillips, chns Gobert, Tyson Hoik and J.P Vlgier are equal to or sur- pass BG's leading scorer Greg l).i> 'S Radio: 88.1 F.M with Steve Mears and Dave Crane 18 points. Factor in that the goaltending tan- Kev Stat: The Falcons have won three in a row at dem of Dan Ragusetl and Duane the BGSU Ice Arena Hoe\ have combined lor seven MIKE LEHMKUHLE/ The BG News shutouts this season and Northern WILLY — Junior forward Dennis Williams battles an Alabama-Huntsville player in front of BG's Michigan will he a powerful foe fot bench. Williams and the Falcons play Northern Michigan tonight and Saturday at the ice Arena. the Falcons Tennis Men take on Buckeyes, women Spartans, UIC ?<-oor> «■>€ u** Pats name Belichick head coach DOROTHY WRONA gan Slate on Saturday and host Illinois Cl FOXBORO, Mass. — Bill Belichick was on Sunday. SPORTS Warn « hired today as coach ol (lie Patriots after New Last January, the Falcons lost lo \; England gave (he New York Jets a first-round splitting the singles and losing the doubles fills After defeating Sinclair Community College year, the Falcons hope to avenge that loss draft pick to let the former defensive coordi- nator out of his contract. last weekend, the men's tennis team will have "We need to do better in doubles againsi their hands full with Ohio State on Saturday. them." said head coach Penny Dean. "It's criti- Belichick, defensive coordinator in New The team will travel to Columbus this week cal. I think " England before leaving with Bill Parcells tor end to take on the Buckeyes, who are coming MSU returns most of theii team from last the Jets, became free to negotiate with the off a win over nationally ranked Southern season, and has power all the way down iheir Patriots following a deal today in which the Alabama and have been playing well lately. roster. Dean is expecting a lough maich from Jets acquired New England's No. 1 draft pick The Falcons have always played well them. this year, a fourth-rounder in 2001 and sev- against Ohio State, but have not been able to "They're going to keep ihe ball in play a defeat them in the past few years. However. enth-rounder in 2002. lot," Dean said "We have to be willing to be The Jets gave the Patriots a No. 5 in 2001 BGSU was very sharp against Sinclair and head consistent and stay out there on a lot of long and a No. 7 in 2002. coach Jay Harris is expecting a tough battle points " with OSU. Sunday, the Falcons will hosl another strong ABC, BCS reach contract extension "If we go in with emotion and show some team in Illinois-Chicago guts, good things will happen for us." Hams NEW YORK — The Bowl Championship In 1998. UIC won by one point Last season. said. Series agreed today to a four-year extension of BGSU won by one point Dean expects another its contract with ABC, a deal thought to be The line up will change slightly this week close match this season. worth $400 million. end with Mike Kossoff and Geoff Hiscox play- "It could easily come down to a third set ing singles. tiebreaker because in the tall tournament, the ABC's contract runs through the 2006 bowl After twisting his ankle against Sinclair. matches were dead even." Dean said. games. Next season's championship will be at Kossoff will play this weekend. Some of the Like MSU. UIC also hoasls a solid roster the Orange Bowl on Jan. 3, 2001, and the fol- players have been under the weather this week. with power from Ihe number one player to the lowing title game will be at the Rose Bowl on but no one has missed practice and everyone is number six plavei The) are consistent players. Jan. 3, 2002. expected to play this weekend. File Photo excellent groundstrokers and have a strong The current contract pays the BCS $79 mil- KOSSOFF — Mike Kossoff returns a volley in a recent match. work ethic. lion a year fur lour bowl games. The deal was The men's tennis team plays Ohio State this weekend. Women "We need to he consistent, look lor opportu- to have expired after the 2002 title game. Alter opening the season on the right note, nities to come to the nel and finish oil the the women's tennis team will travel lo Michi- point," Dean said

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BEN FRENCH/ The BG News GREALIS — Sarah Grealis goes above and beyond the call of duty on the bars during a recent meet. The Gymnastics team engages in Mid-American Competition this weekend with a home competition against Central Michigan tonight and a road meet against Western Michigan and Kent tomorrow. Gymnastics Gymnasts can take control of MAC in meets MATTHEW P. LYONS look at the collegiate all-around Kalamazoo, Michigan to face West- SPORTS WRITER competition, and Sophomore Marny ern Michigan and Kent Stale. Oestrcng will compete in all four The Broncos arc having a diffi- Two meets, three teams and a events for the first lime Ihis season cult start this season, and have ycl to possible Mid-American Conference as well. break the 190 mark. The Golden ! championship preview is an accu- According to Senior Co-Capitan Flashes arc just the opposite. Kent j rate description of the weekend the Sarah Grealis. the Falcons are ready Slate has broken 194 points, and are Falcon gymnastics learn has in store to get down to business tonight. an early season favorite for the I lor them. "I don't Ihink anyone is intimi- MAC title. BG will cnicrtain defending dated hy it (Central Michigan's high Both Western Michigan and Kent | MAC champion Central Michigan scores this season)," said Grealis. State were defeated by the Falcons I tonight, and will then travel to West- "Every meet we keep improving." during the 1999 regular season. Bui | ern Michigan Sunday lo take on the Central Michigan started the sea- Kent State just edged BG out of I Broncos as well as Kent Slate son scoring in the upper 191*1. Then third place at the MAC champi- I The Falcons look to stop 11 years last Saturday Ihe Chippewas jumped onships. Sunday will be the first of | of domination the Chippewas has to 193.40 in their defeat of Missouri. five meetings between Kent Slate had over them tonight. Head coach The Falcons improvement ihis sea- and BG Ihis season. Dan Connelly believes his team is son has been a little more steady. Freshman Rachel Hall will com- up to (he task at hand. BG opened ihe 2000 season with a pete in the all-around at Western "We're really ready." said Con- 190.175 in a defeat of Northern Illi- Michigan while Marny Oestrcng nelly. "I Ihink they will have a lillle nois The Falcons next score jumped will see action in two events. more respect for us after last year." over a point to a 191.250 as they Bowling Green and Kent State During the 1999 regular season downed Eastern Michigan. square off at Western Michigan Sun- BG posted its second besl score, a Tonight's meet against Ccnlral day at 2:00 p.m. The meet will be I93.55. in a narrow loss al Ccnlral Michigan begins al 7:00. wilh doors held at University Arena. Michigan. opening at 6:00. Admission for In other action around Ihe MAC. I BG will have two gymnasts com- adults is $4, children under 12 are Eastern Michigan travels to Ball I peting in the all-around tonight $2. and BGSU students arc admillcd Stale tonight. On Saturday. Northern I against the Chippewas. Freshman free wilh their student ID. Illinois meets Big Ten foe Iowa in I Ann Marie Kassouf will gel her first Sunday, the Falcons will travel lo Iowa City, BASKETBALL^

Continued from page 6 12-9. 5-4 and Buffalo rounds out Ihe Western Michigan is in third at 7-10.

East with a 5-14. 3-7 standing. 3.5 Ba)| Sla|c s|ands „ ,,.7 3.6 thc fourth place spot with a 10-7. 6- Eastern Michigan lops the West and Toledo upped their record to 8- 3 record and Marshall falls to fifth a| ,,.? overaM and 5.4 jn ,hc MAC Student Organization Fair after the Miami loss, dropping their Northern Illinois holds the second l2> 1'1- Central Michigan holds last • Over 200 Croups Represented • record 10 14-5. 6-4. Ohio stands at place spot wilh a 10-8,4-5 mark and place at 4-14, 1-8. Wednesday, February 2, 2000 Do you know how to take pictures (1pm - 5pm) and develop them? Do you have knowledge of Photoshop? The BG • oiscamp 101 A & B • News can use you! Stop by Sponsored by the Office of Student Activities 210 West Hall today! For More Information Call 572-2343 Friday, January 28. 2000 The BG News page 9 Inside: CSNY concert Inside: Bela Fleck, Piss NOW : Jeff McGinnis review, Virtual Dukes run Artists, First Love. Funk previews the Piss Artists' wild, Mike Turtle previews Master Flex and Nu Flavor CD release show. the MU330 show. are all reviewed.

STUFF NOW SOUNDS STUFF ►> page 15 *- 11 &14 ►> page 15 How to quit e rea People come up lo me all Ihe lime Keepin' it real? ^ ^ty of Real World exposed .and ask. "Rob. did you gel approved for your sex change yet?", at which shown to have romantic moments point I try to change the subject and CHASITY LESTER Francisco cast agreed. Janet Choi, from the Seattle sea- w nil each other when in fact it never {explain that that was just, as the psy- ENTERTAINMENT WRITER "My show was very true to the son, was a communications major at occurred. Janet said, 'production documentary style of the show." Northwestern and regularly worked chologists say, a "phase." But that's would frame certain scenes'. She was unable to comment on the rather personal. The "Real World" with its soap in front of the camera. Colin also She claimed that a scene involv- other seasons. Truthfully, people do ask me all opera-like melodrama has become majored in communications at one of ihe most watched shows on ing her and Nathan in the hot tub. According to a printed statement the time, "Rob. how did you quii Berkley and dabbled in acting. Puck cable. Yet the unbelievable conflict showed the two alone with him giv- from Justin in a book about the Real did several commercials for prod- smoking?" Of course, any rational between "seven people picked to ing her a hand massage. However, World from Hawaii, he claims he ucts including Dixie cups and Tarn- person would have to ask why one live in a house and have their lives she claimed that other cast members was prompted to create a storyline pax tampons. would want to quit smoking in the taped" can only bring up one ques- were in the tub and that the alleged for his departure from the show. Rachel from San Francisco said first place. Smoking feels great (I tion. "How real is the Real World?" romantic moments were part of a Justin was reported lo have exagger- "I can't lie about it, I did it to get don'l suppose I have 10 mention to According to Bunim-Murray joke between housemates. ated a family illness in order to leave media exposure." After ihe show she- smokers and former smokers the Productions, who produces the show Colin. Janet and Rachel said that the show. used the media attention to try to get divine bliss of that first puff in the for MTV, everything depicted on the the editing consistently showed real Bunim-Murray has also reported- cast in Hollywood, trying out for morning), is incredibly attractive to program is real. However, accord- events, yet they were taken out of ly initiated conflict. Members, who "The View." before its first season. the opposite sex (or so I hear) and is ing lo the cast members, certain sequence. were upset with their lack of camera Unfortunately, she wasn't picked. as harmless as sucking on an story lines are prompted. Characterizations of the members time, were old that they must do Such members, like Eric Nies, MELISSA TAYLOR/The BG Newt , exhaust pipe more than three times a Norm Korpi from the First sea- were also added by post- product ion something interesting and if they from the New York show, used his PUCK YOU— San Francisco day, if you listen to the sissy Sur son- New York cast said bad editing work. Irene, from Seattle, was espe- were boring they would be left off spotlight to land roles on MTV. geon General, whom I believe to lx made certain scenes on the show cially typecast. camera. Colin has started an acting career, cast member Puck Rainey. part of a Maoist anti-smoking nlot seem like they had really happened. Janet said "Irene was shown to be Also, the cast was prompted to producing a pilot for NBC. called going into public places now anvwav. Overall, a lot of things were taken crazy." Rachel added She is actual- use certain products from paid spon- "Mind Your Own Business." Mon- because of their fame. But the reason I am composing nit of context. ly a cool chick, she isn't insane at sor of the show. Irene McGee said tana from Boston, edits online for Some of the publicity, however, hese words in a drunken haze on Korpi claimed that the cast found all" in a book on the Seattle cast, during the MTV website and Jason, also is wanted. Puck, for instance made Thursday night is lo let people know script lines for shows when they Puck said "I am edited to a char- production her hat was moved by a from Boston, does casting for the several appearances around campus hat someone has been there. I have broke into the production room. acter" camera operator to show a label on a Real World shows. Other members during the engagemenl. showing up hrown away half a carton of ciga- Such scripted lines encouraged cast According to an article in the bottle of Nantucket nectar. have remained with television pro- at dorms and local bars Janet Choi, eites half-heartedly intending to members to get into verbal fights, Nov. 4 issue of The Washington Another aspect of the cast is that duction explained that sometimes 'people luit. only to spend the rest of my find jobs and engage in internal con- Post. Bunim-Murray Productions most were involved with the media However, some of the attention chose to live through the experi- *eck scrounging for abandoned flicts. admitied to scripting the lirst season, All of the members that spoke at was unwanted. Puck reported being ence." In other cases, members have >utts on the outskirts of Olscamp Janet said that roommates were but said ihey haven't done it since. BGSU had previous media experi- stalked after the show. Other mem- been able to go back to their normal lall. I have used food and diaper Rachel Campos from the San ence before the show. bers remarked on the difficulty of lives. noney to buy coveted unfiltered .-ancer sticks. I have brutally beaten amily members for their shiny, gar- sh Joe Camel flak jackets. I am not UAO concert committee strives to bring show to campus iroud of any of these immoral ictions Well, possibly the beatings. ERIN BERGER would like that group to perform." I also realize that many people doing this hastily." he said. and sound, getting custodial cover- this is my top priority and it is defi- ENTERTAINMENT WRITER Engelman said. This bid. however, is In fact, the concert committee put age and professional security, print- >elievc that the essential motivation \ not a contract. nitely one of UAO's top priorities far quitting smoking comes from I out a survey to see if students warn- ing tickets, priming T-shirts, adver- and student activities top priorities As spring semester swings Once the agent gets the bid. he or ed a concert, what sort of band stu- tising and many other things. So. lo make this a reality and make il vithin oneself. To this I say: Poppy- she looks at all'of the other bids that ock! There is absolutely no harm into full gear. UAO's con- dents would like to have come and when all is done, it ends up costing successful." cert committee has been have been received and chooses also how much they would be will- around $80-90 thousand. n asking one's roommate to tic one's which ones lo accept, depending on If the concert ends up falling lands and feet to the posts of one's hard at work in their attempt to bring ing to pay for tickets. The results UAO's concert committee began through during any of the stages. a popular musical arlist to the Uni- what sort of route ihe band's tour is showed that 99 percent of the 1500 with around SI0.000 and they are ied to prevent one from smoking. taking, how convenient il would be UAO plans to check up on other versity for a spring concert. students surveyed did indeed want a now fundraising lo earn the rest of options and other acts touring Jut, one should exercise caution for them lo drive to a certain place, According to Brian Engclman, concert and that approximately 85 the money. They have been success- around the same days that the one \hen wording one's request to be venue size, ticket prices, potential percent wanted to see a rock alierna- ied up; all your heterosexual lever- UAO concert director. "We are cur- ful so far. with the help of many dif- they are currently looking at is tour- rently looking at a possibility for a for sellout and a number of other tive band come to BG. ferent organizations. Organizations ge with said roommate might go factors. ing. There is no certain way to know spring concert, something that has "So, based on the fact thai rock such as the Student Union. RSA. if the concert will happen or not at •ot the window and never again If a bid is not accepted, there is ould you speak with absolute can- somewhat of a proven track record alternative is what they want, let's and USG have joined into co-spon- this point in ihe process, though, no concert. Engelman said. Howev- do it right and do something that's sorships, where they will help pay if to about the fact that one of you in an industry where nothing is cer because of all the possible things tain." He said they are looking at er, if it is accepted, then there is dis- actually there." Engelman said. a band ends up coming. The com- an almost hear the woman in the that could happen. cussion between the band's agent "Someone where if you walked by a mittee is getting ready to go out and Mil room take a shower. Plus, they one tour specifically, one that "I'm saying it's about a 50/50 includes a "very big name, some- and the person who put the bid in sign you'd say. "They're not really ask just about every other organiza- |mght replace your Prcll with mint- shot." Engelman said "Like jusi thing that would definitely fall under which the two parties figure out all reen Colgate. the rock alternative category." of the specifics of the possible con- Seriously, however, there is only cert. They would deal with how ;ne way to deal with the fact that But. he said that because it is a big toui. it is also an expensive tour, much power is available, if there is ou want to quit smoking. It's not a generator available, if there is mm IJ6U want a spring elf-will, as so many unintelligent so UAO has been going carefully through several steps in their enough space and many other vari- eople have prescribed, but that attempt to get this concert. "It's kind ables. If there are no major prob- lost enjoyable of mistresses: Self- of complicated because it's not just, lems in this stage, then a contract is enial. A strong man can simply WHC(lrtd8, U? you call up somebody and say can signed and a performance happens. Noi% 5 uil cold turkey, relegating his life lo they come here." Engelman said. But. as Engelman wains. "Just ne of health and discipline, but it "There's a lot of deals and proce- by saying we're putting a bid in kes a stronger man to admit that dures that have to be followed." doesn't mean we have a concert, I YeS 99% at other guy is a great big jerk. The first step is to place a bid. and that's something I think stu- You should accept the fact that it where .n act's agent will say how dents really need to understand and going to be hard. You will gain much that act costs, and someone (in he completely sure about because eight. Sure. I gained a good 60 this case. UAO) will tell that act's iljs all up to the agent, and whether wnds of excess flab when I quit agent that they will pay a certain it's an arbitrary reason or whether noking, forever smothering my amount of money for that act to it's just whatever happened to thful good looks, but at least I come. How it works at the Uni- work out. once we place a bid it's Ian suffer a heart attack with dignity veristy level, though. Engelman out of our hands." •hen I'm 45 and in Kroger's looking said, is that the concert committee In fact, he said that for the past a tasty low-fat salad dressing has to sit down and do scenarios few years. BG has put bids in that an. well, when I'm 65 and dying of They have to figure out how much simply weren't accepted for what- ng cancer... um. okay. Thai's a bad tickets will cost and then figure out ever reason. Engclman said that, ample how much money would be brought by looking at ihe old files, he dis- Well. I guess the point I'm trying in with a sell-out and also if they covered thai the lack of concerts in make is that we •>.'. have lo die of only sell half the tickets were sold. recent years wasn't because people >mething. Who wouldn't want to jusi to make sure nothing bad hap- weren't trying but simply because coming to Bowling Green, are tion lo help out as well, according to riificantly shorten their life by pens. of how things happaned lo fall with ■straight up knowing what I know lining momentary pleasure a cou- agents. they?' and I'd say yes, in an ideal Engclman. "So the bid is. you call the agent world." now and knowing where we're at in e of times a day? Come on. every- to the band and say - Bowling Green The committee has not yet put a "We arc requesting co-sponsor- our procedures. I'm JUSI going to say xly's doing it! You wouldn't want would like to extend and bid in yet. but Engelman said that There is some student doubt on ships so we can have enough to pay it's 50/50 and I'm not going to get crybody to think you're a geek. offer for X artist to perform they hope to do it by the whether a really popular band will for most of the artist fee and then we excited or depressed because it's ht? on X date, and then when he end of this week. "We come, though. Megan Asmus, a don't have to count on ticket sales as almost at the point where it's out of However, quitting does seem to receives that, it is saying we aren't rushing any- freshman business major, said she much to recoup any losses." Engel- our hands and completed by the con- : the right choice in the long run. thing and we aren't didn't think the chances were very man said. With all of their co-spon- cert committee." I'OULD YOU PEOPLE PI.EASF good because Bowling Green is so sorships and the success of other "If it falls through, it would be RN DOWN THE PINK small. Freshman architecture major projects, such as the Ekoostik difficult after sinking this much OYD? I AM VAINLY TRYING. Peter Berryman. on the other hand, Hookah concert, the total stands at effort and this much time in on a FAKE MY WAY THROUGH Are you interested in MTV said that he has no idea if there will about $43,500 right now. an amount project to turn around and do some- N UNFUNNY COLUMN AND be a concert but if there is one he close lo what it would cost to pay a thing else because obviously we feel DU CAN SMELL THE would like it to be a rock band, like band, not counting all of the other this was the strongest artist, the best Campus Tour Invasion? Metallica. SHISH COMING FROM costs involved. fit for Bowling Green based on the UR ROOM FROM TWO Julie Musser. a sophomore edu- The concert committee has also survey results, based on input from OWNS OVER... yeah. I'm sorry cation major, said lhat she would been playing around with numbers other organizations, facult and ■out that. Things have been getting like to see a rock or classic rock in an attempt to predict how much administration. So. it'll be difficult lite loud in the dormitory lately. band come, but she hasn't heard tickets will cost. Right now project- to gel past our ideal dream, so to You might also need to change anything about if there is going lo be ed costs are in ihe $15-20 range, speak." a concert or not. ur friends when you decide to with $20 for a floor seat. According And UAO is keeping ihe name of it. I know this seems rather cold- Junior psychology major Cheryl to Engelman. this is much less than the possible act under wraps for arted. but if quitting means having Lee agreed. "I haven't heard any- one would pay for a headlining artist now. Engelman said the reason they get a new social clique, than so be thing about it. but it would be nice." in most concerts. Plus, in the survey haven't released the name and made I suppose I'd rather be embar- She said that it would be good if the that was taken by 1.500 students, the a hype is because not all of the vari- ked in later life because I was on University "actually goi a band and majority of students said ihey were ables have been tackled yet. "There : chess team as opposed to sub- didn't pull out at the last minute " willing to pay $15-22. Some stu- are many things that have to go right bing myself to a painful and She had tickets to last year's They dents said they would be willing to lor us. so placing a bid is no guaran- lbarrassing biopsy and Might Be Giants concert and was pay up to $30." tee by any means that we will get emotherapy. disappointed when il was cancelled. Basically right now the commit- what we're trying to get and I'd hate So. I hope these words have Trying lo get a headline band, tee plans just to keep doing what to get everyone's hopes up," he said. Ven you some sort of comfort in though, if that is possible, is a very they're doing, working hard to try lo If anyone is interested in helping ur time of need. But, odds arc. expensive task. Cost for a name act get a concert. "I want to assure the with the concert committee, recruit- u're only reading this because alone can cost $50,000. and that's students that we're following every ment is being done. Those interested u're bored in class. Great. I hate just to foot the band's bill. Accord- procedure and we're working harder should go to 210 South Hall today to life. Everything sucks. I need a ing to Engclman. there are manv than I could even imagine I would find out more information. arette. other costs associated, such as rent- ever be able to work." Engclman ing Anderson Arena, renting lights said. "The best I can say is we are working at it and to guarantee that Print Lost page 10 The BC, News Friday, January 28, 2000 ENTERTAINMENT www.bgnews.cotnfitow CSNY still rock n' PETE STELLA ENTERTAINMENT WRITER

DETROIT- Some people say Virtual Dukes do harm wine gels better with age. DEREK MCCORD In a lot of eases, so does musie. In a society that is all about ENTERTAINMENT WRITER which boy band currently has the newest and most popular hit, or who Remember those days when you has blonder hair or a bigger chest, a thought that your Bie Wheel was the \ Genera! Lee? Well you can relive those band that hasn't toured together since 1974 can come back on the moments in a dull and repetitive manner 1 in Dukes of Hazzard: Racing For scene and rock like it's Woodstock again. Home. 1 The game puts you behind the wheel Crosby. Stills. Nash and Young of the General Lee as you try and com- opened their 2000 tour with an plete the same missions over and over explosive three hour show in Photo Provided \ Detroit's Palace of Auburn Mills •-jigain. BACK IN THE DAY—Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young circa 1960's. You start out. for some reason, at the Arena Monday night. The show saw four of the most musically talented Hazzard County racing track where all stage antics and musical gift make to their feet. , you have to do is complete four laps in a men to walk the face of earth togeth- him a perfect fit in the foursome. CSNY came back out lor their *Ket amount of lime. After that, two men er on stage doing what they do best. Each member of the group sang a first encore, played a blistering Jrob the county bank and you have to go During the energetic and emo- few and was formally intro- "Woodstock" and then left again i _*^nd ram their car over and over again Photo Provided tional concert. CSNY played a mix duced every time they finished their The only downfall of the show was Tuntil it breaks down, a la Driver. GOOD OL' BOYS— Virtual Luke (left) and virtual Bo try to smug- of old and new songs, two encores, by one of the remaining three. the absence of the group's most pop After you run away from Sheriff gle virtual shine out of virtual Hazzard County. no opening act, two covers, one CSNY rocked by opening with ular song "Judy Blue Eyes " But it i~ Roscoe a couple of limes and escape a trol is less than impressive because all complex as Driver and does not offer intermission and a seventh inning "Carry On." one of their most safe to say that great hands play all _.-van that is trying to destroy you. a char- you do is step on the gas and. al the very the same satisfaction. I was so happy lo stretch. Neil Young and Steven Stills famous songs oil Ihe Dlja Vu album. the songs their fans want lo heal acter by the name of Black Jack Pcrril rare hairpin turn, lei your thumb off for a proved to be the most musical by not put in Gran Turismo 2 after wasting They also played favorites such as while the really great bands leave .-appears When this happens, you travel second and you will turn right around I three hours of trying lo relive my child- setting down their guitars for the "Teach Your Children." "Ohio" and that one special one out. •"back to the 1930's in Uncle Jessie's do not even think I louched ihc brakes hood. entire show Graham Nash and "Helplessly Hoping." In an interview a week before the " flashback, where you run away from the whole game The most annoying Young switched over to the piano show on VHI, Nash answered i rw more sheriffs in a 30s hot rod As you thing about the game arc the horribly Final Word: If you are an exiremc, and David Crosby chimed in with The foursome entertained the reporter's question with classic .tan sec. the game gets old really fast placed road signs that you always seem I mean extreme, collector of the Dukes his acoustic guitar. capacity crowd with a rocking rendi- style. When asked how he though: **Not even the cut scenes can save you to hit and flip the car over. of Haz/ard memorabilia, get this game But the most incredible instru- iion of Stills' alma mater and Buffa- the show would go over, he ^from the pain of finishing the game and I can see an awful lot of similarities If not. do not even look at it in ihc rental ment of the four was the breathtak- lo Springfield's "For What It's answered by saying "We want to '■"gelling it oul ot your face. The graphics between Driver and Dukes of Haz- ing harmony that can only be heard Worth." They also tackled Neil stores because it would be a waste of knock you on your ass'" arc very dull: you sec the same road and zard. but the game is nowhere near as your money Gel Driver instead when all four of them arc together. Young's "Keep On Rocking in Ihe trees over and over again The play con- Young's higliei pitched since, crazy Free World" which brought the fans Well Mr. Nash, it worked. MU330 set to rock-out at Howard's Club H, ska fans pleased Tony Papa to play Cosmos Guitarist and vocalist Tony Those who cannot get enough MIKETUTTLE we!' as catchy rhythms and poppy audience with heir great stage album and intense touring has * icar- Papa will be performing at Cosmos of Tony Papa's blues-influenced ENTERTAINMENT WRITER guitar riffs antics. ly strengthened their credibility as a "THEY ROCK OUT HARD- Front-man Dan Potthast formed Coffeeshop on Friday, Jan. 28 tunes can also check him out at Ska/rock band MU330 will bring strong ska act. CORE!" says senior and long time MU330 in high school with drum- On their new album Potthast from 9-11 p.m. Easystreet Cafe on Feb. 3 where he their road show to Howard's Club H ska fan, Kevin Erlenbach "I've seen mer Ted Moll. The two went to sings the familiar corny-yct-hilari will perform with former Flying this Saturday for what should be an Papa performs original compo- them live like four times, they put on grade school together and later ous lyrics he's been known for His Blind frontman Adam Dudding. exciting night. The band, on tour to sitions as well as various obscure likeness to Weezer's lead singer The two have been playing togeth- promote their latest self-titled a unique show." named the band after the call num- blues and bluegrass songs, some of Another local ska fan. Ian Rydc. er for only three months and have album, hails from St. Louis. bers of their music education class. Rivers Cuomo is obvious, as the which have been made popular by MU330's wild and crazy upbeat feels the same way. "As soon as I Bass player Chris Diebold and funny lyrics and inviting sound do bands like the Allman Brothers and opened for acts like Ekoostik sound has been a staple on each of heard that they were comming to trombonists Rob Bell and Gerry nothing less than make the listener the Grateful Dead. Hookah. Howard's, I knew I'd have to go." Lundquist. along with Potthast and their seven . Their debut. smile. Papa describes his sound as an Copies of Tony Papa's CD. Rydc later added why he is so devot- Moll, are MU330's current forma- The show will start around 10 Salamander Slew, released in 1991, acoustic blend of slide guitar and Wire A Wood are available at Mad- established them as a band with ed to MU330 "They don't just play tion. Over the years the band has p.m.. Cover will be $2 for 21 and bluegrass. hatter Music. many traditional ska influences, as the music, they incoroporate the seen many changes, but their current over. $3 for under 21.

AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ UAO • UNIVERSITYACTIVIIbS ORGANIZMION • UAO • UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION Congratulations to Delta N > < Zeta's Colony Members N § ■ A fun time? Allison Ankney i a Teresa Albers Joanna Bailey A resume builder ? N Lyndsey Begg < Christina Conway Genny Coulston * Nadia Davis : 3 Lindsey Davis j Lynn Fisher Rachael Fogle Allison Furr Tiffany Grant Elisa Halon Corey Jones Sarah Kaplan is looking to fill the following positions Kate Line Jennifer Manuel > Julie Mueck N • Public Relations Director Erin Myers Stacey Neshkin • Special Events Director Karen Nichols fc Becky Obermeyer • Travel Director Krisie Poole 5 > Katie Rodenberg N Kim Sanderson Sabeen Shaikh Heather Stefancin Jennifer Stoyka K Sarah Swartz Sara Thieman Jess Tonnesen fc Applications are due by February 2 Jen Williams Trisha Williams > N Welcome to our sisterhood! Pick up applications at N We are so glad to have you fc 210 South Hall. DZ love, Gretchen, Annika, Jessica For more Information call 372-7162 ' AZA -7 AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ UAO • UNIVhRSITYACIIVIIES ORGANIZATION • UAO • UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION Friday, January 28. 2()(K) The BG News page 11 ENTERTAINMENT Got one? Good. Now try to remember the name of one of the three "musicians" in 98 Degrees Were you able to get all three? Okay, here's one more. Name one of the cute non-shaving boys that make up the latest boy band. First Love. What? You're telling me you've never heard of First Love? You've was inspired by Indian music. The you will. The most humorous by far never heard the harmonious vocals Flecktones pay tribute to Bluegrass of Delane and Tobi and never seen piss artists would have to be in the song, "Will the handsome "boy next door" music in "The Yce-Haw Factor." and You Pray for Me," which manages looks of Phil and...Peanut? dedicate the funky "Sex In A Pan" to to link golfing grcal Lee Trcvino and You lucky bastard. the godfather of soul himself. . alcohol abuse in the same verse. Unfortunately for us. someone As with any successful jazz act. Other lines manage to cruelly joke at out there decided that we don't have the Flecktones lake advantage of the expense of females (Dutiful First Love: sit enough nameless pop music in Debbie"), but they are funny musical improvisation skills while 1999 -BMG America and decided lo start import- playing live. This is showcased in nonetheless. Various songs address ing it from other countries. First serious personal dysfunctions, Let's test your boy band knowl- "Stomping Grounds," a track from Love is from Germany, supposedly which may provide insight into why edge they're huge there (but so is David their 1996 album Live Art. The so many lyrical barbs are aimed al Here's an easy one, name one Hasselhoff) and their record label addition of Sam Bush's mandolin the opposite sex. Certainly the disc Backstreet Boy? believes that they have what it takes and Paul McCardess' soprano saxo contains lyrical amusements which A bit harder now, name one of the to break through in this country. phone on this album create a heav- my American sensibilities have boys whose names spell out N'SYNC. Bela Fleck: ier, deeper, louder sound that isn'l as inhibited me from comprehending. • See CD REVIEWS, page 14. present in some of the band's studio Piss Artists: If nothing else the listener should work. Bela Fleck & The Flecktones be impressed with the array of Greatest Hits are truly a breathtaking show live, Demolicious sounds the album provides, which but unfortunately this greatest hits become more impressive when one 2000 - Pop-in-Cheek of the 20th compilation only takes us to the learns the album was produced 5+4 a in m a P h j Bel ax> show for five minutes. using one of the more primitive Piss Artists must be the most Century The album does, however, bring tools of recording the four track. British-sounding band in Bowling Besides the standard bass and ^IIJJ Fall 1999-Warner Bros. many pleasant surprises not only to Dean's List *f the Flecktones faithful, bul others Green history, due mostly to singer drums, the album is full of guitars Iain Ellis' authentic British accent. (acoustic, electric, reverb- Multi-Grammy award winning who generally enjoy well-crafted ^^Brooke Benner Lisa Pittinger : Besides paying its dues around the drenched) Plus, several songs con- instrumentalist Bela F leck and his music. "Big Country," from the tain scattered instances of mandolin, .^^^Sarah Brandeberry *h ensemble have released their first Grammy-winning 1997 album Left local Bowling Green area, the band Allyson Poskocil (Iain the Brit with Americans Billy harmonica, banjo, keyboards, and greatest hits compilation on Warner Of Cool, features Fleck playing a even a music box. This is definitely 7J! Jen Clayton Kristina Schaefer low-tuned Czech electric banjo and Hanway and Denny Austin) has just Bros Records Beta Fleck & The an experimental studio album from a -^>J Leslie Configliacco Amy Simonovski Flechones Greatest Hits of the 20th Coffin on tenor and soprano sax. released its impressive debui CD. band without a studio Century features 11 delightful This is easily one of the most beau- Demolicious. Yet. ihc technological resources 5^-Allison Ensign Betsy Slawinski tracks from six different albums put tiful songs I've had the pleasure to The sound of this album hints to do not catch everything. While the 2^ out during the group's 10 year histo- consume, as it takes the listener lo a hodgepodge of musical influences, band manages to cram in a variety of J^-Rebecca Ferris Ann Sloboda ry another place and time, somewhere including the melody of Brit-pop sounds, the disc only catches ^^Kelly Fry Sarah Swiger .^ Banjo-playing Bela Fleck formed far from any electronic CD player or (Oasis and Blur with a hint of Syd glimpses of the band's energy. the Flecktones in the late 1980s with siereo system. Barrett-era Pink Floyd), the energy Songs such as "Manchester Man" _. * Carrie Gerdeman Sara Taylor and "I Want You Back" would most the help of Victor Woolen (bass). This album successfully captures of Buzzcock-esque pop-punk, and Sharon Hollis Lisa Tosenberger ^-NT Future Man (SynthcAxe Drumitar) the powerful moving sounds of a shades of rockabilly from who definitely translate better in a live and Howard Levy (diatonic harmon- band all loo overlooked in a lime knows where. The album showcas- -cuing, beyond ihe trappings of low- Kimberly Kirtley Jessica Wagner J^* fi recording. ica, piano and synth-.'sizers). Levy when Billboard overachievcrs aic es an eclectic mix of song styles ^ Shawna White left in 1992 and the Flecktones went Overall, the Piss Artists have pro- given loo much credit. from tongue-in-cheek rockers to vided m Demolicious a strong col- on for six years as a trio. In 1998. Bela Fleck & The Flecktones slow and serious musings that are lection of songs full of excellent saxophonist Jeff ("onin joined the Greatest Hits of the 20th Century is inconsistent with one cohesive style musicianship, powerful melody and band to form a new version of the a solid compilation of 10 years of bul still contain a heavy dose of a grcal sense of humor that tran- Plecktones. Remarkably, the II great music from five gifted instru- melody and harmony. scend this small city of Bowling tracks on this album capture the mentalists. The lyrics are a highpoint of the Green. band at its peak during each of its BGSU GRADE: A album especially when they contain Grade: A transformation periods. instances of British cheekiness. if -Ryan Ellis Bela Flecks' music has always - Mike Tutlle resembled his primary influences on stage as well as in the studio. "Sin- Bowling Green's ister Minister." the album's fit si most comprehensive track, includes a Latin-sounding banjo. A later track. "Shocktimc," ■/iKSiWLjjs sports coverage. ARENA SpringBiwk 2000 Pmtma CHv ftstfh.Horida! Get ready for next Summer & Fall With ID, Students Pay; $2.00 admission Campus Manor $1.00 for skates of all sizes BEACH RESORT >~ 615 Second St. All fees bursarable! . Iiw l*y RSwr Bdr. MW (So* H^*™"*- 701 Fourth St. ml Win- •**■ ■ I !** Outdoor 9»«MM l\N

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\ page 14 The BG News Friday, January 28. 2000 ENTERTAINMENT www.bgnews.comMow Continued from page 11 Dogg's "R.-al G's" is excellent Mis MC to the party." For those who have been lament- first song to make use of Ihe word smooth voice against Flex and Big The best piece on the album has ing Ihe demise of Menudo (more or 'funkalistic." Again. Ihe Nu Flavor And if by what it takes they mean, Kap's melodic beats are reminiscent to be Tupac and Biggie together. less; ihey put out a nondescript CD crew returns to some raunchy little horrid vocals redone in (he studio of Snoop's "Gin and Juice" days. Live freestyle rap is the closest thing and four boys that can't play their The background changes constantly, last year), here's your band. wordplay-basically, how ihey really rap will ever get to unplugged. You want to cal some girl's, urn, "candy." instruments or write their own as if it too was evolving and devolv- can hear the rage and power behind Hopping aboard the boy pop songs, then I guess they're right. ing. There are so many switches it's Biggie, pushing his lyrics hard — bandwagon is Nu Flavor, a Long Let's face it, Nu Flavor isn't Even if you like boy bands (and like listening to five different songs. there is little question why he was Beach. California quartet whose exactly anything special. But there if you do, get help) I can't think that With fun lyrics like, "unless she Ihe "Kingpin of Brooklyn." greatest claim to fame thus far has seems to be a raunchy, house rock- there's much here for you. Because, tight like an R&B bitch, like Toni While a young raging Tupac spits been a cover of a Journey lune. ing party band lurking beneath Ihe even if I lower my standards to New Braxton or Jenny Lopez..., go head, out. "No matter how you try, It would be really easy to take vanilla exterior. Here's hoping ihey Kids On The Block levels, this go head, all man, f*ck what she says, nigg@s never die, we just retaliate gel in touch with iheir inner sex album still sucks. I bet ya she give a rap nigg@ head." cheap pot shots at yet another boy with hate and we multiply." band. And believe me. there's mate- machines and make a real record, There's absolutely nothing here The Ruff Ryders fall short with This album isn't for everyone, for the 8-13 year old audience' that rial on this record that makes the not one that relies on typical boy an annoying beat, and DMX's dark not for most of the whiles and the band stupidity. As it stands, ihcir these bands shoot for, because their voice can't even pull this song from weak. It's for those that keep the stuff by Boyzone and Michael Fredo pre-teen sounding songs have lyrics Funk Master hell I love Dr. Dre and Eminem, essence of hip-hop close to their seem like masterpieces of pop new release, h's On. is very easy lo strictly for a more adult audience. bul they too fall short with an heart. It's raw and gritty, unforgiv- music. Deep down, there's some- turn off. The song, "Freaky" which also hap- orchestra like introduction. ing like the culture, but it could be thing vaguely promising about Nu GRADE I). pens to be the first single, has a des- Flex: The This album is like that of Kid stronger. Flavor. -Erik Pepplf tined-to-be-classic "rap" at the end, Capri's "Soundtrack of the Streets." GRADE: B- They're not necessarily very which features the poetic line. Tunnel ■David Tran "Come get freaky with me. girl can't A way for the rappers to give back to good, each song is indistinguishable legendary NYC DJ's. but the diffi- and their harmonies, while pleasant, CMJTopIO you see I wanna lick you up and 1999-BMG down and drive you crazy!" Could culty is trying to match the beats to are nothing new. But Nu Flavor has you see all the sixth-grade girls the artist, and at the same time giv- a dark streak-a nice and nasty little 1. Beck- Midnile Vultures-Geffen- Funk Master Flex and Big Kap ing (he audience enough diversity so streak. Interscope yelling that on the playground? it doesn't get boring. Which it does nuflavor. First Love is probably the only are dj's that give their crazy back- The opening track is called 2. Charlatans UK-Us and Us Only- band in the history of music to rip ground beats to a number of artists. at times. I'll have to say that Funk MCA The Tunnel features the likes of Master Flex and Big Kap do a better "Sprung," and is about that most off both the Backstreet Boys and embarrassing of societal faux pas- 3. Anl DlFranco-To Ihe Teeth-Righl- New Kids On The Block with one DMX and his Ruff Ryders. includ- than average job of getting the right cous Babe song, that song being "Yippee Yi ing Eve. There are also appearances mix between artist and beats, but the unintentional erection. Let's see 4. Foo Fighters-There is Nothing Yo." They somehow managed to by LL Cool J. Lil' Kim, Jay-Z and one of the most impressive tracks (he Backstreet Boys sing about that. Left lo Lose-Roswell RCA take the sound of "Backstreel's Nas. It also includes members of has to be with Method Man. Right off the bat, Nu Flavor seems 5. Primus-The Anlipop-Inierscope Back" and "Hangin' Tough" and the Wu Tang Clan: Method Man. Maybe it's the fact that Flex and to at least be diverting lyrically from 6. Rage Against the Machine Hit- combine them into one song that is Redman and Raekwon. Did I men- Big Kap wanted to do a track that is the Village of the Damned that is Battle of Los Angeles-Epic so nerve-grattingly bad-yet-catchy tion Mary J. Blige. Dr. Dre, Eminem street based, but not loo many rap- boy pop. Unsurprisingly enough, 7. Handsome Boy Modeling that it should be used to drive out and Snoop Doggy Dogg? Wait, pers have the voice to back up the the next eight or so songs are all School-So....How's Your Cirl?- terrorists during a hostage crisis. what the heck. Prodigy is on this lyrics. Method Man's voice compli- Toinmy Boy too. But the Tunnel is set up by a ments the 70"s backdrop that he has variations on the familiar boy pop This album is musical compost. And Nu Flavor: It's motif of "Girl, I love you so 8. David Bowk-Hours..-Virgin by the way. Phil looks like a heroin rare live freestyle with both Tupac on the song "True " 9. Luna-Thc Days of Our Nights- addicted version of Deiter from Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. With phat ass lyrics like, "Failed much/you make me feel so good." Jericho-Sire SNL's Sprockets. The album carries a lot of big my urine na' lysis they through me On The closing tune is the party 10. Sister Sonny-Lovesongs-Jeisei anthem, "Groove Tonight (The GRADE: F names, but there are only a few that in the clink. 5.0's can't stop the pot 1999- Reprise Records Records - James Eldred make a big noise. Snoop Doggy rose Johnny, still blaze the young n Future Dance)," which may be the

DANCE MARATHON 24 Hour Towing Toledo needs cwr-^-THor* 2000 Transmission • Tires THE nw, All Proceed* Benefit Mercy Children'! Hospital, J All Mechanical Work • Bearings purinership of St Vincent* Hospiul JI MCO Brakes • All Farm Equip. • Diesel and Gas Motors t PROUD. - Low Shop Rates - HAIRCUTS Raffle Tickets Free Towing with Student ID - THE $6 •Tanning Package (with qualified repair) Changing Times, i6i6wet»ur •Basket of products HAMCLES3. Monday, Jan. 31.12 pm-6 pm B&B Truck & Auto Tickets can be purchased >i Changing Tn On Sale Unlil Jan. 31 Only 50 per Tickel Repair & Welding 1304040 Bishop Rd., Bowling Green, OH • 353-2-2526 Sponsored by : Changing Times & Alpha Chi Omega

i Daffodil Days AMERICAN for the March 20 ^American Cancer Soeietij OHIO DtVISOh. INC

WANTED fo 4° f His summit UAO NEEDS YOU! For Homecoming Director Applications can be picked up at 210 South Hall and are due by February 2nd at 5:00pm.

372-7162 Friday, January 28, 2<><)<> The B<; News page 15 ENTERTAINMENT Pissin' the night away JEFF MCGINNIS


When the members of the band first slartcd performing logclhcr at the EasySlreel Cafe on Main Streec. Ihey were called ihe Old Wankers Then they started calling themselves the Crabgrass Boys. Now, they have an album. And you can just call them the Piss Artists. The group will be performing once again at the EasyStreel Cafe

Photos Provided PISSING— The Piss Artists roc king out at Howard's Club H last year. The band has just released a new CD, entitled demolicious this Satuiday. in a gifl lo celebrate "We're honest musicians, with no and promote the release ol iheirown pretences," be said independently-produced CD. demo- Copies ol demolicious, the New albums licious." album, are available at Madhatter The three members of the Piss for 5 dollars apiece The band pro- this week Artists singer/ lain duced the CD themselves, recording Ellis, drummer Denny Austin and il over the course of a year on 4- guitarist Billy Hanway - met Irack. FEB. 1 through the local music scene. "We did 35 to 40 songs over Ihe DR. JOHN -- Duke Ele- "We've been working together course of the year, then selected the gant—Blue Nole and recording lor over a year." f.llis 14 best for the album," Ellis said said in an interview. "But we've GENERATED X-ED -- Ellis hopes the CD is the starling known each other and have played Generated X-ed--Earache point for bigger and belter things for togethei loi years." the band "You hope somebody will KID ROCK ~ Early Ellis said the group's music is give you a break,ol course," he said. Mornin' Stoned Pimp heavily inspired by British pop tra- "But at Ihe same time, we would like (re issue)--Lava ditions, citing such influnces as The for the album to be enjoyed locally, (lash. Blur, and Dayton's own as well." LED ZEPPELIN -- The (iuided by Vfoices. Hanway adds thai the Piss Ailists Best Of Led Zeppelin Vol- OuitariSI llanuay. who also owns are "a local band looking lo navel ume 2-Atlanlic Photo Provided B.G, music store Madhatler Music, the world." has been playing guitar since he was MICHAEL PENN-Days ARTISTS— Front man lain Saturday's peiformance will 16 years "Id He said in an intevicM Since a Lost Time Aeci- Ellis doesn't mind the bul- begin at 10 p.m.. and the covei thai the group's straightforward dent-57 Records/Epic locks. charge is _ doliais Style is kc\ to then music

THIS YEAR A LOT OF COLLEGE SENIORS WILL BE GRADUATING INTO DEBT. f f/KT CASH* C A few sittings are Under Ihe Army's • PAY DAY LOANS — Loan Repayment still available program, you could get . MONEY ORDERS 5 V out from under with a • CHECKS CASHED today til 6 p.m. llit et--year enlistment. Each year you serve on active duty reduces your indebtedness by one- Call 372-8634 to third or$l,500, which- ever amount is jjreater, schedule a sitting. upt<>a$65,0001imil. • ELECTRONIC FILING The offer applies lo Perkins Loans, Stafford L.oans. • FAST TAX REFUND and certain other federally insured loans, which are not in default. • 24 HOUR TAX PREPARATION And debt relief is just one of the many benefits • REFUND CHECKS CASHED you'll earn from the Army. Ask your Army Recruiter. Ask Us About Our $50.00 FREE FEE LOAN 352^7541 Electronic Filing 1068 N. Main to. Fees w/your BGSU Bowling Green ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. 1.00 OFF student I.D. 354-2300 -5* - www GREENBRIAR, INC VILLAGE GREEN Time Is Running Out For Fall 2000 APARTMENTS 224 E.WOOSTER 352-0717

f***."*\— •Frazee Ave. Apts. •East Merry Apfs. •Field Mannor Apts.

All Units Include: •2 Bedrooms •2 Baths •Dish Washer •Grabage Disposals 9s[pzu Leasing •3 and 4 Person Rates 1 or 2 bedroom furnished and unfurnished ...Get Them While They Last!

GREENBRIAR, INC. Checkout our Website for a complete 2 Blocks from Campus listing of all our properties. 480 Lehman 354-3533 i page 16 The BG News Friday, January 28, 2000


Campus Events

5 on 5 Coed Soccer Tournament INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: JAN 31- SELECT PAPERS CHECK OUT Sponsored by CO-REC WALLYBALL: FEB. 1-MEN'S. Sport Management Alliance WOMEN'S AND CO-REC CURLING; Proceeds benefit Dance Marathon FEB. 2-MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SINGLES Sat. Feb. 5. 2000 RACOUETBALL IF HAND-DELIVERING, WEDNESDAY'S S30 fee includes pizza, drinks and prizes DUE BY 3PM IN 130 PFH IF SENDING WILL CONTAIN For more info and a registration form ELECTRONICALLY, DUE BY 12 NOON. Contact Scott at KKG KKQ KKG Congratulations to our sister of the week Senior Portraits EDITION OF We love you! Jayme Mayer. Schedule GIFT CERTIFICATES KKG KKG KKQ On-Una Last week for senior portraits and this is KKG"DZ"KKG the final session this year Schedule your Best of luck to the sisters of Delta Zeta on sitting online at: your recolonization. The ladies of KKG support you. FOR FREE PIZZA Usemame bowlinggre«n2k KKG'DZ-KKG Password 0037 Senior Portraits or call the yearbook office at 372-8634 Last Chance Portraits taken daily 10am-6pm in 28 Senior Portraits COMPLIMENTS OF I West Hall. $6 sitting fee can be bursared. You can't delay any longer. Carl Wolf Studio is now on campus taking senior portraits for the final time this year. City Events Portraits are taken in the yearbook office I in 28 West Hall (basement) from 10am- 6pm daily. Portraits taken in dress clothes Tony Papa-Acoustic and cap and gown, which the studio pro- Friday Jan 28, 2000 9-11pm vides. Call 372-8634 to schedule a sitting Cosmo's Coffecshop 126 E Wooster Don't be left out of the special 2000 Key '203N.Moi„ «£2£r 352-5166 Yearbook! NEWS Congratulations Casey Proper on your Lost/Found lavaliering to Nate Jenkins of XE! READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! Love, your sisters of Delia Gamma. READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! Losf: Polaroid Digital Camera Reward if Are you worried about your weight? found CaU 372-4049 New. Confidential Group Take a Bite Campus Events and on the move for health & joy will encourage healthy eating & exercise Help Wanted For Sale Travel and positive body image DAFFODIL DAYS Meeting Wednesdays from 3:30-5 DAFFODIL DAYS «1 Spnng Break Vacations! Cancun, Ja- Room 170 Wellness Connection EASY WALK FROM CAMPUS 1986 Mercury Cougar, V-8 302, PS, PW, PL, Sunroof. New cooper tires and Coming March 20th. maica, Bahamas, Florida. Besl Prices -^ 372-9355. Work part-time, full-time, even put in over- Guaranteed! Free Parties 8 Cover charg- time hours, around your college and per- brakes 143,000 miles Call 353-2506. Senior Portraits es! Spaces limited, book now! All major sonal schedule. Work a minimum of 15 ESTATE SALE Schedule HONDAS FROM $29/mo. Police im- credit cards accepted! 1-800-234-7007. hours per week or 40 hours plus over- NEWS Tuesday, February 1, 2000 10am-6pm On-Llne pounds. For listings/payment details call time. Many college students work here. Location: BQSU Union Last week for senior portraits and this is 1-800-319-3323ext.4558. Some ol the many items available Starling pay is $5.30 per hour with an au- ""Spnng Break Bahamas Party Cruise! Ihe final session this year. Schedule your tomatic S 25 per hour increase to $5.55 Classified for sale include: S Nights S279! Includes Meals & Free sitting online at: Reliable Buick LeSabre, Private Desks, Nighisiands, Desk and Side after 100 hours of sen/ice with the compa- Parlies! Cancun & Jamaica S399! Vehicle/Prof, negot. $1800. Fn'Sat BG Chairs. Table and Floor Lamps, Bed ny. These are unskilled jobs involving as- 353-5271. Findlay, Sun. 422-3850. Jill Ads 1-800-678-6386 Usemame. bowllnggreen2k sembling and packaging of small parts. Frames, Luggage Racks, Waste Cans. Password 0037 Mirrors, Small and Large Dressers, "Spnng Break Panama City $129! Board- Apply in person between the hours of Solid Oak Loft walk Room w/kitchen Next to Clubs! 7 or call the yearbook office at 372-8634 9:00 AM and 5 00 PM (Monday-Fridav) at Durable & dependable, bed side tray, 372-6977 Cafeteria and Restaurant tables and Portraits taken daily»i0am-6pm in 28 chairs, Televisions, File Cabinets, parties-Free Drinks! Daytona S149! South ADVANCED SPECIALTY PRODUCE. bed level adjustable m height. The BG >4c»i -ill not knowmf I) adept advrntw- West Hall. $6 sitting fee can be bursared INC., 428 Clough Street. Bowling Green, menu urn diMtiimoM. at encourafe diwrtniitu- Graphics light board, Fans, and Beach S1S9! Cocoa Beach $179! $100, Call 353-4620. IIOII if IIIIM ait) nidi*idtul or f roup on the bun ot 1-800-678-6386. Ohio, only 2 blocks from campus near Restaurant equipment, such as mobile Unlimited Tanning Used Macintosh Pertorma 6110. CD. ntt ut CokM. ciecd. rehfion. ruiioml oiifin. Kinko's and Dairy Queen next to the rail- refrigerated salad bars, ice cream MYRTLE BEACH. SC $25 for 1 month, $45 for 2 months New Power PC, complete w/color stylewriter touil oriemuion, ditabilii). imm *s a *ttt • an. o> road tracks. on ihc but* ot any othei kf *ll) protected itatui freezer chests, shelving, stainless steel SPRING BREAK- S75 & UP bulbs. Campus Tanning 352-7889. printer. 2400, CD's & ethernet card. $300 sinks, coffee makers, and other small and WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FEW Babysitter needed in our BG home. obo 372-5549. The BG Ne»> rwenn the nCht to decline, diwon tinue or teviw an) ,»d*enii*meiu tuch M ihoie large pieces of equipment. 1-800-645-3618 GOOD MEN... Tues. & Thurs. mornings from 8:15-9 15 louiid io be delaniMor>. lathing in lattuil l>»i\ Terms: Bursar account, Cash or check Roundtrip to Florida. Buy one ticket, to serve as facilitators for the $5.00'day. Call Karen at 352-2850. miileadutj or lalir in nature All •dvertiieincnii with ID. No goods removed until payment What men need to know about rape air M*N|«I toeditiiif and approval Friend rides free Greyhound 352-2329. made. Statements made sale day take program This unique program is Dancers wanted - Toledo's newest club For Rent precedence over pnnled material. SPRING BREAK 2000 facilitated BY men FOR men and Part-time and Full-time PANAMA CITY BEACH FLORIDA FROM| SALES TAX WILL BE COLLECTED. discusses issues ol sexual assault and No exp necessary, will train ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS. $149 PER PERSON SANDPIPER rape. EDUCATE your peers and help 419-476-6640 "Houses, Apts., Rooms 00-01 S.Y." Campus Events BEACON BEACH RESORT, THE "FUN OWNER: make your campus a better place! For Hiring immediately for third shift, full & Houses; 916 3rd St.. 6 bed.-new carpet PLACE"! HOME OF THE WORLD'S BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY more information, call 372-0470 or stop part time, insurance benefits, commission 307 1/2 E. Reed-3BR. washer/dryer LARGEST KEG PARTY. DRINK DRAFT ii!iiiiinj»»#j*#ff# !!!!!!!!!!! Inventory Management by the Wellness Connection to pick up an Apply @ BP on Wooster. 211 E Reed, Up or Down-New Carpel For information, Contact BEER ALL WEEK LONG. TIKI BEACH 326 Leroy Up or Down application at 170 Health Center Interim Executive Recruiting currently has Spice up Materials Handling BAR ENTERTAINMENT BY BOOGIE 321 E. Merry #D-New Flooring Worried about pregnancy9? an exciting opportunity for an individual your Personal Ad (419)372-2121 INCORPORATED BIKINI CONTESTS. Apartments; 311-316 E. Merry, 2-Bed Eififi Pregnancy Tests Confidential and seeking experience in the Human Re- MALE HARD BODY CONTESTS, 3 AND MORE Call 353-0325 9-9. with a CailQS 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center sources/Marketing fields The selected Chinese New Year Party POOLS, LAZY RIVER RIDE, WATER Listings 24 hrs. 316 E. Merry *3 candidate will be assisting in the recruit- Display Personal!! (Year ot the Dragon) SLIDE, HUGE BEACHFRONT HOT www bgnews com www ment process for a local Big-3 automotive Place: St. Mark's Lutheran Church TUB, MINI GOLF, GIFT SHOP, SUITES 1,2,3 Bedroom Apts. manufacturer. This individual must be (315 S College) UP TO 10 PEOPLE From only Add a photo or Looking for o post issue of able to work a minimum of 24 hours per Time: 6:30pm. Feb. 5, 2000 (Saturday) 1-800-488-8828 $425 the BG NEWS? week. All interested candidates are en- special artwork Sponsor: Chinese Student and Scholar WWW.SANDPIPERBEACON.COM Private Entrance couraged to respond ASAP via e-mail at: for as low Association Spring Break 2000! South Padre Island Patio Checkout the && News archives on [email protected] Spacious Kitchen as $15 or $20!" Co-Sponsor: Chinese Club A'WW p rentals com'sc'inalnjaji (Authentic Chinese food and the web at: Lawn Specialists Small Pets Welcome! entertainmenl) Tru Green Chemlawn is looking to add a Varsity Square Apts. Deadline 2 days Ticket Sale: 10:30am to 2:00pm. Feb. I, 2 WWW.B6NEWS.COM few good specialists to our team. Please 353-7715 call Jeff Utz @ 874-3575 or come in and prior by 4:00pm. (Tuesday and Wednesday) at 3-4 sublsrs. needed for house less than 2 Off-Campus Student Center, Moseley Personals www bgnews com www bgnews com apply at Tru Green Chemlawn. 12401 blocks from campus. May 7-Aug. 15. Hall (Ground Level) Eckel Rd., Perrysburg, OH. $800/mo Call 353-2402. Stop in @ 204 West Hall Lifeguards and Beach Vendors A Attention A Apts for 2000-2001 school year Call 372-6977 Senior Portraits Needed in Last Chance B QBEEKS B North Myrtle Beach 1 to 3 person - 12 mo. leases only for more information Steve Smith 352-8917 or 367-8666 Senior Portraits X We now X For the Summer Season. No calls after 8pm You can't delay any longer. Carl Wolf a have Greek A Wanted Will tram, no experience Studio is now on campus taking senior necessary! Fill out an application at ITS BURSARABLE!! E letters for GEORGETOWN MANOR portraits for the final time this year. E 800 3rd St. [email protected] 354-9740. Portraits are taken in the yearbook office * your personal 1 subleaser needed May to August. Orcall{B43)-272-3259 FALL 2000/2001. Now leasing. in 28 West Hall (basement) from 10am- r ads! $207/month + gas and electric. 2 BR. 1 r 1/2 bath, spacious. 372-3575 Racheal. Local printer looking for pt. time help in 1 bdrm starts $395 & etec/free heat 6pm daily. Portraits taken in dress clothes H $1 extra II computer graphics. Adobe illustrator, 2 bdrm starts $545 & elec/tree heal. 1-2 f. sublsrs. needed No sec. dep. Furn and cap and gown, which Ihe studio pro- 1 per line of 1 Quark, Mac Operating System Flexible W/D facil., AC. parking/walk -in closet. vides Call 372-8634 to schedule a sitting 2 bdrm. apt $275 mo per person plus K Greek letters. K times during business hrs 8am-4:30pm. furn./unfurn. renovated, quiet. No pets. Don't be loft out of Ihe special 2000 Key gas & elec. 610 2nd St. »D. Avail, immed Mon-Fri Contact Cynthia @ 354-8717. Yearbook! A Stop in @ A Lease Aug 2000. Kim at 353-8259. Houses for rent: All 12 month leases, ten- [ECCA Now hiring part time or full time Management Inc. M 204 West Hall M Female subleaser needed ASAP ants pay utilities, security deposit & pa- N to place your ad N Own room, close to campus, modern for evenings. Casey's Hamburgers rental guarantees PALL OPENINGS apartment, only $243/mth + 1/3 utilities. 1025 N. Main, 352-9113. 730 Elm-2 BR, $475/mo. avail. May 1 Attention Juniors, Mortar Board Honor Call Erin or Jill 354-8607, if no answer call 316 Ridge(Front) -2 BR, $600 Cinemark Theatres Society is now accepting applications. Persons needed Thursdays 4-8pm and Elizabeth 354-6055. avail. May 23 Pick up/drop o(f your application at 405 will continue for extended SUMMER ^!E^CA dland 217 S College--3 BR. $630 avail May 23 H CINEMA 5 l°,? Saddlemire. MENI MEN! MEN! hours to work with autistic child in Oregon Management Inc. Are you interested in becoming a home. Call 419-693-7669. Phone 352-2330 or 354-2854 Hillsdalf Apts. 10X2 Fairview, jg[ 1234 N. Main St. 354-0558., Contidentlal Eating Disorder Group presenter to olher men on issues of after 5:00pm. 0 Women at all stages ot recovery sexual assault? The Northwest Community Corrections 1-2 bedroom. 1/2- 12 mo. The Galaxy Quest (PG) Houses, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments group support & encouragement Call 372-0470 or pick up an application in Center is accepting applications for Part Leases Start at $380. Beginning of May of 2000 !»_ 11:50 2:10 4 30730950 confidential interactive discussions. the Wellness Connection at time cooks for weekends (may include Call 353-5800 352-7454 Every Tuesday 7-8:30pm 170 Health Center! some weekdays) $7 47 per hour For The Hurricane (R) Women's Center, Hanna Hall 108 more information, please contact NWCCC Now leasing for summer & fall. fc^_ 12:00 4 00 7 00 10 00 Roommate needed, own bedroom & bath, Student Health Service, Judy Miller at 1740 E. Gypsy Lane Rd. Bowling 601 3rd St.. 704 5th St.. 710 7th St 372-7425 tor more info. spacious. Call 354-8513. Green, Ohio 43402, or call 419/354-7444. The Green Mile (H) Call 352-3445. Management Inc. Subleaser needed. Single apt, 1 bdrm., EOE 12:30 4.15 7 50 Congratulations to Leigh Kobzowicz on One room w/kitchenette for 1 female Evergreen Apts. 2151;. Poe. your pearling to Craig! bathroom, living room & kitchen for spring Telephone interviewing. NO SALES. Re- and/or summer. 352-4651. (shared bath), $220, util. ind.. furnished. Studios I bdnn. laundry on site. Bicentennial Man (PG) Love, your sisters of Delta Gamma laxed atmosphere, flexible scheduling. In E Reed St.. 352-1968. Starts at S250 12:10 4 10 7 10 10 10 HEY BO MEN... Subleaser wanted 2 bedroom, spacious Perrysburg 874-5842. Several select 4 bdrm houses close to Would you like to be a facilitator for the apartment. Off road parking. Call 354- Toledo's newest upscale Call 353-581 Stuart Little (PG) What men need to know about rape 6036 for info. Japanese Restaurant Yoko, is looking campus for 00-01, off street park. 12 mo. lease. Gas & air. 353-2382 after 4 p.m. 12:20 2:20 4 20 7 20 9 40 program? For more information, call Two roommates neeoed for 00-"01 for highly motivated, energetic staff for its CA "Sorry No Passes 372-0470 or pick up an application in the school year. Great house near campus. grand opening. All positions Kitchen staff, Subleasers needed. 2 BR-1 1/2 bath, tur- Management Inc. Wellness Connection at $180/mo. Lease needs to be signed im- host/hostess, bussers, call for interview nished. 841 8th St. May lOth-Aug. 12. "Admission $5.25 Matinees $3.25 170 Health Center mediately. 354-7604. Ask for Tony. 872-5586 $415/mo. * deposit. Call 372-2924. Blue House 120 N. Prospect 2 .Times listed n bold are lor Saturday & Sunday only bdnn. close to downtown & ''v.y.wr.Ti.iH^-t-ini campus, starts at S650 Call 353-5800 r ^JE^CA EXPRESS No Union? ^ Management Inc. 0O00Q AX PLACE Heinz Site 726 N. Enterprise I bdnn BRAND NEW Starts at S-400 S*wf *m *»• mi i * ■ mm MMMM * M A m IM l ATTENTION BGS3 m«gr,»oi»Bmmmt'mar>tCMtiUMMM*>FfMI>*WfcCU>Mt«M electronic filing fees with VO Management Inc. ■ —^ Till Willow House 830 Fourth St., Panama $139 your B.G.S.U. student I.D. at ...For Studying Midnight I bdnn. Remodeled. City- lufnim. Hoixw i* $**** t wti Fast Cash / Express tax place ...Being With Friends Starts at S400 Florida $149 ...Healthy Food ' **m • Oatma. SM» tact) CMM 6M* ...Not Soup & Drinks Money Order 5<£ ALSO: S.Mdy Sandwiches, and Desserts Cancun & Jamaica $439 354-JAVA Management Inc. t MOM • M . m*. hm food 1X Wi * Q*i— 1068 N. MAIN ST. - Our 13th Year! SHT hv our office Jl IIM5 N. Miln SI NEXT TO KROGER PLAZA J26E.Woosten lot .omplclc inllni or (all JJJ-MOO. .. „ ., ., t ri, r ..i - ni. . . i 1-800-678-6386 354-2300 7 I i