W 327-H

Create a “Brown Special”

Make your lunchtime “special” by brown bagging your midday . A packed can be a great way to trim your waist and your budget. can have huge portions and extra calories that can really pack on the extra pounds. Plus, they can easily cost around $10 or more. Over the of a month, the extra calories and dollars really add up.

Make Lunch Time Special Your lunchtime is a time for you to relax and Excitement in a Bag replenish your body, so make sure your is How do you make the lunch you pack at home just attractive. If you are preparing a , take as exciting as a restaurant meal? Fill your brown the food out of the and place it bag with variety! Change up your . For on a real plate along with the extra side item you example, build your sandwich with an assortment packed. Creating a meal that looks great will help of whole-grain breads, pitas and wraps. Then make the meal feel homemade and will make your choose lean fillings like sliced eggs, tuna, low-fat meal more satisfying. Don’t just stop with a nice cheese or lean meats. Jazz up your looking plate; make sure to move away from your with cool, crisp greens, sliced cucumbers, onions desk or work area for a pleasant change of scenery and tomatoes. and time to recharge.

Not Just Sandwiches Leftovers to the Rescue There are several easy options other than sand- Leftovers can definitely enhance your lunchtime wiches to keep your lunch exciting. Soups and experience. Take the leftover idea a bit further frozen meals can be healthy, inexpensive choices, and plan for lunchtime portions when you especially if you stock up when they are on sale. meals. You can even cook in bulk over the Choose the healthier versions of these to weekend by a big pot of chili, soup or rice keep the calories, fat and sodium low. Don’t feel and beans. These foods can then be divided into limited to what is packed in the can or box. Add individual portions that are ready to quickly pack a side salad or a piece of fruit to make sure you for your work day lunch. Add some fresh carrots, have a full, inviting meal. celery and pepper strips for some cool crunch in your lunch. 10 Ideas for an Exciting, Tasty, Inexpensive Packed Lunch 1. Turkey or ham sandwich on whole-wheat 6. One cup tuna macaroni salad (made with tuna bread, one small piece of fruit, cucumbers and packed in water, whole-wheat pasta and broccoli with low-fat dip. light mayo), side salad with light salad dress- 2. Green salad with tuna or chicken breast, light ing, one small piece fresh fruit. salad dressing, 10 whole-wheat crackers, 6 7. Spinach salad with grilled chicken breast, light ounces light yogurt. salad dressing, 1 cup berries, 6 ounces light 3. Low-fat chicken salad (see recipe below) in yogurt, one slice whole-wheat bread. a whole-wheat pita pocket, ½ cup low-fat 8. Healthy frozen dinner, one small piece fresh cottage cheese with 1 cup strawberries. fruit, side salad with light dressing. 4. One cup bean soup, side salad with low-fat 9. One cup whole-wheat pasta salad with chick- dressing, five whole-wheat crackers, 1 peas and veggies of choice (use light Italian cup melon. dressing), one small piece fresh fruit. 5. Turkey wrap (made with whole-wheat tortilla, 10. Asian chicken salad (grilled chicken breast, lettuce, light mayo, tomato and veggies of lettuce, peapods, carrots, ½ cup mandarin choice), ½ cup sugar-free pudding. orange slices packed in juice, drained), low-fat sesame dressing, one medium whole-wheat roll. Toasted Almond Chicken Salad 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 14.5-ounce cans fat-free, reduced-sodium chicken broth ½ cup fresh celery, chopped 15 grapes, sliced in half ¼ cup almond slivers, toasted 1 / 3 cup light mayonnaise 2 tablespoons plain, fat-free yogurt ½ teaspoon salt Dash ground black pepper 10 slices whole-wheat bread or 5 pita pockets

1. Place chicken breasts in a large saucepan over medium heat. Pour chicken broth over chicken breasts and bring to a low simmer for 20 minutes or until done. Drain meat. Allow chicken to cool, then shred with fork.

2. In a medium bowl, combine remaining ingredients, except bread, and mix well.

3. Add chicken to mixture and toss well to coat. Divide the chicken salad into 5 equal portions.

4. Top 1 slice of toasted wheat bread with one portion of chicken salad. Top with another slice of bread. Repeat for remaining 4 sandwiches.

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ag.tennessee.edu 15-0153 3/15 This Family and Consumer Sciences program is funded in part by an agreement with Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program; University of Ten- nessee Extension; the Tennessee Department of Human Services; USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); SNAP-Ed; and Tennessee Nu- trition and Consumer Education Program. Tennessee’s SNAP provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact your local Department of Human Services Office or call 1-866-311-4287 (toll-free) or visit the web-site. Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development. University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.