ISSN: 2474-3682 Ibarrola. Clin Med Img Lib 2021, 7:162 DOI: 10.23937/2474-3682/1510162 Volume 7 | Issue 1 Clinical Medical Image Library Open Access

IMAGE ARTICLE Myocardial Bridges a Forgotten Condition: A Review Martín Ibarrola, MD*

Centro Cardiovascular BV, General Cardiology, Argentina Check for updates *Corresponding author: Martín Ibarrola, MD, Centro Cardiovascular BV, General Cardiology, Argentina

Abstract Introduction Myocardial Bridging (MB) is a congenital anomaly in which The first reference of MB was Reymann, H, the an- a segment of a coronary artery takes a “tunneled” intramus- atomically description Published in the Dissertationem cular course under a “bridge” of overlying myocardium. The inauguralem De Vasis Cordis Propriis, written in Latin, first reference of MB in , the association with and anatomically as referred by Reyman in described anatomically the presence of MB in a descrip- 1737. Considered a “benign” finding since the myocardi- tion and their relationship with angina in 1937. When al bridge causes coronary artery narrowing during systole noted this anatomy in human heart. Described was a therefore myocardial bridges should not compromise blood congenital variant of a coronary artery in which a por- supply to the musculature during diastole. The Left Anterior Descending coronary (LAD) is the most frequently affected tion of an epicardial coronary artery (most frequently vessel (70% in an autopsy series) and in some cases hearts the middle segment of the LAD takes an intramuscular contain more than one bridge, affecting the same vessel or course [1]. The relation of MB in coronary arteries and different coronaries. presence of angina was described by Black S in 1796 [2]. MB also has been associated with angina, myocardial infarc- An in-depth analysis of autopsy samples was presented tion, , depressed left ventricular function, left bun- by Geiringer E, et al. in 1951 [3]. In 1960 Porstmann W dle branch block, myocardial stunning, apical ballooning syn- drome, early death after cardiac transplantation, and sudden publish “The mural coronary” described abnormal find- death. The MB is a clinical condition with several possible ing of MB in the angiographic study [4]. In 1961, Po- manifestations, and its clinical relevance is debated. lacek was the first to use the term “myocardial bridge” The classification used for decision making proposal for when described these formations calling them as MB, Schwarz based on Clinical-Angiographic Data and Long- referred occur in 85.7% of all hearts; the occurrence is Term Follow-Up, with angiographic finding and relationship more frequent in the region of the left coronary artery with symptoms only in MB over the LAD. The new technolo- gies as intravascular ultrasound and valuation in Fractional in a study of 70 patients [5] (Figure 1). flow reserve or Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiogra- The MB in a study of is a clinical condition with sev- phy (CCTA) they allow to visualize the coronary anatomy with more precision and better visualization of MB not only eral possible manifestations, and its clinical relevance in LAD besides that study in another arteries (branch arter- is debated. Kramer J described in 1974 the clinical sig- ies), not only in LAD and correlate the symptoms with these nificance of isolated coronary MB such has benign and findings. frequent condition involving the left anterior descend- Congenital coronary anomalies detected by CCTA com- ing artery in asymptomatic patients without angina and pared to invasive coronary are evidenced in presence of MB in angiographic study [6]. studies. A new terminology and assessment to studies are necessary according to current technologies. The assess- In a study of coronary angiograms of 64 heart trans- ment and implications of MB not only in the main arteries plant patients were reviewed by Wymore P to deter- (LAD), but also in the branches of the coronary arteries. mine the incidence of myocardial bridges. Only in 33% Keywords of these patients, myocardial bridges were detected, al- Myocardial bridging, Tunneled artery, Coronary angiography, most exclusively across the mid portion of the left ante- Ultrasound, Cardiac computed tomography angiography rior descending coronary artery. This is an evidence for

Citation: Ibarrola M (2021) Myocardial Bridges a Forgotten Condition: A Review. Clin Med Img Lib 7:162. Accepted: January 28, 2021; Published: January 30, 2021 Copyright: © 2021 Ibarrola M. This is an open-access content distributed under the terms of the Cre- ative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Ibarrola. Clin Med Img Lib 2021, 7:162 • Page 1 of 8 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-3682/1510162 ISSN: 2474-3682

Figure 1: Illustration depicting normal coronary artery anatomy in LAD, deep MB and shallow MB in LAD. LAD: Left Anterior Descendent Artery; MB: Myocardial Bridge.

In a meta-analysis in MB were included 2519 ar- ticles and analyzed 21 articles of these. The presence of MB led to a significantly increased risk for Major Ad- verse Coronary Events (MACE) - OR = 1.53(1.01-2.30), p < 0.001 and myocardial ischemia [15]. Morphology MB represent an anomaly of coronary artery flow in which the branches flowing subepicardial descend into the myocardium more shallow or deeper, and after a shorter or longer intramyocardial flow, it reappears in the subepicardial tissue. Bundles of myocardial fibers, which in the form of small bridges, pass over the cor- responding part of the coronary artery (“tunnel” seg- ment), are marked as the MB [16]. Myocardial bridges are most commonly localized in the middle segment of the LAD, in other reports the anatomical variant of ra- mus intermedius artery presents MB [6,11]. Diagonal Figure 2: Cardiac computed tomography angiography. and marginal branches may be involved in 18% and 40% LMA, without lesions; LAD artery, without atherosclerotic of cases [17]. Also has reported the presence of multiple lesions, with a deep intramyocardial course up to 16.6 myocardial bridges and left ventricular dysfunction and mm (MB); Fist DB, with intramyocardial course (MB); LCx, first diagonal without lesions with intramyocardial left , in a patient with angina and course in distal third (MB). RI, of moderate size with two positive stress test [11] (Figure 2). rams intramyocardial course (MB) in middle third. RCA, dominant without lesions. These are distinguished between two types of bridg- ing: Superficial bridges (75% of cases) crossing the ar- LMA: Indicates Left Main Coronary Artery; LAD: Left Anterior Descending; DB: Diagonal Branch; LCx, left tery perpendicularly or at an acute angle toward the circumflex; RI: Ramus Intermedius; RCA: Right Coronary apex, and muscle bundles arising from the right ventric- Artery. MB: Myocardial Bridge. ular apical trabeculae (25% of cases) that cross the LAD transversely, obliquely, or helically before terminating the poor angiography for the diagnostic of MB except in in the interventricular septum [18] Figure 3. the LAD [7]. Pathophysiology and Relationship with -Ath The MB is a clinical condition with several possible erosclerosis manifestations. Also has been associated with angina, Only 15% of coronary blood flow occurs during sys- [8] , [9] arrhythmia, [10] depressed tole, and because myocardial bridging is a systolic find- left ventricular function, , [11] ing in angiography. Obviously, this allows only to recog- myocardial stunning, [12], apical ballooning syndrome, nize the muscle bridges in the main coronary arteries. In [13] early death after cardiac transplantation, and sud- coronary angiograms MB are to be detected indirectly, den death [14]. based on the systolic reduction of lumen. The tachy-

Ibarrola. Clin Med Img Lib 2021, 7:162 • Page 2 of 8 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-3682/1510162 ISSN: 2474-3682

Figure 3: Additional analysis of the LAD MB in Figure 2 with CTTA. a) Cross-sectional view of intramyocardial course in LAD and View of an intramyocardial course in LAD (16.6 mm); Longitudinal view of intramyocardial course in LAD. LAD: Left anterior descending; MB: Myocardial bridge; CCTA: Cardiac computed tomography angiography. cardia may worsen because of a decrease in mid-LAD. The presence of MB significantly contributes diastolic filling time and in coronary flow reserve [19]. to low wall shear stress and endothelial dysfunction re- MB have been described as superficial or deep on the lationship. It recognized the relation in alteration in va- basis of: a) They range from 0.3 to 28 mm in depth, b) soactive agent and wall shear stress in endothelial dys- Anatomically they consist of either superficial myocar- function and development of atherosclerotic lesions by dial fibers that traverse over the LAD or deep fibers that abnormal function in the endothelium of coronary ves- encircle the LAD [5,7], and c) Bridges > 5 mm deep are sel and promotes the vasospasm artery and presence of less amenable to surgical myotomy. The hemodynamic angina without atherosclerotic lesions [24]. impact of myocardial bridging depends on the thickness The segment proximal to the bridge in LAD frequent- and length of the bridge, the orientation of the bridge ly shows atherosclerotic plaque formation, although the relative to myocardial fibers, and the presence of loose tunneled segment is typically spared [16]. Because low connective or adipose tissue around the bridged- seg shear stress may contribute to atherosclerotic plaque ment [18,20]. formation proximal to the bridge, whereas high shear Coronary artery spasm, first described by Prinzmet- stress may have a protective role within the tunneled al, is not an uncommon and has been recognized as an segment [25]. Plaque formation is related to the fac- important cause of in patients with normal or tors described, but additionally to the atherogenic risk non- significant obstructive coronary artery and the as- factors of the patient. The presence of MB is a proath- sociation of this with MB was also reported [21]. Physio- erogenic process but is related to the patient’s age and logic evaluation of myocardial bridging performed with coronary risk factors. This is evidential by Schwarz E per- dobutamine and evaluated the Fractional flow reserve, formed a study in patients with chest pain, angiographic evidenced such as dobutamine increased the morpho- MB of the left anterior descending artery without ob- logic and functional severity of MB [22]. structive . Patients were evalu- ated for clinical symptoms, objective signs of ischemia The same relationship between alterations in the by stress test, intracoronary Doppler flow measurement immunohistochemical expression of three vasoactive and coronary flow reserve. Coronary flow reserve was agents endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS), en- significantly higher proximally (2.9 ± 0.9) compared dothelin-1 (ET-1), and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme with segments distal to the MB (2.0 ± 0.6, p < 0.01). (ACE) and the occurrence human atherosclerosis was MB classification for symptomatic patients with MB: investigated in relation to the MB of the Left Anterior Type A: Incidental finding on angiography, no objective Descending coronary artery (LAD), an anatomical site signs of ischemia; Type B: Objective signs of ischemia, that experiences increased shear stress [23]. This is a and Type C: With or without objective signs of ischemia phenomenon relationship with development of in ath- and altered intracoronary hemodynamics (by QCA/CFR/ erosclerotic lesions in MB, but it’s as associated too intracoronary Doppler). Types B and C responded well with endothelial dysfunction in patients with angina to β-blockers or calcium channel antagonists. Patients and non-obstructive coronary artery disease. Patients with type C refractory to medical therapy were treated with MB and endothelial dysfunction had lower WSS in with stenting of the MB [26]. the proximal LAD and greater wall shear stress in the

Ibarrola. Clin Med Img Lib 2021, 7:162 • Page 3 of 8 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-3682/1510162 ISSN: 2474-3682

Imaging Techniques for Diagnostic and Study demonstrated that vessel compression within the myo- of MB cardial bridge is not solely a systolic event but persists throughout a large portion of diastole, can MB proximal The historic gold standard for diagnosing myocardial and distal pressure measurements [30]. bridges is Coronary Angiography (CA) with the typical milking effect and a step down-step up phenomenon in- MB can also be visualized with the use of novel non- duced by systolic compression of the tunneled segment invasive imaging techniques such as Electron Beam To- [27]. In coronary angiograms MB are to be detected in- mography (EBT) and Cardiac Computed Tomography directly, based on the systolic reduction of lumen and Angiography (CCTA) (Figure 4 and Figure 5). the milking effect may be missed. The limited frequency The CCTA has as a non-invasive alternative for evalu- of myocardial bridging observed angiographically (0.5% ation of coronary anatomy with a lower referral thresh- to 16%) is in contrast with that of autopsy studies, which old than coronary angiography. Ghadri J, et al. per- have reported a frequency of 40-80% [27,28]. The new formed a study with the analysis in morphological fea- imaging techniques such as Intracoronary Ultrasonog- tures of coronary anomalies can be evaluated more pre- raphy (IVUS) allow an accurate assessment of vascular cisely by CCTA than by CA, which might lead to a higher anatomy. With Doppler studies, the coronary flow re- identification of congenital coronary anomalies in CCTA serve measured proximal to the myocardial bridge was compared to CA. The prevalence of coronary anoma- normal or slightly reduced and that distal to the bridge lies was 7.9% in CCTA group and 2.1% in CA (p < 0.01). was impaired. With the low rate of diagnosis referred The most commonly coronary anomaly detected by by angiography the IVUS, it’s an excellent method for CCTA was myocardial bridging 42.8% and with CA 21.2% studying MB, but not for routine diagnosis of these (p < 0.01). The authors concluded that the prevalence [29]. When intracoronary Doppler imaging was used, of coronary anomalies is substantially higher with CCTA a characteristic early diastolic fingertip phenomenon than CA even after exclusion of patients with myocar- was observed, but studies performed are only in MB of dial bridging which is more frequently found with CCTA the LAD. With intravascular ultrasonography, it can be [31]. The CCTA has seen substantial technical advances

Figure 4: Cardiac multislice angiotomography. Coronary artery calcium score was 0. Left anterior descending artery without atherosclerotic lesions. (A) Showed in Ramus intermedius artery of moderate size with a deep intramyocardial course (MB); (B) The first diagonal artery without atherosclerotic lesions with intramyocardial course in distal third (MB). Circumflex artery, without lesions Right coronary artery dominant without lesions. MB: Myocardial Bridge.

Ibarrola. Clin Med Img Lib 2021, 7:162 • Page 4 of 8 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-3682/1510162 ISSN: 2474-3682

Figure 5: Additional analysis of the myocardial bridge in the ramus intermedius artery and first diagonal artery showed in Figure 4 with CTTA. Cross-sectional view in an extended intramyocardial course (MB) in RI artery (51.9 mm); and in the first diagonal artery. CCTA: Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography; MB: Myocardial Bridge; RI: Ramus Intermedius

Figure 6: Coronary computed tomography angiography. Calcium score was 0. Showed presence of ectopic left circumflex coronary artery. The presence of Myocardial Bridges (MB) in ramus intermedius artery, and MB in the first diagonal branch artery (asterisk). The presence of ectopic left circumflex coronary artery (Cx in green) arising from the proximal part of the right coronary artery (RCA) and single Right Coronary Ostium (RCO). MB: Myocardial Bridge

Ibarrola. Clin Med Img Lib 2021, 7:162 • Page 5 of 8 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-3682/1510162 ISSN: 2474-3682 over the last decade, particularly regarding spatial reso- and surgical myotomy [38]. Surgical treatment with dis- lution and an impressive reduction in radiation dose ex- section of the overlying myocardium should be limited posure [32]. The CCTA is considered the primary imag- to patients with symptoms that persist despite medical ing modality to detect and characterize the anatomy of treatment. Good clinical results have been reported in a a Coronary Artery Anomalies (CAA). It has a higher rate small series of patients, although serious complications of detection of CAA than invasive coronary angiogra- such as right ventricular perforation and left ventricular phy and other noninvasive imaging modalities, because aneurysm are possible [39]. In the 2018 the Guideline three-dimensional visualization of the entire coronary for the Management of Adults with Congenital Heart tree allows accurate depiction of the origin, course and Disease, published by Stout K, et al. in the section of ending of the coronary vessels [33]. Whenever knowl- Coronary Anomalies and Anomalous Coronary Artery edge of the anatomy of the cardiac vessels is crucial, Evaluation, relate to the Clinical Importance of anoma- CCTA represents a highly valuable noninvasive modality lous aortic origin of the coronary artery and Risk of SCD because of its capability to visualize the coronary arter- [40]. Referred intramural course of coronary artery ies accurately and three-dimensionally, yielding a high- into context of this coronary anomaly, but don´t have er detection rate over invasive coronary angiography any mention a recommendation about the presence of Figure 6 and Figure 7. Because of its noninvasive nature, study in presence of MB. relatively low cost and low radiation exposure, a further increase of the utilization of CCTA may be expected, Additional large multicenter clinical databases are which may consequently be paralleled by an increasing required to evaluate the long-term efficacy of different absolute number of incidentally detected CAA [31]. If treatments. necessary, the prospective studies for the evaluation of Conclusions incidental findings and prognosis. Myocardial bridging is generally considered to be Therapeutic Approaches a benign condition, it has been proposed as a cause Medical treatment of MB is described and includes of angina-like chest pain, coronary spasm, myocardial β-blockers with decrease the and increase ischemia, acute coronary syndromes, left ventricular diastolic time, with a decrease in contractility and com- dysfunction, stunning, left bundle branch block and ar- pression of the coronary arteries [19]. Calcium channel rhythmias, and even sudden cardiac death. Myocardial blockers and stents [34]. The frequency of in-stent rest- bridging must be considered especially in patients at enosis requiring target vessel revascularization was 36% low risk for coronary atherosclerosis but with angina, and high inflation pressures may be required for opti- like chest pain or established myocardial ischemia. The mal stent implantation, with a higher risk of coronary best image for the study MB is the CCTA, they use in perforation [35]. Nitrates generally should be avoided patient with symptoms or conditions associated with because they increase the angiographic degree of sys- MB are useful. If necessary, a registry for the inciden- tolic narrowing and can lead to worsening of the symp- tal finding of MB in the CCTA and long term follow up. toms [36]. The invasive treatment such as minimally Medical therapy with beta-blockers and calcium chan- invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), [37] nel blockers remain the mainstay of treatment. For se-

Figure 7: Analysis of the ectopic Cx showed in the Figure 6 with CTTA. (A) Longitudinal view shows the course of anomalous aortic origin of a Cx arising from the inappropriate sinus (right coronary sinus) (green arrow); (B) Longitudinal view shows the course of Cx goes backward and to the left, circling the aorta from behind, then passing between the posterior aortic wall and the anterior right atrial wall. LCx: Left Circumflex artery; RCA: Right Coronary Artery; Cx: Circumflex Artery; CCTA: Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography

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