OCTEMBER 18, 2019

Jones Named House Education Chair; House Makes Other Committee Changes

Among a multitude of committee changes announced Friday by Speaker (R- Glenford), Rep. Don Jones (R-Freeport) was named chairman of the House Primary and Secondary Education Committee. Rep. (R-Waynesfield) was named vice- chair.

Householder also announced the other following committee changes:

- Aging and Long-Term Care: Appoint Rep. D.J. Swearingen (R-Port Clinton) as vice-chair; appoint Rep. (R-Harrison); remove Rep. (R-Fremont).

- Agriculture and Rural Development: Appoint Rep. (R-Winchester); remove Rep. (R-).

- Civil Justice: Appoint Rep. (R-Sylvania); remove Rep. (R-Grove City).

- Commerce and Labor: Appoint Abrams; remove Rep. Anthony DeVitis (R-Green).

- Economic and Workforce Development: Appoint Rep. Jason C. Stephens (R- Kitts Hill); remove DeVitis.

- Federalism: Appoint Reps. (R-Defiance) and (R-Middletown); remove Rep. Doug Green (R- Mt. Orab).

- Finance: Appoint Rep. (R-Perrysburg).

- Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education: Appoint Ghanbari.

- Financial Institutions: Appoint Reps. Merrin and (D-Cincinnati).

- Health: Appoint Rep. (R-Nashport); remove Rep. Mark Romanchuk (R- Mansfield).

- Higher Education: Appoint Abrams.

FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 1 - Primary and Secondary Education: Appoint Reps. (R-Richfield) and Stephens.

- Public Utilities: Appoint Abrams.

- State and Local Government: Appoint Stephens as vice-chair; appoint Swearingen; remove Rep. (R-Salem).

- Ways and Means: Appoint Stephens; remove Reps. Reineke and (R- Westerville).

Ohio Unemployment Rises Slightly in September; State Loses 1,500 Jobs

Ohio's unemployment rate was 4.2 percent in September 2019, up from 4.1 percent in August, according to new figures released Friday by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) as the state's nonagricultural wage and salary employment decreased 1,500 over the month, from a revised 5,592,700 in August to 5,591,200 in September 2019.

ODJFS said the number of workers unemployed in Ohio in September was 243,000, up 5,000 from 238,000 in August. The number of unemployed has decreased by 20,000 in the past 12 months from 263,000. The September unemployment rate for Ohio decreased from 4.6 percent in September 2018.

The U.S. unemployment rate for September was 3.5 percent, down from 3.7 percent in August, and down from 3.7 percent in September 2018.

According to figures released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Ohio was one of 39 states that had little or no change in its unemployment rate over the month. Unemployment rates were lower in September in seven states and higher in four states. Nonfarm unemployment increased in three states over the month, decreased in two, and was essentially unchanged in 45 states and the District of Columbia.

Vermont had the lowest unemployment rate in September at 2.2 percent, while Alaska had the highest rate at 6.2 percent. In total, 15 states had unemployment rates lower than the national unemployment rate, 14 states and the District of Columbia had higher rates, and 21 states had rates that were not appreciably different from the national rate.

The most job gains occurred in Kentucky (+8,200, or +0.4 percent), Idaho (+4,600, or +0.6 percent), and Hawaii (+4,500, or +0.7 percent). Employment decreased in September in Virginia (-14,700, or -0.4 percent) and New Hampshire (-3,500, or -0.5 percent).

In Ohio, ODJFS said goods-producing industries, at 926,600, lost 3,000 jobs from August as losses in construction (-1,700) and manufacturing (-1,400) exceeded gains in mining and logging (+100). The private service-providing sector, at 3,885,300, added 4,400 jobs. Employment gains in leisure and hospitality (+2,400), trade, transportation, and utilities (+1,900), other services (+1,000), and financial activities (+800) outpaced losses in educational and health services

FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 2 (-1,000), professional and business services (-600), and information (-100). Government employment, at 779,300, decreased 2,900 with losses in state (-1,800), federal (-600), and local (-500) government.

From September 2018 to September 2019, nonagricultural wage and salary employment grew 23,100. Employment in goods-producing industries decreased 5,500. Manufacturing added 1,800 jobs in nondurable goods (+1,700) and durable goods (+100). Construction lost 7,600 jobs while mining and logging employment increased 300. Private service-providing industries added 31,100 jobs. Employment gains in leisure and hospitality (+14,100), educational and health services (+12,300), professional and business services (+3,900), other services (+1,600), and financial activities (+1,000) surpassed losses in information (-1,000) and trade, transportation, and utilities (-800). Government employment decreased 2,500 as losses in local (-2,500) and state (-1,000) government outpaced gains in federal government (+1,000).

In analyzing the numbers, Cleveland economist George Zeller said the September 2019 Ohio year-over-year job growth rate, not seasonally adjusted, slowed to a negative level of -0.07 percent, while the September national year-over-year job growth rate, not seasonally adjusted, slowed to 0.38 percent. Ohio's job growth rate has now been below the national average for 89 consecutive months, he said, dating back to June 2012. Revisions to numerous prior months and weak growth last month caused the extension of this trend.

He said Friday's report revised June's numbers downward by 500 seasonally adjusted jobs and by 700 not seasonally adjusted jobs.

The Buckeye Institute's Andrew Kidd said Ohio's job market continues to show conflicting signs, with an unemployment increase in September, but August numbers revised upward by 3,200 private sector jobs.

"Although the unemployment increase is a troubling sign for Ohio families who are searching for, but not finding, new jobs, the job growth number reveals that businesses are still hiring and finding the workers they need. However, these conflicting signals continue to tell the same story -- Ohio's job growth is slowing," he said.

He said there were some positive signs of growth, including the trade, transportation and utilities sector recouping some of the jobs it had lost since December 2018, and the leisure and hospitality sector is up 10,000 new jobs since December. But he also noted that construction and manufacturing continued to lose jobs.

"Of concern for next month's jobs report is the impact of the GM-UAW strike, which this month's manufacturing sector numbers do not reflect. While there appears to be a tentative deal between GM and the union, reports indicate the deal does not include reopening the Lordstown plant. That, and the still unresolved trade war between the U.S. and China, could lead to further job loss in the manufacturing sector and more economic uncertainty," he said.

He urged lawmakers to adopt pro-growth economic policies "that lower taxes for all Ohioans, retrain workers for better jobs, and cut wasteful government spending. These policies will promote economic prosperity for all Ohioans and enable Ohio to better weather the next economic storm."

FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 3 Hannah Halbert of Policy Matters Ohio said Ohio's job market is moving in the wrong direction, with the state losing jobs in five of the last nine months. She also said the GM strike has injected uncertainty into the latest numbers.

"Ohio has been fortunate to ride the coattails of the national recovery, and there are troubling signs that ride may be coming to an end," said Halbert. "State tax cuts for the wealthy haven't spurred the economy but have left us with fewer resources for the basics like affordable higher education. And Ohio's unemployment compensation system still needs to be strengthened and modernized."

She said the numbers "send clear messages about weakness in the Ohio economy. The vast majority of the gains made during the recovery have gone to those who were already well-off. Businesses grew, but the majority of working Ohioans didn't share in that growth. Wages have been slow to grow. It is time to focus on recession-protection policies: extend unemployment insurance to hard-working Ohioans who earn low wages, increase employers' understanding of workshare programs, and make post-secondary education affordable for adults seeking retraining."

Prevent Blindness Warns against Wearing Decorative Contact Lenses for Halloween

The Ohio Affiliate of Prevent Blindness warned against wearing decorative contact lenses as part of Halloween costumes.

The volunteer nonprofit public health organization said that according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, an estimated 45 million people in the U.S. wear contact lenses. Many consumers may not be aware that contact lenses are medical devices and are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Additionally, the FDA states that contact lenses are not over-the-counter (OTC) devices and companies that sell them as such are misbranding the device and violating Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations by selling contact lenses without having a valid prescription.

Cosmetic contacts may be sold illegally online - including on Craigslist or, most recently, via Facebook - or in costume stores, tattoo parlors, beauty supply stores, truck stops, wig shops, gas stations, convenience stores, or thrift stores.

"It's important people understand the risk they're taking when they wear contacts without a prescription," said Prevent Blindness President and CEO Sherry Williams. "Wearing non- prescription contacts just once, like during Halloween, can still cause serious damage. I encourage consumers to buy all contacts, including decorative ones, from a licensed eye care professional. Adding a special effect to your Halloween costume can be fun, but it is not worth risking your eyesight."

Ohio policymakers have a history of protecting consumers from illegal sales of contact lenses. As a U.S. Senator, Gov. Mike DeWine sponsored the legislation that requires consumers to obtain a prescription from a licensed professional to purchase contact lenses, including corrective and non-corrective lenses.

Prevent Blindness said contact lenses are a good option for many to eyeglasses. However, the use of contact lenses also brings a higher risk of infections. Causes may include sleeping in

FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 4 lenses when not approved by an eye doctor, not cleaning the lenses or lens case properly, sharing lenses, or wearing contact lenses during water activities.

"I've seen many young patients who were not aware of the dangers of these products and are now living with permanent vision loss," said Dr. Thomas L. Steinemann, professor of ophthalmology at Case Western Reserve University/MetroHealth Medical Center and a Prevent Blindness volunteer. "Even if the lenses are cosmetic or non-correcting, they are still classified as medical devices and should only be prescribed by an eye care professional."

Ohio Supreme Court Oral Arguments

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019

Youngstown City School District Board of Education et al. v. State of Ohio et al.

(Did Lawmakers Violate Constitution When Approving Takeover of Under-Performing Schools?)


- When a bill before the General Assembly is "vitally altered," does the "three-reading rule" in the Ohio Constitution require three readings of the altered bill?

- Does Article VI, Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution prevent the Legislature from passing a law that transfers "operational, managerial and instructional control" to an academic distress commission that doesn't report to the elected school district board of education?

State of Ohio v. Clinton D. Faggs III

(When Charging Domestic Violence, Must State Prove Parental Discipline Was Unreasonable?)


- In the prosecution of a defendant for domestic violence related to the corporal punishment of a child, does the state have the burden to prove unreasonable parental discipline, or must the defendant prove that the parental discipline was reasonable?

Week in Review-October 14/18, 2019


A three-judge panel of the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Friday upheld a lower federal court decision blocking implementation of 132-HB214 (LaTourette-Merrin), which would impose criminal penalties on doctors who perform an abortion due to the fetus' being diagnosed with Down syndrome. The ruling was 2-1 with Judges Bernice Bouie Donald and R. Guy Cole upholding the March 2018 ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Black. Judge Alice Batchelder dissented.

Anti-abortion groups Tuesday urged the Senate to adopt SB155 (Lehner) that would require doctors to inform pregnant women that a chemical abortion using mifepristone can be reversed,

FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 5 while Democrats on the panel questioned whether the state should be requiring something that has not been fully embraced by the scientific community. The Senate Health, Human Services and Medicaid Committee also heard SB208 (Johnson), which would require reports to be made after a child is born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion, and to establish certain civil or criminal penalties for failing to preserve the health or life of such a child.


U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) told a crowd Monday at the 2019 Recovery Conference that he can go back to Washington D.C. and give examples from Ohio that show federal funding for recovery programs is working. He spoke at the event hosted by the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities (OACBHA).


The ballot campaign to overturn energy subsidies in HB6 (Callender-Wilkin) filed signed affidavits with the U.S. District Court accusing Ohioans for Energy Security's competing campaign of "bribing" circulators with $2,500 payments and free plane tickets to abandon signature gathering, costing Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts more than 50 petition workers to date. Calling it "organized criminal activity," the anti-HB6 campaign told a federal judge Friday that state law diverts significant time and money from signature gathering and "chilled" petition circulators' First Amendment rights in favor of anti-circulators retained by FirstEnergy Solutions (FES). The Ohio Secretary of State's Office countered that petitioners have over-complied with reporting requirements in R.C. 3501.381 "at their own peril," and that state efforts to prevent election fraud justify a "slight burden on core political speech." An attorney for Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts, Curt Hartman of Cincinnati, and counsel for the secretary of state, Assistant Attorney General Bridget Coontz, argued the case before district Judge Edmund Sargus in Columbus.

Then on Monday, Judge Sargus, citing free speech protections and reported "harassment and violence" against petition workers, awarded paid circulators with the anti-HB6 (Callender-Wilkin) ballot campaign a 14-day reprieve from state law requiring those "organizing any effort to obtain signatures" to register with the Ohio Secretary of State's Office.


Policymakers invited child development experts, professionals and parents to the Statehouse Atrium Friday for an Early Childhood Policy Forum seeking input on areas of need in the sphere of publicly-funded child care and early childhood education. Organized by members of the Legislative Children's Caucus and attended by Reps. (D-Columbus) and (D-Westerville), the forum featured speakers as well as policy panels that allowed interested parties to engage with legislative staff in roundtable discussions. Russo told Hannah News she hopes to develop legislation incorporating evidence-based strategies and best practices drawn from the day's conversations.

The Center for Community Solutions (CCS) recently released new fact sheets highlighting the health, economic, civic and educational status of women in Ohio. The fact sheets give information on the status women (often in comparison to men) for all 88 counties in Ohio. Statistics for each county can be found at https://tinyurl.com/yyww72tu.



Despite similar bills' receiving little action in past General Assemblies, the bipartisan House cosponsors of the "Ohio Fairness Act" said the LGBTQ protections bill is ripe for passage this year, given the makeup of the Legislature and newfound support from businesses. Reps. Michael Skindell (D-Lakewood) and (R-Uhrichsville) said their HB369 would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected groups under Ohio's current anti- discrimination law, which prohibits discrimination based on race, sex and disability.


The State Board of Education approved a proposal to expand the number of hours and types of activities future board members could be paid for at their current pay rate. Specifically, all board members could be paid for up to 144 hours of time spent on meeting preparation and constituent services. In addition, board leaders will be able to receive additional compensation, from 36 additional hours for a committee vice chair to 144 additional hours for the board president.

State Superintendent Paolo DeMaria will receive a significant pay increase under a resolution approved Monday by the State Board of Education's Executive Committee, but he will no longer be eligible for a bonus, which members said could not be appropriately awarded with an undefined process. The resolution includes a 2.75 percent raise, consistent with other state employee raises, as well as an "equitable pay adjustment" of $15,215.19 to retroactively make up for market adjustments in the superintendent's base salary. However, a possible $20,000 bonus will no longer be available. Should the full board approve the resolution at its November meeting, the superintendent's salary will be $210,000 per year.

The Senate will not pass a bill that would abolish controversial Academic Distress Commissions (ADCs) without an adequate system to replace them, Senate Education Committee Chair Peggy Lehner (R-Kettering) told members of the State Board of Education Monday. Lehner weighed in on the status of HB154 (Miller-Jones) as it works its way through her committee. The House version of the bill would have dissolved ADCs in favor of a local-control approach. That plan was largely curtailed by changes made in the Senate committee in September.

The Ohio Department of Education said Tuesday the state won $43 million from two competitive federal grants meant to support student literacy programs. Most of the award came from the Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant, which will provide $42 million over five years to establish model literacy sites in preschools and elementary, middle and high schools. The Model Demonstration Projects for Early Identification of Students with Dyslexia Grant, which is providing $1.2 million, will support pilot programs in three model schools serving students in preschool through first grade.

The school funding plan being developed by Reps. Bob Cupp (R-Lima) and John Patterson (D- Jefferson) would cost an additional $267 million per year if phased in over six years, the lawmakers told members of the House Finance Committee on Wednesday. "Let me be perfectly clear. We must consider this as an 'investment in our future,'" Patterson said during sponsor testimony on HB305 (Cupp-Patterson). This first hearing on HB305 came more than three months after the representatives introduced the bill and explained updates to the funding proposal, which has been in the works for a couple years.


FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 7 The hours for the remaining days of absentee, in-person voting at local boards of election are as follows: - Monday - Friday, Oct. 21-25: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Monday - Thursday, Oct. 28-31: 8 a.m.-7 p.m. - Friday, Nov. 1: 8 a.m.-7 p.m. - Saturday, Nov 2: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. - Sunday, Nov 3: 1 p.m.-5 p.m. - Monday, Nov. 4: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.


Tom Young, a Republican member of the Montgomery County Board of Elections, told the Dayton Daily News that he is running for the 42nd House District in 2020. Young told the newspaper that he will resign his post with the board before he officially files to run for the House seat in December. He has previously served on the Wright State University Board of Trustees. He previously sought the seat after the death of Rep. Terry Blair, but Rep. Niraj Antani (R-Miamisburg) was backed by the county Republican Party for the seat instead.


U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) said that President Donald Trump's decision to pull U.S. troops out of Northern Syria was a "mistake," adding that the relatively small number of troops, plus air power, was keeping the region stable. The reduced U.S. presence in the region may have opened up a power vacuum, allowing Turkey and other bodies to seize power, the senator said. Portman told reporters on a conference call Thursday that he will cosponsor a resolution in the Senate sanctioning Turkey for its actions.


While he said he still needed to take the temperature of his caucus, Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina) said Wednesday that he expects the chamber will concur with changes the House made to a bill that would give a tax break to teachers buying school supplies with their own money. However, the House turned SB26 (Kunze) into an omnibus tax bill, undoing a move that prevented lobbyists and lawyers from collecting a small business tax deduction, and adding a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products.

The Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board (CSRAB) announced Thursday changes to the bus grant process for schools from a "first come, first served" basis to accepting grant applications from Wednesday through Monday, Oct. 23-28 after which candidates will be selected by a random number generator. The new process is meant to distribute grants more fairly to schools and to give a better sense of how many schools are requesting transportation grants. A total of 25 grants will be awarded in three different mileage categories.

Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina) made the following changes to the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health and Medicaid: Sen. Steve Huffman (R-Tipp City) is chair, Sen. Bob Hackett (R-London) is vice chair and Sen. Terry Johnson (R-McDermott) replaces Sen. Jay Hottinger (R-Newark). In addition, Johnson is appointed to the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.


FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 8 Sen. Matt Dolan (R-Chagrin Falls) Tuesday officially introduced SB221, which encompasses proposals by Gov. Mike DeWine to address gun violence in the wake of a mass shooting in Dayton over the summer. DeWine recently introduced his proposal which he said would rein in private gun sales to the wrong people and expand existing "pink slip" mental health interventions to "chronic alcoholics" and drug dependent persons.

New research from Ohio State University (OSU) suggests the need to tackle gun violence outside of behavioral health providers. Researchers compared national suicide data with national behavioral health employment data to determine what relationship existed between the two. They found that a 10 percent increase in behavioral health workforce jobs in a state was associated with an estimated 1.2 percent decrease in the rate of firearm suicides. Extrapolating on their findings, the researchers concluded that even eliminating all federally designated mental health workforce shortage areas in the country would reduce gun-related suicide rates by less than five percent.

The Ohio chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America formally endorsed the Ohioans for Gun Safety initiative campaign to expand firearm sale background checks in state law, a development the campaign said will accelerate fundraising and signature collection efforts. Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley, a prominent voice for more gun regulations in the wake of the August mass shooting in her city's Oregon District, also endorsed the effort.


Ohio University (OU) announced that it had received reports of hazing allegations against three sororities, a professional fraternity and the OU Marching Band. This follows the Oct. 3 suspension of all chapter operations for Interfraternity Council (IFC) chapters until further notice.

The "Forming Open and Robust University Minds (FORUM) Act" is a "solution in search of a problem and isn't necessary at our colleges and universities," Bowling Green State University (BGSU) political science professor David Jackson told the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday. Providing testimony in opposition to SB40 (Brenner-McColley) on behalf of the Ohio Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Jackson said higher education faculty members "care deeply" about free speech.

Wright State University (WSU) President Cheryl Schrader Monday announced plans to retire at the end of the year, saying that she will remain an engineering instructor on the Fairborn campus. In an email sent to students and faculty, Schrader said that she will leave the university on "much stronger financial footing" than in the past. She said the Ohio Department of Higher Education will soon rate the university with a financial stability rating that the university has not reached "for half a decade." Schrader, who became the first woman to lead WSU in 2017, weathered a significant dispute with WSU faculty earlier this year.


Ohio collected at least 70 percent of current child support owed, according to figures released for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2019, putting its rate above the national average of 65.8 percent, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) announced. FFY19 ended on Sept. 30, 2019. According to the department, its Office of Child Support collects and distributes nearly $2 billion annually to more than one million Ohio children. The program is administered locally by 88 county child support enforcement agencies, which also locate noncustodial parents,

FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 9 establish legal paternity, establish child and medical support orders, as well as enforce support orders.


The Ohio delegation of craft beer companies recently won 15 medals at the 2019 Great American Beer Festival (GABF) in Denver, CO. The GABF is known as the "nation's most prestigious brewing competition," according to the Ohio Craft Brewers Association (OCBA).


Ohio plans to solicit bids to plug 200 orphan oil and gas wells this fiscal year, 10 or more times the number it sought to remediate several years ago, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) told lawmakers Wednesday. Jason Simmerman, engineering manager for the orphan well program at the department, provided an update to the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee on ODNR's efforts to ramp up well plugging per passage of 132- HB225 (Thompson). That legislation increased the share of Oil and Gas Well Fund money to be used for orphan well plugging and requires the department to prioritize wells for plugging based on the hazards they pose.

Gov. Mike DeWine and other Midwestern governors endorsed federal legislation that would provide nearly $1.4 billion for fish and wildlife conservation efforts across the country. In a letter to members of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources, DeWine and the governors of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin said the "Recovering America's Wildlife Act" will prevent the further decline of fish and animals in their natural habitats.


Delaware County Treasurer Jon Peterson, who'd also served as a state representative, Delaware County auditor and Franklin County finance director, died Thursday afternoon, Oct. 10 at the age of 65. Peterson was also a pastor at Zion United Church of Christ in Delaware. House Speaker Larry Householder (R-Glenford) recognized the loss, saying that Peterson was assistant minority whip during his previous time as speaker and was "a man of great heart who genuinely, sincerely cared about others."

State leaders recalled Monday the legacy of former Sen. Cooper Snyder after his death Sunday night. Snyder served in the Senate from 1979 to 1996.


Democratic presidential candidates took the stage in Westerville Tuesday evening, addressing topics including the opioid epidemic, reproductive health care, workforce issues including the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike and automation, gun violence and oversight of major technology companies. U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) received criticism from other candidates as the latest polling showed she'd surged to first place, but the harshest words were reserved for President Donald Trump. The first question was on House Democrats' impeachment inquiry, which candidates roundly supported.


FOCUS EDUCATION Page | 10 The Ohio Department of Public Safety's (ODPS) office of Ohio Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) announced recertification of eight more law enforcement agencies Thursday under statewide standards adopted by the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board, including Columbus Regional Airport Authority, Licking County Sheriff's Office and Kent State University. Logan Police Department launched the revolving three- to four-year recertification process last month, followed by Ohio State University and Powell and 10 other agencies on Sept. 30. Along with the airport, university and county, the following police departments have been recertified: Highland Heights, Mayfield Heights, Ontario, Shaker Heights and Upper Arlington.


The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) issued a reminder that Thursday, Oct. 17 marked the effective date for a new state law increasing the legal purchase age for tobacco products, including e-cigarette and vaping products, from 18 to 21, and making it illegal to give such products to others who are underage. The change was included in the latest biennial budget, HB166 (Oelsalger). ODH said the law applies to the following products: cigarettes; electronic smoking devices such as vapes, e-cigarettes, and tanks; cigars; pipe tobacco; chewing tobacco; snuff; snus; dissolvable nicotine products; filters, rolling papers, pipes, blunts, or hemp wraps; liquids used in electronic smoking devices whether or not they contain nicotine; and vapor products -- any component, part, or additive that is intended for use in an electronic smoking device, a mechanical heating element, battery, or electronic circuit and is used to deliver the product.


The Ohio Department of Transportation started a series of public meetings this week on updates to Access Ohio 2045, the long-range statewide transportation plan. The first meetings were in Toledo, Lima and South Point. Future meetings, which run from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., with short presentations at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., are set for Akron, Columbus, Cambridge, Dayton, Cincinnati, Marietta and Cleveland. More information is available at http://access.ohio.gov.


Union members who miss paychecks during a labor strike would be allowed to collect unemployment compensation under legislation proposed by Rep. Jeff Crossman (D-Parma). Currently, striking workers are considered to have left their jobs "voluntarily," so they don't qualify for benefits, Crossman said during a Statehouse press conference. He was joined by Rep. (D-Toledo), who announced she will introduce a resolution urging Congress to allow striking workers and their families to apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Final Committee Agenda

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

HOUSE FEDERALISM Rep. Becker: 614-466-8134 Wed., Oct. 23, 2019, 9:30 AM, Hearing Room 121 JERUSALEM-CAPITAL (KELLER C, KICK D) To recognize Jerusalem as the capital of HCR11 the State of Israel.


HOUSE HIGHER EDUCATION Rep. Keller: 614-644-5094 Thu., Oct. 24, 2019, 10:30 AM, Hearing Room 116 PERFORMANCE AUDITS-HIGHER EDUCATION (MCCOLLEY R, RULLI M) To SB120 authorize the Auditor of State to conduct performance audits of any and all state institutions of higher education. Fourth Hearing, All Testimony, AMENDMENTS/POSSIBLE VOTE

Activities Around Ohio Monday, Oct. 21

COLUMBUS -- The State Board of Education Dropout Prevention and Recovery Workgroup meets at 10 a.m. at the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio, 2080 Citygate Dr.

Tuesday, Oct. 22

COLUMBUS -- The Ohio AMBER Alert Advisory Committee meets at 10 a.m. at the Ohio Department of Public Safety, 1970 W. Broad St., Conference Room 1106, First Floor.

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