Annual Report 2012-13

Library and Information Resource Centre Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust


Table of Contents

Introduction and Key Successes...... 2-4 Supporting Our Trusts ...... 5-6 Resource Development ...... 7 Quality standards ...... 8-9 Statistical Summary ...... 10 Appendix 1: Full Statistics ...... 11-12


This year has seen a period of great change in the LIRC. We hope to build upon our strong foundations with a range of new projects aimed at demonstrating our impact as a service. A strong LQAF score will be consolidated in the next year, with projects being embedded over the next eighteen months to improve any low scores.

The LIRC strategy runs to 2014, so work will begin to identify the key drivers and each Trust will have its own strategy, which is closely aligned to their own goals and objectives, with an overarching operational plan for library staff. We aim to engage closely with both Aintree and the Walton Centre, not only for strategy, but to improve our services and uptake of electronic resources.

Over the last year, LIRC staff have been involved in a number of projects. Our key successes have been:

 Redesign of the LIRC website  Development of a new fiction collection  Securing a high level of external funding  Development of relationships with the Walton Centre  Improvement in the LQAF score  Continued national profile of our Clinical Information Specialist

Our new website

The LIRC website has been completely overhauled, with new content and an improved layout and early feedback suggests that customers are happy with the site. Over the next year, LIRC staff will aim to put measures into place to assess the impact of the new site, as well as developing new content.

The LIRC has also put a new fiction collection together, with the help of funding from the Mersey Deanery. The print room has been completely repurposed and the collection was given a soft launch in February. Since then, gradual work on marketing the collection has gathered pace and the staff will continue to increase this over the coming year. Given the potential for this collection to open the LIRC up to a range of non-traditional users of the service, there will be a lot of work over the next year on the impact of the collection, which will feed into our LQAF submission.

Much of our work in the last year has been supported by external funding, which allowed us to install a plasma screen in the LIRC, purchase a range of exciting, new fiction, fill stock gaps and transform our print room with new furniture.

Work continues with both Trusts around the engagement of staff, however there has been much progress made with the Walton Centre in the last six months. The LIRC manager now attends the Medical Education Committee and recently had the strategy approved. Work is ongoing with the training department and the LIRC Operations Manager will soon be attending staff inductions.

Another key success was the improvement in the LQAF score, from 87% to 91%, which puts the LIRC above the regional average, with a green rating in terms of risk. Work is ongoing to

3 consolidate this score for the forthcoming submission, with a view to improving it in 2014 with a range of long-term projects designed to measure the impact of the service.

Our Clinical Information Specialist (CIS) continues to have a high profile across the service and the region. She continues to run specialised sessions in Systematic Reviews and Critical Appraisal for staff in the region and has been working closely with the North West Ambulance service to boost their staff training, as well as working with the LIHNN Trainers group. The success of this post cannot be underestimated. Our CIS has recently completed a series of instructional videos which are being used extensively throughout the Trusts (based on our web statistics), the region and even at National level.


The LIRC supports two Trusts: Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and also the Walton Centre NHS Foundation. Both Trusts are significantly different, particularly with Walton being such a specialist Trust. Work will begin in the winter of 2013 of aligning our new library strategy to both Trust’s objectives, which will give us a far greater focus on clinical outcomes and the specific needs of each Trust. However in the meantime, we are working towards our Year 3 action plan in the current strategy.

Our current objectives are to:

o Promote LIRC services and methods of feedback to core stakeholder groups o Work with R and & D to promote support for research o Improve marketing of the service and revise marketing strategy o Maintain/ improve compliance rate with LQAF o Explore the use of new technologies to deliver 24/7 skills training and support o Work with partners to investigate e-learning and the development of mobile learning opportunities o Continue to strengthen and develop our partnership working o Continue to develop our fiction collection and the space housing it o Develop better links with the PEFs to support placement learning for all students o Develop more skills within Aintree for the costing and pricing of services

We support our trusts through a variety of means:

 Access to horizon scanning publications through the LIHNN network: staff are signposted to these resources and can also sign up for e-tocs to keep themselves up to date.

 Access to training and support: Our Clinical Information Specialist has seen a slight drop in searches conducted this year, but a large increase in training numbers. We have suspended our formal training programme this year in favour of 1-2-1s at the point of need. This was based on low numbers and non-attendance and our new policy appears to have reversed this trend.

5  Access to literature searches: our literature search service remains buoyant, although as staff are now more skilled in undertaking their own work, there has been a slight drop in assisted searches.

Training and Lit Searches

276 Training and 1-2- 160 147166 1s 126 114 Lit searches

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

 The LIRC Manager attends the Medical Education Committee for both Trusts. This allows two-way communication and keeps the Trusts up to date with any resourcing developments.

 Development of online instructional videos to assist staff with searching. These cover a range of databases, including Ovid Medline, CINAHL and the Cochrane Library.


The LIRC budget remained fairly static last year, with an uplift for journals. The pie chart below gives an indication of the areas of significant spending. Our journals budget remains healthy which has allowed us to stay in a number of regional consortia, including the Ovid Journals and Oxford Handbooks online.

We were also able to take on a new subscription to Ovid MD, which has proved a useful resource so far, at a fraction of the cost of an UpToDate subscription.

Annual Subs, £100 Stationery , £1,000 Books, £12,000

Binding, £400

Rent, £49,563

Photocopying, £750

Staffing in partner Journals and libraries, £22,500 eResources, £89,400

ILLs, £800

The LIRC was also able to attract £5000 in funding, which allowed us to install a plasma TV screen to display key messages and also to launch our fiction collection.

The fiction collection has been a great success. The external funding significantly improved the range of stock available and allowed us to repurpose the surrounding area and get some additional comfortable seating. Staff will spend the following year developing new marketing strategies to attract users to the collection, particularly non-clinical. This will include a book group and targeted displays.


The main way the service measures its quality is through the Library Quality Assurance Framework (LQAF). Our score this year was a much improved 91%, which represented the hard work of the library team in gathering the evidence and making improvements to services. This compares favourably with the North West averages and also the acute sector averages.

LQAF - NW Compliance Rates




75% 77% 79% 81% 83% 85% 87% 89% 91% 93%

LQAF - Acute Compliance Rates




75% 77% 79% 81% 83% 85% 87% 89% 91% 93%


This year there are a number of areas for development, including:

 Developing a costings framework  Greater integration with the Trusts around Knowledge Management  Strategy approval at both Trusts  Measuring the impact of the service

This year we also developed a number of internal quality standards based on the main Library Service Standards and we will provide details of how we are meeting those in next year’s report.


Here are our key statistics for the year:

Our headlines for 2012-13 are that Athens accounts have risen for both Trusts for the first time in a few years, but that overall e-resource use has waned slightly. As staffing levels have decreased in the Trusts, this is unsurprising, but we will continue our efforts at resource promotion in the following year, following our marketing plan and using all resources at our disposal. Figures for the BNF have gone up, which is due, in part, to the app, allowing doctors to take resources to the point of care and we hope to continue the trend of moving towards mobile access for all resources.

Although we have an increased user base, footfall and borrowing has also decreased. This mirrors findings from other libraries, but it is something we are keen to reverse next year and as a result, we will be focussing on the use of space in our library and radically weeding our stock.


(i) Visitors to the Library – 5 year data

Month Visitors Visitors Visitors Visitors Visitors % Change in 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 this year August 3,134 3,331 2,977 2,452 4,717 +92.4% September 5,084 4,951 5,224 4,286 3,744 -12.6% October 5,130 4,866 4,252 4,295 4,623 +7.6% November 4,250 4,682 5,326 4,940 4,255 -13.8% December 2,825 3,384 2,990 2,944 2,674 -9.2% January 4,024 4,206 4,358 4,563 3,958 -13.3% February 4,974 4,907 5,125 5,759 4,417 -23.3% March 4,946 5,473 5,321 5,336 4,698 -12% April 3,800 4,117 3,341 3,669 3,622 -1.3% May 4,922 4,725 5,030 5,416 5,872 +8.4% June 4,284 3,985 3,717 3,418 4,131 +20.9% July 3,533 2,922 2,894 4,512 2610 -42.2% Total: 50,906 51,549 50,555 51,650 49,321 -4.5%

(ii) Library Users – 5 year data

Client Group Users Users Users Users Users % change 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 this year General Practitioners 9 8 11 11 8 -27.3% University of 550 684 489 591 -20.5% 470 students Nursing Students 5885 7928 9349 4091 5348 +30.7% AHPs (formerly PAMS) 227 187 155 128 77 -39.8% Aintree Staff- Admin 90 81 63 49 32 -34.7% Aintree Staff – Medical 1071 1084 887 945 802 -15.1% Aintree Staff - Nursing 400 331 264 209 131 -37.3% Walton Centre staff 213 224 217 250 232 -7.2% PCT partners 99 96 62 41 26 -36.6% Total 8726 10759 11497 6315 7126 +12.8%

(iii) Service delivery – 5 year data

Type of Service Use in Use in Use in Use in Use in % change in 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 the last year Issue of material at 13354 10759 8897 8959 6502 -27.4% Aintree Renewals all sites 326057 352127 347329 366579 430,850 +17.5% Reservations all sites 20154 59528 55237 36005 19,921 -44.7% ILL requests Aintree 944 631 790 397 423 +6.6% Helpdesk Enquiries 6555 7000 5100 3407 3357 -2% Aintree

11 (iv) Athens accounts – 5 year data

NHS Athens Accounts 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 % change in the last year Aintree Hospitals NHS 846 713 650 627 649 +3.5% Trust The Walton Centre NHS 179 180 182 197 241 +22.3% Trust

(v) eResource use – 3 year data

Resource 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 % Download Download Download change Figures Figures figures in the last year 123.doc 50 n/a 123.library 20 n/a BMJ Journals 1017 1230 961 -21.9% BNF (including for mobile app) 210 282 +34.3% Cambridge Journals Online 8 n/a Ebsco A-Z list 711 447 825 +84.6% Ebsco 1000 562 +43.8% Ingentaconnect 59 50 -15.3% JAMA 198 204 +3.5% Map of Medicine 27 48 +77.8% Medicines Complete 105 120 +14.3% Micromedex 20 4 -80% MyiLibrary 106 37 -65.1% NHS Evidence 1264 1986 1842 -7.3% Ovid Online 940 1101 1001 -9.1% Oxford Medicine Online 52 Proquest 461 446 363 -18.6% Royal Marsden Online 45 38 -15.6% ScienceDirect 514 769 208 -73% Springerlink 250 90 -64% Wiley 826 806 321 -60.2% Your RSM Journals 20 12 -40% Totals 5733 8825 7250 -17.9%

(vi) Literature Searching and Training – 3 year data

Requests Requests Request % fulfilled Fulfilled Fulfilled change 2010/11 2011/12 2012-13 Literature Searches 126 147 114 -22.4% Training (1-2-1 and group) 160 166 276 +66.3% Induction 140