Global Change Biology

Global Change Biology (2014), doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695

Integrating metabolic performance, thermal tolerance, and plasticity enables for more accurate predictions on vulnerability to acute and chronic effects of global warming

SARAH MAGOZZI1,2 and PIERO CALOSI 2,3 1School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK, 2Marine Biology and Ecology Research Centre, School of Marine Science and Engineering, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK, 3Universite du Quebec a Rimouski, Departement de Biologie Chimie et Geographie, 300 Allee des Ursulines, Rimouski, Quebec G5L 3A1, Canada

Abstract Predicting species vulnerability to global warming requires a comprehensive, mechanistic understanding of sublethal and lethal thermal tolerances. To date, however, most studies investigating species physiological responses to increas- ing temperature have focused on the underlying physiological traits of either acute or chronic tolerance in isolation. Here we propose an integrative, synthetic approach including the investigation of multiple physiological traits (meta- bolic performance and thermal tolerance), and their plasticity, to provide more accurate and balanced predictions on species and assemblage vulnerability to both acute and chronic effects of global warming. We applied this approach to more accurately elucidate relative species vulnerability to warming within an assemblage of six caridean prawns occurring in the same geographic, hence macroclimatic, region, but living in different thermal habitats. Prawns were exposed to four incubation temperatures (10, 15, 20 and 25 °C) for 7 days, their metabolic rates and upper thermal limits were measured, and plasticity was calculated according to the concept of Reaction Norms, as well as Q10 for metabolism. Compared to species occupying narrower/more stable thermal niches, species inhabiting broader/more variable thermal environments (including the invasive macrodactylus) are likely to be less vulnerable to extreme acute thermal events as a result of their higher upper thermal limits. Nevertheless, they may be at greater risk from chronic exposure to warming due to the greater metabolic costs they incur. Indeed, a trade-off between acute and chronic tolerance was apparent in the assemblage investigated. However, the invasive species P. macrodactylus represents an exception to this pattern, showing elevated thermal limits and plasticity of these limits, as well as a high metabolic control. In general, integrating multiple proxies for species physiological acute and chronic responses to increasing temperature helps providing more accurate predictions on species vulnerability to warming.

Keywords: climate change, invasive species, phenotypic buffering, phenotypic plasticity, physiological abilities, species distri- bution

Received 20 January 2014; revised version received 10 June 2014 and accepted 11 June 2014

To date, however, most studies investigating the causal Introduction mechanisms underpinning species vulnerability to Changes in latitudinal, altitudinal and bathymetric dis- warming have focused on physiological traits in isola- tribution caused by global warming have been increas- tion (e.g., Stillman & Somero, 2000; Portner€ & Knust, ingly documented across terrestrial and aquatic taxa 2007; Calosi et al., 2008; Bartolini et al., 2013). (e.g., Southward et al., 1995; Menendez & Gutierrez, The frequency and intensity of extreme acute thermal 1996; Parmesan & Yohe, 2003; Root et al., 2003; Perry events are predicted to increase with the global change et al., 2005). In general, understanding the mechanistic (IPCC et al., 2012). Species short-term resilience to these basis of sublethal and lethal thermal tolerance (e.g., acute thermal events will depend on their upper ther- Portner,€ 2001; Helmuth et al., 2005) allows the predic- mal limits, as well as on their ability to adjust these lim- tion of species responses under future warming scenar- its, when exposed to higher temperatures, through ios, and scaling up predictions to assemblages and phenotypic plasticity (e.g., acclimatization). Indeed, ecosystems (Bernardo et al., 2007; Somero, 2010, 2011). phenotypic plasticity may allow organisms to express broader thermal tolerance windows (Ghalambor et al., Correspondence: Sarah Magozzi, tel. +44 7552361119, 2007; Charmantier et al., 2008; Bozinovic et al., 2011). In fax +1 (418) 724-1849, e-mail: [email protected] the longer term, plasticity may define species scope for

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 2 S. MAGOZZI & P. CALOSI resilience to change via phenotypic buffering (Wadd- Here we integrate the investigation of metabolic per- ington, 1942; Bradshaw, 1965), and, in part, species formance, thermal tolerance, and their plasticity to pro- scope for adaptation via genetic assimilation (Pigliucci vide more accurate and balanced predictions on et al., 2006). Conventionally, plasticity of thermal limits relative species vulnerability to both chronic and acute has been studied by characterizing the magnitude of effects of warming. To provide an empirical test for this Reaction Norms (Schlichting & Pigliucci, 1998 and ref. new paradigm, we applied our integrative, synthetic therein). However, no comparative study has, so far, approach to an assemblage of six caridean prawns focused on both the magnitude and shape of plasticity occurring in the same geographic, hence macroclimatic, (sensu Schlichting & Pigliucci, 1998; Pigliucci, 2001; c.f. region, but living in different thermal habitats. Three Murren et al., 2014). species inhabit broader/more variable thermal environ- While tolerance to heat is generally conserved across ments (including the invasive species Palaemon macro- lineages (Araujo et al., 2013), some species appear to dactylus), and three species live in narrower/more have evolved extreme upper thermal limits at the stable thermal conditions. On the basis of the current expense of plasticity of these limits, reflecting an evo- literature (e.g., Stillman, 2002, 2003 Deutsch et al., 2008; lutionary trade-off between these traits (Stillman, 2002, Dillon et al., 2010; see also Folguera et al., 2009; Bozi- 2003; see also Angilletta et al., 2003). The most heat- novic et al., 2013; Peck et al., 2014; Rezende et al., 2014), tolerant taxa may, therefore, be at greater risk from we hypothesize that, compared to species occupying warming (Stillman, 2003; Deutsch et al., 2008; Tewks- narrower/more stable thermal niches, species inhabit- bury et al., 2008; see also Araujo et al., 2013; Overgaard ing broader/more variable thermal environments pos- et al., 2014; Peck et al., 2014), not only because they sess: (i) higher upper thermal limits, (ii) lower plasticity possess reduced safety margins (sensu Stillman, 2002; of these limits, (iii) higher metabolic rates, (iv) higher Deutsch et al., 2008; see also Araujo et al., 2013; Diede- metabolic plasticity, and (v) higher metabolic costs at rich & Pechenik, 2013; Overgaard et al., 2014), but also higher temperatures. As a consequence, species living because their scope for plasticity is more limited (Still- in broader/more variable thermal environments may man, 2003; c.f. Calosi et al., 2008; Bozinovic et al., be less vulnerable to extreme acute thermal events, but 2011). at greater risk from chronic exposure to warming (Still- While upper thermal limits define species ability to man, 2002, 2003; Deutsch et al., 2008; Tewksbury et al., persist under extreme acute thermal events, physiologi- 2008; see also Folguera et al., 2009; Overgaard et al., cal performances (sensu Bozinovic et al., 2011), such as 2014), according to the idea that evolutionary trade-offs metabolic rates, mediate species resilience to chronic may exist between these two forms of heat tolerance exposure to warming. Metabolic rate is suggested to (Rezende et al., 2014). reflect the energetic cost of adaptation to a particular Caridean prawns are both ecologically and economi- thermal environment (Clarke, 2004; Clarke & Fraser, cally important. They represent a large fraction of bio- 2004; see also Watson et al., 2013), rather than a purely mass of coastal shallow water assemblages of mechanistic response to temperature. In this sense, tem- invertebrates (e.g., Bechmann et al., 2011), and exert a perature imposes a high selective pressure on maxi- great ecological impact upon benthic trophic webs as mum physiological performances: i.e., the evolution of either carnivores or detritivores (Pihl & Rosenberg, high metabolic rates may allow organisms to exploit a 1984; Henderson, 1987; Oh et al., 2001). Also, some spe- broader range of environmental temperatures, but also cies are targets of commercial and artisanal fisheries implies higher maintenance costs. As a consequence, (e.g., Crangon crangon, Attrill & Thomas, 1996; Hender- species living in different thermal habitats may have son et al., 2006). evolved different levels of metabolic control, suggesting different levels of vulnerability to warming (Sokolova Materials and methods &Portner,€ 2003; Morley et al., 2009; Dillon et al., 2010; Rastrick & Whiteley, 2011; Watson et al., 2013). Again, Specimen description, collection, incubation, and while most studies to date have investigated physiolog- maintenance ical traits in isolation (e.g., Compton et al., 2007; Calosi et al., 2010; Rastrick & Whiteley, 2011), a more holistic We investigated six caridean shallow water prawn species: approach integrating the investigation of multiple Palaemon elegans (Rathke 1837), Palaemon macrodactylus (Rath- physiological traits (thermal limits and metabolic rate), bun 1902), Palaemon serratus (Pennant 1777) and Palaemonetes and their plasticity (magnitude and shape) (Bozinovic varians (Leach 1814) (), Crangon crangon (Linna- et al., 2011; Murren et al., 2014) needs to be developed eus 1758) (Crangonidae), and Pandalus montagui (Leach 1814) (Pandalidae). These species all occur in the same geographic, to more accurately elucidate species vulnerability to hence macroclimatic, region, but live in different thermal global warming.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 PHYSIOLOGICAL ABILITIES, PLASTICITY, WARMING 3 habitats. Palaemon elegans and P. varians occupy broader/more prevent air bubbles trapping in the chamber. Furthermore, variable thermal niches, inhabiting intertidal rock pools and each chamber was equipped with a magnetic flea, which was salt marshes respectively. Palaemon serratus, C. crangon and P. shielded on the bottom by a perforated Petri dish, and placed montagui occupy narrower/more stable thermal niches, living over a multi-channel magnetic stirrer (MS-53M, Jeio Tech, in subtidal habitats. The invasive species P. macrodactylus also Chalgrove, UK) to ensure moderate and continuous water lives in subtidal habitats, but withstands a broader range of mixing, preventing the formation of a hypoxic layer around thermal conditions, which possibly explains its recent geo- the prawn. Also, to provide a substrate to reduce prawn activ- graphical expansion (Spivak et al., 2006; Lavesque et al., 2010; ity levels, each chamber was supplied with one or two mar- Soors et al., 2010). bles (42 mm 9 42 mm 9 16 mm), depending on specimen Adult individuals of each species were collected at four dimensions, resulting in a volume of water of either 190.3 or locations along the English Channel on the South coast of Eng- 218.4 ml. Additionally, to monitor prawn behaviour in the land (for specific details see Table S1). After collection, indi- chambers, subsamples of six ind. for each species at each incu- viduals were transported to the laboratory in plastic bation temperature were filmed with cameras. All the speci- containers with water from the collection site within 24–48 h. mens were quiescent during the experimental trials, and no The water was continuously aerated, and the temperature was major changes in behaviour were observed at elevated incuba- measured approx. every 30 min (max. fluctuations ~ 0.5 °C). tion temperatures (data are not presented here); M˙ O2 could, Once in the laboratory specimens were transferred to tanks therefore, be effectively used as proxy for SMR. Each prawn (approx. 4.6 l, max. 10 ind. per tank) supplied with fully aer- was introduced into an experimental chamber and allowed to ated sea water (salinity 33), and kept at their collection tem- recover from handling and to settle into experimental condi- perature for 24 h to adjust to laboratory conditions. tions for 30 min (Small et al., 2010; Magozzi and Calosi pers. Subsequently, individuals were haphazardly divided into four obs.). The chambers were then closed and maintained sealed equal-size groups: 20 for P. elegans, seven for P. macrodactylus, for experimental trials of 1.5–2 h. Preliminary tests defined eight for P. serratus, 25 for P. varians, 28 for C. crangon, and this period to be sufficiently long to undertake M˙ O2 measure- eight for P. montagui. Each group was exposed to one of four ments, while preventing prawn exposure to hypoxic condi- incubation temperatures (10, 15, 20 and 25 °C) for 7 days. This tions: i.e., oxygen saturation was never allowed to fall under exposure period is considered to be sufficiently long to accli- 70% (Vandonk & Dewilde, 1981; Small et al., 2010; Oliphant mate temperate species at 15–20 °C, but short enough to pre- et al., 2011), with oxygen concentration remaining always 1 vent the onset of longer-term negative effects due to too much >190 lmol O2 lÀ . To avoid sharp thermal variations, respira- time spent in the laboratory (e.g., Terblanche et al., 2006; tion chambers were kept in CT rooms inside temperature-con- Calosi et al., 2008, 2010). Incubation temperatures were selected trolled open water baths at the selected incubation within the temperature range experienced by the species across temperature during the experimental trial. Oxygen concentra- their geographical ranges, as well as potential future warming tion was measured both immediately before closing the cham- scenarios (IPCC, 2014). Specimens were incubated stepwise in ber and immediately after reopening it at the end of the constant-temperature (CT) rooms (12 : 12 h L/D regime), start- experimental trial by using an O2 electrode (1302, Strathkelvin ing from their collection temperature. At each step aquaria Instruments, Glasgow, Scotland) connected to a calibrated were ramped to the next temperature level, and kept at these oxygen meter (929, Strathkelvin Instruments), and expressed 1 1 conditions for 24 h before being further ramped to the next as nmol O2 g wet weightÀ minÀ STP. Before the experiments level, with temperature increasing/decreasing with a rate of started, calibration was carried out at each incubation temper- 1 approx. 0.015 0.005 °C minÀ (mean SD). Once they had ature by using 0 and 100% O saturation as calibration points. Æ Æ 2 reached the desired incubation temperature, aquaria were kept After M˙ O2 measurements were completed, wet weight (g) at these conditions for 1 week, with a maximum water temper- and body volume (mL) of each prawn were measured and ature fluctuation of approx. 0.6 °C. then used for correction of the M˙ O2 values. Weight was deter- Over the exposure period, specimens were fed daily ad libi- mined by using an electronic high precision scale (PF-203, tum with marine flakes (New Era Aquaculture Ltd, Thorne, Fischer Scientific UK Ltd, Loughborough, UK), and specimen UK). Water changes were performed every 2 days to prevent volume was determined by immersing each prawn in a Pyrex excreta accumulation, and undesired fermentation and graduated cylinder (100 ml, accuracy 1 ml, Fischer Scientific decomposition of leftover food. Once the exposure period was UK Ltd) supplied with sea water, and measuring the water completed, metabolic rate and upper thermal limits were displaced by the introduction of the prawn. All individuals determined for each individual. were returned to their aquaria, at their incubation tempera- ture, each inside a numbered perforated screw top transparent container (either 82.0 or 149.0 ml, depending on specimen Determination of metabolic rate dimensions), and left to recover for 24 h before upper thermal limits were determined. Oxygen consumption rate (M˙ O2) under resting conditions was used as a proxy for Standard Metabolic Rate (SMR), as in Spic- ˙ er & Eriksson (2003) and Small et al. (2010). MO2 was mea- Determination of upper thermal limits sured in glass closed cell experimental chambers. Each chamber was supplied with fully aerated sea water at the To measure Upper Thermal Limits (UTL) a number of obser- selected incubation temperature and sealed underwater to vable responses were identified during preliminary tests and

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 4 S. MAGOZZI & P. CALOSI used as end-points, as in Calosi et al. (2008) and Massamba- Definition and calculation of plasticity N’siala et al. (2012). A temporal sequence of responses to increasing temperature was identified as follows: (1) Mouth Here plasticity is intended as the ability of specimens to adjust ˙ Gaping (MG) (wide and continuous opening of the mouth their metabolic performance (measured as MO2) and thermal parts); (ii) Tail Flipping (TF) (fast upside down flip of the tail tolerance (measured as UTL) following incubation to increas- bringing abdomen and cephalothorax towards one another) ing temperature. Plasticity was determined according to the (Arnott et al., 1998); (iii) Loss of Orientation (LO) (inability of a concept of Reaction Norms (Schlichting & Pigliucci, 1998 and prawn to right itself after having turned onto a side or its dor- ref. therein; Pigliucci, 2001) (Figure S1), as well as Q10 for sal surface) (Brattstrom, 1968; Hopkin et al., 2006; Oliphant metabolism. To determine both the magnitude and shape of et al., 2011); (iv) Onset of Spasms (OS) (first uncontrolled, con- the plastic response (sensu Pigliucci, 2001; Murren et al., 2014), vulsive and spasmodic movements) (Zweifel, 1957; Luttersch- plasticity was calculated both within the whole temperature midt & Hutchison, 1997; Hopkin et al., 2006); (v) Death (D) or range examined (Ptot) and within smaller temperature inter- – – – ° – total paralysis (prawn laying on the bottom of the experimen- vals (10 15, 15 20 and 20 25 C P10–15, P15–20, P20–25, respec- tal well for more than 15 s with no movement/pleopod beat- tively) (Figure S1). Ptot was calculated as the difference ˙ ing). between mean values of either MO2 or UTL measured at the – ° – However, not all individuals showed this complete two extreme temperature treatments (10 25 C P10–25). To sequence of end-points: 94.5, 90.7, and 100% of the experi- include P. montagui in the computation, Ptot was also calcu- ° mental prawns showed LO, OS and D respectively, while lated between 10 and 20 C(P10–20), as this species had no rep- ° only 79.3 and 64.8% of them showed MG and TF. Also, com- licates at 25 C due to 100% mortality at this temperature pared to MG and TF, LO, OS and D showed lower variance. (Table S1; see also Results). P10–15, P15–20 and P20–25 were calcu- ˙ Therefore, only LO, OS and D were assumed to represent lated as the difference between mean MO2 and mean UTL temperature-induced mechanisms underpinning the failure measured at two consecutive temperature treatments. This of fundamental physiological functions (Lutterschmidt & complementary calculation allowed not only the quantification Hutchison, 1997). However, to avoid redundant utilization of of the magnitude of plasticity within smaller temperature these end-points, correlation analyses among them were per- intervals, but also the description of the shape of Standard – – formed to include only functionally independent traits. As Metabolic Rate Temperature (SMR T) and Upper Thermal – – there were significant positive relationships between LO and Limits Temperature (UTL T) Reaction Norms, providing a more comprehensive understanding of plastic responses and OS, OS and D, and LO and D (minimum r263 = 0.840, P < 0.0001), here we mainly focused on OS, which more clo- highlighting between-species differences (Schlichting & Pig- sely fulfils the original definition of critical thermal maxi- liucci, 1998; Pigliucci, 2001; Murren et al., 2014). In addition, mum (CT ): ‘the thermal point at which locomotory we calculated the temperature coefficient for the change in max ˙ activity becomes disorganized and the loses its ability MO2 with temperature (Q10) both within the whole tempera- to escape from conditions that will promptly lead to its ture range (considering as extreme temperatures 10 and either ° death’ (Cowles & Bogert, 1944; see also Lutterschmidt & 20 or 25 C) and within smaller temperature intervals. While Hutchison, 1997). the calculation of Q10 values enables the distinction between Experiments to determine UTL were started at the tempera- acclimation-induced changes in metabolism and just an ture at which individuals of a given group had been incubated expected physiological response to temperature, it does not during the exposure period, and carried out by employing a allow an appropriate interpretation of the increase in energy ramping program, with temperature increasing at a rate of expenditure associated with metabolic plastic responses to 1 1 increasing temperature. Because we wish to consider the ener- 0.75 °C minÀ (realised + 0.668 0.016 °C minÀ ; mean Æ SE) (Lutterschmidt & Hutchison, 1997; Rezende et al., 2011; getic implications of the metabolic plastic response, as well as Æ c.f. Overgaard et al., 2012) performed with a computer-con- to compare metabolic plasticity with that of thermal limits, trolled water bath (R5, Grant Instruments Cambridge Ltd, here we mainly focus on Reaction Norms. Shepreth, UK). Each prawn was removed from its individual aquarium using a small net and rapidly, but carefully, intro- Characterization of phylogenetic relationships among duced into one well (diam. 51 mm, depth 65 mm) of a generic species six-well plate, whose bottom surface was painted white with Tipp-Exâ to allow an easier and more accurate visualization Sequences were obtained from GenBank (http://www.ncbi. of the end-points. A maximum of five individuals were tested (see Table S2 for accession numbers). The pool at any time and, to avoid observer biases (Terblanche et al., shrimp Procaris ascensionis (Chace & Manning 1972) and the 2007), measurements were all undertaken by one single obser- banded cleaner shrimp Stenopus hispidus (Olivier 1811) were ver (S.M.). To avoid prawn escaping, wells were covered with used as outgroups. Concatenated sequences were aligned a lid between additions of individuals; once the experiment using the ClustalW (Thompson et al., 1994) algorithm within started, the lid was removed to allow full aeration. The actual MEGA 5.05 (Tamura et al., 2011). The partition homogeneity temperature was measured every 60 s with a digital thermom- test, otherwise known as the incongruence length difference eter (HH802U, Omegaâ Engineering Inc., Stamford, USA) test (Farris et al., 1994) was carried out in PAUP* 4.b.10 (Swof- placed in an empty well adjacent to the prawn wells to avoid ford, 2002) to assess if the data were significantly incongruent. disturbance. The test was implemented using maximum parsimony

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 PHYSIOLOGICAL ABILITIES, PLASTICITY, WARMING 5

1 1 heuristic searches (100 replicates). All other settings were left 25 °C (799.9 56.7 nmol O g wet weightÀ minÀ ). In Æ 2 at their default values. The results of this test showed no sig- general, greater M˙ O2 was observed at higher incubation nificant incongruence between genes (P = 0.96). Phylogenetic temperatures in all species. Nevertheless, M˙ O2 response reconstruction was carried out using maximum likelihood to increasing temperature was significantly different in (ML) as implemented in MEGA with all settings left as their different species (Fig. 1a), as indicated by the presence default options. Support was measured with 1000 bootstrap of a significant interaction between ‘Species’ and ‘Tem- replicates. Only clades with significant support values = < (defined here as ≥ 60 bootstrap) are shown. perature’ (F14,299 7.1, P 0.0001) (Table 1). At the Our analysis highlights that, among palaemonid species, lowest temperature tested (10 °C), P. serratus showed ˙ P. elegans and P. serratus are the most phylogenetically closely significantly lower mean MO2 than all the other species, related (Figure S2), with P. varians being more closely related while P. montagui exhibited significantly higher mean to these two species than P. macrodactylus. Crangon crangon M˙ O2 (being comparable to P. elegans and P. varians). and P. montagui are more closely related to each other than to Crangon crangon and P. macrodactylus showed interme- palaemonid species, although the reliability of their relation- diate mean M˙ O2 between P. elegans, P. serratus and P. ship is relatively low. In general, it appears that ecological varians, with P. macrodactylus being comparable to P. ele- competence (here defined as type of thermal habitat) is not gans and P. varians (Fig. 1a). At the highest temperature phylogenetically confounded. tested (25 °C), P. elegans and P. varians, followed by P.

macrodactylus, showed significantly higher mean M˙ O2 Statistical analyses than P. serratus and C. crangon. Since no individuals of P. montagui survived exposure to 25 °C, the highest The effects of species, incubation temperature, and their inter- temperature tested for this species was 20 °C. At this action on M˙ O and UTL were analysed by using a two-way 2 temperature, P. montagui showed significantly higher ANCOVA test with ‘Tank’ as a random factor nested within ‘Spe- ˙ cies’ 9 ‘Temperature’, and ‘Wet weight’ as a covariate. Pair- mean MO2 than the other subtidal species (C. crangon, wise comparisons were based on model-estimated marginal P. serratus and P. macrodactylus), being statistically com- means with Least Significant Difference test correction parable to P. elegans and P. varians (Fig. 1a). Wet weight ˙ (a = 0.05). Data for M˙ O2 and UTL were non-normally distrib- had a positive significant effect on MO2 (F1,299 = 166.3, uted even following various transformations (minimum P < 0.0001) (Table 1). K-S274 = 1.466, P = 0.027), and variances were not homoge- neous (minimum F2,252 = 2.383, P = 0.001). However, as our experimental design included 24 ‘Species’ by ‘Temperature’ Upper thermal limits combinations with a minimum of seven replicates per treat- Means SE for Upper Thermal Limits (UTL), mea- ment, the ANCOVA design was assumed to be tolerant from the Æ sured as Onset of Spasms (OS), are given in Fig. 1b and assumption of normality and heteroscedasticity (Sokal & Ro- Table S3. Means SE for UTL, measured as Loss of hlf, 1995; Underwood, 1997; see also Melatunan et al., 2011). Æ Orientation (LO) and Death (D), are also given in Fig- The term ‘Tank’ did not have a significant effect on M˙ O2 and UTL both among species and temperature treatments (maxi- ure S3a, b and Table S3. The minimum mean UTL (for mum F2,177 = 2.869, P = 0.060), therefore it was removed from all end-points) was observed in P. montagui incubated further analyses. at 10 °C (LO: 23.6 0.2 °C; OS: 24.8 0.3 °C; D: Æ Æ In addition, a best-fit approach was used to select regression 27.1 0.4 °C), while the maximum was observed in P. Æ models – considering linear, logarithmic, quadratic, cubic, macrodactylus incubated at 25 °C (LO: 35.7 0.4 °C; Æ power and exponential methods – to best describe the rela- OS: 37.8 0.5 °C; D: 39.9 0.2 °C). ˙ Æ Æ tionships between MO2, UTL, and their plasticity. However, While in general higher UTL were observed at higher 2 when the difference in the regression coefficients (R ) was ≤ 1, incubation temperatures in all species, UTL response to simpler relationships were favoured using a maximum parsi- increasing temperature was significantly different in mony approach. All analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS different species (minimum F = 2.2, P = 0.010) Statistics 19. 14,275 (Fig. 1b and Figure S3a, b) (Table 1). At 10 °C, P. macro- dactylus, P. varians and C. crangon exhibited significantly Results higher mean OS than P. elegans and P. serratus, which in turn showed significantly higher mean OS than Metabolic rate P. montagui (Fig. 1b). Between-species differences iden- tified for OS were maintained also for LO and D with Means SE for oxygen consumption rate (M˙ O2) are Æ two exceptions: (i) P. elegans showed significantly given in Fig. 1a and Table S3. The minimum mean M˙ O2 was observed in P. serratus incubated at 10 °C higher mean LO than P. serratus, being comparable to 1 1 P. macrodacylus and P. varians (Figure S3a); (ii) P. varians (46.1 7.1 nmol O g wet weightÀ minÀ ), while the Æ 2 maximum was observed in P. varians incubated at showed significantly higher mean D not only than

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 6 S. MAGOZZI & P. CALOSI





© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 PHYSIOLOGICAL ABILITIES, PLASTICITY, WARMING 7

P. elegans but also than P. macrodactylus and C. crangon Plasticity for upper thermal limits (Figure S3b). At 25 °C, P. macrodactylus showed signifi- cantly higher mean UTL (for all end-points) than all the Data for plasticity of Upper Thermal Limits (DUTL) are other species, followed by P. elegans, P. varians and given in Table S4. Between 10 and 25 °C, P. serratus, C. C. crangon, and finally by P. serratus (Fig. 1b and Figure crangon and P. varians showed the lowest DUTL mea- S3a, b). UTL in P. montagui could not be tested at 25 °C, sured as LO (3.4 °C), OS (2.7 °C) and D (1.2 °C) respec- as no individuals survived exposure to this tempera- tively. By contrast, P. macrodactylus showed the highest ture. However, mean UTL in P. montagui incubated at DUTL measured as LO and OS (6.0 and 5.9 °C), and P. 20 °C were significantly lower than mean UTL in all serratus exhibited the highest DUTL measured as D the other species incubated at both 20 and 25 °C (6.8 °C). Between 10 and 20 °C, P. montagui showed (Fig. 1b and Figure S3a, b). Wet weight did not have a lower DUTL than all the other species (except than P. significant effect on UTL (maximum F1,275 = 0.4, varians for OS and D, and C. crangon for D). Different P < 0.528 for LO), except on OS (F1,263 = 15.7, species increased their UTL with increasing tempera- P < 0.0001) (Table 1). ture by following different patterns (Fig. 1d, Figure S3c and Figure S5a, b, c), highlighting between-species dif- ferences in DUTL. In more detail, UTL increased line- Plasticity of metabolic rate arly in P. macrodactylus and P. varians (minimum ˙ 2 Data for plasticity of oxygen consumption rate (DMO2) R = 0.079, F1,53 = 4.5, P = 0.038), logarithmically in P. are given in Table S4. Within the whole temperature elegans (except for LO), P. serratus, and C. crangon (mini- ˙ 2 range examined (10–25 °C), DMO2 ranged from mum R = 0.410, F1,77 = 53.6, P < 0.0001), and quadrati- 1 1 125.3 nmol O2 g wet weightÀ minÀ in P. serratus to cally in P. montagui (except for LO) (minimum 1 1 2 719.8 nmol O2 g wet weightÀ minÀ in P. varians. R = 0.814, F2,15 = 32.9, P < 0.0001) (Fig. 1d, Figure S3c While M˙ O2 increased exponentially with increasing and Figure S5a, b, c). While UTL of P. elegans, P. serra- incubation temperature in all species (except in P. monta- tus, C. crangon and P. montagui showed an asymptotic 2 gui – quadratic) (minimum R = 0.672, F1,89 = 182.0, trend within the examined temperature range, those of P < 0.0001), there were between-species differences in P. macrodactylus and P. varians did not. Nevertheless, P. DM˙ O2, with P. elegans and P. varians, followed by P. mac- macrodactylus showed greater DUTL than P. varians, as rodactylus, showing higher DM˙ O2 than P. serratus and regression lines for LO, OS and D in this species had C. crangon (Fig. 1c and Figure S4). While showing simi- greater slopes (Fig. 1d and Figure S3c). lar DM˙ O2 to P. serratus and C. crangon between 10 and 20 °C, P. macrodactylus exhibited higher DM˙ O between 2 Relationships between ṀO UTL, and their plasticity 20 and 25 °C, ranking after P. elegans and P. varians 2, (Table S4). Pandalus montagui was the only species show- Over the whole temperature range examined (10– ing a quadratic increase in M˙ O2 with increasing temper- 25 °C), a significant positive logarithmic relationship 2 ature (R = 0.896, F2,17 = 73.5, P < 0.0001) (Fig. 1c and between M˙ O2 and UTL (for all end-points) was found 2 Figure S4), possibly due to the lack of measurements at in all species (minimum R = 0.093, F1,53 = 5.4, 25 °C. However, while between 10 and 15 °C this spe- P = 0.023) (Fig. 2 and Figure S6a, b). Pandalus montagui cies showed the lowest DM˙ O2, between 15 and 20 °C it represented the only exception showing a marginally showed high DM˙ O2, ranking after P. varians (Table S4). significant positive logarithmic relationship between 2 Finally, Q10 values are reported in Table 2. DM˙ O2 and UTL measured as LO (R = 0.219,

Fig. 1 The effect of temperature on (a) mean oxygen consumption rate (M˙ O2) (here used as a proxy for Standard Metabolic Rate, SMR),

(b) Upper Thermal Limits (UTL), measured as Onset of Spasms (OS), and (c, d) M˙ O2 and UTL plasticity in the prawn species investi- gated in this study: Palaemon elegans, Palaemon macrodactylus, Palaemon serratus, Palaemonetes varians, Crangon crangon and Pandalus montagui. Histograms represent mean SE for (a) M˙ O or (b) UTL after 7 day exposure to one of four incubation temperatures: 10 (yel- Æ 2 low), 15 (light orange), 20 (dark orange) and 25 °C (red). Significantly different mean values (P<0.05) at different incubation tempera- tures for the same species are indicated by different letters placed above the histograms, while significantly different mean values (P<0.05) at the same incubation temperature among different species are indicated by different numbers placed inside the histograms. Finally, overall significant differences in mean values (P < 0.05) among different species are indicated by different numbers preceded by a star placed at the top of the graph above each species. Pairwise comparisons were conducted using the Estimated Marginal Means test with Least Significant Difference test correction. Lines in (c, d) represent Standard Metabolic Rate–Temperature (SMR–T) and (d) Upper Thermal Limits–Temperature Reaction Norms (UTL–T), respectively: i.e., the patterns through which species increased their

M˙ O2 or UTL in response to increasing incubation temperature according to the best-fit regression model. Raw data, regression equation and relevant statistics for M˙ O2 and UTL are provided in Figures S4 and S5b respectively.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 8 S. MAGOZZI & P. CALOSI

Table 1 Results for two-way ANCOVAs testing the effect of tionship between UTL and DUTL was found at 20– ‘Species’, ‘Temperature’, and their interaction on the oxygen 25 °C, while a marginally significant negative linear ˙ consumption rate (MO2) and Upper Thermal Limits (UTL), relationship was found at 10–25 °C (Fig. 3c). Palaemon measured as Loss of Orientation (LO), Onset of Spasms (OS) macrodactylus showed both high UTL and high DUTL and Death (D), for the prawn species investigated in this study (Fig. 3). A significant logarithmic relationship between after 7 day exposure to one of four incubation temperatures M˙ O and DM˙ O was also found, but only between 20 (10, 15, 20 and 25 °C) using ‘Wet weight’ as a covariate. 2 2 and 25 °C(2 = 0.890, = 24.3, = 0.016), and, Degrees of freedom (df), mean of square (MS), F-ratio (F) and R F1,3 P probability level (p) are reported therefore, it is not represented here.

Trait Source df MS FP Discussion MO2 Species 5 33296.8 32.1 <0.0001 Temperature 3 301692.2 290.7 <0.0001 Here we demonstrate the importance of integrating Interaction 14 7393.7 7.1 <0.0001 the investigation of multiple physiological traits (meta- Wet weight (cov) 1 172579.9 166.3 <0.0001 bolic rate and thermal limits), and their plasticity, to LO Species 5 137.9 93.6 <0.0001 provide more accurate and balanced predictions on Temperature 3 161.0 109.3 <0.0001 relative species vulnerability to global warming. Com- Interaction 14 3.2 2.2 0.010 pared to species occupying narrower/more stable OS Species 5 101.9 85.2 <0.0001 thermal niches, species inhabiting broader/more vari- < Temperature 3 156.6 131.1 0.0001 able thermal environments appear to be more tolerant Interaction 14 5.4 4.5 <0.0001 to extreme acute thermal events as a result of their Wet weight (cov) 1 18.8 15.7 <0.0001 higher thermal limits. Nevertheless, these species may D Species 5 139.1 269.2 <0.0001 Temperature 3 185.8 359.4 <0.0001 be at greater risk from the negative effects of chronic Interaction 14 12.1 23.4 <0.0001 exposure to warming due to the greater metabolic costs they incur (Deutsch et al., 2008; Tewksbury et al., 2008; Dillon et al., 2010). As a consequence, our results

F1,13 = 3.7, P = 0.078), and no significant relationships support the idea that evolutionary trade-offs may exist between DM˙ O2 and UTL measured as OS and D (maxi- between acute and chronic heat tolerance (Rezende 2 mum R = 0.211, F2,17 = 2.3, P = 0.133). et al., 2014). However, the invasive species P. macro- In addition, a significant negative relationship dactylus represents an exception to this general pattern, between UTL and DUTL was found when UTL was showing elevated thermal limits and plasticity of these measured as D (Fig. 3), indicating that species showing limits, as well as a high metabolic control. This combi- the highest UTL also showed the lowest DUTL. Particu- nation of traits possibly explains the recent geographi- larly, as UTL increased, DUTL decreased linearly cal expansion of this species (Bates et al., 2013), and 2 between 10 and 15 °C(R = 0.826, F1,3 = 19.0, may make it particularly resilient to future warming P = 0.012) (Fig. 3a), and quadratically between 15 and scenarios (IPCC, 2014). Our findings and their likely 20 °C and between 10 and 20 °C (minimum R2 = 0.966, ecological implications are discussed below, and the

F2,3 = 42.1, P = 0.006) (Fig. 3b, d). No significant rela- importance of integrating multiple physiological

Table 2 Temperature sensitivity of M˙ O2, expressed as the temperature coefficient for the change in M˙ O2 with temperature (Q10), in the prawn species investigated in this study. The temperature ranges used for the determination of Q10 are

10–20 and 10–25 °C. Mean Q10 for species living in broader/more variable thermal habitats and for species occupying narrower/ more stable thermal niches are also reported. Types of habitat are indicated by letters placed next to species names: B stands for broader/more stable thermal environments, while N indicates species characterised by narrower/more stable thermal niches

Q10 Q10 Mean Q10 Mean Q10 Species (10–20 °C) (10–25 °C) (10–20 °C) (10–25 °C)

Palaemon elegans (B) 3.52 3.91 3.78 3.78 Palaemon macrodactylus (B) 2.41 2.79 Palaemonetes varians (B) 5.42 4.64

Palaemon serratus (N) 3.20 2.40 2.67 2.56 Crangon crangon (N) 2.80 2.72 Pandalus montagui (N) 2.01 nr*

*nr = not recorded.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 PHYSIOLOGICAL ABILITIES, PLASTICITY, WARMING 9

45 45 Palaemon elegans Palaemon macrodactylus 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0200400600800100012001400 –1 –1 –1 –1 MO2 (nmol O2 g min )MO2 (nmol O2 g min ) 45 45 Palaemon serratus Palaemonetes varians 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0200400600800100012001400 –1 –1 –1 –1 MO2 (nmol O2 g min )MO2 (nmol O2 g min ) 45 45 Crangon crangon Pandalus montagui 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0200400600800100012001400 –1 –1 –1 –1 MO2 (nmol O2 g min )MO2 (nmol O2 g min )

Fig. 2 The relationship between M˙ O2 and UTL, measured as OS, for the prawn species investigated in this study. Circles represent individual prawn M˙ O2 and UTL measured after 7 day exposure to one of four incubation temperatures: 10 (yellow), 15 (light orange), 20 (dark orange) and 25 °C (red). Full lines represent the best-fit significant regression models, respectively; regression equation and 2 relevant statistics are as follows: P. elegans: y = 2.082ln(x) + 21.708, R = 0.609, F1,61 = 94.9, P < 0.0001; P. macrodactylus: y = 3.290ln 2 2 (x) + 18.692, R = 0.887, F1,21 = 165.2, P < 0.0001; P. serratus: y = 3.071ln(x) + 17.766, R = 0.599, F1,23 = 34.3, P < 0.0001; P. varians: 2 2 y = 1.60ln(x) + 27.491, R = 0.656, F1,53 = 101.3, P < 0.0001; C. crangon: y = 1.460ln(x) + 26.957, R = 0.244, F1,77 = 24.9, P < 0.0001; P. montagui: P > 0.05. metrics to provide more accurate predictions on spe- Overall, species inhabiting broader/more variable cies and assemblage vulnerability to acute and chronic thermal environments (particularly P. elegans and effects of global warming is highlighted. P. varians, but also, to an extent, P. macrodactylus) exhi- bit steeper SMR–T Reaction Norms than those occupy- ing narrower/more stable thermal conditions (P. Metabolic performance serratus, C. crangon and P. montagui). On average, these

As already demonstrated for caridean prawns (e.g., species also show higher mean Q10 values (3.78 both Vandonk & Dewilde, 1981; Dalla Via, 1985; Salvato between 10 and 20 °C, and between 10 and 25 °C) rela- et al., 2001; Oliphant et al., 2011), exponential Standard tive to subtidal species (2.67 and 2.56 between 10 and Metabolic Rate–Temperature (SMR–T) Reaction Norms 20 °C, and between 10 and 25 °C respectively) (see are observed in all the species examined (except in Table 2). In the assemblage investigated, the evolution P. montagui – quadratic). Indeed, metabolic rate of species metabolic response seems, therefore, to have increases exponentially with temperature due to been driven by species evolutionary ecology (e.g., type increased kinetic energy of biochemical reactions (Gillo- of thermal habitat), rather than by their phylogenetic oly et al., 2001). However, between-species differences history. If such response had been driven by species in metabolic response are also observed, possibly due phylogeny, in fact, the response of P. serratus would to differences in mitochondrial density and aerobic have resembled more closely that of other palaemonid capacity (e.g., Portner,€ 2001; see also Morley et al., 2009) species, rather than that of C. crangon and P. montagui emerging from the adaptation to different thermal (see Figure S1). habitats (Clarke, 2004; Clarke & Fraser, 2004; see also While high metabolic plasticity may allow the main- Watson et al., 2013). tenance of aerobic scope during fast and frequent

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 10 S. MAGOZZI & P. CALOSI

12 12 (a) (b) 9 9 6 6 3 3 0 0 –3 –3 –6 –6 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 26 28 30 32 34 36 38

12 12 (c) (d) 9 9 6 6 3 3 0 0 –3 –3 –6 –6 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 26 28 30 32 34 36 38

Fig. 3 The relationship between UTL, measured as D, and plasticity for Upper Thermal Limits (DUTL) at four temperature intervals: 2 2 2 (a) 10–15 °C(y = 0.276x + 11.106, R = 0.826, F1,3 = 19.0, P = 0.012), (b) 15–20 °C (y = 0.366x + 25.504x – 406.748, R = 0.966, À 2 À 2 F2,3 = 42.1, P = 0.006), (c) 10–25 °C(y = 1.077x + 40.623, R = 0.763, F1,3 = 9.7, P = 0.053) and (d) 10–20 °C(y = 0.176x + 10.739x – 2 À À 157.930, R = 0.975, F2,3 = 19.0, P = 0.004) °C. DUTL is calculated as the difference between mean values of D either between consecu- tive or extreme incubation temperatures (considering either 25 or 20 °C as upper extreme temperature). Data points represent individ- ual species UTL (measured at the incubation temperature indicated in brackets) and DUTL; different symbols indicate different species: P. elegans (circle), P. macrodactylus (triangle), P. serratus (square), P. varians (diamond), C. crangon (cross) and P. montagui (plus). Full and dotted lines represent the best-fit significant (P < 0.05) and marginally significant (0.05 < P < 0.08) regression models, respectively.

temperature fluctuations (Via et al., 1995; Bozinovic have evolved a remarkably high metabolic control, et al., 2011), it also implies high energetic costs (Hulbert which possibly explains its recent geographical expan- & Else, 2000; Rastrick & Whiteley, 2011; see also Watson sion (Bates et al., 2013), and may make it especially et al., 2013). Based on Q10 results (Table 2), species liv- resilient to future warming scenarios. By contrast, com- ing in broader/more variable environments (particu- pared to the other subtidal species, P. montagui exhibits larly P. elegans and P. varians) seem to better higher metabolic rates, showing reduced metabolic compensate for temperature increases by increasing plasticity at low temperatures (10–15 °C) and elevated their metabolism to a greater extent, compared to spe- metabolic plasticity at relatively high temperatures (15– cies living in narrower/more stable thermal conditions. 20 °C). This, together with the fact that P. montagui

However, when evaluating SMR–T Reaction Norms, exhibits the lowest mean Q10 between 10 and 20 °C, P. elegans and P. varians do show higher metabolic plas- suggests that this species may not be able to beneficially ticity, but also incur considerably higher energetic adjust its metabolic performance to temperatures costs. In general, species living in broader/more vari- within the tested range (10 – 20 °C), therefore being able thermal habitats may be at great risk from the neg- especially vulnerable to global warming. ative effects of chronic exposure to warming due to the higher metabolic costs they incur, compared to species Upper thermal limits inhabiting narrower/more stable thermal environ- ments. As already demonstrated for other (e.g., Based on SMR–T Reaction Norms, the invasive spe- Bradley, 1978; Layne et al., 1985; Lagerspetz & Bowler, cies P. macrodactylus maintains relatively low metabolic 1993; Cuculescu et al., 1998; Stillman, 2003; Hopkin rates, and associated energetic costs between 10 and et al., 2006), Upper Thermal Limits (UTL) increase with 20 °C, but expresses remarkably high metabolic plastic- increasing temperature in all the species investigated. ity between 20 and 25 °C. Between 10 and 25 °C, this Nevertheless, between-species differences in UTL species also shows a lower mean Q10 than P. elegans response to increasing temperature are also observed and P. varians (Table 2), but a higher Q10 in comparison (e.g., Stillman, 2003; Hopkin et al., 2006; Faulkner et al., to the other subtidal species (C. crangon and P. serratus) 2014; see also Araujo et al., 2013). In addition, UTL (Table 2). Palaemon macrodactylus seems, therefore, to are significantly positively O2-dependent through a

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 PHYSIOLOGICAL ABILITIES, PLASTICITY, WARMING 11

logarithmic relationship (except in P. montagui – no with their low ṀO2-control on UTL, further indicate that relationship), supporting the idea that aerobic scope is this species is likely to be the most vulnerable to warm- maintained by increasing ṀO2 until a pejus temperature ing. An alternative, not exclusive, view is that P. monta- is reached, then thermal tolerance becomes time-depen- gui shows very limited plasticity of both metabolism dent (Portner,€ 2001; Verberk & Bilton, 2011). The pejus and UTL because it is being exposed to temperatures temperature is assumed to correspond to the point at already above its pejus temperature. which the relationship between ṀO2 and UTL reaches the asymptote. In this instance, species showing higher Towards a more integrative prediction of species and metabolic plasticity (P. elegans and P. varians) possess: assemblage vulnerability to global warming (i) a lower ṀO2-control for UTL, and (ii) lower pejus tem- peratures (i.e., the relationship between ṀO2, and UTL Integrating the investigation of metabolic performance, in these species appears to tend to the asymptote at a thermal tolerance, and their plasticity helps to more lower temperature). Again, compared to species inhab- accurately elucidate species and assemblage vulnerabil- iting narrower/more stable thermal habitats, species ity to global warming (Bozinovic et al., 2011). Indeed, occupying broader/more variable thermal niches may, while thermal tolerance and metabolic performance therefore, be at greater risk from the sublethal effects of represent useful measures of acute and chronic resil- global warming, since their scope for critical processes ience to warming respectively (Bozinovic et al., 2011), such as locomotion, growth and reproduction is likely plasticity reflects the extent to which taxa are able to to become compromised at a lower temperature. adjust their physiological abilities to the global change

Between-species differences in ṀO2-control for UTL (Ghalambor et al., 2007; Charmantier et al., 2008; see largely reflect between-species differences in Upper also Murren et al., 2014). In the longer term, sublethal Thermal Limits–Temperature (UTL–T) Reaction temperatures associated with global warming are likely Norms. Indeed, species showing a greater metabolic to compromise organismal performance in critical pro- control for UTL also possess greater plasticity of ther- cesses like locomotion, growth and reproduction mal limits, indicating that oxygen-limitations may be (Portner€ & Knust, 2007; Somero, 2011), which will ulti- occurring at the whole-animal level (Portner,€ 2001; Ver- mately reduce species ability to maintain healthy popu- berk & Bilton, 2011; c.f. Truebano et al., 2010). lations at a specific location, possibly leading to local A significant negative relationship between UTL and extinctions and/or shifts along environmental gradi- plasticity of thermal limits was also found, with species ents (Buckley, 2008; Kearney & Porter, 2009; Cheung showing the highest UTL (C. crangon, P. varians and P. et al., 2010). Furthermore, these sublethal temperatures elegans) also showing the lowest plasticity of thermal are species-specific (c.f. Araujo et al., 2013), leading to limits. This suggests that the evolutionary trade-off changes in assemblage structure and dynamics includ- found in porcelain crabs (Stillman, 2002, 2003; see also ing new ecological processes such as niche competition Bozinovic et al., 2011; Araujo et al., 2013) may also and species invasions (Milazzo et al., 2013). In the apply to the prawn assemblage examined here. In this short-term, taxa may be also threatened by the lethal instance, given that prawns with the highest UTL and effects of global warming, especially due to increasing plasticity of thermal limits are neither ecologically simi- intensity and frequency of extreme acute thermal lar (i.e., type of thermal habitat) nor the most phyloge- events (IPCC et al., 2012). netically closely related, the evolutionary basis of such In the assemblage investigated, compared to species trade-off cannot be inferred, highlighting the need of inhabiting narrower/more stable thermal environ- exploring a larger phylogeny. However, it is relevant ments, species occupying broader/more variable ther- for conservation and commercial purposes that P. ele- mal niches are likely to be less vulnerable to extreme gans, P. varians and C. crangon are likely to be less vul- acute thermal events (c.f. Diederich & Pechenik, 2013), nerable to extreme acute temperatures when compared but may be at greater risk from the negative effects of to P. serratus and P. montagui. Once again, the invasive chronic exposure to warming (e.g., Folguera et al., species P. macrodactylus stands out showing both ele- 2009). Within this study, P. montagui and P. macrodacty- vated UTL and plasticity for thermal limits. Also, as lus highlight the types of responses seen at the ends of this species occurs in subtidal habitats, it is likely to this acute/chronic response trade-off spectrum. The possess greater thermal safety margins (sensu Stillman, former shows both extremely low thermal limits and 2002, 2003; Deutsch et al., 2008; see also Diederich & metabolic control, while the latter possesses high ther- Pechenik, 2013; Overgaard et al., 2014), and may, there- mal limits, elevated plasticity for these limits, and a fore, be the least vulnerable species to extreme acute high metabolic control. On this basis, under future glo- thermal events. By contrast, the low UTL and low plas- bal change scenarios, we predict that in the English ticity of thermal limits observed in P. montagui, together Channel area P. montagui may suffer a reduction in

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695 12 S. MAGOZZI & P. CALOSI presence and abundance, while P. macrodactylus may Bernardo J, Ossola RJ, Spotila J, Crandall KA (2007) Interspecies physiological varia- tion as a tool for cross-species assessments of global warming-induced endanger- experience a further expansion (e.g., Bates et al., 2013). ment: validation of an intrinsic determinant of macroecological and In general, ongoing environmental changes may cause phylogeographic structure. Biology Letters, 3, 695–698. shifts in the presence and abundance of the prawn Bozinovic F, Calosi P, Spicer JI (2011) Physiological correlates of geographic range in . The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 42, 155–179. species along the European Atlantic coasts, leading to Bozinovic F, Catalan TP, Estay SA, Sabat P (2013) Acclimation to daily thermal vari- considerable changes in assemblage structure and ability drives the metabolic performance curve. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 15, dynamics, and ecosystem functioning, as already 579–587. Bradley PB (1978) Increase in range of temperature tolerance by acclimation in the predicted based on results from laboratory mesocosms copepod Eurytemora affinis. Biological Bulletin, 154, 177–187. for other marine assemblages (e.g., Hale et al., 2011; Bradshaw AD (1965) Evolutionary significance of phenotypic plasticity in plants. Christen et al., 2013). However, it must be noted that our Advances in Genetics, 13, 115–155. Brattstrom BH (1968) Thermal acclimation in anural amphibians as a function of lati- conclusions are solely based on responses of adult indi- tude and altitude. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 24, 93–111. viduals for the species investigated. Future work should Buckley LB (2008) Linking Traits to Energetics and Population Dynamics to Predict include various developmental stages, accounting for Lizard Ranges in Changing Environments. American Naturalist, 171, E1–E19. Calosi P, Bilton DT, Spicer JI (2008) Thermal tolerance, acclimatory capacity and vul- differences in stage-specific vulnerability, especially nerability to global climate change. Biology Letters, 4, 99–102. since early life stages often represent physiological Calosi P, Bilton DT, Spicer JI, Votier SC, Atfield A (2010) What determines a species’ bottlenecks (Portner€ & Farrell, 2008; Storch et al., 2011; geographical range? Thermal biology and latitudinal range size relationships in European diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Journal of Animal Ecology, 79, Bartolini et al., 2013). In any case, the greater under- 194–204. standing of the mechanistic basis of acute and chronic Charmantier A, Mccleery RH, Cole LR, Perrins C, Kruuk LEB, Sheldon BC (2008) thermal tolerance, and their evolutionary trade-offs, Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change in a wild bird popu- lation. Science, 320, 800–803. achieved in our study can be used to implement conser- Cheung WWL, Lam VWY, Sarmiento JL, Kearney K, Watson R, Zeller D, Pauly D vation policies aimed at protecting ecologically and (2010) Large-scale redistribution of maximum fisheries catch potential in the glo- economically valuable resources (Bernardo et al., 2007; bal ocean under climate change. Global Change Biology, 16, 24–35. see also Helmuth et al., 2005), such caridean prawns. Christen N, Calosi P, McNeill CL, Widdicombe S (2013) Structural and functional vul- nerability to elevated pCO2 in marine benthic communities. Marine Biology, 160, 2113–2128. Clarke A (2004) Is there a universal temperature dependence of metabolism? Func- Acknowledgements tional Ecology, 18, 252–256. Clarke A, Fraser KPP (2004) Why does metabolism scale with temperature? Functional This study was funded by the Total Foundation Grant ‘Vulnera- Ecology, 18, 243–251. bility to Global Change in Marine Invertebrates Living Along a Compton TJ, Rijkenberg MJA, Drent J, Piersma T (2007) Thermal tolerance ranges Latitudinal and Depth Gradient: Marine Macrophysiology for a and climate variability: a comparison between bivalves from differing climates. Changing Ocean’ to P. Calosi while in receipt of Research Coun- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 352, 200–211. cil UK Research Fellowship. We are grateful to L. M. Turner for Cowles RB, Bogert CM (1944) A preliminary study of the thermal requirements of helping in building and discussing the phylogeny presented in desert reptiles. 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© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12695