Annual Report
4U+PIOT$PMMFHF +BêOB 4DSPMM%PXOUPWJFXUIF $PMMFHF3FQPSU #FMPXJTUIF$PMMFHF3FQPSUPGSFMFBTFEPOUIFPG+VOFEVSJOHUIF 1SJ[F(JWJOHCZ1SJODJQBM3FW+BNFTPO(OBOBQPOSBKBI PRINCIPAL’S PRIZE DAY REPORT 27th June 2015- 24th June 2016 The Chairman, the Ven. S. J. Jeyaveerasingan, Archdeacon of Jaffna & Manager of our College, Chief Guest, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin Gnanapragasam, Bishop of Jaffna, Dr. Dan Seevaratnam, Chairman, Governing Body, Mr. S. G. Premkumar, Secretary, Governing Body, Mr. N. Theivendrarajah, Zonal Director of Education, Jaffna, Mr. S. Gobinath, Director of the Jaffna Academy and School of Technology and Welfare Officer of our College, Mr. G. S. Neshakumar, Members of the Governing Body, Dr. S. Raviraj, President, OBA Jaffna, Mr.S.Jayawatsalan, President, OBA South Ceylon, Dr. A. Rex Pradeepan, Medical Officer - Planning, Regional Directorate of Health Services, Mullaitivu, Brother Clergy, Heads of Institutions and Schools, Distinguished Guests, Old Boys, Parents, Well-wishers! St. John‟s, while it celebrates its Centenary in Scouting, extends to you all a warm and cordial welcome. The presence of parents, Old Boys and well-wishers in large number gladdens and encourages us this morning. We are confident that your interest in our school will remain deep and unfailing. It is indeed an honour to have in our midst, the Bishop of Jaffna, the Rt. Revd. Dr Justin Bernard Gnanapragasam as our Chief Guest. The Lordship was ordained priest in 1974 and has celebrated his forty years of priesthood. He obtained his Bachelor‟s Degree in Theology from Pontifical Athenaeum, Poona, India, in 1974, his Master‟s Degree in Ecumenical Theology from the University of Hull, England in 1980, and his Doctorate in Education from the University of Southampton, England in 1988.
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