T he COURIER—GAZETTE. ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED IRIrt.i f l i c p r e s s ROCKLAND CDERIKR ESTABLISHED 1S7I.I is the Arehimebean £eber that filobes the cclorlb at a too Dollars a Bear 1 1 D ll IKILI tits v it \I:IN ADVANCE. , SINGI E < III 1 L- I'RH E H IE < ENTS.

Y » n . . 4.— N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, .11 N E H i , 1SS.,. N cm hek 22.

Scotchman with his wife and a pretty little leading, and when I paid yes, lie said I must vaulted nreh of blue. (I flatter myself that ments nnd am on do k in a jiffy, as happy as pass' d. 1 hose interc-ted in breaking down a girl whom I fancy the Judge would like tn LARKS ABROAD. h ive skimmed it, then, for he couldn’t do such that is rather pretty language, and what's the best of them. How glorious it all is. as law have mean- at their . unmand and perfect kiss were she fourteen or fifteen years older; a tiling in double the time, as he had to repeat more, it’s true and valuable, too, if you tan wc steam along the hold and ragged shore, organization, while those who would see it en­ and a great variety of other sorts of people, SHOWING ist HOW TWO YAN­ every word with his lips. And that,’’ the only understand it.) through smooth water, to Cork harbor and forced have neither. What the latter do h all of whom we infer arc hound across as they KEES CROSSED THE OCEAN. Apostolic concluded, malevolently, “ that shows There are many other euriou- phases of this Queenstown, where tin* Judge and I, together done from purely humanitarian reason', while remain on hoard with unwearied pertinacity him to l»e a ’man of veiy low mental culture life to one who dwells upon them for the first with a few of the steerage pnss u gers are to the others have a direct inoiiev i id rest in what ami talk of Liverpool as though they wanted indeed.” time. I am otic of them, nnd I do not under­ Companions at Sea The Apostolic and disembark, while the halime of the ship’s they do. D it any wonder then that prohibi­ to get there. 1 murmured something to tlie efieet that it stand if, either, when the sea is so smooth and Other Characters Amusements at company press on to Liverpool. tion is not enforced perfectly in these states ? Sea—High Life Below Decks Humor RTKAMSIIIP LIFE. certainly did have some such an appearance, everybody about me so joyous and calm ami A jolly crowd congregate*; in the smoke- With tlie liquor interest boring away night and | cqtlftblc of stomach. I do not eat much. at the Dinner Table Sunday in the In one sense It is monotonous, though each though I was puzzled to account for the great room nnd hen* for two bottrs the Italian day, is it any wonder that the ship is partly Atlantic — Regarding Gruel High succeeding day brings to us something that is warmth that the Apostolic had infused into his Tlie company will make money off me. A signors turn themselves loose in a revel of full of water, and in danger of sinking? It is Priced Opera- A Traveler's Medicine interesting while it perchance may not he new. remarks. It came out afterwards in conversa­ dish of gruel at morn’ng, a trifle of brer-tea at s mg, Sig. Brimhoni accompanying on the rather a wonder that it lias kept afloat so long. Chest—The End of Misery. We early master die system of marking time tion with the Judge. It seems that the noon, nnd at supper. If I feel able, some grind binjo with unlimited grace and abandon. There should he in every town a vigilance hy the hells, though s >me of the ladies posi­ Ap »stolie nnd the bald-headed party ran into again. Orncl! hah! 1 detest the sight of it Fancy if von can-but you can’t- a score of cjmmiitee, made up of men who are not afraid Second Lettf.u. tively assert that they do not apprehend how it an abstract discussion of theology, in the It haunts me. Today in a moment of aber­ the leading men of tlie finest opera company to act. That committee shoiil i liave in its em­ As I was saving, there are some very pleasant (an he eight bells three separate times course of which they split on free-will, where­ ration and my berth I composed these fines in tlie worl I turned up for a mad but perfectly ploy the best legal talent ,<» In- had and money people besides the Judge and tnyself on board. within a dozen hours. It’s no use, they pout- upon the bald-headed man exhibited decided to its memory. I showed them afterwards to well-intentioned carousal of song, witli to hear the expenses of prosecutions. Every There are some others perhaps who arc not so ingly protest, they can nof understand it. And leanings toward atheism, and cruelly stepped the Judge. He rend them slowly nnd painfully choruses from all the best of operas roared church should stand with this committee, and through. pleasant, hut one endures them as one would yet a woman will do up her hack hair in a upon tlie Apostolic’s feelings. They separated forth with heartiness and perfection. Every­ just as much attention should he paid to this as a ease of measles, knowing that it is not to score of dillerent ways and think nothing of it. in a heat, and then •elbrlh avoided one another “ What do yon think of them ?’’ I asked,witli body laughed and rubbed their hands and to any other movement for the protection of last forever. The steamer for a season is a As every once in a while I get to be a year or persistently. This accounts for the Apostolic’s all of the popular author’s pride of voice. veiled bravos voa ought to have heard me the young, for it is the greate-t danger they little world in the midst of a surrounding me­ two older the intricacies of the feminine mind animadversions. He was revenging himself “ I think,” the Judge returned, as he care­ yell, and possibly you did If you happened to are subjected to. Such organization would fully drew on his white flannel night shirt and dium of water, and it behooves one to live at become more and more a subject of unintelli­ on the bald headed parly by holding up his he listening at the moment. When we broke make short vvork of the infamous traffic. Pro­ got into bed, “ I think there orc things even peaee so far as in him lies with all about him, gible comprehension. literary frailties 'to contumely and scorn. up there was a great deil of shaking hands hibition luv never failed except where its en­ worse than seasit •knc*s.” ignoring or quietly enduring the little ills to At noon each day two officers make their Some men are hound to have their revenge. and talking in broken English, while Rig. forcement has li is been left to evervone, with­ 1 called the little loot Imre which this life is incident, realizing that there appenance on the main deck, hearing in their He is somewhat of a humorist, too. is the Cherubini, tlie leading impressario -I think out means or concert of action. It lias only Apostolic, in his way. are no others to which lie could escape even if hands a sort of exaggerated compasses, witli K IE L ’S CIU El. (.1(1 I I.. that i< it - besought me to call at his hotel tailed w here insufficient effort has lx en made “ Gentlemen,” he said at table today, very lie would. witli which they take the sun. You have .Scarce had the ship made sail fur di-iant port — when I got to London, where, he assured me, to enforce it. It can be enforced everywhere, abruptly, “ I suppose you never heard of the Next meat the table sits a gentleman who is heaid of a man wanting the earth ? Well, Onr hearts still sore from partings sad and cruel he “ would he at my deesposeesecon.” I told provided those intere-ted will organize, pro­ man who built a patentegg trap?” i When daneinu waves made me their laughing cp ri, enumerated upon the list as a ltev. somebody dear Henry, these men take the sun * Then I Ami I was tain that night to sup oil' g rin I. him I would, and I will. I am going around vide mmicv, and employ legal agencies whose or other—it is not necessary to the purposes of the number of miles the ship has made during We all said wc believed we never had, and and strike him for a couple of tickets to the business it is to see that violator;- aie^mnishcd nothing would render us happier than to learn I When morning d ned —alas and Oh alack ! this veracious chronicle that he be more speci­ the past twenty-four hours is jotted down on a ' The steward e—a ndr haired youth named opera. and the provisions of the 1 iw carried out. tlie Occurrence now. Hind— fically designated. He is somewhat stern and chart, which also indicates the vessel’s position getting AsitoKK. That is nil there is of I:. It is f.,r the people “ Well, you see—hoho-lio!” the Apostolic 'ni sick !” groaned I ; lie hitched Ida trousc uncompromising in the east of his counte­ in mid-oeeun at the time, nnd the passengers At midnight outside Cork harbor the clank­ wlio pass the law to see that it is enforced. nance, which aspect is by no means benevolent­ are thus informed of their precise whereabouts went on, “ there was a man who built a patent Q uoth he Iw would you like Home niet Organization is the only way to pulverize tlie fresh gruel ing engines cease, and in answer to a signaling ly tinged by his patriarchal white side-whiskers. and made comfortable In their minds. Men of —ha-ha ! a patent egg trap, and when the hen mm power. W. got on to it to lay she looked around and rocket a tag comes out to take the passengers He has crossed the ocean fourteen times, he a hold and lawless character lay hets on each Slow drag tin* hours betwixt the morn and noon, ------♦ ♦ ►------And then tin* Ju d g e eoim*s to ttering dow n, “ Now and mails ashore. Farewells again are cordial­ informs me, and in an outburst of confidence day’s prospective run, and thus the most inno­ couldn’t sec any—ha-ha ’.—any egg, so she sat BRIC-A-BRAC. down again and laid another, got up ami found d... Will, - ly exchanged, and we stagger on hoard the he assures me that never, on all the many lines cent ami necessary transaction in tho world is Nay, I implore you” —thus he begs ef soon — "To take another bowl of oat-u.eal gruel. tug, and steam away from oar nine-days’ he has traveled, lias so varied and well cooked made tlie occasion of gambling. Being averse that gone also—laid another- same result— A Montreal weather proptu t predicts aud the —hi'-ha h a ’.—the consequence was she home. On the quay wc are met hy the etts- a bill-of-fare been presented for the delectation to any form of betting that is likely to result O gruel—gruel morning, noon and night! toms officials, to whom we open our satchels — oppressive heat, high winds, tornadoes of his palate. And he is posted in this direc­ in loss neither the Judge nor myself have thus laid and la id till she laid herself all away— I'd lather far to light a bloody duel, and frost for tlie latter part of .June. hahahaliaha!” Than lie Ini nv, a groaning, sea-dek fright, we have no trunks. Ibis in our ease is a tion, too, for he orders in his meals with the far engaged in this hilarious pastime. Eeil with a spoon on loathed, detested gruel. slight formality, and the officials being satis­ “ If what doctors siv is true the best practical air of an expert in cookery and Nobody smiled. tiling the owners of Plymouth,” says the In the smoking-room on the main deck the WEAR IXO AWAY. fied that we carry no firearms, we are passed, descants upon the peculiar merits of each masculine passengers also congregate and play “Laid herself away where, sir?” the Doctor I’niladclphia 'J'itues, ‘ 'can do is to turn softly enquired with an air of respectful in­ Oh, hut the time somehow wears away. I after another sharp-eyed person has asked viand with the unction of a connoisseur. A at cards—some innocently enough, others bent our names and purpose in visiting the country, the town into a truck patch and use the private decanter of some refreshing liquid stands on speculation, 'i’llis hitter class is confined to terest. don’t know how it does it, hut it does. water supply as a fertilizer.” “Away where ?” echoed the Apostolic, with One morning 1 crept into the inviting little together with how long we are to remain, and ever by his plate, out of which he is wont to the Italian singers, who play draw-poker all jotted our answers down in a little hook. The New O rleins Times licmocraf has the testy manner of a man whose joke falls barber-shop for a shave. The gentleman who refresh himself with infinite gusto. A genial the day long at a shilling a corner with a grace Queenstown is dark and deserted as we been shown evidence of a sale o f 11,000 hard, “ why, away to nothing, of course. presided over this emporium was a squat indi­ acres of valuable coal and iron land in party he seems to be, and emboldened by cer­ and abandon that is peculiarly an attribute of hasten to the hotel along’ the street that re­ tain outward tokens of suavity I early essay a sunny Italia, but with a profound knowledge What else could she lay herself away to ?” vidual with a breath, lie put me down in his Alabama w ith in the past week, as one The Doctor made no reply, and the conver­ echoes to our tread. After a tremendous deal little conversation with him. So in that pleas­ of tlie game that is essentially American in its chair, rapidly lathered my face and pulled his result of a leading rail w »y exhibit in the sation died a natural death. But it seems tn razor over me with a motion like raking down of thumping on a window hy the man who has Exposition. ant manner for which 1 am likely to achieve a accent. shown us thither, the Boots of the hotel is me I have heard of that story before. Wasn’t a fiddle at a country dance. I’liere is a bird roost at L ik e G entry, reputation upon two eon:incuts I say one Then there is the mild and genial game of finally aroused and com ing out, barefooted, it found among the inscriptions oil the mummy “ Man dear!” 1 yelled in excess of pain, in Brevard county, Florida, covering a morning at table: ring-toss, the excitement of which consists in fights us sleepily to a quaintly furnished room “Over what pastoral charge are you at pres­ h joking on the. ring when the ship Is lurching, of Thothmcs III. that was dug up a few years “Your razor harts!” tract of eighty acres, in which, it is esti­ that looks as if it had dropped out of one of mated, over 7,00(\0 '() birds gather every ent settled, sir ?” and when you get tired of that you can make ago ? Or was it Thothmcs I. ? He paused an instant and critically looked at Dicken’s novels. At two o’clock of a Sunday season. It has been a resting place for “ Well—-blurm ! blurm !—” (he always has to the circuit of the main deck, fifteen times SUNDAY AT SEA. the edge of his weapon. “ Oh, no,” he said with a contented sigh as morning we drop our tired heads into the birds from time immemorial. clear his throat before dispossessing himself of around which constitutes a mile, and when The fourth day dawns with the sea as smooth grateful rest, of feather pillows, aud so the a remark,) “ I am not at present settled any­ yon weary of that you can watch for passing as glass. At 11 o’clock tho bell rings tor di­ he reached for me again, “ it ees not ze razor— There is n sore eje wave in the H ud­ Judge and I pass our first night on the sod of son R iver Walley, says t ie Poughkeepsie where.” ships, which are far from being numerous, or vine services, which are held in the saloon. ze razor ees sharp. It ees ze skin.” the Emerald Isle. F i ller. A’/f/O . Oculists cal! it "Conjunctivitis.” “And what denomination, may I ask,” 1 von can sit in your chair and tan beneath tlie / laid noticed that, too. 1 asked him if he On one side sit the cabin passengers, tlie steer­ Tin re are at least .’»o » ca-es at the pres­ pleasantly pursue, “did I understand you to had heard of the great anti pain discovery scorching rays of the sun, and contemplate age opposite, while tlie sailors, clean shaven ent time, and it seem- to lx* on the in ­ tny you are connected with ?” Nunky leaning pensively upon his familiar and smartened with a hit of handerchief or so, called cocaine. He said he hadn’t. IS PROHIBITION A FAILURE? 1 paid him a shilling for the shave. A shilling crease. 'I’he epidemic reaches all classes, “ Well—blurm ! blurm !—” he rejoins, “I am broom, or you can order the deck-steward to flic decorously in and occupy the center. The and both young and old. not now ot tiny particular denomination. I bring you a hottie of lemonade, which is a very is a twentieth part of a pound in English Doctor conducts the service—that of the Church A Correspondent Espouses the Temper­ A farmer near Waslrnglon, Pa., hav­ claim to belong to tlie Apostolic church, sir, money and is equal to about twenty-five cents pleasing autertainment too. Oh, there’s am ­ of England—and very beautiful it all seems, ance Cause in Vigorous Style. ing occasion to take ids horse from tho blurm ! blurm!—the Apostolic church.” usement enough at sea, I can assure roti. with the responses of the men, the singing of United States. It was a great deal of shave M essrs Furious. My attention has been lield to the staid.•, owing to the anim 1 And so we called him the Apostolic. The the hymns, the bright sun ‘•hilling all around for a shilling. The steerage passengers live down below us, called to this subject by an article in one of suddenly becoming sick, unthinkingly title may sound a bit irreverant, but surely we and the sea wind blowing freshly through the In the morning I poke my head out of the forward, with privileges of tlie deck back to a oar state papers headed as above. Permit me left his dinner b:i-k» t behind, which lie di,l not intend it ns such. We had to call him open port and exclaim : certain point. Beyond this line of denurka- open ports. to say through the columns of your paper, (a was surpi ised to lind on returning several something, and that under the circumstances The Italian portion of the passengers arc ••Hist! I seem to smell the shamrock !” tion the Intermediate passengers hang oat, as thing I have not done tor some years) that the days later had been carefully guarded was the aptest thing in the world. We subse­ “ All right,” the Judge returns; “ so long as all the while by his tog. which would you Americans say. Thu intermediate pas­ chiefly noticeable for their absence. Many of papers that are afraid to follow an idea to it- quently ascertained that he had been debarred it’s not a real rock we are safe.” not move from the vieluilw. although senger is socially beneath the first cabin but them are playing high-low-jiiek for heavy legitimate conclusion, or are willing to work in from preaching because of certain eccentricities So it seems the Judge is also getting up several neighbors tried to frighten and vastly above the steerage. Each grade lives stakes in their staterooms—for the rules do not the interest of the liquor dealers to the extent of genius, into which, however, wc felt delicate some jokes to use on English soil, where jokes ol coax him away. and cats to itneli- the first cabin sumptuously permit cardplaying in the smoking-room upon of advocating the licensing of the most infa­ about enquiring. Exceedingly agreeable he this description command an extraordinary W ithin the last 30 days about 100 lives every day, tlie intermediate not so well hy the Sabbath. Later during the day these sin­ mous traffic that curses the earth, are filling made Vimself to us through the trip, aud we half, while tlie steerage I fancy lias to put up gers congregate about the deck aud fill them­ premium. have he. ii lost through the parsimony Friday night Her Majesty’s Opera gave a their columns with statements that prohibition and criminal neglect of builders and never shall forget him. We couldn’t. witli many a crumb that falls from the rich selves with wine to an extent that impresses has proved a failure in the states that hive At the head of the table sits the ship’s d< e- passengers’ table. The sailors fare equally one with an astonishing sense of their liquid concert in the saloon. I was busy in my berth owners. 'I'lie conviction of these men at the time, so I sent the Judge, lie said it adopted it, viz., Maine, Kansas and Iowa. on charges of manslaughter would not tor, a somewhat young man, intensely waxed with the steerage. Where they lived I do not capacity. It is tlie prevailing opinion that Now, wc do not believe this, in fact, we know as to his uioustaehios and gorgeous in the gold know. My stomach never got sufficiently they do not make the choicest of traveling com­ was one of the grandest events of his fife. lie a dillicult task. There are laws that better. We know not by hearsay, hut of our w ill reach them, and they need nothing lace and brass buttons of his uniform. He strong to permit me to examine. panions. Then I felt sorry I hadn’t attended Iait I own knowledge, that prohibition in Maine has hut enforcement. Tho imprisonment of talks in a decidedly English inflection witli a The cabin passengers can go among the That night there are additional services, would have been out of place, I fear. No been a success, that it has lessened the con­ half a dozen or more of these public tendency to drawl, and perhaps would he other classes at will, hut between them and ns wherein the Apostolic preaches a very long and man whose stomach is climbing up over the sumption of liquor enormously, that it has enemies would have an excellent cflect thought hy some to possess rather the attri­ top of his bead Isa lit object for Italian opera. there is a great gulf fixed across which they extremely sleep conducive sermon—and wrought a revolution m the state, and that it on the‘entire country and work a much butes of a .supercilious English snob. Indeed Not, at least, unless he wears a very high- must not venture. It made us very exclusive, shortly afterwards is seen at the opposite side has accomplished more direct good to the peo­ needed reform in architecture. at tlie first that was the identical impression of the saloon jegaling himself with his nightly necked collar. and I believe the judge and I stuck our thumbs ple of the slate than all the other legislation The new instrument called the almu- that fastened itself upon me, hut later in the libation of ale—as a sort of benediction upon DESPERATE MEASURES. into the arm-holes of our vests and bulged onr that has been done for 30 years. It has re­ eantar was invented h y Professor Chand­ voyage 1 had occasion to avail myself chests a hit when we ascertained this aristo­ the day. Today I call in the Doctor. II ; looks me stricted the sale of rum in our cities, it has ler. and in it the telescope floats as in a of tlie doctor’s professional services, when 1 cratic fact. It comes on to blow pretty fresh as the day­ all over and wants to know what medicine I driven it out of the country places, and while hath of m ercury, and its use is in cor­ discovered him to lie very much of a gentle­ light wanes, and tlie ship pitches dismally. have. I tell him with great candor and truth : recting or verifying observations. 'Tlie THE THI HI) DAY. possibly, it has not saved any considerable man, witli a great deal of kindness of heart. That is, dismally to me. Spite ot all my good .bnnuiea (linger, number of confirmed drunkards, it has to a special work accomplished with it this At dinner he would survey the bill-of-fare with I am better today. Everybody said I would Wiggln’a Pellets, year has consisted in the photom etric intentions I seem bound to make myself A rnica, great extent preserved the youth of the -fate a coldly critical eye and thus slowly and dis­ he, and yesterday I tried to wrench my imagi­ miserable. 1 can't understand it. But the Cyclam en, from its pollution. observations of the satellites of Jupiter, Soda Mint Tablet*, tinctly address the deferential waiter: nation into believing it might he so. hut it Judge—uh, he withstands it famously, and It is admitted by all that it has not entirely the revision of zone observations, the Salve, measurement of the light of stars to ob­ “ I ’m going to have some soup—green tur­ seemed a matter of doubt to me then whether hasn’t known a qualm since he struck the Add Phosphate, fulfilled its mi-sion, even after a 30 years trial. tle, mind—and then I’m going to have some it would be in life or death, and I eonhln’1 steamer’s deck, lie is getting particularly B a .ly, tain magnitudes, the computation of the Bromide of Sodium, Liquor is still sold and drank in our state, and orbits of comets, the observations of the fish; and I’m going to have some roast beef somehow take interest enough in it to eare fond of tlie hounding sea, as he terms it. I A m m onia, unquestionably all that is said of Maine is true color ot -tars and of the stellar spectra. witli Yorkshire pudding; and I’m going to which, though my recollection now is that I notice that he affects a rolling gait, and now Compound Cathartic Pills, A lit i • bi 1 inurt d itto , of the other two states. It could not, he other­ h ive some duck ; ami I’m going to have some rather leaned toward the latter alternative. and then easts an anxious eye to weather and Sddiltz PowdeiH, wise. The associated brewers and distillers AFTER THE HONEYMOON. parsnips; and I’m going to have some mashed The Judge and I take a stroll down among scans tlie clouds, and once I have detected him, Tinct. Iodine, ('ourt Planter, have unnumbered millions of dollars at -take, potato; and I’m going to have pudding for tlie oilier classes of passengers, all ol whom, it when he supposed nobody was looking, trying A conite, and they have no consciences to restrain them. ijulerr. dessert. I nderstand ?” being another pleasant day and the sea remark­ to hitch iq) bis trousers, as be bus seen Nunky Bi vonia, Young inniTieil people tire surprised Coll eii, Are the liquor dealers of New York and Bos­ And he rarely fails to get it. ably smooth, are on deck for enjoyment. do. 1 hardly fancy tlie attempt a success. GclHiiuinum, ton going to give up such a rich pasture field as when they discover timt the honeyiiioon Next tlie Doctor on his right sits a very raw Every woman among the steerage class has one From where I sat it seemed to impart to him Nux Vomica, our state without a struggle ; Are the brewers is nut entirely composed of honey, Ithus Tox, liven llie first year id nitnried life is not ami uncomfortable Englishman who has been or more babies in her arms, whom she rather too much of the appearance of a giraffe liuniadi Water, of Milwaukee, Toledo, Cincinnati and St. always the happiest, though it ought twelve years ill Texas in business, ami wears feeds incessantly out of a hottie or anything stepping over a wire fence. He is a wondrous- Corn Cure. Louis going to permit themselves to he driven All these, I candidly confess, are not mine always to he very happy. Living one of William Black's heroe’s worsted caps on else that may he handy. Wonderfully patient ly active man, is the Judge, and keeps ruu ot out of the rich states of Kansas aud Iowa deck all the day. lie talks in a loud and as­ these babies seem, and encrusted with dirt to a all tlie vessels and steamers that com * within some of them belong to tlie Judge -Iait 1 huve together happily is an a it which tlie without making a fight for it ? Is the liquor most afh I'tionate couple eat,not ordinari­ sertive manner and thinks America is hardly a degree. With the intermediate cabin women the limited horizon, lie is especially vivacious die inn of them,as we say in oar country. interest of the United State-, with its millions ly learn in a year. Each has to make lit plaec to die in. He will scarcely brook a tlie aesth tie taste seems to run to parrots, an tonight, and comes around to where 1 am “ Have you taken all these things?” the at its control, going to have three states invite some unpleasant diseovt rii s and to over­ comparison between ids native laud and ours, extraordinarily large number of which bright groaning in my chair, and says he wouldn't doctor asks. the otliers to kill their business by demonstrat­ Not all, I reply, hut I a-gettin’ along—a come -otuc lixo I inclinations. True that shall in any way redound to our credit, lined birds hang upside down in their cages in a mind witnessing a storm at sea, just hy way of ing tlie power of prohibition for good, if they happine-s begins when these discoveries gettin’ along. and there is possibility that if he falls over­ manner that of all others 1 should imagine diversion, and to find out what it was like, aud can avoid It : Not much. Their interest is too have been made and each is thoroughly “ 1 think you must lie seasick,” tlie Doctor board and the life-boat fails to reach him that would invite tlie severest symptoms of seasick­ when I sigh at this exhibition of temcritv.be large, too important. I: is no small thing for '•esolved to make tlie other as happy as 1 shall smile grimly. 1 do not positively assert ness. Games of cards are in hearty progress, says, anyhow he’d like to see a wreck. I tell kindly says, alter a lew moments of deep re­ them to give up their grip on the youth of tlie possible for all time. M arriage is some­ flection. “ I will give you some medicine.” that I shall do this thing. I merely intimate a numerous children are skipping rope,an itiner­ him to look at me, aud (lieu 1 totter down land. They know that every hoy they entice times said to In1 the door that leads de­ This In faithfully does, keeping me in my possibility. Spe iking of the fishing in Texas ant preacher is haranguing a little knot ol stairs and creep into my berth in company with into their toils i< worth to them so much a day, luded mortals back to earth; fait this berth meantime for three solid days, where I one day at table, I asked him with tlie interest listeners am* reading Bob Ingersoll all to tat­ a hollow groan. so long as he is able to earn a dollar or steal need not aud ought not to he the ease. enjoy myself vastly, and at the end of which of a sportsman what are the game fish there. ters, while on the opposite side of the deck a Mixon chords. one. They cun count their profits sure from Certainly love may end with (lie honey­ very fat and stolid visaged personage is aggra­ period the Judge bursts excitedly into the moon if people marry to gratify a '‘gun­ “ The game fish is it?” lie loudly repeats Last night we crawled* through the icebergs every hoy upon whom they van fasten the vating a gaudy accordion, to whose inspiriting room and yells in tlie voice of a stenlor: powder passion,'' or for the sake ol mere witli a scornfully rising reflection; “and what ot the Newfoundland hanks, and in the morn­ never-dying appetite, and so long as the death “ Land b o !” outward beauty, which is like a glass are the game fish ?” strains a couple or two are waltzing gaily. ing wc could discern upon tin* horizon one of breeding disease leaves him energy < uoiigh to Laud ho! Oh, blessed, blessed kind-the soon broken. Of eourte it <- euthusias Then lie looks contemptuously around die There is no tedium visible here. the massy objects, its white sides glistening in woik or beg. They know that in every home land of Ireland. I wanted to hug the Judge, tie, teuipe-t'.toiis love I,I courting days table, while I bury my indignation in soup, tlie sun. One of them passed during tin* night, there is material for them to work upon and LACK Ol MENTAL CT L ITR E. hut it was unhandy getting down into my will not ,s a rule survive marriage. A satisfied that it is useless to bandy words with they told us, was a mile lung and a hundred they want no law to stand between them and “ Do von know that m an?” the Apostolic hunk, so I hugged myself-and I’m no mean m arried couple soon get to fe, I toward a walking Encyclopedia Britannica, who with feet high. Very cool they have rendered the their victims. each other vi ry mu it as two , hums at enquired of me, as we sat under the lee of the bugging, let inc tell you, either. all his wisdom doesn’t know that game fish are house in our chairs, pointing at the same lime atmosphere, iait now we are getting into the Tli y tan :ilf>rd to spend milli'ais .<» break eolleee, or two p irtm ts in a business i he journey’s LXD. scaly monsters who sit up nights with tlie boys to a bald-headed person who was trying to gulf stream and warmer weather is upon us down prohibition in any one state, for their win) are a-the same time old and well and play draw poker for tlie drinks. make out a vessel that was nowhere on the weather that permits our living on the deck ibis was about five o’clock on Saturday j success in one state means death to prohibi­ tried friends. V ling maiiied people I have be2H told that there are oilier English­ horizon. without encumbering overcoats, and lends ad- afternoon. For nine days tlie wind inis tion in others. I litre are societies which meet often think liiat those who have lai n in the holy state of matrimony twenty or men possessing these obnoxious character­ Duly in a general way, 1 said. ! ditional charm to the scenery. blown steadily from the east, straight in tlie once a week, once a month, or once a year, istics, but it hardly seems possible. The word scenery I employ of course in good ship’s face. Now the journey is almost who resolve that rum is u curse and pledge th irty years longer than themselves are “ A very narrow ami uncultureJ man,indeed,” verv prosy, imromanlie and hy no means Then dure is a Spaniard on board who is an ' largely an A. Wardian sense. Only the sky ended, and everybody, even myself, is happy. themselves to do what in them lie- to destroy the Apostolic continued, frowning heavily. pel l e d examples ol w liat m arl ild peo­ agreeable foil to the Englishman, for lie says aud water greet the eye in any direction, and j Soon we reach the Skelllgs, the two barren it, and then adjourn aud go home, this man to “ Asked me t->day if I laid finished a hook I was ple ought lo he. nothing, and a Belgian who speaks five lan­ extremely curious it is, too, to see the horizon rocks lilting their uncreated tops outside the his quarry or farm, store or workshop. There guages with great liueney, 1 should say,though ’ D.iriag my l«-isare iu ineatb when I huve not shutting down uncompromisingly all around, I Irish coast, as twin sentinels lo hail the in­ is no organization against it worthy of the name It i- , \|e led lli.it . n I trailt will lie able to owing to hisaeeeiit I do not follow him in been feeling well I have thought out u uuuiber of your.-elf the center of a heaving waste of sea ' coming stranger. Now my nausea vanisln s It is not hull as difib ull to procure the pas­ l -iive New Xoiktei tin oiinti) laioie the last piize iok. s of ihU description. Some ot then , ull of them with the utmost clearness; and a when I get to London, I expect to sell to Puck. that rises to meet the drooping sides of a j as by magic. 1 pull on my neglected gar­ sage of a law as it i- to enforce it after it has week in June. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNK 16, 1885.

MEN AND WOMEN. AMUSEMENTS. Personal Paragraphs of More or Less 'The rink wa* packed Priday evening to wi:- S p e c i a l s BOSTON Interest to Our Readers. ne«s the gune of polo between two femc.le Mi- 1. K. Elwell i« visiting in B xton. team*, the Crescents ami Niagara*. The (’res Mr-. C. A. Cr • k'dt h o rcturnel from the cent* were attired m blue and r d costume’', the \Y. 8. | Niagaras in black and old gold. 'The game Opened this Morning,! wa* won by the Niagara* by a score of 3 to 2. CLOTHING \Y|I gill The lir«t rusher of the Niagaras was tic most J U N E 16th, Mr-. I I. L Vmaihav a wa* in a«1ivc of the lot, and did the greater part of tie-play ing. The goal tender of the Cre-< ents One Case, handsome style, J. \Y. l.othroo is it w in A n, iver. in this made some good steps. SIMONTON’S Mate, boat bnil ling. 'Ill - Dover huihj ll-pn'thcan of Apr! 3 »!h M issLm v Waterman lit* return I to l.er h.i* the following gilt-edged notice of the home in Noi th 11 a veil. Miller-Dixie O| era Company, which will open GINGHAMS J. A. Run rv ami wife returned hut night in this city the 22 ln*t. I n n three night’* en­ from a visit to Bangor. gagement and matinee: Mi-- A ia Sinontoii ai:d MD* Nina '1 i I Ison Miller A Dixie’* Opera Co. were, in spite of -:-I’ARAS0LS-:- Onl) 8 ets. are nt home from school. tli ‘toim. gr. t ted with a good h-ni’-e last night when tin y presented the Mascot it) such a m an­ Mrs Abbie Burpee i« vi*itlng lor brother “ The English government ,nbl <>IT thn1:11110! II. Burpee, returned to ence to-night should be greeted with an over- 22 inches x\ide, worth .81.62 “ Bradfoi'i o is appeared t ir some years and llnwing house. They surely deserve the finally appealed in l ii nd*liip again visiting j Boston Saturday. encouragement of large house* for their pluck for only Sl.25. his friends. My uncle, Jeremiah Jame-or. c. M Lithrop, employed with L. M. Benner, in presenting a first cla*i opera at low prices. SIMONTON BROS. is at his horn in I o t Union recuperating when h • saw. him threatened to thrash him for — ------abusing his father, as 1 have told you hereto* from a severe attack of lameness. NARROW ESCAPE. Black and Colored Satin At the Field Day athletic sports of Colby fore, but lin, begged so bard that he let him Rhadama worth $1.50, for University, held June 5th, O. L. Beverage of oil on condition that he should not show him* Two Young Girls arc Nearly Drowned North Haven won two of the prizes. 1.25 per yard. self near my uncle’s house again. He was at St. George. S. B. Thompson of Yinalhaven, formerly of caught passing there one day ami my unde SPECIALS this city, bus just returned from Portland, Wednesday forenoon the fifteen-year old attacked him with a goard stick. A friend of Colored silks worth 1.25 for 1 where he has been attending school. daughter of Rufus I eel of 'Teel’s I*,and, St. Bradford attempted to defend him, but Unde Hon. A. P. Gould took the boat for Boston, George, and a ladv friend about tiie same age, Jeiemiab whipped them both. As it was a Friday night, whither he was called on businc- went to the wharf of the island to prepare a violation*)! the? law to punish any of those All Wool Dress Goods 40- connected with tin Pacific Bank cases. small boat for a trip across the hay to Port who had take part in the war my uncle was incli wide, never sold for less Miss Helen A. Mi Into*,1 I* teaching the Clyde, 11 little child accompanying them. arrested and line i £10 >. Being unabl to pay, primal.v school at Black Ington’s Corner The two girls got Into the boat and in some than 75 cents, only 50 cents a the neighbors made up the amount and he was during the Illness ot Mbs Annie Hutchinson. way capsized it. They were thrown into tiie discharged. Bradford after his thrashing Ladies" India Gauze Vests in yard. We have an unusually Miss Minnie White is visiting Miss Alice deep water and were unable to extricate them­ betook liiinsdl to Nova Scotia ami stayed Perkins in Portsmouth. When she returns, selves. The little child on the shore saw die long and short sleeves at 25 ets. tine assortment of Black Dress there.” her friend Miss Perkins will accompany accident and gave the alarm. Mrs. Teel goods at all prices. ---- Yinalhaven is literally scattered ail over hurried to the wharf and after scverc exertions her. Ladies tine Balhriggan Vests We would respectfully in­ the United States. Yon walk along the streets succeeded in getting the two half drowned Mrs. M. P. Simonton entertained a Kcno of New Orleans and New York a" I you trcitd girl* ashore ,11 an unconscious condition. It long and short sleeves, 50 ets. White Embroidered Dress party of a dozen ladies, last evening. Miss vite your attention to the upon fragments of the Island. You enter was thought at first that they were dead, but l.ucv Andrews won the most kenos ami was Patterns, from 2.75 to $6 each. many a large and stately struct ive in the larger vigorous efforts finally brought them to. Misses’ and Children's Gauze given a prize. OPENING SALES of our cities and Yinalhaven towers above you. In Vests, 25 cents. Tin: Cot nu.n-G azi.tti; would offer its thanks 182(1 the fu st granite was (plan led on the island. for a slice of the bridal loaf and tender Its Kissing the Biarncv Stone. Read the C.-G. All Hie above are Special Itanraius. Large and Carefully Selected A M r.'l uck of New Hampshire came to the next Tuesday. congratulations to Charle* R. Richardson and We have received another lot island ami got out stone for the platforms of ------wife, who wi re wedded Thursday hist. Stock of Elegant New of the Brocade Dress Goods the cells of Charlestown State Prison. The M O R E W O L F . Mrs. A..J. P. Ingraham ami son of Belfast, SIMONTON BROS. which we are selling for 12 1-2 stone was quarried at Arey’s Harbor and who have been visiting at \Y. .,. Atkins shipped from there. The first cargo was A Correspondent States That He Saw returned home la-t week with Mr. Ingraham, cents a yard. These goods are freighted by schooner Ply mouth Rock, Capt. The Animal Himself. who lias been on a business tour among tiie a great bargain. We have John Carver, brother to Capt. Reuben Carver. Mu. E iutoii.—Having seen several misstate­ islands. 'flic present quarries owned and worked by ments in the paper in regard to a wolf seen Spring Styles! them iu all colors. Mrs Belle Sbertnan. Ernest and Leola Sher­ bv my brother and myself, I find it a duty the Bodwell Granite Co. furnish a line quality man of Auburn, ami Mrs. John W. Verrill which 1 owe to myself, tin; public and to SPECIALS of stone, and are so located as lo b e most ad­ the wolf to submit to you this letter for pub- and son Everett of Lewiston have been mak­ —IS— W e have a full line of Bro­ vantageously worked. So much has been lien t ion. ing a short visit a* tiie seaside residence of Mrs. One morning about five o’clock while my —AT— cade Velvet for Wraps with said about the quarries’ and granite business Capt. J. (’. Ginn at Owi’s Head. brother and I were at work in the field on the tiiat it would he useless to Jeserihe and at P. M. Reed of Bangor, for a long time south side of the road about one hundred Chenille Fringes to match each best would he hut a recapitulation ot what yards from the wood*, we were surprised to employed at Hurricane, ami well known in this seen large animal standing near tiie woods MEN’S and BOYS’ color. Also a nice assortment has been published again ami again. 'I Tie city, has accepted a very dcsirahlo position as gazing curiously at us. We had a good view Si m onton’s of Tricots. Ottomons, etc., for company store is in keeping with the rest of draughtsman for the firm of Brown A Sharp of the beast as he stood witli foot upraised the business, everything being conducted on an Manufacturing Co in Providence, It. I. ready fora start, while he watched us suspi­ Outside Garments. immense scale. In the store we find two of ciously over his shoulder for a minute, and From New York Auction. Dispatches received Uridny announced the then trotted into the woods. We followed for our Rockland lroys,P. II. Orbcton,book-keeper, l o t h i n dentils of three of Rockland’s former residents. a *hort distance hoping to get a close view of 4,000 yards choicest style and C G Jackets, all sizes. ami J. It. Prohock, manager of the drygoods One was Mrs. J. A. Knowlton who died very him, hut were disappointed. 'The animal was department. That they are efli bent goes a gray wolf and a large one, though he finest quality GINGHAMS, suddenly nt her home in Roxbury, Mass. The looked to he poorly fed, and presented as for­ without saying. Mr. Prohock’s place of hu*i- remains were brought here Saturday and were lorn an aspect as any creature would be ex­ 8 and 10 cents, worth 12 1-2 We are still selling the is one of the neatest ami bent arranged in this buried from the residence of Capt. John pected to when separated from its kind in an and 15. p u t of the state. unfriendly land. Lawns for 3 1-2 cents a yard. Knowlton, Mechanic street. Mrs. Knowlton Your paper stated that the varmint was G E N T ’S At the Granite Hotel another Rockland hoy was well Known in this city as Miss Addle seen on our farm one hundred miles from tiie REMNANT PRINTS 3 cents We also have a finer quality of and wife, Mr. ami Mrs. I. I . Lovejoy, are win­ Lord and had very many friends here who house. This was a mistake; indeed it would Lawn in tinted ground and ning golden opinions. They have a tine hole, mourn her sudden taking otf. The second not have been strange to have found a pack of building, well arranged and comfortable; tiie wolves ora white elephant at that distance BEST TICKING 11 C IS. EURNIS4IING handsome styles, which we sell dispatch conveyed the news of the deatli ol from the buildings. appointments of the table are excellent, while Horace Cornwall, nephew of W. W. Ulmer ol The Washington correspondent of the These 'Pickings range in for 5 cents. the cooking is in keeping with the rest of the this city, at the home of his parents ill East Lincoln County \> iru says the wolf story is an invention to frighten people from our blue­ pieces from 1 to 10 yards, and arrangements. Attentive waiters ami a gentle­ Boston. Mr. Cornwall was a young man of GOODS. manly company of regular boarders make a berry pasture. This statement is as false W e are selling one of our great promise. Consumption was the cause of and abusive, a* it i* absurd. Wo expect a in ail respects equal regular stay at the hotel extremely pleasant. his death. Mr. Ulmer ami family attended good crop of blueberries on tli - ledges on the goods. 12 1-2 cent Ginghams for 10 lame & Libhv, the enterprising li.*h packing the funeral service*. The third dispatch con­ nort,i side of the road, and we invite all honest people to come and help harvest them when cents. firm, are located nt Yinalhavcu. 'ibis firm tained new- of the death 0, John Copeland, a they are ripe. Now i* it reasonable that if we 500 yards extra quality Pine handles an immense quantity of li.*h. They Iormer resident of this place. wished to t'i ighten people nwav from these ber­ All-wool FLANNEL, 30 ets. send about 7000 quintal* of hake to South At the residence of O. B. Pale*,till* morning ries that we would locate a seare-erow at the OTTR, Turkey Red Table Linen, opposite side of the farm ? The wolf has worth 42 cents. America each year. These hake are pressed into j at 7.30 o ’clock, Rev. Geo. IE Scott solemnized been seen and pursued by Eldorus Jones anil 25, 37 and 50 cents a yard. drums by hvdraulic power. The drums tiie marriage of Joseph B. Patter-on of Leander Howard. Yours hold from 110.) to 1200 lbs each. At their Bucksport and Miss Louie Stuart Pales of this P. S. Coni.ixs. 15,000 yards Brown and \Ye have a large assortment ol' lobster factory a stirring hitsinc*.* is carried i city, the ceremony being witnessed by a very Bleached SHEETINGS from White 'Table Linen, Napkins, on. New method* arc being tried in preserv­ WORLD HAPPENINGS. HAT and CAP small party of near relative* ami friends ol the great auction sale in New etc., to match. ing lobsters. By ili< new method the fish is tiie contracting parties. After the wedding the put in gla*s jars and will keep for six mouths bridal party took the morning train for 1111 Tbe ocean trip of the Dolphin Thursday was York at greatly reduced prices. and taste as fresh jis If.just from the kettle. extended tour to Philadelphia, up (he Hudson, successful. DEPARTMENT Large lots of Chevoit Shirt­ Enterprise and business push are characteristic to Saratoga and other places of interest, Reports of the death of the Ameer of Af­ ghanistan are again ailo.it. SIMONTON BROS. ing from the great Auction of tiie firm. The trade mark of Lane & Lib­ followed by tiie heartiest of good wishes from Is lull of all the The New by on an article is guarantee of the worth of The seventeen year*’ locust have invaded Sale, which we are selling hundreds of friends, among whom 'Tin: Tennessee in immense clouds. the article. Coi itikii-Ga/ ki 11: claims an humble position. No more silver dollars are to he coined at Spring Styles and under price. Yinalhaven people are proud their - The bride i* one of our city’s most charming San Praneisco and (.’arson City. cemetery and well they may be. l ’or | young ladies, attractive in person and disposi­ Judge Allen decides that an assignee in in­ N ovelties. beauty of location, arrangement and beauty of tion. The groom through hi* connection with solvency can he arrested on an execution. Best Quality Print only 5 the tablets, it is not" excelled in the state. The : the Boston & Bangor line uf steamers is well i be Illinois Legislature has passed a hill cents. Satine Print 8 cents a different qualities ot granite ami tiie various known to many persons in this city and vicinity’ ubolishing contract labor in the State Prison. The Ohio Republican Convention Thursday yard. styles of cutting are so mingled as to given and to tiie travelling piddle, lie is an etlh ient nominated Hon. J. B. Foraker, for Governor. very pleasing efieet. officer, a gentleman ot’ intelligence, ami all his T he winter wheat crop of Illinois will he the Viiialhuven has a paper, the .Vewcnyer, ami acquaintances are his firm friend*. Mr. and smallest known in tiiat state for twenty-live A Full Stock of We shall make special a bright one it is. The editor ami proprietors Mr* Patterson will make their home in Buck­ y ears. prices for the next Four Weeks swing tiie hammer during the day and wrestle sport. Many and beautiful gilts were received 'The indications are tiiat the Pittsburg iron S im o n to n ’s. with the pen at night. How they get up so i from friends. worker*’ strike will prove successful within u on Hosiery, Gloves and Under, few days. mm h attractive news and get it up so well is | Edward P. Norton died at the residence of Ex-Governor Hale asks for an extension. GREAT BARGAINS IN Trunks, Bags,’ wear. one of tiie mysteries. Fraud* Cobb, .Sunday morning, after 1; pain­ He thinks if it is granted lie can meet all his ------Matthew Kalloch of St. George, who died ful sickness of several months from an affection liabilities. Pole and Ring Cornices, Cur­ of the liver. Mr. Norton was born in Nor­ A rumor comes from Khartoum to the ellect W e are showing a very tine March 4th, 1821, aged 99 years, was a line speci­ that Gen. Gordon escaped assassination and is tains, Scrims and Turcomans. men Of the Yankee sailor who manned tiie ridgewock. IVhilche was but a lad the family probably alive. U m brellas, assortment of l’arisols and moved to Farmington, from which place he gallant American ships in the Revolution. Mr. Tiie bill providing for an underground rail­ have them from 25 cents to Kalloch shipped witli Commodore Tucker in came to this city when about sixteen years of way through Broadway, New York, has been SIMONTON BROS. his sloop-of-wai, the understanding being tiiat age. He was fora long time in tiie employ of vetoed by Gov. Hill. §8 each. he was to return Imine in tin* fiist prize taken. William Wilson, then in business here. He The total net cost oi m aintaining tin* public Rubber Goods, tic. was at one time a member of the firm of Cobb, schools of Bo*ton the past year, ineluding cost Seventeen prizes were captured ami Kalloch of new school,muses, was $T,929,933,78. Wigtit A Norton ol this city, but for the past Our Embroidered Cashmere came home in tin- ship. lie explained it by Premier Glad*tone has tendered hi* resigna­ saying that it took so many to man tiie prizes twenty year* lie ha* been in business the most tion and the Marqui* of Salshury has been Shawls in Black, Cream, Light that some one was needed to stay and work of the time in New Oilcans. Here he was a requested by the queen to form a new cab- member of the firms of Thorndike, Norton A net. S p e c ia l s Blue, Pink, etc.,are very hand­ ship, so he ehosi to stay. “ ’The captain ami A *tone staircase in the Court House at surgeon (ouhlu’i run the vessel,” said the old ( 0., and Norton A Bell, ship broker* and some and stylish this season. -ommission merchant*. Latterly, however, he Thiers. Prance, fell on Wednesday while A Splendid Line of bailor. An aged citizen living in this ( .unity crowded with men and women, killing about ha* been connected witli die Cobb Lime Co., remembers calling when a young limn upon twenty and wounding one hundred persons. W e carry a full line of Cor­ the old gentleman at his home in St. George. in this city, and when tiiat corporation dis- 'The trial of Dr. Azel Aines, Jr., of W ake­ His house was the most northern one in tiie solv?d, connected himself with the firm of P. field, indicted for the alleged taking of gratu- sets, including the celebrated Cobb A Co. Hi* business ability and fore­ iiic* from United State* pensioner:., was begun town, on the river road near the town line. Thursday in the United States Circuit Court* S IM O N T O N ’S P. I). 'Phis is a very long- sight were of an extraordinary character, his At tiie time that be < died there w.i contro­ The trial ol' Frederick W. Ruggles and judgment in aif.iir* of business and trade waisted and fine fitting eoi set. versy with Spain in regard to our southwest Edwin H. Seaver, agent of the Law and Order In all the Latest Patterns. boundary line. The old patriot wa* found being alino-t infallible. He was possessed of League, charged with taking hush money from an extensive fund of general information mak­ liquor dealers, wa* begun in Cambridge T'liurs- scaled in his chair looking at t map ol M xieo JERSEYS. We are receiving New ing Idin at all time* an agreeable, pleasant and the Gulf whi h hung upon the wall. I’a*t« I Goods every day and shall he to wall near by were Continental bills, one for gentleman to meet, lie wa* upright in ail his At half-past Id o'clock Monday night tiie We have just received a citizen* of Denmark were startled by a loud £200 and the other for #59. “Young man, dealing* and was respected by all who knew large consignment of Plain and pleased to show them. him. Hi* wife, the daughter of Francis Cobb, explosion, jarring (lie houses and shaking up b o s t o n how fares it with the Spaniards and Amen tiie crockery, not only nil over the village, hut Braided Jerseys and the same can» " was hi» salutation. • I he boundary line and a son and daughter, survive him. 'The even laing felt in the remote part* of the town. Au ( xaminalion showed that an outbuilding is fixed at the l iver Gila, 1 believe,” w i* the fun eraI wa* held this afternoon at 2 o’clock, will be sold at a Great Reduc­ Rev. Geo. II. 8 »tt oi’i dating. The Centra, Ix loneing to L. A. Ingalls had been entirely visitor’s reply. “Isn’t it at the Orinoco demolished by u dyiutiuite eurtridge, and that tion in price. asked the old gentleman in a disappointed tone Club, of whi"h d • eased was .1 member, also before the explosion a carriage be,ouging attended in a bod>. to James N. Smith had been plat ed in or on Clothing) Store. of voice. He was sueli an enthusiast! Ameri­ the building. Nothing of the building or car­ can that he thought the Orinoco should be Post sights up9ii the Green Quid Sod in our riage could be found except a few pieces of SIMONTON BROS. E. B. HASTINGS America’s southern boundary line. next issue. wood and iron. C. F. WOOD & CO. 55 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 16, ls 8 5 . 3

Rend onr European letter?. One each week. Probate court is in session today. Capt. James Robinson has ripe strawberries An adopted son of Nathaniel Ward was FARWELL HALL. FOLKS AND THINGS. The Mile of ticket? for the Opera? will com­ Cork, the famous, in next Tuesday’s paper. growing in hi? garden. run over by the tniek-wj-gon of Sidney M- In. mence Friday. Rockland has thirteen lawyers and the same Capt. Frank Cushman has removed to the I tosh Wednesday f.»retm • i. I be h • S !imh« Irish Table P'llole in our next. The little daughter of Cha?. E. Burpee wrs number of doctors. Jackson house, recently purchased by him. were seriously injured. Mr. M< Inm-li wa« in Ifajay , Tissrtay & W etosiay What has heroine tf the threatened I'onrth Un wise to blame. run over Thursday, and narrowly escaped se­ Rend our paper next week, showing how Mr. Owen, Moore A Co., Portland, Me., have »f July regatta ? rious injury. McCarthy got only a three-pence a day. issued in an attract ive form the rule? for play­ Many people do no! li!:e to trav-1 ’ l» it. June 22, 23 and 24. The High and Grammar selihola had half a Quite a party of Thomaston*? fair damsels Tickets for tiie first night of the opera, “ Tiie ing progressive euchre. Such person? can reach Portland next week to at 2:30 P. M. holiday Friday. and dapper voting men rinked it Friday even­ Mascot*’ will beat Spear A May’s, Friday. The late E. P. Norton was a member of the attend the National Fr.-ampmcnt by taking Cavaleades of horsemen prance throngli ing in this city. advantage of tL»* re.In u 1 fares over the K. A Fred, a young son ol' Enoch Davies, received Order of United Friends, in the third class. The family receives #3000. L. and M. C. railroads. onr main boulevard evenings. J. E. Sherman lias bought a lot of land at a severe cut in the head, yesterday inflicted by The Railway Granite Co. sent a handsome Ingraham ’s Hill, and is improving it by tiie a bat, tin .wn accidentally by a play-mate. We have received from the Maine Central • I can remember when we bad busy time® here," said a city ship-builder, Sativ lav. “ It tile to Union Saturday for the Powers family. s -tting out of trees. Chase A Collins received a trip of handsome railroad an interesting and instructive publi­ cation on the summer rcort? of Maine. was in fifty-four. I was a newcomer here tin n Horace E. Bttrktner anil Sidney K. Clark Mrs. F. S. Swcetland broke two ribs by halibut and coil yesterday. Schooner Brunette j and worked at the South-end. Horace Mer- fronted in Washington la*t week witli great falling from a neighbor’s door-step, recently. [ Joseph Wentworth caught hi< foot in a « rack ot Matinicus discharged 1500 lbs of shore hali­ r'mn was building tbe ship John Wakefield on She is recovering from her injuries. but and 50(1) lbs. split cod. Four of the hali­ iu the granite walk in front of Cobb A Berry the ®bore near tbe lions, now owned and occu­ but weighed 200 lbs. each. block Friday and it took a crew of men to ex­ A lady lost a gold watch chain on Main Wooster Smith has bought the Boggs house pied by <'.-ipt Ben Ha-kell the other side of tract him. street near the A. K. Spear block, Tuesday on Broadway near the residence of Capt. J ere. A basket meeting of the Baptist Woman’s Ingraham's lliii. Just this side Ames A evening. Hooper. Mr. Smith now occupies it. Missionary Society will In* held at the First Cottage and Warren streets, and Union street Erskine were building another ship. A: th- F. A. Thorndike has his Chicago dressed Two hay-rack loads of Thomaston High Baptist church in this city next Tuesday. at the Brook have been presented with new f)"» of the hill Greenlaw w •.< constructing a beet in the Flmcr store on Union street, where School passed through our streets Saturday Miss Sarah Barrows, a returned missionary, sidewalks. Street CotnmBsiotici McLain keej ? birk. At the cove, where the old brick-yard he has put up a large refrigerator. night on their return from a picnic nt Owl’s will be present, accompanied by a native pretty busy. is. Hilt A Lawrence were building a large ship, E. F. Berry has bought the handsome pull­ Head. Burmese lady. C. F. Kittredge has removed to his residence the John Cottle, while alongside Robert Thorn­ ing boat made for E. K. Glover, nnd therein A horse attached to a pair of forward wheels All who are interested in the establishment on Claremont street. Jouti H. Haines and dike wa® constructing the «hip Yankee Ranger. will disport himself upon our placid bay. scud through Main street Saturday forenoon of a home for aged women arc earnestly re­ family now reside with G. W. Palmer and Rhodes’yard came next, about where Railroad Camden A Rockland Water Co. are lilting causing considerable excitement and no quested to be present at the meeting, which wife, Masonic street. wharf is. Mr. Rhndcsnt that time was at work up an ufhee In the rear of the Hurricane Gran­ damage. will he held in the chapel of the First Baptist Rev. W. M. Kinur.elnnd wife and others of upon ship Young Median! . He died before church next Thursday afternoon at 2.30o’clock. lie finished her and she was bought nnd com­ ite Co’s office. This evening auctioneer Tapper commences tiie Univcrsnlist society arc nt the Universalist Tiie meeting is for consultation. Let there he State Convention held in Bath, Tuesday, pleted by William M<‘Loon. Next in order The Knox A Lincoln nrc running their ele­ the sale of tiie stock of U. C. Chandler, in TH E EVENT OF TH E SEASON f Spear Block. The entire stock is to he sold as a large attendance. Wednesday and Thursday of this week. came the yard now owned bv Cobb, Wight A gant car over the road. It costs no more to go Co. Here the Dyers, who now reside in Port­ Mr. C. is to close up the business. Tiie annual infliction of gipsies occurred last The Orplieus Club have received an invi­ ENGAGEMENT OF to Boston titan before, but It is much more land, were putting up tiie ship Oliver Jordan. evening, and three cart-loads passed through tation to furnish music fora portion of the comfortable. Lewis Brewer, head workman at the South Where the Five Kilns tinw are William Me- our streets. One of the animals, driven by a Bowdoin College Commencement exercises. MILLER & DIXIE'S A meeting of the directors of the Knox A marine railway, went to work for that linn in Loon was building a 930-ton ship. At the ; 1802, and has not done a day’s work for any­ sweet-voiced Amazon,was inclined to be balky. No arrangements have Inn n made as yet. Lincoln Musical Association is to Ito called If he had been able to get a glimpse of hi? North-end a number of other ships were in one else slnee. He is a line workmen. Twenty-five men at #1.25 a day are making soon to discuss the advisability of holding n driver’s face he would not have stopped this process of erection. Times- were good then. the dirt fly on Cedar street in the employ of Boston Comic Opera Co. convention this fall. Nine Rockland ladies attended the meetings side of Belfast. The boarding h >u«es were filled with men. and of the Damariscotta Foreign Mission Associa­ Camden A Rockland Water Co. Hanson at night the streets seemed alive with people.” Two ol Rockland's harness makers, who The arrangements have been completed for never use tobacco, chewed some on n wager tion, belli in Waldoboro last week, a full re­ Cousins of Portland, an experienced pipe 2 5 ARtTsT.S-25 port of which is given by our correspondent at the trot at Knox Driving Park. There will layer, has charge of that department of the last week. It was fun for the old stagers, but he two day? trotting, the 3d nnd Ith. Pur­ The Bel's of Shandon in our paper next ngony for the participants. that place. work. A ditch five feet iu depth has been Tuesday. ses of #100 and #150 will be offered for the dug from the foot of Cedar street, up to and I Deluding the Great, tbe Incomparable Comedian, An item Is going the rounils of the press Sunday afternoon Deputy Marshal Braekley Friday races; and purses of #100 #150 and The Delineator nn«l Metropolitan Pattern- just beyond the Cedar street Baptist church. for the month areal Sirnontons. with reference to Lawrence, the murderer of arrested two Rockport men fordliving and #200 for fhe Saturday races. Some of Maine’s The force is ty he increased as last as tliey HARRY F. DIXIE, policeman Wilkinson, of Bath. It should lie whipping a poor tired out horse up ami down best fivers take part. Know T iiv- i.i.e, by reading the “ Science of the streets. The horse was incarcerated for a necessary materials and utensils arrive. v Lite,” the best medical work ever published, Supported by a Sterling Company of Artists selec­ just the other way as Lawrence was the slain ted from tin Leading (tp. ra Companies of Steamer Hurricane has captured a seventy- Dr. Benjamin Williams of this city, I)r. II. for young and middle aged men. nnd Wilkinson the slaver. period of rest in Ulmer A Orbcton’s stable. tbe country, including live foot whale, and lias towed it to Green C. Lcvensnler of Thomaston, Dr. W. A. Albee It is astonishing' We mean the low prices The heavy blow of Tuesday shook up tiie ARTHUR E. MILLER, T iif. CitcitciiEs.—Children's Sunday at the Island. The steamer has another buoyed off of Camden, Dr. Galen Tribon of Washington at which M. A. Acliorn is telling dry goods and MAY IEYTON-OUIE, Congrcgnti niali-t chttrcli has been postponed small boats somewhat, and jibs ami sails were Isle an Hunt which will be secured as soon as small wares. It is an opportunity which sel­ ROBERT EVANS. EMMA TUTTLE, and Dr. A. Woodside of Tenant’s Harbor at­ dom occurs ami one you cannot afford to miss. until next Sabbath.... Rev. Father Harrington carried away at a great rate in our harbor. the wind goes down. An old Provincetown JOSEPH DYRNE, HELEN RUSSELL, A small boat was driven ashore at Ash Island tended the session of the Maine Medical As­ This stock will be offered nt private sale only J. I. SLATTERY, IRENE MURPHY, delivered a critique on Victor Hugo nt St. whaler has been secured to take charge of the sociation held in Portland last week. Dr. F. a few days longer and thert closed out at pub­ and stayed there one tide, coming oil' the next. lic auction in one lot. Parties looking for any P. M. LANG. LILLIAN AIKEN, David’s church, Sunday morning. works on the island. The whale business E. Hitchcock of this city was elected one of Tiie fourth Sunday iu June is hospital Sun­ goods in this line can save money by calling With a full chorus second to none in a short season Wednesday night about ten o'clock a passer­ seems to be picking up a bit. the vice presidents. Dr. Albee read a paper within a few days and purchasing at their own day and contributions will he taken in the of Comic Opera at Popular Prices. by discovered tire in the shed of Wallace The railroad commissioners have completed before the association which was well received. price. Stock must positively be closed out this different churches for the benefit of the Maine mouth. Pendleton on T street. Mr. Pendleton was their spring examination of state railroads. r i E r ’E r r r o j r u E : General Hospital. All the resources of this Fixtxo Up .—The house of George Mug- aroused and the lire extinguished. It was They repart that the past winter lias been a institution arc freely offered to those unable to ridge has been painted.... W. C. Low is hav­ Fourth of Jupendence. Monday -Mascot. confined to a tub of ohl clothes. Suspicions hard one for the roads nnd left them in bad pay for treatm ent. ing the understanding of his stable seen to .... Havener and firework?—3 of a kind -all at Tuesday—lolanthe. of incendiarism are entertained. condition, but that the different companies are F. A. Staples has been beautifying and im­ Chase A. Collins handled 100 barrels of otic time. Load the gun and shoot the first 1'rldav afternoon as Miss Annie Rice was putting them into their usual good shape proving his restaurant rooms in Gregory block. Wednesday—Pinafore. lobsters the past week. The shell-fish nrc man who says we have not merited the insig­ riding horse-back on Lindsey street, tiie ani­ as rapidly as possible. They found the bridges New carpets, etc. have been put d o w n .... M a tin cc- PAT I K NC K. getting scarce. Cod-fish are also becoming nia I-1RE KING. We have the largest stock mal became Irlghtencd ami ran at a rapid rate on tiie Franklin A Mcgnntic railroad in unsafe Humphrey Richards is painting his house.... of fireworks and sell more than any man in Prices-—25 and 35 ets. more infrequent, while halibut are more nnd condition last week and ordered the discon­ of spectl towards Main street. A prospective The house on Middle street, just vacated by the woods or out. Hear inc anil come see tne. Nj extra charges—all s.-ats by number—Ready at nnd prolt title accident was averted by the pres­ more plenty. The firm are to furnish fish for tinuance of passenger train? over that road T. P. Pierce, esq., Is being put in rep air.... Bpear At May’s Friday. ence of mind and skill of A. 11. Crockett who Barnum’s men and animals. until tiie bridges were strengthened. The com­ Abel Fuller is at work on the house and cellar DR. FITZGERALD. Buy ’I he Courier-Gazette, onlv five cents a deftly caught the animal. A man, a horse and a lime-cask team backed missioners make two examinations a year. adjoining hi? store...... I. II. Handley is having Dr. Fitzgerald will be nt the Thorndike ' copy.* down the steep embankment nt the foundry at Police N ews.—Warren Montgomery and his hou e painted. House, Friday and Saturday, June 26th and A young seal was caught at the North-end 27th. As the stay is short an early call from ‘ last week and was shown on onr streets. He tho North-end Tuesday. The entire business Mrs. Charles Gross were arrested Wednesday The ban 1 gave a very enjoyable concert from those desiring his treatment is desired. afterwards died of injuries received nt the lime fell a distance of 24 feet without damage to for adultery and tried before Judge Hicks, the South end stand, Thursday, an immense man, horse, harness or vehicle. It won’t do of capture. Seals ate thick nt the North-end. Friday. They were placed under #200 bonds crowd being in attendance. It would not be a The success of the new weekly 3 page story Frank Brown nnd Al. Smith each have one to take many chances like that, however. to appear at the fall term S. J. Court. Mont­ bad plan for the police to arrest one or two of paper, the Mayflower, Yarmouthport, Mass', D on’t F o rg e t for a pet at their homes. They are very tame Tiie keel for Cobh, Wight A Co’s new gomery procured bonds. Mrs. Gross was un­ is wonderful. It goes to everv village iu the boys who feel called upon at such times to Maine. Only 80cents a year, or 25 cents for 3 and require about as much care ns a baity. schooner has been laid ami the stern frame able so to do and was jailed... .The police throw stones at the performers and indulge iu months. was put up Saturday. When the hard pine arrested Frank Day and Oscar Butler for A. F. Clark and colleague have been in the other like pleasantries. An example or two ---- THAI’----- arrives in July the present force of twenty drunkenness at the Five Kilns Friday. Butler “The earth hath babbles, as the water ha-», atul county the past week getting out a Postal Bul­ m ight have a salutary effect. These baud these are ol'theiii.”—J/uct/eM. men will be increased to thirty. The new wa? found on the top of one of the kilns,so full letin for advertising purposes, the letter press concerts are thoroughly enjoyed by a large Why deal with co-operative or assessment of gas that they thought lie was dead, lie work of which was done at tills olliee. The vessel will be put into the water the first of portion of our people and they cost nothing. concerns’, when you can insure in the Union was taken immediately to the station and med­ bulletin is a good advertising medium, and November. It seems ns though the performers might be Mutual? It has age: thev die young. It has [ K . W . ical aid summoned. An hour of vigorous assets: they have n me. Its policy is good for i the managers in their dealings in this vicinity Thursday forenoon the Brook was one wild protected. There will be no concert this week, work succeeded in bringing him to. Day and its face: theirs, for such a sum as its member- i showed themselves to be square-dealing, pleas­ turmoil of confusion. Maili street was com­ as the band is busy preparing for its Portland see lit to contribute. Its premiums are definite : ' Butler were brought before Judge Hicks Sat­ ant fellows. pletely blocked up for a quarter of an hour by trip. There will probably be a eoucert next you know wiiat you are to pay. Their premi- j a tangle of hay-racks, lime-cask teams, truck- urday and stated that they obtained their week. unis are uncertain: you know as little what 1 The regular quarterly meeting of the liquoi of Charles Clark. Clark was brought von will have to pay as what you will get. 1 teams, buggies, etc., and it took a little engi­ I'lie Union Mutual’s Adjusted Premium Plan I managers of the Maine Industrial School for before Judge Ilieks and fined, lie appealed. Fish Commissioner Cotincc made an inves­ Girls was held nt Hallowell Thursday. The neering and a great deal of profanity to clear tigating tour to Deer Isle, South West Harbor, furnishes insurance for less than the assess­ BERRY&CO. out the thoroughfare. ment concerns pretend to furnish it. nll'alrs of the Institution were found In an On Wednesday some (JO of the kiln-tenders Bass Harbor, Gouldsboro, South Prospect, excellent condition. There are 4u girls in the Said a Rockland young ’man who visited of the city, who have been getting #1.75 a day Millbridge, Jouesport, Maehiusport, Machias, V i i r t b s . Have Just Received school nt present. The new building will be Niagara last fall, “I saw a sign put up at the informed their employers tint they thought East Machias,Pembroke, Eastport,Calais, Ban- completed in September. Miss Clara Farwell Falls which struck me as rather queer when 1 they ought to have #2 a day and that unless | gor, Searsport, North Haven and Camden last they were given that amount they would dis­ (iwl’s Head, South Thomaston, June 10, to < apt. ! of this city was elected one of the Board ol first read it and so I made a copy of it as week and found no short lobsters. The coming and Mrn. I-; A. Tolnian, a daauhtcr. In Elciraiit anil Very Fine Assortment Trustees. follows: ‘Stones thrown over this bank may continue work. The manufactures claimed Mr. ('ounce was telegraphed ahead iu several South Hope, June 12, to Mr. an 1 Mrs. I). J. fall on the heads of persons below.’ It struck that they were unable to give the wages Bowlev, a son. ol' Mens' Hoys' anil ( 'h ililrc n ’s The Second Maine Cavalry, 14th, 21st, 22d, eases, as some of the canners admitted. But the South Tlioiuastoii, .bine 11, to .Mr. and .Mr-. me that it was real kind of the authorities to desired, and the men quietly and orderly disposition of ail seemed to be to obey the law J . IL Sw cetland, a , N athan! I B. thing in the Mar* Knight bought her of Silas Masters of Timinas, Fantman and Bessie, daughter of Thomas Walker, k c for the 11:0 icy Almanac, Capt. Chas. E. Nash of Augusta, day, with public reception in City Ilall by Every pair War­ brought down from Camden Saturday. ton,Mr. Masters having purchased her in Paler­ Ksq. publisher,held their nnttual convention in that Boats arc being touched up with new paint, Commander-in-chief Kountz. Wednesday is Lockport, June 6, Arthur Saunders mid ranted. m o ... •.“ There’s a horse tiiat has paid for him­ Aseneth R. Haskell, both of Rockport. city Wednesday. The exercises were very in- and provided witli new cushions, and the balloon day with reception by Mrs. Kate B. t 'resting und it was voted to hold the next self again and again,” said one of Rockland’s Belfast, June 11, by K< v. W. Henry Williams, I enthusiasm secins on the increase. The boat­ Sherwood, president of the Woman’s National Elias R. Thompson, and Mr-. Ra.-hel -Maddo' ks, lovers of horse-flesh, pointing to a plump look­ both of h'carrinont. animal meeting the second Wednesday in June, house on Tillson's wharf lias been leased Relief Corps. In the evening there will he We are Selling 1886. In the list of newly elected officers we ing animal, attatched to a soap-cart. “That Kta. l.s of o u r $2.'.»U Con- another year by A. It. Weeks, E. A. Burpee, fireworks. Thursday will he devoted to miscel­ gr.-ss Shoe. The Great! st find the name of T. A. Gusher, our Appleton animal is twenty-five year? old and he’s a good D e a t h s . on Earth for the money. A. L. Torrey, L. F. Starrctt and N. F. Cobb. laneous amusements, excursions, etc. Friday one yet. lie was formerly known as the correspondent, president; und T. S. Bowden, Improvements and changes have been made in there will be a grand sail down tiie bay and a our West Washington representative, on the “Searsmont” horse. Simonton Bros, of this Rockland, June 14, Edward P. Norton, aged 41 I the appointments, and almost all the berths mammoth (‘lam-hake and banquet on one of y ears, 1 moot Ii, 11 days. city owned him six or seven years. He knows executive committee. for boats have already been taken. islands. Saturday they break camp. “Home, Boston, June 12, Mrs. J. A. Knowlton, formerly I Fine Neck Wear. Some of our exchanges get Rockland’s loca­ Sweet Home”. The boys are laving out for a ns much as a good many men. You see how of Rockland, aged 23 years. 11 months. The re- I Steamboat Sparks.—In order to furnish •mains were brought to this city lor interment. I lie Best line of New tion and business sadly mixed up at times. A jolly time, and tliey will have it. Besides the gray he has grown. He’ll answer to his name Boston, June 12, .1. hi) < oplaml, fornn-rlv of (bi- , York Nc.k Wear we better accommodations to the large number of have yet shown. soldier boys a great many spectators will go now. Won’t you John •” 'fhe horse answered city, aged •>’. year?. Remains brought to this city New York paper iu describing th: quarantine persons intending to visit the National En­ for interment. from our city and vicinity. The camp will be by turning bis head round quickly... .Berry Wayland. Mass., May 13, Carrie A., wife of John I station at Willow's Islund said that it was just campment, G. A. it., the management of the called “ U. S. Grant Camp.” Bros, have bought Samuel Gray’s coaches II. Clark, .laughter of the late Herman W. Candag- , | out of Rockland, u small place a few miles Portland, Bangor, Mt. Desert A Machias formerly of Rockland, aged 36 years, 2 months, and hacks....Capt. Ed. Spalding lias sold his 11 days. DON'T FORGET from Portsmouth. Not long ago a state paper The State Board of Health have issued a cir­ T o give ii.- a Call if you Steamboat Co. have decided to put the horse “ Harry” to Albert Ingraham. I.im olnville, May 31, llild a h B., wife of J . II contained the announcement that a Rockland cular calling attention to die danger from Mahoney, aged 49 5ears, 15 days. Want anything in Our line, steamer Lewiston on for one trip, leaving as we guarantee to give man had bought a number of horses to work Rockland on Monday, June 22ud, at 5. 30 p. cholera and the measures to be taken to prevent | Base Bai.l.—Rockland has a smart base­ Cushing, June 12, Sarah .Iordan. in the lime kilns, and now another state paper St.G urge, June 16, Mrs. Hiram Join s, Jr. hi., or on arrival of steamers o f tiie Boston A its introduction and spread. The cholera never ball club averaging iu age under 16. They de­ Washington, .June 13, Capt. Nebcmiah Poland, says that the men who vork iu the Rockland Bangor Steamship Co. from the river land­ arises spontaneously oil our soil but is intro­ feated the Thomaston 2nd nine recently...... age J 66 years. lime-kiln are on a strike. ings. Tiie Lewiston will start from Rock- duced from eastern countries. Heretofore when The Thomaston? defeated tiie Warrens by u Rock Bottom Prices. Tim Meadows.—C. C. Ulmer while painting laud, and therefore will not be overcrowded, it has prevailed in Europe, as it did last year, score of 35 to 15 on Saturday at Thomaston in SENT ON APPROVAL. the house of Orris Holmes fell to the ground it has afterwards visited this country. The eight innings. The home club appeared iu When buying DIuiiioikIh or W atches, \o u and it is expected tiiat this steamer and the .-an save .Money by addiesslilK receiving a severe jarring.... 1 latisuu Ingraham City of Richmond, which oil her trip from cholera almost always begins with a premoni­ bran new suits. The Rockland club bad ar­ < . HU.MNER, 0 1 , has a handsome four-year old colt, bought of Machias that day, will follow the Lewiston tory diarrlm j. Later come vomiting, cramps, ranged to play a match game with the Thom­ 21 1361 Washington Si , Boston. n . m m down-east parties... .The concert at Washing­ from Rockland to Portland, will afford ample exhaustion and collapse. In some cases the aston? last Wednesday but the visitors failed ton Hall Wednesday evening was well anemic I accommodations for all. The fare from tiiis advent of tiie disease is sudden, and its course to put in an appearance. They don’t seem FOR SALE. and enjoyable. The program was one of great city, for the round trip, will be #1.50, The and termination rapid. It is not catching, like anxious to try our lads....In the league Several idee House Lots on I.oeusl ami Walnut variety.... Prof. L. A. Barron Ins just com­ the small-pox, but it spreads from the poison struggle Chicago and New York are a tie for sir.-eis. Also, a good Family Horse. Applv to 261 Main Street. return trip can ba made on the Richmond, 21 G. W. BERBY. pleted a very successful term of wilting school Tuesday night, June 23d, or Friday night thrown otf by persons sick with tiie cholera. first place, with Providence next and Boston Opputoitt* ’l'lioiinlike House. at Washington Hall, lie has a wonderful June 26th. For further particulars enquire of This ihrowii-olf matter is not poisonous at first, seventh. The Bostons have had very hard A CARD. faculty of teaching. but th • poison i- developed by darkness, moist­ luck so far, hut the season is young yet... .The E. II. Clark, agent, Rockland, of whom Mita. M A. Giii.lv, E x pc-rieincl N u rse, is The senior class of Rockland High School tickets can be obtained....Steamer Pioneer ure and w; r nth To prevent its spread abate Base Ball Club, so long talked of, has been again ready lo :.<•. « pt calls Ir.an old Pat runt* and all tilth nuisances. Empty all privy vaults and organized as follows • Burns, -.; Moore, p .; oile rs who may desire In 1 servi.-en. will hold their graduating exercises in Farwell will run in Portland harbor on the Star line A .b b .s - 17 M averick SI.. Hall one week from next Tuesday. The class with steamer Cadet to Peak and Cushing drench them with the solution of sulphate of Thorndike, s. s .; M. Sullivan, 1st b .; Hall, 2w Noi-lb-eiid. Rockland, Maim-. To Save Time is to Lengthen Life. iron (cop; eras). Treat all cess-pools and sink 2nd I).; Simmons, 3rd b .; Doherty, I. f .; .Mc­ ’ AM pr. j ar. d to .!•• COPYING on tli.’ TYPE- numbers seventeen, two of the number being Islands during encampment week. Mayfield WRI I 1 R iu as ,’ r-lm : ty manner, and at rva- young men. The class parts have been award­ will mu on ibe Rockland and Vinailiuvcii drains in the same way. Ventilate rooms and Auliffe, c. f.; French, r. f. The team is FOR SALE. Ittonable pii.'. s. route during tiie Pioneer’s absence... .Sir. keep the cellar dry and well ventilated. Be under the captainship of J. I .. Doherty. 3 Lev Will be Mold at a bargain to . b>s.-an Estate, if C. C. ( ROSS. ed us follows : Valedictory, Miss Ella Wood; Henry Morrison will make an excursion iroin W .tli ('o . n n vs ik Si w \ 1.1, sure there is no filthy soakagc into the well or will probably appear in the ohl Rockland's applied lor soon, ibe land and 1 . .-lory Fraia. salutatory, Miss Bertha Bird: historian, Miss Ellsworth and intervening points to this city Dwelling with Ell ami on* building alia, led, 24V Main St., Roekluod. 40 1 irate .Sprague; prophet. Miss , Hall. next Monday, having Ellsworth at 7 a. in., other water supply. Our people should heed suit. E. Sullivan, the regular short-stop, is desirably s mated on the Ncrtl) east corn, r of Professor Silas A. Alden of the Monroe connecting at Rockland with steamers City of tiiese precautions. Coming from the State unable to play till later iu the season. The Park and High streets. 1 . House contains II Now 1- the time lo mbsuitie for Ihe School of Oratory is instructing the class iu Room s, all of whi.-li have re.••••illy be.-n put m C.,tni. i--(.-.t/. t!e. Richmond or Lewiston, affording al! an Board of Health, consisting of men well up in (locution, preparatory to the graduation, excellent opportunity to attend the National club will accept challenges from all nines in Exc.lk-iH Repair. The lot ontains about .• .’ which promises to lie very interesting. The the profession, the warning should be given the vicinity. All challenges slioitl I Le S.juare Fel l ol land. For furtle r informal ■ , Eiicauipiueiit, G. A. R., to be held in Portland apply to ( . <,. MOKI IT . L. S. Robinson’s Shoe Shop is over Orpheus Club will furnish music. next week. weight. addressed to A. W. llall, fceeretary, Rockland. C7 Main u- , Rovkf. ! M . H. N. Keene's Store, at the Brook. 4 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 1G. 1885.

THE VERMONT BRIGADE. PU R E B L C 5 3 GRASSHOPPER TALES. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Care for the Children E. S. BOW LER. y,,-, /'rnn' i’/v ,1/m. Mark Twain's brother, < h im, Clemens, Boston Itntfflfi. Cliiblrcn fed tlie debility of the changing Sine.- III.- in v i.jo n of N n itlie rn Culi- is an lo w , farm er. The I'.'i mnnt Brigade wa’ the pet or­ Reason*, even more fb.an adults, and tliey be­ Natural History Store, fi.rni:i by th, ui i--lin|>|" rs llieic h:e ganization of tin' Army of tlie I’otomae. et,mo cross, peevi’-li, and nneontrollable. In . n n iiKirki’ I nv val in li e literntnrn in ihe class graduating from IVilliim s The blood should l»e cleansed ami the system 124 MAIN ST . BANGOR ME ( ,'n!lege this season are the two sons o, and Miles <> Reilly

  • ’l . .W .i.-« i.f the Griin I.\' l :i,,ee \e-terilit. "I Held w ill be present nt tb " eonitnetiee- nated. Soon after, tliey broke all out with run­ inetlt exercises. I'lii'V stole aneient lior-a s and lionv cows I N ' I •« I s w.i-i e,lining :u id-- the ph,ins. Well, on the m arch. They piling) ri tn. deral iy ning son so dn adfnl I thought I should lose -ii : 1 w is •• :i'ei| in :i e 11 ii'lin g ;i iii'W “ - Senator Logan, whose health ivns in "tlier tiling*. They swept tlie d tb i' - He in. H-,'Hi's Sarsaparilla cured them com­ FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. | ij.iT iih i'll niii.n. when snilih lily il nioeli tried by the long contest in th and tltev stripped tile oreliard* for m i'' * pletely; and lliey have been bealiby cvet ne w ipiile .link, and I th-niglit sure :i Illinois legislature, will ik list :iw! where them traveled. They chased rail since. I do f id (bat. Itood's Sarsaparilla rayed my children to me.” Mrs. C. L. ei 1 ilih storm w is on ns It was q u id for Hie next three nioii’lis in the bits when tin y wel l into camp nfti r T hompson, West Warren, Mass. < »M l> I S I H / U L clontl of et ssshopi" r-; so think tint •'licnandoah V i t h - y . long niarctic*. and they yelled like wild when til. V si 111' '1 on '.In" eaf tr irk they For more than a week, says an ex Indians when neighboring camps were Purify the Blood •toppril tile H lin . I'll, re Was good feed liange, the window of IValt Whitman's silent through fatigue. They were ill « In re we w ere jn«, tln n. and il Inonght humble chamber in Mickle street, Gim- disciplined and familiar witli their offi­ Hood’s. Sarsa] iiiilla is characterized by the 'hoppers lo 1 Iriit. V e were hloeked il"H. h is ilisol.nvl a portrait of Victor cers. They swaggered in a cool, impu­ three peculiarities : 1st, the combine linn of for trn iity four I:.,m s. m i'il a snmv-plow remedial agents; 2d, the proportion; 3d, the p.-tiH M., ’:. ... I.r Hugo draped in crape. dent wav. and looked down with a pat­ wo telegraphed for, and when it eltl S a 're ta iv Whitney's proposal to ronizing Yankee eoolt,e** upon all regi­ pmepuft of securing Hie active medicinal the way lor im, il led a hank of 'hoppers B A Z \ R n r I R >IM» ehang,• tlie color i f the white helmets ments that were bettei drill' d and up ii qualities. The result is a medicine of unusual strength, effecting cures hitherto unknown. on 1 m il side higln r than the swoke-taek and leggings of marines and soldiers to that put of (lie army generally licit iliil Send for book containing additional evidence. of th" locomotive.’' brow n, because less conspicuous as a not lii'loiig tn tlie Yerminnl Brignde. " I hat was pretty had.” said a hiolser, “ Hood’s Sarsaparilla tones up my system, O O _ A . . X target for enemy's rillcs. is pronounced Tliey were strangely proud, not ol lliem- purities my blood, sharpens my appetite, and “hut I have seen worse. We were v rv -en-ilde by the Nautical Gazette ■ e lv e s individually, but of tlie brigade seems to make nn* e ie r.” ,1. 1*. TlloMPSfiN, ramped one slimmer in Kansas, waking eolleetivelv ; for they knew pi rfeelly well Jb’<:i’ ler of Iteeils, Loivoll, Mass. ■uni the Army and Xnv.ny Journal. “ Hood’s Sarsaparilla beats all others, and survey for a new town. I lie 'liopp-rs tin y w i re the best lighters in the knnwn REDUCTION OF PRICES -Im I- us at night, and in the winning I ’ rofe.-sor Mommsen, who is exceed­ i« worth its weight ingehl.” I. Barrington, Brown’s Sarsaparilla ingly absent minded, walking the streets world. Tin y were long of limb, and 130 Bank .street, New York City. we thought the end ol the world had could outmarch the army. They were 1 owe. They were pil'd, sir. twi iilv feet nt B erlin recently, was .accosted bv a Hood’s Sarsaparilla X. • t I r. I .1 f individually self reliant and skillfnl in deep over olir encawpllleiit, and we little hoy, and pleased w ill, the polite Fold by all druggists. $l ; six for $3. Made A. J. BIRD & CO., attention lie patted him on the head and tint use of arms, mid tin y linne-tly be­ weio nine hours tunni lling out ol lliew. lieved that tlie Yi'i'inout Brigade could only by C. I. He scums on • 1 ’von.liTful melinite for humor. vice; yet they were at times a pet bri­ the im rease, and iv»‘ are glad to say ihtlt such a supplies In a railroad eamp. Among in a private letter, daied at Sin gade. There were but I wo tilings tliey spe. ifi - i*« m»iv before tin- public in the f« rm of oilier tilings we had several thousand G ibrii'l I’o-t Office, Sierra Madra Villa, IB. DAVIh KFNNBGY’s IW Or.lTK BEM- \V. A. .To h n - o.*. i.^ u clntlilug a'er nn Pel;, ting would d i—march and fight; mid these >4 At’.vood’c Bi tiers, a ‘•LS ij? yards of canvas for tenls for the men. I.o-Aug. les County. Cal. and just re­ I I »Y, o f B ondout, X. V. W «-put in cvi b-nre the 0 ii . L. ‘ 1 . . 1 they did in a manner peculiarly their fo'lowiiiff letter, select* d from many similar com- As soon as the grasshoppers struck us I tnuuieatiotis: it h a i l . u .1 ' ' t h e . : ff “a « atik'-r <»f lititnnr about in ? for a long (im-t, ceived in Washington, Soiator Don own. They had a long, slow swinging put m y gang to w ink, and in a short Ft i t s !’TKi.n, Mass., M. rch, 1 94. ' ■ , for i.. "e Ihnn a wli.rb hIiow- i! ii-elf in my Hloinnch ami mouth Cameron speaks of his health as nitieli stride on tlie march, which distanced O time we had a canvas sack made, balloon improved, and thinks if he can only />?-. Ihivi-t K,nu-tit/. *’'• . ter . C '.tV . , • .t t.'.iccc: iH-'l I hml •. l.-elhig which i cm 1-. t tb-cribi?n.s everything which followed them. They In.Alt Sn: — Y 'hi bi v e a right to know , am i I «le- la Ilion, only bigger Ilian any Inllooii content himself until fall he w ill return Ci -:.'-'* ': . I by a: / medicine inO e.-p, • «1. lity Have tried man; emedle**, Mid had a quiet, attentive, earnest, individual h!i • the public to know my ( Xpeilt-nee with Gravel at ei.-t I. u.-lii Urov.ii'.’ SaiM ir i'i'l 1. I am free to ,i,u ever saw. W oll, sir. we filled it to I’enns, lvania greatly restored in and mv remarkable r, envei-v through the use of T for LIVER COM-0 way ol lighting Unit made them terrific, your ••FAVOBITK ItEUEhY.” | am a parpen- O the nay, th at,. o far in rtiy expori.-nce go*-?, it is the ' i lioek full ,'f hoppers—live hoppers— i strength, lie pisses much of his time H A T . DYSPEPSIA, IMPURE ir. battle. Each man knew that hi? ter living In this place, and there are plenty of o : --i toii.g for purifying the Mood known.’’ 1 and hitched it on to the wagon . and riding about the mountains on horse­ neighbor in the ranks was not going to ivilne-to - l<» lb.- truth of what I say. My first com- BLOOD, LOSS CE APPETITE, when the -warm stalled lo go our eaged paratively slight attack of Gravel was In the year back and waiting for ihe arrival of the mu away, and lie knew also that he him­ I''"". Il p i-st d aw ay, ami I had litil,.- m ore tro u b le ®SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUS-® hoppers went with them.’' It von b t i n y dlHcaHo nrlffing from Im paio stage. self intended to stay where lie was. Ac­ u ti’ll last .Lily, One «!ai w hen at work in ttNESS, COLDS AMD FEVERS,9 "And took oil' your hallnnn?” The noteworthy incident among all cordingly, none of the attention of the my shop I wa* suddenly seized with a keen ami "No, sirree; they hauled our wagon (••rrihle pain in mv left side. I consulted two ^CONSTIPATION, &c. 3 Hie celebrations of Memorial I> »y was line was iliverlid from tlie impnrt.’inl physicians at once. One *ald : “/< nn rt>, nothing for over seventy-eight miles, when they Hie m areliing of Grand A rm y posts in duties of loading and firing rapidly and for von. Your easels Incitrnhle!” I nas fijglit- In lab ng the true “ L. F.” At-^ broke down awl we bagged a new lot. ened and went to the second, who said little, hut wood’s Bitters you may be sure that New Yot k city past the home of General carefully. When moving into action mid gave me a prescription. It did no good. ®you are using only the purest and*> B 'sw a’s Sarsaparilla It heat mule p over all hollow. Then it G rant, w itli lift 'd faces, I,a rid heads when engaged they made queer, qtiaint Then began a lies of experiences the agony ami has (incurred to mo— ” But his audience horr.»r of widt h word* cannot depict. Think of il! -.best roots and herbs. and not a few tears, saluting their pale jokes, mid enjoyed Hum greatly. They I w as som etim es taken in tin* stre e t, and w ould Bew.ir .• of a worthless imitation had gone, and tile W estein illllll g ro w l­ commander as lie stood and gazed upon crowed like cocks, tiiey li-a-ml like sheep, fall, writhing with agony, upon th< sidewalk. It ing, " I supi oso these dai in il fools th in k iva* death in life. Thank Heaven, 1 then heard of ©put up in the same shaped bottle. ; • I •• te/oD'’ To. $’.0‘ ; '• '. ’tiles for $3, them from an upper window. There tliey neighed like horses, tliey bellowed I'm green,'' walked ol)' to lied a more ••KKNNKhY'K FA Voitl IE REMEDY.” through Take only the true “ L. F. ’ having* i' ' tL't.LN, I’ropri. tor. P.angor, ?.b-. was inevitably one thought in his mind like bulls they tiarked like dogs and Ml. I’. B. I ridey. 1 had hot U-ed hdf a I. tile Cthe R- isl ied Trade Mark “ L.F.” '■I ediilnus and attentive auditory. and theirs—that by the n, xt Memorial tliey counterfeited with excellent ell' el when I pa *, d three st oh-h in suei-es.-ion, one of EX2 in r 1 ink. which was nearly on? half an inch long. I | er- D ly the Grand Army would liave anoth­ the indescribable music o f Hie m ule. s, rvi red with th* iiu ,li.due, tin- sym ptom s g rad u ­ GRANT'S LAST SPEECH. er comrade's grave to deeorat". lYInai, perelianco tliey held a picket line ally abated, ami I have laid no more I rouble since. in the forest, il seemed as if Noah’s ark I am well, thanks to vui and “FA\'i>B1 l'E BEM- Sea waves, according to observations EDY.” Your.- most gial. fidli , IV liat is lielieveil lo have been Gener­ had gone to pieces there. of the United States Naval li,dro- .TAMES 1). KENNEDY. al G iant's last public speech was iwule When tlie Yermonters ied the colnnm graphic Officer, show a height of from What “FA VHHTE KEMFDY” did in (hi- ease at a nn cling of the chaplains of ihe on a m arch, th e ir quick movements had it has dom- in many otln rs. If ion d'-sire to do so, 1 1 to 18 feet, lull those of a height great­ Northern anil Southern armies belli at to lie regulated from corps or division Address Dr. Dili 1 Kennedy, Bondotit, N. . er than feet are not commonly en­ Ocean Grove, N. J., in August last. At headquarters, lo avoid gaps in tlie countered. I he longest recorded wave 1 lie "inhering in tin: great auditorium column as it followed them. If a rapid measured a half mile from crest lo crest, M A LA R I A - Bi v. A. J. I’aimer, of New York, who or forced march was required, it was a w ith a period of twenty-three seconds. enlisted at the age of fourteen and served common tiling for Sedgwick Io say, witli As an antimalarial medicine /’k, 'Yflh W«- hav- made a -i uiit i .t£ \\ i \ i v.. i welcome, closing as follows: "Ihe tlie head of the column to-day and keep ' ' ’ ' • ' I " 1:; onds are the ordinary storm waves of r '■FT ‘ / le f l m t i t t i i n . • i. m i. 11. d »»<>« man indexible in peace, invincible it, everything well closed up ” FAVORITE REMEDY lb -I vie, • bc«.| iveotiiii ' war, calm in defeal, magnanimous in tin: North Atlantic. ■ a? f>j7 hoot ili.it i has won golden opinions. No traveler should con victory--siieli a man I say can never lie "I met General John Corso the oilier You want lo know why it is called tlie elder his o utfit com plete unless It Includes a bottle ol ' belittled or disgraced by Ihe sharks and this medicine. If you ore exposed to frequent dav.” says a New York Tribune corres­ English sparrow, do yon, ElhelP Well, bunions. \ny denh i content with a fair ; t"!d nil ' sharpers of Wall .street.’ 11 lieu the pondent" “ for tlie first time since lie held changesof climate, food and water. Favorite I’.eincdj i »nIIrni vhat wo nay Give them a trial, and i ■ hi wii, dear, it is because il is very E nglish in should always he_ within your reach. It expels ma be a periiiti iieiil fiieiiil i'f 'I’ll l< X II.A If 'I'll*. oh,•ers, which continued for more than Altoona on the command of Slierman, I tn v iir i- o f I in it ii I < live minutes, had at last subsided, Gen. its wavs. Making more noise than any like S n h t r T ip as to de. ■ i ic. Trade marl, ami ”.101: sig nalling above tlie heads of the advanc­ oilier bird of its size, quarreling all the Ml'NDI l.l. Ill lull, irt oil hole ol t ach pal.- WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY ABOUT Grant came forward, ami resting pain­ ing enemy, 'Hold the fort, tor I am com­ and I.iver compiaiui.-.CciiHiipnflnii amiull disorders time that it is not eating, and seeming lo arising f iom an impure slate of the blood. To women fully Oil his crutch said a low voice, ing.’ General Corse is a little more ro­ think th it this great universe xvas created whosull'cr from at y of the ill* peculiar to their sez HELPSXfiw w in L ie u p " p't-. S ' H'l 10 im iit' j.i.f. winch, however, could be heard distinct­ tund of figure than lie was then, hut does Favorite Remedy I constantly proving Itself nn un­ DR. R. C. FLOWER’S for its especial benefit. That is why it failing fi ll ml -a real blessing. Addict s the proprie­ will m .tllyou /»•»'., . r.iy.ik ly in the death-like hush: "An hour not otherwise appear older, lie is as to r, Dr. D. Kenm dy, R ondout, N. Y. $1 bottle, u for Jilc lll.A o f gouiln (but u iB is called tlie Englisli sparrow Ethel.— >5, by all druggists. put. you in f tiuikim* U IC M I ) I I CS. ago I m ight liavo made a speech lin t compactly and solidly built as any man lioston Po.it. m oney in a f.-w *1 *y» th tn you < v« r th o u g h t possibh now I am almost afraid to try. I know, o f liis age wliorn I know . H is face at any I u -1 • •*-- < jp u >' 1 t .-11 i r • . ’> 1 as few can, the good these chaplains , l iJ' .J K Mi.i'h t'.i: <'«» , Box-on, Ma*« plainly shows tlie scars of the wounds Jew eler's cle rk— A n yth in g else? Cus­ lim tSt im d Fur -otiit- four y . r* jumt i Lai t- ntif- have done. Think of tie- consolation i.'i .t! fii.tH he received wliilo holding tlie fort al tomer—Nothing that I can think of. 1 ’ti'ii-r'iitr mt v< ri mlwonthli*. they have given to the rick and dying; T lm l all w ho w aut no t< I lie bli* A hiioft c i' n ti'l '2 I utf tli-.i-’ri t ,| u ltb 11.", fttttl Altoona, w ill, a single I,t irade, against "Wouldn't you like to look at some of • ■ • ■ think o f the last messages of the hoys III.ike tbif 1 p.l r ill I. Tu all who Hood’s whole a rm y .” our new alarm (docks? They are a great well Mitble .1 we will . to I ,, I.., lb. th a t it a itld agr< ■ w ith mi*. A b,,tit tw o m untht 1.. Ihe field they have sent to anxious, ni»o I ma b up my min.I to try your l.iv, 1 ami improvement on tlie old kind.” “ I now of writing in. Full ; -arrowing muliiers and fatli. rs at home. Stomach . niitiic. i’ltviuu-* io tbi- I ba,I be. 11 RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. have tn get up very early lo eateli my 1 iri-alt-il bv p hi ►iclan-, iiml bad hImi tri- d about I have not words lo express niv thanks train, but I don't need any alarm clo ck.” \ ri pr< p .rat :.>u <>.t tlt» ttiarkt t w 1: b,,u: bin, tit. for this welcome. I appreciate— I lie I b now 1 ikt-ii tiv. b. t i l , .- o f Hi,- .'icii.'.tii am i "Never oversleep yourself?” "(Hi, no! .•:u t like a ,1 tier,nt p, r*«,u. I , at with a Mr. Spurgeon in a late public nddrtss sentence was never finished. Tears My next door neighbor has a new lawn L r..''?,\'l'b ,ll |?t-?':iG i',,’---1.,.r ii.'-'divi'i.i 'ii,’'1' ’ ,-lood in the general’s eyes and he said that lie had no idea of gaining personal heneitl from total ahstinenee: m ow er.” — rtiiliuldpliiu < 'all. I appro.,. I . .1 a l-.hder >alad Urn nth, r dai with dropped buck in his suit with a sup- !. .o„| trco.l i,,-.. but altt r • ailiig It, di.! i„.t fed pres-od sidi. T his is believed to lie lie took tlie pledge lo make other people anv tlbe. i .I'.H. I rv». — ■ ♦ . — music halls. More tliau 11000 meetings lion of (lie lioitv, cm only lie eorreeii'il l.y die TOTR • Itr. i i'.wd - N, rv, P iiIh I, .1,- done tor mo ivliat have I,cell held in IJ places, tlie average mc.iie.il talent of Pbilatb-lpliia and It,,.. A BUCKING BRONCHO. use of a reii.itile tonic an,I liloo.l purifier like .A-3ST3D ' .0 .....!.| m,i ..mplidi l » , y l av. entirely atteiidaneo being IWO. llooil's Sarsaparilla. Why sufi'er luiiger wIn n l>. „tvr y,wi. ETXTErtlST-AUL. U S E . * ( liieago lias six theological schools, or a ii ineilv is so close at hand . Take HooiT: ' t • ,1 m y In •. a id Wholly unlit!,- I in r for hu.i« 1 Bill Parker, a will known mining Sarsaparilla now. It will give you untold plans for such. The Congregational The Most w.iii.lcrful I'aiiritj Iti iiii ily Ever Known. tie*' Fv. n p,li i* worth itn t\« mbt in g'dd." malt of (lolorado, tells a story ill,out a wealth in health, streagtli ami energy. \. A. l.t’WE. Seminary, tlie olde-t was founded 1851. i "CURES Diphtheria, Croup. Asllin-.a, Bron- horse which ho says is Due. Several chltiH. ,’(■ uralgin. illi i. iiia. ihiii, b .t.'.A ii,. J.t th o M; KLI.FN h. I I.ANhlJJS, 117 Gorhui.i Mr.-et, years ago he bought a buckskin broncho Ils total property is §119.122. It reports Scott's E mclsion ok I’uiie ',,111... H.,.ir*,'iiesii, I.i.'i'A "r.i lln' kii.j; (' "i'll, I. .11. II, ,Mji- h . it r i l ,- : seven professors, two instructors and 77 -•V. .1 i.iim .mmativ, ban I ,-.-n 11. ill, a dollar a in tin- Tie Agency from an Indian fora Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, di,

    Ire,. Stll!', ; : :r. all I tl'eatllU-nt by pitV*l,-lan» o f Varioll■. 1. S. JOHNSON & CO.. BOSTON, MASS. - b ..o '. w ithout I,di. I, I eoinm, I,. . d the m-c , t y otir ville and one day thought he would take Tlie sixtli reunion of tlie United l)r. It. ll.xss, Jersey City, N. J., says: "I F anatii . I >,tn to d «y a living ,x .m o i,• of it.- n ei its., a ride. lie put a saddle on the brute's Slates Christian commission will lie nt have given your Emulsion to iny little hoy, of mid u inli th at • \ .-ry in, tuber o f tin -g reat arm v . t' Old Oreliard Beach, Maine, June 2d-JI). lliree years. He was in poor health, lint lie -nib r« r-* from 'ii, 1 at -I rt. inaeb Imuld, « • ,n! I la- back and eiuehed the nnimiil up in a The secretary, John O. Foster, 1212 ha- now taken two liotlles, ami is improving CHI3AG0.R0CX ISLANDS PACIFIC RAILWAY laiiiiliar w ith tin* fact that tliey can la- ,-ui,-.|. manner that all meek eyed bronchos are liolli in strength and heallli. I have also tee- IV right wood avenue, Chicago, w ill for’ nil MOI l|“ l ...... I t , i : n . T. .Mol i A I I’. M. I) , l» h . S , 1 J llo y k to n cinched, anil jum ped astride. B ill says oniuii tiih'il it to several of my female patients Str,. t, ho-ton, Ma-o . writ, w lie felt him self rising in the air. the ward tlie Reunion Call ,o any who request iiml they liave derived much henelit from it.” -iiiitlueiit tl link in II • I ; b.uud in lb. I low, rV ,\di< I’IIIh a rem e­ tale.11 wliblilib li invite-*1 broncho sticking to him, then lie felt a il. ■ I 1 U-S Ol tile dy that 1 • an h.-arlily r, eoinni.-iiil. I'lndr .e-liott i n il' any of the readers of this paper ure grow­ pel I, ei, and tla ir good , tie, t * p*-rmun«ml." -hock and remembered no more until he A minister forgot to take his sermon ing dear, let them getutoneea hotileof John­ was lished out of the Arkansas River. with him to church, and his wife, dis­ son's Anodyne bininient. Hull well hehlmlthe PILLS il \V I ISIIKIJ, ITS Tremont r't.. Bo-ton, writ.-*: ears and put n little into tlie ear with a feather. The Creat Rock Island Route ••.-ill' . I b a le been taking l>l'. I' loW d'w I.il'd The animal had run away and thrown covering the mistake, sent it to him in MAKE NEW RICH BLOOD. a t.d Stoin . d. Sanative l am ft,, to m»v I iiotild Glial lllltei'. lit. pllll'oll' til it I lee. I p.l 'lull I III him over an em bankm ent JO feet high. charge of a small boy, who was to re­ It would seem that the eonnionest kind of Posltivolv euro Constipation, SICK-II13ADACJIIE, rity Hlf.ir.b- I by 11 -..li.l, tlmroughl.t I 1.. I |.,,.| 1.. 11ter p a\ T en Ihdl-.r-, it butt!,- 1'UtlaT tliHti be eomnion sense ought to prevent u man from lIilioiiHii'hH, and till LIVEll and BOWEL UUM- be.I. -ue.'.-l, i n I. • 11 ilia.lit it'. It- bdiell la! . Il’eeto h a w far « X a , 1 A week or so afterw ards one ol B ill’s ceive lb cents for the job. Presently Im having trash, simply lieemise he can gel a big PLAlNTd. ULOOD POISON, and Skin Discuses tlally built Hiv ,1 IbM'lK. | . | m i .. ui id nations, and I do not e i , r - at.? tin- .ONE PILI. A DOSE’. For F« lanle Cemplan ts pi'l l. I t lull ,1 . Illllll friends wanted lo go prospecting, and returned for tlie money. "You delivered pack lor 2'| cents. Sheridun’s Cavalry Condi­ these Pills have no oqual. lfall ivho read Hits will t • I, 11 In 1. I eay it bar, m id . a tn-iv m an , f urn. I send their address on a postal they shall receive appii.'im • ••* ..r 1. it. 11 HI. . - p la lb .n Mr. Parker very generously placed the Ihe sermon ; did you?" she asked. "I tion Powders me strictly pure, and are worth it ■ lllll I II I li iieailily I.e.inm , ml il to all Mltld.l-’- I root iiv. I' FREE bv mail advioo for which they w ill a.ways bo O d >ton aeli II'ollbl. h, a* I believe it lo be all yoU broncho at his disposal. Thu re.-ull jest' guv it to him; lie’s a deliverin’ of il laurel of such stutf. thankful. One !»<■< Fills by mail 25 ets. »n btaiajjs. ' "J th e u m m I*'. " i-laiin it.” I S. JOHNSON & CO., BOSTON, MASS. I'ni.MI pel. • HI'I was that man and horse were picked tip iiim sulf. 1 IVii.i. N kveii! luxuritM of it- l* 1. 1 Nol«l in I to .-k ltiii.l b y at the tool of a CO loot precipice—the Tie I'.1 • Em u. I The Rev. Dr. W illiam Hayes Ward of Allow myself lo sulfer again what I Inivesiill'er- l< in FRED F. BURPEE. uimi with a broken leg, the horse tlie New York hvlrpenilent reauhed ed tor tlie last year. That vile disease, Dys­ li"litly wedgi d in I,etween two rucks, I’.iris in good health May lit, from his pepsia, gave me no comfort. 1 could not eat but little hint. 1 number of ambitious long and interestin'! journey to the nor e n io v iilivtnilig; nothing seemed to relieve mine,- linn attempted to conquer the me iiuiil I u sed a hottie ol Sulphur Hitlers, Tigris Euphrates. On tin; return trip l our liollle- made me well.—J'oiyi/, llahlielihr vicious brute, but no one ever succeeded (loin Baghdad he found,near Siklawieti, I v i 1 I. M 1 ' I! !• i: s li i l ' 11»A N'rt .Muvtrr o f S c/io o h it f. J . linker. CONDITION POWDER Dose, one tt aspoonful to in staying on Ids back. I inaily some on tile Euphrates, a magnificent mound, each pint of fcod. bold evei’.vwhero, or reel by ol tin' men in the eamp became dis A weak hack, with a weary, aching lameness mail for 25 d s. m stam p ». W*- furnish it in 2S' lb. tlie ruins of an old Bahvlouian city, not over Ihe trips, is u sign of diseased kidneys. l ans.pi ie •. $1 00 IJv mail. $1 20. Bix < mu $5 00. gust'll. Tliey secured tin, bucking express paid Very v.double I'li'eiil irs F r e e ___ on any map, and which may dispute I a- Hie lies, kidney curative known, which 1. S. JO H N SO N A; GO*. BOSTON, M A SS. broii' Ii ,, pul a saddle on him, and laslied witli Abu Habb.a the locality of Suphar- is Burdock Blood Bitters. a b ail o f wood on bis back 1 lie l ist vaim . "There is nothing like Dr. '1 linnias- Electric Bibles at 1-3 and Old seen o f him be was crossing the range, Oil to qiriel.lv cure a edit or relieve hoiirsc- Tcslumi-hts at h ss than Bishop Burgess of the Episcopal dio­ sf HOL Yt I -3 ill*’ prieesnf the Eng­ k-i IIe b i - I i.-eli > |>■ 111 .1 atleinpl ilig to gel I'i'l of the log u e s s . ” Written by .Ills. M. J. Fellows, Burr lish editions, ami <-?'* «»l th e annual episcopal address. Tlie suit is a eellenl elleel. and l.unuM. 11 .nn I In- I ’a v o r - nor could il be found, and B ill says lli, Into It'ddilltf novel one, and its result w ill he awaited How many people say : "your plaster beats l*h i «i< iaiiH ol I'oi tland. Maim*. l''auion« there "'a.- a look of purled resignation w itli mui-ii interest by bishops who may everything I ever tried. I lie Hop Plaster i o r h:-. X t i l l . , ■ . .nut • 'jli.i: *' !■• -It* "« *■• really cures Backache, Stitch. Sciatica, l.im e lo 4 'l i n n : : A II r < l Ioiih nl I In- ' l l i r n a t a n d on the animal's lace, as il bo bail died Is iiitu * I ii 'd by I,mi hi Iih I'l'arlH <• I"i over 3'1 have objectionable clergymen in their Side or Hip, or pains in any pail. The lies, il. -m •, tuilnioiiTt i Gioy Olin i pieji.ii.ilivii. cuulcnlcd. dioeeses. porous piaster known. 25c. O l L M E A L ! I.W'eS t \ il \ ts EV ER Y Working people me practically benefited by S'u If i i M A N I FFn. Xlv 1...... Il' . !'• Ill r .i i i i i l i g II" III n i s i ilo -e -lie llie me ol JAMES 1’1 1,1'. S PE A llI.lX I.. For Horses and Cattle. It i» w« il know n ll.at t) • t itv ol Paul, Mien. BOTTLE UUHIIHI1 I LLU. n„,i.'„,Hu <:i;w i.s - hlaui UI.gu a Homer did not write the account of Mota, i- a FUl.'.i of a lip id tfloU lil llolo ||i.» o il. it It lessens Ihe toll mnl drudgery of wash day, /. > r m il l>,ir tn nniJ il I - *ti a (JiuuU l u l l s h e i» i d of lies'' bail feelings about tlie siege in l ioy until JbU years after io to-.I.iv t! • iiiiaia iai, ..iiiiiier. ml ami railro ad cm. M t-dii ine I .t .1 ivh.il-ic ;.. :n .l? i • m* J y . A -k lo r wiiliout damage to fabric or hands, and ex- Will fatten faster than any other kind ||. o f III. Si.Ulin. nt. li.V rllie lit- llbpie il I tl her lieuit now. the relief is pK iiiiii,' at, oilier the war was over. In tills way he pedites all kinds of eleuiisiug work surprising­ . Htate, unproved or unimp:--i. d. will pay largely. RODERIC'S COUCH BALSAM, a TA K I*. NO O T IlE lt. I i t i ln> in n li.-v- i. i n r , I i . Mile Je llied liei a lew iiiin iil,M in avoided seeing all tlie monthly maga­ ly, wiiliout Ihe aid of soap, soda, or oilier of Feed. Money all be Ioaie I ol, lie U. H I ■, -t II. -. I 1 It I* IlieollipiHU ill/ I'Dra Hra.lq l.awiuii, Mi' ll- fcl.bO per b e lllc . zines tilled with contradictory accounts. preparations. Sold by all grocers, hut see thill fo r fro m h,\ lo right |" r ,. nt. Ibb . m . - in 8 t. S n|M -i-io< - lo a n y < tin r i* in,-«ly. 1.. ,- pamphlet o f f . E. Ingalls, Cain bridge, Paul UuJ Ka»l if .Jerir. <1. J. H. M ill I I IN. fiuld by all l><*alcr». C'rnts. i — Ihtityn Tust. eounterleils me net urged upon you. CHAS. T. SPEAR. 4 Hl. Paul, Mime. ?vla. JJouald, iiio viu «K: <,«■) rvrliuuU , Mumv, Mass. THE ROCKLAND COURTER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE HE 1885 5

    For Tim Cockier Gazette. with the products of combustion, and C'tditifii ant) /lotw fr-Inb. Hvdrnnga* can hardly he watered too RAILROADS AND STEAMBOATS. THE SUN A SOURCE. OF ENERGY the oxygen of tho atmosphere has no ac­ much. cess to the flame. WRITTEN K ilt n il' (•OUtttEU-GAZFTI'l: Tlm cochineal in je c t feeds on the ContinnrJ from tax! irscV Now, suppose the whole surface of A I’ltAl'Ttl VI. F A It MRI, AM> I'LIHHST. opuntia cnctu!». KNOX iN D I INCOIN RAILROJD. Grout and Wonderful, rn doubt, is the the earth to lie covered over w illi hits of Ooiible dddLu ire still’ IL overs : while Fall and Wint r Time Tabic. Farm axii Live Stuck. the •■ingle ones are not. 1 mechanical work performed by man in lighted eandle placed side by side, (the this our rn lip b lim d lfitli century, hut Dip the lambs. Sudden ehangos of temperature is Commencing Monday, Oct. 20,1334. glass lulie ran he dispensed with) what what plants don’t stand well. great as it is. il is infinitely insignificant Ventil de the stahh s. X ■ ' Tt : - w in happens? Each lighted candle, by the ! ( '' y ' _ b’e ’ . ' - M . ! 1.15 r. M. wnen compared willi the immense and Keep the horse collars elc in. Europeans excel ti* both in win«low O products of its own combustion, would and other gardening ahum tin* home. boui.iilcss w raith of the eni rgies placid Cai n is nut a bone-form ing food. choke the atmosphere immediately above Naming llowers after tin ir colors don’t ! at bis disposal by Mother Nature. You Gra«s loses three-fourths in weigh', by itself, and all would go out in a few min­ alwav* hold out well. The chr‘ sauthe- ' m Due have seen that all tlie sources of power d ryin g . utes. lienee, lie draws the conclusion mum for one was «u> culled heeau*c of I available to man, with Ihe one solitary Don't burn old straw; turn il into tin* golden blooms of the original sort. t P' I • U I , p el, -J M. D in Roek- III it Ihe son likewise would he inevita- manure. laml at 5 e. \j. exception of tidal power, are derived di­ Now there »re white llowercd sort*, be­ I H- s.i • \ M . !• ' 1.U p. -I .-.• . t f r lily e xlingu i-he I, ili a very short lime, K ill the potato hugs; each female lavs sides some of many colors, l ' rectly or indirectly from the great energy \ Mat:- tt,ifit. , D B-.-t m sii anti 9.30 if ii were a mass o f burning coal sur­ 1,000 eggs. M m uging Bulbs —’Pile It aves o f the I ot the sun. but we scarcely realize pel - kht. t-avpnf Bie m l in tb- nv»rninp, i« Une rounded by nn atmosphere of oxygen. Buckwheat often pa-s w ill, besides hardy bulbs should be allowed to remain 1 baps, (lie fart that the power we utilize in li.-ii.t. ti p. m pi p. ,j p ,, .,|lt |. nv jn< Therefore tho sun is not a great lire in serving to loosen tl, • soil. until they turn yellow, when they may I’*' m th ' > nt uf is Hu.- in It klam l the ti-x t is only a very minute part indeed, nn in- ho removed. I his is im port in ', for after which heal is maintained by combus­ Swing churns cannot he liealen on lb' 1 . -1 trip - if th" si ' nt, o ft’". Qat unlay night , linilesimal part or fraction of the whole, any account, and they are easily kepi tlowering and up to maturity. !iey r< - sunt M onday m oritiug tr.-drift w ilt be m ade <)(t. 19 tion. quire n il their leaves, to aid in develop­ proportional to the extent the earth oe- clean. Ts tlie sun then an incandescent mass, ing the bulbs that w ill tlow< r next year. 2 A . GODVBP, Pupt. eiipics in spare. In other Words, the A steamer for cooking food will pay a globe like a red hot hall of iron, which, for itself in tw o seasons on any stock (’arnations Bedded Out.—Young i earth receives somewhat less than the Maine Central Railroad. wiiliout being it-elf eonsnmcd, sends farm . plants d»**igin’l for winter tlowering ---- .n n ----- I wo lh oiisnnd-m illionelh part of the sun's should !>•» kept perfectly dentl o f weeds, faSTS forth heat and light into space? Is it a I’ igs squealing for food should not lie Portland. B ngor. M t. Desert & Machi­ ra ys! and the soil frequently stirred during , body which is red hot with glowing heard, il profit or good meal are desired, as S tc im b o n t Co,, being burned. wilhon't | Cheaply-led pig med boils away in the the summer. Old plan’s that were put Absolutely Pure, What, then, is the sun? Before at­ heal, w itlio u . . . pot and larks qun’ily. out fur flow ering succeed better for be- I WINTER ARRANGEMENT ! Th'« powder nev r varie- . A marvel of purity* tempting an nnstver to my question 1 being eiiiisuun d, rem lining the same in ing k< pi heavily mulched during hot Ptrctnrth and wholwntncncfti*. More • ••, h n»i h i«n 1 Just as llie first jiotalo sprouts show tl iiu th e o rd in a ry k in d s, and can n o t bo Hold in wish il to lie understood that Ilia follow­ w<*ather. than if the ground is cultivated. J » ISSI.XIIFI: I. ,r . ; 7 ,.n n. m. hulk, in mass, the same in its chemical through the soil, run over the patch with I and at 1 1 - a. ui. alter arrival of t rain leaving competition w’ith tho multitude of h»w i« •-», short ing article is compiled from the works Mulching tends to promote coolness at weight, alum or phosphate pottdt rs. So/J onh; *i composition, as it was before it was ' klatt.l nt s r, a. in.,) mnnectiiur at Brum*wicK a smoothing harrow, and you'll save the roots, which is very important thing, b'l'allj nt*-:;" ! ai Portlaid with trains arriviiit; nn <. Ko v a l B a k in g I’o w d k k C o ., log W all < if ,11 Horen t writers. Conspicuous among in It< » ti at 5 r Bewi*t.»u, AmruMa, hall is not consumed though it becomes Wat< !\ be, Portland and Boston. Arriving in Ron. Secchi, Procter, Newcomb, 'fait, Sir C. j eleali qu il ters, good shade, plenty of dry m p t o n a source ol heat and lig h t, and when it Ts I r lit: \i n , dgui. k. Smith taken tile following: Dr. Pierce’s “ Golden Medical Discovery." By We«t at"! Bar llnrl i-. M iltb i,, J.uie-p .,t and within it by the expenditure of some spring, to promote an abundance of rich druggis ts. M ' hia«poi t. •‘There are just two ways in which we milk lor the suckling lambs. Mangel Ganeev of the lower bowel sometimes re­ For point** ra -t o f Bar H arbor, pa»«»enger« pre- other existing source of energy beyond l. rrinjf rail route, via Mt. l>. -. it I', try. . an take wurtzels. lieeause'of their excellent keep­ sults from neglected or badly ’rented piles. may conceive the heat and light of the controversy. Hence the sun would cool train oil days .-leaiuer leaves Portland, ami connect ES3 ZUQfei U Bn Ll Ll VJ ing qualities, are the best for the p u r­ By our improved n.etbod-, without knife, with it at Bar Harbor. sun to lie m aintained" says D r. M olloy, caustic or salve, we spec.Iilv and permanently I.eave* Maeliia-port at I a. in, Mondays and the down also, supposing it to ho such a pose. BEST THING KNOWN ™ ••Either the sun is a great fire, in which cure the worst pile tumors. Pamphlet refer­ Thursdays, for Mt. | >< - rt Ferry, touehiiiu at Jouex- mass unless it acquired lic it at the ex­ pori and Millbrtdge. coni'.. tlVg with trains for WASHINC t ^ B L E A G H I N G Bee V eils.— M 'orn by the aparinn, one ences and term-, two letter stamps. W orld’s lieal. and lig h t are developed by com bus­ pense of some other form of energy. o f these insures coolness of movement Dispensary Medical Association, GUI Main Btiiigor, Portland and |t< -ton. street. Hntlhln, N. Y. I."ave Mt. rt I-’eriy same davH, (Bar Harbor tion, or it is an incandescent mass, like d i Ifl HARD 03 SOFT, HOT UR COLD WATER. For exam ple, you know a man ean about llie hives, which is always desira­ To break up colds, fevers and inilammntoiy nt >b ,„t pi . . f..r Portland, via all landli.g-, ble. A veil to protect Ihe face may he b’ e.'klai. I about 5.J') p. tn .), <*«>nnei*titig w ith HAVES r.AIiOK, TIMKttml SOAi' AMAZ- a red hot hall of iron, which without make red hot a liar of iron by quickly ati.ii'k,-, use Dr. Pierce’s Compound of Suiurt- night Pullman and early morning trains Ibr Boston. INOLY, Mid gives universal satisfaction. being itself consumed, sends out light made of a few cents worth of n ia te ri.il. Wged. F. E . IU H >TII BY, PA YSO.N I t ( K K It, No family, rich or poor should bn without it. repeated blows of a hammer. In this Take eoarse netting lliree feet by one Missionary Bowler writes, “ Having used G en’l P ip Ag’t. (ien'l Manager. Sold by nil Grocers. JiK W A K Eof imitations and heat to llie surrounding space. Il case tho bar of iron is not burned out and one-half feet, made in the form of a Adamson's Btifnnie Gough Balsam lor bronchi- E. II. t'l.AKK, Agent, Rockland. well designed to mi lead. PE A K L IN E is tho A pril 27, 1S> 43 the sun is a tire,then it must lie consumed bottomless hag. A wide hem should lie I al atleetions, hoarseness and severe colds, I ONLY SAFE labor saving compound, and or consumed, hut that which made it lo am prepared to *av that it has at lb red almost always boars the above svmbol, mi l name of in proportion to llie heat it gives out, glow w ith heal is consumed, viz. Ihe turned in at Pqi and bottom. Through immediate relief in iny most severe attacks; JAMES PYLE, NEW YORK. and unless fresh fuel Iiesupplind it must the upper one a piece o f elastic is lo he ami I consider if the most eU'e.tive prepara­ muscular energy of the person operat­ drawn for lining around llie hat. The tion of its kind for all di-eases of the throat, Boston & Bangor S.S.Co in the c nirso o f tim e cease to exist, like ing and the amount of heat in tho iron is hat should have a broad brim to keep and bronchitis.” H i v. .1. It. B o w l e r a burned out candle, or exist only as a tlie exact equivalent of the muscular the veil away Ironi the face. The lower SUMMER ARRANGEMENT! Baptist t State of Maine i Missionary. Commencing dime lo, lSs'., Steamers will leave heap o f ashes, like a burned out furnace. energy required and expended to pro­ part of the netting is to he lucked under Trial bottle 10 cent - at the drug store. Rockland a- follows :— If on the other hand, the sun is simply tlie coat or oilier outer garment at tlie For Bo-ton Daily. . ept Sunday) at tl p. in. or duce it. neck. In-tiadof netting, finely woven ADVICE TO MOTHERS. upon arrival ot steamer from Bangor. an incandescent mass, then it must lie For Camden, Belfast. Searsport, Bucksport, W in­ N ow , the g lo w in g lia r o f iron sends w ire may lie used. I t is a little more Are you disturbed at bight anti broken of terport Hampden and Bangor Daily: (except Mou- always cooling, unless fresh energy is your re.-t bv a sick < liild sull' iing ami l i ving out heat and light into tlie surrounding expensive, hut it lui- Ihe advantage that with pain of cutting teeth ? It so, semi at once day at 6 a. in. or upon arrival of steamer from in windy weather it cannot possibly B oston. developed within it, and converted into space. So does the sun. I f tlie man ami get a bottle ol' Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing South W e -t Harbor nud Bar Harbor (Mount heat.” blow against the face. Syrup Ibr Giiildrctt Teething. Its value is in­ Desert So. Gouldsb. ceases lo ham m er, tlie liar w ill cease to Sullivan at n a. in. Dallv, • x Ha Have a Compost Heap.— On' many calculable. It will relieve the poor little suf­ ept Monday. Let us see then, which o f these two glow. In other words, if this loss of ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, For North Haven, Gn n’s Landing, Swnn'fl farms carelessness in the m atter of ma­ there is no mi take about it. Item es dysentery I-t.eid, and Ba.-s H arbor, T. •s.lays, Thursdays and hypotheses is tlie more probable. First, radiation is not made up tho liar w ill nure saving is allowed to prevail dur­ and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and Nor North W.-t Harbor. Llltlo Deer Isle, let us suppose that the constituents of got cool. So w ill the sun. Thus n con­ in g ihe sum m er season above all others. | bowels, cures wind colie, softens the gums, re­ Sedgwictr. Brooklin, Bluehill. Surry amt Ells­ the sun contain in themselves all the Thu cows are kept in a yard at night, duces inflammation, am, gives tone and energy worth, Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays at tin. in. stant supply of new and ever recurring to the whole system. Mrs. W inslow's Sooth­ and Ihe droppings allowed to bo wasted necessary elements of combustion, viz, energy is absolutely and indispensably ing Syrup For Gliildreti l'< ethlng is pleasant to ItETl KMXU to HOCK LAM): in a large measure, through the rains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Such a the taste, ami is the prescription of one of the From Boston Daily, (ex ept Sunday) at 5 p. m. necessary to keep a body or mass in a washing them away. Tho horse ma­ oldest and best female tiursi - and physicians From Bangor, Daily, ex, ept Sunday) nt 11 a. in. 1 globe or ball set lire to at the surface, in the United S’ates, ami is for sale by ail Ion, iiing it intermediate landings. stale of incandescence. Now, wo know nure is throw n nut in a heap of such a From Bar H arbor nt 1 p. in.. D aily, (exc«*pt S u n ­ could burn away without any aid from druggi.-ts throughout the world. Price 25 cents that the sun is not getting cooler year shape Ilial it suffers greatly by active at botle. day) South West Harbor one hour later. the surrounding atmosphere; but how healing. Ollier manures are no better From Ba-s Harbor, Monday, Wednesday and after year; wo know that it is just as Friday tom bing at intermediate landings. provided far. Compost heaps should he J ohn It. Ma< y, Esq., 1 S WE approach tlie opening of our fourth j long would a globe of that kind, as large From Ellsworth, Monday, Wednesday ami Fri­ abundant a source of heat today, as it formed for aiding the keeping of both connected with the Getitra, Manf’g Go.. Mason day at 7 a. in. touching at intermediate landings. x *- season in th e Fertilizer business, we do- 1 as tlie sun, last, before it w ould be en- Tieketn sold to all points, and Baggage cheeked was thousands and thousands of years solid and liquid manures, besides other Building. Boston, Mass., writes that from per- thro u g h . die to call the attention >f th** Fanners of New I tirely consumed? Sir W illiam Thomson ago, TYhenec, then, does the sun de­ fertilizing materials, during the summer. -onal knowledge, from experience of the te- CIIAS. E. W EEKS, Agent, Rockland. England to tho increasing popularity of the ' in llie Vkiiosuphiml Magazine, vol 8, Q uito eoarse m aterials, such as road- markabl. curative power Itodcriek’s Gough J \M!*.S I.I I' I’l.EFIEl.D, * ... tlie good . and using at all slages. When the pile is upward- ,-tt al. he-tan I that hi- mother wa- troubled , TRI ! ’S A W EEK 3 equivalent to a layer .50 miles thick of a foot high, it should daily receive with lih' 'im.iti-m. and that it was the onlv ' only material* a s a re ol' re a l v a lu e a. THE ORIGIN OK "QUIZ.' On and afn r June 9th, P>S.'i. miicIi . every year! metlit inc tiiat helped h. r. amt being out of enough lioususlops or oilier liquids, io money and work was the ean-e of hi- stealing. STKA 31 Ei: PLAS^T FOOD. But this supposition is rejected by our cause soiiie ferm entation to lak e place A- this wa- the lir.-t oiktiee he was put on pro­ •Jiff .U'lil. If there Is a poid of liquid manure any- bation.—.Y( in i r/. Xcics. The snme care will bo exercised and the grade scientific savants, on the ground that ap­ .HENRY MORRISON, ••Qitiz” is a word without a meaning j where after a rain the contents should he ROCKETT, Master. .1 ilto “ BAY STATE" kept fully up ami im- plied to tlie past it would mean dial ind has its counterpart in no other lan- freely contributed. The manure Irani EF\YE ROCKLAND on arrival of a n d exp. » t St e. : from p.,-i. ... every TI LSUAY, develop j 2,000 years ago tho sun should have guage. It Ii ad its origin in the brain of the stables and pens ami droppings in . Ill R.-J)A\ and S.\ I I RDA\ Ibr the above the best methods, Jive it • tria l i .d ju d g e boon tw ice ns large as it is in the present (Jilin, the actor. lie, one evening, yards mid lanes should daily Iiml lip ir points. I .‘el II m i tg . Will leave E ll-w orth < vm y MOND A Y. >f tin* q u a lity 1" get in year of grace 1885; and tlie same ratio made a het willi a nolilcilinn of £100 way lo the heap. After several iininths, W ED N ESD A Y : I IH D A Y at 7 ,.b lo. k, to u ch ’ your crop-s, liable that by breakfast time the next morning the pile may be worked over to aid fur­ i •: at intervening Ean,lings, connecting at Rock­ being preserved, it would mean that in there should lie in die mouths o f Lo n ­ ther decomposition, a new one being lin.I ttiili Sieaim r for Boston Dir. - t. Through ainitig t -stiiuonials of I 1,'kcts -,,ld on It,,.- id Si, ,niicr. B aggage ahoeked eight or nine thousand years to come, doners a word that was never before started at the same time, for receiving T'hrougii. . E n dun.I. the sun would lie completely burned out. heard. The het was accepted, mid llie daily aeeliuiulalions. By win i saw ­ « II E. WEEKS, Tr. a-, x Ag’t, Rockland, T H E P E O P L E ’S T E A CO. t A LV IN \ t > I'iN , M r, I: ,-to „. pj >k your dealer for the Now, it is altogether inconsistent with when the theater had closed that night ing time them w ill lie a large lot of first- ...... , .ntumflto those fonn’.t the irrepressible actor furnished each of class fe rtiliz in g m ailer to pul on lie ii ir Ir'PUAS..:, H'OI G I II S ./n /'ic r. T.*rtt TM - Hi I OH t • ■■ ,S K » '# rj< :•'< gone any such rapid diminution of bulk hired, willi a good lump of chalk, and I undertaken and kept up. IH.< : if A I t l> I I I >1 IS ' 1 S I -I St 'I M il; lit KANG EJIENT. «*ir» J 4.i s . • i. r.-. .Vll'U \VIA1H\U or mass within historic times, and if instructed one and all to go through the -I’K H I S $1.-, , r < .O L I> 'TWO TKIL’S A DAV! AIANl'FAt TUBED _B______\ N IH ______i I !inn< i* S < In •>t IOOpi'-cea w ith S tiO o r- Ol) a id alter M unlay, dun kt, until further notice chalk on the (lags the word ‘'Quiz." :• rs. Si n.: .. • ;• our a 1 : • .- • and jn< ntieu this pajs r, wo ly say that such w ill not take place in Tie up grape canes. , :i! mail y u «.ur C!. > !■ - t.t..tnlt.j a winpleto The task was accomplished, mid next •n tuium and 1 i L.tt. PEOPLES TEA (?<»., S T M ’ R PIONEER C lark's Cora Guano Co. Boueilust suits turnips. GAIT. WM. R. GREED, ! tlie future. morning the people were startled by I'.j LISF.OX ST., LEWISTON, MAINE. N ow the peppers start oil'. W “ f , Carver'w H arbor HEW BEDFORD. MASS. O r second, let us suppose that the sun seeing mi unusual sight. Some be­ ■ h r < IIBI.LB 1. inalhaven, lor Rock­ does not contain w ith in itself tho nee lieved it a signification of danger; that Sow parsley for winter use. lin,I DAILY, Sun,lays excep. / & Cholera Morbus, ted at 7 a. in., and 1 p. in. G, W. DRAKE, Gen'l Ag’t, Rockland, essary elements, of combustion, hut re­ a secret enemv was near mid this was For slugs on the leaves sprinkle w illi -tandaid time. ---- FOR SALE BV----- his wnteliworil. So die word went the lim e. Dysentery, RETl BNLNO, b a* •• Re.-klaml, Tillson Wharf, ceives them from without like the burn­ rounds in a most amazing way. Quin, at a. m. ami 1 p. hi. T o uching tit H u rrican e GEO. FOSSETT & SOX...... Union ' Jar down the plum eureulio into Island morning trip oIf and afternoon trip on. ing coal in an ordinary grate. Suppose, of course, won tlie wager, and the world A, II. XEW1IEIIT...... Appktcn sheets m id burn. G. A. SAFFORD, Agent, Rockland. A. I’. ST. CLAIR...... So. Hopo say, tho sun to im an enormous globe of won a now word. am ilb-s during tin- la-t Wil l. \. WABKEi:. Agent, Viiialhavun. 37 If tlm currants throw out many suck­ |-m, and Is tt 11 In ai t all equal W. H. I.EACII x SOX...... We,I Cnnnlin coal burning at the surface, in which I above complaints. | i •r-ale W. o. VIXAI...... W arren ers, remove some. 1.1 -lx for po-tage, and heat is maintained by combustion, sur­ Marie Antoinette’s Ghastly Present. .-t! \ l»o \ of goods C. F. CItBAUKIt...... Wuldoboro Destroy caterpillars’ nests in die m orn­ A PRIZE. •mi to more moil. rounded,ns would he absolutely necessary, ing, while the occupants are at home. mi aii> thing else Al-tJnlulUt. Id. A ll, of l ithe -• \. slice,, ,1 from tirst BODOCK by an ntmospbero containing oxygen, When asparagus shoots sh o w n spe­ rtuiic -pens before the ------fc a w m o irm essential lo the proeessof combustion. Thu canaille of I’.iris wero in the cially strong growth, cutting shoiihl A l address T r i:k cease for the season, or then) w ill lie a 60 BLOOD Suppose such to lie the ease, what would habit of making strange presents. B ^UNEQUALLED FOR CEMFNTINC What a fantastic idea it was, sending poor crop next year mid later. WOOD; GLASS, C H IN P V’HC I FATHEH. * • . happen'.’ S im ply this, as the coal burns A -;r. q \a :,n i. | COLD MEDAL. LONDON. 1- . I - I Te t t e r s i to tlm royal family, in Marie An- M arketing < 'rale.— A convenient one SEVEN PER CENT away, the products of combustion pass toiiiet'u's time, a box of dominoes made for balding a bushel, "heaping measure," FIRST MORTCACE BONDS urdock lood it t e r s oil'in the form ol carbonic acid gas and oul of ihu stones of the Bistile. The may he made as fallow s: Far Ihe ends B B W ILL B On Improved Farms in Iowa lines which accompanied die gift are use inch haaids.clll 12 12 inches s q u ills . / ’ v . ' . / y h: ' [!. > ’ , water vapour; the atmosphere gets I ,,*., fii.r- promptly supplied with completed choked; the oxygen lias no longer access quite brutal, quite authentic ami charac­ The sides mid liallom mav im made id' !•■ in-. Large , \p. rn in . and no I i. Ample m- teristically Fieiich. How Marie An­ half-inch slurt’ J 1-2 inches wide and • '.n ! .dl ' a-, -. Int, P H amt principal collected r d o c k 1 to the coal; anil the tiro must go out in tt III.ODI charge. R. I'll cnees and lull informal ion Bi Blood b it t e r s toinette must have shuddered at dm toy twenty inches lung, using three of ilie-e - ■ ri. \ 2iv» n , ,.pp 31 II. || | \- a very shal l tim e. of doom: "These stones, from dm strips to each. Crates ol lliis shape arc I • \ V I I iv .* I 1 Main >H eel |>av - Sound. Refreshing Sleepy_ enporl. Iowa. 1527 T his fa d has been proved by D r. walls which enclosed dm innocent vie- | very convenient for packing into a dins of m ld tra ry power, liave been eon- (ll) j,u x . Molloy in a verv simple and coneluslvo Burdock Blood Bit t e r s verted in lo a toy, lo he presented to you, 1 V j„ .i(,lies fl„. |,1)llle ypu-p,.. .. way. Here is his milliner of reasoning: Monseigneur, as an homage of tlm pci. , ,ivi. t„.A„s Thai Tired M try T< ■ linn. I’iucc a short hit of candle, hurtling pic’s love and to teach you tlm extent ot I ,jt|(.n wi„ (,;u.|y Sl.lt lleiiilu, lie. brightly, on a stand in llie atiuospliere their power. | „1O|.U profitable than late ones. l liis is G ent-- —I have been subject to Side of a room; place over it a largo glass because growers at a distance iisiriU y Ib ail.u In; I'.r y< urs. and have tric il ill grow oiiiiy 1 Be fruit, about ’be shipping tube, open at llie top, so as n o t lo shut More T han T h a n k s. vain, lu iiiv tiilv e iti-i I leiin-.lie, find sev­ ami selling of which, at point* however eral pliysu inns, b ill all In i.') |iur|ia-T. A t out the atmosphere; allow it to remain Fort Muilisou, Iowa.. Mrs. Lydia L I’ink- I’.aiu : “ 1 am glad to inform you that 1 have far awa)’ , thero is no risk. \Vh«*n in a r­ last 1 in r I your IS I! Iliil. is— m i bout in that position, and in a few moments, tiicd one Dottle of your Vegetable Compound tless to market creates this sort of com­ lin n b failh. 1 a,J,nil —but to ,l:iv 1 I'.m and have found great relief. I more than thank petition, il should lie avoided by growing tru ly say, lb it after taking tin- lln n l buttbi as y u ean prove by experimenting, the you lor your kind advice. J haw never felt .so early sorts. I have nut sutri i . il train ii. I r c o iiiiiic iiil llame gets dim , and gradually dies away, well as I do now .since 1 liad these troubles.” it la all my liit iu l . suv, r.-il have Ina ll and goes out altogether. Do tlie same Youio Kesp'y. Mrs. W. (’. A------. The above F low ers and the LAWN. l uieil by it. .My little gmuilsnu iva, |>. r is a sample of tlie many letters received by Sow cincraiias. inuiii'iilly cured at Biliausnesj amt b il k w ith a second hit o f candle, w itli a sim i­ Mrs. Piiikliaui expressing gratitude for the Headache, winch wave x> severe ai la lar lube over it beside the first, it would henelit derived from her Vegetable Compound. Thin the annuals. Another letter, from Kauliuan. Texas, says: causa convulsions. They have all censed meet Ihe same fate, and so would a •• Your Compound has done me more good than Mulch tlie rhododendrons. SlUtu I..’ commenced Die use at ll.lt. B. third, a fourth and a fifth. Why? Be­ all the Doctor’s ever did, lor which I thank Zinnias like a rich soil and sun. MBS. B. C. 1SOIH.K. you with ail mv heart.” Your friend, Anna Orange, Lucerne County, I’a. cause the air of each tube gets choked B-----. Use the lawn clippings for mulchin Mrs. LIZZIE E. COTTON. West Gorham. Maine. G TTTE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1885

    CAMDEN VINALHAVEN TENANT’S HARBOR. ’85. FOURTH OF JULY. 85. The A< horn Bro«.. stone-cutter*, arc cutting s* h. Manitou arrived Tlmrsdav from New (’apt. Charle* Brown of *eli. Dora Mathew* *om e tine monument’ at their yard. York. is at home fo ra short visit. Hi* ve«*el is in New York loading general cargo for New J I h Rockport Ice Co. loaded a three master The «ehool’ in di’triet* 3 and 4 will elo*e TWO DAYS’ RACES Bargains THOMASTON [ with it e fora southern port Thursday. Friday next. Orleans. Mr*. J. W. ponigan *f Bangor i* <*n a I he Shi’her* are not satisfied with their late Herbert Kalloch of till* pho « received a quite OFFERED BY ' P . J. c.irleton’ft summer cottage i* in one of serious injury last Tuesday w hile nt work on vi*it Imre. the most romantic ami picturesque pia-es in defeat on the diamond, and are working up a ('apt. Warren F. M :'l* arrived here Friday mii’cle for another contest. sell. Senisvill’e. In helping caulk the side of town, near Hosmer’s Pon 1. the sclmoner, the mallet ’lipped from the handle KNOX TROTTING PARK from s.»n Franvisro. C irlet m. Norwo id A Co. nre to nam* their Said J. F. M* A lister. “ When I worked nt and striking him on tlie bead, stunned him. Cap?. (>h‘.| A’l.’.r - ’*. ' f jdiroonrr Gra* e new ship Grover Cleveland, mi report says. Sprue-* Iliad in the busy time* they had there causing him to fall from the stage to the ROCKLAND, ME. Andrews, is at Imine. I he biggt -t ship in the country for the biggest w. ii’cd to have lum lies in our room’ at night. ground, a distance of 12 feet. A* a result of Mi*. Eliza Malcolm. ..f C m hinr, will «oon man. My ehum worked in the bake-shop ami he the fall he received a broken wrist and other IFUULERI take up her residence in thi< town. 1 he Epi’copal chun li i* an ornament to the brought up some pie* one night. AYe put injuries. He is improving slowly. them in the bed for *af- keeping ami called Mr«. 1 'i.abeth l.ibLv i* in Hath alt ling town, ’ ince it received it* new coat of paint. A house situated about two mile’ from this The blending of the colors shows an artist’s up tlie re’t of the boy* to help us destroy ’em. the Univcr*ali*t State Fom ent inn. But wc didn't eat ‘eni. AVhcn we opened the j village belonging to Mr*. Nathan F. Hart was Shin St Paul. Cap!. 11. II. William*. sailed hand. bed the bed-bug* wi re crawling all over ’em." j destroyed by fire Tuesday of last week. Tlie from Liverpool, JnncJ’lii, i**r Ni w York. Landlord Martin ha’ had the Mountain View fire i* supposed to have caught from a defective s. B. Thompson has returned from Portland, chimney. No insurance. W m. A M'd- .i.t injured hi’ hand quite Hon’* painted in very uttrictive color*. The where he has been attending school....Geo. T c o b b T FCverely while at work at hi’ ‘team mill. marked improvement* lie lias made since tak­ It. Punk and wifi , went to Belfast Saturday FRIENDSHIP. Mr’. Edwaol Starret ami child, of Boston, ing the lioii’C is appreciated by the summer ---- F. A. Hunt, town treasurer, ba* Icon quite tourist.*. The mackerel fishermen have failed fo catch Friday & Saturday, July 3d & 4th are at the lion*** <»1 D. .L H arm . Afill River. ’i< k with catarrhal fever for several weeks many mackerel this spring, while the trawlers Mi*’ Cora Spear of sun Francisco i* a The Bay A’iew House is having a good past, but is now able to be about again.... have succeeded in getting good trips. gnest at :li»* residen - of ( apt. Harvey Mills. businc’*. A* the warm weather approaches J. D. Doan went to Bangor Saturday on tlie #050 hi Purser. Horses owned in Maine people arc seeking the summer resort’ and Mayfield. Friendship Lodge of Good Templars initiated n In tow n Horace (’. Phfnney. who ha* be* there is no better bouse on the coast than the three candidates last week. I !UI>AY, ,H1.V 3d. FIRST DAY. the pa«t tew day*, lia’ returned to New York Bay A’iew. WALDOBORO. Elder Hatfield of JefTcrson preached at the City. Purse SHOO. Three Minute Chi’*. $55 to Dt, The Orpheus Club, Rockland, are engaged Orris Lcvensaler has opened a marble shop Baptist cbttrch Sunday. $30 to 2nd, $15 to 3d. M i’ * M a ry Elira Ringwlia* gone to Lew iston to furni-Ii some of their choice selections tor in Stanwood and Mayo’s old potter shop. Eratlklin an 1 AVilson Thompson have gone Purse * IflO. 2.36 Class. $’5t<» 1st; $45 to 2d ; Ilnnil Knit Shawls, Black, to attend tlie Congregationalist state Conven­ the graduating exercise’ of the senior clae’ , Reed’s Cadet Band will accompany the to the westward shad fishing. |2 0 t o 3d. tion. Camden High school at Megnnticook Hall, the Lincoln County Battalion to the National En­ James Delano launched hi* new boat last S1TFKDAY, .IP1.Y 4th. RKCOXO DAY Cream, Cardinal, $2,and $2.25. ( apt. Atnliro’e Verpcr, ot bark Levanter, evening of th • J7th. campment in Portland. week. She is pronounced by all to lie exceed­ P u r s e W1OO. 2.45 C lass. $55 to 1st; $.’10 to loading ice at Rockport, passed the Sabbath The new ship in Carleton’s yard is 253 1 2 The boat wharf near the bridge has been re­ ingly handsome, and will be a prominent feat­ 2d; ?15to3d. nt home. feet keel. Edward Flanders and Cha’ . Carey built, and several row boat* have been put in j ure of the boat race on the Fourth. Purse *50. For Pacers. $30 foist; $15 to 2d; Bed Spreads 98 cents worth Mi** AHee Mathew* ha’ returned home $5 to 3rd. 2nd drove three seams of oakum along one the water. AA’clt A (Hidden have n very nice Forest Lake lee Co. shipped a cargo of ice Purse 8250. F re e for All. $140 to 1st; $75 to after a number of months alM-ence In Massa- side in one day, a large day’s work tor two one which they let at fifteen cents an hour. last week. 2*1; $35 to 3d. 1.25. ( huootta. men. This was the first thread. S. L. Brown, ngent of the F. S. Accident CONDITIONS :-T h * above races an* mile Samuel E. Smith and Charles Copeland are Mrs. Faroline Batchelder. Elm street has Insurance Company, had his hand badly CASTINE. heats, best 3 in 5 to harness, and governed by rules nt Miwm head Lake as guests of lion. Edwin of the National Association. A horse distancing line aceominodations for summer tourists. Her lainmed while helping discharge sell. Jos. AVm. Joseph Perkins started for New* York Tues­ tiie field, or any part thereof, entitled to first money Holland Curtains, 36 inches Smith of Warren. house i* situated on one of the best street* in Fish. It is very surprising that Mr. Brown d a y .... M. Harmon, wife and child arrived only. Heats in «*aeti day may be l ulled alternately Burnham Hvler. George Hanly, Will town, surrounded by grind old elms and is a should be the victim of so many accidents. from Baltimore Saturday morning...... Mrs. at the option of the proprietors. Entranee fee 10 wide, spring fixtures, Nickel Hodgkin* and Timina’ Crcwt have gone to pleasant Imine for the pleasure seeker. A very pleasant event was the wedding of Julia Arey returned to her home nt Owl’g Head per rent, of tlie purses, and must accompany the Pull, ready to put up, for 50 Bath to work hi a sail loft. Canaan City is beautiful now with it* mag­ Samuel B. AVnitz. of the firm of S. (). AValiz Monday. . . . Miss Mattie AVcseott went to Isle nomination. No conditional Entry will be re­ ceived. 5 to enter, 3 to start. The Friday races Ship J. IL Walker, ( apt. (ico. E. Wallace, nificent mountain view, ami the placid pond A Sons, Waldoboro, and Miss Fannie A. Chip- an Hunt Saturday to teach her lirst sch o o l.... cents. with its islands all clothed in their summer Uha*. Clark and Charles Robbins arrived from will be trotted on that day, and Saturday races arrived at Liverpool, June 10th, after a passage man of South Boston, which occurred nt tlie will be trotted on that day. Proprietorn claim the of 13C days from Sail Francisco* foliage ami carpet of green. Geo. Burd is to residence of die bride’s brother at Boston Danvers, Mass., last Saturday, where they right to postpone on account of bad weather. build him a line cottage there in the Swiss Highlands, Tuesday evening,June 9th. Numer­ have been at work in the shoe-factory which Arrangements have been made for UNE UAKE for The steamer Isis sailed for Portland yesterday villa style. ous guests were present, among them being was burned last week. men and horses with Knox Lincoln Ruilroad, Adjustable Window Screens, morning. We learn that Major Delano will Boston & Bangor S. S. Co. (above Belfast), and I’., probably sell the steamer in that city. Sixtv or more members of Post 93 will join Misses Josephine A. Clark and Kittle O. Tlie graduation exercises of tlie class of ’85, 18 inches high, 34 wide, for with Edwin Libby Post ami other Posts in the AVnitz and Messrs Porter H. Sonic and Damon Eastern State Normal .School, were held IL, Mt. I). A M. S. H. Co. Mrs. C. M. McKnlght. who has been at the E n trie s d o s e F R ID A A', .TPN E 2fltli, at 11 o ’clock county as a battalion to participate in the L. Oliver of AVaklohoro. The happy couple Wednesday evening. 'The kali was very pret­ P. M , and should be addressed to 50 cents. house tri Mrs. Eliza Malcolm in Cutdiing the grand parade on the 23*1 inst., at Portland. were the recipients of numerous beautiful and tily decorated with evergreen, plants and How- past two week’, ha* returned heme. Gen. Davi* Tillson will command the battalion. valuable presents from their many friends and ers. Over the door leading into tiic tcachem' BERRY RRDS., Rockland, Me. A special meeting of I‘, Henry Tillson Post ( apt. G. F. Burgess lias been appointed as aid relatives. They left for AVaklohoro Thursday room was the class motto“Tw Heights Beyond" Bay and Straw 1’HF.H at the track. Trotting Brocade Mohair Upholstery will he held on Thursday evening. A general on his stall'. This is an excellent selection. morning, in which place they will reside. in white letters. The class numbered forty, will commence at 2 o’clock each day. attendance of all the comrades is desired. The proprietors of the Catnden Bazaar have M iss Josephine A. ('lark and Klttie (). AVnitz ilie largest that has ever been graduated from Admission 50 <*fs. Currlagcs Free. Plush in Old Gold, Blue and the school. The program was as follows: Rev. Thomas L. Gnlick, who has preached sold their lease of the store in Simonton’’ block returned from Roxbury,’Mass., Saturday.... BERRY BROS., Pnoi’ltlKTons. *o acceptably at the Congregationalist church to C. W. Atkins,wlm will open a “ 99 cent store,’ Miss Olive Quimby has returned from West­ Salutatory,George I Bow ioin ;“ Thc Nineteenth Garnet, for 1.25. Sold every­ the past two Sundays, has gone to Lewiston. the opening of which will be duly announced. boro, Mass... .Gardner Ludwig, the eminent Century Teacher," Belle Southerland ; History, The goods ami fixtures of the Bazaar have been musician, is home from Philadelphia.. . . L. L. Annie It. Calderwood; Poem, Annie C. PASTURAGE. where for 2.50. Cftpt. Erank Russell has left for Gardiner, ’Tooker; piano duct, Eugenie Devereux and Those desiring Pasturage for a limited number of where Ids vessel, schooner Ella Elliott, is moved from the store and will be sold at a bar­ Kennedy was in Monson last w eek ....F red AV. gain. Enquire at the Bazaar or of Geo. II. Trowbridge, night clerk at the Thorndike Margaret B. Sw eetser; reading, “ ’Tlie AA’reek Young Cuttle can lie accommodated by applying to loading ice. John T. Wilson has gone to join of the Rivcrmouth," Jessie A. Pierce; proph­ IL A. Emekv. this vessel. Haynes. Hotel, Rockland, was in town Thursday.... 19 Timber Hili, So. 'Thomaston. One case of Lawns, 4 cents. Nannie C. Alden wa’ in Rockland last week ecy, Hattie M. Cole; ode, Ada M. Maddoeks; Saturday a match game of bn’c ball took James Perry, esq. lias had hi* line residence valedictory,.Sherman Littlefield. 'The exam in­ painted inside in a high style of art. The ....M rs. Chas. A. Keene anti daughter of pi tee on tiic base ball grounds on Eltiker street Gloucester, Mass.,are visiting relatives liere.... ation of the class hv State Supt. N. A. Luce between the Warren and Thomaston Clubs. artist tinted the walls in colors in a tasty m an­ was on Thursday forenoon. Piineipal R. Lambrequin Poles, 38 cents. ner. The large double parlors with their deli Lincoln Sprout has returned from We’thoro The score was Warrens 14, Thomaston.’ 39. ....A . E. Grover ha* returned from Medfield, Woodbury, who is in S. Carolina on account cate tinted wail*, heavy border, ami gilt cornice, of ill health, wrote a farewell address, which Cftpt. George W. Robinson and E. L. Dilling­ fine marble ami wood mantels, with their Mass...... Mrs. Charles E. Bliss of Bangor is ham and wife arc in Boston for the purpose of at George Bliss’. . . .Mr. George Belt of Boston was read, nt his request, by Mi’s Hughes, to Sliawlettes,Cashmere Shawls elaborate cairings, are in harmony witli the the class at tlie close of the examination. attending the funeral of the late John W. htirroui.d n;s. The gio im’s n beautiful flower Highlands was in town over Sunday. in all colors, from 1.50 to 5.00. Blodgett, who married a daughter of ('apt. garden, the line symmetrical old elms, ami the Tlie Damariscotta Ladies’ Basket Associa­ ATLANTIC. Robinson. grand mountain views from tlie verandah, tion met with the ladies of tiic AVaklohoro S ell. M. M. Chase, (’apt. L. V. Joyce, arri­ FashionableClothing The Thomaston Base Ball Club made their make it one of the pleasant places in town. Baptist ('hurih, Friday, June 12. Services began at 19 a.m., Mrs. Hanson of Damariscotta ved here AA’ednesdnv. Capt. Joyce reports tlie appearance Saturday in their new uniforms of The Carleton House,Bert Lovejoy proprietor, largest schools of mackerel ever seen on the Scrim, 12 1-2 cents. blue caps, white shirts, gray knee breeches has recently been painted in colors, light anti presiding. The meeting was opened by prayer AT ROBINSON’S and singing, followed by remarks by Mrs. cons!. None of the fleet seem to capture anv and blue stockings and were strikingly • lark brown blended in a very artistic manner, of them now. The buyers sav that the only attiaetive In their new apparel. the inside touched up. varnished, etc., new Hanson of Damariscotta, Mrs. Graham of AValdohoro and Mr*. G. 1). B. Pepper of chance foi any money to he made this year ARTISTIC TAILORING New Style Scrim. furniture added, the ol*l newly upholstered, will lie the small catch through the summer St. James (Catholic) church is being repaired. ami is without doubt the best finished house in AVatervillc. An original paper was read by The old steeple anil hell tower lias been taken Mi’s Lizzie Austin of AValdohoro. Reports months, which doubtless will improve the ESTABLISHMENT the town, with inside shutters in every room, fall catch and market too. down, ami the symbolic cross of the church line billiard ball, telephone connection’ electric from the various churches and mission bands Bargains in Underwear—A placed in this position. The windows have bells, a first class livery in connection with the were then read. At 12 o’clock services were M. A’. Babbidge lias commenced the carpen­ 264 Main St., under the been changed, ami the basement repaired. house. ’I he proprietor also furnishes yachts adjourned to allow the ladies to partake of a ter work on Capt. IL J. Staples’ store. The large assortment Gauze, 25 bountiful collation which was served in the sills an* in place and work is progressing finely SOUTH THOMASTON. and row boats. Bert knows the business and Thorndike House keeps the cuisine up to the standard. holies’ room. The meeting was reopened at on the foundation. cents. II. S. Sweetland lias purchased the Ed W ill­ 1.39 p.m . Singing by tlie Mission Band of James Crockett of South AVest Harbor is iams horse. Miss Fannie Medbrev of Providence. R. I., Waldoboro, followed by remarks by Miss is at Mrs. Faroliue Batchelder’s,Elm street.... plastering (’apt. L. A’. Joyce’s new cottage, W. F. Butler is building a cook-room on his Mi*s Minnie R. Haynes arrived home last Barrows, a returned missionary from Bur­ ile will do the ma’on work on the Fred Joyce White Lining Table Felt, G8 cottage at Pleasant Beach, also a piazza. week... - Mis.* Mae McCarthy is progressing undi, who spoke in a very interesting manner cottage and Capt. B. J. Staples’ store. Mr. A large line of Woolens of the customs of the Burmese people, and Crockett is a good mason and we hone all who inches wide, 35 cents, half Richard Hayden has moved his camping out finely with tlie young Misses. She is drilling exhibited various articles manufactured by in all the Fashionable furniture at Pleasant Beach into the cottage lie lor the operetta “Grandpa’s Birthday’’.... wish a good job of mason work will give him them. She had several musical instruments their patronage. Styles on hand. price. lias been building. Dr. AV. A. Albee, wife and daughter were in which arc used in Burmese forms of worship, Then ho! for Pleasant Beach, the cutest, Portland last week. Tho doctor rend a valuable The Bay A’iew Hotel has been renovated and some of the most beautiful embroidery from cellar to garret, and is in first-class order tfip All work of the best quality in snuggest and jolliest sa,inner resort on the paper before the Maine Medical Association, we ever saw, which was done by the men of coast of New England. the session of which was one of unusual inter­ for receiving boarders the coming season. AVc ; p oint ol F i t , S t v l e and M a k e . Satin, E id e r D oavii Flannel, all Burundi. She was accompanied to tiiis country hope it w ill he well filled. taction guaranteed. Samuel Butler has put in a hid on the road e st... .Rev. Henry Jones was a delegate to the l y a young Burmese lady who was present at colors, for Children’s Cloaks, Maine Board of Missions at the Epi’copal Our lobster fishermen report lobsters played to be built around Mile hill. Il it has to he church at Portland, last week....('apt. Justin the meeting and sang several pieces in her built we hope Sam will get the job. native language and repeated the Lord’s out, an unusual small amount being taken this Lap llobes, etc. Sherman is soon to leave on a foreign voyage. prayer in both Burmese and English. The season. ~ We noticed in one of the Seattle papers that His ship is now in New York. Ray Coombs, the young son of Samuel young lady is designated by the euphonious NORTH WASHINGTON. FashionableClothing Coombs, formerly of this, place is attracting SOUTH HOPE. appellation of Mali Mliyah. Several readings Parasols—A New and Great and recitations were rendered by members of 'The barge Rover from AValdohoro was ill great attention as an artist. I 1 wellyn Flanders of Cochituate, Mass., is town last week en route for Bangor. in town on a short visit...... A. L. Flanders lias tlie AValdohoro Mission Band. Mrs. Pepper Assortment. B. I). Littlefield lias bought another new made some remarks in interest of the Keinen- (’lias. Follett o( So. Montvillc was here last horse. 11c lias now a span of reliable animals*. returned from Massachusetts, where he went dinc Girls school, while Mrs. IIill of AValdo­ a short time ago. Ile will play in a baud at week....Mrs. Gustaiia Harris of the Central He is now fixing up, painting and otherwise horo read a lengthy paper on “America as a House, Bath, visited her cousin, Mrs. Skinner, Ladies’, Gent's, Children's improving his chariot. “ We must keep up Nautasket Beach this season. Mission Field" which was followed by some last week. Mrs. Harris retains her youthful with the times" suvs Ben. A. I’. StClair is engaged in making a record very pithy and interesting remarks by Mrs'. looks to a wonderful degree, and is looking and Misses’ Hosiery, in a great Geo. Coombs is repairing,his buildings.... of the soldiers who served in the late war from Roberts of Rockland. Appointments o f ofli- finely. She was formerly well known liere Hiram Sewell is painting bis bouse.. . . W ill­ ibis town, lie wants name, regiment, ami eers were then made,resolutions offered and the being the eldest daughter of Peter A. Stubbs, variety, finished feet for 25 iam Tripp and gang have gone to work on company, date of enlistment and discharge, or meeting adjourned. formerly of Burkettville but now of Rockland. Horace Clark’s ham.... William Butle? is re­ death if dead, rank, ami whether wounded, and cents, pairing his building’ ...... lohn and Andrew any other particulars, that may he condensed UNION. SWAN’S ISLAND. T. W. HIX, JR., McKay are repairing the cellar foundation of into a short record. Ami lie desires all persons Charlie Elliot is repairing the building on Preparations arc making for a July dinner. John Ingraham’s house. having knowledge of soldiers to communicate tlie Bemis place. The bridge over the Georges Rev. C. 11. Fuller is holding a series of A New Lot of our Street Mrs. Eliza Thorndiko and Mrs. Lucy Crock­ with him as he is determined to have the list river at tlie Common is to have a new covering, meetings at this place. correct in every particular. It is time that this and the iiighwavs nre being repaired, much to ett arc making a short visit at the house of The young people nre talking of going to Jeweller and Optician, Jersey Jackets for 6.00; this is J. Lane of Quincy, Mass., is for violation of the lisli Jaws. They all went e v e ry thing that a horse ought to know, and j or any o f tin* p ests o f the garden visiting her parent’ . Mr. and Mr*. Nathaniel and paid their lines except Win. Ellis llyler, some things that it is mysterious that any Greatest Bargains in the state, Talbot...... lam* > Bragg left for Providence, It. who nroniifecd to appear before bis honor, but horse .’lionId know. For instance, he knows 1., Monday. He lias been making a visit at failed. Accordingly last week ollieer J. AV. when his master is going to a funeral. How, Use Hammond’s at 50 cents, 75 cents and 1.00. l’elcg Wiley’.*... .D r. .Addison Barrett lelt for Peabody came here, and tolil Hylei that he does he know it • This is the way lie shows Norfolk, Yu., Thursday. He lias been visiting must appear before Judge Doe, and had come bis mother and friends of this place fora few that lie knows it. lie lifts his head, and gives to take him to Thomaston. Mr. Hvler refused a mournful whinnie as lie comes in sight of a I “SLUG SHOT’’ Gloves—W e can supply all months... .Mrs. Hattie Patterson is at home to go, ami attempted, to resist. < iflieer Peabody house, but when lie sees that it is not tlie ■ on a visit to her parents. produced liandciills, and was about to put I lace where people are assembling lie passes i D eatli to insects but safe to liaudlo and easy to ap­ 0. E. Blackington’s, kinds of Kids, all lengths and WARREN. then on him, when Ilylci’s wife ami son Hew mi midi tin* bouse is in sight, when lie will 1 ply to the pests. at Peabody with clubs. The ollieer very coolly Lewis Hall is repairing his house. turn to die place without being guided and , AT THE BROOK. colors. Special orders taken drew his revolver when all the parties calmed silently and quieliy stand until the service is Geo. Ba* helder is shipping hay to Massa­ down, and llyler said he would go with him over. An Immense Stock of lor Children. chusetts. before Judge Doe without further resistance, 0 . B. PA L ES & CO., J. (’. PiP.sburv discharged a ear load olCom lie promptly paid his line, and was discharged. W IL E Y ’S C O R N E R . 337 Main St., Rockland. 10 last week. A lew days afterwards Mrs. llyler ami her Ground was broken last week for the new ! Hammond's “Slug Shot" kills LICE on Horses Outside W raps— I ,ook at our son were rilling through Thomaston,and seeing dwelling bouse of 1. 11. lloekings. Summer Clothing ! The work on tin Baptist chapel i* progress­ (Ulleer Peabody whipped up their horse Cattle, Swine, Sheep and Poultry. bargains in a Black Brocade ing quite fast. attempting to drive by, but lie was too quick Rev. G. AV. F. Hill lias taken up his resi- j And Prices Lower than Ever A lew small bass have been captured in the t*>r them ami having a warrant lie took them donee at the house ol Mrs. Mary G. Wiley. Velvet, Trimmed with Chenille South Pond waters. before Judge Doe and had them lined for Barnum’s advertising team passed through ■ PARIS GREEN b e fo r e ! diis village last Monday week, strewing post­ Kills the Potato Bug. Fringe, for 10.00 A crooked *hatt delayed work at the steam assault. LOOK AT OUR mill la*t week, but work was resumed Mon­ WASHINGTON ers, hand-bills, etc. along tlie entire route. Wholesale and Retail. day. Dr. Roscoe E. Harlow of .Auburn died Si b. Telegraph hauled into AViley’s wharf C arpets m ade and laid at. The hay crop promises to come oil early, la-i week aged 5S. He was a former resident last week and had her bottom scraped and O. B. FALES & CO. Si).oo BLUE SU IT! but iiiuiiy predict that the yield will not !»*• of this town, having held various olliees here painted... .Sell Eliza Levensaler lies in the' short notice. very good. ami wa* th* unsuccessful democratic candidate stream with lime from Thomaston for New All W ool, Indigo Color and w ill not York ; also sell. Ringleader. BUSINESS OPENING. Scih Oliver la uiccted a building adjoining lor senator in lSGii. The doctor has been sick The undersigned otters for sale his stock of Dry fade Nothing Neater, Cool­ h - block, a pan of which is io b< onupied bv for two year* with consumption, so that hib Miss Louisa Jameson of Rockland is visiting Goods and Small Wares, either at an appraisal or IL Spear. death was not unexpected. Ile leaves a widow, at her sister’s, Mis. Ellie Kinney... .(.’apt. A. for so much on a dollar of cost, stock miiuII and er or More Durable. and two worthy and promising soils by a E. Brown arrived home last week. His vessel i lean. One ol the best locations in tin: city, has Warren Base Ball Club played the'l l om i* former marriage. is at S a c o .... Mrs. Katie Harmon, formerlv of I.ecu occupied a^ a Dry Goo*|s store for more than MEN’S and BOY’S ton* < ii Tl om islou ground* Saturday ami this town, now ol Sail Frunciseo, is here visit- I J » years. Stock must kudosed out at once as other were worsted. < aptuili Nchriiiiali Poland, a worthy and business requires my atleiilion. respected citizen aged 99, died suddenly Satur­ fug relatives and I'riends. AImi lor sale a sound, kind, Family Horse, Buggy Business is good at the shoe .’hop. More day noon. ID* worked tlie day before, finish­ The band gave an out door concert Saturday 1 and .lump Heat Carriage. S T R A W H A T S FULLER cutters arc now employed thin at any lime in ing phuting. .An hour before he died he did evening for the lirst lime this season, and it 2O2J .M. A. A ('HORN. l u u l l lh " u p w Htyl«*M, uu

    IRarinf Departm ent. DOMESTIC PORTS. preceding the Sunday on which these services Put i,u»r.t i nt Ar 9th, ?ch Helen Mon- were to be held a letter came from me tfi the tagne, Green, Turks Island. Thomaston post-office, there being no office nt J. DONAHUE & CO. Sell. A. J. Fabens, Feck, nrrived Wednes­ P ensacola—Ar 8th, sell S. O. Hart, Smith. LOW PRICES day. flic ’Keag at that time. As I was evidently Galveston. ntr. r lh.- R .resin. f,.r tl.c w k Sell. Hnnter, Whitten, lay at Tillson’s wharf Gi.onoi town, D. C.—Ar 12th, seh J. B. alive and well it was thought best to postpone Sunday. Holden, Scott, Penobscot. the ohsefjtties. ( hole. M. Louis Patent Roller I lour Sid 29tli lilt, ship Rosie Welt. Welt. San N ew Op.i.i \ n- -Cld 15th. bark S. G. Ilart. “ When I had been at home five weeks I got al $5.•"».» per b a rre l. Francisco. Pearson, Lisbon. B xnook—Sld - h«. Jennie F. Willey. ­ married. After trading and burning lime for 5 lilitls. I hnici Xew I ’o rlo Itieo Molasses Scb. Ada Ames, Adams, anived Sunday wick, Annapolis. Md. two or three years i built schooner George and Medium & Light Weight from Boston. W ILL TELL. H alil colored nsid liem v bodied 27 e. J acksonvir i.e—Ar 9th, Milford, Look, James, named for myself and brother, who Rest frnde le t. Sell. Pearl is re. -iving repairs on North Rockland. Men’s Hoys mill ( liililren s Marine railway. Ni wncnvrouT—Ar 19th, sch John S. Case, now lives in South Thomaston, and I cruised in do/, nice Itrnoms, Parlor Handles. Shi from Vineyard Haven 19th, $vh A. E. Falkenham, Philadelphia. in het for six or seven years. I then had 15c. s,,|,| cicci „ here lor 25c. Herrick, mackerel ing. S w a n n \n Sid 7th. sell Melina A. Willey, another vessel built for me at Warren, tiie 5 boxes lied I co.. Tobacco 15c per Hi. Willey. St. Simons. I. O. of (). of about eighty tons. I sailed Sell. Nina Til-on, Acliorn. arrived here yes­ D m hpn, Ga.—Ar lltii, sell S. G. Hart. 5 lio\c. Mayo'. Ilc.l ( hew Ina and Smok- terday from Bangui. Smith, (Jalveston. in her fora few years, cruising around M< xieo ioa Tobacco, :tbc a Hi. Hits beat. Hie Sell. Thomas Hix, Yeaton, i- loading coal at F eiix \ x w n \ —Ar 11th. sell Lizzie Chad­ and tlie during the Mexican war. C L O T H I N G w o rld ! New York for II. II. Halt «\ Co. wick) Chadwick, New York. “When 1 returned home they were con­ 5 Hi.. ( bolee Raisins lor 25 cents. Sell. M. A. Acliorn, Acliorn, lift” arrived FOREIGN PORTS. here after discharging at Belfast. structing a canal from Thomaston to Union, 25 tiars H ashboard S oap, or 2R bars of Ar at Hillsboro, N. B. 8th inst, seh A. M. and nt tiie request of those interested I built a Xew ( liicaao Soap >l.i»w. Ar at Liverpool 10th inst., ship John B. Bird, Cti«hman. Boston, Waiker, Wallace, San Franc Leo. i At Havana, 3d inst, bark Edward Cushing, steamer, 90x19 feet, to run on the canal. The Sell. Silas McT/ion,Morrill.was in tlie stream Bickinore, for Philadelphia. steamer was built on Seven Tree Rond, Union, Otir No. 2 Combination Friday limc-ladcn for New York. Ar at Dcmcrnra 8th nit., sell Lizzie Carr, and was called the Goldhuntcr. She was I-Inuit.c « _-r. at run. .• ■ t-i-- - f . ..f th.- 1». -t Selis. Empress, Helen and Ma Hudson are Brown, Fernandina, and sld 25th for Apala­ ready for business before the canal was built, tt .-III mad. . 1 I’.. -• w ,.|J' V ,rd. J Sixtv K,». t at North Marine railway, resting. chicola and New York. « i.ith.’-Hn. . ' U x. • ( rx-ttil Him in- an I 1 p .. k <.f and waited nt Warren some time before the N ew E ngland the I), -t < iotha*pins, all for 93.00 Set. Maggie Bell, Ch in.Her, h loading lime at A. F. Crockett’s for New York. lock was completed. A supper was given me 'The C packer W’ar AN EVENTFUL LIFE. at Knox Hotel and a flag presented to the Sell. Ella Francis, Torrey, arrived Sunday from Bancor, where she discharged. steamer by the Hon. ( apt. Edward Robinson. The Interesting Adventures of an Old I ran the steamer on the canal two years, IS E N D E D ! S ell. Lake, Johnson, sailed Monday for Bos­ Sailor, Told by Himself. making daily trips, but there were so many Arc doino- the telling. A',.I ■ • II Mr.' « , ,1.. - ne II B E S T ton, lime laden from R. W. Messer. 1 I (VI S K IS ( I; VI I, I l : s ,r I I . , I. Sell. Nina Tillson, Acliorn, was loading ice “ Yes, sir, I suppose my life would be con­ locks it didn’t pay. so In the fall of ’48 I took «r-N o , hare, c.r hnrr. ... at Bancor for Baltimore last week. sidered eventful by most people,” said Capt. the boat down to Machias and towed vessels. C lothing H ouse. W . I . p I III : nil s||, 1,11, and Sell. Julia Berkley, French, loa Is lime to­ Geo. (’. Dow of Thomaston to a Count kii-Ga- “ In the suninier of ’49 I sailed in the brig I’ll RI.F.II I Is,i , day from Ferry Bros, for New York. z.ettk reporter. “I was born in Wcskeag, Perfect of Camden, which sailed from that port - Ilh e . I . :ip I, ,. I.. ■ c: s'l I U.. : irv .1 ,1 Seli. Ida Hudson, Collins, loads lime to-day now South Thomaston. 1 left the ’Kong when p ics., m i . l{.«0n mb. r ,ln ; lsc-. for II. O. Gurdv A- Co. for New York. for California. The Perfect was owned ami I was twenty years of age and went to Port­ Sells. Allied.ikes and American Chief load manned by a company of twenty-eight Camden lime for A. C. Gay A Co. for New York. land, sailing from tliere to Thomaston in the and Thomaston men. each having an interest J. DOXAIK'E & CO., Gen. Jackson, which was built at tlie ’Keag by of #509 in her, ami were bound for California BLACK SATIN RHADAMAS at Indiffo Blue Flannel and Yacht Cloth Sell. Red Jacket, Shiite, arrived Wednesday Red Building 4 Poor* 8«uithf?t. Nicholas Hotel, from Boston when: she discharged salt. Wm. Mu Loon and in which I owned a portion, to dig gold. Capt. James Stackpole of Cam­ SI.25 and SI.50. SUITS. ItOCK 1. XM>. M AIM-:. 40 Sells. Susan, Kennedy, and Ella Frcssy, having helped build her. We loaded lime at den was in command. They took me fora Nash, arrived Tuesday fiom New York. Thomaston for New York, where we arrived pilot through the straits of Magellen. We All shades of Diagonal and Whipcord Sell. Pennsylvania, Savage, sailed yesterday after a rough passage of eighteen days. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY $1 for Boston, lime laden from A. F. Crockett. were 115 days going, touching at Rio Janeiro i n mail r o s T - r u n . “ 1 left the vessel at New York and shipped SUITS. Sell. Lizzie Wilson of Thomaston is at South and Valparaiso on the way. When we got to BLACK CASHMERES at 45, 50, aboard the good ship Fabius, with general car­ Marine railway being reeatilked and coppered. San Francisco I went jobbing around on shore. 62 1-2, 75, 1.00 and 112 1-2. Sell. L. ’1’. Whitmore, Blackington. is at go lor Havana. From Havana I sailed in a In the day time I got one dollar an hour, ami PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERE Vinalhaven, loading stone for l\ ashingtou. bark for Amsterdam. From tliere I started as when T worked at night #1.59 an hour. 1). C. carpenter of a Dutch ship to Archangel, up “I afterwards went Into the mines and SUITS. Sdi. Retagawa, Pendleton, sailed for N ew round North Cape, returning in the same ves­ worked for four or five months on a big claim rh M c Suit* wont H Made* Stj It and X-ta Yolk Thursday, lime laden from A. C. Gay sel to Amsterdam. I next signed papers with D R E S S G O O D S 12 1-2 to S I.0 0 . Fitting, and I* the llandsoinuxt Him of Suit- to be A Co. which I took up. I made from #19 to #29 a found in R ockland. I'ltey are going aw ful I.tut al­ tlie captain of a Dutch man-of-war for a six- KNOW THYSELF.. Sell. Aildie Wessels, Gross, sailed Wednes­ day. It took all tho money I earned in ’Frisco GINGHAMS 8 and 10 cents. ready. Those who can appreciate good good*, year cruise. mud. ill the latent «ty|e, will Ibid thine Suit* ju s t day for New Yoik, lime-laden for II. O. Gurdv to buy provision and implements. 1 paid #19 what they want, and at A Great Medical Work on Manhood A Co. “ While the vessel lay .at anchor nt the Cape Exhausted Vitality. iv..u- and Phy-i.al Debil­ for a spade. Life in the mines, however, did ity. I’r.’tnature I> iin. In man. Errors of Youth, Selis. Helen, Bunker and Hunter. Whitten, Verde Islands three of us swam ashore at not agree with me and I was taken sick. I had M K II LESS I’KIt'K THAN (AX POS­ and tlie untold mineries icsjiltingfrom indiscretion- arc chartered to load lime at Rockport for New night, a distance of three miles, through water LAWNS, 4 and 5 cents. or excesses. A 1. ink for « v.-ry man, young, middle York. saved up about #3099 and I took it and started S IB LY HE FOt X I) ELSEW HERE. thick with sharks. We took to the woods and aged and old. It ,’.>nt-dn* L ' prescrip tio n - for all Spoken, June 9th, lat 11. Ion IS 23, ship for home. When I reached Sacramento I acute and chronic disease-, each one of which in laid there tor three days without food or water invaluable. So found hv the author, whoso expo- 11. 1). Rice, Jordan, from Liverpool for New found bark Laura Snow of Rockland, Capt. rienci for 2:'. year- i- -u Ii as probably never before York. until our ship should sail, which she did at Eben Thorndike of .South Thomaston, in com­ fell to the lot nJ' any physician. :;oi> pages, hound S ell. May Day, Pratt, lay in tlie stream Fri­ tlie end of that time. We were about used up mand, bound for the Isthmus with passengers, PRINTS 5, 6, and 8 cents. in beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full day, lime-laden from A .C . Gay A Co. for by this time by hunger and thirst. There was gilt, guaranteed to he a liner work in every sen-e— New York. and I took passage in her. Leaving my money mechanical, literary and professional—than any a spring in town and as I had seen the natives with Capt. Thorndike, for I was afraid that I other work sold in this country for $2.50, or tlie Sell. Speedwell, Webster, lay in tlie stream money will he refunded In . very instance. Price Elrirant Assortment Men’s anil VihiIIi’m Saturday, lime laden from F. Cobb A Co. for go into the village witli bushes over their heads might die before I readied home, I started only $l.oo by mail, postpaid. Illustrative sample New York. I tried the same plan in the hope of getting a across tlie Isthmus on a mule, to the Chngrcs WHITE MUSLINS, LAWNS AND it 'ents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the little water, unobserved, but they detected me autlmr l»v the National M- lical Association, to the S ell. T. It. Pillsbury. Pitcher, sailed from river, down which I sailed in an open boat to LACE PIQUE, all prices. LIGHT PANTS l’re-ldei.t ..I which, the Hon. P. A Hiss. II, and Pascagoula about Wednesday, lumber laden and gave chase, but I got to the woods and tlie sea. I went to New York by steamer and associate olli ers of the Hoard the reader is respect­ for Boston. eluded them. IX I IX E AX1) M L IH I'M GRADE**. fully r. ferred. Sell. Commerce, Hodgdon, hauled into tlie when I arrived there was out of my head. This book should be rend by the young for in- “ We afterwards managed to secure food and Harvey Snow, a former resident of South s tiu c ’ion, and l.v |th e all'll.-tud for .. lief. It w ill stream Friday, lime-laden from Perry Bros, benefit alt.—Z.rz/rY. u /.„» ,t. for New York. water. We slept nights in a eave on the shore, Thomaston, now dead, found me there roam­ UNDERWEAR, 25, 37 1-2 and 50. j Tliere I- nom. inlH r ..f society to whom this book Sell. Geo. E. Prescott, Trucworthv, arrived which wc had discovered. One night, how­ ing about the streets and showing my little will not be useful, whether joutli, pat ent, guardian, instructor or elergvmati.—.1 ryonant. from Vinalhaven Saturday, stone iaden for ever, a party of negroes found us there and hags of gold dust. He took care of me and Philadelphia. Addie-a tlie p.'abody Medical Institute, or Dr. stole almost all our clothing. Finally schooner sent me home. E1XE LINES OE \V. il. Parker, No. | Hiillinch Street, Boston,Ma— , Spoken, May "th, lat, 25 N, Ion. 37 W, ship Belleville of Newburyport, Capt. Bray, came tilted on all diaeunea requiring I. F. Chapman, Thompson, from New York “ After a long sickness I recovered and went HOSIERY, 5, 8, 10, 12 1-2, 15, 20, ! skill and experience. < hronlc and obstinate di*. for San Francisco. into the harbor bound on a south sea sealing to sen again as captain of different vessels. » th at ha bullied tin- skill I I V 4 1 o f all and 25 cents. her physician-ns ua specialty. I l I J 21. I J S u c h Ar at Boston 8th, selis. Minntonomah, with cruise. I shipped on board the Belleville. We The last vessel I was in was the Pulaski, be­ Boys’ Suits eated ...... -fully 375 bids mackerel; Alaska, 200 bids—both sea cruised around the Falkland islands after fur longing to J. (). Cushing of Thomaston. We i instance of fuilui 1 THYSELF. packed from Georges. seals and then two boat crews of us were land­ were loaded with lime from Thomaston for SHORT AXD LONG PANTS. Bark John It. Stanhope, DeWintcr. dis­ ed on the islands to kill seals, while the vessel charged a cargo of coal Saturday for Fred It. Boston. Wc ran into a gale, our sails were At the LOWEST PRICES IX THE CITY Spear from New York. continued her cruising. She was afterwards blown away and wc came to anchor oil' Rye SILK AND LISLE GLOVES, 25, 50, “ C A N D E E ” Ar at Boothbay 9th, selis. Henry Morgan- wrecked on Terra del Fuego. The crew man­ Beach. During the night the cargo took fire 75 cents and SI.00. thaii, Eddie Pierce, Janies Dyer, and Cata­ aged to build a schooner of twenty-five tons and we escaped to the shore. We were brought lina, from south, mackereling. out of the wreckage and succeeded in getting home by Capt. Albert Campbell of Rockland R u b b e r Sch. F. L. Porter, fiom F ix Island for home. in the schooner C. Hanrahan of that port. Washington, witli a cargo of stone, put into “After six months had elapsed and nothing That, I believe, was my last adventure of any New London 11th inst, leaking. SILK MITTS; 25, 50, and 75 cts. Roys’ Knee Pauls 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25. BOOTS Sell. Billow, Wood, was nt tlie Atlantic was heard from the Belleville, we poor casta­ importance.” — WITH — wharf Friday, loading lime from F. Cobb A ways on the Falklands knew that the vessel ------44^------Co., for New York or Richmond. must have been lost. There was a small set­ DOUBLE THICK UNION —DISUNION—REUNION. The recent sale of ship Leonora, of Belfast, tlement of people from Buenos Ayres on the CORSETS. BALL. leaves hut two ships (the Cora and Nancy island. Louis Vernet, the father-in-law of Ordinary’ Rubber Boots Pendleton) now owned at that port. 1855 to 1885. SEERSUCKER Coats aid Vests, always wear out flr.st on Selis. Chase and George collided in tiie har­ Capt. Greenleaf Cilley of Rockland, was Madam Clark's, S I.2 5 Hie ball. Th© VAN 1H.K bor yesterday. Tlie Chase lost her head gear, Lieutenant Governor. We went scaling dur­ Bv IIon. R. 8. Cox, At thou oe “ Buckeye Boots are d o u b le th ic k School,” “ W hy W e Laugh,” ‘T hee on the ball, and give and tiic George’s main-suil was torn. Conformator, 1.00 ing the day and when night came would turn Land and F ree T rade,” “ W inter Si n - Alpaca Coats Sch. Carrie Hix, Hix, nrrived Friday from our boat over and sleep under it. Wc lived reams,” “ Artic Sunbeams,” “ Orient C o ra lin e , 1.00 Saco, where she discharged coni from New well upon eggs ami meats of all kinds. S unbeams,” etc. rub­ York, at 89 cents, towed and discharged. Mott econotn ieaI “Finding our boats too small for our pur­ D r. B a lls , 1.00 ber Boot in the market. Sell. Mabel Hall, Snow, has nrriv. d from We have just examined the above described Linen Dusters Lasts longer than any other boot, and tho Gloucester, where she discharged salt. She poses we set to woik to build a larger one out work by the gifted author and statesman be­ Best 50 and 75 cent C o rs e ts in will go on the South Marine railway to paint. o f the wreck of a ship which had been cast fore mentioned. the c ity . Sellin

    77,. Ladies Honu Journal doesn’t '.ike AMERICAN HUMOR. ••Hough on Rnt«.” THE COURIER-GAZETTE Cienmont rut*, mice, ronchcs, flic*, nnt*, b-Lbiig< CHAS. E. BURPEE, the pnicliou of pi'oniiscnous kissing in ItcArt Pnln*. THE HOME COMPANY. public ninoiig women, Ttcar it: “ Mi n The small boy learning the alphabet I’alplladon, I>rt»p«Icnl Swelling*. DizzbD-*-. InJi is like a postage stamp. lie gets stuck gcMit.n, lb :i.la. be, S lc -p l.— n . -- • i.K I by “ W ells’ don't do it: neither should Women nnd Health Ren. wer.” A MODERN PAPER. on tlie letters. — Roston Commercial Itiil- UNION MUTUAL girls. Il is n vulgar practice bemuse, I, I in . • ltoii”h on ( orin.” A-k for Welh- “Roueli on Corn*. 1Ae. Quick, intentionally or otherwise, it attracts tlm A dose o f ink was adm inistered to a complete enr<\ Hard or roA corn*, wart*, bunion*. Grainer, Paper Hanger, F ..rt • AND DEAt.Kll IX T «. Iftli attention of strangers. When two lady in Monroe. <»... in niistnke for “ I!ih Ii;i - I’rtlba.” Life Insurance Company, women at a railroad station or other medicine that had been procured for Quirk, complete cure, all kidney, blnd b r. and colic, but tile lluid cured her all the same. U rinary Di*e:i*t * Scalding, Irritation, stone, Grav. Tw l.ll.r« I V ir i" »1u' if ,.,,1 .1 crowded place ril’ h together with a re­ el, Catarrh of the Bladder. *1. DrngglM*. PAINTS, OILS, DRYERS, l.-r thr.i' O F M A I N E , PI1.I , i \ t r : T 1 I i ni'.ntl.- This shows that w hile her disease was Itcri-ftngw, I'Hos, n w n th .’ II ini trip . sounding osculation, like two rapid ink-curable, it was not incurable— .Vurr. Elie*, roadie*, ant*, bed-bnu«, rut-, mice, gopher*, Varnishes, Glass, etc. meteors out of their orbits, the whole II, raid. chipmunk*,, cleared out by “ Hough on Rat*.’’ U»e. Orgntiixed In ISIS. THE OUTLOOK. crowd grins."’ Man's ihgen itv is constantly being Thin I’eopl •. MATERIALS— FOR=ARTISTS •Well*’ Health !’• newer’ restore* bcalih and vigor devoted to lightening the labors of his cure* Dy-p« p-ia, Impotence, .-cxu.il Debility. $1. A Great Ppecinlty. Dr S diliemann will spend the coin­ Reality sometimes discounts fiction. fellewiiimi. Soiiie fellow lias invented “Hongh on Pain.” Ha* had thirty-five y« ar*’ experience. bricks so ligtit that they will lloat on 222 MAIN ST., - - ROCKLAND. ing winter searching for the tomb ol A starving stowaway was found in the Cure* cholera, folic, cramp-, dlirrho.i. ache*, PrlccR I.ow.'XSuti*factlon Guaranteed. water. For carrying in tho iiat they pain*, *praln*, headache, nnuralgln, rheumatism. TS HKCOHII IS Alexander the Great at Alexandria. hold of the Ambrose Eight, tho brig cap­ must possess a great advantage over 20c. Rough on Pain I'laatcr*, 15c. Wlien found make a note of it. tured oil the Venezuelan coast, which those now in use.—A'orr. Herald. lltfltlier*. Ilciilli IiKvcs puiil, • • $7,-92.511 71 If you are failing, broken, worn nut and n« rvou*, E. L. ESTABItOOK,M. D. was taken to the Brooklyn Navy Yard "W hy are they called pyramids, pa?” tine “ Well*' Health Renewer.’’ $1. Druggl«t*. Endowments pnid, • - 3,110.251 00 Physician and Surgeon. asked Georgic, who was looking at a Tho Mahdi has been heard from again, last week, lie was a negro, who had Life Prruerver. Surrendered policies, • 5,592,112 si Ulmer Building, Cor. Main and Sea Sti. picture of those wonders of Egypt. If von are lo*lng your grip on life, try “ Well*’ lie says he is going to invade Egypt atiil been concealed for forty-one days, and Health Renewer.’’ Goes direct to weak spot*. • Night call* nn*wered from residence, No. “ They arc called pyramids, niy son,” D iv id e n d s ,...... f,29S ,(i(l2 74 4 School 8t., nppo*ite Po*t Ofllco. Arabia. This may be only a blind to bad lived on whatever he could pick up replied liis father, without hesitating, “Hough on Pile*.’1 covei a night attack on England. in the hold after the provisions lie took Cun * Pile* or Hemorrhoid*, Belting, Protruding, HOWING A TOT.U. PAYMENT to “ liceauso, yon see, they appear am id the BIim ding. Internal or other. Internal and External Policyholders of nearly on board were exhausted. lie was general desolation of tlie desert.” — />’o.<- Iteinedy in each package. Sure cure,f»0e. Druggist* S BENJ. WILLIAMS, M B. hm Transcript. Pretty Women. rp\V F.NTY-ONF. MILLIONS OF OOL- Physician and Surgeon. 'Idle Senior class of the Biddeford High nearly dead when found. Mayne licid I I.A H S , equal to Ofllco, and Reflidenen Elin Street. "W liat makes you look so happy to­ I.adle* who would retain fre.-hne** and vivacity. school arc to charge ten cents admission should look to his laurels. D on’t tail to try “ W« II*’ H ealth R enew er.” ♦^•Call* nnnwered night or day day?” inquired one man of another. IX Ill’NhHEI) T1HH SANO DOLLARS, to the graduating exercises. It costs ••Hough on Heli,” paid policyholders for each year of the " O i l , I'm going to get married tomor­ “ Rough on Itch” cure* humor*, eruption*, ring comS pany’s existence. m t . c o r S T " som ething lor silk dresses and broad­ The younger generation, who remem­ row,” was the cheerful response. worm, tetter, m lt rheum, fro.-ted feet, chilblains. “ You've been m arried once, haven't T S p r e s e n t ASSETS ARE mo,.322,- Residence, corner of Union and Summer cloth suits. ber nothing of the war, can realize some­ “Hough on Calnrrh.” I OO1 O ? , w hile its liabiliticH an* only Jgtft,- S tr e e t* . thing of the magnitude of tho struggle you?” “ Yes.” "And you can smile Correct* oflensive o«!or« nt once. Complete cure 922,570 50. now? Well. well, it takes a good many of wor*t chronic ea*e*, also nnetpnded a* gatglc for Ofllee In A. K. Spear's New Block, North The aldermen of iewiston have formed and the terrible loss of life by reading Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Hteitth. 60c. T IIAS TIIKHEEOHE A SURPLUS OF o fllc e . kinds or men to make up a world.”— IS (00,000 OO according to the Ma**nchu- The llopo of the Nation. <> .moke Call or *eiid to any Agency Olliee for a circular and a considerable amount of money WORLD HAPPENINGS. THAN YOU CJLA.1AI. IL l« a wonderful of tlio plan*. 254 MAIN STREET. ROCKLAND. Prescott and Hawthorne are mere s rili- have been distributed throughout the rem ed y .* * lilers. There is a whole world full of There was an £.10,1)0(1 lire at Buffalo Wedncs vale of Cashmere to relieve tlie distress [ day. OUR CLAIM On 1,10 facc of ovcry pa(knKe ,g Bohinson & Rowell, men who would give all they possess to of tlie people. It is estimated that two There was a £10,000 lire Monday nt Bridge­ JAMES SINKINSON, he just such scribblers. port, Con n. It RI.I KF and CVICKOF Itll E KM ATIS.M , MANAGER FOR MAiNt AGENCIES, - PORTLAND, ME. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. hundred iiersons were killed. One of M ’LItALG IA, SCIATICA, KA.MK 'l lie decrease in tlie publie debt Ibr May was A. K. Hpear Block, foot of Park Street, our western waterspouts is bail enough §1,225,000. ibacic «tc sim :, ri.E U K isY , s p k a i n s DISTRICT HEADQUAil I'KItS: There is a certain kind of luck in and lilCl'lNEN, IM PHTlIKltlA AND i for Till necessary purposes, but it will May was collier mid wetter weather than tiie SOKE THICOAT, NOltK and WEAK which we ladieve, and tho Chicago Dr. F. E. Hitchcock’s Olliee. hh'-k ’ito ivl'ii.'i,. i " R ockland. lake many a waterspout to equal tlie de­ average May. JLl’NOS. INTEICNAb PAINS, CKA.MP Ledger stales our position on the subject A portion of tlie Apache Iinllau band lias mid COLIC, COVOIIS and COCKS, struction of an eastern earthquake. <11II.III.A INS, K VK NS.SAI.T KIIKC.M, very clearly as follows: "The best way been captured. A. T. CR0CEETT7 (iov. (,'nri'icr of New Hampshire was inaugu­ III.EE1IINO mid 1TC1I3NO 1*1CES, mid II. J. COLE. District Agent. to secure downright horseshoe luck is to ------T E A C H E R O F ------Baptist pastors of New York city crit- rated Thursday. CURES PAINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. keepyour eyes open ami grasp tin- oppor­ Gen. Iloseerans has been appointed Register isizc the Old Testament revision and I’m*. of the Treasury. tunity before it turns the corner." P iano & O r g a n , Mcirowitz, a Hebrew scholar, staled that A disastrous storm swept over Atchison. Violin mid Musical Composition. Kan., Thursday...... li, hut .. ,------tin: revised version was still in need of i and let the public d.-cover lorltsell the wnudcrtul ♦i'Trrm of 30 I.ohhoiih W13.00. About one bank defalcation every four 'l'lie English House of Commons resumed ils nice* of our reinedv. and by Hueh a course our revision. There is nothing strange about medicine beeomea, utter om e tried, ItOCKI.ANIJ.'piE. 11 days is tlm average. It lias been said session Thursday. this. Scholars frequently diil'er in trans­ Western Union lias almost absorbed tlie “A Household Necessity.” that tlie only safety a hank iias is tlie in­ Southern Telegraph Company. bjrOtK* H ottie proveMour claim* m ill c o « t« IL II. BURNHAM, “ lations. A pnssago o f Latin is capable l>nl Filly Cent*. P.e sure yon get our rem edy- tegrity of its easliier. This scents in the It is said dint Hiirbcrt (). Thompson will he tin n«»t b e n u t nil* w it h a n y ( liln g e l* e . Ask lor ------DEALER IN------I of a wonderous variety of meanings, “ GREAT AMERICAN SPECIFIC,“ pie m a jo rity o f cases lo lie b u ta broken reed made Collector of New York. pared by .Mauilee. ll.ikdr .V ( Portland, .Me , and If when translated by diU'ereiil pupils. I erdinaml Ward, of Grant Ik Ward, lias vour druggist or dealer iloes not have it. he may obtain STATIONERY, BlANK BOOKS, on w hich to lean, and hut a mpe o f sand | Different minds detect different shades been indicted for grand larceny. I: lor you of any w ludesale dr uggisl in New England. School Books, Toys, etc. Cfz Satisfaction G uaranteed !-/£3 to tic to. of m eaning. W ith passages o f scripture Ex-President Arthur contradicts the state­ A lso n llrnl-i'liii<» C'lItCHI.ATlNG L IltllA llT ment that Ills liealtli is not good. MAC RICE, RA RER .V CO., ClicadMta. containing all the Lute*t Novel*. ! this is more noticeably the case. D iller- II is understood tinit Minister Foster is ne­ Proprietors and MtuiufAuLurent, J P o r llu n d , M e . NO. 258 MAIN STREET. Gen. G rant's condition seems to lie | cut intellects and dispositions discover gotiating n new treaty with Spain. about tlio same, lie lias finished his diverse phrases of thought ami meaning 'I'iie Civil Service Commission refuses to CL G. 2VIOFFITT, book, and now the reaction has come obey a holiest of Secretary Lamar. in tliesame passage. Il isso witli every­ and tiny little exertion wearies lull) Minlgc A Co.’s shoe foetory ill Danvers was Fire and Life Insurance. thing. Tlie poetic see tlie beautiful in Losses adjusted ut tills office,-fir 12 greatly. (In Juno 2.TI, if conditions un­ Imrned carle I hursday morning, involving a nature, the practical see utility of this loss of £100,000. 273 Union Block. Rockland,W e. favorable, he will go to Mt. McGregor and that feature. As long as we are A motion in die French Chamber of A ? J . ERSKINE in New York state, where a cottage is thinking huitigs we will form diverse Deputies Wedncs lay to impeach tiie Ferry Min­ istry was rejected 522 to 153. being fitted up for his occupancy. opinions of ‘.lie same tiling. Fire, Life anil Accident Tiihtccn miners in an English colliery were S Tlio Greatest Blood P u rifie r/^ killed Wednesday by a tire in a mine where ON EAItTlI. INSURANCE AGENCY, Lightning frequently cuts up queer Tlie cow-boy lias appeared in Maine. three linndred men were at work. Tills Croat German Mcdirinc is com- 238 Main Street, - Rockland, Me. antics, but in New Jersey, of course, A terrible thunder storm visited Chicago anil pn.p'l o£ Yellow Dock, Mandrake,J (Room formerly oceupled|by Cobb Lime Co.) Fish-warden Thompson of 1 tamariscotta, Gentian, Dandelion, J n n if r Her-, it has an unusually eccentric career. vicinity Tuesday killing live persons ami doing Lo**e* adjusted Jimi paid at this office. Agent who lias been very zealous in enforcing u good deal of damage to property. ries, etc., combined xvilti Hi: Hx'-i for the well-known ’I’ravclers’ Accident Insurance A farmer in that state of gigantic tract Cl' Sulphur, whleh inn! l i l f f Company of Hurtford. Iy3* tlie new fishery laws,received the follow­ 11 is anticipated that die sliorlage of wheat the Greati "t Bluod l ’lU'IUer/ mosquitoes was struck by the lluid re­ known. Do not ever taLo ing letter,dated May 2tith,Fast Boothbay, for Itiis year, as compared widi die crop of NOTICE. cently and was not killed. Ilis hand ISSI, will utiioimt lo 152,000,000 bushels. which was published in the Damariscotta DL.UE PILLS r|3IIU . Joint StamiingCommittee on Accounts and was burned and his gold ring straight­ 'id le arrival ill New York of die last of die .X Claim* of tlie City of Rockland, will he in ses­ Herald ami Record: marines sent to die Isthmus of Panama dur­ sion nt tlie City Treasurer’* < lllee, on tlie FKI- ened out. in tlie sli ipe of a nail. _ Hili'll 'jiiTTi:!:-; tim U r i t t,°Ir.'1,crE DAY Evening preeA-ding tlie second Monday of .Ions T iio.uhox : I take my pi'll in hand le ing die reel nl troubles dll-re was reported to Q e tiuid bestiuedieuiocvejyI!'IHt” l G’ k each month, for the purpose of examining claims llie Navy Deparlmeiit Wednesday. let v eil no that we arc looking m il lo r yon anil ldu< <11.ItS. IfyoiiB agahiHl the eily. All hill* must la* approved by d ia l we have g e l yen spotted we shall taller Collector Howard of Portsmouth, N. IL, a r o sick, noB tiie parly contracting them, and should be prc*ent- Hundreds of families in West Virginia voii anil seine lilt.- yon w ill come up inissia we ed iit Haiti tim e am] p lace, o r left w ith tlie com ­ resigned Ids olliee voluntarily, believing in tiie :t ter whutttilsl mittee previous to the date above mentioned. have gol cverev tiling inly we will pay you up doctrine "To tlie Victors belong tlie spoils." you, r.so arc sta rvin g . I l seems alm ost im possi­ fur your enssed work yon will not go about with n vcllow cticky, A . I>. B IR D , next year robliin die pore lisliouieii unles it is ill Alplieus A. Hutiseom is Ids successor. K. D. G R A V E S . ble to believe that such a state of all drs subjtanco? Is y<»un W. L. BLA( KING’I’ON. someUllier s la b and d ie saifest way lor yon is Dm iug the year ISSI tlie number of deaths breath f ttl cndof-4 Committee on Account* and Claims can exist in our beloved country, tell le go their now mid not show yuor lied in these registered io iloslou wns 0022, u deereiisu ol fen* Ivc? Your wnj(; until you» sueli is tho ease. W hen these reports purls again 121 ovir ISS.'l. The number of registered births nch iiiout nnnblo tovulk,or( y o u find best have die mail engaged to preach Uim-ntnVJl1 1 « j ^ r o Hut cn your back, | H PUBLIC NOTICE. 11.170, mid tlie number of registered marriages A 1 'b??In,nOj r but Kct Lomoatonco, ltf E are circulated |>coplti hesitate to credit your funeral and tell him von will lie among 4021. the missin we all now you now ami we shall uriuoyl tV o k iteM i” you* Bu!r1,urlll BY THE RD A RD OF HEALTH. them ami wail for proof. Il lakes some Ai die temperance Alliiiiiceincetlng in Boston have eiiull'to take eair of all your bole will 'ur1 'liiL'h-e'vt^yl'lio Invalid’s Friend.Cj! Rockland, Me., A pril 23, 1*85. time to collect proof. It doesn't require bring or any team you said you did not eair for Wednesday resolutions were adopted mid 7'o t/n‘ Ural Estate rhrin vs of ttoektand: all the men in towii von woml do your dutty speeches made denouncing prominent ladles ored? iVT1"' young,thonged nud to l-l [I In view of llie possilde pn valence of Asiatic much lime to starve. and gentlemen lieeuiise lliey did not quite Cholera in till* country tin’ coming hcuhoii to g eth er hut you w ill liiul it is not your dutty to lie IT IS ?rtcringuro t n o n m a d o v eil bylll with oilier more common di*cu*<* piculiur to sun)- meddeliil witli oilier I'olx lliat has mu harmed come up lo die standard of tin* Alliance on 7»t3i. <••. Remember what you, I die prohibitory question. read hero, it may envo your, J ou r, tlie Board of Health desire to place tiie city in yon till we waul is Ibr you to com down hear /Hfe. it l i paved hundreds. | , Min h sanitary condition that any epidemic maybe Thu Consul General at Montreal lias oils more d’wo hundred mid lifly masked men rode Dot?t wait until to-inorrow, rq immediately controlled should it appear, in thi* rcjHirted le the department of State that a fisherman into tin: town of Corydon, Ivy., at midnight they ask tiie hearty co-operation of tlie people. Saturday, mill eaeli deposited letters to tlie Try a Dottie To-Day! m Every liousi liolder should realize tin-importance of tlie disease known as glanders lias as­ From Fire and Water Damages ! looking alter tlie sanitary condition of Id* own | The question of Sunday nmusuiirnts County Coinmissioiiers mid ollo-r ollteials, Are you low-Rplrltod nnd weak, or I I premise*. All defects hi drainage siiottld he sumed alarming proportions among tlie demanding mi investigation of die eoiinly y. Htiffering from tlm e\re*soH of youth ? Ill ------WITH TH E------attended to willmnt delay. Vaults and cesspool* again comes to the fore. At tlie session ollii-ials. After this significant act they rode o , bLLPHL RBJTTKRa will enrolII *lmuhi lie cleaned out and every possible precau­ horses of thill city. Il is important that quietly out of town. i A. P. Ordway A Co., K ton, Mbmi. I ll tion taken to sc. tire licultliy surroundings. Any of the Synod of flic Reformed church of ______jnn.*rRisr— At-Mg-.— ——anaB person having knowledge of any nuisuuco existing this f a d should lie widely known, ns Send two He. stamjiK to A. F. Ordwtiy Co., America, held in Syracuse, N. Y., last STAR HAND GRENADE, within tlie limit* of the city will confer a favor by large numbers ol horses am shipped lo A R emarkable Esc a pe . lo of ctiiiltl give no relief. Her life was despared of, Harden Hand Grenade 13 A. J. CROCKETT, > Health. i llie synod to frown upon it and lend its until in last October she procured a Bottle of Maine’s trout lakes arc receiving more Dr. King’s New Discovery, when immediate A. F. Crockett & Co., hearty opposition thereto. The resolu­ —HAVE— than tlie usual am unit of attention tliis relief was felt, and by continuing its use fora Fire Extin&usher Co., Red Cross Tobacco tion also opposed tlie publication of sec­ short time she was completely cured, gaining year. The interior lake-, mountains, Of CHICAGO, ILL. ------OKTX j Y ------ular newspapers on tlie Sahhuth. In in flesh 50 lbs. in n lew mouths. forests and rivers, and the sen-shore, I-rec 'frill Bullies of lids certain cure of all Reduced the Prices Is tlie only Grenade endorned by tin- New England regard le Send ty excursions there are Throat and Lung Diseases at Win. 11. Kit­ IiiBurauii! Exi liangc. 5 0 cents per pound w itli its numerous bays and islands are many arguments pro and eon, which tredge’s Drug Store. Large bottles 50 ets. —ON— 4* Any MAN, WOMAN or CHILD cun nUracllohS which eventually will make and #1. can lie brought to hear on tlie subject. ii*i* th e m M ucceM ifully. the old pine-tree slate tlie unrivalled A s E nd T o Bo s e Sc r a p in g . CHAS. T. SPEAR’S Nevertheless, it is not an easy task lo leader of all summer resorts. The state K«lward l.heplierd, of Harrisburg, III., Over 75 Fires Extinguished prove in a labeling man, who works six says “ Having received so much bcnelit from the pawl year. motto, which is "Dingo,” and is Latin Electric Bitter-, I led it my duly to let sutler- COAL. days ol die week mid ten or twelve hours Send for Circular*, &c., to and menus that W e ale at tin.- lop of tlie iug immauiiy know it. Have had a running p'T day, tli.it it is wrong lor him logo heap, was wisely chosen. ,-ore on my leg lor eight years; my doctors HAHN, ROBBINS & CO., on mi excursion Sunday when lie is act­ told me I would have to have tlie hone scraped Broken, Egg, Stove and H. H. CRIE & CO., - - Agents or leg amputated. I used, in-lead, three hot­ For Rocklaml and Vicinity. V ually suffering for change of air mid ties ol Electric Bitters and seven boxes Painters, Grainers, Glaziers, A hank director write., to tlie New scone. In cases like tliis our reason Buekleu's Arnica Salve, ami my leg is now Franklin Coal E. II. COCHRAN. A. W . B E W A L L . sound and well.” ...... AND ...... Y o ik Tribune suggesting that all in­ would advise the laborer lo slay »l homo, Electric Bitter- are sold at lifly cents a hot­ Cochran . per Lox by Win. II. Kittredge. A. F. CROCKETT & GO., F1BE, MARINE, LIFE, ing tellers nnd other persons tempted to g o . I t 's hard work nt times to make Wiiolesale uud Retail Deuier* ill Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. —AND— oiuhczzic, should keep photographs of our feelings and conscience jibe. One Tiie Best Salve in tiie world for Cuts, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty,. them on hand, ready to he turned on a Crockett Block, North End Accident Insurance Agency. way out of tlie ililliciilty would lie to Bruises, Burn-, Sore.-, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Artists’ Materials,Brushes, lo detectives tlie mmiieut tile guilty men lake Saturday alleruoon us a half holi­ Fever Sores, 'letter, Chapped Hands, Chil­ ROCKLAND. « A1'ITAI. KEl-KESENTliD OVEB blains, Corns, a m i all Skin Eruptions, ami 44 start for Canada. Why not go a little day. Human beings were not lundc to positively cures Piles or no pay. Il guar­ NINETY MILLION bOLLAUN. Alabastines for Walls and Ceilings. 1 other and have the portraits placed in anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re­ Ladies' & Gent’s Sewed Boots & 1 Luvat'k Ailju.tcd unil ,'uid ut IbU OUtre. Satisfaction Guaranteed in ail < u*es. i be shut up from llie free air mill llto funded. Price 25 cents per box. For -ale by tlie bauds of the detectives at on e. I green fields year in mid year out. W. H. Kittredge. 1)’<7 Shoes made at L. S. Robinson’s. I 249 MAIN bTREET, KUCGUND. 934 Mulu Street, - <>!>!>. Farwell Hall,