RRD0821 Choose your future www.southwark.gov.uk/post16 Southwark prospectus post 16 2022/23 Southwark post 16 prospectus Contents

Your choices Deciding what you want to do next 4 Post 16 Service 6 Information on Raising the Participation Age (RPA) 8 Choosing the right pathway for you 9 Apprenticeships 11 Which pathway is right for me? 13 Where can you study or train? 14 What comes next? 16

School sixth forms in Southwark Table of school sixth forms in Southwark 18 Table of subjects offered at school sixth forms in Southwark 19 The schools Globe 22 Ark Academy 24 Bacon’s College 26 Harris Academy Bermondsey 28 Harris Sixth Form Homestall Campus 30 Harris Sixth Form Rye Campus 32 Kingsdale Foundation School 34 Sacred Heart Catholic School 36 South Bank University Academy 38 St Michael’s Catholic College 40 St Saviour’s and St Olave’s School 42 St Thomas the Apostle College 44 The Charter School East Dulwich 46 The Charter School North Dulwich 48 The City of Academy (Southwark) 50

Colleges BOSCO 52 54 Table of other colleges and sixth forms 57

Further information Financial support 60 Useful contacts 62 Map of school sixth forms in Southwark 63 Local Offer 64

2 Introduction

Foreword Foreword

A message from Jasmine Ali, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education

Dear student Your future after Year 11 Over the coming months you will be making important choices about what you will do after year 11. We want to make sure you have either a job, training or a college place to go to after school. We know you have been living through a strange and difficult time, with many uncertainties and frustrations. I want you to know that Southwark Council is working flat out with schools, colleges and employers to provide you with as many opportunities as we can. The council is mindful of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on all our young people. We have launched a Youth New Deal to ensure that our education, employment, youth services and the new youth parliament work together to ensure young people get the support they need to succeed. Our post 16 offer is an important part of our new deal for young people. This brochure will help you through the process. It tells you all about the options available to you in Southwark. Whether you want to go on to A Levels, do a technical or professional course, start an apprenticeship, or take up a traineeship, work and train. Whatever your future holds, there’s something in Southwark for you. Each sixth form has its own application process, either via its website or a specific form, so make sure to check each school’s individual page in this brochure. We encourage you to attend open days so that you can tour the sixth forms or colleges and meet the teachers. In September 2020 we launched a new website to give you information about up to the minute opportunities for employment, training, careers information, volunteering and business support for young people. Do have a look at the great apprenticeship scheme the council runs. As an apprentice you can earn and learn at the same time. And every year we offer lots of different placements. As a Southwark Council apprentice, you will work towards a nationally recognised qualification, and will get the London Living Wage. If you are interested, you can find out more at southwark.gov.uk/apprenticeships Whatever you choose to do, the most important thing is to spend some time discussing with your teachers and family or carers, to decide what will be right for you. This is your chance to express your skills, interests and passions! Whatever you are thinking of doing, you can get more information by emailing the Post 16 Service. [email protected] We wish you the very best, and good luck!

Jasmine Ali Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education Southwark Council

3 Your choices

Deciding Deciding what you want to do next what Post 16 timetable for September 2022 intake you

want September/ > Attend sixth form/college open events and register your interest October 2021 > Consider all your options: vocational or academic study, college or school, to A levels or BTEC, T level or an apprenticeship do > Your in­school Careers Adviser can talk to you about your options and help you make applications next

November 2021 > Use your school careers library to research career ideas > Talk to relatives and teachers > Visit https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/ for impartial and practical help > Revise for your mock exams > Attend any sixth form/college virtual tours or open day events > See college websites for suitable programmes starting in 2022 /2023. Register your interest when courses are advertised. > Start to apply to colleges and sixth forms. Some colleges fill up quickly, so get application forms in early

December 2021 > Need help? Speak to the Careers Adviser in your school > Ensure all your application forms are complete and have been submitted > Sit your mock exams

January 2022 > Sit your mock exams February 2022 > Prepare for interviews March 2022 > Attend interviews when invited

4 Your choices Deciding

April 2022 > Open a bank account if you do not have one, as you will need one when you what are at college

> Create a revision plan and stick to it. Keep revising you

May 2022 > Your GCSE exams will start want > Get your CV ready to look for part­time work. This is really important if you want to get an apprenticeship; check the entry requirements to > Keep revising do next

June 2022 > Continue to attend interviews; If you cannot attend, ring and reschedule the interview > Continue to revise > Keep an eye out for interesting apprenticeships; check the entry requirements > Look for part­time work after the exams July 2022 > Have a break > Try to get a part­time job and develop your employability skills > Get involved in summer activities August 2022 > Make sure you are around to collect your GCSE results from school > Attend enrolment at your chosen school or college > Continue to apply for apprenticeships; if you meet the entry requirements September 2022 > Attend enrolment at your chosen school or college if you haven’t already > Apply to the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund if you are eligible > Prepare for and attend apprenticeship interviews > Complete the Post 16 Activity Survey with your new education destination

5 Your choices

Post 16 Service 16 Post Post 16 Service

Most young people in Southwark move on to education in a sixth form or college each year in the September after they turn 16, or they may start an apprenticeship or other employment with training. All school leavers must stay in some type of education or training until they are 18.

We know though that some 16 and 17 year old young people may find themselves out of education and we are here to help. The Post 16 service in Southwark Council works with young people not in education to make sure that they are offered advice and guidance to support them back into education. We work closely with colleges and training providers to find the right support for each young person to help them move forward with their career goals. This can include exploring routes into courses, apprenticeships and traineeships based on each individual’s starting point.

Please use our Post 16 Survey form to let us know what you are up to. If you tell us that you are not in education or training we will get in touch and signpost you or advise you on your options. You can also email us at [email protected]

Check Southwark Post 16 website for latest developments and to stay connected as you progress towards higher education or employment

You can also find useful information at the National Careers Service

6 Your choices Post

16 Service

7 Your choices

Information Information on Raising the Participation Age (RPA)

What is ‘Raising the Participation Age’ [RPA]? What duty does Southwark Council have? on All young people have a duty by the Education > Promote the effective participation in education Skills Act (2008) to participate in education until and training of 16 and 17 year olds in our area Raising their 18th birthday. Supported by parents/ carers, with a view to ensuring that those persons fulfil and schools, the Government expects each young the duty to participate in education or training person to make an informed decision about how Make arrangements to track the activity of 16 the you wish to participate. > and 17 year olds, and identify those who are not

Participation participating in education or training or who Why was it introduced? have left provision, to enable us to offer support as soon as possible through the Post 16 Service By staying in learning and training you can gain the qualifications and skills you need to help > Identify 18 year olds who need support to you to succeed. Advantages include: engage with education or find work and who aren’t already receiving support from their Age > Making it easier to find and stay in a job Jobcentre Plus. Having the ability to earn and give you a greater (RPA) > choice of career path > Being able to compete in the future local job market; providing pathways to opportunities where you can develop your qualifications and skills further in order to support your future career aspirations for example, higher education (university) or higher apprenticeships > You will have a greater chance to develop the knowledge and practical skills that employers are looking for.

Does this mean staying at school until I am 18? Once you complete your GCSEs and secondary education, there are a number of options available for you to choose from: > Continue in full time education or college > Start a work based learning programme such as an apprenticeship, internship or a traineeship. > Start full time work alongside part time learning which leads to an accredited qualification > Volunteering for a minimum of 20 hours a week alongside part time learning which leads to an accredited qualification

8 Your choices

Choosing the right pathway for you you for pathway right the Choosing

How to choose? apprenticeship, or A levels, or a T level qualification at level 2 or 3 that involves study and work experience. While you are in year 11 at school or being home educated, you may already have an idea about your With the level 3 qualifications your career pathways future journey, such as applying for higher education could empower you to apply to university, a job with or a particular career. Some careers and university training, and best of all better pay after year 13. courses require you to have qualifications in specific subjects. Speak to your careers adviser at school or an education and training adviser. Based on your Advice about courses talents and needs they can advise on the best If you are likely to leave school at the end of year decision for you. 11 with no or few GCSEs, or other level 2 passes, If you are unsure what you want to do in year 12 or you should still follow the check list. 13, it is usually best to go with subjects you are likely Therefore, before you get to year 12 you would be to do well at and enjoy. You will still need to check empowered to stay in full time education. This is to course entry requirements, and find out what career ensure you gain the right grades or qualifications to path you can take with these subjects. progress, for example find an apprenticeship with The following checklist may be very useful. This would better pay in your chosen career, get a job when you enable you to create your own career pathway plan. finish year 13, or progress to university. Learning how to make an informed choice, by asking: Remember to speak to your school or college careers > How does the chosen course develop your adviser, or contact the National Career Service interests, skills-set and subject knowledge? before you decide to leave full time education in year 12 or 13. This is to help you to get tailored support > Does the chosen course require course work and and enable you to realise your own potential and aim exams, what will the workload look like? What higher, get a better paid job in the future. do I need to keep me motivated to keep learning? While the labour market stabilises it is advisable to > What are the progression routes, would the stay in full time education. chosen course enable you to achieve your career goal? Short courses are designed to add to your attainment level, qualifications and skills-set and > How much study time would you need in order help you to get work ready. to achieve a good result? If you find yourself out of education in year 12 or 13 > Would doing a different course in your area of mid-year you can explore college courses or interest enhance your progression route to better traineeships. This could be because you have career options and future pay? What are the recently moved into the borough. barriers to your learning that need to removed, to keep you focused, and realise your own potential? Often, short courses are recommended at the end of the academic year, this is because there are limited > What are your options? The National Career progression routes into paid employment or an Service are available to guide you in the right apprenticeship if you are under 18, or if the local direction. labour market is stagnant.

Do speak to your careers adviser at school and ask If you missed the start date at sixth form or college the questions as soon as you can. get in touch with the post 16 service by email at This would help you to progress onto an entry level [email protected] or complete the programme at college, a level 2 intermediate Post 16 activity survey.




qualifications (NVQs) National

or Baccalaureate





Technical with This is a high­quality vocational qualification for example, a BTEC National with elements three level 3 mathematics qualification, an approved addition to an (such as Edexcel A levelMaths), in Extended Project. Traineeships training. work experience with A traineeship is real 16 designed to help young people aged These are skills and to 24 years old gain the appropriate You an apprenticeship. experience needed to secure would need to be on time, have good attendance, follow instructions and show good team work, onto an apprenticeship. you could progress before Applied for and introduction preparation broad These offer such as health and social care, to a vocational area performing travel and tourism, engineering, and with practical arts. They combine academic study learning. Some students study a BTEC level 3 alongside two A level courses. work experience, They involve work preparation, are trainees Maths and English. Unlike apprentices, not employed and can undertake the traineeship would need for six weeks or up to six months. You to meet the eligibility criteria. Get your school, to check with the training or guardian parent This may include asking if you have access provider. to funds to work and train in the UK, for example you would need a national insurance number. level Qualifications in length one to five years are Apprenticeships qualification level. Sometimes depending on the full time a job at the end lead to a apprenticeships website of it. See the government’s https://www.gov.uk/apply­apprenticeship

for can job. team work you work of . want if bodies, UK, with You number. & college. time ­ career relevant paid a


the transferable university who at range

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onto professional to horticulture to jobs least & have A the and a students

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hospitality agriculture, a designed opportunity Tech available T be meet instructions need

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are and need need salary. They

to and


knowledge a delivering school, areas on



to qualifications,



will completion access

and Levels learning,

will would up would earn your



Who after progress skills experience employers enterprise. and different animal occupation Apprenticeships Apprenticeships equivalent Tech you for a level qualifications prepare Technical such as engineering, hospitality, route specific career or accounting. computing, animal care Technical A level count towards no longer AS level results than a 20% will have more grades. No subject and most courses will be coursework component exams. through assessed entirely all A level exams at the end of two Students now sit of taking modular exams instead years of study, the course. throughout Academic to and with You You attendance, work, You Get the have example



Choosing the right pathway for you 10 Your choices

Apprenticeships Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships give you the opportunity to work, learn and earn all at the same time.

You will work for a real employer alongside other experienced staff. You will be earning a salary, gaining valuable work experience and employability skills, and you will gain a qualification.

Apprenticeships are available in over 1500 job roles covering more than 170 industries, from advertising, to youth work , environmental engineering or nuclear decommissioning.

The government are looking to increase the number of apprenticeships that are available in the UK over the next few years and we are committed to increasing the number of apprenticeships available across the borough.

Types of apprenticeship Advanced level will usually require a level 3 qualification such as a two year BTEC level 3 or You can apply for different types of apprenticeships three A Levels. Or a level 2 qualification with a years based on your current skills and qualifications: work experience. Intermediate level (level 2) > Higher level apprenticeship will usually require two > Advanced level (level 3) A levels or equivalent; with a level 3 industry specific > Higher (level 4,5,6 and 7) qualification or work experience, with 6 GCSEs A­C/ > Degree (level 4 and 7) 8­4 Grades including English and Maths or the equivalent in Functional Skills.

Degree level apprenticeships you will usually need to When can I start an apprenticeship? be 18 or over with GCSEs in English and Maths, If you live in and are aged 16 or over, you three A levels and the required skills and qualities can apply to be an apprentice. You can start an will be set by the organisation that are advertising. apprenticeship on the first day after the last Friday in June (official school leaving date in England) as long as you are 16 or become 16 before 1 How much will I earn? September of that year. You will need to be living in The minimum wage for apprentices aged England and not in full­time education. 16 to 18 is updated yearly on the website https://www.gov.uk/apprenticeships­guide/pay­ and­conditions Entry requirements Entry requirements are based on the level of the apprenticeship; Intermediate Level 2 will usually Training and qualifications require 3­5 GCSEs grade 4 or above including During your apprenticeship you will also receive English and Maths. Or work experience with level 2 training to gain a nationally recognised qualification English and Maths Functional skills qualifications. in your chosen area. Your employer will be With the desired skills and qualities advertised. working with your training provider to ensure Remember to check if you meet the eligibility the programme is structured to support you to criteria. This may include asking if you have access gain the skills you need for the job. to funds to work and train in the UK, for example you would need a national insurance number. 11 Your choices

Apprenticeships How do I find and apply for an If you are in year 11 and are interested in applying apprenticeship? for an apprenticeship you can see what is currently available and check you meet the entry Applying is easy with the find an apprenticeship requirements for each apprenticeship you are website, the online vacancy site provided by the interested in on the find an apprenticeship website. National Apprenticeship Service. You need to create https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/ an account, log all of your information and set apprenticeshipsearch. preferences before applying, usually by completing an online application form and answering a few https://www.ucas.com/apprenticeships/apprenti questions set by the employer. This resource is ceships-england/how-find-apprenticeships- available at www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship. england Case study

"Achieving my GCSEs in Maths and Science, before going on to complete my A-Levels in English Language Sunny Costin and English Literature, I found out about the apprenticeships via my sister, as she had recently completed an Civil Engineering Technician, Southwark Council Highways apprenticeship at Southwark Council." Development Control

Before I thought about joining Southwark Council, I considered re-training at college in brick laying as I had an interest in construction and was tired of being bound to an office environment. An apprenticeship was the best option as I could earn while learning, which also meant I could apply my knowledge learnt at work to my college assignments.

As part of my apprenticeship, I have definitely become a lot more confident and can now successfully manage my own projects. I’ve also improved my teamwork skills and problem solving skills; which is beneficial for my future career.

Through this apprenticeship, it has opened my eyes to the amazing world of Engineering. Before I began this apprenticeship, I didn’t ever consider Engineering – since I didn’t realise it was a career that could be started through an apprenticeship.

I have recently completed my apprenticeship and have gained the Level 3 BTEC in Civil Engineering. I have also recently passed my ICE End Point Assessment, achieving my EngTech and successfully becoming a member of the ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers). I am now a permanent valued team member in my department and can confidently contribute to projects as well as managing my own.

12 Which pathway is right for me? 13 choices

Your I 2 after course?


the level I

courses, or


English. and others.

English to a level 3 course, Progress an advanced apprenticeship or employment to a level 3 Progress course, a traineeship, an intermediate apprenticeship or employment 2 to a level Progress course, pre­apprenticeship course, a traineeship, or employment to university, Progress level a higher or degree or apprenticeship employment What complete than and/or and subjects Maths Maths in individual requirements or GCSE studying for at 4 entry



continue grade



to higher a





need have BTEC level 2 or 3 certificate, subsidiary diploma or other vocational level 2 course and Maths and English (often one year programmes) BTEC level 2 certificate or other vocational level 2 course plus Maths and English (often one year programmes) Foundation programme or pre­apprenticeship including Maths and English (one year or less) A levels BTEC level 3 diploma or extended diploma or other level 3 vocational course advanced apprenticeship What training can will entry right minimum you a subjects is specific Skills,


be grades? achieve

and will not

current do Functional pathway my





No GCSE, BTEC or other level 2 passes Grades 1 to 3 at GCSE or BTEC level 2 pass. Grades 1 to 3 at GCSE in Maths and English or Functional Skills level 1 Less than 5 GCSE passes at grade 4 or above or BTEC level 2. English or Maths at grade 3 or below GCSE passes at 5 or more grades 4 to 9 including English and Maths What

level/predicted Which Your choices

Where can you study or train?

At the end of year 11 you have a number of choices of where to study. It is worth doing some research into the ones you are interested in. You can find information on the internet. Open days or taster days are available to see what its really like and whether you think its right for you.

School sixth forms University technical colleges (UTCs) Schools sixth forms primarily teach A levels but If you know the sector you wish to pursue a career in some may offer vocational courses such as BTEC’s and want to develop specialist skills you may apply at level 3. Most also offer resits in GCSE Maths and to a UTC. Technical specialisms include engineering, English if you did not get a 4 or above the first manufacturing, health sciences, product design, time round. digital technologies or built environment.

Schools sixth forms are smaller than most sixth form colleges and further education colleges. Training providers

You don’t usually have to wear school uniform Some training programmes are designed to add to but smart clothing may be required and you will your attainment level, or gain some qualifications, and need to attend every day. add to your skills-set to help you to get work ready. Often, short courses are recommended at the end of the academic year. This is because there are Sixth form colleges limited progression routes into paid employment or Sixth form colleges are for 16 to 19 year olds. They an apprenticeship if you are under 18, or if the local have on average 1,200 students studying from entry labour market is stagnant. level up to A-levels and BTEC nationals. Many colleges offer training programmes to enable They offer a wide range of courses including you to get back on track if you find yourself out of applied courses. education mid year please email the post 16 service on [email protected] or complete Although there are no sixth form colleges in the Post 16 activity survey. Any full time regulated Southwark there are a number in neighbouring qualification would benefit you in your career, boroughs that you can apply for. enabling you to make an informed decision to fill in your skills gaps to achieve your career plan.

Further education colleges (FE colleges) If you are unsure what you would like to do remember at the end of year 12 or 13, you could FE colleges offer a broad range of courses at all still do the CSCS (Construction Skills Certification different levels including entry level, ESOL, GCSE’s Scheme), first aid, football coaching, or work A levels, BTEC’s, traineeships, apprenticeships and experience during your holidays. Then return to full vocational and occupational courses. time education in year 13. FE colleges are large organisations and they At this point you would have the added benefit and may have more than one site. There is no upper competitive edge of gaining a qualification to age limit. explore a better paid career pathway plan - remembering you can update your career plan as your skills-set grows.

14 Worried about school? COVID-19? Or maybe something personal? Aged 11-25 Whatever and want you want to someone to confi den al mental talk about, Thewellbeingtalk Nest is servicet ao? FREE off and ering advice and support to you can talk people aged 11 – 25 who live in Southwark. to us!

Our team of therapists can off er you up to If you can’t travel to our hub, chat to us on the freephone number below or email us. face-to-face or remotely. We’ll get back to you about how best we 12 weeks of one-to-one support - either can support you. in Peckham. You don’t need an appointment. If you need immediate advice, DrOurop face-to-face in any me betweensupport is1pm based and at 5pm our hub don’t hesitate, call Monday to Friday for a friendly chat. SLaM Crisis Line

All mee ngs and messages The Samaritans : are confi den al. 0800 731 2864 (24 hours) or : 116 123 (24 hours)

Unit 4, Coopera ve House The Nest

Rye Lane, Peckham funded by SE15 4UP [email protected] 020www.thenestsouthwark.org.uk 8138 1805 (Freephone)

Your choices

What comes next? comes What What comes next?

Your choices after you have completed your chosen pathway at 18

University You can even become a qualified solicitor. Not all jobs are represented yet, but more highly skilled Some professions (e.g. architecture, teaching or apprenticeships are popping up each year. medicine) require a degree. Many more employers now expect their staff to have high levels of For more information visit: education. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/ However going to university gives you the chance to study a subject you are passionate about. In higher Employment education you can develop valuable skills to give you a wider range of career opportunities. University can At 18 you can leave education and get a full time offer an environment rich in social and cultural job. You can register on various job sites or with an experiences - a chance to become more independent, agency which will give you access to a number of broaden your horizons and try out new interests. opportunities.

For a few people, choosing a subject to study is For some top tips visit: simple – you will either be clear about your career https://www.ucas.com/careers/getting- path and need a specific degree to follow it or you job/what-are-employers-looking have always had a passion for a particular subject. However, for most there is a bewildering variety of courses, many of which involve subjects that are not Other routes taught in schools or colleges. So you need to do There are other routes you can follow once you your research to narrow your choices down. have completed further education or an apprenticeship. For more information visit: www.ucas.com You can take a gap year, look for an internship, https://www.theuniguide.co.uk/ work and take a professional qualification or a distance learning course. Higher and Degree Apprenticeships For more Information visit: https://www.notgoingtouni.co.uk A higher apprenticeship leads to a higher education level qualification (at level 4, 5, 6 or 7). Qualifications on offer include NVQ (National Vocational Support into Employment Qualification) level 4, HND (Higher National Diploma) and foundation degrees. Southwark Works is a network of projects to support Southwark residents into employment. Degree apprenticeships offer a full bachelor’s or master’s degree. For more Information visit: https://southwarkworks.com Apprenticeships last a minimum of one year, but at email [email protected], higher or degree level, you could be looking at up to call: 020 7740 8200 or freephone 0800 052 0540 four, five or six years. or visit their offices at Degree apprenticeships are increasing offering 376 Walworth Road various roles such as accounting, advertising and London aerospace engineering, with new apprenticeships SE17 2NG being developed all the time.

16 School sixth forms in Southwark

School sixth forms in Southwark

17 School sixth forms in Southwark

Table Table of school sixth forms in Southwark of school School Type of DfE Published Specialisms Name School Number admissions number sixth

ARK Globe Academy Academy 210/6912 10 Maths and performing arts forms 210/6909 30 Arts and social sciences, medical Academy pathways, elite university coaching

in and apprenticeship opportunities

Southwark Bacon’s College Church of 210/6911 50 n/a England Academy

Harris Academy Academy 210/6907 15 Business and enterprise Bermondsey

Harris Sixth Form – Academy 210/6908 50 Medical sciences and sport Homestall Campus

Harris Sixth Form – Academy 210/6913 20 Sport and enterprise Rye Campus

Kingsdale Foundation Academy 210/4265 30 Mathematics and performing arts School

Sacred Heart Catholic Roman Catholic 210/5405 20 n/a School Academy

South Bank University Academy 210/4002 85 Engineering Academy

St Michael’s Catholic Catholic Academy 210/5403 22 Business and languages College

St Saviour’s & St Church of 210/4680 10 n/a Olave’s School England

St Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic 210/5402 30 n/a College

The Charter School Academy 210/4318 30 n/a North Dulwich

The Charter School Academy 210/4003 30 n/a East Dulwich

The City of London Academy 210/6905 40 Information technology, business, Academy (Southwark) sport and basketball

Supplementary forms Please contact the academy or school.

18 School sixth forms in Southwark

Table of subjects offered at school sixth forms in Southwark at in forms sixth offered school Southwark of Table subjects

A level Ark AcademyWalworth CollegeBacon’s Harris Academy Bermondsey Harris Sixth Form (Homestall Campus) Harris Sixth Form (Rye Campus) Kingsdale Foundation School Sacred Heart Catholic School South Bank University Academy Catholic CollegeSt Michael’s School& St St Olave’s Saviour’s St Thomas the Apostle College The Charter School East Dulwich The Charter School North Dulwich The City of London Academy (Southwark)

Art n n n n n n Art and Design n n n n Art and Design - Fine Art nnn n n n Art and Design - Photography n n Art and Design - Textiles n n Biology nnnn n n n n n n n n n n n Business Studies nn n n n n n n Chemistry nnnn n n n n n n n n n n n Classics n Computing n Computer Science nn n n n n n n Design and Technology - Product n n Drama n n n n Drama and Theatre Studies n n n Economics nnn n n n n n n n n n n Engineering n English Language n n English Literature nnnn n n n n n n n n n n Extended Project Qualification n n n n n Film Studies n Food Technology n French nnnn n n n n n n n Further Mathematics nnn n n n n n n n n n n Geography nnnn n n n n n n n n n n German n n Government and Politics n n n n n n n n Graphic Design n n History nnnn n n n n n n n n n n n Italian n Latin n Law n

19 School sixth forms in Southwark

Table of subjects offered at school sixth forms in Southwark at in forms sixth offered school Southwark of Table subjects Table of subjects offered at school sixth forms in Southwark

A level Ark Globe Academy Ark AcademyWalworth CollegeBacon’s Harris Academy Bermondsey Harris Sixth Form (Homestall Campus) Harris Sixth Form (Rye Campus) Kingsdale Foundation School Sacred Heart Catholic School South Bank University Academy Catholic CollegeSt Michael’s School& St St Olave’s Saviour’s St Thomas the Apostle College The Charter School East Dulwich The Charter School North Dulwich The City of London Academy (Southwark)

Mandarin Mathematics nnnn n n n n n n n n n n n Media Studies nn n n n n n n Modern Foreign Language n Music n n n n n n Music Technology n n Philosophy and Ethics n n n n n Photography nnn n n n n Physical Education n n n Physics nnnn n n n n n n n n n n n Product Design n n n n Psychology nn n n n n n n n n n n Religion and Philosophy n Religious Studies n n n n n n Sociology nnnn n n n n n n n n n Spanish nnn n n n n n n n n n n Textiles n Theatre Studies n n

20 School sixth forms in Southwark

Table of subjects offered at school sixth forms in Southwark at in forms sixth offered school Southwark of Table subjects

Level 3 Ark Globe Academy Ark AcademyWalworth CollegeBacon’s Harris Academy Bermondsey Harris Sixth Form (Homestall Campus) Harris Sixth Form (Rye Campus) Kingsdale Foundation School Sacred Heart Catholic School South Bank University Academy Catholic CollegeSt Michael’s School& St St Olave’s Saviour’s St Thomas the Apostle College The Charter School East Dulwich The Charter School North Dulwich The City of London Academy (Southwark)

Applied Science n n n n Applied Medical Science n n Art Business Studies nn n n n n n n n n Cambridge Technical Criminology n n Digital Media n Engineering n Health and Social Care nn n n n ICT nn n n n n n n Maths Media Studies n Music Performance n Performing Arts n n Physical Eduation n Professional Pathways - Business n Professional Pathways - Sport n Sport nnn n n n n n

GCSE re-sit subjects

Business Studies n English nn nnn n n Health and Social Care n Mathematics nn nnn n n Science n

21 School sixth forms in Southwark Ark

Academy Globe Ark Globe Academy Executive Principal: Mr Matt Jones 020 7407 6877

Academy DfE number: 210/6912 www.arkglobe.org Specialisms: Maths and performing arts [email protected] Harper Road, SE1 6AF

Courses and subjects offered:

A Level subjects How to apply: Art and Design > For full details on how to apply, please visit the Biology > academy’s website. > Chemistry > Computer Science > Economics > English Literature Academic entry requirements: French > Five grades 4­9 including English and Maths Geography > > at GCSE for BTEC. > Government and Politics > History > Five grades 5­9 including English and Maths at > Mathematics GCSE for A level ­ individual subjects have > Media Studies specific entrance requirements. Please view > Physics the academy's website for further details. > Psychology > Sociology Published admission number: Level 3 subjects The published admission number for year 12 is Professional Pathways in Business (BTEC level 3) > ten. This is the number of places which will be Professional Pathways in Sport (BTEC level 3) > offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants only. GCSE re­sit subjects > English > Mathematics

6th form open day/evening dates For information please email [email protected]

22 School sixth forms in Southwark

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: Ark

Globe Contact academy for full criteria If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with special educational Academy needs where the school/academy is named on the statement or education, health and care plan, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below to determine which student should be given priority for the places available on chosen courses, providing they have met the sixth form entry and course requirements: WHAT IS IT LIKE 1. Looked after children and previously looked TO STUDY HERE? after children, including internationally adopted previously looked after children. 2. Children of staff at the school where there is a “I don’t think that I would have demonstrable skill shortage. a similar experience if I went to 3. Children who have a sibling who already attends the academy and who will continue to do another school. I’ve had so so on the date of admission. For this purpose many amazing opportunities sibling means a whole, half or step­brother or at Ark Globe.” half­sister resident at the same address.

4. Children of staff in the school who have been Lauren, Ark Globe Sixth Form employed at the academy for two or more years at alumna, now at the University the time the application is submitted. of Cambridge 5. Distance measurement by a straight line route. A child's home will be at the address at which the child normally resides and which has been notified to the academy and other relevant agencies as being the child's normal place of residence.

23 A level

number: requirements:

admission entry


to 020 7450 9570 http://walworthacademy.org/sixth­form/about­ [email protected] SE1 5UJ Shorncliffe Road,

­ https://walworthacademy.org/sixth of the specific form/applications for full details entry criteria for each. including Minimum five grades 9 to 5 GCSEs entry. English and Maths at grade 4 for grade 6/7 in named related pathway will require website at subjects. Please visit the academy's sixth­form 30. This is the number of places which will be basis to eligible external on an annual offered If fewer than 90 of the academy’s applicants only. own year 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 120. Published for year 12 is The published admission number How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. academy’s Academic > Academy dates offered: Academy


Southwark subjects in open






forms form

BTEC Applied Science BTEC Business Studies BTEC IT Practitioner BTEC Performing Arts Art Biology Chemistry Economics English Literature French Further Maths History Geography Maths Photography Physics Psychology Sociology Spanish Level

Courses > > > > Level > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > A

6th Please contact the academy for further information and social sciences, medical Specialisms: Arts coaching and pathways, elite university opportunities apprenticeship DfE number: 210/6909 West Headteacher: Jessica Ark sixth


Ark Walworth Academy 24 School sixth forms in Southwark Ark

Walworth Academy

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary:

Contact academy for full criteria

Where the academy is named on a pupil’s statement of special educational needs or education health and care plan, that child will be admitted by the academy. If the number of applications for admission to the sixth form is greater than the published admission number, applications will be considered as follows:

1. Looked after children and children who have been previously looked after, including internationally adopted previously looked after children. 2. Children of staff at the school where there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Children of members of staff will have priority in the oversubscription criteria if the staff member is filling a post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Priority will be limited to WHAT IS IT LIKE one place for each form of entry in any year. TO STUDY HERE? 3. Children who at the time of the admission have a sibling who attends the academy. For this purpose “sibling” means a whole, half or step­brother or step­ sister or an adopted child resident at the same address. 4. Children of staff in the school. Where there is no “We are a harmonious and demonstrable skill shortage, priority may be given close knit sixth form where where the academy is oversubscribed to a child of a we are pushed to reach our person who will have been employed in the academy for two or more years at the time the application for true potential­ both in admission is made. Priority will be limited to one place academic qualifications and for each form of entry in any year. essential life skills.” 5. Distance measurement using a straight line route. A child’s home will be the address at which the child Deiby Gutierrez Sanchez, normally resides and which has been notified to the Maths, Further Maths, Physics academy and other relevant agencies as being the child’s normal place of residence.

25 SDBE grades, the they with Language, higher five subjects

English least partnership and in at

day/ vocational Trust requirements: the achieve

in open

dates 5 Learning


must entry



to grade United form

to 020 7237 1928 www.baconscollege.co.uk [email protected] Timber Pond Road, Rotherhithe SE16 6AT


Students expected to study the Most students are are A levels in year 12 which equivalent of three at the end of the academic year before reviewed 13. into year progressing expected to achieve a minimum All students are English of 5 GCSEs grades 5 to 9 including at least a grade Language and Mathematics with Some 6 in the subjects they wish to study. entry subjects have individual minimum out in the subject set which are requirements information sheets. with wish including 6th evening Please contact the college for further information by

Vocational > > How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. academy’s Academic A levels > led academy England of Church

A offered:

Southwark subjects

College in






re­sit forms

English Mathematics Business Studies (Single Award) IT (Double Award) Media (Double Award) Sport and Physical Activity (Double Award) Biology Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science Economics English Language English Literature Fine Art French Further Mathematics Geography Graphic Design History Mathematics Media Studies Physics Design Product Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Spanish Textiles Level

GCSE > > > > > > Level > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > A Courses

Specialisms: n/a DfE number: 210/6911 James WilsonHeadteacher: Mr Bacon’s sixth


Bacon’s College 26 School sixth forms in Southwark

Published admission number: Bacon’s The published admission number for year 12 is 50. This is the number of places which will be offered on

an annual basis to eligible external applicants only. If College fewer than 100 of the academy’s own year 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 150. WHAT IS IT LIKE TO STUDY HERE? Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary:

Contact college for full criteria “Studying at Bacon's College is great because of the support If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with special educational from teachers and other staff. needs where the school/academy is named on the The opportunities provided in statement or education health and care plan, the the sixth form to contribute to criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below to determine which student should be the community in the mediation given priority for the places available on chosen team or the leadership team courses, providing they have met the sixth form really help you to develop as a entry and course requirements: person. The academic and 1. Looked after children and previously looked emotional support make you feel after children, including internationally adopted well prepared for the future. previously looked after children There are lots of opportunities 2. Children who, on the date of their proposed for work experience and admission, will have a sibling who will then be a internships so you can really pupil at Bacon’s College understand your options after 3. Children of qualifying members of staff sixth form, whether you want to 4. Children living at a permanent address south of go to university or an the River Thames with a South (SE) or apprenticeship.” South West London (SW) postcode on the basis of their proximity to the College – closest first 5. Children living in any other postal area on the basis Yaheetah Kusi ­Mensah, of their proximity to the College – closest first studying Geography, Biology and Media Studies

27 requirements:


020 7237 9316 www.harrisbermondsey.org.uk [email protected] Road, SE16 3TZ 55 Southwark Park

at least a Minimum of five 6 to 9 grades and grade 6 in English and Maths on Minimum of grade 6 in subjects continuing into A level of For non­GCSE A level subjects, a minimum subject grade 6 in English and a Humanities Minimum of five 5 to 9 grades including at least a grade 5 in English and Maths and a grade 6 in the GCSE subject wishing to be studied at A level (or grade 6 in English and a Humanities in a non­GCSE subject) Minimum of five 5 to 9 grades including minimum grade 5 in English and/or Maths full course Minimum of seven 6 to 9 grades in GCSE subjects and Maths Minimum grade 6 in GCSE English to Minimum grade 6 in subjects continuing A level of For non­GCSE A level subjects, a minimum subject grade 6 in English and a Humanities

only and English or Maths re­sit Vocational (if GCSE below grade 5) Three A levels > > > plus one A level Vocational > > Academic Four A levels > > > > Academy

Bermondsey offered:


Southwark subjects in

Academy and admission

subjects subjects

3 apply:


to BTEC Business Studies Extended Diploma History Mathematics Physics Religion and Philosophy Sociology Spanish Drama English Literature French Further Mathematics Geography Art Biology Chemistry


Level > > > > > > > > > > > > > > A > Courses and enterprise Specialisms: Business DfE number: 210/6907 Maquieira Tania Head of Sixth Form: Iles­Smith Headteacher: Rebecca Harris sixth

Published The published admission number for year 12 is 15. This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants own year If fewer than 45 of the academy’s only. 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 60. How please visit the For full details on how to apply, website. academy’s


Harris Academy Bermondsey 28 School sixth forms in Southwark Harris Academy Bermondsey Academy Harris WHAT IS IT LIKE TO STUDY HERE?

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: “Choosing to study here was one Contact academy for full criteria of the wisest decisions I have ever If year 12 is oversubscribed, after the admission made. Every teacher ensures we of students with special educational needs are constantly pushed to strive for where the academy is named on the statement the very best so that we receive or educational health and care plan, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are the maximum opportunity to set out below to determine which student succeed. I hope to achieve should be given priority for the places available amazing A level results in the on chosen courses, providing they have met summer, which will allow me to the sixth form entry and course requirements for 2022: receive a place at a Russell Group University.” 1. Looked after children and children who were looked after, including internationally adopted previously looked after children Morgan, studying A levels in History, Biology, English Literature 2. Students for whom it is essential that they and Mathematics be admitted to the academy due to significant medical or social needs 3. Sibling (including, half, step, foster and adopted siblings) of those currently on the roll of the academy at the time of admission, not at the time of application

6th form open day/evening dates

Please contact the academy for further information


8 requirements: grade


GCSE Academy



020 7732 2276 www.harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk [email protected] SE22 0NR Homestall Road,

Average GCSE subjects Seven 9 to 5 grades in full course No vocational subjects allowed GCSE a grade 6 in a relevant A levels require subject. at GCSE or a Combination of five 9 to 4 grades Merit or above in vocational subjects Students must choose one A level and two vocational subjects Five 9 to 4 grades at GCSE or equivalent, with at vocational least a Merit or grade 4 in a relevant qualification or GCSE GCSE a grade 6 in a relevant All A levels require subject. Extended writing A level subject students will need at least a grade 5 in English Language level 3 subjects Vocational combination Three A level/vocational level 3 harrissixthform.org.uk > > > > > > > > How visit please For full details on how to apply, Academic Four A levels Three A levels Campus Homestall – offered:


Southwark subjects in subjects

Sixth and

subjects subjects


re­sit forms

English Mathematics CTEC IT (single and double award) (single & double award) CTEC Health & Social Care CTEC Sport (single & double award) CTEC Business (single & double award) CTEC Applied Science (single award) Level 3 Criminology English Literature Fine Art Geography History Mathematics Photography Physics Psychology Sociology Spanish Biology Chemistry Economics Level

> > > > > > > > GCSE Level > > > > > > > > > > > Courses A > >

Sciences and Sport Specialisms: Medical DfE number: 210/6908 C Senior Headteacher: Ms Harris sixth


Harris Sixth Form – Homestall Campus 30 School sixth forms in Southwark Harris Published admission number: The published admission number for year 12 is 50.

This is the number of places which will be offered Sixth on an annual basis to eligible external applicants only. If fewer than 50 of the academy’s own year Form 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its

capacity of 100. – Homestall

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary:

Contact academy for full criteria Campus

If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with special educational WHAT IS IT LIKE needs where the school/academy is named on the statement or education health and care plan, the TO STUDY HERE? criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below to determine which student should be given priority for the places available on chosen courses, providing they have met the sixth “I really enjoy life as a form entry and course requirements: sixth former. We are 1. Looked after children and previously looked provided with a range of after children, including internationally adopted opportunities and are previously looked after children. given a lot of support from 2. The distance of the applicant’s home from the the staff to be the best Academy with those applicants living closest being that we can be.” given priority. If there is a tie on distance between applicants the successful applicant will be allocated the place by drawing lots between the Grace, student studying applicants concerned. Any such drawing of lots English Literature, Biology will be independently verified. and Sociology

6th form open day/evening dates Please contact the academy for further information

31 requirements:




020 8299 5300 www.harrisdulwichboys.org.uk [email protected] Peckham Rye, East Dulwich, SE22 0AT

subjects Seven 9 to 5 grades in full course No vocational subjects allowed a grade 6 in a relevant Each A Level requires GCSE subject at GCSE or Combination of five 9 to 4 grades Merit or above in vocational subjects Five 9 to 4 grades at GCSE or equivalent with at or GCSE least a Merit or grade 4 in a relevant vocational qualification Academy subjects level 3 Vocational > > > > > How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. academy’s Academic Three A levels level 3 combination Three A Level/ Vocational Campus Rye – offered: Form

Southwark subjects



Sixth and

subjects subjects


re­sit forms

English Language Mathematics Applied Science (Extended Certificate) Business (Extended Certificate) Business (Diploma) (Extended Certificate) Health and Social Care (Diploma) Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate) Information Technology (Diploma) Information Technology Sport (Extended Certificate) Sport (Diploma) Economics English Literature Further Mathematics Geography History Mathematics Photography Physics Psychology Sociology Spanish Art and Design (Fine Art) Biology Business Studies Chemistry Level

> GCSE > > > > > > > > > >

Level > > > > > > > > > > > A > > > > Courses

and enterprise Specialisms: Sport DfE number: 210/6913 P Groves Headteacher: Mr Harris sixth


Harris Sixth Form – Rye Campus 32 School sixth forms in Southwark Harris Sixth Form – Rye Campus Rye – Form Sixth Harris Published admission number: The published admission number for year 12 is 20. WHAT IS IT LIKE This is the number of places which will be offered on TO STUDY HERE? an annual basis to eligible external applicants only. If fewer than 80 of the academy’s own year 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 100. “The experience at Harris Boys’ Academy Sixth Form is a faultless Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: one:impeccable teaching and a genuine Contact academy for full criteria care for students to If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission succeed and achieve to of students with special educational needs where the the best of their ability” school/academy is named on the statement or education health and care plan, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out Brandon, A level student below to determine which student should be given priority for the places available on chosen courses, providing they have met the sixth form entry and course requirements:

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children, including internationally adopted previously looked after children. 2. The distance of the applicant’s home from the Academy with those applicants living closest being given priority. If there is a tie on distance between applicants the successful applicant will be allocated the place by drawing lots between the applicants concerned. Any such drawing of lots will be independently verified.

6th form open day/evening dates

Please contact the academy for further information

33 including

GCSE at grades number: 6 to

requirements: 9

six of



Language and Mathematics. Individual



020 8655 9723 http://kingsdalefoundationschool.org.uk/ [email protected] SE21 8SQ Alleyn Park, Dulwich

English specific grades in particular subjects may require designated qualifications to enable study of a course. or equivalent Minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 GCSEs at grade 5 including a minimum of three or or above, one of which must be English Mathematics. Minimum

Level 2 transition courses > school’s to the For further information please refer and application pack. post 16 prospectus Published The published admission number for year 12 is 30. This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants own year 11 If fewer than 95 of the academy’s only. pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 125. How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. school’s Academic A levels > Academy School


Foundation Southwark

subjects in




forms re­sit

Art Art Textiles Art Photography Biology Business Studies Chemistry Classics Computer Science Economics English Literature Film Studies Food Technology French Further Mathematics Geography German Government and Politics History Latin Mathematics Music Music Technology Philosophy Physical Education Physics Design Product Psychology Sociology Spanish Studies Theatre English Mathematics Health and Social Care Business Studies Science (Double) Level

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > A Courses

> > > > > GCSE

and performing arts Specialisms: Mathematics DfE number: 210/4265 S H Morrison Headteacher: Mr Kingsdale sixth


Kingsdale Foundation School 34 School sixth forms in Southwark

Oversubscription criteria School Foundation Kingsdale 2022 summary:

Contact academy for full criteria

If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with special educational needs where the school/academy is named on the statement or education health and care plan, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below to determine which student should be given priority for the places available on chosen courses, providing they have met the sixth form entry and course requirements:

1. Children in public care (looked after WHAT IS IT LIKE children) or children who were looked after but TO STUDY HERE? ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence or special guardianship order) i.e. previously looked after children (PLAC) or internationally adopted “Opportunity is the word that previously looked after children (IAPLAC). See defines Kingsdale. It is a school Note 5 of Kingsdale's admission policy. that recognises hard work and 2. Where professional evidence indicates that there then rewards it more than are particular psychological, medical or social needs which the school’s learning support faculty agrees proportionately. Throughout my only Kingsdale has the capability of addressing or two years sixth form study I have meeting and significant difficulties would arise were been afforded various opportunities the applicant to attend a different school. from learning to fly to doing work 3. Students will be ranked by their average point experience at the United Nations. score for their best five qualifying subjects for the course they wish to study. The high standards set by Kingsdale have enabled me to study at 4. Random allocation. This process will be supervised by a person not employed by or independent of the Oxford University next year.” school (see Note 8 of Kingsdale’s admission policy). Josh, year 13 student

6th form open day/evening dates

Please contact the academy for further information


be, LIKE HERE? IT can number: IS we

STUDY requirements: curriculum.”


WHAT TO the we admission entry





020 7274 6844 www.sacredheart.southwark.sch.uk [email protected] Road, SE5 0RP Camberwell New


for specific Please check individual requirements sixth form prospectus. subjects in the school’s Maths Six grade 5 and above GCSEs including and English is the base entry requirement.

better > the academy. For further information please contact Published for year 12 is 20. The published admission number This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants own year If fewer than 55 of the academy’s only. 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 75. How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. academy’s Academic > be Catholic to complete we inspired School are activities we the and and offered: Catholic

grades excellent Southwark subjects is in



and A


forms our


Physical Education Applied Science ­ Medical Science (Single) (Double) Health and Social Care Music Performance Biology Business Chemistry Computing Drama Economics Engineering English Literature Fine Art Further Mathematics Geography Graphics History Maths Modern Languages Foreign Photography Physics Politics Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Level

> > BTEC > > level 3 Cambridge Technical

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > A Courses

both Specialisms: n/a DfE number: 210/5405 S Cefai Headteacher: Mr Sacred sixth

Heart Sixth Form 13, studying at Sacred Danielle, Year “The in


Sacred Heart Catholic School 36 School sixth forms in Southwark

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: Sacred

Contact academy for full criteria 3. Children who are baptised members of the Heart Catholic church and are resident in the Camberwell, If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the Cathedral or Lambeth Deaneries admission of students with special educational 4. Children who are baptised members of the Catholic needs and those where the academy is named on Catholic church the education, health and care plan, the criteria will be applied in the order set out below to determine 5. Other looked after children or looked after children which student should be given priority for places and other previously looked after children who have School available on chosen courses (providing they have been adopted or who have become the subject of a met the sixth form entry course requirements) residence or guardianship order 1. Looked after Catholic and all previously looked 6. Children who are baptised members of Historic after Catholic children, including those children who Eastern churches appear (to the admission authority) to have been in 7. Children who are members of churches that are state care outside of England and ceased to be in part of Churches Together in England state care as a result of being adopted 8. Any other applicants 2. Children who, together with one or both parents, are baptised, practising members of the Catholic Church and are resident in the Camberwell, Cathedral or Lambeth Deaneries

6th form open day/evening dates Please contact the school for further information

37 School sixth forms in Southwark South Bank University Academy University Bank South South Bank University Academy Academy

Principal: John Taylor 020 7277 3000 DfE number: 210/4002 www.southbankua.org.uk Specialisms: Engineering [email protected] Trafalgar Street, SE17 2TP

Courses and subjects offered: How to apply: A Level subjects For full details on how to apply, please visit the Art > academy’s website. > Biology > Business Studies > Chemistry > Computer Science Academic entry requirements: Drama > A level > Economics > Geography > All students must have five grade 5 or above > History at GCSE. Mathematics > Computer Science > Further Mathematics > Music > GCSE grade 7 in Mathematics. > Philosophy and Ethics > Physics BTEC > Product Design > Five grade 4 or above at GCSE. > Spanish > Extended Projects Qualification Published admission number: Level 3 subjects > BTEC Creative and Digital Media The published admission number for year 12 is > BTEC Business Studies 85. This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external GCSE re-sit subjects applicants only. > Maths > English

6th form open day/evening dates

Please contact the academy for further information

38 School sixth forms in Southwark

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: Academy University Bank South

Contact academy for full criteria

If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with special educational needs where the academy is named on the WHAT IS IT LIKE statement or education health and care plan, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are TO STUDY HERE? set out below to determine which student should be given priority for the places available on chosen courses, providing they have met the sixth form “A sixth form where entry and course requirements: teachers help you 1. Looked after children and children who were fulfil your dreams.” looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence/special Student studying at South guardianship order), including internationally Bank University Academy adopted previously looked after children Sixth Form 2. Children who are eligible for the pupil premium 3. Children for whom it is essential that they be admitted to the academy because of a significant medical or social need 4. Siblings of students who will be registered students at the school on the first day of the term when the applicant student would be joining the academy 5. Children of staff employed for at least two years at the school or recruited to meet a skills shortage 6. Children who live nearest to the academy

39 If on will 22. 112. only. pupils is of offered 11 12 pupils be year year capacity will applicants for its own external

which external meets number: number 12 places additional academy’s requirements: of eligible year 12, the

to of admission

year until admission entry


basis number






020 7237 6432 www.stmichaelscollege.org.uk [email protected] SE16 4UN Llewellyn St, Bermondsey, is



annual admitted students will For entry to the technical pathway, must include need five GCSEs at grade 5, which grade 4 (or above) in Maths and English. For entry to the A level honours pathway, grade 6 (or students will need eight GCSEs at above), which must include grade 7 (or above) in Maths and Science and grade 8 (or above) in five other separate subjects. Students wishing to study A level Further Maths must also have a grade 8 or 9 in Maths. For entry to the two A level and one technical students will need five GCSEs at course pathway, grade 6 (or above), which must include grade 5 (or above) in Maths and English. students A level pathway, For entry to the three include grade will need eight GCSEs, which must and grade 6 5 (or above) in Maths and English (or above) in five other separate subjects. entry Students must also meet any specific for individual subjects as set out in requirements the prospectus.

transfer This an fewer be The > > > Published How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. academy’s Academic > Catholic College offered:

Catholic subjects

Southwark subjects in




3 forms


Business Studies (A level equivalence) Digital Media (A level equivalence) Sport Diploma (A level equivalence) Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science Design) or Product (Textiles Design and Technology studies Drama and Theatre Economics English Literature English Language French Geography Government and Politics History Law Maths Further Maths Media Studies Spanish Philosophy and Ethics Physics Psychology Level

Courses > > > Level > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > A

and languages Specialisms: Business DfE number: 210/5403 F Corcoran Headteacher: Ms St sixth


St Michael’s Catholic College 40 School sixth forms in Southwark St

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: Michael’s

Contact academy for full criteria WHAT IS IT LIKE If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with special educational TO STUDY HERE? Catholic needs where the school/academy is named on the statement or education health and care plan, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below to determine which student should “St Michael's Sixth Form is College be given priority for the places available on chosen courses, providing they have met the sixth form an amazing place to study, entry and course requirements: providing a thriving academic environment where I can 1. Looked after Catholic children or looked after children in the care of Catholic families and exceed my potential, both previously looked after Catholic children who have academically and personally.” been adopted or who have become the subject of a residence or guardianship order or Catholic children Ellie, year 12, Biology, who appear (to the admission authority) to have Psychology and Geography been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted and who meet the academic entry requirements 2. Other Catholic applicants who submit their application by the given deadline and who meet the academic entry requirements 3. Other looked after children and other previously looked after children who have been adopted or who have become the subject of a residency or guardianship order or children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted and who meet the academic entry requirements 4. Other applicants who wish to pursue their education in a Christian context, who support the Catholic ethos of the college and who submit their application by the given deadline and who meet the academic entry requirements

In the event of oversubscription in any of the 6th form open above categories, as long as all students meet the day/evening dates academic entry criteria by subject, then priority will be given to students who firstly have a sibling Please contact the college attending the college and following that by for further information students who live nearest to the college.


school grade aided minimum number: the voluntary dates

requirements: meet


also England admission entry


apply: must form


020 7407 1843 www.ssso.southwark.sch.uk [email protected] SE1 4AN New Kent Road,

of the subjects they wish to study requirements be admitted onto individual courses. to in order to are The individual subject entry requirements specific be found in the subject and course sixth information contained in the school’s form prospectus. academic The applicant must meet the minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 including requirement courses. English and Maths to study level 3 They day/evening 6th Please check the school’s website for further information

Church > Published The published admission number for year 12 is ten This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants own year If fewer than 90 of the school’s only. 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 100. How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. school’s Academic > School Olave’s St offered: and

Southwark subjects in



subjects subjects





English Mathematics BTEC Science Business Health and Social Care IT Performing Arts Criminology Art and Design Biology Chemistry English Literature French Further Maths Geography History Mathematics Media Music Photography Physics Design Product Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Spanish


> > > > > > > > GCSE Level > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Courses A

Specialisms: n/a DfE number: 210/4680 C May Headteacher: Ms St sixth


St Saviour’s and St Olave’s School 42 School sixth forms in Southwark St


“SSSO Sixth Form is a family, and where teachers and students Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: support each other in every way St Olave’s they can. You build incredible Contact school for full criteria friendships as well as valuable relationships with your teachers. School If year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with special educational We are also offered the very best needs where the school/academy is named on opportunities aimed at the statement or education health and care plan, supporting our futures.” the criteria will be applied in the order set out to determine which student should be given priority for the places available on chosen Student studying at St Saviour’s courses, providing they have met the sixth form and St Olave’s School Sixth Form entry and course requirements:

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children, including internationally adopted previously looked after children. 2. Children who live the shortest distance from the school. This will be measured in a straight line from the main entrance of the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school.



school open aided number:



Please contact the college for further information day/evening 6th voluntary





Catholic 020 7639 0106 www.stac.uk.com [email protected] SE15 2EB Hollydale Road, Nunhead,

Both internal and external students must achieve as stated in the the subject specific requirements school’s course guide (available on the school’s 6 in the this is a GCSE grade website). Typically, subject to be studied at A level. Internal and external students must gain a minimum of grade 5 in English and Maths and other GCSEs grades 5 to 9 three Both internal and external students must gain a to 9 including minimum of seven GCSE grades 5 the subject English and Maths and grade 6 in to be studied

route BTEC Vocational > > Published The published admission number for year 12 is 30. This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants own year If fewer than 70 of the school’s only. 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 100. How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. school’s Academic Academic A level route > Roman College offered: Apostle subjects the

Southwark subjects in







Sport ICT Business Applied Medical Science Biology Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science Economics English Literature Qualification Extended Project French Further Maths Geography Government and Politics History Italian Maths Media Studies Music Philosophy and Ethics Physical Education Physics Psychology Religious Education Sociology Spanish Studies Theatre Art and Design


> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Level Courses A

Specialisms: n/a DfE number: 210/5402 E Connolly Headteacher: Mr St sixth


St Thomas the Apostle College 44 School sixth forms in Southwark

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: St

Thomas Contact school for full criteria 3. Applicants who have a sibling currently at St Thomas the Apostle College. (For example, the Applicants with an education, health and care plan sister of a current pupil at the College). This would the (EHC) will be eligible for admittance in accordance include step siblings, adopted siblings and half

with section 324 of the Education Act 1996. siblings living permanently at the same address. Apostle 4. Applicants whose permanent residence is closest The oversubscription criteria only applies to external to the College. This final criteria will act as a tie­ applicants. If there are more applications than places breaker for two otherwise identical applicants. If two available in the published admission number, (20 College or more applicants are deemed to live at identical places), the criteria will be applied in the following distance from the College, places will be decided by order to determine which students should be offered the drawing of lots. places. After applicants with an EHCP, places will be offered in the following priority order: In the event that a course is oversubscribed (typically 1. Catholic looked after and looked after children more than 15 successful applicants to an A level and all previously looked after children, including class, 12 students per BTEC class) places will be those children who appear (to the admission offered on alternative courses that have spaces authority) to have been in state care outside of available. Students will fill a course allocation in England and ceased to be in state care as a result of order of GCSE average points score (APS) order in being adopted. best eight GCSEs. Every effort will be reasonably made to accommodate all successful applicants’ 2. Applicants who are baptised Catholics. combination of course choices.


“Joining STAC sixth form was the best decision I made for my education after year eleven. I’ve had so much support whilst being surrounded by like­minded, ambitious peers and supportive teachers with high expectations of us all. The opportunities for work experience, UCAS advice, enrichment experiences has been amazing as it has built my confidence enormously.”

Rhiana M, Year 12



open number:



Please contact the academy for further information day/evening 6th

admission entry



020 3873 2290 https://www.eastdulwichsixthform.org.uk/ [email protected] 8RB Jarvis Road, SE22

specific In addition, students must meet the the courses minimum entry criteria for each of These are they select to study in the sixth form. and on the website. published in the prospectus will Any changes to the new entry requirements and website be published on the academy’s for entry in September 2022. prospectus five grades 9 are entry requirements The current and to 4 at GCSE including English Language Mathematics. Academy

> > Published The published admission number for year 12 is 30. This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants own year 11 If fewer than 90 of the academy’s only. pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 120 pupils. How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. school’s Academic > Dulwich

East offered:

School subjects Southwark subjects in


subjects vocational

3 Charter


Art & Design ­ Fine Art Art & Design ­ Photography Biology Chemistry ­Design and Technology Design Product Studies Drama and Theatre Economics English Literature Extended Project French Geography History Mathematics Further Mathematics Media Studies Music Physics Politics Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Spanish Business ICT Sport LEVEL

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Courses A > Level > >

Specialisms: n/a DfE number: 210/4003 Alison Harbottle Head of School: Christian Hicks Executive Headteacher: The sixth


The Charter School East Dulwich 46 School sixth forms in Southwark The Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary:


Contact academy for full criteria WHAT IS IT LIKE Priority is given to pupils already enrolled at The School Charter School East Dulwich, where there are TO STUDY HERE? appropriate courses. In the event of oversubscription, priority will be given to 'external' applicants in accordance with the criteria set out East below: “My decision to study at Dulwich 1. Looked after children, or children who were Charter East Dulwich Sixth looked after but ceased to be so because they were Form was all to do with the adopted (or become subject to a child high quality of teaching and arrangement/residence/special guardianship order) including those who appear to (the admission the strong, supportive authority) to have been in state care outside of relationships I knew I would England and ceased to be in state care as a result of cultivate with my teachers being adopted and staff.” 2. Children with siblings who are already on roll at The Charter School East Dulwich and will still be on roll at their date of entry Year 12 student 3. Children enrolled in Year 11 at The Charter School North Dulwich 4. Children with exceptional medical, psychological or social needs which mean that The Charter School East Dulwich is the most suitable school to best address their needs 5. Children of permanent staff who work at The Charter School East Dulwich where: a. either the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage; or b. the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made 6. Other children living closest to the school by the shortest straight line measurement




admission entry

at GCSE including English Language



020 7346 6600 www.charternorthdulwich.org.uk [email protected] 9JH Red Post Hill, SE24

specific In addition, students must meet the the courses minimum entry criteria for each of These are they select to study in the sixth form. and on the website. published in the prospectus will Any changes to the new entry requirements and be published on the academy's website for entry in September 2022. prospectus five grades are entry requirements The current 9 to 4 and Mathematics.


> > Published The published admission number for year 12 is 30. This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants own year If fewer than 150 of the academy’s only. 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 180 pupils. How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. academy’s Academic > Dulwich dates subjects subjects


North Level Mathematics Further

Business ICT Sport > Level > > > AS offered:

day/evening School Southwark subjects open in




forms form

Spanish Physics Politics Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Mathematics Further Mathematics Media Studies Music Photography Fine Art French Geography History ­ Design and Technology Design Product Drama Economics English Literature Extended Project Qualification Biology Chemistry Computer Science Level

A > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Courses >

6th Please contact the academy for further information Specialisms: n/a DfE number: 210/4318 Mark Pain Head of School: Christian Hicks Executive Headteacher: The sixth


The Charter School North Dulwich 48 School sixth forms in Southwark The

Charter School North Dulwich

Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary:

Contact academy for full criteria 2. Children with siblings who are already on roll at The Charter School North Dulwich and will still be on Priority is given to pupils already enrolled at The roll at their date of entry Charter School North Dulwich, where there are 3. Children enrolled in Year 11 at The Charter School appropriate courses. In the event of oversubscription, East Dulwich priority will be given to 'external' applicants in accordance with the criteria set out below: 4. Children with exceptional medical, psychological or social needs which mean that The Charter School 1. Looked after children, or children who were looked North Dulwich is the most suitable school to best after but ceased to be so because they were adopted address their needs (or become subject to a child arrangement/residence/special guardianship order) 5. Children of permanent staff who work at including those who appear to (the admissions The Charter School North Dulwich where: authority) to have been in state care outside of a. either the member of staff is recruited to fill a England and ceased to be in state care as a result of vacant post for which there is a demonstrable being adopted skill shortage; or b. the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made 6. Other children living closest to the school by the shortest straight line measurement WHAT IS IT LIKE TO STUDY HERE?

“The teachers were great. I always felt so supported and their passion for the subject always made what I was learning all that more valuable.”

Year 13 student, (English, History and Economics)

49 to is able

selected are evaluates basketball, academy be London 13 in applicants. that students of the will all to and to City year 12 the specialism places open Students Each at years assessment number: ten assessment. are in sports to basketball place based requirements: in tests up our based specialism. take basketball.

of Academy the students skills

in a skills admission


will this


basis note on

apply: skills to





020 7394 5100 www.cityacademy.co.uk [email protected] Road, SE1 5LA 240 Lynton

on based Academy. through complete their able This basic entry All students will have to meet the of four GCSE grades 9 to 5 requirement 4 and must including English and Maths at grade also meet individual subject requirements. information please view the City of For more sixth form brochure. London Academy’s Prospective Please Sports Published The published admission number for year 12 is 40. This is the number of places which will be basis to eligible external on an annual offered applicants only. > > > > How visit the please For full details on how to apply, website. academy’s Academic Level 3 study (Southwark) Academy offered:

London Southwark subjects

of in




City 3


Sport BTEC Health and Social Care Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science Studies Drama and Theatre Economics English Literature Qualification Extended Project French Further Mathematics Geography German Government and Politics History Mathematics Media Studies Music Technology Philosophy and Ethics Photography Physical Education Physics Psychology Sociology Spanish Art and Design (Graphics) Art and Design (Textiles) Art Biology Level

Level > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > A Courses

business, technology, Specialisms: Information sports and basketball DfE number: 210/6905 Principal: Mike Baxter The sixth


The City of London Academy (Southwark) 50 School sixth forms in Southwark The City of London Academy (Southwark) Academy London of City The

WHAT IS IT LIKE “I love the City of London Academy TO STUDY HERE? and enjoy studying here. Students have access to a wide range opportunities, preparation for the world of work and are offered various trips. We are fully prepared and support for the next stage Oversubscription criteria 2022 summary: of our lives.”

Contact academy for full criteria Student studying at the City of London Academy Sixth Form If Year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with special educational needs where the academy is named on the statement or education health and care plan, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below to determine which student should be given priority for the places available on chosen courses, providing they have met the post 16 entry and course requirements:

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children, including internationally adopted previously looked after children 2. Applicants who live nearest to the school measured by the shortest safe walking distance from the child’s home to the corner of Lynton Road and St. John’s Road by the main academy building 3. Where the distance tie-break does not produce a clear outcome (i.e. two children live precisely the same distance from the school), the place will be determined by random allocation supervised by a person independent of the school 4. Children of staff employed at the academy with at least two years continuous employment or where the Academy reasonably considers a member of staff has been recruited for a permanent position for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.

6th form open day/evening dates

Please check the academy’s website for futher information

51 The colleges BOSCO BOSCO Principal: Darren Coghlan 020 7232 0440 DfE number: 210/6006 www.bosco.ac.uk Specialisms: Business, Child Care, Information [email protected] Technology, Customer Service and Hospitality Bosco 281 Jamaica Road, SE16 4RS

Courses and subjects offered: Courses and subjects offered:

FUNCTION SKILLS (Levels E3, L1, L2) Supported internships > English A programme for 17 to 24 year olds who have an > English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Education Health and Care Plan > Maths PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ICT > All students complete a comprehensive programme LEVEL 1 subjects of personal development that includes: > Childcare Well Being and Mindfulness, Employability, > Customer Service Understanding of Current Affairs > Hospitality > Information Technology LEVEL 2 subjects How to apply: > Business and Administration > Childcare By telephone, e­mail or via website > Information Technology > Sport and Physical Fitness LEVEL 3 subjects Academic entry requirements: > Business and Administration > Childcare > Discussed at interview > Information Technology > Sport and Physical Fitness Published admission number: LEVEL 4 subjects The published admission number for year 12 is 60. > Information Technology

GCSE re­sit subjects > English > Mathematics

52 The colleges BOSCO

“Its a safe environment, that is the point of Bosco”

Michael A, aged 17 WHAT IS IT LIKE TO STUDY HERE? “I have had the best time at Bosco College, the teachers have all been caring and supportive”

Beenish S, aged 18

“An experience I will never forget”

Archie G, aged 18

Bosco has a flexible personalised curriculum that allows students to start at any time throughout the year. If you want to find out more please telephone to arrange a visit.

53 /continued... 020 3757 4000 3757 020 www.southwark.ac.uk [email protected] 1UT SE4 Cut The 25 Certificate in Skills for Professions in Business, in Professions for Skills in Certificate Finance & Administration Bookeeping AAT Bookkeeping in Certificate Foundation Law to Access for Preparation Design & Art in Diploma Progression Design Fashion in Diploma Progression & Film for Media Creative in Diploma Progression TV for Media Creative in Diploma Progression Animation & Design Games Technology and Music in Diploma Progression Drama & Dance in Diploma Progression and Health in Certificate Extended First BTEC Care Social Chemistry (Biology, Science Combined GCSE Physics) and GCSE English English GCSE Maths GCSE English Skills Functional Maths Skills Functional > > > > > > > > > > > > Courses and subjects offered: subjects and Courses Subjects 2 Level > > > > Arts & Design & Arts Care Social & Health Science Business, Accounting & Law & Accounting Business, 210/6006 Creative Industries Creative

Annette Cast Annette

Certificate to Aviation Aviation to Certificate Certificate in Exploring the Aviation Industry on Industry Aviation the Exploring in Certificate Ground the Tourism and Travel and Aviation to Introduction Introduction to Health Care and Science and Care Health to Introduction skills Digital to Introduction Specialist) (Application Users IT in Award Access Award in Bookkeeping Bookkeeping in Award Access Software Accounting in Award Access Business, in Professions for Skills in Certificate Finance & Administration Business in Skills to Introduction Health and Wellbeing Wellbeing and Health Arts Creative in Diploma Progression Business in Skills to Introduction Getting ready for Work – Work for ready Getting Service Customer – Work for ready Getting Skills IT/Office Personalised - College to Progression Supported Pathway Learning Skills Work and Creative Introduction to College or Work or College to Introduction Work to Pathway Internship Supported Links School SEN > > > > > > > > > > > > LEVEL 1 subjects 1 LEVEL > > > > > > > SUPPORTED LEARNING LEARNING SUPPORTED > Courses and subjects offered: subjects and Courses IT Industries Service Health and Social Care Social and Health Specialisms: Principal: number: DfE Southwark College College Southwark The The colleges Southwark College 54 The colleges Southwark College Southwark Courses and subjects offered: Courses and subjects offered:

IT Business, Accounting and Law > Certificate in Skills for Professions in Digital > BTEC Extended Diploma in Business Industries & Technology > AAT Advanced Certificate in Bookkeeping Award > Certificate in Mobile Application Development and > Access to Business Management and Accounting Enterprise (Level 2) Programme > Access to Law > Award in IT Specialist Programme IT Performing Arts > BTEC Extended Diploma in IT > Progression Diploma in Dance & Drama > Access to HE: Computer Science and Maths > Progression Diploma in Music & Music Technology > Diploma for IT Users Service Industries Performing Arts > Certificate in Exploring the Aviation Industry on the > UAL Diploma in Performing and Production Arts: Ground Dance Pathway > Diploma in Cabin Crew > UAL Diploma in Performing and Production Arts - > Certificate in Introduction to Cabin Crew Drama Pathway > Certificate to Aviation > UAL Diploma in Music Performance and > Certificate to Aviation, Travel and Tourism Production > BTEC Extended Diploma in Performing Arts - Dance Level 3 Subjects > BTEC Extended Diploma in Performing Arts - Arts & Design Drama > UAL Applied General Diploma in Art & Design (16 - 18s) Service Industries > UAL Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (Adults) > Subsidiary Diploma in Aviation Operations > UAL Diploma in Creative Media: TV & Film > Diploma Pathway to Travel and Tourism Production Design and Animation Pathway > UAL Diploma in Creative Media: Games Design, A-LEVEL Subjects Graphic Design and Animation Pathway Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics > UAL Applied General Diploma in Art & Design > (Fashion Pathway)

Health & Social Care HIGHER EDUCATION Subjects > Access to Nursing and Midwifery > CELTA (Level 5) Certificate in English Language > Access to HE: Health and Social Care Teaching to Adults > BTEC National Extended Diploma in Health & > Certificate for the Advanced Practicioner in School Social Care and College (Level 4) > Diploma in Education and Training (Level 5) Science > Diploma in Web Application Development > BTEC National Extended Diploma in Applied Science (Level 5) > Access to Engineering, Science and Maths > Post Graduate Certificate in Education PGCE > Access to HE Diploma in Radiography (Level 7) > Access to Higher Education Diploma in Science


55 The colleges

Southwark College Southwark How to apply: Courses and subjects offered: Application is easy, visit www.southwark.ac.uk OTHER COURSES choose your course and click on the ‘Apply’ button which appears on each course page or if you prefer > Apprenticeships you can request a printed form by calling us on 0203 > Pre-Access Certificate 757 4000. Further information on how to apply can > Drawing and Painting also be found at www.southwark.ac.uk/help- > Dressmaking support/how-to-apply Teacher Training > Diploma in Supporting Teaching and Learning > Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning Academic entry requirements: > Award in Education and Training > Diploma in Education and Training Entry requirements vary depending on the course level. > Award in Support Work in Schools and Colleges > Access to Education and Psychology > Five GCSEs at grades 4 or higher, including English language. > Four GCSEs at grades 4 or higher, including English language or relevant Level 2 qualification in a related subject.

Information correct at time of going to print. All courses are subject to eligibility and availability.

56 The colleges

Table of other colleges and sixth forms forms sixth and colleges other of Table

College Address Email / website Phone

Ada Sixth Form Campus: Broad Lane, [email protected] 0203 1050 125 = National College N15 4AG; Apprenticeship Campus: https://www.ada.ac.uk/ of Digital Skills Vallance Road, E1 5AB Attlee A Level , London E1 0PT [email protected] 0330 135 9000 Academy www.ncclondon.ac.uk/a-level-academy Barking & Rush Green Campus, Dagenham www.barkingdagenhamcollege.ac.uk 020 8090 3020 Dagenham College Road, Romford RM7 0XU Barnet & Southgate Wood Street, Barnet [email protected] 020 8266 4000 College EN5 4AZ www.barnetsouthgate.ac.uk Bexley College 2 Walnut Tree Road, Erith [email protected] 020 3954 4000 London South East Colleges DA8 1RA www.lsec.ac.uk/locations/bexley Big Creative BCE Clifton Avenue, Walthamstow www.bigcreative.education/contact-us 020 8498 3300 Academy Campus E17 6HL www.bigcreative.education 020 3873 5800 BOSCO Centre BOSCO Centre, 281 Jamaica Road [email protected] 020 7232 0440 SE16 4RS www.bosco.ac.uk Bromley College Rookery Lane, Bromley [email protected] 020 3954 4000 London South East Colleges BR2 8HE www.lsec.ac.uk/locations/bexley www.lsec.ac.uk/locations/bromley BSix Brooke House Kenninghall Road, E5 8BP [email protected] 0203 137 5320 Sixth Form College www.bsix.ac.uk Building Crafts Building Crafts College, Kennard [email protected] 020 8522 1705 College Road Stratford, E15 1AH www.thebcc.ac.uk Capel Manor Bullsmoor Lane, Middlesex [email protected] 0303 003 1234 College EN1 4RQ www.capel.ac.uk Carshalton College Nightingale Road, Carshalton [email protected] 020 8544 4444 SM5 2EJ www.carshalton.ac.uk Christ the King Sixth Belmont Grove, Lewisham [email protected] 020 8297 9433 Form College SE13 5GE www.ctk.ac.uk City and Islington Centre for Business, Arts and [email protected] 020 7700 9200 College Technology, 444 Camden Road www.candi.ac.uk 020 7492 2500 N7 0SP City Lit 1-10 Keeley Street, Covent Garden [email protected] 020 7831 7831 WC2B 4BA https://help.citylit.ac.uk/ 020 7492 2500 City of Westminster Paddington Green Campus, [email protected] 020 7723 8826 College 25 Paddington Green W2 1NB www.cwc.ac.uk College of Haringey, Tottenham Centre, High [email protected] 020 8442 3055 Enfield and North Road, Tottenham N15 4RU www.conel.ac.uk East London College College Road CR9 1DX [email protected] 020 8760 5934 www.croydon.ac.uk Ealing, Hammersmith Hammersmith Campus, [email protected] 07766 801 011 & West London Gliddon Road W14 9BL www.wlc.ac.uk 020 8741 1688 College Fashion Retail 15 Gresse Street, Fitzrovia [email protected] 020 7307 2345 Academy W1T 1QL www.fashionretailacademy.ac.uk Greenwich 95 Plumstead Road [email protected] 020 3954 4000 London South East College SE18 7DQ www.lsec.ac.uk

57 The colleges Table of other College Address Email and website Phone

Hackney Community Falkirk Street N1 6HQ [email protected] 0330 135 8000 colleges College www.ncclondon.ac.uk/hackney 0330 135 9000 New City College Brookshill, Harrow HA3 6RR [email protected] 020 8909 6000 www.harrow.ac.uk Havering 6th Form Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch [email protected] 01708 514 400 and College RM11 3TB www.havering­sfc.ac.uk 0330 135 9000 New City College sixth Havering College of Ardleigh Green Road, Hornchurch [email protected] 01708 455 011 Further and Higher RM11 2LL www.havering­college.ac.uk 0330 135 9000 Education forms New City College School Westbere Road NW2 3RT [email protected] 020 7794 8133 www.hampsteadschool.org.uk Haringey Sixth White Hart Lane, Tottenham [email protected] 020 8376 6000 Form N17 8HR www.haringey6.ac.uk Harris Westminster 11 Tothill Street, Westminster [email protected] 020 3772 4555 Sixth Form SW1H 9LH www.harriswestminstersixthform.org.uk Islington Sixth Form Central Foundation Boys’ School [email protected] 020 7017 3040 Consortium Cowper Street EC2A 4SH www.ic6.co.uk College Park Road, [email protected] 020 8651 1131 CR2 8JJ www.johnruskin.ac.uk Kensington and Chelsea Centre, Hortensia Road [email protected] 020 7450 1889 Chelsea College SW10 0QS www.kcc.ac.uk Kingston College Kingston Hall Road, Kingston [email protected] 020 8546 2151 upon Thames KT1 2AQ www.kingston­college.ac.uk La Swap Sixth Form Highgate Road NW5 1RP [email protected] 020 7692 4157 www.laswap.camden.sch.uk Brixton Centre, 56 Brixton Hill, SW2 [email protected] 020 7501 5010 1QS and 45 Clapham Common, www.lambethcollege.ac.uk Southside SW4 9BL • Lewisham Way SE4 1UT [email protected] 020 3757 3000 • 1 Deptford Bridge SE8 4HH www.lewisham.ac.uk Leyton Sixth Form Road, Leyton E10 6EQ [email protected] 020 4538 6430 College www.leyton.ac.uk 42 Queen Square WC1N 3AQ [email protected] 020 7269 6000 Adult Education www.marywardcentre.ac.uk College 61 Westminster Bridge Road www.morleycollege.ac.uk 020 7450 1889 SE1 7HT Tower Hamlets Poplar High St, London, E14 0AF [email protected] 0330 135 9000 New City College www.ncclondon.ac.uk/tower­hamlets 0330 135 9000 Newham College of High Street South E6 6ER [email protected] 020 8257 4000 Further Education www.newham.ac.uk Newham Sixth Form Prince Regent Lane E13 8SG [email protected] 020 7473 4110 College www.newvic.ac.uk Redbridge College Redbridge Campus Chadwell Heath [email protected] 0330 135 9000 New City College Lane RM6 4XT www.ncclondon.ac.uk/redbridge Regent High School Chalton Street, Kings Cross [email protected] 020 7387 0126 NW1 1RX www.regenthighschool.org.uk

58 The colleges Table

of other College Address Email and website Phone

Richmond upon Langhorn Drive, Twickenham, [email protected] 020 8607 8302 Thames College Middlesex TW2 7SJ www.rutc.ac.uk 0330 135 9000 colleges London College Ramillies House, 1­2 Ramillies [email protected] 020 7208 1300 of Beauty Therapy Street W1F 7LN www.lcbt.co.uk Richmond and Parkshot Campus, Richmond [email protected] 020 8891 5907 Hillcroft Adult Upon Thames TW9 2RE www.rhacc.ac.uk Community College and Sir George Monoux 190 Chingford Road [email protected] 020 8523 3544 College E17 5AA www.sgmc.ac.uk sixth South Thames Wandsworth High Street [email protected] 020 8918 7777 College SW18 2PP www.south­thames.ac.uk forms Southfields 333 Merton Road SW18 5JU [email protected] 020 8875 2600 Academy www.southfieldsacademy.com South Bank 56 Brixton Hill SW2 1QS info@southbank­utc.co.uk 020 7738 6115 Engineering UTC www.southbank­utc.co.uk/ Southwark College 5 The Cut, London SE1 8LF [email protected] 0203 757 4000 www.southwark.ac.uk St Charles Catholic St Charles Square W10 6EY [email protected] 020 8968 7755 Sixth Form www.stcharles.ac.uk St Dominic’s Sixth Mount Park Avenue, Harrow on [email protected] 020 8422 8084 Form College the Hill, Middlesex HA1 3HX www.stdoms.ac.uk St Francis Xavier 10 Malwood Road SW12 8EN [email protected] 020 8772 6072 Sixth Form College www.sfx.ac.uk Elm Park, Stanmore HA7 4BQ [email protected] 020 8420 7700 https://stanmore.ac.uk/ Sydenham and Dartmouth Road SE26 4RD [email protected] 020 8291 8455 Forest Hill Sixth Form www.sfh6.org Park Road, Uxbridge UB8 1NQ [email protected] 01895 853333 www.uxbridgecollege.ac.uk Waltham Forest 707 Forest Road, Walthamstow [email protected] 020 8501 8501 College E17 4JB www.waltham.ac.uk Westminster King's Cross Centre, 211 Grays [email protected] 020 7963 4181 Kingsway College Inn Road WC1X 8RA www.westking.ac.uk West Thames London Road, Isleworth info@west­thames.ac.uk 020 8326 2000 College TW7 4HS www.west­thames.ac.uk William Morris St Dunstan’s Road W6 8RB [email protected] 020 8748 6969 Sixth Form www.wma.ac.uk Woodhouse Road, Finchley [email protected] 020 8445 1210 N12 9EY www.woodhouse.ac.uk Working Men’s 44 Crowndale Road, Camden [email protected] 020 7255 4700 College NW1 1TR www.wmcollege.ac.uk

59 Further information

Financial Financial support

support As a 16 to 19 year old student you may be able to get help with money. There are different types of funding you may be able to claim.

16 to 19 bursary fund while you are at How is your bursary is paid? College Your education or training provider will decide how you get your bursary. You might be: Check eligibility criteria with the sixth form or college. You can ask for a bursary form at enrolment day. > Paid in full or in installments Paid through a bank account The college would ask you to provide evidence > when you complete the application form. If you > Given things like a travel pass, free meals or do not meet the requirements or provide the books instead of money evidence within the requested timeframe you may Some providers also offer one off payments to cover not get a bursary. study trips or travel for university interviews. Your provider will set conditions that students There are two types of 16 to 19 bursary: should meet to receive a bursary for example, good behaviour and 95% attendance. Your bursary can Vulnerable student bursary be stopped if you break their rules. Remember to You could get a bursary worth up to £1,200 check the bursary eligibility criteria with the sixth depending on your circumstances. form or college. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/16­to­19­bursary­ fund­guide­2021­to­2022­academic­year For more information please visit www.gov.uk/guidance/16­to­19­education­ This group includes: financial­support­for­students > People in care > Care leavers Benefits > People claiming income support > Disabled young people who receive Employment The general rule on benefits is that if you are under Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance 18 you cannot make a claim for any benefits. Your parents/carers will still get any child benefit or Discretionary bursary other benefits they already receive as long as you You could get a discretionary bursary if you need are under 19 and in full time education. If you are financial help but don’t qualify for a vulnerable not engaged, and not meeting the Raising the student bursary. Your education or training provider Participation Age (RPA) requirements, some benefits decides how much you get and what it’s used for. may cease. Successful applicants of this bursary receive funds If however you are living away from your parents, for course related expenditure if the household out of necessity, or have family to support, you may annual income is £28000 or below. be able to make a claim.

Students must meet the residency criteria in For more information contact your local JobCentre ESFA funding regulations for post­16 provision. Plus 0345 606 0234.

60 Further information Financial

Care to learn Other support support You can claim Care to Learn if you are under 20, Young Carers caring for your own child and doing a school and Imago provide support to young carers college course or training programme that receives https://www.imago.community/Children­and­ public funding (fathers are eligible if they are the Young­People/Southwark­Young­Carers main carers). An application can be made as soon as you have a confirmed offer of a course. Anxiety support For more information please go to Anxiety support young people can directly access www.gov.uk/care­to­learn The Nest – which is the Southwark commissioned emotional wellbeing hub https://www.thenestsouthwark.org.uk/ Dance and Drama Awards (DADA) These are available at a number of accredited dance Additional funding and drama schools. The professional courses cover If you are facing difficulties some learning providers acting, dance, musical theatre and production skills. do have additional funding to help pay for books, You must be 16 or over and show talent and a equipment or field trips. likelihood to succeed in the industry. Travel A Dance and Drama Award can help you pay for Children aged 16­17 can get free and discounted your tuition fees and towards living costs. The travel on all our transport services with a Zip Oyster amount you get depends on your household income photocard. and where you live and study. For more information on these awards check: A parent or guardian must apply for a 16+ Zip www.gov.uk/dance­drama­awards Oyster photocard if their child is under 18. If you're 18, you must apply for your 16+ Zip Oyster photocard and create your own photocard web account.

When you apply, you agree that you or the Zip Oyster photocard holder will comply with our Young Person's Behaviour Code. If you or the photocard holder doesn't, we can withdraw the photocard.

61 education



Agency and (DfE) age Guidance

Council and

Funding diversity


London Schools



participation & for choice,




www.gov.uk/browse/education www.education.gov.uk 0370 000 2288 0343 222 1234 0800 112 3456 Textphone https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ed ucation­and­skills­funding­agency www.isc.co.uk 020 7766 7070 www.tfl.gov.uk Division Ministerial and Public Communications Gate, Store , Piccadilly M1 2WD Manchester, Street, ­ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/what parents­and­carers­need­to­know­about­early­years­ providers­schools­and­colleges­during­the­ coronavirus­covid­19­outbreak ­ https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/raising the­participation­age https://www.gov.uk/know­when­you­can­leave­school School leaving age Transport Information on transport Direct Public services all in one place Education Independent Promotes Raising Guidance ­Parental raising the age of participation RPA COVID­19 about need to know and carers What parents and colleges in the schools early years providers, autumn term Department National government information on education address) (correspondence / ­ ­

team /



Employment advice service Child people Leavers contacts

young information, Council Care





careers/employment­training­careers­ information­volunteering­and­business­support­ for­young­people / https://cypdirectory.southwark.gov.uk [email protected] 0800 013 0639 https://www.southwark.gov.uk/jobs­and www.southwark.gov.uk/libraries [email protected] 020 7525 2000

advice­and­support child­employment­regulations www.gov.uk/child­employment [email protected] 020 7525 3104 https://localoffer.southwark.gov.uk/information https://southwarkcareleavers.co.uk [email protected] 020 7525 7077 https://www.southwark.gov.uk/business/licences information

In England, a young person must be in education or 18. training until they’re Child Other Support Southwark Southwark Southwark Libraries nurseries, after school clubs For a full listing of and services Family Useful


Useful contacts 62 Further information

Map of school sixth forms in Southwark Map of school sixth forms in Southwark

Salt er Ro ad

3 119

1 10 4


14 2

Key Academies Church of England Catholic 8


Sixth forms 12 6 1 Ark Globe Academy 2 Ark Walworth Academy 5 3 Bacon’s College 4 Harris Academy Bermondsey 5 Harris Sixth Form – Rye Campus (boys school campus) 6 Harris Sixth Form – Homestall Campus (girls school campus) 7 Kingsdale Foundation School 8 Sacred Heart Catholic School 9 St Michael’s Catholic College 10 St Saviour’s & St Olave’s School 11 St Thomas the Apostle College 12 The Charter School 13 The City of London Academy 14 University Academy of Engineering South Bank

63 What the l ocal offer ca c n s uppor t you w ith:

Education, hea lth c Education Health and wellbeing Care and care plan

Training, drop ins

Growing up Transport Employment and eve nts

Information, advice Leisure Housing and supp or t Have your say www.localoffer.southwark.gov.uk

Southwark’ s Loca l Offe r provide s informatio n abo ut the service s and opportunitie s availabl e locall y to children , youn g peopl e and thei r families. Ple ase v isit us at www.localoffer.southwark.gov.uk or contac t Southwar k IAS if you prefe r to speak t to one of the team. 020 7 525 3104 localoffer@so localoffer@s outhwark.gov.uk www.localoffer.southwark.gov.uk @localofferswk


