. " 1

HARBINGER V*»1 22 NO. ,H V\illiam Raincy llarptr (miegc The riarbingcr March Id. 19X8

Total Legal service of twelve trophies Hon Harper Speech helping students team takes A»li» second 0? Chinliillil: in host Staff Wrilff conflm of inicnai, SImiimm »ilt Seven yesn »pa. ihc Nonhwesi, ri:fcr Ott mukm » ihe NohIi^ikiii Bm .Aisix"t*»n:m <<( ii|i • leg«l B.ar Awxiaiion in Mi„ 'PUMpet:! «ervK,:cj pms'am at which H'lll provide the tourney Harper tiudeni col|i€|te with Atiorney Tom wi* a referral. »» 1 *rn Shumiwt » ctttimel. It u tuil Shannon re c«'>m mentis, ihal I'MUtm rmtcrh-d (ir--i m the in,iivi,lij:il 1 .(ti..t ml hlrr itmnmgttmmgMfay,, studenb consuJl wiOt » Uv.-. '•ll.-t'. r "The pjiq»;.«- of ilie •licnevei iliey I'Cd Marpci prufnim m me iiuurc » • ...III. I-' :'' tuvc an aiuviKy tvuluMe in Ihfir richu tie in a partnu;..; ctv,.' II, .nil. uid. a .W'cciod .,1 111 *.(uclcms m • ttguim hmn lo 'Huaiiiin, cvp,;, lalf', hrtirre |>(ai. in olflrr Ik* 9ih wintMl > mlniT on my Vfpt at mmutt ^igning liomnirnit iriv, living a tnvolv.n,; tr,:jl vignifican; , ;-,.,'uc». | mi » nwncy In j'tldition to l.ane, wtir. all..* Ulr ' l«.-f siudeiusio um ,,.[,,,.;„;, Id ,(((:, such it". '.riling a M,ir.;JIi

hnwlle llie problem himself," able i,. I, . Shannon aiitl prtAtem du "IT* phonc' IKifriin' euTTedlly run i«'f tAi:. ,., ..., .„ .. ,„,, J ivhcre « :iney week on ThitrMiiy during tte iiMleM hii a diii|Niie Fall • '-'tus. ami Spring serniMrfs tfith ji kKiil inen-hani atnnH ihr .!iiiiparu> half 111 Aitpowimcnli taiiiig ;(» minuic% 4.ualiiy of nierchandne ihan one t'c;ir of Mt I'lom I to 4:40 p in jrij pmhascd.- Oihcr studcnii mav continue om Tbiiirsitr. vcck legal advice in mm dun (urn !-!5 to 7 p.m. ofie sexfton Tl«« imniani » fundfti iri,ri.ijt:ri ShaniH'in'-: .wnlMI. »cg*'iiy feci, A« turreni ini'liidc h." tc^iai dui'ui't..... iiiKlmtKlivity carts are; e%iHe .,. tm fct« leeaj iervnes, Slifl'aty tiicM III ttwn. siv, .,„,

r««i¥t legal aitvKe hy paying ih--' «ii*'iib what wr.

I 1 iomwl fee o( S5 (n-i i provhle

Sttdenu and Jial'f can niitk

»P(ioin(mfM m the iiu,: 'ii * lee'K actjvii> offii,,,., rte in /: > .'tMMW' iiWIJ' tacAcltcM B «lcd 10 fii n nwtsiionnaire u the in aiiptwimcni. "nic q»-HhnOT.mc '1.' rM"*u,a: viiK,tcTl(\ wilh IS ccmfideniiiil arni ask,* \iali\iital adtliuiinal tiittiniMiion atail (kw Minority Affairs Task Force to tnlorniwon *luch is und m legal righfe. Shannoit is offermi one melting lin; nMWmew irf' the; » credit cl.ui through romuiiicl pW(!)tiii'i. All legal' utttirins at.- r.Jiitaiion called raise enrollment kepi siflctly tonfidcmut twr. The class

live ' - atliimey and clrm . '"cait'd in I) (05 The im Thui'wiiiyj, range of imuet Shannon troin Mart* I Tilt, to ('• |ierceilU^!'i: 'nl (lun.i'riiv hetpi tiudrnti addrex i% vm, May 12ih. from 7 to H'10 p.m. «y Cilwla '..niili'iit'. many "iurt ill HariX't '*'a,s 1(1,1'*. '"niis Ptsi lufcietis of iiH|.itJry ha** THe »ui« will [irtivKle ttiidentv Wril.r IS hem,,' inclMiliXl' landlwciitenjiii maiien. *ith "legal (acl,j thai rverv si,imeiliiris well he working for wilt W..|h. '"' ' '"'" " "*•''• perwin i. have mOlk ikteiK A iccidcnw. child needs to liniiu .iK-ui ,,j„ only

Ctttlotly. itimgs |x-fsoiial li.i*':hi', .,,,; 'I t think II di¥Ofe*. d«Me»lic m i,, rehiion*. a* »cll a* lt«iyin| - ru'hn iratfic courr., .tn.-itv h V TU « I Ihc c.)mtTii.4sion's jetlinf a hou.w or inionio^i iJoplion und I'lhci lcf,.il rciii,>rl

> ' .1 [¥i:*lcm!« 'v!hI, "riimmuniiy tollegC)% Shan not) he I pi liieniii ;.,

MiMiiit) M\nu 1 *i>k f-.i'.m; i'ec.klcwol Siii. "1 .,, 'iwlcnMd wliii.'iheir rtghb an: in SlHwiim wiMlii mt «ii<(enis lo K interned thai ihc The task lot.' ... will NaiionwKl , di»>i d.icv •It ihcK situitions he 4«)»rc ituil legal' j»r¥fc:e» arc m:ilf not rcprcscni " '» <>( sugge.slHHis : . ... facing (fccrc.,.,'..' " iiniaiiii, itr revolving door' Cenain lyjn-^ of ..in,- the many services (irovided m from ihe ptosra.ro ii'i'ipk-meniai:. tnltmcni. Ihc rrh.m In order to [in-v.-ni ihc n.u:, "y HarpeT Colic ft Ift'U.Tll ' ' whtc'h involves a mm College "revoKmp door" the task force clMHic;. *t ihint i: loice will he looking ,, rmnission slated in ! iMertii tuch » a recent has rcuigiii/,cd the needs of m go«id' protram. ., ,,, miiMwiiy role nitidcls. fma..>,.„,; .-trnrt that. there is a slnrng inimirity reJauwly few, siudenls which int:lude dispute l«ci Harper te|al piogiaiin m betwcM id leholarstwpi, an oolreach awareness that atirihuiion rales a racully the .sBie or suppottu-c campus fiucteitt, a swieiw and a facutiy couniry.- Shj|iiM.>ii prctpiMi, incRjise cwwdinaiion of Mack and Mispantc ,sl,udents climate, said. an oricntaliim or goal nK-jiiter. or • itwkm and am Willi area high 'sehcKils remain high, and (our and ,lhai dcgrix setung period wiih a follow' up mlRtnoiraliir. In catei w*oi¥inK year colleges, support rocnoriiy ailainmeni and Uansrcr rales lo wilh a mentor, role models and slinleni cluhs and organiaiMMis (4-yearl insliiutions remain diKercni high school and hire more mmciriiv facnliy low." cnvironmeni. andittirf. Hespimdmg to the need of Ai of tht: fall of 10K7 the inereasmg mmority en,rollm,cm

Off Her Rocker Movie Review: The Happy ,11* "A Night In The Sports: With Our Mom Frantic" starring Travellers Guide i.ife Of Jimmy Kim Frye ,By Liz Brousseau Harrison Ford By Peder Sweeny Reardon" Reviewed Named MVP Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Page 12 , '

The Harbinger March 10. I«JSS -Features Page

Automatic Special Staff doors Awards .,\mc'ric.an Cmtntil on will. hoi>c> TiicimpMin, hring, pjirl 0'( the Ed«:ai.n»(ACEt. Juahlcil iUntcni" I he i-jrcalcr Si'tKC Fall .'.I I'lS? kliK attessihiUl) ii> tampus h.< • >>n huiMmj.;-! ihcy nt«d, Thoinjjion Howard. Draii of Student Bctiilf* the tloor HEATH h'. . .'.If! hi 1'Ktri.mski tX-velopmeni Joan Kindle; TX-an di'vtfl.ipmcni^ m ihi." li.-U) ii( Mm inaallulifHi, 'niiimfK,iiii -.iw Ilk" Kutum* fdltur o( Special Progran!s/SeIvllC^ fdU'Ljli'iifi 'il Iho h.'inJii'.iptwcl Dim., tor .iM<:-i >liv;iWcil Sluilrni ScrAitt-s hai t:!,, .K..11, VI K " !ie.in ol "•' To'T supiicMing opiioru and Siu.t. not i?iari> t'f'''*'»'nK t"'"l''li""''<. rt'souncv tttd ediung antl ... and I 01 ['hot;., map illhotiSh ht: il.n:* miiiimii ilw '. ' LXion'. h<»c'>klcit and O't'lier \< I'll t Trimee-i i.>r irn' iii-w (fwei icnc'*ins the kK,i.tntn* ' i:.l..m»€ h»h>criru'i ! ''il lK'r«imwl'i tek lilcfiiutn- llui di.'..iU *Hh a 'L)'.'e iiierM ii»«%,r

. -pon^iiiihlie^ reqtiired ol ihc ihi- material ..• iH'Kiiioi'i in an c»cii'.r' ;'.':: '. {»."» ltl..'ll ,,t l.iii: 1 to At: I '.^IU^.tl

^ 1,1 represented the I .inntnjlC'i the litial (Kod'Hi i. I'jiru .i;>.ir ' N.ijiiivsiniis .111.1 rttiemely pi' . ..!..; " :...i!.u>I'i'* ulc. r-. '

I '::i,.im j^prrs. iH'Hlks '.itlm. Directoi have mad

•,' : . .'. il lliiri coniribiiiion ,-_. , Plant i)isjl''4t''d M...I'. .u , i,.iJhiiI a. \c'.\K 111 the (Ktioii^ lo (hise is«i pre paring for Us M.imiiii..'f Dean iit Conliniiilij; Contiiaiuljlions *iors (XI t;in:i[)us liwu- a freal It! yfun nnn'l.mi Strti.. l^iiti.'.! itu .Ser'nefs William ..idmini.suau»s' deal ii! K- iksmill'. t»ul will also I'tulMi,: HI -. with th.; gfcallv help H;H"|:>4*f"s clwiMcil c.Mi^irtr, tnin,' continue^ fiiiik;nb' mancuvtT'"-- mainly the »a viktiau |wog(a(ii ' The *wri .11 itnt with ihc ami include* srK" P ^ Til.' • nitl only B'lalf .. South (k«><

' . but I* a W «l«>r, D-Hl.' •.! Uirfti' •• nc».K...ii'i-.MiMi...i '''- " "Iinocltl*" iimx\: .M,ilil>; . N-I-

mem hi- 1 u( III'. 6(»v:. 0-Bkl|t.- E.MI ikH'ir; and .\i(iiiinKltaIiiin • - , tl-BlJc ,\ . :. "

;.ivn .iirij .•V.Juli "I r.i'

|lan,.l.Lj|'ivvd illl \ '

• hili M.iiliiiir (in nils ol

\.IUIllt|s\ I.mil' ( Uic\

• lri-c\\iit;iils

• ( inn|Hitt ri,rt! i.\i n isc jlikes

• 1 ..ii(iiirt.tMiil.ii l.v.ilnjiiiiiis

• \ciohii . low Inip.iil. .iiu!

1 M'l'i Isr ^|.|s•,^^

• W.iui R'lhk ( l.iss("%

• \llll lllnli.ll .ll'ui l't'1'^'MMll.'ril

\iiitk-i'ii' l"i"'.:i.ii'.i-

• li'iiiih' I ' •f''-

• ^rttiliiiiiii'..:,

• r.itiiiit:'.: Mi'iK.


12 Monlli Student Special -SIS^)


1 \Xootlfidtl I.al

.Si haiinihurj; ll.(»()r.<

Niiclurnal rmhions ai the Pajamiiriinii, wtiere a fii.|i nine wm hsd by all I

The Hur»>inf.T March !(1. I9SS ^Editorial Page 3 To the federal "Off Her [overnmenn it's still Rooker " 1984" W/fh our mom

II, t.ti H'mifitwi

Mg Brmlm h M.t4 »>lclliii|( „«,. At Wm he n if „„. tm%tmy httmmt. cmmif I ridkai Mcav I At world p«w 4-. Ihis «%eei I tamt Hems an nrliclr frtm ( •Mrici' Prr^j nigM. S»r,.re U,l tVwr (thai, mv uU ukc m,arual ad, ,(, «» .riier Mik, OKtelfe thai p,„habl, ice rrom gently lap on her shoulder and «I,«W»', hiisbandl and I »cr«- di>*:u<.,mj; •»i>r hnn l.andcr»-a woniaii iv itertM mf. hut did anywav. *ho remind her that wo.^ waiting 10 what I should »ni»- m rti, i:li,orcctl. ihey II icriBi thai a Slanrord would lake use lh<- phone'' I iiivcrn,uii jiKicc IVom anyone. Pi.lTMim hack rr.«i. a IW4 trip Well I Pauenily waiting u, (.i.-araeiia, and mauled to »ilb Pric on ceryihing If H I do tould be anyone, bui iwftpir Ihal obal shr sa« upwt hir. A nr»* am I «..rv aDiwarrd Kxam; »r tollo» ihc ah.Hil P,.fr»nd Mpdicval capahle of .iiumu .kUicc wiih »hat %b, «». »hi.h i„ ,„,„ ^^^ ^,„ £; „„, hf>«<.c»tfc'« jtuide 10 hctict MKh»»l ll.m atr.wi ihc same (incsc ibat scimc thr munlf, in Viritinia. »hi. put living Dear PMient. p„aon in a IW(>'<. marital cihibii' hi« l,»i „f pcopt* «||» Why mit give it shot' ad to nppmr thr Rcacan adrnini«trali«if, rrlaljcnjhip My nee you would be '^»'*'» 10 ftfM consider *"""" •"" ""•» "'»«Jc it, «a, in,,, ,h, So Peie the option of r»i r.'" ?r""' (bought I. should mi ra« ordmrnlrr* Hhii micht hear using another phone nearby. »atcl»iiif. Si.ll .i,h m.' wnic an iid,icc column The If in«, rr-rrad lh dr«rih» diKumrni* waiting twenty minules. viHir relrawd tt\ columnHi, r lold PtK w, am) the I be iind everyone who m m late Jamiarj under Ihr rrfidim of know* us need IS nra ihat urgent, and Infwmalion lit rcmtndfd mf nl all m> ikills dial re.«Bl.in.. amoag VI,, uc .irc a wonderful cijupic Ihe other thmp. fltl -mi.«il,.rin|t" young woman should he jofr«ial 1 \\e thr nmr IVlcr *», eupHrniwin foe 1 iiH'd w he married to spjingi ,rf rtudents at lloeida State. a using her own perianal Wkh.l4 ^'.Mrini: hi '. gr.!v icari, mih the- honibic Stale. rrni,.»,e s,a,e. and Ih. man fn-im a homhic lelqihone. uni»,rMtie* .rf Oklahoma. 'ni.:l iuMiM*. .".LMrn iXliplclCly t inconspicuous heinK ualihed. .>ri.Jii:,, a fashion at h,wever. ».'i' 1 «rr» . .,, , ..iucf" (*f memhcni The prohtem is thai of the ( oniniitttv in Wlidarii, Milh my possible 10 be ccriaiii vou the IV.mte <,f » •''* '.[vak u» one amcutKr m arc fianee and I have to Sahadw ,( isre.si. a itronp opp,»,d ,„ pay ftw the not being ohMrvod is p„,«, i„ ( ,„,„, '('!'.» -1. :j- Imdctcinen AmeTli-a. cliche* emi o( the wedding on our own. When you feel l.xally of the and I canma affwd' Aiciifdini! to the diitumtnti. in to buy u new confideni on ihi, the fuur leari ( l\P^^ mile, you muse , crnihocM) member. gown J vmiil,! Ill,, ui u.,-;lr *ere folbmed, no •ronit.lo.nu mv remove your handy •** di«,.Mred Oh. !ij-. ijiu.f (i'i( lolding »*". keep our ',,i,i.fih(>.lk.ilcd np. l«A,mK. Eujv, thejre probahK cable scissors frtmi ,uM laiinft Urn n;),inl.,il your purse ri,-blii,iKhi|)|. 1(11 In me. the funnvM II line of all (..me from H,i.,v, «h,. (which no woman should he hr..d* i \\\< .. 1CJI1/....I ih.,i I .i.^ 1,111 A^ \ national ^...deiil group iailed j; d»ini war die *iIhoiili and \,mne \me.H.,\ t„un.l..i.on I'li'hl quickly cul the Jll,;'f )u- 1,'JI !», ,i,lr,,(l ,1 . ndcfwcar, I «*«» i»Hcd Poir ••na.,e-. I am lerrihiy idcphoric tmss I mw, hr ...„>, .,».. - line hn^uw I htiiiis l.,Hvi wfi ' al«..,. -'liji figured that Ihe r.^h, ,bfHitd I do' to Kritalnni irf .peeeb Thi.s gesture allows ihe rame .ith iMilMdc. and he ., no NtnnKt attached. Silh me. yctitng wcwian to know thai she liH*k riu :tii1vi., , Inveph M(« arlh. .* ali.e is not and »,ll and Ixint: in demonslraling socially [tcpLiMc lelephime cliqueiic. After retetljoi! '""•'down. Ibi-. *l..r, (.. „n, of m. writers, h. lokl a* laiing Ihe heavy m^ a ,uti related an«d..te: It 1! are «Hjnwii Mem, that 4 ,. .,f ,.„,.. j„„ h, ^s ihai one miphi „,,, iriinc :ini1 I «ieral ' hundred ..Iher .,c..»„,|. .ind wear ihc ". t.his ..rr,- drm..,„„.,t,„t ,.„ ,t,, ^iiu.iliiiri

campus of < )h(.> St.,|,- I'T ih.;' yli.IiT ,n ( o(»mt.iis v. r, 'l'"-> ". .1 I,, lIl, . ». rr jurM.d fur i.>ii niu\l he d.%i.ntrrl> ;'. .i.ndml Aftt-r dtU rmiii.rit: p. .! I" t.ncl Ii. i».,,i it„ , »,„,,l1 1 (...1.,, , Ibe lo.,,t ,, i,„ 1 ,(,,,, 10 ri'i'Hvri she „,.„,,,, m p. Ihvm .Mil,: Ui,l I V..U1I all be rrp..r 1. ,1 1., ,(„ (t-p;iir to Ih.. |-,-i 1 i;i ,.„ ,,„„^ v.cius Ir-srm, .• < • vr,.i «t,v rmtm prxmpll, .-ruiHrcl otK. .tpj.I.MUl- .'..uld It'.'. ^ .. ni..r.,l m lh.it vior, MTiu-Hhtrv. .rv iti,-re ,v .,1 any x..v..r, (.,11 , Morv M..irr«.il.. ullmi..lrt, Loiehl „, .,„), hI..i( »eatrtad> knew: lli.,i p..t.„n..ns ,n l.,„ I lie C...' \l1.„r .H.pr..,s „.•.,,,„„,,.., •,.-. „k.n>„l« 10.. ml.li..,,. ... ;"•'••" ''->'' ', • •'- ,. ',...., ., Kiiiuuili.r Ull„ \l Hul ih,» 1,111^ »..«.,vjnilal. as »fll ,1* ihou^and, likr it H.ir,- me ih,- „,„^,, vi h..I hM,s, „„•• ,„„ | ((.„, ,,,,,„„ < ,, »"iir |>.if,'nK. t-hildftn. iir couviin'* M.nli.- I sluiutd iMM M-nd th,^ Kiltmm t.. ihr I HI M i, ,m ll».-n Id i>n.,« („, s„,r,, tl,i| „how attrntti.n sl,.„il,l I „.„d ii |„ »Ioe. I.jrri, .ir ( ,irlv

I arri l>aiillin l-'tlil«ir-in-("bi«f HeorttFir Corner Hurhiiiiicr Wtih ;.> iioilk,all) ccrj It, f asvcssmcni. 1.111

. .'.,. 'S(i 4(1 .1 'i..ij.-ii.,i. MvCACcn jnil !ii .Scr'vicc, tnccirfs'iraicd

I'f jge and annualK alici .11 -UK :i,,s '' * • ' 'lull siiu iliaiK,'-

t hcalihy hi, jdici Ihal hria.i

'" .1 111 ui .I!'-., I t-, .],.i,-, I, il.tiH.iiM.. «,(»,» p.tn .mi ,t (he hc'iicr iric

'•l.n M.irch :?ft (rom ^< iN

IILL'AJl is HIK (JRfAT \Mf Ki< w I (>v\ i-AT pk;

III I i',>r^\ I'lg priiinolcs pigging (or SH^m each 01 "illKKK'! |i,i 'ui on priiducc. poultry, pasia hi.ih •I'd i.ihcr palale pleasing Ihe Health Service staK. I'lii. i.-in'-, to pallialc pcTil id \ 1(1-, ha, additional infdnnaiion .•ii..-f Tha thji-,notall.lolks' -•n iho pi.Kcdurc and |., avail.ihlc H',K t.il call iilauon, »i|| he • 1 atis»i-» youi ijucsiiiin-. .ilxuii J.-nc (11.I.H in ifv (alciena from

Mphj 1 I IKia.m and hrcavi self ui I im p m. liy i'lukv -n I'lj;, pal, Irom ihc l>iciciic n luu *iih 111 schedule lIlC Tcchnici.m jnc f ardiac Kehah rnanimcgraph, ut l.^lcllporllM. ['nn;rani. '^'^"" '''"Ctr =^Entertainment^ \I:irch l«. r«)S8

''Frantic'': The thriller that nearly was

Georgia n'Reefa iaB7-iqRR l'» I Jr,'i r,,i,llir. has u. iry i„ iraci, her dfmn film, The Art Institiiu- of Chicago Tlif ,Mily i.ih.r priihk-m I "'"i: "I""' !'lv.'.,i ,Ii,ii!i,v, h.n,l «tih itii- March5-Juitel9, iiiiii I jllinlct lo l9Hfi ''^'^k' ''lriuh,m,.rK- iMdii-r, "Franiii" niwls an '.I'' \V.ilk„,'i ti.i«, ,.„.,• i-dit.ir I'ol.in^k, siviiiMo tuw 1 ..Iff ;i(i tfi K. '" • :'"• l.ill. , Jlii'f . .,.:), i',,|,|„,i,, ,,

' 'i-"l".lt,,' '' ' «' ^.,-v,;ral vii.-n. I'' :'.i,>n ..I (In- Li\I.,',i ,„,; „.„j: ,-,Mnji:,h t.. iii.ikc ^ilLiiatU A«0(.i:,ii,c Dirfttor "". '1.1- iJUMil itki .iijtlicna" .it Muwum a*M\- <>i n. ^hkh !'llWtC;H r Mil,,;,,,!,,, 1 1 • ,ri rulI,,Tl.,n K ,H a ilt'.ii)ly sin m pfixluimi; ;, 1)11% I,, ahcfr It thfilU-T JiiJ I r-'fli-i) i«mi.i.h!-- SoM'ial p!oi tiolc% rt-alU '"' rh,- .• ""«. "Ill t>,„' ,,„ ,,^,,,, SiiliK ,s Julni dam|>,-n my I- rii'ilutit; 1>,"\- emhusiasm Mjfvh .5 thmiigli ih.!(i June jy, .,^.,,1, liT .[(' t-fanlif", Mmply IxTauso ''' '"•* ""' ' ' ^.'.muM. Hiid ((„ virci-n so

• on ibc ,y com;

' - ' » '!' ••ri'LLs of -'^f.,.! ' 't iiio% tiiulj 'I'H- '.\il,„' IX pel k n 111 ,,(('( It il ii,,,r(i in-»niriif ( prp«-:iii i,:ht Amcritm 1,1 ,, I Brian IV Palm a ir hiiti:! f.'MiTO m rccui iliis f.vr lui j[>p;iri,Til ,t( .ilt ;,

. H.>1K I].,,, ,., Ill in ['..Jl.T,! nitu'ii-''

P'allOl,: '''' I'kcf ih.,:Ti 11 If. 1,1 Ctl\'v, .

an, I ii 'I'i-'i Itic .luitc

'•iiiiS''^V •""""«* »mmm 'ntf, amiia. nem

•nuRTiifPiiiai/Dfs I #109

','::,:,":;::> ^ 177


«ISf (MHMVI«.,fi ,„ ;,s,j«,: ,0,, rw«STSPR,M8«Hll! •1 eit NMer-

• psI tocjtinnm Oaytnn,! h> •• fll*» Ojivton.* Uftp' Shoulmi} Distance Itom (ircrylhiDfi

• "! - I fi !« ,. • . - •wir i*r nth, .


; MtTIMAIUCM Ton nr Ike LM lu«ur» Coachfts South Piukthkni MJ..UI.1 mn't'i nt'aiaj hk IVlr«i wtMTI wt I l<>,M »• 1 fool Deck Carties Irern •*H CnitMia, Pug rin.im. »««i»,u,, -.. .• -! Oily mm- ; iWVI \ Call: Julie S2b-7?b2 l'nsii|(»\s I '^; or Evette 439-3152 '• ] '"• "»»»» ii"« . atuit, i„, fcf W,M,( r,j,J ^t„^r Jljlfim^f I^M, ruftl, 1,1) a .AM) S.S niwa* uniiMMci * Har|»cr College I

=Page Five

Tm *; -HS?,i;'AT DON'T FLAP '"'* ''^^' *''«* «Ar FAf/,. OFF'^ illt(,iTHI. a ul. sunnvm.,r.,...,...... ^-'W-crandbluee^eshadowsi.''"'^'''"''' en

I haie thai feding ^'"P mc ofr,o\'entvII"iK"V'^ '""'f"' ''*^^' '"> haReaoe ""'-'a "f Argentina .^^''^^ and.,„,i geriatric n»;. >. or som,- r.,h ™ ''*''^"' ^''fg out '"''^''^ k" , connectin.. ,1 ! P'«t' where haplc« a.r "'""'" travellers. T,ckct a^fn '" ""^ "ipplesTf •schooling *^*^""' '"^en't faciliti« ,h . trained in SS^ '•,.>- ^ped -o ^ » tough day. «'='« rat.o '-'we./,„;;;i deepest no, u,m^iul ^''"f I, w... ZZl Ss.:;^'::: ^rnj f -'me ""*™'ear .ky«„^, •' '''""-" reg.,„en a. "^ run then," ^JtJ3 .t^it ; f^-™ - l^ f ,! ^'.J hr^uTh ^'I"'rrel blood. """"' »" Graduaiion dJ ^ » "'"ct diet of h> ihc hutnanoids '^ '•""''^* Cac-, ,har can catch when the h.ir , k", \x\ bJ^'^J^r V"'^'»^'^^^} ^upporte.™ K t•"" ^«*\ tands M,,,,:;'"^'- « ^' Chicken witi i;:!ngt;f, ldl,ke,ogn,o\'ewYork-Is^dd

*''•' :i-..r„urdu. ^ ^'"^ '"^•"^d. humoring ""*'"« "'^- me. pr OHar^B^t ^^^ m«m|»ny, T«P«^"ed',r^^"' IS *-i fMela.ss off rhe road and spLt!^^ •"?'"'"*= t) "are or coach?" .^'^OMhge,the,ea.thesa,r«.,me>" vtCcuJar hol«„« ,hich ,s '"' *^'"*^""> '"•" "'^" (, fhrc IrS' ««^ writing as an^^rv k -f amused. t:^^;";^,!!^!^;''?^ TT,ere is no l"».ge or Jhc .,„owm|. conr.^ "' '^^th and have your rude treat ^^''"^ f^^""-""? r^;:«.f cmc r.ett'^r vou , I f -ahc.vy.olut.onofsCLX^^^^ ^.wytng prox.rn,,, '" "'•"'"""« ,o ,he -ooB custom wall u„h •'^'lould vou ^"^y°"ERs come nnsT'- maniL-f m ., . ook.p. ;;Kiaysd.ue.b„yh,;;::;J.S^';;;;-;;yh^ su.n.hl»,g a« Ifie "1.0 -'*";" "^"''^'""^ sc-eun.v ^.a,e '' cars ^"'v, ' amfvLrdii^U or' where the S; » *^*<*^'"S "" ' arrived" M«t were '"'' '"> '"^''a' ^'^'"P"'-''' a. the.r '' "'"^"""" 't s were wa»,n. heeh. «: '" '^^ .".,.,r,ar„ n .;! sSSS i ''•'"'"' l^'''Plc uho ^"nng this have ,nv h, pnves; I, fr'^'''«r'"™»vc along '""" ^*^"-' «-'™. enonss.ooeKeephnnv ,,'[;"*= ''"f^"'^ "" pianes he Id Ha,L:'h" K ;a „ ,,,^ are b,,mb eha,. ;d there ern.nvn,, . .n he^Si^'^'^S^j'!^ ,^'> «'«'«« tear ^ an '"' "'^ '" "- " S'tkly -h Ic a p.^a'^,'TT' warm M,„k '' P'"'"" ^'" small woo,an of an idhnH hu' »- -vc" the h.dden ,„;;",:,';;;:""'« «" '"> '^Hh-Js I tnicred >^""'n.L> the narimo ", -Ahdul' AhduP ?"*''' ^''^''"? a lunch gjm^ners '"-^''•msr,,'' *'"' ^"uy1 (orgo, of dayhgS *"'^""> ''' your f^d^S S;;"t;::':'"' "- '^- daonat.ng '"' •^^" "'"''' "«*. circularmg ' ^^^'^ "-sKk- ,hro2h I nuorescair "''""'^" digcMive tract Sri J "^ ^""cretc ,nd %J--higlr.y:,S — «i and 'LZ. ;fX;;;':^j;--'^ •« heasi ' '"^ ^^ '"'<• Ot-eper into the Mh of

' parked and bid ndn-u m^, .

'^""t " yiu manace to .vf ,.^ ' •'ml ptumnmcd hdf«..rd "''''*'' "'"^ ^n elevator U"hen l T •*ynrHh '^'''*'* of subterranean ""' ' *""""*' c^ Ik "'•"Hf i , - 'he wau wnh ^' ^'^'^^-t a f.^^; f^^^ pi:.,,. :;; •' p- chott,r„ng J;; ""f 'i;"X.::s:rt"'^ "i a candy bar ,';'"> "-"^'^ *=^'"'^ '" r'^ S^r^ ^:br"r^ w.th.h^^Lri ^'"^ '"'*' '^^y Bronc. «'- "> the Dot^^tuE ' nte :;f ::;;-- w.e«,et.rf.;:;rrt'srss:;:;;^ l;^: •< ;;-" "ur.s:;i,::;;;^^;^n""^^ .,,, he Icmmg ,^^, bucoltc ' he's , -P*^ not bo„ o.,^ ,^^*f the p.fo,"' '"^ and ';*'' '" « ^c Mumber 'f^ -^ a ho, dog ' '"'PP*-^'* '« •• and ^ense ^^ (a /, 1 „ generall , ^^^J^^^'ng n^ «^^hn. lo,v ,,,_„ ^^,„^ „ ,^^ these '^•"- '""*'-"' I th2S:"" 'T ""«rnaMs a un d you're '^""' 'Iv ,«ick "' '"^''^ on the n.-h, r.i 'hemsc-lves oncete? ^" '"> your *^"' P'""*^ and twTtlc ogKaEc is nr. k . \our n In, ,. '"^ ''•'"*^ '"^*ard ' ' and bfo.nn;^ 1^ " and AKfut ..n . '"- '- ^meU^"^J^'" -ore ^^ Z^'Z^ T'^^' -

^oc. ; - nap. ;:'^,n,e kefliirf "' t.., „.,,:•: x„. rkr\ /),,. r;:: j-;; ;,:; ;:;;;, '"<;«!//>' WW,..;

OB rt^ Ki,.; ift/u- >, ,. -S;:r:.r^~ :

ff 'he ', ^""7 ""'*'" •"'^'- "••"J edge of ^ ^^"e F^ ' «'«>ptd -if, d, r- C ov,.,.- r, _ ihai ••»;„.,. "<^^l«srf, ,hc «'*;'• fall unid 'iii'v ofaddf w! \ he rru/re^h' rue (i,r my JT

««>•'•-... ' "'minded iu.h:.::^,:;^.;:;;::,,:;v•'*-*'""M thai the tTiteitru-* nan, jj;,;in% ''«"'" t '"*'J,"''*' K-'tlie iJoves ^.>.».ddown iheu, :^^; ::':•;"*'":'''" '"'"""^ - '" 'ate with (he and """^' '^%^^ •"vuJ.ou. rhurik. Boom' " ""Pfc'sant u,,v. rnivercant ,n her

''''•ink, Ho,vm' ll'i-ft c.il Jesus a'ways •^•'•ij: Cat ha^ngin' "round Jesus ' ai '*""' ., .H lesus *"» '•*-"ii; roimi uidh 'n"'Wir.g down ''o'Hi; •""' hf-'ke h.s .r..u„ T-hc Catholic Show f"'v»^ showing "»' 't'orns hcadluHng hoi stuff. and curds and whcv on Sundays '^^ ' ••^«ltefi«. on the c«khorre^

Jerry Schwartz 1

The Harbinger March 10. I9KS Upcoming l'at:( 6 Women's Program Tfie datm" Offering Courses Utiles f'Hf Harper Cnltfue lt..i \ 1

H'nm/'ir'i f'rugram ntll lif rtij) Ami: • Ik- Iltc Came" *i!t eni ^rvt^rul t'^ur^r. wi* tk; Mjitli "W, l«H nm lyfjrrtn^ 'lull (!"' a S;

fc rrt^j%ur i^alf thf Ir.- and t •t;;„.iiii neck ;i phnio of an c*fiTl. or it |iiiriii-ul,.ir \uc im tampn Continuing l:ilurantin (tffic- tit IV. 1 turn. fxi. H» « 1-1 ID

•\Vh.,-ri . I "lut ihi; .I'lln, t''l,ttil .Hill put H iil.lmt: men m ;•>.< Hi tri\

':>UM tv ri,',, tliuii April i' iijrrviii

I , 'A.!! I',,' . i-vi.:ii1 .1 , .iM" Iht'ir

•TtlC 1 i , h."j+tn I'll will IHH Iv .it'll 1.1 (i.itlu, H'Mk-

• h..' '.«Hiii.-i i i^ill (ic anni'i .\, km,rlM


M, III II tn

"TV |).ru. in


fri'€r\Ji »t Horptf Cell(^t

K''^''''" fc.NNCUMC(_ ft "'•Y'^ ^ MEWSPAPER DRl\iE irti ,111 -ijusiiMi

. Ill '*,()0 .1 111 I.

' '" iMiiliiiii); ;\, Hm>iii I

.' 4 ? .11 h. ii> W ^:,'- . !i+'uit-nt-, Jk»« fttUvHy Su*(ti-t4, +riiit, t.d.i'jM.'f wKitK (t,iM.Uti.

it.vus paper ani olumlou-^ Cai iriiut .;.ll htlp de.f^»(j Pt+-tys

« fii t« '1 ev p Ml »«*.

or Vi'e,d. pTtAit lUI'li ll i- PlaiV-i t Qagi

"r>-r- LOCRTIOn Lo^- »* 3 off RmdW (U Cn+rantx «l offiniL ' '- , dropped off- *2 RmRES any -Vim^,

. *ȣ, iuc


! • >• - ' = • • < 1 " I Fram ' "''cly Sc ' ' !to ni oppofl u n ly

indivn: ...I''' ',- ': 'istble . welc;on>e lo .Jpf ,

•"vice a^nd scciiriiy reiaiet) psoiittons ' >ji ;.! weekend shiiis available, Fiex^ibie lild let parkim) provided.

Requtremttfils • Mmimutn age 18 Legal US^ mmm No crtrrmai mcortf ProvK* phone numters lor mfmmas (past five yma/s)

• 'Thrm forms of 1 0.

ApfMications and Weiv«ws.concli,tded Salurday, Match n. 9'X a m to 4 30 p.m at:

The Caravt'ilt Motor tm 5400 N River Ro^ad Ro^s«mont, lltlnos

PiMse no calls to Wei '" f 0' 'i >.:itloo, or inl«fest m wonung tt'i- !!( .>',(> I Buckle For Spring Break '88 hOtUr Up 7

The Harbiiiser Mjircli U». I9HS Paat- '1 s= Entertainment The Strange and (sometimes) wonderful world of "IlluminatV^

iiiiiwil ihi- iIcmI .! "' I''''" I'U' 1 2rTi Pjullin H>ii !;> th'" *l>'"" '' • llhimin.ni

.IS 1 in.'ll

i hill v>ilh

>k i.![ini.ikly K'l:>>III- I iiUi..-r.iii 1 1.- sin W.1S A ntslt'r. IS IkihJL'iI n^ ilh : 1 .ii'.h ., TV >.i[!ii', I (nil ill.' .

' iltuminjli" n itiv buirivhr

i"Vi 1 ;'i" .mil t .irrv I ::ir--.i'

.illuT UmtciKC

JL^vizwe^d ' "iL^atdon" .1 luiMcil

^u jj:^:i n .1 • .'1 lij S«»n CulluTt Kiiti,;ri it.iim-. iti.ii

KmrcrlaHlim'nt Wrilirr ..,,,,,.. 1,1 Ill/ I,..;,, k.^j.

siuiln' ;:


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in;iti- !hjt I'l

III rcslHrtlMT'iiUty *inij ^un' " nwiu.

\\, I-. ., "iitnRi)' Rcai'Atii l,u:i K. . fiiw ytmftg iiKtn's. Ml ii|iinii'iiv . . • .;tK.»iigh moik'v PARTY m,.-,', i'lini; nun with Campus Marketing ihil lit I'M) killow hw tfil I - nliniTi' m txjiind prifricnd lo Hawai i DAYTONA ciin ik-fiowti her wiiho* li--.ii iH YOUR BIST DEAL TO teiay t:jiu(!hl hy her ixm-tin

' The jwi; ^ TOUDIMVI ' '. '-1 ..omim!,-i>l-.it'. . U.,sky nmrnc'iv'" jnj i-ii. • '.t.!i>,Hi-".a»J lunlvt , him sell' u> 1 I'M «P «# %# il 1/ ,a Jilil nt,.:k.-r; wf mtvf $179.00 INClUDfS

Eia t i>a 31.1 utt


.\ND7(I1 S

1 1 tame I • iosinne • WnilitO't Oiii» 0.i:.c.iH3 • Rcic top , V , ,

Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds

I he Harbinger March 10. 198H Page 8

*'on'ieiV\ cloihi"!' ^»''>^ l«J77 0I,.r)SCi:TLASS Call H43.-H3H9. Joe Pan si ( /,nu/icrf .-*<' Haiti fin per It nee pi Brough.im. 2 dr,, V-N. Nice jacJiet, Who was thai ? entellem oppon.. , .:j, :, Auto,. A/C. rs. PB, PW. female 1 saw you yapping U%tdtnt mm-eammcf i;i4»t cirecr advanccmem, Pleaw PI Tilt, <:-n,iise. RT>ef.. your jaws with on 3/7 in - («'':»*.» comuct Beih rCtfi^O. AM/FM plus many new 19H« NUDE COED between J and I building',' ,.i nl«!»ili(i« anon. iiems Runs great' .Asking CALIADAR Signed. You know who N .H ^SH44«nr (;lav5tfi«4s S1.W,S, 3,V>.12h3, iif:i,.pw,'\NTEii: call: featuring color photos of (ha! ha!)- dtp to itujht IltM!'»> are Fun, slow . paced work m nude College H.SO; 1.55 each cafe ill m.i(or Retailer 1977 OLDS RT'OFNCV women Mail $9 95 to Ljtnn M.

'• $4/b rl y p ! u . b.i sed i >n e x p Must sell, excellent Ctx-d CalcndjiT, POB 434H Good luck in your future Benefii*.. cmp divcounl, condition Fullv loaded DeKalb. IL 6f)115 1989 life EupioyBcnt health, pd. vacations Manv es'.r.is C.ill I'ju! (a Models Wanted. r',irn Civru.icl Tnsh i§ KCMS.hlO.*-, WL.i24(MitM, 2X01 or XK5 >3IK). l.inda II. How are you Hi'ln Wantsil ew. «VN. 194.2, lEMALE MODELS doing in .INM"' Why haven't you W ANLED. EARN $3fX) LF(;a!. SERVICES Bl.: ' Nissan Pulsar stopped by the Harbinger to CASllFt)R<(Ul.EC;K Pose nude or topless for - tR!E CONSULTATION annually N.\ ..d - gd. cond. at least say hello"' You Billions availahle college calendar. Mail any for your kgsil needs: Our computcfi/ed service ali It.tther, Call Ed don't even say hi in the two photos to: COED halls. What's the Include DUI, personal locates source\ of financial weekdays after 2 p.m. and CALf-NDAR. POB 434M. problem? mfitrv. divorce, real estate aid matched i» siudent's make an offer: X'J,V-5063. Signed, "Some ex friends? DeKalb, !L Will 5 19KS Phtin'e 182-3800, Eves, individual iritereMs and calendars a\ail.tble bv mail .ijiil weekend ippH needs. Results |;iia.ranieed Airros To all Hawk Baiseball for $9,95. ,i^.i.l.,thlc. 1..1W Offices For free inforrnalion wrtir Can vol! buy Jeeps, Cars, learn members

Becker & Becker. M'K'l N .'\nicn t an .Ac .utcmi i "./ed in drue raids Do well this season. Meucham. ^rd, floor. Setvicev i)cp) ,A. fUM -rSl(N>,CKf' (!\illfor Harbinger Reporter. Schmmburj!. 1L M)l«'.\ 4312, Northhrook, II ,.;.iv, NI2..S" ,'4(11 \I\sri K( ARD Nik & Kubyn h(KKt6,*i...4,'U:, No.'nc refused Regardless How's It (\(T)ME SERVICES going? Are you ot .,rci:li< history .Also •till counting the days until ^:.,nk•(^l Discount EREE< ONM M VI ION Ihi.ines Ro;nl\l.ir 11, i !: \^L ii.ul credit. Do it VV Day? Nik. you 1 v<. r \ ;n40Annd nijnois $30 mo n t h 1 y B oo k k c e p i n g 1 ro n;S u n bu t 1 (ardi y Call I -6 19 5h5 shouldn't locjk so i_'lmy, :':4fl.Sch A.B. Child used, received .is a gift 4 ,'.. si Income Tan Returns: „ C154KIL24hrs, and Rnbyn when 1 see you , i'i C.ire, Illinois $60 vrv ' " Ed weekdays business or personal. Call you .lie somewhere cKe. I .III and make an fcir appt. Marv Alice Hess. DO ^(H NEED A giicss the problem is the ",il T.IX A\MX'i.ilcs ofter. »':'„? MI63, (T'ACir ^ :'».:( 14 3. IIOI SUM E PER? both of you look lost

1 c.iii 1. Itjii \our house, without the other (smile). L'J .> Wiike - Suite ->fl? lM7I-ord Mustang >:>w office or ap.irliiieiit, 1 But then 1 guess that's all a .'Vrhngtofi Beights, 11 LX Hatchback " I'arl-timc r.acs. excellent references, part of 1. O V E. mm Stereo (" '.f ' on yrs. of experience. Signed, ""Auntie."' wanam-. M \i\iFR mir. •' more information BCmiF.S NEEDED .5,9'*, In, ill ;'ii,i% ..iiiicrciu'c ittenlion all interested I nc 'fded please call Lu/ (ffi 255- (11 11.0 Miisci.i:s Ca„ll 537.7343 evenii>,|is bodies: lO 1,1' .ITKtll K'121 lii ;: ;i MAKi' MO\rv, 1 he nurliin(>er needs you! .hildren Aji,es ^ A. 1, tion ^i\;! l.S RED H(,>T barRains! Drng \^'c need, writers, editors ifu'ikcr. SUXt per w'k, plus / II all my good friends at

' I IKI' , ' ' ' \VuRKI\(.(il i , VillCx and dedicated riHittt & board Barnnctori llarpt^r College: people. The vol \ I I.IKI- Ol'R i-rl in LOADING W)5-f*7.6(XK) Fxt S.Hi,S,r iii|i publishing. Skills that . ' /ou can t.ikc with you when WAkI' llor'SINC uHi leave Harper. ROll INi; Ml Allows ,.MMICACagSOR.[ES \i(.i \ If oulaki IS A ramtt\ R«»rn in a 3 bd„rm. house. MARTIN STEEL STRING If interested contact Larry Laiindrv & kitchen GU'ITAR lOSlE or Pearl at ext 2461 or privilege V S''Oti,.'nithlv Eleven yrs, old. escellcni 'Lhe famous air-brush artist 24fi0. ALSOmOHI.Y .Skl[.l.i:„l:i 2.S5''^.«)50wk.<.r V)2- ci'Hidiiion. Call.: .Asking S.4()l), I would love to be alone Or just TFCIINICAL .lOBS. stop by. 4746. Call Mike m »'l:5-455^ with you and kiss those : \Cf 1,I„ENT PAY r<» Jtte Patsi's friend Itwcious lips <.>f yous but M, i XIUIJ,- HOURS. TOP ROO.MMATE I'm too shy to ask you oiii' Remember that female you <'()\U'\NIIiS wanted To share Hoflmiin Estates YARI who ihis is to meet'' Well CAl.l, CLASSICAL If you know' PAL' LA ft! guess what, she thinks lowinhome w7iwo males (iriTAR from let me know and well INDUSTRIAL TI-Ml'S Ten in in from Harper \s!>>n virincs. you're a hunk of a fella and Sixteen yrs, take it frr; SIM) Call Later, from "Slick'" meet you. f,'i')( If interested contact utilities. M«l-107*» after 5 M,- iss I Pearl at (RUISI SUM'S the Harbinger. ' p.m. N«»w '.!/F Summer Gihum SC */case $490, P.S. Don't wan loo long! * ' ;''pi>nuniiie% Fw.Sak Mirstiall 50 w.att corn'h.1 Frairil, L^celicnl pay $4.90. Korj; PMf^ 4(I.K (1.1..- *oild travel, H.,iu;m, flOMFS FOR SALE modular effects $M0, DOI) Bah.tm:i5. Caribbean, etc ("ixcernmeni Homes from. Mereo Hanger 'S20, Reb ' ''" ''M 1. NOW: ;()6-7lfi * ' Repair." Also Ihencx X bass guitar w,/ NEEd {-:<.)<;, CAsh For !-u .leni proper! case $250, Fender siilekick . . n...i4.0'SU ExY 30 waft bass amp SlCid. coLLcqE ?? HI \ N I " VNN\ . : Into Hiimrnorid Piper orf;.in nce>*- ', -i >:- i-Hcr, Call SI4» MILLION

'. i.„.: L'TOMOBiLLS •U I rjAf-JCiAl At!) WIN! UNCI AinCO

I AS I VI AR !"s^ I'OM M'A VlLJI'i > Li.HJl'Ml \I Wf (AN FIND rUf FUNDS VOIJ NEFD MR 2 Red. excellent Fanaionu' i idto i'.issettc J EDUCATIONAL SERVICES lull lion Asking $*>,,"»«). player. Pa,fi,a,si::mic 19" color M I', (•i:ix :• t / 1 r (t V .i in '>i'(5 mo.nii,o.r both for $42t>f» 'i."""'.L'i Ciilll.ji,rry.#:|il9.3-.1273, (,: I t(HGtii',-,. 11. too70 L3 1?) 705 05?7 N.'\\MI'.S wKiTi ros rstr iNfimnATioii I'LLS - Utcnixc! I .rear FOR SAI.,i: a,nd bii(ulc

ACROtt 14 F'l«p 36 VaiMM y~] 3t iwtgaf pi * tmmg tSoummticMn Ctutcit HI Ttimmo Ifttl'ttr 43 €iat#nM 45 Un.(J(tf(^.iffm«ms

" « Piflnw 4(4 f lf»{|mHMtt ffltow* so o» SI Ra^Hin IG 20 U«»imi 54 V*MV# 55 Gwman iiM £3 Sp* M Small chiM STTanf DOWM ;'« Ti.ffi((i m B Strips o« ctoth 9 Wwm 3£ Carii* ? Ca»Hu«'» Btant g l,„„ 13 FwrM nlandi

4 M«titlaran*if< 7 |i,«,,o«. a.g 1 f *fftJ#ril mwiwc** "mtrumitini

50 WCiA &1N 15

«.:ji:»t 1IWU iSI'HViCT

Newsmaker I %iiii I b\ CALDARA

Lf m siimm

\ Af It* mn ftre nufi mc tm' / f / ^ 1

yM i ? 1 YOU'RE INVITED! Come to an Open House at Roosevelt University s OPEN HOUSE: Downtown Campus or Albert A, Robin Campus ROOSEvar on Sunday, Marcti 27 and learn why Roosevelt may be the place to earn your college degree or I UNIVERSITY >i Uii'per acquire addittonal college credits Counselors wiil

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Campus, The Hai hinger March 10. 19K8 Page 10 College kidnappings SpriBinclil I-nrotlmcm in Defaulters nai'le univcrfiiKi lux incrtAwd continue iligliily (iuimf 1)1 bsi dccKk hil u rxpcctcd 10 dKline itwxigh ihe - (ITS I beware One ichool got a and Big Boy Restaurant next lo year 2MNI Mid. Roland W campus con hack last week, bul the Stanford University campus Burns compiioller. in a recent (CPSI Students who tend to dcfiult on their annihcr college s *a* sli>len. in Palo Alto. Ca. The rcstaurani Guarimired Student l-oans arcnt di$hon«ablc. The new vtciim: a 5"ii6' owners got a note reading. In hil IM moMllly lEpon on they're just [xxw. a General plywood ptctiine of die characuv "Mom. Dad: Doot worry about stale riical manen, Hiuni noicd Accounting Office (GAOi report issued Beaver from die ilww "Ixave It me, I jusi needed tome space of puMk bigticr education accmiMs recently claimed. To Beaver." my own for a while." The for about 10 percent ol The GAO - which audits federal spending programs The picture hail been part of a object was abruptly relumed a approffnatcd s|)ending from the IS trying to draw a "profile of a typical GSL defaulter, ^-dimensional billhoaid on the month later lUUn's Genctal Fundi. Hiflicr iigency official William Gainer told the House Univerjity of Washington's Perhaps the mo.st elaborate cducjHxm tpemiing in TikiI 1mmmee. and is finding so Seattle caniput. and a pan of a kidnapping hxik place at Notre wm St 772 Inllion. nearly doulilt. far ihitt diopouts, students who suppon themselves and campaign by iv siaiion KTZZ to Dame in 1982. when someone tlw Smi mtttum incm m riical students who are stuck in lower- paying jobs make up the advertise the show, which KT3EZ took a bus] of legendary football bulk of Ihe nation s defaulters no* airs every evening. coach Knuie Rockne and MeanwWIe. ftai« iMivcnity More than half - 56 percent of The station line* it was proceeded to send NiMre enrollment increased from the former students in Dame default did not graduate. Gainer said providing a tempting target for officials notes demanding - ltll.72«> in fiKal 1«« 10 ditevet, added the campui and w hired the apparently facetiously - various 193,68) M ratal mi He GAO s preliminar)' results agreed w iih Phi Gamma Delu fraternity lo kinds of ransoms for lU leium Alio, in BiuTb npan. he laid the testimony at a January loan default "summit' of student guard It. maikeiinf Director One ol the notes, eiplaining lllinoii* latirism budget of St) 5 aid officials from around Ihc country, organized by Rep. Cathy Keller laut the Imil was being well-tended nutlion in riical 1^117 was tlie Pat Williams (D- Monti The gwwdt appamly fatled during the ordeal, was l«i|lwii iravcl Mtd of UM' so Many campus aid directors asserted defaulters were not Keller warn.* tlic picture back aicompamcd by a gnuny ilMat. 'White IHiMit fpon moie deadbcats, photo of hut people wh«i were simply unable to afford to don't 1 care how they do n. ihe "Knule" "swimming" in the surf Ihwi any otHer siaie lo aiifact nepay their loans Phi will Gamma* he on a 2-week at a Fan Lauderdak:. FT., HMriW. ll nnltcd irvendi he«'h awing The GAOs emerging profile of the iypic.il defaulter Beaver hum The notes slopped Ihit fwes in dotlart spent by shortly "raises than (get) grams" ihat don i Bul a bet) Ihat had otMkm. have to be repaid. been suilen thereafter. The bust was rrtumcd Aincrican from the Nivy Council on Education ofrici;il Saumle«% said ROTC office at to its Indiana - Rcimiing on ilie tialni of home In its new budget propt>sal, released last the llnivcisiiy of Southern unannounced higher education m Itlinoit, week, the and without Calilonua's Reagan adminisiratton suggested raising Physical Educatton warning -- in l{ the amount of than a Building }an. money the govemincnt 2K was year alter its diaqificacance. Hi|hi:t Education pndKlKm thai gives out in griints. mysteoouiily rtlureed lasl week. ewoltmeni in {Ihwiif colleges In its prior 7 ppipsals. the administration had sought to The hell, worth an cslimaicd and univemiffis ilumU decline at reduce studems' reliance on gra.my .. which are much m»jre S I .(XX) ;u$t "ihowcid up (outside) Um *miah lite year Vm. expensive for ihc govemmcni m favor of loans. my hcHi.sc one night. Navy Maj 'T%e inlicipaied decline i» Wilhum Mcadiv sajid Mfitiuied to a pipubtxm decmnir Such IS il»c way such n ihc lS-24 year -old itgie Kraup. kidnappings u.sua.ny end. Biimiaid. Last spring a 7' sculpture ol Average liMlkm and tce« at Big Boy disapixarod fnim outside !nn-erm,,Wi;u)S7l*),

Total ipcnilmp .n"""" >>>.• t..,iT

puWit uriiVi ' JITi.Tiu!-,;,'

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Soiilhcm 1;,,,...,^ ,, ...htmiv |7,i| rccrivMl p«rrc.;nt. ihc BiunJ of Regents attoiinird for Ml \ perectii and thv Batui ,^l

Cmem<-ir\ fcccivaJ Ifi 1 p-anii IN %tll I.UINS S Hf Vt,M;i:.,S' riiii,IC.ciK-r.il Fun.! mtfif I'irsi

•- Income u* recetpu up S 1 2 - Sale* tai. wccipu up S>»t - P\Mk iiiiitiy u,« teterpts

' .,kT»l v.ni'ai;M'l«mn SM t:XM;NDt'n-Ki:S'

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-• ftibt* aiit .; "i fs

Gi«in»i'! .

.. tpciufme I'ltivi !', STARTS FRIIMY AT SELECT THEATRES. : 1

1 ho MaibinKir \Iiirih 10. I0S8 PiJSie 1

Peter Soby: What Really Happened

I friend lU Till i;riirtit««»W« Stuff Uritrr

..".illllC l.lWtl.

Inn: ./imp i.;»l;inii Miuily

, IK'VCt thsn

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or ., ilhtT .n I "..'ni COPIES

,1 IvlO" 'i^ ill' Hyin U"'. •''-'', >1' :-'_£ jA USScnweppr SptagucMjii 111 M«h«tlitM'OmMfi«il ]7n W MiWi'iMJi StKWt A'Plttcaliom hemf •«€•»>»'<) CN'Ctgo II S'06'2 tor A* fall Ol tali. :1II-9'4I-S0'« kinko's Great copies. Great people.

120 e*ST GOLF HOAO Mondty FfWay - 7»m-l0pm SCHAUMBUBG Saturday - Bam - 6pm Sunday - nam • 5pm 882-5532 T 'h!>h ^m M . t . N 10 I Ume .J

'|i Sports^ The Khirbinger Manh Id. I'WK Kim Frye Named Women's Baketball MVP

h\ Sdill Itiirdiin

•''"' til (Hill-. Ill ^ iiu. '' ' I .ini \i.<-^i\ 1 by Cii.H tl '.? 'u,. i.if. at Dul'agc

\ .1 imriv-'-ivc : Simons ' !linj(,

1 h.- tlMITI


ST I ! to BLK 1 fTr . IBlrefljfC* ro« ' 10? 3 55 # 17 81 254 SI 128 t !1 2(> aZ 264 .; \4 16 II 4 IS 2 b 12 10 4t> 2;" 121 ; 51 45 7 ; 560 ' Z6 240 . tCI 2 M 4 ' 54 t 2S 46 I fi:=: I!5 44.(2 17 « fluDS 7* iM 40t! 4? 56 "1 HL m ;,;51 i4ii*. li. 1 li 'OMWUTTMWW

I \ Baseball Team \ Sports Selected

tfli »«*«tall K«:»t«T tn S.iii(l* Sah'«l(ir» UIZ Ci:i*.k!y. OF Sliiff V\ritrr •Rut Jota But'/awa. If Ic*:(i ttoJle, P4: \Q \t A A IteiH Van rJwun, IB ariilr 1- III'' •tVmt* Krhfcr, IB-SS \nirnv;i-i Hrt:ifl TI.mCih" 7- MkIcv M --' 4. >:..iii*' .,.. li... lUrtH'i i.'.i.tL-r , -IF •hitiii ., urrrtuly .-ii.h Kttfi i-'i. pliiycJ '" i'l.iscr '11 ill ,„ u.;.-.. I..- ''« '">M.ii- sccoiKi 01v.ni[ii.. t.ourit..,-. 1 h .\hc;4 •Al Lcvmc. P UK American ,..nalI...A-J»gllcrci.Hd .n C.ilj!.. N-inic Ihc ,r",,iiL' ;:".,ifn'«ljW year '" >uin - ' "'I '<' itml fa.tiadi.i' ''''"' »'«ii incila!" ''' ,,, Ifjni »llt t.ii I" liHjr ••, i<-tl Hall Seoul.. t>pp4:>ticms ai ma,n>t .;ctC«*|ll "College of I. J* the [ijM,; i'.'.llv.lF 8. I.:k1iu- Robinson was OakU'n Cowmunii'. ».,<.,.„.,. SJ.nifflkf .P Nauonal l,).m- ' first black 10 play m ihc Trtlon CoHei* md Cotlcg* o( il„ 5. Three currenl NFL Al SnyA-r , JB-P League. Name lh<; lir^i black lo «in the •*i!h fjme* again*l Lewis '*" Baseball fret-'^gcni TtxldTesiD.CJF A n.glf« takers |»l»»i'«' ""'i' Mai(«« Ixagiic iiij Cluk Colltfc tm Michigan is noi one ol JdfToms.lF ycitfs of college ball M (Jftft. Which QB in ihe tot 3(1 . ., inG«l(rcj', II once h 25 TmyVab.P-lil Sun- Which of ihc following ih(j«"f 9. Only less lime has a goaltcndct been •ReiuiBini PhytT '.it'i spent J. Jim McMahoB years NHL's regular \hc NCAA? h. Jay Schrocikf selected a-s the Marino MVP. Which goalie was .1 . « c. Dan seawn h -ne d. JohnElway it? Biin Smith c XLii't. .-xqiitm; a Ken DryJcn Week: 4, Me*. EBgli* h Next of only Glenn Hall ^''^^ To««.pcBi„ 6. Babe Ruth is one t, to *«' "" Jacques Planie F«,d 001 who-* gomg 1*0 lelthanited piichcrs Ki *raw d. 3. nsum *e playet who ihc shiitouls in one season. TriilNaKis chose tHcatl nine PortliiiMj shjires Who IS ihe other Icfiy who leading scorer. at Ihc NBA "'"'* '"''' «:oop ihis ret.oc(l'' iiM'i % JU.V1UUJ1S Vl'L .he .nsule Michael Ionian in the 1«»H4 NBA Sports Fans! Ot (tptim u<«uno( ixsa (VSiU Attention the a RonGuidry J) P" drill. AIm.) name Ihc player pi" sports writer. If^ MicktylA*cli «i«iri in.> r «n tti'S •'"••"H spi>rts, become a for the h on ^ Bulls if..i't'-' '" •••hange •"" ft' 'll"< ^1'tt"^ <''l<' OlHcc. A30, c. Whitcy l-«(l u«S I the Harhingcr '••'<'. fharles intercMcJ Mop tn NBA Iv.' d. Villa Blue Ojltk) and .is.k I'or Scutt-

t HARBINGER \\ illiiim Riiinry Harfwr ('(illcjif Tlw Harbiniifr Manli 17. 198X \(n . n \ix »

Search Cominittee shut-out: Presidential finalists?

Read about it in the Herald

N imn

I i . .1 lilt

1.1, iiitA, 111 Tn-


. If .on I ill on W I the ii (1.1. t

1 hi.", u ,

Ititernship t«» en€oiir:iye student

purl ii-i pill ion .md lonliiniitv in student jjovtrnment

> i.> ".'I involved

.. hjIKC 10 .he sdid.

.. ll I1.1VC MIth •<• I Hi.' IWO


,1 .1 of

..! ,111

llarfU'rCitllfgr swimmer \tina rii:.>.imi>rn ;hc

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hfr.iliiru.' iiiH I! -111... ;.iikl privilege^:.

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>'* Cti. h..nii;e _(ifi,. »,,!, ''n i i.i-..nn>.." vinl rii.,>...i.nit>in-.

™.L*..i^.„_..^^' p.

U ./fi*".>i U'7i« ,lm.f >'(,(> /.V,V..S ("iHici-rl Who'll make the OJf Her Rmker I'cih r Sm'cchv dels in Studrnts \ ( 1 \ 'S Final \Mlh (fur M«>m Review Amfrivan Jttnittr A Sp rial liivitafidti I'our? Scott CfHi-i:,-'^ liardon makes Hv l.iz ltrou\'.i'iiu Hi (itinxt^ Mueller his picks

I'iifte 2 Paye 3 l*a|!e 4 I'ajie 5 Piijjc 10

- - - — - - - — - —— — . .

The Harhingcr Features March 17. r98« Who's Who Seventeen join prestigious directory

«WBIJII.<).:,-,,,n,:>,„.i,,^fc„. '' H.illiTi.iri ''*>"• •'>rri>ili \:MMcy. '' ., „ 'alaimc: wnd ''" Nnkolrtwa:,, w*srci..-.ivt»>..bfpcr. I'liing liCe of -one (|.^, ,, .ilr\ IHc sfM-niccri ''"* %,u h," '.' Mr \li,,.,,' J.tll! »«on»>rcJ llw ' 'nlvrs ai Har,>cr Niiure pi,. , "wibrmuca ami CoIIck.- ' hk):(!.fa:p(i.h .•nmia.1 awards tenefib, cif hantjuci, t.ti '" mtatatimi (or «„,i,' M,, h.irrvr sriM- Jf.jriric liles "jr. ' „'* ^' vin.lr.i (>,,,. „ ! the write-, H audi I,

(kMltll. ''"k, of Kolhr,,,: .1 IMMk ' ii'.iniinj,' VI.. n; -liihri "h- scletlion commiii,. "'" ''il ^ii.'iiin tii. "':"l- "-'-; ":v"-"™mrn<,I;j,„„,., "1 III". Vi'h(.|.s • '• • '. a Who- Itslmg o( M>„ J..Ann "•'1 Hatiscn'oi H.i.,-.,u,i,(ii.i,rUT«. '"ilcgts (Il who V'lltagf. H(,, vi ,";"' ''^ '"'"" '•', -il "Plover, Sdi. *' „„»lyr», l-',lrliir «"VM^ s,.«:c 'riieiion. ,^n to alto* atider,, *)rmani grass.. nd nmmt to ''" Once the snow Ownih '..>' w lliM prescnu u* drains mete, hciwecn animtli) do not .M»rlloe Mctiulrr with a„ tiihcf-. ihe ira* and ihc '""»in|t A ih.His:hi: p<;rhap, """.ourca-.^puri;::;;™;;: «.)y.n.oth.p,..«rve». HI SlIMttill there •">«.*,. eam;,.:"';U';L^!:5 '"""• nughi naturally. " »'<.'rf lor 'nuth - ifiilceit Stmc varn hi.m.Kis.' I«^';-c.f «,„,,„""" liwts like''•"• ' plants •""and ammiilsamrriiiK »»ier howev.., ... '""" a * "" which artart-l .'''-.i.nv siinlciii... „ h.]i. n,, ,.|,.^ WewiJtikI like 1.0*-

'-^ The,....,,,,...:.,,,, "'''' ^-""'^ '" ..-«...eVh .'t",„,^:.;::' ,.,; {S"u",r

Ami It ,v „,,| ,.„|j, Hj ^""''""'- 'h..i: haw


9mmf, \h

'Utt eif this rues.

|ifar to folks in BiichanJil^i-

he was. \ trying to icd to somebody etoe future depended "^on it." *»-to be continued

Tti» Force Oehin^ _ Chicoflo'iiWbrk Force iSSS^fl ;

Upcoming^ The Harbincer Marcli 17, tmu l';ii;e 6

arreni'.o a

ail me ra'hers pro* peft^.* mtmb €,(! , • , __

Op ea nouse

Author riit Wmhingiiin Sifuarn Lectures Squares to perform at The H.iTpcr <;i,illi,>!i-

i 'tiUural Am Cimimnirc ».itl. "'.•''tn Julc» f-.-iii.^'' >!.. Harper t

.jnisl, f>' • San rrantistij. strecnwiilcf .in The V. •••Um. l.

[HTdirmcd ji h.il h-a.i .1. . ,,,,, JU'C. >'ix:t..i.il guci 111 CflASI. Nt', iliml 'well -known ("J'l allirci) gmuf wfhT'sc si; oil",,: ]i'''i. ]it H *M a|)(M'itr m Building M •! have cnwigiHt l,r.>m »jn,,us V-w corajim-iHHi !-ul) 111 wry •il, «,:("K) p.m. York new wtnc S.m.Ki have *"• sii"'"i >', ) - l.;t;turo. Since iti'"-- ' ir-'ivwantc '' ' I' IIUlllX ,.ili:W vBion ' in tirccniii' •n July -' trill

.-r a:h»iui jui'i-liii' • I-. l''W1, S',,, ,'!i,mc Ihc im !...'»..,., ,,,.,,.1. , m.ii.l, i-.'H'i, Paul r;R-f, reljiikmships. w ihc hnilc iuniUiL"hcrii,,icai (liuin, I'lailed and Mary's R-icr YalUm. Ivjt 1)1' Ihc K.»c». hy Rnlting <; tunc a^ "ihr '""I ^"''" i;>"-.iHT(!. fcicr 'Ihe mutkor oi' m-ven tAiy\. IfiappifSt. •Fa tricks 'Daif h'lpjv Donovan, iM:tii

>.,jl„l.,IK'S ," (xil'ler baa aim , I'l'Kh cm . cnpjtil'Hiewiiil COMING sliige with the Siju.uc.. with novels. TV |tlap., .iM|: SOON the Collet^' Kiilimg In addition, ihc Si)u.(rcs H-recnplays nKiudiiit .1 WHS fcivc CMBII Sprtmg 1989 Student tUvetitpmeni Offerings Ihc distmciioo ot tv-ing the umy at Knowkdge »«1.J!biiik. Hi* first lolk group u> 'he (cMured on ,.a.rltM»«« are inieriialionally \t \ft» » ;. Folk - Testing '»- riK'ti^o ciiIjl: MTV, Thcv have i.imtws aiikl have btm coltetKil: It Wm 2. 1 1 a, in,. A 147 imolourlccn vnJumcs, I'B,!» Tesiinn music as a i'w .MTV'"\ \h:m ' Cnaiuiiwl puhlit TVt has itm-c '.iiiind thai is and leccntly appearcit on ihe <

1 Ik,' I I ' 'm '•II ('1 t'TtisfiiK', Tolk Bcwcsj rmvc! is li::» be felcased in in, I* Ci'iaiiujihTi ( hcik, muMi into (he •Vpril ami hw m-»i-M pliy, T p.ni, A.M'J t„;ili,Kl,k(llll, i„niH-ri ,"'vi;,iii„'iil ail'l Bruce Paskow. have louicd ifh LliBlXuics. »ill i)(>i'ti u) itie cininiry niimcroii'S "ape Ciwcer Change For (imci «'uifvi,> ami vivili^ soTIICIrun^ ai Vp Scmiiiir. ' ti','.K!limi-i|i uifkcn,s cif .ifijii-aring the JMinc icir 'Ihc listiiiife !(! AtJuli> S'Cimnar. 7--^ |i,m time." '.It!!'! ihc '\Ac\ ol Su/4nn,c Vrga. -nj.ijS'.i.; Ill aiJvanct frcim the Tk-keis an- « I'or Harper " : '-[.ill t'r'cnshi». and Billy siudcnis .Kid Sh B«,i» Otike ami .:ii'C ^2 li.» Harp:» .» lor the puhlic Scmin.li • rVir simtcMi »«h aciiniy t*ri'l: %} rtii,'i'iii-.ij'. nunc inl..nn.iihiii ^.,11 [he They've buill folhmint": >-. ii>f siMiiltnts: and M (jcnci.it IS' ilitrrntiiio*. C'anTf Intftrn


• FS'intly Planning • Pa,p Smears o^^i • VD testing & treatment • Pregnancy testing & referrals ""li • Pre-marital blood te'Sts

til R'Uth U'l'Ktf'i^itiiv si* tH Sefiweppe-Sptague Hall 1M3 W Hatfiioo Strew WE DO PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS FOB WORK, SCHOOL. SPORTS Applle,Mi(io,s tMing »;cf'ptM CKi«»(j'0, li (MM 'hrthaFalltil iMI 312'->4Z-50M For information tnti or appointment call: 3S9-7S7S SS3 M. Court. Suite 100, Palatin*


'MMicii rtc'ivnariiiqi 10 1 % • Page Five A SPECIAL INVITATION FOR PETERlxic) SWEENY[sic]

' engaged m.iiiil> III rv; :•- century,

,, MjiI tri m> : -'nesl into thfci: pjk"-. hill- h«;k* .atmosphere, then the I'liiv l.v: min.iriic .UilT, ITic fiM ptk; l^ alwjvv d-umu^ni sull. llr rtccriahle. and i!;cmT.i( PktsU'ffnu- plenifiolcnliary plenum 0! rleiiishcd |)lcnil:, -'.'I'lv. svci'ri.,1 empi> The third v»4ils unlil ! has grown so mouin-nnous thai JwrnaWy planarul'i itn airlift itscur tl 'ptises Itae nA it tfi()piit>g on Mtmcom- whti would tticri nrquin* But I dipttss misti-llany. a A fcw illyi tfo t miwcrcd the' ctninme to w.nfc into this «a of fvcii requesiea by ihc Slccriii!; I wondered whv m> presence tuid f«*ilc et'fnfl tof vttiich 1 w» ir*irJ.aJ with «tly stjtnilanl (««-- You t tw bt .1 had Committee Tfie first answers Hut came to iiiind *ere Uial ifie per\on who UIwrK ,, ,:rvjilv N- J WINNER'" iind '"You arc the LUCKY nominated mc was either esaciing s«:ime son of rcinbuiion on itic a>mmuicc. or

•! • • . , .:! ::, ;l'»c ilraviiiig) just tiBtx to WIN \( k f>u; It would hc comfcirlmj} <• ifiat I was or that he was hopelessly befuddled with dnnd Then occunred 10 mc

' revcivc .1 letter i,h.,ti ^..ml \vu jfc .1 I.OSliR Jtnd women LMJCIH at you'" all. conirovorsial columnist pertidps a ,(;<..><1 choice to be a delegate. I was, alter a (besides ihc i^nt's from ni\ nmihcri really contniverMa! columnisi. The Haw in this reasoning was that I am not a Elsewhere the pile 1 came icross a letter fiom Harper, I tore it open m though not for lack of trying, f-ot all rny etions, ilie tmly pci>ple t tiave ma^iH^. te> ttilinteicMBdly. expecting to find mfornialion on ufxtoming icmmar. k-lp mc tnendly lolks : to piss off were ihinccn 'Outraged Harix t I ntployces (the tiiy (car of slnpng raisins Monr likely, a explore m\ womanhottd or conquer Food Scrvicest-whosc combined "outrage" they tK-atly reduced to two inane front the lihrarj for somt- ovcnluc Nxik ipcthaps it ihey fined people for ifie stall ami noUct poorly crafted paragraptis (raising the tiuestion of literacy among ) itiun», like real lihraho do, they could buy a w-h- 'book every few yea:rsi trees an.l (•IC three 'llustcred lesbians, who trar insults m the wind amJ slander in the Expecting twillnng. I was pleased tsurpnscd. at least) to llnd a letter wtm verii their tiresome hostilities in the fomi ol proii \ autof»ograr*"es, ot letter was to mfomi Idnrsscd to me.'Pt«r|,i«:i Sweetly |,j«-l, 'Tbc puipcKc tir had been hestowcd upon mc I inlomted m> tx-iter half of Uic howr that loattcnil the Jefferson Meeting cm Uie CwMitution lue ihait I hjd been naninaicd "Do sou ihink lis a nnsLike'"' she asked Irtrtts sun- "No. I'm sure it s meani (or mc The Jefferson Meeting will bring together ahtwt 12(1 "XM your name twnc up in .1 all and viewpoints Northwest suburban *lulis of 'huckgnnuntis cli. , , her. nghi ihmkitnj ...imnmnitj "No., ,1 was specifically issues K-kitetl 10 comiiliiiticwil change m dtscuH leaders," 1 loi'l. lo mean She made a bathroom sound with her lips thai with plenary session Saturday, "nie linti tlung tii do It's a three day event a fongraiulaiions

" (ten. It to inc. was to ("iml out what the liell "plenary" nu-atit. and ' teemed "Oh nuts'" lesclaimcd, I "

I > '^''•\if it'tc ,•- !t' " ,• fl.frn^nar\i. If was to K- to 111, , - W'hfilwr It was PLEti-niry. or •,.i.ii, I ihiiil*

.•,) .liffcTMiti MeetHij?., I'll want to get a lot ol u>.e out ot that w. from

iiu ,f';.!,i.,itur\ that Cither rri>tuini. i,.i(nin *ji .u vi.-W,lhlc afut 1' ;'n,:Mr!t

.lUiiJ,. llw N revealed thai

.« •.,t,ii>ke i-'l i.tlC. wi" W'cre ail I'txse, I :i'iiii" lot ;,lii

. w, pICBiUITI , •%'flcr a bjtity dinner then, - plenum Fnim there, it « ,. -,•;. ,.-.-u'i',>r lull ptiwcr. whereby lendini: iih-II 10 U'.

,. ,:icnitudinous plenum If we were ihcn ..

.. 'ic „ olTspnog w'cre 10 suiter a corulmon ui whicl; OlT-spnng and Uwse 1 slop-uis .iiii; and niakii cli.iracter. d^, -ti e>iCrt sif'I'luttancous effects on more than oik then - ,1 1 i.t.lnl liand 111 m ' ..;•, • • • ptellipjlentiar) picmshed pleniiudmous plenum pl,'iiiir,t[n If. cd 'affspnng were to esisi duniig ihc hn.i epich ol the litl the tilrK),t>. fitil '\iid v»licii tlic iiu, Ceno/oic ({ra and it they were to cre,ale art in the k*avii;>: j t\iiiiici •''!'' ->>^ Quale Period of the tijs fx'i.'i. .'ir'^'etl, rii stand 1! ,1m late l'»th manner i crtain scl'woh of French impressionist painting of the :• ,im;\i,KMSl\S'" ,\HI)1 ISM I I SHI,A,NS.Ci INFANTIS DEMENTIA

' •- : i- imbecile siiiiu.s. ' 10 pegged as a sap. 1 tiiid Ikt, lust he^en upgraded t}f people who believe, despite I am comiKttIv amaied by the number you'*' Don'l you reali/e that thc-re's .. .<>ls deserve to flow "What do you want m. :. - she replied delensivelv. 'run to the into the next genention. hithrtKim every.' time fie needs changing''" in America thai the only It »cem,K to be the prevailing seniiment nut over ihe "God no' Actually, I was hoping ytni'd shake the dia|X-r paremhtxxJ are those impo«d by nature, the possession of thU' preccquisitcs for yams, they need scwctlung," mgredicnis aixl a conducive storage facility ptDfier "Oh." she spat. "Mister Tough Cuy "^'ou pn>h,ihly just hate tiabti>"' to The result is tltat any mantac or lackwii ixx-d txily find stimeone hold up «i "I don'l h,ite babies." I replied, tl.. - ccnainly nothini- 10 die OlHer end of the nrpaxJuctivc barjjain and i-'itu a baby' tiome aNiut Still, if intellect pas,ses a ge-f "'ghl turn out well can"! sell (Towers on die sireetcomcr in this country without a liceasc, You .She did not receive my slalenitm <*nu noLiMe conipdsurr or r\. . yei tope with a fnsky nature or a hankerm' to play hous su.iK .: dtng,iiid alwiSC,, *>f *bu:*e by ommissionof gtxx) sense. Hence, any wfiosupixms >.•;.. .. ,i> thai they're run l.aRoucbe or .icccpls supi.-m»arket laMoids as gt)spel is cninled tn law~by a .- ,iri indictment ol . -ii..-ni that allows cretins to pnxicau gaping hole m i,U* law ••to rc.ir chililrcii. ' ''1. • oi ..iincri.-ali- ihi>. • •uld not tv complete without mention This lack of rcstnciive Icjiislation results in a double (x-nl: f'irst arvt ,;cii jug 10 give Juniors wliiskers a piihlu ecaniple •• lorcmosl I* the datip-r w tlie cfiitd Ux'If In suppon ot this Ml cite tlw is that ii'r'iin,c, wtiere an iiit-mi is , , again, . .c .\lc'«is ,L'.-hm. for Cicxi fi'Hif vear old ,gttl 1 know Her parents named her a repulsive, as il itic iwo tcmccmcU. i,:> ob>vCnc it even nuesilonable NaiUr.1l. not Mke' r don't know what other atrocities that little girl is ' by the m were mutually esclusive 'nws pcrverxe line of reason has proven so successful we.ple who hung thai yoke on her. hut b*;mg Hie nam-,,- •>, lat two- in Its onslaught against giKxl laste that I'm surprised U> sec that stnp bar owners •'uiial TV iJornuessa 11 moK: of a burden than anyone could ix,isMbly carry doiit use It to skin the law^:

• • I -..tiie adulttrnxl. The other detiimcntal cf feci ol allowing dcfcslives to multiply and the one owm-rship an infant constitutes a LIVE { t)N( EPITON SHOWS!!! I shall (ticus upon-^^is their helicl thai the of 5.1 (H) I'lntr, j drink minimum waiver of the rales of pubhc decoimm B^ut fiisi, lei's dtspcl this ni>nsen,se about babies bc-mg unc^tjndittonally >"^"'v whii (Joes So there it is Ttus column reads like an Anti-Baby Crmade. but its mcwt adorable. It s«ms thai since babies are cute and defcnsc-less

- ii' anil .la.' Ilow you like to be nunured by a mommy wtio considcn not auiomatk:al,ly shift into Ct»-aiwl-f-awn moile in their pfv n-o na/:, tv would

• liis athalftime by - ir^ , oik would think (or likci ar>d ten tixit .Imps anyone desiring a child would apply 10 Ihc govcmmenl and take a little test to tnvarwhly resull in a njuishy fc>in,cK,i; rather ttian a satisfying ihuJ. ' •.- l>.ne the pnxedure revcrs4-d I 'ni- quesnon What will sou name the baby? (As an itrnwunt; %tJeni.>!e. r'.« -'I.>^t popular umgx nxtirjmi: t.i if Irs .:. ihihif The following an\»crs niav rx-ver again: Alexis. Blake. chiUrtn .arc "««:*•• cJ-frvr fliJ/'V", "i/n,e illtU>^ Ji-ruttng I .ihti. I k Mi«iri I nil. t han>, Cher. Chastity, God. . .,1...... f.-.;.. .f...... rrfw.f..).' (•..•n.*).'! ... ./';,/ rU, k'l w 1.1 f.n I'jrtJf Jj.'t'. K[ vvi.il. I">ominu.jue. !•, I I,;' h IXttcc. Hymen. I'udrndi. anything-Bob. fillers .••' It'.ril . !l,l,l ,1.1. /f'igm-*. /igg). and m.iny i:)alh ot RcsfKinsililc I ioi.tun,i; Passing Ihc I.' jUI then lake The untamed Parcnihocid; • ., , ''' -v pers. 'x;lching. a (ulure >n s inflicied ikhere his/lier

ii .1 a-slaunuii I 'I

i.jw ;;i>vis telal: vinet »tien. 'to my h,>nrc'r ! a woman I ll'KN.

Irom tiie bullet table' 'I had. you hiv'h.. \, liai'lult^i-i SV.UH.U VJ.«LiS,l, .ilircc 'feet ,

The HarhinccT ntertainment March 17 '•'XS

T Concert Ecfcoes Witii Rreatness

'"'"' ^ Ilk- •"111 J>1,, 'led

"ill '"' "I Miri" 'hi- mam cwni '• "" ilicir \. • . : """'* ""Mve'm'n"""! •'I'' iiiTt h.ii ""•"" '

'" """""' 'heir m,gh,j ' » Nuntmt-vu-rn ..uJcni "* iikc "Scvrn i^issini;' ,, , '^ trit., "iJi *i. '"' ffi f [I . J *i^ Then ' ''"" AS Strca, „, kI;' ' Performance '"K Blue ^''f«f imi>j

Not , (he , iugc

cess '•"meihing go,. *fy (lati)vc m ;, i liitlucm " ,,,, . lilt! The ,Mi< 'u||,.,.i, ,,, , '"''•^"'c Mid ihf ., tt)j ** I "HI, lit, 11(1 h.., llll, '" '"^ "1!'"'"'': II Js tine <„( «"«".'« „,j. ,'"•" Pi->iil* '^^"Tnjlon was iiiitTv 1.. .k anil vcrv r.. The »•" "'"l-ll, '

P>;ri<.>rni„,. ' JNXS " '•"•' •>' ItlC l,:,p of

''"- ,•",""" ,Kii(X''. o( a

; Item wt«„ ,1,. "^'/KUIIWIM "•>-p«Vhil, ki. I. „,u„d '' '"'"K •' *•*" !»il. -n.i .ui*„i '•* «« even «;„ J ; »K« *

'''*li» oil -'-"^11 J nil ,„ ftn: (1 [ f

"lilt " .tlni.iM ->Jirii' flu .... ,. ,„

' ** ( fliiii, h,-,

•» ilir^li fimiiTi, Aiwri ii,, it„'|' ) flimbtiif

""'MIMUMi. • """•' ''timtrdt,,,,^ " f I II a IIXi* ((on [

• nlJ . h. "L* ... , . •, flow

*• knain:) > r I 7 7

''"•iwiiw- # I ft 7

•«*» Motel-


" i2**a"<"»«Wii


„,'"* '"'vtniiHi Guardian Roommate Serv •"f.WtaiiinSiSr *

Our job ': IS roommaie. last, to

Guardian, w.-:-'re (ooKinQ. •""•nateiiFifint 9' our for f wry Bay you 9 16 ^'8438 '"'11 \MI I WD.SS cnw^p '

Page 3 Martn The Harbinger .Editorial Her PSAC Shut-out "Off fiooker oar mom "«•• W/th tmiinm* fr..* «-*'

5»ei <.«>l'« in.- n.»Mc venous as ihe ,„ which ",x „.„i ^iili-ivcni!,!:-"''^ .a.vie;:sh.nM"''.st-.;|-- ntemnw"""'*^"''" ..,,.,,,,1. u'hisdcp-cdhn.m. "cirK I*'! , ^,ii„j. lor iK.ns l-'-'H"^ conies „A;>rc which was li.l.lcnhtHX.'.iK-v.-iJ. ,»• r.ai.>ri,»1 numi ,,^. -ti, out ; -"" to "!. t,. >.p>>ii'-'^"''' Editor: .mnd txpns r ^> , the VV is " letter to word nir .1, vvhai hc,i«-l.c !«•* ^^^


' Reverse :in r*i woman o> 1 am » letlle fw Jwniica, discrimination? , H ,.«.MV.ltot«. «««'«• Wtei , „, „„ but I am ""'y wan for I cannot i.e ibc '^i' "" tliJ H'' 1*. he asked arnvt. ,,„ U.a. Peie ' ...... ,., u'lnlcT _„ .Ill 'But Dear. .„ iui.. aucslior., for *>llwc gel H« memo "'- 1 *hefe bl*,«* „,,,,. aw' »'* I, IV :««.-.-' We ar.«.llwa.ung

liif outuisitihalc. -anything, Sell someihi' «ld "'« the tlug, wc *» ;:'", II sir.. «w«"*^\, O"' =»' ": ,r *c *0B1 W<" ...tn..ii.. ttuv I . t(.,>I could rem one^ :, ,,;,,,,„ we lUlli it'l'sl IS mil* till- get *« *.is beginning lo

' IVto It*: ; ....- , ,,, _. he h.,ml.edl«*«'h» face that ''' ' ''>*' ^tJ"»' ,, *t>iic'- (aull 1 M««« ihc I US 'wealth* tulC Sc, il 1 gets • whf "^ ,i lutl ll'C ,\t WAYS jjuvh iviifi -mil ,^^ M\ ,t, ,. ,,11 m\ behaving I am ""' optn the" """'; «a.Miit»toart HUSKS o( 1 •«» ,,,„Mcm: 'm vn-;"**.'' Jo U 1 •i.ilti,«i.ills i^ioiUICK" he ... «rt* 3.* .1 stHH-lit came ,,.,,.,„ *.h ""'" Suddenly, rcal.ly March. SiHWcnly. ^^ iiulcmiugh U' *'«*''"" ttarfin,ghaclclomein*.>-'-o "'•''>' Asl.elc.iwans itunil- Ml'"' ,4,>K,lh.>ueht. ilie (liinm he from retc<\ "cckuc »• can ooK P'-^'^^^ „r,p 1« fe* fever, "hich ihjiv^^aMBorelhanli-""''' M.luHon lo on. wilMieHJ {^.'-''""' p.oiH'sed his ^^ po"! itus «« all tmc m» 1 rt-asom-d '"'^^^J h^««lle .lilcinnia . , ,, "<.<-' "^ that »».-•'';; (Mil decided ,..!">". .li"'H^';"l' , ^,:rid have U' 1 n.tiM - .,,,. 1 vfc.mlJ was w..naerlul .md uHc:"""""-""'^ Marpu.iU When il"'' him *Hh


"' 14 what I "I .!..•» ItclC. i»* .,.,,,.(. ,-,.ivticnc':' Mau; yoii a* ;,. .^11 •..-nicihiftg .wtMiid .'. daic. « hang !( !' so iir««t like being 1 gel ,,,5 Wi <"'' '"' »•"•'""' you Edlloi »|»til wti.«i eilfw are. or "-' ^'" ^_ ,„a... you M-:

IS. »i.,ii»ttii( you tt,^:iie up » *«; ,,„,,„v ,,t,l 1.1 ic,*V* !' you can g«-^ ,.,:. 1.1

I'lim But H,it..l.,-n, have ail 1 -" S' :,.'" ,, [.i ««•".• , will mtm ' ,,

I"- " *"'" You c»'« ">*"•' • I , 1 ItCrolWH: '••'«•''''**"' ume when <»l» '"^ an'Li e,Ml b.u.l «o* atwul, wtaiyo'^f'' !.>" III,,,* ., .^., H,1I.M ' t "' " of m RKttin B K'-.i '^''"' (tOCSB'l iii.i»ui'f m. *""'' JVC- been has been AHo. «.l il (!>•.« >' '" '' ,riu,.,llisi.' m.>re heVplul » w*" you WtJuW •*•''

ciwrohiwu.'' : *eiilHl.y pec ihc i.ni-.- Page 9 March 17. I'm rh€ Harbinger

parK,n9prov,ded '" and tree OPENING ii... Sd5es 1 'Ai\l ami GRAND It..: I'" ,..ui I". Requ'remems. .„„„„^„^et8 .L«oaHJS rostOOTt reco«* .. Mo cnminaf

2V2< .ThtmfotmsofiV' |

Marc. ' .m.rv.ewscondu.aedSa.u«lay. .pp.,ca,.ons ana a«. COPIES 9 30 am tO'*'30P'Ti 19, inn The Caravelte Motor 5400 N Riv«' "O*" Rosemort' illmots

Honzon cai. .n «r.« the mi;*' or .nieresl Crcat copies, creat ptom fc^^o* I266-6257 no*D Monday - f'^'Ljr„;,°''" Ieoemf lao EAST GOLF SCMkUMBUBG Sunday •• n*'" " 'P*" 882-5532 I ; "

Sports, [he HiirbinKiT \1ardi 17, ViHH Page

Wheaton Open Approaches

" ' -Is. ! )'-lil


t'tiink iimib l.-l *, 1 HI

-ilMt iij, a:'l i:'iiM'U! mn liar|>rr Coltrec \t,'n\ Jr.,. k A If Id Ci-jiii Tim I'l.im •hit: piM


,lj.-ih luimncr

Toil): LufaBM: 4!»-iinMt:r ita«l' dixut mle niiiy waul an«i An.lv 1 , Iwiimrr javelin >" [nc|>ar€s 10 [nil

Softball Practice Underway Marshall

cm mfmi¥rr^ wiff fir ifart' 'win ftpcn m >|iofi» ran lie to Skins?

and [Vrrv lo Tare Hrll Desi,tiie ite retcm coW ptil.

wi»:iliCT 1 fafprr'» siifituill . , ; , tam i» 1 \ K.nh 111 play. (Mitep.itt:: lU St. .11 li.iritiiu Walitr (olly rem I-JKB S[>tir1s l".:I(ti,ir llK wmntn have (h-ck "Hi,'.(h Stiflhall H..iHfr Mali Siilu > '-iif iicmg sinci! March Anpi. C have Kliaxtmsu-.i.i m \'i.ilici utc ticl<) an Kiium-staik.OF hail been otuwil. William I* e r r i

Jfiiiii- -•', ^ !.' :::ij tw. SSflB Tiieatiy .(HcniiKiR, I li.i'l rn,,-.,i iiwymI iHtloiM:* "I Ik ten:, W li.T,''-. \U Mat. Rill-' .1 Tuc Jay m|.ihl dcailliiK' ws'ck due 10 the bail playera, mi :: :e |'r-'l!l,-.,'.t «, [,C.t 1.:. : lull By imJay. the fd " i.k,.H.„il C"o:n:h Myi/i •, pri>hahl\ have ti I'l-ntik: H..'.,l-,Lri .,1, in. It,., I... , • , :•!,€ , '. ^ n"i Mi»'i^ .H'lij liCafTX h.-'A ill,) f :

HT,. tir : I IVk t-,.i.,. 1. M.ru.i^.., ..1,1... •>*. ?fM)r

' : ^ 1 . K I n II - ; r- 1 I . p.. Tk

in P r f *• i d « n 1 "! \l,.l-... : I Tbc L M. .nkfj: tkm"l Blib Avallini: ': "',: couihinau. : Mar-ihall m\

[hini< I r.:"iir*-jl !• I NCAA Basketball

i!.4 l,:,.in. Tournament Mil.,.:: T..::: Time i»«iriiM><- I (iiirdinaloil Ciiath \Iike Diika: V'incr "l'«il>in: "II vt Ioos.| ij Scirll nwdon "Hell k'fs «gri III.;- guy. By ih.- IS, ,1' thai baMtaJly whiii I dtit \t,.! I,., ,.,,, Sp'itrti Eil'iiwr w:i:,iy n Cliiinky a w.>wp or a I'll :.IJII * iih |(u- ' u t h e a * I meal

ll»(!i.»nal'i, M,(f«n, I Wilbf r Miiri.lia)l: ' 1 <>< ' '^i.«l tvi-n a NCAA '"•• c<(Krt t .'njl I .,„r goiri}; lf> \x making %. liit'kc miifh iiici'f** •- :' wiih ;, ,, hiR't.. ll,.i'i.l,,,Il,, rn '-..If'- ;>'iijiTi,ini./ii- ThftS'iiic '•>:' 1.1 It.,, K '!'-! ' :••' JVC I'ulai: ihe 'i (laitiv ' :a= auikv. (he Ftnal ^'

.ii mnuifi ' lh.111 Lrriiil-Kiynrl I.,,

.l>l It. I ^, I (.'III Si, r.itusic .Sui'.

'Wi, p:i.. k

|1>I1H\ h liT hiim' iiiK-h ,11

"If 1,0 niay,"

MtMahnn: f-tkh

'>«<' t,t> gait. y,:.mc wciglii. \.'al ,,\rKl<'rM.rr, M)!.! Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds 7 The Har bingiT March 11. mH I'-ia^-

Personals Htip UaiiUd For Salt"

rmrritrcd hdhrd. leather CLASSICAL Attention Harper itfuur 00 Non- matching Nvlon strings. Sixteen Are you pfupri nfanll(i< ulnjn agency's with our parents mirrored dre%ser, chest & >.ld Asking $160. Call Why not stop in at the

- i, Ij is-v 1 itd s Hon Si uticni 1 and children before you nite«.|and; S75 takes all MikeCi!' K 15-455-6590, Harper Placement OfficeTI I,(MX) hiM-'. > uii! Call X.,J3-K3W. We have over jobsf (up lo tiqhl .ivcept ;i puMtiMi T\'r data ...ilane^ SlMt.OO S^OOtWl tiibson SC w/case $490, listed in our computer Marshall 50 uatt c«imho base, and wc may he able to (utililturMl (in*. ueekly Never a fee. with one ofl Yearlv' employment only. £iliMiJiiiiiMi*Sl.3Mi" $490. Korg I'ME 40X match you up Employment NANNIES PLCS (licensed modular effects S'>0. IW3I> them. For morel 397-3(XX)J and bonded at:cns\) T'oll- lt>«5T0Y'(,)TA stereo Hanger S20, Reh infomwiion. call 7s; u)7« M,R2,. Red. excellrnt Uu-neJi X bass guitar w/ ext. 2720. or stop in at ih([ Free I scKi condition \-,k,!rit; S'^soO, case $250. Fender sidekick Placement Office. A 347. LEGAL, SKRVlCi:S S\l ES Call - iS5. 50 w,!:- "np $HK,). \-,.\ociate, Hamir., -.-r organ Mlention all interested FREl- CONSULTATION I nil iiiiii: S.if.> iyK2 0LUSFlRFN/A needs \s.>;k !,ic^i nflVr, Call bodien: for v»>ur legal tK-fJ\ 'Ml ,J0 hrs, ju-r *k needs H.atchback. .Air contf , rear L,aiTy((i V>,^-'^27,V The Harbinger > Incliul.- ni'l, .i.:r ,.-i.i! Excel ieni rnum for dcf.. iutom.. p>.' We need, writers, cdiiorl ad V a nc eirw n i , Contact ,' and dedicated people ThI '-"> 3MV 1386, Gwics p*r. b^ake.^, . I'iior..: ., Chuck # stereo. 69.1HJU nults Harl'inger has all of thi and werkend appt>», by .tomes - Woixtfiek! M,all I9H8NI OEi OED Asking S3, KMT Excellcni latest cquipmcin for dcsl ivtibble. I a\*' Offices nf ( Al ENDAR ."••lishing. Skills thif ct»nd , no rust. Becker & Ik-cktT, M.K1 N RETAIL featuring color pht>ic-. r-- < S' »»*'», "1 vi'ith \ou part„iii»e sales ,itr :s4I t.ike whel Mcacharn, .Vnl. flmu I nil or nude Illinois Collet',! )ou icive Harper, ..uimburg. 11- Wl^>5, asssociate for updated wom-en. Mail S9.95 lo 1977 OLDS CI,ITL, ASS if iniercMcd contact Ear iradiltonal men's and Cr just stop by. Can and will ' t O'pporiiinity (or

, Please •iiid cvcrytliiri;- , ,,:\ancemem. Belhtai 'Wl WhO ,,ii ,,''i!»ki,ng KNTERTAiNMENT .iccuraic 'work ort .m iHM contact " EEMAIF MOini S '263. 1 ntenainers needed for ne4 !':> vts I machine t WANFin \KNS»(Mt oCfiee f"R,EErONSl ET,\"ITC>N, -rttenainineni booking cxp.i Reason able niiev.. Pose iimK' monthly HiMAkccpinp, i«:»77 01 !,)S Rf-GFNCY i:ciu'\ and recording Call Jen #3«W-2;m:V college I. .11', Income la.s Returtis, Must sell, excellent vtiidio. Rock/Countrjl ,' i twip phtit,.'i'\ I business or personal. Call condition, Eully loaded. bands, clowns, magician^ INCOME SERVICKS CAl.lM),\l-t. I- •!. for appi, \Eirv Alice Hess, Many ,exiras. Call Paul frf dancers, tnodcls. escoril Sludcni Discount OeKalb. 11. 601 I y, ViSH CPA MUSCIT-S, for under $)fX,J.fKT' Call for MAKF= MO'NEY, BCII.l) IX) \()l NEED A CIERK \l facts todav. «)2-R37-,^,401 To Sanc]) S..'.' SKILLS IBM SI KEEPER ? Nlli'Rl ' fk-'Mi'iii conir.K,'l firm Fst 4:0, Hey now' Hows "WORKINO OCT" 1 ,,111 ,'li-an your house, LIKE lookinj; lor office clerical ready 2 B beaten at pool? OCR iiparinieni. l.ow YOULl. LIKE in s iHi could stay longei^ help, "Hrs, 1 u, 1'-).S4H()\- ,"00S Wish U lOBS: : -llent references; 7(*-Mi«i - than one week, but. oh M,-F Call iraiii-,- , p.m.. with , .KMf • -.!, '.I.,., y: -. of experience. LOADING well! scein u later! for appt, and ask for Tom ti' Be Call Scot I afiet ^diytri W .CONSTRCCnON I'-oi more in(ormatn'>n Of E.iurie. Signed. A strange friend SS,5- 2,571, <HV «f,.,R4" I'hanex RosidstiU- B,ro'.- -,t Hardly • ETC ROLLING MEADOWS -I"- -t AI.SCHIICIIL.Y SKiM.Fr) useil, - -: J gifi 'Day Rixim in 3 3 Kirm home 'Mappij St. Tainckis TFCtlNlCAl. lOBS. >'rs, ag"'> Cat! Fd \scekdj\'-- Laundrv A kit.' hen LXC1-1TJ:\T ?\\, atier 2 p.m. and make .tn pris'tic-.',' I lily. offer: 89,3'a:»3. FLKXincr: not, rs, top MJ. rOMIfAMI'^S 19S7 Ford Mustang CAl.l,, PA I I \ LX H.I t.ii back 1\[)! S TEMl'N ROOMMATE St TRIAL Sier: ' Nccd C4sh For 1.. Nhare Hoffman Ewiies wa!i 'I'f ;,i»i'ilii 'Vnc vv ']<**> H13,lrs. ,5.'»' colleqE ?? WTEIl i.-n liui'i i:',:>;ii Harper. Sm \IIONU Call , , , „ R.;l -ithly. plus 1/3 Si4> MU.ION

' ' 5I,«i»-107*» . I lINft Aini I) after 5 RE'I> HOT tari:«in»! Drug 'D Wl N

I A-,1 Yl • AM - . planes Your A- \U i IfJli I HI I IINDS YOU NFED

i- or .Nate '< ,,-\,it, ' 1 J M tIMXIAllCWNAL SBlVICtS S0:s ^'.V 1,1' I / ' *- CO BOX '" \' ! ( Kl IM Mill's HCr-"''" 'i.'(:i':„,f'i, €1 111 IGltlS. II. 600/0 C,.,, "iowi {7,\?) 70S,ftS?7 ..V <..!. ,,r\bo wwnt toH iBi 1 iMionfiAiian V^'h. ; '.I,: rTopeny MARTIN STfiiT. SIKINC:

' i i.iw.ui n' ' • ' "V, E, Kt pius viorld tr.n,:; l, Jil Glil'FAR Bahiinus. C.iriWx-iin, etc, 354 lor 1; :, Eleven vrs. old. excellent

• ',. ' CALL NOW: :(>6-7M- , ; ;?!() ST All /IP Ext. C2'»?i. Queen sz w jtcrhi-.i -, s 0775 \ _ floataltonless maitrevs. (»s«l. BE A NANNY! Dff-Beat Thi' HarhingcT Martli 17. 19HH I'ase 8

3 ..if* * "Tfic dame" c[t 0r ' U' Huics The Weekly ^J-U.Jj^| ".111./ ...n )»illiiui.»l I, jiiifHn Will he f>i.' Crnsswi rd VIhuo-. in j1 • Puzzle i I. tut tfic en in. hl.,mk


musi tv rc'invc..! nii later ttom Apn\ It. I«;i88, In '

. .iiawHtjt hfld,

tt H>iii{i>|ijwr< ,ii{|M««t

' • '' ' - •••'• .s' -"' farnit)! .meniten of the HMbtmpcr smlt !n>c he ah If til t\irii£i|Hiic,

•The wmtict will he mimmikccI « the HiiA.ifiect\ .

•Thr anmnTi icMhe ks-ajumi riM. - 1, untmnntfi

M timrmm i-aij ..Ml# 3»fH««jpi.^>«.i^..t

LOCflTIOn »1 nminiL. aODB£S9L PARTY with Campus Marketing •szzz: niDlHK )L »1 »5 YOUR BEST DEAL TO DAYTONA »B 'ThE qAIVIE' VOU ORIVt $99.00

Wt ORIVt $167.00


Coming March 28 iaaa?!S5ia ^MWIIIIIIIHiMiMMi'MwiiMiit^Jbi-'* m iii*«ii' ——-—•"^B ON CAMPUS RECRUITING SPEND A U/EEK - NOT A t:00 - 4:00 pm FORTUNE POI FURTHIR INFOBMATION Buildtng A Room 347 AND SIGN UP

W« are looking tor DAN \ I III! I! \ \\ \M> ;'(i! S(U in -Cash.ors -Stock«fs 358-8038 FLEXIBLE HOURS

FREE BENEFITS HARBINGER VOL. «-" William Riiine* 22 NO- HarjKr (Ollcgf 1 hf Hiirhini:* r March 24. I<>88

Presidential finalists meeting Harper community

Dr "ni*'*mp-

Three vie for Student Trustee Caiiclidales state their goaJs as election dav nears

''' *'•"''" /"' ' field Inmi 9 a.m. lir S p.m.

iti i' Hi llif Infurtiiiiliiiii lifhXli; l).

'II II.' /'. ' 'iii/uiiti' 1 ah: ill fill' Sttdia ^^H l>i'-.k: iiiut 7. Hi tin Hiix OJIice.

Off Her Hocker KH\ki liy Li:

Pujif 3 Paj-f 4 Page 5 Page 11 Page 2 i m i Editorial The Harhinucr March 24. 1"J8K Page 3

Letler to thf lUliior Reverse (liscriiiiinatMm dehate "Off HoPRooker" continue** ^^ W/r^ §ar mom P? "^ki

.1 *,,!! ...u!t;\M,':! vvoifial* aiiLmkIi lilt iMWlil''*lx;flii^ t.ih-

'. il of

1 \fiiiiin- !;• vjy iliai ihc tahy

.1 .1 brcaM tnvcrs niDU- ihan ihe

- irmp hikini In ihis day uhcrc ctiil,)u-n arc

• - .. i!',. r!,.' . >nl..i|,alji>n '^. on .'..IIH .!.. w h y

t ..I MlUJiMH'l I

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..n^ tli-r ill, 1.1 ,v

J. I

.;i Tin-

.'. ,t i-v

3feattfi Corner Harbinger ,, ,1,.... It,,- jihvsical hanJitaiw ,|i;|>i"niU'ricy- Wiili.imRj'iit'\ n,„iiivr("iifli-jir lire am a ,.,,,f,.. I. 'II '

( ,,_„:(..,,.».,,





tiii" £ ' »

»Page Five


MUuic ILiL'iiiJ;

K(fc; jisi a re Ell 1 at wiKird. DR/t;M,^TlS FT R SON,4 BUllfX n.'.L-'. !i;c knv .iriv Icsiilirsiimng':' ArlhUf Ailliur '• 1... » (iiriHrrtitii , Kin- 1 /litliiif ^ ^ ,,;.,/f«i/iH,e/vl *ti,.i.ltnl tuntirto't -\A.iil")vi ' ' . l>.h.^t'^ th.1l'''

Tli;i:l'v :::...-„ .Mr ''' Mtiiin .111 IT' it'iiT lie's goin;; to kili ymi AOhUL 1 uncc He can vummofl the Npiru ui live dr.igtw. -. ing'wiiha WaptitJ ^ir Mr (>le;:lM" ' M,'!' the qui'Mifi'l, K

' ;i ;„ i Im lawvfr ( .luiili. I, .trice)'' I love it when you use long AllllUI words.

-.'^' ' Mr.,,, .• ': Liincf "' -hut 1: 1.

''>! ''"'•' it m, VV;iici; i" "' licensed

I, ,i!ifurni.,i" ''..IV. i!i I ''If -.l.iti: o\ pr.K'UvC \iii ". Ill Mihui iSiitu-aS'.i

Nil .,.„•:..' . :-.Mri''

'' ' ' ' " ' .' ' "'.c ptilling ii'. .;rri linvf J jeep irno hjltlc. JVC to do V, \i ri.ui Oh. i'lHildi'i'i he re.ich the pedals'.' k tl'vji ihv '. Mordrcd T'.'j/jOTcr,* \;.pole>'iior 1 to l;ilk, alKHii

AiUiiit jffji'- eit!'ier. hutlhe.Hl

11 i. ^ V l^l|,|| ^ 10 LdiliA A WW*, tlii^ is stupid' Mow ;ini I supposed llUiUi, S!,. reiiifi'iibiT uh.d I can jtnd ean'l talk al'x>ut }lJi'L:A„! Arlhiir V ..!': I'^uek pe.'ple >\i'. "f the

-.lupid i V show

'' ^ ' • i. ! iX timologicaliy ttheiherornot

'' Iv.liLl.vj.! !>i,Al!!,!,L!,. vu.f.t litigants we ever h.id' Hill! I hi-M,' .lie tl'ie '^•''•' " 'A .Mi iill' '11 ' ' .>«(.»' ••ill nfanrif: , ; Pi |l^l V ..i/'ii/r(if«.v.,l

...'. -.c sir, but Well I jtist had .in epis*'Kie of eas. 'I, ihink, someone llrmiuifr Hmliit l.imilsPiiiKvi: VVh.ii's the problem. Joe.' "' 'oe. Itcanie tl'irouph llie pl.taiid't's ii;:. ^^aBtiii N'e.iit, mi: too WilMlil l'A'(-i'vtti:ii:;' 'I'l'iese people ean't slay in their lime

«.=-..•:=.. ;-ei'p, ' ^VilPIKf (PimiUH\h'r,lr,-di I think II -he plaee up, the Rusi\'' ViHie.ifi spf.ik' ' Cio sniff him K'ir.iN -;h,ia pIam--sorry,

II ?s I waving 1^ y ; [tir Mi-;e, guy keeps . eh'»p what'.' .S.i\' ,! He .ilniosi hurt Rusty' lor. WiipiHf rroduccr ^^ .ItJIHl Cici Mutl him! isn't real Sorry .lot -1 n\y hands. This a B n><^' episode delendam yuur mother'' Is ihf I'm not gonmi sniff ihe little pig- VNapner .^J,tf ritft.il WttPiiitr W'lKit di'i you meai it's not a real epi«xie'? Wha! 'th«. yourstlf uii.irdmg Gtt'Snitl him or you'll find the hell is a',' ..h;>i:1 r,:ir l. .v^-ln' I'ruduccr 'I'h.it s Ml ^ Km, 1,1, h s a shon humor piece in a college newspaper. ^^firdrtd '•'•',.' ." ,;'•.,.'.;> ' I . . ok..',. W'dl. ../V (There i\ a general ttiucry at ihu) Tell ii'if .d,^c -niit me it 'Yoii. Mardfi'd Aw". .. X ill. It magic crap. sir. he li.as .1 mind to. )' -' ( 'liM ere. 11' As d ihe whole thing probiiWy drunk, were Aiihtif we're v,,r .1 tTuMgh. now wc find out Til die first! titled the piece "A Ik uoti.ii i \Ki the author Hf dot's di ink .ilot. your honor. Niortlrtd C.imelot Honkv in Judge Wapner's Court" or Vtltiui il.'M'i t t'.ii'f !o haggle. 1 soiHcihmg lame like that. The whole piece i.s !''"'>' !i"l ;i.„ toM:ii' 1 'I'l.ivf .1 pre-^eH- my Arthur protxiWy just contrived to fit a cute iiut. 1 in lot'V ll">r,t'\\S Mvitril) getting out of here. v^iimHr Sniff my »tt:md die. you giet K-cg sawn off a Arthur (I IfAfllmr} K'aeh' Where are you going son? ctmiing . beloK orisuli an aitomcy Hapnti Mordred here Kxlay? Hclp'tne Rwsty! He'lp me! lie h.t^ a v^sord' .Shwt where Im not subject to the whim of Arthur .Somewhere htm. Rusty! Slu: ! >:i'':' ereaiJvcK barren college writer. spi»ke tt'> Merlin. I Ktifitv i^rthur Kmmt With vsliai',' far. (here ait only a ' I don't think you'll get very ]\ Mr Mci!m .>ii a.tii'>rnc> -11 »ai»ii:r few lines left. * Dtm't yi,'>i,i !'i.!\e .1 guld.im i,'"" Producer He\ ;i lUif.ird. ku;il\ Not even.

Viauna in it. This is only TV. , There's no bullets .A wizard ai law.' ' '

_Upcomin The Harbinger March 24. 1988 Page 6

Stetl Drum Early Registration to Coiiccrt Begin in April

judili'Tnim .! "I H'.

tfoinmhl fnmt, (

Economist Speaks

o II E c o n o 111 i € Fu t u r e

Stephen S». .. H'.tr ' the P4--1 many civu" !uOi.

itic 'r.^^l..'

" hammefcl - r' AIt'^""'

•} 111'" li,!, '11. a in ui in

"J 111 1 |..l. U' I''

ji>ih1.i .mil

, i HI ;"\:: 1. 14KH,OK inhlxjii


Miinday, March 28 7:30 p.m. Building J Theatre

»,-'. Ni -1- i. I*.

R. ' >* M EWSPRP^ Ti;:l..-i> lonh. i;;-

.'l'v;:iit.)hli.' It! .1 . itK-

DRIVE ' r.-'i'',','i'... ,:.,: .u'c S2,oi) 'Uiiciib wiiliiicuviiy -uiilcms.and S4.flf)

g'CiicW'l KlmiMion.

..' .: .'1 ,iH ihc



UVio The Harper CoU«4|e Cultural Arts tammitt«s presents


»tudcnt who rctognlie If jou are • ftraduatlns "The most talented social commentator mat oppc)rtuiiUi€» may be lost If you are required to perform Job searchri una»»i*tcd call us. in cartooning in our generation,"

lloodfleld Corp has a unique private and tor Pulil/cr- Prize winning cartoonist. pofate client iittcrchanae whereby wc match job playvvripht, screenwriter and novelist candidates to .Job opportunities.

If you have the credentials that our corporate client is tooking for we can work with you on a no on: profeaslonal fee basis, find out more about it. ..-..leaking Political Cartoonist Schaumburg. Illinola Life and the (512J 240-1SOO . ' ' : 7 S

Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds PaEf 7 The HarbinRcr ^'a!.£!L?.iilS=


tlowni. forniniitt u4 Asi lunlry lumls. St«Ml«»l non SI MMI K HH I" *' ri,, (li^n•^:,cr^, niwtcH. SiinriTii'i 1,111 SC 1,, .-11.. ,•1,1 ,,,,,1,. ,.i, •tir.,i|Ml wail »««»»«"• T III- K .hull SO --" pi. .(?«» liientil .\'' (>,-, ,,5 tn'.l in «„n-St«iiI»f»«. cto»sl(l««*» (•IJi *- ^likiick V> ''• t4.1>0; I. «•««'» B 5»2«). H'wtcr < 1 I FIAT If «lIllH.M»fM»l tifw. ,,( Ki.,ri «. V'"'-' cefld:.... iwgati tlf:' (•tec, 111 .1 MiUillil' I oN^i I I \ I MIS. mil A ili ...HnlkMI' i"iv» r,,i1l l,,jirr\ Employment NorihbrCKitt Sn-:- --7 .1 niiinilWy Bw>w c,.:i

Djirl VK. -IcJr KkhanI Miirx Fam! tor Bli rx-ilicritcly wanted. 2 iitkcL* <,tile Mart i,hi- upcoming KicharJ Mail c,(m:,crt, rietue vail; -l'»H-2775, OIUti-.,if4-.inwi|iany .Shi«wy S<» "<" .IK'! irii,''.Irn''ri< I'lvM"'. I .j(nl R>-, ..'i>, .Siisa" C jtjJlahlc. Dfupermrlf utkmn :,.,!, jpplj, ,^ .iii'ifll, EantlWI. art- >o« dtiing'? I bcl you ..( Bcekci. Hnt. Bfctei* ,1.^™,' T. ' ' ".(IIHilii. ,A*ms ' 1 ;. r, W'J*|,ru : E hau-ii'i gucs«d «h" I a™ V^'- »;4)(i N \tt-.ii:l».iiii,. W- floor. Mlft'^MT fJl LxUtf. S4.7W,) ..,( i.llcr. Ciil: t>:M*l,..F.*IOI»Kl.,S (Wtltge' .i*fc.,i>u Well for one thing I'm v.ninnet Sctamiibwi. U,„. «)W1. W:},^ I It t ! «(kf *p.m. eve WA?MTEI». EARN t-W ymn AKT __^ ihati you and 1 know (>r wplicw for txillcge Pose mule "**' ' •''**' ««mk YOIK imt IH¥S Ctos !> *^"<>" ^^ r '" ' Mtemlai, Mail «» i*«> «***» an ii»cvomr FBtlMS* llOtll WAl!TJ:X> know viiu ic HELP COED CALEND,\«. W1B you w; woman*!! Why haven i l'»HK 4»M. ftrHalh. 1I„. miy back? *•". »«« Holiday* answered y P;i(d. cslendars aviilaWe by mill for Hi* iMcnihe IIMIIMt! KtMml nmmm hwnSLCK Life taMMMCS ffiBiffiiUi PATKlCk KYAN fer C OOP • r»«CH T1 If II AKBtNCE K is kiokuig Representation for -.;|itillflHl* Etdtieni '' people wh» i,re eoergeiK. NFEI> * need |)<» vol Student Trustee Vote and yc skills awl *ho KKU'ER-? ...iih good wiiiimg HOrSl shall be he«id M,arch 2R & 29. tout *«» clean your htu*. filfitc or jroiit .uriu.) u. d*' • l.We. more. We I cm Ixm ma. eicellen! .HMifMien,!. s.«. «/r». m u L li, thai your hot for rit!t w,; all know

FtoiiW',' hou<- » K i,»f tt>eH. Siari now! See wk* im em lie. repuuiion lor .Signed. Ha- Ha SMiXIKQ TSMITORAWES .,,,.1 -•,t«triiity W tW« » iin-iiu to meet nc* »n.l ,,,.,„. i a |,re,iii way *.«, No Ti-L' »«» »«««*onlhc AlirMli"! What's ih. *a:me liiiiie,. il,fliin,RI,: t),i>rM- , it*'" , hijih ''••' All- vfu IwAing I'.'" < .iclMtrii; I'.S, Lighltti uft" *ri,i (n>l stOlJ m i" "' i' "l"'f »,• jinylll'imi *«l

' lfc'vHf»t'' HH47'" evctjiiiiin. (,!! I '.pul,.'r new ,,: mattitnf 1 1'u- h,i.-atmt^cr is the ,„,,rt en J, :,-, Jt*l" ,,!.>,.. Program Bffiirf. iicastntdbte riic» MjiI Nin»! pic*iilfni ot ihc »ii„li ','« "' ^'""^ malch you up wfiai's itif wfxIJ coming to'' 2111 ''*" '.,,; ,nfi>rri,.il.i,'ii ,-Jtl I .,, nt. t> s C..nj;r:i«tillations" LMO„jlLJ-i,X !!'

, t,K,«rus D.iy is coming. \. .It I 1..M, «,. ;i,S, jndnnik,eiir June mh!!'! \ mnmit alt imiertstrd kadki *''" •»' ' ''n' \"A ,u,i»,,„ KC, T\v: llarl'iini'i'' ' ,Mi*e F. »rii ' '""' I'lt ,fi,l Hv SCK" 101 IMOMtMKVK IS fi™ ;iN'>i,il siopj'inp

. ' , i >,.-i ' ' you StWkOT) i„)l:*i", tiall, iiion-' li,Wf>Aiin,nii'i iho« vStiiii you

HOMtS,H«S„A,L,E ^,,._„. „,, Hj,rpt,'r I .,,.v..-fTim.-n! K.imi's (TfWl l-,'",', _ .,',:ist :saiii Ki..i«>" l" %,igm-d, inicfcsicd £ontUi:i 1 ."'> Call If ,ii,;0. :4hlor!4«), FkrridaFl. IjnUlrnlate.' m. mi Pcarlaiirtt, P , • (tJclia'l. I >r |i,»tslO|)liy F,„ .undinpaw tit, '>• loi tolu. MkC ait <» Hi March ^I-Apr, 7.

\v II , MM, ,v miN \\n " f-rtd MuitUni t,.tt*;K*

van 1„> Ivan plus d,ttlcr.,-m,e c/ish fOR Uik,es at! 7 Ml cvcnmg.*. Nicd ?? |M:Mi-,Dl,-M k Htm HOT liacp'iM! Drug coLLcqc .ALIQaailUES tfcalers' curs. hiiB,. plane* ret**'*!- $149 MLUON SM,rpUis Your Area, Buyers All) WIN! UNClAimD . vNCIAI (jutde, (11 K,i5„*ftT-«K,lO l:\i. .S- ,..-ii,Tii toiidiwon. lASl VfAR mk;: MBJ,. . ciii; lt!l,-3«- fLlNDS VOUNFtD .v: .\NtlNl) IHh \i\it a !tt' ;is!i. liytflillXliSSaKIB. . SfRVlCf I tMXIATlONAL , mly M BOX 21/ ln-enwd and ^«la,^ol„„DSFlI^ENZA STEEL mme PO. del. MAmm l- MiKhtat-k. A,ii ami,, rcjir HtlGHTS. It 600/0 .ill -Free GUITAR I'HOSPtCf owr iii;,-i-tim'. ir*r jini.'ini ,' old. eiceHeni (317) 705 85? ving S4«,), Call wniTi roe rKfi mfoBtiATioii nil,, vnij , „, .;,)««. vvam a II n ,;,t,., ~" 1 , — I :. — 1* u ««*iii - , o — money f o n J, . easy way t*i cam e »ua <""™' Call: sai-H*^ HOD'KI'if:. while going f.i ,.,.itli-;f<-'' ITMir H a,EMIM CI ASSrAL '" ip«'nd from ' " 1977 OLDS CI :'-n ASS • iBinllini ,. , ,r will for ' lespiwsiWo . Wide NiinBtB I V-S. Auio,. ciii'iNi: ^ ">''• BrouEham. 2 di,. , A, 1 guttir. Cjl»Ted-#42«,. ef , AM,/FM C»fl Lynn (* « Cruise. HJMPer- ! . . n

Upcoming, The Harbinger March 24. I'JBS Page 8

Benefit Scholarships Availuhle for Harper (laine Studenis

hi'iiiT. jiiti Ik riiHiurijlf',! !'. ,i Om Wi:d»i;M:toj. Ajiril: ft ai ' "' " ,h. ;,jir., :i,L'rht*"r 'jftr will he » bemiit ifame at Harper ..unru' ih," rhicagti „1I

nanhen iM Ihi* Km MiiriUT Ci'dK .u: I linn UK Itatl K ViImi1.ii '.111)! \\>.ic() r

t • iiljK ll.ir |ii I ( iilli|;i- fell S!* m Ilk; Bot OCict. J»7, ilivtng iiccHk'iit la« viudtlil ,11 11.11. 11 ( ..llrm-. Ail pniciTiJ friini tlw: ewiiM »ill wmc^tcr !" N:ifinti.,| XfiMork The -i vv,. f -,r,' I ,,,«-,..,,,.,... «»f :...'. Harper juiAm-i - i!i'»

' •'i.1'ir|jT\htp

."'*'""'' " fludciM Nnher KiKltmitally iml

'•'"«'™<- • eiiMturricutar, *»» patalj-MiJ "*''' from hn Jn>iilili:r» (lo*i> In ji

sMi,' nil

ire a ileelar.' The (11 Game Hutcs a l"Hi.sifH"*fc?* rn.i}iir * fK:h!, April R. wilh an nit Iv".! Jfl,

in.irlnmgamlA'r >.alc,s • The Giiine- will iili itie Ilk- cnil Hi fi'. tad w Miitfc 3 1 , WSS issue ihc I>caillitK- ilalc K Mil) 1 lull-liine sl.(!u».al h '¥.xh week a phtm of ai> ottjew. or a ptrticutir site on campus «'ill he puMrthed. { »» in ptouu all 'I

•Wtai fM have fatml all «» kx-almos, nil og| Ihc «mrj' Wanl S I ti d If n I >> Folk Musician »al: pill It in the hot immti in A hwUing iind J burldlng, K a ili«» lr.in>rrr vi ln.|.ir*hip ' ' . ' "I" ... li.il.ii Perlorms *A11 eniriM murt wetttett ':: '.>i!l at U no lalci ihan Apnl 1 1 I ')mh In ntM of I tie, there will be a drawing held. Harper

I h r II I 1 n n » i 'i^i: ilul> d ( •The Hiirt»(nter staff and familj members of the Hartimger <.uU A M> r I f I h \l f i> I 1 m ri .i f.'lli *ill not he- able to partkipate, muM.un Frcil li.il'.i..in St'hidarjihip nil,; "^jHOnorfd h\ luil appear as the operiinj.r .x i lor Irdrralcd •The winner KmKK l.hc Washington Sqiiare^ai xtk) *iU he announced m the Harbinger'* April 14, IWN .. Thr. li.,|., !,.! ..I lull l,,>.....,i. r m. m Friday, Marih rs ,,, I'uildmg M, •Tli*'ani*«B Holstein was to the bcitioH mm be specdk. the iiii,ini '''Oiientaci*hcnihcEarlof01d >»n fjpcne.i ro folk rmisie in

iliiii itnie., he h.is -lubs and colleges I'tr.uiflsiiui she iiMjnIry, taught seminars ,

' '' " -i"il .ippearo,! n a r d c n t lut> of '.,iK..

p'. . ... s . 1. iiiin i(. hsinj; if.nlilionai and iiiihi'i .!>, ,,,nj

.11 .iiiil live

.'Utoulmgi,iK,,lvri[-lvnof llic Ctucaco Sun lime, Trcd ileilsiein omhme.i ahioluie aulheniK.u m hl,^ .singing lirM ( hiiafii H.ind- wnh born stiiry lellcr'.-. ^I'-niil r'riupcil lliniin'si naiural presentc ' >L lhilar\hip By HoIsUenX own detinmon. fold ,«,ng.s arc "songs "' ""' people." and he has researi tied [hem ihoroughlv along ..'1 t,y *uh the h.siors ih.ii a bu.siness tn'-Uuao Ctmiafl lies behind cud.ciui.. A.\ [-redi-r,., ,( Holstein your inMruclor II niictesied. The Speech .tK.Horm.in, . ''""''"""">. Team m.mmurn re4uiiemerus are lull- [,«'' " lime sophomore business "" ""*="'""« ,na,,or "^^JZ"™'"""'"'»"'- (1<»HK-X'»>. a <:.PA ol '2 Ttu- (iarivr CtiHi-pc or

HKCth ttam atlctiilcd i.Ik> riYH.n IV Sfi'v'. fi iiHirrianiCMi i.i\i

l-iut.ii .111..,) S.iiiint.iy, M.inii IS ! and .,.ii v<.i>, Comlr«g March ?B llosii.'.. !mmii-i colkj!. PHARMOR ,,,,

! r.inkcil .!! till, irvl i,u:|, ON CAMPUS RECRUITING learn '. :n,il'agc. Soiiit- ,,., Kock 1:00 - 4:00 pm Tl» Perc« D«hind Vatic y Cdlcgc, a,nd .Moraine Valky College Bujlding A Cliic«i9o% Wmk Fore* D.bbi« Room 347 Ttie tiiiilcriK re|>reM;miTig

Har|i«r were. .An.li.,-* *lrt Talay Bala,/s. W* ar* looking for: M;inanm- Banih. W'jnn Grippe, Tan Vaughn, I irul.i i,.ing, -Cashiors Ton.v Conas. Vasmcen * iWMiy of iiutTtfini MithmixKl. and Scon Neidl. " **^ •MifmnHMi M III -Stockara Award.* were lr<«i Clrntal * OnMiri won in lour events: Linda laing. gold in Informnivc Speaking, Brtm/c in FLEXIBLE " HOURS '' ^i'c.iling, Yasmecn Stati « kail IMS bri>n/c in lni|.{iiinpiu FREE cmt I Speaking; Tan BENEFITS «»> jjjii Vaughn and Scot! Ncidl. hron/e I in Ouci Acuiig. I ,

i Off-Beat The Harbinger March 24. 1988 Page 9

MS3. 1 ^zvtovmtvz aarh cwm 3® Sl^fflftwI'WIf The en Campu0

t Cmuw 31' Quaffat Weekly )I Son ot t 3i C«Milin« IM«Ma « L«n 41 Eitiats Stc sii I'll! ton in 2: aarilGUM St Fraa'Of 34 1 S3' tWMaat laoi)^ WFaaian as 5i AMrmaWva JtMnacMin • tH'UitCia 47 t Qaf'mafvt TiMamlon 3« aidaai 4 WMaawaii* t CfUnion iSymtiottOf 3U SClaaf 3a Uromw or (Xlm tmxutmm to Sat in Asia 11 Pa««t 4 i i $ ^KM» n H 1 It' ISUn W £n€«r€llfl()

32 Qu»fr«t 23 S«aiWO»fJi*M 2S Adma 21 Smoollt iP M Oaanaa* at

IflOMiMlova join CoiTK'dian Hey wood Banks I "-"Pi'f lo his oui-of-lhe- TI ordniary 1* Fraa Mnai humor. F»,„nv ,r,,j ,,>„,,,„, t, 1! 3; Maw cwjin 3t Oivat Iciod Is

4t Tampofirw' f'<»«.i 42 Agila Free Videotapes ii 43. araai im>» 44 Aatti.n "11"" ^ ^F 45 J

47 T*ia' lart w 4* Nil ii«ntiy MCralty ThiTi* is lift* after col l4>ge. i S3 nu|wa> liDlK Wi." li;i\i' .1 iirw sri-u'Mit' viilculaiH's

Itial |iti>\ lilr i-ssri|li;il itttf»nn.ili.ir!

tuf ih.lf Itlrv il;ili|c |(il» srari-h Thcv

fiMMMtii trmm |>«tt 3 A.tllloiigh Itte Ji.a!.ir.n,.,irv imiililr hi -III ill \\\t:U riirciTN iHillcti Htj«c*tT, (lies I'loi spec I fit" al!... upicl me. I iji.iniis,mt yunr s|wi-|fic Ililrtv-lN.illd skills,

H (.span i.(:.*.( trie nidi... . It m Mviwoite !tm|vly kuiiig oCI"

(.ill of which h<>\K t« I 11. iMMt W'iiti (Ml Ml) paper. yuii tiialf at |Hil IkHi'IIut 1'csuni*' iiiiti mmontH-i. i.l>ey fii I WM ttirprisec! lo (iru! ihc |irr|ian' lor ;i.n iiilrr\ ii-w. \\iij.|| a.n' l.li«' Icfmitwn . of a 'mimwny' ai»l!)ct -.' . ' *hK* momitii: m ciiad from ittc dictioimry; foniUlla.s I<)1-SU<'( ess ;iriii Imw in ituM II 10 Siy. n'M.R|.'bcri>iirccn m,idc to feel 1(1 ailcm(M » clarify a'teimeof !>cpjii..itt'- LL'tmiy (oi-in>i'ani>ii. >.ui .Mt-,uii(Jcrsta.wl.in:g " of and awareness ctt what you wck «|inf tn your m the

.. . ..> larger poup" . have last letter. Siiip in tor a .tn»iit-.rt>ws«it. alicnaieij them m the |'>i»i In thit iMier, you mAe t By definition, thctc arc vtty valid ilal«.nM)in . You say fcw.er mcmlwis of Britiuriiy V|.iiao.ta.pft tvailaMa tn Tna iliai anyone csin ht a mimmty is Caraar Planning groups (blacks, for imiancc) Canlac and Plaeanianl Otitca Coniact Carria cerliiin atualMifis.. 1 agree 1{W%. -> I*."" !>v ' ^ -„ m *347. However, wten jomeone

•>(" «p«)ll«« "miiwrttHru iti ihe

111 hlatk"

minor) IV i l\ Oitfl.Cf ''i..o'.i:' 111". LOYOLA SUMMER SESSIONS oIlKr itan .-> M..-y.|ii!.. .__ li ncalty Hi.-; .. .. :, Afr% af¥3 hi the Ifllcr. n>^n« ut)«(«fin|. nequm • CLisses .«( ifte i.ai«» 'Snowi. iMmm ibMi" ait) The isiittte appli

.. yoM ilahid tktl W B M .\ , ...'it fllHH ilw FIRST SESSION SECOND SESSION stalioin". 1.S One ago \ lie ttrf iittiions 16 Mj'«*f.. twH^nran^j July *,i lintttied ui s.ia.tH)n. VV'liv

I..'. II -f > .Kri.>up fK i. «i"ipffl!rs:m R«il|»stfaiion bv rfw^ oi tn {)«r»>n to alarning. ii> yoi: ii.w of .jtwt: ;'t itfoo... 1 (10 • meiii. whiic'i .:irc pu .S.III, (iiM ,JOI3....6(» ^^imLlk: lutinn) Jiiii .1 «. iirtllCSS. lisieniih: ' iff siaiu.* from 111* ttrger AK in-par»«m ragtttrationt in tl» QaorgMiMin Boom ol Iha Maniuati* CatiMf. HID North Ruati Siraal. Chicago (roup."

..-....".. 312/BTO-3011 .« i;«Ti.ptrti> >h.|' .;(,«j(«.ri tiel.:.,...

.. 1^ :' I "I.,. ii.^a^ Ekiilienn of Tr» SiJfunwf Sesiwnt. ' ....>: i."ii:)«ecoufsi("iis!tftgjii»*iil!aSitnkif

'^'1.*. i.'v 'y n'l «iif«)«:in

bmibn ..H ihn IS ...\tnca.. IXmUk. RfAl VALUES FOR THE HICHfcSI SCORE .All! YOUR MONEY. IMPKOVIMfNTSIN Thi I Sled ^~" """" rilrv THE N..\TION fj... 1 OVOLA UNIVERSITY Of CHICAGO ...-'i.'l'.inBKI

UlJllii lOII

oKertd at Htfpct Colkit: MaHHHHHHaMMaaHa^BHUai^kl 4r9 ^

Page 10 The HarbinRcr March 24. 1988 ^Features "Is there a doctor in the house?"

tias 11 ^i II .iis.l ilw fi.iiie.li Kt..lur»l E*H"» ••'' r(r¥ie*sttic pr \).ir\ Bet liitic ; -.irl |t,-.,],iti ', TlH- Harrff f"*'""' ,;( -mi

I-,.- 1, Ilk

^.w. The tl'>ctOt itu: rcvic Warren Rcldy. al Har^ei Ihurs,. Suianva , .ipeii Miin S.;r\iti- a* man*' » '"« "Health t':i ri.iniim- Pitip' iiuUtf M.'nlhty I ii) |i III,, I rt The a.rce veatv. , lit suiaciu j valiiat'K; laxly prom)* , .,f1.:nnj; handl'. tfi-aimcm c 01 th.ir^i" i:>iwr< "Th. trcjtmciil

,ii-J IiUhjU lots."

'x;rt Wairen, coasutom Kifvice. He cofwmufs. licrlorm Hi'm*! The S. rrvice can ihicKii yfiiic inalv, - 1

Sports The Harbinger March 24, 1988 Page 1 Can Anyone Beat Tyson?

Ttif U|> h> Uk: Ul\l IUJ!„ f'4,U '*MfL tlv lit roll Itliinctiiird 'Kii: spiirl". Wriler

lofliiM,,! 1 Tti.

vi*„M* VS., 'I '.

IMil-h/l, .-

(Ms t ,:

Iwi) full ri.iunil* m li»

1 1 :, r

•HI Willi-' \yvm »m»

.ly 'IMJII liii:

in I'TT'' *tii|; slupid em»gf. -.1* Will then cr. ly

.:-.vvi".- , ..,, ..m. Well, fm "1 i)n> l"ut,)!! 1 coutJ noi. i plMCKm wlio live No Spnki IS ixH the imt Baseball Preview: National League Easi

up <0f il Tlu-\ m- .1 hail lU Kevin i;ol.ll- V-'.' .

b>. Il.l^

', -1111 llll


Mil. 'Aun I

: ImuhcJ lii'^

• ilij; llm 11 » iSl ;.,![» '.>. ilii ;~, .1

hi." v* I: .mil acriws ilii; »iih .lixct I

1- !-.ut, itii: iillt'iiM:- .mywhere, iinl Ihc "' " \l,:is »»iM .i.niiiiiaie the (IVwuif't i: li' 1'') All -S Lit fliv:.tk.. V i'; .1 li , 1 1 u.- £. iki'Miiag Se, Loims hj it\

Sports Comic YOU'RE INVITED! ii'i. Come to an Open House at Roosevelt University's OPEN HOUSE: Downtown Campus or Albert A. Robin Campus rL-;p ROOSEVELT on Sunday. March 27 and learn why Roosevelt may be the place to earn your college degree or UNIVERSITY acquire additional college credits, Counselors will SUNDAY, MAR. 27 3e available to discuss financial aid. admission 1-4 P.M. requirements and career planning Our deans and department heads can tell you about Roosevelt s many academic programs and answer your questions. No reservation is necessary Just come and learn why Roosevelt is the university with the perfect leaming environment. •i ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY • WELLSPRING OF SUCCESS 430 S. MteMflM kmm. Chicass, IL SOMS • 341-2000 • 437-0200 MtaitA-ltaMi 2121 S. iMMMit RMd, MtaftM HtiflMs, IL 00005 I '

Sports ____,,_= The Harbinger March 24, 1988 Page 12 • • Fitzsimons and Jurczak Compete At National Swim Meet

B> *..,in

1 fit- in ith:

„,. ,.„u, a

lit, Ittiai .

iimf '

\^^ irnru i li l: Jurt/ak will jmc'iiil IlliraM*.

iiiUli £.1'!^ an.

ii for Ita 1

I.I .. ,:,rkl JdllUHl Mina Fiu.simons (k-fO and Kim Jufc/ak,„ Men's Track Tennis Team v^OdC'O .nil V vi Heats

in Viii'll llnrdiin

V,.,., t... ! .11 I.:.

rtucaiKtri mitu-ir

II.- 1 ,,i ...:i..h:.l

Spring Sport Openers )..|.n Adams, Itri-nl \shmore, = Hiil K.IIXI Fii^ > I iiiietiall "*'I™' Olriik anJ Jo* -lr.h.ll , Jami-s i.iiiiu.fi r {«.'t.:s['i' .

t I'tillhast Sirflttalt Wed. 3/?l Lake C«mf. si:itHlt)ui Joe I T'hc k-.iin v.iU iMin i\ few < Df < •^^•' moif mcitihoi- Tc'iinli Tliuts. confide 1 ptrspcciive laini:> stasofi •iHcr I last t'ligihiluy *Jp*;ii ! i'i'm }< '" Truck Silt J,/2(i Whwitui ^ llic Hawks will •elh"'- Most of pamcipatc in b»)th singles and Mt'td alMHil tfcrm in n«>

Presidential finalists meeting Harper community

t>r, Tlv


Three vie for Student Trustee

( andidates state their goals as

electi(»n da\ nears

III I, I.. I I.;

111' ^f.tH \^ r I

Om: 111' .•fniv SValker.

',•:,; '. . , -.7 V U.lll. to S p.m.

!: . Hoiilli; Ill , 17/ nil hiji>riiialio)i />,

al !i. '.'iipuh-r l.iih: r. til the Medio

/|(aA; (iiui ./, (II llie lii'x Office.

K.uker "Domiriick Off Htr Revii'H- of yj^j, i„tlfn' Wapiier's Byron RlancUard ' • IJndti l.ang xpeaks " With Our \ti>m and Fuiic'u (oiirl with asks "(an Anymie tmi Tyson?" iClherl Beat Hriiii^siitii Hy Sean By Kim Oslrowski Hy l.iz l'a«f 4 Paste 5 Page 11 Page 2 .Features The Harbinger March 24. 1988 Page 2 Student turns fear of Speech class into trophies

1, - ;tl!^

ki:«I„ F*« "111' '"'"I" ^ P^f'''' 'Mj.Li : I :•:.;.. 1 ..'::.: '-;• jXTspccuvc, rule ruiKlcls sinl

1 .atig arc hcncfitiiil I>. i.m. cmildn'i l.*ti.ir.'\ t-,dm:ir

Piiiute out nf THi W Jicinited cnmw". s" .'.:,

'-•'H ftmlcnci !"' ' " iFiolhcf pul:'

. ,.:'H' I. "nil" I."

' l.iiiit.i I .11'! i; J

',!;' VIK : i:h' ''Ill' ^^.^

"/ really had to force myself lititunitf: • Hill M.Hhinr (in nils ol Vanillic S Eaglf Cvln'v to take the speech class." • trtr *(ii;ills

• I iinipiiii ri/iil I Ai-niM' Itikfs

• I .iriliiiv.i^iiilar l-.valuatiitns

• \iriihu lii« Inipail. and

Iaitiim ( lassfs

•Uaii r-Kiiliu (Ja>M's

• Suiniitiiu! .mil I'lTvuiali/cd

Phi Theta Kappa \*iiikiiiit lYiiKraiib

• U'lmi^ < iiiirl^

• S\Mninnnr

• laiiimii; Ur

• S,ii l.iiNl Nurscr. ^rnm;

• hlnrs> \sM'sMiu hi li ^l

\llnilllMlTl*d Bv I-AITCINC

BE A CALORIE I'lHMtlloglNt "«, hi--. Bl RNIM; iMACHINE.

ITIflt \1 Month Stuik'nt Special S1S9 The

f'tjl.:in>n 111-' .l',iiii:.ti;i ..I (uif Miixr l

'" i:ivi".. lint |««'r%oii I.! IIP Sii Willi in- I1i,lll.|[l'ilr IfvMir niolHlllv iliif^ irijiiiiril iiiuy Daa R>.w. R>>iii - 1^1 tioiut

ljllti*il.i> I"! .1 •i(ii|tliii.irm;in \Mirkuul

4%'Yt*lt.*tHI %rOIHIJhM*S »'U:

• ll'« , »*. -.nir'ol

. . . - ' " '''-'iiJ \ Voodfield lake

1 . • ., . . .. ,i r*i*«*r.'« Office Campus '' • . . ' •»-mt Su ri<|r"iC»rvii'W • T ,.~.*r>«)nr">*«t«i"-4l O'lM**** T a> iH t IrMOl ipvpo KKMI i; Woodfield Rd. « «.Mt- tiX'MviAa. VBsrat'iricriitS At...t. rrt-tjfc.i.»r fiT*rr svaiiii*-' « .M'jp Schiiumburg, IL 60173 tats ^ l>Mn4«w !«• ii«*«t* to'r 882-4200 wiwrr*i* ••-•'^•^ n-.moo*** t»w»*M r^^tf.M.r* .»-t « t^KWrWMt^ «IMM»SK-l»ft0^irK Editorial The HarhiriRcr March 24. 19S8 Page 3

l.etler III Iht fulilor "Off Reverse d isc ri in i nation debate HorRonkeP" continues ff! W/Tj^ #^r /77


iJC* HiKr;ir:i

iCK', [flC Ic'tti-' i*.!'. IIM ' ' ' '>'.'.l woman :' .I.mI oI

10 h) s M «I a :i.ii ihi- hiiby

• '; th.in [hi-

. • ir I'll- .1,1)

' • -''Ti ;irc

. ii.iium .ml line i»r I •'! ';.':ly. on ilHxijul'. jiki k'U'visiifn. why '11 1 k,r:ii™ l'i"nli) nrii" (cd aj.h.itTO-(1 of

isi 1(1 ihc um; Cdir

'. .' • ; l.imr

•II i(

''." lime ih.n i

I v..i|

• .11 a

1,1 1*

n ! To

miiaWtf II ftL\i.„t! WeottR "•' " i""t^ Corner

Harbinger Wf .,inj; ihe phy^Kjl h.ituliiJiH

!ii,,1 ilii-mif .il di-|->fnilrni> I,>tlt- ;Hi.i. I. A -r'iV l^ i>l .Iri-am .i'M ,• I .i.-r, .llr, In.- , iipinj; 'V, ISltaiiiC, "I WW)

. , ^'I'k-V 1

KhoflL", Ihc Eihlor in Cfuicr 1 irr\ I'. .illliil .;,,, Ml iirr! (•,;,Mi 1" ..:' It. '

1 . rang t m «t,, All 'rtjiHi IV 11

11: »iUi

Jill. '•t

r,i MI'i,



•ll\. tll.»l Ah : 1»B|I|»II» ,| *r'll «*.,.. Entertainment The Harbinger March 24. 1988 Page 4

"Dominick G' Eugene" the depressing duo A must-see for emotionaC masochists

,irc itllian in "Sim h\ Soil «'i.lli*fl Slilff Hnlrr '..irattttr wtio

It tti.'i.' jri," ;in> A\--i;\" )i:ilf the fifii

' T'l.i.i H.. i,,'iii.irk.,iMv \hi'

ji ill I. '

1. i >ni.iiiin: k jr.';

pill (hern lo re--'

Imosi ai. if •..In-

WRsmnsTon squbres .1 prop (ir Inr live perftirmance this I'richi* -ii ion on itic SCI I he mosi iriL-r.-'-iii... •' "—- ''' "' ' '' fcrform ' ittinj: i-h;ir;,K . iiliMC haiKt \ ir;Khm,tn ' ftM>"tl. ,.-...-- "^ '• ^."i! tic U'jy

iijiu'jl -1. .1.1 iiili-rliK'k. ! Mi 'llU, JU.iJ. i I .'Mil llinillTKO

it'k- i;i:ni-,- .|.;^ll,l1l..^^ .> liii.'iii -..>. !i.iuin;i m t.

mk in lilt. I IS Nij!i;ci1 (liiwn I'lMIH of hiul

"..Ur I-; l,.r,al

I>,:U. . '.,\ . Ji

I>.l4:,>i'.> ..... =

. ilK- Ml link M u,lltl M> ''/';/ '")' .- -' ^* \'''' 'liilif Is dffinik'ly an


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' ' ' •CivrSV"

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iHf »fsi Of (wsnKiw; TO iNSuBi «otJ ^H^ BfST schmg brew,!

Bast Hotil- BBiirmttwJ

.>r lii-r

Best locaHiHi )n

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Top of tM Uiw LuHury Coactiet Guardian Roommate Services To Sign Up t-ii' r'st i«i4)iiiii ciji-iiijjfliflit parti Or For More Info

( \) I \t( (>( Our job IS to find you a roomm.ate,. fast, to Fool Offcti Parties save you money. ^1 \! MiVI-.S

I'" I'M I It i\S Guardian... vie-- :'v:)king out for \\ Ml A, til, I: l:\K^ "' I-RIPS 916-8438 . uqicT College ) A . "

^Page Five^^



I—iililjf IfliViiiL, D ft A. nA 71 S PERSON A T N(»,ju'itfi rfgiil.ir \Mzml. \V,.|' " . , ,

/ ijuMn till , MiH'i m.cutc ,,, Arthur luiil "wake a p.-.utip' ( „». a„( '**' hcsimi: ic. from k-rb*. Mlbm. \\ .inr

' 11 1..Ill -Kinj; you «.ir ' 'I h \Ir

, >lvr

«xjh. Laiiccy' I love it A! I hilt. when you us: long Juik-f v^iirfniT words.

W.r ('.'/wry [ir lilO 1'-.- ... I. .v. <>-...- ,1, i.it >i.nc III .mvsAiifij; things. Arlhif^ Gwy n No. i'.V(/j(rt//.v) \\!i.i! i!'V^ Waniiir .m.KT.m.uliniiisiK' nii-.m''

\\ .iiilii'idnvea Aittuii jeep into battle. L,j.iii, V ,(„jW'i; il «i * ("ciiliiiV't he reach the pedals'? i.touH,- MvrtltiMl

Votj ' -'J lo talk alwut Napoleon or (,,Hl ^' ' -''iher. biiuhe,ad, \'-l}

-5.1,ji!':„>.i - - ' ^-"i > uilk alxHJl Arlhuf

' ''"'''! l^U/.., '= "^' :,, r^l'"-''- P'-'"rile out of the '"'"

. i.l'IA' show \1,.. ...M, .iioioj^ically I -.,T w^heihcr or 'not M"i 111 III " ^^~ • ..,-.-: * 1 '-Ic' *^ 'I •> .ik" .Illy U'( u\ heK'f Vi iiiiim: i 4iiftii'i , — W pl l i l j iiiL

v\ I'M I lire /it'll V, Ihesearc itic woim Im;-,,, i„. ,.,,,,, i. .,,. .i,, /f^n, Uust\

I think -f • somenne just li,,u,t ,;,,,, . ,,^

SlUlltii I.IH.ltlMh-ilhi„. ,, , ^'i;:ili, nil.' I. >! Itaimc Ih!.>i„i:,;li • tlif pl.iiiifi"'. ;,,. Wli.ii s the prohleni, loc? M.,tlBlhi. ,_ , llOiUIi,,,!. iViipnti. Kii\i> ' , V.iit "^»""'- "'' '' ' I ' "''• I • ' .«,vrn ' can'i slay in their time

' .r • " :oisyihiaplani--sorry, " .S.t>' wh.,n'» ••'""•' ll'c Iting guy keeps waving

iljiiUi.'., I t Hind. 1 le ,,. \\itmu. almost hurt Ruisty' <.,'i> vtMtl him; sorry .loe, as ouiia my hands. This isn't a real '' '''; ' ::i""i!i,i villi ihf tmlf pip. episode.

,,., .Wapnyr Co .smith. w'Kii , . Wimnt:.i: do SOU meai it's 'fmiyamscKpiATdmg not .i rc.il episode? What i h.n\ Ajt A,' ' iots again. the hc!i IS if.' ^*^" iircu Ku<>lv

Tell lite .,iN,)i,it ii, Wi'll, ok.iy II , , iKiiMnippnui, s a sh<>ri licsM.nlraii humor f>icee m a college newspaper. Arlhiir Arlliiif (Ilkr, • j.i ,; iifmrid ouicn at this) I'l.Xfu.'.i- it\; u.iir . , honor. t!if:i' ; Halt! Ill ;^- ilH-n.micor.ilIthai'sdivcm.I vwn'l Arlhiir mvoKcil,, have lln% man sniff in Oh Gal. .voii j; my stm' mean we're ncx even reat''

. I'ftfrtuai ''* ''''' , , ' ' '",: ft.ip. f..th shut up Mr,, Ynii taihi-r' Let i,hc old No Sir. I ;ifraid c«,:lj;c snilT n,e if m not. .None of us are. he has a mind to,. (.jVH'II Arlhiir fJh. this IS just great! As if the whole thing lie iloc>. dunk a iiH, \r>ur honor I'D die weren t stupid first! enough, now we find out we're \rthtir (iciional Morclr^tl I ta the author iiiied the Shiiuip. f^ piece "A vfaiotot; I ilon'i Camclot „iy care it* h-iggk. Honky in Judge Wapner's Coun"' joh, or Arthur s*>nieih.ng lame like that. The whole piece is B'apng prolxibly '"'((w'.v iH'iirilt jusi contrived to fit '''""> a cute tuit. i m SiMtt my son .,,,,1 ,)ie. you g,rct hrcg sawn getting out of here. Sir. tJid )oi) offa lOMMsli , "»S hciieh! Arthur flftC tlHl.n Where are you going son? Arlhiir Help me Rusty' Help me' He ha,s a sword' Sh.vt - ^ Mtirdrtil I Npuke lo .Mciliii him, Riisly! Somewhere where Slk:Htl lum.' Im not subject to the whim of iiiiiiPTiv„r Wti'Sty creatively haircn college writer. h \lr, \lcrlm, an .ir • Wiih vUiai"' Arthiif Arthur VViinni-r 1 *m I think you'll get very far, there . ate only a 1 '\l-\ a \^ I/,i:: DwT't you fi.nf a gcxitlam fiim? few lines left. Uiil in^ f Hust Y Frudum .i'\ w i/.,irtl M l,i,H :," There's no bullets in ji. This is onlv TV Not even. Page 6 upcoming The Harbinger March 24. 1988

Steel Drum Early Registration to Concert Bejiiii ill April

VI, 1

tcniuimiyt h'rtiiik ( iii>ptvlli>

Economist Speaks

iimi'iuiiii-"-" •• e on Economic Fiitur ,A(>| Mr,, till III ii,i J |i 111 Umfcr 1 r Stephen $*••'( "' '" ihe pm yc;it ilv •Nl manv CIVIC til'' ili>; ;t,,.- PiiUunt: inJ ' I i,i:i:- of Atlfail !- p.m. 1.1" * •-:,i, v;inni-tsii(y Ci,rl Stuul in; ,. Hjrfft If " Para* m Chita*"' Mi ().m. 111 thf au.lJiiu: t,cn- ilf' mstrumftiii ni llw i:.'!( Tlw T'hcalfc ! iLMMEK ma '" It :Ei ' *'' ''"'"' "' memticf Be-.i I " ,r.| M.L

V ;i,nt, 1 1 rx'Htn M.1'

I |>,m 111 4 pm.

'! 1'.: 'i'\ 1> I'd MAY , I'tKX.OR

' .111 J,

livcl>. ' Uk I ,\\ri,l,l li>


Monday. March 28 .in.il 7:30 p.m. Ituildini! J Theatre

Ti, I,. -Is '.'ir ihi- l.'ftiirc ;irc

1' |i'i,- . ^' ifi'iii ,/ , ,i.,r. ,!ik the («l DRlViX •*:\ I lIlKc Jill) arc S.1

,. I Niuilcm.'. Willi atumy

i«l -ilutlcriK. arut S4 (X) gcrn-ralal mission.

For (mhet tnformiiwjn call ihc Qo« OKice ai ,?''/. WXt ciUinMon 3547,


Wf«^f„ :

Ttw- MttTper CoU«je CuUurrat ^rts committee f' presents

you rmo rm job ¥Oi) want I rr u» MBi-r JULES FEIFFER quiCKLV AND trncirriTtv student who recosnJit If you are a graduatlna The most talented social commentator required in that opportunlllc* may be lost tf you are us. in cartooning in our generation." to perrorm Job searches unassisted tall Pulit/er- Prize winning cartoonist, Woodfleld Corp. has a unique private and cor and novelist porate client InteTchange whereby we match Job playwright, screenwriter candidates to Job opportunities. that our corporate If you have the credentials you on a no client Is looWnfl tor we can work with :^neaKuiKkinc on:i»ii. ^., » . professtonal fee basis, find out more about it. . . . ^ Life and the Political Cartoonist Schainnburg. Illlnol* (Sll) 2*0 I500 1 . .

Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds

The HiirbingcT March 24, I98« Page 7

^ \HI ("1„ASSII,"M 1 ;i, nnH FMfKlAlVMfVr ('(at»(/ifrf Ad Kaitt 2ti,>l «la) i ..If 4'» iiic j,c.,Tii •fflian'y iti:itvs J^iiris t:('.'. y SlM4«nl nun - i:wntm«n«i •. Sl'MMIR HHi'! A*!,: :. .nut recording viudiii :(unl|'ia>li aic Jrw. wUh Rntk.'C'iiuntry hanci^ iliiviri«i !»y,»ijfnvM' H:-iLmrj.ol Ik"lp waileil |,,j, ,i.i:u iart\. A.i - (iiopct idcntifu'ciliim. Thr Ri'iitl 1 louse

, ^•: * Mil:'-; iirls jiid Now Stijdunt da»« I'unli .< Fulls :!> «,;*I.M^. 1 jn «ti)hl Uiwf. > rtic (wji to Paul -'I'm 211)1 or

-rj .-..., l*.SII;I.M««'h ;l. .1. . . M,,l-.'. > ti.ir mtm iir CaH; SW "..'*i,i. (HiilaM'iwl (inc.. :ii: ( fi-nlci Mi,!.:li i,A

! .:!., LATC MODfl riAT -. .imp 'S'ti*'! H.ii: Employ m«ni F«:E r<>N<»l1..TATHlN. Cfw. \te. tond... r kah. Of pK,'a'«

• V4I4 Milwiiulcf inuiHhhi HikAlc-eping. twccmic »Ui'" .11 iwctifk* (iw

NorihhriHik • Siindt't-, K.,1, ai Jt% Ri.-turnv, hii.iii.:..s or $2(11, CJl l'J:;-ja»eit. 3:2*., Milw.iulnT ,-\ve I Also needed: pCfKiUul (.'.ill In H'f Mm MSCELLANEQUS !<:mn private itivcsitirs), Alice tk«, ("l'',.\ • ' !«"(CKrTNTlJ"R¥

VH. .IJf , PS„ PB, A/C,. Hi* INll>r< DID H'lui ' •"' "-nif Hirhanl Marx Fo«»' IWlB ff'lliilllHl CALKNIIAK rx-s|icTaieIy warned. 2 iitleis for liMlufitii! cnlof phi:»lom h«n«e a ;-..,, . -ciiMc fcr», Silver 'V'l". AMJ-M, 4 ii|id Ottptrttltly teHUng Susan C Evcntngi and wkndi. Models Wanted. Eam SJ(K), tliHir, CckkJ' (<» Cirijit k.f|ii, ",(«(> mi, AikiilK Ho* are you doing^ I bei you ^. t:atkj{e tiudcnls fall Tmtl (8' >,t...>^..>i.>M..C,, >.., ..*. S4,-'(W»<.r (ilCcr Tilt: S*-W47 haven'l guessed who I am yet! S*>.}-lKlKalifrtp.m, ITMAIi; MODEIS WAN'rKI). EARN Well for one thing I'm younger \VORK ¥Oli"R not. IIAVS %3m lh,in you and I know your ART Pose nude w topless (or college

' Ctas IS Noon • 2:30 in I also :U1LP WAilTSD ciilendar. Mail any two phoios p know you re an to: COED CALENDAR. H3B awcvomc Paid Hi:>lkiiy» woman!!! Why haven't you 4:MM. DcKalb. ri- Mil IS 19«» Hrt. Incentive Inmcdiate Ofcniin,[[s nnwercd hark'' Well, loc ya ' ciilcmtari avai'lahle by mail for '. :il Btaiae* around! -'unucc Fn-mi SLICK

•Rwepifonisa "riie HAKBINGCK it looking for CO'OD writer* iliiiiiblMlUOiiil^^ fATHICk KYAS anil editors. We need people who ire encrgcuc. Efficient Representation lor DO vol NFin K fun, i,riiflli,gent,, with good wfiiiii,g tkilli ,jM(t who Student Trustee Vote ye 1*1 and 'ICf HOISI kH K ? »ren'i aft aid to Ai • link more. We don't want shall be hc«d March 2K & 29. much I can clean your Iiouk, office or rates, escetlcnt i.iiilfk iim an IBM uiiuv iu.ktiiiw l"lai:emcnt OITkc? We have over M.iih.n,;,or, Biilij, A,1f.7. ari.,,1 -cl, Iit t ,irrv or Pearl WHAT!?.' I .tlfll _)ol>* listed in computer I vn, f»(>.i Ri-.i'^m.,;ihl<; imc* our St;irt Now! The hcilniisi'r n ihc new ", > da,a base, and may he at^lc lo : *e 'Ms t ptcsidcni ol 111:- Piiifram ,Board. match you up »iih one ol ihetn what's llir «.'>rl;1 u wrung lo',* ...w FO:R„REyr t Congradulation*!!

l-rnpl.'i'n*, 1^ I'l'iniiM^i, w,/l, r'.S-S., l)*xims Diiv "t). jmd, make .,11 -imr Atlttitian all intrrtsied ImmHh: .lunc mh!!!! toir-.

. •" :i»» Flic llarhinitrr nced,h you! We 1 ''.i'.'V K V 1 IS 7612, Art,' .cikmgSI.KXI, nC'Cd. wrtieri». editors and Mike r. '''" " '-*-'• if„u. ,K,,ii ^icppinghv sex: 101 still! (i\'M) p.ni, 8RS- (taltcaiftl pco;-" S,?(„l ]iiiK.Sak c an alter # .1 while. Do you ilj 1571, hai all u! dx,' iic\k livn r>Li! ,an handle those HOMES FOR SAl E VV'on'l you Ccivemmcnl Homes from * Roadsur 11: " '- t'Viilov.jtm.il "Im Avhu'mic* Ini' "II ReiMir Alst- • :' 'M(,:iic'd, S.tm Kiiuvuii i:i S Wilkc .. Siui:lc4CIS properly Cali I lorida-f't. -\i[>U(!,k.i. Kcishis. El, «I¥l5 E.U. 3W lor Int. Ijtudtrdatr! l,Jr JllM Miip |>y mat.. For sale. I roundtrip air (Delta), <«m \Tlii\ U\MI I) O'uecn s/ VValeihed, SI!»0OBO March 31. Apr. 7. Cainix-lS 7(,>5-'«,«l, Mii prole^sioriiil i1i:,)atati«nlc\s malircH. miirored IW7 LoiiJ N!u;.uiig t,X FbK'hback ...1 Miftice, Remmci, M'hmll, Ie3ili<;r,guaidrails, A_skiBf " ;wrs, kllcrt. ctt Call Non-niilclung mimwed, Stereo Cj. \(\ t .nc *> '*%. :i.;'ii * niicxund; $75 Lukcsatt, CalUM3-«,3W, IMH piui d>£ ... . call :i37- TMi ewatep. NEEd C4sh For I M MEW ATE 'RED MOT harttains! Drug, lite New AUTQMQBll E,S coLlEqE ?? ifc«kw' cars, hi an,, pl,aneors aifCiKy'* n'lin -iriil r»s Tcn'u'i'A St4»MLIJON

(juiik ' .',!» 'MR;' P,-,t, ;:-xcctIent conliliw. \U I INANCfAl AID Wt N I" UNCI AIMED

- IBM. I To|) »aWi.. • 81S-,M4- I AS VfAH wertlj, Ni: /.. AN f IND IHF FUNDS YOU NFED

•' ' I". I s :h.,.:!v,/(:l and lW2 0l,DSnRENZ.A J M EDUCATIONAL SERVICES

' likii a.i{C(it.'>'i t«ilM"'(»x- I- ,Haicilhik:k,, Air cond,. rear def.. MARTIN tTEEl STRING' I'.O- BOX 21 / GUITAR sr*752-Mm. H(o.m„. pwt, steering: pwr. r'l-fOSIUCI 'HEIGHTS, IL 600 ?0 Eteven \ r v iild, excelleni brake* . AM:/F-M, stereo.' «»,«» (.11?) 70r. 8577 \» \^i condt,: .. '.K $4«), Call iRIWAKH mita ,\,sking, UJM. E«eelfcill, wtiTi rmtrBtr mromiATiDii Mike i. . osm. -..-: -..!> tt) tarn ntt» immeji' cond,, no r u 1 1

*liilc gmnf. uj ctitlcge? Come Call.: ,34 1, -«!»«», iptinJ from ,!-<> p.m. at a ftn, FT;,NDB,R GEMINI CLASSICAL AllMJl ',.' rcspniKibk companion in nn !'»'''' n,ASS GUITAR ! for sale or will ttiidt* toi sUiuLird <» I -< iwo gFMI b(t». aj!c* A %! B(.'. Jr . V-K. Auto. i"'Mil«E UlinBI* (_ ctM'>l.ic pillar. Call Ted (ii> 428- Ml Mif Inuin tttjics ma. 1 m in A,/C,. fs. PH. fW, I'i,, Tdl, iRMi llwpgr. Call Um (# W*- CrMi*e, R-Dcf,, AM,.TM plus !ill7. 1

Pages _ Upcoming^ The Harbinger March 24. 1«»R8 Available tor Harper Beiient Sclic»larships Students Gil me ! b\ a Mlt<;(i-A|i;,.m, that Kill be a hcwtfil taskettaH fame iil Harper vLop iriUJ tlic i'tiuii hjI A-.'.i Caiege. (eaiarmi '»< CliKago me"*!*-" Ollicc. KiMm 'JM. tetft *to »iH animt The Hiiri! Warner » fjtutly and *iiH of Harper ^lhlllar^h i|» \u.irfl fur J *» '""' C(;iiu« aiMl W'l < llltl;t I t'lnjlt ll.ir|).r : •{h . . •,.it€ nci» Mil.Kil! I 11,11. it I ollt-Jlf.

ilrvijij acciifcni lart scmotei. S!Sli«i*»r KrfwiiiV'l '. .'v««.t'i"d iriim {IK ivtlll. wi'U: t' Caic Cnmmmfi* The S We \\iinicn m » ptniyrM Hatpcr Jliitknl hj< hi;c!i iryinjt, m r:Jl^^ im>tu-v l-cici M*J. for (ii% e»,|X'n«s, Wont yciur an' Haipa •, an ouMiiMtni I Solv. join in ihe fan anj tftow a fellow .ll.C tmhet aaKlemtcally and B iiaiieni Hwknit ikil yon care at xhe saim- ,,.,., i ji Bjr.il *ai pmralyied 111 .1 ritr«i»mfulai. limwT .ipfinivunjK-K VJ.IXKVi frcn t

Han-'.' ,. ,,|K

"Tfie Qatne" R-utes Deadline tl.ii'. t in 1'fflH ilic .,11.1 -.'I ,'Jl.Vi- iiwc- tulllinie \i.'. • -The Came" wtll oMl wilfc llle Murtlt 3 1 , WH ivXh silt cmnpm •Ueh wKk 'pliinii. a L iv ittr« tealeil in A MUing anil 3 tiuikltni;. KKl put rl tn the twn Perl or ins at

( U:, ^ .:i M 1 .,, n., .:.ir , :i:. ,x;!l

1 1 1"MH In he received n« law lliilii Apal . •All cwiie* mml \ Harper eveni o( tie. there will be^ a thaw nig hej«. I hi Donald Folk mMsiti;m Fred Holstein •The Haabinfer %U0 and (imily wemben at the Harhngcr ^uff «ill appear a,* ihc opurnint iici for will able to panicipiMe. not he the 1 idcraUil I mj(K Washington S,huk-^ ai KiKi p m, on F-riday. Maieh ;> in April 14, •The wimnei will he ninoiiiieBd in the llirbiagei * l«8 tjl,l ,.KH s,.,'m.'M, Building M Kue. The irileii, Molsicin was the most

I, i,-,n„„ ., Iv ,, Irctiiicm act when the Earl of Old •TTie aii»*wi le te Icwitoiui mtisi he specific. Town o[K-ned lo folk ninMi in

I'lfifi -Since Ihm nine, lit tu,s ,„'\ jUil .ippcaied ai tlubs and colleges |.,is Ihroughoul the ciiuntr>. laughi scminari on traditional American li'lt mii'ic. and appeared ai

1 < i a r d f n t ' 1 u :i 111 being lln nterrreUT ut traditional and

. I'lHoinpinarv hoihei nx and ivu-lve ^iriii!' guiiar and live firing hanjii Accordin,c lo Robert Fhert of

ihf Chicago Sun Tinic. ' Irod lli'Kleiii nimhinc\ absolute

, in his singing with lirvl t'hieagii Hand- ' teller's natural Mi. iint rr>i»(H'4t llu%ine!.«. jHcrfnte, By Holslicn's own Stloilarship definition, fold songs are 'songs '•>-" I., Mill'' '"'ii pay r(i!> ol the people, and he hat nil .ind lull tuiiioi'i researched them thoroughly along tees, Yiiu mil"',! ''•" "V with the hiMorv that lies behind

.1 husine« instiucior toniaci ^.^h /^^ p^^^^ Holstcin LOCflTlOn inlen:-MCit The si,m .nanittorif [vilorniaiue K enlcrlainmcnt. •l naniE. Speech Team "" liiMor> lesson and singalong Boofiisa- tilt* lolletl into ofW- 1 .1 I 'VA 111 < .: oi • ( i t 1. The lijr[Kr College sfk-cth team jMcntted ilic rei;ii,in •5. IV Sfweth louJiiaiiiew l.i-.i Fndiiy ant) S.tliiKiiv, M.ircli is Coming March 20 qAME' l''i, ii..^ •6- 'tI« ami Iti,,; -i Im,,ied In H. iimty PHARMOR '"

. , t'[X*ri, iMfue'i^. i.itlKrTeamr.inke.,! ON CAMPUS RECRUITING

I...- . , ,,;>!,''. I ,'. "'t'"! \iith

< '' te.iin* .f- .i'.ifs'. 1:00 - 4:00 pm ! Siiullie.,i«,ici'ri, , , Kotk ;

VjlIcA Ci,>llei!,e, and Moraine Th* Fore* Behind Building A 347 V'ullev College,, Room ChicOfO^ Work lore* D»bbi»T«ni>s The itudenls rcprcwnii,n| Hailia' *cre. Amtfcw Biitai,!, W« aro looking for: Marianne Hjnth. Wyrin Cnppc,

Tan Vaughn, Imda I ang. -Caahiora Tony tin la*. Yasmcen MahuKwd. and Scon Ncidl. -Stoekara Awards were won in four events: I,inda Lang, gold in Informilive Spcal(,ing. Brtm/c m rtEXIBLE HOURS Perisuaiive Speaking; Yasmec-n Mahniood. hron/c in FREE BENEFITS Impronipiu Speaking; Taii Vaughn and Scott Netdl. hron/t ifi-itm lit Duct Aewig. .

Off-Beat The Harbinger March 24, 1988 Page 9 I •4 Derfotm«r0 on Campus M tinnbiM tof The 5 formar Hii«il( rular • OrraiM Weekly tISoniitMMi n Lanil tmm ri USaMacanlon Cras ' :i IS


21 fiMoring nmn Mil I 111 If in n StBarrttuda. ne»t 24 Fmtm klandt

29 AncMHI MMoccaaw SDtntrttM

W Pr*nMf • iCrlmion i SymlMil tot tCiMM' 3UI Of oiNr ot 09' tmtaluim

' " ' T 1 iS ~i r- T 1 'H* Th«ff«loff« ' 16 m 11 uiiat0y«l IT" 10 Eneitei«>ifl

'T! ^1 13 Ouarral ^ ISttwMotfltai* I|l^ "1 -J"^ » Mom 71 .^ Wtr Jt- i» G f*,*, a, jw C/i«iw«i*i sr- }' Plaid :ii, 'If if :» ai'«w IcioO la <;> AgiM Free Videotapes 11i- 1- OOfaMLWI* 44 Ag«n '« w f--iJ 45 JtmtMtM dfiina jr- 1 4- Th,«t*l There /.«. life afler college. _— Tir \ S3 ««(>••• ittbr 1 i E W' lit mit «•*« Wi'haw a lir« scllool \ |.|r.i|,i|ii's

tliiit |»i-ii\ till- I'sNctiiial ititomiatimi

•\ >1< lb s« >>' tt ir f h a I i I'M ' ital Ml 'ai-i -h , 'lln

ilicluik' lli'll* in v\[i;Jl laivfiv lllillfh Allliougti (he ,; enntiirovd fr^m jutgt J (lc»e« ni3» finet'ifkiHy iiic ,>i..Lfc,>. ' upvi riif ' '' -ntswJ ytMii" s|nTi(ii' mirfi-si~. ami skilLs. Hwjxinic*. oretittli, or Mel*ewi 11 is si'" .'itl oil Iicivv 111 [Hit a rrsuiiif ami (atl of ukhii'h you ciiied) ii in^nluT Slcain wiui t*t'n jni,i [^,i[n:i miiMitiiiC'v ihey fil the iiitciA hai ! was Hirpri«J in find pmiKU'f for :iii lew, w ah- the itefmiticio 1*1' a "mimriiy' which another wni'i" i."ii'-r ilus ft»miula> ti>rs«i« I < »;iiul liuvv ii> yiiii eiied (itmi ihc ditimnjry.

tet is 10 say. rncmh<:'i->. i;»f Ific* in\"(i Hiifliiwfer on. • .»celi'i niiiiiaj;«.*>'iHii' cartHT in a laiw SriHip* h.ivc ivcii mjilt" lo feci k'ller »iu an aiiempi lo cLiniy cori-Minitkiii a "wnse nl' nt-|\:ijjK- iit.:-iii,jiy and U'Ui 'inuttmlcnurKliiig " uf a'!> iil iUturc friiin the what you weie nying in yow Imrger iroup". whites, who hii*e Sfi i(Mii tiif fniiii-ntw seat. l;»l Ictur. a tiltcMied ihrm m the past In 'l>i^ kiKf. ycMJ m.ii.- • By (kiiniiion, there are

i.:! . ,: I'i'i...... utement . *ei meml>i f minonty VM»ota|»i •vtllabi* In TItt Caftai Ptannlng itai mimcicny in anyone can be •' placamant Olltet Contact Ciitlt Itfoup* ' instance) Cantai ana ccrbiiin tiluwiikMi, I afree KWM. Oon In *M7 ihim nil; I miij'Ofily H, >«.--;-' ^..h,.!, ii,)m,eoine gnHip<»!' >(H.Ml'. .titi" in llie Willi Whr ct hern . H.iir I S mem 'hUtfc> lOYOIA SUMMER SESSIONS

(XiKI Ikin A<||>I«:: I'litixli.iti > .ticnca. Th.ii was ihc punt n( itountl

MemN'f* «( iIwh* >: I .1 I it i i,,- 1 i 1 b n g e r r to ( Pearl i ! ni i«' v 'i. all) .r;> !.•! Buiinett. Afii and Heinl*r*on's rcNttal lo your » ihe 'Sciences titejton Hu' 'i.i'ses apifcaSle lo itiguiar laier. I ;n, t. l tn.h..4X,ltv l"1*X'P'«.'' • .i«i' SnoiB Walef IwBf. anti

' • 'n- , while

.;.. SESSION f I.,,.,, ihc HHST SESSION SECOND Siaittm lit KiwefcLS ftwwifif .w*s EMj^nmifl July SI lisienej Oi'tlistwliiin tiy r- . Minn by maii a in pornoo ..Tl'tUfl ' , .,„„.. so abrfii.!i,i:, .n ,,,,,, ,, I'ljujiiiS "•>'«. M.A""' ill Jijf«i1„t0'00-i(» (.'tanGieii/.t''i ' "I •6 00 mcaii whiles art i>t(*ihiic'J from tkme' IS "bttch" m *) JM

• ., '.^ Kpmie idem , , II. lisening to it? l«rr», Alt m-ft^ .„.. .'ta«nall(in« inltwOnwiMeiiiin noom ol Iha of itmms fnini itw b(){Cf' Canlm. «30 NorHi nu*l«Stra«l. Chlcaqo A.S for your cinimieni. "I Thf naiJitest (lart a.hoiH your mmximtm froyp.' U-tiff^ UN. 'IiMi I'h'v c.inu' ffom i

,:i-li. . a

,.|..., mil""

*i II

bmibn-«>'ii«»'it4.4:*i>>*>«| unou. MMVAuns n* tow Mom. THE HIGHEST SCOKE 1'ticrc i*> i:ii.> l>"t I-'." > IMPROVEMENTS IN i'..i>,i; facial Siii|n:rti)fily in itn* >,.>uri,lr> THE N.,\T>ON ^y any en'Hip LOVOl A UNtVERSITV OF CHICAGO ! l'nf',>iti.iijt,-In 4.-1JI l..-ii. ' L C4III' ICI^ * Irtt4 4l%'nat>4n .|l«c4tl I fjw n i#iii 1M' i«i04^ Owii ti'tf I 4«intafi*H'icra''^4a''ii.M,<»»t, _ J

I t ; ,

Features, The HarbinRcr March 24, 1988 Page 10 "Is there a doctor in the house?" by Kim C»iitr<>«»ki and F'<-aturc

' ""•' 'i • . I'.i'.'k-. > is.ii "" " < Ttif Ha,r|:vr . 1 ii n y n c c u: r M .1 r y ibyanioriih : mes if the Servii'f IS h[i-' • !,'( cuijlit'- .! liir;-? [Mrl-!iinc

'•-' "'-''/, *• =''-.-1"'! '


ti.ii'i, '' sat,. [Kill m... ., ,.„,., 4 ^ ,,,,„, .mJ '""v,^;,;:;' . ;.nhore.,i,c ^^^0,, m. C. PrtHlroma*. who " '•' ''» i^' '"

- [ f . V, X r ;,i ;.

hliMi.:l , »01>titsuc;ilett icM, >.!>> |.j^j,_^ ',; Dr. L. Robert Wittcn. i:on«,ilt»W ^,^

10 Ite Service. He toniinucs. •. iif riw Service can perform W«k:1 li.iin ".- ... .I,.,-.. ihr.VLy tkiit j;t,.'.i.l> hull

Ihc >iTviCC IS not cquii'l"..'.! .1"-. !ii L.i-i t-'r.ik;;! hmc< of (in

;ip|HHmnierii *uli a AkMV m Ihc

St'UKC. II 1^ hc-vt 10 sfl up iiri /li Mary •. of the

j'^Uiol HeJlh&aM.x',.,: After .- .1(1

Phiilo /)> /o*M ,Mi;t.,;t#r

Health services pc r vir m [> rom pt se r v ice.

••mttf.wiin >»>•'<

tt you hm* m taiwl

m.J'Z."^^ m^ .j-< mm/^V . iniiiii«mi«i«iwc:ii«« ^ I I ^tLL^^ ^ liBiPMUffclilW •• »%/'/' r I 111 • tm*' ••> (wtmii

««*ilfw»wi«tt«nwl'i««#«». fnnewtaiwn Mil iwifif^tci

Medio;; ,,,,.-s.t.

't> Rush UmwfS'ty 4/

M-ikp !h» !•«>»• Moot »'M.3 W, Harmon St»#t

.• !t 606 r . a i icctptttf CHiea^o. ; on* Dtmg '„. -V f,ni ol tSM 311-942.S0W

10 » , 1 1

Sport; The HarhinRcr March 24, 1988 Page 1 Can Anyone Beat Tyson?

"j KjK.ii niMcharil '•imrl% Hriirr "if I'vnk htnisr witd shy

\Vh.!, I. ,,.„

I liiak.C sure ,S|.,nk-,

•'" pmtcsMimal Ni.j» t.if in boxing sim Imn Ma,,: ., '•""usl»' •<> flgfii Tymn and'il. i'^H. enough ,., u.r, "'•"""S '-"^ '" 'h'.' U'::;, |„ Tr^pA^^ J'rutii 1,1(1 '" ti*c TcrriM) Ij^iv NO S|Mn,ki r^ not the Tau, tmc. !'"> tiwU not Baseball Preview: National League Eas

Sporn WrH»r *i.H up lor It '"» Oiitc Ji:„i"" •-' '' ";-!*• wiK V,' "nit

I'l- ,.i. . •IgiWI W 1

**> havini! fl. ,lu>t l!ii, I

staricT R.!,f;'.,il S.ini: ,'n ,, i,.

I rfa. Til

!IH-lt hl>|> 111 "I v»iri

>'.l Itk- > r"r • ''"^' . .Mils l!"i:'- M.'lllTi'.il '.ull *iH thmuiiatt the ilr. l^r: '!"' III h.nf 'T',,.! Rjin.'s 111 ' ''invuj^ l.i.in,>r,„ 'k> (uti \|,. iiiiPi /.intrn Hrcak. Sports Comic

xS i:~,„. VOfTRE IIUViTEO! Come to an '' Open House at * f Roosevelt OPEW HOUSE Downtown Unrversttv'*;' Campus or Albert A Rob.n Smp ^ ROOSEVELT 0" Sunday, March 27 and learn why Roosevelt ^lay UNfVERSnr be the pface to earn your college degree or

be available to discuss 1-4 P.M. financial aid. admission 'equirements and career planning. Our deans and many ms """ ''' ''' '^'^^ ^^^S^l academic progra anS an^l"! T' s

J^ ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY J^^J£^^^G Of SUCCESS ^ ««i».SMtfc«!llMil 4III--.-U---. 1 88005. 437-i2qo The Harbinger Sports March 24, 1988 Page 12 Fitzsimons and Jurczak Compete At National Swim Meet

Bf N.inift Sjhatiirt

-, tf> the

) U1

ihcr .:, ^ ui!l


mM,.;."nth in itii." the

1 It,


:;uiL" SW ii"

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..L'l»»|.t y bui. vi^Eil nol

inng 'OtTtpt' nit.'.!;"Tv

.. 1

.111 .1'". i'lIJ, awilter fiiMc. Duniv Mina Fii/MiiKMis ilfCii .mil Kim jiifc/.ik Men's Track 1 t:;illll!^ Team Coach Hired

Hj Saiirtj' Sill* Htm Heats SpiifH ^\^l«lr

Hi. Sv..ll U..r(l.iti

>li"'"'l^ 1 iHtiii

ttliKJIiori' ^'Mi'ii:»^

,»C4 ! \.r

"aid ji'i'n f'

li:.. ..

Spring Sport Openers Pk,MBf John McViclier I.-, Drcwkc pritcllf-.'s his serve.

BlIMilMll' fit. "'' ' 'irk lil)pill. I'ittiil I'liil K.iit(J.i//i> jiiij Adiiitis. Ilrrni Ashmiirc. .liinies Olrick and Joe :. t llidi Sl'll.,..)! Smllltall Wed ''<)|imi I'orthust 1 .. |iri'>\ki- Iht' K\ini villi gain a few Dii, .. ttmth Thurs,, IC4 Motaiir Vitky Jrttlpm ninrc nifmhcrx j\ soon as I'crspftlivf plajurs gain

Track S i: ' ' n cligihility Mom of llu: Hawks will R«ail siMNit Iheiii in iirti urckv i%mii- Rt:, parlitipaie m tx)lh singles and Ncwi'omciA irklihic: Hill dtxibks malches ihis year. '

HARBINGER TheIhc HarbinctrHarbinKtr MardMarch 31, 1988 Jm .. uillb.mRainiv»lariKrC..ncRe VOL. 22 NO. 24 Board to select Harper President

'•* lllmiMS. ' CommunH; ; My Diiutlt« Kit New York. In «Ih- part !^ti»* Kdilor rKVirtions at JoUf i* cwrrenlly held '- Dicisnu Beard • ' 'the ' Ptc«di;w. Pilo Alto College. Colti'gc. Olii. diKBv. (wtttaliljr ami Parlilj"'''

See the H»rlitn|€r» I ,„.|,.r.riiu'nl for H»r(>tr I

' ;* vj »' < I H . FrMiilint. V»t* Jut if I !..-tc:(wsii.kTiiin:!H t'-i rlhriTi lllic OmM Bromanl, i'< 'n'> PJiul Thi«tir«». Alanm . ijimM, Dr.

I 'II - If k I

He *

fommumi) >. nin'^'t Highci EiJiii-iUon AaiiwusiraliDr; Moimn. Periii" horn the Unlnersiiy ot Coiwl), .vUL '-, puis Her citr in al his held V l.iiurii .Jaccitv

VVjjihlilglon. Hi:

in tldntalM'* at Board approves spending

' ..' ' ' dis- of Thousand Ttv .' $78 '* mmpoier cr«lt m ihe Dati 'ft«:ctMni: 1. -1 *>y K*y Ca« (trindet. an mfr..i,i..'.l .jh . ' play H« Dou'tlu 1 ..,th..(. .t. lili" I }l V ls|.L'm from r ': ol a 24 colm ai-; Computri .51-1 M..t^ ."1 I".!'! \f»y Iv.nior iroiihrtismMet. [HIV"^ t-utHl tHiJget. - update the existing mr- trt the i plan to Thi: Ho Jill o( TruvU-..:"* ieniiiiiit.t., printing The inwr r»tgc printer wa.« minals. The terminals some approved to ('iw- ati&nt. hnmdl)«*,. mi l-- .liipuier Kfvitcs unammi.™sl,y W on mhktic leanis. atlminisintore are working ere h and we * otlh iniBpurtiUKJH fa . an incwaw in t hwe m IS three IBM (nTM,mjl use te«:hnolog> which is S7S..MB.30 last ThuniAiy. The . I'-iiiiung (lue to the ycar.1 outdated. The new termi- were , Seven rc.«iucsts Iw purchaK ciHi'iputeis 'c^h -|x-rwnnfl pai.kage. will cost Smjn drawn itixix K- (Hi* .1(1.) B nals were mn*: They were: .SiK'iat St ., f i>.u\: tinnier will fn.m the !')87-K Educational and ;i itii.t I'm VBM persoiiii.1 compulcts (\,„ui„,i,i: l««7-» f .1J..I V^iJ^i-l e<|u«[>mcml, » Ia«f grain Sti- -'tn pcripte.ri»l Ihc Siudent *iit K- u.«a ;!, nil 11.1: of rap; (triniei, an automjiie m,h'- One i.>:i.j.,i:-; ...'.k l.>r !'

> vi.iilcni Aamlies fee .(iifhUM ilc^^riK'S ..!\Mn!,'alu'ns ot l'u(->litaiii>n .nniing from Purp».>sci U-ic r.m" « Kc^[I!vlcd Fwdhiidget. I Transporuiion of athletic ...*1 Ui«rn u-ams to event! from April 1 ',, :i.il Fund through May 31. 19M was re- i'.i,!»:..'i quetled by l^ysical F.ducatiein. ipceiropho- I lu intmrcd Aihletics and Recreation Divi- umatt, used f« ehcraicil anil sion. Schaumhurg Transpciru yns was «ni»esieil bjf the Tet:h- tion was approved for S5.9(,.)5 nology. Mathematics A Physi- which will come from the 1W7- cal Scientx Di¥i.sion. It is also « Auiiliary Fund budget to replace an existing instru- Purehiise orders are sent out ment Hie 10 year old infrared directly following the Br«rd '- -V >ii,il.omeicr will he used meeting for rcijuests which are 1(1. TTic tost of the new approved After receipt of mer- _:.:_ tpectrophwometer is chandise, the invoice* go before

S'#,t.>5l.> which will also come llie Bowl for approval aitain and from the l<«7..8 Educational then checks arc sent out. Fundhudgct.


r.l.-ill>I''I^~-E' Baseball issue, the location Harper's Next new t'"-;^ craise The tinai Time to choose a The " team starts the Harbinger's official for 'The G..ime for the brings av' to class gilt season 6-0. Their results of ffte Student of Identify ad Sik mater A hiC*. at Progue. A rev.ew over alma and vym last victory Trustee Election. * "• = locations past gifts ::i ilJi^SimiisUMJlMi. Malcolm X: 12-7 $10 0'" certificate. years* sagc^ Page 8 Pag« 6 Pag« 2 Page 4 1 . " .

Paso Ihif-liinKir Man h 31 . I9H8 Features, I hf Class gift undeclared i Suggestions needed

Amcfkal n*p iiciivii) fee*, in the SludoiM Like Ihinlijiig itxiu! what lo * recreaiiim ro«:im bt tilm (K«row»H II the inoihcf ii At! inly Nitgct. em) of Hive whom lot Christmas . l-'talurtk Kc((i..r *iit> more •.opt^i'.litaicd i - ::> .'A .lli'ltli! AliiOfmwm ll'ic i>ctM»! yiM. (or ihis class* gili arc much hdliardv Ci.illcgc'«. Siiuttnl amuKincnls than KiIm I" 'iHi h.Hk' nnl hfart! Scnait* n wcirkinp mi »i>mc

!- •• wmhroom* 'by iKt*. mc»i v»«l. risers vo:ir ^ i.'.iU. • bust of llic new Ilreiit, »B<) iiftrr Hwi ' Ii [tiih Burs ji • riM' (i>'* I*.- oven* A.'iil.l a[ijifCi:iaic an> prcHttcnt (SI.IC" • fx'nihes atiniinl ii; liiuK M.ip,KC>.li()iw !»lu4cril% nii|;hl more * funiii...' '"Il ihc t, ,, . ,i|. jjj, iv rcjihcil i-ampiiv r'-fvtiaii> ^y

inlofmjition rciiarding cap* iind ..i.-rti AlIhUics, c%\ likts

1- • u.m.li-ii I I'll'. .•irimnit : ;-i I a Hown* iim:l, !o( mwty. On- rcvLl .il :.

• more funi 1 Some sugjteslioiK offered the lak.cs * fence pmji -i • enJai'ging ihc brxAsforc .tppivklllflC I it.ut,i,,i;.':' lllus I'v iililudc die following

ihf ('rc«:f%'f an;.,! I ' '>> • Auslr.ili.jn iiip lur i, I'hik m.ii. *llm ttl Wilii.jm * il ..ii-iilv'" Kjini'v (Lki'it II! ihf stud) »ii..:i, *iiii n Mil's .inj i;i((iti> Atlroi(iiviril«vc uMn and QUII-T (<;?,*•* XI) m^^ ,i,.r..i.' • I,,, , 1 men or liuildini: ' < ouiihxn, Itifhicd j^^ dirtxkuii"^, lor J.ism^ an.t iiostS5.:CVi I!: :, roorru I he . " .,)i:\l. H.ifi [luhli'shing S..pi'r "srO'O (Vvlllii * new. siuilv-nl •i.liiiscii ^ym-m fix till- Hjfbi nger 991-5950 * ' lilm (tfi'v . >i Kiilplmcs I fift * "fii.'.,".iii il rocKftlinj: >>l Kc:.iui Anuic filing ihc * (Mttl«»r nuriitice I'ttr J- mJ »h»; nuKli'l lor t,'l>R proteticin" on C- nn.l I' • OrEN 7 OATS Bl.ljtJ:ht:aM!r(S6.,Mn BUIg, fiMif^ 10 M 10 PM G30C • fur M'^BMi,. ctiiijimienl * *(MM)«n feiwcN iilongMile .^~ w*t- As II. evnk«. llie gifo viry camput !>.i(k*wal>u> • »IEMDir 111 nuntici aiiil pittNiv (uii'h . un Md WtrM * tkiot ilw a dsmx- SEIVICE Itu: ;;«ft H *-«gm:'il in hem- In I.H * "mar-heer" an nn-caiTt(wi! REum f\' -J \ IDKOS tiiir • mure flag p<.«U-s and 11111,11 i> jiiiiHJKa, i,li;j'rini\ no \< ,.j •.he iiKHMM of iMmC'V left (rom

nuii ill. in LI. .-tes 991 -sgso ECC to host gourmet's NE\M RELEASES La Siflfici ROMnilt Ori<)«t» t):tt» Cs-cii Prtditoi p. Ill,, followed b> a iete|ii,loii Dofeci Kl'ifi (Kir... top Willi hors {fiM-uvrrs and ITutc and alurcv l-'

Citl '

Siiriifiii-r ,f'

lUitl ROOSEVELT GIVES YOU A LOT OF CREDIT II iiy (AND CREDITS) FOR CONTINUING YOUR SUCCESS STORY i.r ,'!' \lHi.,t,.i small classes and counselors Vte undefstand that you've mvesied a lot d notch tacufty. il It,, al 1-Ii,!in to assist you m obtaining financial aid. hart work in youf educatton, and vw don t ready credits over techntcai- transter. Ihink you shou'W lose Even if you're not quite ready to we ittes So when you transter lo Roosevelt, we urge you to talk with one ot our counselors every effort lo see thai the transition is Wanning early unsures a snxiolh transfer mre'cn easy and you' credits are accepted " .in.l For more information, call or visit our ., '•. otdiot degree piograms I*,, Downtown, Campus, our Albert A Rotain ess .Wmrnistrat'ion. Campus m Arlington Heights or our new t.,.i,ii>i)iui,.'r ,31, iBiii-r I > ooomcs, E ng,|,ish aocj Lake County Campos many others W'hats more, we boast a top- •*--*^- — -I ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY cMiKiaiiwMtaiiiw VVF I L SPRING OF SUCCESS

" "' '-.', llfrClKt«i*»i«i*B'tliri*'** ' " ' - IIP' «r

I ilKKiwUk: In,- i .' '..niiLi


T'h, . ,r

a liiifi.i: 10 lUe priigr.,im s vuliui.irsniji program A cliamiii,g»K rcicption will Ijcgm the feslimies ai <>' 'H ' '

Wkiiiii r ii«mniii

Hit H.iihiiiytr Mart h 31. iWS sEditoriaL I'ane .\ Four candidates, two good ones, one choke: Williams "Off Hep RookeP W/fh our mom fm « M} rt'Hiing «pf llttim, lh« rmidviilijl Starch

^ilitawj C'tMnmillw (i'S4< t has Am* a RiMt (allttil

ji* in fiiiitr thtir rrr<)fniii«nn%. Thej havr larirtril nol n* I it nntuaiewi

¥m II hritfiitnnpvn of our ciindiilalf rr<-fdalii>n%: a granddaughter who ^Ko - It IS difficult itt e*|W« btiw Dr. Paul tkampian, currrnlly Prfsitlt'nl of Btlkvur the wealth ol tier much it means \o mt when a kin"- CiiHvic in Hirnrf u«. Wan-n(:ts to my column every Mitldlcsci, eifwltnc* » •ll* a ri.llint» lha(« imith xmallfr Ixx-.Mv I Ihan HarpirV. \ ill.ijrc. .ind wavn'i jjniwing up. It IS such a wonjcrful farm, causing the and his ttatv lias an rnrnllmtnl lid ihat hat llirm arliialli loll'. So. armed wi(h the tomplinwmarj' *4> ol showing k> lisik up wiih al.in?i helicf Kirning that away alMwl > lh<>ii%ann Ihr »fh*r in '! kand, apfeart hi; an '.oiiiuls 111 iitc. Ihc . I vaVh such iiEErewv* marhrlrr, and a pcrMmabtf adniini%ai, my where [>r. Dicianna ilumn i.ir Ihc sjrnc •.KWih tif Harper '»currrnl pitputalion. ' • ''• ^ •* II '- • .-. iIk! "ir^. inmcinii: ihai ifj^. Which hriniit ui to ib« tituithcti i-hoict: f'r. Ihinald i"'-«',-r lii-s r> in the "livini; vshilc Bmmartt, a liurc. ronfidrnt titeaktr, it Iht PrewlenI of Dranur ilin .- .' re Ha.iinp I " a ikLlcr I rum -oi nu nlfmiicd <"oii« Colkft in ( iisla Mesa, ( alifornia. a Mhiwil «f .ihoiii

., .'1..MI u.is.l,'m : ,:ti .1,1 <'iood I iluilcnl. rcga.ril.iir lutk wiih vour .W.r been ihr A,,,'/.,.. ^ 1 1: n t'mla Mesa ar»a» momIiI he want locimie here.' When I a%lted him that verj (|ues|ioa. hr didni hal an evclakh before iti»tn)t me his i^ptanalton. Xpparrnlh his

di»l:ri*-l of lhre« c»)lei>e* lof whi IS conMilidalinf because of laelt of niM Cimilie^ unit m^ in. ..ml h.ipiVIK'il up his lilronsard'si position is hi-i-.iminu "more >!' » f.»ii(iH^ iminatjer thirn a rresidtnl". At the luncheon and ft.rwm List «eek. Dr. tironsiird Jmpreswd a htl itf people. I fiUr l(ill!*Et|iiiir HBolth Corner Stfip tlieSrintker- A message from HeMth Services N<»ii SitKiker V\'iirs

«»"!' R""- nii.i.v.,,,) -I |„,p,,.,, (ir /)„,,,,, "'""""' " '!. Ih U.dums h.i^ M 111, 'iLils i,( bi» i .. . .,iiiii,l.,(is iin. t.olitii: tu-lpiiii; (>. rtm j

. iimmiini(> i-llt^r ii< ., iotnier I'lcsidciil M>*.r.>th\ ..t'.^fiicet. plus one n..ne of the others lias,-: Ilr kriims Harper >iii>r'malnm itis i ( iitleji*- ihe pnittlenj with untone hired Ir.nii the oiilside In h.t';id

. .'It a(,' .1 L.tlege is sis monibs tii a tear .>! ad,(iisimeni ifur the nrss

I'fi-sHlfUl to Ih.' t..ll>.'i' ...r si«-e-»efsaf, »'n» :,i twini-ar i otlegr. this is dfiuhl. ,if the term ot mmif- Minlails "lirltinji; adjmfed" si...,:.,. ,„i,ed if pms.hir. In lht> cast, it's \tr\ possitiJr. uialtnucil 1.11 p.i£c li .f1.,',' '.'..ikt.Kl I»r, M illianis is u itualified ediieainr ftioldinf a fHrHirale •f. f.ilii.'iiimn.,! VdmiinisiraliiinK he is an eirwienl adminislrafor tu.rn)! l.etn tl.ir|.ir's V ite-rresident lif *.i-aers little to do ujih rnnnini: Wilti.mi k,iiii. .. a major 1 !,,;,,, educationiil insliliition. hot when juKslini' II.IHUI sluilenls. CiVE :~i a I u \ %\l> alt the faiMltj, stafT. and .idmin.stnilors il,.,i cnuik. it ctrlainis helps to ha>e Ihe .idmiration iind resjwi't ..I '.ir bt nice, ncll^Kpiiken •n

  • iduals also, lint tfce iips-ralive word here n SI t:\|, \ ,,,(, inter. lew is one (hini- lanit the luncheons foriims »rre tittle more Ihan niended intersitws). performante is another Ur Vt'iHiams has lis en us len sears t.f performance. In speakinii to man* inctisidiials (n all calesortes at Harper, 1 have set to meet siime»a^ ..nt faculu nifmher who dhlrnts rd«calii,mal II.Ht.irates >n tent r.il.i, I realtt hope the iliwrd of Tiusters is nut htinded to Ilr. \\ill.aii.^' sersite In this colleije h> his i,ui,.| and efrieieni demeanor the; bale the unusual power ,-:-' to reward Ihat weflre,; :, , ! :3 dillfence bj adjitstintt l»f . Milliiims title. Ten ears with " J Vice" neol to >our title is e»ou|h. S;3u Qr - 3 JO Pi^

    I') I.arrf faullin A2

    Entertainment Ihf H.trliinuii \Iardi 31. 19X.S I'iilli 4

    fjrace /V^u; tri.h talent: 2uaranteed not to fall from

    ' V\'iih I lilt* F'omics .1.1 f'lK" (IV •i\ff Mill

    «ich tarn.) ax'i; vtllc i (iTi'Jl MjIT "rdri rcl iH iht- malt,' rial iv hkc. . KV- ("KSiell", Vkllii The Pogues ; (>( jnrint f> ll^l ihi-ir : ..: ifcal >r, 1I(- msAt i, ,\ mii!.,>r „.n ill... jj... hand n*t:M'n*vr C'aii :f>iilil lau-.l re! DKiwiiii K'onj:l"ii iw **y i'all i'f^ ly iih I'imsH'. ^i,i|^'wrt!'v ..1,1V It's n.>t lu^l Insli niu--u lti,-,i » .^ -• I.MV,- tllKl" Till" II i r sin. ,.:i;,'iIJ!il lll'Ii- tX.il li'ii" !> Ibc \\ I here HuTi- i^ a •> ScmJi IIIV.V ih,,- A.- "Rum [\i\ vii-ui 'Ih,.- l'<-i-i.u.'^ Siiulh AiiMialia"

    .!:» 'i I ^*' h a y ^ ^H" c ihal tiiiijurcs up lmat!e^ of a ''hic ruins, and Van .ipunli hiind. In Miiiity Python skekti, and one Iivlanil .:iiiil \i>,n,i,»fn bil (rom n-H.lll"^ '!> thf muMt on lallai "Fiesu" iJutt h«> a dclinnc ''' ' ;»ii.">' . A'.'. I<'Mlll I'lavr fciitng I *lHllil itey hnvt Kx'n IhlS sHhuK. Spanish fe«l lo il. •" receittly mt»c for iheii ltfntjt!i. \ tfc. II m nevtr guessed i< ui K' Tin: weaker iracks are innsical alitlii)' [>tr[HiLu'll;< ihan lI'Kii "(umk," music i:alihtuit,h MipfHiruJ *i11 hy ihe strong owr ,"i ' ' :th of Uinipcil v-i>n,. i-iti (t! in at a I*ii(!u«:'s II 111 11 rn'haMv find yourscU .;i,"Kock •'!' Tnt-alhtm i- |H'.|'.u-iI pl.i\inf; II ovci again. V'^'V have Dccn arouiiJ )>n i|iiiu: «•""- \r ^ n " .III! f lime iJtil ha*e been igmwrd by ^lad I

    ihc marn>!tram jvfs-i muh ihr ^fchole alHtin' ^ ' Ihe PoEU** \.u\.mf. Hi.\id-.. ..irnonj; .•Hut me c«]x:i cnce. tasst I> e^i'.'plu'ii :'l \ji' M.'in-i.n. U iiKblon Island H.i luinc hand,s. '-i>"i-' aikiitmn fhc .;'i.,;h m^'h hand. ""' nf 5: 3 I :: ux>k t; I" bfiin; 'inShmildF^'allFromfirai-c R»«"ll \- eugc. Shall,' .1 J.-ii t*i »i(tk-t ulciM* I'TOin Ireljnd. "Squares" loud & live

    PJli..t.|' it'. XtLirf* P.iI.J.:>


    Bie.r»loi Mtm. Om mm tMMIiiD Jur» .ml WW w elm* kK' ciMkia. AYCOUiOfOfOiSiGN w t i \ \ % » » • (ttl) m "' ' Cntcafla CampM:

    "^o"". ttCf^ am »*Kiiiii«ii ow*«.. sen»j«*iifB., •«»• w 'I

    /(.irr »w Th«Foffc« Behind Chkogo's Work Force D«.bbieTemi» GENERAL HosprmL HARBINGER OFDOOM? TWO WRITERS DIE IN UNRELATED MISHAPS Naomi and Ted, Dead

    By Ell Haatell geese SiiB Wtno had devoured Naomi's scattered remains especially, require cg| in Two ptipiilar humor wriicrs with pirhanaJike fen<'or and their diet if for they ihc Harbinger were laying on their are to have a full. lustrous coat. WRITER S ASK: died ihis last week, in hacks helchint! and The significance of this lioconncctcd frcjik accidenn. (See .scratching themselves,. Her head observation is WHO'S NEXT? rtlaied was not almost eerie in its poignancy. stonest, Boih writers worked recovered and is prfs,umcd to How many times • • * under be. somewhere on the have we watched an old ihe auspices i>f page five Hanxr <. arnpiis Check the epi.s

    When Humorist Hung! asked to comment on the •'1 Teifdy Mnljim,s«i 'tragedy. ,Lan-y Paullin. luUuv- Sl.i'l Writ. '"-' ««^ Naomi, Enigma •"<:,! ">e Harbinger, sa.d 'Ifs ' >>cr Teddy ' >'f''TPif»filike f'hfv'" «l Ei ,AUi,erls ,«r with us in cau had a rimrc t>crsJd t unyituimtltiine'') Rhunes he ,..i1y','nid symbols, the »,mite lie I of a pirttv girl, the pl.k'f l(.\,,j A This m ihe 1." a tuNii! of same U: Brouxseau- din on the boot of a working man ''•atcr ,arHl '"' "[''• I illy" drop a «n'J help it- -who i.K'se plastic /( loop thi,figs that hamtn'cr ' ionieruu hold a m l).>* ilICIl','' that anyone who I J doem't like - p.Jck mgethcr ^Thc I to «-,., or hear, 'piree Sio^oges, Brian's an infant mtmnx at No one ever I ,lcK>kcd at Naomi Jionj:, Nn, Yes. V'et^.,) i I ''^"'^^hiledimnfiisanoverf>earing and said she was a ravishing There wiraaous, Iwamv .lie manv' rnvsicncs about glmemm gourmand who No one ever spoke to eddy delivenfcMMi Naomi aid said 1 that miy r.. to kis mouthfor the >he *..s ..Ived.For sole an intellectual giant. wstance. P"n"">se No one did led: ,Keupthe ifrv*«i ft) Ed .Mmiut) of spitting it at his dinner ever snifted, Niomi and said let's name ctrnpamons. cat in Peder Sweeney s., La. take a pill. Ihe he could > same room. make Inn of homos and fat chicks with The first thing that comes to immunity'? many people's minds when asked about Naomi is her almost super natural obesity and her tiny head which -sat atop her btMiy like a cherry Spooky similarities on a basketball. between the When deaths the idea of a diet was of '- Naomi suggested by a concerned fan, and Teddy

    •• '-ni datmily Haunting replied "Go to hell. mmcidence or the Dark Side you fnggin' tony!" of PAGE FIVE'' Larry You be the judge! Paullin. Editor.' in .Chief ot the Harbinger, *Both PAG€ FIVE said of the late Writers' Naomi "Gosh. I *;#of,/i ihoughi Sweenev died //I or n<'(ir "A" building! rnale her up. She must have been very *lhnh h.id i'iit.\'. tat." **"'' f*'"!..'^''' Lii 'V infirsinamel Brousseau, columtirst for ,, the 'Mmh had rnnr,. , /,,„^,,,, Harbinger, said of Naomi's ,„ i^^i ^^^^j^., passing, "It's a real iragedv Vl,i,n •.Vc ((,/),,/ crijoycd ,..pfrd' Children could have sui-i,lfi.t .,i her beautiful tah-tahs," •' and raised The geese that ate Naomi have in a theatre* .»,.„,,. .,.,,,,,y *Bf>tk set the H'tmn jp,j^.|j ,j^.,j„ ','!(' rtf r^.„,,^j||„^^ ^^^^ ^j.|^. back ten \fiir\' "-"' " ' of ^''Jjrper *.\'eifhrr hj G.llege where we ',: since death] imy say tarewdl to her «•/• and take some '!•• '

    I'agi- «, Hiirbineir March M. 1'>HS ^upcoming I he ^be Game" K-utes

    " " 1 - SOON • i ^l^tfi'*' H >Miti »« • rhi- V. iime' w»H fn.t " COMING Development |>hoiiw m .ill ) wiU be puWwhnl < «» Spriii^ 1988 Student

    fill ml lUc entry Wank •When vou tuM- l.^ml all Ji.. kKalimtt, h,i.U

    tton Apnl 11 l'»KH, In must be received no later , •AH cni/ies IH Transfer Seminar Mas' drawing heW- event o( a lie. there will Ik- a April IM pm, HIT nwmters or ihe Hiiihirigcr suitf •The HiiltogC' «»»' a"" f""'J be abk- lo pariidpaic. Career Interest will not 1« Time m Shape Up I Testing Part 1 Ibiliingcr's Apr.l U. 1"HR for Adults •The *mner will he wnotinceil m ihc 9-11 am, A347 Career Interest 7-*3fl pm, A347 wne. Testing l>arl

    the locitioni m«sl he specific. «-ll pm. AM7 Sti/Data •tlw iwwer). lo 10 Nurunit Info Comp Info Session Praeessing pm. M Session LOCflTIOn CiriKtuuliiiR ( herk LKt-UO U 7.K pm, H.'2 «1 _ nfflHE- IM pm. II21I HDOEESS- ft 2, Iliolovy Major PHiini:( 1- Transfer II Career Inlerett »3 Seminar (Transfer) Info >*art 1 »4 *-7 (im. h::i Testine l..\ pa. M Bldf Sessitm ''S 'Tkt qAMi' 7-ft pm. m2 «6 .|i»h Senrch Time to Shape I'p Trehnifiiiw Adults Stininur for Career Interest 7.i.WI pm, M BWr (i-f pm. \^41 Testing Part 1 «»-11 am. A-W

    Resume Wrtlliti 1.1 Srtf-Kiileem IS week's Seminur Seminar Snluliiin to last (.-7 pm. A241h W-ll am. v:4Iti

    i 3fc tesl ,\nxlety K_J l""diir;iliim VLtjors Hfrninur 1 rr.*nAlVr i Iriiu ^P[ "'-''P'iJ^ '-H11I pm. A.M7h

    7-S pm, I:-' HI

    Trst ^nsiel* Si-mirmr I 'iirftr Inli-ri-st -vv' _; '*-ll 4in. \:4:.i iL Tr%tiiis r.trt 1 ^ .„' >4' :'.-:,t;v::T|. I pm. V

    Smoker Wars NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Please Note: tontinued fnim pace 3 *nmlict\ wiiulit sii'i' u.itii^Mru- HOUSE '" OPEN scheduled in.i<,l'V. > l)askell>all Rume ht-nern •,iiu>krr\. Then, 1 he Bears U'l Miiokc eaiuelled. -....IIK- iilKTilll' \|iril ft has hei'ii f„r Wed.. cUe*lKi, ,!., CtNTER FOR NUflSING ..irit.kti ii- lake n p,»if sloli wont get smoke in hi-. OITiee: fr.im the H.ix . Rfliinds are available 1,1. Salurday. April 9. 1988 Will- be donated * y but all immics nt.t refunded 10 00 AM to 2 00 PM 1.1 Fund. -; III the I'etcr Sttbv i-Kk AMEMCAN BAB CEMTEH I I he It Driwt ll,>x Offiff, f>-l- ;.. in-.u TSO Mortti Uht Short Farfurthfrinformulwn. .•>nlacl llu ,b,[ Suits «ai 2547. CMe*

    Bachtloi ot Scl»ne« In Nur»inf M«»tt» m Sci«nc» « Hurting Program INC. n»9l»t«r»(l Muim Aa¥»rte»m«it HEALTH CARE CENTER, Full-tim* anil Part ^t ma l»roi)fa"i» confidential Continues to otter low cost, s tvealth: 'i'P***' care in all areas ot women IH* 'OB vol W*WT • Family Planning II T IS III IP *Ol ini> • Pap Smears QIICHIV %'^D ItfltllNllV • VD testing & treatment siu.lcnl who recogitiie testing & reterrals A,t ,. tltaduatmn • Pregnancy If vou rcqutrcd be loHt il you itrc ,1,',, H>p."tt.nit\cs m..> v« • Pre-marital blood tests M-arclic* iirids-iislcd ell us, t.. ,HTf..-n. iOl» cot Corp, ba% a unique prtwiU' .»>i.l VV,„u1(i.-Ut job mlcrchiintic whcrebv *i- m,.tch FOR WORK. SCHOOL, SPORTS ,,.„„„.,• client Wl DO PHYSICAL EXAM.NATIONS ' ,,nclKi.it€i to io» «?(>«""'""'* corporate .rcdcrtl.als that our and or appointment call: ,1 vou h..ve the For (fitormat'ofi with you on a m> looKinc, to. we car, work . i.eiit i* Suit. 1 00, Palatin* aboul It 553 H. Court. prole»lonal tee t>«i-, rind out n.ar« 359.7S75 Oftimt. f••nlOB a»K» SalurMy *fl«>cMnfm»ftn Schaianibiirs, llHwml* (312) 2*0 ISOO Classifieds CIsissifiecis Chissif ieds Classifieds

    1 .u irri.H «.7j.i >.>i/ arc . - I,.,! \i- M \J\II H HI 1 I" „ k fl... « /„,..) I, (* »'' I* III' .'AI.MV "-M -'"h •' prr\imc

    UjfflJl.tn lr\r ! I..- M-irhingf " W hai nihe

    ' . • ,.r.,(,,. 1 (. • - j(i.„l ^:i " i,ininuv" •iSmc.-f \. The ,

    lui .ill '-I il'i'.' '.!': ••! '.'[i,i.:m .Vmlijis'NAlorv" (t*fl' to «;n|lll Im. ^ I i«* ili>k ioi> piiMnhiii. I KM ( IINSI I I MKIN »iHri ^i.y I 11. >i>ii ^'aii Die wiih jnii •iiMpi'abhf. ail'hliiMiiil Ssn' ii groiii hifilul.i^ ,1 tcjvc H.,iri»T Hope yiHi have

    ink-tf^u-il tonl4..« I .irrj or met SiTini- Hrcak Emptoyment ,,11 If Pr,«irl*l f»I Mfil .ir .'Jf'ill 1 hm: >'.i, Bt.m-nx- All., ami m Or |UM sioph) lldn yimM B.\M>PH(»HH;RAniV t V u VM V I \M FMmiAISMI-M l\s.-nii.il U>r the (ulurf oi • -•- !'.!! I \ '.»Sx> I Vf:\- ! nu't! i,in,,l I '.ill (^'raikCi SSS

    shadf "Slicker"

    (iijul-'j, (l:r*OfCf '". t>'-ll "I • rwiiisil Wt.,KV.:r I H I R ;iti', !il't,;ri.-

    (»!' "^"* 'f"-" CH,nn* Jiul sijlo »:li rniii«cii|«f t tunning.. ctmt«l. * hrn arc ti> awl) Attlif. >f>i'ii fytl III i,,.u\'i' Mn>;!cJ rtiC mil

    llnl fi..rL'.<'">' ' --""• kKl» ;-,.,n.i.mi-. N'

    ^^*'''''^''' ' ' ' ' * ' mr vhIo* il.i; Suri'lu* '*mir A,ri.:i Hmv. .. ("fcuvc Vuko !': it""*- 1 Oi:'i,ilL iC VI ji"~... I... u ', i..MI"l aiJ'UUt . . _ . . . L.t . HfM K*M «(»-«'-»><'" , m-IM.SI MMM <:;

    OT R It h Or . UM Kill-..

    Mll*»,i - AKi) m* •iifcd;

    I f STRINC.

    -'\. i.t I'll. 1' '*'•'' '^" M\M1 lc \ii i;nk' rein

    ,, II ,11 1 i,l-. I .1. 1 iiiuti.ir t'JcMiin -t.'i tiirMc . f.'ilii III " t .J ; \l-.ii. « liilMi.; to li-i

    J-> • IHIMI \fuR SAl 1 M ni) Cticveiu; l^.iv ,,,„, GUITAR AiiicniJ fall - ,-1 I. i 1 Si 1 •> ..i n ,,„( liw ak ur »«B w.kt,,' 1 -uo'f.ii <"j)l fi-'1i" !.'>« Hraml.^n^ ,„.,* -j'sn »mi»uit pjtor. WtliHilhl- fn«lll,n

    !*l>l'il>. I -I " 1' *» il > ' ; W. .itlj', i; ('..'.Iini Killct'li" p a(k-i ''' '^' .1, I ! . ,!, I ii ,-. c m\ h,'.,-i !. AUTOMOgiLESi YAP

    I \i I \ 1 in 'I'l I I I hfiauM; sVTn\(»TA vvti. ii .Hi- vou' luvl '''*'"" yt>u ' '*'''^" ,1,11 re m tnu- iltjcvnl moan '' i-il rrll'i-m t:r»n*»»ft I'm It cuir kittrn R n "'' '""'"- tJii liirfct jH'-"' *"*!

    >s ""' "•" 1 tui Ii.vf %UIT"

    .(. ,1 ..., 1.1- , : acl I

    oil Liiripus

    '.i.li.,ri il wjs

    1-'^ I .t.:(,. r I l,'Hk, Jin.,K •:, .

    K«:t> Hx-ii- . l.ll^ .111,1 Ji'Sv .iriil atilom,. |j'».i I»» r .- . .tin itiivir ,*fi M'lur M**\. t-v.. , r oi'm h.K* amp 'il'* ^ IM ()M» xt K\l< I iit'.'il'. --. iiH'..,!n S>i-i:r;mi Biwd lU-Cil^ vi

    l,.jrT\ ' .1,1 M'H.n V.I Catl >• I ''I ' nti ,T

    i,,i». ! •.- Hiirlrr I'iTOI MUCELL "i."'-l.'-.n....: II 'till) 1'IMt.il

    iiwuM in ((»:!» ..i.liru' ' III

    i lk'<;\K M-nl il.

    Itlii. • •.illiH'li M.ii! >'t3.

    ' I'l «ii S'J : Cjlt;,rulai,' (I >'« ' ' ! ' «'i Mil \ . HI L>i:K.iIl\ It

    • H.I.I": '..'.,lch Wjinwl I'jni

    H IIMM I \10IIH ^»itt1 VI vM I II I M*N

    HI VNVNNV mil \1:'. Dark „:.|<.> ttJSMSALS: tl4> MH.LION I'M! yiM, 'StEKli ,1 I' •, -. ,\ Ail Wl NI IINI I Aim :• IF'. llol M M I ff H



    |) ,;> n.'iV ' 1 ,/ .11,! ,!:,«<' t! a»(>ri I'HO'.il'lCl ' • II, bOO/0 (3!/',. .>'.?V >.;. SI SCORE 1,' •("' Mtiiirni!, ami WBiTi roKfBEi, iHfUiin»i>n>« ,.,..,.. '.n N re IN

    HI :« v''l< f'

    I'liiwi Miinms (_ _,:

    ClM»e» oKeifiJ «i Hjt»ci CuUtie . . ' . '

    Pane 8 March 31. 1988 ^ sports, Ihe Hiirhiniicr Softball Opens

    4^1 \£am Ft.O' Valley teW *« -..: hil. a fiift had ; Lyn:ii Hoyer. ,'B.. (ickfe'i , cntxt fl hn\ ini'liidiiiE; a (ioiiMc C".i.i. Aliei defcMing f ollcgc 'I'"*'"' '" (>|xm-( im fimriie Aiii^cl K.u"">"'' Ijikc Couwj m tteir «'"" biise miinrT-. Mucli ».. Hairpcf ««» »«"> Pikh. . " Pkiii» By T>f leim rfroppeJ '''"' fo«. pici-xd up a ^om;!U thttt. comr Michctc TlicriMli "'"-"'''^ vit-itirji ''/ Ci>*.h NV.i'j jimic '_•_ I tlic Icjsses, a r (HX'rw'il ur sv...:• "'-•' H f. Ki'llcv I III- plejiM-'d- ri..o viiiev was jioi»c*t«iii itir *ir>i MiMiskm 1 funs m '™*''' llaqx-i 1(1- ,ll n» •'We pkaycit »»™>-' „.k iiv> dnut-'- ' itic away ic»ii». We

    ' .il"- 1 ; The Hawks h:.n I (:twniy T-SonWcil. Min'l*-.> Hai KtinMico advaniii!:' i" ' Harp-'f w* am) U'- rm hiHIlC. and !<'« ><>' wan Hiar[*T\ itiIj lewm *»l.>is. in hm n>« H«wk» *<* s*'**" ran ft.'' ibc wtMlit 8««9B S-3 lie. tvut m a HiiUJcr l.».t taiim. The team jumiwl Team Results Tennis Track Unbeatable discus- ,,11 rii,.r*:i v |,OB(t |1J ' ll.ir|>er »

    itn- ,s.iii»rif i:*lt«w R»"t"'

    f'"«'.''' ', i- lt.i:rpcr Tenni* has H...u'tK'if''ni' 1 linii i'. 'W.,' ''"•"c ".arilc" Riiik-r aiKlPW"'-"' ' CoathRoyKeamsMid. ; all OipiWH'tn.*-

    ...... 1 . ,h.. wmieitntii: *'': ' 45,1. .„,w HtStMlial ,,,,. K..(.,nninp of the *im>;i> "• 1"«-an' ,,' "t> '''-' i-- m^e I" Womfn'-t II (at.i. llK: \KM tip 1 .i«,>rk ll Several *.:lii> Hitrfitr ..("'**'. ^'"" V.,ilk:v \'kk< I. (.,untv.njkM,>namlR«l IX-ftmU'riiverei^ ; kiiigji'" Only ' ;7.,\ . (,!•, I me CI will "' The men trabf'-. 41in;»- l...lftU(C:' Ttie leaiii Own., tii playeil al Cnivcr. ! Ktelirie "-'(i,.-- ITKlllhi, ..iWhcs were 'Illinciv ,n.f.v!.tiL.,l t,T-l [>I..Ki' ! r.astrrn

    ,,, .. ..M ill..' ihe iiKW.!. ., j. warn

    »""»'-i' yci in |iim(i- il.ir|>er ".>. l.atie htfh I .nir l,„o„ Wiacm, iiivcrsily and ihcn u> Si NiiifiC', cveuMst ami rcsiim*) SflH Rjnil.i.. ! iu-*ki.- ,i:id ('". ^ K,.ir.'n .,r,i;«lir.._ 4(,HHTi* will K . 4'IU", ''^ Harper "-'.. TlK! leam amt ai' foHown: \liiir, :m.,,lP>Ul>tiilJ WmepC.,. ".fnirwk6.|.fvl wiihoui the ,„lk'-u'ia ICll'ii t4"7", 11... |K. VS. Oalki™ ,-\>l..ini.. ' , , , f'anHxan. ^ '' - """" R.tv!.'. ' vlwt put. I'H 1 Dt.c*ke/ "i..-(:1. >• ii«lav l"l>> IS 1. Pilchfo'-..) H.i,r|vr's nnl >' Futh! 1- aga^KlThorni.in . . ida> AdamM' :s.s. Olticl f>' ,,l UKipm. Olrui. ( -. - UJH'.shol I B.an.le«>n.i' Amh LxTHwii.tliK"*- finish B»t.Je»"6'f'Mv '»•"""' rir.t.plave*- Pawlak. •drnotf^ put-"p,„. 4VI;4VI"; Brian ^ ^^^ Wins First Six Games Baseball Harper Ival Malt ^^ ..... I'1^"' f""" ""i . Harpe»n-irnei lakeslakr% eombinc:.- In the top ' ...Iter suner W) on then s last Sufi. TTk Hawks went only l»'" « Kctirer. v.U p.ne up si» rum. . adi. r>enn«* ' Illmort loait trip last I'tM- wtn •"" S.oulhcm i'^ two '<<:o(ca h.hi" i - lei earned, in the first playd same* on adouMc. .1 i;l ..1.11 wwkend. Harper . Kn.iij>.:- iHT' (10), allowcil (,m .1 If'h" Olenitk Lew.!. * riark. M.i.k,i.lra ,,jn Itgnimt the . in/' eo'iifleied , i.l»e.ii nptK-d a two Ilili and 1 1. . TotMlei-iu m OaMrc y . ...i'^ and Mc Henry ,V...(i rcsniiw.l o,>ni J X the Hawks a the victors of ^ualuy homer to g,iw ecwnbiMUon Knau-.s. H.iri. icvenlh i. The ' the In Sai..' ..>. ^ame lend. '» ihe *"**<'' iiiii •'•'•! his Tir'-i VIM niichiBB awl •"« Denm* riel*f,nppi'dal.hic..- up 12-7. *"" In the srcond inn^ * Hjipcrs h.g toys "!«««' "P and the first Kmuiss, a Harper aKii heat Kehrer had an RBI i"Plf tookHotxaiP*"**'**"' up with a loul o! mj RHl 37.10 nn the 'prevnms day. home, Paul O'Callighan ervled Claii The Hawks play at catcher Mi Ihf. lUy I Si*»-h<">mcr Ha.rpc!i led on agaiiiiil Truman, today al smacki-d a in Harper S»»t|»i MtHenrj Hawki «ored three Ti»|is Mtlcnln wenl.vn l.o si,,iff The Harper >e.ison S.<( The H..i»ks pm, TTk Hawks won their ictond ami then eupWed * i* more rims the T w ice rU , ., : . , ll,' I>i./.U-i'r. tleatlv in hMehali The NL west is. the Reds. linrth. 1. I'lneinnuli Astros. the t*o diviMons. » Himslnn weaker o( \ I re 1 the ' 'The Reds (m.i"' ' " an easy repeat nd prepared fa help 'l.js'ed. [insitis div-sion pilthi"^" ky the Ciiaml* as 'idt« h Mliinl.i Itras .u..',„i .'.!.' toi«s«.' ' champ*. Of .: :,. I'li'i-ire. ll' niithme: shun i '• not as swl » '.' •are \l,k>. |i, iM help .k ^<'. will lose to them in iom'

    ira»nc.s •.-.....—.. 1, '" (jiants 'Ilie firsi

    .1. liullet ..

    ''' •••" tel lew year I'ailres "''« liu'i;.! most el' " o( the' Ik I.k,'I I fiat the I. h,A» J im the .'M K'Oiefwer !'• HARBINGER Hiir|H'r (nlkcf \"C)L. 22 NO. 24 VVilliiim Ktiinf> I lu' Harhin^er April 14.1988

    State's 4.8% grant cut forces colleges to slash budgets

    H> l>.uii:i.i. K..'

    "oUegi ti.i>.

    -I>»1 peiiiriiris w

    i;BI fi:K;jl m: ^•I'rf' nrr*icfj iir si. :. .:

    .'BlJiijain :; I '•'^tt he cut

    tir » I wilt fH:

    Laura Jacobson Rptiif*ri^ IhJiF^2KJr 1 M A A £|^ .AL m \0'' A AA A A A kjP A^ ^ Elected Construction Resumes Student Trustee

    I hm lucfilw *lu(Jcol Liinvryitig (vrwnal

    I' ic> h,(ivc ^X , a coople sii.iii lm«es)

    ;iig. hul I woulit liks' 111 '.viih the iMwrd liiM

    m ihc Siuck'm

    It) ihrte

    ,Is .ruitlvrtl."' were nirwril in .r|MM .Siudcnis

    -' ..-'• writ /.i.i.iii»(' llarpcraUKl

    Vim: M- 10 L-tiange this. •> ^ lrr\i in.viing will '''Wp'^'' caiiipm iiKij. iliSii \I»ii 17

    ...... 1^ :-. 1-,; Mcrtjng *ill tx- April 2V.

    ' . fhe omer side ot .J.. .'thcr A. .review of who got The Game, Your last Harper's Baseball


    . : .ooti. what at the 60th chance to identify team 15-2 Harper i'< ttt A Kds all stx campus shut out St Francis

    '"'''."'"i*'!"* ' ..1 118 Last locations and win 5-0 and won 5-1

    ;' .\1I.)S.' t 9.-0 the gift certificate.

    Page 2 Page 3 Pag* 4 Page 14 Page 16 1 "

    The Features Harbinger April 14, I9KK l»age 2 On the other side of the mirror- A doctor's perspective on eating disorders

    THi: «.i.ccial psychiatric or are [wppiiij; same and (tie purgmp i» ^-yrcin.- up in ih.: Ii|..p.itii,, rl.^tnl..ni'i;'.^: >! hx'IiI values ami alcoholic units in hos-piials iml hlaik |»>piilau..irn j^ v.<-U; I'ivcri il \omcime ^I^l'^ linil mit Also, in November. Santucci Sjfiuiii, iihoul itic iftsonjet. mjiiv iinics, >JV\ t lisiied Boliigna I niversiiy. in ihis S.iritiit^i '.,,\-\ p.tii,„m- *iih itiey iiLiintaiii silenec. lijlv. to set up ilie lirsi eating i-Jlifif: .ji.,.>rifcr\ lh.u r;rnf%: m agi'i silentT can often prove liiul lor disorders clinic in luly, with the !i'"ni ,iJ.'l.;x'cFii\- tvir«»W"*kl ' '-fu" \.iys mosi Stmucci says, "Inemls ot Bruno will travel buck and -liwiiifcis doiwt anorc«,ics am) hulcmtcs can give lorth, from Italy to the V S.. to siiinion and tart hy telling chIicts .It i'«m"\ as II Dr tram with Santucci this Spring: scnsiijve tif Caitluiiif Hcalih m a manner Samucci will return ui Ihc Italian In her trealnieni pro(;ram> -111 , i*ri>u- .1 i.nir-(»rl center in the Fall (.iniiU iiii-tiitvi',, and friends o( : r^ of ihi- rvitiiTH\ are iiivucd In M'fltl.l intend !: A ith great emphasis 111 tk-i "There is little I ':l' huddy system ,,1iMirh,lrr |v "Popular preventive :;., .KIM- uic ii.iiienl pi:Mh ncx-ds therapy inisconceplions ,.-nintional supf«;>n before the trouble Ai cli'" •-• siilin iviiKhl have to the becomes obvious, [Ml >( 1,-11 I'l treaimem ,*>ii:.

    chanjie (in regards ' paiieii; • itiiU'c as in Minie , .:. a death." In what is pli.'^ ]'l'>l:F.lrrl^ itun ritliet^ desireable and Sjdui,;. 1 r lfi,lv inv,,KaI in hrallhY)." t"li^hiii|i: rcjIK vTi'alivc" !',',!. ol ircaliiii; eaiiiig •'The people who ii.|cF\ h,>ili at huuK- jii.l recognize the ii,Mi'Ji; ,.iii,Mi il bctoniini;. .iim IS 1.1 li,. person's prohlein ,;.:..:aiiun,>, a\ short iWc and to gel th,- ivincnis are . . . others." < i'm llv'n ,'W'n Icun." -lio vus

    '. t alk'Htfil I. like to establish

    i tiy c'^rmfi', c programs lor **-riT'k' xfk* !, Hirib'i l'i,ci Iti .:..,, i.'l--. l.»i,

    Milly. 'hemt' Ih,.- (ii!h! agaoiM eating i

    ,ir.oiilers inviiU,-\ [i-.y.ho.|ogi

    j -t ireatmi-fH h> oiKnirii: parents, sixu/ vrntkcrs. school

    Mervs I 'enter, in Aurora Iw'hith

    'ic last tii trani'd (in pg. «|

    !,,, ,11,. t.,.

    much with the personal siJc ol

    ihe y I. nine iKTSort

    'iiients, "lejtiiif

    J)s*viLj,,"t \ ..III,' '.A I I id ten I,

    "Eating prevalent m siho-'ls ' mhurst College disorders are rv lillie prevcniiK.c appearing in ''.-lore the itouhle OAY/EVENING/SATURDAY CLASSES populations other I'lccomcs obvious or otherwise evident, as in a death oi SUMMER TERM ELMHURST than white." htwpiialixjtmn." • Day ind Evening CourMs MANAGEMENT • Clasves b«gin June 6 PROGRAM (EMP) • Only one evening a week or 11 Majori (ncludin( 8yMn«

    • (-' r i,^ nw ,.j[H » .Mi.i »h;„ 1" air ml I'r.Kjj or •14.J4M. detif ned for the Businet* " 1.."- I'"' i#4" iiitJ«r«ftc-r-taow«Vft ^ A foul Ve*i iatieral Arti CoHege SirKrtS'l tn Pro«pe

    Big Brother II: lt*s in Yo^r blood. Off Her Rooker

    Srv»r»l »r«lu agu, ill IbK riJuinn. I i«i.>r<' iihoiil Ihr "Big iif mom Rriilhrr" ntlwiirlt Cfin^"''>"wt H (iiililit'l >niinl nhout By Ui llrnuiiwau imtrnnicnt t pjiiiK, il grt^ worw. W« just rfcriied » prifw wire wr^itr •.lor) Hiutiii); iliiit I about 20,00(1 cnllriir Mudrnts will hr unkniiwinKh Ifsird Tor evcrj day, and (hen llit:y hdic.--,,! 41 DS duriait th« nml twrlvr month-i mrmt thr njlitm. inmieenct is concept it. Would 11 £4ia*,H''' the thought that people arc dis-

    ' • . Tkc plan, aiiwtiiiH-rd \»t wtrk t>\ thr Itnti-r Fur IH<.f.iM . ,in b«:h('ild only after II III' .tc goinj: to posable, but in this case 1 will

    : It. CiMlral (C'IMl in Atluntu, lalK fur miim or «> iinn.imut In reminiscinK ' 1 *>>tk,. . . i!h- ,uklu;is gladly make an cscepiiiHi l.cis ciinpuM;<> to suhmil ahoul tliomjind or •»> blmKl tiimplri. ". >'i ' 'iiL' s piisi. the memories ol would have to fl.n ;'n,-tcn,1 :is pretend "; pi:K)f--thc suppliers hi.- coUecied friim ^Ittdtntii an » miilliT i»f ctiur-.r thr»ii|;h»ul thr I days in wbicb the well. jrc com- Il really doesn't malia vrar. wkicb wiU lh«n b« imttd (or the prcwncc of the HIV lor li.ilt:iiloscojic of .rmnoccnt The thought pun •I of tlK-m go because il Ihouphis were chronologically likely lie something i :-, been established that TomM l(nliiil) injur* lo tnjur>. the sludrnt\ mod t i\rn ilisMtKcd' MC otteri i-»i.kn[ .hkI ol, "From where am i t"iui; m iln-y iiiei,lls[X>sable. be InrOTimrd if thcj »re diiifmuMrd as \ll>v »« iini^ i-f ...mrrs. the (c« lings one .! There is an ciccpiion lor

    rtii^lii . »|'v.'i«. Jiirmp thr ., i,- . riplunutiMn ftir »ll of tbi*.. ;i^ \

    l;iii%tTni|i( rif prt'tencl...there is .1,-.. !i> C'\\ cross tii<>li forcr iiT the iiin*rican < Mtsilth \%%oii.ilion. AIDS Mutt i:,il lui|S- 111 du- slivk a 11(1 ifajl Ihr ttsu would priitid* "Ihr (irsl wluat dutj uhoul titr such thinji as , Ins eye thai tie really fre«|U»m-.j i>f H.I V, inrection iimotig •.tudrnli, who mr ciicaini'" ..ml -.land dealing anviiuue. he iKrta*in|>l> ronMdvrrd hitth-risk popiiUlton." '0, The tiKisi a muld play pceleriJ U«>

    -•^' ' ' Korlunalrlv, not evrrjiini! in rducatimi i» m« "nohW ", c( ot inn*s rni'.,- f.^ llanni; disposed nl "The RoHinitry Murr»». iMir for lli [.fi'iiTi,,! I'tuhlem" and dilemma number jtlmiBl ii« appaliitd as I. hul for a dilTerf-nl rraMin sh>- ><>iilMII> \illl^l^ thr CDC £0 1.1 It. .A !.ir 111 I Di-.-.l A will I tiiid the

    nnnolififd, pmnnialtl} to citnlinur vpmidini; thr di<.rav Ill . ...but , too soon ! Ill urijL-r til liillili 11'' " ,1. . ;.. i..; Ihrtwclioul thai "hi|h-ri%k ptipulation , Ill . reasoning becomes I he eiNsI news is. Itie .iddiel ftry pittM, tout Miimd^ri to me. Vi hat uM-> Or rathrr. Ihr lark of it. Ihr dttutr lost a art. ol '-..itli if.iiiii'' ,i!ise' the d.mg his mtt mandator} .^II)S Irilini; has raitrd brriirr and uitl aiiatn »l'l.' , !.i> pii-ii-nil ! mi Ui.', backs. niMJiid* Ihrw paf[t». Uhut makrt tht<> difTrrrnl n it:« wirnv. If 111.,- -.1 Julijhis'.f W die ..itdiei -.lill j) for a jr* and lh«; l«ll jiiu th*) tr\l for AIIIS and tou K>'tii' till'i Ihesc » !iii,itk,.it ,iitr wfn-n .. \ IC .ill M'tlS ll( dfin't like it. tou can timply not appU. Uhrlhrr or not >ou A hii uItvM!!lMj:h havr a rifaMin. Rut if yiM are in cotleiet', Morkinti i«v>.iriK .mt .l.ll carter, in ant ncM. ymt play a Kuuiian Koulrlir uiih tiilii-r

    1 111-, iimnves mcnihcts ol yiHir career or yimr health. f'Vi'. realty like atHmut ill ui: nn of (Je- llie laniily » liom the addiel he \II)N vou ha«r anyway." !. intiibiiis fi'u.'.f !r,.iii III ih,_. K'einning, us- nMhing In worrt ahoul doesn't hold water, rilhrr. I mean, >''• Then the rinM,i.. \ hiiniTU.: " iiie u\c dial he \sa^ nwl tike the R<»«ernmenl neicr makes mistakes. And with 111. i.il simplistK nursi-rv I' .di.iril. , .1 lk:l,:i,.' - 111 thousands itf people connected with the < lit and thr frd^ral It.iutili'J iiiuiil-. li.iiii ik-cp woultl ring Ihr-. I health community, do you wani lo take a chance ih,it ihi "uflii the .id.lK,!, ,i information tilal loyonr reputation and or health will he safe Siifii'.' [s-ii; .. "i. tcns.iln'ii ol from putilk hmiwledte? I am told th,il r«en if the armrd riirie^ In the end, stealing • the ptt-li-n\t- M Im.iI ,-I 11,1 ; I'sivru'iK, cd With Hir the reservesi SrSI'I-t fS that ><>« ha*e AIDS iht-t lan lltilhin beconuru: .iddlil llljt tCi ;., ,,. ,, ,,„ was involved. discharge yiw. How'd sou like thai on .viiur record? Ihr -.Lite of wiml which is created by would III 1 ir«. possibilities are tndles*. Jusi .1 Uf|!e group ol people, suth as health hersice at isn't involved Our Harper il know . .ill ih.it MC part of a n.iuoii, w-ho ral iiiah" ilcuil. (how because Ihet don't take hhKNl samples here lo be tested), and I This siiaiagcin was not en- U-lii-vo in the reality lhe> li;nr fl'.. .in ot playing ptt- can only hope it slays that way. Coll«|e can be tiniith enough tirely I'al.se. cuccpi thai there was i:n.:alcd itii.! ;.!.! r more than one any imcniion of paying the without hating to worry guitiea '' never abii\ I'lnecl. »c tkM oriK h,:ivc :i ioi lo die Liiiiily .'^eikx'keil oiil ii(>n. "From sharks, hanks tutili/cd by the sign Spring l-iir III>.|„lt; A sure of more sophisticated user), and ,, .l,.^llli^ in A... , .inriv d.-dcrs wht> wiere foolish .III .' I ri,l 111 ihe pfctcnd ihjl iht-r,,' ....ti.- no mj, i; Ironl ihe slull lo begin I- ttltni! as U.IC.111K- i,lr,.i(-i|)nj; pu (ii'ie. lo riiv

    . l.iiu'r IS no problem as tt\ Dennis Dartiy eii.l...... i.,.j 1. ..(.,,, i> .cry soiiplc thousands ol rati una I minds C'uiliolic I'umpus MMiltr < unlinued on page 10 Generally. I don't cnlcnain Wi-H. ff'i *"• ft"' .spring, I'm

    K-iiinning to thm'l. it ^ hiTC. Otif can a['*j>s U'H the ^u^c •;ign* Ite weather gcl.» waimer, Mutl Harbinger iploithcs fettirn to sprouting VV'iHij,i-ii H.nnes Ifiirrvr ("s-llege gram. The bcioks get duilier ihaii I2»I(,IW, a: i

    e»ef. Such arc ih« things I will PllStinc, i! iS 'pcmdef heifc. V>-; .1.,, Studying IS a iniri ol

    ;iilliiir-i.lB eihisatum. rcrtamly not t,tM- <:inl> Chief I i,rrvPi.ii:i.||, .MmiigiBg pm. St) hi>» (k) you CO about Eniiiiit H'dsmeti MwiiiKCT poltini ualluigcfcr'' N'ew« E.lit, 1 To begin with, icbool » a Ej'iunaii'iii

    >. j> to feed and nourish )'Out .Fcitu,res i


    ' intrltei. B'Hl: it stop there , ..-n'l heard suih .. Axan't S,|.

    Y'ou haw » miufi* your psyche I'l.i ait well. And then ihcr-*'- l'-nila> mghls Li

    if';: emolHmat and spiritual fnra i: III tale and I,

    • , be nurtured. And rvfh.im i ,:. A nh a ihinner Cer

    important. s<;x'i,. It were tal i.- t's.'g:illi Ot. in oth<-t wuf.i The llr-i-".:- hnaiMl kmn at itk: same iiiii<: 11 IK- IS linuled and m raiimpiis . When t was an .. „ on these pages, S« rt.j.m,s. '\ «f\M unci, !.'..•. itus light ol the was no till IK .St itmc. ilon't run out lt-«it.' Ill L»vc i,.i|i., .


    I li ' still ( 'I linsey don't leave J Rick midnight oil and ..•'lu .i.:i(n iti,l.

    .:i'.,;jmu 11,-iiiinded us n«>t by kii escry'lbimg UH the night before '.cr.cn 1.1 I.'ic t-,li;...r 1 » liJilirkl im rixjiM^si, K>r furUu- ..«>! gci in thC' *«iy ol ,«ir TTiis dty before H'lII *» Jusi fmc. 1.1111 »n ^ali ,:W" , .

    The Harbiniser April N, Entertainment, ^gg Page 4

    •¥i \\U "And the

    uiinner is. . ."

    New Talking ! Heads ias ijld sound ::j|-»

    kj Slt*f Hill Johnny Mair ancr Kinty MSrt'pll disapi¥.*immcn( Camtrlkmliit Wriltr iKai I had wh«j,.jiJongs that Ihf fi.iur.iTicnilict are hand h.n inrKciLibii.' •Cclilim they mctm. cspctralty i iH'hievcdlx'liirc irnut mtch as the Talkini! Hcxh. <>f>h J lew of the songs B y I e >y There arc a fc* e d tracks *hn:h »iic.k in ytiiir who have recfivcd mure i,han mind, as oppwed are ludett m l>> KkIii wtth ktrtis. a ireinj thai Ihcir (IKS (^nldtlrlii mm. I ri-lcasc "I ,,.1.- \nrrs>. Olympia Dukakis. hxmne piipular I "i«Tl«lninfm Wril»f a I. (e* yciir* »«. >t*u.ir,.-^"\ (if . MoiMiMfutl ACler hiiuai the ci)*er of ntu,|, „,,, I ihirik vhi- -Aim (posiiWy hrouglii «„ Mnndaj nighi, the 60ih T1,ME |,j n,f •'"'"B tiHiiJ he N'tauH- iif hi-r I.bt miigiuiM:' fottowMg ihe i.k-si.tfhrii .1 *• lume. Collins" solo Hlciny .Awards wx-re success *ith ihe f'i'ii'.enti»bte held retow (>r Iter la:ii ilbum. Sound- The last -Tnie Eiirth lioMed by Emperor Wind and Fire horn scctiim Chevy Ctase. K this i Overall, lilts SloriM". Davul Byrne (fcjirless the new Talfcing wav Ihe (iiM a*i,/j ih;,, but ieews lo the only job ifus man | he dying down '"'"'•''*' "" "" can find.* kmla at ilie Nind) o( I'- very (•.,,'; saw them win. ieems to have gcmd. '' and the theme late, They work '>"ri "iinules as tmmd great here. *''- •.ni a music 4)»n the pl lri.m ili.,' was kind o( pleas.in[ the

    csiMsciatly . K.ihin on -Blinil' and t)c< U'dliams tHeit lnM two releases. 'Mt li.rst lime. Ttijs '. "ic KHICI".. Ilif I'lr^i iw(, .^ings liiugh m.tire than Chasie iwil** for a Ta.llimg J 'hey have . Kdiliiig. Hcatls alhim lid. The 1 jm lromi.illy, ni> (..n'lirii,- retaleii ,onj[ qwilily ()( T,inl., riiiit.'nir mwe close' .l> lo ejirlly ; „,; The music \iili Why ', on ttic album is appni^ . couldn't Will,., tdemm the *i suhsenucr:. kind of Am m hier ma. .,nn llv host'' nice, although I ait)! (iMksiWy CouWn'i Uie ..A on [he ' Ml I: (j|c«. i.trtmg eni't Ml thai I've hcaid Uax:- i-,,ri,-„ to get the feeling *€U) track called 't.h.i w.,ir, Miimnmc rKr h..">,i,k- kit (il" One m.ire i.t:.ii the early Tafkinit Mrjilt, n..nt- ttu-ft n a ' 1 *xs going to be hearing n Tlii.t 11 fong budifs up siriiii.|.iv sucker I>«ii ihti llMin if preiiy (..n ihe CTl b,;x Kui savs all night long tPtd. fcom a '"'* 'ii'i.i' .if»>i.ii monotone . Chevy. v(x.al ».iih " I Atiet enjoy mg their -It.-.l i>ith Now Hi lasi i.»o ", i'J., tmie for thai I'lilc hacking instrumcni i, tis.iri,-iirs lime at relcasei mi muclt though, ' -I k> ta\ c annual long irihutc award. ihn i.mvey !'-Ji"..l, ^.iiting This M odd Cectini •^ --.:. a li'lvK.rediiulof (MIC IS a sliiilit Icidtiwn. m«rely -,..,..,k, ,„„, ^[K'oaico time Jack Lemmon lells tfc.sol.ali«i mv mmd f,)r me all ihiit, stiwgcly enough, players three hours iMCiMse It's a hit .B.(iif equipped wiih a aboul Billy ecleeiic suht:f Ihe Ikm* up u.. Irvmg Thalhcrg producer The record winneis, ihiHii;h lew uirfrKv A huge m • whole a fclcvisjon to see the award. gTcm.p o( muticiana graphics. f'esi Yawn P'oMily is decidctlly diOcfrni Suppcirlini; pktf (» ihu jit'hum, Sounds very I jtiaLiTu-.l w.bich was inlcreslini; (',.' ihen to I i/a tipiericnc-e Aelnr- .Sean recorded itaiii ihe compuci dist iloesn'i ,1" The Talking n Pirij 0» •c:hicve a Heads Cn tone babies ,".1; I'll J piant. heca.u*!. of the ejclusitm. li iHM-Anicritnii («1, of this always »erc one group ay the liner ihai Ihe only wide u(x,„ 'w.liC) Mimre a\l.!rH- inck. enjoyenl ...u^ury. ncMei). oLpminetiiaiion Uui musiial question. \V' and although yours truly' The b*s.i way ilijt I can was Oueit wcwld we Ix- niMiciMi nckde rootrng fm Altwri wiih<»ui must. piitpoiiji the feeling of lirwiks. I T»llilii( ii".iii/ed that Well Kradu comedians don'i I.1M. I wouldni be "N.ak»rt"* "S'lf ,i*ards bored oui of my mmd if I f'j'Sire '1 h<.Mi|,!h Scan ulked to weren't lisicning 10 you. llri ( as^ I n long tit in Raiiiic I they all') it was Oh gootty urn of 5 , , , a well now all iiie dcicirved award for one of otir nominees get to do ab«)ui tei acton.. minuic of their stmgs First we Put CONSIDBtA SiiBpwrlini! mnllnued on paj>e 10 PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNrrY WTTHTHE

    3nrn.w i:'^>i:]i,, ,„.... u . ; ],;,,.„ .

    ,:3R,i;l • ,;:»CTtl»,,I :..,*. ' PRUDEIVnAL j '. -r. '\., taiiy *nj»r » :„..,::, • j„ :;„,. .|.j. ,.jbi.,,,,..

    A> or; ,;i,-i,i:>i artel ittmam Iw has -3, f*« OmxKw flow vou can tMcoma . - IfI HucMwt Bi»»ni

    .Jwwi«in,ti,iMj,,»nii)iienuo« a, •• .'>•-- COI. OS'S -

    Suocnafui ii™on,:,T-, 1 " wditMon ' '" "'•.',' (laauuJ »mMtnian«t handio ,

    (HjailNintandWlvau ,,1 ! , ..»

    • The potenim hr «ntjm«t«l inaarm' baM on R»rtofmar~"

    • Mom* to gei sttp. -"uttemial • OBPOn:un*« tor iM.dr»3rmen,I • Th« manv tmmin of wonim foi' Amimai's imqnx mmmt of 'inpiaif sefvicBs

    fRIDAv .APRIL .>;? P«UO.iNTiAL PI.A./A Chicago |l30e flAlyOOLPM'!

    •.; .••. • :-. Two .in ,.,, . . ., Setiiont i

    lfaMMt6.t7S7 'Ammot KMEmnmit xaots MAJu^owotiwJ^ C.>...Pr:«l»»I atJl LEWIS Mu»c by HFUHF t^ANT^TOt ».::...,. •••' .,,„.r„r,yHM«mWIXUF ... ThePnidMitiall^ ^..lAi t 3CHIITO

    ..." ' H . .--•absPliCWJT . "' .."ii^S. - ."-.:..::,";.,.• --- • OKOfi ..,:. SIMTSAfmiSto^TnaATKESEVCTYViaM 1 " ' ' ' "

    Five Bible, be attacked with lip-smackin', belly -stuffin' gluttony He says the the raliTiud and the Koran .ire just flowery diet Nwks' Mv dear friend Dan glwles aioni; under ihe iwculiw noiiori that lik-. says that Jack Daniels should be sainted. I said (,>f'hi!. rakish response to a "He also Ill It's twoadest sense, is essentially a matter sarcastically. sporting challenge by God If anyone else really cxims tn Dan s eyes, it s said felix. '1 signed ihe peiitu>n he sent to Rome. hands a fosmic applause machinf dr^prwd lo keep "I know." merely K a pair of m * * * him molivaied. ot the nurses, "what hour is it",'" ,.,(H) and "Hello. Julie." I said to one He lies six feet, four inches long and weighs K-lwct-n "Oh, hello Mr. Sweeney. He s m the tenth hour now. depending on hts latest tout wiih the h.irbfr His I'ace is a laijic, 220, wrestling and religious the •Thei\,hc should be seeing All-Star hastily arranged affair of terminally half lidded eyes, a nose with on the TV and he should have Guinness Stout in the gcrbil accepted numK-r of holes and lips that approximaic the i'lniinur uf a pair programs lx>ttle." of amorous armadillos in the missionary positnm , . , "but there's been no sign ot cerebral .mii'twro, A "I know." said Julie, He is a master of the old schixil. The quimesseniial ( activity. moilicr s ioUlcanl 1 le , . noble-heaned Quixote charging windmills on his . ^,, tn the gerbil bottle and cakiilaiion or "like squiTTtls living in his head' Put beer is immune to both fad and fashion, he reacts not froin TCKl Club on the TV. How's his skull''" affectation, but from the well-spnngs of self-knowledge trtim a soul as nic mushy." pure and clear as a crystal pool. There is a stanling correctness lo him, an "Still vitamins and liver massage. conviction amid the h.iiiermp hroadsidcs of public disd.iin "Wait an hour and start unwavenng • • • So. no matter what our opittion of his chosen path, we must at least say tried to repeat insight and The process of regaining speech began as Dan of him "There is a man of singular character! Profound in sounds he heard on the television The wrestling program, for instance, counieous m self expression'" and provided "I'm gonna turn him inside-out!" (Ubga turnip ibsa dow!) btjoj-ehuund, ., . tough call, Or, maybe he's just a (Gob wassu » * the religious show had "Go

    bunnv ..'. 'm ,''i s house and waited After a moment, a voice sem bunnv' Sem I rang the bell of Dan • • • not through the intercom l>rown m a cold vat of whiskey.* Dan's came hour. "Ahb nod a 1 entered his room during the nineteenth it asked, , , at the TV. bud I pay one on TH' ' the dtxtr to Dan s docker," Dan barked "Death, where is thy sting I responded and the nose, I pave him a gentle rap on hou,se was opened to me. As codephrascs go, famous quoLifions are heblxi Peeber." generally unatlvtsaWe, but Dan refuses to believe that anyone who can "<)h, do you feel' eom,pl:ele a W,C Fields line could possibly mean him, harm (W.C. Fields "How "Mudge bebber, danks. to you and mc, "The Enlightened ("hit-" to Dan), "Can you think?" [| was Felix who let mc in "OcHild I eber*^" "How long?" I asked dropped Your in the nineteenth hour of the seventh day. You "Six days, full throttle. No sleep, no solid ftwi" Felix imk my seven grand in eight states and a hundred sixty-nine bars." co« and gave me an affectionate hup, l-elix is one of those gentle giants "Allchanninj:," who can track an egg with one hand and a skull wiih the other and not Want some ftwid break the yoke. The same is inic i' a One bei,ir. 'M nn iil O.r'S amflccd and gwxl, 'Where".'" ! m t»n "He's bar ihcic He's a negro I Ic w as ,, hunj: "At l>oyle's in Denver, he wnds

    •1 the TV screen, ihe •tkm iKi hi". I.ttc was pi.,i,|fy and radiant.''' lights. Besides, Dcs Monies is as !•! lunilvs arrbil •Afn>-Sh«wn under fluorescent . tn\ cn\p, uhitf ^heet". "The spoti! On," fir wie St as y Oil got." „ thing then. "Oh. M'aybe 1 was having an out'Of^bcKly "What did He sjV" shnvc! "He said that the cold weathet ly^.'^' M,- a.:vu-e "MayK- you should keep that suny lo wiurself. Stick to the cosmic After going through the trip receipts I gave Felii, the iniali. mclutlini: tinliiv iBHrity of excess stul'f," ,,,... "Seven thousand dollars, not Him. "You're right, but now I'm vKuniering if I overtipped replied felts .iT'iK S'- '''iimircd .md ^iviy.ninc 'Wow'" '" you give 1 Inn }i', r .mi! Delberl hew "How much did b.irv lit eight states' The pus ^ .i naV me ,' ,'' so It "Ten bucks." moderation atrophys ihc tnim.in spin:, iwv. It % a individualism. He says there's a ci nee to "'Your path is paved." necessarily opjHsses ":•' " i "Mfhrai'- excess, a oneness vsiih creation, lie s.iys itiai the b.intiuci ci >houtd. uf my klUtv mberi •» jmi high M'd M«Bv crois the ...., .....;'(> tap tnd ,|ii«i *»lk iioimd, Vmph whu need Mimintr "•oflt, Tl»l'» okij. I tkn* thru, u:i- FIRST PERSON ilteri »h™ ihi-y ire mr tuminjt rope,! hut iliry i«u*l'ly miwe on Winr ifcej turn illwetiip I like u> ihinl .( the mcvie ihe»m »t a micTM-ojm. to iht I'l "Yiiu can call inc a 1 wtkti down »emon uf itie wmid we 1i»e in, Si,imcu,me«, ihe •tiitpenui smcr i* » najtw lot ii»t,i«:*, ,tomo,.IK •ill bmg cnounh money lor Cinematic Hospitality :» nn'ci-Mi «i iliii (ieU ,•»»* ike «»«•« Ki.f .,,.,,. r».i'.h'i,rTi .,. ih.-ii- <. ,[i(.k,,.'. f.i,. viuii hunger And Ih-m l«iNt, Bshicn fiini Ifl €,i*I'l«ifc

    , .ine with A cold or you can call me Y(. Enjiineer rtlu. ,';ii,Hii be limit ,r,ni:«i|i,h lo a>o»ey ,, .. .ise Btil there's i„, , , , ••iht-r I - Ow ^ . ih«l it Jimirljs ,. loud »P:lh,. . an usher, just don't touch ui.,1. l,i,i.c uiutihici j,nJ haituneH »nd kiumg, |mmn,i 11 gill. m«yto. :-.,i;i .en mifte per ^ jtpna ihjin the rest of llie wf.rld. m Spr ih 1 ff jBttmotv m itofci,, " in\ riashlifiht." J.' * ii.' world couM ulie > lc«on frum movie Iheilrei, ,. iiclher pr w' , Ix'lr iimre df the usher 1 ItJren'j; milmet't asc ihe ". 1 ma>t yi:^:,t

    , ., rn,.n<.u"r^ jiruim.J screimung .ll,.TI wl ihr.^e titll." ruiinmit iJ,Mi' Mid pUk ..h and RaHMnetle-i Ullo I. li> •n 1 it"« ai«li- '- \ lo work itic maunef-i

    ,11., A^'f -,.tK i.M,., .^.man pn miid hrcaiise mve a, 1 <« lljd l'e.iU.f,- t( >!". •liilr, 1 '*.im hiltl jlrimhlentMl oul. why tlltri. •«"« moi eeeii iiBowi ,i„K|J .Lindi i»w, yeitr •ben a woman tjiirie Tliit'i v.-f :«l III, ,;, ,:u! pmrorii imorhet IK- ,»!i..i v.ita h.iia u-ii her hatiy I allowed m- 'how 1 ' ^iie , ,, ci»!- , . Bat! •,ii« f"^' J,l /ijM I,.1i it out she's not > n;a,l torry u> hear *«. ind lurm pttn «,*.-.- ..,f.I,-r I>,-,:,rr- iit!c jhoui her Jmvfriend. she'i lalktuj! ,ahoui her lll^^ far ^€\l .,li"U'TUiC. ,»,.. t," i,Ji:Tn«nH.,,r,ii.,^ ,,..i rt.n -i," ". i, > . ««,.! .'.( li,i.t oinplaied her (l»in,n l>i,by' Writ, she wa» uplKtld Jwitre ptittc) I'm .,, : ..Ilh %>.hj all lh»l m^einwlnk- running it. inJ und II iirnt I'lTi tu >i nitt ii;, i'ng .. IV Sl*i,\ ,1 m,!in\ Lirni Llieekinj; all Ihe plaeei a hahy could j{et inio. hur

    l*»e,i*ii»« ! tai no'wluw » he ioimd The wonun hy ihw fwim is 'M 'jpiisl, « .anyone who ha,s nM^pU^:ed their ha'hy will t'»« IJWIl » I'l'lil m:'i» l»l I'lTIlc J'tiimnf, rnvwii ,ii,™i Liifl ..1, ind After Imtking i-vt-rywlu-r.- 1 cr.ul,l ih;nk I jiol iwnt •( lil*t ,|>in>n!i ilflW 10 lie ,(o,i»id. Stmy t* i iB.i: ,..k inlo Ihe ihealre lo think ihc ihing oul when 1 rtanit ti it. '..It leiil ^ in row M i« noi m the upright powii^m Whe^n f,o^nwooe *»,'yi thi' wirr.t nvemgaiion revealed • hal^ Mock w all ihe gum lhou|;hl that ..tmie* lo mrnd ii the ,: ,. ,. y. ,.,.o,,..i' .1 .ii..ftn Wi'll, II lurnft oul (hal thin oi ,

    ' ' . ' Wett. there'* iw deny^iT^j; ' ,.,.T'i.ir., 1^ real pU-,4Si:d lo !"'('> h.,h, .;iled With a «'eTv *p,ii v . I'.i

    , . . ,(. u i 'I llic month for 1ind:n^ !', r : . ['a.c .irri J Vfiiil^e 1 h * hc:J».t,

    .,'incttmrf ihou|sh. I,»*e ai rui;t!,i. Tl«»«i

    Kt|i««iiMi (» ilK mmm€t. I«». mMmmc

    mm id t^pmmm^. Mimi4h<" > , ^ wm mi WHAT: Sc«tt Jones

    Generic. P.3riy

    WHEN: Mondaj'. t.AitLl,,r:

    JL«r April 18, a::00 p.m

    A|r«J .. rt'H'Cflf. Building J Room 143

    Hi) ],.MJ 46 ^tH

    • •NOiMWOWTMEKi • ^«V'

    Atinl H 4 :»

    *y. 3 * * !'


    . !ltl,» ». 11). n , it tJ


    'i'T , MEWSPRPER

    (.oniplflc \ouT .V.Aa"ar di-gTPf

    at BARAT COLLEGE "•"'• :"«' u,.rdu. - ' ' •

    UK.tA . May bs -: ..;,! > . i"i;"Mi:, :.: .

    ' ".i-'M-- • I);l\' iUlii • Suti'im'" • Ch; • Imir. .iiriviMllg • .\diiil ['f I'll'!''

    ' Free Videotapes • I)ii-i>timf ' • ((rnvt-rii- '""> l"fniion Scliedule a campus vigil: Siitiirdiivs »:*» a. m.-noon Thrri* is lifi* after nillege. Weekdav s SrIlO a.m.-t:30 P-m. KveninKs B> appciintinent

    -^i |.-> '. i>i' 'M.ir'"-- V\r h.lM" ,1 IH-U I "I H.ir.if C'lllegf A<:lmis~i.>a> • li hi ("oniuci >( v>\ 1i < -Ns* ! null 1 1 1 'rmal h I hat ( h

    j«>l> M-;t.ri-h.. ft,»r lliat iiir\'ita.blc Th-y inrlinlctwliilriwliai caiwo matdi

    >iHif siM-cilir int-kill-

    lit < I II H'Minn- .11 Unw to|>tl( I turf T a

    i 1 1 • 1 (: • 1 1 •» 'A -w \\ h a . h j; in. for a.n 1 1 1 i» 1 1 |. H 't I"' I, .mitila.'- 1"! 'ni .

    I ••! . .11 11.1 .1 lal'tJt* m.i: :l i» II roll

    ^I'.ii Sloi> ill li>i' a iKHil iit\\

    VWtfOrtlWt *«H«l>tt I" Tm Catttf PMnnmB C«iH»r una mmmmnt 0'Hie» Coin*;! Ciicrw Corr til lkS4T. ^News The Harhingcr April 14, 1988

    •J Violence invades spring break resorts

    old man tut * 16- year-old girl Karen Bolu., "m.ouihs -.un ;iif)vea in to arrest 71* peopte anil jireveni siudents from olfemliiig Ttie 1*0 large SI noli o( then ^lart with Ms cm, which was (jewag t)ig|er. and guys -.'.lie 4M% (iiations ihcir hovis, published a lisl nl spring hreik CJHH. al foci overtiiimcd and tmilMit hjr angf^' thinking they're tougher than Saui- i(u:^€ iriiuhlcs. ihi: inp gudelmcs advising studenis Anmsat, Te.«.ii and Pilm Ikm*. bynndm. iheyare." U»a^ Cmlt (VuM. Januita and ihey don't tuve the same rights m Ciiliteiua. MHiteil II) li mrtsa Though thcjuil suh«nuenily Hole J»id the innturc of Dayion Bc*h. Florida., tiave been Mcxtt» as they do al tHime WW' Ucalcd Iw minor atmiSKBs at 100 degree heal and .ilcohol the only areas still advertising lo According lo Andreas. In ihc wora: vrinit Iweait a tiKAl hiHptliil, it look KM) contnilwed lo ihe tlisturhaiit-es, encourage college siudcnts to Nogales and Macallan Police ftmii peopk mxing. sinct I9U, using hclico|iie» worst polct officers The« not* were the visit them liir spring hrtak. have imprisoned rowdy I,' S Kcrc sliWwl «4 two police and tear gas lo break up tin: mitc ApnI. I'm, when hundreds ».' . [Hincctly also H stiidcntt in recent years .iffk'cri tmn M tm esumiled riol. in which a car was collcgt ..! enitulfii of high school and .. discouraging Moreover, m early M.irth an }.iW> vncaikmini juiilaitx noieil nin tnu the Gulf of Meuco off a students threw mc:ks and hcmle^ .\ii,,, ,.., illegians from Aii/ona .State I'mversiiy suideni on Musuwi IsbK! Mimth 20. pici. a |)oialilc loilel w'ln tHmat at police and rippisl the thnhc- vji:aiiofiing, in imlilional places was killed when he fell off the No »:»c is swe N>w ihe :i»l riKlu wot thrown. off women at Patm Bcjcb. like Mj/.allan. Nogalcs and top of a tram carrj-ing a group ol hCK-ll mil tw iln' isbnd. mulmgtii arrcsied eight pei'ipk. IMicc CalifoiTua, Police arrested 50() Rocky Point. students to Mazatlan. juii frO'in offshore Coifm California " Palm Beach, jKople during a week of drinking There aren't very good In Day Mm Beach -by fai now Chruii. fccgtn. Ithotigh • p<^lice 75 people and • * arresied fee ' ^ ICO ahoui young the most popular spring break ^K)ltccman Jim Kaclin nolcd. and yandalism.. citaiiont to 100 others isitcd Holli leponcd a similar Ail , .ud Uiiiversity t»f liKale, this year hnnjzing an ''ihCTf K a utnKiMlous mwwini o( diirtng weekend of sporadic a incident m Palm Springs where Ad/una Dean of Students estimated 5W).(KX) viiidonis m inkuitjtion lO'ing on. All ll figh«iiig and P'uMic drunkenness sii people died ibis si-jMin lit 1986 huKlittls of stwknts ran Rosalind Andreas, who added town— It I'or KMicone lo Imim|> ukc« SO.WK) students .aniMg the wild, vandaliasd propeny. ihrew' siiKlenis "are behaving as il' they The faulitics (x-cum-d when Ml) somamt else lo slurt i not* vaaWMininf in town. lemiile paaerby don't have to he responsible for' vacationers. rep«)rtedly drinking, Other wiUKsscs repcmcil ilw nxt'S. assaulied a "When ht«t ulcohral you ami hricfly look over the central their ac-tH>M.' fell from hotel balconies. vioteiK-e heiJin when a 2*- yew- unolvcJ," >iiiid p<,ilice Officer husinesi disuitt hefore police Andreas"! office, hcfiing to

    Graduates' job hunt unaffected by stock market crash

    (-!•( It,.- K I It after all. > l».Sl ih western College Gradu-i! tiigan State in fact, m,iiiv imh-.-^ »i ^,lUrv otfers , majors say sia.rtmK shmild acl more job ^ • ,i I ;'i;'- r.h forec-asts .*ia:ouniing grailuaics. i-s than presious ol how many companies will .ire rising. for insiance. are getting average . jwned the College visit campuses lo recruit catfi of %2}.^lb. it 7.S PUciiiciii Ciwiicil (CPCi. year. sianing offers increase over the The slixk market crash ol In their forocasB. lektlicd in pcrcem salary July. I<'»7 offer. . |»» has had virtually no tXxemhi-r, ht;iih Norlhwesrm and average 11 corptjmie recruiting of Michig-in Stale predicted the according w ihc CK'. .Vnuuig Ihe oilier majtirs and iit-vv f;iad,uates, even for students I rash would narrow studenis' ji* salars offers who have earned their m.a.stcrs in prospects somewhat as !,inmg At-rc riu's li.inic.il business aitminislralKWi. accord- corporations, worried t recession ciigiikviH i'>;4,lilHi. ..Ihcd healih ing to an assessment of student would follow, said ihey were ctmduclcHl (S;4.04Si. nursing (S^J.-t^ai. i,i(> hunting sim:e l'W7 cutting then hiring by five banking and nnaikcir:;.ilSh), f 'PC [KTcent.

    I ."; i '» . K4 1 hour I es S . •.-..icjm engineering The CP<: iHl we«k said human resmit^ manac'emenl \- best, getting preliminary feedback from and Tcsiaurani advertising iSlH.-''7bi i.,iry offers of (ilaccmeni offices on 153 <,S1'»,012). and purnalism ($ I K.^;4 (, >.vj- ..iJi.i c. rt,' spokesman campusc-s indicates companies D.ivS'n(.

    A Man's Gotta Do WhatA Man's Gotta Do Ml viHtng men have one rt'spt»n>ibiliiy in .imifnun. ll'icv ti.,i\e lo register wUii Select ni: birthtky. All it Kcvlcc within 51 » Uav's ofthcir 18th

    ^xist uificc tt,'> fill out a akes i.s tlvc tiiinutt'S .it a,ny aht>in to iimple form So if > tiu kmm a ytning man iirn 18, remind him to register. Its one of those he's got to clo Register with Selective Service

    It 's quick. It s easy. And it $ the law. Construclion resumes on campus aficr last summer's eariy cease work due lo foul weather. h pubtec sm-icc muttm ofihiipubllCJlion »d Sclccwt .Service Syjwi. The project if cipcctcd to take ihrcc rnonini. Page 8 Comics The Harbinger April 14, 1988

    I •4

    Awesome m a/I Mfim rm \ I ux 1m mmcrm mm nt uB J»vj* limfm.mmam-m nm \\ cmcmi sum mm -_ " rms mmmrmst mii^ moMsm STUD M met ma- Sayings

    . am. I •WW mm . on WORDST}\R

    Pii//k' Siilulion tin page H 75% OFF for Faculty and Students Reg, S495 Now Only $125

    •CROSS 3,5' f •prm«'' RlMtM')

    1 CrWi'V coMoq (mgauM ot 4 PnKtpitous :i7 » 'ten* o' '>o<»'« M Higlt CUM Weekly

    t\ CcimpwcplKM' 14 tkifW* U FonawJ 42 DittrlCt m Crnssword

    41,!!! H'lf^'tt' 4S OMM Puzzle 4t Sl»»S«« •• 1 1 iSWuip P«n UPnolWl S11 SI S«l«t« WordStar Special 24 0«»f |0» Nitn* nwlal Tecl»nok>»¥ '"Xtuc** 2'r SkA S4 Camput Jl Snw* SSS*«tt PilcM** JO Shori i«ei>,«t M • 8» ult J18»™>IK>i'0' ST Knock 4B«f.l.:i. «

    ;w snip"i *mtt tSoltleait pi fl*ty 34 'slow 1 Cm*) Gut*] 7 Fi'» ift'« 3 OOfmanf

    I* "" H . ' "T?" "i^"" } } t' ' 3 F i -- -1 S1!S iPn ^i1^^ sns s5-%^


    tt; t


    ' ' :*- i I u W y, .

    Features The Harbiitgcr April 14. 1988 I'agc 9 HeaCth Corner doctor's Center perspective A message from the Health

    •Cllt- :V itntt m»ifr]ilt' ^' ' 1'* (..'liriiia' : ucmLii. , '\\>ul Ul vitc vtM do finger slit I thiilcs- lircHCn' ,-n on i.m- J thr l.'hn(ii|,: Kiwufn tcriil <» f>-(Tiing for a $1 fc<: and M-iKSH Hrcisk v< ': ':- Wrtk - ' j,.;;.,'!.'.. •... ;i.„,: . j-. * .1 ' ("nmmunHy Hcwpilal Dull' k AliftWi Vnmc «»' :. '' . rrvi .•I ln.;n,l,, lii -1 I -ri'.Ji • a Oicm Scnx'n 23.

    t'uvr a.v :i L>>m,: i-.lunHuHi. jh.iui llit C'. ,.iii|>ieu' Wc«>il cmmi

    ' h( ii'* ii't v:ti'" il;s->»,l,;t. Sjfllin'i I 'iiilll.l Ilk.- !n~ u, .( loijiiiros a II '"- r«."LuU\S I';-'... ii.nir l,l^l ami an apptnrumcm iHU'd he «:,h«

    r>K (.1

    /.lie in ;i!!<.! enjoy Ihc iiies and

    iilal .iriil ifinp aid s* .'line -is

    i~ .in I'^cel- Lit Sjiilimi h.is. ,1 .iiiil liedliti lare. Ii l'atrK.1.1 H.D. »ill uke m (i«t(i-\vi.iiul (Krijiftlin: iin null) li-iii op(ytnumiiy u- inercase ,...* al lh€ ai,fiK-k''. .n|K\:i^ ol' hftltb tare. Hul i* .haillh tf>n«-<»ii^ne'. and cn- injit n«sk tluring u.i firmi.jj'tty nmtcmcJ wHi't Ivjilinj tliSin<:« lifesiylev .; . j iinpli-titiri in Ihc pf the (i||»t, igatiirt caini Ji:««mlt:rs. Null'' riitf .S'fRiils 1, ini'iii 1 111 lu Khaaitiit a

    - jJviK'aiuie', Cui , . ,

    .'I ••.[\ Jk ateom then hmUc-- Ahtmn$t> l,:,ia. '' en *il.! pi- I'll .1 ;'u i' t'>i e^jmrle. jny o( ihc wimitar* ncKl week. cm Tue'«djy, A.pril 1^> fVwm M'X'l ."'»§ Vim !»#» «>• l*«*Hlt«*

    •• '> 'yi l»Hn«fT|,*i;:wi» - " Arm Ffi'TM p.m m HiiiMittig M IP*™t 1 ml rh*en. Sw*e l>Uliiini{|i Hits (hlWHIII^ - f>> tlhiiMiMri, F.ducation is ...:.;. uk) F'.ji ILilimcn, (a- primary inlitilliirs i,)( inldernv'v. ami ttd i.-niure oilijvaiu'n, will [jrewnt. 'THt 'ItHXiXttHi 1lHiiuH.iH|lH;H1 |||||||{p

    " U'lll*''*'*!'*''''''!* fll#tlllfMIII"i preventive J CWknfc loiM- mea 1 ' ' ' W'l-'fi l'.u:\; : ri'«.»»ii ™=-"" " lSl¥^' liii.-: ''iiilihin; »t«'C •' " I'- i HeallH "• 't menui .iml phjM tctetluU s. »ill Icuni .it'X'iii ' " ' vn,; r.'k ''rif and

    'n linen

    . I'- - , „ ., 111 liiw

    ifkl kthi|x:ijpali%~e program am! *ekr.iL Jhiil'k"^ '^hHitJ tv W'om

    Dii U,;,,tiiiC'..Ln, Ajirtl ,?ii

    1h>!it ^ I. «j p ni h,h i 'id p„m in

    ROOSEVELT GIVES YOU A LOT OF CREDIT (AND CREDITS) FOR CONTINUING YOUR SUCCESS STORY small classes and c»unsetofS We y«ter5ta«l that vuu vf mvestwi a lot ol fwtch lacuily. assist you m obtaining financial aid hard *iofk m ytxir educ alien irnj «:• don't ready to I'TfcM--. ovi?! techo«a1- transler, we Ihink you siiaiW lost:- Ev«n il you're not quite ready to itws &'*tien"vou trcinstt'i to fi,'«isw(:'it «s urge you to talk with one o( our counselors, ''':"-''• ''' "•''"" '' ''' *' "'' p.:,,,..,...,-, .-..->.t.,. :,«:., ,ac :i tmootti transter miihe fv'; ' ' easy a' .r visit Our

    '* Doi^rilcivMi Campus, our Albert A Robm «MMIt YOU WUII to WOIK Ad"- -n-iMti'in MMK tnctudtng Biology Business C.ampus m Arlington Heights Of our new - ' ' il'l!,l Cc«r.nii, ,tl.i Q,:-i(-.rn f fi "iinilinM . f ; UNiHALAND *U)OMAHDOfHCt. UGHl (WO:USIilAl -4 ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY •' Wfll SWING Of SUCCESS TEMPORARY JOBS |:WfliV«i|i T KIPI|l|.ii> iR# fiiiiiiiiiiM AVAtlABLE...TODAY! Wktpni

    ' 980-8900 «0f>cf[',,'C T xlkjivf "^ii'T ¥

    -«ll'(l«;J«Hll Ill"' \:;nirorce Mil t)« *

    1 The Harbinger April 14, 1988 Page 10

    Entertainment KocV^^^ he was happy it'i" f>i>uS'»**

    the I "And «,.>l Stuifl fi'nt-

    -' winners o( it from pane u inner is... wciie Uie 1 iiriliiuj ,1,1 wn. llo VoM. Care"' till'. Ii.i\. .ilrcadv tiecn ciimi- ttnm (l Ukv Bernatlo dilfercnce is a BtM llirrcUif- .r, .111 tards. what Bcriolucci; Thi- Last l-nip<«ei l.jtikruplcy suit going w make"' AIUT talking u> l.i».i- 111'.- Having established ihe .. (ijtl Mink rv>iitkv mii^K ikj (:>rchc>.lnl plays thai lUnin tiankruptey solution, there is

    • ' •.•11 I, I- think. playing pretend with the again. 1 't.'*' ">y P'" need for ' like like Bctl ScrYcn play hankers and we may move along. ladaplalinn*- The i a^i Iht loan shark now pos- *okt' mc- up V'v ii.ifc ttkitmA EmtJcnic. The inuMi. play > SI-SSI.-S the user s high s<.:h)ml ring,

    • . ...f. kill of B<.*Sc|ef's deal as il wa« gMt 11 IllMkd. .in old guitar-no big

    ., . . ihej .. n md ihtn ttl .Aclresf <'hef. J gill from Santa Claus and he 11..- Ihc awaul musit" long time ',.,,vc i.:...il 10 p*t M.oon.rtrm:k. Different slopped bfliirving a rfe". !,i "I Hixl *c Time of my 1 ago. and he won the stereo at a L«*. M Ihal dress' l..M.k al thitl IT 1 ncvei I torn Dtny Dancing. Frclter s appliance lor being the hocty! nUlopttow twlurt I gei hear that song again the wtwid on hundred ami fiftieth customer wrti tie a betUT pliic* ii) live through the door i«i ihcir Btsl Ftclurt- The Usl to walk Orii'iMl Scwrt-Thi! l...asi Ten Year Anniversary Sate I-nipcror. Thcic's ihe mus.n: big Thcr«'« ihal itamn EmpCfor. after Bay. again. 1 think il entkd music «(.ii.n. Oh w«il f^ifi^ this is a little hairy because lhi». ihtHigh I'm really tM>l wrc \lymt wroic »>m« of this, and vierco was the imlv thing he as three hullel holes in my 'he pricsi' Truly iw's (Ire^iwil a* ii ever won. and he didn't realize ick-vision SCI someho* tauKd '*•'«'* ihc hifh I*""" <»' «.'« that he was selling his soul in to picture MuUsappcsir. RcM Aclor- Mil heal surtendenng his high sc-hrmanec in F»u! knows he ciui probably scrape up for and overall it was a imiMt likln'iJiurt .cnamlv ilie moncv to buv it hack jomc- numbingly humg p.»t(M>urri of ttfsl Ailor »t •!»« can"" ilav gliw and glamor. I just iiwiirdK ihow- Jack NictoKon The lutilesi part is the a show that s.luiioijt thai respect iweiendtng (or ihc tamcras lumiiv ihiiig- Ihc attdicl taiinm Retuni o( The L»*tng tXad preieiid that there is no (amily

    leii. I»ui if the whole family plays

    III.: i-ame. then 1 guess all could

    111. ..• Ill prciend there is no debt.

    ' h.-i! gathering in a huddle:

    r right hands in iJie

    .lil shouting simuta- ocean, free. iieoiisiy , Alley alley free, Iree". the pact would be legally bound numher three, Iriiturnii: Oueslion se- 'Who w ill I nei-d tii keep the • lull \t.nliiiK-* ItTllltSOl cret Iroin' . has already been \.iuliliis.\ |.tiJ

    will I need to lake this plot in l.v.ilii.tiioiis • t„trilio\.isnii.ir iinlei u< fulfill my desire", is rather complex • Vrrohii l<>» 1ll'l|Ul't. .lllil Some .11 the users have lost !'-"..*. s their lives in mt attempt Ui fullill their desires, sonic have vM>lently \X.lIi|l|i ( l.lsst's taken the lives o( others, and in their selfish \i(iriti.iii.tl ..tini IVrsnii.tli/i'i many mure,

    pursuii itl ttieir insatiable desire. Wotkonil'i"i'i;r->'"^ have completely destroyed the fabric of the lamilies who loved ("nmis t iHiris them • Sainimiiw fVrhaps plaving pretend is a unrealistic. fat fetched and • B<-tls liille ("jmiiiti: siiluuon. Perhaps there is a b.:ller could all • \i,t,,iM \iirs«-n Si-nicr Perhaps we non-users pretend that just gel together and • lilrH-ss .VsSfsMlW'tl! ft'st ttie iiddicidix-sn'thunus. \tlttiimsn-rfd lU I'.siTiiM- BE A CALORIE l'(l\Miili.;;isi Bl RNING MACHINE. TRANSFER TO RAY COLLEGE DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAMS 12 Month Stiidt'iuSpciial-SlS^) ADVERTISING DESIGN, ILUJSTRATION,

    ; .(«'-ctj| INTERIOR DESIGN, FASHION DESIGN, '*S.S:. mSHION MERCHANDISING, PHOTOGRAPHY -i.ti. '*'«;!"„*'*•' ^ to ewttt houm fo-tra i B«'»«"^*"» iim| 'lirtH-iH.i Thinilw up m l...ltl tubs lor "^n'ou •nd J-ywr *A8 (MgiM In «p«.ali»d m#>«. 0% '« lor catalofl Sianing Jun« •nd BwHwnbw Wnii or phmw

    WfmtfirM late I RAY COLLEGE OF DESIGN wmmD Offii f ( ampus UHKi \ Uoodtk'id Rd „. Phone (3«) liO-JSOO t\ «i N wib»(. *»Avonua. CMcago. llfirxxa 60611 Sctuunihurs;, II. WU'.^ Jl Wt,/ WooOnalO CatDfua: Phorw Ol»)»»-SM0 60173 HS^f:lHt 600 Wo««w>ldDr>v«, Sehtumburfl, llUnot. ' I 1

    Upcoming The Harbinger April 14, 1988 Page 1 Women's Harpist Com Program offers "S to Harpc seminars The '.t

    Wtwieii -. ' rifts f "*«) '-, «,„,„.„, Wurdays (liiwng th- Wan.

    'Ttiiis Saiunliy ilic nocraii » R««»fni: The R«, n„>..td Be ITtt- Brti rmirii,,,. tr,,,,, m j „, ^^'-' '*'" " 'idp ,,,,, ,,,,„„ «id.nu,y wh;« wuit-nwit mean. Scholarship -m diiscum waj-s m pn-pan- lor .i ""

    hii Kiliofi »tl| twin A.M.'b approaching

    lt.>; «i(jjecl few April M). h ., '•Im to e-xpixi. *hai i., l»* » a*ipi, 10 •f (h<; ,,h; of llM; work pbte,, Th« area »iB(»inA24;, The filial s>ri; at Thf* will h(- Harper ,,n 'Vi4l. The Itlm."- t-v-'.' Vkimc

    AH Edtjtatiitnal ' wmiimrs rmi' <> ..fTer\ The Harper College riwii i,> Cultwl and Ktiyihm ipm general sehfil.i.. Sctuon mi ,,^ Arlj (191H hv'^ COM S2S. _ ^.-n < onimiitce ,k|wj:„ will present a Ala: Wilder "untn. Mow ibc llMwias (-', Scay Seh*»l;if\hi|i IS'llPH,.lBJ:| uriKiue musical infDrmaiKiii is group Hom.s "N TuAet for the m«l»We thrwgh (m Hum pljiiwmg i tarcei real More on tonecn are tlie Olfic* of m .Sunday. April 17 ai estate '>«i*i..fci»mi available in advance i-M'Umiimg tam-autin,, (» an *ll«d field WtO pin m the from (he .W-iooo ••'r>»,tcsi: Buiidini j CXI. ' foUege Box Office 241(X, Deadlwc-s f« »)t ihret art- and arc SI for -- "•"vr students Oae Tuesday May l. 1 This talented *nh activity seninkr group --l >^;hc*i.led (Of other siuderas; .ind ft* Apr.1 2(, iiuwicians 1.S S7 is comprised . calW .idrnis^i.Mi l.ei»«ikMgj..,c,>p„,g Cttm'parr, ;, ,.,,.,, memh-- i,,,r w,th lh.»ii ,| ,(,^ Chicagu ^•lymi HKt scholarships 'ii'«!'ll''€,WiiBB ^y"'> ti'dod-fcy" «)(! »,|i hji- ,i!ll-ilt' Seoiww i.ra, [vrlVirming ' lil.im.,*J4Hi "'"'"• ilcr>«:mkms tif h. . .hi,. '*"'"' 'P™'- *! *i4h movmg. .tr. •' •al colleges and JiiirgBdvacraiv. '.ut of a - chiljlren off uavenities. and ouetandmg .sunes lo free- ot eiil ' '*"*"• '**''• »- ' ' -'I'lt Applltailr; lance professional presented as k-jsing a ''i'Sj'ilf"' mu^n i.inv .is'ailahte "'•""•'Kc. Afjiin, caU Wl-MKB through ClKIfS (ilS- irihuioTs. leaiu, "i.4i()f(jrm»m'tiif<)fmaii«:„ srter:ins service M C«l>«lll««i,,!il'|!»i||lm|t*, I, l-Jpn..WJ and "."luir jimiii u|\i>iiiin(i >!ling |.«»).. Unm, Opus 40 by J tall the Harper I Brahms; College Bookkeeping ling Ct«rs Sonata for F(.,i • ' '" '»l^-'!Hiri.n M-hoiafShip IS-lMinJ'trT ''"' J. PO H

    '• ''fiirl-'led Infills IS 'x-lp seilnii; UP .!i,it> I, \'m, «a.ii,alr«»»ls:' i.'larship * *«niincli*>l«..WHIWlllhlSoMIc B.:wikkfq)i,nK (umi itin i,,; f'w »ill m,eei Wedmsdjys fnm iii'H; more than SMKI.CKK) " II) May II fur itK K«jrthefi«H«x;.iil,ivcy»ar and cover Jl &» liiaaiti MrrliinBiiiTiiwiilTiiwii ,r»ii ,1 THIS t SUMMER « lip |ir(:»|K;r rccwds limi.MIHit,t|ll

    * 1>».*i<»mi:lkiit«m> •wpfKiioii*, rnTiiiiiaafm l'f:iiiiit,,*t,Bl, .""»'"°»»bs Learn A Hareo'un Brace Jovanovicft isrwhand about itm dav-ifv>ia« i«™«JL_-rT. Company *> 1ka4«

    FREI-: si-:min'.\r *««l »w School 01 Experierx^e ifia sumnwr: MANPOWER!! LAW SCHOOL .ADMISSIONS CAU. TOOAV FOB AN APPOINTMENT:

    ' SehiumbufB tj^"-*;-*-*.,, .,„s„ 885-0232 o Mara 693 ^^^1 •••Ol /73-1323 0*»»rooli 932-7410 MBA SCHOOL ADMISSIONS NorttHjrooli 564- 1440 Loop 263 5144 •tapwvllto 357-6404 /liie.j 474-0750 SkohlO 470-8520 lull.. •i. W»«nrtd« 447-8162 pri:\ S'TKf" "^"^ 857-7333 N. Mlehjgan Av*. 266-2903 KanhUlW. (BIS) 939-7070 Jo«i«(eiS| 726-4406 Mjmmond, IN (2l9i 838-2253 l"«l*rwfei. .",f i'. <» .. tprit ^ Mt. Pfosp«t 952 8110

    ihi- ,



    E** CtlKMMt i™wo,» I The Game The HarbinRer April 14, 1988 Page 12 Entry Form

    April 22 Nam e • The deadline for "The Game" entries is Friday. Address_ 2Hih issue of The • The Winner will be annoiiccd in the April Phone Harbinger. Location the entry form and #1 • When you have found all su locations fill out A.167. place in box located in The Harbinger office, #2 #3 Harbinger siafi • The Harbinger staff and family members of the #4 will not be able to participate. #5 #6 • The answers to the locations must be specific.

    /*«<:> B> ('ritrge Mitetler L O

    C ^' A / T

    I () N #6 rh.-i,' H: .\fi.iir~ Hdtms

    Th« Force Dehind Chicago's Work Force DebbieTemt^s WANTED

    III i:..mn $75 Value-Free ^(iMfwiiHriii** All

    Call .=1-7-5388

    On* Horn Pnctogmptty Buffalo Cro\f« , . »

    Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Ihe Harbinger April 14, 1988 Page 13

    A I I e n t 1 c) n Cribjon SC w/ci»e Il<)0 rnlerented bodies MADICANS Ml will eombo Classified Ad Rates The Harbinger need* you' WOODFIELB .. .rn PMl tan J need *'rileri, editors Ffil TIMS -^ND PAtT-TlME IW11 We m»au!jr f I reus l"**!, The non-Ci'mmercuil and dedicated people \nukni ittfto flinier 120, Reh all of the '.jtviffjvlt lire frfr K'ith „U-|flW»».B Hirbinger his 'pmenl (or desk U'e currt-nil)' tittv* o».««lllf» I Ihai TOTOIA. ,. ,, , Skills m5 . mng 1 MR2 t«d. eicrlleni *iin V"" *'ben needs y.iu can take I' "iOIJ HammonJ Piper organ eoBilllion AtkJBt you leave Harper *'•'""' "''^>*f" ''"all Parry work, l.arry C»IHl3-,Mt-J»'*'' If interested cuniact 1 1 Mi m t" EmployBi«nt nr at ei( 21^1 '" • y Pearl I •2 01.K ««W.A H>ln W»l»»ll pi Ml. 'Im* ••» FEK: Eipertence lift H»»ck. A*r cimd. rt«r requif) Flellttl* hr* iieertrtt. . , pwT del' iuiom j,de lor »»> Eicellcrtt LKAL SERVICES ,,.. ii I le *M/FM iterto .ii;;r \PHY -'-- pwT braktf, guiiir T.\Tii:'>N l.i't rufnetili rncluiltni CONSn ..rmrjn> (i'J.oriO ».i'l«i Atktni ne future of incluJi; Call Ted * l,«lli( neeils ;i:i f'ifrucn; m-l'o! ilisciiunl $3,200 EietMent cond . no jll Frank p person il imurv iin-'^ I 1 rU'l'l. 8S^.- ile ENTBKTAINMENT •1 ,:!- '•-:,,: j,ppU l>«r|«t«»l RIO HOT Enlertainers needed ftir new (-• MODELS L-t o( Becker btnu FEMALE DrU'l d*tl«r« c«ri, entertainment hnoking 10 K Menchim WANTED EARN 1300 l»liaei r»po «I Surplus ],.<;., f.:!.r Jnd recording H Pose nude or t,,,p .iijenr'.' .; , Sctiauinliurg, ij i n."'i Ar«m Buyeri Ci;»i*t lout , k /<:ouniry calenii.i H1»01"6I7-60IM) t'oMege ;>,:lmiiTit<'..irg. II. IWD phoios manicians. III, $- ro Jl e scorn .111 '1> 1 niudels, TTPINC SWVICI CALEMJAF 1 '. ^ encouraged lo f- 1 1 . .ivis '- -i 1 r > - • r r pefc'aih i c c u r i Hf « e 1 HTT'O'LKarn.ASS mail All hri ijpen full rjie>; S'-t"'. eait" by appo n*bl:iilBII1iS"tin plui Cruite, R-tW . AM/FM' Call ttRSm,ALS dating service' mi'ty new itcwf Rii«* Afkini ll.'SW. c»H MASTERCARD m 312^«03'^l>bb6 Ask lor Regardless Charlie or Rich Or please nd Illinon IT'i EAR REKI Ko one refuset) hut.'iry Also stop by .5414 Milwaukee h »i,B. ChitJ .^-.-n ,'.1 .r credii , nc pfifiRKCT FOl RENT in Norihbroak %(<) i'i creda. Bo it Ave C»r», lUincHf Shorei \' ,• 111" n p,|yitl Ltki B»r I e ice .*ri l..fTli»'%fi">" Sanders Rd ai Milwaukee :}»' Betcn, fo". i. Fully ItiideJ Conilo t.,,1,,.-, Ave (Alio needed, private A »»..>'- i*l.#> l-i;.', E«i CI'i'KIII.. Pro(ejsn,in»l T*i morel $10(1 per moral* e'ltrit Call Paul m »nd Many investors Wilkr Suite dJ'i 2'1 hrs Inc 121 S Dot tlto»«5 Ulinglon Heifhu. 11 6(J00"i 2 •''»<'* Eugene • ,)« l<»'»2 VtlleybMll Anyone'!' ADOPTION Will .,.. I h e I 1 1 II huh and ind I are HEI.PI My SUMMER ROOMMAtt (or Kits an PuUar entertainm:ent - Volleyball THE Black Bra interested in adopting an Resiiuriint ttmip Summer SERVICE Old • t«l «'nd rmcouelball co^urli m i yn on If you know of The Keliey told infant winted per!toni1iie ihifing Wiikt •«t»tf«r leam of H* call eolleel » h! *^ Bu'ipertiifi* please CcKikt, tt streenini tor to play once a Compiittbtlitv alter n ate* 3«2^2<»,?(» ^^2 KeHev Rt>»d Write •M»le/Femile l3--i'l tltiMi Roadilar 11 week can conticl Dan kuss BirnngHtn,, IL hOOHJ or •Smiiter.'X.-in Smtifcer Brown/Synbyrii Hardly Intramural [lireeior • eil COLLEGE CASH ^ni "Vi<*\ call '12 .-le as a iifi « •p,i. uMd. received We'll help you find ii •' Call weekdayi EARN EXCELLENI Shii.. - yfj ago Id Compuleriued service Itti tCiWO and liltkt MONET it ho IB • Call after 2pm M ft locates grants ihe party la»i ASiemMv *<>rk leu'elrv f taw 11 al jchotarships. and olher aids re FIXLTIMESTUDEKT I think vou toyn, olhen I'llt I ''I'' weekend that yoy specifically

    2-1 1" »plit rent wilfc 1 like whit I hear l(ii%...It.'i'' eil nS4(*tI. winH (tfT'RMr«ll»«thi adorable quality for Results are

    •<» things 'I hn niother sludeni K»»<1 L)t Hitthback about you fill giNid guaranteed Cei started now »pi SWF or Catselie AC, Eii available' (md mututl Siereci Are f on neii fall Call or write Cull tvfumgl • St-f^' t9.S00 or aiiunie Ihe girl in the mini llllIlJI.»llltll warranty. From tor free infer mat mn 911, ptm difference onto "i loan skirl American Academic Cgtl Services POB 4312 Depl A. SECIITAIIAL foLUla. Northbrook, II. ftOfl(.5'43l2 Piri i.

    Need gear , 4 ef 1 ,. itick f rolii ,A»kin,|| tl.^'SO. Mil ..iTlTjt [Tfltce c; ! 1 V r R N M EWT ROMIS belli, |l •• Hep»irt SUIT Mtrk » 21f,:-'Ii|af

    :' TAKSt p,.,.; back For - NtEd cAsh "i ^.imc I I « »•»• liltl Drug .lull' Int RED sot 4\'' dealers tars, boats, plane* ?? per Syrplo» Tour coLlEqc \FH: re d ' •Art* Buyer I Guide i I fI4» MBJ.ION SO'S f.«-?'..fia«l WlNl UNCI AiniD IN I INANClAl AID Fill s 1 1"?:)! Vr I AST AH 'VOD I> 'Wt r.\N UN!) IHt" HINDS NH .a.i:a,cjiiXiasm,i£i, SERVICtS J M tDUCAHONAL r> BOX 7 1 /

    PAPERS , RESEARCH ! HI K.NiS. tl 600/0

    •ubt.cH • .',.'. 17.000 to choof* from-ol} .i:e«l;l*«iil, 1, h:v77 SdocHon , ,,,,-.1. mionnaTioil Low«t Prices. Lara0»t wifiii tuKifcii, wltfi Visa/MC or COD Ord«r CaialOQ Today >lA^n — Ordcrlnfl— 1-800-621-5745 Apm-i ,

    Hoi Lln« 1 1 •• ' " i: toi KunBfK (- Or. rush $2.00 ;k.ing t It'll '"all PKDM AuttUN't BM«arch 5»"'«»AJ?*- * DMrtK>m. Room 1*>5 407 S. ll'i-45'i-61'>0 CMcaflo. rt MMS „^.^ .^».>^h .I.O .r«awf« 14 I9K8 I'asc Photo Opinion Ihe Hiirhiniitr April 14.

    What is Art? by George Mueller

    Kulh} luUke Mkhail (Jolt.- Jeff Imkr

    ..omt-thifif llul - j t»:,: -At-i r^ ^.'Iwri M,«ti cMVtkiiLC "An ^'t^" -I he r-.;


    Jfnniffr McWhorlrr Dave tJtnirj IlMill Hill "Crcuting Ml imaginative lluiufhl and '<: ycHi ihink yt'ii t" stJintMU-'s Imjpnatiun,." "A (icscnplmn o( .• iKmimB il mo misnc way." ;. liiw *itl m how 1 Km dcCMvint an 1% ir ilie IX! I 111 ilwi ytwr " W v'jliil .inywiiy

    intelligent, energetic, The Harbinger is looking for bright, yourself. Tfie following dedicated. d^P^ndabie people. Just like '88 positions are available for Fall Semester:

    Edilor-ln-Chief Managing Editor Business Manager Sports Editor Eeat urea Editor Sews Editor Entertainment Editor Writers Photographers Secretary

    criteria and have taken, Candidates should meet all of the above encouraged to and passed Eng. 101 with a C or better. All majors or know of anyone who meets these aoDtv If you are interested 397-3000 ext. 2460 qualifications please call The Harbinger @ speak with Larry or Pearl or stop by A367 ana or 61 . and ask to pick up an application.

    and interesting job. Working for The Harbinger is a challenging, Come be a part of the excitement! I I .

    Sports The Harbinger April 14. 1988 Baseball Preview: AL East

    By Smt Bordnn who can aitd has started. «>u.td Mo«*y and Jess*- Barlield m.nt.,' I I r>ro(>;ilily win the West. Sport* Edilur tw i)ie ieim"!i hni kipe up the most pnxluciive ouificU Snmh I 'i..:j iici'd nioi'i'' consistency Uitly's B*.:k Offense ts dcfiniie!)' tlic m ihc (Eiime Agllin? Hul. l.inS Ik' l'l'l;'F ih.lUflll 11 I-. I'Ui 111 I hiiih the Ijtldcr in ihc Ea.st, ihiu's mil why iIm! Yankee* Bronx Bomher'* ^ircngih Tltc Jimnn Kev, scioncl i.> ire worked, he shinilJ i.i|nui'c hi-. ( foing: 111 win l»i.ictall's addUion of a hcaltfiy J.ii:li riark Ri>i:.:r i;'nuTi» l.ir ilh' i''', i«>»i Iitlh sir.iii:ht *i'Vviv'C si-,i'».>n IV. ( letrland Indians- competitive jlivisKjn. The adds ircnieiidoui. power «> 1 IliO'sc ol you who picked Ihc III Yiidu witl i(if> ilK BJuc Jii>'!i hy MuKler'sRow. .,.,. «. Drirnil li|>ers- Itulians 10 finish first lasi yaa, I

    i tme pmc and tlicii heat up on The team i. ' .itid iHkc au.cs^imc Spiirky ..Vnderson's team is mil hivjicd you learned your lessim. Ki>in,g W'ln the Oaltbml An in the LCS jinoihcr injury' pl.i siitb round up (he the Easi in 'BK, I iko Cleveland ha* none, /ip ami /em The Brens Bomters will go on like last ye^ii Ha^. mosi of the East ihey have lor piichmg. Julio Fran<'o i !!>» I..I win ttic «ncs. htaiirag 2-} punch Riikc- ij'oiiblc the s|nn ihs- piemy ol offense , L« yejw the in '1*7') and Joe Carter ft? HKs Wlltic Rj|Ildlll|>l; „, ..-- •" • Mea in,«vcn .• liicy can'i hil lefiv Tipcrs lr.'.( <'-i.'ch,.i!l with \1.imngl) .ind 11)6 RBls> are two ot ihe I. N«w Yorli Y»nkre hj-. ihe *c owncf/ maiMger urifeaJ m the h'fsl niiilille inlkid around in :< Rmiiiii Ked S«n- 7. Baltimore Oriiiles- big apple, I'lt'iifl'. whn caws'' Sure thi- short si'op Al.in Tram me 1 1 and iin: " ; H.isds. could he- a surpri« I went Ml one game al Mcm.iii.il '•• "nil J*. >ii;ii II Yankees pitdimR sulT » mn ilk" si!C'ond basi'man 1 ou '*'hiiaker. I til . nm lorgci Boston Sudiuni last priih-iW'. -•. ; H,.ii..-r,, -J- was in year and I teit wound, hul ii m loaded Jack Morris is (he mimher one ittc scncs in '86. -:'»» ih<:- i.',ii With lef'ttumkn. which h a plw liiiwiTLin Miki 'iM'n in Dcii ' I lushed M games oui in 'S'T, >. ihc tirework-. div|i|js alicr Pagtiarulo is rtii in the AL Emt. Cnj|; Nciilcs piichtnjj siaff : 'Ri'i'icr Oi-mcns, if noi lor

    defensively, hwi will pul Jtl lea'.[ Ci'il'. ' . '*. '1'^ The »nilT! ntimhcf one jmJ iin !, .\ ,

    I ihiiik JDovcrihe short m a they lit oU on are Rtcli m ri«hi . ini' two men Rh'. learn will rovtti lor every home run Ihi Willi in 'gl) and Riih^ird .:..' Blue .Lies, the 1. Tiironto Blur ,lays- < >^ piiching staff gave up I.a>i

    Doimn. The «>lal«» will also . .in I hii Icllii's 'This n I did noi like New York' sn 111. sear, they became Ihe lirsi learn include former . 'I'l.'i! i.Mni *iin I linnh irean. much I could easily pick the ' '.' Luns(\uin^* i, . >L"„ir^. Hr;j. H.lIM ' 'v.-r 2IKI leflhaitdcn Tummv ,Iiihn ||. 'ijry-frcc Yaiii (in* Jays lo win Ih*' (-last. I asl year and I he lali-ni.-.l (•' II -iJiiker

    *4» III I '. and fern Otiidry > 17), Other iii.-e Blir ihe •.. Jat^ Jays . should ha«'c ten there, If, .(•>>!.-— - > M < ... '11 since 'itile left)! tiaru-r* tnclink rciiiemhfr they kisi ihtir lasi 5. i-ar M ilw )iu k r« old A I I. filer. I,«'e »s™cn games lo 4 Wo* a i/?.. It '.». ,.». The Bre*. Crew .: -;i-al ;ii'h1 iiuciierman and Jofin isanw" lead IS now Candclcm ['lovides pK-nly of iunI i;o.hI .iiiil Cal Tofoniii h;rs ions of (nwcr ?*-„ ;-- III f-'ii 111...' Rtplre I HKsi nccilslo Hclui' wise the ('"ounn Yankee* i,.*l> httmcrs in "K7t :mil i-ndiieh ' i.ice back up lo his .1 ht: lough, if iht-y can find ptithing (Itiwcsi ,\!,, ii-.im I-HA .;ure ot 2'>0 'sme who can ui up Dme ''"''' "' '* '• l-,jsi ,1 dO't M'H Kii'i.'' rifcils to ("csjifl ji OullicMii/Dl'l t.arrj Sheets Hi|{hemeo.| his MVP gkiry in.. ' I.I 111.,- ' IKv, HRsi wav ihe nexi RtShihinJer (?'ha(k'v Hu.l\.ni„ M ' ; . :. , DU. ! Iim) l,h.' Oh, h\ w..iy BosliOi'i ii.i,s I' s,. ii,i"r'n."iu III i Ills icini best thing to ttic tn.'.-'Ti.


    harper coU^e^ radio

    Listen in Building "A " or ^^ now AT HOnB on the Cable M...^^ Access Jietnuorkl

    Channels: Cmblenet 9t

    American Cable 2i System

    rvaicatt Manian - Tnurtday 1:00 am - •:•§ pm Frldag 9:99 am - 2:00 pm. Sports The* lljirbinuer April 14. 1W«

    Softball Wins Seven of Last Eight

    '>''- IS wiih i-- . 111 Stntt HwiM s ihe weni t-hw-i *iiih j AmWc., tiipk- The «>fihi,H icam *tm goiw Mwl' five RBI".. Wit'lKlc Ttemmlt Iciliei iirid .il*.i puled up "'•1 m itit- la*l eight fiimes tn ihree'hii imptovc fcir overall rwi'ml lo H.. ht!r kmnh * m i 'Tlie *oiiien"j ciniliaemce tettnl Harper n. Tninwii Mimnkm ««). Codch My» Ciamic One: Truman

    youi 'bcit »un shki: I rit» B llsr|Mr > hiive lK;en htn." Mii™>.k.in i\ Ttani !.- •..-..- H'tWJii Jt iiarpef no* in ha *inl FliiKigari itijuWi'"' trader fbrpct Ufine •.rrmg hrpii* Ite ICHIII .maiKt tkniNc. fyilM/ MiJIcrcil ik; lf>- ,ille)', liaiflf T»(>; Harprr 14 .ti'i'vr ;ii-A> H-^jK\i \hnuni iwit.'*' Tru'man '

    ' I .1 , March the 'ThuriChj lllCt: 11 th iltirprr IS Jolitt (Jarnif Onf: Hiir|ier 14

    Jolitl .< Ttk! H.ii*k''- I'tx-nci) ittc 'ir>.l

    '•'!' with tithi rwi ' I" k-at I(iJki m i. 'ii itn: ILirprr >\ lllinon V.»ll«v tem-run rule. (i;iiii.,'ni,,-i.i,,-f juiic (..imif Onif: Harpirr It lllintiii- V iillri ! Ttm: Harper 4 I'll, Ititttni! :if".' Jeninter BIaslic> hjJ three limb Jirnn* Baurn-' >>i ^•'' pulimb and cintii a»f.l>> id Itelp Jeniij' Pyiliir/ *«ii :..'i ', !». mil-, in ihe fiM


    • (tmrlli tt-n • guc Icnny Pvtijr/ h.-r Pylbr J. »!«> recorded,

    \L.Kl.liu[i'A .ullll'O i win. limmt T« (w.l.cv ..iilikd Hariwr's NlitKMi tliroc hmut*

    Baseball Team 15-2 AL

    Harper n .ftiliet li'tl Stad'f Stitalitrt wvenlh trailin,. ' n.f (•ane One: Harptr A *«" ...i '-initlc S|»rl* Wrltrr tfl the inning West ti.-jm Jlitict i The lt;i>i.''b.ill 1 tennis Kehrcr was imcniiomiHy ..Ot) fianc Two: .loliel .» \t ti. t.' itH* "! t» ins liU under " Rick lies U> be h»lli:i than , nialkcd »iih two ouis lU ke\in (Mtldstrin

    I the liouhle hroushl in Harper I . .If ...iti 'know, .tolwlinit Coakley"* Spiiris WriliT 4. Chicagn Whilf \wi;-.-fl mcT Niit.f>!ilVrmdi;el>t.:T i'"-*" , .,.... k.. iJouhfc'IX'afJeT : itiiiMon tiwiic l"i '>i VLiunp >' \'.. Harper vs. McHenrj N«i»- There's -i ,Sl, Fr.i.iHi* on ',>n ttean .•\.I... Wesi ihey tiamr One: Harper i: Lident on th<^ i.. .mi. ..mil tcam'\ !....'Ill '.-A (.t t.i< the sii'- .. by default a* \tcltrnry i iiiiTideis in a lew HTppri". 1.U jil..n;h..in aalktj ..iiitl ihen lliem .J Twii: Itarprr * >c Jtng matia,(tenK-ni M.irk kuHii kr...tae.l m thf (ianie 1 li I..- T » I n > .1 i- • J k I .i.A :i . -, IfVt up. vv Mellenry Harper S(. FrttScif winning run. 'tr S Si. Olenick. »ho M,. (K.'.M.-I1 . . Siiicey , imish m tl.i.'. .,1 ,r;. 1 .iii.i iM-'nn\ vy illulli-- '

    ' : , It I) got il»;*»v. rue n.i»if relieved Otltailj. .t>. iI'h; Manners .in.: .; Mtnlicn all :,.:• H..i»l.s -.-mtI.hIc'iI '*ilh take i>>d...'- Came T*i>: Harper « flamet ::iiinue iheir pathc!.: ih .1 Iiiile

    *"' -'"'* '' ' "' ' AiiihldK..iil<::'r a.t...i '-.-., :. I. v., 1. .tltoCiUt:' (\.Hint> <1 .:.! play I 'TV.I.lT,.-..u>.ir • . '

    l-'(f», John knauji I * \.is Hjn|;rrs- Ho*

    . siolc third Bill • Liter ...... :i.' .; Hutvn ci'mpli'ii' . 1 ;...d> fiitehed ii

    ;,: «lllltont 'l«o: llar|>er 5 St tiiirtn- :;. 1,..'X... Rang. I

    1 I- rant it Hir .k'.jl r III hi.' li.

    l.iiUll.'li Ml.l.ili" llsti.. Ill .lll..i The men t*'ei« H .' relit I It. m.-.ik. hul not ttcak

    bicsik. Some w:r"i. . «Iirti*g enough w lose ih' (ol,l«»"s: Ii,i|lilti|l»te are as - 2 . K • n

    . . 1 , Ruj-afii- Kurt .'"M- :i

    Harper *». El|iii .. IxTTV I! 'AC llUlld n a gapins htile M vhm- II Cuinc One: Harper .:in .. ihi- Hangers Bo l^t. k«.tn nfuii-t ti. Klein II n.imcd in Hi. OH The cold a«l vm&t ffAa '. till from dul i»i s.wp llie Hawks It. I alifornia An|tel«- eiKtal beiitmf Efjin TtK game Onc pri-ai offcnsnc player, and ihc 10 'tun --' ifwr four under .1 ...iTibine

    slanihKi rule.. .| ftt a T.mv Vji.j ..mil (V(';i'jilv :'i:-t,in^ I'll I it't a

    i| - 111! .lonn MiHi,i-.i!ij fwins- *l:i».i lt.»l l*o f'atrt t.V(. altaK,lw«i ijn"! »ui »iih 11*0 M.ir intrs-

    .idoi*lc. ii.-,ini R.Bl»o(i ... ;.'ii-. ithers, and ih.it ,i!1

    (iaisc Two: Harper 7 .!..... I'.iii' ri'iurning have till ~ii 1 I. ate iK-hli-r I liame One: Harper 5 ake .,iii, ,;u hm... ui..!. .4 iiome

    ( (lunly 4 ,..-. .11 i.iIiIk'T mils last vear .Harper went into the ; .


    \'(„)L. 22 NO. 25 William Rainej llsirpcr ( ollesc The Harbinger April 21, 198K

    ••- ' ' ' . ' Board Names New

    President : Thompson

    Thompson has bn-n heavily iiig ihc toiimiunitj involvcil !' ii.nal Ulrettor Wtlmlaiiii , Ciilltfc 'The scjtth i.'rifiitiiiiii;c orftani/.ai: . .mU- llK^ Hdrix-r Ctlcw; Il,...iJt,.f warded a list, of 1- Kinc Ciiun:;. 1 ,. ;ii..-iiiii. IVn-l- Trustees t- ' \ rawloni order ti^ Hi i,»pm.-iii (.iii.imil. iht- H,-l|.;-»ue Ttmnipsi"' :! 1!) 'TrU^te.-^ f'virr. u .(d [tlulh..r-moiik; Board iil Dirctuirs,

    ilK I niit-d Way of Kitij: County, ibc Seattle Chamber ol r,(m- nierce "Leadership T,-t;;..iro*'" •mj-Loii h.i-, hmh a f'h.r) Advisory Board, Rolaiv inu-rna SI degree iional. and the AnnTuan ; filth wto *as p»eii•! CiilU-f.- (ri.m I nmK Junior CollecfS. • am) h:^^ : In coiiimcntinit on the selec- prcsirfcm ' tion of Thompson. Board Wiiiliaigtuii, D.C. I'lsliiuie at the I 'ilim-hhj ,it C 'hairrnan 'Kris Hiiward staled: Thompioii''* jipi' -'. nipn 111 Ann Aiku .n !«, "Dr. Thompson has the ' i>'i : "fi.miril .It hroad cxirriemv and n\ •rJ nf c.f ' ihi; BoanJ > ['-.. 11 Thom foclivi- tcatlership which ilio Hiiurd ami It t~. 4nik'ipjU"d ihji iri.'iiii|> H*rv(.-it as ...I!' ,,i sought m a picMdctii foi liariier son will ii'i>unic hi< ituiits .11 >.iini[ircbci: ., • College a> 11 enters iiv ihird Harivr f 'iilkge 111 mid- Inly k-gcs durim; il.. decade. He has ilrrrn>ii-.uaictl his I ti. iiiixm w« nclecicd irmi vrars. Prior to Uk commitmeni 10 .Ka.lciiiic cmi-1-

    '". l.-'t( ThlHTIJV. e and I1.1 the t-dikaiioiul

    ..lit lor 111-

    ptesi.; ' ol ripi ChCfi

    I. -. :i . .11 I . ,'. -^- .K-Ii.-! <;.n' -T I! !*'.r''h. .ri-,.i!u --, !.i;.-S«N' - hensiw i>ri,«.:c.ss *lin. Ii uh. In.lrii •iimunity collc>;c

    is!'i]p--.Uci.l 1)11 fin.' 1(^(1-. .1.1 coiMuilaUtms whJi IkiJntk ami "Wetok li>rv..ii,f I,, uniikiiii- '.(';;> .From I to l<'m, Ik- (H'otcssioiial jourii.j! [I'll .^uiu: lii'iaia an \ mnitLanil-. Straggles., ii ntionui .Ileiit m [."ll- mjiis and educauml conferences. ton co-m-rounity Ctdlege Com- tepresKMiirvcs of 3II. Co.lk|t crcal:ivcly to meet the needs of ncy. Illinois. He also wa.s a In aiJJiiion to his puter Consortium eirtployet groaiN. ihc College this community into the next mailKtMtics mstrtictor aiMl coor- 'ii's. TlH'Miipson. When he resided in Illinois. Bimrd of Trustees., the siuifcm ceniurv" dinator at Psrktand Cotle|c in ' --idem of the Thcmpviin was aclivr the llli- he4y and mcmbcti of Ci'llege m Chainpa.ign, Illinois. Wa.shiin;ti--i i-i-n vil 1" inniu- I mgmt/Mmnn rcpteieni- TJiompson has cu-authore4 Communilv . --idcnts Harbinger named second in state Defective retention il; .Vlttj Chlitliinil Sl»rf Writer .Harper's cjimpus t»owipi|Kir,

    The H.jrbiiii!er. picked ii|» .lewtsra awards including a mxoimI ptatt walls replaced award liv (n-cnl.l excdleiice in (he 4lsl Annual Spritij! Journalism 11} Diiucla* Riy

    Cmterrtitc held :il Ni)ri.hera Illi- ?Sew» Cilliur noii University. IteKalli Construction men are Harper College was repre- replacing defixttve tetenuon walls «med. hy Jon 0'»man, Hii»hmger at A and F buildings because .\dvis.ot and Alii.a < hmlimj. "I hey were l»c|innmf to bulge SaftWnter. :'"il cave in," according to

    Ckintttnd accepted it 'iani Adniinistralion ' -11 IVHias*- awards for the Harbirnjcr is. . place for a news story by Pearl The original walls wi" Henderson'-" lla.r)«r Coimselots installed incorrectly hy Cafe."; first place for a features co-mpany which has since gon.- story by Kim Ostrowski- out of business. Recently, 'Ambas.sador pnigram off 10 a revenue canw m from a sun won fly ins Stan,': hoiKwaNc m,ennoii against the comptny. for an itpmio^'editwiiit hy Ijirry Construction began l.i>-i Paullin \ very persjmal classi- summer on the tleCectivc tetemion fied jd.". third place for an Willis as well as the stdewalks ami

    .!ir casi- to llh: 1 O'PHHon/editorial hy 1. any iUm\

    PaaHin-'Tenurc: Nice work i( .1I-.0 incorrccth Iniill .-n ytJii can get it.."; third plax lor :in walls wen- d»: signed arts story hy Lirry Paullin-"A kk dirt from drives Iwjiig Satnl at Harper'?": third -- ....;...>, untlcr A .tnd F buildui,!;-; liliice for layout and desifn. and a to rtxciving docks Mcond place (or overall l-Mt fall F buildings leienlioo wall was torn and ewelluce. down KiieiMjim will 11 w«»i iide of A buiWinn; « h<;ms KplaciMi t>y imKed iaml-wiBping. 4 lam of din sifp». roniini r

    V)>ril21. I«« a^jr

    Piano tuner turns pianist

    ByKiraiCJiKoiMti hi . » Harjxrr'i pimo RtJUima Eiiiix nnptust* tint.. cm pi,.in.,i tKTf,..m.i!:w ' Ml »dJ-lino*i:: " " ' " '-tlllU' Bwimpumcdtatofc « ivill AiMtai Btvmm TTte kical c(iiK«n synn*' '^.'H.lLd III fnmi. m 10 yair!i m a ' !'.;>"*;, .1 "''1'". ta'»t (Jiuch nnHi.' ,„ CLtau Uiiicr l^ tli.,- "i .n.l full- lime piano imer, tm J tiliMl "'''"'"'"' *" :i fan Iftit music urn ) i f>f»lcSM«n," liijys tet , |M.iim lie BMily md ., ...,T1U playi saneAiiii lor hiti B(i»lin,s. bee Modal. 1)1 !•,,. w.K tK. iMWt •« Jie well blg-liamc .iriiM., lu nine he can American luiied ctawi he .Juw .;i Im tei fiiiiined! prmlufi- wjieii TiMNliy' cnW'd. i».,i:nn,liii(; J p.r.iritf\s,ion;ii income amservatcwy. will Bawlltf tin liiiiiiit ilieir pimiM.. tii Howling, accompany while m,i(inuinHn; Bowling 4»wt to ilclfa: Uif. ivmnn *i* .fc»«lnig'* 'Ttiere need ti> be nunc ihc I'rccdom on a third piece ciienit oteti lel'l 1,1' i ..(I H.iw.|mg piano and Howling ti MM • cMcen piioliesskiiiilly,- ,.fi..„.d chances m says he onthcMi by American iledniicly ))iMiii. Nwewr: lie it *<»>' would lahe 'piano Ro.maniic composer mm m Fimtiiig a pfoleiiioMi . [siKh ait Edward luninn "over a nine -itj.. five, Mac- DowcIL nc prw:e." job, M.offat. who i,» : a ttiffict*. hcwtvCT, fa «ayit Bowling hecame Bowling s Bcmilmg He Harper's "leachci and coaih." , jiddi thai ihcre are piaw) •ill inner by "inheoling" the be playing the orchestra iiol eiwufft compel ittons for ,|oh after wore the former luner reduced to piano in Ihone |»i>Miiii9 over "college ihe m.ove(l. Having an mslitution Mjc: f-XiwclI piece aic' « the "young -old potiplc. Collector in h,ke a sthiwl as a sicicly clieoi Bowling says he picked the our midst or the old-younK people," m he 1* hiird to fome by. ac:cordirig ihrcc pieces becau.sc they caili ihcni. m arc Bowling; most .sch.«ils varied and difficult. Simdjiy'j w^ill He i.s free reciul « 3 put out aiinwil bids for a tuner. paiual to the Mat Dc»wcll piece, p.m. in t>..;f:i,V ».,||' he However. having played .Ikm'ling's. Bowling sjys selected chance lo pby loi (us HiUfKT i'K's m.)i| riccfsanly .want movements from the piece for client* at well lor ihc'piiWc m the compciiiions *Hc« mi; liiiiilii of fhcafwsi lunet or .io have to m iJie Moody Btwling hegan playmK ihc 'l.hr.irv/ .., of Ihc LRC change tuners every year. BiNc institute and the AmerK-«n piano *hen he was four, hy il.fjmmi- KcMHiireCeniBr). our tKxause different wiiers mean Conic«attiry Bowlmg says he 'imitiling (hisl Hsters. who UMially piciuro l»«*,i. ihe employmeni of different also wanted to pick pietus ihat fre«i •ere tilctng lessons, '" volanifj Hi,f tuning may not and mma, Imi umiiii. ta*:hcJw"i of muHc instrumenw with variety, dcgne miJi hui he to alio rimlliw Rfitihmenit aDawanJs. •iih hii own, (Mrionai cd'kciKsit. In fact, hif private ciJlkciMjiif often occupy ibc many display caia in Haiiici'i LEC. Hit coUecuoni range ttom hit prcfeni. "active* colI«cii«i of rroiis (in every '"•»<» tlniie. *» fnmt ielhwMi nedium and cotor) lo •Inactive" collecuoni, iticli m none arrnw^heail* and. ccneal found Ihat Ihe beti pan ol being premiuRu. • a Uhrarian ti "working at the Full Machirif I i/rtiiis of BtKmm a panicutar fimey itlmnce dcik.* Why? He \jutilus\t.;at;|r(\be\ «.» m micrest a(wt a year or enjmiw ihe tliflemi - and ofwn .!» of ac:uvc cottecung. Thicdi • frif •eiitl - wannerismi that ftiigtil^ llat It) store hti ireaciive studMii have wht« asking for eallsc-tions. • fompulfn/nl Tlii* ^tortiif, o( tnlteiMHion. ImtcInc Bikes 20ai uems. can cause Lihranans DO luve lives •t..in.iii>\aMiilar tv.ilij.iiii)iis t a |)fi*lem *i* .nm:,- ," be oottide of the L«:, •im and one of wiiihafnn • AtTiiltii:, low lm|).i(i, .md H,;Biiers own if atMing vanetv

    • . .Dwini Im In . , „ ,1 IO Ihc sitem stacks with his IvcrciM,' IJjsM-N r»iw lent at iimpa ni„;.l,j tm coikctirns • Nk-iu-r-Kiibsc I l.»sv-s

    • ^Sllllllllll.l! (Ii/,.,!

    « vbn •,N«imin,ii;u:

    mj:>i:.M ! I iiii>



    LAW SC H i H H \ I )M i SSI ON S

    .iitt.i 6 Month Stiukiit sp«vi i! n»hj M.B..4 .SC."HIM,»1, ;\l,»,MlsSlo%s

    HAKI'IKlllllll.l liturului. tpin:$ umpim. MUiwgi .Km.m ,.'.»,:' 1 *ooii(ifl(l l,..tki'

    .1 Ott'H-f<,:am|His This «ic ho.u.r seaiiaar aTi,i: ; chances of adiiiiiimt. KMHI h «tl(k-kl Kil Scliiitimburg. ILWII"-i Call SSS-lill lo reserve your seat. I'KKi: l>R,.miM:.! Four IIMJ ikholartbirs will be .aided! Page 3 1988 ^Editorial The Harbinger Vpril 21, Retention walls "Off Her Rooker" ^ W/t^ oar mem me lire abrm system k comptete update. many siikwalks wat reptacwl' M underioiiig a predicts this ptojeii u> considerable incanvemeKC w DcBiase By 1.11 Augusi. HarTwi siiidcnw Ctmttructron be complete by Almost all caiiipus buildings was ctii »hoci due w wccniw new doors by early am and in early wui'ict. Will receive DeBiase die of how Please do not aucmpi to reienoon walb Terraced May. According to actually the measure Tlie There is no person mi« see 15-18 years old and were can be offended bring out your calculators lo iMMlicapinK. » letics of d«t stcjw door* words easily a person amMing than be whose as such rational- amount of i simple. if this adds up, wiih plants will "not designed for the How Ibis works is very oflea tilled Mt SO reckless is to have the complicated for received-" offcndabilily is in 1/aUon.s arc «» ihc ictcnijcm wills uKClbey nearly A persons iieiiiKe capacity for ortcnding to com- Ihe fifieenth of with the per- the maihcmaucal mind !! 'Hopefully, | ctxrcbtion Don DeBine anlicipiiles person he speaks to and direct ranDUig every prehend and could be hazardous il>e we will replace the centage of people said person work on ll»e sidewalks, May other person he speaks ranning every two lo one's health. »iairci.ic, and ihe mck.' said IlcBiase The has offended plus or minus exterior about. those went up for bid by Trust me, between icteniion waJh lo be done by track profi- percent. Ironically, although assertive enough lo tell companies, but buls if one obnox- who are two moniJis after die conoim-uoa intolerable For example, SeiMeinlict. cient in the art of these verbally abusive wcft surpntmsly Ngta ious person offends one hundred verbal abuse for the purpose of off, of Trustees, which said characters where to get to! iBsiirfacinK also The Board percent of the people J cxlracung snickers from any car are not at all unanimously voted to person comes into those who IM year before the weaihei therefore, such people obnoxious __^ likely to half listen, a.ssertive. and those who don't asphalt plants resubmit the bid with a contact with, he or she is ninety- mmi aM and seem to be aware that king chmgc Thia change do not and two c»e who iheir ripping as as Hill left the middle ihml requiremcM eight or one hundred cloni. Ihey possess this uncanny latent time, on a good day lower Uie standanli of it's a good of |«kilW hN two and the circle will not when these percent offentUble. Moreover, the offender is offended by project. bu« should bring in where do 1 get the in (lont or A byilding ihc find From dii»e facetious harle(|uins ninety-eight percent of hi* tower bids. hundred and TWO peitent unfinislieil being rewarded "one Maiiagemem themselves targets, and on a bad day. he is new d«iii««e system was The Energy vicums. you might ask? Allow me to A unkindly by their latest offended by ninety percent plui Automation System should be an- KJded ID *t ciicte dhve to F«««« commonly expound After offending one child like fits arc twelve extras who are in it for put up for bid in about it is quite waiar jKCWMdMlaii in low spois. su-speci that such other human being, witnessed. 1 Ihe fun of it. month. This system will human being to Ml. ae« cialia ««ie Gonaviicicil. people (ihrough no shortcoming natural for dial proven adjust heat, air- AldKHigfa it can't be doubled by avioniatically attempt to deliver equally or PlAiHg iptct ma of their own) have come under mathematically, everything does condilioBing wai bgbting around minigning die iitand altowiag of others so more offensive pioae. the harsh criticism add up in the Theory of Offend- every ten dial they practice However, for have a frequently, abiliiy. On the lighter side, the "This system will simply is DeBiaie is hopehil lot large groups of people offended, one sa«l V..e affronting Theory of Gratification is sim- very fast payb«k. enough to tell the M«f«:ii,|wiHhec»mple«eMay people merely for the purpose not assertive ?»«»«»•"> °' ple w compute. (bcfom mduMion) to avoid ihemielvei imper- offender where lo nick iL Also JO " of rendering Here is how thii worts. If iprtin«dinkuli-». " of ten offended peofde, four turtMiMe. out penon "A" makes one coniment have at least three friends, who Such a pity, all thai elTon to which offends one hundred of the are equally as offendable as the no avail. It reminds me people, and then person "B" out of the fry- original offender, who cannot fish that jumped uses one hundred well planned the his skin, but toil resist the temptation to tell ing pan lo save words to DEfend one hundred obnoxious so and so where to his scales in itie fire. people and OFfcnd one person brings me to my the- stick iL This "A", then person "B" will offemdability. This is only for die sake of orv of clearly feel a greater sense of offended fnend of course, Olfendabiliiy is a new word Ihe peison "A". anything gnuiTicaiiofl than which has recently been created and not having I invite you to bring out purpose of rilting whatsoever to do with the pent (01 the sole your calculators to check this offendable into column (a clear case of up hostility these my one out, and let me know if yoo festering for the ends justifying the means). types have been agree. I hope 1 haven't offended of the word is yem and years. The mcanmg anyone.

    HeaCth Corner

    Have you evt- noughi about donating you. eyes lo J extend or improve someone else's Mc after yiiu are gone? Organ donauon ts a miracle Harbinger (bat truly docs work. But. William Raincv Harper College mgins are naceived from only plus who IIOOW AlgonqumRd I S-* of the 20.()0<)

    Palaline. IL W»l-Tm ,1k- I'dch year and who have .n.iiljble organs and ussue lo donate Many requests for Liny fiiilbi' Mgins renain unfutniled. I'ctfl H«nKktaMin The Uniform Anatomical Pitifl IkndwMH Gilt Act allows anyone over IH lk>u|;lM Rey to sign a donor card willing Rotfyn Davi* of their organs after kunl'kmjwiki Kmc or all lllimiis Drivers Stoti HiMdon death The you Tmys Bnjwn License Bureau can supply Glon* Curr with a stamp for your license TamTnitiiiiann identifying you as an organ RichadUCl donor. During Tissue and Organ Donor Awareness Week. April 24-30. 1988. donor cards The HARBINOEIt is the ttudmi lallkaiiiMi lor ihc Hmfn CoIto(« and information will also be

    I eaanununiiy. publiihad wmkly cxcqK dunng holidiyi and rmil available in the Health Service, AU opinmH cipmMd • Otatt ol the wriut md not ncMsiwily A362. Your thoughtfulneas aaaiiriaBiiiiin. JKailiy er murtnii hoity. Adaininnt «>l ihi mtlhia. in nowanbea iiDiditlng. AU „ v.tMtaiaiaUlNniiy^SaaalDyifnnciiaiaine. For nwllMr

    (HimkjrrmkSitlmwmi " »

    Page 4 The HarbiiiRer April 21, 1988

    Entertainment. ^, Performances make "Reckless funny, poignant

    *iih solid aciing • togli iwJ crji laftcrs (ws math; "'" ' ttal ' ' m •• rncm- lllin lltlK. "-'»">' "•*"'' '"", '"S Paiitlta hut ikrce I»'P'«" Urfi M)iHcs()f'e. ' ihc plot here, tot 1*0 hustwnJ ck'inli tx*,lK;v, Cfcrittrow...Aninl. yt iu*« !''»>' in *e pljy: ym «iiiietiii»es Kimethmg inicitslmg. I«», Craif I.ueiM' «» »Bitioin, where (Iocs chir«-iers lh»i> pl,M:c open. * pB curicMiire there. •Rn ih" she iiweis UojmJ, who ptn 'tm a Abtoiam Theatre Com- you need 10, Bui m « play someone »e really '<*' •« hv (he ndwnture ikai has » iiMo (inpicking, lift iMo an deser*ci 31 l,ht Theatre Building, g«il, Ihsil'i And lane Bl»« ,iiv he Men 10 he believe**, '><; the firm play m awie nothing else, tor W BeliiHiiit. in Ctaagt:' TIjB IS meiwion if (« nut, sh«m- I". filleJ 10 ihc TlKM# MIM » coMdy. ,mii«(ceitJlinl> Ihc firxlncw pliiv) y 'Vlih Visits Harper F3Sm ^ S> i> d :j Sculptor ft g ^'rjulDr-j "

    kilimK » -'...I..an. played by o:pem the Mm by Kr«lw ColililtiB Chiij"..' r tj Akmso, ineinhcr of 'the Bkiod's. ti.ff Wrtitr Maria CoiKhita. yoing atttaclion The nairch f« Rocket ksnh Dcnttt* fItipiwr'J new fiHn The m:iit»»I of the two is never to the aecidenial killing r.J«ii - fof the first itme. between ti«*w«n« of the and lhe,ir spin » a «Mihef. iitd die psitrays iBWi pnin » ««« e»ptaiiwl police is put piailiciahb ending lo thii f1:i>i»y titj'j youth by die thwi. jmt .iinofHil frwip* o( iivniahle quention. wmciili. relalMD'Hltip, It w»*' minded coi», as t*i*all is sense of he.lo»gtii| and ncightorhowl tmutt m the tough cop with tmpoitancc. 'The icfuh u t»e of life. I AMi«i({h iJie T«mm for her Ihe folden bean, Uie moil renJisiic jwiniyiil* ol esutcncc *t^ Under llofuwr"* dtffftiiw. «ii««i life e*er iwl on charncier's. KnJern shows the U) iild ««:mte more ftesh the film ac:ciiraiely fitm.. Ijiobiihly despair of the screw., it tiaa r«|«tiei«Bl, dcto'laiion iind ,Scaii fmm mA Robert to ibc •"'«' wtrtk n*! 'BieiMof I ,*. , lav alt play partners «it* Um two diMtatni I, <•«« is 10 croni the barrier Since J», l«« riAK opinions itsigiicfl to diCkolt it ihem. have bee:n over M» gang relaleil vitgeles" |an« eriiclnli;J«'n between, (he Angeles and »nd mam sti:if> killings in Los u(»l. While Perm's thafKiCT » The third Duvill crackdown J by o*er 2.(W prmt md hash. »(icmpt,ic(g, [m *]ii that of Penn. awl continued Califoinia policemen, have '..,,„,' ' iniimidMe gang irymg to s't*»p the of siBpec::i««J of i..,A.'s tMMghl ill buindiwls . t*o , . the ben*en. ;;.,: Dii*all IS titltngs I the Cnps »eiiihe,rt. Unforiuniiiely, i-ip«Tic»:cd siWiet-sniari cop iniMl powetfyl gangs., g»nf small dent iS die S'i,»<...ni Blood* this H on,ty a phjio t>j J"*« who Kji» to befrtiemt the pug twearing bliieK, Md te over TO.IWO .gang ifcetretore eamini (wcjuing n«l'>. city has memlier*, Maioney. artist of •*» « ™ a.re a meintbcrs. Sculpl« Dalion «:"'P*f '^'"T'l^,'''^. •liwiniJnii. The killings "^~^ lenfMcl HKl. srmw Harper* dqwtmcnt this w«k, H-; '^^ tytic ol revengr Tbis film 'has sparked .:..nit«s. IS visiUng m TIi« miwic w»vet'sy as iiinies. On*' •» <>' when the Crips till J (iMC cential Arlingion, Maroney ha* Ken conduning - the Mm i:'l of Tenas ai 'kills a *:'np ,111.1.1 ,t accused 'tfsal.) png «>d » I'l-yeai old 'B'lood third sculpture lo b.- ''"'' '""' '" wid> an students on a ^^' . , i.id working B'kKKl's leadei- ' .. ti...nfyinggiii'¥' Filipe wkt mini cbosc <»« ol (be will at the painting named hopmg by Friday I be who die film did ih- ,ved on campus "Im become a member youth niiiied Hi-Top .ol w-he*er lo ' « a wixidcn cOTStrucuon m <.i«l mmiey. "The «-nlrt«rc lei tm.ce to gel his older ctwsin « my to Du'vtll go - Harper llirough Ilk' „ ^atka ^' 'oney will be at k:'Ij(»1 .ami hie an "kinesf tifc i.ti:fotmaiim>. consiraclion or has any .,\nyonc im. «> "'"'* wanted for 'vm Hoppef " ' '" Ht-Top i* liK* 34'>4 or visit at I' Mar.-,- ,ii extcKion a-s il>::.H'i"i-'i'- , „,..v towacl .iiieitiioning and the ksuIi is a 'P«:iil««yiiil 1*1. (»»«» ^:i,plitin 'dtc oihci 1.::.' -,..mll2 Migh-ipoed cha»e that ends iip in young Ail>*fie:iini with no sitMlion in ly thanee the youlh a teime hoslage wai out. Rsiaijciint • ciowdeii , . ! :, imity fife Hating tml S: .1 I ''I of the Cnp's leadefs is Ai:it»ihe:r story is that uf ihc One named R«:kct. wtai afftir between f'enn antt ii J member HEALTH CARE CENTER, INC.

    TMNSRIITOIUrCOUEOE Cominucs to oH»r low cost, con«d«n««l of womens health: DEQREECOMPiniONPMMMUK car* In all irtas • Family Planning ADiffinSING DESIGN. lUXISTRATION, • Pap Smears OESKSN, NTERIOR DESIGN. mSHION • VD testing & treatment mSMON IERCHAN06MG, PHOIOGRAPHY • Pregnancy testing & referrals

    r uB 10 so amtn Noun • Pre-marital blood tests •no t-i—i AA8 at maitm Oajr and MaMnfl. Sunins Juma aiMi or phon* tar eaiilag.

    v3l EXAMIHATIONS FOR WORK. SCHOOL. SPORTS 0>, -,, RAYCOLLE0EOFJiSION we DO PHYSICAL • M t for infommtion mtdor appotntimnt call: iitai tOSIl 359*7975 5S3 H. Court, Suite tOO, Palatin* . . . .

    The ItarbingtT Page Five Getting Bombed with Harry is a nidial pina-r. Whatvvi,.., we^.. reallyr.:.;.lU' have here both drawing a circle down Oiai I have started »j Pvdvr Swtcacf I'll ill means the bi'itf"'" ;»"•-• It ncaiiv ai ' *»l i- pli- ' It's always a Sides from the ommiini member* of the p'sy-.' ., Si-rioiish'

    tiu: umjri i: I re I e some lip hi on the no I only sbtd '•..;.t Moritrs,, AC ha SI animal but can :iiso tell Nome gooti -.. -

    am.mg ilieiiKclves, I fHitiom. When you hsten to then talking At link them J ihf dik-mroa they face m a daily yo« begin to rcah/e ihc Ltiik. Link, link though. miilions. lino ot human iiy. there have been basis- The contitction of In the history vuluiatc themselves as ot r ..-.-litl Perlvips tn ihc .:le «" probably billions of incidents lutear rules for bvmm to unearth tli', thev ,cr. -.m. 'behavior We can't begin soemnis out . lo stand w#«-liBeai:., If net ^ L '.>•"(cn or M)mi tendu.iiu behavior winch often seemn intniiiicallf order ot hetnousncss, bu, ...• completely random. Hitler was »l, barn!.

    he'-* Or was , ideals. , weu. tor constants mA univerMiI social ideals. That those Bb( "in their search Hitler had pro. overlook the ir«.h they concern us here. t.)nly ihai the behavioral, Jiiws, they perhaps wMped and twisted doesn't his motivation. welfare ..f •-.icicty was earlier,, "llitif", plop our first runner up iieaily '"'''"First "let's pretend that the word I «»i Thii Met iilone could victims with K lift iil»». though h.s direct and indirect means that 'somcihin| ha* to do « i,„o firs, place, esen fewer than Hitlers. Coincidental ly. it d«». art counted as far c"" « When only the neircst part of a liM Is f«Me, *«

    • fliroshima. point of or.gin • dropped on protract the line backward to its Ilte^'^uranium bomb tl^ difficult to hucr on ConvrrM-lv. when ihe'He ' three d.,ys without scientific .nstruments,, and the plutonium bomb •liiill ot the A , u.rian visible, A ,h-, sersion beginnings ot rn„inv !ii'.i;-. .t'c Nagasaki, were esper.meius. ;t no r,ght make m.ghl. l

    ' prescni. i"oll«r.s middles are their >'"" k'hrfr«"' •' wholly burned, i, .JUI'S ll' their facei were Okay. You're the shrink * hollow, the n.iid from their ', him U' MtsiH-kets were past Cyou assume disturbed down their cheeks. John . alumintim SUliU'L*. fuelled eyes had run certain behavioral aberration.s. li' //iro.*'.fiimii spraypai :.ii on the mailman, Hersey, to the neighbor's cat: he wears a lea co/y lo when his yamulkc is m 'he wash he argument minded fella, hm everv rm a pretty open Temple; he's not Jewi.sh. bombings was as limp as a Vvur )ob as an heard in defense of those Those are the end segments of line- rvc chicken • •'•' beam. ' '-' ..Ju.g, n,t.|t,. ,nalyst is technically one w..s jusi having a bummer day. .,- lis roots, . ,. .1.., k,.k. ""'out Ilarrv Truman lo correct ihis heh.-. .. " vntrads. with all that stuff about .. I begin riK»t:,, ^'ou must delve ihrough i,d first voii musi find those but whose name I torpei minor, ami try „,^. .. To misiiuoic someone of mtidenis in his life, major and the millions but can onlv be understood formed the beginning of the f^Life must be lived forward, to determine whu-h of them cverv simday to his knees , now c.iuse him to fall backward." ,, ,, ,;,,:,,,, lines that llarrv was a lad living !.-..:; HH ">c' theory that when seven o'clock and scream "Virik t:n- M It IS mv night at one of the t,rs, kids on the in "Missouri, he was with vour throbbing mouschood'" somewhere the plumbing. mark the siari of thai line'' VVas it block to have tndotw Which incidents Harry tanuis. td thai iTthday urinating, perhaps young ' When received i- ' spanking he the .i ' , ^-uy worst ,n.tu-..n. o. trie (..;.. n,„Hnc bowl, the (ll.. nglit- run out of ammo. -> .lenlally Harry wotild .,,.r....i,H:, of s«Kiety in de.ilini: and regroup"' NODC Back up poor traflilttion between Hell no' it must be about the 'Then' their loll? time and gravity lo take human behavior and scientific method, right'? Mlow M-coml eucil ««, fitlkl.. « 'Hell no' Not even close. Don't trv lo lurniiig, a the answer. . or • id be Young Harry had my w'nting had any cont.mutv He flushed buck at It pMiPII Scrounge crawls out of cold woodworks The The scfoiinger Sc'hwaru scavenger lurks. By Jerry 'Be wary where the for thrill* Some leech for a living some ou, of our molchtils^^ Making mountains .^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^.^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^ eye Awaits our passing to peck our for wood unburncd; Tiey flit Ihrough ashes Shiisitirfs leaving no turd tiniurned. more pleasure Nothing brim's The Scrounge own treasure; Than one m.in's trash as his

    ' ' hell ' vilest jhe ^' r-.-nchcs of sweetest smcH . ro".e ihc I, J 11,^. St I Upcoming The lliirbinger \pril 21, I'JKX Pace 6 Attention I Phi Theta Harper Swim team

    -.•[Him i> tt'y ^<('iji,iifi( _^,^^^ ^;^, J..,...,.., Kappa -. I lUi ixitiimni Affil m iiit- i«,cpwji i, oilttt ji i lui t.K. StlKlCltt m CKSinadl ID MC »MllK:k>ri foi ill 'J AluHlCt Graduates holds swim-a-thon Honors, imscI w,ii t^ included in your imduaikm lAMLXI pic'kci. Members of the Harper laps as possible in one hour. otun TTie family diat wc wish You may. however, order S'wim tcani are organizing a fund U) help IS ahout the Pfij raising drive it> htilp die fanuly to have dieir home AfMI 11. 1«, J7. MM » u. ti HUM mew Kippa honon foreclosed on hy the bank stole though the National of a former member of ihe team This IS a oiiigazitM;.. The group is planning to one parent family whose moUier's If hold a jwim-aiJKin on April only wish is to lake IMai I.i.'i.) M f >.>.>>» you need mi onlcr farm care of her bds. I fM. m * ^m. piMie pul your rri^ucit along lOth. ihit will be during open Anyone interested in *iih your name and address swim in M Bldg. between 1-4 NO AIWtlKlmE.KT CAMtt WCM»*JIV in the participating or sponsoring flu TTuu Kappa mairhon in p.m. die Sponsor! are for Utit please contact a swim team Afnl BAM » ».m m I: W f.a. Studeni Acuviues Office lo needed member or leave a message the anenlion cf Sandy Endler. eveni. sponsors need only at Please note plodgc a few cents per lap. Each M- Bldg office. Mlf 1*3 • pm. m»M rm. that delivery lakes ahout 10 days. individual will swim as many

    unmnED early MniirmA-noN mm g luwn riMi [iimmiin .^.m scmw.. smut, i Hf soan MmrV.lO. It.l2 «..KM.a. ''' * I pi.llli. 10 4 JII..IIIIII,. TiacMW tlt.u< itftjr If*n#\ [kw rirf«4 m, It ^F >» •Ur It

    TUmOM » FH« MUST m fAJD lY MAY Jl. IW. CMI ia)-l:lt Ll CM. m t NLi IkffOiintlnf MtM ICWDULil Wnj. H CANCSIXEO «L 101 T-l ric.ii, W Claim CIlHtl IrOO-tllS

    Tim afttf • ilS-tl.W .»-r I-H H.«.r T-t SoKlally •lOD-liSD •ilS-lOitO • :«t-lin II 1 1§- 1 1 10 ^^eivis a Harper C«tlc^

    1 1 M- 1 • n M.H..r A.NIIIOUUCE. T-l i«.i-.r JmcUIIj lO'ilO-II.O'i ii.oa-HiKi

    §^ MEWSPRP^R l-H-lTlO t-l IWtHllj l:M-MJ 1 D0-Ii1S OrrinjM Iian

    liW-SiM DRIWE 1-. K-H-F imcuiir 1 «-i no

    tmam i

    1. CltMM MtlM*>^l>« citit uOtJuK. f mmMt Il»l«# , HtttT ••«"t«f •>! I.tur*i, (iHltt «UI Ml t«a iMk ur H.t II l.r f ...1 •.-frUie, a. editor jh'.ch tiwlKitiwi, In It lii»l»( ftt^H«i. mi *»fl rffiUrrtf*lir dmelm iwrtoil.««rt«»ri« •n par»l«i.-. fr.„ the »K,„|J,r. jtt rtigii in ams m m iiiti ma i ' '' <» H. I n»-.»p»(>»r anl aUnvU..^ tan Lil...,[" .I!f. .•i'l*™."' ,,. «-.?i!

    f • in . I ™ i«rsi» n«r .c 1 1 V !**# «ftO're fu.i! ffi«» M:h**ilf. »IH1» <'W"t:H ^ # I ( *ffp*'<»pr «l* IM# p#r I Dl yfoy&papftc& - Brown BoAgti t'"-i 4 Q, . n fS pteatt Complete your -year degree niiumifHiinn < inns- Piat^.i. Aaat at Larg^ Se«. - -Trade m fcrk™ UAltAl VyyJLiLiEjVjMii coeducational • liberal arts • pr^te

    «MM WMM row MAMT 10 tNOIK ' resident and commuter students eiMIBAlANO • 21 majors MHOMATEDOfflCf, • Day and evcumg clawes UGHIIMDUSIRIAl. • Hummer session TEMPORARY JOBS • Career plaaning AVAJLABLE..JODAY! • Individual academic ativising • Adult re-entry services CAii. 980-8900 • Daytime child care • Convenient suburban location lynirorce Summer School starts June 13 temporary service* Call for a broeliurc NO HI KXMfH'¥

    Contact Barat ColleRc Admissions

    Too E Westleigh Road l.ake Forest II. 60045 Tli*Forc*ll«liiiid t.j 12) 2;)4-30UU On Saturda^ii (3 12) 296-4260 I CIllC'QfOs wfofK rOffC# DabbiaTamfig ' 1 I — V

    Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds

    1'>HK I'aUi- 'lilt! Harbinger \pril 2L

    (la<,sified \d Rates

    •CI 1)0' eoj-

    fsu,*a ci,inUi,i Lirri, CO - 3! ril 2 'Ml I "I u n r r n v PUck Bfi (V'tf 'IViMiiB. I''uii.ir

    1.11 NX ,:i vr» old' Id tKiiil te.iiher t*U M *«t*d«)'i

    iiiiili.tt •n .-nploymtijl ABWIWISTiATlVI •fler 2 p m •nd *^si<;tavt ortor •• IW3-5II43

    / of IJ'-M" Ihinei t'otdtliit Tf Ufo»'n/Sunhurtl Hirdli. LEGAL SERVICFS I" « U' f used. feeei,v«V,i"! ;> ...hh,.-i, f> S l.dm' i.rr.i,:.-i. (i( Bevker d r ,c' .!!<; call ti)llt'i-I m 1 !". .*C... til Br«h«"r f- 1 H N Mf actum, M i'il2..,2<»,:iR

    I'l I ' or m-u n e II MaiiU i'lr, Sclnumtturg, Iwkalt., IL hOl I'. 1*»S EOS RENT iti.f('»r»ii-cf ii::slendiri »v*i,lable hy mail COLLEGE CASH .pninti' ,^, II help vou 1 1 n d It J,, We TYPING SERVICE Computer ued service r a n I ! Ful »t'.,.'ur»le «'t I K Call ,kitK,*dii!',Li,A,,li^ .,;, , and other aids

    . > e c 1 1 1 e * . I t p 11 n » Ca,K .J 2 MASTERCARD

    ,; Kei started now lit credit liiitnry Alio to »plii "'"i *'"I* winli ,fin neil fall Call nr write SIMMER HILPI FB,*SF Had credit Do il Ne#d. lo R»»l.«urini h»lp milher iludtnt (or free information Summer . ' Call r'6l9-'S6S- mutual apt SWF or wauled Tfte Itttey toid fmd American ,\cademic , CI«i4SIL i:»lt evenintt • .W4- Houi* W»it»:r*, W'nl.re»»e». SWM Services POR 4312 Dept A. 0140 HO'ii per tout. B«irlt«m»r«. Nonhhro.ik, IL ((0065 -4,? I 2 "ookt, fc Bu !(!••• *<"•» DO rOU NEED A Ro«d. Write .W Ket«y HOUSEKEEPER 7 To Tkt Stmaal Im4j SALE Birrmilon. 11. W)OI0 or Hm.!SF.S FOR t can clean your houtt. iK'Wailmg . . . c«II 1 2-311 lot t J low 1 GOVERNMENT HOMES (iffic* or apartmetil Yes know I'm thady, and 1 rate! eicelleni refereiKei. love your new glaatet! SEIVICI from It DO a Repair i Bl.'Y RESUMl I'ljUT FORI* MLSTANC leven yrs, of eiperienc* Somctliing tells me deep ftrr back T.AXES* Stan, oui yttyr tob i*atch on Proper tie J pleate , Need mfurmaliun 1 -cvl iiick Ffir mofe down . yuu already know Listing \ 'M»^ itie right ((x>t %'iih i *etl Info, REPO Call boi' Ask.ng 11310 caHLui* 25"t«.)21 who I am. But you won't wriiien resume 4"!«) .5"*16, EKT H^J671,*A, Mirk • 2'i9-II0

    Are you Iwiking (or a |i::*'> and I know' you work at SEASONAL in at the MfcRTIN STEEL, STRING m'hy not nop Walgrci*!!*! Am I m your Lireiu»r«Ji Blum he I'Jg'iTOVOTA Pl»c,emfni (ifdn?- '• r •> ui J Harper An Class,*'.' M.aybc! Wanna Cmiar . II cerlifit'd for priviie p«ol it MR 2, red. e-i,e«.i:,Mlll, > eietllent cond Kst>>n% We 1,0 fill n'hii «t"f a icary movie SheCfteld Ti)%'nf H-.'usf comlition Mkins t9,'i00 'inputer dan $400 Call Miktt m tlS- tislt*,- tomfiimc?'! ,., >,;Mi.. . ,n SvhuiimbiirK Ca,ll II") ,J'H''2m '^" 415 •'V»n *>•»•- \V,'B' Latci". The ..,•-> ply in persim <» f nai I'js:- 11,1 l}<. fJKKZK .,, :., ,: j.in.ut In '• T,*.RIC1-' '|TA8 1 ft e M . ,-<,i,B.il . rear Nylcifl •: yr* "ItJ" infii- - . ,. flir*rtn,i:, ,'Uk,iit *io" t;*n W*,i» » •* t . "iiereo r,»..k

    .... 1,11 w»B etii'iiiis'ii Kt'),, lf*t j,,,,p,(,.,(,.,y., ,|^,jj. I'-vii: 'loi; iBUKi'iiiir *n'eti« Wr V'"S, ilttlt,. *i c I'M] till: "(I) jtifrto flan'lfli' .'., PI. Till; :|,?1'( KcE Itiefliei, X l>ia»ii - -I '. " . r ] \l,iTlJ ,plw.j guiLir ««•«' - 121*1 i' » .iitMint t«,** Fir*il,«t jid'fliurk I'D »•» .,i«i :|!. I/til.. e«lt 6 111 »M,p 11,60, flaiBBi,o.n,d NEcd CAsh For colUqt ?? tl4»MIUON in tmm- '^f'Ni iiNCiAinro VI AH

    Hi: YOU NH'O w't CAN MM,) I HiNUS tOUCAlTONAL SOIVICES PAPERS J M RESEARCH I'.O liOX 71 / %«bl«cH 17.000 to ehoot« from— oil I HLIGIITS, IL 600/0 S«l»ctJon Low«it Pric«f , Lorg«it ;?) 705-8527 or COD mrouiiATioti Oriter Catalog Today witi; VIsa/MC HKiii lottrxti. ^^^Ofdafino Lin* 1-800-621-5745 Hot At! 01.'

    •^.'». Or. rush $2.00 to: I Inc. Author's R«t#«rch S«n.lc»i, rtioNi Nuneia- ( 407 S. O«art>orn, Room IMS

    ' Chicago. IL 60605 "S-: - J-^'^ Cu.ten. fB;rrh a/to «r.«.IXt-«« »>•'» 1 - 1

    Sports 1 he Harhingcr April 21. 1988 Pages Baseball

    Hi Smt Dordon llarprr » Kocli V'alltj • . thicc nins in ihc Sfurtii Kdttmr (iamr On* Harpa-r li Ritclt loj'' nth heal ('.>akion fVipiie Iwd fill losM-s lo Ofler ri..i..i i.'.u> nits and mn RRW, Ill* vnll Coltcft. H»wks Sfir. ' Offer had intluding the name winnci AI

    ' 1 ..., ..... ,. I,., „.,. t,.j,\ ihrer tui, ...^,m..,m(! a (li'i ,ki. ihr.-r jR-rtetii;:ii;,f, In fact, the ieani\ !>-hn Bmawa. wl» nuri • Oii-iu,. k. '1' retont II :()-S Iht: figure puts ji ihitd, comribulc! I,*H hll;. MM\ |x,i three RBIi fuv. N)C" AA niiiiilicr llirec nnkcd lounh win jii.: 'u::nit:k Tnwn swtfn diMlilc-ltea4er picket! up a sikvc (iame Twiii: Harper t frim Hiipef on Tucidty. Scwcs Osklitn 4 were m foUowt: Secaid tascnian Dean Van (immt Twfi: Harper 1 Tkvim hii .3 iwo-nin hiiwicr in the. Har|>rr %». Trilna RKk Vail*;' l> . I'll give the Ha«ks (iainr One: Triton « Harper Tony Vaca wcw i Iht -4 wuh t». .1 had (t.uf' hits anil 5 KBIs,, Vaca «1m. u-cofA-tl ih,,' Ciamt "tmm: Tril«>n 4 vielory. Citchcr Paul i.:iii.'ii« .r,:.tii.ii «...M..."altaghjm added three. 1 efty Bill llirfCT W 0"Calla|ltan atldtd a iwo-iun O'Crady .picked up the win hiime nm, ami Hirer RBI,* l..wt week tk Hawks wcr iwicii »MC Mcccsjil'iii It3r|>cr the iMpi tlnililC''liaiilcrs firm hxli Harper \%. Oaklon Hawkv play ai home OMkiom r

    It i MtM Bmrtmn Harper »s. Thoriim iennis Nporti MDitr Came One: Harper I

    I hcirliin I "I 1.1 .J.n My !itoll Bunion "They are h much ^ll> 1 vi the Kam allriNiles ILirjKi i ttucc ruii.> m the !>p«rl» bailKir than we arc and wc didii t ie..iii;. tticir success lo hours ol first weie all tlicy need. Lynn many Wlicn ide Harp of Wisconsin at tropical SyOan allowed only une nn m vacations to ihe Frutoy. 1 on Frelay Wtiitewalef on Monday. Harper Caribbean over spring break. thiee hits.. She also iecord«!d the Miarper an. imimiMtvc 'The Hawks did suffer a hod lo ni.akc another nwl-irip M cnmpfele game win. to Coach Roy Keams docs not l(i' I uike on the Divt.sion reccinl ai Iwme. "Oietr only (teleat againsi Vineenne* II school. can: what the teaiion is as long (iainc Two: TborKin h low came i.l«« hinds of rnucr-iiiy on Saturday. The u Harper 4 Harper vs. Whtlewaler as Ihc team continm lo win. Tharun. lean had lo travel i» Indiana to The Hawks handed Thonai Sfngles: loe Drewke 6-1 Harper has a home mcei Tlw leam iwn-pi double lake on Ihett oppiineni. 'The ibc win afkf Harper (>-2: Ph'it Randa,i/o fdrlaiiltnl againsi Sauk Valley today at commitlcd '••< headeri laai wctk from H:i-.'.l- .,--...-,,...i iht; • TIKI itx errors. Thenuali held .ifii'f he hrokethii'i tiiii pm. The learn will also Kiihwiiukc'c on Tliursday and 6-4. '7-5 compete in the Tkirton lo a .1-0 lead aflcr «.». Ailams 1. N4C Conference Ri:>ck Valley m Saianlay. Tlic -t;''' .. liiurnament, The .Haw'ki' i»io errors m the T-h; Jay OInck c. '<>.•(<; Friday-Sunday at Hawks spin t*.,.i at Cak|» tt$ i.'i"m'i|.>cinn''ii Rock Valley. Kiventh. along with a ptsthall Mint BartlcMH) d-.'!, fv i DuT'ige i» Tue^bji ami wiMpitch alktwed Th. 26 ^, j'Uffip -14 s Game One: Harper S Rock haiei and scoied two runt. 4<)0m(Tt- 1Q.67; k>n(! )ump<2|.

    Valltj ft |"ii"n, Theriuall iiruck out six and ilist'us- I 16', WtiHtn.'! Track .Pi'ilari, who itlowrt only completed the game for Uie 111*; Rcichmuih. I. a lira Fremgen. 8(K)m- three hi is., ''..... - shoi ml tetck VIC lory . ::. 1(.l*K")ro. i: !4. > iiki L{»pc.i. mxim*- Valley. She ihrewi a cjwipleie Came Two: Harper II 'T'h,iyct. ICMta'- 12 9. 2i'>i''im .lura Neuhaum. 40f>m game victory, fcnny ftaunnuck Kithwaukee ..} 26 1. l.dti Wilkcat, ittini liur - M.ii'Jeln'tc I'lton. had iwo hits ai dxl n.>.-ca.pUin The Hawi..! tollceied II ;*1.4{X')m- 617, high jump. ilk.. i.'i.-i'tf Rcichnuiih. Kris l-o'Sifi funs, CI'"; including m. in ike 4' I Wilstepc. ' shot put 'S'f'i Anne I haver. y'i '. scvf n.ih, on 1 1 hits. Rt.*in 2 Word, hcpiahlon (Janie I' I • ..irrn V^ (t^icpc. Two: Harprr A Draklcy had lour hit.s :)iiil Blacky »14i)pts., .^"KHii 2K '), IWirn ".'bs^y ^ Janice Word^ KiKk Valley I) ..idded :.!', - a »lo- homer. Thenuali hurdles I'-. ' ; pselm- K.'7 Ag,ain (he tii>»k* were .iMv piicheit anothei compk-tr game Wilkens. : : ;,'i:i>;..'ii •'National Q:nlifit.r li> hold R«:l Valley «i;>telc«. and picketl up her sicond vKKiry Wiljiepe- 4:;.X 4(M.:im rflay<3i Thenaull was virwrkMis in Iwr of the day. 'Wilkens. 'rtiaver. Word. U'wie/- coinipletc gaine cffori. Harper Resullf from' the North 52.7. .Kwcd mc in ihc fust inmng The Hawks' home ea.me Ccnlral- Chicago Metro Invite. Pkmo Jy Je*m MtVkktr and ihrn eipkHlcd wi.ih live tn gailM Mtfknry on Titiirsiliy Afml "7-')at N.a|jerville. the liftli. Foster, *hi. (il;i>., lia* hetm cancelled Haipct plays ill. (21. (.»> Denotes Vicki Lc>pe/ qualified for Iirst. and Hawkj' i.horistop Mimoii,. Friday ai 2: 10 pm, in Men's Traek firsl-place, second-place. .Nationals with a time of Blaky each iMd two REIs. Ciceio, 'Frank Bamh. UOm Ikird-placc finish 2:174 m the mo-meiernm. .

    HARBINGER VOL. 22 SO. 26 W illiaiii Rfurav Harijcr ((illigc Thill;iihins;ir Vpril 2X. I98X PRESIDENTIAL SELECTION LEAVES COLLEGE IN UPROAR

    ^"" ' All Ih( « a V

    ltir«iii;;h I M IN * f r \ ( oin lorliilik VI Ih t< h.ii lhc» had f(i V. \ " hrii

    " '. J h> Ihc fki.ii ilui had tl sav il.

    1.11 vubmil •, said a rwiM

    lllt'M. 'Ihc ncal li >I ,1 |>.u"~ ,l,,lll i~

    "i'kt "iiiwunt and iti, ,• ^. ,ir.. Il OMim-itlrc "I think this .. i*o •• he f.i. ,.... tl. mcmK-" ili.il iW i'>nimilk'i> wrni (ml of Btiard I >i r thttr wsiv Id kfc'fi I heir flirptii .1,,. .Hliviliis stirtl." vaifl

    ihei (Kutiy

    • I ih.il in

    nl'. .iro > KIvIl:.!-..: K •.;:, i:li !..,,.(>[. Williams helps uiiiliniiiil liii |vi^, i; Harper hosts Jettersoii Committee raise $600 for American Cancer Constitution discussed ir'l ll#fMifr%4'»n ( "•' m«l>iiilr lor puf-' '' "!> !<* 10 i:ci mil ,ill \f..i .. Society (...v,i„.,„ s;,Hi It. irk li,'"-ifi.iiiiiri 11'

    itX' jinor \ i.irjri l,'!K, III lu

    i' :i cr): jcai ihtACS uimJu,

    J 1.(1* jml B»t" (iiml t.i wlncti ihey seleti

    prentiiinew isiliviAHk li. ^ L'lttitlail. Jti*i;(»h Modwi. cunmiiinity and' "anei.i'" ih -ami Hacj* i; aic pw III a "(.t "' r ri-hiihilii.1! - - " I ^ .nil) time lnH,iiin:l ;il I he K.i •(y'rc .gnal »..-. !.. h.iii! ifw«ic> >i,..iiivs .mO >iK>ppm.i{ mail ,tn,! •Kik- l.hiir in.liM.liui t,,r,. :> " in a picTU.ry

    * hat '.'11 N.iHii\la* KIl^ J(*l U, till Himard mtnu. .1 ;. I», \.',j h.,i,ii,i,i.: i-.\i iJirman nf lljipci CoHcp,.. fl( Ik. >,.„i«,iijiin,..n. '"-I'J -.-JI l''ri;MA:ni MtCiriilh 111 I rimers n.i^ ihc The i-MUc:! lUil llif IcaifcrN .i.'i)i.Talii-ir for 'mJiii [he "liiilaiiil Bait" Ihi: plai.t.ry Vvsirm i:'Jt,h crivurr un-rr h.ll.iu, v .i-. ..It ik'bau; T CtintrihttJi'-i and ojn-n disiussimi. Thr keynote • cliKing ( Sft«) 1,1 address c«niiiiu«d „i. »rll tm p»in. 12 Jii-:;jLi£' Dr Roger Musse" B...ii3J::.LlD.Jirrcu«„_ja Rchafd Marx put on a LJ ~.^^.. " A-'\'ief of the Out- '?am Biabi- tQ-priY,icy A high prie'gy perform- -..:..: We*? issue. Why the ding . ace Teacher "-'- T' '' dfi!iauaL.iiaiifi,r q ''ir over 1800 Cirrus 24-hour cash plaque, is developing at N4C Conference .tiflXSfilii... The s.v.' .vho had station , located on an Automation 'nv'Otved Championships and wiin tr^^e watttio patiently ouf Softball the second floor of ! certificate prograrn Presidential team' .search through ram and had finishes third. A building, was removed April 28 Page 3 Page 4 Page 16 J '

    Page 2 April 28. 19R» .Features, The HarbinRcr Automation and Dr. Mussell Technology on the Move

    Tectinoloiiiv.il (iclds <^n he iiujldied. (airly lucraiivc (or the course ranging The AiiWWMioii with starting salaries OUroitikl to g| Kla Kheduled !«>.<'**' Knet IS wmwiwly from Si:.(10(1 1" P«-"' V=^' Fiatwrct E4ll«r of 1«« "m* .»s much as l)cgm m immty '^ ihcsc riguR-s nsc ii> cmiperalion wiw nine yean Fiu Out*lnnl»"« growing tn S31.000 annually alier pnwidct a "direel Iee«*s Mussell In FurHitring cmter and in Ihc job, says Comributwn from »hc goal, our program I Tech program Technical Educiitwn And In Ho Harpers high schooh" «>» assist ot Etempltry mrrouwling tays Mussell, is >o Recognition program And Miimell The ccrtificaie manufacluring and utvKC Accotnptuhmcni would would cater to those who withm the College s !»erf(wmanc:f," mdtisiry he working m areas. either already divtikl and sunroundmg am I (kwribmg? w Wh« who are ItthiMjlogj or fw thOK „f Harper' * "Very Own.' out. u-chtwlofj'y Mm just sUiT'ting lechnoloRV faculty profes-ior i,>( The According lo ihe CMlOg roorilmaioi o{ ik- Electronics students infomtMHin pun'idcd ^y Miis«ll. want to Bivc their Dr. Roger MusscH D«|iiirtment graduates of the Technical the future in The Ametie»n ihe besi iducalioii Automation program idealing EdtiCiitKm A!i«>cialioffl (AT1=At rohoiicst "miy finil niinitiial lim*- ptatji" on with hoTMwcd MuiwII wiih a of employment in a viricly their Mirch ?usincs»e% s^c\ilc nux-hjuik./" tcM.KTaiivc program (combining «)C()ndar>' iri<.uiutioiis, senueitce typical course with in the coik:crn! invoKc*) A clissriMmi studying ui' titJuitral like thii; Volktel wouU looli rH,4., iutrlerr ofKarper i-xpcncncc) between HaTX-r elf on to cipand tind ii.-l.l in m Mussell. excellence ol rOURSE.XrTLE Mi««VI .iul suburban industry. promoie ihc ,. u,.l HirjKT'. l>r. K..8« (LEC-LAB).CREDm»lfRS aTBA"» e« Professor of Electronic ta-hitKalcduaiiJiin' cmMa pliqu* in Nish»ill«. cAicahon Engineering and Physics Dr. Wtoi is tcchnicjil Analog prcpanng AUT nn. OB ' Buiicitly. II a the cmtiaucd p»8* Ele<:tncily-Ek(U-onies(2'4). 4 and/or upgridmi F<'P'* " technician*. para-profe«i«nili AUT lOS. Digital fid mid nMiagenwm pcr^m-nnd '" '"' Electronics (;i-4'(,4 in lielJs from agn. cngmcamg, la pahU> '- Safety and O.SHA r^tf illllllll Tniiilll^M AUT I Itl. new and cnW'rjtinn, 1". (Hit. I i« • hill Mitchinc ( irniiis our rlmmt* I "i>eoplc in lis. Optics I'lbii ^^J AUT \.i,iiiliis\ htn!ff\lH'\ tliosi- who 1.;>.:' are primaril; 1 an cKininiJ for 'retrairiinil" lAcriisc Bikt-s und t urni>ulcri/(ii

    «>f their skills." iipiirudina (.,inliii\.iMul.ir lA.ilii.Ui"ii> "»' ' \n

    :ill '»"' '" ISI- i LlSSf^ rr:icu.,all> "' I Mil

    arc .li' • I l.l-^sr-. W.lli I l("l'li. jnoid." l'crs"ii.ili/cil • \iitrUMMi.il .tiul

    *.«rkoui !'r.>i;r.inis Mui ti

    iiiiin-. • Ifuiusi. .'iirb

    • MMllillllllU CO 1,

    • "i, I'hiIs

    . , N-nicc iilhf' :^i\iirscn w..k,tk-! hull .1- ili,; i.ul»ui»il"« • llUll-.^ \.,MSM11I ll! Il'sl l.,-.l!Il>' ,.,..„ iiiUmnwidc' A"

    Vilniinisli-ri-tl itv Isimcim- BE A CALORIE l'livsi'i!«'i;ist ,,|..;i I.J in Ihc Ti:\,hm.i,.i;\ MACHINE. -. •" i^tidc iHirscl Bl RMNG , (liiiii.") -I'lJ ,jit„ -m 111 uii" teathine " says Mtu«'ll !.iiv m1ui.,>U He also Mu^-- ' urr^nily, ... ., I < .., ..•i.r.ill,-.-^ lite Special— S99 A-vcIopinp; a one-year certilk.aic () Mt)ntli Siutlcnl program in aulomaliim "lo allow lucc.il.iursupii i.« .iinlcnispai.ii people to know more about the coming for "rctMiiung and """"" and possible joh .;ni-s<)iicpc^"'">"""iil'^"' lielJ opgrailingol their skill*." opportunities,' Ici-s or iwmihK lUu-s aumrcil Vt till 11.. iititwtton u.irk.mi. Callt.Hl-tt tiir.iiamplimci«-'r^

    ,., «• I'M .:...«n«« 1 WlM^^ifi^lliUke

    »«;:««l*,l ()ftk•^ Campus KMMI H VitKtdfield Rd

    *»» 11- W>r3 *!.,». ..CI-.*! •«•-• SihatimburR.

    t 'SB • 1* ^' !>•«*••' * ! I

    Editorial The HarhinutT April 28. 1988 Page 3

    Rigtit-tro-kP^w versus right-to- privacv: A delicate matter gone "Off Her berserk. itooker

    N«t Ml] hiM thii. job miKlif mr a craM»y (M mmn btfiire mj achbuftliniik-. ( a«r time, it it who tiirninK imr into a |>i>ranukl W/Tfi our mom is point: This wrcli'i wlinirijt

    I had itiirteil out inlendinic t«i hla*i tin Bixird of Trii*Hft«. fiiw ttifir clioic* of Dr. Ilioiiipwni a* prwiiJtnt. Fninklj. 1 oas

    incriiKdl. Outraerd. N«* pleaMd. And what'* in»r», 1 »a%n'l Ihe iinll mut. Or w I ihiMight. 'i'jfmTft We «trt inundaltd w illi call*. Peopl* >t<>|>p«f AliJwugh I wi'wU h.ivc had halli t<> eomplain. nMiiii« «w jell. I »a* wiiriiinE up wime «jrt 11 *a'» O'unkm Donuiv oi I can I even itnaginc where i;o S'tMl family l>et»ii"c I even frtinj. iiuil I had had anj di-lmiim* i>f anwallj my righlniiis Hm (ii somethtn,i; 'T'h'ii |i1.i, i' muM UK hole I managenK'nt would linH'h'Cil grS'ile sctiool. itus btini able In chwnite things. I mean. »Imi do wr Ihtnk m( art. tavc ' •1." the (oui gieyhounil buses lillcd with 'nc'vliriiJ 1 anoHkuI I' (..illaiadrl I ni*«r»tj' Bui thalN on«- of Ihe niii; Ihings ahoul 'taaoK cniii. 'Ai'utJ pre -adi'ik-seenl cheerleaders, hul III I mi'im. Actually. 1: am noi urilini: a coluiitil: The %i«» friiin jiiur wapbot is usualh a v.i'U )>,'.ijt jiiji. l! Iii'in U. Mil.- i'li«it about »bj l»r. Thomp-ntn »« chtttrn HFK>HI .-' '''i'rreiii Ireighl uain pulled in which I couldn't help Reiliw' It' writing about it. I n'|t iHsabM'' ".' itam mechanics muii VniCt: »l iSllKIU AND yiSi • -»'— > hand, there wai the orrreri. On the othtr hand. d'l'i 'W'iih' ho*' >- tin Hm ' mm mrvei gel arouml u> gie;King the I' in noi getting back ..liild, hiolofical or oilier* rw:. IhtrtH lilt rllllt-lo-privat > of lh*- iiain'^ Chixsig. VOICI' "2 instead It I* a nufsin'm of fight thwre •M the fwl thai nobod« from Ihe Rourd went lo ti<>il an> (h<::K'Mi'g,.,Oion ... iMMALt.. MORI- IHAN A mother has the righi H'» K' «if Ih* ilialimi' campose-t. On the other band. ati»rdin| lo iHigskrceeeccc'ege,, tins coiild SLltiHTLY IIOARSt.l proud and doung. al'icr ALL fl wa. infivmaiidB VOK'li AGAIN "I'm not not as any girat leselation urnTTrrT.,.ch. So, what it* we left with? Tbcw are the facts a* I ktmm come doni base be skr«t)eicei;«'C«!gecl<-!' »i ,'MAlt-.. DEEP, In fact, "O.IC. the 'Min is in. I can laallcr. b) all means let me hmiw. lAeryhudt else hasl: The J moitar lO' km>« d'u iliai ih>>'i- W rigbl-lii-surprise us. finally presenled us wiib fiiur liable •' I'l uk..". !''\Klirri \K eandidales. Al least we assumed Ihry wtrr ualile. Vit reeeitrd words ate ..11 ih. ilu- It. Si=/ie f.l 'I twu whole lines of bit> on Ihrw candidales. Now I understand I m'll'iIr'T'.'

    1.' pull : haiinic the Ifcil we don't make the choice, but then why bother ''' ihirping Oi' \MIAT (itlleiie meet the candidates before the selKlionl' The hei|til of to kxid u|i. (..I'M hypocrisy it' la lead us to htlietr lh..it nur qut'slioninK the 10 allow r.t|'inl c\ candidalem hat any pull al all. ir.ili.H.' till!.,'.. that I was atile Jo grl in touih The few Hoard members .",'1 . on Ihc dilTerenlly than e«pe< ted. Itefore with responded completely .1 .Itl.l turn ' [ .ni»," Sht saM he wanled lo keep in tooth Mitit ilic siudenls' needs and wants, ha,:. the and protided us with her work and home number for just such .ill Itl.l!

    communicalion. Her iinls response li> any ((ueslions about Ihe [i.,;ii:ht>. i , , ., , ,1 .,4,,\i-J .iVeiually. the tra.iiis wertn'i , i>\ bahj'SiUct Iff (out jcatHj nlection prwesiiwere; "As lar as I am toncerned. Ihe nialtrr is bail. c.omparcd the real SH.llNCf- I wnndet i( 1 lost her. loo to ckxwd.'* And m apparenlls. are VIrs. Or/ech's ryes, if she bC'S'ides care ahMl ami itv.ii ircai. 1 1 musi have been dicamed p;m'' realty believe* the rommunily is heller nff ntil knowlnf about 'until *i"- "• ' »o.m«ihit(g like Ihe .ft High I may never know, but I am Ihe sehrction prucef*. Tc'i" .i'.i'¥cUillg K) Slate eompeiiiion (or ashamed lo admii that it wai ihc <•...... ^ung, Mariba The main, and for me final, problem is not whclber or not Cbamitai,.", cheerleaders in Champaign ihis most pkasam thought t had had. Dr. Thompsim is <|uiiliried. He is. Beyond a doubt. Ihe problem was all my pteasure. Every weekend, in addilion lo the all night U Risen Ihe informalion lor lark Ihereofi of both Ibe prwess ii'MHiteni u.k^t-lher i*'.i,^ cnnivabk* iiihet (esUMiics Al any tale, any molhcr nnaliLSts. Ibe doesn't show U H\ him instead of Il '.icnlis and the Hoard Ihal no 1 haie u> admii. Pete and I would lell sou V. 1 m anytiiir els*'.' I know Ibey don 'I base to. I belies e thej ought to. > were fooled h\ Ihe (out unplciivnil htmUl go e»p(esM>iii ol uii*ili»ti Une [his one I ,Hreyhound tnjws thai pulled inw V-. iihoui .,1 Lartf Due HI lack of etlieriente *i' in-Chief the lot at lour.ihiii) itte *a^ 11^' Edimr- Hfre all una* are of how m » .ms (»1 yi>u morning' We (igurctl it was ihe .litli.ult it IS to find a vaeani \i\ 10 I' !i'.. 1 Hi ireighicr, pulling: 111 fo( ir.ti nunc hold room in Champaign :- itiil ile'Ciileil lo try lo Ihls II \ou durni'g this l'csii*'e Mom's < nu--{Hi'r "aClcr .i^ih It. wic'ckeiid.

    ' - ' vm'. be: mg IS more . Therefore. >i was iietcs.,.iri tllmiiiS' air (mm Ihc rcfuliir i>p- v 1 i\\om 'I'll,: cuts ihjifi i!'. ki liIa- .1 riHim at the RaiTud.,! craiicm i->f rtu-frucal plants, .(I RuU'D.M.Cor i. il D M( If '' nai'ivillf Perhaps '».i\k-( .iiki »i'i»ast' Ma* 2-H ircainieni i il.i'.w ta* biten amie in icirnt \c,ir» U\ itn: k'.vM viHi can Jvi a'li V'l'tu, ill

    .. ".uuons inikMir |>otlu<'

    I'l'. ..i,k panic B'lai.' .

    tolasco MKcik't, ('.aitH-in nu'iiitx- Hnrbinj»cr .:,:I1.4l:S llltc (luilM. fiLlsHi al'lll

    ••• ;tnd mipi>rt.»wlv Kk (ro'iii healing and cwiliup mat Will i-:t

    ..:'- ,•'. '• n d'iifiSKli; fiinn I-' 'loman htc }> %m-

    2("» : fo,rroaliJi:h\Jii; 'gas .1 !i 11)1 to f aljlliiu::,, IJ ' ':>>-«, I'urnitiM'C ai'id ;. I jiejir are i.^

    II- fujltaimn. I Tiah. .>.!. .11"!.' ,...:>. Ill prtilonffti i oiM'i inrwt ii*i."-'..-.fi ..>.f I trfn.' If*. 4,11,1

    low dbscs iikIiiJ.' ir.Js .)! M..-

    < .<'( Iitil Hu-

    i.krs .111 miilnhH." Jd*.. 6i'. I'lii'iitini:' III! (la: K take p'uN'ii: Sis..." ii..(:i 01 wi'ji'k

    B'1'..i. 1 Lvi'n \!M.vf\ KM' nil '.: '•»!'i'.'ii> kfcpinit ...iin L»vi 'I hiBaril>'>U'« rc'SultirH; m « 'I'll . .tiiiung '('»t!ti. Oi.;': ..' """ ' " ..(.iipmcni aiiJ |,™B:riii'i,|'«'S;Lriii;''if

    Ill •nausea' • I'.'l'.ing mtfi iwtltiilini ("on- .jWviirif ''• set'crf ii'i-i*!.- .I'l 1. -.lii'ii: tciiiiiii'i'iiK'tti't jihI irriOtwu.. I Thr ChM .jgi.*

    ''"''II ai'iJ Ci'li" iviroitmcm 1 I,

    Page 4 April 28. l**** Entertainment ThcHarbinRcr TtAUX at Harper ^^ i.. JHCHAHV have !.! . ^ „._ w>:iuMwtioUhiivc -r.,™. «hi»" The **'*'* hand votKivts uf i*<> f=">»'< *'»»"• ch.l*,:Ml.>"'t'>'.-^->>'''"'*'*X EiitfrUli" ^ hack «.ph*K«"' ''•""* * i,h an.Ill male »hauhe> ">"« hail m" haml oittily Netlhcr nuwWf-'Simt notttal itat the ciwirc *ar,lcd w (out, I ihc «><>pv ihcv ^'-"'^'' ^ .^ng (reezing »•» <=«''' *" whfthcr 1 was womdering over five Muntn gi mourttiKp ' ««si• " - ihc ""«>* " Ham W»:k ' iiolicctl li'Ji «mg.s, I f«»' **:<*«* ,K.. on «Ki'*'-'' •'' (nimt*":": m int. ttw awh™<;«" The t-TOwd ''* ''•'> ttitti "** '"-'^ ,.l,.l dun I e^n muml>er<; o( r,««1' ^'' nuyhc ihough ihej *«>•« •(-'' .lars, kno* ihemielve*. Aiw*« ajjc »-i^ p**J»"V "'"-'^ * Id*, the average Tumi - '2 !» ''• ' w nn a KictriJalieatioii. wmewliett nownd « ccmfkMiKiiMion ol mvIcv *' «»«* "»»> ™"'" At »<«« cemccrt*. iiiive ii#»«r *•«> » of ta»moii).*i'"n"'i: S'"'-"'^' '' toi «tuwl '»'' «« P*'* 1"h' '«*' *'''' skms wiA icm-t-w* anij »ynth«:si„/ei> u. you 10 ihe V" II li U> toUy Wont. . *«-rihc *"* W ihe *>""* '"" conjiin-d up lecogni/e the image* itat were ca« la»l Fnttay MJte '•« '«'*•" h^rf the mti^H" noi tjK Mllfe IB* <<*c ,„ mv niuul :iN ! tp>"' ihcy were so itedkiH-'d "'''' *>"'"' "' *'" f*' lalkini » It.' . i\ *-'"... 1... in l.hofhi." tf I. HI nif <' MJk. ll -i-i jfound Fl(Wi*.nxt "' 1-1.1 ho when I'm foiirtil ""i ' r„wK I mi dike, li - i album *iTf lucky cmiugH -..ri ltMt« victa). eilhcr had a P^ ..now" B (rorii much w»* •»nng t'ui i,u. Ihe Noi h*l ht!« inai i.i"" ' ihc traiV'U"* i' 2:WinihcaHeni«». oltars arc m>i .ill' h,-lha. ,\Vi\\ 1 *.*>' Friday *»'* =' iiigliinui* *ath*''

    \ wi* wocf'yii^fr* "''* )ol> on '"> were wotned fK-rmanfi'^ .« 1 have 1.1''" Ihcir IWd fiiil* ic clad m meiiiioiwJ. unnc. * n>>i 11 111 a I ;%r(ial«. mimisikiiHl. t'.-ih..i i>ni.' . 111.! I ihf I'- Knicktand ChriMic M-'*"- ^, ,„,,,. ^ '"*- ..;„,ji,il.ii>n. This was . mi. i »iniJy ; n'l can over ll. did didn I «"C"' that ihey TTie frcc/ing 'am li song «'rrv !. ''"" 1 fell *•""* "' (0 itaiiiF" »•"* «> hccau"-- played least Th.-y *cfc way .'iwlar s«»gs CfDwd III the tt*" •'"'' ...... ; Mertry'.'Rcmemher *•''< ,,.>-u- ... .„,T,,- appe«»nce Uio ' "'*" *.th dirk hatr niowd ,^.,., Nighl^" and iIk'" mooM o|. a man r Ihc' cmiW Me that hunk ^l'' **' amond hack -stage. a:iciira» icndiiionol 'l.earm" then ihe« •;'* '; <•* f'" fcte, and lm.ehia.kl.**s*ef>*elldone. hciiid "1 *x- hiin"! m be .how up Secmg as ine ^^^^'^_h«v Mid -way through tarn' ' hell It's .1, mostly female and h.msell I mail) w,i R'ch Vkhi-n ttu- lii;lii* Tanu-didnlgeithc performince. .'"*d .«Ma.«. li.in.l The sa« d.mnuJ ih. "'-S'" mtrtxliiccd the o( rcccpii***- hest ears made thai warrwtst '..^ was one id Ihc scnanung and my friends at the ' Some of my iKiforinance, is Bill (iladsUme's ««"* '''" ''^"* "' I, heir •end liiilc *a. they en^ed inv .how claimed Inn fUlt on vniTvis-c> , h, ,,, Ci:*bs. when the volume as muc,h « ,, ,, Sailing , ,vrformanc:e ihe Chicaso voun l , „,„ Durosia on human Lapabilnv m W-v. lhr« ,.,,.,. \l,,heal „;„, „un Richard *'*"'" "" Club •*' Jiynis, and Paul aJKMWP""" Ihc kind of (icop'«-- kiie» „c ^ il any one so .haB the guiur. 1 (hmi knti* ™« the- m«c haml-mewl^'' who vas an .Hnntnn a. i The other thai iherc reriorrmro themselves. de*-iw-s yrt mentioned teau*Mh.-^*vlmdd.sa^^.l«.tJ is»Top-40haml*nd 1 have mm hta. paragtaplic^i ''* (nm1d<»ktng. hu own andvurv<'-J''he"'*"*'''''t^,: Richard Marn is was highly hind **"''''" .ntroduilinn 1 h^ •h.T ''""'*' '"'"^ iiccom, This sell* He t'lutfd riM- lo "'' (..,ucn.nninc and it Miii:!'!!;' talked :.h«».« siaru'd . up "there and > -(...... It the ehiMhoctd an.l ' f.>-<>lir'.' inttoducd > hrvNali-

    'A .iliii" '

    =!ian, ).'"'" I'-ullcd the

    Boats . • < ruWni! I .sMins Ki-nlaK numlHrsh,p tec- ,VdWm".Hi. Boats. No H69-6534 Belmont Harbor Discount Special Student Bask SailiiiR 1 ts^""'* <•'--» Sim per Mudint lor tfro"P'> v*«kcL> morni.insandatlcrnoons

    7k^.. i» '. " .

    j._Page Five The Harbinger April 28. I9S8 i FISHING: For the Hell of it We all *«:ui aN fi.ih. n! The mechanics of our conception cIom'Iv rescnihlo ;i <.t:hi." freniied salmon leaping and (lying i> -1;: t>. ugc tli.f . I say great number reaching the lop and, . spawning (tan Wc are, m this sense, all wlmon spawn, or. nivrc .ttmrjii-n vici.-i tadpt)k spawn, for ihiil's how our little battlers appear, Wc .irt tlic tn the nnns i>i"€oti\pftctivc lirnc, l>ui and he is us. There isa lesson here [hi it.il Kc nil Hit that's not what we're discussing, we're discussmg fi'^hics, .L.-r tittle slimy, yucky. squishy fishies S brings us hack to us. We spend our first nine n>:iMtfiv (.it'ier Which Awo- smg IT N<, Little fishies .growing bigger ,, the big race* as little fishies. All i,(s1,i!mi rn.i;.:

    healthy bodies. Swimming in , hones and 1 , 1. developing strong R,. ! !..r the fact that our fingers h er. . . something, happy despite cigarette. Everythmg is ^^ developed sufficiently to light a t'.i :cr Lights! Forceps' ArilON""" smoothly when BAMMO!'! He. ',;rs Suddenly our little tank is full of latex h.mds ami Maink->- steel

    ' with ii' Ami -.. , and us and the cr, water is draining out Bill t'lianger

    tennis ball si« brains, that nothing vuli . know, deep in our 1 ijr.ii'i' !")oener liquid bliss, n.,.lhiiig same again, just as the fishie swims about in his Xiut more pressmg m his pea size hram than grabbing some chow and ni.<\'be So the he just ate comes ImlI m fenili/ing some eggs when suddenly worm (,>n him clear «nii oi fus haunt hmv , , snaps his head around and yanks fishie paradise and into an aluminum skiff where he flaps around timongst the empty beer cans until a heavy f.xit is pirssoi down upon

    i s n h im and he is de pn ved even of the meal for wh ic h he pay ' similaniies' Binh traum.iyharhed hw>k tr.i ;r You see the The ",\n(''IiT,\'ide 2(Ik you've made a better lure

    i' '' ' iiili I ilr'iiii'liiiiill ' ,ljl!,,.ll,,a,, 1,-iiiili lorgei It, ^oure not gonna make anybo,' away Iroiii prodiicls claiming to be snaiJ MANPATORY, prcxrfand you'll have a devil of a time losmu thciu 'Ihcy il jusi end up btMt, clothes, etc Beer Rwls. tackle. saving you money.') FAMILY MASTRf\

    t .1 laiiuly iscs This is tricks , unless, of course, sou i1

    ,,'\il night long i- I lie tx-si w,iy to deal with an angry u r.-: !o coiicc.il itic f.ia ih.ii Hey fishie fishie you fish Ix'cause you enjoy it til", in fact, you do enioy it I Don i come R,amma'clamma ding dong waltiTing through the disir six hours or six days late and expeit her to share ycnir jubilation over a trophy catch Inste.ul. sLin sKsnrt :iKiut gniniblirig as if voiir pastime were a Inileou-.

    '1 'S'oiir anter tiuisi lUv.trf hers and iriaki: 11 seem insirmiic.ini as well get i! clear at the outset; fishing rcijuires only .1 We might ..I the five ll.n lircs, liic ocenumed t'scii .ind the oncoming cold. Only in '' string, a safety pin and a piece of cheese,. ;' "'.. stick, a length of .uul d she still tx"!ievcs liec vu'.iih is lusi. shiH.i multi-billion dollar industry sprms; up .irourul such America could a wife know ihiil she's slaimi; on ihm ice, Ren: -i-- Instead of a stick, they've given us iht- n-e simple needs before vonr nc , i an work itircc I'l Un;i nnics fishies aciii.i' •( carbim'lxwon/graphitc rods that discnminaimg ("hildrc: " die lamiK iliat must be t.iKen itito ', •< .,if' polystyrene non^tangtmi„. length string, they give us • (ihoios a ; utiles-,,, .ig.iin, Keep with to give the fishie a chance varying icnsilc strengths designed ,'rinted on ihein iter to them bclore •'--„ ''• '!''' '- , •• /j,v/i'(c'! Iivsiead of a safety pr- '•veusspcci.il pu,llii'i,g inu,> the drivew'ay, Pat tiic s'liii.iren rorni-,!,\ inoi f...,' rv>busiK 1 on lurf, ,' rubber w.- '.'.il battery powered neon their heads and t,ry to use their names. If they ask, \ou »h,it \oii brought for ,. ,....,., ...r,, thing out of the ground wUi,, v.m pay them, give them those rusty \(ii,,2 hiMiks vou weic gonna throw .m.iy minnows with tape recorded messages whispenng "fiat me' f ,, expensive (Oh, a,lways expensive! Who wants to caich cheap !. •,;:.- , colognes that help ntxake a worm smell like a wonn. even mmiature. Winking Budweiser cans to attract, ostensibly, the King of fishies The list of ohjeta d'artifiif is endless, but this is no .prc.ii revelation to anyone. We know vthen we stand at ihc tackle coumer .ind order two dozen solar powered pink and orange .indroid iroui fiics that WELL DONE, t.,.r loiiers fwlcu know we are being saps, just a,s people standing in line that r*iey',rf saps'. We do it h*'cause m.iyK" lie - Hit ali , en'MJlionally tw^isted fa:il of a fish will happen ,^ :,;.' ,'" of pity, "A www. what the hell , mcMiii I've been searching for that fisli for ten years

    •"'• '•- ••• •"•!" 'in- ,\.'x..,,r production and And there are plenty of other 1 " Your angler divest him,self of all ih.,it nasty ; performances on the two reel serves to hold fishing i'tnc (.it's i.r,: .., .,.,.,, ,„;.;;;.:,,,, .\ ,

    r reel will have features which allow, stri, , , line to be rele.i- Harbinger spots were excellent retricved. Don't skimp, get one that dix-s both. It would be futile to try and list all the other fc.iturcs a reel can in every respect. have because of the statistical like!iho,(,xl that what I describe witi 't-ve 'Iltank vou, and need replacing by ihe end of ihis sentence Here is .i p.ini.il obsolete Peiler Sweeney list of what you might ,!«* for in an up-iO'.d.,ite fishing n:-el:: J

    Page 6 Upcoming The Hiirhingor April 2R, 1988 " Harper Festival JUjQG n. ... . \ popular dcmarvd Chorus plans By spring concert ^"Harper Go\\eq&

    J.aiUlAtfliftI ll* iBJIiUUt F(* itt •pring, conctn Fe-ilival C'horil*, • DfiainsiiiL' H»tpei' "' DitriBf it'C *»"""'" ii(inhwc:»i tubufhiii* iinimniiillj of i:*'>n<* and •'*' "— |t««i. nieniliCT!. M' 6 (Himimw td Ktow Drum '* el t«»«<»"« lowwl lialj. |H*f««in:lS SVe »imi«f». •"* pfesem selecuoni Slalal tAmU «*» fium Oc»h*m'< EBIil mi wiU A; - dim, THe iicriotiiitiM;* 'Miy t m udie iiliice on SiMtay. "" '^"" 1:;(»(l'.m. in. iiiil*«l »•' .imi \ Lj^; Hmpir CoItofB Ciinir"

    pri,)t,;v.,.,'!i'ii -

    mi T The Hsinnsr fe«li*«l ('''wu" CiMHIIlUf"' .» 1««- profit **"' iininit IftM" .i^iciiC «ftmp **'• 'He ii;» i4m'i P.rA- j,iB|«Ts trow ''••* «''"•' 1-50 ,!uJlt J MiOrihwMt s«l>iiih»n '"'''» McmlMtn cm urn "*!<• ^ "•" »»«'« **• III Itaiftr Coltep. ciMMM letoBse* and, jwcftwtiM* g»vc^ t*« Tlie choir ' tpring ""itt'kcli (or the ... eomietls eKh yeiu- « tkxcmbrf Mi^'orrum S*' «< (wrfham-tl » fliisstcs amterl art Ma J. iMlanc'"** wd "'^ with lighier Kte'tkms,, Anwiit ^4 ^l U>' ^'f »' '•« *»', pettoftiied m recent »d*aiice »<1 llie w«ts Mit*ni>. win «««'» Seittor citiiem ««• jiears arc Mf:4:b»*n'* te»(liiiU:ril(«S4, I-.ttluriK-r glyj^ll^. Viv»lJi'!i jjiaiHi.. mltirmaixw t»lt iimpa Colltgc. Hawlcl-i M,iai»ll. •«• ****' lUiii-lllC iiml KKe'\ IflSiCBlL Trcsentin£ :m We have a WORLD of Moves d^ P Opportunities! "Dance w»rM it CXI

    for an eiccitmg retail 's If you're looking Co. World opportunity, taka a looK at Office -a aynamic national retailer in tne ditcount office supply market. 1988 stock Were lookir»g for cashiers, receiwers. Clerks and sales staff. u 1 be y 1 part-ti emptoyee , o As a f uil — or me Spring sctiedule. In able to help Choose your work based on addition to a competitive salary immediate experience, you'll beeligitJle for (Dance salary m-store discounts and scheduled work more reviews in your first year, tf you eligible than twenty hours a week, you'll be Concert sick time for liberal vacation, holiday and employees are also Movc^: benefits Fult-time The Rhvth.ii 4 benefits eligible tor a comprehensive Dull', which includes life. m»dical. Hari''. package hospitalization and dental insurance. opportunities ConcerumfVKIaj, April I*>a'i iwc 1414 N. Roselle Road Schaumburg. Illinois 60196 Road) RESEARCH PAPERS (one block north of Golf

    HOT LLi yii— 1 ^' sf^ OFFICE Ordtttng Ho< Lln« to: Of , w»h M.0O Organization Join a Wofid-Class I

    Features The HarbinRcr April 28, IWi Paj;c 7 Faculty in the spotlight

    l>« Kin OilramkI ill suhKi'r nijti brown. 'li Ifilurn r.mtm o'lllil tl"l 1 , ,.11 iny llr . 1 'i.."ml)er may HariKf's iiimwl Fxiilty An

    , 'i Mll'l'lll .1 i»"ii; he or the Show IS now near n» end in the ."ul €' JuHISe^, t mm iijinliii);^ sd corndof of Mfcond flwjr of ami le ... , ,. ,.i|, ,111,.) P-Eil. ^M been a sitccew (or even year 1 , [>*e.tA> rn;i> Ix* ^M K'cri here il'i u\jrsl," iru) m>i i tiK *t

    ^M thiit more "fsi^ii iirrorierilL-u

    . 1' ' ^M latully -M-i'iii 111 he i...-iii(ihuliH(l II." vr ^fl tht^'ir work^ whyl ,...i,t WM •\.k/ ' il he had •vcn ;ii>j K n ,, :ij;!;'. vS' ihe ve;irs, in lenn^ 1 Mussell-


    t-Mllinurd fri>m p

    Ktetofci Hvr.ii;'iri


    e '(''- Thet proWeiiv-. ptogr-i" llic rcihrieilOjiv r»e(!.irirTU"iu iiptlatmf lew Kroch's&vBrentanos r. h> i-ii;«int,iisi', lis. II elleilivene". ^i^ ,lh.,i.,k the' FULL SERViCf BOOK STORES' (Hi! h-ll.v*

    nuritcti partitulaity ncctk-d lu best in test prep guides In his dcpartnii-nt alone for the ..-.ill. Il rcijuiteil iiiHliiini: u.iuld itnourn ot the turn to the experts at K&B u, jpr-t.-., ir :» ^.;i«i.(X;ki' lULieTiiji, 'Atu' n-[iiif:,i \.iij thai Ihc A hat Ik ill eeiurses prepared i he m II The program» h. J -well" or " *i'll. BOARDS BiVltW lOR NCUX RN 1988 prtihlem iv il j'eKpIe .;ir RN '» luileit: help.ne people pel ^""'"''7 mwrrsied m . ,, .", , . ... i-i 1 ., ..y.i,„. I.' \ \' e a '",' e.iveme .il>'ijn,ljii^i '-I,', u, ,r" I kfU''''.i II .tr." • 111,1 :'i'i>er.ini

    • • i=.ipmeiui-. ; CM" . „„,_,„ Ivi


    ll r>r Mii^-e'tl RN RlVIl W TESTS fOR NURSING COMrtTINCl rORNCllXRN (^jobri

    I'l.inis [in THE HIGHEST SCORE t,-.:,,r [)t.!i;[ii, r IMPROVEMENTS IN r,

    Mm.'4'k «.j>»*^*t 9i»ftw*»

    lliltSilOU CUistl oHere* M Hitfje' ColUft I

    Page X HarhiiiRcr April 28. 11K8 .Comics I he by JON CALDARA %ll.f t I

    'DM nt.amciifiai 'MSJ Btcmi UC DtHT Rubin jtm sawnw mtcmmnKT. ir Rubes* By Leigh sasHrmnrnsum mmanoH 'ifumriamiTair' 'msiumcumi wmBisTfrnm'

    by JON CALDARA I %1CI f

    \ urn Of cu)ss car JZ^ mmsBtsmm \ im. luimim \ omifKaKKt IT 0it \ mmup \iim ,

    Rubes' By Leigh Rubin By Leigh Rubin Rubes' /' '' si.:.'- ^'

    lIV" '*7

    t K' K Ml

    I i,\ 2.1i , Mr I'liii iiE ;! i

    /Iiiii«....iiii;wih; ' |, X^^tum :

    ».,--, -',,4"


    L I iL

    is looking for brtg The Harbinger ^ "'w,',,„.nn you,rsc!., ne toUow.ng Just iike . dedicated. dfififiMablfi people,. '88 Semester: positions are available for Fall

    l-ilitt>r-ln-Cfiiff Managini; I dilor Bitsin(\s XtaiKifiir

    Sport ^ I tliun Fealtirfy I diliir ^ \CH\ I: thiol fiitfrlainnifiii i ditor

    mi mmm icmi huwi w mw" tm l'hoii)f{rapht:i'\ SeerrUirv

    -en. Candid,aies should n-""" TEMPORARY JOBS :.:;d lo Eng iO AVAJLABIE TODAY! I and p;:t*;*!ed p Harbrnqet A,367 and

    iiynirorce |0b,. '^ inserestmg «» « ' iilengtng. and I tt rri por j r y ' The Harbinger of the excitement! J , Of lie be a part April 2H. 1«»8X Page 9 _ Upcoming 1 he narbitistr

    m. t . sm: i w« f I Ml t i.»m mum stw «, COMING SOON 1 Tti'.TSdtf Sprinfi /9M .SfM IS Development Offerings t, *i n* m eiWit* ciwiti 8.:,00i-9;ti

    i MAY

    ' -t 2 Career Interest |3:;tS-l;M 'i:;IS-»i« lasting Part !, 9 11

    ;i,m.. A347 SpMltflf ll'!M*1t:Si Com Sci/Data

    T-,l SftMi,t1| Processing Info

    t tn.7 Session, 7^8 p.m., 1 1.12 ^'. ' Ml - f i « r»n jti* tuns 3:«S-S:;:iO

    4 Biology Majors tiiiiiii gum . (Transfer) Info «:»»*'1*- ,.(T 'ii'm fii;ii'ii»Ki ttm »«itit «'iti:i Session, 7-8 p.m., F132 . ffrino*,.

    *••? wmii wtttiM. W'» :" l« "*' "Fr.i'.THW"'. ore let. >,3 «i, rmni rf,vn\ mr rair mi iaifb ihm 9 Career interesi TV sting Part 2. 91! a.m.. .'\347 to Consultant OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES DAY speak SuNoar, MM 1 immsPM 'RiTiTiam'' }''• \Uk: ,f>.-i, .'•. ',


    '«-'' ,-:::;': A *

    mrmM Smm lor mm (Urn mma or Aff*' next wemi tmoorm positions ami mi cmiM stmt rour m


    H.: li J !


    Stirttwg j«,.-


    B * r • O U i

    CMeago Canpui 10.-* (3111 JtO 35O0 CkMUIDX tiw »•>' I" «•" R i-1 N Wttas*' »- The P irbinijcr Off-Beat April 28, 1988 Page 10

    MNaH Rubes* By Leigh Rubin 4 Equally « Troutwt The A Lani«rn» 45 OavcMirwf 1 1 0«» wfto Hiirkl 47 >( mslMan duty 4»Slalk Weekly 13 Fnraagnwt M> iMMMnt auiaci IS Symbol Iw t2 laMMl Mam taiiurwm S4IMgaliv«f>r»fia S$ LMifl CrnsswDrd emniunc'tion l» JJ, M Vtgm CIrMn* Sf Sywiliol lor r UZZ. It? it BifHt K fliMcM oMd «1 ntni»eki>(l 24 B« txjrn* •3 Small hottm 26 S«|)ar«t* •S .S»t O* pfOlaHMKl 79 Memdciw opiifnoni 29 fruit oUheoiH H SMamttnp 31 UnusuttI iNir 7 Sudiy twKm y} [V£iim#l#»r •7 Native maiai 2 Paac*iiil a Fog 3 Qtaak wtw B Mtlifa* DOWN 4 OilIMM .Pattw '0 7r.,i.p.prt 5 Sinp ol Haffwr 6 7oii.wai.fw lid* _..._ - p ':!• IP i -if.

    ' Mn j 1 Im ,

    ',,; 1 1

    IL 1 " r- Di 1 t ^^m ii __~pii -M-^ m ^Kn~ -F It. Rubes'* By Leigh Rubin w- __L Zm iC -1 iCb^^?'! tI 1 1TT 3 i u nil:

    Transfer Students: Apply NOW for Admission and Free Videotapes Financial Aid

    F.M1 APPLICANTS Do r ' t^rjilt"-, fmm your final t<- There im life altfrcMllege. TraristtT .Advisor at ^.'ll-8'^00 ttii nmar i am m aomim. Wph;i\r.inr'W -.•iirs.,t.u,ir..l.it..'N

    that (M"«tvi*lt'fs>fiMi.i! luionn.'itH.ii furttial irM'\it;il.|iMM|, sr;ir« h I'lu-y HH'hl.lr )tflj»lH wIlMl . ;iI.-riN nMhti DF-PAUL

    yoni"s[H'rilir iiiicr". ,.i,|,ij^_ h«nvti D f*»ri>"nitlr>!i, Z

    Slii|iiiifi)rarnn« rin\ s*-iii. > VMMM^MS w>lla«ili in. TH» Caraw l>t.i,nmB £1 C^M •oD PlacaniMt OMto,, Cmlm C«ii«i HAR . ' I ,

    Page 11 .Entertainment Ihe Marbinsir April 28, 1988

    "*« ,«w.l»«l con. SSLfco^r* ".f moan- C.»Mr.., «>»« mot

    ni« «on t KJcui -Of** "It*

    one* • fiwwulionw* iMaw «« '•« "'• »!. MM-«. M " will* fie* »•!»

    nak't DruUI •«»•(<> '^ ' ol «>"• "'* •* .: !>••" " •• ) «cim«c (w fMMl NflKED RflVGUN I0'i»unn««» *lic». It" . (Outn. ri« ct>m« w - politician Ijf jnn» m* r«p««iiti»n not another crooked *W0 HOWE OCT LMO li an •Iwg^i- - ""•" """"" til ari'T'i MMiming I LonjSovi J r#vi«w», giw«a yA A -Pfteti I,... cl Cul1y»M.. •»•'»«* •"'' (KlIUlMI wilh li(» ... ..h. -kiifhi ..I «.m.| tWIllSMiTii

    Sniff UiiUr

    It II

    '.n.,l ft I J

    <"*' t>>i. lint' t( • ''

    • 1 'J , ,1

    Ciifttnit, ^'^

    roiimb a iMWfiog nr.n,cM itoi ''«•"'""*' Ac t.>in:t..:.t.---'"™ '• ...Ihyn.

    b»:k.g>*»uni! ilieit. Itw hai:(I •>**•

    , *'' ^H". I'K, (1, iL L(U' III' t'. '"vI "' ri:iil.K.;a iwmcf ' '

    ...... ,.: ' .. Jr(,.iti;m.i ' S|)k.« itm gw'Hl c:i.aint'l<" ''i '*'!' imlu^Hi-il ....tmc finil in -4A/>IW10ll.rPTIC COMEDY * '"• tx-vn K<-i "">"•'' '>"" '•"= P"' '' "''" M,..,.-t,iifiiv I* »».-. TUMULTUOUS. MB VIVIDLY ACT£0 ,..§iE IT TWICE."

    ilnvtfii: ginwf* •'>

    kikarci t.h..«'i -.,1,. .il>. lire a gotrf

    '.: iiiii till* c>,iiiici.v .1143: taiitl » l«'»

    ap[W!init|! .11. S.'.»'i i or I t h.'iianmii.'i. . Har|)c'r slutlenls and ('.» ^2.lHt IV.r he i I mivil iW .,., in,.- i.>UI i>( il'K" piiptornl- .>.. It \'.ii. niitUic (frcf '- N'M.>i% *M ..J U,e . imc ^:i.>ITHt Dark filial Millci'-i. ItjlmiM'. I lie WtM.*.K. ::.- "iM ,. ...; .,K-.. .11... :. we li«il;t Hi.a|g»riy's imw «>f 5: * SOUWJ in Riitimx (inl A Break For The HI IFNS BTF MV BUICK EUER DOLBV S BACK HNO RS BIZARRE HS Broke. K. » 111 Met pbs for students on >-,.--.t Sirn"->.'n Tefnporary Soring. Summer or Winter Break. ( .iit»l<»"tliit Wrlur ...leu

    '' off. you I-"* -'.Ml you have time T(i,-fi.i>i ,,. 1.;,,. .(.:'Htni A, ly time 'rtHHTIil- ta extra dollars you need. 1 tiiniM'tl hca can earn the miiH'K" ''. assignments available m ..III! hi". Temporary htgti'- » marketing, light industnal (nun !'"* clenrat, .iiiv and even technical fields. Good

    . 1.H pay. and valuable experience. ,,,..!, tw nins "'',^ Uiibv s ycnut III IwnitX Call us now. Hill Earth". Do»y "'^ ilir--ui:twnil the fi»i« lurncd »nlti a n*» arong ;v i<|.'>bfai.

    ' album 1 .\licii-. Me M\ aSfmm

    ll>>. li.iiii"! ' rn.uiurijiil^ w..estem jlii.l ihi' , ..•tMv Jri>vkn> i-iil innuiTuniHs.

    ' ,1 i)k- albunt dt a 1.1 1 ... a dUB* t>l«"' I . >iii il. kWJ* %l>-." ' for I tie. one 11 maifll'J' ^ I. rat I I fhiwnas t>.i*> (an.*. Bj' :.lif way ruliiii ...... L . t 'I I I. ^n U I IT. I. L I'iiilll'l

    """' Jiev<>uci.n.g w4 I*" * Medical Xac^n«M rwwm will n LcSntK- 1- i.l.U>i.."i"jMi: lioM"*"**"' • Swa Photo VrMOUf* OmeeytMi. |(!^p«^l•"»•^'• -... \»lllC. !.•' riatinc mil ttt S: 2 11 •"•''' oltc^l.l.ng work of •ri. J'™'" musn.

    ll-W Pace 12 _News Tlic HarbinRer April 28, \ pervades 'i Controversy Thompson's appointment (:-|uirni.in el tlie confiifcni lilenng the (tepee Ihe s.inilulates rtie ami>ur»« ot inlomwiicm Howaril - .|;csli-d ihey ol Trustees Kris Iriim r(r*l pmii* c.Ufrii. ol Ihi -•iitios, that th*!ir tloard mmt'ixird " *.» aife*(uale Tlic level 1 rtveived already had hat i*>ii" ;' ' replied, "Tlie Board «>««« *>n remain me,il. pmmtM"** itaf of timfideiitialiry was apprnp" mformaiion ,.!,, I. I dims nf «- ate. All the way search firm we iilwjy% a I c ruin amount mnsi prodiiilive .isfieil ol ihe .itui K-sides. Ihe named Tlin pfotfctt ihe iBJl*- wiih v>hM itu-v to very comliwtiWe us ihal ihc iii- crety in «Jcr Iw a commiilix fiivsKkniLiI si-.«ih Piaji Hender emplKced advised ciiniJt tnm totrng iJicii ciwem ^hen ihev Ii.u1 !•> s.n had. to say, would" l 1 liiink ihis we'd reecivc cCMHlwi mmth. •,r.ii M.iii.ij;ini; t Mitor ol Ihe fotni.ilion C'cspik-iii "I pMiikm. ll," said ^ In- while We cMiiiiilwe *emi o«« <>' i'"'" » ay Theii, ('vn "That Sux'mier, direcior ol wIlWieM Student Stou opime-vi ni.nle anv diflcrcnec," l-,bine cemfiileniiaJ inftjnwUKm snmethin); «n esplainc.l tril Managci t>f WHCM said. the* had fiCMdeni ol Si.nleiii follese Relations fatuity, staff, Jtudcnf^. «•- Vu'e from Paiillin Trustees, by suiu "They ihtmttln't have amiounccd hide." Mid llefir\ lom- Ihe Boaid of ct)mmuii.iiy Allans Fii. nine niimiswiiiori iwi ihe ihr names until ihcy *etc pn- torn- la*. 11 charged *ilh hinnf! Ekuud meiueil, I *ish die Harper ll mi Ml uMil i>h: csecutivc officet an.l n 1^ pirtJ Ul give all the Ivii kgrourid iMilil tuve hatd mote nmc chicf *ci( wicr¥,iew pnKe». muniiv » twgan Adramisuaiive Services Vcroon decision whal melhisl tliev infomjatioij." meet u ith ihe eandidalfs, hiil I iheir Willi the oficii tmums and tun to course fl inicr Manke verv mforaiatiwi During Ihc think llv.ii wuuld h.oe Ken cheom. that tkuiloJ the ini:r Mankc adttal, "I tell that viewing and narrowinj; KO Jlffitull i/foom each camlKUte w« made commilliee was reprcseniaiive ol "Now that Ihe se- applicanis f'S.-\r made one Fiinlly, ihc necessih (or .m jhiiMk: esicrnal inojjrcKs rcpuri lo the liceofcte's miemal and U-clion is made we will roltefc .'I 1 ,1. h ul " iHi .lie i'.mipus viMl icmmuniiy ind Ihe Uiaril uf commtinitv nttfl lo work loKfUitr Ihe iai kit dues w ,, "...there »re emiuRh college .illaial wtioni TiiMi-vs «-nl oul (oui mfmos fc A • ill niovint; forward." fv.r .,1 ,h.: people here with unruiricit tlis g,irjmf; PS AC intluding linal wishes to remain Ok ' Hon nn |,'" ' "! K' "' added Stoermer. ftpcrience, knoMkilce. do m.iny lau suhnisMon ul tl»c I'lvc tandiilales, agreo. "I Ihinli,. a.s response as was on sin: \ and Ihe abiitt) lo, Acsofdinj^ 10 Pattit'ia ulty, that the commmee ol an adniiiiisiT.iutr -Aho wisiieil we liivt in the paM, Bwirlc. ChatrinTson for PS AC. fnciiieiltinilaierally." use III iii.ikii'n: lli.il it.\ j-ion in remain unrum«l, suinee is president." One nxtm tat this She .iJvleit NO-.S lli.jl llie s. Mlect 1 nant,j*al then "1 think n IS ahsolwlely rice- jic I ommilW first i. • ! • >nately the sin sijid Keres. ih, leciicm IS rii.Kle we ssdl n. e.l u v'lvMHvn to eleven applicants. .Liy in Older lo jiet a lull ,n oul numhi logeiher in inoMHf; Ihi dis^ ll is riol .1 work They then mierviewed and piiups i, tided evalualion Oiu- Maff mcmbt-i torn iiien'fvrs .11 olhei ioSle(!e ward." the ek-wn nomuwes. diilKult thing to iietomphsh, ll «• tussed should gel more reprtsenia mcmeiL "ll Uhc amouni of and Allcr a !*«' week, delay re- would be a serious mistake not ••»' iiofi on the iommiiice ll:ir,.»-.Li I tirrx ciecy)' Axsii'l go Jili>n» ** I Kim and sultmg fiom a I1«k) f>f .ipplic.i'- lo,' sjk! Kn'wn Al Duoikoski, dean of the .11'-" (ho eollcgr'i idea of sliiitd giiver- Pauiltn 1 mt'ihuitJ : near the ite»lline PSAf Keres t|uesii.>iie(l We ittms Lcirning Resoiine Ccniei said, as linalisfs i!i.!nr ijrtii It- 1 ri'lcMWd five names resiwnsihiluy ol Lirry Paullm, FA)a.>r-in "'Its the gicalesi H.irper's president with wo When .isked aNiui ihe ilei 1 i,-t lo sclcti ilie %.>nl, I the Board of Tnisices Cktel' ol'thc Ha(hin(!tT campuses ol Itncs of bmsfuphiet' «to'mati«>n sioii nol to sisii ilie preaideiil." He added Uiat he Ihilll while ihcy h.ivc ihc rijshlH) ahoiu exh. picie^rwc fH*v.K^,. y^\ t*'w^ d lo Stunning Classical Piano performance BUILD Jefferson Mae lS,>wel! eoneeno. indrcs Rriiwn Hy Bowling also ivrl'omi- Wrll,«r ACAREER siaff cd a sonaiinc by Kavel "['he nimble lingers ul and SoniilJ in C I'lmoihy Bowling ailroitly esC' .' "so ' IN THE ma.|or, Cp Committee diffituU piano cuted "three 'by Becth.nen comfxwuions during his trcital at Bowliio,; beii.in CLOUDS. Harper cm Sunday the 1ce1i.1l with Ihe ll* p'lano Bowling, who IS • T. , ,:,. ,M Lc.im hsnv to tiv rruin first page Jeffeison ("ommitiee is 10 pu'II ciwliBiied leihmcian lor Harper, showed hv. in ihc I 'S voii hjtk mie Ihi' ioiisiilulh'n 10 hi;liii>l'"lers .iwaid' winning form with his : ... tiad "•'i " sec whai ihe toiishiuiion says Armv Net c'l'- mWMluecil iv:twerfu! rewlition ol r.Iw jnt M.k •'» ' ically tw.i slight misses SHiLKLSaSiat:" atout Ihe issues 'W'hai K-cn'iCiif t('!- Corieerio ^^> .' m I' dtrector. Dowcll's emcnl Hy Sharon Atier., project consiiuiuon work is ;hi' ...'n.t' malies Ihf mimir oX(\,Tier,.'f-' li' 1111 Jeflc-non Mceliiif ihi' 'Hiirpei College us." she s.iiid ''!''' As mijsii, siudcnl !ilk:i Imt 1; . .'ni'i I'H' 'he tC, a and was given hy Mary 10 Honsieei the Accoiding Bowlrrii; ,.. rrofess..r ol college in Chicapv hi Bonsieel I.K,h.ui reading of the constiluiiuo i> very He coriterto coiucsis ,11 ili.- piano .1, 1 rir, -. ..!^ ol l,,,;"f 01 Hisiei. rotxiriam S'he s;ii(! that wt »tl MofMly HiMc Iv.M.lulr ,„:.! 'h. .'" the I .I'iill.l.ile tlieiii , I louisulle , int.ile.l 'Mtkef American ('i>i;-, "T'he hcJI ol Ihs' lingering ul Bonsiecl Sjiid, , .lie Ttuitiiiu: rruirr.mi riwkes it ll>ti: Wllh his l'«, .INS. tl irie fiiCiC IKerall, :, ;''OIUinl he. ill J-Slsslhli.' "I.' eliploin.i ,111.1. prc-lcniWy, eiillLllcil lis and ihc eonsiiiui: lOnLcn :l.i .».. Bowlirii! on Ihe .11 k'.ist .] so, Its of ntlk'Ki'. 111 ai-ul ['Lnliit imp-irtani 10 'K leli i ihe orchesiral scoi. u piaymg IWliifr \ 'I ii-.irn '! tlv, H,.|i-.ieel sjn) ilKmc diived to piano. Bowling says Ihe le.ital '. .>tiil'irri' ,,\liei Honilecl (imshed hei After MHi'll iici Moll'al IS his "coach and icacl'ier, Bowling conlesseil trnniiio .«rid specsh Ihere was .1 fcnc'l .Army Imsic Ihe similarily ol plasm^' and only had uNsii iliseussion. sumni.irs .ind tliai he (>rf-tli«lit miiitrij;. Sly If K-lween the two men *.o ..'''^'.1*1 4 week If '* Cialualion l)> all 01 ihe ik-lecjies i,>ncc ymicom' cudenl as ihcy perlorak-d al ad- But the 'Bcelh Jefferson Meeimi.- lomini; pianos. I'Ictf vcHir flight traininp The He isi,ii.l \. pi'isitivc now wuh Bowlmg show'cd his toiu pn>t;rri!vliirdsi!i«t to convicuon, Ih, Harper College Iclletson pitTC With vwar wings ,,-•-, • ',< strokes ariil (-, v-iru: She also dynamic in his , H.1--VIUH,: kxal Arnn nmi|x-lliiie Cull vsyur .lilies have tiire. cmphasi/in>: the greaier displjyeJ for »onterli> Bowl Rct-riiiUT toel.iv more , emotions of ihc 1. , .ountn sureness in his in part (k-Uly perfdrmed tlie dillicult 'l"hc iiinded mg .>( Ravel I lendiiion the ami very nuick , Illinois iToss-hand playing ^v ., , ihe ...reo.rie This Ihc I the toacciir.Melv [«wxiay ..imul and ftngcnng ' lliinijtiihes M , -t an.l bustling andlivcis score Naiioiial !',in,!o»mcnl ,' • lull , ARMY. In adiliium 10 the Mui r>i,'

    Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds w^..,

    The Harbinger April 28, 1988 Page 13

    Clatxified Ad Malts Help Wanted ill) l.irrv MsMtMMt fUM-cwfmtai'CUil rOl.,l.. TIM STi-OSNT ii»»iit{t«i|.« arc B.*RN EXCELLENT ff« wllfi. Wiiiti 10 M'ONFY iitiii r«ni vat pfofrnt ufcmtifteattim iwHfeer ».|.M.(j.»ii,i K».|,(i .|(, ^on Siuiiitu. daHll'iaiia (up (md Hiulu*! ipl SWI' or '<> ciiihl iitiaa> an 14 .SO: S»M Cal.l •'¥.»(» in:|» • jm iSLilll I •%\ oocii. m44mmiml (in*:.


    tKSIOESAtKS ("all lJE 'vi- liai. l„„i,J_:,: f K M A L E MODELS I.BGALSIKVICIS WANTED EARN 1300 FREE CONSULTATtON for vour lefal nC'Cjo

    ie 0I.II ,i'.. ..iiiJ M'Kd I '.J ?'H'.-J.«l().II„ til, C tttj't, 24 1 Jivofce ri' MRS - -.100 fv,.i, „.,( "'Ml ; vKs

    . pit iivjiUtiie ilJiMc by m*il

    I !<.:<•? (>( lUfktr la 600 N Msichim t

    '•>r. Scl>»uiBhur|. 11.

    DO Yot; KFFn A 1 He 2-1 URS. "!• KOirSEl". A l..P'.| S Htl-PI nru m. I h 4

    ].. C'jar ^Tr.«r..r-i I \ \^ ALi:imi..:ni.ii:..iJ!t Tnr Ke\'

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    Get Your Summer Job NOW!' ' Danger !>• (>*H * HCH*.l,0 fitta rl ^ HUM ie,»m r.i»cii(ln »tBil«J.i,iiq .*• ... hi|.,» ,1 ' .« X ti,ji..

    - Huiiar >t ,'ta.|i!> .[

    Fender (.idekicl, M) ... • a«sivaili(ili:: . .«.S Iia««. '.. • lln„iugtl*(n, amp t H)D S.ffl]to9Miinniiiirlliwgl«Ft«M i jf , V.-R. ,\uti:.i • '^'C. PS, Piper Orjan nr<- 12:00 to 3.30 SilMrta!* aUmmm PIJ.,PW,PL Till. fieit itCfer * teeiteindfloiiiillmnwloafiats Cry«e„R..IW(, AM/FM dIu> fall I.arry » miny new itemt Runt WtlleybtH Anyant? ,-.,. treiii ,^u I ' ' t) f f I * TuflsiHrtjttonoTOtdea'lKiinjlljei t :,,,.s call h e -i- a 1 "' * lanuttsanHficentivit ,1"S<|.-.,J2*,1 >' enierlain«eni Volleyhall Oti.tji i,,i ,4ic or 11,, II fi irade .1 '1 i„ii-! ji I ciiun ) DON'T *»"''' (or DELAY -CALL I iiandard TODAY!! r»l.f:iS. acomiic II RECFKCV ; J i- f"? n d e nt s iuitir Ask iflf Mill M"*' Call Ted I'lintriii ti> sa-Mn "ll eicelleni m t2H- man Ipenton) ,« condiiutB 1117 team Fully luaded ut rour i 1 1 plus Many {CJ)i«tiiltttt:a3.iaa.4;3lll eiira.| Call Pau) »> iliernales m play "nee a M:R2 Red Cihfrifi si; *. /case .:S«l-740i()eil JiOt ,,>r nn\ week no ctmiact Dan lion* ll-JO, Mirih,-'" '-. l«12 ..ran. Inlramural Dtreetor • eii eonibo t4'H) i ,)i)x irmdiilar CAK rOU BI,"" -^rc efCc^, ,, i ,., uofi Can,, 4K.1 nt lunger |2I], Keh Bear Himtjr Bumity

    ', '•- ' ,ban Thanks fi>r iti/- k., mSlOE SALES rmj" :-.-, ] |u,iur *'/ ciie ..I'lfui MSUMi SliriCK tiMi. i",ali ! Fender f'.i.«l |»at».i1 «f.t)*ini(. itdektefc "So Start nut ..'-"."- your (ol» unrch m ' *'ill bill t'lit'i eftct ».i''.,ji :;.. ,.,:„ imp

    .t with I well Hatitmt*,nd P,ip«.r or*; .

    r e % Li m e ».lM*, Dra ,fnr Nimn Poriar HX i yrs: old gd crind „ all leaihtff i;:al,l Pd reekday,! »fter 2 p in anii iii|.|.«. an SEA'?0N.*1, offer .. «<),J. ..-><)«.)

    iJ «4 .» • fbMvt 1 1 t J. kiMtMir ri. NEEd C4sh For 'HS IS T«S Bro*'.n.i'"S,M!Bh,|j.r»i :Har div "1 p Ie 1 in tt»«l, .'> .'1 lr.|in reeetyed ai a (,rf I 4 »'» collcqc ?? .^'r«irB!.i;iivit.t. •to Call Id iii.ii>e.i,d yi tiler 2 p m m4 mtkt an SI4> MHUON «»lltr.;,i.9J-lli«,j IN ( INANCtAI A(l> Wl Nl LtNtl AIIII 1) b.iai;tv t> Wt.ALTH - IkUXLl-llBltd I A':; I Y[ AR |9ll?B>RB'«l,i:SlA»(I Wl IAN MNi) IH( HINDS YOU H^O U' Hatcrifract I M CIXCATIONAL SBtVICES S'lern,-. .riiii.«ii".u.e AC El «EKT ,:> BOX ?1 / *arr*nu. I'd Sfiri or mmt '' ' '•>% Mi, iGfMS. 11, 1 1, . 600/0 111 II r ..(ii,

    " ..111 1,„P 71,. , 705 85? ."I Kiiwnaiiaw

    11 •iiiniim i_ siTTEi "

    1988 PaRe 14 The Harbinger April 28.

    Trustees «ho By Andrew Balazs the Board of „ President.' chosenL „ lorr..r vColleeciim*,'^ vlpiniOIl. would you havevc Photo Cilktn JeiniinK*. biiilogj niajo''-

    Sludfnt TriiM»«: hcM ;iual'''"l " *>H.U be Ihe ih.ii the ^le' """ -I («l . .,, |.,r Fr..-u>lcnl . was » f«'"J <>•«•,, ' ,H£ pTfSHlenl hiv exprriciuo wiih : ;;,L" '''"•••^?'!*« Ix-mg Vkc taUha... llarivf fii'lk-pc aik-r l'rt>Kk-nl,"

    ci{ ilic camlukiit-*.

    iW^IIIlL ^iii, * ^ prc-mcd nnjM: Harix-t ^hoiiM -1 let I ihiii -nwrclofc. in ncitmcc majiw: csttH.sh a King, IMI ihcrc «fn>'t ^^^ •' "I iJiink ihetc *oiiW he l,be fuwrc replace mem. president. A fcn of «)ci>li«ii» nfohlem finttwR a would jusi wnuUn'i hull iinyoin:/ The ttrM horn male Like cumnit

    Game Location The Location

    Location "KB *

    7 #!#"••'

    Vnjr.-H' fiadjT't

    hu.iau., x h.c i..k. .x-hu,a The Winner ',;;;;:t:" , tlu.ui Tfti: .ind I).

    Location #2 bv the lake tel»*B4 The b,ra obscr.au.rv building A aiul 1).

    Location **3 ba.tdmE A u[>st.urs between •The vviiul^nv- i.Liy 5t«vict «.oulh. I K I C look 111].;, and ^..j-^O'-r;' vjDl, Location #4 A attrt »;'*"« The an figure between bai*«t num IliCC buikting »• the left corner of it as you ^ tes 991 •5050 Location #5 '"''^''• • T"" ' ' '' The minor in building ' ' • MEW REr EASES

    lip to [lie lounge

    PlJtoon location M , oiacwet < , ,

    •'• ^^^ on the notlh .. ' " T'hc an figure building 11 _ Sports The Harb.nuer April 28, I9«K Page 15 NBA Awards and What's up in Play-off Predictions MLB: Scoti Bwtfra I of younistcrs »t am really not tlial hig of he tm *,icrves Bulls belter not Kdllar take ihc Sforli a Bulls (an either, so Ihcawani. any Cavaliers for granttid of they Sbkt itK- NBA pJay-olTs arc !!.> kiftln i;,iriii accusations o( (avoriiism arc will get heal. npidly afiprtNiching. ii is time Sports VVriltr unjust Whal I am. is a All-star T««m: (Of mc K) male my prittliclnins Magic Alter Uirec weeks of Majur haskcthali fan and thai i,s I Johnson. G *h) Chances ,are they will ihcn I I'.iciic «n :i !,:ood SI art, uj) a hiskcihall. .John's star. *h«i Palntk I:w'ing. C. as I predicted. holds Ihe NBA Nru lM;ih 'fhonuis and the Pisions in Me l^ lirst in slugging nxjkie record for smgle-season York Knicks- He is going lu htr H'Vftl and oii- That's right- Mr, h.ise ivrccnuce MichiKt assists,. IS eiacily whai the the best center withm the next and second m jMilan I., A, haltnig fans may argue for Knicks noctied. Itw yejin. The Bulls will then lace Magit: Johnwn and Boston Karl MaloiK-.F. .'. What hj[>pcncd to fm Utah Ja,«. and he defeated hy the Bosion loyals mij;t)i t:hi:*>ic I.any Bird, Wf need some tody ivhn Coach of the Ytur: can Celtics in the l-asiern Then when ihcy read I'm rcbmind !i ilul Ihc Indians' ttoug Collins of the Bulls You and scote in case Conference Chamtncituhip picking Jordan, they will accu,« ,j-lit.,-nli had to have fbllowcd the Bulk Barfclcy gels kicked inn i>f i,hc Series, Rohert Parnsh, Kcmi atieiid Ihe I me of favoritism because I'm ami ni in an Cliicago ,pamc School oi empty McHalc and the rest of K {' s from Chicago, [•ikl!.,: such is not the Staditim for the past years to Dominique W'llkins, bO)f» arc still nxi tough for ihe cam. Atlanta I hope the Orioles aiipreciaie what this guy has Hawks- Wilkniv do« Bulls. ii-niiiiue I Itfcc Migk and company not have a positmn on my lenmg until (hat iliv' l"ike\ i«i( at much its Jack Nicholsim. He mighi team, h« is in tJicrc ui dunk. m Baltimore dies ol n« get it (Pal Who is giiint lo win if not more and i admit tttai Bird eshju,il,i(vn Kiley of I, A, protiahly will il air:" Phi- I .ikcrs will o-pcaf is tlw mister of all skills and win), but any who Mm will the Hulls do ». Frank Robinson will guy cjm wm M.it;n »m1I utn the series MVP ptotahly the smancsl in .SO in the quii his managerial guv tl* games wiih an aging center play-ofrsT They will a*.ui) post with .liter 1 \ tvai,,> Boston m NBA. get past Ihe O's within the like Dave Corvine and the cict riev.-lantl. hut ihe SIX neit si,t w eeks

    WHOMfwrper ' coOege radio

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    l\.ge 16 April 2S. l'»HH 111- Hsirhinjitr _ Sports I Tennis Team Takes Second

    .c,c«n)-riwnil«'' ;_ .11 ll(ir

    " ' 111 t. ii.im|'i>'«i 'I'C

    1. . L.„,., 1.1, nli>, t

    Frank fifhwarl:'

    hi, «.nke:il «Tve. lirnl-KMiUkl C> i.

    ''' .'" ' 1 "-I 1 "««•** •" I u ..ii. 1" 1 Softball Takes Third Baseball Squad Wins Seventeen

    ),-rifiii. To Win

    In lliifi:)- Ill Ifir until I *'"' ICmXil pla> l.tlTn." lllowcil oiiij to"' ""'^ Two: Harper 5 |»i Clam* ijttticr C'lmnic An|d "•'"•^^ .1,-: iiHiumie wrack strut* «" Kankakee fi''«. - a bum aiiil itire* l<> five of 1. II umci. winmng BillCHirady <*>w up ihe WP: (I I •1) awt N-W" t.>rjKI.->. DiiPaitr Vaicy hj..fman RotMn ll>c Harper vs. iheii liisi siA games, Desitiie OtamfKHi Tri*»n (ciim-nlly t ? (ianie (»n»: Hurper 7 wins, Coat:H Dan Ki>» offered i Harper vs, WriRht Mm-i to rail a line ol Citatlj Lynn Hoycr ^' 01 iHit-v* lo comment aboul *e recent UuPatr One: Harper 7 iK IMiil tJame Minin*..ri'«t pTe-«a«»n M.-ri.tnruonef •* ihrd Maik Ki.'li'l weiiiliar Wriftht 2 .ilU>*'«l ' '.tiil.1 lo l"ini<.ti cilhci S'yilin, ilic •inno. a',1 was Tlte bad w,ea*c,r ifcfimlcly 0'(,"all..i,gti.tii Dive Schneidct '"' Freshman , .fiemaomCivetntt. ,'\i tttfhet. •111 ii'iiu' fit I'm; htmif tun game hivi ..in i.')Ti.-i.'i and *<» his firsl Ha»i-' tlarinf » p,ili:hed The Ciim* T««: ... haul winning pitctei. ,, oflhesiast'n, no* *limJ<' -I'i 1. ' . tCiinVX 17 victmiv^ . ".-x-itidilMortnn T*n: U*rpt:t 13 SiOHK: ^orcianilltiglifigtils Cinw two: Harper 1.' hii» (Jame tie musl J HiiriM-t ^qa.. I five (luPiiee * itif ri"«x«, saow,* mc •* Wtowv Writtht n tuih ih.' ui, ii>r'. '=•'' '""' '"'" »iini, the [>n:v)itiK Ttu- "' hu .liihri Basile recorded 'K .in.l * 'Uth 1 rci'tialciJ: m 1"*. kail **! Mliriitr ihird win .'^.. 'ill In I'JWv itii' . :.„,,l ,.: liUwii'i ll,eiir(lktin« yiMI, tlfl lr.ll" Harper tl li'i'i^'' "« Cjiwc On*: Hail., ihrct win* .t".' II iti'iti-ilit-tine ti '-.t'ctHina' III ihc uiii.>i..."'r (en. lit'' iili atitt ,Bi , iippi-i! Ill* pane 'i">' llintrtl a Kankakee 5 (Janw One: or I iiKi- a *»• \lilk-nrv in JciJiiiitmn HI (IwiWf play in lt>c Mtoni of Harper I T»i»: llarprr 5 : tJiime 1 „.i ilapct ,i(iWt pFoprsini .11 lifs< '««' ,.i I'iftlti V,iK,i Miili-rfil I"* It. Ilcnrdii'tini' (tiipi-r. timfptt n. Tvlln* G«m* On.-!, TriUm 5 l:ir[u-r Harjier vs Moraine ,lH'k Viilky Moraine Field One: "IIIIICl. Came : .llUuLlllj:. Track & V alley <• Harper 2 «'''n:*h AiiKcl. il: • ca,mr up vnh new mark Hawk* • pcflcci set The l-.as,i.-. hii-i. 1' •, Thayer '>'"• VVitsiepe and hits ami i^-' Lope/, Word, tM,ly t*o iaiTic *uh,i»siii|le \n the wpol fi*c error* hurt li"n»> ihc diseus- Harper's ihe tititi Pytlar/ sulfcrnt ,1(11! Brian Piwlak. suftctcd the loss. lloritiin Pi'ltari, *ho loss Hy StiiK (PR), I'd Harper 1 J.iilmr {Janie Twii: (Jaroe Two I rilim J Siiorl* ICKVt Valley I J»»i"'' *'"f''- vtoraine Harper 1 Vicki Lope/.

    ..III' II' Ki'"*>'' and Acme lUcrfiiiJi"' Haipirr cui hil Vnton seven Karen Wiisiepc ..! iini'ih '' ' l'».i hiis .tint • "Irilon leaincd up to sei a ntm Keciiiil h 1,1.1 tivlne hill unfiirlunarcK Thayer il'K.lVi-, !|,.il lt»-u • lH« I ' a, 1 recotd at lun- .uppe.t H..HT','' l"'^' '"' ""• schoot !>!•' University Rdaji Coach kiioit..; ... iiK'd the fcimiiiii? run tn Northwcacm Women"* "Vratk ^' '•''' '" '•' April 23, •

    ' >- M"ii." cpniit meil'tcy, hroke (he '. (ttn ,i llarixi nin. r 1 ,-vien'i, the taieit'in tfio flaw I-.' only Ihe m ^ II n • l.ame One , imr athtcies luriicJ in rcpic*ciu

    I Marina Tti, 'ifmn.iliem significant effon." ntiiusisiU 1.1 ]easi\ ItaurrhUfk and tii The Hawks' next nn-

    * I laik HoN-rs cai h ha»l . nimhursl CoU^e,. 1 inda Men's Track Saiuiday .U i!.. s 11 1 1 s lXMi>iv. ^v I* I K e and one R»I I nd 1(1. (1*1 pm I) i-Taiik Hatalh. Ifin^ .lump- dmihle ,-Us .- I ia*li^ lumeJ Ivm I. It: in !n the ihirJ. shmi^U'P HARBINGER ( 'ollfRe VOL. 22 NO. 26 William Kiiincv HarjMT The HarbinRcr Ma> 5. 19HH

    Tuition Increase Suggested for Spring '89

    \tw% Kdllar Harper ha» nm had a tuition Vice Pieiideni of increaae sin<:e the 1<)H3-R4 Adintnistritive Services Vera KlKiol year when it wai rawd hbnke wmr^ied a ihnt dollar two diil'lm per credit hour. per crEdii hour luiMm tnctMK Accofilmg to 4 r.m4im l« mke cfl'kX'i ilic tprmg »ur'vcy tomluctt-il h> tUrpa ,! KsmcMec of l*t8'» at l:h« lasi llltnoii vonimuiiity coUegcui. finance OMJcung. ei|ht o( eighteen suite college* Mjiit.ke »id, "Tile eotlc|e will he increasttni their taition

    " '" liix mOHinrred over ihc l»o ^rtmlt Schwartz t for 'tile riKalyMf nm '(aipcrit>d{(i«i»l jTat l'»88-8!l') Ltih .. ., Mm (liscui*c(l at the Th* Cir: Thr .; |,K Fnsl»y .1 i-H pcicoii 111' KdwtKm MIC 1 nf Prutp**..!.. linamce meeting »ii<, ikt .Ml (iwnuiia l>ei*uK It did imii retrivc ..inough funtlmg," EdiMimal Fund Nairt. •'IBtCUUM VicWf Bemef. dean of Revenue ^a«iJ ..n the NMinext Msrvicet and finance current tuition rale (SI'J/pcr •dded. 'It ManMMl ui me Ihai al crcd«t hour) n esttinaied al ihe last mooting ihcre was a si4.g-is,;N7 iof the i9m Cash Station Closed spill; iwme incmlwnt went (or it «hii1i.,'f II. 'ttif fa>h \tatiiiii tlic in confMwndinii (kop uttc has the .luthiirily in allcicaieti i"i-it„:::-'i !,,,.; \u>p any m.iruc..' iiwtunt of transaction"!'" the 'hnnfi- ' 111.- 1:1.1 Hiirfvr. revenues, we lnvc espcrknceid a vehkie I'n ifu- l»«tile:a|)iti,lci|iirpm<:(iii [k'i ihu'Th-i tuiitiK , .'..Hlllg, Cirrus Antoniatcd 'Teller il t» PI • l!tr risdiKtioit in credti hoiin tiufhl"" <'U T "'IS 'Machine, owned bv 'The Fimt '..ituc '.>r ikr t9H7 u:t-««'' voiding to Mitlmel t'hicapi Bank ot Ml.. 'PniKiKCi I'umk .. owtiitig the WKmni lis rikiiiK-r of U>c Hixtrd of - " ...... 4 to plot .III i,.ii. . grant tor it fiiciil ye-ir I ''HV, eliminsic ttie mailer then must Operating Wtmm CUM w \ He rnUtti, "'Dumg itir two U.I id "T'echniciafi certtfittie :: approved hy the piogrimi ra.filiry .rxiai ... .,.. j 1 ififcal) vears the codeie will Ixwd. aw! the incdia writer posnion ^oai^ j^'o iJit' ni.u'^i I," Aa^ in entrance and t'oiiiintie have lost SI.084,071 m us need* to mcliMJixl m lati years' budget but k'j|X*filv 1)1 N-iPiL* rtilii*»ed 111 iiub«idi/ms the rnithirw FCBM a know credit twtir fiimlint (from the rn-vcc ("ilfcil Vl.n 111 \'i\~ what Harper's decision is hy nil tiii.iKkiiM.in Bt'luri.- .11 lion i% liiken ii Se'p(.emh(!r 198R. ti- rtriiii^i tt;c ^aiti ^talii>n wj\ study niiisi tv iloiit- to dele mime Observatory nia>lL- U»i IX-icinhiT il irallk ]'riil-ilcm\ will result Thi' ICHM wdv unMi]iirig and the degree of vei urity risk named class gift To k<

    .Hij hwilas Inf 'One- half feet, in dunn..'

    'N««f B«li«r feet t.i.t!. "The walh .nv .m-Liit

    An obsei^'tiion iledii. ju-d to either with brick or «im»,gi.itial


    i(»provcd h> 10 Nciialc to be twilt and tK' htjill ncM I'l she toltie i:ol!.i:ge as the gift north i:i{le nf i\y lit! trom the clasa. of "S8

    The .Minale Itated S '• •

    ' to the cost %>( 111..' ' ' biiildrng., designed -

    If leu ope aiHl pro.t^. . nckmicnt weathei

    'Ilie dome of tl»e tHiildinii scjid hy .^i-h I'.ioirii. costs smwoismatri'i ' • •

    I nda BlJi. iwm merhoit obKTS',.!

    Ash I'lome ohservalnry in [»iaWo V'atley Collcje nemm fMiCalMomia. r I ID

    'low to Undefo.round band What's happening early look at the] EiLoal. A:d,«,iSiifl... An pri ' not? The 'beat the last minute Why Midnight Otl returns around campus? NFL. Three cramming for ttnal Oil ikl-ilBfikfilJttlib With their new Steel Drum Band predictions for the exams our maoi. album concert. Final Exam upcoming season. Du^t schedule

    '3 Pagt 2 Page Pagt 4 Page 6 Page 11 " '

    4 The Harbinger May 5. 1WX I'iij-e 2 4 Features Final Strategy-

    A/T YOU Prepared/

    tc-ichers heai' studeiu suggcws seeing studying 1 Agjiin. we Inm aiK'Uher bi Kim t'Mrawtkl 'lerm |. wofli Iwn: for for help on rnalerial helcre fpmf, I1K

    li> luu*., N"i, .iiiH" ilie leat'tieTs ate 1 B. tong-terni reteniKin, e'',(x\i.illv tilt- iti>lcc(inl.\ inlfi n iTiu.'l'i Jiu'f'i' i',iriiili.ir wilh ( the Put '.' ' I 1. IT t' . ri rri 1 1 :i "1 ha-. w f "r h M f n

    ' ' 'mail' . for - ..vtT

    HUKk are i .' ihe I'l-'t' . > . inea inip..n,.ii' h.,"i , (ill«l*«k ••nillr: \ul'>|CCl'- W»ui" y<>...: 1,1'R'ni, Iteil 'mi;:ifl., I'.. Hc II. J,, iirc 001 t'VVO K i„".I>f,.' .illy liclipfiiil lor 'her m lilt' rwnfii! ' -m.l'fU', .1, I'l'Mih - hBvi" • 'Aork, or l,„Hi.' 'A . pile em a in ill.) rdiiuru; »i.'jini:t '*-: .in; i-iihp>ot,i: i! I ihe end

    rct-eml'y I tiW'i i»«gine ,', mMx ' ih.' L.uise '"Like thr untes tt> iinytodj would *mt lo go '.;.iiii.>».ii w.irk aikl siress

    cmtside (jnil woiil .stuilj'int! i irmv! of us sludem.. will he B.,.l t.-n™.tli. (l.r. .Hi n lit ilk,: <'i Mjt.l.;. !' t'.eii.r ('.. I'l-iring husily (hii[K-liillyi lor '"'"8 liar!. review lor liii.i mir lin.il leM,,, he ihey

    I'* I ccnii- man." Tl'ii- I-.' inmprehenMv.',. ! m-i ihe ike otlwf sUMlenti. Barh hardest 1i:mI one in a .'iTt* have to p'> over prohlem.. (jucKion in a UlTK MUdH", dui 'ng the course .'; ..;.v v.a...v ' varii'iy i>( «(•*•. Tc*Ikr tan be tm(Miru.m ' 1 in'i.ii ,'Viso, K- 1, lie 1!^ the IcKaicrf i,)uiii4e <;>( tlans for Cout»%.- llddlUfllH) iKlvKC. mA stuikiu. «lf- helpful *hcti iriHirnf jriM' (iclp Hinly iroufi »re WH Cjriii'uliir

    l)fusl»tng'up vi:\Mijn% .vht'ini .^!. ;

    ('.rv-i -'i.im* tome iii (;.'imlVin,;iM. Jidi fn'iTi ik; ever- h-iiiu'Dii: pre ".niii; ""comprc- " • hri..' '»>! "Stuti\ every Siindtix hill \l.n:hinfl,!iriuilMtf

    • '•». Ill J ! \.iiiiilusS l':.iBlf (Ahf\

    • ,.,.|.. Shu Mtn Stniteil inJ ('uii; Irre Vkii.^li^

    • 1 ('iii(niUT)/t'il I'AriTiM' Hikfs

    • ( .irdnn.isiul.ii I valii.iHons

    ii I I'm! l)Hlt,te.. llOIKluli'. .!. will a %iw]y sesM.'>n„ :

    • . ill" linp.ui .mil Lil.'-s tl s ..1.1 l."'.l'. Ur.it'K WX ptltl iJilKll Itli,' V!/I

    I, sen i'.r I l.i^'-i-'

    1,1.: „il *i.ili i =iiJ! "> ' • Vl.ilfi Knhii I lasses

    • \iiU"iIi"ri.il .iiitl iVi'M ' ,

    *orkiMti I'r.ierams

    • IfiiiiiN I iiiirts .' II . : L r.]M I i u

    ^ llLl'fl I I • Suinimin',; ICUK>-)i|lV imfilifnMioii it) iliuK' W'iK't. • lli'ils a Ki'l. i>" l.initiiii;,

    m:) t v.'ui ti^jJ iii»! t'l i-i; • \ii ^,^l^^ Niii'Ner, Sen III-

    • ritm-ss \ssrssm<;iil Irsi . . . summunzc ni\ Xilmimsifrcd ih Iaitcih* ncxes on cassette tapes. StKclirj-* C»I1 ui Isi! BE A CALORIE PhV"!.M>lttRiM

    ' -I i Nl r! 61 RNING MACHINE. •1)\1 Ccwnie uddi, "1 fiiDl 'itiMMgli \

    1 . \K' \ nty cl»M rnmt •Ml P'K'k Mil itic •SUf • « MIM, () Special— maicri.il I iliink n c«'|x*cially n« Month Student S99 •KM I IMiOMM impcinaiu. iiiminari/c ii lo fil :i <'< 'I .iiir»ii|X'rl'iim. 'M •f !( |jl,,i ' m Ml- mimik' Ufx iutd I kick ''"' '-' '. ! pt'TSOUfMUl'IIH..' , ...... tojhc ta|:K H'hik: dfiviii'i anwiKl ,^i,, .ille

    m ni)i cai." ' MH.j|iitn lee'- nt monilih dui-s rettuirciJ Fi'i-L.-'riMi-: .roil Awl, if ihc tas'wiiei aic ikji (jIlimliN liirit'oniplimfmir* wi'irloHH eiMiilgll, Conme puts Itie iiMe- OPENINtJS lODVV > canta ihe mAf\ icuvi ht:r pmm tm CM I I 'tmnmm»~ *ht-n rm wamng 41**-USU3

    (aiij wf tiim* :!,N">ui wwm'i;* I WotHtticId l..ikf Connie cvid'cnit'. •." - ''• '.> ..ip'plicantv (IttiirC.inipih :', sl.ii«l'j"mg very tfnoii.i. i ,,.•,_ ,;. pi! K-ncfits, WOOOHEIO UiiiHltiilit nlwamagc of » mut:ti Irn; tiriK .f. i(M«i I. Kd SeviT.il r.ii"^'' If is pcwsiW't for her. Also, Sihuiimbiiri; II dOf.-i ckiiig'iBg toon her old nxiunc has |Nl)4 ugntfi'Canl divi«knd%. in Isl ("hoicr t'«i. leriti* I'll' hi^ht-r iiriMtc» and If.. . ; ' '

    Editorial The Harbinger Mav 5. 19K8 PUQV 3 A forgotten dav of Off Her mourning remeinbered Rookor Wff^ oar mom

    flm MMbn and Nixm tamimt, nwlnriltMlfF Ml our mm. TMl niniHfr I tmar Ikf *iiMiiitaf Four dtaa M OAte.*

    llic (fiflHtflilli •iiiiiv*r«uir j of tint iif tlie iJinnet cooking VtHtntey •rktd prohahly 1 U usually have Accoriiinp w .>Vriii'lc II rin't he ccnam. hul hi'\ «*» it t *" A merlean hklorj, Iraxrdy i!"'"***^ yiove. or at IcaM wishing cW*'^ St..i! r:v! sex »ith Taitim.v Fayc on the sec linn I iif I fit* l.^ntleil ••irl llMrtMir. and iinr Ihal ptn turiiHifh linrciiKiiihrrt-tl. the paper boy It. were co«»kinj:. and r*:wslitt.itHm. anv i:k'»W'n whii \ to think of maybe we proplif »ho »rrr. 1 li< twetpt hf 0mm »lu> were llierf, m km<* collecting at the Irom tliwi and Ci:l,i/.-i niicd Sale-*. ^As • 'ut;l«i"c«tm hi.ni iLlllinp at Km *>Me. Hurry up lady. I g«l» It's I ."t say mi!, 'K'cii i ft't (ourltTtt I ibmk hoilt-M at Tluit t>nt wnleacc mwd to iM|tirr thr uurragn - - j.,-1 |.,.i.n,.<- ^ei I cat my dinner." :' . can '' - ..i. ' " u..tl . ' yca.r^, mv.\ n..i''.. ui'i * . killing* Malt- lit Iwrn 1.1 nt canpiis in Ih* naliiMi: The at Kcnl . ,riii think a cvcri * I'Ki can hung if) his rtdiiced lo a triiia dale. , ^,, .iiiieba^k. live 111..' , '" • : (iwciitn ci>o>.t . . ..,.^„„ Rut kl m* difre«» a nMinnnl. Vnm linm upK I »jid thin threaicnins tommunisls %ct- K fflji.tcm\h>jw ilipl(m'Ulicil.ly. and wait atranrdi* ""* ''•'"1 Harbor. A nolion whith I'm at mv children's littte it'*****'' pn-M.! .rtumlain fieace m a world ol disfuiHcd ll*"** under Ihtrl* ' . M«r« ptiipl* '•'* an'u:'niiHi.'i,i..i! My e»(HTtencc >;peak\ liit altiH-k, liowcvvr a*pn>*nili il>cll. When I t;cl big fwritgn ulion. Ot cinirsc the one child is the tube havmg Ihc mfliicmtjl miervic* with Bartiara W.all.ri». icllinf: me what. inquifcs. "Mfy. liying U'l awwl force that .it (Ims. the onlv and ^hc rl it, ttoUa f Oawm m IS. ihc other is ufntcfined quahfiration iiccfi;!Bir> Br(iiis\f;ui. please tell us why WHAT and mIStn art tMtitmg h* Jowm.* with Mill K'li..."!.- ate muilificd to strategically disiratrting mc r-. 10 ttavc a clurratalit it:lcvi.*ii.tn yo.u "" linited "I'm siarrrrrvmg" for the s«le [X-:r«il iif the guirilsmen wtfc in' \' itie pfesideni ot the PTA is still i!l ir.' Ill I '.led wii< In help Nik ihc .'If: lo lie polKtHE In older llun the tludenit lhe.» t»erc %u|>i>o«d niling on the phone (ot an stories "f » hi Ihrr or nol >.luil« iti> tht aflermath »>f the ii« ulenl. .iiiswcr in the biimtng question, prke«l the ciinnicled. ItuI the fints were tleai nuardsmen Will you 'be chairing the l.unth to hide under Miidcnts were ihot In Ihc hack, wtme while Irtinn flays comnnltec ne«i yeat''" Anil ears fiiw prmet-linn, ««>«iie iu»t trvtni; In fti lo tnwr. 'that she 1 1 ili'..il iiln'i ! liuin' deep in my bean : ... ihc bn: While hljme uii^ tteing laid and tnunlerljid bs the ! spi.:ii ii.o.sen this ivinicular he tuit il"|.c \.:"V nine I'll priiiripln. .«i* ihiiiR rrmalned painfull j' ckar: the dead were III. lo call. )usi Ml she can l.:(l!i.. (m r'lr.ii'i ,.^i hmnehii'.i, iereincahlj nselesMi' killed., .'^nd rierj jear Ihrir Wail, and orr. It took jrars jmi to ijel the !,».: tnufwint. alwsivc uIHlcr ,-iir--. ;,H<«i..in.vir,.t«....fi roenitirlal okayed ht the Kent Stole I 1,1 |lllim.lk>r a . 1 hamJIe it'' I'hc Tkarn the hi.ei|e«i (tart of the lra|ir

    ' ' -. ^ i t t Ihr ' ' (if life ; thai t he reaMin or lack thrrriif) Ulat .;i1liciill diplomatic lli.!ii 11,' rvi'i ..'. lit! neiaHv, luiri,ki" p^'ia * " !ilo«l']' hintiirf-hiHtk fitolmiir, wHin. mat lie dird is heciimini a III-,, 1 I all in the armed Vti\^ ('i.i'H'i Hn.. hi""* a dcl'ighil'ul pKicct>lcal,i iif tho*e nol that. There i* a piclure iif .Alliwn Kranw. one I'-. f*en .... 1 keep my scxtci weapon i. SJoNxty u bclte-t ai . , killed. Itint dead in Ihr armt of a fellow Mudent. thri of the e in a world n-l sal el y stcircd in front It newspaper* a«-n»M the natii.»i «*e«J when earrtinf the . i.Mni/.ilion than a iiuim. II lelesision, ready u> dn Mataiine tarried abunt the \ iel Nam war. could he more peaceful . What Vkh.ii .ilHiui .lim Bukkci . r(.)ins inlo my heniw D If we forget Alfcon and the nlhen. that died on that \la> ~i llyn that'.' I \r •' 'n i .arouiiJ in I k \ 1 h»n snuni a iiulw. i> IITO. «ie in»ile its recurrence.. "I'od.ii*. lal>e the limr. jusi ill) in By today's standards, I He hai (.fcfimictv Ihm millnnwof The Meiie vane r'nl> State. '\nd a moment, to rememher those wh« died at keni suppojie. I'm over-t|ualilu-d as doltiiis 111 a itunty c»[!e»l.nm. t iili,j|:hl.ty ttoni one itey Kt tliC' ne.»i. little that il wim't Kliilf uiu're at it. niat'he add a prajrer we'll tiapprii .i^ain.

    Wkai (/' fua km* ktr, and f0umi ktrOmut m tke friiaiuC* • H..r«. fuii jwnmn if*#n,i™ia t.ii

    Larrj Paulltn Mili»-in.-'("hief •From "Dhki" II) Ne Health Corner Harbinger

    W.iU,iain M'..i.iiKy ILirjKr CtLlhup!: ^)yyrc„mf Test Stress ^•ri!u(>:- clench your fist aiul 12(10 W. .i'V%«Kju.i.n Rd ,inn iighily. reian those muscles

    Palaime.., IL (iIX:Mi7.-T.:

    (.,3,..i.'i Think "' ,n..i: MASTER TEST-TAK- will !Mil.iii'.in..C"h!i'l Ijinif PiiiJliB. .''' IMi SKILLS. Read all direc .. I. 'I- M.m.i ...,.,.• 1 .!. f'i'.'i'i H .1.||>I'B» Hcii • .'wai CUIm your nerves

    1) :,v

    Oulliiii. ..11-,-v. ..,; .. .-.,. ; 11 f PKl l>*KKI), Askitw: work on only oite qucsutm at a iilSlni, i.'i ,. ii.ii informal ion the lime. Mhrk difficult item.s and eii;ii- .i.i'lK- rciurn lo them lalei t*e ^ule to "I'l tn ' contentrate only en what vnu Revii"* .111 iHne I .iuiuiiii/c li.H'iii rriici..yii i.nn aicdomg rereading on't allot*' fill liu.' n..i.:n:i'ii:i r(>l1ic.»« UBItlllUCiltlOtK. a pixir past pcrlomiancc to al- 1.1 SK RELAXATION lect your attitude toward the test TEfHNIQi'KS. Before a lest, at haind. ' lIXMC ml IHe .-(.illi'ijc, ii'i ii.lirnnii.l.r,Hi.i!R. i [ sit and enjoy 10- IS minuuss of

    I ml copy ilcalline it nmin Thundiy in.i . pext awl iiuiet thinking aiioul I ktiiaa. IS ihe cdim .tiifiiAi. r,mw- • Finally, be satiDficd with inua tM favonic place or object. your jKcomfdiKhmcnu. Tighicn. ihcin telan muscle ) ,

    Entertainment The HarhinjitT May 5. I'WX Pagt' 4

    MILAGRO BEANFIELD WAR untCerground band digs Us due to Earlg death u/atf out unnatural causes? h) r mil Rconl. I cannm think of a hcuer Cnmtrlliuiliifi Wrlur woidlodesiTitw it On first lislen, the tracks may blend together wiihoM

    b» >«»n C'lillwrl Ibjui hcitii: . iWttrte* (jwiauK joh with one of imlays Midnight Oil developing sqiaiiic personalities.] Si»ff Wrlltr ..,,... .mj roost (f-w roles for Ilusi" most desifjl-,. great women "Deisel and hut alter a lew more plays, tlic

    "Tile Mila|ro < Maybe vtttal iupp*')rter of all things There are some flawrs Ciilumhia Rec ass < l» songs entrench ihe,m',sclves in

    BemtCickl Wir' never itittni ihi,- wm 'xottigcal. RtMiltird had jiim iriatk ho'wever. Sonn; nf ih.ir.ktcrs your mind and vou understand the 111 be filmed. arc not full) ; a splash wilh one of the finest Midnight Oil lus rclnrneil v,j%t range nl xivle>i represented Nictiol'si (M Jolm I9T4 : Rsed , .! case ol" the i dirccicmal dchuis of all lime, .III.'.- J ''I'lu- .il -I'i, .' ',* ith .1 11, ''.I here mini iif the vnm name, the anil ihc "Onliiiiiry 't^jiple'" by John Neaidi The 'Stjle tluji,i;i"^ Ikh" M>ng vlriry n »ci m lite smill New Wheffl' he tnncinnced that he jovemment apiUJinteil lawyer lo wng arc ii.'il .c- .lr.blK ,>^, lor Movt o tuwm of Miibgtt) wanted "Milagro" ici fw hn 'Oirimiiptiei Walken), Neil \ iiune'v \ivlc Mi-rc. ilie |)0'ptiliiiioii I'll follow up II l>'»'

    ' puM-ti\ ^irk'kcn njiiu-ei »re ' * ' hadh'.': .ikUfuracii'i ..omt". ' la Ki>nstadl\ Mill liar style walchii'U' Ihi-ir Ijiiil luring I [ilt-ltl -lllv 1' 'iL:ev. l>yll<,)t>/c.l h\ ihi; L".,t!iiitmiii,-in »,,,,,••, (Mift..!.... ", V. TluT,.' » .ii.lte»,( wthiw I. ^vi'l'li,' 111 H' ^ I. I'lunir, in Ihe whole album i> slill ^elc>n(trng i.> a ujjSil merely t-iilfd 'Hr,'. .ft\ .iTut land devetojicfs wife I„,ii, urn.; wtiiiiici debut album. Midnifhl Oil, but »tiile


    (fcvdopirit'ru nimpvinv "> ' w.',i!,,f,'[ witli 1 ''t I', s .1 I 1 . jnoihi;' fillies the film scan longei ^ h '. "Beds Arc Buriimg"' is .i ^'rcat KfiiCiDg the kmn's ru.>ih. itunn .got 111' !i.:i bncf *p|»aran>;e's, dance tract, the hand also wilU'l »l«:k m-w golf tMurw ]• Alt m alt, ihrw minor Haws presents us with "ArciK WiirUT'. Tlie <>( Hie sting 'Dreamworld"

    'pranitio ituu itK .mktiiion of ilii* ' i': ilday iJk- ['; jcif jnd tlts„,,:l.Clh.ll V,'C,.11>. - .in. I \ci\ ball lead dclinnrh coniurcs up , •omiltosijy will l)nn,| new ,)(*» s*,'re'i'i inflate ili. xut of ni'KBtling the Midnighl Oil also R i; M . •"Whoah"..i!.'i awl much ncettet rrv.-nm- l.-> r,h<- '" ' ,' '. you l«> ' niirid.„'d me i)inu' a mi fliMiK'iailly cnp(tl.' ' • tt, iml'iM, one of I hi- Saints: a n d &amc arc n. 'i . 1..^ .,.,1,1,, . < wmilil Hl Dtmiw >el':iiM:» in tmpk'v lUi v ncv ifctiounfc i:; tiarhiije" Beaotield W,ar w-as ihis 1111 'Itxali li> WMk (Ml llie in%|jillaiji:n I'i i in I'Ik' i"v.- , to te filmed,, but I'm dain rf fcii. i»n>|ea. In «WitMW lo rto It was! the bani.) Miilaiilc work, a Uwyer ifotn tio-hiiiiifucU .iiki iiii'iuiid nil p.i;:c S >:i'Mnc will tit n K) rtiw imfwrty I'mvcrvil Stuitios sisened almo%i i-ni-1, «} higii ikat lite naiiff-i '

    ' shiMied loatmit n . •i >x- fofi-etl to n»ve WilliJini Rainey Harper College As It SUIKls, tttts : ' .t i>ne man named Joe ' at the' piMM i,if «ti ", .,„,. «,ii) Fasfi'ion DdMf tMiia i' rt Ikbrndragon ilcculcs he s had 'Tliiis H llie saddest (ki of all. presents «'IM«|I| and l'si|;i\ iriU't the What Redfbril and ccimpaity have ((I'vernmenl renriclcd water dMie ii mate » twautiful rnovir luiVly K) imgaui. Iiu htanRelds The Best of '88 fc*llic Grecnhcrg's cincm.i Ml. in mm. fecit ha I'amily tognptiy deserves in Oscar for Fashion Show You can imagine hnw the the taathtahiiig ncetiery , as dries |M4J 'ikvelopcrs read to this aeior Cartas Riguemelnn: for hts 1 9th AnnuaJ Designer Som yixi art kit with a iWfKJ.off uutsta'ndmg portrayal ol Showcase hMW'cen the nil i vet and tug Amamnie'. a senile old mam who hmiitms.. travels witit a large pig and Suck cmiflktt were itle itufT ci:in¥ertes with angels and g|»sis. 'IIm inewt htu office Ixminxa n The cast is nwmkd out with tlir pnMtoIogical i«*entie». so it eicellcni pcriwroances hy liiilc W'ls no surpriw when "Miiapo" known aclors mcliidtng Chick WHS iminediad) ma.p|N.\l up with Venem at the pnxid-hiit-siithh'mi iJie iiMiiii of twtngtni it to the I'oe Mandngon iikI musician tMg acnen:. Rutien Blades ani Milagr>> -- TliKe wriicn later, talf a biwiMtng shcnff. tktttn (jiikd KTip** »nd sn years, Htmorahle mention r-. May 11, 198« ilic inginal bm-kcrt eavc up and nian'fi'--" '•nta Braga 4lh'' 2«00 pm Matinee I llie pnivi'i, Kii* O't the F;i*f R<:*«;ri Hc,Jii,..!,l v,i.i.- 111 who dCKS J ing Btf'ilifing M, Book Your Summt^r Marper College Vacation With Uh... tiatldirifl J

    „i'ii/ .iam, Muwiuoo jrS'*i. visa ««) Wawrrfafd actupiwl, secaH'Tania mctrwomsts l>rkc tav ttokels wc»fWi moci'iniMo

    m.'ctirH?* 114 SO pvPfl'mg M> 50 is • fi.i:H»i,C'ICi«miif:t 56 00 ("vpnino I'B flO

    '1 4t'i,jdi"nl I n

    DebbieTexnps -.rper College Car^wral* OWIc* <.}i:i •«« i4»o The God's honest mt^,^:-*-

    Tito tatties-- MICHAEL JACKSON HAS THREE HEADS! -Wears one, carries one, one at cleaners! WHERE ARE THB:Y NOW?

    Happy Sally lelds finds

    missing Private life hasn't treated Walter Mondale well. genitals!

    San Pedro Shocked- SISTER BATRILLE FATT/ES i EXPLODES ON REJOICE! TAKEOFF! Revolutionary--. Esslmiyf Imirnew ,iih Carlos Iht Casino I ^^^ WelgMIOSS Owner pjg^l GIANT KOALA

    NEEDS LOVE MB BJI '-Kills four ROADKILL Th a n k sgi ring h orrnr— CROSS-EYED MOM DIETI BASTES BABY, BATHCS BIRD! '»r Page 6 ^Upcoming^ The HjirbinRcr May 5. NXX 1

    •^ Back... &L| popular demaad

    S'Hefel Drum PQadL

    1.0 pa -rs^i,-. tlAi^

    FINK £iMiMn« a mmiLt, smim, i )ea.


    .•Hf m, it .,, Hi ' Congratulations

    ... litillitU »ri|iht.rilifi'«'iiil

    «;.#.,( tl-t

    *ii„Bi-'t«;.-«l «<::.« ' # ^«fi'tt tiJiK

    vj^h w.iN livLfsslul in raising C0llgratulati;>nv i.- H.ir-^-i - 1' " ', l,.r ihi- 1 All end of the CoUigiatc llliii' t'* 4i« (aiujuci *hich wiil he on ii#i«iiii AfAffil'I' iiiiiiiiii||i«Hiiii" I the Deal h: l , » tiiiH-llMi ,i.,j, May le ai ihc Village t.ir n.i^n l.iNi high-iTUTgy rhjbhnu« in I r« Apartmcru "• till Sai'uniay "Altractrns dnvers hy «. Schaumhufg Foi irilorraaluvn, wivtfH: ' "') *eann|'. conuct K.ireii Hale a CliK Ca\cy ii'i mfm'hers tathirig like III CK. ?;wi. (M. A, D. would .drew, linn 1 ...:.;) c:;irsiolhf .1 »i1«>u UM. U) ifiank. all »'ho conlrihiiied lo car wasti hckl Mwi-cii ButlUings w,**f»ii*. m;ike ihe (undraiMr a Bicccss. ' • tw twu'Wif i;i!iii!i, V «ii(l M Waitinii, ..imimn-1^ ,:.*«»:t*rl1 rfS,fJ*i'««i* #*!' '* *'« *"'"' were f.i sun a It'll hy l!u- 1:.w i'!i,'!h. Ifiii iMl .. ptunii; h.iruK., Mimiltancnunly

    V. 1 ! iir «=&' SigHlSfl. atrJ >rk n t , 1 he c — mmw . BSJl IB BJSHIBSJnSli

    ,: ft, 1,4 * I 1 1 #

    ..I'll. tit 1 irtt tt' ''

    UriitiTJiion for itw mwiwer. IWt, ieme«ief wit lutiit •»• Wnl CJi'ly If .pttaiion in ApnI. The Wlowmg rWtilc tmlicalei iby! SiudtM lime o( fegiMTiUOfi.. Infonniiiion h»i hetn diflnbirtcd by ihe LEARN HOW Devetormem Foully rttmttmn *e loial KJdioiK uSminf rn'S"™' A Break For The Dayume repsirauon is by ipi>omiiiieni eartJ oiJiL_AP'l»»mm"' c^")' Rcftiiiraj Office al i;00 tomr ift jvulaWe heimnmg April I lib m ihe j.m, SiiKlents «rt eBcoiiraied lo leu eouim-lwi for uiiiunce m HBJCOPTERl cht>iingilKirctK.>a. Broke. Temporary jobs for students on or Winter Break. turmy, Ih* Atr Spring. Summer nam m »n Wjtt..' FALL Any time you have time off. you triMffiil Pr«3C)d<^ can earn the extra dollars you need. noon Mjy*. 10 11. IJ 9 a.m. ID assignments available in • (»m. Temporary A 13 t pm. » clerical, marketing, light industnal and even technical fields. Good MUST BE PAID BY MAY 31. 1W8. OR TUITION A rets experience. SCHEDULES WILL BE CAN.CT.LLEO pay, and valuable Call us now.

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    RESEARCH PAPERS Western '•^^^^ ' 17.000 to choof* from— oU fublactf nnmm immi. Low«»t Prices, Largest Selection S>" _. ^-.^loQ Today witTi Visa/MC or COD Ord«*tns 1 •800-621 -5745 Hoi Ufw to: Of . rush $2.00 R«t»trch S««lc«i, Inc. Aumor*i Cii-i • Medical • Ttcbmcal 407 S 0««rbtKn, Room 1605 LigM Ir. a • Photo • vmoolape ChlciflO, IL 60605 wuESSSSmm. Custom ms»Bich alto »*»il»bi» —*ll l»*»fa Page 7 L Comics The HarbmRcr Mav 5. 1W8 ACMIU JS mtmOm BUM

    1 The 'J I fTCECI 4a «•»»••» Weekly mam tsmir an 4JPW 141 1 TiTnTn= 43 Thick MMip ymmmmmjo CrDSSword wmmumts IT MfUCMn.. 'iMr l=rt. nm rm umi 4T fWI Dack m 30 i tfTtmn 4« SymtxH 'w 111 lanttkun 14 Qraluilt SOSMI SI Click IMNIIM M Slakt ••'kKh Mtwr* SS Winlw T Tm>l# hoiaififl M IMI 3 £i|u«>« » Sfn»ttp««n»n 4 F>otHI>tlv« •K^ DrofMMin 5 uvMlJt or«« 111 OiBlrct I'H saookkanpm"! »a CAL.DAHA - JON ^ by 1' I'i i:> |. H m g^.,. l. 1 |K- fl 1 SMtt-(r*fli*s ^ y iff w«»

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    Join a Wcrld-Class Organization '

    Page 8 The Harbinger May 5. 1988 __ News,

    128 years of Dedication Seven Faculty Members Retire

    pwfcswr o< hiology. Donovan nnngtM Rail Bf Wachlin professor o( hwlogy ^ifm R4ltiir «n t<»6«. Chicko Nanitiu Seven faculty members joined I2K profesmr of fa.<>b>on design and whw all loialed donated mefcltandisini and Gene ytu% of service lo Harper Kimmet profotnor of ecooiimici College. «ere ai)pr«>vtd cith who both joined in W70, relircmeni m January A Ewald pfofessi« of rewanem nxcplion »» held f« Mariuerite development m W?;. thf« dedicated members on student imt Shirley niillipt ^is'^istanl Monday. professor opcratmii nwm Vice Prcsideot o* Academic tecbniciim in 1*74. Adairs David Williams, made Willuni^ pn-srnrd an aeriii some brief remarks in phok) ot Harper CoUe|c to ac* ajjjwcalKin of ilie lervice fi Ihc faculty member and then the following faculty nnmhcrsJoe dean reprcsentiiiK each ClouKr professor of chemiilry division faculty mcinbei enpteued ihcir who jomcd the »tiff i" IW IPhokt By Frank Schwarttl , „..-.,.», r,r P'etiire nf ' Palma guliiude. • ,i4v«lW,!him»iires«num««i.l ,„ u,. wiih Ray De PiO".!'-!'! . "*"'„„hi alonf Vict -«"«• -O '«'»•" «""»• '^ » "" Hapcr Cwipif m Kimm... P- tark.. d.an of life

    Library Automation ffaffi iM Observatory gift Approaches ° i£, Si iiiibI ii- w '88 Completion from class of undent - all functicns lelaied to Re lease 1 miegraie ( Harper News donated to the observatory circulation, cataloging. Milinucd rrnm first pact Siudcnts at Hafi»et Colfc|« wilt project customer service, acquisitions. encouraged soon cn,joy the same advantages I'eople will he m The Sludcni Senate, as a iiiaintemmce, interlibrar>' loan. qtound for one dollar to aviiilahk- brick of «iiiomai«t reiciirch buy a fail-safi: measine have decided to number reserve rtwrn. pt;noi1ica!s. and the pn>je<:l. to siudenu i»l a growing he.lp fund lioti.tu- ^:^.rt"K) to renovation o( dtstiibuiMin. a guest and umvefsmes media Also, next scmeswr jiiaee the lounge of colleges , m a well as at The system approved was astronaut Harrison will cross lite stale, as band speaker, .ij!,. The money wi* the ' • :i..^ - !•• . maintenance agreement Sthnii , titty public libra,rH"i. tntitinued fniin pifc * tv uM'il to make the fire place comijaity, which was cited ••''• i,,>t ihi v.icm iime r>i i.-*l H-irr. Complctiitn to them . rtiti<,--v hiiitledge .ind cona-quently cut the . ""commfMlahle" ui*t<»mer .j'iccirw " .r >- " lis will ;ii!lii>» •.ludern^ t,i> '. ¥i,K,alist f''' .ippwt tystcni. fSivii.ll!; '" .iperalJOn costs. highlv i Dinpks rt It actual I '< .in: problem solving u-thnmuc* a compui-i—.- i,'Sii:)'i " (iriJietiN ibmugb H.nlc\ .,( I nt' SjiHH The compain .il-.>. ofl:-line catalog pio«i*m employed. ("..liviitcnng that i> bil .. !i,Mr..'r record of resialvinn .m\ ,1 mucli: moire has a '! -I-" ihetrl :cnntainii>g - -.IS hardware o» .software and ml'cirmjiBon llwn can 'he incltidbd .11., 1,-m, „> ivk functions promptly .w *c!l ii» 111 ii iLinttmt i'.ml catjllog. .i„t<,i '*ii„h i*. il-\irORARY niliware for TOll^*-. ihe purchase providing upttoied ! Iv The music N*m1» you' the HiifTHJf thise nyMcms, lull Ihc whole ban.; I .lysicin is Bi>*i'tl. of Tf'i'-. Ttie mtegmcd comloitaWy liO'in 'ft cjnilv .md gencnil office skills nettled' — sheduled (oi insiallatHxi m All . "> ,p ««'«'' and get the' one surarmrr fo,' TODAY!! TEMPORARY feen sum.itier and early fall and W.wk this Colkge Ubcify wh.ich has «>nig and "pht 'Jik. "'i'* have a chance a HUiet you won't gel at any o«,her job. You will «ihtm shau.M h; rtjidy to serve paliolls tMc Ivnefil m pfogress since I'Wi, rtjc*«rs.. pri/cs like a the I'M"* - F«d l>roht!. or one of W) fabulous later the I"«.H..S'* jtcadteni* I,,. *in a the inietlibrary (oam w»» m underproiind hand I torn An Janiaia. a rack stereo oe a CD player. to inp m aymmaied. alJowmg slmlenls year.. under that is now no longer (town also could wm a night « Ptoptar Creek! materials form The preliminafy steps to You obttin rcumrte underground (thanks in part to CAIX: to completely other cotlegc and public bhrane'S convert a constantly showing the MTV (or Sharan for detaib auliimau'd system have already ihroughouuhe natum clip to "Beds Are Burning"). automated been accomplished by the Cataloging was Midnight Oil IS finally getting college joined library faculty led by in \m wben i»m; the gixid reviews and attention library .AulcMi'ialion Coordinatof Linda On line Computer that this album shows that they (j lover. Cento (OCLC). iteierve. This final step in During the instalLilion [K-n«), student* anil ^utf wdl 1.1 1 1) 240-9411 auionatioa has been urnler study Rating (Ml of f: ihc card since ibe spring of lpointimnt call: . ,-\sk t, , Palatliw »•. Court. Suit* 100, LEE & EUniTS I Ml Rl\(. 3S9-757S »»3 erwnUm am* SmurOf «ppom(m»mj 261 Rtchcn MytMw. > W(X)I)D\l-t- t 1 1 r 1 M

    Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds ^c#

    The HarhinECT May 5, 1988 Page 9


    jnd dediciied people Tlie ." Ad Rates \ \ r u II i Classified nru Hinrhin'Ker hn HI "'' t"* dijtriltui* J ( ft fl u equtpmenl. for desk nd h«i'' '"'I' tiiesi •'kills lli»l Urndtnt mm-tnmmmtu>l : i-.Libluh.ing The»e f' r>i,;i; •"'* * ith V'i>u '•'l"^" * e(a«*trt«l* •'• (»•« itm th./ ..jn Uke n *. 1 J 1 / k 1 h m •I'- rimrihuto" c»n cj- eim 1 Bf* ! ul'flir " fUtci .111; m " n i at* l« ^ (tl. in I in cii|IU It.i*»«> t -Id »tl «t'*duU* clJ L" :,:, mmii'ssii'T hy the ff-' i»ililtiu>«<»l U M flinK'!' 1 • ll«'re*-^ , t « mth .,, . . . ckiiv* uih**^. .1 j...... '.-iri by ^f^(« ir For J" t« ploy •It JtcT 2 p.m and maU tn n-— ,ni. '''J J offer ""tS ?tl»3 I; ' n*Kn PHOTOCRAPHT »rili| l-'in » rn t HeinWtanil .i.r the (aiure "f SITU At SOW WANTED Piper «i t ''.iHiM: |lwi*H«r H. Mi,|in,m»nd Cire. Elk ' .i.i.) Call Frank • • in Child %,< •• 'frr ... . * 1 . IIG*1,SE1« VICES Bt.iu n/Sunbwf«t Hir^dly ,,.•«,» One 1,0 yr <>W. ' CONSULTATION used, received is « gifi t • FtEE "; .iMii'ii-comt. •n«l: ; ,.t Ci.ll Id «»ekd,iyi n t? «? tH (>, I vr« tor „; J •^* '»• "' WU/eyftiW (InKone? cook ink Bcike in FEKDRR ("If.M'IM (* r "fc o J ifter 2 t> m md P n .., t i T I fl e * » I n. c • ' r f ,11 1 . ilud'0M Gl ' iiniui" «ir 'lleyhall cne f> ,J64-"tllO (ior(s •• O'l'i' "« ; t »( Iff <> p iiii7K«piwsta,k: s I J ; , -. 1 jv .nurm- .nde pendent J '1.:"" i.:,luln or 1.1 Miichhaefc cm Tfd • Eeckrr ^ I 1 wuhing to man 1 person Helfi-SiUUSJi Cuseiie. *C. En Bechf" Si.erei:ii wirranlv, l'»..StH) »r imime ,M,t3aLL..A„M,aU jUt- " •' toifl plui diifrerenee 1i.S i D E I.. S .C,*8 »7^'T:M3't'*»»tn.is F E M .A L E M ^ ' eti Ini- , V 1 m SESVtf'F FOR FFNT WANTED BARN$3nO TTPING 21^ <>...} ..- II if Sihurei mijde nr < ' |»»7K»DMrST.«it: lpo.ie Need i . h< gciH. 1*0 no ill Ket.d .(ifilteEi" i" .) lend Waif .4.-cyii .. i.tic4i ifir To Mv DirJmf

    I ' t>«r 'inorilh' «. 1 r boi .^.ii|t..iBi H Sl'll., cut 1,

    riyl:.e Cii(t ''. Murk. •» .t»

    [[. tit does HItPI .-kaiiti ', .lur 1.11 !J \ jur

    .: • »> . nt. hut e ^ l'»i.|.««Ti:„MI-fcR''' ..ilen

    .««.- 1. ,B.Hy.er» CiLide U* 6 S'T- r.«in eice atte'nd fcOOO., .Ell S-l«l'.t leven yrs .111 Ray For Biore tiv >ur .RSM..E reat c..«.lll.u.l.» i!"'- ch idr en GOVT SI EZED HOMES ^.tSTIKSTESlSTElKC it.t«"ll(i«« Harper 1 and alun . i.ir, II yr* aid... .»ludent.s ' bftJ.ie' n-anted I.' '....I l.".'.'t nk ITirm . .•tMleivi a»ii4 iMikiiBf \re

    ' rag catii • •!"* W h V , MOO I « R mm I 2 n to IS."! •fiS».0. lUrp' Hk- lohi Harper ''o siege We have , male to ! dill P'Ool iccessihle * « II lied m o^. iwimming GOVERNMENT HOMES V y t f. €!, H'SMCM. «»T - ., 16. iLld and vr mav iMe 10 disabled individuals (r.ii t v" base i.>l '•..'ill he Cml't Mike milcK you up *"ith Monies raised l-r;.i .. . , 1 • For m o r e m Itched by the Educational lnfi>. W.H(Ji..'; l..iitinK Uiem call 317 30 no Foundi'i n We ire ipprt 4li<(..3'i46. EXT H mlormiiion or nop in :il the t"iOil amay from our goil ;4 HRS ALPIKT, 7H»4 «II ?720. tan spontor swimmers Cir Stereo. hW. FM CilttUe Plieemenl Oltice.

    from 9 00 a m 10 3 00 p m . I reverse. '> I le* K> *»ll> • • • " iL I..I!.' M.':.IlUli V « Mav >>, \ HIdg . • nd wuiic senmr T*'i» Attention n Thursday So.'im-A- T">6'H3(» tpenkers llticresiei' liorfiei 2ni( fir or at Ihe tifCi TOYOT.^ pioneer I Hirb inter needs you' Thon Friday, May *-, I 1 30 MR2 red eiceilenl Comal '* *»V "» *'«' T(w Mil Lwrie We need, writers, editors am to 2 00 p m in M Bldg conJiiion ,ivski.n« f-VSIlO Mking.

    ('}4.-o:}.'73./h» . or l».14- Call «'l^^,i44•^l"i'i li007/*k

    -. F«ENl!ft I SEASON* GttSOiS sc ., Air cond . reir *ilh case - |4<»I1 M»r»l»ill . -n . pvT sleerinf. NECd CASk fOR . Kiirg Vt St' all eo«,b"i::i |4'»0, , «.j. aM/FM stereo el'l«'M» (>'i| 000 miles .Hskini. PM.i 4'UI BO'dulir collcqc ?? 'iwreo ltan(er 1 ' ."111:1 Ii.c;.ellenl cnnd , no '|

    Bii..»;.B.'y Biew Item I tlu»» wi :i2 H tGHIS. II. 600/ '^'"l'. «•»* rut t:re.«l .AfkitM 1 1 ,,', ;,'j 705 e!5?7 .Itl J.2»3 nmxfi 'ii",\i.i''« wiMTi: fOK ruH mrciiBMATiM luuiLir li'ir S'lle . .|ill irade

    -.. RfiGIKCT BEAV'TY k WS y! T!l '..ell. eiicetter. Page 10 Photos The Harbinger \la> 5, I9HX Student Art Show

    111"!'*' -* iiruMl li»ri>ri . iiW hu :'•' ;!:;,,vu,gh Ml im»..lir!.' '' -

    >.:ul flmn of huiMint A- , '."'' ''."' Cnmi'ilftt' 1

    ' .! iirn't i"r-iTimiiter studftits

    1; •• icMdrrntc ;?!<:K-i>ing

    Attn It i'C"*'ii'

    Itii\timf I'll- . ilU'illlMll { '.,ill\ ITlll'lll -.litlltlililll

    Campus Frt'vit'w

    !»:(M» a.m.. Siilurdav. dune 18

    The Harper fxsiiv.il Chorus prcformod Li^i Simday in M-bldg. The clmnix which was V undue led by Aniliony \' Mr.xt;irdo. consiMcd

    of more than KM) shhiv ' ^si^,>rt;^l soloists, and orchestra.

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    .•urn tup /Ml ^t-:-.: I'rnu-'fi Call ti'iiin 359-6 110 Blair Temporaries 6«0ft7 mm E. Norlliw«t Hwj., Palatine. II 1

    Page 11 Mav 5. IWK

    Early Look at the NFL and Swan show An r.j!,ht 11.111 uy Brmlsha* Marcus AUfti rlay* pn*»bly sikc birth Sicekrs- camp the Bert, Jones. plays Ml tult up al the Cltiwp""**'P Cams. and Brown Scoti Bordfflii 3. Kenny "ibc Snake day. By Predirtton* 4. While announcing a following fdltnr mmicliard't of rennrmcm Walker fills m .Spiirl* Siahter cfmic* oul Terry Bradshaw 5. Herchcl lo William Perry Iciids mc TBS (tame be saymg I. ilic Ra"""* Danny Noonan at You miy 10 OB StiMcr can do it for ittc injured H'- vrnmsci. il.xKlcsthaiif "1 "Whai:' ^ taiihal! NPl in Konnfi '''^''' pr.vUiims youxKlf llnforuiiawly his ""^ '* .alls («n>cr nose guard. Walkci >«'»'''^'' *''''' voc.uihc BraJvlu* tevt not 'ten tat iKJi-so'-in*" '';^;' thi«i '**' (uvi lo>c arocte? TTii: Cubs ciwtckW »i "' anything. 1 bill not a» Lynn .S*aii. who .s can do ihf lii^ '.*^^ tcimniatc play^of" bccomt-. ' cl.mrnatctl from Perry Ranter bums. Socmg In his (irsl gami.\ calch '•' currem a Glotwtfcuicrs ttamc comfKlrtion m„„ut (iankct it» covering turned ctjfitcnlion ycl." the Sn.ik,c can liUll sitamblc Swan former sprinter subf. ai thai ABC, and asks il the 1 l>uf Michael aHo for August , (lasises.. wishb«jne, s*:ks. True. It's not L.A, switches I" ihc aiwihet ballerina collceUi three wants lo pv>- ilic NFl. (he r«;em NR. Draft mspuei y"' suirts at up^'hack. ^-''" . r> 1.. Ho Jackson Kc¥in GoHsi.-'" ^'•"" ''"' ['•• '- Blwchwd an*) I ' OjiKt. '* ,. ivll.:u'«r. tmty pK-iaixm p> aiiang", "'" ,liln \'.v.M.lll''l' ' tiirtf, of 111 n»*: 1 J. Hj.t-.,, *<-''''"" "'' b> .l'"t each, some rctilaticl ibc tcatm- YiMicunl'ii" Harlaiigb Iciitts twiilinf!. Vitmi" |'ri'(lHlion«. 4. The Minm;«Hii f, '" Cciiiial .;c jriil lernu'i ..Mil itk' "^I

    ' • s- <'il l).iM^ 5. The J':»i;rs so

    ••'•'" ' .« Ron SujK'i Bow), hui l<''«'

    :.] wilttin ilic Irnliitfap'tt'st'olL* niltet tws iv from Bordon'i rredkiioii^


    •in Rivera i'- un,glt'icx->li iiiJiingrai'i'..

    Ct>lis, i Raiifcrs' 2. The Baltimore ;,; Loo Aii(k» Indianapolis, surjinse the (laniber one draft pick Tim mean world by winnmi; Bnwn wins the Rookie of itte NFl. ai¥l the e. ,,,,....• h.,'ulI VVIIf imlikf Yea Awawt and l<«t» *«.; fcaguc in puni returns. ' >">L •: "»"-• s,,,.. ,,, • ^.ii. 4. Steve \omt si-i't- the hig re.i»iii> I tiMk games at i|uartcih»» me <'( Spwis fiditor was to Frmsisto than J« "'' {WMtion • The Sanka Coffee Boy gets maki : kmi. iraded m hull. Coll- m,.ii'> '-•" - Browns heoi a I >'ns tan hii ,e,u,.s ,hc hall -'''" '<:"',,-, 5. The Cleveland K. D„.K. ol,:.,,' even before the nlors dav^ ol ,''~";;';;::^v::;f finally «'n '''< *''*"

    S.iturd.iv iind continue ihrii J

    1^:^-7 l^j. S^^ \Ji/tnh/.

    »"< f" '•" "•*" m II ttk« n I ">«» * f*"" ''^'""** ,Mr nr» »• «•»»» «••* " '•» htm U InlMii €•*« «t nHxHUitV'kraw MMI mm *iiwfCiii-wM w«''»«"'s "' mi wt »iM ii» f>* *•" ""«" " »»' tllWl tpw '<«» » >"«»•"<' •"•" '" (.miviw Mn**»l •Kl'*« **' •" »" •l"W»«" IMH' ,.,,H.fl ID.' »•€• '"

    Fashion Brand Name Shorts Surf Wear 14.M ' 57.33

    Brand Name Adult Crew Neck Frank Robii~n. Sweat Shirts B»llin»rt OridB Mm.ter 5 6.33 or ^ 3 for MB^OO woiK WMIM irou wmi to wom


    980-8900 TH. WltiidV Crouroad* MdoaPNita Cwtiar Ott Pric* Cwtw C«nt«f S«Mm>in9 C«nl»r Shopping DowW'S G'ove »mi|i|»inil Park aioom.ngdate Height* Highi-ifHl 620 1668 ArUntjIiHi 9696 B93 3340 392 212* 831 iempof€»ry j.ervic»3j»

    f ». V NO HI 101 m _ Sports The Hiirbinser May 5, l«)X8 Page 12

    Track & Field: Region IV- State Meet Approaches Women to defend titles

    Shs- need* 111 jump !8 (eel

    SH'iirls Ktftlor 10 get to NaiMinals, hi'r hi-sl ihi* seasDii IS 17 '10", litfc/ k al'Hi The HarjicT lr*:k anil I ui.l

    (cam IS gcaiing up Un the less ihart a sirecnid away trnm Region IV- Swe track men. goini Id Naikmli at 4(|lin. whicli will be; tekl this Friday L

    ' 'Til, Ttii- .. ' ,ll be week. J.!' who .ihliin, is altemf't h its eempctc- Ro|,K>n IV mil Main mic. another p.it muu hu-hnIici.. Cmch Rfiwe Zfllncj r; Hartwr tompcled at the tiptimisiic. "t ihinfc »c mc Elmhursi Relays on Saiutday. (WnglixkigriMit." Aptt\ Ifl, The i»om«n'i li;ain Zenner wan ntmctl Rcgum plated eighth anwm( eighwen IV ("iiath ol the Year in hmh Results wen; m (blkiwrt 8A' (lai wIhI and H^ and • Bylobi MrVirter) chiiice to w«ii the awwil this Wh« luri Mantes umk inpersm Vicb tPRl f'ers«,)nal Recwd

    U>|KU; ailiial, "(vm aihler will <.2 1 Sa:ond-place lillifh Medley- Lopej'. Wusicpe. hurdles- I-!,:-), HKtai dash- broke hi,nh ibc me« and Kaifer (..vrnijid- plate finish te trjmg Ihcir hardest , I ibink 20" 1", mIhwI with a lime of Thafer. tatira Neubaiim- 11.15. long jump- 1 triple record Lope/, long lunip' Ifi'lO" sttiue schtH'l frti'nils Md I'm the 1:14,

    .m3 4Mtl^^^ m3 iM M m Jl. II k^l^^ 1 101.1

    .i-.t.frt h.

    " • t Sporii Wrtttr ibtmghi **(Jo mriK'k out rune.. 'The HarT»T bas<-b:ill (earn » pitcher 1-. 'nie .nxoiMl i^illlMt 'Ml AiMHl

    .'!' *> r«.'' 1 I'. • lis 'li piepaiHiji bi

    ^' ' .- " lournamerii being nenl this ih.; he a big Micpcr • Miiraiit

    Saturday c1'.. Valley S

    HchI ("oie:ll[)im Ko«. gave ...... I highlighto The I'towk* cipWed with

    ",: ;>. . i.'.i I'l'llowr fiisi intiint: Ends his pl.ivi:!'.. some iid»tce aboui of 'I,. are as scy.en rims, tn t'he (he uptoiiiini (iMmey hefoc the Harptr III IllilMiis .fc*ii Buoawa and "Tony Vac a SkiII Ittiriton (amr Twii: Harper R Opfei, lly team' I last regular scam game, Vsltcy eiicl hi I a bwitc run S,|)ittrls l-'dOiir Rock Valley ^ 'The rnny *e;itb« dul 'Hot 'TtHkl Tcslti. Mark Hull el. fkan ';-:"' which wics played laxl Saufday 't'li.- i.i VI.-!.- i.-hinit ' ...a.. "I"'- • " - "Ttns IS our tasi game !ri shuHHIg: Van rh-Mni', Rick Cuakley and a sui'i

    ; he ctiotesi all sutred runs m the VtVii- ..I,-. ii.i,inals*tart , w^e has. Kuft 'Kruui worn ., .. Ill the 'ID relieved Ofcriicfc i;nu.iiefin winniiif: " s.jij I'im. Al U!'yii«: ( doll I'"' . in:'iri,il ".,,.1 ">!('*» »inl Weill on iti gel llr wni. wuni-i' .r.'l l.i.,t *'e havt to K Ul.;". Pniby. . ti.hl iV,,.. ul Itlf [Physically pre p.i' II.1SC ! H'9r)sei ! il... ;in.l .idJeiil two t'tariicr 4 MinlM' • " !* .iJtcr N-i,;:l:lli.Se . !,.lei HIasky 'Valttf S ajtmii ifier.. hus am! The Hawk* had been, teli .(i-iins Ml. HIM.. .1 Ni ."... iiin, iicorrfess ibfu three. Kiif'lel and r'yilai/. who recorded ih. flttrjjiwn .Mrorcd iht team's, first kininSi'i'i- i- iiru" ^k'lory a.ni'.vied ' nc .Sjaf:i)'ti'>l lib

    . 'iree: llljsin 7 '' Oni',i",,r».i liarprr .* .»kl rcflB

    (..irjicr did marut'e t.".

    .' 1 I "Ml Ml irn: fiwrth inning

    Ic.llTl |,'|l 14 'I'l-r Millbjll Hull (in -11"' "H.T.ilI MiiJiflc I record

    lit rs I.' fare

    til..- .. /)(((' to final exiuns. next week's issue of the Harbinger

    11/7/ /)(• ///(• final issue of the sen^iester. n U™i»e rrciwded « s'leion m r- nn ..iiiit M.i Hci'i |«Bi« IwiJ of the M.»w*.»'

    HARBINGER VOL, 22 NO. 27 The Hiubinjier May 12. 19S8 Career Placement Center McGrath Caught in the Rush Returns For

    lit \Hya l.'U'llhlBll M»fT Wrilrr anit Commencement ri'..(i„Mr

    . (TOficntnf; in JaniLin j

    ' rv \l.!!v ,l:r..::... ,•.- .„

    mnntee* ot siwk-np .mil ii;m(i'!<>\i:« iiwolvcd

    lit lolv l"ts/; Mill. [

    "'1(1 in IK u^Kt i.ni(>ij,i- • , ill M..riin H.'tlfj »l irri/cxl >.ysii:ii> Slu- 'UO llW' • Jii'-ii made i 'lilt!, tall, 111, will ,.,..,,,, ,,,,,1,

    ••'illi. Ml H-. ' .r*;iril r«l««Ml on:: til )•' ' mtm: - rial pml* .crcnM'iin •Pit. Hit >n :., ! ..,..•. innnwj. ,, ,, i iiir ItlC 1.1 .(mini; .1 |l,iil:i!;li,' |tO:Krapl'iiCiil jin>.i [ircfrtrii.. ' McKt of hn go.i hi- fi J I filing; r. k-r BA ciiher pafi-iirtif i>f i,,, .iMciii iilinins bctti bomtamg iitLieit-iiii^: nipkiymcni. lit ((inifiii The WW «vera:pr ippn-- J' "The »iudi:.! IS job tiMic!.-' 'lit (hr fiLit,t:Hn:rii n-iit.tt w'hrii Jiudicnts i'olfctitcm or I i*i)nc ] m t Iff ni,iUlK-d tuili J |<.h Th.' ficifc Jll, <'irii-..•

    , j,„ Al my (tivcn it me \iuociil!. It i.lu.,t-. ltt;kl III 111!" Ml ,,,( \i 111 iJii' uminiumi*

    liave more ihiin I . MN) iti fobti » .hik-stnixu. hlfltdimg «j:k. . .Ii llliri HI ^hv is J tlk-lnl-. t nl Phi (rttm. «h«Me Ami Ptaceracmi ' tit. uNc^ J timtiitl I "I " ' »i" i'unvisi lit .' M HcWKtrary Smiciy center tiaCI aft utmuitled by aHvf All Harper MUiki. i'ariicii»,t(U% allhii., ptriitipani ,n ihi- 20 autfcmni per , Uk nftil ph rvitct, Sffucc* liW Employers turrnih jt.b :jfK:c wilh rt'iutnf Su/aane So«s. ,>ui,ii,i ...;- .u.m v,,ti>, u, |u,i„-.iiv wnn iWX)Hlunpervuor, ex|il«n«) why AIDS m other life rhrcaieninj;

    IIHIt» ^imfciui «il! W- uiuNi- t,i> illri.>-,e., Student Activities Awards Banquet Ben.' isresenis the

    •• iitaii> . -:ih. Siudcnl

    iollejif ilii;-, »!il jHcfwJ iieti t

    'h"?!'!!!, , .III, ,,j„,- (.>....v,,,„i.ii -., ii.iMT'l

    ' .>» I iii'iliijuMJ simI he III J.i ih •^'"'. ':-' •II ' It" *l'tl *>< < All TIUSK

    ^iliiiims' I!,! II If |K-rlomiMl hy ihc ll;up,-r *tlh ("t).iirf> ""II.I.IINI'...' P:,il.u,ri.- rnriHrti

    * iriany

    . i.: ,, .-ah ihf .mii i ,. Harper ORT program continues with Triton

    I'.itr rt..i..fc^-

    ' * ' \ c w 1 I


    •>tll suii W KiM^ii .11

    <" : IinH.;ll t'*|\Tk'Il, . -ill !' Hilar.) ihi.>u»:h

    '.'»l"i-'l^ "' I'le HariH't (Ji.sUiii for mure infimtijijori civnuiri Pat riiiur'lr .,i! eiicnsKW ;52:5 or ih-i- '!• olJ'icc HI ^«retiMiin • •Ibill (ilm'Ci Dm ll'iirin its llirhini;:.' UMiiTi Mm rim'Tk""! frmi»*c MVI* IIII rJii:;jL»£- iimii One ot H.arper's own A departinfli fhaink* "AttggaetaindBudfi Comics The latest B Harpers women is author of (our to all those who QiiftSl perfoTmes at Street and the books Kolzow track team wins made this possible. Fnda^y's Weekly Crossword himiHiiPiii (ce Cream provides own region and state Social. Per feqt Pu22le. text for classes titles. Tennis ad- BfiCflM reviewed. vances to nationals

    iPage 2 Page Page 4 3 Page 8 Page 12 .

    Features The Harbinger May 12, I98R Page 2

    -^"M^LiO WW T T 1 llCiJ V-r 11 • Harper Director PuhUshes Four Booh IVif \tuJi'nt> uhti proh.ihU don i lc%l higher ihdn ihv .noragc T>.,. >,,. . lv,„,J. .,„,„,. ht %]«•• cm* III 111 ,,,^, ,^ iil»ff scvenlli or ogtilh grmlcr would Wrlltf ill l-fllWI' *«ii tc'l." sayt Kol^o*

    ' ~ I.-.,,.*- .,. - ,., :* kol/ow Kin o>rr( ih,ii N>4 «„»:. Ftaliin-t t-'Idltor I'oiiith NKik, .1 rcMMon of Ihcir I«* TCJth \'lu4CT'lh' h."W fi'i fv,, hh sreonil hiKik will K mu lalt-r l"i*'rnu hvi,: v,,'.i Uii% year

    t't 'iM i\ '"'-- ' Koi/im ' '"» mv any m.i)or IlK Lt-a: 10 ri jitmi-'' ' Imeat I'. . ,'iifi,-> v,n,-.-,( I'm UK- 11! „, . leachct. Shu rt".K!m,i: itetjifcri- »| tludcrih tii in riM-! ir; I^SmilC tlliu #].i'^>m(.r \v gi!."' i-v-..',r>i « •, k i' lia\ IMS 10 ICC i( C(Ml|irrl>';i'iM

    - iioin

    It^iil \^"t in y

    Mlslrii; 1 :• .in .,K ^onip;. :ilf';' •,'),- >- .. \ i.mii N.« It

    t.K:Ml (.'cmtiifUiii frim« l\\i in fit'iung. I

    Cofkpi and a M.S m f versily of Bcrd'. ng lion W'lth IM' eaiplU'^i and walked iriin itic t»i»>tiMort-

    ttif. anti toitnttn'e )' .1'.;! M* iii> hook (HI the .

    * " M'» ... ^<, tn:ini SI!'. .lr.i,i," M.PK U1CMh„T Kiit/im tlur *ii.v tiuUf an ofttnt-nce.," '111 nl work III [t (or ihiii I hi" h'CUl ol TOliljng f(V" ^luitenn .lid Kolniw.

    (h.-t-- : *','i,lk fiMilltU" \V^\l AKvL.t iimi "dcil'^ '*nh ""Wriiiiig IS hard work. . ..a Ihc vfchcdi' ^ijf;3'mr^ |«ik1 writer writes imd rewrite*

    In ..Utii; ; t.l.


    ),,, „ ,,"f- Jaiw \ liuJ KITkt *lio lejvt'n %lv ia,„„„;. "*•" W'hin Hjirpcf VV I'll) I ilk: II pill plan

    At Hitrfin , \ic:li (HlicT h. ' o|N;tt «i>>l ' '.k; i>|in-.: I'lmclitri'i "« >i • r.| iiB fif 11

    ' .m KiiJ,/(>». .iiid Li-(icii..iiui Wlablc I :, *i\\ on tiL-i njt iMrlcKti 'lid iiikl Ihiid hiAs K,ii1,«m -..i- ihc poll atked «udenis Fi.iiall>. »!«: -ij),i'i, :itK Hich nuc'^ihuh Mksment sMirtCil lo avk me,, a*. "Whai kiiiib of lhnn.'> p\c UHl irun.hl. .. h,..„ "•ell if *e Jj'in'l toe *h.ai yvm vou re,iiil * " VV'luii irsi WMt. whjt IS It you dti wjiit' tHimg a hiiirt r, ., ..,[ And I wiHilil alw'nys d. rii-.. ., kinds of il»,i.n(iH ,lcel 10 litem intl Uify'ii v.;, do you you need KJ have happen when 4>n.'l tovc w'tal you * vou ^^^^'^^SM>ta\iMoir naiil'* and What arcn i nallv oTK- iij them (rom Pren ,w»u gwnl aidmng?" On'craJI, tu.v M.itl «]U(] Me had ulkcd to studctm re «|NIIIfM |XSIU««ly lo iM'Mh. Ei^^m^ ^ ^f^imAVBR. hit edim wd com tutted oilKr For leaclien inch i« mywir hut) a year and a half. Kol- Ml n litm w • iMiOi tt pttM tM itv cm cruM «»• nry min nr tHiitiir proMietiK aitd ihal wiii- wd Lrtmanm wet c*«ry imir Dtiitimr iMMs Mi Cliamt Friday and to tM»i> ID iiilnao cwiHS nf lubwuHii-liiwwii ,iii|l my own hK* mi,ghi be the Suurday l»ra««ii:inn tor iduis" nil ended bttM fiiint Amtriunmide twft«t.iliir1f ndiiicaiing •m Ml MH m pDDl int« «ilcli 11 IKt "1 nevci hMl planned to Uf eatJj «her. Ttten cwws ipin iffta I knockiul fltact in aw lltei iwo would go tack and re- write iMMik. I wiwldn'l tiave ticiinw iWTIWIvf micnint uniK in mi learelt a [simeular idea. Alter llMlghl It was in my caftlbility i« tRrwAVEll imiiy' tHey irted an idea out. they («• nor Mcteu to do ihat. I did py xi»d 11 and reiunwd lo it toiei allcad: and g.ive ihem a drati... Fashion Brand Name "We al.«o ew lliiM|h. They mid it w.as f>" hanged corn pnler '- I •,.[ ^ •clly what they wiamed and: the Apple F^ Shorts Surf Wear

    CtJnii . .'uld |)[X" onto ' h:»i eight iimiiiiIi» later I' had a S4,99 S7_99 *eil! ••! - hank oui." ~ ; u to Elgin via stone Washed Brand Name Tees Adult Crew Neck sy 99 Sweat Shirts WO'tl 'WHiiN TO'lJi mAMI I'O ilK)t.K 2 for Si 5 56 9^ or * - •- AND .••OfHCI. 3foi M800

    TEMPORARY JOBS SPECIAL OFFER AVAILABLE -TODAY! Buy 2 Artwaves and get the 3rd FREE! 9 8 0-8900

    Rlila* Pi«ia C'o**nm4t Stiringbr9dale Downers GfOve 2124 831 3340 620 1668 rwSm MiM. I-H W 391 969« 893 .

    The HiirbinscT \Iav 12. IW« -Editorial Page 3

    The thank-vous: a f imp for settling up. Can thinking

    Tfc» time has titm*. Iht »)ilritu% io feel good? •oiM prttt; tffrifk pwplc •bo M Ml| niwlc mv j«ib KiMer, HI ! KMnc ca*r» twn (xiMiblr. rtntl. ,rf „,„rs». to ih* ,t»fr and mir ad,iwr, Jim ( hman. UiMt •«»>. lh« Mitor-in ( hMf dfsJBiiat* for nril ttur. has Hj Oennlv llarh; been a hut also go heyond' the pioWtin,. (tKlxnd lalbeii a uiru-s, as I did som.e reading Mimrwhai ttnttk one. Io tall I>.t«|f ( aihollc Campos Mbilnter oo iiKlnimfiilal *.illi '-ingle uno.)uc answers. in the uiid, the ihc pfaj;ii!..i!ii '" W'oric *nh ihr - Ri**n ruiTH' [(H-\ uivf ti> ihi". urv ..( l''riiin,..iic llaMs, •h.m> wi.*e of An,: buflior bas kfpi (b.ni.s ,„ pirjMfaii.'ii lhr..i;i.'h tor I Mippiv,. P»r.p«ti»«. .i.iri. V.rti Bwd.« and Il mill St. Kim «Htro»,ki. »h„s. h ,.i:ir ,„,! .)!!\ . .,„„, , Ihji ^ '^h..! Il \ iiK'jni .. «J-

    gtoll. m^inner ' b» bnn » i»fk«me tbjinjtt m.n 111 lor ^<'"' from cur inirmal A prcparaiiiin lor • ..l,C itaffer l.ic |„ utixi,, And t., Kr.io i;<,ldM.iii I. If tiM'.kinj: and 4liu ( hinliind I re, „.„., ju*l f,.r nalelj' ihu .xnot what ihr fultur b«(nf around H dm ntcdrd. iiiil'li. f,,ii in i)h . . „ 1,^.,.,. around u« tetk us ii value* i».*> And of lourw. ihrrrN ltk:j4.))' ul II, Ibr tutamniMs. "hm liir ih. ' A rral dthi of much.. _,,, [ BTalMnde .All lliis IS r. «hai I ihmk luvf Sw.«nt.v and I / a st.t-ni.fit htm. lln«i»eaa. love Vm or Da iiv Ih'inl; ,1.1 hlf. bale Vm (ami 1 l-cw pctsons, .lie toulil Ix; wrnn(() th.nkmji iimtrary, P«»ph- read Vm e.er, v,eei. my mom *a* nii.r« What more could ,o« mk i« a a >L< wr!i cvf-nlv halanvc wt««l> ataui the puriKKc and mean, rip in all ncwNfiaper! and dad was a mciallurgist '''•' of l.lc. ftlleeling on thcs»: ihrnts. rmcm. Perhaps But there * two H|>ni«nli of Hfwcsi-r si..cm!.f prewsupii-d the <.cboi>i comrounin '•'« ' ,'1' thai li wimcihrng thai whiKil lh,L' elderly or Mmtflime*. eel >.hi.ulif alt thrniu-li.iiii h. o.rrhwhfd »ben the ai.ard* .'"hiwil .ind (ithif- All,, for eiira- s.h(iw n.ivi- e.i... 111(1 ii-icil fi- cnrricnljtri.ork U.S ho» 10 lii its cfrtM Krt haiMird 1 hit'*' out. n\\ rcaiiid selhaek-. Sine (wijite .1,-,:,) To the leather* that have undmlmid i,, m.,ki. ;, Uk.us ha.- abwme* and ijrdirs Bui i aiii sLiniig ID • enjoy "'''"J ^«'' ' ' die the 10 Ii older, » •€» m .HvaMonal Miami *tares in cla%* »Htn I h.is '' mo.i- Ixvause I'm stving ' iJic val - wiirliiitf • '(tpulfl ,,o lb, ne,i »eeli\ edilori.1. As an tmd, ; In m., case ilbrve h,,,,.. ' 1.1CS III -.1.111 iiu. ' 111- .!,m.n .Anil mj lbanli-,„u,i, : it'll- high .get thai mjcri M.ir, J., Wjim^, |„h„ ia.l in ii M„,hm„r,.. k..r.., 'iinii *h\ Kere^.andl.eKo> IKS, Bui .111, \l..lil»dt«rve I'urple think I II Heart* for f.ull.o,. „r> '-il Hilh mt , •I'^cerntrij; above and brvond the call of dulv 'i*hcU.v'r ilin .ue mv fvjvcuiiims >" mhe.s. ihai uivc hic a .•f peopj, who de«rve a much more iJewripli.e .1,nrnl»,„ ,'f direcLon teforc mc. grat.lude ll..,n I tould p.«.hlv ^n,. h„, j„ ,,,„ ..f „,,„ ,„ thanli them \v many viodMiv here »ill atlesl. ii\ vomedmev .mprw.ble to make il b, on >,«ir ewrt l«,k* and » volunteer ("b aloM (even looehrr if ,„u baik like mri 1 .e worked n,„ parM.me job« dorint mv tenure h,t,. a..d .oj,ttr. the Ih,.i,lr. Ilo» tlfrite Vtariaiser. «, o,e "^"Jt-* to «ofk 1^'' r? « .round m, llarboirr vchedul,. THf Mideast peace process \«d I currewl, nmk for » group of p.ople nhose 4 New VERSION OF AM aVD M.llrcllve alKtude m;ili« CMPH^iP fiAME M , ( h-menl Mone kwk like thenn/er ^> r«,Ke. Vol onl> are the peopkr in the leviiuE r emirr chet rfiil profrwional. and helpful, thevre ™ic. people, I,n,. I „,da AlhCTl*. \Hki Alkiovoo, Ikinna \t.ivkuf. Sue IV«l,„h. ar.d fom SitMIWS lrutlm„n have not or.lv made n,v .,,s„r , as al the fevlinn Bi>CK ( enter », the Ihrre o,.mIhv I'm- hcen (here, hut Ihrv'r.'ako l!.ml KKAKS SctsSaftS fnends. fhankv. It help* a k.t. P'"P«f h-*.- •-.«) "' « lot of nice Ihrng* to Ibi* .. ...* » m vear at the Harbuiger, Ue ve cerla.nl, had our problem*, but I'm pr,wdot tjie.av .e ,e handled ii»o*i of then, Hev, met movl ••"= ""' ^^ZSj • "" "' -»"'« "" • •-'•" V^iJ^ TnTnAnd nnaltj.T'Trthe Z thank b.f ym Io ,„«. ib, reader Be

    I.nrfj Pautlin '^ — — QlSBdm*. Kdinw-in-Cliiel io\i CAM PLA/ P>(f EVER N«»aPY WlN$. ^^ -

    il Entertainment I'he Harhfnaer \lav 12.. |9K8 Pajic 4 Keep this film on Oi

    riBrjrjfrJ "

    ^(rr jm-fver)*.mg„|„ing. writtr f.:»..h,ni- ,. BivKl hai hiwn i-\«>(licr icen »uicti taiff r ', hv rnit.„n.nr , J friCTKlx ntwe in ami retjiu,;* )\.:\ ' the matl W .i,n'[ ,,,„(.f ">•< '*- buddy which *uttjcvi of J HX'crtl'rv m.Jii.n>-» in.ij |t. i.»rin| Molly kin^wjiW* wannojttrt'niiHaJl This IS italCtaJljmc '(--iijfi,^. whtft Ihc n,o,K- .Sli«npcrtiapV(,Anv».,-f rtally hcgin^ and J ,\ll where I turn ol ihc relaymg alxwc I the plot,, fi ,,(„, „„„„h AlMJthct wtier (Ml ,> ,,,,,„ Ur ,«!«•« ihan n iLk's on paper. Til.- Thai's afujui tiiuT,' ,mr.,„;,l.,,,,„ n,, t,, ..,,,( „h„,gj ,^ i^' at wlicn '",'' '11 [>„iii [ sunril > ir 'l". ^"* 1,, Ken,iiu K''i-v,> (VmtimeitRa-cirir latiuisiii' iHTlormifK , Alicr Here »e luivc Dj'. his, (ViemJ\ ,ieaili rhr- (>y Alan »lH'fl» all till l)«yce>,. |x»wsm-,i »,in affetialKwj iin4 pwl l«»ks and h«c«m S dtwN compfllms J^ M-iti, the hand '"' '"" '"' adol' h) Kn 4 ihc fwiiuredat ihecvmt ' """ ""'^'- ink' 111 "Rude (luest t^« r.± f .'T''-' hojf •iloner with a con«'ii-fUf iti Um Mu<.h .1* ilw erwtl conssicd trf m1 .11 (tircilly IN fncwi* a„4 ume to lei A,sf(»ili«;ncii-«Me:rioin„iit,,-n,,t.-rii, ^ il,,,-,, - '*~"*''" .•o„mk. pmiKU -I'liru: ,in .^• gill in ite ritiji ""'>'" ait a diffcrtni insunwK;raiUiic.aji.i iti,„- has her I, . , file ' **'"'*'* eye (in h,in„ What tduld niKiWy niefr«ur.- ul,.'..l Of HtEm^!',' i:.)n almoit ^ vrry im'rj pr.-' tiftal par r<, •WWiunacIy ttow wee.., . .,.H.«g !„:J> w,l, Ix- Kichard avail,*lc'.. ,. Bradftwd. b>l it»n a. ,he .„ t»Twnifitaiton rf >,i«rr,;.l •Hiirtt: ,h„ii,

    l''rtriu(>jl, ,\,


    ' I t , •'•'" .1" Ik- ulli l.i' fj',;n;„ ni.ikc '

    IM,iniiii..i:, Jftuhnii. It, ij„; i..h iM- Th and J-. I,, I h

    '"iiif, it,),,,,,

    llsl.TIIIl.- 1,, I, "'•I, musti ji.,,: ItJUl', ''< lo m II [,;,(

    "t" (fa'if [liii In iji! *'"' «J- i.ii,.: ! l>K1Hl Chris (Kenj, priHiliilc in Vii'ttn K, tH" I' hi-. I. In', I, Itllk iikift. ii,.,( WKlniljejIilil'ttxn Thti all ctw •ht-n Iijut) llcin rx- I,, .11 jr,,:in-if ihji tli,, M>me ll.r*., -D.,,,, (,, j,_„,_^^ p«nirK I an)' movte ih.i,( till! ' In* hrinl i,r

    ' ihdiiehi II

    Ihl. ;




    i'nsiot ill ;ki,ij ..'«.,

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    •Saturdjiy. ?>tudents ma\ resiil their h«i


    ' J i*tura*y ^ tUitet, ...n ui» »„ „,e| ,, .,

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    ;h» »(),),« fmit e,.,,, plrii".f CO' Met rilensiO'^ .:,:r.<>iJi,le. .; i(.propn jte tine pe ' >

    UNITED Consultant to PARCEL speak at Harper PS SERVICE

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    --l»fl»i,HMii, (he pfedaior of cmptoyec* of Alhlalc Insurant.,- I Health Benefits Ihc taitet. Comjijiny and varmu* ..ollcgi; ' Patd Vacations faculties. -AJjo ici be tliKuxsctl. i\ a He ha* aKii new TSA (troduci *hith will pwiiicpatcd lit a vaticiv of iJtow yoi» 10 hocTOw from yimt seminars gives lot (-aldwcll TSA ai (("t net imresi imh [Linker Md other coii>orlation\ Accepting Applications and inani h<|tjudity, mstitutiont. ()n-campus interviewing Hotwim). m m ImietKndmt For more infoirmalion please l» a.m. lo Fmat!t:iaJ Owsuluim. Kaffttijiicit tall T(»i..(|H| 1 p.m. Tuesday. May 17 wtih Slid hj\ .H ,,,.>. Ill the Room A242

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    NMlRr No How aboul THh R\PF. OF Unmk-.t' Rcallv' Mav I try"' .merptfiahon hero, lolks. ihis one rl'<^^ actos- Ihc hoard. ««'»82t mc ol SKIRMISH „,„„ u rcm.mis lo uUtrpK one .s open ,h,rpcncr This a pent .hen. so docs fclUl.o. bul


    A I J - ouipat II

    I he mi-

    « I h 1

    hi- art An evo'i

    \Vh.ir £!i>v- . , i,, \.-, 1 r-i'ti' [tut h t\it t - '' '> ,,, 1-,,, ....111 ! J»i '^P^ "" 'ifc-" know nie lis nnl ugly. ' ' Page 7 1 2. 1 W8 l_News Tht- H a rbinIter M ay

    •j Swim-a-thon exeeds goal Heia^ltli Corner Noland Pool

    ma»ii'mim iapiiciti. ply u sencfouvly l^j lo W tnin-

    to i: h<:tofc poinp out in tti.; \un Lift be f.KHKiII uics h.mt.nL-

    TfiH i\ K'vc". Ihc Mi:r.irivn mm- lo irnetact vmh v.^ur ^kin I'V work jnit tium .Hint MM up a shiclil agaiiiM installed that aii SF(- by r.ivi vour N"'> '' lust a rcmmder

    r of l.irLini .,, lion litior) on will .11, 1 Rememt mean* that you he anil lljlllfim- .K IS , inlfUMI)' 11 .illCf buirong umes (-„,, ; iWH .In'* JnV l>n'u\k-ii Irom tSLll ''-5 this ..spftial!)' il ilii* rninme withoul a •iunsrrciwi. liviiy *nh « longer iJan "'•'' "-'''• ..,...:.r,-^.-., ihi« ahwrh Mll'fllljl waltariil W'Qii "We .=

    In the »un\ : :i Voull •)' \lis4 < hIRltiriJ (tiMiling -' .ti.nnir , lower i:.,'- gciiinj- Ini rtiklcnii fiilkcOT'dy Peier Sf*y m u"*- [ *HCl(l> caiiitilCU and shield your sen«- swiim 713 b(H in tte cnn|lll« EiiuKi."" swl Curroll.

    \ • Itlf ' . , ...I' ihc sun. i!i-"tf>t me eye /one from |Xiol 10 mse fuiHh For Nolaml Swtmmcrs *li" i'"«i" >i>u tK'iiitnc* if your've heen ' 111 k<»i II ttivck uiiiil Reapply wnscrce Pixil I iti The l.(t„ »hKh *ill in *e »*iin»llBn *>tli ^n Wnnii-tip yoiit niitwlr* adiplcd it> lite hem. Weai lighi, pTspinng or •iwmuninjj and us H' ' be insialk-il m- lic*t|) G*yn Sronh. .' ' ' ' lips '" ••>" \trrtvhing cicrtiw • ' p.iiim- loo« fiiung clothing, iunhtiKk on your nose, and JialtM' MutkiiK to maneuver in R(:t«:nbui:hk'r„ l..i'- '• (ir«eel» vulnerable. Wl JuIk- Kmlfcrx. five mmuie ».ilk drmt plcriiv ot wattrind anywhere you feel .iikI inii (( [tie cimpusi pwl. fam)ll. lap*. •»-» palinit n> more *rf miir«;lf ftum the sun *ilh J hal Pale skin is fashiimahk and Exit K«imr ami a ,gi«)il uinsifa'" smart and (»i|Ktj!«'"i (f'r I;»p4. pm* 111 last bpi, IX-bbw W »i"i -'- pri:>HM jmir ikiii getting ikin cancer or prc-rnaliirc IC»rcfl Q'ua^i, ;» IJfH, l.tnil> o'lirkinc up w ,M*ay>. . -. 1 mjiilion tj '-'• whieh ruses >oui hejfl [.jni ui-!.r- alt mil , iL'tii .inir'tini of pfoieclHW .it; :, %Ti. Camtl] wblies to ttak

    ' SluJfnl SfMtC will ihe »(>on«ir> jiiid swimmen Iim miiiul:. erci%c !.<;"! .inj the HUki'ip ihi' st*imaih

    Thrrc i^ lift- nfliT to!U'g«*.

    \ >tii|n'N \V.' Ii.(\f ,;i IN-v\ -srnrs nl' lik.

    liiat i«iiA ulr v-x.iin.il mini iti.iiiMii

    I'oriti.d iii''vn.it'!>' i"l' -.'iiH II Tln'v

    llllitltir lirl|( 111 VVtl^ll c'.llfffs iii;il»-ti ymir spiTilk' mirrrsis and >kill>. hiiwt

    ()rf|>:iif foe ait iiiiri\ n-w uhai alv (,lir i" formulas I' it^iHTi's-' ami lni\\

    iiiaiia>i»' >'"ur ouiw aivfi in ,i lai>ir

    I uipnialliUl.

    Sti>|i III lofa ri-<i\\ M'iH.

    Vtdvolaptl ««ll»W» in The Ctrmtt Planning Ctnttf and Wieemwii Otlic* Contact Carn* Gorr in A 3 47,


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    _Comics The Harbinger Mav 12. 1988 Pages

    I %IIttl

    ma m »Bnissim a SfiMH Of m MSI ACfKM* » ?tm»-«oiMI mmm vmtni sf tutm mf» 4aaMi mm. mm 1 W«K» The mirm mmi tm t StMllOfX 41 CrmHf^ emmv mir a Taitaral cMh 44 KKOunlwri mumsT cnni 1.2 HI*** 4< imm t.1 l.tnu*ual cvifuftCI'ton 14 Lu.e»m;wl# «l S£.*Il«t lSNo«»l»mil»n1 ««0 «a»inMd -njn'Ofi .ri9i«K»itnl 1 7 Con"jfi€^ itobf iJ B««» ta Pm>r> i*Gui 19 Qtm* mrm •WW Puzzle ai Soy»*fw Si Cooetmiifl M «••« 57 im«ci 4J j7 e»it CI V.*n»l4M 21 Co«'» «i Spok.on » VMMI •4 BtiO'f btrd 11 Con£M»Ti.i**d 6S R«1»nl by JON CALDARA .' gem ".|%U.»«'«» 66 Oo."i*"»Ti.i;:;at«»

    t.1 '., .rT't'iri.! 'H"Jf fiT Sm* m bCB Don mmm ustD msMiau ooui QVMC aom Bush a nsi m aura,. 'SMumi' />T a u*»-

    I %lllll

    i€Y am. fff m.smjii t^e^im

    by JON CALDARA mjWC./- ..>.•*

    STm. fits-

    cm CTfc HH

    .-V«ft . .

    •a* s«WB"wswm. etmn WiWt n 'jiWictwh'..


    UKIV 1 KS \H 1 n.U FOR SI MMI-R HIl.F

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    ""^Irira ^ Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds ^'^tW^'-

    The Harbinger Mat 12, 19X8 Page 9

    Classified Ad Rates SALES For Sale Personals ^*'" '' I, ,1 , \ir a.nj rear Our duthv hi ••level j-j' Warm hnditt vinrcd ^ (mc turn- lar » • Smdent mm-v(mvnerdal jier jel iui -leering, idlo and mu5K; sen href ^prtnior toach or rax kruitod *il«fr ftjf IMft* nwf lirn • "1 Jiefuti, elmsifinh me free with ^^ immer^ in Iheir elforu centi a «! FriMti pioneer TSh '-iof .;..,.• lo .pnipcr ukntificantM. |i.«.i|{|0' .rnii-« «ikini|. la^ "i r "«.. n Co j» «• ^ 1 required | <|T7 o) , p COTl. iUSS

    ''Ployntnt ' maiched hy ihe Edocaiiontl *-'" "" [' : ' r . , , u g h » m 2 l-OGt ' ' (>Bi:«t , H IM .. A M'/FM p tu \n «•.! ., can tpim^ior s%'immer% •• \ »tj» iMlcfc «tii> nt* ti«iii!i Rutia p.. : IJCAI. ,s 111) p m SERVrClS I rti'ii AtktAii Si '^'*>f'. ««lt t 1 , r,l l[r i,ir FREI C0NSl;i.T*TION - 'iri-t

    ,ii • iriiL ^ n \ f ^<>n Friday for '. uur (f»!.il n ,•,.!* t

    \U\ • Ill a 10 » (10 .: m i fi I I . 1 n i: u il r , (1 *H, ir I n ,«T^,*..(Vi| till; «T7«.,I«.,»WWCT M Bldn 'e\' b»<:k Wu»l, jfH,. eicelttrtt I-. h«>!!l ,,1" I eofli'ditmn Fulti' tPtdtd

    Piper i,iri!jn iiceil-: * , 'lun, Wtnv eitriii C»ll Piul • Gel Motivtteai he»l offer fail l-irry N« Id 1 K I - ; .4 e II jiH It I or « n % - Slof) falling behind in i.lainet k u-asling endless » h ou r s h I c h r o u I d t e u 'e d FFMlFb i-F\f!', I ; 1 \^ Ir i

    BUY JEEPS. . •n.)

    I it* red in drug TVPINc; "JFKvrri.- "* ,!fr 11 00 00 t.*

    I # 1 ; ni,d»v *> dreai

    1 !. h IS m' e r I '. n n children 112<(| %-ettome Ta Htrpar Collfge

    SITMMIM HELP I fl 1 Trel:, I 2sp(l \ ] j |mi |,fc:e to !i,iv a ipeciil Summer Resu f'j'' m r". ihank,» for Ihe lasl (our

    »»niei:l The l.rii,f.. k.-.i,.,i I ' •lemeiters •>( my lile li has

    , ,,,„ Moufe \r„iii,T- ',S, ,,,:• , heen challenginn ai well as

    renirding I have MR? "<" •.«(>eriented t lol of Ihinii!

    r ' •A' 1 I miend In lake i ith me P,l|-' cull ; ^•1 lO'"! ' ' * \ '^ and TYPI?, ; sot VICE 1

    ••iv DtrlmK Mill

    .' ', .m r'lmfhioi and am

    te vi:, til ,-.T of

    I'lr ift»i„inie doe*;

    1 errnee iKina: painl hul ! ride »j» Ihe

    ill irade (or To Honey t

    ", '. « i. ; Jll ,:>! itij, jnd 1 so Call cillTed» i;

    'i„. 1 .1 ,ri hoi I, itirl

    11 < I 'I lor I 5 Vh .in SUM MIS SEA SON •• -, MEKT HOMES AI. lkiB,S'i,n.i,t,J, ever\ thing l.o\e M*iv i

    • 1 1 (•.; ,|,: !V1 n , S Itl ail m n,1, „ ^ J 1 fl> ,r, . V PiU-uaa riubMe F\ e^ week uii i 1 lOM ' "Tv FEMALE MODELS DO YOi; hci r , . : W AKTF!"' C4RN- t'"»n NEED 4"i*-.i'S"i*,.„i,«'r:„ H .:l*i?>i''' HOUSEKEEPER ' FOR RKN r 14 HtS I fitn do an *^ 1 nil, 1,: i"„l r fhiirtt a iri' lleich, fol

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    ft m. iniiil 188 HOT l)-a:irtaiiB:»t Brui ,.;iH;! runt tMiK Ritiiie i[h>ti.ler» car*, brims, ipiinei ''t> p IB • iKH'J II It! r«(»i»"il $urpilim Tout ,i,r*i NEEd CAsh For Buyerii Cmitt 1 1) fidl-M-'

    tie (111, * >!:,), refctTii(iE,sfirBi:nT lil'M, to colUqE ?? - jiiiti M» spttl: ttm. »i,il'

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    I'lHiiintiwr ! i yrn HOK :,' 1 / I,"SI* Wt S,ii«.J 1i'»'1--M>«l CHDSPLCl HtlGlllS. IL t.00/0 sl«;«ft HOMES (,3I?) 705 BS?7 TASICI. 'I,"!.*:!!:: I'll,, GUT )»,«, wKiTi: ron ritrt niro«n*Tiw« ft.' ri.il in Til S«i»f Klii'lo -' :, * vrt old

    Binrtt inin 1 " * 1 . I \U k t m

    ,: I""* II t 'ifli^i

    M,inNi Niinnmr The Harbinuer May 12, 1988 Page 10 i „Photos #1

    Mods skink to Rude Gikm .

    sports ___ Start Saturday Trials worthy of Tndv Two veterans Torsvih''''f^^'"' II.. h<«dhiscl winntwmncr. •^ WbccUng.WhccUng. ,, thrcc-lime,hfcc-limc . „ 11 take...t,- the.he *l«t*(i«t „ou- arc He *.U *.ll »* 'he .it.vcr Sawntay. te MCOhd ..t SV and iwo-imre average speed U-b tor (he learn Johnny Ruthcrlord Lola/Cosworlh liiIMiriK- alter louriti tndy (m* of a 1" *''' "^ Johncock, will cjifuw his [>lbi ("lordon ViKfGran.iielhriingien"i_ l"' I""' ch<»ur' «**' di-ivms Vomuila <.)iif t>Ui.asounnrr..v.Mhcvcanctin Michitel Anitetli. <»>e 's another IH-reV Daly. Bohhv Ral»al ••hc<-cl. IS ctFt'«* '" I"" *n .1, I U wlw , III H^tsl Jnvci 'I 1 r < r 1 1 ii' •'' ''""' . ". >*"^ ';''^' ,..[» .,.1,1 Mii*iiy a sirimg nulw "" a« «lic«l"l« 1'"^'- Sp«x'' "1 'mm R.,hal *on ilK lohtfin on S«iutit.iv at UW

    Murio Anarcii. *i!l n»; *hi 500 Winners "C^^nd Indianapolis ',o''"^ual.1. '>' '"'^ capture Hk Previous Ten 'V 1,1 , ., .'II I'l'-. I *hi' '"' ln,ti.ili.t!»ii',1


    P"'^"'"" , I conitwuiivc F''^' C"ar Owner I tK- :'>iti '•<-'^""' ,fce May " Driver K:m>h><." rcnsKf .,,,..i,.i *ill have Rojicr ,,, til- IJnscr Sr. *i* 'i"'-'l ,\1 ,,,,,., mulish juii T'rucnuin '**'' vTivailiiKl'" K.ahal .-w- ^'^ Bobby R.o,t;,fr Pcnskc nl W Danny Sulhvan BilK i.l"v..ii:^.> I'cnskf of Marto), and Amircii. will IX- Roger .nephew '"','„ Rick Mcars '','"' .';' BiptKvifi uiiar".'*'..'''"''*''' Geotgf ' "'' ' „.,;nr Bill) latini; en.;:!"'. '' "Tom Scnva S .>:'' ..„. .-lilct •)(»" charepmi t^ <>.iiu: !.-> Gordon Jolmcock '<' '''•'*" reii^kc Vl,. Ite (HJlc. Ik » go'"'*' Roger ''""'"'I' Bobby LInscr belt out """' Jim Hall l,i..i.„ ... k.lkama.:jr*u-tk. compel ilion. Aailn". Johnny Rutherford l\Ti'.k..:' f anada i^ Roger John i»nes .M Ritk Mcars -• ro'-* Biyger PenAc itthk hm H.ill anolhct Al I iixcr Si. (HUcmial ai _ ^ Vllk..V,lh*llltH->-.nMi:,.: ...b-... atu,-mtniiu.:, f .Multelli *>ll ; tet .,.. will he KH( ;(\.s*oiih> 'i* .n . o' his Martli «KC ihc wheel *> am,l4U.alilKXl«...riaia-.l£-,il-[-i '^^^_ "^ HxuM) (irth Ihis yea'* •*'^^* Jl»l.i. '|'j'!-«"' Chevtoki cngim" . ..N'* Pt-.n tar*i in ve,:,r,He wiinv.lrr.,fn; III predict ""' .. . ,.,. ,... hai\l "upplytng '" ,\t,,,i|.i.i'.i ilriM.'' " ,1 plan*, I'V a Jui.l«l '" Tin- I*:'*'"' ptmetMJ . '.^r Ihi: ciipnc " [1,., .,, luiL. <(ir ctumr"."' Al Li

    Soil''-.'. CMiU.-n!'.'". . .,|vliL:i.'.n i"'.' Vt.i.'.i;-.

    . me have a J WOR« of r. r '' .)

    \h> XJ^ retail youre lookino for .n exciting If Olf^«.^/^^ opponunity. tak. a took »' -a dynamic national retailer in the market Statistics discount oti'ce supply Softball stock 1988 were loohing (or cashieri, receivers, Batting Clerks and sales staff employee^„ you„„,nihe"be AS a full - or part-time IR RBI your work schedule, 'n H 2B aDie to help choose salary based on Na.m.c 18 to a competitive addition immediate wpeTence. you-ll be el-g-ble tor Julie Rowe salary Tn-swe discounts and scheduled Lynn Hover virork more r«!nMr tirsifirst yearvear Hi' youyw" reviews in /our „i,„,hio Kns Foster week VO" " than twenty hours a ^9^^ Blasky holiday and^^^fsick ^me Jeitntfcr tor nfteral vacation, employees Drackky Benefits, full-time Robin 'II!benj^sf.s tor a comprehensive Jenny Baumsiark eligiole med.cai. oackace v«hich includes life, Connie .Vntel insurance. hosDttaltiation and dental Hubcrs opportunities Linda TO applTTor these excellent store Gail Kunime»o* apply in person at our Jcnnv Pytlari Rosetle Road Thenaiili 1414 N. Michclc 60196 6it .251 Schaumburg. Ullnoit 2 n.J Golf Hoaa) 779 lR2t 2{»f 13 (one block north of Voi.iK Pitching

    111 II R \aTTU' W L >P 94 ..59 43 s) 6 91 2/3 CI 8i!g 77 60 1hcn«l. lot I m 1/3 124 52 84 25 -V.79 OrgwlMtt^ 218 '-« >03 Join a Wofld-Claaa Toial. 18t 12 m School Record t Denotes New 1

    Page 12 _Sports Thf Harbinctr \!a> 12,1988 Bats Keep Team Alive Sports Hawks "icore 41- give up 40 •4 »» Sc< lit Wwdnn 'HjMirl"* I'dtlor 3n4 Update SlIIHlt S.4it*tifrt S|»iOf t* W rlltf ! I)s- .['U hlWti' -. Attention! Baseball I pdatc: pHl'ftl Team Men Advance to Resi«»nal Socii{'» at 1'. .'

    - .. wm Ih.- (I .

    Illlf : llw* f Tennis Advances lo Nationals . K ti' .! .....ri. Meet 'I> Rejzion \. ItBl to Mail'. Takes Second at (»' •"! m eamc Till- H.irnt T.iinr, 'I V,n.i,..»

    jijriijmii'nl .111' -r

    ».jiil« One Har(it. »tii> Men's Track & Field ]lll m m Fourth in m Team Finishes m and Fifth in State : iri Region Kll-tl! tf!l Ttit MitfiiKT Ml' II

    i) uon Ixul'i 11 ,,) m \omc (iaiHf Two OailM !!

    llar'iwr II) 10 iHh illllir, . Ri-Millv - •(•i«t litr >

    ( 1 1 Third -ft.i.

    wore less iinul (he I'Duiih, *licii 4J"7" 1 IT tunip I- 1. oulf dck-» RK.k C'Viaklfj- »imi|Ied had lwi> HBI>' Hill .i "•"-• '•''' 1 1 1 s' (1i, Ttw icaiii Thrifr Ihicc ruiM. Kchm It wj iliin- liil> (i#l m ihc tilih, hul »• .|.

    Track: Women fi!.nh li>"'" li--»li (1I tlu:-i« hclit.ini

    B> St'oM nmrdiiiii


    h'IlI The l-larT»-i '*i;>tni-iT> Tr.ni .bi,I I Team .in,.,(-v.lul!'> ..)..;li;r),,l.,;.! r:rt1, III. ir

    contMiii'd Kcium I'V ''

    ' %ah ir" i'«

    Jlkt '. MK

    iiuth,, \ fcni H •""' ' 1 C* . '' 0:H : 'lu'n wifl in'iptic .11 Ni'rif . L .•Ln hcauiilul ilay. *t; li Centr.. - Ih. '''' 1"h.- IT /cltner »Mti)„ "All i".' "

    " Ttie H..*!.- ri;.:i.i" M.snn, t,.«-

    1 1 I . \ 1 I

    !« li ...i.,!! -

    il,.r[«-r T..1.1 * r.,-t;t TlMF'

    ,ll.il,c Kxu.'M..u: ^ 'miitf-pta-e !(»'•• - (eguMi lewl. ihr mf I: 1 !*«« ire M te Hl'll,,,

    '.M* 1 \nk Laira Ftrmprn WMn 1 1 u-nu-sier \This is the last issue of the spring