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LHASA1117 & EVEREST 1 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼ 室 (+86)028-85108093 small group tour - 8 days extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

Who We Are

Extravagant Yak - a foreign and local partnership - specializes in providing rich and authentic, personally crafted travel experiences in Tibet. Equally at home in the lap of luxury or in the warm hospitality of a nomad tent, we deliver tailored attention to detail on every unforgettable journey.

Chengdu, Sichuan, is the gateway city to all three Tibetan Why Travel With Us areas in SW : Central, Kham & Amdo

We love what we do. Extravagant Yak exists to provide second- to-none overland travel services to some of the most geographically extreme and culturally fascinating corners of Tibet. Our 15 years experience in this region uniquely qualifies us to have hands on control of the quality of your trip.

“Travel with us and support Tibetpedia! This site represents the core of our CSR value. Tibetan Business Highlights is the feature of this site that promotes Tibetan small businesses of excellence across the plateau.” Gesar Hotel in is an example of a - Jim Hamp, Co-founder - Extravagant Yak Tibetan owned business promoted on Tibetpedia

2 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

What to Expect on Your Trip to & Everest

Everest is a household name in every region of the world and an icon to the belief that all things are possible. As one of earth’s ultimate destinations, the highest frontier of human ability remains an awe-inspiring natural wonder that most appreciate only through Discovery Channel documentaries. Experience for yourself the imposing beauty of Everest while also discovering the ancient and mysterious land of Tibet.

Extravagant Yak has created the perfect tour for those who consider a sense of adventure and a dose of curiosity essential travel ingredients. There is no strenuous hiking. In eight days we will take you by air from Chengdu to Lhasa, and then by car to Rongbuk for a sunrise on one of the most epic landscapes on Earth. You’ll return as a member of an exclusive group of travelers who have beheld the highest point on planet Earth.

3 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

Lhasa & Everest - Trip Overview

Enjoy the best that the Roof of the World has to offer enroute to National Park, including two full days in Lhasa to see the key cultural sites. Tibet will mesmerize you with its history, culture, an stunning natural beauty.

Arrive in Lhasa in the morning of Day 1 and settle into the comfort of your Tibetan cultural hotel in the old city. The next couple of days allow for maximum relaxation as you visit the iconic cultural mainstays of this ancient city. You'll stroll through temples and hearing fascinating stories from your Tibetan guide, taste local Tibetan food (delicious), and enjoy an introduction to Tibetan traditional music and art An 8 day return trip starting in Chengdu, forms. Following Lhasa, your journey will continue across the to Mt. Everest National Park, and back vast over mountain passes, past lakes and glaciers, and on to your journey's destination (and climax!): After a very full 8 day cultural and scenic feast, you'll return Viewing Everest’s imposing North Face from Rongbuk to Lhasa to fly out on the afternoon of Day 8. Your Tibetan Monastery, the highest monastery on Earth! adventure concludes upon departure from Lhasa.

4 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

Trip Itinerary

Day 1. Arrive in Lhasa (flight). We will send you off at Shuangliu airport where you will fly from Chengdu to the roof of the world (3700m). It is hard to find such a short flight anywhere else on the planet where the geography, climate, elevation, and culture changes so dramatically. Met by your Extravagant Yak guide at the airport in Lhasa, you'll head to the heart of this ancient city for check- Temple at Barkhor Square, Lhasa in at the Tibetan owned House of Shambhala Hotel. After rest and refreshment, enjoy a walk through the lively Barkhor Bazaar that surrounds the venerated Jokhang Temple. It is an exotic experience to mix with nomads and religious pilgrims who have converged from all over Tibet. A well earned appetite will then be satisfied by one of the world's best kept secrets: Tibetan cuisine. During dinner, the enjoyment of traditional Tibetan music and dance will leave you with the sense you've passed through a time portal to an ancient past. Your guide will escort you back to your hotel following dinner.

One of the many ornate entryways in Norbulingka Accommodation: Cang Gyan Hotel, Lhasa

5 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

Day 2. Lhasa. This morning will take you on a leisurely stroll through the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Norbulingka, meaning Treasure Park. The central feature of this 89 acre park and gardens is Norbulingka Palace - the traditional summer residence of the successive Dalai . You'll then proceed to Jokhang Temple for a tour of the most venerated temple in all of . After lunch, it is a short drive to the foothills north of town where sits. This includes the fascinating experience of seeing monks engage in their daily practice of religious debate. A Enjoy a laid-back morning at Norbulingka full day already, an afternoon rest will precede a later dinner. Accommodation: Cang Gyan Hotel, Lhasa

Day 3. Lhasa. This morning's cultural highlight is a tour of the Potala Palace (UNESCO World Heritage Site), parts of which date back to the 7th century, and which served as the chief residence of the successive Dalai Lamas. With walls as thick as 5 meters and containing over 1000 rooms, 10,000 shrines, and 200,000 Observe a lively debate at Sera Monastery

6 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

statues, any length of time in this historic engineering wonder is considered an abbreviated tour. A well deserved rest after lunch will be appreciated before a visit to one of Lhasa's Tibetan rug factories for an introduction to their trade and an opportunity to pick up a unique souvenir. A very full day will be rewarded with the option of a show after dinner (see below). Accommodation: Cang Gyan Hotel, Lhasa

Optional evening activity: a stunning, massive 800 actor live performance on the mountains north of Lhasa dramatizing Princess Explore the rich history of The Potala Wencheng's impact on the history of Buddhism in Tibet. *Not included in tour price. Available May through October only.

Day 4. Lhasa to Shigatse. Today begins the overland trip by private vehicle to Mount Everest National Park. The Friendship Highway will take you by the turquoise waters of mystical Yamdrok Lake, akin to Canada's Lake Louise in Banff, but grander in scale. The sweeping views from atop the represent the quintessential images of scenic Tibet. rom there, you'll descend the pass and Turquoise blue waters of Yamdrok Lake follow the lake further west until you ascend yet another pass

7 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

to view Karola glacier high above the road. The afternoon brings you to for a late lunch, followed by a visit to Pelkor Chode Monastery to view the largest in all of Tibet, the Gyantse Kumbum. Reaching your destination in the evening, dinner will be waiting along with a comfortable bed at the Gesar Hotel. Shigatse is home to Tashilhunpo Monastery which you will visit on your return journey. Distance: 340km. Accommodation: Gesar Hotel, Shigatse

Karo La Glacier on the way to Shigatse Day 5. Shigatse to New (Shegar). Today will be another breathtaking day on the Friendship Highway, winding through high-altitude valleys toward New Tingri (Shegar). This is a small and basic town that has grown up around a Tibetan village, with an interesting and ancient Tibetan fortress Dzong that sits atop a nearby ridge. This will be the most basic accommodation of the trip. The following day you will rise well before sunrise and journey to to the catch the sun's morning greeting of the highest point on earth (weather permitting). Distance: 290km.

Accommodation: Everest Hotel, New Tingri Overlooking Shigatse

8 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

Day 6. Rongbuk Monastery. Welcome to a new day on the Roof of the World! Dawn draws near as you head to Rongbuk Monastery, where you will enjoy the best views of Everest’s North Face. Other 8,000+ meter sentinels will be standing guard along the way, including , , and . Your camera will be busy as Everest awakens to the changing shades of sunlight. Heading inside, you will enjoy a simple breakfast and the warmth of Tibetan hospitality (and tea) in the highest monastery on the Stunning views of Everest and the Himalayan Range from Gawu La Pass (5200m) planet. After a relaxed morning enjoying the presence of Everest and your gracious hosts, you’ll journey back to New Tingri for lunch. Return Distance: 220km. Accommodation: Everest Hotel, New Tingri

Day 7-8. New Tingri - Shigatse - Lhasa Airport. Having realized your dream of seeing Everest with your own eyes the previous day, the return journey is one of immense satisfaction. The Friendship Highway provides one last sweeping view of the Tibetan Plateau before arriving back in Shigatse for Full view of Everest’s North Face from Rongbuk Monastery

9 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

a relaxing lunch. The afternoon includes a visit to Tashilhunpo Monastery, the seat of the second most important spiritual leader in Tibet, the Panchen . For those happy to continue to stretch their legs, joining the Tibetan pilgrims on their Kora circuit around the monastery is an option, as well as the opportunity to walk in the old quarter of town to enjoy scenes of an ancient way of life. Dinner and a comfortable night at the Gesar Hotel will precede heading to the airport early tomorrow morning for your return flight to Chengdu. Distance: 290km.

Afternoon of Day 8: Depart Lhasa Airport (flight) Tashilhungpo Monastery, Shigatse

Views of Shigatse from the kora circuit around Dates & Cost below… Tashilhungpo Monastery

10 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093 extravagantyak.com TIBET TRAVEL EXPERTS proud sponsor of tibetpedia.com

Dates & Cost

Dates: Contact us for available dates - 8 Days

Cost: $1670USD /person

Inclusive of:

๏ private vehicle and driver Come to Tibet.

๏ airport pick-up and transfers

๏ all accommodation based on double occupancy (7 nights)

๏ Extravagant Yak English speaking Tibetan guide

๏ breakfasts

๏ all activities and entrance fees en-route (per the itinerary)

๏ Tibet Travel Permit


๏ International airfare

๏ Chengdu to Lhasa return airfare

๏ lunches and dinners

๏ medical, travel, and trip interruption insurance

๏ Passport and visa fees

๏ activities not included on the trip itinerary

๏ souvenirs, laundry, items of a personal nature

11 EXTRAVAGANT YAK TRAVEL LTD. 成都市⾼升桥东路罗⻢假⽇⼴场⾼盛中⼼1117室 (+86)028-85108093