Professor Norman Christ — Curriculum Vitae Name: Norman H
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Professor Norman Christ — Curriculum Vitae Name: Norman H. Christ Address: Department of Physics Columbia University New York, NY Telephone: 212 854 3307 Email address: [email protected] Current Position Professor of Physics Columbia University (1999-) Previous Positions Chair, Department of Physics Columbia University (1994-1999) Associate Professor Columbia University (1969-1974) Assistant Professor Columbia University (1966-1969) Instructor Princeton University (1967-1969) Education Ph.D., Columbia University (1966) B.A., Columbia University (summa cum laude) (1965) Honors and Awards: Salutatorian, Columbia College (1965) Sloan Fellowship (1967) American Physical Society Fellow (1981) Gordon Bell Prize (1998) Ken Wilson Lattice Award (2012) Publications: 1. N. H. Christ and T. D. Lee, Possible Tests of Cst and Tst Invariances in l± + N → l +Γ and A → B + e+e−, Phys. Rev. 143, 1310 (1966). 2. N. H. Christ and T. D. Lee, Receprocity Relations in Photopion Reac- tions, Phys. Rev. 148, 1520 (1966). 3. N. H. Christ and T. D. Lee, Possible CP Violation in K± → π±π0 + γ, Phys. Rev. 159, 1292 (1967). 4. N. H. Christ, A Renormalizable Theory of the Weak Interactions, Phys. Rev. 176, 2086, 176 (1968). 5. N. H. Christ, A Method for Computing Scattering Matrix Elements in a Class of Non-Renormalizable Field Theories, in Nonpolynomial Lagrangians, Renormalization and Gravity, Tracts in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Vol 1, Gordon and Breach, 69 (1971). 6. N. H. Christ and T. D. Lee, CP Nonconservation and Inequalities Be- + − 0 0 tween µ µ and 2γ Decay Rates of KS and KL, Phys. Rev. D4, 209 (1971). 7. N. H. Christ, Finite Predictions from a Non-renormalizable Field The- ory, Phys. Rev. D5, 2486 (1972). 8. N. H. Christ, B. Hasslacher and A. H. Mueller, Light Cone Behavior of Perturbation Theory, Phys. Rev. D6, 3542 (1972). 9. N. H. Christ, Perturbation Theory and the Light Cone, in Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on High Energy Physics,Vol2, eds. J. D. Jackson and A. Roberts, National Accelerator Laboratory, 122 (1972). 10. N. H. Christ, F. J. Farley and H. M. Hereward, On the Feasibility of Colliding Beam Experiments with Longitudinally Polarized Electrons, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. 115, 227 (1974). 11. N. H. Christ Application of Conformal Symmetry to Quantum Electro- dynamics, Phys. Rev. D9, 946 (1974). 12. N. H. Christ Theory of Magnetic Monopoles with Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 355 (1975). 13. N. H. Christ and T. D. Lee, Quantum Expansion of Soliton Solutions, Phys. Rev. D12, 1606 (1975). 14. N. H. Christ, Quantum Expansion of Soliton Solutions, Phys. Reports 23C, 294 (1976). 15. N. H. Christ, A. H. Guth and E. J. Weinberg, Canonical Formalism for Gauge Theories with Application to Monopoles, Nucl. Phys. B114, 61 (1976). 16. C. Bernard, N. H. Christ, A. H. Guth and E. J. Weinberg, Instanton Parameters for Arbitrary Gauge Groups, Phys. Rev. D16, 2967 (1977). 17. N. H. Christ, E. J. Weinberg, N. K. Stanton, General Self-Dual Yang- Mills Solutions, Phys. Rev. D18, 2013 (1978). 18. N. H. Christ, Self-dual Yang-Mills Solutions, in Proceedings of the NSF Summer Workshop on Applications of Complex Manifold Techniques to Problems in Theoretical Physics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 45 (1978). 19. N. H. Christ, Unified Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions, Baryon Number Nonconservation and the Atiyah-Singer Theorem, 234, ibid. 20. N. H. Christ, Conservation Law Violation at High Energy by Anoma- lies, Phys. Rev. D21, 1591 (1980). 21. N. H. Christ and R. Jackiw, Equality of Magnetic Charge and Pontrya- gin Index for Yang-Mills Dyons, Phys. Lett. B91, 228 (1980). 22. N. H. Christ, T. D. Lee, Operator Ordering and Feynman Rules in Gauge Theories, Phys. Rev. D22, 939 (1980). 23. N. H. Christ, Operator Ordering and Feynman Rules in Gauge Theo- ries, Physica Scripta 23, 970, (1980). 24. N. H. Christ, Operator Ordering and Feynman Rules in Gauge The- ories, in High Energy Physics – 1980, eds. L. Durand and L. G. Pon- drom (New York, American Institute of Physics) Vol. 2, 1022 (1981). 25. A. S. Blaer, N. H. Christ, J-F. Tang, Anomalous Fermion Production by a Julia-Zee Dyon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 1364 (1981). 26. A. S. Blaer, N. H. Christ, J-F. Tang, Fermion Emission from a Julia- Zee Dyon, Phys. Rev. D25, 2128 (1982). 27. N. H. Christ, R. Friedberg, T. D. Lee, Random Lattice Field Theory: General Formulation, Nucl. Phys. B202, 89 (1982). 28. N. H. Christ, R. Friedberg, T. D. Lee, Gauge Theory on a Random Lattice, Nucl. Phys. B210, 310 (1982). 29. N. H. Christ, R. Friedberg, T. D. Lee, Weights of Links and Plaquettes in a Random Lattice, Nucl. Phys. B210, 337 (1982). 30. N. H. Christ, QCD on a Random Lattice, in Proceedings, Lattice Gauge Theory, Supersymmetry and Grand Unification, (Florence), 47 (1982). 31. N. H. Christ, QCD on a Random Lattice, in Field Theory In Elementary Particles, (Coral Gables), 419 (1982). 32. N. H. Christ and A. E. Terrano, Hardware matrix Multiplier / Accu- mulator for Lattice Gauge Theory, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A222, 534 (1984). 33. N. H. Christ and A. E. Terrano, A Very Fast Parallel Processor, IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-33, 344 (1984). 34. N. H. Christ, Lattice Gauge Theory with Special Processors and Super- computers, in Proceedings of the Oregon Meeting, ed. R. Hwa (Singa- pore, World Scientific), 593 (1985). 35. N. H. Christ and A. E. Terrano, The Deconfining Phase Transition in Lattice QCD, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 111 (1986). 36. N. H. Christ, Lattice Gauge-Theory with a Fast Highly Parallel Com- puter, J. Stat. Phy. 43, 1061 (1986). 37. N. H. Christ and A. E. Terrano, A Micro-based Supercomputer, Byte 11, 145 (1986). 38. N. H. Christ, The Columbia Supercomputer Project, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 1A, 95 (1987). 39. N. H. Christ, The Columbia Supercomputer Project: Physics Results and Present Status, in Lattice Gauge Theory ’86, eds. H. Satz, I. Har- rity and J. Potvin (Plenum Press, New York) 55 (1987). 40. N. H. Christ, Specialized Computers for Lattice Gauge Theory, in Lattice Gauge Theory Using Parallel Processors, eds. X. Y. Li, Z. M. Qiu and H. C. Ren, (Gordon and Breach, New York), 139 (1987). 41. N. H. Christ, The Columbia Supercomputer Project: Physics Results and Present Status, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 4, 241 (1988). 42. N. H. Christ and H. Q. Ding, Latent Heat and Critical Temperature of the Color-Deconfining Phase Transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 1367 (1988). 43. F. R. Brown and N. H. Christ, Parallel Supercomputers for Lattice Gauge Theory, Science 239, 1393 (1988). 44. F. R. Brown, N. H. Christ, Y. Deng, M. Gao and T. J. Woch, Nature of the Deconfining Phase Transition in SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2058 (1988). 45. N. H. Christ, QCD Machines, Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 9 549 (1989). 46. N. H. Christ, Status of the Columbia 256-node Machine, Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 17, 267 (1990). 47. N. H. Christ, QCD Machines: Present and Future, in Computing in High Energy Physics, (Santa Fe, NM), 541 (1990). 48. N. H. Christ, Plans for a 1 Teraflop Lattice QCD Computer, 564, ibid. 49. N. H. Christ, The QCD Phase Transition, with and without Quark Loops, in DPF ’90, (Houston, TX), 780 (1990). 50. F. R. Brown, F. P. Butler, N. H. Christ, H. Chen, Z. Dong, W. Schaffer, L. I. Unger and A. Vaccarino, On the Existence of a Phase Transition for QCD with Three Light Quarks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 2491 (1990). 51. F. R. Brown, F. P. Butler, H. Chen, N. Christ, Z-H. Dong, W. Schaf- fer, L. I. Unger, A. Vaccarino, The QCD Phase Transition with Four Flavors of Light Quarks, Phys. Lett. B251 181 (1990). 52. F. R. Brown, F. P. Butler, N. H. Christ, H. Chen, Z. Dong, W. Schaffer, L. I. Unger and A. Vaccarino, Hadron Masses in QCD with Two Flavors of Dynamical Fermions at β =5.7, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1062 (1991). 53. N. H. Christ, QCD Machines: Present and Future, Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 20, 129 (1991). 54. S. Aoki, R. Shrock (SUNY, Stony Brook), B. Berg, K. Bitar, R. Ed- wards, U.M. Heller, A. Kennedy, S. Sanielevici (Florida State U.), C. Bernard, M. Ogilvie, D. Petcher (Washington U., St. Louis), G. Bhanot, P. Rossi (Thinking Machines, Cambridge), R. Brower, J. Potvin, C. Rebbi (Boston U.), F. R. Brown, N. Christ, R. Mawhinney (Columbia U.), C. Detar (Utah U.), T. Draper, K. F. Liu (Kentucky U.), S. Got- tlieb (Indiana U.), H. Hamber (UC, Irvine), G. Kilcup, J. Shigemitsu (Ohio State U.), J. Kogut (Illinois U., Urbana), A. Kronfeld (Fer- milab), I. H. Lee (Rockefeller U.), J. Negele (MIT, LNS), S. Ohta (Wako, RIKEN), J. C. Sexton (Trinity Coll., Dublin), E. Shuryak (SUNY, Stony Brook), D. K. Sinclair (Argonne), A. Soni (Brookhaven), W. Wilcox (Baylor U.), Physics Goals of the QCD Teraflops Project, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C2 829 (1991). 55. N. H. Christ, QCD with Eight Flavors of Dynamical Quarks, in Hot Summer Daze, Brookhaven, NY, 37 (1991). 56. F. R. Brown, F. P. Butler, N. H. Christ, H. Chen, Z. Dong, W. Schaffer, L. I. Unger and A. Vaccarino, Hadron Masses in QCD with Two Flavors of Dynamical Fermions at β =5.7, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1062 (1991). 57. N. H. Christ, The QCD Phase Transition with 2, 3 and 4 Flavors of Dynamical Quarks, Nucl. Phys. A527, 539 (1991). 58. N. H. Christ, Finite Temperature QCD, Nucl. Phys. A544, 81 (1992). 59. F. R. Brown, H Chen, N. H. Christ, Z. Dong, R. Mawhinney, W.