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Greek letters are treated as a form of latin letters sounding similar; other symbols and numbers are at the beginning of the alphabet.

, 346 attx~ 169 231 [ ] 37 aux~ 169 20, 214 {0, 1 }+ 37 aux-v,in 187 f0 221 I I 37 aux~,ou t 187 fO,K 245 I 12 37 fO,n 225 II 271 B 152, 157, 159, 221 fl 221 ~-- 37 B 168 fl,K 245 ~ 224 BACK_TO 76 fl,n 225 226 BadefJ(N) 170 Forg 173 218 B K 221 Forge 174 < > 213 Blum 216 '' 37 B n 225 g 219 + 223 B~n 225 gcd 20 broken' 67 gen 25, 234 (~) 215 BO" 221 Gen 152, 157, 159 (~) 215 Btr,K 221 Gen(1) 154, 160 e R 37 B~,n 226 Gen*q) 361 O 64 B~,< 226 genA 193 B~, n 284 genA (l) 193 0 219 GenA,~ 169 '1 'k 39 choose 249 GenTi,B 168, 169 '1 '~0 152 claw_from_collision 275 GenAd~,O 169 4IN + 1 223 codek,K 280 genB 193 codek,q,desc 266 GeneralBlum 216 A 152, 157, 159 connections 72 genWill 231 ,~ 168, 256 correctconnection 78 GF(2 k) 239 A ft) 160 CorrFam 185, 192 GK 246, 248 /1 * 256 Corrk, tr 185 Good 246 ~1 171 court_program 51,104 Good_weakk 283 42 171 GoodFam 185, 192 A/] 258 D 221 Goodlnf 176, 197, 362 acc 64, 67, 158, 186 'decide' 66 Goodln3~ 176 acc_observed 186 desc 234 Goodlnf_ext 334 'agree' 67, 89 direction 75 Goodk 245, 248 All 246 'disavow' 67 Goodk,cr 185 all_test 192 Disavow_results 67 Goodk,~ 246 AllFam 192 Dispute_results 67, 73 GoodKeys 176, 362 Allk 234, 245, 248, 251 D K 245 GoodKeys~ 176 Allk, tr 192 group_verification 234 Allk, ~ 246 e 37 Gtr,n 226 ALWAYS_IN_THE_PAST 76 "eot' 65 G~r,n 227 Any 64 events 75 Gz, n 285 auth 334 expg 213 Auths(l)S, F 174 expg 219 H 257 Authss,F 182 ext 256 H(X) 346 aux 186, 193 H(XI Y) 346 attx~ 169 F 180 hashK 251 388 Symbols

HENCEFORTH 76 low 91 PK 348 high 91 7rK 248 hist 156, 290 m 64 PK(prek) 290 Hist(prek, sk) 290 rn 154 PK_All 194 Hist(sk, IV] 172 M 64 ~rv,~ 218 Hist_ext(sk, N) 334 M(hist) 173 positions_in 78 Histj 349, 363 m__~N 348 Ppar 361 h K 246, 248 make_small 267 Ppar,prek 196 HK 246, 248 mA 296 prefix_free 280 Hq,desc 234 Message_bounds 70, 73 prefix_free* 280 Hq,p 236 MFam 289 prek 184, 193 H~,p 239 mk 184 PREVIOUS 76 ink_test 193 previous_valid input 77 i 99 MODIFIED_SINCE 77 Prod 227 I(X ; Y) 346 Mprek 289 Programs 104 I(X;YIZ) 347 proof 156 ld 72 n 20, 231 provable 173 ldc 72 N 70, 152, 158 Provable 174 identity 75 no_output 43 prove 156, 158 ldR 72 not_a_forgery 156, 158 prove~ 156, 160 ids 64 'not_cooperated' 67 PS( ~ ) 37 lds 72 NP 15 Psucc(#, g) 257 idsR,de c 67 hum(b) 226 Psucc,av(lZ) 257 idSR,di s 67 num( 1 284 pub 151,158 idsR,init 74 ldsR,init 75 0 169 q 20, 231,234, 237 idsR,init C 70 o_observed 100 Qn 172 idsR,init R 70 Obs 186 QR n 215 idsR,init S 70 'observe_authentication' 100 Qsig 172 idSR,sig n 64 'observejrans' 100 idsR,x 73 obtain 98 R 153, 361 idSRisk,out 95, 158, 160 ord( ~ ) 213 p 306 tk,prek 314 others 66 rA 152, 153 in 75 out 75 rB 152 lnf 187 outputat 77 Recipients_per_init 70 'init' 68 Recipients_total 74 input_at 77 p 20, 231,237 recipient_program 51,104 P 186 recipient_wins 88 k 151, 158 186 red 256 K 185 lr 218 rel 254 K 257 P( ) 37 res 151,157, 159 'keyused_up' 65, 158 P(...\...) 37 restrl 154, 159 klen 251 P(x) 346 restr2 155, 159 P*succ(g*) 257 restr3 156, 159 l 301,309 P*succ(IZ, g*) 258 restr4 156, 159 Z 98 P -succ,av 257 restr5 156, 159 len 251 P] 119 rho 305 len_p 237 par 71,152, 158, 159 RQRn 223, 224 len_.p* 237 par* 186 RQR < 224 length 266, 280 Pars 71 RQR > 224 In 218 PB,F,par 174 Ln[f; c] 231 PB,par 176 s 154, 158, 160 logg 213 permitted_connections 72 tr 151, 158 pk 13, 158 'show" 66 Symbols 389

Show_results 67 valid 156, 158 sign 25, 106, 154, 158 valid_input 77 'sign' 64 value 75 sign(l) 154, 160 verify 156, 158 sign_extq) 334 verify_simple 193 Sign_results 65 signer_program 51,104 WEAK_NEXT 76 signer signs 84 WEAK_PREVIOUS76 Sire 187 which_assumption 67 SINCE 76 Will 217 Sj 348, 363 Willk 231 sk 13, 154, 160 SK 348, 363 x 361 SK 248 X 362 sk_temp 151, 158 X, Y 346 SK_Temp 158 SK_Temp(prek) 290 y 362 sk_tempnew 154, 158 sk_tempold 154, 158 Z 364 SK_TemPorig 195 ZKP 186 SK_Temporig(prek) 195 ZKPp,~ 186 SK~ 175 ZKP~,v 187 SKm 349, 363 7 n 214 S# 258 Zn* 214 spec_pars 104 Zn*(+l ) 215 Sub 227 suitable 75 sys__pars 118

246 tau 291 tau 1305 tau z 305 test 25, 106, 155, 158 "test' 64 'test__proof' 96 Test_results 64 TK mzI 296 tk,'~,K 299 transaction_type 72 Transaction__Types 72 transfer 98 'transfer proof 96 tx 361 tX 362 Tx 363 TX 363 type_of 72


V 186 187 Index

2-message initialization 127 behaviour 41 2-party disputes 90 belong 57, 103 2-party port 104 "Beweislast" 4 3-party disputes bit complexity 106

- at the recipient's discretion 90 black-box simulation 122

- at the signer's discretion 90 blank signature 6 3-party port 104 blind signature 30 Blum integer 216 Abelian group 213 Bob 1 "Abschlul3funktion" 4 bottom-up tree authentication 144, 322 acceptable broadcast

- group 234 - channel 107 - main public key 193 - port 104

- signature 140, 155, 158, 362 - reliable 111 acceptance level 99 bundling acceptance value 158 -degree 218 access of attackers to system parts 110 - function 143, 241,246 access point 41 - homomorphism 241,247 - type 51 - property 218 accountable 6 burden of proof 4 - centre 63 - key certifier 17 canonical mapping 214 - third party 6, 17, 63 centre 63 active attack 23, 112 - accountable 63 adaptive chosen-message attack 23, 115 certificate 16, 63 additional transactions 61, 97 channel 105 algorithmic notation 150 cheating prover 186 Alice 1 cheating verifier 187 all acceptable prekeys 192 Chinese remainder algorithm 214, 229 arbiter 8, 60, 64 Chinese remainder theorem 214 arbitrary transferability 167 class 125 arbitrated signature 31 claw 240 assessment by the public 4 closing function 4 asymmetric authentication scheme 8 coin-flipping 212 attack, types of 23 collision 142, 240, 313 attacker 40 collision-intractable 142, 143 - model 110 collision-intractable family of

- strategy 45 - bundling functions 246 authentic channel 111 - bundling homomorphisms 247 authentic storage 111,334 - fixed-size hash functions 251 authentication 59, 64, 154 - hash functions 250 authentication code 12 - hiding functions 248 authenticity function 3 - hiding homomorphisms 250 availability of service 60, 87, 166 collude 110 210 backward 172 - on large domains 247 bad outcome 170 common transaction 59 BAN logic 58 communication complexity 105 batch signing 29 completeness 187 batch verification 29 complexity 38, 44 392 Index computational discrete logarithm 213,233

- assumption 116 discrete-logarithm assumption 21

-security 15, 120 - abstract 235 conditional entropy 346 - certified 239 conditional mutual information 347 - concrete 237 confidentiality requirement 61,103 - standard 236 confn'mer 29 discrete-logarithm scheme 299

- disavowal 29 - with minimized secret key 339 connection 51 dishonest 45 connection-control access point 53, 72 dispute 59, 66, 155 consistency 87 -in standard fail-stop signature schemes 129,

- of observations 100, 109 155 constructive specification 57 - steps of 129, 155 conventional definition 149, 157, 161 distributed variant 102 convert 102, 132 diversity 6 cooperation of attackers 110 domain, restricted 39 correct 45 dual invisible signature scheme 131 - distribution 185 dual security 120 - prekey distribution 192 duplication of an access point 99 - secret key 140

-signature 140, 155 "Echtheitsfunktion" 3 correctness of 'broken' 93, 163 effectiveness of correctness of initialization 60, 87, 165, 170 - authentication 60, 86, 165, 170, 196 corrupted 45 - initialization 60, 86, 165 court 50 - proof 187 court access point 51 - transfers 98, 99 court's entity 51 - transfers of proofs of forgery 96 credential scheme dement order 213

- application 18 EIGamal scheme 21, 24

- as transaction scheme 48 elliptic curve 22, 240 cryptographically strong 26 entity 40, 49 cryPt01ogic assumption 15, 116 entropy 346

- abstract 26 error message 65 - concrete 26, 230 error probability 116, 119

- trustworthiness 22 - necessity 123 cyclic group 213 Euclidean algorithm 229 - isomorphism 213 Euler's criterion 215 Euler's totient function 20, 214 declaration of intention 3 event 41 degree of security 41, 48, 109, 118 - sequence 75 denial of service 87 exception 92 density of primes 217 existential forgery 23 dependence of authentication on the recipients existing scheme 47, 125 97, 128 expected polynomial-time 39 DES 9, 13 explicit switching 52 descriptive specification 56 exponentially small 39, 171 designated confirmer 29, 63 exponentiation 213, 229 device 6, 42 extended history 334 digital signature scheme 1 extended security for the signer 334 direct access 113 external verifiability 100, 109, 168 directedness of authentication 91 - of authentication 100 directory 16 - of disputes 101 Dirichlet's prime-number theorem 218 - of multi-party protocols 209 disavowal protocol 28, 132 - of zero-knowledge proofs 185 Index 393

group-generation algorithm 234, 238 f-collision 240 group-oriented signature 30

- with respect to = 241 factor group 214, 239 handwritten signature 3 factoring assumption 20, 231 hardware support 6 factoring scheme hash - with local verifiability 305 - function 19, 24, 241,250, 313 - with zero-knowledge proof 305 - value 251 fail-safe 36 hiding fail-stop - function 242, 247 - property 92 - homomorphism 242, 250 - security 120 - property 220, 222, 225

- signature scheme 35, 127 higher security 91 fall-back requirement 92 history 156, 172

- of the recipient on disputes 92, 161 homomorphism theorem 214

- of the signer on disputes 92, 162 honest 45 family of groups of prime order 234 honest user 112 feasible 45 - influence of attackers on 112 female 14 - precondition on behaviour 62 Fermat's little theorem 213 honest user, model 112 Fiat-Shamir scheme 9 hybrid 16 finite fields, other 239 fixed recipient 97, 130, 343 ideal protocol 57 fixed-length encoding identification scheme 8 - for a claw-intractable family of permutation "Identi~tsfunktion" 3 pairs 280 identity function 3 - for a family of groups 266 identity-based 31 fixed-size hash function 241,251 incremental signature 29, 108, 112 flexible variable 86 indirect access 113 forger 180 influence of attackers on honest users 112 forward 172 information theory 346 fulfil 41 information-theoretic full fail-stop property 94 - -ally hiding 247 full fail-stop signature scheme 94, 150 - -ally secure signature scheme 133, 360 function pair 225 -security 12, 119, 120 functional notation 150, 160 initial state 105 initialization 59, 68, 151 general temporal validity 121 - for a newly created identity 69 generalized Blum integer 216 - for a previously known identity 68 generation scheme for subgroups of prime inner product 219 fields 237 integrity requirement 102 generator 213 interactive

GMR 26 - function 40, 42

GMR definition 25 - Turing machine 40, 42 GMR family of permutation pairs 283 interest group 56 good information 176, 197, 362 interface 41, 48 good key 176, 362 - behaviour 105

- ~s, remarks on 252 - event 49, 64, 75 good prekey 192 - port 104 graceful degradation 92 invisible signature 10, 28, 131 granularity of entities 51 iterated group of prime order 220 - function 221 group order 213 - permutation 221 group signature 31 - squaring and doubling 223 394 Index

modular multiplication 228 Jacobi symbol 215, 229 modus ponens 121 Jensen's inequality 347 Moore's attack 23 joint random variable 346 multi-party

-function evaluation 41,207 kernel 214 - protocol 207 key 11, 13 multiple specifications 60, 91

---generation protocol 152, 157 multisignature 31 - certificate 16, 63 mutual information 346 - distribution 16, 63

- generation 17 Needham's one-way function 19 - pair 14 negligibly small 39 knapsack 21 no dependence on the recipient 97, 129 non-interactive authentication 106 Lagrange's theorem 213 non-uniform complexity 38 Legendre symbol 215 nothing else 57 length function 251 length restriction 193 oblivious signature 30 length-reducing 252 observer 100, 186 level Of generality 47 on-line/off-line 29, 108 list-shaped tree 343 one-time pad 9 local one-time signature 19, 290

- transaction 99 one-way function 19 - verifiability 191 order - verification algorithm 191 - of a group 213 locality 103, 110 - of an element 213 locally verifiable 191 ordinary digital signature scheme 14, 33 logic of authentication 58 ordinary security 120 original temporary secret key 159 /a-tuple exponentiation 219, 230 main key-generation algorithm 193 pair exponentiation 220 main public key 184, 193 participant 42 main public key test 193 passive attack 23, 115 male 14 password 7 malicious 110 payment scheme many risk bearers 203 - as application of signatures 135 medium requirement of the signer on disputes - as transaction scheme 48 89 people 42 "memory-less" permutation pair 221,225, 242, 244

- receiving 108 permutations, larger tuples of 222

- signing 107 person 42 mere authentication scheme 8 PGP 17 message phone book 16 - --block space 289 PIN 7 - block 96, 289 polynomial length 193 - bound 70, 97, 152 polynomial-time in the interface inputs alone - complexity 106 159

- exchange 135 polynomial-time prover 189 - finder 114 port 43, 104

- hashing 313 possible secret key 175 - space 64, 72, 96 preconditions on the behaviour of the honest minimum-knowledge 57 users 62 mobile user device 7 prefix-free encoding of arbitrarily long strings mode of operation 13 280 Index 395

prekey 127, 184, 193 - integrity 102

- same for all signers 201 - of the recipient on disputes 59, 81

preprocessing 29, 108 - of the signer on disputes 59, 83 previously signed message 172 - of the verifier on proofs 187

price in efficiency 345 - on distribution 56 primality test 231 - privacy 102 prime-number theorem 217 restricted 45 primitive root 215 restrictions 149 privacy 10 restrictive blind signature 30 privacy requirement 56, 61,102 result algorithm 151, 158, 159 private rigid variable 76

- channel 111 risk bearer 63, 94 - key 14 role 42 - storage 111,332 round 42, 54 "Privaturkunde" 3 round complexity 106 probabilistic RSA 20, 23 - algorithm 38 rudimentary 361

- function 38 rules from information theory 347

- polynomial-time 39 run 46, 105, 119 program 40 rushing attacker 46 promise problem 39 proof of forgery 36, 107, 127 scheme 40, 104 - storing a 156 "Schriftform" 3 protocol 40 secrecy scheme 9 - execution 45 - asymmetric f5 provable forgery 173 secret key 14, 107, 160 provably secure 26 secure for the signer prover 185, 186 -"backwards" 176 pseudonym 18 -"forwards" 174 pseudosignature 98 secure standard fail-stop signature scheme 175 public key 14, 108 - with prekey 196 public key-distribution scheme 16 security 109

public-key cryptosystem 15 -computational 15, 120 - for risk bearers 171 quadratic nonresidue 215 - for the risk bearer 196 quadratic residue 215 - for the signer !72, 196 quadratic-residuosity assumption 210 - for ... 124 quantum computing 231,238 - information-theoretic 119, 120 -parameter 15, 39, 70, 105, 119, 151 Rabin scheme 23 - type 120 Rabin-Miller test 232 semantics 117 random tape 38 server-aided 29, 106, 112 random variable 348, 363 service 41, 46, 48, 55 reactive system 41, 43 Shannon security 12 "Rechtsgesch~ift" 3 Sl :nature scheme 104 recipient access point 51 signature, handwritten 3 recipient's entity 51 signer access point 51 redundancy 24 signer's entity 51 reliable broadcast 16 signing key 13 replaced quadratic residues 224 signing one message block 290 replication of initialization 203 simplified security criteria 196 requirement 41, 56 simplified verification algorithm 193

- as predicate on sequences 56 simulator 187

- in temporal logic 56 smartcard 6 396 Index soundness 187 tree authentication I44, 322 special specification parameters 61, 96 tree shape, flexible 332 specification 41, 56 trust 5 specification parameter 73 - in devices 6 standard fail-stop signature scheme 149, 157, - in third parties 5

159 - k-out-of-n 6

- with prekey 192 - model 58, 110 standard ordinary digital signature scheme 202 trusted-host specification 57 standard prefix-free encoding 280 tuple exponentiation 219, 230 standardization 25 step 40 ugly group 223, 226 string commitment 247 unary 39 strong claw-intractable family of permutation - compute in 39 pairs 244 undeniable signature 10 strong GMR family of permutation pairs 283 unforgeability 59, 85, 121, 164, 180 strong requirement uniform complexity 38

- of the recipient on disputes 88 unrestricted 45

-of the signer on disputes 89, 166 user 41 stronger requirements 60, 88 user device 6 structure 48, 103 user-friendliness 91 - description 40 subliminal channel 32 valid proof of forgery 156, 158 success, types of 23 vector exponentiation 219 successful forgery 173 verification protocol 28, 132 sufficiendy large 39 verifier 185, 186 superpolynomially small 39 Vernam cipher 9 switch 53, 104 very small 119 symmetric authentication scheme 8 view 46, 169 synchronous 42, 46, 54 system 40, 105, 118 warden 32 - behaviour 45, 105 "Warnfunktion" 3

- operator 135 warning function 3 - parameter 73, 105, 118 weak claw-intractable family of permutation pairs 245 tamper-resistance 7 weak GMR family of permutation pairs 283 temporal logic 76 "Willenserkl~a'ung" 3 temporal operator 76 Williams integer 217 temporary secret key 151 Williams scheme 23 test key 13, 108, 361 tester 360 X.509 17 third party

- accountable 6, 17, 63 zero-knowledge proof scheme 41,132, 185, - computerized 5 252 - trusted (so-called) 5 threshold signature 31 time 54 top-down tree authentication 144, 325 trace 46 transaction 55 - scheme 48 transfer 98 transfer of a proof of forgery 96, 155 transferability of proofs of forgery 96, 167 trap-door one-way permutation 20 Lecture Notes in Computer Science For information about Vols. 1-1071 please contact your bookseller or Springer-Verlag

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