Assumption of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary Conception Roman Catholic Parish Parish

195 South Kankakee Street 110 South School Street Coal City, IL 60416 Braidwood, IL 60408

Second in December 6, 2020

Jesus prays in thanks to God, who has revealed himself to the lowly. Matthew 11:25-30 December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 2

Pope Francis I: Advent Begins!

Advent is the liturgical season that prepares us for , inviting us to raise our eyes and to open our heart to welcome Jesus. During Advent we not only wait for Christmas, we are invited to reawaken the expectation of Christ’s glorious return when He will return at the end of time –preparing ourselves for the final encounter with Him with consistent and courageous choices. We recall Christmas; we wait for Christ’s glorious return, and also for our personal encounter the day in which the Lord will call us. During these four weeks we are called to come out of a resigned and habitual way of living, and to come out nourishing hope, nourishing our dreams for a new future.

Keep watch and pray: see how this time must be lived from today until Christmas. Watch and pray. The inner sleep stems from turning always around ourselves and remaining blocked in the closure of our life with its problems, its joys, and its sorrows, but always turning around ourselves. And this is tiring, this is boring, this closes us to hope. Here we find the root of the torpor and laziness of which the Gospel speaks. Advent invites us to a commitment of vigilance, looking outside of ourselves, widening our mind and heart to open ourselves to the needs of people, of brothers, and to the desire of a new world.

The second attitude to live the time of waiting for the Lord is that of prayer.

“Look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (v. 28), admonishes Luke’s Gospel. It’s about rising and praying, turning our thoughts and heart to Jesus who is about to come. We rise when we expect something or someone. We await Jesus; we want to wait for Him in prayer, which is closely linked to vigilance. However, if we think of Christmas in an atmosphere of consumerism, of seeing what I can buy to do this or that, of worldly celebration, Jesus will pass by and we won’t meet Him. We await Jesus and we want to wait for Him in prayer, which is closely linked to vigilance.

May the Virgin Mary, woman of waiting and prayer who brings us, Jesus, help us to reinforce our hope in the promises of Her Son Jesus, to make us experience that, through the anguish of history, God always r remains faithful and also makes use of human errors to manifest His mercy. In Christ, Father Bader

Next weekend ….Blessing of the Christmas Bambinos

Bring the blessings of Christmas into your home The , a beloved part of Christmas decorations the world over, can be traced to the love for, and devotion to Christ felt by Saint Francis of Assisi. Francis read the Gospels with great care, wanting to know everything he could about Jesus. Moved by the simplicity of Jesus' humble birth in a stable, Francis decided to celebrate Christmas in the year 1223 in a special way, “to see as much as possible with my own bodily eyes" the way Jesus was born. So he set up a real manger scene in the town of Greccio (from which the word "creche" comes), and the townspeople gathered with Francis and his friars to praise God in prayer and song. The people's imaginations were fired with love for the Savior, and so a popular tradition was born. The figures of the nativity scene stand still, like a picture, to remind us of that one particular moment in history... that moment in time when all creation stood still out of wonder and awe, because God as a baby was born! Next weekend, December 19th and 20th [The Fourth Sunday of Advent], we are holding the Blessing of the Christmas Bambinos at ALL Masses. Bring the “Baby Jesus” from your home Nativity Set and CLEARLY LABEL the figure with a secure tag. When you come to , put the figure in the Christmas Stable. Father will bless the “Bambinos” during the Mass. That way, you’ll have the blessings of Christmas, from the hands of our Priest, in your home throughout the Christmas Season. This beautiful custom is a great way to keep Christ at the center of this holy season. Blessing of a Christmas Nativity Scene for use at home In its present form the custom of displaying figures depicting the birth of Jesus Christ owes its origin to Saint Francis of Assisi, who made the Christmas Creche, or Manger for 1223. The Blessing of the Christmas Nativity Scene in your home may take place on Christmas Eve, when you set the scene up for the season, or perhaps before a special family meal during this beautiful season. All make the sign of the cross as the leader says: +Our help is in the name of the Lord. Who made heaven and earth. Someone reads the Scripture Luke 2: 1-14 The leader prays with hands joined. Following, the Nativity Scene can be sprinkled with holy water, if some is available in your home. God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made manifest your love: when our need for a Savior was great you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary. To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice mercy and love. Lord, bless all who look upon this manger; may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Savior of all, and who lives and reigns forever and ever. In Christ, Father Bader December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 3

Immaculate Conception Opening Plan for Opening Plan for the Adoration Chapel Adoration Chapel Chapel will be opened everyday

Chapel will be unlocked 5:00am - 11:00pm every day from 6:00 am 6.00 If you do not feel well or pm Chapel will be locked experiencing a fever, cough, or every night from 6:00 pm – respiratory symptoms, please do not visit the chapel until your 6:00 am (use code) If you do not feel well or experiencing symptoms subside. a fever, cough, or respiratory Important Notes symptoms, please do not visit the chapel until your The chapel is limited to two adorers at a time. The seats are symptoms subside. blocked off to ensure social distancing. If there are two Important Notes adorers present when you arrive, please wait outside the The chapel is limited to two adorers at a time. The seats are building/in your car until one person leaves. The Chapel will blocked off to ensure social distancing. If there are two be cleaned each morning and candles will be lit by adorers present when you arrive, please wait outside the George Kaluzny.

building in your car until one person leaves. For family adoration the chapel is limited for one household For family adoration the chapel is limited for one household at a time. at a time. Parishioners/adorers must wear a face-mask. Parishioner/adorers must wear a face mask. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance of the chapel Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance of the chapel for parishioners to use. Adorers are responsible for keeping for Parishioners to use. the chapel clean. Cleaning spray will be available. Please clean The Chapel will have no Literature and seat cushions will be anything that you touch, especially your seat area right removed. before you leave, door handles, any sink, toilet handle and Adorers are responsible for keeping the chapel clean. light switches. Cleaning spray will be available. Please clean anything that

When entering you must follow these steps: you touch, especially your seat area right before you leave, Total Reverence at All Times! door handles, and any sink or toilet handle. 1. Upon entering the chapel sanitize your hands. When entering you must follow these steps: 2. Put gloves on to sign in & to remove the cover from Total Reverence at All Times! the monstrance. 1. Before entering the chapel sanitize your hands. 3. Keep your gloves on if you want to light a candle. 2. You must sign in the time you arrived in the Perpetual 4. Keep social distance from any other adorer. Adoration Sign-In book. 5. Pick your spot and be with “Our Lord”. 3. Open Tabernacle if it is closed. 4. Pick your spot and be with “Our Lord”. When leaving you must follow these steps) 6. Put your gloves on to cover the monstrance. When leaving you must follow these steps: (Do not spray the monstrance.) 5. Before you close the tabernacle sanitize your hands and 7. Use sanitizing spray and wipe with a cloth where you sat. spray (where you touched) Sanitize light switches. If you brought Bible, etc. Take 6. Sanitize spray where you sat. with you. (No literature left behind) 7. If you brought a bible, ect. take with you. 8. If someone else is praying you may leave the monstrance (No literature left behind) uncovered skip step 6, but must do 7 & 8. 8. If someone else is praying you may skip step 5, but must do 6, 7 & 8. If you use the washroom, use sanitizer wipes (provided in the bathroom) on all surface areas that you come in If you use the washroom, sanitize (spray) all surface areas contact with, including counter, faucets, toilet seat & that you come in contact with, including counter, faucets, doorknobs, inside and out. Please dispose of wipes in the toilet seat & door knobs, inside and out. wastebasket. Do not flush down the toilet. Other strongly encouraged Steps for Sanitation: Other strongly encouraged Steps for Sanitation: Minimize touching surfaces with your hand (e.g. use your feet Minimize touching surfaces with your hand (e.g. Use your feet to move the kneeler up and down) spray off the door to move the kneeler.) Spray door handles. Sanitize hands handles. Sanitize hands thoroughly before leaving. thoroughly before leaving. For any questions or concerns contact the ministry For any questions or concerns contact the ministry coordinator George Kaluzny: 815-474-5099. coordinator – Anita Scheer (815-739-9767). December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 4

Family Faith Formation Gaudete Sunday December 13, 2020 On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, we listen to the prophetic voice of Isaiah. He speaks about What is special about the bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, a Third Sunday of Advent? year of favor from the Lord. Jesus would proclaim this package in His own synagogue some 700 years later: For much of the Church’s “The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the history, this Sunday had a LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad special name: “Gaudete” tidings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to pro- Sunday. The traditions claim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, surrounding this Sunday go to announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of back as far as the fourth or vindication by our God.” fifth century, as does the

During Advent, we await Jesus who is the fulfillment of season of Advent itself. this passage. St. Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians gives Advent, our preparation for us sound advice for how we should always live our daily Christmas, was originally a lives, especially during the Advent Season. forty-day penitential season like . In fact, since it used to begin on November 12 (just after the “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstanc- of St. Martin of Tours), it was called “St. Martin’s Lent.” es give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ “Gaudete Sunday” was the Advent counterpart to Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophet- “,” which marks the midpoint in Lent. ic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good. Re- frain from every kind of evil. May the God of peace make On Gaudete Sunday, the season of Advent shifts its you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and focus. For the first two weeks of Advent, the focus can body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord be summed up in the phrase, “The Lord is coming.” But Jesus Christ. beginning with Gaudete Sunday, the summary might be, “The Lord is near.” This shift is marked by a lighter The one who calls you is faithful, and he will also mood and a heightened sense of joyous anticipation. accomplish it. In the Gospel, we hear the words of John Liturgically, the colors lighten as well. The priest usually the Baptist as he explains his role in proclaiming the wears rose-colored vestments, a hue seen only on coming Messiah: Gaudete Sunday and Laetare Sunday. On this day, we “I am the voice of one crying out in the desert, ‘make light the third candle of the , which is straight the way of the Lord,’” as Isaiah the prophet also rose-colored, or if you prefer, pink. said.” Some Pharisees were also sent. They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ or The word “Gaudete” is Latin for “Rejoice.” In times when Elijah or the Prophet?” John answered them, “I baptize the focus of our anticipation is often on the negative with water; but there is one among you whom you do and fearful, this celebration is a reminder that God who not recognize, the one who is coming after me, whose loves us is still in charge and that we await his coming sandal strap I am not worthy to untie.” not with fear, but with tremendous joy.

Gaudete Sunday?? Gaudete means Rejoice. Today we

are encouraged to pray without ceasing, to make straight the way of the Lord and to have the charisma and humility of …and we are told to REJOICE ALWAYS! The Lord is near! There has been a shortage of joy during 2020. Let us heed the words of St. Paul – Rejoice always!

Peace and Joy! Deacon Bill December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 5

Advent Giving Tree—beginning the weekend of November 21 & 22 Please take tags off our Advent tree all tags will support Help for Hope in Coal City and The Braidwood Food Pantry (Due to COVID we are only accepng gi cards or Monetary donaons). Please put your gi and tag in an envelope and drop in the Offertory basket or in the mailbox outside the Parish Offices by Monday December 14th.

* of the Immaculate ConcepƟon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Come and celebrate the patronal solemnity of the United States and the greatest of the Blessed Mother’s Advent fesvals. Tuesday, December 8th at 8:30 a.m. mass at Immaculate ConcepƟon Church in Braidwood Tuesday, December 8th at 6:30 p.m. mass at AssumpƟon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Advent & Christmas Confessions Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00 p.m.. -- 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 16th at 7:00 p.m. -- 8:00 p.m.

Blessing of the Christmas Bambinos at AssumpƟon Church Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 19th and 20th Bring your Baby Jesus from your Navity set at home. Clearly LABEL the figure, and when you come to Mass, place it in the Christmas Stable in church. Father will bless the figures during Mass. That way, you’ll bring the blessing of the Church into your home during the Christmas Season.

Solemnity of Christmas / Christmas Eve Vigil Masses at AssumpƟon Church Thursday, December 24th at 3:00 p.m. Thursday, December 24th at 9:00 p.m. (Blessing of Christmas Crib)

*The NaƟvity of the Lord/Christmas Day at AssumpƟon Church Friday, December 25th /Christmas Mass at Dawn at 7:30 a.m. Friday, December 25th/Christmas Mass at 9:30 a.m. Friday, December 25th / Christmas Mass at 11:30 a.m.

Octave Days of the NaƟvity of the Lord at AssumpƟon Church Saturday, December 26th at 8:30 a.m. Mass + Feast of St. Stephen

Sundays & Holy Day of ObligaƟon of Christmas Season Sunday, December 27th + Feast of the of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God at AssumpƟon Church Thursday, December 31st at 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (New Year’s Eve) *Friday, January 1 at 8:30 a.m. Mass (New Year’s Day) Sunday, January 3rd - Solemnity of of the Lord Sunday, January 10th - Feast of the BapƟsm of the Lord

*A Holy Day of ObligaƟon. All Catholics are bound to aƩend Mass the same as on Sunday December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 6 December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 7

Advent Giving Tree

As a Catholic people we prepare to welcome the Christ Child on December 25 through preparation and prayer. Many of you have Advent and Christmas customs and traditions dating back generations, while some of you begin new ones. One great custom we have at our parishes is an Advent Giving Tree. We offer this giving opportunity to reach out to less fortunate families, shut-ins and poor residents. One tree will be at Assumption Church for each of our parishes. On the Advent Giving Tree you will find requests for Berkots, Aldi, Walmart and other gift cash cards. These we share with those who seek help through Help for Hope and the Food pantry in Braidwood. These charitable organizations through our monthly gifts of food and money has helped countless of people in our area.

During these early weeks of Advent, please make sure that you offer the time and financial sacrifice to help the poor by supporting our mission this Advent. Please return your tag and monetary donation together either in the offering basket, parish offices mailboxes no later than Monday, December 14th. If you have any questions, please contact Tricia at Assumption 815-634-4171 or Teri at Immaculate 815-458-2125.

Sweet Sunday Bake Sale The Assumption BVM Parish Stewardship Committee is once again sponsoring a Sweets Sunday Christmas Bake Sale. A delicious variety of Christmas cookies, candies, caramels, pies and cakes will be available. The Bake Sale will be held in Berst Hall, 180 S Kankakee St, and will be open 1:00pm – 5:00pm on Saturday, December 12, 2020 and 7:00am – 1:00pm on Sunday, December 13, 2020. Masks will be required, and social distancing restrictions will be in place. Please make plans to bring your sweet tooth and visit the Bake Sale, or if you would like to preorder some wonderful desserts, contact Teri Jo Boylan at 815-326-0254 by December 5, 2020. Anyone wishing to donate baked goods may drop off at the Berst Center Kitchen Door on Saturday, December 12, 2020 from 9:00am – 12:00pm. All proceeds to benefit the Assumption Parish General Fund.

Christmas Basket Raffle Basket during Bake Sale A generous donor donated a Beautiful large wicker basket includes the following: “Prayer Changes Things” wall hanging/sign, two decorative snowman plates (one large, one small), Extra large bottle of wine, snowman ornament, wreath pot holder, wine glass markers, holiday hand lotion, holiday star mug, 2 holiday hand towels, kitchen wash cloths, holiday napkins/holder, Avon holiday berry candle, snowman chip n dip cooler, candle jewelry decorations, coasters. Tickets will be $5.00 and on sale at the Bake Sale this weekend. If you have questions call the Parish offices 815-634-4171

Our Super Bowl Square Fundraiser has begun!

$50, $20, and $10 boards are being run with 100 squares on each available for purchase. There will be 8 winners on each board. Of all the donations collected, half the money will go to winnings on each board, and the rest will be donated to the Church fundraiser.

How Super Bowl Squares work: Each board ($50, $20, or $10) features 10 rows and 10 columns, adding up to 100 squares. One of the Super Bowl teams will be assigned the rows, while the other team will be assigned the columns. Once all squares on a board have been bought, the numbers between zero and nine are randomly chosen for each row and column, which allows for every possible score combination.

At the end of every quarter, the person whose square corresponds with the intersection of the second digit of each team’s score wins a prize (for example, a 14–7 score at the end of the first quarter pays out the owner of the square at row 4, column 7). Also, whoever has the reverse score (same example: row 7, column 4), will win too. Contact Drew Benson @ 815-791-6148 or [email protected] to purchase squares! December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 8

FROM THE DIOCESE OF JOLIET PROCEDURES DURING MASS We are pleased to announce that the According to the directives given by the Diocese of Joliet has granted us Diocese of Joliet, Masses will be simplified, i.e. permission to open our church for for the sake of time needed to clean and dis- weekend and daily Mass effective infect the church in-between Masses. Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 4:00 pm. No hymnals or Sunday bulletins will be Please understand that we must follow the following available and singing during Mass is guidelines set forth by the Diocese in order to be discouraged until restrictions are lifted compliant with our re-opening: Holy Water fonts will remain empty. RESERVATIONS-Assumption & Immaculate Collection boxes are set up at each of the Church A weekend reservation must be made to attend exits. Please be as generous as possible in sup- a specific Mass by going to our web site: porting the Church or and using sign up Communion will be distributed by hand and by Genius. mouth under the Diocese guidelines.

Reservations will start on Mondays for the When receiving communion, your mask should weekend masses. You will not need a be lowered but replaced immediately after re- reservation for weekday masses, but you must ception of the Sacred Host, per IDPH and CDC sign in at the church. guidelines.

After Mass, everyone is asked to leave Reservations will also be taken by phone for the kneelers down and leave immediately so that those that do not have the means to do so we can clean and disinfect the church for the by computer. However, if you have the next Mass. Social gatherings before or after ability to sign up online, we please ask that Mass are not to be held! you do so. You may call the parish office at 815-634-4171. IMPORTANT INFORMATION

Please note that you will not be allowed entry Your name will be included on the reservation into the church unless you are wearing a mask. list that will be used to check you in before Mass. Each Mass will be limited to 70 in the Please bring hand sanitizer with you and check church your temperature at home. If you have one, please do not come to church. CHECK IN BEFORE MASS Please plan on arriving a minimum of 15 MASS SCHEDULE minutes before your Mass time Entry into the Assumption Church is via the Northeast (parking lot) Doors. Tuesday: 6:30 pm You will be welcomed by a volunteer who will: First Tuesday mass Followed by Saint Peregrine Make sure you are wearing a mask Devotion and Benediction of the Blessed Confirm your reservation Sacrament Direct you to an usher who will assist in Wednesday & Friday: 8:30 am seating you Saturday: 4:00 pm The church seating has been adjusted First Saturday of the Month 8:30 am mass and for social distancing and please note Anointing of the Sick you must be patient and understand Sunday: 7:30 am and 11:30 am that you will not be able to sit where you usually did in the past. Thursday: 8:30 am Assumption Church and Immaculate Conception Church *Sunday: 9:30 am needs volunteers to help with Masses. Please call the *will be held at Assumption Church

Parish Offices to learn more. December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 9

Food Pantry Information

Name Location/Phone Hours

Help For Hope 100 S. Baima Open Wed Coal City 9am-12pm (815) 518-2000 —24/7 4pm—6pm

Assumption Food Pantry see above

Braidwood 112 Center St. Open Tues. Food Braidwood 8am—12pm Pantry Open Thurs. (630) 738-8863 1pm —3PM St. Vincent Monday night meals will be served at New Hope Presbyterian Church at 5:00 p.m. November and Ignite Christian Micro Food Pantry 24 hours in front of church December. January and February 2021 St. Vincent will Church more information (815) 390-5040 be held at the United Methodist Church in Coal City. Top Fuel 275 S. Hickory Open 1st and 3rd Saloon Braidwood Friday of the Month Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the meals will continue to 4pm — 5PM be carry out only. Currently we are serving approximately 150 meals each week. Funds are needed Coal City Food 6805 E. McArdle Rd. Open Mondays to purchase food to prepare a hot nutritious meal for Pantry at Coal Coal City 9am — 11am anyone in need-free of charge, as well as carryout City Methodist and Thursdays containers. We will also be in need of weekly desserts Church (815) 216-3288 1pm —3pm and those can be dropped off on Mondays at the We Care of 530 Bedford Food Distribution kitchen door. Thank you for your generosity-past and Grundy Morris Wed—Fri. present. If you would like to make a monetary donation County 1 pm—3pm by to help this ministry, make checks payable to (815) 942-6389 appointment only St. Vincent. St. Vincent Free Hot Meals Currently there are 5 area churches involved in this Coordinator, Cindi Grove: (815) 941-2200 Or (815)735-1432 Changes Location every two Months ministry, but we would like to add a 6th church. If you know of any interested in helping for 2 months at a New Hope 80 N. Garfield November 9/ time, please call Cindi Grove 815-735-1432. Please share Presbyterian Coal City December our ministry with any and everyone! Church

United 6805 E. McArdle Rd. January/February Please share this article with your friends. Thank you Methodist Coal City and God Bless. Church

Immaculate 110 S. School Street March/April Conception Braidwood

Ignite Christian 1180 W. 1st Street May/June Church

New Hope 80 N. Garfield July/August Presbyterian Coal City

United 6805 E. McArdle Rd. September/October Methodist Coal City Church

Assumption 180 S. Kankakee street November /December Church December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 10

Mass Intentions Sacrament of Penance Confession Schedule

SUNDAY December 13 Third Sunday of Advent SATURDAY

7:30 AM Mass at Assumption Church 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM Before the 4:00 PM Mass at Assumption Church Edward Pierard (Don & Pat Bianchetta) Martha Collins (Pete & Carm Collins) SUNDAY

Anton Bosonetta (Rita Willis) Following the 9:30 AM Mass at Assumption Church Louis Ruffatti (Lorraine & Family) Paul Ruffatti (Lorraine & Family) This Week’s Events *9:30 AM Mass at Assumption Church *(IC Mass will be held at Assumption Church) AP: Assumption Parish IC: Immaculate Conception For All Parishioners of Immaculate & Assumption Parishes Jim Creed (CCW) Sunday December 13 Peggy Tessler (Family) 12:30 PM —Baptism

11:30 AM Mass at Assumption Church Melinda & Jaxson Cullen (Family) Monday December 14 Elsie Swartz (Family) 8:00 AM —Rosary (AP) William McClintock (Matteson Family) 5:00 PM —St. Vincent New Hope Presbyterian Church John F. Hudetz (Joe & Pat Hudetz) Richard Hudetz (Joe & Pat Hudetz) Tuesday December 15 Juan Fehr (Noma Fehr) 8:00 AM —Rosary (AP) TUESDAY December 15 7:00 PM —Advent Confessions (AP) 8:00 AM Rosary (AP) Braidwood Community Food Pantry Open - 630 738-8863 for Details 6:30 PM Mass (IC) Martin, Barbara, Ben & Matthew Hollander Wednesday December 16 WEDNESDAY December 16 8:00 AM Rosary (AP) 8:00 AM —Rosary (AP) 8:30 AM Mass (AP) James & Kathleen Grady (Anne Manietta & Family) 7:00 PM — Advent Confessions (AP) Assumption Food Pantry Open - 815 518-2000 for Details THURSDAY December 17 8:00 AM Rosary (IC) Thursday December 17 8:30 AM Mass (IC) Doug Montana (John Slanicky) 8:00 AM — Rosary (IC) FRIDAY December 18 Braidwood Community Food Pantry Open - 630 738-8863 for Details 8:00 AM Rosary (AP) 8:30 AM Mass (AP) Jim Watters (Family) Friday December 18

SATURDAY December 19 8:00 AM —Rosary (AP) 4:00 PM Mass at Assumption Church Saturday December 19 Mary Sitar (Death Anniversary) (Frank & Lee Sitar) Joseph & Margaret Burla (Family) 4:00 PM —Blessing of the Christmas Bambinos (AP) Sharon Youskevtch (Family) Lorene Roseland (Don & Pat Bianchetta) Sunday December 20 Ann Boylan (Wayne & Joyce Morris) 7:30 AM—Blessing of the Christmas Bambinos (AP) Peter Kaluzny (John & Teri Jo Boylan) 9:30 AM—Blessing of the Christmas Bambinos (AP) 11:30 AM —Blessing of the Christmas Bambinos (AP) SUNDAY December 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent 7:30 AM Mass at Assumption Church For All Parishioners of Assumption & Immaculate Parishes *9:30 AM Mass at Assumption Church *(IC Mass will be held at Assumption Church)

For All Parishioners of Immaculate & Assumption Parishes Jim Howell (Anita Scheer)

Robert Rader (Jim & Donna Mark) 11:30 AM Mass at Assumption Church Clint Katavich (Family) Keith Wills (Diane Smith) Helen Dryer (Bill & Carol Pohl) Elvin & Dorothy Wills (Bill & Carol Pohl) Ellie Ann Campo John Broucek, II (Bill & Carol Pohl) Parents: Matt & Jessica Campo Melinda & Jaxson Cullen (Bill & Carol Pohl) Juan Fehr (Noma Fehr) December 13, 2020 December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 11

Assumption Weekly Offering + E-Giving 2020-21 Annual OfferingBudget Projection Budget $255,000

FiscalYTD Offering YTD Budget Budget Projec tion (As of 11/30/2020) $107,000$112,792

Dear parishioners, FiscalYTD Actual YTD Actual Offering Coll ection (As of 11/30/2020) $115,616$122,208 The “theme” for this year’s Appeal is Be Kind and Merciful. Last Week’s Mass Offering 4,211

This year’s parish goal for Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Last Week’s E-givingMass Offering $1,135$4,089 Mary Parish is $33,700. Last Week’s E-givingTotal Offering Offering $5,346$2,503 For Immaculate Conception Parish $11,200. SundayLast Week’s Weekly Total Offering Goal $4,904$6,592 Congratulations to the parishioners of Immaculate Concep- Last Week’s Goal $4,904 tion parish who pledged and paid their goal in record time with 50+ donors. Again the goal was $11,200, 19,107 was pledged, and 18,432 was paid on the goal. Assumption Church Building Loan Balance As Of Thank you to the parishioners of Assumption parish who have pledged and paid toward their goal. Again, the goal is 11/30/2020 $33,764. So far $31,881 has been pledged with 180+ donors, Original Note Amount $796,607 and $30,679 has already been paid on the goal. Monthly Loan Payment $3,574 Let’s continue to pray that both parishes meet and exceed Current Loan Balance $555,714 their target goals. We’ve met and exceeded our goals for the last eleven years. Let’s do it again with God’s grace to inspire Principal Reduction $52,893 us to be good and generous stewards. 70 percent of the Additional Principal Reduction $191,000 amounts we raise over our goal amounts are returned to us for our needs in the parish. Please prayerfully reflect on your Interest Applied to Date $58,486 gift to this year’s Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal and make a commitment very soon if you are able.

Thank you for considering the most generous pledge possible Immaculate Conception Weekly Offering to this year’s annual appeal. In Christ, Father Bader 2020-21 Annual Budget Projection $80,600

Fiscal YTD Budget Projection (As of 11/30/2020) $33,583

Fiscal YTD Actual Collection (As of 11/30/2020) $34,835

2019 Prior Year Sunday Collection (12/09/2019) $2,339

2020 Sunday Collection (12/06/2020) $2,417

Sunday Weekly Goal $1,550

Prayer List Today’s Second Collection In Your Charity, please Pray for the Sick of December 13 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and

Immaculate Conception Parishes: Elderly religious have offered a lifetime of service. Now they Dennis Bembenek, Charlie Boyd, Ryan Collins, need your help. Please consider Lucille Edgar, Marjorie Flynn, Katie Hakey, David Hiller, donating to the Retirement Sue Kelleher, Emily Larson, Frank Lestina, Donna Mark, Fund for Religious collection Jessica Malkowski James Meyers, Richard Marizza, Sr, this weekend. Learn more at Tom Powers, Charlie Tatroe, Jr., retired Susan Tarman, Arlette Testa

December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Page 12

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish 195 South Kankakee Street ● Coal City, IL 60416 Voice (815) 634-4171 After Hours (815) 634-4171 Ext. 5 Office Hours: M-TH 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Pastor Reverend Raed Bader (815) 634-4171 Ext 2 [email protected]

Deacon Deacon William Dunn (815) 634-4171 Ext 3 [email protected]

Business Manager Richard Yarshen (815) 634-4171 Ext 4 [email protected]

Property Manager Alex Kuhel (815) 634-4171 [email protected]

Parish Secretary Tricia DiChristofano (815) 634-4171 Ext 1 [email protected]

Youth Ministry Dave & Sara Wollgast (815) 287-2036 [email protected]

Music Coordinator Rita Wise (815) 634-4171 [email protected]

Director of Catechesis Deacon William Dunn (815) 634-4171 Ext 3 [email protected]

Immaculate Conception Parish 110 South School Street ● Braidwood, IL 60416 Voice (815) 458-2125 FAX (815) 458-2836 Office hours vary; please call Parish Office to schedule an appointment.

Pastor Reverend Raed Bader (815) 634-4171 Ext 2 [email protected]

Deacon Deacon Greg Cummins (815) 735-3016 [email protected]

Parish Secretary & Teri Brummerstedt (815) 458-2125 Ext 6 [email protected] Business Manager

Youth Ministry Dave & Sara Wollgast (815) 287-2036 [email protected]

Director of Catechesis Deacon William Dunn (815) 634-4171 Ext 3 [email protected]


BAPTISM Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting prior to the Baptism. Contact the Parish Secretary to register. Assumption 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month after 11:30 AM Mass.

Immaculate Conception 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month.

MARRIAGE Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Marriage Preparation Classes are required to be completed before the Sacrament of Marriage can be celebrated. Please contact the parish office before making wedding arrangements.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Saturday during the 8:30 AM Mass at Assumption Church or by appointment. Devotions in Honor of St. Peregrine, the patron Saint of those who suffer with cancer or any incurable disease or condition, are held on the first Tuesday of each month following the 6:30 PM Mass at Assumption Church.

RECONCILIATION Assumption Wednesday and First Fridays before the 8:30 AM Mass Saturday evening from 3:20 - 3:45 PM

Immaculate Conception Thursdays following the 8:30 AM Mass

FUNERALS Funeral liturgies are ordinarily celebrated at 10:00 AM. The funeral director will contact Father Raed Bader regarding arrangements.


Assumption The Adoration Chapel is open daily from 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Call the parish secretary for the entry code before or after hours or to make an Adoration commitment. For more information on the re-opening plan please check our website at

Immaculate Conception The Adoration Chapel in Fr. White Hall is open daily from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Please call Anita Scheer at (815) 739-9767 for the entry code before or after hours or to make an Adoration commitment. For more information on the re-opening plan, please check our website at SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS THAT SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY

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For further information, (CST 2117990-70) [email protected] 815-448-2155 RESTORE THERAPY SKILLED NURSING CARE please call the Parish Office. 514 Depot St. • Mazon NNDERSON MORRIS AUDIOLOGY TAX Brenene M. Brady, M.S., CCC-A Clinical Audiologist SSERVICES PO BOX 101 509 KENNEDY RD Care for your hearing health 250 Water Stone Circle, Joliet Serving BRAIDWOOD, IL 60408 • Diagnostic Testing for Pediatrics thru Geriatrics • Hearing Aid Services Eight Counties Immaculate Conception Parishioner 815-740-4104 • Phone (815) 458-0212 119 E. Jefferson St., Morris, IL 60450 • 815-941-4700 HOSPICE • PALLIATIVE CARE • HOSPICE HOME Fax (815) 458-6272 “Over 27 years of Hometown Service” Jerry Hallahan - Agent 1350 E. Division St., Diamond The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through (815) 634-2222 Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. [email protected] Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call

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