International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018, pp. 271–281, Article ID: IJCIET_09_03_029 Available online at http:// ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

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Sri Asi Haholongan Marbun, R. Hamdani Harahap, Badaruddin and Robert Sibarani Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRACT Natural resource management systems and practices in Samosir Regency are beginning to decline, due to the entry of prenetation from various external parties, including government prenetation. The influence of outside interference on the practice of managing natural resources and the environment by indigenous peoples or local communities in Samosir District is due to the government and the private sector implementing development which is oriented to economic growth. The government has a great power in the development and management of natural resources as a determinant in policy makers. Private (owners of capital) also contribute as a party who always take advantage of natural resources and also the parties who always benefit because it is often under the protection of the state (government). These two stakeholders are also called rulers. The study was conducted in Samosir Regency on the Effect of Batak Toba Culture on Natural Resource and Environmental Management of in Samosir District. The method of analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results obtained that the cultural values of Batak Toba positively affect the management of natural resources and the environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency. Key words: Cultural Values of Batak Toba, Natural Resources and Lake Toba Environment Cite this Article: Sri Asi Haholongan Marbun, R. Hamdani Harahap, Badaruddin and Robert Sibarani, The Effect of Batak Toba Culture to Management of Natural Resources and Toba Lake Environment in Regency of Samosir. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 2018, pp. 271-281.

1. INTRODUCTION is a country rich in cultural, ethnic, tribal and racial diversity that has different customs, languages, values and cultures. The customs, values and culture among others regulate some aspects of life, such as: social relationships, worship rituals, beliefs, myths and customary sanctions prevailing within the existing indigenous peoples. Widiastuti (2013) argued that the problem of cultural diversity in Indonesia with ethnic, racial, religious, 271 [email protected] Sri Asi Haholongan Marbun, R. Hamdani Harahap, Badaruddin and Robert Sibarani linguistic, customs, political and other background causes the interaction of Indonesian society to be prone to conflict and the shadow of social disintegration. Another concern is the ability to preserve the enormous cultural wealth. Cultural diversity of the area is a social potential that can form the character and image of its own culture in each region, and is an important part for the formation of image and cultural identity of a region. In addition, diversity is an intellectual and cultural property as part of a cultural tradition that needs to be preserved. Along with the improvement of technology and cultural transformation towards modern life as well as the influence of globalization, cultural traditions, local wisdom and cultural values of society face the challenge to its existence. This needs to be observed because cultural traditions, local wisdom and cultural values contain many philosophies that are still highly relevant to current conditions, and should be preserved, adapted or even developed further. Sibarani (2014a) suggests local wisdom (wisdom) can be understood as cultural values, traditional ideas, and local knowledge that is wise, full of wisdom, good value and virtuous possessed by members of the community in organizing their social life . Local wisdom is derived from cultural tradition or oral tradition because local wisdom is the content of oral tradition or cultural tradition that hereditary inherited and utilized to organize the social life of society in all areas of his life. Some of the values and forms of local wisdom, including customary law, cultural values and beliefs are partially even more relevant to be applied into natural resource and environmental management processes or rules, such as those in the Batak Toba community. These rules have the recommended features, prohibitions, or customary requirements set for certain activities. In the life of the Batak Toba community has grown tradition, local wisdom and cultural values inherited from generation to generation which is applicable for the people of Lake Toba and it is quite effective in managing natural resources, as well as conservation of marine ecosystem from destructive and destructive activities (Achmad and Muda, 2017). This tradition, custom or behavior grows and develops in accordance with human closeness with the natural surroundings and the challenges it faces. This is a local wisdom that color the life of the community. Local wisdom (local wisdom) is seen as the actions and attitudes of human beings against an object or event that occurs in a certain space (Badaruddin et al., 2017; Sirojuzilam et al., 2017; Sihombing et al., 2017; Nasir et al., 2017 and Azlina et al., 2017). The substance of local wisdom is the enactment of values that are believed to be true by a society and coloring the behavior of people's lives. Real actions, attitudes and human behavior towards the environment that contain the values of ecosystem preservation are part of the ecological intelligence of a society (Utina, 2012). Management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba by Batak Toba society on the shore of Lake Toba can have positive and negative impact. Management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba give a positive impact if pemfatannya done by way of preservation through local wisdom. The management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba gives negative impact if utilization is done by exploitation of natural resources and environment which can cause degradation of natural resources and environment. Environmental Agency of Province (2011) stated that as a consequence of resource utilization, there is a decrease of environmental quality of Lake Toba area and this decrease is more massive if the utilization of natural resources pay less attention to the principles of environmental sustainability, such as the depletion of forest area converted into 272 [email protected] The Effect of Batak Toba Culture to Management of Natural Resources and Toba Lake Environment in Regency of Samosir fields, Reeds, shrubs and settlements, as well as environmental pollution from agricultural activities and home industries. Theoretically changes in lake ecosystem can be seen from the side of the utilization of natural resources around it and its effect on the change of quality and quantity of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba area. The pattern of land use is related to human behavior in managing it. Natural resource and environmental management should be able to provide economic, social and cultural benefits based on prudent principles, environmental democracy, decentralization, and recognition and respect for local wisdom and environmental wisdom (Environment Agency of North Sumatra Province, 2011). The problem of management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba area caused by economic factor is still more dominant in development policy, so cultural tradition, local wisdom, cultural values of society in managing natural resources and environment is neglected. Utama (2011) suggests cultural values are abstract ideas that affect the way people think, feel and act. These values are the driving force of society to achieve the ultimate goals outlined in the prevailing cultural values. Among the Batak people there is a philosophy of 3 H namely Hamoraan (wealthy), Hagabeon (offspring) and Hasangapon (pride). The Ministry of Environment (2012) argues that the 3 H values of philosophy encourage Bataks to fulfill this cultural obligation by working hard, achieving the highest education and migrating to remote areas, but on the other hand, these cultural values also create Deep-rooted conflicts to maintain their status or power. Lumban Toruan (2013) states anthropologically there are 9 (nine) major cultural values in Batak Toba Community, namely: 1) Kinship; 2) Religion; 3) Hagabeon; 4) Hasangapon; 5) Hamaroan; 6) Hamajuon; 7) Law; 8) Panggomgoman; And 9) Conflict. The cultural values of Batak Toba are based on elements of Koentjaraningrat culture including: knowledge system, social organization, living equipment system and technology, livelihood system, and religious system. Cultural tradition or oral tradition is a traditional cultural activity of a society passed down from generation to generation with oral media from one generation to another, whether the tradition is the composition of words of verbal (verbal) and other non verbal traditions. The types of knowledge that can be extracted from cultural traditions or oral traditions can be: 1) usage (ways of use); 2) folksways (people's habits); 3) mores or ethics (moral or ethical); 4) norms (norms); 5) custom (customs); 6) skill (skill); 7) competence (competence or knowledge), and 8) aesthetics (beauty) (Sibarani, 2014b). Cultural model of natural resources and environment management by community of Lake Toba edge of Samosir Regency that passed from generation to generation usually have ecological wisdom (ecological wisdom). Managing and utilizing resources on an ongoing basis becomes a continuous habit in their daily lives, such as the wisdom of fish farming and the wisdom of deforestation. Alkodra (2004) states that the proper management of natural resources and environment is highly dependent on its management capacity, whether human resources, organizational capacity, institutions or rules. The low management of natural resources and the environment is related to the low knowledge, skills, norms, inter-participatory process structure, and compromise. Hufshmidt (1992) states that the need for specific management capacity to prevent environmental damage arises because individuals, groups of persons, and development agencies in society do not fully consider the things that are the burden of the environment. 273 [email protected] Sri Asi Haholongan Marbun, R. Hamdani Harahap, Badaruddin and Robert Sibarani

Suhartini (2009) argues that the current state of traditional wisdom and local cultural values can not be separated from the condition of the owner and the main user, the indigenous people. Nababan in Renjaan et al., (2013) states that research has shown that indigenous peoples in Indonesia have traditionally managed to safeguard and enrich natural biodiversity. It is a reality that most indigenous peoples still have indigenous knowledge in the management of natural resources. Natural resource management systems and practices in Samosir District have started to decline, due to the entry of prenetation from various external parties, including government prenetation. The influence of outside interference on the practice of managing natural resources and the environment by indigenous peoples or local communities in Samosir District is due to the government and the private sector implementing development which is oriented to economic growth. The government has a great power in the development and management of natural resources as a determinant in policy makers. Private (owners of capital) also contribute as a party who always take advantage of natural resources and also the parties who always benefit because it is often under the protection of the state (government). These two stakeholders are also called rulers. Based on this understanding, the authors are interested to examine more about the influence of Batak Toba culture on the management of natural resources and the environment of Lake Toba in Samosir District.

2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Natural Resource Management Systems Natural resources are all the riches of the earth, both biotic and abiotic that can be utilized to meet human needs and human welfare, for example: plants, animals, air, water, soil, mining materials, wind, sunlight and microbes (microorganisms). Basically Nature has a variety of properties, but harmonious and balanced (Maarleveld and Dangbegnon, 1999). Therefore, protection and preservation of nature must continue to be done to maintain harmony and balance. All the riches that exist on this earth, both biotic and abiotic, which can be utilized for human welfare are natural resources. Plants, animals, humans, and microbes are biological natural resources, while other abiotic factors are non-biological natural resources. Utilization of natural resources must be followed by maintenance and conservation because natural resources are limited.

2.2. Natural Resources and Economic Growth The natural resources and economic levels of a country are closely linked, with the wealth of natural resources theoretically supporting rapid economic growth (Sirojuzilam et al., 2017; Tarmizi et al., 2017; Muda et al., 2017 & Nurlina et al., 2017). However, in fact it is very contradictory because countries in the world that are rich in natural resources are often countries with low economic levels. This case in the economic field is often called Dutch disease. This is because countries that tend to have large revenue sources from crops have lower social economic stability than those in the industrial and service sectors. In addition, countries rich in natural resources also tend not to have adequate technology in processing them. corruption, civil war, weak government and democracy are also factors inhibiting the economic development of these countries. To overcome this, it is necessary to reform the governance system, transfer of investment and economic support to other industries, and increase transparency and accountability in the empowerment of natural resources. 274 [email protected] The Effect of Batak Toba Culture to Management of Natural Resources and Toba Lake Environment in Regency of Samosir

Although a country has abundant natural resources, it is not necessarily that it can provide great benefits to its inhabitants if not managed properly. Some facts have shown that resource- rich countries are still lagging behind their economies when compared to other countries whose natural resources are limited. Therefore, the utilization of natural resources must be done optimally with various efforts. Naturally, the population exploits the potential of natural resources in various forms of activities in accordance with its natural resources, activities in utilizing natural resources can be divided into six activities, namely (1) agriculture, (2) plantation, (3) (4) fisheries, (5) mining, and (6) forestry.

3. RESEARCH METHODS The type of this research is Descriptive Research. Descriptive research also means research that is intended to explain the phenomenon or characteristics of individual, situation or group certain accurately (Tarmizi et al., 2016; Sirojuzilam et al., 2016; Muda, 2017; Lubis et al., 2017; Erlina et al., 2017; Hasan et al., 2017; Yahya et al., 2017 and Muda et al., 2018). Descriptive research is a way of finding new meaning, explaining a condition of existence, determining the frequency of occurrence and categorizing information. The approach used is a quantitative approach. Quantitative analysis is used for data that can be classified in the form of numbers. Qualitative analysis is used for data that is a description of sentences that can not be changed in the form of numbers. The Quantitative data in the descriptive study is absolutely analyzed by using statistics. Descriptive statistics are used to analyze quantitative data by describing or describing the data as it is (Lubis et al., 2016; Ferine et al., 2017). Descriptive statistics can be either mean, median, mode, descriptive statistics can also be done looking for strong relationships between variables through correlation analysis, prediction with regression analysis and make comparisons by comparing the mean of sample data or population. Descriptive research is done by focusing attention on certain aspects and often shows the relationship between various variables. Each research method used in the study has a design or design. The design is used as a guide that can be taken by researchers in conducting research (Gusnardi et al., 2016 and Dalimunthe et al., 2017) Dalimunthe. A research design includes the process of planning and conducting research. The research was conducted in Samosir Regency. The method of analysis used in this study is multiple regression analysis with the sample of respondents as many as 395 people. Normality test is done to see whether the research data is normally distributed or not. This test shall be performed for each research data. While the heteroscedasticity test was performed to see whether the data variance is constant (homoscedastic) or not (heteroscedastic). Symptoms Heteroscedasticity will be encountered in the study using cross section data, whereas in studies using time series data, symptoms of heteroscedasticity are not needed. The Multicollinearity test aims to see whether each independent variable is highly correlated with each other or not. If there are symptoms of multicolinearity, then the regression model will be biased. Multicollinearity test is performed only if the independent variable is more than 1. If it only consists of 1 independent variable (simple linear regression), Multicollinearity test is not necessary.

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of Batak Toba culture values on the management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency. For that purpose has been formulated the main question is whether the cultural values of Batak Toba on the management of natural resources and the environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency. The summary of the research results can be seen in Table 1. 275 [email protected] Sri Asi Haholongan Marbun, R. Hamdani Harahap, Badaruddin and Robert Sibarani

Tabel 1 Summary of Effects of Batak Toba Cultural Values on the Management of Natural Resources and Environment of Lake Toba in Samosir Regency

Koefisien t-count Prob. 1 (Constant) -28.865

Kekerabatan (X1) 1.731 6.588 .000

Religi (X2) 1.120 3.990 .000

Hagabeon (X3) 1.560 9.358 .000

Hasangpon (X4) .065 .219 .827

Hamaroan (X5) 1.046 2.509 .013

Keberadatan (X6) .669 2.119 .035

Interaksi (X7) 1.033 3.406 .001

Identitas (X8) .333 1.127 .261 R2 = 0,925 Prob. F = 0,000 Source: Primary Data Processed, 2017 Based on the results of research as shown in Table 1 shows that the Batak Toba culture values tested to answer the first question proved to simultaneously affect the management of natural resources and the environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency. This result means that Batak Toba cultural values variable is important factor in management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency. The new findings in the test to answer this first question are from 8 (eight) dimensions of Batak Toba cultural values values examined ie (kinship, religion, hagabeon, hasangpon, hamaroan, density, interaction, and identity) proved to have a positive effect on the management of resources Natural resources and environment in Samosir District. In addition, something new in the test to answer this first question is the identification of 6 (six) dimensions of variables (kinship, religion, hagabeon, hamaroan, density, and interaction) that have a positive and significant impact on the management of natural resources and environment in Samosir District . The influence of the six dimensions of Batak Toba cultural values variables on the management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba supported by empirical data have an impact on the management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency. Through this research can be built and produced a model to find out whether the cultural values of Batak Toba culture, namely Kinship (Kk), Religion (R), Hagabeon (Hg), Hamaroan (Hm), Density (Kb) and Interaction (I) In an area can be utilized to improve the management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba (P). The intended model is that the management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba can be improved or influenced by Batak Toba culture values, with the mathematical model as follows : P = a +Kk + R + Hg + Hm + Kb + I + e ………………………..(1) Based on the above model can be said that if the management of natural resources and the environment of Lake Toba want to be improved then kinship, religion, hagabeon, hamaroan, density, and interaction of Batak Toba cultural values must be optimized. The position of the six dimensions of Batak Toba cultural values variables in relation to the management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency can be described as shown in Figure 1. 276 [email protected] The Effect of Batak Toba Culture to Management of Natural Resources and Toba Lake Environment in Regency of Samosir

Management of Natural

Resources & Environtment

Toba Lake


Interacon Religion

Values of Batak Toba Culture

Density Hagabeon


Figure 1 Six Factors of Batak Toba Cultural Values play a role in the Management of Natural Resources and the Environment of Lake Toba Figure 1. Shows that there are six factors, namely kinship, religion, hagabeon, hamaroan, density, and interaction that play a role in management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency. These six factors constitute a unity that can not be separated in an effort to apply Batak Toba cultural values to improve the management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba.

5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Values of Batak Toba cultural have a positive effect on the management of natural resources and environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency. Need efforts of Batak Toba community to improve local wisdom through Batak Toba culture values in conserving the natural resources and environment of Lake Toba in Samosir regency.

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