Volume 7, Issue 11 SOLAR ECLIPSE NEWSLETTER SOLAR ECLIPSE November 2002 NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBING TO The sole Newsletter dedicated to Solar Eclipses THE SOLAR Dear All, many eclipse enthusiasts will combine ECLIPSE MAILING TD2003 with that event in London. It was a little catching up this time. Jo is LIST still studying at the University and I was Due to the long conversations on the THE SOLAR ECLIPSE MAIL- travelling for nearly 3 weeks. Though, I had SEML, this SENL is quite long, though INGING LISTLIST ISIS MAINTAINEDMAINTAINED the opportunity to attend the races in Hong reduced still in one file. Please enjoy BY THE LIST OWNER PAT- Kong where Happy Eclipse was racing. The and … keep those solar eclipse re- RICK POITEVIN AND WITH horse came out second in the race. lated messages coming … THE SUPPORT OF JAN VAN While travelling the server was out for All the best for the total solar eclipse GESTEL nearly two days as well. No one could re- and a happy return. Maybe we see HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: ceive SE messages. It was my fault and we you in Milton Keynes for TD2003? could correct it . ININ THETHE BODYBODY OFOF THETHE Best regards, Joanne and Patrick MES SAGE TO The SEML was quite busy with
[email protected]@Aula.com SUSUB- some continuing topics. The SCRIBE SOLARECLIPSES longest total solar eclipse , name, country. eye safety and the filters to use for the partial phases of the solar eclipse. The video of The Solar Eclipse Mailing List Vanessa was a well discussed The Solar Eclipse Mailing List topic as well.