Date of meeting: 14 March 2016 , and Byard’s Leap Council Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall on Monday 14 March 2016. Attendance: With Cllr H J Morris in the Chair there were present, Cllrs – Mr R Bett, Mr M Cassidy, Mr G Hutchinson, Mrs P Jackson-Bareham, Mrs A Riley, Mrs A Tyler, Mr F Walters and the Clerk, Mr E Findlay. Also in attendance was D/Cllr S Pearse 2 members of the public were in attendance. At 7:00 pm, the Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and invited the members of the public to address the meeting. A resident thanked the Parish Council for arranging the cleaning of the footway at the end of Road. The parking on the wheeled bin hard standing was discussed and the Clerk informed the meeting that a letter was ready to be delivered to all residents along the private road area of College Road. The poor condition of the footway along College Gardens was discussed. The Clerk would contact LCC again for an update. Another resident wished to pass his thanks to the late D/Cllr Whittle for all his work for the Parish. Receive reports from County/District Councillors. Cty Cllr Tweedale was unable to attend due to a prior engagement. D/Cllr Pearse reported that a new leaflet, NK Plan was looking forward to 2019. As the Parish Council were yet to receive a copy she would try to obtain some for the Annual Parish Meeting in April. Cllr Bett queried the lack of a Part 2 of the Council tax bill, detailing where monies were allocated. D/Cllr Pearse would investigate the matter. D/Cllr Pearse left the meeting at 7:27 pm. The Chairman declared the meeting open at 7:28 pm. 28. Apologies for absence and reasons given. Cllr Wood was unable to attend and his reasons were made known to the Council. 1. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve Cllr Wood’s reasons for absence. Proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Walters and approved unanimously. 29. Receive Declarations of Interest and consider request for dispensations. Cllr Cassidy declared an interest in minute ref: 31.b. page 9-2016, as he is a payment recipient. 30. Notes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 8 February 2016 to be approved as Minutes. 3. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 8 February 2016 as a true record of the meetings. Proposed by Cllr Riley, seconded by Cllr Bett and approved by a vote of 7 for and 1 abstention (not present at meeting). The Chairman signed the minutes. 31. Financial Matters a. Receive a report on payments made between meetings. 4. The Clerk reported that the usual between meeting payments for The Utility Warehouse and the Clerk’s salary and tax had been paid. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting. Proposed by Cllr Walters, seconded by Cllr Riley and approved unanimously. b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve payments listed on Payments to be Authorised sheet. Proposed by Cllr Walters, seconded by Cllr Tyler and approved by a vote of 7 for and 1 abstention. c. Approve the bank reconciliation from the previous months. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the reconciliation for the previous months. Proposed by Cllr Tyler, seconded by Cllr Walters and approved unanimously.

Date signed: 11 April 2016 9-2016 Signature: Original signed Date of meeting: 14 March 2016 d. Consider the purchase of a new laptop for the Clerk. All data was currently being backed-up on two separate devices as the Clerk had brought a number of concerns to previous meetings, regarding the reliability of the current Toshiba laptop. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the purchase of a new laptop, up the value of £500.00. Proposed by Cllr Riley, seconded by Cllr Walters and approved unanimously. e. Consider the quotes to maintain the wooden noticeboards and Garden of Remembrance sign. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the quote of Cranwell Decorating Services, up a to cost of £110.00 but to request he use Sikkens CETOL – Light Oak to treat the wood. Proposed by Cllr Tyler, seconded by Cllr Hutchinson and approved unanimously. 32. Planning Applications. There were no Planning Applications to consider. 33. Receive reports from the Clerk in relation to Council matters.  6. Water meter’s – this matter was still under investigation by Cllr Morris and Cllr Bett.  DVSA response regarding the Holdingham Check Point was still awaited as the Clerk had received 2 holing emails say a response would be received within 10 days.  Land off Sycamore Drive – Request to Land Registry to ascertain ownership of land off Sycamore Drive. Including; 1) boundary of said land, 2) Previous ownership and any historical designated use and 3) When it was last sold and to whom, resulted in the following – “You will firstly need to establish whether the land in question is registered with Land registry as this will dictate if and what information we hold”. Cost maybe incurred as follows; To request a title register where you can find out who owns the property, price paid/value stated information if sold since April 2000 and any rights of way or restrictions on the land noted on the register for only £3.00. To request information for the determination of a boundary, there is a standard fee of £90.00.  Sports Surfacing Solutions had been informed of their approval to refurbish the tennis courts using their acrylic option. Work would begin April or May 2016, depending on the weather.  A tennis net had been ordered.  The new CCTV monitor was installed.  Dog Warden would be discussed later in the meeting.  Negotiated a new contract with Eon. They offered standing charge at 27p per day and 17.24p per kWh, agreed on standing charge at 27p and 12.32p per kWh for a 2-year plan. 34. Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to responsibilities and outstanding tasks. No resolutions may be passed under this item but requests for matters to be placed on the next 7. agenda can be made. Cllr Bett reported that the Village Hall Management Committee had replaced the internal entrance doors and had had the central heating pipes boxed ion following an incident when one of the pipes was struck by an item of furniture, causing a pipe to crack and leak. Cllr Cassidy had submitted a report which had been circulated to all Councillors and a copy was available from the Clerk. Cllr Walters informed that meeting that Police were concerned following a number of vehicle thefts. These were mainly when a contractor had visited a property, leaving their keys ion the van and the van then being stolen. Cllr Jackson-Bareham wished to thank a resident who had been spotted cleaning up after, not only her dog, but the mess of other dogs, who’s owners were less considerate. The Parish Council supported her thanks. Cllr Morris, along with Cllr Tyler attended the Dame Margaret Thorold Apprenticing Charity as Trustees on 18 February 2016. Cranwell had, for a second year running, a successful applicant who was awarded £150.00 towards university costs. There were nine applicants in total, eight from Syston/Marston and only one again from Cranwell. There is a website for applicants and the

10-2016 Date of meeting: 14 March 2016 address and contact numbers direct to Tallants Solicitors. Following Cllr Morris’s recent attendance at the Charity Law training event she was pleased to confirm that Village Hall Management Committee were working within the law and regulations and that CSPF were also working within the fundraising regulations as a Community Development Group. Cllr Morris had also attended the External Audit presentation of current practice. This was interesting and there are new changes coming for this year. She wished to thank RFO for the work involved and what he does for the Parish Council’s finances. On Tuesday 1 March 2016 Cllr Morris attended a meeting with Rachel Gibson, Community Development Officer RAFC Cranwell to discuss ways of trying to bring our communities together. The Community Development Officer will attend the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 5 April to give a presentation as well as attend future meetings during the year. Following a site meeting with a buildings consultant a number of points were raised for future investigation regarding the proposed Pavilion. Anglian Water and Western Power should be contacted to ensure the current services are adequate for the future plans of the area. Cllr Ian Wood taken over the Cranwell Sports Pavilion Fund website and so far looking great 35. General Correspondence.  8. Best Kept Village 2016  LCC No P O No Pay  Research on Parish Councils  Petition to give Parish Councils the right to appeal planning decisions  Lincs Environmental Awards 2016 - Deadline for entries: 31 March 2016 36. Consider the following requests be made to LCC Highway; a. The introduction of a School Safety Zone, in the vicinity of Cranwell , possibly 9. from before Cherry Tree Crescent and Delhi Square. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve to support Cty Cllr Tweedale in his request for a School Safety Zone to be considered along Cranwell Avenue, between Cherry Tree Crescent and Delhi Square. Proposed by Cllr Riley, seconded by Cllr Jackson-Bareham and approved unanimously. b. The footway from Cranwell Primary School to Kids Zone be designated dual use as Cycle/Pedestrian Way. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve that LCC be contacted, asking them to consider designating the footway from Cranwell Primary School to Kids Zone as dual use Cycle/Pedestrian Way. The Clerk would ask that if approved, drop kerbs be installed as required. Proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Riley and approved unanimously. 37. Consider the following requests from Cranwell Junior Football Club; a. Access to the portacabin nearest the playing field to store their newly purchased portable 10. goals. b. Use of the portacabin as shelter and possible “tuck shop” table during training and matches. c. Have access to the line marker to trail mark a pitch. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all requests a. b. and c. The Clerk would contact Cranwell Junior Football Club to inform them of the decision. Proposed by Cllr Hutchinson, seconded by Cllr Walters and approved unanimously. 38. Consider the request from Rainbows to use the Garden of Remembrance, 23 March 2016, for an Easter Egg Hunt, between 6:00pm and 7:00pm (weather permitting). 11. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the request. The Clerk would contact Rainbows to inform them of the decision. Proposed by Cllr Riley, seconded by Cllr Tyler and approved unanimously. 39. Consider the request from St Andrew's Church to use the Garden of Remembrance on Saturday 2 July 2016 as part of their Church Fete and monthly coffee morning (weather permitting). 12. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the request. The Clerk would contact St. Andrew’s 12. Church to inform them of the decision. Proposed by Cllr Riley, seconded by Cllr Tyler and approved unanimously.

Date signed: 11 April 2016 11-2016 Signature: Original signed Date of meeting: 14 March 2016 40. Consider the request for a Christmas Tree on the Village Green for December 2016 – following a request from four Councillors, following receipt of an additional offer. 13. Following the resolution passed under minute ref: 24. page 8-2016, the Council had received an offer of a free, cut tree, installed each year, by a local landscape garden contractor. In accordance with Standing Order 7. and 9. Four Councillors had presented a signed letter to the Clerk, requesting the matter be re-visited. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the offer, but further work on an electric source for light was required as taking a feed for the LCC street light column appeared very cost prohibitive. Proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by Cllr Bett and approved unanimously. 41. Consider the request from Cranwell Parish Social Club to use the car park in front of the club to host a Street Party on Sunday 12 June 2016 and an August Bank Holiday Open Weekend on 14. Saturday 27 August 2016 and Sunday 28 August 2016. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the request. The Clerk would contact St. Andrew’s Church to inform them of the decision. Proposed by Cllr Hutchinson, seconded by Cllr Jackson-Bareham and approved by a vote of 7 for and 1 abstention. 42. Consider attendance at LALC training events (list circulated). Councillors were requested to contact the Clerk to arrange any courses. 43. Meeting dates. a. Discuss the format for the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Tuesday 5 April 2016. 16. The Chairman requested that each Council provide a résumé detailing their responsibilities and what they do outside the Parish Council to highlight the fact that they are all volunteers and do have other interests and responsibilities. b. Confirm the date of the next ordinary meeting. This was confirmed as Monday 11 April 2016. 44. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, to discuss the 17. following matters; a. Consider the possible appointment of a Dog Warden contract. Action: The Council RESOLVED to go into closed session. Proposed by Cllr Jackson-Bareham, seconded by Cllr Bett and agreed unanimously. This part of the meeting closed 8:48 pm. The meeting continued in the absence of press and public at 8:49 pm. (Not for publication by virtue of section 100(a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature.) Confidential Minutes a. Consider the possible appointment of a Dog Warden. Following an increase in reported dog fouling incidents, the awarding of a contract for Dog Warden Services was felt necessary. The use of a volunteer was felt prohibitive as the Parish Council would still need to provide insurance, training via NKDC and clothing. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve an initial 3 month/2 hours per week contract with Mr Phil Orme, an NKDC licensed Dog Warden at a cost of £455.00. Proposed by Cllr Walters, seconded by Cllr Tyler and approved unanimously. The Chairman closed the meeting at 9:12 pm.

Signature: Original signed

Printed Name: Cllr H J Morris

Date: 11 April 2016
