Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 3HR, UK


Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020

Pathology Contact: Nadine Wilkinson Royal Infirmary of Address: Laboratory Medicine Nine Bio Quarter 51 Crescent 8698 Edinburgh 9 Little France Road Edinburgh, EH16 4UX Accredited to EH16 4UX Tel: +44 (0)131 242 6809 ISO 15189:2012 E-mail: [email protected]

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified below

Locations covered by the organisation and their relevant activities

Laboratory locations:

Location details Activity Location code

Address Local Contact Routine Histopathology A NHS Lothian- Royal Infirmary Anne Wright Special Stains of Edinburgh- Pathology Department of Pathology Immunocytochemistry Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Frozen Section Histology 51 Little France Crescent 51, Little France Crescent Cytology ( Cervical and Edinburgh EH16 4SA Diagnostic) Tel: 0131 242 7130 E-mail: [email protected]

Address Local Contact Neuropathology B Western General Scott Maxwell Immunofluorescence Stain NHS Lothian-Western General Department of Pathology CSF and Urine Cytology Hospital Breast FNA Cytology Pathology Porterfield Road Frozen Section Crewe Road South Edinburgh Edinburgh Tel: 0131 537 1959 EH4 2XU E-mail:[email protected]

Address Local Contact Body store C St John's Hospital Anne Wright NHS Lothian Department of Pathology Howden Road West Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Livingston 51, Little France Crescent Edinburgh EH16 4SA EH54 6PP Tel: 0131 242 7130 E-mail: [email protected] (site not manned on day to day basis)

Assessment Manager: CM Page 1 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Site activities performed away from the locations listed above:

Location details Activity Location code

Address Local Contact Body store D Mortuary RIE Alison M Anderson NHS Lothian- Royal Infirmary Department of Pathology of Edinburgh- Pathology Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 51, Little France Crescent 51 Little France Crescent Edinburgh EH16 4SA Edinburgh Tel: 0131 242 7179 EH16 4SA E-mail: [email protected].

Address Local Contact Body store E Western General Anne Wright NHS Lothian-Western General Department of Pathology Hospital Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Mortuary 51, Little France Crescent Crewe Road South Edinburgh EH16 4SA Edinburgh Tel: 0131 242 7130 EH4 2XU E-mail: [email protected]

Address Local Contact Frozen Section F Mohs Dermatology Clinic Anne Wright 3rd Floor Department of Pathology Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 39 Lauriston Place 51, Little France Crescent EDINBRUGH Edinburgh EH16 4SA EH3 9EN Tel: 0131 242 7130 E-mail: [email protected]

Assessment Manager: CM Page 2 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified


Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Cervical Cytology In House documented procedure & TISSUES examinations to assist in manufacturer’s instructions clinical investigations using the following equipment

Cervical Smears Cervical smear abnormalities Hologic T5000 AL – A SOP-EXT-60 Hologic T2000 – SOP-CYT-21, CYT-44, CYT-46 Prisma staining machine – SOP-CYT-69 Prisma coverslipper – SOP-PATH-171 Hologic Imaging System – SOP-EXT-108, CYT-51 CYT-66, CYT-37

Diagnostic Cytology examinations to assist in clinical investigations

Wet Fixed Preparations – Processing and Staining of May Grunwald Giemsa (MGG A Body fluids, urine, CSFs, Diagnostic Specimens for Manual method using documented aspirates, washings, detection of abnormal cells procedure brushings, EUS/EBUS FNA, SOP-CYT-68, CYT-57 FNA

Air Dried Preparations - Papanicolau-Manual method using Body fluids, CSFs documented procedure SOP- CYT-57, CYT-68, CYT-69

FNA Wet Fixed Preparations RAL 55-Rapid Giemsa Breast, Thyroid, Lymph Manual method using documented nodes procedure SOP- CYT-57, CYT-68, CYT-69

FNA Air Dried Preparations - Rapid Papanicolau Breast, Thyroid, Lymph Documented procedure & nodes manufacturers instructions using Hologic T2000 sample processor – CYT-57

Assessment Manager: CM Page 3 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Diagnostic Cytology In House manual methods and TISSUES (cont’d) examinations to assist in manufacturer’s instructions clinical investigations (cont’d) documented

Air Dried Preparations- Oil Red O A Paediatric BAL, Stool Manual method using documented procedure SOP- CYT-57, CYT-68, CYT-69

FNA Stainer B SOP-CYT-69

Neuropathology examinations to assist in clinical investigations

Muscle Detection of abnormal cells SOP_PATH-W-26 B ATPases PH 9.4, 4.6,4.3 Cytochrome C oxidase NADH Phosphofructokinase+ adolase Phosphorylase Acid Phosphatase Myoadenylate deaminase reaction Succinic dehydrogenase H&E Periodic acid schiffs Gomoris trichrome Sudan black 4

Skin Immunofluorescence Skin and blood serum Immunofluorescence Stain SOP_PATH-W-24 FITC Ig_A, G, M, C3 Novalite Monkey Oesohagus IFA kit Direct ImP staining method Blood and serum Specimen for indirect IMF Blood indirect staining protocol

Assessment Manager: CM Page 4 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Neuropathology examinations In House manual methods and TISSUES (cont’d) to assist in clinical manufacturer’s instructions investigations (cont’d) documented

CSF Cerebrospinal fluids H&E B SOP-CYT-68

Frozen Section Histology examinations to assist in clinical investigations

Tissue samples Detection of abnormal cells Using the Leica Cryostats and A,B, F SOPs;- in SOP- PATH- 165,167,187, 211 PATH-W-23, 26,32, ICC-R36 And SOP- EXT-266, PATH-41, PATH- 167,PATH-200

Routine Histopathology examinations to assist in clinical investigations

Tissue samples Detection of abnormal cells Specimen Dissection A Manual method using documented procedures in the range PATH- 165,176,185,186,187,205,206 210,PATH-W-43,PATH-W-32

Tissue processing Documented procedure & manufacturer’s instructions using Leica Peloris, Leica ASP300 & Thermo Shandon Excelsior PATH- 190, PATH-R-34

Tissue embedding Manual method using documented procedure Sakura embedding centres PATH-29

Assessment Manager: CM Page 5 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Routine Histopathology In House manual methods and TISSUES (cont’d) examinations to assist in manufacturer’s instructions clinical investigations (cont’d) documented

Tissue samples (cont’d) Detection of abnormal cells Tissue sectioning A (cont’d) Manual method using documented procedure- Leica Microtomes PATH-167,172,175

Routine staining (H&E Documented procedure & manufacturer’s instructions using Sakura Prisma stainer and Leica Autostainer CV5030 coverslipper, PATH-R-48, PATH-R-31, PATH-R- 32,PATH-171

Special staining of Histopathology examinations to assist in detection of clinical abnormalities

Tissue samples Using series SOPs and Microscopy A PATH-R-37,38,39

Acid and Neutral Mucins Alcian Blue paS

Acid Fast Tubercle Bacilli Zeihl Neelsen

Acid Mucins/Mast Cells Azure A Metachromatic Technique

Amyloid Congo Red (Highmans) Modified Congo Red (ResinSections) Sirius Red

Argentaffin Cells/Carcinoid Alkaline Diazo Tumour

Basement Membranes Jones Methenamine Sliver

Basophil/Eosinophol/ Giemsa Neutorphil granules

Assessment Manager: CM Page 6 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Special staining of In House manual methods and TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations manufacturer’s instructions to assist in detection of clinical documented abnormalities (cont’d)

Tissue samples (cont’d) Calcium Von Kossa A

Connective tissue / Collagen / Masson Trichrome Muscle Picro Sirius Red Van Gieson

Connective tissue / Collagen / Martius Scarlet Blue (MSB) Muscle / Fibrin

DNA Feulgen

Elastic Fibres Elastic Haematoxylin & Eosin Elastic Stain

Fungi Grocott Gomori Methenamine Silver

Using series SOPs and Microscopy-PATH-R-37,38,39

General Architecture Paragon Stain (Resin Sections) A

Glycogen/Neutral Periodic Acid Schiffs (PAS) +/- Mucins/Fungi Diastase

Gram +ve & Gram –ve Gram Stain Organisms

Haemosiderin Perls Prussian Blue

Helicobacter/Micro-organisms Modified Giemsa

Hepatitis B affected Cells Shikata’s Orcein /Copper associated protein

Lipid Oil Red O

Assessment Manager: CM Page 7 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Special staining of In House manual methods and TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations manufacturer’s instructions to assist in detection of clinical documented abnormalities (cont’d)

Tissue samples (cont’d) Mast Cells Toluidine Blue A

Melanin / Argentaffin / Masson Fontana Chromaffin / some Lipofuscin

Mucin Lisons Alcian Blue

Mycobacterium Leprae Wade-Fite

Nuclei Celestin Blue-Haematoxylin

pH1 Sulphated Acid Alcian Blue (pH1 & pH2.5) Mucins/pH2.5 Acid Mucins

Reticulin Fibres Gordon & Sweet’s Reticulin

Spirochetes Warthin Starry

Immunocytochemistry of Histopathology examinations to assist in detection of clinical abnormalities

Tissue samples & Cell In house documented procedures A blocks & manufacturer’s instructions using Leica Bond III system – SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Embryonic cells in normal Using antibodies to and tissues and germ tumours microscopy;-

ACTH producing corticotrophs a-1-Fetoprotein in pituitary

Smooth muscle cells, ACTH myoepithelial cells

Anaplastic Large Cell Actin, smooth muscle Lymphoma's (ALCL's)

Assessment Manager: CM Page 8 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell blocks B cells, lymphomas Bcl-2 (Dako) A (cont’d) Bcl-6 Protein

B cells, plasma cells Bob-1 (C20

Complement C4d in allograft C-4d rejection

Ovarian epithelial CA125 malignancies, seminal vesical carcimoma, anaplastic lymphoma

Parafollicular cells in thyroid Calcitonin and medullary thyroid Caldesmon carcinomas

Smooth muscle cells Calponin (cell marque) Calretinin Marker for mesotheliomas CCD43 (Qbend10)

Mature B cells, follicular CD10 (CALLA) dentritic cells, CALLA

Various - mast cells, stem CD117 (c-kit) cells, Cajal cells, melanocytes, basal cells (skin) and mammary duct epithelium

Plasma cells CD138 (Syndecan-1)

Assessment Manager: CM Page 9 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell Granulocytes, Reed-Sternberg CD15 (Leu-M1) A blocks (cont’d) cells

Monocytes CD163

Langerhans cells CD1aCD2(LFA-2)

T cells CD3

B cell CD20 (CD20cy)

Mature B cells, Follicular CD21 dentritic cell

B cells, some T cell CD23

Reed-Sternberg cells, plasma CD30 (Ki-1) cells

Endothelial cells CD31 Dako

Myeloid cells CD33

Erythrocytes, leukocytes, CD35 glomerular podocytes and follicular dendritic cells

T cells (helper & mature) CD4 (poly/mono)

T and B cell Lymphoma's CD43 (Qbend10)

Leucocytes CD45(LCA)

Assessment Manager: CM Page 10 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell Mature T cells, T cell CD5 A blocks (cont’d) lymphomas

Natural killer cells, CD56(N-CAM) and neuroendocrine tissues

Platelets, megakaryocytes, CD57 macrophages, endothelila cells

Macrophages, monocytes, CD61 myeloid cells

T cells. Natural killer cells, CD68 (Routine PG M1) thymocytes

B cells CD7

T cells CD79a

Tumours including Ewings CD8 Saracoma, & T cell lymphoma CD99 (MIC2) Intestinal epithelial cells, CDX2 colorectal + other adenocarcinomas

CEA glycoproteins CEA

Tissues of neuroendocrine Chromagranin A origin

Basal cells, filamentous CK, HMW (34BE12) keratins form glandular to stratified squamous, prostate adenocarcinoma

Expressed in variety tumours Cyclin D1

Pan cytokeratin (broad range) Cytokeratin , MNF116

Assessment Manager: CM Page 11 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell blocks Epithelial cells Cytokeratin 14 A (cont’d) Epithelial cells including ductal Cytokeratin 19 and glandular epithelia

Adenocarcinomas, columnar Cytokeratin 20 epithelial cells

Stratified squamous Cytokeratin 5/6 epithelium, basal cells, mesotheliomas

Normal and neoplastic Cytokeratin 7 epithelia

Pan cytokeratin (broad range) Cytokeratin AE1/AE3

Epithilial cells Cytokeratin, Cam 5.2

Cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus

Lymphatic vessels D2-40

Striated and smooth muscle Desmin cells

Gastro Intestinal Stromal DOG-1 tumours (GIST)

Epstein Barr Encoded RNA EBER ISH expressing cells

Epstein-Barr Virus EBV, LMP1

Normal duct epithelial cells, E-Cadherin ductal carcinoma

Assessment Manager: CM Page 12 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell Normal and neoplastic EMA (Dako E29) A blocks (cont’d) epithelium

Epithilial cells, most EP4 adenocarcinomas

Nuclei of cells containing a Estrogen Receptor high level of oestrogen

V.W factor in endothelial cells Factor XIIIa

Folicle Stimulationg Hormone FSH (Novacastra)

G Cell hyperplasia Gastrin

Breast carcinoma's GCDFP-15

Schwann cells, enteric glial GFAP cells, astrocytomas, ependymomas

Glucagonomas Glucagon

Erythrocytes Glycophorin A and Glycophorin C

T cell lymphoma's GMP-17 (TIA-1)

Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes, Granzyme B Natural Killer cells

Growth Hormone Growth Hormone

Hairy cell leukaemia's Hairy Cell Leukaemia

Placental trophpblasts hCG

Assessment Manager: CM Page 13 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell B cells, monocytes, HLA-DR A blocks (cont’d) macrophages, myeloid/erythroid precursors, activated T cells and some epithilial cells

Melanoma, melanocyte HMB45 differentiation

Herpes Simplex Virus type I HSV1

Herpes Simplex Virus type II HSV2

Sex chord stromal tumours Inhibinin, alpha

Insulin Insulin

Proliferating Cells Ki67/p16-MIB-1(Ki67) Dako

B cells and plasma cells Kappa

B cell follicles Lambda

Non Small Cell Lung Lung ALK Carcinoma's (NSCLC)

Lutenising Hormone Lutinising Hormone

Melanoma marker Melan A

Granulocytes and monocytes MPO

Urothelium MUC-4

Lympho-haemopoietic MUM1 tumours

Rhabdomyosarcoma MyoD1 and Myogenin

Assessment Manager: CM Page 14 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell Smooth muscle cells Myosin (Skeletal Fast) A blocks (cont’d) myoepithelial cells Myosin Heavy Chain (Smooth muscle)

Epithilial and endothilial cells Neuroblastoma(NB84)

Neuro, endocrine and neuro- NFP endocrine tumours

Peripheral nerves, NSE neuroendocrine tumours

B Cell lymphomas, germinal Oct 2 centre derived lymphomas

Germ cell tumours, OCT 3/4 seminomas

Various tumours P16 Protein

Squamous and Basal Cell P40 Carcinoma's

Breast, colon, lung and P53 (DO-7) urothelial carcinoma's

Prostate basal cells, P63 profliferative cells, glandular epithelium

Non-small cell lung P63/CK7 carcinonoma differentiation

B Cells PAX-5

Assessment Manager: CM Page 15 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell Neurones and neuro- PGP9.5 A blocks (cont’d) endocrine cells

Germ cell tumours, Placental Alkaline Phosphatase seminomas

Nuclei of cells showing Progesterone expression of Progesterone

Prolactin Prolactin

Metastatic prostatic tumours Prostatic Acid Phosphatase

Prostate secretory and ductal PSA poly epithelium

Prostate adenocarcinoma Racemace (P504s)

High Grade PIN S-100 Schwann cells, nerve processes, S100 +ve neoplasms

Somatostatin Somatostatin Simian Virus 40 SV40

Neuroendocrine cells Synaptophysin

Leukaemias, acute TdT lymphocytic lymphomas

Thyroglobulin containing cells Thyroglobulin

Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH

Assessment Manager: CM Page 16 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and Immunocytochemistry of In house documented procedures TISSUES (cont’d) Histopathology examinations & manufacturer’s instructions using to assist in detection of clinical Leica Bond III system – abnormalities (cont’d) SOP ICC-R-36,R8,28,29,34

Tissue samples & Cell TTF-1 found in lung and TTF-1 A blocks (cont’d) thyroid (thyroid follicular cells)

Small cell differention in Lung TTF-1/CK5/6 cancer

Small cell differentiation in Vimentin Lung Cancer

Cells of mesenchymal origin Wilm’s Tumour (WT1) Epithelial cells and smooth muscle in fallopian tube

Formalin-fixed, paraffin- Breast and gastric carcinomas HER – 2 using monoclonal anti- embedded human breast expressing HER-2 HER2 clone and gastric cancer tissue

Tissue samples & Cell Immunocytochemistry in Flexible scope of the Leica Bond III A blocks Histopathology examinations system with ER1, ER2 enzyme to assist in detection of clinical retrieval or no retrieval using abnormalities polymer refine detection DAB and Bond polymer refined red detection using SOP:QUAL-106, and spreadsheet L:drive/Laboratory Specialities/Pathology/ICC Lab/ Antibodies.

Lung bx Metastatic non-small cell lung PD-L1 via DAKO Autostainer A cancer (NSCLC) system using SOP: ICC-R79

Assessment Manager: CM Page 17 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and FISH analysis to assist in In House manual methods and TISSUES (cont’d) detection of clinical manufacturer’s instructions abnormalities documented

FFPE tissue samples and ALK1 rearrangement for FISH Analysis A cell blocks therapy stratification in NSCLC Manual staining procedures: ICC- R41 Fluorescence Microscopy Interpretation and scoring: ICC-R46

DDIT3 rearrangement for FISH Analysis sarcoma classification (mxyoid Manual staining procedures: ICC- liposarcoma) R41 Fluorescence Microscopy Interpretation and scoring: ICC-R46

EWSR1 rearrangement for FISH Analysis sarcoma classification Manual staining procedures: ICC- (Ewing’s sarcoma) R41 Fluorescence Microscopy Interpretation and scoring: ICC-R46 FOXO1 rearrangement for FISH Analysis sarcoma classification Manual staining procedures: ICC- (alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma) R41 Fluorescence Microscopy Interpretation and scoring: ICC-R46

FUS rearrangement for FISH Analysis sarcoma classification Manual staining procedures: ICC- (myxoid/fibromyxoid sarcoma) R41 Fluorescence Microscopy Interpretation and scoring: ICC-R46

HER2 amplification for therapy FISH Analysis stratification in breast and Manual staining procedures gastric cancer (gastric): ICC-R41 Leica Bond automated staining procedures (breast): ICC-R39 Fluorescence Microscopy Interpretation and scoring: ICC-R46

MDM2 amplification for FISH Analysis sarcoma classification (well Manual staining procedures: ICC- differentiated liposarcoma) R41 Fluorescence Microscopy Interpretation and scoring: ICC-R46

Assessment Manager: CM Page 18 of 19

Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines -u po n - Thames, TW18 3HR, UK

NHS Lothian

8698 Issue No: 006 Issue date: 18 February 2020 Accredited to ISO 15189:2012

Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified

Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties Standard specifications/ Location measured/Range of Equipment/Techniques used Code measurement

HUMAN BODY FLUIDS and FISH analysis to assist in In House manual methods and TISSUES (cont’d) detection of clinical manufacturer’s instructions abnormalities (cont’d) documented

FFPE tissue samples and SS18 rearrangement for FISH Analysis A cell blocks sarcoma classification Manual staining procedures: ICC- (synovial sarcoma) R41 Fluorescence Microscopy Interpretation and scoring: ICC-R46


Assessment Manager: CM Page 19 of 19