?G-03C Lobbying for Full Disclosure of Files Vol

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?G-03C Lobbying for Full Disclosure of Files Vol The Newsletter of Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination 1995 All Rights Reserved SS.00 CTKA is a political action group ?g-03c lobbying for full disclosure of files Vol. 2, No. 5 July 22, 1995 relating to the Kennedy assassination ARRB Meets First Hurdles On July 21st the National Archives re- -a: leased the first set of ARRB approved GOP Effort to Defund the ABRB documents. These were 16 CIA docu- ,,,,.." ments that the agency did not choose to The story broke suddenly in The Wall nal" story noted above, the reference to • contest. As Peter Dale Scott has written, Street Journal of June 23, 1995. The Re- eliminating the Review Board appeared. "One of the documents. .strengthens the publicans in the House.were looking for Ironically a quote from Armey in the impression that David Phillips. .was di- funds to cut from the federal.govern- story read that, "I hope that we can set rectly involved before the assassination in ment's operating budget. The first move straight a perception of wrongdoing." the handling and reporting of Oswald's was to pass a bill cutting 5155,000,000 How Congress could do this by saving a t visit to Mexico City." Scott found that the and eliminating 2,700 jobs from opera- whopping two million (approximate temporary duty officer who picked up a tions of the House and legislative agen- ARRB budget) from a one and a half special pouch related to the Mexico City cies such as the General Accounting trillion dollar budget escapes us. Pre- episode was "Michael C. Choaden", a Office. Then Speaker Newt Gingrich and cisely the opposite effect would occur. name the Review Board understands, Majority Leader Dick Armey apparently But this statement and this effort from the CIA, to be a pseudonym for had their legislative aides go through shows us even more how out of touch Phillips. the White House budget and target . our Washington representatives are. agencies they felt were unnecessary and When this story got out and circu- FBI and CIA Balk expendable. In the sixteenth and next to lated to the members of the ARRB and After the rather smooth going on the last paragraph of the "Walt Street Jour- continued on page 7 first release, both the FBI and CIA began to balk at what came next. From CTKA been More overt about the scheduled re- tion Records Review Board to the Federal sources in Washington, the ARRB itself, lease of 15 documents. They have ap- Bureau of Investigation's August 8, 1995 and the AP newswire, PROBE will now pealed the release of 9 of these to Appeal of Formal Determinations under outline the struggle going on in the capi- President Clinton. According to the ARRB, The President John F. Kennedy Assassina- tol. the FBI contested files relate to Oswald's tion Records Collection Act of 1992. When the ARRB moves to release a stay in the Soviet Union, the Communist "There are two principal points made batch of documents from an agency's Party USA, and Ruby's shooting of Os- in our Reply. First, the Federal Bureau of files, that agency has the privilege to re- wald. Investigation has failed to provide the quest a private conference with the Board "clear and convincing evidence" required to try to convince them of other options Sources and Methods, by the JFK Act; and second, much of the other than full disclosure e.g. postpone- yeah yeah yeah... information that the Bureau now wishes ment or non-release. A worst case post- continued on page 7 ponement can last well into the next The objections seem to be on the usual ceneury. Our sources tell us that the grounds of the sensitivity of "methods original release pattern planned by the and sources" and damage to our intelli- In This Issue ... ARRB has been altered, The pattern origi- gence relationships with foreign coun- nally held that another batch of solely tries, i.e. intelligence sources and agents Connick Vs. Garrison. Round Three 3 CIA documents from Oswald's CIA HQ inside foreign countries. Since the Board Raymond vs. Connick: Round One 4 file were to be released next. Then a com- has seen the documents and are well The Transcript from Harry's Hell 5 bination of 15 FBI and 2 CIA documents aware of the standard line on "national CTKA's Response to New York Times .6 concerning Oswald's trip to Mexico City security" one can't help but wonder how ARRB In New Orleans: were to be third. The Board had originally that antique warning could be sounded A Participant's View 8 agreed on this sequence. The CIA then re- three decades later and with the Cold War Ted Charach Press Conference; quested another audience with the Board finished. Thane Eugene Cesar's Gun Found 9 to request postponement on the CIA HQ Tribute to the Women Researchers 10 release. This audience was granted. Dur- The Board's Gunrunner Ruby and the CIA 13 ing this delay, the third release went Recommendation Canning to Blakey 16 FBI Fibbed about Testing Carcano .. 17 ahead and will be uncontested on the We quote from Mr. Marwell's letter to Notebook CIA's part. After their conference with the President Clinton dated August 11th: 18 VJecht Responds to Boswell: CIA, our information is that the Board is "Dear Mr. President: 1995 to 1969 19 now reconsidering their original intent to "I have the honor of submitting to The CTKA Catalog 20 release the documents in full. The FBI has you the enclosed Reply of the Assassina- CTKA From the Chairman's Desk: CITIZENS FOR TRUTH As many have predicted, earliest and most presciently John Newman, the ARRB Is now meeting its first serious obstructions by the most consistent enemies of ABOUT THE full disclosure: our old friends with long institutional memories, the CIA and FBI. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION The attempt to defund has been turned back due to some quick politicking by Tlinheirn, Marwell, and COPA. But now the second attack is upon us, After clear- Chairman ing the first release of files, the ARRB is now meeting resistance in its newest re- Jim DiEugenio quests for full disclosure. We urge every reader to either phone or fax the ARRB and urge them not to back down in their pursuit of the newest file requests, in Executive Board full and with no redactions. The numbers to call are: Phone, 202-724-0088: Fax, David Manning, Chuck 11,farler, 202-724-0457. We also urge readers to write CIA Director John Deutch and FBI Di- Dennis Effie rector Louis Freth and alert them that the public will not put up with any more stonewalling and scare tactics. The time for subverting the will of the American people in its pursuit of openness and honesty has long gone. We at PROBE honestly Board of Directors feel that no other issue ranks as high as restoring the public's faith in its government Dr. Gary Aguilar and that if the ARRB is subverted now, after it has received a mandate from the public, Doug Carlson the Congress, and the chief executive, it would truly be calamitous. Kathleen Cunningham The ARRB is also meeting resistance from New Orleans DA Harry Connick and Gaeton Fonzi his allies Hugh Aynesworth, Gerald Posner and the New York Times. We find it Edwin Lopez Soto odd that a medium sized city's rather undistinguished DA would merit attention Dr David Mantik by the big media centers of Washington and New York. We explain why we think Jim Marrs there is more here than meets the eye and we offer the full transcript of the local WDSU report that started the uproar. Also, Dave Manning offers coverage of the Wayne Smith RFK news conference by -ad Charach who now appears to have found the "second William Turner gun" of Thane Eugene Cesar. We update our readers on the progress of Robert Dr. Cyril Wecht Groden's lawsuit against Random House and Posner. Roger Feinman is not giving Jack White up. In a special section we honor some of the women in the community who have not received the accolades and recognition they deserve. We hope this begins to re- PROBE STAFF verse that trend. People like Milicent, Anna Marie, Kathleen, Carol, our own Lisa Pease—and more—have certainly made a mark and continued—in some ways, Co-Editors furthered—the pioneering work of the late, great Sylvia Meagher. Finally, and speaking of pioneers, Cyril Wecht ties everything together with his Jim DiEugenio Lisa Pease response to Dr. Boswell's recently declassified letter to the top brass in the Navy in anticipation of exposure of the world's worst autopsy at the Shaw trial. In this Layout response, he speaks for all of us by reminding Boswell of who he is, and us of Lisa Pease who we are and what this case is really all about. Amen. Photo Scans David Stern PROBE Volume 2 Subscriptions: What is CTKA? s30 for Issues 1-6 Citizens for Tkuth about the Kennedy Assassination was organized as a result of the Back Issues Volume 1: April 1993 Chicago Midwest Symposium on Assassinations. At the end of that confer- for 12 issues Domestic ence, it was generally decided that the time had come to create a political action i35 & S30 respectively Foreign group, which would urge the executive branch of our government to re-open the unsolved assassinations of the I960s—i.e., the murders of President John F. Kennedy, Send Check or Money Order to: Senator Robert F.
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