
Tissue Development Page 1

During embryogenesis, the three germ layers (, , and ) are formed from which all body tissues will later develop.

Key Points

o The endoderm, the inner , forms the , the colon, the , the , the , the lining of the , the epithelial parts of , the , the , the , the parathyroid, and the intestines. o The mesdoderm, the middle germ layer, forms , the , the of , connective , the urogenital system, the , (lymph cells), the , and the . o The ectoderm, the outer germ layer, forms the central , the of the , cranial and sensory , the ganglia and nerves, pigment cells, head connective tissues, the , , and mammary glands.


• Endoderm One of the three tissue layers in the of a metazoan that produces tissue within the lungs, thyroid, pancreas, and the digestive system of the adult. • Mesoderm One of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal. Through , it will produce many internal organs of the adult, e.g. muscles, spine, and . • Ectoderm Outermost of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal. Through development, it will produce the epidermis (skin) and nervous system of the adult.

In humans, fertilization of an egg leads to the formation of a . During the next stage, termed , mitotic divisions transform the zygote into a tiny ball of cells, called a blastula. This early embryonic form undergoes , forming a gastrula with either two or three layers (the germ layers). In all , these are the forerunners of all adult tissues and organs.

After about three days, the zygote forms a solid mass of cells by mitotic division, called a . This then becomes a , consisting of an outer layer called a , and an called the embryoblast. Filled with uterine fluid, the blastocyst breaks out of the egg coating and undergoes implantation. The inner cell mass initially has two layers: the and . At the end of the second week, a appears, this is the site of the beginning of bilateral symmetry. The epiblast in this region moves towards the primitive

Tissue Development Page 2 streak, dives down into it, and forms a new layer, called the endoderm, pushing the hypoblast out of the way (this goes on to form the ). The epiblast keeps moving and f orms a second layer, the mesoderm. The top layer is now called the ectoderm.

The endoderm produces tissue within the lungs, thyroid, and pancreas. The endoderm is one of the germ layers formed during animal embryogenesis. Cells migrating inward along the p rimitive gut form the inner layer of the gastrula, which develops into the endoderm. The endoderm consists at first of flattened cells, which subsequently become columnar . It forms th e epithelial lining of the whole of the digestive tube, except part of the and pharynx, and the terminal part of the (which are lined by involutions of the ectoderm). It also forms the lining cells of all the glands which open into the digestive tube, including those of the liver and pancreas; the of the auditory tube and cavity; the trachea, bronchi , and air cells of the lungs; the urinary bladder and part of the urethra; and the follicle lining of the thyroid gland and . The endoderm forms: the stomach, the colon, the liver, the pancreas, the urinary bladder, the lining of the urethra, the epithelial parts of trachea, the lungs, the pharynx, the thyroid, the parathyroid, and the intestines.

The mesoderm aids in the production of , skeletal muscle, , tissues within the kidneys, and red blood cells . The mesoderm germ layer forms in the of triploblastic . During gastrulation, some of the cells migrating inward contribute to the mesoderm, an additional layer bet ween the endoderm and the ectoderm. The formation of a mesoderm leads to the development of a , a fluid filled cavity. Organs formed inside a coelom can freely move, grow, and dev elop independently of the body wall while fluid cushions and protects them from shocks . The mesoderm forms skeletal muscle, the skeleton, the dermis of skin, , the uroge nital system, the heart, blood (lymph cells), the kidney, and the spleen.


Image illustrates the types of cells produced by the mesoderm (midd le germ layer) of the developing embryo.

Tissue Development Page 3

The ectoderm produces tissues within the epidermis, aids in the formation of within the , and constructs (the cells that produce melanin) . The ectoderm is the start of a tissue that covers the body surfaces. It emerges first and forms from the outermost of the germ layers. The ectoderm forms the c entral nervous system, the lens of the eye, cranial and sensory nerves, the ganglia and nerves, pigment cells, head connective tissues, the epidermis, hair, and mammary glands.


This image illustrates the types of cells produced by the ectoderm (external germ layer) of the developing embryo.


Image illustrates the types of cells produced by the endoderm (inner germ layer) of the developing embryo.

Source: Boundless. “Tissue Development.” Boundless and Physiology . Boundless, 21 Jul. 2015. Retrieved 09 Sep. 2015 from https://www.boundless.com/physiology/textbooks/boundless -anatomy-and-physiology - textbook/tissues-4/tissue-development -59/tissue-development-383-6376/