Queensland Government Gazette

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370



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Queensland Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370

Vol. CCCXXXII] FRIDAY, 25 APRIL, 2003 [No. 87


Constitution of Queensland 2001


I, PAUL de JERSEY, Chief Justice of Queensland, acting under section 41 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, having previously taken the prescribed oaths, have today assumed the administration of the Government of the State as Acting Governor because His Excellency Major General , Governor, is absent from the State.

[L.S.] PAUL de JERSEY, Acting Governor Signed and sealed on 25 April 2003. By Command PETER BEATTIE

ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Acting Governor on 25 April 2003. 2. Published in an Extraordinary Gazette on 25 April 2003. 3. The administering agency is the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

© State of Queensland 2003 Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 25 April, 2003 271302—1


Queensland Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370

Vol. CCCXXXII] SATURDAY, 26 APRIL, 2003 [No. 88

Premier’s Office COPY OF COMMISSION Brisbane, 26 April 2003 Constitution of Queensland 2001 His Excellency the Acting Governor directs it to be notified that, being about to absent himself from the seat of To MARGARET ANNE McMURDO, government for a short period from 10.30am on 26 April President of the Court of Appeal of Queensland. 2003, under His Hand and the Public Seal of the State, he has I, PAUL de JERSEY, Acting Governor, acting under section delegated all the powers of Governor to the Honourable 40 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, delegate all of the MARGARET ANNE McMURDO, President of the Court of powers of Governor to you, MARGARET ANNE Appeal of Queensland, as Deputy Governor. McMURDO, President of the Court of Appeal of PETER BEATTIE Queensland, as Deputy Governor for the short period from ______10.30am on 26 April 2003 until my return to the seat of Premier’s Office government. Brisbane, 26 April 2003 [L.S.] His Excellency the Acting Governor has been pleased to Paul de Jersey direct the publication for general information of the following Copy of a Commission under His Hand and the Public Seal of Signed and sealed with the Public Seal of the State on 26 the State, delegating all the powers of Governor to the April 2003. Honourable MARGARET ANNE McMURDO, President of By Command the Court of Appeal of Queensland, as Deputy Governor, for the short period that His Excellency will be absent from the PETER BEATTIE seat of government. PETER BEATTIE RECORDED in the Register of Patents, No. 46, Page 16, on 26 April 2003. C M Taylor Clerk of the Executive Council

© The State of Queensland 2003.

BRISBANE Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 26 April, 2003 271303—1


Queensland Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370

Vol. CCCXXXIII] THURSDAY, 1 MAY, 2003 [No. 1



Notice is given of the making of the subordinate legislation mentioned in Tables 1 and 2



No. Subordinate Legislation Empowering Act

77 Proclamation commencing certain provision Coroners Act 2003

79 Health Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2003 Health Act 1937




This table also shows affected subordinate legislation

Empowering Act Subordinate Legislation No.

Coroners Act 2003 Proclamation commencing certain provision...... 77

Health Act 1937 Health Regulation 1996 • amd by Health Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2003 ...... 79

Copies of the subordinate legislation can be obtained at— Goprint Publications and Retail ...... Telephone: (07) 3246 3399 371 Vulture Street Woolloongabba Qld 4102 ...... Facsimile: (07) 3246 3534 email: [email protected]

A mail service is available from— Goprint Publications and Retail ...... Telephone: (07) 3246 3399 Locked Bag 500 Coorparoo DC, Qld 4151...... Facsimile: (07) 3246 3534 email: [email protected]


Department of Health Brisbane, 1 May 2003


I, Robert Lynton Stable, chief executive, Department of Health under section 32A of the Health Act 1937, do hereby notify the following:

Pursuant to section 32A(1) a medical practitioner is required to notify the chief executive, Department of Health of a patient suffering from the notifiable disease Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or the patient has SARS like symptoms, when the criteria detailed in Schedule 1 hereto are met;

Pursuant to section 32A(4) the results of a pathological examination of specimens of human origin set forth in column 1 of Schedule 2 hereto shall indicate the notifiable disease in column 2 of the said schedule.

Dr Robert Stable Director-General


Criteria in Relation to Clinical Diagnosis of Probable SARS

• A person presenting with o high fever (>38 °C) and o Cough or breathing difficulty and o radiographic evidence of infiltrates consistent with pneumonia or respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) on chest X-ray and o One or more of the following during the 10 days prior to onset of symptoms: Œ close contact with a person who is a suspect1 or probable2 case of SARS; and/or Œ history of travel to an area affected by SARS3 or residing in an affected area. OR • A person with an unexplained acute respiratory illness resulting in death, but on whom no autopsy has been performed AND one or both of the following during the 10 days prior to onset of symptoms: o close contact with a person who is a suspect1 or probable2 case of SARS and/or o history of travel to an area affected by SARS3 OR • A person with an unexplained acute respiratory illness resulting in death, with autopsy findings consistent with the pathology of RDS without an identifiable cause


SCHEDULE 2 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Notification Criteria in Relation to the Receipt and Notifiable Disease Pathological Examination of Specimens of Human Origin

• Isolation of putative SARS coronavirus from sputum, Severe Acute Respiratory naso-pharyngeal aspirate, blood, faeces or post-mortem Syndrome (SARS) tissues OR • Detection of putative SARS coronavirus nucleic acid in sputum, naso-pharyngeal aspirate, blood, faeces or post- mortem tissues OR • Demonstration of putative SARS coronavirus antibodies in blood

* Queensland Health is to be notified immediately by either facsimile or telephone in all cases where the Criteria are met in either Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 above.

Notes 1. Suspect cases of SARS are defined according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) case definitions available at http://www.who.int/csr/sars/casedefinition/en/ 2. Probable cases of SARS are defined according to the WHO case definitions as above. 3. Areas affected by SARS are also updated regularly on the WHO website available at: http://www.who.int/csr/sarsareas/en/

© The State of Queensland 2003. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of Goprint. Inquiries should be addressed to Goprint, Publications and Retail, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151.

BRISBANE Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 1 May, 2003



Queensland Government Gazette

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370

Vol. CCCXXXIII] FRIDAY, 2 MAY, 2003 [No. 2

Local Government Act 1993 TAB Agency and Market Stalls) to Residential 2. The general effect of the amendment is to reflect the approval by Council of a ROCKHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL Development Application over the land, as required by Section (MAKING OF LOCAL LAW) 6.1.34 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997. NOTICE (No. 1) 2003 Short title Copies of the amendment are available for inspection and purchase at the Customer Service Centre of the Thuringowa City Council 1. This notice may be cited as the Rockhampton City Council situated on the ground floor, Council Administration Building, 86 (Making of Local Law) Notice (No. 1) 2003. Thuringowa Drive, Thuringowa Central. Commencement 2. This notice commences on the date it is published in the Gazette. Local Government Act 1993 Making of local law 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, NOOSA SHIRE COUNCIL the Rockhampton City Council made Preservation of Trees (MAKING OF LOCAL LAW) (Amendment) Local Law (No.1) 2003 by resolution dated 22 NOTICE (No. 1) 2003 April 2003, which amends Local Law No.56 (Preservation of Trees) by increasing the girth measurement (at the base) of a Short title tree from 50cm to 100cm for Council approval consistent with 1. This notice may be cited as the Noosa Shire Council (Making sections 1 and 2. of Local Law) Notice (No. 1) 2003. Inspection Commencement 4. A certified copy of the local law is open to inspection at the local government's public office and at the Department's State 2. This notice commences on the date it is published in the office. Gazette. Making of Local Law ENDNOTES 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. the Noosa Shire Council made Local Law No. 10 (Vegetation 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. Management) 2003 by resolution on 20 March 2003, which repeals Local Law No. 20 - Preservation of Trees and 3. The administering agency is the Queensland Department of Vegetation. Local Government and Planning. Inspection 4. A certified copy of the local law is open to inspection at the local government’s public office and at the Department’s Integrated Planning Act 1997 State Office. NOTICE OF PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT

The Town Planning Scheme for the Whole of the ENDNOTES Shire of Thuringowa Notice is hereby given that on the 1st April 2003 the Thuringowa 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. City Council adopted an amendment of its Planning Scheme. The 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. purpose of the amendment is to exclude the land at 1209 Ross River Road, Rasmussen, described as part of lots 1 & 2 on RP 3. The administering agency is the Queensland Department of 715522 in the Parish of Ross from Particular Development (Hotel, Local Government and Planning. 271143—1


Integrated Planning Act 1997 PUBLIC NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT The Planning Scheme for the Part of the City of Cairns Notice is hereby given that The Cairns City Council has adopted the following amendments to the Cairns City Council Transitional Planning Scheme for Part of the City of Cairns.

Date When Adopted Amendment Purpose 27 February To note on Zoning Map Sheet No. 9 To reflect an approval 2003 that Lot 1 on RP901643, Parish of by Council of a Cairns, situated at 413-415 Mulgrave Development Road, Bungalow, being currently Application over the zoned Residential is to be approved for land inclusion in the Commercial zone 10 April To note on Zoning Map Sheet No 7 that To reflect an approval 2003 Lot 34 on CP860929, Parish of Cairns by Council of a situated at 189-213 Fearnley Street, Development Westcourt, being currently unzoned, is Application over a approved for inclusion in the Medium closed section of a Density Residential roadway formerly Gregory Street Copies of the amendments are available for inspection or purchase at the Administration Building of the Cairns City Council situated at 119-145 Spence Street, Portsmith.

Local Government Act 1993 COOK SHIRE COUNCIL (MAKING OF LOCAL LAW) © The State of Queensland 2003. NOTICE (No. 1) 2003 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Short Title Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the 1. This notice may be cited as the Cook Shire Council (Making prior written permission of Goprint. of Local Law) Notice (No.1) 2003. Inquiries should be addressed to Goprint, Publications and Retail, 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba, 4102. Commencement 2. This notice commences on the date it is published in the Gazette. —————— Making of Local Law BRISBANE 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, Printed and Published by Government Printer, Cook Shire Council made Miscellaneous Amendment Local Vulture Street, Woolloongabba Law (No. 1) 2003 by resolution on 16 April 2003. 2 May, 2003 Amendment 271143 4. The Local Law amends:— (a) Local Law No. 10 (Jetties, Barge Loading Ramps and Boat Ramps) by establishing a fuelling licence regime and other minor amendments; and (b) Local Law No. 13 (Rental Accommodation with Shared Facilities) by including hotels in the local law's application; and (c) Local Law No. 15 (Impounding of Animals) by clarifying an inconsistency in the setting of impounding fees; and (d) Local Law No. 1 (Administration) by providing that authorised persons must be suitably qualified. Inspection 5. A certified copy of the local law is open to inspection at the local government's public office and at the Department's State office.

ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 2. Not required to be laid before Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning.


Queensland Government Gazette

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370

Vol. CCCXXXIII] FRIDAY, 2 MAY, 2003 [No. 3

Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994


Short title

1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 694) 2003.

Land to be taken [s.9(7) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967]

2. The land described in the Schedule is taken for the purpose or transport, in particular, road purposes as from 24 April 2003 and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple.


Land Taken

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 447 square metres being part of Lot 9 on RP221878 contained in Title Reference: 17226089.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 812 square metres being part of Lot 10 on RP221878 contained in Title Reference: 17226090.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 790.6 square metres (including an area of about 375 square metres being part of Easement over Sub A on RP27573) being part of Lot 4 on RP101333 contained in Title Reference: 13757114.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 403.4 square metres being part of Lot 2 on RP89775 contained in Title Reference: 13189119.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 1666 square metres (including an area of about 3.8 square metres being part of Easement over Resub B of the within land) being part of Lot 13 on RP78483 contained in Title Reference: 12849039.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 1718 square metres (including an area of about 280.7 square metres being part of Easement over Sub 1 on RP27574 and an area of about 350 square metres being part of Easement A on RP59384) being part of Lot 12 on RP78483 contained in Title Reference: 16173074.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 325.9 square metres being part of Lot 9 on RP78483 contained in Title Reference: 12796022.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 292 square metres being part of Lot 10 on RP234239 contained in Title Reference: 18326086.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 145.7 square metres being part of Lot 7 on RP73296 contained in Title Reference: 12726157.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 1651 square metres (including an area of about 125 square metres being part of Easement H on RP118980) being part of Lot 19 on RP118980 contained in Title Reference: 14404100.



County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 72 square metres (being part of Easement F on RP117331) being part of Lot 33 on RP117331 contained in Title Reference: 14425019.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of 505 square metres being Lot 1 on SP149006 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of land contained in Title Reference: 50085226.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of 84 square metres being the whole of Lot 11 on RP221878 contained in Title Reference: 17226122.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 52.3 square metres being part of Lot 1 on RP850339 contained in Title Reference: 50158716.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 19.2 square metres being part of Lot 101 on SP144985 contained in Title Reference: 50384364.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 106.8 square metres (including an area of about 47.6 square metres being part of Easement A on RP880234) being part of Lot 44 on RP880234 contained in Title Reference: 50085225.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 710.1 square metres being part of Lot 9 on RP839096 contained in Title Reference: 18386085.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 790.1 square metres being part of Lot 8 on RP839096 contained in Title Reference: 18336236.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 519.3 square metres being part of Lot 7 on RP839096 contained in Title Reference: 18479094.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 367.9 square metres being part of Lot 1 on SP120899 contained in Title Reference: 50406316.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 526 square metres (including an area of about 16.3 square metres being part of Easement B on SP144985) being part of Common Property of Misty Morn Estate Community Titles Scheme 30024 Community Management Statement 30024 contained in Title Reference: 50384390.

County of Stanley, Parish of Moggill - an area of about 250.8 square metres (including an area of about 227.6 square metres being part of Easement A on RP59384) being part of Lot 1 on RP214794 contained in Title Reference: 17057047.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 343.2 square metres being part of Lot 28 on RP117331 contained in Title Reference: 14425014.

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 871.2 square metres being part of Lot 10 on RP839096 contained in Title Reference: 18392111.

As shown approximately on Plans R13-682(D), R13-683, R13-684, R13-1081, R13-1131 to R13-1135 and shown on SP149006 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane.

Brisbane City Moggill Sub-Arterial Road R13-682(D), R13-683, R13-684, R13-1081, R13-1131 to R13-1135 and SP149006 510/1021; 2866A, 3009A, 3362A, 3684A, 3719 to 3725, 3727 to 3734 and 3736


1. Made by the Governor in Council on 24 April 2003. 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads.


Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994


Short title

1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 695) 2003.

Land to be taken [s.9(7) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967]

2. The land described in the Schedule is taken for a purpose incidental to the purpose of transport (road), in particular, by reason of its small size or shape has no practical use to the property owner as from 24 April 2003 and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple.


Land Taken

County of Stanley, Parish of Indooroopilly - an area of about 1013 square metres (including an area of about 612.1square metres being part of Easement A on RP117331) being part of Lot 28 on RP117331 contained in Title Reference: 14425014.

As shown approximately on Plan R13-1133 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane.

Brisbane City Moggill Sub-Arterial Road R13-1133 510/1021; 3362A


1. Made by the Governor in Council on 24 April 2003. 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads.

Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994


Short title

1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 696) 2003.

Land to be taken [s.9(7) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967]

2. The land described in the Schedule is taken for the purpose of transport, in particular, road purposes as from 24 April 2003 and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple.


Land Taken

County of Carlisle, Parish of Hampden - an area of about 85 square metres being part of Lot 1 on RP731168 contained in Title Reference: 21043113.

County of Carlisle, Parish of Hampden - an area of about 3547 square metres being part of Lot 1 on RP732439 contained in Title Reference: 21154026.

As shown approximately on Plan R8-415 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane.

Mackay City Yakapari – Habana Road R8-415 510/3737; 775/116, 117 ENDNOTES

1. Made by the Governor in Council on 24 April 2003. 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads.


Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994


Short title

1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 697) 2003.

Amendment of Land to be taken [s. 11(1) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967]

2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 557) 2002 dated 14 February 2002 published in the Gazette of 15 February 2002 at page 562 relating to the Taking of Land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule.


Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 557) 2002 dated 14 February 2002 and published in the Gazette of 15 February 2002 at page 562 relating to the Taking of Land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows -

Omit - “County of Ward, Parish of Barrow - an area of about 1845 square metres being part of Lot 3 on RP217998 contained in Title Reference: 17269111.

As shown approximately on Plan 2029/TP01006 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane.

Gold Coast City Oxenford – Coomera Gorge Road 2029/TP01006 510/1631; 3245”

Insert - “County of Ward, Parish of Barrow - an area of 1846 square metres being Lot 1 on SP145407 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 17269111.

Gold Coast City Oxenford – Coomera Gorge Road 2029/TP01006 510/ 3245”


1. Made by the Governor in Council on 24 April 2003. 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads.

Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994


Short title

1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 698) 2003.

Amendment of Land to be taken [s. 11(1) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967]

2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 561) 2002 dated 28 February 2002 published in the Gazette of 1 March 2002 at page 785 relating to the Taking of Land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule.


Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 561) 2002 dated 28 February 2002 and published in the Gazette of 1 March 2002 at page 785 relating to the Taking of Land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows -

Omit - “County of Ward, Parish of Nerang - an area of about 89.78 square metres being part of Lot 810 on Crown Plan N1161 contained in Title Reference: 11847051.

County of Ward, Parish of Nerang - an area of about 33.64 square metres being part of Lot 2 on RP211343 contained in Title Reference: 11847051.

County of Ward, Parish of Nerang - an area of about 34.06 square metres being part of Lot 1 on RP211343 contained in Title Reference: 11847048.

As shown approximately on Plan R1-1278 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane.


Gold Coast City Beaudesert – Nerang Road R1-1278 510/1915; 3489”

Insert - “County of Ward, Parish of Nerang - an area of 90 square metres being Lot 9 on SP153550 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 11847051.

County of Ward, Parish of Nerang - an area of 34 square metres being Lot 8 on SP153550 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 11847051.

County of Ward, Parish of Nerang - an area of 34 square metres being Lot 7 on SP153550 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 11847048.

Gold Coast City Beaudesert – Nerang Road 510/3489”


1. Made by the Governor in Council on 24 April 2003. 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads.

© The State of Queensland 2003. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of Goprint. Inquiries should be addressed to Goprint, Publications and Retail, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151.

—————— Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 2 May, 2003

271142 [13]

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370

Vol. CCCXXXIII] FRIDAY, 2 MAY, 2003 [No. 4

Land Act 1994 2.(1) The Correction of Grant Notice (No 02) 2003 made 27 CHANGING TENURES OF PORT LANDS March 2003 and published in the Gazette on 28 March 2003 at ORDER (No 05) 2003 page 1073 (relating to Deed of Grant 40034315 and Current Title Short title Reference 50406271, parish of Bribie, South East Region, North 1. This order in council may be cited as the Changing Tenures Coast District, Nambour Office) is corrected as set out in subsections of Port Lands Order (No 05) 2003. (2) and (3). Changing Tenures of Port Lands [s.504 of the Act] (2) In SCHEDULE 1 of the notice- 2. The land described in Schedule 1 which was vested in the omit ‘Name of grantee - Noel Sinclair Eekoff’, Townsville Port Authority and has been surrendered to the State is insert ‘Name of grantee - Noel Sinclair Eekhoff’. to be reallocated without competition to the Townsville Port (3) In SCHEDULE 2 of the notice- Authority for an estate in fee simple. omit ‘Noel Sinclair Eekoff’, insert ‘Noel Sinclair Eekhoff’, 3. The land described in Schedule 2 which was vested in the omit ‘Noel Sinclair Gordon Eekoff’, Port of Brisbane Corporation and has been surrendered to the State insert ‘Noel Sinclair Gordon Eekhoff’. to enable the vested land to be dealt with as unallocated State land ENDNOTES in accordance with the provisions of the Act. 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 1 May 2003. 4. All interests over the land described in the Schedules at the 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. time of surrender continue until the interest ends and are not affected 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. by the change of tenure. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural SCHEDULE 1 Resources and Mines. Description of land 5. File Reference – NAM/001992 North Region, Townsville District, Townsville Office Lot 621 on SP157595, parish of Coonambelah Public Service Act 1996 Area APPOINTMENT OF OFFICER NOTICE (No 02) 2003 8.176 ha Short title File Reference 1. This notice may be cited as the Appointment of Officer Notice TNS/002029 PT 3, TNS/000502 & TNS/00375 pt 2 (No 02) 2003. SCHEDULE 2 Appointment [s.60(1) of the Act] Description of land 2. Bryan Walker Coulter, Deputy Director-General, Mines, South East Region, Brisbane District Brisbane, (SES3), be appointed to the role of Deputy Director- Lot 310 on SL813356, parish of South Brisbane General, Natural Resource Services, Brisbane (SES4) within the Area Department of Natural Resources and Mines. 1.096 ha ENDNOTES File Reference 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 1 May 2003. BRI/002668 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. ENDNOTES 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 1 May 2003. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. Resources and Mines. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. Land Act 1994 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural RESERVE AND SET APART (REPEAL) NOTICE (No 17) Resources and Mines. 2003 Acts Interpretation Act 1954 Short title Land Act 1994 1. This notice may be cited as the Reserve and Set Apart (Repeal) CORRECTION OF CORRECTION OF GRANT NOTICE Notice (No 17) 2003. (No 01) 2003 Revocation of reserve [s.33(1) of the Act] Short title 2. The reserve described in the Schedule is repealed. 1. This notice may be cited as the Correction of Correction of SCHEDULE Grant Notice (No 01) 2003. Description Correction of notice [s.24AA of the Acts Interpretation Act 1 South East Region, Caboolture District, R.936 (Title Reference 1954 and s.359(3) of the Act] 49010192), being Lot 2 on SP122794 registered in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, area 3216 m2, county of Canning, 14 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 4 [2 May, 2003 parish of Kilcoy. SCHEDULE 4 Purpose Amendment of Schedule 2 Reserve for Local Government (Water Supply) purposes. 4.1 South West Region, Charleville District, Cunnamulla Office, Date Set Apart R.162 (Title Reference 49022169) being Lot 50 on CP862925, area 3 Reserve and Set Apart (Amendment) Notice (No 30) 1999 2025 m2, county of Wellington, parish of Yowah, town of Yowah. published in the Gazette on 30 July 1999 at pages 1810-1811. Purpose File Reference omit ‘Reserve for Memorial (Memorial Garden/Columbarium)’, 4 Res. 10209 insert ‘Reserve for Cemetery’. Date Set Apart ENDNOTES 4.2 Reserve and Set Apart Order (No 44) 1993 made 16 December 1. Made by the Minister on 23 April 2003. 1993 and published in the Gazette on 17 December 1993 at pages 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 1712-1715. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. File Reference 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural 4.3 R162 Yowah Resources and Mines. SCHEDULE 5 Land Act 1994 Amendment of Schedule RESERVE AND SET APART (AMENDMENT) 5.1 North Region, Far North District, Cairns Office, Reserve for NOTICE (No 17) 2003 Park and Recreation, R.1597 (Title Reference 49012385) county of Short title Nares, parish of Smithfield. 1. This notice may be cited as the Reserve and Set Apart Description (Amendment) Notice (No 17) 2003. omit ‘Lot 247 on NR6316’, insert ‘Lot 4 on SP153981’. Adjustment of reserve [s.31(2) of the Act] Area 2. The reserves described in Schedules 1 to 4 are amended as set omit ‘5060 m2’, insert ‘4793 m2’. out in the Schedules. Date Set Apart Partial revocation of reserve [s.33(1) of the Act] 5.2 Order in Council made 28 April 1977 and published in the 3. The reserves described in Schedules 5 to 7 are adjusted as set Gazette on 30 April 1977 at page 1658. out in the Schedules by revocation of part of each Reserve. File Reference SCHEDULE 1 5.3 CNS/15843 Amendment of Schedule SCHEDULE 6 1.1 Central West Region, Mackay District, Mackay Office, Amendment of Schedule Reserve for Recreation and Road purposes, R.477 (Title Reference 6.1 South East Region, Brisbane District, Reserve for State School, 49001858) county of Carlisle, parish of Howard. Wondall Heights, R.1952 (Title Reference 49008792) county of Description Stanley, parish of Tingalpa. omit ‘Lot 447 on SP145076’, insert ‘Lot 447 on SP154088’. Description Area omit ‘Lot 427 on CP903785’, insert ‘Lot 427 on SP150612’. omit ‘27.2575 ha’, insert ‘27.4237 ha’. Area Date Set Apart omit ‘7.132 ha’, insert ‘7.073 ha’. 1.2 Reserve and Set Apart (Amendment) Notice (No 10) 2003 Date Set Apart published in the Gazette on 14 March 2003 at pages 925-926. 6.2 Reserve and Set Apart (Amendment) Notice (No 26) 1996 File Reference published in the Gazette on 19 July 1996 at pages 1392-1393. 1.3 MKY/006933 File Reference SCHEDULE 2 6.3 Res. 10918 Amendment of Schedule SCHEDULE 7 2.1 South East Region, Gold Coast District, Bundall Office, Amendment of Schedule Reserve for Park and Recreation, R.2940 (Title Reference 49021111) 7.1 South West Region, Border District, Warwick Office, Reserve county of Ward, parish of Barrow. for Camping and Water, R.14 (Title Reference 49007519) county of Description Bentinck, parish of Tenterfield. omit ‘Lot 3 on RP803240’, Description insert ‘Lot 3 on RP803240 and Lot 500 on SP148356’. omit ‘Lot 140 on BNT839807’, Area insert ‘Lot 140 on SP139983’. omit ‘23.32 ha’, insert ‘23.5348 ha’. Area Date Set Apart omit ‘about 73.9 ha’, insert ‘about 58.2 ha’. 2.2 Order in Council made 30 July 1992 and published in the Date Set Apart Gazette on 31 July 1992 at pages 2593-5. 7.2 Order in Council made 30 April 1992 and published in the File Reference Gazette on 1 May 1992 at pages 50-1. 2.3 Res. 27143 File Reference SCHEDULE 3 7.3 R.14 Amendment of Schedule 3.1 South East Region, Logan-Albert District, Beenleigh Office, ENDNOTES Reserve for Park and Drainage, R.5236 (Title Reference 49003684) 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. county of Stanley, parish of Mackenzie. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. Description 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources omit ‘Lot 4 on RP886149, Lot 60 on RP898193, Lot 150 on and Mines. SP119361, Lot 410 on SP119369 and Lots 102 and 103 on SP133589’, Acts Interpretation Act 1954 insert ‘Lot 52 on SP149989, Lot 4 on RP881649, Lot 60 on Land Act 1994 RP898193, Lot 150 on SP119361, Lot 410 on SP119369 and Lots CORRECTION OF OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD 102 and 103 on SP133589’. CLOSURE NOTICE (No 01) 2003 Area Short title omit ‘5.1099 ha’, insert ‘6.0608 ha’. 1. This notice may be cited as the Correction of Objections to Date Set Apart Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 01) 2003. 3.2 Reserve and Set Apart (Amendment) Notice (No 45) 2001 Correction of notice [s.24AA of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 published in the Gazette on 9 November 2001 at page 821. and s.100 of the Land Act 1994] File Reference 2.(1) The Objections to Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 12) 3.3 Res. 29651 2003 published in the Gazette on 24 April 2003 at page 1398 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 4 15

(BRI/002365 Pt 25) (advertising the closure of an area of road in the parish of Chuwar, South East Region, Gold Coast District, Bundall Office South East Region, West Moreton District, Ipswich Office) is corrected 1.8 An area of 16.6 ha described as Lot 1 on SP114528 (parish of as set out in subsection (2). Barrow, locality of Helensvale) deposited in the Department of Natural (2) In SCHEDULE 11 of the notice- Resources and Mines. (GDC/020447) omit ‘An area of about 1518 m2 being the road separating Lot 201 1.9 An area of 911 m2 described as Lot 10 on SP152827 (parish of on C3441 from Lot 310 on C3441 (parish of Chuwar, locality of Gilston, locality of Carrara) and deposited in the Department of Natural Chuwar) as shown on Drawing 03/027’, Resources and Mines. (GDC/020447) insert ‘An area of about 1518 m2 being the road separating Lot 1.10 Areas totalling 1.1264 ha described as Lots 21, 22 and 23 on 201 on C3441 from Lot 310 on C3441 (parish of Chuwar, locality of SP152828 (parish of Gilston, locality of Carrara) deposited in the Chuwar) as shown on Drawing 03/040.’. Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (GDC/020447) ENDNOTES 1.11 Areas totalling 3.5801 ha described as Lots 24, 25 and 26 on 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. SP152829 (parish of Gilston, locality of Carrara) deposited in the 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (GDC/020447) 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources 1.12 Areas totalling 1.5152 ha described as Lots 27 and 28 on SP152830 and Mines. (parish of Gilston, locality of Carrara) deposited in the Department of 4. File Reference- IPS/020490 Natural Resources and Mines. (GDC/020447) 1.13 Areas totalling 1.911 ha described as Lots 29 and 30 on SP152831 Land Act 1994 (parish of Gilston, locality of Carrara) deposited in the Department of OPENING AND CLOSING OF ROADS Natural Resources and Mines. (GDC/020447) NOTICE (No 17) 2003 South East Region, North Coast District, Nambour Office Short title 1.14 An area of 14 m2 contained within stations 6-6a-6b-6c-6 (parish 1. This notice may be cited as the Opening and Closing of Roads of Noosa, town of Tewantin) and shown as road to be opened on SP140487 Notice (No 17) 2003. deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (RC 46619) Roads to be opened [s.94 of the Act] South West Region, Charleville District, Charleville Office 2. The areas of unallocated State land described in Schedule 1 are 1.15 An area of 118.9 ha contained within stations 4-9-10-11-12-13- opened as road. A-B-4 (parish of Caroline, locality of Augathella) and shown as road to be Roads to be permanently closed [s.98 of the Act] opened on SP154295 deposited in the Department of Natural Resources 3. The roads described in Schedule 2 are permanently closed. and Mines. (CHA/000042) Roads to be temporarily closed [s.98 of the Act] SCHEDULE 2 4. The road described in Schedule 3 is temporarily closed. Central West Region, Emerald District, Emerald Office SCHEDULE 1 2.1 Areas totalling 3.341 ha contained within stations I-J-G-H-I and L- Central West Region, Mackay District, Mackay Office M-N-K-L (parish of Ballard, locality of Comet) and shown as area to be 1.1 Areas totalling 2161 m2 contained within stations 10-9-16-15-10 added on SP158750 deposited in the Department of Natural Resources (Lot 447 on SP145076) and 13-11-14-13 (Lot 558 on CI3324) (parish of and Mines. Howard, locality of Mackay) and shown as area to be excised on SP154088 An area of 5.059 ha contained within stations A-D-C-B-A (parish of deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (MKY/ Ballard, locality of Comet) and shown as area to be added on SP158750 020255) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. North Region, Far North District, Cairns Office An area of 5.926 ha contained within stations C-D-E-F-C (parish of 1.2 An area of 607 m2 described as Lot 446 on NR4186 (parish of Ballard, locality of Comet) and shown as area to be added on SP158750 Cairns, locality of Cairns) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (EMD/ and Mines. (CNS/11322) 003277) 1.3 An area of about 8.82 ha contained within stations A-B-C-D-A 2.2 Areas totalling 3.76 ha and now established as Lot 1 contained (parish of Gore) and shown as area to be excised on SP139258 deposited within stations (1-3-4-14-1), Lot 2 (stations 5-20-30-13-5), Lot 3 (stations in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (CNS/6319) 21-6-22-28-29-21), Lot 4 (stations 23-26-27-31-23) and Lot 5 (stations North Region, Townsville District, Townsville Office 6a-7a-24-25-6a) (parish of Springsure, locality of Springsure) and shown 1.4 An area of 47 m2 described as Lot 996 on SP155545 (parish of as road to be closed on SP156191 deposited in the Department of Natural Magnetic) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. Resources and Mines. (EMD/003316) Areas totalling 4102 m2 described as Lots 997 and 999 on SP152001 Central West Region, Mackay District, Mackay Office (parish of Magnetic) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources 2.3 Areas totalling 5315 m2 contained within stations 3-A-B-6-5-4-3 and Mines. (Lot 447 on SP145076) and 8-3-4-5-6-12-17-8 (Lot 4 on RP866456) An area of 914 m2 described as Lot 998 on SP151994 (parish of (parish of Howard, locality of Mackay) and shown as area to be added Magnetic) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (road to be closed) on SP154088 deposited in the Department of Natural An area of 1130 m2 described as Lot 401 on SP152000 (county of Resources and Mines. (MKY/020255) Magnetic) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. North Region, Far North District, Cairns Office (TL214988) 2.4 An area of 433 m2 contained within stations 14-18-17-16-15-14 South East Region, Brisbane District (parish of Smithfield, locality of Smithfield) and shown as road to be 1.5 An area of 883 m2 described as Lot 51 on RP868460 (parish of closed and added to Lot 3 on RP720074 on SP153981 deposited in the Yeerongpilly) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (CNS/15843) Mines. South East Region, North Coast District, Nambour Office An area of 4 m2 described as Lot 8 on RP207996 (parish of Yeerongpilly) 2.5 An area of 18 m2 contained within stations 7-7a-7b-7c-7 (parish of deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (BRI/ Noosa, town of Tewantin) and shown as road to be closed on SP140487 002272) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (RC 46619) 1.6 An area of 588 m2 (parish of Tingalpa) shown as road to be opened SCHEDULE 3 on SP150162 deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and South East Region, Logan-Albert District, Beenleigh Office Mines. (Res. 10918) 3 An area of about 84 m2 (parish of Cleveland, locality of Cleveland) 1.7 An area of 3.995 ha described as Lot 4 on RP87610 (parish of and shown as Lot A on AP7168 in the Department of Natural Resources Tingalpa) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. and Mines. (BEE/020048) An area of 6088 m2 described as Lot 76 on RP207861 (parish of Tingalpa) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. ENDNOTES An area of 6742 m2 described as Lot 61 on RP207855 (parish of 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. Tingalpa) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. An area of 3954 m2 described as Lot 1 on RP178234 (parish of 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources Tingalpa) deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. and Mines. 16 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 4 [2 May, 2003

Place Names Act 1994 PLACE NAME DECISION NOTICE (No 05) 2003 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Place Name Decision Notice (No 05) 2003. Notice of Place Name Decision [s.11 of the Act] 2. Notice is given that the Minister for Natural Resources and Minister for Mines has decided to alter the boundaries as set out in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Geog. Co-ords Plan Name Feature Local Government Area Lat. S. Long. E. No. Remarks Cannon Hill Suburb City of Brisbane 27°28’30” 153°05’45” QPN773 Bdy alteration Murarrie Suburb City of Brisbane 27o27’15” 153o06’15” QPN776 Bdy alteration ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. 4. Datum of Co-ordinates:- Australian Geodetic Datum 84. 5. File Reference- BRI/002942 Place Names Act 1994 PLACE NAME DECISION NOTICE (No 06) 2003 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Place Name Decision Notice (No 06) 2003. Notice of Place Name Decision [s.11 of the Act] 2. Notice is given that the Minister for Natural Resources and Minister for Mines has decided to alter the boundaries as set out in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Geog. Co-ords Plan Name Feature Local Government Area Lat. S. Long. E. No. Remarks Lota Suburb City of Brisbane 27°28’05” 153°11’05” QPN803 Bdy alteration Lytton Suburb City of Brisbane 27o24’20” 153o09’55” QPN804 Bdy alteration Manly Suburb City of Brisbane 27o27’15” 153o11’10” QPN805 Bdy alteration Manly West Suburb City of Brisbane 27o27’55” 153o10’05” QPN806 Bdy alteration Wynnum Suburb City of Brisbane 27o26’15” 153o10’05” QPN807 Bdy alteration Wynnum West Suburb City of Brisbane 27o27’05” 153o09’10” QPN812 Bdy alteration Wakerley Suburb City of Brisbane 27o29’00” 153o09’30” QPN779 Bdy alteration ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. 4. Datum of Co-ordinates:- Australian Geodetic Datum 84. 5. File Reference- BRI/002961 and BRI/002942. Land Act 1994 Acts Interpretation Act 1954 REOPENING OF TEMPORARILY CLOSED ROAD Land Act 1994 NOTICE (No 10) 2003 REPEALING PART OF AN OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED Short title ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE (No 03) 2003 1. This notice may be cited as the Reopening of Temporarily Short title Closed Road Notice (No 10) 2003. 1. This notice may be cited as the Repealing Part of an Objections Reopening temporarily closed road [s.107 of the Act] to Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 03) 2003. 2. It is declared that the land comprised in the former Road Repeal of part of a notice [s.24AA of the Acts Interpretation Act Licences mentioned in the Schedule are reopened as road. 1954 and s.100 of the Land Act 1994] SCHEDULE 2. The Objections to Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 12) Central West Region, Mackay District, Mackay Office 2003 published in the Gazette on 24 April 2003 at page 1398 1 Lot 1 on RL7823, being the road abutting the southern insofar as such relates to SCHEDULE 11 only (closing an area of boundary of Lot 3 on CI3557, being land contained within former about 1214 m2 being the road abutting the eastern boundary of Lot Road Licence No. 7823, (parish of Chelona) (MKY/007491). 71 on C3441 (parish of Chuwar, locality of Chuwar) as shown on North Region, Far North District, Cairns Office Drawing 03/027, South East Region, West Moreton District, Ipswich 2 An area of about 6140 m2 abutting Lot 4 on RP800370 being Office) is repealed. the land contained within former Road Licence No. 3755, (parish ENDNOTES of Bellenden Ker) (CNS/10105). 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 3 An area of about 6804 m2 abutting Lot 1 on SP121914, being 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. the land contained within former Road Licence No. 3344, (parish 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural of Smithfield) (CNS/9739). Resources and Mines. ENDNOTES 4. File Reference- IPS/020490 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 May 2003. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. ©The State of Queensland 2003. 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural BRISBANE Printed and published by Government Printer–Vulture Street, Resources and Mines. Woolloongabba 271140 D


Queensland Government Gazette

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370

Vol. CCCXXXIII] FRIDAY, 2 MAY, 2003 [No. 5


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THE Queensland Public Service is committed to equal opportunity in employment. Selection will be on the basis of merit only and fair consideration will be given to all applicants

NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES Applications are invited for the filling of the undermentioned vacancies. The closing time for receipt of applications is 5.00 p.m. on the date shown. Applications for all positions should— (a) be submitted on the appropriate application form obtained from the relevant Department (b) address the selection criteria of the position (c) be forwarded in envelopes clearly identifying on the front thereof the vacancy reference number, and that such envelopes are “CONFIDENTIAL” and contain “ADVERTISED VACANCY APPLICATION” to the address shown in the column “Address Code (See List)”. Separate applications MUST be fully completed for positions with different reference numbers. Position descriptions for the undermentioned vacancies are available from the Departments wherein the vacancies exist. SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE VACANCIES TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Appointees to the Senior Executive Service are offered an attractive remuneration package with salary sacrifice in return for optional benefits including: • Private use component of a fully maintained government owned motor vehicle; • Membership options of the Government Superannuation Schemes, including generous employer superannuation contributions; • Professional organisation membership fees. The Total Remuneration Value amount listed against positions includes the private use component of a motor vehicle, employer superannuation contributions and the 17.5% annual leave loading. In addition to salary and optional benefits, executives will be entitled to: • a subsidy for home telephone expenses; • Queensland Public Service leave conditions, including four (4) weeks annual leave, cumulative sick leave and long service leave. Upon appointment, the executive will also be eligible to receive significant removal allowances and rental assistance if necessary. Appointees will be required to enter into a contract of employment. Existing tenured SES officers who are appointed at their current SES level or by redeployment may, but are not required to, enter into a contract of employment.

Total Remuneration Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Value fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)


QUEENSLAND STUDIES AUTHORITY *QSA 12/03 Director Brisbane 144,346—154,609 SES3 6-5-03 (High) * A full application package can be obtained by emailing Louise Baker at QSA@first-place.com.au quoting AdCode 1559.

DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES The Department of Emergency Services is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and particularly encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from a non-English speaking background, women and people with a disability. Note.—Application for positions within the Department of Emergency Services must include the original, plus three copies of the complete application. Queensland Ambulance Service— ES 234/03 Deputy Commissioner (c) Brisbane 4,080.50—4,255.20 SES3 19-5-03 81 (Low)

DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING Note.—Applications for positions within the Department of Employment and Training, should preferably include the original, plus two copies of the complete applications. Yeronga Institute of Technical and Further Education— *TAFE 449/03 Director (c) (e) Yeronga 120,561—131,282 SES2 12-5-03 10 * Position: Yeronga 1 Temporary for a 5 year contract.



Total Remuneration Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Value fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)


DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS QBuild Note.—Applications for positions within QBuild must include the original, plus two copies of the complete application. Business Development— QB 60/03 Executive Director, Business Development (c) (g) Brisbane 120,561—131,282 SES2 6-5-03 50

Notes.— As prescribed under sections 94 and 95 of the Public Service Act 1996, an appeal can not be made to the Public Service Commissioner against a decision to appoint or second an officer or other person to the Senior Executive Service. (a) Appointees may be required to serve in any part of the State. Where a centre is included under “Locality”, the headquarters of the appointee will be at such centre unless otherwise determined. (b) An appointment has been declared by the Public Service Commissioner, by gazette notice, to be a non-appealable appointment, pursuant to section 95 of the Public Service Act 1996 (c) Also being advertised in daily press and/or technical journals. (d) Apointment to a particular level will depend on qualifications and experience. (e) The appointee may be appointed in a temporary capacity. If a tenured employee of the Public Service is selected for appointment, the officer will retain tenured status. (f) Appointment may be made on the basis of a contract for a fixed term, pursuant to sections 69 and 70 of the Public Service Act 1996. (g) Senior Officer levels (SO1 and SO2): salary sacrifice may be made for optional benefits of employer funded superannuation options and professional organisation membership fees. (h) In accordance with section 5.13 of the Directive 4/02, Deployment and Redeployment, registered deployees will be considered on relative merit.

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THE Queensland Public Service is committed to equal opportunity in employment. Selection will be on the basis of merit only and fair consideration will be given to all applicants

NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES Applications are invited for the filling of the undermentioned vacancies. The closing time for receipt of applications is 5.00 p.m. on the date shown. Applications for all positions should— (a) be submitted on the appropriate application form obtained from the relevant Department (b) address the selection criteria of the position (c) be forwarded in envelopes clearly identifying on the front thereof the vacancy reference number, and that such envelopes are “CONFIDENTIAL” and contain “ADVERTISED VACANCY APPLICATION” to the address shown in the column “Address Code (See List)”. Separate applications MUST be fully completed for positions with different reference numbers. Position descriptions for the undermentioned vacancies are available from the Departments wherein the vacancies exist.


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)


DEPARTMENT OF ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER POLICY Strategic Partnerships Office— Brisbane— *AT 22/03 Senior Project Officer (c) Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 40B *AT 23/03 Executive Officer (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 19-5-03 40B *AT 24/03 Project Manager (Innovation and Partnerships) (c) Brisbane 2,739.20—2,896.90 AO8 19-5-03 40B West Queensland Region— Regional Operations Directorate— Mount Isa— $AT 25/03 Project Co-ordination Manager (Mount Isa Mount Isa 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 40B Community Homeless Peoples Project) (c) (d) For all above vacancies all applications to remain current for identical vacancies for a period of 12 months. * Applicants will be expected to provide a reference from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person concerning their ability to satisfy Selection Criteria 1 and 2. $ Position: Mount Isa 1 Temporary until 31st December, 2004 with the possibility of an extension.

COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Employment Screening— CCYP 56/03 Senior Legal Officer (c) Brisbane 2,194.20—2,363.90 PO4 26-5-03 24

ARTS QUEENSLAND Note.—Applications for positions within Arts Queensland, Corporate Administration Agency, Queensland Museum, State Library of Queensland, Queensland Art Gallery and Queensland Heritage Trails Network should include the original, plus two copies of the complete applications. Applicants can obtain position descriptions for vacancies by telephoning (07) 3842 9340 or via the internet: http://www.caa.qld.gov.au/vacancies.htm Queensland Art Gallery Public Programs— QAG 605/03 Head of Design (c) (h) South Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 PO5 19-5-03 6 QAG 606/03 Head of Exhibitions and Display (c) (h) South Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 PO5 19-5-03 6 State Library of Queensland Client Services and Collections— Conservation Unit— *SLB 407/03 Senior Conservator (c) South Brisbane 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 12-5-03 6 Queensland Museum The Workshops Rail Museum— ‡QMB 214/03 Curator (c) North Ipswich 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 12-5-03 6 #QMB 215/03 Volunteer/Membership Coordinator (c) North Ipswich 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 12-5-03 6



Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ Queensland Museum South Bank— Exhibitions and Publications— QMB 217/03 Manager, Publications and Photography (c) South Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 12-5-03 6 Arts Queensland Capital Asset Management Unit— $AQ 515/03 Principal Project Officer, Millennium Arts Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 12-5-03 6 Regional Initiatives * Temporary full-time position until 5th September, 2005. ‡ Previously advertised as QMB 209/02. Previous applicants should re-apply. # Previously advertised as QMB 221/02. Previous applicants should re-apply. $ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary until 31st December, 2005.

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES Central Region Community Corrections— CS 113/03 Senior Community Correctional Officer— Hervey Bay 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 12-5-03 160 Assessment Unit Numinbah Correctional Centre— CS 119/03 Food Services Supervisor Numinbah 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 165 Valley

DISABILITY SERVICES QUEENSLAND Legal Policy— Policy Directorate— Brisbane— $DSQ 265/03 Principal Policy Officer Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 12-5-03 40 Finance and Administration Branch— Corporate and Executive Services Directorate— Brisbane— #DSQ 268/03 Senior Finance Officer Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 40 Strategic Management and Performance Branch— Corporate and Executive Services Directorate— Disability Services Queensland— Brisbane— §DSQ 269/03 Manager (Performance) (c) Brisbane 2,739.20—2,896.90 AO8 19-5-03 40 Wacol Area Office— Brisbane Region— Regional Operations Directorate— Wacol— £DSQ 266/03 Speech Language Pathologist (c) (d) Brisbane 701.84—1,030.54 PO2/PO3 12-5-03 40 Disability Services Queensland— Wacol— *DSQ 263/03 Occupational Therapist (c) (d) Wacol 1,403.70—2,061.10 PO2/PO3 12-5-03 40 Ipswich East Area Office— Ipswich Region— Regional Operations Directorate— Ipswich— ‡DSQ 264/03 Facilitator (Family Support Program) (c) Ipswich 943.75—1,030.55 PO3 12-5-03 40 Mackay Area Office— Central Queensland Region— Regional Operations Directorate— Mackay— DSQ 267/03 Administration Officer Mackay 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 40 Wooloowin North Area Office— Brisbane Region— Regional Operations Directorate— Disability Services Queensland— Wooloowin— DSQ 270/03 Psychologist (c) (d) Wooloowin 1,403.70—2,061.10 PO2/PO3 19-5-03 40 For all above vacancies all applications to remain current for identical vacancies for a period of 12 months.



Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ * Position: Wacol 1 Part-time Permanent. This is a permanent part-time position working 36.25 hours per fortnight. ‡ Position: Ipswich 1 Part-time Permanent. Permanent part-time position 36.25 hours per fortnight. $ A degree in law from a recognised tertiary institution or admission as a barrister or solicitor is highly desirable. £ Position: Brisbane 1 Part-time Permanent. Permanent part-time position working 36.25 hours per fortnight. # The possession of tertiary qualifications in business, accounting, commerce or related fields is considered desirable. § Previously advertised as DSQ 243/03, previous applicants will be considered and need not re-apply. Please note, that in relation to Selection Criteria 2, applicants are expected to show their knowledge of, and sensitivity to other cultures.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Please note that although the closing date for applications is three weeks from the time the vacancy first appears in the Gazette, the actual advertisement will appear only twice, at the beginning of the first and the second weeks. Information Management Branch— *CO 10328/03 Support Officer (3 positions) Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 2-5-03 101 Inclusive Education Unit— Curriculum, Learning and Strategy— CO 10331/03 Principal Advisor Brisbane 3,314.70—3,469.10 SO1 9-5-03 101 ICTs for Schools and AccessEd— CO 10330/03 Online Learning and Development Support Officer Coorparoo 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 9-5-03 101 Online Learning and Development— Curriculum Exchange— CO 10333/03 Support Officer Coorparoo 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 16-5-03 101 Curriculum, Learning and Strategy— ICT and Learning— ICTs for Schools and AccessEd— ∆CO 10329/03 Project Support Officer Coorparoo 1,124.16—1,253.68 AO3 9-5-03 101 CO 10332/03 Support Coordinator Coorparoo 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 9-5-03 101 Various School Locations— ‡CO 81429/03 Head of Department (62 positions) Various 2,366,40—2,605.20 BAND 5 15-5-03 101 ‡CO 81490/03 Head of Special Education Services (28 positions) Various 2,366.40—2,605.20 BAND 5 15-5-03 101 Cairns and Cape District Office— Cairns and Cape Hub— CC 40116/03 District Registrar Cairns 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 2-5-03 101 Stafford District— Brisbane State High School— $ST 71210/03 Deputy Principal Brisbane SHS 2,606.10—2,871.10 BAND 7 15-5-03 101 Townsville District— Cleveland School— TV 81428/03 Curriculum Coordinator Cleveland 2,366.40—2,605.20 BAND 5 15-5-03 101 School * 3 positions. $ Applicants for Deputy Principal BAND 6-7 positions should contact the relevant school to obtain a copy of the school profile. Please ensure you download the applicant package, position description and work profile. ∆ Position: Coorparoo 1 Part-time Permanent. This is a 0.8 position with working days negotiable. ‡ Each of these various school locations have been identified on the Internet at www.jobs.govnet.qld.gov.au. Each school location has been assigned a unique Vacancy Reference Number (VRN), which applicants should use to view and download the appropriate position title, position details and applicant package. Applicants must submit a separate application for each school location using its unique VRN.

PLEASE NOTE: Public Service Positions require an ORIGINAL APPLICATION, plus TWO COPIES (TOTAL 3) for each Vacancy Reference Number. Classified Teaching Positions require an ORIGINAL APPLICATION PLUS THREE COPIES (TOTAL 4) for each Vacancy Reference Number. Closing time for receipt of applications is 5.00 p.m. on date shown. Applications should be forwarded to the appropriate address, as indicated on the position description. For Principal BAND 6-11 positions, the School Annual Report has replaced the school profile. Applicants should contact the District Office of the district in which the vacancy occurs to obtain a copy of this document. The position description is unique to each band. The Applicant Package is common to all BAND 6-11 principal positions. For Deputy Principal BAND 6-7 positions, the applicant should contact the relevant school to obtain a copy of the school profile.



Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)


BOARD OF TEACHER REGISTRATION BT 2/03 Assistant Director (Corporate Services) (c) Toowong 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 26-5-03 ‡ 1. A position description and selection criteria can be obtained by telephoning (07) 3377 4777. 2. Closing time for the receipt of applications is 5.00 p.m. on the date shown. Applications for the above position should address the selection criteria and quote the vacancy reference number. Where possible, applications should include an original and two copies. ‡ Applications to be forwarded to the Personnel Officer, Board of Teacher Registration, PO Box 389, Toowong, Qld, 4066, or may be delivered to Floor 10, Sherwood House, 39 Sherwood Road, Toowong.

DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES The Department of Emergency Services is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and particularly encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from a non-English speaking background, women and people with a disability. Note.—Application for positions within the Department of Emergency Services must include the original, plus three copies of the complete application. Queensland Ambulance Service— *ESQ 180E/03 Project Officer, Central Region Rockhampton 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 6-5-03 84 Queensland Fire and Rescue Service— ES 224/03 Manager, Commercial Training and Emergency Whyte Island 2,418.30—2,579.80 FPO3 26-5-03 81 Management, Commercial Development Unit, Community Safety and Training Branch Business Support Services— ESQ 144/03 Technical Services Officer, Desktop Management, Kedron 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 81 Information Operations Centre, Information Services (c) ESQ 148/03 Principal Industrial Relations Officer, Industrial Kedron 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 6-5-03 81 Relations Unit— *†ESQ 166/03 Technical Support Officer, Desktop Management, Whyte Island 997.02—1,096.32 AO4 19-5-03 81 Information Operations Centre, Information Services (c) *ESQ 177/03 Project Manager, Industrial Relations and Kedron 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 81 Organisational Health (c) ESQ 230/03 Manager, Spatial Information Services, Information Kedron 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 19-5-03 81 Development Centre, Information Services (c) Counter Disaster and Rescue Services— ESQ 189/03 District Manager, SES and VMR Support, Far Cairns 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 26-5-03 81 North District (c) AFcom—NIL Strategic and Executive Services Division—NIL Disaster Mitigation Unit—NIL * Temporary appointment. † Part-time position, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 21.75 hrs per week.

DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING Note.—Applications for positions within the Department of Employment and Training, should preferably include the original, plus two copies of the complete applications. Brisbane South and Gold Coast Region— ET 251/03 Training Development Consultant Logan 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 10 Training Quality and Regulation— ET 250/03 Senior Client Services Officer (Registration) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 10 Corporate Capability Development Division— ET 252/03 Executive Finance Officer Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 10 Strategic Directions— ET 253/03 Executive Assistant Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 10 ET 254/03 Senior Policy Officer (2 positions) (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 26-5-03 10 TAFE Queensland— Barrier Reef Institute of Technical and Further Education— BRIT 29/03 Maintenance Co-ordinator Townsville 1,340.10—1,471.50 OO4 12-5-03 171 BRIT 30/03 Director, Information Technology Solutions and Townsville 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 12-5-03 171 Studies Gold Coast Institute of Technical and Further Education— Faculty of e-Commerce and Business— *GCIT 138/03 Program Development Officer (c) Gold Coast 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 181



Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ Southbank Institute of Technical and Further Education— ‡TAFE 450/03 Librarian (Part-time 0.8) (c) (e) Morningside 1,403.70—1,796.50 PO2 19-5-03 10 All above applications shall remain current for a period of 12 months. * Position: Gold Coast 1 Temporary for a period of 18 months with possible extension. ‡ Position: Morningside 1 Part-time Temporary for a period of 6 months. Previously advertised as TAFE 521/02. Previous applicants need to re-apply.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Note.—Applicants can obtain Position Descriptions by telephoning (07) 3227 7194, e-mailing [email protected] or via the internet: www.epa.qld.gov.au/environment/careers/vacancies/ Note.—Applications for positions within the Environmental Protection Agency must include the original, plus two copies of the complete application. Central Region—Planning— ‡EN 145/03 Regional Manager (Cultural Heritage) (c) Rockhampton 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 16-5-03 2 Sustainable Industries Division— *EN 135/03 Senior Industry Liaison Officer (c) Brisbane 2,194.20—2,363.90 PO4 16-5-03 2 Environmenal Operations Division— *EN 151/03 Manager, Business Systems Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 9-5-03 2 * Applications will remain current for 12 months. ‡ All applications remain current for 12 months. Previously advertised as EN 18/03. Previous applicants need not re-apply.

DEPARTMENT OF FAMILIES Executive and Administrative Support Branch— Non-Government Services Directorate— Brisbane— FS 500/03 Executive Secretary Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 40 Business Systems Planning Unit— Information Services Branch— Corporate and Executive Services Directorate— Brisbane— FS 503/03 Principal Policy Officer (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 19-5-03 40 Maroochydore Area Office— Sunshine Coast Region— Operations Directorate— Maroochydore— FS 497/03 Senior Administration Officer Maroochydore 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 40 Townsville Area Office— North Queensland Region— Operations Directorate— Townsville— *FS 498/03 Family Services Officer (Specified) ( 3 positions) Townsville 1,403.70—2,061.10 PO2/PO3 12-5-03 40 (c) (d) Townsville/Thuringowa Youth Justice Service— North Queensland Region— Operations Directorate— Townsville— FS 504/03 Family Services Officer (Specified) (2 positions) Townsville 1,403.70—2,061.10 PO2/PO3 19-5-03 40 (c) (d) Mount Isa Community Service Centre— North Queensland Region— Operations Directorate— Mount Isa— *FS 499/03 Family Services Officer (Specified) (2 positions) Mount Isa 1,403.70—2,061.10 PO2/PO3 12-5-03 40 (c) (d) Murgon Area Office— Wide Bay Burnett Region— Operations Directorate— Murgon— ∆FS 493/03 Manager (c) Murgon 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 12-5-03 40 For all above vacancies all applications to remain current for identical vacancies for a period of 12 months.



Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ * Applicants for a Specified position must nominate an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who is recognised and accepted in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community as a referee to support their ability to meet the relevant criteria. ∆ Staff who move to rural and remote locations to work in the following area offices may be eligible for enhanced financial and employee support conditions under the Rural and Remote Incentive Strategy: Charleville, Mount Isa, Emerald, Murgon, Roma, Longreach, Palm Island and Woorabinda. Financial incentives include annual bonus payments, airfare payments and accommodation assistance.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH The following positions are public service positions. A list of all permanent and long term temporary public health sector positions in Queensland Health can be found in the Queensland Health Services Bulletin at http://www.health.gov.au/careers or contact Goprint on 3246 3399 to arrange a subscription to a hardcopy version. 14 Policy and Outcomes Division— Health Systems Strategy Branch— Health Outcomes Unit— HL 40/03 Administration Officer Brisbane 1,430.50—1,595.60 AO3 12-5-03 14 Health Services Division— Public Health Services— Environmental Health Unit— HL 42/03 Environmental Health Adviser (c) Brisbane 2,233.80—2,406.30 PO4 12-5-03 14 Health Systems Strategy Branch— Health Funding and Systems Development Unit— Health Economics Team— *HL 43/03 Principal Policy Officer (c) Brisbane 34.71—37.22 AO7 12-5-03 14 per hour Office of the Director-General— Integrating Strategy and Performance Team— ‡HL 41/03 Principal Training Coordinator Brisbane 2,516.70—2,698.50 AO7 19-5-03 14 * Position: Temporary part-time position available 43.5 hours per fortnight for 3 months, with possibility of extension and change to 36.25 hours per fortnight. ‡ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary appointment to 31st January, 2005.

OFFICE OF HEALTH PRACTITIONER REGISTRATION BOARDS *HPRB 4/03 Investigation Officer (Psychology) Brisbane 1,960.20—2,130.50 AO5 9-5-03 ‡See Below * This is a temporary position for a period of up to 12 months. ‡ 1. Applications will remain current for twelve (12) months from the date of an appointment to the position. 2. Applications for the above position must address the selection criteria contained in the position description and quote the Vacancy Reference Number. 3. Closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00 p.m. on the date shown above 4. Mark application envelopes "ADVERTISED VACANCY APPLICATION” and forward to the Corporate Services Manager, Office of Health Practitioner Registration Boards, G.P.O. Box 2438, Brisbane QLD, 4001. 5. Enquiries: Mr Jim O’Dempsey, Executive Officer (07) 3225 2512. 6. Application kits may be obtained via: — Internet: www.healthregboards.qld.gov.au — [email protected] — mail (contact A. Moore or C. Knuth on (07) 3234 0173).

DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING Note.—Applicants can obtain Position Descriptions by e-mailing your request to [email protected] or by telephoning (07) 3238 3998. Client Services— Regional Services North— Brisbane Central Area Office— $*HO 57/03 Occupational Therapist (c) Fortitude Valley 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 12-5-03 32 Regional Services South and West— North West Queensland Area Office— *HO 66/03 Occupational Therapist (c) Mount Isa 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 19-5-03 32



Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ Housing Finance— Financial Services— Financial Operations— ‡HO 59/03 Finance Officer, Accounts Payable Section Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 12-5-03 32 (2 positions) (c) Ledgers— ‡HO 58/03 Finance Officer, Bond Loan Processing (c) Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 12-5-03 32 Financial Systems Support Branch— ‡HO 60/03 Assistant Systems Support Officer (2 positions) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 32 (c) Corporate and Executive Services— Marketing and Communication— ‡HO 61/03 Communication Officer (c) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 32 Human Resource Management— Organisational Development Unit— *HO 64/03 Senior Organisational Consultant, Occupational Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 12-5-03 32 Health and Safety (c) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing— Southern Construction— *HO 62/03 Construction Manager (c) Northgate 1,734.70—1,827.20 OO6 12-5-03 32 Public Housing and Housing System Initiatives— Housing System Development— Affordable Housing Unit— £HO 63/03 Senior Housing Analyst (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 12-5-03 32 Property Portfolio Management— Business Management Division— Assets and Information Branch— *øHO 65/03 Systems Officer (2 positions) (c) Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 32 $ Position: Fortitude Valley 1 Temporary until 1st April, 2004. * Applications will remain current for 12 months and an order of merit process will apply to subsequent vacancies. £ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary until 30th June, 2004. ‡ Applications will remain current for 6 months and an order of merit process will apply to subsequent vacancies. ø This position is being re-advertised. Previous applicants need not re-apply.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Note.—Applications for positions within the Department of Industrial Relations, should preferably include the original plus two copies of the complete applications. Workplace Health and Safety— *IR 25/03 Senior Workplace Health and Safety Inspector Mount Isa 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 10 (Rural) (c) Executive and Strategic Services— IR 26/03 Executive Officer to the Director General Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 10 North Queensland Region— IR 27/03 Industrial Inspector Cairns 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 26-5-03 10 IR 28/03 District Industrial Inspector (c) Cairns 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 26-5-03 10 All above applications shall remain current for a period of 12 months. * Re-advertised IR 119/02.

DEPARTMENT OF INNOVATION AND INFORMATION ECONOMY, SPORT AND RECREATION QUEENSLAND Note: Phone enquiries for position descriptions (on (07) 3237 9799) may be made only during the business hours of 8.30am to 5pm. Your request may be emailed on [email protected] at any time. Note.—All intending applicants should obtain a Departmental Application Form. Queensland Academy of Sport— *IIES 65/03 Employment Relations Officer South Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 16-5-03 28 Sport Programs— ‡IIES 72/03 Rowing Assistant Coach (c) South Brisbane 1.00 Various 16-5-03 28 Corporate and Executive Services— Queensland State Archives— IIES 68/03 Manager, Agency Services (c) (h) Runcorn 2,739.20—2,896.90 AO8 16-5-03 28 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 27


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ Sport and Recreation Queensland— Regional Delivery— North Coast Region— IIES 69/03 Adviser (c) Bundaberg 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 16-5-03 28 IIES 70/03 Senior Adviser (c) Bundaberg 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 16-5-03 28 IIES 71/03 Senior Adviser (c) Maroochydore 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 16-5-03 28 CITEC Note.—Applications for positions within CITEC must include three copies of the complete application. CITEC has its own Agreement under the Enterprise Bargaining process and accordingly any engagement would be on a 38 hour week basis. Applicants can obtain CITEC Position Descriptions by telephoning (07) 3222 2282, or via the Internet: www.citec.com.au POSITIONS—NIL * Position: South Brisbane 1 Part-time Temporary for a period of 4 years. Part-time position (0.3 per fortnight). ‡ Position: South Brisbane 1 Temporary until 30th December, 2004. Please note salary showing as $1.00 as this is to be negotiated.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY-GENERAL Note.—Applications for positions within the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, should include the original, plus two copies of the complete applications. Alternatively, applicants can obtain position descriptions via the Internet: www.justice.qld.gov.au/jobs.htm, except for positions advertised within the Corporate Administration Agency, Queensland Museum, State Library or Queensland Art Gallery. Note.—A position description and an application form can be e-mailed by request. Follow the appropriate steps: Type [email protected] in the “To” field Type vacancy reference no.: i.e. J61/00 in the “Subject” field Click on “Send”. Justice Administration— Courts Division— Ipswich Area— Stanthorpe Magistrate Court— †J 97/03 Registrar Stanthorpe 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 15 Magistrates Courts Branch— Justice of the Peace Branch— *J 96/03 Supervisor (Systems) Brisbane 843.12—940.26 AO3 12-5-03 15 Legal and Corporate Services Division— Information Management Branch— Business Systems Unit— J 100/03 SQL Database and Release Administrator (c) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 15 J 101/03 Systems Improvement Officer (Business Projects) Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 15 (c) Crown Law Branch— Practice Management Support— $J 102/03 Paralegal Support Officer (3 positions) Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 26-5-03 15 $J 105/03 Administrative Officer Brisbane 747.90—1,313.90 AO1/AO2 26-5-03 15 Commercial and Infrastructure— J 106/03 Legal Clerks (10 positions) Brisbane 775.40—1,796.50 PO1/PO2 19-5-03 15 Public Law— $J 103/03 Paralegal Support Officer Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 26-5-03 15 Financial Services Branch— Financial Operations Branch— $J 104/03 Senior Finance Officer Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 15 * Position: Brisbane 1 Part-time Permanent. This is a part-time position working 3 days per week. † Transfer at level applications from staff within the Magistrates Courts Branch will be considered first. $ Part-time employment is an option for this position. Applications are to remain open for a period of 12 months.

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION COMMISSION QUEENSLAND Note.—Applications for positions within the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, should include the original, plus two copies of the complete applications. Regions— ‡ADCQ 94/03 Conciliator (Indigenous) (c) Cairns 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 15 Support Services Branch— ‡ADCQ 95/03 Administration Officer Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 6-5-03 15 28 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ Complaint Management Branch— ‡*ADCQ 93/03 Conciliator (2 positions) (c) Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 6-5-03 15 * Applications are to remain open for a period of 12 months. ‡ Part-time employment is an option for this position.

PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE Note.—Applications for positions within the Public Trust Office, must include the original, plus two (2) copies of the complete application. Applicants can obtain the Information Package by Email [email protected], phone (07) 3213 9477 or Internet http://www.pt.qld.gov.au/jobs/jobvacancies.htm Client Services Program— PT 15/03 Public Trust Officer Toowoomba 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 16-5-03 16

DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING Note: Phone enquiries for position descriptions may be made only during the business hours of 8.30am to 5pm. Note.—All intending applicants should obtain a Departmental Application Form. Planning Services— Western and Central Queensland Planning— *LGP 31/03 Senior Natural Resource Management Planner (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 26-5-03 28A Legislation and Policy Division— ‡LGP 32/03 Project Officer, Legislation and Policy (c) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 28A ‡LGP 33/03 Project Officer, Legislation and Policy (c) Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 28A Local Government Services— Policy and Legislation Division— $LGP 34/03 Principal Policy Officer (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 16-5-03 28A £LGP 35/03 Senior Policy Officer (c) Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 16-5-03 28A * Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary for a period of 12 months with the possibility of extension. This position was previously advertised as LGP 18/03. Previous applicants need not re-apply. ‡ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary for a period of up to 2 years. $ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary June, 2003 —June, 2004. This is a temporary position for a period of 12 months. Applications should not be longer than two pages. £ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary June, 2003—June, 2004. Applications should not be longer than two pages.

DEPARTMENT OF MAIN ROADS Note.—Applications for positions within Main Roads must include the original plus two copies of the complete application for each position applied for. Strategic Policy and Development Group— Strategic Policy Division— MR 113/03 Director (Economics and Financing) (b) (c) Brisbane 3,314.70—3,469.10 SO1 13-5-03 20 Organisational Capability Branch— MR 119/03 Director (Organisational Capability) (b) (c) (g) Brisbane 3,314.70—3,469.10 SO1 20-5-03 20 Strategic Directions Division— $MR 126/03 Director (Project Connect) (b) (c) (g) Brisbane 3,314.70—3,469.10 SO1 20-5-03 20 Road System and Engineering Group— Structures Division— *MR 112/03 Supervising Design Drafter Brisbane 1,932.00—2,054.90 TO4 6-5-03 20 Office of the General Manager (Road System and Engineering)— *MR 117/03 Executive Coordinator (Road System and Brisbane 1,703.00—1,870.60 AO4 13-5-03 20 Engineering) Pavements, Materials and Geotechnical Division— *MR 118/03 Engineer (Geotechnical Engineering) Brisbane 1,932.00—2,107.80 PO3 13-5-03 20 Road Network Management Division— *MR 121/03 Senior Project Officer (Road Asset Management Brisbane 1,970.60—2,139.90 AO5 27-5-03 20 Systems) *MR 122/03 Senior Cartographer Brisbane 1,703.00—1,840.00 TO3 20-5-03 20 RoadTek Group— RoadTek (Project Support Office)— ∆MR 110/03 Workplace Health and Safety Co-ordinator Rockhampton 1,703.00—1,870.60 AO4 6-5-03 20 ∆MR 124/03 Environmental Officer (c) Caloundra 1,932.00—2,107.80 PO3 20-5-03 20 £MR 127/03 Workplace Health and Safety Coordinator Brisbane 1,703.00—1,870.60 AO4 20-5-03 20 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 29


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ Corporate Services Group— Human Resources Branch— †MR 114/03 Project Officer Brisbane 1,703.00—1,870.60 AO4 13-5-03 20 ‡MR 123/03 Foreman Carpenter Brisbane 1,549.60—1,703.00 OO5 20-5-03 20 Services Division— ≠MR 115/03 Logistics Officer (2 positions) Brendale 1,443.10—1,607.50 AO3 13-5-03 20 †MR 116/03 Logistics Services Officer Brendale 1,443.10—1,607.50 AO3 13-5-03 20 North Queensland Region— Peninsula District— *MR 111/03 Information Technology Officer (c) Cairns 1,443.10—1,607.50 AO3 6-5-03 20 Central Queensland Region— Central West District— øMR 106/03 Supervising Design Drafter (c) Barcaldine 1,932.00—2,054.90 TO4 6-5-03 20 øMR 108/03 Cultural Heritage and Native Title Liaison Officer Barcaldine 1,703.00—1,870.60 AO4 6-5-03 20 (c) #MR 128/03 Senior Design Drafter (c) Barcaldine 1,703.00—1,840.00 TO3 27-5-03 20 South East Queensland Region— Metropolitan District— ¢MR 135/03 Engineer Brisbane 1,441.60—1,840.00 PO2 19-5-03 18 South Coast Hinterland District— *MR 109/03 Roads Information Systems Coordinator (c) Nerang 1,703.00—1,870.60 AO4 6-5-03 20 *MR 120/03 Technical Coordinator (Infrastructure Nerang 1,932.00—2,054.90 TO4 20-5-03 20 Maintenance) (c) Southern Queensland Region— Border District— *MR 125/03 Business Support Officer Warwick 1,443.10—1,607.50 AO3 27-5-03 20 * Applications will remain current for 12 months. † This position may potentially transfer to a Shared Services Provider, effective 1st July, 2003. Applications will remain current for 12 months. ‡ This is an Employees of Queensland Government Departments (Other than Public Servants) Award position. Public Service conditions do not apply. $ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary until 1st May, 2005, unless determined otherwise. £ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary for approximately 12 months, unless determined otherwise. This position is primarily field based, 38 hours per week. Applications will remain current for 12 months. # The appointee may be eligible for incentives as detailed in the rural and remote area incentive scheme outlined in the department’s enterprise development agreement (EDA). Applications will remain current for 12 months. ¢ This position is offered on a temporary basis until 12th March, 2004, unless otherwise determined. ≠ There are two positions available. These positions may potentially transfer to a Shared Services Provider, effective 1st July, 2003. Applications will remain current for 12 months. ∆ This position is field-based, 38 hours per week. Applications will remain current for 12 months. ø The appointee may be eligible for incentives as detailed in the Rural and Remote Area Incentive Scheme outlined in the department’s Enterprise Development Agreement (EDA5). Applications will remain current for 12 months.

DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND MINES Note.—Applications for positions within the Department of Natural Resources and Mines must include the original plus two copies of the complete application for each position applied for. Corporate Services Agency— Corporate Information Systems— Systems Development— $CSA 1506 Senior Systems Consultant (c) Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 89 Integrated Resource Management— Catchment and Regional Planning— Land Protection— $NRM 1878 Senior Project Officer (Land Protection Resources Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 89 Management) (h) Natural Resource Services— Corporate Services— Information Technology Services— $NRM 1874 Computer Systems Officer (c) Woolloongabba 1,403.70—1,796.50 PO2 19-5-03 89 30 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ Queensland Resource Registry— Titles Registration— Brisbane Registration Office— $NRM 1885 Land Officer Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 89 Nambour Registration Office— $NRM 1883 Land Officer Nambour 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 89 Regional Services— Central West Region— Mines— $*NRM 1881 Inspector of Explosives (c) Rockhampton 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 89 North Region— Business Services— $NRM 1872 Senior Administration Officer (c) Mareeba 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 89 Integrated Natural Resource Management and Use— Vegetation Management and Use— $#NRM 1873 Land Protection Officer (c) (e) South Johnstone 1,319.70—1,567.10 TO2 19-5-03 89 $NRM 1880 Administration Officer (c) Atherton 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 89 NRM 1884 Administration Officer (c) Townsville 747.90—1,313.90 AO1/AO2 19-5-03 89 South East Region— Integrated Natural Resource Planning— Catchment and Regional Planning— $NRM 1871 Natural Resource Information Officer (h) Gympie 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 12-5-03 89 Business Services— $†NRM 1888 Senior Administration Officer To be negotiated 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 89 Integrated Natural Resource Management and Use— Land Management and Use— $NRM 1887 Land Administration Officer Bundaberg 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 89 South West Region— Integrated Natural Resource Management and Use— Water Management and Use— $‡NRM 1882 Technical Officer (c) Charleville and 1,319.70—1,567.10 TO2 19-5-03 89 Goondiwindi Mines— Safety and Health Division— Mines Inspectorate— $NRM 1886 Executive Assistant Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 89 $ Applications will remain current for a period of twelve (12) months for future vacancies. # Temporary position until 30th June, 2006. * This position receives an additional $5,000 on-call allowance per annum. † Position negotiable across Brisbane, Ipswich, Beenleigh and Bundall. ‡ Three (3) positions available, two (2) positions in Goondiwindi and one (1) position in Charleville.

DEPARTMENT OF POLICE Queensland Police Service PO 71/03 Staff Development Officer (h) Oxley 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 139 PO 72/03 Senior Legal Officer (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 PO5 19-5-03 138 PO 73/03 Drum Sergeant (h) Brisbane 1,743.20—1,836.10 OO6 19-5-03 138 PO 74/03 Assistant Information Management Officer (c) Rockhampton 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 139

DEPARTMENT OF THE PREMIER AND CABINET Governance Division— Business Services— Human Resource Services— ‡PR 51/03 Human Resource Consultant (2 positions) Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 24 Financial Services— PR 57/03 Senior Finance Officer (Accounts Receivable) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 24 PR 58/03 Executive Assistant Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 24 State Affairs— Executive Services— PR 53/03 Director (c) Brisbane 3,781.90—3,958.06 SO1 19-5-03 24 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 31


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ International Collaborations— PR 54/03 Director (c) Brisbane 3,781.90—3,958.06 SO1 19-5-03 24 Constitutional and Administrative Law Services— $PR 55/03 Director Brisbane 3,781.90—3,958.06 SO1 19-5-03 24 Community Engagement Division— Divisional Services Unit— $PR 59/03 Information Officer Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 24 Community Outcomes— Office for Women— PR 50/03 Executive Assistant Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 12-5-03 24 Regional Communities Engagement— Regional Strategy and Policy— †PR 49/03 Project Officer Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 24 #PR 60/03 Principal Policy Officer (2 positions) (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 19-5-03 24 PR 62/03 Senior Project Officer (c) Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 24 Regional Engagement— PR 61/03 Principal Coordinator (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 19-5-03 24 Multicultural Affairs Queensland— §PR 52/03 Senior Training and Development Officer Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 24 Policy Division— Social Policy— *PR 47/03 Principal Project Officer (c) Brisbane 2,739.20—2,896.90 AO8 6-5-03 24 PR 48/03 Principal Policy Officer (c) Brisbane 2,739.20—2,896.90 AO8 6-5-03 24 * Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary from May, 2003 until August, 2005. † Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary until December, 2003. Applications to remain current for 12 months. ‡ 2 Positions: Brisbane 1 Permanent. Brisbane 1 Temporary for a period up to 6 months. 1 Permanent and 1 Temporary position (for a period up to 6 months) available. § Applications will remain current for a period of 12 months for future vacancies. $ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary until 30th June, 2004. # Applications will remain current for 12 months.

DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES Agency for Food and Fibre Sciences Farming Systems Institute— Eastern Darling Downs and Lockyer— Barley— $£FSI 1504 Research Scientist (Barley) (e) Leslie Research 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 12-5-03 70 Centre, Toowoomba Central Highlands and Callide Dawson— Dryland— $FSI 1505 Extension Officer (c) Emerald 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 19-5-03 70 Darling Downs and Western— $*FSI 1507 Senior Research Scientist (e) Toowoomba 2,194.20—2,363.90 PO4 19-5-03 70 Queensland Beef Industry Institute— $‡QBI 1391 Livestock Supervisor (c) Swan’s Lagoon 1,340.10—1,471.50 OO4 12-5-03 70 Research Station, Millaroo via Ayr Intensive Livestock and Sheep— ILSU Environmental Regulation— $DPI 1500 Development Assessment Coordinator (c) Toowoomba 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 12-5-03 70 Queensland Agriculture Biotechnology Centre— $øDPI 1501 Biotechnologist (Plant Transformation) (c) (e) St Lucia 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 12-5-03 70 $*DPI 1502 Biotechnologist (Molecular Biology) (c) (e) St Lucia 1,887.50—2,061.10 PO3 12-5-03 70 $*DPI 1503 Technical Officer (Molecular Biology) (c) (e) St Lucia 1,661.70—1,796.50 TO3 12-5-03 70 $ Applications will remain current for a period of twelve (12) months for future vacancies. ø Temporary position until 31st March, 2006. £ Temporary position until 30th June, 2005. * Temporary position until 30th June, 2006. ‡ Previous closing date of 6-5-03, has now been extended to 12-5-03. 32 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)


DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS QBuild Note.—Applications for positions within QBuild must include the original, plus two copies of the complete application. Whitsunday Regional Office— QB 61/03 Project Officer (Building Services) Mackay 1,763.00—1,857.00 OO6 12-5-03 50 Roma Street Parkland— #QB 62/03 Gardener (2 positions) (c) Brisbane 1,064.10—1,182.80 OO2 19-5-03 50 Brisbane City Regional Office— QB 63/03 Project Manager (Building Services) Milton 1,946.20—2,041.70 OO7 19-5-03 50 Business Development— ø∆QB 64/03 Principal Advisor, Asset Management and Brisbane 2,512.60—2,694.00 AO7 19-5-03 50 Facilities Capricornia Regional Office— QB 65/03 Group Administration Support Officer (c) Rockhampton 1,428.20—1,592.80 AO3 19-5-03 50 Project Services Note.—Applications for positions within Project Services, must include the original, plus two copies of the complete applications. Housing Portfolio— PS 17/03 Property Project Officer Brisbane 1,945.50—2,113.90 AO5 19-5-03 48 PS 18/03 Senior Reporting and Administration Officer Brisbane 1,945.50—2,113.90 AO5 19-5-03 48 Building Division Government Office Accommodation Unit— Leasing Group— *GR 23/03 Lease Coordinator Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 6-5-03 55 Accommodation Strategic Planning Branch— *GR 24/03 Accommodation Planner Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 6-5-03 55 Portfolio and Housing Unit— Portfolio Branch— *GR 25/03 Senior Property Manager Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 55 * Applications will remain current for a period of up to 12 months. # Applications for these positions will remain current for a period of twelve (12) months. ø This position is temporary for a period of up to twelve (12) months. ∆ Applications for this position will remain current for a period of up to twelve (12) months.

QUEENSLAND BUILDING SERVICES AUTHORITY Dispute Management Division— *BSA 8/03 Team Support Officer (2 positions) Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 12-5-03 150 Building Information Division— *BSA 9/03 Customer Service Officer Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 12-5-03 150 Insurance Division— *BSA 10/03 Claims Manager (2 positions) (c) Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 19-5-03 150 * Applications for all Authority positions will remain current for twelve (12) months.

RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES AUTHORITY Note.—Applications for positions within the Residential Tenancies Authority should include the original, plus two copies of the complete application. Corporate Services— RTA 10/03 Senior Finance Officer (c) Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 173 Policy and Advisory Services— *†RTA 9/03 Senior Community Education Officer (c) Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 173 * Applications shall remain current for a period of 12 months. † Occasional state-wide travel and after hours work is required. A current Motor Vehicle (‘C’ Class) driver’s licence is also required.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEVELOPMENT Development and Infrastructure— Commercial Advisory Services— Project Development and Contract Management— SD 35/03 Commercial Analyst (c) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 23 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 33


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ Strategic Project Assessments— SD 42/03 Principal Commercial Analyst (2 positions) (c) Brisbane 2,739.20—2,896.90 AO8 19-5-03 23 SD 43/03 Commercial Analyst (2 positions) (c) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 23 SD 44/03 Administration Officer Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 19-5-03 23 Investment— Investment Attraction (Business)— SD 40/03 Special Project Officer Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 23 Strategies— Research and Policy— SD 36/03 Manager, Research (c) Brisbane 2,739.20—2,896.90 AO8 12-5-03 23 State Development Centre— Service Delivery— Client Service Strategies and Planning— *SD 37/03 TradeStart Officer (c) Toowoomba 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 12-5-03 23 Business and Trade— Trade— ‡SD 38/03 Director, Export Capability (c) Brisbane 3,862.10—4,222.20 Section 70 12-5-03 23 ‡SD 39/03 Director, Overseas Market Development (c) Brisbane 3,862.10—4,222.20 Section 70 12-5-03 23 All Applications will remain current for twelve (12) months. * Position: Toowoomba 1 Temporary role for a period up to June, 2004. ‡ Position: Brisbane 1 Temporary Contract for a 2 year period.

DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, RACING AND FAIR TRADING Note.—Applicants can obtain Position Descriptions by telephoning (07) 3224 7863, via the internet: www.dtrft.qld.gov.au or alternatively, by emailing [email protected] and stating the vacancy reference number in the subject line eg. TRFT 26/01. Service Delivery and Development Division— *$TRFT 49/03 Fair Trading Officer Gold Coast 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 8 TRFT 50/03 Senior Investigations Officer Hervey Bay 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 8 * Applications will remain current for 12 months. $ Position: Gold Coast 1 Temporary May, 2003 until July, 2004.

QUEENSLAND TRANSPORT Note.—Applications for roles within Queensland Transport must include the original, plus two copies of the complete application for each role applied for. Services Group— Business Support— TD 83/03 Records Management Training Officer Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 19 Information Services Branch— †‡TD 85/03 Principal Advisor (Project Office) (e) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 6-5-03 19 Human Resources Branch— *#TD 78/03 HR Consultant (h) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 19-5-03 19 Maritime Safety Queensland— Marine Operations (Cairns)— $ø#TD 84/03 Vessel Traffic Service Operator (c) Cairns 2,191.80—2,191.80 VTSO 6-5-03 19 Northern Region— Road Safety (Northern)— £TD 86/03 Project Officer, Indigenous Communities (e) Cairns 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 19 Land Transport and Safety Division— TD 87/03 Senior Advisor (Business and Policy) Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 12-5-03 19 ¢TD 88/03 Advisor (Business Management) Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 12-5-03 19 Strategic Policy Team— TD 89/03 Principal Engineer (c) Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 PO5 26-5-03 19 Public Transport Division— Standards and Systems Branch— TD 90/03 Senior Business Analyst Brisbane 1,925.60—2,092.90 AO5 19-5-03 19 Corporate Governance— Legal and Legislation Branch— TD 89/03 Senior Legislation Officer Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 12-5-03 19

271138—2 34 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003


Fortnightly Classi- Closing Date Address Reference Vacancy Locality Classification fication for Receipt Code Number Symbol of (see Min. Max. Application List)

$$ South East Region— Customer Service Delivery (North)— TD 91/03 Manager (c) (h) Caboolture 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 26-5-03 19 TD 92/03 Manager (c) (h) Gympie/ 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 26-5-03 19 Tewantin TD 93/03 Manager (c) (h) Caloundra/ 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 26-5-03 19 Nambour * In accordance with section 5.10 of the Directive 31/99, Deployment and Redeployment, registered deployees will be considered on relative merit. † This position is offered on a temporary basis until 18th May, 2004, unless otherwise specified. ‡ Applications will remain current for a period of 20 weeks and subsequent vacancies may be filled by an order of merit process during this time. $ There are four positions available. ø An aggregated salary applies in accordance with the Queensland Transport Maritime Operations Statewide Certified Agreement 2001. # Applications will remain current for a period of 12 months. £ This position is offered on a temporary basis until 31st December, 2003, unless otherwise specified. ¢ There are two positions available.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT Note.—Applicants can obtain Position Descriptions by telephoning (07) 3224 6476, e-mailing: [email protected] or via the internet: www.treasury.qld.gov.au Research and Compliance— Motor Accident Insurance Commission— $TY 75/03 Research and Compliance Officer Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 31 Corporate Services— TY 78/03 Team Leader, Treasury Team Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 19-5-03 31 Government Superannuation Office TY 76/03 Manager, Contact Centre Brisbane 2,472.30—2,650.90 AO7 19-5-03 31 TY 77/03 Case Manager Brisbane 1,405.20—1,567.10 AO3 26-5-03 31 External Reporting— Scheme Finance— Finance— *TY 72/03 Assistant Accountant (h) Brisbane 1,661.70—1,827.20 AO4 12-5-03 31 Strategy— *TY 73/03 Director, Superannuation Policy Brisbane 3,458.93—3,605.77 SO2 12-5-03 31 *TY 74/03 Senior Executive Officer Brisbane 2,209.40—2,363.90 AO6 12-5-03 31 For hearing impaired applicants, a TTY machine is available on (07) 3224 4621. * Applications to remain current for 12 months. $ Position: Brisbane 1 Part-time Permanent. Applications to remain current for 12 months. Permanent Part-time (0.5) fraction of Full-time.

QUEENSLAND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee— *PS 7/03 Principal Research Officer Brisbane 2,194.20—2,363.90 PO4 6-5-03 25 * Appointment will be available on either a contract or secondment basis. 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 35

Note: Positions within the Parliamentary Service come within the ambit of the Parliamentary Service Act 1988 and are not subject to the provisions of the Public Service Act 1996. Notes.—As prescribed under sections 94, 95, 96 and 114 of the Public Service Act 1996 and Part 1 of the Appeals Directive (No.: 11/96): an appeal can not be made to the Public Service Commissioner against a decision to appoint or second an officer or other person to Senior Officer levels (SO1 and SO2), and; otherwise, an officer entitled to appeal must satisfy the following requirements— • the officer must have applied for a vacancy to which one of the following persons was promoted: — an officer of a Department; — a general employee of a Department with tenure; — an officer of a Public Service Office; — a general employee of a Public Service Office with tenure; or — a tenured public sector employee of a public sector unit listed in Schedule 3 of the Appeals Directive; • the officer’s application for the vacancy must have been received before the deadline for the receipt of applications; • the officer’s notice of appeal must be actually received by the Public Service Commissioner before the deadline for its receipt; and • the officer must continue to be entitled to appeal (see s. 1(1) of Appeals Directive). (a) Appointees may be required to serve in any part of the State. Where a centre is included under “Locality”, the headquarters of the appointee will be at such centre unless otherwise determined. (b) An appointment has been declared by the Public Service Commissioner, by gazette notice, to be a non-appealable appointment, pursuant to section 95 of the Public Service Act 1996. (c) Also being advertised in daily press and/or internet/email advertising or technical journals. (d) Appointment to a particular level will depend on qualifications and experience. (e) The appointee may be appointed in a temporary capacity. If a tenured employee of the Public Service is selected for appointment, the officer will retain tenured status. (f) Appointment may be made on the basis of a contract for a fixed term, pursuant to sections 69 and 70 of the Public Service Act 1996. (g) Senior Officer levels (SO1 and SO2): salary sacrifice may be made for optional benefits of employer funded superannuation options and professional organisation membership fees. (h) In accordance with section 5.13 of the Directive 4/02, Deployment and Redeployment, registered deployees will be considered on relative merit.

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Address Codes Address Codes—continued

Ref. Ref. Department, Location and Postal Address No. Department, Location and Postal Address No. 2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY: 14th Floor, 160 20 MAIN ROADS: To receive position descriptions and Ann Street, Brisbane 4000; P.O. Box 155, Brisbane Albert application packages via facsimile or mail please Street, Qld, 4002; Phone 3227.8945; Fax: (07) 3225.1952; or phone (07) 3404 9765. This faxback service operates email [email protected] Internet Address:— 24 hours a day, 7 days a week www.epa. qld.gov.au/environment/careers/vacancies/ 23 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEVELOPMENT: Level 22, 6 CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION AGENCY: 35 111 George Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4002; P.O. Box 168, Merivale Street, South Brisbane, Q, 4101; P.O. Box Brisbane Albert Street, Qld, 4002; Phone: 3405.6525; E- 3159; South Brisbane Q, 4101; Phone: mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www. (07) 3842.9340; Fax: (07) 3842.9302 or Internet statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/ about/employment Address: http://www.caa.qld.gov.au/vacancies.htm 24 THE PREMIER AND CABINET: 4th Floor, Executive 7 QUEENSLAND AUDIT OFFICE: 11th Floor, Central Building, 100 George Street, Brisbane 4000; P.O. Box Plaza One, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane 4000; G..O. 185, Brisbane Albert Street 4002; Phone: 3224.4671 or Box 1139, Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3405.1100. email Internet Address: [email protected] Internet: www.qao.qld.gov.au/qaoinf.htm 25 PARLIAMENT HOUSE: Legislative Assembly Offices, 8 TOURISM, RACING AND FAIR TRADING: Level 23, Parliament House, Corner George and Alice Streets, 111 George Street, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 1141 Brisbane 4000; Phone: 3406.7579; Fax: 3406.7509; Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3224.7863; E-mail requests for Email: HumanResourceManagement@parliament. Position Descriptions: [email protected] or via qld.gov.au Internet: www.parliament.qld.gov.au/vacancies the internet: www.dtrft.gov.au/vacancy/vacancy.au; E- 31 TREASURY: Human and Physical Resources, Level 2, mail applications will be accepted at Executive Annexe, 102 George Street, Brisbane, [email protected] Qld, 4000; Phone: 3224.6476; Email: 10 DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING & [email protected] or Internet: http// DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: www.treasury.qld.gov.au Please note Queensland Level 2, Block B,75 William Street, Brisbane Qld 4000; Treasury does not accept applications via email G.P.O. Box 69, Brisbane Qld 4001; Fax: (07) 3225 2237; 32 HOUSING: Level 13, 61 Mary Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000; An application package can be obtained via the Internet G.P.O. Box 690, Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3238.3998; at: www.jobs.qld.gov.au or via facsimile or mail by Fax: 3227.7671. E-mail requests for PD’s to phoning (07) 3222 2370. This telephone faxback service [email protected] E-mail applications will be operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. accepted at [email protected] (Please note 11 OPEN LEARNING INSTITUTE OF TAFE: Institute e-mail applications will only be accepted in Microsoft Human Resource Unit, 1 Cordelia Street, South Word 97, read-only format) Brisbane 4101; G.P.O. Box 1326, Brisbane 4001; Fax: QUEENSLAND OMBUDSMAN: (07) 3259.4374; to obtain position descriptions Phone: (07) 3259.4174 or via internet (http:// jobs.qld.gov.au) 33 Level 25, 288 Edward Street, GPO Box 3314, Brisbane 4001; Phone: (07) 3005.7064; Fax: (07) 3005.7067; 13 HEALTH RIGHTS COMMISSION: Level 19, 288 Edward E-mail: [email protected] Street, Brisbane 4000; Phone: 3234.0295 (Internet): www.hrc.qld.gov.au/index_jobs.html INNOVATION AND INFORMATION ECONOMY, 14 HEALTH: Level 12, State Health Building, 147-163 SPORT AND RECREATION QUEENSLAND: Charlotte Street, Brisbane, Q, 4000; G.P.O. Box 48, 28 INNOVATION AND INFORMATION ECONOMY, Brisbane, Q, 4001. To receive position descriptions SPORT AND RECREATION QUEENSLAND: and application packages for Corporate Office Level 12, 111 George Street, Brisbane, 4000: Postal: vacancies only via facsimile or mail, please phone: P.O. Box 187, Brisbane Albert Street, Qld 4002. (07) 3404 9775. This faxback service operates 24 Phone: (07) 3237.9799 (between 8.30 a.m. and 5 p.m.). hours a day, 7 days a week Internet Fax: (07) 3235.4549. Email: [email protected] Address: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/careers/ 44 CITEC: 317 Edward Street, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 15 JUSTICE: 15th Floor, State Law Building, Cnr. George 279, Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3222.2282 and Ann Streets, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 149, Position information, for CI reference numbers only, can Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3239.6117. Internet Address:— be obtained by either fax or mail by calling the above http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/jobs.htm telephone number 24 hours a day, 7 days per week 16 PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE: 15th Floor, 444 Queen LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING: Street, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 1449, Brisbane 4001; Phone: (07) 3213.9477; Fax: (07)3213.9489 28A P.O. Box 31, Albert Street, Brisbane, 4002. Email: [email protected] or Internet: Position Descriptions: Phone: (07) 3247 3608. http://www.pt.qld.gov.au/jobs/jobvacancies.htm Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.dlgp.qld.gov.au. 17 ANTI-DISCRIMINATION COMMISSION QUEENSLAND: Care of Vacancy Processing Officer, 15th Floor, State Law NATURAL RESOURCES AND MINES: Building, corner George and Ann Streets, Brisbane 4000; 89 NATURAL RESOURCES AND MINES: 16th Floor, G.P.O. Box 149, Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3239.6117 Forestry House, 160 Mary Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000: 19 QUEENSLAND TRANSPORT: Ground Floor, Boundary Personnel Services, Corporate Services Agency, G.P.O. Street, Spring Hill, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 1412, Box 1435, Brisbane, Qld 4001; Phone: 3239.3083 Brisbane 4001. Position descriptions and application 90 WEST REGION OFFICE, Landsborough Highway, packages can be obtained via the Internet at: P.O. Box 519, Longreach, Q, 4730; Phone: http://jobs.qld.gov.au, or via facsimile or mail on: (076) 584 900; Fax: (076) 583 975 (07) 3834.5005. This telephone faxback service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 93 SOUTH REGIONAL OFFICE: 203 Tor Street, Toowoomba, 4350; P.O. Box 318, Toowoomba 18 MAIN ROADS: Metropolitan District, South East 4350; Phone: (076) 881 276; Fax: (076) 881 198 Region. To receive a position description and application package via facsimile or mail please 94 CHARLEVILLE DISTRICT OFFICE: Hood Street, phone (07) 3404 9765. This telephone faxback P.O. Box 224, Charleville, Q, 4470; Phone: service operates 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. (07) 4654.4236; Fax: (07) 4654.4225 38 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003

Address Codes—continued Address Codes—continued

Ref. Ref. No. Department, Location and Postal Address No. Department, Location and Postal Address PUBLIC WORKS: 115 WARWICK DISTRICT OFFICE: “Blaketon House, corner Palmerin and Albert Streets, Warwick, 4370; Phone: 48 PROJECT SERVICES: Level 3, 80 George Street, (07) 4661.0500; Fax: (07) 4661.0525 Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 2906, Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3224.5192. Email: 116 ROMA DISTRICT OFFICE: 44-46 Bungil Street, Roma; [email protected] P.O. Box 456, Roma, Qld, 4455; Phone: 50 Q BUILD: Level 12, 295 Ann Street, Brisbane 4000; (07) 4622.7911; Fax: (07) 4622.2559 G.P.O. Box 2937, Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3224.5048 117 CHINCHILLA DISTRICT OFFICE: “Chinchilla Arcade”, Email address is: [email protected] Heeney Street, Chinchilla, 4413; P.O. Box 493, 55 CORPORATE SERVICES/BUILDING DIVISION/ Chinchilla 4413; Phone: (07) 4622.8600; Fax: QUEENSLAND PURCHASING: Level 3, 80 (07) 4622.8624 George Street, Brisbane 4000 (Parliament House 118 ISIS BURNETT DISTRICT OFFICE: 102 Lennox Street, End); G.P.O. 2457, Brisbane 4001; Phone: Maryborough; P.O. Box 142, Maryborough, Qld, 4650; 3224.7352; Fax: 3224.7186; Phone: (07) 4162.1633; Fax: (07) 4121.1645 [email protected] 119 FRASER-COOLOOLA DISTRICT OFFICE: 102 Lennox 58 QUEENSLAND SERVICES GROUP: (QFleet, Street, Maryborough; P.O. Box 142, Maryborough, Qld, Goprint, SDS), 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba, 4650; Phone: (07) 4162.1633; Fax: (07) 4121.1645 Q, 4102; Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo DC Q, 4151; Phone: 3246.3591 120 BUNDABERG DISTRICT OFFICE: corner Maryborough and Woondooma Streets, Bundaberg; P.O. Box 3008, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: Bundaberg, Qld, 4670; (07) 4154.0344; Fax: (07) 4152.6495 Positions descriptions and application packages can be obtained via the Internet: www.jobs.qld.gov.au. If 121 SOUTH BURNETT DISTRICT OFFICE: 2 Evelyn Street, experiencing difficulty downloading documents phone Kingaroy; P.O. Box 197, Kingaroy, Qld, 4610; Public Service positions (07) 3237.9715; Teaching (07) 4162.9500; Fax: (07) 4162.9524 positions (07) 3237.9714. Please note that the Department of Education does 122 ROCKHAMPTON DISTRICT OFFICE: 209 Bolsover not accept applications by email. Street, Rockhampton; P.O. Box 138, Rockhampton, Qld, 4700; Phone: (07) 4938.4661; Fax: (07) 4938.4921 100 OTHER: Please refer to the position description for return address details. 123 EMERALD DISTRICT OFFICE: “Waterson Place”, 21 Hospital Road, Emerald, 4720; Phone: 101 CENTRAL OFFICE: Vacancy Processing Officer, P.O. (07) 4983.8600; Fax: (07) 4983.8623 Box 33, Brisbane Albert Street, Qld, 4002; Public Service Ph: (07) 3237.9715; Teaching Ph: 124 GLADSTONE DISTRICT OFFICE: 21 Dawson Highway, (07) 3237.9714; Fax: (07) 3210.0714 Gladstone, 4680; Phone: (07) 4971.3600; Fax: 102 NAMBOUR DISTRICT OFFICE: “Centenary Square”, (07) 4971.3699 52-64 Currie Street, Nambour; P.O. Box 745, 125 MACKAY HINTERLAND and NORTH DISTRICT Nambour, Qld, 4560 OFFICE: Level 1, Mackay Day and Night Pharmacy 104 MOOLOOLABA DISTRICT OFFICE: P.O. Box 5058, Building, 67-69 Sydney Street, Mackay, Qld, 4740; Maroochydore, BC Qld, 4558; Phone: P.O. Box 760, Mackay, Q, 4740; Phone: (07) 5456.8777; Fax: (07) 5456.8700 (07) 4951.6900; Fax: (07) 4951.6924 105 WEST MORETON DISTRICT OFFICE: Milford 127 TOWNSVILLE BURDEKIN DISTRICT OFFICE: 187- Street, Ipswich; P.O. Box 874, Ipswich, Qld, 4305; 209 Stanley Street, Townsville, 4810; P.O. Box 5179, Phone: (07) 3280.1666; Fax: (07) 3280.1199 Townsville, 4810; Phone: (07) 4726.3111; Fax: (07) 4726.3100 106 IPSWICH DISTRICT OFFICE: corner Gordon and South Streets, Ipswich, Private Mail Bag 2, Ipswich, 128 TOWNSVILLE NORTH AND WEST DISTRICT Qld, 4305; Phone: (07) 3280.1773; Fax: (07) 3280.1986 OFFICE: 187-209 Stanley Street, Townsville, 4810; P.O. 107 PMB 250 Mansfield DC 4122, Level 2, Block A and B, Box 5179, Townsville, 4810; Phone: (07) 4726.3111; Garden Square, McGregor Street, Upper Mt Gravatt, Fax: (07) 4726.3100 4122; Phone: (07) 3422.8355; Fax: (07) 3349.8507 129 MOUNT ISA DISTRICT OFFICE: 51 Miles Street, Mount 108 CORINDA DISTRICT OFFICE: 689 Sherwood Road, Isa; P.O. Box 1267, Mount Isa Qld, 4825; Phone: Sherwood, 4075; P.O. Box 16, Sherwood, 4075; (07) 4744.8222; Fax: (07) 4744.8200 Phone: (07) 3379.0500; Fax: (07) 3379.2882 130 LONGREACH DISTRICT OFFICE: 139 Eagle Street, 109 MOUNT GRAVATT DISTRICT OFFICE: “Garden Longreach P.O. Box 343, Longreach, Qld, 4730; Phone: Square”, Kessels Road, Mount Gravatt, Private Mail (07) 4658 4599; Fax: (07) 4658 4529 Bag 250, Mansfield DC, Qld, 4122 131 CAIRNS AND CAPE DISTRICT OFFICE: 17-19 110 BAYSIDE DISTRICT OFFICE: School Road, Capalaba; Sheridan Street, Cairns; P.O. Box 6094; Cairns Mail Phone: (07) 3245.0222; Fax: (07) 3245.6741 Centre, Qld, 4871 111 GEEBUNG DISTRICT OFFICE: 457 Gympie Road, 133 TABLELANDS-JOHNSTONE DISTRICT OFFICE: 2 Geebung, 4034; Phone: (07) 3350.7866; Fax: Whiting Street, Atherton, Qld, 4883; Phone: (07) 3359.4243 (070) 4091.0801; Fax: (070) 4091.4957 112 STAFFORD DISTRICT OFFICE: 457 Gympie Road, 134 TORRES STRAIT DISTRICT OFFICE: Hargraves Street, Geebung, 4034; Phone: (07) 3350.7866; Fax: Thursday Island; P.O. Box 117, Thursday Island, Qld, (07) 3359.4243 4875; (070) 4069.1282; Fax: (070) 4069.1734 113 TOOWOOMBA-DARLING DOWNS DISTRICT OFFICE: 135 GOLD COAST NORTH DISTRICT OFFICE: 56 Anne 178 Hume Street, Toowoomba; P.O. Box 38, Toowoomba, Street, Southport, P.O. Box 2818, Southport, Q, Qld, 4350; Phone: (07) 4616 9111; Fax: (07) 4616.9100 4215; Phone: (07) 5583 6222; Fax: (07) 5591 1740 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 39

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Ref. Ref. No. Department, Location and Postal Address No. Department, Location and Postal Address 136 GOLD COAST SOUTH DISTRICT OFFICE: East Quay, DEPARTMENT OF FAMILIES: Corporate Park, Level 2 South, 34-36 Glenferrie Drive, Robina; Postal: P.O. Box 557, Robina DC 4226; 40 Position Description can be accessed via: Internet: www.jobs. qld.gov.au; or email: [email protected], or phone: (07) 5562.4888; Fax: (07) 5562 4800 3224 7144. Please send job applications via email to: 137 LOGAN BEAUDESERT DISTRICT OFFICE: Herses [email protected] or Post to Vacancy Processing Road, Eagleby, Qld, 4207; (07) 3287.5533; Fax: Officer, G.P.O. Box 806, Brisbane, Qld, 4001 (07) 3807 4943 CORPORATE SERVICES CENTRE: DEPARTMENT OF POLICE: 41 Position Description can be accessed via: Internet: www.jobs. qld.gov.au; or email: [email protected], or phone: 138 CORPORATE SERVICES: Vacancy Processing Officer, 3224 7144. Please send job applications via email to: Recruiting Section, 200 Roma Street, Brisbane 4000; [email protected] or Post to Vacancy Processing G.P.O. Box 1440, Brisbane, 4001; Fax: (07) 3364.4414. Officer, G.P.O. Box 806, Brisbane, Qld, 4001 Position Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au or INFORMATION COMMISSIONER: phone (07) 3364 4702. 42 INFORMATION COMMISSIONER: Level 25, 288 139 CENTRAL REGION: HR Manager, P.O. Box 221, Edward Street, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 3314, Rockhampton, 4700; Fax: (07) 4922.6300. Position Brisbane, 4001; Email: [email protected] Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au or phone Tel: (07) 3005.7100; Fax: (07) 3005.7099 (07) 4932 1449. 140 FAR NORTHERN REGION: HR Manager, P.O. Box CRIME AND MISCONDUCT COMMISSION: 7419, Cairns, 4870; Fax (07) 4031.5146. Position 43 Human Resources Manager, Level 3, Terrica Place, 140 Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au or phone Creek Street, Brisbane, 4000; GPO Box 3123, Brisbane, (07) 4040 4933. 4001; Email: [email protected] 141 METROPOLITAN NORTH REGION: HR Manager, P.O. Phone: (07) 3360.6103 Box 1440, Brisbane 4001; Fax: (07) 3258.2651. PRIMARY INDUSTRIES: Position Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au Position information can be obtained from Infobank for or phone (07) 3258 2641. DPI staff. Other applicants can obtain position 142 METROPOLITAN SOUTH REGION: HR Manager, P.O. descriptions either through the internet (the Box 6464, Upper Mount Gravatt, 4122; Fax: Department of Primary Industries web site address (07) 3849.0344. Position Description available at is http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/dpi_vacancies), or the www.jobs.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3849 0318. faxline which operates 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, phone: (07) 3239.3083 143 NORTH COAST REGION: HR Manager, P.O. Box 553, Maroochydore, 4558; Fax (07) 5409.7907. Position 70 DPI OFFICE: 16th Floor, Forestry House, 160 Mary Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au or phone Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000; Personnel Services, (07) 5443 9555. Corporate Services Agency, G.P.O. Box 1435, Brisbane, Qld 4001; Phone: (07) 3406.2908; 144 NORTHERN REGION: HR Manager, P.O. Box 2293, Fax: (07) 3406.2927 Townsville, 4810; Fax: (07) 4726.4613. Position (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/dpi_vacancies) Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au or phone 71 DPI NORTH REGIONAL OFFICE: Abbott Street, (07) 4726 4618. Oonoonba 4811; P.O. Box 1085, Townsville 4810; 145 OPERATIONS SUPPORT COMMAND: HR Manager, Phone: (07) 4722 2634; Fax: (07) 4778 3634 200 Roma Street, Brisbane, 4000; G.P.O. Box 1440, (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/dpi_vacancies) Brisbane, 4001; Fax: (07) 3364.4727. Position 72 DPI CENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE: Corner Bruce Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au or phone Highway and Yeppoon Road, Rockhampton; P.O. (07) 3364 4756. Box 6014, Rockhampton Mail Centre, Q, 4702; Phone: (07) 4936.0301; Fax: (07) 4936.0317 146 SOUTH EASTERN REGION: HR Manager, P.O. Box (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/dpi_vacancies) 7515, Gold Coast MC 9726; Fax: (07) 5570.7990. Position Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au 73 DPI SOUTH REGIONAL OFFICE: 203 Tor Street, or phone (07) 5570 7967. Toowoomba 4350; P.O. Box 102, Toowoomba 4350; Phone: (07) 4688.1200; Fax: (07) 4688.1430 147 SOUTHERN REGION: HR Manager, P.O. Box 1333, (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/dpi_vacancies) Toowoomba, 4350; Fax: (07) 4615.3200. Position 74 DPI SOUTH-EAST REGIONAL OFFICE: 91-95 Howard Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au or phone Street, Nambour 4560; P.O. Box 5165, Nambour 4560; (07) 4615 3222. Phone: (07) 5430.4911; Fax: (07) 5430.4994 148 STATE CRIME OPERATIONS COMMAND: HR (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/dpi_ vacancies) Manager, 200 Roma Street, Brisbane, 4000, G.P.O. 75 DPI WEST REGIONAL OFFICE: Landsborough Box 1440, Brisbane, 4001; Fax: (07) 3364.4087. Highway, Longreach 4730; P.O. Box 519, Longreach Position Description available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au 4730; Phone: (07) 4658.4433; Fax: (07) 4658.4400 or phone (07) 3364 4266. (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/dpi_ vacancies) 190 QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE ACADEMY: 76 DPI FORESTRY: 11th Floor, Forestry House, 160 Vacancy Processing Officer, Queensland Police Mary Street, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 944, Service Academy, P.O. Box 1110, Archerfield, Qld, Brisbane 4001; Phone: (07) 3234.0776; Fax: 4108; Fax: (07) 3246 8290. Position Description (07) 3225.2171 available at www.jobs.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3364 77 DPI FORESTRY: DIVISION OF OPERATIONS: P.O. 4702. Box 1339, Gympie, Qld 4570; Phone: (07) 5483 7094. Fax: (07) 5482.3430 PROSTITUTION LICENSING AUTHORITY: 78 DPI FORESTRY: DIVISION OF OPERATIONS: 191 PROSTITUTION LICENSING AUTHORITY: G.P.O. P.O. Box 344, Rockhampton, Qld 4700; 109 Bolsover Box 3196, Brisbane, Qld, 4001. To obtain a position Street, Rockhampton, Qld 4700; Phone: description: (07) 3109 4900; Fax: (07) 3876 3641 (07) 4938.4212. Fax: (07) 4927.2158 40 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003

Address Codes—continued Address Codes—continued

Ref. Ref. No. Department, Location and Postal Address No. Department, Location and Postal Address QUEENSLAND NURSING COUNCIL: 97 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, Regional Services (QAS), 2nd Floor, Block D, 80 QUEENSLAND NURSING COUNCIL: Level 14, 201 Kedron Park Complex, Cnr Park and Kedron Park Charlotte Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000; G.P.O. Box Roads, Kedron, Qld, 4031; G.P.O. Box 625, 2928, Brisbane 4001; Phone: (07) 3223.5123; Fax: Brisbane, Qld, 4001; (07) 3223.5115; http://www.qnc.qld.gov.au/ E-mail: [email protected]. e-mail: [email protected] Phone: (07) 3247.8295 (94295); Fax: (07) 3247.8390 (94390) EMERGENCY SERVICES: 98 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, Regional Services (QFRS/CDRS), Brisbane South Region, 2nd Floor, Kedron Brook Building, Kedron 81 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: Park Complex, Cnr Park and Kedron Park Roads, Employee Services, Recruitment Unit, Level 3, Block E, Kedron, Qld, 4031; G.P.O. Box 2953, Brisbane, Qld, Kedron Park Complex, Cnr Park and Kedron Park 4001; Phone: (07) 3247.8392 (94392); Fax: Roads, Kedron, Qld, 4031; G.P.O. Box 1425, Brisbane, (07) 3247.8385 (94385) Qld, 4001; Phone: (07) 3222.2402; Fax: (07) 3247.8245 82 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: 4th DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES Floor, State Government Building, 36 Shields 30 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES: Assistant Street; P.O. Box 920, Cairns, Qld, 4870; Phone: Adviser, Workforce Practices, Human Resource Services (07) 4039.8545; Fax: (07) 4039.8266 Branch, Department of Corrective Services, G.P.O. Box 83 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, 12 1054, Brisbane, Qld, 4001. Phone: (07) 3239.0573; Fax: Wickham Road, North Ward, P.O. Box 5845, MSO, (07) 3239.0602; Email: Recruitment@ dcs.qld.gov.au Townsville, Qld, 4810; Phone: (07) 4799.7116; 151 General Manager, Woodford Correctional Centre, Fax: (07) 4799.7061 Private Mail Bag 1, Woodford, Qld, 4514; Phone: 84 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, 34 (07) 5422.5230; Fax: (07) 5496.1886 East Street, P.O. Box 1531, Rockhampton, Qld, 152 Regional Director, Southern Region Community 4700; Phone: (07) 4938.4888 (84888); Fax: Corrections, P.O. Box 2335, Mansfield, Qld, 4122; (07) 4938.4897 and (07) 4938.4737 Phone: (07) 3849.6533; Fax: (07) 3849.1146 84(a) DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, 153 Regional Director, Northern Region Community Vacancy Processing Officer, Queensland Ambulance Corrections, P.O. Box 615, Townsville, Qld, 4810; Service, P.O. Box 1531, Rockhampton, Qld, 4700; Phone: (07) 4760. 7581; Fax: (07) 4760.7580 Phone: (07) 4938 4795; Fax): (07) 4938 4737 154 General Manager. Townsville Correctional Centre, P.O. 84(b) DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, Box 5574, MC, Townsville, Qld, 4810; Phone: Vacancy Processing Officer, Queensland Ambulance (07) 4799.8499; Fax: (07) 4799.8501 Service, P.O. Box 362, Rockhampton, Qld, 4700; Phone: (07) 4931 7150; Fax: (07) 4927.7537 155 General Manager, Sir David Longland Correctional Centre, P.O. Box 750, Richlands, Qld, 4077; Phone: 84(c) DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, (07) 3406.8712; Fax: (07) 3406.8878 Vacancy Processing Officer, Queensland Ambulance Service, Customer Service Office, P.O. Box 154, 156 General Manager, Lotus Glen Correctional Centre, Mackay, Qld, 4740; Phone: (07) 4967.1039; Fax: Private Mail Bag 1, Mareeba, Qld, 4880; Phone: (07) 4967. 1043; [email protected] (07) 4093.3911; Fax: (07) 4093.3951 84(d) DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, 157 General Manager, WORC Program, P.O. Box 495, Vacancy Processing Officer, Queensland Ambulance Richlands, Qld, 4077; Phone: (07) 3271. 4433; Service, P.O. Box 111, Barcaldine, Qld, 4725; Fax: (07) 3271 4406 Phone: (07) 4951.2304; Fax: (07) 4651.2407 158 General Manager, Capricornia Correctional Centre, 85 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, 128 Private Mail Bag 11, Central Queensland Mail Margaret Street, P.O. Box 831, Toowoomba, Qld, Centre, Qld, 4702; Phone: (07) 4912.6265; Fax: 4350; Phone: 1300 131 312; Fax: (07) 4638.9630 (07) 4912. 6267 86 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, 159 General Manager, Wolston Correctional Centre, Locked (QFRS/CDRS), 98 Lennox Street, Maryborough, Bag 1800, Richlands, Qld, 4077; Phone: Qld, 4650; Phone: (07) 4123.8004; Fax: (07) 3271.9409; Fax: (07) 3271.9424 (07) 4123.2930 160 Regional Director, Central Region Community 87 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, Corrections, P.O. Box 1734, Rockhampton, Qld, Regional Services (QFRS/CDRS), Brisbane North 4700; Phone: (07) 4938.4837; Fax: (07) 4938.4855 Region, 3rd Floor, Kedron Brook Building, Kedron 161 Regional Director, Metropolitan Region Community Park Complex, Cnr Park and Kedron Park Roads, Corrections, P.O. Box 13787, Brisbane, Roma Street, Kedron, Qld, 4031; P.O. Box 000, Kedron, Qld, Qld, 4003; Phone: (07) 3238.3660; 4031; Phone: (07) 3247.8419 (94419); Fax: Fax: (07) 3238.3954 (07) 3247.8385 (94385) 162 General Manager, Brisbane Women’s Correctional 88 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, 32 Centre, Locked Bag 2500, Richlands, Qld, 4077; Tansey Street, P.O. Box 927, Beenleigh, Qld, 4207; Phone: (07) 3271.9000; Fax: (07) 3271.9029 Phone: (07) 3287.8509 (QFRS/CDRS) or (07) 3287 8539 QAS; Fax: (07) 3804 7928 163 General Manager, Darling Downs Correctional Centre, Locked Bag 9006, Toowoomba Delivery Centre, Qld, 96 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 4350; Phone: (07) 4698.5100; Fax: (07) 4630.6375 (QAS), Corner West Terrace and Bowman Road, P.O. Box 249 Caloundra, Qld, 4551; Phone: 165 General Manager, Numinbah Correctional Centre, (07) 5420.9951; Fax: (07) 5420.9950; Private Mail Bag 1, Nerang, Qld, 4211; Phone: [email protected] (07) 5533.4131; Fax: (07) 5533.4176 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 41

Address Codes—continued Address Codes—continued

Ref. Ref. No. Department, Location and Postal Address No. Department, Location and Postal Address 166 General Manager, Palen Creek Correctional Centre, 172 COOLOOLA SUNSHINE INSTITUTE OF TAFE: Mount Lindsay Highway, via Rathdowney, Qld, 4287; Cartwright Road, Gympie, Qld, 4570, P.O. Box 243, PMB1; Phone: (07) 5544.3115; Fax: (07) 5544.3165 Gympie, 4570; Fax: (07) 5482 4542. To obtain a job 167 General Manager, Operational Support Services Unit, description and applicant package please Phone: Wacol Station Road, Wacol, Qld, 4076; Phone: (07) 5480 3620. Internet Address: (07) 3271.6506; Fax: (07) 3271.6513 [email protected] 168 Maryborough Correctional Centre, C/- Department of Corrective Services, G.P.O. Box 1054, Brisbane, 174 TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND INSTITUTE Qld, 4001; As per address code 30 OF TAFE: Eureka Street, Manunda, Cairns, Qld, 4870, PMB 1 Cairns, Qld, 4870; Fax: (07) 4042 2428. RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES AUTHORITY: To obtain a job description and applicant package 173 RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES AUTHORITY: 33 Herschel please Phone: (07) 4042 2635. Internet Address: Street, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 390, Brisbane 4001; [email protected] Phone (07) 3361.3567; Email: [email protected]; or via 175 MORETON INSTITUTE OF TAFE, 1030 Cavendish the internet: www.rta.qld.gov.au Email applications Road, Mount Gravatt, Qld, 4122, P.O. 2614, will be accepted at [email protected] (Please Mansfield, Qld, 4122; Fax: (07) 3215 1479. To note email applications will only be accepted in obtain a job description and applicant package Microsoft Word 2000 or earlier format). please Phone: (07) 3215 1514. Internet Address: GOLD COAST HEALTH SERVICE DISTRICT www.detir.qld.gov.au/jobs 79 GOLD COAST HEALTH SERVICE DISTRICT: 176 WIDE BAY INSTITUTE OF TAFE, Private and P.O. Box 742, Southport DC Qld, 4215; Phone: confidential, Vacancy Processing Officer, LMB 279, (07) 5537.0341; Fax: (07) 5537.0355 Maryborough, 4650; Fax: (07) 4128 1167. To obtain a job ROYAL BRISBANE HOSPITAL AND ROYAL description and applicant package please Phone: WOMEN’S HOSPITAL AND HEALTH (07) 4120 6311. SERVICE DISTRICT: E-mail: [email protected] Internet Address: www.widebay.tafe.net/employeeservices 99 Workforce Planning, Establishments and Recruitment, Corporate Development, M Floor, Block 7, Royal 177 SOUTHERN QUEENSLAND INSTITUTE OF Brisbane Hospital and Royal Women’s Hospital and TAFE, 100 Bridge Street (Demountable Building), Health Service Districts, Herston Road, Herston, Qld, Toowoomba, Qld, 4350, P.O. Box 80, Toowoomba, 4029; Phone: (07) 3636.8127 or email— Qld, 4350; Fax: (07) 4639 4673; Phone: 4694 1881. [email protected] To obtain a job description and applicant package please Phone: (07) 4694 1914. Internet Address: QUEENSLAND HEALTH INFORMATION SERVICES www.detir.qld.gov.au/jobs 99A Workforce Planning, Establishments and Recruitment, Corporate Development, M Floor, Block 7, Royal 178 YERONGA INSTITUTE OF TAFE, A Block, Cnr Brisbane Hospital and Royal Women’s Hospital and Park Road and Villa Street, Yeronga, Qld, 4104, P.O. Health Service Districts, Herston Road, Herston, Qld, Box 6045, Fairfield Gardens, Qld, 4103; Fax: 3848 4029; Phone: (07) 3636.8127 or email— 2586. To obtain a job description and application [email protected] package please Phone: (07) 3892 0536. Internet QUEENSLAND HEALTH PATHOLOGY AND Address: www.detir.qld.gov.au/jobs SCIENTIFIC SERVICES: 179 BREMER INSTITUTE OF TAFE: Position description 186 Recruitment Unit, Queensland Health Pathology and can be accessed via: Internet: www.det.qld.gov.au/jobs; Scientific Services, P.O. Box 934, Archerfield, Qld, or phone: 3817 3161. Please send job application to: 4108; Phone: (07) 3000.9380; Fax: (07) 3000.9377 Vacancy Processing Officer, The Bremer Institute of or email: [email protected] TAFE, P.O. Box 138, Booval, Qld, 4304; P.O. Box 138, ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER Booval, Qld, 4304 PARTNERSHIPS AGENCY QUEENSLAND: 180 LOGAN INSTITUTE OF TAFE: 50-68 Armstrong 40B Position Description can be accessed via: Internet: www.jobs. Road, Meadowbrook, Qld, 4131; LMB 4163, qld.gov.au; or email: [email protected], or phone: Loganholme, DC Qld, 4129. To obtain a job description 3224 7144. Please send job applications via email to: and applicant package please Phone: (07) 3826 3860. [email protected] or Post to Vacancy Internet Address: www.logan.tafe.net Processing Officer, G.P.O. Box 806, Brisbane, Qld, 4001 DISABILITY SERVICES QUEENSLAND: 181 GOLD COAST INSTITUTE OF TAFE: A Block, Cnr Heeb Street & Benowa Road, Ashmore, Qld, 4214, PO 40C Position Description can be accessed via: Internet: www.jobs. Box 5547, GCMC, Qld, 9726; Fax: (07) 5539 3342. To qld.gov.au; or email: [email protected], or phone: obtain a job description and applicant package please 3224 7144. Please send job applications via email to: Phone: (07) 5581 8530. Internet Address: [email protected] or Post to Vacancy Processing www.det.qld.gov.au/jobs Officer, G.P.O. Box 806, Brisbane, Qld, 4001 150 QUEENSLAND BUILDING SERVICES AUTHORITY: ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND: 11 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane 4101; PMB 84, Coorparoo DC Qld 4151; Phone: 3225.2986; or Email: [email protected] (http://www.bsa.qld.gov.au/ 21 Applications can be forwarded to: Level 6 Forestry employment) House, 160 Mary Street, Brisbane, 4000; G.P.O. Box 1393, Brisbane 4001; Phone: 3227 6444; Fax: 171 BARRIER REEF INSTITUTE OF TAFE: Corner 3329 7391. An application package can be obtained Fulham Road and Hugh Street, Pimlico, Qld, 4812, from: Department of Justice and Attorney-General, PMB 1, Townsville DC Qld, 4810; Fax: 15th Floor, State Law Building, corner George and (07) 4750 5357. To obtain a job description and Ann Streets, Brisbane 4000; G.P.O. Box 149, applicant package please Phone: (07) 4750 5201. Brisbane, 4001; Phone: 3239 6117. Internet Internet Address: www.detir.qld.gov.au/jobs Address: http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/jobs.htm 42 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003

NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF ADVERTISED VACANCIES The following appointments to various positions have been made in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Act 1996. Any officer who wishes to appeal against any of the promotions set out hereunder must do so in writing to— The Public Service Commissioner, Office of Public Service Merit and Equity, P.O. Box 190, Brisbane, Albert Street, Qld, 4002. within 21 days of the date of this Gazette. Officers can access the relevant Promotion Appeal Guidelines issued by the Public Service Commissioner at www.opsme.qld.gov.au

Appointee Reference Date of Number Vacancy Appoint- ment Previous Position and Classification Name (Unless Otherwise Indicated)

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES CS 56/03 Accommodation Manager—Secure, Wolston Date of Crothers, David Neill Manager Offender Management, Correctional Centre (AO7) Entry Darling Downs Correctional upon Centre (AO6) Duty

DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING TAFE 420/03 Centre Co-ordinator, Central Queensland 14-4-03 Robins, Josephine Administrative Officer, Central Institute of Technical and Further Queensland Institute of Education, Biloela (AO3) Technical and Further Education, Biloela (AO2) ET 335/02 Executive Assistant, Central Queensland 14-4-03 Price, Katherine Administrative Officer, Central Institute of Technical and Further Queensland Institute of Education, Gladstone (AO3) Technical and Further Education, Gladstone (AO2) ET 219/03 Senior Program Officer, Training Services, 17-4-03 Preston, Adrian Finance Officer, Department of Brisbane (AO5) Industrial Relations, Mount Gravatt (AO4) ET 212/03 Principal Industrial Relations Officer, 16-4-03 McColm, Ross Senior Executive Officer, Training Training Services, Brisbane (AO7) Services, Brisbane (AO6) ET 207/03 Business Applications Unit Manager, 1-4-03 Robinson, John Manager, Business Systems, Corporate Capability Development Corporate Capability Develop- Division, Brisbane (AO8) ment Division, Brisbane (AO7) SQIT 43/03 Administration Officer, Southern Queensland Date of Larsen, Jenleigh Administrative Officer, Southern Institute of Technical and Further Duty Queensland Institute of Technical Education, Toowoomba College of TAFE, and Further Education, Toowoomba Toowoomba (AO3) College of TAFE, Toowoomba (AO2) SQIT 43/03 Administration Officer, Southern Queensland Date of Atkins, Kathleen Administrative Officer, Southern Institute of Technical and Further Duty Queensland Institute of Technical Education, Toowoomba College of TAFE, and Further Education, Toowoomba Toowoomba (AO3) College of TAFE, Toowoomba (AO2) SQIT 39/03 Performance and Planning Officer, Southern Date of Andrewartha, Sharon Administrative Officer, Southern Queensland Institute of Technical and Duty Queensland Institute of Technical Further Education, Kingaroy College of and Further Education, Kingaroy TAFE, Kingaroy (AO3) College of TAFE, Kingaroy (AO2)

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH HL 21/03Assistant Employment Relations Officer, Date of Ainslie, Carius, Administrative Officer, Employment Employment Relations and Strategies Duty B.Arts—Humanities Relations and Strategies Unit, Unit, Organisational Development Branch, Organisational Development Health Services Division (AO3) Branch, Health Services Division (AO2) HL 28/03 Senior Executive Support Officer, Office of Date of Farr, Janene Executive Support Officer, Capital the Director-General, Executive Services, Duty Works Branch, Queensland Health Policy and Outcomes Division (AO5) (AO3)

DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING HO 117/02 Senior Housing Officer, South West Date of Holmes, Damien Housing Officer, North Queensland Queensland Area Office, Client Services, Duty Stephen, Area Office, Client Services, Toowoomba (AO4) Ass.Dip.Bus. Townsville (AO3) (Accounting) 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 43


Appointee Reference Date of Number Vacancy Appoint- ment Previous Position and Classification Name (Unless Otherwise Indicated)

HO 22/03 Employee Relations Officer, Human Resource Date of Krishna, George Garrett, Industrial Inspector, Industrial Operations, Human Resource Duty B.Commerce, Relations Services, Brisbane Management, Corporate and Executive Ass.Dip.Office North Office, Department of Services, Brisbane (AO6) Administration Industrial Relations, Lutwyche (AO4)

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IR 15/03 Principal Policy Officer (2 Positions), 5-5-03 Gillard, Sharon Legal Officer, Department of Justice Workplace Health and Safety, Brisbane and Attorney-General, Crown (AO7) Law, Brisbane (PO3) IR 15/03 Principal Policy Officer (2 Positions), 5-5-03 Maddock, Stacey Policy Officer, Workplace Health Workplace Health and Safety, Brisbane and Safety, Brisbane (AO5) (AO7)

DEPARTMENT OF INNOVATION AND INFORMATION ECONOMY, SPORT AND RECREATION QUEENSLAND IIES 21/03 Public Relations Coordinator, Marketing and 15-3-03 Harper, Hayley Administrative Officer, Public Communication Unit, Sport and Transport Division, Marketing Recreation Queensland, Brisbane (AO4) and Public Education Unit, Queensland Transport, Brisbane (AO2) IIES 19/03 Manager, Contracts and Procurement, 14-4-03 Phalen, John Manager, Contracts and Resource Planning and Governance, Procurement, Resource Planning Brisbane (AO7) and Governance, Brisbane (AO6) IIES 28/03 Research Officer, Policy Unit, Sport and 6-5-03 Knight, Paul Administration Officer, Policy Unit, Recreation Queensland, Brisbane (AO3) Sport and Recreation Queensland, Brisbane (AO2)

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY-GENERAL J 29/03Administration Officer, Rockhampton 22-4-03 Buckley, Ricky Allen Clerk (Administration), Rockhampton Magistrate Court, Rockhampton Area, Magistrate Court, Rockhampton Area, Magistrates Courts Branch, Courts Magistrates Courts Branch, Courts Division, Justice Administration, Division, Justice Administration, Rockhampton (AO4) Rockhampton (AO3)

DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING LGP 8/03 Project Coordination—Wide Bay 2020, SEQ Date of Bailey, Fiona Advisor, Department of Sport and 2021, Planning Services, Bundaberg Duty Recreation Queensland (AO4) (AO6)

DEPARTMENT OF MAIN ROADS MR 3/03 Project Coordinator (Infrastructure Delivery), 10-3-03 Lewer, Giles Robert, Technical Coordinator (Infrastructure South Coast Hinterland District, South B.Tech.(Civil) Maintenance), South Coast East Queensland Region, Nerang (TO5) Hinterland District, South East Queensland Region, Nerang (TO4) MR 65/03 Senior Design Drafter, RoadTek Consulting, 10-4-03 Warncke, Darren Design Drafter, RoadTek Consulting, RoadTek Group, Cairns (TO3) Philip, RoadTek Group, Cairns (TO2) B.Tech.(Civil)

DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND MINES NRM 1828Executive Secretary, Integrated Resource 16-4-03 Gilligan, Madelyn Executive Assistant, Strategic Management, Brisbane (AO4) Directions, Brisbane (AO3) NRM 1796 Senior Project Officer (Billing), Water Use, Date of Chapman, Jon Kevin Senior Administration Officer, Water Management and Use, Integrated Duty Integrated Resource Management Resource Management, Brisbane (AO6) and Use, South East Region, Regional Services, Natural Resource Services, Woolloongabba (AO4) NRM 1721 Manager, Catchment and Regional Planning, 28-2-03 Power, Ronald Manager, Catchment and Regional Integrated Natural Resource Planning, Edward Planning, Integrated Natural South West Region, Regional Services, Resource Planning, South West Natural Resource Services, Toowoomba Region, Regional Services, (AO8) Natural Resource Services, Toowoomba (AO7) 44 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003


Appointee Reference Date of Number Vacancy Appoint- ment Previous Position and Classification Name (Unless Otherwise Indicated)

DEPARTMENT OF POLICE Queensland Police Service PO 25/03 Information Technology Officer, Information Date of Luong, Nhat Minh, Graduate Information Technology Systems Branch, Information Management Duty M.Info.Tech., Officer, Information Systems Division, Brisbane (AO5) B.Eng., B.Sc./Arc. Branch, Information Management Division, Brisbane (PO2) PO 35/03 Coordinator, Human Resource Development 17-4-03 Allen, Miles Charles, Senior Staff Development Officer, Branch, Human Resources Division, M.Ed. Human Resource Development Oxley (PO5) Branch, Human Resources Division, Oxley (PO4) PO 36/03 Staff Development Officer, Human Resource 17-4-03 Rolfe, John Mervyn, Training Officer (POST), Human Development Branch, Human Resources B.Ed. Resource Development Branch, Division, Oxley (AO5) Human Resources Division, Oxley (AO4)

DEPARTMENT OF THE PREMIER AND CABINET PR 18/03 Principal Policy Officer, Social Policy, Policy Date of Walker, Roslyn Senior Policy Officer, Social Policy, Division, Brisbane (AO8) Duty Joanne, Policy Division, Brisbane (AO7) Dip.App.Sc. PR 19/03 Policy Officer, Social Policy, Policy Division, Date of Gottardo, Louise Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Brisbane (AO6) Duty Maree Policy Division, Brisbane (AO5) PR 11/03 Policy Research Officer, Executive Services, Date of Goodair, Rebecca, Cabinet Officer, Cabinet Secretariat, State Affairs, Governance Division, Duty B.Bus. Policy Division, Brisbane (AO3) Brisbane (AO4)

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Queensland Services Group QSG 19/03 Telemarketing Group 9-4-03 Bell-Booth, Fiona Administration Officer (AO2)

QUEENSLAND TRANSPORT TD 14/03 Senior Manager (Policy), Land Transport and Date of Hansen, Tim Principal Advisor (Vehicle Operations), Safety Division, Brisbane (AO8) Duty Road Use Management and Safety Branch, Land Transport and Safety Division, Brisbane (AO7) TD 14/03 Senior Manager (Policy), Land Transport and Date of Stapleton, Beth Business Co-ordinator (Road Safety Safety Division, Brisbane (AO8) Duty Policy and Advanced Technology), Road Use Management and Safety Branch, Land Transport and Safety Division, Brisbane (AO7) TD 20/03 Program Manager, Land Transport and Safety Date of Cathcart, Peter Principal Finance Officer, Finance Division, Brisbane (AO8) Duty Branch, Services Group, Brisbane (AO7) TD 31/03 Senior Business Manager, Land Transport and Date of Pederson, Mark Principal Advisor (Vehicle Products), Safety Division, Brisbane (AO8) Duty Driver and Vehicle Management Branch, Land Transport and Safety Division, Brisbane (AO7) TD 56/03 Executive Support Officer, Northern Region, Date of Doyle, Karen Administration Officer, Northern Region Services Group, Townsville (AO3) Duty Elizabeth Services Group, Townsville (AO2) TD 69/03 Applications Development Officer, Information Date of Draper, Dale Andrew Assistant Systems Analyst, Information Services Branch, Services Group, Brisbane Duty Services Branch, Services Group, (AO5) Brisbane (AO4) TD 68/03School Transport Officer (Systems and Date of Ballard, Elwyn Ruth Business Systems Officer, School Training), School Transport Branch, Duty Transport Assistant Scheme Public Transport Division, Brisbane (AO5) Section, Public Transport Division, Brisbane (AO4)

TREASURY DEPARTMENT TY 6/03Superannuation Officer, Government Date of Bowles, Eryn Kate Administrative Officer, Operations, Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO3) Duty Government Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO2) TY 6/03Superannuation Officer, Government Date of Seitz, Jessica Administrative Officer, Operations, Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO3) Duty Government Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO2) 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 45


Appointee Reference Date of Number Vacancy Appoint- ment Previous Position and Classification Name (Unless Otherwise Indicated) TY 6/03Superannuation Officer, Government Date of Barr, Julie Administrative Officer, Operations, Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO3) Duty Government Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO2) TY 9/02Gaming Analyst, Queensland Office of Date of Nicholas, Craig Gaming Analyst, Queensland Office Gaming Regulation, Brisbane (AO4) Duty Anthony of Gaming Regulation, Brisbane (AO3) TY 14/03Accountant, Government Superannuation Date of Kay, Shane Jeffrey, Accountant—Corporate Reporting, Office, Brisbane (AO5) Duty B.Bus. Government Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO3) TY 14/03Accountant, Government Superannuation Date of Dickenson, Timothy Assistant Project Officer, Office, Brisbane (AO5) Duty James, B.Com. Government Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO3) TY 14/03Accountant, Government Superannuation Date of Ting, Michelle, S. K., Assistant Accountant, Government Office, Brisbane (AO5) Duty CPA, B.Bus. Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO3) TY 15/03 Manager—Policy and Projects, Government Date of Bednarczyk, Agnes Project Officer, Government Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO6) Duty Julia, Superannuation Office, Brisbane B.Com.(Hons.) (AO5) TY 16/03 Financial Accountant, Government Superannuation Date of Fawcett-Smith, Nicole Financial Accountant, Government Office, Brisbane (AO6) Duty Dorothy Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO5) TY 16/03 Taxation Accountant, Government Superannuation Date of Alford, Brendon John, Taxation Accountant, Government Office, Brisbane (AO6) Duty B.Bus. Superannuation Office, Brisbane (AO5) TY 25/03Principal Consultant, Corporate Services, Date of Hauenschild, Paul Senior Project Officer, Department Brisbane (AO7) Duty Edward of Natural Resources and Mines, Brisbane (AO6) TY 27/03Executive Assistant, Motor Accident Date of Ecimovic, Julie Executive Assistant, Motor Accident Insurance Commission, Brisbane (AO4) Duty Insurance Commission, Brisbane (AO3)

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NOTIFICATION OF APPOINTMENTS PART II Appointments have been approved to the undermentioned vacancies. Appeals do not lie against these appointments.

Reference Date of Number Vacancy Appointment Name of Appointee

COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE CCYP 11/03 Temporary Project Manager, Brisbane (AO8) Date of Entry Kidd, Jason, LL.B., B.Soc.Wk.

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES CS 68/03Part time Correctional Counsellor (0.5), Townsville 14-4-03 Lavers, Kylie Correctional Centre (PO2) CS 63/03 Custodial Correctional Officer Trade Instructor (Landscaper), Date of Entry Fitsgerald, Brian Dermot Wolston Correctional Centre (CO1) upon Duty CS 4/03Director, Information Management Branch, Corporate Date of Entry Hamer, Donna Services Directorate (SO1) upon Duty

DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING TAFE 423/03Finance Officer—Reporting, Southbank Institute of TBA Moore, Russell Technical and Further Education, Brisbane (AO4) SQIT 26/03Promotions Officer, Southern Queensland Institute of 19-5-03 Hawkey, Brett Technical and Further Education, Warwick College of TAFE, Warwick (AO3) SQIT 27/03Promotions Officer, Southern Queensland Institute of 19-5-03 Priaulx, Osmond (Marcus) Technical and Further Education, Kingaroy College of TAFE, Kingaroy (AO3) SQIT 28/03Promotions Officer, Southern Queensland Institute of 19-5-03 Hughes, Carolyn Technical and Further Education, Roma College of TAFE, Roma (AO3) SQIT 38/03 Performance and Planning Officer, Southern Queensland Date of Duty Taylor, Kerry Lyn Institute of Technical and Further Education, Toowoomba College of TAFE, Toowoomba (AO3)

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY EN 294/02 Principal IT Business Consultant, IT Business Development Date of Entry Asmussen, Michael Jon Section, Information Systems Unit, Corporate Development Division, Brisbane (AO7) EN 29/03 Principal Planner, Parks and Forest Planning Unit, Planning Date of Entry King, Elizabeth Ann, Division, Brisbane (PO5) B.Sc.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH HL 17/03 Policy Officer, Legislative Projects Unit, Corporate Support Date of Duty Oliver, Andrea, Services, Information and Business Management Branch, B.Arts Policy and Outcomes Division (AO5) HL 94/02Procurement Officer, Health Services Purchasing and 31-1-03 Oduko, Olugbenga, Logistics, Information and Business Management Branch B.Sc.(Hons.) Economics, (AO3) Grad.Diploma (Procurement Management)

DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING *HO 2/03Assistant Director—Strategic Policy, Strategic Policy, Date of Shaw, Alan John, B.Sc. Housing Policy and Research, Brisbane (SO2) Commencement * This position previously gazetted incorrectly.

DEPARTMENT OF INNOVATION AND INFORMATION ECONOMY, SPORT AND RECREATION QUEENSLAND *IIES 20/03Manager Client Services, Queensland State Archives, 7-4-03 Won, Jane Corporate and Executive Services, Runcorn (AO7) †IIES 12/03 Gymnastics Assistant Coach, Queensland Academy of Sport, 9-4-03 Umeh-Lees, Anastasia, Brisbane B.Arts ‡IIES 23/03 Strength and Conditioning Coach, Queensland Academy of 23-4-03 Giorgi, Anthony, Sport, Brisbane Ph.D., B.Human Mvmnt.Sci. 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 47


Reference Date of Number Vacancy Appointment Name of Appointee ‡IIES 23/03 Strength and Conditioning Coach, Queensland Academy of 1-5-03 Benton, Dean, Sport, Brisbane B.App.Sci. IIES 40/03 Director, Market and Development, Commercialisation and 16-4-03 Norris, Jonathan, Development, Brisbane (SO2) B.Commerce, PG.Acc., M.App.Fin. * Previously gazetted incorrectly. † Temporary until 31st December, 2004. ‡ Temporary for a period of 4 years.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY-GENERAL J 47/03 Applications Support Manager, Business Systems Unit, 10-4-03 Searle, Traven Information Management Branch, Legal and Corporate Services Division, Brisbane (AO7) J 51/03Crown Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Date of Duty Robinson, Peter Gerard, Prosecutions, Legal and Corporate Services Division, LL.M. Rockhampton (PO5) J 32/03 Executive Officer, Office of the State Coroner, Magistrates Date of Duty Schubert, Jason Robert Vivian Courts Branch, Courts Division, Justice Administration, Brisbane (AO4)

DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING LGP 8/02 Finance Officer (Taxation and Assets), Financial Operations 3-6-02 Okeke, Donald Unit, Corporate and Executive Services, Brisbane (AO5) LGP 7/03 Temporary Principal Planner, North Queensland Planning 14-4-03 Campbell, Kim Division, Planning Services, Cairns (AO8)

DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND MINES NRM 1786 Natural Resource Officer, NRM Planning, Catchment and Date of Duty Burns, Shannon Patrick Regional Planning, Integrated Resource Management, Brisbane (AO6) NRM 1647 Communications Manager, Strategic Science Initiatives, Date of Duty Gordon, Ian John Natural Resource Sciences, Natural Resource Services, Indooroopilly (AO7) NRM 1724Director, Registry Products and Services, Queensland Date of Duty Lennon, Peter Joseph Resource Registry, Natural Resource Services, Woolloongabba (SO2) NTM 1770 Explosives Licensing Officer, Explosives Inspectorate, Safety 28-4-03 Robinson, Graham Easton and Health Division, Mines, Brisbane (AO3) NTM 1770 Explosives Licensing Officer, Explosives Inspectorate, Safety 28-4-03 Biddle, Randy Bruce and Health Division, Mines, Brisbane (AO3) NRM 1712 Case Officer—Native Title, Mines, North Region, Regional Date of Duty Burn, Nicholas Ross Services, Natural Resource Services, Townsville (AO7) CSA 1423 Executive Assistant, Support Services, Corporate Services 17-4-03 Ware, Lee Marie Agency, Brisbane (AO3)

DEPARTMENT OF THE PREMIER AND CABINET PR 11/03 Policy Research Officer, Executive Services, State Affairs, Date of Entry Mohhamad, Samir Governance Division, Brisbane (AO4) PR 154/02 Temporary Regional Crime Prevention Resource Officer, Date of Entry Garnett, Adam Crime Prevention Queensland, Community Engagement Division, Cairns (AO6) PR 156/02 Temporary Regional Crime Prevention Resource Officer, Date of Entry Buchanski, Christopher, Crime Prevention Queensland, Community Engagement B.A. Division, Rockhampton (AO6)

DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES DPI 1296 Director, Queensland Centre for Climate Applications, Date of Duty Stone, Roger, Agency for Food and Fibre Sciences, Toowoomba (SO1) Ph.D., B.A., Dip.A.Sc. DPI 1413 Inspector, Animal Health Field Services, South East Region, Date of Duty Quinlan, Paul Joseph, Animal and Plant Health Service, Kingaroy (TO2) A.Dip.SM 48 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 5 [2 May, 2003


Reference Date of Number Vacancy Appointment Name of Appointee

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Planning and Human Resources GR 14/03 Project Officer, Employee Relations, Planning and Human 21-4-03 Da Silva, Carol, Resources, Department of Public Works, Brisbane (AO3) B.Arts (Psychology) QBuild QB 8/03 Foreperson, Whitsunday Regional Office, Central and South Date of Duty Bell, Gary West Queensland Group, QBuild, Department of Public Works, Mackay (OO5) QB 13/03 Project Manager (Engineering Services), Darling Downs Date of Duty Gwynne, Robin Regional Office, Central and South West Queensland Group, Department of Public Works, Toowoomba (OO7)

RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES AUTHORITY RTA 6/03 Team Leader Application Support, Business Improvement 28-4-03 Van der Zant, John and IT, Brisbane (AO7)

DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEVELOPMENT SD 22/03 Senior State Development Officer, State Development 16-4-03 Barlow, Peter Eric Centre, Service Delivery, Client Service Strategies and Planning, Caboolture (AO5) SD 161/02International Business Cadet, Service Delivery, Client 22-4-03 Philp, Kate Amelia, Service Strategies and Planning (Section 70) B.Bus.Mng.(Hons.)

QUEENSLAND TRANSPORT TD 14/03Senior Manager (Policy), Land Transport and Safety Date of Duty Fraine, Graham Division, Brisbane (AO8) TD 14/03Senior Manager (Policy), Land Transport and Safety Date of Duty Baxter, Ross Division, Brisbane (AO8) TD 42/03 Maritime Operations Officer (B), Marine Operations (Gold Date of Duty Pols, Michael Coast), Maritime Safety Queensland, Gold Coast (OO3) TD 67/03 Temporary Business Analyst (GIS), Standards and Systems Date of Duty Linnett, Ursula Branch, Public Transport Division, Brisbane (AO4)

TREASURY DEPARTMENT TY 6/03 Superannuation Officer, Government Superannuation Office, Date of Duty Lok, Amy Brisbane (AO3) TY 6/03 Superannuation Officer, Government Superannuation Office, Date of Duty Brogan, Monika Irene Helen Brisbane (AO3) TY 16/03 Financial Accountant, Government Superannuation Office, Date of Duty McIntosh, Fiona Brisbane (AO6) TY 26/03 Senior Finance Officer, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO6) Date of Duty Aitken, Julian Stroud, B.Comm. TY 31/03Client Services Officer, Motor Accident Insurance Date of Duty Cowling, Mark Richard Commission, Brisbane (AO4)

QUEENSLAND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY PS 5/03 Hansard Reporter (AO6) 16-4-03 Ilott, Leah Lana, Ass.Dip.Bus. (Court and Parl. Rep.)

© The State of Queensland 2003. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of Goprint. Inquiries should be addressed to Goprint, Publications and Retail, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151.

______BRISBANE Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 2 May, 2003 271138 (VACGAZ 44) 5/03


Queensland Government Gazette

PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370

Vol. CCCXXXIII] FRIDAY, 2 MAY, 2003 [No. 6

Department of Justice and Attorney-General Eileen Margaret CONLEY 2 Friend Street TOOWOOMBA Brisbane, 30 April 2003 Jem Amber DAVEY 8 Iffley Street WYNNUM WEST It is notified that, pursuant to Section 44 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991, each of the Lester Alexander DAVIS 66 Rosehill Court MUNDOOLUN persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has ceased to be a Justice of the Peace (Commissioner for Declarations) and is John Ernest FREIBERG 66 Burnside Road PERWILLOWEN taken to be appointed as a Commissioner for Declarations. Shannan Lesley GNIEL 13 Cedar Court BIRTINYA N Seeley Sacha Marie GUSE 3 Fifth Avenue BALMORAL Acting Registrar of Justices of the Peace Scott Allan GUSE 3 Fifth Avenue BALMORAL and Commissioners for Declarations Gaye Kathleen 22 Batehaven Street LOGANHOLME THE SCHEDULE HENDERSON

Francis Joseph Michael 13 Townsend Street MYSTERTON Sara Ellen HERLEY Unit 1 65 Bundara Street MORNINGSIDE DESMOND Andrew John HOBBY 23 Gilmore Street LEICHHARDT Robyn Elizabeth 26 Ambool Street LOTA DUNNETT Lorraine Eileen KELLY 18 Vereker Street COOPERS PLAINS Gigi LACEY 41 Tonks Street MOOROOKA Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 30 April 2003 Katrina Kwai-Fai LAM 334 Mountain Ridge Road SOUTH MACLEAN It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21 (5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991, each of the Samantha-Jane LEE 17 Remick Court HERITAGE PARK persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been appointed and is registered as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified). Debra Jenny LOVELL 48 Bowerbird Avenue ELI WATERS Timothy James 7 Buckingham Court TELINA N Seeley MAHONEY Acting Registrar of Justices of the Peace Christine Laurel 12 Headland Street SUNNYBANK and Commissioners for Declarations MCDONALD THE SCHEDULE Tanya Leigh MORTIMER Gatakers Restaurant Esplanade POINT VERNON Rohan George ANDERSON Unit 8 74 Kensington Terrace TOOWONG Carla Marie O'DARE 7 Haysmouth Parade CLONTARF Mark Peter BAART 61 Peter Street STRATHPINE Lynn Maree O'PRAY 8 Lambert Court SLADE POINT Helen Judith BARKER 623 D'Arcy Road CARINA Jena Therese OXTOBY 192 Carbrook Road CORNUBIA Cathy Louise BENNETT 44 Thornbill Drive PIALBA Veronica Johanna PATTY 174 King Street CLONTARF Deborah June Clarke 52 Bywater Street HILLCREST BLONDEAU Tommy Nai Lap PUN 54 Alan Crescent EIGHT MILE PLAINS Dean Allen Peter 16 Eagle Avenue WATERFORD WEST Sarah Marie QUILLINAN 63 Wright Street WULGURU BRUNKER Amie RISOJEVIC Unit 12 16 Stay Place CARSELDINE Jodie Leonie Louise Unit 3 46 Grenier Street TOOWOOMBA BUTCHER Catherine Marie RODIER 54 Flower Street NORTHGATE Nicholas William 96 Wynne Street SUNNYBANK HILLS Anthony SCHEPIS 24 Paxton Street NORTH WARD COLLINGWOOD



Anjeanette Lee SCHIMPF 16 Mountaindale Court MOOLOOLAH Department of Health VALLEY Brisbane, 1 May 2003 Stuart Walter SEDDON 21 Cotswold Hills Drive COTSWOLD His Excellency the Acting Governor, acting by and with the advice HILLS of the Executive Council and under the provisions of the Health Act Tracey Patricia SMITH 58 Laughlin Street KINGSTON 1937 has approved the authorisation of the persons set out below to conduct scientific research and studies as shown for the purpose of Gabriel Nicodemo TIEPPO 128 Clifford Street STAFFORD HEIGHTS reducing morbidity or mortality in the State: Monica Irene UTSCHINK 15 Laurelvale Road AIRVILLE Authorised person Scientific research and studies Linda Musgrave Unit 16 20 Thurston Street TINGALPA VALMADRE Dr Jeanine Young Study into infant care practices Nursing Director – Research related to Sudden Infant Death Philip Clive WARWICK 2 Ilse Close CLIFTON BEACH Royal Children’s Hospital Health Syndrome (SIDS) Service District James Watson WOOD 28 Faye Avenue SCARNESS Herston. Bruce Charles WRIGHT 207 Sugars Road ANSTEAD Dr Diana Battistutta Lecturer in Biostatistics School of Population Health Department of Justice and Attorney-General Queensland University of Brisbane, 30 April 2003 Technology Kelvin Grove. It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21 (5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991, each of the Ms Jan McDowell persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been Research Officer appointed and is registered as a Commissioner for Declarations. Centre of Public Health Research Queensland University of Technology N Seeley Kelvin Grove. Acting Registrar of Justices of the Peace Associate Professor Andrew Study into ‘Cancer in dialysis and Commissioners for Declarations Grulich patients and kidney transplant National Centre in HIV recipients: incidence, risk factors THE SCHEDULE Epidemiology and Clinical and survival’ Research Faculty of Medicine Juliet Rose AYLMER 40 Stanley Terrace EAST BRISBANE University of New South Wales. Leanne Michelle BURNS 14 High Street BRIGHTON Associate Professor Margaret Study into ‘Likelihood of invasive Robyn Lesley DAY 72 Barrabooka Drive THE GAP McCredie cancer in women with cervical Department of Preventive and intraepithelial neoplasia 3 (CIN3)’ Concetto James DIMAURO 37 Jellicoe Street LOGANLEA Social Medicine University of Otago Mara Angela FACHIN Unit 19 11 Glin Avenue NEWMARKET New Zealand. Bruce Robert 8 Juniper Close CHAPEL HILL Dr Eileen Wilson Study into ‘Third Vietnam Veteran HABERFIELD Epidemiologist Mortality Study and Cancer Commonwealth Department of Incidence in Vietnam Veterans Janet Helen HUGHES 20 Bluff Road CEDARVALE Veterans Affairs Study’ Canberra. Ross Elliott MULLER 21 Sheppey Place YAMANTO

Vanda Ann STEVENSON 47 Warrina Crescent BURLEIGH WATERS WENDY EDMOND MP Sarah Jane WATSON Unit 10 22 Chatsworth Road GREENSLOPES Department of Health Brisbane, 14 April 2003 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 1 May 2003 It is hereby notified that under the provisions of the Health Rights Commission Act 1991, the persons named hereunder are to be His Excellency the Acting Governor, acting by and with the advice members of the Health Rights Advisory Council for a term of three of the Executive Council and under the Criminal Code, has years on and from 1 May 2003: approved that Graeme Francis McADAM be appointed by gazette notice to be an Animal Valuer. (a) 2 members to represent the interest of providers

ROD WELFORD KYM BARRY DipAppSc BHSc(Nurs) MHA ZELLE CARMEL HODGE MB BS(Qld) FRACGP FAMA FAICD Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 1 May 2003 (b) 2 members to represent the interests of users His Excellency the Acting Governor, acting by and with the advice JOE VERAA GradDip(Industrial Relations) DipTeach of the Executive Council and under the Recording of Evidence Act 1962, has approved that each of the undermentioned persons be COLLEEN CARTWRIGHT BSocWk MPH appointed to be a Recorder while they perform duty in the (c) 2 other members Magistrates Courts Branch— DEREK JOHN LEWIS BDSc • Sean Patrick McKENNA (to be also President of the Council) • Lisa Margaret SHAW. JANE ELIZABETH SLIGO BPhysio LLB(Hons) ROD WELFORD WENDY EDMOND MP


Department of Health Office of Public Service Merit and Equity Brisbane, 1 May 2003 Brisbane, 24 April 2003 His Excellency the Acting Governor, acting by and with the advice His Excellency the Governor, acting by and with the advice of the of the Executive Council and under the provisions of the Health Act Executive Council, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 45 of 1937, has approved the appointment of two officers and three the Public Service Act 1996, has approved the fixing of the number inspectors under and for the purposes of the Act, as set out below: and levels of Senior Executives as specified in the Schedule below. FIXING OF NUMBER AND LEVELS OF APPOINTEE HEALTH ACT SENIOR EXECUTIVES - INCREASE APPOINTMENT Helen Elizabeth Quinn Officer LEVEL TO BE INCREASED ON A PERMANENT BASIS Designation SES Designation Craig Andrew Davis Officer Level Number Rona Mohamad Inspector Treasury Department— Executive Director SES 60002148 Kassandra Leigh McCullough Inspector Corporate Applications Support Unit Brisbane. David Joseph Finnigan Inspector PETER BEATTIE WENDY EDMOND MP PremierNOTICE

DEADLINES FOR Office of the Public Service Commissioner Brisbane, 30 April 2003 COPY FOR GAZETTE ——— The Public Service Commissioner, under section 34 of the Copy for insertion in the “Queensland Government Gazette” Public Service Act 1996, has issued the following Directive. may be lodged by:— RACHEL HUNTER —Hand delivering copy to GOPRINT’S BOOKSHOP at 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba; or SDS 1. TITLE: Appointment on a fixed term contract. EXPRESS, 41 George Street; or 2. PURPOSE: To declare an appointment that may be — E-mail—[email protected] made on contract for a fixed term. —Posting to Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo DC, Qld, 3. LEGISLATIVE Public Service Act 1996, section 69. 4151; or PROVISION: —Facsimile transmission directed to (07) 3246 3384. 4. EFFECTIVE 2 May 2003. This Directive will expire A covering letter must be supplied with all DATE: on 30 June 2003. facsimile copy. 5. DIRECTIVE: An appointment to the role of Director, —Phone 3246 3350. Executive and Legal Services, Copy lodged after the nominated closing time will be Department of State Development is accepted for inclusion in the following weeks’ Gazette. declared to be an appointment which may be made on contract for a fixed Copy must be typed or clearly written on one side of the paper term for up to twelve (12) months under only, and set out in accordance with the publishing . Names of section 69 of the Public Service Act signatories must be typed or clearly written in BLOCK letters. 1996. The Gazette is published each Friday. Copy cannot be accepted after the following closing times: Environmental Protection Agency Departmental Notices: 3.00 p.m. on the preceding Brisbane, 24 April 2003 Wednesday. HIS Excellency the Governor acting by and with the advice of the Final Corrected Proofs: 3.00 p.m. on the preceding Executive Council and in pursuance of the provisions of the Wet Thursday. Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993, has Private Notices and Advertisements: 9.00 a.m. on the approved the appointment of— preceding Thursday. Lieutenant General John Grey, AC as Chairperson; and Vacancies and Appointments: 12 noon on the preceding Percy Neal as a Director, Tuesday. of the Board of Directors of the Wet Tropics Management WHEN A PUBLIC HOLIDAY OCCURS “CLOSING Authority for the period of 3 years from date of appointment. TIMES” WILL BE ONE DAY EARLIER. All communications should be addressed “Government DEAN WELLS MP Printer” and endorsed “ Government Gazette”, Postal address Minister for Environment Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, Q., 4102. The Queensland Government Gazette is available by Mail Disability Services Queensland Order Subscription or from the Bookshops at SDS EXPRESS, Brisbane, 2 May 2003 41 George Street, Brisbane or GOPRINT, 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba each Friday after 4.00 p.m. His Excellency the Acting Governor, acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of the provisions of the Government Printer Public Service Act 1996, has approved the appointment of Clare O’CONNOR to the role of Executive Director, Policy Directorate, Disability Services Queensland, Brisbane and is conditional upon the officer signing a contract of employment. JUDITH SPENCE, MP Minister for Families and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Minister for Disability Services and Minister for Seniors


Government and Public Notices in the Gazettes Please Note: Prices effective 1st September, 2002 Price Price Excluding Including GST $ GST $ GST $ General and Vacancies Gazette—Full Page Text Gazette copy all to set 541.20 54.12 595.32 Statute format all to set 318.30 31.83 350.13 *Camera ready copy supplied 210.80 21.08 231.88 *Formatted electronic files (please check with Goprint for compatability of file) (E-mail) 179.00 17.90 196.90

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Dangerous Goods Exemptions

Published as required by section 153, subsections (4) and (5), of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995, the following exemptions have been issued in Queensland by Queensland Transport. (exemptions NAT99/27_RR, NAT02/29_RO and QLD03/01_RO) R M Walker (Delegate of the Chief Executive)

Published as required by Section 187AE of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 and Part 16 of the Transport Infrastructure (Dangerous Goods By Rail) Regulation 2002, the following exemptions have been issued in Queensland by Queensland Transport. (exemption NAT99/27_RR) B Couch (Delegate of the Chief Executive Officer)

The information in this register does not constitute an exemption, but is a record only of certain information about such documents. No reliance may be placed on any print or extract of this register to act as an exemption, nor can any such print or extract be used to prove possession of any exemption

Number: NAT02/29_RO Scope: National Originating Jurisdiction: QLD Status: Date Exemption Granted: 13/12/2002 Exemption Period: until ADG6 ceases or amended/cancelled by notice in Qld Govt Gazette Name: All persons who transport nominally empty ISO Type portable tanks by road when the tanks contain a residue of dangerous goods. Provisions of Regulations and ADG Code: Sections 59(2), 60(2) and 61of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Dangerous Goods) Regulation 1998 insofar as they require compliance with clause 4.9.2 of the ADG Code. Subject of Exemption: To permit the transport by road of nominally empty ISOtanks when the tank on the vehicle has a stability angle in excess of 64 degrees. Any dangerous goods of Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 9 present as a residue in a nominally empty ISOtank. Conditions of Exemption: (a) Exemption applies only to ISO Type portable tanks that comply with Section 13 of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. (b) The tanks shall be nominally empty and contain only minimum residue of dangerous goods. (c) The tanks shall be secured to the vehicle by means of four approved twist lock connectors. (d) All requirements of the regulation and the ADG Code not specifically covered by this exemption must be complied with in full. (e) Shipping documentation shall refer to tank being empty with residue or nominally empty, and is covered by this exemption. (f) This exemption has effect only when all conditions are complied with in full.

Number: NAT99/27_RR Scope: National Originating Jurisdiction: QLD Status: Date Exemption Granted: 12/03/2003 Exemption Period: 31/12/2010 unless revoked in writing Name: Patrick Logistics, Level 7, 14-20 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne Vic 3051 Provisions of Regulations and ADG Code: Sections 86(1), 87 and 88 (1) of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Dangerous Goods) Regulation 1998 and sections 87(1), 88 and 89(1) of the Transport Infrastructure (Dangerous Goods by Rail) Regulation 2002 - to the extent that they require compliance with clause 5.1.3 of the ADG Code. Subject of Exemption: To permit use of local surface transport containers that do not comply with all requirements for ISO type containers in AS/NZS 3711. Conditions of Exemption: (a) Each specified container covered by this exemption must be plainly marked in letters at least 25mm high with the following information: DANGEROUS GOODS EXEMPTION "EXEM99/27" APPLIES. PLACE NO LOAD ON TOP OF THIS CONTAINER WHEN ERECTED. (b) All requirements of the regulation not specifically covered by this exemption must be complied with in full. (c) All requirements of the ADG Code other than clause 5.1.3 must be complied with in full. (d) All requirements of AS/NZS 3711 must be complied with, including attachment of compliance plate. (e) No deviation from AS/NZS 3711 that may adversely affect safety in the transport of dangerous goods is permitted. (f) This exemption has effect only when all conditions are complied with in full.

Number: QLD03/01_RO Scope: Queensland Originating Jurisdiction: N/A Status: Date Exemption Granted: 02/04/2003 Exemption Period: Expires 30/5/2003 unless withdrawn or amended in writing Name: Graham Barry Schoenwald, 8 Corella Street, Mt Isa Qld 4825 Provisions of Regulations and ADG Code: Section 193(2) of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Dangerous Goods) Regulation 1998. Subject of Exemption: To allow G B Schoenwald to drive a vehicle transporting dangerous goods after Dangerous Goods Bulk Driver Licence has expired. Conditions of Exemption: (a) Copy exemption must be carried (with expired licence) during exempted period, and produced to Authorised or Police Officer. (b) All requirements of the regulation and the ADG Code not specifically covered by this exemption must be complied with in full. (c) This exemption will have no effect if the driver ceases to be the holder of a driver’s licence (25901876) for the vehicle to be driven. (d) This exemption will have no effect if Queensland Transport issues the driver with a renewed Dangerous Goods Bulk Driver Licence (e) This exemption has effect only when all conditions are complied with in full.


Classification of Major Hazard Facilities under the Dangerous Goods Safety Management Act 2001

In accordance with section 32 of the Dangerous Goods Safety Management Act 2001, the chief executive of the Department of Emergency Services, after consultation with the occupiers, has decided to classify the facilities listed below as major hazard facilities. This is to take effect on 2 May 2003.

The chief executive is reasonably satisfied that:

(a) the quantity of hazardous materials stored or handled, or that is likely to be stored or handled, at each facility is more than the quantity prescribed under the Dangerous Goods Safety Management Regulation 2001; and (b) a hazardous materials emergency at any of these facilities could pose a risk to people, property or the environment outside such a facility.

Facility Name Address Lot Plan Parish

Nufarm 30 Pritchard Street, 506 SL9423: SL 6 / 48798 Tingalpa Australia Ltd Lytton 4178

Binary 46 Magnesium 101 CP895174 Redcliffe Chemicals Pty Street, Narangba Ltd 4504

Bajool Bruce Highway, 201 SP101349: (Non- Ultimo Government Bajool 4699 Specific) Reserve 83 Explosives Reserve

Dyno Nobel Bruce Highway, 179 DS606: SL 35 / 41595 Ultimo Asia Pacific Ltd Bajool 4699 201 SP101349: (Non- Specific) Reserve 83

Sasol Bruce Highway, 201 SP101349: (Non- Ultimo Bajool 4699 Specific) Reserve 83

Helidon 207 Airforce Road, 125 CP907566: (Non- Helidon Government Helidon 4344 Specific) Reserve 627 Explosives Reserve


NOTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 1995

Maritime Safety Agency of Queensland Brisbane, 24 April 2003

I, Captain John Richard Watkinson, General Manager, Maritime Safety Queensland, pursuant to Section 18A of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 exempt the ships named in the following schedule, owned by M.Hayes and D.Hayes trading as Pelican Boat Hire, from the provisions of Part 2, Division 3, Section 7(3) of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 1995, relating to the carriage of coastal type life jackets and PFDs, subject to the following conditions.


Class Registration Number Class Registration Number 1F/2E 20516QE; 1F 1382QF; 1F/1E 24298QE; 1F 10318QF; 1F 108QF; 1F 10369QF; 1F 110QF; 1F 10370QF; 1F 467QF; 1F 10873QF; 1F 645QF; 1F 10874QF; 1F 692QF; 1F 11737QF; and 1F 693QF; 1F 12712QF. 1F 696QF;


(a) The exemption applies when operating on Lake Cooroibah; (b) The ships operations are restricted to daylight hours, in defined smooth waters and in favourable weather only; (c) The ships must have positive flotation and well maintained grab ropes, grab rails or hull grab points; and (d) This exemption applies only while the ships listed in the schedule are registered to M.Hayes and D.Hayes trading as Pelican Boat Hire.

CAPTAIN JOHN RICHARD WATKINSON General Manager Maritime Safety Queensland


NOTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 1995

Maritime Safety Agency of Queensland Brisbane, 24 April 2003

I, Captain John Richard Watkinson, General Manager, Maritime Safety Queensland, pursuant to Section 18A of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 exempt the ships named in the following schedule, owned by B.Hearn and G.Patrick trading as T-Boat Hire, from the provisions of Part 2, Division 3, Section 7(3) of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 1995, relating to the carriage of coastal type life jackets and PFDs, subject to the following conditions.


Class Registration Number Class Registration Number 1F/2E 25390QE; 1F 24209QF; 1F 1301QF; 1F 25406QF; 1F 5136QF; 1F 25408QF; 1F 7430QF; 1F 4248QF; 1F 8318QF; 1F 4249QF; 1F 8320QF; 1F 5137QF; and 1F 9168QF; 1F 5138QF. 1F 9169QF;


(a) The exemption applies when operating on Lake Cooroibah; (b) The ships operations are restricted to daylight hours, in defined smooth waters and in favourable weather only; (c) The ships must have positive flotation and well maintained grab ropes, grab rails or hull grab points; and (d) This exemption applies only while the ships listed in the schedule are registered to B.Hearn and G.Patrick trading as T-Boat Hire.

CAPTAIN JOHN RICHARD WATKINSON General Manager Maritime Safety Queensland




Notice is given of the making of the subordinate legislation mentioned in Tables 1 and 2



No. Subordinate Legislation Empowering Act

75 State Development and Public Works Organisation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2003 State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971

76 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2003 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994

77 1

78 Proclamation commencing certain provisions Queensland Building Services Authority and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2003

79 1

1 Notified in the extraordinary gazette on Thursday 1 May 2003



This table also shows affected subordinate legislation

Empowering Act Subordinate Legislation No.

Queensland Building Services Authority and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2003 Proclamation commencing certain provisions ...... 78

State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 State Development and Public Works Organisation Regulation 1999 • amd by State Development and Public Works Organisation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2003 ...... 75

Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 1995 • amd by Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2003 ...... 76

Copies of the subordinate legislation can be obtained at— Goprint Publications and Retail ...... Telephone: (07) 3246 3399 371 Vulture Street Woolloongabba Qld 4102 ...... Facsimile: (07) 3246 3534 email: [email protected]

A mail service is available from— Goprint Publications and Retail ...... Telephone: (07) 3246 3399 Locked Bag 500 Coorparoo DC, Qld 4151...... Facsimile: (07) 3246 3534 email: [email protected]


Wills and Intestate Notices Grounds for Objection: (a) Undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or After fourteen days from today, an application for a grant of inconvenience to persons who reside or work or do representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at business in the locality concerned, or to persons in Townsville as follows: or travelling to or from an existing or proposed Deceased: Roxanne Davette Price. place of public worship, hospital or school is likely Last Address: 6 Ely Crescent, Mount Isa. to happen; or Applicant: Mark Lewis Morrison of 103 (b) The amenity, quiet or good order of the locality Transmission Street, Mount Isa in the concerned would be lessened in some way. State of Queensland. Letters of administration on intestacy. Format of Objections: Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard Objections may be lodged individually in writing or in upon the application, you may file a petition form and must state the grounds for objection. An caveat in the Supreme Court Registry objection in the form of a petition must be in a format mentioned above at any time before the stipulated in the Act and the principal contact should discuss grant is made. the proposed petition with the Licensing Officer listed below. Notice to Creditors: Any creditor or other person who has a A member of the public may make a written submission to claim on the estate of the deceased is The Chief Executive regarding whether the granting of this required to send particulars of that claim application is in the public interest particularly relating to to the Applicant’s Solicitors named matters which the Chief Executive must have regard under below within six weeks of the date of this Section 116 of the Liquor Act 1992. notice, at the end of that period, the Closing Date for Objections or Submissions: 15th May, 2003. Applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to Lodging Objections or Submissions: those assets. In doing so, and relying on Objections and/or Submissions should be lodged with: Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Licensing Officer, Liquor Licensing Division, Department of Applicant will have regard only to the Tourism, Racing and Fair Trading, P.O. Box 1582, Townsville, claims which have been notified to him. Qld, 4810. Telephone: 4753 2209. Applicant’s Solicitors: Rod Madsen, Solicitor, 14 Miles Street, Mount Isa, Q, 4825. Objections Conference: 744 All objectors, other than those objecting on a petition, will be advised individually of the details of the objections After fourteen days from today, an application for a grant of conference. The principal contact for a petition will be representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at responsible for advising all signatories of the conference. Brisbane as follows: Copies of any objections or submissions will be forwarded to Deceased: Keith Thomas Brannock. the applicant. Last Address: 14 Wilkins Street, River Heads in the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Liquor Licensing Division. 741 State of Queensland. Applicants: Neville Brannock of 10 Douglas Street, Yarraman in the State of Queensland and Liquor Act 1992 Raymond Dick of 65 Hydrea Street, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A LIQUOR LICENCE Revesby in the State of New South Wales. Applicant’s Name: Break Free Resorts Pty Ltd, Nominee: Grant: Probate of the Will dated 18th December, Peter Musolino. 2001. Premises: Breakfree Savannah Resort, 46 Surf Parade, Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard Broadbeach. upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court Registry Primary Purpose: Residential Licence—Provision of mentioned above at any time before the accommodation. grant is made. Trading Hours: Applicants’ Solicitors: Lewis & McNamara, Solicitors, 87 24 hours per day to residents and their guests. Torquay Road, Scarness, Hervey Bay in the State of Queensland. Objections to the granting of this application may be filed by a 749 member of the public over the age of 18 who has a proper interest in the locality concerned, and is likely to be affected by the grant of the application. Liquor Act 1992 Grounds for Objection: NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR EXTENDED HOURS PERMIT FOR LICENSED PREMISES (a) Undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience to persons who reside or work or do Applicant’s Name: Lloyd William Durham and Lorraine business in the locality concerned, or to persons in Margaret Durham. or travelling to or from an existing or proposed place of public worship, hospital or school is likely Premises: Lee’s Hotel, Lannercost Street, Ingham. to happen; or Primary Purpose: General Licence—The sale of liquor for (b) The amenity, quiet or good order of the locality consumption on and off the premises. concerned would be lessened in some way. Current Trading Hours: Format of Objections: 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 a.m., Monday to Sunday. Objections must be lodged in writing individually or in Proposed Trading Hours: petition form and must state the grounds for objection. An objection in the form of a petition must be in a format 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 a.m., Monday to Sunday. stipulated in the Act and the principal contact person should Objections to the granting of this application may be filed by a discuss the proposed petition with the Licensing Officer listed member of the public over the age of 18 years who has a proper below. interest in the locality concerned, and is likely to be affected by A member of the public may make a written submission to the grant of the application. The Chief Executive regarding whether the granting of this

60 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 6 [2 May, 2003 application is in the public interest particularly relating to Copies of any objections or submissions will be forwarded to matters which the Chief Executive must have regard under the applicant. Section 116 of the Liquor Act 1992. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Liquor Licensing Division. 746 \Closing Date for Objections: 14th May, 2003. Lodging Objections: Liquor Act 1992 Objections should be lodged with: Licensing Officer, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A LIQUOR Liquor Licensing Division, Department of Tourism, Racing LICENCE AND EXTENDED HOURS PERMIT and Fair Trading, P.O. Box 2565, Southport, Qld, 4215. Telephone: 5581 3333. Applicant’s Name: Midgley Investments Pty Ltd, Nominee: Lyal Joseph Midgley. Objections Conference: All objectors, other than those objecting on a petition, will Premises: 55 on Caxton, 55 Caxton Street, Petrie Terrace. be advised individually of the details of the objections Primary Purpose: On-Premises (Meals) Licence—Provision conference. The principal contact for a petition will be of meals. responsible for advising all signatories of the conference. Trading Hours: Copies of any objections will be forwarded to the applicant. 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 a.m., Monday to Sunday. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Liquor Licensing Division. 745 (Note: Standard trading hours are 10.00 a.m. to 12 midnight, Monday to Sunday). Liquor Act 1992 Approvals for Extended Hours Permits for trading beyond 3.00 a.m. are reviewed every six months. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A DETACHED BOTTLESHOP AND EXTENDED HOURS PERMIT Objections to the granting of this application may be filed by a member of the public over the age of 18 who has a proper Address of Bottleshop: Shop 3, Lot 50 Mackay Marina interest in the locality concerned, and is likely to be affected by Village, Mackay Harbour, Qld, 4740. the grant of the application. Applicant’s Name and Address: Colbert (Qld) Pty Ltd, Grounds for Objection: Nominee: Paul Andrew Palmer trading as Andergrove Tavern, Lot 1 Andergrove Road, Andergrove, Qld, 4740. (a) Undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience to persons who reside or work or do Primary Purpose: The sale and supply of liquor for business in the locality concerned, or to persons in consumption off the premises. or travelling to or from an existing or proposed Trading Hours: place of public worship, hospital or school is likely to happen; or 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m., Monday to Sunday. (Note: Standard trading hours are 10.00 a.m. to (b) The amenity, quiet or good order of the locality 12 midnight, Monday to Sunday). concerned would be lessened in some way. Objections to the granting of this application may be filed by a Format of Objections: member of the public over the age of 18 years who has a proper Objections must be lodged in writing individually or in interest in the locality concerned, and is likely to be affected by petition form and must state the grounds for objection. An the grant of the application. objection in the form of a petition must be in a format stipulated in the Act and the principal contact person should Grounds for Objection: discuss the proposed petition with the Licensing Officer listed (a) Undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or below. inconvenience to persons who reside or work or do A member of the public may make a written submission to business in the locality concerned, or to persons in The Chief Executive regarding whether the granting of this or travelling to or from an existing or proposed application is in the public interest particularly relating to place of public worship, hospital or school is likely matters which the Chief Executive must have regard under to happen; or Section 116 of the Liquor Act 1992. (b) The amenity, quiet or good order of the locality Closing Date for Objections or Submissions: 27th May, 2003. concerned would be lessened in some way. Lodging Objections or Submissions: Format of Objections: Objections and/or Submissions should be lodged with: Objections may be lodged individually in writing or in Licensing Officer, Liquor Licensing Division, Department of petition form and must state the grounds for objection. An Tourism, Racing and Fair Trading, G.P.O. Box 1141, objection in the form of a petition must be in a format Brisbane, Qld, 4001. Telephone: 3224 7128. stipulated in the Act and the principal contact should discuss Objections Conference: the proposed petition with the Licensing Officer listed below. All objectors, other than those objecting on a petition, will A member of the public may make a written submission to be advised individually of the details of the objections The Chief Executive regarding whether the granting of this conference. The principal contact for a petition will be application is in the public interest particularly relating to responsible for advising all signatories of the conference. matters which the Chief Executive must have regard under Section 116 of the Liquor Act 1992. Copies of any objections or submissions will be forwarded to the applicant. Closing Date for Objections or Submissions: 29th May, 2003. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Liquor Licensing Division. 747 Lodging Objections or Submissions: Objections and/or Submissions should be lodged with: Liquor Act 1992 Licensing Officer, Liquor Licensing Division, Department of Tourism, Racing and Fair Trading, P.O. Box 1793, Mackay, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A LIQUOR LICENCE Qld, 4740. Telephone: (07) 4969 3000. Applicant’s Name: Carmelo Zappone. Objections Conference: Premises: Charlie’s Pizzeria and Restaurant, Shop 4, 99 Frank All objectors, other than those objecting on a petition, will Street, Labrador, 4215. be advised individually of the details of the objections conference. The principal contact for a petition will be Primary Purpose: On-Premises (Meals) Licence—Provision responsible for advising all signatories of the conference. of meals.


Trading Hours: THE LAND 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 p.m., Monday to Sunday. Registered Title Objections to the granting of this application may be filed by a Proprietor Description Reference Area member of the public over the age of 18 who has a proper interest in the locality concerned, and is likely to be affected by Robert John GREEN Lot 4 on Crown Plan D1931, 30454177 .2023ha County of Kimberley, the grant of the application. Parish of Duaringa Grounds for Objection: DATED this second day of May, 2003. (a) Undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or IAN OGDEN inconvenience to persons who reside or work or do business in the locality concerned, or to persons in CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER or travelling to or from an existing or proposed 742 place of public worship, hospital or school is likely to happen; or IMPOUNDINGS (b) The amenity, quiet or good order of the locality Poundkeepers are reminded that Advertisements of concerned would be lessened in some way. Impounded Stock will be charged at the rate of ONE DOLLAR SEVENTY CENTS PER MILLIMETRE (measured by depth of Format of Objections: advertisement), and no such advertisement will be inserted in the Objections must be lodged in writing individually or in Gazette unless accompanied by a remittance (money orders, postal petition form and must state the grounds for objection. An notes, or cash) sufficient to cover the cost of insertion. objection in the form of a petition must be in a format When forwarding advertisements for insertion in the stipulated in the Act and the principal contact person should “Gazette”, and orders for copies of the same, please write such discuss the proposed petition with the Licensing Officer listed orders on separate pieces of paper. below. When describing brands a distinction should be made between A member of the public may make a written submission to Registered and other brands by placing the words “Registered Brand” The Chief Executive regarding whether the granting of this after the description. Brands type will be used for such descriptions, application is in the public interest particularly relating to but where these words do not appear ordinary type will be used. matters which the Chief Executive must have regard under Section 116 of the Liquor Act 1992. NOTICE Closing Date for Objections or Submissions: 5th June, 2003. DEADLINES FOR Lodging Objections or Submissions: COPY FOR GAZETTE Objections and/or Submissions should be lodged with: ——— Licensing Officer, Liquor Licensing Division, Department of Copy for insertion in the “Queensland Government Gazette” Tourism, Racing and Fair Trading, P.O. Box 2565, Southport, may be lodged by:— Qld, 4215. Telephone: 1300 658 030. —Hand delivering copy to GOPRINT’S BOOKSHOP at Objections Conference: 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba; or SDS All objectors, other than those objecting on a petition, will EXPRESS, 41 George Street; or be advised individually of the details of the objections —E-mail—[email protected] conference. The principal contact for a petition will be responsible for advising all signatories of the conference. —Posting to Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo DC, Qld, 4151; or Copies of any objections or submissions will be forwarded to —Facsimile transmission directed to (07) 3246 3384. the applicant. A covering letter must be supplied with all EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Liquor Licensing Division. 750 facsimile copy. —Phone 3246 3350. DOUGLAS HECK & BURRELL REGISTRIES Copy lodged after the nominated closing time will be accepted for inclusion in the following weeks’ Gazette. CMI Limited Copy must be typed or clearly written on one side of the paper Unpresented dividend cheques over $500 only, and set out in accordance with the publishing style. Names of signatories must be typed or clearly written in BLOCK letters. Unpresented Original Shareholder Name Last Known Address Dividend Payment The Gazette is published each Friday. Copy cannot be Cheque Date accepted after the following closing times: Harry Ian MATTHEWS 87 Trainor Street $950.00 31/05/2000 Departmental Notices: 3.00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday. Mount Isa Qld 4825 Final Corrected Proofs: 3.00 p.m. on the preceding Thursday. Harry Ian MATTHEWS 87 Trainor Street $950.00 31/10/2000 Mount Isa Qld 4825 Private Notices and Advertisements: 9.00 a.m. on the preceding Thursday. 743 Vacancies and Appointments: 12 noon on the preceding Tuesday. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 WHEN A PUBLIC HOLIDAY OCCURS “CLOSING Section 1043 TIMES” WILL BE ONE DAY EARLIER. NOTICE OF PROPOSED SALE OF LAND BY AUCTION All communications should be addressed “Government Printer” and endorsed “ Government Gazette”, Postal address DUARINGA SHIRE COUNCIL of William Street, Duaringa in Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, Q., 4102. the State of Queensland proposes to offer the undermentioned land for sale by auction at the Duaringa Shire Council Chambers, The Queensland Government Gazette is available by Mail William Street, Duaringa in the State of Queensland on Friday the Order Subscription or from the Bookshops at SDS EXPRESS, 23rd May, 2003 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon unless all overdue 41 George Street, Brisbane or GOPRINT, 371 Vulture Street, rates levied on the land and all expenses incurred by the Council for Woolloongabba each Friday after 4.00 p.m. the intended sale are paid. Government Printer 62 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 6 [2 May, 2003



A. The Tiaro Shire Council (“Council”) has decided to sell the land described in the Schedule below because overdue rates and charges have remained unpaid for a period in excess of three (3) years.

B. On 12th December, 2002 Council held a meeting under Section 1040 of the Local Government Act 1993 and resolved as follows:—

Council proceed with the Sale of Land for Arrears of Rates under Chapter 14 Part 7 of the Local Government Act 1993 to sell land where rates remain unpaid for three years or more.

C. Notices of Intention to Sell Land were executed by Council on 7th February, 2003. In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 the Notices were forwarded to the registered owners listed in the Schedule below by registered mail to the persons last known address for service of rates notices.

D. The registered owners listed in the Schedule below are hereby put on notice of Council’s intention to sell land.

Registered Proprietor Property Description Property Location Overdue Rates

Lewis William HOLDSWORTH, Lot 9 & 10 on RP187477 Paterson Road, Paterson $4,911.78 Adrian Thomas Peter RYAN, (as at 31.01.2003) Ronald Harold REID and Sylvia Bernice WOODCROFT

Glenn Peter NATION Lot 505 on RP147078 Arborcrescent Road, $2,628.00 Glenwood (as at 31.01.2003)

E. Interest was calculated from the date after the due date for payment at the rate of 11% per annum compounding daily.

F. Legal costs have been incurred in the issuance of this notice. Interest and legal costs will continue to accrue until such time as the land is sold or payment made.

Any inquiries should be directed to Council’s Solicitors: Corser, Sheldon & Gordon, Solicitors, 211 Bazaar Street, Maryborough Q 4650 Telephone: (07) 4122 1500 or Fax: (07) 4123 1525.

CORSER, SHELDON & GORDON 30th April, 2003 748 2 May, 2003] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 6 63

CONTENTS (Gazettes No. 87-88 (Vol. CCCXXXII); 1-6—pp. 1445-1447; 1-63)


APPOINTMENTS...... 49-51

NOTICES/BYLAWS/DECLARATIONS/ STATUTES ...... 53-58 Dangerous Goods Safety Management Act Notification of Subordinate Legislation...... 57-58 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act

ADVERTISEMENTS ...... 59-62 Liquor Act Local Government Act Unclaimed Monies Wills and Intestate Estates

Extraordinary Gazette—Absent Governor ...... 1445 (Fri. 25 April) Extraordinary Gazette—Commission/Delegation...... 1447 (Sat. 26 April) Extraordinary Gazette—SARS (Health) ...... 1-4 (Thurs. 1 May) Local Government Gazette...... 5-6

Natural Resources and Mines Gazette...... 13-16

Transport/Main Roads Gazette...... 7-11

Vacancies and Appointments in Public Service...... 17-48

BRISBANE Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 2nd May, 2003 271139

© The State of Queensland 2003. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of Goprint. Inquiries should be addressed to Goprint, Publications and Retail, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151.