WOMEN IN THE AMERICAN WOMEN HAVE GONE TO IN VARIOUS ROLES THROUGHOUT U.S. HISTORY. ONLY SINCE 1948, HOW- EVER, HAVE WOMEN BEEN SLOWLY INTEGRATED INTO THE ARMED SERV- ICES. TODAY, A DEBATE CENTERS ON WHETHER WOMEN SHOULD BE IN DI- RECT GROUND COMBAT. Wikimedia Commons From the to An engraving showing a loading a cannon during the American Revolution. the Spanish-American War, women served as nurses, laundry workers, Fight,” which was the slogan of many forces — but with restrictions. Women cooks, couriers, spies, and saboteurs. II recruitment posters. could make up no more than 2 percent A few actually fought in hand-to- America’s World War II allies of the total military force. The number hand combat, usually disguised as used roles. Britain of female officers and the rank they male soldiers. But nearly all women drafted women and trained some to could achieve were capped. Woman who participated in the nation’s early operate anti-aircraft guns. They were officers could hold no command au- served as civilians who were not, however, allowed to “pull the thority over men. Nor could women “with” but not “in” the military. trigger.” In the Soviet Union, women be assigned to military aircraft and In the early 1900s, Congress es- took a direct part in fighting as most ships. Finally, women were tablished Army and Navy nurse snipers, machine-gunners, tank crew prohibited from serving in combat. corps. Although these were perma- members, combat pilots, and anti-air- During the Korean War, only fe- nent organizations, they were only craft gunners who did pull the trigger. male nurses and other medical per- “attached” to the armed services, not sonnel went to Korea itself. The rest a part of them. Integration of Women of the served During , the Navy and After the war, Congress debated outside Korea, such as in Japan and Marine Corps recruited women to whether to make women a perma- the U.S. serve as uniformed clerks, radio oper- nent part of the regular military. Gen. As the draft became more unpop- ators, translators, and in other jobs Dwight Eisenhower, who had led the ular during the , the with a . The Army and allied forces in Europe, favored this. armed forces stepped up their re- Navy also made use of their female “The women of America,” he said, cruitment of women, who were ex- nurse corps, but still did not recognize “must share the responsibility for the cluded from . The 2 them as part of the military. security of this country in a future percent cap was lifted, and female Due to serious shortages of per- emergency as the women of England volunteers filled more military jobs sonnel in many non-combat jobs dur- did in World War II.” than ever before, easing the need to ing World War II, Congress created the President Harry Truman signed draft more men. Women’s Army Corps (WAC) whose the Women’s Armed Services Inte- In 1973, after the U.S. withdrew members held full military status, but gration Act in June 1948. This au- from Vietnam, Congress ended the in an organization separate from the thorized the enlistment of women draft and replaced it with an all-vol- Army. Congress also authorized sepa- and commissioning of female officers unteer military. Immediately, the rate women’s reserve units for the in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, armed services saw the need to re- Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. and newly formed Air Force. The sep- cruit more women to fill the jobs no More than 350,000 women volun- arate Women’s Army Corps and fe- longer being filled by drafted men. teered to serve with the regular armed male reserves of the other armed This proved to be a big turning point services in World War II. They held such services continued for a while, but for women in the military. jobs as nurses, clerks, truck drivers, me- eventually were phased out. In the early years of the all-volun- chanics, electricians, and auxiliary pilots. The integration of women finally teer military, the armed forces no Their main job was to “Free a Man to put them fully “in” the regular armed longer kept females in segregated


(c) 2014 Constitutional Rights Foundation http://www.crf-usa.org units, but females were far from equal After the Persian , Con- long-held belief was that women gen- to their male peers. Most of the re- gress repealed laws prohibiting women erally lacked the physical strength strictions of the 1948 Women’s Armed from serving on combat aircraft and and stamina for combat. Services Integration Act still applied. combat Navy ships except submarines. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq Women quickly proved they Since 1993, all military assignments put into question all the female com- could do many military jobs previ- have been left to the discretion of the bat exclusions. Instead of “frontlines” ously held only by men. Outside the Department of Defense (DOD). or attacks by large enemy armies, these military, a growing women’s move- In 1994, the DOD canceled the wars had ambushes, roadside bombs, ment in American society demanded Risk Rule and replaced it with the rocket grenade attacks, snipers, guerilla more equal opportunity for women in Ground Combat Exclusion Policy. raids, and suicide bombers. the armed services. This policy declared that qualified Under the exclusion rules, During the 1970s, barriers to service members were eligible for all women took such “non-combat” jobs women within the military began to jobs “except that women shall be ex- as truck drivers, truck convoy guards, fall. Women were assigned to non- cluded from assignments to units military police, base guards, medics, combat Navy ships and military air- below the brigade level whose pri- communications specialists, and in- craft. The armed services opened mary mission is to engage in direct telligence officers. But female soldiers their advanced officer training combat on the ground. . . .” often found themselves in the middle schools to women. In 1976, West of direct ground combat because the Point and the other service acade- Instead of ‘frontlines’ battlefield had changed so drastically. mies began admitting women. Commanders often faced the Women officers started to command or attacks by large dilemma of removing women soldiers both women and men. enemy armies, these from their needed positions in com- The exclusion of women from bat zones or violating the exclusion combat experience, however, slowed wars had ambushes, rules by keeping them there. For ex- their promotion to higher ranks. roadside bombs, rocket ample, Army Rangers found that dur- ing village search operations, female ‘Direct Ground Combat’ grenade attacks, snipers, soldiers were much more effective in Since 1973, all males at age 18 guerilla raids, and searching Muslim women and their must register with the Selective Serv- homes than male soldiers. ice for a possible future draft. In suicide bombers. Women also flew helicopters and 1981, the U.S. Supreme Court in Ros- other aircraft in rescue and combat mis- tker v. Goldberg ruled that the law The policy defined “direct ground sions. Thus, in this new kind of warfare, making women ineligible for the draft combat” as “engaging an enemy on women found themselves in all kinds of was constitutional. The court rea- the ground with individual or crew combat situations. As a reflection of the soned that a draft is designed to pro- served , while being exposed reality of combat in Afghanistan and duce combat troops, and the law to hostile fire and to a high probabil- Iraq, more than 150 military women excluded women from combat. ity of direct physical contact with had died along with many hundreds In 1988, the Department of Defense hostile force’s personnel.” In effect, more wounded by 2013. announced the Risk Rule. This rule this barred women from “tip of the barred women from non-combat jobs spear” military units, which includes Sexual Assault that put them at risk of exposure to di- the Army and Marine , para- As the integration of more rect combat, hostile fire, or capture. troopers, armor (tanks), most ar- women into previously all-male jobs After Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in- tillery, and special forces such as and units increased, sexual assault vaded Kuwait in 1990, the U.S. and a Navy SEALs and Army Rangers. In cases within the military soared. Sex- coalition of allies attacked his forces. addition, the new policy stated that ual assault includes rape and other During the Persian Gulf War, nearly women could not be assigned to sup- forms of unwanted sexual contact. 40,000 female port jobs or units located close to di- Between October 2012 and June were deployed to the area. rect combat units. 2013, more than 3,500 sexual assault Women were still barred from The 1994 Ground Combat Exclu- cases were officially reported in the combat and at-risk non-combat duty, sion Policy reflected long-held Amer- armed services. This was a 50 per- but in this war everyone was at risk. ican beliefs about women in the cent increase over the same period All people in the wide area of military military. These beliefs included that the previous year. Only about 300 operations were constantly under the female soldiers should be protected cases, however, went to a court-mar- threat of ground-to-ground missiles from battlefield dangers and capture tial trial. fired by Iraqi forces. In fact, 13 Amer- by the enemy. Also, that as life-givers, A separate Department of Defense ican women in the U.S. armed forces women should not be trained to kill; report estimated that 26,000 members were killed in the war. combat was a man’s job. Another of the armed services, both men and


(c) 2014 Constitutional Rights Foundation http://www.crf-usa.org Women in the U.S. Armed Forces Firsts for Women: combat experience. Officers in the Army, , and Special • Admitted to West Point and the other service academies in 1976. • Fly combat aircraft in 1993. Forces today are overwhelmingly • Serve aboard Navy combat ships in 1993. males largely due to the long ex- • Assigned to Navy submarines in 2012. clusion of women from ground combat assignments. Even female Women Deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq (since Sept. 2001): 250,000+ West Point graduates have been Total Female (2013): 1,853,690 slow to reach the top ranks of the Women on Active Duty (Dec. 2013): 214,098 (14.6% of total in armed services) Army due to this exclusion. Percent of Female Active Duty Members by Service (2012): 4. One cause of the sexual assault AirForce: 19.0% problem in the military is that Navy: 16.7% some servicemen view service- Army: 13.5% women as inferior sex objects Marine Corps: 7.0 % rather than . When Do you think the percentage of women in the U.S. armed forces is too little, women achieve real equality by too much, or about right? Why? being integrated into ground com- bat units, they will gain more re- Sources: U.S. Department of Defense, World Almanac and Book of Facts 2014 spect from their male peers and sexual assaults will decline. women, were victims of sexual assault The new policy gave the military 5. Barring women from ground in 2012. Another DOD report released until January 2016 to integrate combat violates their constitu- in 2013 revealed that 20 percent of all women into the direct ground com- tional right of “equal protection of women in the military experienced un- bat jobs and “tip of the spear” units. the law.” Both men and women wanted sexual contact. Victims said It will still be possible to exclude have a citizenship duty to defend they often did not report a sexual as- women from certain jobs, but this their country. sault, fearing retaliation by their at- will require the approval of the sec- 6. Some countries such as Canada tacker or believing their commanding retary of defense. and Israel have opened more com- officer would do nothing. The decision to integrate women bat jobs to women than the U.S. Is- In 2013, Congress passed legisla- into direct ground combat jobs and rael drafts women who make up tion that attempted to address the sex- units drew much criticism. Elaine Don- half the lieutenants in its military ual assault problem. Among other nelly, president of the Center for Mili- forces. A law in 2000 granted equal things, the law requires commanders tary Readiness, remarked that Congress opportunities in the military to to send all complaints of sexual assault should pass new legislation and “assign women who qualify for the job. to military criminal investigators and highest priority to military necessity” makes it a crime to retaliate against and not to “ideology that denies differ- The Case Against anyone reporting such a complaint. ences between men and women.” 1. While female soldiers have de- A controversial measure to take fended themselves and others in The Case For the decision to prosecute sexual as- Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a big 1. Women have already been in direct sault cases away from commanders difference between defensive and ground combat in Afghanistan and and hand it over to military prosecu- combat. Offensive ground Iraq. They have proven their ability tors failed to pass Congress. Oppo- combat involves “tip of the spear” to kill the enemy in such jobs as nents argued that removing such a units like the Marine infantry that truck convoy machine gunners, decision from the military chain of seeks and attacks the enemy under base guards, and military police. command would weaken the author- fire, sometimes in hand-to-hand 2. Women who physically qualify ity of commanders over their troops. combat. Our enemies do not inten- should not be denied ground tionally weaken their forces under Women in Ground Combat combat service. In 2013, the first misguided policies of “gender three women completed the Ma- On January 24, 2013, then-Secre- equality” in the military. rine infantry training course. This tary of Defense , acting on 2. Studies, comparing men and included a 12-mile hike, carrying the unanimous recommendation of the women in the military, show that 85 pounds of gear. Besides, in a chiefs of the armed services, an- most women possess less muscle ground combat zone there are nounced the end of the Ground Com- strength, less lifting ability, lighter skills other than strength that fe- bat Exclusion Policy. “Female service bones, slower marching speed, males tend to be better at than members,” Panetta said, “have faced and are more prone to injuries. males such as handling civilians. the reality of combat, proven their will- Few women will be able to com- 3. Promotion in the military has al- ingness to fight, and, yes, to die to de- plete the rigorous training courses ways been facilitated by having fend their fellow Americans.” for “tip of the spear” combat


(c) 2014 Constitutional Rights Foundation http://www.crf-usa.org units. Politicians and feminists will then pressure the military to lower the training standards for women, which will weaken our ground combat forces. Another problem is female soldiers who are pregnant when their units are called up for deployment will leave gaps in the ranks. 3. Within the military today, the main push for women in combat comes from female officers who want combat experience to get faster promotions to advance their careers. Among enlisted women in the military, surveys show that few of them want to become combat fighters like men. Master Sgt. LaTanya Dinkins (foreground) commands the troops during the Air Force Basic 4. The military should have ex- Training graduation parade in 2010. pected sexual conflicts when mix- ing women into units dominated rect ground combat units like the which do you think should be by men. The competition for the U.S. Marine infantry and Navy open and which closed to women attention of women among males SEALs. Even Israel limits women in today? Explain your choice in is only natural. But it is also a dis- combat to mainly border defense. each case. traction from the military mission a. Tank Crew Member and causes a breakdown of unit DISCUSSION & WRITING b. Paratrooper trust. Moving women into direct 1. Do you think women should be in c. Infantry Rifleman ground combat units will make the military at all? Why or why not? d. Explosive Ordinance Dis- the sexual assault problem worse. 2. What do you think should be posal Technician 5. Integrating women into ground done to stop the soaring rise of combat roles will result in the sexual assault cases in the armed Further Reading courts finding the registration and forces? Explain. Biank, Tanya. Undaunted: The Real drafting of only men to be an un- 3. Under the current Department of Story of America’s Servicewomen in constitutional violation of “equal Defense policy announced in Today’s Military. New York: NAL Cal- protection of the law.” If women 2013, direct ground combat jobs iber, 2013. are drafted in the future, some are open to women, although cer- Henningfeld, Diane Andrews, ed. will involuntarily be assigned to tain positions may still be closed Should Women Be Allowed in Combat direct ground combat units. to them by the secretary of de- in the U.S. Armed Forces? Detroit, 6. No other country today has found fense. In the following list of jobs, Mich.: Greenhaven Press, 2008. it necessary to put women into di-

ACTIVITY Should Women Be in Direct Ground Combat? Divide students into three groups to debate the question above. 1. Group 1 will take the affirmative and prepare arguments and evidence from the article to support women in di- rect ground combat. 2. Group 2 will take the negative and prepare arguments and evidence from the article to oppose women in ground combat. 3. Members on each side will have a chance to question the assertions made by their opponents after their presentation. 4. Group 3 will be the judges of the debate. They should review the 1994 Ground Combat Exclusion Policy and be prepared to ask both sides questions after their presentations. 5. After the debate, the judges will discuss the choices below and decide on one by majority vote. The judges must then explain the reasons for their decision. A. Women should be in direct ground combat. B. Women should not be in direct ground combat. C. Women should be in direct ground combat but should be excluded from certain kinds of jobs named by the judges.


(c) 2014 Constitutional Rights Foundation http://www.crf-usa.org National High School U.S. History Standard 30: Understands developments Standards in foreign policy and domestic politics between the Nixon and Clinton presi- Chinese dencies. (3) Understands the impact of the Reagan presidency on rela- tions with other countries (e.g., . . . Reagan’s view of the Soviet Union Common Core Standard RH.9-10.2: Determine the central ideas or informa- tion of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how as an “evil empire” and how that shaped defense policy). . . . (5) Un- key events or ideas develop over the course of the text. derstands the influence of U.S. foreign policy on international events Common Core Standard WHST.9-10.9: Draw evidence from informational texts from Nixon to Clinton . . . .). to support analysis, reflection, and research. California History-Social Science Standard 10.9: Students analyze the inter- Common Core Standard SL.9-10.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a national developments in the post-World War II world. (1) Compare the eco- range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) nomic and military power shifts caused by the war, including the Yalta with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (a.) Come European nations . . . (2) Analyze the causes of the , with the to discussions prepared having read and researched material under free world on one side and Soviet client states on the other . . . (3) Un- study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from derstand the importance of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thought- which established the pattern for America’s postwar policy of supply- ful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. ing economic and military aid to prevent the spread of Communism National High School World History Standard 38: Understands reform, revo- and the resulting economic and political competition in arenas such as lution, and social change in the world economy of the early 20th century. (7) Southeast Asia (i.e., the Korean War, Vietnam War), Cuba, and Africa. Understands events and ideas that led to China’s revolutionary move- (7) Analyze the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union . . . . ments in the early 20th century (e.g., social and cultural conditions in California History-Social Science Standard 11.9: Students analyze U. S. for- China that led to the New Culture, or May Fourth movement; the four eign policy since World War II. (2) Understand the role of military alliances, points of Sun Yat-sen’s Manifesto for the Revolutionary Alliance [Tong including NATO . . . , in deterring communist aggression and maintaining se- Meng Hui] and to whom these revolutionary goals appealed). curity during the Cold War. (3) Trace the origins and geopolitical conse- quences . . . of the Cold War and containment policy, including the National High School World History Standard 40: Understands the search for peace and stability throughout the world in the 1920s and 1930s. (9) Un- following: . . . The Truman Doctrine, The Berlin , The Korean derstands elements of social and political change in China in the early War, The Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis, . . . The 20th century (e.g., which populations supported the Kuomintang and Vietnam War. . . . (5) Analyze the role of the Reagan administration and the Chinese Communist Party, and how the Japanese invasion of China other factors in the victory of the West in the Cold War. in the 1930s changed viewpoints regarding these two parties; how Mao Women in the Military Zedong adapted Marxism to Chinese needs and how he viewed the Common Core Standard RH.11–12.2: Determine the central ideas or informa- peasantry as a revolutionary force; the goals and outcomes of the three tion of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that major revolutions in China in the first half of the century). makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. National High School World History Standard 43: Understands how Common Core Standard SL.11–12.4: Present information, findings, and sup- post-World War II reconstruction occurred, new international power relations porting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that lis- took shape, and colonial empires broke up. (6) Understands factors that in- teners can follow the line of reasoning . . . . fluenced political conditions in China after World War II (e.g., how Common Core Standard RH.11–12.3: Evaluate various explanations for actions much of the Communist success in the Chinese civil war was the result or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evi- of Mao Zedong’s leadership or Jiang Jieshi’s lack of leadership, why dence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain. rifts developed in the relationships between the U.S.S.R. and China in Common Core Standard W.11–12.9: Draw evidence from literary or informa- spite of the common bond of Communist-led government). tional texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. National High School U.S. History Standard 29: Understands the struggle California History-Social Science Standard 10.4: Students analyze patterns of for racial and gender equality and for the extension of civil liberties. global change in the era of New Imperialism in at least two of the following (2) Un- regions or countries: Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America, and derstands conflicting perspectives on different issues addressed by the the Philippines. (4) Describe the independence struggles of the colonized women’s rights movement. . . . regions of the world, including the roles of leaders, such as Sun Yat-sen National High School U.S. History Standard 31: Understands economic, social, in China, and the roles of ideology and religion. and cultural developments in the contemporary United States. (5) Understands California History-Social Science Standard 10.9: Students analyze the inter- major contemporary social issues and the groups involved. . . . national developments in the post-World War II world. (4) Analyze the Chi- National High School Civics Standard 21: Understands the formation and im- nese Civil War, the rise of Mao Zedong, and the subsequent political plementation of public policy. (4) Understands why agreement may be and economic upheavals in China . . . . difficult or impossible on issues . . . because of conflicts about values, principles, and interests. Cold War California History-Social Science Standard 11.10: Students Analyze the de- Common Core Standard RH.11–12.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support velopment of federal civil rights and voting rights. (7) Analyze . . . differ- analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole. ing perspectives on the roles of women. Common Core Standard RH.11-12.4: Determine the meaning of words and California History-Social Science Standard 11.11: Students analyze the major so- phrases as they are used in a text, including analyzing how an author uses cial problems and domestic policy issues in contemporary American society. and refines the meaning of a key term over the course of a text . . . . California History-Social Science Standard 12.2: Students evaluate and take and Common Core Standard RH.11-12.3: Evaluate various explanations for actions defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evi- citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured. dence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain. National High School U.S. History Standard 27: Understands how the Cold War Standards reprinted with permission: and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced domestic and international pol- National Standards © 2000 McREL, Mid-continent Research for Education and itics. (1) Understands U. S. foreign policy from the Truman administration Learning, 2550 S. Parker Road, Ste. 500, Aurora, CO 80014, (303)337.0990. to the Johnson administration (e.g., . . . Kennedy’s response to the Bay California Standards copyrighted by the California Dept. of Education, P.O. Box of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis; how the Korean War affected the 271, Sacramento, CA 95812. premises of U. S. foreign policy; . . . . (4) Understands factors that contributed to the development of the Cold War . . . .


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(c) 2014 Constitutional Rights Foundation http://www.crf-usa.org