December 19 Deep Roots

Genesis 28-29 Bible Study  is sort of in the middle of nowhere when shows up.  It's important to remember just how alone Jacob must be feeling at this point in the story. He's left his family, and he December 15 has no protection. And then God shows up.  God promises that He will be with Jacob as he goes and he Genesis 22-23 will bring him back again.  God has previously asked to give up his past, when he  Jacob, ever the negotiator, states that IF God does leaves his father in Haran, but now, in the binding of , God asks what he says, THEN God will be his God. him to 'give up his future' – Isaac.  Remember who Laban was from a couple of days ago. Now one  And yet we see Abraham's faith in God in that he also says that trickster (Laban) will meet another (Jacob). "we" will go worship, and then "we" will return.  Remember, God has promised that the blessing with be Matthew 15 through Isaac.  It's interesting to note how the different people encounter  But also remember that in some ways, Abraham is testing . The Pharisees treat him one way and the Syrophoenician God here too... will he be faithful to HIS promise? woman a totally different way.  How does Abraham confirm/display his faithfulness?  Notice the similarities and differences between the feeding of the 4000 and the feeding of the 5000. Why do you think the disciples still had to ask Jesus where the bread was going to come from? Matthew 11  How do we not believe that Jesus will still do what he says he  Matthew goes to great lengths to explain to his semi-Jewish will? audience that played the role of who was supposed to precede the .  Korazin and Bethsaida were nearby towns. What does Jesus say they did wrong?  Do we do any better?


December 16 Matthew 13 Genesis 24  What makes a difference in the outcome of the four plantings of seeds? Which of the four soils do you most relate with today?  What is Abraham's servant's mission? How does he find what he's looking for?  Jesus told parables to surprise and teach his listeners. Many parables had something that would have been surprising to his  How would you describe the character of Laban? (Remember listeners to jar them out of their complacency. your answer for later this week.) Matthew 12  What are the issues about the that Jesus deals with in this passage?  The Pharisees have made all sorts of intricate laws that apply December 18 during the Sabbath, but in doing so they have made the Sabbath a burden.  How could you follow the spirit of the Sabbath better? Genesis 27  What kind of person is Jacob? How does he get the blessing? How is Esau feeling?  After Jacob gets the blessing it is clear that his brother is in a murderous rage and that Jacob's life is in danger. Not only that, Rebekah is also in danger since she had a hand in it, so Jacob's December 17 prudent mother comes up with a plan to get him to safety.

Genesis 25-26 Matthew 14  In Chapter 25 you can feel the story begin to shift from the story  You'll notice that the feeding of the 5000 occurs just after Jesus of Abraham to the story of Isaac. finds out about his friend and cousin's death (John the Baptist). Not only that, but if you read the Mark and Luke  How are Isaac's sons different? accounts you will also find out that the disciples had just returned from their first mission where they performed miracles,  Birthright - The firstborn would inherit a double portion of the and they excitedly return to Jesus to tell him about their inheritance, so if you have 9 kids, you divide your assets into success. With that emotional rollercoaster, Jesus tries to get 10 pieces and the firstborn gets 2. If you only have 2 away with them for a little, and that is the context for the story of children, you divide your stuff into 3 parts and the firstborn the feeding of the 5000. gets the extra part (2/3 to the firstborn, 1/3 to the second). Esau gives away 1/3 of the inheritance for a bowl It's amazing that Jesus has compassion on the people of soup? after all of that.  How do we see God reiterate the Abrahamic promises to Isaac?

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