Notes from 29 AMS RES Meeting

Attendees : Andy Stern, Cathy Finley, Kathy Moore, Randy Benson, Cegeon Chan, Earle Buckley, and Melinda Marquis.

Notes 1.) Approve minutes of meeting

2.) AMS 2011 Seattle • Aug. 2 is the deadline for submitting abstracts to the next annual AMS conference (Jan. 2011, Seattle). • Town hall -- Melinda, Steve Thanks to Kathy and Jennifer for helpful comments. Melinda will now submit the town hall meeting request.

3.) AMS Summer Community Meeting (update) -- Melinda Melinda will chair Session #1, which will include Bart McMannus (BPA), Mark Ahlstrom (Windlogics), and Michael Goggin (AWEA). Session #3 will include Steve Bennett (Scripps) and Bart McMannus. A session later in the week about legislation will include Michael Goggin.

4.) AMS Policy Statement -- Andy (probably will be deferred till next call) Deferred till next call.

5.) Congressional Hearing -- Melinda A uniform statement from panelists that improved forecasts are needed and that NOAA should provide an improved foundational forecast that the private sector can then add value to and commercialize was delivered. The need for coordination and collaboration among the public and private sectors was also stressed.

6. ) Roundtable -- all Earle Buckley that during a meeting of the offshore wind APT, a possible DOE-DOI/MMS inter- agency working group on hydrokinetics was discussed. More info will be available after their next meeting 2.

Andy Stern reported that the NWS Strategic Plan would be made public soon. He solicited names of people to whom the announcement should be sent. Once public, the draft strategic plan can be widely disseminated and anyone who wants to can provide feedback to the NWS.

Next meeting: Tues., , 10 a.m. mountain