Page Three Complete Local News m Of A Population Of i c WHAT w -i 18,524 Rs f TO O W) CJ . . Entered M aacond claaa mall matter, January 81. 1925. at the Poat Office at Ellaabeth. New Jereey. under the Act o f March 1, H7t. \\— J Oh

ESTAIILISHED 1024 XVIII, No. 910 OFFICIAL NKWHPAPKK HILLSIDE, N. J„ THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1942 O F T I I 1C TOWNHfllP OF H 1 LLH 1 DK .n tion Fteports Serving Their Country Town Land Is Hillside Makes Plans For i m Purchased For Planned Mlonth ly INew Buildings Blackout Next Wednesday Lots On Thomas, Chester aid Discontinues Pra Streets, Bailey Avenue Nine Northern New Jersey ... ill Issiiiner Releasesc Crowd Rids — Lhr At Public Sale------W ill Observe I Collection Of Counties Involved lit After Meetings Test Of Defense Farewell To The Township Committee, at an Scrap Saturday adjourned meeting at the municipal Child Health oblem c r e a t e d building Tuesday night, held a pub­ Saturday April 11 is collection WARDENS WILL NOTE )R SPORTS EVENTS Draft Group lic sale of township-owned land on day in the Salvage for Victory 'Thomas and Chester streets and on Day Ou May 1 Drive by the Salvage Committee of FAILURE TO COMPLY Bailey avenue. The property on e Rationing Board met Tues- the Hillside Defense Council, of Thomas street, lot numbers 1 to 5, Hillside, with other communities afternoon to discuss applica­ which toe Rev. Ralph R. Roby is Defense Council Offers having a frontage of 86.34 feet, and hi the nine northern counties of tor tires but it was decided Local Health Board Urges chairman. Beginning at 1 o’clock, George E. Jacobi, seated in center, is shown, left to right, with that on Chester street, lots 6 to 10, toe state, will participate in the no information will be given Brief Program, Two trucks of the township’s road de­ James J. Jacobi, Charles Yaede and Walter M. Jacoibi, with Herbert 1 to 5 and part of lot 49, having a Parents Cooperate In test blackout ordered by toe New public on the board’s decisions partment, under Road Overseer J. Jacobi alone at extreme right. frontage of 214.59 feet, was sold to Jersey Defense Council lor Wednes­ thu end of each month. As no Clergymen Speak Checking Diseases Frank M. Mitchell, will (tick up County Park Homes Corporation for day April 15 from 10 to 10:15 p. m. actions have been received from George E. Jacobi, well known Corps stationed at Kaye Field, material which householders are re­ ihe sum of $10 per front foot. in preparation for the blackout, headquarters in Trenton on A large number of township resi­ florist of 1216 North Broad street, Columbus, Miss.; Pvt. Herbert F. The Hillside Board of Heal to to is quested to place at the curbs in Erection of one-family homes will Hillside's Defense Council, follow­ matters, the local board made dents was on hand Friday to bid Jacobi, with the Field Artillery at week urged parents to cooperate in front of their homes. heads a family which probably has be started within six months on ing a meeting Monday evening, will ruling because the members Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Pvt. W al­ Child Health Day on May j. Articles which are specifically de­ farewell to the record size group of as good a record in the nation’s this land by the purchaser, the distribute a'set of Instructions for that, though the public has a ter M. Jacobi, with the First Raider Immunization of young children sired include old newspapers, scrap men who left the community to be foundations of which will be set toe public at large as well as the t interest in the tire situation, armed services as any in town. All Battalion at the Marine Base in against diphtheria and their vac­ paper, old clothing, mattresses, rags, back from the properly line at various units of the Defense Coun­ withholding of the decisions inducted in the army. Several three of his sons and one grand­ Quantico, Va. The grandson is cination against smallpox is the iron, brass, old boilers, batteries, least 25 feet hi conformity with cil. the end of the month permits a members of the Hillside Defense son are in various units of the Charles Yaede, son oi Fireman and objective of Child Health Day iMay metal beds, tires and tubes, over­ the oilier houses now standing on The Hillside raid alarm will be complete and accurate report, Council were on hand to represent armed forces. Mrs. Charles J. Yaede, of 44 Fair­ 1, 1942). This has been recom­ shoes and lin cans. Cans which Thomas and Chester streets. sounded by the Bristol-Myers Com­ problem was created when the that unit at a short program, given The sons are Pvt. First Class banks street, stationed with the mended by Federal Health Agencies contained paint, shellac, varnish, The corporation agreed that each pany whistle consisting of inter­ ,e Rationing Administration de­ in the auditorium of theWiilside James A. Jacobi, in the Army Air Coast Guard in New York. and toe President of toe United automobile oil or condensed milk lot upon which a house is erected mittent short blasts of two minutes ed buses used for excursions, Avenue School, in which the town­ States has issued a proclamation to are not acceptable. shall have a 4rontage of at least 40 duration. The all clear signal will ]g.s, educational trips and sim- ship draft board is located. Short­ this effect. Decision to follow this feet, and each dwelling shall be be one steady blast for toe same uses are not eligible for new ly after the program, the men were recommendation In New Jersey was sold for not less than $4,750. The length of time. etreaded tires. The high school transported by bus to the Newark reached at a recent conference of Cochrane's Brother Bill committee accepted a check for On Duty at 9:39 horities, who have previously Armory, where they were inducted, representatives of toe State Depart­ $309.30 as the initial payment, the ment of Health, toe State Medical Air raid wardens, police reserves, tered buses of the Public Serv- and from 'there shipped to the re­ balance of $2700 to be by a bond and emergency medical units, demoli­ .Coordinated Transport for the placement center at Fort Dix via Society,' toe New Jersey Health O f­ In April 23 Draft Call mortgage for the period' of one ficers Association and the State tion, rescue and repair squads and >ol athletic teams, are now seek- the Pennsylvania Railroad Inquiring year*, bearing 6 per cent yearly in­ Congress of Parents and Teachers. all other active' units are directed a way in which teams may be Addressing the selectees in the Rudolph Jacobs, 122 Clark street. terest payable quarterly. It was further decided that toe cam­ to be at their posts a half hour be­ nsported out of town, so that school auditorium, Hugo S. Gensel, Total Of 44 Will Be In­ Andrew James Yamarick, 1440 Les­ Bailey Ave. Property paign should be featured during the fore the approximate time of the icipation in athletic events can Chairman of the Defense Council ducted At Newark Armory lie street. The property on Bailey avenue, lot last week in April, with May 1 as ti warning. The blackout will not be continued. The possibility of said that they could leave with the Reporter Stephen Adam Rcndziniak, 1508 number 45, was sold to Louis Kugel put into effect until toe warning certain knowledge that those at climax. ,g the regular bus lines is being A new group of 44 men will leave Franklin street. lor the sum of $1,300, $130 of which signal is given. home will be backing up the war To Seek Medical Aid >1 tiered .along with the possi- Hillside for induction into the Army David James Fischer, 79 Hillside was paid the committee in cash and When toe blackout takes place, effort in every possible way. Rev, Through medical groups, individ­ ty oi use of the cars of faculty avenue. the balance of $1,170 to be paid in QUESTION: There have been utility companies will see that street Ralph R. Roby, pastor oi the Frank­ on April 23, it was announced yes­ ual physicians will be urged to co ­ ibers, as the board has pro- terday by Local Draft Board Num- Isadore Greenberg, 228 Potters ave­ cash within thirty days. Kugel many complaints against the rail­ and highway lights under their lin Memorial Methodist Church, operate in making toe campaign a id liability insurance on some .ben..3_ Tncluded in the-call will-be nue, Providence,__EL_L______-w-ill croct-nn-UYls-ku-id-r-f-ponttog-on- sueeess and,-in -par tteula-r-, -te-etr-ess- road for excessive .use of —whistles. control mu turned out. Ail traffic latter vehicles: Newark;— and a— member rof...the William Walter Cochrane, of 1274 Francis Carberry, 1318 Myrtle street. Bailey avenue, a one-family dwell­ Lhe protection of very young chil­ Do the whistles of the Lehigh Val­ with certain specific exceptions will Typewriters Rationed council, and Rev. C. Morgan Wag­ North Broad street, brother of Hill­ Francis Joseph Smith, 33 Milford ing, costing not less than $6,000, dren. Parent-Teacher Associations ley trains annoy you, and do you be stopped and all ears must puli ner, of the Calvary Lutheran .eginning Monday, local boards side’s welterweight boxing cham­ avenue, Newark. construction of which will begin think that the engineers are justi­ to toe side of the road and put m en Church, also spoke. will stress diphtheria immunization start the rationing of type- pion, Freddie Cochrane, now in Louis Constant Arnaud, 1207 Salem within one year from the time he and smallpox vaccination of young fied in whistling, in the interests of light out. All house lights must ters, when inventory reports One Given Stay active service with the Navy. A avenue. takes title. children, particularly those in the public safety? be extinguished und arrangements all typewriter manufacturers, John Svancara, 1310 . Broadway. must be made now for night lights John Bolan, of 466 Cornell place: number of those called have moved The properLy was sold by the com­ pre-school age groups. Health De­ ROBERT L. OSWALD, 236 Penn­ ilesalers and dealers are required from Hillside since their registra­ Joseph Buttwell, 1292 Bright street. mittee after a split vote, Commit­ In business establishments. who was scheduled to leave with partments are urged to take toe sylvania avenue. be submitted. The new ration- the group, wasy given a . stay of in­ tion , an d th ese indlyid UaJs. w 111. h aye Morris Abrainowiiz^l541iBoiHl street teeman Vogel voting “no" in con­ leading part in the program, Plants engaged in deiense work plans will make more than 100,- duction because of the serious ill­ their choice of being inducted by Frank William Jenkins, 27 Van sistency with his policy of having aid and support of local Parent- "Sometimes they do and some­ on a night sln it should put into machines available for national ness of his mother. Those depart­ the local board or, if they feel that Rensselaer street, Belleville. The township receive more than Teacher Associations and other times they don't. They are often a effect as much oi. toe blackout as ribtuion to eligible persons, who ing included a fireman, James Intra- the distance from their present resi­ Edward Krulick, 1306 Avy street. $10 per front loot for municipal- agencies, and to arrange for free nuisance at night, though we don't possible. In the operation oi rail­ be placed in two classes, those bartola, a member of the Industrial dence is too great, may leave from Dominick Robertozzi, 1241 Baker owned. land. immunization or vaccination oi chil­ mind it so much during the day. roads, gate lights, signal lights and iblc for portable machines and Planning Board, Arnold McClow the office of the board J n the street. The committee discussed the ques­ dren whose parents are unable to I suppose they have to do it, but 1 train lighting may remain on un­ think that many oi toe engineers der the railroad's responsibility. ;e eligible for non-portable and three pairs o f brothers, Michael municipality in which they are re­ Anthony John Frailer, 543 Bruce tion of an amendment to the zon­ pay. whistle longer than is necessary. Station lights must be extinguished. :hines. and Martin Holic, Anthony Peter siding at the present time. avenue, Perth Amboy. ing ordinance in order that the new Dr. J. Lynn Mahaffey, Director There are some trains that you Traffic Lights Out 'hose eligible for portable models and Paul Theodore Matweishyn, and The same method of induction Edward Emil Isbriclit, 1297 White Gus Reinke factory on Hillside ave­ of Health of New Jersey, in a com ­ don’t notice, and there are others Traffic lights and blinkers must (1) State and local govern- Rudolph Stanley and Victor Stanley will be used for these men as was street. nue be placed in the industrial zone. munication to local health depart­ that start to blow quite a distance be eliminated during the blackout ts and them agencies; (2) Selec- Gieron. used for the- last group, which left Leslie Francis Haven, 1038 Prospect The committee will resume discus­ ments, declared, "Preliminary Service Boards; (3) Civilian up the track, and continue even as well as illuminated directional Also leaving with the group were last Friday. They will report to the street. sions on this matter at their next figures indicate 296 cases and a of the War and Navy Depart- alter they have passed toe cross­ signs at truffle intersections. two men inducted by the local board board’s office in the Hillside Avenue Alfred J. Forst, 1039 Union avenue. meeting, Tuesday. deaths from diphtheria were re­ nts; (4) State and Local Defense ing.” Members oi the various defense for draft boards in other com­ School at 7 a. m. where they will be Steve Yuhase, 23 Long- avenue. Road Bids Rejected ported to this department in New incils and volunteer aides of the Lffiils will wear their insignia on munities, John Percy Bradin, Jr., transported by bus to the Newark Bids for coal patch and stone, to Jersey in 1941. No case of small­ MRS. RO Y M. PARTRIDGE, 224 lice of Civilian Defense; (5) local William Walter Cochrane, 1274 the evening oi the blackout and air from Tyrone, Pennsylvania, and Armory to be inducted at 8 a. m. l5e used by the road department for pox has been reported in New Jer­ Pennsylvania avenue. ioning boards; (6) Ship’s licensed North Broad'street. raid wardens arc especially directed Those leaving on April 23 are: road repairs, were rejected, and the sey in ten years. T o reduce fur­ "No, not particularly. Oi course John Bernard Komorowski, of El­ to make tours of their sectors be­ .io operators; (7) Industrial and Louis Fries, 441 Springfield avenue, Thomas Joseph Reynolds, 541 Har­ township clerk was instructed to ther the prevalence of diphtheria mira, New York. Many of these you can't help hearing them, but tween now and the time of toe tractive establishments, construc- Newark. vard avenue. readvertise for new bids. A bid by and even to hold toe prevalence of men will leave Fort Dix this week alter a while you gel used lo them, -blackout. During the blackout, war- projects, the Cross, legis- Russell Harry Seeman, 153 Virginia George Konsack, Hotel Grant, 822 the Dosch-King Company, of Whlp- diphtheria and smallpox to toe to be placed in the many training and they are required by law lo dens will note any failure to turn .ve and judicial establishments of w-**./* street. Broad street, Newark. pany, for road oil was the' only bid present level, immunization and centers throughout the country, whislle at the crossings.” out lights and will keep a record United States, lumber camps, after which they will be assigned to William Joseph Martin, 868 Sheri- Robert Allen Fredrickson, 103 South approved and accepted by the com­ vaccination must be continued. As EARL SAXE, 1278 North Broad of all failures oi cooperation. rer generation, transportation or a unit where they are most needed I dan avenue, Elizabeth. mittee, who felt that the others defense measures, they are parti Front street, Lewisuurg, Pa. Watches oi all civilian defense imunication facilities operating Walter Jackowski, 1438 Leslie street. were too high, even with the cur­ cularly important at this time." street. .. for the completion of their service, Saul Sanders Arons, 147 Bailey ave­ workers will be synchronized with der an A-5 or higher priority Gary Linwood Eary, 1014 Salem rent price raise oi materials. Health Officer Samuel M. Jowitt "No, not in the leusl. At night I o - nue. radio time at toe 8 p. m. signals. ng from the W. P. B.; (8) News avenue. A resolution was adopted which also urged parents to have children sleep right through, and neither the 'C*r.s, periodicals and radio broad- •4*------TOP INSURANCE SALESMAN Charles Guzinger, 1602 Summit ave­ officially makes Carmen Dill a vaccinated against whooping cough, whistles nor toe vibrations bother ting stations regularly engaged nue. member of the fire department on preferably when they are between me. 1 do know that it’s a railroad the dissemination of news or Joseph J. Havey, of 1469 High­ Julius Nathan Ramo, 200 Grumman Maid jaded For a temporary, basis. Dill will re­ the ages of six months to two years. law that ail engineers sound their ws comment; (.9) United States land avenue, led the entire agency avenue. ceive $2,100 per year, the same Information on toe subject may be. whistles at every crossing, and 1 Rotary Glub •vermnent owned corporations. force of the New York Life Insur­ Morris Perlman, 209 Dorer avenue. iiieiis In iioine salary as that received by full- secured from the Board of Heal to think that in time anyone can get Non-For tables ance Company, Northern New Jer­ Bayard Fairlic LaForcc, 42 Mertz flcuged members oi the department, or toe local child hygiene nurses. used to it.” hose eligible for non-portable sey Branch, in February and March avenue. but his service will terminate upon HAROLD JOHNSON, 223 Holly­ lias Election 'dels are contractors with any on volume of written business. To Joseph Carsidona, 1442 Franklin Winnie Anderson, 18, colored, oi the return of fireman James Intra- wood avenue. 'hey of the government for the date in April, he also leads the en­ street. barlola, who is now on leave of ab­ 23 Mercer street, Newark, was sen­ "When we first came here we no- j (Continued on page 4) tire agency force. Walter Anthony Kremer, 298 Crann sence. The Rotary Club elected Elmer Bristol Gets Liced them very much, but now they street. tenced to thirty days in the county Permission was granted Waller Petersen, chairman oi the Hillside don't bother us in the least, and Byron Clifford Hall, 1252 Miriam jail in delimit oi $100 line and $3 ITowell, Frank Collins, Carl Stre Rationing Board and executive of wc don’t worry about them. Even; place. binger and Charles Holzworth, to the Bristol-Myers Company as its costs in the Police Court Tuesday. Post In W PB if they do annoy you there’s n o t1 Charles John Harvey Jr., 135 South use the township owned land on new president to succeed Karl Miss Anderson was arrested Satur­ much you can do about it because Munn avenue, Newark. Chester street for a garden, with Mould. Elections were held at the they are required to blow at the Thomas Sigismund Syzmanski, 410 day on a complaint of Samuel K ap­ the understanding that the prop­ Appointment of William N. Bris­ club’s meeting in the Hillside Pres­ crossings." t Iflfjen tion Rutgers avenue. lan, of 1600 Bayview avenue, wiio erty is subject to sale and that the tol Jr., vice president and director byterian Church Tuesday, when the members voted in a new board of George M cDonald Stevenson, 34 employed her as a maid, and who four residents assume all responsi­ of the Bristol Myers Co., as acting VITO CAVALCANTE, 214 Penn­ directors, Petersen, Oden F. Libbey Obeying Traffic Laws Fairbanks street. bility of the property while it is in chief of the safety and technical sylvania avenue. charged her with; taking, money and equipment branch of WPB, was Sr., Charles Bowman, Adolph Solo­ Charles George" Frantzmann, 284 their use. "They certainly do, and 1 think various household articles from his announced this week by the New­ mon, Rev. George M. Runner, Karl Cream Of The Crop Conklin avenue. County Park Homes indicated that something should be done Edwin James Mitchell, 276 Winans •home. She was taken into custody their interest in the construction ark information branch of the O f­ Mould and T. E. Willson. by Deputy Chief John Mason and about it, even if they have to build Alter the results of toe balloting Builder Of Morale avenue. of small dwellings on property on fice of Emergency Management. a bridge across the tracks. My were revealed, toe new board con­ Stanley Bernhard, 20 Looker street. Patrolmen Joseph Wirasnick and the west side oi Hollywood avenue, daughter has a permanent eye ai- vened to choose its officers, and A reader who noticed the item in this column last week about John August Desch, 1480 Highland Eugene Callao. adjoining the new firehouse, and fliction caused by toe sudden noises named Petersen, president; Libbey, ^avenue. Judge Ellsworth J. Sterner, in made an offer of $9 per front foot Mayfair Theatre patrons who get tickets for illegal parking points Weston Certified when she was very young, and 1 vice president; Bowman, secreLaiw; Leonard Gibson, 1599 Comptqn Monday’s . session of the court, for this land. '"The committee in-, out that if they were thoroughly familiar with, the motor vehicle think we are entitled to some- con* Solomon, treasurer, and Rev. Run­ place. ‘ ” recojnmtyjdexi To the New York didated 'that this offer is accept­ jaws jhey • probably wouldn’t get the tickets; One1 regulation in ‘sideiatlon. Alter all we are tax­ ner, sergeanl-afl-arms. State motor vehicle commissioner able, because toe land is considered For Birth Records payers, and I don't see why we Bo Adlerbert, owner of the Sun­ particular prohibits parking within 25 feet of a street intersection. that the license of Felix Swiaki, of less valuable than other municipal should suffer from unnecessary rise Dairy, of Route 29, and former But on the other hand there are drivers who know the law and Brooklyn, be revoked, alter he was owned property due to its proximity Stnley H. Weston of Hillside, blowing as there is a watchman junior member of the Ithaca Rotary still disregard it. found guilty of driving his automo­ to the Lehigh Valley Railroad. clerk uf tlie Second District Court there lor twenty-four hours to put was inducted into the membership bile at the rate of 75 miles per hour Further action will be taken next of Union County, this week was the gates down.” of the club by Howard Bloy with on route 29. Harold Koehler, of week at toe committee’s meeting certified to take affidavits for the Ben Berkowitz, the genial gentleman at the Central Paper MRS. EDNA MILLER, 251 Holly­ the reading oi the purpose and aims f Nazareth, Pa., was fined $22 and next Tuesday, at the Coe avenue replacement of birth certificates of of the Rotary. Mr. Adlerbert was Co. in Newark, is a little different from a good many persons who $3 costs, after being convicted of school. wood avenue. persons born in New Jersey by Judge presented with a pin oi the organ­ donate to worthy causes. Some persons do it patronizingly, as careless driving, also on route 29. "We’ve been here at this address Ervin S. Fulop, judge of the court. ization, and was informed he was though they were conferring a favor. But Ben feels honored and Other minor motor vehicle viola­ WINS RUTGERS AWARD for two and one-half years now The action was taken under Chap­ welcome Lo visit any of the Rotary considers the opportunity a privilege. It is in this spirit that he tions resulted in assessments and and in that time you can get used Eugene Ebert, of 29 Harden street, ter 21 of the Laws of 1942, recently organizations throughout the coun­ is donating the paper for the air raid alarm folder which the costs amounting to $67. to anything. When we first came received a certificate for work in enacted. try. Hillside Defense Council will shortly distribute, and in the same a week Judge Sterner postponed till toe Glee Club of toe Newark Eve­ It is pointed out that toe statute here we couldn’t help but notice At the luncheon were five guests, Monday the trial oi James Lovell, them, but they don't bother us now. spirit he gave the Newark Defense Council the paper for a 48- That’s little enough to spend to. ning Division of Rutgers University does not apply to persons bom out­ Harry Cooper and F. Zolin, presi­ of 37 Clark street, who was ac­ The law says they have to do it, so Page booklet. make a soldier or sailor, marine at the annual student awards dinner side New Jersey, who must follow dent and treasurer of the Cooper cused of malicious mischief in a there isn’t m uch use complaining or aviator happy. For keeping held last night at Kraft’s Home­ the law of toe state in which they Alloy Foundry Company, and R. E. complaint made by his former em- anyway." him in touch with home activi­ stead, East Orange. were bom. Cheney, Dr. Vernon Still and John According to the experience of several local boys, some branches ties is certainly a good way to , ployer, A. J. Stehlgens, head of the 1 Blue Bell Dairy. Mr. Stehgens, in MRS. RICHARD JAGGERS, 225 Pierson, visiting members of neigh­ °1 the naval service are going to be hard put to it to fill their help keep him contented, and Ills complaint, charged that Lovell Hollywood avenue. boring clubs. free from home-sickness. Personnel when they finally decide they really need the men. With 1 iii an intoxicated state punctured ‘‘We'v'fc lived here so long that Due to the time required to hold Ml the placards and radio announcements calling for boys in It’s like a weekly letter from 15 tires on milk trucks in the dairy they don’t bother us, and alter all it the elections, n o speaker was pre­ Allege to enlist in various naval services, many boys who try home to send him a copy of The garage with an ice pick, after be­ Immediate Delivery is a safety precaution, so I don’t sented, but it was announced by ^ find they are wasting their time. They apparently have to be Hillside Times each Thursday. A ing discharged by the dairy com ­ think there’s anything to complain Anton Vit Jr., that the State Fish and Game Commission would pre­ Piactic&Uy perfect physical specimens to be accepted, and the year’s subscription is only $2. pany. ON ALL about.” Many thoughtful people in town sent a program at the club’s lunch­ ratio of perfection in this instance is about the same as in most are subscribing to the local paper eon next Tuesday, when the speak­ other things. One regulation which even naval men agree is out- for their sons, relatives, friends, VITO ADDEO & SON 1942 NOTICE er will be Jules Manon, a member m°ded relates to the teeth. If even one back tooth is missing, etc. 20 Hillside Ave. WA. 3-0891 PONTIACS To the party that had taken sign of the commission's educational the applicant will be turned down. This, it is said, is a leftover The Hillside Times is now be­ GOOD GRADE LEHIGH COAL AT and bracket from Looker St., staff, who will illustrate his talk Bom the Spanish-American War, when men in the field had ing sent to many camps through­ Nut and Stove . . . 10.50 ton Hillside, N. J. "Is Known.” If with moving pictures. The follow­ considerable hard-tack in their rations, and’ perfect molars were a out the country. One copy goes P e a ...... 9.25 ton it is not returned within a week ing week, the Rotary members will Practical necessity. As it is working out, tire Army is getting the regularly to a Hillsider stationed they will be prosecuted to the hear a talk on Iceland by a speaker 2nd Grade Nut & Stove 9.25 ton of toe Newark Evening News educa­ cream of the crop and when the Navy goes after the men, it will in Pearl Harbor. MAXON MOTORS, Inc. full extent o f the law. HAMB DAY NKKVIC'K tional staff. oar’e to be content with somewhat inferior grades. Think it over. We know you will com e in and give us some 1444 NO. BEOAD ST., HILLSIDE lucky boy’s address for his weekly One of the Most Modern Lubricating Systems Ken Ross, member of the Board of Assessors, has a pastime copy. HONEYWELL at Is not only peculiar to himself but has a patriotic motive in SPECIAL m the County, yet you pay o n ly ...... $ i that it helps build morale in the armed forces. Ken is reported FUNERAL HOME id corr Times COMPLETE GREASE JOB HIRLEMAN’S ESSO STATION ■ respond fairly regularly with at least a dozen young men The Hillside Your lubrication Job Is verified by charts Issued by 1070 No. Broad St, llillsidr 75< 4 % |n Ration’s armed forces. He knows the boys and likes to do 1443 N. Broad St., Hillside Including Spray . • . . your oar manufacturer. R- In one instance he received a 16-page reply, written on both WAverly 3-2465 EL. 2-1770 BOLLYWOOD AVK, Cenar OONANT IT. sMes of the sheet - r 6 * THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1942 Page Eight

B y T ” W om en’s Page Personal Soeiety NotesFraternal

Passover baskets. ’ Miss Florenpe roses. Ail wore clusters o f' flowers Mrs. William Bonas oi loui Morris, Americanism chairman, on, their hats and had face veils. TIIE GRADUATE COOKS* Nominations Held I hieanor J. Horto n made a report on "Our Flag.” Re- Mary Metzger Is Recreation Center cookST Andrew De Hagara was best man By GLADYS HETZJEL IreshmenlvS were served by Joan ;iihI ushers were William Bohack, H omespun served a dinner ttMhei- e Pcldman and Elaine Fradkin. ’ Miss Howard von Linden and Walter e V iS r , At Hillside Ave. b'rideOf Army/Vlan Lorraine Seifer, membership chair­ Union Man s Bride Karmazyn, brother of the bride­ Center. I heard that m A* stretching the week-end ’into next man, reported eleven now members groom. NOW TH AT EASTER has come Otto and Mr. Ben Hale • * and gone, and the snapshots have week-end. Mrs. William Zupnik was n o m ­ The Elizabeth Avenue Presby­ in the past month. The member­ .tire males present. ’ ^ St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, been taken to prove to our out of THE OMEGA SIGMA PSI sorority inated president of the Hillside terian Church was the setting Sat­ ship drive is being continued. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES Newark, was llie setting at 5 p. m. town friends that we did get a new met Tuesday night at the home oi • Avenue- p .-t : a . a c vhtr reg-ator urday evening lor the- wedding oi - = of Hillside avenue had as Saturday for the wedding of Miss hat, perhaps we can settle down Mrs, Mary Aim Engesser, 213 Holly­ meeting oi the association last Miss Eleanor Janet Horton, daugh­ Sunday Mr. and Mm -S Mary Louise Metzger, daughter of In Song Recitai to catching up on the bills we let wood avenue. Helen Kirkpatrick Wednesday in tire - school, auditor - ter oi Mi-, and Mrs. Vernon liorton, Mr. and Mrs. William Metzger oi Heam of Hasbrouck Ik,',;,,,, ium. Ollier officers' nominated arc; oi 274 Clark street, and Pvt. Carl slide in order to array the family told me/ It’s usually fair weather ’ ’ Name W omen I o 1537 Highland avenue, and Andrew alike King Solomon in all his glory. MRS. GROVER GYPTON and Mrs. Elmer Loew, first vice presi­ Sew alls' oi F ort Knox, Ky., son oi Karmazyn, son oi Mr. and Mrs. sisters get together- -Whichl dent; Mi’s. Ereuerick Crater, second Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sew ails, oi A t Woman’sClub It was a lovely day though, wasn't children, Patty and Jimmy, of us bo a close. Walter Karmazyn, oi Union Town­ it? <1 don’t know about the sun­ Scotch Plains, and Mrs. Albert vice president; . Mrs. Walter fieiuo, Port Richmond, S. i. Rev. Arthur Aid Registration ship. This is G. H. remindin'. recording secretary; Mrs. Johir -NorthWood, the pastor, perionned A song recital entitled "A Garland rise, but the rest oi it.) I ’m won­ Brown oi town, had lunch today at the Rising Sun and i, The ceremony was >performed by dering in wiiat form that chocolate the home oi Mrs. .Stanley Cottrell, Scannell, corresponuing secretary, the ceremony, and a reception lol- Rev. Dr. E. A. Wasson, pastor oi of Songs" was presented before the can’t possibly be in ule llc. and Mrs. George Gacnenauer Jr., luvvcd at tiiu iiulne ui tiie bnciuo Several appointments were made Woman’s Club ui H illside’Tuesday bunny arrived at the southern 1214 Columbia place. the same time. St. Mary's Episcopal Church, jlt- camp to which I sent it. Me thinks, MR. AND MRS., DICK HUSS and - U ^uurcr.—^i.u<.-—Guy-pi ... -L. .a....mLC.Lin^ executive .Lruaiu —City:— D r—Wa^sun "was 'pu in. ■Hir..Masonic Hail sy— Adeie—T.t of the Hurden-Looker P .-T. A. butter scotch would have been daughter Norma; of Fitzpatrick by the nominating committee, ,virs. Given hi marriage by.her lather, oi St. Stephen’s when the bride’s Gulbrandsen. "The Palms,,” a musi­ —o~ Joseph Hale and Miss Edna llie bride was attended by Mrs. Monday. A group oi six women cal selection, was also given. The much better. street, spent Sunday in Washing­ parents were married. Mrs. Allred DO YOU HAVE His and Her ton Heights, N. Y., visiting Mrs. The Hillside Times Election and installation vvili uu Philip J. Sciiaub of Hillside as was named to assist hi the sugar Walker was the soloist, Mr. Waikei club's nominating committee pre­ rationing registration at the school towels in your bathroom? And does Huss’ sister, Mrs. Steven Brown and by local as well as held at the next a-tsociaaon meet­ matron oi hon or and by her sis ter­ the organist. A reception was held sented Llie slate oi officers pub­ Qul-ot ing, May 13. m-law, Mrs. Robert V. Horton or next month and will include Mrs. lished in the last issue. Mrs. Dun­ he stick to his and vice versa? What iamily. Pvt. Leonard Brown, tiie business men. Advert, at the American Legion Home, about tire children? W hy doesn't son, stationed at Maxwell Field, pearing regularly tell tin Mrs. lime, vice president, pie • Hillside and her cousin, Miss Doris Albert Johnson, Mrs. William Gill- Union Township. can MacIntyre and her committee story,. ing, Mrs. Ira Getchell, Mrs. James someone think about them, or do Ala., and his little sister Gloria re­ vcrtlsement. siuea at the meeting anu me pm.-i Wearren oi Plainfield as brides­ The bride wore her mother’s veil were liostcss'es. Glynn, Mrs. Angelo Sorrentino, Mrs. they? If the towel says “ His” does turned with the Huss’ for a visit, den t message was read, by M m . maids. Sgt. Robert V. liorton o f oi silk net with a crown oi seed On Tuesday April 14 at 12:30 p. Edward Oram and Mrs. William that entitle him to rub his shoes I’ll let you know when Gloria goes Edward Her us ter. Acting demon­ fo rt Bragg, North Carolina, brother pearls. Her gown was oi white m. the Civics Department will hold Johnstone. off with it too? (I’ve seen some that home. stration agent oi the Home Econo- oi the bride, served as best man, satin with a lull skirt and long a meeting at the home of Mrs. .mics Extension Be rvice oi Union the ushers being Leon SewalK Mrs. Gilling was appointed chair­ Robert K. Bloy Sr., oi 1465 Renter looked like it.) . May she wipe up MRS. ALBERT JOHNSON, oi train. She carried a cascade oi the puddles from the floor on ‘Hers?” 5 RUGS and CARPE County, Mrs. Margaret M. Mearns, brother of the groom, and Theo­ man of a rummage sale to be held gladioli. street, when the department' wiil 240 Crann street; is ill at Beth Well its something to think about. was tiie guest speakt.. In s:a.,.,ai0 dore. Korol, nephew oi the groom, at a date to be announced later. Tiie maid oi honor, her sisic- hold its annual covered dish lunch­ Israel Hospital. Someone remind ARE YO U a 6ill Columnist? I the importance oi proper food both ol Port Richmond; Philip J. Mrs. Robert C. Kirkpatrick, presi­ Wilma, wore aquamarine chiffon eon. Mrs. Arthur Theurer will be the P.-T. A. secretary to send a Cleaned Repaired Stor knqjv you don't mean to be, but necessary to keep hie American tcnauD oi Hillside and Ernest Heil­ dent, will be in charge oi a motion and carried talisman roses. The m charge. card. Best wishes from, the "guis ’ are you taken in by all the im­ family healthy, Mrs. Mearns pre­ man Jr. oi Newark. picture at tiie school some time, bridesmaids, Miss Lillian Metzger, The Fine Arts Department will Mi’s J. Oriental and Domestic possible stories going around? sented a chart outlining the "must.o Tiie bride wore a gown of white next month. aunt o i tiie bride; Miss Henrietta meet at the home oi its chairman, PVT.' DONALD E. KLING, oi Don’t repeat them unless you are Operating oiie of the of the daily diet, speaking oi the embossed starched ch ilfo n ' with T h e following members were ap­ Metzger, cousin oi tiie bride, and Mrs. Raymond Wolf, on Thursday Fort Jackson, S. C., was home on a given names and addresses to go Modern and Efficient Plan' rising price oi milk and the tendency long sleeves and iashioned with a pointed to the auditing committee; Miss Joan Kpgelman were gowned April 16. Miss Margaret Kennedy, | visit oi two weeks. Of course most with them. D on’t tell the one about in New Jersey. of people to cut down on the quan­ sweetheart neckline. Her illusion Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, in starqhed organdy oi orchid, yel­ oi the speakers’ bureau of the Hill-1 oi his tune was spent with his wile the caskets in New York, Llie dead tity they use, Mrs. Mearns sue, veil lell iroin a matching Mary Mrs. Oram and Mrs. M. Krstenik. low and blue and carried pma side Teachers Association, will give j Elinor Von den Sleinen Kling, oi New Carpets and Rug chauffeur in the gully, or the nun gested evaporated milk be substi­ Queen oi Scots hat and she carried a talk on dobs. Hostesses will be Fitzpatrick street. at Direct from Facto tuted. , white carnations and, sweet peas. Mrs. Henry J. Althenn, Mrs. George coining back ■ from the dead to ELAINE RIES, of Salem road, Selections by the school orchestra Tiie attendants’ frocks were oi Dorer, Mrs. Harry Schnabel and hitch-hike a ride and predict the Union, just across the border, was Savings and Mothersingers’ Chorus, directed similar m aterial and style as the Mrs. G. Douglas* Wilson. outcome o f the war, before van­ given a party Saturday night in (Gulistan - Bigelow - Mohan) ishing. They aren’t true. And that by Leonard Strassman and Daniel bride's gown, the matron oi honor Social Items honor of her 13 th birthday. Spin­ 1- Kautzman, were enjoyed. Mrs. wearing pink with a matching Mary sweater knitted by a friend of yours ning the bottle were Caryl Streb- •fr Brehm 8 Raymond Hagaman accompanied Queen of Scots hat and carrying lor the Red Cross, and intended for inger, Doris Petras, Honey Hetzel, “Built on Confidence" the chorus at the piano. The fourth pink carnations and blue lace, and Avon Girl Bride a1 soldier, has appeared on every­ Campbell Johnstone, Billie - Benier, grade class of Mrs. John Scannell the bridesmaids wearing blue with .B y SALLY AicGliEE. body from, a salesgirl in Kresge’s Melvin Summer and Carl Chebin. Tel. ELizabetli 3-830 was awarded the attendance prize. matching M ary Queen oi Scots hats to a boy in Australia who paid three Tsk, Tsk. East Grand St. & Madison A social hour followed in the P.-T and carrying pink carnations and STAR OF HILLSIDE COUNCIL, miscellaneous shower given in dollars for it. Stop' these rumors NOT TO BE OUTDONE by the ELIZABETH, \ J. A. room,, sixth grade mothers and OF Chas. Hanson by asking for the names and ad­ Blue his. Daughters oi America, held a meet­ honor - of her niece, Miss Lillian Blairstown (N. J.) Press, and the board members assisting the hostess. ing on Monday evening, in Masonic; dresses of the persons involved, so Mrs. 'Horton wore a gown of light Mess, oi Dorer avenue. The home Portland tPa.) Enterprise, which Mrs. William Cunningham. Hah. Plans were completed for the The marriage of Miss Carolyn you can report it. You’ll be sur­ blue crepe and Mrs. Sewalls chose was decorated in pink and blue will be carrying items of the visit Representing the association at Grander, daughter ol' Mrs. Harry prised to see people lose their con­ navy blue. Both wore corsages of District Rally which will be held on with a- large watering can extend­ by the Hetzels to those places on the Central Spring Coniereiice at fident manner and back down. talisman roses. Saturday evening hi Masonic Hall. ing from the ceiling to a miniature Grander Sr. and the late Mr. Tuesday, I give it to you iirst hand. Asbury Park April 15 will be the Send to the Office of Facts and The bride is a graduate of Hill­ All members are urged to attend. garden hi which the gilts were con­ Grander, of Avon, ancl ,P. F. C. We visited cousin Florie and cousin president, Mrs. Claus Miller, and Figures, Washington, D. C., for your side High School and the bride­ HURDEN-LOOKER POST No. 50, cealed. Miss Mess became the bride Charles Robert Hanson, son of Marjorie in Blairstown, ‘ cousin Mrs. Paul Owen. booklet "Divide and Conquer”. It groom of Port Richmond High American Legion Auxiliary, will hold of Charles Luster Sanford, young­ Building Inspector and Mrs. Charles Amanda in Hainesburg and aunt explains how the Axis starts these School; a meeting in the Hillside Com­ est son of Police Chief and Mrs. Hanson, of 47 Hollywood avenue, Carrie and uncle John- Wildnck in munity House on Wednesday eve­ Norman Sanford, oi Parkview ter­ rumors, and it’s for free. Alter a wedding trip the bride took place Sunday at 4 p. m. in the Portland. (I should have stood home ning. Plans will be completed for race, on Saturday afternoon in the THAT’S QUITE A GAG-LINE in Announce Engagement will reside with her parents and Garwood Presbyterian Church with and dug up social items for you). Hillside Presbyterian Church, Rev. the window of the Peter Pan Beauty the groom will return to Fort the Past Presidents’ dinner which the Rev. John Whitfield Sloan offi­ PVT. BEN SUMMER, of Fitz­ will be held at the Flagship on George M. Runner officiating at ciating. Shop. It reads, "Bring in your pan Knox, Ky. patrick street, when not at Fort O f Miss Ruth Quick April 28. the ceremony. Miss Mess was at­ before it peters out.” The bride, who was given in Jackson, is home for ten days and ON MONDAY AFTERNOON ill tired in a powder blue crepe dress marriage by her brother, Harry A M ARRIED MAN I know was Mr. and Mrs. John Quick, oi 1181 making glad the hearts of mother tiie Hillside Presbyterian : Church with hat to m atch and carried an Grander of Westfield, was attended teasing a single girl about getting Thom as street, announced the en ­ and father Summers, and I might J.W .V. Auxiliary lo llie annual election of the Ladies old fashioned bouquet. Her only a boy .friend. He said, "Never mind gagement of their daughter, Ruth by Mrs. William Miller as matron add Mildred Lacey. You look grand Aid was held. Tuesday evening the attendant was' Mrs. June Ferguson oi honor while the best man was kid, I like you, and maybe some Lucille,, to Frederick Louis Davey Bennie. regular- meeting -ol the session was of Cranford, who wore beige crepe George Allred Hansen, brother of day you’ll be wife number two for Jr., son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hold A Victory I ea MR. AND MRS. ED GILROY, of held. On Wednesday evening the witii a black hat and carried flow­ the groom. Ushers were Fred me.” T o which the girl flipped, Davey, of Kenilworth, at a party church school faculty meeting took ers similar 'to the bride. Mr. San­ Philadelphia, daughter and son-in- Grander, a brother oi the bride, and “ Thanks just the' same, but I ’ve law of the Ray Reilly’s oi Fitzpat­ Easter Sunday at their home here. The Ladies Auxiliary oi Newark place. Monday evening April 13 ford's best m an was his brother- Alfred Nohr, the groom's uncle. seen the preview of married life rick street, spent the week-end here Post 34, Jewish War Veterans, will the annual congregational meeting in-law, Truman Plant of Hillside. Following the ceremony a recep­ with you.” collecting their baby Maureen who hold a victory tea and card party will be held, reports will be re­ After the ceremony the couple left tion was held at the Hanson home A FRIEND OF MINE fell into a April 15 at 8 p. in. at 929 Bergen ceived and officers elected. Tonight lor a short honeymoon to Atlantic was staying with Mrs. Reilly while where a buffet'supper was served. lake last summer. Erie, wasn’t it? her daddy was sick. street, Newark. The auxiliary is the Ladies Aid Society will present City. Those attending the shower The bride was attired in a gown THINGS I ESPECIALLY LIKE |SLEN9ERiZE devoting considerable time to Red a two hour movie under the aus­ were Mrs. N. Sanford, Mrs. E. V. MR. AND MRS. HARRY DONO­ of wihte moire with sweetheart dept.: A newspaper fresh off the VAN Jr., of 1145 Church street, Cross and pefense work. Every Tues­ pices of a local ice cream firm. Rettino, Mrs. J. C. Brown, Mrs. neckline while the matron of honor press, and me the first one to open day members are hostesses at the MRS. CHARLES KAUFMAN, oi Carl Huber, Mrs. Ralph Bewley, have a little boy Richard Dauglas, wore blue moire. The junior brides­ it. (I’ll be down Thursday). born March 24 at the American Le­ Service M en’s Center' at 47 Spruce 827 Union avenue, and lier niece, Mrs. John Gerndt, Mrs. Truman IT’S ODD how some things stand W ithout Strenuous maids, Joan and Caroline Grander, gion Memorial Hospital. Not to be • I street, Newark. Mrs. Rose Chanin, ! Miss Irene Fuelling, oi 40 Fair- Plant, Mrs. J. Gobosh, Mis. George nieces of the bride, were dressed in out so vividly in a m other’s mind, Exercise or Diet outdone little Walter Vashey, of defense chairman and her commit­ I banks street, entertained on Thurs- Sanford, Mrs. F. Ferguson, Miss Mail and PhonB O, . llM TRY peach moire. like the time in Sunday School on 280 Shelton terrace made his ap­ tee, are in charge. | day evening at Miss Fuelling’s home Helen Gobosli, Miss Margaret Dol- the occasion of your ch ild’s fourth T h e Famous Guests from Hillside were Mr. pearance the same day at the same Call EL. - - : /.III I The Daughters group held an o f­ ! with a stork shower for Mrs. Louis sen, Miss Doris Dutot, Rose Marie birthday, when she was prepared MAC LEVY and Mrs. Louis Hanson, Mr. and hospital. He is the cherub of Mr. ficers meeting at the home ol the Fuelling Jr., o f North Broad street. S. Davis, Mrs. Stephen Davis, Mrs. - System • Mrs. Harold Hanson, Rev. J. Robert with four coins in her hand (one, and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Vashey. vice president. Miss Muriel Ormay. Decorations were in pink and blue Frank Teiss, Mrs. L. Gundlacn, Free Demonstration Cockrell, Miss Lila Purchase, Mr. a quarter to pay for the book she THE BASSINET is ready and 3600 Rolls "Bci"clo|j Plans were made for a picnic to be with a bassinette holding the many Mrs. E. Dutot, Mi’S. F. Gundlach. Steam Cabinet and Mrs. Leslie Kellner, Mr. and was to receive) and through an waiting for the infant that will be held with the Boys Outpost some pretty gifts Mrs. Fuelling received. Mrs. Elva Nickadem and Miss Sally Toilet tissue Needle Shower Mrs. Hiram Mott, Mr. and Mrs. oversight she wasn’t called upon to delivered to Dr. William Zimmer, time this month. At the last busi­ Besides the guest of honor those McGhee. Swedish Massage Charles Robshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Leo blow out" the candles set up in the of 1304 Liberty avenue, and his ness meeting, the Daughters initi­ present included Mrs. A. Giard, MRS. ANNA DORAK of Kearny Henry, Miss S. Gillett, Jack David­ wooden "cake”, or to drop her pen­ 1,000 sheet roll.-, supal ELIZABETH lovely wife Evelyn in the very near soft, super absorbent! ated three new members, Violet Mrs. C. Wittick, of Newark; Mrs. was the guest oi her daughter and son, Miss Ethel Harrison and Miss nies in the Birthday Box. Or the future. Remember Doctor, they’ve Yellow, peach, bint,! l e n d e rm n g Suravsky, o f 538 Tillman street; J. O’Connor, oi Vailsburg; Mrs. B. son -in -law ,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Margaret Buchanan. annual Maypole Dance at school Evelyn Ffeielman, of 273 William­ Crowley, of Cranford; Mrs. James Fox, of Bank street, for the Easter never lost a father yet. Invite me green, white, l.»; ndeiB SALON Pvt. Hanson has a specialist rat­ when almost every child had a rib­ to the birth if it’s a boy. Mail and phone ordefl! son avenue and Roselle Lebowitz, of Ryder, of .Mountainside; Mrs. W. holiday. bon to hold to while “dancing” ex­ 206 BROAD ST. ing with the 56th Battalion Signal DON’T FORGET the chow mein filled. Call EL. 2-4(l| Newark. Francine Schwartz played Cranley, Mrs. F. Hockenbury, Mrs. MR. AND MRS. WILLARD Corps at Fort Jackson, S. C. cept yours. True, your child could Algo Musmiro uml Ivvuruisc for Men h,\ luncheon on next Tuesday between several selections on her clarinet. F. McChesney, Mrs. H. Kaufmann, HOAGLAND, formerly of Hollywood ------------be depended upon to pull the pole a Male Attemlanl V mminlm.-nt «ml> 11:30 and lr30 at the Calvary 8 for KLIZADKTIl. Phone IX. U-0 * ID Miss Beverly Mansdori desires to Miss Irene Fuelling, Mrs. Louis avenue and now oi Providence, R. over, or surely have the ribbon come %L Lutheran Church. After all, the thank all who donated toward the Fuelling Sr., -oi Hillside; Miss Jean L, visited their son George before away in her hand; but something luxsm & taw Chinese are our Allies. Brady, of Elizabeth; Miss Julia lie leit ior the army oil Friday. For Miss Meyer s Troth happens .to a mother’s heart on THE IRA GETCHELLS, of Ryan Zodie, of Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. the week-end they were the guests such occurences, and she never feels street, spent Sunday at Asbury J. Williams of Irvington. oi their daughter ill Bradley Beach. the same toward the person re­ Revealed A t Bridge Park drinking in the spring styles. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT PIER­ MR. AND MRS. RICHARD H. sponsible, again. HEADQUARTERS FOR SON, of 36 Fairbanks street, en­ TICHENOR and family, oi North MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM I’M W ORKING on a new song U. tertained on Tuesday evening at a Broad street, were dinner guests oi The engagement of Miss Marjorie LAMPE, of Clinton place, had as be sung after the first week in ■dinner party lor then son, Robert Mrs. Tichenor’s parents, Mr. and E. Meyer, daughter of Mrs. M ar­ guests over the week-end their Butter, C iie e se and atggs May. It’s called "My Sugar Went Pierson 3rd, who became engaged to Mrs. A. Stem of Malclen terrace for garet Meyer, of 72 Hillside avenue, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Away or W hy Did I Lose My R a­ ALL GROCERIES - VEGETABLES & I BXJITS IN SEASON Miss Gladys W olf, daughter of Mr. the Easter holiday. and Robert P. Phelan of Linden, tion Card.” and Mrs. W olf of Westfield on Sun­ MR. AND MRS. PAUL HUBER, son. of Mr. and Mrs. John Phelan, UNITED GROCERY CO. DID YO U EVER notice all the day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. of Linwood place, had as week-end was revealed Saturday evening at a road stands at the top of the hill? 1420 North Broad St. Free Delivery Wolf, Mrs. Minnie Pierson, Mr. and guests their son and daughter-in- bridge given at the home of the Why is that? Drive up a long hill, Mrs. William Ammerman and son law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huber Jr., bride-to-be. Those attending were: JOSEPH’S BEAUTY SALON and your tongue can be hanging Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Piei'- of Philadelphia. The Misses Marjorie Meyer, M ar­ Specializing- in Permanent Waving out for a drink, but all the signs son and son Albert, and J. P. Reed. MRS. M. PURCHASE and chil­ cella Lendino, Lillian Walker, Jean will point bo the top where re­ Individual Hair Cutting and Feather Cutting MR. AND MRS. GEORGE REA- dren. of >Coe avenue, recently re­ Motczska, Margaretta Harvey, Mary freshments are served with the l N0- BROAD ST. ELIZABETH, SOR, of Coe avenue, had as week­ turned home alter a visit to rela­ Fox, Elizabeth Keller, Mary Leon­ v Near Lexington Place ijU8 N o .-47 & No. 49 PusBea the Telephone ELizabdth 2-9776 scenery. I ’d like to stop half-way end guests Mr. Reasor’s parents, tives in Bethlehem, Pa. ard, Clara Crowley, Jane Simmons, c7 PHONE ELiza/betli 2-1681 Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Reasor, of Hor­ MRS. C. McGHEE, of Plainfield, Betty Dick, Helen Hanson and Con­ up, and be different. $ o w . that I’m worked up about it, I think M ALLEY’S DRESS'SHOP ned, "N. Y. is Llie guest oi her son and daugh­ stance Runner; also Mrs. Helen I ’ll take it up with the Mt. Free­ MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM AM- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard, Mrs. P. H. Glannon, Mrs. dom Chamber of Commerce. .. ^.Imliyi'liijil Srylw lor BkerimiiiMTrig-Wmmrft M ERM ANoi hi Fairbanks str.act, McGhee, of -North. Broad .street.. H, A. Simmons, Mrs. S. E. Dick, BE W A R Y when some one- says 'held open house on Sunday for MR. AND MRS. F. CONRAN, o f1 Mrs. Helen Friedfnan, Mis. Jbhn Sportswear - Lingerie - Hosiery - Accessories to you, "I never saw you look bet­ their son Robert who is leaving Robert street, spent Thursday in Andrews and son, and Mrs. M ar­ ter in your life.” You may take Monday to enter the air cadets. Bridgeport, Conn. garet Meyer. F O O i) 314 MORRIS AVENUE ELIZABETH, N. J. it as a compliment, but when you Decorations were carried out in red, MR. AND MRS. CHARLES The color scheme of Easter was white and blue. Guests included carried throughout the decorations. figure it out, you find subtle im­ FRANK’S SMITH, of Salem avenue, were hosts plications like. “I never saw you STORES the Misses M ae Keir, Elizabeth Pul- at a surprise farewell party on Sat­ The announcement of the engage­ look better. You always look pretty sinelly, Marie Sirinott, Harion Thi- urday evening for Mr. and Mrs. W. ment was made by having a hen awful.” 237 Hollywood Avenue | bodeau, Doris Munkel, Vilma Davies, of Salem avenue, who ■ are setting on a huge nest in the mid­ j Zilahy, Eleanor Noll, Jane Kiepfcr, leaving the last of the month to dle of the table from which a rib­ DID YO U HEAR K enny Baker 1401 Maple Ave., coiner Hillside Ave. i of Hillside; Miss Mary Devons, oi make their home in Missouri. The bon was attached for each guest sing “Ave Maria" Sunday night? Free Delivery Phone EL 2-0988 Buy You? Coal Gut of Income ! Rahway, and Miss Gladys W olf oi table decorations were in keeping with a little chicken tied to it. It was beautiful. I was reminded | Westfield; Robert Krug, Owen Pat- with the Easter holiday and, Mrs. After all the guests found their of Good Friday night, when four DON'T WAIT TILL WINTER COMES j terson, George Totterw.eicli, Donald Davies received a beautiful chime places the top of the nest was re­ local churches with their combined I Dwyer, Arthur Webster, Frank Erd- clock as a gift. Besides the guests moved and everyone pulled ancl choirs got together over at Frank­ Food For Your Table A TO TAP YOUR SAVINGS! j man, Fred Merkle, Jr., James La- of honor and the hosts those pres­ rolled to herself a hollow Easter lin, Tire phrase which kept run­ | Mont Jr., Henry Singe Jr., Louis ent were Mr. and Mrs. D. Jones, egg, which was filled with jelly ning through my head was, “Pre­ Prices That Save You Mm It s downright good economics to budget your Tisch, Robert Pierson Jr., Albert Mr. and Mrs. T. Sheldon, Mr. and beans and contained a slip of paper view of Heaven." purchases out of income. Pierson, Frank Munkel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes, Mrs. A. Hood, Mrs. with the announcement. YOUNG DR. KILDAIRE seems to Mrs. H. W. Peace Jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilde, of New York; Miss E. Miss Meyer is a graduate ’of Hill­ need a hypo of something or other. GRAPE FRUIT JUICE 3 Cam 22 Milton Luster, Mr. and Mrs. James Perry, of Wisconsin; Mr. and Mrs. side High School and Centenary I don’t mean to stick m y neck out, LaMont, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Singe, Horace Tichenor, of Hillside; Mr. Collegiate Institute of Hacketts- but let us not Judge him too PLAN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierson, Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph McNamara, ol' town. Mr. Phelaii attended school hastily. He probably firmly believes Lily of Valley TOMATOES “ 2 Cans 27 K. Pulsinelly, of Hillside; William Irvington.' in Jersey City. No date has been in tire stand he is taking, and it It means you can fill your coal bin in the summer and not E. Moore, of Rahway, and Mr. and MRS. FRANK WERST, of Bank set for the wedding. must take courage to stick to his KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES ...... 2 lor 91 touch your savings, next winter. We* believe in that good old- Mrs. Robert Ammerman, of Lohg street, recently held* a farewell belief in view of the fa ct that it Island. fashioned virtue of thrift. Besides, with war conditions, it is party for Mrs. Rex Waller, formerly may mean his finish in pictures. BLUE SUPER S U D S ...... lge. pkg. 2 f°r 37 MRS. NORMAN KLIEM, of Mad- Believe me, I don’t condone his better to provide your coal supply early this year. of Fairbanks street, who moved to WHILE THEY LAST * ing terrace, was hostess on Tuesday Philadelphia to make her home. Shi rley Russell And actions but I do feel sorry for him. afternoon for her son, the occa­ The merry-go-round is stopping. PHONE FOR BUDGET DETAILS Guests included, besides Mrs. Werst H sion being his fourth birthday. and Mrs. Waller, Mrs. Franklyn Victor Mason Engaged Let’s get on. PHONES: EL 2-7123, WA 3-1938 Guests were Mrs. Russell K liem and Rogers, Mrs. R. Kliem, Mrs. H. MRS/ THOMAS W. LOFTUS, of daughters Patty and Carol, Mrs. W. Kingston, Pa., spent Easter week VALUABLE COUPON Tichenor, Mrs. Anton Vit, Mrs. M. Mr. afid Mrs. Daniel Russell, of Nickerson and daughter Fay, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. M. Murphy. with her daughter and son-in-law, Kenneth Lull and son Kenneth, 434 Long avenue, announce the en­ Mr. and Mrs. John Crichton, of 534 MR. AND MRS. CARL HUBER, gagement of their daughter, Shirley VALUE 29c VALUE DANIEL LEEDS MILLER, INC. Mrs. Ralph Walker and Son Wade, of Fairbanks street, and Mrs, Emma McMichael place. The Crichton Catherine, to Victor F. Mason, son Mrs. J. O'Donnell and daughter McGhee and daughter Sally, of Coe babies were gladTo see grandma too : WITH PURCHASE OF $3 QR OVER YOU GET 1 LB. Merrill, Mrs. J. Kellam, daughter of Mrs. Mildred Mason, of 370 Long MR. AND MRS, EDWARD VIR­ Coal Fuel Oil avenue, spent Sunday in Lavalette. avenue, and the late Frank Mason. AMAZON COFFEE FREE Coke Meredith and son Forrester, and MRS. FRANK WERST, her son TUE and daughters Elaine and Mrs. Horace Tichenor and son Both are graduates of Hillside High Bobby Jo, spent the week-end at YOU MUST BRING COUPON 1356 NORTH BROAD ST. HILLSIDE, N. J. Frank Jr., of Bank street, and her School. Miss Russell is employed Richard. mother, Mrs. George Walker are the home o f Mrs. Virtue’s mother, MRS. F. GUNDLACH of Maple by the Prudential Insurance Co. of Mrs. Clara Eroebstle at Atlantic Come In or Phone visiting this week in Pittsburgh as Newark while her fiance is with the l l i i i i i m i 11 n i ii ii wood was hostess last w

i c r Will Probably Be IMP0RTANT - A Kp.,.C .T pl^ tL I C ^ T , O N F O R W A R R A T I O N B O O K (elded To Mound Stall'; « p . ra n applicat>on, fc, ^ ^ ^ Steinitz At First an ardent campaign to woo liis own lions and supplies lor the embattled Local hoard No. ______County wife, a., plot which results In ujo_- army of ’China, "Burma ' State . . . ______Mickey, Judy ,'uli the opening o f baseball I hereby make application to the Office o f Prict Administration, an ajen u j of Um roarious complications. is Hie .eoiupuiiion film. United States Government, for the issuance to the poreon w b rn M no, addree*. and Llice at the Montclair State Application made a t ...... _ Charles Bickford topis the cast In Piers College, a number of very description are set forth above, of War Ration Book One and ad War Ration one ol the 'most daring, virile role* NAME OF SCHOOL. B UILDINCL OR OTHER A DDR ES8 " For May lair nliSing new candidates was re- hereafter ieeued for which the person turned above beoomee •ll|ilOs ender R a t W n c since lie first scored on the screen Regulations. I hereby certify that l have authority to tnaka thin application on Surprise Hole For JL,ci, two of the most outstand- Dn" ~ ...... » 4 .„. Book On. No...... several years ago in smashes like 'w w u hi fssler, form er Hillside behalf o f the penon named above, that no other application for a War Ration Reok Hollywood’s finest juvenile talent, "Dynamite” and "Anna Christie" i! pi idler, and Prank Steinitz, ha» been made by or on behalf of auch person, and that the alaiamsnta made above are headed by Mickey Rooney and Judy Gangsters Al Park opposite Greta. Garbo. L K& EERESS- AND U£SCK“'11^ »' - W true to tbe beet of my knowledge and belief. '- Pi- outfielder for the Maroon, Garland, arrive at . hie . Mayfair Evelyn Ankers, the Nordic blonde n ale forpier all-state players, Theatre Saturday, in the new M.- -betmt-y- geoantly-signed-by- Universal Section SS (A) U tbe United Ior a stellar buildup, plays the fem ­ i .ire expeoted. to go far toward LAST NAME G -M musical, “Babes on Broad­ FIRST NAM* MIDDLE NAM* States Criminal Code makes it a way.” inine lead. Icing up lor1-the absence of some UQNATUR* OF AFFU'CAHT _ ; year’s graduated mainstays. criminal offense, pumthabJm by m Both Rooney and Miss Garland And in the supporting cast are maximum of (an years' imprison• 1 hereby certify that I have witneeeed the have shown their song-and-dance Wank Albertson, Keys Luke, Cecil ,cli Pittser is seriously con- SI IlEET NO. OH P. <5. BOX NO. "STREET'OB E-'y'I) * CITY OR TOWN" merit, $10,000 fin*, or both, to Applicant’s signature and that War Ration Book talent hi such musical pictures as Kellaway, luunan Bradley, Willy ae steinitz lor first base this One. bearing tbe above number, baa been daliv- make a false statement or repre- "Babes hi Arms” and "Strike Up bung and Vyola Vonn. ■ pile his lack ol height, as ered to tbs Applicant with the above-eta ted t nUtioo Jq. ajujt Departiueal The lknul,l’...hui aptiam iily Buy wen hpis-ii liimi u.e lurid headlines in, r lirst baseman DeStefauo is COUNTY A ,e „c , o f the United S to le, u E S B ® n w S n t T only warming .up in these earlier eu tin- newspaper front pages, it \ m the Army. Steinitz is now a to any matter within tbe juris­ ior, - but has yet to play the out- productions. For In this new one tell, the story of the d£.re-devil diction o f any Department or they really go to town, not only irwek driveis who roar across the u ior the Montclair aggrega- Agency o f the United Sutea. " '™ 'Vr" ln' -co-LoSoi- --ia /r‘ - - { K S ^ g lid nYrO re of “iialaT ra i “ ‘ hamlliewn route which stretches liv For the past two years he singing and dancing to the hill but delivering a series of impersonations tinoie.;!i the leemin , heart ol Asia, ; played shortstop and catcher ! (<" " lhc |,' r,° n n,,n' d *bov' ,S * “ ' “ lx* “I • Family Uni,, ,b. followinf, i ii lie can't make a go oi fast (This spaoe reserved for later entries by local Board or Applicant) of famous theatre people the like ot ui the lace ol screaming dive 'bomb­ which has never been seen beiorc as and eiiemy^snipers. /■• •c, puuser will probably shift him (1) Number o f penmn. in Family UKh, includin, the potaon named .b o r e ______The undersigned hereby certiBea to tbe Office of Price Administration that be ji/ >o short. Prank has received received the following War Ration Booka on tbe dates indicated below or on the baek on either stage or screen. (2) The person named above ia my— deferment from the draft board hereof, and that with each receipt be reaffirms the truth of tbs statements la tbe Among them are Rooneys bril­ June 11, which should enable □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ______foregoing application, liant take-off of the fiery -Carmen to complete the season with the Miranda, done to a number called Lochraiie Rout SELF. FATHER MOTHER, HUSBAND. WIFE. SON DAUGHTER ■XCEFTIOM Dais Book No. Serial No. Signature Applicant “Bombshell from Brazil,” his inter­ (3) ^1 ocal amount of while and brown sugar in any form which pretations of Harry Lauder and Richard Mansfield, and Judy’s im­ ia owned by the Family Unit or ita m em ber*:...... ^ l orNa\) Fund personations of Sarah Bernhardt, L i i i e i u e n (6) If the person named above I SN O T * member o f a Family Unit, Blanche Ring, singing "Rings On On •late lhc tolal amount of white and brown augar in any form My Fingers, Bells On My Toes,” Freddy Cochrane’s bout with and “ Mary Is a Grand Old Name," Garvey Young, next month in Bos­ which ia owned by the person named above: ______^ as made famous by Fay Templeton. ton, will be his first in a series of inningTeam 3. Number of War Ration Stampa to be removed from War Ration There are a fllock of other songs, new and old, and too numerous to noil-title matches lor tile benefit of Book One (upon the baaia o f information stated above) mention. I he Navy Relict land, it was an­ )n the winning team of the New IF NONE WRITE NON* KAAREN VERNE OPA Form No. R-301 Comedy Romance nounced last week, by Willie Gil- ,ey Civilian Rifle League two TS u. a. covcaNMENT MINTING o rric t , 10—W6 5 0 -1 (Continue on reverse aide.) “All Through the Night,” which ILsicie boys, members also of the Teeming with high comedy and zenberg, the chump's manager. will have its showing,.at the Park Isfole High School rifle team, thrilling romance, Hal Roach’s Cochrane, Hillside's Redhead, a .yed a prominent part. When you go to your nearest public elementary school, of a family, eighteen years of age or over, may register and newest streamlined comedy, “Nia­ Theatre, Newark,' starting today, boatswain's mate at the Newport, R. L, Naval Training Station, and Jud Ebdon and Bill Arnold; each May 4 to T, to sign up in connection with the coming civilian receive ration books for the entire family. gara Falls,” with Marjorie Wood- stars Humphrey Bogart,1'whose re­ y 17 years old, not only held registration and sugar rationing program, you’ll be required worth, Tom Brown, Zasu Fitts, Slim cent hit performance in “The Mal­ Garvey Young, a Marine from Ak­ nr own against the best teams hi Registration will be under the direction of the State Summerville, Ed Gargan and Mar­ tese Falcon" and "High, Sierra" ron, Ohio, will meet in u ten round­ : state but many times excelled to answer the questions appearing on the official application Rationing Administration. Familiarize yourself with the garet Roach in the top stellar roles, have put him in , the very front er at llie Boston Garden oil May 8, mi. Bud holds the high indi- form, copy of which is shown above. Every man, woman, questions listed on the application blank and help speed up will have its local premiere at the ranks ui popular film'stars. receiving only training expenses. .ual score- of 194 and high average an(! child is entitled to a War Ration Book. Any one member the registration program. Mayfah- Theatre on Saturday thru For' tile first time since censorship This will be Red's 'first start since 13(J while Bill qualified for team United Artists release. Bused on a •decreed that the screen shoulu, last December l ‘J, when he defeated nking six out of eleven times story by Paul Gerard Smith, Hal glorily no criminal at tile expense Bobby Britton at Miami, Florida. loting. Yates and Eugene Conrad, “ Niagara of officers ol the law, eops are Man^ oilers to show Freddie in Both boys look forw ard to con­ Falls” was directed by Gordon villains in this picture. Navy Relief Society bouts at Min- Douglas and unfolds its story in the ning their shooting activities next And retired gangsters and their Lieapoli.., Toledo, New Orleans and honeymoon mecca of ir in collegiate competition as mobs step into the hero roles, by several oilier large cities liuve been are slated for college in the Briefly, the story of "Niagara proving tlie coppers' undoing! received, revealed Gilzenberg, and l ______'______1 Falls” revolves around the adven­ The picture is a mystery comFdy, the champion yall accept as many tures and misadventures of a pair with Bogart and Barton MacLane ol these as the Navy will permit. of attractive but squabbling young­ as retired mobsters who still re­ Freddie lias offered, as a counter sters who are not married. Through tain their henchmen, and Peter proposal to one that lie defend his lunu Matched the superfluous interference of an­ Lorre, Conrad Veidl, Judilli A n ­ title against Ray Robinson oi New other well meaning couple who have derson and others us "coppers." York, to engage in a non-title bout tied the knoj, late hi life, the young­ Heroine Kaaren Verne starts with in a Navy Relief show in Washing­ sters find themselves together in the the wrong mob, too, but ends up in ton, D. C., on May 20, but as yet With Schultz bridal suite of the hotel. How this Bogart's arms. he lias not received a reply from the W ho Does Your Printing? comedy'Situation is finally unravelled The 'companion feature' on the sponsors. The match with Robin­ son vvTrts turned down by Freddie’s William (Whitey) Munn, now provides “Niagara Falls" with a Park screen Is one ui the must de­ lightful comedy romances ever made manager because the Redhead was .Cling the Newark M ajor Bowling series of zany, laugh-packed epi­ with Hollywood as a backgrounu, not in top fighting shape, due to ague with a 207 average, will meet sodes which race to a smackaroo climax. Paramount's fresh and frisky "G la ­ long ring 'inactivity and injuries y Schultz of Buffalo in a 50- mour Boy.” The him co-stars suffered in an accident several me match at the Newark Recre- Jackie Cooper and blonde Susanna weeks ago. on Center alleys Sunday. The Foster. ------:------me will be for the “ world mara- Singing Star In Preview critics have pulled out dii championship” which Whitey, all stops in their praise ior "G la ­ limcle’s bowling ace, took away New Theatre Film mour Boy." The film pokes sharp W t L)0 PRINTING )in Frank Serpico last year in a fun at the film colony, with able game match. In the first 50 Walter Abel giving a terrific boost mes, rolled at the Philadelphia The long-heralded debut of Rise to the festivities as the great “ A.J.," eys, Munn averaged 231.38, and Stevens as Hollywood’s newest sing­ the producer who guides the des­ the second 50, rolled the follow- ing star become a reality on the- tinies of M arathon Pictures. week at the Newark Recreation screen with the opening of "The Coming Bill liter lanes, averaged 217.27 and Chocolate Soldier” Sunday at the M.Wl.V RENOVATED! n ilie match by 2,236 pins, New Theatre, Elizabeth. Starting Sunday and continuing ( OMI'J.ETEIA .MODERNIZED! Whenever you have a Printing Job to be through Tuesday the Park oilers a unday’s match with Schultz will Coming directly to films from the galaxy of top radio stars and TODAY and FRIDAY ior $1,000 and W hitey will roll opera and concert fields, Miss screen favorites who combine then “ Wild Bill Hickok Rides” anist a formidabe opponent, for done — however small — consider tlih ^ Stevens practically was whisked talents with highly .entertaining CONSTANCE RENNKTT ais a kingpin on the Buffalo from the train to the M -G-M R u m . ( AIII)T—Wurmi WILLIAM results in "Look Who's Laughing." eys. For the past 15 years Schultz studio. The.importance of her debut — a emu — things: Quality, Service and Price — and Portraying the stellar roles arc never averaged less than 200 is indicated by the fact that Miss WALT DISNEY'S Fibber McGee and Molly, Edgar d in that period has rolled 15 Take Your Stevens Is cast opposite M -G -M ’s "DUMBO” then, these things being equal, consider that Bergen, Charlie McCarthy and in Technicolor fleet 306 games, w just six number one male singing star, Nel­ Lucille Bali, while the supporting Die than Whitey has been able to son Eddy. HAT.— SI! N.— MON. cast is comprised ol Lee Bunnell, k off, over the same length of the newspapers — Your Newspaper main­ A Jealous Husband DoroLliy Lovett, Neil Hamilton and GARY COOl’ER ne. Printing To a M -G -M Chase a colorful, roman­ diaries Halton. In addition, such BARBARA STANWYCK tic light opera, set in the back­ tains a completely equipped Printing De­ characters in Fibber McGee and ground of old Vienna, as a fitting “BALL OF FIRE” .Molly’s popular weekly program as medium in which to present the Newspaper Gildersleeve., Mrs. Uppington and partment manned by seasoned Printers and opera star. Eddy and Miss Stevens "BUUMA CONVOY” iostou Foe Ol Oid Timer are seen in prominent < Im v Bicklnnl — E\«*Iyii Ankers play a married couple w ho are the parts. I rank Alhyrlsnii Ar lwyo Luke that Job Printing is an integral part of their musical comedy toasts o f the town but whose fond endearments on the The added feature Is “The Men in I Dii.vh SturlinK Tiles., Apr. I I Jears At Home stage turn to quarrels the moment Her Life,” new romantic drama oi I WAKE UP SCREAMING” business. the curtain falls. This Is due to the life and loves ol an exciting "SWAMP WATER” woman, starring beautiful Loretta Eddy’s intense jealousy o f his wife, Sal. Mai. Chapter I "" Returning from a highly success- Young, George Ratoff produced 11 Grapefruit League campaign, who takes her flirtations where she finds them. In an endeavor to test and directed the film, Irom a best­ Late Show Every Sat. & Sun. Newark Bears will play their selling novel by Lady Eleanor •‘•sl koine game under their new her faithfulness he disguises him­ self as a Russian and then begins Smith, and the cast includes sueli unager, Bill Meyer, Friday after- well-known players as Conrad kin when the Boston Red Sox will Veidl, Dean Jagger, John Shepperd, encountered in an exhibition Otto Kruger and Eugenie Leon- mie at Ruppert Stadium. This lovich. in lest will mark the only appear- Remember that this Newspaper is 1CI: of a major- league club at the Take Your ( m’k park this season since the always willing to provide publicity Today, Tomorrow and Saturday ears only other hom e tilt prior to •Ball Oi; Fire’ On ■e opening of the "international [ 1 oUc..season. ..will be/ -a - Saturday Printing To a to further an event sponsored by : ter noon fray withy Jersey City. 7-OlH‘n . 1>: 10 A.ftl. Mon, thru Sal. House veil Screen 11 Sunday afternoon the clubs will F ill.—HAT. *eei at Jersey City, your organization, for which no Cluudollo COMHCRT— Rny JYIILLAM) Mixing together with delightful hie Friday afternoon tilt should Newspaper SKYLARK’ effect a group of serious college pro­ ler Newark fans a good line on S illK l.K Y TKM 1‘I,M In fessors, a night club queen and a U; Bruins’ chances o f repealing in charge is made. Reciprocity is fair. "KATHLEEN” gangster mob, Samuel Goldwyn’s A NCW WARNIR ftROS. HIT. lc i^mjant race since if " will be I or her t Marwlinll— I.urnine Day production of "Ball of Fire,” opening JSNe FRANK ( PETER JUDITH ie Ked Sox first game in the north HUN.-MO N .-T l; KH. % Hinnuli Mils Saturday at the Roosevelt Theatre, DARWELL • McHUGH • LORRE • ANDERS0I k; Manager Joe Cronin will un- Nelson EDDY— Rise STEVENS Newark, offers a spectacular high hi °ubie$ly use his opening day line- “ The romantic cofnedy. P. what with the start of the CHOCOLATE SOLDIER” Gary Cooper and Barbara Stan­ “ GLAMOUR BOY’ niericeyr League season only four wyck share stellar honors in the *tys removed. (JBNK TIERNEY In lavishly-mounted film, with Miss JACKIE COOPER First Williams Visit "SUNDOWN” Stanwyck in the title role as Sugar- Jimmy Foxx and many of the SUSANNA FOSTER w e d .m i ; n s . a i ' h 11 , in -io pass O’Shea, a talented singer, and o^lon stars have played in New- OUR REQUEST l'AUADK Cooper as Professor Bertram Potts, Constance Bennett Beauty Aid* :k before but it will be the first Wallace BEERY—Barbara Htanwyck busily engaged with seven collea­ —Free to the Ladies Saturday lowing at Ruppert Stadium of Ted A MESSAGE TO GARCIA gues in com piling a new cncyclo? Glliams, the celebrated .400 batter Alliui Jones, Martha Kayo, Joe pedia. > Sun.-Mom-Tues. April 12-13-14 tut new home run king of baseball, Tenner, IRwemary I,ane Gripping melodrama of the hell- “ hams will have some marks to “The BOYS FROM SYRACUSE” drivers of the Burma Road, the Now They're On The Screenl 100t at in Ruppert Stadium since twisting, turning life-line of muni- ,at)e Ruth delivered a 525 foot The Hillside Times , v there and Lou Gehrig, Dale exander, Dusty Cooke, George I £ ucinelli and Ken Sears have all llaeked blows of better than 450 1443 North Broad Street Hillside, N. J. “Jet. Except for the shortstop posi- ^ Meyer’s lineup is all set for the * — Also — uiuig game of the season against Phone, Waverly 3-2465 THURSDAY and FRIDAY APRIL 'J, 10 LORETTA YOUNG uiiaio a week from Thursday, DON AMECHE and JOAN BENNETT in oycl Perry, last year with Detroit, “ CONFIRM OR DENY” a winter book favorite for that PENNY SINGLETON and ARTHUR LAKE in “ MEN IN HER LIFE” important post, but the latter’s ill- “BLONDIE GOES TO COLLEGE” gave Bill Johnson a chance LADIES! It’s not too late to eh the Montclair boy has hit so SAT., SUN., MON., TUES. A P R IL 11, 12, 13. 14 start collecting beautiful b that the new manager will Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in Gilded-Ify>se DINNERWARE ec make a choice until after the FREE! Every Wednesday cekend series with Jersey City. “BABES ON BROADWAY’’ (Plus 2c Service Char*e) , Corbett, second baseman Marjorie Woodworth and Tom Brown in “NIAGARA FALLS” Obtainable at Mat. with Adult SAT. N ITE at 11:10 P. M.— Eve. Admission G ef^ ing ^^ter of the league last BULLDOG DRUMMOND’S BRIDE” ’ ^ the first sacker this year m t THE HILLSIDE TIMES THURSDAY. APRIL 9, 1942 New Cooking Class which lists will facilitate th» Current Fashions Stress mercial users. LET Jr* High P .T .A . Use of Daring Color Contrast Dinner Held To Visit Classes Church Servic A dinner was held Tuesday eve­ ning at 6:30 p. m. at the Recrea­ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, J Parent, Teacher, Pupil Night will By CHERIE NICHOLAS CLASSIFIED ADS tion Center to mark the close of the Robert Cockrell, rnint,r’ ' be held by the Abram P. Morris Junior High School P.-T. A. on girls’ cooking classes, which are a m. Bible School, £ ' W om en’s Bible classes n Tuesday evening April 14 at 8 p. m. part rof the township recreation worship, .-“Fishing* fo r 15155 A; SERVE YOU There will be a short business meet­ -program. The—entire- affair was- m. Baptist Young peo„,.,, ing at which election of officers for planned and executed by girls oi the coming year will take pla^e. ihe two cooking classes, ranging in lowship, training division ah' Phone WAverly 3-2465 The parents will then visit the age from 10 to 13 years, and was people cordially invited. 8 classrooms where all classes will be under the supervision oi Mrs. Eliza­ worship, sermon by minMs,1 Greater Find.” in session. beth MiCCraith; recreation director. RATES DEADLINE Mrs. Charles Erck, president, and The dinner was enjoyed by ten Wednesday 8 P- m- mid-,, prayer service. Thursday April' Advertisements will be accepted until Mrs. Wiliiam Zupnik will be dele­ guests, among whom were several Minimum price per insertion gates to the Central Spring Con­ officials oi ... the township and ,10:30 a. m, all day mretin?’ 2 o ’clock Wednesday afternoon for in­ mothers oi the girls participating, W om an’s Auxiliary. Hospital 40c up to four lines (20 words). ference of the New Jersey Congress sertion the following morning. of Parents and Teachers to be held namely .benjamin Hale, oi the ply work. Luncheon at 12:30 Owing'to'the great expense involved, in Asbury Park on April 15. Township Committee; Herbert Otto, G. Hardcastle hostess. Mj5 Two times ...... 70e or 885 each ------------in postage, stationery and billing of small oi tire board oi buucaoion; Mrs. M ott will lead in devotions at F ou r...... -..... 1.28 or 32c eacli itooert Kirkpatrick, oi the Hurden- m. At 2 o ’clock annual ret, charges, our customers are asked to pay Eight ...... 2.40 or 30c each Looker P.-T. A.; Mrs. Karl Rolir- of all committees, with electioj] on order. However, telephone orders will Mother-Daughter Club inacii, secretary oi the Recreation officers following Thirteen ...... 3.64 or 28c each be accepted from responsible parties, UUHTCr and1 Mis. Eluise llely, M nr Thursday "3rl3~ P. in. Cru&jH Die Twenty-six ...... 6.50 or 25c each hut. pm Meeting O n Thursday iiiUgene Williams, Mrs. Lawrence (group of small children). tEF Seilert, Mrs. John Waae and ivirs. day 8 p. m. choir rehearsal in isi pastorium. Plans for the regular meeting on Harry Wesseis, mothers oi . the April 16 were made Tuesday eve­ youthful cooks. Plenty to Eat H I L L S I D E PRESBYT ning at a meeting of the executive CHURCH, Rev. Geo. M. board of the Mother-Daughter Club The meal, which included vege­ pastor. 9:45 a. m. Bible of the Hillside Avenue P.-T. A. at table soup,, pot roast, macaroni and Sew M en’s Bible Class, l i a . : TAKE TIME OUT NOW the home of the president, Mrs. cheese, buttered carrots, h ot mui mon, “ Nail Print Christianity,'! Zina P. Lewis, of 147 Clark street. fins, apple and raisin salad, cup p. m. Senior Christian Endeafl A social horn- with refreshments ciujtaru, cookies ana coffee, was supper conference. followed. prepared and served by the ciass TO WRITE YOUR WANT AD Members held a roller skating members in a professional manner The annual congregational njj party yesterday at the Hi-Way m e recreation hall w£s decorated ing will be held on Monday a I la ning at 8 o’clock for the reed Arena In Union. wirn yenow and orchid minting anci ------------of reports and the ‘ election p Surely you’ve got something to sell, even if it’s only your services. Surely there’s something sprays oi flowers, ana Handiwork, maae by the gins, including Deits; elders, deacons and trustees, i I i around your home that you would be willing to exchange for something more useful to you. Sunday morning April 19 the I Here is the place to tell your story—the market-place of nearly every home In Hillside. Sinai Auxiliary W ill oeaaea oraceieis and felt lapei orna­ 111 ments, was exhibited to show those stallation of officers will be Others are getting good results through TIMES’ Want Ads. Why not use them to do a All newly elected or re-elected JB job for yourself? present what was being accomplish­ Plan For Symposium ed in the afternoon classes. cials will be inducted into ogJJ With the termination of the pres­ The chapel is being newly ( Arrangements lor the symposium ent cooking class, a new group oi with a fine heating system a&fJ money has been raised by ( Classified Dept., to be held at the next regular twelve gins and women wnl begin Chapel Improvement Fund ci 1443 North Broad St., meeting will be made Monday eve­ another, startmg today. With Hillside, N. J. ning April 13 by the executive ing in present war times when econ­ long waiting list lor this class, the 30 th anniversary of the chapel J ganization. board of the Ladies Auxiliary of omy is a virtue every woman is Recreation Board is domg its oest You may run my ad as follows...... tim es in The Hillside Times. Sinai Congregation. The theme of urged to practice. For example, to take care oi all registrants as ELIZABETH AVENUE PRES! tiie symposium will be “The Ameri­ there’ s that- dress hanging in your soon as possible, but uue to the can Jewish Woman in the March TERIAN CHURCH, Rev. Anl Remittance for $ ...... is enclosed. closet, “ perfectly good.’’ yet seem­ limited facilities, only a small group I of Time'’ and the speakers will be Northwood, pastor. 9:30 a. j Pletue Print or Typewrit# ing to have outlived its usefulness. can be accomodated. from various well known women’s graded school. 10:45 a. m. word The sleeves show wear at the el­ Discuss Summer Activity with sermon, “New Lnves A!| r organizations. The board met Monday night at |u A report will be presented on the T FIRST this matter of using bows. Why not rejuvenate this poor Easter.” 7 p. m. Intermediate J the recreation center to discuss the distribution of Passover baskets by A 1tWo or three colors together in outcast with a new pair of sleeves Senior Christian Endeavor. 8 p.I summer program and to arrange for the auxiliary. daHng contrast was regarded as an in a bright, contrasting color? To Service with Hillside Rainbow o| the purchase oi new equipment to adventure that would give a new complete the costume, add a belt, replace that which has been worn and, perhaps, pockets in the same CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURffi slant to fashion. It was a deliberate out or broken. With the arrival Rev. C. Morgan Wagner, pad Miss Carey s Troth Is departure from traditional color bright color. You might even go so oi warm weather, an extensive out­ technique that might reasonably be far as to do the contrast sleeves in 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a | door program will begin, and this church worship, sermon, “And! expected to prove a mere passing a tri-color scheme, cerise for the will require the preparation o f the Announced A t Dinner Life Everlasting.” fad. However, this courage on the top, gold for the center and purple several fields under the jurisdiction Monday 8 p. m. the joint soc| part of designers to start something for the lower arm portion, repeating Name . Address At a dinner party. Saturday night, of the board for use by the young for the ladies and men wjll be h-|j the colors in pockets and neckline people. A local marble tournament Coast Part of Ad Part of Ad Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carey of 534 new has not only added zest to fash­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Route 29, announced the engage­ ion, but has developed a movement details. is planned by the board lor April Yamarick, at 1465 Franklin stw ment of their daughter Margaret that is being carried over from one Smartly typical of the new vogue 13, from which the two highest on Monday evening April Jane to S. Russell Raff a, son of season to another with increasing for contrast is the dress shown to contestants wifi be selected to enter Thursday 9:30 a. m. tire ladies i into the tournament sponsored by REAL ESTATE WANTED Mrs. Nicholas Raffa of Irvington. enthusiasm. the right in the picture above. It meet to sew for the Red Cross Business Directory Guests were present from New the county on April 21. This spring the fashion program has a definitely “ peasant” feeling in Thursday morning. The Woind| HAVE A WAITING LIST of clients Miss Rita C. Axt York, North Bergen, Jersey City, fa irly Vibfatds 'with' "breathtaking its use of vivid colors and its trim­ Bible Class meets "at 2:45 p. wlahing to purchase one and two Beauty Parlors Irvington, Harrison ana Hillside. color contrasts that defy staid and ming in a (lower of self fabric. family houses. Frank u. Hathaway, Miss Carey was graduated from Hill-1 There’s something about the mid­ 1420 Mimn Ave., Waverly 6-0166. side High School and is a member sedate ideas as to which color goes DR. SYDNEM’S Tar Shampoo re­ Married Saturday dy-blouse fashion done in red, white 10-30-41—4-30-42 lieves dandruff, itching scalp. o f Omega Sigma Psi Sorority. Mr. with which. Fathers Night A t and blue that makes an irresistable Only 25c. W ood’s Maple Barber and Raffa was graduated from Irving­ In every phase of fashion, from Miss Rita Catherine Axt, daugh­ combination. The pattern for the (Obituary ton High School. WANTED TO BUY Beauty Shop, 1554 Maple Ave., ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Axt, of bathing suits to sweaters and from He is employed by the American two-piece outfit, centered in the Calvin Coolidge WA. 3-6463. 1525 Bond street, and Robert J. simple daytime dfesses to dress- WE BUY and sell slightly used Can Co. of Newark. group above, with its easy-to-follow Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph up afternoon frocks and pretentious clothing, furniture, rugs, bric-a- instructions, is especially interesting ERIC F. REFALYY Painting and Paper Hanging Carroll, of 1570 Summit avenue, “ formals,’ ’ d-esigners are coura­ The next meeting of the Calvin brac, antiques, glass, tools and what if you sew the modern way. If you Coolidge Parent-Teacher Associa­ Funeral services were held have you. THRIFT SHOP, 263 Mor­ were married Saturday in St. Cath­ geously handling color in new ways erine’s Church with Rev. Joseph aspire to be your own seamstress, tion will be Fathers’ Night and will day for Eric Francis Refalvy, \ ris Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Home WHEN THINKING of Painting or with an artistry that is winning tre­ A. Carroll officiating. Attending your local sewing center will in­ be held at the school Thursday April old son of Victor and Adelle Bui phone, nights only, UN 2-2957W. paper hanging call A. Artke, 1106 mendous applause. the couple were Mr. and Mrs. R ich­ Vital Statistics struct you, at" little or no expense, 16 at 8 p. m. The program for the man Refalvy, of 856 Gale way, 3-26-4t North Broad St.; EL 2-3296. ard Stern Jr., sister and brother-in- To demonstrate the brilliant and in the making of such expert dress­ evening includes election of officers, the Martin Funeral Home, East Jersey street, Eliza belli, law o f the bride. A dinner for the audacious spirit style creators ex­ maker details as buttonholes. Crisp and a talk by Miss Dorothy Gor­ Births services were conducted by the V Furnished Room For Rent QUALITY PAINTING and paper- immediate families was held at the press in their use of color, note the white rayon fabric is used for the don of the National Broadcasting Son, Joseph Manuel DaCosta, to Rev. Frank M. Sherlock, rector hanging at reasonable rates. Still Carroll home after the wedding. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DaCosta, of daytime dress shown to the left in middy blouse and cadet blue for the Company. .M iss Gordon will speak LARGE furnished rgom, good neigh­ the Trinity Episcopal Church at same old address, Wm. F. Dane, and Mrs. Carroll will reside at 245 292 Fitzpatrick street. the group illustrated above. The on “Radio Progress for Children. ’ borhood, block from lour jbuses, skirt. Bands of vermillion red ac­ Cranford. 1276 Salem Ave.; EL. 3-7309. Linden avenue, Belleville,, after a Son, Robert Joseph Tresente, to dress in this instance is of narrow Mrs. John Felber, hospitality chair­ 5c fare Newark or Elizabeth, busi­ cent the collar, cuffs .and pockets The baby, grandson of Mr. trip through the South. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tresente, of 15 wale corduroy with sleeves and col­ man, will be assisted by first grade ness people. 1464 Morris PI. and can be made in “ jig time” with Mrs. Eric Burkinan and Mr. ------o lar of bright red wool jersey. A mothers and teachers of the school Apr. 2-4t Looker street. an edge stitcher sewing machine at­ Mrs. Frank Refalvy, died Tailoring Son, Richard Douglas Donovan, as hostesses. patch pocket has a striking heraldic tachment. Thursday at St. Elizabeth Hospit to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Donovan, of The parent education group will Furnished Apt. For Rent design embroidered in multi-col­ And don’t forget about the newest The burial was in the family plot J. MERTEL Merchant Tailor, Clean- Junior Woman’s Club 1145 Church street. ored yarns. meet Friday April 10 at 10 a. m. at Evergreen Cemetery Saturday, 1 ing, Pressing, Dyeing and Repair­ Daughter, Rebecca Dean Aldridge, bathing suits. They have sprightly the home of Mrs. John Felber, of TW O-ROOM furnished apartment, By the way, this idea of contrast­ Rev. Mr. Sherlock officiating. (kitchen, bedroom), private home ing. WA. 3-0206. 1423 No. Broad to Mr. and Mrs. William Aldridge, little skirts of ruffles, each in a dif­ 636 Buchanan street. Mrs. Mar­ Guest Night Program ing sleeves might serve as an in­ good section, near buses; 5c fare St., opp. Mertz Ave. of 1207 Thomas street. ferent color. A bandanna for the garet Mearns, of the Union County spiration in stretching a limited zone; business adults. Waverly Son,#Ralph DeMaio, to Mr. and head repeats the color scheme. Home Extension Service, will give MRS. HELEN M. PRINCE 6-0631. The annual Guest Night program Mrs. Geraldo DeMaio, of 1430 Comp­ budget to- meet the exigencies aris- (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) a talk in conjunction with the study Apr. 2-9 Annual Election Of of the Junior W oman’s Club was ton terrace. on nutrition. Mi's. Helen M. Prince, of Uni held Tuesday evening' when the Daughter, Glenda Susan Glick, to The following have volunteered Beach, former resident of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Glick, of 280 for over twenty years, died LAWN MOWERS junior clubs of Elizabeth and Roselle to work on the Sugar Rationing Eastern Star Held Williamson avenue. Slim Skirts Have Save Stockings to Board for May 4, 5, 6 and 7: Mi's. 26 while being taken to Urn Eh and the Fortnightly Group of the • Sllfisfl LAWN MOWERS sharpened and Marriage Licenses Everett Stewart, Mrs. John Felber, beth General Hospital, after repaired. John Minori, 1500 senior Woman’s Club of Hillside T o Carl Sewall, of Staten Island, ing a heart attack in her car The annual election of officers Soft Draped Lines Help Student Work Mrs. George Pee, Mrs. Henry Sping- Franklin St., Hillside; WA 3-3049. were guests. Weyman O. Steen- New York, and Eleanor Horton, of ler, Mrs. Edwin Bugle, Mrs. John Route 25. A native of East Ora Apr.-Aug. for the year was held Friday by 274 Clark street. There’s excitement coming in the Women throughout the states are grafe, of the high school faculty, Wade, Mrs. Richard Goeller and and a resident of Union Beach Hillside Chapter 192, O. E. S. Hie T o William J. Sullivan, of Newark, way of skirt silhouettes. To say being asked to join a unique cam­ the past five years, Mrs. Prince gave a talk on international rela­ Miss Ethel Deber. FOR SALE new officers, who will be installed and Verna B. Sparks, of 275 Clark that they are versatile is to -put it paign to save old, worn-out silk or driving to visit her daughter, M tions and a play was presented1 by A “Gay Nineties Dance” will be on Friday April 17, are Mrs. Gladys- street. mildly. In the fashion picture there nylon hose (no rayon), to help send Norman H. Govette, of 1043 Sale the drama department of the Hill­ held at the school Friday May 1 Martz, worthy matron; Walter To Morris Steinman, of 1542 will not only be pleated skirts but avenue. BARGAIN, 7 rooms, steam, 3 ga­ side Juniors, with Miss Betty Peters American girls and boys through a., 8:30 p. m. The Royal Revelliers Hubertus, worthy patron; Miss M unn avenue, and Wilma Green- there is an important trend toward She was a member o f the Chur rages, work shop, $4,000; worth chairman. Vocal selections were college. For every thousand pairs of Hillside will play old and new Clara Muddell, associate matron; wald, of the Bronx, N. Y. pencil-slim draped effects. of Christ, Scientist, Key port, anc double, $32 monthly, near school, presented by Mrs. Walter Johnson. of old hose contributed one girl or songs. There will be many enter­ Mrs. Elsie Goddard, secretary; Mrs. To Franklin C. Erdman, of 1137 Very smart, too, are the new member of Pride of Houmous 556 Leo St., Unionville 2-1871. boy is enabled to attend college for taining songs and games. Every­ Ida Levsen, treasurer, Mrs. Zola North Broad street, and Eleanor wrapover effects, many of which tie Council 112, Daughter of Ament E. Noll, of 1467 Highland avenue. 12 months. one is invited. Laws, conductress and Mrs. Vera on without any other fastening. The , Besides her husband, William Dritf To Charles Sanford, of 1439 Park- A curtailment of silk«has forced ------^------Heller, associate conductress. surprise is the skfrts that are | of Union Beach, and her daught Patronize Our Advertisers - o - Township Clerk Will view terrace, and Lillian Mesg, of many in the student body of Athens flounced in a new ways These will 'M rs. Price leaves a son, William J 274 Dorer avenue. college in Alabama to stay home Prince Jr., of Union Beach be repeated again and again in wash Form Association Be Saybrook Speaker To William Bean, of 41 Fairbanks this year. They had been earning brother, Harry Night, of BuinBl Rainbow Girls Annual street, and Mildred Schaeffer, of dresses. Also in long evening taf­ their way working in the college’s ornl rwwa rrronricfin double-check your 1446 Munn avenue. fetas. hosiery mills. Of Fire Reserves anf* onK ^ L o n . Township Clerk Howard J. Bloy To, George Kilburg, of Elizabeth, • Ballerina skirts are making front Church Service Sunday The stockings sent in will be re­ car for spring will be one Of the speakers at the and Magdaline Gantner Murray, of page news, and the young set is conditioned and “ backwound,” the Members of the Hillside Fire Re­ meeting of the Saybrook School 282 Shelton terrace. wearing them like the dirndl. The annual church service will be P.-T. A. Wednesday April 15 at 8 Deaths process done under government su­ serves, unit under the Hillside De­ fence Council, organized themselves held Sunday evening by Hillside p. m. in the kindergarten room of Augusta Piaget, 73, of 127 Clark pervision. the school. He will discuss “Town into a Hillside Fire Defense Asso­ Assembly 29, Order of Rainbow for Color Goes to W ork Administration and Citizenship." Helen D. Mezak, 19, of 1316 Myr­ ciation at a meeting Tuesday at the flnnijlllise Gills, at the Elizabeth Avenue Another speaker will be Major C tle street. In New Defense Uniforms For Blackout Hillside Elks Club. Those elected Some' of the stores are featuring are Walter Howell, president; Rich­ ' s a y s Presbyterian Church. Officers will Emil Nelson of Hillside, second in Patrick Sorahan, 83, of 145 Bailey Color is being advocated through­ command of the Salvation Army blackout accessories, such as bags ard Gianforte, vice president; Ed­ wear their uniforms and will as­ avenue. out the fashion field. Those who organization of the state, whose Rose Cronin, 71, of 1289 Oakwood done in plaid fiber to wear over the ward Bleiweis, treasurer; William semble at the church at 7:30 p. m. are studying conditions say that for Farrell, secretary and John Soltys, topic will be “Working Conditions avenue. shoulder. They have five pockets, ‘Skimp to Beat a Skunk! with the members. The service will defense work, particularly, bright of the Salvation Army.” Elizabeth Caroline Walker, 55, of and it is advised that they be kept sergeant-at-arms. color is essential to morale. The The first honorary membership begin at 8 o ’clock. Hostesses for the meeting will be 1530 Franklin street. stocked with emergency require­ gabardines, denims and other vcot- card of the association was pre­ All members are urged to attend Mrs. M arlin E. Fogle, Mrs. Adam John Ellas Sutton, 55, of 314 Fitz­ ments—flashlight, sweater, and oth­ and parents are cordially invited. Marquardt, Mrs. Edward Zeitz and patrick street. tons used for uniforms, field work sented to Deputy Fire Chief George e-J-<0 bleach yellowed lino* er useful items. You can even get Dorer. Installation of the officers Mrs. Franklyn J. Rogers. Frank Gianforte, 77, of 185 Silver an^ various^ defense activities will you may need nothing mort shoes that have tiny flashlight at­ will take place at the meeting of ------------avenue. not only be thoroughly practical and tachments. May 5. than sunshine—if you leave extrt Announce Engagement functional, but they will spread YOUTH WORKER IS good measure of cheer. moisture in the material, aUef rvington Girl And Floating Suit final rinsing. The damper U* O f Victoria Jasinski GIVEN POSITION fabric— the better the job Old Sol | Sgt. Segall Engaged Spring Hats For those who cannot swim it Ratio nReports Walter H. Coyne, of 127 Virginia should be good news that a floating will do in bleaching! Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Jasinski, of Flattering hats, many of them swim suit has been devised that is (Continued from Page 1) 414 Harvard avenue, announce the street, was one of three NYA youth Mr. and Mrs. I. Kaufman, of workers from the NYA machine flower trimmed, will be worn from non-sinkable, its patented feature MacDonald’s Garage engagement of their daughter Vic­ construction of military or naval Irvington, Saturday announced the shop in Elizabeth who obtained now on into the .spring. The flower- being the lining of a spongy sub­ 1480 NO. BROAD ST. toria to John Cierpial, son of Mrs, cantonments, shipyards or air bases, engagement of their daughter, Ruth trimmed calot is a favorite. The stance that floats. You can get these WA 6-0034 HILLSIDE A. Cierpial, of Newark, and the late employment in defense industry last Kaufman, to Sergeant Maurice A. little sailor, of straw or felt, will and operators of plants, factories or Mr. Cierpial. Miss Jasinski attend week, it was announced today by novel, practical suits in fitted or in shipyards, 70 per cent of whose Segall, son of Mrs. Miriam Segall, Bernard S. Miller, State Youth Ad­ also be shown. Many fabrics will ed Hillside schools and Is employed of 16n Crescent avenue and the dressmaker styles. billings consist of orders for ships ministrator. Coyne was employed feature back drapes over the hair. 1 by the Hatfield Wire & Cable Co. late Dr. Sylvan Segall. Mr. Segall, planes, tanks or other vital war here. as a bench worker at the Weston materials. who is home on a furlough, had just Electric Company in Elizabeth. Brunch Coat County clerks, who are acting as been notified' 'of his promotion from The National Youth Administra­ A fad that is growing into a pro­ Child’s Slacks consignees for all forms and docu the rank of corporal to sergeant. tion gives young men and young Very practical and cunning for nounced movement is the brunch ments used in connection with the He is in the U. S. Army Air Corps, women work experience for war in­ ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH little tots are pinafore slacks with coat. It’s as practical to wear as rationing program, are receiving 89th School Squadron at Turner dustries, paying them $25.20 per Elizabeth Avenue at Wilbur Arthur Northwood, Pastor matching bonnets that are made the usual smoek, but is more formal more than 800,000 forms for the Field, Albany, Georgia. month during their training period and can be found in a greater vari­ rationing of sugar, registration for 9:30 a. m. Graded School. Mr. Segall’s father was a mem­ which usually lasts less than three with a view to stressing the “ pretty” ety Of SlV'^S which is scheduled to take place months. Youths between the ages look. Chambray and seersucker are 10:45 a. m. Worship with sermon, “New Lives After Easter. ber o f the Medical Corps of the on May 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the schools. of 17 years 9 months and 25 yearjr favored fabrics for these suits. Then buy dbfbnsb saviMQ* 7:00 p. m. Intermediate and Senior Christian Endeavor. 312th Infantry. His mother is presi­ Rationing authorities will have are eligible for this work experience. s t a m p s instead of new linens available mimeographed lists which 8:00 p. m. Service with Hillside Rainbow Girls. dent of the Ladies Auxiliary of New­ The NYA machine shop in Eliza­ will show the requirements of all that the tun will soon again shin* ark Post 34, Jewish War Veterans. beth Is located at 228 Broadway. Send In Your News WE DO PRINTING dealers and large users of sugar, on an America at peace!

i A ...... "Inform ed public opinion In the moat p o ­ tent of all restraint* upon min gov em inent.” — U. 811 Supremo Court. , ‘‘A f^®* •t»udn u ,..^m of the grtmtmt between the government and the hillside times editorial pace pe«0le. To allow It to be fettered la te fettor onrnolvee."— C. 8. Bunreme Court.

sociation. Mi-. Lee points out that lilijp ilfUiaulp liiutfa Hillside, with all of. its industrial son Thread” (Simon and Schuster. Looking* Back buildings now occupied, needs new $2.00) Is adeptly fashioned and full Printed and Published every Thursday at buildings, and feels that a non-poli­ TURNING of suspense. 1443 North Broad Street, Hillside, New Jersey tical and non-partisan board would William Francis’ "Rough on Rats” by be able to investigate all angles ol t k e (Morrow, $2.00) unfolds the corpses t h e h i l l s i d e t i m e s p u b l i s h i n g COMPANY Ten Years Ago tile value of prospective industry a Los Angeles private detective finds Sidney Silverstein...... Business Manager Banking interests bring pressure and to give complete picture of the while seeking a missing fellow. Swift Robert Kaplan...... Editor on township officials for a 10 per situation to both, the Township PAGES moving, this, and filled with un­ cent. , reduction of. _ salaries- -of all- derworld tang. Telephone WAverly 3-2466 Committee and the {.public; ' w l t k municipal employes In order that “Murder with Southern Hos­ the township might attain loans to pitality,” by Leslie Ford (Scribner, SUBSCRIPTION RATES meet current expenses. It is esti­ ARTHUR W i l l s $2.00) is one of those suave, stirring le TIMES will be sent to any part o l the United States lor the mated that if a 10 per cent reduc­ Community Chest affairs involving the forced killings « r subscription price ol *3.00 a year, single copies 5 cents. Postage tion were made, a saving of about of a pair of garden devotees from Plunging into the mysteries: uada and foreign countries must be added to these rates. $45,000 would be possible* o f which Changes Pending up North. A prying lass almost 16 or 17 thousand dollars would be Sometimes Christopher Storm the suffers likewise. Much family hat­ COMMU h i ICAiiONK- from salaries of employees under cartooning sleuth, doesn’t mute red. . municipal control. Israel Gai'deliSky, secretary of the T'd-sp tne clues contained in ills’ “ Oriental Division G-2,1’ by Van ie TIMES is always pleased to publish letters and other items ol A questionnaire made up of the Conun unity Chest of Elizabeth, Lin­ sketches, himself. He proves a Wyck (Reynal and Hitchcock, $2.50) »i to readers, and invites such communications. The name and following three questions is sent to den, Hillside, Roselle and Roselle woman has been murdered in contains three early adventures of ol the writer must he given m every case, not necessarily tor the six candidates for election to Park, announced, Monday that a “Drawn Conclusion," by Willet'a Hugh North, with a plethora fem­ .ation, but as an evidence ol good iaitir. Anonymous connnunica- the Board of Education: general meeting of the membership Ann Barber and R. F .‘ Sellabelltz inine intriguers and Oriental spies— will not be published. U) Would you be in favor of would be held at 8 p. m. in the. (Doublcuay, Doran, $2.00). however, hi one boiling volume. "The Sulu appointing married women who are office of the corporation on Thurs­ and leads the State police along n Sea Murders,...... The Fort Terror the sole supports of their families day April 16, to act on amendments pulsating trail. Murders” and "The Shanghai Bund MORE MANDATORY LAWS to' any position that may come un­ to tlie constitution and by-laws, one An uncertain British girl returns Murders," they are. der the jurisdiction of the Board of oi which would permit Advisory to her native heath in H. C. Bailey’s — --- ■— < > ------— „ ' Despite war-time need for the strictest kind of economy in Education when others are avail­ Board members attending trustee "The Apprehensive Dog" (Double- able? meetings to have a vote and make day, $2.00) only to bo murdered. DISTRICT COURT government operations, certain J\'ew Jersey law-makers (2) Would you be in favor of ap­ resolutions in the same manner as Suspects arc many and absorbing laid before the 1942 Legislature some‘two-score bills which pointing residents of Hillside to illl regular members oi the trustee as are the puzzlement and rural ACTIONS board. The other amendment will setting. le new mandatory spending on the part oi counties and positions that may occur in the schools, providing they are qualified, allow the trustee board to consider A visiting bacteriologist almost Judge Ervin S. Futop, of the Sec­ that a trustee who has absented cipalities. in preference to non-residents? - forfeits his own life to explain three ond Judicial District Court, last himself from three successive meet­ (3) Would you be in favor of em­ Hollywood killings in a strange, week ordered Judgments which In­ hundreds of laws, which now clutter the statute books, ings, without reasonable excuse, ployment of Hillside labor by any hard, bitterly entertaining affair cluded the following Hillside cases: known as "Lazarus No, 7 ,"'by R ich­ counties, municipalities and school districts to perform contractor doing school work? If shall be automatically retired from Charles A. Lindsley secured a elected, will you do all in your the board as if his resignation had ard Sale (Simon and Schuster, judgment against W James Maguire functions and meet certain obligations regardless of $2.00). power to see that Hillside mechanics been tendered. of Hillside 111 the amount of $120.30 need or taxpayer wishes. Such laws are a large factor in and laborers are given preference In addition to the amendments The mansion of a Long Island on a book account. on any construction jobs coming lucal governmental costs. it is possible, according to a stale plutocrat is Die scene of murders L. Bamberger and Company se­ under the jurisdiction'of the Board merit made by J. Howard T. Falk, predicated upon greed and hate— cured a Judgment against Katherine vui'ly in- the session the Legislature, recognizing extreme of Education? executive secretary, that the mem­ almost too much at these qualities. Prasa of Hillside in the amount of Five Years Ago bership will be asked to consider But Lillian Lauferty’s “The Crim­ $62.26 on a book account. cial demands -imposed by the law, led citizens to expect action which may Have been taken with authority, who have, made the workers their powerless A petition is denied the West­ relief from additional enforced local spending when it minister, Pluckemin & Bethel Cor­ the previous night by the meeting vassals. porations for a. temporary injunc­ called by the Chamber of Commerce ted a resolution pledging, among other things, that it to discuss the formation of a war It can no longer be argued fla t tlie closed shop is essential tion to restrain the Board of Edu­ d refrain from enacting any legislative measures whicn cation from proceeding with plans chest. to the workers’ protection. The government dominates worker------unjustly require mandatory expenditures in any of the for fencing and developing its prop­ employer relations. An elaborate, all-encompassing series of erty on Conant street. This denial res, municipalities or school districts of the State which removes a great part of the legal NAMED SPEAKER FOR government boards exists to see that every worker is paid a ot necessary as part of the nation’s defense program.” obstacle in the way of the board for proper wage, works under decent shop conditions, and is pro­ proceeding with its plans. N.J.C. OPEN HOUSE ■ videutly hoping to "evade the purposes of the economy The Hillside Times announces tected against'any and every kind of exploitation except ex­ New Jersey College lor Women tion, several law-makers have introduced bills which if plans for a Hillside Directory de­ ploitation by labor czars. voted completely to information oi will hold Its third annual Open ed would saddle thousands of dollars in additional annual No man in government knows more about tlie activities of the township. The Times aims to House lor college-bound high school upon local taxpayers. Measures enacted by the State make the directory an annual pub­ students and their parents and organized labor than Mr. Arnold. The testimony lie gave -lie- lication as there is no other similar teachers Sunday afternoon. May 3, lature requiring unnecessary and expensive local services fore the House Committee points 1o one of the worst dangers information guide of this type avail­ and Miss Alice Hirmann of Hill­ able. always been1 opposed by the New Jersey Taxpayers-Asso- side will be one of the speakers. this, country faces-— the rise to unprecedented power of a hand­ Township Committeeman Arthur Miss Hirmann is one of four out­ u and a number of other important state-wide organiza- ful of labor leaders who are responsible to no one, and who hold T. Lee' stresses the need of an standing N. J. C. seniors who will Such measures are particularly vicious now -as tlie nation actively functioning Industrial Board discuss various phases of college what amounts to a life-aiijl-dpath grip over millions m free­ in the township at a meeting oi the life, both ficademic and social, at a ges lira life-or-death.struggle that calls for elimination 61 born American citizens. Hollywood Park Improvement As symposium “As Senior to Senior" overmnental waste and extravagance. at 2:30 o ’clock iq Voorhees Chapel. She will speak on professional imung mandatory spending measures awaiting considera­ studies, stressing the fields in which ble several which would lix salaries of officials in counties PRACTICAL HEALTH HINTS employment activities have increased it’s A Date since tlie war. luiuuieipaiities—salaries which are paid by local taxpayers. Miss Hirmann is the daughter of I bill (A-185) would require counties and municipalities to Will Vitamins Prevent Infections? Mi. and Mrs. Julius Hlrmanh, of 1 Vine street. She majors in home It leaves of absence with pay up to one year to policemen Today economics. She is a member of [liremen suffering injury, illness or disability regardless of Board of Education meeting. the. home economics club, has re­ Dramatic production by Tryad -By Dr. Jam es A. T obey- ceived undergraduate honors and r ’ Players. has served as^committee chairman ERSONS who get plenty of were mice which had received Tuesday for commencement week activities. lUtlier spending bills, known as ‘ ‘permissive” measures, are vitamins in their diets usually Parent-Teacher-Pupil Night of P enough of these vitamins for She is chairman of June Week, final I us .guilty of boosting local costs as the outright mandatory Junior High School P.-T. A. are less prone to certain types of proper growth and nourishment. week of traditional events for the infections. Conversely, persons I interests which can induce passage of such bills by the Faculty luncheon of Hillside Ave­ It was these two vitamins which senior class. She has been hostess nue P.-T. A. whose diets made the difference, and not the at many N. J. C. gatherings and llalure usually can persuade local officials to ‘ ‘ take ad- Township Committee meeting. are deficient total intake of food. now takes the N. J. C. defense course jage of. their provisions. One such measure (A-138) would Saturday in vitamins It should be repeated that this in first aid. Collection Day by Defense Coun­ are more like­ test does not prove that plenty rmil local boards ot education to establish courses for cil’s Salvage Committee. ly to be afflict­ of B vitamins will certainly pre­ Iteeii instead of the present twelve years in the public District rally of Daughters of ed with certaih vent pneumonia in man, but this Patronize Our Advertisers America. jols. The cost of operating the ‘ ‘ thirteenth and fourteenth maladies. important research does show the Sunday T h i s d o e s great value of these two vitamins piled upon already top-heavy school expenditures hi Rally of local campaign workers not mean that in raising your vital resistance for United Jewish Appeal. f Jersey would have a serious effect upou the home owners’ an adequate against dangerous infections. Tuesday [bilL diet guaran­ The protective foods richest In Chow mein supper at Calvary tees your es- thiamine (B.) and riboflavin Lutheran Church. [Strange reasoning sometimes forms the basis for bills re- c a p e from (B:i are enriched white bread, Wednesday Dr. James A. Tobey colds, influen­ whole grain products, oatmeal, P"g lucal government spending. One measure (A-25U) Hurden-Looker P .-T . A. meeting. Saybrook P.-T. A. meeting. za, pneumonia, and other infec­ yeast, pasteurized milk, pork, pd before the current session would require payment of a tious diseases, but it may help you ham, liver, other meats, eggs, and April 16 to avoid them. It is a fact, more­ green vegetables. These whole­ r 1 salary to any county building elevator operator with Calvin Coolidge P.-T. A. meeting. rears of service "hi any county with a population of more Progressive dinner of Junior over, that the well-nourished some foods should be the basis of KEEP ’EM WORKING Woman’s Club. person generally suffers much every well-balanced and ade­ | 4UU,UU0 inhabitants.” Just why an elevator operator in April 21 less severely from these maladies quate daily diet. [ties with 400,000 residents is worth a higher salary than Board of Health meeting. if he contracts them. These valuable foods, together Check your electrical appliances. A few minor adjustments with fresh fruits and other dairy [ in any other county is not explained in the measure. April 22 The effect of two vitamins of Testimonial dinner to Frank A. the important vitamin B group products, also contain other im­ may keep them at work — a new plug — a cord mended — Native observers however, interpret the bill as intended to Haefner by Democratic County Com­ on Infections is described in a portant vitamins that definitely [de an increase for an unnamed individual on the Bergen mittee o f Hillside. recent issue of Public Health Re­ help to increase your resistance a connection tightened. These repairs can be made easily [ty payroll. April 25 ports, the official weekly bulletin against Infections. Vitamins A Children’s entertainment. c f the U. S. Public Health Serv­ and C, for example, are equally by your electrical dealer. You're being patriotic when you [lie Legislature must do its part in reducing local spend- Gay Nineties party of St. Cath­ ice. The experiments were, of significant for this purpose. erine’s Church. course, conducted on laboratory >Vitamin A was, In ooce have your appliances mended for you help to conserve pf i £w.Jersey governmental units are. to survive the’s - April 2S animals, but they indicate wliat” known as the anti-infective vita­ labor and materials for war [ie impact on public finances. Township Committee meeting. might happen to humans. min, although this nam e has been May 4 When mice were fed on diets abandoned, because all the vita­ Annual meeting of George Wash­ production work. Your ap­ deficient in thiamine (vitamin mins are needed -for proper ington. .R.-T. A. B,) and riboflavin (vitamin BJ, strength and vitality. Get them pliances-will have" to -servfe A T MERCY OF LABOR CZARS May 5 Meeting of Woman’s Club of Hill­ these animals were more suscep­ In abundance from the protective | tible to fatal pneumohia than foods. you for some time. It will | the severest indictment yet made by any high government side. Junior Woman’s Club meeting. pay you to keep them in [1 against organized labor, is found in testimony presented May 9 Assistant Attorney-General Thurman Arnold, before a House Convention, of Phi Alpha Sigma M f f •* *# good condition. Fraternity. [ lfuj Subcommittee which was considering a proposal to May 11 | Ul|mns to register with the government. Annual meeting of Junior High School P.-T. A. IT MAKES SENSE PU B LIC ® SERVICE I hi the words of an A1J dispatch, Mr. Arnold “ accused Mother-Daughter banquet of [uzed labor of impeding the use of men and machines in Junior W oman’s Club. AND SAVES YOU DOLLARS TO.. I'm effort, destroying independent businesses, and holding May 12 Township Committee meeting. Buy United States n fs alld consumers ‘ at its mercy’.” May 13 hie rank and file of working people in this country are Election and installation of Hill­ Defense Bonds side Avenue P.-T. A. or Stam ps j 0 ^ame this. They are as patriotic as anyone. They Saybrook P.-T. A. installation. to work harder and produce more. But a small group May 14 Calvin Coolidge P.-T. A. meeting. i eiful tabor leaders have the worker—like the farmer, Board of Education meeting. ^consumer and employing industry— hog-tied. Under the May 19 Board of Health meeting. I s l0P principle, a man or woman must pay tribute to a HAVE YfllJR FO R D May 20 1 [j! obey a labor boss or lose the job that means his or Hurden-Looker P.-T. A. installa­ ! he mood. This is an astounding situation to exist under tion. May 22 f ldt otherwise guarantee personal liberty and protect a Spring Dance of Junior Woman’s Club. * extortion and combinations in restraint of trade. We May 26 icai how grasping, greedy employers had placed work- Township Committee meeting. SERVICIED NOW ■ 1 'utual servitude- Today it is labor dictators, drunk VISIT SOLDIER SUN | Mr. and Mrs. Walter C John­ SEE.YOUR L l l OU DEALER son and family, of 237 Dorer ave­ H enry Rech nue, drove to Fort Dix on Monday 1 U I 1 U ^ 1/ ^’0Pulir Brandi of Bottled Beer and Soft Drinks to visit their son Walter Johnson Jf,, who is stationed at that post. i ASK ABOUT PAYMENT PLANSI (( 1 . ® '* & Vi KEGS BEER - Coolers Rented They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. David H, Doremus, of 38 Wil ■ — A Liberty Ave. EL 3-3529 liamson avenue, uncle and aunt of Pvt. Johnson.


Shade Tree Commission and the Guard In th* Jail, for a period of two Committee, approving aDD01tl. months, effective March 6, 19*2. Florence Q. McCarthy, ase,! ent of Socialism,” by South Side; “Mahat­ Hoad Committee. Feller Discusses Boro of Kenilworth, requesting re" Union County Board of Elections, ad­ the Fourth District CouT' ' rt^ rY in Luftman Quits ma Ghandi’s Plan—7 Points,” by Installation o f teletype system at Ken- vising that the name of Edward ' A. M arch 1st, at a ■aYary^of V-. effects. 6« Irvington, and “British-American .1 worth P olice Headquarters, referred Roeael, will appear as a member of the m onth, was on roll call '•5o ter Election Board in place of William J. adopted. n Piously Control,” by Weequah^c. N. J. Constitution to Finance Committee. Sheriff, advising of appointm ent of A. Seeland, and that Mr. M urphy has been Freeholder Baufer for the p . „ G^O. P. Post I Macdonald as temporary Guard on elected as Secretary and Commissioner m ittee, fixing the salary r'ar ■ ' i f February IS, 19-12, for one tour of duty. with an Increased compensation. erintendent in the Union c Y i ‘ Assemblyman Milton B. Feller probation Office, advising that Ellyn Union County Board . of Elections, ad­ Department, wits on roll , ;il; ' spoke before tjae Rotary Club at its Uurgoyne, switch board operator and vising th a t James J. Delaney has been ly adopted. Republican leader oi Llie Fifth Testifies In lile clerk, terminated her services on granted a leave of absence for the Freeholder Bauer for the i . . meeting last week in the Hillside m ittee, appointing Herbert. /. District and secretary oi the State Feb. 20, 1942. duration of the War. Presbyterian Church, where he out­ F. J. Scheder? calling attention to Sheriff, advising that Audrey C. as Superintendent in the r o;, V .. ,J/.<\r'Uu Housing Authority, Harry I. Lull- lined the problems involved in chang­ condition of ditch on Summit Koud. was Macaulay, returned to her duties on a salary of $4,100, effectiv- .ai man, oi 1563 Maple avenue, has re­ Union Trial ing the State constitution. He said referred to K'oad Committee. March 1st, 1942. 1942. . was on roll " . air signed from the county committee State H ighw ay Dope, advising that Deputy County Clerk, advising that adopted. « m that most people agree with Governor Donald Sterner approved of chang- certain employees names be changed Freeholder 'Bauer for the I; . ■ f. in anticipation ' oi his being called Edison, than changes are heeded,.but -Lo­ William H, Primmer, of 46 Looker . w..Hwr -H - W -WHWWd- ...... Surrogate, advising he has granted street, testified recently at the trial that differences arise in how they Tut Tars and Asphalts from Aspluuw>- to execute submitted agree: '. / Abe W. Seifer, oi /216 Williamson Uil, Grade liC-2 or NRC-3, to MC-O three month's lfeaye of absence, without the State Relative to she:, should be brought out, and pointed pay. to Gladys H. Caprario, effective avenue, was appointed to succeed to oust Louis Kaufman, business or MC-1, was referred to Hoad Com­ cost of installation and main • out the many lengthy and intricate March loth. lighting at certain County r 1 him, after his resignation was ac­ agent of Local 244, Motion Picture mittee. . . . . County Engineer, advising that 1-loyd Operators’ Union. Primmer said that legal details involved. At the club s County. Superintendent ot Hoads, en­ sections with State Highway cepted at the unit's meeting. Mr. closing resignation of Wm. Brown as \V. Freeman, Operator of Electrical the County, was on roll call c meeting next week, there will be an Ijraybridges, . resisnqd,. ... effective F„&k: Seifer is a Newark attorney. he lost out on a job in the Rivoli Wa11 1,1 lu.-i.n effective Feb. 1". 1943. ly adopted. election of officers, • ruary 28, 1942. Mr. Luftman has been active for Theatre in 1938, when the four-man Shade Tree Commission advising ui.u Freeholder Bauer for the 1: . Merrill left employ on January -th. Town of ' Westfield, requesting con­ m ittee, approving appointin'- 15 years hi count} politics, being ciw"Tjr operators ’ was reduced to' tribution of ?9,p0t>. from the County three, after negotiation between the and not having returned far five days, rick McConnell as Night Republican chairman here from 1936 signed him under Rule 43. toward the construction of a storm the County Yard, at a salary to 1941, and leader of lihL district union and the owner. From a $47-a Shade T ree Commission, appointing sewer, was referred to Bridges. Drain­ per annum, effective Mur. i. Tryad Mystery Is For age and Flood Control Committee. for four years. Though iw^ias sold week job, he testified that he was John A. Pierson as Secretary of tlie roll call unanimously adopt*- Commission. J«dge Martin Stutsman, advising that Freeholder Bauer for the ; his real estate business hi Hiiiside, shunted to a $35 weekly theatre, Elizabeth V. Monahan, resigned her after several temporary jobs. The Shade T ree Commission, resulving that m ittee, authorizing transfei he will remain wno die Housing Service Men’s Benefit the rules and regulations o f the Shade position as Secretary as of February from various accounts, men- union business office handed out Tree Commission as adopted by the 25th, 1942. Reserve for Equipment a Authority for the present time. ling of I new jobs without Primmer ever Commission of -Sept. 12, 1935, and con­ Judge Martin Stutsman, ad' 510, by the County Treasure*, During the List war he served a* Wrould You Believe It?”, -a three- the appointment of Florence i. Me- I sented to and approved, by the Board March roll call unanimously adiq ;• the commanding officer of the Eliza- having met the theatre owner or Freeholders on Septi, 2 6, 19 35, be I’arthy as Secretary, effectivi act mystery comedy, will be staged month: t----- manager before going to work. an d tlu- Same arc- hereby adopted lor 1st I9i2""at a smury-ur■ t — freihpon——gu.mmn , ana n by the Tryad Players of the New was referred to Finance Committee m ittee, approving the When asked whether he couldn’t the year 1942. Edward R. O'Brien, as Eng r now a reserve officer. He expects to ark Y. M. C. A. this evening at Report of audit of Bonnie Burn San­ Following monthly reports were re­ get a job on his own without the ceived and ordered filed:— County Treas­ sistant in the Engineer s i >•: be called for active duty sometime 8:40 o’clock. atorium from Wright, Long &: Com­ salary of $7 0 per month, ell. help of the union, he answered that TENSION pany, was received and ordered filed. urer; Supt. of Weights & Measures, next moil tli. Last September he'mar­ The story relates the difficulties jail Physician. Third Judicial District 1st, 1942, was on roll call u: it would be quite impossible. .Monthly report ot County Physician, adopted. ried, Mias Ancle Liaeiow, daughter which arise when Grandmother was received and ordered filed. Court; Fifth Judicial District Court; Asked the court: RACIE MANSION was built In Freeholder Brokaw for th- oi Joseph G. JBraeiow, Newark at­ Davis begins reading mystery Report of Public Property. Grounds Acting Home Dem. Agent; Ass't. Home torney, and Airs. Braelow. • Couldn't you go to one of the 1799 by Archibald Oracle who A Buildings Committee on receipt oi DBm. A gent; Public Property, Grounds tve on Bridges, Drainage & ; stories. Tire role of Grandmother Uul, authorizing County bigger theatre^ and say to the received there as his guests many bids for window cleaning, was received & Buildings Committee. Davis will be played by Eleanor pay the sum of $9,500. up- n owner: T il take $67 a week instead And ordered filed. Annual report of Judge Frank J. famous people, including John Timoney of Hillside. Her sister, Reports of Committee on - County Ffaff. Juvenile and Domestic Relations tiop of Agreem ents with ti..- of the $92 you're paying’?” Quincy Adams, James Fenimore Roads on the receipt of bills for bitu­ Court Judge, was received and ordered Westfleld. Said sum to be • a Marjorie Timoney, will enact tlie tion towards the construct Hit By Car V V l n i e 'I don’t believe I’d be able to get minous concrete, per ton. was received filed. . Cooper and Washington Irving. It part of Mrs. Davis’ daughter, a so­ storm sewer, was on roll it,” h e replied and ordered filed. Report of Committee on Bridges, was restored in 1927 by the Park ciety matron. Miss Marie Ferrigno Following resolutions were introduced: Drainage and Flood Control, recom imously adopted. Primmer admitted that he never Cleaning Roadway Department. Soon to become the of Bond street, who played tlie title (1) —Freeholder Ackerman for them ending the sum of $9,500 be paid to There being no further ! . complained to the union executive Public Property, Grounds & Buildings ] the Town of Westfield as a contribu­ upon motion of Freeholder b official residence of New York role in the “Violin Maker's Daugh­ board or asked a transfer to another Committee, recommending award of win- > tion towards the improvement of the seconded and carried, the D e ­ I City’s Chief Executives, its first oc­ ter,” will be a friend of tire Davis dow cleaning contract to lowest bid- j stream crossing Linden Ave.. near Uak clared the Board adjourn ~ Antliony Ainmobiie, oi 36 Vroom theatre. Primmer and other com­ cupant will be Mayor Fiorello H. family. Donald Burgess, who ap­ der, was on roll call unanimously- Avenue, Oak Ave.. near Linden Avenue, Thursday, March 26th, , lyi street, Jersey City, suilered a plainants in the trial seek appoint . adopted. Sherwood Parkway; Gerard Avenue. P. M. I^aGuardia. Between ft and the East peared with the Spotlighters in such broken shoulder, lacerations of tlie me'nt of a receiver for the local, an ( 2) —Freeholder Smith for the Finance Putnam Avenue, Kimball Turn and Gai- CHARLES AFFIX-: River is the John H. Finley Walk, successes as “ Christmas Carol” and Committee, directing County Treasurer field Avenue near Topping Hill Road, adv. body and contusions oi me back injunction against Kaufman and his named after the late Dr. John H. “Fly Away Home,” will play Officer to charge off the respective accounts was received and ordered filed. when he was struck by an automo­ associate officers from exercising mentioned as being presently uncol­ Finley, well known walking en­ Jones. Charles Yanulevich and Following resolutions were introduced; bile driven by Henry J. VanDorpe their duties and an accounting of lectable, was on roll call unanimously Freeholder Ackerman for the Public relieve 20, of 245 Philips terrace. Union, thusiast, educator and editor. Re­ Larry Doremus of the prize-winning adopted. Property, Grounds & Buildings Com­ To the union funds. ■ f m r (3) — Freeholder Smith for the Finance last Wednesday at 12:55 p. m. produced here is the plaque border­ “ Fourih Generation” cast will play mittee, appointing Fred Obermueller, as Misery of Committee, authorising certain transfers Cleaner & Helper, in the Custodian's ing the Walk depicting Dr. Finley important roles. of 19 41 appropriations, was on roll call COLDS Ammobile, who was cleaning the D ep t, at the rate o f 60c per hour, sheet with a long push-broom at engaged in his favorite exercise. 18th Street, to the East River Drive. Catherine Wasko, Betty Walck unanimously adopted. effective March 2d. was on roll call ^ ^ LIQUID Plan Testimonial and William Collins of Newark; (4) —Freeholder Bauer for the Road unanimously adopted. the corner o f Hillside avenue and Gracie Mansion can be reached continuing \lon g the Drive to 92nd Committee, accepting the lowest bid Alice Lambertson of Arlington and freeholder Smith for the Finance North Broad street, was struck as easily and quickly by way of the Street. At 92nd Street turn left for hot m ixed bituminous concrete and Committee, authorizing the transfer of nV /V n /V n / No«e T^ Drops 5 Van Dorpe drove his vehicle out oi Dinner To Raphael Queens Midtown Tunnel. Drive east down York Avenue and at 88th Paul Schuette of East Orange will the lowest bid for cold m ixed bitu­ Bond monies, was on roll call unani­ Cough Drops complete the cast. minous concrete, was on roll call un­ mously adopted. y “R L B -M Y -T IS M "—A Wonderful Hillside avenue, north, on North from the tunnel’s Manhattan plaza Street left again one block to East animously adopted. Freeholder Smith for the Finance Liniment Broad street. Officers Charles Grant The production is under the direc­ A testimonial dinner will be given and follow First Avenue north as End Avenue. Gracie Mansion face# There being no further business and and Harold McBride, who responded tion of Alvin Walck. Walter Mac- upon m otion of Freeholder Dudley, duly in honor of William M. Raphael, far as 48th Street. Turn right at 38th S'roet from Carl Schurz Park. to the call, made the injured man Allister and Anthony Zuccerello are seconded and carried, the D irector de­ president of the Board of Educa­ clared the Board adjourned until Thurs­ as comfortable as possible where technical director and scenic de­ tion, on Sunday May 17 by the day, March 12. 1942, at two P. M. he lay, fearing to move him be­ the collection of tin foil. Some dona­ signer respectively. CHAS. F. A F F LE C K , Progress Club of Hillside, of which cause of possible back injuries, and Students Making tions have already been received by adv. Clerk. Raphael is first vice president. He The proceeds of the show will be the crew of Engine No. 3, return­ Mrs. Knox, one person contributing Grassmann & Kreh is former president of the Sinai given to the Service Men’s Recrea­ Regular meeting of the Union County ing from a brush fire oil North Defense Material about ten pounds. She pointed out Congregation of Hillside. tion Fund. Soldiers and sailors in Board of Chosen Freeholders, was held Broad street, drove their apparatus that those bringing the foil to the at the C ourt House, Elizabeth, New The dinner will be held in the uniform will be admitted free. across the intersection and directed salvage chairman are not only con- Jersey, on Thursday. M arch 12. 19 4 2 All students taking shop at the at two P. M. Engineers ior Hillside the traffic around the group in the Elizabethan room of the Essex tributiong to the Red Cross, but are House, Newark. high school are helping to make Director MeMane presiding. Roll call street until the arrival oi an am­ providing urgently needed metal. showed nine members present. ------0 ------Synopsis of Minutes of 433 N. Broad St., EUaabeth bulance. Ammobile was removed to Among his various other activi­ materials for the Red Cross, school Minutes-of the meeting of February- defense, home defense and town de­ 26, 1942. were approved as per printed the Elizabeth General Hospital ties are: Past Grand Patron of the Phone EL 2 -317* fense units, in accordance with the Board of Freeholders copies on the members desks. The injured man was employed Order of the Golden Chain, Past Overloaded Truck Resolution that all bills approved be High Potentate of Sigma Omega national all-out defense program. ordered paid, was adopted. by Santaniello Bros, of Jersey City, The boys in the shop have so far Regular meeting of the Union County who are excavating the Public Serv­ Fraternity, National Treasurer of Board of Chosen Freeholders was held Following communications were re­ Scholarships of the Order of Brith made 300 splits and twelve stretch­ Brings $100 Fine at ..the Court House, Elizabeth. N. J., ceived and ordered filed:— ice property opposite the bank. ers, as urgent demands for these on Thursday. February 26th, 1942, at Supt. of Schools,, advising o f continued ------o ------Sholem, member of the National items have been made by doctors, two P. M. employment o f Mrs. Helen S. Brown for Executive Council of the Order, three m onths, effective M arch 1st at Vincent Oonca, of Dover, was Director MeMane presiding. Roll call member of the National Board of nurses and air raid wardens. The showed nine members present: $140. per m onth, was referred to the TRUSSES ELASTIC HOSIERY STUDENT FORUM AT stretchers were .. covered by girls Finance QjB-mmittee. • the Palestine Appeal, auditor- and fined $1JK) and - cou rt, cost^ in -bttt Minutes of the meetings of February in the home economics department. County Clerk, advising he has been ABDOMINAL BELTS LOCAL ASSEMBLY executive board member of the week’s session of Police Court, by 9th, and February 13th, were approved ordered to active military du ty in, the Writing boards for wounded as per printed copies on the members United States Army and w ill be on Jewish Educational Association oi Recorder Ellsworth J. Sterner. Conca desks. Essex County, form er executive soldiers, game boards, smoking stands Indefinite leave from M arch 1st and An inter-scholastic forum was was arrested on March 21 by State Resolution that all bills approved be requesting the difference between his SCHARFENBERGER’S held at an assembly at the high chairman of the United Synagogues and smoking trays are now being ordered paid, was adopted. Army com pensation and the com pen­ made in the wqod shop. The elect­ Motor Vehicle Inspector Ready for school last week where "Post War of New Jersey, treasurer of the Following communications were sation received as County Clerk, was 1141 ELIZABETH AVENUE ELIZABETH, N. J. rical shop is turning out Morse keys referred to the Finance Committee. World and What It Will Be Like” Hillside Lions Club and Past Noble operating an overloaded truck. He ceived and ordered filed: ELizabeth 2-2211 to be used by soldiers and sailors Boro of Garwood, requesting installa­ was discussed. Grace Tully, a Grand of Ridgewood Lodge of the pleaded guilty. Frank Marlucci, 16, Mae V. Lynch, Chief Probation O f­ tion of teletype system, w as referred to practice sending and receiving ficer. advising that Emily Bayly was — senior, was the chairman and Zelda Independent Order of Odd Fellows. to the Finance Committee. Medical Supplies Surgical Appliances messages, and first aid kits for the a bench worker of 104 Pacific street, appointed for two months, from Feb. Supt. o f W eights & Measures, advis­ Reiter represented the school, 15, 1943, at a salary of $80.00 per Red Cross and for their own use Newark, was also fined after he ing of amount forwarded to the State. speaking on "A Stronger League of month, as Clerk Stenographer, was re­ Rahway Safety Council, calling a t­ UPSALA HONOR STUDENTS have been made up by the students. received a summons for driving a ferred to Finance Committee. Nations.” The assembly was also tention to the fact that a ‘ ‘Stop Street" All plans for work to be done are car without a license. He was ar­ County Clerk, advising that Greg A sign has been removed from the inter­ addressed by student representatives Barbara Soderstrom, of 1044 sent to Washington, D. C.. from the rested by Patrolman Lawrence Tre- Cunningham has been transferred from section of Lawrence Street and Hazel­ from West Orange, South Side. the Courts budget to Juvenile Court wood Ave.. and also that the "Dead Thomas street, was one of more headquarters of the Red Cross. ger on March 14, and was fined Irvington, and Weequahic high Budget. End" sign at the head,of Jefferson Ave­ Lhan 50 students whose names ap­ S10.00 and costs after pleading guilty. A. Lee Grover, Secretary, State High schools, each speaking for ten min­ ------$>------nue on W estfield Avenue, is in poor peared on the honor roll at Upsala Of the thirteen other cases heard, way Dept., approving specifications for condition, was referred to the Road utes and answering questions con­ furnishing stone, tar, asphalt and bitu­ College, it was announced Last week eight received fines and the rest Committee. cerning their topics by Dean Franz Ericsson. minous concrete during 1942. was re­ Probation Office, advising of appoint­ Named Chairman were suspended. ferred to Road Committee. ment of Elizabeth Kish as Clerk for Topics discussed by the visitors Also on the -honor roll was Rosa­ County Clerk's Office, enclosing Oath two months, beginning M arch 2nd. nt were: “Streit’s Second Plan of mond Van Poznak, another student of Office of John J. Hughes as Judge JS0.00 per month, was referred to the Union/' by West Orange; "World from Hillside. O f Tin Foil Salvage of the Third District Court. Finance Committee. Patronize Boro of Roseile. enclosing applica­ State H ighw ay Dept., advising that tions for State Aid for maintenance Commissioner Sterner approved of re­ Tlie Elizabethtown Chapter, and repair of certain roads in the Bor vising the quantities, as heretofore ap­ Our ough, was referred to the Road Com proved in repair specifications, was re­ American Red Cross, has designated mittee. ferred to R oad Committee. Rontali applied ao pur­ J. Bradford Wilson, regarding prop­ Mrs. David Knox, of 35 Hurden j Sheriff, advising of the tem porary ap­ chase price V dwfced. street, as the Hillside chairman, for Advertisers erty on Springfield Avs,, was referred pointment of Arthur I. Macdonald as ☆ ☆ Slifer Typewriter Co. AU MAKES-AU MODELS 655 High Street Who’s Who In Business NEWARK, N. 1. M A rfcet 3-2613 l Special IlcpT.. A Convenient Directory of Men and Firms Ready to Serve You Efficiently in Their Help guard against TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS Special Fields. Save Time, Energy and Money By Utilizing This Guide to Help You MOVING THIS SPRING “PINK TOOTH BRUSH” Get What You Need. with Ipana and Massage T he "moving day rush” is just ahead. BRIGHT, sparkling smile may suggest the healthful stimu­ fjlu n era l S itervir.e is so important to good lation of Ipana and massage. i f you are moving, we would like to have ^ lu to l\e^inLshin<2 A looks! Don’t risk “ pink tooth Get an economical tube of Ipana your telephone ready at your new address brush” ! Give your g u m s as well at your druggist’s today. Each ■"hen you arrive. Doing this will be more R. S. KING WALTER R. LEE as your teeth proper care! time that you brush your teeth, Refinishing of Motor Cars - Body and Fender Work But if your tooth brush sh ould massage a little extra Ipana int difficult thi- Spring because of the in­ Director of Funerals flash that warning tinge of “ pink” the gums..For Ipana is.especially creased demands on our organization and 1428 N. Broad St. Hillside, N. J. 1283 SALEM AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J. — see your dentist at once. designed not only to keep teeth facilities caused by war activities. Phone WAverly 6-OM8 1 - i U I You may not be in for serious bright and sparkling but with trouble, but let him decide. Usu­ massage to help the health of the ally, however, his verdict will be gums as well. Help keep your It will help if you will give us plenty of 8 * L e n e i Infants and Childrens Wear “ gums robbed o f work by our smile attractive the Ipana way! advance notice of your moving plans. modern soft foods” — “ gums that need exercise for better health.” Please call our Business Office. LAYETTES MADE IN HILLSIDE BY BETZ KIDDIE BAZAAR And, as so many dentists do, he BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY Style — Quality — Value Thank ytfiil MUSICAL CAKES FOE ALL OCCASIONS 7 Variety Songs INFANTS AND CHILDREN’S WEAR

The Bakery With A Reputation For Quality 0 P e x c e 'p? S' m BERGEN STREET NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OPEN SUNDAYS Free parking In rear— 1st driveway Union Ave. TUES.-THUR8. NEWARK, N. J. WAverljr «-tO U 2 Union Arenne Phone ES. 3-3758 Irvington Center L Liquor Stores Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps • Invest in I iclory Blue Ribbon Bakery A SAVING HABIT . . . SHOP AT Our Bakerv Products speak for themselves. Try Our 2 Specials Daily and Sundays Szarko’s Liquor Store Store open evenings and all day Sunday 1317 LIBERTY AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J. 988 8tuyvesant AvO., Union UN 2-3200 Call W A £-#619 fw Free quick delivery delivei — Open 12 noon Sundays "The Telephone Hour'’ t t , H K B Q S - - - COOLERS FOE H I ILK EVERY Costume & Sports Dresses N ow at 9 P. M. MONDAY

WEAF • KYW ’ THE RHODA SHOP RHODA SASLOW ATTRACTS COSTUME and SPORT DRESSES Reasonably Priced =» ATTENTION Alterations without charge WA 3-9669 Phone Thia Newspaper 1*11 MAPLI A VENUS HILLSIDE, N. J. IPANA TOOTH PASTE And You’ll Ge* jtoaatton


Realty Transfers FIRST-AID Reasonable Mouthly Payments to th e Will Pay for This Five-Room Home Defend the homes o f America! L. Edgecomb to Anna M. No. 1073 Fairview place. AILING HOUSE comb, property in the northerly Chapman and Montgomery, Inc., By ROGER B. WHITMAN of King street, 307 feet from to Colonial Park Honiesites, Inc,, ■m avenue. lots 50 to 70, block 1, map of Holly­ (© R oger B. Whiti.ian— WNU Service.) Louise Updike to Louise Updike wood Park. Eugehe Konrad Steber, join t Defense Homes, Inc. to Mr. and Antique Finish on Furniture*^ property in the southerly Mi-s. Joseph Meyer, property in the JAINTED furniture in white or "WTnrmsFTr?—mm—rrr—tuti" „ ------,____i -Ji 1‘lizpatrick street, 120 feet i southerly Side of Tillman street, cream usually becom St. Louis avenue, 436.71 feet from Bloy street. more attractive when given a finish and Mrs. Joseph Siknus to Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Collmer to known as “ antique." In its applica­ miiip of Hillside, lots 41 to 43, Carl W. Collmer, Jr., property in tion the painted “finish of the furni­ 16, map of West Newark the easterly line of Fairview place, ture should be thoroughly dry, and ■ 832.51 feet from Conant street. e.vsted Building and Loan As - if necessary, smoothed with very auon Liquidating Corporation to fine sandpaper. A coat of a thin ired Bubb, property known as BEGINS TRAINING varnish, known as a glaze, is then applied liberally. This glaze is not ON JURY PANEL IN NAVAL AVIATION clear, but is tinted either with dark new panel of January term brown or with black. While the glaze jurors, who will serve from Robert Ritchie Greason Jr., of is still wet, it is wiped off with lint­ 6 to 18, was drawn up las* 128 Coe avenue, has reported for less cheese-cloth in such a way that before Judge Edward A. M c- naval aviation flight training at the a very thin coat is left .on the fiat ji. by the Union County Jury U. S. Naval Aviation Reserve Base, surfaces, while more is left in the mission. Included in the panel Atlanta, Ga., it was announced this carvings and mouldings. The effect week. nme residents o f this m unici- ix to produce a shading that ^oes Frank F. Debus, 1139 W ood- Greason, if successful in flight from fairly deep tones to so light a avenue; Roy F. Mildrum, .42 training, will after two months of tone that it can hardly be noticed. :iwood place; William Leissler,' preliminary training at this base, be Examination of articles of antique Woodruff avenue; Fred W. Located fan a deLenwe area of sent to a southern training station finish at a furniture store will give aenor, 1234 North Broad street; for seven months of advance in­ a Southern State, this modern the idea. If glaze cannot be had,, five-room home was built by ene Schneider, 219 Boston ave- struction. Upon completion of this William Bell, 123 Coe avenue, it can be made by thinning varnish private capital and industry in course, he will be commissioned as an effort to help meet the D. Colin, 17 Hurden street; an Ensign in the U. S. Naval Re­ with one-fourth as much turpentine, and tinting with color-in-oil; the kind housing needs of war industry ude B. Schobert, 1225 Salem ave- serve, receive his designation as workers and their families. It and Crouse Huber, 264 Conklin Naval Aviator and be assigned to that comes in tubes. - was built in accordance with mue. duty with the Fleet. Damp Basement the construction requirements Question: The basement of our and under the inspection of the two-year-old house feels damp, al­ Federal Housing Administra­ though there is no standing water in tion. The FHA valuation on ANTHONY G. DELUNAS it. We have six-inch cement chan­ this property is $3,44K). The floor plans pictured here shows Builder and General Contractor nels under the rainwater leaders, intentional changes from the but no underground drains, as we original in the location of Specializing in Home Modernization of All Kinds were warned that these might be­ plumbing equipment to con­ come stopped. Is the trouble in form easily with the Emer­ the foundation? Is the dampness to gency Plumbing Standards for Call UN 2-1109 539 Tillman St., Hillside, N. J. blame for the appearance of many Defense Housing. These changes are easily effected and cpbwebs at the windows? provide for less expense than '***A Answer: When rainwater leaders the original kitchen and bath­ discharge close to a house, the wa­ room layout. This home was Cliff Heathcot* phone WA. J-9292 ' ter may work back to the founda­ purchased with a down pay­ tion walls and make the cellar ment of $400 and an insured NTERSTATE AWNING & SHADE CO. damp. This is probably your trou­ mortgage of $3,000. Financed under Title VI over a period of FLOOR • PLAN ble. The discharge should be at AWNINGS, WINDOW SHADES, VENETIAN BLTND8 20 years, the monthly pay­ least-^15 feet away. To get rid of ments on an FHA-insured WEDDING CANOPIES, WHITE RUNNERS the „cnhwebs, puli them down as mortgage o f this amount would Aarno Company 918 Bergen Street Newark, N. J. they appear with a vacuum cleaner, be approximately $20, exclu­ and spray the space with an insect sive of taxes *nd hazard in- Lumber - Millwork - M a so n s ’ Material liquid. Work it into all cracks and surance. joints in the woodwork and else­ Faint - Hardware and Glass - Modern Kitchen Cabinet* where, for it is there that spider eggs Arms for Home Storm Sash - Parch Inclosures - Screens C. A. RONSON STORES develop. 7 Avon Avenue Bigelow 3-4577 Newark, N. J. Cupboard Drawer Dust 5c, 10c, $1.00 and up CARLTON UPHOLSTERY SHOP Defense * 0 * ■* *** ** *** * ************* Question: My cupboard drawers 305 MORRIS AVE., ELIZABETH, N J. *■*■***+***, 1594 Maple Ave. w a 3-1177 Hillside, N. J. deposit wood dust on the shelves underneath. We have put in metal QUALITY *************** ******** FLASH! We have a full line of GAUDEN HOSE at LOW PRICES, Make a garden strips for the drawers to run on, but SAVE 25 ft and 50 ft lengths. Galvanized GARBAGE CANS with covers, L. PEPLER & CO. still find dust particles. Fab riot all sizes. Just received, Wicker CLOTHES BASKETS. UP TO Answer; That dust is worn from EXPERT Complete Home Furnishers •■**-****! the edges of the drawers as they 25% This year all vegetables Why not buy your curtains, drapes and linens slide in and out Rubbing all the Workm&nthlp grown by you releases more on our convenient budget plan wearing parts with paraffine will end REUPHOLSTER now during our February Sale! food for our soldiers. Interior Decorating Our Specialty FORLENZA'S HOME APPLIANCES the trouble, and will also make the FREE TRANSPORTATION - JUST CALL US drawers slide more easily. 2-PC. SUITES REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS - IRONERS RADIOS 156 Spring-field Ave. MArkct 2-6333—«334 Newark, N. J. Floor Board Cracks CUSTOM EASY PAY RANGES - SEWING MACHINES Buy garden tools—fertilizer +■*+*++*++******************+* ****** ************* Question: In my hundred year old WE REPAIR all makes o f Sewing Machines, Irons, Ranges, REUPHOLSTERED PLAN and seed at the r* ************ ************ * * *4 *********** * * * * ^ ****** * * ******* house there are cracks between the Lamps, etc. • High Grade Materials Up to 15 Month* to Pay Office Phone: ESsex 3-2762 Residence Phone; ESiex 3-S1M boards of the pine floors. What fill­ • 4 New Cushion Springs 341 Lyons Ave er can I use that will stay in? • Springs Renet Arsenal of Home Defense— W A 3-7427 Newark, N. J. Phone ELizabeth Answer: First nail the boards sol­ • New Webbing .50 ROBERT STIEFEL & SON • New Filling Your Home Hardware Store idly to the beams; you can toenail • Frames Repaired and 29 up 2-8492 ROOFING, SHEET METAL WORK them at the edges. Then cut strips Re polished For SampleM of pine to fit the cracks and nail No O bligation °®iC€ Residence: 3-PC. CUSTOM KATHRYN A. KELLER them in with finishing nails. TAILORKD SLIP COVERS 22.\\ FREE DELIVERY 281 COIT STREET 22 Berkshire Plac# 1444 North Broad Street Hillside, N. J. Patched Stucco Irvington, N. J. Irvington, N . J. Question: Three sides of my stuc­ Phone WA 3-3891 co house are in good condition. **************** ******** Cracks on the front side have been GENERAL INSURANCE patched, and the patches spoil the Telephone KLlzabetli 2-3748 A. TAUB. Pr««. H U G O B ER G 2 HITS FOR ONLY 3 7 j Prompt and Efficient Service looks. Could I have this side shin­ ******** gled over the stucco? Or must the CITY HALL HARDWARE CO., Inc. HARDWARE Elite Records Now Being Sold at stucco first be taken off? Hardware Agents for Plum bing Supplies ***** ****** ** ** *. Answer: Shingles can be put on Tools Gluas — Brushes HILLSIDE RADIO SERVICE Points VALSPAR PAINTS House Furnishing 230 Hollywood Ave. over the stucco through the use of Wall Pap«r KEYS SLADE W H IL E YOU WAIT Gifts 388 a Long Avenue UN 2-1433 v . MAZZARISI CO. hardened steel nails, which are on 22 RAHWAY AVENUE, ELIZABETH, N. J. EL 2-0352 TILE and TEEEAZZO CONTRACTORS the market for just such a purpose. Home and Auto Radio Service Ordinary nails would bend on being T********* Repair Work Our Specialty driven into stucco, but these hard ******** ***4, nails will do the trick. If your house r****** *** i ?******, W. AMATO, Mgr. ■**■**■** i is detached, its appearance with IT’S TIME FOR SLIP COVERS NOW! 217 Hillside Avenue WA 3-9050 I. J. ANTIQUE SHOP three sides of stucco and the front Call for an estimate ESsex 3-9650 shingled might be odd. The effect WANTED — Used Furniture Bought and Bold * JOIN THE would be better if the defective stuc­ Perfect Fit Guaranteed — Easy Terms co is taken off .and replaced. High Cash Prices Paid for Cut Glass Cabin Ventilation SWING TO Uric a B rae, China, Silver, Gold and Antique Furniture IRVINGTON UPHOLSTERING BENJAMIN T. SUMMER Question: How can the attic of a 1168 Springfield Avenue Irvington, N. J. cabin be ventilated? Are ventilators 1026 Bergen St. Tel. W A 6-2585 1 ******* Plumbing - Heating - Tinning mSde that can be opened in sum­ and 891 Bergen St. NEWARK, N. J. W A 6-0672 mer and closed in winter? What ven­ t **************************** ************^******^**^***~********^ ' i Fitzpatrick St. EL 2-2765 tilating device can be put in the ceiling over the stove? For Better Paint Jobs, Jobbing Attended To — Estimates Given Answer: Lumber yards and deal­ on new or old work, use ers in building material carry Style Art Upholstering Shop louvres made either of metal or of wood to be put high up in the ends MATTRESSES RENOVATED HEATING WE WANT LISTINGS of the gables. These have shutters Furniture and Bric-A-Brac Bought, Sold and Exchanged Perfect Finish that can be closed in winter and SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER NEWARK - HILLSIDE - UNION are made with insect screens. To carry off smoke and vapors from a BY CAS CALL 785 Bergen Street Bigelow 8-1942 LINNETT & WOLF INC. Newark, N. J. stove, build a hood over it, with a ELIZABETHTOWN 29 ELIZABETH AVENUE ventilating pipe passing through the ceiling to an outlet in the roof. The ias Co. Clinton Paint NEWARK, N. J. BI 3-0040 ************** ************, hood can be made of sheet metal, & WALLPAPER CO. plasterboard, or anything similar. Now Serving The War Industries Painting Cake B o x e s __. r 518 Clinton Are., Newark Question: In redecorating kitchen SMITH sets, such as cake and bread boxes, NEILL & SPANJER Bigelow 3-0767, W E SUGGEST Linoleum & Rug Co. J I do not seem to have the right oil, Mahogany - White Pine and Hardwoods ********** Placing your Coal and Coke orders so that paint will take on the ap­ pearance of enameL Can you tell 601 Chettnut St., Union, N. J. 1350 Liberty Ave. Tel. UNionviHe 2-1717 • - a lorn unu -,rii ahead of your needs. me what to use? UN 2-5193 Answer: For best results, you ***************** ***********. BOOFIHO — W ALLBOARD — TILEBOABD should start with the thorough All Inatallatlona Guaranteed RUGS•RUGS•RUGS V/r C .».m Them We Repair Tr LUMBER MASON MATERIAL cleaning of the boxes with sand­ ********** ************ '*********************** A paper to take off old paint and for FLOOR COVERINGS REASONABLE PRICES GAS RANGES the slight roughening of the metal used slightly In cooking school demonstrations and floor models, Linoleum and Carpets surface. Then put on one coat of to be -sold at greatly reduced prices, Chambers, Great 8tat», Banbury & Burnett enamel undercoater and a finish coat Dutch Oven, Glenwood, Vulcan, Smoothtop, Roper, Estate, Oold Seal Conguleum Bugs “ •A- //•’{;■ JfuU ftuy 1 H iuit" W illiam Hale Coal Co. of enamel. These two should be of Anderson; full new range guarantee. Armstrong Quaker Rugi the same color, and for best results, I " I \'*;u ru:,« («> the lust -n tlu Ivisiik’ss 1374 LIBERTY AVE. Phone UNionville 2-2244 HILLSID E made by the same manufacturer. BIRKENMEIER & COMPANY Open Mon., Wed., Fit Ev* *ACH LOAD DKLITEBED IS CAREFULLY W H O HKD 1091 SPRINGFIELD AVE., IRVINGTON, N. J. 7 - Q P. M. FI 7-1710 •' J,‘‘' ’ 1 ' 5* l‘utel,on 77 \\ f .!< \ \ I ) S I Open Evenings Until 10 P. M_ Kfl l-M il f*'7 f; ?0 y(ifs 1.1 1/.M.1 . 1 11 ********* ■M

.1A! f t . Sat, Page Eight THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1942

tional Legion Commander Lynn U. House a naval public works bill to million pounds, during the first L°. “ In Stambough. Progress made by the year of the Department’s expanded tlienco atlll alon, B,uVy « t . Elks Officers Elizabeth Firm provide a billion dollars for ex­ i orty-two degrees .fifteen A. ““u« purchase program—March 15, 1941, Boy Scout troop sponsored by the pansion in aircraft and storage : 1 n e'ty -1 o u r~ f e e Tu n dU t w S v “ ‘ !‘uu'» orf H. rootfiliil rt„ / i NI ..... i 1 S S veterans unit was noted, and it -W ill Build Here facilities. The War Department to Maxell 15, 1942. M ore than half was announced that a “new mem­ A IVeek of the A c/r of all purchases were for meat, known as Elizabeth Avemm ,, r*#t ruled officers and enlisted men, ex­ North jjiuiiuBroad streetStreet nowno i , '’ UbI“* j Are Installed bership night” program will be held cept those of the Regular Army, dairy and poultry products. Most both Avenue South a"ty- on April 16. •[ A permit was granted last week A summary oi information on the important develop­ may campaign for and1 hold politi­ purchases were for Lend-Lease thirty-six minutes West p,, u 4 ------4 ------shipment. the place of BEGINNING lUy 4 1 New officers of Hillside Lodge by Building Inspector Charles Han­ ments oi the week made available by official sources cal office, if such activity does not North B road Street beiim . \ 1591, B. P. O. E., were installed last The Agriculture Department re­ as Elizabeth Avenue. b kj son to the Elizabeth Pattern Works, through the Defense Advisory Committee of the National interfere with m ilitary duties. Se­ Thursday night at ceremonies held Paul Koenig Wins of 824 Livingston street, Elizabeth, lective Service Headquarters in­ ported prices oi all farm products Excepting however from tt,., ,, scclbud premises 5b much j. ab° at the lodge’s clubhouse. The In­ for the construction of a $10,000 Editorial Association. structed local boards to start classi­ combined were 99 per cen t of parity stallation was by Charles Wiber- fore been conveyed by Anne i *""«■ I \a \ \ W ings factory to be erected on Sweetland fication of February 16 registrants, on March 15, 1942; and 46 per cent t0 th® C °unly of Union for- ..alskc, William Rmii.h__and__ Ben -a-vei-mc:—The—bu-heh-ngr-fco—'be—con­ and-“ feO“Ptiepaiie---feo--fifl--the---A4-m-y^>- -above—LUe- 190iL14—average. The.. Jensen, guest officers from -the 11 o' 'j, Tj-u..! ’ , r' '* structed of brick and cement blocks, War Production Director Nelson, to wreck vital industries, even in June call—and possibly the1 May Commodity Credit Corporation re­ Perth Amboy Lodge. f 1233 of Deeds for Union Couniv ^ Paul C. Koenig, 25, of 1569 Clin­ will be 48 by 100 feet, and one story speaking in New York City, , said the heart of th e ' country.” Mr. call—from these m en and the earlier ported it has contracted for the 65 &c., and therein described L°n ^ The 'officers inducted were: Emil ton place, became a full-fiedged high. “America’s industrial plant is really Landis said $20 million of OCD registrants. SS Headquarters also sale, during The period ending April BEGINNING at a Botm" "U| A. Herrigel, exalted ruler; Frank Navy pilot this week when, he re­ beginning to roll.” He said airplane issued instructions to all local boards 30, of about 5,500,000 bushels oi established center line of i.-i'L !116 The firm, which now. employs funds have been transferred, to nue (form erly known us \Unulh% W. Dilkes, esteemed leading knight; production schedules for th e first for registration of an estimated corn and about 240,000 bushels oi ceived his “wings" and ensign’s com­ eight men and is engaged in mak­ build facilities f o r manufacture of Street) at the Intersection 4 ,, ilrl Fred W. McCarthy, esteemed loyal mission at the U. S. Naval A n Sta­ ing castings for machine parts,, is three months of this year have been civilian gas masks. First shipments 13,500,000 men between 45 and 64 wheat to be processed into indus­ with the Easterly line of lank 1(1 “I knight; Ellsworth J. Sterner, es­ tion, Jacksonville, Florida. rapidly expanding,, and will fnove met or exceeded, and production of of helmets, arm bands and other on April 27. trial alcohol. of Mary Devork thence “ teemed lecturing knight; Dr. Fred along the newly established * Brief graduation ceremonies term­ its entire plant from Elizabeth to tanks is ahead o f schedule. equipment for air raid wardens and The War Front H. Roever, chaplain; Francis L. of Elizabeth Avenue North nn'1 inated. months of intensive flight the Sweetland avenue location, as Mr. Nelson said production of auxiliary firemen and police were The Navy reported as of April 4 degrees seven minutes East , H Farrell, tiler; , Geoffrey M. James, and ground school training at the soon as construction is completed. merchant ships is “rising ra p id ly’’ sent to more than 40 Atlantic and total Japanese losses inflicted by SHERIFF S SALE of forty-nine feet and nlncv SU| secretary; F. Allred Buub, treas­ dredths of a foot more or ’ ! k big Jacksonville Air Station. Work has already been started on and this year’s schedule should be Pacific coast cities. U. S. naval forces included 21 war­ urer, and Hugo W. Boberu, trustee S1IEKIFF'S SALE}— In Chancery of New Southwesterly line produced ' Ensign Koenig joined the Navy the land, the clearing and survey­ met. A Garand rifle is now avail­ The Armed Forces ships sunk, 13 possibly sunk and Avenue; thence running ( m ... “** for live years. Mr. Herrigel will be Jersey, Between Anthony J. Schindler at the Naval Reserve Air Base, ing almost finished, and it is ex­ able for “every one of our combat The Senate p assed and sent to 22 damaged; 48 non-combatant and Alurie Antoinette Evangelist, Execu­ Southwesterly line produced or? : the representative to uie Grand Avenue and along the line 0f i Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, N. pected that actual construction will soldiers who is supposed to have’ the House a bill granting pay in­ ships sunk. 14 possibly sunk and 14 tors under the last Will and Testament Lodge, with Lemuel A. Hail as altei.- ul' .Mary T. Schindler, deceased, eum- A nne J. Sutphen North tur.v Y., and wei\t through elimination begin this week, one,” he said. Production schedules creases from $30 a month to $42 damaged. The Army and Navy thirty-six minutes West a ,i|8la B .naie. nlailimit, and Hailey lteal, •hy■ -.d Co , '■< th irty-eight U » t » flight tl'alhhig (.litre before report- ior11 anti-aircraft a n d'-antl-tgiitc g uns lor privates and apprentice sea- potation ot New Jersey, delendanl. FT A platinum wrist watch was pre­ The laifd, on which the new build- said Axis submarines sunk or pre or a root to the newly S S S 3 ing to Jacksonville last June. also are being m et. However, "this men, and providing proportional in­ la, tor safe of mortgaged premises. sented by the lodge to Arthur T. ing will be built, was purchased sumed sunk by the Navy total 24, drly line of Elizabeth AveiuH I a is no tune for easy optimism,” he By virtue of the above-stated writ of running (3) along the newly 1 in addition to training in ail types from Harry Cooper, head of the creases for other classes of enlisted and those by the Army number fieri facias to me directed I shall ex­ Lee, retiring exalted ruler, and tri­ stated, because tlie production of Northerly lino of Elizabeth ' S i oi naval aircraft, he mastered such Cooper Alloy Foundry Company, men in the armed forces. The Post four. Assistant Secretary of War pose for s«ile by public vendue, in the bute was paid to ium ior liic ad­ Sheriff's o ffice (5th floor), in the Court parallel, with and distant Uiin .1 school courses its aviation engines war goods is so huge a jo b “ we Office Department issued regula­ for Air Lovett said U. S. pilots in teet and live tenths of a f(JUl a,*I vances made by the organization with* which the pattern works has House, in the city of Elizabeth, N. J., on ana structure, navigation, aerology, can break every record we ever tions fo r granting o f free first-class angles from the newly establish!.,i l under his year's leadership. had business dealings. the Far East are shooting down five W EDNESDAY, THE 22ND DAY OF gunnery and communications., Now, made, and still fall short of the mailing privileges fo r all ranks of APRIL, A. D., 10 4 2, line of Ellzaheth Avenuo Mouth"4, Japanese planes for every plane lost. nine degrees seven . minutes \v' need.” at two o’clock (EVVT) in the afternoon skilled navy pilot, he is pre­ the armed fo rce s. The Senate The forces of Lt. Gen. Wainwright distance of forty-nine feet un(i n!" Tlie Senate passed and sent to of said day. pared to lake his post with a unit passed and sent t o the House a bill in the Philippines repelled several All the following tract or parcel of nine hundredths of a foot more orl of the Navy’s air arm. the House legislation to set up a $100 eliminating restrictions on marriage land ond premises hereinafter partic­ to the line o f lands of Mary hi J Patriotic .tlas's enemy attacks by land, sea and air thence running (4) along the nil ularly described, situate, lying and be­ Son of Mr. and .Mrs. Jacob K oe­ million Smaller W ar Plants Cor­ of Army and Navy officers during on Bataan Peninsula and Corregi- lands of M ary Devork and the sum.T poration under the War Produc­ ing in the Township of Hillside" In the duced South forty degrees llur.j At St. Laliieriuc s nig, the newly-commissioned, ensign the war. Tire President signed dor Island with heavy Japanese County of Union and State of New received his A. B. degree from tion Board. The Corporation would legislation to p e rm it the War De­ losses. Japanese bombers sank the Jersey. minutes East a distance of thirty •! n>nnijUJise feet and four One-hundredths oi » 3 Columbia University in 1940. obtain contracts from government partment to recruit American tech­ U. S. aircraft tender Langley, the BEGINNING in the W esterly line of to the place o f BEGINNING. ' procurement agencies and re-award North Broad Street now know n as Eliza­ The men oi' St. Catherine's parLh s a y s nicians serving in foreign armed destroyer Peary and the Navy Known as No. 1524 N,„ii, them to small enterprises, breaking beth Avenue at a point 'herein distant Street, H illside, N. J. will receive Holy Communion in a forces and to pay them more than tanker Pecos in the southwest Pa­ Northerly two hundred and llfty-nine C IU T U II OI CT1U1ST, SC IE N TIST the orders into subcontracts where $21 a month d u rin g the first four feet and seventy hundredths of a foot Being the same premises conveys body at the 8 o'clock mass on Bun- cific, ' with an estimated loss o f 700 Bailey R ealty Co., by deed dated v necessary. • months. from the Northerly line of Williamson day and offer it up ior tlie inten­ "Are Sin, Disease, and Death men. The Navy reported the tor­ Afvenue; thence Noivth forty-two degrees tember 29th, 1939. Being a 1)Urc^ “Pinching Pennies is money mortgage having boon gIVef! tion of President Roosevelt and his Real?" is the Lesson-Sermon sub­ Civilian Supply The Navy Departm ent said meet­ pedoing o f 15 more United Nations fifteen minutes West One hundred and Tlie WPB ru led persons buying ings have been arranged in 35 seventy-five feet; thence North fifty- secure part of the purchase money (w cabinet. This service is being cun- ject for Sunday, April 12, hi all Practical Patriotism” merchant vessels in the Atlantic. seven degrees thirty-six minutes East lng the consideration of said conveys ducted by all Catholic churches in Christian Science Churches and toothpaste or shaving cream in States between A p r il 9 and 17 to Shipping and parallel with North Broad Street There is duo approximately $5,551' tubes must turn in to the retailers acquaint educators with the Navy The Maritime Commission re­ now known as Elizabeth Avenue Twenty- with interest from January ig, lm this section and it is expected tiiai Societies throughout the world. costs. between 3UU-400 hien will join in some kind of tin or tin-coated tube officer procurement program under ported all contracts have been nine feet and forty-six hundredths of a „ Tlie Golden Text Is: “The prayer foot to the Southerly line of Bailey Ave­ CH ARLES E. AYERS, Sher" for each new on e purchased. The which 80,000 co lle g e freshmen and awarded for the 23 million dead­ this demonstration oi their patri­ of faith shall save the sick, and the ET acquainted with the cow! nue; thence along the same Southeasterly CHARLES C. DEUBEL. Sol'r board froze sales and deliveries oi sophomores will b e recruited an­ weight tons of merchant shipping— Eighty-six feet and ninety hundredths Fees $44.10 EDJ&HT— CX-52 mar V otism and laiih on Sunday morning. Lord shall raise him up; and if he You’ll save money if you all new bicycles for adults, includ­ nually. The stu den ts will be en- nearly 2,300 cargo ships and tankers The men will assemble m the school have committed sins, they shall be G know cuts of beef—their most ing those already ordered a n d paid isted as Apprentice Seamen and al­ —which the .President has set as hall at 7:45 sharp and march to the forgiven him.” (.James .5:15). economical and successful use. for. Red Cross local chapters be­ lowed to remain i n school at lease the 1942-43 goal. Tlie Senate church in a body. Among the Lesson-Sermon cita­ Your butcher can supply you gan collection of the extra cloth to the end of the second year. passed and I'eturned to the House On next Monday evening the Holy tions is the following from the Bible: BEST FOODS MODERATE PRICES with such information. made available by the elimination About 35,000 will b e selected each a bill enlarging the war risk provi­ Name Society oi the church will en­ "But if 1 cast out devils by the of cuffs for approximately 50 mil­ year for further training leading sions of the M erchant Marine Act tertain the soldiers now stationed ;u Spirit oi God, then the kindoni oi lion pairs of trousers now on hand to commissions a s ensigns in the to allow insurance of foreign as well SUPER DINER the Elizabeth Armory. A special God is come unto you." (Matthew in stores, 'file salvage clip will Naval Reserve. as domestic ships. Route 29'near B lo y S t. Hillside vaudeville program has been ar­ 12; 28). make about 300,000 new suits. The Houpe passed and sent to the Agriculture Management of Gabriel A. Gabriel ranged Ior the -men in uniiorm and The Lesson-Sermon also includes Senate an $18 billion War Appro­ refreshments will be served. The Board ordered production of Tlie Department of Agriculture the following passage, from Llye cover caps of tinplate or terneplate, priation Bill, providing almost $7 said it had purchased more than 60 ft. long and 20 ft. deep. Table and counter service. Christian Science textbook, "Science used as closures for catsup, jelly, billion for m ilitary airplanes. The $800 million worth df farm com­ Bring the family. You will like our food and our service.! and Health with Key to the Scrip­ etc., stopped immediately, and oi Senate passed a n d sent to the modities, totaling more than 7,500 Le aion Posl Aames tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Ex­ crown caps fo r bottled beer and clude from m ortal mind tlie offend­ soft drinks stopped April 30. Pro­ Memorial Day C u d ing errors; then the body cannot duction of fluorescent lighting fix­ suffer from them. The issues of tures was also ordered endea im­ pain or pleasure must come through Spend the pennies you’ll save for mediately; of vacuum cleaners, mind, and like a watchman for­ Raymond R. King, of 1545 Maple DEFENSB SAVINGS STAMPS— you April 30; and toys and games made avenue, was designated as chair­ saking his post, we admit the in­ oi metal, plastic and other essen­ truding belief, forgetting that can buy them for 10 cents, 25 man of the committee of Hurden- cents, 50 cents, $i , or $5. Suggest tial materials, June 30. The Board Looker Post 50, Aiherican Legion, through divine help we can forbid to your husband that he enter cur tailed use o f crude rubber and which will cooperate hi the plans this entrance.” (P. 393). * latex in 50,, articles, including fire into any pay roll savings plan his for the municipal Memorial Day and mill hose, storage batteries, etc. celebration. Assisting Mr King- • company may consider for De­ fense.—War Needs Money! Priority Order Compliance are George Dodd and M. L. Bin- Send In Your News The WPB reported hives ligations stock. of 14,000 fir has io r compliance with Tlie members of the post met last priority orders have been under­ Thursday night in the community taken since last June. Reports house of tlie Hillside Presbyterian have been com pleted on 3,500 firms, Church, where they voted to drop FUR STORAGE . . . $2 the Board said, and of these 1,600 plans for a show because of the cost showed no violations while approxi­ involved, and because many of ,the Up to $100 Valuation — Let us call .111(1 estimate mately the sam e number reported members are busy with other activi­ minor violations through m isunder­ ties. An inventory uf all post prop- FOGEL & CEFAL, INC. standings. The' reports resulted in . erty by officers' was authorized, and Also Repairing and Remodeling 35 suspension orders, affecting 46 an arrangement was made to have firms and one individual. Thirteen a delegation attend a dinner in 242 Lyons Ave., Newark WA 3-1565 Federal agencies and more than Irvington tonight, to honor Na- 3,500 investigators are, cooperatmg with the Board in tlie surveys. Prices The Office of Price Administra­ tion froze manufacturers’, whole­ sale and retail prices of plumbing fixtures and o f 44 common House­ hold electrical appliances, a il at M arch 30 levels. Ceilings w ere also set on- wholesale prices o f bond, THE SIGN OF ledger, book an d plain and fancy cover paper a n d bristols, a n d on producers’ quotations ior Pennsyl­ vania anthracite coal. The Agri­ culture Department said the retail cost of food is now 45 p er cent above the 1935-39 average, bu t is DEPENDABLE SERVICE still uclow tlie 1929 level. Civilian Defense Civilian D eiense Director Bandis said Axis ah- raids on American industries this spring are "en­ tirely possible.” He said "It's worth FOR ANY CAR OR TRUCK a dozen bombers to the Germans from all angles EIRE DAMAGES ROAD DEDARTMENT’S SHED

A fire in a shed owned by the township, at 1309 North Broad a masterpiece of fine tailoring street, caused damage estimated at $500 by Fire C hief Albert C ham ­ berlain. The fire was- reported at 4:50 p. m. Sagi'day by Louis Ort- topcoats from $40 suits from $ 4 5 stein, of 132Y^ North Broad street, and engines 1 ancl 3 responded, quickly extinguishing the blaze. ^Wie shed was used by the road department for storing and prepar­ There s no best side to a Fashion Park suit or topcoat! From ing material fo r road repairs and every angle the eye registers a masterpiece. This perfection has been idle fo r some tim e. No cause for the blaze was discovered. of fit comes from balanced design, plus interlocking hand- needled construction. The result is an easy drape and comfort LEGAL NOTICE that wilt make a new man of you. Add to these.. . fine woolens, STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OE STATE superb weaves, new patterns. . .and you get clothes that win Today, more than ever before, this sign beck­ CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. approving glances always. FOR "SERVICE THAT SATISFIES To all to whom these presents m a y come, ons all car and truck owners who want the GREETING: -SERVICE THAT SAVES” Whereas, It appears to my satisfac­ tion, by duly authenticated record of Pay One-Third: May 10th, June 10th, July loth skilled, reliable service that comes with: (1) 1 Check and Rotate Tires the proceedings fo r the voluntary dis­ solution theroof by the unanimous con-- trained mechanics, (2) quality materials, and sent of all the stockholders, deposited In 2 Get Regular Lubrication my office that FEDERAL ROOFING & other topcoats, 24.50 to 37.50 ( other suits 25.00 to $42.50 INSULATION CO. of New Jersey, Inc., a (3) reasonable service rates....You can expect 3 Service Rngine—Carburetor corporation of this Stato, whose .prin ci­ —Battery pal office Is situated at 65G Leo* St. In this kind of service from your Chevrolet dealer the town of H illside, County o f Union, 4 Test Brakes State of New Jersey (Florence D. Thys- MEN'S CLOTHING-THIRD FLOOR sen) being the agent therein and In because, for years, Chevrolet dealers have had charge thereof, upon whom p ro ce ss may 5 Check Steering and Wheel be served, has com plied with th e re­ Alignment quirements of Section 14:13-1 o f Re­ the largest number of “trode-ins” and there­ vised Statutes, preliminary to th e Isssu- 6 Check Clutch, Transmission, ing of this Certificate of Dissolution. fore the widest experience in servicing and Rear Axle Now, therefore, I, Joseph A. Brophy, Secretary of State of the Slat6 o f New Check Cooling System Jersey, Do Hereby Certify that the said conditioning all makes of cars and trucks. 7 corporation, did on tho First d a y of April 1942, file In my office a duly Entire Store Open 8 Protect and Preserve Finish executed and attested consent In writ­ ORIGINATOR ing to the dissolution 6f said corpora ­ AND OUTSTANDING tion, executed by all tho stockholders LEADER CAR CONSERVATION PLAN’ theroof, which said consent a n d tho record of the proceedings aforesaid are TONIGHT (Thurs.) now on flic in m y said office a s pro­ vided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto BROAD AND WEST JERSEY STREETS—EL. 2-2300 set my hand a,nd affixed my until 9 o’clock Herbert Chevrolet Motors official seal, at T ren ton , this (SE AL) first d a y of April, A . I), one thousand nine hundred and 1445-1447 NORTH BROAD ST. (Opposite Mayfair Theatre) HILLSIDE, N. J fo rty-tw o . J. A. B R O P H Y , ELIZABETH Open Evenings and Sundays WAverly 3-1232 Secretary o f State. Apr. 9-11-83